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Monday September 18 2023 |

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Inside the school England see

off Japan —
ditching GCSEs Times2
Sport pages 64-66

Brand faces more claims

6 Other women come forward after sex allegations 6 BBC launches investigation into comedian 6 Met Police begin inquiries
Charlotte Wace
Rosamund Urwin
Media Editor, The Sunday Times
Rape accuser
Paul Morgan-Bentley, Mario Ledwith
More women have come forward with
says: ‘I know
allegations about their treatment by
Russell Brand after the entertainment
industry was rocked by accusations of
rape and sexual assault against the
the demon
actor and former BBC presenter.
The Times and Sunday Times have
been contacted by several women since
Saturday with claims about Brand’s
behaviour since the early 2000s. Interview
The new allegations, which have not CharlotteWace
been investigated and will now be rigor-
ously checked, come after four women,
including one who was 16, alleged that
they were sexually assaulted by Brand When Nadia began her treatment at a
during the height of his fame between medical centre for victims of rape, she
2006 and 2013. struggled to verbalise what had just
In a joint investigation by The Times, happened to her.
The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s “I literally couldn’t say the word
Dispatches, others also made a range of ‘rape’, ” she reflects. “I couldn’t believe
accusations about Brand’s controlling, that [could happen] to anyone I know,
abusive and predatory behaviour. as silly as that was. But by the end of it,
Brand has denied the allegations and I was like, ‘Oh my god. He raped me.’ ”
said his relationships have all been It was summer 2012 and her assail-
consensual. ant, Nadia claims, was Russell Brand,
Last night one of the alleged victims, who at that point was at the height of
who is being referred to as Nadia and his fame and living in Los Angeles.
claims that Brand raped her in 2012 at He had recently starred alongside
his Los Angeles home, told of her relief Tom Cruise in the Hollywood block-
that her and other women’s allegations buster Rock of Ages and was preparing
were being heard. to host his own late-night chat
“He cannot hurt me any more and show, Brand X, following the end of his
hopefully he will not hurt anybody brief marriage to Katy Perry, the pop
else,” she said, while encouraging star.
women to speak out if they felt strong Nadia says that in the months after
enough. “I’m super-proud of all the they first met at a party in the city,
women who have come forward. I Brand invited her to his home and,
know how hard it is — thinking ‘I’m the when she arrived, he told her that “a
only one’ and ‘Who is going to believe friend” was already in the bedroom and
me’. It was all very hard to read and to that he wanted her to join them.
watch but I think it’s very necessary — Nadia says she made it clear that she
because he needs to be stopped.” did not want a threesome. She says
Other developments: Brand pushed her up against a wall and
6 The Metropolitan Police said it had raped her without using a condom.
begun inquiries into Brand’s alleged Brand strenuously denied all the
mistreatment of women and called on allegations this weekend and says
any victims to speak to officers. that all his relationships have been
6 The BBC announced its own investi- consensual.
gation amid new claims that Brand Concerned that she was “small and
used the broadcaster’s car service to insignificant” compared to a celebrity,
pick up a 16-year-old girl from school so and scared of the implications for her-
that she could visit him at his home. self and her family, Nadia says she de-
6 Channel 4 also began an investi- cided not to report the alleged attack to
gation into its former presenter, and a the police and told only a trusted hand-
TV production company started an ful of close friends and the medical
“urgent internal investigation”, saying team that treated her.
it would “co-operate with any requests But over a decade later, after hearing
for information from broadcast part- that The Times and Sunday Times
ners and external agencies”. Channel 4 were investigating Brand’s treatment
removed Brand’s content from its of women during his career, she
streaming service. Russell Brand faces multiple inquiries and a backlash over his alleged behaviour. He said the relationships were consensual
6 A leading domestic abuse charity
ended its ties with the comedian, saying Brand had been accused of rape, sexual show that after leaving his home she deeply about women’s safety. She told
that it was “deeply saddened and upset” assaults and emotional abuse. told Brand that she felt taken advantage The Times: “I don’t feel like a victim
to learn about the allegations. Nadia alleges that Brand raped her of and wrote: “When a girl say[s] NO it now, I feel like a survivor — I’m glad I’m
6 The literary agency Tavistock Wood against a wall in his Los Angeles home means no.” Brand replied saying he was on the other side of it. I’m stronger.”
said it had terminated all professional in July 2012 and medical records show “very sorry”. Asked if she would encourage other-
ties to Brand.
It was revealed this weekend that
that she was treated at a rape crisis
centre on the same day. Text messages
Last night Nadia said that she had
spoken publicly because she cares
women with allegations about Brand to y(7HB7E2*OTSNLS( |||+@!:'
2 2GM Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Today’s highlights Benefits bill to rise by billions


Rosamund Urwin, media editor of
The Sunday Times
Ben Taylor, editor of The Sunday Times
as older people claim for life
8.20am The historian Tom Holland talks about
his growing suspicion that men are Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor report estimates that while people who
Worrying rise have been claiming the benefit for less
pre-occupied with the Roman Empire
Taxpayers face a £10 billion bill for The number of people inactive due to than two years had a 16 per cent chance
2.05pm Corinne Bailey Rae, right, the rising numbers of people stuck on dis- of moving off it the following year, this
Grammy-winning singer-songwriter long-term sickness and reporting five or
ability benefits for life. more health conditions has risen fell steadily the longer they stayed on it.
3.35pm Rory Cellan-Jones speaks to Jane More than half a million extra pen- 42 per cent from 2019 Pensioners have a 3.6 per cent chance
Garvey and Fi Glover about his memoir sioners will claim disability benefits Million 1 of recovering enough to come off the

Source: ONS Labour Force Survey

over the next decade after a rise in 0.8 benefit each year. On average, some-
claims among working-age people in 0.6
one claiming it at 66 will do so for
recent years, according to new analysis. another 11 years at a cost of £70,000,
DAB RADIO l ONLINE l SMART SPEAKER l APP Most of those on such benefits at re- 0.4 Webb estimated. One million pension-
Number of conditions reported
tirement age keep claiming until they 0.2 ers claim the benefit at present and this
1-2 3-4 5 or more
die at an average cost of £70,000 each. 0 is expected to reach 1.6 million by 2033.
Ministers have been urged to spend 2019 2020 2021 2022 The corresponding cost to taxpayers
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N money up front on treating back prob- would rise from £6 billion to £10.5 billion
lems and mental health issues to avoid further million after a surge in new in real terms, the report said.
an ever-rising benefit bill. While the claims since the pandemic. Unlike A government spokeswoman said:
Covid booster Half of Britons Antarctic ice government has focused on back-to- many other benefits it can be claimed “We are investing up to £14.1 billion to
work schemes to deal with the 2.6 mil- beyond retirement age, and the LCP improve health services and our major
jabs rolled out in 20mph zones at record low lion people aged 16 to 64 who are off report warns that this will push up costs conditions strategy will look at the pre-
Millions of people in Close to half of Britons Sea-ice surrounding due to long-term sickness, a report by significantly unless action is taken. vention and management of conditions
England can begin live in places where Antarctica is at its the LCP consultancy warned that they “When you get a surge of working- that are responsible for the highest pro-
booking coronavirus 20mph limits are in lowest level for were neglecting those stuck on other age claims, which is what we’ve had, portion of ill health in England. We’re
booster jabs today as force or are expected, September since disability benefits until they die. suddenly the open-ended nature of also investing an extra £2 billion to help
the NHS steps up its campaigners said, as records began. Satellite More than three million people claim these claims becomes more signifi- more people with disabilities.”
winter vaccinations. Wales introduced the data shows that it personal independence payments, a cant,” said Sir Steve Webb, a partner at Separate figures show that the num-
The scheme is starting limit in built-up areas. covers an area almost benefit of between £26.90 and £101.75 a LCP and former pensions minister. ber of working-age people claiming
sooner than planned in The scheme affected 600,000 sq miles week, to compensate for the extra costs “The political narrative is all about universal credit for health problems
response to the new 7,700 miles of road and smaller than average of disability whether or not they work. ‘let’s get them back to work’, whereas rose by more than 300,000 in a year to
Pirola variant, which Conservatives said it for the time of year, It costs taxpayers about £22 billion a the issue is if you don’t do something 1.8 million. Ministers believe the
seems to be circulating was “anti-worker and though scientists are year currently and was introduced in preventative you’ve got an 11-year bill system, which pays twice as much to
in Britain. anti-road”. not sure why. part to reduce disability payments. It post-pension age. That is such a large those with health needs, encourages
has failed on that front, with claimants amount that it brings in all sorts of pre- people to focus on what they cannot do.
increasing by a million over the past ventative measures that may not be

decade. That figure is set to rise by a cheap but may still be good value.” His
days since Wall Street Journal
reporter Evan Gershkovich
was detained in Russia
Oil-fired boiler ban may be Abuse victims
Migration ‘risks Rental costs up England victory
delayed after Tory gripes warn Big Tech
future of EU’ 12% in a year over Japan
George Grylls Political Correspondent products. The Times now understands
over privacy
Giorgia Meloni, the Residential rents England moved to that the government is looking at revis-
Italian prime minister, across Britain are the brink of the rugby Ministers are looking at delaying a ban ing the 2026 date. A government source Mark Sellman
has said the future of rising at their fastest World Cup quarter- on the installation of oil-fired boilers by said that ministers wanted to take a Technology Correspondent
the EU is at stake pace on record as high finals with a 34-12 2026 after a backlash from Tory MPs. “pragmatic” approach to reaching net
unless it can stop a interest rates shut victory over Japan About 1.7 million off-grid houses zero. A coalition of more than 100 sexual
surge in uncontrolled would-be buyers out of that owed a debt to a would be affected by the ban, which is The audit is seen as a way to address abuse survivors, families and child
migration. She was the property market. bizarre “header” by Joe part of the government’s plan to hit net- cost of living concerns. A new oil-fired safety experts has urged tech platforms
joined on the island of Monthly rental costs Marler to set up a key zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. boiler costs about £4,700 on average, to consult victims about the safety of
Lampedusa by Ursula are on average 12 per try for Courtney Under the proposals, homeowners compared with £10,000 for an air- end-to-end encryption.
von der Leyen, the cent higher than they Lawes, who said “the would have to install more expensive source heat pump, according to The The letter was sent before the passing
European Commission were last year, at over ball was so greasy — it heat pumps instead. The Countryside Eco Experts, a consultancy, although of the Online Safety Bill to executives
president. £1,300. was tough”. Alliance is among the organisations government grants can halve this. such as Mark Zuckerberg at Meta and
that have campaigned against the ban, Some net-zero measures are set to Meredith Whittaker at Signal. It said:
arguing that it would have a dispropor- remain after lobbying from business, “The pursuit of end-to-end encryption
COMMENT 27 WORLD 32 SPORT 55 tionate effect on rural communities. including the forced transition to elec- without safeguards will mean offenders
THUNDERER 28 BUSINESS 37 CROSSWORD 66 Rishi Sunak is conducting an audit of tric cars. Sunak is ready to phase out can contact, groom and abuse children
LEADING ARTICLES 31 REGISTER 49 TV & RADIO TIMES2 net-zero policies before the next elect- petrol and diesel cars on a strict time behind closed doors. In the future, it
ion, reviewing the green policies frame before a total ban on new models will be a new technology that puts
FOLLOW US announced under Boris Johnson. being sold in 2030. children at risk.”
thetimes timesandsundaytimes thetimes Ministers have already softened their Craig Mackinlay, Conservative End-to-end encryption ensures that
stance on the oil-fired boiler ban by chairman of the net zero scrutiny group only sender and recipient can view a
OFFER accepting an amendment to the gov- of MPs, said: “Real net-zero costs are message. Signal had threatened to quit
ernment’s energy bill after a rebellion now coming into view, with public the UK over provisions in the bill that it
Save up to 30% with a subscription to of Tory MPs led by George Eustice, the support waning once the reality of huge believed would undermine encryption.
The Times and The Sunday Times former environment secretary. The
amendment forces providers of liquid
bills and curtailment of freedoms be-
comes real. Net zero will become an
The government defused the row.
Ofcom said it was ready to set out
THETIMES.CO.UK/SUBSCRIBE fuel for boilers to supply renewable electoral battleground.” standards for tackling “online harms”.

THE WEATHER continued from page 1 assault we would encourage them to tor, praised the reporting by The Times
Brand allegations contact police.” and Sunday Times as a “meticulously
The BBC has also begun an investi- researched and sourced investigation”.
come forward, she said: “If they feel gation and said: “Russell Brand worked The Times and The Sunday Times
15 ready, and it’s not going to traumatise on BBC radio programmes between gave Brand eight days within which to
them too much, come forward.” 2006 and 2008 and we are urgently reply to allegations. Lawyers for Brand
The women who have alleged sexual looking into the issues raised.” initially said that they were not in a
14 21 assaults by Brand do not know each Brand, 48, is in the middle of a stand- position to provide any response
other. They said they felt ready to speak up tour. After the first reports into his because we had posed a “large litany of
only after being approached by report- treatment of women were published, he questions” and had intentionally cho-
ers. Many felt compelled to speak appeared on Saturday at a London sen to anonymise the names of the
15 because of Brand’s reinvention as an theatre, and received support from women. Pressed to provide a full re-
22 influencer with millions of web many of his dedicated fans. One of the sponse, the same lawyers did not reply.
followers. planned tour gigs, in Plymouth next When given further opportunity to
27 A Met spokesman said: “We are week, was due to be in collaboration respond, Brand broadcast a statement
aware of media reporting of a series of with Trevi, a domestic abuse charity. on his YouTube channel saying “amidst
allegations of sexual assault. At this The charity said it was “deeply saddened this litany of astonishing, rather bar-
A band of showery rain will spread time, we have not received any reports and upset” to learn about the allega- oque attacks are some very serious alle-
eastwards leaving sunny spells and in relation to this. If anyone believes tions and had stopped its work with him. gations that I absolutely refute”.
showers. they have been the victim of a sexual Nazir Afzal, a former chief prosecu-
the times | Monday September 18 2023 3


Family square the Magic Circle

Marvin Berglas’s latest
trick is to follow his
father into conjuring’s
leading role, writes
Constance Kampfner
A father-and-son double act have
cemented themselves as the leading
dynasty in the world of magic.
Marvin Berglas, 64, who describes
himself as a “second-generation magi-
cian”, is following in the footsteps of his
father, David, after being elected presi-
dent of the UK’s oldest magic society.
David, 97, who invented what is often
described as the world’s greatest card
trick, was president of the Magic Circle
between 1989 and 1998. Cited by the
likes of Dynamo and Derren Brown as
a key inspiration, David Berglas, a
German-Jewish refugee, was one of the
first magicians to appear on British tele-
He drove blindfolded through
London and made a grand piano vanish
in a hotel banquet room filled with
guests, with the pianist toppling face
first onto the floor.
His most famous trick, known as the
“Berglas Effect”, involves an audience
member selecting a card (say the two of
diamonds) and a number between 1 and
52 (say 24). Without Berglas appearing
to touch the deck, the two of diamonds
would appear as the 24th card in the
During a phone interview, Marvin
asks me to pick a card. Seconds later he Marvin Berglas performing with his father and, below, with his Magic Circle medal. The new president is known for his Marvin’s Magic boxes of tricks round the world

Ace up his sleeve

There are many theories behind the Cards are then dealt one by one, and such.” He said that revealing his who were given private, one-on-one
workings of David Berglas’s famous the fifth one to emerge is the card method would be “like asking a performances and could not explain
card trick, but despite revealing almost named by the first person. In this musician who can improvise to teach the outcome.
every other secret in his six-decade example, it is the ten of hearts. you his improvisation, which of course Others, such as Aaron Fisher, the
career, the British magician has While dozens of variations of he can’t”. American magician, pointed to
continued to declare it unteachable ACAAN have emerged since its Theories about the magic behind Berglas’s background in
(Shayma Bakht writes). inception in the 1700s — with some the touchless ACAAN include psychotherapy and medical hypnosis.
Berglas, 97, who held his post as involving the spectator writing down accusations that Berglas used a stooge Fisher said simply that Berglas
president of the Magic Circle for the selected card and others including disguised as a spectator who would “messes with minds . . . not decks”.
almost a decade in the 1990s, had his a deck full of blanks — Berglas’s have memorised the order of the In Richard Kaufman’s book The
career cemented by the “Berglas remains unique because after placing cards to be able to call out the second Berglas Effects, which attempts to
Effect”, which he debuted in 1953. his deck on the table he does not number, after the first genuine explain all of Berglas’s tricks, the
It is a version of the classic magic touch the cards until after the final spectator offers their random card of author, also a magician, admitted he
formula Any Card at Any Number revelation. All other variations of the choice, so he could seamlessly count could not give an answer to the trick.
(ACAAN), where a spectator is asked to trick feature some sleight of hand and down to the reveal. He suggested that Berglas was simply
name any card in a deck — such as the touching of the deck. Berglas has always denied using a an exceptional improviser and
ten of hearts — and another member Berglas previously told The New stooge, which in a trick like this is gambler who used psychological
of the audience picks a number York Times: “It’s not a secret I can give considered cheating, and pointed to manipulation in this specific
between one and 52, for example five. to anyone because it’s not a secret as the number of professional magicians performance.

directs me to a website where a photo- much keener on playing football. “To be waiting for David’s performance to end, selling boxes of tricks at shops around making it more inclusive. The 1,700-
graph of him holding that same card perfectly honest, I wasn’t that interest- he started playing around with some the world. He is also Arsenal football member organisation started admit-
beams out at me. A modern take on a ed,” he said. “At school, if I could use it cards. A huge crowd formed around club’s resident magician. ting women only in 1991 and today
classic. to get to the front of a nightclub queue him. “Something must have sparked in “If you’re compared, it’s twice as hard counts fewer than 100 among its ranks.
Marvin was steeped in magic as a by wowing the bouncer, or for meeting me,” he said. “I think I had the inbuilt — you’ve got to do it on your own “It used to hold a huge amount of
child, travelling the world with his girls, then it was great. But that was showmanship, and from that I really merits,” he said. “My dad has got a very prestige and I think that’s fallen away a
brother Peter to watch his father probably not what it was for.” got into magic big time.” unique style and method and I wanted little bit,” he said. “It’s up to me to get the
perform, and first appeared with David That all changed when at the age of Today, he is better known for his first to make my own name.” profile back up there and celebrate the
aged five on the 1960s children’s TV 16 Marvin accompanied his father to a name than his last. Marvin’s Magic is Berglas said he hoped to restore the talent we have in this country and
show the Five O’Clock Club. But he was magic convention in France where, the world’s biggest magic company, Magic Circle to its former glory while around the world.”

Not tonight darling, I’ve got a bad case of panda jet lag
Kieran Gair internal environment with the external normally get cues from their envi- used webcams to monitor 11 daytime, which could make it easier to
environment,” said Kristine Gandia of ronment: light cycles, seasonal food giant pandas at five zoos both find mates. Pandas outside their home
The panda’s primary enemies were the University of Stirling. “When availability and temperature. inside and outside their natural latitude were less active, however.
once poaching, habitat loss and a lack- internal clocks are not synchronised The study, published in the jour- latitudinal range. The world’s giant panda population is
lustre libido. Now, a study has found, with external cues like light and nal Frontiers in Psychology, found Captive pandas showed three disturbingly small, with fewer than
the species has a new threat to contend temperature, animals experience that a change in conditions peaks of activity over 24 hours, 2,000 now living in the mountains of
with: jet lag. adverse effects. In humans, this can could leave animals “jet including a peak at night, just western China — the only region
Captive pandas living in zoos outside range from jet lag to metabolic issues lagged”, particularly if, like like their wild counterparts. where they are found in the wild.
their normal latitudes in China are less and seasonal affective disorder.” pandas, their circadian Adult pandas displayed Pandas are notoriously difficult to
active and exhibited more “abnormal” Jet lag occurs when the body’s circa- rhythms are dependent sexual behaviours only in breed, Gandia said, and scientists have
behaviour than their wild counterparts. dian rhythm — its expected sleep and on the seasons. tried nearly everything to increase the
“Animals, including humans, have wake times — is out of sync with a new Gandia, the lead Giant pandas prefer to population in captivity, including
evolved rhythms to synchronise their location. Animals’ circadian clocks author of the study, find a mate in daylight showing films of other pandas mating.
4 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

News Russell Brand investigation

‘All I could think was, how will

dossier of notes and records from the
decided to speak publicly. “I think it’s rape treatment centre, which detail the
time. I’m stronger now,” she tells me extensive therapy she required.
during one of our first phone conversa- Brand had filed for divorce from
tions, after we are introduced by her Perry in late 2011 and met Nadia a short
friend. “At the time, I was so depleted of time later. Nadia, who lives in LA and
everything that I thought I was worth was in her thirties at the time, had gone
nothing. And that is not true. to a “trial run” for his new show.
“I just want to help make a change Brand, then 37, had established him-
because I know it’s not just me that was self as a Hollywood film star and was
hurt by this . . . When I heard that you making appearances as a guest on
were doing this I was like, ‘OK, I’m primetime television programmes.
ready — I’m ready to do this now.’ ” “There was an afterparty. I’d never
Referring to Brand’s public image as a met Russell before, ever, and he literally
wellness influencer, she claims: “He’s made a beeline for me and said, ‘I want
saying one thing and I know the demon to meet you’,” she says. “We were chat-
underneath it.” ting backstage . . . and he leant in and
In the months after Nadia and I are kissed me straight away. I was kind of
introduced, we share dozens of messa- shocked because it was very, very quick.
ges by email and phone, speak regularly And he’s like, ‘I’m going to call you’. I’m
and meet in a hotel garden in London like, ‘OK’. And then his bodyguards
and a café in Los Angeles, a few miles walked me and my girlfriend out.”
from where Brand lived. In a photograph from the event
When we first meet in LA, she is Brand can be seen looking directly into
thoughtful and asks about me and my Nadia’s eyes as they stand close to-
life, as well as talking about what gether. “The way he just looks at you . .
happened to her. She is confident, . he’s very intense with him trying to get
articulate and sisterly. Despite the my attention,” she says.
apparent emotional upheaval of reliv- The first messages on her phone
ing what she describes as a traumatic from Brand began in May 2012. The
period in her life, she frequently voices following month, they had consensual
concern for other women who may sex at Brand’s house in Hollywood.
have allegations against Brand. This, “I did go round to his place and we did
have sex. He’s like, ‘Do you want to use
a condom or not use a condom?’ and
After the ‘assault’ I’m like, ‘No, absolutely we’re using a
condom.’ And he did respect my wishes
How Brand texted ‘sorry’ to Nadia
then,” she recalls. “But he did have a
Jul 1, 2012 at 3:29 AM glazed-over look. He does this thing
when he glazes over — and I don’t
I’m sorry. That was crazy and selfish. know if he’s listening, I don’t know
I hope you can forgive me, what’s going on in his head . . . It was fine
I know that you’re a lovely person. X — but it was a weird first-time experi-
ence with someone, when you’re
having sex with them for the first time.”
Jul 1, 2012 at 10:59 AM Several days later, Brand messaged
suggesting she “bring a friend”, saying:
U scared the shit out of me. Ur right
I am a lovely person and for u to
“I feel like I require a little chaos.”
take advantage of me like that is Nadia then tells me about the next
unexpectable. You have time she saw Brand at his house.
a problem, u need help. It’s “July 1, 2012 was when my rape
dangerous that u think u can get ur happened,” she says. “I was out late and
own way all the time, Do u know he happened to call me and say, ‘I’ve
how scary u r when that glaze look had a really bad day, please come over’.
comes over u. When a girl say NO it And I, at first I said, ‘No, I’m not going,
means no. Do I have to go and get it’s late’. And he’s like, ‘Please come, just
myself tested? Last time U asked come and cuddle with me’. So then I
me condom or no condom. When gave in. And I’m like, OK.” Nadia says she was raped against a wall by Russell Brand, who ignored her pleas for him to stop and pulled at her clothes.
I say condom that doesn’t mean it
optional, U don’t have the best
Despite her initial reluctance to go
reputation, I pry myself on being when it was so late, she says that Brand
was someone she felt “safe” with at that Extracts from Nadia’s medical notes
safe and trying to make the right
decisions. Obviously this was a point. The door was unlocked when
bad one. I’m so disappointed. Nadia arrived and she walked straight Victim declined to make a report to name is somehow released, then her repeated, ‘I’m not going to hurt you’
in. She was wearing a dress with a coat law enforcement, but LAPD West name will be “dragged through the and started kissing [the] victim again.
and had a bag. Hollywood Division Officer [NAME dirt”. According to victim, he then pushed
Im very sorry. You don’t need to get Brand emerged from the bedroom REDACTED BLANK OUT] was her up against the wall, separated her
tested. I will make this up to you naked, according to Nadia. She remem- contacted and alerted that victim was …doing the closing ceremony at the legs with his leg, moved her
somehow with live and kindness. bers him making a comment along the at the RTC reporting a sexual assault. Olympics…when unfortunately it came underwear to the side and vaginally
Not my original idea which was more lines of: “I’ll keep you safe.” on the TV and she had to be subjected penetrated her, ejaculating inside her
sex. You’ve been lovely to me and “He came at me with kisses and stuff, Victim presented as friendly and to his singing for a period of time. once he was finished. Per victim, she
I’m embarrassed by my behavior. which was kind of fun. And then it engaging, but intermittently tearful [NAME REDACTED BLANK OUT] stated attempted to leave his home, but he
Sorry. X wasn’t that fun when I couldn’t move,” and seemingly overwhelmed. that she becomes very angry when would not allow her to do so as he was
she says. “He pushed me up against a the public is “adoring” him, wanting to blocking the door.”
Aug 5, 2012 at 1:46 AM wall. I’m like, ‘What are you doing?’ Victim’s primary concern while at the shout out that he is a rapist.
And he’s like, ‘I have a friend here and I, RTC was protecting her reputation as “She is often triggered as she sees
Will you ever forgive me? X I want you to come in the bedroom.’ I’m she was worried that, if her assailant’s “After she refused, the assailant assailant on TV and on billboards.”
like, ‘No, that’s not happening, we’re
not doing that.’ ”
she says, has remained her primary Nadia says she “tried to get away body in the bedroom listening, why are ages has been verified by multiple the Los Angeles Police Department
motivation for speaking out. from him” and moved away from the they not coming out to help me?” She sources. was alerted. Nadia declined to make a
Nadia, whose identity is being pro- wall she was standing against. says she “couldn’t move” and “all I could Nadia describes getting in the show- police report but provided her under-
tected, kept records from the period “And then I went to another wall that think of was how am I going to get out er after arriving home and feeling un- wear and other samples as evidence,
when she met Brand. She never deleted had a painting on it,” she says. “And my of here, alive, basically”. able to move. She was up most of the which were frozen. She received ther-
texts that they exchanged, or her call bag got actually stuck underneath that, Brand then blocked the door, accord- night. She did not reply to Brand’s text apy sessions at the centre for the next
records, and she had photographs of the and it’s still on my arm. And at this point ing to Nadia, who says he only stood to until 10.59am, saying: “You scared the five months.
medicines she was prescribed by the he’s grabbing at my underwear, pulling the side after she told him she needed shit out of me. You’re right I am a lovely The notes show that when she was
rape treatment centre to prevent sexu- it to the side. I’m telling him to ‘get off of the bathroom. person and for you to take advantage of first seen, on July 1, 2012, she was de-
ally transmitted infections. me’ and he won’t get off. And he has She “ran out” and got into her car, me like that is unexpectable [sic].” scribed as “friendly and engaging, but
She describes sending a letter to that glazed look in his eye again.” where she recalled sitting for a short Brand replied that he was “very intermittently tearful and seemingly
Brand in the months after her alleged Brand, Nadia claims, raped her, with- period. At 3.29am Brand sent Nadia a sorry” and “embarrassed”. overwhelmed”.
attack, and has kept a version on her out a condom. “I was so distraught, try- text message. He wrote: “I’m sorry. Nadia, meanwhile, had spoken to a The notes state: “The victim’s pri-
computer that has not been modified ing to get out the house with him being That was crazy and selfish. I hope you friend, who took her to UCLA Santa mary concern while at the RTC was
since September 2012. so much taller than me, like, holding me can forgive me, I know that you’re a Monica Medical Center’s Rape Treat- protecting her reputation as she was
After deciding to share her experi- up against the wall, pushing himself in lovely person. X.” The telephone num- ment Center (RTC). Nadia’s medical worried that, if her assailant’s name
ence, Nadia also requested her full me. All this time, I’m like, there’s some- ber that Brand used to send the mess- notes state that a named officer from is somehow released, then her
the times | Monday September 18 2023 5


I get out . . . alive’ Colleague says he

shit out of me on July 1st, I thought in
any situation I would be strong enough
pinned her down
in a locked room
to fight someone off. But when it’s
someone you know, you don’t expect to
be put in that position. You completely
broke me down.”
Extracts from a letter She wrote that “no means no” and
asked him: “Why didn’t you stop when
Nadia wrote to Brand I asked you to?” She described how she
had “sat and cried for most of the night”
afterwards as she tried to figure out
Charlotte Wace
It had been an ordinary working after-
“aggressively” trying to have sex with
her. “And I was screaming and I was
like, ‘What are you doing, stop, please,
what had happened. She told him about noon when Phoebe suddenly found you’re my friend, I love you, please don’t
I didn’t press charges and that’s what I’m trying to work out, why?? the rape treatment centre. She wrote: “I herself alone with Russell Brand. do this, I don’t want to do this.’ And . . . I
Why am I protecting you? didn’t see the fun loving guy in front of She was collaborating with him on a feel like I talked him out of it, in a weird
me, I saw a man who couldn’t control project in Los Angeles and, along with way. I think he had his hands down my
himself and the word NO is more of a other members of the team, she was trousers but I was fighting so hard and
challenge than a command.” sometimes required to work from his I was screaming so hard, hoping I could
I’m completely disgusted in the way you treated me. Sad that I In the letter, Nadia told Brand that home in Hollywood. get through somehow.”
trusted you. Very angry with you and myself for getting sucked she did not “press charges” over the Phoebe, who was in her twenties at She remembered at one point getting
into your narcissistic world. Do you know what you put me attack, or give staff at the rape treat- the time, said that she considered her hand free and trying to push his face
through? My body through? ment centre his name, and questioned: Brand a friend as well as a colleague, away. “But he had me completely
“Why am I protecting you?”, saying that having met him initially at an Alcohol- pinned down.” She said that Brand, who
although it was a felony she did not ics Anonymous (AA) meeting. But she was on top of her, tried to remove her
want to be responsible for life-changing said that on that afternoon in early 2013 clothes as she fought back.
repercussions. She has now said that he pinned her on a bed in a locked room After about 15 to 20 minutes “some-
she did not want to be the reason that and sexually assaulted her as she thing snapped” and Brand suddenly ap-
his career collapsed. begged him to stop. peared to hear what she was saying. She
Nadia ended the letter with the Phoebe, which is not her real name, said that he then “flipped” and was
words: “This letter is for me to work said that Brand, who was naked, held “super-angry”, shouting “F*** you,
...why didn’t you stop when I asked you to? Do you even know how through my stuff, not for you, I just her down and tried to remove her you’re fired, f*** you, get the f*** out”.
scary you are when that glazed look comes over you? I didn’t see needed you to hear me.” clothes in a struggle that may have Phoebe said that she fled the house in
the fun loving guy in front of me, I saw a man who couldn’t control Today Nadia appears strong and says gone on for about 15 minutes. She said tears and ran barefoot to her car. Brand
himself and the word NO is more of a challenge she is speaking publicly because she that during the attack it seemed as if his denies all allegations and says his rela-
cares deeply about women’s safety. She eyes “had no more colour” and “were tionships have been consensual.
asks herself: “What do I want out of black, like the devil”. When she was leaving Phoebe said
You completely broke me down. I was having fun hanging out with this? Just for him to stop . . . I’m just sick She fled his house in tears and told that she passed a group of people who
you, but you mistook that trust and turned it into something ugly. of seeing men get away with this.” mutual friends what had happened. had arrived at the house for a meeting.
No means no... You could have called anyone that night but The Times and Sunday Times gave Phoebe said that when news of her alle- Years later she met one of them. “He
you purposely tricked me into coming over thinking you could Brand eight days to reply to detailed al- gation reached Brand, he threatened pulled me aside and he said to me, ‘I
manipulate me into whatever you wanted me to do with legations, including information to her with legal action if she told anyone have never forgiven myself for not run-
the other girl. enable him to recall the alleged inci- else about her allegation. ning in that house to save you. I heard
dents. Lawyers for Brand initially said Concerned for her career, she chose you screaming. And I didn’t know what
that they were not in a position to pro- not to take the matter further, but de- to do. And we were all so scared of him.
vide any response to the allegations cided to tell her story after hearing that And I didn’t do anything. And I am
The interviews and shows are full of such deceit and lies I don’t because we had posed a “large litany of The Times was investigating allega- sorry,” she said.
know whether to scream at you or applaud you for being such a questions” and had intentionally cho- tions of abuse. Three sources said that Phoebe had
talented actor cause that’s what you get paid to do, is pretend to be sen to anonymise the names of the “This is just what happened and I’m told them about her allegation. She said
someone you’re not, and you’re putting on one hell of a show. women. They characterised this as de- at peace with it,” Phoebe said. “I’ve been that Brand phoned her to say sorry and
liberate and part of a pre-conceived at peace with it for a very long time but invited her to a comedy show to apolo-
strategy aimed at damaging their client. . . . when I think about having children, gise in person. She did not go.
I’m so sick and tired of hearing you say how spiritual you are, how They said that publication was a “con- having a daughter, had this had hap- “He was a member of Alcoholics
much yoga and meditating you do, and you have no need for porn? certed campaign” and their client be- pened to her, you know, that’s why I’m Anonymous. That’s supposed to be a
..If you lived this authentic life, I wouldn’t be on this roller coaster, lieves that there is a “deeply concerning talking to you.” safe place, a sanctuary. And after that I
thinking about what I did to deserve this. agenda to all this, namely the fact that She said that Brand had been drawn almost drank,” she said. After several
he is an alternative media broadcaster to her immediately when they first met days Phoebe went back to work and it
competing with mainstream media”. at the AA meeting in about 2011, when became apparent that Brand knew of
Pressed to provide a full response, the she had been sober for several years. her allegations. She said that he then
“He has that glazed look in his eye,” said, recounting the attack in Los Angeles same lawyers did not reply. “He pursued me right away,” she said. “cornered” her. “All I remember is
When given further opportunity to “And he sold me a dream, very manipu- [Brand] getting me towards the bath-
name will be dragged through the dirt.” various references that correlate with respond, Brand broadcast a statement lative, very like, ‘You’re the greatest room and turning the water
A write-up of an initial assessment on his life at that time. on his YouTube channel saying “amidst thing, have my babies’ like, all the ridic- on, the faucets, so nobody
July 1 describes how she had gone over Nadia was described as being “trig- this litany of astonishing, rather ulous shit that men say to women to could hear him talk-
to the unnamed assailant’s house gered” by seeing the assailant on TV baroque attacks are some very serious manipulate them.” ing,” she said. “And
earlier that day before he kissed her. and billboards and facing “constant re- allegations that I absolutely refute”. She said that she had a brief [he] was basically like,
The notes state: “After several min- minders of [the] assailant with songs on He said that his relationships had al- sexual relationship with Brand, ‘Sexual assault is a
utes, the assailant said, ‘You know I’m the radio his ex-wife wrote for him”. ways been consensual. He accused the which had ended by the time of the serious allegation and
going to take care of you, that I’m not The notes state that the assailant was mainstream media of a co-ordinated alleged attack. He had if you’re f***ing seri-
going to hurt you, right? Are you ready “doing the closing ceremony at the attack and said that there were wit- also asked her to ous then I need to
for an adventure?’ Olympics” and “unfortunately it came nesses whose evidence directly contra- work with know because you’ll
“Per victim, she learned that the as- on the TV”. At the closing ceremony of dicted the narratives. The Times and him. She said that be hearing from my
sailant was referring to a sexual adven- the London Games on August 12, 2012, Sunday Times asked his lawyer for the a staff member lawyer.’”
ture that included other women. Victim Brand appeared on top of a bus. A week evidence referred to but no answer was who was also with Soon after
reported that she was appalled and re- earlier, he had texted Nadia for the first provided. them at his home Brand moved back
fused to engage in any sexual acts that time since the period after the alleged If you would like to get in touch had gone to run to the UK.
involved other women. attack. “Will you ever forgive me? X?” with the reporting team responsible an errand and, Phoebe did not
“After she refused, the assailant re- the texts show. for this investigation, email without her re- report what had
peated, ‘I’m not going to hurt you’ and During her therapy sessions, Nadia alising it, she happened to her
started kissing [the] victim again. said she was contemplating criminal or was left alone for fear that it
According to [the] victim, he then civil proceedings before ultimately with Brand in would affect her
pushed her up against the wall, separat- deciding against it. But she decided to stories of our times the house and in career. “This was
ed her legs with his leg, moved her write Brand a letter. According to the a room adjoining a before the MeToo
underwear to the side and vaginally medical notes, “she wants him to hear To hear more about the bedroom when he movement. There
penetrated her, ejaculating inside her her and is hoping to regain some of her investigation, and from came in. “I can’t remember if he was no one talk-
once he was finished. Per victim, she power in the process”. was naked or if he was in ing about stuff
attempted to leave his home, but he Nadia says she texted Brand asking two of the women underwear but he ended up like this. I had no
would not allow her to do so as he was for his email address and when he did involved, listen to a naked at some point and he idea.
blocking the door.” not provide it, she says she sent the let- started chasing me,” she said. “I just wanted
The notes from her second session at ter to his house. Her therapy notes from special edition of Stories She went into the adjoining to succeed,” she
the centre state that she “is a woman October 2012 refer to her saying: “I fed- of Our Times wherever bedroom and tried to leave said.
who has prided herself in her independ- exed the letter”. She has shown me the you get your podcasts but the door had been locked.
ence” and “so it has been difficult for computer file she had used to write the “And he grabbed me and Russell Brand is
her to accept that a man she thought letter. She asked: “Do you know what got me on the bed. I was fully said to have
she could trust raped her”. you put me through? My body clothed and he was naked at assaulted a
While Brand is not identified by through? My emotions and body are our-times this point. And he held me young colleague
name in the medical notes, there are turned upside down . . . You scared the down.” She said he was naked at his house
6 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

News Russell Brand investigation

BBC car ‘took

girl from school
to Brand’s home’
Paul Morgan-Bentley
Head of Investigations
Rosamund Urwin
wood’s conduct is due to be published
this year.
Huw Edwards, the BBC’s highest-
after the Sachs scandal. In his memoir
Booky Wook 2, Brand wrote that Doug-
las “was incredibly tolerant of my
Media Editor, The Sunday Times
The BBC is facing urgent questions
paid newsreader, was suspended this
year in a scandal involving a young per-
son. BBC staff were also reported to
behaviour at Radio 2” and had “nur-
tured, nourished and indulged me as
any good woman should”. He wrote
about Russell Brand after allegations
that he used its car service to pick up a
16-year-old girl from her school so that
have had alleged inappropriate contact
with Edwards. An internal inquiry is
under way. Two police forces conclud-
that when his show started his agent
John Noel said that Douglas “said
they’d let me do whatever I want”.
in his own
she could play truant and visit him at
his home.
The woman, who accuses Brand of
ed that Edwards had no criminal case to
Senior entertainment executives and
Brand’s BBC shows were twice sub-
ject to fines from Ofcom, the regulator.
In July 2008 it fined the BBC £17,500 for
grooming and sexually assaulting her political figures have criticised the BBC a serious breach of its code after finding
when she was a teenager, remembers for tolerating Brand’s behaviour and that Brand’s show on BBC 6 Music had
going to and from his home in north failing to stop him earlier. One former faked a competition winner. Brand ex-
London in a chauffeur-driven car paid BBC controller said that what the plained in his book why they were all fe-
for by the corporation. broadcaster allowed Brand to do on air male. “This is because there was an ad-
During their relationship, which “beggars belief”. ditional aspect to the prize which could
started after Brand saw her walking in Dame Caroline Dinenage, the Con- never be explicitly stated due to the
central London, Brand once allegedly servative chairwoman of the Commons BBC’s rigid policy prohibiting the mis- As I escorted Michaela [a
forced his penis down her throat, mak- culture, media and sport committee, use of the disabled lavvy.” lap dancer who slapped him
ing her choke, and she claims she had to said: “Once again in this case we hear of The Radio 2 show was the cause of a
punch him in the stomach to make him media companies’ ‘open secrets’ and £150,000 Ofcom fine linked to the after sex] through the front
stop. He was 30 and a presenter on ‘turning a blind eye’. It’s hard to see how Sachs affair. In Booky Wook 2, Brand door, I felt very strongly
Radio 2 when she says they met. we will be able to ignore this. The com- wrote that in the days after the scandal that I needed to avenge the
Brand denies the allegations and says mittee will be meeting on Tuesday broke “the BBC didn’t contact me, but
that his relationships have all been con- for Lesley, who told me not to worry slap . . . I spat in her face.
sensual. and that we’d be alright.” (My Booky Wook)
The woman, who is being referred to In November 2008 Thompson told
as Alice, said of the BBC car: “The first MPs: “If you look at [his show] and the
time I used it, he told me it was booked management of this show, I don’t think I was allowed to sleep in her
to take him to his radio show but he had you can go back, as it were, through the [a girl called Penny’s] bed top
a friend taking him instead so I should audit trail and say, even of this pro- to toe. I spun gags and yarns
use that car.” She said that the BBC gramme, that it was obvious that it was
driver “took me to my grandma’s house an accident waiting to happen.” till she let me turn round, I
one day from Russell’s house. And then In May 2007 Brand phoned Jimmy painted verbal pictures and
when the car picked me up from school, Savile on air and said: “I’ve got a person- begged until she kissed me, I
it was the same car . . . I knew that that al assistant . . . And part of her job de-
was a BBC car.” scription is that anyone I demand she lied and danced and evoked
The BBC has announced an inquiry greet, meet, massages, she has to do it. the spirit of Pan till
into the findings of the investigation She’s very attractive, Jimmy.” This was reluctantly she removed her
into Brand’s treatment of women by four years before Savile’s death and five
The Times, The Sunday Times and years before details of Savile’s crimes bra, I used tears and
Channel 4’s Dispatches. were exposed. emotional blackmail to secure
A spokesman said the investigation Lesley Douglas was allegedly told of Lorraine Heggessey, who was con- the immolation of her
“contained serious allegations, span- another claim against Russell Brand troller of BBC1 between 2000 until
ning a number of years,” adding: 2005, said it “beggars belief” that the knickers. (My Booky Wook)
“Russell Brand worked on BBC radio morning to determine our approach.” BBC broadcast Brand’s radio interview
programmes between 2006 and 2008 In May 2006 a complaint was made with Savile. She told Dispatches: “Some- By my twenties I would
and we are urgently looking into the by BBC staff about Brand’s 6 Music body should have said it’s not accept-
issues raised.” show, sources said, including a report able to continually have these jokes relish the challenge of
Sources told the reporters that BBC that people were naked in the studio about sex, jokes about women.” chaste maids and the search
staff had warned bosses about Brand’s while it was being live-streamed and A spokesman for the BBC said it had for the correct combination
behaviour at work at least three times. there was “a penis going out on air”. clear expectations and policies around
The allegations included that he had The incident was allegedly reported conduct at work and had taken the of words required to decode
exposed himself to a female employee to Lesley Douglas, the controller of 6 Sachs affair seriously. He added that “in their moral resistance . . .
and had sex with guests on his shows. Music and Radio 2. As a result the addition to acting on the serious edito- The nobstacle course, I call since the spitting debacle,
Complaints about Brand’s treatment show’s producers were asked to “rein it rial breach at the time, the BBC has,
of women were made before the scan- in” but that did not stop the show mov- over successive years, evolved its ap- it. (My Booky Wook) took the phone out of her
dal in 2008 when Brand and his co-pre- ing to a more prestigious slot on Radio proach to how it manages talent and in- hand and threw it at the
senter Jonathan Ross made prank calls 2 six months later. deed how it deals with complaints or I’m the most obsequious wall. (My Booky Wook)
to the actor Andrew Sachs, who played In December 2007 another com- issues raised”.
Manuel in Fawlty Towers, saying that plaint was made to BBC bosses about Lawyers for Douglas said that she creature, utterly enslaved by
Brand had slept with his granddaugh- Brand’s behaviour in the Radio 2 studio. “did not at any time encourage, enable that need [for sex], do What kind of man was I?
ter. It led to more than 42,000 com- This allegedly included an “alarming and/or fail herself to take any adequate whatever it wants, it’s Treating women in this way?
plaints about Brand’s show. display of aggression and disrespect” in steps within her power with regard to
Brand resigned from the BBC but Sir front of production staff and guests, in- the conduct of Russell Brand of which ludicrous, the level of If this is what I’m telling you,
Mark Thompson, who was the direct- cluding a young person who “appeared she was aware”. servitude and mastery over can you imagine what’s being
or-general, told parliament that there to be a minor” and had been sent to visit Lawyers for Brand said that publica- me that it has achieved. left out? (Booky Wook 2)
were no obvious previous warning the BBC by a charity. tion was a “concerted campaign” and
signs. Brand was accused of hurling objects their client believes that there is a (Booky Wook 2)
The findings follow other scandals across the studio “in fits of rage”, expos- “deeply concerning agenda to all this, It took maybe two weeks [of
involving BBC presenters. Last year ing himself and “urinating in a bottle in namely the fact that he is an alternative This girl was a sorry, teaching a language course]
Tim Westwood, the former Radio 1 DJ, full view of everyone”. When news- media broadcaster competing with
was accused of serious sexual miscon- papers reported the allegation that mainstream media”. fair-weather excuse for a before I realised my
duct by women between 1992 and 2017. Brand had urinated in the studio, a BBC Brand said on his YouTube channel prostitute . . . then the classroom was a sexy
Westwood denied the allegations. spokeswoman was quoted as joking that “amidst this litany of astonishing, phone rings again, and I, library from which I could
Police are investigating and there has that “someone has shown him where rather baroque attacks are some very
been no arrest. the toilet is”. serious allegations that I absolutely re- and this is the worst act of borrow lovely women from
An external report into what the BBC Brand’s work at the BBC was over- fute”. He said his relationships had all misogyny I’ve committed all around the world:
knew and did not know about West- seen by Douglas, who also resigned been consensual.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 2GM 7

Russell Brand
with his
memoir. He and
Backers distance
Jonathan Ross,
far left, were
castigated for a
prank call to the
actor Andrew
themselves as
Sachs in which
Brand boasted of
sleeping with his
star carries on
Mario Ledwith, Ali Mitib read in the press,” she said.
Brand will have to carry out the three
Only hours after an investigation remaining dates under a cloud of scru-
revealed allegations of rape and sexual tiny after allegations emerged about
assault against Russell Brand, the mistreatment of women. The comedi-
comedian arrived on stage to rapturous an, who has attracted a new audience as
applause in London. a wellness influencer in recent years, is
Wearing skinny jeans, a black T-shirt due to appear at the Theatre Royal in
and jacket, he emerged an hour later Windsor on Tuesday night, then The
than billed to the 1963 feminist anthem Pavilions in Plymouth on Friday. His
You Don’t Own Me by Lesley Gore. tour finishes at The Halls in Wolver-
Standing on stage at the Wembley hampton on September 28.
Park theatre in west London on Satur- None of the theatres responded to
day night as the world reacted to the questions on Sunday about whether
joint investigation by The Times, The the shows would go ahead in the wake
Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dis- of the accusations, as the Metropolitan
patches, Brand was immediately of- Police said they were seeking informa-
fered reassurance by his fanbase. tion in relation to the alleged actions.
After spotting a woman who was A domestic abuse charity that was
holding a sign saying, “We stand by you due to partner with Brand for his Plym-
Russell. Stay strong. Stay free. We love outh performance said it had stopped
you”, he made his only reference to the working with him. Trevi, based in
claims during the show. Looking at the southwest England, said it was “deeply
crowd, he said: “I really appreciate your saddened and upset” to learn about the
support, I love you. I’ve got a lot of allegations. The charity started work-
things to talk to you about. There are ing with Brand last year through his
obviously some things that I absolutely charity, the Stay Free Foundation.
cannot talk about and I appreciate that Organisations associated with Brand
you will understand.” began to distance themselves from him
The night before, Brand broadcast a as the allegations came to
statement on his YouTube channel say- light. Tavistock Wood, his literary
ing “amidst this litany of astonishing, agency, said it had severed professional
rather baroque attacks are some very ties, while his profile has been removed
serious allegations that I absolutely re- by his publicists at MBC PR.
fute”. He said his relationships had al- Brand is no longer a fixture on the
ways been consensual. He denies any BBC and Channel 4, the broadcasters
wrongdoing or criminality. where he made his name. Instead,
Despite promising to put on a good alongside his live comedy shows and
show, Brand appeared distracted wellness retreats, he publishes videos
throughout the performance on Satur- directly to his millions of followers on
day, part of his Bipolarisation tour. social sites such as Instagram, You-
Following the stuttered perform- Tube, TikTok, Twitter/X and Rumble.
ance, during which Brand checked A new book written by Brand called
written notes, fans expressed their Recovery: the Workbook is due to be
support. Daniel Gregory, a spectator, published by Pan Macmillan this De-
said: “He was a bit dishevelled because cember, described as a “practical guide-
of the accusations against him. I think book to help you move from uncon-
he did well to come on the stage.” scious doing to conscious being”. The
Marina, an officer worker, said she publisher did not respond on Sunday
was unaware of the allegations against when asked about the accusations.
Brand. ”I haven’t seen the investigation
but I’m not one to believe everything I

Fewer rapes are reported

amid lack of faith in police
Tom Witherow courage to stand up to powerful people”
in some case his teams worked on.
Italian, Brazilian, Japanese; Lesley Douglas [the former The line between good and The boost in women reporting sexual The cases of Wayne Couzens, who
assault and rapes has “faded away”, the used his police credentials in the
I brought back these two BBC radio controller] was evil runs not through states, former victims’ commissioner has said, murder of Sarah Everard, and David
Polish women once and [a incredibly tolerant of my nor between classes, nor as experts in prosecuting sexual crimes Carrick, a former Metropolitan Police
friend] said, ‘They look like behaviour at Radio 2. If you between political parties warned that trust in police and the constable convicted of 85 rapes and se-
criminal justice system had sunk to a rious assaults, further damaged trust.
them girls in Schindler’s listen to old 6 Music either, but through every new low among women. It can also take two to three years, or
List that put blood on their podcasts, you will notice human heart. (My Booky Dame Vera Baird, the former victims’ more, from a complainant making a
cheeks to avoid being that all the competition Wook, quoting Aleksandr commissioner who campaigned for a report to the start of a trial, while
series of changes to improve the experi- victims are forced to hand over
executed.’ I liked them. winners that came into the Solzhenitsyn in his The Gulag ence of complainants in the criminal personal information and data to
(My Booky Wook) studio while we broadcast Archipelago) justice system, said: “You’d hope police. Recent changes have restricted
as a prize were female. This MeToo would have made women feel the amount of data police can
more confident in coming forward but download from mobile phones but
I estimate that 80 per cent of is because there was an that’s all faded away.” therapy records are still required and
women are up for threesomes additional aspect to the The Crime Survey for England and can be used by the defence to
if you handle the negotiation prize which could never be Wales published by the Office for undermine a complainant’s evidence.
National Statistics found that only 16 Women’s charities pointed to a cul-
carefully. (Booky Wook 2) explicitly stated due to the per cent of alleged victims report their ture of “victim blaming” based on
BBC’s rigid policy assault to the police. “myths and stereotypes”. Deniz Ugur,
prohibiting the misuse of Nazir Afzal, the former chief prose- deputy director of the End Violence
cutor for northwest England who Against Women coalition, said: “The
the disabled lavvy. brought Asian rape gangs in northern fear of not being believed . . . contrib-
(Booky Wook 2) towns and cities to justice, said it had ute[s] to women not feeling able to re-
taken victims 30 years “to get the port rape and sexual violence.”
8 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Booster jab bookings begin as Quintagram® No 1736

Solve all five concise clues using
each letter underneath once only
1 Freshly bought (3)

Pirola variant of Covid spreads ---

2 --- Shelley, Frankenstein author (4)

Kat Lay Health Editor variant, also known as Pirola, caused an pregnant women and people with an against flu and Covid-19, and I strongly 3 Cooking liquid (5)
outbreak in a Norfolk care home this underlying health condition that makes encourage all eligible people to come
Millions of people in England can begin month. Government scientists are them more vulnerable to the virus. forward for their lifesaving winter -----
booking coronavirus booster jabs from studying it to understand whether it is Many will also be offered flu vaccina- vaccines as soon as they can. The new 4 Pearly Gates custodian (5,5)
today as the NHS steps up its winter
vaccination programme.
more likely than other types of the virus
to evade immunity or cause severe
tion at the same time. More than 30
million people are eligible to receive a
Covid variant presents a new risk, but
NHS staff are rising to the challenge ----------
The scheme is beginning sooner than disease. flu vaccine and over 20 million are able once more to do all they can to protect 5 Location on an itinerary (4,2,4)
planned in response to an emerging NHS bosses said adults in eligible to get a Covid jab. the public.”
coronavirus variant, BA.2.86, which groups could book their Covid-19 vacci- Steve Russell, the NHS director for Officials had initially planned for the ----------
has a high number of mutations and nations via the NHS website or app, or vaccinations and screening, said: flu and Covid winter vaccination pro- A A A C C E E E
appears to be circulating in the UK. The by calling 119. They include all over-65s, “Vaccines are our best protection gramme to begin in October. However,
they said the risk from the new variant F I K L L M N N
meant they would aim to have offered O O O P P R R R
vaccination to everyone eligible by the
end of that month. Vaccination of care S S T T T T W Y
home residents and people who are Solutions MindGames in Times2
housebound began last week. Cryptic clues every day online
Dr Mary Ramsay, head of immunisa-

Tenor’s charity bequest

Am I eligible for a Covid jab?
After surviving two brain tumours
the tenor Russell Watson has left
a song in his will to be released
when he dies in aid of Worldwide
Cancer Research. He hopes the
Yes, if you are over 65 or are in a single, a medley of his most
group that is at clinical risk. popular songs, will help fund a
Frontline health workers and carers cure and make people more
will also be vaccinated, as will care comfortable with planning for
home residents. Those who live with their death. “Often when we are
people whose immune systems do writing wills we think about those
not function properly are eligible. closest to us. But a will, much like
What about flu vaccination? a piece of music, has the power to
There is an overlap between those touch the lives of so many more,”
eligible for Covid and flu jabs. he said. Watson, 56, had tumours
However, the flu programme also diagnosed in 2006 and 2007.
includes children aged two and
three, all children in primary schools CPR ‘touching’ fear
and students in years seven to 11.
Why the need for vaccinations? Women are less likely than men
Flu and Covid are both expected to to be given CPR if they collapse
be in wide circulation this winter. from a cardiac arrest in public, as
Can I get vaccinated privately? bystanders may be worried about
The flu vaccine is available privately “non-consensual touching”,
and in high street pharmacies. Covid Canadian researchers will tell the
vaccines are not available privately. European Emergency Medicine
How do I book my jabs? Congress in Barcelona. A study of
The NHS will contact those eligible. 39,391 cardiac arrest events
You can then go online and use the outside hospitals in the United
National Booking Service. If you are States and Canada from 2005 to
unable to get online you can call the 2015 also suggested that the older
telephone booking service on 119. the patient is, the less likely they
are to be given CPR by strangers.

tion at the UK Health Security Agency, Rain cheers cider firms

said: “We are already seeing a slow rise
in cases of Covid-19, as well as increases It may have been a dismal
in hospitalisations, particularly among summer but the unseasonal
the over-75s. Older people and those in downpours and a warm spring
clinical risk groups remain at higher have made for a bumper apple
risk of severe illness so it’s important all crop, according to cider
those eligible come forward when growers. The sun and rain
offered and get protected against flu provided “just the right balance of
and Covid.” acidity and sweetness” to press
The NHS will send out letters while for cider, said Thatchers Cider.
GP practices and local services such as Staff at its Myrtle Farm base in
pharmacies will also be contacting Sandford, Somerset, will spend
people to offer jabs. the next few months harvesting,
Maria Caulfield, the health minister, with Katy apples the first fruits
said: “As we enter the autumn months, arriving at the mill.
it’s vital that the most vulnerable
groups receive flu and Covid vaccines
to strengthen their immunity and re-
duce pressure on the NHS.
“We’re investing an additional
£200 million in the NHS to support it Breakfast:
during its busiest period. We can all do
our bit to help ease pressures, so I 6am to 10am
encourage anyone eligible to get their Our free radio station has all the
vaccines booked as soon as they are latest headlines, interviews and
called, to ensure we all head into winter debates every morning.
with the best protection.”
The campaign to vaccinate children Listen for
aged two to 17 against flu has also free, seven
begun, and parents are being urged to days a week
complete consent forms for the nasal On DAB, app,
spray vaccine as soon as possible. Those website and
vaccines are typically given at school. smart
Invitations to parents of children aged speaker
two and three, usually vaccinated at GP
surgeries, are being sent out today.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 9


Times passed To mark its 150th anniversary Hawick Rugby Club re-enacted its first game, on a cricket pitch against Langholm. Bill McLaren, the late commentator, played for the club in the Scottish Borders

Bring in Martha’s Rule quickly, Downpours

cause floods
urges coroner after strep A death in southwest
Kat Lay Health Editor Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow, though Riya’s tonsils were inflamed he George Sandeman
northwest London. She complained of did not believe them to be “severely
A coroner has urged the government to neck pains and was struggling to speak. inflamed”, one of five key criteria to Homes were flooded and forecasters
swiftly bring in “Martha’s Rule” after a She was initially asked to stay for obser- diagnose strep A. The inquest heard warned of a threat to life as heavy rain
nine-year-old girl sent home from vation due to a high heart rate. that Riya had two other indicative fell in southwest England yesterday.
hospital with suspected tonsilitis died However, Dr Mahmud Benoune sent symptoms: a fever and symptoms Devon suffered the heaviest down-
from the bacterial infection strep A. her home shortly afterwards, diagnos- persisting for more than 24 hours. fall, with 87mm — the monthly average
Riya Hirani suffered a cardiac arrest ing tonsillitis. He advised Riya’s mother Geeta Hirani, Riya’s mother, told the for the county — recorded in 24 hours.
the day after she was sent home but to give her paracetamol or ibuprofen as doctor she had emphasised to him that Flights were cancelled at Exeter airport
would have survived had she been required and to return if her symptoms Riya was struggling to speak, another due to flooding.
given the antibiotics her family had worsened. Riya’s condition deteriorat- potential sign of strep A. Riya’s father, The heaviest downfall was reported
asked for, the coroner ruled. ed the next day and as her parents were Mukesh Hirani, said: “Numerous times at Harberton, near Totnes, where
The proposed rule would give fami- preparing to take her back to hospital, we asked about antibiotics. You sent her houses were flooded. Betty Baldwin, 95,
lies and patients the explicit right to a she collapsed and her heart stopped. Riya Hirani died after she was denied home with no medication.” told the BBC she was trapped upstairs
second opinion if they felt their con- Paramedics revived her but she died the antibiotics her parents asked for Hassell told the inquest she would when water and mud swept into her
cerns were not being taken seriously. five days later at Great Ormond Street write two prevention of future death re- home. Jonathan Bean, who lives near
The government and the Labour Party Hospital in central London. she was showing signs and symptoms of ports: one to Northwick Park and by, came to her rescue at 2.50am. He
have committed to introducing it. The Mary Hassell, the senior coroner for a bacterial infection and should have another to Steve Barclay, the health had to climb in through the kitchen
rule is named after Martha Mills, who inner north London, concluded that been . . . admitted and treated with anti- secretary, advising him to push ahead window because the water was more
died two years ago, aged 13, after con- Riya would have survived had she been biotics. I am satisfied that, on the bal- with Martha’s Rule. than two feet deep.
tracting sepsis at King’s College Hospi- given antibiotics when she was first ance of probabilities, if Riya had been Martha’s parents, Merope Mills, a Somerset also suffered a deluge, with
tal in south London. seen in December last year. appropriately treated she would have senior journalist at The Guardian, and 79.1mm of rain recorded at Bird’s Hill,
Riya, who was described as “strong, Hassell said: “Riya died from a Group survived.” Paul Laity, an editor at the London about 12 miles northwest of Taunton.
healthy and active” by her family, fell ill A streptococcus infection. I am satis- Benoune, who has since left North- Review of Books, launched a campaign The monthly average for the county is
in December last year and was seen at fied that at the point she was brought in, wick Park, told the inquest that al- calling for the rule this month. 70mm. A yellow warning for thunder-
storms was issued for the southeast.
Winds are expected to reach gale

Stabbed teenager was kind and funny, say friends force, about 40mph, tomorrow when
the remnants of Hurricane Lee reach
the west coast.
Ellie Glaisyer, a Met Office forecast-
Tom Witherow arrested on suspicion of murder. The Twitter/X that Nathaniel had died “due She added: “He always made us laugh er, said that by the time Lee reached the
force released a statement with a to a senseless altercation which led to a and he was also kind.” A neighbour said: UK it would be “an ex-tropical storm”.
Flowers left for a stab victim paid trib- picture of Nathaniel wearing an air stabbing”. “He was a nice lad, never any bother. He She added: “It is expected to bring
ute to the 14-year-old boy who “knew cadet uniform in which he was de- A resident of the inner-city suburb was always friendly.” heavy rain and winds gusts [of] 30 to
how to put a smile on . . . anyone’s face”. scribed as “polite” and “the most loving told the BBC of a brawl “with kids fight- Detective Superintendent Phil Key 40mph and possibly 50mph. The
Nathaniel Shani was killed after a person”. ing with each other”. The person added: said he wanted to share his deepest con- strongest winds are likely to be on
“senseless altercation” in Harpurhey, The statement added: “He would “One kid was screaming: ‘Call an ambu- dolences with the family and that the coasts. The western side of the UK will
northeast Manchester, on Friday. always put other people first without a lance!’ There was blood on the corner.” force would support them “throughout receive the heaviest rainfall.”
Police and paramedics raced to the thought. He was an amazing brother Locals said the square was a trouble this extremely troubling period”. The Environment Agency warned of
scene before Nathaniel was taken to and son to his parents and siblings.” spot because children would hang A GoFundMe fund page set up for flooding. The Met Office said the rest of
hospital but he could not be saved. Dozens of tributes, bunches of flow- around there after school. Nathaniel’s family had raised more the UK would have unsettled con-
Greater Manchester police said that ers and pictures were left at the scene in Alice Ungureanu, 14, a school friend, than £2,000 last night, a third more ditions during the first half of the week,
two boys aged 13 and 14 had been Harpurhey. A family friend posted on said Nathaniel was the “class clown”. than its target. with strong winds and rain.
10 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

News Politics

Doctors blame Sunak’s ego for

Kat Lay Health Editor demoralising for staff and damaging for
the NHS.” Sir Keir Starmer met
Doctors are threatening to continue It meant staff were unable to focus on Justin Trudeau, the
strikes throughout the rest of this par- reducing record waiting lists and pre- Canadian prime
liament as almost all non-emergency paring for winter, she said. Trusts had minister, at the
hospital care is halted by “unprece- been forced “to reschedule care for Global Progress
dented” industrial action this week. more seriously ill patients who previ- Action Summit in
Junior doctors and consultants will ously may have been protected from Montreal yesterday.
strike together for the first time on strike disruption”, and that one was Tony Blair was also
Wednesday, and thousands of appoint- “planning to deploy volunteers who are among the delegates
ments and operations will be cancelled. invaluable in supporting patients with
NHS leaders say that disruption to meals and drinks as well as providing
services this week will be unprece- company into the emergency depart-
dented, and volunteers will be drafted ment during strikes”.
in to A&E to help patients. Senior doctors were increasingly un-
Leaders of the junior doctors’ union willing to cover junior doctor strikes,
said they would strike until there was a she said. “This could put already
new government and blamed Rishi Junior doctors and consultants will stretched NHS budgets under extra
Sunak’s ego for the deadlock. strike together for the first time strain as trusts face losing even more
Hospital consultants in England will income as well as the prospect of paying
strike tomorrow and Wednesday, and prospect of strikes being called through even more to incentivise senior doctors
junior doctors will strike on Wednes- a general election campaign, suggest- to cover for striking colleagues.”
day, Thursday and Friday. ing that it could take a new government She urged the government and
It is the first time that action has to reach a deal. unions “to sit down and talk so that
overlapped, but there are plans for In Scotland the BMA and govern- everyone’s focus can get back to the real
three days of twin strikes next month. ment have agreed a deal comprising a priority: providing safe, high-quality,
Saffron Cordery, deputy head of 12.5 per cent pay increase for junior and timely care for patients”.
NHS Providers, said there was “a deep doctors in 2023-24 and a promise of The doctors say they do not believe
and growing frustration among trust annual pay negotiations for the next ministers when they say the pay deal is
leaders at the sheer lack of action to three financial years. final. Trivedi said: “There are these
even start to break this deadlock” and Laurenson said that a similar deal point blank refusals to discuss pay now,
urged both sides “to sit down and talk”. would not work in England, because which we know are simply not true.
Dr Rob Laurenson and Dr Vivek “the lifespan of the government in Rishi Sunak said many things in the
Trivedi, who chair the British Medical Westminster can only be slightly more past and then U-turns one day, two
Association’s junior doctors’ commit- than one year”, meaning it could not days, three days later. The only people
tee, said that they held Sunak responsi- commit itself to annual renegotiation. that suffer as a result of those kind of
ble for strikes and accused him of wast- Asked whether that meant there was brash comments are the public.”
ing more than £1 billion — the estimat- a risk they would need to carry on He said there needed to be a negoti-
ed cost of strike cover — by failing to strikes until there was a new govern- ated end to the strikes, warning that if
negotiate “in good faith from the start”. ment, Trivedi said: “If we need to.” the government hoped to win by
Trivedi said: “It’s terrible for patients Sir Stephen Powis, NHS England’s “breaking the resolve of doctors” that
to have their clinic appointments or sur- medical director, said: “This week’s first would do nothing to stem rising waiting
geries or any other elective activity can- ever joint action means almost all lists and poor care in hospitals.
celled . . . It’s only happening because Mr planned care will come to a stop, and A Department of Health and Social
Sunak is feeding into his ego.” hundreds of thousands of appoint- Care spokeswoman said: “We’ve
The government has set out a pay rise ments will be postponed, which is in- already seen 900,000 appointments
worth an average of 8.8 per cent for credibly difficult for patients and their cancelled as a result of strikes and the
junior doctors and 6 per cent for con- families, and poses an enormous chal- co-ordinated action next week will
sultants, and insisted there will be no lenge for colleagues across the NHS.” create further disruption for patients
further talks on pay. The BMA wants He said people should use 999 and and fellow NHS staff. We accepted the
“full pay restoration” to 2008 levels, A&E as normal “in a life-threatening independent pay review body’s recom-
which it calculates would require a situation” but that for everything else mendations in full, meaning doctors
35 per cent pay rise for juniors. they should use 111 online or seek help who started their hospital training this
There was a “massive deficit in trust” from GPs and pharmacies. He added: year are receiving a 10.3 per cent pay in-
between ministers and doctors after the “Patients who have an appointment crease, with the average junior doctor
collapse of negotiations, and the impo- and who haven’t been contacted should getting 8.8 per cent. Consultants are re-
sition of a contract after an industrial attend as normal.” ceiving a 6 per cent pay rise . . . This pay
dispute in 2016, Laurenson said. “The Cordery said the action “is likely to award is final and the health and social
government has dug themselves a hole, cause disruption to patient care unlike care secretary is clear his door is open
and they have thrown away all of their anything we’ve seen before”. She said: to discuss non-pay issues if the BMA
trust. They need to come up with con- “The continuing dispute and the ab- call an end to this disruption.”
crete proposals.” sence of meaningful dialogue between
The two doctors’ leaders raised the the two sides is worrying for patients,

Voters want bigger pensions — not lower taxes I’m closest to

George Grylls Hunt is reportedly considering a
temporary suspension of the triple lock, Taxing decisions
Truss tried to do the same last year but
abandoned her plans because of
Obama, says
Voters do not want Jeremy Hunt to cut
taxes in his autumn statement but most
which ensures pensions rise by the
highest of inflation, wage growth or 2.5 Q At the present time, would the
Government cutting taxes be ...
resistance from within the party.
In total 48 per cent of people thought
Labour leader
believe that pensions should rise by per cent. benefits should rise at the same rate as
8.5 per cent, a poll suggests. Pensioners would receive an 8.5 per The right thing 32% inflation and 13 per cent thought the George Grylls
To the dismay of some Tory MPs, the cent increase next year under the triple The wrong thing 41% increases should exceed it, the YouGov
chancellor said last week that tax cuts lock after this year’s 10.1 per cent rise. poll found. Sir Keir Starmer says the US president
were “unlikely” because of persistent The poll found that 46 per cent of Don’t know 27% No 10 has been holding talks about he has spoken to “most frequently” is
inflation. He said taxes were more like- people believed Hunt should keep the scrapping inheritance tax as part of an Barack Obama as he continues his
ly to rise than fall until better growth triple lock this year and give pensioners Q Should the state pension be ... offer to voters before the election next diplomatic tour meeting past and
could be delivered in the economy. an increase that matches inflation. Increased by year, The Times reported this summer. present leaders.
A YouGov poll for The Times Another 21 per cent thought pensions more than 8.5% 21% Abolishing the tax would cost about Tomorrow the Labour leader will
suggests that his unwillingness to cut should rise by more than 8.5 per cent. £7 billion, much cheaper than cutting meet President Macron in Paris, having
Increased by 8.5% 46%
taxes is supported by the public and As Britain ages, the annual cost of income tax, and would form part of an spent the weekend in Montreal at a
even more so among Tory voters. pensions will be £135 billion by 2025, Increased by offer to voters in blue wall seats. conference for left-wingers hosted by
Source: YouGov/The Times.

less than 8.5%

Sample: 2,049 adults on

The poll found that 41 per cent of more than is spent on education, police But Hunt has played down the like- Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime
voters believed cutting taxes would be and defence combined. Kept at their lihood of any imminent tax cuts in the minister. Delegates included the
the wrong thing to do and 32 per cent William Hague, the former Tory current level 4% autumn statement on November 22. former prime ministers Jacinda Ardern,
Sept 13 to 14

thought it would be right. The rest were leader who is now a Times columnist, is Asked whether he had more head- of New Zealand, and Sanna Marin, of
None of these 2%
uncertain. among those who have called for the room for tax cuts than earlier this year Finland, who now works for the Tony
Among Conservative voters 48 per triple lock to be scrapped, and Labour Don’t know 15% by Bloomberg TV last week, Hunt said: Blair Institute. Blair was also there.
cent thought it would be wrong to cut has refused to give an undertaking to “I think it’s unlikely because since the Starmer is still awaiting an invitation
taxes, and 32 per cent that it would be keep it if it wins the next election. earlier this year, a record low margin. spring budget, when the last numbers from President Biden. In an interview
right. However, the poll also suggested Hunt has little room to make spend- He is considering whether to keep were published, we’ve seen inflation with Politico, Starmer said that he and
that most voters want pensions to ing commitments after the Office for benefit increases below the rate of stickier than was forecast at the time David Lammy, the shadow foreign
increase by at least 8.5 per cent and Budget Responsibility found his plans inflation, a decision that would be and that means that interest payments secretary, held two hours of talks with
benefits to rise in line with inflation. met his fiscal rules by just £6.5 billion controversial among Tory MPs. Liz are higher.” Obama in 2021.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 2GM 11


striking until government ends

Truss to defend her
time with swipe at
‘dinner party’ critics
George Grylls Political Correspondent on market day; I tried to rear the pig and
slaughter it as well. I confess to that,”
Liz Truss is due to give an impassioned she is expected to say.
defence of her economic legacy today, But she will defend her policies and
marking the forthcoming anniversary blame their failure on external factors.
of her mini-budget and rebuking critics She will accuse the Office for Budget
on “the London dinner party circuit”. Responsibility, the government’s inde-
The former prime minister will urge pendent forecaster, of leaking parts of
Rishi Sunak to cut corporation tax, her plans and attack the Bank of Eng-
abolish the windfall tax on oil and gas land for not raising interest rates soon-
companies, raise the retirement age er or regulating pension funds, a num-
and delay the 2030 ban on the sale of ber of which were hours from collapse
new petrol and diesel cars. after the mini-budget.
Claiming that her ideas would deliver Truss will castigate Tory MPs who
annual growth of 3 per cent, Truss will did not support her plans to increase
criticise the prime minister for failing to benefits in line with price rather than
reform childcare and planning since wage increases, something that would
coming into No 10. “I believe that the have saved taxpayers £35.5 billion over
reason for the problems we have is the two years. “The anti-growth coalition is
25 years of economic consensus that now a powerful force comprising the
have led us to this period of stagnation,” economic and political elite, corporat-
she is expected to say. “I believe it is vital ists, parts of the media and even a
that we understand that and shatter section of the Conservative parlia-
that economic consensus if we are to mentary party. The policies I advocate
avoid worse problems.” simply aren’t fashionable on the
Last September 23, Truss and her London dinner party circuit,” she is due
chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, presented to say.
the “growth plan” to MPs. The aim was While Truss’s rhetorical attacks on
shock therapy to the economy with tax her critics will be strong, they will not
cuts and supply-side reform. match the obscenities she allegedly
Announced shortly before the Con- used when preparing for her party con-
servative Party conference, her plan ference speech last year.
included scrapping the 45p top rate of She accused BBC journalists of not
income tax, cancelling a planned rise in understanding “who’s paying their
corporation tax from 19 to 25 per cent, f***ing wages”, according to The Right
reversing increases in national insur- to Rule, a new book by Ben Riley-Smith,
ance and freezing energy bills for up to political editor of The Daily Telegraph.
two years at an estimated cost of “It’s plumbers in Dartford that are pay-
£100 billion. It led to turbulence in the ing their wages,” Truss is said to have
markets, Kwarteng’s resignation and told aides as she practised her speech.
Truss’s demise as prime minister after “You know, the ceramics workers in
six and a half weeks. Stoke-on-Trent, the bridge-builders.
Reflecting in a speech to the Institute These are the people paying their
for Government think tank, Truss will wages . . . The IMF, Labour, the Trea-
acknowledge that she was overly ambi- sury officials, the BBC. Have they ever
tious in trying to implement all her poli- seen a tax rise they don’t like?”
cies at once. “Some people said we were A spokesman said of her language:
in too much of a rush. And it is certainly “Liz makes no apology for being pass-
true that I didn’t just try to fatten the pig ionate in defending British workers.”

Starmer would seek new EU trade deal Backbencher casts doubt

George Grylls Political Correspondent dence that Labour can re-engage with a
debate it has largely avoided during the
borders.” Clarifying his position,
Starmer said Labour would not sign up
on plan urging votes at 16
Sir Keir Starmer has promised a much first years of his leadership. to the quotas agreement, despite previ-
closer trading relationship with the EU Under Starmer’s plans to reduce the ously accepting that there may need to George Grylls would be given the vote, it widens to 43
as he dismissed Tory claims that his number of small boats crossing the be a “quid pro quo” with the EU. points. In total, 57 per cent of those aged
party would sign up to a migrant quota Channel, people smugglers would be “Let me be absolutely crystal clear Labour has insisted that lowering the 18-24 said they would vote Labour at
scheme with the bloc. treated like terrorists, meaning serious about this, because the government has voting age to 16 is the right thing to do the election compared with 14 per cent
The Labour leader said he owed it to crime prevention orders could be used been pumping out complete garbage despite criticism from a long-serving for the Conservatives.
his children to renegotiate the Brexit to restrict their movements and freeze this week in terms of the numbers that backbencher. In Wales and Scotland, voters aged 16
trade deal a week after announcing their assets before they had been con- they are suggesting,” Starmer told Sky About 1.5 million people under 18 and 17 can take part in local and
plans for more co-operation with the victed. A Labour government would News. “There is obviously an EU quota would be able to vote in general national polls. In Scotland the franchise
EU to tackle small boat crossings. also abandon the “gimmick” policy of system for EU members. Well, it’s elections under plans agreed in the was extended in 2015 and in Wales in
“Almost everyone recognises the sending migrants to Rwanda, try to obvious we are not an EU member. This final draft of Labour’s national policy 2019. A study by academics at Sheffield
deal [Boris] Johnson struck is not a speed up asylum applications in Britain is why what the government’s saying, forum. It would be the largest change to and Edinburgh universities found that
good deal — it’s far too thin,” he told the and look to strike a deal with the EU on it’s been complete garbage.” the electorate since 1969, when the lowering the voting age in Scotland had
Financial Times. “We have to make it data and intelligence sharing. Negotiations between EU members voting age was reduced from 21 to 18. resulted in young people being more
work. That’s not a question of going Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman, on a returns agreement based on a The move is likely to benefit Labour likely to turn out as they grew older.
back in. But I refuse to accept that we the home secretary, have ridiculed minimum annual quota of 30,000 given that younger voters dispropor- Graham Stringer, the Labour MP for
can’t make it work. I say that as a dad. Starmer’s calls to restart negotiations migrants, or paying €20,000 for each tionately support the party. Labour has Blackley & Broughton, said he opposed
I’ve got a 15-year-old boy and a 12-year- with the EU and said the plans would person they do not accept, have broken long promised to expand the franchise the move. “We have to draw the line
old girl. I’m not going to let them grow turn the UK into a “dumping ground” down amid opposition from countries to those aged 16 and 17 and Jeremy Cor- somewhere on the voting age, and I
up in a world where all I’ve got to say for 100,000 migrants. in eastern and central Europe. byn included the plans in his general simply believe most youngsters at 16
about their future is, ‘It’s going to be Robert Jenrick, the immigration Starmer will instead try for a bespoke election manifesto in 2019. are not mature enough to exercise that
worse than it might have been’ .” minister, said the plans had already deal on returning migrants. EU diplo- Among the wider electorate Labour right,” he told The Mail on Sunday.
It has long been Labour policy to fallen apart. “Labour won’t take the mats poured scorn on the idea, with one has a 21-point lead over the Conserva- “Were the Labour leader to put this
renegotiate the Brexit deal but Starm- tough but necessary action to stop the saying such hopes were “delusional”. tives, a YouGov poll for the Times has forward, it would smack of self-interest
er’s renewed willingness to discuss the boats. Sir Keir doesn’t have the stomach found. But among voters aged 18-24, [as] young people are more likely to
relationship shows increasing confi- for this fight. His instinct is for open the closest age bracket to those who vote Labour or Liberal Democrat.”
12 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Former spy chief in plea to

tighten election loopholes
Fiona Hamilton Chief Reporter mentary researcher, had been arrested requirements to identify the “true
on suspicion of spying for Beijing. Cash, source” of political donations and
Parliament is at risk of being targeted 28, has denied all the allegations. “reduce the potential for foreign money
by China and Russia because of the The Times also revealed that MI5 to influence UK elections”. The stan-
government’s failure to close loopholes advised the Tory party in 2021 to dards committee said that donations
in laws covering election donations, the remove two people from its prospective should only be made from profits gen-
former head of MI5 has warned. candidates list because of ties to China, erated in the UK and recommended
Lord Evans of Weardale said the UK while a government report said Beijing tighter rules on unincorporated asso-
was vulnerable to interference because was targeting civil servants and mili- ciations which were a “weak point” in
arrangements had not been tightened. tary personnel with lucrative job offers the regime.
Now chairman of the Committee on as part of a “prolific” spying campaign. The government has insisted, how-
Standards in Public Life, Evans said Evans, who ran the security service ever, that the rules are strong enough
calls for reform had been met with from 2007 to 2013, said: “It is clear that despite ongoing concerns about money
“very strong resistance”, adding: “I there is at least concern that a number from donors with links to Russia.
think we should have an electoral of foreign states — certainly Russia and In May, Evans supported a Lords
finance system that is difficult for a China — might be trying to improperly amendment to the National Security
hostile state to misuse. There is a prob- influence democratic processes. We Bill, which has since replaced the Offi-
lem here. Other countries have experi- need to take action [and] one of the cial Secrets Act, that would have
enced it. Now is a good opportunity for ways we should be doing that is tighten- required political parties to carry out
us to tighten any loopholes.” ing election finance arrangements.” due diligence on the true source of
His intervention came after the reve- In a report on election finance in donations. The change was defeated by
lation that Chris Cash, a Tory parlia- 2021, Evans recommended tightening the government.

