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Problem Sets
Transportation Problem
Problem #1 An air conditioning manufacturer produces room air conditioners at plants in Houston,
Phoenix, and Memphis. These are sent to regional distributors in Dallas, Atlanta, and Denver. The
shipping costs vary, and the company would like to find the least-cost way to meet the demands at
each of the distribution centers. Dallas needs to receive 800 air conditioners per month, Atlanta
needs 600, and Denver needs 200. Houston has 850 air conditioners available each month, Phoenix
has 650, and Memphis has 300. The shipping cost per unit from Houston to Dallas is $8 o Atlanta is
$12, and to Denver is $10. The cost per unit from Phoenix to Dallas is $10, to Atlanta is $14, and to
Denver is $9. The cost per unit from Memphis to Dallas is $11, to Atlanta is $8, and to Denver is $12.
How many units should be shipped from each plant to each regional distribution center? What is
the total Cost for this?
From/ Dalla Atlant Denve Suppl
To s a r y
Housto 8 12 10 850
Phoeni 10 14 9 650
Memph 11 8 12 300
Deman 800 600 200
From/ Dalla Atlant Denve Suppl
To s a r y
Housto 8 12 10 850
Phoeni 10 14 9 650
Memph 11 8 12 300
Deman 800 600 200

From\ Dalla Atlant Denv Total Suppl

To s a er Out y
n 550 300 0 850 850
x 250 0 200 450 650
Atlanta 0 300 0 300 300

In 800 600 200
d 800 600 200

Total Cost: 1470

Problem #2 Finnish Furniture manufactures tables in facilities located in three cities—Reno,
Denver, and Pitts-burgh. The tables are then shipped to three retail stores located in Phoenix,
Cleveland, and Chicago. Management wishes to develop a distribution schedule that will meet the
demands at the lowest possible cost. The shipping cost per unit from each of the sources to each of
the destinations is shown in the following table:


RENO 10 16 19
DENVE 12 14 13
PITTSB 18 12 12

The available supplies are 120 units from, 200 from Denver, and 160 from Pittsburgh. Phoenix has a
demand of 140 units, Cleveland has a demand of 160 units, and Chicago has a demand of 180 units.
How many units should be shipped from each manufacturing facility to each of the retail stores if
cost is to be minimized? What is the total cost?


From\ Phoe Clevela Chica Supp
To nix nd go ly
Reno 10 16 19 120
Denver 12 14 13 200
gh 18 12 12 160
d 140 160 180

Phoen Clevela Chica Total Supp

From\To ix nd go Out ly
Reno 120 0 0 120 120
Denver 20 0 180 200 200
gh 0 160 0 160 160

Total In 140 160 180

Demand 140 160 180

Total Cost: 5700

Problem #3 Finnish Furniture has experienced a decrease in the demand for tables in Chicago; the
demand has fallen to 150 units (see Problem 2). What special condition would exist? What is the
minimum cost solution? Will there be any units remaining at any of the manufacturing facilities?

From\ Phoe Clevel Chica

To nix and go
Reno 10 16 19
Denver 12 14 13
Pittsbu 18 12 12

The available supplies are 120 units from Reno, 200 from Denver, and 160 from Pittsburgh. Phoenix
has a demand of 140 units, Cleveland has a demand of 160 units, and Chicago has a demand of 180

From/ Phoe Clevela Chica Supp
To nix nd go ly
Reno 10 16 19 120
Denver 12 14 13 200
rgh 18 12 12 160
d 140 160 150

From\ Phoen Clevela Chica Total Supp

To ix nd go Out ly
Reno 0 0 120 120 120
Denver 0 160 30 190 200
gh 140 0 0 140 160

Total In 140 160 150

Demand 140 160 150

Total Cost: 7430

Transshipment Problem

Problem #1 World Foods, Inc., imports food products such as meats, cheeses, and pastries to the
United States from warehouses at ports in Hamburg, Marseilles, and Liverpool. Ships from these
ports deliver the products to Norfolk, New York, and Savannah, where they are stored in company
warehouses before being shipped to distribution centers in Dallas, St. Louis, and Chicago. The
products are then distributed to specialty food stores and sold through catalogs. The shipping costs
($/1,000 lb.) from the European ports to the U.S. cities and the available supplies (1,000 lb.) at the
European ports are provided in the following table:
U.S. City
European Port 4. Norfolk 5. New York 6. Savannah Supply
1. Hamburg $420 $390 $610 55
2. Marseilles 510 590 470 78
3. Liverpool 450 360 480 37

