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Received: 21 July 2021 | Revised: 20 January 2022 | Accepted: 27 January 2022

DOI: 10.1111/faf.12648


Global assessment of shark strandings

Natascha Wosnick1 | Renata D. Leite1 | Eloísa P. Giareta1 | Danny Morick2,3 |

Michael Musyl4

Programa de Pós-­G raduação em
Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Abstract
Curitiba, Brasil
Marine wildlife stranding is a global phenomenon, and for some taxonomic groups,
Morris Kahn Marine Research Station,
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
these events are well monitored and documented. Although sharks are among the
Hong Kong Branch of Southern Marine most threatened vertebrates, strandings have historically been neglected, with little
Science and Engineering Guangdong information on this topic currently available. To address this knowledge gap, a sys-
Laboratory, Guangzhou, China
4 tematic review on scientific publications from indexed databases, multimedia material
Pelagic Research Group LLC, Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA and citizen science databases was performed. A total of 3150 reports were recov-
ered, with strandings dating back to 1880 including 89 species of sharks from 22
Natascha Wosnick, Programa de Pós-­ families. Both single/small-­scale and mass stranding events were observed. Species
Graduação em Zoologia, Universidade
ranged from coastal to oceanic, with reports for small-­, medium-­and large-­sized
Federal do Paraná –­Centro Politécnico,
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. sharks. Leopard (Triakis semifasciata, Triakidae), brown smooth-­hound (Mustelus hen-
lei, Triakidae) and salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis, Laminidae) were the species with
Funding information most records. Females stranded significantly more than males, but juveniles and
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
adults were affected in the same proportion. Shark strandings were reported for 47
Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
countries, and the United States was the most representative location, highlighting
the states of California and Oregon. Survival rates were extremely low, indicating
that stranded sharks are more vulnerable that other taxonomic groups. Potential and
putative causes were identified, being similar to those suggested for marine mam-
mal strandings. Our results indicate that although they occur to a lesser extent when
compared to mammals, shark strandings are neglected, and urgent measurements are
necessary to better understand, document and to properly respond to these events.

beached, conservation, shark, threats, wash-­up

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N the presence of an aquatic animal on land, whether dead or alive (but
physiologically/physically unable to return to the sea) (Branco et al.,
Marine wildlife stranding is a global phenomenon that affects 2015; Brusius et al., 2020; Geraci & Lounsbury, 2005).
both invertebrates and vertebrates (Chan et al., 2017; Cockcroft, Whereas single or small-­scale strandings are more common,
2001). Many definitions are available, being guided mostly by the mass strandings are of great concern as they are usually associated
taxonomic group affected. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric with disease outbreaks, climatic events or as a result of anthropo-
Administration (NOAA) recognizes three main taxonomical catego- genic disturbances (Moore et al., 2018). Most stranding reports
ries of strandings: cetaceans, pinnipeds and sea turtles. Stranded are of marine mammals, turtles and seabirds with cetaceans most
animals may be found dead (either on land or floating) or alive but commonly reported (Bogomolni et al., 2010; Fahmi et al., 2014;
unable to return to sea due to injury or illness. Broader definitions Geraci, 1978). The frequency of marine mammal strandings led to
are also available and do not consider taxonomic groups, but simply the implementation of initiatives at a global level, given the need

Fish and Fisheries. 2022;00:1–14.© 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 1
2 | WOSNICK et al.

to understand not only why these events are affecting marine spe-
cies, but also as a promising way to assess population size, mortality
rates, movement patterns and the impacts of strandings on pop-
ulation dynamics (Geraci & Lounsbury, 2005). Along with rescue,
rehabilitation centres and monitoring initiatives carry out necrop- 2.1. Scientific publications and citizen science 2

sies and collect relevant data to assess the causes of strandings. 2.2. Complementary data 3

However, to date, most strand monitoring initiatives are focused 3. RESULTS 3

on charismatic marine megafauna, with few data available for other 3.1. Stranding reports 3
taxonomic groups. 3.2. Shark species 3
Sharks are among the vertebrates most affected by anthro- 3.3. Sex and Maturity 3
pogenic activities, and 31.2% of currently described species are 3.4. Geographic distribution 4
now threatened with extinction (Dulvy et al., 2021). Overfishing 3.5. Stranding trends across the United States 4
is undoubtedly the main contributing factor to the observed pop-
3.6. Historical trends of shark strandings 4
ulation declines (Dulvy et al., 2014, 2021). Sharks are also affected
3.7. Survival rates 5
by habitat degradation, pollution and climate change (Dulvy et al.,
3.8. Potential causes 5
2014; Pacoureau et al., 2021). Stranding reports offer important
opportunities to assess additional stressors that could impact
4.1. Shark species 6
survival and/or population-­level processes, and should be moni-
tored closely. For marine mammals, stranding refers to both live 4.2. Sex and Maturity 9

