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The Psionicist

Lead Designer: Scott Bean


Twitter: @dragonrockgames


Art Direction and Layout: Scott Bean

Writing, Editing, Proofreading: Scott Bean

Illustrations: Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved., Dungeon
Masters Guild creator resources stock art: Adventurers, Allies & Enemies Art, Allies & Enemies Art 2, page
background by Figu Design

Based on the Original Game Created By:

E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson,

with Brian Blume, Rob Kuntz, James Ward, and Don Kaye

Based on the original Psionicst class published in the 1st edition Dungeons Masters Guide for Advanced
Dungeons & Dragons: Appendix M: Psionics

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica
and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the
USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2023 by [your legal name or company name] and published under the
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The designer of this book is not responsible for any mind-blowing experiences you may have while using the psionic powers
described within. Please consult your local mind flayer before attempting to harness the power of the mind. The author of this
book is not liable for any psychic damage, mental breakdowns, or sudden outbursts of telekinetic rage that may occur while
using these powers. Remember to always use your psychic powers responsibly, and never use them to cheat at dice games or
influence your crush to like you back. Use at your own risk!


Creating a Psionicist.............................................6
The Psionicist Class Table...............................6
Class Features........................................................7
Psionic Power Point Cost Table.........................8
Psionic Power Points by Level Table..................8

Psionic Disciplines......................................11
Clairsentience Discipline....................................11

Psionic Feats...............................................13

Psionic Powers.............................................15

Psionic Power List....................................20

Power Descriptions...................................22

Appendix A: Discipline Power Lists......31


Appendix B: Multiclassing a Psionicis1t.......32

Welcome to the world of psionics, where the power
of the mind is as deadly as any sword and as versatile
as any spell. The psionicist class is a true master of
mental manipulation and communication, capable of
bending the thoughts of others to their will, extracting
information from the minds of their enemies, and
unleashing devastating psychic attacks that can leave
even the strongest foes reeling.
Drawing inspiration from the first edition of D&D,
the psionicist has been carefully crafted to fit seam-
lessly into the fifth edition ruleset, while maintaining
the unique flavor of psionics that made it so popular
in the early days of the game. With a focus on mental
defense, communication, and assault, the psionicist
is a versatile and exciting class that offers a wealth
of options for creative players.
As a psionicist, you will learn to master a wide
range of psionic powers, from communicating with
creatures regardless of language or intelligence, to
reading the surface thoughts of your enemies to gain
an advantage in combat. With the ability to form
deep connections with others and weave intricate
networks of influence and power, the psionicist is a
formidable presence both on and off the battlefield.
But mastering the power of the mind is not without
its challenges. As a psionicist, you must learn to protect
your own mind from mental intrusion, even as you
seek to penetrate the thoughts of others. You must
also be prepared to face the consequences of wielding
such power, as your actions may have far-reaching
consequences for those around you.
If you are ready to delve into the world of psionics,
the psionicist class offers a unique and rewarding
experience that is sure to keep you engaged and en-
tertained for hours on end. So sharpen your mind and
hone your skills, for the power of the mind awaits!

If you enjoy this PDF, please consider purchasing the

full version here: The Psionicist

Hands and mind focused on the unseen energies that
surround him, a human’s eyes glow with an inner
power as he channels psionic power to mend the
wounds of his allies.
With a silent mental command, a gnome sends a
telekinetic wave through the battlefield, toppling
enemies and clearing the way for her comrades.
A half-elf, her mind a bastion of mental fortitude,
projects a powerful psychic aura that disorients and
weakens her monstrous foes.
Psionicists harness the unexplored potential of
the mind, giving rise to remarkable abilities that
reshape their environment. Their primary objective
is to unlock the full capacity of their cognitive skills.
Imbued with psionic energy, a psionicist stands apart
from conventional scholars.

Psionic Mastery
Psionic power, as the term suggests, is rooted in the
mind’s remarkable capabilities, originating within an
individual and generating astonishing effects. Those
who harness this unique force, known as psionicists, The Psionicist’s Journey
act as conduits, transforming mental energy into
Not every student of the mind or practitioner of mental
awe-inspiring abilities. The potential to wield psionic
disciplines is a psionicist. Some seek to master their
power is not a universal trait; it’s exclusive to those
minds for personal growth, inner peace, or enlight-
gifted with an innate mental talent and a steadfast
enment, not to wield psionic power. In some cultures,
dedication to unlocking their true potential.
mental training is a path to political influence or
In contrast to conventional magic, psionic powers still
military leadership, involving no psychic abilities at
require preparation, but through a different approach.
all. True psionicists are rare among those who pursue
Psionicists must ready their powers using meditation
mental mastery.
and mental discipline, focusing their minds rather
When a psionicist takes up an adventurous life, it
than relying on study or memorization. This process
is often to explore the limits of their mental abilities,
allows them to achieve an in-depth understanding
uncover hidden knowledge, or protect the innocent.
of their own minds, which is essential for effectively
Pursuing these goals may involve braving the wilds,
manifesting their psionic powers.
confronting supernatural threats, or seeking artifacts
Psionicists possess a versatile set of features and
of ancient psionic power. Many psionicists are also
powers, providing healing and support to their allies
driven to protect those who cannot defend themselves
while confounding and incapacitating their enemies.
from the predations of the cruel and wicked.
Using their psionic prowess, they can instill awe and
Most adventuring psionicists maintain some
fear, erect psychic barriers, or even alter the very
connection to established institutions and schools
fabric of reality. When confronting adversaries who
dedicated to the study of the mind. A mentor might
are susceptible to psionic attacks, psionicists utilize
request their psionicist pupil’s aid, or a prominent
their mental acuity to control the battlefield and
leader of a mental discipline might call upon their
safeguard their allies.
followers to serve a greater cause.

Creating a Psionicist practitioners of your mental discipline regard you:
as a prodigy or a renegade? What are your ultimate
As you create a psionicist, the most important question goals? Does your mentor have a specific mission in
to consider is the source of your character’s psionic mind for you? Or are you striving to unlock the full
abilities and what kind of mental powers you wish to potential of your mind, pushing the boundaries of
focus on. Your character’s mental talents might stem what is possible with psionic magic?
from a mystical bloodline, a unique gift, or years of
rigorous training in a secluded monastery. QUICK BUILD
Once you’ve determined the origin of your powers, You can make a psionicist quickly by following these
consider your psionicist’s relationship to the institu- suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest
tion or tradition that helped shape their abilities. Did ability score, followed by Constitution or Dexterity.
you willingly seek out this path, or were you thrust Second, choose the sage background.
into it by fate or circumstance? How do the other

The Psionicist
Level Proficiency Features Cantrips
Bonus Known
1st +2 Psionics, Psionic Discipline Specialization 3
2nd +2 Psionic Surge, Psionic Discipline Feature 3
3rd +2 - 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4
5th +3 Mental Barrier 4
6th +3 Psionic Surge (2/rest), Psionic Discipline Feature 4
7th +3 - 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Psionic Discipline Feature 4
9th +4 - 4
10th +4 Intellect Fortress (20-ft radius) 5
11th +4 - 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5
13th +5 - 5
14th +5 Intellect Fortress (25-ft radius) 5
15th +5 - 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5
17th +6 Intellect Fortress (30-ft radius), Psionic Discipline Feature 5
18th +6 Psionic Surge (3/rest) 5
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5
20th +6 Tower of Iron Will 5

