moonsoon avatar boss battle

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Welcome to Tsuge’s Avatar boss battle, an adventurous

download designed for the world of Moonsoon. This
document serves as a comprehensive guide to one of the The battle against Tsuge utilizes the new Kaiju Fighting
mechanics from Ryoko’s Guide, crafted to facilitate epic
most formidable avatars, Tsuge, the Avatar of Passage.
combat against gargantuan creatures. A lite version of these
Here, you will find all the necessary details to integrate mechanics is freely available to playtest and use for running
Tsuge into your campaign, presenting a high-level this adventure at
challenge for your adventurers. Additionally, though it is named differently, Avatar Force
is the same ability as Kaiju Force, renamed to fit the theme of
HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT beings such as Tsuge.
Wrath of Tsuge provides a detailed exploration of Tsuge’s
lore, motivations, and the potential consequences of
encountering this powerful entity. Within these pages,
you will discover various story seeds tailored to different
patrons in Moonsoon, each leading to an inevitable
confrontation with Tsuge. This document is designed to
be flexible, allowing you to adapt the content to suit the
unique dynamics of your campaign.


Currently, Tsuge is detailed as a CR 26 encounter, providing an
epic challenge for high-level characters. However, we are in the
process of developing two additional lower CR variations (CR
13 and CR 21) to cater to a broader range of campaign needs.
These future updates will ensure that a wider range of parties
can experience the trials and tribulations of facing Tsuge.
While Moonsoon has been mostly developed already,
incorporating Ryoko’s Kaiju System is a recent development
for Moonsoon that we are extremely proud of being able
to implement. The rules you see here will evolve and
Tsuge, Avatar of Passage
improve over time, and this PDF will be updated to reflect Sometimes encountered in the Moonsoon Archipelago,
these changes. Tsuge embodies the celestial moon Celado and the essence
of all journeys and transitions. Known as the guardian
of travelers and the overseer of life’s passages, Tsuge’s
FOR THE GM’S EYES ONLY presence signifies both mercy and the melancholic reality
The contents of this book are meant exclusively for the GM. that nothing remains the same.
If you’re a player intending to participate in these adventures, Tsuge is depicted with four arms, each representing a
please refrain from reading further to avoid spoilers and main- different aspect of its dominion: time, death, and gates. It
tain the integrity of gameplay. holds a staff symbolizing passage, a butterfly representing
life’s delicate transitions, three needles indicating control
over temporal flow, and a key unlocking the universe’s
USING THE STORY SEEDS mysteries. The fourth arm makes a Mudra (sign) that
represents the unity of all aspects, symbolizing the
Each story seed included in this document offers a
entirety of Tsuge’s power and dominion.
narrative framework that can be expanded upon by
Shrines to Tsuge appear along roads, in hostels, and
the Game Master (GM). The seeds are designed to be
ports, designed as gates or archways through which
starting points, rich with lore and potential plot twists
travelers pass, symbolizing its journeys.
that can lead to memorable and engaging sessions. As
In battle, Tsuge’s behaviors and abilities reflect its
the characters navigate the challenges presented by these
control over time and space. Its vulnerable areas—the
seeds, they will ultimately find themselves face-to-face
Temporal Heart, Gates of Passage, and Soul of Death—
with Tsuge, where they must either appease or confront
must be targeted strategically to weaken it. Those who
the Avatar of Passage.
present it with tokens representing the past, present, and
We hope you find Wrath of Tsuge a valuable addition to
future can appease it, ensuring it retreats to its moon
your campaign, enriching your storytelling and providing
for centuries.
your players with an epic encounter they’ll never forget.

BETA 0.3 Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge
One avatar, three Asuras ◆ Memory Surge. Tsuge sends a wave of forgotten
memories across the battlefield. Each creature within
The behaviors of Tsuge align with its lore and the three 60 feet of the wave must make a DC 16 Intelligence
asuras that compose the avatar: saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn
1. Gate (Cenitas): Initial form focuses on barriers as it is overwhelmed by memories.
and pathways. ◆ Temporal Collapse (Death Throes). Tsuge’s temporal energy
2. Time (Tsetasis): Upon rampage, temporal distortions destabilizes. Each creature within 60 feet of Tsuge must
and aging effects emerge. make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
3. Death (Tesata): When enraged to the fullest, death-re- save, a creature takes 35 (10d6) force damage and is
lated abilities and necrotic damage dominate, reflecting knocked prone. On a successful save, the creature takes
the ultimate passage from life to death. half as much damage only.

