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Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19 – 43

Glacial dispersal studies using indicator minerals and till

geochemistry around two eastern Finland kimberlites
M.L. Lehtonen *, J.S. Marmo, A.J. Nissinen, B.S. Johanson, L.K. Pakkanen
Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02151 Espoo, Finland
Received 14 October 2004; accepted 11 July 2005
Available online 26 August 2005


Diamondiferous kimberlites occur in eastern Finland, in the areas of Kaavi–Kuopio and Kuhmo. Active diamond explora-
tion has been ongoing in the country for over two decades, but the Karelian craton still remains under explored given its size
and potential. In order to develop techniques that can be applied to diamond exploration in glaciated terrains, the Geological
Survey of Finland (GTK) carried out a detailed heavy mineral and geochemical survey of Quaternary till in 2001–2003 around
two of the known kimberlitic bodies in Finland, Pipe 7 in Kaavi and Dyke 16 in Kuhmo. The mineralogical and geochemical
signatures of these two kimberlites were studied in the basal till deposited down-ice from the targets. The kimberlites were
selected to represent two different types in terms of shape, size, age and petrology, as well as showing contrasting country rocks
and Quaternary deposits. Till samples up to 60 kg in weight were taken by excavator and by drill rig. Kimberlitic indicator
mineral grains (0.25–1.0 mm) were concentrated using a GTK modified 3WKnelson Concentrator. Fine fractions (b0.063 mm)
of selected samples were analyzed by XRF and ICP-MS. The indicator grains down-ice from Pipe 7 form a well-defined fan in
the basal till that can be followed for at least 2 km with a maximum concentration at 1.2 km distance from the pipe. Another
kimberlitic body discovered during the study 300 m down-ice from Pipe 7 demonstrates that there are in fact at least two
superimposed indicator fans. The results do not rule out the possibility of even more undiscovered kimberlitic sources in the
area. In contrast, the indicator dispersal trail from Dyke 16 is shorter (~1 km) and less well-defined than that at Kaavi, mainly
due to the lower indicator content in the kimberlite itself and subsequently in till, as well as a large population of background
chromites in till. The latter population is likely having been derived from the Archean Näätäniemi serpentinite massif and the
associated ultramafic metavolcanics of the Kuhmo greenstone belt, located ca. 30 km up-ice from the sampling area. The
indicator maximum at Seitaperä dyke swarm occurs immediately down-ice from the kimberlite, after which the concentration
drops rapidly. Results of this study contribute to the overall understanding of the Quaternary history of the Kaavi and Kuhmo
areas, and more importantly, provide key information to diamond exploration in these particular regions and also elsewhere in
glaciated terrains.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Kimberlite indicator minerals; Till; Karelian Craton; Geochemistry; Fennoscandia

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +358 20 550 11; fax: +358 20 550 12.
E-mail address: (M.L. Lehtonen).

0375-6742/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
20 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

1. Introduction used till size range for geochemical investigations is

the silt and clay fraction (b0.063 mm) that contains
A common exploration method for diamond host material derived from the fine-grained kimberlite
rocks, kimberlites and lamproites, in recently gla- matrix. The set of pathfinder elements are typically
ciated terrains, is to track their indicator mineral grains region-specific since geochemical anomalies are cre-
dispersed in Quaternary till and stream sediments. ated by the contrast between kimberlite and country
The recognition of specific minerals in sediment sam- rocks (McClenaghan and Kjarsgaard, 2001; McCle-
ples that indicate the presence of a kimberlitic source naghan et al., 2000). Due to analytical limitations
has been applied successfully worldwide, espe- geochemical signatures in till cannot be detected for
cially during reconnaissance and regional stages of as great a distance from the source as sand-sized
investigation (e.g. Gurney, 1984; Atkinson, 1989; indicator grains; the latter may form dispersal trains
McClenaghan and Kjarsgaard, 2001). There are se- extending several kilometers or even several tens of
veral minerals in kimberlitic rocks that can be used as kilometers from individual kimberlites and kimberlite
pathfinders and, to a certain extent, in evaluation of fields as in the Lac de Gras region, Canada (e.g.
the diamond potential of their source. These minerals Armstrong, 1999; McClenaghan et al., 2002b). For
meet the following requirements as listed by McCle- successful application of these diamond exploration
naghan and Kjarsgaard (2001): they are (1) far more methods, indicator minerals and geochemistry of till,
abundant in kimberlite than diamonds, (2) visually it is essential to conduct case studies around known
and chemically distinct, (3) sand-sized (0.25–2.0 kimberlitic bodies.
mm), (4) sufficiently dense to be concentrated using Diamondiferous kimberlites occur in eastern Fin-
gravity and (5) chemically and physically resistant to land around the Kaavi–Kuopio and Kuhmo areas
survive preglacial weathering and subsequent glacial (Tyni, 1997; O’Brien and Tyni, 1999) and much of
transport. The indicators may represent: (1) xeno- the remainder of the Karelian Craton remains pro-
crysts derived from disaggregated mantle xenoliths, spective based on the empirical evidence necessary
(2) grains from the kimberlite megacryst suite of for diamond preservation: thick (N 200 km) litho-
minerals, or (3) phenocrysts crystallized from the spheric mantle (Calcagnile, 1982; Kukkonen and
kimberlite magma. The classic kimberlitic indicator Peltonen, 1999; Kukkonen et al., 2003), low heat
mineral suite used in diamond exploration includes flow (Kukkonen and Jõeleht, 1996) and Archean
Cr-pyrope, Ti-pyrope and eclogitic garnet, Cr-diop- age rocks (Fig. 1). Active diamond exploration in
side, Mg-ilmenite (picroilmenite) and high-Cr, high- Finland has been ongoing for over two decades
Mg chromite. Although all of these minerals are not (Tyni, 1997) but systematic glacial dispersal studies
exclusively restricted to kimberlitic rocks, their con- around known kimberlites have not been published to
current presence in glacial sediments is a strong indi- date. Importantly, various regional indicator mineral
cation for a kimberlitic source in the area. When surveys and case studies have been published on
recovered from heavy mineral concentrates of sedi- several kimberlites and kimberlite fields in the Cana-
ment samples, the indicator minerals are traced up-ice dian Shield, a recently glaciated terrain that shows
or up-stream to the source area. Ideally, the indicator great similarity to Fennoscandia. These studies pro-
trail will lead to the kimberlitic host rock. vide valuable information most likely applicable to
Another popular tool in regional diamond explora- diamond exploration in Finland. A list of published
tion is the use of till geochemistry that is based on the indicator mineral surveys in Alberta, Saskatchewan,
distinct chemistry of kimberlitic rocks, which are Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, Northwest Territories and
enriched in incompatible elements (Sr, Ba, LREE, Nunavut is provided by McClenaghan and Kjarsgaard
Nb, Ta, Hf, Zr, P, Ti) as well as some compatible, (2001).
first order transition elements (Mg, Ni, Cr, Co) (e.g. During the years 2001–2003 the Geological Sur-
Fipke et al., 1995). Geochemical anomalies formed by vey of Finland (GTK) carried out sampling of Qua-
these elements or their various combinations can be ternary till around two kimberlitic bodies in eastern
used as pathfinders in diamond exploration in a simi- Finland, the Lahtojoki pipe (Pipe 7) in Kaavi and the
lar way to indicator minerals. The most commonly Seitaperä dyke swarm (Dyke 16) in Kuhmo. The
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 21