and dead animals, but for sharks, the term stranding is used only 4.3. Geographic distribution 9
when the animal is found alive. For dead animals, the term wash-­up 4.4. Historical trends on shark strandings 10
is prevalent without making a distinction as to whether the ani- 4.5. Survival rates 10
mal stranded alive and died, or it was already dead when found 4.6. Potential causes 10
(personal observation). Although superficial, this operational dif- 4.6.1. Infectious Disease 10
ference in definition highlights the little importance that has been 4.6.2. Abrupt environmental alterations 12
given to this phenomenon on sharks. Moreover, stranding reports
4.6.3. Negative interaction with fisheries 12
in the literature are scarce for these animals, with most data used
4.6.4. Other trauma 12
as occurrence records.
4.6.5. Foraging, sandbanks and tide pools 12
As little attention has been given to shark strandings, many
knowledge gaps exist. To shed light on this matter, a systematic
review on the subject was performed, focusing on answering
specific questions. Firstly, for what species are stranding re- DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12

ports currently available? What species exhibit the highest rates REFERENCES 12

of strandings? Are strandings sex-­specific, ontogenic-­d ependent

or size dependent? Are there regions where sharks strand more
often? Are there spatial–­temporal patterns in stranding reports?
How much and what sort of data are available in traditional da- up," "massive strandings." Then, a snowball method was applied
tabases (peer-­reviewed papers, grey literature and books)? How (Greenhalgh & Peacock, 2005), to search for additional publica-
much does informal records and citizen science contribute to the tions from the reference lists. As some published reports focused
data currently available? How many sharks are stranded alive, and on the pathologies involved in strandings (and therefore were not
of these, how many survive after rescue attempts? Finally, what identified through the search terms), a second structured Boolean
are the putative causes and prognostic factors related to reported search using the terms “shark,” “stranded,” “pathology” was per-
strandings? formed, and papers not found in the initial search were manually
added by the authors (Paul & Criado, 2020). A search for confer-
ence abstracts (grey literature) was also performed, applying the
2 | M E TH O D S same search terms.
Reports from iNaturalist (https://www.inatu​ were
2.1 | Scientific publications and citizen science also considered, as a source of citizen science. Data from this spe-
cific database were found by adding the filter ‘elasmobranch’, and a
Stranding reports were searched primarily in scientific publications search was made manually from the first report in 2008 (data added,
through indexed databases, including, Scopus and Web of Science. but some reports date back to the 1990s) to the last one added in
A structured Boolean search (AND, OR, +) was performed using January 2021. To avoid any bias in the recovery process, three au-
the following search terms: "shark," "stranded," "strandings," "wash thors examined each record independently.
WOSNICK et al. | 3

2.2 | Complementary data 12 reports from grey literature were found, totalizing 54 scien-
tific documents and 2073 records of shark strandings (65.8% of
An additional search for videos and photographic records on multi- total)—­m ost of them from mass events in California, USA. As for
media platforms was performed using the search terms (Facebook citizen science, a total of 913 reports were recovered (28.9% of
and YouTube) or hashtags (Instagram and Twitter) “shark,” “stranded,” total), being the second-­m ost relevant data source of global shark
“standings,” “wash up” and “news,” according to Boldrocchi and strandings.
Storai (2021). Open-­
access database reports from rescuing pro- The additional search performed on multimedia platforms (web-
grams websites and stranding monitoring Facebook groups (e.g. sites and social media) retrieved 70 reports, and along with data re-
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, UK Cetacean Strandings covered from open-­access databases of rescuing programs websites
Investigation Programme, Cornish Wildlife Trust Marine Strandings and monitoring groups (94 reports), accounted for 5.2% of all reports
Network, Sanctuary Integrated Monitoring Network, Pelagic Shark found (n = 164). It is noteworthy that 57% of all stranding reports
Research Foundation) were also added in this search phase. It is im- for the basking shark, 32% of all reports for the great white shark
portant to mention that we cannot be sure to have captured all data and 20% of all reports for the salmon shark are from complementary
available or in a systematic fashion when it comes to media (e.g. news- entries, and although these represent the most recent and also sig-
papers and websites), public platforms (i.e. YouTube) or social media nificant sources of information, the data were not considered for the
(i.e. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). Moreover, it was beyond the statistical analyses presented below.
scope of this work to collect data from every oceanographic institute/
aquarium/state or national agency, as most databases are of restricted
access. Therefore, the reports recovered during this search phase are 3.2 | Shark species
treated as complementary and were not added to the quantitative
analysis performed. While this is a weakness, the data gathered in- Of the total, 89 species belonging to 22 families were identi-
sights into the critical topic of shark stranding from two points of view, fied (Table S2). Both large and small-­sized species were repre-
namely science and happenstance (multimedia material). sented. The largest individual reported was a 9.45-­m whale shark
Lastly, a visual examination of raw data was carried out to vali- (Rhincodon typus, Rhincodontidae) and the smallest was a 20-­
date records and reject replicated entries for both multimedia material cm Chilean catshark (Schroederichthys chilensis, Scyliorhinidae).
(TV news, newspapers and online platforms) and iNaturalist reports Species’ habitats ranged from coastal to pelagic, with some
(Toivonen et al. 2019). For six mass events, it was not possible to recover reports for deep-­
s ea sharks (e.g. velvet belly lanternshark,
the exact number of individuals affected, so these events were excluded Etmopterus spinax, Etmopteridae; velvet dogfish, Zameus squa-
from the analyses (i.e. leopard sharks in California). For all data sources, mulosus, Somniosidae and the angular roughshark, Oxynotus
only reports for which it was possible to extract date (year), location centrina, Oxynotidae). Records were recovered for both benthic
(country) and taxonomic identification at the species level (confirmed by and pelagic sharks. Some mass strandings were reported, being
a specialist—­i.e. Gadig, O. and Duffy, C.) were considered. Lastly, to stan- relatively common for the leopard shark, and the brown smooth-­
dardize data collection, only entries/reports in English were considered. hound, and isolated mass events were reported for the blue shark
Qualitative analyses were performed to evaluate the most com- (Prionace glauca, Carcharhinidae) and the dusky smooth-­h ound
monly stranded species, strandings per sex, as well as to evaluate shark (Mustelus canis, Triakidae).
the countries with the highest number of reports, and reports over The number of stranded individuals considered differed signifi-
time. Moreover, the possible causes of strandings were also evalu- cantly between species (Kruskal–­Wallis; H = 188.88, df = 87, p-­value
ated. To test the significance of relationships, an analysis of deviance < .05 Figure 1). Among the ten most commonly stranded species
was applied. Quantitative analyses were also performed for number for which reports are available, the leopard shark stands out (n =
of strandings by sex using chi-­squared (χ2) tests, and for species and 1153), followed by brown smooth-­hound (n = 531) and salmon shark
location (countries and States of the United States) separately, using (n = 403, being 83 reports from complementary sources). The whale
Kruskal–­Wallis tests. Statistical significance was set at p < .05. All shark also stands out, being the largest-­sized species with the high-
analyses were performed employing the R software version 1.4.1103 est number of records (n = 114, being 17 records from complemen-
(R Development Core Team, 2021), using the MASS and car packages. tary sources) (Figure 1).