Cleverly: I don’t regret China visit

George Grylls Political Correspondent espionage for Beijing. Cash has denied important that you maintain those
all the allegations. Cleverly refused to face-to-face communications,” he said.
James Cleverly has admitted the UK’s say whether he knew about the arrest “China is a country with which we
relationship with China is “challeng- or raised it with his Chinese have to engage. It’s important we
ing” but said he does not regret going to counterparts during the talks. engage for a load of areas, to avoid
Beijing earlier this month. He told Sky News he had no regrets miscalculations and errors, to make
The foreign secretary defended about his meetings. “When there is a sure that messages, particularly the
holding diplomatic talks with China difficult relationship — and this is a most difficult messages, are communi-
Closing statement Meghan and Harry made an appearance at the closing following the arrest of Chris Cash, 28, challenging and difficult relationship cated straight to the heart of those
ceremony of the Invictus Games in Düsseldorf, Germany, at the weekend the parliamentary worker accused of — it is more important rather than less respective governments.”
the times | Monday September 18 2023 2GM 13


Charities cleared to enter policy fray

Nadeem Badshah other ministers of being “liars”. The saying Calais refugee charities were to criticism by right-wing politicians “Marxist” for publishing a report high-
charity later apologised. “just as bad as people smugglers”. experienced a rise in public support as a lighting the slave-trade links of some of
Charities can campaign on issues that Fraser told The Guardian: “I will Fraser, who was appointed to the role result. In the survey, 78 per cent of its historical properties.
cover “sensitive or politically divisive robustly defend charities’ right to in April 2022, said: “I would discourage campaigners said they felt that The race equality think tank the
ground”, the Charity Commission has campaign lawfully, even where such people outside the sector from attack- politicians were hostile to civil society Runnymede Trust was accused of
said. campaigning covers sensitive or ing charities for being too ‘woke’ campaigning, up from 63 per cent the having a “political agenda” and the
The commission, which regulates the politically divisive ground.” because it has no meaning for us in previous year. children’s charity Barnardo’s of pro-
voluntary sector, is to issue guidance He added the RSPB incident was an regulatory terms.” A majority felt that attacks by politi- moting “ideological dogma”. All three
this week stating that charities are example of what the commission would The new guidance also advises chari- cians and the media posed a threat to were investigated by the Charity Com-
entitled to campaign robustly on social like charities to guard against when ties to act “reasonably and responsibly” charities’ right to speak out and cam- mission after a backbench group of
media providing that they have the using social media. online, to conduct themselves with “re- paign, according to the Sheila McKech- Conservative MPs complained that
support of their trustee boards, keep The sector has faced mounting spect and tolerance” and adopt clear nie Foundation survey. they had breached charity laws. In each
within the law, and act with “respect criticism of late from politicians over social media policies for staff and vol- However, charities that campaigned case they were cleared.
and tolerance”. issues such as race, immigration and unteers to follow. on issues including race, immigration One survey respondent wrote: “The
Orlando Fraser, the chairman of the the climate crisis. Fraser added: “I believe that charities and the environment also found that attacks have made us invest a lot of time
body, called it “supportive guidance” Last month Suella Braverman, the have an opportunity, and a responsibili- the attacks resulted in public support in getting our engagement right. We
that clarified the law. The move comes home secretary, called some refugee ty, to lead the way by modelling a better for social activism. A third of charities felt like we were on a tightrope and
after the controversy over a post on charities “politically motivated activists kind of public discourse than the ag- said they were now “more likely to some powerful people were willing us
Twitter/X by the Royal Society for the masquerading as humanitarians”. gression we sadly see in party politics.” speak out”. to fall. However, the strategic review
Protection of Birds (RSPB) last month Lee Anderson, the Tory party deputy Research last year found that Examples of criticism included the that resulted probably made us more
that accused the prime minister and chair, was condemned in February for charities labelled “woke” and subjected National Trust being described as focused and stronger.”

to the

former pastry
chef turned
collector who
turned his
flat into a museum is
now auctioning off the
entire contents (Claudia
Joseph writes).
Over decades of
collecting, Peter Hone
— also a master plaster
caster — has filled his
home in Notting Hill,
west London, with
hundreds of sculptures,
architectural fragments
and even a royal
Instead of moving the
343 items on sale to
Lay’s Auctioneers in
Penzance, Cornwall,
Hone is holding private
viewings at his home.
The auction includes a
bust of George I,
attributed to John van
Nost, which is estimated the 1972 Cannes Film Hone, who grew up in Stones, among service made for
to raise up to £8,000, Festival and an umbrella an orphanage, trained as others. Hone HRH Augustus
and a plaster bust of the that belonged to Queen a pastry chef before auctioned some of Frederick Duke of
young Queen Victoria Victoria’s son Prince working for British his collection at Cambridge, which is
by the 19th-century Arthur, Duke of Railways. His interest in Christie’s seven years now in this sale,” he
sculptor John Gibson, Connaught. antiques began when he ago, making £1.2 said. The auction will
expected to fetch £2,500 “I’m selling some of rented a shop on million. It took two take place at Lay’s on
to £3,500. my favourite things, like Camden Passage in cranes a total of five October 12. Viewings
Other highlights in the lead bust of George Islington, north London, days to remove the 143 will be held at Hone’s
the auction include an I, which is very rare, and selling antique four- artefacts. “The only The home of Peter Hone, above, flat and can be booked
award that Susannah the bust of Queen poster beds to the thing which didn’t sell houses the items which are to be sold, at
York, the actress, won at Victoria,” said Hone, 82. Beatles and the Rolling was the royal dinner including a George III pearlware vase appointment.

Doctor fears more Lucy Letby victims Arrest over village murders
Nadeem Badshah tubes tampered with. He told the Daily cases to the attention of Cheshire Kaya Burgess A three-storey end-of-terrace house
Mail’s The Trial of Lucy Letby podcast: police. in Great Baddow was cordoned off by
Lucy Letby, Britain’s worst child serial “Initially I looked at 32 cases and there Letby, 33, was given a whole-life Police are working to recover the police with a blue tent erected in front
killer, might have killed three more are seven of those [not part of the trial] order last month after she was convict- remains of two people in their seventies of the door.
babies and tried to murder another 15, a that need more scrutiny. ed of the murders of seven babies and after a woman in Essex was charged Essex police said: “As a result of the
paediatrician who gave evidence at her “These babies had illnesses that were the attempted murders of six others at with murder. extensive work carried out by a
trial has alleged. life-threatening and three of them died. the Countess of Chester Hospital’s neo- Virginia McCullough, 35, was dedicated investigative team, our
Dr Dewi Evans, who gave expert evi- But we need to look at them to see if natal unit in 2015 and 2016. It emerged arrested on Friday in Great Baddow, strong belief based on all the evidence
dence in court in the neo-natal nurse’s they were placed in harm’s way as well. last week that her legal team had for- near Chelmsford, two days after available is that the two people in
trial, said he had suspicions over the They were poorly, so it may be impossi- mally lodged a bid to challenge her con- officers had been called with “reports of question are no longer alive. The
cases of five children who survived. ble to show beyond reasonable doubt victions at the court of appeal. concern for the welfare of two people”. Crown Prosecution Service is in agree-
He also claimed he had identified a whether they were the victim of inflict- Evans said that after her arrest in McCullough is due to appear at ment with this assessment. As a result
further ten surviving children who ed harm. There are seven cases we need 2018 he was asked to review the notes of Chelmsford magistrates’ court today. of that work, we have been authorised
could have been harmed. He said all to look at more thoroughly.” another 48 babies, not included in the Local reports suggested that the two by the CPS to charge [McCullough]
were likely to have had their breathing Evans said that he would bring those trial, and found concerns with 18. missing individuals were known to her. with two counts of murder.”
the times | Monday September 18 2023 15


Fight against infertility ‘epidemic’ you leave it, the worse it gets,” said O’Neill. to freeze your eggs, you are either being
A pioneering scientist is As part of a more proactive approach, she careless or not prioritising your career.
on a mission to make believes that women should be
encouraged to think about fertility and be
Instead, why wouldn’t workplaces say to a
woman in their 20s or 30s, ‘We’re here to
women think about their “fluent in their bodies and hormones” support you and make sure you do not fall
from the age of 18. into the trap of needing fertility treat-
biological clocks earlier, “It has almost become unfashionable to ment,” she said.
even dare say that a woman has an innate The demand for Hertility’s at-home
reports Eleanor Hayward biological desire to know about her testing reflects a huge gap in women’s
fertility,” O’Neill said. “It’s such a waste health provision from the NHS, with more
Having worked her way to the top of the that people spend so much of their fertile than 600,000 women in England now on
field of reproductive science in her years at a disconnect with their bodies.” record waiting lists for gynaecological
twenties, the question of fertility has Better education about how to conceive services. The company also runs clinical
always been both professional and is also required to reduce infertility rates. trials and funds research into women’s
personal for Dr Helen O’Neill. Analysis by Hertility, based on data from health, which has historically been
“On a daily basis I would be faced with 141,000 women, found that nearly half chronically underfunded.
that devastating graph which shows keep drinking alcohol while trying for a It was founded by three women: O’Neill,
ovarian reserve — the number of eggs — baby. One in four continue to smoke, her identical twin sister Deirdre O’Neill
decline so dramatically over time, and the nearly one in ten do recreational drugs, and Dr Natalie Getreu. Between them
sharpest drop being after 30,” she said. and most do not exercise regularly. they have had three babies since launching
“I remember staring at it at a conference, “If you gave somebody a rule, which is Hertility in 2019. “We’ve managed to build
counting the years ahead of me. Thinking, no alcohol, no smoking, it would be much a company that is £90 million in value. Yet
I’m not in a relationship, I need to find easier for us to then troubleshoot why there is still this idea that having a baby is
someone, I need to be going out with them they’re not getting pregnant,” said O’Neill. almost a nail in the coffin in your career,”
for a normal enough amount of time so we O’Neill is sceptical of the trend for egg said O’Neill, who has a four-year-old
can procreate together. It felt so unfair.” freezing, which is being offered as a benefit daughter.
O’Neill, who is a lecturer in molecular by growing number of companies “We are a team full of people with kids
genetics at University College London and including Facebook and LinkedIn. “Some and babies. We actively promote having
has a PhD in stem cell biology, described companies will pay £27,000 per employee your child with you. There are a lot of
the realisation “that biology — despite my for fertility treatment. There is a subtle babies on boobs and babies on shoulders in
dedication to it — might pull the carpet underlying message that, by choosing not meetings and on calls.”
from under my feet”.
This anxiety at being confronted by your
own biological clock will be familiar to
millions of young women. It prompted
O’Neill, 38, to form Hertility Health in an
attempt to fill the void of information for
women grappling with the simple question
of “Can I have a baby?”.
The company, now valued at £90 mil-
lion, offers at-home hormone testing and
online consultations with the aim of tack-
ling the “silent epidemic” of infertility.
“Our goal at Hertility is to bring
infertility from one in six couples, to one in
100,” O’Neill said.
The tests have been validated by UK
medical regulators and screen for 18
reproductive health conditions, including
endometriosis and polycystic ovary
syndrome — which each affect about one
in ten women, and can impact fertility.
Demand for the service has been huge,
with 122,000 women signing up last year.
Nearly half of those who completed the
£149 hormone and fertility test received an
indicative diagnosis, with the option of
accessing further specialist care so they
can get treatment and guidance “before it
is too late”.
Inadequate NHS provision means Dr Helen O’Neill is tests or treatment such as IVF after strug-
common women’s health conditions are sceptical about the push gling to conceive for 12 months, which
often not picked up for years, if at all. for egg freezing, being makes no sense when “the most precious
Meanwhile, couples struggling to get preg- offered as a staff perk by entity is time”.
nant are only eligible for NHS fertility more employers “Infertility is like a tumour, the longer

GMC deletes ‘women’ from forms

Kat Lay Health Editor Helen Joyce says the GMC policy says: “This policy applies to all staff
sends a hostile message members who are pregnant. If you are the
The General Medical Council (GMC) has to all women by revising surrogate parent this policy applies.”
been criticised for removing references to its maternity policy in An earlier version, dated April 2015,
“mothers” from a maternity document. gender-neutral terms read: “If you are the surrogate mother this
The GMC also refers to people general- policy will apply.”
ly, rather than to “women” in its internal Its separate menopause policy refers to
policy document on menopause. menopause as “a natural event in some
An anonymous employee told The colleagues’ lives during which they stop
Sunday Telegraph that both forms were having periods. It usually occurs between
updated earlier this year. the ages of 45 and 55 and typically lasts
“It’s a concerted effort to ignore the between four and eight years. However,
existence of women,” she said. “Well, I am each person’s experience will differ”.
a woman. It’s not appropriate for a medical Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at
organisation to ignore biology. They campaign group Sex Matters, said: “By re-
should stick to science. People are worried writing its maternity policy to be gender-
about putting their heads above the para- neutral, the GMC is sending a hostile
pet . . . They are having the organisation’s message to women in medicine. Sex-based
‘woke’ ideology forced on them.” language needs to be reinstated.”
The internal guidance for pregnant A GMC spokeswoman said: “We
employees at the regulator now uses have clearly titled policies for our
gender-neutral terms throughout, staff, including maternity, pater-
replacing phrases such as “surro- nity and adoption policies. We re-
gate mother” with “surrogate view these regularly in consultation
parent”. The GMC’s maternity with our staff.”
the times | Monday September 18 2023 17


20mph limits for almost

half the British population
Tom Witherow, George Sandeman wall is implementing it in towns and in Wales as “insane”, adding: “They
villages.” have ignored businesses and they have
Close to half of Britons live in places He added: “None of the 61 highway ignored the public.”
where 20mph limits are in force or are authorities in England that have set Hauliers have said they will drive at
expected, campaigners said, as Wales 20mph have moved it back. Once 19mph even in places with higher speed
introduced the limit in built-up areas. people experience 20mph as a limit limits while activist groups asked busi-
The scheme to reduce the default outside their house, in the places where nesses to record how much time was
speed limit for residential areas from they shop, and where their children go lost to the new rules.
30mph came into force yesterday, to school, they don’t want to change.” The Wales secretary claimed that the
affecting 7,700 miles of road. Conserva- In Wales the opposition has been new limit would cost the Welsh eco-
tives said that the plans were “anti- driven by Conservative politicians nomy £4.5 billion a year. David TC
worker, anti-road and anti-motorist”, seeking a rift comparable to the ultra- Davies said: “Labour has now imposed
but Welsh Labour ministers said that it low emission zone in London, which its absurd 20mph blanket. They’ve also
would cut pollution and save lives. helped them to retain Boris Johnson’s banned all new roads from being built
The scheme meant changing 30,000 west London seat. and want to charge for using some.”
road signs but a consultation found that Yesterday Natasha Asghar, the But Lee Waters, the Welsh deputy
more people were against the new limit Welsh shadow minister for transport, minister for climate change, said the
than in support of it. said: “[Ministers] really ignored the government had been building up to in-
The latest data from 20’s Plenty, a voice of the people. Only 6,000 people troducing the new limit for four years.
campaign group, says that 28 million took part in the Welsh government’s “We’re not rushing into this. We’ve
people live in places where 20mph is, or initial plans when they started. Over carefully looked at the evidence,” he
will be, the default for residential areas. 100,000 have signed petitions — said. “It will save lives, it will reduce ca-
This includes 20 million in England, people have protested.” sualties, it will improve quality of life.”
3.3 million in Wales and five million in A petition to the Welsh parliament He added that drivers would start to
Scotland, where the change has been against the rule in May garnered more see the benefits as they got used to the
included in the pact between the SNP than 21,000 signatories, while another lower limit. “You’re moving slower.
and Scottish Greens. The UK popula- on attracted 71,000. Your reaction time, your thinking time
tion is 67 million. “As politicians, as human beings, is increased. You’re far more aware of
“It started off with a few progressive none of us want to see the loss of lives your environment and also, people
authorities and then more and more but, at the same time, this should have have said to me, it’s far less stressful.”
have seen it’s possible,” Rod King, the been a better-thought-out policy,” The government said the costs were
founder of 20’s Plenty, said. “Initially it Asghar told the BBC. “None of us are “outweighed” by £92 million annual
tended to be the metropolitan bor- going to be opposing 20mph limits savings to the NHS because of fewer
oughs, but now the shire counties are being outside of schools or hospitals.” accidents and that the new limit would
changing their positions — Oxford- Penny Mordaunt, leader of the Com- add only 63 seconds to average trips.
shire, Cambridgeshire are very keen, mons, last week described the new Going downhill fast Gee Atherton, a daredevil
the Scottish borders, and even Corn- 20mph speed-limit on residential roads cyclist, races down Italy’s Dolomite mountains
the times | Monday September 18 2023 2GM 19


XL bully dogs are taught to attack

Rogue owners are using with tens of thousands of followers,
showing them growling on agitation
steroids, treadmills and boxes as small whips are cracked in
their direction. Other videos focus on
bouncy castles to create their stamina, with the dogs filmed
sprinting on treadmills.
mauling machines, Some of the activities could be con-
sidered legitimate canine control work
Charlie Parker writes for dog competitions that owners say
are crucial for providing an outlet for
In one clip, a man wielding a whip lash- larger civilian-owned breeds. Schutz-
es at a barking American XL bully dog hund, for instance, is a dog sport that
in the middle of a London park, provok- tests an animal’s tracking, obedience
ing it to lunge and bite hard on his pad- and protection skills.
ded sleeve. In another a dog is set loose However, Rob Alleyne, a trainer with
in a children’s playground and dashes more than 40 years of experience, said
through a tunnel built for toddlers he suspected that many bully dogs were
before locking on to a trainer’s arm. “being trained as weapons”, with sport
As the government moves to ban the and protection as a front. He has often
breed after a spate of maulings last had to deal with rogue owners who
week, The Times has learnt of reckless approach him and ask him to “teach my
owners using leather sticks, steroids dog to become dangerous”.
and treadmills to exploit the strength “There are two factions,” Alleyne
and aggression of their pets. said. “Responsible owners who like big
City parks, basketball courts and dogs and will get licences and will go to
street markets are treated like training dog training classes — and the other
grounds by young inexperienced own- group who want it as a status symbol
ers, who broadcast their “bite work” and see ownership as a way to hold off
sessions to followers on social media. the police.”
In rural areas XL bully trainers have Alleyne said he was aware of many
constructed obstacle courses using car- dogs being given steroids and growth
avans, bouncy castles and agitation hormones. It is common for owners to
tables. The sites are used to teach big feed their pets on diets of raw meat,
breeds how to attack people even based on a myth that higher protein
through car windows and to with- levels will make them more aggressive.
stand stress. “What these people are looking for is
Many of the exercises mim- a dog you won’t mess with. They want it
ic methods used by police to look disproportionate, they want it to
forces to train service dogs The Instagram page BiteWorkBully showed dogs training at a street market and in a playground look huge,” he said. “One man I spoke to
for drugs or firearms was feeding his dog blood from his local
raids, according to a that they are training “protection dogs”. butcher because he believed that would
former handler for the Police handlers say that unlike German give it a taste for blood.”
Metropolitan Police. shepherds, for example, XL bullies are The move to ban the breed has
Rogue breeders, too temperamental for such a role. sparked fierce debate between breed-
meanwhile, have been One trainer with the username Bite- ers, dog behaviourists and politicians.
administering steroids WorkBully, who took videos of his dogs The Dog Control Coalition, which in-
to XL bullies and profit- biting in a playground and lunging up at cludes the RSPCA, Dogs Trust, Kennel
ing from the sale of “bully a man in a balaclava at Dalston market, Club and British Veterinary Associa-
bodybuilder” supple- east London, wrote: “We’re working on tion, has instead called for tougher
ments, feeding a social family protection dogs! None of my XL measures against irresponsible owners.
media fixation on immensely bullys bite children! I also guarantee More than 425,000 people have signed
strong dogs. that if an assailant attacks you or your a petition to MPs urging the govern-
Ministers have promised to outlaw family with one of my dogs, and they ment not to ban XL bullys.
the ownership, sale or breeding of the leave untouched I’ll personally give Groups that campaigned for the ban,
dogs by the end of this year. The move ists who saw the videos suggested that grounds believed to be in Peckham, your money back.” including the families of victims of
was announced on Friday after two trainers could be committing animal south London, XL bully trainers filmed Another trainer, p.securityk9s, post- attacks, blame the breed for more than
children were savaged and a man was welfare and public order offences. themselves riling up dogs tied to posts. ed clips of XL bully dogs ripping bite half of fatal dog attacks last year.
mauled to death by XL bullies. The Armed with whip-like “agitation” One video shows a man waving a sleeves off and said his dogs would go The RSPCA said: “Only positive,
attacks took place in the West Midlands sticks and dog-bite sleeves that can be crutch at a lunging dog that chases him for people if commanded. reward-based training should be used,
in the space of a week. bought cheaply online, amateur behav- away as a woman walks close by. In the Midlands and northern coun- and harsh, potentially painful or fright-
The RSPCA, former police service iourists have been training dogs in busy Much of the material is posted by ties, aggressive XL bully dogs feature in ening methods should be avoided.”
dog trainers and independent special- London locations. In parks and play- users who claim, with pseudonyms, glossy slow-motion films made by users
20 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Dramatic loss of sea ice around Antarctica

Kaya Burgess Science Reporter The expanse of ice in the southern re-
gion helps to regulate temperatures, re-
The sea ice surrounding Antarctica is at flecting back some of the sun’s energy.
its lowest level for September since Since the 1990s, loss of land ice on
records began, satellite imagery shows. Antarctica has contributing 7.2mm to
Scientists have described the degree ocean levels. Much is unknown about
of melting as “almost mind-blowing”. the sea ice around Antarctica but
The continent is covered in a sheet of Mallett said there were “very, very good
ice that is 1.3 miles thick on average. reasons to be worried”. He added: “It’s
The surrounding ocean carries floating potentially a really alarming sign of
ice across as much as seven million Antarctic climate change that hasn’t
square miles during the southern been there for the last 40 years and is
winter from June to September. only just emerging.”
Satellite data shows the sea ice sur- A paper published this month in the
rounding Antarctica covers an area journal Nature said observations “sug-
almost 600,000 square miles less than gest ocean warming has played a role in
the September average. The amount of pushing Antarctic sea ice into a new
missing ice could cover an area seven low-extent state”. It found that the
times the size of mainland Britain. “It’s
so far outside anything we’ve seen, it’s
almost mind-blowing,” Walter Meier, Chilling figures
who works for the National Snow and
Daily extent, where at least
Ice Data Center, told the BBC. 20
15 per cent is sea ice
Scientists are trying to understand
(million square
why sea ice coverage has dropped so kilometres) 16
dramatically. Antarctica was previous-
ly thought to be relatively resistant to 12
global warming. Until 2016, sea ice had 2023
been spreading around Antarctica. 8

Source: NSIDC
But in three of the previous seven
years, the amount of sea ice has broken Average 4
(1981 to 2010)
records, falling to the lowest levels seen 0
since satellites started gathering data in Dr Robbie Mallett, of Manitoba University, said there are “very good reasons to be worrled” about current levels of sea ice Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec
the 1970s.
Scientists are considering whether chance that it’s a really freak expression March last year, temperatures in east studying the Antarctic 30 years ago, “multi-decade increase in Antarctic sea
an unusual combination of natural fac- of natural variability.” Antarctica were at minus 10C when scientists thought extreme weather ice” had “peaked” between 2014 and the
tors might have caused this year’s re- He added, however, that a shortage they should have been closer to minus events could never happen there. He spring of 2016.
cession and how much of a role human- of historical data made it difficult to 50C. For Antarctica, this could be con- wondered if warming caused by Mallett said of the continent’s shroud
driven climate change is playing. analyse long-term trends. Some troub- sidered an extreme heatwave. humans could be “awakening this giant of sea ice: “”We can see how much more
Dr Robbie Mallett, of Manitoba Uni- ling events have been recorded in Professor Martin Siegert, of Exeter of Antarctica”. Siegert said this would vulnerable it is.”
versity in Canada, said: “There is a recent years on the icy continent. In University, said that when he started be “an absolute disaster for the world”.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 21


Historian ‘defiles
the Empire with
iron theft claim’
Tom Witherow versity College London . . . to investigate
what has gone on.”
A scholar has been accused of “under- Oliver Jelf, a historian who has writ-
mining the history of Britain” without ten about Cort, analysed Bulstrode’s
evidence after she claimed in a paper primary sources in a rival academic
that an English ironware producer stole journal and said they showed “abso- Girls aloud (at last) Since the 14th century men and boys have been singing in the choir at St Margaret’s, which is next to
his invention from slaves. lutely no evidence” for her theory. He Westminster Abbey and is known as the parish church of parliament, but a choir for girls aged 11-17 has now been formed
The History and Technology journal said that it was “almost impossibly un-
is investigating Dr Jenny Bulstrode likely” that the 76 “black metallurgists
after she claimed that Henry Cort, who . . . transformed scrap metal into valu-
is credited with pioneering iron-mak- able bar iron”. Jelf added that Bulstrode
ing techniques, stole a process for mak- went “beyond reasonable inference”
ing the metal from Jamaicans. when she spoke on a podcast called The
Bulstrode, a history lecturer at Uni- Context of White Supremacy.
versity College London (UCL), said He concluded: “The principal pri-
Cort’s method for turning scrap pig iron mary sources reproduced in the appen-
into high-quality bar iron was “theft . . . dix do not support the contention that
from black metallurgists in Jamaica”. Cort acquired the process from en-
She said that the patent application slaved black metalworkers.”
represented “false mirrors for imperial Bulstrode insisted that she used ship-
eyes to picture themselves as they built ping records, old newspapers and evi-
their institutional lies”. dence from Jamaica in her research,
In an article that Bulstrode wrote which was reviewed by peers. “The
with another academic, she argued that comments raised are now being re-
“slavery stole Africans’ ideas as well as viewed by the journal,” she said. “Should
their bodies” and “reparations should I be asked, or where new evidence arises,
reflect this”. Caribbean nations have I will work with the journal to strength-
demanded trillions of pounds from en the evidence or add any addendums
European countries and institutions, as is usual in academic discourse.”
including the royal family. A spokesman for the publisher Tay-
Leading scholars, however, have lor & Francis said: “There is currently
claimed that there is “absolutely no an investigation into the criticisms
evidence” for Bulstrode’s claims and being carried out by History and Tech-
accused her of “ideologising history” to nology and the Taylor & Francis ethics
further her career. and integrity team, following our usual
Professor Lawrence Goldman, of processes. Since that investigation is
Oxford University, said Bulstrode had ongoing, we are not able to provide any
“constructed a story that is literally too further comment on the issue”.
good to be true . . . almost a fairytale”. A UCL spokesman said: “We are
He told The Sunday Telegraph: “It’s committed to maintaining and safe-
. . . evidence of how reason and facts are guarding the highest standards of in-
being suspended in the search for ever tegrity in all areas of research and take
more ways to undermine the history of any allegations of research impropriety
Britain and its empire. We must give very seriously. We understand the jour-
Jenny Bulstrode every chance to ex- nal has launched a review process and
plain herself. We must also expect Uni- we will await the outcome of this.”

Tech companies urged to

label AI content clearly
Mark Sellman In a submission to the House of Lords
Technology Correspondent Communications and Digital Select
Committee, the regulator says “the
Tech companies will have to label adoption of GenAI [generative AI] by
artificial intelligence content to combat online services could also increase risks
“deepfakes” under plans being consid- for users. By making it easier to create
ered by Ofcom. sophisticated content, GenAI tools
The rise of AI image and video gener- could also lower the barriers to entry
ators has led to concerns about disin- for bad actors intent on causing harm”.
formation and scams online. Ofcom adds that it is researching
Recent examples include AI-gener- methods to identify deepfakes, such as
ated pictures of Donald Trump and through digital watermarking. A digital
scams that have used the likeness of signature developed by the Coalition
Martin Lewis, the money expert. for Content Provenance and Authen-
Rishi Sunak is in favour of forcing ticity is already being used by Adobe,
companies to use watermarking while Google DeepMind has unveiled
technology that labels AI content when its SynthID watermark.
it is generated using their tools. The EU has also called on companies
The watermark is embedded in the that generate AI content to label it and
image or video using cryptography, will require social media companies to
which is hard to remove. do so under the Digital Services Act.
Now Ofcom is exploring requiring Russell has called on Ofcom to take
companies to use the technology as action once the bill is passed, which is
part of its new powers under the Online expected to be next month. “It has to
Safety Bill. move fast and be bold and enact the
It comes as Ian Russell, the father of clauses set out in the bill to make the
Molly Russell — who took her own life online world safer,” he said.
after viewing suicide content online — An Ofcom spokesman said: “After
called on Ofcom to be “bold and act the bill receives royal assent we’ll set
fast” once the bill becomes law. out the first set of standards that we’ll
The legislation, due to become law expect tech firms to meet.”
next month, is designed to reduce the
amount of harmful content online.
22 2GM Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Last orders as pubs

close at faster rate
across the country
George Sandeman cellor, to cut business rates for the sec-
tor in his autumn statement in Novem-
The number of pubs being demolished ber. Companies that pay business rates
or converted for other uses has risen by — the property tax affecting those on
more than 50 per cent, figures show. the high street — face an inflation-
In the three months to June 30 there linked increase next April. This is ex-
Heavy horse This 12ft copper sculpture beside the A3 in Surrey is a smaller stand-in produced by Nic Fiddian-Green while were 230 pubs that disappeared from pected to add more than 6 per cent to
he reworks his 22ft original, intended as a monument to a more rural life in the Oat Belt of southern England, at his studio communities in England and Wales. In bills next year.
the preceding quarter the figure stood Probyn said: “With energy costs up
at 153. Among the uses for converted 80 per cent year-on-year in a low-
pubs are housing, offices and nurseries. growth, high-inflation and high-inter-
Prior to it burning down last month, est-rates environment, the last thing
The Crooked House pub, near Wolver- pubs need is an average business rates
hampton, had been earmarked for hike of £12,385 next year.”
closure and conversion. Marston’s Pubs currently get a 75 per cent
brewery said it had sold the 18th discount on their business rates bills for
century pub to a “private buyer for the 2023-24 tax year, up to a cap of
alternative use”. £110,000 per business. However, this is
The 383 demolishments or conver- not set to continue in the next tax year.
sions in the first half of 2023 is also a In January JD Wetherspoon said its
sharp acceleration compared with the sales were below pre-pandemic levels
figures for last year when 386 pubs suf- and had been closing or selling 40 sur-
fered the same fate. plus pubs. It reported that like-for-like
The overall number of pubs in sales rose 13.1 per cent in the 25 weeks to
England and Wales, including vacant January 22, but were 0.7 per cent lower
ones, now stands at 39,404. than the same period before the pan-
The statistics were compiled for the demic. Tim Martin, its founder, said:
government by Altus Group, which “During lockdown, dyed-in-the-wool
specialises in commercial real estate. pub-goers, many for the first time, filled
Alex Probyn, its president of property their fridges with supermarket beer and
tax, called on Jeremy Hunt, the chan- it has proved to be a momentous
challenge to persuade them to return to
the more salubrious environment of the
saloon bar.”
Stonegate, Britain’s biggest pubs
company, said in February that it was
looking to sell 700 to 800 of its 4,492
pubs as it tried to reduce its £3 billion
debt. However, in April the executive
chairman of City Pub Group, which has
43 premium sites in southern England
The Crooked House, a Black Country and Wales, said his business was “now
landmark, burned down after its sale in the best shape it’s ever been”.

New hope on youth obesity

Kaya Burgess Science Reporter to families. They followed 171 children
aged four to six who were diagnosed
Childhood obesity can be nipped in the as obese. They and their families were
bud as early as four by helping parents divided into groups receiving support
promote healthier eating habits from ranging from dietary advice from doc-
pre-school onwards, research suggests. tors to counselling for parents and, in a
Researchers say very young children third group, follow-up phone calls.
should be involved in cooking so that The treatments lasted a year, with
they understand when meals will be families in the second and third groups
served rather than being free to snack. benefitting the most. The study, by the
Scientists in Sweden said previous Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, was
studies had not examined the long- published in the International Journal
term impact of providing extra support of Obesity.


How to up your
intake of the
essential chemical

We need to Party like it’s 2003:
prepare for a Newcastle
Trump victory return to Europe
the times | Monday September 18 2023 23

fastened with a strung with garlands and
Essential elegance freshwater pearl.
Decorative touches
pearls. The separates
were more practical in

for the busy woman came in feathers along

the hem of a silk
chiffon skirt, and
their prettiness: satin
pin-tucked skirts and
blouses came in crimson
giant hoop earrings and rosebud pink as well

hat do pumps and pointed-toe strung with more as plain white cotton.
women babouche slip-ons, after pearls. Everything Yet it was accessories
want to much tottering in felt special that stood out as
wear? ludicrously high heels without seeming potential viral hits:
You at other shows. overdone. bejewelled trainers and
might assume this “Modern women are Perry and Crocs, pistachio nylon
question is at the heart busy,” Perry said Wright cut their shoulder bags and satin
of London Fashion backstage. “They need teeth at Topshop ballet slippers.
Week but it often feels [clothes] that work during its heyday, At Erdem, the British
secondary to high hard.” Wright said: designing the Kate Museum was the
concept and Insta- “Our philosophy is an Moss collections in backdrop and
moments (Harriet effortless, refined the 2000s. Those Chatsworth’s Deborah
Walker writes). wardrobe in natural clothes were a rite Mitford the inspiration
But at Tove, a label in luxury fabrics and with of passage for a for a collection that
its second season on the longevity.” That certain was full of vintage
fashion week schedule, translates to loosely generation and, floral prints and
two designers are structured but although the duo costume-drama frocks.
answering it with élan. businesslike blazers in are now working Chintz and wallpaper
Camille Perry and versatile black and grey, in a different bouquets adorned
Holly Wright’s spring as well as a putty-pink price bracket, bedspreadesque coats
2024 collection at the linen trouser suit whose Tove looks set that were spliced with
Hayward Gallery flat-cut jacket was to become Barbour collars and
yesterday was so well similar. sleeves in a mashed-up
judged that their models At the country house chic. The
might have strode National Chatsworth façade was
straight off to the Ballet’s new printed in the style of
Southbank below. home in the classic French toile de
Relaxed, timeless Docklands, jouy, while neat and
tailoring, draped and Simone Rocha nipped skirt suits were
ruched midi dresses, Tove’s modern workwear, presented her signature inspired by the clothes
wrapped tops worn above left, contrasted with frills and furbelows, this the late duchess wore to
with straight-leg jeans Simone Rocha’s signature frills season in layers of sheer tend chickens.
— it all cleansed the and Erdem’s vintage floral tulle that encased London Fashion Week
palate. So did the prints, watched by the actresses bunches of real roses closes today with its
uniform flat leather Billie Piper and Lily James and hoop-skirted gowns biggest name, Burberry.

Nicotine powder sold legally to children

Eleanor Hayward nicotine-replacement product for announce a crackdown on vapes within introduced by the government to pro- around who they are sold to, how they
Health Correspondent people hoping to quit smoking and weeks in an attempt to reduce nicotine tect children and young people, to stop are marketed or what the nicotine
many big tobacco companies devel- use in teenagers, campaigners say nicotine pods and other similar harm- strength is. These are all areas the gov-
Ministers are being urged to close a oped ranges. But the pouches are in- restrictions are also needed on pouches ful products being advertised as some- ernment should review through a com-
loophole that allows “harmful and creasingly being marketed to young to prevent children switching to them. thing fun and appropriate for a person prehensive approach to nicotine regu-
addictive” high-strength nicotine people as an alternative to vaping and Alice Wiseman, policy lead for addic- under the age of 18. Longer term re- lation. The market keeps innovating
pouches to be bought by children. “the new way to enjoy nicotine”. tion for the Association of Directors of search is required to better understand but regulation does not keep up.”
The small bags of nicotine powder, They are usually sold in brightly Public Health, said: “The sale of these the health impacts of these products.” Several popular brands that manu-
about the size of a piece of chewing coloured small tins and come in an extremely harmful and addictive nico- One in 20 people aged 18 to 34 in the facture nicotine pouches already re-
gum, are tucked between the cheek and array of fruity flavours, including gum- tine pods to children and young people UK have used nicotine pouch products, strict sales of their products to over-18s.
gum, where the powder dissolves and is my bear, cinnamon spice, watermelon is completely unacceptable. There is according to the latest data from the This includes Velo, which is owned by
absorbed into the bloodstream. They and tropical. Pouches are available in currently no regulation in place to stop anti-smoking group Ash. British American Tobacco, one of the
are not classed as tobacco-related prod- different strengths, with some contain- these products being sold to under-18s, The charity’s Hazel Cheeseman said: world’s largest tobacco firms. Velo
ucts in the UK so can legally be sold to ing 17mg of nicotine, roughly equiva- which leaves them vulnerable to the “Nicotine pouches are likely to be less pouches come in flavours including
under-18s, as well as being promoted lent to what you would get from smok- targeted marketing used to entice them harmful than smoking but that does strawberry, tropic breeze and water-
online and at music festivals. ing a pack of cigarettes. into buying and using such a damaging not mean that they should not be regu- melon, with packs of 20 pouches cost-
They were originally designed as a With the government poised to product. Greater regulation needs to be lated. Currently there are no controls ing £6.50.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 25


ChatGPT fakery
casts doubts on
research papers
Rhys Blakely Science Correspondent submitted for publication now came
from paper mills. The problem “threat-
A few weeks ago, researchers from ens to overwhelm the editorial pro-
China published a paper on fossil fuel cesses of a significant number of jour-
markets. It appeared in a peer-reviewed nals”, it said.
science journal but as Professor Guil- One of Cabanac’s tactics has in-
laume Cabanac read it he noticed that volved searching for so-called “tor-
some of the equations seemed wrong. tured phrases” — the results of com- Air power Hawker Hurricanes at the Imperial War Museum Battle of Britain Air Show at Duxford, Cambridgeshire, on Saturday
Cabanac, of the University of Tou- mon scientific terms being mangled by
louse, also spotted something much software that is supposed to cover up
odder — a line that read: “As an AI lan- plagiarism by rewording text. The re-
guage model, I am unable to generate sults are often bizarre: in one paper
specific tables or conduct tests.” “breast cancer” was changed to “bosom
This appears to be the smoking gun peril”, while “artificial intelligence”
— a sign that the authors had used became “counterfeit consciousness”.
ChatGPT, a powerful artificial intelli- The concern now is that AI systems,
gence system, to produce the work — a which can churn out what appears to be
practice that, when done less carelessly, lucid prose on virtually any given topic,
threatens to make academic fraud far will allow paper mills to produce bogus
harder to detect. research without these giveaways. It
Cabanac has found 20 scientific stud- matters because fake papers risk pollut-
ies, all published in the past few months ing the research environment, accord-
and supposedly peer-reviewed, that ing to Matt Hodgkinson of the UK
contain similar giveaway fragments. In Research Integrity Office. “People do
several of them, the authors appear to actually build on this work,” he said.
have cut and pasted entire pages from Despite the signs that ChatGPT had
ChatGPT, including the “regenerate been used to produce the Chinese-
response” button that users must click. authored paper, it was accepted by
“These phrases are like fingerprints Resources Policy, which is owned by
on a crime scene,” Cabanac said. Yet the Dutch publishing giant Elsevier.
they don’t appear to have been noticed The journal has an “impact factor” of
by the editors of the journals involved, 10.2, meaning that papers that have ap-
or by the scientists who were asked to peared in it over the past two years have
check the quality of the studies. It’s been cited by others an average of 10.2
really annoying — frankly, I’m not times each by other studies in the past
trusting peer review anymore,” he said. year. That’s considered a strong score,
The discoveries will bolster Caba- marking it as influential in its field.
nac’s credentials as an academic sleuth. Even though Cabanac has flagged
In recent years he has helped to reveal the suspected AI use, the paper is still
a “paper mill” industry that churns out available online — if you pay $27.95.
bogus research studies and sells them Elsevier said: “Paper mills are a threat
to scientists, often in China, India and to the integrity of research, and we use
Iran, to help them pad their CVs. in-house or licensed technologies
A recent report from the Committee during the article screening process to
on Publication Ethics, a non-profit or- conduct rigorous checks.”
ganisation that combats fraudulent re- The authors of the suspect paper
search, suggested that 1 in 50 papers from China were asked to comment.

Female scientists prioritise

public good over reputation
Rhys Blakely cular, it searched for differences in how
male and female authors reacted.
Scientists are told that they must Unsurprisingly, researchers in Ger-
publish or perish — unless their work many increased the number of papers
regularly appears in reputable journals they published in the easily accessible
their careers will wither. journals and decreased the number in
However, a new study suggests that the “closed” Elsevier titles. There was,
attitudes differ between the sexes: that however, a clear difference between the
women researchers are likelier to sexes, with a more pronounced shift
contribute more to the public good by away from the closed Elsevier journals
making their findings easily accessible, by female authors. The same was true
while their male counterparts focus on for all-female research groups and
boosting their own reputations. teams with a majority of women, which
The work looked at how researchers also significantly reduced their publica-
— in this case, economists — reacted to tions in Elsevier journals.
changes in how academic papers were The response by men was more com-
published in Germany. plicated. Male researchers became less
Amid a dispute over costs, two of the likely to publish in certain Elsevier
biggest science publishers — Wiley and journals but they became more likely to
Springer Nature — agreed to a radical release work through the publisher’s
overhaul of how they earn money from most prestigious journals — even
Germany’s universities. As a result, though it was now far harder for their
most papers published by German German colleagues to read them.
researchers were made freely available “Women prioritise open science
online. Another of the largest publish- while men prioritise their reputation,”
ers, Elsevier, refused to follow suit. said Professor Justus Haucap, of the
Consequently, dozens of German University of Düsseldorf, who pro-
universities cancelled their subscrip- duced the study with his colleagues
tions to Elsevier journals. Wolfgang Schmal and Leon Knoke.
The study compared the behaviour “Put differently, females contribute
of German economics researchers to more to the public good.”
those in other countries to try to unrav- The findings have been published in
el the effects of these changes. In parti- the journal Research Policy.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 27

We’re less obedient —

thank God for that
Libby Purves
Page 29
A working class Tory is something to be
Sunak’s government fails to understand that red wall voters are motivated by aspiration and not hostility to migrants
the cancel culture, woke is broke. all like this. The first is the from a bygone era but Labour does
Philip The working-class conservatives of Braverman bullies. It is obvious that have the sentiment right: “The
Collins my own history were not turned on the Tory party has seized on promise we tell our children and
by all that. The sense of gloom and immigration and asylum as the grandchildren is that if you work
hostility that spins off Suella only subject on which it might hard, you’ll be able to get on, no
Braverman and Kemi Badenoch just conceivably unite its working-class matter what your background.”
doesn’t capture their motivation. and middle-class vote. In 2019 Brexit My grandfather loathed Labour
Working-class conservatism was not glued the campaign together but with a visceral passion precisely
@pcollinstimes rooted in a world gone wrong; it getting Brexit done has proved to be because he felt the Labour Party
was rooted in the aspiration for a a serious problem in that the Tory existed to ensure that working-class

olitics in Britain was once better life. party no longer has a cause to make. people remained working-class. He
class in action. In 1951 if you The working-class conservatives But the Conservative fans of Brexit would recognise this sentiment of
disclosed your income and who constructed the platform on rarely describe the working-class
occupation an analyst could
predict, with almost perfect
which I stand wanted their children
and grandchildren to become
appeal of Brexit correctly. Brexit had
very little to do with the European
It isn’t about anger or
confidence, your party of choice.
That bond, between class and
middle-class. They were
unsentimental about the price of this
Union and it was not principally a
howl of outrage about immigration
staying put it is about
political affiliation, frayed slowly
from then and, by 2019, it had been
aspiration. It meant a better job, a
higher income, a nicer house in a
either. It is true that immigration
featured high in the list of concerns
getting on in your life
severed. The general election that more salubrious part of town or at that time but anxiety about aspiration even as he would have
year was the first in which class perhaps even a different and larger immigration is more complex than it disdained its source.
status was of no value at all in metropolis. If there was any prospect seems. There are some people with The one Conservative politician
predicting the result. Yet at all for their offspring to join the egregious opinions, of course, but the who glimpsed this attitude was Boris
understanding the working class still metropolitan elite, nobody would greater part of the working-class Johnson. Giving thanks to his voters
matters and the Conservative Party have been more delighted than those Leave vote was not made up of racist Suella Braverman emanates hostility after the triumph in 2019, Johnson
really doesn’t. working-class conservatives. There folk who dislike immigrants. It was rather than aspiration for a better life said: “All those whose pencils may
In a reversal of a truth of postwar made up of people whose hopes were have wavered over the ballot, and
politics the working class is now
more likely to vote Conservative than
People still believe in not being realised, who didn’t like the
change they saw around them, for
towns and villages outside the
southeast, and there is a lot to be
who heard the voices of their parents
and their grandparents whispering
Labour. In 2019 the Tories took a 13-
point lead among unskilled workers.
what Mrs Thatcher whom the decline of manufacturing
had depressed their hopes. These
said for that. But everything these
conservatives say suggests that
anxiously in their ears, I say thank
you for the trust you have placed in
Among voters in households with an
annual income of less than £20,000,
called ‘vigorous virtues’ people latched on to “immigration”
as a false proxy for lives not going
people should stay put. They always
sound as if the socially and
us and in me”. The levelling-up
department was formed but, despite
45 per cent voted Conservative, with have always been lots of people of right. That is conservatism of a kind, geographically mobile person is the best efforts of Michael Gove in
Labour on 34 per cent. To many on this disposition, and large cohorts in to be sure, but its source is not letting their home town down. Most recent times, it hasn’t done enough.
the political left, working-class the north of England and in London. genuine hostility. To respond with a of them, of course, come from within With no case to make to working-
conservatism feels like a betrayal. There still are, even though the Rwanda policy that sounds nasty and travelling distance of London. Their class Tories, the Sunak government
How can the working class vote working class today has changed. No cannot work, and empty promises on brand of stay-at-home conservatism dials up the hostility. But working-
against its own economic interest? Is longer to be found in the mine and asylum that show neither sympathy would have been given short shrift class conservatism is rooted in hope
it not a species of self-harm? the factory, the modern working nor policy imagination, is really to by the working-class conservatives I more than fear. It wasn’t about anger
As the son and the grandson of class is in the health service and miss the point. have in mind. and it wasn’t about staying put. It
emphatic working-class hospitality. But it is still made up of The Conservative Party will do Late last week the detailed papers was always about getting on.
conservatives, I am under no such people who believe in what Mrs no better if it listens to its dropped from the Labour National
patronising illusion. But it does make Thatcher thought of as the “vigorous communitarian wing instead. There Policy Forum. On the assumption
me think that the Conservative virtues” of thrift, discipline, work and is a band of conservatives, strong in that you have not quite got round to red box
Party, in a desperate attempt to hold order. And they believe in getting on. the national conservatism movement finishing them all, I have scoured For the best analysis
its coalition together, is getting There are two strands of opinion and whose case is articulated in them for you. Running through
working-class conservatives wrong. in the current Conservative Party parliament by Danny Kruger MP, Labour’s communication is rhetoric
and commentary on
Their red wall rhetoric is all stop the making an appeal to working-class who want people to know their place. about shattering the class ceiling. Its the political landscape
boats, send them to Rwanda, cancel voters and neither of them sounds at They want to shift resources to tired pun sounds out like an echo
28 2GM Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Too many have got lost in the world of Brand

Comedian’s alternate universe is a haven for the credulous — as long as you don’t question him
exemplify the problems of our
culture . . . I’m a viciously
years new platforms emerged. Brand
constructed a social media empire. He
“What do I know?” becomes “What
are they hiding from me?” We must not throw
Lloyd authoritative, controlling man.”
An audience of sweet left-wingers
streamed a daily show on Rumble, a
video platform designed to be immune
Brand is only right about one
thing. He really does exemplify the
away the chance to
in knitwear giggled and applauded.
They were not really supporting
to cancel culture. He masterminded
an alcohol-free community festival in
problems of our culture. On the same
day the allegations against him were
cut down our waste
Brand’s ideas. Beyond a do-as-you-
please libertarianism, an abstract
Hay-on-Wye. He podcasted about
“revolutionary politics and spiritual
published, polling found that a third
of British adults “regard the system
Mike Maudsley
love for humanity and despising “the awakening”. Brand was much closer as broken and are highly suspicious

‘I I
think I’m worse than normal establishment”, Brand did not have to his fans than in 2014. This of those they hold responsible”. A run a company that makes its
people,” said Russell Brand. It any ideas to support. Instead, the communication was more intimate. similar poll in January found that living from waste, so I hope you’ll
was October 23, 2014. The crowd were saluting the idea that an There were no middlemen nor 38 per cent of the British population pay attention when I say this:
comedian was selling himself individual armed with charisma alone gatekeepers. Brand posted every day. agrees with the statement: “The Britain is throwing away too
as a revolutionary. He still used could be the antidote to Britain’s His audience believed they actually world is controlled by a secretive much stuff. We’ve never
the word “dickhead” all the time, but supposedly broken politics. His knew him. He told them, always, to elite.” This is Russell Brand’s Britain. produced more waste than we do
he was also the British Che Guevara. avowed narcissism made them feel “question everything”. Endless excuses are made for that today. Aren’t we all painfully aware of
Within six months he would rank less guilty about their own selfishness. Except Russell Brand. He said the nation. If only they were not the impact of waste? Don’t we all do
fourth in Prospect magazine’s annual On Saturday evening Brand allegations against him made him manipulated by social media what we can to recycle and re-use?
list of the world’s 50 most influential performed at Wembley Park Theatre. ask: “Is there another agenda at companies. If only their In recent years we have made
thinkers, ahead of Jurgen Habermas, play?” It is the same question Brand manufacturing jobs hadn’t been some progress, but not enough.
John Gray and Arundhati Roy. By
May 2015 Ed Miliband was seeking
Brand told the crowd has been asking since 2014. You
either question everything or you are
obliterated. If only the elites had
managed the fallout from the financial
Recycling rates have flatlined. We
still bury millions of tonnes of
Brand’s endorsement in that year’s
general election.
traffic lights are a form on the side of the bankers, the big
pharmaceutical companies, the
crisis better. These excuses treat this
demos like a succession of media
rubbish in landfill, making it a
problem for future generations. We
Brand was joined on stage that
night by the columnist Owen Jones;
of authoritarianism warmongers. You either do whatever
you want or you are an authoritarian.
managers seem to have treated Brand
— as a difficult and helpless child
still send millions of tonnes overseas
to become a problem for someone
the event at the Emmanuel Centre in Other than the location, all that had You are either with Russell Brand or who needs to be abetted and soothed. else — someone poorer.
Westminster was streamed live in changed was the audience, and the you are against him. Online over the Everything is somebody else’s fault. A In a perfect world, we would have
cinemas across Britain. He had just fact that Brand had been accused of weekend thousands of people joined blind eye is always turned. zero waste. But we don’t live in a
written Revolution, a manifesto that rape, sexual assaults and emotional the audience at Wembley Park Russell Brand is the same man he perfect world, so we need to have an
advocated eradicating the nation abuse — all of which he has denied Theatre in being with Russell Brand. was nine years ago. Then his honest conversation about waste.
state and a wider social upheaval to — in a joint investigation by The From certain angles, scepticism cheerleaders were Owen Jones, Recycling, sadly, is not a silver
overturn “corporate tyranny, Sunday Times, The Times and really is about questioning everything. Vivienne Westwood and Jemima bullet. Plastic can only be recycled
ecological irresponsibility and Channel 4’s Dispatches. But Brand But it also means questioning yourself. Khan. Today they are Jordan two or three times before its quality
economic inequality”. No corporation, was exactly the same. “Never trust “Que sais-je?” (What do I know?) Peterson, Elon Musk and Laurence declines irrevocably. For paper, it’s
Brand wrote, should have revenues authority in any circumstances,” he was Michel de Montaigne’s beloved Fox. The market for nonsense between four and seven times.
larger than the nation with the told the crowd, attacking “top-down motto. The philosopher understood solutions to non-existent problems has Instead, we must first look to reduce
smallest gross domestic product — elitist control”. He said that our own faulty perceptions were always existed. Credulity is a fact of waste at source, starting with the
Tuvalu in Polynesia at $37 million. traffic lights were a form of the first thing we needed to be wary human life. The difference from 2014 everyday things we buy.
Jones and Brand did not discuss authoritarianism. The implicit of. In Brand’s alternate universe is how large that market has become,
these ideas, perhaps because they did
not make much sense. Mostly, Brand
message had not altered since 2014:
nobody tells Russell Brand what to do.
there is nothing wrong with him, or
any of his followers. Scepticism
and just how many people are
prepared to lose themselves in it.
Carbon capture has
discussed himself: “I want attention.
I want women. I want drugs. I want
Brand used to spread that message
on comedy panel shows and in
becomes a means of generating blind
allegiance. No form of authority,
become a necessity
food. I want, I want, I want. I newspaper interviews. In recent other than Brand’s, is acceptable. rather than an option
This means fixing broken items so
Sathnam Sanghera Notebook they don’t end up in the bin. A
broader Right to Repair would be a
good start on the journey to a more

Mysterious he did, 24 hours later, for a charge of

more than £500.
Unfortunately, 20 seconds after the
catching early morning trains, as I’ve
been doing while recording a new
BBC Radio 4 series on the imperial
nothing ages as quickly as yesterday’s
vision of the future, but a week spent
exploring the dramas I missed as a
circular economy: aren’t we all sick
of binning household electricals after
a few short years because so many

beep drove final one was replaced and activated

. . . the peace was shattered by yet
more beeping. A frantic search
history of tea, is the opportunity they
provide for sleep. But in the 21st
century this potential rest is
twentysomething workaholic has
taught me that box sets date even
more rapidly. 24 may have been
things can’t be mended? Businesses
should also face legal requirements
to disclose the waste footprint of

our street to finally produced the culprit: a carbon

monoxide alarm tucked behind my
boiler, installed by the previous
invariably disturbed by young men
and women in pristinely ironed
white shirts “running ideas up and
innovative at the time, but the racial
stereotypes are cringe-making and
the manner in which the characters
their products.
We need to ban combustible waste
— paper, cardboard, plastics, rags,
distraction owners in 2007 and seemingly
running out of battery. I threw it into
an outside bin in a rage only to get
down the flagpole”, “maximising
synergies going forward”, pivoting
“out of the envelope” and into
keep making the same mistakes is
maddening. There wasn’t a single
character I could stand by episode 13.
textiles — from landfill from 2028
and have a strategy to end all landfill
by 2040 (landfill produces methane

hat’s the worst sound another complaint from a neighbour “paradigm shifts”, and “reaching out” Meanwhile, there are an incredible that’s 80 times more harmful to the
in the world? Until that evening about how the infernal into “impactful step changes”. 19 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy but I climate than carbon dioxide). We
recently I’d have beeping had become even louder. It’s maddening, but there’s a couldn’t get past the first: one of its must end the exporting of waste in
suggested Robert Which is how, on one of the solution, I think. A correspondent narratives involved the central the next five years.
Jenrick defending warmest nights of the year, I found tells me she once became so annoyed character cheerfully submitting to Even with these policies, the reality
government policy, but I’ve myself emptying a large bin on to a by a loud business conversation on a sexual harassment at the hands of a is that there will always be some
discovered something even more London pavement and, among the train that she looked up the person senior surgeon, a plot-line that in the waste, so we need to make best use of
grating: a persistent but unexplained soiled nappies, smashing a carbon being discussed and sent him a light of last week’s reports on the it. My company is part of an energy-
beeping in the home. I returned from monoxide alarm with a hammer. message on LinkedIn to tell him that misogyny of surgeons feels as from-waste industry that diverts 15
holiday to it, and it proved annoying And guess what, I’d only just two colleagues wanted him fired relevant as Thomas Malory’s Le million tonnes of unrecyclable waste
enough for me to abandon settled down in front of the and he should be careful. If Morte d’Arthur. And don’t get me from landfill every year, incinerates it
unpacking and spend a fruitless hour telly when . . . BEEP. enough of us do this kind of started on The West Wing, a TV and provides more than 1 per cent of
unplugging every appliance I own. thing, perhaps we can enact a show that revolves around the the nation’s power. But we can do
Next morning, a complaint from a Train drain real “paradigm shift” and now unthinkable concept of a US more. Installing carbon capture

neighbour about the beeping had me he second worst finally make loud work president who is not an octogenarian. technology at energy-from-waste
turning off my electricity from the sound in the conversations “pivot” out of Some things have got better in recent plants could remove 20 million
mains and spending an hour world? morning trains. decades, TV chief among them. tonnes of carbon from the
replacing every battery in every heat Management atmosphere every year. The time to
alarm, in case they were responsible. consultants Ageing badly Money rolls in act is now. In the words of the climate

They weren’t. The beeping continued discussing their he third worst weet of the month from change committee, carbon capture is
and there followed an £85 visit from work and sound in the @edcumming: “Why is it called a “necessity, not an option”. We
an electrician who noticed I’d missed presentations world? the FT Weekend Festival and already waste too much — we must
out a smoke alarm. And when loudly on trains Dialogue in a not Earning Man?” not throw away this opportunity.
replacing its batteries still didn’t solve before 9am. striking proportion
the problem, he suggested changing The only of Noughties TV
all of my heat alarms entirely, which comfort about dramas. They say @sathnam
the times | Monday September 18 2023 29


Buy prints or signed copies of Times cartoons from our Print Gallery at or call 020 7711 7826

We’re less obedient — thank God for that

The notion of divine and male authority is thankfully in the past but we ignore respect for the rules at our peril
that “gentle parenting” was already obedience: only the Swedes, Chinese, you actually last exercise this thrown out. Employees who disobey
Libby well dug in: the 1960s saw to that. South Koreans and Japanese value it headship?” Much laughter. Even data-processing systems ruin
Purves Lenient family negotiation may less. Piquantly, Sweden and Japan devoutly Christian brides jib at organisations. At a political level,
not have been universal and still isn’t also join us at the bottom of the promising to “love, honour and once monarchy lost its godly power
— people can piously lie to surveys league in believing that children obey”, and leave the last one out. the answer was democracy, laws
and then bellow exasperated orders ought to care for their elderly In some creeds every woman and made by the elected. Every time we
at their children in supermarkets — parents. So we don’t expect them child is still expected to be fill in a tax form or slow down to
@lib_thinks but I can assure you that, by the time either to do as they’re told when submissive to all adult men: ask any 20mph we are obeying, accepting
I hit the maternity ward, every they’re small, or support us when Afghan or Iranian girl. And it is a that there is no negotiation. We

was at first faintly riled by reports fashionable childcare book was they’re big. No wonder the birth rate version of the same idea, of down- sanction and disapprove of those
of the World Values Survey by enjoining frazzled parents always to is dropping in all those countries. flowing unchallengeable authority, who loot shops, harm people or flout
King’s College London suggesting reason, explain, offer choices and I jest: none of this means that which has enabled parental bylaws.
that between 1990 and today “invite co-operation” over families are any worse, indeed dictatorship through history: But abusing that compliant docility
there has been a dramatic slump boundaries. Certainly not to expect they’re probably far better for has perils. Lockdowns and
in British parents’ desire for
“obedience” in children. It gave an
brats to do as they’re told. Anyone
offering a compliment like “What a
respecting childish idiosyncrasy and
teaching co-operation. But it is
Every time we fill in a restrictions under Covid-19 saw an
old-fashioned, childlike obedience
impression that a fossilised structure
abruptly collapsed with the change of
nice obedient child!” would already
be seen as borderline Nazi: far more
fascinating how the very word
obedience fell out of fashion in the
tax form or slow to that the leadership had never
expected. I cannot forget the
century; whereas really the drop is
moderate compared with the erosion
acceptable to praise someone’s
offspring as creative, original, “a bit
West: look it up online and the only
enthusiasts are dog-trainers or rather
20mph we are obeying moment when Boris Johnson, an
elected prime minister, albeit a man
of parental rigidity over the worrying evangelicals. beatings, starvings, all the way to not seen as personally admirable,
preceding 40 years. There is a
yawning gulf of attitudes between my
Only 12 per cent of Indeed the hierarchical notion that
absolute authority flows down from
forced dynastic marriages or
enlistment in a family trade. For too
gave us “A very simple instruction:
you must stay at home.” No
own childhood in the 1950s and the
way we carried on in the 1990s. It is
British parents think God through the male line has long
been a tool of human oppression: it
long there reigned a deadening
conviction that all wisdom and
negotiation, however desperate the
circumstances: obey! Some shadow
not at all surprising that the suspicion
of strict obedience has deepened.
obedience is important had wives submit to husbands,
even unto marital rape and beating
authority rest with the oldest and
malest. Good riddance to cultures
of wartime deference made it work
without needing armed troops on
Postwar parents said things like of a character”, than as docile. with a small stick. St Paul in that drop it. the streets. The leadership was given
“Do as you are told, child! Because I I did notice about ten years ago a I Corinthians xi, 3 firmly says: “The Go wider, though, and the compliant trust over its huge
say so, that’s why!” without anyone brief fashion for books about head of every man is Christ; and the challenge in any society is replacing deprivation of liberty, like a national
thinking it oppressive. I suppose “taming” children, but it faded. So head of the woman is the man.” that simple orderliness. In some father.
people had come out of the army or there is no surprise that the World Yet I remember watching the 1987 situations only obedience works. It’s But Johnson and his colleagues,
war work where “orders is orders”, Values Survey finds only 12 per cent Church of England Synod debate on negotiated. Explorers or ships’ crew from Cummings onwards, never
and political leaders were also less of British parents think obedience is women priests when that line was sign up to obey skippers within the understood that when they casually
distrusted than today. Parents important. It would probably be 1 per quoted. One gentle episcopal voice limits of the expedition, because they broke their own rules they also broke
weren’t necessarily unreasonable in cent if it wasn’t for cultural diversity. asked the assembled sceptics: understand that the line is drawn something else, something old but
the 1950s, but hierarchy felt natural. Internationally, we’re right at the “Seriously, those of you who are once it’s over. Teenage trainees who still useful. But I think they did. And
Whereas by 1990 I can assure you bottom of the table for valuing married, ask yourselves when did ignore rules in dangerous sports get on that level it won’t come back.
30 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Letters to the Editor should be sent to

Letters to the Editor or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

Electric car transition may be a bumpy ride Africa’s enslavers

Sir, You report that Caribbean
Sir, Rishi Sunak is ignoring reality in Sir, I was interested to see that reality fast-charge two vehicles countries are seeking $33 trillion in
forcing an early transition to electric Mr Sunak is to allow no flexibility simultaneously. In truth, I have given slavery reparations from Europe
cars (“PM rejects reprieve for petrol on the 2030 transition. Three things up seeking public chargers. I now (news, Sep 13). Why just Europe? We
cars”, Sep 16). At present, and most will follow. First, there will be a rush limit my round trips from home to hear a lot about slave traders and
likely until well after 2030, electric to buy new, fossil-fuelled cars before the battery’s limit (240 miles) and for owners, but little about the enslavers
cars run on fossil fuel — all the this date. Second, a black market longer journeys take public transport. — the warriors of slave-raiding
renewable electricity we generate is will develop, whereby second-hand Perhaps that is what the kingdoms such as the Ashanti. If
HS2 cut short already used to replace fossil fuel, and petrol and diesel cars will be imported government intends? states are to be held responsible for
any extra electricity demand is met from nations that have less stringent Dr David Carvel everything in their past, then at least
Sir, In 2015 the House of Lords by burning more fossil gas in power rules. Third, owners of petrol and St Andrews, Fife Nigeria and Ghana need to atone for
economic affairs committee asked the stations. Demanding extra electricity diesel cars will hang on to them for their misdeeds.
government to consider whether is what electric cars do. much longer. Sir, Given the government’s obsession To be sure, the perpetrators were
investment in northern rail Electric cars may be close to The better solution is to switch to with achieving net zero by command, incentivised by the export
infrastructure should be prioritised carbon-neutral but whether they are hydrogen fuel. It is likely that the control and subsidise, it is not opportunities offered by the new
over HS2 (“PM ‘pushing for HS2 to slightly carbon-positive or slightly electric car will turn out to be the surprising that the prime minister has traders, but the culture of
stop six miles away from Euston’ ”, carbon-negative depends on the detail Betamax of the vehicle world. This put the requirement of carmakers to enslavement of Africans by Africans
Sep 16). Our report in May 2019, — whether the efficiency of gas-fired policy has not been thought through be able to sell their electric vehicles is longstanding and entrenched, and
Rethinking HS2, found that no such power stations, less the losses in properly and, come 2030, we will have before value for money for to limit the reparations demand to
assessment was done and expressed transmission, storage and discharge in showrooms full of electric cars and consumers. What Mr Sunak should Europe looks like an unsubtle attempt
serious concern that the project could batteries, and the extra fuel not a lot of sales. have done is to have removed the to rewrite history.
never be completed within its consumption due to the extra weight David Palmer 2030 deadline and pointed out to the Timothy Smiley
£55.7 billion budget. We of the electric cars, is greater or less Clee St Margaret, Shropshire manufacturers that the most Clare College, Cambridge
recommended measures to cut costs, than the efficiency of burning fossil appropriate way to create the demand
including avoiding tunnelling under fuel directly in petrol or diesel cars. Sir, Your leading article (“Speed Up!”, they required would be to
London by making Old Oak
Common the terminus. The new
I haven’t seen evidence from the
government on this, but I would
(Sep 16) calling for a quicker
introduction of public electric vehicle
substantially increase electric
vehicles’ range and reduce their price.
Young slackers
Elizabeth line made continuing to expect diesel cars to be best, electric chargers covered only half the story. Initial government support to get Sir, Emma Duncan is quite right
Euston unnecessary and abandoning might come second, leaving petrol in Installed chargers are often unusable the market moving may have been (“Slacking off will only pay for 85% of
it would enable an earlier start on the third place. In any case, what electric or inaccessible. This can be because necessary. Continuing to intervene the future”, Sep 15). To imagine that a
northern sections. The report warned cars are definitely not is carbon-free they’re poorly maintained — I know simply means innovation and career can be built, or a salary
that a failure to act on the cost or decarbonised. of a bank of four in south Glasgow competition will be stifled. justified, by putting in sub-optimal
overruns would result in there being Professor David Dunstan that have been out of order for almost Dr Alan Hearne effort is a waste of time and life. The
insufficient funding for the northern Queen Mary University of London a year. Many twin chargers cannot in Woodstock, Oxon examples she quotes of people
sections. Our recommendations were exploiting their employers’ goodwill
ignored but sadly our conclusions merely demonstrate just how
have proved prescient and it is the the following: to require anyone wealthy a society we — for the
north of England and taxpayers that Halting dog attacks breeding and selling dogs to be Retirement living moment — have. My work takes me
will pay the price. registered and to prosecute illegal all over the world, where anything
Lord Forsyth of Drumlean Sir, I have no sympathy with the breeders; to produce a list of accepted Sir, Ministers would do well to note less than a properly completed project
House of Lords argument that large aggressive dogs dog breeds and named crosses and to the growing problem in retirement results, not just in a rollicking, but
such as the American XL bully are require those that cannot be easily living that Andrew Ellson highlights more likely in a refusal to pay. Ms
Sir, Stopping HS2 outside central not to blame for attacks and that it is identified by a vet as being on the list (“Inheritances hit as prices of elderly’s Duncan’s youngsters need to take a
London would be a positive thing. owners who are at fault (“Ban on XL to be neutered at the owner’s expense properties plunge”, Sep 16). I pay peek at the real world.
Euston isn’t a destination in its own bully dogs after fatal attack”, Sep 16). and muzzled in public; to accept that punishing monthly charges on my Mark H Levy
right but merely an interchange, What is easier — the banning and any dog, regardless of size or breed, late parents’ retirement flat, which Managing director
primarily a place from which to leave removal of any breed of dog that has may bite and therefore insist that all has lost 55 per cent of its value since Knutsford Exhibitions
or enter the capital. It can readily be been shown to attack people, or are insured for third-party injury. 2015. One route to freeing housing is
shown that for most places in London ensuring that every owner of such an Dr James Palmer to encourage the retired to downsize,
changing at Old Oak Common would
be quicker than continuing to Euston.
animal trains them not to be
aggressive and keeps them under full
Sedbergh, Cumbria but retirement living disincentivises
moving while developers and
Right to expression
The present grim Euston station control? Given that these dogs often Sir, No dog is born vicious, landlords profit from empty homes. Sir, Perhaps if more of the silent
could be remodelled on its own appeal to those who want them to malevolent or wanting to harm. It is Ian Tinsley majority responded to criticism of the
merits but it is pointless extending it, intimidate, I see no prospect of their owners who instil the vicious Warminster, Wilts singer Róisín Murphy for her
at huge cost to the nation. success by tackling the owners. traits — dogs respond to what they comments about puberty blockers by
Tim Stockton Removal of the dogs is the only are told to do. Knives, guns and any buying her album (news, Sep 14;
London NW5 solution, imperfect though it may be.
Frederick Briggs
other instrument don’t attack or kill,
it is the users who do so.
Fond farewells letters, Sep 15), then the BBC and
others might be somewhat slower to
revel in this elegant Loughborough Jasper Dalgliesh Sir, I was bewildered to read that a kowtow to those trying to cancel her.
book showing times Brackley, Northants wake was held after the funeral of Ms Murphy has benefited financially
readers at their most Sir, Whenever a breed of dog Michael Parkinson (“Parkinson laid to from her stand. I have bought not
whimsical and droll becomes recognised as dangerous, the Sir, I suggest that dogs be treated as rest with Barnsley football scarf”, only her latest album, but all her
tendency is to react by outlawing it, “bladed articles” in law because of Sep 15). That was a reception. A wake previous ones too. We can all make
with the concomitant difficulty of their teeth, and that when they harm is a gathering of family and friends, a statement by buying in to free
defining novel and crossbreeds and someone, their owners are held to held around the open coffin before speech, freedom of thought and
separating the effects of innately account just as if they had used any the funeral or cremation, to keep freedom of expression.
aggressive traits from the neglectful other bladed article. watch and honour the dead. Monica Murphy
mismanagement of their owners. I Helena Edwards Gerard Lynch Crewkerne, Somerset
suggest that it might be easier to do Syston, Leics Woburn Sands, Bucks

Reformed club
SCRAPPING the dock will reach Queenborough
conning tower of a submarine, all
the devices by means of which the Sir, The splendid Reform Club in Pall
OF MASSIVE Some idea of the great size of the
dock may be gained when it is stated
raising and submerging of the dock
are controlled.
Mall was the first traditional
gentlemen’s club to admit women, in
U-BOAT DOCK that the whole structure weighs 5,000
tons and that if it were placed in
It is believed that the dock is the
only one of its type in existence. It
1981, when I was delighted to be
welcomed (“KC could get women into
Northumberland Avenue it would was designed by a Hamburg Garrick”, Sep 16). Joanna Lumley and
more than fill that thoroughfare and engineer, named Von Klitzing. The Emily Bendell should spurn the
from the times september 18, 1923 extend into Trafalgar Square on one plans were rejected by the Russian Garrick. I would be happy to propose
side and on to the Embankment on Government, to whom they were them for the much more enlightened
The huge steel floating dock for the other. It has a total length of 412ft first submitted, and in 1916 the dock (reformed) Reform Club.
Corrections and testing submarines, one of the and a breadth of 131ft. Its outstanding was ordered for the German Navy. Jenny Botsford
clarifications engineering wonders of the war, feature is a great cylinder for the Its construction, however, was London W8
which was constructed for the reception of the submarine for testing delayed, and it was not until the
German Navy, and which came into purposes. When a test was made the summer of 1918 that it was
The Times takes
the possession of the British
Admiralty on the cessation of
dock was submerged, and the
submarine was introduced into the
completed. Many engineers would
probably like to inspect the dock
Lack of face value
about editorial hostilities, has been bought from the cylinder, which is 40ft in diameter, before it is broken up, and Messrs Sir, Those expressing concern about
content seriously. We are committed to Admiralty by Messrs Cox and and runs the whole length of the Cox and Danks are prepared to give facial recognition leading to
abiding by the Independent Press Danks, iron and steel merchants, of dock. There is space in the dock for facilities for those interested to view “dystopian surveillance” (letters,
Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) rules Regent Street, for breaking up at berthing two other submarines, one it. The firm is at present breaking up Sep 16) need not worry. My bank’s
and regulations and the Editors’ Code of their depot at Queenborough. The on either side of the cylinder. The the Dreadnoughts Erin and Orion, app uses such technology and fails to
Practice that IPSO enforces.
Requests for corrections or dock, which is now at Harwich, will whole of the mechanical operations also bought from the Admiralty. recognise me more often than not —
clarifications should be sent by email to be towed to Queenborough by three connected with the structure are and it has the advantage of knowing or by post to powerful seagoing tugs. The voyage controlled from one room or cabin, whom it is trying to identify.
Feedback, The Times, 1 London Bridge will begin today, and it is hoped that this control room containing, like the Don Grocott
Street, London SE1 9GF Walton on Thames, Surrey
the times | Monday September 18 2023 31

Leading articles

Daily Universal Register

UK: Rightmove monthly house price index;
Organ Donation Week starts; Office for
National Statistics publishes profile of
centenarians living in England and Wales.