Class Features power you can use at each level. You cannot use a
power of a higher level than displayed, even if you
have enough power points to meet the cost.
As a psionicist, you gain the following class features. Using powers of 6th level and higher can be par-
ticularly draining. You can only spend power points
Hit Points each day to use one power of each level from 6th or
above, and only if the power’s level is within your
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Psionicist level
maximum. You cannot spend power points to use a
Hit points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier power of the same level again until you complete a
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution long rest.
modifier per psionicist level after 1st You regain all expended power points after finishing
a long rest.
Armor: Light armor and shields
Psionic Cantrips
As a psionicist, your training begins with the knowl-
Weapons: Simple weapons and scimitars
edge of three psionic cantrips. One of these cantrips
Tools: None must be chosen from the list associated with your
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom chosen discipline specialization, while the other
two can be chosen from the list of psionic cantrips
Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Investigation,
of any discipline. As you advance in the psionicist
Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion
class, you learn additional psionic cantrips of your
choice, as shown in the “Cantrips Known” column
Equipment of the psionicist table.
You start with the following equipment, in addition At the DM’s discretion, a psionicist may replace
to the equipment granted by your background: a known cantrip with a new cantrip from the list of
” Leather armor psionicist cantrips upon gaining a level. However,
” (a) a scimitar, or (b) one simple weapon of they must always maintain at least one known cantrip
your choice from their discipline specialization.

” A light crossbow with 20 bolts

Preparing and Using Psionic Powers
” A focus crystal and a shield
To harness psionic powers, you prepare a list of
” A scholar’s pack or an explorer’s pack available psionic powers, choosing from the psionic
powers list. When doing so, select a number of psionic
Psionics powers equal to your psionic ability modifier + your
psionicist level (minimum of one power). The powers
As a psionicist, you possess the innate ability to use you prepare must be of a level equal to or lower than
psionic powers derived from the focused mastery of your maximum psionic power level.
your mental faculties. These powers are organized
For example, if you are a 3rd-level psionicist, you
into distinct collections called psionic disciplines. You
have 14 psionic power points to use powers of 2nd
have access to six psionic disciplines: clairsentience,
level or lower. With a psionic ability score of 14, you
metapsionics, psychokinesis, psychometabolism, psy-
can prepare 5 psionic powers of 1st or 2nd level.
choportation, and telepathy. Each discipline provides
Using a power does not remove it from your list of
a unique set of psionic powers for your utilization.
prepared powers.
Psionic Power Points Except for cantrips, which are known instead of
prepared, you can alter your list of prepared psionic
The Psionic Power Points by Level table shows the powers after completing a long rest. Preparing a new
pool of psionic power points available to you at each list of psionic powers requires time spent in medita-
level. To harness a psionic power, you must expend tion: at least 1 minute per power level for each power
the specified number of power points for that power on your list.
level. The table also indicates the maximum level of

Psionic Power Cost
Psionic Power Level Psionic Power Point Cost
1st 2
2nd 3
3rd 5
4th 6
5th 7
6th 9
7th 10
8th 11
9th 13

Psionic Power Points by Level

Psionicist Level Psionic Power Points Max Psionic Power Level
1st 4 1st
2nd 6 1st
3rd 14 2nd
4th 17 2nd
5th 27 3rd
6th 32 3rd
7th 38 4th
8th 44 4th
9th 57 5th
10th 64 5th
11th 73 6th
12th 73 6th
13th 83 7th
14th 83 7th
15th 94 8th
16th 94 8th
17th 107 9th
18th 114 9th
19th 123 9th
20th 133 9th

Psionic Power Ability Psionic Surge
Intelligence is your key ability for activating your At 2nd level, you gain the capacity to channel your
psionic powers. The potency of your powers stems psionic energies to fuel supernatural effects. You
from your in-depth study and specialization in psionic begin with three such effects: Mind Thrust, Thought
disciplines. You rely on your Intelligence whenever Shield, and one determined by your chosen discipline
a psionic power refers to your psionic power ability. specialization. When you use your Psionic Surge,
Furthermore, you use your Intelligence modifier when you choose which effect to generate. You must then
setting the saving throw DC for a psionic power you finish a short or long rest to use your Psionic Surge
activate and when making an attack roll with one. again. Some Psionic Surge effects necessitate saving
Psionic power save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus throws. When you use such an effect from this class,
+ your Intelligence modifier the DC equals your psionic power save DC.
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Psionic Surge
Psionic power attack modifier = your proficiency
twice between rests, and from 18th level, you can use
bonus + your Intelligence modifier
it three times between rests. When you finish a short
or long rest, you regain expended uses.
Psionic Focus
You can employ a focus crystal as a psionic focus when Psionic Surge: Mind Thrust
activating psionic powers. The focus crystal enables you
Beginning at 2nd level, you can harness your Psionic
to activate psionic powers without needing physical
Surge to wield the formidable power of your mind.
components that don’t have a listed cost. However,
When the psionicist deals psychic damage to a crea-
you still need to produce material components that
ture, they can use Psionic Surge to inflict extra psychic
have a specified cost for psionic powers that require
damage to that creature. The extra damage equals 5
+ twice the psionicist’s level.

Psionic Discipline Specialization Psionic Surge: Thought Shield

At 1st level, you select one psionic discipline as your From 2nd level, you can utilize your Psionic Surge to
chosen discipline specialization to concentrate protect your mind from psychic attacks. As a reaction
your mental faculties and excel in that set of psionic when you take psychic damage, you can use your
powers and features. Your choice bestows discipline reaction to activate Psionic Surge and gain resistance
powers and other features upon you. It also grants to the damage.
you additional ways to use Psionic Surge when you
acquire that feature at 2nd level, as well as additional Ability Score Improvement
benefits at 6th, 8th, and 17th levels.
Upon reaching 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
Psionic Discipline Powers and 19th level, you can either increase one ability
score of your choice by 2 or two ability scores of your
Each psionic discipline specialization provides a table
choice by 1. As usual, you cannot raise an ability score
in its description listing psionic powers that you
above 20 using this feature. Employing the optional
obtain at the psionicist levels indicated. Once you gain
feats rule, you can choose to forgo taking this feature
a discipline specialization power, you always have it
to acquire a feat of your choice instead.
prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number
of powers you can prepare each day.
Mental Barrier
Starting at 5th level, you can take an action to con-
struct a mental barrier within your mind. This bar-
rier lasts for 1 minute and grants you advantage on
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long
rest before you can use it again.

