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Third Edition


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Price : Rs. 395

First Published : Calcutta, 0
First AES Reprint : New Delhi, 68‫ؤ‬‎
ISBN : 8-206-I359-7

Published by J. Jetley
3۱. Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi - 756-‫۔‬-‎
Printed at Jay Print Pack Pvt. Limited, Delhi ‫۔‬‎ ۱ ٥5۹



Bengal Civil Service.

“ΤῸ is really surprising, when you come to think of it, how ungrammati-
cally people do talk.”

Third Edition.

Lonpon : W. THACKER ἃ CO., 2, Creep Lang, LupGATE HILL.

[40 rights reserved.|


Tue Author must express his regret at this little work

having been out of print for a time. His excuse is the
unexpected rapidity with which the First Edition was
absorbed by the public. It is, however, satisfactory to
know that the book is fulfilling the purpose for which it
was written; and has already become, in a great measure,
the book, which even those who must eventually know
the vernacular character, read, in order to gain a rapid
knowledge of the construction of the language, and a large
stock of guaranteed words and phrases. Nothing is then
left but to study the Vernacular Alphabet.
The present volume is larger than its predecessor. This
is because many complaints reached the Author that there
was too little in the book, The cry was for more. This
is a good sign. But, on the other hand, there were com-
plaints of inability to remember words only ‘once given’
in the course of the ‘‘Lessons.” The collecting of all
words given in the body of the book into the Glossaries at
the end, is one cause of the increase. size.
Another is that the number of Exercises has, on demand,
been largely added to, implying the introduction of many
additional words.
It has been considered proper to retain in the body of
the book the lists of words there given, though now also
to be found in the Glossaries. They are selected words

which, in the opinion of the Author, one must know

; and
whether one learns them or not as they stand above
Exercises—one certainly would never learn them, if they
stood only in a “ Dictionary.”
Perhaps the humble “ Index” deserves mention. Thus
by turning to the proper Sub-Head under the General
Head “ VocaBuLarigs,” you will find where all the words
relating to any one subject, (as ‘ Animals,’ ‘ Birds,’ ‘ Vermin,’
and so on,) are to be found collected in the body of the
Another feature which certainly deserves notice here is
that in both Glossaries, nouns which are masculine but have
feminine terminations are marked (m.), while feminine
nouns not ending in the recognised feminine terminations
(see page 8,) are marked (f.). At page τος you will find a
useful (but of course incomplete) list of such feminine
nouns. False genders grate horribly on the ear ; ‘Mon
soeur est trés-beau,’
But the chief new feature of this Edition is “The
Reader,” which contains a collection of modern extra
of fable, story, dialogue and oratory. These should be
enough to satisfy all those who have ventured to ‘ask for
As the First Edition was complete in its exposition of
the grammatical structure of the language, much could not
be added on this subject. Some sections however have
been now more fully treated than before ; as for example,
the Pronoun ‘apna,’ on page 30.
Thus has the Author endeavoured to give some return
to the public for its kind reception of the First Edition, by
making the Second Edition more copious, more complete
and more convenient than the First.

The Author also hopes to be able to give the student

—very soon—a translation of all the Exercises, and of
‘The Reader.’ This will both shorten labour, and render
a correct acquisition of the language more certain and
It remains for the Author to acknowledge the services
rendered by Moulvi Zahir-ud-din of Patna in perusing the
Hindtistdni additions, as they passed through the press.
Paina, February 3۰‫و‬8:‎

Tuis little book has been written at the request of ladies,

so that no apology for its appearance is called for. Their
complaint was that no book exists from which they can
gain a complete and correct knowledge of the Hindtstani
language suited to their daily requirements; and so they
have to struggle with books which give them both too
much and too little. Therefore they requested that a
small book should be written by aid of which the true
grammatical structure of the language might be learned,
and a stock of words acquired which are actually in daily
use. It is hoped, that those who have learned the lessons
of this book 24‫ہ‬‎ voce with the Author will remember him
kindly when they see these lessons in print.
The scope of the book is not ambitious. Thus, there
are no dissertations on the origin of the language, or on
the derivation of words, or on philological analogies. Very
little will be found of ornate Persian or Arabic phraseo-
logy. Even some of the refinements of the alphabet—for
instance, the distinction between ‘alif? and ‘ain’—‘te’
and ‘foe,’ have not been insisted on,
The aim has been to make the book a thoroughly
practical one, suited to all and every, whose mid life has
to be spent in India. The lessons remain in the form of
familiar oral teaching, dry rules being, as far as possible,
avoided. It is hoped that the book will thus be interest.

ing to read, as well as easy to learn, A special feature will

be found in the lists of English and other foreign words
which have become naturalised, at least among those
natives who come much in contact with Europeans.
It is believed that the Alphabetical Vocabularies—in
combination with a grammar—supply what does not at
present exist in any form. Each of these contains about
two thousand five hundred words and phrases, for the
most part additional to the copious lists of words and
phrases given during the course of the Lessons. All these
have been selected and tested with the greatest care; so
that the reader may feel quite sure that he is getting in
all cases the words actually used by natives of ordinary
education when speaking of the common affairs of daily
life. The spelling is everywhere uniform; and may be
said to be the Government system of transliteration. Thus
is the student of Hindtistani (as is believed for the first
time) provided with an adequate and readily accessible
stock of really colloquial, every-day words; alphabetically
arranged in Roman type, both Hindtistani-English and
English-Hindtstani, on a uniform system of spelling
approved by Oriental Scholars and by Government, com-
bined with a short and easy grammar.
It cannot be denied that by far the greater number of
Englishmen and Englishwomen in India speak a very
peculiar language under the name of ‘ Hindtstdni’ —and
this, both as regards grammar and pronunciation. The
excuse is sometimes made, that they hear natives speak as
they speak. There is some truth in this; but it is for-
gotten that the natives referred to learned the language
which they so speak from their masters and mistresses, and
that if credit is due to anyone, it is due to the natives who

have had the wit to understand, and the skill to acquire

the dialect which they hear addressed to them.
That dialect is occasionally spoken of in the following
pages as ‘ Anglo-Hindtstani.’ It is the Author’s hope that
by means of this little book, it will—in some degree at
least—be replaced by Hindtistdni as it ought to be spoken.
The contents of the book may be mastered in one
month’s study, even by those who are ‘not good at
languages.’ It is recommended that at the first-reading
little or no attempt should be made to translate English
into Hindtstdni. This should be made at the second
perusal. At the first perusal, the twelve lessons should be
completely mastered, the Hindtistani exercises carefully
analysed, pronunciation practised aloud, and as large a
stock of words learned as the reader can possibly retain.
It only remains for the Author to express his obliga-
tions to Sayad Wajid Hossen, K. B., and to Baboo Sheo
Darshan, learned scholars of Bihar, for their kind labours
in revising, and, in some respects amending, the letter-
press of these lessons,—labours which render it probable
that the book contains nothing which will mislead the

Patna, December τ880.


Own to the lamented death of the Author, Mr. Tweedie,

before the present edition was completed, the Publishers
have had to seek other aid in passing it through the press.
The work was entrusted to a distinguished linguist, and
the very carefil manner in which he has performed his
task leads the Publishers to hope that the present edition
will receive the same cordial support that was accorded to
its predecessors. The features of the book remain in all
respects the same, and no trouble has been spared to make
the work as complete and accurate as possible.

CALCUTTA, ‎‫ەەو‬
PARADIGM of the Verb ‘ Hona,’ Zo de, or become.
According to the forms most commonly used; but see Page (4, Sect.9.
To be read before the PARADIGM on page 6.
The second of two bracketted lines gives the Feminine forms,
See Page r0, Sect. 6.

Various Parts,
Stem, Ho. Infinitive, Ho-na. Pres. Part., Ho-ta, Past Part., Hu,a.
(fem. hti,i; ? ύ,ίῃ.3)
Singular. | Plural.
Subjunctive and Imperative, 7 may be; Be thou, &c.
Ho-tin, Ho-we, Ho-we. | Ho-wen, Ho, Ho-wen.

Future, 7 shall or will be, &c.

Hitin-ga, Ho-ga, Ho-ga. Hon-ge, Ho-ge, Hon-ge.
Htn-gi, Ho-gi, Ho-gi. - - - same as the Mase. - - -
Present, Lam, &c.
Hin, Hai, Hai. | Hain, Ho, Hain.
Past, 7 was, &c.
Tha, Tha, Tha, The, The, Tne.
बुआ, Thi, Thi. Thin, Thin, Thin.
The Compound Tenses are the same im formation as those shown
on page +6, viz.:— Ho-ta hin, &c., Zam being. Ho-ta tha, &c., 7
was being, W,a hin. &c., 7 have been. Hi,a tha, &c., 7 had been,
Hti,a htinga, &c., 7 shall have been.
Special Parts.
Ho-ke, or ho-kar, having deen.
Ho-te-hi, zmediately on being.
Hujiye, de pleased to be.
-- .... ‫ےس‬‎ ‫ےےے سس‬ ‫سی جس‬ .-‫س‬ ΄᾽΄΄

!‫ ؛‬Singular. 2 Plural.‫‏‬
THE ordinary grammatical ones, as ‘ Sing.’ for ‘ Singular’; * Plur.’
for ‫؛‬‎ Plural,’ and so on, speak for themselves. ‘ Anglo-Hind.’ stands
for ‫؛‬‎ Anglo-Hindistani.’ (See Preface to the First Edition.) (E.)
means that the word beside which it is placed is an English* one in
common use by natives. ‘ Ex :—’ stands for ‘ Example.’ (H.) means
that the word may only be used of Hindus. (M.) means that the
word may te used of Muhammadans. (L.b.) means that the
word is current only or chiefly in Lower Bengal.

* Some words, e.g. ‘frikasi,’ ‘dspik,’ &c., are so obviously English, (or ‫عصر‬‎
how not Hindiistdni,) that they have been printed without the (E.).
THE following corrections should be made, as far as
possible, before beginning the perusal of the book :—
Wherever ‘ Huzur’ occurs. ead‘ Huzur.’ See page 28, also page ‫وار‬‎
Exercise No. τό, ἃς
Wherever ‘ tarah’ occurs, read ‘ tarah.’
Page τό, after the line beginning ‘ Girta hun,’ zrsert :—
Imperfect, 7 was falling, &c.
Gir-ta tha, tha, tha. | Gir-te the, the, the.
»» 43, place an asterisk before ‘ sath.’
»» 47, Note ‫تو‬‎ For ‘It is also’ read ‘ Another particle,’ ‘tho,’ is...
Next line but one, for ‘to’ read " tho.’
+» ‫وہ‬‎ (last two notes,) for ‘v’ and ‘ vi.’ read ‘iv’ and $y,’
»» 3‫ہ‬‎ (first line,) for ۶ Ordinal,’ read ‘ Cardinal.’
», I2I, (second line,) for ‘ghisarta, ghisarta,’ read ‘ ghisatta,
‎‫ ہہ‬49, (line ۱7,( for ‘ ghisarna,’ read ‘ghisatna.’

GENDERS oes eee tee” Ὁ
3RD 4, AGREEMENT es de: sek στον. 0
4TH : THE VERB ... oe eee ‫ہم‬‎ 3‫ا‬
5TH 3 THE PRONOUNS oe roe ‫ہہم‬‎ ... 28
7TH 7 PREPOSITIONS ... ‫و‬‎ ‫ہا‬ ame 5
TENCE δεν sat Te |
Ι[2ἸῊ » ΝΟΌΜΕΒΑΤΙΟΝ. 72 = sss. δὰ
[3ΤῊ 2 TIME... ‫و‬‎ a one: wae. 06
47 हि MISCELLANEOUS wes ४०६ ‫ہے‬‎ 72
EXERCISES ω.. coe me: any 90


: के ENGLISH-HIND. ... 209
GENERAL INDEX τὰν aus eee «० wee 343
ΓΦ 4)7“ ]‫ا‬‎ ‫] رہ‬Ὶ

९ 6 4 τύ ὃς AJ Ti wale Bei r move. १०४५


ne eM #

ν᾿ | ‫ج‬‎ ۲ 7‫ ھ‬۱

; 4 ἊΣ 0 ۶
τὸ τ

is ‫دی‬‎ 0‫ار‬ Shar If ‫مڈق‬‎ 7 ἢ

τ : Zuni ISNA ۱
ε ᾿ ᾿
vin ۴ ‫دم‬‎ ‫قہ‬ = ‘
न ‫یپ‬22‎ ۶ ‫جی‬ 4 9 9۶٤

Awa २०४ ۱ ۱ τῇ
5 « ۱‫ی‬‎
‫ںی‬‎ ۷۰‫ر‬ & PT vi δ
a ει} u ‫فا‬‎ ra Fearne mech

7 Mew
ar : ‫یک‬‎

ह्ले “ ۰ 7 है. {

है “ 4 EZ
रह ~ ΝΑ

2 be 4 WA
‎‫بد‬ हि i ,
αἷς ᾿

: ‫۔ے‬‎ ‫وو‬ ‫قہ‬ ἐτῶν © ‫وھگ‬‎ 2.90}




The Consonants,

ι. These, in Hindtistani, correspond closely with the

English Consonants ; but in Hindustani there are some
additional sounds. There is nox; its place is supplied
by “ks.” There is also no “c” whether soft or hard ;
“4 ἢ" does not occur in the Hindistani in this book.
2. The unmarked “t” and “d” must be pronounced
with the tip of the tongue touching the teeth. When
these letters have a dot under them, pronounce with the
tongue against the bars of the roof of the mouth; so with
“sang ‫“چیت‬‎
T.. H, I

3. Pronounce “ch” as in ‘“church,”...“sh” as. in

“*short,”...°¢" as in. “get,”..."ng" as in “king”...
a? बढ Ih Piet a "ἀπ ἢ “Vel 6 शी ‫یو‬‎ In ‫یے‬‎
though sometimes the sound of “v” in “νεῖ, is given
to this letter. You should be careful also to pronounce
even a single “s,” with a full hissing sound, not confound-
ing it with "2.7 In Hindtistani, we have both an “f,”
and “ph;” “f,” as in English; “ph” as directed in the
next section; “ἢ is as much a consonant as any other;
it is to be lightly sounded like an ordinary English ‘h.”
When it is the last letter of a word, and. is preceded by
another consonant, the “ἢ is to be sounded like “ha,”
cut short as you pronounce it; ”‫“اہ‬‎ (with dot) is a rough
aspirate, such as is commonly heard in the border-country
at home; ‘“k” (without a dot) is sounded from the root
of the tongue; ”‫“ان‬‎ (with a dot) is sounded low in the
4. Many words and syllables begin with a consonant
followed by “ἢ. This “ἢ must not be ignored, as it
nearly always is by Europeans. By ignoring it, you may
call in a ‘‘loafer” when you merely want your “horse ;” or
a native woman instead of your brother. The effect of this
“४१,” is to give sounds not familiar in English. You may
acquire them by separating the consonant and the “h”
with a very faint echo of any short vowel sound; and
practising the gradual withdrawal of that sound, till you
can pronounce the consonant and the “h” as one sound.
Any plan is preferable to leaving out the ”‫“ا‬‎ As laid down
in the last preceding section, “ch” is sounded as in
εἰ church,” and “sh,” as in “short,” “th” and “ph”
also “kh” when not underlined, fall under this section.
‘Ch’ and ‘sh’ are single letters in Hindustani.

5. Kh (underlined) is usea to express a hard guttural

sound. No English word begins with it. The Scotch
word “loch” ends with it. The ‘‘ch” in the German
word “ach!” comes still nearer it.
6. Gh represents a sound hardly attainable by adult
Western throats. The most you will be able to do, is to
treat it as a plain “gh,” under Section 4 above; or you
may try and catch its true sound by getting a more or less
educated Muhammadan to give vou the word for a “ domes-
tic fowt.”
7. N (with dot) gives a strong nasal twang ۸ the whole
syllable in which it occurs,

The Vowels.

ι. The short ones :—

a pronounced as the “u” in ‘‘ fun.”
i pronounced as the “i” in “fin.”
Ὁ pronounced as the “fu” in ٠+۰۳٣

2. The /ong ones :—

e always long (and to be pronounced at the end of
a word, as well as elsewhere): like the “e” in
the German word mehr ; or the Scotch pronun-
ciation of words like “ there,” “ fare,” “dare.”
o always long, pronounced as “vu” in pole, but
more protracted in sound.
pronounced as the ‘‘a” in far.
pronounced as the “i” in machine.
ms pronounced as the “u” in the German “ du,”
or “oo” in “fool,” but more protracted in
sound than the latter.

Throughout this book when ‘‘a,” “i,” and “ὦ, are short,
they are not marked ; nor are they marked when final letters,
for then they are nearly always long ; when not final letters
and long, they are marked ’, “ e” and “0०,” being always long,
are never marked. The instances in which words end in a
short vowel are shown by an “h” following the vowel.
8. Take it that there are no diphthongs: when one
vowel follows another and the two are not separated by the
mark ©,” pronounce the second rapidly. after the first as in
Italian. When that mark occurs, the two vowels belong to
different syllables.


बताओ, a human being. bahin, 4 stster.

mard, 4 man. bha,i, @ brother. [eng girl.
aurat, 6 woman. ba,i, 4 native waman ; a danc-
ma, a mother. bibi, 4 mative lady.
bap, 4 father. ghora, a horse.
ma-bap, parents . a benefactor. ४०9, 4 European.”
beta, @ son. khidmatgar, a fable-servant.:
beti, a daughter. murghi, @ hen,
khasam, 4 husband. ghusl, ६ ۸۰‫ء‬۸‎
joru ; zaujah, 4 7९४7०. khana, dinner. [composition.)
larke-bale, children. khanah, @ room (much used in

۶ But translate it, ordinarily, by * az,’ or ‘ woman,’ according to

the context. ? Really means ९ fair-complextoned,’ often means a Euro
pean soldier ; is not applied to Europeans of rank, *So among Euro-
peans ; among natives, the word is applied to any domestic servant.

Nouns: their Cases, NUMBERS, AND GENDERS.


ι. “Cases,” are marked by certain small words, which

follow the original word. ‘The original word, however, some-
times undergoes a slight modification before the word indi-
cating the “case” is written. Tor this modification, see
next section ; but note here, in anticipation, that there are
two accusative cases, the “‘ stmple accusative,” which is al-
ways the same as the nominative ; and an accusative formed
with the particle “ ko.”
z. The words used to indicate case-relationship are
these :—
ka, ke, ki, of; se, dy ; with (of the instrument) ;
ko, fo; at. also from ; also ‘‘ since” (of
time) ; ago.
par, on; at; men, i”; into,
ne, dy (of agency) tak ; talak, up fo; as far as.
3. The selection to be made from ka, ke, ki is a diffi-
culty which should be mastered once for all, as there are
many analogies to it in the language. Note, therefore, the
following explanations :—

i. The thing owned regulates the selection.

il. If that thing be feminine, always use ‘ki.’
iil, If ¢hat thing be singular, masculine and nomina-
tive, or sémple accusative, always use ‘ka.’
iv. If that thing be (a) singular, masculine and any
case except the nominative or simple accusative :
or: (6) plural, masculine, and any case: then
always use ‘ke.’
4. The English style zth ‘‘ apostrophe s,” will always
give the correct Hindustani order of the words. An inver-
sion is required in our form with “of.”

Modifications in forming Cases and Numbers.

5. Proper names and words expressing family relation-
ships do not change inthe Singular; Ex. Khuda, God:
Chacha, a paternal uncle: Baba, a father: also, in Bengal,
a child,
6. Note again that the nominative and the simple
accusative - both singular and“plural—are always. the same.
7. As regards the other.cases SINGULAR :—
i. Most masculine nouns ending in “a,” also many
ending in ‘‘ah,” change these into ‘‘e.”
ii. No change is made in any other word, masculine
or feminine. ۱
8. As regards the NOMINATIVE (and simple acc.)
i. Most masculine nouns ending in “fa”, and many
ending in “ah” change these into “ ८.”
ii. No other masculine noun changes at all.
ii. Feminine nouns ending in “i,” add ‘ an.”
iv. Feminine nouns ending in any /effer other than
7,” add “हा.”

9. The optique cases of the Piura (including the

acc. in “ko”) are formed by adding “on,” to the Nom.
Sing. of nouns not ending in “a,” or ‘‘ah”; or by sub-
stituting “097 for “Δ᾽ or “ah” in nouns which do end
in these vowels.

Note.—Plurals are sometimes further formed by adding the word

“log” people, (oblique cases, logon) to the Nom. Plural, parti-
cularly to express the idea of a ‘class.’ Confer the use of
‘Leute’ in German. Ex larke-log, the children. This idiom
is used only of human beings.

The Accusative tin * ko.”

.‫ہ‬05 This, in form, is the same as the dative. Its effect‫‏‬

is often said to be to particularize a special thing. But this‫‏‬
is notalways so. The selection as between the two accusa-‫‏‬
tives is a nicety of the language, for which no rule can be‫‏‬
given. Avoid using the form with ‘‘ko” so as to cause‫‏‬
confusion in the sense as to which word is dative and‫‏‬
which accusative.‫‏‬

The Vocative.

0. The Vocative Singular is the same as the Nomi-

native, except that ‘fa” or “ah” becomes “e.” The
Vocative Plural ends in “0.”

۲2. Names of males are masculine. Names of fenales
are feminine.
Things called ‘neuter’ in English, are either masculine
or feminine in Hindtstani. They should be taken to be
masculine, unless known to be feminine.

ٌ No detailed rules for gender can be given; but

most wouns which end in ‘i,’ “τ, “τ᾽ and ‘sh’ are feminine.
Even to this rule, such common words as “ péni,” water ;
‎“‫ ”راو‬a sort of butter ; “ moti.” a pearl; “ dah,” curd, are
exceptions ; these being masculine. See Appendix, No. 3.


i. Mase nouns ending in “a,” and some in “ah” :—

Cases. Sing. Plur.
Nom. and simple acc. larka (doy) larke.
Oblique cases, larke ۱ larkon.
So ; handah, s/ave, bande; bande, bandon, &c.

ii. Any other Masc. noun :—

Cases. Sing. Plur.
Nom. and simple acc. mard (maz) mard,
Oblique cases, mard mardon.
So; admi, man; moti, व pearl; guru, a spiritual
teacher, &c. But ‘ddmt’ has also a Nom. Plural,

ili. Fem. nouns ending in “ t”:—

Cases. Sing. Plur.
Nom. and simple acc. bibi (παν) bibi,an,
Oblique cases, *bibi bibi,on.
So; any other feminine noun ending in ‘‘i.”

iv. Fem. nouns ending tn any other letter :-—

Cases. Sing. Plur.
Nom. and simple acc. rat (night) raten.
Oblique cases, rat raton.
So; any other feminine noun not ending in 7


Note.—Vhere are no ‘‘ARTICLES” in Hindustani; they are either
omitted in translation, or “fa” or “6६४7? is translated by
“ek” = one; and ‘‘¢he” by the demonstrative pronoun, which
you have not yet learned. N.B. Verds are placed at the end
of a clause or sentence. See page 6.

larka, a doy. hai, 5۰

larki, 4 girl. hain, ۰
roti, dread. aur, and.
pani, water. bhi, 0.
duidh, ۰ magar, dut.
taiyar, ready. kitab, a 400k (fem.)
hazir, present. kalam, 4 pen.
do, give. bula,o, cal/ > summon.
la,o, dring. chup raho, hold your
ja,0, go. tongue.
4,0, come. rahne do, /‫ء‬/‎ alone ; leave.
lej4,o, take away. sabr karo, have patience ;
suno, /isten to me. watt a little.
bolo, speak , say. hat-jd,o, get out of the way.

Mard ki ma hazir hai. Aurat ka beta aur mard ki bahin

hazir hain. Larke ki roti taiyar hai. Ek admi buld,o.
Ek ddmi ko buld,o. Suno! bd4,i ke bete ko buld,o.
Suno! ba,i ki beti ko leja,o. Ba,i ka oha,i hazir hai.
Gore ka ghora taiyar hai. Ghusl ka pant taiyar hai.
Sabr karo! Chup raho. Hat-ja,o. Rahne do.
Account to yourself im writing for all the ka, ke, ki’s, and
for the changes of a into e, in the foregoing sentences.


ι. “Ka, ke, ki” agree with the thing owned, according

to the rules above given.
2. Adjectives ending in a consonant, or any vowel
except ‘a,’ agree without change.
3. Adjectives used in making compound-verbs (see
post, page ٠١٥( do not change.
4. Adjectives in “ ”‫دہ‬‎ become “i” in the feminine, and
then never change further, whether singular or plural.
5. Lf the noun be masculine, “a” of the adjective
remains unchanged in the nominative and simple accusa-
tive singular. It changes into ‘‘e” in all other cases of
the singular, and in every case of the plural.
6. Such parts of verbs as end in ‘‘a” also “agree,”
under the same rule as applies to adjectives ending in
“a,” and one rule more: for the feminine f/ura/ of verbs in
“agreement” isin “in.” But note, that if there be more
than one word thus changeable, only the /ast takes the
““n”:; the other stop at the “i.” The agreement is, ordi-
narily, ? with the nominative.

' See post, Fourth Lesson, page ‫اور‬‎ section 25.


Example of a Verb agreeing in Gender with its Nominative.

With Singular Nominative Masculine.
tha, tha, tha, was.
hota tha, hota tha, hota tha, zas decoming.
With Plural Nominative Masculine.
the, the, the, weve.
hote the, hote the, hote the, were becoming.
With Singular Nominative Feminine.
thi, thi, thi, was.
hoti thi, hoti thi, hoti thi, σας decoming.
With Plural Nominative Feminine.
thin, thin, thin, were,
hoti thin, hoti thin, hoti thin, were decoming.


dhan, rice in the field, or achchha, good.
in the husk. khardb ; bura, dad.
chawal, uncooked rice, lamba, αἰ, long.
bhat, cooked rice. lincha ; baland, ἀζρά.
dal, a kind of pea, kotah, short.
dal-bhat, ६ native phrase bata, great.
Jor native food generally. chhota, small.
makkhan, butter. bahut, much.
dahi, czrd. thora, 4 /ttt/e.
ghi, native butter much used bas, enough ; that’s enough.
Sor cooking purposes. chhoti haziri, early tea.
cha,e, ‎‫ء‬۰ bari haziri, dreakfast.
kafi, (E.); kahwah, coffee. nahin, not.
chini, sugar. nahin, to, ifnot, then.
Note.—When two things are intimately connected, ard is omitted, as
ddl-bhat, reti-makkhan (bread and butter) ,-&c.


Cha,e taiyar hoti hai. Thora dal-bihdt do. Οὐδὲ achchha

nahin hai. Sabr karo! makkhan nahin hai. Dahi le-jd,o,
dudh lao. Khidmatgdar hazir nahin hai. A,o, 46 taiydr
hai. Admi lamba hai, magar aurat kotdh hai. Aurat ka
bha,i bura hat. Mard ki beti achchhi hai. Bas ! 7ά,ο.

Call the good boy. Call good boys. Take away the
little girl. Take away little girls. Take away the bread and
butter of the little girls.!| The little girls are present. The
men are ready. The horses are ready. The women are
good. The boy is tall. The girls are tall. Call the table-
servant. Call the table - servants. The early tea is very
good. Give (me) (some) dal-bhat. Giye dal-bhat to the
women. Bring the cooked rice. Bring the uncooked-rice.
Give (me) a little cooked-rice. The man was bad. ‘The
woman was good. Early tea was getting (=decoming) ready.
Have patience, the rice is getting ready. A good book.
Breakfast is ready. All right ! (=very good).

! Genitives and datives come, in order, before accusative .

See fost, page ٠+

ι. ‘There is only one conjugation, and very few irregu-

2. Simple tenses are those in which no “auxiliary
verb,” (as ‘‘am,” “have,” “shall,” ‘will,”) is used to
form them.
3. Compound tenses are those which are made of (gene-
rally) the present or the past participle of the chief verb,
and an“ auxiliary.”
4. The future tense, the present subjunctive, and the
imperative, (with ‘let’) though compound in English, are
simple in Hindiistani.
5. Nearly all languages use the vers “20 02” and “to
have,” as their chief auxiliary verb. Ex. “I am speaking,”
“I have spoken.” In Hindtistdni, there is no verb “(६9
have.”! The verb “४ de” is therefore used as the only
“ auxthary,” and must be generally translated by our verb
“have” in all compound tenses of the past participle. This
is a little difficult at first, as the tenses look like tenses with
the sense of a Passive voice, but it will soon become. familiar
to you. Compare the German “ ch bin gewesen” and the

See fost, page 75.


Italian, Jo sono stato, literally, I am been, but, in English,

French and Spanish “I ave been.”
6. Subject to what has just been said as to translat-
ing the Hindustani auxiliary by “de” or “ have,” as the
English idiom may require, compound tenses are got dy a
literal translation of the English, Remember, however,
that the auxiliary verb comes last in Hindtistani—“ I speak-
ing am” : “ They spoken fad.” See, also, clause 4 above.
7. Every verb consists of an invariable “‘stem;” and a
variable termination. Starting with the “Infinitive,” which
always ends in “na,” it is to be noted that that part of the
word which precedes “na,” be it only a single letter, is the
“stem ” to which thé terminations are added.
ὃ, [he terminations are these :—(only masculine forms
are given, but see Third Lesson, section 6, page το).
—tin -e -e -en -o -en, Imperative and Subjunctive.
—linga —ega -ega -enge —oge -enge, Future.
- Present Participle.
—a, Past Participle.
~ke, kar, ov karke, Perfect Participle.
-te hi, A special form, meaning ‘ ¢mmediately on,’ or,
‘immediately after.
~ive, A respectful or polite form of the 2nd person of the
imperative ; meaning, ‘ please to,’ ἄς.
Note.—The Imperative, the Subjunctive and the last three never
change ; ‘a’ agrees under the rules already given.
9. The Future, the Subjunctive, and the Imperative of
“hona,” Zo de, are usually written in a contracted form.
The Future is as follows: the Subjunctive and the Imper-
ative being reached by dropping “89 ” and ‘ ge.”
Sing., hiinga, hoga, hoga. Plur., honge, hoge, honge.
50. Sometimes these words are met with in the regular
form, ho,tinga, ho,ega, &c, ; sometimes ἃ euphonic “w” is
inserted, and then the words would be “howtinga, &c. ” :
but the contracted forms are, perhaps, the most common.
So also the “e” of the stem of “dena” 20 give, is
generally omitted ; also, the ‘“‘e” of the stem of “lena,”
to take: so we get “duinga” or “de,unga,” &c. “JZ shall
give:” and “do,” or ‘‘de,o” Imperative, “ give:” so 9

luinga, or le,vinga ; lo, or le,o, .7 shall take ; take.

٢۲. Only the following parts of “ Zona,” therefore, can
be materially “irregular ” :—
Past Part., hi,a, deen.
Pres. Tense,— hai, hai; hain, ho, hain, am, &c.
Past Tense,—tha, tha, tha ; the, the, the, was, &c.
[Always bear in mind Section 6 of the Third Lesson.]
۲2. The compound tenses of “hona” ave made with
hona as the auxiliary, the same as any other verb. Ex. :—
Main hu,a hin; ham hu,e the. J have been; we had been.
.3‫ ہ‬All “Infinitives” are Verbal Nouns. Present Parti-‫‏‬
ciples are never verbal nouns.‫‏‬
54. When, by inflection, two “a”s meet, they are sepa-
rated by a ‫“ہر‬‎ as dna 20 come , stem 4; past participle 4,a ;
but written ‘ aya.”
.5‫ ہ‬When by inflection, an “a” and an “e” meet, they‫‏‬
are usually separated by a “‘w.” Thus from “dna,” we may‫‏‬
write “4,ega,” or ‘‘ dwega.”‫‏‬
ι6. ‘lhe plain stem is sometimes used as a 2nd per-
son of the Imperative ; but it is insulting to the person to
whom it is addressed. Ex :—Ja, go.
τι. Οη the next page is given a Paradigm of a Hindu-
stani Verb.


Active Voice: Gir-na, to fall, Stem, gir.

Vartous Parts.

Infin. Gir-na, to fall.

Pres. Part. Gir-ta, falling.
Perf. Part. Gir-ke, or Gir-kar, faving fallen.
Past. Part. Gir-a, fallen.

Singular. Plural, .
Subj. and Imperative. 7 may fall. Fall thou, &c.
Gir-un, -e, -e, | Gir--en, πο, ‫مو‬‎
Future. 27 zd fall, &c.
Gir-linga, -ega, —-ega. | Gir-enge, -oge, -enge.
Present. Jam falling, &c.
Gir-ta htin, hai, hai. | Gir-te hain, ho, hain.
Past. J ‫رک‬‎
Gir-a, —a, —a. | Gir-e, -e, -e,
Perfect. J have fallen, &c.
Gir-a htin, hai, δΒδὶ. | Gir-e hain, ho, hain.
Pluperfect. 7 had fallen, ‫تن‬‎
Gir-a tha, tha, tha. | Gir-e the, the, the.
Fut. Perfect. J shall have fallen, &c.
Gir-a hiinga, hoga, hoga. ! Gir-ehonge, hoge, honge.

Special Parts.
Gir-te-hi, zammedtately on falling.
Gir-iye, de good enough to fall ; fall.
So with nearly all other stems in the language.

6. The present participle, used without the auxiliary,

forms the tense which is usually called ‘’ The Conditional.”
It expresses a condition wth reference to past time. The
next clause, which gives the consequence, is also thrown
into the same tense. Ex. :—If the man had come, (then)
I would have given him one rtipi: (= Agar d4dmi ata, to,
main us-ko ek rtipiya deta).
ii. The same tense also expresses continuity of action
in past time or what usually happened + as, “whenever the
king visited the town, he gave gratuities to the poor ;”
here also both clauses are put into this tense: Jab raja
shahar ko ate, tab gharib logon ko bakhshish dete.
[The verb is here made p/ura/, out of respect to the raja.]
7... The past participle, used without the auxiliary, forms
a tense which expresses an absolute, completed action in
past time. Ex. ‫ےک‬‎ He wro/e a letter yesterday.” It also
expresses a hypothetical futwre event. The ordinary future,
or subjunctive, expresses the same sense 53 SO you may
use any of the forms noted. When this participle is used
as an adjective, it is followed by “ hu,a,” both words agree-
ing with the noun : as, pisa hu,a chawal, ground rice > mari
hu,i larki, @ beaten (female) child.
١8. The future perfect tense, (see Paraligm) is much
used to express what you think must have cccurred, though
you don’t actually Avzow that it has occurred. Hence the
common phrase, “ ht,a hoga,” literally ۰ ۶ τοῦ] have been
but meaning “no doubt it das so happened, though I don’t
know it,” and so, in similar senses, Ex. :-—“ pahuncha
hoga,” “πο doubt he has arrived,” “" diya hoga,” “it will
have been given,” ‫ےہ‬‎ no doubt, it has been given.
.‫ہو‬ “Shall have” is often equivalent to “ must”‫‏‬
being used cither where we give a peremptory order, or‫‏‬
ἘΝ के

recognise what is inevitable. The phrase is translated

by the Verbal Noun (infinitive) followed by ‘‘ dega.” Ex. :—
Eng. We shali have to go in the carriage to-day (aj).
Note. — Main, ۸ Ham, we. Ham-ko, 20 ws.
Hind. To-day, to us in the carriage going will-be. Aj
ham-ko gari men jana hoga.
Eng. The table-servant must bring dinner.
Hind. To the table-servant, bringing dinner is obliga-
tory. Khidmatgar-ko khana lana hoga.
20. ‘* Must” when used politely, and not peremptorily,
is rendered by the word ‘‘chdéhtye,” which is (in effect)
an irregular 3rd personal verb—meaning “‘t¢ zs necessary,”
** proper,” “ destrable” or the like. It is also used (with-
out any polite sense) of what applies to one’s self. Ex. :—
Admi-ko jana chahiye, (¢o the man going ts-proper) the man
must go. Ham-ko roti chahiye, (fo me dread ts-necessary)
7 must have some bread.
‫د‬٥ ‎‫“ ٭‬Ought,” which is a sort of modified “ must,” may
be translated by the same word “‘chahiye ;” or by appro-
priate adjectival phrases, e.g., ‘it is necessary ” (zarur) ;.
*‘ proper,” (munasib) that I, you, the man, should do such
and such. The easiest construction is the same as that
given above, ‘ham-ko jana chahiye.’ /
22. “* May” and “can,” denoting permission and ability
are translated by the verb ‘‘sakna,” to be able. This is.
properly added to the “stem” of the principal verb: but
is often used (incorrectly) even by natives with the geni-
tive of the infinitive. Ex. :—
He can speak |bolna]= wuh bol-sakta hai.
The children may remain = bdba-log rahne sakte hain.
23. To “have done,” or “ finished” with a thing is trans-
lated by ‘“ chukna” added to the “stem” of the principal

verb. Ex.:—He has done speaking = wuh bol-chuka hai.

Sometimes it is found added to ¢he past participle.
Hence, the common “‘ho-chuka” meaning “‘7?’s fintshed,”
“70's done,” “it’s all over.” ‘‘ Ho-gaya,” irregular past from
the compound verb ‘“‘ho-jana,” ‫م‬۸‎ decome, is often used as
equivalent to “‘ho-chuka.” You may use either word ; and
when used alone, t.€., not as part of a sentence, you need
not alter the word in any way. But you would say, “ chhofi
haziri ho-chuki hat, if you wished to make a sentence of it.
24. The language abounds in verbs intensified in mean-
ing by one verb being added to the ‘‘stem” of another, the
latter only being conjugated. ‘They should be used rather
than simple verbs. Here are some examples :—
dalna, fo throw, plus dena, fo give, vives, dal-dena, to throw
dena, /۹ give, ,, dena, /o give, ,, de-dena, fo give up.
dekhna, 20 see, ,, lena, totake, ,, dekh-lena, to take
a look at a thing.
kahna, fo ‫اہ‬‎ ,, dena, ۸" give, ,, kah-dena, Zo inform.
khana, fo eat, ,, lena, 7० fake, ,, khd-lena, /0 eat up.
khana, fo eat, ,, jana, / go, » kha-jdna fo eat up.
lena, tofake, ‫رب‬‎ ana, focome, ,, Je-dna or lana, 70
lena, fo take, ,, jana, Ὁ go, 5, le-jana, to take
marna, fo strike, ,, dalna, Το throw, ‫رہ‬‎ mar-dalna, ¢o &i/.
rakhna, fo place ,, dena, fo give, ,, rakh-dena, / put
a thing down.
pina, fo drink, ,, lena, 20 take, ,, pi-lena, to drink up.
pina, fo drink, ,, jana, 76 go, »» pt-jana, fo drink up,
and very many more,
25. The (so-called) Nominatives in the tenses of the

past participle of transitive verbs are peculiar: but this is

what you have to do :—
i. Change the nominative into the case with “ne.”
ii. Take the accusative, and consider it to be a nomin-
iii. Make 78 so looked upon as a nominative, and the
verb “agree,” according to Section 6 of the Third
Ex. :— Zhe man struck a boy, mard-ne ek larka mara.!
The man struck a girl, mard-ne ek larki mari.
The man has struck two beys, mard-ne do larke mare
The man had struck two girls, mard-ne do iarki,4n
mari thin.
The explanation of this strange construction which is
usually given is that it is equivalent to “dy 4 man, a boy
was struck.” But the explanation is faulty ; for that Eng-
lish phrase is in ¢he passive voice, while the Hindtstani is
in the active voice. YOu must just accept the construction
as it stands.
26. Whenever it is possible to use she accusative with
“ko,” you partly avoid the difficulty ; for ¢#ex the verb
is always in the third person singular, masculine.
Ex. :—Mard-ne larke ko mara, the man struck the boy.
Mard-ne larki ko mara, ¢he. man struck the girl.
Aurat-ne larki ko mara hai, the woman has struck
the girl.
Auraton-ne larkijon ko mara tha, the women had
struck the girls.
Also note that verbs such as those given on page ‫×وہ‬‎ οἵ

३3 ἐς Marna” ᾽
may also mean 20 ۶۶/۸۸

which the last part is got from “dna,” or “jana” (८.९.

l4na, to bring) (though transitive) follow the ordinary rule,
and not the rule given at Section 25.
2). By adding ‘“karna,” or “dena” to certain adjec-
tives and nouns, you can reach a large number of corre-
sponding verbs, Ex. :—
taiyar, ready, taiy4r karna, 29 prepare ; make ready.
saf, clean, sf karna, 20 clean.
kala, d/ack, kala karna, to dlacken,
hazir, present, hazir karna, 29 bring one in, intro-
supurd, ¢rust, supurd karna, ¢o entrust.
bawar, de/tef, bawar karna, 20 delteve.
and many more.
28. Other forms of derivative verbs are such as thé
following :—
bolna, fo speak, bulana, /० call.
marna, 70 strike, marna, 20 die.
khana, 20 eat, khildna, fa give to eat; to feed.
pina, fo drink, vilana, to give to drink ; to water.'
dena, 20 give, dilwana, 20 cause to be given.
dekhna, /o see, dikhlana, fo show.
and many more.
29. ‘lhere are some irregular forms of the ‘respectful
imperative,” Viz. :—i. Dijiye, from dena, de Aleased to give.
ii. Kfjiyé, from karna, de good enough to do or make, iii,
Lijiye, from lena, de pleased to take. iv. Pijiye, from pina,
drink ; v. Hujiye, from hona, ‫ء‬۸‎ or become.
30. One other useful idiom should be learned, 42‫ء‬‎ the
use of the pres. part. to express that you do one thing while

! Governs the accusative


also doing another thing. Ex.:—Wuh mard bolta chala-

jata hai, that man goes along, talking.
Note.—This idiom is often strengthened by doubling the participle.
With a fem. nom. it will be (¢.g.) 2०7८४, and in the plur. masc
bolte, according to the ordinary rules of agreement,

The Irregular Past Participles.

35. There are six irregular past participles (including
‘hu,a” from “hona” already given). They are as follows :—
Sing. Plur.
Mase. Fem. | Masc. Fem.
From jana, / go gaya, ga,i.. | ga,e ga,in.
», karna, odo kiya, ki. | κίε κΚίῃ.
», dena, 7० give diya, di. |, die. ding
» lena, fo fake _ liya, li. 6‫ال‬‎ lin.
» hona, Zo de hii,a, hu,i. hu,e hu, in.
5, Marna, Zodie mu,a mui | mue miu,in.
Note.—‘*In Bengal, gaya is frequently corrupted into g/ya”’ in ordi-
nary talk. J/aria has also a reym/ar past participle, mara,

The Passive Voice.

32. Never use the passive voice, if you can express

your meaning in the active voice.
In making the passive voice, use ‘“‘jana,” fo go, where
English uses the verb “to be.” Confer I[talian, which
makes much use of ‘venire,’ in forming the passive; also
the German, verloren gegangen. Ex. :— 3
The man is struck = The man is going struck. Mard
mara jata hai. ... Zhe woman was struck = The woman
was going struck, Aurat reari jati thi. ... Zhe horse will
be beaten = The horse will go beaten. Ghora mara ja,ega.



House, ghar; (not ‘gar’) The carpet, dari.

makan ; kothi. The mat, chata’l.
The verandah, baramdah.* The curtains, pardah.
Office, afis (E.) daftar ; ka- A table, mez (fem.)
chahri. A chair, kursi ; chauki.
Room, kamra. An easy-chatir, aram-kursi.
The stairs, sirbi. A bracket, braket. (E.)
The floor, zamin. The books, kitaben (fem.)
The roof, chhappar ; cbhhat. The ornaments, ara,ish.
The Walls, diwar. The vases, gul-dan,
The door, darwazah. The store-room, godam (cor-
The window, khirki. rupted from ‘ godown”).
The glass-door, shishe ka The stables, astabal.
darwazah. The cook-house, bawarchi-
The venetians, jhilmili. khanah.
The dining-room, khane ka The hen-house, murghi-khanah.
kamra. The cow-shed, gao-salah.
Thedrawing-room,hal-kamra. The flower-garden, phul-bagh
The private-room, khas-kamra. (or baghcha).
The bed-room, sone ka kamra. The vegetable-garden, sabzi-
The bath-room, ghusl-khanah bagh (or baghcha)
The furniture, siman; chiz The orchard, bagh.
sab. Land in which a house stands,
The pictures, taswiren (fem.) ‘compound.’ ?

