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Cloud Value Radio

Cloud as the ultimate digital

Elevance Health’s chief technology officer of platform modernization and cloud
enablement discusses how the company uses cloud-native capabilities and a
product mindset to maximize value from its cloud migration and ultimately help
people improve their health and well-being.

August 2023
Elevance Health, a Fortune 20 healthcare migration factories and are systematically
company, has embarked on a transformative migrating digital assets to the cloud. Although
cloud journey. Amish Patel, the chief we have made significant progress, there is still
technology officer esponsible for advancing work to be done.
that cloud journey, discusses the company’s
cloud migration—and the valuable lessons
learned along the way—with McKinsey’s Pablo Drivers and benefits
Prieto. The discussion sheds light on the
steps Elevance Health is taking to enhance Pablo Prieto: What were the main drivers
consumer experiences, use cloud-native behind your cloud transformation, and what
approaches, and drive digital innovation in the benefits have you observed?
healthcare industry.
Amish Patel: The main drivers were agility,
What follows are the main takeaways from that stability, resiliency, and cost optimization.
conversation. By adopting cloud-native approaches and
leveraging automation, we have achieved
significant cost savings. Contrary to the
Cloud journey and learnings belief that the cloud is expensive, we have
found that by refactoring and utilizing native
Pablo Prieto: Amish, could you share some key cloud capabilities, costs can be reduced by
learnings and insights from your cloud journey 20 to 40 percent compared to on-premises
at Elevance Health? environments. This has allowed us to
optimize resource allocation and enhance the
Amish Patel: Elevance Health embarked on scalability and resiliency of our member-facing
its cloud journey in 2017, initially focusing on applications. Cost of care is a huge issue in
migrating member-facing digital assets to healthcare, so this optimized cost model is
the cloud. Over the past six years, we have also important for us to demonstrate to our
migrated numerous platforms and petabytes stakeholders that we are using our resources
of data. We started with an organic approach in an efficient manner.
but realized this was not moving the needle
fast enough. So we shifted to a systematic
migration-factory model [an “assembly- Operating model and collaboration
line” model of people, processes, and tools
supported by technology] to standardize and Pablo Prieto: How has your operating model
speed up our cloud migration. We looked at evolved throughout the cloud journey, and
our entire portfolio of apps and platforms that how important has collaboration been in this
support a business unit, and we were able transformation?
to migrate entire app and platform stacks
by collaborating closely with our business Amish Patel: We have embraced agile
leaders. This approach has been successful in methodologies and transitioned to a product-
achieving our mission of improving healthcare based mindset where we continually iterate
experiences through digital innovation. on our offerings based on user feedback. In
such a setup, collaboration with our business
Pablo Prieto: Where do you currently stand in partners has been crucial. We have invested
your cloud journey? in creating venues and mechanisms so
technologists can better understand the goals
Amish Patel: We are currently in the middle the business is trying to achieve and subject-
of our cloud journey. We have established matter experts on the business side can better

2 Cloud Value Radio: Cloud as the ultimate digital enabler

understand technology trade-offs and Resiliency, security, and privacy
implications. The cross-pollination between
technologists and business subject-matter Pablo Prieto: How have you addressed
experts has been a significant benefit, concerns about resiliency, security, and
especially given the recent explosion of AI privacy in your cloud transformation?
with large language models. Initially, we
focused on migrating platforms with high Amish Patel: We have implemented a tiered
change velocity, but we are now digitizing resiliency approach, running critical platforms
our entire business platform stack and using actively across different regions. Regular
advanced capabilities, such as continuous resiliency testing has given us confidence in
integration and continuous delivery our processes and configuration. Security
(CI/CD). Our operating model has evolved to of our data and personally identifiable
a product-centric approach driven by cloud information is of utmost importance, and
technologies, allowing us to deploy new we have embedded security tools, such as
capabilities and assets quickly and address code scanning, throughout the development
the full range of member needs through an process, adopting a shift-left approach.
integrated digital platform.

Lessons learned and advice

Use cases and value creation
Pablo Prieto: Reflecting on your cloud
Pablo Prieto: Can you share any specific use journey, what lessons have you learned, and
cases where the cloud has created value for what advice would you give to others starting
Elevance Health? a similar transformation?

Amish Patel: One notable use case is our Amish Patel: Mindset and process changes
engagement data platform, which centralizes have been crucial and are intertwined. First,
member-facing data and standardizes all teams, including risk, security, audit,
interactions across multiple channels using compliance, and engineering, need to align
APIs. By leveraging cloud-native approaches, around the idea that automation is critical.
we have achieved agility, scalability, and That provides the foundation to use cloud
resiliency in our member-facing applications. capabilities to automate as many processes
This “single-pane-of-glass” approach to as possible. Second, upskilling talent is
standardization, where you, say, improve essential so people understand how to use
resiliency in one place and then all your the new tools and capabilities effectively.
channels are able to immediately benefit, Third, finance teams play a significant role
has significantly enhanced member in projecting costs and maximizing cloud
experiences and streamlined processes, adoption benefits.
providing us with a competitive advantage.

Amish Patel is chief technology officer and vice president of platform modernization and cloud enablement at Elevance
Health. Pablo Prieto is a partner in McKinsey’s Stamford office.

Comments and opinions expressed by interviewees are their own and do not represent or reflect the opinions, policies, or
positions of McKinsey & Company or have its endorsement.

Copyright © 2023 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

Cloud Value Radio: Cloud as the ultimate digital enabler 3

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