Intellect Fortress Clairsentience Discipline
Beginning at 10th level, you can employ your focus crys- The clairsentience discipline delves into the boundless
tal to enhance your Mental Barrier feature, extending potential of the mind to perceive the unseen, tran-
its protective influence to allies within 20 feet of you. scending the limits of ordinary senses. Psionicists who
For the duration, these allies also gain advantage on specialize in clairsentience, often known as Clairvoyant
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. Seers, gain intimate knowledge of their surroundings,
The radius of Intellect Fortress increases to 25 feet at able to glean information from the past, present, and
14th level and 30 feet at 17th level. even the future. For some practitioners, clairsentience
is a responsibility, offering insight into the nature of the
Tower of Iron Will world and helping others with their newfound knowl-
edge. Others may see it as a means to gain power, using
At 20th level, you can now harness your Thought Shield their heightened perception to manipulate events and
feature as either an action or reaction to generate a people to their advantage.
protective field spanning a 30-foot radius around you The practitioners of this discipline are often as-
for 1 minute. During this time, each ally within the sociated with wisdom and intuition, as the ability to
area acquires resistance to psychic damage. perceive beyond the mundane world allows them to
After using this feature, you must finish a long access a deeper understanding of reality. Throughout
rest before you can use it again. history and across various cultures, notable clairsen-
tients have included legendary seers, oracles, and
Psionic Disciplines prophets who have shaped the course of events with
their foresight. Figures from classical mythology,
such as the Oracle of Delphi and the Norse seeress
As a psionicist, your innate mental abilities stem from
known as a völva, exemplify the power and influence
a deep connection to the vast potential of the mind,
of clairsentient specialists, showcasing the essence
allowing you to access and manifest various aspects
of the clairsentience discipline.
of psychic power, called psionic disciplines. Each
discipline represents a focused area of expertise in Clairsentience Discipline Powers
which your mental energies are channeled, granting
you unique powers and abilities. Psionicist Powers
Your choice of discipline might correspond to your Level
character’s background, personal experiences, or a 1st comprehend languages, identify
particular interest in one aspect of psychic phenom-
3rd all-round vision, see invisibility
ena. For example, a psionicist who has spent years
studying ancient texts and unraveling the secrets of 5th clairvoyance, danger sense
the universe may gravitate towards the clairsentience 7th aura sight, divination
discipline, while another who has faced physical ad-
versity and honed their body and mind might choose 9th psionic communion, scrying
the psychometabolism discipline.
Each discipline’s description provides examples of
Mind’s Eye Insight
archetypal psionicists who specialize in that discipline, When you choose this psionic discipline at 1st level,
drawing from various settings and cultures, both real you gain proficiency in the Perception and Insight
and fictional. Psionic disciplines transcend tradition- skills. If you are already proficient in either skill,
al boundaries and encompass the full spectrum of you can double your proficiency bonus for that skill.
mental power, allowing you to explore the untapped
potential of the mind in your own unique way.

Psionic Surge: Piercing Gaze Discerning Mind
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Psionic Surge Starting at 8th level, whenever you make an ability
to pierce the veil of deception and gain truesight for check that lets you add your proficiency in Perception
a short period. As an action, you can expend one use or Insight, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
of your Psionic Surge to gain truesight to a range of
30 feet for 1 minute. Omniscient Sight
Once you use your Psionic surge in this way, you At 17th level, your clairsentient abilities reach their
can’t use Piercing Gaze again until you finish a peak. As an action, you can focus your mind’s eye to
short or long rest. perceive the world around you without relying on your
physical senses. For 1 hour, you gain blindsight with
Unveil the Hidden a range of 60 feet and can see through solid objects
At 6th level, your ability to perceive hidden and con- within this range as if they were transparent, but only
cealed objects or creatures is heightened. You have up to a thickness of 5 feet for wood, 3 feet for stone,
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence or 6 inches for metal. A thin sheet of lead blocks your
(Investigation) checks made to find hidden or invisible vision.
creatures, secret doors, and traps. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long
rest before using it again.

Psionic Feats Prescient Strike
Prerequisite: Clairsentience discipline
A psionic feat represents a unique area of expertise or
a special talent that grants your character incredible You have honed your clairsentience abilities to predict
mental capabilities, going beyond what your class your enemy’s movements, granting you increased
provides. Psionic feats tap into your character’s accuracy in combat. You gain the following benefit:
innate psychic potential, allowing them to perform When you make an attack roll, you can use a bonus
extraordinary feats of mental prowess. action to gain advantage on the roll. You can use this
At specific levels, your class awards you the Ability feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence
Score Improvement feature. Using the optional feats modifier (minimum of once), regaining all expended
rule, you can choose to forgo taking that feature and uses after a long rest.
select a psionic feat of your choice instead. Each
psionic feat can be taken only once, unless the feat’s Psychic Evasion
description states otherwise.
To take a psionic feat, you must meet any pre- Prerequisite: Clairsentience discipline
requisite specified in its description. It is important Your heightened awareness of impending danger
to note that when a prerequisite lists a discipline, enables you to react swiftly, evading harm with
psionicists must specialize in that discipline to use uncanny precision. You gain the following benefit:
the corresponding psionic feat. If you ever lose a feat’s When you are subjected to an effect that allows
prerequisite, you can’t benefit from that psionic feat you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only
until you regain the prerequisite. half damage, your psychic foresight grants you the
Below is a list of psionic feats that will enable your ability to avoid more damage. If you succeed on the
character to harness the power of their mind and saving throw, you take no damage, and if you fail,
achieve extraordinary abilities. you take only half the damage.

Heightened Perception Remote Viewer

Prerequisite: Clairsentience discipline Prerequisite: Clairsentience discipline
Your extraordinary awareness and mastery of your Your mastery of clairsentience allows you to extend
surroundings heighten your ability to detect hidden your senses to distant locations, enabling you to
threats and react swiftly in combat. With razor-sharp gather valuable information from afar. You gain the
senses and keen intuition, you are always prepared following benefits:
for the unexpected. You gain the following benefits:
” The range of your psionic powers that require
” Your finely tuned senses grant you a +2 bonus you to see the target increases by 30 feet, as
to initiative rolls, allowing you to act with you effortlessly reach out with your mind to
remarkable speed when danger arises. perceive distant targets.
” Your expert observation skills give you advan- ” You learn the clairvoyance psionic power. You can
tage on Perception checks to uncover hidden activate this power once without any components
creatures or objects, making it difficult for or power points, using your psionic abilities to
anything to escape your notice. create a sensor at a location you choose. You
” As an action, you can concentrate your psionic regain the ability to activate clairvoyance in this
energies to sharpen your senses even further, way when you finish a long rest. This power
gaining blindsight with a range of 10 feet for 1 is always prepared, and if you have the power
minute. This extraordinary ability allows you points and can activate powers of 3rd level or
to perceive your environment without relying higher, you can activate this power with them.
on your normal senses, effectively “seeing”
without sight. Once you use this feature, you
must complete a short or long rest before you
can use it again.

Vigilant Sentinel
Prerequisite: Clairsentience discipline
Your keen intuition and heightened awareness allow
you to anticipate threats and react quickly, even when
facing unseen opponents. You gain the following
” You have advantage on initiative rolls.
” Unseen attackers within 5 feet of you don’t gain
advantage on their attack rolls against you.
” As a bonus action, you can expend 2 psionic
power points to gain a premonition of danger
for 1 minute, granting you a +2 bonus to your
armor class for the duration. Once you use this
ability, you must finish a short or long rest
before you can use it again.