? Derived from the Persian, ۶' bar-dmadan,” to come out.

* Pronounce as in English ; the derivation of this word is not known
) the author. The word is used only by English people.

Useful Verbs.
To open, khulna (४१४). To do accounts, hisdb likhna.
To open, kholna ; khol-dena To sew, sina; sila,i karna,
(trans.) To learn, sikhna.
To close, band-karna. To teach, sikhana, or sikh lana,
To read, parhna. To dance, nachna.
To push, thelna. To sing, gana.
To pull, khichna,(L..B.)tanna. To put on clothes, kapre
To sleep, nind-lena. pahinna ; orhna.
To lie down, sona, often used Fo take off clothes, kapre
to mean ‘to sleep.’ ‎‫ا‬۰5
To get up, uthna. To drive, ۰.
To raise, uthana. To get out of the way, hat-
To take a walk, sair karna ; jana.
hawa khana. To laugh, hansna.
To ride, ٥۲۵۲۰ 70 weep, rona.
To go in acarriage, gari men To take the air, hawa khana.
swar honda. | To go away; go, chalajana.
To run, daurna. To put into motion, or cause
To wash, dhona. to go faster, ۰
To write, likhna. To run off, bhag-jana.
The master of the house, shar ka sdhib.
The lady of the house, ghar ki mem-sdbibah.
The young lady of the house, ghar ki mis-sdhibah.
The young gentleman of the house, chhota sdhib.
Note.—The first three phrases are required by the exigencies of Euro-
peans ; but are not good Hindustani. The proper feminine of
“ sahio” is ‘*sahibah; ” but ‘sdk’ is often used as if of both
genders. Never allow ‘‘ mis-bdba” for a grown-up young lady.
Mem-sdhibah is used to mean a mariied lady, plur. mem-log, the
ladies. ‘Chhota sahib,’ used in an official sense, means ‘ the
Assistant Magistrate,’ junior partner, or the like.


khula, ofen. zor se, forcibly ,; “ hard.”
band, shut. agar, if}
baland, ۰ kih, ¢hat (of narration).
nicha, /ow. ek sath ; baham, ¢ogether.
achchha, good. juda ; alag, separate.
kharab ; bura, dad. aksar, 77: quently.
nahin, aot, often contract- jab, 2 when.
ed, na’. tab, then.
nahin to, otherwise; tf not, khustisan, esfecially.
then. poshak, dress ; fine clothing.
hakim, *u/ler ; judge. (fem.)
tajwiz, tnvestigation ; justice sharm, shame (fem.)
(fem.) janam, ۵7۶۷۶۰
naukar, 4 servant. nikah ; shadi, marriage.
naukar-log, the servants. zindagi, /tfe.
larke-log, maut, death (fem.)
the chil-
baba-log, huzur, Your Honor.
bal-bachche, band-o-bast, arrangements
khabar, ۰ (of any kind).
khabar ka kaghaz; akhbar, koshish, endeavour ; strug-
the newspaper. gle ; attempt.
bakhshish, 4 gratuity ; a “vp, 9)
apna-e-i, own, reflexive ; all
khurdk, food, (fem.) persons, both numbers.
Ghar ki mfs-sa4hibah ghar men nahin hai. Jhilmili
khuli_ hai. Darwaze ko band karo. Pankha tano. Pan-
kha zor se khicho. Naukar log hdzir nabin hain. 8802 -

Always followed by ‘‘ to” at the beginning of the second clause ६

Ex.: —If he comes, (then, ‘‘ to”) I shall leave.
१ ** Jad” of the first clause is followed by fad in the second : Ex.:—
When he came, (then, ‘‘ tab”) I left. See Appendix No. II, page τοι

log gari men hawa khate hain. Darwazah band !‫طا‬‎

Agar admi Κα bha,i awe, to bolo, kih darwdzah band hai.
Agar admi ata, to band-o-bast achchha hota. Mard-ne iarki
bula,i hai. Mard-ne larki ko bulaya hai. Mard-ne apni
joru ko poshak di hai. Hakim-ne achchhi tajwiz ki hai.
Naukaron-ko buld,o.. Mis-sdhibah ghar ka hisdb taiyar
karti hai. Roti do, duidh dfjiye, pani lijiye. Larke Jog-ko
le-jajo. Khana tiiyar.? Hal-kamre men jata hun. Chup
raho, so,enge. Huztir ma-bap.

N.B.—Datives ८076 before accusatives.2 Wuh=he,
she, it, that:
Put the book on the floor. Shut the glass-door. Open
the venetians. Please to bring bread, water, milk. Take
away the children into the dining-room. Push hard, the
door will open. Open the door. Please give bread to the
European. Water the horse. If the man had called out,
the children would have come into the house. Immedi-
ately after speaking, he called the servants. The Sdhib*

' This phrase is used in India as equal to “ not at home” (as well as
in its plain material sense).
१ 5 Hai,” is often left to be ‘‘ understood,” but it is better to
express it.
2For full instructions as to arrangement of words, the reader may
refer tu page ٠
‘Custom warrants the use of this word by itself, or after a personal
name, with reference to any European of fair social position Its cor-
rect use is (not after a personal name but) after a designation, or name
of office, whether European or native: as Judge-sahib, the Fudge ;
Diwan-sahib, the dived; Munshi sahib she (A/uhammedan) writer,’
ἃς. The phrase ‘‘ call my Baboo,” meaning ۶۲ call writer, &c.,”
shculd be cut out of our Anglo- Hindustani,

has given a gratuity to the table-servant. He is striking

the boy. She will strike the boy. The man has struck a
boy. ‘The manhas struck a girl. The man has given food
to the woman. The woman has made many attempts. I’m
going. He has gone. Keep quiet! the ‘sahib’ is lying
down; the ‘mem-sdhibah’ is sleeping: the ‘mfs-sdhibah’
is learning Hindtstani. Wait a little! I am reading the
newspaper. ‘The children will go into the garden.. The
children may (can) go into the drawing-room.


These seem at first intricate; but if you will notice

the analogies which run through them, they will become

2. To begin with a simple point. ‘There is the pro-

noun of respectful address to be used to equals and
superiors, “dp.” The word is unchangeable ; but takes the
case-signs after it. With the case-signs of the genitive, it
of course means “ your.”—It is joined to the third person
plural for politeness sake.

3. If you are addressing a person of not less rank than

“raja,” you may use the noun ‘“‘huztir” (with the third
person plural), Ex. ‫ےک‬‎ Huztir ka mizaj kaisa hai?” Your,
Honour’s health, how is it ? Huzir nahin jante hain (kih
&c.) Does your Honour not know (that &c.). The ordinary
address to inferiors is made by the second person plural.
The second person singular is used only in abusive or
contemptuous address, and therefore ought to be always

4. The PERSONAL PRONOUNS are as follows :—

The First Person.
Sing. Plur.
Nom. ... ae main, ۸ ...nam, we,
Gen. ... 7 mera.! —_... hamara.!
Form to which to add all particles, excent ‘ne’ :—
mujh. ...ham.

The Second Person.

Nom. ..- sas tu, thou. ...tum.

Gen... we tera.! .--tumhara,!
Form to which to add all particles, except ‘ne’ :—
tujh. «νον ΠῚ.
Notes :—
i. ‘*ne” is always added ¢o the Nominative forms.
ii. You will’never be wrong if you use only these forms ; but
there are also these other forms :—
Dat. and Acc. Simg. ‘‘ mujhe,” ۶۶ tujhe.” ) 70. ‫مەوعاز۔‬‎
Dat. and Acc. 72४४. ‘*hamen,” ۶' tumhen.” cles. ,
Oblique plur. forms, ‘‘hamon,” ‘‘tumhon ” These take
the particles, zwcluding ‘* ne.”
iii. Never use the Sing. of the 2nd personal pronoun. Always
use the plural throughout, (See para. 3, above.)
iv. You will never be wrong in using also only the plur. of
** main ‫عا‬‎ but when speaking to an equal or superior, it
is better to use the singular.
v Even natives of rank, when speaking of themselves, gen-
erally use a noun of humility, with the 3rd person
singular. Persons of inferior rank to you, ought
always so to speak to you of themselves. Such words
are :—‘* Ghulam,” your servant ; *‘ Bandah,” your ser-
vant; ‘*Fidwi,” your faithful one; Tabidar,” your

' These follow the rules for “Κα, ke, ki,” but, déeng already
genitive, they do not take these particles after them.

The Third Personal Pronouns,

Nom. and simple accusative, yih, he, she, it, ye, they.
Oblique forms for all particle;, is, him, her, it. | in, them.
Nom. and simple accusative, wuh,ἦέ, she, zt. |we, they.
Oblique forms, as above. us, Aim, her, tt. un, them.
‘Yih’ is ἦε, she, 72 of a person or thing xear you;
‘wuh,’ of a person or thing more or less distant.

Yih and wuh are also THE DEMONSTRATIVE

5. PRo-
NOUNS ; ¢his, that ; these, those.
Notes :—
. You will never be wrong if you use only these forms ; but
there are also these other forms ‫بے‬‎
Dat. and Acc. Simg., ‘‘ ise,’ ‘* use.”
Dat. and Acc. Plur., ‘‘inhen,” ‘funhen.”
| no particles.
Oblique plur. forms. ‘‘inhon,” ‘‘unhon.” These take the
particles. zacluding (९ ne. 7

i, When ‘‘ yih” and ‘‘wuh” are fersona/ pronouns, the case-

particles are added to the oblique forins direct ; when they
are demonstrative pronouns, these particles are added to the
noun only. Ex.:—is-ko do, give (zt) to him ; is Admi ko
Co, give tt (to) this man.
lil, It is polite to use the plural for the singular of these personal
pronouns, Ex :-- un-ko do, give (it) to him.


6. These are the Genitive cases of the three persana/

pronouns, used as adjectives in agreement with the thing
owned. Ex.:—Mera ghora, my horse; mere ghore, my
horses; tumhari khtishi, your pleasure ; is-ka ghar, Ars (or,
her) house ; is-ka rang, tts color ; un-ki bahin, ۸7۶ sister.

7۰ This word is a stumbling-block to Europeans.


8. It is a plain Adjective agreeing with a person or

thing owned, according to the rules of ka, ke, ki; but when
it means “sed,” it is necessarily used without a noun.
It never takes any of the terminations of the oblique cases
in the plural. We have, therefore, only the three words
‘apna,’ ‘apne’ and ‘apni.’
9. It means my ow, thy own, Ais own, her viwn, tts own ;
our own, your own and their ven, whenever these words
‘refer back’ to a preceding Nominative, relating to the
same person or thing.
(Ο. It also means ‘‘se//,” “οτος, as these words are
added to my, thy, Ats, her, tts: our, your, them, when they
‘refer back’ to a Nominative of the same subject. Ex. :—
I want that horse for szyse//
tr When “myself,” etc., follow a personal pronoun
merely as sfrengthening adjuncts, they cannot be translated
by ‘apna’ You must use the indeclinable word ‘ &hud.’
Notes :—
i. Not to use Sapna’ where it is the proper word, or to use
where it is not the proper word, is sure to give a meaning
which you do not wish to express.
ii, Observe that the Nominative is nearly always left to be
‘understood’ in the second person of the Imperative Mood ;
and that pronouns, as Nominatives, ‘are also very generally
omitted. These facts make no difference in the necessity
for ‘apna.’
iii, ‘Own’ is generally omitted in English, but if the context re-
quires it, the omission does not remove the necessity for
‘apna.’ Thus, the sentence ‘he wants Ais horse’ will be
translated according as ‘4s’ means Azs own horse, or
the horse of another man. In the former case, the trans-
lation will be, wt apna ghora chihta hai ; in the latter,
wuh ts-ka (or, us-ka) ghora chathta hai, Everything turns
on the second pronoun relating back (or not) to the same
person or thing as the Nominative. When it does so
relate back, use ‘apna’; when it does not so relate back,
use an ordinary possessive pronoun,


Yih ghora mera hai. Yih mera ghora hai. Main apna
ghora pasand karta hun. Main us-ka ghora pasand karta hun.
Hamara ghora la,o. Mera ghora mere waste ld,o. Main,
apna ghora, apne waste, chahta htin§ Main, apna ghora, us-ke
waste, chihta hin. Wuh admi apne bha,i ke waste dm le-ata
hai. Wuh admi us-ke bha,i ke waste am le-dta hai. Apna
kim chhor-do; mera kim karo. Apne ba,en ja,o. Apna
khdna khajo. Us ka khana kha,o. Us-ne apna khdana
khdya hai. Us-ne us-ka khana khaya hai. Teri bat se
teri badzati maaltim hoti hai. Main-ne, apne waste, bahut
koshish ki! hai. पी aurat, apne waste, bakhshish mingti
hai. Main khud ]४,
७॥ σα.


Pull your own rope; leave his alone. He calls his (own)
servant. He calls his(another person’s)servant. ‘Turn to your
right-hand. He, by his labour, has become rich. He, by his
(another person's) assistance, has got promotion. He will
eat his (own) dinner. He will take his (another man’s) place.
He fetched a chair for his (own) mother. He has brought
ten (das) Rupees for his (another person’s) servant. I wish
this for myself. ‘This ismy hat He has brought my pony.
I myself will do it. ‘The raja himself said.

3 ΚΙ᾿ is either from ‘ka, ke, ki’ or is the fem, past part. of
‘karna.’ Here, it is the latter.


2‫ہ‬ These are ‘“kaun?” who? which? what? and‫‏‬

“kya? what?‫‏‬
‫و‬ ‘ Kaun” is used, properly, of persons only ; but is‫‏‬
often used for animals or things. It may either stand‫‏‬
alone, or be followed by a noun.‫‏‬
‫ا‬ ‘Kya’! is used of animals or things. It may either‫‏‬
stand alone, or be followed by a noun.‫‏‬
eo Declensions.
Sing. Plur.
Nom. and Simple Acc. kaun ? kaun ?
Form for the oblique cases kis ? kin ?
Nom. and Simple Acc. kya? kya?
Form for the oblique cases kahe ἢ Κάμε ὃ
.:6. This is “jo,” who, which.
A little attention if here needed. In Hindustani the
relative” pronoun is put Jefore the noun to which it relates ;
and so we form the first clause ; then we pick up the thing
by a personal pronoun in the second clause.
Ex.:—Eng. Call-in the man, who is at the door.
Ilind. What-man is at the door, Azm call-in.
9... Jo admi darwiaze par hai, us-ko-bula,o.
.7‫ہ‬ ‘The easiest declension of this word is as follows :‫‏‬
Nominative and Simple Accusative, singular and plur:il 70.
Form to which case-signs of the ‫ءہ‬‎۷/۸۸۶ are added ...7is.
Form to which case-signs of the plural are added ...777.
The “correlative” or word with which the second
clause begins is, ordinarily, the demonstrative ‘‘wuh,” see

٠ ilence the common phrase ‘‘ kya hai?” ““τολαί is it?” what do

you want, Se,
T., τὸ 2

the example above:—‘‘jo admi darwaze par hai-—ws-ho-

For things, ‘so’ (indeclinable,) is often used.
Note.—VYou will sometimes find the Relative Pronoun used in Hindiis-
tani following its antecedent as in English. Especially when a
clause stands as antecedent.


Giving some English (and other) words, which (generally
in a more or less corrupted form) have become common
in English houses: and which may be freely used. Vhey
are both singular and_ plural.
[The word * kamis,” (fem.) a shirt, or chemise, is of Arabic origin.)
briish, a drush. suil-draz, body-drawers.
baks or bakkas,! a box. kalar, ۳
botal, a dottle (fem.) shal, a shawl.
bir-sharab,® deer (fem. ) dares, a dady’s dress.
brandi-sharab,? drandy (fem.) farak, a frock ; dress.
wiski-sharab,* zediskey (fem.) piti-kot, @ petticoat.
tost, foast. kantar, a decanter.
but, 6 (००४ . 0००6४. 7 Jamp,? 6 damp.
pin, a pin. almari ; almaira, 6 wardrobe.
draz, a chest of dravers. glas, a glass.
patlin, pantaloon ; trousers. tamblet,* a tumbler.
silpat ; slipat, s/ippers. wain-glas, a qwine-glass.
minat, @ minute. peg, व mixture of spirits an
butam, 6 ۸/۸۸۰ soda-water ; a‘ pes

! Hence “९ bakkas-wala’ a ‘* box-wala,” a pedlar.


Also with “आला ? (sherry), “7907 (port), “‘simkin = (cham-

pagne), ἃς.
3 Preserve your pronunciation of the Hindustani short “α΄,



sirdar or sardar-berer or stm- chaukidar, the watchman. a

ply ‘verar,’ the head house- ‫بم‬‎
police officer of infertor
servant not connected with masbalchi, the seudlton.
the table or food. bheri-wala, the shephera.
khansdmin, che butler. wihtar, the sweeper.
hawarchi, the cook. mihtrani, the female sievecper.
grass-cut, (E.) fe who cuts khidmatgar, the table-serant.
fodder for the horse. darzi, the tatlor.
sd,is, le groom. bihishti, the zeaterman.
mili, the vardener. dhobi, the washerman.
darbin, ‘he gate-forter. dhobin, the wwasherwoman.
chaprasi, ۷۶ messenger. (Liter- da,i, the wet-nurse,
ally wearer of a “‘chapras” kirani, the Hindu writer.
or badge.) munshi, the Muhammadan
dyah, the female attendant on writer; also, a teacher of
a lady or children. languages.
pankha-wila, τὲ. punkha- “met” (E. mate) is used to
puller. express “‘under”-servant, as
kochban : (half I.) garibain, met-mali, met-berer, met-
the coachman. hawarchi, &c.


Aj, to-day. bimar, s7ck.

kal, ¢o-morrow or yesterday bimari, sickness,
(according to context). han, yes,
pahunchna ; a-jana, foarrive. na, no.
chala-jana, ۸۸ depart. kab? cohen ¢
safar, 4 journey’. kytin, τοῖν 7


Fidwi 4) safar se pahuncha hai. Ap ka mizaj achha hai?

Ap kab chale-ja,enge? Ghulam kal jajega. Kal main
bimar tha. Kal mera bha,f bimar ht,a; 4j achchha hai.
Uski beti hazir hai. Kab hazir ht,i? Us ddmi-ko roti aur
bir-shardb do. Main-ne ek larki bula,i hai. Hazir hai?
Han, hazir hai. Ham ko ek sdf kalar do. Is larki ka bap
mar-gaya hai. Us larke ki ma mar-ga,i hai. Wuh ddmi
kharab hai. Nahin! Wuh kharab nahin hai Yih khardb
hai. Kytin jate hoe

\When did you arrive fare you arrived] from your jour-
ney? LTarrived yesterday. I shail leave to-morrow. My
sister became sick yesterday: to-day her health is good
(or, she’s all right to-day). That man’s son is here (hazir,
present). Icalled him. ‘The house-lamps (=lamps of the
house) are not clean. Khidmatgar'! bring (me) a peg.
Yes, sir! ¢sahib).
Pyar karna, to make dear, fondle, pet, love,

Jo admi darwaze par hai—usko buld,o. Jis admi ka

ghora hazir hai—us ka bap buld,o. Jo larke kharab hain
—unkosaza do. Jo larki,dn achchhi hain,—unko pyar karo.
Jo pani gla4s men hai—wuh ham-ko do. Nahin sahib! wuh
pani 5 nahin hai; sdf pani ghuldm le,dta hai. Kaun
bulata hai? Kaun ईदागा buldta hai? Kya hai? Jo gora
darwaze par hai,—usko pani do. Jo larki aj pehunchi hai
~—wuh bimar hai.

? Never call this servant your ‘‘ kitt.”



Pet that good girl who is in the drawing-room. Call the

man whose father arrived yesterday. (Hind. Of what
man the father arrived yesterday—him call.) Bring me
the collars which are in the drawers. ‘The washerman has
not brought the shirts which I gave (him) yesterday,
{=what shirts I (main—ne) gave yesterday—these the
washerman has not brought). Who is there!? What boy
is there? What children are there ? Which is a good
house? (=which house is good?) The European’s house
is a good one (say, only, ‘is good’).



r “Ko,” and ‘“‘kuchh” should first be noted. They
may stand alone, or be followed by a noun. They are not
interrogative ; though the sentence in which they stand
may be interrogative.
2. “Κο, ἢ is used of persons, and of things specifically
indicated. It may be translated, some, any—“ko,i” followed
by “xahin” gives us “mo” or ‘ nobody.” Ex. :—ko,i nahin
hai, xobody ts there. Ko,i ddmi nahin hai, There 7s no man
present. 590 ko,i, everyone. Sab ko,i chale-ga,e hain,
every one has gone away,
3. “Kuchh” is used of για έν or mental feelings, and
has generally an aéstract sense. It is unchangeable and is
also translated some, any. With “nahin” added, we cet
“ no,” “ none,” and “ nothing.”
ἡ. Declension of Ko,i.
Sing. Plur.
Nom. and Simple Acc. ko,i. Κο,!.
Form for the oblique cases kisi. kin.
EXAMPLES :—Ko,i hai, some one is there. 50, hail? ἐς any ‫مرے‬‎
there? Ko,i admi hai, some man ts there. Ko,i admi hai? 7s any man

2Kaun hai? Means who ἐς there ?—you knowing or believing

that some one is there.

there? Ko,i kursi la,o, bring some chair or other. Kuchh roti hai, there
is some bread; kuchh roti hai? ἐς there any bread? Kuchh nahin hai,
there is none. [Kya hai? What’s the matter ?] Kuchh nahin, vothing.
Kucbh parwah nahin hai,’ there 76 no mater; pray dowt trouble
5. With “jo,” and ‘ko,i and ‘kuchh,’ compound pro-
nouns are made as in English—viz :—
jo ko,i, zwhoever ... ... jo kuchh, zehatever.
Note..—Both * jo,’ and ‘ko,i’ change in the oblique cases according to
the declensions of these words already given. Of course, in ‘jo
kuchh,’ only the “470 ἢ can change.
6. The words given below are plain adjectives. They
follow the rules of ka, ke, ki.
dusra, another, whether meaning a differen? thing of
the same kind, or az additional thing of the same
kind. Inthe latter sense “aur ek” (meaning ove
more) way be used and ambiguity avoided.
aisa, /tke this, waisa, /tke that.
kaisa? (tke what? what like? what sort of a? how?
kitna? how much? how many ?
itna, this much,
jaisa, taisa, 45, 50.
jitna, titna, (or itna) as much as: or as many as—so
much, so many.
Notes :—-
i. Aisa...waisa and the two pairs last given are used correlatively.
As :—Jaisa malik, taisa naukar, as 7s the master, so is the
servant. Jitna dudh hai, titna (or itna) do, give me as
much mile as there is. See Appendix No. 2, page ١‫وہ‬.‎
ii. Here notice the useful phrase ‘Jaisa chahiye,’ as you lease :
۶ taisa kijiye’ (so do) being ‘ understood.’
7. The following words do not change :—
ek, ene, or ‘a’ or ‘an,’ also, “about,” or “or so,” in such phrases
as ‘about ten rupees ;’ ‘there were a dozen men or so.’

har, each ; har-ek, each one. donon, oth,

bahut, much, many. aur, more.
chand ; baaze, severad. aur ek, one more ٠ another.
aur do, aur tin, aur char, &c. two more, three more, four
more, ὧς.
sab, αὐ, the whole, may be used without change, and either
with or without a Ex.:-—-Ham sab log, all we
people. When used without a noun vou may say ‘‘ sab”
or ‘‘sabhon,” in the oblique cases.
8. DISTRIBUTION is marked by doubling the numeral :
or by the use of “har-ek,” each. Ex. :—
Ek ek ddmi ko, ek rupfyah do, or,
give each man a riipt.
Har ek 4dmi ko ek rtipiyah do.


chatd,i, matting for floors. pardah, a curtain ; hangings

shatranji ; ghalicha; dari, 4 in a doorway, ‫تم‬‎
carbet. taswir, picture (fem.)
mez, a table (fen.) chiz, a thing (of any sort),
‘khane ki mez,’ the dinner- (fem.)
table; ‘\likhne ki mez,’ ara,ish, the ornamentation.
a writing-table, “Κατά ki kitab ; bahi, ‫ے‬‎ do0k (fem.)
mez,’ a table with books on kalam, 4 fen.
it; ‘tash ki mez,’ ६ card- pensil, a pencil (E.)
table, and so on. kaghaz, paper; Ilal-kaghaz,
chhata, az umbrella; parasol. red paper, ἴ.6., blotting-
kursi, (47०, chauki), व chatr. paper.
sail-bod, (E.) ६ stdeboard, siydhi; roshna,i, 77۸ ; dlacking.
ti-pa,i, 4 tea-poy , any smalltable. batti, a@ wick.

mon-batti, a wax-candle. pa,o-dan ; morha; ishtul, (F.)

tel-batti, ax otl-light ; a night- a footstool.
light, valang, a bed.
baja, ‎‫ ہہ‬musical instru- kauch, (E.) @ couch.
ment, yar excellence, as pankha, a pankha; a fan.
regards European houses, kunji; chabi, a ey.
a piano. pauti, a work-basket.
Dan, a termination which means a vessel for holding any-
thing, as: “gul-dan,” 4 flower-vase ; cha,e-dan, 6 tea-caddy ;
ag-dan, a fire-holder (for e.g., lighting cigars), &c., &c.


Jalna, Zo burn (intr.) patthar ka ko,ila, stone-cvad,
jalana ; jala-dena, fo burn or i.e., coals.
kindle (trans.) asbab, goods and effects.
bujhna; bujh-jana, fo go out kahna,! 20 sav a thing.
(as a light.) ya, 07.
bujhana ; bujha-dena, ¢o ex- ya, ya, etther...or.
tinguish. jaldi ; shitabi, Aasve ; speed.
Atash-khdnah ; the fire-place; jald, quickly.
grate. darakht, per; gachh, 4 vee.
ag, fire (fem.) par, a feather.
hezam ; lakri, five-cvood. loha, 7۶۸۸۱ or steed.
ko,ila, charcoal. lohu, dood.

Sirdar ! dtash-khane men 4g do. Lakri din, ya_patthar
ka ko,ila? Patthar, ka ko,ila) Kaun mez taiyar ۰27۶۳٤7

'! Governs the Acc. so has Nom. with “Ὁ ‫رم‬‎ ۶‫ ء‬Jo,” after this verb,
is translated by ‘‘ se ”—Us-ne mujh-se kaha.

‘Tash ki mez. Sardar se kaho kih sab hamara asbab jald

bakkas men rakh-de. ‘Tel-batti nahin jaltt hai, mom-battt
jald lajo. Par ka kalam (7४7४0 la,o, yih lohe ka kalam
achchha nahin hai. Sab ghar, chata,i, shatranji, mez, taswir,
aur dusre dusre! asbab saf karo. ‘Tum = kaise admi ho 9
Jaise sahib, taise naukar.

ΚΟ ΟΙΒΕ No. .3‫ا‬‎
What sort of a fellow is that? Bring me all the milk in
the house (=as much milk as isin the house, so much bring to
me.) How many things are (there)’ inthe wardrobe? ‘There
are? many men present (= many men are present.) Light
the fire. ‘There is no fire-wood. Bring some from the
cook-house. Please give me ,‫)ھع‬‎ 70 me) some blotting-paper.
This night-light has gone out: bring another. Put (it) on
the chair, and go away.

٠! Doubling an adjective idiomatically enhances its force.

2 See page 75, section 42.


t. ‘hese generally /o//ow their noun or pronoun.

2. Most of them follow the genitive with δεν a few
follow the genitive with ۸۸
3. Of course, when a word # ttse/f a genitive, the pre-
position follows it directly, without ۸ or ۸۶7‫م‬‎ Ex. :—Mere
waste, for me ; for my sake ; tumhare liye, for your sake, for
you. Kis waste, on what account ۶ why 7


ι. Prepositions which follow the genitive with e, or
a genitive word in ८. Those with an asterisk may also be
used as adverbs.
‫ ٭‬age, in front. pas, near , beside.‫‏‬
* andar ; bhitar, 7707८. mutabik ; mu,afik, /7۸۶ - ἐπ‫‏‬
मे ipar, up, above. conformity with‫ ۔ ‏‬accord-‫‏‬
baad, after (time). ing to.‫‏‬
ba,is, dy réason of ba-mujib, according to;‫‏‬
* bahar, outside. agrecably to.‫‏‬
badle, zxstead of. में nazdik, wear.‫‏‬
* bich, among ; between. * pichhe, ۸۶/۷٤۶‫‏‬
par, “ver. across. sath, along wrth

* simne, 7” front of. * niche, under.

sabab, ὧν reason of. wiste, for the sake of.
siwa ; siwa,e, eveept. * darmiyan, ‫ب‬۶‎ the midst.
ewaz, as a substitute for. by the way ‫)عے‬‎ road)
* karib, near. between » among.
gird, around. yahin, beside sin presence of.
liye, for the sake of, for. (the French “ches,” Ger-
mare, dy reason of ; vn ‫مے‬‎ man “ δεῖ...)
count of.
2. Of these which follow 4, or genitive word in 7, you
need only learn these :—
babat, concerning.
jihat, on account of.
khatir, for the love of; for the sake of.
tarah, /tke: is tarah, 7x (कि manner: us tarah, ia that
manner. *
taraf, towards: is taraf, ¢his way, (t.e., direction); us
taraf, that way,* (¢.e.; direction).
marfat, dy the hands of ; through a person.
nisbat, concerning ; relative to; banisbat is ki, i” com-
parison with this.
# ۸۷۷۸ ,-]۳ such quasieadverbial phrases as these, made with “75 27

and ‘‘ ws,” demonstratives, the ‘‘ ke” or “Σ᾽ is omitted before

the preposition. Other examples are ‘‘zs /ye,” on this ac-
count ; ‘‘ zs /zye,” on that account.

Ghar ke age bara darakht hai. War Κα mare bahar nahin
ga,e the. Mere nazdik ek ruipfya bhi nahin hai. Tumhare
lye sab ko,i koshish karega. Is taraf mat 4,0 ; us taraf ja,o.
Ba-nisbat is ki, wuh achchha hai. Yih kam kis tarah 727
Jaisa chahiye. Mere yahdn bahut ghore hain.

The European soldiers have gone across the river. Under
the lamp (is) darkness." By the way, I saw two tigers. He
was going towards the city. In this manner he became
rich. Fer my sake he underwent much labour. Compared
with this, dying is better. Among friend’, quarrelling is
bad. There are many good pictures in the Judge’s house.’
He has done the work, agreeably-to my orders,

* Andhera, The sentence is an Eastern proverb. 2 Use ‘ yahan,’




These present no difficulties. ‘Those which suggest a
“subjunctive ” sense (as, ‘7f,’ ‘ though,’) are often, but not
always, followed by the Subjunctive Mood. The principat
conjunctions are as follows :—
avar.; jo, 07. nahin, to, ΖΓ not; otherwise.
agarchih, although. bhi; ham, 6/80.
aur, and ; also. harchand, although.
balkih, rather; on the contrary, pas, therefore ; so.
chiinkih, ‫تے‬‎ as muchas, to, then. (See Notes, |. 47.)
as ; since ; because. tau bhi, eve then . still.
kih, ¢hat (of narration). warna, avd tf nol ; or else.
Sometimes it has the sense hanoz, yet, still: up to this
of ‘or, as ‘kih na,’ or not. — time.
khwah...khwah, etthe7...07. γᾷ, 07.
kyunkih, decause. ya...ya, elther...or.
go-kih, given that; although.;na yih...nah wuh,
magar ; lekin ; par, dz. netther...nor,
see also Appendix No. IT, page ‫ہہ‬‎
‘Both...and’; —‘ Both’ is not translated; ‘and’ is
usually translated by ‘0,’ sometimes emphasised by adding

‘bhi’ after the second word. Ex. :—‘Admi wahan the,’ ὁ

larke bhi the, Both men and boys were there.
Notes.—‘To’ is used in the second clause to introduce the conse-
quence, result, &c,, of the first clause. Ex. :—Agar tum yih kam
nahin karoge, fo main ghussah hinga, / you don’t do this work,
7 shall be angry.
i. Asa particle ‘to’ has several idiomatic uses. Thus, it is used
to emphasise an Imperative. Ex. :—dekho to, /ook now !
suno to, just you listen! tis also used after a numeral,
instead of a repetition of the thing spoken of, Ex. :—Ap-ko
kitne rupiye darkar hain? Das to kafi honge, How many
rupees does Your Honor require? Ten will be enough.
ii. ۲ ‫اک‬‎‫ نام‬is much more frequently introduced in narration than
is ‘that’ in English. It is generally pronounced as if spelt
with a short ‘‘ e,” like our ‘fe ” in herve,
iii. There is a peculiar idiom in the use qf ‘ jab tak’ (or, talak) and
‘tab-tak ᾿ (or, talak)—words which, taken together, give us
one sense of the English ‘ while,’ and ‘till’. The idiom is
that you must always zusert a negative before the verb of
the first clause. /Ve fix our minds on (for example) the
moment of our return ; the natives, on the duration of the
absence. Ex, :—jab-tak main nahin phir-d,iin, tab-tak
baithiye, so long as J do Nov return, so long take-a-seat,
ie. सह 7 return, take a seat. Jab-tak ghora taiydr nahin
hoga, tab-tak ek kitab parhiye, as lone as the horse is NOT
ready—so long read a book, or, read a book, while the horse
75 gelting ready,
v. When two wnrelated events are spoken of, as happening at
the same time, use ‘jis-wakt’ and ‘us-wakt.’ Ex. :—Jis-
wakt main chitthi likhta tha, us-wakt wuh akhbdr dekhta
tha, while 7 was writing a etter, he was taking a look at the
vi. ‘Chinkih’ of the first clause is followed by ‘is waste’ in the
second clause.


UsEFUL VERBS (continued) AND NorEsS ON SOME.

bajna, fo sound (77777.) charhna, 20 ascend.
bajana, 70 sound, to play charhana, ¢o cause to ascend ;
(¢rans.) raise.
baz-rakhna, fo keep back , chillana, ¢o scream.
withhold ,; conceal. dubna, fo sink ; be drowned.
bantna, fo divide. dubana, 4० cause to sink;
bant-lena, fo divide and ap- tmimerse , lower.
propriate, daurna, fo run,
bandhna, /o dind ; tte. dalna ; dal-dena, ‫ب‬۴‎ throw ;
baithna, 20 sit, sit down. throw down.
bithana, fo seat. daryaft karna, fo find out
baja-lana, fo carry out: per- about a thing.
form. dhtindhna, 0 search for.
bachna ; bach-jana, ¢o escape.
faramosh - karna, fo forget.
bachana, /0 rescue ; save.
gana, 4० sing.
barhna, /o grow ; increase.
guzarna ; guzar-jana, 70 pass
barhana, fo cause to grotv, or
over (९.४., a river.)
increase ۰ advance (trans.)
girna ; gir-jana, fo fad/.
barasna, / vain.
btijhna, τ understand. girdna ; gira-dena, fo cause to
bujhana, ० explain. fall ; to throw down.
bhagna ; bhag-jana, /o 76‫ر‬‎ , guman-karna, fo fancy ;
escape ; bolt. opine.
bhejna ; bhej-dena, Zo send. ghabrana, fo be confused ;
bhilna, 7० forget; lo inake perplexed + put ०४४ , (also
a mistake (bhiil). trans.)
bhil-jana, 7० forget; to be ghulna, (72४१. ) fo melt.
forgotten. ghulana, (/rans.) fo melt,
chahna, 20 ४९४४४ ; destre. hankna, τ drive.

jagna, fo be awake. letna, 70 /7 down , rest.

jagana, fo waken (trans.)
mangna, / ask; demand ;
janna, 20 know.
jina, fo live.
jitna, fo wen. [ptichhna, is to ask a question. ]
jhagarna, 70 guarrel. mangwana, /o send for.
manna, fo obey, also, to ‫مے‬‎
Καὶ] karna, 70 agree to ; con-
sent; admit a charge, ὥς. lieve ; acqutesce-tn.
kam-ana, fo be serviceable. malna, fo ۶۷۷۸ ; chafe.
kiraya-lena, 70 borrow , htre. nikalia; nikal-jana, ۸ go
kasna, 20 pull ; make tight. out ; sally forth.
khujlana, ¢o seratch ; tickle. nikalna, nikdl-dena, / ex
khodna, 20 aig. tract ; take out, turn out ;
khulna, 20 de ofen ; after rain show-the-door-to.
ἄς. ; 40 clear.
pana, 0 “εἰ, oltatn.
kholna, (0 open » unfasten.
parhna, 7/0 read.
khelna, 7० play . short.
parhana, ¢o ¢nstruct.
khojna, 20 search for.
pakarna, ¢o catch hold of.
ladna, fo be laden. pakna, Zo grow ripe.
ladna, 20 load. [Paper.) pakana, / cause to riten ‫۔‬‎ to
lapetna, 7० wrup up (as with cook.
latkana ; latka-dena, 20 sus- pukarna, Zo call out.
fend ; hang-up. puchhna, Zo ask a question.
lajana, to be ashamed. ponchh-dena, 20 wipe » dust.
larna, fo quarrel. pharna, 70 fear (trans.)
lagna, fo touch + be tn contact phat-jana, fo split; burst,
with ‫زر‬‎ reach , also begin, (7ntr.)
lagana, fo apply one thing to pahchanna, ¢o recognise one ;
another , to cause to touch ; know one again.
fo lay on (ana, so, to moor phir-ana, 20 come back.
a boat, &¢., &c. ) phir-jana, ¢o go back.
‫ا‬ Η.‫‏‬
pahunchna, fo arrive. torna, 20 tear ; break ; destroy.
pahunchana, fo escort, con-
duct; cause to arrive. utarna, 70 descend.
paithna, 20 enter. utarna, ० cause to descend.
uthna, Zo rise ; stand up.
rahna, fo stay; remain ,; : :
uthana, / rarse.
awell. ἐν
uth-jana, /o get up and go,
samajhna, 20 comprehend. to depart.
samjhana, fo explain. urna, /० fly.
sochna, fo meditate on. urana, 20 dissipate ; to fly, e.g.,
takna, / turn, look this a kite (guddi.)
way ; guard ; watch. μῆς:
‫ہت‬ to seek for ,; send walit-hona, 7 2 or deconte‫‏‬
2 aware of anything.‫‏‬
tarashna ; katna, Zo cut,
yad-rakhna, /0 remember.
thaharna, fo watt; stay where
you are, zikr-karna, 40 mention.
Notes :—
i. The verb ‘ mz/na’ occurs most frequently as a 3rd persona:
verb only. What is our Nominative becomes a Dative,
and our Accusative becomes the Nominative. Confer the
Latin, ‘ Liber est mth7,’ I have a book.
With this construction always preserved, ‘ mz/na’ means
every phase of a thing coming-to, reaching, meeting a
person or thing. Its precise English must vary with the
context, and includes have, find, get, procure, meet, comte-
across or whatever else suits.
‘ Mila’ (3rd pers. past tense,) is a handy word--used alone—
to mean ‘ /’ve found it ;’ ‘J’ve got it,’ Or you may say—
more fully—‘ham-ko mila hat.’ ‘Ham mile,’ ‘wuh
milega,’ and so on, ave not Hindiistant,

EXAMPLES :—Jangal men ham-ko do sher mile the, /# the jangal

7 met two tigers. Mujh-ko bakhshish milegi, 7 shall get a reward.

Us-ko hukm-ndmah mila hai, he has got a written-order. Darmiyan

rah ke, ek naddi mili thi, J the middle (or, by the way,) they
came-on a river ; (९ unhon-ko’ being ‘ understood.’)

ii. From ‘ pakna,’ comes the Anglo-Hindi. ‘ pucca.’

iii. ‘ lagna,’ when it means 2० degin. is preceded by the inflected
form of the Infinitive : Ex :— Wuh bolne laga, he began to say.
‘Darna,’ fo fear, requires ‘se’ of the thing feared. Ex—
main tum-se darta hin, Zam frightened for you.
v. ‘ Kahna,’ fo say, te//, also takes ‘ se’ where we use 29. Ex. :—
Us-ne ham-se kaha, kih, &c , he fold (to) us, that, &c. So
with ‘ptichhna’ :— us-se puchhiye, ask of him, ask him.
vi. To express purpose, intention or object, the inflected form of
the Infinitive followed by ‘ko’ or ‘ke wédste,’ is used
Ex :—Wuh khane ko jata hai, he 7s going to dine. Khelne
ke waste bahar jata hin, 7am going out to play, Or you
may say—‘ ke matlab se’= with the intention of, Ex:—Us
shakhs-ne, mujh-ko nuksan pahunchane ke matlab se, yih
bat kahi hai, that fellow has told this story in order to
cause injury to arrive to me, i.e., to injure me.


In donon men se, ap kaun pasand karte hain? Meri

r4,i men, 97८ achcbha hai. Huztir Ifjiye ; fidwi ke pds dtisra
hai. Bahutachchha! Ghulam aj sham ko huztir ke pas bhej-
dega ; nahin to kuchh kdm ka nahin hoga. Achchha ! bhej-
Khet men dhan hai; bawarchi-khdne men chawal hai ;
mez par bhat hai. Agarchih main us-ko phir १९:४४), tau-
bhi nahin pahchan-saktinga. Main us bat ko yad nahin
rakhta hin. Baaze ddmi kahte hain, kih shahr men bahut
chor-log rahte hain. Main Hindtistani zaban men hoshyar
hoti hun.


kaisar-i-hind,! tle Empress of lat Sahib, the Lieutenant.
778. Governor.
badshah, ov padshah, a 77۰‫م‬‎ zamin, land.
(M.) zamindar, a land-holaer.
malikah, 4 gueen. (M.) mulk, ‫ے‬‎ country.
maharaja ; ۶ raja° a king. (H.) milki, landed property.
maharani ; * rani? 4 gueen. (H.) khet a fredd.
shah-zadah, 6 prince. (M.) kheti, cvltivation.
ktinwar ; jub-raj, 6 prince. (H.) raiyat ;° kdsbtkdr; kisdn, a
diwan, a minister of state. cultivator. [ (fem.)
arkan-i-daulat,’ the nobility. fasl, the crops; the harvest
khas-o-4m,* the people gener- rabi, the spring crop.
ally. kharif, (26 autumn crop.
khud, (indec.) self Apas men, among themselves
bara Lat5 Sahib, *e Governor- bat, (fem.) word, affairs ;
General. business ; news.
Notes :—' This ‘*2” is Persian for ‘‘ of”... These words are best left
untranslated ... 3. Literally, ‘‘ the Pillars of the State,”... ὁ Liter-
ally, The Exclusive and the Common, 07 is Persian for ‘‘ and,’
Sie. ۲‫ک‬‎ Lord.” 5 The Anglo-Hind, ‘zyot’ The Plural is ri,aya,
tenants ; subjects.
When speaking of persons of distinction, you put the Verb in the
Plural, even though the Nom. be singular.