Tsuge's Lair Experience

Tsuge’s lair is a temple dedicated to it found on the moon Player characters earn experience differently when
of Celado. Additionally, anytime Celado is the ruling fighting Avatars. Use the following table to award
moon, a 1-mile radius centered on Tsuge becomes its lair. experience based upon milestones achieved, divided
among the party.
Lair Actions
Criteria Total XP
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Tsuge can
take one of the following lair actions; it can’t take the Chaos Threshold reduced to 0 50,000 XP
same lair action two rounds in a row, except during its Gates of Passage exploited 37,500 XP
death throes, when it takes the Temporal Collapse lair
action each round: Temporal Heart exploited 37,500 XP
Soul of Death exploited 20,000 XP
◆ Temporal Distortion. Tsuge causes time to warp in a
60-foot-radius sphere centered on itself. Each creature Tsuge defeated 20,000 XP
in the area must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw
or have its speed halved and be unable to take reactions Total 165,000 XP
until the end of its next turn.
◆ Ethereal Gate (Lost while gates of Passage exploited). Tsuge Nonlethal Ending
opens a gate to the Ethereal Plane at a point it can see If Tsuge is presented with three symbolic tokens repre-
within 60 feet. Each creature within 20 feet of the gate senting the past, present, and future, and a character
must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a speaks words of reverence and respect towards its essence
failed save, a creature takes 22 (4d10) force damage and when all its vulnerable areas are exploited, it is momen-
is pulled up to 30 feet toward the gate. tarily appeased.
Tsuge retreats to its moon, ensuring it does not return
to the region for the next 10d10 years.

Death Rattle
When Tsuge is lethally wounded, the very fabric of time
and space around it unravels in a cataclysmic display. A
wave of temporal energy explodes from Tsuge, causing
reality to warp and fracture. Each creature within 300
feet of Tsuge must make a DC 21 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, a creature is aged 1d20 years and
teleported to a random location within 1d100 miles, taking
45 (8d10) force damage in the process. On a successful
save, a creature takes half as much damage only.
The ground trembles and rips apart as massive temporal
distortions appear, swallowing everything in its path.
For the next 10d10 years, the area within a 5-mile radius
becomes a temporal anomaly where time flows unpre-
dictably, causing rapid aging, sudden rejuvenation, and
Holy Symbol of Tsuge bizarre time loops. This effect can only be ended early by
the wish spell or similar powerful magic.

Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge BETA 0.3
BETA 0.3 Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge
TSUGE, THE ETERNAL damage, plus 21 (6d6) necrotic damage if rampaging, on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
AVATAR OF PASSAGE Monarch Swarm (Recharge 5-6, Lost while Soul of Death
Exploited). Tsuge releases a swarm of ethereal butterflies in
Gargantuan Celestial (Avatar), Neutral
a 60-foot-radius sphere centered on itself. Each creature in
Armor Class 24 (natural armor) the area must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw. On a
Chaos Threshold 200 Finishing Blow 75 failed save, a creature takes 40 (9d8) radiant damage and is
Speed 60 ft., fly 100 ft. (hover) blinded for 1 minute. An affected creature can make a DC
21 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Vulnerable Area Identification DC 18
ending the effect on itself on a success.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA On a successful save, the creature takes half as much
damage only.
20 (+5) 30 (+10) 25 (+7) 18 (+4) 28 (+9) 26 (+8)

