24XX Joyrider

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PLAY: Players describe what their characters ► Choose your character’s specialty.
do. The game moderator (GM) advises when an
DRIVER: Skilled in Operate (d8) and either Rally
action is impossible, requires extra steps,
(d8) or Maneuver (d8). Take something loud and
demands a cost, or presents an avoidable risk.
a vehicle upgrade of your choice.
Players only roll to avoid risks.
MARAUDER: Skilled in Offense (d8) and either
ROLLING: Roll a d6 skill die — higher with a rele-
Tactics (d8) or Labor (d8). Take something
vant skill, or d4 if hindered by injury or circum-
overly large and a vehicle weapon upgrade.
stances. If helped by circumstances, roll an
extra d6; if helped by an ally, they roll their skill SCAVENGER: Skilled in Trash (d8) and either
die and share the risk. Take the highest die. Mechanisms (d8) or Improvising (d8). Take
something normally useless and a vehicle armor
1–2 Disaster. Suffer the full risk. GM decides if
you succeed at all. If risking death, you die.
TRADER: Skilled in Negotiation (d8) and either
3–4 Setback. A lesser consequence or partial
Appraisal (d8) or Swindling (d8). Take something
success. If risking death, you’re maimed.
cowardly and a vehicle storage upgrade.
5+ Success. The higher the roll, the better.
PREACHER: Skilled in History (d8) and either
If success can’t get you what you want (you Persuasion (d8) or Reading People (d8). Take
make the shot, but it’s bulletproof!), you’ll at something that sends a message and either ₡2
least get useful info or set up an advantage. or a follower with two overly-specific skills (d8).

LOAD: Carry as much as makes sense, but more ENGINEER: Skilled in Repair (d8) and either
than one bulky item may hinder you at times. Craft (d8) or Operate (d8). Take a bulky toolbox
full of bits, bobs, and 3 other tools.
DEFENSE: Say how one of your items breaks to
turn a hit into a brief hindrance. Broken gear is ► Choose your character’s alignment.
useless until repaired.
THE JOYFUL: Skilled in Coping (d8). Start with
HARM: Injuries take time and/or medical atten- three doses of Joy and a mutation.
tion to heal. If killed, make a new character to be
THE TRUTHFUL: Choose two settlements that
introduced ASAP. Favor inclusion over realism.
you are on good terms with and gain a skill at
JOY: Upon use, roll Coping. 1-2, overuse. Always d8 that most of the residents commonly pos-
benefit. Joy lasts as long as needed to find an sess for each.
inopportune time for it to run out.
THE EMPTY: Apply 2 skill increases (from no
RUNNING THE GAME: Lead the group in setting skill Ô d8 Ô d10 Ô d12). You can take new
lines not to cross in play. Fast-forward, pause, or skills and/or increase skills you already have.
rewind/redo scenes for pacing and safety, and
► Take ₡2. Most individual items cost ₡1 each.
invite players to do likewise. Present dilemmas
and problems you don’t know how to solve. Move ARMOR: scrap plate (break once for defense),
the spotlight to give everyone time to shine. Test battle armor (₡2, bulky, break up to 3x).
periodically for bad luck (e.g., run out of ammo,
WEAPONS: pistol, dagger, rifle (bulky, +1 to
or into guards) — roll d6 to check for (1–2) trou-
ranged rolls), sword (bulky, +1 to melee rolls)
ble now or (3–4) signs of trouble. Offer rulings to
cover gaps in rules; double back during a break
to revise unsatisfying rulings as a group.
► Your vehicle has basic versions of these ► The Joyful roll 2d10 and combine results, and
functions; upgrades cost ₡10 each. In an invent your mutation from the result.
emergency, players pick a function to do, help
with, or something different.
1 Bodily 1 Amoeba
HANDLING: Start with old tires and unrespon-
2 Combustion 2 Badger
sive steering. Upgrade with monster wheels,
3 Contorting 3 Frog
turbo (feed spice to boost), 4-wheel drive.
4 Defying 4 Isopod
STORAGE: Meager. You can barely fit your- 5 Dripping 5 Kudzu
selves. Upgrade with compartments (up to 2x 6 Feral 6 Pufferfish
bulky), trailer (up to 5x bulky), gas reserves 7 Scaly 7 Rhino
8 Secret 8 Tree
HULL ARMOR: Break for defense. Upgrade with
9 Spongy 9 Virus
reinforced plating (normal weapons are harm-
10 Viscous 10 Vulture
less, slow), light frame (remove slow), spikes
and deterrents (difficult to climb).