Fig. 1. Map illustrating the diamond prospective area of Northern Europe characterized by a) low heat flow (simplified from Kukkonen and
Jõeleht, 1996) and b) lithosphere thicker than 170 km based on seismic data (Calcagnile, 1982). Generalized geology modified after Gaál and
Gorbatschev (1987). The Archean/Proterozoic boundary marks the subsurface extent of the Archean craton. The black diamonds represent
diamond-bearing kimberlite/lamproite clusters. The localities of this study, Kaavi and Kuhmo, are underlined.

selection of targets was based on their different cha- 2. Targets of study

racteristics in shape, size, age and petrology, as well as
differences in the surrounding bedrock and types of 2.1. Pipe 7, Lahtojoki, Kaavi
Quaternary deposits. The objective was to study their
mineralogical and geochemical signatures in the sur- Pipe 7 (Lahtojoki) in Kaavi belongs to the Kaavi–
rounding basal till, which was used as the sampling Kuopio Kimberlite Province situated at the edge of the
media since it is abundant, largely available, a direct Karelian Craton (Fig. 1). The area has been a focus of
result of the latest glacier event and deposited directly diamond exploration already for two decades (Tyni,
down-ice from the targets. The ultimate aim of the 1997) and the activities are still ongoing. There are at
work was to gather information that can be applied to least 19 kimberlite pipes with mineralogy typical of
diamond exploration in similar areas. Group I kimberlite including abundant macrocrysts of
22 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

olivine, Mg-ilmenite, Cr-diopside and pyrope garnet melting glacier, outwash and glaciolacustrine sedi-
(O’Brien and Tyni, 1999). Several methods have been ments. The till formations date back to the deglaciation
used to date the kimberlite magmatism (Tyni, 1997; at the end of the Weichselian when large glacial lobes
Peltonen et al., 1999; Peltonen and Mänttäri, 2001) developed in the southern and central parts of Finland
but the U–Pb ion probe ages of 589–626 Ma from (Punkari, 1980). The ablation till unit commonly rests
perovskites (O’Brien et al., 2005) are considered to be directly upon the basal till, which itself may be com-
the most reliable. The Kaavi–Kuopio pipes have been posed of two superimposed beds in places, altogether
emplaced into Archean (3.1–2.6 Ga) basement forming a till cover that rarely exceeds 3 m in thick-
gneisses and allochthonous Proterozoic (1.9–1.8 Ga) ness. There are two ice flow directions recognized in
metasediment sequences thrust onto the craton during the region based on striations on glacially polished
the Svecofennian orogeny (Kontinen et al., 1992). bedrock surfaces and pebble imbrications in the basal
The bedrock in the Kaavi area where Pipe 7 is till beds (Hirvas and Nenonen, 1987). The older ice
located (Fig. 2) is mainly composed of mica schists, movement was nearly from west (2808) to east (1008)
gneisses and intercalated black schists (Huhma, 1975). and the younger, more prominent (main) ice move-
Intracratonic 2.2 Ga gabbros as well as post collisional ment was from northwest (3358) to southeast (1558).
1.86 Ga granites and granodiorites (Nironen et al., The 2-ha Pipe 7 is suboval in plan, measuring
2000 and references therein) form a lesser but none- approximately 200 m (E–W)  100 m (N–S). It is
theless important component. The Quaternary deposits located in swampy ground and covered by 13–20 m
in the Kaavi area consist of basal till deposited beneath of glacial deposits and peat. It is not visible on a
an actively flowing glacier as indicated by drumlin standard 200 m line spacing low altitude airborne
fields, ablation till deposited in cavities under the magnetic map probably due to the thick overburden.

Fig. 2. Generalized bedrock map of the Kaavi area (modified after Huhma, 1975). The location of Pipe 7 and its sampling area are marked. The
coordinates around the edge of the map are UTM coordinates.
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 23

Logging of 480 m of drill core from Lahtojoki shows trending Kuhmo greenstone belt (3.0–2.7 Ga) (e.g.
that the body is mainly composed of macrocrystal Piirainen, 1988). SE–NW trending mafic Paleoprote-
tuffisitic kimberlite and subordinate tuffisitic kimber- rozoic dyke swarms (2.5–2 Ga) are also common in
lite breccia with relatively rare hybabyssal kimberlite. the area (Vuollo et al., 1995 and references therein).
The degree of weathering in the upper part of the pipe The Kuhmo district is characterized by similar type
varies. In places there is a several meters thick soft and age of Quaternary deposits as Kaavi, although
weathered kimberlite horizon whereas in other parts there are some regional distinctions. For instance,
the weathered kimberlite has been removed by glacial drumlins are less common and do not form actual
erosion exposing fresh kimberlite. Mini-bulk sam- drumlin fields as they do in Kaavi. The glacial strati-
pling results of the pipe suggest an average grade of graphy in the area consists of two basal till units
26 carats per hundred tons for diamonds greater than covered by ablation till and/or a widespread unit of
0.8 mm in diameter (Tyni, 1997). glaciolacustrine sediments (Saarnisto et al., 1980).
The main ice flow direction in the region was from
2.2. Dyke 16, Seitaperä, Kuhmo northwest (3008) to southeast (1208). The till cover is
somewhat thicker than in the Kaavi area, usually
Dyke 16 (Seitaperä) is located in Kuhmo, 200 km more than 3 m and in places even considerably
NE from Kaavi, closer to the center of the Karelian more. The transport distances in the area are known
craton (Fig. 1), where the bedrock (Fig. 3) is cha- to be exceptionally short (Saarnisto et al., 1980).
racterized by Archean gneisses, migmatites and gra- Dyke 16 has characteristics of both olivine lam-
nites (3.1–2.6 Ga) through which runs the N–S proite and Group II kimberlite (O’Brien and Tyni,

Fig. 3. Generalized bedrock map of the Kuhmo area (modified after Hyppönen, 1983; Luukkonen, 2001). Sampling sites on both sides of the
Näätäniemi serpentinite massif are marked as well as the location of Dyke 16 and its sampling area. The coordinates around the edge of the map
are UTM coordinates.
24 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

1999). The micaceous rock is mainly composed Ar–Ar measurements from phlogopite micropheno-
(~70%) of phlogopite microphenocrysts while macro- crysts have resulted in age of ca. 1200 Ma for the
crysts other than olivine are virtually absent. Approxi- kimberlite (H. O’Brien, personal communication).
mately 20% serpentinized olivine macrocrysts/
phenocrysts occur with microphenocrysts of phlogo-
pite, K-richterite, diopside, apatite and perovskite in a 3. Methodology
serpentine and calcite matrix. Dyke 16 is known to
contain diamonds but the contents are extremely low, 3.1. Sampling areas
approximately 1 ct per 100 t. The SW–NE dyke swarm
intrudes a 300  600 m area, with approximately 20% 3.1.1. Lahtojoki, Kaavi
of the area being kimberlitic based on drilling and Till sampling was carried out in the Kaavi area in
excavator trenching. The thickness of glacial sediments 2001–2002. The results of an earlier heavy mineral
varies between 3 and 12 m. The upper part of the body survey conducted by GTK in Kaavi in 1994 were also
consists of soft preglacially weathered kimberlite, the included here. In addition, indicator mineral data on
thickness of this layer being approximately one meter. previous claims (expired in 1999 or before) reported