3 | R E S U LT S 3.3 | Sex and maturity

3.1 | Stranding reports For most considered records (n = 1837; 61.5%), sex was not identi-
fied. For individuals for which sex was identified (n = 1149, 38.5%),
A total of 3150 individual reports were retrieved. Concerning tra- 848 (73.8%) were females and 301 (26.2%) were males (Chi-­sq; χ²
ditional scientific sources (both research articles and book chap- = 260.41, df = 1, p-­value <.05). Pregnancy (1.7%) was detected
ters), 42 publications were recovered (Table S1). An additional in stranded females for the blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus,
4 | WOSNICK et al.

Global reports of shark strandings (1880-2021)

Leopard shark
(Triakis semifasciata, Triakidae)
Brown smooth−hound shark
(Mustelus henlei, Triakidae)
Salmon shark
(Lamna ditropis, Laminidae)
Whale shark
(Rhincodon typus, Rhincodontidae)
Starry smooth hound shark
(Mustelus asterias, Triakidae)
Small spotted catshark
(Scyliorhinus canicula, Scyliorhinidae)
Dusky smooth−hound shark
(Mustelus canis, Triakidae))
Blue shark
(Prionace glauca, Carcharhinidae)
Bonnethead shark
(Sphyrna tiburo, Sphyrnidae)
Great White shark
(Carcharodon carcharias, Lamnidae)

0 300 600 900 1200


F I G U R E 1 Global reports of shark strandings, highlighting the ten species with the greatest number of reports. Date range: 1880 to 2021

Carcharhinidae), the draughtsboard shark (Cephaloscyllium isabel- strandings (22/41) also occurred in the United States. For both starry
lum, Scyliorhinidae) and the salmon shark. Moreover, an abortion smooth-­hound and small spotted catsharks reports were predom-
event was recorded in a pregnant shortspine spurdog shark (Squalus inantly from the United Kingdom (53/84 and 38/60, respectively).
mitsukurii, Squalidae) stranded in a tide pool. Neonates of bonnet- Whale shark (45/110) and blue shark strandings (21/57) occurred
head (Sphyrna tiburo, Sphyrnidae), smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna primarily in South Africa (Figure 2b). A list of the remaining species
zygaena, Sphyrnidae) and scalloped hammerhead sharks, (Sphyrna recorded in the four main hotspots is presented as Table S4.
lewini, Sphyrnidae) were also sporadically reported, as well as one
bull (Carcharhinus leucas, Carcharhinidae) and one dusky shark
(Carcharhinu obscurus, Carcharhinidae). For most of the sharks re- 3.5 | Stranding trends across the United States
corded (78.2%), there was no information on total length, and thus
trends in size and (or) maturity could not be analysed in detail. For As the United States was the country with the highest rates of re-
records with shark size available, 7.1% presented exact total length ported strandings, data were analysed at the state level, to assess
(TL), while 2.6% presented estimated TL. Considering the sharks for possible patterns regarding specific locations. Among the 2409 re-
which life stage was available, there appears to be no prevalence of ports for the country (53 complementary entries excluded), 58.9%
adults (5.4%) or juveniles (6.7%). are from California (n = 1419) (Kruskal–­Wallis; H = 41.976, df = 21,
p-­value <.05). The second state with most reports is Oregon (6%; n =
146) (Figure 3) followed by Florida (n = 54), Texas (n = 49), and North
3.4 | Geographic distribution (n = 28) and South Carolina (n = 17) (Figure 3).