Psionic Powers For instance, if a character is a 3rd-level psionicist
with a 14 Intelligence, they can prepare a total of 5
psionic powers of 1st or 2nd level. In addition, they will
In the vast tapestry of the multiverse, psionic pow- have 14 psionic power points to activate the prepared
ers represent a unique and extraordinary form of powers. Activating a power does not remove it from
energy manipulation. These powers stem from the the psionicist’s list of prepared powers.
innate psychic potential within sentient beings, tran- Except for psionic cantrips, which are known
scending the boundaries of conventional arcane and instead of prepared, a psionicist can modify their
divine magic. Through mental discipline and intense list of prepared psionic powers after completing a
focus, psionic practitioners, known as psionicists, long rest. Preparing a new list of powers necessitates
unlock and harness their inner psychic abilities to time spent in focused meditation: at least 1 minute
produce incredible feats that defy the limitations of per power level for each psionic power included in
the physical world. the list. This process allows the psionicist to attune
their mind to the desired powers, ensuring they are
What is a Psionic Power? ready for use when needed.
A psionic power is a manifestation of mental energy At the DM’s discretion, a psionicist may replace
that allows the psionicist to create various effects a known cantrip with a new cantrip from the list of
and influence the world around them. These powers psionicist cantrips upon gaining a level. However,
are not spells, but they are still a form of magic that they must always maintain at least one known cantrip
arises from the psionicist’s mind. Psionic powers from their discipline specialization.
are organized into six disciplines: Clairsentience,
Metapsionics, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psionic Power Points
Psychoportation, and Telepathy.
The Psionic Power Points by Level table illustrates
the pool of psionic power points accessible to you
Power Level at each level. To activate a psionic power, you must
Every psionic power has a level from 0 to 9, similar spend the required number of power points for that
to spells. A power’s level is a general indicator of its specific power level. The table also displays the
potency, with less formidable powers like body healing highest level of power you can activate at each level.
at 1st level and the incredibly potent bend reality at 9th You are unable to activate a power of a higher level
level. Psionic cantrips—simple but powerful powers than indicated, even if you possess sufficient power
that psionicists can manifest almost effortlessly—are points to cover the cost.
level 0 and can be activated without expending power Activating powers of 6th level and higher can be
points. The higher a power’s level, the higher level a especially exhausting. Each day, you can only expend
psionicist must be to use that power. power points to activate one power of each level from
Power level and character level don’t correspond 6th or higher, provided the power’s level is within your
directly. Typically, a character has to be at least 17th maximum. You are unable to expend power points
level, not 9th level, to activate a 9th-level power. to activate a power of the same level again until you
complete a long rest.
Preparing Psionic Powers After finishing a long rest, you regain all expended
power points. This system ensures that higher-level
To tap into psionic powers, a psionicist prepares a powers are used judiciously, preserving the balance
selection of available powers, choosing from the and challenge of the game while maintaining the
psionicist power list. When selecting powers to pre- unique abilities of the psionicist.
pare, the psionicist can choose a number of powers
equal to their psionic ability modifier + their psionicist
level (with a minimum of one power). The prepared
powers must be of a level equal to or lower than the
psionicist’s maximum psionic power level.

Activating Powers at Higher Levels Longer Activation Times
When a power states that it can be activated at a Certain powers require more time to activate: minutes
higher level, the psionicist can spend more power or even hours. When you activate a power with an
points than required for the power’s usual level—the activation time longer than a single action or reaction,
power assumes the higher level for that activation if you must spend your action each turn activating the
the psionicist can activate powers of that level. For power and maintain your concentration while doing
instance, if a psionicist can activate powers of 2nd so. If your concentration is broken, the power fails,
level, they can activate the 1st-level bolt power using but you don’t expend power points. If you want to
3 power points instead of 2, activating it at the 2nd attempt activating the power again, you must start
level and dealing an extra 1d6 force damage. over.
Some powers, such as bolt and body healing, have
more potent effects when activated at a higher level, Range
as detailed in a power’s description. To activate a The target of a power must be within the power’s
power at a higher level, the psionicist expends addi- range. For a power like bolt, the target is a creature.
tional power points and must be capable of activating For a power like energy burst, the target is the point
powers of that level. in space where the energy erupts.
Most powers have ranges expressed in feet. Some
Activating a Psionic Power powers can target only a creature (including you) that
you touch. Other powers, such as the magnify power,
When a psionicist activates any psionic power, the
affect only you. These powers have a range of self.
same fundamental rules apply, regardless of the
Powers that create cones or lines of effect that orig-
power’s effects.
inate from you also have a range of self, indicating
Each power description begins with a block of infor-
that the origin point of the power’s effect must be you.
mation, including the power’s name, level, discipline,
Once a power is activated, its effects aren’t limited
activation time, range, components, and duration.
by its range, unless the power’s description says
The rest of a power entry describes the power’s effect.
Activation Time Activating Powers in Armor
Most powers require a single action to activate, but
The rules for activating powers in armor are the same
some powers require a bonus action, a reaction, or
as those for casting spells. The psionicist must be
even more time to activate.
proficient with the donned armor or shield to activate
a psionic power.
Bonus Action
A power activated with a bonus action is exceptionally
swift. You must use a bonus action on your turn to
activate the power, provided that you haven’t already
taken a bonus action this turn. You can’t activate
another power during the same turn, except for a
cantrip with an activation time of 1 action.

Some powers can be activated as reactions. These
powers take only a fraction of a second to execute
and are activated in response to a specific event. If
a power can be activated as a reaction, the power
description tells you precisely when you can do so.

Psionic Power Components ” Taking damage. Whenever you take damage
while you are concentrating on a power, you
Much like spellcasting, psionic powers may require must make a Constitution saving throw to
components to help channel the mental energies maintain your concentration. The DC equals
needed to activate the desired effect. These compo- 10 or half the damage you take, whichever
nents can be verbal (V), somatic (S), or material (M). number is higher. If you take damage from
” Verbal. Speaking, chanting, or mentally pro- multiple sources, such as an arrow and a drag-
jecting specific words or phrases. on’s breath, you make a separate saving throw
for each source of damage.
” Somatic. Utilizing precise movements or
gestures. ” Being incapacitated or killed. You lose concen-
tration on a power if you are incapacitated or
” Material. Incorporating specific physical if you die.
objects or substances as a focus for the power.
The DM might also decide that certain environmental
A focus crystal can be used to substitute for material phenomena, such as a wave crashing over you while
components that don’t have a cost, while material you’re on a storm-tossed ship, require you to succeed
components with a cost are still required. The psionicist on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to maintain
cannot activate a power without verbal and somatic concentration on a power.
components if they are required.

Duration of Psionic Powers Targets

A typical power requires you to pick one or more
A power’s duration is the length of time the power targets to be affected by the power’s psionic energy.
remains active. A duration can be expressed in rounds, A power’s description tells you whether the power
minutes, hours, or even years. Some powers specify targets creatures, objects, or a point of origin for an
that their effects last until the powers are dispelled area of effect (described below).
or destroyed.
Unless a power has a perceptible effect, a creature
might not know it was targeted by a power at all. An
Instantaneous effect like crackling lightning is obvious, but a more
Many psionic powers are instantaneous. The power subtle effect, such as an attempt to read a creature’s
harms, heals, creates, or alters a creature or an object thoughts, typically goes unnoticed, unless a power
in a way that can’t be dispelled, because its psionic says otherwise.
energy exists only for an instant.
A Clear Path to the Target
Concentration To target something, you must have a clear path to
Some powers require you to maintain concentration it, so it can’t be behind total cover.
in order to keep their psionic energy active. If you lose If you place an area of effect at a point that you can’t
concentration, such a power ends. see and an obstruction, such as a wall, is between you
If a power must be maintained with concentration, and that point, the point of origin comes into being
that fact appears in its Duration entry, and the power on the near side of that obstruction.
specifies how long you can concentrate on it. You can
end concentration at any time (no action required). Targeting Yourself
Normal activity, such as moving and attacking, If a power targets a creature of your choice or one
doesn’t interfere with concentration. The following that you touch, you can choose yourself, unless the
factors can break concentration: creature must be hostile or specifically a creature
” Activating another power that requires concentra- other than you. If you are in the area of effect of a
tion. Except in special, specifically stated cases, power you activate, you can target yourself.
you lose concentration on a power if you activate
another power that requires concentration.
You can’t concentrate on two powers at once.