Fig. 4. Distribution of the total indicator content in till in the Kaavi area. Data compiled from expired claims reported to the Ministry of Trade
and Industry. The locations of the known kimberlite pipes in the area are marked as stars. Indicator counts (number of Cr- and Ti-pyropes, Cr-
diopsides, Mg-ilmenites and chromites) are normalized to 10 kg and usually consist of grains below 1.2 mm in diameter. Till samples with no
indicator minerals are labeled as negative. The arrows point to the main (2) and the older ice flow (1) directions in the region. The coordinates
around the edge of the map are UTM coordinates.
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 25

by exploration companies to the Ministry of Trade and was done during a second sampling stage and
Industry were compiled and used as a guide when placed at the indicator maximum area on Line 1L.
planning the Kaavi area sampling program (Fig. 4). A few samples were also taken from the distal areas
The GTK Lahtojoki sampling area down-ice from Pipe of Pipe 7 to estimate the regional background indi-
7 was approximately 2  2 km in size and located at the cator concentration due to the effect of other Kaavi
corner of an area that has been extensively sampled by cluster kimberlites. In order to study the pipe area
exploration companies. Nevertheless, very few sam- covered by thick glacial sediments (13–20 m) nearer
ples were taken previously from the area of interest in the pipe a drill rig was used for sampling. Twenty-
this study. The indicator anomaly recorded by the five holes were drilled to form two crossing lines
previous sampling programs exists partly off the (4L and 5L) parallel and perpendicular to the ice
main (younger) ice flow direction relative to Pipe 7. flow, respectively. Altogether 87 till samples were
The results of these investigations are not fully com- recovered from the drill cores representing different
parable to this study, since the samples were mostly (1 m) layers of the till bed. A few meters of bedrock
taken by shovel suggesting that only the uppermost were cored from almost every drill hole to ensure
layers of the till cover (possibly ablation till) were that bedrock was reached and consequently that
reached, whereas in this study the sampling was per- measured overburden thickness was correct.
formed using excavator and drill rig. The sample size
used was also smaller than in this study (10 vs. 20 kg) 3.1.2. Seitaperä, Kuhmo
and the size fraction studied for indicator minerals is Till sampling was carried out in the Seitaperä area
not entirely known (mostly below 1.2 mm). in Kuhmo in 2002–2003 using excavator and metho-
Most of the GTK samples were taken by excavator dology as described in Section 3.1.1. However, the
with a maximum reach of 5 m. Only in the vicinity of initial sample size of 20 kg used in the Kaavi area was
Pipe 7 the samples were collected by drill rig due to increased to 60 kg in Kuhmo due to the lower indi-
the thick glacial deposits. Sampling methodology was cator content of Dyke 16 compared to that of Pipe 7.
adopted from Hirvas and Nenonen (1990). The num- In the Seitaperä study area (Fig. 6) the excavator
ber of samples taken from each pit depended on the sampling was also performed in two stages. As a
thickness of the basal till unit. The first sample was first stage a 2-km profile (Line 1S) was sampled
taken from the uppermost layer of the basal till, i.e., down-ice from the kimberlite parallel to the main
the C-horizon usually at ~1 m depth, and the follow- ice flow. For the second sampling stage a shorter
ing in 1–2 m intervals. The last sample was taken perpendicular profile (Line 2S) was placed at the
from just above the bedrock or, if the bedrock was not greatest extent on Line 1S where indicators from
reached, from the deepest part of the pit. The initial Dyke 16 were found in what is believed to be con-
excavator sample size was 20 kg. The drilled till centrations above background. In total 42 pits were
samples were combined from 1 m sections of core excavated and 98 till samples were collected from
that weighed 9 kg in maximum. them. Half of the pits (21) reached the bedrock with
The GTK sampling program consisted of 46 an average overburden thickness of 2.5 m. From most
excavator pits (Fig. 5) and from each 1 to 4 till sampling sites two to three basal till samples were
samples were taken, resulting in 84 excavated till taken but occasionally the ablation till unit was so
samples in total. 30 pits reached the bedrock with an thick that the basal till could not be sampled at all. The
average overburden thickness of 2.3 m. The older older basal till bed was not found in any of the pits in
basal till bed was encountered in only one sampling the sampling area.
site. The objective of the longest sampling profile Since the main indicator in Dyke 16 is chromite it
(Line 1L) parallel to the main ice flow was to define was essential to study the influence of the Archean
the area of maximum concentration of indicators ultramafic rocks of the Kuhmo greenstone belt on the
derived from the kimberlite and to measure the regional chromite content in till. For this purpose two
length of the dispersal fan. Perpendicular profiles pits were excavated on both up- and down-ice of the
(Lines 2L and 3L) were made in order to determine voluminous Näätäniemi serpentinite massif (Fig. 3)
the width and spreading angle of the fan. Line 3L that belongs, along with the adjacent ultramafic meta-
26 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

Fig. 5. The GTK sampling area down-ice from Pipe 7. The borders of Pipe 7 are marked with solid line and the newly discovered satellite body
is also indicated. The arrows point to the main (2) and the older ice flow (1) directions in the region. Labels 1L to 5L mark the five sampling
profiles. The normalized total indicator mineral contents in the 0.25–0.5 mm fraction of 15 kg till samples from excavated sites are marked in
double boxes. The value in the lower box represents the indicator content at the base of the till bed and the upper value that of the upper basal
till. The drilling sites are marked with dots, the colors of which indicating the indicator abundance in the deepest 2–4 m layer of till. The
indicator dispersal fan formed by the younger ice flow stage is outlined with dashed lines. The coordinates around the edge of the map are UTM

volcanics, to the Kuhmo sub-belt (Liipo et al., 1994). replaced (Liipo et al., 1994). The massif is located
The massif consists of Archean serpentinites crosscut approximately 30 km up-ice from the study area.
by an early Proterozoic differentiated dyke (Hanski, From all pits 2–3 basal till samples were taken accord-
1984). The serpentinites are meta-dunites and apart ing to the same sampling methodology as in the main
from chromite, the primary mineralogy has been Seitaperä study area.
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 27

Fig. 6. The GTK sampling area down-ice from Dyke 16. The borders of the dyke swarm defined by magnetic anomaly are marked with solid
line. The arrow points to the main ice flow direction. Labels 1S and 2S mark the two sampling profiles. The normalized total indicator mineral
contents in the 0.25–0.5 mm fraction of 45 kg till samples from excavated sites are marked in double boxes. The value in the lower box
represents the indicator content at the base of the till bed and the upper value that of the upper basal till. Sampling site 6538 discussed in text.
The indicator dispersal fan is outlined with dashed lines. Due to the low indicator contents in till, the shape and extent of the fan are uncertain
(question marks). The coordinates around the edge of the map are UTM coordinates.

3.2. Sample processing and analysis minerals. Most of the samples were weathered kim-
berlite boulders, some kilograms in initial weight.
3.2.1. Kimberlite samples These samples were processed by lightly crushing
Four kimberlite samples from Pipe 7 and eight and sieving the kimberlite material into b 2 mm frac-
samples from Dyke 16 were processed for indicator tion followed by heavy medium separation (HMS)
28 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

and hand picking of 0.25–2.0 mm fraction. One sam- bax SX50 electron microprobe. For garnet, ilmenite
ple from Pipe 7 and four samples from Dyke 16 were and chromite analyses, an acceleration voltage of 25
composed of completely disintegrated kimberlite kV, probe current of 48 nA (or 55 nA) and beam
material and weighed several tens of kilograms each diameter of 1 Am were applied. The parameters for
(20–95 kg). Before HMS and hand picking, these clinopyroxene analyses were 15 kV, 30 nA and 5 Am,
voluminous samples were preconcentrated using a respectively. Kimberlite boulder samples were also
GTK modified 3WKnelson Concentrator as described subjected to chemical analysis. Analyses were per-
in Section 3.2.2. Mineral compositions from selected formed by XRF (Philips BW 1480) and ICP-MS
indicator grains were determined by a Cameca Came- (Perkin-Elmer Sciex Elan 5000) at the GTK Geola-