Shark strandings were reported for 47 countries of 148 countries

with a coast (31.7%) (Table S3), with statistically significant differ- 3.6 | Historical trends of shark strandings
ences between locations (Kruskal–­Wallis; H = 17.091, df = 9, p-­value
<.05). The United States stands out in the number of strandings Overall, shark stranding reports were more common in the years
(n = 2462), followed by New Zealand (n = 121), the United Kingdom 2011–­2021 than in 2000–­2010 and were less commonly available, in
(n = 118) and South Africa (n = 114) (Figure 2a). general, before 1999 (Figure 4). Sixty-­nine per cent of all stranding
As for the top 10 stranded species, all leopard shark and brown reports were reported in the last 10 years (2011–­2021), configuring
hound stranding reports occurred in the United States, the period with the highest number of reports. In addition to sev-
where they are native. The majority of salmon shark (376/403), eral unique reports, a massive stranding of more than 1000 sharks
dusky smooth-­hound (58/60), bonnethead (48/49) and great white in 2017 was identified. Even excluding this specific mass stranding
WOSNICK et al. | 5

F I G U R E 2 (a) Global hotspots for

shark strandings. The gradual colour (a)
scale represents the locations with the
highest (dark blue) and lowest (light blue)
number of strandings. (b) Top 10 species,
indicating most representative countries
regarding the number of stranding reports

(b) Leopard shark Dusky smooth−hound shark

United States United States

1154 reports 58 reports

Brown smooth−hound shark Small spotted catshark

United Kingdom
United States
38 reports
532 reports
9 reports

Salmon shark United States Blue shark South Africa

376 reports 21 reports

Canada United States

24 reports 11 reports

Whale shark South Africa Bonnethead shark

45 reports United States
48 reports
29 reports

Starry smooth hound shark Great White shark

United Kingdom United States
53 reports 21 reports

Ireland Canada
29 reports 10 reports

event, 2017 to 2020 accounted for 83.6% of the strandings reported delayed mortality occurred for most of the moribund subjects, and
for that time period. Apart from two mass stranding events in 1967 future studies could better quantify post-­stranding survival rates
(n = 505), only 164 strandings were reported in free-­access data- through reflex action mortality predictors (RAMPs) and condition
bases between 1880 and 1999. Of these, 70 were reported in 1982, scores. Condition codes from PSAT tags are also efficient in estimat-
being the most representative year in terms of single and (or) small-­ ing survival rates in sharks (Musyl & Gilman, 2018), being promising
scale stranding reports. A detailed temporal distribution of strand- tools to stranded sharks returned to the sea.
ing for the top 10 species is presented in Figure 5.

3.8 | Potential causes

3.7 | Survival rates
For most reports, stranding causes were not mentioned and (or)
Considering all reports, only 9.9% of sharks were found alive investigated. Moreover, most stranded individuals were found in
(Figure 6). Of these, 94% did not survive, even when rescue attempts advanced stages of decomposition, preventing laboratory analyses
were made. For the remaining, 1% died soon after being returned to from being carried out. Despite these difficulties, some interesting
the sea. That said, of the total (n = 3150), only 0.49% of sharks found patterns could be identified (Figure 7). For many strandings with de-
ostensibly alive were returned to the sea; however, it is likely that tailed information (especially mass strandings), the main cause was
6 | WOSNICK et al.

United States Shark Standings (1880-2021) F I G U R E 3 Shark stranding across the

United States considering the states with
California at least one report. Data range: 1880–­
Oregon 2021




South Carolina


New York

New Jersey


0 250 500 750 1000 1250


0.6% 40.8%
0.1% 99.3% 5% 54.2%

669 2185

1928-1999 2000-2010 2011-2021

Media 277
Citizen science
7.2% 70.1%

F I G U R E 4 Timeline of globally reported shark strandings over a period of 141 years

meningoencephalitis. Salmon sharks were the most affected by this for whale and brown smooth-­h ound sharks. Lastly, environmental
pathology, followed by leopard sharks. Capture stress also appears disturbances appear to contribute significantly to mass strandings
to be a common cause provided in the reports, along with lethal inju- (e.g. blue sharks and Chilean catsharks) especially when an abrupt
ries caused by fishing apparatus; especially noted for scalloped ham- contemporaneously decrease in temperature and dissolved oxy-
merheads and shortfin makos (Isurus oxyrinchus, Lamnidae). Other gen occurs.
traumas were also seen in stranded sharks, among them lethal inju-
ries caused by collisions with motorized boats and predator injuries
(e.g. bite marks). Injuries of unknown aetiology and causes are also 4 | DISCUSSION
being observed.
Small and medium-­sized coastal species, such as leopard and 4.1 | Shark species
port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni, Heterodontidae),
appear to be particularly vulnerable to strandings due to low This is the first review on global shark strandings, with focus on
tides, leaving them trapped in sandbanks and tide pools. Sharks more affected species, locations with the highest occurrences
may be trapped in shallow waters during foraging, courtship, or and overall patterns. Reports of stranding events were recovered
while seeking shallow habitats for parturition. Marine debris and for 22 of 37 shark families and a total of 89 species, indicating
pollution have also been reported as an associated cause, mainly that this phenomenon affects sharks with distinct evolutionary
WOSNICK et al. | 7