Saving Throws Dex +18, Con +15, Wis +17, Cha +16 BONUS ACTIONS
Damage Immunities necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and Shake Off. Tsuge twists and shakes its body violently. Each
slashing from nonmagical attacks creature currently scaling it must succeed on a DC 16
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Strength or Dexterity saving throw (creature’s choice) or be
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained thrown off, landing prone in the nearest unoccupied space.
Senses truesight 240 ft., passive Perception 20
Languages All REACTIONS
Challenge 26 (125,000 XP across all phases) Summon Harvester (Lost While Gates of Passage Exploited). In
Proficiency Bonus +8 response to an undead moving within 500 feet of Tsuge that it
can see, an undead creature being summoned within 500 feet
Avatar Force. Tsuge can use its action to move through of Tsuge that it can see, or a living creature dies while within
any object or magical barrier as though it were difficult 120 feet of Tsuge, Tsuge summons 1 harvester from the
terrain, destroying it in the process. It deals double closest gate of passage. The harvester appears on initiative
damage to objects and structures, and its weapon attacks count 10 (losing initiative ties) during the following round.
are considered magical for overcoming resistance and
immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Avatar Fortitude. Tsuge is immune to any spell or effect
that would alter its form or move it to another plane of Tsuge can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
existence against its will. options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a
Avatar of Passage. Unless Tsuge allows it, all teleportation time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Tsuge
magic fails while within 1 mile of it. regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Tsuge fails a saving Attack. Tsuge makes an Ethereal Strike attack.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Temporal Ripple. Tsuge creates a temporal ripple. Each
Limited Magic Immunity. Unless it wishes to be affected, creature within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom
Tsuge is immune to spells of 4th level or lower. It has saving throw or have its speed halved until the end of its
advantage on saving throws against spells and other next turn.
magical effects. Needle of Time (Costs 2 Actions). Tsuge uses its Needle of
Omnipresent. Tsuge can take two additional reactions per Time ability.
round that can be used only for opportunity attacks.
Temporal Shift (Costs 2 Actions, Lost When Temporal Heart
Exploited). Tsuge targets a creature it can see within 120 feet
ACTIONS of itself. The target must make a DC 21 Constitution saving
Multiattack. Tsuge makes two Ethereal Strike attacks. throw or have its initiative count become 1 at the start of the
Ethereal Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 15 ft., next round and be affected by the slow spell for 1 minute. A
one target. Hit: 43 (6d10 + 10) force damage, plus 21 (6d6) creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn,
necrotic damage if rampaging. ending the effects of the slow spell on a success.
When Tsuge’s Temporal Heart is exploited this effect
Needle of Time. Tsuge releases a spray of needles in a 120-foot
ends, each creature affected by Temporal Shift must reroll
line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make
its initiative.
a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, taking 31 (6d6 + 10) piercing

Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge BETA 0.3
Tsuge Vulnerable Areas
Vulnerable Area Special traits CR AC HP
Targeting. Can be targeted when Tsuge’s Chaos Threshold is
reduced to 0. The Heart has half cover against ranged attacks.
Temporal Heart 26 24 100
Exploitation. The golden sphere bursts, and a dark portal opens
in the chest of Tsuge.
A number of gates equal to twice the number of player charac-
ters (up to a maximum of 12) appear in a circle around Tsuge.
Each gate appears up to 75 feet away from Tsuge’s position at
the start of combat and are equidistant from each other. The
gates do not move as Tsuge moves. Each gate has the hit points
listed for its appropriate CR and does not share hit points with
Gates of Passage the other gates. 26 19 25
Targeting. The Gates are targetable like a normal creature.
Vulnerability. The Gates have vulnerability to
thunder damage.
Exploitation. When each gate is destroyed, closed (using
Thieves’ Tools, a key found on Tsuge’s belt or using a spell such
as arcane lock), or banished, this vulnerable area is exploited.
A portal leading to this pocket dimension can be reached by
a creature scaling the chest of Tsuge. Creatures within this
pocket dimension can be targeted by Tsuge’s attacks.
Targeting. This vulnerable area can’t be targeted until Tsuge’s
Temporal Heart vulnerable area is exploited. The Soul of Death
vulnerable area can only be targeted by creatures inside the
Soul of Death 26 22 60
pocket dimension.
Immunity. This vulnerable area has immunity to all damage
types except piercing, force, and radiant.
Exploitation. All creatures inside the Soul of Death pocket
dimension are ejected.

