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KIET Group of Institutions

Course B.Tech., I Sem,

Assignment No.1
(2023-24) Odd Semester
Subject Name- Soft Skills I (BAS-205)
Assignment 1

Question CO
Q. No.
Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb given in bracket. 1
1. The match was over after I.......................... the playground. (reach)
1. 2. It ........ when he reached home. (rain)
3. He ............ cricket since his childhood. (play)
4. I who your friend, can help you. (is, am, are)

Change these Simple sentences to Compound sentences. 1

1. With a great effort he lifted the box.
2. The man, being very hungry, ate too much.
2. 3. To avoid punishment, he ran away.
4. By his pleasant manners, he gained many friends.

Change these Simple sentences to Complex sentences. 1

1. I saw a wounded bird.
2. I was the first to hear the news.
3. 3. The value of exercise is great.
4. I was the first to arrive.
4. Analyze the difference between Active Listening and Hearing. 2
5. Explore different speaking styles and content sequencing. 2

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