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Discover craftable items in the world of Moonsoon!


Introduction to Craftable
Items in Moonsoon
Welcome adventurers and crafters alike!
In this document, we present a selection of magical
items that can be crafted using the harvesting and
crafting rules from Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting.
Our goal is to showcase the seamless integration of
these crafting rules into your Moonsoon campaigns. Each
item listed here has been designed to include specific
components that tie into Heliana’s detailed crafting
system. Feel free to explore the items detailed in the
following pages, each with their own unique components
and crafting requirements.
This is just a sample of what’s to come – many more
exciting items will be revealed soon. Happy hunting -
and crafting!

Each magic item in this document has a component that

allows it to be crafted using the Crafting rules in Heliana’s
Guide to Monster Hunting. This takes the form of a line
below the item’s metadata just below the title; “Component:
[crafting component]”.

For more info on the crafting rules, click or scan the QR code,
or head to

Craftable Items
Component Details
Item Name Type Value Rarity Attunement Type Metatag Component
Befuddling Arrow Ammunition 50 U / Fey Befuddling Bone
Boulderling’s Luckstone Wondrous item 4200 R Required Elemental / Volatile mote of earth
Shikaris Leather Armor Armor (light) 500 U / Beast Shikaris Pelt
Shimmer Feather
Wondrous item 700 U / Beast Shimmer Feathers
Shimmer Feather
Wondrous item 2500 R Required Beast Shimmer Feathers

Moonsoon: Craftable Items
Befuddling Arrow
Ammunition (Shortbow, longbow), uncommon
Component: Fey (befuddling) pouch of teeth
Befuddling Arrow
The head of this projectile is made from the bone of a
creature called a befuddling, usually one that has become
corrupted or has died of natural causes. When you fire
this arrow from a bow or this bolt from a crossbow,
you can use Intelligence in place of Dexterity to modify
your attack and damage rolls, and all damage it deals is
psychic damage. A befuddling arrow that hits its target
is destroyed, while one that misses its target can be
recovered 50% of the time.
On a critical hit, the target must succeed on an Intel-
ligence saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Intelligence
modifier + your proficiency bonus) or become stunned
until the end of your next turn.

Boulderling's Luckstone
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Component: Volatile mote of earth

While this polished granite bauble is on your person, you

gain a +1 bonus to ability checks, saving throws, and AC.
In addition, once per short rest you can apply double your
Boulderling’s Luckstone
proficiency bonus to your attack and damage rolls for a
single melee or ranged weapon attack.

Shikaris Leather Armor

Armor (light), uncommon
Component: Beast (shikaris) pelt

Made from shikaris hide, this strong, flexible armor

shimmers faintly with the colors of the surrounding area.
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and
you have advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Shikaris Leather Armor

Moonsoon: Craftable Items
Shimmer Feather Charm Shimmer Feather Headdress
Wondrous Item, uncommon Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)
Component: Beast (shimmer) feathers Component: Beast (shimmer) feathers

Speaking the command word as a bonus action causes This headdress of flexible crystal feathers functions
this decorative fetish charm to produce your choice of one by projecting an illusion that makes you appear to be
of the following effects: standing in a place near your actual location, causing any
creature to have disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
◆ Your spells of one elemental type of your choice gain a
If you take damage, the property ceases to function until
+1 bonus to spell DCs and damage for 1 hour
the start of your next turn. This property is suppressed
◆ You gain advantage to all Charisma checks for 1 hour
while you are incapacitated, restrained or otherwise
◆ Your speed increases by 20 feet for 1 hour
unable to move.
After the 1-hour duration has elapsed, the charm cannot In addition, as a bonus action, you can become invisible
be used again until you finish a long rest. (as per the Invisibility spell) until the start of your next
turn. Once the invisibility ability is used it cannot be used
again until you take a short rest.

Shimmer Feather Charm

Shimmer Feather Headdress

Moonsoon: Craftable Items
All characters, items, creatures, and spells in this publication
are original creations of Jean Michel Curci. Please don’t
replicate or distribute this unless it is a direct link to where
we host it. All spells, items, and monsters are designated
product identity and are not open content. That includes
proper nouns including, but not limited to Moonsoon,
Tsuge, Yr, Tooj, Aratha, Ranys, etc. as well as spells, magic
items, and player options.

This work includes material taken from the System

Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast
LLC and available at Wizards of the Coast SRD. The SRD
5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License available at Creative Commons

This work also includes material taken from works published

by Plane Shift Press, with permission. Contact Arcane Minis
for more information on content specifics.

Copyright Notice
MOONSOON © 2024, Jean Michel Curci. Published by
Arcane Minis LLC.

All products related to MOONSOON, including the Player’s

Guide, Game Master’s Guide, Art Book, 3D printer files, and
accessories, are protected by copyright law.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is prohibited and
may lead to legal consequences.

For more information, please visit Arcane Minis.


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