BETA 0.3 Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge
Tsuge Behaviours
Behaviour Trigger Effect
Gained Features. Tsuge gains additional Necrotic damage on its
Tsuge’s Chaos Threshold is reduced attack actions.
to 0. Vulnerable Areas. Tsuge’s Temporal Heart vulnerable area can
be targeted.
Area Effect. Each creature within 50 feet of Tsuge must succeed
on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or age 1d10 years.
Creatures aged by this effect gain one level of exhaustion.
Tsuge's Temporal Heart has been
Time Distortion Lost Features. Tsuge loses its Temporal Shift legendary action.
Vulnerable Areas. Soul of Death becomes targetable by crea-
tures in the pocket dimension accessed through the portal in
Tsuge’s chest.
Area Effect. Each creature inside the Soul of Death pocket
dimension must roll 1d4:
1-2: The creature is immediately teleported to a location
within 30 feet of Tsuge.
3: The creature is affected by the blink spell.
Tsuge's Soul of Death vulnerable
Harvest of Souls 4: The creature must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving
area is exploited.
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 22 (4d10) necrotic
damage and is frightened for 1 minute.
Gained Features. Tsuge can cast power word kill once as a
bonus action during its next turn.
Lost Features. Tsuge loses its Monarch Swarm action.
Effect. Tsuge’s agility falters, reducing its AC by 4.
Portal Surge The Gates of Passage are exploited. Lost Features. Tsuge loses its Ethereal Gate lair action and
Summon Harvester reaction.
Effect. Tsuge’s speed becomes 0 and it gains disadvantage on
Dexterity saving throws and checks.
Tsuge has three exploited vulnerable
Death Throes Lost Features. Tsuge loses its Temporal Collapse lair action.
Finishing Blow. Tsuge is destroyed when it takes damage equal
to its Finishing Blow in a single turn.

There is one thing in all the worlds that all flee and none escape!

Be at peace, for all things pass away.

Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge BETA 0.3
Tsuge's Purpose on Moonsoon The Cognate: Temporal Paradox
Summary: An ancient Eotormese scientist, now a
Tsuge, the eternal wanderer, embodies the essence of member of the Cognate, has accidentally disrupted the
passage. Ever-moving, it traverses the sprawling conti- flow of time, catching Tsuge’s attention.
nents, communing with devoted followers, and gracing Adventure Hook: The Cognate, a group of unique individ-
the moons and the myriad worlds beyond the veil with its uals bound by extraordinary circumstances, faces a dire
presence. Tsuge is drawn to action by the disturbances situation. An Eotormese scientist, shunted out of time for
wrought by mortal hands—time anomalies that disrupt generations and now part of the Cognate, has accidentally
the natural order, or the defiance of death itself through caused severe temporal anomalies. These disruptions have
the dark arts of necromancy. These transgressions drawn the ire of Tsuge, the Avatar of Passage, who seeks
against the fabric of its dominion compels it to intervene, to restore balance by any means necessary.
restoring the delicate balance. Tsuge’s presence is a The characters are tasked with venturing into the
paradox, offering both the gentle mercy of transition scientist’s hidden laboratory, now a dungeon rife with
and the somber reminder that nothing in the cosmos unstable time pockets and dangerous experiments gone
remains unchanged. awry. The final challenge is to appease Tsuge or face
PATRONS IN MOONSOON its wrath, ensuring the safety of the timeline and the
Cognate’s future.
In the diverse world of Moonsoon, adventurers often align
with patrons that significantly influence their motiva-
tions, stories, and even their destinies. Note: The Eotormese were an advanced civilization from
Whether they are ancient beings, secretive organiza- another continent, now fallen. Their remnants and technol-
tions, or devoted communities, the patrons of Moonsoon ogy are scattered across the world, often causing disruptions
play a crucial role in guiding adventurers on their paths, when tampered with.
particularly when confronting formidable entities like
Tsuge, the Avatar of Passage.
Here’s a brief overview of each patron type and their
role in Moonsoon:
◆ The Cognate. A small secretive group of unique individ-
uals, each with extraordinary origins and circum-
stances, united by their dedication to the wellbeing
of Moonsoon.
◆ The Sacred Couriers. A revered organization of messen-
gers who honor the avatars by ensuring communication
and transport across Tooj.
◆ The 13th Moon Chartists. A guild of adventurers and
cartographers who chart the uncharted, driven by
curiosity and the spirit of discovery.
◆ Paikean. Followers of Paikean, an ancient Primogenitor
Draak, dragon conquerors from other worlds, who
guide and protect the seas.
◆ The Monastery of Ten Limbs. An order of martial artists
and philosophers dedicated to physical and spiritu-
al perfection.
◆ Oatara Village. A close-knit community that serves
as a sanctuary and a bastion of traditional Toojian
culture and wisdom.
Below are three story seeds using three of the six existing
patrons. More story seeds will be added in the future to
encompass all patrons.