Nature notes
The first of the
pink-footed geese
are returning from
Uncaring Profession
their breeding
grounds in Iceland For the first time, NHS consultants and junior doctors will this week strike on the
and southern
Greenland, same day. This reckless escalation makes them unworthy of public respect
straggling into Britain’s wetlands in long,
wavering lines. In they come, pulse after Something extraordinary will happen on 35 per cent. Their argument is that this figure, red- discharged can testify. So there must be some-
pulse of them, making for coastal plains and Wednesday. For the first time in the history of the olent of a South American basket case economy, is thing else that marks doctors out. And that some-
lowlands in Scotland and moving down into National Health Service both consultants and their due because of real-terms earnings cuts over thing, surely, is that their profession is one of the
northern England and East Anglia as their junior colleagues will strike together, result- the past decade. The radical faction heading the ultimate expressions of human civilisation: a
temperatures fall. More than 500,000 winter ing in almost all planned care coming to a com- junior doctors’ committee of the British Medical career dedicated not to gain but to the alleviation
here now, and with numbers rising they are plete stop. It will be Christmas Day come early Association (BMA), the doctors’ union, knows full of suffering. A profession that is not commercial
becoming a seasonal spectacle, drawing with only limited emergency cover available, as in well that this is a national phenomenon. But it has but caring. How does 35 per cent chime with that?
visitors to nature reserves from Scotland’s the depths of the festive season. But not much convinced itself that its members have some su- The truth is that the BMA and those among its
Montrose Basin to The Wash on the east cheer for patients in pain and discomfort who have pernatural right to special treatment. Presumably, membership who back these forever strikes have
coast. Look out for them flying in Vs been waiting months for treatment and will now this is because doctors themselves are special. shown themselves to be cynically self-interested,
overhead and sounding their hound-like, see their appointments cancelled. Their suffering So, how are they special? Well, they are highly and in some cases politically motivated. The
belling music against grey September skies. is the price for a cruelly attritional strike campaign skilled, the products of many years’ teaching. But government has offered junior doctors in England
melissa harrison that has long since departed from reality. so are lawyers and architects and many other an average 8.8 per cent pay rise, which many in the
Consultants are striking tomorrow and skilled people. And these other professions and private sector can but dream of. Consultants,
Wednesday; junior doctors will walk out on trades are largely based in the private sector where meanwhile, have been offered 6 per cent, which
Birthdays today Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And they are there is far less security of tenure and no prospect largely safeguards their comfortable lifestyles
threatening to continue joint action on three days a gold-plated pension courtesy of the taxpayer. against inflation. The BMA’s relentless escalation
Tim McInnerny, in early October — during the Conservative Party True, earnings early in their careers are hardly of this dispute while refusing to budge from the
pictured, actor, Notting conference — and quite possibly during the re- impressive, and a lot is asked of young medics. But summit of its mountainous claim is wholly
Hill (1999), 67; Russ maining life of this government. before them lies a path delivering them to a con- indefensible. Hundreds of thousands of appoint-
Abbot, comedian and One would imagine that for hospital doctors to sultant’s income of £120,000 and a pension quite ments have so far been cancelled as a result of doc-
actor, 76; Joshua Angrist, abandon their professional and moral obligations likely to be more than twice the size of the current tors’ strikes this year, sabotaging attempts to bring
economist, co-recipient in such a deliberate and callous way they must be average salary. As consultants they will be allowed down NHS waiting lists from 7.7 million. In their
of the Nobel memorial driven by the need to right some terrible wrong — to earn extra from private practice, despite train- selfish and reckless actions, hospital doctors have
prize in economics the announcement of mass redundancies in the ing hugely subsidised by the taxpayer, and there shown themselves to be anything but special. In
(2021), 63; Lance Armstrong, cyclist, Tour de NHS, for example. In fact junior doctors are will be plenty of weekends away from the wards — their stubborn pursuit of the unattainable they
France winner who was later stripped of his striking for a 35 per cent pay rise. That’s right, as many a patient waiting until Monday to be have sacrificed public respect.
seven titles because of drug use, 52;
Frankie Avalon, singer, Venus (1959), and
actor, 83; The Rt Rev Paul Butler, bishop of
Durham, 68; Sol Campbell, footballer,
England (1996-2007) and Arsenal (2001-06,
2010), 49; Joanne Catherall, singer, the
Age of the Unwell
Human League, Don’t You Want Me (1981),
61; Dame Siobhan Davies, choreographer, Sickness benefits are turning into lifelong incomes, with disastrous consequences
Bird Song (2004), 73; Florence Eshalomi,
Labour (Co-op) MP for Vauxhall, shadow Britain is in danger of becoming one vast national Currently the taxpayer is paying £22 billion a An additional danger is that working-age
minister for democracy, 43; Chris Eubank Jr, sanatorium. An unprecedented 2.6 million people year on personal independence payments (PIP), people on PIP simply graduate into the assess-
boxer, 34; Tara Fitzgerald, actress, Game of between the ages of 16 and 64 are economically which compensate claimants for the additional ment-free retired phase. This is why it is vital that
Thrones (2013-15), 56; Jason Gardener, inactive — not looking for work — due to long- costs of being disabled. There are more than 3 mil- working-age claimants must be the focus of
athlete, Olympic gold medallist (2004), term sickness, and that figure is forecast by the lion people on this benefit and they range across intense efforts at rehabilitation. The benefits
president, UK Athletics, 48; Darren Gough, government to rise inexorably over coming years. the ages from the young to the retired. LCP warns conveyor belt must be interrupted. The longer
cricketer, England (1994-2006) and captain It is as if the country is somehow pre-programmed that for those pensioners claiming PIP the benefit people stay on PIP the lower the chance that they
of Yorkshire (2007-08), 53; Stephen to suffer more back pain and more depression in has effectively become a lifetime entitlement, with will ever come off it.
Maddock, principal, Royal Birmingham future, whatever measures are taken by individu- an average cost of £70,000 per person from retire- Britain used be near the bottom of the OECD
Conservatoire, 55; James Marsden, actor, als and society to improve matters. An increasing ment until death. There are one million retired table for economic inactivity. But as the rich
Jury Duty (2023), 50; Ryan Moore, flat- number of recently able-bodied Britons appear to PIP claimants and the figure is expected to rise to nations club average has fallen by 0.4 per cent
racing jockey, champion jockey (2006, 2008, regard illness not as something to be recovered 1.6 million by 2033, costing an extra £4.5 billion. since 2020 Britain’s rate has risen by 0.5 per cent.
2009), 40; Meredith Oakes, playwright, The from in due course but as a way of life to be en- The explosion in PIP claims was not helped by More long-term sickness has added £15.7 billion to
Editing Process (1994), 77; Lisa Osofsky, dured for the foreseeable future. This is a tragedy the decision of Amber Rudd, then work and pen- government borrowing because of increased ben-
director, Serious Fraud Office, 62; Steven for them and a problem for the country, which sions secretary, to exempt pensioners from peri- efits and lower tax receipts. Longer NHS waiting
Pinker, cognitive psychologist, Johnstone must find a way of paying for this growing mass of odic reviews checking their entitlement to them. lists, though serious, are not the main cause. The
Family Professor, Harvard University, and unproductive people or alter radically a culture Ms Rudd’s intention was noble: to take away the truth is that disability benefits have become easier
writer, Rationality (2021), 69; Jada Pinkett- that is rapidly becoming embedded in society. worry of a review for elderly and infirm people to claim. The acceptance rate for claims shot up in
Smith, actress, Queen Cleopatra (2023), 52; Now comes news that taxpayers are facing with no prospect of recovery. But this change the decade to 2020 from 35 per cent to over 80 per
Derek Pringle, cricketer, England (1982-92), more alarming increases in the bill for the sick. created an open-ended commitment on PIP that cent. To this is added the perverse incentive of a
65; Sir Christopher Ricks, literary critic, The consultancy LCP is warning that the work- could only grow. Benefits conditional on health Universal Credit system that pays twice as much
Along Heroic Lines (2021), Warren professor ing-age problem overshadows an equally alarm- must generally be subject to reassessment. It can- to people with health needs. Result: a rise in claims
of the humanities, Boston University, 90; ing liability developing in the retired population. not be beyond the wit of government to sift cases by more than 300,000 in a year to 1.8 million. This
Peter Shilton, goalkeeper, England (1970- This is yet more proof of a system out of control. that may improve from those that will not. is not all about ill-health.
1990) and Nottingham Forest (1977-82), 74;
Iain Stewart, Conservative MP for Milton
Keynes South, 51; Kieran West, rower,
Olympic gold medallist (2000), 46;
Tom Wright, architect, 66. Life in the Slow Lane
On this day A default 20mph limit in residential areas in Wales is unnecessary and oppressive
In 1975 the heiress Patty Hearst was arrested Many people retire to Wales in search of a more As a Labour man from the land of the socialist- Perhaps a partial 20mph limit offends the first
in San Francisco for crimes committed with gentle pace of life and good luck to them. But it leaning male voice choir , Mr Drakeford might be minister’s sense of neatness. Those of a bureau-
the terrorist group the Symbionese may come as news to the devolved Labour admin- expected to admire the musical version of the red cratic, controlling bent prize conformity and uni-
Liberation Army, which had kidnapped her. istration in Cardiff that a not insignificant propor- flag. But his imposition of a default 20mph speed formity; simple rules for a simple populace. He
tion of the Welsh population work for a living. limit in residential areas of Wales from yesterday clearly believes his people are too stupid to moder-
That means having to get about. In a car. suggests an ultimate ambition to reintroduce the ate their speed in 20mph zones and must be
The last word The main benefit of the car is that it confers on physical version back on to the roads — held by a trained to crawl around every residential street
the user a thing called speed. For an automobile to man in a top hat parading in front of a horseless and road, eyes glued to the speedometer rather
“There are some four million different kinds of be worth the purchase price it is advisable that its carriage. Mr Drakeford justifies the new restric- than the road ahead for fear of a fine.
animals and plants in the world. Four million velocity generally exceeds that of a walking tion by claiming lives will be saved and injuries Critics claim the change will cost the Welsh eco-
different solutions to the problems of staying human being, or an ambling Llanwenog. For Mark avoided. But he does not explain why the 20mph nomy billions over coming decades; this is as argu-
alive.” Sir David Attenborough, Life on Earth Drakeford, the Welsh first minister and nanny-in- limit could not be confined to stretches near able as supposed environmental benefits. But for
(1979) chief, however, this is all far too racy. schools, hospitals and nursing homes. sure this is another freedom casually seized.
32 2GM Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Surge in migration ‘puts future
The Italian PM is calling people. Others have been moved to
Sicily or the Italian mainland.
that EU leaders discuss the crisis at the
next European Council in Brussels next
for an EU naval mission Television pictures have shown
migrants climbing fences and clashing
month at the risk of opening deep
divisions between north and south, east
to halt the smugglers, with police who try to stop them from and west over how to solve the crisis.
boarding overcrowded boats to south- “If we don’t work seriously all to-
report James Imam ern Italy, posing a major political prob- gether to fight the illegal departures,
lem for Meloni, who came to power last the numbers of this will not only over-
and Bruno Waterfield year with a pledge to cut migration. whelm the border countries, but all of
Figures published by the EU’s Front- the others,” she said.
The future of the European Union is at ex border agency last week recorded a Meloni’s cabinet is expected today to
stake unless it can stop a surge in 96 per cent increase in irregular cross- approve tough measures including new
uncontrolled migration across the ings via the central Mediterranean detention and repatriation centres and
Mediterranean, the Italian prime min- route to Italy this year. extending the maximum time migrants
ister has said. Nearly 128,000 migrants have ar- can be held for. In a shift from Italy’s
Giorgia Meloni, a populist right- rived in Italy so far this year, almost previous focus on sharing the burden
winger, issued her warning on a joint double the figure at the same point last by distributing migrants across Europe,
visit with Ursula von der Leyen, presi- year and accounting for more than half she will press for measures to stop
dent of the European Commission, to of all irregular border crossings into the people arriving in the first place. “A stop
the island of Lampedusa. Thousands of EU picked up by Frontex. Official EU to departures is necessary,” she said.
people have arrived on the southern- Meloni is pushing the EU to acceler-
most Italian territory in recent days as Central Mediterranean ate a €785 million deal with Tunisia to
Europe returns to the crisis levels of stop the flow of migrants. This would be
irregular migration last seen in 2015. migratory routes 200 miles
combined with a European naval
“The future that Europe wants for ITALY mission that would have a mandate to
itself is at stake here,” Meloni told a block boats, although this risks breach-
press conference. “The future of Lampedusa ing international law.
Europe depends on its ability to tackle GREECE She is pressing the EU to send mili-
epoch-making challenges of our time tary vessels that could operate within
and the challenge of illegal immigra- Sfax Mediterranean
Tunisia’s waters to stop boats carrying
tion is for sure one of them. TUNISIA Sea migrants. Under maritime law, neither
“We all stake our future on this issue. Tripoli Italian nor other EU ships are allowed
At the very least we need an EU naval Alexandria to operate in the 12-mile territorial zone
mission against smugglers.” Source: Frontex LIBYA EGYPT off Tunisia. In international waters,
Scenes of chaos rocked Lampedusa, naval vessels cannot legitimately stop
once renowned for the beauty of its figures this month predicted that more boats carrying migrants if the vessels
beaches, as more than 8,500 migrants than a million asylum seekers would are seaworthy.
— nearly one and a half times the is- register claims this year. In 2015, 1.2 mil- Meloni has criticised Operation
land’s population — arrived in 200 lion asylum claims were lodged, con- Sophia, an EU navy mission that ended
boats, mainly from Tunisia and Libya, tributing to Brexit and boosting in 2020, for having created “a pull fac-
over three days. support for anti-immigrant parties. tor, an element of push for migratory
EU officials arriving at the island air- Officials in Tunisia expelled hun- flows rather than a block” because it
port yesterday were met by residents dreds of sub-Saharan migrants yester- rescued migrant vessels.
who threatened to block their motor- day from the port of Sfax, a gateway for During the joint visit von der Leyen
cade of limousines in a protest at a situ- the sea crossing. About 200 migrants set out a ten-point plan to help Italy,
ation that many blame on the bloc’s “who were preparing to make the clan- including tougher criminal penalties
failure to stop illegal migrants. destine boat trip” to Europe were ar- for people smugglers.
“Lampedusa says stop,” a demonstra- rested, official sources said. Von der Leyen also vowed to increase
tor said. “We don’t want tent camps. Matteo Salvini, Meloni’s deputy in access to legal channels for migrants,
This message is for Europe and for the the ruling coalition, has described the saying “the better we are with legal
Italian government. Lampedusa resi- latest influx as an “act of war”. migration the stricter we can be with
dents are tired. Meloni told the protest- Potentially outflanking Meloni, the irregular migration”. She added: “Irreg-
ers: “We’re working on it . . . we are do- head of the League party is hosting ular migration is a European challenge
ing our best.” Marine Le Pen, the French right-wing and it needs a European answer. So we
The Italian Red Cross, which runs leader, at his party’s annual rally in are in this together. Italy can count on
the island’s overcrowded migration northern Italy, resurrecting the spectre the EU. We will decide who comes to
centre, said 2,500 migrants were being of extremism before the European elec- the EU and under what circumstance
housed in a space designed for 400 tions next year. Meloni has demanded and not the smugglers and traffickers.”

Grim tide brings flood victims ashore EU seeks G7 ban on

Tom Kington Benghazi
The bodies of about a thousand victims
of Doctors Without Borders. “People
want to help search for bodies but they
will collapse in a few weeks,” she said.
“Now the mental health crisis is a
of Turkey has backed Haftar’s rivals
running western Libya for years.
Four Greek rescuers died yesterday
after a vehicle they were travelling was
Russian diamonds
of the flooding that swept through priority.” involved in a crash. Their bus, carrying European Union Belgium and the EU — due to
Derna last week have been found in the Tamer Ramadan, head of the 19 workers, collided with an oncoming Antwerp’s role as a global diamond
Bruno Waterfield Brussels
sea, emergency workers have said. International Federation of Red Cross vehicle between Benghazi and Derna. trading centre — versus the South
A Libyan rescue team reported and Red Crescent Societies in Libya, Britain has contributed £1 million but The European Union is running into African company De Beers and the
seeing at least 600 bodies in the Medi- said that local emergency workers, James Cleverly, the foreign secretary, opposition from India and De Beers World Diamond Council, which has
terranean 12 miles east of the devastat- many of whom had lost loved ones, said the presence of two rival adminis- over a proposed ban on Russian the support of India, where almost all of
ed city, while a Maltese team discov- were also vulnerable. “They are victims trations, which emerged after Colonel diamonds which would cut the world’s the world’s diamonds are cut.
ered another 400 corpses washed up on and responders at the same time. They Gaddafi’s ousting in 2011, hindered aid. biggest producer of uncut gems out of While the volume of imported Rus-
a nearby beach. help but they need help,” he said. Britain sent aid after the Turkish the global market. sian stones into the EU, via Antwerp,
The flood, powered by a freak storm The risk of waterborne diseases such earthquakes in February and the recent The G7 and the EU are pushing for has dropped by more than 95 per cent,
that crushed two dams above the city, as cholera is rising among the 30,000 earthquake in Morocco — countries the ban to reinforce sanctions in order global prices have remained stable,
sent a wall of water seven metres high people left homeless, said Carton. that had a “high-functioning to limit Moscow’s ability to fund its war suggesting the gems are finding
through Derna, killing as many as “Libya last had a cholera victim in 1995 government that we could liaise with”, in Ukraine. alternative routes into the United
11,000 people and sweeping entire but it could return.” Cleverly said. “Sadly, in that eastern Alrosa, a company owned by the States and other G7 markets.
neighbourhoods out to sea. Rescue teams continued to arrive part of Libya we just don’t have that.” Russian state, mines a third of all the Europe is pushing for a direct ban on
At least 891 buildings were destroyed, from all over the world, with 35 Russian As corpses continue to be retrieved, world’s diamonds, making more than both rough and polished Russian
according to Libyan media, and a doctors flying in and Turkey increasing the Libyan Red Cross challenged UN £3 billion a year for the Kremlin. diamonds that would kick in on
mental illness epidemic is looming its presence, in a move that could help claims that 11,300 people had died, say- The proposal has triggered wran- January 1 next year, with the rolling-out
among survivors who are grieving lost build ties with the eastern Libyan war- ing the number “adds to the confusion gling over how the ban would be of a tracing and enforcement system
family members, said Manoelle Carton lord Khalifa Haftar. President Erdogan and distress of families of the missing”. enforced. There are two rival camps: throughout 2024.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 2GM 33

French told to budget by Thousands turn out to

‘cooking like Granny’ amplify indigenous Voice
Page 35 Page 36

of Europe at stake’ Trump: I like the

idea of a female
United States gave me a very full-throated endorse-
ment, a beautiful endorsement actual-
Will Pavia New York
ly”. He added: “And you know, [South
Donald Trump has said he likes the Dakota has] been a very good state for
idea of having a female running-mate me. And certainly she’d be one of the
for the election next year and will con- people I’d consider, or for something
sider the governor of South Dakota, else maybe.”
who has appeared on stage with him. Trump appeared with Noem before
His remarks in a television interview Mount Rushmore during his 2020 cam-
yesterday put fresh attention on Kristi paign, when she gave him a replica of
Noem, whom Trump has described as a the mountain in which his face was
“warrior for American values”. carved, beside those of Washington,
They followed reports late last week Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt.
that Noem, a married mother of three, After he lost the election, Noem was
was having an affair with Corey Lewan- regarded as a potential candidate to
dowski, 49, Trump’s long-time adviser. lead the Republican Party. She told The
A representative for Noem, 51, has New York Times last year that Trump
dismissed the stories in the New York did not offer her party “the best chance”
Post and Mail Online, describing them to recapture the White House. But she
as a “predictable” attack on the gover- appears to have changed her mind.
A coastguard boat brings the latest group of rescued migrants into the harbour nor after she supported Trump in a rally Asked last month if she would join
in Lampedusa, left; Ursula von der Leyen and Giorgia Meloni visit the island, at Rapid City, South Dakota. the contest, she told Fox News no one
above; migrants are packed into the territory’s reception centre, below Noem’s allies cast her appearance be- could win “as long as Trump’s in the
side Trump as an audition, showcasing race . . . So why run if you can’t win?” She
the image of a potential Republican said in an interview with Newsmax, the
presidential ticket. Behind the stage, cable news and digital media site, that
some supporters held “Trump-Noem she would agree to be his running-mate
2024” signs. The Rapid City Journal “in a heartbeat”.
said the governor teased the crowd Claims that Noem was having an
with the idea. The newspaper reported affair with Lewandowski were pub-
that she said people had asked lished in the New York Post at the week-
if Trump would name her, end. The newspaper said her
pausing before adding “. . . the husband, Bryon, moved out of
most popular and favourite the governor’s mansion two
governor”. years ago. Noem has told sup-
Trump’s team has de- porters she expects that rival
ferred questions about his candidates will spread “ugly,
potential running-mate hateful misinformation
until after he has secured in an attempt to destroy
the nomination. Asked in a me and my family
lengthy interview on the Sunday because of my opinions”.
NBC show Meet the Press if he Lewandowski, who is
was leaning towards selecting a also married, has not
woman, he said: “I like the con- commented on the alle-
cept but we’re going to pick gations.
the best person. But I do like
the concept, yes.” Kristi Noem, the governor of
He said Noem had been South Dakota, said her rivals
“a great governor” and “she would spread ugly rumours

In the wings of the United Nations

general assembly tomorrow Alexander
De Croo, the Belgian prime minister,
current rules, known as the Kimberley
process, only uncut and unpolished
stones are traceable by their country of
ing weight and value. Cutters and pol-
ishers would also have to register and
report on a public ledger if they were
Original Star Wars X-wing
will meet Cyrille Vigneron, chief execu-
tive of Cartier, alongside other dia-
mond retailers to build pressure for a
American retailers, representing
some 55 per cent of the consumer
processing Russian diamonds under
the scheme, so the gems could be
traced. “Adding traceability with physi-
found in collector’s garage
ban that will involve restructuring the market, have already shifted purchas- cal controls will allow us to cut off Rus- Will Pavia in Star Trek, along with nearly every
global market in gems. ing away from Antwerp to Mumbai to sian rough diamonds,” the Belgian offi- outfit Kirk boldly wore going where no
“We’re talking about restructuring a buy ostensibly “Indian” diamonds, cial added. The G7 accounts for 70 per The craft had lost two of its side man had gone before. Mr Spock’s
global market by fencing off the G7 some of which are actually polished cent of a global trade worth £77 billion windows and its fuselage bore the Vulcan robe was found, and a lute
market from Russian dia- Russian gems. a year and the ban would freeze Russia scorch marks of laser blasts, yet when it Leonard Nimoy strummed in several
monds,” said a Belgian of- De Beers, with India, fa- out into an inferior market based pre- emerged from a cardboard box in Los episodes.
ficial. “Russia is the big- vours a trust-based reg- dominantly in India and China. Angeles it was treated like a holy relic Jein also had Batman’s utility belt and
gest supplier globally. istration system via Tracking would take place through a — for this was the X-wing fighter from several of his “batarangs” from the
With this system, which the industry public ledger to be developed next year the 1977 Star Wars film. television series starring Adam West.
we are cutting would control use and would be a similar model to the The 20-inch model was built by an These were among more than 550
them out, leaving of and access to Swift international payments system Oscar-winning special effects team for models, props and costumes in Jein’s
them in an inferi- data on the between banks, which Russia has the George Lucas film, supposedly collection, which also included some of
or market with source of pol- already been largely excluded from. carrying the leading pilot of the Rebel his own work, including a model built
lower prices. We ished diamonds. “Russian diamonds are not for ever,” Alliance into a daring assault on the for the alien mothership in Close En-
are slashing the Europe, by con- said the Belgian official. Death Star. Found in one of the garages counters of the Third Kind.
financial flows trast, is pushing At least 20 De Beers employees were of Greg Jein, a visual effects artist and They are being sold by Heritage Auc-
from this sector. for a system based killed in a road accident in South Africa prolific collector who died last year tions in Dallas, with the X-wing the star
This is something on physical cus- yesterday. The bus involved was taking aged 76, it is expected to sell for of the collection. A similar model raised
for the long haul.” toms checks which staff from the Venetia mine, one of the $400,000. nearly $2.4 million last year.
Russia is home to would involve opening biggest diamond mines in the country, Jein’s garages and two storage units Jein rescued some memorabilia from
half of the world’s biggest and inspecting packages said a transport official in Limpopo also contained a hairpiece worn by studio lots that would otherwise have
diamond mines, but under of rough diamonds, record- province, in the north of the country. William Shatner, playing Captain Kirk been thrown away.
34 2GM Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Russia’s crimes
include ecocide,
says Ukraine
Ukraine dangered pine trees and the ancient
chalk slopes they thrive on have been
Marc Bennetts Donetsk region
lost to Russia’s military aggression.
The shell-scarred sign stood next to a “Almost all of them were destroyed by
cluster of blackened trees in the Holy fires and explosions,” he said.
Mountains national park in eastern Oak trees, some of which are hun-
Ukraine. “Look After Nature,” it read, dreds of years old, have been “saturated
the words a bitter reminder of a more with metal fragments,” said Pryyma-
peaceful time before Russia’s invasion. chuk. “They won’t fall down like the
A few steps away, burnt-out Russian pine trees, but they will get sick because
military hardware lay abandoned on insects will infest the holes.”
the edge of the missile-shredded forest. No one knows what has become of
This once idyllic national park, the forest’s wildlife, which included
known as the “lungs” of the Donetsk in- boars, deer, foxes, moose and racoons.
dustrial region, was home to health re- Scientists are also trying to determine
treats for miners and children’s holiday how badly the soil has been poisoned,
camps. President Putin’s forces were including by phosphorous bombs and
forced to retreat last year from the debris from tanks and other weaponry.
nearby town of Sviatohirsk, but the The park, which takes its name from
park they left behind is an apocalyptic a nearby Orthodox Christian monas-
landscape of dead and dying trees. tery, was heavily mined by Russian
About 20 square miles of its forest troops, creating additional risks for its
has been destroyed by Russian incendi- eventual clean-up. “We’ve been able to
ary Grad rockets and aerial bombs, ac- de-mine 50 hectares out of 11,800 so
cording to Ukraine’s environmental far,” said Volodymyr Savchenko, a staff Sergei Shoigu, the defence minister, with Kim Jong-un in Vladivostok, where they toured the frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov
protection ministry. member. “Just imagine how many years
While the terrifying human cost of
the war has been well documented,
Putin’s army has also ravaged the coun-
it will take to clear all the mines.”
Ukraine is now the most heavily
mined country in the world, with
Putin’s parting gift: drones and body armour
try’s environment, from its forests to its 67,000 square miles of the country —
Black Sea coast, where thousands of an area greater than England and Russia Russian city about 124 miles from the Shoigu and Kim then travelled to
dolphins are said to have died as a result Wales combined — contaminated, ac- North Korea border. It was Kim’s long- Vladivostok, where the North Korean
Gavin Blair, Samantha Berkhead
of Russia’s naval activity. Its land, air cording to the Globsec think tank. est foreign trip since he took power in leader was shown around the frigate,
and water have been polluted and its Holy Mountains is not the only place On the final leg of his tour of Russia, late 2011. He visited food industry busi- Marshal Shaposhnikov, by Nikolai Yev-
biodiversity threatened. where trees have been destroyed: more Kim Jong-un inspected hypersonic nesses, furthering speculation that in menov, the commander-in-chief of the
In addition to genocide, Ukraine has than 20 national parks and nature re- missiles, nuclear-capable bombers and return for weaponry, North Korea may Russian navy.
accused Russia of ecocide: the deliber- serves have seen fighting or are occu- a warship. The North Korean leader’s receive food aid. On Saturday night Kim attended a
ate destruction of its natural environ- pied by the Russian army. Even before six-day visit to Russia and meeting with Twenty-four hours earlier he had ar- performance of the ballet Sleeping
ment. Prosecutors in Kyiv are amassing the destruction of the Kakhovka dam President Putin has caused disquiet in rived in Artyom and met Sergei Shoigu, Beauty but left after the first act.
evidence to persuade the International in June, which sent floodwaters across the West over whether Kim will supply the defence minister, to inspect military President Yoon of South Korea called
Criminal Court to formally acknowl- southern Ukraine, the cost of the envi- munitions for use against Ukraine in aircraft, including Tu-22 strategic military co-operation between North
edge ecocide as a crime. ronmental damage caused by the war return for advanced Russian weapons bombers. Korea and Russia “illegal and unjust”.
Ruslan Strilets, the environmental was estimated at more than £40 billion. and space technology. Shoigu and Sergei Kobylash, the Yoon, who is due to address the UN
minister, called the destruction at Holy “This is ecocide, 100 per cent,” said As his trip ended yesterday, Kim was commander of Russia’s long-range general assembly in New York this
Mountains an “offence against nature” Ivan Rusev, head of the Tuzly Lagoons presented with five explosive drones, a bomber force, explained to Kim that week, told AP: “Any nuclear attack by
and vowed that Russia would “answer national park. “Russia’s destruction of reconnaissance drone and a bullet- cruise missiles for the Tu-160 have a North Korea will be met with a swift,
for every burnt tree”. our nature is akin to the destruction of proof vest. His armoured train depart- range of more than 4,000 miles. Kim overwhelming and decisive response
Serhiy Pryymachuk, director of the Ukrainians.” ed after a farewell ceremony at a rail- was also shown hypersonic Kinzhal that will bring about the end of the
state-owned park, said hundreds of en- Additional reporting by Oleksii Kulyk way station in Artyom, a far eastern missiles. regime.”

Yet global warming has its technology has evolved: nuclear

FROM OUR upsides for Aker Arctic, one of the
remnants of Finland’s previously
reactors, engines that run on LNG
or hydrogenated vegetable oil, ships

CORRESPONDENT mighty state-owned shipbuilders.

The poles are opening up to mining
prospectors, science missions and
that crash sideways through the ice.
Each hull and propulsion system
is tested in miniature, powering its
boatloads of tourists. way through a 75m pool. Nozzles
The French have bought the spray water that freezes before it
world’s first luxury cruise hits the surface, settling like
Oliver Moody buttons up for a chilly icebreaker. Finnish vessels have snowflakes as the ice sheet thickens
traversed the Northwest Passage in millimetre by millimetre.
visit to the laboratory in Helsinki where 25 days, a journey that took Roald The trick, Suojanen explains, is
Amundsen three years. not to try to cut laterally through
most of the world’s icebreakers are born Finland originally developed the the ice like an axe, but to bend it
industry as a matter of necessity. downwards like a spoon cracking
gantry overhead, a small yellow “We have been forced into this the topping on a crème brûlée.
Oliver Moody hovercraft chomps its way through situation,” said Reko-Antti The elephant in the room is
the frosting, spewing out water Suojanen, Aker Arctic’s managing Moscow, long the company’s
HE L S I NK I through the skirts at its sides. director. “During the winter the sea biggest customer and still the
True to the national stereotype, freezes and 90 per cent of our dominant player in the market.
one of the Finnish workers has France’s Le Commandant Charcot is import and export is by sea.” The Glass display cases in Aker Arctic’s
stripped down to a plaid shirt while the first luxury cruise icebreaker state still maintains nine office hold half a dozen model
the foreign visitors shiver and icebreakers, although there is a Russian ships.
button their jackets against the months at a stretch are now joke that the crews always go on Nowhere on the planet has
ambient chill. navigable for most of the year. strike at the first sign of winter. climate change opened up so much
This facility, near Helsinki’s In 2017 a Russian tanker made The Wartsila shipyards flourished potential for new shipping routes as
container port, is where most of the the first complete voyage through at the start of the Cold War, in the Russian Arctic. In Finland,

f it were not for the icicles world’s icebreakers are born, from the northern Arctic route by a building dozens of icebreakers for however, which spent 200 years
hanging from the ceiling you Argentinian research vessels bound commercial vessel travelling the Soviet Union. Then the breaking free of the Kremlin’s orbit,
might mistake the elongated for the Antarctic to a new fleet for without an escorting icebreaker. company went bust a few days times have changed. The invasion
pool for an Olympic swimming the Swedish coastguard. Russia now allows oil tankers to before the fall of the Berlin Wall. of Ukraine cut off the company’s
venue. On closer inspection the The oceans are warming and the make the trip even if their hulls are Today most of the vessels are most lucrative cash cow in a single
surface turns out to be coated with sea ice retreats with almost every not reinforced against the ice, built in China and South Korea but stroke. “We had to stop all projects
a fine layer of ice. passing winter. Some Baltic ports prompting warnings of an the designs still come from we had with Russian ships,” said
Monitored by three men from a that were once icebound for six impending environmental disaster. engineers in Helsinki. The Suojanen. “It was a big share.”
the times | Monday September 18 2023 35

Girl, 5, killed as Italian aerobatic team jet crashes in fireball
Italy as the Frecce Tricolori jet hit the dropping away. The pilot ejected and family told the Corriere della Sera solidarity and extend my condolences
ground and exploded in a fireball. opened his parachute shortly before newspaper: “We couldn’t do anything to the family.”
James Imam Milan
The accident happened on Saturday the plane hit the ground. Parts of the because there were flames A celebratory event planned for yes-
A five-year-old girl was killed when an afternoon shortly after ten planes from aircraft broke through a fence sur- everywhere.” terday by the Tricolore to mark 100
aircraft from the Italian military aero- the Italian air force’s aerobatic squad rounding the field’s perimeter and Laura’s parents and brother were years since the foundation of the Italian
batics team crashed near Turin. took off from the Turin-Caselle airport smashed into the car carrying Paolo treated in hospital for burns. air force was cancelled. Public prosecu-
Laura Origliasso, travelling with her on a training exercise. Origliasso, 49, his wife, Veronica Ver- Giorgia Meloni, the prime minister, tors have ordered an inquiry into the
parents and brother in the family car on Video shot by an onlooker shows one netto, 41, their 12-year-old son and said that the tragedy had left her “with- cause of the crash.
an adjoining road, is thought to have of the planes peeling off suddenly from Laura. out words”, adding: “In the name of the Oscar Del Dò, 35, the pilot, has flown
died after being struck by flying debris the two tight V-formations before A bystander who tried to help the entire government, I express my with the unit for three years.

France on high
alert for royal
and papal visits
Adam Sage Paris
All police leave has been cancelled in
France as the authorities try to contain
terrorist and public order threats sur-
rounding the visits of King Charles and
Queen Camilla and the Pope.
Gérald Darmanin, the interior minis-
ter, told police chiefs that they faced a
“particularly intense” week. Officers
are also providing security for the
Rugby World Cup across the country.
There have been reports in Sada al-
Malahim, al-Qaeda’s magazine, that the
terrorist group has threatened to attack
a French ministry. Darmanin said: “The
level of terrorist threat weighing on our
country demands the maintenance of a
very high level of vigilance.”
Officials are also keen to avoid public
order disturbances during the royal
visit to Paris and Bordeaux.
Eight thousand extra officers will be
deployed on Wednesday when Charles ancient Roman theatre of minister, to intervene. A completed by the emperor
and Camilla start their visit with a cere-
mony at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris Ticketing nightmare in grand spectacles officially
cost €16 but touts are
source at the culture
ministry said the
Titus in AD80, draws about
20,000 visitors a day and
and attend a state dinner at the Palace
of Versailles. There will be 10,000 extra
on Thursday when they go to Notre
amphitheatre of dreams selling them on websites for
up to €80.
Reports suggest that for
government planned to
introduce named tickets for
visitors, who would have to
earned €63 million in ticket
sales last year. A study by
Deloitte found the site
Dame cathedral. the past seven months produce photo ID. contributed €1.4 billion to

On Friday, when they travel to Bor- taged battles have prices (James Imam writes). official tickets have been A similar measure is used Italy’s economy in 2022.
deaux, and the Pope arrives in Marseil- returned to the Scalpers have been using difficult to find online. to combat football touts. In The problem of web touts
les, 12,000 more officers will be on duty. Colosseum as touts autonomous online Alessandro Onorato, a further measure, the arose when ticket sales
There will be 30,000 extra on Saturday defy officials to sell programmes to snap up Rome’s tourism chief, insider said tickets could be moved online during the
when he presides over Mass at the tickets to the tokens as soon as they called on Gennaro reserved for sale at booths. pandemic. The ticket office
Stade Vélodrome, where France play amphitheatre at inflated emerge. Tickets to the Sangiuliano, Italy’s culture The Colosseum, reopened in May.
rugby against Namibia on Thursday.

Minister tells crisis-hit French to Macron makes

a U-turn on
budget by ‘cooking like Granny’ video games Adam Sage

Adam Sage last year. They are climbing significant- with 5 per cent for poultry, 5.7 per cent by his stage-name Coluche, who once Over the summer President Macron
ly faster than inflation as a whole, for beef and 1.7 per cent for fresh fish. said the approach of the French state to denounced video games as a cause of
President Macron’s trade minister has which was at a year-on-year rate of Le Figaro quoted Philippe Brochard, poverty was: “Tell us what you need, urban violence but now he has said they
provoked a row with a suggestion that 4.9 per cent. managing director of the Auchan super- we’ll tell you how to go without it.” stimulate art, imagination, economic
French families should cope with “We need to learn again how to cook market chain, as saying that the “first Although French commentators of- growth and social unity.
inflation by abandoning ready-made raw products to avoid buying rampart against inflation is the capacity ten bemoan the decline of the nation’s The French leader made the U-turn
meals and preparing their own dishes. ready-made [meals], which are more to peel vegetables”. He described frozen gastronomic ambitions, a poll pub- after gamers criticised him for linking
Olivia Grégoire called for cooking expensive,” she said. “Cooking lessons chips, which are on sale in his stores for lished in 2020 found that 67 per cent of their pastime to the summer’s riots.
lessons in schools to improve family must return to schools. There is a €5.15 per kg, as a “luxury”. Potatoes cost families prepared their own meals Speaking in June, Macron said: “We
health and finances, under what she real question of grandmother €1.20 per kg by comparison. every day. A total of 42 per cent cooked sometimes have the feeling that some
called a “grandmother education” in education about basic, day- Grégoire faced mockery on the inter- fresh vegetables and fruit daily, and a of [the rioters] are living out, on the
the face of the cost of living crisis. to-day cuisine.” net and criticism from the govern- further 32 per cent every other day. streets, the video games that have
Her comment infuriated leftwingers Cooking as a subject is ment’s left-wing opponents. “If However, purists are worried that intoxicated them.”
who compared her to Marie-Antoi- largely absent from the there is no bread, eat cake,” said younger generations are turning their That statement ran against Macron’s
nette and depicted her as the symbol of national curriculum except Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of backs on traditional cuisine. More than ambition to turn France into a bastion
an executive out of touch with ordinary for sixth-formers wanting the radical France Unbowed party, half of French people aged between 18 of professional gaming. Now, in a post
people. to become chefs. The price in reference to the comment widely — and 35 eat at McDonald’s at least once on Twitter/X, as 28,000 fans watched
Recent surveys indicate that most of frozen vegetables has but wrongly — attributed to a month, for instance. They are also matches involving the French esports
French families do still cook fresh pro- risen by 21.7 per cent over Marie-Antoinette amid food shorta- increasingly keen on having team, the president was conciliatory,
duce regularly but younger generations the past year, compared ges before the French Revolution. ready-made meals delivered to their saying: “It is this violence that I con-
seem to have a growing appetite for fast with 13.2 per cent for “If people are skipping meals, it’s homes, a market that is now worth demn, not video games.”
food and home deliveries. fresh ones. Ready-made not because they do not know how €10.7 billion a year. He called video games “a ground for
Grégoire, 44, made the suggestion meals have gone up by to cook but because they have Grégoire dismissed her critics, saying artistic experiments, a fascinating place
when interviewed by a panel of readers 12.7 per cent, compared NOTHING to cook,” tweeted Anne she had delivered a message of “com- of learning combining all the arts”,
of the Sud Ouest newspaper, notably Stambach, a France Unbowed MP. mon sense” which was “good for the adding that the sector was not only a
about food prices, which were 11.2 per Olivia Grégoire has been Many internet users quoted Michel health and for the wallet, and not only source of jobs but brought together
cent higher last month than in August mocked as “out of touch” Colucci, the late French comic known in inflationary times.” gamers around “powerful values”.
36 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Minister is
caught out
over ‘eco’ trip
Bruno Waterfield
Germany’s foreign minister is under
fire for boasting about taking an eco-
friendly bus journey without men-
tioning that her empty government
plane was flying to meet her.
Annalena Baerbock, 42, of the
Greens Party, had flown from Berlin
to Austin, Texas, with the largest air-
craft in the fleet, an Airbus A350. Its
comforts include a bed and shower,
but she left it in Austin and was driven
for two and a half hours to Houston.
She kept her 575,000 Instagram fol-
lowers abreast of her road trip, in-
cluding a meal at a roadside diner.
As the Bild am Sonntag newspaper
noted, she did not mention that the
empty plane flew 147 miles to pick her
up in Houston. It burnt 4.5 tonnes of
kerosene fuel before flying her 342
miles to Wichita Falls.
When she took office Baerbock
promised to make her travel as green
as possible. The foreign ministry said
it had “thoroughly examined various
means of transport” for the trip. Prost! Munich’s annual Oktoberfest is under way until October 3 and millions of visitors will be drawn to its parades, concerts, gun salutes . . . and of course the beer

Thousands join march to

amplify indigenous Voice
Bernard Lagan Sydney
Tens of thousands of Australians
staged rallies around the country
yesterday to fight for constitutional
recognition of the nation’s Aboriginal
people before a divisive nationwide
referendum on the issue next month.
The vote, if carried on October 14,
would also give the descendants of
Australia’s first inhabitants a formal
Indigenous Voice to Parliament, al-
lowing them to be heard on govern-
ment proposals affecting them.
More than 200 years since British
colonisation, Aboriginal people,
whose ancestors have lived on the More than 10,000 supporters of the “yes” vote marched through Melbourne
continent for about 60,000 years, still
have markedly shorter lives than Albanese has for months tried to crowds attending the Melbourne
other Australians, poorer education, maintain a message of optimism but rally.
and are much more likely to be at the weekend he warned of the risk Tanya Plibersek, Australia’s envi-
unemployed and to be jailed. of a “no” result. ronment minister and a Sydney MP,
Anthony Albanese, the Labor “This is a hand, outstretched, ask- told a Sydney rally of about 15,000
prime minister, promised the refer- ing for the hand to be joined. That’s all people : “Australians are a fair people.
endum within minutes of being it is. Who in Australia, when a hand We are an egalitarian people. We love
elected in May 2022 but it is strongly goes out, dismisses it and doesn’t justice, and we love one another. Let’s
opposed by opposition conservative shake? That’s what we’re asking of show that love and decency to the
parties. Australians,” he said. world on October 14 and vote ‘yes’.”
The poll has been described by In Melbourne more than 10,000 To pass, the referendum needs
some commentators as Australia’s supporters marched through the majority support across Australia but
Brexit moment, a chance for streets yesterday, some with banners also a majority in at least four of the
ordinary voters to challenge reading: “You’re the voice, vote yes”. nation’s six states. Voting is compul-
metropolitan “elites”, and the “no” Tens of thousands more gathered in sory, with non-voters who don’t have
vote seems odds-on to win. Sydney, Canberra, Perth, Brisbane, a valid reason liable to a fine.
A poll conducted this month Darwin, Hobart and Alice Springs, They will be asked: “A Proposed
showed it with 56 per cent buoying hopes of a late surge of Law: to alter the Constitution to re-
support and the “yes” camp support. cognise the First Peoples of Australia
at 43 per cent. Linda Burney, the minister by establishing an Aboriginal and
Critics of the referendum, for indigenous Australians, said Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you
led by Peter Dutton, the oppo- she was “almost crying” at the approve this proposed alteration?”
sition leader, argue that en- strength of the large turn- Australians have rejected most
shrining a Voice to Parlia- out across the nation. proposals for constitutional amend-
ment in the constitution “It is truly overwhelm- ments, approving only eight out of 44
will do little to help Abo- ing to look out over this referendums since federation in 1901.
riginal people and will crowd and see you. To Aiming to change the national
lead to years of litigation know where your hearts mood, the “yes” campaign launched a
surrounding govern- are, to know where your television advertising blitz at the
ment decisions. spirit lives. And that you, weekend featuring an Aboriginal boy
They also argue it like us, want to embrace asking: “Will I grow up in a country
would confer special this opportunity to move that hears my voice? Will I live as
privileges on Australia’s this country forward long as other Australians? Will I get
indigenous people. together,” she told the to go to a good school?”
the times | Monday September 18 2023 37

world markets (Friday’s close. Change on the week) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude (6pm) £/$ £/€
7,711.38 (+233.19) 34,618.24 (+41.65) $1,925.63 (+7.02) $ $93.78 (+4.25) $ $1.2389 (-0.0084) $ €1.1609 (-0.0039) ¤
8,500 37,500 2,200 120 1.400 1.300
8,000 35,000 2,000 100 1.300 1.200
7,500 32,500 1,800 80 1.200 1.100
7,000 30,000 1,600 60 1.100 1.000
Aug 17 24 Sep 1 8 15 Aug 17 24 Sep 1 8 15 Aug 18 25 Sep 1 8 15 Aug 18 25 Sep 1 8 15 Aug 18 25 Sep 1 8 15 Aug 18 25 Sep 1 8 15

Gen Z staff admit to not being so intelligent when it comes to AI

Max Kendix of those in Gen Z say they feel over- Charlotte Davies, a career expert and contend with the huge disruption technology, whose most available
whelmed by the technology and are group manager of consumer commun- caused by the pandemic and now a new forms remain generative text and
Forty per cent of young professionals conscious of falling behind and 41 per ications at LinkedIn, said: “Hot off the era of AI is poised to mean further imp- image models such as ChatGPT and
admit that they pretend to know more cent worry that their colleagues are heels of the pandemic, once again pro- lications in our working lives.” Midjourney, with 82 per cent giving it a
about artificial intelligence than they more clued up than they are. fessionals are adapting to another wave Older professionals, in the Gen X age go, compared with only 38 per cent of
really do to look “in the know”, research Data from LinkedIn has shown that of change as AI becomes more prom- category of 43 to 58, appear to be less Gen X.
has found. since November last year there has inent in the workplace. It’s understand- concerned about AI pretences in the Across generational divides more
Gen Z workers, defined as those aged been a 21-fold global increase in able that getting up to speed can feel workplace. About 18 per cent admit to than half of Britons plan to use AI to
18 to 26, are 10 per cent more likely than English-language jobs mentioning new overwhelming. pretending to know more than they do eliminate boring work tasks and 42 per
the general population to lie about AI technologies such as ChatGPT. “Young professionals have exper- on the topic and 25 per cent feel as if cent say they can use AI tools to answer
having used an AI tool at work, accord- About 17 in 1,000 workers on the plat- ienced a significant amount of change their colleagues know more than them. the questions they are too embarrassed
ing to a survey by LinkedIn. Nearly half form can be classed as “AI talent”. over the past few years. They had to Gen Z are most likely to have used the to ask their colleagues.

Rents soar
as rates shut
out buyers
More than a third of house sellers reduce prices
Tom Howard also at record highs. Developers claim
that a complex planning system is stop-
Residential rents across Britain are ping them building as many new
rising at their fastest on record as high houses as they would like and it has
interest rates shut would-be buyers out been repeatedly suggested that smaller
of the property market. landlords are selling up because of
Monthly rental costs are on average changes to regulations and rising mort-
12 per cent higher than they were this gage rates.
time last year, up £140 to breach £1,300 “Many mortgaged landlords are
for the first time, according to the estate being squeezed just as tightly as ten-
agent Hamptons. ants,” Beveridge said. “Higher rents are
Separate research from the property only going some way towards helping
website Rightmove suggests that more mortgaged landlords to balance their
than a third of homes for sale have had books, rather than boosting their profit. Melanie Smith, left, the former boss of Ocado Retail, has been named as the chief executive
their asking prices reduced as vendors This is one of the reasons we haven’t of NEC Group, which runs the NEC Arena in Birmingham, host to the annual Crufts dog show
try to drum up demand. seen large numbers of new landlords
“Each passing month has ushered in come into the market.”
a new rental market record,” Aneisha
Beveridge, head of research at Hamp-
tons, said. “Rents have risen more in the
last 12 months than they did between
Those landlords looking to sell also
face an uphill battle. Price reductions
have crept up to a level not seen since
the start of 2011, according to the Right-
CBI ‘crisis time’ amid £3m cash call
2015 and 2019.” move data, which indicates that Alex Ralph Times reported. HSBC did not respond ing out a number of details. One
Rents across the UK have increased 36.3 per cent of all flats and houses on to a request for comment. member, speaking confidentially, said
by 29 per cent, or nearly £300 a month, the market have had at least one price The CBI is preparing to update mem- The cash crunch comes days before they were surprised the CBI had not
since the beginning of the pandemic, reduction since being listed. Of those bers this week about its annual meeting its delayed annual meeting, scheduled made a “more overt” push for financial
Hamptons’ data shows, pushed higher homes that have had a reduction, amid significant uncertainty over its for Wednesday, where members vote support from members sooner and that
by a prolonged imbalance between sup- asking prices have been cut by 6.2 per finances. on the CBI’s auditors and board mem- there was also concern among trade
ply and demand for rental homes. cent, on average, which works out at The troubled business group is seek- bers and consider its annual report, associations over a potential merger
The fastest rises are in London, £22,700. ing emergency funding from members outlining its finances and governance. with Make UK. They added that the
where rents have increased by 17.1 per Andy McHugo, an estate agent in while it explores a contentious merger A CBI spokesman said yesterday that CBI may be seeking to secure a finan-
cent in the past year. In Scotland rents Birmingham, said: “In almost twenty with Make UK, a lobby group for the it has “experienced some short-term cial lifeline until January, when a large
are up 13.4 per cent year-on-year, years of selling homes I feel that this manufacturing sector. cashflow challenges following an in- proportion of members traditionally
meaning that for the first time it is more summer and last summer have been the The CBI was one of Britain’s most in- credibly difficult year for the organisa- renew annual subscriptions.
expensive to rent a home north of the most subdued.” fluential business groups until it was tion” and that a “number of options are Another member said: “It’s certainly
border than in the midlands. Rents in Typically, Rightmove would see a thrown into crisis this year by a work- being explored to resolve this issue and crisis time and I’ve been shocked by the
Wales have had the weakest growth, rise in asking prices in September as the place misconduct scandal which led to secure the footing of an organisation lack of outreach, not one personal con-
having risen only 3.4 per cent. autumn selling season, the second busi- an exodus of corporate members and it that remains in a strong medium to tact to explain the situation and en-
Demand has been bolstered by rising est time of year, gets under way. Asking being frozen out of ministerial access. long-term position”. courage continuing membership. I’m
mortgage rates, which have stopped prices have only increased by 0.4 per It is trying to raise £3 million with The organisation declined to confirm puzzled as to why they haven’t hit the
would-be buyers from getting on to the cent over the past month, however, to HSBC attempting to encourage mem- whether the annual meeting was going phones to every single member.”
proprty ladder, and migration levels are an average of £366,281. bers to support the drive, The Sunday ahead. It is understood to be still work-
38 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Need to know
The number of pubs being
demolished or converted for
other uses has risen by more
Labour backers in the City
than 50 per cent, figures show. In
the three months to the end of
June 230 pubs disappeared from
communities in England and
Wales. In the preceding quarter
the figure was 153. Among the uses
for converted pubs are housing,
offices and nurseries.

The European Union is
running into opposition from
India and De Beers over a
proposed ban on Russian
diamonds, which would remove
the world’s biggest producer of
uncut gems from the global

Residential rents across
Britain are rising at their
fastest pace on record as high
interest rates shut would-be
buyers out of the property market. lowers of the Keir-and-Rachel project
Monthly rental costs are on Robert Lea meets the had come together in the shiny glass
average 12 per cent higher than
they were this time last year, up
movers and shakers offices of UK Finance, the fulcrum of
the financial services sector from which
£140 to breach £1,300 for the first hoping to put Starmer Starmer and Reeves announced their
time, according to the estate agent “economic mission” earlier this year.
Hamptons. in No 10 as a poll shows The white wine was suitably chilled,
the red wine eminently passable and
City support growing
Forty per cent of young the catering on porcelain platters an
professionals admit that they altogether sophisticated affair. Not a
pretend to know more about Meet the “fifth columnists” of high fin- pint of ale or curly sandwich in sight.
artificial intelligence than they ance in the heart of the City. This was Labour on manoeuvres, one of
really do to look “in the know”, Here, a director of Blackstone, the a series of meetings this autumn of Lab-
research has found. private equity firm that is a cornerstone our supporters who work in financial
of American capitalism, alongside a services as well as in law and account-

The CBI is preparing to senior figure at UK Finance, the trade ancy, as the party prepares for a war
update members this week body for the Square Mile. footing before a general election that
about its annual meeting There, a specialist in alternative may be as little as nine months away.
scheduled for Wednesday amid investments in a huddle with a spokes- The main speaker was Seema
significant uncertainty over its person for Nationwide, the last of the Malhotra, a former Accen-
finances. The troubled business great building societies. ture management con-
group is seeking emergency They are bound by one thing: they sultant and now a
funding from members. want to get Sir Keir Starmer and Rachel west London MP
Reeves into Downing Street. They are who was shadow

A Cambridge-based start-up the people that call themselves Labour business minister
with aspirations to become in the City. before being re-
“the next Arm” is claiming a Around the corner from Austin Fri- cently reshuf-
breakthrough that could speed up ars, a hotbed for furtive meetings of fled by Starmer
the development of the next clandestine sects over the centuries, to the shadow
generation of computers. Labour in the City met last week to skills brief.
Riverlane said it had produced the throw around some thoughts about Her support
first chip for quantum computers how Labour in government might act was Andrew the likes of the uency meeting would be. This was not a
that can deal with one of the attract business investment. Dowler, Black- Terra Firma pri- fundraiser nor an attempt to gain con-
primary obstacles holding back With the presence of a frontbench stone’s government vate equity titan verts, for these were all fellow-travel-
their development. shadow minister, the meeting was relations adviser and Guy Hands. lers, Labour members or supporters.
immediately redolent of the famous as polished and urbane The meeting attract- The debate was not overtly Tory-

The police in Shenzhen in prawn cocktail offensive in the 1990s of an old school financial ed an audience numbering trashing nor government-bashing;
China have detained some the late Mo Mowlam, who as shadow public relations practitioner as about 80, more than half of more an earnest and worthy discussion
staff at the wealth business minister led the charge to there is. During a career at the old Fins- whom were under the age of 40, and about what Labour should do to help to
management business of China project the credibility of new Labour. bury and Financial Dynamics agencies, many of those in their twenties. The oil the flow of business investment and
Evergrande Group in the latest Three decades on this felt more like a he advised executives during takeover gender split was even but the room was how it should position itself. No policy
turmoil at the giant property lobster canapé engagement. These fol- battles and acted as representative to not as ethnically diverse as a constit- initiatives were delivered, that role

One of the banks that floated
CAB Payments on the stock
market this summer is now Start-up chancing its arm on chip Staff arrests
betting against shares of the cross-
border transfer business. The asset
management arm of JPMorgan
James Hurley which promises an exponential
increase in computing power.
computer and predicting errors so that
corrections can be made instantan-
add to China
Chase has a 0.5 per cent net short
position in CAB shares, which
have lost almost a quarter of their
A Cambridge-based start-up with asp-
irations to become “the next Arm” is
claiming a breakthrough that could
A normal computer relies on “bits”
that are either a “1” or a “0”, “on” or “off”,
so is limited by binary options. Quan-
eously. “Decoding terabytes of errors
per second is fundamental to quantum
error correction. This requires chips to
value since the company made its
debut in London.
speed up the development of the next
generation of computers.
Riverlane, a spin-out from Cam-
tum computers use quantum bits, or
qubits, that can be 0 or 1 as well as a
“superposition” of 0 and 1 — in other
achieve the necessary speed and effic-
iency,” the company said.
Brierley said: “Until now, no one
Group’s woes
The chief executive of Frasers bridge University, said it had produced words, on and off at the same time, knew how to decode fast enough to
Group, Michael Murray, the first chip for quantum computers allowing them to mirror the complexity keep up with the data. Without a decod- Alex Ralph
described the business rates that could deal with one of the primary of the subatomic world in a way that er the process of quantum error correc-
regime as a disaster and urged the obstacles holding back their develop- classical computers cannot. tion is not possible. You need a decoder The police in southern China have
government to step in with a ment and commercial adoption. The This could pave the way for quantum to detect the errors that quantum com- detained some staff at the wealth man-
transformation as quickly as company’s “quantum decoder chip” is computers to transform industries inc- puters are prone to and correct those agement business of China Evergrande
possible intended to help companies to deal luding healthcare, sustainable energy, errors in real time. Otherwise, you sim- Group in the latest turmoil at the giant
with the high error rates inherent to the advanced materials and logistics. ply cannot do anything useful with a property company.

10 Businesses selling the

chemicals used in
camping stoves, fertilisers,
rat poison and a fuel for model
steam engines will have to comply
Steve Brierley, founder and chief
executive of Riverlane, called the chip a
huge breakthrough that gave the com-
pany “massive leadership” in the race to
One of the significant issues holding
quantum computers back from being
commercially useful, however, is the
high number of errors that such sys-
tems produce. “Error correction” is
quantum computer.”
Several other start-ups are working
on decoders but Brierly said “research
and testing has shown ours to be the
world’s most powerful” because it is the
Shenzhen city police said over the
weekend: “Recently, public security
organs took criminal compulsory
measures against Du and other sus-
pected criminals at Evergrande Finan-
with new regulations from become “the next Arm”, the British chip therefore required to realise their first to allow real-time processing. cial Wealth Management Co.”
October 1, introduced in response designer that floated on Wall Street last potential. Riverlane, valued at £150 million and The identity of the individual named
to the Manchester Arena terrorist week. Riverlane is one of a number of Riverlane’s chip in effect sits between employing 100 people, is working with was unclear but during protests by
attack. promising UK companies in the emerg- the quantum system and the human other start-ups and established hard- investors at Evergrande’s Shenzhen
ing quantum computing industry, interface, processing the output of the ware companies to test the chip. headquarters in 2021 Du Liang was re-
the times | Monday September 18 2023 39


gunning for Tories The week ahead

The nine-member Bank of England
monetary policy committee is widely
expected to raise interest rates from
and even then probably a long time 5.25 per cent to 5.5 per cent on
after the result of a general election. Thursday, the 15th consecutive
There was talk of Labour’s big idea of a increase to borrowing costs.
national wealth fund but no assessment Another increase is on the cards
of how that would be financed. There after data on wage growth showed
was edge to an exchange on another of that earnings are still accelerating at
the Labour leadership’s big projects, the fastest pace in 22 years, despite
Great British Energy, with the question signs that other parts of the labour
of what that actually might look like left market are beginning to slow down.
unresolved. Robert Wood, UK economist at
More positive were hopes of what Bank of America, said the interest
might come about from Reeves’s snaf- rate decision was a “closer call” than
fling of Jim O’Neill, the eminent econ- previously as the Bank was near to
omist Lord O’Neill of Gatley, to advise reaching the peak of its borrowing
on small business and technology start- costs. He added that there was still a
up policy. possibility that the committee would Swati Dhingra and fellow members
After the event those attending talk- “skip” making a decision and wait of the MPC will decide on rates
ed about the sea change of political for fresh economic data at its next
engagement in the City before the next meeting in November. at 6.8 per cent in July and is forecast
general election after the Jeremy Cor- Before the rates decision, official to hit 7 per cent in August.
byn and Boris Johnson years when both figures on inflation for August will However, the committee is likely
former leaders shunned the Square be released on Wednesday. Most to look through the temporary blip
Mile; that Labour’s pitch was now vari- economists expect there will be a and focus instead on core measures
ously looking “reasonable” or “cred- small increase in the annual rate of inflation and inflation in the
ible” or “sensible”; and that even Tory- caused by a recent increase in global services sector, which are expected
leaning fund managers and financial energy prices. Inflation was running to drop back again in August.
services bosses now appreciated that
they may well have to work with a Lab-
our government. tomorrow
The anecdotal chit-chat was lent
added credibility by a new survey from It has not been a happy alongside full-year shares languishing at
Bloomberg, published yesterday, that period for retail results to June. At the just a third of their
found that about two thirds of finance investment platforms. half-year it managed to peak in 2019.
professionals think that an outright win Some customers have push underlying profits Interims Accesso
for Starmer’s party or a Labour-led been liquidating 30 per cent higher to Technology, Big
coalition would be the “most market- holdings to meet cost of £211.9 million, partly Technologies,
friendly outcome” of the election. living pressures, while thanks to rising net Billington, Fintel,
Labour in the City is not an official the relative gloom interest income on Jadestone Energy,
caucus of the party, rather calling itself about the UK stock client money. Analysts Kingfisher, Team17,
“a social group for Labour members market has not helped are forecasting annual Trustpilot, Xaar
and supporters . . . to provide a social confidence. statutory pre-tax profits Finals Hargreaves
environment for like-minded people to The whale of the of £379 million, up from Lansdown, Litigation
meet and discuss political issues”. sector, Hargreaves £269 million last year Capital, McBride,
It is led by Nick Smith, a director of Lansdown, with 1.8 and £366 million the Naked Wines
the Alternative Investment Manage- million clients, is due to year before. But Trading updates C&C,
ment Association, and Tanisha Aggar- give a fresh update sentiment is weak, the Moonpig, Ocado
wal, who is in public affairs with Nat-
ionwide. They are both wary of com-
menting publicly on how Labour in the wednesday
City is funded, whether the party is
gaining traction in the Square Mile and Half-year results from M&G will M&G became a separately listed
how the charm offensive is going. give investors an opportunity to company when Prudential spun off
Dowler is a long-time Labour sup- gauge the progress of Andrea Rossi, its UK and European businesses in
Sir Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves’s downer on the sheer size of the energy porter who has been close to Lord Man- right, who has been in charge 2019. However, the lacklustre
cultivation of business and finance is transition challenge facing a would-be delson, Tony Blair’s former fixer-in- of the FTSE 100-listed stock market performance
reminiscent of the efforts of Tony Blair Labour government and the need to chief. He is privately loquacious about fund management group of its shares has fuelled
and Mo Mowlam under new Labour deliver clean power for the data storage the shortcomings of government poli- for almost a year. speculation that the
behind the digital revolution. There cies but prefers not to declare in public. City analysts are business could lose
being left to the private meetings was some tutting about the state of the Labour in the City may yet be on the expecting the its independence
around town that Reeves and Jonathan planning process but no solutions. right side of the argument come a gen- investment business and be bought by a
Reynolds, the shadow business sec- There was consensus that the so- eral election but the sensitivities of to post adjusted rival. This has put
retary, have embarked upon in recent called wall of money in the City was un- being someone in the City and being operating profits of pressure on Rossi, a
weeks and months. likely to be deployed while uncertainty outed as a Labour supporter plainly £284 million on veteran of the fund
There was, during the talks, a bit of a reigned over the state of the economy, brings its limitations. revenues of management and
£494 million. insurance industries.
UBS has told clients: “We Interims Advanced Medical
portedly identified by staff as general
manager and legal representative of the
wealth management unit.
Another British tech firm expect the focus to be on operating
performance in M&G’s asset
management and wealth business,
Solutions, Epwin, Judges Scientific,
M&G, Oxford Biomedica, Ten
Evergrande could not be reached for
comment. The number of people
detained, the charges and the date they
plans to float in New York and an update on entry into the
bulk annuity market.”
Finals Dunelm, Galliford Try,
Supermarket Income Reit

were taken into custody were unclear.

The group is at the heart of a crisis in ment adviser, to consider its options, thursday
Alex Ralph
China’s property sector, which has suf- including an initial public offering.
fered a series of debt defaults since the The British microchip designer Imag- Canyon Bridge bought Imagination Investors will be eager to see Investors will look closely at the
end of 2021 and weighed on the coun- ination Technologies is planning to list Technologies for £550 million in 2017 whether another profit upgrade is half-year results from JD Sports,
try’s economy. After coming close to in New York in the latest blow to efforts after Apple, its largest customer, threw on the way when Next reveals its Britain’s biggest sportswear retailer,
collapse two years ago it remains in the to encourage more technology com- its future into jeopardy. The iPhone interim results. In August the hoping it will strike a more upbeat
midst of a restructuring plan, including panies to float in the UK. maker said it would use its own designs retailer said that a higher level of tone than its American peers have
offloading assets, to avoid defaulting on Imagination has confidentially regis- to make graphics chips, sending the full-price trading and a strong in recent weeks.
$340 billion of debts. tered to go public in New York, accord- Imagination share price tumbling and summer sale had driven a better Interims Aquis Exchange,
Shares in Evergrande slumped last ing to The Sunday Telegraph, following leaving it vulnerable to a takeover. It performance in the latest quarter, Chesnara, Corero Network Security,
month in Hong Kong when trading re- the $54 billion Nasdaq float of Arm, a subsequently reached a new licensing prompting management to raise James Fisher, JD Sports Fashion,
started after they had been suspended larger Cambridge-based competitor, deal with Apple. profit guidance this year by Life Science Reit, Next, Octopus
for more than a year. last week. The company declined to Accounts filed at Companies House £10 million to £845 million. Renewables Infrastructure Trust,
On Friday China’s national financial comment. show that revenues increased to It was the second time this year Strix Group
regulator announced that it had Imagination delisted from the £120.3 million in 2022 from £111.3 mil- that Next has lifted its profit Finals CVS, DFS Furniture
approved the takeover of the group’s life London Stock Exchange six years ago lion a year earlier. Profit before tax fell guidance but it would still mark a Trading updates Halma, SSP
assurance arm by a new state-owned when it was taken private by a buyout to £17 million from £20.2 million. drop compared with last year’s
entity and the group said it had delayed fund with links to the Chinese state. Arm’s successful float has raised numbers. Analysts have forecast
a decision on an offshore debt restruc- The company, based in Kings Lan- hopes of a recovery in the IPO market. sales of £5.33 billion and profit of friday
turing from this month until October. gley, Hertfordshire, has previously There was a 60 per cent drop in the £851 million this year, from
Last week the credit rating agency plotted a stock market return. Two number of global IPOs last year to 221, £5.03 billion and £870 million, Interims: Ascential, First Tin
Moody’s cut the outlook on the proper- years ago Canyon Bridge, a US private from 661 in 2021, according to Boston respectively, last year. Trading update: Investec
ty sector to negative from stable. equity firm, hired Lazard, an invest- Consulting Group.
40 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Manufacturers including apprenticeship levy, an
Manufacturers fired the steel industry are
pessimistic about 2024
extension of the 12-
month 100 per cent
up for a tough year cent of companies
believed that policy
business rates reliefs on
green plant machinery
and equipment and

ritain’s first half of the year has incentives elsewhere, expansion of research
manufacturers gone into reverse, with such as the US Inflation and development tax
are seeing a recruitment plans Reduction Act and relief to include capital
sharp ceasing and orders similar EU measures, equipment for green
slowdown in slowing at home and were making UK processing and industrial
activity and preparing abroad. investments harder to decarbonisation.
for a potential recession, Make UK has cut its justify. A total of 74.1 per Verity Davidge, policy
according to new manufacturing growth cent said a lack of policy director at Make UK,
research (Simon forecast for this year and consistency in the UK said: “Manufacturers are
Freeman writes). expects output to fall. Its was damaging efforts to . . . battening down the
The Make UK/BDO forecast for next year is build a consistent hatches in the
manufacturing outlook within the margins of no business environment. expectation that the
survey suggests that the growth at all. Make UK is calling for next year is going to be
positive picture of the It found that 72.7 per a review of the anaemic at best.”

Bank that floated

CAB Payments
shorts its shares
Ben Martin Banking Editor CAB Payments
Share price since IPO
One of the banks that floated CAB Pay- 320
ments on the stock market this summer 300
is now betting against shares of the 280
cross-border transfer business. 260
Disclosures to the City regulator 255p
show that the asset management arm 220
of JPMorgan Chase has a 0.5 per cent Source: FactSet
net short position in CAB shares, which Jul Aug Sep
have lost almost a quarter of their value
since the company made its debut on arranging the deal. The bank remains a
the London Stock Exchange on July 6. key adviser to CAB through its fee-
The JPMorgan wager, which is a bet earning position as the payments
that CAB’s shares have further to fall, group’s corporate broker. Brokers act as
was worth about £3 million based on the main link between a listed company
the payment group’s closing share price and the stock market.
on Friday night. JPMorgan Asset Man- The flotation of CAB was a key test
agement is the only short-seller against for London’s IPO market, which has
CAB with a position large enough to been hit by a dearth of deals since the
require public disclosure to the Finan- beginning of last year as worries about
cial Conduct Authority. inflation and the Ukraine war deter
Although JPMorgan’s asset manage- companies from selling shares. The flo-
ment arm is a separate entity from its tation put an £851 million valuation on
investment banking operations, the CAB and raised £335 million.
short position is striking because the The listing has, however, proved a
group’s investment bank played a cen- flop for investors who bought the stock
tral role in selling CAB shares to inves- in the IPO for 335p a share. The shares
tors at its flotation. fell by 9.6 per cent on its first day of
CAB has its roots in Crown Agents trading and closed last week at 255p.
Bank, which was founded in 1833 and They are now 24 per cent below their
handled payments for British colonial listing price, despite having risen by
governments. The modern business 5.7 per cent on Wednesday after CAB
focuses on business-to-business cross- cheered investors with its maiden set of
border payments and foreign exchange half-year results, which showed that
transactions in the emerging markets. pre-tax profits had more than doubled
JPMorgan is America’s biggest len- to £23.8 million.
der and has an extensive investment Short-selling involves borrowing
banking operation in the City of shares from another investor for a fee
London. It acted as the sole sponsor of and then selling them. The aim is to buy
CAB’s initial public offering (IPO), as them back at a lower price, pocketing
well as joint global co-ordinator on the the difference in price. JPMorgan and
deal with Barclays, earning a fee for CAB declined to comment.

Subscription boom at an end as

customers cancel to save money
Max Kendix according to research by Virgin Media
O2. About 35 per cent said they used
More than a third of Britons have cut fewer subscription services than during
back on their subscriptions as the cost the pandemic and only 17 per cent were
of living crisis bites, research shows. using more. Of those who have cut
The waning interest will put further back, 48 per cent cited cost consider-
pressure on the business models of pan- ations and 30 per cent a return to nor-
demic-era stars such as food and drink mal routine after the pandemic.
delivery companies. Platforms such as Netflix, Disney+
People making regular payments for and Spotify continue to be popular,
meal kits from businesses such as Hello however, with 50 per cent of Britons
Fresh or Home Chef have fallen from saying that they had used a streaming
13 per cent during the pandemic to service in the past two months, com-
10 per cent in the past two months, pared with 48 per cent in the pandemic.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 41

Comment Business

Mark Littlewood Johan Lundgren

Britain must ensure it
Banning disposable vapes may just leads the way in aviation’s
turn more teenagers on to smoking hydrogen revolution

We learnt last week pupils have tried an e-cigarette. This well be that although we have more ecarbonisation is one of corresponding increase in
that the government is no higher than it was in 2014 but young vapers than we otherwise the biggest challenges emissions.
may ban disposable regular use among this cohort seems would, heart disease and cancer rates ever faced by aviation, With an essential focus on safety,
e-cigarettes from to be accelerating. Indeed it has more in the future could be much lower. and if we are to change in aviation takes years or
our shops. Such a than doubled from 4 per cent to 9 per Sweden provides an intriguing meaningfully reduce even decades. On average, it takes
policy move would raise a swathe of cent over the same period. Sales are template for such an approach. Snus, carbon emissions we must embrace aircraft five to nine years to be
interconnected questions about supposedly prohibited to under-18s, so an oral tobacco that is placed behind new, clean technologies. Although certified and even longer to get from
uncertainties in science, the balance this seems alarming. the upper lip, is a popular product the latest generation of aircraft, clean sheet to in service. The first
between the protection of children Nevertheless, it is necessary to there (although banned in the rest of such as the Airbus A320neo, burn design of Airbus’s A350 was drawn
and the freedom of adults and how to compare these statistics to a the EU). It does not come without significantly less fuel than their up in 2004 but the aircraft’s first
properly calculate the social and counterfactual. How many of these some risks, but they appear minimal predecessors and are a step towards flight wasn’t until January 2015.
health costs of any given activity. kids would be puffing away on compared with cigarettes and Sweden achieving net-zero flight, realising With Airbus aiming to have a
Overall, we may be about to see if traditional cigarettes, as was quite benefits from very low smoking rates. this ambition requires a revolution. hydrogen-powered commercial
the government has a coherent common in the 1980s when I was at In many areas of policy we Like all revolutions, it will need aircraft ready as early as 2035, we
approach to harm reduction and school, if they were not vaping? instinctively embrace harm reduction. collective action for a common goal, have no time to waste.
whether, when it comes to dangerous Although one gets into very small We accept that there are actions that which is why easyJet has formed the Hydrogen is the biggest step-
products such as tobacco, we are sample sizes, it seems that only 1 per come with some sort of downsides Hydrogen in Aviation (HIA) alliance change for aviation since the jet
pursuing an approach where the best cent of regular secondary-school but emphatically are worth taking. alongside Rolls-Royce, Airbus, engine and the UK has a huge
is the enemy of the good. e-cigarette users have never smoked The coronavirus vaccination Orsted, GKN Aerospace and Bristol opportunity to play a defining role in
The case for a prohibition on an old-style cigarette, equating to programme is a standout example. airport. Together, we want to work the next era of flight. Our ability to
single-use vaping products might 0.09 per cent of that population. Having the jab did not come with no with the UK government to leverage enter this new era goes beyond
have some obvious attractions at first For idealists, any numbers above possible drawbacks but it seemed far Britain’s 230,000-person-strong designing and building aircraft. We
glance. Anecdotally, people are zero here will be considered too high preferable (at least to most people) to aviation sector, with unparalleled must also ensure that relevant
noticing more and more youngsters but if Public Health England is right the prospect of contracting Covid. expertise in engines, fuel systems national infrastructure is in place to
puffing away on these nicotine that next-generation nicotine Public policy decisions always come produce hydrogen at scale and
products and assume that this
presents a risk on the same sort of
products may be 95 per cent less
dangerous than traditional tobacco,
with a wide range of competing
demands. One would hope that harm
‘Hydrogen is the biggest ground services to transport and
store it at airports. The investment
scale as children smoking cigarettes, a this is exactly where we might find reduction is one of them but this can step-change for aviation required to support aviation’s move
lifetime of addiction leading to illness that striving for the perfect outcome often rub up against other to hydrogen could create 60,000
and premature death. distracts us from the optimal considerations. If your overriding aim since the jet engine, and high-value jobs in UK aviation’s
The intentions of the producers of
these devices are also treated with
outcome. If it becomes relatively
harder for teenagers to get their
were simply to increase funds into the
Treasury then people switching away
the UK has a chance to regional heartlands, and beyond,
and deliver an £18 billion annual
scepticism. Packaged in an array of hands on a vaping device compared from unhealthy and highly taxed play a defining role’ boost to the economy by 2050.
bright colours and boasting flavours with a cigarette, health outcomes will products such as tobacco and alcohol This opportunity cannot, however,
such as cherry cola and candy floss, probably worsen. As it is we have now generates a hole in revenues. Despite and wings, to ensure that the UK be realised by the aviation industry
the suspicion is that the objective is to nearly eliminated cigarette popular belief, so-called “sin taxes” captures its opportunity to become a alone. This is why we have been
appeal to the youth market rather consumption among the very young: typically more than cover the costs global leader in hydrogen-powered clear with our three demands of the
than merely to ween adult smokers only 1 per cent of 11 to 15-year-olds associated with consumption. flight. UK government to support our plan
off combustible tobacco. smoke cigarettes regularly. Similarly, we tend to accept that Rolls-Royce has already proved of action and deliver pioneering
With virtually every policy Unusually for the UK, we have health is not the absolute ace of hydrogen’s ability to power a jet change. First, we ask for its support
suggestion these days requiring some taken a relatively liberal approach to trumps in all circumstances. The engine and flight tests conducted by in the delivery of infrastructure
sort of green angle, an additional new nicotine products. In recent years pursuit of pleasure is part of living a ZeroAvia and Universal Hydrogen needed for the UK to be a global
argument is that the lithium batteries we have tended to be more restrictive good life and frequently comes with have further underlined hydrogen’s leader. Second, we request that the
used in e-cigarettes pose than most western nations when it some sort of downside. potential to transform our industry. aviation regulatory regime is
environmental risks. comes to potentially dangerous When it comes to health policy, Hydrogen could provide a hydrogen ready. Finally, we appeal
The combination of these factors is products including alcohol, fast food particularly affecting children, it is revolutionary solution for short-haul for the transformation of funding for
enough to make most people and sugar. often (and understandably) tempting flight that will complement long- hydrogen aviation research and
instinctively favour a swathe of Legend has it that it was only a to see a risk and reach for the most haul aircraft powered by sustainable development support and the
prohibitions. As is so often the chance meeting between draconian solution. Bans, restrictions aviation fuel (SAF). Like so many creation of a ten-year programme.
case, however, digging David Cameron, as prime and prohibitions therefore tend to other clean technologies, there does HIA members are embracing a
into the evidence minister, and an proliferate. A less headline-grabbing not need to be a drawn-out debate new technology for decarbonising
suggests that a well- advocate for the approach would probably be more about hydrogen versus SAF, which aviation and we want to work with
intentioned policy potential health effective — better information being would only slow progress: we must the government to help to realise
could have the benefits of made available, stronger enforcement embrace a two-fold solution. the UK’s potential in this area. There
exact opposite e-cigarettes that at point of sale — but because we too Air travel is fundamental to global is no time to waste if we are to

effects to those it led to this often allow the best to be the enemy mobility, connecting families and achieve hydrogen-powered flight by
is striving for. strategy and with of the good, we friends and enabling people to see the mid-2030s and no reason that
Figures from the market in frequently end up and experience new and exciting the UK should not lead aviation’s
2021 suggest that new nicotine with approaches places. Following the easing of hydrogen revolution. It is time for
22 per cent of products now well that are neither Covid-19 restrictions, demand for air the UK to seize the initiative to
secondary school developed in liberal nor healthy. travel has rebounded strongly and is define the future of aviation.
Britain, restrictions expected to increase by nearly three
The UK has, so far, could meet voter Mark Littlewood is director-general times by 2040. Although this Johan Lundgren is chairman of the
taken a fairly liberal resistance. of the Institute of Economic Affairs. increased demand will require more Hydrogen in Aviation Alliance and
approach to vapes The consequence might Twitter: @MarkJLittlewood aircraft, it does not have to mean a chief executive of easyJet
42 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Business rates are like paying

rent twice, says Frasers chief
Michael Murray calls The chief executive of Frasers Group
described the business rates regime as a
adding: “It makes it almost unviable.
You’re almost paying rent twice.”
rents have come down so much
because online is eating away at the
for urgent reform of a disaster and urged the government to
step in with a transformation as quickly
Murray, who is the son-in-law of
Mike Ashley, the founder of the com-
retail sales.”
Murray said the current rates regime
tax system built for the as possible. pany, told the Gentleman’s Journal pod- was “built for retail with no online”,
Michael Murray, 33, who stepped cast: “Historically, when there was no adding: “It needs reforming but the
pre-internet world, into the role last May, said that most of online, rents were a lot higher and rates government hasn’t reformed at any-
the rent bills were now equal to the were benchmarked at broadly 50 per thing like the pace it needs to. It’s so out-
Dominic Walsh writes rates the group pays for the buildings, cent of the rent you were paying. Now dated. It needs to be reformed to
encourage retail investment. I know
they have to balance the books as well,
they could do it a lot faster.”
Frasers was founded by Ashley, 58, in
1982 as Sports Direct but changed its
name to reflect its ownership of a host
of some of Britain’s best known retail
brands, including House of Fraser,
Flannels, Jack Wills and Gieves &
Hawkes. It also owns stakes in the likes
of AO World, Boohoo, Asos and
Hugo Boss.
The company has been accused of
adopting a scattergun strategy on
acquisitions but Murray said it was sim-
ply keen to work with the world’s best
brands. “If you say you want a meeting
with somebody, nine times out of ten
nothing usually comes from it. But if
you’ve got skin in the game with a piece
of the action things happen much
Murray showed entrepreneurial flair
aged 15 when he ran GCSE parties. By
the time he left school he had three
nightclubs and his decision to start
buying and doing up houses while at
university left him with no student loan
to repay.
He initially became involved in his
father-in-law’s business affairs through
the property side of Sports Direct.
Having studied property at the Uni-
versity of Reading he was asked to run
Fraser Group’s property operations and
became a consultant to the company. Michael Murray, who is behind the group’s
“I had a chat with Mike,” he said. “I
said to Mike that if we wanted to be here wanted and fund the buildings with its
for another 35 years and for it to be a own capital.
super-successful business we needed to One of Murray’s favourite purchases
change things. It was a ‘do or die’ was the acquisition at the end of last
situation.” year of the 250-year-old Savile Row tai-
The upshot was that the company lor Gieves & Hawkes. Although it is one
would buy the bigger, better property it of Savile Row’s oldest and most vener-

All Saints co-founders’

fashion and food pop-up
Richard Tyler are 100 billion items of clothing made
every year. We think we never need
Stuart Trevor and John Vincent, the make another pair of jeans again,” Trev-
co-founders of the fashion retailer All or, 56, said. The food offering will follow
Saints and the fast-food chain Leon, in the new year, Vincent said.
respectively, have teamed up to create a Fashion businesses have come under
sustainable clothing and food venture increased scrutiny over sustainability.
that they hope will be bigger than their The UK’s competition watchdog is scru-
previous companies. tinising claims by retailers such as Asos,
The pair opened a pop-up shop in Boohoo and George at Asda about the
central London last Friday and, after sustainability of their clothing.
trading for a period online, will begin Vincent said the plan was to self-
selling their upcycled fashion and finance the business, experimenting in
plant-based food range in former dep- the first 12 months and then expanding
artment stores across the capital. into physical retail.
“Both of us want to build something Vincent sold Leon in 2021 to EG
bigger than Leon or All Saints,” Vin- Group, run by the Asda-owners Mohsin
cent, 51, said. “We think there’s a mas- and Zuber Issa, in a deal valuing the 70-
sive space for a business that does sus- strong chain at £100 million. He received
tainability properly.” £13 million for his 15 per cent stake. Trev-
The venture, known as Stuart Trevor, or created All Saints in 1994 and sold it in
will start by selling upcycled vintage 2005 when it was valued at £17 million.
clothing and new items designed by They joined forces after a reporter
Trevor and other artists using “dead- from The Times suggested that they
stock” fabrics that are surplus to require- meet. “It was a fantastic idea on the part
ments and usually destroyed. It will also of the journalist. We have been dating
sell T-shirts, hoodies and underwear since and decided to bring our concepts
made with virgin organic cotton. “There together in one company,” Vincent said.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 43


Opt-out scheme
spurs staff to join
workplace savings
Patrick Hosking Financial Editor for employees required to opt in. Pol-
icymakers are looking at whether the
Employers are achieving huge increas- same inertia that helps people to save
es in the take-up of workplace savings for their pension under the auto-enrol-
schemes using small tweaks to the way ment regime could be harnessed for
the options are presented to their emp- short-term precautionary savings.
loyees, according to a new report. A survey of participating employees
The take-up rate for schemes offered found that they liked the opt-out
by the Co-operative Group and Bupa approach: 96 per cent of Suez workers
Care Services increased fourfold from in the trial said they wanted the com-
16 per cent to 71 per cent when the emp- pany to continue with it or did not mind
loyees were required to opt out rather either way; 93 per cent of Wagestream
than given the choice of opting in. The users were happy or neutral.
switch pushed participation in a similar “We’re seeing that the vast majority
staff savings scheme at the rubbish col- of employees feel positively about the
lection company Suez from 1 per cent of opt-out workplace saving experience,
its employees to 47 per cent. whether or not they themselves choose
All three companies have been to save,” the Nest researchers found.
guinea pigs in an experiment in nudge For the phenomenon to go main-
economics, designed to help people to stream employers would probably want
accumulate rainy-day savings and
avoid a spiral into unmanageable debts.
The findings provided evidence that it
could be a way for business and the gov-
ernment to improve the financial resil-
ience of millions of relatively low-paid
workers, according to Nest Insight, the
Take-up for the scheme under opt-out,
compared with 16% for opting in
think tank conducting the research.
The opt-out approach, which means
that staff have to do nothing to have a more regulatory clarity. There are strict
portion of their monthly pay deducted employment rules on making deduc-
and put in a bank account in their tions from employees’ pay packets. Jo
name, dramatically boosted particip- Phillips, Nest Insight’s director of re-
ation, Nest said. “The nudge is both search and innovation, said: “It’s clear
popular and powerful.” from our research that opt-out payroll
It worked even in the middle of a cost savings approaches have enormous
of living squeeze: the Co-op and Bupa potential to boost the financial resil-
trials were introduced in autumn last ience, mental health and productivity
year. Nest said the results were extraor- of millions of people. We have a huge
dinary. In all cases the default deduc- opportunity here. Over the coming
tion was £40 a month. months, we’ll be bringing together in-
Co-op and Bupa ran their schemes dustry and policymakers to explore
luxury Flannels shops, says rates used to be benchmarked at about 50 per cent of rent but now they were almost equal through Wagestream, an app that ena- how opt-out payroll savings approach-
bles users to see their pay arrangements es could be scaled.”
able tailoring companies, its future was ing brand. Gieves could become the pre-tax profit of £478.1 million. Murray in real time and get paid some of their Nick Speight, director of culture and
thrown into doubt by the collapse into jewel in our crown and we’ll be invest- adopts an “elevation strategy” that is re- earnings before pay day. colleague experience at the 57,000-
liquidation of its Hong Kong-based ing in it and relaunching it first half of placing older shops, often resulting in Participation dramatically improved employee Co-op, said, “Opt-out seems
owner Trinity Group last January. next year. We’re restarting made-to- the closure of two or three of them, to be when the opt-out system was used but to be the way to go. It addresses one of
“I love the brand, I love the clothes, measure and bespoke.” replaced by one larger new-generation the level of saving was similar. Average our concerns that our food and logistics
but it’s been abused for too long,” Mur- Frasers has about 1,630 shops with a shop. He has also targeted aspirational balances were £104 for employees who colleagues don’t have that rainy day
ray said. “Amazing building and amaz- turnover of £5.6 billion and adjusted customers via Flannels shops. were automatically enrolled and £106 fund to give them financial resilience.”

