Matlab assignment

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%Assignmet Qwestion chapter no 2:

%2.1:Express the following numbers in polar form


% a=1+2j;

% mag=abs(a);

% angle=phase(a);


% a=-2+j1;

% mag=abs(a);

% angle=phase(a);


% a=(1+2j).*(-2+j1);

% mag=abs(a);

% angle=phase(a);


% a=(1+2j).*(-2+2j);

% mag=abs(a);

% angle=phase(a);

%2:Evaluate the following assignment operator


% c=1;d=2;x=4;

% p1=c.*x+2.*d;

% p2=c.*x-conj(d);

% p=p1/p2;

% x=2;y=4;z=3;

% l=2.*log10(x)+cos(pi)+abs(y.^2-x.^2)+sqrt(5*x*y);


% x=-3;

% r=x.^4+4.*x.^3+3.*x^2+6.*x+6;


% p=3;q=4;

% s=(4.*p+5).*(3.*p+4.*q-10);


% t=2;x=0.5;

% u=x.*e.^(-10.*t);


% a=1;b=2;c=3;

% p=a.^(b.^c);

% c=2;d=3;e=4;

% f=c.^d.^e;

%What is the value of k calculated in the given expression


% i=2;j=3;

% k=i.*3/2+j/4-j.^(3/8);


% x=2;y=3.0;z=4.5;

% k=x^2+y/2.0+z*2;

% i=3;

% j=(i+1)*(i^2)-i/2.0;


% A=2.5;

% A=(A+25)*2.5;

% i=A*4;

% k=i^2;

% A=k/20;

%Evaluate the all trigofun for the different value of the thetha;

% theata=30;

% a=sind(theata);

% b=cosd(theata);

% c=tand(theata);

% d=cotd(theata);

% e=secd(theata);

% f=cscd(theata);

%Evaluate the following inverse trigo function for the given value

% k=1/2;

% a=asin(k);

% a=(180/pi)*a;%for getting the angle in degree

% b=acos(k);

% c=atan(k);

% d=acot(k);

% e=asec(k);

% f=acsc(k);

%Write the assignemt operator to evaluate the following equations


% r=2;h=3;

% volume=pi^2*r*h;


% N=1000;

% t=10;

% %The data is given in binary;

% T=1*2+0;

% Power=(2*pi*N*T)/60;


% V=250;I=5;R=2;cos=0.8;W=20;

% Efficiency=(v*I*cos)/((V*I*cos)+(I^2*R+W));

%Determine the value of the each of the logical Expression;


% x=5;y=15;z=-2;

% k=x>y & x<z;

% a=x<y & x>z;

% b = x==y || y>x;

%for the given electrical circuit with an Inductance L=0.01mH calcuate

%damped natural frequency

% L=0.10/1000;

% R=100;

% c=0.1;

% f1=1/(L*c);

% f2=R^2/(4*(c^2));

% f=sqrt(f1-f2);
%Assignment chapter number 3

%for the given row and coloumn vector solve the following

% p=[1 -2 5];

% q=[2 4 8]';

% k=p*q;

% a=q*p;

% b=p'*q';

% c=sum(p);

% d=sum(q);

% e=mean(p);

% f=mean(q);

% g=length(p);

% h=length(q);

% i=max(p);

% j=max(q);

% a1=min(p);

% a2=min(q);

% a3=prod(p);

% a4=prod(q);

% a5=sort(p);

% a6=sort(q);

%Enter the matrix;


% A=[1 10;-10 1j];

% k=sin(60);

% z=sym('z');

% e=sym('e');

% x=sym('x');

% B=[x e^x;log10(100) (k)];

%For the given statement write the matlab command given below

% A=[2 -4 6 -8;1 3 5 7;2 12 30 56];

% a1=A(:,1);%This is for all the row and 1st coloumn;

% a2=A(1,:);%All the element from the first row but all the coloumn;

% a3=A(2,3);%Element of the second row and 3 coloumn;

%Given (3x4) matrix q Do the following matlab commands;

% q=[2 3 4;3 4 5;4 5 6;5 6 7];

% q(1,:)=[];%Deleting the first row of the matrix;

% q(:,1:2)=[];%Deleting all the first and second coloumn of the matrix

% % q(2,2)=[];

% B=[-1,1,1,5+1i*2;0,-1,0,20+1i*10;0,0,-1,10+1i*3;1,0,0,0;30+1i*30,50+1i*50,60+1i*60,0];