Kaisar-i-Hind ke bete is mulk men 4,e the. Bare Lad
Sahib ke sdth rahe the. Kaisar-i-Hind khud nahin
a-saki thin. Sab Bdadshah, Maharaja, Raja, Khas-o-am,
Kaisar-i-Hind ke bete-ko dekhne ke waste, Kalkatta ga,e

} Calcutta,

the. Sh4hzdde-ne bhi logon-ko dekhne ke waste, sab nulk

men safar kiya tha. Is-se sab ko,i nihayat khusn hu,e.
Agar yih bat dp-ko pasand nahin hai, to, main chala-
j4jtinga. Yih ddmi daulatmand nahin hai, balkih gharib
hai. Chtinkih tum-ne yih kim nahin kiya hai, is waste
tum-ko saza milegi. Jab barsdt achchhi hai, tab 7,494 khush
hain. Jab main taiydr htinga, tab ἄρ ke sath bahar ja,tinga.
Mujh-ko khush karne ke matlab se, bakhshish di hat,


Given that Your Honor is unwell, still there is no fear of

death. Although Your Honor has given the order, still I
will not do this work. Just you listen! I shall go to Cal-
cutta, and you shall stay here ull I come back. Don’t
come till I shout. While I say a word to this man, you
take-a-look-at to-day’s paper.
The land-holders of this country are rich, and often
quarrel among themselves. Their tenants get excellent crops
when the rains are good. This year,! the rains have not
been sufficient ; therefore (fas) the crops are bad.
I am frightened for tigers. I saw two in the forest.
They, becoming frightened at me, ran-off, making a loud
cry. In the way, we also reached a river ; we crossed-over
in a boat.

٠ The Persian ‘im sal’ is in common use. It is an accusative of

time, and must not be used as if it were a Nominative.



These do not change. You may make up adverbs, by

putting ‘se’ after any noun which will make sense.
Ex. :—‘ Zor-se (Anglo-Hind. ‘ jorsy,’) 77‫تا‬‎ force ; forcibly.
‘Khabardari se’ zth care ; carefully. Learn also :—
ab, zow ; at present. is wakt, at this time ; now.
ahistah, s/ozwly. jald, guzckly ; soon. |at once.
albattah, certainly, ‘no doubt. jhat-pat, very guickly ; now ;
aslan-mutlakan, dy xo means ; kabhi-kabhi, sometimes.
most certainly not. mat, the negative always used
ba,en, 29 the left hand. with the Imperative Mood.
be-shak, zeithout doubt. masalan, for example.
bihtar. ۸۶۶(۰ vihavat, exceedingly.
bil-fel, zmedtately ; at once. raftah-raftah, gradually,
bil-kul, ev¢zrely. shayad, Zerhaps.
dahine, fo the right hand. thora thora, dy little and little.
ek dam, //65 instant. प्रा, af once ; now.
hameshah, a/ways. [haps us wakt, af that time ; then.
ho sakta hai, 7/ may be ; per- zaruir, of necessity.
itiifakan, 76 so happened that ; ziyadah, sore, often with the
by chance. sense of, ‘ too much.’


Main nihdyat khush htin; mere bap-ne ham-ko bahut
riipae di,e hain; main bil-fel ghore mol-ltinga. Kapre
almdri men jald latka-do. Zartir jana hoga. Ittifakan,
murgh-ko ek moti mila tha; kaha, kih “ yih chiz kis kam
ki hai? main bhtikh se ७९-६0 hin; moti, jauhari,on ki
chiz, hai; mere waste ek danah ja,i bihtar hoga ;” bolte-hi,
bhtikh se mar-gaya.


I met a friend on the road. On his journey he came
upon a river. A cock came upon a pearl. It came to pass
that! the king’s daughter found a child on the bank of the
river. He began to say (that) ‘I met two tigers on the
road ;’ but his friend said (that) ‘there are no tigers in
this place,’ so he shut-up.?
‫‏‬cr .‫۔مت۔‬ _‫ہ۔‬
‫م ے‬

ٰ ۰ 2 Chup-rahna.


Those in common use are as follows :—

are, (7/ a female ts addressed, ‘ari,’) hey you /
kya bat, what a statement! stuff! nonsense /
wah-wah ; shabash, dravo / well done /
achchha ; khtib; khair ;! good / well /
bahut achchha,? very good / all right /
wa,e-wa,e, zoe is me! oh dear, oh dear!
bapre-bapre, expresses astontshment at some atsagreeable
news, or the like,
bap-bap, Zelp / mercy /
duha,i, or duha,i-duha,i, 7usdece /
duha,i Maharani ki, grant justice, oh Great Queen !
afsos, vr afsos hai, whata pity’ how sad!

' We, in telling a story, often degzz a sentence with the exclamation
‘well!’ Natives, in like, circumstances, often em? a sentence in the
same way. Their word is ‘ khair.’
‘Bahut achchha’ or +۶ bahut khub’ is also a common answer given
by a servant on receiving oiders. Or he may answer, ‘jo hukm,’
whatever your orders (be)—‘I shall attend to them’ being understood.
Or he may say, simply, ‘ Han, khudawand,’ or, Ji! han, Yes, Your
Honor !

cbhi-chhi,! ugly / nasty /

dur ; 3۵۸۳-4۵۰۶ ; dur ho! Je off/get out.
Z 4 4 a 4


UseruL ApJectives—( continued. )

achha ; khub, goud. karwa, strong, (as liquor, or
kharab ; bura, dad. tea.)
tincha ; baland, ۸7 lamba, Jong.
nicha, Zow. kotah, ۸0۸۰

bara ; bazurg, great. chaura, dread.

chhota, sma//, kam-arz, xarrow.

bahut, much. gol, round.

thora ; zarrah, ۶۰ chau-kona, ۸۰‫ء‬‎
mota, thick ; coarse ; stout. kharkhara, ۶۸۰۸۷۰
patla, thin ; weak in texture, chikna, smooth.
or in body. garm, warm ,; hot.
barik ; wihin, fie 770 texture. thandh ; thandha, co/d,
dubla, thin ; scraggy.
saf, clean.
mazbuit ; strong ; firm.
maila, 4८77४).
kam-zor, weak, (deficient in
strength.) sakht, ard, also, difficult.
natikat, infirm: shaky. narm ; mula,im, so/7.
cordwar, strong in body ; Asan ; salis, easy.
oppressive. mushkil, 27/77

This word must never be used as an adjective describing any of


Her Majesty’s subjects ; or their dialect ; as in these lines from the

८ Lays of Ind”—
** What though upon her lips there hung
The accents of the chhi-chhi tongue.”

bhari, heavy. gunga, dumb.

halka, /7gh¢. langra, dame.
langa, naked.
tazah, fresh.
sara ; purana, decayed. maalim, ,00۰
na-maalum, ‎‫ر‬2۰
naya ; nau, १7८7९, khush, fleased , happy.
purana, o/d. na-khush, displeased ; 2|2-

gaihra, deep. happy.

uthla, skalloze. pasand, agreeable; approved.
tez ; tezrau, fast. na-pasand, disagreeable ; dis-
tez nahin, sZozw. approved.
nazdik, near. chaldk ;
clever ; sharp-
dur, distant. tez-zibn ; ‫و‬‎ νὰ
4 ۰

pydra, dear (of affection.) aklmand ;

mahnga, dear (of price.) dana, 7९४5८,
sasta ; manda, cheap. be-wukuf, foolish.
kund-zihn, du// of intellect.
tang ; xarrow , too tight.
diwanah, mad,
tez, sharp (as a knife.)
kund, d/unt. hoshyar, skilful ; up tn your
kafi, suffictent ; enough.
be-hosh, sevzseless ; stupid ;
kam, deficient , ‘ short.’
‘no good; also, ‘tna swoon.’
daulatmand, ‎‫ء‬۰7 umdah, gveat ; noble.
gharib ; kangal ; muflis, Aoor. paji, mean; base; contemp-
maghrur, proud. tible,
gharib ; miskin, humble ; poor Alim, learned.
in spirit. jahil, zgnorant.
andha, dnd, saf, clear.
bahra, deaf. andhera, dark.

sukha, 499. kala, black.

bhinga ; tar, τοί. barun (E.), ۸۳۵۸۰
५ 4 sabz, ۵۰‫ط‬‎
sach : sachcha; ۶۹١٢۶۱۷۶ , just. =
ἫΝ nila, ۰
jhutha, 6
lal, red.
na-rast, unjust ; wrong.
zard, yellow.
durust, zight ; proper. uttar ; shamal, the Worth.
na-durust, mot right; tim- dikhan ; janub, the South.
proper. plirab ; mashrik, the Last.
sufed, ۶۰ pachchham ; maghrib, the West.
Notes :—
‘Kam’ is wuch used as a prefix, signifying deficiency. ‘ Maa-
lim,’ ‘Nd-maaltim,’ are much used colloquially, by themselves
alone, to mean ‘J know tt,’ “7 don’t know it. ‘ Muflis’ is said
also to mean ‘a éachelor,’ but there is probably some error in this
use of the word.
The words ‘ uttar,’ ‘dakhan,’ ‘ ptrab,’ and “ pachchham,’ are
those most commonly used. From ‘dakhan’ comes the Anglo-
Hind, ‘ Deccan.’
All natives know the points of the compass; and all direc-
tions should be given by them. Thus you may tell your servant
if you want him to bring you an article, (and know yourself where
it lies,) that it is, ‫یب‬‎ on the North-West corner of your table.
He is then sure to find it, if there.

EXERCISE (٢٢٢ ۰‫ء‬‎

Are! kidhar jateho? ‘Ap kytin ptchhte hain? Kya bat!
tunr jawab nahin de,oge? Han khudawand! fidwi jawab
dega ; fidwi bazar jata hai. Bahut achchha! kustir nahin
hai, chalo. Duha,i Maharani ki! chor logon-ne mere sab
mal \tit-liye hain; hukm dijiye kih polis (E.) ke sipahi,an
fouran tahkikat karen. Wa,e! wa,e. Afsos hai! charon taraf?

' “Charon taraf’—(char, four) idiomatic; ow all sides; ‘* char”

is made plural; ‘ taraf’ is unchanged ; no preposition is required.

uttar, dakhan, ptirab, pachchham, talash karenge, kaho!

kya kya mal gum ho-gaya hai ?
Yih admi aklmand hai; wuh, be-wuktif hai. Yih aurat
bahut dubli hai; lekin uska khasam bahut mota hai. Yih
kapra patla aur kam-arz hai, mujh ko kapra mazbit aur
chaura darkar hai ; tumhare pas aisa kapra hai ? Kala kapra
mazbut hai. Be-wukuf! main sufed kapra mangta htin, tum
kala kapra bahar karte ho-—ja,o! Berar! Han khudawand !
barun ghora bimar hai. Bapre! bapre! kaisa hija? Main
kya janta! Jald dauro—bdazar-se jullab ki dawa manga,-do.
Tabidar chaprasi bhej-dega. Nahin! tum sust admi! is
darmiyan men, ghora mar-ja,ega ; khud dauro ; dtr!


Hey you! what are you up to? (=doing,) Nothing.

Then, what is all this noise ? We are only chatting among
ourselves. Don’t chatter in the verandah ; by reason of the
noise, J cannot work. Wno are these men? They are culti-
vators. What do they want? They say that owing-to (se)
the oppression of their (own) landlord, their crops have
been attached ; they desire justice. But is their story true ;
God knows! as a rule, there is some truth and some false-
hood on both sides. Certainly these poor people won't tell
lies. Your Honour has been six months in the country
and knows everything ; but (your) slave’s opinion is that
whoever believes only half! will do good justice.!

۶ From ‘nisf,’ Aa/f, is derived ‘insaf,’ justice ; also ‘ Munsif,’ ἃ

dispenser of justice, a ९ Moonstff (Anglo- Hind).


The arrangement of words ina sentence is left a good

deal to taste, subject to one fixed rule that your Verb must
come at the end of the clause or sentence; and if there
be an auxiliary, it is the last word. You cannot divide the
parts of a verb; making sucha sentence as ‘ He had, after
some ‘delay, made a full confession.’ All the component
parts of a compound tense come together.
2. ‘Taking the ordinary words and clauses which occur
in asentence, the following order will be found idiomatic :—
Nominative, preceded by the qualifying word, or words, if
any; Object, purpose, intention, or the like; .. Dative...
Adverbial, or participle clause ;...Accusative; ... Verb.
Ex. :—Us kharab 4dmi-ne—nuksan pahunchdne ke matlab
se—-mujh-ko—nihayat baland awdz se—eAli di thi, 77 bad
man, with the object of causing (me) loss, to me, in a very
loud voice, gave abuse. If you wish to state the Place, you
might say, eg. ‘bazdr men’ before “μά! The “me would
probably stand first of all: as, ही, din-ko, tin pahar ke
wakt, (us kharab admi, &c.,) to-day, by day, at the time of
three-watches, i.e, at three v’clock this afternvon, ‫نی‬‎
3. INTERROGATION is expressed in several ways—
is—By the mere inflection of the voice; the words

remaining in the same order as in an affirmative sentence.

Ex. :—Tum nahin jante, kih, &c. Don’t you know that >c.?
2ud.—By the use of a plain interrogative word. Ex. :---
kytin deri karte ho? Why are you delaying 7 why are you so
slow ?
3770 —by first naming a thing, ana then asking about it ;
as often occurs in French. Ex. :—Ap ka mizaj—kaisa hai ?
Your Honor’s health—how ts it?
[Hai दवाओं hazir ? and the like, are not Hindtistani. |
Kab, when? Kahan, where? Kidhar, whither? Kkytin,
why ? Kaun, who? να, which? what? Kab-tak, huw long ?
Ka,eber ; ka,e dafah, ۸0:0۷ often ? Kis-waste, on what account;
why? Kywin-kar; kis-tarah; kaisa, 2 what manner, how 2
Kitna, oy ketna, 7۳/۸۶۰ kitne, ov ketne, ow many? how
much ?



badan ; jism, fle body. ankh ; chashm, /¢Xe eye.
sir, the head. nak, the nose.
bal, the hatr. rukh ; gal, the cheek.
zulf, curly hatr. munh, the mouth.
mtichh, mustachios. τά], te palate.
darhi, ¢he beard. dant or dant, a sooth.
ru; chihrah ; munh,? ¢he face. jibh ; zaban,? the tongue.
peshani, the Jorehead. jabra, the jaw.
abru, ¢he eyebrow. lab, ८ 42.

' Pronounce, nasally, ‘moo.’ 7? Zaban means also ‘a lanjuag3,’

thuddi ; zanakh, ۶ ‘chin. pa,on, the foot.
kan, an ear. talwa, the sole of the foot.
eri, the heel.
gardan, ¢he neck. pa,on ki ungli, ۰‫ء‬‎
gala or gula, the throat.
bazu, am arm. haddi ; har, 6 done.
hath ; 09577 ‫ے‬‎ hand. panjari, ‫ے‬‎ ۸۰‫ء‬
hatheli, the pa/m. khtin ; lohu, ۸/۸۸۸
ungli, 4 finger. pit, 2.
ndkhun, @ nail. pasinah, perspiration.
dam? ; sans, the breath.
kandha, the shoulder.
chhati, tie breast. rag ; nas, a vein.
sinah, the ۱۰ maghz ; dimagh, ¢he ۸۶۸۷۰
godi, the lap. dil, the heart.
panjar, the side. pet ; shikam, ¢he ded/s.
pith, the dack. midah, the stomach.
chitar, the buttocks. phepre, ¢he Zungs.
tang, the leg.
tilli, the spleen.
jangh, the thigh. gtida, the marrow.
pindhi, the ca/f. chamra, ¢he skin.3

* Hence, dast-anah, (sof das-tanah, ) a glove.

2 Not to be confounded with ‘dum,’ ¢he tatl of an animal,
8 Means also ‫؛‬‎ /euther.’

The first things to learn here are the following frac-
tions :—
pa,o, a guarier. derh, one and a half.
adha, 6 ha//. arha,i, 700 and a half.
also these :—
sdirhe, 076 half MORE than the unit named.
sawa, one guarier MORE than the unit named.
a paune, 0۸۶۶ yuarter LESS than the unit named.
2. Then learn these words :—
ganda, a bundle of 4. hazai, a fhousand.
kori, or kuri, @ score. Ἰάκῃ, 6 hundred thousand.
sau, @ hundred. karor, fen mulitons,
3. There are separate words from ‘one’ to ‘one hundred,’
but it will be sufficient for you to learn the words only from
‘one’ to ‘twenty.’ Thev are as follaws :—
i, ek. ὃ, ath ۲5 pandrah.
2, do. 0, nau. ۲6, solah,
3, tin. ٦‫ہ‬‎ ۰ ٦7 satrah.
4, char. ۲7, igydrah, ٦8, atharah.
5, panch. ۲9, barah. rg, units.
6, chhah, 3,۲23۰ 20, bis.
7, sat. ۲4 chaudah, ----

4. The other numbers up to roo will be found in Ap-

pendix No. I, page .3‫ہ‬‎ With the materials now given
you, you can express any number, in a perfectly idiomatic
way : by using karors, lakhs, thousands, hundreds, scores,
and units. Ex.:—557=five hundred, two scores, and’
seventeen, panch sau, do ktiri, satrah. ‫وروو‬‎ ۲=nau hazar,
nau sau, char kuri, unis.
5 The orDINAL numbers are as follows :—Paihle, frst ;
duisra, ov, doyum, second; tisra, third; chautha, fourth.
These, when ending in ‘a,’ follow the rules of ka, ke, ki.
After ‘chautha, fourth,’ the ordinals are got by adding
‘wan’ to the cardinals. ‘The sixth’ is, for euphony’s
sake, ‘ chhatwan.’
6, ‘Once,’ ‘twice,’ ‘thrice,’ &c., are expressed by ‘ ek
dafah,’ ‘do dafah,’ ‘tin dafah,’ and so on.
7. ‘A, in such phrases as ‘a yard,’ ‘a foot’ is ex-
pressed by the word ‘fi.’ or by ‘ek ek’ Ex. :—fi—or ek
ek—vyaz kitne ripae honge? ow many rupees a yard.
8. As there are sixteen annas in a Rupi, +6 is much
used to give the idea of ἃ ‘whole,’ ‘a unit,’ or ‘full quantity,’
of anything ; “‘e¢ght annas” meaning a half; ‘ four annas,’
a quarter; ‘wo annas, an eighth, andsoon. Confer the
words ‘quadroon,’ ' octoroon.”

! “AND” is never expressed with numerals.

T., H,
The ENGLISH MONTHS are sure to be known by all your
servants, and are also known to natives generally. But you
must catch the pronunciation in use in your locality.
The following is pretty near the ordinary pronun-
ciation :—
Janri. Julai.
Fabri. Agast,’
Marich. Saptambar.
April. Oktobar.
Mai. Navambar.
Juin. Dichambar.
2. The Days OF THE WEEK are not known by their
English names.
The names most commonly used are these—-
Itwar ; rabibar, Sunday.
Sombar ; pir ka roz, Afonday.
Mangal, Zuesday.
Budh, Wednesday.
Brihaspat ; biphe, 7hursday.
Shukrbar ; jumah, Friday.
Sanichar ; sanibar, Saturday.
! Accent on the last syllable.

3. The Hours are now-a-days always counted by the

English watch when possible. But the native division
assigns so much time to the day-light, and so much to the
night. ‘The reckoning is Dy the “pahar,” (pronounced
in Lower Bengal, ‘prohor,’) which consists of three English
hours; four “‘pahars” being counted to the day, and four
to the night. ‘Then the word ‘ghanta’—which means a de//,
or gong—is used to mean ‘an hour,’ asin many parts of
India a gong is struck after each hour. Again, there is a
word ‘ghari,’ which is said to be equal to about one-third of
an English hour; but is often used very vaguely; as indeed
all words of time are, when not referred to a watch or clock.
‘Ghar’ is also used for the English ‘ clock, or ‘watch’
4. ‘The clock’ is known to all servants as well as to
superior natives. The verb ‘bajna’ ({γι7γ.) ‫و‬‎ sound, or the
verb ‘bolna’ (ztr.) to say, is used with reference to a clock
or watch. If you will study the following clauses you will
be master of ‘the clock’ in Hindtistd4ni :—
kya baja hai, what has sounded ? what o'clock is tt?
do baje hain, two have sounded; two o'clock.
arha,i baje hain, a half more than two has sounded.
sawa do baje hain, a guarter more than two has sounded.
paune do baje hain, 4 guarter less than two has sounded.
do bai-ke, bis minat, 00 having sounded, twenty minutes
(more have passed), ¢zventy minutes past 2.
bis minat ke baad, do bajega, after twenty minutes, two
will strike; twenty minutes to 2. Or this may be ex-
pressed thus:— bis minat kam, do baye, (29) 20 minutes
less, two o'clock.
derh baje, half past one. .. . arha,i baje, 2alf past ἔσο.
ka,e baje? at what o'clock? tin baje, at three o'clock.

5. Time in a vague sense is expressed by an accusative

without government, as in English. Ex:—guzashte 54], μα σέ
year ; pari roz, on the following day.
6. When precision is aimed at, ‘at,’ or ‘by,’ (of time)
is translated ‘ko,’ or ‘ke wakt’ Ex :—Aj, sham-ko, 0-day,
at evening ; this evening. Rat ke wakt, by night, at night.
7. ‘Ago,’ ‘since,’ ‘for,’ are translated by ‘se,’ or by
‘hitija’ in agreement. When ‘since’ can be resolved into
that I have not, you must use a negative. Ex, :—Tin baras
ht,e, main Kalkatte men raha tha, three years ago, 7 was
living in Calcutta. (Kal se, main is-ko khojta htin, Z am
searching for it since yesterday. Char mahinon-se, wuh
bimar hai, Ae zs (has been) sick for four months. Panch
barson se, main-ne apna watan nahin dekha hai, ३72८९ five
years, [ have not seen my native country, or, in good English,
it ts five years since I have seen my native country.
8. In naming a date (tarikh, fem.) you use ‘ko.’ Ex.:—
Navambar mahine ki panch गीता ko, Kalkatte ja,tinga,
7 shall go to Calcutta on date 5. of the month November.
9. ‘Men’ is also often used for ‘in,’ or ‘ during,’ ex-
pressed or understood.
το. In using the numbers, ‘and’ is always left untrans-
lated. Ex. :—jive hundred AND forty-three, panch sau, do
kuri tin.


tarikh (fem.), a date. yih baras (or sal), this year.
baras; sal, a year ; in dating, (Nom.)
san. is baras;is baras men; im sal,
mahinah, a month. this year; during this year,
haftah, a week. (Acc.) ‘im’ is Persian; but
roz; din, a day. ‘iin sal’ is in common use.
chaudah roz, fortnight. A,indah, the future.
ghanta; ghari, ax hour. d,jindah, baras, (07 sal,) ۶‫ء‬‎
minat (E.), ६ minute. year, (Nom.)
lahzah, @ second, (lit. twink- ajinde baras; a,inde 58
ling of an eye). men (or with ‘sal’), ۸۶
Aj ; Im roz, ¢o-day. year. (Acc.)
kal, to-morrow, or yesterday
(according to context ) ab; hal; is wakt, the present.
parson, the day after {o-
ek ain naghah karke; ek din
morrow, or the day before
chhor-kar, every alternate
yesterday (according ἴο day
context. )
tarson, the fourth day (for- din ke wakt, dy day.
wards or backwards.) rat ke wakt, dy night.
pari roz, the day after (any ala-s-sabah, at early dawn.
event) + next day, tarka ; fajr; bhor ; subh, ear/y
guzastah ; jo Nhit-gaya, 6 morning,
past. do pahar din, oon.
guzastah baras (07 sal), last do pahar rat; ddhi rat, m/d-
year.) (Nom.) night.
guzashte baras (vr sal), last sham, the evening.
year. (Acc.) sham-ko, 7x the evening.

Money. chhitank, a ‘chittack,’ ‫پچ‬‎ of a

mablagh, 6 lump sum. "Ser, )
rlipiya, a rupee. Plur. riipiye ; tola, ६ ‘tolah ;’ the weight of a
rtipae; rtipi; rtipae is 767, by which letters, gems,
also used to mean ‘ money.’ gold silver, &c., are weighed.
anab, an ‘anna,’ ‫تپ‬‎ of a ripi.
pa,i, 6 ‘ pie,’ τς Of an "ἀηδῆ. MEASUREMENT.
rlipi, @ rupt-piece. ek kos, a ‘coss;’ about two
ath-anni, az 8-dnah-piece miles.
chau-anni a 4-dnah-fiece. adha-kos, halfa ‘kos , a mile.
do-anni, 6 2-dnah piece. bhiga, a land measure ; varies
paisa, @ 3 pa,t-piece (4 make in different parts of India.
an ‘dnah’), often means kattha, ८ ‘cottah,’ 35 of a ‘ bi-
‘money’ gha.’ (square measurement).
rassi, @ measure of length
WEIGHTS, about 60 yds.
man, @ ‘man; Anglo-Hind. gaz, a yard.
‘maund,’ equal to about hath, ‎‫ مہ‬cudbtt.
80 lbs. fit (E.), a foot.
ser, a ‘seer,’ equal to about musht ; mutthi, @ 75, ‫ےب‬‎ ८
2 Ibs. ‘hand, (as in measuring
Adha-ser ; ek paun (E.), λα horses.)
a ‘ser, or one pound. . inchi (E.), az inch.
Jo haftah bit gaya hai, us men main-ne do gh: re mol-liye
hain, Guzashte sal, ۱,47۰ bahut gharib the; im sal, un-ki
fas] achchhi hai, is liye khush hain. Angrezi! baras—Janri
ki paihli tarikh ko—shuru hota hai. Meri ghari bigar 89,
hai. Us-ki ghari tez chalti hai, aur mere bha,i ki ghari sust
chalti hai. Kuchh kam ki? nahin hain. Main-ne paune
! English. 9 Agreeing with ‘ ghari.’

char gaz mol-liye. Unhon-ne arhd,i man ko, ila kharid kiya.
Ham-ko paune panch baje jagd,o. Ka,e baje bahar ja,enge ?
Aj, shdm-ko, bahar j4,tinga ; ka,e baje main ab nahin janta
htin. Sab chiz thik hai? Han khudawand! Tel-batti
ghusl-khane men rakh-do.


Her ear is small. Her breast is white. Her cheek is
red. Her heart is light. His jaw is large. There are
gloves on her hand. here was much perspiration. His
shoulder is strong. Give me one quarter. He has bought
fifteen norses. How much has he given for them ἢ
Rs. 9,786. Five hundred and forty-two men were present,
Give me 234. He is first, and she is second. I spoke to
him three times. This year is hot. This year, the rains
are good. To-day at one pahar, I shall go to Calcutta.
At what o’clock did he go out? Ata quarter to three.

Tne PRONUNCIATION given in this book is the purest
known; but you must not expect that here, any more
than in England, pronunciation is everywhere the same; or
even the same in one locality, as uttered by educated and
by uneducated people. Thus you will often hear ‘z’ and
“(7 confounded with each other; and will even learn to
know “nazdik,” under the metamorphosis of ‘ nagich.’
2. You must also remember that there is such a thing
as ACCENT in addition to ‘quantity.’ Thus a long ‘a’ at
the end of a word will be sounded less strongly than the
same elsewhere.
3. Besides quantity and accent, there is also the
CADENCE of a sentence. ‘This, and the appropriate action
of hands, face and body, can be acquired only by imitation.
out the nen-initial ‘h’—is “clipping” their words as
they speak, ignoring double consonants, and forgetting that
Hindtistani, when well spoken, is a language of vowels and
double consonants, and must be vocalized like Italian. It
is miserable to hear such sounds as hamreh garry low,}
pinnykypanny do, egey barrow,? sarry das 2६79, and so on.
* Pronounce as in * how. ’ No doubt, for ‘ age barha,o.’

4. In concluding the instructions of this little book, a

few matters which have not found place in the earlier
lessons will be gathered up here.
5. Ipioms of a peculiar kind are not very numerous in
the language. You have already learned (page 47) that
you require ‘not’ in such phrases as ‘ watt here till I come
back ;’ and (page 68) ‘it is three years since I saw you.’
Note also that words of time, measurement, quantity and
so forth often stand in the accusative without any govern-
ment. “ΟΥ̓ is not translated in such phrases as ‘a cup
of tea,’ ‘a yard of cloth,’ ‘a piece of bread.’ The words
stand in ‘apposition ’—ek piydlah ch4,e—ek gaz kapra—ek
tukra roti. In such phrases, again, as ‘he fell from the wall,’
the natives say, he fell from ०४ the wall (diwar par se); also our
phrase ‘ out of’ is taken in the reversed light, and becomes
‘from in.’ Ex. :—lomri bil men se nikli, the fox came out
of (from inside) 76 hole. There is also a favourite idiom
by which the pluperfect tense (with Aad) is used where we
use a plain past. See Example, Exercise 27, page 52 ;
and (as in many other languages), the Future Tense is often
used, where, strictly speaking, the Subjunctive Mood is
the correct thing. ‘The omission of pronouns, where no
ambiguity will be caused, has already been pointed out.
Doubling words in order to strengthen the force is common
in Hindustani, and not unknown in English: ‘ My love is
like the red red rose.’ Ex. :—wuh achchha achchha 4dmi
hai, he ts a very good man.
6. You will sometimes find PLURALS IN ‘AN.’ This is
from the Persian; and occurs chiefly in words ending
in—dar. It does not change in the oblique cases. Ex. :—
Zamindar-dn, tabiddr-4n, chaukiddr-4n, &c.
7. ΜΑάμα- άπ (masc. and fem, ; declined like nouns in

‘a’ and ‘i’) are very useful terminations. They are joined
usually to the Nom. Sing. of a common noun, or to the in-
flected form of the Verbal Noun. They indicate a person
connected with the thing the noun expresses, or one who
does the action expressed by the verb. Ex. :—pankha wala,
a pankha-puller , roti-wala, a baker; machhli-wala, the fish-
monger ; likne-wali, the (female) wziter, and so on, ad-
infinitum. ‘they are also added to Adverbs.
8. The DEGREES OF COMPARISON are made thus :—
For the comparative degree you compare the thing you are
speaking of with ove thing of the same kind. For the
‘superlative degree,” you compare it 7۸‫ہر‬‎ all concetvable
things of the same kind. Your adjective has no change
indicative of ‘degree;’ but coutinues to ‘agree,’ as
usual, Ex. :—
Yih ghora ‫>ے‬‎ . . us ghorese . . . achchha hai.
This horse .. compared with that horse . . is the good one.
Yih ghora . . . sabghoronse . . . achchha hai.
This horse . . compared with all horses . .is the good one.
9. Occasionally you may find the Persian terminations
of the comparative and the superlative degrees, vzz., ‘TAR ᾿
and 'TARIN,’ used with adjectives derived from the Persian
language. But this is not common. The only familiar
word is ‘ bihtar,’ de¢/er ; the ‘ positive degree’ of which in
Persian is ‘bih,’ good. Superlative, ‘ bibtarin.’
٢‫ہ‬‎ In NARRATION, you must use the same pronouns
and verbs as the original speaker used: Ex. :—
Eng. :—He said he would go to Calcutta to-morrow.
Hind. :—He said, (that) ۶ ] will go to Calcutta tomorrow.’
ir. So, in sending a VERBAI, MESSAGE (which you

should never do if you can help it) give your messenger

the very words he is to use. Ex. :—
Eng. :—Go and tell him, I can’t come.
Hind. :—Go and tell him, (that) ‘The Judge sahib (or
as the case may be) can’t come.’
‫یے‬ ‘ITis;’ ‘THERE IS;’ ‘THERE ARE.’ These idioms‫‏‬
do not occur in Hindustani. The plain noun and verb‫‏‬
only are used. Ex.:—kaun hai,? raja sahib hain, who‫‏‬
ts it? Itts the rdja séhib. \Khabardar! ag hai, take care /‫‏‬
there's fire.‫‏‬
١3 . To 8۸۷. There is no verb for this. You must
use the verb ‘to be;’ on the “ber est mthi principle.
Ex. :—Ham-ko kuchh ummed nahin hai, 7 have no hope.
Us ke pas bahut kitaben hain, ἀξ has many books. Us-ke do
ghore hain, (Avs are two horses) he has two horses. When
‘have’ has the sense of ‘get,’ ‘obtain,’ &c. ‘milna’ may
be used. Ex. :—Us-ko ek hukm-namah mila hai, ۸۶ has,
holds, has got, a pass.
‫ہو‬ ‘““THankK you.” To a servant this phrase is pro-‫‏‬
perly expressed by ‘‘ bahut achchha ;” ‘‘ achchha :” or even‫‏‬
“bas.” The last word means ‘enough ;’ ‘thatll do. To
equals and superiors the word ‘“shukr-guzdr” (literally
‘thanks-passing ’) should be used—by itself—on all fitting
Note.—Exaggerated civility to an inferior is regarded by him as
sarcasm. As you may never use any word of abuse, a little
exaggerated politeness may be used instead.
‎‫ ہہ‬To satuTe “Salam karna;” ‘saldm_ bolna;”
“salam dena” “Salam karna” is to perform an act of
salutation. ““ ϑαϊάτη bolna” and “saidm dena” are about
equal to each other in meaning. You will have to use

them chiefly in two instances: first, as a polite mode of

sending fora person: Ex. :—‘‘kirdni babu ko saldm do”
{or bolo),.z.e., “give (or say) my ‘salém’ to the (Hindu) clerk”
—the rest is eliptic ; but the clerk will understand that he
is to come to you: so, secondly, when a caller sends in his
card, you say “salam do;” or ‘‘sal4m bolo” to the servant.
He carries your salam to the caller, who comes upstairs
and pays his visit, on receiving your “salam” but not
before. A ‘visiting-card’ is tikat (E.) ۱
۲6. The PARTICIPLE “IN KE” OR “ KAR,” (sometimes
“Rarke” or ‘‘ karkar,” all being derived from karna, some-
times only the plain stem), is much used in Hinditistani, to
lead up to the principal verb—and avoid the repetition of
“and” Ex, :—Yih bat bolkar chalad-gaya. Aaving said this
much (lit. this word), he went away. or, He said this much
and left.
‎‫ہ‬7. This little book contains none of the high-flown,
and somewhat exaggerated style of phraseology which
abounds in Oriental languages; nor any of the phrases
adopted from Arabic. These belong to an advanced
course. You should, however, provide yourself with two
phrases of a superior kind, to be used to native gentlemen
of rank. They are words meaning shortly, “ Zo arrive,” and
“to depart;” and are “‘tashrif lana,” 20 arrive, “tashrif
lejana,” ¢o depart. Tashrif means “‘ the honour of your pre.
sence :” the first phrase (to arrive) therefore means “20 dring
the honour of your presence” —and the second (to depart) —
to take that honour from us. ‘‘ Huziir,” is the correct word
whereby to address natives of high rank. The verb will of
course be in the third person plural ; and so you will say :
luztir kab tashrif la,e hain P= When did you arrive 7
Huztr kab tashrif le-j4,enge P= When do you go away 7

۱8. Then, the polite form by which to ask fora person’s

health is, ‘ mizdj sharif” To which the answer may be
‘huzur ki mihrbani se,’ dy Your Honour’s kindness, or ‘huzur
ki inayat se,’ dy Your Honour’s favour, or ‘ huzir ki du,a se,’
by Your Honour’s blessing, or ‘shukr Khuda ka hai,’ thank
God,—‘I am well’ being understood.
tg. Connected with this matter, I mention, in conclu-
sion, that in the middle of many names of Arabic origin,
you will find the syllable “κά or “ ud,” occasionally “us.”
They all mean,‘ of ¢he” and the whole name has generally
a grand significance. Thus Shams-ud-din means ‘The
Sun of the Faith ;” Sirdj-ud-daulah!, ‘The Lamp of the
Commonwealth,” and so on,


Khuda, God. Khairat, alms + charity to the
firishtah, az angel. poor.
auliya, the saints. rozah, ६ fast.
iblis ; shaitan, the 7060/7 rozah rakhna, Zo fast.
bihisht,? heaven. namdaz (fem.), prayer.
araf or iraf, purgatory. namdaz parhna, /osay prayers.
jahannam, ۶۶/۸۸ gharib-log, the oor.
rth, the soul, girja, a church.
din ; mazhab, religion. [verse. masjid, a mosque.
duniya, (fem.) the world ; uni- math, a temple. (H.)
neki ; bhala,i, ~Zghteousness. padri sAhib, an English mi-
gunah ; pap, sz. nister,; also,a Catholic priest.

* The “छा Roger Douler ” of the British soldier of the last century.
* Hence is derived the name of that one of your servants whom you
will probably call—this little book not withstanding—your “ Beasty.”’
( Bihishti.)

lat Padri Sahib, the Bishop. bigar-jana, fo go wrong ; get

imam, @ Muhammadan min- out of order (as health, a
ister} watch, &c.); 20 muscarry,
mahant ; guru, @ Hindu priest. (as plans.)
bibal (E.), the Bide. kisan, a cultivator.
kuran, the religious book of bona, to sow.
the Muhammadans. ropna, “0 plant.
bhagwat, ditto of the Hindus. nirauni, weeding; nirauni
karna, fo weed.
gidar ; siyal, a zackal.
bij, seed. zarrah, a dtttle somewhat.
chara, a seedling. kheti-karna, to cu/tivate.
Note.—‘Lat’ is corrupted English for ‘Lord.’


Bhala admi gharfb logon ko khairat dega. Khairdt dena,
namadz parhna, rozah rakhna, ye tin chizen khuda ko
pasand hain. Is girje ke padri-sahib ka nam kya hai?
Hani nahin jante. Ruth ka dram bihisht men hai ; khardb
admi,on ki saza jahannam men hogi. Ko,i mazhab nahin
hai, kih us men bhale 4dmi aur bure 4dmi nahin hain’ Ek
baras men barah mahine hain. Har ek baras men tin sau
tin kuri panch din hain. Kisd&n log paihle bij bote hain ; is
ke baad, chare khet men ropte hain. Agar pani kam ho,
to, fasl kharab hoti hai; gharfb logon k» kabhi-kabhi
sirf char ane ya do ane ki fasl milti hai. Tab zamindaran
bhi bure hal men hain. Unhon-ko khazanah nahin
milta hai; sarkdri mal-guzdri nahin de-sakte hain; pas,
un-ki zamindari,an nflam men bar-bad hain.

۶ Muhammadans have ٦ “ὁ priests. ”



This year the ryots will get a sixteen annas crop. Every
one will be pleased ; tenants, landlords, and Government.
Satan is the enemy of man; God is his friend. From
religion, is the peace of the soul. The Bishop will be here
the day after to-morrow. The church is open every
alternate Sunday.
Is my watch correct? No. It is fast. How many rtipis
are in the house? Three hundred and ninety-three. In
the evening, jackals come into the garden. I have not
been here since the day before yesterday. On what date
did he go away ? On 7th July last.

The difference between words given in the body of this

book and words in the Glossary at the end, is that the
former are words which you must know, and must learn up
as soon as possible ; while among the latter, are many words
which you may or may not require to use, and for which
you must search if wanted.
2. The following lists—among which Exercises are
placed by way of rests—complete the words which you 7:7
know. Some of the words already given are allowed to
appear again here.



mausam, ov miisim, @ season ; garmi ka mausam, ¢he hot

weather. weather , summer}
jare ka mausam (07 musim), barsat ka mausam, ¢he rainy
the cold weather ; winter. weather.

' The durations of these three seasons may be roughly given thus :
‘The cold weather,’ 750 October to ‫ا‬‎ ‫ ڈاط‬March. ‘The hot
weather,’ ‫اط‬5‫ہ‬‎ March to ‫؛ط‬5‫×<ص‬‎ June. ‘The raius,’ ‫اط‬5‫ہ‬‎ June to
‎5‫ ط‬October. The cold weather is longer in North-Weastern India.
There is plenty of hot weather everywhere during ‘the rains.’

andhi ; tufan, a storm. saf; khula, clear.

khula din, a fine day ; fair- andhera, dark,
weather. abr ; badli, 6 cloud.
dhup ; tapish ; garmi, ۸۶۰ hawa ; batds, (L. B.) zeind.
jara ; sardi, cold. kohasah, fog.
barf, szow , ἴω. garaj, ‘hunder.
yakh, 7८८. bijli, Zightning.
garajna, fo thunder.
barsat ; barish ; pani, vazn. bijli chamakna, 4० lighten.
patthar, Aaz/, barasna ; pani hona, Zo rain.
Note. —‘Adjectives’ may be made by using a noun and ka, ki, ke. Ex. :-—
Aj pani ka din hai, ¢Azs ἐξ a rainy day,



Asman, the sky. nahr, ध canal.
suraj; aftab, the sun. tal, a lake.
chand, the moon. talab ; taldo, a reservoir; a
tdra ; sitarah, a s/ar. ‘ tank.’
dunya, ¢he world. ahar ; khazdnah, a reservoir
mitti ; khak, earth. made by damming up na-
pani; ab; jal, water. tural supplies,
hawa, air. Κύ,α ; inddra, a 7९८९४,
Ab-o-hawa, climate. pahar: koh, 6 mountain.
samtindar; kala pani, the tara,i ; diman-i-koh, the /and
open sea. at the base of mountains.
darya ; naddi, ६ river. maidan ; ramnah, a plain ;
kindrah, the shore ; bank. meadow.
nala, a ditch ; ‘ nullah,’ (An- darakht ; gachh ; per, a tree.
glo-Flind. ) Abadi, cultivated land.
‎‫کا یت‬ 6

parti, zvaste-land ; uncultivat- rah ; (fem.) rasta, a road.

ed land. sarak, ¢he highway. (fem.)
jangal, forest; high-grass, or gali, a dane ; a ‘gully,’ (Anglo
Jorest trees on land; a Hind.)
weedy place; ‘jungle, chauk, a sguare (often used
jhar; jhari, wnderzwood ; 5८7४८, as the market-place. )
kichar, mud. bazar, a collection of shops,
balu ; ret, sand. or stalls; a market; the
patthar, 6 stone. ‘bazaar?
hat; mela, 4 fair.
patta, a leaf.
dukan, a shop.
dal ; shakh, a éranch.
hotel, (E.) @ hofe?.
jar, @ root ; roots.
isteshan, (E.) ¢he ratlway-
ghas, grass. station,
phal ; mewa, /rzzt. jel-khanah, (jel, E.) the 747८
phul, Zowers. kilah ; garh, 6 ‫رک‬‎
shahr; nagar, @ city ; a fown. pul, 4 dridge.
ganw ; basti; gram (L. B.) rel-rasta, (‘rel,’ E.) the ×۶"
a village. way.
ghar ; makan ; kothi, ६ douse. rel-gari, a vatlway carriage ;
hopri, @ cottage. a train.


Barsat ke mausim men, jangal aur jhar bahut tinche hote

hain; darya sab bare hain; gachh, maidan, ghas, sab chizen
sabz rang ki hoti hain. Garm dinon men, darkar hai ‫اناج‬‎
ko,iddmi dhuip men nahin jawe; magar aksar hota hai kih
garmi ke mausim men, sab ko,i tandurust rahta hai; jare ke
mausim men, dab-o-hawa nihayat pasand hai; lekin sardi
ke bd,is, zukim aur chand kism ki bimdarf admi,on-ko
taklif deti hain.


