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Economy & Industry

1. Which of the foIIowing is not a CentraI Government tax?

a. Corporation Tax
b. Land Revenue
c. Customs Duty
d. ncome Tax
Ans : B

2. The main cause of InternationaI Trade is
a. Equal cost difference
b. Absolute cost difference
c. Comparative cost difference
Ans :C

3. Which petroIeum company has introduced an improved quaIity petroI caIIed 'Speed'?
a. Bharat Petroleum
b. ndian Oil
c. Hindustan Petroleum
d. None of these
Ans : A

4. In the recent past, ReIiance has found the gas in..........
a. Mumbai offshore
b. Mahanadi basin
c. Krishna -Godavari basin
d. Kaveri basin
Ans : C

5. Which company uses the ad Iine, 'Knowing is everything'?
a. BBC World
b. Star
c. Sony
d. Zee
Ans : A

6. K.L.M. RoyaI AirIines beIongs to
a. taly
b. Japan
c. Netherlands
d. Austria
Ans : C

7. Who among the foIIowing persons is cIoseIy associated with the Ieading company ITC Ltd?
a. M.S Banga
b. K. Gopalkrishnan
c. Yogi Deveshwar
d. Deepak Satwalekar
Ans : C

. Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana has been Iaunched by
a. National nsurance Co.
b. United ndia nsurance Co.
c. LC of ndia
d. Oriental nsurance Co.
Ans : C

9. Suvidha Fixed Deposit scheme was Iaunched by which bank?
a. DB
b. CC
c. SB
d. City Bank
Ans : A

10. BPO is an abbreviation for
a. Bharat Petroleum Organisation
b. Business Process Outsourcing
c. Business Products Outsourcing
d. Bharat Pesticides Outlet
Ans : B

11. Which one of the foIIowing is not manufacturing mobiIe teIephone handsets?
a. Samsung
b. Nokia
c. Videocon
d. Sony
Ans : C

12. Which is the Iargest tea producing country in the worId?
a. Kenya
b. ndonesia
c. China
d. ndia
Ans : D

13. Recession in the market impIies
a. Slump in trade & industry due to fall in demand
b. ncrease in trade industry due to rise in demand
c. No change in trade and industry due to stability in demand
d. None of these
Ans : A

14. 'BottIe neck infIation' means
a. No rise in prices despite increase in aggregate demand
b. Rise in prices without increase in the aggregate demand
c. Decline in prices due to increase in aggregate demand
d. None of these
Ans : B

15. Nandan NiIekani is associated with which company?
a. Satyam Computers
b. Wipro
c. nfosys
d. Polaris
Ans : C

16. Which is South Korea's Iargest car manufacturing company?
a. Hyundai
b. Honda
c. Suzuki
d. Toyota
Ans : A

17. Ashok LeyIand is owned by the
a. Tatas
b. Birlas
c. Hindujas
d. None of these
Ans : C

1. NABARD stands for
a. National Bank of Agriculture and Regional Development
b. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
c. National Bureau of Aeronautical Research and Development
d. None of these
Ans : B

19. The part of profit or other surpIuses of a company distributed proportionateIy among
sharehoIders is caIIed
a. Preference Share
b. Equity Share
c. Face Value
d. None of these
Ans : B

20. Which brand/company uses the ad Iine "We know India better"?
a. Max New York Life nsurance
b. LC of ndia
c. Amul
d. Bajaj
Ans : B

21. Zero Coupon Bonds are that variety of Ioans
a. which fail to yield an income for the creditors
b. which are issued at a discount and redeemed at par
c. on which the entire interest income is paid at the time of purchase
d. the market price of which may fall suddenly and heavily
Ans : B

22. The term 'Third WorId' refers to
Economically developing nations

23. ADB was setup in the year

24. NationaI Stock Exchange (NSE) was estabIished in the year

25. SEBI was estabIished in the year

26. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) was setup in the year

27. GIC was setup in the year

2. LIC was estabIished in the year

29. HDFC was estabIished in the year

30. HUDCO was setup in the year

31. NABARD was estabIished in the year

32. SIDBI was setup in the year

33. IDBI was setup in the year

34. IndustriaI Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) was estabIished in the year

35. IndustriaI Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) was estabIished in the year

36. Reserve Bank of India was estabIished in the year

37. The oIdest oiI refinery in India is Iocated in
Digboi (Assam)

3. Command Area DeveIopment Program was Iaunched to
Ensure better utilization of irrigation potential

39. Which two iron and steeI pIants have been setup in coIIaboration with the former Soviet
Bokaro and Bhilai

40. Which city is known as the siIicon vaIIey of India

41. Ranigiri in Andhra Pradesh is famous for

42. Where has the GeoIogicaI Survey of India Iocated most of India Chromite deposits

43. Firozabad in U.P is famous for which industry

44. Which is the Iargest rubber producing state in India

45. AnkaIeshwar in India is known for the production of
a. Petroleum
b. Coal
c. ron ore
d. Bauxite
Ans : A

46. For which one of the foIIowing items, Tirupur is famous as a huge exporter to many parts
of the worId
a. Handicrafts
b. Gems and Jewelry
c. Leather goods
d. Knitted garments
Ans : D

47. Which of the foIIowing Indian cities was the venue for the festivaI of GoId 2005
a. Chennai
b. Delhi
c. Kolkotha
d. Bangalore
Ans : B

4. Which of the foIIowing states is the Iargest producer of cashew nuts in India
a. Tamil Nadu
b. Assam
c. Kerala
d. Karnataka
Ans : C

49. Which Indian state Ieads in the production of cotton

50. The region known as the Rice-BowI of India is
Krishna-Godavari Delta region

1.Name the worId onIy fIoating NationaI park

Ans : Keibul Lamjao

2.KimberIey mines in South Africa is famous for
a. Silver
b. Coal
c. Gold
d. Diamonds
Ans : D

3.The Iength of the river NiIe from its remotest headstream in Burundi is

Ans : 6695 km

4.Which is the principIe source of the river NiIe

Ans : Lake Victoria

5.The Iongest river in the worId NiIe fIows north to the Mediterranean Sea through the

Ans : Uganda, Sudan and Egypt

6.The term Dawn Under denotes
a. Arctic Ocean
b. Australia
c. Cape of Good Hope
d. South Pole
Ans : B

7.The term COP is reIated with

Ans : UN framework on climate change held in taly

.Pong dam has been constructed over the river

Ans : Beas

9.What is Angkor Wat of Kampuchea

Ans : A temple

10.Which is the Iongest river in the African continent

Ans : Nile

11.What is sobriquet (GeographicaI surname) of FinIand

Ans : The land of Thousand Lakes

12.Durand Iine is the InternationaI boundary which separates the countries

Ans : Pakistan-Afghanistan

13.Which countries are Iinked by the Khyber Pass

Ans : Afghanistan and Pakistan

14.The Iongest river in the worId NiIe, drains into which sea

Ans : Mediterranean Sea

15.Po is the Iargest river of

Ans : taly

16.The Great Barrier Reef is situated on the coast of

Ans : Australia

17.The third Iargest continent in the worId

Ans : North America

1.The Iongest river of Europe is

Ans : Volga

19.A European country has 5500 Iakes within its territory. Which is the country

Ans : Finland

20.Eritrea is on the banks of which sea

Ans : Red sea

21.The Grand Canyon is Iocated on the

Ans : Colorado River

22.The second Iargest desert in the worId is

Ans : Gobi

23.The Iargest desert in the worId is

Ans : Sahara

24.Location of Mohave desert is in

Ans : Southwestern United States

25.Location of Simpson desert is in

Ans : Australia

26.Location of Thar desert is in

Ans : ndia/Pakistan

27.Location of KyzyI Kum desert is in

Ans : Uzbekistan

2.Location of KaIahari desert is in

Ans : Southwestern Africa

29.Location of Sonoran desert is in

Ans : Mexico/southwestern United States

30.TakIa Makan desert is in which country

Ans : Northern China

31.Chihuahuan desert is in

Ans : Mexico/southwestern United States

32.Great Victoria desert is in

Ans : Southwestern Australia

33.Great Sandy desert is in

Ans : Northwestern Australia

34.Rub aI KhaIi desert in in

Ans : Southern Arabian peninsula

35.Patagonian desert is in which country

Ans : Argentina

36.Congo river faIIs into which ocean

Ans : Atlantic Ocean

37.The fifth Iargest river in the worId is

Ans : Congo river

3.The second Iongest river in Africa after the NiIe is

Ans : Congo

39.Earth is the third nearest pIanet to the Sun orbiting between the pIanets

Ans : Venus and Mars

40.The wind bIowing in a spiraI form around a region of Iow atmospheric pressure is a

Ans : Cyclone

41.What is a Ieap year

Ans : Year in which the month of February has 29 days

42.What is caIIed the two points in the caIender when we experience the Iongest day or the
Iongest night of the year

Ans : Solstice

43.Term appIied to either of the two points in the ecIiptic at which the sun is farthest from the
ceIestiaI equator

Ans : Solstice

44.The equinoxes occur around

Ans : March 21 and September 23

45.One of two times of year when the sun position makes day and night of nearIy equaI
Iength in aII parts of the earth

Ans : Equinoxes

46.Earth moves faster at

Ans : Perihelion

47.Earths distance from the sun has IittIe to do with seasons. Instead, what causes seasonaI
cIimate changes

Ans : The tilt of the earth on its axis

4.The earth's periheIion occurs in the month of

Ans : January

49.The earths apheIion occurs in the month of

Ans : July

50.The earths apheIion is onIy about ....... km farther away from the sun than its periheIion

Ans : 5.9 million

GeogrupIIcuI EpILIeLs
World's Loneliest sland Tristanda Cuntra
World's Bread Basket Prairies of N.America
Windy City Chicago, U.S.A.
White Man's Grave Guinea Coast
White City Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Venice of the North Stockholm, Sweden
Venice of the East Alappuzha, ndia
Sugar Bowl of the World Cuba
Spice Garden of ndia Kerala
Sickman of Europe Turkey
Saint of the Gutters Mother Teresa
Roof of the World Pamirs, Central Asia
Queen of the Adriatic Venice, taly
Queen of Arabian Sea Kochi
Quaker City Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Playground of ndia Kashmir
Playground of Europe Switzerland
Pink City Jaipur
Pillar of Hercules Gibraltar
Pearl of the Pacific Guayaquil Port of Ecuador
Pearl of the Antilles Cuba
Never Never Land Prairies of N. Australia
Manchester of Tamil Nadu Coimbatore
Manchester of ndia Mumbai
Land of White Elephant Thailand
Land of Thunderbolt Bhutan
Land of Thousand Lakes Finland
Land of Rising Sun Japan
Land of Morning Calm Korea
Land of Midnight Sun Norway
Land of Maples Canada
Land of Lilies Canada
Land of Lakes Scotland
Land of Kangaroo Australia
Land of Golden Pagoda Myanmar
Land of Golden Fleece Australia
Land of Five Rivers Punjab, ndia
Lady with a lamp Florence Nightingale
Key to Mediterranean Gibraltar
sland of Pearls Bahrain
sland of Cloves Zanzibar
sland Continent Australia
Holy Land Palestine
Hermit Kingdom Korea
Hearing Pond Atlantic Ocean
Great Whiteway Broadway, New York
Granite City Aberdeen, Scotland
Granary of South ndia Tanjore
Gift of the Nile Egypt
Gateway of ndia Mumbai
Gate of Tears Bab - el - mandeb, Jerusalem
Garden of England Kent, England
Garden City Chicago
Forbidden City Lhasa, Tibet
Eternal City Rome
Empire City New York, U.S.A.
Emerald sland reland
Dark Continent Africa
Cockpit of Europe Belgium
City of the Golden Gate San Francisco (USA)
City of Sky - Scrapers New York
Big Apple New York
City of Seven Hills Rome
City of Palaces Kolkata
City of Magnificent Distance Washington, DC, USA
China's Sorrow Howang - Ho
Britain of the South New Zealand
Blue Mountains Nilgiri Hills
Bengal's Sorrow Damodar River
Mosquito Coast Nicargua
City of Kings Lima
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Famous Books by ndian Authors



Posted by Raghu at 1:29 PM 0 comments Links to this post
lridoy 4uqust 19 2011
IospIere Reserves In ndIu
Name Date of
Area (in
1 Achanakamar -
2005 3835.51 Covers parts oI Anupur and Dindori
districts oI Madhya Pradesh and
parts oI Bilaspur Districts oI
Chhattisgarh State
2 Agasthyamalai 12.11.2001 1828 Neyyar, Peppara and Shendurney
WildliIe Sanctuaries and their
adjoining areas in Kerala
3 Dehang-Dibang 02.09.98 5111.5 Part oI Siang and Dibang Valley in
Arunachal Pradesh
4 Dibru-Saikhowa 28.07.97 765 Part oI Dibrugarh and Tinsukia
Districts (Assam)
5 Great Nicobar 06.01.89 885 Southern most islands oI Andaman
and Nicobar (Andaman and Nicobar
6 GulI oI Mannar 18.02.89 10,500 Indian part oI GulI oI Mannar
between India and Sri Lanka (Tamil
7 Khangchendzonga 07.02.2000 2619.92 Parts oI Khangchendzonga Hills and
8 Manas 14.03.89 2837 Part oI Kokrajhar, Bongaigaon,
Barpeta, Nalbari, Kamprup and
Darang Districts (Assam)
9 Nanda Devi 18.01.88 5860.69 Part oI Chamoli, Pithoragarh, and
Bageshwar Districts (Uttarakhand)
10 Nilgiri 01.09.86 5520 Part oI Wayanad, Nagarhole,
Bandipur and Madumalai, Nilambur,
Silent Valley and Siruvani Hills
(Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka)
11 Nokrek 01.09.88 820 Part oI Garo Hills (Meghalaya)
12 Pachmarhi 03.03.99 4926 Parts oI Betul, Hoshangabad and
Chindwara Districts oI Madhya
13 Simlipal 21.06.94 4374 Part oI Mayurbhanj District (Orissa)
14 Sunderbans 29.03.89 9630 Part oI delta oI Ganga and
Brahamaputra river system (West
Source: National Biodiversity Action Plan, 2008, MoEF
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Posted by Raghu at 12:11 AM 0 comments Links to this post
undoy 4uqust 7 2011
%ropIIes In ndIun SporLs

