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27 Social Media Pros And Cons
By Viktoriya Sus (MA) and Peer Reviewed by Chris Drew
(PhD) / October 1, 2023
Social media is a term used to describe a wide range of
online platforms and activities where people can
communicate and share information, ideas, photos, and
Social media examples include popular sites such as
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter but also
encompass other forms of online communication such as
blogging and forums.
It plays a pivotal role in our lives, and most of us use it daily.
However, despite social media’s advantages, such as
connecting with friends and family worldwide, potential
disadvantages of social media should also be considered.

On the positive side, it can help people stay connected with

friends and family, build relationships, and follow news
stories. It can also be a great platform for self-expression,
allowing you to showcase personal interests or talents.

Yet, social media can be a hub for cyberbullying and other

forms of online harassment. Moreover, it may lead to
overindulgence, sidetracking from important tasks, as well as

Contents show

Pros And Cons Of Social

Media (Table Summary)
Pros of Social Media Cons of Soc
Anyone can publish their thoughts online It can lead to addiction
It is a free source of information It can increase online b
It can help us make social contacts It can lead to body imag
It lets people find their subcultural groups It can be misused to sp
It allows the truth to get out It can affect interperson
It is an excellent communication tool It can cause sleeplessn
It can help with self-development It can lead to leaks of p
It can be educational It can be abused by em
It can help businesses to grow It can increase stress
It can lead to laziness a
It can improve career opportunities procrastinate
It can help people stay in touch with news It leads to polarization o
It supports and encourages creativity
It is very entertaining
You can earn money with social media
It can help disarm social stigma
It stores unprecedented amounts of historical
Advantages Of Social
Social media can be a powerful tool for businesses,
organizations, and individuals alike due to its ability to connect
people and share information quickly.

1. Anyone Can Publish

Perhaps the best thing about social media is that it’s
made absolutely anyone to publish and share their news
and information.

Before social media, we were stuck with what’s called “media

gatekeepers” – people like newspaper editors – who can
choose what news people will and won’t consume (Potnis &
Tahamtan, 2021).
Nowadays, literally anyone can publish anything online.
Editors, governments, and media don’t have a final say over
whether people can see it or not.

Of course, this comes with downsides, which we’ll talk about


2. Free Source Of Information

Most social media platforms are free, and they’re
available on our phones! This has meant information is
more accessible than any other time in human history.
In fact, people have become entirely self-taught experts
through YouTube channels, Facebook groups, and even from
Twitter threads!

Often, the reason this information is free is that you’re the

product. Advertisers pay money to get their ads in front of you
on the social media scroll feeds.

3. Builds Social Contacts

It’s so easy these days to meet people online. In fact,
many social media platforms have built-in algorithms to
help you meet people who have the same interests as
The ‘suggested friends’ options on many of these platforms
helps people to increase their networks and social capital,
which may lead to new friendships, a job, or even a romantic

Furthermore, some platforms like YouTube even act as hubs

for people of similar interests to come together into groups –
which leads me to the next pro of social media.

4. Lets People Find Their Subculture

Before the internet, people were limited to making friends
in their immediate community.

This meant that the shy person who was really into classical
music, or the person who loved chess, didn’t really have many
other people around them to talk about their hobbies and
But nowadays, we can have dispersed groups of friends
around the world based on our subcultural interests. That has
enabled small but dispersed subcultures to thrive (for
everything from musical taste to philosophical beliefs).
5. Allows The Truth To Get Out
In many societies, governments and establishment media
might try to prevent the news from reaching the people.
For example, the government in countries like Cambodia and
Syria control the media message. For people in these
countries, the only way to access independent news is to use
social media. They may also need to use a VPN to access it!