The transportation costs ($/1,000 lb.) from each U.S. city of the three distribution centers and the
demands (1,000 lb.) at the distribution centers are as follows:
Distribution Center
Warehouse 7. Dallas 8. St. Louis 9. Chicago
4. Norfolk $75 $63 $81
5. New York 125 110 95
6. 68 82 95
60 45 50

Determine the optimal shipments between the European ports and the warehouses and the
distribution centers to minimize total transportation costs.

European Port Norfol New Savanna Suppl
to US k York h y
Hamburg 420 390 610 55
Marseilles 510 590 470 78
Liverpool 450 360 480 37

Shipment 1
European Port Norfol New Savanna Total Suppl
to US k York h Out y
Hamburg 0 5 50 55 55
Marseilles 38 40 0 78 78
Liverpool 22 0 0 22 37

Total In 60 45 50
Demand 60 45 50

Warehouse Dallas St. Louis o
Norfolk 75 63 81
New York 125 110 95
Savannah 68 82 95

Demand 60 45 50

Shipment 2
Dalla St. Chicag Total Suppl
Warehouse s Louis o Out y
Norfolk 0 10 50 60 60
New York 45 0 0 45 45
Savannah 15 35 0 50 50

Total In 60 45 50
Demand 60 45 50

Total Cost: 99525

Problem #2 Walsh's Fruit Company contracts with growers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York to
purchase grapes. The grapes are processed into juice at the farms and stored in refrigerated vats.
Then the juice is shipped to two plants, where it is processed into bottled grape juice and frozen
concentrate. The juice and concentrate are then transported to three food warehouses/distribution
centers. The transportation costs per ton from the farms to the plants and from the plants to the
distributors, and the supply at the farms and demand at the distribution centers are summarized in
the following tables:

Farm 4. 5. Georgia Supply (1,000 tons)

1. Ohio $16 21 72
2. Pennsylvania 18 16 105
3. New York 22 25 83

Distribution Center
Plant 6. Virginia 7. Kentucky 8. Louisiana
4. Indiana $23 $15 $29
5. Georgia 20 17 24
Demand (1,000 tons) 90 80 120

a. Determine the optimal shipments from farms to plants to distribution centers to minimize
total transportation costs.
b. What would be the effect on the solution if the capacity at each plant were 140,000 tons?


Indian Georgi
Farm to Plant a a Supply
Ohio 16 21 72
Pennsylvania 18 16 105
New York 22 25 83

Shipment 1
Indian Georgi Suppl
Farm to Plant a a Total Out y
Ohio 72 0 72 72
Pennsylvania 0 105 105 105
New York 83 0 83 83

Total In 155 105

Demand 155 105

Virgini Kentuc Lousia

Plant a ky na

Indiana 23 15 29
Georgia 20 17 24
Demand 90 80 120

Shipment 2
Virgini Kentuck Lousian Total Suppl
Plant a y a Out y
Indiana 75 80 0 155 155
Georgia 15 0 90 105 105

Total In 90 80 90
Demand 90 80 120

Total Cost: 10043

Indian Georgi Suppl
Farm to Plant a a y
Ohio 16 21 72
Pennsylvania 18 16 105
New York 22 25 83

Shipment 1
Farm to Indian Georgi Total Suppl
Plant a a Out y
Ohio 72 0 72 72
Pennsylvania 0 105 105 105
New York 68 15 83 83

Total In 140 120

Demand 140 120

Virgin Kentuc Lousia

Plant ia ky na
Indiana 23 15 29
Georgia 20 17 24
Demand 90 80 120

Shipment 2
Virgini Kentuck Lousian Suppl
Plant a y a Total Out y
Indiana 60 80 0 140 140
Georgia 30 0 90 120 120

Total In 90 80 90

Demand 90 80 120

Total Cost: 10043

Problem #3 A national catalog and Internet retailer has three warehouses and three major
distribution centers located around the country. Normally, items are shipped directly from the
warehouses to the distribution centers; however, each of the distribution centers can also be used as
an intermediate transshipment point. The transportation costs ($/unit) between warehouses and
distribution centers, the supply at the warehouses (100 units), and the demand at the distribution
centers (100 units) for a specific week are shown in the following table:

Distribution Center
Warehouse A B C Supply
1 $12 $11 $7 70
2 8 6 14 80
3 9 10 12 50
Demand 60 100 40

The transportation costs ($/unit) between the distribution centers are

Distribution Center
Distribution A B C
A $ $8 $3
B 1 2
C 7 2


Indian Georgi Suppl

Farm to Plant a a y
Ohio 16 21 72
Pennsylvani 18 16 105
New York 22 25 83

Shipment 1
Indian Georgi Suppl
Farm to Plant a a Total Out y
Ohio 72 0 72 72
Pennsylvania 0 105 105 105
New York 68 15 83 83

Total In 140 120

Demand 140 120

Virgin Kentuc Lousia

Plant ia ky na
Indiana 23 15 29
Georgia 20 17 24
Demand 90 80 120

Shipment 2
Virgini Kentuck Lousian Total Suppl
Plant a y a Out y
Indiana 60 80 0 140 140
Georgia 30 0 90 120 120

Total In 90 80 90
Demand 90 80 120

Total Cost: 10043

Assignment Problem

Problem #1 In a job shop operation, four jobs may be performed on any of four machines. The
hours required for each job on each machine are presented in the following table. The plant
supervisor would like to as-sign jobs so that total time is minimized. Find the best solution.

Machi Machi Machi Machi

ne A ne B ne C ne D
Job 1 10 14 16 13
Job 2 12 13 15 12
Job 3 9 12 12 11
Job 4 14 16 18 16


Machine Machine Machine Machine

Job 1 10 14 16 13
Job 2 12 13 15 12
Job 3 9 12 12 11
Job 4 14 16 18 16

Machine Machine Machine Machine

Job 1 1 0 0 0 1
Job 2 0 0 0 1 1
Job 3 0 0 1 0 1
Job 4 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1

Group Score: 50

Problem #2 Roscoe Davis, chairman of a college’s business department, has decided to apply a new
method in assigning professors to courses next semester. As a criterion for judging who should teach
each course, Professor Davis reviews the past two years’ teaching evaluations (which were filled out
by students). Since each of the four professors taught each of the four courses at one time or another
during the two-year period, Davis is able to record a course rating for each instructor. These ratings
are shown in the table. Find the best assignment of professors to courses to maximize the overall
teaching rating.

Proffes Statist manage Finan Econo
ors ics ment ce mics
Anders 90 65 95 40
Sweene 70 60 80 75
Willia 85 40 80 60
Mckin 55 80 65 55

Proffeso Statisti Manageme Finan Economi
rs cs nt ce cs
n 90 65 95 40
y 70 60 80 75
s 85 40 80 60
ey 55 80 65 55

Proffeso Statisti Manageme Finan Economi

rs cs nt ce cs
n 0 0 1 0 1
Sweeney 0 0 0 1 1
s 1 0 0 0 1
ey 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1

Group Score: 335

Problem #3 The hospital administrator at St. Charles General must appoint head nurses to four
newly established departments: urology, cardiology, orthopedics, and obstetrics. In anticipation of
this staffing problem, she had hired four nurses: Hawkins, Condriac, Bardot, and Hoolihan.
Believing in the quantitative analysis approach to problem solving, the administrator has
interviewed each nurse, considered his or her background, personality, and talents, and developed a
cost scale ranging from 0 to 100 to be used in the assignment. A 0 for Nurse Bardot being assigned to
the cardiology unit implies that she would be perfectly suited to that task. A value close to 100, on
the other hand, would imply that she is not at all suited to head that unit. The accompanying table
gives the complete set of cost figures that the hospital administrator felt represented all possible
assignments. Which nurse should be assigned to which unit?

Hawkins 28 18 15 75
Condriac 32 48 23 38
Bardot 51 36 24 36
Hooliha 25 38 55 12

Urolo Cardiolo Orthoped Obstetri
Nurse gy gy ics cs
s 28 18 15 75
c 32 48 23 38
Bardot 51 36 24 36
n 25 38 55 12

Urolo Cardiolo Orthopedi Obstetri
Nurse gy gy cs cs
s 0 1 0 0 1
c 1 0 0 0 1
Bardot 0 0 1 0 1
n 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1

Group Score: 86


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