F I G U R E 5 Temporal stranding patterns

of the top 10 species identified in the
present study. (a) Graphical representation
for the top 2 species. (b) Graphical
representation for the remaining top
10 species

patterns, ecological specializations, distributions and life histo- have affected leopard sharks over the years, but most of them
ries. Although there is a predominance of small-­sized species, were not systematically documented (Retallack et al., 2019). It is
medium and large-­sized sharks are also affected by this phenom- worth noting that about 1/3 of the reports are from a single mas-
enon. However, mass strandings (apart from singular events such sive leopard shark stranding event off the coast of California, con-
as the case of the blue sharks in South Africa) appear to affect figuring the most significant source of reports from open-­a ccess
small sharks more significantly. It is possible that this pattern is databases. The biggest stranding events recorded for the species
more related to species-­
s pecific behaviours rather than shark were in 1967, 2006, 2011 and 2017, all from California. The sharks
size, including propensity to travel together in schools. Although found alive in these strandings were often described as disori-
coastal species also showed a predominance in the number of ented and confused, exhibiting unusual swimming patterns and
reports, oceanic and deep-­s ea sharks were also reported in the behaviours (Retallack et al., 2019). Necropsies performed on the
stranding records. Moreover, both benthic and pelagic species animals that died in 2017 were diagnostic of necrotizing meningo-
were reported. It is worth mentioning that the predominance of encephalitis, which could explain the disorientation. The specific
coastal species might be due to higher population density along cause of meningoencephalitis (e.g. bacterial, viral or other cause)
shorelines when compared to oceanic species. Also, it is possi- was not determined. The contributing effects of factors such as
ble that oceanic sharks that die offshore sink or are consumed water temperature, salinity and pollution all deserve consideration
by scavengers before the carcasses reach the shore, resulting in and greater study in future stranding events. The repetitive nature
potential underrepresentation. of strandings, as well as occasional mass mortalities in this spe-
Detailed data are available for only a few species, mostly for cies, may impact population dynamics and local ecology. Improved
which strandings occur most often. Several mass stranding events monitoring and diagnostics could better determine the cause and
8 | WOSNICK et al.

F I G U R E 6 Survival rates of sharks

How many Sharks stranded
survived to strand?

Did not survive Found alive

x 90.1% 9.9%

Of these,how
many survived?

Returned to
Did not survive the sea

1% x
x 94%
Returned to Died soon after
the sea

No further reports of
new strandings

Causes of shark stranding events F I G U R E 7 Identified causes related

to shark stranding events, with their
SUDDEN respective percentages of occurrence for
ENVIRONMENT ALTERATIONS reports that information is available







High Low

the influence of stranding events and inform the health of the be affecting both species. In fact, it is possible that pathologies with
environment. a high dispersion potential are the main cause; however, until now,
The biggest stranding event for brown smooth-­
hounds hap- strandings for this species have not been investigated in depth. The
pened in 1967 (Russo & Herald, 1968). A total of 492 sharks stranded brown smooth-­hound is not at imminent risk of extinction. However,
in a period of 33 days, also exhibiting abnormal behaviour and er- mass mortalities can significantly alter the dynamics of the affected
ratic swimming. Although the cause of the mass stranding was populations, requiring constant monitoring.
not determined, it is believed that it was caused by a pollutant. Records shows that salmon sharks frequently strand along the
Interestingly, the mass events and individual strandings for this spe- West coast of North America (Carlisle et al., 2015), mainly along
cies in California occurred concurrently with the strandings of the British Columbia, Canada and northern Baja California, Mexico
leopard sharks. Such a pattern indicates that the same causes may (Goldman & Musick, 2006). There are also several records for both
WOSNICK et al. | 9