A storm is coming from the West. I see lightning there.
Listen! there’s thunder. I can’t hear it. There are many
shops in the city; but the streets are narrow. There are
fozs in the cold weather. The train will arrive at noon.
There are no shops in this square. It is near the bazar,
therefore there are no shops. The water of the reservoir
is better than the water of the canal. There is a large
tank on the ‘ maidan.’! A fair will take place (say, ‘ ¢here
will be a fair’) on the roth of next January. Have you
been at (say, ‘ever gone to’) the Sonptir fair (mela) 2


janwar ; haiwan, any aninadl. tint ; shutur, 6 came/.
hathi ; fil or pil, az elephant. ghora, 4 horse.
sher-babar ; singh, ۰‫ھ‬‎ madiyan, 6 mare,
sher ; bazh, a 772८7: yadha,” gadhi, an ass.
chita, a leopard. tattu, 4 pony ; a fat?’ (Anglo-
bhal; bhalu, a dear, Hind).
jangli su,ar, @ doar, kutta, kutti, 4 dog,
bheriya, a wolf. billi, a ८4४.
gidar ; siyal, a jackal, sand,? a ۸۸
lomri, 4 fox. bail, ax ox.
haran or hiran, a stag ; a ۷ bhains ; bhainsa, ६ duffado.
gilehri, a squirrel, 834,0 or ga,e, a cow,
khar-gosh, 4 rabbit ; hare. bachra, a ८4८.
: ‎‫و‬
Used as an English word ; especia. lly in
in C
2 Also used figuratively,
3 The pronunciation of this word does not admit of being rep
by letters, you must ear it pronounced before attempting it.

bheri, @ sheep. sui,ar,! a pig.

bakri ; chhagul, @ goat. bandar, ६ monkey.
sanp, @ snake. til-chatta, a cockroach.
bichchhu, @ scorpion. chunti, az ant.
gojar, a centipede. dimak, ६ whtte ant.
indur, ६ rat. machchhar, a musgutto,
chuiha, @ mouse. makkhi ; magas, a fly.
chha-chhiindar, 6 musk-rat. pissu, @ flea.
cham-gidar, α dat. khat-mal, 6 dug.
tiktikki, a /tzard. gandi, a ‘gundy.

chiriya, a ۵۶۶ of any kind. murgh, murghi, cock, hen.
murgh-abi, water fowl. piru, 4 turkey.
gidh, a vulture. pekan, 6 capon (English word
chil, 4 kite. with (८ and “}᾽ misplaced).
chakwa, chakwi, ¢he Brah- kabuitar, 4 0۰‫ا‬‎
miny goose. chaha ; isnaip (E.) spe.
mor, a peacock, bater, guai/.
saras ; bogla, a crane. til, (E.) 4.
kauwa, @ crow. tota, tuiti, a parrot.
ullu,? ax owl. maina, a ۲۸70776.
hans, 6 swan. bulbul, @ du/dbul (often con-
raj-hans, @ goose. founded with a nightingale).
bat; battakh, @ duck. shama, a nightingale.


Jangal men bahut janwar rahte hain. Sher-babar jangal
ke bddshah hain, Hindtistan men sher-babar kam hain.

१2१६७ used figuratively.


Sher bahut hain: aksar admi,on-ko pakar-kar khate hain.

Sab ko,i un-se darte hain. Barsdt kemausim men sanp kabhi-
kabhi ghar men ate hain: bahut khabardar hona chahiye.
Diwar men sebichchhunikal-ate hain. Hindtistan ki chiriyan
nahin gati hain. Mor ki ἀννάφ bahut nd4-pasand hai. Sahib
log bahut murghi,an khate hain ; is mulk men sasti hain.
When the grass is long, (then) there are many snakes.
At the base of the mountains, the hunter gets many tigers
and elephants. The bear lives in the hills. Pig-sticking
is the best sport in the country. A fast horse is necessary
for pig-sticking. Ponies are serviceable for children. In
this country, the three seasons are—the cold weather, the
hot weather, and the rains.


bazar, the market. puinji, capital.
bazar karna, (0 market. suid, interest.
mol-lena ;kharid-karna, fo dey. dukan, a shop.
bechna, Zo se//. duikandar, a shopkeeper.
bikna, 40 δὲ sold. sarraf, (Anglo-Hind. ‘shroff’),
kimat ; dam, price. a banker.
nirkh (Anglo-Hind. nirrik) ; mahajan, )/۸ the great man),
bha,o, rave. a money lender; merchant.
kharid-farokht, duying and saudagar, a merchant ,;
selling ; trafficking. trader,
sauda ; mal; chiz, merchan- saudagari; tijarat, trade.
dize ; goods. dasturi, discount; allowance
nafa, profit. given by the seller to your
nuksan ; ghati, oss. servant.

τά), the mason. kapra, cloth.

lohar, the smith, thin, 4 prece ; a web.
nal-band, 7/7۰ farrier. namtinah, 4 pattern ; sample.
barha,i, he carpenter. resham, s7/k,
balbar ; hajjam, ¢he darder. mal-mal, 7,
sonar, the gold, or szlver- katan-kapra, 7/77767, calico.
smith, ruil, cotton,
juiti-wala, the shoe-maker. tin ; pashm, 2९००८.
mochi, ¢he cobbler, worker banat, drvad-cloth.
in leather. flalen, (E.) flannel.
tarazu, a qweighing-machine. markin, (7.०, ‘American’)
bat khara, a wezght for ditto. calico,
taul ; wazn, the weight of a lamba,i, Zevgth.
thing. choura,i, dzeadth.
taul karna, 70 weigh. mota,i, ¢hickness.



khane ki mez, the dining-table. dis, (E.) the piece de résistance

mez ki chadar, the table-cloth, sekan oy sikan (7.e., ‘second’
also ¢able-cover. E.), the second course.
bartan, a plate ; dish. chhuri, 6 ۸۶۰
khane ke bartan, the dinner kanta, a fork,
things. [service. chhuri-kanta, the ‫بہی‬‎ and
mewe ke bartan, the dessert- forks.
duinga, the dish in which a chammach;chamchah,a spoon.
stde-dish or vegetables are dhakna; sarposh, a cover ; lid.
served; a _ side-dish, which hath-boli, (half E.) ‫"رکا‬‎
servants are fond of calling glass.

also ‘sai-dis,’ (E.) hath ka tauliyah, @ naphrn.

glas, (E.) a glass ; the glass- pench-kash, 6 cork-screw.
۶(۰ kag, (for E. ‘ cork’) a cork.
piyalah, @ cup. khilal, 4 footh-pick.
pirich, 4 saucer. pik-dan : ugal-dan, 6 spittoon.



bawarchi-khanah, the ۸۸۷۰/۰, fara,i pan, (E.) the /rying-pan.

degchi, a copper cooking vessel. sikh, 4 sfit.
kala,i, the tinning of the same. tanwir, 47 oven.
(has to be done once a chulha, @ stove ; fire-place for
month.) cooking :
hanci, az earthen pot. ko,ila, charcoal , coals.
ghara, a water-pot, hezam ; lakri, ۶0009 ; fuel.
rasti,i, cooking. doli, a hanging meat-safe.
rasti,t ke bartan, ‘the cooking thali, a (४६55 plate.
pots. lota, a native brass-vessel for
handi-bartan, vesse/s gener- liguids.
ally, thali-lota, zative brass-vessels
ketli, (E.) the kettle, generally,
ττ’“Ξ ———


(See also pages 34 and 94.)
sone ka kamara, the bed-room. hath-boli, (E.) 6 washing-
singdr-mez, a dressing-table. basin. |
a,inah, 4 looking-glass (accent aftdbah, 4 water-jug ‫ ر‬A ‫‏‬۴7
on first syllable.) sdbun, soap.

british, (E.) a drush, raza,i, the gutit.

kanghi, a ८०१7८, takiyah ; balish, 4 pillow.
sabun-dan, ६ soap-dish, ghilaf, ६ covering slip, ¢.x.,
manjan, ‘ooth powder or case fora pillow.
paste. toshak, the mattress.
khush-bu, scenzé. tab, (E.) 6 tud.
bal ka tel, Zazr-o77. tauliyah, ६ fowe/.
palang ; charpa,i ; khat, a ded. isfanj, a sponge.
musahri, musqutto-curtains. tokri, a basket.
chadar, the sheets. jharan, ६ duster.
kammal ; kamli, ¢he dlankets. jharu, a broom.


anta; gend; goli, a 7۸‫ء‬‎ jal, ६ net.
khelne kilakri; thapi, 68 dat; khamba, ६ Jos?,
a cue or the 22०. khtinta ; mekh, 4 ες.
anta-ghar, the dilltard-room ; shatranj, chess.
the club. tash, cards.
khel-gah, the play ground. pase, dice.
gend-gah, ¢he racquet court. takhtah-nard, dackgammon.
satar, a line. tenis, dawn-fennts.
rassi, 6 rope ; string. polo, folo.
Note.—And so of other games. The English word must be used because
the natives not having ¢he thing, cannot have a name for it.

Ayah! sab chiz taiyar hai ἢ Han mem sahibah ? sab durust
hai. Tum kaisi 4dmi ho! kuchh sdbun nahin hai, aur tum
sab durust’ bolti ho. Mera kustir! mu,af kijiye! Tab men

pani hai? Nahin mem-sdhibah ! bihishti 4j bimar hai. To

ham kya karenge ? Ek kuli ko char paise dijiye, to wuh pani
le-Awega. Achchha! achchha! kuli ko bul4jo—aur sabun,
tauliyah bhitar rakh-do. Darzi bhi nahin aya hai! sab ko,i
4j bimdr hain ! Mem sdhibah ! sach bat yih hai, kih aj bara
tamdshah hai; is liye sab log bimari ka bahdnah karte
hain ; bandi hazir-hai.
Bring clean sheets for! the bed. All the sheets are at?
the washerman’s ? Since when are they at the washer-
man’s ? Since yesterday. Put all the books on the table,
and clean the book-shelves. See! how dirty (they) are:
clean (them) with warm water (and) soap; (and) then rub
(them) with polish. Sometimes snakes come into the
house ; so? one must always be careful. Scorpions also and
cock-roaches come out of the walls, and fleas and bugs
and mosquitoes are everywhere.
Do pahar ke wakt tumhdara bap ghar men se nikal-aya.
Andhere ke wakt phir-gaya. Aj kaun tarikh hai? Aj jula,i
mahine ki ath tarikh hai. Hamdara badan kamzor hai 2;
mede men dard hai. Jibh dekhla,jo. Zard rang ki‘ hai ‫;و‬
dawa zartir nahin hai: subh ko, sham ko, ghore par hawa
khana chahiye. Nahin! chand roz hit,e, kih main apne
ghore par se gir-para; bihtar hai, kih ap dawa den.
Achchha ! main dtinga.
One day, at evening, a fox, having come out of the
jungle, saw grapes in a garden. He said (that) “ see there :
! Ke waste. * Ke pas, ὃ ,‫طوە‬‎
Feminine, because ‘ jibh,’ which is feminine, is understood.
4 F ٠ . *s . 7 7 ۰ 7

“ certainly these grapes are large and sweet, I shall seize

“some.” But the grapes were on the roof of a house. ‘The
fox began to jump ; but was not able to get up, ' and could
not lay-hold-of * even one grape. ? Becoming vexed, he said
(that) “ no-doubt you are very sour, ” and went away.


istabal, the stable. ‫سط‬, 4 fly-flickher.‫‏‬
than, a stad/. gari, the carriage.
saz, the harness. thika-gari, a carriage for hire,
ras, the reins. a ‘fly’; a cab.
jot, the traces. tam-tam, (E.) 4 dog-cart. 4
bag : lagam, ‫ے‬‎ ۵۶۷/۶. fitan-gari, (half E.) a phae-
dahanah, 6 ९४7. Zon,
nuktah, //76 head-sta//. band-gari, 6 dvougham.,
zanjir, a chain,
dumchi, ¢he crufper (strap). bartish-gari, 6 darouche.
zin, a saddle, ghora, 6 horse.
zer-band, a martingale. madiyan, 6 mare.
halkah, ६ collar. tattu, a ۰‫م‬‎
peti ; tang, 6 girth. jori, ‘the pair (of horses).
brtish, (E) 6 ۵۶۷۶/۸۰ jori-gari, the carriage and
kharkharah, 6 curry-como. patr ready for use.
rikab, 6 stirrup. kampas, ¢-(E) the shafts ; a
rikab-diwal, st¢rrup-leathers. one-horsed carriage.
kanta, ध spur. nal, a horse-shoe.
chabuk, 6 wip. nal-bandi, shoeing a horse.

‫ مم‬Charhna.‫‏‬ ? Pakarna. 3 ].४ angur bhi.

* Supposed to be the English * tandem. °

khol-bandi, faking off the chana, gvam.

shoes, paring the hoofs ja,i, ۰
(som) and putting the old jau, darley.
shoes on again. bhiisi, ۸۸۰
thaili, a dag. sattu, a kind of flour, gtven
balti, a paz?. in water to horses when
rassi ; bagdor, a ۶۸۸۶۰ tired, &¢.
saz ka ghora, a harness-stand. ghas, grass.
mom-raughan, grease; otf ; dub-ghas, a kind of grass
harness-paste ; polish, which ts best for horses.
barnish, (E.) varanrsh. namak, sa/¢.
rang, paint. bichhauna, dedding.
danah, grain ۰ corn. bichali ۶۷۷



shorbah, (wv/g. stirwah) soup. istew, (pronounce as in Eng-

machhli, ۰ lish, with-short ‘i’ before,)
sdman-machhli, sa/mon, stew.
chingri, shrimps. airan-i-stew, Jrish-steze.
gosht,' meat of all kinds. frikasi, /ricassee.
katlis, (E.) cutlers. Aspik, asfec.
minch, nce. murghi, 6 forel ‫إ‬‎ fozels.

In English houses, the servants distinguish ‘ bif-gosht,’ + matan-

yosht,’ ἄς, The parts of an animal, as used at table, are also gen-
erally called by the English names; as, ‘ hed,’ ‘ sholdar,’
‘ leg,’ ‫؛‬‎ fore-
kartar ;’ ‘sedli’ (sadd/e,) ‘ chip,’ (chop,) Sistek * (steak),
&८. Many
English people drop the “τ᾿ of gosht,’ and so reach a word which
means ‘an ear.’ But the servants come to know what is meant,

murghi-rost, (half E.) voast- anda-bekam, ham and egg.

Sow. koftah, risso/e.
murghi-boil, (half E.) doz/ed- ptiding, (E.) pudding,
Sow. panir, cheese.
murghi-katlis, chicken-cutlets. roti, dread,
kari, curry. rol, (E.) dinner rolls.
bhat, cooked rice. tost, (E:) 7043४.
kari-bhat, curry and rice. makkhan, ‎‫ھ‬۰۶7
puld,o, fowl cooked with rice chapati, @ scone.
and condiments. kulchah ; ‘kek,’ (E.) cake.
sassich, (E.) sausage. biskit, (E.) déscuit.
patis, (E.) potted meat. murabba ; jam,(E.)/am; jelly.
anda, an egg. jeli,(E.) 7ed/y, as taken with
ham, (E.) (pronounce as mutton, &c., or as ‘a zelly.’
English, ‘ hem’) Zam. barf, (vulg.‘ baraf’) ‫یز‬‎ an
bekam, dacon. ice,



masalah, sfices, generally. wildyati! tei, olive 0777.

namak, 3६४. adrak, green ginger, used also
ra,i, mustard. to mean preserved ginger.
mircha (vag. ‘mirich’) pepper. sonth, dry ginger.
gol-mirch, black pepper. haldi, ¢urmerte.
lAl-mircha, cayenne-fepper. lahsan, garlic.
sirkah, vinegar. parsh, parsley.
sds, (E.) sauce. pudinah, mint.

3 ‘Wilayati’ means foretgn,; especially, Zuropfean, or English, It

is the ‘belatee,’ or ‘ bilatty’ of Anglo-Hindustani.

chilli,! chil/tes. inisri, crystacised sugar.

chatni, chuinee.
mitha,i, szweefs, also, ‘ the tambaku, fodacco.
dessert.’ churut, (E.) @ cigar.
chini ; shakar, ۶/۰ sigaret, (E.) ६ cigarette.


tarkdri ; sabzi, vegetables, gen- 548, spinach , ‘ sdg.’
erally. shalgham, ¢urnzps.
Alu, pofatoes. gajar ; gajrah, carrots,
matar, 0۰‫ض‬‎ piydz, 07707.
bora, a dean. tamatu, /omatoes.
mili, radish. hatichok, (E.) artichokes.
kobi, cabbage. salad, (E.) /ettuce ; salad.
phul kobi, cauliflower. silari, (E.) celery.
Note—Many other vegetables are also used, and called by their native
names, some having no English equivalent. Among these are,
‘kaddoo,’ palwal,’ “ bhindi,’ ‘ brinjal’ov ‘ baigan,’ ‘ kachhw’ (Jerz-
salem artichoke), &c., &c. Your ‘madi’ will point them out to you.


mewah, /rutt generally, angur, a grape ; grapes.
Am, 4 mango. anjir, ८ fig.
amriid, guava. badam, almonds.
andr, a pomegranate. bel, the ‘ del,’ fruit.

2 Not a Hindustani word,


kathal, the zack fruit. naranyi, an orange.

kela, plantains. naryal, the cocoa-nut.
khajur, dates. pistah, pistachio nuts.
kharbuzah, selon, seb, an apple.
kishmish, ۶۶7/7۰ shaft-alu, ६ peach.
imli, ¢amarind. sharifah, 4 custard-apple.
jauz, a nut; nuts, strabari, (E.) strawberries.
lemu, ۶‫م‬‎ laimtin, a lemon. tipari, cafe gooseberries,
lichi, the leechee. khtibani, apricors,
Note.—In ‘angtr’ the ‘ng’ has not a nasal sound. Pronounce as
if the syllables were separate, ‘an-gur.” You will not find on
European tables in India many more fruits than those given above.
You may add ‘pama/lo’ also anannas, /ine-apple.


See page 34. Wines on English tables are called by their
English names, (generally more or less altered,) followed by
the word ‘sharab,’ zene. ‘ Claret’ is generally called 4
sharab.’ Sometimes ‘ kaldrat’ (without ‘ sharab’ added.)


barf-pani, 7۶6202-74, cha,e, fea.
wildyati-pani, soda-water. afi ;(E.); kahwah, coffee
mitha pani (szveet water), koko, (E.) coco.
lemonade. 00970, 77+
tita pani, ८7//९४, 7.९... tonic mala,i, cream.
Ek admi ke ghar men, ek sau rtipfye, chori se, gum-ho-
ga,e the. Us-ne kizi ko khabar di. Kazi-ne sab naukaron
ko talab karke, ek ek Admi-ko ek lakri, nap men barabar,

di; aur kaha kih, ‘jo d4dmi chor hai, us ki lakri ek ungli
barh-ja,egi.” Tab sabhon-ko rukhsat di. Rat ke wakt,
chor-ne, apni lakri se, ek ungli kat dali; is taur se, kazi-ne
chor pahchana, us-se ruipiye liye, aur saza di.


One man asked another, ‘you, on the sea have often
made journeys: say, what! wonderful-things? have you
seen? He gave answer: ‘Than all,’ this is wonderful,‘
that J, at the shore, arrived in safety.


(See also pages 34 and 87.)
kapra ; kapre, clothes gene- kamar-band, a watst-band :
rally. belt.
khane ka kapra, dress clothes. belat (E.) a belt.
[ΟΡ], 4 hat. moze, 0९०४ ; but used in
chhoti topi, @ cad. English houses to mean
solah® topi, 4 ὁ hat. socks ; stockings.
pagri, 4 cloth tead-dress ; ‫ہم‬‎ but (E.) boots,
turban , also linen, or silk, पी, or juita, a shoe. (slipper.
bound round a ‘topi.’ silpat or slipat (E.); paposh,a
kalar, (E.) @ collar. dastanah, १००८5,
gala-band, or gulu-band, a rumal, a pocket-handkerchief.
neck-tte ; neck-scarf. resham ka rtimdl, 6 ۲۷‫ء‬‎ ditto,

“Kya kya ;” doubling the pronoun gives the idea of number.

2 Wonderful things ; wonders, ‘aja,ib,’
3 See page 74, section 8,
$ ‘ajibah.’
‫ ؟‬Not derived from sol, solis, the sun,‫‏‬

labadah, a cloak. aneguithi, ‎‫ ے‬ring.

kurti, 4 coat. sone ki anguthi, @ gold ring.*
barani-kurti, . 6 great coat. istad, (E.)° a stud ; studs
barsati-kapra, waterproofs. pin, (E.) 4 pin.
frak, (E.); dares, (E.) ۶* brtish, (E.) ६ brush.
lady’s dress. bal ka british, 4 Aatr-brush.
frak-kot, (E.) ६ frock-coat. kapre ka brutish, ‫ھے‬‎ clothes-
daman, fhe skirt. brush.
Astin, @ sleeve. dant ka british, ६ tooth-brush.
waskat, (E.) @ warstcoat. kanghi, a comé,
patlun, (E.) ¢vozwsers. kainchi, sczssors.
brichis, (E.) dreeches. kalam-tarash, a penknife.
galis, braces. slit, thread + string.
piti-kot, (E.) @ petticoat. fitah, fape; shoe-lace ; boot-
kamis, a shirt ; chemise. lace.
sul-daraz, drawers. su,i, a needle,
bani,en, 677 under-flannel shirt. su,i-taga, a needle-and-thread.
rat ka kapra, wight dress ; sabun, soap.
night things. |Pyjamahs.’ sabun-dan, the soap-dish.
pa-e-jamah, night drawers ; isfanj, ὦ Sponge.
rat ki kurti, a short night-coat. manjan, dentifrice.
rat ki kamis, a might-shirt. bal ka tel, Zair-o7/
baroch, (E.) @ brooch. khush-bu, ३८८४४.
۶ Gentlemen generally call this their ‘brandy-kurti.’ On the contrary,
it is derived from the Persian ‘baran,’ which means rain.
2 And so of other metal or gem rings; use ‘ ki’ before ‘ anguthi.’
The principal gems are :—Almas ; hira, dZamond. Zamurrad ; panna,
emerald. Yakut, ruby. Firozah, oy pirozah, ‘turquoise, Lahsuniya,
cat’s-eye. Diidhiya-patther, ofa? (from dudh, mz2k). Moti, 4 pearl.
3 Uneducated natives require a preliminary ‘2,’ to help them to
pronounce a word beginning with an ‘s,’ followed by another con-
sonant. Another common word is, ‘istrit,’ séree¢: and there are
many others.


English titles of rank, of course somewhat altered, are

used, followed by the word ‘sahil.’ The principal are :—
jarnail sdhib (the General), karnail sahib, mejar sdhib,
kantdn sdhiv, sdrjan sahib (‘he sergeant). Native officers
are culled the stibadar sahib, hawaldar sahib, jamadar sdhib,
&c., though it is to be feared that ‘sdhib’ is not always
used to native officers.

fauj ; lashkar, the army. sdmdn-i-jang, eguipments of
paltan, ६ regiment. war.
gore ki paltan, a Luropean zarb, a.stand of armis.
regiment. top, @ cannon.
sawar, 4 horse-soldier. banduk, a gun; musket.
sipahi, 4 foot-soldier,; a ‘sepoy. )
talwar ; shamsher, 6 sword.
baja, the and. _— |standard. ballam ; barchhi, 4 spear.
jhanda ; nishan, a flag, the taghmah ; urdi,* a uatform.
dera, a tent. goli, a dall ; bullet,
dera karna, 20 encamp. top ki goli, व cannon-ball.
kitch karna, 29 march, tonta ; karttis (cartouche), 6
chhauni ; la,ins (EF. ), the bar- cartridge.
racks ; the lines. barut, powder.
jang ; lara,i, war. chharra, shot.
roz-i-maidan, the day of the martaul, a hammer.
plain, i.e. of battle. kudal; kuddli, a@ spade ;
saff-i-jang, δα ἐς order. pickaxe.
lard,i; hamla ; mukdbalah, tanga, an axe.
battle ; attack ; onset. rasad, forage ; provinder.
۶ Not Hindustani; but in common use.
T., Ἡ.


Nakl hai kih barsat ke mausim men, ek tint aur ek gadha
sath sath safar-ko ga,e the. Darmiyan rah ke, unhon-ko ek
naddi mili. Pahle tint pani men paitha ; gadha kindre par
pichhe raha. Unt-ne kaha, ‘Are! dost! kytin nahin dte
ho? pani thora hai.’ Us-ne jawdb diya, ‘albattah pani
sirf tumhare pet tak hai, lekin mere kan tak hoga, main
duib-ja,tinga, age ja,iye, mujh-ko प्राण, kijiye.’
A miser said toa rich man, ‘Oh! Iam going friend!
‘on (Xo) a journey ; give me your ring ; seeing (it) on my
‘finger, I shall keep remembrance of (se) you.’ The
rich man said, ‘When you see your finger bare, you can
remember! me.’ He did not give the ring.
हल aera το,

tar (wire), the telegraph. dak-ghar, the post-office.
tar-ghar, ¢he telegraph-office. chitthi-dak, the letter-post.
tar ki khabar, or chitthi, @ bahangi-dak, the parcel post ;
telegram. (Anglo-Hind. '۶ banghi
firam (E.), α telegraph (or dawk.,’)
any other) ‘form.’ mahstil, Aostage.
dak ; tappal,? the ost. dak-tikat, a postage-stamp.
dak-munshi, ¢he postmaster. chitthi dak men dena, or,
dak-wala, the postman, [ner. dalna, or, rakhna, 20 ‫وو‬‎
dak piyadah,3 the postal-run- a letter,
2 Yad-rakhna. ? Not used in Lower Bengal.
3 There is a word pi,an,’ generally spelt ‘ peon,’ in very common
use for a ‘messenger’ of any kind. The natives think the word is
English ; Englishmen think that it is Hindustani,



dram, comfort. kam, any business, or work ;

jawab, an answer. use.
jawib dena, 20 answer ; ais- yih kis kam ka hai, of what
MISS. use ts this ?
chitthi; khatt, 4 /2//९४, a note, parwah, ¢mportance ‫إ‬‎ ‘matter.’
(Anglo-Hind. a ‘ chit.’) kuchh parwah nahin, 7s no
nim, @ ۰ matter, ‘dont trouble
sust, /azy ‫۔‬‎ out of sorts. about it. (The ‘ kuch-par-
bu, a 4۰ wanny’ of Anglo-Hind.)
khush-bu, @ nice smell , scent. parwanah, a written order of
bad-bu, a nasty smelt. commana.
tab, or tap ; bukhar, fever. kya kya, what (various)
muhri, a drain. things ; what sorts of...?
lakh ; lah, sealing-wax. nazdiki, xecghbourhood.
le,i, Paste. mihrbani kar-ke (dt. doing
nashtah! ; haziri, dveakfast. the kindness), ‘have the
tifin, Zech. kindness, * goodness,’ ὧδε.
rokna: thamna, 0 stop mu,af kijiye, means either
(¢rans.) (seriously), ( pardon me,’ or
khara-rahna, ¢o stop (intr.) (courteously),* pray / excuse
chalna; chalana ; 48९ bar- me. “7 beg your pardon.’
hana, 20 go on. Khan: Bahadur: Khan Ba-
shikar, hunting ; sport ; game. hadur, zative titles, best
shikar-karna, τῶ hunt ; shoot, left untranslated.
&c. waghairah, ef cetera.
shikari, a@ hunter. fakat, ints.

? Not used in Lower Bengal.



Apni ma ke waste 4r4m-kursi bardmde men rakh-do. Rat
andheri hai, lamp bahar lejana hoga. Achchha! lej4jo. YVih
chithi jarnail sdhib ke pds le-j4-kar, jawdb Ἰά,ο. Hamdra
s4,is bahut hoshydr hai: Aj sham ko, hamdra ghora bhaga-
jata tha; usne, ek baghal se daurkar, lagam-ko pakar-kar,
ghore-ko roka : is-tarah ham bach-gaye.
Balu par ek bhal chalta hai; huztir ke ikbdl se, bandah
mar-dalega : tonta-dijiye.
Lara,i ke wakt, (0,47۰ khush nahin hain. Lashkar sab
Admi,on, sab chizon ka malik hota hai; bahut zulm karta
hai: khet ki fasl lit le-jata hai; aur 4dmi 0 aurat-ko,
bojhe uthane ke waste, zor se, chhin-leta hai ; w4,e! wd,e!
Yih chitthi dak men rakh-do. Sahib! tikat nahfn hai.
Durust! ham bhtl ga,e; tikat Jagd4-do, aur jald dauro!
paune pdnch baje dak band hogi; aur suno! ham4re
waste, char tikat, char char ane ki, mol-lo. ۶٤۰
We shall go (out) shooting to-day. What sort of game!
are there hereabouts ?? Tiger, leopard, and wild-pig. Any
water-fowl] ? Yes! duck; and there ’s also snipe. We shall
have to ride two kos. No matter! it is the cold season.
Yes! but the sun is hot at noon, We have solah-topis !
That’s true. Wait a little ! my gun is not clean.
When shall we be back? At seven in the evening.
But what will the ladies do? They can play lawn-tennis
with each other.3 That won’t suit+ my wife,-—we must be
back by 3. Allright! we’ll come back together.
Khuda salamat rakhe. ۰+
May God preserve you! Amen!
۶ Shikér. * In this neighbourhood, * Among themselves.
* Be agreeable

Numerals from 2٥۱ to τοῦ.

6 2
Relative and Co-relative Words.

A List of Feminine Words in various final letters.
‫ جک‬कदर‫‏‬
-. +o 7 ‫ےہ‬‎ ὦ μια

ΝΣ » ۲ va ‫ست‬‎ ᾿ ᾿
᾿ हि “ον -"

Ὁ ۱ ea ᾿ ۳᾿ ‫کپ‬‎

‫ہہ‬ a‫‏‬ ‫و‬



gt ‫~‏‬

Showing the Ordinal Numerals from 2 to r00.

(See page 64.)
From ٠ to 30,’is...te, is...chaubis...pachfs...chhabbis...satd,is ...
From ‫ج‬۲٤٥‎ 40.
iktis... battis... tetis...chautis... paintis...chhattis...saintis...
From 4 to 50,
iktdlis... be,dlis...tetdlis ... chau,dlis... paintdlis...chhi,alis...
From 5۲ to 60.
ikdwan...bdwan . tirpan... chauwan... pachpan... chhappan
From 6I to 70.
iksath... bdsath...tirsath .. chausath ...painsath...chhi,dsath
From 7۰٦ to 80.
ikhattar ... bahattar.. tihattar ... chauhattar ... pachhattar...
From 8+ to go.
ikdsi... be,asi... tirdsi... chaurdsi ... pachasi ... chhi,asi ..-
From git to ‫ہ‬٥۰‎
ikanawe ... banawe...tirdnawe...chaurdnawe...pachanawe...
chhi,anawe...santanawe...anthdnawe...nindnawe...sau, or


Showing a list of Relative and Co-relative words, the

latter to be used in Hincutistani, even though not required
in English.
agar ; jo, 9. to, ۸۰
agarchi, a/though. tau-bhi, even then; stil.
jab, zhen. tab ; to, ¢hen.
jab-tak (or, talak), /7/८ ۶۸۰ tab-tak (07, talak), “2/7 then.
jahan, where; wherever. tahan, ‘here.
jahan-tak, however for ; up tahan-tak, so /ar; up to
to where. there.
jaisa, as. taisa ; waisa, 50.
jaun, zhoever ; whatever. taun; wuh, Ze, she; that.
jidhar, zeActhersoever. tidhar, ۶۰
jis-kadar, én whatever degree. us-kadar, 728 that degree.
jis-wakt, af what time ; when. us wakt, af that time, then.
jitna, ov, jetna, as much as ; itna, oy utna, so much ; so
as many as many.

jo, ‎‫کو‬ to, then. [these.

jo ; jo-ko,i, who ; whoever. wuh, 6९, she ; that; we, they,
jo-kuchh, zehatever. so, that.

‘‘Jidhar ap ja,engi, tidhar bandi bhi ja,egi; jahan ap
rahengi, tahan baudi bhi rahegi. Jo log ap ke hain, we
bandi ke honge ; jo Khuda ap ka ho, wuh mera bhi hoga.”


Giving a few common words, in various final letters,
which are FEMININE in gender.
Ag, fire. guft-o-gu, conversation,
akl, sense; intelligence. hawa, air.
ankh, az eye.
haya, modesty ; shame.
Astin, a sleeve
Awaz, the voice; a cry. iba, a cloak,
bandtik, a musket, a gun. int, a brick.
bat, word ; news + affair. jibh, the tongue.
bhukh, unger.
kitab, a book.
bu, sae/d.
kiwar, @ door; gale; en-
chadar, 6 sheet. france.
chal, one’s conduct, habits, &c. kamis, 6 shirt ; chemtse.
chaukath, the frame of a khabar, mews ; tidings.
door. khak, earth.
chhappar, α 700f; a thatch. khurak, food ,; victuals.
chilam, the partof anative pipe
mez, ٤ fable.
(hukkah) 72 which the fire
misl, a file of papers.
and the tobacco are placed.
nakl, ६ story; a copy of a
dastar, head-dress.
writing, ‫نے‬‎
dawa, medicine.
namaz, prayer ; prayers.
dhal, ६ shield; target.
diwar, a wall.
nok, a point (e.g. of a stick).
dohar, a double-woven cotton- palak, an eye-lid.
cloth. paltan, a regiment.
du,a, benediction. pith, the back.
dunya, the world; universe. plas, thirst.
dum, 4 /4:/. poshak, dress.
dar, fear, rah, @ road.

sarak, the high way. talab, a reservoir ; a tank.

saza, punishment. talwar, a sword.
sharab, zwzve. taswir, a picture.
sharm, modesty ; shame. tajwiz, zzvestigation ; trial.
shakl, shape ; form. tir, an arrow.
taarif, praising ; praise. toshak, a mattress ; bedding.
tuifan, 6 storm ; ‘typhoon,
taawiz, recourse to God ; an
amulet, ummed, ۰
tahrir, ६ written statement. - umr, age, i.e., period of life.
tahstl, collection of dues. zaban, the tongue; a language.
tak, a niche. zamin, land ; the ground.
takrir, recital ; narration. zanjir, a chain.
taksim, division into shares.
taksir, fault ; crime. zulf, curly hair.

(;adha aur Sher, ( Zhe Ass and the Lion)

nd» Murgh aur Moti, (7Ae Cock and the Pear?)
Pille aur Gadha, ( 7he Puppies and the Ass)
Sing ya Tangen, (Horns or Legs) ९६६ oes
Buddha Naukar, (7he Old Servant)
‫ہ‬ Kauwa, Akhrot aur Gilehri, (7h¢ Crow, the Walnut and
the Squirrel)
Sher, Jangal ka, Badshah, (Zhe Lion, the King of the
Forest) ον τε
Bheriya aur Saras, (Zhe ΠΠ οὔ and The Crane)
Saudagaran aur Faujdar Sahib, (Zhe Merchants and The
I 0 ٠ Maut Joru aur Ga,e ki, (Zhe Death of one’s Wife, and
one’s Cow) Sse aes 7 ५०४
‘Insaf Karna Hoga,’ (Fustice must be done)
Kachhuia aur Khargosh, Bab Auwal, (Zhe 70۶/07۶۶ and
The liare, First Chapter)
Kachhiia aur Khargosh, Bab Doyam, (Zhe Tortoise and
The Hare, Second Chapter) eee

74. Khurshidi Begam, (4 /ady’s name, First Extract)

ag. Khurshidi Begam, (Second Extract)
The following Extracts have been taken from several modern sources,
so as to give the student good samples of Hindustani as written and
spoken at the present day. The modern style of composition is less
ornate than the older style, at least, when the subject in hand is of a
non-poetic kind. English words for which there are no vernacular equi-
valents are freely used ; and the Relative Pronoun is not unfrequently
found following its antecedent as in English, ‫ہیر‬‎ ‘ddmi jo,’ instead
of ‘jo admi ..wuh.’
As regards further exercise in writing Hindustani, the student cannot
do better than translate these stories into English, and after some time,
retranslate them into Hindustani.
It only remains for the author to acknowledge the kindness of those
gentlemen who have allowed him to make Extracts from their several


Kisi gadhe-ko, 0540 ke mausim men, charne ke waste,

bagh ki tar 0 tézah ghds mili; aur pine-ko,' chashme ka sdf
aur thanda aur mitha pani muyassar aya. Gadha, kha-pi-
kar,?khtiib mota hu,a. Usi nawah men, ek sher bhi rahta-
tha. Ek din, gadha sher ke sath khush-taba,i karne laga.
Sher-ne, na-khush ho-kar, dant dikha,e. Gadhe-ne, usko
hansi samajh-kar3, aur ziyadah‘ chher-chhar shuruki.5 Sher-ne
kaha :—‘ agar yih gustakhi, jo® tu karta hai, akl ke sath hoti,7

Δ *Pine-ko,’
for drinking.
3 «Kha-pikar,’ 2.4., ‘kha-kar, pi-kar,’ having eaten and drunken.
" Understanding laughter,’ i.e., taking it for laughter.
“۶ Aur ziyddah,’ transl., s¢z// further.
* Remember that ‘ ki’ may be the fem.: sing. past tense, or past part.
of ‘karna,’ as well as the fem. of ‘ka,’ ‘ke,’ ‘ki.’
* Relative here follows antecedent, as in English ; contrary to the
ordinary rule,
7 ٢۶ Agar.—akl-ke sath hoti,’ transl., sf...were along-with:, i.e., accome
panied with, sense, or, understanding.

to main tujh-ko zarvir saza deta; magar, mujh-ko, teri

be-wuktifi par, rahm ata 7
HAsit :—Bare log, ahmakon ki baton par, khiydl
nahin karte.?
2. MuRGH AuR Mott.
Ek murgh, bhtikh-se be-tab ho-kar, dane ki just-o-ju men
kure ke ambdar ko® kured-raha tha. Bahut der ke bad,
πάράῃ, ek besh-kimat moti nikla. Moti-ko dekh-kar, murgh-
ne, bari hasrat ke sath, kaha :—‘ Afsos ! itni jdnkani ke bad,
mujh-ko mila bhi to+ moti—jis-se na mere dil-ko tashaffi ho
sakti hai, o na meri bhukh-ko taskin. Yih moti agar kisi
jauhari ya daulatmand-ko milta, to, is ki kadar karta, aur
is-ko aziz-rakhta ; lekin, mere liye, aise zor ki bhikh men,
jo,4r ya chane ka ek danah, is-se,° Καῃίῃ bihtar tha.’
HAsit :—Numa,ish aur ara,ish ki chizen, zindagdni
ki asli zaruraton men, kam nahin atin.7
! ¢Mujh-ko...rahm ata,’ (०9 me comes compassion, i.e., 7 have com-
passion on thy, Sc.
2 Khiyal karna’ is a verb which has to be translated according to the
context. The idea isthe action of the mind in connection with any
subject, Were youmay transl. ‘ does not attach importance to.’ In other
connecticns, it may mean ‘/o vemmember;’ or,—with ‘nahin,’ ‘to forget,’
and soon. ‘‘Khiyal”’ is one’s ‘ knowledge,’ ‘idea,’ ‘notion,’ on any
3 ६.42, or, S22.
4 Indicates a unzt; also herve contempt. ‘* Mujh-ko mili bhi to moti,’
‘to me has-come-to hand this thing called a pear; or ‘this wretched
5 Aise zor ki bhukh men, ‘22 Aumger of such force.’
‫ زن‬५ Than this’ (pearl).‫‏‬
7 ©Atin’ (for ati hain’) 3rd pers, .‫ماس‬‎ pres. indic. feminine
‘4ana:’ transl ‘ Zhings of appearance and ornament—in Jife’s real
necessities—are of no use. The agreement is ‘chizen atin (hain),
See page Io, section 6,


Ek kisdn ke ghar-men ek gadha tha, aur ek kutiya bhi
pali ॥0, thi. Kutiya-ne bachche diye. Jab bachche bare hii,e,
to khuib khtib khelar,i,an karte, aur uchhalte, ktidte; o kisan
in bachhon ki piydri piydri harkaten dekhkar, bahut khush
Ποῖα," aur un-ko, apne hith-se roti khildta,' aur chumkarta.!
Gadhe-ne dil men socha, kih ‘in pillon ki nisbat,? main
bahut kim karta hin; magar hamdara malik in-par ziyadah
mihrbani karta hai; ‫اکہم‬‎ ! 3 main bhi pillon ki taraht kida
karin, ta-kih malik mujhe bhi aziz-rakhe,’
Yih soch-kar, gadha,ek din, be-tarah dolatti,an jharne laga.
Kiscin-ne pahle, to, gumin kiya, kih ‘shayad makkhiyan ya
machchhar is-ko satiate hain ; magar akhir-ko maaltim,hu,a,
kih sirf shararat-se kidta hai. ‘Tab, to, kisan-ne gadhe ki pith
men pdnch, char dande aise 20-56 laga,e, ki tichhal ۹‫ذ‬‎
sab bhul-gaya.
HAsit :—Be-samajhe-btijhes kisi ki ris karna 2٥٣
kharabi lata hai.
Ek barah-singe-ne chashmah-e-ab men apna aks dekha ;
to, apne singon ki shan-o-khtibstirati dekhkar, bahut khush
hti,a; lekin jab us-ki nazar, patli patli® tangon par, pari, to
kahne laga :—‘ kih khuda-ne mujh-ko we bad-shakl, tangen

᾿ς |Vould become, &c.’ See page ٤١7, section τ6, ii.

** As compared with these pups.’
*Asinterj. “ Zake it so.’ ‫؛‬‎ So be tt.’
‘Acc. of manner. ‘ sl/ter the manner of puppies,’ or, ‘as the
puppies do.’
3 Be-samajhe-bijhe, ‘ without considering (and) understanding ;
6 heedlessly 3? * without thought.’
* Doubling the adj. gives greater force.

kytin bakhshi hain, jot mere singon ki khubstirati-ko bhi

aib lagati hain.’ Yih dil men soch-kar raha tha; kih? itne
men, ko,i shikari 4-pahuncha. Bdarah-singa aisa tez bhdga,
kih shikari-ko us-ki hath-Ane ki ummed na rahi; lekin, thori
dur ja-kar, jangalki jhdri men, sing atak-ga,e, aur pakra gaya.
Tab kahne laga, ‘Ha,e! meri bad-akli! singon se main
khush tha : we meri halakat ka sabab hie hain ; aur tangon-
ko main bura-janta tha, unhon-ne3 mujhe, maut-se bachdne
men kuchh kami nabin ki.’4
HAsiL :—Jo chiz wakt part kdm-dne-wdli ho, is-ko
aziz-rakhna chahiye, go-kih khush-numa na ho.5
Ek shakhs ke pas bara zabardast shikdri kutta tha. Har
roz apne aka ke waste shikar ]άϊα ; aur malik bhi us kutte-
ko bahut aziz-rakhtatha. Akhir-ko, wuh kutta buddha ht,a;
daurne ki takat baki na rahi; ba-sar, zauf ke sabab-se,® dur ki
chiz nahin dekh-saka tha. Gharaz, shikar-karne-se, sab tarah
maazulho-gaya. Aisi halat men, mdlik-ne bhi nazar-i-iltifat
kam kar-di. Ratib mauktf ht,a. Akhir-ko, ghar se bahar
nikal-diya. Jab kutta rukhsat hone? laga, to, ro-kar, mdlik-
568 arz ki, kibh, ‘main-ne,? jawani, ap-par nisar ki; barason
3 Refers to ‘ tangen ;’ transl.—wAzch, or, for they.
2 So that.
3 They, i.e, the legs.
4 Orportunely.
5 & relative clause ‘’ transl., what thing—opportunely—a
service-bringing one may be—THAT 20 esteem—ts proper, although, &c
6 ५ Ba-sar, zauf ke sabab se, ’ at Jast (be-sar), by reason of debility.
7 ٤ Rukhsat-hona,’ 20 take leave ; depart.
3 Observe, the prep. same as with pichhna. See page 5], v.
* Acc. of time; no prep.

se? shikdr ki just-o-ju men daura, aur bahut zakhm ΚΠά,6 ;

lekin, kya! is khud-gharaz dunya ka yihi dastur hai, kih, ab
main ldchdar htin,? to, mere rahne tak3 ka, ko,i rawddar nahin
hai ;4 aur meri ‫منءططلن‬‎ khidmaten sab akdrat hain.’
HAsit :—Buddhe naukar,5 jin-se® kam nahin ho-
sakta, un-ke pfchhle huktik-ko bhul-jana7 bari na-ihsan-
mandi hai.