Lunar Conjunction with the Moon Celado: Potential

Portal Openings! 8
BETA 0.3 Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge
The Sacred Couriers: Messages of Fate
Summary: The Sacred Couriers are receiving mysterious
messages from both the past and the future, all linked to a
small cliffside village experiencing severe time anomalies.
Adventure Hook: The Sacred Couriers, revered for their
unwavering dedication to maintaining connections across
Tooj, face an unprecedented mystery. They have been
receiving a series of strange messages, written on various
materials and seemingly sent from centuries in the past
and future. All these messages originate from a small
cliffside village known for its serene beauty but is now the
epicenter of chaotic temporal disturbances.
The characters are dispatched to this village to
investigate the source of these enigmatic messages.
Upon arrival, they discover that a moongate to Celado
has opened nearby, causing severe time anomalies that
threaten to unravel the fabric of reality. The clues can
be disseminated in the village or even be some of the
packages sent!
The village is caught in a state of temporal flux, with
different eras overlapping and strange phenomena
occurring. As the characters investigate the village, Tsuge
enters through the portal. The final challenge is to appease
Tsuge or face its wrath.

The 13th Moon Chartists:

Mapping the Temple
Summary: The 13th Moon Chartists are assigned to map
a mysterious temple that appeared during a full moon,
resembling the symbol of Tsuge.
Adventure Hook: The 13th Moon Chartists, renowned
for their exploration and cartography skills, have
Clue 1: The Heart of Death
received a new mission. During a Celado full moon, a This clue provides the characters with critical information
structure bearing Tsuge’s symbol manifested in the sky about Tsuge’s Soul of Death vulnerable area. By under-
over Moonsoon. This extraordinary event has led to the standing that they must first break the golden orb in
discovery of a hidden temple on Celado, shrouded in its chest (the Temporal Heart) to open a portal and then
golden mist and filled with ancient secrets. venture inside Tsuge to target this weak point, player
The characters are tasked with mapping this enigmatic characters are given clear steps to follow that emphasize
temple. As they navigate its labyrinthine halls, they must the necessity of exploration and… lots of courage!
contend with traps, puzzles, and the lingering presence
of Tsuge’s power. The clues to Tsuge’s vulnerabilities
can be found within the temple, hidden among ancient TABLET INSCRIPTION:
murals, inscriptions, and relics. Each clue provides vital “Only by opening the golden gate, can one enter and crush
information that will aid them in their final confronta- the heart of fate.”
tion with Tsuge.
The characters should document every chamber and
artifact, piecing together the temple’s history and signifi- This inscription can be found in an old temple dedicated
cance. Their journey culminates in a direct encounter with to Tsuge. It hints that the only way to exploit Tsuge’s Soul
Tsuge, who will test their courage and resolve. The final of Death vulnerable area is to venture inside the avatar
challenge is to appease Tsuge or face its wrath. itself. The inscription can be found as the characters
explore the temple, giving them a crucial hint about how
to approach the battle with Tsuge.
Alternative Clue Source. If your characters do not have
a ruin to explore before facing Tsuge, they can find the
tablet in the possession of a friendly NPC who is happy to
speak about this antiquity.

Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge BETA 0.3
Clue 2: Gates of Passage
This clue provides the characters with essential infor-
mation about Tsuge’s Gates of Passage, revealing the
gate’s vulnerability to thunder damage. By incorporating
this clue, the GM should allow player characters to find
sources of thunder damage, such as spell scrolls of shatter.


“The travels of Ranys tell of a time when a mighty storm
shattered the mystical gates that guarded the Avatar’s
domain. When the skies roared and the thunder struck, the
gates crumbled like sand.”