Till sample

Dry screening split 500 g Wet screening

0.063 mm 1 mm

>1 mm
<0.063 mm Optical microscopy
Chemical analysis or stored

> 0.063 mm Preconcentration

stored Knelson

ICP-MS XRF Overflow

total dissolution stored

d = 3.2

d < 3.2


Magnetic fraction

Dry sieving

<0.25 mm

0.25-1.0 mm
Optical microscopy

analyses analyses

Fig. 7. A simplified flow sheet for the till sample processing line.
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 29

boratory. For ICP-MS analyses the samples were using a GTK modified 3WKnelson Concentrator
treated with total dissolution using HF–HClO4 diges- (Chernet et al., 1999). The concentrator includes an
tion followed by lithium metaborate and sodium per- attached semi-automatic pulp feeder that enables near
borate fusion (Rautiainen et al., 1996). quantitative extraction of moderately heavy minerals
from till samples, which is controlled by regular pro-
3.2.2. Till samples cessing of blank till samples each spiked with 0.25–
A split of 500 g was put aside from each till 0.5 mm fraction Cr-pyrope grains (Lehtonen and
sample for geochemical analysis before indicator Marmo, 2002). All till samples processed in this
mineral processing. The sample material subjected study were classified as bnormal sandy tillQ using
for chemical analysis was the silt and clay fraction the GTK standard classification scheme for Quatern-
(b0.063 mm). Analyses were performed by XRF ary samples. The Knelson Concentrator modification
and ICP-MS at the GTK Geolaboratory as described is especially designed for this type of sample material.
in Section 3.2.1. The excavator till samples were then The preconcentration reduced the Kaavi and Kuhmo
screened down to b1.0 mm grain size to reduce their excavator samples into 200–300 and 700–900 g,
volume. The drilled till samples were screened only respectively. The drilled till samples produced 100–
down to b2.0 mm due to their smaller initial weight. 200 g preconcentrates. Final heavy mineral concen-
Nevertheless, selected coarser fractions (1–8 mm) trates were produced by heavy medium separation
from both sample types were also studied for indica- using acetone-diluted methylene iodine (d = 3.2 g
tors and kimberlite fragments. Preconcentrates were cm 3). A dry low intensity drum magnetic separator
made from screened 15 kg (Kaavi) and 45 kg (LIMS) was applied to the HMS concentrates to
(Kuhmo) excavator and 4–6 kg drilled till samples remove magnetite. Finally the 0.25–1.0 (2.0) mm

Fig. 8. Pie graph showing the relative abundances of indicator minerals in the 0.25–1.0 mm fraction of: a) Pipe 7 kimberlite; b) Dyke 16
kimberlite; c) till samples around Pipe 7; and d) till samples around Dyke 16. Visual identification of indicator minerals was confirmed using
SEM-EDS and/or electron microprobe.
30 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 31

Fig. 9. Compositional classification diagrams for indicator minerals. The analytical database containing microprobe analyses presented here is
available as an Open file M 41.2/2005/2 at the Geological Survey of Finland (Lehtonen et al., 2005). a and b) Cr2O3 versus CaO for pyrope
garnet from: a) Pipe 7, its satellite kimberlite, and till samples; and b) Dyke 16 and till samples. The harzburgite, lherzolite and non-peridotite
fields are redrawn after Gurney (1984) and the wehrlite field is separated according to Sobolev et al. (1973). c and d) Al2O3 versus MgO
classification for clinopyroxene (after Ramsay, 1992) from: c) Pipe 7, its satellite kimberlite, and till samples; and d) Dyke 16 and till samples.
e and f) Cr2O3 versus MgO classification for chromite redrawn after Smith et al. (1991) from: e) Pipe 7 and its satellite kimberlite; and f) Dyke
16 and till samples. The diamond intergrowth (D.I.G.F.) and inclusion (D.I.F.) fields are marked. Label O.F. stands for overlap field for
kimberlitic and non-kimberlitic rocks; K.F. for kimberlitic field. Labels are discussed in text. g and h) Cr2O3 versus TiO2 diagram redrawn after
Fipke et al. (1995) for chromite from: g) Pipe 7 and its satellite kimberlite; and f) Dyke 16 and till samples. The field unique to lamproites and
kimberlites is labelled as L./K.F., diamond inclusion and intergrowth field as D.I.F., the non-lamproitic/kimberlitic field as N.L./K.F., and the
overlap field for kimberlitic and non-kimberlitic rocks as O.F. i and j) Fe2O3 versus MgO diagram redrawn after Gurney and Zweistra (1995) for
ilmenite from: i) Pipe 7, its satellite kimberlite, and till samples; and j) Dyke 16.

size indicator grains were hand picked under binocu- mineral compositions from selected indicator grains
lar microscope from the non-magnetic fraction. In were determined by a Cameca Camebax SX50 elec-
order to confirm their identification, all indicator tron microprobe as described in Section 3.2.1. A
grains were analyzed using an EDS equipped Jeol simplified schematic flow sheet for sample processing
JSM-5900LV scanning electron microscope. Accurate is given in Fig. 7.
32 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

4. Results follows, 96.80–98.17 wt.% Al2O3, 0.10–0.021 wt.%

Cr2O3, 0.08–0.15 wt.% V2O3 and 0.35–0.55 wt.%
4.1. Indicator minerals in Pipe 7 FeO (tot.).

The indicator minerals in Pipe 7 are abundant and 4.2. Indicator minerals in Dyke 16
include Mg-ilmenite, garnet and Cr-diopside (Fig. 8),
although chromite is virtually absent. The analytical The most abundant indicator mineral in the rela-
database containing microprobe analyses on indicator tively indicator-poor Dyke 16 is chromite with rare
minerals from Pipe 7 is available as an Open file at pyrope (G1/G2 and G9/G10) and Cr-diopside (Fig.
GTK (Lehtonen et al., 2005). Mg-ilmenite grains are 8). Mg-ilmenite is present only in trace amounts.
typically covered by leucoxene alteration and poly- Microprobe analyses on Dyke 16 indicator minerals
granular re-crystallization is another common mor- are published in Lehtonen et al. (2005). The morpho-
phological feature. In Fig. 9 microprobe analyses of logical characteristics of pyropes and Cr-diopsides
Pipe 7 ilmenites are plotted in a Fe2O3–MgO-diagram are quite similar to those in Pipe 7. Their discrimina-
(Gurney and Zweistra, 1995) that is widely used for tion diagrams are presented in Fig. 9. Chromite ana-
describing the redox conditions in the mantle at or lyses are presented in Cr2O3–MgO (Smith et al.,
close to the time of emplacement of the host kimber- 1991) and Cr2O3–TiO2 (Fipke et al., 1995) classifica-
litic magma. In Fig. 8 indicator garnets in Pipe 7 are tions (Fig. 9).
divided into two groups based on composition, as Kimberlitic chromites differ from other indicator
follows: (1) purple, red and lilac Cr-pyropes (mostly minerals in that in general they cannot be readily
G9 and fewer G10 according to the scheme of Daw- separated in sediment samples from non-kimberlitic
son and Stephens, 1975); and (2) orange Ti-pyropes bbackgroundQ chromites under optical microscope or
(G1/G2) and eclogitic garnets (G3, G5). CaO and even, in some cases, based on composition. Most
Cr2O3 contents from pyrope xenocrysts are shown chromite grains in Dyke 16 are rounded octahedrons
in Fig. 9. Approximately 20% of the 0.25–2.0 mm but irregular fragments are also common, especially in
pyrope grains are covered by kelyphitic rims, which coarser grain sizes. In addition, some grains have
are more commonly developed on Cr-pyropes than on certain diagnostic morphological features that can be
the other garnet varieties and get more abundant as the observed under optical microscope, such as resorbed
grain size increases. Often these rims have been partly grain surfaces (Muggeridge, 1995) and so called
or completely broken off revealing rounded, pitted bcorona textureQ, i.e., the outer rim of the grain exhi-
borange peelQ resorption surfaces. The Cr-diopside bits enrichment in Ti compared to the grain core
grains are also typically partially rounded due to (Berryman et al., 1999; Lehtonen and Marmo, 2002;
chemical reaction and mechanical abrasion. Based Shee et al., 1991; Wyatt et al., 1999). However, these
on composition they are mostly megacrystal, eclogitic features are not present in all grains and they can be
or derived from garnet peridotites (Ramsay, 1992; Fig. also lost through physical wear such as during glacial
9). The rare chromite grains in Pipe 7 are usually transport (Golubev, 1995).
rounded octahedrons (Lehtonen and Marmo, 2002), The recognition of kimberlitic chromites based on
which have compositions that plot dominantly in the composition is not simple because they display a vast
diamond inclusion and kimberlite phenocryst fields in compositional spectrum (Griffin and Ryan, 1993).
Cr2O3–MgO (Smith et al., 1991) and Cr2O3–TiO2 Fipke (1991) has recognized three compositional
(Fipke et al., 1995) diagrams (Fig. 9), respectively. types of kimberlitic chromites useful in diamond
In addition to kimberlitic indicators, Pipe 7 con- exploration. These include (1) chromites with similar
tains distinctly bright blue corundum as a rare acces- composition to the ones that exist as diamond inclu-
sory mineral that can be used as a pathfinder. The sions and intergrowths (i.e. DI-chromites after Fipke’s
largest grains discovered are ~3 mm in diameter. Their terminology), (2) high-Cr, high-Ti chromites (Cr–Ti
source remains unknown but it is likely that they are chromites) and (3) relatively low-Cr, high-Al and/or
derived from the lower crust. Based on 20 analyzed high-Fe Cr-spinels and chromites (Al–Fe chromites).
corundum grains the composition can be listed as The DI-group is characterized by high contents of
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 33