Ek kauwa akhrot-ko chonch-se tor-raha tha; magar
akhrot par kuchh asar nahin hota tha. Gilehri-ne dekha, aur
kauwe-se kaha :—‘ Kytin itni zahmat uthata® hai’ 7 Kauwe-
ne kaha :—‘ main-ne suna hai, kih akhrot bahut maze ki
chiz hai ; aur jab Khuda-ne, is sakhti ke sath, is-ko band-
kiya hai, zartiris ke andar,? kuchh bari niimat hogi; so,
main—jis-tarah ban-parega?°—is-ko tor-kar rahtinga.’
Gilehri-ne kaha :—‘ Main ek ἀβάη tadbir bata,uin ; akhrot-
ko, bari duir, hawa men tipar le-jakar, patthar ki samne-wali
chatan par?t—chhor-de; girne ke sadme se, khud pash-pdsh
! Since, transl,, ‘for years back.’
2* Now (that) lam helpless,’ or, ‘useless.’
3४ Up to the point of my remaining.’
4 Transl. : there ἐς no consenter of (Eng. to) even my remaining.
5 There isno verb to this Plur. Nom. It is leftstanding, and referred
back-to by ‘un-ke’; as we might say. ‘ This man, why, he’s a fool.’
5 Oblique form of plur. of ‘jo.’
7 Verbal Noun,
**Uthana’ and ‘khdna’ are often used regarding mental feelings
or sufferings.
٢ Tt must be that inside it.’
(0 ५7% whatever way it may be practicable.’
"* On an opposite slab of stone.’
T., H. 8

Kauwe-ne aisa hi kiya; lekin, niche utar-kar, kya dekhta

hai? Kih wake men akhrot to pdash-pdsh ho-vaya, magar
maghz' gilehri le-kar chal-di ; sirf chhilke chhor-ga,i.
HAsi :—Khud-gharaz ddmi, jo? salah deta hai, us
men3 kuchh-na-kuchh apna fa,idah zartr soch-leta hai.*


Sher aur richh aur chita aur bheriya, charon5, shikdr ki

just-o-ju men the; sab-ne salah ki®§ :—‘4,o, darya-kindre
men shikar karen ; jo shikar7 milega, charon bardbar hisse
bant-lenve.’—Ittifakan, nil-g4,o-ko mara; aur, ba-mujib ahd o
paiman ke, bardbar char hisse kiye! karfb tha, kih har ek
apna apna hissah le :9 itne men, sher, lapak-kar, bola :—
‘Suno, bha@i! yih ek hissah, to,ba-mujib kaul-o-kardr-ke,
mera hai ; aur dusre hisse ka main is waste ddwiddr hin,
kih main jangal ka badshah htin, kahin shikar ho, mujh-ko
chaharum, ba-taur khirdj ke, milta hai ; aur tisra hissah main
is wajah-se ltinga,kih us men dil aur jigar hai, jis-ko'® tum

' Acc, governed by ‘ le-kar.’

? Instance of the Relative Pronoun used as in Engiish.
3 Namely, in his advice.
**Admi’ is Nom, to ‘ soch-leta-hai’ (cakes thought for ; considers),
‘ Fa,idah,’ isthe Acc. after this verb: or it may be looked on as an
‘acc, absolute ; and translated, éakes thought regarding, or, for his
own advantage.
5. The plural form of ‘ char,’ transl., ९ a// four.’
* Fem. past part. of ‘karna’
7* Hamon-ko,’ understood.
3 Doubled to express ‘ distribution.’
9 3rd pers. sing. subj. of ‘ lena.’
۱٥١ Regarding whtch.’

jante ho, kih meri ghiza ‫طعن‬‎ ; raha’ chautha hissah ; so? main
nahin jdnta, tum tinon men, us-ko kytinkar taksim kartin ;3
‎‫ موی‬bihtar hai, kih us-ko bhi apne hi sarf men !4,tin.’ Yih
kah-kar sher, chdron hisse chat-kar, gaya; aur sab ke sab,
munh dekhte ke dekhte,*® rah-ga,e.
HAsit :—Zabardast ke sath sajha karne men, hame-
shah nuksan hota.

Kk bheriye ke gale men ittifak-se haddi atak ga,i. Har-
chand khansi aur bahuteri ubk4,i,dn ‫ارگ‬‎ magar haddi na
nikli; par? na nikli. Majbtir hokar, 5695 ke pas gaya aur
kaha :—kih ‘yar ! ham tum donon® ek jangal men rahte hain ;
is wakt hakk-i- hamsayah? ada karo ; mere halak men haddi
atak ga,i hai, aur jan par bani hai ۶ mihrbani kar-ke, apni
lambi gardan-se is-ko nikal-lo, aur γι kam main tum-se
muft bhi nahin chahta ; jo tum kahoge, so dtinga.’ Sdaras
razi ho-gaya ; aur bheriye ke halak men apni lambi gardan
dalkar, haddi-ko khat-se alag nikal-liya.
Chand roz ke bad, bheriya shikar kar-ke gorkhar laya; aur
darya-kindre‘' baithkar, khdne laga, Sdras-ne dekha, aur
᾿ς There remained.’
* © As to it.’
3 ६ «ὁ not know —among you three—it—how 2 can divide,’
* © Than this,
3 A phrase, equivalent to ‘ looking dejectedly in each other’s faces. ’
‫ ؟‬Fem. 3rd pers. plur. past tense ‘lena τ᾿ agreeing with ‘ ubka,i,An.‫‏‬
"४ Still’‫‏‬
** Ham tum donon,’ a phrase, ‘doth of us.’
१ Adj. following noun ; in imitation of the Persian.
१ See ‘ banna,’ ‘7s settling on my life,’ ive., ‘ts threatening,’ .‫قم‬‎
॥ Acc. of place ; without prep.

bahut khush-4mad se, pds ja-kar, kaha:—Kih ‘4j main,

bhuikha htin, gosht ka ek tukra mujhe bhi 00.7 Bheriye-ne
ta,ammul kiya. Sdras ne—dabi zabdn se—haddi ka 7
yad-dilaya. To, bheriye-ne kaha :—‘A,i ahmak! yih indm
kya kam tha,” kih tu, mere halak se, teri gardan, sahth-
salamat nikal-kar, le-gaya.’3
HAsiv :—Zalim aur mtizi ddmi ke sath sultik-karna,}
aur bihtari kiummed rakhnat na-dani hai. Dunyake
log ihsan-ko jald bhul-jate hain ; zarirat men* «dmi jo
waadah karta hai,5 kamtar us-ko ptira-karta hai.


Lara,i ke wakt men, do saudagaran, achchhe kapre pahin-
kar, apne mal ke sath, raste men chale-jate the. Ittifakan,
un-ko char sipahi,a4n mile ; aur un bad-bakht sauddgaron ka
sab mal ltit-kar, bhag-ga,e. Saudagaran, lachar hokar, fauj-
dar-sahibke pas daure, aur apni bad-kismat ka hal bayan kiya.7
Hakim-ne un-se ptichha, kih, ‘jis-wakt un sipahi,on ne tum-
haramal lit-liva, us-wakt tum log, yih kapra orhe,® jate the ?’
Unhon-ne jawab diya, kih ‘ Han! sahib.’ Tab faujdar-ne
kaha :—kih, ‘is-se khib maaltim hai, kih we shakhs mere
admi nahin hain; lekin dushman ke log hain; agar mere
2 Verbal Noun.
2 Yih indm kya kam tha.’ idiomatic; lit. ¢his gift (of) what use
was (72), viz., that, &c., equivalent to zs 2) nothing that, &c.
3 * Le-gaya’ (from ‘ le-jéna’) govs. ‘ gardan.’
** In necessity ;’i.e., ‘under a strain, or compulsion.’
5 Transl. :—7Z7he man who makes a promise under compulsion, seldom
Juifils it. English idiom of Relative Pronoun.
** An,’ the Persian plural. See page 73.
7€Unhon-ne’ understood. Transl. :—7hey stated the circumstances
of their misfortune,
* Past part. Plur. ‘orhna’ (० put on clothes ; agreeing with ' tum log.’

4dmi hote, to, vih achchha kapra kabhi nahin chhor-dete.

Khuda ka shukr hai, kib tum-ko mere admi nahin mile the.’
~ Bolte, bolte faujdar-sahib-ne apne logon-ko isharah diya ;
aur jab sauddgaran, vidds hokar, phire’ jate the, tab faujdar
ke ddmi,on-ne un-ke kapre utdr-di,e, jis-se we be-nasib
saudagaran khdli janghie men apne ghar-ko pahunche,
:0. Maur Joru aur GA,E κι.
Ek basti men ek kisdn rahta tha, aur sab kam bahut nek-
nimi ὁ diydnat-se kiya-karta? tha. Is-liye, us-se aur ganw-
walon-se,? bahut dosti thi. Bad-nasibi-se, us-ka kam achchhi
tarah nahin chala. Pahle, us ki ga,e mar-ga,i ; tab us ki joru.
Is wajhese, bahut gham-gin aur dil-gir ht,a; kytin-ki,
dusri gaye mol-lene ke waste, ripiye nahin the; aur is-ki
joru har dam ghar ke kim men madadgar rahi thi.
Is dfat nen, ganw-walon-ne, us-ke dil bahlane ke waste,
bahut koshish ki. Ek shakhs-ne kaha, kih, ‘Are! bha,i!
kytin rote ho? tum achchhe jawan ho ; tum-ko jald dusri joru
milegi; dekho, to, meri beti bahut khtibstirat larki hai,
main tum ko use khushi-se dtinga.’ Dtisre-ne, apni bahin ke
bare men, wohi bat kahi. ‘Tisre-ne apni bhanji ka hal
Akhir ko, kisan-ne jawab diya, kih, ‘is ganw men, joru
ki maut bihtar hai, 84,6 ki maut 5९. Bahut admi mujhe

! Similar to ‘orhe ;’ here agreeing with ‘ saudagaran.’

* Kiya karna,’ fo be in the habit of doing 2 thing ; it is the same as
our idiom with ‘ always,’
3 ¢Us-se aur ganw-walon se,’ with him and with the villagers ;
or, between him and the villagers. Notice this idiom ; it occurs fre-
quently. Notice also thatin Hindtstani, you say ९ 7 and you,’ &c., not
‘you and J.’ *ham-se tum-se,’ between you and me; “ Ego et rex meus.’
' Transl. :—7he death of a wife ts better than, ὧι.

dusri joru dene ko taiyar hain ; ko,i shakhs mujhe duisri ‫عار‬‎
dena kabul nahin karta.’

××. ‘InNSAF Karna HoGa.’

Patne ke zile ki ek basti men, ek lohdar, ba-ndm Rdm
Gopal, rahta tha. Wuh bahut hoshydr karfgar tha; lekin,
fazul kharchi ke sabab se, hameshah tangi se guzran_ kiya
karta' tha. Ek rat, rah men usko ek sauddgar mila ; us-ko
lohar-ne jan se mar-dala, aur mal chord-liya. Magar yih
wuku chhipa nahin raha. Gdanw ke mahton-ne, zamindar
ke pas ja-kar, ptichha, kih ‘huztir! kya marzi hai? hdkiman
ko is ki? ittila ki3-j4we,4 ya nahin? 5
Ittifakan, zamindar 56,6 aur Ram Gopal 5९,९ malguzari ki
babat, takrar thi; is liye zamindar-ne mahton ko hukm diya,
kih ‘us wuku ki? khabar hakim logon ko do.’ Pas, chauki-
dar-ne, thane men jd-kar, apna izidr likwa-diya. Is-par,
darogha sahib, ma,i tin char barkanddz, sar-zamin par aya,
aur tadaruk karne laga
Chinkih Ram Gopal gharib tha, thana-walon ko razi
nahin kar-saka.6 Pas, un logon-ne Ram Gopal ko, ma,i
subut, hakim ke pas chalan kiya. Tajwiz ke bad, hakim-ne
farmaya, kih ‘us kam-bakht-ko phansi do.’
Jab is hukm ki khabar ganw-walon ke pas pahunchi, niha-
γαῖ afsurdah hii,e ; aur bole, ‘agar ham-logon ke lohar-ko
! ¢Kiya-karna,’ fo continually doa thing ; ‫ہ‬۱‎ keep doing tt.
2 Because ‘ittila’” is fem.
3 Fem. p. part. ‘karna.’
* Passive.
δ The local Indian squire is generally consulted as to whether a
crime is to be reported to the authorities or not.
* Notice this idiom ‘,’ de/ween ‫ھ‬‎ and B. See preceding Story.
१ Because ‘ khabar’ is fem.
‫ ٭‬Alluding to the venality which some peovle attribute to the police.‫‏‬

phansi denge, to, ‫ططصمفعص‬‎ kam kis-tarah se chalega ۶6

hal aur gari,an kaun marammat karega P Bhuikh se mar-ja-
Fikrmand ho-kar, hakim ke pas ga,e, aur apna hal baydn-
kiya, aur darkhast ki, ? kih hakim maustif lohar-ko khalds
karen. Hakim-ne nahin kabul kiya, aur kaha kih, ‘ zmséf
karna hoga.’
Ganwar-log bahar ga,e ; aur, pipal ke gachh ke niche
tambaku pite, pite, iashwarah karne lage. Akhir-ko hakim
ke pas phir 4,e, aur bole ‫ےک‬‎ Gharib-parwar ! huztir ki bat
durust hai: ‘insaf karna hoga’; lekin, insdf nahin hai
kih ham be-kustir 4dmi sab bhukh se mar-j4,en; gdnw
chhota hai, aur is men sirf ek lohdar rahta hai ; magar do
julahe hain; namdre kam ke waste, ek jiildhah bas hai 3; un
donon men se, ek shakhs le-kar, phansi difjiye; is taur se
insaf hoga. ”
Jab is bat-ko bhi hakim-ne nahin manzur kiya, basti-wdle
chale-ga,e ; aur 4pas men bole :—-‘ Bha,i! bhd,i! kal-yug?
hai, dunya * men insdaf nahin hai.’


Bab Auwal.
Ek kachhue-ko safar darpesh tha. Is ki just-o-ju_ hi,i,4
kih ‘ko,i sathi mile,5 to safar kartin.’ Ittifak se, ek khargosh
bhi usi taraf-ko jane-wdla tha. Kachhtie-ne kaha: kih ‘miydn

' Fem. past tense of ‘ karna.’

? The black era, 7. ¢., the evil days.
3 The reader will have noticed that ‘ dunya ’ is a word of
which the
‘a’ does not change into ‘e’ ; so also ‘ darya, ᾿ a river,
۹ His search was,’ i.e., he was enquiring.
8 Subj. understand “ mujh-ko,’ transl., ‘Could any
companion be

khargosh ! 4,0 ! ham tum sath-chalen.’! Khargosh be ikhtiyar

hansa, aur kaha:—‘ Abe ! ahmak! Kahan? δὲ bhadda, phaph-
sa, reng reng-kar, paharon men; ek balisht zamin+ chalta
hai, aur kahan maz, bijli ki manind lapakta hun, hawa ki
tarah urta ‫طا‬‎ ;—bhala! meraaur tera kya sath ۶ Kuchhtie
ne kaha :—‘yih sahih hai; magar manzii par (Khuda-ne
chaha) ap se age hi pahunchtinga. Yakin na ho, to shart
bandh-lijiye.s Chunanchih, yih shart hut,i, kih jo hare,
us-ke kan kate-ja,en.”


Bab Doyam.
Kachhua, ahistah, ahistah, apni chal chalne laga. Khar-
gosh, do chhalangon men, nazar-se ghaib ho gaya.7 Thori
dur age ja-kar, khargosh-ne socha, kih,‘ jitna main chal-chuka
htin,—shdm tak,” to, kachhtie ko, yahan-dna mushkil hai ;
१ Imperative, et you (and) me go together.
*Here begins a long sentence. Its purport is: where you, being
such and such, do such and such ; and where / do such and such. The
sentence ends with a break-off at ‘urta htin,’ and resumes : well ! mera
aur tera ᾿ ‘as to your (affairs) and mine,’ ‘kya sith (hai).” ‘ What (5
there) in common,”
3 In the ९ pahars’ or watches, transl., ۶ in the 24 hours, ὦ
‘Ek balisht zamin :' apposition : ‘ a span of ground. ἡ
5 The sense is :—‘ I (the tortoise) am sure to reach the journey’s end
before you (the hare),—for God so wills it,—but if you think this
doubtful, then have a bet on it.’
6 Passive.
٦٤ Became vanished from sight,’ * was out of sight.’
8 Tak’ here (and often) expresses the idea of a time not yet arrived;
the mind being directed to the interval between now and then. The
sense here is that the hare thinks that he has now gone so far that it
will be difficult for the tortoise to reach the spot, ‘ sham tak, ' even by

main jaldi kytin kartin? [4,0٥٥ so-* rahtin, Khargosh 4۲3-6

so-sraha. Kachhua, bari der ke bad, ghisarta, ghisarta, aya.
Dekha, to, harff para3 sota hai. Chup-ke chal-diya. Bari
rat ga,i, khargosh jaga ; to, kachhtia nazar na’ aya.* Ap hi
dp kahne lagaS:—‘Allah! re!® sust kadam! miydn kachhte
ab-tak tashrif nahin ld,e.7 Khair! chalen! saraje men
rat-ko rahen; kal, jo? miydn kachhtia yahan 4,ega, to ja-
Jon sar4,e men kadam rakha, dekha to kachhtia maujtid
hai. Khargosh-ko dekhte hi, kachhtia lapka, kih ‘l4,iye,
Hazrat! kdn!’? Khargosh, dum dabd-kar, aisa bhaga,
kih aj tak, Κάποῃ ke dar ke mare, bhaga,-bhaga-phirta
HAsitt:—Kaisa-hit! asin kuchh kam ho, jab uska
{htimam nahin kiya-jata,'? to mushkil ho-jata. Kund-
zihn, mihnati larke, zahin larkon-ko hara-dete hain.
Dushman-ko hakir nahin samajhna chahiye. Ghurir,
kamal hasil-karne se, rokta hai ; waghairah.

! As interj. ‘ fake τέ so.’

Stem of ‘sona,’ (० sleep: ‘so-rahna,’ fo remain sleeping.
‘ Lain down,’ or, as we say, ‘ lying down.’
Was, or, had not come in sight.
He began Lo say to himself.
‎‫ ؟‬God Almighty!
7 See page 76, section ۰
8 When: or, ἐξ
δ © Bring (me) oh! Your Excellency!—Your Ears!’ (The mock
'' Thus do Orientals account for the timorous movements of rabbits
and hares.
Il ٤ Kaisa-hi,’ ९ however.’
7 Passive Voice.

+‫ہ‬ दिप्लाएए5प्काएा Becam.‫‏‬

The following extract is taken from an excellent modern novel called
۶٢ Fisnah-e-Khurshidi,” ‫مر‬‎ ‫ کک‬The Story of Khtrshidi”—a Muham-
madan lady of rank. The author is the well-known Saiyid Afzal-ud-
din Ahmad. In this book, English as well as native characters are in-
troduced. It recommends itself by the simplicity of its style, by its
freedom from all coarseness, and by the attempt which it makes to
render Natives and Europeans better acquainted with each other than
they at present are. This extract consists mainly of a dialogue between
the English lady of the piece (Miss Thompson) and Khiurshfdi’s father.

Mis Tamsan shahr-i-Landan ke bare saudagar ki beti

thi. Apne bap ke sath Hindtistan 4,fn.t| Us-wakt in?
ka sinn bis baras ka tha; chalis baras tak, Hindtistan men
rahin.t Atharah zabanon se wakif पी]. Larkon ke par-
hane ka nihayat shauk tha. L’illah,? logon-ko parhati thin.?
[Then begins the dialogue.]
Naww4sp.—Main ap se, kya kahtin? Ap to3 janti hi3
hain, kih ham-logon ke yahan auraton ki taalim ki—kya halat
hai.4 Auwal, ko,i aurat parhi, likhiS milti® nahin, jo puri
tarah se taalim 46:7 dusre, yahan ki ma,en® aisi ajhal ὁ
na-parwah hoti hain, kih is taraf kuchh khiyal hi3 nahin karti

۶ Pronouns and verbs p/ura/, out of respect to the lady.

2 Arabic, ‘ for the love of God.’
3 Idiomatic strengthening particles. Transl. as best suits your
English : or leave untranslated,
4 Begin with ‘kya hdlat hai;’ and go on ‘of the education of the
women resident-with us-people. Trace the application of the rules for
‘ka,’ ‘ke,’ ‘ki,’ by also translating " you know our people’s women’s
education’s condition—what it is.
5 ५ Read-written,’ i.e., ‘ who can read an write,’
۶ Understand ‘ hamon-ko.’
7 Subj. ‘dena,’
* Plur. of ‘ma,’ mother.

hain ;—main akela kya kar-sakta hin? Kidhar dekhtiy,

kidhar na dekhtin? mujh-ko, umtr-i-dunydwi se, itni
fursat kahdn hogi, kih khud apni larki-ko taalim dun ??
Miss ‘I’.—Is men shakk nahin hai, kih yahan ki auraten
bil-kull jahil aur aksar an-parh? hain ; is-liye aulad ki taalim
achhi nahin hotihai. Lekin, agar ko,i avra¢ aisi Ἰά,}]ς3 nahin
milti thi, to, ἄρ ke yahan mau/avi tot hain, un hit se taalim
dilwa,i hoti.§
NawwAs.—Yih bhi nahin ho-sakta,—do wajhon se :—ek
to yih, kih jab larki sydni hi,i, to, maulavike samne nahin ja-
sakti ; dtisri,© kih hamdare yahan ke maulavi bhi akl ke putle
hote hain ; tarikah parhane ka, achchha nahin jante hain.
Miss T.—Sach hai! Ap durust farmdte hain ;7 lekin,
kustir mu,af !® isemen ἄρ ki? bhi kuchh khata hai: main
salha‘° 54] se yahan htin, aur dp-ne mujh-ko ittila nahin di.”?
NawwAps.—Main kahne hi ko tha :?? lekin Villah bura na
maniega.** Ap janti hongi, kih yahan ki auraten kis kadr
2 Subj. ‘ dena.’
7 * A? or San’ negative, as in Greek ; ‘ parh’ from ‘ parhna;’ ‘an-
parh,’ unread ; illiterate.
* Understand ‘ hamon-ko.’
* Idiomatic strengthening particles. Transl, as best suits your Eng-
lish: or leave untranslated.
8 See page ,‫اج‬‎ section 6
6 Fem. because ‘ wajh’ which is fem, is understood.
7 * Farmana,’ ¢o order ; but used of any utterance by a great man.
8 Excuse fault,’ i.e., ‘you will excuse my saying,’ &c.
१ * Ap ki khata,’ ‘ki’ is used because ‘ khata’ is fem.
© ۶ Ha’ is the Persian plural of neuter nouns; as ‘dn’ is of masc.
nouns, transl,, ‘ years on years.’
Past tense fem. of ‘dena,’ ‘ittila’ being fem.
7 «Was on telling,’ z.¢., ‘ was about tell you,’
9. An unusual form ; got by adding ‘ga’ of the tuture to the respect-
ful imperative ; the word is from ‘ manna.’

nakis-ul-akl? aur muta,assib hain. Chundnchih, jab main-ne

apni bibi se, ἄρ ka zikr kiya, to छपी kahne lagin, kih dp
meri larki-ko Kristan band-dalengin.
Miss T.—Taubah! yih kya guft-o-gu hai! Ap dekhiye
to! main un logon-ko kis-tarah mildti hin! Mujh-ko
chuinkih ap-se diki-dosti hai, is-liye main dil-o-jan se dp ki
larki ko taalim dungi.
* * * * * * + * * 4

NawwAds.—Ab ἄρ Khurshidi begam-ko apni larki

samjhiye ; aur jis-tarah mundasib samijhiye, is-ko taalim dijiye.
Miss T.—Ap khatir-jamah rakhiye; ap ki larki bahut
zahin aur hoshyar hain ; aisi larki to kismaton se milti hai;?
jald ilm 0 hunar se wakif ho-ja,egi.

ι5. KuursHfpt BEGAM.


The young lady has progressed with her education so well that
her drawing gains the prize at the Calcutta Exhibition ; the Viceroy
makes a speech ; the young lady’s father being present. She herself,
however, has not yet so far advanced in English manners as to allow
her pretty face to be seen.


Main nihayat khushi se, is bat-ko kahta hin, kih yih

nakshah, kih mere hath men hai, is ikzibishan (E.) men
umdah-tarin3 nakshah hai ; balki, kam aise dekhne men Ate

' “SUD is the Arabic ९ of the.’

2 ¢Milna’ is here used as a fully personal verb, In this sense it
means "20 be mixed up with’ or associated with,’ ‘to be allied to’ or the
like. Translate‘such a girl ts sure lo havea good destiny before her,’
but don’t fail to analyse the clause literally.
? Persian superlative ; see page 74, section 9.

hain! (tdli,an). Main bahut khush hi,a, is amr se, kih ap

log meri rd,i se ittifak karte hain, aur is nakshe-ko aur
nakshon par?—tarjih dete hain. Mujh-ko ziyddah khushi is
bat ki hai, kih yih nakshah ek Hindtistan ki larki ke hath
se banaya hia hai. (suno! suno !) Is larki ka sinn pandrah
ya solah baras ka hai; lekin is kam-sinn men, wuh bat kar-
dekha,i—kih jis-se ham log mahz na-wakif the. [5 larki-ne
अगर bat sabit-kar-di, kih Hindustan ki larki,4n bhi akl o
danist men Inglistan ki larki,on se,* kisi tarah kam nahin hain
(khushi). Agar aisi hi taalim, Hindustan ki kull larki-on
ko, ho, to phir ko,i 4dmi, in logon par, hans-na-sake. Yih-
Jarki mahz jahil aur gum-ndm rahti; agar hamare ]ά,}}ς aur
mu,azzaz dost, Nawab Bahadur, C. S. I. is rishtah-e-
ta,assub-ko na’ torte,® aur apni beti ki taalim is tarah se
na’ karte.° Khuda kare, ki har bap-ki aisi hi larki ho; aur
har larki-ko aisa hi bap mile. (huira E.). Main Mis Tamsan
ki bari taarif karta huin, kih unhon-ne’ is mihnat o shafakat
se—is larki-ko ilm 0 hunar sikhlaya—jis ka natijah sab par
zahir ۰+
Ab main is takrir-ko khatm karta htin ; aur 6505 ke sdth
karta ,‫طض‬‎ kih mu,afik rasm Hindtistan ke, wuh larki yahdn
nahin d-sakti. Nahin-to, main khud, apne hath se yih

' *Few such (pictures) come into seeing,’ i.e., before one.
* On,’ or के‫ٴ‬‎ ५
over other pictures हे
:’ a form of the comparative degree.
Namely, the ‘bat’
b s
foreshadowed in ۰ ‫چو‬‎
the preceding sentence, and
now about to be stated ; a very common form of Hindtistani comfosi-
e’ of comparison. See page 74, section 8.
a6 S 9 5 ५ हि

Companion of the Star of India,
+ : ‫دم‬‎
a British, ५ ۰
not a native title of
४ See page 37, section 6:
** Unhon-ne,’ she.

medal (E.) us-ke zeb-i-gulu! karta. Lekin, main ummed

karta hin, kih Nawwa4b——-aur Mis Tamsan yih medal us
larki-ko pahina-denge, aur meri taraf se bahut mubdrakbad
denge (tali,an tali,4n).

᾿ς Her ornament of neck.’ See page 52, Note 7; also page 7,

section ۰

Ir is hoped that the following Glossary contains every
word which occurs in the Vocabularies, Exercises, and
“The Reader,’— except those intentionally omitted, namely,
English words which have crept into the language, and
the ‘numerals’ which are given on pages 64 and ‫ہہو‬‎
Numerals which occur in the Exercises or ‘The Reader”
are, however, given.
There are also thousands of words given which do not
occur in the earlier part of the book.
The follcwing Table shows the sequence of the letters,
not only as the Head-Letters of the Glossary ; but ¢hroued-
out the columns. Thus all words in ‘Kat’ are exhausted
before you find ‘ Kat,’ &c., and so with other letters which
are different and yet similar, as ‫ارب‬‎ and “4; “ἢ,
and Sh.’

۸۰ B. CH, 2 I), |Ὰ

I G GH H. Η, ᾿

| J kK 5 Κη. L M.

N O ۳ R R 5
SH T | υ. 4 W

The general arrangement is to give the shortest word—

Noun, Adjective or other word—as a ‘ Head-word ; and to
range under it, longer words connected with the same
subject. The ‘head-word’ is not, as a rule, reprinted ; but
is represented by a short line. Ex. :—Dtikan (f.), 6 shop.
—dar, a shop-keeper. —dari, shop-keeping. Occasionally, the
‘head-word’ changes before additions can be made.
In such cases the short line represents the ‘head-word’
down to the last permanent consonant, which consonant is
repeated in that part of the new word which is printed.
Ex. :—Azurdah, grieved. -dagi, grief
Contractions are used as follows :—
i. The ordinary grammatical ones; as ‘ Adj.’ Adyec-
tive, ‘Adv. Adverb, &c ‘Sing.’ Singular ;
‘Pl’ Plural; ‘trans,’ ¢rausitive ; ‘intr. ‫مرہ‬‎
transitive, and so on.
ii, Compound Verbs ending in ‘karna’ and ‘dena’
are very common. So these auxiliaries are
shown by -‘k’ and ‘d’ respectively.
iii, When the meaning of words following a ‘head-
zora’ is casily to be understood from the Eng-
lish of the ‘head-word,’ the words which follow
are left untranslated. They are marked ‘A.’ if
Adjectives ; ‘ Adv.’ if Adverbs ; ‘N.’ if Nouns;
and ‘V.’ if Verbs. Ex. :—Azurdah, gvieved,
N. -dagi, which must mean ‘grief’ Fikr,
anxtely ; care. A. -mand. Shuru, @ deginning.
V. -k.
iv. (p.)... Indicates a Persian word not in use in its
simple form ; but common in derivatives from

V. ‘Persian’ ...indicates that a phrase, though /’er-

sian, is in common use in Hindustani.
vi. (m.) Stands for masculine ; (f.) for feminine , (a.)
shows that a word (eg., fight) is an adjective,
not a zoun; (n.) means that a word (eg.,
light) is a noun and not an adjective ; (n.a.),
means that the word is both ‫ھے‬‎ noun and an
(M.)...indicates that the word is to be used only
concerning things AZuhkammadan.
viii. (H.)...the same as regards things ۶۰
ix. (I..B.)...means that the word is current chiefly
or wholly, in Lozeer Lengal only.
x. (E.)...Stands for 77۳77۶7 - ‘compos,’ for com/post-
tion: * Lat.’ for Uterally , ‘fig.’ for figuratively.
xi. The long word ‘Muhammadan’ is generally con-
tracted ۰‫ءء‬‎
Masculine Nouns ending in any of the feminine termina-
tions are marked (m.)
lkeminine Nouns ending in anything except the recog-
nised feminine terminations are marked (f.) See Page 8,
Section ۰


A or an, a negative prefin, Achchha, good ; τοῦ. Also as

e.g. an-parh (See ‘parhna’), inter7. achha,i, goodness.
illiterate. achchhi-tarah, 72 good
Ab, ow : at present, —tak, style; carefully.
till now.
Ada, payment, V. -k.
Xb {ρ.), zeater. -dar, 4 ser-
Adalat, a court of justice.
vant who attends to the
Adat, custom ; habit.
eines, Exc. —o-hawa (f.),
MXdha (n.a.), @ half; half.
/Adil, just : equitable.
Abad, cultivated ; peopled.
Admi, ‎‫ مم‬human being ; a
-i, cultivated land.
man; a woman, —vyat,
Abe, az inter]. expressing
humanity: the human
Abr, α cloud. abri, clouded.
Adrak, green ginger ; preserv-
Nbru (f.), dignity ; respect ;
ed ginger.
Abru (f.), 2९ evebrow, Afat, a calamity.
Abwab (pl. of ‘bab.’), chap- Afrin, bravo /
fers ; readings ; columns ,; Afsanah, a@ story ; tale ;
entries in detail in columns Ὁ 700 [as tnterz.
hence, payments ; cesses, ‫ت‬٤٠‎ Afsos, sadness ; ἃ pity, Also

Afsurdah, grteved ; sad. N. A-jana, ¢o arrive.

—dagi. Ajhal, very ignorant,
Aftab, the sav. Ajib, wonderful.
Aftabah, a water-jug ; a ewer. Ajtibah, wonderful.
Ag (f.), fire. -dan, a jfire- Akar; akdrath, frudtless ; tn
stand, vain,
Agar, if —chih, although. Akela, alone.
Age, in front; forward. Aks, reflection (e.g., in water. )
—barhana, (¢rans.) to start ; Aksar, freguent/y ; generat-
move forward. —chalna ; ly.
-j., τὸ goin front, -pichhe, Aka, an owner ; master.
in single file. Akl, (f.), sense; zwwlsdom,
har, 6 natural reservotr of A. --mand.
Akhir, the exd. -ko, at last ;
Nhistah, s/oze/y, lastly.
Ahd-o-paiman, utual agree- Akhrot, @ τα μέ.
Alag, separate ; separaledy.
Ahmak (n. a.), @ fool; foolish.
Alahdah, separately.
folly, नं.
Alakah, jurisdiction ; rela-
Aib, fault ; blemish. -lagana,
tionship, or connection, with
to impule blame to; tocast
a person or thing. ka-
discredtt on,
dar, 6 persun in charge of
A,in, daw; order; rule. an ‘alakah.’
A,inah, 6 lovking-glass. Ala-s-sabah, ear/y in the
Aisa, dike this; such a...; MOrHING,
thus ; to such a degree. Albattah, for certain; cer-
Aj, Σο- (αν. —kal, (lit. to-day- tainly.
to-morrow), the present Alim, Zearned.
time. Allah (M.), God. -re! (interj.)
Aja,ib, wonders; wonderful Goud Almighty.
things. Almas, @ diamond,

Alo, /(९/४४ (n.) An-parb, <cliterale. (See

“Alu, @ potatoe. parhna.)
Anta, a dal/, -ghar, a ‫نان‬‎
Am, 6 mango. Also, common;
liarad-room ,; the club.
vulgar. Ady. umtiman.
Amad-o-raft, coming-and-go- Ap, Your Honor. Ap-hi-ap,
ing; intercourse. by, or, to oneself. Apas
Ambar, a heap ; stock ; store. men, among themselves,
Amin, Amen / Apna. See page 30.
Amin, α deputy ; a commtis- A-pahunchna, ¢o arrive; to
stoner. have arrived.
Amir (pl. umara), a nodble- Araf, purgatory.
man; an‘ Amir.’ Ard,ish, ornamentation.
Amr (pl. umtir), axy dusi- Aram, ease ; comfort. —kursi,
ness, matler, or affair. an easy-chair.
Amrud, guava (fruit). Are! hey, you /
Anah, ‎‫’ @ کرو تل‬.tpir‘ Arhai, δυο and a half.
Ana-jana, ¢o come-and-go. Arkan-i-daulat, the Pillars of
Anannas, ६ pine-apple. the State, i.e., the nobles.
Anar, a pomegranate. Arsah, 4 space of time.
Andar, within ; inside. Arz (f.), petition ; request ;
Andeshah, anxiety ; thought. what 7 want to say. V.-k.
Andha, ۸/774 Arzu, wish ; desire, A,
Andhera (n.a.), darkness ; --mand.
dark, Asa, @ stick ; cane.
Anda, ax egg. Asar, impression.
Angrez, an Englishman. -i, Asami, @ ¢enant; a client ;
Lnglish. a debtor + a dependent ;a
Angur, @ grape ; grapes. prisoner. Also, agency ;
Anguthi, @ ۶۸۵۰ substitution.
Anjir (f.), @ jeg. Asan, easy. Ν. =i.
Ankh (f.), ۱۸ eye. Asbab, goods and effects.

Asl, root ; origin. -i, radical ; Aur, and ; also ; more. —-ek,
real. aslan, ὧν no means, one more, —do, two more,
aslan-mutlakan, dy xo man- and soon. -kuchh, some
ner of means, more; any more. —kya,
Asman, the sky. what more? what else?
Astabal, ६ stable. what more do you want?
Astin (f.), 6 sleeve: Aurat, 6 woman.
Atish, or atash (p.), 276. Auwal, the first ; first. -an,
-bazi, firezvorks, -—khanah, in the first place.
a fire-place ; a grate. Awaz (f.), the voice; a cry.
Ata, flour. Ayah, > female attendant,
Atakna; atax—-jana, fo be A,yindah (n. a.), the future;
stopped ; to stick. Juture,
Attharah, eighteen ; a large Azad, free ; solitary ; inde-
number. pendent.
Atkana ; atka-d, Δ' stop, Aziz, dear; precious. -rakh-
detain. na, /0 value ; esteem,
Aulad, offspring ; descendants. Azurdah, grieved; sad. N,
Auliya, ¢he saints. —dagi.
Ba (a prefix), at; with; by, Baad, or bad (ke.), after ;
e.g. —-muijib, according to. (of time.)
—nisbat, respecting ; about. Baaze, several,
(prep.) -nisbat is ki, com- Bab, ६ chapter ; heading.
pared with this, -sar, at, or Baba, a father ; an old mang
to a head, or end, -sar Ana, In ‫اہ‬‎ B., @ child. —log, the
fo reach an end, -sar-k., children (L. B.)
to bring toan end ; to pass Babat (ki.), concerning,
time, —taraf, aside; apart. Bachcha, व child; a young
—taur, dy way of;as being, specimen of any animal 7
and so on, ९.8., 4 pup, a kitten, &¢,

Bachhra, a calf Bag (f.), a bridle.

Bachna; bach-jdna, tbe Bagh, a tiger.
Saved ; to escape. bachana ; Bagh : bdghin ; baghichah,
bacha-d., fo save; rescue : 4 garden.
Protect, Baghal, the arm-pit» side ἢ
Bad, dad. N.-i, —akl, defective atrection,
common-sense, Adj. —akli. Bahadur (a title), ‘Bahiédur.’
-bakht, vxfortunate ٠ wrete -i, bravery ; swagger.
ched. —bu (f.), a bad smell Baham, /ogether.
-kismat, dad luck ; misfor- Bahanah, 6 pretence : Prelext,
fune. —ndm, evil repute ; Bahangi, a pole on which
Slander ; abuse. —nasibi, burdens are carried. —dak,
musfortune, —shak l, ० १४८ the parcel-post.
formed + u ushapely, —siirat, Bahar (Adv.), outside. As
μον. —svirati, ugliness. Prep. (ke.) owt, -jana, ‫ہو‬‎
-Ζάϊ, of low caste; villan-
8० ०४४८.
ous. -“Zii, villainy ; Bahar ))(, spring ‫رى‬‎ beauty,
vice. Bahin, 6 sister.
Bad (ke.). See ‘Baad.’ '
Bahlana, τ amuse ; «cheer
Bad (p.), z¢nd.
one up.
Badal, erchanee. As prep. Bahna, fo /१०८७.
(ke.), διε exchange for. Bahra, deaf
—lena, (० fake tn erchanee ; Bahut, much: very; suffi-
to exthange. —na, to change; cient, —achchbha ! all right /
alter. Badla, (also as prep. very well! —era, (a.) very
‘ke badle,’) same as much, or very many.
‘ badal.’ Bai, a native lady ; a dan-
Badam, a/monds. cing-gtrl,
Badan, the body. Bail, an ox. πράτ, an ox-
Badsh4h (M.), a &ing. =i, the cart,
royal state. Ba,is (ke), dy reason of.
Ba,en, ox, or, /० the left hand. Baithna, 7० ۲۷ | ‫رض‬‎ dozen,
Baja, a musical instrument. Bandah ; bandi, 8 servant ;
bajana, fo play on ditto. dependant ; slave. —dagi,
bajna, fo δὲ played on ; to service ; attachment to a
sound, (intr.) See page 67. person.
Baja-lana, fo perform + carry- Bandar, 6 monkey.
through. Bandh, a closing ; an embank-
Bak-bak, chattering. V —k. ment. —na ; -0. ; —kar-d. ४०
Bakri, 4 goat. close; fasten ; tie.
Baki, zehat remains over. Bandtk (f.), 4 musket.
Bakhil, a miser. -i, sttnginess. Bang (f.), @ noise; shout.
Bakhshna, /o give a present. V. -d.
N.-—bakhshish. Banna, fo 26 made. bana-
Bal, the hair. —wal, a barber. rahna, fo remain waiting.
Baland. See " Buland.’ Ban-parna, δὼ succeed ; be able
Bal-bachche, children. to do.
Baligh, oxe who has attained Rans, a bamboo.
mayority, -a (f.), marriage- bantna, fo divide. biant-lena,
able, to divide and lake.
Balish, @ διέοτο. Bap, 4 father. bap-bap ; and
Balisht, a span. tapre-bapre! See paye 56.
Balkih, on the other hand ; Bar (p.), ०४, upon. Much
nay . nay, more ! used in compos.
Ballam, @ spear. Bara, great. As adv., very.
Balti, @ tent-can, or bucket. bara sdhib, the head of a
Balu, sand. house, firm, &¢.
Bam, ¢he pole of a carriage. Bardbar, breast to breast;
Banana, fo form; construct. equal; ‘all the same.
bana-dalna, to convert one Barah, ¢we/ve. -singa, having
thing into another. twelve tines; a stag.
Banat, droad-cloth. Baratwmndah, 6 verandah.
Band, closed. V.-k. band-o- Baran (p.). raiz. -i kurti, @
bast (m.), arrangements, great-coat.
Karas, 4 year. Bat ; battakh, a duck.
Barasna, 20 rain, Bat, word; affair; news ;
Bar-bad-d, to squander. business. —chit, conversa-
-hona, ¢o be sacrificeor
d Jost. tion. [out ; show.
Barchhi, @ spear. Batana or batldna, 20 point
Bare (ke.), 72 the matter of. Batas (L. B.), wind.
Barf, snow ; ice. -pdni, iced Batti, a wick ; also, a light ;
water, candle ; lamp.
Barga, a rafter. Bat-khara, a weight fur
Barham ; barham-darham, weighing with.
confused ; entangled. Bater, guazi.
Barik, fine in texture. Batwara, dividing property
Barish, vazn, into shares.
Barkandaz, (4ghtning throw- Bawar, belief; trust. -chi, a
ing), a police constable, a ~ cook. -chi-khanah, a &it-
guard: a watchman. chen,
Bar-khast, removing ,; dismtss- Bayan, 4 statement. V.-k.
ing; adjourning, ५. -k. ; Baz, a hawk.
kar-d. Baz (adv.), back, -rakhna, /०
Barsat, rain, -i kapre, water- restrain ; keep back.
Lroofs. Bazar, 2 market ; bazaar.
Bartan, a plate ; dish. Baze (See Baaze), several,
Barut, gun-powder. [éwal, Bazu, the arm.
Bar-wakt, up fo time; pune- Be (prefix), z7thceut. —-fikr,
Barha,i, a carpenter. without care. —ganah,
Barhana (¢rans.) to advance ; strange ; foreign, —ikhtiyar,
increase. barhna ‫ز‬‎ barh-j, without power of control.
(txtr.) to advance, increase. -hosh, senseless ; also, in
Bas, exough ; ‘that’ll do, a swoon. —hiidah, absurd;
Basan, a dish; a bow? ridiculous. -jan, lifeless.
Bastah, a bundle. Jigar (wethout liver), cow-
Basti, ६ uédlage. ardly, -—kardr, restless.