California and Oregon (the United States), and most strandings oc- is facilitated by the presence of external copulatory organs on male
curred during fall and summer (Schaffer et al., 2013). Generalized sharks (i.e. claspers). However, as most reports are made by citizen
additive models showed that the probability of stranding was higher scientists, a precise identification by specialists can only be per-
when mean water temperature was high or when individuals were formed when photographs of the ventral region are available. As
exposed to cold socks during coastal upwellings (Carlisle et al., individual or small-­scale strandings are rarely reported by special-
2015). Since most of the salmon sharks that strand are young of the ists and monitoring programs, it is necessary that training be made
year (YOY), it is possible that the species occupies a narrow thermal available to citizen scientists and enthusiasts, so that more accurate
niche at this life stage or that cold stress predisposes to bacterial in- data on sex can be collected. Interestingly, even in scientific reports,
fections such as meningitis or meningoencephalitis (Martinez-­Steele sexual identification is rare, which may be a reflection of personal
et al., 2018; Schaffer et al., 2013) when water temperature drops communication and instruction for data collection.
below 12°C (Carlisle et al., 2015). Sudden changes in temperature do According to our results, female sharks are more vulnerable to
not seem to be a limiting factor for adults and it is worth mentioning stranding, representing 74% of reports (i.e. for which it was possible
that they also strand in the region, with some of them presenting to identify the sex). Considering the knowledge available on shark
extensive hematomas in the ventral region, a strong indication of reproductive behaviour, pregnant females of several species tend to
interaction with fisheries. Additionally, some adults were found with approach the coast to give birth (Elisio et al., 2016; Heithaus, 2007).
large bites, indicating that prey–­predator interactions might also be Moreover, the energetic demands during pregnancy can decrease
a source of strandings and for carcasses to wash up. Although the female's immune response (Guida et al., 2017), which could favour
species is listed as Least Concern on a global level, these stranding pathogen's spread responsible for strandings. In addition, stranding
events are of particular concern to the North America population, can also induce parturition. This phenomenon is believed to be an
as YOYs are the most affected and this may reflect an unfavourable adaptive strategy to increase the chances of litter survival (i.e. self-­
population trajectory, leading to declines in near future that must sacrifice hypothesis) (Adams et al., 2018), with one case documented
be monitored. in the literature for the bluntnose sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus,
Among the large-­sized species, the whale shark is the species Hexanchidae) (Williams et al., 2010) and in several online videos. In
with the most information available. Strandings occur relatively the present study, five developing embryos of shortspine spurdog
frequently on the coast of South Africa (Speed et al., 2009) and shark were found in a tide pool, suggesting that the mother may
Mexico. A reduction in metabolic rate due to sudden changes in have stranded and expelled them prematurely. Additional factors
water temperature and/or steeply-­sloping continental shelf com- related to the greater vulnerability of females cannot be ruled out
bined with heavy wave action have been pointed out as possible as many did not show signs of pregnancy or were juveniles. Another
causes (Beckley et al., 1997). As filter feeders, whale sharks are par- point to be considered is that this overall pattern may not be repre-
ticularly vulnerable to marine litter and a necropsy performed on a sentative of shark strandings. For example, in the Gulf of California,
shark recently stranded in the Philippines indicated the presence of male whale sharks are more vulnerable to stranding (Ketchum et al.,
plastic debris in the gills and stomach (Abreo et al., 2019) suggesting 2013).
that it might have contributed to the event. Other potential causes
for whale shark strandings are mentioned in the literature, among
them fisheries pressure, illness, pollution or several environmental 4.3 | Geographic distribution
and bathymetric factors, such as sudden changes in surface currents
and tidal differences (Beckley et al., 1997; Pierce & Norman, 2016). To optimize resources and increase the chances of rescue, it is ex-
Because they are commonly mistaken for real whales, whale sharks tremely important to identify places where marine animals strand
stranding generates media attention with many people trying to res- the most. Through spatial analysis, it is possible to map locations
cue the animal. Unfortunately, success rates are low, and many of with higher carcass deposition, signalling hotspots and directing
them die before anything can be done. Thus, identifying locations surveillance and monitoring efforts (Olson et al., 2020). While shark
where stranding is recurrent and overall characteristics related to stranding is a global phenomenon, stranding reports are likely biased
it informs future efforts, to establish cooperative monitoring (espe- towards areas where there is public access and high public traffic
cially between South Africa and Mexico, even if there is no popula- (such as piers). The United States, New Zealand, the United Kingdom
tion connectivity) and surveillance programmes. and South Africa were hotspots in our study. Interestingly, these
countries are also global hotspots for mammal strandings (Best &
Reeb, 2010; MacLeod et al., 2004; McGovern et al., 2016; Pyenson,
4.2 | Sex and maturity 2011), emphasizing their relevance in the global stranding scenario
of marine animals.
There is a clear lack of data regarding the sex of stranded sharks. The oceanographic aspects, topology and surface currents seem
The problem is also faced for other marine animals, such as ceta- to be the main conditions involved with strandings in New Zealand
ceans, phocids and sea turtles (Chaloupka et al., 2008; Gallini et al., (Brabyn & McLean, 1992). In the United Kingdom, events seem to
2021; Norman et al., 2004). In the case of sharks, sex identification be related to the passive loading of carcasses by the North Atlantic
10 | WOSNICK et al.