MgO (N 8.7 wt.%) and Cr2O3 (N57.8 wt.%) and low down-ice from Pipe 7. At this distance the indicator
contents of TiO2 (b0.6 wt.%). However, several vari- fan is approximately 600 m wide (sampling line 3L)
eties of non-kimberlitic rocks may contain chromites and the highest concentration of indicators is in most
with similar compositions to the DI-group (Fipke et cases found at the base of the till bed. Further away
al., 1995; Griffin and Ryan, 1995) and, in fact, the the indicators are instead slightly enriched in the
discovery of Cr–Ti chromites in regional sediment uppermost part of the basal till. The last sampling
samples is a much stronger indication for the presence site on Line 1L, 2 km from the kimberlite, is still
of kimberlitic sources in the area. The Cr–Ti chro- enriched in indicators compared to the samples taken
mites are phenocrysts crystallized from TiO2-rich from the background areas, suggesting that fan
kimberlitic/lamproitic magmas and unique to these extends even further. The till sample indicator popula-
rock types. They contain more than 0.8 wt.% TiO2 tion corresponds well with that of Pipe 7, which is a
and plot within the field unique to lamproites/kimber- strong evidence for the derivation of this fan from this
lites in the Cr2O3–TiO2 classification (Fig. 9), whereas kimberlite. No remarkable differences are detected
the Al–Fe chromites plot within the overlap field either in the proportions of different indicator minerals
along with chromites from other rock types. (Fig. 8), their composition (Fig. 9) or texture. Microp-
In Dyke 16 there is a large population of Cr–Ti robe analyses on indicator minerals extracted from till
chromites (Fig. 9h); nearly all of the high-Mg, high- in the Lahtojoki sampling area are published in Leh-
Cr chromites in the diamond field in the Cr2O3– tonen et al. (2005). The higher percentage of purple
MgO diagram (Fig. 9f) are in fact phenocrysts with Cr-pyrope garnets (G9-G10) extracted from till rela-
high levels of TiO2 and, as such, they are not tive to kimberlite may result from their being easily
indicative of diamond potential (Grütter and Apter, recognizable under optical microscope compared to,
1998). Al–Fe chromites are also abundant in Dyke for instance, orange Ti-pyropes and eclogitic garnets,
16; in the Cr2O3–MgO diagram they form a low-Cr, which are sometimes difficult to separate from orange
high-Mg lherzolitic tail. Based on empirical data background minerals, such as spessartine and stauro-
these chromites (and the DI-group) can be separated lite. Kelyphitized garnet grains, which are probably
reasonably well with a line that is drawn in the the indicators most prone to fragmentation during
diagram in Fig. 9f, separating the kimberlitic field glacial transport, are found even in the samples most
(K.F.) and the overlap field (O.F.) for kimberlites distant from the source.
and other rock types. Using the combination of the While studying the glacial deposits in the Pipe 7
Cr2O3–MgO line and the compositional criteria for area by drilling, another small kimberlitic body of yet
Cr–Ti chromites (Fipke, 1991), 78 out 82 analyzed unknown size was discovered. It is located 300 m
chromites from Dyke 16 are categorized as kimber- down-ice from Pipe 7, exactly at the intersection of
litic at least in one of the two classification Lines 4L and 5L (Figs. 5 and 10). The satellite
schemes. This rough compositional separation kimberlite intersection of 9 m from a 458 dipping
method was applied also to the till chromites to drill hole is composed of tuffisitic kimberlite breccia
distinguish Dyke 16 derived grains from background and bounded on both sides by gneissic country rock.
chromites. This satellite intrusion is clearly related to Pipe 7
spatially and mineralogically in that it contains the
4.3. The Lahtojoki indicator fan same indicator mineral suite as Pipe 7 (Fig. 9) but the
mutual proportions of different indicators cannot be
Down-ice from Pipe 7, in the GTK sampling area estimated due to the small sample size. Microprobe
(Fig. 5), a well-defined indicator fan exists, parallel to analyses on indicator minerals from the satellite kim-
and symmetrically distributed around the main ice berlite are published in Lehtonen et al. (2005). The
flow direction. The samples taken up-ice of Pipe 7 indicator dispersal pattern in the vicinity of the lines
indicate that areal background indicator counts in the 4L and 5L intersection seems to be rather complex
0.25–1.0 mm grain fraction vary from a few up to 20 (Fig. 10). This complexity probably derives from the
in 15 kg of till. The highest concentration of indicator superimposed indicator fans generated by Pipe 7 and
grains in sampling line 1L is found nearly 1.2 km the satellite, and partly from variations in bedrock
34 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

Fig. 10. A 3D model of the drill profile 4L in the GTK sampling area down-ice from Pipe 7. The total indicator mineral counts presented for the
0.25–0.5 mm fraction for drilled till samples are the sum of counts for 1 m core samples combined in 2–4 m core sections. The land surface
appears as a layer because the drill holes are presented in 3D space. Note that the drill hole that intersected the satellite kimberlite was not
vertical but drilled in direction 2508 using 458 dip. The length of the satellite kimberlite intersection is approximately 9 m.