Tories ‘making housing crisis worse’ Skype workers got the call
Tom Howard not, however, able to put up its prices
enough to offset build cost inflation,
homes but Spencer McCarthy said that
builders had been hindered by the
to create 225 companies
Churchill Retirement Living, builder of which dented its margins. Reflecting government’s “persistently negative
flats for over-60s, has taken aim at the that, operating profits declined by a stance” towards the sector. Katie Prescott did not perform as expected. It changed
government for worsening the housing third to £25.8 million, down from “The impact of new national policies hands again in 2011, when Microsoft
crisis after its profits fell by a third last £38.8 million last time around. on our planning applications Former Skype staff have started 225 paid $8.5 billion for the business, integ-
year. Churchill was founded and the overall housing companies raising a total of $11.3 billion, rating it into Xbox and Windows.
The developer has been swept up in in 1994 by Spencer and market cannot be over- including Peloton, Bolt and Wise, in the Reflecting on the period since he
the housing market downturn that Clinton McCarthy, estimated,” he said. 20 years since it was founded. started Skype, Zennstrom said Europe
began last autumn after the “disastrous the sons of John “The government Those who started these companies was now on a par with the US in creat-
mini-budget”. Spencer McCarthy, the McCarthy, who needs to recognise in 18 countries were all involved in the ing start-ups. “When I look back 20
chairman of Churchill, said the govern- had set up that its policies are first ten years of Skype and the data years ago, there was not much of a tech
ment was adding to the headwinds fac- McCarthy & exacerbating the shows the significance of the internet ecosystem,” he said. “Something exist-
ing the sector. Stone, another housing crisis and phone service, one of Europe’s first big ed and then was wiped out by the dot-
Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget sent builder of senior take immediate technology companies. com crash.
the bond markets into chaos and living commun- action to address Niklas Zennstrom, co-founder of “This is why I started Atomico.
caused a jump in mortgage rates that ities. Both broth- this situation.” Skype and Atomico, the London-based Because I saw potential in Europe to
sapped the confidence of would-be ers are heavily in- He estimates that venture capital firm that published the build great companies and I thought
home movers. Mortgage costs have volved in the busi- new energy efficien- figures, said: “The fact that we could the best way I could contribute to that
remained high ever since. ness: Spencer is cy rules introduced in become a training ground for people was to build a venture capital firm.”
Churchill sold 431 flats in the year to chairman and chief June, known as Part L who could go out and start companies The current downturn was proving a
the end of June, a fifth fewer than in its executive and Clinton is building regulations, will and do it even better, I’m very pleased “cold shower that is cleansing for the
previous financial year. The market managing director. add £6,000 to the cost of building with how that part of it worked out.” whole market”, he said. “There will be
slowdown, it said, had had a “detrimen- The McCarthy family own the com- each of its apartments. There were also Skype was founded in 2003 by founders who don’t have the kind of grit
tal effect” on the housing chains at the pany. They paid themselves a dividend “unprecedented challenges in the plan- Zennstrom, from Sweden, and Janus that is required.”
end of which its customers usually sit. of £22.9 million last year, but given the ning system”, he said. Friis, from Denmark, to allow people to Skype said that a further 685 com-
Revenue declined by 13 per cent to “very challenging market backdrop” Over the past year Churchill has had make calls over the internet, circum- panies came out of the 225 started by its
£174.3 million from £200.1 million last and in an attempt to conserve cash they twelve of its planning applications go to venting expensive telecoms companies. original employees and this second
year, insulated somewhat by Churchill have scrapped the dividend for this year. appeals, ten of which it overturned. In It was bought in 2005 for $2.6 billion generation of businesses had raised a
increasing its prices by 5.6 per cent to an The housebuilding industry has been total, last year it secured planning con- by eBay, which wrote down its value by total of $10.6 billion. The 910 businesses
average of £369,000. The company was criticised for not building enough sents for 771 flats across 16 sites. $1.4 billion in 2007 after the company include 15 unicorns.
44 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Business Times Enterprise Network

ride: GoPro
turns kicks
into clicks
the middle between the free tools that
would come with your operating
enterprise system and the more expensive, more
network T complicated tools from a company
technology like Adobe”.
He hopes that GoPro’s software
ambitions will help to restore the
company’s fortunes. When it listed on
The must-have piece of the Nasdaq in June 2014, shares were
kit for thrillseekers has priced at $24, which valued the
company at about $3 billion. Four
influencers in its sights. months later its shares hit an all-time
high of $98.47. Today they languish at
Its founder tells Hannah about $3.50, valuing the company at
just north of $540 million. The slump
Prevett about his plans can partly be explained by increased
competition from drones and

he Austrian base jumper smartphone cameras and more
Felix Baumgartner grabbed recently the impact of the pandemic
the world’s attention in 2012 and cost of living crisis.
when he rocketed 24 miles Does shareholders losing money
up to the edge of space keep Woodman awake at night? “One
before opening the door of his capsule thousand per cent. GoPro’s valuation
and stepping off. and our stock price is top of mind.
On the way down he reached Creating value is ultimately what
843mph, becoming the first human to we’re in business for, starting with
break the sound barrier without a creating value for our customers . . .
vehicle, and the whole adventure was but we need to translate that into
captured on GoPro cameras. value creation for our shareholders.”
GoPros have recorded the Woodman admits it has been “quite
adrenaline-fuelled stunts of plenty of a learning curve” since he founded
others, too, including the mountain the company in 2002. He came up
biker Kelly McGarry backflipping with the idea after strapping a camera
over a 72ft canyon at the Red Bull to his wrist to capture his surfing
Rampage in Idaho in 2013. Then adventures on a trip to Australia and
there is the base jumper Jeb Corliss’s Indonesia. “I figured this was the trip
Grinding the Crack YouTube video, of a lifetime . . . and I wished that I
which has racked up more than 34 had a camera I could surf with and
million views and shows him jumping document my experience. Of course,
off a cliff in Switzerland wearing a no such camera existed.”
wingsuit and soaring through a The lightbulb went off and the idea
picturesque valley at 120mph. for GoPro was born. He used his
But while GoPro footage has $30,000 savings, made from selling
made stars of its protagonists, the beaded belts he had bought in
person who came up with the idea for Indonesia, and $35,000 his mother
the wearable cameras would prefer lent him. His father, Dean Woodman,
not to be in the limelight. “I would an investment banker, later lent him
much rather be in the background “a couple of hundred thousand dollars
and focused on the business than to build inventory . . . but as soon as I
being a celebrity,” Nick Woodman, could pay him back I paid him back”.
48, GoPro’s founder and chief Woodman is proud of not having
executive, said. raised any external investment until
Nonetheless, a big product release GoPro listed on Nasdaq in 2014. “We
for the firm’s latest camera, the Hero were instantly profitable once we
12 Black, means that he has been started selling products. We were
thrust into the spotlight and is on the never a traditional Silicon Valley
European leg of a world marketing tech company.”
tour. It is the first big product release One setback was its expensive foray
since before Covid and London is his into drone technology. The GoPro
final destination before he heads Karma was released in autumn 2016
home to Montana, the US state where and discontinued in 2018 after
the Rocky Mountains and disappointing sales. Woodman is
Yellowstone National Park are partly philosophical about the failed
located. venture, saying he pulled the plug
Although it is the new camera that because the “profitability outlook was Nick Woodman saw the huge
has brought Woodman to Europe, not very encouraging” but that he is potential for a hands-free
and the company is best known for its glad that he gave it a shot. portable camera and launched
hardware, GoPro is pushing into the “It’s important that you try new the company two decades ago
higher-margin software market with a things [and] don’t be afraid to fail. Not
suite of video-editing software tools everything is going to work out the
aimed at the growing number of way that you expect it to. But as a
social media influencers who use its business, as innovators, we have to be
products and services. The release of willing to try new things and that was
a desktop version of its app later this what we did in the case of drones,” he
year will cement GoPro’s position “as said, before pointing out that “some of
a legitimate player in the software, the world’s best drone footage is still
video editing space”, Woodman said, captured with a GoPro”, thanks to
adding that the programme sits “in racer drones fitted with his cameras.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 45

Explosives rules tighten chemical sales
Richard Tyler 6,000 retailers, said the new regula- minister, has highlighted how substan-
tions would have a “significant impact” ces such as ammonium nitrate “have a
Businesses selling the chemicals used on many businesses. history of being used in improvised ex-
in camping stoves, fertilisers, rat poison Consumers wanting to purchase plosive devices”. He said the new regu-
and a fuel for model steam engines will goods made using these chemicals will lations addressed concerns that indi-
have to comply with new regulations have to show an explosives precursors viduals were presenting themselves as
from October 1, introduced in response and poisons licence, which costs £39.50 businesses to obtain the chemicals
to the Manchester Arena terrorist for three years. without needing to apply for a licence.
attack. Professional and business users, in- An assessment of the changes found
The Home Office has expanded the cluding farmers, do not need a licence that “pharmacies, home improvement
list of regulated poisons and chemicals but those supplying the goods will have stores, garden centres, stores selling
that could be used to make explosives to to keep records of each purchaser for 18 pool and spa supplies and pest control
include ten more compounds such as months. Businesses must decline to sell supply companies” were all likely to be
hexamine, a solid fuel, ammonium the chemicals where they are not con- affected. Jeff Moody, Bira’s commercial
nitrate, used in fertilisers, and calcium vinced the buyer’s stated plan for them director, said: “These tighter regula-
phosphide, in pest control products. is consistent with their occupation — tions are important for public safety but
The British Independent Retailers and report a suspicious transaction. many shops and businesses need to be
Association (Bira), which represents Thomas Tugendhat, a Home Office aware of these changes coming in.”

“So even though we’re not officially year. One brighter spot, however, was
in the drone business, GoPros are the growth of the software arm of the
still flying.” business, with revenues up 52 per
The onset of the pandemic cent to $82 million, and Woodman
presented a new challenge. “[At] expects this to continue to grow
GoPro we build a product that’s strongly in 2023 and beyond as
meant to be used when people are out content creators look for more
and about having fun and pursuing an sophisticated video-editing products.
active lifestyle and all of a sudden Selling both software and hardware
people can’t even leave their house or requires technical skills that can be
apartment any more? That really hard to come by, but Woodman said
threatened our business.” that the company’s remote working
The company’s response was to cut policy allowed him to tap into the
more than 200 jobs, slash marketing talent that he needed. GoPro
budgets and reduce retailer listings by employs 900 people globally. They
a third. “We hunkered down a bit to include technical teams in Paris,
weather the storm,” he said. Bucharest and San Francisco, who
Coming out of Covid proved to be need to be in the office, but most
more complicated and GoPro is two other roles are remote.
quarters into what Woodman “It gives us a significant advantage
described as a “strategy shift”. when hiring against much bigger
This includes investing heavily companies for critical people,”
again in marketing and refocusing on Woodman said, adding that its
physical retail rather than flexible working policies also helped it
predominantly selling direct to to recruit senior leaders. “Finding
consumers online. “As the world has those people is one thing, but then
returned to pre-pandemic norms . . . getting them to relocate for you is an
we realised that the very strategy that entirely different challenge. So when
made us so profitable and successful you take that out of the equation, it
during the pandemic is really makes landing those key hires all
constraining our growth and the easier.
profitability.” “While we can’t always compete on
GoPro’s most recent financial the compensation front we can
results tell the story. Sales for 2022 definitely compete on the culture
stood at $1.09 billion, down 6 per front. It’s hugely empowering to say
from 2021, with profits of $95 million to somebody they can live wherever
against $168 million in the previous they want to live.”
46 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Business Equity prices

Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

Automobiles & parts v v

v v v

v v

v v

Banking & finance v v v

v v

v v

v v
v v v
v v v

Consumer goods
v v

v v v

v v v



v v

Investment companies v

Mkt cap Price Wkly Forecast Mkt cap Price Wkly Forecast
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E v





v v

v v

v v

v v


Engineering v

Construction & v

v v

v v

v v

v v
the times | Monday September 18 2023 47

Equity prices Business

Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly Mkt cap Price Wkly
(million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E (million) Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

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v v
v v
v v

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v v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
Industrials v v
v v
v v v

v Real estate
v v Professional & v

v v
support services v
Retailing v

v v

v v v

v v v
v v v
v v
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v v

v v
v v
Natural resources v

v v
Leisure v v

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v v

v v Transport

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the times | Monday September 18 2023 49

Colombian artist famous

for painting rotund figures
Fernando Botero
Page 50

Sir Horace Ové

Acclaimed director whose groundbreaking films chronicled the struggle of the Windrush generation to gain acceptance in Britain
When Horace Ové left Trinidad for nobody else wanted to do, including
Britain in 1960, he was full of optimism working in the morgue at the National
that he was heading for the land of Temperance Hospital.
opportunity and that his dreams of be- When he landed the part as an extra
coming a film-maker would be fulfilled. in Cleopatra he jumped at the opportu-
“It did give me opportunities, but it nity to go to Rome, where the film was
was a long hard struggle,” he later said. being shot on location. He stayed for
“I didn’t have any money so I couldn’t three years and worked as a runner for
get into film school and I encountered the great Italian directors Fellini,
terrible racism. You sensed this aggres- Antonioni and Pasolini before return-
sion; people would call you names and ing to London in 1965, when he got a
push you off the pavement. You grant to attend film school.
couldn’t get a job. Everywhere you His first significant film was a 1969
went, on the doors it said ‘no blacks, no documentary in which the activists
Irish, no dogs’.” James Baldwin and Dick Gregory
When he got his first glimmer of an discussed the black struggle. He had
opportunity as an extra in the 1963 film himself attended the inaugural meet-
Cleopatra starring Elizabeth Taylor, he ing of the British Black Power move-
played a slave, which, he noted ruefully, ment, set up by his compatriot Michael
was just about the only imaginable role X. “If you had any kind of political con-
for a black person in a Hollywood film sciousness, you got involved,” he said.
at that time. He followed with the 1970 docu-
After eventually getting a place at the mentary Reggae, the first in-depth film
London School of Film Technique, about the genre, well before Bob Mar-
where he was one of only two black ley took it to the mainstream.
students, he began to chronicle the After the troubled saga of Pressure,
black British experience. Ové courted further controversy with
As a photographer he documented A Hole In Babylon (1979), commissioned
the rise of the Black Power movement by BBC Television for its Play for Today
and such flashpoints as the clashes slot. It recreated the 1975 Spaghetti
between police and black immigrants at House siege, during which three black
the Notting Hill Carnival. When it radicals were holed up in a Knights-
came to moving images, he earned an bridge restaurant that they had tried to
entry in the Guinness Book of Records as rob, allegedly with plans to use the
the first black British film-maker to money to open a school to teach black
direct a feature-length film — although children about African history.
it took him 14 years to raise the money. Making brilliant use of archival news
With gritty, naturalistic performan- footage that was cross-cut with dramatic
ces and a smart combination of drama sequences, Ové attempted to humanise
and documentary techniques, Pressure the protagonists and sympathetically
told the story of Tony, the bright, Brit- explored their motives. The BBC came
ish-born son of an immigrant family under pressure to ban the film but
from Trinidad who finds himself adrift resisted.
between two cultures and joins the bur- One of his finest and most underrated
geoning Black Power movement. films was Playing Away (1987), which had
Ové’s aim was to show “that black a spiky, comic script by Caryl Phillips
people were fighting for their rights about a cricket team of black people
under a very racist situation”. The film from Brixton who are invited to
included a hard-hitting scene in which play against a Suffolk village
police officers raided a Black Power side whose social attitudes
meeting and beat and harassed peace- were firmly stuck in the coloni-
ful activists without cause. Ové in 1978 and, right, Pressure, his seminal 1976 film starring Herbert Norville as al era. It caused the critic Barry
Ové completed the film in 1974 but the son of a family from Trinidad who joins the growing Black Power movement Norman to remark sniffily that
the depiction of police brutality led the “Horace Ové is black and he
British Film Institute (BFI), which had come, he never lost faith that a multi- worked on several of his films. He is sur- knows about black people but
funded the production, to demand that racial society could operate in a spirit of vived by four children from his first mar- he does not know about white
he cut the scene. “As black Londoners tolerance and harmony. The photo- riage: Ezana, a make-up artist; Indra, people.” Ové responded:
we were aware of what was happening graph he was most proud of captures a who began her career as an actress in “What the whites don’t
but when we made the film they didn’t young black couple on their way to the the 1980 ITV series The Latchkey Child- recognise is that we spend our
want to admit it was true,” he said. 1971 Notting Hill Carnival. In the back- ren, directed by her father; Kaz, a film di- lives studying them because we
He refused to change the film and so ground an elderly white couple at a bus rector; and Zak, a visual artist working have to in order to survive.”
the BFI shelved the project. It took two stop “look like they’re wondering what in film, photography and sculpture. He also directed episodes of
years of lobbying to force a change of the hell is going on”. The image acted Ové was appointed CBE in 2007 for the TV series Empire Road and
mind and Pressure was belatedly out a “historical transition”, Ové his contribution to the film industry the 1991 TV serialisation of
released in 1976 to critical acclaim. and knighted in the 2022 new year hon- ers led a steel band and he later made Phyllis Shand Allfrey’s novel The Or-
Today it is regarded as a seminal classic,
and half a century later the BFI tried to
He never lost faith in his ours. “Quite a surprise, considering
how controversial my films have been,”
the 1973 film King Carnival for the BBC
about Trinidad’s Mardi Gras party.
chid House, shot on the Caribbean is-
land of Dominica.
make amends with a generous tribute view that a multiracial he noted. “But one I accept graciously.” Contemporaries growing up in He hoped that his films helped to give
to Ové for “showing generations of Horace Shango Ové was born in 1936 Belmont included the future Black black Britain a sense of worth and the
black film-makers that it could be done, society could flourish in Belmont, Trinidad, a crumbling but Power leaders Stokely Carmichael and strength to resist discrimination. “Back
and that their voices have power”. vibrant suburb of Port of Spain that had Michael X, both of whom Ové would in the day people were more subservi-
Ové went on to make more than 30 believed. “The old couple represent first been settled 100 years earlier by later photograph. ent and downtrodden. Now they have
feature films and documentaries, many traditional Britain while the young Africans rescued by the Royal Navy Cinema was his passion from an early far more ambition and know how to
of which are being shown in a BFI retro- couple are facing forwards, walking from illegal slaving ships. age. While the Americans used Trini- survive against the odds,” he said. “I’ve
spective season next month to cele- towards a new, multicultural Britain.” He grew up in what he called a bohe- dad to train soldiers in jungle warfare always made films to help society see it-
brate Black History Month, titled He embodied the “new Britain” in his mian family, with a mixture of African, they built cinemas to entertain the self and in that process hope that
Power to the People: Horace Ové’s Radi- personal life too, and his first marriage Indian and European blood. His troops, where the young Ové saw all the people can work things out by relating
cal Vision. His photographs chronicling to Mary Irvine, a white Irish immigrant, parents, Lorna and Lawrence, used the latest Hollywood pictures. He also what they’ve seen to their own lives.”
the black British experience have been led to further racist abuse at a time name Jones because it was more “re- owned a camera and took his first
similarly fêted, exhibited at the when Enoch Powell was warning that spectable” in colonial society. They ran photograph of his nanny, Dewdrop. Sir Horace Ové, film-maker and
National Portrait Gallery, the V&A the white population was being “made a shop and a café but “everybody was By the time he arrived in Britain, the photographer, was born on December 3,
Museum, Somerset House, the Tate strangers in their own country”. interested in art — painting, drawing, Windrush generation was already 1936. He died after a long struggle with
Liverpool and the Barbican Centre. Ové was also married for a time to sculpting, preparing costumes for car- established if not widely accepted and Alzheimer’s disease on September 16,
Despite the obstacles he had to over- Annabelle Alcazar, a producer who nival,” Ové later said. One of his broth- Ové found himself doing the jobs 2023, aged 86
50 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Fernando Botero
Colombian painter and sculptor whose depictions of rotund and often grotesque figures made him famous around the world
Fernando Botero was the most cele-
brated Latin American artist of the
second half of the 20th century. By the
early years of the 21st he was also the
one who could command the highest
prices for his works, some of which
were executed on a monumental scale.
He turned out more than 3,000
paintings, 200 sculptures and countless
drawings. He was associated for a while
with the Latin American “magical real-
ism” boom of the Seventies, like his
literary compatriot Gabriel García
Márquez — but, again like the novelist,
he long outlived and transcended that
passing fashion. Also like him, he had to
leave his homeland to gain perspective
on it and develop his distinctive vision.
He said many years later: “The artist is
universal only when he is firmly rooted
in his own parish.” The enormous pop-
ularity that his work achieved, from
Tokyo to Stockholm, Tel Aviv to Turin,
showed how right he was.
Botero always went his own way and
could never be identified with any
particular school, tendency or artistic
theory. Over the years he evolved a
highly personal style, characterised by
grotesquely bloated, expressionless
figures. Some of his best-known paint-
ings were of archetypal Latin American
military juntas and ruling cliques,
which were more like pastiches of
Diego Velázquez’s portraits of the
Spanish royal family than depictions of
reality. His early critics, particularly in
the United States, were disconcerted by
his apparent preoccupation with paint-
ing fat people. Botero denied that was
his intention, pointing out that inani-
mate objects in his paintings were
rotund too, not just the people. “Paint-
ing is a world of its own,” he explained.
“A still life is not a botanical engraving. in a different direction, becoming fasci- Botero in 2003 and sudden death that beset his native
The issue is not the fruit, but the pic- nated by classical, figurative painting, and, from top country: a car bomb in the capital’s
ture. The same goes for men and especially early Italian art. right, The colonial quarter, massacres of civilians
women.” What was meant to be a short trip to President and the by hired gunmen and his version of the
Throughout his career he insisted Florence in the summer of 1953 became First Lady; Car death in 1993 of the drug baron Pablo
that he was interested in style and form, a life-transforming experience: he Bomb; and In the Escobar, shot down in a hail of bullets
not themes, which were just an excuse decided to stay, to study the fresco Countryside, on a rooftop in Medellin.
for picking up the brush or pencil: “For painting techniques of the Renaissance another example “I am against art that acts as a witness
me the problem is how to create masters, particularly Piero della of his use of to the times in which it is produced and
sensuousness through form,” he said, Francesca. Botero spent almost four bloated, serves as a weapon,” he once said,
adding that his experience of living and years in Europe, two of them in Flor- expressionless reflecting on the change in his artistic
working as a young man in Florence ence, working on texture and tech- figures direction. “But, in view of the magni-
“awoke my passion for volume and the nique, and laying the groundwork for tude of the drama through which
sensuality of colour”. his own style. Colombia is living, there came a time
Fernando Botero was born in Over the years he repeatedly re- when I felt a moral obligation to leave
Medellin, Colombia’s second city, in turned to the old masters, giving his my own testimony on an irrational
1932, the son of a travelling salesman own peculiar slant to their works. In his moment in our history.”
who died when he was four. He won a hands, Raphael’s Portrait of Pope Leo X Later he took up the universal theme
scholarship to a Jesuit school and of the degradation of the human spirit,
showed a precocious talent for drawing,
which he turned to good account by
His monumental, attracted by the mestizo quality, the
mixture of old established and Spanish
to know all the leading figures of the
New York abstract school such as
and exhibited drawings and paintings
of the torture of prisoners by US troops
supplying illustrations to the local figurative paintings were cultures,” he said later. Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and, in
newspaper, El Colombiano. He held his He began to experiment with per- and Mark Rothko. the process, returned to the expression-
first exhibition in Bogota, the capital, at at odds with the zeitgeist spective and proportion, altering rela- Botero’s monumental figurative ism of some of his early works.
the age of 19, with a collection of works tive sizes of people and things, and paintings — still lifes, family portraits, Botero’s first marriage to Gloria Zea
that showed varying influences, from was transformed into a mournful, changing the relationship between churches, bishops — were radically at (later to become director of the Colom-
Paul Gauguin to the German Expres- podgy-faced man-child, while the them and their background. Objects odds with the zeitgeist, but they slowly bian Institute of Culture) ended in
sionists and the Mexican muralists Die- Mona Lisa was turned into a fleshy- such as mandolins and oranges took on gained acceptance. He also enjoyed divorce in 1960. He is survived by their
go Rivera and José Clemente Orozco. faced 12-year-old girl, smiling obliquely magical unreality in his paintings, great success in Germany, where critics three children: Fernando is a politician
He returned again and again in his and clutching a doll. Botero was fasci- while remaining recognisable. were intrigued by the “ironic brutality” in Colombia; Lina an art curator and
work to the memories of his youth: the nated by Velázquez and the lack of He started to sell his paintings of his boring provincials in suits and designer; and Juan Carlos a writer. In
bars, brothels and bullfights of provin- emotional charge in his work, execut- through dealers and galleries in spectacles, his tiny fathers and massive 1964 Botero married Cecilia Zambrano.
cial Medellin, “city of eternal spring”, ing more than ten versions of his El Ni- Mexico, but his breakthrough came babies. They speculated that his Their son, Pedro, was killed in a road
high in its Andean valley, where he had ño de Vallecas alone. In 1986, in the with his first solo exhibition in the US, ubiquitous bulbous bishops might be a accident in Spain in 1974. The couple
also learnt to paint in the open air, like ultimate homage, he depicted himself in Washington in 1957. It transformed critical allusion to the overarching divorced a year later. He later married
the French Impressionists, in the hills as a latter-day Velázquez, standing at his status back home, and when he influence of the Catholic Church in the Greek painter and sculptor Sophia
surrounding the city. Much later he his easel with a tiny, dwarf-like nude returned to Bogota in 1958 he was made modern Latin America. Yet Botero Vari, who predeceased him in May.
donated hundreds of his own and other model at his feet. professor of painting at the National denied that his paintings were a satire From 1973 Botero produced large-
works (Picasso, Monet, Renoir, Degas) Botero had returned to Colombia in University of Colombia. After another on contemporary culture or politics: his scale sculptures, in bronze or marble,
to Medellin, where a square and an art 1955, but made little impact. The public successful exhibition in Washington, in Official Portrait of the Military Junta which explored the same questions of
gallery were named in his honour. found his European paintings too old- 1960, he settled in Greenwich Village, (1971) was no such thing, and a 1989 sensuousness as his paintings. Some of
In 1952, the year after he moved to fashioned and for a while he was New York, the city of Lichtenstein and equestrian portrait called The President his massive pieces toured the world,
Bogota, Botero won a national artistic reduced to selling car tyres for a living. Warhol’s first solo exhibitions. and First Lady bore no relation to any with exhibitions on the Champs-Ély-
award and used the money to take a In 1957 he departed for Mexico, attract- Botero won a Guggenheim inter- real persons, living or dead, but was a sées and Park Avenue in the early
ship to Europe, at the age of 20. He en- ed by the fame of Frida Kahlo and the national award for his painting Battle of comical reworking of Velázquez’s Nineties. In 1999 they were accorded
rolled at the Academia de Bellas Artes muralists. And although the politically the Arch-Devil in 1961, and two years heroic portraits of Isabella of Bourbon the singular honour of being exhibited
de San Fernando in Madrid to study inspired themes of the latter left him later his Mona Lisa was the only and Philip IV of Spain in the Prado. alongside the works of Michelangelo
painting, but quickly concluded that cold, the scale of their works did influ- contemporary figurative painting He settled in Paris in 1973 and, in his and Cellini in Florence.
Franco’s Madrid was no place for an as- ence him. “A personality like Rivera . . . bought by the New York Museum of later years, some of his works did begin
piring young painter. Botero moved on showed us young American painters Modern Art. It was exhibited in the to acquire a more overtly “political” Fernando Botero, artist, was born on
to Paris, where all the cutting-edge art- the possibility of creating an art that foyer and made Botero’s name with the meaning. A series of watercolours and April 19, 1932. He died on September 15,
ists were, including Picasso. Yet he went need not be colonised by Europe. I was city’s artistic world overnight. He came charcoal sketches depicted the terror 2023, aged 91
the times | Monday September 18 2023 51

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out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of
slavery. Thou shalt have no other gods
before me” Exodus 20.1–3 (ESV) Join us for breakfast
Listen to Aasmah Mir and

disability-related expenditure
Bible verses are provided by the Bible
Society Stig Abell on Times Radio,
Monday to Thursday at 6am
HODGE CBE Ralph Noel. Engineer,
former chief executive of ICI
out at approximately £15 per session. The group was part of the local carefully examine the individual cir- Petrochemicals and Chemicals &
The claimant said the activity fees authority’s care plan for the claimant. cumstances. In the present case the Polymers, and chairman of the Water
were reasonably incurred expendi- Unquestionably there were activities wrong approach had been taken and Research Council. Died peacefully on 1st
ture related to his disability. He was that had been disallowed that were factors that were obviously relevant September in his 89th year, after a long
illness borne with his usual determination.
not able to attend the group without capable of being disability-related ex- had not been considered. Undue em- Much-loved and respected husband of
paying the activity fees — there was penditure, and undoubtedly were, phasis had been placed on the ques- Jean and father of David, Jackie, Ian and
no group function without the activi- such as budgeting and travel training. tion of cost without properly consid- Andrea.
ties. However, the local authority re- Individual activities might be on one ering impact on the person living
fused to classify the activities as dis- side or another of the line. with disability who needed the
ability-related expenditure. It said However, what was plain was that support of the community. CHAMBERLAIN Colvin. Lt Col RA. Died
20th August, aged 85, after a short illness.
Group activities forming part of a that the claimant had “chosen” those given the needs arising from the On a proper analysis, the social Much-loved husband of Deborah and of the
disabled adult’s care plan, namely activities, which other people might claimant’s disability, a significant and life skills group and its activities late Judith, father of Edward and Finetta,
attending a social and life skills choose to do anyway. Thus they were number of activities were capable of were necessary to help the claimant and grandfather. Family cremation.
support group to assist with grocery not disability-related. His need was constituting disability-related ex- counteract his deficits arising from Thanksgiving services at 2pm on 14th
shopping, budgeting, cleaning and for support from staff not the activi- penditure. The approach of the local his disability. The costs were not October in St John’s, Devizes, and at
2.30pm on 28th October in St Peter’s,
life activities, constituted “disability- ties. There were cheaper ways for the authority to blanket-disallow them as excessive when compared with the Maidford. LEGAL, PUBLIC, COMPANY &
related expenditure” for the purposes claimant to have social interaction not disability-related was flawed. overall annual budget. They were
of the relevant legislation. with a variety of other providers. The second issue was whether the thus reasonable, especially when MAYNARD Frances (née Horne) died on
Dexter Dias KC sitting as a deputy The sole issue for the court was costs were necessary and reasonably balanced against the emotional and 26th August 2023, aged 79. Funeral on
To place notices for these
High Court judge so held when whether the defendant had acted un- incurred. The local authority argued personal cost of losing them and 25th September. Details on request from
allowing a claim for judicial review by lawfully in not treating the activity that there were cheaper alternatives diverting to new service providers AH Cheater Funeral Directors, 01794 331 sections please call
134. 020 7481 4000
the claimant, RW, challenging the and associated costs as disability- that would not necessitate the activi- (plural) with the inevitable social
lawfulness of a decision of the local related expenditure as defined in par- ty payments. Thus the expenditure anxiety that would produce in the Notices are subject to
authority, the Royal Borough of agraph 4 of schedule 1 to the 2014 was not “necessary”. claimant. NUGENT (CANON) Alan Hubert died on
Windsor and Maidenhead. Regulations. The regulations were The word “necessary” was not in The local authority had made a 1st September 2023, aged 81. His funeral confirmation and should be
Paragraph 4 of schedule 1 to the supplemented by policy guidance, paragraph 4 of Schedule 1 to the 2014 public law error in its application of will take place at Lincoln Cathedral on the received by 11.30am three
26th September at 11am. Inquiries to
Care and Support (Charging and issued pursuant to section 78 of the Regulations, although the word paragraph 4 of Schedule 1 to the 2014 Priestley & Cockett, 01522 520606. days prior to insertion
Assessment of Resources) Regula- Care Act 2014, the Care and Support “required” was, which was broadly Regulations in respect of disability-
tions 2014 (SI 2014 No 2672) provides, Statutory Guidance. synonymous with necessary. The related expenditure which was cen- PURSE Hugh Robert Leslie died in
so far as relevant: “ ‘disability-related The local authority was correct word was, however, used in the statu- tral and material. Therefore, the deci- hospital on the 18th August 2023, his
expenditure’ includes payment for that it was wrong to assume an activi- tory guidance. sion would be quashed and the husband Karl at his side. A loving and
much-loved and respected friend to many.
any community alarm system, costs ty was disability-related just because On a principled approach to the matter remitted to the local authority A celebration of his life will be on Friday
of any privately arranged care ser- accessed through the group. An indi- word “necessary”, it required: (i) iden- to consider afresh. 29th September at 2pm at St Marylebone
vices required including respite care, vidual’s care plan should be taken as a tification of the needs arising out of The purpose of disability-related Crematorium, East End Road, London, N2
and the costs of any specialist items valuable starting point for determin- the disability; and (ii) examination of expenditure was to support people 0RZ. No flowers please — any donations to
needed to meet the adult’s disability.” ing what constituted disability-relat- whether the expenditure was needed living with disability counter and or
Emma Foubister for the claimant; ed expenditure. The claimant’s care to meet that need in the sense that it reduce the impact of deficits that
Ben Mitchell for the local authority. plan made it clear that: “[he] needs allowed the need to be met. It did not affected their daily lives which a large WARREN Jillian died recently, aged 99. A
HIS LORDSHIP said that the support to develop and maintain per- mean that the solution had to be the majority of the population were dearly loved wife of the late Rev Henry
claimant had a diagnosis of autistic sonal relationships.” That need arose only way to meet the need or the only fortunate enough not to suffer from. Warren. The funeral service will take place
spectrum disorder that impacted from the particular effects of his au- logically necessary one. Instead, it While the expenditure could not be at St Aldhelm & St Eadburga’s Church,
Broadway, on Thursday 12th October at
many aspects of his life including his tism. He could not simply make or had to be closely connected to the limitless or open-ended and there 11am. Inquiries please to AJ Wakely & Sons,
ability to travel on his own and live keep social relationships as most need and operate to meet or help alle- had to be a logical connection to the 01460 52576.
independently. The local authority other people were able to do. viate it, viewed fairly and objectively. need, once there was, the rules and
funded his care and support through The reason that members of staff It was clear that the expenditure guidance had to be interpreted not General Announcements
a direct payment to his mother, con- attended the activities was to facili- had to be reasonable and not extrava- only broadly and reasonably but with
sisting of a “personal budget” which tate the activities and support the gant or disproportionate to the need a genuine and humane understand- MR B. M. A. MARTELLI AND MISS
A. M. A. KERR The engagement is
he could then choose how to spend. participants in their interactions and it addressed. It was not a requirement ing of difficulties people living with announced between Barty, younger son of
As part of his care plan, the claim- ability to engage in the activities. to relentlessly search for the cheapest disabilities faced. Mr and Mrs Amyas Martelli of Netherbury,
ant attended a social and life skills That was a particularly important possible way to meet the need and re- The high legal obligation, deriving Dorset, and Amabel, elder daughter of Lord
group three times a week and had need that had to be addressed. It was strict oneself to that no matter what. from international jurisprudence and Lady Ralph Kerr of Melbourne,
one-to-one sessions at his home to a vital building block towards an in- It was about supporting people living about the importance of autonomy Derbyshire.
assist him with grocery shopping, dependent life and disability-related with disability; a sense of proportion for people with disabilities, was to put
budgeting, cleaning and life activities. expenditure needed for independent had to be applied. them at the centre of the decision- Birthdays
In order to attend group sessions, he living was envisaged as “normally” The statutory guidance made it making: see Preamble (n) to the MR RAYMOND LEWIS JONES MBE
had to pay for the activities that were being allowable under the local plain that while value for money was United Nations Convention on the (Dyffryn Ardudwy/Porthmadog)
on offer each day. authority’s charging policy. important (it was limited taxpayer Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Penblwydd hapus yn 80! Happy 80th
The cost of attending the group Some of the activities, such as a money), the local authority should The power contained in the 2014 birthday! Love from all the family XXX
was £80 plus VAT per day (the daily bowling trip, might look like activities not lose sight of the principle that Regulations had as its existential
charge) which included staff costs that non-disabled people might take outcomes and decisions should not purpose the reasonable and fair
and transportation to and from the part in at their own expense. How- be made exclusively for financial rea- assessment of the ways that the Legal Notices
The simple way to place your
activities. The claimant paid the daily ever, that ignored the fact that the ac- sons. community could support people
charge out of his personal budget. tivities were designed and structured The statutory guidance made clear living with disability. announcement in The Times.
However, the cost of the activities in such a way that would not be nec- that the local authority had to look at Solicitors: Leigh Day; Joint Legal Available 24 hours a day,
was “on top” and variable, but came essary for non-disabled people. the individual’s life holistically and Team, Reading borough council. seven days a week.
Court Circular
Balmoral Castle Day at Doncaster Racecourse, St Mr Graham Morley (Vice Lord-
16th September, 2023 Leger Way, Doncaster, South Lieutenant of Staffordshire).
The King this morning opened the Yorkshire.
MacRobert Farming and Rural Skills St James’s Palace
Centre, Dumfries House Estate, Kensington Palace
Cumnock, Ayrshire, and was received 16th September, 2023 17th September, 2023
by the Education Director of The The Duchess of Gloucester, Patron, The Duchess of Edinburgh, Patron,
Prince’s Foundation (Ms Jacqueline Civil Service Sports Council, this Wessex Cardiac Trust, this evening
Farrell). afternoon attended the inaugural attended the Wessex Heartbeat
His Majesty viewed the classrooms Women’s Football Tournament at St Thirtieth Anniversary Variety Show
and met students and members of George’s Park, St George’s Park at Mayflower Theatre, Commercial
staff. National Football Centre, Road, Southampton, and was received
The King and Queen this Newborough Road, Needwood, by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of
afternoon attended St Leger Stakes Burton-on-Trent, and was received by Hampshire (Mr Nigel Atkinson).

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the times | Monday September 18 2023 53

Today A band of showery rain will spread eastwards leaving sunny spells and showers. Max 22C (72F), min 3C (37F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Unsettled with showers 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 12 13
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder or longer spells of rain, Slight 12
*=previous day **=data not available heaviest tomorrow and Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* Wednesday 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
14 8
14 C 0.0 2.0
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
Sunny intervals with a few showers
Aberporth 17 R 10.2 0.0
for the far southeast of England and At 17:00 on Sunday there were six 15
Anglesey 16 C 8.4 4.3 northern Scotland. Cloudy elsewhere flood alerts and three warnings 13
Aviemore 12 C 0.2 0.8 with spells of heavy rain. in England and no flood alerts or
Barnstaple 18 C 14.2 ** 20

20 C 0.4 **
Max 20C, min 6C warnings in Wales or Scotland. Aberdeen
C F ould this month become
Bedford 35 95
For further information and updates the warmest September
Belfast 15 R 4.8 0.0
in England visit flood-warning- 30 86
Birmingham 20 C 0.0 **, for Wales on record? The
Bournemouth 18 C 24.0 0.2 16 NORTH 25 77
exceptional heatwave and 20 68
Bridlington 18 S 0.6 **
for Scotland SEA 15 59 featured temperatures of
Bristol 17 C 11.6 0.0
Camborne 17 C 9.4 1.2 14 10 50
30C or more for a September record
18 Edinburgh
Cardiff 16 R 32.2 0.0
23 Glasgow 5 41
of seven days in a row, and the Met
Edinburgh 14 C 0.4 1.2 0 32
Eskdalemuir 13 C 0.6 0.0
14 22 -5 23 Office recently revealed that
Glasgow 13 R 1.6 4.7 -10 14 temperatures peaked at 33.5C on
17 C 2.0 ** 20
Hereford Londonderry
Herstmonceux 19 C 3.6 6.2 ATLANTIC
-15 5 September 10 at Brogdale, Kent.
Ipswich 18 C 0.0 8.2
Newcastle Northern Ireland broke its
OCEAN Carlisle
Isle of Man 16 C 6.4 0.3
Wednesday Belfast September record with 28C at
Isle of Wight 19 R 30.2 ** 17
Jersey 20 S 0.0 0.2 Spells of heavy rain will spread 15 15 Castlederg in Co Tyrone on
southeastwards across Ireland, 13
Keswick 15 R 0.2 ** Wales and England. Sunny spells and rk
York September 8. The nights were also
Kinloss 15 PC 0.0 4.8 scattered showers in Scotland. exceptionally warm, with a
Leeds 15 M 0.2 ** Max 22C, min 3C
Lerwick 13 C 0.0 3.8 Manchester Hull
minimum of 20.5C at Plymouth on
Leuchars 13 R 0.2 3.2 Liverpoo
Liverpool 18 the night of September 5. It qualified
Lincoln 19 B 0.0 3.8 Galway IRISH 22
as a tropical night, meaning that the
Liverpool 18 D 1.2 ** 15 SEA 16 Sheffield
London 23 C 8.4 6.8 Dublin temperature remained above 20C all
Lyneham 18 B 8.0 0.2 night — unusual in the summer but
Manchester 19 C 0.0 1.3
19 C 0.0 6.5
15 15 Nottingham extraordinary for September. And
Margate Shrewsbury
22 although the heatwave subsided,
Milford Haven 16 C 22.2 **
Newcastle 15 C 1.0 ** 21 much of the southern half of the UK
Nottingham 18 C 0.0 1.8
Birmingham Cambridge remained warm and this weekend
Orkney 14 PC 0.0 9.3 Cork
Oxford 20 B 3.2 ** 16 temperatures reached 28C before
Swansea Oxford 22
Plymouth 16 C 24.0 ** thundery downpours broke out.
Portland 18 M 8.0 ** Cardiff
Scilly, St Mary’s 17 ** 7.0 **
Thursday Channel Islands CELTIC 21 Perhaps the heat in the first half
Shoreham 20 C 3.0 8.6 Spells of heavy rain will slowly clear
SEA Bristol London of September went some way to
southeast England. Sunny periods and
Shrewsbury 18 C 0.2 0.0 scattered heavy and thundery showers 18
Snowdonia 15 R 7.6 ** in other areas. Southampton
making up for what seemed a dismal
16 summer. However, the summer was
Southend 19 C 0.0 6.4 Max 19C, min 5C eter
South Uist 13 C 0.4 ** 24 Plymouth Brighton not all bad and June was
Stornoway 14 C 0.0 5.2
Tiree 12 C 8.8 11.0
exceptional, the warmest on record
Whitehaven 15 C 0.0 0.0 14
19 and the fourth sunniest. But as the
Wick 13 C 0.0 ** 23 schools broke up for the holidays,
Yeovilton 17 PC 17.8 0.0
the abiding memory was the
General situation: Showery rain Mids, Cen S Eng, SW Eng, Lake Disrict, Cen Highland, NW Scotland, Aberdeen, washout in July, the sixth wettest
The world 19
spreading eastwards across the British Wales, E Eng, Cen N Eng, NW Eng, Moray Firth, N Isles, NE Scotland: A July on record. August also felt
All readings local midday yesterday
Isles. Sunshine and scattered heavy NE Eng, IoM: Showery rain will spread cloudy morning with spells of rain, disappointing, although the month’s
Alicante 29 S Madeira 23 PC 18 showers in the west later. eastwards through the morning turning brighter in mainland Scotland
Amsterdam 18 C Madrid 15 D
overall temperature and rainfall
London, SE Eng, E Anglia, Channel Is: and early afternoon. After it clears through the afternoon. Fresh westerly
Athens 27 S Malaga 28 PC
Sunny periods with chance of a there will be sunny spells and a few winds. Maximum 16C (61F), minimum were about average.
Auckland 17 PC Mallorca 32 S As for the rest of September,
37 S 30 S Friday few heavy showers in the morning. showers. Moderate to fresh west or 3C (37F).
Bahrain Malta
Bangkok 32 PC Melbourne 23 S Sunny periods and scattered heavy and
Showery rain, perhaps thundery at southwesterly winds. Maximum Borders, SW Scotland, Argyll, Glasgow, temperatures have subsided and low
Barbados 32 PC Mexico City 25 B perhaps thundery showers, perhaps times, will spread eastwards across 20C (68F), minimum 7C (45F). Edinburgh and Dundee: Rain through pressure has brought the return of
Barcelona 27 S Miami 26 T merging into a longer spell of rain in all areas in the afternoon. Moderate Republic of Ireland, N Ireland: Sunny the morning, brighter with scattered
southeast England later. to fresh southwesterly winds veering spells and scattered heavy showers. showers later. Fresh westerly winds.
thundery downpours. Expect further
Beijing 27 S Milan 25 PC
Beirut 29 S Mombasa 30 PC Max 17C, min 1C westerly later. Maximum 22C (72F), Fresh westerly winds. Maximum Maximum 17C (63F), minimum outbreaks of rain and wind this
Belgrade 27 B Montreal 22 B minimum 10C (50F). 16C (61F), minimum 7C (45F). 6C (43F). week, with the remains of an old
Berlin 27 S Moscow 15 PC hurricane adding to the turbulence.
Bermuda 28 SH Mumbai 27 SH 11
Bordeaux 26 S Munich 25 S Tides Noon today LOW Hurricane Lee was powerful at
Brussels 23 PC Nairobi 27 PC Tidal predictions. one stage but was no longer a
Bucharest 25 B Naples 30 S Heights in metres
tropical storm when it hit Nova
Budapest 27 PC New Orleans 33 S Today Ht Ht HIGH
Buenos Aires 23 S New York 23 B 17 Aberdeen 03:46 4.3 16:10 4.1 Scotia, eastern Canada, on Saturday.
Cairo 32 S Nice 26 PC Avonmouth 09:58 12.2 22:08 12.3 HIGH The remnants are swinging across
Calcutta 34 ** Nicosia 32 S Belfast 01:19 3.5 13:34 3.2 HIGH the pond and will merge with an
LOW 1008
Canberra 23 S Oslo 12 PC 17 09:40 11.6 21:52 11.7 1016
Cardiff 992 984
Cape Town 17 PC Paris 24 S 08:33 5.2 20:41 5.2
1016 ordinary Atlantic depression,
Chicago 20 R Perth 18 PC
Dover 01:23 6.4 13:37 6.6 LOW packing quite a punch in Britain
Copenhagen 22 PC Prague 24 PC 1000
30 PC 10 B Saturday Dublin 01:43 4.0 14:05 3.8 1000 with winds and rain until about the
Corfu Reykjavik LOW 1008
Sunny spells with the chance of a few Falmouth 08:01 4.9 20:04 5.0 middle of the week. Although it will
Delhi 31 ** Riga 19 S
light showers in eastern Scotland Greenock 02:48 3.5 15:22 3.2 1016
Dubai 38 PC Rio de Janeiro 25 S
and eastern England. Largely dry HIGH Cold front probably stay unsettled until
Dublin 15 R Riyadh 40 S Harwich 02:17 3.8 14:23 3.8
Faro 23 PC Rome 29 S
elsewhere with sunny spells.
Holyhead --:-- -- 12:59 5.3 1016 Warm front October, this may yet be the
Max 17C, min 4C 1024
Florence 29 PC San Francisco 22 B Hull 08:50 7.3 21:16 7.2 Occluded front warmest September on record.
Frankfurt 28 S Santiago 18 PC Leith 05:10 5.4 17:31 5.3 1016 Trough
Geneva 24 PC São Paulo 24 S Liverpool 01:28 9.1 13:46 8.9 HIGH
14 London Bridge
04:26 6.8
--:-- --
16:41 6.9
12:06 2.6
Synoptic situation Highs and lows
24hrs to 5pm yesterday
Hours of darkness
Aberdeen 19:50-06:17
Speak directly to one
31 PC A cold front will spread
of our forecasters on
Hong Kong 32 PC Singapore Milford Haven 08:49 6.7 21:02 6.8
Warmest: Jersey, 22.7C Belfast 20:04-06:33
Honolulu 32 PC St Petersburg 18 S
14 Morecambe 01:38 9.2 13:56 8.9 eastwards across England Coldest: Loch Glascarnoch, Birmingham 19:47-06:18
Istanbul 28 PC Stockholm 12 PC and Wales bringing a band of
Tel Aviv
17 Newhaven
01:29 6.5
07:40 6.7
13:47 6.6
19:53 6.8 showery rain, perhaps thundery
at times. A series of fronts will
Ross and Cromarty, -0.9C
Wettest: Exeter Airport,
Devon, 65.2mm
19:52-06:25 09065 777675
Oban 08:19 3.8 20:25 3.9 Sunniest: Tiree, 11.0hrs* Glasgow 19:58-06:26
Kuala Lumpur 32 PC Tenerife 28 PC spread northeastwards across
** ** 32 PC 17 Penzance 07:13 5.3 19:26 5.4 Liverpool 19:51-06:22 8am to 5pm daily (calls are charged
Kyiv Tokyo Scotland bringing spells of rain,
29 PC 21 PC Portsmouth 01:53 4.5 14:17 4.5 Sun and moon London 19:39-06:11 at £1.55 plus network extras)
Lanzarote Vancouver heavy in the Northern Isles For Greenwich Manchester 19:48-06:19
Las Palmas 26 B Venice 25 PC Shoreham 01:33 6.0 13:50 6.1 Sun rises: 06.39
The Times weather page Southampton 00:58 4.4 13:44 4.5
and eastern Scotland. Troughs Newcastle 19:47-06:16
Lima 19 PC Vienna 26 PC Sun sets: 19.08
will bring scattered showers to Moon rises: 10.19 Norwich 19:34-06:05
Lisbon 20 PC Warsaw 23 S is provided by Swansea 08:59 9.0 21:08 9.0
Ireland throughout the day and Moon sets: 20.09 Penzance 20:00-06:33
Los Angeles 21 DU Washington 26 S Tees 06:06 5.4 18:33 5.3
Luxor 35 S Zurich 25 S
mainland Scotland later on. First Quarter: September 22 Sheffield 19:45-06:16
Weymouth 09:38 2.0 21:41 2.0 weatherquest
the times | Monday September 18 2023 2GM 55

Evans comes
Tsegay breaks 5,000m
world record in Eugene
Athletics Ethiopia’s 10,000m
world champion Gudaf Tsegay
shattered the women’s 5,000m

to the rescue
world record yesterday, winning
the Diamond League finals in
Eugene, Oregon in 14mins
00.21secs. The 26-year-old shaved
almost five seconds off the
previous record set by Kenyan

for Britain
Faith Kipyegon in Paris in June.
Keely Hodgkinson broke her
own British record as she finished
second in the 800m. The 21-year-
old clocked a time of 1:55.19,
crossing 0.16secs behind
[spoke publicly], he knows that,” Smith American Athing Mu, who she
Stuart Fraser said. “But I like when he said it to me. had beaten into third at last
You can’t get every decision right as month’s World Championships in
captain, I don’t admit that I do. What’s Budapest. Hodgkinson took
important is how we’ve come together. 0.58secs off her previous best.
Tennis Me and Evo had good chats about it. Sweden’s Armand Duplantis
Correspondent I’ve always known that they are a good broke his own pole vault world
pair. Me and Evo are great and the team record with a leap of 6.23m.
spirit is brilliant.”
Almost a year after threatening to quit Evans has become a stalwart in this Sri Lanka skittled for 50
the Davis Cup in protest at his non- competition. He is only the fourth Brit-
selection for doubles, Dan Evans ish player in Davis Cup history to con- Cricket The India seam bowler
produced a Herculean effort in Man- test 25 ties, joining Andy Murray, Mike Mohammed Siraj claimed career-
chester by winning two matches in one Sangster and Bobby Wilson. It is some- best figures of six for 21 while the
day to seal Great Britain’s place in what fitting given that it was a series of all-rounder Hardik Pandya took
November’s finals. matches in his hometown of Birming- three wickets to bowl out Sri
Inspired by a Davis Cup record crowd ham in the late 1990s and early 2000s Lanka for just 50 in the final of
of 13,000 on British soil, the 33-year-old that provided the inspirational spark the Asia Cup yesterday.
stepped up at the AO Arena to help his for his career. It was the lowest total in an
team to defeat France 2-1 in the group “Davis Cup is why I played tennis at ODI final and Sri Lanka’s second-
stages. He claimed the opening point by the start,” Evans said. “I remember lowest total after their 43 all out
defeating Arthur Fils 3-6, 6-3, 6-4, watching the Birmingham ties. I against South Africa in 2011.
before saving four match points in the went to them, finishing late on Evans, right, and Skupski saved four match points to win a nail-biting deciding India knocked off the runs
deciding doubles with Neal Skupski a Sunday. That was my first match in the tie against France to book Britain’s place in the Davis Cup finals without loss in just 6.1 overs in
to prevail against Nicolas Mahut and introduction to professional Colombo. Siraj’s burst included
Édouard Roger-Vasselin 1-6, 7-6 (7-4), tennis really. For me that was use the energy from the stands to his four wickets in one over, with five
7-6 (8-6). the be all and end all to play The Davis Cup finals advantage. After levelling the match at Sri Lanka bastmen out for ducks.
Last October, Evans had publicly Davis Cup for your country, and one set all, Evans claimed what proved
made clear his frustration at it still is.” The eight-team finals event takes to be a pivotal early break in the decider. O’Sullivan claims title
not being selected by cap- Never before in the 123- place in Malaga, Spain, from Cameron Norrie’s poor run of form
tain Leon Smith ahead of year history of this pres- November 21-26 continued in the second singles. The Snooker Ronnie O’Sullivan beat
the six-times grand-slam tigious men’s team com- 6 Competing teams: Australia, British No 1, ranked No 17 in the world, Luca Brecel 11-9 to win his fourth
doubles champion Joe petition had there been so Canada, Czechia, Finland, lost for the seventh time in his past nine straight Shanghai Masters title.
Salisbury, claiming it was many people in attend- Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, matches with a 7-6 (7-5), 3-6, 7-5 defeat O’Sullivan saw off the world
“f***ing annoying” and ance to witness the Great Serbia by Ugo Humbert, the world No 36. champion, who beat him at the
“a bit insulting”. He has Britain team in action at 6 The quarter-final draw takes place The tension was evident in a tight Crucible in April, for his 18th
walked the walk since home. They were certainly tomorrow at 11am doubles contest when Evans consecutive Shanghai match win.
after being given the given their money’s exchanged words with Fils, who was “I’ll be giving the trophy to my
nod by Smith, winning worth with close to nine sitting courtside. But he maintained his friend who is opening up a club
three of the four doubles hours of action on an entertaining battle. Leading by a set composure when it mattered most for a here. It will be staying in China,”
matches he has played for enthralling final day of and a break at 3-1 in the second, Fils, 19, famous victory, saving three consecu- O’Sullivan said. “I’m not really
Britain this year. action in the round- was on the verge of an impressive vic- tive match points on his serve at 5-4 bothered about trophies. I don’t
“I’m not glad he did it robin event. tory in the face of a partisan crowd. But down in the third set and another in the want any memorabilia left by the
The opening match then came a sudden collapse as he tie-break before falling to the court time I’m 70 or 80. I’m preparing
Murray, not selected between Evans and Fils set played a dreadful service game to hand with joy after he and Skupski converted for death – part of that is I don’t
yesterday, roars in support the tone for the day with an the break back, with Evans starting to their second match point. want snooker stuff – it’s all going.”
56 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Sport Golf

Fox holds his

ton’s lead was four shots, but he still led
the way for Donald’s Rome-bound
team. Other big guns have fired
too. Jon Rahm was fourth, one
11 shot behind, with Viktor
Hovland and Tommy Fleet-

nerve to deny
Days until the wood, who had a disap-
start of the Ryder pointing day but a good
Cup, a week on week, next in line in fifth and
Friday in Rome sixth place respectively.
Rory McIlroy had scraped
into the weekend in the dark on

Europe’s stars
Friday, but he made good use of the op-
portunity and conjured the best round
of the day, a 65, to share seventh place
on 13 under.
For much of this week Hatton’s facial
expressions have given the impression
that he has been a victim of serial injus-
Rick Broadbent tice. It shows the high expectations, but
Leading final scores he chunterend his way into contention.
It is only a couple of months since Ryan Five off the top in the morning, hope
Fox said he was “sick of golf” and he cut 6 Europe Ryder Cup players in blue blossomed as Aberg stuttered badly
an emotional figure as he reflected on Great Britain and Ireland unless stated after three days of serene progress.
“a difficult year” and the biggest win of 270 R Fox (NZ) 69, 68, 66, 67 There was a near hole-in-one, with his
his career at the BMW PGA Champi- 271 T Hatton 68, 69, 68, 66 ball hitting the flag and somehow stay-
onship. A Rai 69, 67, 67, 68 ing out, and he did hole a chip out of a
With so much attention being 272 J Rahm (Sp) 71, 67, 66, 68 bunker on the 6th during a run of five
273 V Hovland (Nor) 69, 70, 67, 67
focused on the form of Ryder Cup 274 T Fleetwood 69, 66, 67, 72
birdies in seven holes.
players, on both sides of the Atlantic, it 275 R McIlroy 72, 71, 67, 65
This was a very different sort of test
was perhaps typical of golf’s capacity C Shinkwin 68, 71, 64, 72 for the wilting Aberg. He had said Went-
for unscripted drama that a New Zeal- A Scott (Aus) 71, 69, 67, 68 worth is a simple course and backed up
ander should triumph at Wentworth on 276 L Aberg (Swe) 68, 66, 66, 76 that assessment until yesterday. Two
Sunday. He deserved it — but it was S Straka (Austria) 70, 66, 69, 71 shots clear of Fleetwood and Connor
never comfortable. Having started the C Syme 67, 70, 65, 74 Syme at the start, a dropped shot after a
day three shots behind the leader Lud- H Du Plessis (SA) 72, 71, 64, 69 poor approach started the rot on the 1st.
vig Aberg, he saw his drive on the 3rd Other Europe players: 278 S Lowry 69, Two doubles followed. Short putts were
arc out of bounds on his way to a triple 71, 67, 71; M Fitzpatrick 66, 72, 71, 69. missed and the radar cut out.
bogey seven. At that point he was 400-1 283 J Rose 72, 71, 68, 72. His round of 76 contrasted with one
284 R MacIntyre 72, 69, 73, 70.
to win and admitted he thought he was 288 N Hoejgaard (Den) 76, 67, 73, 72. of McIlroy’s Sunday jaunts. He had cut
“out of the tournament”. an exasperated figure on Friday night,
Instead of imploding, he exploded in- as groups queued on the 18th tee and
to renewed life, making eight birdies in- my father-in-law in June after a really play finished in near darkness. He
cluding six on the back nine. With the short battle. That rocked the whole dubbed that a ‘shit show’ but followed
English duo of Tyrrell Hatton and Aar- family. It’s been tough going back Saturday’s 67 with a 65 and briefly ex-
on Rai getting to 17 under par, Fox, the and forth, but to have No 2 with humed small hopes that he could even
son of All Blacks’ Rugby World Cup us, little Margot who is four win. Failure to capitalise on the closing
winner Grant, needed to hole a six-foot months old, is very special.” two par-fives put paid to that, and re-
putt to win after laying up on the par- The Ryder Cup charge was sulted in him smashing a wedge into the
five 18th. Six feet can appear a long and long, strong and ultimately turf. “The 17th has been my nemesis
winding road in such circumstances, flawed, but Luke Donald, the hole over the years,” he said. “I’ve never
but he nailed it, punched the air and Europe captain, was delighted felt comfortable with that second shot.
won by one shot after a round of five- that seven of his team made It was sort of more frustration with the
under-par 67 saw him finish on 18 the top ten. lie. It was an awkward shot, so it was
under. Aberg had long since faded after Hatton was the pick, more frustration at that.”
finally encountering some fallibility to despite driving out of At least he can head off to his friend’s
end a remarkable run, but another top- bounds on the 15th, stag do in Mykonos with no Wentworth
ten finish and a reality check consti- but the rain had hangover. “If I had gone home on Friday,
tutes decent preparation for the rook- started to come I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to
ie’s Ryder Cup to come in Italy. down at that point feel better about my game,” he said.
Given that Fox contracted pneumo- and he said he Meanwhile, in the United States, Jus-
nia this year, grew tired of travel and wouldn’t be losing tin Thomas has refound his form at the
took all of August off, this was some sleep over the error. Fortinet Championship. The count-
comeback. Watched by his wife and The threat of light- down is under way and if anyone
new daughter, he said: “We have been ning then led to an viewed Fox as raining on Europe’s Ry-
through a pretty tough year as a family. 82-minute delay, der Cup parade, he signed off with a
Both my mother and father-in-law with Fox a stroke behind New Zealander Fox celebrates his winning putt on the 18th, as a pledge of allegiance. “I’ll be fully sup-
were diagnosed with cancer, and I lost Hatton. At one point Hat- number of Ryder Cup stars including McIlroy, inset, fell just short porting them,” he said.

Roy was one of the best but Brook boosts England

described Brook’s omission as “as Dawid Malan’s outstanding recent This summer, he played in Major continued from back
Mike Atherton hard a decision as you’re ever going to form also cemented his position as a League Cricket in America during the Archer likely to travel with squad
get.” first-choice pick at the top of the English summer and was required to
What has happened to change their order alongside Jonny Bairstow. terminate his increment contract to Brook could still force his way in to the
mind? Initially, there was immediate Malan made scores of 54, 96 and 127 travel there. squad. Despite scoring only 37 runs in
Chief Cricket confirmation from Brook of his in the four-match ODI series against Roy will go down as one of three innings in the four-match ODI
Correspondent outstanding talent, when he smashed New Zealand, meaning that, in the England’s best ever one-day players, a series, England feel that he is a better
105 in 42 balls, including seven sixes, last 12 months, he has scored four belligerent and fearless ball-striker option.
for the Northern Superchargers ODI hundreds, averaging a little who made 12 hundreds in 116 ODIs- Roy has not played at all for three

hen a mistake has been against Welsh Fire six days after that more than 66. Roy or no Roy, Malan third only behind Root and Eoin weeks and has had a quiet summer. His
made, better to correct it announcement. deserves his spot at the top of the Morgan — and a key member of highest score in the Hundred was 28
than defend it stubbornly — Two eye-catching half-centuries order for the start of the World Cup. England’s World Cup winning side in and his highest score in 24 innings
especially with a World Cup at stake. followed in the T20 series against So the choice for the selectors was 2019. Roy was central to the dating back to March is 61.
So it is that Harry Brook, the New Zealand, although his returns between an injury-hit Roy, to act as a revitalisation of England’s one-day England are yet to confirm whether
wunderkid from Yorkshire, will be at were thinner in the 50-over series back-up at the top of the order, or cricket under Morgan, but time they are taking any travelling reserves
the tournament in India after all, after that. Brook, a young player on the rise, moves on, and in Brook England with them — they are allowed up to
following a change by the selectors to Added to that, were concerns about who can give principal cover for the possess a star of the future. They have three players to travel in case of injury
the previously announced 15-man Roy’s fitness. Now 33, Roy was middle order in a team where other made the right call. — but it is unlikely that Roy will be one
squad. Jason Roy misses out. unavailable for any of the ODIs options, such as Joe Root, could of them and that those spots will be for
Roy had been picked in the against New Zealand, suffering from a provide cover at the top as well. By reserve bowlers.
provisional squad, announced on series of back spasms. These are selecting Brook, they have improved England’s squad for the World Cup Jofra Archer is likely to travel to India
Jos Buttler (Lancashire, capt), Moeen Ali
August 16, which, according to the notoriously difficult to overcome (and England’s chances of defending their (Warwickshire), Gus Atkinson (Surrey), Jonny
to continue his rehabilitation from the
national selector, Luke Wright, was predict when they will return) and crown. Bairstow (Yorkshire), Harry Brook (Yorkshire), recurrence of a stress fracture in his el-
intended to be the final squad to go to the World Cup schedule would be It is a decision that is likely to Sam Curran (Surrey), Liam Livingstone bow. However, there are no guarantees
India. demanding for anyone with back hurry along an end to Roy’s (Lancashire), Dawid Malan (Yorkshire), Adil he will be fully fit even at the back end
Rashid (Yorkshire), Joe Root (Yorkshire), Ben
With Ben Stokes having reversed concerns. There will be a constant international career, given that he lost Stokes (Durham), Reece Topley (Surrey), David
of the tournament and he could only
his retirement, there was no place for diet of air travel with which to his full central contract last summer Willey (Northamptonshire), Mark Wood come into the squad in the event of an
Brook originally, Wright having contend. and has designs on a franchise future. (Durham), Chris Woakes (Warwickshire) injury to another bowler.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 57

Racing Sport
Rob Wright 5.20 Handicap (£3,245: 5f) (12)
Continuous an Arc possible
5.50 Handicap (£4,187: 7f) (15) [Moore, his jockey] but he has a lot of
Rob Wright Racing Editor
class this horse, he does stay and does
Continuous, who was an easy winner of handle soft ground.
the St Leger at Doncaster on Saturday, “There’s every chance he could. He’s
1.50 Handicap (£3,664: 1m 4f) (15 runners) is a best-priced 12-1 with William Hill to a hardy horse. He’s had a strong, hard
end his season with victory in the Prix programme early so he might back up
de l’Arc de Triomphe at Longchamp on in two weeks. The lads will decide that
October 1. but I’d say there’s definitely a chance.”
Trained by Aidan O’Brien, who was Frankie Dettori, who is retiring at the
landing the final classic of the season end of the year, could only finish second
for a seventh time, Continuous has im- in his final St Leger on board Arrest but
proved markedly on his past two starts. continued his farewell tour with a trip
“It’s very special. A lot of people do a to Sweden yesterday.
Kempton Park lot of work with this horse very day,” The Italian was unplaced in the
Rob Wright
O’Brien said. “The Arc is a possibility, featured Stockholm Cup on board
the lads will decide those things like Hard One To Please but he did manage
they always do. They’ll speak to Ryan a listed-race victory on Takeko.
Rob Wright
8.00 Handicap (Div II: £4,187: 1m) (12)
2.20 Nursery (Div I: 2-Y-O: £3,664: 6f) (9) 4.52 Nursery (2-Y-O: £3,140: 7f) (11)
4.25 Maiden Hurdle (Div I: £4,357: 2m) (10)

1.55 Handicap (£3,245: 6f) (7)

2.55 Nursery (Div II: 2-Y-O: £3,664: 6f) (9) 5.30 Handicap (£4,187: 7f) (12) 8.30 Handicap (£3,140: 1m 3f) (14)
5.00 Maiden Hurdle (Div II: £4,357: 2m) (9)
2.30 Maiden Stakes (£4,320: 1m) (7)

3.05 Handicap (£3,245: 1m 2f) (13) 5.35 Handicap Hurdle (£3,406: 2m 4f) (12)
3.30 Novice Stakes (2-Y-O: £10,800: 7f) (6) 6.00 Novice Stakes (£3,780: 6f) (10)

Rob Wright

4.05 Handicap (£4,187: 6f) (12)

2.05 Handicap Chase
(£6,337: 2m 110yd) (4)
6.30 Novice Stakes (£5,346: 1m 4f) (8)
6.10 Handicap Hurdle (£4,225: 2m 7f) (9)

3.40 Handicap (£4,606: 1m 4f) (7)

2.40 Handicap Chase (£11,935: 2m 4f) (7)

7.00 Handicap (£6,281: 2m) (8)

4.15 Handicap (£3,245: 1m) (8) Course specialists

4.40 Novice Stakes (£5,400: 6f) (6) Brighton: Trainers S & E Crisford, 6 winners
3.15 NH Flat Race (Div II: £2,614: 2m) (9) from 14 runners, 42.9%; M Tregoning, 8 from 19,
42.1%; M Murphy & Keady, 5 from 14, 35.7%.
Jockeys Rose Dawes, 3 winners from 11 rides,
27.3%; T Fisher, 4 from 20, 20%; M Ghiani,
16 from 88, 18.2%.
Kempton Park: Trainers S bin Suroor, 31 from
123, 25.2%; R Varian, 65 from 279, 23.3%; S & E
Crisford, 24 from 111, 21.6%. Jockeys J Fisher,
7.30 Handicap (Div I: £4,187: 1m) (12) 3 from 14, 21.4%; O Murphy, 88 from 428, 20.6%;
A Voikhansky, 5 from 30, 16.7%.
Thirsk: Trainers A Haynes, 6 from 10, 60%;
4.45 Handicap (£3,245: 7f) (12) C Hills, 4 from 8, 50%; E Walker, 3 from 15, 20%.
5.15 Handicap (£4,187: 1m) (12)
Jockeys W Buick, 3 from 5, 60%; A Rawlinson,
5 from 25, 20%; Z Wheatley, 5 from 25, 20%.
3.50 NH Flat Race (Div II: £2,614: 2m) (9) Worcester: Trainers A West, 4 from 10, 40%;
P Bowen, 21 from 94, 22.3%; R Bandey, 4 from 18,
22.2%. Jockeys H Cobden, 20 from 77, 26%;
S Bowen, 30 from 126, 23.8%; G Sheehan, 16 from
76, 21.1%.

Blinkered first time: Brighton 2.30 Tea Sea.

4.45 Runner Bean. 5.20 Notre Maison.
Thirsk 2.20 Peaceful Protest. 2.20 Amazing
Winnie. 5.15 Powdering.

Yesterday’s racing results

3.00 (1m) 1, I Still Have Faith (T Scudamore, 9-4); 2, Raasel (Evens fav); 3, Silky Wilkie (4-1). 3.25 (1m 2yd) 1, Tulekya (Jason Hart, 5-1); 5.10 (1m 7f 217yd) 1, Yorkindness (J Fanning,
Doncaster 100-30 fav); 2, Biplane (20-1); 3, Lion’s Dream 4 ran. l, 1 l. Tom Clover. Musselburgh 2, Hiromichi (11-4 fav); 3, Tabuk (12-1). 8 ran. 15-8 fav); 2, It’s Good To Laugh (9-4);
(12-1). 15 ran. NR: Dandy Maestro, Eleven 4.45 (1m) 1, Swift Salian (Connor Beasley, 7-2); l, 3 l. K P De Foy. 3, Haizoom (9-2). 5 ran. NR: Baez. l, 1 l.
Going: soft (good to soft in places) Going: good to soft (soft in places)
Eleven, Global Spectrum. 2 l, 1 l. 2, Charming Whisper (5-1); 3, Sea The Dream 4.00 (5f 1yd) 1, Princess Karine (Andrew C Johnston.
1.50 (1m 2f 43yd) 1, Ala Kaifi (K Shoemark, B Brookhouse. (13-2). 6 ran. 3 l, 1l. T D Barron. 2.15 (5f 1yd) 1, Ziggy’s Queen (O J Orr, 85-40); Breslin, 9-4); 2, Rock Melody (8-11 fav); 3, 5.45 (7f 33yd) 1, Spartakos (Jason Hart,
10-3 fav); 2, Richard P Smith (7-1); 3, Ayyab 3.35 (7f 6yd) 1, Matilda Picotte (Oisin Murphy, 5.20 (5f 143yd) 1, Onemorenomore (A J 2, Lady Pink Rose (6-4 fav); 3, Indispensable Ramon Di Loria (8-1). 4 ran. NR: Khabib, Sugar 9-4 fav); 2, Kalama Sunrise (11-2); 3, Rogue
(5-1). 10 ran. 1l, hd. I Mohammed. 6-1); 2, Nigiri (3-1); 3, Vetiver (16-1). 10 ran. Farragher, 9-1); 2, Stone Of Destiny (9-1); 3, (7-4). NR: Shuangxi. Hd, 1 l. R A Fahey. Baby. 1l, 4 l. B Smart. Force (11-2). 6 ran. NR: Amerrone. 2 l, 1 l.
2.25 (7f 6yd) 1, Poet Master (S H James, 9-2); NR: Cell Sa Beela, Potapova. 3 l, 2l. Lotus Rose (16-1). 11 ran. Nk, 2 l. P J McBride. 2.50 (5f 1yd) 1, Canaria Queen (D Allan, 5-2); 4.35 (1m 4f 104yd) 1, Spanish Hustle (C Lee, K Scott.
2, Zouky (18-5); 3, Dark Thirty (17-2). 8 ran. K P Cotter. Placepot: £332.00. 2, Sacred Falls (30-100 fav); 3, No Aw There 9-4 fav); 2, Blue Antares (3-1); 3, Graces Quest Placepot: £44.40.
NR: Alzahir. 2 l, l. K R Burke. 4.10 (5f 3yd) 1, Rogue Lightning (D Tudhope, Quadpot: £57.80. (40-1). 5 ran. NR: Alexi Boy. 1 l, 3l. T Easterby. (11-2). 5 ran. 2 l, sh hd. J S Goldie. Quadpot: £12.80.
58 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Sport Singapore Grand Prix

Sainz stops the Verstappen

Rebecca Clancy How they finished
C Sainz (Sp)
Ferrari 1hr 46min 37.418s
Motor Racing
Correspondent, L Norris (UK)
Singapore McLaren +0.812s
L Hamilton (UK)
Mercedes +1.269s
Formula One returned to its best under
the lights in Singapore with an enthrall- 4 C Leclerc (Mon) Ferrari +21.177
ing, breathless finish in which the top 5 M Verstappen (Neth) Red Bull +21.441
four cars fought to within two seconds 6 P Gasly (Fr) Alpine +38.441
of each other for victory.
7 O Piastri (Aus) McLaren +41.479
In the end it was the Ferrari of Carlos
Sainz that emerged victorious after 8 S Pérez (Mex) +54.534
smart race management on his part 9 L Lawson (NZ) AlphaTauri +65.918
helped him convert pole position to a 10 K Magnussen (Den) Haas +72.116
win. McLaren’s Lando Norris also 11 A Albon (Thai) Williams +73.417
enjoyed a superb race to finish second,
while the Mercedes of Lewis Hamilton 12 Zhou Guanyu (China) A Romeo +83.649
finished on the podium for the 196th 13 N Hülkenberg (Ger) Haas +86.201
time in his career, inheriting the last 14 L Sargeant (US) Williams +86.889
step after his team-mate, George Rus- 15 F Alonso (Sp) Aston Martin +87.603
sell, crashed into the barriers with only
a few corners of the last lap remaining. 16 G Russell (GB) Mercedes DNF
Russell was crestfallen. A few laps 17 V Bottas (Fin) Alfa Romeo DNF
earlier he had rightly believed that he 18 E Ocon (Fr) Alpine DNF
was battling for victory, only to find 19 Y Tsunoda (Jpn) AlphaTauri DNF
himself in the barrier while fireworks
erupted as the chequered flag fell. He Overall standings
fought back the tears as he spoke to the Driver Team Points
media straight after the race and will no 1 Verstappen Red Bull 374
doubt be kicking himself as the F1 cir- 2 Pérez Red Bull 223
cus moves on to Japan next weekend. 3 Hamilton Mercedes 180
But both Mercedes and Ferrari leave 4 Alonso Aston Martin 170
Singapore on a high. For they did what
for a long time no one thought possible 5 Sainz Ferrari 142
— they stopped the Red Bull jugger- 6 Leclerc Ferrari 123
naut. 7 Russell Mercedes 109
Red Bull had, until now, won every 8 Norris McLaren 97
race this season. Max Verstappen was 9 Stroll Aston Martin 47
on a record-breaking winning streak of 10 Gasly Alpine 45
ten races and there were bets a plenty
being made that the team would finish Fastest lap L Hamilton 1:35.867
the season as the invincibles.
Constructors Points
But they got it badly wrong here.
They blamed the set-up of the car and 1 Red Bull 597
the track which did not suit them. They 2 Mercedes 289
found themselves going the wrong way 3 Ferrari 265
during Friday’s practice and seemed to 4 Aston Martin 217
spiral from there, unable to correct the 5 McLaren 139
wrong, and Verstappen spent the week- Alpine
6 81
end moaning about how undriveable
7 Williams 21
the car was.
He only managed to qualify 11th but 8 Haas 12
did make his way up to fifth, though was 9 Alfa Romeo 10
never in contention for a podium, even 10 AlphaTauri 5
if their race pace did improve in the lat-
ter stages. Though it was a weekend to
forget for Red Bull, they can still win the twisty street circuit. The Williams of
constructors’ championship in Japan. A Logan Sargeant crashed but made his
win here for Verstappen could have way back to the garage with his front
brought double celebrations in Suzuka wing hanging off and spreading debris
but the champagne will be put on ice for all over the track. The front five all pit-
him until at least a race later, in Qatar. ted but Leclerc was held in his box to
But back to Ferrari. So often in recent avoid an unsafe release and lost two Sainz holds off Norris, Russell and Hamilton in a thrilling, hard-fought final few laps to win and end Red Bull and Verstappen’s
years their race weekends have brought places in the process.
errors: driver mistakes, strategy mis- Verstappen didn’t stop and was run- Verstappen not on podium for first time in 16 races mentally drained, and you missed out
takes or reliability issues. Here in Sing- ning in second but Russell made light on an opportunity at victory, and to
apore it was the perfect outing for them. work of getting past him and started make such a mistake, you know it is
Well, for Sainz at least, though Charles applying the pressure to Sainz. His truly heartbreaking.” he said. He should
Leclerc showed himself to be the ulti- pursuit was relentless but Sainz fended not be too hard on himself. Norris
mate team player as they look to climb him off and then a virtual safety car clipped the wall in the same place
the top step more frequently. with 20 laps remaining as Alpine’s Este- moments before, just not quite as hard,
“We’ve had one opportunity this year ban Ocon stopped on track. Mercedes and was able to control the car.
to win the race, which was here in Sing- had spoken all weekend about having Hamilton offered his support to his
apore, and we nailed it,” Sainz said. “We an extra set of faster tyres and decided team-mate.
didn’t put a foot wrong all weekend and to pit their drivers, the only top team “We are all trying to be millimetre
yeah, there were a lot of moments out who did. perfect and it is easy to make mistakes,”
there that we were a bit under pressure, The team said afterwards that their the seven-times world champion said.
and we kept it calm.” data was telling them that a 1-2 was on “George had been driving phenome-
It was a thrilling race from lights out, the cards at that time. Russell and nally well all weekend and it was unfor-
with the Mercedes pair going wheel-to- Hamilton emerged fourth and fifth tunate on the last lap to end that way,
wheel through the first corner and Ha- respectively but with nine laps remain- but he will continue to grow and
milton going wide. He made up two ing Russell passed Leclerc for third. A Norris, winner Sainz with Ferrari team principal Frédéric Vasseur, and Hamilton improve and if I can help that — I will
places, also passing Norris, but had to lap later Hamilton was also past the be here for the next few years.”
give them both back. Ferrari for fourth and from there the cedes pair were doing likewise to the him and the Silver Arrows, he knew vic- This was by far the most exciting race
Leclerc may well have felt like the gap closed; with five laps remaining back of his car. It meant they all, except tory was his. of the season but no one is getting
sacrificial lamb as, when running in there was less than two seconds sepa- Sainz, had DRS, so no one actually had For Russell there was heartache, as ahead of themselves. Everyone expects
second behind Sainz in the early stages, rating the top four. the advantage of it. But Sainz knew that he admitted afterwards he lost concen- Red Bull to be back at full strength in
he was asked to extend the gap between Sainz knew exactly what he had to do Norris had the same pace as him. It was tration, leading him to clip the wall and Japan but it does suggest that, going
the pair and hold up the field. but it would not be easy. He let Norris the Mercedes pair he had to be con- then end up in the barrier after “such a forward, the other teams will be able to
As it was, a safety car played its part, flirt with his gearbox, keeping him cerned about on fresher, faster tyres. As long, physical race”. push them harder and fight for more
as often happens around this tight and within a second, knowing that the Mer- long as he could keep Norris between “When you’re so physically drained, wins.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 59


juggernaut Few Vuelta winners have

deserved it more than Kuss
ambition. No team had achieved this what followed on the Angliru. The
David Walsh and to bolster their chances they asked attack on Kuss was initiated by Roglic
Vingegaard to take on the Vuelta. and that was his mistake. Vingegaard’s
No one should be surprised that he instinct urged him to follow and that
agreed because he is by nature a team was his, though it was a lesser trans-
player and though he had shown him- gression. Thank goodness the reaction
self to be pre-eminent grand tour rider to what happened was so overwhelm-
in July, he was prepared to share leader- ingly negative that Jumbo’s leaders
ship with Roglic in Spain. Champions, were compelled to do what they should
In the end, it worked out. Team Jumbo- by nature, are supposed to feed off their have been doing in the first, leading.
Visma had three riders who could have egos. Vingegaard is an exception. There They knew they had to back Kuss and
won La Vuelta. What mattered was that is nothing egotistical about him. though Roglic disagreed, he still toed
it fell to the right one, Sepp Kuss. But As things turned out, his first week the line.
not before a riveting and uncomforta- was undone by a stomach bug that He would have felt aggrieved at not
ble race to the summit of Alto de L’An- drained him and caused him to lose having the chance to win a fourth Vuelta
gliru on Wednesday’s 17th stage when time. Then at the end of that first week, without considering what a rider of
Primoz Roglic and Jonas Vingegaard Kuss showed his racing brain by getting Kuss’s talent has given up to be an elite
thought they were free to do as they into the right breakaway and taking the équipier. But all that has passed and the
wished. The next day they came to their time that would ultimately make the question is who is out there that can
senses, reluctantly in Roglic’s case. difference. From that point, Kuss challenge Jumbo’s eminence in grand
Few in the history of La Vuelta have should have had everyone’s support. tours. The danger is that Vingegaard will
ever been more deserving of the Mail- Central to the difficulties that ensued stretch further away from his rivals.
lot Rojo that Kuss wore as the peloton was that Vingegaard and Roglic got Ineos Grenadiers have fallen badly
flowed into Madrid for the final stage. stronger in the second and especially the away. Remco Evenepoel is talented but
Softly-spoken, sphinx-like in his ex- third week, just as Kuss was beginning to not yet consistent enough to live with
pression when pacemaking in the feel the effects of this being his third Vingegaard for three weeks at the Tour
mountains and not merely the most grand tour this year. Imagine being the de France. That leaves Tadej Pogacar. To
selfless team rider but also the most ac- rider with the most strength on the final borrow from Paul Simon, “Where have
complished. That moment, less than climb of a tough mountain stage and not you gone, Joe DiMaggio?/A nation
two kilometres from the summit of the being able to show that. Well, Ving- turns its lonely eyes to you.”
Angliru, when he realised his team- egaard and Roglic didn’t just sit Pogacar has suffered two bad de-
mates were abandoning him, slips easi- and suffer. feats at the Tour de France,
ly into a special category; once seen, They went for their stage both inflicted by Vinge-
never forgotten. victories and got them. At gaard. There comes a
Let us not forget though that the team the time this was good for time when a rider’s spirit
and Vingegaard understood the serious- the team and good for the can be crushed, when he
ness of the 17th stage debacle. The two leaders. Vingegaard ex- stops believing he can
Dane’s apology came in his easing down plained his breakaway victory beat a particular rival,
at the end of the following day’s race to on the Col du Tourmalet as a and those who have fol-
another summit Puerto de La Cruz de gift to his young daughter lowed Pogacar’s brilliant
Linares. It’s always better to show contri- Frida on her birth- career will hope this
tion than utter it and the concession of day and a similar hasn’t happened to him.
those nine seconds was reparation. Kuss attack and win at He says he will ride the
would have appreciated it. Bejes as a “get Tour next year but the
Given how the race played out in the well” message question is whether he in-
final week and the sense that the team to his team- vests his entire years in the
didn’t have a strategy other than to try mate and quest to beat his great rival.
to keep everyone happy, sight is lost of close friend Nothing less will do and as
Jumbo’s impressive domination of the Nathan van well as tailoring his season to
Vuelta. They have been the best team in Hooydonck be at his absolute peak in Ju-
the peloton through the last four years who had ly, Pogacar would likely need
but only now are the results fully re- been in- to lose two or even three kilos
flecting their strength. volved in a to make him more efficient
The team revolves around its great- serious car on long climbs.
est rider, Vingegaard. After a strong accident. The difficulty for him in
early season and a brilliant second vic- That second this is that he is so good in
tory at the Tour de France, he was en- breakaway narrowed every race. There isn’t a race
titled to a less taxing second half to his the gap between Kuss on the cycling calendar that
year. Instead, on the very day he won and Vingegaard and is beyond him and, indeed,
the Tour for the second time, he an- yet it didn’t prepare for he has won most of them.
nounced he would be riding the Vuelta. Still so young, he turns 25
Richard Plugge, the team’s general Kuss savours his this week knowing that
manager had already said that winning moment as La this winter he has got a
victorious streak. Inset, Russell’s crash on the final lap ends his hopes of a podium the three grand tours this year was a big Vuelta winner decision to make.