drift (McGovern et al., 2016). Although the causes identified for scientific rigour are pointed out as the main challenges to using cit-
both New Zealand and the United Kingdom are mostly of environ- izen science (Gibson et al., 2019). However, a significant part of the
mental origin, other variables, including anthropogenic impacts and available data recovered for this study were from online platforms,
recurrent disease outbreaks, cannot be ruled out. In South Africa, a emphasizing the potential as a global data resource. Measures to en-
mass event was recorded for blue sharks due to sudden temperature sure the usability and standardization of collected data would help
changes, with no further information on survival rates. Whale shark greatly. An overview of social media reporting trends is presented in
strandings are also relatively common along the South African coast, Table S5. It is important to mention that most of the data available
with a peak in 1991 (n = 14), including a specific situation where are from developed countries (i.e. Australia and the United States)
3 whale sharks stranded in the same location, at the same time probably due Internet access. Not searching in foreign languages
(Beckley et al., 1997). Reasons are uncertain although the narrow, may also have affected availability bias as can the socio-­economic
steeply-­sloping continental shelf and beaches with heavy wave ac- status of the countries. That said, documentation efforts would ben-
tion may be contributing factors (Beckley et al., 1997). efit from the participation of citizens from underdeveloped and de-
The United States is undoubtedly the country with the highest veloping regions, where feasible, in order to reduce geographic bias
reported stranding rates for marine animals. Our results indicate the of shark stranding reports.
state of California had the highest rates of shark strandings, corrob-
orating patterns described for mammals. Moreover, California has
one of the longest coast lines of the country, with a high number of 4.5 | Survival rates
people living in coastal areas, enhancing opportunities for strand-
ings to be recognized. Apart from causes linked to anthropogenic ac- Most stranded sharks were found already in a moribund condition or
tivities, the coastal geography of California is also believed to favour dead. In addition, only a small portion that was reported as stranded
carcass deposition (Danil et al., 2010). Moreover, mass stranding alive survived after release. As sharks perform branchial respiration,
events were prevalent in the state, and further studies are needed even short periods out of water are potentially lethal. Moreover, due
to understand the causes involved in these events. In addition, the to the difference in atmospheric pressure, the weight exerted by the
coast of California is a promising place to monitor shark strandings animal's body out of the water tends to cause irreversible damage to
more thoroughly, which could allow the creation of rescue and reha- the organs, leading to late mortality. Additional causes should also
bilitation protocols to be disseminated. be considered, including exposure to solar radiation (Wosnick et al.,
2019), thermal stress/shock and physical injury/stress.
Another point of concern is that, in most cases, shark rescue is
4.4 | Historical trends on shark strandings not carried out properly or by professionals trained to handle and
give clinical support to these animals. Furthermore, shark rescue and
Apart from specific mass strandings, an increase in the number of rehabilitation programs are rare. In less serious cases, such as strand-
reports over the decades has been noted. Although anthropogenic ing in tide pools, the creation and dissemination of simple protocols
activities that directly affect marine animals has intensified, it is can ensure survival. However, in more serious cases or for large-­
more likely that this increase is related to a greater number of peo- sized species, euthanasia may be necessary, emphasizing the need
ple (outside the academia, NGOs and monitoring programs) involved for trained professionals to respond to calls, as well as veterinarians/
in species identification activities and informal stranding reports. veterinary pathologists and other experts to perform diagnostics.
Between 1880 and 1990, only a portion of the global population
had access to photographic cameras and the internet. Even though
the internet was launched in 1969, dial-­up connections and the high 4.6 | Potential causes
cost of computers made online access very restricted until the early
2000s. While the collection of scientific data by non-­scientists dates 4.6.1 | Infectious disease
back a few millennia (Irwin, 2018), it was only in the mid-­1990s that
the concept of citizen science began to be popularized. The emer- There are only a few articles about infectious disease associated
gence of broadband internet and the first cell phones with cameras with shark strandings, most of them suggesting meningitis or menin-
in the early 2000s followed by access to wireless internet in the late goencephalitis caused by Carnobacterium spp. (Carnobacteriaceae),
2000s made reports of stranding events much easier and more com- Streptococcus spp. (Streptococcaceae) or by the ciliated protozoan
mon in developed countries. Increased photograph documentation Miamiensis avidus (Parauronematidae) (Carlisle et al., 2015; Dagleish
improved the value of reports by allowing identification of species et al., 2010; Martinez-­Steele et al., 2018; Morick et al., 2020; Retallack
and estimation of life stage and physical condition. et al., 2019; Schaffer et al., 2012, 2013). The genus Carnobacterium
In addition, the creation of websites aimed at sharing information is part of the bacterial community in some teleost and sharks, but in
generated by citizen scientists (e.g. iNaturalist), further facilitated cases of stress-­induced immunosuppression, these bacteria can be-
the dissemination of stranding reports on a global level. The low come pathogenic leading to systemic infection and subsequent mor-
quality of collected data, the lack of standardized methodology and bidity and mortality (Schaffer et al., 2013). As for Streptococcus spp.,
WOSNICK et al. | 11