Areas of Effect For example, if two psionicists activate danger sense
on the same target, that character gains the power’s
A power’s description specifies its area of effect, which benefit only once; he or she doesn’t get a +4 bonus
typically has one of five different shapes: cone, cube, to AC against trap attacks.
cylinder, line, or sphere. Every area of effect has a
point of origin, a location from which the power’s Psionic Disciplines
energy erupts. The rules for each shape specify how
you position its point of origin. Typically, a point of Psionic powers are organized into six distinct disci-
origin is a point in space, but some powers have an plines, which represent the various aspects of psychic
area whose origin is a creature or an object. energy manipulation. These disciplines serve as a
framework for understanding and categorizing the
A power’s effect expands in straight lines from the
diverse range of psionic powers available to psionicists:
point of origin. If no unblocked straight line extends
from the point of origin to a location within the area Clairsentience. This discipline allows psionicists to
of effect, that location isn’t included in the power’s gain information through extrasensory perception,
area. To block one of these imaginary lines, an ob- including perceiving distant events, detecting hidden
struction must provide total cover, as explained in objects, and sensing the emotions of others.
chapter 9 of the Player’s Handbook. Metapsionics. Practitioners of this discipline focus
The specific rules for each area of effect shape is on enhancing and manipulating psionic powers
covered in Chapter 10 of the Player’s Hanbook. themselves, allowing them to amplify, extend, or
alter the effects of other powers.
Saving Throws Psychokinesis. This discipline involves the manipula-
tion of matter and energy, granting the psionicist the
Many powers specify that a target can make a saving ability to move and reshape objects, create barriers,
throw to avoid some or all of a power’s effects. The and wield destructive forces.
power specifies the ability that the target uses for Psychometabolism. Psionicists who specialize in
the save and what happens on a success or failure. this discipline can alter their own body and physical
The DC to resist one of your powers equals 8 + your abilities, enhancing their strength, resilience, and
psionic ability modifier + your proficiency bonus + agility or healing injuries and altering their appearance.
any special modifiers. Psychoportation. This discipline enables practitioners
to manipulate space and time, allowing them to travel
Attack Rolls vast distances, cross planes of existence, and even
Some powers require the psionicist to make an attack manipulate the flow of time.
roll to determine whether the power effect hits the Telepathy. Telepathic powers focus on the ability to
intended target. Your attack bonus with a power communicate and manipulate thoughts, emotions,
attack equals your psionic ability modifier + your and memories, including mind reading, mental
proficiency bonus. suggestion, and psychic empathy.
Most powers that require attack rolls involve ranged
attacks. Remember that you have disadvantage on a
ranged attack roll if you are within 5 feet of a hostile
creature that can see you and that isn’t incapacitated.

Combining Psionic Effects

The effects of different powers add together while the
durations of those powers overlap. The effects of the
same power activated multiple times don’t combine,
however. Instead, the most potent effect—such as the
highest bonus—from those activated powers applies
while their durations overlap, or the most recent effect
applies if the activated powers are equally potent and
their durations overlap.

Psionic Power List
In this section, we explore the realm of psionic powers Magnify Gravity Kinetic Jaunt
found throughout the Dungeons & Dragons worlds,
listed by level. Following that, you’ll find descriptions Matter Agitation Knock
of these powers, arranged alphabetically by power
Mind Thrust Levitate

Missive Mental Disruption

Cantrips (0 Level) Borrowed Knowledge
Precognition Metamorphosis
Accelerate Healing Call to Mind
Propel Mind Spike
Concussion Blast Catfall
Psychic Absorption Mind Whip
Control Flames Cause Fear
Sense Link Misty Step
Create Sound Charm Person
Sleep Object Reading
Crystal Shard Command
Spirit Sense Phantasmal Force
Disrupting Touch Comprehend Languages
Telempathic Projection Recall Agony
Distraction Deceleration
Thunderwave See Invisibility
Ego Whip Detect Psionics
Sensitivity to Psychic
Entangling Ectoplasm Dissonant Whispers 2nd Level Impressions

Far Hand Empathic Transfer All-Round Vision Serenity

Far Hearing Energy Absorption Bestow Power Share Pain

Force Ward Energy Push Body Equilibrium Shatter

Message Energy Retort Body Purification Suggestion

Mind Sliver Expeditious Retreat Borrowed Knowledge Swarm of Crystals

Shocking Grasp Floating Disk Cloud Mind Tough Skin

Swift Stride Force Missile Conceal Thoughts

3rd Level
Thunderclap Force Shield Crown of Madness
Grease Darkvision
1st Level Catnap
Identify Detect Thoughts
Amorphous Shield Clairvoyance
Inertial Armor Enhance Ability
Anchored Navigation Danger Sense
Jump Enlarge/Reduce
Attraction Dispel Psionics
Know Direction and Enthrall
Body Healing Location Empathic Feedback
Bolt Longstrider Enemies Abound
Hold Person

Energy Adaptation Correspond Scrying Sequester

Energy Burst Detect Remote Viewing Skill Empowerment Teleport

Energy Stun Dimension Door Sonic Shackwave

8th Level
Eradicate Invisibility Divination Synaptic Static
Dominate Monster
Fast Friends Dominate Beast Telekinesis
Fear Exile Telepathic Bond
Feign Death Fabricate
6th Level Invisible Blade
Fly Freedom of Movement
Contingency Meld with Shadows
Haste Mind Wipe
Disintegrate Mind Blank
Hideous Laughter Phantasmal Killer
Find the Path Reverse Teleport
Hypnotic Pattern Psychic Lance
Firing Frenzy Split Personality
Id Insinuation Psychokinetic Storm
Gird Telepathy
Incite Greed Resilient Sphere
Irresistible Dance
Intellect Fortress Stoneskin 9th Level
Mass Suggestion
Keen Edge Wall of Ectoplasm Affinity Loop
Mental Prison
Magnify Amnesia
5th Level Remote View Trap
Pulse Wave Astral Voyage
Adaptive Body Retrieve
Receptacle Bend Reality
Cannibalize Transformation
Sending Crushing Fist
Creation True Seeing
Slow Foresight
Dominate Person
Solicit Psi Crystal 7th Level Microcosm
Time Hop Dream of the Blue Veil Probability Travel
Evade Burst
Tongues Ectoplasmic Clone Psychic Scream
Far Step
Energy Wave Shapechange
4th Level Force Barrier
Etherealness Time Stop
Assimilating Touch Greater Body Purification
Aura Alteration Hold Monster
Phase Door
Aura Sight Modify Memory
Psionic Blast
Charm Monster Passwall
Psychic Crush
Compulsion Psionic Communion
Confusion Psychokinetic Hand
Reverse Gravity
Power Descriptions At higher levels. By activating this power using
power points for higher levels, you can extend the
duration as follows: 6 hours for 2nd-level, 8 hours
The powers are described in alphabetical Order. for 3rd-level, 10 hours for 4th-level, 12 hours for
Please note that activation time, similar to casting 5th-level, 1 day for 6th-level, 2 days for 7th-level, 4
time, refers to the time it takes for a psionicist to days for 8th-level, and 1 week for 9th-level.
manifest a power.