Agarwal Cup Badminton
Agha Khan Cup Hockey
All-India Women`s Guru Nanak Championship Hockey
Bandodkar Trophy Football
Bangalore Blues Challenge Cup Basketball
Barna-Bellack Cup Table Tennis
Beighton Cup Hockey
Bombay Gold Cup Hockey
Burdwan Trophy Weight-liIting
Charminar Trophy Athletics
Chadha Cup Badminton
C. K. Naydu Trophy Cricket
Chakoia Gold Trophy Football
Divan Cup Badminton
Deodhar Trophy Cricket
Duleep Trophy Cricket
D. C. M. Cup Football
Durand Cup Football
Dhyan Chand Trophy Hockey
Dr. B. C. Roy Trophy (Junior) Football
Ezra Cup Polo
F. A. Cup Football
G. D. Birla Trophy Cricket
Ghulam Ahmed Trophy Cricket
Gurmeet Trophy Hockey
Gura Nanak Cup Hockey
Gyanuati Devi Trophy Hockey
Holkar Trophy Bridge
lrani Trophy Cricket
I. F. A. Shield Football
lndira Gold Cup Hockey
Jawaharlal Challenge Air Racing
Jaswant Singh Trophy
Best Services
Kuppuswamy Naidu Trophy Hockey
Lady Rattan Tata Trophy Hockey
MCC Trophy Hockey
Moinuddaula Gold Cup Cricket
Murugappa Gold Cup Hockey
Modi Gold Cup Hockey
Narang Cup Badminton
Nehru Trophy Hockey
Nixan Gold Cup Football
Obaid Ullah Gold Cup Hockey
Prithi Singh Cup Polo
Rani Jhansi Trophy Cricket
Ranjit Trophy Cricket
Rangaswami Cup Hockey
Ranjit Singh Gold Cup Hockey
Rajendra Prasad Cup Tennis
Ramanujan Trophy Table Tennis
Rene Frank Trophy Hockey
Radha Mohan Cup Polo
Raghbir Singh Memorial Football
Rohinton Baria Trophy Cricket
Rovers Cup Football
Sanjay Gold Cup Football
Santosh Trophy Football
Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee Football
Subroto Cup Football
Scindia Gold Cup Hockey
Sahni Trophy Hockey
Sheesh Mahal Trophy Cricket
Todd Memorial Trophy Football
Tommy Eman Gold Cup Hockey
Vittal Trophy Football
Vizzy Trophy Cricket
Vijay Merchant Trophy Cricket
Wellington Trophy Rowing
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Famous Books by ndian Authors

UPSC Civils Preliminary General Studies Paper -



Posted by Raghu at 11:34 PM 0 comments Links to this post
umous ooks by ndIun AuLIors

Books Author
A Bend in the river V S Naipaul
A Brush with LiIe Satish Gujral
A Conceptual Encyclopaedia oI Guru Granth
S S Kohli
A Foreign Policy Ior India I K Gujral
A Himalayan Love Story Namita Gokhale
A Nation Flawed-Lesson Irom Indian History P N Chopra
A Peep into the Past Vasant Navrekar
A Possible India Partha Chatterjee
A Psychoanalysis oI the Prophets Abdulla Kamal
A Reveolutionary LiIe Laxmi Sehgal
A Secular Agenda Arun Shourie
A Suitable Boy Vikram Seth
Acoession to Extinction D R Mankekar
Across Borders, FiIty-years oI India`s Foreign
J N Dixit
Adhe Adhure Mohan Rakesh
AIter the Dark Night S M Ali
Agni Pariksha Acharya Tulsi
Agni Veena Kazi Nazrul Islam
Ain-i-Akbari Abul Fazal
Ajatshatru Jai Shankar Prasad
Akbarnama Abul Fazal
Amar Kosh Amar Singh
An Autobiography Jawaharlal Nehru
An idealist View oI LiIe Dr S Radhakrishnan
Anandmath Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Anatomy oI a Flawed inheritance J N Dixit
Anguish oI Deprived Lakshmidhar Mishra
Answer to History Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
Area oI Darkness V S Naipaul
Arion and the Dolphin Vikram Seth
Arthashastra Kautilya
Ashtadhyayi Panini
Asia and Western Dominance K M Panikkar
Assassination oI a Prime Minister S Anandram
Assignment Colombo J N Dixit
Atoms oI Hope Mohan Sundara Rajan
Autobiography oI an Unknown Indian Nirad C Chaudhuri
Backward Place Ruth Prawer Jhabwala
Bandicoot Run Manohar Malgonkar
Bang-i-Dara Mohammad lqbal
Beginning oI the Beginning Acharya Rajneesh
Bend in the Ganges Manohar Malgonkar
Between the Lines Kuldip Nayar
Bewildered India-Identity, Pluralism, Discord Rasheedud-din Khan
Beyond Boundaries: A Memoire Swaraj Paul
Beyond Modernisation, Beyond SelI Sisir Kumar Ghose
Bhagwat Gita Veda Vyas
Bharal Aur Europe Nirmal Verma
Bharat Bharati Maithili Sharan Gupta
Bharaitya Parampara Ke Mool Swar Govind Chandra Pande
Bisarjan R N Tagore
Blind Men oI Hindoostan-indo-Pak Nuclear
Gen Krishnaswamy Sundarji
Bliss was it in that Dawn Minoo Masani
Borders & Boundaries: Women in India`s
Ritu Menon & Kamla Bhasin
Bostaan Sheikh Saadi
Bread, Beauty and Revolution Khwaja Ahmed Abbas
Breaking the Silence Anees Jung
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Bride Ior the Sahib and Other Stories Khushwant Singh
Bridge`s Book oI Beauty Mulk Raj Anand
Brishbikkha Bankim Chandra Chatterji
Britain`s True History Prem Bhatia
Broken Wings Sarojini Naidu
Bubble Mulk Raj Anand
Buddha Charitam Ashvaghosha
Bunch oI Old Letters Jawaharlal Nehru
By God`s Decree Kapil Dev
Canvass oI LiIe Sheila Gujral
Chandalika Rabindranath Tagore
Chemmeen Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai
Chidambara Sumitranandan Pant
Chikaveera Rajendra Masti Venkatesh lyengar
Chinese Betrayal B N Mullick
Chitra Rabindranath Tagore
Choma`s Drum K Shivaram Karanath
Chithirappaavai P V Akilandam
ConIessions oI a Lover Mulk Raj Anand
ConIrontation with Pakistan Gen B M Kaul
Conquest oI SelI Mahatma Gandhi
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Coolie Mulk Raj Anand
Court Dancer Rabindranath Tagore
Crescent Moon Rabindranath Tagore
Crescent Over Kashmir Anil Maheshwari
Crisis into Chaos E M S Namboodiripad
Crossing the Sacred Line-Women`s Abhilasha Kumari, Sabina
Search Ior Political Power Abhilasha & Sabina Kidwai
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Cuckold Kiran Nagar Kar
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Curtain Raisers K Natwar Singh
Dark Room R K Narayan
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Day in Shadow Nayantara Sehgal
Days oI My Yers H P Nanda
Death oI a City Amrita Pritam
Death-The Supreme Friend Kakasaheb Kalelkar
Decline and Fall oI Indira Gandhi
D R Mankekar and Kamala
Democracy Redeemed V K Narsimhan
Devadas Sarat Chandra Chatterjee
Dharmashastra Manu
Discovery oI India Jawaharlal Nehru
Distant Drums Manohar Malgonkar
Distant Neighbours Kuldip Nayar
Divine Comedy A Dante
Divine LiIe Swami Sivananda
Don`t Laugh-We are Police Bishan Lal Vohra
Dream in Hawaii Bhabani Bhattacharya
Durgesh Nandini Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
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Earth in the Balance: Forging a New Albert Gore
East oI Eden B N Mullick
East West Salman Rushdie
Economic Planning oI India Ashok Mehta
Economics oI the Third World S K Ray
Eight Lives Rajmohan Gandhi
End oI an Era C S Pandit
English August Upamanyu Chatterjee
Essays On Gita Aurobindo Ghosh
Eternal Himalayas Major H P S Ahluwalia
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Eternity Anwar Shaikh
Faces to Everest Maj H P S Ahluwalia
Facts are Facts Khan Abdul Wali Khan
Faith & Fire: A Way Within Madhu Tandon
Fall oI a Sparrow Salim Ali
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Fasana-i-Azad Ratan Nath Sarkar
Flames Irom the Ashes P D Tandon
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Forbidden Sea Tara Ali Baig
Fortynine Days Amrita Pritam
Freedom Behind Bars Sheikh Mohd Abdullah
Friends and Foes Sheikh Mujibur Rehman
Friends, Not Masters Ayub Khan
From india to America S Chandrashekhar
From Rajpath to Lokpath Vijaya Raja Scindia
Future oI NPT Savita Pande
Ganadevata Tara Shankar Bandopadhyaya
Gardener Rabindra Nath Tagore
Geeta Govind Jaya Dev
Ghasiram Kotwal Vijay Tendulkar
Gita Rahasya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Gitanjali Rabindra Nath Tagore
Glimpses oI Indian Ocean Z A Quasim
Glimpses oI World History Jawaharlal Nehru
Goa AsiI Currimbhoy
Godan Munshi Prem Chand
Godrej: A Hundred Years B K Karanjia
Golden Gate Vikram Seth
Golden Threshold Sarojini Naidu
Gora Rabindra Nath Tagore
Great Depression oI 1990 Ravi Batra
Guide R K Narayan
Raghupati Sahai Firaq`
Gulistan Boston Sheikh Saadi
Gulzari Lal Nanda: A Peep Promilla Kalhan
in the Service oI the People Promilla Kalhan
Gurusagaram O V Vijayan
Harsha Charita Bana Bhatt
Harvest Majula Padmanabhan
Heat and Dust Ruth Prawer Jhabwala
Heavy Weather P G Wodehouse
Henry Esmond Thackeray
Heir Apparent Dr Karan Singh
Higher than Hope Fatima Meer
Himalayan Blunder Brig J P Dalvi
Hindu View oI LiIe Dr S Radhakrishnan
History oI Hindu Chemistry Sir P C Ray
Hitopadesh R K Narayan
Hindi Sahitya Aur Samvedna Ka Vikas R S Chaturvedi
Hind Swaraj M K Gandhi
Hindu Civilisation J M Barrie
Hinduism Nirad C Chaudhary
Hungry Stones Rabindra Nath Tagore
I am not an Island K A Abbas
I Dare Parmesh Dangwal
I Iollow the Mahatma K M Munshi
I Muse; ThereIore I am V N Narayanan
Idols Sunil Gavaskar
In the Light oI the Black Sun Rohit Manchanda
In the Shadow oI Pines Mandeep Rai
India 2020: A Vision Ior the New Millennium
Dr A P J Abdul Kalam & Dr Y S
India-A Wounded Civilisation V S Naipaul
India-From Curzon to Nehru and AIter Durga Dass
India-From Midnight to the Millennium Shashi Tharoor
India-Independence Festival (1947-1997) Raghu Rai
India in Transition ProI Jagdish Bhagwati
India is Ior Sale Chitra Subramaniam
India oI Our Dreams M V Kamath
India Today Rajni Palme Dutt
Indian Home Rule M K Gandhi
Indian Philosophy Dr S Radhakrishnan
India`s Culture the State the Arts & Beyond B P Singh
India`s Economic Crisis Dr Bimal Jalan
Essay`s Ior Manmohan Singh I J Ahluwalia & M D Little
Indian Arms Bazaar Maj-Gen, Pratap Narain
India Divided Rajendra Prasad
India Wins Freedom Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Indian Muslims ProI Mohd Mujeeb
India, the Critial Years Kuldip Nayar
Indira Gandhi`s Emergence and Style Nayantara Sehgal
Indira`s India S Nihal Singh
Inside the CBI Joginder Singh
Insider P V Narsimha Rao
Intelligence Services Dr Bhashyam Kasturi
It is Always Possible Kiran Bedi
Jai Somnath K M Munshi
Jaguar Smile Salman Rushdie
Jajar, Churashir Maa Mahashweta Devi
Jankijeevanam ProI Rajendra Mishra
Jawaharlal Nehru-A Communicator Damodaran, A. K.
& Democratic Leader A K Damodran
Jawaharlal Nehru, Rebel and Statesman B R Nanda
Junglee Girl Ginu Kamani
Kadambari Bana Bhatt
Kamadhenu Kubernath Ray
Kamasutra Vatsyayan
Kagaz Te Kanwas Amrita Pritam
Kamayani Jai Shankar Pandit
Kali Aandhi Kamleshwar
Kanthapura Raja Rao
Kanyadaan Vijay Tendulkar
Kapal Kundala Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Kashmir-A Tale oI Shame Hari Jaisingh
Kashmir-Behind the Vale M J Akbar
Kashmir Diary: Psychology oI Militancy Gen Arjun Ray
Kashmir-The Wounded Valley Ajit Bhattacharjee
Kashmir in the CrossIire Victoria ShaIIield
Kashmir A Tragedy oI Errors Tavleen Singh
Katghare Main Ram Sharan Joshi
Kayakalp Munshi Prem Chand
Kayar Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai
Keepers oI the Keys Milan Kundera
King oI Dark Chamber Rabindra Nath Tagore
Kiratarjuniya Bharavi
Kitni Navon Main Kitni Bar S H Vatsyayan
Koraner Nari Taslima Nasreen
Kore Kagaz Amrita Pritam
Kulliyat Ghalib
Kumar Sambhava Kalidas
Lajja Taslima Nasreen
Lal Bahadur Shastri C P Srivastava
Last Phase Pyare Lal
Law, Lawyers & Judges H R Bhardwaj
Laws Versus Justice V R Krishna Iyer
Legacy oI a Divided Nation ProI Mushirul Hasan
LiIe Divine Aurobindo Ghosh
LiIe is Elsewhere Milan Kundera
Lipika Rabindranath Tagore
Lost Child Mulk Raj Anand
Love and Longing in Bombay Vikram Chandra
Love in A Blue Time HaniI Khureshi
Love, Truth and A Little Malice Khushwant Singh
Mahabharata Vyasa
Malati Madhav Bhavabhuti
MagniIicent Maharaja K Natwar Singh
Mahatma Gandhi Girija Kumar Mathur
Malavikagnimitra Kalidas
Manviya Sanskriti Ke Rachnatmak Aayam ProI Raghuvansh
Many Worlds K P S Menon
Mati Matal Gopinath Mohanty
Meghdoot Kalidas
Memoris oI a Bystander: LiIe in Diplomacy lqbal Akhund
Men Who Killed Gandhi Manohar Malgonkar
Meri Rehen Meri Manzil Krishna Puri
Midnight`s Children Salman Rushdie
Million Mutinies Now V S Naipaul
Missed Oppertunites: Indo-Pak War 1965 Maj-Gen, Lakshman Singh
Mistaken identity Nayantara Sehgal
Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Sugata Bose, Ayesha Jalal
Political Economy Sugata Bose & Ayesha Jalal
Modernity Morality And The Mahatma Madhuri Santhanam Sondhi
Mondays on Dark Night oI Moon Kirin Narayan
Mookhajjiva Kanasugalu K Shivram Karanth
Moor`s Last Sigh Salman Rushdie
Mrinalini Bankim Chandra Charrerjee
Mritunjaya Shivaji Sawant
Mrs Gandhi`s Second Reign Arun Shourie
Mudra rakshasa Vishakhadatta
Mughal Maharajas And The Mahatma K R N Swami
Muslim Law and the Constitution A M Bhattacharjea
My Days R K Narayan
My Early LiIe M K Gandhi
My Experiment With Truth M K Gandhi
My LiIe and Times V V Giri
My Own Boswell M Hidayatullah
My India S Nihal Singh
My Music, My Love Ravi Shankar
My Presidential Years Ramaswamy Venkataraman
My Truth Indira Gandhi
My South Block Years J N Dixit
My Struggles E K Nayanar
My Prison Diary J P Narayan
Naari Humayun Azad
Naganandan Harsha Vardhana
Naku Thanthi D R Bendre
Nai Duniya Ko Salam & Pathor Ki Dewar Ali Sardar JaIri
Naivedyam (The OIIering) N Balamani Amma
Naked Triangle Balwant Gargi
Nehru Family and Sikhs Harbans Singh
Netaji-Dead or Alive Samar Guha
New Dimensions oI India`s Foreign Policy Atal Behari Vajpayee
Nice Guys Finish Second B K Nehru
Nisheeth Uma Shankar Joshi
Niti-Sataka Bhartrihari
Nirbashita Narir Kabita Taslima Nasreen
Non-Violence in Peace and War M K Gandhi
Nuclear India G G Mirchandani and P K S
Nurturing Development Ismail Serageldin
Odakkuzal G Shankara Kurup
One-eyed Uncle Laxmikant Mahapatra
One World to Share Sridath Ramphal
Operation Bluestar-the True Story Lt-Gen K S Brar
Our Films, Their Films Satyajit Ray
Our India Minoo Masani
Out oI Dust F D Karaka
Padmavati Malik Mohammed Jayasi
Painter oI Signs R K Narayan
Pakistan in the 20th Century Lawrence Ziring
Pakistan Papers Mani Shankar Aiyer
Panchagram Tarashankar Bandopadhyaya
Panchtantra Vishnu Sharma
Pakistan Cut to Size D R Mankekar
Passage to England Nirad C Chaudhuri
Past Forward G R Narayanan
Pather Panchali Bibhuti Bhushan Bandyopadhyaya
Pinjar Amrita Pritam
Plans Ior Departure Nayantara Sehgal
Portrait oI India Ved Mehta
Post OIIice Rabindranath Tagore
Prathama Pratishruti Ashapurna Devi
Prem Pachisi Prem Chand
Premonitions P N Haksar
Price oI Partition RaIiq Zakaria
Prison and Chocolate Cake Nayantara Sehgal
Prison Diary Jayaprakash Narayan
Prisoner`s Scrapbook L K Advani
Prithviraj Raso Chand Bardai
ProIiles & Letters K Natwar Singh
Punjab, The Knights oI Falsehood K P S Gill
Quest Ior Conscience Madhu Dandavate
Radharani Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Raghuvamsa Kalidas
Rajtarangini Kalhana
Ram Charit Manas Tulsidas
Ramayana Maharishi Valmiki (in Sanskrit)
Ramayana Dharshanam K V Puttappa
Rangbhoomi Prem Chand
Raghupati Sahai Firaq`
Ratnavali Harsha Vardhan
Ravi Paar (Across the Ravi) Gulzar
Rediscovering Gandhi Yogesh Chadha
Reminiscences oI the Nehru Age M O Mathai
Return oI the Aryans Bhagwan S Gidwani
Returning to the Source Acharya Rajneesh
Revenue Stamp Amrita Pritam
Rich Like Us Nayantara Sehgal
Ritu Ka Pehla Phool Vijendra
Ritu Samhara Kalidas
River Sutra Gita Mehta
Road to Freedom K K Khullar
Rukh Te Rishi Harbhajan Singh
Sader-i-Riyasat Karan Singh
Sardar Patel and Indian Muslims RaIiq Zakaria
Sakharam Binder Vijay Tendulkar
Saket Maithili Sharan Gupta
Satyartha Prakash Swami Dayanand
Satanic Verses Salman Rushdie
Savitri Aurobindo Ghosh
Sceptred Flute Sarojini Naidu
Scholar Extraordinary Nirad C Chaudhuri
Scope oI Happiness Vijayalakshmi Pandit
Search Ior Home Sasthi Brata
Sense oI Time S H Vatsyayan
Seven Summers Mulk Raj Anand
Tamas Bhisham Sahni
Tarkash Javed Akhtar
Tehriq-e-Mujahideen Dr Sadiq Hussain
The Assassination K Mohandas
The Betrayal oI East Pakistan Lt Gen A A K
The Calcutta Chromosome Amitav Ghosh
The Career & Legend oI Vasco de Gama Sanjay Subramanyam
The Chinese Betrayal B N Mullick
The Congress Splits R P Rao
The DeIeat or Distant Drumbeats Bhaskar Roy
Unhappy India Lala Lajpat Rai
Until Darkness Parvin GhaIIari
Utouchable Mulk Raj Anand
Urvashi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar`
Uttar Ramcharita Bhava Bhuti
Untold Story Gen B M Kaul
Vanity Fair Thackeray
Vendor oI Sweets R K Narayan
Venisamhara Narayana Bhatt
Village by the Sea Anita Desai
Village Mulk Raj Anand
Vinay Patrika Tulsidas
Virangana Maithili Sharan Gupta
Vish Vriksha Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Voice oI Conscience V V Giri
Voice oI Freedom Nayantara Sehgal
Waiting Ior the Mahatma R K Narayan
Walls oI Glass K A Abbas
War and No Peace Over Kashmir MarooI Raza
War oI Indian Independence Vir Savarkar
We, Indians Khushwant Singh
We, the People N A Palkhivala
Widening Divide RaIiq Zakaria
Wings oI Iire, an Autobiography Dr A P J Abdul Kalam & A. Tiwari
Witness to History Prem Bhatia
Without Fear or Favour Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
Women and Men in My LiIe Khushwant Singh
Worshipping False Gods Arun Shourie
Wreck Rabindra Nath Tagore
Yajnaseni Dr Pratibha Roy
Yama Mahadevi Verma
Yashodhara Maithili Sharan Gupta
Yayati V S Khandekar
Year oI the Vulture Amita Malik
Years oI Pilgrimage Dr Raja Ramanna
Yesterday and Today K P S Menon
ZulIikar Ali Bhutto & Pakistan RaIi Raza
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UPSC Civils Preliminary General Studies Paper -