Bowling Neser 10-1-60-0; Abbott D M de Silva c Rahul b Siraj 4 (2) (US, Jumbo-Visma) 76:48:21; 2, J Vingegaard Betfred Championship Keighley 22 Halifax Ties M Sets Games
American football 10-1-54-2; Green 10-0-59-1; Ellis 8-0-49-1; *M D Shanaka b Siraj 0 (4) (Den, Jumbo-Visma) at 17sec; 3, P Roglic 23; London Broncos 10 Bradford 12; Swinton 1 Great Britain (Q) 3–0 6–3 13–11 129–122
Zampa 10-1-70-3; David 2-0-20-1. D N Wellalage c Rahul b Pandya 8 (21) (Slove, Jumbo-Visma) 1min 8sec; 4, J Ayuso 21 Whitehaven 20; Widnes 18 Sheffield 38. 2 Australia (Q) 2–1 6–3 14–6 113–94
NFL (Sp, UAE Team Emirates) 3:18; 5, M Landa (Sp, Saturday Newcastle 36 Barrow 24; Toulouse
Australia (balls) M A D I Hemantha not out 13 (15) 3 France 1–2 5–4 12–10 117–106
Atlanta 25 Green Bay 24; Buffalo 38 Las Vegas Bahrain Victorious) 3:37. Leading British 23, 16 Featherstone 29. Today York v Batley
*M R Marsh c Ngidi b Jansen 71 (56) P M Liyanagamage c Kohli 4 Switzerland 0–3 1–8 4–16 78–115
10; Cincinnati 24 Baltimore 27; Detroit 31 H Carthy (EF Education-EasyPost) 1:19:25; 31, (7.45). League One: Promotion play-off
Seattle 37 (OT); Houston 20 Indianapolis 31; D A Warner c Markram b Jansen 10 (6) b Pandya 1 (6) Hunslet 18 North Wales Crusaders 25. Group A (Unipol Arena, Bologna): Italy bt
G Thomas (INEOS Grenadiers) 1:47:59.
Jacksonville 9 Kansas City 17; Tampa Bay 27 J P Inglis b Jansen 0 (4) M A V P H Pathiranage c Kishan Sweden 2-1.
Chicago 17; Tennessee 27 Los Angeles M Labuschagne c Phehlukwayo b Pandya 0 (1) Golf Rugby union Ties M Sets Games
b Jansen 44 (63) Extras (lb 2, w 3) 5 1 Canada (Q) 3-0 8-1 16-4 123-100
Chargers 24 (OT). †A T Carey c de Kock b Jansen 2 (4) BMW PGA Championship scores on page 56 World Cup scores and tables on page 60
Total (15.2 overs) 50 2 Italy (Q) 2-1 5-4 12-11 121-116
Cricket C D Green c and b Maharaj
T H David b Maharaj
18 (27)
1 (6)
Fall of wickets 1-1, 2-8, 3-8, 4-8, 5-12, 6-12, 7-33,
8-40, 9-50.
US PGA Fortinet Championship
Napa, California: Leaders after three rounds
Premiership Cup Bristol 12 Ealing
Trailfinders 28. Saturday Bath 10 Jersey Reds 3 Chile 1-2 4-5 11-11 116-115
34; Caldy 26 Ampthill 22; Exeter 38 Cornish 4 Sweden 0-3 1-8 4-17 93-122
Fifth one-day international S A Abbott c Ngidi b Maharaj 23 (26) Bowling Bumrah 5-1-23-1; Siraj 7-1-21-6; (United States unless stated): 199 S Theegala
M G Neser lbw b Phehlukwayo 0 (2) Pandya 2.2-0-3-3; Yadav 1-0-1-0. 68, 64, 67. 201 C Davis (Aus) 68, 68, 65; Kim Pirates 13; Harlequins 21 Coventry 21; London Group C (Pavelló Municipal Font de Sant
South Africa v Australia N T Ellis not out 9 (6) Seong-hyeon (S Kor) 65, 67, 69; J Thomas 69, Scottish 22 Doncaster 24; Northampton 55 Lluís, Valencia): Spain bt South Korea 2-1.
Johannesburg (Australia won toss): South India (balls) Cambridge 5; Saracens 20 Gloucester 29.
A Zampa c Bavuma b Maharaj 5 (7) 67, 65. 202 E Cole 68, 66, 68; M Kuchar 70, 67, Ties M Sets Games
I P K P Kishan not out 23 (18)
Africa beat Australia by 122 runs Extras (b 1, lb 6, w 1, nb 2)
Total (34.1 overs)
S Gill not out 27 (19) 65. 204 C Tarren (Eng) 68, 69, 67. Snooker 1 Czechia (Q)
2 Serbia (Q)
3-0 9-0 18-4 130-100
2-1 6-3 13-8 110-101
South Africa (balls)
Fall of wickets 1-34, 2-34, 3-124, 4-135, 5-136,
Extras (lb 1)
Total (no wkt, 6.1 overs) 51
1 Rugby league Shanghai Masters 3 Spain 1-2 2-7 6-14 99-112
†Q de Kock c Green b Ellis 27 (39)
6-143, 7-174, 8-175, 9-181. *R G Sharma, V Kohli, †K L Rahul, H H Pandya, Betfred Super League Catalans Dragons 59 Final: R O’Sullivan (Eng) bt L Brecel (Bel) 11-9 4 South Korea 0-3 1-8 6-17 103-129
*T Bavuma run out 0 (2) (frame scores; O’Sullivan first): 86-6, 0-134
H E van der Dussen c Labuschagne Bowling Ngidi 5-0-23-0; Coetzee 6-0-47-0; R A Jadeja, W Sundar, J J Bumrah, K Yadav Leeds 0; Hull 20 Huddersfield 52; Hull Group D (Arena Gripe, Split): Croatia bt
Jansen 8-1-39-5; Phehlukwayo 6-0-44-1; and M Siraj did not bat. Kingston Rovers 12 Salford 0. (134 break), 76-38 (57), 79-48, 0-76 (75), 22-98
b Abbott 30 (48) (98), 0-103 (103), 98-31, 78-29 (78), 69-44, 63- Netherlands 2-1.
Maharaj 9.1-2-33-4. Bowling Liyanagamage 2-0-21-0; P W D L F A Pts Ties M Sets Games
A K Markram c Neser b David 93 (87) Wigan 26 19 0 7 712 354 38 66 (65), 88-0 (52), 11-86 (55), 36-64 (56), 95-
H Klaasen b Zampa 6 (13) 6 South Africa won five-match series 3-2 Pathiranage 2-0-21-0; Wellalage 2-0-7-0; 30, 143-0 (143), 120-0 (120), 57-71 (LB 52), 12-83 1 Netherlands (Q) 2-1 5-4 13-11 131–120
Asalanka 0.1-0-1-0. Catalans D 26 19 0 7 701 412 38
D A Miller c Inglis b Abbott 63 (65) Asia Cup final: India v Sri Lanka St Helens 26 19 0 7 583 354 38 (83), 67-47. 2 Finland (Q) 2-1 6-3 13-9 116–118
M Jansen c Abbott b Green
A L Phehlukwayo not out
47 (23)
38 (19)
Colombo (Sri Lanka won toss): India beat Cycling Leigh 26 16 0 10 579 498 32
Tennis 3 United States
4 Croatia
1-2 3-6 9-14 125–124
1-2 4-5 11-12 111–121
Sri Lanka by ten wickets Hull KR 26 15 0 11 533 486 30
G W Coetzee lbw b Zampa 0 (1) Vuelta a España Warrington 26 13 0 13 577 504 26 Davis Cup finals, group B
Sri Lanka (balls) WTA Kinoshita Group Japan Open
K A Maharaj b Zampa 0 (1) Leading final positions: 21st stage Salford 26 13 0 13 486 493 26 AO Arena, Manchester: Great Britain bt
L T Ngidi not out 0 (3) P N Silva c Jadeja b Siraj 2 (4) (Hipódromo de la Zarzuela to Madrid, Osaka: Final A Krueger (US) bt Zhu Lin
Leeds 26 11 0 15 489 532 22 France 2-1 (British players first): D Evans bt A (China) 6-3, 7-6 (8-6).
Extras (lb 3, w 7, nb 1) 11 M D K J Perera c Rahul b Bumrah 0 (2) 101.5km): 1 K Groves (Aus, Alpecin- Huddersfield 26 11 0 15 465 532 22 Fils 3-6, 6-3, 6-4; C Norrie lost to U Humbert
Total (9 wkts, 50 overs) 315 †B K G Mendis b Siraj 17 (34) Deceuninck) 2hr 24min 13sec; 2, F Ganna (It, Hull 26 10 0 16 464 624 20 (Fr) 7-6 (7-5), 3-6, 7-5; Evans and N Skupski bt WTA Cymbiotika San Diego Open
Fall of wickets 1-3, 2-37, 3-80, 4-103, W S R Samarawickrama lbw b Siraj 0 (2) INEOS Grenadiers); 3, N Denz (Ger, BORA- Castleford 26 6 0 20 323 728 12 N Mahut and E Roger-Vasselin 1-6, 7-6 (7-4), Final B Krejcikova (Cz) bt S Kenin (US) 6-4,
5-212, 6-258, 7-280, 8-281, 9-281. K I C Asalanka c Kishan b Siraj 0 (1) hansgrohe) both same time. Overall 1, S Kuss Wakefield 26 4 0 22 291 686 8 7-6 (8-6). 2-6, 6-4.
60 2GM Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Sport Rugby World Cup

Fantastic Fiji rise to the occasion for

points. Fiji wobbled just a little, but held proud of the boys. It was a great contest, Waisea Nayacalevu, the Fiji captain, down the middle lane. The defence
on to douse pool C in fresh intrigue
before Australia and Wales clash head-
on in Lyon a week today. Another
a great Australian side,” said Raiwalui,
who was the Wallabies forwards coach
under Michael Cheika. “It’s a culmina-
said: “What I told the boys was, ‘today is
our final’. Today would determine
whether we want to go up to the
from the men in white was typically
ferocious, Marika Koroibete — Austra-
lia’s Fijian-born wing — and the young
22 defeat and it will almost certainly be
curtains for Eddie Jones and his crew.
The Australia head coach was asked
tion of the work we’ve done since the
beginning of the campaign. We pushed
the boys to the limits and they’ve never
quarters, so the mindset was do or die,
do our best, fight to the end and the
result will take care of itself.”
fly half Carter Gordon bearing the
brunt of some brutal yet perfectly
executed tackles.
Mark Palmer Saint-Étienne
afterwards about the crowd jeering once complained. When you work As the fans were streaming in pre- Simione Kuruvoli kicked Fiji level
White gold from Fiji in the mining when his face appeared on the big hard, you get the results.” match, Australia confirmed the heavi- from the Wallaby 10m line as the con-
heartland of Saint-Étienne. Simon Rai- screens. “They should probably have The only minor fly in the ointment ly-trailed withdrawal of their captain, test settled into the high-octane, full-
walui’s relentless charges produced a been throwing baguettes and crois- was Frank Lomani missing a penalty Will Skelton, who suffered a calf injury bore pitched battle we had all been
display that bristled with intensity, sants,” he replied at the end of a press with the last kick of the match. Had it in training last Thursday. hoping for. The pendulum swung back
intent and intelligence to bring about conference when no amount of bread gone over, it would have denied Austra- The lock’s place in the starting XV and forth with Kuruvoli nudging Fiji
the first major shock of a Rugby World and circuses was going to placate the lia a losing bonus point. Who knows went to Richie Arnold with Matt Philip ahead before Mark Nawaqanitawase —
Cup which is now coming to the boil. contingent from down under. how crucial that could be in the final coming on to the bench. David Porecki, who has Fijian parentage — touched
What a towering game and occasion The men in green and gold gave it analysis of this evenly matched section, the hooker, became the sixth man to down after taking a quick lineout inside
we got in the Massif Central. Fiji domi- everything in those closing stages, but but right now it feels churlish to even go captain the Wallabies in 2023. the islanders’ 22 and combining well
nated — were the more composed, anything other than a Fiji win would there. After going behind to an early with Samu Kerevi, on the back of a fine
clinical and clever team — but Austra- have been a travesty. Their first success Bar a gruesome lineout, Fiji were out- Donaldson penalty, Fiji were soon into 50/22 from Nic White.
lia refused to go quietly and gave them- in this fixture since 1954 was worth the standing, particularly at the breakdown their own attacking stride. Josua Fiji, and their supporters, com-
selves renewed hope heading into the wait both in terms of its construction, where the behemoth that is Levani Tuisova, the brilliant and brilliantly plained bitterly about where the line-
last ten minutes when Suli Vunivalu, and how lustily it was celebrated in the Botia had yet another superlative game. versatile back known as “the bus”, was out was taken from and were up in arms
the replacement, crossed from close steep stands of the magnificent Stade The players came together for a song on popping up at stations all over the pitch, again after White initially avoided any
range and Ben Donaldson’s conversion Geoffrey-Guichard. the pitch at the end, having hit the right his work a combination of handbrake sanction for a poor upright tackle on his
pulled the Wallabies to within seven “I’m emotionally drained. I’m really notes pretty much throughout. turns and straight-line acceleration opposite number, Kuruvoli. Following a

Every Rugby World Cup table, result and fixture

Pool A Pool B Pool C Pool D
P W L F A B Pts P W L F A B Pts P W L F A B Pts P W L F A B Pts Route to the final
France 2 2 0 54 25 0 8 Ireland 2 2 0 141 24 2 10 Wales 2 2 0 60 34 2 10 England 2 2 0 61 22 1 9
NZ 2 1 1 84 30 1 5 SA 2 2 0 94 3 1 9 Fiji 2 1 1 48 47 2 6 Samoa 1 1 0 43 10 1 5 QUARTER-FINAL 1 QUARTER-FINAL 3
Italy 1 1 0 52 8 1 5 Scotland 1 0 1 3 18 0 0 Australia 2 1 1 50 37 2 6 Japan 2 1 1 54 46 1 5 Winner Pool C Winner Pool D
Uruguay 1 0 1 12 27 0 0 Tonga 1 0 1 16 59 0 0 Georgia 1 0 1 15 35 0 0 Argentina 1 0 1 10 27 0 0 Winner SF 1
v Runner-up Pool D v Winner SF 2 v Runner-up Pool C
Namibia 2 0 2 11 123 0 0 Romania 2 0 2 8 158 0 0 Portugal 1 0 1 8 28 0 0 Chile 2 0 2 22 85 0 0
Oct 14, Marseille, 4pm Oct 28, Paris 8pm Oct 15, Marseille, 4pm
Results France 27 New Results Ireland 82 Romania 8; Results Australia 35 Results England 27 Argentina
Zealand 13; Italy 52 Namibia 8; South Africa 18 Scotland 3; Georgia 15; Wales 32 Fiji 26; 10; Japan 42 Chile 12; Samoa SEMI-FINAL 1 SEMI-FINAL 2
France 27 Uruguay 12; New Ireland 59 Tonga 16; South Wales 28 Portugal 8; 43 Chile 10; England 34 Winner QF 1 Winner QF 3
Zealand 71 Namibia 3. Africa 76 Romania 0. Australia 15 Fiji 22. Japan 12. v Winner QF 2 v Winner QF 4
Fixtures: Wednesday Italy v Fixtures: Saturday South Fixtures: Saturday Georgia v Fixtures: Saturday Argentina Oct 20, Paris, 8pm Oct 21, Paris, 8pm
Uruguay. Thursday France v Africa v Ireland. Sunday Portugal. Sunday Wales v v Samoa. Sunday England v
Namibia. Sep 27 Uruguay v Scotland v Tonga. Sep 30 Australia. Sep 30 Fiji v Chile. Sep 28 Japan v
Namibia. Sep 29 New Scotland v Romania. Oct 1 Georgia. Oct 1 Australia v Samoa. Sep 30 Argentina v Winner Pool B Winner Pool A
Zealand v Italy. Oct 5 New South Africa v Tonga. Oct 7 Portugal. Oct 7 Wales v Chile. Oct 7 England v v Runner-up Pool A v Runner-up Pool B
Zealand v Uruguay. Oct 6 Ireland v Scotland. Oct 8 Georgia. Oct 8 Fiji v Samoa. Oct 8 Japan v Oct 14, Paris, 8pm All matches are live on ITV Oct 15, Paris, 8pm
France v Italy. Tonga v Romania. Portugal. Argentina.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 61


Breakdown penalties
Jones gambled on kid
– then ditched him
conceded by Australia —
the most they have given
away since 13 against
Wales in 2013

desire to move on from the old guard, fall back on. He can’t go back to the

Years since Fiji last beat
Owen Slot Jones didn’t even bring one. He was team hotel and talk through his
breaking with established thinking, he experience with a more senior No 10.
was charging off in a whole new Jones was asked about this after the
Australia, 18-16 at the direction, he was travelling to a World game. “When you are TV
Sydney Cricket Ground Chief Sports Writer, Cup with a basket that had just the one commentator, you’re always right,
in June 1954 Saint-Étienne egg in it: Carter Gordon, 22. mate,” he said. “Maybe I need to
So what happens when the egg become a television commentator, then
cracks? But that’s enough with the egg I’ll be right all the time. Look, we’ve
So the headline news is that Australia metaphor and back to the game. gone with a young team, I’ve got
have lost to Fiji for the first time since My match notes have no regrets at all. We’re
1954. It is that Australia have sustained Gordon being smashed by building a team for the
one massive blow here in Saint-Étienne Eroni Mawi in the 14th Wales v future and we’re going to
and are down on the canvas and when minute and spilling the go through some pain.
they are back on their feet in Lyon next ball forward in the Australia That’s generally what
Sunday, Wales can knock them out for juddering impact of the Lyon happens with an
good. It is that Eddie Jones, the hit. Then, eight minutes Sunday, 8pm apprenticeship. He
Australia coach, is taking responsibility later, Gordon under a high ITV1 [Carter] has got plenty of
and apologising for getting it wrong and ball but receiving the ball support.”
suggesting that the crowd, who booed and two Fijian chasers at the Just as a quick refresher,
him anyway, should now be throwing same time and being the players who Jones hooked
baguettes and croissants at him. And of manhandled into touch. early in his England years were
course, it is that the Stade Geoffroy- Those were just examples of the Luther Burrell, Teimana Harrison,
Guichard was an epic, historic place to physicality that Fiji were throwing at Nick Isiekwe and Danny Care. Once
be yesterday evening. Australia and, funnily enough, they hooked, those players tend not to
Yet whatever leavened projectile seemed pretty happy to bring a return.
anyone may wish to direct at the 22-year-old rookie into their party Of Carter, Jones said: “He’ll bounce
Australia coach, the Wallaby fans will whenever they possibly could. back. He’s a good young player.”
have left here with a far more And then, in the 50th minute, the However, Jones needs that bounce
reasonable question for him, which is most significant matchnote of the inside a week.
simply: what next? entire Wallaby campaign: Gordon Of course what we do not know is if
Because the problem here is that it substituted. Gordon having to Gordon is suddenly dead to him
Tuisova scores for Fiji as they beat Australia for the isn’t just going to be a case of dust make the lonely walk to the bench like Burrell was. Does Jones try to
first time since 1954 in the World Cup’s first upset yourselves down, put it behind you and knowing that every eye upon him rebuild the confidence that he has
come back hard and strong. It isn’t that understanding that he has been just smashed? Or does he start on

historic win
Jones needs to coach better next week deemed to have failed. In having Plan B?
or that they need to spend the next few built Gordon up as the coming The only alternative
days repeating ad infinitum their clear- man, Jones was now option to him is to play
out protocols. The problem is that knocking him down. And Donaldson at fly half.
Jones’s Australia didn’t just lose this in that one call from the Donaldson came on
match, they trashed their entire World coach’s box, Jones had this World Cup
Cup strategy in the process. torn up his whole plan. journey with two
TMO intervention, Fiji had another this reshuffle, we — and presumably There is a story within the story, here, The decision to Tests on his CV and
penalty which was duly dispatched by Jones — again had pause to wonder and it is not exactly deeply buried and it hook a player early is, has played once
the injured party. whether it might have been simpler just wasn’t just about Fiji heroics or Wallaby of course, a hard for Australia at 10,
It was tight and it was taut, but Fiji to pick Quade Cooper in the first place. woes, it was about Jones and his fly half one for a coach to against Wales last
were by far the more convincing. They Fiji refused to yield, and Lomani’s and the faith he has invested in him for make. It takes a November.
kept milking penalties at the break- penalty gave them a buffer to absorb this World Cup and the manner in certain courage of So this is where the
down, not least thanks to the limpet- the Vunivalu score. Fiji lost the try which he stripped it of him in just this conviction to do so, Wallabies campaign stands
like excellence of Botia over ball. count, but there was only one winner. second game of the tournament. especially when it is right now. It is teetering on
Three minutes into the second half, When Jones picked Carter Gordon your playmaker. elimination. It has been
the ubiquitous Tuisova was careering for this tournament, he was elevating a From Jones’ England era, we banking on the Jones plan
over out left to complete a score that Scorers: Australia: Tries Nawaqanitawase rookie to the front line. It was regarded know that he isn’t scared to that Jones appears to have
(24min), Vunivalu (68). Con Donaldson.
owed everything to the indecision of Pen Donaldson. Fiji: Try Tuisova (43).
as one almightily ballsy call — because make the call. Here, against Fiji, ripped up. They have only until
Gordon who inexplicably allowed a box Con: Kuruvoli. Pens: Kuruvoli (4), Lomani. Jones didn’t just promote a young man you could argue that he got it Sunday, and Wales, to piece
kick to bounce instead of moving to Australia B Donaldson; M Nawaqanitawase, to the control centre of his team, he sent right. Ben Donaldson, the full something together again. It is
claim it. Tuisova, as so often, was alive J Petaia, S Kerevi (L Foketi 66), M Koroibete; him there without any established back stepped up to No 10 and in an extraordinary way to attempt
C Gordon (S Vunivalu 50), N White (I Fines-
to the opportunity and Kuruvoli nailed Leleiwasa 57); A Bell (B Schoupp 77), D Porecki back-up. the reshuffling, Suli Vunivalu to win a World Cup.
the touchline conversion to put Fiji 19-8 (capt, J Uelese 58), J Slipper (Z Nonggorr 57), There are two old hands who have came on at right wing. Vunivalu Thus, when asked last night
ahead. Minutes later, Lomani — who N Frost, R Arnold (M Philip 65), T Hooper, played most of Australia’s rugby at soon scored a try. about the booing that he had
F McReight (R Leota 58), R Valetini.
had just replaced the cramping scrum Fiji: I Droasese; J Wainiqolo (V Habosi 42),
No 10 in recent seasons and that is But what of Gordon? That is what received from the crowd, he said he
half — ought to have added another W Nayacalevu (capt), J Tuisova, S Radradra; Quade Cooper and Bernard Foley who Sonny Bill Williams asked on the was used to it and “I probably
three from the tee but dragged it wide. T Tela, S Kuruvoli (F Lomani 47); E Mawi (P Ravai are 35 and 34 respectively and Jones Australian TV commentary. He deserve more. They should be
Jones’ response was to remove Gor- 51), S Matevesi (T Ikanivere 51), L Tagi (M Doge decided to leave them behind. Most doesn’t have a Cooper or a Foley to throwing baguettes and
51), I Nasilasila (T Mayanavanua 66), T Ahiwaru
don, with Donaldson going to fly half, Cirikidaveta, L Tagitativalu, L Botia (A Tuisue 59), coaches aim to bring two established croissants at me. It’s not good
Nawaqanitawase to full back and Vuni- V Mata (V Botitu 68). international No 10s in their squad; Jones took full responsibility enough and I deserve
valu coming on to the right wing. Amid Referee A Brace (Ireland). Attendance 41,294. England happen to have three. In his last night for Australia’s defeat whatever I get.”

Morgan answers late call to keep Wales in charge of destiny

XV, played 80 minutes and was man of fielding 12 changes to their XV, and it Thomas has yet to feature, because of yet a win for Australia would be more
the match in the 28-8 win, six days after
the bruising victory over Fiji.
“That’s the first time that’s hap-
took until the last play of the game for
the fourth try. That is why Wales are
sporting relief and delight — the former
hamstring tightness – ensures match
fitness throughout the squad.
Provided he bears no ill effects of his
straightforward for Wales’s chances of
reaching the quarter-finals. But
wouldn’t a Fiji win also suggest Austra-
18 pened,” Morgan said. “It was a bit
nerve-racking being told to go in there
last minute. About five minutes from
because of what went on in the match,
the latter because of the bigger picture.
After the year Wales have had, there
efforts, Morgan will go again next Sun-
day evening against Australia, knowing
he will then have 13 days of rest before
lia are there for the taking? Will Skelton
and Taniela Tupou are both out with
injuries, a huge benefit for Wales that
Elgan Alderman Nice
the end of the warm-up they told me, so were jokes pre-tournament that they the final pool match against Georgia. deprives Eddie Jones of two leviathans
Jac Morgan started Saturday as one of quite late.” Morgan is never one to might not even win a game here. “It’s going to be a hell of a game,” Hum- in the loose and scrum. Angus Bell can-
ten players in Wales’s squad set to sit out thump the tub about his ability, so Jona- Already they have won two. Points per- phreys said of the meeting with Austra- not do it all alone.
the pool match against Portugal. On than Humphreys did it for him. “He’s fection was Wales’s minimum aim on lia. “There’s going to be a lot riding on Four wins would render such discus-
the menu for the unused was extra con- incredible,” the forwards coach said. Saturday, and that is what they that. We have got an eight-day turn- sions futile, but for now the calculators
ditioning and weights. Towards the end It would have been incredible if Wales achieved. Though Wales were anything around so hopefully we will have a full are primed. Frank Lomani’s missed
of the pre-match warm-up at Stade de had failed to secure a bonus point but fluent against Portugal, that XV will squad to choose from. A few boys have kick in the final play yesterday left Aus-
Nice, tightness in Tommy Reffell’s calf against Portugal, given the gap in pedi- not be seen again, reverting to the team rested up after a tough Fiji game.” tralia with a losing bonus. The result?
necessitated a replacement. Taine gree between the sides. Yet there is a lot that beat Fiji, possibly with Dewi Lake A Welsh supporter would have en- Wales are on ten, Australia and Fiji both
Basham off the bench? Not a bit of it. to be said for heart and familiarity, when at hooker. Yet the fact Wales have used tered Sunday torn: Fiji, already van- on six. Win on Sunday night in Lyon
Morgan came straight into the starting no one expects you to win, with Wales 32 players thus far – only Henry quished, are everyone’s second team, and you can put the calculators away.
62 2GM Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Sport Rugby World Cup

The gap between

England and elite
remains enormous
Winning first two Supermen bounce back quicker than
the rest of us.
There was also a glimpse of his lineout
prowess when he made a mess of
games hides nothing — In 1997, Martin Johnson was selected
as British & Irish Lions captain to intim-
Japan’s five-metre lineout. From the
close-range scramble England scored
Stuart Barnes says this idate the Springboks when the captains as he lent his weight to the breakdown
eyeballed each other for the pre-match after the stolen possession.
sorry team effort against coin toss. The sport is physical, tactical Yet where Springboks like Etzebeth
and yes, it is psychological. So then to have targets to hit courtesy of gainline
Japan was pure England against Japan last night to success, England are in such a hurry to
drudgery round off the weekend.
Steve Borthwick has his own brood-
kick the ball away its difficult for an
individual to impose. One gainline
at times ing captaincy preference in Owen break in 43 first-half carries is pathetic
Farrell and his stand-in here, Courtney whatever the excuses about night-time
Lawes. What they don’t have is that kick-offs; against the best it’s not effi-
Chile versus Samoa; the first of Satur- right-hand man. The younger Maro cient. Elliot Daly performs like another
day’s World Cup matches. Let’s call it Itoje seemed destined to lead his coun- kicker, the rest of his stylish game has
one for the Chileans, Samoans and try but for whatever reason that hasn’t been locked away. There is so little in
purists. Chile gave it their best but it was happened. But having been immense the way of shape and continuity that
never going to be enough. The televi- for the Lions in the drawn series in New individuals cannot find their form.
sion producer must have been delight- Zealand in 2017 and titanic for most of Back to Itoje. When he called a five-
ed to pick out Springbok stars, Siya the 2019 World Cup, he should be En- metre lineout on the stroke of half-
Kolisi, Eben Etzebeth and Cheslin gland’s Etzebeth, the skipper’s enforcer. time, the lock called and won the ball
Kolbe, in the stands. He isn’t as imposing as the Springbok but Ben Earl — by far England’s best
Except Kolbe wasn’t name checked. but he is athletic at the lineout and bril- player — made a mess of his pop pass to
The director ordered his cameraman to liant at the breakdown. Yet, in the last Jamie George. It summed up a sorry
zero in on the two big men, the South few years he has faded as one of global team effort. A game plan to get rid of the
Africa captain and the face of one of the rugby’s faces. Before the Japan game he ball quite so persistently makes kickers
sport’s great second rows, Etzebeth. made a few English headlines, saying look good or bad. The rest of the team
The lock forward as the right-hand the only thing that mattered was the are mere attendants. George Ford’s first
man to the boss. scoreboard and to hell with the show. half in Nice was as unconvincing as his
Scroll forward 24 hours and the Whilst the one doesn’t preclude the previous first half in Marseilles was
South Africans took the field them- other, here was one of England’s big magnificent. The rest was drudgery. A
selves in the same Bordeaux stadium. beasts snarling. For Englishmen it was a fully fit Etzebeth would have been well-
Many of the first choice were rested; comforting roar. nigh anonymous as Itoje in that forget-
Etzebeth was out with a shoulder A famous face was articulating the table first hour.
injury. There he was again, next to the narrow Borthwick philosophy and When Alex Mitchell booted a turn-
sidelined inspirational skipper for the turning it into a war cry. There were over dead in the 46th minute, the boos
game’s commencement. The two signs of rejuvenation against Argen- began. And they continued. It’s not a
together is quite a statement: “You want tina. Theoretically, his presence was right-hand man England are missing
to beat South Africa? This is what you central to ensuring the sharp-witted on the pitch. It is a revolution off it.
have to deal with”. An aura bigger than Japan team could not catch England Etzebeth’s management have expand-
any other in the tournament. Kolisi and with a few sucker punches. ed their plan and are all the better for it.
Etzebeth. Maybe it’s pure coincidence, Actions speak far louder than words, England are reduced to thanking Joe
maybe they are best of friends but given especially on a rugby pitch. It was time Marler’s head as an assist to break
South Africa’s willingness to explore for fewer histrionics from one of Japan’s defence.
any advantageous avenue, it wouldn’t England’s genuinely previous world- South Africa’s finest would struggle
surprise me if this brooding bonding for class players, time to soar back to the to show their worth under the tutelage
the cameras wasn’t a deliberate sport’s summit and roll back the years of the England management. The
reminder to the watching fans and to his epic 2019 campaign when he was England squad would benefit from
players. “You think you can ruffle this?” as good a player as anyone on the Springbok variety. Winning their first
The second row, we are hearing, is planet. Before he slipped backwards two games hides nothing.
making such rapid improvement that and Etzebeth grew, seemingly meta- The world champions are making a
he might be fit for Saturday’s crucial phorically and physically. meaningful defence of their title, the
showdown in Paris with Ireland He started well, making the first beaten finalists are living off the quality
although he was expected to miss the tackle of the day from the kick-off. It’s of opposition — or lack of it so far. The
pool stages after an early shoulder what is expected of the second row. gap between England and the elite is
injury in Marseilles against Scotland. Alas, that was it for the opening quarter. enormous and growing. Marler and Lawes lift Itoje high at a lineout last night but England were forced to

Free-scoring Ireland buzzing as they prepare for familiar foes

two pool games has surely exceeded didn’t return. This makes it likely that fit. Most of the lads are in unbelievable pionship means that the Springboks are
their own lofty expectations. Even
better, their captain and talisman John-
ny Sexton is not merely still in one piece
the third-choice tight-head prop Tom
O’Toole will feature in the 23 for Satur-
day’s game, which was never part of
nick. We have a couple of lads with
knocks to come back, and when we get
them, we will be absolutely buzzing. But
familiar opponents. That doesn’t make
them easier opponents, according to
16 but thriving, having broken Ronan
O’Gara’s points-scoring record when
he touched down for the fourth of
Andy Farrell’s plans.
Still, you can look at the front row
equation from another angle. Ireland
we are buzzing already.
“The exciting thing is, we want to see
where we can take this team when the
“They are a difficult outfit to play
against, on both sides of the ball,” Mur-
ray said. “You have seen aggression of
Peter O’Reilly Nantes
Ireland’s eight tries. will have Dan Sheehan available to play challenges get tougher and tougher. So their defence, especially [against New
Ireland arrived back in their Tours base “If you’d offered us two wins and this a part against the Springboks, who had far, we are enjoying it. We are playing Zealand] at Twickenham, so we need to
early yesterday morning determined to many points before the tournament, lost Malcolm Marx before Saturday’s good rugby. The big tests are to come try to navigate around that.
turn their attention to the collision with we’d have taken it, definitely,” Mike canter against Romania. Consider also but we feel good, we are ready to go.” “So yeah, there is familiarity with
South Africa next Saturday in Paris, yet Catt, the skills coach, said. “We’re in a the excellence of Andrew Porter, Ró- Murray has mixed memories of having been coached [at Munster] by
surely still buzzing from all the endor- good place mentally, and injury-wise nan Kelleher and Furlong on Saturday Ireland’s last game against South Africa Jacques [Nienaber] and Felix [Jones],
phins racing around their collective we’re in a good place.” and Ireland don’t look in bad shape. when he won his 100th cap but depart- but they are the type of guys who come
system. So much love from so many Catt was not in a position to provide Their general well-being was best ex- ed injured in the first half. Ireland still up with new plans and tricky little
green-clad supporters in Nantes, where meaningful information on the health pressed by Conor Murray in the mixed squeezed home 19-16, with the Spring- things in new games, so you have to be
they had just despatched Tonga in of the one obvious casualty from Satur- zone on Saturday night, when there boks scoring two late tries through prepared for everything.
some style. day night, Finlay Bealham, who depart- were still traces of adrenaline in his lan- Kurt-Lee Arendse and Franco Mostert. “But it’s an exciting week, isn’t it?
To score 141 points and 20 tries (with ed for a HIA only minutes after replac- guage, and in his body language. The presence of the South African You’ll be buzzing with nerves, of course,
just two conceded) from their opening ing Tadhg Furlong at half-time and “We feel great,” Murray said. “We feel franchises in the United Rugby Cham- but you’d be afraid if they weren’t there.”
the times | Monday September 18 2023 2GM 63


This team are willing in
England have scored four
tries at this World Cup. Of
teams that have played
two matches, only
Namibia, Romania and
attack but not yet classy
Chile have scored
fewer Stepthen Jones


We wanted to see a threatening

England last night, a team full of
attacking potency. Well, if that was too
optimistic for now, then maybe their
first try of the tournament. We could
not expect George Ford to drop-kick
them all the way to the world title.
And we could not have expected
England to score a try after a header by
Joe Marler, of course — or could we?
Finally, we could not expect a promis-
ing referee from Georgia to murder
Japan unfairly in almost every phase of
play — or could we?
One major issue was that England
took to the stage in Nice to parade their
wares when the early supporters, and
anyone with rugby in their hearts, had
just re-entered earth’s orbit after watch-
ing Fiji attack Australia in Saint-
Étienne — and attack and attack. It had Ford and Steward come together to hold possession as England scraped home
been inventive, daring, glorious and
often, beautifully original. drove over — albeit after an utter as they kept up the newly-discovered
To take the stage after that was like a throw-in disaster by Japan on their own pace in the final quarter. The expert
drunk coming on with a tuneless line. Ford’s chip for Freddie Steward’s corner
mouth organ after a full-blooded Alex Mitchell’s quick feet at the try finally took a shock Japan victory
Springsteen concert — and compari- breakdown continued the momentum out of the equation, and indeed, with
sons were still fairly brutal when Japan into the third quarter, and England in Big Billy Vunipola back to batter even
unleashed some rapid moves with rapid patches moved quicker than they have harder, it was finally one-way momen-
ball, pop passes and invention. for months. Japan’s defence was out- tum.
Indeed, no one could have standing, but still, no one was really The good news is that they acceler-
complained had they scored two tries asking questions of them ated on previous displays and also that
as England plodded their way into Just before the hour mark, Japan Alex Mitchell is helping to speed them
action. When Rikiya Matsuda charged were asking questions of the Almighty, along. They still underuse Manu
down a clearing kick from Ford, the line England worked Earl away down the Tuilagi and Elliot Daly; they still make
was yawning and the ball bounded right, moved smoothly and encourag- poor decisions when they are almost
crazily away from him. Then Matsuda ingly, but it seemed clear on replay that behind the defence and the back three
blew another glorious chance with a Will Stuart had knocked the ball on. It are not firing.
silly diagonal kick into nowhere when bounced to Marler and the great man Perhaps the best news comes from
he had runners outside him, nodded it on without really knowing it, Joe Marchant, an England reject under
Then England tried a few driving into the path of Courtney Lawes. previous head coach Eddie Jones and a
mauls helped by leniency from the England are at liberty to claim that man about to depart good old England,
Georgian referee Nika Amashukeli, they all count. Japan are at liberty to until he gave it one more go. He has
who allowed them to stop and start and regard that key score as ludicrously probably been England’s best back and
stop and start; they started holding the -unfortunate. it was he who motored over for the last
ball in scrums, but Japan refused to But in the end, the real story was minute bonus-point try.
budge. underlying everything. Japan have had Are Japan a measuring stick for
Then, some signs. Either side of half- a dismal time since their home World improvement? Probably not. Will Chile
time England started steaming into Cup four years ago. They played with be that team, in the third pool match, in
contact, rather than being apologetic. massive heart and not-so-huge bodies; Lille next Saturday afternoon? Of
In one move Marler then Kyle Sinckler they tired dramatically but their resist- course not. My sense is that they are
gave them real momentum up the mid- ance remained — and they did not give coming to life, and are willing, if never
dle, but England frittered the quick ball. England any easy scores. However, truly classy. But you can only beat what
There were some rangy bursts from they were there to be beasted, and there is in front of you, and it was a horribly
the excellent Ben Earl and Maro Itoje are still bigger and better beasts around hot evening.
— how wonderful to see him on the in this event than England. So few conclusions can be drawn.
burst — and then there was a try, a real- The attack? Their eventual domi- Except this. England, as yet, are not Fiji,
bide their time in Nice before securing a bonus-point win over a stubborn Japan life five-pointer, when Lewis Ludlam nance was greatly to England’s credit, and nothing like it.

South Africa run riot – and then call up Pollard

29, with South Africa opting to bring in mania in a wet Bordeaux, which per- and Deon Fourie, and Marco van
South Africa
an experienced fly half and making do
with only one specialist hooker in
Bongi Mbonambi. Pollard returned to
haps endorsed the selection decision.
South Africa racked up 12 tries but
Damian Willemse and Faf de Klerk
Staden has been slotting in the position
since our alignment camps in
February,” Nienaber said.
0 action for Leicester Tigers last Friday,
easing concerns over match sharpness.
“He’s been working hard to return to
each missed two conversions. De Klerk
and Manie Libbok were similarly
wayward off the tee in the win against
South Africa have new fitness wor-
ries, though, as the prop Vincent Koch
hurt his knee in the warm-up yesterday.
Kit Shepard
full fitness, and we are pleased that he Scotland on the opening weekend, so Romania lost 82-8 to Ireland the pre-
South Africa showed their ruthless side now has some game time under his belt Pollard should mitigate this weakness. vious weekend and four South Africa
by hammering Romania and then for his club, and this will allow him to The Springboks also hinted during tries within the opening 12 minutes
deepened their resources by calling up slot back into the team,” Jacques Niena- the Romania encounter that they can suggested they were going to ship even
the fly half Handré Pollard to their ber, the South Africa head coach, said. survive without another hooker. Deon more points.
World Cup squad to replace the injured “We’ll work closely with him in the Fourie and Marco van Staden, who are To their credit, Romania only con-
hooker Malcolm Marx. next week to get him back up to speed both more familiar with playing in the ceded one more try in the first half,
Pollard, who was the No 10 for the and back into the full swing of things, back row, took on lineout-throwing before tiring in the second period.
Springboks’ World Cup triumph in and we have no doubt he’ll step up to duties. That South Africa won 15 of Cobus Reinach and Makazole Mapimpi
2019, was originally not selected for the the challenge.” their 17 lineouts suggested that reliance both recorded hat-tricks, while Grant
title defence after a calf injury. The announcement of Pollard’s on Mbonambi can be limited. Williams got two tries. Willemse,
Mapimpi celebrates his try, one of 12 However, the loss of Marx to a knee inclusion came almost immediately “We are confident with the cover we Fourie, Willie Le Roux and a penalty
scored by South Africa, with Le Roux injury has opened up a spot for Pollard, after South Africa’s dismantling of Ro- have at hooker with Bongi Mbonambi try made up the rest of the dozen scores.
64 2GM Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Sport Rugby World Cup

Ford calm amid the chaos of

Alex Lowe
Chief Rugby
Correspondent, Nice

In Australia, Joe Marler would already
be known as the “Falcon” in honour of
the bizarre moment when his headed
assist for a Courtney Lawes try finally
set England on the road to a bonus-
point victory over Japan and silenced
the boos of frustrated supporters.
It looked for all the world like
England had scuffed yet another prom-
ising opportunity when the ball deflect-
ed off Will Stuart’s arm and hit Marler
on the head. The ball fell to Courtney
Lawes and almost every player stopped,
assuming a knock-on, but George Ford
urged Lawes to touch down under the
Once again, a week after he had mas-
terminded a victory over Argentina
with three drop-goals, England owed a
great deal to Ford’s presence of mind.
Marler had used his head, Ford had
engaged his brain.
Nika Amashukeli, the Georgian ref-
eree, awarded the try and Marler, a big
Brighton & Hove Albion supporter, was
credited with England’s most unlikely
“The Falcon” entered the Australian
sporting lexicon in 1995 when Mario Steward scores the third try from Ford’s cross-field kick as England finally put
Fenech, a rugby league player nick- some distance between themselves and Japan during the second half in Nice
named the “Maltese Falcon”, supplied a
similar headed try assist. The name golden platform after their forward enjoying a huge game, isolated Maro
stuck. pack had mauled Japan almost 20 me- Itoje and won a turnover penalty. With Marler’s headed assist
On this sultry night in Nice, Marler’s tres. Alex Mitchell was unable to find no discernible attacking shape against a It looked as though England had knocked
version proved to be the key moment Manu Tuilagi with the pass and the Japanese defence so well drilled under on before Courtney Lawes ran in a try,
after England had laboured for nearly Brave Blossoms countered at pace. John Mitchell, England went back to main picture, but it had actually come off
an hour against Japan, who were Borthwick, who coached Japan at the the boot, ignoring options off turnover Joe Marler’s head, below
superbly well drilled and far improved 2015 World Cup, had characterised ball. It was not only the wrong decision
from the team who lost 52-13 at Twick- their rugby, with its quick ball move- but also poorly executed, sparking boos
enham last November. ment, as being like Barcelona’s tika- from England supporters in the
The match was in the balance before taka football and England were stadium.
the converted try from Lawes, via stretched. A high tackle from Ben Did that spark them into life?
Marler’s mohawk, pushed Earl gifted Japan three points. England pieced together their best
England two scores clear. Ford then saw a clearance attack of the World Cup, releasing Earl
The sweaty conditions kick charged down as on a charge down the right before
and some committed England v England invited pres- Marler supplied the headed assist. It
scramble defence defied Chile sure onto themselves. was better football than anything Roy
Japan and England Rikiya Matsuda, the Hodgson’s England had created here in
eventually pressed Pool D, Lille fly half, was finding 2016. That eight-point cushion was
home their advantage to Saturday, 4.45pm space in behind England now priceless. Kotaro Matsushima and
secure the bonus point, ITV1 with angled kicks to Dylan Riley made carving breaks but
with Freddie Steward and touch and then with a dink the sweaty ball helped England, who
Joe Marchant adding to over the top. Lomano forced handling errors with committed
Lewis Ludlam’s first-half try. Lemeki could not hold it but scramble defence.
Unless England plan to use Marl- England were offside and Matsuda Ellis Genge made a big impact off the
er for near-post flick-ons for the rest of kicked Japan into the lead. bench, his carries helping England
this World Cup, there is still a huge Ford did then turn the tables with a down field and Steward latched on to a
amount of work to do on their attack. At smartly executed kick into the corner. lovely cross-kick from Ford. Smith gave
one stage, their “kick first and think Japan made a hash of the lineout, Ollie England an extra dimension in attack
later“ approach drew the ire of England Chessum grabbed the loose ball and and Marchant sealed the bonus point
supporters in the stadium. Ludlam’s low leg drive carried him over win. Job done thanks in no small part to
Marler: You will not
Steve Borthwick, the head coach, will for the converted try. the “Falcon” although, as a Brighton
care not a jot about aesthetics but Ford then missed his first penalty fan, Marler would probably prefer the Will Kelleher Nice conditions you take what you’re given.
England are still struggling to covert goal attempt of the World Cup and, “Seagull’” I saw it ricochet off Joe’s head so I went
opportunities into points. They move instead of going 13-6 ahead, England Either way, England have much to England took a big step towards the and scored the try just in case. I had a
on now to play Chile, when Owen soon found themselves leading by just a improve if they are to soar at this World World Cup quarter-finals thanks to a good idea it was going to get given.
Farrell will be back available. point. May collided late with Lemeki Cup. Joe Marler headed try-assist, then “We’re taking steps forward and
England need a second playmaker in and Matsuda’s kick punished his hot- Steve Borthwick praised his team’s hopefully later in the competition we’ll
the team, whether that is Farrell at heated moment. brains after their 34-12 win over Japan. be firing on all cylinders.”
inside centre or Marcus Smith at full England’s seventh attack of the half Scorers: England: Tries Ludlam (24min), Lawes England scored four tries in Nice in Marler said he had been practising
back. Their attacking rugby is at times might have been the most lamentable, (56), Steward (66), Marchant (80+1). Cons Ford 4
Pens Ford 2 (4, 40+2). Japan: Pens Matsuda 4 (15,
their second World Cup match. Lewis headers in training. “You won’t believe
too telegraphed, at others lacking in although no doubt they will present it 23, 32, 55). Ludlam scored in the first half and this but me, [Dan] Cole and [Jamie]
shape and consistently inaccurate. as a dry run. Having already demon- England F Steward (M Smith 69); J May, Courtney Lawes, Freddie Steward and George, back at the hotel, part of our
That may sound harsh after a bonus- strated their mauling power, England JGMarchant, M Tuilagi (O Lawrence 69), E Daly;
Ford, A Mitchell (B Youngs 59); J Marler
Joe Marchant went over after the warm-up was practising headers and it
point win but the first try came from a spurned the chance of a lineout drive (E Genge 59), J George (T Dan 74), K Sinckler break. came to fruition tonight,” the prop told
fluffed Japan lineout and it was only and Earl’s pass hit Jamie George square (W Stuart 51); M Itoje, O Chessum (G Martin 74), Lawes’s try was fortuitous, as George ITV.
with the game won that England in the face. C Lawes (capt) (blood rep; G Martin 63-74), B Earl, Ford’s pass struck Marler in the face England were clunky in attack in the
seemed to relax in possession and play Ford partially saved face with a LJapan Ludlam (B Vunipola 51).
S Masirewa (L Lemeki 7); K Matsushima,
after it slipped through Will Stuart’s first half but have now beaten their two
with their heads up. Jonny May on the second penalty goal and England T Osada, R Nakamura, J Naikabula (D Riley 50); hands. The captain ran in for the try, toughest Pool D opponents, Argentina
wing did not touch the ball until the initially upped the tempo after the in- R Matsuda, Y Nagare (N Saito 65); K Inagaki which set England on their way to and Japan.
42nd minute. terval, with Elliot Daly escaping down (C Millar 50), S Horie (A Sakate 62), J Gu
(A A Valu 41); J Cornelsen, A Fakatava (W Dearns
victory. “Ultimately the players found a way,”
England’s first attacking thrust drew the left before May scampered after a 62), M Leitch, L Labuschagné (K Shimokawa 74), “It was quite a lucky try but I’ll take the head coach, Borthwick said. “That’s
three points for an offside penalty but kick from the fly half. K Himeno (capt). them when they come,” Lawes said. “It the important thing. The players found
they were clunky and narrow, wasting a But Kuzuki Himeno, the captain Referee N Amashukeli (Georgia). was a good bit of luck for us. In these a way to score four tries, and our cohe-
the times | Monday September 18 2023 2GM 65


error-strewn display How


Kit Shepard

Freddie Steward (22 years old,

7 28 caps, Leicester Tigers): Not
at his best fielding kicks but
took his try very well

Jonny May (33, 75,

6 Gloucester): Barely had a touch
in first half, made vital tackle on
Matsushima after the break

Joe Marchant (27, 21, Stade

6 Français): Workmanlike
running was rewarded with
last-minute try

Manu Tuilagi (32, 55, Sale

6 Sharks): Bent Japan’s defence
without breaking it. Crash-ball
lines are effective but obvious

Elliot Daly (30, 61, Saracens):

7 Grubbers down the left channel
didn’t quite come off, had more
joy with some pinpoint passes

George Ford (30, 87, Sale

7 Sharks): Inevitable drop off
from previous game, but two
brilliant kicks led to tries

Alex Mitchell (26, 8,

5 Northampton Saints): Quantity
of kicks was excessive, quality
of them was mediocre

Joe Marler (33, 84,

7 Harlequins): Vital turnover
ended early Japan attack. Solid
yet unspectacular at scrum

Jamie George (32, 81,

6 Saracens): Mixed bag at lineout
but among England’s leaders.
Played 74 minutes

Kyle Sinckler (30, 64, Bristol

6 Bears): Showed flashes of
assertiveness just before going
off. No huge impact in scrum

Maro Itoje (28, 72, Saracens):

6 Forced turnover for first try, but
far from perfect at own lineout.
Still not at his imperious best

Ollie Chessum (23, 13,

6 Leicester Tigers): Pounced on
loose ball in build-up to first try,
looking at home in starting XV

believe us but we practise headers

Courtney Lawes (34, 102,
7 Northampton Saints): Typically
heroic tackling, showed value
of playing to whistle for his try

sion built throughout the game. We felt some of their flaws, they were hearten- Earl also praised the defence, which Ben Earl (25, 20, Saracens): As
the game was going to be tight, and the ed that they found a way to win the
last quarter was when we needed to match for the second week running.
has conceded only one try in two
matches now.
8 energetic as ever and displayed
ability in open space. His 12
accelerate, and the boys did that. “Credit to them they found holes in “Hopefully we’re putting a bit of a tackles led all England players
“Japan played incredibly smart our game that we probably marker out that to score against us, you
and unorthodox rugby. You’re needed to find out about at have to produce something pretty Lewis Ludlam (27, 23,
seeing growth in our attack, this stage,” the flanker said. magical and work pretty hard,” he 6 Northampton Saints): Crashed
and I think you’ll see more
growth [during the World
Points scored by England
“I think we showed today
that if we’re one or two
per cent off in phases of
England now have a six-day turn-
around before they face Chile in Lille.
over for a try but made sloppy
errors in attack and defence

“The attack is always in the final 24 minutes of play, teams like Japan Owen Farrell, their usual captain, will
the longest to come the match having scored will pick you off. be available. He received a four-match Marcus Smith and Ollie Lawrence
because it takes cohesion only 13 in the first 56 “We learnt that if we ban in August for a dangerous tackle, showed glimpses of invention and
and this coaching team minutes take little plays off and but is likely to return to the side despite should get more minutes against
have only had three or four are not quite at it physi- the form of No 10 Ford. Chile. Ben Youngs was a marginal
months. cally we get found out. We “What a fantastic squad of players I improvement on Mitchell at scrum
“We’ll have a good debrief. found a way to work it out. have to work with,” Borthwick added. half, while Billy Vunipola looked a
It’s important the players enjoy this Five points could be crucial down “We’ve got strength in depth across the little off the pace on his return. Theo
win. We’re looking forward to putting the line. We know how hard we’re going pitch. Our supporters were outstanding Dan, Ellis Genge, Will Stuart and
in a good performance against Chile.” to fight for each other and know again again. They pay a lot of money to George Martin were all sturdy — but
England’s player of the match Ben when it clicks it’s pretty good to watch support this team and we’re fortunate forward power was not England’s
Earl said that while Japan exposed and good to be a part of.” to have them.” Borthwick praised his side’s hard work greatest need off the bench.
2GM Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Sport The Game

16-page pullout with all the
weekend’s football action
Finally . . . a new winner
After ten Verstappen victories,
Sainz triumphs in thriller

Death chants
England use for Greenwood
Paul Hirst Madrid

their heads
Mason Greenwood made his debut for
Getafe yesterday to the sound of away
Osasuna supporters chanting “Die
Greenwood” (“Muérete, Greenwood”).
Greenwood, 21, returned to action in
the 75th minute of Getafe’s 3-2 win, his
Marler’s accidental ‘header’ sets up key try as first appearance since playing for
Manchester United against West Ham
Borthwick’s men eventually see off Japan in January 2022. He looked fit and
sharp as he helped his team, whom he
has joined on a season-long loan from
United, to score the decisive goal.
England 34 Greenwood’s hiatus from the United
team came after he was accused of rape,
Japan 12 assault and coercion. He denied the
Will Kelleher Nice charges and they were dropped after
police said witnesses withdrew and new
England moved to the brink of the evidence emerged. United said he
World Cup quarter-finals with a would leave the club but he is still under
victory over Japan that owed a contract and they are paying a share of
debt to a bizarre “header” by Joe his wages during his loan.
Marler to set up a key try for
Courtney Lawes.
With the match in the balance
at 13-12, Marler inadvertantly
diverted the ball with his head
behind Japan’s defence, allowing
Brook in for
Lawes to jog over the line and ease
England’s nerves. They went on to dropped Roy
secure a bonus-point victory.
Lawes said: “That was a decent Elizabeth Ammon
header from Joe and sometimes
the luck falls in your favour.” Jason Roy has been left out of England’s
World Cup squad and replaced by
Harry Brook in the final 15-man group
that will travel to India next week to
defend their title.
Roy, 33, missed the entirety of
England’s bilateral ODI series against
New Zealand due to back spasms, and
with no guarantees about his fitness
and his modest form this summer,
England’s selectors have opted to take
Brook as the more versatile option who
can cover the batting slots in both the
top and middle order.
Roy was in the provisional 15-man
squad that England named last month
— while Brook did not feature — but
since then both the selectors and head
coach, Matthew Mott, were keen to
stress that things could change and that
Joy and relief are etched on the face of Joe Marchant, the England centre, after he dived over to score his side’s fourth try against Japan and secure a bonus point

Times Crossword 28,711 across down Prize solution 28,704

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 One clearing up mess decks with 1 Devoutly hopes to hear R A NDO L P H MA L B E C

basket (4,5) appreciative remarks (5) COUR T I E R CH A L E T
6 Madly busy chap I see talking (5) 2 Playwright, one who asked for Y K H P C O D C
9 Girl abandoned opera part, close to more money, a forger (6,9) ME NO F H A R L E CH
9 10 return (7) 3 Starry team? One that is (8) I CHOR T ON B R I DGE
10 Promoted, work was satisfying 4 Disabled, needing oxygen by the T O O E G E A N
— returned lively! (2-5) sea (3-5) ME T A T A R S I ME SON
11 Guide always follows the way (5) 5 Pictures about one American pope S K U L L DU GGE R Y
12 Is not the first to discover discharge (4,2) T T I S R A R V
11 12 in kidneys (9) 6 Reason I’m confused with vote (6) E X T E N D CO I NC I D E
13 On publication day, beer at New 7 Is Douglas linked with England? So S E G O D F E
College (8) Donne told us (2,3,2,2,6)
Check today’s answers by ringing 0905 757
14 A female tennis ace (4) 8 The up platform? (5,4) 0141 by midnight. Calls cost £1 per minute
13 14 17 Actually withdrawing a pound in 13 Cocktail to pick up at lunchtime plus your telephone company’s network
bank (4) perhaps reluctantly at first, a small access charge. SP: Spoke 0333 202 3390.
15 16 18 Two aliens, one with no answer for quantity (9)
The winners of Prize Crossword No 28,704 are
hard taskmaster (8) 15 Morale so bad in auction house (8) G Abington, Littlehampton, West Sussex
17 18 21 Couple like party not to end? Time 16 Unusual form of capital Y (8) T Barker, Tisbury, Wiltshire
I’m going (9) 19 Sweet little thing in city retreat (6) S Bence, Alton, Hampshire
P Rehberg, Eastbourne, East Sussex
22 Assume one is in position (5) 20 Express disappointment in feeble P Sale, Ilford, Greater London
19 20 24 Limit a territory parrot is kept in (7) books (6)
25 Old Lionheart spitting out one fruit 23 Obsequious type turning up these Newspapers
21 22 23 here (7) days for radio programme (5) support recycling
26 Hate Hobart, shivering when The recycled paper content of
temperature drops (5) UK newspapers in 2020 was 67%
27 Collapsed, going by railway? Don’t
24 25 use the line? (6,3)

26 27 The Times Crossword Championship 2023 will be held on Saturday October

21. For further information see
September 18 | 2023

No GCSEs, please,
we’re a private school
Inside Bedales by Helen Rumbelow
2 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Oh, I do like to be beside Alcoholic,

the Welsh seaside — even
driving there at 20mph sexually
Kevin Maher
t’s just so unfair. I appreciate
having safer roads and cleaner
air, but when the achievement of Down with
this preferred reality starts to
interfere with my own journeys
I succumb to an enormous
tantrum and demand that
someone else sort it all out. This,
according to Lee Waters, Wales’s
What can I say?
rude: oui, I
deputy minister for climate change, is
the defining attitude of anyone who
objects to the imposition of the
country’s new default 20mph speed
limit. It is, apparently, nimby thinking.
You know? Nimby? Not in my back
Sometimes, as a parent,
you take a gamble and
it pays off. It has been a
gamble, for instance,
for at least the past
decade, not to send my
love Serge!
yard? Or, here, not on my road or
built-up district (nomrobud?). Because
children for Mandarin
The Paris home of singer and icon
selfish short-sighted objectors are,
according to Waters, the victims of
in a family Volvo can be quite a task to
master. Not because the car is built to
No really. You
wouldn’t believe the Serge Gainsbourg is opening as a
paradoxical thinking — they want go faster, but because the streets that I amount of passive-
better driving conditions but they’re pass are perennially empty. On my aggressive one- museum. James Marriott, a longtime
not prepared to pay the price. beach route I drive through several 20 upmanship that you
It’s the same for anyone who
struggles with the imposition of
zones that are invariably deserted of
traffic on quiet Sunday evenings. And
have to negotiate at
pick-up, as the
fan, goes to worship at the shrine
20mph speed limits on more than half remaining at that limit, in those areas competitive alpha

of London roads, and for Penny and at those times, can seem, to quote mums and dads warn erge Gainsbourg was fondness for the song New York USA,
Mordaunt, who said that the new Mordaunt, absolute insanity. you that “Mandarin is a certain kind of in which Gainsbourg names various of
Welsh limit was “absolutely insane”. There is definite kerb-crawler the language of the Englishman’s worst that city’s landmarks in thickly
These people will not, warned Waters, energy about it, and I mostly find future” and that “It’s all nightmare of a accented English and observes that
be on “the right side of history”. myself looking straight ahead and about China, Chinese Frenchman: rude, they are tall: “Eempire States Beelding
I would, however, rather be on the trying to ignore the occasional passing lessons and Chinese alcoholic, sexually Oh! C’est haut! . . . Feeerst Nassional
wrong side of history than falling off pedestrian, casual dog walker or culture from now on!” incontinent and Seety Baunk Oh! C’est haut!” It’s
my motorbike, which has become a shuffling pensioner who, overtaking at Well, not any more extravagantly addicted to marvellous to sing along to.
daily risk thanks to the new low limit the inevitable gauntlet of speed (and I’ll try to stow the cigarettes (five packs of unfiltered Later, you catch your interlocutor
in London. I don’t know if Waters, or bumps, peers into the driver’s side and schadenfreude for the Gitanes a day . . . five! . . . unfiltered!). remarking, “Yeah. I wouldn’t talk to
the London mayor Sadiq Khan, or any mouths: “Can we help you with next 30 seconds), as the This, of course, is the secret of the that bloke from The Times. He just
of the enthusiastic traffic calmers out something, sonny?” To which I can government reveals great man’s charm. To anybody who goes on about French sex music.”
there have ever tried to drive a large only shrug and reply: “No thanks, just plans to revamp and, in has ever regretted being born on the Well, the detractors cannot quite be
adventure motorbike through city respecting the rules. Because I’m not a some cases, completely pallid and puritanical side of the dismissed. Gainsbourg did not conduct
centre traffic at a speed that never nimby or a nomrobud!” axe Chinese classes in Channel, he offers an exotic vision of himself with perfect decency or
surpasses 20mph, but I can tell you To make matters worse I got schools because, what might have been: semi- sobriety. He once burnt a 500-franc
from sweat-inducing experience that “flashed” last week. Doing mid-to-late according to critics, permanent drunkenness, a bohemian note on live television in protest at
it’s bloody difficult. The machine twenties in an area that appeared to they have become “a contempt for all shirt buttons above French tax rises and towards the end
wants to fall left and right at tiny be a 30 but contained a surprise vehicle for Beijing to the navel, a career of chaotic offence- of his life he had an onstage heart
roundabouts, it jumps forward in first “School safety zone”. It was late at spread propaganda”. giving rewarded with public adulation. attack while telling an obscene story
and second gears, and it lurches along night. I was unfamiliar with the road Obviously, it would Gainsbourg’s house, in the 7th about Brigitte Bardot and a
on the straight thanks to the kind of or the zone. When I was flashed I be nice to claim, at the arrondissement — which he lived in champagne bottle.
counterintuitive anti-driving that’s immediately checked the speed limit school gates, that I from 1969 until his death at the age of Obviously, this is a deplorable way
required to keep it, in speed terms, and, aghast, groaned with agony (I knew all along that 62 in 1991, and which has been to go on. Gainsbourg’s irrepressibly
strictly in the teens or lower. When would’ve thrown up my hands in Chinese classes were untouched since then — has been Gallic mission to outrage bourgeois
they designed these heavy 12-valve despair but I feared being caught on a vehicle for Beijing’s turned into a museum. I was delighted sensibility means much of his music
liquid-cooled three-cylinder vehicles, CCTV and slapped with an instant ban propaganda. But still, to visit, for I am a longtime fan. In is beyond the endorsement of a
I don’t think the engineers at Triumph for reckless driving). And so, it might it feels good to England this is an onerous thing to be. respectable newspaper. Nobody wants
were picturing an interminable just be me, and I’m probably on the occupy the moral high “The sex noise song guy?” people tend to be caught listening to Nazi Rock
90-minute first-gear crawl from one wrong side of history here too, but the ground, however to ask, in reference to his most famous (from the Hitler-themed concept
side of London to the other. blanket imposition of 20mph zones all unintentionally it was hit, Je t’aime . . . moi non plus. “No, no, album Rock Around the Bunker —
It’s not much better in the car. over the country, though noble in reached. he’s not just a sex noise guy,” you although it is, I hasten to reassure
Wales, for instance, is my default nature (who doesn’t want cleaner air protest. Doubtful frown. “OK. Well he readers, a work of anti-fascist satire).
setting for an all-weather, all-season and fewer accidents?), feels like a is a sex noise guy but . . .” With a sense And you can’t help feeling the Pope
beach trip (the Severn Bridge is 40 national act of slow strangulation, of futility you launch into an wasn’t entirely misguided in banning
minutes from my front door). And until all traffic everywhere comes to a exposition of the achievements of this Je t’aime . . . moi non plus. There is
rolling along consistently at 17mph grinding, stultifying stop. astoundingly diverse musical genius: certainly no excuse at all for the moral
the innocent sweetness of the tunes of and aesthetic car crash of Lemon
the early Sixties (La Javanaise, La Incest, a romantic duet he performed
Love Actually creator film review show on I was astoundingly Poinçonneur des Lilas), the with his daughter (this being France,
has revealed that his Irish television in the good. My friends texted experimental weirdness (Bonnie and it was his highest charting song).
Tough love labour-of-love stage early 2000s. On the and told me that I was Clyde), the plangent laments Sometimes, his English fans must
play, called Mr & Mrs show’s debut night a legend. (L’anamour, Je suis venu te dire que je wearily concede, Gainsbourg makes
actually, Jones, has never I felt that I had been When I phoned my m’en vais), the works of unclassifiable Roy Chubby Brown seem a model of
been performed a terrible host who mother she simply eccentricity (Aux armes et cetera is a restrained good taste. Nobody with a
Richard because his wife, was nervous, unsure said: “Well. It wasn’t louche reggae interpretation of La back catalogue like that would become
Emma Freud, judged and profoundly your best. Put it that Marseillaise, L’homme à tête du chou is a national treasure in England.
For the first time, I can it substandard. unconvincing. The way.” Thank God for a concept album about the romantic But France is not Britain. On
fully empathise with That struck a chord production team, loved ones. They speak life of a man with a cabbage for a Gainsbourg’s death, President
Richard Curtis. The with me. I presented a however, said that the truth. head). You explain your special Mitterrand compared him to the
the times | Monday September 18 2023 3