WEAPONS: None at first. Upgrade with mounted

weapon, ammo cache, explosives.
► The Truthful or Empty roll on the tables below:


For each ₡ you receive, determine if it is Fuel, 1 A dynamite jacket, for the impending day
Food, or Ammunition. 2 A preserved limb, for when you need one
Fuel doubles your distance a day of travel for 3 A real bouncy ball, returns to your hand
each ₡ you spend. If you run out of Fuel, you 4 A pill bottle, makes you forget your sins
only have basic gasoline. 5 A flask of oil, for when you burn it all
Food is required to heal during a day. For each 6 A working radio, for when help arrives
₡ you spend, heal an injury. If you run out of 7 A few pounds of human jerky, just in case
Food, you only have the most meager of rations. 8 A flashbang, it never stopped working
Ammunition is checked after a battle where you 9 A decorated spear, for staking heads
fire a weapon. On a 1-2 on a d6, you need to 10 A wallet, like that’ll be useful ever
spend ₡1 to reload. If you run out of Ammo, you
can’t continue to fire the weapon.
1 A troupe of musical racers, the Rubber Band
Traders will have a preferred type of resource, or 2 Alura, a popular drag queen you flirted with
on occasion a required type of resource for a 3 Banzai, captain of the last warship
purchase. Joy is precious to most. 4 Buggy, leader in an always-moving caravan
5 Crack Jack, will do anything for a hit
6 Extrap, explosives vendor you supported
7 Koi, just a reliable guy conveniently nearby
8 Pol, former teacher, now has a gang of kids
9 Pop, godfather of the Great Sons
10 Spider, integral part of the radio movement
THE FINAL GENERATION OF LIFE, in just 24 years the world has largely become a barren hellscape of
anarchy. In The Flash, all women disappeared from the world. Blinded by grief, men have destroyed the
only thing they have left—the planet. Midst this chaos, a strange drug has fallen to common use: Joy.
Despite the name, it incites a pure state of unfeeling, ecstasy to those who are wracked by the past.

► d20 People You Might Find in the Wastelands ► Roll d20 for a contact, client, rival, or target

1 8E, the last unironic skater, very lonely 1 Arcimboldo, quirky tech dealer & tinkerer
2 Armament, Joy dealer immune to feelings 2 Aurora, wealthy collector of unique items
3 Botch, innovative mechanic and surgeon 3 Blackout, quiet evidence removal specialist
4 Castellan, exiled settlement-founder 4 Bleach, wry janitor android turned assassin
5 Flare, mutant boy with explosive sweat 5 Bron, dour security chief with a metal arm
6 Graff, painter of blood and warnings 6 Bullet, no-nonsense android gun runner
7 Hasselhoff, genius with only bad ideas 7 Carryout, cocky courier with fast cyber-legs
8 Loon, can stretch infinitely, never retract 8 Fisher, eager street kid looking for a crew
9 Pharaoh, the doomsayer that lived through 9 Ginseng, people-loving drug dealer
10 Pinhead, punk with a literal spike mohawk 10 Hot Ticket, extremely cautious fence
11 Qualm, deserter from a Horde inner feud 11 Kaiser, grinning loan shark in a silver suit
12 Rando, mute warlord and kung-fu master 12 Osiris, tired, street-level sawbones
13 Recu, mutant who regenerates as fractals 13 Powder Blue, android fixer, generous rates
14 Sent, “money”lender with nothing to lose 14 Reacher, sharp mercenary tac squad leader
15 Smiley, Joy addict with paralyzed face 15 Rhino, thickheaded, bighearted bodyguard
16 T.Weed, expert street fighter and parkourist 16 Sam, plucky journalist, likely to get killed
17 Timbuck, rancher who ate his last horse 17 Shifter, hard-working chop-shop owner
18 Toke, philosopher of hallucinogenic utopia 18 Walleye, businesslike information broker
19 Worm, professional dirt packer 19 Whistler, smiling cabbie/getaway driver
20 Wranglr, vagabond noose cowboy 20 “X,” unflappable broker for an unnamed corp
► d20 Places Discovered in the Wastelands ► d6 Signs of Joy Overuse

1 A giant hole with the sign, “Pleasure Pit” 1 You lose the ability to feel pain
2 A lightning rod standing above the clouds 2 You lose all taste and smell
3 A makeshift fort caught in an eternal LARP 3 You physically cannot frown
4 A “wizard” tower with working electricity 4 You gain empty blobs of skin on your body
5 Church turned satanist commune 5 Your skin peels off in large bloody chunks
6 City in which everything is upside-down 6 Gain a new mutation
7 Dam turned into a private utopia bunker
► d6 Temporary Benefits of Joy
8 Drug factory ran by mutant Joy junkies
9 Evaporated lake, a farm is at the bottom 1 You can push your muscles past its limits
10 Field of solar panels, eternally on fire 2 You can stretch your limbs to double length
11 “Guano’s Delight,” a life gambling house 3 Injuries only apply once the Joy wears off
12 Hamlet of liars and pretenders 4 All your skin becomes calloused (break x2)
13 Man-made crater, filled with nuclear waste 5 All speed-reliant rolls are helped.
14 Mound of mutant termites, they want Joy 6 Everyone fears you, more likely to run away
15 Petrified forest, now lumber quarry
► Roll d4 to see if someone is a Joy addict
16 Scrapyard turned one guy’s mech project
17 Theme park now held by the former military 1 Reroll (on another 1, they are not addicted)
18 Toppled oil tanker filled with bloody meat 2 Abuser, regrets it (no Joy for bartering)
19 Town with a new random law each week 3 Addict, will go out of their way for Joy
20 Zoo with “hyper-realistic” furry costumes 4 Junkie, will go against principles for Joy
Version 1 • Made by Jason Tocci under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0) • Art from Pixabay & SVG Repo

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