Geographical Epithets

Posted by Raghu at 11:10 PM 0 comments Links to this post
,ndoy lu/y 25 2011
uLIonuI EmbIem oI DIIIerenL CounLrIes
The NationaI EmbIems of Different Countries are Given here:
Australia Kangaroo Bangladesh Water Lily
Barbados Head oI a Trident Belgium Lion
Canada White Lily Chile Candor & Huemul
Denmark Beach Dominica Sisserou Parrot
France Lily Germany Corn Flower
Guyana Canje Pheasant Hong Kong Bauhinia (Orchid Tree)
India Lioned Capital Iran Rose
Ireland Shamrock Israel Candelabrum
Italy White Lily Ivory Coast Elephant
Japan Chrysanthemum Lebanon Cedar Tree
Luxenbourg Lion with Crown Mongolia The Soyombo
Netherlands Lion New Zealand Southern Cross, Kiwi, Fern
Norway Lion Pakistan Crescent
Papua New Guinea Bird oI paradise Spain Eagle
Senegal Bhobab Tree Sierra Leone Lion
Sri Lanka Lion Sudan Secretary Bird
Syria Eagle Turkey Crescent & Star
U.K. Rose U.S.A. Golden Rod
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nternational Kite Festival Ahmedabad 2011

Posted by Raghu at 5:33 PM 0 comments Links to this post
@uesdoy lu/y 19 2011
Green RevoIuLIon
The Green Revolution came in India, in 1965. It introduced high-yielding varieties oI Indian
seeds and increased the use oI Iertilizers and irrigation in India. This provided the increase in
production oI crops to make India selI-suIIicient in Iood grains. The program was based on high-
yielding varieties oI wheat, rice and other grains. It was started with the help oI the United
States-based RockeIeller Foundation. OI the high yielding seeds wheat produced the best results.
In between oI 1965 and 1980, the north and northwestern India has the major beneIits oI the
Green Revolution. This program resulted in a substantial increase in the production oI Iood
grains, mainly wheat and rice. In 1980, almost 75 percent oI the total cropped area under wheat
was sown with high-yielding varieties. For rice the comparable Iigure was 45 percent. In the
1980s, the area under high-yielding varieties continued to increase, but the rate oI growth overall
was slower. The eighth plan aimed at making high-yielding varieties available to the whole
country and developing more productive strains oI other crops. The Green Revolution in India
also increased higher income growth and reduced poverty in the states where yields increased the
In 2006, Dr Norman Borlaug, which is also known as the 'Father oI India's Green Revolution'
get the India's second highest civilian honour, the Padma Vibhushan by India's ambassador in
Mexico City.
List of some other Revolutions:

Revolution Area

Blue Revolution Fish
Brown Revolution Non-conventional energy resources
Grey Revolution Wool
Golden Revolution Horticulture
Pink Revolution Shrimp/Meat
White Revolution Milk
Yellow Revolution Oil seeds
Rainbow Revolution Agriculture Sector
Black Revolution Petroleum/Crude Oil

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UPSC Civils Preliminary General Studies Paper -

Famous Books by ndian Authors

Posted by Raghu at 10:51 AM 0 comments Links to this post
ndustry !lace
Cotton Textiles
Mumbai, Sholapur, Nagpur, Pune, Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara,
Indore; Chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore, Kanpur and Kolkata.
Jute Textiles West Bengal, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, U.P. and M.P.
Silk Textiles
Asom, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Orissa, U.P.,
M.P., W. Bengal, Bihar, Maharashtra and Punjab.
Woollen Textile
The chieI centres oI woollen textiles are Punjab, U.P.,
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal.
Sugar Industry
U.P., Bihar and some centres are there in Maharashtra, Andhra
Pradesh, West Bengal and Punjab
Cement Industry
Jharkhand, M.P., Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Andhra
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Haryana, U.P. and Orissa have
some Iactories also.
Paper Industry
West Bengal, Maharashtra, U.P., Bihar, Orissa, Punjab,
Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.
Iron and Steel Industry
Jamshedpur, Bokaro (Jharkhand), Bhilai (Chattisgarh), Durgapur,
Hirapur, Kulti, Burnpur (West Bengal), Rourkela (Orissa),
Bhadrawati (Karnataka), Rourkela (Orissa) and Neyveli (Tamil
Leather Industry
Chennai, Agra, Kolkata, Delhi, Kanpur, Mumbai, Deonaar,
Alwaye (Kerala), Muri (Jharkhand), Hirakud (Orissa), Renukoot
(U.P.), Bailur (W. Bengal), Koyna Mettur (Tamilnadu) and
Hirakud (Orissa).
Matches Bareilly, Kolkata, Chennai, Gwalior and Hyderabad.
Photo Film Industry Ootacamund (Tamil Nadu)
Ferozabad, Shikohabad, Bahjoi, Naini, Haorah, Bangalore and
Chemical Industry
Delhi, Pimpri, Pune, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Rishikesh,
Bangalore and Amritsar.
Rubber-Goods Industry
Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad,
Ballabhgarh, Shahaganj, Chamanacheri and Ambatoor.
Locomotive Industry
Chittaranjan (West Bengal), Varanasi in U.P., Perambur (Tamil
Automobile Industry Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Jamshedpur, Pune and Gurgaon
Antibiotic Industry Rishikesh, Pimpri and Delhi
AircraIt ManuIacturing
Bangalore, Kanpur, Nasik, Koraput and Hyderabad
Fertilizers Industry
Durgapur, Kanpur, Foolpur (Uttar Pradesh), Haldia, Namrup,
Rourkela, Vadodara, Barauni,Vishakhapatnam, Gorakhpur, etc.
Plastic Industry Mumbai, Kolkata, Amritsar, Kanpur, Hyderabad and Coimbatore.
Petro-Chemical Industry Vadodara and Mumbai, Bongaigoan, Asom
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Famous Books by ndian Authors


UPSC Civils Preliminary General Studies Paper -

E. coli Outbreak in the Europe

Posted by Raghu at 10:46 AM 0 comments Links to this post
oturdoy ,oy 28 2011
CounLrIes ndependence Duys
Camaroon - January 1
aiti - January 1
Western Samoa - January 1
Sudan - January 1
Burma - January 4
Chad - January 11
Australia - January 26
Nauru - January 31
Ceylon/Sri Lanka - February 4
New Zealand - February 6
Grenada - February 7
Iran - February 11
Gambia - February 18
Saint Lucia - February 22
Dominican Republic - February 27
Wales - March 1
orocco - March 3
auritius - March 12
Ireland - March 17
Liechtenstein - March 19
Pakistan - March 23
Greece - March 25
Bangladesh - March 26
ungary - April 4
Senegal - April 4
Denmark - April 16
Syria - April 17
Zimbabwe - April 18
Austria - April 27
Sierra Leone - April 27
Togo - April 27
Japan - April 29
The Netherlands - April 30
Israel - April or May
Czechoslovakia - May 9
Laos - May 11
Paraguay - May 14
Israel - May 15
Norway - May 17
Cuba - May 20
Argentina - May 25
Jordan - May 25
Guyana - May 26
Tunisia - June 1
Italy - June 2
Seychelles - June 5
Sweden - June 6
Portugal - June 10
Philippines - Independence Day June 12
Iceland - June 17
Kuwait - June 19
Luxembourg - June 23
Croatia - June 25
ozambique - June 25
adagascar - June 26
Djibouti - June 27
Republic of Congo - June 30
Zaire - June 30
Burundi - July 1
Canada - July 1
Rwanda - July 1
Somalia - July 1
United States of America - July 4
Venezuela - July 5
alawi - July 6
Argentina - July 9
Bahamas - July 10
ongolia - July 11
Sao Tome and Principe - July 12
rance - July 14
Iraq - July 14
South Korea - July 17
Colombia - July 20
Belgium - July 21
Poland - July 22
Egypt - July 23
Ethiopia - July 23
Liberia - July 26
aldive Islands - July 26
Peru - July 28