Walkies? No thanks,
some dogs like a ride

t seemed like a normal park
Why are scene. A friend was out on a
walk with her baby and spotted
the British a woman with the same Yoyo
pram (a common sight in that
pushing part of north London) — could
it be a potential new pal? The
their woman made conversation,
saying how sweet my friend’s baby
canines in was, and my friend leant over to repay
the compliment. But there was no
prams, asks baby in the other woman’s buggy.
Instead, a fluffy Pomeranian stared
Susannah back. This woman was using a £400
pram for a dog.
Butter Still associate dogs with walking?
How passé — now you must push
your pooch. There are sometimes
legitimate reasons for dogs to be
wheeled around, such as arthritis or
the dog not having had its
vaccinations yet (although usually the
prams would be designed for dogs
rather than babies). But increasingly,
according to reviews of dog prams on
Amazon, “my little boys get tired”.
There are 13 million dogs in the UK,
up from nine million in 2019/20, and
with them come self-styled “dog
mums” who will stop at
nothing to give the very
best to their “fur babies”.
Left: James Marriott. Above: Serge If that means
Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin protecting their paws
poets Baudelaire and Apollinaire, from hot or cold
and he is now comfortably installed pavements, bad weather
in the pantheon as a tutelary deity his jeans or his collection of shampoos. exegesis. Partly because it’s probably or other dogs, then of
of the French people. The Maison At one point, the visitor is solemnly pointless to explain to French visitors course they will. After
Gainsbourg is as much a shrine as a enjoined to contemplate a stain on the story of how the poor Jewish boy all, they may very well
museum. I am greeted by a crowd of Gainsbourg’s sofa (the origin is not (b 1928) who grew up in occupied have also shelled out
suspiciously hovering temple specified but you cannot help making France haunted by regret at his for a tailor-made
attendants who instruct me on the various unhappy guesses). enormous ears went on to become a nutrition plan (that
appropriate rites of devotion in rapid, Where other holy relics are meant superstar. But also one feels it has to makes Tim Spector
earnest French which I suavely to cure diseases, you suspect these do with the fact that the Maison look lightweight) plus
pretend to understand. The effect might actually give you some. Even Gainsbourg is intended as a religious, doggy day care, while
is undermined when I attempt, after what one must assume was a not a historical, experience. On some planning their social
with great determination, to get Fukushima-level clean-up operation level it is assumed that Gainsbourg life around mutt-
through a locked door. “It’s the other (astonishingly the smell of tobacco has is present — the same way God is friendly pubs,
door,” they eventually explain in been entirely expelled) the place has always present. restaurants and even
contemptuous English. It’s so intimate. Here is the bed in spas, so what’s an extra few quid for a
The whole house is painted black. which Charlotte discovered her dead pram? It all makes babies seem
There are Chinese tapestries on the father. Here is the room in which comparatively low maintenance.
walls and the floors are covered with Birkin (who only died herself this Dog prams range from £40 for a
exotic rugs. There is a Steinway piano, The audioguide year) used to live. Here is the room in basic runaround to a plush £6,000
an electric organ, a collection of
creepy Victorian dolls and more invites us to which Gainsbourg and filles used to
play video games. There’s something
canine carriage. Granted, you could
buy a second-hand car for this price
than one preserved tarantula. There
are ancient mirrors and piles of
admire Serge’s morbid and Victorian about it. I mean
this in the best way.
but would it have shock absorbers so
Fido doesn’t feel the bumps?
newspapers and displays of
Gainsbourg’s records. There are
plimsolls Comparing myself to the middle-
aged bohemian Frenchmen processing
If you thought Paris Hilton putting
her chihuahua in a handbag was
19th-century Chinese opium pipes. a compellingly unhealthy atmosphere. piously around the house with stricken comical, wait until you see these dog
There is a sofa with winged griffins It is the apotheosis of seedy faces and welling eyes I wonder wagons. They’re common in Hong
for arms and a chaise longue in the bohemianism. I note that Gainsbourg’s whether in this context I even qualify Kong, where people promenade up
form of a mermaid. The bathroom has collection of artefacts does not include as a fan. As we frown solemnly at and down with dogs of all shapes and
a country house-size chandelier which an exercise bike or indeed anything Charlotte Gainsbourg’s breathy eulogy sizes in elaborate pushchairs.
hangs at about waist level. It is roughly calculated to lengthen life rather than to the house’s telephone (“such a It’s a pavement war in the making —
what one expected. Gainsbourg lived to heighten or shorten it. After modern telephone”) I realise that with people already breaking the rules
here first with his girlfriend Jane suffering his first heart attack at the there is something obscure and by riding ebikes and scooters where
Birkin and their daughter Charlotte, age of 45, Gainsbourg summoned a profound and French going on that I they shouldn’t, why not add a pug in a
and after Birkin’s departure (partly in press conference to his hospital bed will never understand. It is impossible buggy into the mix?
protest at all the opium pies and where he announced that he would be that any British celebrity could be Meanwhile, handbag hounds haven’t
tarantulas) with the model Caroline “increasing his intake of alcohol and venerated in this way. I mentally gone away — another friend recently
von Paulus, known as Bambou. cigarettes”. Charlotte recalls that her shuffle through various candidates for tested the limits of that Uniqlo cross-
The audio guide is narrated in a parents would usually get home from a national shrine: Paul McCartney? body bag that seems to fit everything
preposterous, breathy whisper by nightclubbing at about the time she set Graham Norton? Clare Balding? It just by using it to carry around Ralph, her
Charlotte, who is now 52 and even off for school. wouldn’t work. In a way, I suppose this terrier puppy, until he’d had his jabs.
more formidably pretentious than So you file past the tarantulas and reflects well on us. But I also feel that My friend in the park decided not to
either of her parents. Her commentary the old LPs and the cracked leather we’re missing out. How tepid and make conversation with her fellow
is backed by a piano accompaniment armchair in the study and the naked ironic and English my appreciation of Yoyo owner and swiftly wheeled her
that at times rises to a pitch of almost photographs of Bardot and the naked Serge Gainsbourg now seems. Oh, to own pram off in the opposite
hysterical melancholy at the most photos of Birkin and the naked photos be a portly Frenchman and to blub at direction. She’s a cat person anyway.
moving moments of the tour, such as of Bambou and think . . . they don’t the sight of Gainsbourg’s slippers! But at least when her baby has
when pilgrims are invited to do it like this at the National Trust. Opens on Wednesday. €25, outgrown her pram, she knows she
contemplate Saint Serge’s plimsolls or There is little biographical or historical could always resell it to a dog in need.
4 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Inside Bedales: it
teaches only two
GCSEs (but pupils
do study sheep)
The private school has rejected the 16-plus exams
that it says are unfit for purpose. So what are the
students doing instead? Helen Rumbelow finds out

s the sun glimmers better metaphor for the British exam
through the trees of system at 16.”
the South Downs we One shaggy-haired 14-year-old is
walk through trying to force a panicking creature
ancient farmland to into the funnel from its back end.
where the Year 10s “Lead with the head!” his teacher says. examination system, which goes back the positions of authority out there,
are hard at their “The head is its steering wheel!” This is to the School Certificate introduced having not achieved any kind of
learning. This isn’t another idea that stays with me. Once for 16-year-olds in 1918. Daring, national standard”.
just any Year 10, though, it’s Year 10 at the boy pulls the sheep by its head, it necessary and visionary? Or entitled, Birbalsingh and her state school in
Bedales, where the rules that govern calmly follows. I ask the boy what he unambitious and open to abuse? The northwest London are in almost every
most of us do not apply. So while I thinks of GCSEs. “We,” he says, sadly announcement by Bedales last week way at opposite ends of a spectrum to
know this cohort well — my own nodding his curls at his fellow teens, a — followed by a similar one from Bedales and its head, Will Goldsmith.
children are either dreading the GCSE
onslaught or beyond it in an exhausted
Could curious, high-spirited species, “aren’t
biologically made for them.”
Latymer Upper, an independent school
in London adopting the same protocol
Birbalsingh stated that children have
“original sin”; one teacher at Bedales
flop — the backdrop is alien.
We are in an agricultural building
£42,000- Good job he is at Bedales, the first
school to abandon the GCSE system.
— couldn’t have stirred fiercer debate,
including at our breakfast table.
tells me that he is driven by “the very
Romantic idea about children being
the children have built, joists and all,
and they are pushing a flock of sheep
a-year Those entering its senior school now,
at 11, will take just two GCSEs, rather
As I took the train towards Bedales’
120 acres of national parkland,
fundamentally good”, echoed multiple
times all day. I’ve been to Michaela
through a series of pens. While I am boarding than the usual ten. The two will be Katharine Birbalsingh was on the and been impressed by the verve with
being buckled at the knees by the English language and maths, as these radio, savaging the idea. Birbalsingh is which Birbalsingh has put her
herd’s desperation to escape, I reach fees for are sometimes mandated by head of the Michaela Community philosophy into practice. Here at
down to touch their brown wool. It’s
soft and luxuriant. My first thought, Bedales employers. For the eight other subjects
the children will take courses in
School, as well as an educational
ideology that views extreme strictness
Bedales the same is true. What is it to
be young, to become useful? Bedales
which I push away, is, “Could it be
possible that £42,000-a-year boarding
include traditional subjects and some unique
ones, devised by the school — such
and heavily tested academic
hothousing as the levers of social
and Michaela are competing utopias.
When the Times Education
fees for Bedales includes hair-styling
for the sheep?” The second, which
hair- as these kids with the sheep engaged
in a course called “Outdoor Work”, a
mobility. She said private schools were
shown to inflate grades more heavily
Commission reported last year it
declared GCSEs unfit for purpose,
stays with me, is, “Forcing unwilling
sheep through the narrow pens to be
styling for mix of science and animal husbandry.
It is the first time that a mainstream
under teacher assessment during the
pandemic. She warned that richer
England being an anomaly among
western countries in testing so heavily
weighed and categorised couldn’t be a the sheep? school has rejected the national pupils “will then get the jobs and get at 16, only to repeat the whole shebang
the times | Monday September 18 2023 5

coverage of the Russian Revolution
zips back and forth with echoes in
President Putin’s regime. This wouldn’t
just be unorthodox in a GCSE history
class, it would be considered a waste of
everyone’s time. However, the history
teacher tells me that the students
appreciate interesting digressions as
they know it could spark an original
insight for their own research papers.
I speak to James Bidwell and his
wife, Sophie, who have five children
either at or graduated from Bedales,
including one who will be affected by
the changes. They tell me about one of
their daughters, who did well in her
exams and is now in her twenties, but
of all her academic work the only
thing she still gets fired up about is a
project she began on her own initiative
to build a telescope. “She still talks
about that telescope,” James says
wistfully. “I think we are not very good
at new things in the UK. We, as an
island nation, have the intellectual
capacity and calibre to change, but we
keep getting stuck.”
So that’s the hard sell. I sit back
down with the head to put to him the
negatives. GCSEs at 16 do provide
information to the students as to
which subjects to apply to study
further at college. They are also used
as a filter by some universities, and
by the government, to compare and
judge schools.
when most other countries do it, at 18. “Especially with sciences, as some of First off Goldsmith says that their
GCSEs have also bloated since I did those things I didn’t know why it was, BAC marks are similar or below that
them, the average exam time now I just knew that I had to say it was and which students get in their GCSEs.
3.5 hours per subject. My daughter had that would get me marks. I didn’t have Also, he deliberately has not sought
26 exams in five weeks; halfway the space to understand.” official status for the BACs — it is a
through she was a shadowy husk, after Sienna’s friend Sophie nods “low stakes” exam, unlike A-levels.
years spent being drilled in the points vigorously at this. For her, the BACs That means that there is no pressure
scheme and memorising pages of are more akin to the Extended Project to manipulate the system.
formulae. Yet while the pressure to Qualification (EPQ), which is in place “Your point about middle-class
reform GCSEs builds — the as part of the English school people gaming it, it’s not about that,”
Confederation of British Industry says curriculum at A-level — an extended he says. “It’s about us giving our
they need scrapping; the House of research paper assessed by teachers students actually a better education,
Lords Education select committee is at then independently moderated. Sophie without the very distractions and
present taking evidence — Bedales is obsessed with fungi, a passion she distortions that come from externally
has jumped the gate. pursues by cataloguing what she finds assessed high-stakes exams. We
“There’s a certain amount of in the school grounds. “I found some deliberately didn’t want to be part of
posturing in what she says,” Goldsmith Clockwise from left: study and critical thinking was milky cone caps the other day — not that at 16, because if you take that
says of Birbalsingh. “Which I get. But Sophie and Sienna; encouraged over the authoritarian psychedelic or anything,” she says, away you actually get better learning.
I’d really like to invite her here and see Lolo and Wulfie; and regimes that were then standard. laughing. Had she studied a BAC for “When parents send their children
what she thinks, which would make Year 10 students Badley was among many school heads biology she knows that she could have to us from North America or
for an interesting encounter.” I studying the Outdoor with deep antipathy towards external pursued this interest, which she is now continental Europe, they say, ‘We
mentally make a note to be there if Work Bedales Assessed examinations and the centralised researching for an EPQ. “The GCSE think it’s an excellent school.’ They
this happens. Course government control represented by in biology was ticking boxes,” Sophie don’t see it as something radical.”
“But for me it just shows the way in the School Certificate. For him, prizes says. “You have to do so many past What about universities using
which some people are so stuck,” he created distorting effects. papers to understand exactly what GCSEs as a filter? Goldsmith has just
says. “She talked about us doing this “If the parent’s wish or necessity is they want from you. Otherwise you come out of a session with the House
because we don’t get enough nines that the boy should carry off these can just shoot in the wrong direction, of Lords education select committee
[the highest GCSE grade], which is prizes at all hazards,” Badley wrote, even though you know what you are on this issue. He was asked what his
such a misunderstanding. It just shows “I would rather not have him.” talking about and are still right. It’s single change would be if he could
how GCSEs are so ingrained in our Given how many of Badley’s visions really frustrating.” wave a magic wand. One would be
psyche, how hard it is to see beyond were ultimately adopted by the Sienna and Sophie say that GCSEs that universities only selected
them to a change. And that worries mainstream, will this one also prove aren’t strong at developing skills candidates after A-level results,
me because she is an influential figure, true? In the spirit of Badley, Bedales needed by employers — which are making GCSEs irrelevant.
and yet change is necessary. She has moved in 2006 to swap half of GCSEs more digital, research-based and “In some ways our university system
fundamentally got it wrong.” with “Bedales Assessed Courses” collaborative. Wulfie and Lolo agree is the tail that wags the educational
So why are they doing it? And what (BACs), their own creation. These are — in music, Wulfie is presenting as dog,” he says. “But another thing I
would Birbalsingh see if she arrived at assessed partly by “coursework” that part of his grade his analysis of the would wish is for it to cap the number
this rural idyll? The first thing to note used to be part of GCSEs but was work of Van Halen in a PowerPoint, of hours that students are allowed to
is that Bedales is not what I expected. ultimately scrapped as being too open including his own illustration of key be assessed for. Even just for their
Over the years it has been cast as the to abuse by pushy parents. However, motifs on the guitar. mental health, but also for us just to
“quirky” school where Lily Allen or pupils are also assessed by exams, If they could devise a school system, take stock of what we’re putting on
Daniel Day-Lewis were typical alumni; vivas, project work and teamwork. The what would it be? Wulfie says that for 16-year-olds.”
children of arty types who weren’t too
fussed about grades. But it takes its
It’s not resulting grades are given on a 1-9
scale, the same as GCSEs, and
most of human evolution 15-year-olds
would not be sitting most of the days
Our system, he says, is closer than
ever to the east Asian model of brutal
difference seriously. about moderated by external examiners at a desk, but exploring, whether and endless testing — “That’s the
On Goldsmith’s wall is a photo of (albeit paid for by the school). intellectually or literally. “It’s just a pathway we are going down, and we
the Bedales founder, John Badley, gaming it, We speak with students in the hard time to have exams,” Wulfie says. need to turn back.”
similar in appearance to Goldsmith, in
his beard and waistcoat. Badley made it’s about school’s library, boned in wood like the
hull of a ship and one of the finest
“If you think really a long way outside
the box, you could just get rid of
One English teacher tells me that
there was a surge of applications for
Bedales a thoughtfully radical
institution; inspired by his suffragette
giving our Arts and Crafts buildings in the
country. Sienna, a 16-year-old Year 12
exams at 16 and have a more in-depth
systematic process with coursework,
staff posts at Bedales when they began
BACs nearly 20 years ago. “They come
wife it became, in 1898, the first
co-educational boarding school, ahead
students a at the school, did five GCSEs and four
BACs, and wishes the school could
then exams at 18. But that’s very
different to what we have now.”
because they want to create a utopia,”
he says. “Of course, you always fail to
of many other boarding schools by a
century. There was hard exercise in
better have discarded the GCSEs in time for
her. “With GCSEs it’s based on
When I sit in on a BACs history
lesson it seems similar to a GCSE
create a utopia, by definition.”
Is this place an English utopia?
place of corporal punishment; wide education learning the mark scheme,” she says. equivalent, except that the teacher’s Answers marked however you like.
6 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Ask Professor Tanya Byron
I suffer from health anxiety and always think Good
it’s cancer — how can I rationalise my fears? As he aims for the
Strictly glitter ball,

I’m worried that I understand that being a nurse and reflect reality and so we mustn’t
Les Dennis tells
suffer from health working in a clinical setting makes this believe everything we think.
anxiety. It’s starting condition even more challenging. However, as well as exploring all
to dawn on me that How we think affects how we feel Googling resources available to manage and
Michael Odell why
my reaction to all and how we behave. What drives our
symptoms overcome your health anxiety, that

ailments is to thoughts are our beliefs, which for you are menopausal is extremely
catastrophise and think it must be someone with health anxiety can be will only important. It is well established that in you shouldn’t
cancer or something serious. described as false and distorted: the perimenopause and menopause,
I never used to be like this, but now
I’m middle-aged and menopausal
belief that we can know the status of
our health with absolute certainty (we
make your anxiety can feel extreme and we
overthink as well as developing sleep
underestimate the
fear worse older contestants
there always seems to be something. can’t), that all symptoms and problems, low mood, fatigue, short-
Feeling excessively tired, or waiting sensations indicate serious illness term memory loss, mood swings and

for test results of a mammogram, or (they don’t) and will always have a decision-making difficulties. ne day, when Les
any symptom that could have specific cause that can be determined In perimenopause and menopause, Dennis was a
multiple benign explanations, all (not true). falling levels of oestrogen changes 13-year-old boy

take on loaded significance. I can’t The hyperfocus on perceived brain function. Studies have shown growing up in
stop thinking about them or googling “symptoms” exaggerates those that oestrogen is linked to serotonin Liverpool, he
my symptoms and wanting symptoms (studies show that if we (the “happy hormone”) and cortisol walked in on his
reassurance from the GP that never focus on a pain, the pain experience (the stress hormone) in the brain. As mum and dad
seems to be enough. will be worsened). The symptoms of you rightly point out, other issues can having sex. He’d

I think it’s partly the responsibility anxiety — shortness of breath, also impact because the timing of come down before bedtime to get a
of parenthood and my job — I’m a stomach upset, racing heartbeat — menopause may coincide with other note for school the next day and there
practice nurse, so I witness all sorts can be misinterpreted as further “time of life” stresses such as they were on the sofa, going at it. For
of medical problems. And my parents evidence of physical disease. relationship issues, care of children or some kids this might just be an
and friends are all older now and The treatment for health anxiety is concerns about ageing parents. embarrassing “get a room” moment

some have had genuine health scares. exposure and response prevention: a During the menopause transition but Dennis was traumatised.
How do I rationalise my fears and process where you confront your fears there are a variety of ways to manage “They used to row and not speak for
get peace of mind back that a serious about your health (exposure) and do these well-established mood days, which meant I was the go-
illness should be the last concern, not do the compulsions (response challenges and other symptoms. between,” he says. “Then suddenly it
not the first? prevention) while using anxiety Evidence indicates that hormone would be OK — because they’d have

management techniques that will replacement therapy (HRT) is better what we call ‘make-up sex’. But that
enable you to approach and remain in at improving mood and anxiety than was news to me.”

What you struggle the presence of your fear. If you would like antidepressants, and for some both Even now, aged 69, he fears that it

with has many names At the same time, you will mindfully Professor Tanya approaches are helpful. Counselling has made him a bit of a prude. It
— health anxiety, choose not to engage in compulsions Byron’s help, email and CBT help many to break the meant he was “uncomfortable” when

hypochondriasis, and instead manage the acute anxiety proftanyabyron vicious cycle of hot flushes and his second wife, Amanda Holden,
illness anxiety in a healthy way. This disconnects the anxiety and also, as described earlier, stripped off for soft-porn magazines

disorder or somatic anxiety and the obsessive intrusive is evidence based for the treatment of like FHM and Loaded. He doesn’t
symptom disorder — all describing thoughts and so, in time, these health anxiety. even like walking hand-in-hand with
a person who is chronically anxious thoughts become tolerable and As well as reviewing your his third wife, Claire Nicholson, a

about their health. Health anxiety can irrelevant, requiring no response. menopause management with your life coach.
be tiring and stressful, and it is clear Cognitive behavioural therapy GP, other practical techniques can “Seeing what I saw and how it

that while you recognise it is not (CBT) addresses the aforementioned help. To begin with take good care of affected me is something I have to
rational you can feel powerless to underlying dysfunctional beliefs, yourself — get enough sleep and watch,” he says. “Claire gets frustrated
manage it. enabling the ability to accept exercise, eat a healthy diet, limiting walking down the street because I’ll

Your self-diagnosis is correct. uncertainty about the meaning of sugar and processed foods. Learn and drop her hand and she’ll say, ‘Oh no
You mention some of the core random body sensations (ie developing practise relaxation, breathing, you don’t.’ Or, if she asks me to dance,

features of health anxiety: constant distress tolerance). meditation and mindfulness I won’t. I’ll just say, ‘I’m doing a bit of
health-related intrusive thoughts, If I was working with you we would techniques ( dad dancing.’ ”
catastrophisation, anticipatory anxiety, trigger your obsessive thoughts To address the intrusive All of which rather raises the

excessive information searching, (for example by getting you to thoughts you could try a question: how is Dennis going to cope
reassurance seeking. body scan and notice a bodily CBT technique where you with all the intimate thrusting, lifting

Other symptoms include excessive sensation) and use breathing write a list of the anxieties and clutching that awaits him as a
body checking or scanning and and mindfulness techniques that you have about your contestant on Strictly Come Dancing?
avoidance of activities, people or to manage the resultant health, and next to each “I am genuinely hoping that

places that become associated with
being ill. This can be a debilitating

condition, more so for you, a nurse.
Health anxiety shares features of
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
anxiety that will arise from
resisting your compulsions
(for example the compulsion
to seek reassurance or start
online searching for
write down how a non-
anxious friend might
interpret the situation.
To find a way to
settle your anxiety use
learning intimacy with a stranger will
mean I will gain the confidence to
dance with my wife,” he says. “My pro
says I’ve really got to embrace that
goal. She says I’ve got to stop saying

— experiencing a body sensation
triggering obsessive intrusive thoughts

relating to serious illness, causing
acute anxiety, followed by compulsive
behaviours (such as compulsive online
possible conditions).
You would learn that
being aware of bodily
sensations is not aversive
and, instead, if those
a grounding technique
such as the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
method, to focus
attention on: 5 things
you can see; 4 things
‘when I’m voted off in week two’
because she reckons I’ll manifest that
and it will happen. So what I’m
manifesting instead is ‘when we get to
Blackpool’ [where the show

searches) aimed at reducing that
anxiety by trying to obtain certainty
related to the health fear.
However, the perverse aspect of
this condition is that the compulsive
sensations trigger any
anxiety and related
intrusive thoughts,
you can note them as
they appear and ignore
you can hear;
3 things you can feel;
2 things you can smell
or taste; and 1 thing
that makes you feel
traditionally decamps for a week
during the latter stages] and ‘when we
win’. I really don’t want people to say,
‘Oh Les was funny this week, let’s keep
him in.’ I want them to vote for me

behaviours actually fuel your obsessive
thinking — health anxiety is a

self-feeding monster.
Googling your perceived symptoms
and reassurance seeking (from the GP)
them, distract yourself
from them, and breathe
your way through
the anxiety until they
grateful. Alongside this,
practise taking long, slow,
deep breaths. You can also
speak to your GP or self-refer
for talking therapy at
because I’m getting better at dancing.
Good dancing is sexy and who doesn’t
want to be good at that?”
A comedian, impressionist, singer
and actor, Les Dennis has already

do nothing more than reinforce a
belief that something is wrong and

endless online searches for symptoms
maintain the cycle of OCD by offering
multiple possibilities, all terrifying,
Accepting the
presence of unwanted
thoughts does not mean
accepting the truth of
the content of those
Finally, there are self-help
guides ( and
I also recommend the excellent
book Overcoming Health Anxiety
2nd Edition by Dr Rob Willson
enjoyed an extraordinary career
intersecting with everything from
post-war music hall to reality TV. He
was only 20 when Arthur Askey, the
wartime comedian, gave him a “ten”

thus maintaining a catastrophic belief
that you are probably very ill. I can
thoughts. Remember,
some thoughts do not
and Professor David Veale. I wish
you well.
and he won the TV talent show New
Faces. Bob Monkhouse, the Seventies
the times | Monday September 18 2023 7


dancing is sexy. I want to master it

ending it all and in reality he did the point where he can even see the
need therapy. positives from his failed relationships.
“Yeah but I never once in all that It was the actress Sophie Aldred (with
time felt suicidal,” he says. “Ricky whom he had an affair while married
Gervais walks a fine line with his to his first wife, Lynne Webster) who
comedy and he did with the scene.” encouraged him to reconcile with
And so here he is on the verge of his family.
another unlikely television “We invited my mum and Aunty Pat
appearance. Dennis is about to turn over and Sophie cooked them pasta,”
70, until quite recently he was pre- he says. “They both sat there and said:
diabetic and he has a replacement ‘But we don’t eat pasta . . .’ ”
knee. So what is Strictly meant Both Dennis’s parents died young.
to prove? His mother in 1977, aged 50, of cancer
“I want to get back on TV because and his father, aged 66, of a heart
when people come up to me for a condition. It was Holden who
selfie the kids always go: ‘Who’s that?’ encouraged him to buy a headstone
Well, after Strictly they’ll say: ‘Oh for the grave.
that’s who it is’. It’s a chance to get “The stonemason got the date of
back on primetime in what is a death wrong — he put 1997 instead of
wonderful light entertainment show, 1977 [for my mum], so we got an extra
the sort of show in which I started out. 20 years with her,” he says with
So I’m wearing a Fitbit, walking 10,000 exquisite “boom-tish” timing.
steps a day, lifting weights and doing He is now happily married to
Michael Mosley’s keto diet. I reckon Nicholson, who he met at a charity
me and Angela Rippon [at 78 the ball in 2005. When the band struck up
former newsreader is the show’s oldest Glenn Miller’s In the Mood she came
contestant] will show everyone a thing over and asked Dennis to dance. Once
or two about what the seniors can do.” again the odd duality of his
Dennis never stops working. He has personality was on display. Dennis
appeared on stage in the musicals thought she wanted an autograph so
Only Fools and Horses and 42nd Street he signed a picture for her and
and is in talks to appear in his first thought nothing of it.
Shakespeare production. In his 2008 “I’m afraid I went into celeb mode,”
memoir Must the Show Go On? he he says.
admitted it’s fear that drives him. But no, despite being 15 years
“The story of Stan Laurel ending up Dennis’s junior, she was interested and
forgotten living in a tatty motel they married four years later. With
terrified me,” he says. In the book, some persuasion he agreed to start
Dennis said he feels sick when he another family (Dennis has a son,
meets people and they can’t quite Philip, now 43, from his first
remember his name. marriage). He and Nicholson are
But this search for validation has parents to Ellie, 15 and Tom, 12.
sometimes got him into big trouble. “I love being a dad again,” he says.
We are talking via Zoom from his “Finding the school shoes, getting
older sister Marg’s house in Liverpool, the kids out the door in the morning,
near where Dennis grew up. He’s it’s so different from life on the
back, appearing in 42nd Street stage. It’s real.”
at the city’s Empire theatre, just Dennis is older than the other dads
down the road from where his at school and he knows his children
younger sister Mandy lives. worry about it. When Tom was five
resident chickens the tabloids It’s amazing he has rebuilt years old he asked his dad: “How old
dubbed him Les Miserables and these family ties because as his will I be when you’re 100?”
to salvage his career from that career took off, by his own “He obviously thinks about my age
I want this to give disaster, he then appeared as a admission, he became snooty and so do I because I’d lost both
me the confidence broken, suicidal version of
himself in an episode of the
about his working-class roots.
One time, during a notorious
parents by the time I was 30,” says
Dennis. “So that’s another reason
to dance with show Extras written especially
for him by its star Ricky
christening party, Mandy
took a swig of wine straight
for doing Strictly. To get fit, to be
there for them.”
my wife Gervais. “I’m in awe of Ricky
Gervais so when he asks,
from a bottle and Dennis
remonstrated with her.
He’s been working on his fitness for
a few years, falling back on his comedy
stalwart, predicted his charm would ‘Will you play a twisted “Mandy, have a drink by all superpowers when it has failed him. If
take him far and it was his fellow demented version of yourself?’ means but please use a glass. I’ve any anecdote captures Dennis it’s this
Liverpudlian Jimmy Tarbuck who you do it,” he says. got a lot of friends here,” he said. one — sweet and funny but with an
asked him, “Are you ready to go on?” Dennis certainly wasn’t The moment triggered a rift undertone of sadness. A few years ago
after Tommy Cooper suffered a heart anxious about intimacy in that went on for years. he attended Tom’s sports day at The
attack onstage during a live TV Extras. He stripped naked and “The family fell apart and it Ryleys School in Alderley Edge near
broadcast from Her Majesty’s Theatre faked sex with a young blonde, shouldn’t have done,” Dennis Manchester where a lot of sports stars
in London in 1984 (Dennis and his Holden-alike actress while uttering his says. “I regret that but I’ve got and their families live. Tom wanted
comedy partner Dustin Gee did their Family Fortunes catchphrase: “If it’s up Top: Les Dennis with them all back now. You learn: there is him to run in the dads’ race but when
routine with Cooper lying dead behind there I’ll give you the money myself!” his Strictly dance nothing as important as your family. Dennis got set on the starting line he
the curtain). “Ah, that’s the performer in me,” he partner, Nancy Xu. They’ve been my rock through some saw he was up against some serious
It was his 15-year tenure as the host explains. “Leslie Heseltine [his original Above: with his wife, very hard times.” competition; one young dad was even
of the TV game show Family Fortunes name] is shy. But Les Dennis opens Claire Nicholson Dennis went back to Liverpool to wearing running spikes.
that made him a household name but the fridge, sees the light come on and film a segment for Strictly and walked “So when the gun went I just turned
Dennis found himself catapulted from will automatically do a 20-minute past the house he was born in at 83 round and ran in the opposite
light entertainment into post-modern routine. He’s always there. And when Chesterton Street, Garston. Someone direction to everyone else,” Dennis
confessional formats when his life and Extras happened my career was on its came out. Dennis got to go inside says with a chuckle. “It got a laugh but
career were in crisis. arse so I wanted to show that I could for the first time since he was two afterwards Tom found me and,
After his split from Holden in 2002 laugh at myself. Ricky even offered me years old. looking very sad, said: ‘Why didn’t you
(Holden, 17 years his junior, had a an arse double but I said no, let’s do “It was an incredibly moving run for me, Daddy?’ and that was just
much-publicised affair with the actor this properly.” moment because the removal van heartbreaking. The truth is, I didn’t
Neil Morrissey in 2000), he made a The split with Holden was painful. outside is my earliest memory,” he want to be embarrassed; I didn’t want
notorious appearance on the reality He fought for the marriage even as she says. “Sometimes the stars align — the to lose. And that’s kind of a feeling I’ve
show Celebrity Big Brother. After continued the affair. In the Extras universe made that happen for me.” had all my life.”
seeking solace from the show’s version Dennis says he thought about Dennis has had a lot of therapy, to Strictly Come Dancing is on BBC1
8 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


It hurts to talk about Stephen

young comedians, models, the TV
The murder of his broadcaster Alison Hammond
and the former Chelsea footballer
brother in 1993 Paul Canoville.
Theo has started secondary
profoundly affects school. It won’t be long until he is
a teenager. Young black men in
his role as a father, Britain, especially those in
London, are statistically more
Stuart Lawrence likely to be stopped and searched,
arrested — even murdered. Does
he dread the teenage years?
tells Michael Odell “No. Why should I? I know the
narrative is that young black male

t’s now 30 years since Stephen Londoners are into drill music and
Lawrence was murdered by a in gangs but there are plenty of
gang of racist white youths at good kids out there. He has a good
a bus stop in Eltham, south heart and good values. And I truly
London. His younger brother believe that if you want to succeed
Stuart, 16 at the time, tries not to in life, everything you need is in
dwell on it; he just gets on with you. I don’t say to him, ‘You’ve got
his life. He is married with a 12- to be twice as good as the white
year-old son. He was a teacher for 15 kids’ because that perpetuates a
years and is now an author and public sense of inferiority or impostor
speaker. And yet sometimes even the syndrome. What I tell him is: it’s
littlest things will take him back. down to you. Hard work always
As he puts it, “1993 was a pre-digital beats talent if talent doesn’t work
world. These days every street, Left: Stuart Lawrence. hard. But also: are you likeable and
including Well Hall Road where it Above: Stephen trustworthy and do people want to be
happened, has CCTV. London buses Lawrence around you?”
too — front and back. And most Lawrence taught graphic design at a
people carry a smartphone as well so, south London school for 15 years. It
yeah, sometimes I catch myself had a diverse intake and he witnessed
thinking if an attack like that countless little moments where
happened today it would all be picked teachers got things wrong. Sometimes,
up. After all, smartphone cameras though, just the smallest bit of
picked up the murder of George Floyd. humanity could make things right.
So could it have made a difference?” “My mantra was: kids might forget
More important than cameras, he what you teach them but they never
says, are “people with the courage to forget how you treat them.”
do the right thing”. Lawrence praises Perhaps there’s a similarity with the
the ex-girlfriend of Thomas Cashman police. How they treat people has
— the Liverpool drug dealer who shot become a huge issue. Earlier this year
dead nine-year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel Stuart’s father Neville told reporters
in 2022 — for giving evidence against he still would never call the police if
him, despite receiving death threats. he was in trouble (he was reacting to
“The witness was so brave. She spoke the extraordinary case in 2020 of two
up not where it’s easy, like on social we are lucky Stephen is remembered playground he heard mention of the Metropolitan Police officers taking
media, but in front of a jury. Without and that some families are not so six names from a local racist gang. photos of black female murder victims
that, what might have happened? But lucky. I’m not sure anniversaries When he got home that afternoon the at a crime scene they were supposed
in Stephen’s case all these things are change much on their own — but he How could same names had been anonymously to be guarding and tagging them “dead
‘what ifs’. And if there’s one thing I’ve
learnt it’s that I can’t afford to live in a
knows we have to try and improve
things for the next generation.” one of the posted through the Lawrences’
letterbox, left on a note under the
birds”). Would Stuart Lawrence call
the police? This dilemma became very
world of ‘what ifs’.”
Lawrence, now 46, shared a
Lawrence is warm and easy-going.
We chat about his beloved Arsenal
names I windscreen of a police car and
reported by several callers to a police
real for him in November 2021. His
home was burgled. Did he hesitate to
bedroom with the brother he called
his “superhero”. After the murder the
and the threshold of rudeness at which
a parent can confiscate a PlayStation
got told hotline. It took 19 years to convict two
of the suspects. Anniversaries of the
dial 999?
“Of course not. It’s not like you have
bungled police investigation made it
one of the most notorious crimes of
from a child. I could be chatting with
a friendly face in a pub. But events 30
after my murder and his brother’s birthday are
still tough and the public naming of
a choice. There isn’t a number for the
‘culturally appropriate police’ so I just
the past 30 years. Only a change in the years ago mean he doesn’t always get brother the sixth suspect (Matthew White) in rang and said, ‘We desperately need
law regarding “double jeopardy” (so to be a regular bloke. June this year took its toll too. you.’ And they were lovely. They made
that suspects can be tried twice for the “At school I didn’t even know what died “One hundred per cent that was one us feel very safe. I know the Met are
same crime if new evidence comes to
light), and the determination of the
racism was,” he says. “There were two
black pupils, one Chinese, one Indian only be of those times when I felt bitter. How
could one of the names I got in the
on the naughty step for a lot of
reasons at the moment but I have no
Lawrence family, led to the conviction
of two men for the crime in 2012.
and one dual heritage. The only way
you were judged was: ‘Are you good at confirmed playground the morning after my
brother died only be confirmed 30
complaints. They did their job.”
His brother would have been 49 this
Lawrence is talking to me via Zoom
from his home in south London. He’s
football or not?’ I was a happy kid
who thought I’d get a regular job,
30 years years later? How? But you know what?
No one wants to be around bitter
month. And perhaps, as Stuart
Lawrence suggests, the big memorial
been coaching his son Theo at
football. The fate of Stephen is another
lead a happy but, to be honest, an
unremarkable life.”
later? people so I don’t allow myself that
feeling for more than a moment. And
occasions will not continue for ever.
But it’s not so easy for him. Teaching
thing he is trying to teach him about. All that changed at around 11pm on that’s something I teach my son. You young Theo about growing up black in
The 30th anniversary of his brother’s that April night in 1993, when Stuart can only let anger last a moment Britain is only just beginning.
death was especially hard. Theo didn’t answered the door to a concerned Growing Up Black in because then you lose the ability to “It hurts me explaining to Theo why
want to go to the memorial service neighbour, who reported that his older Britain by Stuart communicate. I have to reflect on the our family is so small,” he says.
attended by the Labour leader Keir brother Stephen had been in a fight at Lawrence & Ashley person I want my son to be in the “Stephen would have been an amazing
Starmer, the head of the Metropolitan a local bus stop. His mother Doreen Hickson-Lovence future and I have to set that example. uncle and my son would have had
Police Mark Rowley, and the London and father Neville went to investigate (Scholastic £10.99). To That makes me pull myself together.” cousins. But like I said, wishing it was
mayor Sadiq Khan. while he looked after his younger order a copy go to Lawrence has taught himself quite different is another ‘what if’. I truly
“Like any child, he was a bit ‘do I sister Georgina. When his parents got or striking mental resilience. And, despite believe that it is my job to ask myself
have to go?’ I didn’t want to go into the home, the scene was terrible. His call 020 3176 2935. Free being diagnosed as dyslexic in 2021, daily, what are you going to do to
gruesome details of the fateful night grief-stricken mother was put under UK standard P&P on he’s channelled it into a book called improve the world? There are still far
with him but he now knows his uncle sedation and the house filled with online orders over £25. Growing Up Black in Britain: Stories more good people than bad out there.
died and is beginning to understand people and noise. Yet, incredibly, the Special discount of Courage, Success and Hope, in And I believe embracing all our
that it has come to mean something next morning Stuart Lawrence still got available for Times+ which he writes interestingly on the nuances and differences is still what
nationally. He knows that as a family dressed and went to school. In the members. question of identity and speaks to makes this a great country.”
the times | Monday September 18 2023 9

artsfirst night
classical pop
BBC Singers/Phillips Shania Twain
St Paul’s, Knightsbridge, SW1 OVO Hydro, Glasgow
{{{(( {{{((

n a newspaper article last week oy, has TikTok turned on
castigating the BBC for allegedly Shania Twain. The Stateside
“dumbing down” the Proms, Lord leg of the country superstar’s
Frost — the architect of Brexit first tour for five years
who is apparently now a classical recently set the video app
music expert — grumbled that this alight for all the wrong reasons. Many
summer’s Proms had not done much claimed that gig-goers had left below-
to celebrate William Byrd, the great par shows in droves. The 58-year-old’s
English composer who died 400 years skimpy outfits were criticised. She was
ago. Well, here was the BBC’s accused of lip-syncing, singing out of
professional choir doing a whole tune and looking awkward.
concert of Byrd, Thomas Weelkes and At Twain’s opening UK date, the first
William Cornysh, the three of three nights in Glasgow, fans in
Renaissance composers with notable flashing cowboy hats and glittery
anniversaries this year. I hope his attire had come to party regardless.
lordship was among those queueing When Twain was shown on screen
round the block to get in. starting the concert from among the
It would be a shame if he missed it, audience, the screams went up a gear.
because the BBC, in its unfathomable Hannah Sinclair Robinson as Grete and Felipe Pacheco as Gregor Samsa in Kafka’s Metamorphosis When she appeared on stage in a
wisdom, has apparently decided not to mid-length auburn wig and a tiny

A Frantic reinvention
broadcast the event in its entirety but denim dress that was basically a jacket,
instead to spread the separate items she looked gorgeous.
over a succession of Radio 3 afternoon Yes, her moves were a tad stilted to
concerts at some unspecified time in begin with. She sang her 1990s hit
the future. I hope that’s just a random Don’t Be Stupid (You Know I Love You)
piece of corporate idiocy and not some as though on autopilot. There was a

devious way of undermining the BBC Lemn Sissay n this physically ingenious, Certain scholars, lunging for terrible attempt to tap-dance. On
Singers again. nightmarish adaptation of originality, have claimed the work’s occasion her mouth moved very little
Either way, those items deserve a and Frantic Kafka’s Metamorphosis, Gregor really about Grete; here Sissay’s script despite her vocals belting out.
second hearing. The BBC Singers are Assembly set Samsa does not wake up as an introduces a more contentious twist as Twain climbed aboard a stallion-
not a specialist early-music choir, and insect. We watch, instead, as he romantic tensions develop between shaped motorbike for I’m Gonna Getcha
perhaps the men are a little fruity in
Kafka’s story slowly becomes one, Grete and Gregor that contribute to Good! and sang lying horizontal, her
timbre for ideal clarity in these amid a cost of dehumanised by the demands of his expulsion from the family. Though denim boots up on the handlebars.
polyphonic masterpieces — especially living crisis, his job as a salesman. On a set as the production develops we realise Tacky, but the audience adored it.
those of Cornysh, who was never where the walls tilt inwards with that Gregor is adopted (Grete is not), a The Canadian certainly can still sing
content to compose one or two notes says Rachel menace, the production’s first visual factor that may remove the taboo but — some fun a cappella intros proved it
to a syllable when he could spin out 10 Halliburton coup is to make Gregor appear from here tragically underpins the family’s — but she has admitted that the open
or 20. But under the expert guidance nowhere: one moment we see an determination to reject him. throat surgery she underwent in 2018
of Peter Phillips, who is a Renaissance empty bed, the next he’s materialised The Brazilian-British actor Felipe after contracting Lyme disease has
specialist, these ancient canticles and there as if from the shadows. Pacheco is a wiry presence as Gregor; made her much raspier. To be fair, she
motets were ideally paced and
delivered with excellent intonation.
theatre The theatre company Frantic
Assembly has been rewriting the
wisely he’s never forced to go full
exoskeleton, but through body
sounded superb on a rocky Come on
Over and a haunting You’re Still the
The choice was canny. Byrd in Metamorphosis rulebook for almost three decades language alone he demonstrates how One, for which she sat on a stool and
pessimistic, persecuted-Catholic mode Plymouth Theatre Royal now; its rigorous physical exploration stress strips him of his humanity. At played acoustic guitar.
(Ne Irascaris Domine and the stunning {{{(( of emotion combined with edgy one point he’s dangling from the By half an hour in it was impossible
Tribulationes civitatum) was balanced pulsing soundtracks has won an ceiling, at another he’s huddled on a not to have fallen in love with Twain.
by his irresistibly joyous Laudibus in ardent following. Here the company swinging light suspended by a cord, as Her infectiously excitable chat, her
Sanctis; and unfamiliar (though has collaborated with the poet Lemn Simisola Majekodunmi’s eery lighting constant shoehorning of Glasgow into
contrapuntally astounding) Sissay to rewrite Kafka’s meticulously design makes his shadow on the wall her songs (even the saloon bar on
Magnificats by Cornysh and Taverner observed fable of alienation so that it flutter like a trapped moth. screen behind her was named after the
were offset by two of Weelkes’s most becomes a stark reflection of our cost Yet despite a whole butterfly house city) and a hoedown during which a
popular hits: Hosanna to the Son of of living crisis, a portrait of a man of striking elements in Scott Graham’s horse on screen jumped over her head
David and Gloria in excelsis Deo. hollowed out by overwork and debt. production they don’t always come were moments to remember.
My one disappointment? Not once While Tory politicians may not be together. At times Sissay’s script erupts “I’m having the friggin’ time of my
did the choir sing a true pianissimo or lining up to see this, the production into poetic brilliance but at other life,” Twain exclaimed. Glasgow was
fortissimo. Oscar Wilde’s quip — balances beauty with grit. At one point points it’s too fragmented and abstract. too. And that was before Twain
“moderation in all things, including Gregor appears to be quite literally Besides Pacheco, Jon Bausor’s set is changed into a leopard-skin outfit for
moderation” — holds good for vomiting up the fabric he has to sell. the star, animated by Ian William an encore of her two biggest hits. That
performing Tudor and Jacobean At another point — when we’re Galloway’s video design. Ultimately, Don’t Impress Me Much and Man! I Feel
anthems too. They have deep passions bracing ourselves to see the insect however, this is more interesting Like a Woman! were monsters that had
that need to be fully vented, not emerge from his bed — the cover pulls specimen than diverting new species. the whole of Hydro howling.
politely underplayed. back to reveal his sister Grete Touring to March 2, 2024, Lisa Verrico
Richard Morrison (Hannah Sinclair Robinson) instead. Touring to Sep 28,

t’s a gutsy move, booking in for a swimming for the first time or risk . . . don’t notice how much of a life and
comedy four-week West End run when well, risk dying. Don’t expect him to death story is nestled in these funny
your only previous London shows get straight to the point, though. lines and slyly collusive grins.
Mike Birbiglia have been fleeting visits and a Where would be the fun, where would Performing on a set by Beowulf
Wyndham’s Theatre, WC2 Soho run more than a decade ago. be the resonance, in that? Boritt, dominated by a giant digital
{{{{( Yet there is a reason why The Old Birbiglia is entirely comfortable on backdrop rendered in swimming-pool
Man & the Pool, the latest monologue stage, even as he advertises his beta- blue, he controls his tone with
from the New York-based comic male vulnerabilities — “I don’t have a deceptive ease throughout the 75
storyteller Mike Birbiglia, made it to swimmer’s body; I have a drowner’s minutes. A performer as controlled as
Broadway last year. This quiet master body.” It feels casual, as he goes from this could risk being too clean, too
of his craft combines big themes his disastrous pulmonary function test clever. Not only do he and his director
with intimate details garlanded with to tales of fatherhood and his mildewy Seth Barrish quietly keep the
good jokes. Brooklyn apartment and family emotional stakes high, though, they
This makes him the easiest of Christmases and beyond. also deftly scuff things up with
company, however heavy his themes. Before you know it, though, he is Birbiglia’s interactions with the crowd.
Oh, it may take a short while to tune segueing from the awkwardness of So don’t let the affability fool you.
into him as he veers from talk of adult swimming lessons to a type 2 Telling this story of decay, love,
present-day heart worries to diabetes diagnosis back to a cancer persistence and the circle of life, Mike
memories of childhood sporting diagnosis when he was 21. Amid the Birbiglia is a true star.
failures. Birbiglia, 45, has a story to tell evocative digressions about pizza and Dominic Maxwell
of why he needed to take up Mike Birbiglia, a master of his craft family and sleepwalking, you almost To October 7,
10 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Your weekday brain boost puzzles

Pages 14-16

Every day, Monday to Thursday, a page of extra Sudoku super fiendish Train Tracks
puzzles to give your brain an extended workout Lay tracks to enable the train to travel
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indicate how many sections of track go in
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Fill each grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. track cannot cross itself.
Where the puzzles overlap, the rows and columns do not go beyond their usual length.

Killer deadly
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and
every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Each set of
cells joined by dotted lines must add up to the target
number in its top-left corner. Within each set of cells
Fill the blank squares so that every row and
joined by dotted lines, a digit cannot be repeated. column contains each of the numbers 1 to 5
once only. The symbols between the squares
indicate whether a number is larger (>) or
smaller (<) than the number next to it.

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Codeword Thursday’s solutions SUKO MINI


Every letter in the
crossword-style grid,
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Each letter of the
alphabet appears in
the grid at least once.
Use the letters already
provided to work out
the identity of further
letters. Enter letters in
the main grid and the
Place the numbers 1 to 9 in smaller reference grid
the spaces so that the until all 26 letters of
number in each circle is the alphabet have been
equal to the sum of the four accounted for. Proper
surrounding spaces, and nouns are excluded.
each colour total is correct

Fill in the grid so that
every column, every
row and every 3x2
box contains the
digits 1 to 6

Solutions in
tomorrow’s Times2
the times | Monday September 18 2023 11

television & radio

A loving, nuanced tribute to a troubled star

Artist. As was Stevie Wonder, who in 1992, Michael performed at the
Carol simply said: “I felt the cry in his voice.”
The journalist and broadcaster Pete
Freddie Mercury tribute concert, and
did so brilliantly. Many documentaries
Midgley Paphides said that Michael’s music
“had a way of creating a dialogue
between your hips and your heart”.
have been made about Michael’s life,
but this one — which examined his
creativity, musical genius and
TV review The film by Simon Napier-Bell,
who managed Wham! from 1983
kindness as much as those demons
— is probably the one he deserved.
to 1985, did not airbrush or minimise A Kestrel for a Knave, or Kes as
the truth of Michael’s tragic spiral it’s popularly known thanks to Ken
into drug use, but it handled the Loach’s 1969 film, is that rare thing
facts with love, not sensationalism, — a bleak, heartbreaking novel
which is more than can be said for featuring cruelty (to a child and
some after his 2016 death. The a bird), but still an exquisitely
result was a nuanced, layered biopic beautiful one. Christopher Eccleston
that obviously had the trust of its did an impressive job in A Kestrel
George Michael: vast array of contributors, many for a Knave: The Read (an abridged
Portrait of an Artist of them Michael’s close friends. version), capturing that bleakness
Channel 4 There was affection in Rufus but also the humour of Barry
{{{{( Wainwright’s anecdote about Hines’s novel.
Michael phoning him at 3am while Eccleston’s broad Yorkshire accent
A Kestrel for a Knave: “very high” to tell him how much was pretty good too, getting just right
The Read he loved his song Going to a Town the “aaats”, “thees” and “he’s crackers
BBC4 (which Michael covered, beautifully), wi’ it” (a reference to Billy’s love for his
{{{{( then falling asleep on the phone. hawk), which isn’t bad for a lad from

he demons got the better Stephen Fry said that he was moved Salford. There’s nowhere to hide with
of him, but he left us with by the man’s legendary generosity a straight read like this, with only a
so many angels.” This — when he was fundraising for an few set changes. It’s all in the voice.
lovely tribute to the very Aids charity, Michael offered to give I once interviewed the late Hines
lovely George Michael the UK royalties from his greatest-hits at his house in Yorkshire, incidentally.
came from the art historian Andrew album but wanted it kept secret. “I He said that his mother, who worked
Graham-Dixon, who might not cried. I was simply amazed,” Fry said, as a maid in a grand house, had never
seem an obvious talking head in adding that Michael was “a sweet, read any of his books because “she
a film dedicated to a pop megastar vulnerable, hurting man for most of might have seen some swearing, see”.
but turned out to be one of the his life”, but still had a giant strength. “I can see how her mind would work,”
most eloquent contributors in Indeed, when the love of his life, Hines said. “ ‘Ooh, our Barry swears.’ ”
George Michael: Portrait of an Anselmo Feleppa, was dying from Aids George Michael at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert in 1992 He was very good company.

Radio choice Times Radio 1.00pm Live Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert

Hannah French presents a recital from Radio 4 8.30 Crossing Continents
The desperate search by thousands of Syrian
11.00 Naga Munchetty 1.00pm Nihal
Arthanayake 4.00 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 Live
Joe Clay Digital, web, smart speaker, app London’s Wigmore Hall with baroque violinist FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz LW: 198kHz MW: 720 kHz families for their missing relatives (8/9) (r) Sport. A debate on the weekend’s football
5.00am Rosie Wright with Early Breakfast Chouchane Siranossian playing music by Bach 5.30am News Briefing 9.00 The Archbishop Interviews plus updates from Nottingham Forest v
6.00 Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell with Times and some of his contemporaries. Bach (Violin 5.43 Prayer for the Day The Archbishop of Canterbury talks to the Burnley 9.00 Rugby World Cup 10.00
Radio Breakfast 10.00 Matt Chorley 1.00pm Sonata in G, BWV1021; Adagio from Violin 5.45 Farming Today songwriter and poet Nick Cave (4/6) (r) Colin Murray 1.00am Dotun Adebayo
Mariella Frostrup 3.00 Jane Garvey and Fi Sonata in C minor, BWV1024; and Fugue in 5.58 Tweet of the Day (r) 9.30 Start the Week (r)
Glover 5.00 John Pienaar with Times Radio
Drive 7.00 Pienaar and Friends. Debate
G minor, BWV1026); Farina (Sonata quinta
detta La Farina); Naregatsi (Improvisation on
6.00 Today
With Martha Kearney and Nick Robinson
10.00 The World Tonight
10.45 Book at Bedtime:
8.00 The Evening Edition with Kait Borsay. 9.00 Start the Week MW: 1053, 1089 kHz
Havun Havun); Walther (Passacaglia from The Secret Hours
Evening conversation 10.00 Carole Walker Sonata No 6); Schmelzer (Violin sonata A discussion on the differences between By Mick Herron (1/10) 5.00am Early Breakfast 6.00 Breakfast
1.00am Stories of Our Times 1.30 Red Victori der Christen); and Locatelli humans, Neanderthals and AI 11.00 Sound Towns 10.00 Jim White and Simon Jordan 1.00pm
Box 2.00 Highlights from Times Radio (Sonata in D minor, Op 6 No 12) 9.45 (LW) Daily Service Taking a look at the origins of the Hawksbee and Jacobs 4.00 Andy Goldstein
2.00 Afternoon Concert 9.45 Book of the Week: Material World Newport’s music scene (1/4) (r) and Darren Bent 7.00 Monday GameNight:
Radio 2 The Ulster Orchestra perform Schumann’s
Second Symphony, and Francesco Piemontesi
By Ed Conway (1/5)
10.00 Woman’s Hour
11.30 Today in Parliament
12.00 News and Weather
Nottingham Forest v Burnley (Kick-off 7.45)
10.00 Sports Bar 1.00am Extra Time
FM: 88-90.2 MHz
is the soloist in Mozart’s Piano Concerto Nuala McGovern hosts the magazine show 12.30am Book of the Week:
6.30am The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show 9.30
Vernon Kay. The artist Grayson Perry chooses No 20 with the Danish National Symphony 11.00 The Gift
A son’s quest to learn about his late
Material World (r) TalkRadio
his Tracks of My Years 12.00 Jeremy Vine Orchestra. Including — Bizet (L’Arlesienne 12.48 Shipping Forecast Digital only
Suite No 1 — Carillon); Margaret Bonds father takes a surprising turn (2/7) 1.00 As BBC World Service 5.00am James Max 6.30 The Julia
6 Music Artist in 2.00pm Scott Mills 4.00 Sara Cox 6.30 Sara
(Troubled Water); Marschner (Hans Heiling 11.30 Analysis Hartley-Brewer Breakfast Show 9.30 Mike
Cox’s Half Wower 7.00 Jo Whiley’s Shiny
6 Music, 9pm
Happy Playlist 7.30 Jo Whiley 9.00 The — Overture); Weber (Clarinet Concerto
No 2); Saint-Saëns (Danse macabre);
Debate on different dominant voices in
society and which really determines
Radio 4 Extra and Kev 10.00 The Independent Republic
of Mike Graham 1.00pm Ian Collins 3.00
Blues Show with Cerys Matthews 10.00 Digital only
Schumann (Symphony No 2); and Mozart the state of the nation (8/9) (r) Kevin O’Sullivan 5.00 Vanessa Feltz 7.00
DJ Spoony’s Magnificent 7 10.30 DJ Spoony’s 8.00am Stop Messing About! 8.30 Semi
The station’s latest artist (Piano Concerto No 20 in D minor) 12.01pm (LW) Shipping Forecast Jeremy Kyle 8.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored
Rhythm Nation. R’n’B and soul 12.00 Circles 9.00 It’s Your Round 9.30 Alison and
in residence is Johnny 4.30 New Generation Artists 12.04 You and Yours 9.00 The Talk 10.00 First Edition 11.00
OJ Borg 2.30am One Hit Wonders with Maud 10.00 Indiana 11.00 The Three
The baritone Konstantin Krimmel sings 1.00 The World at One Petrie Hosken 1.00am Paul Ross
Marr, above, a founding OJ Borg 3.00 Sounds of the 90s with
Schubert and Brahms from his most recent 1.45 NatureBang Musketeers 11.30 Death Speaks Another
member of the Smiths and Fearne Cotton (r) 4.00 Wynne Evans Language 12.00 How to Find Home
respected solo artist. The
studio recording with the pianist Daniel
Heide, while the violinist Johan Dalene plays
New series. The evolution of laughter (1/5)
2.00 The Archers (r) 12.15pm Hester 12.30 Alexei Sayle’s 6 Music
guitarist will present eight Radio 3 Ravel’s colourful Tzigane. Schubert (Die 2.15 Drama: Slow Air Imaginary Sandwich Bar 1.00 Stop Messing
About! 1.30 Semi Circles 2.00 It’s Your
Digital only
FM: 90.2-92.4 MHz Taubenpost from Schwanengesan); Ravel By Dan Rebellato. A love story about 5.00am Huw Stephens 7.30 Lauren Laverne
new shows that will be 6.30am Breakfast (Tzigane); Brahms (Sommerabend Op 85/1); messages to the future, whispered Round 2.30 Alison and Maud 3.00 Indiana 10.30 Mary Anne Hobbs 1.00pm Chris
broadcast over the next Petroc Trelawny starts the programme’s in a Sicilian cave 32 years ago 4.00 The Three Musketeers 4.30 Death Hawkins 4.00 Steve Lamacq. Launching the
and Rob Luft (Endless Summer)
two weeks. In each episode Northern Ireland Lough Tour on the foreshore 3.00 Brain of Britain Speaks Another Language 5.00 How to Find Festival Survey 7.00 New Music Fix Daily
5.00 In Tune
of Carlingford Lough, standing between the Home 5.15 Hester 5.30 Alexei Sayle’s 9.00 6 Music Artist in Residence. A selection
of the series, Marr explores Music and arts news The sixth heat, with contestants from
Mourne and Cooley Mountains. Including Imaginary Sandwich Bar 6.00 Stop Messing of themed tracks. See Radio Choice
7.00 Classical Mixtape Downpatrick, Glasgow, Liverpool
songs that have shaped 7.00, 8.00 News. 7.30, 8.30 News headlines A selection of classical favourites mixed with and Moreton-in-Marsh (6/17)
About! 6.30 Semi Circles 7.00 It’s Your 10.00 Riley & Coe 12.00 Nirvana Live
specific periods of his life, 9.00 Essential Classics Round. Comedy panel show, presented by 1.00am The First Time with Dave Grohl
jazz, folk and music from around the world 3.30 The Food Programme
in one instalment recalling Angus Deayton 7.30 Alison and Maud. 2.00 6 Music’s Deep Dive into Nevermind
Georgia Mann presents music and features 7.30 Radio 3 in Concert Street food and takeaway nominees
Comedy with Miriam Margolyes 8.00 3.00 The Artist Collection Playlist
his time living in Portland, 12.00 Composer of the Week: Fiona Talkington presents Paavo Jarvi in the Food and Farming Awards (r)
Radiolab. How the analogue world of the
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643) conducting the Lucerne Festival Orchestra in 4.00 History’s Secret Heroes
Oregon. He will also
reveal the inspiration
Donald Macleod is joined by Robert Quinney
to explore the life and work of the Italian
Mahler’s Third Symphony at the opening
concert of this year’s Lucerne Festival.
Helena Bonham Carter shares the story of
the aftermath of Pearl Harbour (5/10) (r)
cassette tape helped to create the internet
8.55 Inheritance Tracks. Celebrities pick two Virgin Radio
songs with special meaning for them 9.00 Digital only
behind various riffs, baroque composer, beginning with the Mahler (Symphony No 3 in D minor) 4.30 Beyond Belief 6.30am The Chris Evans Breakfast Show
Mastertapes. Donovan talks about his 1966
demonstrate his deep love influence of the composer and teacher 10.00 Music Matters Aleem Maqbool speaks with an ex-convict with cinch 10.00 Eddy Temple-Morris
album Sunshine Superman 9.30 The Long
of Chic and share advice Luzzasco Luzzaschi. Frescobaldi (Partite As she celebrates her 90th birthday, the about how he found faith in prison (6/8) 1.00pm Jayne Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky
Drop. By Denise Mina 9.45 The Dead Hour.
Sopra Ciaccona; Canzona Terza a 2; Il primo mezzo Janet Baker joins presenter Sara 5.00 PM Wilson 7.00 Bam 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00am
about how to play the Thriller by Denise Mina 10.00 Comedy Club:
libro delle fantasie a quattro — Fantasia Mohr-Pietsch to explore her life in music (r) 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast
Paul Sinha’s Perfect Pub Quiz. Paul Sinha and Sean Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
guitar. “It’s been fun,” Marr prima, sopra un soggietto; Fantasia 10.45 The Essay: 6.00 Six O’Clock News
a Manchester audience compile questions
undecima, sopra quattro soggietti; Toccate e Unearthing Britannia’s Tribes 6.30 Paul Sinha’s Perfect Pub Quiz
says. “I hope people enjoy it.
Good times.” partite d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo, The novelist Ilka Tampke is writing her latest Paul Sinha tests an Andover audience
for a perfect pub quiz 10.30 Small Scenes.
A pair of long-lost brothers meet for the first
Classic FM
Book 1; Toccata nona — arr. for double harp; Iron Age fiction about Boudicca and talks on Hampshire trivia (3/10) FM: 100-102 MHz
time 11.00 The News Quiz. Panel game 6.00am More Music Breakfast 9.00
Il secondo libro di toccate canzone, versi about how she gives voice to a warrior queen 7.00 The Archers
11.30 Lee and Herring’s Fist of Fun
d’hinni, Magnificat, gagliarde, correnti; and with little evidence and much myth (r) Fallon makes her position clear Alexander Armstrong 12.00 Anne-Marie
Toccata prima); and Luzzaschi (Madrigali 11.00 Night Tracks 7.15 Front Row Minhall 4.00pm Margherita Taylor 7.00
our tv newsletter
per cantare et sonare a uno, e doi, e tre Sara Mohr-Pietsch presents a soundtrack The musician Alice Phoebe Lou performs live Radio 5 Live Smooth Classics at Seven. Presented by Zeb
soprano; O dolcezz’ amarissime d’Amore; for late-night listening, from classical to 8.00 24 Hours in Snapchat MW: 693, 909 Soanes 10.00 Calm Classics. Ritula Shah
and Sacrarum Cantionum, Book 1: contemporary and everything in between Monika Plaha meets three people who share 5.00am Wake Up to Money 6.00 presents a selection of music 1.00am
Deus tu scis insipientiam meam) 12.30am Through the Night (r) their experience of the social media platform 5 Live Breakfast 9.00 Nicky Campbell Bill Overton 4.00 Early Breakfast
12 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

television & radio

Viewing Guide Kylie Minogue. After lives as friends, lovers in true soap style there and occasional jump showing him how to
37 years on air, the and enemies. Margot are some surprises in scares of the writers’
Jimmy Doherty’s use a whip on her
Julia Raeside Australian soap was Robbie popped up on store. Lassiter’s resort is favoured handbrake New Zealand all-women farm. He
Neighbours coming to an end. The Zoom. A period of as busy as ever, Mischa turns, you’ll be Escape doesn’t look tense. He
Freevee televisual wake was a mourning began. Three Barton (The OC) plays pleased to hear that Channel 4, 8pm looks as happy as any
psychedelic affair and months later, an enigmatic hotel it’s business as usual The TV agronomist man paid to lope about
In July last felt very much as if Fremantle and Amazon guest and the general in Erinsborough. heads to New Zealand one of the most
Top year the cast everyone had brought Freevee announced a manager Paul Although it’s hard not to sample its delicacies beautiful land masses
pick of Neighbours their games in for the resurrection deal, with Robinson (Stefan to imagine the cast as while ooh-ing at the on earth, being fed
gathered one last day of term. Susan Amazon also streaming Dennis) is either undead replicants, mountains and fresh fish on beaches
last time to film an Kennedy (Jackie the vast archive for haranguing staff or acting out their former swishing the local and rubbing noses with
extended hour-long Woodburne) narrated those wishing to delve bowed over a scotch, as lives, unable to release hooch around his the locals while the
finale with guest a history of Ramsay into the show’s history. is his way. If you have their grip on the only happy chops. “You’re northern hemisphere
appearances from Street as the residents The new episodes pick missed the familiar life some of them have too tinse, Jimmy,” shivers through an
Jason Donovan and looked back over their up two years later and faces, gentle repartee ever known. exclaims a lady rancher endless winter.

BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 Channel 4 Channel 5

6.00am Breakfast 9.15 Morning Live 10.00 Fraud Squad. 6.30am Bargain Hunt (r) 7.15 Garden Rescue. An 6.00am Good Morning Britain. Featuring a lively mix of 6.05am Countdown (r) 6.45 Cheers (r) 7.35 Everybody 6.00am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine. The broadcaster

New series. A removals boss films himself smuggling two Asian-inspired garden in Bolton (r) 8.00 Sign Zone: This news and current affairs, plus health, entertainment and Loves Raymond (r) (AD) 8.25 Frasier (r) (AD) 9.55 and guests discuss the issues of the day with co-host
million cigarettes into the UK (AD) 10.45 Claimed and Farming Life (r) (SL) 9.00 Nicky Campbell 10.00 BBC lifestyle features 9.00 Lorraine. Entertainment, current Château DIY. At Château de Montvason, Emma and Paul Storm Huntley 11.15 Storm Huntley. Debate on the day’s
Shamed. A serial claimer is caught out when a faked fall News 12.15pm Politics Live. The latest stories 1.00 affairs and fashion news, as well as showbiz stories and uncover layers of Second World War history (r) (AD) talking points continues with Storm Huntley 12.40pm
is recorded on CCTV 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. Impossible. Rick Edwards hosts the quiz (r) 1.45 gossip. Presented by Lorraine Kelly 10.00 This Morning. 10.55 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. A look back at Alexis Conran. The actor, writer and broadcaster examines
Properties in Vauxhall, Aylesbury and Macclesfield (r) Eggheads. Jeremy Vine hosts the quiz (r) 2.15 Murder, A mix of chat, lifestyle features, advice and competitions. some of the best off-grid projects from Amazing Spaces the important stories of the day, getting viewers’
(AD) 12.15pm Bargain Hunt. Christina Trevanion Mystery and My Family. Jeremy Dein and Sasha Wass Including Local Weather 12.30pm Loose Women. (r) (AD) 11.55 Channel 4 News Summary 12.00 Steph’s opinions and views on them 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime
presents the show from Exeter 1.00 BBC News at One; investigate the poisoning of a wealthy female tenant, Showbiz interviews and studio discussion from a female Packed Lunch 2.10pm Countdown. Chris McCausland is in 1.45 Home and Away. Rose is intimidated by the prospect
Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 who was killed by her landlord in 1911, just after signing perspective 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 Regional Dictionary Corner 3.00 A Place in the Sun. Scarlette of meeting Mali’s mum, and Eden finds Cash drinking in
Doctors. Suni helps a patient after a drone crashes onto over her assets to him (r) (AD) 3.00 Kelvin’s Big Farming News; Weather 2.00 James Martin’s Spanish Adventure. Douglas lines up five stunning properties for a widow who uniform at Salt and manages to coax him home (r) (AD)
their roof (AD) 2.15 Money for Nothing. A white kitchen Adventure. Kelvin Fletcher tries to start his own farm (r) The chef visits a local food market in Seville, before wants to start a new life around the lake and town of 2.15 FILM: Seven Deadly Sins (PG, TVM, 2022)
dining set, an old bookcase and a rocking horse are (AD) 3.30 Great Canadian Railway Journeys. Michael meeting with a rising culinary star and stopping by an Viñuela in Málaga (r) 4.00 A Place in the Sun. Laura Greed threatens to destroy a woman’s life when she
salvaged 3.00 Escape to the Country. Sonali Shah tours Portillo explores Canada’s maritime provinces (r) (AD) orange grove where he learns how to make marmalade Hamilton helps a pair from Brighton find their perfect meets a benefactor and entrepreneur and his wealthy
the East Midlands in search of a property to suit buyers 4.00 Serengeti. Dramatised natural history show set in (AD) 3.00 Tenable. New series. Quiz show hosted by holiday home, in and around the beautiful Lecrín Valley in aunt. Thriller starring Monique Coleman, Nathan Witte
who have been living in the USA for 23 years. Sonali also Africa. A lioness is forced into exile after having cubs with Warwick Davis. A team of five take on a series of Top 10 Granada Province 5.00 A New Life in the Sun. In France, and Eric Benet 4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun.
meets another couple who relocated from America 3.45 an outsider and an elephant feels jealous of his baby list questions 4.00 Tipping Point. Ben Shephard hosts a Manchester couple snaps up a complex of holiday lets, Essex boy Colin is determined to live a healthier life on
Garden Rescue. Charlie Dimmock and Chris Hull head to sibling (r) (AD) 5.00 Flog It! People are invited to try to the arcade-themed quiz in which contestants drop tokens and Yorkshire restaurateurs bring a taste of the north to the Costa Blanca. He ropes in his mate Pete, trying to
Exeter to convert an overgrown, unloved horror into a make money out of their antiques by taking them to down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a rural Portugal (r) 6.00 The Simpsons. Part two of two. convince him to join him for a walk and a visit to the
chilled out, festival-inspired garden 4.30 The Finish Line. auction (r) 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games. With £10,000 jackpot 5.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents After being conned, Mr Burns seeks revenge on Jay G mud baths 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Susan Calman’s
Roman Kemp and Sarah Greene host 5.15 Pointless. Quiz Milton Jones, Ria Lina, Martin Roberts and Briony May as four contestants work as a team to take on one with the help of Homer, Bart, rapper Jazzy James and Jay Grand Day Out. Susan takes her campervan to the North
hosted by Alexander Armstrong (r) 6.00 BBC News at Williams (r) 6.30 Marcus Wareing’s Tales from a Kitchen of the ruthless Chasers and secure a cash prize 6.00 G’s ex-wife Praline (r) (AD) 6.30 Hollyoaks. Sienna does Yorkshire Moors and the Yorkshire Dales, a part of the
Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather Garden. The chef takes a masterclass in hedge laying Regional News; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather whatever it takes to get Earl Rafe to see her (r) (AD) world known as Herriot Country (r) 6.55 5 News Update

7.00 The One Show Presented by 7.00 Chris and Meg’s Wild Summer 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s

Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas The presenters explore the coasts Speeders An inspector follows the
of north-east of England and the dangerously erratic driver of a white
Scottish Borders (4/6) (r) van, but when he stops the vehicle the
7.30 EastEnders While Suki is determined 7.30 Mastermind Clive Myrie quizzes 7.30 Emmerdale Jacob has an allergic situation quickly escalates, while a PC
to prove Ravi’s guilt, Phil struggles to the contestants on Chelsea FC reaction, and Amelia is left stunned. spots a broken down lorry is blocking
contain his own as Kat excitedly in the Premier League, Franz Kafka, Meanwhile, Sam feels that Lydia a live lane of the M56 (4/10) (r)
prepares for the wedding (AD) Anglo-Saxon England and Harry Styles is pushing him away (AD) 7.55 5 News Update

8.00 When Bridges Collapse: The 8.00 Only Connect Victoria Coren Mitchell 8.00 Coronation Street The police haul 8.00 Jimmy Doherty’s New Zealand 8.00 Police Interceptors Several officers

Genoa Disaster On August 14, 2018, presents presents the quiz show, as Bernie in for questioning about her Escape New series. Jimmy takes a trip join in the pursuit of two men in a van,
the Ponte Morandi in Genoa collapsed. Drop of Red take on Suncatchers scam, Aadi asks Courtney to contribute to New Zealand, to meet and work who are racing through four counties
This investigation into the disaster to the household bills, and Troy alongside the farmers and produce and leaving a trail of destruction in
tells the stories of people on the 8.30 University Challenge University of instructs Todd to undertake makers who are turning a passion for their wake — filming the entire thing
bridge that day and examines what Sheffield face Loughborough University an unpleasant task (AD) great food into an enviable lifestyle. on their phone. Another car takes a
caused the road viaduct to fail See Viewing Guide (1/4) pounding when two men attack
so catastrophically (r) (AD) a new BMW with a crowbar

9.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 9.00 Laura Kuenssberg: State of Chaos 9.00 My Mum, Your Dad The parents take 9.00 Top Guns: Inside the RAF A retiring 9.00 The Inheritance The siblings’ lives

The Canadian comedian Katherine The journalist examines Boris part in a group task, which has the Warrant Officer prepares to spearhead become more complex after the family
Ryan’s investigation of her family Johnson’s premiership, focusing on the grown-up children reaching for the the Battle of Britain dinner, but all home is burgled. A battle of wills
history leads her to a Methodist government’s struggle to deal with cushions again as they watch their plans are halted when the death of leaves Chloe confused and Daniel is
minister and his family in colonial Covid-19 and Johnson’s relationship parents getting closer (6/10) (AD) the Queen is announced (5/6) (AD) desperate to pay back his loan (3/4)
Nova Scotia, and cod traders in with chief adviser Dominic Cummings.
Newfoundland (5/8) (r) (AD) See Viewing Guide (2/3) (AD)

10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.00 The Royle Family The morning of 10.00 ITV News at Ten 10.00 Gogglebox The armchair critics’ 10.00 Casualty 24/7: Every Second

the wedding arrives and it is not just opinions on programmes including My Counts Barnsley Hospital faces one of
Denise’s nerves that are on edge, Mum, Your Dad, Welcome to Wrexham, its toughest shifts to date, and with no
as Jim has diarrhoea (6/6) (r) (AD) Love & Death and Marcus Wareing’s children’s beds available across the
10.30 BBC Regional News and Weather 10.30 Newsnight Presented by Kirsty Wark 10.30 Regional News Tales from a Kitchen Garden (r) (AD) whole of Yorkshire, the hospital is
10.40 The Repair Shop A former 10.45 Long Lost Family The singer- under immense pressure (7/9) (r)
professional goalkeeper brings in a songwriter KT Tunstall tries to find her
1970s football programme signed by birth father, and two siblings search
Pelé, and a broken guitar that helped a for the mother they were separated
teenager through lockdown is revived. from in the 1960s (3/7) (r) (AD) 11.05 Gogglebox The armchair critics share 11.05 Ambulance: Code Red Paramedics

Plus, toy restorers Julie Tatchell and 11.15 Dark Waters (12, 2019) When a their opinions on Strictly Come are called out when a boy is run over
Amanda Middleditch attend to a teddy defence attorney takes on a lawsuit Dancing, Vigil, Serengeti II, Come on the way to school. Blood flowing
bear with hardly any fur, a wonky leg case against a chemical company, he Dine with Me, Ambulance, Hotel out of the patient’s ear suggests
and holes in his feet (r) (AD) finds a deep and rich trial in their Paranormal, Andrew Marr’s interview that he may have a fractured
11.40 Alan Carr’s Picture Slam Game history that unravels a history of 11.40 My Mum, Your Dad The parents take with Keir Starmer, and ITV news skull and a brain injury (r)
show in which contestants have to pollution. Drama starring Mark Ruffalo. part in a group task that embarrasses coverage of the petrol crisis (r) (AD)
identify a board full of images, with See Viewing Guide (AD) their grown-up children (6/10) (r) (AD)
a chance of winning up to £10,000 if
they know them all. Taking part this 1.15am Sign Zone: Countryfile Sammi Kinghorn 12.30am All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite Hard-hitting 12.10am The Queens that Changed the World 12.05am Police Interceptors (r) 1.00 Live NFL

week are friends from Grimsby, cousins returns to Cumbria to find out how young shepherdess action from the world of All Elite Wrestling (r) 2.15 (6/6) (AD) 1.00 The Duchess and Her Magical Kingdom — Monday Night Football: Pittsburgh Steelers v Cleveland
from London and Nottingham, and Katie is doing (r) (SL) 2.10 Henpocalypse! Zara finds Tipping Point. Quiz hosted by Ben Shephard (r) 3.05 (r) (AD) 1.50 Screw (r) (AD, SL) 2.40 Bone Detectives: Browns (Kick-off 1.15). Coverage of the week two match
herself in emotional turmoil over Gary (r) (AD, SL) Tenable. A team of five take on a series of Top 10 list Britain’s Buried Secrets (r) (AD) 3.30 Grand Designs (r) at Acrisure Stadium 4.30 Entertainment News on 5 4.40
friends from Barry (1/8) (r) 2.40-3.10 Mrs Brown’s Boys. Agnes volunteers at the questions (r) (SL) 3.55 Unwind with ITV 5.05-6.00 (AD) 4.25 Location, Location, Location (r) 5.20 Beat Nick’s Quest (r) (SL) 5.05 House Doctor (r) (SL) 5.30
12.30am-6.00 BBC News salon and decides to try out speed-dating (r) (AD, SL) James Martin’s Spanish Adventure (r) (AD, SL) the Chef (r) 5.45-6.05 Kirstie’s House of Craft (r) Entertainment News on 5 5.35-6.00 Paw Patrol (r) (SL)
the times | Monday September 18 2023 13

television & radio

got. Having had a life. In tonight’s firebrand is whisked
Laura ringside seat for all of
Juice instalment, Jamma
The Red Queen: back to her teens
Film Dark Waters
Kuenssberg: State BBC3, 10pm/10.30pm A Film Portrait of BBC2, 11.15pm
it, Kuenssberg spends leaves home and gets watching a Rudolph
of Chaos this episode recalling A double bill to kick a work promotion, Barbara Castle Valentino film, Directed by Todd
BBC2, 9pm the rapid decline in the off Mawan Rizwan’s but can’t unpack his BBC4, 10.10pm becoming a young girl Haynes and starring
The BBC’s former optimism of the beautifully surreal boxes or follow simple After an introduction again, her passion as Mark Ruffalo, this tells
political editor Conservative Party as new sitcom. He instructions. His from the interviewer undimmed as her zest of how the American
continues her trawl Boris Johnson’s plays Jamma, a physicality and Michael Cockerell for political change. At conglomerate DuPont
through the bizarre landslide victory gave style-conscious childlike gurning share (10pm), there follows 85, she talks about not created carcinogenic
comings and goings in way to Covid and the attention-enthusiast comedy DNA with a screening of The Red resting on her laurels. “forever chemicals”
government since the fall of his chief adviser, who works for an ad Frank Spencer and the Queen, the 1995 Cockerell’s description and released them into
Brexit vote. It does feel Dominic Cummings. agency, dates a surreal scene shifts call portrait of Barbara of her as “the Margaret the environment. A
like a timely And there’s still the psychotherapist to mind Charlie Castle he made with Thatcher of the Labour harrowing true-life tale
examination of just No 10 revolving door to (Russell Tovey) and Kaufman and the the director Matthew Party” doesn’t even to send you into a rage.
how bad things have come next week. struggles with adult Mighty Boosh. Barrett. The Labour begin to cover it. (12, 2019)

Sky Max Sky Atlantic Sky Documentaries Sky Arts Sky Main Event Variations
6.00am Supergirl (r) 7.00 DC’s Legends of 6.00am Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets (r) (AD) 6.00am The 2000s (r) 7.00 Discovering: Richard 6.00am Glyndebourne: No Ordinary Summer 6.00am Sky Sports News 7.00 Good Morning BBC1 N Ireland
Tomorrow (r) (AD) 8.00 The Flash (r) 9.00 7.55 The Leftovers (r) (AD) 10.05 Ray Donovan Attenborough (r) 8.00 The Directors (r) 9.00 7.00 Andrea Bocelli: The Journey 8.00 The Joy Sports Fans 8.00 Good Morning Sports Fans As BBC1 except: 10.40pm Jailed: Inside
Stargate Atlantis (r) 11.00 Supergirl (r) 12.00 (r) (AD) 12.15pm Game of Thrones (r) (AD) One Shot: The Football Factory (r) (AD) 10.00 of Painting 9.00 Tales of the Unexpected 10.00 9.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 10.00 The Maghaberry Prison. With Stephen Nolan 11.10
The Flash (r) 1.00pm NCIS: Los Angeles (r) 1.20 Raised by Wolves (r) (AD) 3.20 The Spector (r) (AD) 11.00 100 Foot Wave (r) (AD) Alfred Hitchcock Presents 11.00 Discovering: Football Show 11.00 The Football Show 11.30 The Repair Shop (r) (AD) 12.10am Alan Carr’s
3.00 Hawaii Five-0 (r) 4.00 S.W.A.T (r) (AD) Leftovers (r) (AD) 5.50 Ray Donovan (r) (AD) 12.00 FILM: Dave Not Coming Back (PG, Basil Rathbone 12.00 The Joy of Painting Ref Watch 12.00 The Football Show 1.00pm Picture Slam (r) 12.55-6.00 BBC News
5.00 DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (r) (AD) 7.55 Game of Thrones. Jon and the Night’s 2020) Two divers’ efforts to retrieve a dead 1.00pm Tales of the Unexpected 2.00 DH Lunchtime Live 2.00 Sports Desk 3.00 Sports
6.00 Stargate Atlantis. Sheppard becomes a Watch face their biggest challenge (r) (AD) body from a freshwater cave 2.00pm FILM: Lawrence: Sex, Exile and Greatness 3.00 Desk 4.00 Sports Desk 5.00 Sky Sports News BBC1 Scotland
homicide detective in an alternate reality (r) 9.00 Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers The Slow Hustle (15, 2021) The story of the Wordsworth & Coleridge Road Trip with Frank 6.00 Sky Sports News at 6 As BBC1 except: 11.40pm Sportscene: SWPL
7.00 Stargate Atlantis. The 100th and Dynasty. Drama chronicling the professional and unsolved death of Baltimore police detective Skinner and Denise Mina 4.00 Discovering: 6.30 Live MNF: Nottingham Forest v Burnley Highlights. Jane Lewis presents (r) 12.25am
final episode of the sci-fi series (r) personal lives of the 1980s Los Angeles Lakers Sean Suiter (AD) 3.45 My Icon: John Amaechi Jon Voight 5.00 Tales of the Unexpected (Kick-off 7.45). Coverage of the Premier League Alan Carr’s Picture Slam (r) 1.10 Weather for
8.00 There’s Something About Movies. Comedy basketball team. Stars John C Reilly (7/7) (r) (r) (AD) 4.00 The Directors (r) 5.00 6.00 Alfred Hitchcock Presents encounter at City Ground. Forest have made a the Week Ahead 1.15-6.00 BBC News
panel show hosted by Alan Carr (r) (AD) 10.15 The Lovers. A Belfast supermarket Discovering: Richard Attenborough (r) 7.00 The Joy of Painting. Double bill steady start to the campaign, and many of their
9.00 Fantasy Island. New series. Return of the worker begins a relationship with a political 6.00 One Shot: The Football Factory (r) (AD) 8.00 André Rieu: Songs from My Heart. deadline day signings are still waiting to make BBC1 Wales
drama starring Roselyn Sanchez broadcaster. Comedy drama starring Johnny 7.00 Spector. Documentary (1/4) (r) (AD) A midsummer’s night concert in Holland their debuts for the club, while newly promoted As BBC1 except: 8.00pm Pizza Boys: World
10.00 Fantasy Island. After her mum’s passing, Flynn and Roisin Gallagher (1/6) (r) (AD) 8.00 100 Foot Wave (5/6) (r) (AD) 10.30 Classic FM Live A Film Music Spectacular. Burnley have found wins hard to come by Cup Adventure. Visiting Lyon 8.30-9.00
Helene searches for her biological father (r) 10.50 Euphoria. Nate celebrates his newfound 9.00 Chernobyl: The Lost Tapes (r) (AD) The Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra perform in the early stages of the season Weatherman Walking. In Monmouthshire (r)
11.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks (r) (AD) freedom, and Rue tries to recover (6/8) (r) (AD) 11.00 FILM: All That Breathes (12, 2022) movie music at the Royal Albert Hall 10.30 Back Pages Tonight
11.45 Brassic. Erin organises a fete (r) (AD) 11.55 True Detective. Ray and Ani have a Documentary starring Salik Rehman 12.30am The Barry White Story: Let the Music 11.00 Sky Sports News. Analysis and comment BBC2 N Ireland
12.45am Brassic (r) (AD) 1.45 COBRA: close call with Caspere’s killer (3/8) (r) (AD) 1.00am FILM: Assassins (12, 2020) 3.00 Play. The singer’s life and career 1.40 Sam 12.00 Sky Sports News 1.00am Live NFL: As BBC2 except: 10.00pm-10.30 Peataí!
Cyberwar. Communications are jammed (r) (AD) 1.05am Angels in America (r) 2.10 Das Boot. FILM: The Art of Political Murder (2020) Cooke: A Legend in Concert 3.05 Eric Idle: Off Pittsburgh Steelers v Cleveland Browns (Kick-off
2.45 Road Wars (r) 3.10 Hawaii Five-0 (r) In German (r) 3.10 Game of Thrones (r) (AD) (AD) 4.45 My Icon: Henni Goya (r) (AD) Camera 4.20 National Trust: National Treasures 1.15). Coverage of the week two match at BBC2 Wales
4.05 S.W.A.T (r) (AD) 5.00 Highway Patrol (r) 4.10 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets (r) (AD) 5.00 Discovering: Richard Attenborough (r) (AD) 5.35 Inside Art: Barbara Hepworth Acrisure Stadium 4.30 Sky Sports News As BBC2 except: 7.00pm-7.30 Wynne’s
Welsh 70s. Archive highlights from 1971 (r)