However, keep in mind that freedom to say anything online

means that we need to be very critical and assess what is
really “the truth” and what is someone’s misunderstanding or

6. Excellent Communication Tool

Social media provide an opportunity to communicate with
work colleagues, relatives, and friends living in different
cities and countries and make new acquaintances.
Furthermore, by using social media platforms, people can
collaborate and share ideas quickly around the world (Laurel,

For example, if someone is organizing an event, they can

easily share updates and make announcements about it on
social media. Besides, social media is a great tool for
organizing work/school chats and video calls.
7. It Can Help With Self-Development
Social networks can be used as a tool for self-
development, allowing people to follow inspirational
people and content related to their interests.
From blogs about cooking to photography tutorials, many
educational resources can be easily accessed through social

It is a great way to grow and expand one’s knowledge without

leaving the comfort of their home (Laurel, 2016).

So, if a person wants to learn a new skill or expand their

knowledge about a certain topic, they can easily access
quality content on social media.

8. It Can Be Educational
Furthermore, social networks provide a valuable resource
during the learning process.
By using their social media accounts, learners can share
lecture notes, laboratory tasks, and other helpful materials
with their classmates (Laurel, 2016).

Additionally, students can join a learning community related to

their interests. Here they can acquire assistance with complex
assignments and ask questions in order to foster knowledge

If a person seeks to master a programming language, for

instance, they can join an exclusive group dedicated to the
topic and gain valuable insight from more experienced

9. It Can Help Businesses To Grow

Social networks are a platform for business development.
People can advertise their online store, web design
studio, or rock school here.
Advertising can be aimed at the target audience and people
interested in the products or services. Besides, social
networks allow communication with customers and potential
clients (Paquette, 2013).

With their help, one can get feedback, find out what people
like or dislike, and make changes to the product or service.

10. It Can Improve Career

Social media can help with career growth. Not only can
platforms like LinkedIn yield a multitude of job offers, but
they can also bridge the gap to accessible international
LinkedIn, in particular, has risen as an invaluable platform
where professionals can look up and apply for global
employment opportunities with ease (Laurel, 2016).

Secondly, a top-notch portfolio and skillset can be constructed

using social media platforms.
For instance, if someone is looking to land a job in graphic
design, they can promote their projects and artwork on
various social accounts.

11. It Can Help People Stay In Touch

With News
Social media offer an opportunity to stay informed in real-
time with current events, learn more about what is
happening worldwide, and access vital work or school-
related information.
Twitter and other platforms are useful for getting breaking
news straight from sources that you personally trust.

Many social media users would never open a newspaper or

log into an actual news website. Nevertheless, while scrolling,
they can casually access news sources and inform
themselves on what’s going on in the world.

12. Encourages Creativity

Social networks have been used by people to share their
own creative skills, which can even lead to a career in the
creative industries!
From videos and artwork to creative writing, these platforms
enable people to share their creative works in an easier way
than ever before.

Furthermore, many social media platforms have editing

software in them so you can use the platforms to not only
share but create. For example, Instagram has editing features
built in.
What’s more, these platforms make it simpler than ever to find
individuals with similar passions who can relate to one’s work.

13. Acts As A Platform For

Whether for fun or distraction, countless young adults
turn to social media as an outlet and discover limitless
opportunities for entertainment.
From indulging in their favorite games to streaming movies,
the sky’s the limit (Laurel, 2016).

For instance, individuals can join communities and groups

focused on their interests, connecting with people who share
similar perspectives.

They can converse about anything from ideas to stories or

even jokes — it’s a great way to spend time.

Furthermore, different social networks, such as Facebook,

have games people can play with friends. In such a way,
users can create a fun environment and enjoy spending time
with their loved ones.

14. You Can Earn Money

Social media is an incredible asset when it comes to
making money. People can easily open their own store or
blog and draw customers in from various social
With the right strategy, they’ll be able to maximize returns on
investments within no time!
Moreover, some can even become an influencer and promote
different products or services. Such collaboration benefits
both parties: the person who promotes gets money, and the
company increases sales.
15. It Can Help Disarm Social Stigma
Finally, social media allows people to fight against all
kinds of discrimination. It’s an excellent platform to raise
awareness about taboo topics and break the taboos
associated with them.
For instance, platforms like Twitter create a space for
previously silenced individuals to speak out and share their
stories without being judged.