Dahomey - August 1
Switzerland - August 1
Upper Volta - August 5
Bolivia - August 6
Jamaica - First Monday in August
Ivory Coast - August 7
Singapore - August 9
Ecuador - August 10
Pakistan - August 14
Republic of Congo - August 15
India - August 15
Cyprus - August 16
Gabon - August 17
Indonesia - August 17
Afghanistan - August 18
Rumania - August 23
Uruguay - August 25
Trinidad and Tobago - August 31
alaysia - August 31
Libya - September 1
Vietnam - September 2
Qatar - September 3
San arino - September 3
Swaziland - September 6
Brazil - September 7
Andorra - September 8
North Korea - September 9
Bulgaria - September 9
Costa Rica - September 15
El Salvador - September 15
Guatemala - September 15
onduras - September 15
Nicaragua - September 15
exico - September 16
Papua New Guinea - September 16
Chile - September 18
Belize - September 21
alta - September 21
ali - September 22
Saudi Arabia - September 23
emen - September 26
Botswana - September 30
People's Republic of China - October 1-2
Nigeria - October 1
Guinea - October 2
Lesotho October 4
iji - October 7
Germany - October 3 1990
Uganda - October 9
Republic of China/Taiwan - October 10
Spain - October 12
Zambia - October 24
Iran - October 26
South Vietnam - October 26
St Vincent and Grenadines - October 27
Turkey - October 29
Algeria - November 1
Panama - November 3
Dominica - November 3
Soviet Union - November 7
Cambodia - November 9
Angola - November 11
Rhodesia - November 11
Saudi Arabia - November 12
Comoros - November 12
onaco - November 19
Lebanon - November 22
Suriname - November 25
Albania - November 28
auritania - November 28
Southern emen - November 29
ugoslavia - November 29-30
Barbados - November 30
Central African Republic - December 1
Thailand - December 5
inland - December 6
Tanzania - December 9
Upper Volta - December 11
Kenya - December 12
Niger - December 18
Nepal - December 21

Green RevoIuLIon
1he Creen 8evoluLlon came ln lndla ln 1963 lL lnLroduced hlghyleldlng varleLles of lndlan seeds and
lncreased Lhe use of ferLlllzers and lrrlgaLlon ln lndla 1hls provlded Lhe lncrease ln producLlon of crops
Lo make lndla selfsufflclenL ln food gralns 1he program was based on hlghyleldlng varleLles of wheaL
rlce and oLher gralns lL was sLarLed wlLh Lhe help of Lhe unlLed SLaLesbased 8ockefeller loundaLlon Cf
Lhe hlgh yleldlng seeds wheaL produced Lhe besL resulLs
ln beLween of 1963 and 1980 Lhe norLh and norLhwesLern lndla has Lhe ma[or beneflLs of Lhe Creen
8evoluLlon 1hls program resulLed ln a subsLanLlal lncrease ln Lhe producLlon of food gralns malnly
wheaL and rlce ln 1980 almosL 73 percenL of Lhe LoLal cropped area under wheaL was sown wlLh hlgh
yleldlng varleLles lor rlce Lhe comparable flgure was 43 percenL ln Lhe 1980s Lhe area under hlgh
yleldlng varleLles conLlnued Lo lncrease buL Lhe raLe of growLh overall was slower 1he elghLh plan
almed aL maklng hlghyleldlng varleLles avallable Lo Lhe whole counLry and developlng more producLlve
sLralns of oLher crops 1he Creen 8evoluLlon ln lndla also lncreased hlgher lncome growLh and reduced
poverLy ln Lhe sLaLes where ylelds lncreased Lhe mosL
ln 2006 ur norman 8orlaug whlch ls also known as Lhe laLher of lndlas Creen 8evoluLlon geL Lhe
lndlas second hlghesL clvlllan honour Lhe adma vlbhushan by lndlas ambassador ln Mexlco ClLy
L|st of some other kevo|ut|ons

kevo|ut|on Area

8lue 8evoluLlon llsh
8rown 8evoluLlon nonconvenLlonal energy resources
Crey 8evoluLlon Wool
Colden 8evoluLlon PorLlculLure
lnk 8evoluLlon Shrlmp/MeaL
WhlLe 8evoluLlon Mllk
?ellow 8evoluLlon Cll seeds
8alnbow 8evoluLlon AgrlculLure SecLor
8lack 8evoluLlon eLroleum/Crude Cll

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UPSC Civils Preliminary General Studies Paper -



Famous Books by ndian Authors

Posted by Raghu at 10:51 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Jednesdoy 4pri/ 2011

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Asst. Chemical Examiners Exam)
Posted by Raghu at 11:34 AM 0 comments Links to this post
oturdoy ,orch 2 2011
orId HerILuge SILes In ndIu
O Agra Fort (1983)
O Ajanta Caves (1983)
O Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi (1989)
O Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park (2004)
O Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus) (2004)
O Churches and Convents of Goa (1986)
O Elephanta Caves (1987)
O Ellora Caves (1983)
O Fatehpur Sikri (1986)
O Great Living Chola Temples (1987)
O Group of Monuments at Hampi (1986)
O Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram (1984)
O Group of Monuments at Pattadakal (1987)
O Humayun's Tomb, Delhi (1993)
O Khajuraho Group of Monuments (1986)
O Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya (2002)
O Mountain Railways of ndia (1999)
O Qutb Minar and its Monuments, Delhi (1993)
O Red Fort Complex (2007)
O Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka (2003)
O Sun Temple, Konrak (1984)
O Taj Mahal (1983)
O The Jantar Mantar, Jaipur (2010)
O Kaziranga National Park (1985)
O Keoladeo National Park (1985)
O Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (1985)
O Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Parks (1988)
O Sundarbans National Park (1987)
You might aIso Iike:
O World Heritage Sites in ndia
O United Nations nternational Decades
Posted by Raghu at 6:36 PM 0 comments Links to this post
@uesdoy ,orch 22 2011

A P State Agro-ndustries Development Corporation - 1968
A P State Co-operative Marketing Federation- 1957
A P State Seeds Development Corporation - 1976
A P State Warehousing Corporation - 1958
Department of Marketing - 1962
The Federation of Sericulturists and Silks Weaver's Co-Op Societies - 1975
The Hyderabad Agricultural Co-Operative Association Ltd (HACA) - 1949
A P Commission for Backward classes - 1994
A P State Civil Supplies Corporation - 1974
A P State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission - 1986
A P E P D C L - 2000
A P Genco - 1999
A P Transco - 1999
A P Administrative Tribunal - 1989
A P Press Academy - 1996
AP Vigilance Commission - 1964
nstitution Of A P Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta - 1983
A P State Housing Corporation Ltd - 1979
A P Handicrafts Development Corporation - 1982
A P ndustrial Development Corporation - 1960
A P Mineral Development Corporation - 1961
A P Trade Promotion Corporation - 1970
A P State rrigation Development Corporation - 1974
Directorate of Andhra Pradesh Engineering Research Laboratories - 1945
Water and Land Management Training And Research nstitute - 1983
AP State Labour Welfare Board - 1988
A P State Minorities Finance Corporation Limited - 1985
A P State Wakf Board - 1955
Andhra Pradesh ndustrial Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd - 1976
A P Beverages Corporation Limited - 1986
Directorate of A P Open School Society - 1991
A P S W R E Society - 1983
A P Scheduled Castes Co-operative Finance Corporation - 1974
A P Scheduled Tribes Co-operative Finance Corporation - 1976
A P T W R E Society - 1998
Girijan Co-operative Corporation Ltd - 1956
A P State Road Transport Corporation - 1932
A P State Social Welfare Board - 1954
A P Vikalangula Co-operative Corporation - 1981
A P Women's Co-operative Finance Corporation - 1975
Andhra Pradesh Foods - 1974
Commissionerate of Disabled Welfare - 1983

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Kiran Kumar Reddy new CM of Andhra Pradesh

Heavy Water Plants at a Glance

Awards give in ndia


Posted by Raghu at 12:12 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Jednesdoy lonuory 12 2011
U AgencIes und LIeIr HeudquurLers
1.The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - UNDP is the UN's global development
network advocating change and connecting countries to share knowledge and resources which
helps build a better life in countries across the globe. Presently it has offices in 166 member
countries. UNDP is headquartered at New York, US.
2.The United Nations Children's Fund (UNCEF) UNCEF was initially set up in 1946 as an
emergency fund to provide post-war relief to children in different countries. Today, as a children's
fund, UNCEF concentrates its activities on providing assistance to children and mothers in
developing countries, aiming at improving their quality of life. UNCEF is headquartered at New York,
3.The United Nations Educational and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) UNESCO was founded on
16 November 1945 to assist developing countries in their educational projects, to help the countries
in scientific development and to build cultural understanding between the nations. UNESCO is
headquartered at Paris, France.
4.The nternational Monetary Fund (MF) MF is an international organisation having 184 member
countries. t was established in 1945 to promote international monetary co-operation and exchange
stability between nations which in turn would promote economic growth and increase employment
opportunities. MF also provides temporary financial assistance to its member countries to ease their
balance of payment. MF is headquartered at Washington DC, US.
5.The nternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development (BRD, commonly known as the
World Bank) The 'World Bank' was formed after the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, but begun
operations in 1946. t aims at providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries
around the World. Presently World Bank has 184 member countries and is headquartered at
Washinton DC, US.
6.The World Trade Organisation (WTO) WTO was formed as an international trade body to
replace General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) in 1995. WTO is the only international
body dealing with rules of trade between the countries to help producers of goods and services,
exporters and importers conduct their business. t is headquartered at Geneva, Switzerland. Cape
Verde has been the most recent member of the WTO since 23 July 2008.
For the entire list of members go to
7.The nternational Atomic Energy Agency (AEA) AEA was set up in 1957. t is presently
headquartered at Vienna, Austria.
8.The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) FAO was set up in 1945. t is presently
headquartered at Rome, taly.
9.The World Health Organisation (WHO) W.H.O was set up in 1946. t is presently headquartered
at Geneva, Switzerland.
10.The nternational Finance Corporation (FC) FC is an affiliate of the World Bank, and was set
up in 1956. t is headquartered at Washinton DC, US.
11.The nternational Telecommunication Union (TU) TU was set up in 1932. t is headquartered
at Geneva, Switzerland.
12.The nternational Civil Aviation Organisation (CAO) CAO was set up in 1944. t is
headquartered at Montreal, Canada.
13.The Universal Postal Union (UPU) UPU was set up in 1875. t is headquartered at Berne,
14.The nternational Labor Organisation (LO) LO was set uo in 1919. t is headquartered at
Geneva, Switzerland.
15.The nternational Maritime Organisation (MO) MO was set up in 1948. t is head quarter.

1.The Asian Development Bank (ADB) t is headquartered at Manila, Phillipines.
2.The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) t is headquartered at Jakarta, ndonesia.
3.The European Union (EU) t is headquartered at Brussels, Belgium.
4.The NTERPOL t is headquartered at Lyon, France
5.The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) t is headquartered at Brussels, Belgium.
6.The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) t is headquartered at Vienna,
7.The Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) t is headquartered at Kuwait.
8.The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) t is headquartered at
Kathmandu, Nepal.
9.The Red Cross t is headquartered at Geneva, Switzerland.
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ndia at a glance

Facts About ndia

Human Development Report 2010

ndia's Foreign Policy

Posted by Raghu at 10:46 PM 0 comments Links to this post
DIspuLed Areus oI LIe orId

Abu Musa : Iran & UAE
Aksai Chin : India & China
Vozrozhdeniya IsIand : Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Senkakku : Japan & China
SpratIy IsIands : China , MaIaysia , PhiIippines and Vietnam
Bassas da India : France & Madagaskar
Bakassi : Nigeria & Cameroon
Chagos ArchipeIago
HaIa'ib TriangIe : Sudan & Egypt
KuriI IsIands : Russia & Japan
ParaceI IsIands: China, Taiwan & Vietnam
Preah Vihear TempIe : ThaiIand & Cambodia
Sabah : MaIaysia, Indonesia & PhiIIipines
Shatt aI-Arab : Iran & Irak

Abu Musa : Iran & UAE
Abu Musa is a 12-km island in the eastern Persian Gulf, part of a six-island archipelago near the
entrance to the Strait of Hormuz. The island is administered by ran as part of the ranian province of
Hormozgan, but is also claimed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Aksai Chin : India & China
Aksai Chin, is a disputed region located in the northwestern region of the Tibetan Plateau just below
the western Kunlun Mountains. t is administered by China , however, claimed by ndia as a part of
its state of Jammu and Kashmir. The region contains the lake Aksayqin Hu and the river Aksayqin
He. Aksai Chin is one of the two main border disputes between China and ndia, the other being the
dispute over Arunachal Pradesh, which is administered by ndia and claimed by China as South
Tibet. ndia claims Aksai Chin as the eastern-most part of the Jammu and Kashmir state. The line
that separates ndian-administered areas of Kashmir from the Aksayqin is known as the Line of
Actual Control . Aksai Chin is a vast high-altitude desert of salt that reaches heights up to 5,000
metres. t covers an area of 42,685 square kilometres of the disputed territory. Geographically part of
the Tibetan Plateau, Aksai Chin is referred to as the Soda Plain. The region is almost uninhabited,
has no permanent settlements, and receives little precipitation as the Himalayan and other
mountains block the rains from the ndian monsoon.

Vozrozhdeniya IsIand : Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Vozrozhdeniya sland, is a former island, now a peninsula, in the Aral Sea. t became a peninsula in
2002, due to ongoing shrinkage of the Aral Sea.t is now shared by Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Located in the central Aral Sea, Vozrozhdeniya sland was one of the main laboratories and testing
sites for the Soviet Union government's Microbiological Warfare Group. n 1948, a top-secret Soviet
bioweapons laboratory was established here. Word of the island's danger was further spread by
Soviet defectors, including Ken Alibek, the former head of the Soviet Union's bioweapons program. t
was here, according to just released documents, that anthrax spores and bubonic plague bacilli were
made into weapons and stored. The main town on the island was Kantubek, which lies in ruins
today, but once had approximately 1,500 inhabitants.