All-Round Vision
2nd-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Upon activating this psionic power, you gain the
extraordinary ability to perceive the world around you
with 360-degree vision. This enhanced perception
allows you to be aware of everything happening in
your surroundings simultaneously, making it difficult
for opponents to catch you off guard.
As a result of this heightened awareness, enemies
can no longer gain advantage on their attack rolls
against you through flanking, pack tactics, or the as-
sassinate ability. Moreover, rogues find it impossible
to execute sneak attacks, and the extra damage from
the martial advantage feature is negated.
In addition to these defensive benefits, you also
gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
However, this power comes with a vulnerability: you
have disadvantage on saving throws against gaze
attacks, as your constant vigilance makes it difficult
to avert your eyes in time.

Anchored Navigation
1st-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: M (a focus crystal)
Duration: 4 hours
With a focused mind, you activate this power and
establish a psychic connection to a fixed point at your
current location. As long as you remain on the same
plane of existence, you can effortlessly navigate back
to the anchor point for the duration.
You may only have one anchored navigation point
active at a time. If you activate this power again,
the previous effect ends.

Aura Sight ” Heal up to twelve creatures you can see, restoring
all their hit points and ending all effects like
4th-level clairsentience those in the greater restoration spell.
Activation Time: 1 action ” Give up to eight creatures you can see resistance
Range: Self (60-ft radius) to a type of damage you choose for 8 hours.
Components: M (a focus crystal) ” Make up to eight creatures you can see immune
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour to one psionic power, spell, or magical effect
for 8 hours.
You can detect the auras of living creatures, which
appear as colorful rings of light surrounding all living ” Undo a recent event by forcing a reroll of any
things. These rings are not usually visible to the naked roll made within the last round (including your
eye. However, while this power is active, you can use last turn). Reality changes to match the new
your action to view the aura of a creature you can see result. You can make the reroll with advantage
within range. You can identify two aspects about that or disadvantage and choose whether to use the
creature’s aura: the intensity related to the creature’s reroll or the original roll.
power (CR or level), and its alignment based on the You might want to do something not listed above.
color of the aura as follows: Tell the DM your idea as clearly as possible. The DM
” Lawful good - Sky blue decides what happens, and the bigger the change, the
more likely something goes wrong. The power might
” Neutral good - Green fail, the effect might be only partially achieved, or
” Chaotic good - Vibrant yellow there might be unexpected consequences based on
” Lawful neutral – Indigo how you described your idea.
Using this power for anything other than copying
” Neutral – Gray
another psionic power or spell is stressful. After that
” Chaotic neutral – Teal stress, each time you use a power or cast a spell until
” Lawful evil - Dark red you finish a long rest, you take 1d8 necrotic damage
per level of that power or spell. This damage can’t be
” Neutral evil - Purple
reduced or prevented. Also, your Strength drops to 5,
” Chaotic evil – Black if it isn’t already 5 or lower, for 2d4 days. Resting and
doing light activity for a day reduces your recovery
Bend Reality time by 2 days. Finally, there’s a 25% chance you
9th-level clairsentience can’t use Bend Reality again if you suffer this stress.
Activation Time: 1 action
Range: Varies
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal)
Duration: Varies
Bend Reality is a powerful psionic power that lets you
change reality to fit your wishes.
The basic use of this power is to copy any other
psionic power or spell of 7th level or lower. You don’t
need to meet any requirements for that power or
spell, including expensive components. The power
or spell simply takes effect.
Or you can choose one of these effects:
” Create an object worth up to 18,000 gp, as long
as it’s not a magic or psionic item. The object
can’t be larger than 240 feet in any dimension
and appears on the ground in an open space
you can see.

Borrowed Knowledge Comprehend Languages
2nd-level clairsentience 1st-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 action Activation Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal) Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal)
Duration: 1 hour Duration: 1 hour
Drawing upon the latent psychic energies that per- This power grants the psionicist the ability to deci-
meate the environment, you tap into a reservoir of pher the literal meaning of any spoken language
collective knowledge, granting yourself expertise in they hear while the effect lasts. Additionally, the
an unfamiliar domain. Select a skill or tool in which psionicist can comprehend any written language they
you don’t already have proficiency. For the duration see, provided they touch the surface upon which the
of this power, you gain proficiency in the chosen skill words are inscribed. Reading one page of text takes
or tool, temporarily expanding your knowledge. If approximately one minute.
you activate this power again before the duration However, this power cannot decode secret messages
expires, the previous effect ends. embedded within a text or a glyph, such as an arcane
sigil, that is not part of a written language.
3rd-level clairsentience Contingency
Activation Time: 10 minutes 6th-level clairsentience
Range: 1 mile Activation Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal) Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal, and a statuette of
yourself carved from ivory and decorated with gems
This power grants you the ability to generate an
worth at least 1,500 gp)
invisible sensor at a nearby location. This sensor can
be placed at a spot you’re familiar with or at a new Duration: 10 days
location such as behind a door, around a corner, or in When activating this power, you choose another
a grove of trees. Once you create the sensor, it remains power of 5th level or lower that you can activate, has
stationary and can’t be affected by any means. a casting time of 1 action, and can target you. This
Upon activation, you must choose between using chosen power is known as the “contingent power.”
your sight or hearing to perceive the area surrounding When you activate contingency, you also activate
the sensor. This allows you to sense what’s happen- the contingent power, using power points for both.
ing near the sensor, as if you were physically present However, the contingent power won’t come into effect
at its location. You can alternate between sight and immediately. It will only activate when a specific
hearing as an action. circumstance occurs, which you describe when you
It’s essential to note that certain creatures with activate the two powers. For example, you could cast
heightened senses, like see invisibility or truesight, water breathing as your contingent power and specify
can detect the sensor. If they do, they will see a faint, that it activates when you are submerged in water.
ill-defined orb about the size of a fist. Once you have set the contingency, the contingent
power will take effect immediately after the cir-
cumstance is met for the first time, whether or not
you want it to, and then the contingency ends. The
contingent power will only affect you, even if it can
typically target others.

Danger Sense By using your action, you can visualize a faint aura
surrounding any visible creatures or objects that
3rd-level Clairsentience possess psionic power and discern their associated
Activation Time: 1 action discipline, if any. Detect psionics can penetrate most
Range: Self barriers, but is blocked by:

Components: V, S ” 1 foot of stone

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour ” 1 inch of metal

By sharpening your intuition and tapping into your ” A thin sheet of lead
clairsentient abilities, you heighten your awareness ” 3 feet of wood or dirt
of potential threats. As long as you are not blind or Detect psionics enables you to identify psionic threats
deaf, your enhanced senses help you evade danger or allies, providing valuable information and insight
more effectively. to better navigate situations where psionic energies
While under the effects of this power, you gain are at play.
advantage on Dexterity saving throws against visible
threats, such as traps or spells. Additionally, you Divination
receive a +2 bonus to your armor class when faced
4th-level clairsentience
with attacks from traps.
Danger Sense allows you to navigate perilous situ- Activation Time: 1 action
ations with greater ease, relying on your heightened Range: Self
instincts to anticipate and avoid hazards that others
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal, and a gem worth
might miss.
at least 25 gp, which the power consumes)

Darkvision Duration: Instantaneous

2nd-level Clairsentience Harnessing your psionic abilities and offering a valu-

able gem, you establish a connection to a mysterious,
Activation Time: 1 action otherworldly being to gain its insight. You can pose
Range: Touch a single question related to a specific goal, event, or
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal) activity set to happen within the next seven days.
The Dungeon Master (DM) will provide a truthful
Duration: 8 hours response, which may take the form of a brief phrase,
With a touch, you imbue yourself or a willing ally with a cryptic rhyme, or an omen.
the extraordinary ability to perceive their surround- Keep in mind that this power does not account for
ings even in complete darkness. They gain darkvision any unexpected circumstances that could alter the
with a range of 60 feet for the duration of the effect. outcome, such as casting additional spells, activat-
Darkvision allows you and your allies to navigate and ing other psionic powers, or losing or acquiring a
explore even the most light-deprived environments, companion.
ensuring that darkness does not impede your progress. If you use this power two or more times before
completing your next long rest, there is a cumulative
Detect Psionics 25 percent chance for each activation beyond the first
1st-level clairsentience that you will obtain a random reading. The DM will
determine this probability secretly.
Activation Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-ft radius)
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
As you activate this psionic power, your senses attune
to the presence of psionic energies within a 30-foot
radius around you. While the power is active, you can
detect any psionic auras in the area.