there is one report of a fatal infection in a sandbar shark (Carcharhinus study, evidence of capture stress and/or interaction with fishing
plumbeus, Carcharhinidae) stranded in Israel (Morick et al., 2020). The gear was noted for other species, including the bluntnose sixgill
post-­mortem examination indicated meningoencephalitis caused by S. shark (Hexanchus griseus, Hexanchidae), the broadnose sevengill
agalactiae, which is usually associated with septicemia and meningoen- shark (Notorynchus cepedianus, Hexanchidae), the common thresher
cephalitis in teleost fish, but extremely rare in sharks. shark (Alopias vulpinus, Alopiidae) and the porbeagle shark (Lamna
Scuticociliates are opportunistic protozoans, also known to nasus, Lamnidae). These results indicate that fishing is an important
cause disease in teleost fish and elasmobranchs (Retallack et al., source of stranding, which could significantly increase the currently
2019). This pathogen was proved to cause meningoencephalitis in reported post-­release mortality rates and assist in the estimation of
leopard sharks and was associated with a mass stranding event in bycatch impacts (Adimey et al., 2014; Peltier et al., 2016).
California (Retallack et al., 2019). Sharks can also acquire infections
through their diets, consuming prey that were infected with patho-
gens (Carlisle et al., 2015). As the data on this matter remain scarce, 4.6.4 | Other trauma
more studies are needed to fully understand the pathogenicity and
diseases that can cause or increase the chance of strandings, being Boat collisions are a well-­documented threat to marine life, and
the carcasses found ashore a fundamental source of information. cetaceans and surface-­feeding sharks seem to be more vulner-
able to these encounters (Korman, 2015; Speedie et al., 2009;
Waereebeek et al., 2007). In some cases, collisions are fatal (bask-
4.6.2 | Abrupt environmental alterations ing shark, Cetorhinus maximus, Cetorhinidae -­Speedie et al., 2009);
however, in most cases, sharks are not fatally injured (whale shark
As described for invertebrates and other vertebrates, abrupt envi- -­Speed et al., 2008; great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias,
ronmental changes (i.e. hypoxia and sudden temperature changes) Lamnidae -­Domeier, 2012). This does not mean that late mor-
can lead to strandings. To date, confirmed cases of abrupt environ- tality does not occur, since the resulting lacerations can be the
mental alterations leading to shark strandings are scarce. In 2008, a gateway to infections, or affect the animal's swimming capacity,
massive stranding of 26 species was recorded in Coliumo bay (Chile), reducing their foraging success and increasing their susceptibility
including the Chilean catshark (Hernández-­Miranda et al., 2010). to predators.
According to physiological and pathological analyses, the animals Bites have also been observed in some species, indicating that
were healthy, and the cause of death was severe hypoxia due to prey–­
predator interactions are a significant source of stranding,
an abrupt resurgence event through the entry of south-­west winds mainly for juveniles or small-­sized sharks. However, in the majority
(ESSW) into the bay. These events deserve special attention as in a of reports, sharks were found already dead, making it impossible to
climate change scenario it can be intensified and increase mortality. confirm whether the bites were lethal (wash-­up carcass) or if the
Since most sharks are ectothermic, sudden changes in tempera- sharks stranded still alive. It is known that juvenile and small-­sized
ture can be particularly harmful due to altered thermal windows and sharks can be predated by larger individuals/species and shark bites
impairment of vital functions (Bernal et al., 2018; Pegado et al., 2020). are also a significant cause of marine mammal strandings (great
However, even endothermic species (as is the case of some species white sharks and sea otters; Moxley et al., 2019).
reported in the present study) can be harmed by abrupt alterations
as relocating metabolic substrates to maintain body temperature can
lead to immunosuppression and subsequent vulnerability to pathogens 4.6.5 | Foraging, sandbanks and tide pools
(Carlisle et al., 2015). However, as many sharks perform horizontal
migrations on a daily basis and are therefore exposed to abrupt tem- Strand feeding is characterized by an animal coming out of the
perature variations, further investigations into the real role of sudden water, no longer floating to trap their preys and optimize capture
temperature changes in strandings should be carried out. (McGovern et al., 2019). There are many reports in the media of
sharks performing strand feeding, and one particular case involv-
ing a basking shark chasing a school of salmon has been reported
4.6.3 | Negative interaction with fisheries in the literature (Whitley, 1965 -­cited by Speed et al., 2009).
Sharks can also be trapped in sandbanks and tide pools, and al-
Currently, fishing reports only consider what has been caught and though small-­sized species are more prone to these situations,
whether it has been returned/discarded. However, the number of according to our results, even reef blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus
animals that were released and stranded soon after is not yet con- melanopterus, Carcharhinidae) have been found trapped. In most
sidered. Retained fishing hooks were first reported to cause major cases, the rescue is successful as sharks are not directly exposed
lacerations and pathologies in blue sharks (Borucinska et al., 2002). to air. However, considering that sandbanks and tide pools are
Mortality due to fishing gear was also reported for the longfin mako subject to abrupt abiotic fluctuations, post-­rescue mortality might
shark (Isurus paucus, Lamnidae) (Adams et al., 2015). In the present also occur.
12 | WOSNICK et al.

5 | CO N C LU S I O N S A N D FU T U R E collection, figure creation and data discussion. We also thank the ref-
D I R EC TI O N S erees for their careful and insightful reviews of our manuscript, and
Otto Bismarck Fazzano Gadig and Clinton Duffy for their expertise
As only reports available in open-­access databases were consid- in shark identification. Lastly, the authors thank designers Scarlet23,
ered in this review, it is likely that the number of strandings is much T. Michael Keesey, rawpixel, pch.vector, Blue Vectors, macrovector,
higher, pointing to the urgent need to establish worldwide rigorous photo3idea-­studio, Nature Vectors for the icons used in the figures
shark stranding monitoring programs that will record, preserve and available through the Freepik, PhyloPic, Flaticon, PhyloPic and vect-
share comprehensive morphometric data and coordinate complete eezy websites. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
diagnostic investigations of shark stranding events to permit for
improved study and understanding. Investigations would include DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
consideration of water quality parameters (e.g. temperature, salinity, The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current
pollution and dissolved oxygen) and post-­mortem examination with study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
ancillary diagnostics as necessary for infectious and other disease request.
processes where possible.
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