% B(:,end)=[];

% B(end,:)=[];

% k=q(1:2,1:2);

% q(2,2)=8;

%for the given matrix Reshape the matrix as vector;

% p=[3 4 5 1;5 6 7 2;7 8 9 3];

% a1=reshape(p,[],1);

% a2=reshape(p,[4,3]);

% a3=reshape(p,[6,2]);

%Append the given matrix:

% x=[0 1 2];

% y=[0 2 3 4];

% p=[y,x];

%Generate the following 3x3 matrices of common uses with the help of matrix

%1:Unity or identity matrix;

% u=eye(3);%creating an identity matrix;

% n=zeros(3);creating a null matrix;

% k=ones(3,4);creating matrix with all element 1;

%Show the following command using given matrix;

% A=[2 5 6;3 4 10;7 11 8];

% a1=diag(A);

% a2=diag(A,1);%Where k is a constant lies between -1 to 1;

% a3=poly(A);%it gives the characteristic polynomial;

% a4=eig(A);%It gives the root of the characteristic eqn;

% a5=eigs(A,1);%It gives the kth largest magnitude of eigen value;

% a6=roots(poly(A));%It provides the roots of the characteristic polynomial

%create a 4x4 matrix of random members,multiply all the elements by 10 and

%round of using suitable command

% k=rand(4);

% % p=magic(4);

% % k=randi(4);

% k=k*10;

% k1=round(k);

%For the given matrix determine the determinant and inverse if exist;


% A=[2 4;8 -1];

% a1=det(A);%The determinant of the matrix is not zero so inverse exist;

% b=inv(A);

% A2=A\A;%A2=A*b is also but slower

% A=[3 0 -2;-1 1 2;0 1 -2];

% a1=det(A);%The determinant of the matrix is not zero so inverse exist;

% b=inv(A);

% A2=A\A;%A2=A*b is also but slower

% A=[1 2 3;0 -1 1;1 0 1];

% a1=det(A);%The determinant of the matrix is not zero so inverse exist;

% b=inv(A);

% A2=A\A;%A2=A*b is also but slower

% A=[0 2 0;3 -3 4;0 2 6];

% a1=det(A);%The determinant of the matrix is not zero so inverse exist;

% b=inv(A);

% A2=A\A;%A2=A*b is also but slower

%Determine the rank of the following given matrices

% L=[4 3;7 2;4 0];

% a1=rank(L);

% L=[3 5 0 9;2 3 6 4];

% a1=rank(L);

% L=[2 0 0;0 0 5];

% a1=rank(L);

% L=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9];

% a1=rank(L);

% L=[1 2 3;2 4 6;7 0 8];

% a1=rank(L);

%Obtain the following product for the given matrices:


% A=[3 2 1]';
% B=[6 1 0];

% a1=A*B;

% a2=B*A;

% a3=A*A';

% a4=B'*B;


% A=[-1 2;0 4];

% B=[2 3;-4 5];

% a1=A*B;

% a2=B*A;

% a3=A*A';

% a4=B'*B;


% A=[-1 2 3;4 5 6];

% B=[2 4;6 8;10 12];

% a1=A*B;

% a2=B*A;

% a3=A*A';

% a4=B'*B;

% Evaluate

% A=[5 -8 10 -2;0 4 3 -4;2 4 6 8];

% B=[3 -3 -6 5;8 0 5 4;0 4 3 2];

% a1=A+B;

% a2=A-B;

% a3=A.^3;

% a4=B.^4;

% a5=A/B;
%for the given equation the matrix A is:

% A=[1 1 -1;-1 3 -1;3 -5 -2];

% const=[2 2 0]';

% a1=det(A);%The determinant is not zero then the inverse exist;

% a2=inv(A);

% soln=A\const;

% [V,D]=eig(A);

% a3=trace(A);

% a4=rank(A);

% a5=A';

%for the given equation the matrix A is

% A=[1 1 1;-1 3 -1;3 -5 -2];

% const=[4 4 0]';

% a1=det(A);%The determinant is not zero then the inverse exist;

% a2=inv(A);

% soln=A\const;

% [V,D]=eig(A);

% a3=trace(A);

% a4=rank(A);

% a5=A';

%Show the different relational operator:

% x=[1 0 -2];

% y=[0 -4 8];

% a1=x>y;

% a2= x==y;

% a3=(x&y);

% x=[0 2 4];

% y=x.^4;

% y1=x.^5;

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