Senkakku : Japan & China
The Senkaku slands also known as Diaoyutai slands or the Pinnacle slands, are a group of
disputed, uninhabited islands currently controlled by Japan, but also claimed by the Republic of
China (as part of Toucheng Township in Yilan County, Taiwan) and the People's Republic of China.
The islands are located northeast of Taiwan, due west of Okinawa, and due north of the end of the
Ryukyu slands in the East China Sea. Their status has emerged as a major issue in foreign
relations between the People's Republic of China and Japan and between Japan and the Republic
of China. Japanese government regards these islands as a part of Okinawa prefecture. While the
complexity of the PRC-ROC relation has affected efforts to demonstrate Chinese sovereignty over
the islands, both governments agree that the islands are part of Taiwan province.

SpratIy IsIands : China , MaIaysia , PhiIippines and Vietnam
The Spratly slands are a group of more than 650 reefs, islets, atolls, cays and islands in the South
China Sea between the Philippines and Vietnam. They comprise less than five square kilometers of
land area, spread over more than 400,000 square kilometers of sea. The Spratlys, as they are
called, are part of the three archipelagos of the South China Sea, comprising more than 30,000
islands and reefs and which so complicates geography, governance and economics in that region of
Southeast Asia. Such small and remote islands have little economic value in themselves, but are
important in establishing international boundaries. There are no native islanders but there are rich
fishing grounds and initial surveys indicate the islands may contain significant oil and gas. About 45
islands are occupied by relatively small numbers of military forces from People's Republic of China,
Republic of China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Brunei has established a fishing zone
that overlaps a southern reef but has not made any formal claim.

Bassas da India : France & Madagaskar
Bassas da ndia is an uninhabited, roughly circular atoll about 10 km in diameter, which corresponds
to a total size (including lagoon) of 80 km. t is located in the southern Mozambique Channel, about
half-way between Madagascar (which is 385 km to the east) and Mozambique, and 110 km
northwest of Europa sland. t rises steeply from the seabed 3000 m below. The reef rim averages
around 100 m across and completely encloses a shallow lagoon that has a maximum depth of 15 m.
ts Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 123,700 km is contiguous with that of Europa sland.

Bakassi : Nigeria & Cameroon
Bakassi is the peninsular extension of the African territory of Calabar into the Atlantic Ocean. t is
currently ruled by Cameroon following the transfer of sovereignty from neighbouring Nigeria as a
result of a judgment by the nternational Court of Justice. On 22 November 2007, the Nigerian
Senate rejected the transfer, since the Green Tree Agreement ceding the area to Cameroon was
contrary to Section 12(1) of the 1999 Constitution. Regardless, the territory was formally transferred
to Cameroon on August 14, 2008.

Chagos ArchipeIago : UK , Mauritius & SeycheIIes
The Chagos Archipelago is a group of seven atolls comprising more than 60 individual tropical
islands roughly in the centre of the ndian Ocean. The Chagos lies about 500 km (300 miles) due
south of the Maldives, its nearest neighbour, 1600 km (1000 miles) southwest of ndia, half way
between Tanzania and Java. The Chagos group is a combination of different coralline structures
topping a submarine ridge running southwards across the centre of the ndian Ocean, formed by
volcanoes above the Runion hotspot. Unlike in the Maldives there is not a clearly discernible
pattern of arrayed atolls, which makes the whole archipelago look somewhat chaotic. Most of the
coralline structures of the Chagos are submerged reefs. Officially part of the British ndian Ocean
Territory, the Chagos were home to the Chagossians for more than a century and a half until the
United Kingdom and the United States expelled them in the 1960s in order to allow the US to build a
military base on Diego Garcia, the largest of the Chagos slands. The deal was sanctioned by the
then British Secretary of State for Defence, Denis Healey.

HaIa'ib TriangIe : Sudan & Egypt
The Hala'ib Triangle is an area of land measuring 20,580 km located on the Red Sea's African
coast, between the political borders of Egypt (at the 22nd circle of latitude - as per the 1899 treaty)
and the administrative boundary (as per the 1902 treaty) . The major town in this area is Hala'ib. The
only other populated place is Abu Ramad, 30 km northwest of Hala'ib town on the Red Sea coast.
Alshalateen is an Egyptian town just on the northern administrative boundary. The closest Sudanese
town south of the disputed area is Osief (Marsa Osief), located 26 km south of the 22nd circle of
latitude, the political borders line claimed by Egypt.

KuriI IsIands : Russia & Japan
Matua sland as seen from Raikoke.The Kuril slands or Kurile slands in Russia's Sakhalin Oblast
region, is a volcanic archipelago that stretches approximately 1,300 km (700 miles) northeast from
Hokkaido, Japan, to Kamchatka, Russia, separating the Sea of Okhotsk from the North Pacific
Ocean. There are 56 islands in total and many more minor rocks. All of the islands are under
Russian jurisdiction, although the southernmost four are claimed by Japan as part of their territory.

ParaceI IsIands: China, Taiwan & Vietnam
The Paracel slands consist of over 30 islets, sandbanks or reefs, occupy about 15,000 km2 of the
ocean surface, and located in the South China Sea, also known as East Vietnam Sea or East Sea.
Turtles live on the islands, and seabirds have left nests and guano deposits, but there are no
permanent human residents except for a small number of troops. The archipelago is approximately
equidistant from the coastlines of Vietnam and China, and about one-third of the way from central
Vietnam to the northern Philippines. The islands comprise of two main groups. The Amphitrite group
is in the northeast and the Crescent group is in the west, and about 70 km from one another. Subject
to hot and humid climate, with abundant rainfall and frequent typhoons, the archipelago is
surrounded by productive fishing grounds and potential oil and gas reserves. Notably, up until the
early 18th century, the present-day Spratly slands were still delineated as part of the Paracel
archipelago, and that the sovereignty over the islands has been inflaming the century-old dispute.
Preah Vihear TempIe : ThaiIand & Cambodia
The Preah Vihear Temple or Prasat Preah Vihear is a Khmer temple situated atop a 525-metre
(1,720 ft) cliff in the Dngrk Mountains, in the Preah Vihear province of northern Cambodia and
near the border of the Kantharalak district (amphoe) in the Sisaket province of northeastern
Thailand. n 1962, following a significant dispute between Thailand and Cambodia over ownership of
the temple, the nternational Court of Justice (CJ) in The Hague awarded the ownership to

Sabah : MaIaysia, Indonesia & PhiIIipines
Sabah is a Malaysian state located on the northern portion of the island of Borneo . t is the second
largest state in Malaysia after Sarawak, which it borders on its south-west. t also shares a border
with the province of East Kalimantan of ndonesia in the south. n spite of its status as a Malaysian
state, Sabah remains a disputed territory; the Philippines has a dormant claim over much of the
eastern part of the territory. The capital of Sabah is Kota Kinabalu, formerly known as Jesselton.
Sabah is known as "Sabah, negeri di bawah bayu", which means "Sabah, the land below the winds",
because of its location just south of the typhoon-prone region around the Philippines.

Shatt aI-Arab : Iran & Irak
The Shatt al-Arab is a river in Southwest Asia of some 200 kilometres in length, formed by the
confluence of the Euphrates and the Tigris in the town of al-Qurnah in the Basra Governorate of
southern raq. The southern end of the river constitutes the border between raq and ran down to
the mouth of the river as it discharges into the Persian Gulf. t varies in width from about 232 metres
at Basra to 800 metres (2,600 ft) at its mouth. t is thought that the waterway formed relatively
recently in geologic time, with the Tigris and Euphrates originally emptying into the Persian Gulf via a
channel further to the west. The Karun river, a tributary which joins the waterway from the ranian
side, deposits large amounts of silt into the river; this necessitates continuous dredging to keep it
navigable. The area is judged to hold the largest date palm forest in the world. n the mid-1970s, the
region included 17 to 18 million date palms, an estimated one-fifth of the world's 90 million palm
trees. But by 2002, war, salt, and pests had wiped out more than 14 million of the palms, including
around 9 million in raq and 5 million in ran. Many of the remaining 3 to 4 million trees are in poor
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ndia at a glance


Facts About ndia

Politics of reorganization of states Needs complete ...

Posted by Raghu at 10:43 PM 2 comments Links to this post
,ndoy uecember 20 2010
Awurds gIve In ndIu
Bharat Ratna Award
ndia has produced a legacy of brave hearts since times immemorial. Probably there is not enough
space to measure their sacrifices. However, we cannot close our eyes to those people who have
made our country proud by excelling in their own fields and bringing us international recognition.
Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian honour, given for exceptional service towards advancement of
Art, Literature and Science, and in recognition of Public Service of the highest order.
The original specifications for the award called for a circular gold medal, 35 mm in diameter, with the
sun and the Hindi legend "Bharat Ratna" above and a floral wreath below. The reverse was to carry
the state emblem and motto. t was to be worn around the neck from a white ribbon. This design was
altered after a year.

Bharat Ratna Award

Bharat Ratna Award
(Reverse Side)
The provision of Bharat Ratna was introduced in 1954. The first ever ndian to receive this award
was the famous scientist, Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. Since then, many dignitaries, each a
whiz in varied aspects of their career has received this coveted award.
n fact, our former President, Shri A. P. J Abdul Kalam is also a recipient of this esteemed honour
(1997). There is no written provision that Bharat Ratna should be awarded to ndian citizens only.
The award has been awarded to a naturalized ndian citizen, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, better known
as Mother Teresa (1980) and to two non-ndians Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and Nelson Mandela
(1990). t is also not mandatory that Bharat Ratna be awarded every year. The last time this award
was given was in 2008, to Bhimsen Joshi.

Padma Awards
Padma Awards, namely, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shriare given for
exceptional and distinguished service in any field including service rendered by Government
servants. The recommendations for Padma Awards are received from the State Governments/Union
Territory Administrations, Central Ministries/Departments, nstitutions of Excellence, etc. which are
considered by an Awards Committee. On the basis of the recommendations of the Awards
Committee, and after approval of the Home Minister, Prime Minister and President, the Padma
Awards are announced on the eve of the Republic Day.
View the list of Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri Awardees.
9odmo vibhushon 4word

9odmo 8hushon 4word

9odmo hri 4word

GaIIantry Awards
The art of appreciating the brave and gallant is not new. They form one of the most important
constituents of a nation's stability. History defines gallantry as commanded respect and appreciation.
The concept of emancipation of the brave is cognizant in our Epics too. n the Mahabharata, the
merit of dying as a martyr in the cause of Dharma is all along appreciated as the easiest way to
heaven. n fact, any kind of death on the battlefield was considered glorious.
Whether being the appointed head of a clan, raised memorials in honour of the martyrs/brave souls
or granted titles, robe of honour, cash awards or medals etc., recognition of bravery has always
been a very prestigious affair. The conclusion of British Rule in ndia saw the end of the old
institution of British honours and awards. ndependent ndia saw the introduction of awards such as
Param Vir Chakra, Maha Vir Chakra, Ashoka Chakra, Shaurya Chakra etc.
9orom vir chokro {9vc)
This is the highest gallantry award for officers and other enlisted personnel of all military branches of
ndia for the highest degree of valour in the presence of the enemy. ntroduced on 26th January
1950, this award may be given posthumously. Literally, Param Vir Chakra means 'Wheel (or Cross)
of the Ultimate Brave'. n Sanskrit, 'Param' means Ultimate, 'Vir' (Pronounced veer) means Brave
and 'Chakra' means Wheel. The PVC is the equivalent award of the Medal of Honour in the United
States, and the Victoria Cross in the United Kingdom.
4shk chokro
The Ashok Chakra series of awards are open to civilians also. Recommendations received in
respect of civilians from the State Governments/Union territory Administra-tions and
Ministries/Departments of the Central Government are processed by the Ministry of Defence for the
consideration of the Central Honours and Awards Committee chaired by the Defence Minister.
These awards are biannual and are given on the Republic Day and ndependence Day.
houryo chokro
This is awarded for gallantry other than in the face of the enemy. This award may be granted to
civilians or to military personnel and may be awarded posthumously.
Bravery Awards
The national awards for bravery was started in 1957 by the ndian Council for Child Welfare (CCW)
to recognise and honour children who have performed outstanding deeds of bravery and selfless
sacrifice. Every year the CCW confers these awards to children below 16years of age.
Applications for these awards are acknowledged from Central/State government departments,
Panchayats, Zila Parishads, school authorities as well as state and Union Territory councils for child
The selection is made by a committee constituted by the CCW, comprising of representatives from
the Secretariats of the President and the Vice-President, various ministries, as well as the Central
Social Welfare Board, police, All ndia Radio, Doordarshan and leading NGOs such as the National
Bal Bhavan, SOS, Children's Villages of ndia, R K Mission and experienced CCW members.
The awards are announced on November 14 (Children's Day) and the Prime Minister presents the
awards on the eve of Republic Day. The awardees receive a medal, certificate and cash as a token
of their indispensable courage.
n addition to this, some of them are also granted financial assistance to complete their schooling
(CCW's sponsorship programme) and professional courses such as medical and engineering (under
the ndira Gandhi scholarship scheme). Assistance is also provided to some till they complete their
leevon koksho 9odok eries 4words
The Jeevan Raksha Padak Series of awards are given for courage and promptitude under
circumstances of great danger to the life or bodily injury of the rescuer, displayed in an act or a
series of acts of humane nature, in saving life from drowning, fire, rescue operations in mines, etc.
Recommendations for Jeevan Raksha Padak series of awards are received from the State
Government/Union Territory, Administrations and Ministries /Departments of the Government of
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ndia at a glance


Facts About ndia


Posted by Raghu at 10:31 PM 0 comments Links to this post
oturdoy Nvember 27 2010
orId HerILuge SILes In ndIu
Agra Fort , Uttar Pradesh ;
Ajanta Caves ,Maharashtra ;
Airavatesvara Temple, (Great Living Chola Temples), Tamil Nadu ;
Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh
Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park, Gujarat ;
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Maharashtra ;
Churches and Convents of Goa ;
Elephanta Caves , Maharashtra ;
Ellora Caves, Maharashtra ;
Fatehpur Sikri, Uttar Pradesh ;
Brihadeeswarar Temple, (Great Living Chola Temples), Tamil Nadu ;
Group of Monuments at Hampi , Karnataka ;
Group of Monuments at Mahabalip
uram, Tamil Nadu ;
Group of Monuments at Pattadakal, Karnataka ;
Gangaikonda Cholapuram temple, (Great Living Chola Temples), Tamil Nadu ;
Humayun's Tomb, Delhi ; Kaziranga National Park, Assam ;
Keoladeo National Park, Rajasthan;
Khajuraho Group of Monuments, Madhya Pradesh ;
Mahabodhi Temple Complex, Bihar ;
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam ;
Mountain Railways of ndia ;
Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, Uttaranchal ;
Qutub Minar and its monuments, Delhi ;
Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, Madhya Pradesh ;
Red Fort, New Delhi ;
Konark Sun Temple, Orissa ;
Sundarbans National Park, West Bengal ;
Taj Mahal, Uttar Pradesh