topography. The drill core sample containing 995 4.4. The Seitaperä indicator fan
indicators is composed of till mixed with abundant
kimberlite material, suggesting that the kimberlite is The indicator concentration in till deposited down-
dipping upwards to the NW and probably subcropping ice from Dyke 16 (Fig. 6) is much lower than that in
just up-ice of this anomalous sample. Both kimber- the Pipe 7 are, as expected based on the different
lites, Pipe 7 and its satellite, lie in topographical indicator concentrations in the kimberlites themselves.
depressions and are covered by thick ice-lake clay It is worth emphasizing that the normalized indicator
and till deposit, N 12 m in total. It seems that the counts presented in Fig. 6 are for 45 kg of b 1 mm till
bindicator plumeQ, i.e. basal till enriched in kimberlitic whereas in Fig. 5 they are for 15 kg. The indicator
material, stays at the lowest part of the till bed as the maximum exists in samples directly over the kimber-
bedrock topography rises to the SE away from the lite and immediately down-ice from it, after which the
satellite body. concentration drops rapidly. At 800 m distance down-
Studies on coarser grain size fractions (2–8 mm) of ice from the kimberlite the thickness of the ablation
the till drill cores revealed that they contain a con- till unit increases preventing continuous sampling of
siderable amount of weathered kimberlitic material. In the basal till. The silicate indicator population in till
the most enriched 1 m drill core samples, close to one does not correspond very well to that of the kimber-
hundred kimberlite pieces were found. Significantly, lite; Cr-diopsides and Ti-pyrope and eclogitic kimber-
the presence of these fragments does not exactly litic garnets are considerably underrepresented in the
correlate with the indicator contents of the samples; till (Fig. 8) whereas purple Cr-pyropes are found in
abundant fragments are present both in indicator-poor low concentrations (b 5 grains in 45 kg of till) over the
and indicator-rich samples. In the excavator samples entire sampling area, even in the most distal samples
taken further down-ice from Pipe 7, kimberlitic frag- at approximately 2 km distance from Dyke 16. This
ments are far less abundant despite the much larger evidence suggests that the silicate indicators in till
sample size compared to the drill samples, and most likely represent a regional feature. Microprobe
become even more rare as the transport distance analyses on indicator minerals extracted from till in
increases. However, the fragments are still present in the Seitaperä sampling area are published in Lehtonen
the samples taken from the indicator maximum area et al. (2005).
on Line 3L (Fig. 5), where they typically number While studying the indicator mineral fan down-ice
fewer than 10 per sample. from the kimberlite, special attention was paid to
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 35

distinguishing Dyke 16-derived chromites from non- chromites that agree with those described from the
kimberlitic background chromites. Altogether 1581 chromites in the serpentinites (Liipo et al., 1994).
till chromites were microprobed, 1405 only for the Most of the till chromites are in the form of euhedral
most important main elements (Mg, Al, Ti, Cr, to subhedral crystals belonging to the finer-grained
Fe F Zn) and the remainder for 14 major and trace portion of the 0.25–0.5 mm fraction studied. As
elements. The kimberlitic chromites, 559 in total, expected, the basal till samples taken down-ice from
were screened out as described in Section 4.2. Fig. the Näätäniemi massif (Fig. 3) contain chromite in
11 using the TiO2–Cr2O3-classification (Fipke et al., relatively high concentrations, on average more than
1995) illustrates how the till chromite population 200 grains in the 0.25–1.0 mm fraction from a 45-kg
evolves as the transport distance from Dyke 16 sample of b1.0 mm till. In till samples taken up-ice of
increases. Gradually the number of chromites in the the massif, the chromite contents are very low, on
compositional field for kimberlites and lamproites average only 5–10 grains in the same size sample.
becomes less. Kimberlitic chromites also seem to be Based on these results the massif and the associated
enriched in the upper part of the basal till very near the ultramafic metavolcanics are clearly feeding abundant
Dyke 16 down-ice contact. The most distal sampling chromites to the basal till. Most importantly, the bulk
site (6528) on Line 1S that contains kimberlitic chro- of these till chromites agree in terms of major elements
mite grains is located approximately 800 m down-ice with the Dyke 16 area (and the Conroy database)
from the kimberlite — at the same distance where the background chromite population described previously.
ablation till unit starts to increase in thickness and The microprobe analyses of the Näätäniemi till chro-
where the second, perpendicular profile (2S; Fig. 6) mites are published in Lehtonen et al. (2005).
was placed. On line 2S indicators are widespread but
in low numbers along the entire sampling line. Corona 4.5. Till fine fraction geochemistry
chromites, which are known not to survive over long
transport distances in unglaciated terrains (Berryman Chemical analyses using XRF and ICP-MS were
et al., 1999), are detected at least up to 800 m from the performed on selected till samples with variable indi-
kimberlite. cator contents and distances to the Lahtojoki and
Seitaperä kimberlites. The objective was to study
4.4.1. Non-kimberlitic background chromites possible anomalous geochemical signatures of kim-
When comparing the TiO2–Cr2O3 and MgO– berlites in till deposited down-ice from Pipe 7 and
Cr2O3 diagrams of Dyke 16 and the till chromites Dyke 16. Another aim was to study whether there is a
(Figs. 9 and 11), the strongest regional background correlation between the chemical composition and the
chromite population can be identified as a group of indicator content of a sample. Special focus was
chromites with ca. 35–53 wt.% of Cr2O3, 0.3–1.4 placed on a combination of incompatible (such as
wt.% of TiO2 and 6–12 wt.% of MgO, since it is Sr, Ba, LREE, Ti) and compatible elements (Mg, Ni,
present literally in all till samples but not in the Cr and Co), which together are diagnostic for kimber-
kimberlite. Significantly, a similar background popu- litic rocks (Fipke et al., 1995). The material analyzed
lation also forms a major proportion of a chromite was the b 0.063 mm fraction, which is probably the
database consisting of nearly 5600 microprobed most commonly used till material for this type of
grains extracted from Kuhmo area till samples. This geochemical investigation (Saarnisto, 1990). More-
database was made available to GTK for this study by over, comprehensive regional geochemical data exist
Conroy Diamonds and Gold plc and contains data on for this grain size covering most parts of Finland
14 major and minor elements for each grain. (Koljonen, 1992; Salminen, 1995).
Based on regional geology, the most probable Twenty-two till samples were analyzed down-ice
sources for the background chromites are the Archean from Pipe 7. Their total 0.25–1.0 mm fraction indi-
ultramafic rocks of the Kuhmo greenstone belt, such as cator counts per 15 kg varied from 0 to 543. Despite
the Näätäniemi serpentinite massif and associated the differences in indicators contents, all of the sam-
metavolcanics (Fig. 3). This hypothesis is supported ples turned out to be very uniform in chemical com-
by morphological observations on the background position and to resemble closely to the regional
36 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

Fig. 11. Chromite analyses from the Dyke 16 sampling area till samples plotted in a Cr2O3–TiO2-diagram redrawn after Fipke et al. (1995).
Analyses from the upper (top), middle and lower (bottom) parts of the basal till bed are denoted: a) till sample 6538, 100 m southeast (down-
ice); b) till sample 6535, 200 m southeast; c) till sample 6530, 600 m southeast; d) till sample 6528, 800 m southeast; e) till sample 6525, 1150
southeast; and f) till sample 6517, 1800 m southeast from Dyke 16. The field unique to lamproites and kimberlites is labelled as L./K.F.,
diamond inclusion and intergrowth field as D.I.F., the non-lamproitic/kimberlitic field as N.L./K.F., and the overlap field for kimberlitic and
non-kimberlitic rocks as O.F.
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 37

Fig. 12. The concentration of selected elements in kimberlite and the b0.063 mm fraction of regional till (average of multiple samples) and
selected till samples down-ice of: a) Pipe 7; and b) Dyke 16. The regional till data from Koljonen (1992).