ITV1 Wales
As ITV1 except: 10.45pm-11.40 Sharp End

As ITV1 except: 10.30pm STV News 10.40
Scotland Tonight 11.05 Long Lost Family. With
KT Tunstall (r) (AD) 12.05am My Mum, Your
Dad (r) (AD) 1.00-2.15 All Elite Wrestling:
Rampage (r) 3.55-5.05 Night Vision

As ITV1 except: 10.45pm-11.40 View from
Stormont. Political developments

BBC Scotland
2.00pm Sign Zone: Beechgrove Garden (r)
2.30 Sign Zone: Eat the Town (r) 3.00-4.00
Sign Zone: Island Crossings (r) 7.00
TalkTV BBC4 Talking Pictures Film4 More4 Sportscene: SWPL Highlights 7.45 Sportscene
Goals+ 8.00 This Farming Life 9.00 The Nine
6.00am James Max. An initial insight into the 7.00pm Great Coastal Railway Journeys. 6.00am Private Elvis 7.30 FILM: Thunder in 11.00am Went the Day Well? (PG, 1942) 8.55am Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 9.15 A Place in 10.00 Ballers: Ball or Nothing. New series
day’s top stories 6.30 The Julia Hartley-Brewer Michael Portillo continues his south Wales the City (PG, 1937) Crime comedy starring Second World War drama starring Leslie Banks the Sun 10.05 A New Life in the Sun 11.05 11.00 Shinty: Camanachd Cup Highlights
Breakfast Show. All the stories you need to coastal railway journey in Barry Island (AD) Edward G Robinson (b/w) 9.10 FILM: The (b/w) 12.50pm The Yellow Balloon (PG, Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.10pm Heir Hunters 2.10 2023 11.30-12.00 Limmy’s Show (r)
know to start your day 9.30 Mike and Kev. Mike 7.30 Climbing Great Buildings. Scaling the Riverside Murder (PG, 1935) Crime drama 1953) Crime drama starring Andrew Ray (b/w) Four in a Bed 4.50 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or
Graham and Kevin O’Sullivan give their unique Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol (AD) starring Basil Sydney (b/w) 10.25 FILM: 2.30 True Grit (PG, 1969) Western starring List It (AD) 5.50 The Secret Life of the Zoo (AD) BBC Alba
take on the front pages and the latest news 8.00 Art on the BBC: The Great Salvador Dali. The Outlaw (PG, 1943) Western starring John Wayne (AD) 5.05 The Red Pony (U, 6.55 The Dog House (AD) 6.00am Alba Today 5.00pm Treubh an
10.00 The Independent Republic of Mike The art historian David Dibosa explores the BBC Jane Russell (b/w) 12.40pm FILM: Brighton 1949) Drama starring Robert Mitchum 7.55 Grand Designs. Kevin McCloud follows a Tuathanais (Big Barn Farm) (r) 5.10 Su Pic
Graham. The host looks through the morning archives to create a history of Salvador Dali Rock (PG, 1948) Thriller starring Richard 6.55 The Day the Earth Stood Still (12, project near Newbury to construct a modern (Peek Zoo) (r) 5.20 AH-AH/No-No (r) 5.30 Na
newspapers 1.00pm Ian Collins. Hard-hitting 9.00 Maggi Hambling: Making Love with Attenborough (b/w) 2.30 Crown Court 3.00 The 2008) An alien is sent to Earth on a mission to farmhouse that combines an open-plan party Clangers 5.40 Rita is Crogall (r) 5.45 Meaban
monologues and debates 3.00 Kevin O’Sullivan. the Paint. The painter and sculptor Maggi Saint (b/w) 4.00 FILM: My Man Godfrey (U, decide if the human race should be wiped out or pad with functional spaces below (9/12) (AD) is Moo (r) 5.55 Stòiridh (r) 6.00 Port Pàipeir
The host tackles the big stories of the day 5.00 Hambling talks about her career (AD) 1936) Comedy starring Carole Lombard (b/w) allowed to continue existing. Sci-fi remake with 9.00 The UK’s National Parks with Caroline (r) 6.10 Damhan & Durrag/Pipas & Douglas (r)
Vanessa Feltz. Interviews, and viewers’ thoughts 10.00 Barbara Castle Remembered by Michael 5.50 Look at Life. A look at dumped cars Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Connelly (AD) Quentin. New series. A guide to the landscapes 6.15 A’ Chuil (r) 6.20 Bogaisean is Gumbalan/
on what has got the nation talking Cockerell. The acclaimed political profiler shares 6.00 The Footage Detectives. Air travel 9.00 Conan the Barbarian (15, 2011) A and activities within the UK’s National Parks. Bottersnikes and Gumbles 6.35 Geamaichean
7.00 Jeremy Kyle Live. The straight-talking his memories of his 1995 encounter with 7.00 FILM: Walk East On Beacon! (U, warrior seeks revenge on the warlord who killed Here, Caroline visits Kinder Scout in the Peak Gorach (r) 6.40 Na Dana-thursan aig Tintin/
host takes on the issues that really matter the Labour MP. See Viewing Guide 1952) Spy thriller with George Murphy (b/w) his father, and tries to stop him magically District and the Ramsey Sound (1/4) (AD) The Adventures of Tintin (r) 7.00 Na
8.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored. The host 10.10 The Red Queen: A Film Portrait of 8.55 Cinebox Memories. Mr Acker Bilk performs making himself all-powerful. Fantasy adventure 10.00 999: What’s Your Emergency? Paramedics Drobhairean (Scottish History) (r) 7.30
presents his verdict on the day’s global events Barbara Castle. A profile. See Viewing Guide 9.00 The Gold Robbers. Hunting a marksman with Jason Momoa and Stephen Lang (AD) treat people with mental health problems, SpeakGaelic 8.00 An Là (News) 8.30 An
9.00 The Talk. A panel of famous faces debate 11.05 Bridget Riley: Painting the Line. 10.05 FILM: Mademoiselle (15, 1966) 11.15 Salt (12, 2010) A CIA agent goes on the helping a father with suicidal thoughts (AD) Clò Mòr (r) 9.00 Trusadh (Compelling Stories)
the hot topics everybody’s talking about Documentary profile of the artist Drama starring Jeanne Moreau (b/w) run after she is accused of being a sleeper 11.05 24 Hours in A&E. An 84-year-old woman (r) 10.00 Bannan (The Ties That Bind) (r)
10.00 First Edition. An energetic 12.05am Faith Ringgold: Tell It Like It Is — 12.10am FILM: Afraid of the Dark (15, assassin sent to murder the Russian president. is referred to St George’s for urgent treatment 10.30 Mu Chriochan Hoil (r) 11.30 Mach à
look at tomorrow’s newspapers Imagine. The artist and author 1.15 Great 1991) Psychological thriller starring James Fox Action thriller starring Angelina Jolie (AD) for dangerously high potassium levels (AD) Seo! (r) 12.00-6.00am Alba Today
11.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored Coastal Railway Journeys (AD) 1.45 Climbing 1.55 FILM: A Song for Europe (PG, TVM, 1.15am-3.10 Chained for Life (15, 2018) An 12.10am The UK’s National Parks with Caroline
12.00 Petrie Hosken 1.00am Jeremy Kyle Live Great Buildings (AD) 2.15 The Red Queen: A 1985) Drama starring David Suchet 4.00 actress struggles to connect with her disfigured Quentin. At Kinder Scout in the Peak District S4C
2.00 Kevin O’Sullivan 3.00 Piers Morgan Film Portrait of Barbara Castle (SL) 3.05-4.00 FILM: A Doll’s House (PG, 1973) Drama co-star on the set of a film. Comedy drama (AD) 1.15 999: On the Front Line 2.15 24 Hours 6.00am Cyw: Blociau Rhif (r) 6.05 Jen a Jim
Uncensored 4.00 The Talk 5.00 James Max Art on the BBC: The Great Salvador Dali (SL) starring Claire Bloom 5.50 Pieces of Silver starring Jess Weixler and Adam Pearson in A&E (AD) 3.20-3.50 A Place in the Sun a’r Cywiadur (r) 6.20 Octonots (r) 6.35
Shwshaswyn (r) 6.45 Sigldigwt (r) 7.00 Timpo
(r) 7.10 Tomos a’i Ffrindiau 7.20 Misho (r)
7.30 Crawc a’i Ffrindiau 7.45 Byd Tad-Cu 8.00
ITV2 ITV3 ITV4 Drama Yesterday Sali Mali (r) 8.05 Digbi Draig (r) 8.20 Dathlu
’Da Dona (r) 8.35 Twt (r) 8.45 Asra (r) 9.00
6.00am CITV 9.00 One Tree Hill 10.00 6.00am Classic Emmerdale 7.35 Classic 6.00am Minder (AD, SL) 7.00 The Professionals 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 All Creatures Great 6.10am Sounds of the Seventies 7.15 Warbird Anifeiliaid Bach y Byd (r) 9.10 Cymylaubychain
Dawson’s Creek 11.00 Love Bites (AD, SL) Coronation Street (AD) 8.05 On the Buses 9.15 (AD, SL) 8.05 The Saint 9.15 The Adventures of and Small 8.00 Doctors 9.20 Classic Holby City Workshop 8.00 Abandoned Engineering (AD) (r) 9.20 Ein Byd Bach Ni (r) 9.30 Patrôl
12.00 Dinner Date (AD) 1.00pm Family Where the Heart Is (AD) 11.35 Heartbeat (AD) Sherlock Holmes (AD) 10.25 Magnum, PI 11.25 10.40 Casualty 11.45 The Bill 12.50pm Classic 10.00 Secret Nazi Bases 11.00 Narrow Escapes Pawennau (r) 9.45 Deian a Loli (r) 10.00
Fortunes 2.00 Chuck 3.05 One Tree Hill 4.00 1.40pm Classic Emmerdale 2.45 Classic The Motorbike Show 12.30pm The Saint 1.35 EastEnders 2.05 Pie in the Sky 3.05 Lovejoy of World War II (AD) 12.00 Great Continental Blociau Rhif (r) 10.05 Jen a Jim a’r Cywiadur
Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Dinner Date (AD) Coronation Street (AD) 3.55 Endeavour (AD) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (AD) 2.45 4.10 All Creatures Great and Small 5.25 The Railway Journeys 1.00pm Antiques Roadshow (r) 10.20 Octonots (r) 10.35 Shwshaswyn (r)
6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase (AD) 5.55 Heartbeat. Rosie gets a shock while Magnum, PI 3.50 The Professionals. An Israeli Upper Hand. Part two of two. Caroline’s former 2.00 Bangers & Cash: Restoring Classics (AD) 10.45 Sigldigwt (r) 11.00 Timpo (r) 11.10
7.00 Family Fortunes walking her aunt’s dog (AD) 6.55 Heartbeat. minister is abducted (AD) 4.55 Minder. Arthur’s husband plans to remarry in the south of France 4.00 Narrow Escapes of World War II (AD) 5.00 Tomos a’i Ffrindiau (r) 11.20 Misho (r) 11.30
8.00 Superstore (AD) PC Younger’s career is put on the line (AD) minicab firm is targeted by saboteurs (AD) 6.00 ’Allo ’Allo! Aided by Gruber, René and Secret Nazi Bases. Allied forces stumble across a Crawc a’i Ffrindiau (r) 11.45 Byd Tad-Cu (r)
8.30 Superstore. The closure of a shopping 8.00 Endeavour. The team is faced with a grisly 6.00 The Motorbike Show. Henry Cole rides company dance their way out of the POW camp sprawling complex in the French countryside 12.00 News; Weather 12.05pm Adre (r)
centre brings an influx of new customers (AD) murder on an Oxford towpath while Morse sees an Africa Twin through Oxfordshire 6.40 Last of the Summer Wine. 6.00 Great British Railway Journeys 12.30 Heno (r) 1.00 Ceffylau Cymru (r) 1.30
9.00 Family Guy. Stewie becomes addicted in the new year at a Venetian opera (1/3) (AD) 7.00 Goodwood Revival Highlights. Seymour decides to dabble in skiing 7.00 Antiques Roadshow. Celebrating the Pen/Campwyr (r) 2.00 News; Weather 2.05
to playing hide-and-seek (AD) 10.00 Professor T. A University of Cambridge Classic cars take to Goodwood Motor Circuit 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine. Compo has an history of film, theatre, music and television Prynhawn Da 3.00 News; Weather 3.05 Eryri:
9.30 American Dad! A friendship with a frog criminologist is persuaded by a former student 8.00 Silverstone Festival. Part one of highlights interesting experience when he loses his ferret 8.00 Hornby: A Model World. The record Pobol y Parc (r) 4.00 Awr Fawr: Anifeiliaid
brings excitement to the Smith household (AD) to help police investigate a serial rapist. from this summer’s Silverstone Festival as the trio make their way to a friend’s funeral producer Pete Waterman is commissioned to Bach y Byd (r) 4.10 Tomos a’i Ffrindiau (r)
10.00 American Dad! Steve goes on a class trip Meanwhile, when he discovers his mother is 9.00 FILM: Mad Max 2 (18, 1981) A drifter 8.00 Miss Marple. An advertisement in a village construct a monster layout (4/10) (AD) 4.20 Ein Byd Bach Ni (r) 4.30 Crawc a’i
to Philadelphia in a bid to fall in love (AD) trying to sell his family home, Jasper makes a roaming a post-apocalyptic wasteland helps newspaper reveals details of a forthcoming 9.00 Scouting for Toys. The toy auctioneers Ffrindiau (r) 4.45 Byd Tad-Cu (r) 5.00 Stwnsh:
10.30 Family Guy (AD) momentous decision. Crime drama starring a community escape gangs of marauders. murder and proves shockingly accurate (AD) prepare a vast collection of Star Wars Byd Rwtsh Dai Potsh (r) 5.10 Seligo (r) 5.15
11.00 Family Guy (AD) Ben Miller and Emma Naomi (1/6) (AD) Adventure sequel starring Mel Gibson (AD) 11.25 Silent Witness. Nikki and the Lyell unit memorabilia for sale (1/10) (AD) Bwystfil (r) 5.25 Dyffryn Mwmin 5.50 News
11.30 American Dad! (AD) 11.05 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. Hastings’ new 11.05 FILM: Death Wish (18, 1974) A are called in to investigate an attack against a 10.00 Bangers & Cash: Restoring Classics. The Ni 6.00 Cymry ar Gynfas (r) 6.30 Rownd a
12.00 Superstore (AD) 1.00am Plebs (AD) interest in photography provides Poirot with family man decides to take the law into his own transgender man. Two further assaults are team restores a 1988 Golf GTI Convertible (AD) Rownd (r) (AD) 6.57 News 7.00 Heno 7.30
1.55 Celebrity Karaoke Club 2.50 Unwind with the clue to solve a mystery involving cyanide, hands after his wife is killed. Vigilante thriller reported, one leaving a potential witness 11.00 Abandoned Engineering (1/12) (AD) News; Weather 8.00 Y Byd ar Bedwar 8.25
ITV 3.00 Teleshopping 5.00 The Epic Tales of failing brakes and mixed-up love lives (AD) starring Charles Bronson and Hope Lange (AD) 1.45am Lovejoy. The dealer makes a shrewd 12.00 Great British Railway Journeys 1.00am Garddio a Mwy 8.55 News; Weather 9.00 Cefn
Captain Underpants (AD) 5.25 Scooby-Doo! 12.10am Where the Heart Is. A double bill of 1.00am Motorsport UK 1.55 Minder (AD, SL) investment 2.50 Classic Holby City. Jac makes Train Truckers. Moving a 100-ton diesel engine Gwlad (AD) 9.35 Ralïo+. The Ceredigion Rally
Mystery Incorporated 5.45 Craig of the Creek the rural drama (AD, SL) 2.30 Teleshopping 2.50 Unwind with ITV 3.00 Teleshopping an enemy of Imelda (SL) 4.00 Teleshopping 2.00 Sounds of the Seventies 3.00 Teleshopping 10.35 Sgorio 11.05-11.35 Y Gem Gyda (r)
14 Monday September 18 2023 | the times

General Knowledge Crossword No 199 Codeword No 5009 Train Tracks No 2042

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lay tracks to
enable the
9 train to travel
from village A
10 to village B.
The numbers
indicate how
many sections
11 12 of track go in
each row and
column. There
are only
13 13 14 15 16 straight
sections and
17 curved
sections. The
18 19 20 21 track cannot
cross itself.
20 22

23 24 25

Quintagram® Challenge
26 Solve all five cryptic clues using each
your mind
letter all five cryptic
only using with puzzle
each letter underneath once only books from
27 28 1 Hold back noblewoman briefly (3) The Times
Across 27 Traditional alpine dress (6) ---
1 Heat-resistant material banned 28 He, she and they, eg (8) 2 Primate in hole murmuring (5)
from use in construction (8)
5 Pipe smoked by the Down -----
Caterpillar in Alice’s 1 Roderick ---, urbane sleuth 3 Phone spy circling British island
Adventures in Wonderland (6) created by Ngaio Marsh (6) (6)
10 Garden plant with white 2 Tight-fitting woollen garment
bell-shaped flowers (4,2,3,6) covering the head and face (9) ------
11 Largely Mexican peninsula 3 Popular name for the dog Every letter in this crossword-style grid is represented by a number from 1 to 26. 4 Errand boy concealing crime in
where a vast meteorite breed formerly known as Each letter of the alphabet appears in the grid at least once. Use the letters already church residence (9)
impact crater is located (7) an Aberdeen terrier (7) provided to work out the identity of further letters. Enter letters in the main grid
12 Spanish pork sausage (7) 4 1960s writer of the plays Loot and the smaller reference grid until all 26 letters of the alphabet have been
accounted for. Proper nouns are excluded. Saturday’s solution, right
13 Tree fruit that may also be and What the Butler Saw (5) 5 Actor playing a red giant (9)
known as a filbert (8) 6 Art of public speaking (7)
15 Racing or pleasure craft (5) 7 Indian dairy dessert often
Cluelines Stuck on Codeword? To receive 4 random clues call 0901 293 6262 or
text TIMECODE to 64343. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network ---------
 18 Edward ---, real name of flavoured with pistachio (5) access charge. Texts cost £1 plus your standard network charge. For the full solution A A A A A B D D
the pirate Blackbeard (5) 8 Rita ---, star of the 1946 call 0905 757 0142. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s network
20 New York theatre street (8) film noir Gilda (8) access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5.30pm). E E E E G G I I
23 Jewellery house famed for its 9 Shakespeare character who L L M M M N N O
richly adorned Easter eggs (7) declares: “A plague o’ both Lexica No 7051 No 7052 bookshop
25 Keyboard instrument notably your houses” (8)
used in The Nutcracker (7) 14 Argon or xenon, eg (5,3)
26 The ----, Hemingway novella 16 President of Romania Winning Move
about a fishing trip (3,3,3,3,3) deposed in 1989 (9) A S N U
Last week’s solution 17 County town situated
between Stoke-on-Trent White to play.
O D D J O B C U T H B E R T U A N E This position from
I A R A E A A and Birmingham (8) Kesselmeier-
Y A N N M A R T E L M U I R 19 US university based in O T T V Stoisavljevic, World
N E I C E B N Cambridge, Massachusetts (7) Rapid Team
21 Mammal whose species include A G B Championship,
the common bottlenose (7) Dusseldorf 2023.
N D A I T R G 22 Brazilian city of more than two M E A
V E R A L Y N N A B E L million people located within This team competition
M U T M P E G W A is a new event that
the Amazon rainforest (6)
C O D W A R H O U S E F L Y featured many of the
24 Douglas ---, remarkable top players in the
L Y R E E A R L S C O U R T Second World War pilot (5) world. How did White
N K D Y E I G 25 Drink in the title of books by Slide the letters either horizontally or vertically back into the grid to produce a set his opponent
S E A S N A K E L U D L O W Laurie Lee and John Irving (5) completed crossword. Letters are allowed to slide over other letters insoluble problems?

KenKen Easy No 6001 Futoshiki No 4566 Kakuro No 3525

Fill the grid

using the
numbers 1 to 9
only. The
numbers in each
horizontal or
vertical run of
white squares
add up to the
total in the
triangle to its left
or above it. The
same number
may occur more
than once in a
row or column,
but not within
the same run of
white squares.

All the digits 1 to 6 must appear in every row and column. In Fill the blank squares so that every row and column contains
each thick-line “block”, the target number in the top left-hand each of the numbers 1 to 5 once only. The symbols between
corner is calculated from the digits in all the cells in the block, the squares indicate whether a number is larger (>) or smaller
using the operation indicated by the symbol. (<) than the number next to it.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 15

times2 Crossword No 9325 Brain Trainer Cell Blocks No 4892
Just follow the instructions from left to right, starting with the number given to reach an answer at the end.
Divide the grid


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
into square or
EASY 31 x 2 – 6 1/8
– 13 50%
–7 x 3 + 15 rectangular
blocks, each
containing one
8 9 digit only. Every
block must
MEDIUM 97 + 25 + 1/2 x 3 + 75 50% + 112 + 1/4 90% – 89 contain the
OF IT OF IT OF IT OF IT number of cells
indicated by the
10 11
digit inside it.

HARDER 235 + 876 x 3 + 417 70% – 887 + 1/2 + 774 x 2 – 858

12 13 14 15

Polygon Set Square No 3528
17 18
From these letters, make words of Enter each of
three or more letters, always including the numbers
the central letter. Answers must be in from 1 to 9 in
19 20 the Concise Oxford Dictionary, excluding the grid, so that
capitalised words, plurals, conjugated the six sums
verbs (past tense etc), adverbs ending work. We’ve
in LY, comparatives and superlatives. placed two
How you rate 14 words, average; numbers to get
21 22
19, good; 23, very good; 28, excellent you started.
Each sum
Saturday’s answers
should be
Across 14 Cricket bat wood (6) amuck, anuric, arcing, auric, cairn, cami, calculated left
1 Respire (7) 17 Size, extent (9) caring, carking, cigar, crag, cram, cran, to right or top
cranium, crank, crim, crunk, cumin, guck, to bottom.
5 Concentration (5) 18 Container for jam, eg (3) incur, karmic, kick, knack, mack, magic,
8 Incorrect (5) 19 Motoring guide (4,3) manic, marc, mica, mick, mucin, muck,
9 Lacking comfort, austere (7) 20 Wild having been tame (5) muckraking, narc, nick, racing, rack, rick,
ruck, runic Please note, BODMAS does not apply
10 Climbing plant (3) 21 Horse (5)
11 Joyously observe (a special 22 Powerful ruler (7)
occasion) (9) Down
Killer Gentle No 9073 Solutions
12 Spinach and cabbage, eg (6) 1 Delivering a cricket ball (7)
Quick Cryptic 2484 Codeword 5008 Kakuro 3524
Solution to Crossword 9324 2 Dark hardwood (5)
A SPHA L T SE R I F 3 Pull sharply (3)
U L R Y E E I 4 Without difficulty (6)
T RACT P I VO T A L 5 Raspberry brandy (9)
O N I I E A E 6 Cry of disapproval (7)
B REAS T S T RO K E 7 Lightly burn (5)
A T T E C 11 Made definite (9)
H A MM E R WR E N CH 13 Inscribe (7)
N A A H E 15 Quavering singer (7)
V N O M M R O 16 --- patch, period of success (6)
I NERT I A BR I NK 17 Schoolwork results (5)
Tredoku 1803 Square Routes Train Tracks 2041
C R E D U L E 18 Courtroom panel member (5) 236
E ASE L ABSO L VE 20 Dandy (3)
Need help with today’s puzzle? Call 0905 757 0143 to check the H Y N M S
answers. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s I T R A E
network access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm). L T E H M
Bridge Andrew Robson

The 46th World Bridge Teams Dealer: North, Vulnerability: Neither

Championships took place late last Set Square 3527 Lexica 7049
Teams ♠ J82
month in Marrakesh, a week F
before the earthquake that devas- ♥ 10 9 7
tated the city. ♦6 3
♣A 9 8 7 2
Killer Tricky No 9074 P U C K L

We’ll begin our look with a qui- ♠ K 10 4 3 N ♠ Q975
etly beautiful 1NT doubled — both ♥Q 8 2 W E ♥A J 5 D P U M P

sides battling for their seventh ♦A 4 2 S ♦K 9 8 7 G E U

trick. West didn’t get the defence ♣6 5 4 ♠ A 6 ♣J 10 Y A D D
off to the best start — leading a ♥K 6 4 3
club — but at least it didn’t give ♦Q J 10 5
away a trick. Declarer beat East’s Cell Blocks 4891 Futoshiki 4565 KenKen 6000 Lexica 7050
♣KQ 3
ten with the king and led the F L O G P
queen of diamonds. S W N E
East won the king and found Pass 1♣(1)
the best switch to a low spade, 1NT(2) Dbl(3) End
West winning the king and return- (1) Playing Strong and Fives (opening 1♣ H L T

ing a low spade to the nine and with almost all balanced hands), and R E N D E R
ace. Declarer now rattled off four aggressive openings. Y
more club tricks, leaving this end- (2) Showing 15-19 balanced.
ing as dummy’s last club was led. (3) Marginal especially within an aggres-
sive opening-bid style. Sudoku 14,328 Today’s solutions
♥ 10 9 7 Concise Cryptic Suko 3910 Brain
♦6 Contract: 1NT Dbled, Opening Lead: ♣6 Quintagram Quintagram Trainer
♣8 (led)
♠ 10 4 N ♠ Q7 ♠- 1 New 1 Dam Easy 48
♥Q 8 W E ♥A J 5 ♥ 10 9 7 2 Mary 2 Lemur Medium 388
♦A 4 S ♦9 ♦- 3 Stock 3 Mobile Harder 5,904
♣- ♣- ♣- 4 Saint Peter 4 Parsonage
♠- ♠ 10 N ♠ 7 (led) 5 Port of call 5 Tragedian
♥K 6 4 3 ♥Q W E ♥A J
♦J 10 ♦4 S ♦- Word watch Quiz
♣- ♣- ♣- Superciliary (c) Related to 1 Earth 2 Diamonds
♠- Killer 9072 the eyebrows (Collins)
All three players discarded a ♥K 6 Hikikomori (b) Withdrawal 3 German (measles)
heart — West careful to retain the ♦10 from society (Chambers) 4 Macbeth, as in Macduff
four of diamonds, a crucial move ♣- Ramous (b) Pertaining to 5 Fingerprint 6 Halfords
but not immediately obvious. At As with standard Sudoku, fill the grid so that every column, branches (OED)
lead the queen of hearts to East’s every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Each set 7 Walker, Texas Ranger
trick nine, declarer led a diamond ace (felling the king) and enjoy the Chess — Winning Move 8 Reflections on the
to his jack. West won the ace and of cells joined by dotted lines must add up to the target number 1 b4! overloads the black
promoted jack. When, in practice, in its top-left corner. Within each set of cells joined by dotted queen. After 1 ... Qf5 (to Revolution in France
led the four of spades, East win- declarer let go of the ten of dia- maintain protection of the 9 Athelstan 10 David Lynch
ning the queen, and in the three- lines, a digit cannot be repeated.
monds, West had the pleasure of g5-bishop) White finishes with 11 Bill Plympton 12 Tomas
card ending across, East returned enjoying the four of diamonds the classical combination
the seven to West’s ten. Cluelines Stuck on Sudoku, Killer or KenKen? Call 0901 293 2 Qxc6+! bxc6 3 Ba6 mate. Masaryk 13 Skittles
length winner, his partner scoring
What could declarer discard? 6263 before midnight to receive four clues for any of today’s Relatively best is 1 ... Qxb4 but 14 Monza or Autodromo
the last trick with the ace of hearts. after 2 Bxg5 f6 3 Bxe6 fxg5
He was squeezed. Baring the king One down. puzzles. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network Nazionale Monza
4 Rxd7 Rxd7 5 Bxd7+ Kxd7 6
of hearts would enable West to access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm). Rd1+ gives a winning attack 15 Dodie Smith

For extra
See page 10

Word watch Sudoku Easy No 14,329 Difficult No 14,330 Fiendish No 14,331

David Parfitt

a Providing additional
b Beyond the sky
c Related to the
a A reminder of
b Withdrawal from
c An educational method

a Boisterous, unruly
b Pertaining to branches
c The killer whale
Answers on page 15

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

The Times Daily Quiz Olav Bjortomt Suko No 3910

1 Taken by the crew 11 The Tune (1992)

of Apollo 17, The Blue was the first feature-
Marble is a famous length animated film
photograph of which by which American
planet? cartoonist?
2 A “diamantaire” is an 12 Which president
expert in the cutting of of Czechoslovakia
which gemstones? wrote the thesis
Suicide as a mass
3 Which nationality social phenomenon of
features in the modern civilisation?
common name for
the contagious viral 13 The game of
infection rubella? ninepins shares which
alternative name with a
4 The title character confectionery product?
of which Shakespeare 15
play is killed by the 14 Built in 1922, which
Thane of Fife? 7 Which 1993-2001 US 9 Which Anglo-Saxon Italian race track is
TV drama was inspired king annexed the known as the “Temple
5 The tented arch and by the Chuck Norris film Viking kingdom of York of Speed”? Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the spaces so
radial loop are types of Lone Wolf McQuade? in 927? that the number in each circle is equal to
which print pattern? 15 Which English the sum of the four surrounding spaces,
8 The quote “The age of 10 BlueBOB is the 2001 novelist (1896-1990) is and each colour total is correct
6 Named after a street chivalry is gone” comes debut album by audio this?
in Leicester, what is “the from which 1790 work engineer John Neff and For interactive puzzles visit
UK’s largest bike shop”? by Edmund Burke? which US film director? Answers on page 15

The Times Quick Cryptic No 2485 by Trelawney

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Across 2 Finally invent rationale for

1 Too inept to move stealthily betrayal (7)
(2,6) 3 Beat up cop in lift for
5 Recall computers making Tarantino film (4,7)
8 9 10
racket (4) 4 Protest’s purpose (6)
8 Period charm (5) 6 Prison beginning to concern
9 Places to land black items of couple (5)
clothing (7) 7 Cry from a sled — space for
11 Low-risk snack for burglar? fungus? (8)
11 (4-7) 10 Pioneer with time to complain
13 Intimidate blokes with club, furiously over jacket (11)
12 perhaps? (6) 12 Once omit weird digital
14 Mark almost excessively drunk symbol (8)
13 14 15 (6) 15 Shudder when head of
17 A little gale blowing around museum breaks three cups? (7)
16 some pasta (11) 16 Pinched scarf close to town (6)
20 Fashion designer skirting 18 Look intently around river and
17 18 northern body of water (7) eat grass (5)
21 Animal seen regularly in Aztec 19 Final piece of plastic (4)
burial (5)
22 Require some gene editing (4)
20 21
23 Strangely, inert gas is fuming
the most? (8)

1 Expel leaders of our university
22 23 skiing team (4)
Friday’s solution on page 15
PAGES 4-5 PAGES 10-11

Chelsea’s £1bn Ian Hawkey:
team are booed as AC Milan travails
they fire blanks are great news
at Bournemouth for Newcastle
All the action from the weekend

6 Trossard’s goal gives Arsenal rare win at Everton
6 Arteta drops ’keeper Ramsdale in favour of Raya

Trossard celebrates his 69th-

minute winner at Goodison as
Ramsdale, inset, looks on
from the substitutes’ bench
2 2GG Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Rice is a rock as
Arsenal end their
Everton misery
Everton Arsenal P W D L F A GD Pts Everton (4-1-4-1): J Pickford 6 — A Young 7 (N
Man City 5 5 0 0 14 3 11 15 Patterson 87min), J Tarkowski 7, J Branthwaite 8, V
Tottenham 5 4 1 0 13 5 8 13 Mykolenko 7 — A Onana 6 — A Danjuma 6, I Gueye
6, A Doucouré 6 (J Garner 80), D McNeil 6 (Y
Liverpool 5 4 1 0 12 4 8 13

Chermiti 88) — Beto 6 (D Calvert-Lewin 66, 6).
Arsenal 5 4 1 0 9 4 5 13 Booked Young.
Brighton 5 4 0 1 15 7 8 12 Arsenal (4-3-3): D Raya 7 — B White 7, W Saliba 7,
West Ham 5 3 1 1 10 7 3 10 Gabriel 7, O Zinchenko 7 (T Tomiyasu 80) — M
Odegaard 7, D Rice 7, F Vieira 6 (K Havertz 80) —
Trossard 69 Aston Villa 5 3 0 2 11 10 1 9 B Saka 7, E Nketiah 6 (G Jesus 66, 6), G Martinelli 6
Crystal Palace 5 2 1 2 6 7 -1 7 (L Trossard 24, 8).
Fulham 5 2 1 2 5 10 -5 7 Booked Gabriel.
Brentford 5 1 3 1 8 6 2 6 Referee S Hooper.
POSSESSION Newcastle 5 2 0 3 8 7 1 6
Nottm Forest 4 2 0 2 6 6 0 6


Man Utd
5 2 0 3 6 10 -4
5 1 2 2 5 5 0
Bournemouth 5 0 3 2 4 8 -4
Wolves 5 1 0 4 5 11 -6
Sheffield Utd 5 0 1 4 5 9 -4
Clean sheets away from home in the
FOULS Everton 5 0 1 4 2 9 -7 1 Premier League for Arsenal since the
Burnley 3 0 0 3 3 11 -8 0 start of last season — five more than
12 10 Luton 4 0 0 4 2 10 -8 0 any other side (Fulham and Man City)

HENRY Although the result was in doubt throughout the game, this graphic of the match
WINTER momentum shows how dominant Arteta’s side were, and how Everton only held
sway for brief periods
Chief Football Writer
at Goodison Park
Everton more threatening
First half Second half
It seemed wrong that such an ugly
beast of a game should be decided by
a goal so beautiful, so memorable in a
match so forgettable. Leandro
Trossard’s elegant finish of a quickfire
six-man move seemed more than a
goal for Arsenal. It felt a statement. It
showed that they could break down
defiant defensive blocks, that they 69
had the patience, intelligence and 0 15 30 45 45 60 75 90
precision to score, secure their first Arsenal more threatening Minutes Source: Opta Trossard, a first-half substitute for the injured Martinelli, curls his shot around
win at Goodison Park in six years and
rise to fourth in the Premier League. start ahead of the underwhelming Kai Doucouré are mixing it in midfield. couple of magnificent Zinchenko a touch in Arsenal’s area. Most of the
It was far from pretty, but it was Havertz. Everton were slow to Arsenal’s new signing Declan Rice passes, that it was easily possible to action was down the other end. Eddie
effective. They quietened the Everton respond to the danger suddenly accepted and relished the challenge. reflect at length on Everton’s off-field Nketiah and Vieira sent Martinelli
choirs, coped with any post- building just outside, rather than He was outstanding, the rock on woes without being distracted by any down the inside-left channel to place
international blues and won without inside, their area. Tarkowski, such a which this win was built, making two noteworthy events unfolding in the his shot in past Pickford. Arsenal fans
playing well. They deserved this, and tireless, selfless competitor for interceptions, blocking a shot and middle. Everton are drifting on and celebrated, but Nketiah was shown to
needed this, if they are to have any Everton, did spot the threat quicker winning four of his six duels. Rice’s off the pitch. be offside by VAR. Everton supporters
hope of preventing Manchester City than his team-mates and rushed out numbers also highlighted an even Wretched leadership has led celebrated. Arsenal fans responded
disappearing completely over the to the edge of the area. more creative performance than Everton to a position where they are with “you’re going down” and then
horizon. City look unstoppable. How Too late. Arsenal were going through simply quelling Everton players. He effectively a distressed asset and are embarrassed themselves by telling the
galling it would be for Arsenal, in the the gears, putting together a rapid made 14 passes into the final third. heading into ownership by an locals to “sign on”.
year they celebrate the 20th passing move, the ball pinging Rice is maturing into an all-round American group who have plenty of Doucouré then juggled the ball
anniversary of the Invincibles, if City between friendly feet as if doing a midfield force, needing only to add questions to answer, not least about over Rice’s head and drove
went through the league season two-touch rondo at London Colney. more goals. funds. Some transparency and proper promisingly into the box before
unbeaten. The sides meet at the Vieira: control, pass. Oleksandr His England team-mate Aaron communication with long-suffering falling between William Saliba and
Emirates on October 8 but already Zinchenko: control, pass. Odegaard: Ramsdale was dropped for David supporters would be a start. When the Rice. The referee, Simon Hooper,
the top of the league has a feel of the control, pass. Now it was one touch, Raya, a change that had been trailed Goodison DJ announced the gate of rightly deemed any contact
fight for second. Arsenal certainly the space opened, the jugular but still felt harsh on the Arsenal No 1. 39,217 early in the second half, many accidental. Sean Dyche was
knew they could not drop points and exposed. Saka: pass. Trossard: shot. It Ramsdale has done nothing wrong, Everton fans applauded. They are unimpressed and Everton’s manager
Trossard delivered. was all so simple, so devastating and but Arteta said afterwards that he loyal. became increasingly annoyed by
The 28-year-old Belgian arrived on so reflective of the technical qualities wants that competition while Raya Everton are urgently in need of Arsenal players going down,
the scene when Gabriel Martinelli in Arteta’s squad. also offers more controlled strong, enlightened, well-resourced apparently hurt, particularly Saliba
limped off after 23 minutes with what Trossard had dropped into a pocket distribution. leadership. It’s sad to see them like when taking an accidental arm to the
Mikel Arteta described as a “muscular of space, let Saka’s cutback carry across Everton could only dream of the this, a famous institution looking neck from Beto as they challenged for
issue”. Trossard’s goal shimmered like his body, before ramming his left foot finesse that defined Arsenal’s goal. dishevelled and very down at heel, an aerial ball. It was hardly forceful,
an oasis in the most arid of deserts. It into the ball and sending it flying past They lacked creativity and a cutting worrying about the present, the certainly not deserving of Saliba’s
reflected Arsenal’s cleverness and Jordan Pickford. Trossard’s ability to edge. Beto worked hard but could not future and desperate for any owner. anguished response.
preparation; rather than lobbing manipulate the ball with either foot, a escape Gabriel. Dominic Calvert- This is the club dating from 1878, one Whatever Everton’s frustration,
corners on top of Everton’s centre quality he has worked hard on, makes Lewin came on, wearing a mask to of the founders of the Football Arsenal were by far the more positive.
backs, James Tarkowski and Jarrad him even more effective in tight protect a facial injury, but failed to League and the Premier League, a Pickford twice saved from Odegaard
Branthwaite, they played some situations such as this. trouble Raya. Everton’s most club of so much history, with one fan but had no chance against Trossard.
corners short. Arsenal celebrated wildly then and impressive unit had been their back hurrying into Goodison proudly Everton’s frustration intensified
It paid off after 69 minutes when at the final whistle. As captured in line, and especially Branthwaite until wearing a retro shirt from the 1985 when the fourth official, Anthony
Bukayo Saka and Martin Odegaard their recent record here, Arsenal have Trossard struck midway through the European Cup Winners’ Cup final. Taylor, signalled only four minutes’
worked a short corner on the right, struggled against Everton’s frequently second period. Their squad is painfully in need of additional time, which seemed
and Odegaard stroked the ball across physical approach, especially when The first half was so poor and so improving, and it took more than a miserly, but they deserved nothing
to Fabio Vieira, who deserved his Amadou Onana and Abdoulaye devoid of entertainment, barring a half an hour before Everton managed here.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 2GG 3


Pickford for the only goal at Goodison Park. Victory was Arsenal’s first at Everton for almost six years and maintained their unbeaten start to the season, while Everton remain without a Premier League win

Change goalkeeper during the game? Why not, says Arteta

“It is the same rationale about why off and instead allowed Arsenal to
PAUL JOYCE Fabio [Vieira] played here or Eddie force the corner from which Leandro
[Nketiah] ahead of Gabriel Jesus,” he Trossard scored in the 69th minute.
Mikel Arteta attempted to deflect said. “I haven’t had a single question Overall, Everton were unambitious
attention from his decision to select on why Gabriel Jesus didn’t start. He and gave little encouragement to the
David Raya ahead of Aaron Ramsdale has won more trophies than anybody home crowd. They managed only
in Arsenal’s win over Everton and else, including me, in that dressing 154 successful passes compared with
predicted the next trend in the room. Arsenal’s 600 and with an accuracy
Premier League will be in-game “I cannot have two players in each rate of only 67 per cent.
goalkeeper substitutions. position and not play them. David has In Sean Dyche’s first match in
The Arsenal manager offered an tremendous qualities, like Aaron has, charge last February against the same
intriguing insight into his thinking by like Karl [Hein] has, and we have to opponents, they had performed with
revealing he has regretted not use them. far more intent but that template was
bringing on a fresh goalkeeper in “I am a really young manager and I not copied here.
matches on two occasions, bemoaning have only been in the job for 3½ years Everton have a solitary point after
his lack of “courage” as a coach to and I have few regrets in what we five games and remain entrenched in
make the unusual change. have done. One of them is that on two the relegation zone at the end of a
He would not divulge if they were occasions I felt after 60 minutes, and Hertha Berlin fans protest against 777 Partners, a US firm which has a stake in the week in which the owner Farhad
games in Arsenal’s ultimately forlorn 85 minutes, in two games to change German club and has agreed a takeover with Everton. One banner addresses the Moshiri agreed the sale of the club to
title challenge last season, but said the goalkeeper and I didn’t do it. co-founder: “Wander: The only thing we assure you of is our disapproval of you” American firm 777 Partners, subject to
they had ended in costly draws. “I didn’t have the courage to do it approval from the Premier League, FA
Raya made his Arsenal debut after a but I am able to take a winger, or a have and my feeling is to get everyone Champions League on Wednesday, and Financial Conduct Authority.
loan move from Brentford which striker and put a central defender back engaged in the team. They have to but when Arteta was asked how he “I spoke very clearly at the end of
could become a permanent £27 million and go to a back five to hold that play regardless of the competition. Do wanted Ramsdale to respond he said: last season that nothing was solved,
deal as Ramsdale was left kicking his result. And we drew those games and it. That is my message.” “The same way as Gabriel Jesus, the that there was massive work to be
heels on the bench. I was so unhappy. Raya was rarely tested with an same as Kai Havertz, the same as done,” Dyche said. “I must say, I
The absence of Ramsdale, who “Someone is going to do it and insipid Everton managing only one [Takehiro] Tomiyasu. Exactly the thought we would have more points
made the PFA team of the year and maybe it [the reaction] will be, ‘Oh! shot on target, but the Spain same. We play with 11 players, not ten on the board, because of our
started for England in the friendly That is strange. Why?’ Why not? Tell international’s ease with the ball at his plus one.” performance levels, but the league
victory over Scotland last week, me, why not? You have all the feet was evident as Arsenal won at Jordan Pickford will not look back doesn’t lie. Therefore, that’s that.
proved a big talking point in Arsenal’s qualities in another goalkeeper and Goodison Park for the first time since on the afternoon fondly either, with “Against Arsenal, it’s a tough ask.
1-0 win, though Arteta sought to you want to do something to change 2017. It is unclear whether Raya, 28, the Everton goalkeeper guilty of an They played well. But, from our side,
defuse any sense of controversy. the momentum, do it. It is a regret I will now face PSV Eindhoven in the ambitious clearance that did not come we can’t give the ball away that often.”
4 1GG V2 Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Boos for the £1bn team that

Bournemouth Chelsea WASTEFUL CHELSEA
Chelsea have only scored five league

0 0 goals but have created chances

worth more than twice as many.
Statisticians use the term 'expected
goals' to measure the value of
chances created, and only Everton
have a worse record this season
Bournemouth (4-2-3-1): Neto 8 — M Aarons 7, when the actual number of goals a
I Zabarnyi 7, L Kelly, M Kerkez 7 (M Senesi 74min) team has scored is compared to the
— R Christie 7 (D Brooks 89), L Cook 7 — D value of chances. That suggests
Ouattara 7 (J Kluivert 63, 7), P Billing 7, M
Tavernier 7 (L Sinisterra 74) — D Solanke 7.
Chelsea are missing a lot of chances
Booked Kerkez. they should score - or being denied
Chelsea (4-2-3-1): R Sánchez 8 — M Gusto 6, by outstanding goalkeeping
A Disasi 6, Thiago Silva 7, L Colwill 6 (B Chilwell 81)
— C Gallagher 7, L Ugochukwu 7 — R Sterling 7, Expected Goals Difference
E Fernandez 6 (I Maatsen, 81), M Mudryk 5 (C goals
Palmer 63, 6) — N Jackson 6. Brighton & Hove Albion
Booked Mudryk, Disasi, Jackson, Sterling. 10.71 15 4.29
Referee D Coote. Tottenham Hotspur
Attendance 10,421. 9.47 13 3.53
West Ham United
8.07 10 1.93
ALYSON RUDD 10.23 12 1.77
Sheffield United
3.53 5 1.47
Bournemouth are the side that has Nottingham Forest
now suffered nine successive Premier 4.54 6 1.46
League games without victory but the Manchester City
weight of disappointment was felt 12.57 14 1.43
more by Chelsea, a team in transition 2.41 3 0.59
and without too much in the way of Fulham
spark and endeavour. 4.93 5 0.07
Aston Villa
It is just as well they do not have a 11.33 11 -0.33
game in Europe this coming week Arsenal
because they need to work out who 9.35 9 -0.35
they want to be and how to convert Newcastle United
8.36 8 -0.36
possession into goals. Crystal Palace
They have scored only five goals in 6.99 6 -0.99
five league matches, their lowest Wolverhampton Wanderers
7.37 5 -2.37
return since 1995. If you had been Luton Town
wondering which club would play a 4.48 2 -2.48
part in providing the first 0-0 of the Brentford
campaign, then here was your not-so- 10.53 8 -2.53
shocking answer. The Chelsea fans 6.6 4 -2.6
veered from encouraging to highly Manchester United
miffed. At the end a section of the 9.01 6 -3.01
travelling support jeered, causing 10.13 5 -5.13
Ben Chilwell, who had approached Everton
them to thank them for their support, 7.58 2 -5.58
to hold out his hands in a gesture
of apology.
Mauricio Pochettino said the fans’ POCHETTINO’S ENGLISH
response was a consequence of the TRAVEL SICKNESS
“expectation” that surrounds a club Pochettino is now without a win in
of Chelsea’s stature. any of his past 14 away PL games as
“We have too many players [out], of Tottenham and Chelsea manager
course we are a team that will be
strong if we are all together,” the Feb 23, 2019
Chelsea head coach said. “We don’t Burnley 2.................................Tottenham 1
have all the squad available from the Feb 27, 2019
beginning of the season. What can we Chelsea 2...............................Tottenham 0
do? For me I have nothing to say. The Mar 9, 2019
fans can do whatever they want. We Southampton 2....................Tottenham 1
know what we need to do, we are Mar 31, 2019
strong in our belief. We have had bad Liverpool 2.............................Tottenham 1
luck. We had 12 injured [out] today. Apr 20, 2019
Then we have three or four young Man City 1..............................Tottenham 0 One of Pochettino’s problems has the way Philip Billing nonchalantly heightened when Jackson used his
guys and two keepers on the bench. May 4, 2019 been converting possession into goals brought the ball down, but the tall power to create a chance to shoot
Am I going to cry, am I going to Bournemouth 1..................Tottenham 0 and so, when a strike from Nicolas Dane then seemed uncertain what to only to do so wildly. A strike from
complain? I need to accept this, the Aug 17, 2019 Jackson struck the post, no one, do with it. Lewis Cook was far crisper but easily
challenge, and keep being positive.” Man City 2.............................Tottenham 2 including Neto, the excellent Chelsea perform as if a diluted held by Sánchez as the home team
Chelsea seem to be adrift before Sep 1, 2019 Bournemouth goalkeeper, was terribly version of what they could be, which applied increased pressure.
they even kick off these days. Yet Arsenal 2................................Tottenham 2 surprised. Jackson has now been is due in part to the fact that an A goalmouth scramble ensued from
again, the starting line-up was not Sep 21, 2019 cautioned four times this season for imposing team could be constructed a Chelsea counter but, even then,
one that could have been easily Leicester 2..............................Tottenham 1 dissent, a clear sign of a striker entirely from those who are injured, they failed to capitalise as the game
predicted. It is like attending a family Oct 5, 2019 frustrated and whose only goal so far including Moisés Caicedo who has a became stretched. The introduction
wedding, expecting to see favourite Brighton 3.............................Tottenham 0 came against Luton Town at slight knee issue. of Justin Kluivert added enough pace
cousins and beloved aunts and uncles Oct 27, 2019 Stamford Bridge. Mudryk was booked for a poor to unsettle the visitors and the winger
only to stand for the toasts Liverpool 2.............................Tottenham 1 “He’s a striker and he needs to challenge on Max Aarons and the was hacked down by Axel Disasi just
recognising very few people indeed. Nov 3, 2019 score,” Pochettino said. “He is away fans urged their team to attack. outside the area. The subsequent free
Chilwell, given that he is fit among Everton 1..................................Tottenham 1 disappointed and frustrated, when There was the danger, as half-time kick was blocked by Conor Gallagher.
that raft of injuries, was surprisingly Aug 20, 2023 something happens sometimes he approached, that the game plan, to A fine effort from Dominic Solanke
dropped to the bench, with Levi West Ham 3..................................Chelsea 1 complains.” take advantage of the home team’s was saved by Sánchez and Neto saved
Colwill taking the left-back slot. But, Yesterday The home side were left frustrated adventurous spirit, was unravelling. well from Cole Palmer, but in general
then again, despite how Chelsea lined Bournemouth 0.......................Chelsea 0 too but had more fun. After Chelsea Both coaches needed a debrief but the finishing was frustrating, not least
up in pre-season, it is not necessarily failed to clear a free kick, Dango Pochettino needed to be the more when Solanke seemed certain to give
the case that Pochettino regards Ouattara rushed towards goal with acerbic at the interval. the home side the lead only to fail to
Chilwell as a full back at all. Lesley Ukrainian was easily dispossessed but only Robert Sánchez in his path, but A free kick for a foul by Aarons on connect at all. It seemed the Chelsea
Ugochukwu made his Premier League moments later unsettled the home the Chelsea goalkeeper spread Mudryk at the start of the second half malaise was contagious. This was
debut in midfield and Mykhailo team with a burst of pace. himself well to deny the winger. indicated a sense of renewed Iraola’s first clean sheet but few teams
Mudryk was awarded his first start of Overall, though, Chelsea lack the Decision-making was the undoing of optimism, and Raheem Sterling’s will be as toothless at the Vitality
the season, despite offering little of aura of a big club and Bournemouth Iraola’s players as they too frequently effort struck the woodwork. The ball Stadium. Indeed, Pochettino has failed
late to illustrate why such faith should were unafraid to press high and be entered the final third with the wrong rebounded to Colwill for a tap-in, but to win any of his past 14 Premier
be placed in him. His start summed adventurous, the preferred approach plan in mind. Ryan Christie’s cross the defender was clearly offside and League away games and looks and
up his contributions at the club. The of Andoni Iraola, the head coach. into the box was good enough, as was so the sense of despair returned, sounds just as annoyed as Jackson.
the times | Monday September 18 2023 1GG V2 5

Gregor Robertson
visits ???????????????
Weekend talking points

Everton are a bad version

of Dyche’s Burnley sides
I remember the days when
Everton were truly a big club. TEAM OF THE WEEK
They were one of the Bank of
England teams held in the highest 4-2-3-1
A Areola
regard for decades for their stature, (West Ham)
style and achievements. I cannot
believe how far they have fallen in B White A Robertson
how they play. They are awful. (Arsenal) (Liverpool)
To watch them play hurts. They L Dunk T Ream
have no style and purpose and no (Brighton) (Fulham)
inspiration. They play like a newly
promoted side striving to survive B Silva D Luiz
in the top flight. They sit back and (Man City) (A Villa)
sit back and their only tactic to
rescue games is to go long ball.
They play Championship football M Diaby
S Adingra (A Villa) J Doku
and if this carries on that is where (Brighton) (Man City)
they will end up.
Yesterday was a good case in Richarlison
point. When they went behind (Tottenham)
against Arsenal, all they could do
was to hoof it forward. Even worse,
it wasn’t even effective for them as In other words: attack, attack,
they didn’t lay a glove on Arsenal. attack. I would criticise the
I have no problem with long-ball counterattacking, defensive style the
teams or a direct style if it works for team had adopted and expected to
them. Sean Dyche’s Burnley were receive a lot of flak, but a lot of fans
very effective in the way they agreed with me and were unhappy.
played. Dyche had some good About 40,000 fans turn up at
Burnley teams — but Everton are Goodison to see their team, but
just a bad version of his Burnley. what they see does nothing to help
I played for Marseille, who had a them lift the team. It produces only
motto on the club badge that said anger and boos. I don’t know how
“Droit au But” or “Right to the goal”. this great club have sunk so low.

Brighton boast squad Jet-lagged Casemiro and

depth and top coaching Mac Allister needed rest
I’m not sure there is another I still don’t think managers
Premier League side — and fully understand the impact of
yes, I am including Manchester City jet lag on players — or if they do,
here — that could make six changes they are not taking it into
to their team and still go to Old consideration when they pick their
Trafford and play the home side off teams. There were two players on
the park. That’s what Brighton & Saturday who were clearly miles off
Hove Albion did and it tells you a their usual standards and both of
lot about why they have been so them had arrived back late last
successful. Firstly, it shows that the week from playing in South
whole squad is so well coached that America. Casemiro looked sluggish
Pochettino endured another changing more than half of the in the middle of Manchester
frustrating afternoon, above, as starting line-up does not disrupt United’s midfield and it was the
Chelsea were held to a goalless draw their tactical approach or dilute same with Alexis Mac Allister for
by Neto and Bournemouth, left their strengths — for example, they Liverpool, who’d played for
dominated possession on Saturday Argentina at altitude. He was so far

Hudson-Odoi ‘can have big impact’ as they generally do, even in away
games. Secondly, it shows how well
the Brighton squad have been built
in recent transfer windows, that
off his usual standards — I don’t
like him in that No 6 role anyway —
that he was taken off at half-time.
Roberto De Zerbi at Brighton knew
But for Cooper, who worked with not he was surprised that Hudson- they seem to have at least one that Pervis Estupiñán had been
CHARLOTTE DUNCKER the winger when he was manager of Odoi had not reached his potential, he brilliant alternative to every first- away with Ecuador and so he rested
England’s Under-17 World Cup- was confident that he can help him. choice player. And that was before him — another example of him
After a difficult few years for Callum winning squad in 2017, it is not as big a “We will support him, get him to Ansu Fati joined for the season. being smarter than the big clubs.
Hudson-Odoi, Steve Cooper believes risk as some might think. believe in himself, push him. [Give
that he has the right formula to get “He had that achilles injury that set him] tough love but let him be free Time to revive the lost Underrated Wilson is a
the 22-year-old back to his best. him back but I’m not really interested and understand if he does the non-
Back in 2019, when he was handed in that,” Cooper said. “I’m more negotiables right like work ethic and art of the diving header dream player for Howe
his senior England debut by Gareth interested in his progress now and his focus [he will succeed],” Cooper said,
Southgate, the winger was backed as development and his everyday work. before tonight’s visit of Burnley. I loved James Ward-Prowse’s Callum Wilson is a very
one of the brightest young talents in “I had a long conversation this Cooper has shown he has the ability goal against Manchester City underrated striker but I am a
the country. morning with the boys, the first time to develop young talent, with Brennan with a diving header because you big fan and I think he is a manager’s
His performances for Chelsea we had had the group together [after Johnson and Morgan Gibbs-White rarely see that these days. It’s a bit dream.
resulted in interest from Bayern the international break], about what both thriving under him, and stressed of a lost art — it’s a really effective The Newcastle United and
Munich, who wanted to take him on we’re in control of and that’s on and the importance of the mental side of way of scoring. A lot of players now England forward has a swagger
loan with an obligation to buy for off the pitch; the right sleep, the right the game, with belief being key. are so technically confident they about him that reveals an inner
£70 million, but he was so highly food. The moment you don’t do any of “If we can get him to a certain level, want to control a cross before confidence. That is also shown in
thought of at Cobham that they those things right in the Premier the boy can have a really big impact,” shooting, but if you dive at the ball, his amazing penalty record — the
wanted to keep him. League is the moment you get left Cooper said. “We’ve signed a really it is past the goalkeeper before he’s winner from the spot against
Fast-forward to this summer, and behind, even if it’s a small percentage.” good player but you’re only a really set. I got a few in my career and I Brentford this weekend was the 15th
after a difficult loan spell at Bayer Hudson-Odoi was the youngest of good player if you prepare right, work was particularly pleased with one he has scored from his last 16 and
Leverkusen, where he made only 14 Cooper’s England squad six years ago, hard and believe in yourself. If we do for Gillingham against Millwall brought his eighth goal in his last
league appearances, Hudson-Odoi left so the Forest head coach is seeing a that, he can show what he can do.” where I dived ahead of my marker, seven league starts. He is a reliable
Chelsea for Nottingham Forest for an different player now. While Cooper N Forest v Burnley, tonight, kick-off 7.45pm Sam Allardyce. goalscorer who never goes missing.
initial £3 million. would not be drawn on whether or TV Sky Sports Premier League/Main Event
6 2GG Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Greenwood began
yesterday’s match
against Osasuna
on the substitutes’
bench, left, before
being brought on
in the second half
by Getafe, right,
in his first match
for just under
20 months

Chants of ‘Die,
Greenwood’ but
striker shines on
his Getafe debut
Greenwood, such a comment is hard to stomach.
Osasuna fans voice displeasure The unconditional support that the Getafe
fanbase have for Greenwood probably stems
but on-loan United forward from the fact that they have not been properly
impresses on return to action, informed about the case that was brought
against him in January last year, resulting in his
writes Paul Hirst in Madrid 18-month suspension — and ultimately his exit
— from United.
There was no mention of the case on Getafe’s
“It was a good day for Mason, for Getafe, and website or on their English Twitter account,
for football,” José Bordalás, the Getafe head which has gained more than 200,000 followers
coach, said of Mason Greenwood’s debut against in the past fortnight, since Greenwood joined the
Osasuna yesterday. Madrid-based club on a season-long loan from
The away fans, soaked to the bone by Manchester United.
unseasonal showers in Madrid, disagreed. Rubén Reyes, the sporting director, said in a
“Muérete, Greenwood” (“die Greenwood”), media interview during the international break Greenwood was on the end of some rough
they chanted as the forward came off the bench that “a judge” had cleared Greenwood on all MENDY RETURNS FOR LORIENT treatment from the Osasuna side, at one point
in the 75th minute of Getafe’s 3-2 win. three charges. AFTER TWO YEARS OUT OF GAME receiving a hefty kick to his left leg that sent him
The Osasuna supporters were, of course, not That is not the case. Greenwood’s case did not Benjamin Mendy played his first game in two tumbling to the turf.
the only people that were unhappy to see go to trial. The Crown Prosecution Service years yesterday when he came on as a second- His new team-mates immediately went over
Greenwood back on a football pitch 20 months dropped the charges when key witnesses half substitute in Lorient’s to Greenwood to see if he was OK and they
after he was charged with attempted rape, withdrew and new evidence emerged. Getafe 2-2 draw with Monaco in lifted him to his feet shortly afterwards.
assault and coercion. Greenwood denied the have so far denied requests from English media France’s Ligue 1. Greenwood had some reservations about
accusations. to speak to Greenwood and Reyes. The 29-year-old former joining Getafe. He called his former United
Abuse charities voiced their disapproval with Another reason why Getafe fans are so Manchester City youth-team colleagues Arnau Puigmal and
public condemnation while others chose more enthralled with their new signing is because, defender, left, is Largie Ramazani, who play for Almeria, to see
covert means, sending anonymous and insulting quite simply, he is their best player. trying to rebuild whether they thought La Liga would suit him.
emails to club staff whose email addresses are in Getafe are a mediocre team who finished 15th his career after Bordalás has rowed back on his claim, made in
the public domain. in La Liga last season, mainly because they being cleared of one media interview, that Jude Bellingham
The support for Greenwood among the Getafe scored only 34 goals in 38 matches. Bordalás, six counts of advised Greenwood to join Getafe after the Real
fanbase appears strong, however. When the who has a reputation as a hard taskmaster, likes rape and one Madrid midfielder’s camp disputed his claim.
Osasuna fans berated Greenwood upon his entry his team to line up in a 4-4-2 formation and they of sexual “I said that Mason Greenwood came to Getafe
to the field, the home support whistled at them. play direct football, which usually starts with the assault after speaking to Jude Bellingham, but it wasn’t
“We’ve had so many requests for Greenwood’s goalkeeper David Soria launching the ball following a like that. I am sorry for that,” Bordalás said at
shirt since he joined,” a staff member working at downfield for targetman Borja Mayoral. six-month trial the start of his post-match press conference. “I
the club shop said. Yesterday’s game, particularly in the first half, in January. just wanted to clear that up.”
Pedro Bonito, a 17-year-old Getafe fan, arrived was of such poor quality that one man in the He was also Bordalás was happy with Greenwood’s debut
at the club’s 16,000-seater stadium, El Coliseum directors’ box watched the Singapore Grand Prix cleared of and his adaptation period is going better than
Alfonso Pérez, two hours before kick-off just to for the first 15 minutes of the match. two other expected. The player has found a house on the
get a glimpse of Greenwood. Both Getafe’s first two goals came about counts outskirts of Madrid and is settling in well
Pérez, who has attended matches since he was because of Osasuna’s weak defending from set during a retrial in July. although the Getafe coaches have so far only
nine, removed his phone from his pocket and pieces while the away side needed a penalty been able to relay messages to him in English.
proudly replayed a video of Greenwood handing after a foul by Soria to make it 2-2 just before “The language at the moment is a handicap
him the shirt that the 21-year-old striker wore at the hour. Greenwood’s most telling contribution came in but we are helping him a lot,” Bordalás said.
his unveiling at the stadium last week. “I met Greenwood’s introduction changed the game. the build-up to Getafe’s 86th-minute winner. The “He has a teacher in order to accelerate his
him at his presentation,” Bonito said. “He Greenwood slotted into the No 10 position forward paused for a second and then sprung knowledge of Spanish so he can have better
promised me he would give me his shirt and he behind Mayoral, but he drifted largely to the into the box, beating Juan Cruz for pace, contact with his team-mates, but his behaviour
did. The shirt is at my house. I’m hoping to get it right wing, where he did most of his damage. although the left back managed to toe-poke has been good. Today has been a very special
framed if I can persuade him to sign it. Mason is On one occasion, he beat his man and sent a Greenwood’s shot behind. From the resulting day for him. It will give him great satisfaction
a top player. He is my idol now.” dangerous cross into the box with his right foot. corner, Nemanja Maksimovi beat Sergio Herrera to feel like a footballer again because to be a
For those who have listened to the shocking He used his other foot to curl in another teasing to give Getafe the win that moved them into the footballer is to play and to compete and he
voicenote related to the claims against delivery moments later. top half of La Liga. hasn’t done that for a year and a half.”
the times | Monday September 18 2023 1GG 7



Antony, Ajax........................................ £81m
Rasmus Hojlund, Atalanta .........£65m
Casemiro, Real Madrid ................£60m

spent £373m Mason Mount, Chelsea .................£55m

Lisandro Martínez, Ajax ...............£49m
André Onana, Inter Milan............£46m
Tyrell Malacia, Feyenoord.............£13m
Altay Bayindir, Fenerbahce ...........£4m

but are United Christian Eriksen,

Jonny Evans,
Wout Weghorst,
Martin Dubravka,
Marcel Sabitzer, Bayern

better for it?

Jack Butland, Crystal
Sofyan Amrabat,
Sergio Reguilón,
TOTAL ................................... £373M

at this stage last season. when they join us but to come with us
Manchester United
Mejbri 73 1 At this point a year ago, with Mason
Greenwood suspended, off-field
and to join in with the way we behave,
the way we train, the way we listen to
Welbeck 20, Gross 53, Pedro 71
3 distractions were limited to their
pouting superstar Cristiano Ronaldo,
the boss and take on instruction, and
work hard every single day.”
whom Ten Hag quickly jettisoned. Anecdotally, those qualities appear
Now, on the back of the bungled lacking at United and, now for the first
IAN WHITTELL handling of Greenwood’s departure, time, Ten Hag’s coaching acumen is
United are without the exiled Jadon being placed in the spotlight. For the
The sight of Brighton & Hove Albion Sancho and, with Antony on leave to opening 20 minutes against Brighton,
players celebrating after a league handle his own off-field issues, Ten a midfield diamond worked, at least in
victory over Manchester United has Hag’s problems have grown. attack, but as United struggled to cope
become all too familiar recently but The contrast with Brighton could with their opponents’ width on the
the fourth such outcome in the past not be greater. In the modern Premier counterattack, there was little
16 months felt somehow different. League era, selling players is almost as evidence of a plan B, and questionable
For one, there was mass important a skill as recruiting new substitutions.
disapproval, bordering on open ones and, in that area of the business, “This was a team well beaten by
rebellion, from the Old Trafford Roberto De Zerbi’s club have also opponents that were well drilled and
stands on Saturday, aimed at Erik ten eclipsed United. knew what they were doing. Simple as
Hag after his decision to replace the Not for the first time, De Zerbi’s that,” was Neville’s damning verdict.
promising home debutant, Rasmus employers have sold his best players Last season offered genuine hope of
Hojlund, with the perennial this summer for astronomical sums improvements for United, albeit
underachiever Anthony Martial after and, apparently, emerged stronger for interspersed with worrying relapses,
64 minutes. it. Alexis Mac Allister, Moisés Caicedo such as the 7-0 defeat away to
For another, the Sky Sports pundit and the goalkeeper Robert Sánchez all Liverpool. But, increasingly, there is
Gary Neville, usually a barometer of departed — for approximately £195 the danger that those successes may
the broad mood of rank and file million — leaving De Zerbi to field a have been the result, more than
support, took to social media to starting XI at Old Trafford that cost anything, of Marcus Rashford’s 30-
lambast the club for their collective £17 million, or approximately a quarter goal season.
“culture of greed, ill discipline, of Sancho’s purchase price. At least on Saturday Hojlund
indecision and uncertainty”. In his two transfer windows, Ten showed moments that suggested the
Neville, of course, blamed the Hag has spent £387 million on players £72 million invested in a striker with 18
Glazer family for establishing and and, while Sancho and the £80 million career league goals to his name may
maintaining such a tone. However, for bench-filler Harry Maguire predated There was little evidence of a plan B by Ten Hag, whose midfield, which included not go the way of Maguire and
all the terrible actions perpetrated the Dutchman, in that pair and Fernandes, inset, could not cope with Brighton’s width on the counterattack Sancho. But the short term offers Ten
by the absent American owners, Antony, United had about £235 Hag little relief, with the Champions
the greatest, it is now clear, has million of talent their manager League campaign opening away to
been their failure to appoint could not, or would not, CLINICAL BRIGHTON TOOK THEIR CHANCES Bayern Munich on Wednesday and a
remotely competent employ on Saturday. Erik ten Hag said United dominated large parts of the game, and this graph of match meeting with Harry Kane, the centre
executives in the decade “I think we lost our two best momentum shows he was not completely wrong, although the expected goals — 0.96 forward United long coveted but were
for United against 1.70 for Brighton — shows the visitors deserved to win
since the time of Sir players in my opinion in the unable to sign.
Alex Ferguson and, summer,” Jason Steele, the Man Utd more threatening “The pressure is always there,” Ten
just as tellingly, the Brighton goalkeeper, said. First half Second half Hag said of his position as manager.
former chief executive “But whoever comes into 73 “It was last year, this year is no
David Gill. the team is coming into a different.
After a third defeat culture that’s formed; it’s “Of course at United you have to
in five league games, been formed for a while. win your games. We have to improve
supporters were It’s a culture that’s the and I can’t be distracted. We have to
genuinely concerned as best I’ve ever experienced improve. Individuals have to step up.
to whether their club have in my life. Sometimes you are in bad periods and
made any progress in the “And I think we — I say ‘we’ you have to face that.”
13 months of Ten Hag’s as a group — really handle it Unfortunately, for Ten Hag,
stewardship: certainly cleverly. We bring in James Manchester United’s “bad period” has
not in the league table, Milner, and we bring in Carlos 20 53 71 now lasted for more than a decade
where United have Baleba and Mo Dahoud. 0 15 30 45 45 60 75 90 and there is no tangible evidence of it
three fewer points than The lads have no option Brighton more threatening Minutes Source: Opta ending any time soon.