Far Hearing For the next 8 hours, the target is virtually impossi-
ble to catch off guard. They cannot be surprised, and
Clairsentience cantrip they gain advantage on attack rolls, ability checks,
Activation Time: 1 bonus action and saving throws. Additionally, attacks made against
Range: 60 feet the target by other creatures are hindered, resulting
in those attackers having disadvantage.
Components: S
Activating this power again before the duration
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round expires will cause the current effect to end immedi-
Choose a location that you can see within range. ately, as your focus shifts to the new target.
You attune your mind to the sounds of that location,
granting yourself the ability to hear as if you were Hypercognition
there. For the duration of the power, you can hear 8th-level clairsentience
any sounds as if you were standing at that location.
Activation Time: 1 action
Find the Path Range: Self
6th-level Clairsentience Components: M (a focus crystal)
Activation Time: 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self You make lightning-fast deductions based on only
the slightest clue, pattern, or scrap of memory resi-
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal or an object from
dent in your mind. You can gain obscure knowledge
the location you wish to find)
or insights about a person, place, object, or situation,
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 day seemingly from very little information. However, your
With this power, you gain an innate understanding knowledge is in fact the result of a rigorously logical
of the quickest and most direct physical route to a process that you force your mind to undertake, digging
specific location you’re familiar with, as long as it’s up and correlating every possible piece of knowledge
on the same plane of existence. If the destination is bearing on the topic (possibly even extracting echoes
on another plane, constantly moving, or not specific of knowledge from the Astral Plane).
enough (e.g., “a green dragon’s lair”), the power fails. The nature of the information you gain is subject
As long as you and your destination are on the same to the DM’s discretion but might include obscure
plane, you intuitively know the distance and direction details, hidden lore, forgotten history, or even the
to it. When faced with multiple path options during solution to a puzzle or dilemma that your conscious
your journey, you instinctively recognize the short- mind is unable to arrive at.
est and most direct route toward your destination,
though this may not necessarily be the safest route.

9th-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal)
Duration: 8 hours
By imbuing a willing creature with a fragment of your
heightened psychic perception, you grant them the
extraordinary ability to foresee the near future and
react accordingly. As you touch the target, you forge
a connection that allows them to experience flashes
of insight that guide their actions for the power’s

Identify Object Reading
1st-level clairsentience 2nd-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 minute Activation Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal and a pearl worth Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal)
at least 100 gp) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Duration: Instantaneous By invoking this power, you delve into the hidden
By maintaining contact with a chosen object during history of an inanimate object, tapping into the psy-
this power’s activation, you delve into its essence, chic imprints left behind by its previous owners. As
unraveling the hidden knowledge within. If the object you concentrate, you uncover a wealth of details that
is imbued with psionic or magical properties, you’ll unfurl like a tapestry of the object’s past.
discover its features, how to utilize them, if attune-
ment is necessary, and its charge count, if applicable. Time Information
You also learn about any psionic powers or spells 1 minute Race of the last owner, like a whis-
influencing the item and their nature, allowing you per from the past.
to better understand its capabilities and limitations.
2 minutes Gender of the last owner, a subtle
If the item was crafted by a psionic power or spell,
echo of their essence.
you discern which one was responsible, unveiling
the secrets of its creation. 3 minutes Age of the last owner, the imprint
Alternatively, if you touch a creature while acti- of time’s passage.
vating the power, you gain knowledge of any psionic 4 minutes Alignment of the last owner, a
powers or spells presently affecting it, if any. This reflection of their moral compass.
insight provides valuable information on the tar-
5 minutes The story of how the last owner
get’s current state, revealing hidden influences and
acquired and lost the object.
potential vulnerabilities.
Full duration A vivid chronicle of all the object’s
Know Direction and Location owners and their histories.
1st-level clairsentience With unwavering accuracy, the power discloses the
Activation Time: 1 action identities of the item’s most recent and original
Range: Self owners, providing you maintain your concentration
long enough. When focusing for the entire duration,
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal)
there is a 90% chance of successfully unveiling all
Duration: Instantaneous prior owners. However, a small 10% chance remains
With this power, you can get a general sense of your that one former owner’s identity may slip through
location. It’s helpful for characters who find them- the cracks, shrouded in mystery.
selves in unfamiliar places after teleporting, using a This power distinguishes between casual users and
gate, or traveling between planes of existence. The true owners, considering those who wield the object
power gives you a feeling or intuition about where as a weapon as genuine owners. An object without any
you are, typically no more specific than a summary previous owners remains silent, yielding no informa-
based on a well-known local or regional landmark. tion. Repeated use of this power on the same object
Additionally, this power lets you know which direc- weaves the same intricate tapestry of information as
tion you’re facing. the initial casting, providing a consistent narrative
of the object’s history.

