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1. Which is not a content of spillage kit?

A. Lab coat
B. Leak proof red bag
C. 1% sodium hypochlorite
D. Safety glasses
2. What is the concentration of commercially
available HOCL?

A. 2-4%
B. 1%
C. 4-5%
D. 6-8%
3. How will you prepare HOCL solution?

A. 200ml sodium hypochlorite + 800ml water

B. 800ml sodium hypochlorite + 200ml water
C. 400ml sodium hypochlorite + 400ml water
D. 100ml sodium hypochlorite + 800ml water
4. For how much time you will keep hypochlorite
solution on spillage area?

A. 5 min
B. 10 min
C. 15 min
D. 20 min
5. Which is the cause of blood spillage

A. Due to laboratory sample breaks in phlebotomy area.

B.During transport of clinical sample.
C. Excessive bleeding during the procedure.
D. All of the above

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