geochemical background (Fig. 12). The composition factors, such as the bedrock topography and till bed
of the regional till is an average from 123 samples thickness. The transport distance of a thin till layer is
(Koljonen, 1992), containing no indicators by default. shorter than that of a thick one (Hirvas et al., 1977)
When compared to the regional background, Pipe 7 is and the transport distance of basal till is shorter in its
particularly enriched in Ni, Cr and Mg, but this sig- lower parts than in its upper parts (Sauramo, 1924;
nature could not be detected in the till samples from Nurmi, 1976; Salminen and Hartikainen, 1985).
the Pipe 7 study area. According to the model by Miller (1984) of a
Ten till samples were analyzed down-ice from hypothetical dispersal train, material derived from a
Dyke 16, with total 0.25–1.0 mm fraction indicator small bedrock source climbs gently within the enclos-
counts per 45 kg varying from 0 to 227. Their ana- ing till as a function of an increasing transport dis-
lyses plot mostly along the geochemical background tance (DiLabio, 1991). Thus, indicator mineral grains
but one of them (6538) shows slight enrichment in Cr and other material derived from a kimberlite will
(Fig. 12). The composition of the regional till is an eventually be enriched at the surface of the basal till
average from 154 samples (Koljonen, 1992), contain- down-ice from the kimberlite contact, while the base
ing no indicators by default. The geochemical distinc- of the till bed is renewed from material derived from
tions of Dyke 16 compared to the regional country rock. The dilution process continues gradu-
background can be detected mainly in the same ele- ally throughout the basal till bed and finally kimber-
ments as in the case of Pipe 7 (Fig. 12). Again Ni, Cr litic material is completely replaced.
and Mg are the most anomalous elements in the The dynamic conditions during till formation and
kimberlite. The most Cr-rich sample 6538 is indeed deposition are favorable for the survival of smaller
the sample containing the highest number of indica- original grains during comminution within the till bed.
tors (227) and taken closest to the kimberlite (Fig. 6). Consequently, studies on till size fractions indicate
that coarse material is transported far less distance
than the finer fractions (e.g. Peltoniemi, 1985; Saar-
5. Discussion nisto et al., 1980). Relatively soft kimberlitic rock
fragments will probably not last long in glacial trans-
Various studies in Finland (e.g. Hellaakoski, 1930; port but instead break into smaller fragments and
Virkkala, 1971; Perttunen, 1977; Saarnisto et al., liberate more indicator mineral grains and other kim-
1980; Salminen, 1980; Salonen, 1986) have shown berlitic material further down-ice. During the transport
that the bulk of the till has been transported less than of individual mineral grains dilution through mixing
10 km from its source. The transport distance of with material derived from country rock is the domi-
kimberlitic material in till is affected by a number of nant process; degradation or physical breakdown does
38 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

not have a significant effect on the indicator concen- ice might be explained at some degree by the com-
tration in till as all kimberlitic indicator minerals bined effect of two superimposed indicator fans and
survive long distances of glacial transport (McClena- also by the fact that both kimberlite subcrops are
ghan and Kjarsgaard, 2001). However, indicator overlain by anomalously thick glacial sediments.
grains with pre-existing fractures will probably start The distance of the indicator maximum in till from
disintegrating into multiple smaller fragments, thus, the kimberlite is generally a function of the kimberlite
potentially creating a false impression of an anomaly/ type, i.e., diatreme facies kimberlite erodes and liber-
anomalous sample, sometimes referred as a bnugget ates indicator grains more easily than hypabyssal
effectQ. kimberlite, and/or the availability of soft kimberlite
regolith for the glacier to erode (McClenaghan et al.,
5.1. The case study of Pipe 7, Lahtojoki, Kaavi 2004). Drill core logging of Pipe 7 showed that the
kimberlite is mainly composed of diatreme facies
The results of the previous sampling programs rocks with minor hybabyssal component. On top of
(Fig. 4) combined with the outcome of this study the pipe there occasionally exists a several meters
(Fig. 5) suggest that the Pipe 7 dispersal fan has thick soft weathered kimberlite horizon whereas in
been formed as a net effect of the two known ice other parts glacial erosion has exposed fresh kimber-
flow events in the region (older ~W–E and younger lite. In general it is not exceptional that the indicator
~NW–SE). The formation of the fan can be explained maximum for sand-sized indicators in till exists some
by using the vector addition model by Stea and Finck distance away from the kimberlite rather than right at
(2001). Out of the two ice flow events, the younger the down-ice contact. One of the best examples of this
appears to have had more prominent effect on the is the dispersal train derived from the Ranch Lake
shape of the fan based on the high indicator counts kimberlite in the Lac de Gras region, Canada, where
in the GTK study area (Fig. 5). During the latest the highest indicator concentrations in till occur at 15
glaciation the older till was reworked, transported to 20 km distance from the pipe (McClenaghan et al.,
and re-deposited along the younger ice flow. The 2002a,b). The authors concluded that the distal loca-
older till bed was virtually destroyed in the process, tion of the indicator maximum might be a result of
since it was found in only one GTK sampling site. glacially transported kimberlite boulders crushed at
There is a clear indicator anomaly on the east side of this distance, or alternatively that it reflects differential
the GTK sampling area and partly off the main ice erosion by the ice sheet. The latter suggests that
flow direction relative to Pipe 7 (Fig. 4), which prob- during certain highly erosive periods, the glacier
ably reflects the influence of the pre-existing till bed. would have produced bands or pockets of kimber-
The newly discovered satellite body can hardly lite-rich till carried along with the ice. In the case of
explain these high indicator counts since it is probably Lahtojoki, both of these processes are conceivable but
very small and, moreover, located directly down-ice the first alternative, i.e. indicator grain liberation from
from Pipe 7. However, the discovery of the satellite fragments of kimberlite, is considered more realistic
kimberlite demonstrates that there might be even more based on field evidence.
undiscovered kimberlitic sources in the Lahtojoki area As the width of Pipe 7 parallel to the ice flow is
contributing to the indicator content in till. approximately 100 m, it can be assumed that the
Within the GTK sampling area the indicator con- deepest parts of the basal till in the down-ice contact
tent for 0.25–1.0 mm grains reaches its maximum at zone consist mainly of kimberlitic material. The abun-
1.2 km distance from the pipe itself and 0.9 km from dance of kimberlite pieces and the relatively low
the satellite intrusion (Fig. 5). The fact that the till counts of individual indicator grains (Fig. 10) in the
indicator population corresponds very closely to that drilled till samples indicate that near the kimberlite
of Pipe 7 favors the interpretation of it being the main contact the bulk of the kimberlitic material in till exists
contributor of the kimberlitic material in the dispersal as coarser fragments. As the transport distance
fan. The satellite, presumably small in size, must have increases, also the liberation of grains proceeds. The
its impact on the fan as well but this effect cannot be dispersal fan from Pipe 7 (and its satellite) parallel to
readily identified. The relatively long distance down- the main ice flow (Figs. 5 and 10) can be roughly
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 39