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World Heritage Sites in ndia


Kiran Kumar Reddy new CM of Andhra Pradesh


Posted by Raghu at 8:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post
@hursdoy Nvember 25 2010
KIrun Kumur Reddy new CM oI AndIru PrudesI

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Konijeti Rosaiah on November 24 stepped down after 14-and-a-half
months in office citing "advanced age and work pressure and Speaker of the Assembly Nallari Kiran
Kumar Reddy was chosen by the ACC leadership to succeed him.
Fifty-year-old Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy will be sworn in as the 16th Chief Minister by Governor
E.S.L Naraimhan at Raj Bhavan at 12.14 p.m. on November 25. The Governor earlier accepted Mr.
Rosaiah's resignation and requested him to continue in office till the formation of a new government.
On a day of swift developments, Mr. Rosaiah declared his intention to quit at a press conference in
the Secretariat from where he drove to the Raj Bhavan and submitted his resignation. Mr. Rosaiah
succeeded Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy on September 3, 2009 after the latter was killed in a helicopter
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World Heritage Sites in ndia


Awards give in ndia

Posted by Raghu at 10:47 AM 0 comments Links to this post

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O Punch Lines of Banks in ndia
Posted by Raghu at 10:43 AM 0 comments Links to this post
@hursdoy Nvember 18 2010
ndIu uL u gIunce

A blend of the traditional and the modern, ndia is one of the oldest civilizations and the world's largest democracy. t
is home to 1 billion-plus people professing various faiths and speaking in different tongues. But what binds them
together is a sense of 'ndianness' which is hard to define, but could be sensed instinctively amid all this mind-
boggling diversity. A vibrant multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-faith society, ndia is seen by many as a model
pluralistic society based on its twin ethos of tolerance and mutual respect. Comprising twenty-eight states and seven
union territories, ndia is home to all major religions of the world. But the state makes no distinction between them,
allowing each ndian citizen constitutional guarantees to pursue freedom in the broadest sense - freedom of
expression and freedom to pursue the religion of one's choice.

This dazzling diversity has spawned a unique composite culture and created an unmatched reservoir of talent and
enterprise in the country. People are ndia's greatest resource and strength. And it can be seen in all-encompassing
socio-economic progress this nation has made during the last 61 years of its independence. The world has taken
note and has been generous with its praise of the ndia Growth Story. Small wonder, ndia is now seen as an
emerging Asian power and an important participant in the ongoing search for global solutions to global problems
ranging from terrorism and poverty eradication to climate change and energy security.

ndia has become self-sufficient in agricultural production and is now the tenth industrialised country in the world. t is
the sixth nation to have gone into outer space, not to militarise it, but to create a better life for its people. Anybody
coming to ndia for the first time or wishing to know it better will be struck by its sheer size and diversity. The country
is spread over an area of 32,87,2631 square km, extending from the snow-covered Himalayan heights to the tropical
rain forests of the south. As the 7th largest country in the world, ndia stands apart from the rest of Asia, marked off
as it is by mountains and the sea, which give the country a distinct geographical entity. Bound by the Great
Himalayas in the north, it stretches southwards and at the Tropic of Cancer, tapers off into the ndian Ocean between
the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west.

Location: ndia, with an area of 3.3 million sq. km, is a subcontinent. The peninsula is separated from mainland Asia
by the Himalayas. The country lies between 8 4' and 37 6' north of the Equator and is surrounded by the Bay of
Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west and the ndian Ocean to the south.

The mainland comprises four regions, namely the great mountain zone, plains of the Ganga and the ndus, the desert
region, and the southern peninsula.

The Himalayas form the highest mountain range in the world, extending 2,500 km over northern ndia. Bound by the
ndus river in the west and the Brahmaputra in the east, the three parallel ranges, the Himadri, Himachal and
Shivaliks have deep canyons gorged by the rivers flowing into the Gangetic plain.

Indian Standard Time GMT + 05:30

Area 3.3 Million sq. km

TeIephone Country Code +91

Border: Countries Afghanistan and Pakistan to the north-west; China, Bhutan and Nepal to the north; Myanmar to
the east; and Bangladesh to the east of West Bengal. Sri Lanka is separated from ndia by a narrow channel of sea,
formed by the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar.

CoastIine: 7,516.6 km encompassing the mainland, Lakshadweep slands, and the Andaman & Nicobar slands.

CIimate: The climate of ndia can broadly be classified as a tropical one. But, in spite of much of the northern part of
ndia lying beyond the tropical zone, the entire country has a tropical climate marked by relatively high temperatures
and dry winters. There are four seasons:
Winter (December-February)
Summer (March-June)
South-west monsoon season (June-September)
Post monsoon season (October-November)

River Systems

The rivers may be classified as follows: (a) the Himalayan, (b) the Deccan, (c) the coastal and (d) the rivers of the
inland drainage basin. The Himalayan rivers are generally snow-fed and flow throughout the year. During the
monsoon months (June to September), the Himalayas receive very heavy rainfall and the rivers carry the maximum
amount of water, causing frequent floods. The Deccan rivers are generally rain-fed and, therefore, fluctuate greatly in
volume. A very large number of them are non-perennial. The coastal rivers, specially on the west coast, are short and
have limited catchment areas. Most of these are non-perennial as well. The rivers on the inland drainage basin are
few and ephemeral. They drain towards individual basins or salt lakes like the Sambhar or are lost in the sands,
having no outlet to the sea.

NaturaI Resources: Coal, iron ore, manganese ore, mica, bauxite, petroleum, titanium ore, chromite, natural gas,
magnesite, limestone, arable land, dolomite, barytes, kaolin, gypsum, apatite, phosphorite, steatite, fluorite, etc.

NaturaI Hazards: Monsoon floods, flash floods, earthquakes, droughts, and landslides.


ndia is a country with probably the largest and most diverse mixture of races. All five major racial types - Australoid,
Mongoloid, Europoid, Caucasian and Negroid - find representation among the people of ndia, who are mainly a
mixed race.

The people of ndia belong to diverse ethnic groups. At various periods of ndia's long history, successive waves of
settlers and invaders, including the Aryans, Parthians, Greeks and Central Asians, came into the country and merged
with the local population. This explains the variety of racial types, cultures and languages in ndia.

NationaIity: ndian

ndia's population as on 1 March 2001 stood at 1,028 million (532.1 million males and 496.4 million females). ndia
accounts for a meagre 2.4 per cent of the world surface area of 135.79 million sq km. Yet, it supports and sustains a
whopping 16.7 per cent of the world population.

The population of ndia, which at the turn of the twentieth century was around 238.4 million, increased to 1,028 million
at the dawn of the twenty-first century.

The population of ndia as recorded at each decennial census from 1901 has grown steadily except for a decrease
during 1911-21.

One of the important indices of population concentration is the density of population. t is defined as the number of
persons per sq km. The population density of ndia in
2001 was 324 per sq km. The density of population increased in all States and Union Territories between 1991 and
2001. Among major states, West Bengal is still the most thickly populated state with a population density of 903 in
2001. Bihar is now the second highest densely populated state pushing Kerala to the third place. Ranking of the
States and Union Territories by density is shown in table 1.3.

For the purpose of the Census 2001, a person aged seven and above, who can both read and write in any language,
is treated as literate. A person, who can only read but cannot write, is not literate. n the censuses prior to 1991,
children below five years of age were necessarily treated as illiterates.

The results of 2001 census reveal that there has been an increase in literacy in the country. The literacy rate in the
country is 64.84 per cent, 75.26 for males and
53.67 for females.

PopuIation Growth Rate: The average annual exponential growth rate stands at 1.93 per cent during 1991-2001.

Birth Rate: The Crude Birth Rate according to the 2001 census is 24.8

Death Rate: The Crude Death Rate according to the 2001 census is 8.9

Life Expectancy Rate: 63.9 years (Males); 66.9 years (Females) (As of Sep 2005)

ndia has about 15 major languages and 844 different dialects. Hindi, spoken by about 45 per cent of the population,
is the national language. English has also been retained as a language for official communication.


Country Name: Republic of ndia; Bharat Ganrajya

Government Type: Sovereign Socialist Democratic Republic with a parliamentary system of Government.

CapitaI: New Delhi

Administrative Divisions: 28 States and 7 Union Territories.

Independence: August 15, 1947 (From British Colonial Rule)

Constitution: The Constitution of ndia came into force on 26th January 1950.

LegaI System: The Constitution of ndia is the source of the legal system in the Country.

Executive Branch: The President of ndia is the head of the state, while the Prime Minister is the head of the
government, and runs it with the support of the council of ministers, who form the cabinet.

LegisIative Branch: The ndian legislature is a bi-cameral one, comprising the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and
the Rajya Sabha (Council of States).

JudiciaI Branch: The Supreme Court of ndia is the apex body of the ndian legal system, followed by other High
Courts and subordinate courts.

NationaI FIag : The National Flag is a horizontal tricolour of deep saffron at the top, white in the middle, and dark
green at the bottom in equal proportion. At the centre of the white band is a navy blue wheel, which is a
representation of the Ashoka Chakra at Sarnath.

NationaI Days: 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (ndependence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti; Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday)

ReIigions: According to the 2001 census, out of the total population of 1.028 million in the country, Hindus
constituted the majority with 80.5%, Muslims came second at 13.4%, followed by Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains,
and others.

Hinduism: The Hindu religion had its origin in the concepts of the early Aryans who came to ndia more than 4,000
years ago. t is not merely a religion but also a philosophy and a way of life. t does not originate in the teachings of
any one prophet or holy book. t respects other religions, and does not attempt to seek converts. t teaches the
immortality of the human soul, and three principal paths to ultimate union of the individual soul with the all pervasive

The essence of the Hindu faith is embodied in the Bhagavad Gita, a philosophical poem that never ceases to surprise
readers with new insights into life and man's fate in the world. "He who considers this(self) as a slayer or he who
thinks that this(self) is slain, neither knows the Truth. For it does not slay, nor is it slain. This (self) is unborn, eternal,
changeless, ancient, it is never destroyed even when the body is destroyed," says a verse in the Gita.

Jainism and Buddhism: n the sixth century before Christ, Mahavira propagated Jainism. His message was
asceticism, austerity and non-violence.

At about the same time, Buddhism came into being. Gautama Buddha, a prince, renounced the world and gained
enlightenment. He preached that "nirvana" was to be attained through the conquest of self. Buddha's teachings in
time spread to China and some other countries of South-East Asia.

IsIam: Arab traders brought slam to South ndia in the seventh century. After them came the Afghans and the
Mughals. Akbar, seen as the most enlightened Mughal emperor, almost succeeded in founding a new religion Din-e-
Elahi, based on a blend of different religions including Hinduism and slam, but it failed to find many adherents.

slam has flourished in ndia through the centuries. Muslim citizens have occupied some of the highest positions in
the country since independence in 1947. ndia today is the second largest Muslim country in the world, next only to

Sikhism: Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism in the 15th century, stressed the unity of God and the brotherhood of
man. Sikhism, with its affirmation of God as the one supreme truth and its ideals of discipline and spiritual striving,
soon won many followers. t was perhaps possible only in this hospitable land that two religions as diverse as
Hinduism and slam could come together in a third, namely Sikhism.

Christianity: Christianity reached ndia not long after Christ's own lifetime, with the arrival of St. Thomas, the Apostle.
The Syrian Christian Church in southern ndia traces its roots to the visit of St. Thomas. With the arrival of St. Francis
Xavier in 1542, the Roman Catholic faith was established in ndia. Today, Christians of several denominations
practice their faith freely.

Zoroastrianism: n the days of the old Persian empire, Zoroastrianism was the dominant religion in West Asia. n the
form of Mithraism, it spread over vast areas of the Roman Empire, as far as Britain.

After the slamic conquest of ran, a few intrepid Zoroastrians left their homeland and sought refuge in ndia. The first
group is said to have reached Diu in about 766 A.D.

Their total world population probably does not exceed 130,000. With the exception of some 10,000 in ran, almost all
of them live in ndia. The vast majority of Parsis are concentrated in Mumbai. The Parsis excel in industry and
commerce, and contribute richly to the intellectual and artistic life of the nation.

Judaism: The Jewish contact with the Malabar coast in Kerala, dates back to 973 BC when King Solomon's
merchant fleet began trading for spices and other fabled treasures. Scholars say that the Jews first settled in
Cranganore, soon after the Babylonian conquest of Judea in 586 BC. The immigrants were well received and a Hindu
king granted to Joseph Rabban, a Jewish leader, a title and a principality.

NationaI SymboIs

The state emblem is an adaptation from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. n the original, there are four lions,
standing back to back, mounted on an abacus with a frieze carrying sculptures in high relief of an elephant, a
galloping horse, a bull and a lion separated by intervening wheels over a bell-shaped lotus. Carved out of a
single block of polished sandstone, the Capital is crowned by the Wheel of the Law (Dharma Chakra).
n the state emblem, adopted by the Government of ndia on 26 January 1950, only three lions are visible, the fourth
being hidden from view. The wheel appears in relief in the centre of the abacus with a bull on right and a horse on left
and the outlines of other wheels on extreme right and left. The bell-shaped lotus has been omitted. The words
Satyameva Jayate from Mundaka Upanishad, meaning 'Truth Alone Triumphs', are inscribed below the abacus in
Devanagari script.

The song Jana-gana-mana, composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore, was adopted in its Hindi version
by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of ndia on 24 January 1950. t was first sung on 27 December
1911 at the Kolkata Session of the ndian National Congress. The complete song consists of five stanzas.

(As published in Volume Eight of Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, Popular Edition 1972)
Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka, jaya he
Tava shubha name jage,
Tava shubha asisa mange,
Gahe tava jaya gatha,
Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka jaya he
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he,
Jaya jaya jaya, jaya he!

Playing time of the full version of the national anthem is approximately 52
A short version consisting of the first and last lines of the stanza (playing time approximately 20 seconds) is also
played on certain occasions.

