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Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B

Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Name: ________________________________________

Total score: _____ / 60


Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions.


This paper carries a total of 60 marks.


Questions 1–55 carry one mark.


Question 56 carries five marks.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 2019 1

Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Reading Part 1

Questions 1–5

Which notice (A–H) says this (1–5)?


0 You can pay with a credit card. ……

1 You can stay here tonight. …….

2 There’s a place to eat in York …….

3 The show is on every day.

4 You can’t buy shoes on Mondays. …….

5 There aren’t any buses after 8 p.m. …….




© Cengage Learning, Inc. 2019 Marks (out of 5): _____ 2

Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Reading Part 2

Questions 6–10

Read the sentences about a day at work.

Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.


0 Gianni works in a big ……. in London.

A forest B lighthouse C office

6 Last Friday was a really ……. day.

A bored B busy C popular

7 Gianni …….. three meetings in the morning.

A did B had C saw

8 In the afternoon, he ……. lots of phone calls.

A made B sent C spoke

9 He ……. home at eight o’clock in the evening.

A got B lived C took

10 He watched a TV show and then he ……. to bed.

A fell B slept C went

Marks (out of 5): _____

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Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Reading Part 3

Questions 11–15

Complete the five conversations.

Choose the best response (A, B or C).


A See you tomorrow.

B Hi.

C Good evening.

11 Would you like a drink? A I like tea and coffee.

B I’d like a glass of water.

C Sorry, I don’t like it.

12 I’m sorry I’m late. A The train was late.

B We were very busy.

C Don’t worry. It’s OK.

13 What’s the matter? A No, thanks. I’m not thirsty.

B I’m hungry and I’m thirsty.

C Here you are.

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Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

14 Let’s watch TV. A That’s a good idea. What’s on?

B Yes, it’s great. I love it.

C It’s on at six o’clock.

15 Did you have good holiday? A Oh yes. It was delicious.

B Yes, but the weather wasn’t very


C I don’t know. Why not?

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Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Questions 16–20

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does Lisa say to Emma?

Choose the correct letter A–H.


Emma: Bye, Lisa. See you on Monday.

Lisa: E
0 …….

Emma: No, I’m staying at home. Last A And was it expensive?

weekend was very busy.
B But why not?
Lisa: 16 …..

Emma: I went to an international food C Oh! Which food was your favourite?

Lisa: 17 ….. D Oh, I’d love to! Can you give me the
Emma: Yes, it was. I tried dishes from
about ten different countries. E See you. Oh, are you going out this
Lisa: 18 …..

Emma: Oh, I think the little Portuguese F That’s interesting. Was it good?
cakes I had. They were
amazing. G Well, we’re going to the beach
Lisa: 19 …..

Emma: Well, they gave us lots of free H Why? What did you do?
snacks, but I bought a lot of
food to take home! So, I’m not
going out this weekend.

Lisa: 20 …..

Emma: That’s a good idea. The weather

is fantastic at the moment.

Marks (out of 10): _____

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Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Reading Part 4

Questions 21–27

Read the article about a trip to South America.

Are sentences 21–27 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)?

If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B),

choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).

Some special photos

by Linda Brown

I love walking and two years ago I decided to go on the Inca Trail in Peru. You
need a special ticket to go to Machu Picchu so I booked that in advance, in
January, for my trip in May. I flew from Sydney to Lima airport. Lima isn’t very
near to Machu Picchu – the best airport is Cusco – but I had lots of time. I took
buses and I stopped in different towns on the trip. I didn’t speak very much
Spanish, but I practised with other passengers on the bus. They helped me and
I made friends, too!

