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ST2110 Technical Specifications Pulse Modulation On board Sampling Frequency (Pulse) On board Generators Low Pass Filter Voice Communication AC Amplifier DC Output Switched Faults Test Points Interconnections Power Supply Power Consumption Dimensions (mm) Weight 1. Pulse Amplitude Modulation 2. Pulse Position Modulation 3. Pulse Width Modulation 8 KHz, 16 KHz, 32 KHz, 64 KHz 1. Sinewave | KHz & 2 KHz (Gain Adjustable) 2, Square wave 1 KHz & 2 KHz 4" order BW Filter Voice Link using Dynamic Mic & Speaker With adjustable gain control o-4v 8 Nos 29 4 mm Sockets 230 V +/- 10%, 50 Hz 3 VA (approx) W420 x H100 x D255 2.8Kgs (approx) ‘Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. A ST2110 Theory of Sampling In analog communication systems like AM, FM the instantaneous value of the information signal is used to change certain parameter of the carrier signal. Pulse modulation systems differ from these systems in a way that they transmit a limited no, of discrete states of a signal at a predetermined time; sampling can be defined as measuring the value of an information signal at_ predetermined. time intervals. The rate of which the signal is sampled is known as the sampling rate or sampling frequency. It is the major parameter. Which decides the quality of the reproduced signal. If the signal is sampled quite frequently (whose limit is specified by Nyquist Criterion) then it can be reproduced exactly at the receiver with no distortion. Nyquist Criterion : As shown in the Fig 1, the lowest sampling frequency that can be used without the side bands overlapping is twice the highest frequency component present in the information signal. If we reduce this sampling frequency even further, the side bands and the information signal will overlap and we cannot recover the information signal simply by low pass filtering. This phenomenon is known as fold-over distortion or aliasing. mpi Fs Fig. 1 Nyquist Criterion (Sampling Theorem) : ‘The Nyquist Criterion states that a continuous signal band limited to fn Hz can be completely represented by and reconstructed from the samples taken at a rate greater than or equal to 2fm, samples/second. This minimum sampling frequency is known as NYQUIST RATE i.e. for faithful reproduction of information signal f3 > 2fm Effect of Duty Cycle on Information Recovery : The duty cycle of a signal is defined as, the ratio of pulse duration to the pulse repetition period. This ratio can also be expressed as percentage. e.g. the square wave has equal pulse and no pulse duration; hence its duty cycle is 0.5 or 50% Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 7 Siren ee et The exe Rie City ele of the sampling ples isan inporant parameter in Pulse Amp. Sipe ‘Modulation system. They gover the following important aspects, ee The narrower pulses allow us to time division multiplex many such Pilse ‘mplitude modulation panes is, we ean send any no. of pulse ample . todulte ‘signals ovr same chume a «tine, Hence lever du ee ‘beneficial inthis respect. ‘The narower pulses have wider frequency spectrum. Hence the Wider band chanel ee a & Naroer ls ne roe oer xe fps ded on srt nd wah Dag ean se cence inherent noise «an play a major havoc on the low power signal. Hence a pulse of larger dye eles desirous fortis ake {e.mastie an engineering compromise is made between naower and broader pee : ‘ah taking imo acount the effin, requirement and inherent noise of system. Note: The fre suency spectrum of pulse amplitude modulation signal doesnot contin ‘Sample and Sample/ Hold Outputs: {208s amonice which when mulipid by duty eyele resuls n an imeger a te le who te carina npg de a ‘ARES wave with duty eyele 0.5 (50%) dos ot contain even harmonics as they care QE ote pe peso nal pase pe ens Gay citer when mulled wid day cycle. Thus a square wave-sampling spe Instantaneous pulse snipe only contains od harmonics ily corrpted by noise duet lesser signa Pulse Amplitude Modulation One way to maintin reasonsble Pulse amplitude modulation, the simplest frm of pulse modulation, ext Dilse energy ist bold the sample value unite Fig 2. It forms an excellent introduction to Sample is taken, This technique is fore 5 sample and-Holdtchaiques, The ‘Sampleand-Hold waveform looks as shown unde Fes cis very cay pea amit Ble anpliud modulation, Ina prensa Si Sample Held Wavetorm Pale Anpitise Mahiaton se Pulse ae ne Tem ASW a applied Ge other np of he AND sae ee ‘Now the area under the curve (whichis equivalent tthe sig power i rater snd ie wae Un tals The- cma goes sae Sag Tiss Semel el i Ten ey esta ampliude othe signal voiage a ich instant The eae facility canbe provided by a capacitor. Whon the switch connects te espa to then pase Mabe aul ee Sch ges thm fake spite mode opt hao he inane wha feed enna et en ft Senta cot of wit in rie ee Shang caps: Te ich nt iets of ts poe acre lating of he mesge satin soars te star age a oman artrapet cfs sareebaebate Seine 7 ‘ene Technologies Fv Lu ‘Scientech Technologies Pt. Lid se res asa tn i oa ts seh te arent re ge he apace volage esses 1 Slee Oe rato Td vale & ffrent for the tive re tomaton sgl ere et pple en be reducing to zero because on tue The pre tine cat Peston me to close/open on application of the Application of iit time taken by 2 switch fold signal. Therefore a small value of aperture time is sought after. Se Fig 5. eee Fig. 5 2, Acquistion Time : In sample mode, it takes finite time for the capacitor to ‘charge tothe information signal value depending on the RC time constant. Tis is called as the sequsition time. The sequisition time is dependent on the current flowing from the input buffer unough switch and hence on RC time constant. The maximum acquisition time occurs when the capacitor voltage has ‘to change by the fll amplitude ofthe information signal ne ee 3 Drop Rate : As it has been discussed caver, the presence of leakage curent {trough capacitor dielectric to ve input of succeeding buffer causes charge loss of capacitor. Hence the voltage level atthe output falls with ime. This rte of change of voltage with respect to time dv/d is known as droop raz. Over vale of droop rats desirable, athe cet should beable to mains the sample at relatively constant level until the next spl, 4. Feed Through: At high fequncis, the stay capacitance within the switch causes some ofthe input signal to appear at the ouput during the Hold State {witch open). The fraction of input signal appearing atthe output of sample and hold circuits ealled feed through ‘The sample and hold feature problem and benefit as will be seen afterwards. ‘The Amplitude and width of the pulses is kept constant in this system, while the Position of each pulse, in relation tothe position of a recurent reference Polse is varied by each instantaneous sampled value of the modulating wave. As ‘mentioned in connection with pulse width modulation, pulse-position modulations has the advantage of requiring constant transmitter power output, but the disadvantages of

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