Precognition At Higher Levels. When you activate this power using
power points of 3rd-level or higher, the psychic damage
1st-level clairsentience increases by 1d10 for each power level above 2nd.
Activation Time: 1 action
Range: Self Psionic Communion
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal) 5th-level clairsentience
Duration: 1 hour Activation Time: 1 minute
By activating this power, you open your mind to Range: Self
perceive fleeting glimpses of potential future events. Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal)
The insights you receive are fragmentary and only
Duration: 1 minute
become coherent when the foreseen events begin
to unfold. In that crucial moment, you can act with You tap into the collective consciousness, a vast net-
swiftness and precision, guided by the information work of shared knowledge and wisdom, to ask up to
you’ve previously obtained. three questions that can be answered with a yes or
no. You must ask your questions before the power’s
When you activate this power, you gain a single
duration ends. You receive a correct answer for each
“precognitive edge.” You can have only one type of
precognitive edge active at a time. This edge must be
utilized before the duration expires, after which your The collective consciousness isn’t necessarily om-
foresight fades, and the edge is lost. niscient, so you might receive “unclear” as an answer
if a question pertains to information that lies beyond
Upon activating this power, select one of the following
its knowledge. In a case where a one-word answer
precognitive edges: advantage on an initiative roll,
could be misleading or contrary to the interests of
attack roll, or ability check. You can use the chosen
the collective, the DM might offer a short phrase as
precognitive edge once before the duration expires,
an answer instead.
and once it’s used, the power ends. The power grants
you a heightened sense of readiness, enabling you to
act with remarkable accuracy and responsiveness Remote View Trap
when it matters most. 6th-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 action
Recall Agony Range: Touch
2nd-level clairsentience
Components: V, S, M (diamond dust worth at least 75
Activation Time: 1 action gp, which the power consumes)
Range: 120 feet Duration: 12 hours
Components: V, S Upon activating this power, the creature you touch
Duration: Instantaneous becomes immune to divination magic, psionic remote
viewing, and detection through magical scrying sen-
With a mere thought, you pierce the veil of time,
sors. Moreover, you establish a trap to ensnare those
targeting a creature you can see within range and
who attempt to remotely view or scry on the target
exposing it to the pain of wounds it has suffered in
using divination magic or psionic abilities.
the past or will endure in the future. The target must
attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the Throughout the power’s duration, any creature
target endures 3d10 psychic damage as it experiences attempting to employ divination magic or a psionic
the agony of its past or future injuries. Additionally, the power to remotely view or scry on the warded creature
intense pain clouds its focus, imposing disadvantage must make an Intelligence saving throw. If success-
on its next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw ful, the scrying attempt merely fails. However, if
it makes before the end of its next turn. If the target the creature fails the save, not only does the scrying
succeeds on its saving throw, it takes only half the attempt fail, but the intruding creature also suffers
damage and is spared from the debilitating effects 8d6 psychic damage as a consequence of the trap.
of the pain. Recall agony demonstrates your mastery Remote view trap serves as a powerful deterrent
over the temporal realm, using it to inflict torment against invasive surveillance, providing a secure
and hinder your foes.
shield against prying eyes and turning the tables on power. In this case, the sensor appears at the chosen
those who dare to intrude. location and remains stationary.
At Higher Levels. When you activate this power using
power points of 7th-level or higher, the damage in- See Invisibility
creases by 1d6 for each power level above 6th. 2nd-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 action
Range: Self
5th-level clairsentience
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal)
Activation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Self
By focusing your psionic power through the focus
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal, and an aditional
crystal, your vision transcends the ordinary, unveiling
focus worth at least 1,000 gp, such as a crystal ball or
the hidden world of invisibility. For the duration, you
a silver mirror)
are able to perceive invisible creatures and objects as
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes though they were plainly visible. In addition, your
You can perceive a specific creature of your choice sight pierces the ethereal veil, allowing you to glimpse
that is on the same plane of existence as you. The the mysterious Ethereal Plane. Ethereal creatures and
target must make a Wisdom saving throw, which objects appear as semi-transparent, ghostly figures
is influenced by how well you know the target and within your sight.
the type of physical connection you have to it. If the
target is aware that you’re activating this power, it Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions
can willingly fail the saving throw if it wants to be 2nd-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 action
Knowledge Save Modifier Range: Self (60-ft radius)
Secondhand (you have heard of the +5 Components: V, S
target) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Firsthand (you have met the target) 0 You attune your mind to the psychic impressions
Familiar (you know the target well) -5 left by powerful emotions in a given location.
Rooms, streets, tunnels, and other discrete loca-
tions accumulate these impressions, offering you
Connection Save Modifier a glimpse into the location’s past.
Likeness or picture -2 You can sense the most recent significant event
at a location and work backward in time, sensing
Possession or garment -4
one distinct event for every 10 minutes you main-
Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, -10 tain concentration, if any such events exist to be
or the like sensed. The types of events most likely to leave
psychic impressions are those that elicited strong
If the target succeeds on the saving throw, it is emotions, such as battles and betrayals, marriages
unaffected, and you cannot use this power against and murders, births and great pain, or any other
it for 24 hours. If the target fails the saving throw, event where one emotion dominates. Everyday
an invisible sensor is created within 10 feet of the occurrences leave no residue for you to detect.
target. You can see and hear through the sensor The vision of the event is dreamlike and shadowy.
as if you were present. The sensor moves with the You do not gain special knowledge of those in-
target, staying within 10 feet of it throughout the volved in the vision, though you might be able to
duration. Creatures that can see invisible objects read large banners or other writing if they are in
perceive the sensor as a glowing orb roughly the your language.
size of your fist. Your sensitivity extends into the past a maximum
Instead of targeting a creature, you can choose a number of years equal to 100 times your Intelligence
location you have seen before as the target of this modifier.
At Higher Levels. When you activate this power using
power points of 3rd-level or higher, the maximum
number of years increases by 100 for each power
level above 2nd.

Spirit Sense
1st-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 minute
Range: Self (30-ft radius sphere)
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal)
Duration: Instantaneous
Upon activating this power, you become aware of
the presence of banshees, ghosts, haunts, shadows,
wraiths, or other noncorporeal undead within 30
feet of you, as well as their locations. Additionally,
you can detect whether a place or object within this
range has been magically consecrated or desecrated.
This power can penetrate most barriers but is ob-
structed by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal,
a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.

True Seeing
6th-level clairsentience
Activation Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a focus crystal, and an ointment
for the eyes that costs 25 gp, which is made from
mushroom powder, saffron, and fat, and is consumed
by this power)
Duration: 1 hour
By activating this psionic power, you grant the willing
creature you touch the extraordinary ability to perceive
reality unobscured. As the power takes effect, their
vision transcends ordinary sight, allowing them to
see through illusions and deception. For the duration
of this power, the creature is endowed with truesight,
the ability to unveil hidden secret doors concealed
by magical means, and the capacity to observe the
Ethereal Plane. This enhanced perception spans up
to a range of 120 feet.

Appendix A: Discipline Power Lists
The following powers are listed alphabetically by
discipline and level for your convenience.

4th Level
Clairsentience Aura Sight

Detect Remote Viewing

Cantrips (0 Level)
Far Hearing
5th Level
1st Level
Psionic Communion
Anchored Navigation
Borrowed Knowledge

Comprehend Languages 6th Level

Detect Psionics Contingency

Identify Find the Path

Know Direction and Location Remote View Trap

Longstrider True Seeing

Spirit Sense
7th Level
2nd Level Sequester

All-Round Vision
8th Level
Object Reading
Recall Agony 9th Level
See Invisibility Bend Reality

Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions Foresight

3rd Level

Danger Sense

Appendix B: Multiclassing a Psionicist
When multiclassing with the psionicist class, use the
following guidelines.
Prerequisite: you must have an Intelligence of at
least 13.
Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in light armor,
shields, and simple weapons
When multiclassing into the psionicist class, follow
the guidelines outlined in Chapter 6: Customization
Options in the Player’s Handbook. Psionicists combine
all their class levels to determine their total spell-
caster level. To determine the number of spell slots
available, refer to the multiclass spellcaster table,
which takes into account the combined spellcaster
levels from other classes.
While casting spells using classes other than psioni-
cist, simply utilize the spell slots from the multiclass
spellcaster table for your total level, following the rules
for each class and level. As usual, if you are granted
a spell slot of a higher level than you could normally
cast, you can only use the slot to upcast a spell of a
level you could normally cast.
However, when activating a psionic power, convert
the spell slots into psionic power points using the
following conversion rates:

” A 1st-level spell slot is worth 2 power points

” A 2nd-level spell slot is worth 3 power points
” A 3rd-level spell slot is worth 5 power points
” A 4th-level spell slot is worth 6 power points
” A 5th-level spell slot is worth 7 power points
” A 6th-level spell slot is worth 9 power points
” A 7th-level spell slot is worth 10 power points
” An 8th-level spell slot is worth 11 power points
” A 9th-level spell slot is worth 13 power points

By following these guidelines, players can seamlessly

integrate psionic powers into their multiclass
characters and make use of both spell slots and
power points effectively during gameplay.
Please note that you no longer have a separate pool
of power points when multiclassing. Instead, you
use the multiclass spellcaster table for both classes
and dynamically convert your spell slots to psionic
power points as needed.


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