The following is Rabindranath Tagore's English rendering of the anthem :
Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,
Dispenser of ndia's destiny.
Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sind,
Gujarat and Maratha,
Of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal;
t echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas,
mingles in the music of Jamuna and Ganges and is
chanted by the waves of the ndian Sea.
They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise.
The saving of all people waits in thy hand,
Thou dispenser of ndia's destiny.
Victory, victory, victory to thee.

The song Vande Mataram, composed in Sanskrit by Bankimchandra Chatterji, was a source of inspiration to the
people in their struggle for freedom. t has an equal status with Jana-gana-mana. The first political occasion when it
was sung was the 1896 session of the ndian National Congress.

The following is the text of its first stanza :Vande Mataram!
Sujalam, suphalam, malayaja shitalam,
Shasyashyamalam, Mataram!
Shubhrajyotsna pulakitayaminim,
Phullakusumita drumadala shobhinim,
Suhasinim sumadhura bhashinim,
Sukhadam varadam, Mataram!

The English translation of the stanza rendered by Sri Aurobindo in prose is :
bow to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,
The Mother!
Her nights rejoicing in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter, sweet of speech,
The Mother, giver of boons, giver of bliss.


The national calendar based on the Saka Era, with Chaitra as its first month and a normal year of 365 days, was
adopted from 22 March 1957 along with the Gregorian calendar for the following official purposes: (i) Gazette of ndia,
(ii) news broadcast by All ndia Radio, (iii) calendars issued by the Government of ndia and (iv) Government
communications addressed to members of the public.
Dates of the national calendar have a permanent correspondence with dates of the Gregorian calendar, 1 Chaitra
falling on 22 March normally and on 21 March in
leap year.

The magnificent tiger, Panthera tigris, a striped animal is the national animal of ndia. t has a thick yellow coat
of fur with dark stripes. The combination of grace, strength,
ability and enormous power has earned the tiger its pride of place as the national animal of ndia. Out of eight
races of the species known, the ndian race, the Royal Bengal Tiger, is found throughout the country except in the
north-western region, and also in neighbouring countries, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

The ndian peacock, Pavo cristatus, the national bird of ndia, is a colourful, swansized bird, with a fan-
shaped crest of feathers, a white patch under the eye and a long, slender neck. The male of the species is more
colourful than the female, with a glistening blue breast and neck and a spectacular bronze-green tail of around 200
elongated feathers. The female is brownish, slightly smaller than the male and lacks the tail.

Lotus (Nelumbo Nucipera Gaertn) is the National Flower of ndia. t is a sacred flower and occupies a unique
position in the art and mythology of ancient ndia, and has been an auspicious symbol of ndian culture since
time immemorial.

The Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis) is the National Tree of ndia. This huge tree towers over its neighbours
and has the widest reaching roots of all known trees, easily covering several acres.

Mango (Manigifera indica) is the National fruit of ndia. Mango is one of the most widely grown fruits of the
tropical countries. n ndia, mango is cultivated almost in
all parts, with the exception of hilly areas. Mango is a rich source of Vitamins A, C and D. n ndia, we have
hundreds of varieties of mangoes. They are of different
sizes, shapes and colours.

With a wide range of climatic conditions from the torrid to the arctic, ndia has a rich and varied vegetation,
which only a few countries of comparable size possess. ndia can be divided into eight distinct-floristic-
regions, namely, the western Himalayas, the eastern Himalayas, Assam, the ndus plain, the Ganga plain, the
Deccan, Malabar and the Andamans.
The Western Himalayan region extends from Kashmir to Kumaon. ts temperate zone is rich in forests of chir, pine,
other conifers and broad-leaved temperate trees.
Higher up, forests of deodar, blue pine, spruce and silver fir occur. The alpine zone extends from the upper limit of
the temperate zone of about 4,750 metres or even higher. The characteristic trees of this zone are high-level silver fir,
silver birch and junipers. The eastern Himalayan region extends from Sikkim eastwards and embraces Darjeeling,
Kurseong and the adjacent tract. The temperate zone has forests of oaks, laurels, maples, rhododendrons, alder and
birch. Many conifers, junipers and dwarf willows also occur here. The Assam region comprises the Brahamaputra and
the Surma valleys with evergreen forests, occasional thick clumps of bamboos and tall grasses. The ndus plain
region comprises the plains of Punjab, western Rajasthan and northern Gujarat. t is dry and hot and supports natural
vegetation. The Ganga plain region covers the area which is alluvial plain and is under cultivation for wheat,
sugarcane and rice. Only small areas support forests of widely differing types.

The Deccan region comprises the entire table land of the ndian Peninsula and supports vegetation of various kinds
from scrub jungles to mixed deciduous forests.

The Malabar region covers the excessively humid belt of mountain country parallel to the west coast of the Peninsula.
Besides being rich in forest vegetation, this region produces important commercial corps, such as coconut, betelnut,
pepper, coffee and tea, rubber and cashewnut. The Andaman region abounds in evergreen, mangrove, beach and
diluvial forests. The Himalayan region extending from Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh through Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan,
Meghalaya and Nagaland and the Deccan Peninsula is rich in endemic flora, with a large number of plants which are
not found elsewhere.

ndia is rich in flora. Available data place ndia in the tenth position in the world and fourth in Asia in plant diversity.
From about 70 per cent geographical area surveyed so far, over 46,000 species of plants have been described by the
Botanical Survey of ndia (BS), Kolkata. The vascular flora, which forms the conspicuous vegetation cover,
comprises 15,000 species. The flora of the country is being studied by BS and its nine circle/field offices located
throughout the country along with certain universities and research institutions.

Ethno-botanical study deals with the utilisation of plants and plant products by ethnic races. A scientific study of such
plants has been made by BS. A number of detailed ethno-botanical explorations have been conducted in different
tribal areas of the country. More than 800 plant species of ethno-botanical interest have been collected and identified
at different centres.

Owing to destruction of forests for agricultural, industrial and urban development, several ndian plants are facing
extinction. About 1,336 plant species are considered vulnerable and endangered. About 20 species of higher plants
are categorised as possibly extinct as these have not been sighted during the last 6-10 decades. BS brings out an
inventory of endangered plants in the form of a publication titled Red Data Book.

The Zoological Survey of ndia (ZS), with its headquarters in Kolkata and 16 regional stations, is responsible
for surveying the faunal resources of ndia. Possessing a tremendous diversity of climate and physical
conditions, ndia has great variety of fauna numbering over 89,000 species. Of these, protista number 2,577,
mollusca 5,070, anthropoda 68,389, amphibia 209, mammalia 390, reptilia 456, members of protochordata 119,
pisces 2,546, aves 1,232 and other invertebrates 8,329.

The mammals include the majestic elephant, the gaur or ndian bisonthe largest of existing bovines, the great ndian
rhinoceros, the gigantic wild sheep of the Himalayas, the swamp deer, the thamin spotted deer, nilgai, the four-
horned antelope, the ndian antelope or black-buck the only representatives of these genera. Among the cats, the
tiger and lion are the most magnificent of all; other splendid creatures such as the clouded leopard, the snow leopard,
the marbled cat, etc., are also found.

Many other species of mammals are remarkable for their beauty, colouring, grace and uniqueness. Several
birds, like pheasants, geese, ducks, mynahs, parakeets, pigeons, cranes, hornbills and sunbirds inhabit
forests and wetlands.

Rivers and lakes harbour crocodiles and gharials, the latter being the only representative of crocodilian order in the
world. The salt water crocodile is found along the eastern coast and in the Andaman and Nicobar slands. A project
for breeding crocodiles which started in 1974, has been instrumental in saving the crocodile from extinction.

The great Himalayan range has a very interesting variety of fauna that includes the wild sheep and goats, markhor,
ibex, shrew and tapir. The panda and the snow leopard are found in the upper reaches of the mountains.

The depletion of vegetative cover due to expansion of agriculture, habitat destruction, over-exploitation, pollution,
introduction of toxic imbalance in community structure, epidemics, floods, droughts and cyclones, contribute to the
loss of flora and fauna. More than 39 species of mammals, 72 species of birds, 17 species of reptiles, three species
of amphibians, two species of fish and a large number of butterflies, moth and beetles are considered vulnerable and

(Source: ndia 2009, Ministry of Environment, Planning Commission, Ministry of Health, Press nformation Bureau,
Census of ndia, Ministry of External Affairs, Union Budget, Reserve Bank of ndia, ndia 2005 - A Reference Annual,
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O Facts About ndia
Posted by Raghu at 2:20 PM 1 comments Links to this post
@uesdoy Octber 2 2010