In this way, those affected by different social stigmas can find

support and join the fight against discrimination.

16. It Stores Unprecedented Amounts

Of Historical Information
While a little-thought of pro, this one is big for historians.
In the future, we’ll have unprecedented amounts of
information about this time in history.
For example, even family history lovers of the future will be
able to scour our social media profiles to learn about our lives,
hobbies, interests, and even what we thought about different
issues of the day.

Social media is a historical archive in the making that our

descendants will use to learn all about us.
Disadvantages Of Social
Despite the numerous and undeniable benefits of social
media, there are a few drawbacks worth considering, such as
addiction, cyberbullying, data privacy breaches, and the
negative effects on physical and mental health.

1. It Can Lead To Addiction

Social media can easily become an addiction that takes
over people’s lives.
People often discover themselves scrolling through posts,
conversing with peers, and playing games for extended
periods without even noticing it.

A recent study validates that overreliance on social media can

negatively impact mental health conditions like anxiety,
depression, and low self-esteem (O’Reilly et al., 2018).
So, it is essential to be aware of how much time users spend
online and take steps to ensure the usage of these networks
does not exceed reasonable limits.

2. Increase Online Bullying

Social media provides a platform for people to express
their opinions and share personal information. But
unfortunately, some people use it as an opportunity to
bully others.
Online bullying can be very damaging for people who are on
the receiving end. It can cause psychological trauma and
even lead to suicide in extreme cases.

Alarmingly, almost half of the adolescents between 13 and 17

in the United States have been victims of cyberbullying at one
point or another. 46% experience this type of malicious
behavior regularly (Vogels, 2022).

See Also: List of Netiquette Rules

3. Can Lead To Body Image Issues
One of the most dangerous traps associated with social
media is people’s inclination to compare themselves to
those around them.
As a result, people often compare their appearances,
lifestyles, and achievements to what they perceive in others’
online presence (Laurel, 2016).

Comparing oneself to others can be detrimental, leading to

low self-worth and even depression. It is especially true for
adolescents in a vulnerable stage of life.

4. Can Be Misused For Spreading

Social media can also be a breeding ground for
misinformation and propaganda. People have been
known to spread lies, rumors, and even unsubstantiated
theories with impunity.
This kind of conduct can often be harmful nature and have
serious repercussions. For instance, it could threaten the
political process, create chaos or even spark violence (Laurel,

Fake news has the potential to shape individuals’ opinions

and beliefs in a detrimental way, allowing misinformation to go
unchecked. Unsurprisingly, it can lead to negative
repercussions and impede people’s ability to make informed

As a result, people using the internet need to

exercise advanced media literacy skills, such as the ability to
identify trustworthy from untrustworthy sources.
Read Also: The Pros and Cons of the Internet
5. Can Affect Relationships
Social media can potentially damage relationships, as
people often become overly engrossed in their virtual
lives and fail to give adequate attention to their tangible
For example, spending too much time on social media can
lead to conflicts between partners. One partner may accuse
the other of being too absorbed in their virtual world and not
paying enough attention.

6. Can Cause Sleeplessness

Excessive use of social media can also disrupt sleep
For example, a study found that people who spend more time
on their phones are more likely to have difficulty falling asleep
(Alshobaili & AlYousefi, 2019).
Moreover, the blue light emitted by screens interferes with the
natural production of melatonin, which is needed for restful
sleep (Shechter et al., 2018).

So, staying up late to browse social media can lead to chronic

sleep deprivation.

7. Can Lead To Leaks Of Private

A major risk of using social media is the possibility of
experiencing an attack that will leak our information to
Moreover, people online can use personal information posted
on social media to target victims and steal their identifying

To combat this, internet users need to exercise their skills in

identifying trustworthy from untrustworthy links and sources

8. Can Be Abused By Employers

Companies can exploit social media for their own
dishonest advantages, such as surveilling their
employees and intruding on their internet activities.
This clandestine conduct is often seen as immoral and could
endanger one’s right to privacy.