Wilder sounded out over possible return to Bramall Lane

Everton, and almost secured a win from Bramall Lane but Wilder, 55, has in a briefing with local media whether the club back into the Premier League
PAUL ROWAN away to Tottenham Hotspur on since mended relations with the club’s Heckingbottom’s job was “completely last season, despite being under a
Saturday, before conceding two goals Saudi owner, Prince Abdullah. safe” and if he retains the club’s transfer embargo for part of the
The former Sheffield United manager late in stoppage time. The newly In a recent interview, Prince backing whatever happens this campaign because of defaulted
Chris Wilder is under consideration promoted side are 17th. Abdullah said he believed Wilder — season. “Yes,” Bettis said, “he’s done a payments to another club.
for a return to the club, though Wilder is believed to be keen on a who has been out of work since great job. Everyone’s really happy Tight financial constraints have
sources insisted yesterday that the return to the club, whom he guided leaving Watford in the summer — with what Paul’s done.” remained at the club despite the
present manager Paul from League One to the Premier was a better manager than he was Heckingbottom, 46, who joined embargo being lifted. One new
Heckingbottom’s job is safe. League after taking over in 2016. The two years ago as he had learnt from Sheffield United as the under-23s signing from Coventry City, Gustavo
Wilder is understood to have been club finished ninth in their first “adversity” and deserved some of the manager in 2020, took over from Hamer, opened the scoring against
approached a number of weeks ago season back in the top flight but credit for Sheffield United’s return to Wilder, initially on an interim basis. Tottenham. However, Ange
after Sheffield United’s poor start to Wilder then left the club in March the Premier League as many of the After a brief spell with Slavisa Postecoglou’s side then struck
the Premier League season. Since 2021 with the club bottom of the players were signed during his era. Jokanovic in charge, Heckingbottom twice in stoppage time to leave
then Heckingbottom’s side have table, having secured only 14 points in This month the Sheffield United chief was brought back in as the permanent Sheffield United with one point from
registered their first point, against 28 games. It was a fractious departure executive, Stephen Bettis, was asked manager in December 2021 and led five games.
8 1GG Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Doku’s directness is a new

foul as they attempted to win the ball
West Ham United
Ward-Prowse 36
1 back. Before the foul had even been
committed, Doku had his hand in the
Manchester City
Doku 46, Silva 76, Haaland 86
3 air in way of apology. A few weeks
into his City career and he knows
the high standards that are expected
of him.
MOLLY HUDSON With Jack Grealish and De Bruyne
among those sidelined with injury, he
Jérémy Doku is learning. After the has received perhaps more minutes
final whistle blew in Manchester than first anticipated, and his
City’s victory over West Ham United, adaptation has impressed Guardiola.
and he caught up with Nayef Aguerd, “When you buy a young player like
whom he played alongside at Rennes him, for many years, we have to be
in France, Doku needed directing patient,” he said. “I will be honest, I
over to the usual post-match routine didn’t expect he would be at this level
where the City players approach their in his second game at Man City,
travelling fans. playing the way he did. That kind of
Doku’s team-mates stood back and performance from a winger, I don’t
allowed the 21-year-old his own remember something like that for a
moment with the supporters, and the long time.
fans responded, perhaps only Erling “I was in Barcelona [recovering
Haaland and their manager, Pep from back surgery] but I had the
Guardiola, receiving louder applause feeling he was a little bit shy [in his
than the winger — and for good first game, against Fulham]. It’s
reason. normal after just two or three days of
Having gone behind to a first-half training and joining the team that
James Ward-Prowse goal, it was won the Treble.
Doku’s lightning quick and direct “We spoke [to] him to use his quality
running, combined with a clinical as a winger and go when it was one
finish, that gave City the equaliser and against one or two, or if not the
the impetus to overwhelm West Ham feeling to go past then to pass back to
in an impressive second half. Josko and go again. Use your quality
It was not a perfect performance, and lose the ball? It’s no problem.”
and those at City know they signed As many remarked upon his
Doku, the promising Belgium winger, signature last month, Doku is not a
with the understanding that he has typical Guardiola player. Often
areas in his game to improve in his City tenure the
under Guardiola’s tutelage. Kevin manager has
De Bruyne, an international favoured
team-mate, once described technicians
Doku as a rough diamond. whose first
Doku’s loss of possession thought is to
in the build-up to retain possession
Ward-Prowse’s goal and exchange neat
and then his failure to passes with team-
track Vladimir Coufal mates. That is not Doku.
— who was also It was evident on Saturday
allowed to roam afternoon, and surely in the
forward by the out- nightmares of Coufal, that
of-position Josko when the winger gets the
Gvardiol — showed ball, his first instinct is to Doku, main and inset, who was signed last month from Rennes, is a winger who loves to run at defenders in one-on-one
that weakness. beat his defender, each and
In the 89th minute, with every time. been beaten several times in the first struggled against a low block and City quickly identified that signing
Sergio Gómez on the Many in the London half, allowed him a little too much been vulnerable to the counterattack. plenty of quality would not
touchline ready to replace Stadium had not even space. In the blink of an eye, Coufal In the unpredictable Doku they have necessarily help to do so, particularly
him, Doku again ran down returned to their seats when was facing his own goal and watching a different kind of talent to threaten if they did not retain experienced
a cul-de-sac, was in the opening seconds of the ball arrow into the net. opponents and unlock defences. heads such as the effervescent Kyle
dispossessed and watched the second half, Doku ran Guardiola’s all-conquering City It is difficult to replicate success and Walker, who Guardiola joked had
his team-mates concede a at Coufal, who, having teams have, on rare occasions, maintain it across several seasons. “genetics that our mum and dad didn’t

Arsenal will not want to face us, warns Son STEPHEN POND/GETTY IMAGES
united is no coincidence: Postecoglou delirious supporters. Richarlison,
Richarlison 90+8, Kulusevski 90+10
2 is unbeaten in 50 home games across
three clubs: Yokohama Marinos,
having admitted last week that he
needed psychological help to cope
Sheffield United
Hamer 73
1 Celtic and Tottenham.
“The way we play, it’s not just that I
with what has been a difficult period,
came off the bench, struck the
believe it’s what gets you success, it equaliser with an excellent header —
also requires a fair bit of bravery and only his second league goal in 32
PAUL ROWAN courage, a real relentlessness,” the appearances — and then teed up
Tottenham head coach said. “That Dejan Kulusevski for the winner.
There have been days in recent has to marry with the image of the “I was probably more happy than
seasons when the Tottenham Hotspur football club.” him,” Son said. “We need him as a
Stadium has been less than a third That relentlessness meant team. He has really good quality but
full at full-time — even against big Tottenham kept going until the end. the confidence is massively different. I
sides such as Manchester United. But Goals in the 98th and 100th minutes just wanted to give him the big hug he
Saturday’s scenes suggested that the made this the latest comeback in deserved.
club have rediscovered their mojo, or, Premier League history, after Gustavo “Richy is a really strong guy, a good
rather, Ange Postecoglou has. Hamer had fired Sheffield United character and can always bounce
The final whistle brought joyous ahead in the second half. back strong. But when you have a
pandemonium and images of The Tottenham captain, Son tough time you need good people
overweight middle-aged men dancing Heung-min, had a relatively quiet around you. I always try to be a friend
in the aisles, while even the chairman, game and was substituted but he was of him and if he needs anything then
Daniel Levy, rose from his seat with a hopping about on the pitch after the I can help him from my experience.”
smile across his face. That Tottenham final whistle, pointing out Richarlison After the dour years of José
Hotspur’s players and supporters are and pushing the striker towards the Mourinho, Nuno Espírito Santo From left: Bissouma, Micky van de Ven and Sarr celebrate Kulusevski’s late winner
the times | Monday September 18 2023 1GG 9


weapon for Pep Durán ahead of schedule as

Emery’s patience pays off
Villa scouts and Emery knew the
Aston Villa 3
potential of the 19-year-old but also
DOKU OVERCOMES SHYNESS Durán 87, Luiz 90+8 (pen), Bailey 90+11
knew he needed guidance. Helping
Guardiola said Doku had been shy
on his City debut against Fulham
Crystal Palace
Édouard 47
1 Durán adapt has been as much about
life off the pitch as it has been about
earlier this month. These stats show work at the training ground.
the improvement at West Ham, and “He needs help, sometimes to push
the touch map shows all his touches CHARLOTTE DUNCKER him and be demanding, sometimes to
at the London Stadium try to support everything he is doing,
Unai Emery hopes he has unlocked a good and bad,” Emery said.
Touches v West Ham
new strike partnership at Aston Villa After goals against Everton,
thanks to the progression of Jhon Hibernian and Palace the clamour will
Durán. The teenager came on in the be to get him into the starting XI, but
71st minute of their comeback against Emery has a plan and it involves being
Crystal Palace and had an instant patient. Where last season Durán
impact with a wonderful volley three struggled to make an impact off the
minutes from time, inspiring the win. bench, failing to score in 12 games, he
He has scored in all three of Villa’s has already shown he is maturing into
home games this season and is a player capable of changing games.
becoming a vital option for Emery. His volley against Palace exuded
“Scoring like he did, is coming confidence and skill and was precisely
quickly to him,” the Villa head the reason why Emery blocked any
coach said. “But the most offers for the teenager to head out
important thing is his quality, his on loan this season; the head coach
capacity, his skill, his big knew he was going to be important.
potential. It’s his structure as a The Europa Conference League
player and then trying to could give him more
organise him in our opportunities, starting with
structure, helping him.” Thursday’s trip to Legia
It has been a Warsaw. Emery is open to
development process tweaking his system to
since his arrival from two up front, with Durán
v West Ham v Fulham Chicago Fire in a deal alongside Ollie Watkins.
Minutes played worth £15 million in “They could
89 76 January. After the complement each
departure of Danny other,” Emery said. The
Ings, many thought that pressure is still very much on
Dribbles attempted Durán was being brought Watkins to lead the line for
9 3 in as a replacement, but Villa, but in Durán, Emery
Emery had other ideas. has an option that has become
The Spaniard did not want available sooner than some
Dribbles completed to put pressure on the expected.
3 2 Colombian and there was an
acceptance that he was not Durán’s form could soon
ready to start. earn him a starting role
64 43

Touches in opposite box

Luton up for the fight but
situations, which is in contrast to Guardiola’s desire for City to retain possession
14 0
size of task looks daunting
give to us”. The 33-year-old continues down the left flank. The type of pinpoint cross from Doku just before spurned three fine chances on the
to go from strength to strength.
Doku and Gvardiol were the only
challenge they pose is very different to
that of Grealish and Nathan Aké, who
half-time, he would have had even
more reward on his second Premier
Vinícius 65
1 counterattack, but Rob Edwards’s side
had only 22 per cent possession and
two members of Guardiola’s starting
XI against West Ham who were new
was on the bench. Doku provides a
more direct threat, and were it not for
League appearance.
On the basis of this performance,
Luton Town 0 completed only 68 per cent of their
passes. They were disciplined and well
summer signings. The pair showed the uncharacteristic wastefulness of Doku will quickly become accustomed organised, with the new signings Jacob
glimpses of a decent combination Haaland in front of goal after a to the adoration of his new fans. Brown, Issa Kaboré and Albert Sambi
TOM KERSHAW Lokonga all impressing, and were
ultimately only undone by an

as belief returns to Spurs

The beauty was always in the struggle individual error when Thomas
for Luton Town. Here were a historic Kaminski palmed Willian’s cross into
club that rose from the ashes after Carlos Vinícius’s path.
financial problems consigned them to There is no great shame in that
the National League 14 years ago; a whatsoever. The previous time
and Antonio Conte, the quick do his share of the dirty work and local institution that remain wedded Fulham and Luton met, in the Sky
BORN-AGAIN BISSOUMA transformation is quite remarkable. Pape Matar Sarr and Destiny to their charmingly decrepit stadium; Bet Championship in May last year,
The Tottenham midfielder, The character and self-belief instilled Udogie coming good after returns a team that scrapped back up through Marco Silva’s side won 7-0 and have
rejuvenated under Postecoglou, had by the head coach was clearly needed. from loan spells, things have not the divisions in what seemed a spent more than £100 million on
more touches (110) than any other It looked at one point as if Tottenham looked so rosy at the club since the Sisyphean task until the boulder players since.
player in Saturday's game, and was had run out of ideas, even though Mauricio Pochettino days. Should actually rolled over the precipice and Edwards balked at one pundit’s
an influence all over the field they ended the match with 28 shots Richarlison’s sudden revival be Luton were officially a Premier “disrespectful” suggestion last week
Touches v Sheffield Utd on goal, ten of them on target. maintained, hasty revision will be League club at last. that Luton could be condemned
While Richarlison produced two required by the many who reckoned It was a fairytale forged in grit, with before Christmas and are hard to take
rare pieces of quality in a Tottenham that Spurs were destined for a mid- the air of romance untainted by defeat seriously as a Premier League outfit.
shirt, it was Yves Bissouma who drove table finish this season. against Brighton & Hove Albion on The manager has done an excellent
the home team on in a box-to-box Tottenham have a week to the opening weekend. Paeans were job since taking charge in November,
role. Bissouma is ideal for the sort of prepare for the north London derby dedicated to the club’s first match at and a cautious tactical approach is
pressing game that Postecoglou has at the Emirates on Sunday, when we Kenilworth Road this season, where grounded in reason. “I’ve seen
introduced. He was also a creative will learn a lot more about the players West Ham United’s victory failed to progression again from a couple of
force when United elected to sit in and the manager in a hostile puncture the celebratory mood, but weeks ago,” Edwards noted, but
and a great stopper when Paul environment. even Luton’s ardent away support had Fulham were far from their best too
Heckingbottom’s side occasionally hit “[Arsenal] won’t want to face us at fallen a little flat at the end of their 1-0 and will struggle to replicate their
Tottenham on the break. Pedro Porro this time,” Son said. “Everyone is defeat by Fulham on Saturday. tenth-place finish last season.
is another player thriving under running for each other, everyone is This was a more reasonable Luton’s coveted first point will surely
Postecoglou after having to deal with fighting for each other. If someone measure of hope, with Fulham blunt arrive before long, but Edwards must
Conte’s mind games. comes off you give a hand off and and unimaginative in the face of already recognise the disparities are
With Tottenham’s most creative everyone is happy to do that. That Luton’s 5-3-2, but the harsh reality was simply too great to be bridged by nous
player, James Maddison, prepared to makes us really strong as a team.” difficult to avoid. Luton may have or stubbornness.
10 1GG Monday September 18 2023 | the times


Newcastle ‘group of
death’ now looking
decidedly less scary
36, tend to episodes of naivety against
more worldly opponents, Pioli
HAWKEY Kick-off 8pm unless stated
maintained “the team will have no
problems psychologically”.
Tomorrow In Champions League terms, that is
European football Champions League true of Milan the institution, seven
times winners of the European Cup
Group E and in the semi-finals five months ago.
Blessings for Newcastle United, on Feyenoord v Celtic All that may carry a helpful aura
the eve of their return to Europe’s Group F against a Newcastle side who last
elite. Having imagined the AC Milan v Newcastle United (5.45) experienced the Champions League
Champions League group they were group stage 21 years ago. But these are
Group G
cast into put them firmly at the clubs riding different tides in the sport.
tradesman’s entrance of a big- Manchester City v Red Star Belgrade Most obvious, they occupy distinct
stadium, privilege-wielding, entitled Wednesday tiers of the European food chain.
trio of opponents, they can study the Champions League While Serie A is cautiously
form and feel assured. Paris Saint- celebrating signs of a renaissance —
Germain, top seeds in group F, lost at Group A its clubs won silver medals in every
home at the weekend, a persistent Bayern Munich v Manchester United Uefa competition last season — it
PSG habit. AC Milan, who host Group B looks in envy at the power of the
Newcastle tomorrow, spent Saturday Arsenal v PSV Eindhoven Premier League, which provided the
putting together a comprehensive winners of the Champions League and
dossier on why they are stuck being Thursday the Europa Conference League, and at
the second-best team in their city. Europa League the wealth of England’s top division.
The fifth Milan derby of this Group A Newcastle were able to lure Milan’s
calendar year went the same way as West Ham United v Backa Topola most valuable midfielder, Sandro
the previous four and with their 5-1 Tonali, in the summer; Milan spread
victory, Inter made some local history. Group B the €70 million (about £60 million)
Never before had they strung together Brighton & Hove Albion v AEK yield from that sale around Pulisic,
as many successive wins over their Athens Loftus-Cheek and Pulisic’s US
neighbours. By the end of a wet San Group C international team-mate Yunus
Siro evening, it had turned into a Rangers v Real Betis Musah; all footballers with a slightly
humiliating follow-up to May’s 3-0 unfulfilled Premier League past.
Group E
aggregate win in the European Cup Milan’s owner, RedBird Capital, is
semi-final. Henrikh Mkhitaryan, the LASK Linz v Liverpool (5.45) based in America; Newcastle’s
evergreen 34-year-old, scored twice Europa Conference League majority stakeholders are Saudi
and set up the fifth. Marko Group E Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, and
Arnautovic, also 34, came off the because of that, Milan-Newcastle,
Inter bench and made a case for Legia Warsaw v Aston Villa (5.45) opening fixture of this, the last
finally getting on the pitch in a Group G Champions League to feature an
Champions League game, fully 13 Eintracht Frankfurt v Aberdeen (5.45) orthodox group stage — from 2024,
years after he was a non-playing the expanded “Swiss model” league Loftus-Cheek tries to find a way past Mkhitaryan in a largely innocous display
member of the last Inter squad to format takes over — resonates
have won the competition.
This time around, Inter intend to
be as awkward as they were as last
season’s surprise finalists, loyal to most
in the face of the Frenchman’s skill
and drive, as Milan’s Malik Thiaw did
in the lead-up to Saturday’s opening
goal. Or indeed looking on in disbelief
ominously with Uefa. Europe’s
governing body has rarely felt the
Champions League’s pre-eminent
status in club football so threatened as
From south coast to
of the personnel and to the methods at the wonderful, shades-of-Thierry- now, and the conspicuous challenges kick happened. Wilson is 31 now and
— organised at the back, sharp on the
break — that carried them to Istanbul
Henry curling strike with which
Thuram doubled Inter’s lead.
are to its west and east.
In 20 months’ time, the US will
Wilson 64 (pen)
1 established as the first-choice back-up
to Harry Kane for England. Last week
and left them narrow losers to a better
appointed, more accomplished
Although Milan’s Rafael Leão would
ignite brief hope of a Rossoneri
host the 2025 Fifa Club World Cup,
the expanded 32-club summer
Brentford 0 he signed a one-year contract
extension to keep him at St James’
Manchester City. Gone from that comeback, Leão was part of much the tournament whose aim is to become Park until at least 2025.
Inter side are Edin Dzeko and Romelu more subdued frontline on an evening the true summit of club football in a Howe, having led Newcastle to a
Lukaku, and, no less important to the when high expectations about Milan’s way the existing, annual Club World MARTIN HARDY fourth-place finish in the Premier
way they constructed their catapult summer refit were thoroughly doused. Cup, a parenthesis in the European League last season, is recognised as
counterattacks, the goalkeeper André Neither Christian Pulisic, excellent calendar, has never quite managed. Eddie Howe had longer hair, with a one of England’s best coaches. The
Onana; in, principally as impact in his previous three games, nor This edition of the Uefa Champions quiff, and Callum Wilson had less relationship between head coach and
substitutes, are a cohort of veterans, Ruben Loftus-Cheek, made a League serves as a qualifier for some stubble, and a bizarre black and white player is one of Howe’s strengths.
returnees such as Alexis Sánchez and significant impression. Of the quartet of the last remaining European slots T-shirt. The pair were shaking hands “It’s crazy it’s nearly a decade since
Arnautovic and Serie A stalwart Juan of former Chelsea players — Olivier for the new expanded, four-yearly and holding a Bournemouth strip at I signed him,” Howe said. “I’m trying
Cuadrado. And, in the Giroud the other — on Milan’s roster, Fifa extravaganza. Dean Court. to think how he has changed as a
No 9 jersey, the derby’s the only one to emerge with Meanwhile, the Asian Champions It was 2014 and Wilson had just person. There are no real obvious
dazzler, Marcus Thuram, reputation intact was League group stage begins today. It moved from Coventry City to the changes but saying that, his life has
26 and signed on a free Fikayo Tomori, and that does so as the new playground of the south coast for £3 million. At the age changed totally, which I think is a
transfer from Borussia was suspended. The European Footballer of the Year, of 22, there had been two spells in huge compliment to him really.
Mönchengladbach. Milan head coach, Karim Benzema and the sport’s non-League, 22 goals in his first full “He’s gone from when I first signed
If you were, say, Stefano Pioli, will costliest player, Neymar, among season in League One and one him to a Championship player to
Newcastle’s Dan warmly welcome the the several former European Cup appearance at Championship level, now an international, a Premier
Burn, anticipating a England player’s winners now employed by Saudi the division Howe had led League player and a Champions
European debut at return tomorrow. Arabian clubs. Bournemouth into in his second spell League player, but his character is
San Siro and Ever sensitive And for the first time in two in charge of the club. still the same.
making a review of to suggestions decades, a Uefa Champions League “We feel we can take his game to “He laughs, he jokes, he’s positive,
the Milan derby that Milan, a will raise its curtain on a stage where another level,” Howe had said. “He he’s kind, he’s a really good team-
part of your final youngish side neither Cristiano Ronaldo nor Lionel had a very good season last year. mate. He’s a parent and he’s a really
homework, one when you Messi appear. For Ronaldo, busy with I think he is at the perfect age to good father to his kids and he’s a
pleasing aspect would exclude Giroud, Al-Nassr, of Riyadh, and Inter Miami’s kick on.” husband, so a lot has changed in his
be that the assignment Messi, elevating the popularity and Tomorrow night, nine years on, life but I think the general character
does not involve Giroud, left, and profile of the game in the US, it can Howe and Wilson will walk out is exactly the same.
marking Thuram. Or Pulisic reflect on a look like the beginning of a new, more together in the Champions League at “When I see him come on for
collapsing to the turf chastening night global era. the San Siro against AC Milan. The England against Scotland I’m just
the times | Monday September 18 2023 1GG 11


‘I wanted to stay
on bench to avoid
it all going wrong’
“I don’t know when it stopped
Former Everton forward being fun. At Lilleshall [the FA’s
former centre of excellence], I was
Michael Branch has set ahead of everyone and I was away
up a running club to help from the city. When I came back to
the city the pressure was hard.”
promote mental health, Exercise is Branch’s “toolkit”. Most
mornings he will be out for a run by
reports Paul Joyce 6am and he likes to head down to
Everton’s new stadium at Bramley-
Michael Branch explains that there Moore Dock to see the progress of
are only two rules. No headphones is the 52,000-capacity ground.
the first, he says, and the second is to “I like that time of the morning,
run with someone you do not already before the world has woken up,” he
know. says. “I didn’t know enough about
And with that a group of about 20 mental health when I was young.
women and men of all ages begin a Mental health is like physical health.
gentle 5km jog, starting at the You can have good and bad, and I
Britannia pub and heading along can see the signs now when it isn’t
Otterspool Promenade, which runs great for me. The first thing that
beside the banks of the River Mersey. normally goes is wanting to exercise.
Every Sunday at 8am for the past My head doesn’t want me exercising
four weeks, Branch, the former or socialising. It wants me on my own
Everton forward, has been here after so it can talk negatively to me. I have
launching an initiative called Social to work against it.”
Striders, which focuses on exercise So he has joined a running club and
and interaction. stepped back on a football pitch again,
“The only thing you have to give up something he thought was all in his
is your Sunday lie-in,” he says. “In past. “I didn’t think I would ever play
return, it sets you up for the day. It’s a football again but now I am enjoying
little win by 9am.” it,” he says.
The idea came from a recognition “I play with an old school friend,
that exercise has helped him to feel Stewart, who comes to the Sunday
better about his own mental health run too. There is a talk I do about my
and he believes that others can benefit life to young kids, a workshop about
too. Pat Van Den Hauwe, the former decision-making and coming back
Everton title-winning defender and from setbacks.
Wales international, has taken part, “One of the slides I show is of a
which has led to double takes from Liverpool cup game when Stewart
passers-by who remember the and I were at Sudley Junior
tough-as-teak left back School together. We were
with the foreboding playing at Anfield and
nickname “Psycho”. we won. That was
Branch was the when we were aged
wunderkind who ten and now we are
represented playing again
from the former Chelsea man for AC Milan, while Mkhitaryan scored twice for last season’s Champions League finalists England Under-21, coming up to 45.
making his debut “That first day I

San Siro for Wilson and Howe for Everton aged 17

against Manchester
United in 1996
before his fortunes
was thinking, ‘How
am I going to get
out of this?’ I
couldn’t be bothered
Howe signed next game, I will be immensely proud slipped into free fall. seeing people because
Wilson in 2014 to lead the team out. I’m excited for A nomadic spell ensued I was worried they
when he was the players, I’m excited for the as he joined would be thinking, ‘What’s
Bournemouth supporters. It’s going to be a great Wolverhampton Wanderers, he doing here?’
manager. Nine moment for us all.” Bradford City and Chester City, and “I was dreading it but my girlfriend,
years on the That Newcastle head to Milan he also had several loan moves. Charlotte, said, ‘Go.’ I loved it and
pair will walk with lifted spirits was down to In an interview with The Times couldn’t wait to go to the next one. I
out together at Wilson’s third goal of the season three years ago, he spoke of the try to keep it simple. I’ve not got it to
the San Siro as in his first start of the campaign downward spiral that led to him show off any more. My brain sort of
Newcastle get against Brentford, a controversial serving 3½ years in prison for knows what to do but my legs don’t.”
this season’s 64th-minute penalty, smashed supplying drugs, although he has Branch works for Everton in the
Champions home at the Gallowgate End of refused to allow the “biggest mistake Community and speaks passionately
League group St James’ Park after a coming of his life” to define him. He looks about helping to look after the club’s
stage under together of the Brentford goalkeeper back now at his own struggles, how former players, along with mentoring
way against Mark Flekken and Anthony Gordon the pressure engulfed him, and youngsters and, importantly, their
Milan in the penalty area. wonders what might have been if he’d parents on the pitfalls of football.
Thomas Frank centred his had a better understanding of why he He hopes the Sunday run will
frustration on a rule change in the felt a problem was around the corner. evolve but, for now, likes that the
laws of the game this season that has “I didn’t really know what was group is not huge. “The night before
worked against his side twice now. going on in my head when I was the first run, I was thinking no one
“I’m pretty sure Howard Webb young,” he says. “Even though I was would turn up,” he says. “But it went
really pleased for him, as I am with biggest stage.” As is Howe himself. will come to us and say, ‘Sorry, we good as a youngster, I was always well and Charlotte explained, ‘Twenty
any player I’ve had a relationship There is a curiosity that the opening made a mistake,’ the Brentford head thinking, ‘This bubble is going to people have come to something you
with and coached and tried to help on group F match will be the first time coach said. burst soon.’ have organised, that is amazing.’
their way. When they do well, there’s he has actually been at a Champions “They gave us guidance that when “If I had a couple of good games, I “My daughter Ellise came for the first
just a really nice feeling of warmth League game. the player goes round them [the would think, ‘I am due a bad one.’ time the other week and she texted
towards them. He will have to learn fast. “Believe goalkeeper] and they can’t get the There was this hole in me that I me later on, ‘Dad I’m so proud of you.’
“He’s had a very, very difficult it or not, I’ve not thought about it too ball and the goalkeeper pulls out, couldn’t fill. I would be petrified of That got me. That was nice.
journey to get where he is now. It has much yet as I’ve gone straight from they will not give a penalty. They making a mistake. I would think, “Even if only one person comes, it
not all been plain sailing. Just the the transfer window into the start of gave a penalty in the Arsenal-City ‘Please sub me now because I’ve still would have been worth it. It only
character he’s got, the positivity has the season,” he said of leading a team game and it was wrong so they played well.’ Or if I was a substitute, takes two people to talk.”
helped him become an elite player. out in the competition for the first changed the rule. Now apparently sometimes I would think, ‘Don’t put
“I hope and I know there is more time. “You put it at the back of your it is not the rule [against Newcastle] me on.’ That way nothing could go Branch launched the initiative after
there for him. He is now on the very mind, but now it is here, now it is the so it is extra frustrating.” wrong. struggling with his own mental health
12 1GG Monday September 18 2023 | the times


James and
leave the
Den fuming
Millwall Leeds United

0 3
Piroe 15, 77, Rutter 81

Millwall (3-4-1-2): B Bialkowski 6 — R Leonard 7,
J Cooper 7, M Wallace 7 — B Norton-Cuffy 6, A
Campbell 6 (R Esse 64min, 5), B Mitchell 6 (G
Saville 84), R Longman 7 (A Emakhu 73) — C De
Norre 6 (Z Flemming 64, 5) — T Bradshaw 6, K
Nisbet 5 (D Watmore 64, 4).
Leeds United (4-2-3-1): I Meslier 6 — L Ayling 7, J
Rodon 7, P Struijk 7, S Byram 7 — E Ampadu 6, A
Gray 7 (I Gruev 89) — C Summerville 6 (D James
69, 7), J Piroe 7 (G Kamara 83), W Gnonto 7 (J
Anthony 69, 4) — G Rutter 7 (J Gelhardt 89).
Referee C Kavanagh. Attendance 17,909.

SKY BET CHAMPIONSHIP Rutter confirms victory for Leeds with the visitors’ third goal nine minutes from time in south London, having already assisted Piroe’s controversial first-half opener
Daniel James came off the bench to term, having only just passed fitness Millwall fans were furious, Not that Kavanagh got everything slipped when the ball was squared to
set up the two goals that turned a tests, although he was the VAR for however, that Piroe’s challenge on right. Gnonto was not booked early in him, and the contact he made would
narrow lead into an emphatic victory. Brighton & Hove Albion’s win away to Kevin Nisbet in the build-up, when the second half for an obvious tug on have sent the ball wide of Bialkowski’s
In so doing he also took the heat off Manchester United on Saturday, the ball was still deep in Leeds Ryan Leonard’s shirt, again to loud post. Piroe was on hand for a tap-in.
the referee, Chris Kavanagh. which featured a home goal chalked territory, remained unpunished. That local disapproval. Then the official Rutter then made sure of victory
James inadvertently helped Joel off by microscopic margins. had taken place seconds after penalty refused to get involved in a shoving thanks to James’s pace again and a
Piroe, Leeds United’s £12 million Millwall fans launched a barrage of appeals for handball by Luke Ayling, match between Leonard and Ethan kind deflection. Millwall lost
August buy from Swansea City, add to abuse his way at half-time after Piroe who was sold short by a dreadful pass Ampadu after a collision with Meslier. possession on the edge of the Leeds
his controversial first-half opener. had been allowed to celebrate a 15th- from his goalkeeper, Illan Meslier, had Not long after, Gnonto was taken out box, James sprinted from his own half
Four minutes later the winger set up minute opener that Farke, the Leeds been ignored. off the ball by Leonard, with no to tee up the Frenchman via a
Georginio Rutter for a third that lifted manager, described as so beautiful That the Millwall manager, Gary punishment forthcoming. defender’s heel and Rutter smashed
Daniel Farke’s side up to tenth in the “you could put it in a book and sell it”. Rowett, did not replicate the fans’ fury The game was crying out for the ball high beyond the goalkeeper to
Sky Bet Championship. It was indeed a breathtaking passing afterwards was a strong indication someone else to be the centre of secure the points for the visitors.
Kavanagh, a Premier League official move in which Rutter burst forward, that the official, who had a good view, attention and James became exactly “I’m proud of my guys,” Farke said.
since 2017, was perhaps relieved that exchanged passes with Wilfried had got it right, however. “It might that in comical fashion in the 77th “Here you have to show steel and
Piroe’s first did not turn out to be the Gnonto and located Piroe on the left well be the right decision but it felt a minute. He used his pace to burst resilience — and wait for the
game’s only goal. The referee has yet of the box for an assured finish across big moment and a little bit unjust,” forward and slip in Rutter on the right moments to let your quality shine.
to take charge in the top flight this the goalkeeper Bartosz Bialkowski. Rowett said. of the box, but it was James who That’s what we did.”

Klopp still has power to transform

of the 3-0 win against Aston Villa. — has been the primary driver of replacement, Joe Gomez, to Wolves have conceded
Wolves 1 Klopp admitted that his side’s first- those positive results. take up similar positions ten of their 11 goals in the

Hwang Hee-chan 7
half display at Wolves looked as if his On Saturday it was the in midfield when in second half of games.
Gakpo 55, Robertson 85, Bueno 90+1 (og)
3 players had just met for the first time
in the car park.
introduction of Luis Díaz, Núñez and
Harvey Elliott that tipped the game
possession. Gomez
looked uncomfortable
Gary O’Neil’s side were
superb in the first half:
Despite the win extending in Liverpool’s favour. Szoboszlai’s in that role, even Points won already this compact, disciplined,
Liverpool’s unbeaten streak to 16 performance as the deep-lying more so given that the season by Liverpool setting intelligent
GREGOR ROBERTSON league games, Klopp knows this midfielder in the second half — 26-year-old was tasked from losing positions, traps in midfield from
Liverpool team are very much a Klopp switched to a 4-4-2 formation with defending against two more than the a low defensive block.
Just how far can Jürgen Klopp’s “LFC work in progress. Title talk at half-time, removing Alexis the excellent left winger next best team As Liverpool laboured
rebooted” go this season? Another perhaps feels a little premature Mac Allister and pushing the Pedro Neto, who skipped (Tottenham) to create any decent
rousing comeback, and a fourth win for a side that offer so little Hungary midfielder deeper — past Gomez and Joël Matip opportunities, Wolves’
from their opening five Premier defensive protection in midfield provided further evidence with ease to lay on Hwang Hee- pressing triggers — often
League games, added to the growing and feel rather light in numbers of his value, versatility and chan’s opener. through the excellent João Gomes —
weight of opinion that it is Liverpool at the back. drive. Question marks A composed full Premier League allowed Neto space on the
who look best-placed to push Last season’s 3-0 defeat undoubtedly remain, however, debut for the academy graduate Jarell counterattack.
Manchester City closest for the title. away to Molineux was one about the balance in the Quansah, 20, was a bright spark “He’s really got his head down this
There is certainly grounds for of the lowest points of middle of the pitch. during a woeful first half for Liverpool season, he’s really working hard, you
optimism in the way nine of a season to forget. Liverpool can look forward during which they lacked energy, can see a big impact from him,” Max
Liverpool’s 13 points this season have Many have been to the return of the imagination and bite. Even the return Kilman, the Wolves captain, said of
been earned after falling a goal quick to point to a injured midfield duo of Alexander-Arnold and the Neto, who returned from a ten-month
behind; in the way the dynamic steelier side to Thiago Alcântara and suspended Virgil van Dijk, however, knee injury in February. “He’s vital
Dominik Szoboszlai has settled into Liverpool this Stefan Bajcetic, while does not suggest a string of clean for us, we just have to keep giving
life on Merseyside; in the rich array of season, after the arrival of Ryan sheets is on the way. him the ball.”
attacking options Klopp has at his comebacks Gravenberch from “It’s a new start. We’ve got a lot of Just before the break, Neto
disposal; and the way the Liverpool against Bayern Munich and new players, kind of a new way of nutmegged Gomez and clipped a
manager’s substitutions have affected Bournemouth Wataru Endo from playing,” Andrew Robertson, who delightful ball towards Matheus
games, as was again the case in and Stuttgart mean gave Liverpool the lead in the 85th Cunha but the Brazilian missed a
Saturday’s 3-1 win against Newcastle Klopp is not short of minute, on his 200th Premier League glorious chance for 2-0.
Wolverhampton Wanderers. United, options in the centre appearance, said. “If we were 2-0 up then it would’ve
Klopp brings up his eight-year when Darwin of the pitch. “We’ve got good, exciting young been a different game,” Kilman said.
anniversary as the manager at Anfield Núñez was Yet even in the players. Sometimes you could “It was good to see us creating
next month but, as he pointed out on introduced absence of Trent probably see that in the first half, those chances and getting into good
the eve of the trip to Molineux, the and scored two Alexander-Arnold, who where it was time to just put the foot areas, which has been a problem for
accelerated evolution of Liverpool’s late goals to win was sidelined with a on the ball, we were still maybe trying us over the past couple of seasons.
squad in the summer means it feels as it for Liverpool. hamstring injury, Klopp to force it. “But we need to improve in terms
if it is “year one” for the German and Yet, in truth, the chose to ask his “But second half, we played with of finishing games off and also being
this group of players. transformative no fear and we made really good more ruthless, defensively. We’re
In truth, it has seemed that way impact of Klopp’s For the second away substitutions. If we keep everyone fit, still learning from the new manager,
during spells of each of Liverpool’s substitutes — and game running Klopp’s we believe that we’ve got a squad that things will click soon, we just need to
games — perhaps with the exception some good fortune subs were effective can compete.” stay together.”
the times | Monday September 18 2023 1GG 13


Bullied boy who lived the dream of

making home-town club big again ALAMY
impossible. “There was a backlash. I
Sir Bob Murray, former got abused. When I came up the A19,
my driver had to ring the police to say
Sunderland chairman, I was coming into the city. The fans
speaks to Henry Winter got one of these twin-prop planes,
with ‘MURRAY OUT’ [a banner] and
about his legacy, and how flew over the house.
“[Now] I get treated really special at
greed changed the game Sunderland. Not all of them, but the
vast majority of fans. They know I did
Sir Bob Murray sits in the Beacon of my best. I didn’t do it for money. You
Light, the sanctuary he founded next have to want to do this job. They
to the Stadium of Light he built, and [Sunderland fans] have had a taste of
agonises about the game he loves. He different now, and it’s been a bit of a
worries about the greed in football, contrast.” The “different”, he argues,
the sportswashing, improper owners came when the club eventually drifted
and the need to protect the pyramid, under Ellis Short, who bought out
and he worries about society too. Drumaville in 2008. Short sold to
Murray had anxiety issues, which Stewart Donald and Charlie Methven
he overcame through hard work, in 2018, with the club now in the far
acquiring his fortune through kitchens more popular hands of Kyril Louis-
and property, and he has deep Dreyfus, the French businessman,
concerns about the world around him. and the Uruguayan Juan Sartori.
Now 77, spritely and reflective, Murray does, though, worry about
Murray is celebrating the Beacon of the direction of the game. “The
Light’s fifth anniversary on Thursday, Premier League was driven by greed,”
and recalls how recently he visited the he says. “It’s money. It’s not just about
school that tends to 80 pupils who are
deemed too troubled or troublesome
for mainstream education. “There
‘I received my first
were four kids, 16 years old, they’d Sunderland shirt
been written off, their lives were
finished,” he says. “I cried. They were when I was eight.
only 16. Absolute broke my heart. I felt ten feet tall’
Everything was against them. People
here are the outcasts of society.” The strike partnership of Phillips, left, and Quinn brought joy to Sunderland under Murray, below right, who had been ‘the Glazers’ [as money-driven
The Beacon is the HQ and ostracised for moving the club out of Roker Park. The Wearsiders then drifted under the ownership of Short, below left owners]. It’s been going on for a while.
heartbeat of the Foundation of Light, It was blatant what happened. It was a
Sunderland’s official charity. “I me, Brian Clough, as a goalscorer, was all proceeds going to the Foundation Houghton, the Manchester City and power money grab by five clubs [the
consider this place a hospital,” Murray the one in excitement terms. Charlie of Light. England defender, who began her then ‘big five’ of Arsenal, Everton,
says. “It’s where you get better. We Hurley was the king, he came here He became the club’s chairman in career at the club. Liverpool, Manchester United and
teach them how to deal with life, deal from Millwall [in 1957] — he could 1986, and saw some wonderful “It cost £20 million to build,” Murray Tottenham Hotspur]. They just then
with pressures. It’s the power of the have gone to Manchester United but football. “Just the chemistry of Marco’s says. “We’ve got the largest indoor hall had the luck of the advent of Sky. It
brand, Sunderland. It’s phenomenal. he came to us! He’s an eloquent, [Gabbiadini’s] pace and Eric [Gates] between Leeds and Edinburgh. Keir was technology that made them.”
“We get people who come in here to beautiful man, a great centre half. I putting him through.” With another Starmer [the Labour leader] likes it. He looks at the nation states
get warm. They can’t afford to put still get a Christmas card from him double act, Sunderland twice finished I’m OK about Starmer, although he’s coming into the Premier League.
their central heating on. It’s 2023. We and [his wife] Joan. He stayed at seventh in the Premiership, and Kevin not charismatic enough for me. The “Sportswashing is a huge concern,” he
have the most efficient car plant on Sunderland when he could have gone Phillips won the European Golden PM [Rishi Sunak] hasn’t been yet.” adds. “Where is it going to end up?
our doorstep in Europe here [Nissan] to Manchester United. Unbelievable.” Shoe. “Kevin was very special,” One particular former PM, Certain clubs have a fantastic tradition
and there are people who can’t keep Hurley eventually left for Bolton Murray reflects, his eyes lighting up Margaret Thatcher, whom he met and history. Look at the pedigree of
warm and can’t keep fed. Wanderers on a free but that he again. “Him and Niall Quinn, when she visited his successful Spring Newcastle [now under Saudi
Unbelievable. This place is sadly much stayed so long meant so much. unbelievable, I had the Golden Boot of Ram kitchen manufacturing company ownership]. It is capable of being
needed, increasingly so.” That connection to Sunderland is Europe playing for Sunderland in a in Yorkshire, stirs only contempt in damaged by the new owners.”
Some owners leave clubs, but with why Murray regularly returns to the team that was seventh. I was on Murray. “I didn’t like her. She was evil. Newcastle fans would disagree, of
someone such as Murray, the club northeast from his Jersey retreat and fantasy island!” Worse than that. I was here when she course. “I feel sad that people like me
never leaves them. Some people leave why he was back again this week. He had Peter Reid as manager. closed the shipyard, you see. And my [local owners, fans] aren’t now going
their home area, but never forget their Sunderland is in his blood. It flows “Working class, gritty, a fighter, home town, Consett, that went.” The to have the opportunity I had in life,”
roots. “I’m really proud of where I through the prose of his punchy new determined,” Murray recalls. He had steelworks were shut down in 1980. he says. “It would be wonderful if
come from,” he says. “I got lucky. It’s autobiography, I’d Do It All Again, with some arguments with Reid over “Thatcher closed it overnight.” every club had a Steve Gibson [of
great being a northeast lad. I’m spending on certain players late on. All the while Murray built his Middlesbrough]. Steve’s a great lad, he
positive, determined and honest. “Not enough — I should have been business and eventually the gets it, and he’s very, very generous.
And I’m tenacious.” much stronger in hindsight.” Clough foundation. Mental and physical “I never bankrolled the club like
He needed to be, growing up would appear to watch Reid’s team. “I health are particularly focused on at Steve does or Jack Walker did [at
in Consett. “The school was could smell his whisky. He’d come in, the Beacon. Downstairs from where Blackburn Rovers]. I’ve been very
horrendous,” he says. “I was charismatic, we’d put him in the Murray talks are staff and members of generous but I’ve never done the
bullied. But that was life, that fourth row and he’d shout, ‘Reidy, the armed forces, working with those things they’ve done. I didn’t have it
was Consett. If you were weak, change it!’ ” suffering from post-traumatic stress [the huge wealth] and I didn’t have
you went under.” Sunderland There was relegation, financial disorder. “Around 15 to 20 per cent of the inclination.”
provided an escape. “I issues, and Murray eventually sold out forces come from the northeast. He looks at the structure of the
remember when I to Quinn’s Drumaville Consortium Recruitment is so good here because national game and says: “I worry
received my first in 2006. But his legacy you traditionally are expected to go in about the pyramid enormously.” He
Sunderland shirt! I was remains in the Stadium, the forces. When I was at Roker Park, looks at the parachute money that a
eight. I put it on and Academy and Beacon of they used to let the forces go in the relegated club such as Southampton
felt ten foot tall. I Light. Along with the car park for recruiting on match days. have, snapping up the Sunderland
thought I looked a school and its science I used to go wild! I kicked them off striker Ross Stewart, who has been
player. lab is: an employment because they were taking my sidelined with an injury. “We’ve just
“Going to Roker hub teaching work- supporters away.” been paid £8 million for a player who
Park for the first time place skills; a Murray became briefly estranged hasn’t been playing for six months,”
was memorable. specialist NHS from many Sunderland fans when he Murray says with a sigh, bemused.
Consett has 40,000 mental health moved the club from Roker Park to Murray has another meeting, more
people, 8,000 worked centre; acres of the Stadium of Light in 1997. All-seater foundation work, using the power of
in the steelworks, so sports facilities requirements dictated it. “It was an Sunderland to change lives: “It’s a
going to a ground and a pitch on easy decision to leave Roker Park,” he special club.”
with 50,000 made an the roof where says. “There was no other option. We 6 I’d Do It All Again by Sir Bob
amazing impression. the Sunderland couldn’t do those four stands, with Murray with Lance Hardy and Ian
“Len Shackleton Ladies scholars houses yards away. The most seats we Preece is published by Vision Sports
was my dad’s trained last week could have would have been 22,000 Publishing at £20.
favourite player. For under a mural of Steph and the cost would have been
14 1GG Monday September 18 2023 | the times

Premier League
Home Away
P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
W 1 Manchester City..........................5 2 0 0 6 1 3 0 0 8 2 11 15
W 2 Tottenham Hotspur...................5 2 0 0 4 1 2 1 0 9 4 8 13

W 3 Liverpool........................................5 2 0 0 6 1 2 1 0 6 3 8 13
Y 4 Arsenal............................................5 2 1 0 7 4 2 0 0 2 0 5 13
Y 5 Brighton & Hove Albion...........5 2 0 1 8 5 2 0 0 7 2 8 12


6 West Ham United........................5 1 0 1 4 4 2 1 0 6 3 3 10
Y 7 Aston Villa.....................................5 2 0 0 7 1 1 0 2 4 9 1 9
Z 8 Crystal Palace...............................5 1 0 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 4 -1 7
Y 9 Fulham............................................5 1 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 7 -5 7
10 Brentford ....................................... 5
11 Newcastle United........................5
12 Nottingham Forest.....................4
13 Manchester United.....................5


Z 14 Chelsea...........................................5 1 1 1 4 2 0 1 1 1 3 0 5
Y 15 Bournemouth...............................5 0 2 1 1 3 0 1 1 3 5 -4 3
16 Wolverhampton Wanderers...5
W 17 Sheffield United...........................5
1 Brighton become English Most seasons played in European football*
Liverpool (423) 48
W 18 Everton...........................................5
Y 19 Burnley ........................................... 3
-8 0
club No 38 in Europe, Man United (411)
Arsenal (336) 38
Z 20 Luton Town...................................4 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 3 1 8 -8 0
Mohamed Salah closes Chelsea (292) 31
Tottenham (256) 29
on Harry Kane, and Man City (189)
Leeds (149) 18
23 (Games played)
*Excludes when
Sky Bet Championship James Milner’s record Everton (91) 17
Swansea and
other Welsh
Aston Villa (71) 16 clubs qualified
Home Away Newcastle (122) 15 via Welsh Cup
P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
W 1 Preston North End ..................... 6 3 0 0 6 3 2 1 0 4 1 6 16
Brighton & Hove Albion will become
Y 2 Leicester City...............................6 2 0 1 4 3 3 0 0 7 2 6 15 the 38th team to represent the rising. For example, 87.5 per cent of
Z 3 Ipswich Town...............................6 2 0 1 8 6 3 0 0 4 1 5 15 English league in European the clubs taking part in 2021-22
Y 4 Norwich City.................................6 3 0 0 6 2 1 1 1 9 6 7 13 competition — and they are the (seven out of eight) had also played
Y 5 Hull City..........................................6 1 2 0 6 4 2 0 1 4 3 3 11 closest of those 38 to mainland in Europe in 2020-21. The overall
Z 6 Birmingham City.........................6 2 1 0 4 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 11 Europe — when they face AEK figure across decades has been above
Y 7 Sunderland....................................6 2 0 1 8 3 1 1 1 4 3 6 10 Athens in the Europa League this 70 per cent in each decade this
Y 8 Blackburn Rovers.......................6 2 0 1 5 4 1 1 1 3 5 -1 10 week. That total includes a London century, having been below 60 per
Z 9 Southampton...............................6 1 1 1 7 9 2 0 1 4 7 -5 10
XI, whose match against a Basel XI in cent in every decade previously, as
Y 10 Leeds United................................6 0 3 0 3 3 2 0 1 7 4 3 9
Z 11 Bristol City.....................................6 0 2 1 1 3 2 1 0 4 2 0 9
the Fairs Cup in June 1955 was the the chart (far right) shows.
Y 12 Watford..........................................6 2 1 1 6 1 0 1 1 3 4 4 8 first fixture played in any major Manchester United recorded the
Z 13 West Bromwich Albion.............6 2 0 1 8 6 0 2 1 2 3 1 8 European tournament, whether or longest unbroken run of seasons in
Z 14 Plymouth Argyle.........................6 2 0 1 7 3 0 1 2 2 4 2 7 not it involved an English team. European competition, with 27.
Z 15 Coventry City...............................6 1 2 0 6 3 0 2 1 3 4 2 7 Liverpool lead the way among Liverpool’s sequence of 21 ended in
Y 16 Cardiff City....................................6 2 0 1 5 3 0 1 2 5 7 0 7 English clubs with 48 European 1985 but their domestic results would
Y 17 Huddersfield Town....................6 1 0 2 2 5 1 1 1 4 5 -4 7 seasons, including this one, with have extended that to 29 without
Z 18 Millwall...........................................6 1 0 2 1 4 1 1 1 3 4 -4 7 Manchester United two behind them Uefa’s ban on English clubs. Ipswich
Z 19 Stoke City......................................6 2 0 1 5 3 0 0 3 0 4 -2 6
(see chart, above right). This analysis Town just missed out on the
Z 20 Queens Park Rangers...............6 0 0 2 1 4 2 0 2 5 7 -5 6
Z 21 Rotherham United ..................... 6 1 1 1 5 5 0 0 3 2 8 -6 4
takes account of the involvement of following list, competing in Europe in
W 22 Swansea City................................6 0 2 1 3 4 0 0 3 3 7 -5 2 Welsh clubs only when they have nine out of ten seasons from 1973-74. Danny Welbeck celebrates during
W 23 Sheffield Wednesday................6 0 0 3 1 4 0 1 2 3 6 -6 1 qualified through English
W 24 Middlesbrough............................6 0 1 2 1 4 0 0 3 3 9 -9 1 competitions, not via the Welsh Cup. Most consecutive seasons GROWING CONTINUITY
Swansea City’s 2013-14 Europa in Europe for English clubs Proportion of English clubs competing in
League campaign is the sole case. Man Utd 27 (the last was 2013-14) European competition in any given season
Sky Bet League One The competition in England for
European places has become more
Arsenal 25 (2020-21)
Liverpool 21 (1984-85)
who also did so in the previous season
1980s (19 in 33) 58%
Home Away predictable nowadays as the same Chelsea 19 (2015-16)
P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
Man City 14 (2023-24) 1990s (27 in 51) 53%
Y 1 Exeter City.....................................8 2 1 1 4 3 3 0 1 6 1 6 16 teams qualify year after year: the
proportion of clubs competing in Tottenham 13 (2022-23) 2000s (53 in 75) 71%
Y 2 Port Vale ........................................ 7 3 0 0 3 0 2 1 1 5 10 -2 16
Y 3 Oxford United..............................7 2 0 1 4 3 3 0 1 8 4 5 15 Europe in any given season who were Liverpool 11 (2010-11) 2010s (51 in 72) 71%
Z 4 Stevenage......................................8 1 3 0 5 3 3 0 1 6 3 5 15 also involved the previous year is Leeds 10 (1974-75) 2020s (23 in 29) 79%
Y 5 Barnsley..........................................7 2 0 2 11 6 2 1 0 5 1 9 13
Z 6 Portsmouth...................................7 2 2 0 5 2 1 2 0 5 1 7 13
Z 7 Bolton Wanderers.......................7 3 0 1 8 6 1 1 1 5 3 4 13
8 Wycombe Wanderers ............... 7
9 Lincoln City...................................7
Z 10 Cambridge United......................7 3 0 1 6 2 1 0 2 3 4 3 12
W 11 Derby County...............................7 1 1 2 4 5 2 0 1 8 4 3 10 Premier League QPR (1) 1 Sunderland (1) 3 Accrington (1) 4 Sutton Utd (0) 1
Y 12 Peterborough United................7 1 1 1 4 5 2 0 2 5 5 -1 10 Aston Villa (0) 3 Crystal Palace (0) 1 Paal 12 Clarke 45+8 Leigh 45+1 (pen), 57 Patrick 64
16,383 Ballard 57, Ba 81 Longelo 63 2,036
Y 13 Bristol Rovers...............................7 0 2 1 3 4 2 1 1 5 4 0 9 Durán 87 Édouard 47
Sent off: J Colback (QPR) 21 Pritchard 90+5
Luiz 90+8 (pen) 40,809
Z 14 Blackpool.......................................7 2 2 0 4 1 0 1 2 0 5 -2 9 Bailey 90+11 Sheffield Wed (0) 0 Ipswich (1) 1 Bradford City (0) 1 Harrogate (0) 1
Z 15 Shrewsbury Town ...................... 7 2 0 2 3 4 1 0 2 1 4 -4 9
25,938 Chaplin 45 Walker 90+5 Daly 78
W 16 Leyton Orient...............................8 1 0 2 2 7 1 2 2 5 6 -6 8 Bournemouth (0) 0 Chelsea (0) 0
10,421 Watford (0) 2 Birmingham (0) 0
W 17 Charlton Athletic.........................7 2 0 2 6 6 0 1 2 2 4 -2 7 Colchester (1) 1 Mansfield (0) 1
(0) 0 (0) 1 Rajovic 90+1 18,932
Y 18 Carlisle United ............................. 8 1 2 1 4 4 0 2 2 3 5 -2 7 Everton Arsenal
Andrews 90+6 Taylor 30 Keillor-Dunn 90
Z 19 Northampton Town...................7 1 1 2 3 4 1 0 2 2 3 -2 7 39,217 Trossard 69
Sent off: L Buchanan (Birmingham) 88 3,740
W 20 *Wigan Athletic............................7 2 0 1 4 4 2 1 1 8 4 4 5 Fulham (0) 1 Luton (0) 0 League One Crawley Town (0) 3 Tranmere (1) 2
W 21 @Reading ........................................ 7 3 0 1 5 2 0 0 3 1 4 0 5 Vinícius 65 24,467
Barnsley (1) 2 Burton Albion (0) 0 Darcy 61, Tsaroulla 68 Jolley 21, Taylor 66
W 22 Burton Albion...............................7 0 1 2 1 5 0 1 3 1 6 -9 2 Man United (0) 1 Brighton (1) 3 Lolos 90+6 2,961
Cole 21, 68 11,533
Y 23 Cheltenham Town......................7 0 0 3 0 6 0 1 3 0 3 -9 1 Mejbri 73 Welbeck 20 Derby (0) 1 Portsmouth (0) 1
Forest Green (0) 1 Doncaster (1) 2
Z 24 Fleetwood Town.........................7 0 0 3 0 6 0 1 3 3 7 -10 1 73,592 Gross 53
Collins 86 (pen) Bishop 90+5
Moore-Taylor 84 Biggins 35
João Pedro 71 Close 90+6
deducted *8pts/@4pts for breaching league rules 27,999
Newcastle (0) 1 Brentford (0) 0 Gillingham (2) 2 Morecambe (1) 1
Exeter (0) 1 Cheltenham (0) 0
Wilson 64 (pen) 51,670 Lapslie 9 Mellon 11
Watts 68 6,312 Mahoney 23 5,915
(0) 2 Sheffield Utd(0) 1
Sky Bet League Two Tottenham
Richarlison 90+8 Hamer 73
(0) 0 Oxford Utd
Mills 16, Bodin 27
(2) 3 Sent off: M Mellon (Morecambe) 76
MK Dons (1) 1 Stockport (2) 2
Kulusevski 90+10 61,706 Edwards 60 Eisa 26 Barry 17
Home Away Sent off: O McBurnie (Sheffield Utd) 90+14 7,085 Powell 45+2
P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts West Ham (1) 1 Man City (0) 3 Lincoln City (0) 1 Carlisle (1) 1
W 1 Gillingham.....................................8 3 0 1 4 4 3 0 1 3 2 1 18 Ward-Prowse 36 Doku 46, Silva 76 Hamilton 49 Plange 19 Newport Co (1) 1 Barrow (0) 1
W 2 Notts County................................8 3 0 0 8 4 2 2 1 7 7 4 17 62,475 Haaland 86 8,514 McLoughlin 40 Campbell 69 (pen)
Peterborough (1) 1 Leyton Orient (1) 1 3,539
Y 3 Swindon Town.............................7 3 1 0 15 5 1 2 0 7 6 11 15 Wolves (1) 1 Liverpool (0) 3 Sent off: R Delaney (Newport Co) 43
Y 4 Wrexham.......................................8 3 1 1 17 13 1 2 0 3 2 5 15 Kyprianou 21 Beckles 33
Hwang 7 Gakpo 55 7,945 Swindon (1) 2 Walsall (0) 0
Z 5 Mansfield Town...........................8 2 1 0 6 2 1 4 0 9 6 7 14 Robertson 85 Austin 2 9,131
Bueno 90+1 (og) Port Vale (0) 1 Northampton (0) 0
Y 6 Crawley Town..............................8 4 0 1 10 5 0 2 1 4 10 -1 14
Garrity 84 7,532
Hepburn-Murphy 88
Z 7 Crewe Alexandra........................8 2 2 0 11 7 1 2 1 8 6 6 13 Sky Bet Championship Sent off: T Knowles (Walsall) 66
Reading (0) 2 Bolton (1) 1 Wrexham (2) 3 Grimsby (0) 0
Y 8 Accrington Stanley....................8 3 1 1 10 6 1 0 2 3 5 2 13 Blackburn (1) 2 Middlesbrough (0) 1 Savage 77 Charles 20 Palmer 21, Boyle 31 10,116
Z 9 Milton Keynes Dons .................. 8 2 1 1 5 4 2 0 2 10 10 1 13 Szmodics 31, 49 Crooks 55 Vickers 86 13,155 Lee 79
Z 10 Barrow............................................7 1 1 0 3 2 2 2 1 5 4 2 12 16,348 Sent off: E Toal (Bolton) 90+4
Vanarama National League
W 11 AFC Wimbledon..........................8 0 3 1 5 6 2 2 0 7 2 4 11 Bristol City (0) 0 West Brom (0) 0 Shrewsbury (0) 0 Bristol Rovers (0) 2
Y 12 Newport County ......................... 8 2 2 0 10 4 1 0 3 6 11 1 11 21,836 6,070 Marquis 73 AFC Fylde (0) 1 Eastleigh (1) 2
Collins 90+1 Rendall 77 (og) Taylor 17
Y 13 Stockport County.......................8 1 2 1 5 5 2 0 2 7 7 0 11 Cardiff (0) 2 Swansea (0) 0 McCallum 50
Z 14 Walsall ............................................ 8 2 1 0 4 2 1 1 3 7 11 -2 11 Tanner 71 28,648 Stevenage (1) 1 Charlton (0) 1 Sent off: A Whitmore (AFC Fylde) 36
Z 15 Grimsby Town.............................8 2 2 0 5 1 0 2 2 4 8 0 10 Ramsey 86 (pen) Reid 34 Blackett-Taylor
5,118 90+2 (pen) Aldershot (0) 1 Gateshead (0) 1
Z 16 Morecambe...................................7 3 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 1 7 -1 10 Huddersfield (1) 2 Rotherham (0) 0
Wigan (0) 2 Cambridge U (0) 1
Stokes 59 Francis 85
Z 17 Bradford City................................8 2 2 0 5 3 0 2 2 1 5 -2 10 Koroma 18, Thomas 70 19,050
Humphrys 57 Okenabirhie 76 (pen)
Y 18 Colchester United.......................7 1 1 2 5 6 1 0 2 4 3 0 7 Millwall (0) 0 Leeds (1) 3 Aasgaard 62 10,078 Bromley (2) 3 Oldham (0) 0
Z 19 Salford City...................................8 0 1 3 3 7 2 0 2 6 6 -4 7 17,909 Piroe 15, 77, Rutter 81 Wycombe (1) 2 Blackpool (0) 0
Passley 27, Woods 41
Whitely 66
Y 20 Harrogate Town..........................8 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 7 -4 7 Norwich (1) 1 Stoke (0) 0 Vokes 13, Hanlan 46 4,691
Ebbsfleet (0) 0 Chesterfield (0) 1
Z 21 Forest Green Rovers ................. 8 0 0 5 3 13 2 1 0 3 1 -8 7 Stacey 44 25,816 League Two 2,063 Dobra 81
Y 22 Doncaster Rovers.......................8 0 2 2 3 6 1 0 3 4 9 -8 5
Preston (2) 2 Plymouth (0) 1 AFC Wimbledon (2) 2 Crewe (0) 2 Sent off: M Jacobs (Chesterfield) 90+2
Z 23 Tranmere Rovers........................8 1 0 3 7 7 0 0 4 3 8 -5 3 Holmes 1 Hardie 61 Neufville 30, Tilley 38 Tabiner 51 Halifax Town (0) 0 Dorking (1) 1
Z 24 Sutton United...............................8 1 0 3 5 6 0 0 4 6 14 -9 3 Millar 25 17,542 8,147 Nevitt 90+10 Craig 34
the times | Monday September 18 2023 1GG 15

four clubs in 1991-92, six in 1994-95, Harry Kane left Tottenham
seven in 1997-98 and eight in 1998-99. Hotspur in the summer having
established himself as the top
Most English clubs in Europe European goalscorer for English
in one season clubs but Mohamed Salah, three
9 behind, will hope to catch him.
2002-03: Champions League: Arsenal,
Man Utd, Newcastle, Liverpool (moved Players with most goals in
to Uefa Cup mid-season after finishing Europe for English clubs
third in group); Uefa Cup: Chelsea, Harry Kane, Tottenham, 45
Ipswich, Blackburn, Leeds, Fulham Thierry Henry, Arsenal, 42
2008-09: Champions League: Arsenal, Sergio Agüero, Man City, 42
Chelsea, Liverpool, Man Utd; Uefa Cup: Mohamed Salah, Chelsea, Liverpool, 42
Everton, Portsmouth, Aston Villa, Steven Gerrard, Liverpool, 41
Tottenham, Man City Wayne Rooney, Man Utd, Everton, 40
8 Ruud van Nistelrooy, Man Utd, 38
1970-71, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2003-04, Didier Drogba, Chelsea, 36
2006-07, 2007-08, 2011-12, 2015-16, Olivier Giroud, Arsenal, Chelsea, 33
2023-24 Alan Shearer, Blackburn, Newcastle, 30
Ryan Giggs, Man Utd, 30
In 2004-05 there was the unfamiliar Peter Lorimer, Leeds, 30
sight in Europe of Millwall (FA Cup
runners-up) and Middlesbrough James Milner can become the first
(League Cup winners), both player to represent five English clubs
continental debutants. in Europe: he has appeared for
In 2011-12 the English entrants Newcastle, Villa, Manchester City
included Stoke City (FA Cup and Liverpool and will expect to play
runners-up), Birmingham City for Brighton in the Europa League
(League Cup winners) and Fulham this season.
(fair play route) and two seasons later
Wigan Athletic (FA Cup winners) Players to have appeared in
and Swansea (League Cup winners) European competition with
took part. most English league clubs
Unlikely pairings/trios in Jonathan Woodgate: Leeds, Newcastle,
European competition Tottenham, Stoke
2004-05 Millwall, Middlesbrough Damien Duff: Blackburn, Chelsea,
2011-12 Birmingham, Stoke, Fulham Newcastle, Fulham
2013-14 Swansea, Wigan Brad Friedel: Liverpool, Blackburn,
Aston Villa, Tottenham
The highest attendance for a match Peter Crouch: Liverpool, Portsmouth,
featuring an English club was 136,505 Tottenham, Stoke
for Leeds United’s European Cup Nicolas Anelka: Arsenal, Man City,
semi-final against Celtic at Hampden Bolton, Chelsea
Saturday’s victory against Manchester United for Brighton, who will make their debut in European competition on Thursday Park in April 1970 — only 4,500 of Yossi Benayoun: West Ham, Liverpool,
whom were said to be supporting Chelsea, Arsenal
For the first time since 2015-16 The record of nine teams has all from 1985 to 1990 after Uefa Leeds. In fact the crowd for this James Milner: Newcastle, Aston Villa,
there will be as many as eight occurred twice: the quota was banned English clubs after the Heysel fixture, which was moved from Celtic Man City, Liverpool
English clubs in European bumped up in 2002-03 when Fulham Stadium disaster in 1985. Park because of the huge demand for
competition this season: Manchester qualified for the Uefa Cup via the England had only two clubs in tickets, was the largest for any match Most club trophies won
City, Arsenal, Manchester United Intertoto Cup and Ipswich did so action in 1990-91 and needed to be in European club competition. Spain 46
and Newcastle United in the through their fair play ranking; in patient as its coefficient — hit by the West Ham helped to draw what England 37
Champions League, Liverpool, 2008-09 Villa took the Intertoto five-year absence from European remains the largest crowd in Italy 30
Brighton and West Ham United in route and Manchester City won a fair competition — gradually built up England, when 97,974 saw them win Germany 19
the Europa League and Aston Villa play place. during the 1990s and allowed for the 1965 Cup Winners’ Cup final at Netherlands 11
in the Europa Conference League. England were not represented at more entrants. The contingent rose to Wembley. Portugal 7

Hartlepool (0) 0 Woking (0) 2 Kilmarnock (0) 2 Hibernian (1) 2 P W D L F A GD Pts Lazio.......................4 1 0 3 4 7 -3 3 Kick-off 7.45 unless stated Europa Conference League (5.45): Group E
4,214 Korboa 47, 50 Vassell 61, Wright 79 Dennis 8 (og) Falkirk....................6 5 1 0 15 3 12 16 Udinese ................. 4 0 3 1 1 4 -3 3 Today Legia Warsaw v Aston Villa. Group G
6,277 Vente 59 Hamilton...............6 5 1 0 11 3 8 16 Sassuolo................4 1 0 3 5 9 -4 3 Eintracht Frankfurt v Aberdeen.
Kidderminster (0) 0 Solihull Moors (1) 1 Premier League Nottm Forest v Burnley.
Stirling Albion.....6 3 1 2 5 8 -3 10 Salernitana...........3 0 2 1 3 5 -2 2 Friday
3,016 Warburton 15 Motherwell (0) 0 St Mirren (0) 1 Queen of South..6 3 0 3 12 11 1 9 Cagliari..................4 0 2 2 1 4 -3 2 Tomorrow
5,653 Tanser 55 Sky Bet Championship Birmingham v QPR
Montrose..............6 3 0 3 11 11 0 9 Empoli....................4 0 0 4 0 12 -12 0 Champions League: Group E (8.0):
Maidenhead (0) 0 Boreham Wood (0) 1 Kelty Hearts.........6 2 2 2 7 7 0 8 Feyenoord v Celtic; Lazio v Atletico Madrid.
Marsh 52 (pen)
Ross County (0) 1 Livingston (0) 1 German Bundesliga Bochum 1 Eintracht Cinch Championship Queen’s Park v Ayr.
Murray 59 Anderson 72 Annan Athletic....6 2 1 3 9 12 -3 7 Frankfurt 1; Cologne 1 Hoffenheim 3; Group F AC Milan v Newcastle (5.45); PSG v
Oxford City (0) 0 Dagenham & R (0) 0 3,160 Alloa Athletic.......6 2 0 4 8 12 -4 6 Darmstadt 3 Borussia Mönchengladbach 3; Borussia Dortmund (8.0). Group G Man City Kick-off 3.0 unless stated
876 Cove Rangers......6 1 2 3 8 8 0 5 Freiburg 2 Borussia Dortmund 4; v Red Star Belgrade (8.0); Young Boys v RB Saturday
St Johnstone (0) 0 Rangers (1) 2 Edinburgh City ... 6 0 0 6 5 16 -11 0 Heidenheim 4 Werder Bremen 2; Mainz 1 Leipzig (5.45). Group H (8.0): Barcelona v Premier League Brentford v Everton (5.30);
Rochdale (2) 4 Barnet (1) 2 6,967 Pereira da Silva 16 League Two East Fife 2 Clyde 0; Elgin 2 Stuttgart 3; RB Leipzig 3 Augsburg 0; Antwerp; Shakhtar Donetsk v Porto. Burnley v Man Utd (8.0); Crystal Palace v
Sinclair 23, 42 Kabamba 25, 67 Matondo 79 Dumbarton 0; Forfar 2 The Spartans 2; Wolfsburg 2 Union Berlin 1. Sky Bet Championship Bristol City v Fulham; Luton v Wolves; Man City v Nottm
Gilmour 50 2,568 P W D L F A GD Pts Peterhead 2 Bonnyrigg Rose 1; P W D L F A GD Pts Plymouth; Cardiff v Coventry; Preston v Forest.
Henderson 89 Celtic.......................5 4 1 0 11 3 8 13 Stenhousemuir 5 Stranraer 0. B Leverkusen......4 3 1 0 13 5 8 10 Birmingham; QPR v Swansea; Sheff Wed v
Bayern Munich...4 3 1 0 11 4 7 10 Sky Bet Championship Ipswich v
St Mirren...............5 3 2 0 9 6 3 11 French Ligue 1 Clermont 0 Nantes 1; Lens 0 Middlesbrough (8.0); Southampton v
Wealdstone (0) 0 Altrincham (0) 0 Motherwell...........5 3 1 1 6 4 2 10 RB Leipzig.............4 3 0 1 13 4 9 9 Blackburn; Leeds v Watford; Leicester v
Metz 1; Lorient 2 Monaco 2; Lyon 0 Le Havre Ipswich. League One Barnsley v Bristol City; Middlesbrough v Southampton;
1,302 Rangers.................5 3 0 2 8 2 6 9 Stuttgart................4 3 0 1 14 6 8 9 Portsmouth; Peterborough v Cheltenham;
0; Marseille 0 Toulouse 0; Reims 1 Brest 2; Hoffenheim..........4 3 0 1 10 6 4 9 Plymouth v Norwich; Rotherham v Preston;
York City (1) 3 Southend (0) 0 Hearts.....................5 2 1 2 4 2 2 7 Rennes 2 Lille 2; Strasbourg 2 Montpellier 2. Port Vale v Burton Albion. Swansea v Sheff Wed; West Brom v Millwall.
Ross County.........5 2 1 2 6 7 -1 7 P W D L F A GD Pts Wolfsburg.............4 3 0 1 7 5 2 9
Latty-Fairweather 26 4,679 Papa John’s EFL Trophy (7.0 unless League One Blackpool v Reading; Bolton v
Livingston.............5 1 3 1 5 8 -3 6 Monaco..................5 3 2 0 15 7 8 11 B Dortmund.........4 2 2 0 8 5 3 8
Kouhyar 74, Siziba 76 Union Berlin.........4 2 0 2 9 7 2 6 stated): Morecambe v Liverpool U-21; Peterborough; Bristol Rovers v Wigan;
Sent off: H Taylor (Southend) 74, Kilmarnock...........5 1 2 2 4 5 -1 5 Brest ....................... 5 3 1 1 7 6 1 10 Wigan v Leicester U-21; Derby v Lincoln; Burton v Fleetwood; Cambridge Utd v Port
Dundee..................5 1 2 2 5 8 -3 5 Nice.........................5 2 3 0 7 4 3 9 E Frankfurt...........4 1 3 0 4 3 1 6
G Scott-Morriss (Southend) 88 Freiburg................4 2 0 2 5 10 -5 6 Doncaster v Everton U-21; Shrewsbury v Vale; Carlisle v Derby; Charlton v Wycombe;
Hibernian..............5 1 1 3 9 10 -1 4 Marseille................5 2 3 0 7 4 3 9 Brighton U-21; Sutton Utd v Aston Villa U-21
P W D L F A GD Pts Heidenheim ........4 1 1 2 8 9 -1 4 Cheltenham v Stevenage; Leyton Orient v
Chesterfield.........9 7 1 1 23 15 8 22 Aberdeen..............5 0 2 3 3 9 -6 2 PSG..........................5 2 2 1 10 6 4 8 (7.45); Wycombe v Crystal Palace U-21; Shrewsbury; Northampton v Barnsley;
St Johnstone........5 0 2 3 2 8 -6 2 Werder Bremen..4 1 0 3 6 9 -3 3
Solihull Moors....9 5 4 0 16 8 8 19 Lille..........................5 2 2 1 7 7 0 8 Bochum ................4 0 3 1 4 9 -5 3 Colchester v Tottenham U-21 (7.30); Leyton Oxford Utd v Exeter; Portsmouth v Lincoln.
Barnet...................9 6 1 2 19 12 7 19 Cinch Championship Metz........................5 2 2 1 7 9 -2 8 B M’gladbach ...... 4 0 2 2 8 12 -4 2 Orient v Fulham U-21; Oxford Utd v MK League Two Crewe v Colchester;
Bromley...............9 4 3 2 14 10 4 15 Rennes...................5 1 4 0 10 6 4 7 Augsburg..............4 0 2 2 7 12 -5 2 Dons; Exeter v Reading; Bristol Rovers v Doncaster v Gillingham; Grimsby v Crawley;
Arbroath (2) 4 Airdrieonians (0) 0 Reims......................5 2 1 2 9 7 2 7
Woking.................9 4 3 2 13 9 4 15 McKenna 27 1,708 Cologne.................4 0 1 3 3 7 -4 1 West Ham U-21 (7.45). Harrogate v Salford; Mansfield v Barrow;
Hartlepool............9 5 0 4 19 19 0 15 Strasbourg............5 2 1 2 6 8 -2 7 Darmstadt............4 0 1 3 5 13 -8 1 Morecambe v Swindon; Newport Co v
Hylton 35, Bird 88 Le Havre................5 1 3 1 8 6 2 6 Wednesday
Rochdale...............9 4 2 3 15 11 4 14 McIntosh 90+1 Mainz......................4 0 1 3 3 12 -9 1 Bradford City; Notts Co v Forest Green;
Lorient ................... 5 1 3 1 7 7 0 6 Champions League: Group A Bayern
Gateshead............9 3 4 2 21 13 8 13 Spanish La Liga Athletic Bilbao 3 Cádiz 0; Stockport v Wrexham; Sutton Utd v MK
Halifax....................9 3 4 2 8 7 1 13 Sent off: R Little (Arbroath) 38, L McStravick Toulouse...............5 1 3 1 5 6 -1 6 Munich v Man Utd (8.0); Galatasaray v
Barcelona 5 Real Betis 0; Celta Vigo 0 Dons; Tranmere v Accrington; Walsall v
Ebbsfleet...............9 4 0 5 15 13 2 12 (Airdrieonians) 55 Montpellier...........5 1 2 2 9 9 0 5 Copenhagen (5.45). Group B (8.0): Arsenal
Mallorca 1; Getafe 3 Osasuna 2; Real Madrid AFC Wimbledon.
Wealdstone..........9 3 3 3 10 12 -2 12 Dundee Utd (1) 1 Morton (0) 1 Nantes....................5 1 2 2 6 8 -2 5 v PSV Eindhoven; Sevilla v Lens. Group C
Lyon........................5 0 2 3 3 10 -7 2 2 Real Sociedad 1; Sevilla 1 Las Palmas 0; Braga v Napoli (8.0); Real Madrid v Union Cinch Premiership Dundee v Kilmarnock;
Altrincham...........9 2 5 2 13 15 -2 11 Moult 19 Muirhead 58 Valencia 3 Atlético Madrid 0; Villarreal 2 Hibernian v St Johnstone; Livingston v
Dagenham & R....9 3 2 4 10 12 -2 11 7,075 Clermont...............5 0 1 4 4 10 -6 1 Almería 1. Berlin (5.45). Group D (8.0): Benfica v Red
Lens.........................5 0 1 4 4 11 -7 1 Bull Salzburg; Real Sociedad v Inter Milan. Celtic (12.30); St Mirren v Hearts.
Aldershot..............9 3 2 4 16 19 -3 11 Sent off: M Cudjoe (Dundee Utd) 63 P W D L F A GD Pts
Oxford City .......... 9 2 4 3 16 14 2 10 Italian Serie A Cagliari 0 Udinese 0; Sky Bet Championship Blackburn v Cinch Championship Airdrieonians v Raith;
Queen’s Park (0) 0 Dunfermline (0) 2 Real Madrid..........5 5 0 0 10 3 7 15 Dunfermline v Morton; Inverness CT v
Boreham Wood..9 2 4 3 9 12 -3 10 Fiorentina 3 Atalanta 2; Frosinone 4 Barcelona..............5 4 1 0 13 4 9 13 Sunderland; Huddersfield v Stoke; Hull v
Maidenhead.........9 2 4 3 7 10 -3 10 1,968 McCann 51, 67 Sassuolo 2; Genoa 2 Napoli 2; Inter Milan 5 Athletic Bilbao .... 5 3 1 1 9 4 5 10 Leeds; Millwall v Rotherham; Norwich v Dundee Utd; Partick v Arbroath. League
Eastleigh...............9 2 4 3 9 15 -6 10 AC Milan 1; Juventus 3 Lazio 1; Monza 1 Girona....................4 3 1 0 7 2 5 10 One Annan v Alloa; Edinburgh City v Cove;
Raith Rovers (0) 1 Inverness CT (0) 0 Leicester (8.0); Watford v West Brom.
Kelty v Falkirk (5.30); Montrose v Stirling
Dorking ................. 9 2 3 4 8 14 -6 9 Lecce 1; Roma 7 Empoli 0. Valencia ................5 3 0 2 7 4 3 9
York........................9 1 4 4 13 17 -4 7
Gullan 87 2,846 P W D L F A GD Pts Thursday Albion; Queen of South v Hamilton. League
Rayo Vallecano...5 3 0 2 6 8 -2 9
Kidderminster.....9 1 4 4 4 9 -5 7 P W D L F A GD Pts Inter Milan............4 4 0 0 13 1 12 12 Europa League (5.45 unless stated): Group Two Bonnyrigg v Stenhousemuir; Clyde v
Atlético Madrid...4 2 1 1 10 4 6 7
Oldham..................9 1 4 4 9 15 -6 7 Raith Rovers........5 4 1 0 10 6 4 13 Juventus...............4 3 1 0 9 2 7 10 Cádiz.......................5 2 1 2 5 7 -2 7 A (8.0): Olympiacos v Freiburg; West Ham v Elgin; Dumbarton v Peterhead; Spartans v
AFC Fylde.............9 1 2 6 14 23 -9 5 Dundee Utd..........5 3 2 0 11 2 9 11 AC Milan................4 3 0 1 9 7 2 9 Getafe.....................5 2 1 2 5 7 -2 7 Backa Topola. Group B (8.0): Ajax v East Fife; Stranraer v Forfar.
*Southend ............ 9 4 1 4 15 12 3 3 Partick Thistle.....5 3 1 1 14 6 8 10 Lecce......................4 2 2 0 7 4 3 8 Real Betis..............5 2 1 2 5 10 -5 7 Marseille; Brighton v AEK Athens. Group C
Arbroath...............6 3 0 3 10 8 2 9 Napoli.....................4 2 1 1 8 5 3 7 (8.0): Rangers v Real Betis; Sparta Prague v
* deducted 10pts for breaching league rules Real Sociedad......5 1 3 1 8 7 1 6
Queen’s Park.......6 3 0 3 8 10 -2 9 Frosinone ............. 4 2 1 1 7 6 1 7 Aris Limassol. Group D (8.0): Atalanta v Premier League (2.0 unless stated):
Cinch Scottish Premiership Osasuna.................5 2 0 3 7 8 -1 6
Dunfermline.........5 2 2 1 6 4 2 8 Fiorentina.............4 2 1 1 9 9 0 7 Villarreal................5 2 0 3 8 10 -2 6 Rakow Czestochowa; Sturm Graz v Arsenal v Tottenham; Brighton v
Celtic (0) 3 Dundee (0) 0 Airdrieonians.......5 2 0 3 5 10 -5 6 Verona...................3 2 0 1 4 4 0 6 Alavés .................... 5 2 0 3 5 7 -2 6 Sporting. Group E LASK v Liverpool; Union Bournemouth; Chelsea v Aston Villa;
Morton...................5 1 1 3 7 12 -5 4 Atalanta.................4 2 0 2 8 5 3 6 Mallorca ................ 5 1 2 2 4 5 -1 5 Saint Gilloise v Toulouse. Group F Liverpool v West Ham; Sheff Utd v
Turnbull 51 (pen)
Furuhashi 63 Ayr Utd .................. 5 1 0 4 3 12 -9 3 Bologna.................3 1 1 1 3 4 -1 4 Celta Vigo.............5 1 1 3 4 7 -3 4 Panathinaikos v Villarreal; Rennes v Newcastle (4.30).
O’Riley 67 Inverness CT........5 0 1 4 3 7 -4 1 Torino.....................3 1 1 1 2 4 -2 4 Sevilla.....................4 1 0 3 6 8 -2 3 Maccabi Haifa. Group G Servette v Slavia Sky Bet Championship Stoke v Hull
League One Annan 3 Stirling Albion 0; Roma......................4 1 1 2 11 6 5 4 Granada.................4 1 0 3 7 12 -5 3 Prague; Sheriff v Roma. Group H Bayer (midday); Sunderland v Cardiff.
Hearts (1) 2 Aberdeen (0) 0 Cove 2 Kelty 2; Falkirk 1 Queen of South 0; Genoa.....................4 1 1 2 4 7 -3 4 Las Palmas ........... 5 0 2 3 1 4 -3 2 Leverkusen v Hacken (5.45); Qarabag v Cinch Premiership Aberdeen v Ross Co;
Oda 14, Boyce 64 18,626 Hamilton 2 Alloa 1; Montrose 5 Edinburgh 2. Monza....................4 1 1 2 3 6 -3 4 Almería..................5 0 1 4 5 11 -6 1 Molde. Rangers v Motherwell.
16 1GG Monday September 18 2023 | the times

POSTCARDS FROM THE PYRAMID Kit Shepard and Ian Whittell on the biggest
stories from the EFL each weekend

Savvy Ismaël could buck Watford trend JAMES MARSH/SHUTTERSTOCK


As tribulations such as managerial Selles backs Crewe Alexandra, who have come back
from 2-0 down to draw 2-2 four times this
sackings and points deductions
already leave their mark on this EFL
protesters season, have taken the most points from
losing positions in the EFL
season, Watford and Birmingham A bizarre protest, involving
City offered a welcome reminder tennis balls thrown on to Crewe Alexandra
that football can supply happiness in the pitch, left, delayed 10
antithetical forms. Reading‘s home game
against Bolton Wanderers Hull City
The source of Watford’s positivity
was obvious, as two goals in second- for three minutes in the first 7
half stoppage time on Saturday gave half on Saturday, but the Barrow
them a 2-0 victory — their first win troubled hosts went on 6
since the opening day. to collect a vital win in Mansfield Town
When Mileta Rajovic’s header from League One.
a Yáser Asprilla cross opened the Reading were docked a
scoring at Vicarage Road, the home point by the EFL in August Sunderland
fans’ raucous celebrations displayed and lost three more last 6
the intense and transient version of week for not placing wages
joy. They experienced it again when into a bank account, leading points deductions under the Hong
Ryan Andrews’s deflected strike to fans protesting against Kong-registered Birmingham Sports
sealed the win five minutes later. the owner, Dai Yongge. Holdings Ltd, as well as the jailing of
“I’m just pleased that everyone got “I completely agree with the previous owner Carson Yeung for
their reward for their patience,” the protest,” Rubén Selles, money laundering in 2014,
Valérien Ismaël, the Watford head the Reading manager, said. Knighthead Capital Management
coach, said. “We deserved to take “We have to be better in LLC has restored faith since acquiring
more points from many games before. that aspect to stop losing control last July through its affiliate,
At some points you get frustrated, but points because we don’t do Shelby Companies Ltd (SCL).
this is the beauty of the game.” the things we need to as a “We have genuine hope for the
Ismaël also discussed how the win football club. We need to do future,” Neil Cottrell, the vice-
will aid his team’s development, but our job. chairman of the fan-led Blues Trust,
outlining a long-term vision as the “We are the first one that said. “That’s something we haven’t
Watford head coach is always tricky. feels the club needs to do had for the best part of a decade.”
When he arrived in May, Ismaël better in terms of finances. Cottrell cites Knighthead rescuing
became the club’s 19th permanent We completely understand Hertz, the car rental company, from
managerial appointment since Gino and have the same feeling.” bankruptcy. He welcomes the arrival
Pozzo took over in 2012, with the Having conceded just of the new chief executive, Garry
Italian owner rattling through three after the protest, goals in Cook, who held the same role at
managers over the 2022-23 campaign. the final 13 minutes from Manchester City at the start of their
The savvy Ismaël has more than Charlie Savage — son of Abu Dhabi era. And he knows that
ten years’ head-coaching experience Robbie — and Caylon having Tom Brady, the NFL legend,
and could be the man who bucks the Vickers secured a win that as a minority owner will provide a
trend of sackings, but that will have to took Reading to five points. fashionable guise if nothing else.
be seen to be believed. Regardless, he A revolution has started in the
can savour this result for now. Second City. As Watford fans enjoyed
Birmingham’s route to satisfaction will also rue the double save of Daniel After seven straight seasons finishing and limited them to nothing,” John the result, the away faithful could
was more philosophical. They had Bachmann to deny Scott Hogan, and between 17th and 20th in the Eustace, the Birmingham head coach, take comfort in spite of it.
qualms over Keith Stroud’s refereeing, Jay Stansfield striking a post. But Championship, there are tentative said of his team’s performance. “You can tell that these guys are
with two of their seven bookings there are many reasons for cheer. signs of a play-off push. Birmingham’s ownership situation serious,” Cottrell said of SCL. “Even
resulting in the sending-off of Lee This was their first league loss this “We’ve come to a difficult place, surely enhances Eustace’s optimism. when we lose games, the general
Buchanan before Rajovic’s goal. They season and they remain in the top six. there is an exceptional squad here, After the irresponsible spending and direction is very much on the up.”

Warnock set to step down Browne rests Cheltenham not at races

Neil Warnock, the Huddersfield Town
manager, is expected to announce
that’s wrong, isn’t it? I’ve enjoyed
every minute and am not prepared to
after Mbappé Cheltenham Town maintained their
unwanted status as the only team in
day to day, you can see is really good.
You can see the team is organised,
that he is leaving the club at a press talk about it tonight.” The Preston North End captain Alan the top four divisions of English they are working hard and together.
conference today, despite leading Huddersfield, whom Warnock Browne capped a week to remember football still searching for a first There are lots of indicators that
his team to a second win in a row. guided to promotion into the by helping his team return to the top league goal of the season after a 1-0 speak really well of the work we are
The 2-0 victory over second tier way back in 1995, of the Championship on Saturday defeat away to Exeter City. doing, but the ultimate indicator is
Rotherham United on Saturday were second bottom in the with a 2-1 win over Plymouth Argyle, Seven matches without a goal results and I get that there will come
afternoon nudged Huddersfield Championship when he though the Ireland midfielder mean the manager, Wade Elliott, is a point where you are going to be
away from the relegation zone returned this year. The survived for only one half. facing inevitable questions about his judged on that.”
and maintained the strong job veteran duly inspired a Browne was substituted at half-time future but he believes he can improve Exeter returned to the top of
that the 74-year-old started brilliant revival, as the in what may have been an act of the miserable record. League One with the win. Of the
last season, when he Yorkshire club won mercy given the 164 minutes he had “I am not stupid and I know it’s table’s top four, which also includes
led the club to six of their final nine played the previous week, as his about results,” he said after Saturday’s Port Vale, Oxford United and
Championship safety matches of the national team lost Euro qualifiers to defeat. “Ultimately, it’s a result- Stevenage, no team finished higher
after being appointed campaign to finish France and Holland. oriented business. The work we do than 14th in the third tier last season.
in February. nine points clear of “He’s fine,” Ryan Lowe, the Preston
It is expected that
Wednesday’s home
match against Stoke
the relegation zone.
Although his second
stint at the club may
manager, said. “He’d just been to
France and tried to mark [Kylian]
Mbappé — the distance he covered!
Since beating Notts County 5-1 in their
City will be his last in
charge, with an overseas
manager already lined up
be nearly complete,
the uptick in form over
the past two games
“He then played against Holland
and top midfielders and wingers. I
just thought that he looked a bit
close win out first game of the season, Sutton United
have lost all seven league matches
v Notts Past seven
as his successor. suggests that he is tired. He was tired when he came A late cross-cum-shot from Ben Close County games
“I’m ever so proud of still making a positive back. He only came back and trained gave Doncaster Rovers their first
what we’ve achieved here. difference. on Thursday. victory of the season. They deserved Goals 5 6
We have a press “Of course I will be “I’ve done the right thing because I their 2-1 victory away to Forest Green
conference on Monday at here [on Wednesday],” could’ve lost him. He is obviously Rovers, according to their manager Goals
conceded 1 19
one o’clock,” Warnock said Warnock said. “I want disappointed coming off. He sat Grant McCann.
after the victory over to win, I want to beat behind us in the dugout and rallied “I said to the lads when we left the
Shots 6 22
Rotherham. Stoke. I’m just enjoying the lads on like a captain does.” hotel that this is the sixth Saturday
“It [social media] said it my football, the crowds Preston’s victory, their fifth in six since starting and we’ve not tasted the Minutes
was my last game, so and the atmosphere, league games this season, came winning feeling, which is depressing leading 88 63
and when I see the lads against Lowe’s previous employers when you have to go home without Points
Warnock led Huddersfield put in a performance Plymouth, who are managed by his it,” he said. “I’m hoping the lads can taken 3 0
to successive victories like that.” former assistant Steven Schumacher. enjoy that because they’ve earned it.”

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