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Grade 11 SMC Second Term Questions / May 2024

A: General questions
1. Differentiate the two types of conflicts?
Answer: There is low scale and high scale conflict, low scale is minor while high
scale is serious, low scale is for short period of time and easier and high scale is for
a longer period of time and difficult
2. Give two rules of the Interest-Based Relational (IBR) approach for resolving a
Answers: 1) make sure that good relationships are the first priority
2) listen carefully to the interests of the other side
3. Define mediation and mediator?
Answer: Sometimes it is very useful for a conflict to be managed by an outside
"Third party' who is neutral in the conflict. This is called mediation and the neutral
party managing the process is called the mediator.

4 What are the 5 -conflict resolution process? (Mention Only any 3)

a. Both sides to agree to the rules of the IBR approach, adopting a collaborative
conflict resolution style.
b. Each side explains their point of view to the other, with each side listening
carefully to the other.
c. Both sides agree on exactly what the conflict is about and what the relevant
observable facts are.
d. Options for resolving the conflict are explored together by both sides. It is
important that both sides are open to considering new ideas.
e. A solution to the conflict is negotiated and agreed.
5. What does UAE law say about using violence to defend yourself?
According to UAE law, using violence for self-defense can sometimes be a
legitimate right. However, this is only in extreme cases where an immediate danger
is faced.
6-Define International criminal court (ICC):
The international criminal court is a permanent court which its purpose is to
prosecute individuals for war crimes.
7. When a country fails on a diplomatic conflict, what is a non-violent action that UN
executes on them? Write down 2 examples of that operation.
a. They place sanctions on the country.
b. A ban on importing weapons and others military goods
c. A ban on the import of goods and technologies that could be used for
military purposes
8. Give a brief explanation about inter-state wars and intra-state wars?
Wars between countries (sometimes called Inter-State wars). However, there have
been many wars within states (sometimes called Intra-State wars These Intra-State
wars are the most common form of war in modern times.
9. What are the main causes of War? Mention at least 3.
Land, Economics/ Resources, Ideology, Empire building, cultural and religious
differences, nationality and ethnicity, Defence/ pre-emption, proxy wars, revenge,
B-Fill in the blank
1. The principles of _______________ theory have been very influential in
development of international laws governing the use of military force.
just war
2. The UN was founded after _______________ to prevent another conflict. It
currently has _______ members including the UAE.
Second World War / 193
C: Multiple Choices questions:
1-What is UN security council responsible for?
A) Budgetary authority B) Peace and security in world
C) Settling Disputes between States D) Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
2. Which of the following crimes are associated to international crime court (ICC).
A) Theft B) Kidnapping C) Vandalism D) Genocide
3. What is conflict? Choose the correct option.
A) The agreement between individuals or groups of people.
B) The disagreement between individuals or groups of people.
C) both A and B
D) none of the above

D: True or false Questions:

1. UN has NEVER used military force in any of their acts.
True False
2.The international court of justice (ICJ) and International criminal court are both
located in Rotterdam. True False
3. Disagreement on what is the “right” thing to do is one of the reasons for
individual conflict. True False

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