Finally, I arrived in Cusco. I joined a group of ten other people and we met our
guides. I was ready! The first day was difficult – we climbed 900 metres in one
day. I slept OK, in a small tent. But on the second day we went up to 4,200 metres
and I felt horrible. I was really tired and sick. After that, it was easy. We got to
Machu Picchu and I saw beautiful views of the mountains and the old buildings. I
took lots of photos. I know everyone has photos of Machu Picchu, but these
photos are special because they are mine.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 2019 7

Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing


0 The Inca Trail is in Peru.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

21 Linda bought her ticket in May.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

22 She travelled to Peru by train.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

23 She went on her trip at the best time.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

24 Some people taught her Spanish on her journey.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

25 Linda climbed Machu Picchu alone.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

26 She didn’t feel well on the climb up to Machu Picchu.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

27 She took photos of her guides and the climbing group.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

Marks (out of 7): _____

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 2019 8

Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Reading Part 5

Questions 28–35

Read the article about Paula.

Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.

My life

My (0) ….. Paula and I’m a student. I’m from Lisbon, but at the moment I’m (28) ….. in
London. I really like it here. I’m doing (29) ….. course at Central Saint Martins College of Arts
and Design. Stella McCartney came here too. I love (30) ….. clothes. She’s (31) …..
favourite designer. There aren’t (32) ….. students from Portugal at the school, but I have
English, (33) ….. and American friends. My best friends are Greg and Diana. In the
evenings, we usually go out in London. There are lots of things to do. (34) ….. parents live
near the river, so we sometimes visit (35) ….. . Living here is great!


0 A name B names C name’s

28 A studies B study C studying

29 A a B one C the

30 A her B his C your

31 A mine B my C the

32 A a B any C some

33 A Italy B Italian C Italians

34 A Greg B Gregs C Greg’s

35 A them B they C those

Marks (out of 8): _____

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 2019 9

Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Writing Part 6

Questions 36–40

Read the descriptions of people in a family.

What is the word for each one?

The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.


0 Your parent. f _ ather


36 You’re married to this person. h______

37 Your child. d_______

38 Your parent. m_____

39 You and this person are your parents’ children. b______

40 You’re married to this person. w___

Marks (out of 5): _____

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 2019 10

Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Writing Part 7

Questions 41–50

Complete this letter.

Write ONE word for each space.


0 you

From: Jamie

To: Will

Dear Will

I’m sorry (0) ……..……… weren’t well yesterday. Maybe the food (41) ……..……… the problem. (42)
……..……… are you feeling today? I hope you’re better.

(43) ……..……… you going to the cinema with everyone (44) ……..……… Friday evening? (45)
……..……… you want to come to my house first? I usually finish work (46) ……..……… six o’clock
and I (47) ……..……… home in half an hour. I can make some pasta.

(48) ……..……… time do you finish work?

Oh, (49) ……..……… you see the football on TV last night? Amazing!

See you soon, I hope – tell (50) ……..……… about Friday.


Marks (out of 10): _____

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Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Writing Part 8

Questions 51–55

Read the web page and the email about community projects.

Fill in the information on the registration form.

Daybridge Community Projects From:

Have you got any free time? Join us and help To:
people in your community.
Hi Fatima
Here are some of the things we do:
I’m looking at the Daybridge website – there
• Shopping: Go shopping for people who are lots of community projects we can do. I
can’t go to the shops. can’t do gardening, but I can drive people
every morning because I start work at
• Gardening: Help people with their midday. Well, except at the weekend, I
garden. can’t do it then. Can you call them and give
them my information?
• Driving: Drive people to their
appointments at the doctor’s or hospital. Thanks

Call us for more information on 756 6829 or Jeff

email us at

Community Projects registration from

Place: Daybridge

Name: 51 ………………………

Contact: 52 ………………………

Project: 53 ………………………

Free time

Days: 54 ………………………

Times: 55 ……………………… (morning/afternoon/evening):

Marks (out of 5): _____

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Life 2e Beginner End-of-year Test B Paper 1: Reading and Writing

Writing Part 9

Question 56

Your English friend is visiting your home country next month. Write an email to him/her with
information about your country.


a good thing to do or see and say why

what food to try

Write 25–35 words.

Marks (out of 5): _____

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 2019 13

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