-kiyam, umstable, —kusir, Bhara ; bhar-puir, /१८/८

without blame. -—khabar, Bharna, 7० fill.
(zvithout news,) careless. Bhat (m.), cooked rice.
—nasib, destitute of good Bhatti, α ۸
luck. ‫اد‬‎ ‫ جاب‬beyond the pro- Bhaunkna, 20 dark,
per manner; improperly. bhed, secrecy.
-sabab, without a reason. Bhejna ; bhej-d., 4o send.
-shakk, deyond a doubt. Bhera ; bheri, a vam, a sheep.
-sharm, shameless. —-tab, bheri ka 8‫ہ‬٥‫باما‬‎ 4۰
weak ,; faint. -wukif, fool- Bheriya, @ २९००.
ish; stupid. N. -wukiifi. Bhi, 460 (after a noun or
Bechna, 7० sed/ other word.)
Bel, the ‘bel’-fruit. Bhiga, @ measure of area,
Bhent, ameetingwitha person. varying tn different places.
Besh, more ; sufficient. -ἰ, ex- Bhinga, २९७८४.
cess; surplus. —kimat, Bhor (f.), the dawun, -ko, at
high-priced. dawn ; early.
Beta, ६ son. Beti, a daughter. Bhukh (f.), Awnger. A. --ἃ.
Bhadda, du// ; stupid. Bhul, ‎‫م‬۸۶ error, —na; —jana, ¢o
Bhagna ; bhag-jana ; ‫ط‬٠‎ commit an error; to for-
jana, to flee ; escape. get.
Bhagwat, ¢he religious book Bhisi, chaff. (lit.)
of the Hindus. Bhut, 4 ghost ; a demon.
Bha,i, a brother ; relation. Bhutta, Zadian corn.
Bhainsa ; bhains, made and Bibi, a native married lady ;
Jemale buffalo. also applied to a female,—
Bhal, or bhalu, @ dear. European, or of the mixed
Bhala, good, bhala,i, good- race,-working in the coun-
neSS. try, e.g. as keeper ofa
Bhanja, a sister’s son. boarding-house.
Bhanji, @ sister's daughler, Bich (ke.), detween ; among.
Bhar, @ load. -i, heavy. Bichali, ‎‫ء‬۰۷۶۲

Bichhana, 2० spread. Bithana ; bitha-d, δ 5८६४.

Bichhauna, dedding. Bo,a,i, ۲0٥۷۶٣
B igar-jana, fo go wrone ; Bodna, 40 coax; wheedle.
get out of order; become Bogla, a crane. (bird.)
alienated. Bojh; bojha, ‫ء‬‎ /oad. bojhna,
Bih (p.), good. -tar, better, to load.
—tarin (p.), the dest. -tari, Bolna, /० say ; speak ; tell.
improvement, Bona, 209 sow.
Bihisht, heaven. -i, a water- Bora, α sack.
Bora, a bean.
Bij, seed.
Bijli, zghtning. V.-hona. Bosah, a kiss. V. -0.
Bikna, ¢o be sold. (See Brthispat, Thursday.
bechna.) Bu (f.), scent, smel/.
Bvl,! (Arabic prefix,) in ; on. Budh, Wednesday.
bi-l-faur (on the heat) Buddha, οἰ. Also, an old
instantly, bi-l-fel, ia fact ; man, buddhi; burhiya, ax
on the fact ; instantly. bi-l- old woman. —pan, old age,
kull, ०४ the whole ; entirely. Bujhna, / understand. bu-
bi-l-aks, on the contrary. jhana ; bujha-d, fo explain.
Bil, the burrow of an animal. Also, το extinguish a light,
Bila (Arabic prep.), without, Bukhar, fever.
(7.९. devotd of.) Bukhl, stinginess.
Billi, @ cat. Buland, /ofty.
Bimar, 57८१. N-i. Bulbul, @ ‘dulbul,’ (bird.)
Biphe, Zhursday. Bura, 0६६. burd,i (n.), ८८४/.
Birni, 4 wasp ; a bee. bura-janna, 70 consider bad.
35, cwenty. -i, 6 score. Πάτα, burhi, burhiya, same
Bitjana (7॥77.), to pass. (of as ‘buddha,’ &c.
time.) Buta-d, το extinguish a light.

! Pronounce as plain “ bil,’


Chabi, 4 key. Chammach; chamchah; a
Chabuk, a whip. spoon.
Chabtitrah, a platform; a Cham-gadar, 4 247. (animal. )
‘chabitrah, generally of Chamra, skin ,; leather.
masonry : used in gardens Chana, gram. (for horses.)
for enjoying the air. Chand, several; a few.
Chha-chhtindar, a musk-rat., Chand, the moon.
Chadar (f.), @ sheet; table Changul, 4 claw.
cloth, or cover. Chapati, a thin flour-cake ; a
Cha,e, fea, cha-dan, a fea- scone ; a ‘ chapatty,’
caddy. cha-pochi, 4 fea pot. Chapras, a dadge.—i, a mes-
Chaha, ۶۰ senger ; a ‘chaprassy,
Chaharum, ¢he fourth part. Char, four; oblique cases
Chahiye. See page τ, section charon.—pa,i, @ jour
20. poster; a bed.
Chahna, /० wish ; desire. Chara, ६ seedéing.
Chakar, a servant. Charana (/rans.), to graze.
Chakki, a whee/. Charkh, 4 wheel.
Chal (f.), chal-chalan, Aadit ; Charna_ (inter.), to feed ;
behaviour. erase,
Chalak, clever ; too clever.—i, Charhana; charha-d., 6 ۶
cleverness ; sharpness ‫را‬‎ to ascend.
device. Charhna ; charh-jana, 20
Chalan, a despatch noe; , ascend.
-kar-d, 0 despatch. Chashm, 4४ eye.
Chaladna, /o set in motion ; Chashmah, spectacles; a
despatch. spring of water.
Chalis, forty. Chata,i, a floor-mat.
Chalna ; chala-jana ; chal-d., Chatan (f.), @ slab of stone,
to g0; proceed ; move off. Chatna, fo lick ; lick-up.
Also of affairs, ἐσ prosper. Chatni, ‘ chutnee,’

Chau, /fowr (in compos.), Chhau, ‘he breast.

chauk, 6 square ina town. Chhauni, military — /tnes ;
chauki, 4 zvatch-post; a barracks.
chair. chaukidar, a warch- Chhed, 4 hole. V. —-na.
man. cChaukona, /four- Chhekna (fvans.), to stop ;
cornered. chauras, on all check.
jour sides. chaurdastah, ६ Chher-chhar, ¢he act of an-
place where four roads 7077९.
meet, .‫نہ‬‎ ‫نه‬ Chhi-chhi (interj.), ४457)/
Chaudah, fourteen. -roz, a ugly !/
fortnight. Chhilka, a shell; the rind:
Chaukath (f.), @ door-frame. parings.
(Chaura, ۸۶۸۰۸۰٣۷۰ N. -chaurd,i. Chhinkna, fo sneeze.
Chauri, 4 fly-jlicker. Chhin-lena ; 29 snatch ; rob ;
Chautha, the fourth. carry-off.
Chawal, wacooked rice. Chhipkali, a /707
Chhirakna, 20 sprinkle.
Chela, the disciple of a relt-
Chhitank, a ‘chitdth, 5'; of
οἵοις teacher.
Chera, a domestic slave. Chhokra; chhokri, @ 60);
Chhagul, @ goat. a girl.
Chhalang, 4 δα. ۰۷۰ —na. Chhorna ; chhor-d. ; chhor-
Chhanna (#75.), to pass jana, fo let go; release ;
through a strainer. dismiss.
Chhapa, printed. V. -k. Chhota, smal’. .‫ال‬‎ —chho-
Chhappar (f.), @ voof; ० ta,i.
thatch. Chhiina, ‫؛ہ‬‎ touch; to

Chharra. shot. (for a gun.) finger.

Chhat, @ roof, house-cover- Chhuri, 4 ۶۰
Chhiitna; chhit-jana, ۶6
ing ۰ ceiling.
escape; slip th rough the
Chhita, a2 umbrella: a sun-
shade. fingers.

Chihrah, she face. Chonch (f.), the di// or beak,

Chikna, of/ ; grease ; oiled ; (of a bird.)
polished ; smooth. Chor, a thief. —dna ; fo steal.
Chil, a ۸/۰. (bird.) N. -ἱ.
Chillana, 70 scream. Chiiha, 4 mouse.
Chilam, the part of a native Chukna. See page τ, sec. 23.
pipe (‘hukkah’) in which Chilha, a fire-place ; a stove.
the fireand the tobacco are Chumkarna, 70 coax; wheedle.
placed. Chiina, ۰
Chingari, 4 spark. Chiina, fo leak ; drop.
Chingri, shrimps. Chunanchih, i” such manver
Chini, drown sugar. that ; accordingly ; thus ;
Chir ; chira, α cut ; incision ; Jor example.
dissection. ۷۰. chirna. Chiinti, az ant.
Chiragh, @ native lamp. Chup, sient. -rahna, Zo re-
Chiriya, 4 dird. main or become silent.
Chita, a /eopard. Chur, dust ; atoms ; crumbs.
Chitthi, 4 letter ; a note. Chura, dry grain prepared
Chiz (f.), @ thing of any Jor eating.
kind. Churana ;churda-lena, 20 sfea/.
Chob, 4 post ; a mace, -dar, Chitar, the buttocks.
a mace-bearer. Chiinkih, 7” as much as,

Daha, low ; depressed. daba- Daftar ; -khanah, az office-
na; dabda-d., fo depress ; room.
lower; crush down ; squeeze, Dagh, 6 spot; a stain.
Dadni, an advance of money. Daghabazi, deception ; fraud.
Dafah, a time. See page 65, Dahanah, a (horse’s) d7¢.
sec, 6, Dahi (m.), curd. [hand.
Dafn, ۸۸۷۶0۸ ۷۰ ,‫ا‬‎ Dahine, ٥٥‫ئ‬‎ or 40, the right-

Dahshat, fear. Darkhast, a petition; request.

Da,i, a wet-nurse. V. -κ.
Dakhan, the South. Darma, a mat.
Dal, a kind of pea; ‘ddl’ Darmaha, monthly wages.
—bhat, cooked ‘dal’ and rice. Darobast, the whole of any.
Dalan, a hall. thing.
Dalil, proof. [ment. Darogh, falsehood. -go, a
Dam, breath. Also, a mo- liar, —go,i, falsehood.
Dam, price. Daroghah, a superior police
Damad, a son-in-law. officer ; a ‘ daroga,
Daman, a@ skirt. -i-koh, she Darwazah, a door
base of a mountain. Daryaft, exguiry. V. tft.
Dana, ese ; learned. Darzan, a needle.
Danah, grain ; a grain. Darzi, a fatlor.
Danist, zvisdom ; knowledge. Darhi, a deard.
Dand or danda, a stick; a Das, ۰
blow with a stick. Dast, the hand; diarrhea.
Dant, or dant, @ tooth. -anah, a glove. —khatt, a
Dar (p.), 27, as in dar-miyan, signature,
in the midst. dar-pesh, in Dastar (f.), 6 turban.
Tront, &c. Dastiit, chat ts customary ;
Darakht, ‎‫ ء‬۶۰ the ‘dastoor, --} 9 custo
Darban, a gaze or hall-porter. ary pergutsites ; discount;
Darbar, an audience-hall; an ‘ dastoort,’
audtence ; a levee; a‘darbér.’ Daulat, wealth. A. —mand.
Dar-chini, cinnamon. [pain. Daurna, 20 run.
Dard, pain. -khana, to feel Dawa (f.), medicine.
Darham-barham, confused. Dawa, or dawi (m.) (πῆρ.
Dari, a native carpet; a dabi), α΄ εἰσίν, suit. V.-k.
‘durry.’ dawidar, a claimant; one
Darya, a river ; the sea. who supports any side of ८
Darj, mention ; entry. V. —k, question.
Dawat, an invitation; a Dikhana ; dikhlana, /० show ;
feast. ει to point out.
Dawat, an inkstand. -kalam, Dikk, trouble ; annoyance. V.
writing materials. -Κ᾿ |
Dil, the heart.—gir, sad;griev-
Degchah, or degchi, & copper-
ed. —i-dosti, the heart.of
cooking pot.
Jriendship. —kusha, heart-
Dekhna, Ὁ see ; look at.
expanding ‫)دع‬‎ wine.)
Dena ; de-d., ¢¢ give.
Der, or deri (f.), deday. V. --Κ.
—khush,. happy. -o jan se,
Des, or desh, one’s country. with heart and soul. --56,
Devi, a goddess. devasthan,
a consecrated place. Dilana; dila-d.; dilwdna ;
dilwa-d., fo cause to give.
Dhamkana, / snub ; threaten. Dimdagh, the brain ; conceit ;
Dhamki, saudbbing ; silencing. pride.
V. -d. Din, @ day. —bhar, 4// day,
Dhan, wealth. 8. -i. Din, religion. —dar, refigious-
Dhan, rice growing, or tn the ly inclined. { dhingy,’
husk, Dingi, 6 kind of boat; a
Dharam, wrtue. —avatar, Jn- Dip, a lamp. Also, an island.
carnation of Virtue (a form Di-roz (Persian), yesterday,
of adiiress.) Dimak, 4 white ant.
Dhaunki, Je//ows. dhaunkna, Diwar, or diwal (f.), 4 704४7.
to use bellows. Diwan, a Minister of State.
Dhobi ; dhobin, washerman ; -i, relating to Civil Justice.
washerwoman, Diyanat, honesty ; good-faith,
Dhona; dho-d., fo wash. —dar, conscientious. N.-dari.
Dhu,4n, smoke. -kash, a Do, two. Also, imperat. of
steam-boat. dena, ۲ give.
Dhiip, sua-shine ; sun-heat. Dohar (f,), doub/e-cloth,
Dih(pl. dihat), town ; village ; Do-latti, a Rick. V. —marna,
land appertaining thereto. _ or jharna.
T., H. I€

Dol, swinging. -i, a swinging Duldul, @ hedge-hog,

article> e.g., a litter; a Dum, a fat? -chi, a crupper-
hanging meat-safe, &c. V. strap.
—na. Dunga, 4 stde-dish.
Donon, doth ; i.e., two things Dunya (f.), the world; the
or persons. universe. dunyavi, redat-
Dost, 4 friend. —anah, frtend- ing lo the werld,
ly. -i, friendship. Dur ))( adistance ; distant.
Doyum, ¢he second. dtir; dur ho! de off! -an-
Dozakh (f.), ἀεί. desh, provident. -andeshi,
Du,a (f.), dexediction. Joresight. ‫اص‬‎ (f.), « tele-
Diib-ghas (f.), a grass much scope; a ‘glass. -k., to
liked by horses. remove ; place at a dis-
Diidh, mz/k. -ya pathar, ax lance.
opal, [mercy / Durbal, weak ; infirm.
‫رانا‬ (interj.), 6 ‫‏‬/ Durust, right ; correct. —k., to
Duhra, ov dohra, doudle. V. arrange ; put right.
duhrana. Dushman, az enemy. =,
Diikan (f.), 6 shop. -dar, ٤ enmity.
shop-keeper, -dari, shop- Dushwar, difficult.
keeping. [dukhit, Duisra, @ second (thing); a
Dukh, jain; distress. A. different (thing),

Dak (f.), @ station, e.g., for a postage stamp. —wala, the
relief of post-horses, or postman, -men dalna,
runners ; the post (letters, rakhna, or dena, Zo fost,
&c.) -chauki, the chang- Daka, an attack by robbers.
ing-station. -ghar, the post- —parna, fo rod.
office. -munshi, the post. ΤΠ)Καὶ, a member of a gang
master. -piyddah, ¢he of robbers + a ‘dacott, -ἰ,
postal runner, ~tikat (T.), gang-robbery ; ‘dacotty.’

Dal (f.), & branch, [‘dolly’ Whakna, a dd; a cover, Also

Dali, a present of fruit; a as V. to put on a cover.
Dalna ; dal-d., ἐσ throw down, hal )۸( @ shield; a tar-
Dand, an oar. gel; a slope.
Dank (f.), a sting. V. - marna. Dhela; ६ clod.
Dar, fear. -na, to fear, -ana, Whila, slack. Also, vemiiss.
to frighten. Diuindna, fo search-Sor.
Dayan, a witch, Dubana; duba-d., fo sub-
Dera, 4 tent, —k., to encamip. merge ; lower ; depress.
Derh, one and a half; a 90979; dtib-jana, ¢o sink ;
good deal. be drowned ; be rutned.

Ek, one; a or an. -a-ek; Eni, the heel,
-bdragi, suddenly, -dam, Ewaz, αὶ substitute; ex-
instantly; this instant. change,
-sath, ۰.

Fd,idah, profit; advantage. Fareb, deceit. -d., to deceive,

A. -damand. -khana, 20 δὲ deceived.
Fajr(f.), dawn; early morning. Fark, difference ; consequence,
Fakat, only ; ‘finis? (as in the phrase, ‘ ἐξ of
Fakir, 6 Muham : mendicant. no consequence.’)
Fantis (f ), a damp-shade. Farman ; an order; edict. -9,
Fardghat, J/etsure; repose ; to issue ditto; also used of
prosperity. any utterance by a person
Fardmosh, forgetful. N. -i. of rank,
۷. -k, Farsh, a carpet. farrdsh,
Fard (f.), a sheet; a ply; a one who attends to the
Sold. carpets.
> , :

Faryad ))(, a complaint, (e.g , dtately. fil-hakikat,in truth,

in Court.)-i, @ complain- fil-wake, in reality; as
ant, matters really stand, &c.
Farzand, Ω son. Widwi, 4 servant; a retatner.
Fasad, strife ; rebellion. —yat, fidelity.
‫ا‬738 (:) crop. (in‫ ‏‬the Fihrist, 6 Zist; an index.
fields.)‫‏‬ Fikr (f.), thought; anxiety.
Fath (f.), vectory. A. -mand. V. -mand-
Fatwa, a decree of a judge. hona.
Fauj (f.), az army. —dar, a Fil, ax elephant, —ban, an
commander, —dari, relating elephant-driver.
to Criminal Justice. Firishtah (pl. -tagan), ax
Faulad, sfee/. Angel.
Fazuil, excessive; surplus. Firozah, ¢urguots.
-kharchi, extravagance. Fisdnah, 6 story; tale; ro-
Fi (Arabic), each ; ‘per; in. mance,
fil-jumlah, iz the total. fil- Fulanah, ६ certain one.
hal, iz the present; imme- Fursat, leisure ; opportunity.

Gachh, ‎‫ ء‬۶۰ Gala, the throat: -band, a
Gaddi, a cushion ; a throne. nech-tte.
Gadha ; gadhi, a7 ass (male Gali, abuse. V. -d.
- and female.) Galis, draces. (tor pants.)
Gah, 77276 ; place. Much used Gana, 20 sing.
in compos. ‫ہر‬‎ ‘shikar- Ganda, four things), looked
gah,’ hunting ground. on asa unit.
Gahra, deep. N. gahra,i. Gandh (f.), odour ; perfume,
Gajaz, @ carrot, gajarah, gandah, 226४. gandi, a
carrots, certain badly-smelling ἐπε
64, the cheek. sect, a ‘ gundy,’

Gandak, @ rhinoceros. Ghar, 4 fouse. "दी, a

Ganj, a mart. (The ‘ gunge’ thatcher.
of Anglo-Hind.) Ghara, ax earthen pot.
Ganja, emp, as used for Ghari, about 20 minutes:
intoxication. A decoc- Also, an English hour ; a
tion of this plant gives the watch ; a clock.
drink known as ‘ bhang.’ Ghas (f.), grass.
Ganth, a knot. ४. -bana-d. Ghat, a mountain-pass ; steps,
Ganw, a village. ganwar; &c., down to a river; a
ganw-wala, a villager. Jerry. —wal, a guardian of
Ga,o, or ga,e, 4 cow. ga,o- a pass. -—wala, a ferry-
salah, a cvw-shed. man.
Garaj, ‘hunder. V. —na. Ghati, ¢rade-/oss.
Gard (f.), dust. A. ‫نے‬ Gher, αὐ round. —k., το sur-
Gardan (f.), the neck. round.
Garm, warm; hot. Ν. -i. Ghi (m.), zative butter.
Garh, a fort ; a steep p.ace. Ghisarna, fo creep ; crawl.
Gari, @ carriage; a cart. Ghora, a horse. ghori,a mare.
-ban, 4 driver. Ghulna, fo mélt (intr.)
Garna, to fix in the ground ; ghulana, 20 है) ।(¢rans.)
to plant. Ghint, 4 gulp ; draft. V. —na.
Gathri (vely., githri,)abundle. Ghusna, 70 enter.
Gawah, a witness. -i, evl- Gidar, 4 jackal.
dence. Gidh, 4 vulture.
Gaz, a yard (measure.); a Gilehri, 4 sguirre?.
road ; a ramrod. Giran, important ; weighty.
Gehtin, wheat. Girana; gira-d, /0 cause to
Ghabrana, ¢o be confused ;put Jall ; to throw down.
out ; puzzled. Also trans. Gird (ke), around ; round.
Gham, sun-shine ; sun-glare. Giriftar, or giriftah. captive ;
Ghanta, a bell; an hour. arrested. —hona, to bein
Gha,o, 4 sore. arrest, —k., to arrest.

Girja, 4 church, otherwise Gosh, az ear (of the body.)

‘grija ; probably Portu- Goshah, ६ corner,
guese, Gosht, flesh.
Girna ; gir-parna, 7० fadl. Gram, 4 village. (LL 8.)
Git, 4 song.
Go,ala, a cow-herd ; the milk- Gtida, the marrow,
man, Guidar, rags ; rubbish,
Gobar, cow-dung, Much Guddi, 4 (όογ᾽5) Rite.
used as fuel. Guft-o-gu (f.), conversation,
God ; godi, ¢he Jap. Guhar (f.), प्र ; noise;
Go,indah, a spy ; informer. outbreak. -i, a rioter.
Gojar, a centipede. Gul, 6 rose, --ἀὺ, rose-water.
Go-kih, et it be said that ; —ab-phtil, @ rose-bush, or
given that ; granted ; even rose flowers, -istan, a
though, place where roses are culti-
Gol, round. gola,t a gra- vated. Also, the name of
nary ; a store-house. goli, a celebrated Perstan book.
a ball, a bullet. —mirch -—zar, a garden of roses.
(round, i.e.) black pepper. (lit. or fig.)
Gond, gum. Gulu, same as ‘ gala.’
Gor, a grave. -istan, @ Gum, Jost. -k., fo lose. —-ho-
burial-ground., jana, 70 de lost. -nam, name-
Gora, fair-complexioned ; a less ; obscure ; lost to fame.
European of inferior rank ; Guman, €४/255 ‫رپ‬‎ fancy. V. -k.
a European soldier. gore- Gumashtah, a steward.”
log, Zuropeans, goron ki Gumbaz, ६ dome.
paltan, a Luropean regt- Gunah, 4 fault; sin. ‫ گا‬dr ‫’‏‬
ment, a transgressor —gari, si7-‫‏‬
Gor-khar (an animal, pro- Jul doing.
bably) ¢he zz/d-ass. Giinga, selent ; dumb,
2 (3enerally built in a circular form,
2 Not applicable toa ship steward,

Guroh ))(, @ crowd. pass-over, guzar-ghit, @

Guru, a Hindu teacher. jerry.
Gustdkh, impudent. N. -i. Guzashtah, past ; Jast (as int
Guzdrna (¢rans.), to pass ; ‘last year.’)
convey. guzarna; guzar- Guzran (f.), mode or means
jana (intr.), to pass; of livelihood,

Ghaflat, negligence. Ghazi, a slayer of an infidel.

Ghaib, out of sight; vanish- Chie पी Ἐπὶ ἃ
ed. ‘case’ for a pillow.
Ghair, foreign ; strange ; dif- Ghisa, ordinaty Het
ferent. Asa prefix, want-
ing, deficient, e.g., ghair- Ghol, or ghtil, @ crowd ;
hazir, a@dsent. ghair-mum- pressing. -mal (L. B.), con-
kin, twposstble. Jusion ; a row,
Ghalat, error ; oversight. Ghulam, a servant; a slave.
Ghalichah, a car fet. Ghulel, 4 bow from which
Ghallah, corn ; produce. pellets are shot; a ‘cata
Ghamm, sorrow. A. -gin. pult,
Gharaz (f.), design; aim; Ghurtr, pride.
object, Asady., tn short. Ghussah, grief; anger.
Gharib, poor ; Aumble; tame. Ghusse, tn a rage.
—log, the poor. -parwar, Ghusl (f.), @ ۸۰/۸ ~khdnah,
Nourisher of the Poor! a bath-room. A\so, the IV.
(a form of address.) C.-k., to bathe,

Η, ‘a light Aspirate.)
Haddi, 4 done. Hal, or hal, a plough, V.
Ha,e, alas / —jotna.
Haftah, a week. Halakat, death,
Haizah, cholera, Haldi, turmeric,

Hal-kamra, a drawing-room. Hath, the hand; a cubit. -ana

Halka, /7gh¢ (not heavy.) to reach. —dalna, to seize.
Halkah, an area of jurisdic- Hatheli, ¢he palm of the hand.
tion. Hathi, 67 elephant.
Ham, we ; us. Also, together; Hatiyar, 4706 ; weapons.
Much used in compos. ¢.g., Hat, a fair.
ham-rah, 4 fe/low-traveller. Hatana; hata-d., so drive-
ham-rahi, ¢ravelling to- back ; repel.
gether. ham-sayah (same Hatna ; hat-jana, 20 clear out
shade); neighbourly; friena- of one’s way ; to step aside.
ly. Hawa (f.), the air, —khana,
Hameshah, a:zays. to take the air ; go a walk,
Han, yes. arive, ‫نہ‬‎
Hangamah, 4 riot. Hazar, a thousand.
Hankna, 20 drive.
Hezam, frewood.
Hanri, a fof. —bartan, cooking
utensils. Hi (a particle of emphasis,
Hans, @ swan. often untranslateable),
Hansi, /aughter. hansna, 70" very; this verv...; just
laugh. this, ‫تر‬‎
Hansli, az ornamental hoop Hibah,a forma/ gift or grant.
Jor the neck. Hiba-namah, 4 deed of ditto.
Hanoz, yet ; stv? (of time.) Hijrah, the flight of Muham-
Har, each ; every. -ek, each mad to Madina, A.D.622,
one; everyone, -karah, a whence begins the Muham :
man of all work ; a mes- era.
senger. ۱ Hilna, fo shake (intr) ; hila-
Haran, ०४ hiran, a stag; a na ; hila-d. (¢rans.)
deer. Hindu, व dark-skinned man.
Harchand, a/though. -stin, Upper Jndta.-stani
Harna, τῶ dose (e.g. a bet.) relating to Hindu matters,
hara-d., fo /ose to one, e.g., /anguage,

Hira, a diamond. -yar, careful; prudent;

fo be; to occur; to skilled. N.—-yari.
take place. ho-jana, fo ‫نے‬‎ Hunar, ۶/77۸ A. —mand.
come. Hundi, व native Bill of Ex-
Hosh, sense ; ‘common sense.’ change, a ‘hundee.’

H. (a strong Aspirate.)
Hadd, a boundary. Halak, the threat.
Haiwan, an animal. Halal, according to law;
Hajjam, α darber. lawful. —k., to kill ac-
Hajat, want; necessity; re- cording to prescribed form
straint, (as by cutting the throat) ;
Haji, one who has made the to cut the throat.
Pilgrimage to Mecca. Halwa,i, a szweet-meat seller.
Hajj, the pilerimage to Mecca. Haml,! a durden, hammai,'
Hakim, a ruler ; a judge. a porter. hamilah, ‫خا‬‎
Hakim, व native physician ; nant.
a wise man. Hamlah, an attack ; onset.
Hakir, dase; contemptible. Harakat, a movement, e.g., of
-jdnna, or samajhna, 70 the body.
hold in contempt ; despise. Haram, or haram, unlazoful ,
Hakk, one’s rights. \akikat, Jorbidden. -zadah, base-
the very truth. \akiki, born ; a scoundrel.
really true. ἰνακίκι bha,i, Harf, ‎‫ ٭‬letter. (of the Alpha-
&e., a full brother, &c. bet.)
Hal, (p!. Halat,) state ; con- Harif, an opponent.
dition ; facts of the case. Hasil, acgutring ; accomplish-
halan, presently. ment of an object; the
Halaf, an oath. (e.g., in ‘moral’ of a story. V.
Court.) halfan, ۸۸٠ oath. -Κ,

३ Not used in Lower Bengal,


Hasrat, desire ; regret ; grief. Hisab, an account in figures.

Hawalah, charge; responst- Hissah, one’s share; a por-
bility ; custody, tion, —dar, a partner.
Haya (f.), modesty ; shame. Hudtid, doundaries (pl. of
Hazir, present. --ἰ, presence ; hadd.)
the family ‘presence’ at Hukm, az order. hukumat,
breakfast ; breakfast τ sovereignty ; power.
Hazrat, dignity ; also as aa Hukkah, a native pipe; a
title of high respect. —Isa, ४ hookah.’
Jesus. Huktk, vigh¢s. (pl. of hakk.)
Hikayat, history ; story ; nar- Hurtif, etlers of the Alphabet.
ration, V. -k. [wice. (pl. of harf.)
Hikmat, zesdom; skill; de- Huztir, presence ; appearance ,
Hilah, @ stratagem ,; a trick. court ; Your Honour !

Iba (f.), @ cloak. Ihtiraz, abstinence ; control of
Ibarat, composition ; writing. the passions. (gratitude.
Iblis, the devi?. Ihsan, benevolence. —mandi,
Ibtida, the beginning. Tjdrah, 4 lease ; a farm.
Id, @ religious festival ; espe- Ijazat, permission ; favour.
ctally the festivalin honour Ikhatta, together.
of Abraham sacrificing his Ikbdal, good fortune ; favour.
son LIshmail. Iklim, clime ; country.
Iflas, poverty. Ikrar, agreement ; confession.
Ihtimam (f.), dzdigence ; neces- Ikhtilaf, discrepancy. (pl. -dt )
sary application. Ikhtiyar, power , authority ;
Ihtiram, ¢he act of showing option.
respect. Πάν], divine.

2 Called ‘ Nashta’ in Western India.

lltifat, friendliness. [seeching. Istimal, wse. ४. —k.
Iltimds (f.), fetttoning ; be- Istibagh, ۰
Imam, @ religious Muham : Istimrari, permanent; fixed.
leader. —band-o-bast, the Perma-
Imarat, a public building. nent Settlement of Bengal.
Imli, /amarind. Istri, a soothing iron,
Im-roz (Persian), 7०-६०). Is-wakt, af this time ; now.
Im sal (Persian), 77۶ year. Ishdrah, α Aint ; a signal.
Imtihan, an examination. Ishtihar, a public advertise-
Inam, 4 present , a favour.
Indara, a /arge well. Ishwar (H.), God.
Indur, ६ rat. Itiraz, displeasure ; refusal.
Inglistan, England. Itna, /77۶ much. itne men, 772
Insaf, justice. the meantime.
Insan, a Auman being. —iyat, Itr, essence. (Anglicé, ‘ offo.’)
humanity, i.e., the human Itibar ; itimdd, confidence ;
race. beltefin one. V. -k.
Int (f.), a brick. Ittifak, agreement ; equality ;
Intikal, ¢ransport ; change ; union ; chance. —hona, to
death. [management. happen ; to bein agreement.
Intizam, good arrangement ; ~k., to bring into agreement;
Irddah, intention ; purpose. to agree with, -an, dy
τά, purgatory, |page ३०. chance ; tt so happened that.
Is, tnfiected form ofyih. See Ittila (f.), announcement ;

Isfanj, 4 sponge. publication of news; an

Islam, “he Muham . religion. ‘information’ lodged before
-i, appertaining to ditto. a public officer.
Is-liye, on this account. Itwar, Sunday.
Ism, ६ name. (pl. asdmi, q.v.) Izhar, deposition ; statement.
Istabal, a ۶۰ Izzat, honour ; respect due to
Istifa, full performance, resign- one; estimation tn which
ing service ; abandonment. one ts held.

Jab, when. -tak, or talak, Jama, a_ collection; a

till when. See page ‫دہ‬‎ gathering ; the tctal of an
Jabr, oppression. Adv. ۰‫ز‬‎ account, —bandi, the rent-
Jabra, the jaw. roll of an estate. -kharch,
Jadu, conjuring ; a ‘ghost. a credit and debit account.
Ja-e-phal, nutmeg. -dar, a native officer of
Jagah (f.), @ place ; room. army or police; a head
Jaana ; jaga-d. (¢rans.), to man of any body, e.g.,
awaken, coolies. —wasil-baki, ‫و‬‎
Jagna (tz/r.), to waken. jagta, statement of claims collec-
awake, lions and arrears.
Jahan, «wherever. See page Jamna ; jam-jana, 20 congea/.
١‫ہ‬‎ : the universe. —didah. Jan, life , sou?, —kani, anguish
(having seen the world) ; of soul, -se marna, 70 ill.
experienced. —nisdr, > self - sacrificing.
Jahannam (f.), ‫ول‬‎ —war, an aninial.
Jahil, tgnorant. N. -i. Jana, fo go, proceed. jane-
Jai, zictory. dena, fo allow fo go.
Ja,i, cass. Janab ; —ali, “ἢες of respect.
Ja,iz, just: proper ; fair. as ९ Your Worship.
Jal, ۰ Janam, ۸7۶/۸۰, -din, birth-day.
Jal, a net. Janch, testing; trying. V.—na.
Jal, forged. Jang (f.), war.
Jala, a cobweb, Jangal, forest; high-grass
Jalana ; jala-d., fo set on fire. land ; scrub ; * jungle? A,
Jald, gurck/y. -i, speed. jangl, waste; wild,
Jalna, 7० be on fire. savage ; ‘gungly.
Jama,at, an assembly. Jangh, the thigh, -ia, short
Jamah, οὐ. Much used in (wearing) drawers.
compos, ¢.g., mom-jamah, Janna, fo know, jan-brijh-kar,
wax-cloth, knowingly ; intentionally,
Jannat, Paradise. Jhopr', a cottage. ۱
Janib (f.), side ; part. —dar, Jhukna ; jhuk-jana, fo de or
a partisan. —dani, taking become awry or crooked.
one’s side. Jhul, @ covering for an
Jantib, the South. animal ; horse-cloth, & c.
Jar, a root ; roots. Jhulana (¢rans.), ἐσ swing.
Jardhat, a wound. jhulna (ixtr.), / swing.
Jarimanah, ov jurmanah, @ jhtila-jhuli, sewrnging ; SC@-
fine. V.—lena. saw,
Jara, “he cold, the cold Jhuth, or juitha, false ; un-
weather. true. jhuth, falsehood.
Jastis, a spy. —i, spying. Ji, ‎‫اا‬67 ; soul , spirit.
Jauhar, 4 gem. --ἶ, a jeweller. Ji, or Ji han, yes.
Jaun. See pag? το 4. Jibh (f.), the tongue.
Jauz,a aut ὁὉ [youth. Jidhar. See page 4۰‫ہ‬‎
Jawan, youn, a youth, -ἰ, Jigar, the vitals ; the liver.
Jazirah, an island, Jihad, « Muham: religious
Jel-khanah, ८ fait. (half E.) war,
Jhagra, a guarrel. V. jha- Jihat (ki.), ۸ accouut of.
garna ; -Κ. Jin, oblique case, pl. of jo.
Jhalar, a fringe. See page 33.
Jhanda, 4 flag. Jina, to live ; be alive.
Jhar, ; jhari, underwood. Jins, Ainds ; sorts ; goods ;
Jhdran, 4 duster. merchandise.
Jharna, fo sweep ; dust. Jis, oblique case, sing. of jo.
Jharu, a broom. See page 33.
Jhat-pat (adv.), thts instant. Js-kadar. See page .4‫ہ‬‎ jis-
की, @ shallow lake; a taraf,in whatever direction.
marsh, jis-tarah, in <uhatever
Jhilmili, the venetians. manner. jis-wakt. See pave
Jhonk, ἃ push. V.-jhonkna ; ‎4‫ے‬ ۱
jhonk-d. Jism, the body.

Jitna, fo wen. Jot, one thing of a pair; a

Jitna. See page 4۰‫ہ‬‎ ‘ match,” harness ९ traces,’
Jo, joko,i, jo-kuchh. See Ju,a, ayoke ;a die; dice ;
page 33. gambling. —-khelna, w&
Jo, #. gamble.
Jo,ar, Zdian corn. Juba, young. jub-raj, a
Jogi ; jogin, a Alindu asectic, prince.
(male and female.) Juda. separate. V. -k.
Jon, when ; as soon as. Julabah, a weaver.
Jonk, 4 leech. Jumah, /7iday.
Joru, ६ wife. Jurm, @ crime ; offence.
Jori, व pair. -gari, the car- Just-o-ju (f.), search, V. -ἰ,
riage and patr. Jtita ; juiti, @ shoe ; shoes.
Jotna, fo yoke ; to plough. Juz, a portion of any thing.

Ka. See page 5. Kahin, somewhere ; any-
Kab, when ? where » anyhow. As ἴῃ
Kabab. sliced meat roasted on such phrases as ۶ it were
skewers, -i, suttab.e for anyhow better, &c.’
roasting. Kae, Aow many.?
Kabhi, ever, -kabhi, xow Kaisa, what sort ofa? what
and then -nahin, μεθ, like? how? —-hi, however.
Kachahri, az office ; a court- As in such phrases as
house. ‘however difficult,
Kachhtia, a /ortotse. Kaj, crooked.
Kai, some ; several. Kal, yesterday ; to-morrow.
Kaffarat, repentance ; atone- Kal, an engine ; a machine.
ment. [clency. Kala, ۸/۸ kal-yug, 6
Kafi, exough ; kifayat, ۰‫ء‬‎ black age ;i.e., the present
Kaghaz, paper. age of the world. —pani,
Kahna, fo say ; speak ; tell, the open sea.

Kala,i, a kind of wvetch. Kar, work ; business. kar-

Kaleja, Zérer. (organ of body). bar, «rade, trafficking.
Kam, deficient. Much used ~khanah, a place of bust-
in compos. e.g., kam- ness. —igar, a workman.
akl, of deficient sense. kam- Kar-dekhlana, fo make plain ;
akli, want of sense. kam- demonstrate.
bakht, unfortunate, kam- Nari-bhat, curry and rice.
sinn, of tender age. kam- Karna, (० do ; make : effect :
arz, of narrow breadth. accomplish.
-ἰ, defictency ; fatlure. kam- Karor, ۶۸۷ millions.
kar-dena, fv dessen. Karwa, strong (as liquors
Kam, dusiness ; use; wish ; lea, &¢.)
desire -ana, fo de service- Kasna, τ tighten ; pull.
able. -yab, prospervus. Kasht, ove’s cudtivation, -kir,
N.-yabi. a cultivator.
Kamal, perfection. Katib, a scribe ; a writer,
Kaman, an (archers) bow. Kat, 4 cut. -na ; —dalna, /०
—dar, an archer. cul. katna, fo be cut.
Kamar, ¢he waist. -band, 6, Kathal, ¢he jack-frutt.
qwatst-cloth. Katora, 4 brass cup.
Kamil, perfect. Kattha, a ‘cottah. (land
Kaminab, dase ; low. measure.)
Kammal ; kamli, α d/anket. Kauwa, a crow.
Kamra | kamara, ६ room. Ke. See page 5.
Kan, the ear.
Kela, plantains.
Kana, d/ind of one eye.
Kanghi, ‎‫ ء‬۰ Khainchna, or khinchna ‫و٭‬‎
Kanta, a thorn, a spur; a khichna ; /० draw (burden
fork. or picture) ; fo ۶‫ص‬‎
Kandha, the shoulder. Khajur, dates ; —gachh, ۸۶
Kapas, undressed cotton, date-palm.
Kapra, cloth. kapre, clothes. Khambha, ὦ fost; a pillar
, 7 न . 7 : N

Khana, food ;dinner. Also, V. shoes, paring tie houfs ; and

(० eat. Also, to suffir ‫ز‬‎ un- putting the shoes on again.
dergo. Khona, to lose. kho-jana,
Khansna, ۸2 cough. khansi, to be lost; ‘goa missing.’
coughinys ; a cough, Khujlana, /0 7/८// ; to scratch.
Khbari-mitti, ‎‫ء‬۸ Khula, oper; fair (as
Kharkhara, rough ; a curry- weather.) —din, a fine day.
come. khulna ; khbul-jana, /0 de
Khara, erect ; — Standing. or become open ; to clear.
—nona, ‘fy be, or become (e.g., after rain.)
standing. —karna, to set Khunti, @ peg. (e.g., for a
up ; make straight, -rahna, tent-rope.)
to stand ; remain standing; ΚΙ. See pages 5 and 22.
wait, stop (intr. ) Kih, that (of narration).
Khat, 4 pit, the gullet. Also, as relative pronoun,
Khata f.),fault; defect. often preceded by ‘jo.
Khata-bahi, an account book. “ΚΙ na,’ or not.
Khat; khatiya, a wovden bed- Kichar, mud.
frame. Kidhar, zeAither ὃ
Khatmal, @ dug. Kil, a plug; peg; pin; bolt.
Khel, 77679. —gah, A/ay-ground. Kinah, spite, malice Adj.
—iri, frolics. —na, to play. kinawar. [shore ᾿ edve.
Khet, 6 freld. --ἰ, cultivation. Kinarah, siver-bank ; ‫ہے‬‎
kheti karna, (0 ce/tivate. Kirani, a xative clerk.
Khilana, Zo feed. (trans.) Kira, व worm ,; insect ; mag-
Khirki, α zeindoze. gol.
Khodna, ० dig. Kisan, 6 cultivator.
Khoj, search. khojna ; khoj- Kishmish,‎‫ ب‬7۶79775.
karna, 70 search for. Kishti, 6 004 ; vessel ; tray.
Kholna ; khol-d. fo ofen ; Kismis (E.), Christmas.
unfasten ; untic. khol- Kitab (f.), a book. = [much ?
bandi, taking off a horse's Kitna, ow many? how

Kiwar (m.), a door , door-way. Ku,a, a well,

Kiya-karna, ¢o de in the habit Kubra, hump-backed.
of doing a thing ; to keep Ktich, @ march. V. —k.
on doing tt. Kiichah, ६ Zane.
Ko. See pages 5 and 7. Kuchh. See age 38. kuchh
Kobi, cabbage. se kuchh, from this thing
Kochban, a coachman. to that. kuchh na kuchh,
Koh, a Mountain. -i-nir, some little ; somewhat.
The Mountain of Light. Kudal, or kudali, 4 spade.
Kohasah, fog ; mist. Kid, @ leap. ४. —na.
Ko,i. See page 38. ko,i, na Kuftah, ۶/۶۶۷۰
ko,i, some one or other. Kull (adj.), the whole; all the.
‎‫ہمئا‬, nahin, 20 one. ko,i —yat, entirely.
hai, zs there any one there ? Kulchah, 4 cake.
(used in India instead of a Kumhar, 4 potter.
bell.) Kumhir, an alligator.
Ko,ilah, charcoal ; coals, Kunji, ‎‫ ے‬ey.
Kolu, an oilman; the caste Kunwar, ६ prince.
of an otlman. Kurah, 4 globe ; sphere. -i-
Kona, α corner or angle. khak, the terrestrial globe.
Kori, or kairi, @ score. (7.८., Kira, rubbish.
20.) Kuredna, fo scratch. kured-
Kora, 4 native whip. rahna, to continue scratch-
Kos, a distance of about 2 ing.
miles. Kursi, 4 chatr.
Koshish, az atlempt. V. —k. Kurtl, ὦ coat,
Kotah, short in stature, Kutta, ६ dog. kutiya, a pup.
Oc Kya. See page 33. —bat,
Kotwal, a chief police officer See page 56,
of city, town, or market. Kytin, why 7 wherefore ?-kih,
Kothi, or kiithi, ६ masonry because. —kar, how ? kytin
house. na ho, why not ?

