Visa application procedure

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presenter: János Borbély

lead advisor
Our Mission
Protection of the state border, promote public security,
Guarantee legal rights and safety and security of clients and
their data,
and promote national interest, by permit entry to foreigners,
account for those who are in AOR,
to comply with:

Hungarian Immigration regulations

EU directives

Schengen regulations

Meanwhile preventing and prosecuting fraud and criminal

Division Lines

1. Citizens of European Economic Area

ACT I of 2007 freedom of movement for EEA nationals (Registration

Certificate) and their family members (Residency Card)
2. Third Country Nationals
ACT II of 2007 for third country nationals ≠ third world
(Visa and / or Residence permit)
EEA nationals: for more than 90 days of intended stay
Registration to be submitted
before day 93 from entry

1. EU passport, or National ID
2. A fee of 1000 HUF to be paid by bank card or postal money order
3. Proof of purpose of stay

4. Documentation of accommodation

5. Financial background (including health insurance


Third Country Nationals:

visa exempt (USA, Canada, Mexico, Israel, Serbia, Korea,
Japan, Mexico, Brazil etc.)
for less than 90 days of stay within 180

Application must be submitted at least 30 before day 90

after entry
Online application is possible
Third Country Nationals with visa requirement (Iran,
Nigeria, Cameroon, China, Ghana, India Pakistan,
Phillippines, Saud-Arabia, Vietnam etc) :
Visa application to be submitted at
Hungarian Embassy
This application concludes in the issueing of your first residence permit card
For a list and contact information of embassies see:
General Residence Permit /
Type „D” Visa Criteria

Possession of a valid Passport ,Travel Document

Passport expiry date may limit the validity of the Visa or Permit

Documented purpose of stay

Documented acommodation

Financial backround
Type „D” Visa
Entering with a visa

When entering with a type „D” visa your first residence permit has already been
granted as well.

Be advised: type „D” visa is for a single entry valid for 30 days of
stay, within a year. Traveling requires a residence permit.
For up to date COVID related entry restrictions, or entry permission please see:
First visit at Immigration

To receive your first permit a personal visit is compulsory

Necessary documents:

An ID photo (of yourself) 4 cm by 3 cm,

Your own passport, ( and the one with the visa)

The address registration form signed by the
owner of your apartment, or dorm

Facemask currently not required

Admission is by appointment primarily
Visit for appointment
NEW Procedure Fees
As of 22, January 2022.

A fee of EUR 110. first time or Type „D” visa or equivalent sum in local

HUF 39,000. for first time permit in-land application (HUF 24,000 if
submitted on-line)

• HUF 35,000. for an extension (HUF 23,000 if submitted on-line)

HUF 20,000. for the replacement of lost permits

Fees are to be paid by bank card, online on Enter Hungary, or postal
money order)
I. Purpose of Stay

Letter of admission, or Certificate of student registration
documentation of sufficient curricular progress
needed for extension procedures

Sufficient knowledge of the language of studies

Students under 18 years of age need a notarized
consent form parents to aprove their stay in Hungary
II. Accommodation

Contract for Dormitory stay or lease contract for private

Address registration form for third country nationals
III. Financial background

Certificate of scholarship and/or

Bank account or financial history for the last 6

Other proof of access to funds such as:

(letter of sponsorship from next of kin with
documentation of available resources, only
parents, or legal guardian are accepted)

Optional: valid health /travel insurance (usually

arranged by the University)
Residence Permit Document

Valid for a maximum 2 year period for studies not exceeding the
duration of the course, or the expiry of passport

Required for leaving and re-entry

Must be extended at least 30 days before expiry

Travelling is
within the
states but
only for 90
days on
each entry.
(In non COVID times)
Online application

applications for permit extension, registration of

change of address may now be stated online
essential documents required:
1. Passport, and permit
2. Forms signed and with photo if required
3. Documents listed earlier
4. IMPORTANT! EnterHungary system does not
substitute a visa application at the consulate!
Additional information

Additional documents not available at the time of
application, may be requested an must be uploaded or
sent by post observing the deadline provided. May
delay the procedure

Applicants under the age of 18 must also supplement
a legal or notarized statement by parent or legal
guardian approving stay in Hungary.

The operation of our office on campus is suspended
due to COVID

Mother's maiden name
After graduation:
Job searching permit
Apply at least 15 days before your student permit expires gives
you an extra 9 months of stay after graduation to find
employment or start a business.

Requirements as shown previously plus:

Valid student residence permit and valid residence permit to
other countries if applicable
-Proof of successful completion of studies you had the student
permit for
-Proof of registration as a job seeker, from the local government
-evidence of the fact that you are actively seeking employment
(application sent to prospective employers)
Last remarks

When visiting our office:

Always book an appointment online,

Always bring your passport and residence permit,

Do not be late, neither for your appointment, nor for

Make is simple and transparent, be specific,

Register change of address and react if contacted,

If in doubt e-mail u,s, do not procrastinate

Use when possible
Question Time

Contact Information
Directorate General for Aliens’ Policing
Regional Directorate of the Northern Plain
H-4033 Debrecen
Sámsoni út 145
Tel: +36 52 503 840

Ministry of Foreign Affairs for list of Hungarian Consulates:

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