divided into three zones: (1) The proximal zone of a strong background population of till chromites
extending approximately 500 m down-ice, character- with some of them possibly misinterpreted as kimber-
ized by abundant kimberlitic fragments in virtually all litic indicators, and the probable regional derivation of
samples, and a high concentration of kimberlitic mate- the Cr-pyrope background.
rial at the base of the till bed. (2) The intermediate zone The results on chromite content in till samples
starts where clearly elevated numbers of indicator taken up- and down-ice of the voluminous Näätäniemi
grains have reached the till surface, i.e., at ca. 500 m serpentinite massif and the associated metavolcanics
distance from Pipe 7. This is probably mainly due to strongly indicate that these Archean ultramafics are
the effect of grain liberation from coarser kimberlite the source for the bulk of the Dyke 16 area (and the
fragments, which consequently become less abundant Conroy database) background till chromites. Most
in the till. The indicator maximum at 1.2 km distance importantly, the major portion of the Näätäniemi till
marks the end of zone 2. (3) The distal zone extends chromites agrees in terms of composition with the
from this point further down-ice until the lake in the Seitaperä background population. The distance
south (ca. 3 km). Zone 3 shows decreasing numbers of between the serpentinite massif and the Seitaperä
indicator grains, with the highest concentrations occur- study area is approximately 30 km (Fig. 3). As stated
ring in the upper parts of the basal till, and a virtual earlier, the bulk of the till (i.e. the coarser material)
absence of kimberlite fragments. Zone 3 is expected to has in general traveled less than 10 km from its
dilute down-ice to background levels of kimberlitic source, but for the finer-grained material this is not
indicators. Due to the existence of the lake, it was unusual transport distance. Saarnisto et al. (1980)
not possible to show at which distance this takes place. demonstrated that the proportion of 6–20 cm material
originating from the Kuhmo greenstone belt decreases
5.2. The case study of Dyke 16, Seitaperä, Kuhmo almost to zero within a kilometer, but the 2–6 cm
pebbles still contain about 5% material from the
The indicator dispersal fan derived from Dyke 16 greenstone belt at a distance of 15 km. Chromites
(Fig. 6) is simpler in its structure compared to that extracted from the Seitaperä sampling area are even
derived from Pipe 7 (Fig. 5). It is characterized by the considerably finer-grained than that, overwhelmingly
existence of the indicator maximum exactly at the 0.25–0.5 mm in size. Thus, it is reasonable to assume
down-ice contact of the kimberlite followed by a that they have endured in glacial transport all the way
rapid decrease in concentration down-ice and the from the greenstone belt.
shift of indicator grains to the uppermost part of the
basal till. This type of dispersal fan suggests that in 5.3. Till geochemistry
contrast to the Lahtojoki case, the mineral grain lib-
eration from coarser kimberlite fragments has taken Till geochemistry is a widely used method in dia-
place immediately at the kimberlite contact. In the mond exploration but in the Pipe 7 and Dyke 16 case
Seitaperä study area, dilution from country rock has studies it did not reveal the kimberlitic targets. The
rapidly replaced the kimberlitic material from the base fairly negative outcome can probably be explained by
of the till bed and soon reached also its upper parts. At the small size of the kimberlitic bodies. It can be also
800 m distance where the perpendicular sampling speculated whether the till silt and clay fraction
profile was placed, the dilution is already so strong (b 0.063 mm) were the optimal materials for chemical
that it is difficult to estimate the width of the dispersal analysis, since its coarse end normally contains large
fan. It can be also speculated whether the 45 kg amounts of feldspar and quartz, which dilute unneces-
sample of b1 mm till was still too small for this sarily the trace element contents of the whole sample
purpose. The dissimilarity between the indicator (Saarnisto, 1990). Possibly, a better outcome would
population in Dyke 16 and that extracted from till have been achieved by analyzing a finer fraction, such
(Fig. 8) might be explained by a number of factors, as clay (b 0.002 mm). On the other hand, Canadian
such as, statistically inadequate number of indicators experiences in till geochemistry from the Lake Timis-
grain-counted from the kimberlite, the overall low kaming field for detecting a kimberlitic response have
concentration of indicators in the till, the existence demonstrated that coarser fractions of till, such as
40 M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43

coarse to very coarse sand, are sometimes the most The indicator concentration in till down-ice from
effective sample media for this purpose (McClena- Dyke 16 in Seitaperä is considerably lower than in
ghan et al., 2002a). From the olivine-rich hypabyssal the Lahtojoki area and the transport distances are also
Peddie kimberlite pipe, transition and incompatible shorter. In Seitaperä the indicator maximum is
element abundances are highest in the 0.5–2.0 mm located immediately down-ice from the kimberlite,
fraction of till, which best reflects the incorporation of after which the concentration drops rapidly and the
kimberlite debris in the form of kimberlitic olivine. indicators exist mostly in the upper portion of the till
Also the Lahtojoki case, where abundant kimberlitic bed as in Zone 3 in Lahtojoki. The most distal sample
fragments exist in the proximal part of the dispersal containing indicators in significant numbers was
fan, may indicate that perhaps chemical analysis of taken ca. 800 m away from Dyke 16. At this distance
coarser fractions would have resulted in more distinct the width of the dispersal fan seems to be less than
kimberlitic signatures. Ideally, a geochemical compar- that of the kimberlite, but due to the strong dilution
ison of the kimberlite and the local country rock and probably too small sample size, this cannot be
should have been made in both of the study areas. stated in absolute terms.
This comparison, instead of the comparison between At least in theory, the implications from this work
kimberlite and regional till geochemistry used in this seem to be easily applicable for diamond exploration
study, might have highlighted more specifically the in Fennoscandia as well as in any other recently
pathfinder elements to look for in the till geochemical glaciated terrain. Most importantly, the methodology
dataset (i.e. McClenaghan et al., 2004). described here can be used in all till-covered regions.
The ultimate aim of commercial till heavy mineral
surveys is, of course, to identify kimberlitic dispersal
6. Conclusions and implications for diamond fans. This study illustrates that defining a solitary fan
exploration most likely requires a detailed indicator mineral study
with dense sample spacing, ~1 sample/0.25 km2. The
The Lahtojoki case study revealed the complexity case studies of Lahtojoki and Seitaperä show that the
of the indicator mineral dispersal fan derived from fans can, for a number of reasons, be different in
Pipe 7 and its satellite kimberlite. The results of the morphology, size, indicator content and internal struc-
previous sampling programs suggest that the older ice ture. Consequently, a careful study of the kimberlitic
flow direction in the region has affected on the indi- material present in the fan can provide information
cator dispersal from Pipe 7, but this work shows that about the distance to its source and about the source
the strongest indicator anomaly exists along the itself. For example, an incorrect interpretation of the
younger ice flow direction. The indicator grains form distal zone of the Lahtojoki fan as representing the
a well-defined fan in the basal till with a maximum entire fan would have not taken the explorer close to
concentration at 1.2 km distance down-ice from Pipe the target. The existence of the intermediate and prox-
7. At this point the fan is approximately 600 m wide imal zones of the dispersal fan could have only been
(three times the width of Pipe 7 perpendicular to the concluded by studying carefully the abundance of
main ice flow) and the indicator concentration is typi- kimberlite fragments in till and using a drill rig for
cally highest at the base of the till bed. The Lahtojoki sampling in the area of thick glacial deposits. The
fan can be roughly divided into three zones: (1) The discovery of the satellite kimberlite emphasizes the
proximal zone (b500 m distance from Pipe 7) rich in significance of a dense sampling grid and, in particu-
indicators and coarse kimberlitic material at the base lar, the possibility of even more undiscovered kim-
of the till bed. (2) The intermediate zone (500–1200 berlites in the Lahtojoki area.
m) with increasing indicator counts throughout the Based on this study, a sample size of at least 60 kg
basal till bed at the expense of coarser kimberlite of basal till is recommended for indicator mineral
fragments. (3) The distal zone (N1200 m) with drop- work in diamond exploration at reconnaissance and
ping indicator counts, a general absence of kimberlitic regional scale. It is also important to take samples
rock particles and indicator grain enrichment at the from different horizons of the basal till bed, because
uppermost part of the basal till. the vertical distribution of indicators within the till
M.L. Lehtonen et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 87 (2005) 19–43 41

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