Kabdlah, @ deed of sale. a deed of settlement ; of a

Kabil, capable ; competent. dispute, or other matter.
N. -ivat. Karib, aéout. karib tha kih,
Kabul or kubul, consent. &c., if was on the point
-iyat, a document express- of, "‫ٹن‬‎ (e.g., being settled.)
ing consent ; a counterpart. Karz, or karzah, a loan; a
kabul karna, 20 consent. debt. karz-dar, one tn debt.
Kabzah, grip ; power. Kasam (f.), an oath. (e.g.,
Kadam, a step ; pace. V. -Κ. in Courts) -khana, to take
Kadar, worth, -karna, ٥6 the oath.
value ; appreciate. Katrah, a drop.
Kadd, stature. Katl, Alling. ५. -k. --amd,
Kadin, ancient. wilful murder. --Insan,
Kafilah, व caravan, homicide.
Kahwah, coffee. Kaul-o-kardr, agreement ; bar-
Kai, vometing. gain ; stipulations.
Kaid, fetters ; imprisonment. Kaum, a tribe ; sect ; family ;
—karna, /0 imprison. --] Ἢ
a prisoner. Kawi, strong ; solid.
Kd,im, erect ; firm ; stable. Kaza, fate ; destiny ; death.
Kaisar,an Emperor ; an Em- Kazi, a Muham: Judge.
press. -i-Hind. The Em- Kiblah, the sacred point in
press of India. Mecca, to which Muham :
Kainchi, scissors. turn when praying.
Kala,i, tin; the tinning of Kilah, @ fort.
cooking vessels, & ce. Kimat, price. --i, valuable,
Kalam, a reed; a pen. Kand,at, contentment.
-tarash, a pen-knife. Kism, kind , sort.
Kamis (f.), @ shirt; a chemtse. Kismat, fate ; destiny ; what
Kardr, rest; stabtlity. -Ι, Jalls to your lot, or share.
firm ; the firm land, -080, Kissah, @ story ; a tale.

Kist, an instalment ; ‘Quar- Kudrat, omnipotence.

ter-day. —bandi, a settle- Kufl, 4 lock. (e.g., of a box.)
ment for pertodical fay- Kuli, @ /abourer ; a ‘ coolte.’
ments. Kurah, /o¢s. -dalna, fo cast
Kiydmat, the Resurrection. lots.
Kiyds, thought ; guess ; ‘dea.’ Kurdn, ¢he religious book of
५. -κ. the Muham :
Kiydsi, conjectural. Kustir, 4 fault.
Kristan (E.), @ Christian. Kuwat, power ; authority.

Khabar (f.), mews. —dar, Khan (a ¢itle), Khan. Also,
careful; take care? —dani, Khan Bahadur. — khan--
care ; caution. saman (lord of your pro-
Khachchar, 4 mu/e. perty, i.e.), the butler.
Khafa, angry ; ‘ huffed” Khanah, @ room; a place
N. -gi. where work is -done, or
Khafif, light ; trtviad. things are kept, e.g , lohar-
Khair, well, See page 56. khanah, a _ dblack-smith’s
Note τ. -iyat, welfare. shop. murghi-kharnah, a
Khairat, deeds of charity. hen-house. Much used as
Khak (f.), earth , dust. last word in compos.
Khalal, interruption ; noise. iKhandan, a family ; a house-
Khalds, release; freedom, hold.
Sree. ४. -k. —hona. Khar, @ thorn.
Khaldsi, 4 general out-door Kharab, dad. N. -i.
servant, who attends to Kharash, scraping ; scratch-
tents, &c., a ‘ Klashy,’ ing ; a scratch. V. —na.
Khali, empty. Adv. ‫ہار‬‎ Kharbtizah, 4 melon.
Khalifah, व fencing master ; Kharch, expenditure.
a prince ; a ‘caliph, Kharif, (f.), autumn, the
Khamosh, si/ent. N. -i. second harvest.

Kharid, purchasing- Khazanah, ६ ¢treasure-house ;

farokht, duying and selling. treasure ; applied also to
Kharij, excluded; cut off. water stored for trrigation.
-karna, fo exclude, &c. khazanchi, @ ¢reasurer.
-hona, to be excluded,
&e. Khidmat, service. —gar, a ser-
Kharitah, a purse; a bag ; vant, espectally ἃ tadble-
the covering of a letter sent
in ceremonious style ; hence, Khilal, a tooth-pick.
the letter itself, Khilat, 4 dress of honor.
Khar-khara, ‎‫ء‬77۶0. ४. —na. Khimah, a “μέ. -gah, en-
Khasam, a husband. camping-ground.
Khas-khas, a scented grass,used
Khiraj, tribute ; revenue.
—wetted—--for door-screens. -lagana, 70 fax.
Khiyal, ‘dea ;’ notion , re-
Khass, pure ; noble ; reserved
collection ; thought. V.-k.
to one’s self. -kamra, a pri-
See page ۱۱‫د‬٥.‎ Vote 2.
vate sitting-room. —manal,
land reserved by Govern- Khitib, good ; excellent. Also
ment. —o-Am, the ‘classes as interj. —stirat, beautiful.
and the masses.’ -surati, deauty.
Khata, fault ; defect. Khud, se/f,; dy, or of him,
Khatam, ¢he end. ۷۰ —karna, her, tts, self;or themselves.
(¢rans.) —hona, (727. ) -gharaz, sel/f-seeking.
Khatir (f.), the heart; the Khuda, God. khuddwand,
soul, -jama, peace of lord ; master. See page 56
mind. khatir-jama rakhna, Note 2.
to preserve peace of mind ; Khiin, ὀῥροά ; murder.
to feel assured. — Khurak (f.), food. -i, an
Khatt, @ letter ; a note. Plur., allowance of food or money
Khuttit. Khurshid, ¢he sun (hence
Khattin (M.), a female title. ‘Khurshidi Begam.’ See
Khauf, sear ; danger. page ٣22.(

Khusts, affair ; business.—an, _jocularity. -zaban, honey-

espectally ; particularly. tongued. N. khushi, #/८4-
Khush, Pleased; satisfied. sure ; satisfaction ; one’s
Much used as first word will and pleasure.
in compos. e.g. —dwdz, Khushk, ८४79 ; withered. —i,
sweet-voiced. -amad (f.), drought; the dry land.
fawning approach; frat- as Adv., dy land (not by
tery. —bu (f.), @ szweet- water.)
smell, —hdal, in happy cir- Khwabt (f.), @ dream; sleep
cumstances. il, pleased Khwah... khwah, e¢ther ...
at heart. -go, pleasantof or; take wt this way, or
speech. —numa, neat ; take it that way.
pretty; pleasant. -taba, Khwdhish, desere ; wish.

La, (prefix.) destitute of ; e.g., Lagna; lag-jana, (zir.) to
la-jawab, without an an- touch; meet; fit. lagna,
swer,; la-char, helpless. means also to begin.
-khirdj, rent-free. ld-par- Lahsan, garlic. —iya, ८६४५४ eye.
wah, without care. l\4-waris, Lahzah, @ second (of time.)
without an hetr, ‫ند‬‎ La,ik, suttable ; fit ; capable.
Lab, 4 72. lab-a-lab, brimful. Laimtin, @ lemon; more
Labadah, a cloak. commonly called ‘emu.’
Lad (f.), @ load. —na, to load. Lajana, to be ashamed; to
ladna, 70 be ladened. blush ; to put to shame.
Lagam (f.), @ bridle. Lajja, shame ,; modesty.
Lagana ; lagd-dena, 7० afp/y Lakh, zoo,ooo. (In India,
one thing to another; to printed ‘ r,c0,000.’) Also,
cause to touch ; to moor, &c. sealing-wax.

٠| When a ‘ w’ follows a consonant it is to be very faintly sounded.

The letter has been omitted in some words, where it has practically
ceased to affect the pronunciation.

Lakri, wood, firewood; Lazza, a bright flame.

walking stick ; any kind of Le,i, paste ; batter.
(playing) bat or stick. Le-jana, 2 take away.
Lakshah, Zac. Lekha, a writting. —bahi, a
Lal, ved. -kaghaz, dlotting- writing-book ; an account-
paper. book.
Lalach (f.), avarice. Adj. Lekin, dud, οἵ,
lalchi. Lemu, @ demon.
Lamba, Jong ; fall. Lena ; le-lena, 70 take ; accept.
Lana, 0۶۴ le-ana, fo bring. Lep, plaster. (for walls, &c.)
Langa, naked. Letna, fo lie down , to rest.
Langar, az anchor,
Lichi, or lichu (४ fruit),
Langra, dame, N. langrd,i.
Lapakna, fo flash; rush; Lifdfah, az envelope.
pounce up. Lillah (Arabic), for the sake
Lapetna, Zo roll-up. of God.
Larzah, trembling ; the ague. Likhna ; likh-dena, ‫م‬۴‎ wire.
V. larazna. likhdna; likha-dena, (6
Lara,i, guarre/; battle. ΟὟ. cause to be written. likh-
—karna ; larna. wana ; likwa-dena, fo cause
Larka, a doy. larki, a gird. to be written by a third per-
Larakpan, childhood. son. likh-lena, fo take
Lashkar (f.); a2 army. down in writing.
Lat, a Rick. V.—marna. Lipna, Zo plaster. lipna, fo ٥
Latif, fine; subtle. latifah, plastered. lipt, plastered.
a witticism + a joke. Liydkat, ۵7/7۰
Lathi, a cudgel; a heavy stick. Liye (ke.), for the sake of.
lathial, 6 club-man.
Latkdana ; latkd-dena, 70 hang- Log, people.
up; to suspend. Loha, zvon. lohar, a dlack-
Lau, a flame. smith. -band, tron-bound,
Lazim, proper ; fitting. Lohu, d/ood.

Lomri, a fox. Lughat, 4 dictionary.

Lota, a native brass-fot; a Lutf, courtesy.
‘Jota Lut, robbery ; ‘loot. —na;
Lotna, fo wallow. lut-lena, / vod. lutna, 20
Liban, ۰ be robbed.

Ma, a mother. Magra, cross ; ‘grumpy.’

Maaltim, evident; known. Maghrib, ¢he West.
Maani, meaning ; adrift. Maghriir, proud. N.-i.
Maamiuil, the custom ; what ts Maghz, ¢he brain; pride; a
customary.—i, in accordance kernal.
with routine. Mah, the moon ; a month.
Maazii!, deposed ; discharged Maha, (in compos.) great.
from office ; dismissed. Hence, Maharaja ; Maha-
Ma-bada, (Persian.) may 47 rani -(titles.) makda-naddi,
not be! God forbid. the great river. maha-jan,
Ma-bap, parents ; a benefactor. (the great person,) a money-
Mablagh, ६ sum of money. lender ; a banker; a nier-
Machan, α ratsed platform. chant.-jani, the business of
Machchhar, ἃ musguito, a ‘ mahdjan,
Macbhli, ۰ Mahabat, awe ; mazesty.
Madad (f.), Ze/é.—gar, help- Mahant, a Hindu priest.
‘ing; a help-mate. V.-d. Mahawat (7४८९. mahout), ax
Madah, female ;-a female. elephant-driver.
Maddah, any matter ; affair. Mahi, a fish.
Madh, Honey. Mahinah, ६ month.
Madiyan, a mare. Mahnga, high-priced.
Madrasah, a Muham ; college. Mahton, 4 village headman.
Magar, but, Also, a croco- Mahabbat, Jove ; friendship.
2. Mahall, a section of a house ;
Magas (f.), 4 ἥν. a storey.

Mahdll, (plur. of mahall and Makkhi, a 70.

of mahallah) streets; ‫یے‬‎ Makra, 4 spider.
tions of towns, 5८, land, or Makam, a dwelling-place ;
other sources of revenue re- resting-place ; lodging ;halt-
served to Government. a ing-ground.
*mehal.’ See ‘ Khass.’ Makdur, wethin the limits of
Mahallah, a ward ofa town. posstbility ; power. —bhar,
Mahbtb, a loved one. -Adj. to the full extent of posst-
-ah. -i, amiability ; sweet- biltty.
neSS. Mal, goods ; property ; mer-
Mahbus, cmprisoned. chandize. mal-o-mata, goods
Mahstl, a tax ; duty ; postage. and effects. mal-guzdr, a
Mahz, pure. Adv. merely. rent-payer ; a tenant. mal-
Ma,i, (Arabic prep.), along guzari, the paying of rent ,
with, rent, malik, 4 master ;
Maida, flour. owner ; lord. wmalik-ana, a
Maidan, 4 plain ; a ‘matdan, payment made to an owner
Maila, dirty. out of possession. mial-
Main, Z. khanah, a store-house.
Maina, (bird.) @ ‘ mazna.’ maliyat, wealth.
Majara, the circumstances Mala,i, cream.
which occurred. Malak, an Angel.
Majbur, forced ; constrained. Mali, a gardener.
N.-i. Malik, a King ; a Chief.—ah,
Majlis (f.), a2 assembly ; con- a Queen.
Serence. Malish, rubding. V.-k.
Majma, an assembly.—khilaf Mal-mal, mus/in.
kAntin, az unlawful assem- Malna, 70 rub ; to chafe.
bly. Mamu, 4 maternal uncle.
Makan, a dwelling ; a place ; Man, ¢he mind ; intention.
a house. Man, a_ ‘maund.’ =about
‫‏‬,nahkkaM‫ء بر‬۰۶ 80 dbs.

Manddi, a proclamation. Marhiim, oxe who has found

Manda, 777८८. N. mandagi. the mercy of death; the
Mangal, Zuesday. deceased ; ‘the late.’
Mangna ; mdng-lena, Zo ask Marna ; mar-jana, Zo die.
for; want. mangwana ; Martabah, σι, degree, rank.
mangwa-dena, 7० procure. Martol, or martaul, @ ham-
mang-lena, 70 borrow. mer.
Mani, a hindrance ; obstacle. Marzi, wish, will; ‘ plea-
Manind (f.), resemblance. As sure,
prep. (with ‘ki’), 7۸۶ ; as. Masahri, musgutito-curtains.
Manjan, ‘ooth-powder, or Masalah, spices ; solder.
paste. Masiha, Zhe Messiah.
Manna, 20 obey, respect; Masjid (f.), @ mosque.
allow , confidein , believe ; Maskharah, a jester,
hold as ; attend to. Masalan, for example.
Manzil (f.), @ stage of a jour- Masnad (f.), the throne.
ney, Mast, dustful ; drunk. N. -i.
Manziir, approved ; permitted. Mastisa, ‎‫ ے‬half-caste.
Map, the measure of a thing. Masttil, ‎‫ سے‬mast.
—na, fo measure. Mashal, 6 ¢orch, ~chi, a torch-
Mar, deating. mard-mari, mu- bearer ; a scullion.
tual assault. mar-pit, an Mashghul, dusy ; occupied.
assault, V. marna, (which Mashhir, celebrated; well-
means also to kill). mar-d., known.
to beat. mar-dalna, Zo ill. Mashk (f.), (vadg. mashak),
Marammat, repairing ; 7έ- the leather bag used by the
pairs. V. —k. “dthishti,’ for carrying
Mare (ke.), dy reason of. water.
Mard, a@ man,;a husband. Mashrik, the ‫یر‬‎
--Anah, brave. --nagi, Mat, ποί, (with the imper.
bravery ; manliness. mood.)
Marifat (ki.), dy the agency of. Matlab, éxtention ; meaning

Matriikah, pzoperty ; espect- Mi,ad, the pertod allowed for

ally as left by a deceased doing anything. -i, limited
person. to a specified time.
Matwala, a drunkard. Midah, ¢he stomach,
Math, a Hindu temple. Mihin, fine in texture, subtle.
Matar, peas. Mihman, a guest. -dar, a
Maj (f.), @ zave. host. —dari, hospitality.
Maujtid, present ; at hand. Mihrban, ind; condescend-
Maukuf, postponed ; put off, ing. N. -i.
stopped. (as an allowance. ) Mihnat, /adour. -i, laborious.
Maulavi, ‎‫ ے‬Wuham : learned —dAnah, wages.
man; a‘ Moulvt. Mihtar, ov mehtar, ६ szweeper.
Mausam, ov mausim, 4 season Tf female, mibtrani.
of the year ; weather. Milki, a@ J/andowner ; often
Maustif, afore-said. used for milktyat, landed
Maut (f.), death. property held in one’s own
Mauza, व parish ; the village right.
and the village bands. Milna, as 3rd personal verb,
Mazah, ०57९० ; flavour. See page 50; as fully per-
Mazbut, firm ; solid. N.-i. sonal verb, ¢o de mixed up,
Mazdur, a daily labourer. -i, or associated with. milana ;
his datly pay ; the work of mila-dena, (¢vans.) fo mix,
a labourer. adjust, fit; matcha pat-
Mazhab, religion. tern, and the like. mili-
Mazkur, afore-sard. juli, on the best of terms.
Mazmtim, semse ; meaning; Minar, a minaret.
the contents of a book. Mir, a Muham. title.
Mekh (f.), 4 feg, (९. g., for a Mirch, ov mircha, pepper.
tent ;) a-natl. Mirgi, efzlepsy.
Mela, 4 fatr ; a ‘ mela,’ Mirza, a Muham. title.
Men, 77 ; 777०. Miskin, poor ; humble.
Mez (f.), 4 table. Misl (f.), @ file of papers.

Misr, ‎‫لیظ‬ ‫ ا‬,irsim ,natipygL Morha, 4 footstool.

hence applied to erysta//ts- Moti (m.), @ 2εαγί.
ed sugar, as coming from Mota, fat ; coarse. N. --ἰ.
Egypt. Moze, 20075 ; used also for
Mistar, ‎‫ ے‬guide for writing stockings ; socks.
straight by ; a ruler. Mu, af, forgiven. V. -k. N. -i.
Mistiri, 07 mistri, (supposed Mu, afik (ke.), conformadly to.
by some to be the English Mu,aiyan, fixed ; stationed.
‘ mister’) a head workman ; Mu,dmalah, any affair ; bust-
a workman. ness.
Mitha, sweet, —pani, /emon- Mu,azzaz. honoured; esteemed.
ade. mitha,i, szeet-meats. Mubarak, happy ; fortunate.
Mittha, 4 Atss ‫رک‬‎ sweet. —bad (Persian, ‘may tt be
Mitti, earth. Jortunate’) congratulations ;
Miyan, ६ word of respectful compliments ; ۲ blessing.
or friendly address, or —badi, the act of congratu-
reference to one. lating, &c.
Mizaj, temperament ; health. Mublagh, ov mablagh, 4 sum
Mizan (f.), ६ balance ; scales. of money.
Mlecha, az unclean person, Miichh (f.), sastachios.
i.e., any one nota Hindu. Mudda,a-alaih, (flur. mud-
Mochi, ६ cobbler ; a currier. da,a-alaihim), 6 defendant
Modi, a grain-ship-keeper ; a ina suit.
grocer. Mudakhalat, entry on land,
Mohr, or mor, 4 peacock. 5८.
Mol, purchasing. 7. —lena. Mudda,i, a plaintiff in a suit.
Mom, wax. —battil, a wax- Muddat, fime ; space.
candle,-raughan, polishing- Mufassil, 7” detail ; the coun-
paste; varnish ; grease. ties in contrast with the
-ἰ, waxen, metropolts.

* Ayahs use the corrupted English, ‘Kissi,’


Muflis, poor; wretched. N. -i. Mulk (Anglo-Hind., moo-

Muft, gratis. look), 6 country.
Mufti, 6 Muham : law-officer. Mulla, 4 Muham: lawyer or
Mughal, a ‘ Mogul’ doctor,
Muhr (f.), @ seal ; an obsolete Multavi, put off; adjourned.
gold coin. Mumkin, //05570/2.
Muhri, @ drain. Munasib, suitable; right:
Muhafiz, a defender; a re- proper.
cora-keeper, Munh, ¢he mouth ; the face.
Muharran, forbidden ; sacred. Munib, 6 patron ; a master.
The first month of the Munshi, 4 Muham: teacher
Muham:; year.’ ‘ The of languages; a writer .
muharram’ festival. a head-clerk.
Mukabalah, che comparing of Murabba, ῥάμμα, 2Ζre-

6. g., draft with fatr copy ; served ; Jam.

attack ; onset, ۷۰. -Κ. Murabbi, a teacher ۰ director ;
Mukarrar, jixed ; enduring. guardian.
-i, a fixed land tenure. Murdd (f.), ‫تا‬:‎‫لن‬, intention.
-idar, the holder of such. - Murattab, arranged ; put in
Mukhalif, disagreeing ; con- order ; prepared.
fiicting ; an opponent. Murdah, dead ; a corpse.
παῖ, variance ; discrepancy ; Murdar, polluted ; carrion.
plur. mukhalifat. Murgh, @ ८7८४ murghi, a
Mukhtar, exalted ; an atlor- hen. murgh-abi, water-
ney. fowl. murghi-khdnah, a
Muldhazah, viewing ; inspec- hen-house.
tion. V. —-k. Musafir, a ¢vaveller.
Mala,i, cream. Musawwir, a painter } a sculp-
Muld,im, soft ; tender. tor.
Mulakat, ८ visit. ४. -k. Musalman; muslim, @ Mu-
Muldzim, ६ servant. salman. fem. ‫آ٭‬-‎
Mili, ‎‫ء‬۰ Musibat, adversity.
Musiki, muste. Mutawalli, ‎‫ ے‬guardian of a
Mushkil, dificult. —at, diffi- mosque, &c.
culty ; difficulties. Mutlak, ov matlak, ‘at all,
Musht, he757. e.g., mutlak nabin, 270४ at
Mushwarah, consultation. all.
Muta,aiyan, posted ; fixed. Mutthi, the fist ; a handful.
Muta,ammil, meditative. Muyassar, avazlable; ready
Muta,assib, d7gotted. to hand.
Mutabik (४९८, ), according Muza,ikah, tmportance, e.g.,
to. ‘kuchh muza,ikah nahin,
Mutafarrik, mzsce/laneous. it’s of no consequence.
Mutarjim, @ 7 Muizi, zmportunate ; trouble-
Mutasaddi, ax accountant. some , vexatious.

Na, 20 ; not. Much used as Nach (3), 4 native dance. V.
prefix. —dani, want of wis- —na, or -k.
dom. —durust, not right ‫ر‬‎ Nadamat, repentance.
out of order; incorrect. Naddi, ६ river.
~ihsanmandi, zagratitude. Nafa, profit.
—kis, worthless. —kis-ul-akl, Nafs, the soul ; the spirit.
of no mental calibre.—khin- Nag, @ snake.
(blood.) ¢he ail of man or Nagah, suddenly.
animals, —maaltim, .- Nagar (as last part of word
known, —pasand, disagree- e.g. Ahmad-nagar), a city ;
able ; not approved. —rast, a town.
unjust ; unrighteous. takat, Nahana (7277,), 70 bathe.
without strength. —wakif, Nahr (f.), 4 ۸۰‫ء‬‎
uninformed, -—yih, -—wuh, Nahi, zo/ not so! you're
neither this nor that. not to do that,
Nabz (f.), the pulse. -dekhna, Nahin, mot. -to, if not then ,;
to feel the pulse. otherwise.

Na,ib, 4 deputy ; an agent ; Namdah, 6 coarse woollen

a subordinate, e.g., —gum- covering ; a pad, used as
ashtah, an under steward. under saddle-cloth, &c.
—patwari, a subordinate Namtinah, a pattern; a
‘ patwarv’ (i.e., collector of sample,
rents.) Nana, a mother’s father.
Najib, od/e. (4,0 (f.), ६ 20६४ ; a ship.
Nak (f.), ¢he nose. Nap (f.), same as Map. q.v.
Nakl (f.), @ story ; a copy. Napit, a barber.
—navis, ६ copvist. Nar, a male ; male,
Nakshah, @ drawing; a Narikel, or nariyal, @ cocoanut.
model ; a design, a map ; Narangi, an orange.
a plan ; a chart. Narm, soft (lit.and fig.). N.-i.
Nal, @ horse-shoe. —bandi, Nas (f.), 6 vein ; ६ sinew.
shoeing a horse. V. —ban- Nasib, good fortune ۰lot tn life.
di-k. -kholna, τὼ fake off Nasihat, advice ; good counsel.
the shoes, V. -k. and --α.
Nala, व ditch ; a ‘ nullah, Nasr, an eagle.
Nalan, wazling. Nashah, intoxication.
Nalish, @ complaint (of Nashpati, 4 ear.
wrong.) Nashtah breakfast.
Nam,a name ; fame ; charac- Nashtar (f.), @ ῥα πω.
ter, -—burdah, fhe adove- Natthi, 6 offictal string or
named,—war, famous. file of papers.
Namah (as last part of word), Nati, a daughter's son,
a writing, e.g., hibah- Natijah, the necessary result
ndmah, a deed of gift. (e.g., of an argument) ; ४/-
Namak (०४८९. nimak,) sa/¢. shot ; end of the matter.
-dan, a_ salt-cellar. --Κα Nau, youne; new; fresh.
chammach, 6 sa/t-sroon. —jawan, a youth, —jawani,
(۸3۷32 (f.), prayer. ४. youth, —ro2z, New Year’s
—parnna. Day.

Naubat, time ,; turn. Nibedan, prayer, e.g., for

Naukar, 4 servant. —log, the redress.
servants, —i, service. Nicha (adj.). /ow ; under.
Nawah, district ; netghbour ‎-‫ ا‬70 dower. niche (ke),
hood. below.
Nawwab, or Nuwab, (pl. of Nigah (f.), look; regard.
Na,ib.) (Anglicé, ‘ Nabob,’) -rakhna, 20 watch one.
a viceroy ; a governor; a —bani, custody ; charge.
Nawab. Niimat, joy ; delight.
Naya, mew. Nihayat, ¢he extremity. Adv.
Nazdmat, (the criminal de- extremely.
partment of Government. Nikalna; nikal-jana, fo go
—adalat, the criminal court out , get out.
of a judge. Nikalna; nikal-d., fo put
Nazar (f.), a look. - to take out; turn out, (e.g.. from
a look ; cast an eye upon. one’s presence). nikal-lena,
Nazim, @ governor, to extract.
Nazir, a superintendent ; (es- Nikah, marriage. ४. —k.
pecially) a sheriff or head Nil; nila, d/ue; tmdigo. nil-
bailiff. nazarat, the depart- ga,o, (d/ue cow) (an ani-
ment superintended by such. mal), @ ‘ need-gai.’ nil-kothi,
Nazdik (Adj.) near; neigh- an indigo-factory. nil-kothi
bouring. Also as prep. kasahib, an Indigo Planter.
with (ke.) ‫نہ‬‎ metghbour- Nilam, an auction -k., to
hood. sell by auction.
Nazr, an offering from an Nim, half; Also, a kind of
inferior to a superior, a tree, a ‘ Neem-tree.’ τ ΟΖ,
‘nuzzur.’ midday.
Ne. See page 5. Also page το, Nind, sleep. V. -lena. A. -i.
section 25. Nir, a prefix, dike ‘un?’ in
Nek, good ; of good repute. English.
N. —ndm, and —nami. Nirauni, weeding. ४. —k.

Nirkh (vu/g. nirrik), the Nok (f.), @ beak ; an end;

market-rate. 6 point.
Nisar, /argesse ; donation ; Nona, ov niina (adj.), saéz,
sacrifice of one’s self. ५. —-k. —pani, salt-water.
Nisbat, ¢he relation of one Nujtim, astrology. -i, the
thing to another, is ki nis- art of ditto. Also, an
bat, 2” comparison with this. astrologer.
Nisf, the half; half, (n. a.) Nuksan, ‎/‫ م‬۶۶, injury, -pahun-
Nishan ; nishdnah, a@ mark ; chana, 20 cause ditto.
a signal. Numa,ish, appearance ; show ,;
Niwar, cotton-belting , obstruc- rom.
tion. Nur, ight ; brightness. Hence
Niyat, ¢ztention ; aim. ‘Koh-i-nur,’ ZheMountain
Nizam, good arrangement; a of Light.
governor; ‘The Nizém,’ Nuskhah, ६ recipé ; a medical
(e.g., of Haidarabad.) prescription.

O (Persian), and. covering-cloth,e.z.,a blanket

Ojha, a wizard ; a magician. Os, dew.
Ola-pira, cholera. Osarah, a. verandah.
Olti, eaves. Ot, shade ; protection. -k., to
Orhna, Ὁ put on clothes ; to protect; conceal, —hona,
cover one’s self up. as N. a to lie concealed.

Pa’, a /eg; a foot, -e-jamah, Joot-stool, —posh, a slipper,
sleeping drawers. —e-kha- pai-dal, on foot.
nah, a privy. -o-dan, a Pachchham, ¢he West.

‫م‬:‫ا‬9']'! ۰many forms, as‫مرمصر ‏‬pa,i, panw, pa,o ; paya, Pl. pd,on.‫‏‬

Padshah, a ing. --ἰ, sove- Paik, ८ runner ; a messenger.

reignty ; a kingdom. Paiman, a promise.
Padri,! minister ; a priest. Raima,ish, measurement of
Pag, a foot. —dandi, a foot- land. V. —k.
path. —dandi-lena, 20 track. Pairna, fo swim. pairak, a
Pagal, a fool; a lunatic. ‘a swimmer,
poggle. —khanah, 4 lunatic Paisa, a coin, = 3 ‘pai.
asvlum. paise, money ; ‘change.
Pagri, a turban. See page 95. Paithna, fo enter.
Pahalwan, a_ wrestler; a Paji, contemptible ; mean.
swash-buckler. Pak ; pakizah, clean ; pure.
Pahar. See page 67. Sect. 3. N. -i ; -izagi.
Pahdr, 6 mountain. Pakarna, fo seize ; to catch.
Pahchanna, fo recognize; to pakar-le-jana, ¢o seize and
know one. carry off.
Pahinna, Ὁ put on clothes. Pakka, 470०, pukhtah, rife ,
Pahiya (m.), @ wheed. cooked ; thorough ; done in
Pahunchna, / arrive. pahun- the best manner ,; e.g., ‫مداح‬‎
chana ; pahuncha-d., 0 ka rasta, a metalled road.
escort ; cause to arrive. The converse word is
Pai, a ‘Pie,’ ὃς of an ‘dnah, ‘kachcha.’ The ‘Pucca’ and
Paida, dorm. -hona, fo be ‘catcha of Anglo-Hind.
born. —ish, birth. —war, Pakana (frans.), to cook.
produce ; ‘yield, pakna (intr.), fo cook ; to
Paigham, a message ; evangel. grow ripe. pakwdna, fo
-~ghambar, a messenger ; cause to be cooked.
an apostle ; especially Mu- Pakhal, a large bag for
hammad. water carried in pairs on
Paihla, or pahle, frst; the bullocks.
first ; in the first place, Palak( f.), the eye-did.

2 Not Hindustani.

Palang, a ded. Panna, an emerald.

Palas, the cotton-tree. Hence Panseri, @ measure, or weight
“Plassey.” of ΩΝ
Palki, a palanguin , a ‘palkt,’ Ρά,ο, a quarter , one-fourth.
—wala, a palki-carrier. Pap, sez.
Pdlna, fo rear ; bring-up ; Par, om ; upon, at. As parti-
cherish. palna, to be rear- cle, still; for all that. As
ed, &c. palak, one who N. a feather.
rears, brings up, &c. Par (ke.), over , across. V.-k ,
Paltan (f:), a@ regiment. to cross.—hona, to be across.
Pan, dete (chewed by natives.) (e. ‫عرب‬‎ a river.) As N.a
Pana, /o gel; obtain. shore ; a bank.
Panah (f.), shelter ; protec- Parb, व religious holiday.
tion. Used as form of ad- Parchah, व fragment ; a scrap.
dress, e.g., jahan-panah ! Pardah, @ curtain ; curtains,
Protector of the Universe! —nishin, remaining behind
Panch, five. panchayat, a the curtain ; (applied to
village-counctl of (nominal- ladies who do not go out.)
ly) five members. panch, a Pardeshi, forezgn.
member of the village-councit, Pareshan, distressed ; vexed ;
Pandrah, ‎‫ر‬۰77 worrted, N. -i.
Pandit, a /earned Hindu. Parganah, @ local division ;
Pani (m.), water; rain. —h., a ‘purgunnah,’
to rain. Parhez, ((} abstinence ;
Panir (f.), cheese. moderation
Panj, (Persian,) five. -४0, Pari-roz, (Persian,) next-day.
(the 5 waters) The ‘ Pun- Paros, neighbourhood. ‫زہ‬-‎ a
jaub,’ —ah, a claw. neighbour.
Pdnjar, the side (of the body). Parson, ¢he day after to-
Panjari, 4 rtd. morrow ; the day before
Pankha, 4 fan ; a ‘punkha.’ yesterday. See page 69.
-wala, 4 punkha-puller. Parwah, matter ; consequence.

Parwanah, α written order Patthar, a stone ; hail. -ka

Jrom one in authority. ko,ila, coads.
Parwar, a patron, as in Patla, ¢hins; meagre.
‘gharib-parwar ! Patron Pattar, a leaf.
of the Poor 4 Pat, a ‘breadth’ of cloth;
Parwasti, cherishing ; supply- a flap; a board. Also,
ing means of (ivelthood.V .—k. low.
Para, a guarter of a town ; Patakna ; patak-d., to dash
a beat, -wala, a watchman against; to throw to the
of attto. eround.,
Parhdana, 70 feach. Patana, fo irrigate.
Parhna, 20 read ; to learn. Patna, a district, and also a
Parna, 90 fall . be down, (e.g. city in Lower Bengal ;
with sickness.) pata, down ; © Patna.’
Jallen. Patpat, the sound of beating ‫رہ‬‎
Parti, /and ‘ resting’ ; waste- beating.
land. Patta, a deed of lease.
Pas, then; therefore ; conse- Patti, a plaster ; a bandage.
guently ; so. Also, a demarcated section
Pas (ke.), Jdestde, near, or of land.
by ome. —ana, or jana, 0 Patwari, a village rent-collector.
go near, or up fo. Patel, deating ; a village mag-
Pasbdn, a patrol. -i, patrolling. nate so called.
Pase, dice. Paune. See pages 64 and 67.
Pasinah, perspiration. Pauti, a small basket.
Pash-pash, smashed ; tn mor- Pech, 4 twist; a turn, —dar,
sels. —-ho-j4na, to Je twisted. —kash, a_ screw-
smashed ; to go to pieces. driver. -tdb, restlessness ;
Pasheman, repentant. ‘the fidgets.’ —ish, contor-
Pashm (f.), wool. tion ; stomach-ache. V. —na.
Pata, signas; indications ; Peru, 4 turkey.
traces ; a person’s address. Per, a tree.

Pesh, zz front ; facing. —ab, Phenkna; phenk-d., το ‘hrow;

urine. -—ah, one’s trade ; to throw down.
business. -ἀπὶ, the fore- Phephre, the lungs.
head. ,‫عا‬-‎ an advance of Pher, or phir, ack ; again.
money. —kar, a clerk who τάμα, to come back. —jana,
lays business before his supe- to go back. pheri-k., to ex-
rior. tar, formerly ; atan ercise horses. [about.
earlier time V.-k., to bring Phirta-phirta, wandering
Jorward any matter for at- Phir, See ‘ Pher.’
tention , to place before une. Phul, 6 flower ; flowers. -ἃ,
Peshwa, 6 Mahratta Minis- swollen. -—dan, a flower-
ter; ‘The Petshwa;’ a vase. —jana, 7० swell. —kobi,
guide. हे a cauliflower. —na, to blos-
Pet, the belly. -i, a watst- som ; flower ; betn robust
band. also, a trunk ; a box. health. phul-wari ; phiul-
Phailana (¢vans.) phailna, bagh ; phul-baghan, (L.B.)
(tntr.) to spread abroad, a flower-garden. phul-jhari,
(as news, &c.) a kind of fire-work. phul-
Phal, fruit. (lit. and fig.) kari, an ornamental cloth
—dar, fruitful, studded with bright metaé.
Phank (f.), @ sétce ; a ‘ cut, Phink, dlowing with the
Phansi, a loop ; noose. -0., to mouth, V. —na. [decezve.
execute by hanging. Phuslana, 20 wheedle ; coax ;
Phaphsa, d/owan-out ; swollen. Phitna, fo de broken. phiita,
Phaphola, a Alister ; dil ka-, broken, phiita pani, doling
soreness of mind. water,
Pharsa, an 2. Pichhe, JGehind. also, prep.
Pharna ; phar-d.,, (trans.) (ke). pichhari, the hinder
to tear, phara hi,a, ۰‫ھ‬‎ parts ; ropes for fastening
Phatak, ax outer-gate. horses by the hind Jegs.
Phatna, phat-jana, (72777. ) Zo pichhla, ‘the Aindermost ;
tear ; to burst ; to break. the last.

Pichkari, a squirt ; a syringe. Pital, drass.

Pidar, (Persian,) @ farher. Pitara, a travelling-box. (of
Pik (f.), saliva caused *y chew- special make.)
ing betel-nut. -dan, a spit- Pitna, Zo beat ; 0 assault.
toon. pitna, fo de beaten, ‫نی‬‎
Pil, az elephant. -ban, his Piyadah, a messenger.
driver. —khanah, Azs stadle. Piyalah, @ cup.
Pilana, (¢rans.) fo gtve water. Pyar (f.), affection. --α, dear ;
Pila,o, (a kind of food.) ‘pil- loved. —k., to caress ; fondle.
law.’ Piyaz, an onion.
Pilla, a pup. Poddar, a money-changer.
Pillu, a worm. Ponchhaa; ponchh-d., (2
Pina, (¢vams. and intr.) to dust ; to clean.
drink. Also, (trans.) to Post, rizid + skin. Also, the
smoke. Loppy-plant. -i, one who
Pindhi, the calf of the leg. uses Opium.
Pinjra, ध cage ; a trap. Poshak (f.), clothing.
Pipa, 4 cask; a barrel; a Pota, ἃ son’s son. poti, a
‘pipe. son’s daughter
Pipal, a ‘ peepal’ tree.
Pran, “fe ; soul ; sweetheart.
Pir (M.), 6۶٦ old man ; a relt-
Prasansa, praise.
gious man; a saint, —ka
Prem (f.), dove. -sdgar, ‘ The
roz, Monday.
Ocean of Love,” (a book so
Pirich, @ saucer.
Pirozah, turquoise.
Prit, dove ; friendship.
Piru. See ‘ Peru.’
Prithi, ¢he earth. —nath, Lord
Pisar, (Persian,) a son ; a boy.
of the Universe.
Pisna, fo grind. pisna, to be
ground. Puchhna, / ask a question.
Pistah, pistachio-nut. Pudinah, szvz.
Pissu, a flea. Puja (H.), worship. -ri, a
Pit, ov pith, dz/e. priest. ४. -k.

Pukarna, ‎)‫تھ‬:۶‫(ء‬ to shout. ۷۲٥٣, complete ; full. -k., to

(trans.) to call one by shout- do ina complete manner ;
ing. Sulfil ; finish.
Pukhtah. See ‘ Pakka.’ Purab, the Last.
Pul, a dridge. —bandi, a con- Ptran; purdnah, certain
tribution for making or guast-religious books of the
maintaining bridges. finds.
Puld,o. See ‘ Pila,o.’ Purana, old + anctent.
Puanda, 6 paral; a bundle. Purush, a human being.
Ptinji, capital used tn trade. Pusht, @ generation ,; ancestry
Ptir, व town; a city. only ‎-‫ وتا‬from generation to
as termination, ८. g., Nag- generation.
pur. Putli, @ doll, an image.

Rabi, the Sua. —bar, Sunday. Rah, or rah (f), @ road.
Rabi, the spring-crop. rahzan, a highway robber.
Radd, rejection ; refutation ; rah-zani, highway robbery.
vomiting. —badal, u7gu- Raha,i, ov riha,i, xe/ease. V.-k.
mentation ; wrangling. Rahat, repose ; peace.
-i-jawab, @ rejoinder to an Rahn, ‎‫م‬۶ rihn. a pledge; a
answer, —namah, a deed of pawn.
abandonment, V. —k. Rahna, 20 dwell; to rematn.
Rafa, repairing ; making up rahne-d., fo leave , (८४ alone.
a dispute. V. —k. rafa-na- rah-jana, toremainwa iting.
mah, 6 deed settling a adts- Rahm ; rahmat, pity ; mercy.
pute. A. rahman.
Raftah-raftah, gradually, Ra,i, opinion ; advtve. Also,
(from Persian ‘raftan,’ ٥26 mustard.
50.) Ra,is, a chief ; a nobleman.
Rag (f.), α vein ; 4 sinew. Ra,fyat, (plur. 7,499.) 2 fea-
Raged (f.), pursurt, V. —na. sant; a ‘ryot; a subject.

Raj (H.), zwle; a kingdom. Rast, just; true, sincere.

-a,a‘ Raja.’ -- hans, a N. --ं.
goose. Rasta, a road.
Raj, ०७ raj-mistri, @ mason. Rasu,i, cooking ; cooked food.
Rikab (f.), 4 stirrup. --diwal, Rashid, 4۰
stirrup-leathers. Rat, night.
Rakhna; fo put; to place; Ratan (f.), 4 sewed.
keep beside one. rakh-d., fo Rath, a chariot ; a religious
put a thing down. processtonal car,
Rakshas, an Evil Spirit. Ratti, a weight by whtch
Ram ; Ram-RdAm (H.), God. jewels are weighed.
Ramazan, the Muham: ‘Lent.’ Ratib, /food-allowance. (for
Ramnah, an open plain, a an animal.)
park. Raughan, polish ; oil ; har-
Rana (H.), a prince ; rani, a ness-paste.
queen ; a‘ Ranee,’ Rawadar, one who gives his
Randi, a wench ; a woman. consent to anything.
Rang (f.), colour ; paint... --i, Rawan, flowing. Also, soul;
chintz, --rez, a dyer. -saz, life.
α house-painter, -d., 20 Rawanah, α pass; a permit ;
dye, to paint. --in, dyed ; despatch of goods. --k., to
colozred., despatch.
Ranj;ranjish, grief, ditter- Raz, a secret.
ness of spirtt, A. ranjidah. Raza (f.), razamandi, consent.
Ras (f.), driving-reins. Raza, i, a ded-cover ; a quilt.
Ras, juice. Razi, satisfied ; ‘ agreeable.’
Rasad, provinder. -k., fo satisfy ; appease.
Rasm(f.), daz ,; custom. rasmi, --i-nadmah, a deed express-
according to ditto. ing satisfaction of a
Rassi, a rope. claim.

! Not a respectful word.


Reg (f.), sand. Roz, 4 day. --ba-, day by day.

Rengna; reng-reng. --k., 20 ~ana, daily, -gdr, daily
creep. earnings ; service; means
Rerkna, Zo bray. of livelihood ; daily pay
Reshim, si/k. reshmi, of ,7‫ء‬‎ ~inah, daily pay. -ndm-
Ret (! |, sand. --i, a file. V.--na. chah, ‫ء‬‎ diary. -~i,maidan,
Rezah_ «7 scrap ; a crumb. the day of cattle.
Rozah, 6 fast. ५. --rakhna.
Ri,aya. See ‘Ra,tyat. ’
Ru, the face, --ba-kdr, or
Rich! a dear.
-ba-kari, व writing by
Ris (f.), ager. - k., to enrage.
which a matter ts laid ‫نج‬‎
Rish (f.), a deard.
fore one; a ‘roobacarry,’
Rishi (H.), 6 sage.
Rishtah, relationship; a --ba--, face to face. --e-did
thread on which papers, (f.), @ weetten statement of
&c., are strung. facts. --mal,t a handher-
Rishwat, 6 bribe. --d., fo give chief. --posh,? _— hidden.
a bribe. --khana, or lena, Zo —posh hona, 20 de concealed ;
take a bribe. to hide one’s self.
Rit ; riti, te custom. Ruth, the soul ; the spirit.
Ru,!, cotton.
Rog, sickness ; disease. Ruju, 6 /urning or appealing
Rohu, 4 fish so called. toone, making a matter
.Rokar (f.), prompt payment. over to one. V. -k.
--bahi, a cash-account book. Rukh, she cheek.
Rokna (¢rans.), to stop; Rukhsat, permission to go;
check + hem-tn. leave ; discharge. --d., to
Rona, 20 weep. grant permission 0 go.
Rora, smadl stones ; gravel. --hona, /0 de allowed to go ;
Roshan, ov raushan, clear ; to depart. --lena, to take
bright. N. reshna,i, which one’s leave, or aischarge ;
means also, dlacking ; ink. to depart. [page .‫ہ‬7‎
Roti, dread. Riipa, se/ver. rupiya. See
४ ७९८९ Malna.’
? ٣۳۲7 ες Persian ‘ poshidan, 9
to cover; clothe; hide.