A legend speaks of a time when a mighty storm shattered

the mystical gates that guarded the Avatar’s domain. The
fresco illustrates the travels of the legendary mariner and
explorer, Ranys, who braved the stormy seas. When the
skies roared and the thunder struck, the gates crumbled
like sand, revealing a hidden passage.
This tale can be found in a seaside village, perhaps
shared by an old mariner or inscribed on weathered
driftwood at the local shrine. It provides a vital clue that
thunder damage is particularly effective against Tsuge’s
Gates of Passage.
Alternative Clue Source. If the characters do not visit a
coastal village, they might find this tale depicted in a
tapestry within a bustling city or hear it from a seasoned
Clue 1: The Heart of Death sailor who enjoys sharing stories over a pint at the
local tavern.

Clue 2: Gates of Passage

BETA 0.3 Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge
Clue 3: Ritual of Passage
While Tsuge is in its death throes, it can be appeased
by a ritual that honors the unity of past, present,
and future. The characters might find fragments of
ancient texts in the ruins of an old temple, or an actual
roadside shrine, hinting at the words and acts needed
to soothe Tsuge.


Opening Words: “There is one thing in all the worlds
that all flee and none escape.”
Past Token Presentation: “To honor the past, we
present _________________, a relic of ancient times,
symbolizing the steps that have led us here.
The longer you walk life’s path, the more the memo-
ries of the first steps fade.”
Present Token Presentation: “To embrace the
present, we offer _______________, symbolizing the
current moment we all share. Destination is an illusion.
Future Token Presentation: “To look to the future,
we present this __________, a symbol of potential and
growth, ensuring the continuation of the cycle.
Be at peace, for all things pass away.”
Final Declaration: “Tsuge, Avatar of Passage, we
acknowledge the unity of past, present, and future.
May the passage continue in harmony as the journey
continues, always.
Celado guides us!”


The tokens can be items, gestures, or symbolic acts, as
long as they convey the essence of each time period.
Feel free to interpret what constitutes a token as
loosely as you like.
Some examples:
◆ Past: An heirloom passed through generations,
a relic from ancient times, a memory held
in this token.
◆ Present: A gift of the present moment, a symbol of
our current path, a song, a flower.
◆ Future: A seed of what is to come, an egg holding
future life, this map to uncharted futures.
By presenting these tokens and reciting the decla-
ration when all its vulnerable areas are exploited,
the characters can appease Tsuge and avoid a lethal

Clue 3: Ritual of Passage

Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge BETA 0.3
Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)
Component: Essence of Tsuge (Past)

This dagger’s blade is dark as night, adorned with silver

inlays and intricate designs. The hilt contains a small
portal that flickers with a dim, ghostly light, representing
the finality of death and the closure of passages, symbol-
izing Tesata, the Asura of Death.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon. This dagger has 4 charges and regains
all expended charges daily at dawn.
Echo of the Past. While holding this dagger, you can recall
a vivid memory from your past, granting you advantage
on one Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Religion)
check per day.
Temporal Slash. When you hit a creature with an attack Twilight’s Shard
using this weapon, you can expend 1 charge to send a jolt
of temporal energy through the creature’s body, dealing
an extra 3d6 psychic damage and forcing it to make a DC
15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
stunned until the end of its next turn.

Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)
Component: Essence of Tsuge (Future)

This dagger’s blade shimmers with the colors of dawn,

the intricate designs on its hilt depicting a golden moon.
Within the hilt, a small portal glows, symbolizing the
passage of time and the promise of the future, represent-
ing Tsetasis, the Asura of Time.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon. This dagger has 4 charges and regains
all expended charges daily at dawn.
Glimpse of the Future. Once per day, you can cast the Aurora’s Whisper
spell augury without expending a spell slot or requiring
material components.
Foresight Strike. As a bonus action, you can expend 2
charges to gain the ability to see a few moments into the
future. Until the end of your next turn, you have advan-
tage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.


When attuned to both Twilight’s Shard and Aurora’s
Whisper, you gain the following benefits:
Unified Balance. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and
saving throws.
Time Slip. As a reaction, when you take damage, you can
temporarily slip out of the current time stream causing
the triggering attack to miss you. For the next 1d4 turns
your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all
who can see you. For the duration of the effect, creature’s
have disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
This effect can be used once per long rest.