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Posted by Raghu at 11:21 AM 0 comments Links to this post
lridoy eptember 24 2010
Body Facts
O n one day, a human sheds 10 billion skin flakes. This amounts to approximately two
kilograms in a year.
O Every square inch of the human body has about 19,000,000 skin cells.
O Approximately 25% of all scald burns to children are from hot tap water and is associated
with more deaths than with any other liquid.
O Forty-one percent of women apply body and hand moisturizer at least three times a day.
O Every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced.
O The world record for the number of body piercing on one individual is 702, which is held by
Canadian Brent Moffat.
O The small intestine in the human body is about 2 inches around, and 22 feet long.
O The human body makes anywhere from 1 to 3 pints of saliva every 24 hours.
O The human body has approximately 37,000 miles of capillaries.
O The aorta, which is largest artery located in the body, is about the diameter of a garden hose.
O The adult human body requires about 88 pounds of oxygen daily.
O t is very common for babies in New Zealand to sleep on sheepskins. This is to help them
gain weight faster, and retain their body heat.
O An average women has 17 square feet of skin. When a women is in her ninth month of
pregnancy she has 18.5 square feet of skin.
O The width of your armspan stretched out is the length of your whole body.
O 41% of women apply body or hand moisturizer a minimum three times a day.
O A human's small intestine is 6 meters long.
O There are as many hairs per square inch on your body as a chimpanzee. You don't see all of
them because most are too fine and light to be noticed.
O Every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced.
O Dead cells in the body ultimately go to the kidneys for excretion.
O By walking an extra 20 minutes every day, an average person will burn off seven pounds of
body fat in an year.
O The human body is 75% water.
Heart Facts
O Women hearts beat faster than men.
O Three years after a person quits smoking, there chance of having a heart attack is the same
as someone who has never smoked before.
O The human heart weighs less than a pound.
O The human heart can create enough pressure that it could squirt blood at a distance of thirty
O The first open heart surgery was performed by Dr. Daniel Hall Williams in 1893.
O Scientists have discovered that the longer the ring finger is in boys the less chance they
have of having a heart attack.
O The right lung of a human is larger than the left one. This is because of the space and
placement of the heart.
O The human heart beast roughly 35 million times a year.
O Olive oil can help in lowering cholesterol levels and decreasing the risk of heart
O n a lifetime, the heart pumps about one million barrels of blood.
O n 1967, the first successful heart transplant was performed in Cape Town, South Africa.
O People that suffer from gum disease are twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack.
O Most heart attacks occur between the hours of 8 and 9 AM.
O The human heart beast roughly 35 million times a year.
O At one time it was thought that the heart controlled a person's emotions.
Brain Facts
O Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression than men in the United States.
O The human brain has about 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) neurons.
O From all the oxygen that a human breathes, twenty percent goes to the brain.
O People who ride on roller coasters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain.
O Once a human reaches the age of 35, he/she will start losing approximately 7,000 brain cells
a day. The cells will never be replaced.
O t is not possible to tickle yourself. The cerebellum, a part of the brain, warns the rest of the
brain that you are about to tickle yourself. Since your brain knows this, it ignores the resulting
O A women from Berlin Germany has had 3,110 gallstones taken out of her gall bladder.
O n America, the most common mental illness is Anxiety Disorders.
O Your brain is 80% water.
O Your brain is move active and thinks more at night than during the day.
Bones Facts
O The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes bone which is located in the ear.
O There are 54 bones in your hands including the wrists.
O The only bone fully grown at birth is located in the ear.
O The human face is made up of 14 bones.
O The chances of getting a cavity is higher if candy is eaten slowly throughout the day
compared to eating it all at once and then brushing your teeth.
O f an identical twin grows up without having a certain tooth, the other twin will most likely also
grow up with that tooth missing.
O Humans are born with 300 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood
they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone.
O Gardening is said to be one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones.
O Enamel is hardest substance in the human body.
O Although the outsides of a bone are hard, they are generally light and soft inside. They are
about 75% water.
O Adult human bones account for 14% of the body's total weight.
O n 2000 babies are born with a tooth that is already visible.
O Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!
O Your thigh bone is stronger than concrete.
O The strongest bone in your body is the femur (thighbone), and it's hollow!
BIood Facts
O Two million red blood cells die every second.
O There are approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
O Seven percent of a humans body weight is made up of blood.
O n the early nineteenth century some advertisements claimed that riding the carousel was
good for the circulation of blood.
O Each day 400 gallons of recycled blood are pumped through the kidneys.
O By donating just one pint of blood, four lives can be saved.
O Blood is such a good stain that Native Americans used it for paint.
O The kidneys filter over 400 gallons of blood each day.
O The average life span of a single red blood cell is 120 days.
O Blood accounts for about 8% of a human's body weight.
O A woman has approximately 4.5 liters of blood in her body, while men have 5.6 liters.
O Your blood takes a very long trip through your body. f you could stretch out all of a human's
blood vessels, they would be about 60,000 miles long. That's enough to go around the world twice.
O Half your body's red blood cells are replaced every seven days.
O f all the blood vessels in your body were laid end to end, they would reach about 60,000
Eyes Facts
O We should never put anything in or near our eyes, unless we have a reason to use eye
drops. We would only do that if our doctor or parent told us to use them.
O Blinking helps to wash tears over our eyeballs. That keeps them clean and moist. Also, if
something is about to hit our eye, we will blink automatically.
O Our body has some natural protection for our eyes. Our eyelashes help to keep dirt out of
our eyes. Our eyebrows are made to keep sweat from running into our eyes.
O Our eyes are very important to us, and we must protect them. We don't want dirt, sand,
splinters or even fingers to get in our eyes. We don't want our eyes to get scratched or poked. That
could damage our sight!
O The study of the iris of the eye is called iridology.
O The shark cornea has been used in eye surgery, since its cornea is similar to a human
O The number one cause of blindness in adults in the United States is diabetes.
O The eyeball of a human weighs approximately 28 grams.
O The eye of a human can distinguish 500 shades of the gray.
O The cornea is the only living tissue in the human body that does not contain any blood
O The conjunctiva is a membrane that covers the human eye.
O Sailors once thought that wearing a gold earring would improve their eyesight.
O Research has indicated that a tie that is on too tight cam increase the risk of glaucoma in
O People generally read 25% slower from a computer screen compared to paper.
O Men are able to read fine print better than women can.
O n the United States, approximately 25,000 eye injuries occur that result in the person
becoming totally blind.
O All babies are colour blind when they are born.
O A human eyeball weighs an ounce.
O f the lens in our eye doesn't work quite right, we can get glasses to help us see. Glasses
have lenses in them that work with our eye's own lens to help us see better.
O Babies' eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately six to eight weeks old.
O The reason why your nose gets runny when you are crying is because the tears from the
eyes drain into the nose.
O The most common injury caused by cosmetics is to the eye by a mascara wand.
O Some people start to sneeze if they are exposed to sunlight or have a light shined into their
O The highest recorded speed of a sneeze is 165 km per hour.
O t is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
O The space between your eyebrows is called the Glabella.
O nside our eye, at the back, is a part called the "retina." On the retina are cells called "rods"
and "cones." These rods and cones help us to see colors and light.
O Just behind the pupil is a lens. t is round and flat. t is thicker toward the middle.
O Over the front of our eye is a clear covering called the "conjunctiva."
O The white part of our eye is called the "sclera." At the front, the sclera becomes clear and is
called the "cornea."
O Around the pupil is a colored muscle called the "iris." Our eyes may be BLUE, BROWN,
GREEN, GRAY OR BLACK, because that is the color of the iris.
O Our eyes have many parts. The black part on the front of our eye is called the "pupil." t is
really a little hole that opens into the back part of our eyes.
O Your eyes blinks over 10,000,000 times a year!
Mouth Facts
O n a month, a fingernail grows an eighth of an inch.
O People whose mouth has a narrow roof are more likely to snore. This is because they have
less oxygen going through their nose.
O While sleeping, one man in eight snores, and one in ten grinds his teeth.
O t takes food seven seconds to go from the mouth to the stomach via the esophagus.
Tongue Facts
O Close to fifty percent of the bacteria in the mouth lives on the surface of our tongue.
O There are approximately 9,000 taste buds on the tongue.
O Your tongue has 3,000 taste buds.
O 85% of the population can curl their tongue into a tube.
Hair Facts
O On average, a man spends about five months of his life shaving.
O On average, a hair strand's life span is five and a half years.
O On average redheads have 90,000 hairs. People with black hair have about 110,000 hairs.
O Next to bone marrow, hair is the fastest growing tissue in the human body.
O n a lifetime, an average man will shave 20,000 times.
O Humans have about the same number of hair follicles as a chimpanzee has.
O Hair will fall out faster on a person that is on a crash diet.
O The average human head weighs about eight pounds.
O The reason why some people get a cowlick is because the growth of their hair is in a spiral
pattern, which causes the hair to either stand straight up, or goes to a certain angle.
O The reason why hair turns gray as we age is because the pigment cells in the hair follicle
start to die, which is responsible for producing "melanin" which gives the hair colour.
O The big toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head.
O The loss of eyelashes is referred to as madarosis.
O The longest human beard on record is 17.5 feet, held by Hans N. Langseth who was born in
Norway in 1846.
O The fastest growing tissue in the human body is hair.
O The average human scalp has 100,000 hairs.
O Hair and fingernails are made from the same substance, keratin.
O Hair is made from the same substance as fingernails.
O Eyebrow hair lasts between 3-5 months before it sheds.
O The first hair dryer was a vacuum cleaner that was used for drying hair.
O A Russian man who wore a beard during the time of Peter the Great had to pay a special
O Everyday approximately 35 meters of hair fiber is produced on the scalp of an adult.
O Brylcreem, which was created in 1929, was the first man's hair product.
O Ancient Egyptians used to think having facial hair was an indication of personal neglect.
O A survey done by Clairol 10 years ago came up with 46% of men stating that it was okay to
color their hair. Now 66% of men admit to coloring their hair.
O A lifespan of an eyelash is approximately 150 days.
Diseases Facts
O People that use mobile phones are 2.5 time more likely to develop cancer in areas of the
brain that are adjacent to the ear they use to talk on the mobile phone.
O Over 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stress.
O Over 436,000 U.S. Troops were exposed to depleted uranium during the first Gulf war.
O On average, 90% of the people that have the disease Lupus are female.
O Many cancer patients that are treated with chemotherapy lose their hair. For some when the
hair grows back, it can grow back a different colour, or be curly or straight.
O Diabetes is the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for about 180,000
deaths per year.
O Chances of a women getting breast cancer are increased by excessive use of alcohol.
O A popular superstition is that if you put a piece of bread in a baby's crib, it will keep away
O A person that is struck by lightning has a greater chance of developing motor neurons
O Every year in the U.S., there are 178,000 new cases of lung cancer.
O Every three minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.
O Asthma affects one in fifteen children under the age of eighteen.
O Every eleven minutes in the U.S., a woman dies of breast cancer.
O Due to eating habits in the USA, one in three children born in the year 2000 have a chance
of getting type diabetes.
O The oldest known disease in the world is leprosy.
O The number one cause of rabies in the United States are bats.
O Coughing can cause air to move through your windpipe faster than the speed of sound
over a thousand feet per second!
O A headache and inflammatory pain can be reduced by eating 20 tart cherries.
O The incidents of immune system diseases has increased over 200% in the last five years.
O The flu pandemic of 1918 killed over 20 million people.
O Each year in America there are about 300,000 deaths that can be attributed to obesity.
O Every three days a human stomach gets a new lining.
O The first owner of the Marlboro Company, Wayne McLaren, died of lung cancer.
O Soldiers disease is a term for morphine addiction. The Civil War produced over 400,000
morphine addicts.
O Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a disease caused by ticks.
O A person afflicted with hexadectylism has six fingers or six toes on one or both hands and
O A study indicates that smokers are likely to die on average six and a half years earlier than
O A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day will on average lose two teeth every ten
O Lady Peseshet is known to be the world's first known female physician. She practiced during
the time of the pyramids, which was the fourth dynasty.
O The DNA of humans is closer to a rat than a cat.
O Teenage suicide is the second cause of death in the state of Wisconsin.
O Teenage cosmetic surgeries nearly doubled in the USA between 1996 and 1998.
O Studies indicate that weightlifters working out in blue gyms can handle heavier weights.
O Studies indicate that listening to music is good for digestion.
O Studies indicate that epileptic patients that listen to Mozart's Piano Sonata can dramatically
decrease their chance of a seizure.
O Lack of sleep can affect your immune system and reduce your ability to fight infections.
O t takes about three hours for food to be broken down in the human stomach.
O Over 40 million Americans have chronic bad breath.
O Carbon monoxide can kill a person in less than 15 minutes.
O Fourteen people die each day from asthma in the United States.
O Every day the human stomach produces about 2 liters of hydrochloric acid.
O Nearly half of all Americans suffer from symptoms of burnout.n humans, the epidermal layer
of skin, which consists of many layers of skin regenerates every 27 days.
O Native Americans used to use pumpkin seeds for medicine.
O n ancient Egypt, doctors used jolts from the electric catfish to reduce the pain of arthritis.
O The lining of the a person's stomach is replaced every 36 hours.
O The purpose of tonsils is to destroy foreign substances that are swallowed or breathed in.
O n the United States, poisoning is the fourth leading cause of death among children.
O The risk of cardiovascular disease is twice as high in women that snore regularly compared
to women who do not snore.
O The stomach of an adult can hold 1.5 liters of material.
O The stomach can break down goat's milk faster than the milk of a cow.
O The smoke that is produced by a fire kills more people than a burn does because of carbon
monoxide and other dangerous gases.
O t has been medically been proven that laughter is an effective pain killer.
O nfluenza caused over twenty-one million deaths in 1918.
O n a year, there are 60,000 trampoline injuries that occur in the U.S.
O Even if you eat food standing on your head, the food will still end up in your stomach.
O A person infected with the SARS virus, has a 95-98% chance of recovery.
O 3000 children die every day in Africa because of malaria.
Pregnancy Facts
O The world's first test tube twins are Stephen and Amanda Mays born June 5, 1981.
O Some people drink the urine of pregnant women to build up their immune system.
O The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.
O Every day, over 1,300 babies are born prematurely in the USA.
O During pregnancy, the average woman's uterus expands up to five hundred times its normal
O Changing a cat's litter box can be dangerous to pregnant women, as cat feces sometimes
carry a parasite that can cause harm to the developing baby.
O A pregnant woman's dental health can affect her unborn child.
O May babies are on avearge 200 grams heavier than babies born in other months.
O When a women is pregnant, her senses are all heightened.
O Studies show that couples that smoke during the time of conception have a higher chance of
having a girl compared to couples that do not smoke.
Sex Facts
O There are approximately 100 million acts of sexual intercourse each day.
O The sperm count of an average American male compared to thirty years ago is down thirty
An adult esophagus can range from 10 to 14 inches in length and is one inch in diameter.
O Men sweat more than women. This is because women can better regulate the amount of
water they lose.
O The average amount of time spent kissing for a person in a lifetime is 20,160 minutes.
O The average adult has approximately six pounds of skin.
O nfants spend more time dreaming than adults do.
O n one day, adult lungs move about 10,000 liters of air.
O The condom made originally of linen was invented in the early 1500's. Casanova, the
womanizer, used linen condoms.
O Sex burns about 70-120 calories for a 130 pound woman, and 77 to 155 calories for a 170
pound man every hour.
O mpotence is grounds for divorce in 26 U.S. states.
O There are approximately 45 billion fat cells in an average adult.
O Kissing can aid in reducing tooth decay. This is because the extra saliva helps in keeping the
mouth clean.
O During the female orgasm, endorphines are released, which are powerful painkillers. So
headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex.
O During World War , condoms were used to cover rifle barrels from being damaged by salt
water as the soldiers swam to shore.
O According to psychologists, the shoe and the foot are the most common sources of sexual
fetishism in Western society.
O A kiss for one minute can burn 26.
Other Human Body Facts
O The Gastric Flu can cause projectile vomiting.
O The Dutch people are known to be the tallest people in Europe.
O Studies have shown that the scent of Rosemary can help in better mental performance and
make individuals feel more alert.
O Some brands of toothpaste contain glycerin or glycerol, which is also an ingredient in
O Soaking beans for twelve hours in water before they are cooked can reduce flatulence
caused by beans.
O Scientists say that babies that are breastfed are more likely to be slimmer as adults than
those that are not breastfed.
O Scientists have determined that having guilty feelings may actually damage your immune
Research has indicated that approximately eleven minutes are cut off the life of an average male
smoker from each cigarette smoked.
O People have the tendency to chew the food on the side that they most often use their hand.
O Over 600,000 people died as a result of the Spanish influenza epidemic.
O Only one out of every three people wash their hands when leaving a public bathroom.
O One ragweed plant can release as many as a million grains of pollen in one day.
O One out of 20 people have an extra rib.
O One average, men spend 60 hours a year shaving.
O On average, falling asleep while driving results in 550 accidents per day in the United States.
O On average, a person has two million sweat glands.
O On average, Americans spend 33% of their life sleeping.
O On average a person passes gas 14 times a day.
O On average 1,668 gallons of water are used by each person in the United States daily.
O Nerve impulses for muscle position travel at a speed of up to 390 feet per second.
O Nerve cells can travel as fast as 120 meters per second.
O Mummy powder was once thought to be a cure for all remedies. English men used to carry
the powder with them in a tiny bag wherever they went.
O Men in their early twenties shave an average of four times a week.
O Medical research has found substances in mistletoe that can slow down tumor growth.
O Medical reports show that about 18% of the population are prone to sleepwalking.
O Manicuring the nails has been done by people for more than 4,000 years.
O Left-handed people are better at sports that require good spatial judgment and fast reaction,
compared to right-handed individuals.
O ronically, when doctors in Los Angeles, California went on strike in 1976, the daily number of
deaths in the city dropped 18%.
O n the United States, 8.5 million cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures were done in
the year 2001.
O People with darker skin will not wrinkle as fast as people with lighter skin.
O People with allergies can lower allergy reactions by laughing.
O People who meet their calcium need reduce their risk of developing kidney stones.
O People that smoke have 10 times as many wrinkles as a person that does not smoke.
O People still cut the cheese shortly after death.
O People over the age of fifty will start to lose their dislike for foods that taste bitter.
O People of Ancient China believed that swinging your arms could cure a headache.
O The average weight of a newborn baby is 7 lbs. 6 oz. For a triplet baby it is 3 lbs. 12 oz.
O The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing.
O The average person falls asleep in about 12 to 14 minutes.
O There are approximately one hundred million people in the United States that have a chronic
O There are approximately 60 muscles in the face.
O There are 50% more males that are left handed compared to females.
O There are 400 species of bacteria in the human colon.
O There are 10 million bacteria at the place where you rest your hands at a desk.
O n a lifetime, an average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva.
O n a lifetime, an average driver will release approximately 912 pints of wind inside a car.
O n Canada, men are three times more likely than women to have seen a doctor in the last
O n 1832, in Paisley, Scotland the first municipal water filtration works was opened.
O Humans breathe in and out approximately one litre of air in ten seconds.
O Girls have more tastebud than boys.
O From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size.
O Flu shots only work about 70% of the time.
O Gases that build up in your large intestine cause flatulence. t usually takes about 30 to 45
minutes for these gases to pass through your system.
O Fat is important for the development of children and normal growth.
O Every day, the average person swallows about a quart of snot.
O Eighty percent of 10 year old girls in the USA go on a diet.
O Air is passed through the nose at a speed of 100 miles per hour when a person sneezes.
O About twenty-five percent of the population sneeze when they are exposed to light.
O A yawn usually lasts for approximately six seconds.
O Children who are breast fed tend to have an Q seven points higher than children who are
O Children grow faster in the springtime than any other season during the year.
O Eating chocolate three times a month helps people live longer as opposed to people who
overeat chocolate or do not eat chocolate at all.
O Constipation is caused when too much water is absorbed in the large intestine and poops
become dry.
O A ear trumpet was used before the hearing aid was invented by people who had difficulty
O The average human dream lasts only 2 to 3 seconds.
O The average person has at least seven dreams a night.
O Bile produced by the liver is responsible for making your feces a brownish, green colour.
O t takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.
O By the time you are 70 you will have easily drunk over 12,000 gallons of water.
O A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for approximately sixty-nine years.
O The average person walks the equivalent of twice around the world in a lifetime.
O The average person laughs about 15 times a day.
O The vocabulary of the average person consists of 5,000 to 6,000 words.
O About 10% of the world's population is left-handed

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