Furthermore, employers can use social media to manipulate

or intimidate their employees into performing certain actions.
This kind of abuse not only creates a hostile work
environment but also evokes feelings of fear and discomfort in
the staff.

9. Can Increase Stress

Social media can be a source of heavy stress and
anxiety, especially when individuals feel the pressure to
remain active online and respond quickly to messages.
Furthermore, excessive content on social media could
inundate users with too much information for them to handle.

Besides, viewing other people’s posts can result in feelings of

jealousy and inadequacy. It is especially damaging for
growing youths who are still creating their sense of self.

10. Facilitate Laziness

Social media can be a trap, sapping away motivation and
resulting in an inactive lifestyle.
People may become so engrossed in their virtual reality that
they forget about the actual one around them (Laurel, 2016).

Between scrolling, streaming videos, and gaming online, they

may find themselves stuck in a cycle of procrastination that
hinders their productivity.

So, social media use should be limited and balanced with

other activities.

11. Leads To Polarization

Social media gives us more of what we like. So, people
end up only seen people or viewpoints that agree with us.
For example, once the algorithm gets to know you, it will only
feed you information from your preferred news sources, which
may be biased.

This has led, for example, to the contemporary issue of

extreme polarization in the United States, and far less people
truly understanding people with differing viewpoints. Instead,
people live in their own bubbles and make strawmen out of
their opponents.

The digital age has revolutionized how people communicate,
ingest news, and engage in commerce. Therefore, it is
essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with
social media use.
Social media has many advantages, from reconnecting with
family and friends to staying up-to-date on news trends. It’s
also a great way to make money or boost career

Still, it can also be misused for spreading misinformation,

affecting relationships, causing sleep deprivation, leading to
cyberattacks, being abused by employers, increasing stress,
and facilitating laziness.

To have a secure and satisfying experience with social media,

it is essential to take the time to evaluate potential dangers
and apply suitable safeguards. It will help users protect their
privacy and well-being while interacting online.
Alshobaili, F., & AlYousefi, N. (2019). The effect of
smartphone usage at bedtime on sleep quality among Saudi
non-medical staff at King Saud University Medical
City. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8(6),
Laurel, I. (2016). Pros & cons of social media. Createspace
Independent Publishing Platform.
O’Reilly, M., Dogra, N., Whiteman, N., Hughes, J., Eruyar, S.,
& Reilly, P. (2018). Is social media bad for mental health and
wellbeing? Exploring the perspectives of adolescents. Clinical
Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 23(4), 601–
Paquette, H. (2013). Social media as a marketing tool: A
Shechter, A., Kim, E. W., St-Onge, M.-P., & Westwood, A. J.
(2018). Blocking nocturnal blue light for insomnia: A
randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychiatric
Research, 96, 196–
Potnis, D., & Tahamtan, I. (2021). Hashtags for gatekeeping
of information on social media. Journal of the Association for
Information Science and Technology, 72(10), 1234-1246.
Viktoriya Sus (MA)
+ posts
Viktoriya Sus is an academic writer specializing mainly in economics and business from
Ukraine. She holds a Master’s degree in International Business from Lviv National
University and has more than 6 years of experience writing for different clients. Viktoriya is
passionate about researching the latest trends in economics and business. However, she
also loves to explore different topics such as psychology, philosophy, and more.

Chris Drew (PhD)

Website | + posts
This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process
on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to
articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up
with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in
scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher
Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.
1 Thought On “27 Social Media Pros And Cons”


NOVEMBER 17, 2023 AT 10:49 PM
this helped a lot with a paper I had to write thankyou.

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Drew, C. (February 12, 2023). 27 Social Media Pros and

Cons. Helpful Professor.

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