BETA 0.3 Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge
Harvesters are descended from Tesata, the Asura of
Death. T heir role in the world is to move unseen amongst
the anima, gathering the souls of the deceased, and to aid
Tesata in guiding them back to Zyggdrill. Tesata is said to
handle particularly difficult or notable souls personally,
but most deaths are tended to by harvesters. While
harvesters have little in the way of a true form and appear
in different guises to the rare living soul that witnesses
them, the one unifying trait they share is being entirely
white – the color associated with death across Tooj’s
many peoples.
Visage of Death. Harvesters are always described as pale
and grim, and usually as tall skeletons draped in white.
However, every individual that manages to glimpse one
describes the harvesters’ bones matching the heritage
of the soul they’re in the process of collecting. On rare
occasions, harvesters also take on the appearance of living
beings, even giving a convincing illusion of a corporeal
body. In these cases, harvesters take on guises suitable to
the environment, such as a kindly elder to a fond village
farewell to the departed or a stoic, helmeted warrior on a
Shapeshifting. While collecting a soul, a harvester takes
the form of a long-dead and white-bleached version of
that soul’s species. At all other times, a harvester may
concentrate to appear however it wishes, including
the visual appearance of being corporeal. Under
the effects of true seeing, harvesters
appear as vaguely skeleton-like
white shapes in white robes.

Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge BETA 0.3
HARVESTER Purifying Weapons. The harvester’s weapon attacks are
magical. When the harvester hits with any weapon, the
Medium Fey, Typically Lawful Neutral weapon deals an extra 18 (4d8) radiant damage (included
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) in the attack).
Radiant Surge. If the harvester takes radiant damage, its
Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54)
Radiant Nova ability recharges immediately.
Speed 40 ft.


11 (+0) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) Multiattack. The harvester makes one Claw attack and one
Numbing Touch attack.
Saving Throws Wisdom +9 Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Skills Insight +9, Perception +9, Stealth +9 target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 18 (4d8)
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant radiant damage.
Damage Immunities necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and Numbing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
slashing from nonmagical attacks target. Hit: 18 (4d8) psychic damage and the target must
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed until the
poison, thunder end of the harvester’s next turn.
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, grappled, Radiant Nova (Recharge 5-6). The harvester releases a
petrified, prone, restrained, unconscious burst of radiant energy. Each creature within 30 feet of the
harvester must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 19
36 (8d8) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on
Languages all, telepathy 60 ft. a successful one. Undead creatures take double damage from
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 this effect.
Soul Gate. The harvester opens a soul gate to the Celado
Alive. Despite its appearance, the harvester is not undead
moon, guiding the soul of a deceased creature to its afterlife.
and isn’t affected by effects that target undead.
Once the soul has passed through the gate, the creature
Incorporeal Movement. The harvester can move through
cannot be resurrected except by using the wish spell, or
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain.
an Avatar’s intervention. The gate closes at the end of the
It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an
harvester’s next turn.
Natural Invisibility. The harvester is naturally invisible as
though it was under the effects of the invisibility spell. The BONUS ACTIONS
harvester becomes visible for the duration of the current Reveal/Conceal. The harvester either ends or activates its
round, whenever it uses its action to make an attack or Natural Invisibility ability. If it took an attack action or used
open a soul-gate. Soul Gate this turn the harvester cannot use this ability.

BETA 0.3 Moonsoon: Wrath of Tsuge
All characters, items, creatures, and spells in this publication
are original creations of Jean Michel Curci. Please don’t
replicate or distribute this unless it is a direct link to where
we host it. All spells, items, and monsters are designated
product identity and are not open content. That includes
proper nouns including, but not limited to Moonsoon,
Tsuge, Yr, Tooj, Aratha, Ranys, etc. as well as spells, magic
items, and player options.

This work includes material taken from the System

Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast
LLC and available at Wizards of the Coast SRD. The SRD
5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License available at Creative Commons

This work also includes material taken from works published

by Plane Shift Press, with permission. Contact Arcane Minis
for more information on content specifics.

Copyright Notice
MOONSOON © 2024, Jean Michel Curci. Published by
Arcane Minis LLC.

All products related to MOONSOON, including the Player’s

Guide, Game Master’s Guide, Art Book, 3D printer files, and
accessories, are protected by copyright law.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is prohibited and
may lead to legal consequences.

For more information, please visit Arcane Minis.

BETA 0.3

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