No word begins with this letter.

NVote.—There are three ‘S’s’ in Hindtstani ; but their

sounds are so much alike that they have not been distin-
guished in this book.
Sa, (adj.) (after a noun) Zzke, Sabuin, oy sabun, soap. —dan,
€ ९., bandar-sa, monkey- a soap-aish.
like. (after an adj.) ‘-7sh, Subtit, firmness ; stability ;
‘pretty ;’ ‘rather’ e.g., establishment by evidence.
ek bara-sa ghar, a pretty Sabz, (Adj.) green. -i, ver-
large house. dure ,; vegetables.
Sab ; all ; the whole; often Sach ; sachha, frue; honest ,
used to give a plural sense upright. N. sachha,i.
to words which have no Sada, plain ; unadorned.
plural Nom, —ke-, an em- Also artless.
phatic form of ‘sab.’ —ko,i, Sadmah, a shock ; a blow.
every one. —kuchh, every- Saf; safa, clean. (lit. or fig.).
thing. Oblique Pl. sabhon. safa.i, cleanness ; the clear-
Sabab, cause ; reason. ing of one’s character ; de-
Sabere, 7” the morning. fence.
Sabik, relating to past time. Safar, a journey. ४. —k
Sdbit, firm, established. Saff-i-jang (f.), dattle-order.
—kar-d., fo establish, or Sag, (Persian,) 4 dog.
make good a point. —hona, Sag, spinach ; ‘ sdég.’
to be established, & c. Sagu, sago.
Sabr, patience. —k., to have Sagar, the Ocean.
patience; to watt a little. Sagtin, feak-qwood.
A. sabir. Sahi, (interj.) true / guite το "

Sahib, sdhibah. See pages 24 Salam, comp.iments ; an obet-

and 26. —-i-khdnah, ۶ sance, —k., or d., to salute.
master, (or mistress) of the —d., or bolna, 20 send one's
house. compliments.
Sahth, accurate ; just; just Salamat, safety ; preservation ,
the thing —k., to correct ; to as adv., safely.
sign,—salamiat, safe and well, Salami, money paid on a lease
Sahn, ६ court-yard. being granted, or the Itke.
Sai, or sau, one hundred. Salis, an arbitrator. -\, arbt-
S4,il, 4 petitioner. tration.
Sailab, an inundation. Salfs, easy. N. -i.
Sair, a walk ; a journey. —k., Salotar, a farrier; a ‘vet.’
to take a walk, &c. πὶ, the profession of ditto.
Sd,is, ६ groom. Sdlu, coarse red cloth.
54], adornment ; equipment ; Salis, The Trinity.
harness. V. (trans.) -na; Sama,at, the hearing, e.g., of
-lagana ; -lagd-d. V. (in¢r.) a case in Court.
sajna. Samayjh (f.), uuderstanding.
Sajha, companionship ; part- V. -na; —men lena, ὦ
nership. sajhi, a companion, understand. samjhana, fo
‎‫من‬. explain.
Sakin, an inhabitant. Saman, jasmine.
Sakna. See page τ, Sect. 22. Saman, devel ; equal , altke.
Suktinat, one’s’ ‘parish | Saman, furniture ; equipage.
domicile. (difficult, N. -i. Sambat, a special era so called.
Sakht, ard. (lit. or fig.) ; Sambar, 4 kind of ek.
Sakhi, /tleral ; open-handed. Sombar, Monday.
Sal, a tree so called. Samet, with; along with.
Sal, (Persian,) 4 year, (plur. Samne (adv.) im front ; op-
salha,) —dnah, yearly. posite. also, as prep. (ke.).
Salah, peace ; concord ; good —wala, what ts opposite.
advice. ४. -0. and Jena. Samundar, fhe Ocean.

San, the year, (in dating.) Sarak (f.), 4 #7८८(८८ road.

Sanad (f.), 4 royal, or other Sar-anjam, apparatus , neces-
deed of grant; a letter of sary things.
appointment. Sdras, a crane (bird).
Sandal, sandal-wood. Sardsari; sarsari, (a'j.) 7
Sand, a dull. round about ; summary.
Sang, a stone. -in, stony ; Sard (adj.), cold ; N.-i., cold ;
arduous ; serious. (as a a cold.
crime.) Saresh, glue.
Sani, (Persian,) second. Sarf, expenditure ; use. V.-k.
Sanibar, Saturday. —men lana, fo bring into
Sanichar, Saturday. one’s use.
Sdnp, 4 snake. Sarfardz, exalted ; noble.
Sdns (f.), the breath. —-tiitna, Sare, ‘fer.’ (e.g., per yard.)
to break, i., lose one’s Sari, a@ wrapper worn by
breath. nativé females.
Sanydsi, a Hindu devotee. Sirkah, vinegar.
Sar, or sir, the head ; the top ; Sarkar, ‘the Government, a
the point, starting-point. Superintendent. A. -i.
sar-ba-sar, entirely. sar- Sar-o-kar, dusiness ; relation
dard, headache. sardar, a which one thing bears to
headman. sar-i-nau, gutte another.
new ; fresh, sar-i-rah (f.), Sar-posh, ὦ covering-cloth,
the centre of the road. -k., (e.g., 4 tea-cosy) ; a lid.
to execute, succeed ; get on; Sarraf, a banker ; a ‘ shroff?
make head with, sar-zamin Sarrishtah, a record-office, or
(f.), the place at which any the like. -dar, head of
event occurred, the same.
Sara, the whole; all the... Sarthe. See page 64.
Sard,e (f.), an abode; an Sas, a mother-in-laz’,
inn; a halting-place; a Sasta, cheap. N. -ti.
shelter. Satdna, 70 vex ; to annoy.

Satar (f.), 4 dine. Saza (f.), one’s deserts; punish-

Sath (ke.), zozth , along with. ment, -:[ , to punish.
—jana, or chalna, 20 accom- Se, from; with; by means
puny. --ἰ, a companion. of ; ago ; since ; than.
Sati, a widow who burns her- Seb, an apple.
self on her husbana’s pyre. Senkna, 20 toast ; to warm at
a ‘suttee,’ the fire.
Sattu, 4 kind of flour. Ser, a weight of about 2 lbs.
Satin, or suttin, a pillar. Sth (p.), ¢Avee. —pahar, the
Satana; sata-d., fo join; 0 third watch, the afternoon.
place two things beside Sidha ; straight ; in order.
each, V. -κ.
Satna; sat-jana, ‫طے‬‎ stick ; Sifdrish, ~ecommendation. V.
adhere, sata hu,a, stuck fo- -Κ.
gether ; contiguous. Sijil, a seal; a register: a
Sau. See ९ Sai.’ decree. V. —k.
Sauda; saudayari, ¢vade. sau- Sikhna, fo learn. sikhana ;
dagar, a trader. sikhlana; sikhla-d., fo teach.
Sawal, or suwal, a question ; Sikh (f.), 4 spit.
a petition in Court. V. «k. Silai, sewing. ४. —k.
Sawar, mounted ; a horseman. Silli, 4 hone ; a strop.
N. ,‫ہا‬‎ viding; A. ,‫ا‬-‎ re- Silsilah, @ chain ; a sequence.
lating to riding. sawari Sina, fo sew.
ghora, a riding horse. -h., Sinah, the bosom.
to be mounted ; to ride. Sing (f.), @ horn.
Sawere, early morning. Singar, ornament ,;dress.—mez.
Sayah, shade ‫ب‬‎ shadow. saya- a dressing-table. V. -na.
ban, any structure for the Singh, 4 ion ; used also asa
purposes of shade; e.g., name.
a verandah. Sinn, one’s age.
Sdz, equipments ; harness. Sipahi, a foot-soldier ; a
-ka ghora, 4 harness. stand. ‘sepoy.’

Sir. |See * Sar? Solah-topi, a pith-hat.

Siraj, a lamp ; the Sun. Sona, gold. A. sone ka.
Sirf, only. sonar, a gold-smith.
Sirhi, 4 ladder; steps; a Sona, fo lie down ; to sleep.
staircase. so-rahna, 20 continue sleep-
Sisa, /ead. ing.
Sit (n.), cold. A. -al. sital- Sonta, ६ cluby a pestle.
pati, a cool kind of mat for Sonth, dry ginger.
sleeping on. Stan, 6 suffix meaning ‘place,’
Sitarah, a sfar. e.g., ‘gulistan,’ a place of
Sitla, «για οι. roses.
Sith, ०७ sithi, refuse of plant Sthir, firm ; fixed.
(e.g., indigo) after manu- Stri, @ ‫تمہ‬‎ -—dhan, the
facture ; of betel or tobacco, private projerty of a wWo-
&., after being chewed. man,
Siti, whistling. ४. —bajana.
Siwa, or siwd,e (adv.), more ; Suibah, ‎‫ مھ‬province.-badar,
as prep. (ke.), desides ; in a governor, a native mils-
addition to. tary officer ; a sergeant.
Siwanah, a boundary line. Subh (f.), the morning ; in
Siydh, ‎‫ ہزنہ لاٹ‬gnikcalb ; the morning.
ink. Subuk (adj.), ۶/۸ (not
Siyana, grown-up. heavy.) (lit. or fig.).
So. See page .‫×ہهہ‬‎ Also Sud, interest on money; profit.
stem of *sona.’ 9.०. Sufed, wAite, N. -i.
Soch, meditation; thought. Su,i, ६ needle. -tdga, a needle
-na, to think ; take thought and thread.
about. Sukhna (intr.), 209. dry.
Sohan, a jr/e (tool). ruikhana ; stikha-d. (¢rans.),
Sojh, straightness. A. -a. fo dry. A. stikha.
Sokna, 20 absorb. Sukhan, speech ; language ;
Solah, sixteen. business ; affairs.

Sulh, peace of mind ; concord. Surahi, a porous water-bottle ;

—ndmah, a deed settling a a goblet.
dispute. Suragh, search ; traces.
Sultan, a ‘Sultan.’ saltanat, Suraj, the Sun.
dominion ; power. Stirakh, @ hole.
Sultik, good behaviour. V. -k. Stirat, shape ; form. |dust.
Suinghna, ¢o suff ;to smell. Surkh, ved. -i, redness ; brick-
Sunni, Zaw/ful ; the orthcdox Surmah, aztimony.
party among the Muham : Sust, /azy ; out of sorts ; of a
opposed to ' Shiah.’ watch, slow. N. --ἰ.
Sunna, 40 hear, ltsten to ; Sut, thread. ap. made of
obey. sunana; suna-d., 20 thread ; Flence. ‘ ek-stti;
cause to hear; read over to ‘do-stiti,’ &c., 27: describing
one. cloth.
Supari, areca, or detel-nut. Suthra, clean , tidy ; nice.
Supurd, entrusting. V. —k. Suthi, thread ; string.


Shab (f.), #Zgh¢.—i-mah, (πολέ Shagird, a pupil ; a scholar.

of the moon), moonlight Shah, an Emperor. -i, im-
—nam, dew. -0 roz, night perial ; royalty. —an-shah,
and day, or 2 ditto. King of Kings (i.e., the
—chiragh, @ firey ; a glow- Emperor of Persia).
worm. ~zadah, a prince , of prince-
Shabadsh, dravo/ well done / ly birth. fem., -zadi.
Shabd, 4 sound; a notse ; Shahad, /07८9., --Κὶ makkhi,
a vocable, a bee.
Shadi, rejoicing; marriage. Shahadat, evidence.
Vv. —-k. Shahid, ६ wetness.
Shaft-dlu, ६ peach, Shahr, ६ ८7) ; a town.
Shafkat, condolence ; kindness ; Shaikh, 4 ‘ Shekh.’ (tttle).
sympathy. Shaitan, Satan.

Shakar, sugar ; in compos: Shart, 4 stipulation ; agree-

sweet. e.g. —lab, szweet- ment ; wager.
lipped. Shast, aim. (with gun, &c.)
Shakk, doubt. V. -४. ५. -k.
Shakl (f.), shape ; form Shastr (f.), the sacred bcoks
Shakh (f.), @ branch. of the Hindus.
Shakhs, az individual. Shatranj, chess. πὶ, a large
Shdl (f.), 4 shaw. carpet.
Shalgham, éurnips. |evening. Shauk, one’s favourite pur-
Sham (f.), evening. —ko, at suit; ‘hobby.’ (Anglo-
Shama, 4 nightingale. Hind., ‘shok. ’)
Shamal, the ۸۷۸۶/۸۰ Shavad, (Persian,) (¢¢ may
Shdinil, along with ; put along be) ; perhaps.
with. —k., to put one thing Sher, 4 tiger. —-ni, a tigress
up along with another. —babar, 4 lion.
Shamiydnah, α J/arge tent; a Shikam, ¢he 2९४८).
canopy. Shikar, Aunting ; shooting ;
Shams, the Sun. (Arabic.) game (alive or dead). -ἰ,
Shamsher (f.), a .74‫ء‬‎ a hunter ; appertaining to
Shan, dignity ; state ; nature. sport. e.g. -+ kutta,a hound.
Sharab i f.), 06: Shikastah, dvoken ; running-
Shara, Muham: law. hana-writing. -hali, broken
Shardka', partnership. jortune.
Shardarat, ۰ Shit, xature ; quality ; deport-
Sharbat, ‘ sherbet. ’ ment,
Sharif, 2od/e. Shirin, sweet ; gend/e, (lit. and
Sharifah, a custard-apple. fig.) —zaban, szeeet-tongued;
Sharik, 4 partner. eloquent, N. -zabani.
Sharm (f.); -indagi, shame ; Shishah, g/ass ; a phial. —she
modesty. A, sharmindah. ka, made of glass.
sharmana (iztr.), to feel Shit (n.), cold. —kal, the cold
abashed. sharm-sar, bashfu/. weather,

Shitab, haste ; speed. Adv. -i. Shuja, drave. —ja,at, bravery.

Shokh, forward , impudent. Shukr, yvatitude; thanks,
N. -i. -guzar, grateful, —guzari
Shor, oise ; row. expressing gratitude,
Shorah, marshy-land ; salt- Shulah, a flame.
petre. Shumdar, counting. V. —k.
Shorba, (०४८८९. stirwa,) soup. Shuru (f.), α deginning. V. —k.
Shubhah, 40+۸ Shutur, @ camel. —ban, a
Shubh, Zappy ; fortunate. camel-driver.

There are two soft ‘t’s’ in Hindustani, but their sounds
are so similar, that you have not been troubled to distin-
guish them,
Ta, up 7० (of time) tda-kih, Ta,assub, prejudice ; bigotry.
untic ; in order to ; to the Tab, then -tak, up to a time
end that. indicated. See page τος.
Ta,ajjub, surprise ; admtra- Tab, ov tap, fever.
tion. V. —k. ‫ادا‬ tabiyat, disposttion ;‫‏‬
Ta,dla (M.), Almighty God. temperament ; health,‫‏‬
Taalim (f.), zstrauction. V -ते. Tabi, sabordinate. —dar, a
Ta,alluk, ov ta,allukah, con- subordinate, an adherent.
nection ; association ; a ter- —dari, subordination ; al-
ritorial division ,; an estate ; legiance.
a ‘talook.’ ta,alluk-dar, the Tabib, @ physician.
owner of a ta,alluk. Tabassum, ६ smite.
Taamil, putting in force ‫رپ‬‎ Tad, ‘then; mext. -antar,
carrying out, V. —k. after that.
Ta,ammul, meditation. V. —k. Tadaruk (f.), retaliation ;
Taarif (f.), praising ; praise ; preparation for ditto, as by
a definition. ४. -k. Aiso, a getting up evidence in a case
table of rates, a ‘tariff.’ in Court ; investigation.

Tadbir (f.), deliberation ; ad- Takrar (f.), vetteration ; dis-

vice; plan. pute. -i, contentious ;
Tafarruj(f.), vecreation. V. —k. quarrelsome ,; disputed,
Tafdwut,distance, delay. V.-k. Taklif (f.), ceremony ; trouble;
Tafsil (f.), detarls. —k., /० give inconvenience. V. —d.
in detail. —bolna, 20 tell at Takna (¢rans.), to observe ; to
length. —an, in detail. watch, takna (intr.)
Taghmah, a medal; a unt- Tak (f.), @ niche.
form ; a property-mark, Takat, strength ; ability.
Tahan. See page 4۰+ Takaza, a dunning of one.
‘Tahkik, or tahkikat, enquiry ; Takdir (f.), fate ; predestina-
investigation. V. —k. tion.
Tahsil (f.), collection of rents; Takrir (f.), vecital ; oration ;
a revenue area; profits, detailed statement. V. —k.
or collections generally. Taksim (f.), division of pro-
—dar, a collector of rents, perty, &c., by shares. V.
&c. —-dari, Ais area of —k. and lena,
work. Taksir (f.), 4 fault ; a crime
Ta4,id, corroboration ; assist- A. -mand ; -war. [thing.
ance ; an apprentice. Takhfif, making light of any-
Taiyar, ready. N. -[. Takhminan, dy guess; ap-
Taisa. See page ‫ہی‬5‎ proximately,
Taj, a crown. —dar, a prince. Takht, 6 throne.
Tajwiz (f.), dcnvestigation ‫ر‬‎ Takhtah, a board ; a plank ;
trial (e.g. in Court.) result a shelf; a plot of land.
of trial. -V. ‫طب‬‎ -posh, a low wooden plat-
Tak (f.), Zook ; glance ; aim. form for sitting on cross-
Tak, wp to (time, or place). legged, —nard, backgammon.
Takalluf, ceremony. Tal, a lake. Also, a kind of
Takid, pressing ; urging ; or palm tree Also, same as
reminding one. V. —k. ‘tali,’ 9.०;
Takyah, a pillow. Tala, a padlock ; a key.
‫ ا‬प्र.‫‏‬ T3

Talab (f.), ‫م‬٣‎ tald,o, an arti- Tambu, 6 fent.

ficial water-pond. Tamsil (f.), comparison; a
Talab, sending for one; desire. parable ; an illustration.
Also, pay ; salary. —k., to Tan-durust, 72 ood health.
send for one. -0., to give N. -i
one one’s pay. —anah, fees Tang, narrow ; too tight.
Jor summoning ; daily al- N. -i. means, also, poverty.
lowance whiie watting. Tanga, a hill-cart ; a ‘tongah,’
Talaffuz, pronunciation. Tankhwah (f.), zvages; salary,
Talak, same as ‘tak,’ 4. v. Tanna (L.B.), to pull; stretch
Talak, divorce. Tant, a loom. -i, a weaver,
Talash, search V. -k. Tanti, az oven.
Tald,o, same, as ‘ talab,’ 09.०. Tap (f.), Zeat; fever. tapna.
Tale (ke), ۶. to warm one’s self.
Tali, a key. Also, clapping Tapish, feat (lit. or fig.);
the hands. —an, applause by afitiction.
clapping. Tar, moist; wet. -4,i, moist
TPalikah, 6 list; a schedule. land at base of mountains ,;
Talu, ¢he palate ; lampas. ‘The Terai.’
Talwar (f.), @ sevord, Tar, string ; wire; the tele-
Tamachah, a slap, graph. -ghar, the tele-
Tamim, whole ; entire. —k., graph-office. -ki khabar,
to coniplete, orchitthi, telegraphic news ,;
Tamassuk, 6 bond for money a telegram,
borrowed. Tara, a star.
Tama; tamba ; or Taraddud, perplexity.
copper. Taraf (f.), sede; direction,
Tamasha, an entertainment ; Also, as prep. (ki.) -dar,
a show, a fete. a partizan, -dari, parte
Tamatu, somatoes. zanship. -sani, the second
Tambaku, fodacco. -pina, fo par tyn uit » the defen‫ھ۔‬‎
smoke ditto. ant,

Tarah (f.), mode; manner. Tasmah, a leather thong.

Also as prep. (ki.), dhe. Taswir (f.), 6 picture.
Tarakki, promotion ; advance- Tashafh, a feeling of satisfac-
ment. —pana, to get ditto. tion ; satisfaction.
Tardsh (n.), cutting. V. —k. Tashrif, honour conferred, See
or —na. page 76. Sect. τῇ.
Tardzu, a weighing machine. Tatil, rendering waste or use-
Tarikah, mode; manner. less ; a vacation ; a holiday.
Tarikh (f.), 6 date, (e.g. of a Tatolna, /0 prope.
letter.) Tau, then ; —bhi, even then ,;
Tarjih, superiority. -rakhna, even in such circumstances.
to gain superiority, —d., to Taubah, repentance ; penance.
assign preference. As interj., what a shame!
Tarjamah, ६ 7۰ ͵.6., matter for repentance.
—man, 4 translator. Tauliyah, a fowel.
Tarkari, sorst vegetables. Taun. See page s04.
Tarson, on the fourth day. Taur, mode ; manner.
(backwards or forwards.) Tauret, or taurat, the Old
Tartio (f.), good order, ar- Testament.
ranzement. —k., to set in Tawakkuf, delay ; wasting
order. Adv. -i. time. V. -k.
Tarka, she dawn. Tawelah, a tethering-rope ; a
Vash, ‘he cards ; a game with stable ; a cattle-pen.
cards. —ki mez,acara-table, Tawiz, having recourse to
Tasar, a kind of silk ; ‘tusser.’ God ; an amulet,
Tasarruf, use ; enjoyment ; ex- Tazah, fresh ; green ; young.
penditure ; waste, V. --k. N. -zagi.
Tasbih (f.), praising God by a Tazim (f.), the act of honour-
certain formula ; a rosary, ing one,
Tasdik (f.), verification. V.-k, Tel, ‎‫م‬۸۶ —batti, an otled-wick ;
Taskin (f.), comfort ; consola- a lamp ; a night-light. -i >
tion, an otl-man,

Tez; tez-rau, swift. N.-i. Tipa, i, a small table; a

tez nahin, s/ow. tez-zihn, leapoy.
sharp-witted. Tipari, Cape-gooseberry.
Thaili, a dag ; a nose-bag. Tir (m.), an arrow,
Thaka, “red. thakana, 20 7 irchha, dent ; crooked , a wry,
weary. Tisra, the third.
Thali, a brass platter so called. Tishnah, ¢Airsty. N. —nagi.
Thambha, a fil/ar ; a post. Tita, ditter. —pani, tontc-
Thamna (tras.), to stop ; to water,
check. Titna (co-relative), so many ,
so much.
Than, ‘a piece, or web of
cloth ; also, a stad, To. See page 47. Note x.
Thanah, a folice station. Tol; taul, the weight of a
—dar, an officer in charge of thing. tola, the weight of a
a ‘thénah, rupt. taulna, 20 weigh.
Thapa, or thapi, the sound Tonta, @ cartridge.
of beating ; a mallet ; a bat. Top, @ cannon. ~khanah,
Thora, 6 6///2. -thora, a very the artillery-lines.
little. Top, @ grove ; a ‘tope.’
Thuk, sfctt/e. ४. -na. Torna; tor-d., fo break; tear ‫ز‬‎
destroy. tor-rahna, fo con-
Tidhar. δὲς page 4‫ہ‬‎
Tiffin,' Zunch ; ‘tiffin, tinue breaking.
Tifl, a child. Toshah, va/wables, -khanah,
Tijarat, trade ; trading. a treasure-house.
Tilak, the dedication mark on Toshak (f.), @ mattress ; bed-
a Hindu’s forehead.
Till, the spleen. Tota ; toti, a parrot. (m. f.)
Tin, three. Obl. cases, ‘tinon.’ Tu, thou.

3 This word is derived from an Arabic root, “fan,” meaning


Τύ(άη (m.), 6 storm. A.-f. Tum, ye, you. Also, tn Od-

Tuftiliyat, childhood. lig : cases.
Tuhmat, Qn accusation. V. Tund, sharp ; active; fierce.
-lagana. Often used in compos. e.g.
Tujh, ¢nflected sing. of ‘tu.’ -zihn, sharp-witted , clever.
Tukhm, a seed ; a seed-stone. Turat, az once.
Tul, Zength, also, long. Turk, a Zurk. A. -i, § Turki’
Tul, /۶6‫ل‬‎ ; simtlar. also means a certain kind
Tulna, to be weighed. of horse.
Tulsi, sacred basil. Tursh, Aarsh; sour. (lit. or fig.)
00 :

Talna, fo be evasive. tala-toli. Thaharna, fo remain ; stop ;

evasiveness ; beating about wait. thahrana, fo de-
the bush. fain.
Tang (f.), the deg. -na; -0., Thakur, a divinity ; an em-
to givealeg; to hang up. blem of ditto; a Brahman.
Tanga, or tang!, an axe. Also, common as a name
Tapa, 6 coop ; Anglo-Hind., among the Brahman class.
a ‘ topper —ani, fem. of ‘Thakur.’
Tappal,! the letter, &c. post ; -bari, a Hindu place of
the post-office. worship.
‘Tat, coarse canvas ; ‘gunny, Thanda (Adj.), cold. N. -i.
Tatolna (intr.), to grope ; feel. Thattha, 4 jest. thathol, a
‘Tatti, a screen ; a privy. jester, thatholi, esting,
Tattu, a pony ; a ‘ tatt, thatholna, /० jest.
Thelna, fo push.
Terha, not straight.
Tiddi, a locust ; a grass-hop-
Thag, 4 garotter ; a‘ thug.’ per.

‫ ٭‬Not used in L, B.‫‏‬


Thik ; thik-thak, exact ; per- Thuddi, the inch.

fectly right. tvikana, one’s Tikli, a wafer.
address ; trace whereby to
Tiktikki, @ 772074
jind a thing ; certainty.
Thika, Azre ; lease ; contract. Tip (f.), @ note of hand ; an
-garl, a hired carriage. 7
—dar, the holder of a lease ; ']'‫ @ بلء(ماہ‬dasket.‫‏‬
a contractor. Tola, a guarter of a town.
Thokar (f.), a dlow ; a knock. Tukra, 4 piece ; a morsel.
thokna, 70 sfrike. —khana, Tuingna, fo peck.
to get a blow, or knock, Tita, broken.

Ubdlna (trans.), to ۸۸7۸ ubal- ed upside down. ulta,-pulta,
na, (77777. ) upside down ; tn confusion.
Ubka, i, vomiting ; straining. Umdah, excellent ; noble.
V.-k. and lena. Ummed(f.), ope. A. —war,
which ts also used as a
Uchhal, Zeaping. V.-na.
noun meaning one hoping
Udas, grieved. N. =i. Jor an appointment, &c.
Udhar, ‘hither ; on the far Ummumat, maternity.
side ; over there. Umr (f.), one’s age.
Ueal, spit. -—dan, a spittoon, Umur (PI. of ‘amr.’), affairs ;
Ukharna, Δ uproot.
Un, wool. un, inflected plur.
Ulat, the act of upsetting. of ۶۷ ἢ.
—na (¢rans. and intr.), to Uncha, Aigh. N. -i.
upset, or be upset.—d., to Ungli, a finger.
upset. —pulat, upside down. Ungul, the thumb.
Ullu, ax 070८. Unt, a camel.
Ultana, 7० upset: turn upside Upar, above ; up; high up;
down. ulta, reversed , ‘turn- As pre. (ke.)

Urdu (f.), व market ; a camp. Usturah, a razor.

a name of the Hindtstdnt utdr-d. to break
language, as formed by the
down ; to tear off ; to strip
mixing of various races in
off. utarna, fo come down ;
market and camp.
to descend.
Urna ; ur-jana (intr), to fly.
Uthla, shallow. V. -.
urana; urd-d. (f¢vans.), to
Uttar, the LVorth.
Sty ; to squander.
Uthna, 20 rise. uth-jana, 20
Usarah, 4 portico ; a verandah. uthana;
rise and go.
Us, inflected, sing. of ‘wuh,
utha-d, fo ۰
-kadar. See page 04.
—wakt, at that time ; then. Uzr, an excuse. —k., fo excuse.

Words in which W is sounded like V are nearly all
derived from Sanskrit, and would not be of use to you.
But you should know the word ‘ Ved’ or ‘ Veda,’ the general
name of the Sacred Books of the Hindus—‘¢he ‘ Veds.’

Waadah, a promise. V. —k. Wahid, alone ; unique.
Wa,e-wa,e, woe ts-me/ Waisa, like that; so. See
Wafa, fulfilling a promise ; page, το4. —hi, 7 that
integrity, very manner gust like
Waghairah, εἴ cetera. that.
Wahan, ‘here: may be follow-
Wajab, a span. (of the hand.)
ed by ka, ko, se, tak, &c.
like a noun. Wajh (f.), reason ; cause.
Wahhabi, 6 follower of Abd-l- Wajib, or wajibi, right ; pro-
' Wahhdb, a Muham: per. wajibat, proper acces-
teacher of the last century. sortes ; necessary things.

Wakil, or Vakil, az ambassa- Wasil, joined together; col-

dor ; representative ; attor- lected. —baki, a statement
mey. wakdalat-namah, a of collections and arrears.
power of Attorney. —at, accounts ; mesne-pro-
Wakf, 6 Muham: religious fits.
endowment, Wasilah, means used to accom-
Wakifiyat, experience; know- plish any object.
ledge. Wasiyat, one’s last ‫؛‬‎ will.
Wakif, aware; informed ; Waste (ke.), for the sake of ;
acquainted with. —hona, ¢o Jor.
be, or become ditto, —k., to Watan, one’s native country.
inform, &c. Wazir, a minister ; a ‘Vizier.’
Wakt, time. —ba-, from time Wazn, weight. (lit. or fig.)
fo time. —na—, occasion- V. -k. -i, heavy.
ally, We, they ; those. Nom. Pl.
Wala-wali. See page 73, 7. of ‘wuh.’
Wali (M.), @ oly man. Wildyat, foreign lands. -ἶ,
Wapas, back; behind, re- foreign ; European ; Eng-
turning, —Ana, to come back. lish. -ἰ pani, soda water.
-d., to give back. —hona, Wirdn, depopulated ; waste ;
to be back, -rakhna, Zo keep a desert.
back, Wohi, ‘that very. wohin,
Walid, a father.—ah,a mother. thus ; in this manner.
Warak, व leaf of a book, or Wujid, existence ; substance;
of a tree. essence; invention. See
Warid (Adj.), approaching ; ۶ Ba-wujtid.’
arriving, present. V.—hona. Wuh, xe ; she; it; that.
Waris, az herr. Pl. —an. Wuku, an occurrence; an
Warna, and if not; ۴ this event. PI. wakiyat.
be not so ; othercvise. Wukuf, expertence.
Wasikah, firmness ; solidity ; Wusuil, collection of rents, &c.
a bond; a written agreement. V. -κ.

Ya, or. ya...ya, etther...or. Yar, a friend. -i, friendship.

Yad (f.), recollection. V. -k. Yatim, az -orphan. --ἰ, —ty.
—dasht, @ memorandum.
Yawah, 77/ talk ; nonsense.
—dilaina (¢vans.), to remind.
Ye, they ,; these. Nom., Pl. of
Yahan, deve. Also used with
ka, ko, se, &c. as a noun.
As prep. (ke.). See page Vih, ‎‫ رط‬she ; it ; this. -, thts,
44. —ana, 70 arrive. very.
Yahtid, a Jew. -in, a Jewess. Yogi, also jogi, a Hindu
Yakin, certain. -janna, 0 ascettc.
know for certain. N. --ἰ,
Yon, thus, in this manner.
Yakut, a ruby.
—hin, 22 this very manner.
Yakh (f.), 7८८,
Also, dy chance ; casually.
Yane, xamely ; thatis to say ;
‘I mean, Vug, @ cycle of time.

There are four ‘Z’s’ in Hindtistani, but their sounds are
so similar that you have not been troubled to distinguish
Zaban (f.), the tongue; a Zabitah, ordinance; law,
languagz. --Ι, orally, established custom.
Zabar, superior in position. Zabt, confiscation. V. -k.
—dast,! powerful ; oppres- Zabtin, dad ; wicked.
sire, N. —dasti. V. —dast Zahin, sharp-witted.
hona. —dasti k. Zahir, evtdent ; clear. —hona,
Zabh, sacrifice. -k., to kill an to be evident. —k., to make
animal asprescribed by law, evident; to demonstrate.
i.e., by cutting the throat. Adv. -an.
३3 * Dast,’ the hand. ४. ante.

Zahr, poison ; -altidah,porson- Zarrah (f.), a little ; a morsel,

ed (as food.).-fla, potsonous. Zartir, mecessary. —at, mneces-
Zahmat, anxiety ; pains. sity ; time of difficulty.
Za,if, frail ; infirm. Zat, caste.
Zakhm, a wound. A. --i, means Zaujan, a wife.
also a wounded person. Zer (p.), wader. —band, a
Zalim, an oppressor. A. -i. martingale, -tajwiz, under
Zaman ; zamanah, any time ; enquiry.
an epoch orage of the World, Zewar ; zewarat, jezwe/s.
Zamin, 067, zamanat, surety-
Zidd, perversity ; spite. V. —k.
8. -i.
Zamin (f.), dand. -dar, a
Zikr, remembrance ; mention.
landed proprietor. —-dari,
V. -k.
Zila ; व district ; a country.
Zamurrad, ov zumarrad, an
emerald, Zimmah, charge ; keeping ;
Zan (p.), @ woman, —ani, ap- responsibility.
pertaining to women.—anah, Zin (f.), a saddle, V. —ban-
the female apartment . dhna ; bandh-d. —posh, @
Zanakh, the chin. saddle-cloth.
Zang, vust, -khiirdah, ۶۶۷۰ Zindah, a/ive, —dagi ;-dagani
—pakarna, (rust has ‫ء‬٤8‎ life ; being alive.
this ;) egual to,‘ this has Ziyadah, more ; too much.
turned rusty.’ dat, z2crement.
Zanu, the knee. Ziyafat, a feast, ४. —d.
Zanjir (f.), a chain. Ziyan, ८055.
Zar, gold. Zor; zori, force; strength.
Zarar, hurt ; injury. —khafif, -dwar ; -mand, strong ; of-
trivial ingury. -—shadid, pressive, -d., to assist; to
serlous injury. strengthen. —k., to strain ;
Zarb (f.) a blow. to force ; to oppress.
Zard (Adj.), yellow, N. -i. Zuid, guick , swift. also as adv.

Zuf, or zof, bodily frailty. Zuldl, pure ; limpid . whole-

Zuhr, the turn of the day at some.
HOON , NOON. Zulf (f.), curly hair.
Zukam, a cold in the head. Zulm, oppression. A. -ἰ.


THE contractions used in the English-Hindtistani part

of this Glossary are the same as those used in the first part,
with one addition, vz. (v. n.), which means ‘ Verbal Noun.’
See page το. Sect. ۰
The ‘head-word’ is generally the shortest word from
which longer words are derived. Thus under ‘Art’ you
will find ‘ Artificer.’
Always look for the Noun first, (if there be a ncun,) e.g.,
for ‘ Advice,’ not for ‘ Advise.’
As, within the space available, all synonyms cannot be
given, if you cannot find the precise word wanted, try
another of a similar meaning— Note also that as familiar
words are given, you should lock for such ; as for ‘ Deday,’
not for ‘ Procrastination,’
A double use is made of the short line; first, associated
with English, it represents the head English word, (or so
much of it as is wanted,) e.g., ‘accurate,’ ‘acy ;’ secondly,
associated with the Hindustani, it refers to the preceding
word or words, e.g., ‘affirmation,’ ikrar; izhdr. V. —k.,
means that you may use ‘ karna’ with both ‘ikrar’ and
‘izhar,’ for the English ‘to affirm.’ When one verb is not
applicable to a string of nouns, the string is broken, the
verb applicable to the nouns up to that point is shown
uithin brackets ; the nouns are then resumed ; other ap-
propriate verbs being given in their proper places.

English zithin brackets indicates the precise shade of

meaning of the word being dealt with.
Nouns of an abstract sense do not often occur in the
common Hindustani. Few therefore are given here. The
abstract idea of az act is generally expressed by the Verbal
Noun, e.g., chup-rahna bihtar hai bak-bak karne-se, “‘ s¢/ence
ts better than chattering ;” and the abstract idea of 4 person
is expressed by a clause with ‘jo’—or by the humble
‘wala,’ ‫ےیر‬‎ Jo insaf karta hai, wuh Khuda-ko pasand _ hai,
‎‫ ؛؛‬The Doer of Justice is pleasing to God.”



A, oran. See page 9. ole. Accede to, ۸‫م‬‎ (or kubiil-)

Abandon, chhor-d. ; tark-k. ‎‫ یرم‬mansir-k,
Abetment, madad (f.) ; tdnat. Accelerate, jaldi-kardna. N.
V. -d. -tor, madadgér. jaldt.
Abide. See ‘ Live,’ ‘ Remain.’ Accept, /ena ; le-lena ; pasand
Ability, 66077007 ; mak dir. -k. ; Rabil-k. A. pasana ;
Able, ‎‫ء‬۸7۵۵ to be-, sakua. pasandidah ; achchha.
See page ٣۱8. Sect. 22. —ance, /ena (as v.n.).
Above (adv.), spar. (prep.), Access, χάλ (f.); rdsta. of
ke ۰ fever, dmad (f.)
Absent, ghair-hdszir. N. -ὦ Accident, 7¢t/ak. by -, ۰۸
V. —-hona. ‫اہر‬.
Absorb, sokhna ; sokhydna. Accompany, sdthjdna ; ham-
Abstinence, farhez (f.), ۷۰ riéht-k,
-k. ; nahin karna. Accomplish, ¢amdm-k. ; piira-
Abstract, khuldsah. V.-k. ; k.; taamil-k. ; -ed, (done),
(as essence), nikdl-d. tamdm, ὥς (learned),
Absurd, ۸۶۰/26 N. -dagt. dlim ; kémil ; dréstah.
Abuse, νάϊ. V. -d. According to, (450 , ba-
Academy, madrasah. miijib , ke mu,éfik.
7, Ἧς 4

Account (in figures), (7560. ¢o Act, fel; amr; ama. -tion,

do-, -4., or/ikAna. totake-, kim. V. karna,
—lena. to keep -- -γαῤάπα. Active, δ, chdlak. —ity,
—ant, mutasaddi —book, chustt , chadléki.
-kt baht, (in words) daydn ; Add, /agd-d. (figures), ama-k.
bat, kissah; hikdvat, V-R. Address. (speech), ¢akrir (f );
Accurate, thik ‫مان‬‎ durust ; ars (f.); bahs ))(: nibedan:
achchha. -acy, sthhat. V. =k. (of letter, &c.,)
Accusation, fwhmat. (V. /a- ‎7‫ء‬.
gana); ndadlish, (V. -k) Adhere, lagna; lagzjdna ;
—er, faryddi ; mudda,t. satna ; satjdéna.
Accustomed, I am, 7/2 mera Adjacent, xazdik ; (६7४2,
dastir hat, or other phrase. Admiration, ajab; ta,azjub.
Acknowledgment, thrar ; V. -#. -able, αγ7ίό, khio ;
habil-k. (vn). ४. -ἰ. achchha.

deed of-, tkrdr-ndamah. Admit (to presence), dve-d.

(receipt). ‘ vasid.’ (E.). (agree to), kabul-k. ; tkrdr-
Acquoint, khabar-d.: dgdn-k ; k, —mission, th dr.
τυάξ2. -ed (with any Adorn, sajéna. —ment,
matter.) wdkif; dgdh; ard,ish ‎‫ ر‬singar.
main jganta hin. —ance, Advance, darhd,o. V.(trans.),
dost; yar; bhé,t, -ance- dee barhdina; chaléna.
ship, 7éa-pahchdn ; 4०5४४: (zxtr.), chalna ; dge jana,
Acquire, pana ; hdsil-k. ; (of money), ८६५४. -ment
jama-k, ; milna. See page in life, savakkr. V. -d. and
50, ۸70/6 τ. -sition, Adsi ; pina,
Jo hastl ۰+ Advantage, /d,idah. —ous,
Acquittance (in Court), ۶۰ Si, idamand,
las; rihé,t. V. .-kar-d. Advertisement, tshtihdr. V.
(of an account), ‘ rasia’ ; ‫ٹب‬
(E.) ; férigh-khatt, V. -d. Advice, salith (f.) ; maslahat.‫‏‬
Across, far; us par. V. -d.‫‏‬

Affair, dd/; amr ; kam ; ba-mijib; ke mu,afk

wuku. -—ment, shart; kautl-o-
Affect, asar. V. -&.; lagna. kurdr + ahd-o-paimdn. —(in
Affection, pydr ; muhadbat. writing), satfa,; sarkhatt.
Affirmation, tkvdr,; iszhédr. ...admah, added to word
V. -k.; Rahna. expressing the nature of
Affliction, ghamm, dsurdagt ; the agreement; as su/h-
taklif (f.). ~ed, chamgin ; ndémah, an agreement for
dzuritah ; dil-sokhtah. V. peace, ‫ہی‬‎ in a litigation.
satdna , taklif-d. Aid, madad (f.). V. -d.
Affori, de-sakna. Aim (at mark), skast. V. -#.
Afoot, paidal ; pd,on-fpd,ou. (intention’, matlab; trd-
After (time), 2e baad , ke pi- dah ; kasd ; niyat ; gharaz
chhe. (vlace), ke pichhe- (is);
(adv.), pichhe. —wards, ٤ Air, Aawa (f.). to take the-,
ke baad; tab. —noon, do hawa khéna.
pahar ke baad ; sth-pahar. Alarm, dar (f.). V.-dikhléna.
Again, phir; pher. - and-, Alike, ekfsdu ; ek kism ka;
ber-ber ; aksar. bardbar.
Against (4.9., a stone), par.
All, sab; sab ke sab; kull ;
(adverse), se khilaf.
famam, -—right! ۶
Age, ४777 (f); 5727. (period),
achchha / ; bahut khib /
wakt,; szamdnah,; ‫زا‬‎
old-, durhdpa. Allegation, δάξ ; daydn ,; arz
Agent, d,tb; gumdshtah ,; (f.). V. τῶν, Rahana.
kartah; kdr-pardds. (for Alligator, magar, ghartydl ;
law business), vakil; kumhir.
mukhtar, —cy, gumdshta- Allow, use ‘dena,’ and the
gari ; vakilt, verb of that which is al-
Agree to, £abiil-k ; rdzt-hona. lowed, e.g., ws-ne ham-ko
-able, hush; pasand ; dne diya hat, he has allow-
mu,afik. -ably to, hasd ; ed me to come. When

equivalent to ‘give,’ (I Ancestor, jadd ; bdp-déda :

allow you ten rupees a muris. try, jaddiyat.
month), also use ‘ dena.’ Anchor, /angar. V. (to cast, )
Allude to, ztkr-k. N. ۶۰‫ج‬‎ πάπα. (to heave), —uthd-
Almonds, 4۰ γα.
Alms, khairdt. V. —d. Ancient, kadim,; agla;
Alone, akela ; ekla ; tanha ; purdna,
mujarrad. And, aur; wa; ०.
Along (८.७., the street,) mez; Angel, firistah.(P/. --tagdn.)
par-with, ek sdth ; kesath. malak,
Aloud, zor se, or daland Anger, ghussah ; khafet ; ris,
470८2 ۰ (f.). A. ghusse; khafa.
Already, 40-/6 ; with chukna, V. --hona.
e.g., I have a/ready spoken, Animal, sdnwar , haiweén.
main bol-chuka hin. Animosity, adéwat,; dush-
Also, aur ; bht. mani,
Alternate. See page 69. Announcement, £hadar, (f.) ;
Although, agar-chih; har- ittila (f.). V. --6.
‎‫ء‬8۵ Annoyance, ८72. ; takilif ))(
Always, Zameshah ; aksar. V. --d.; ۰‫ء‬‎
Am, Ain. Another, (an _ additional
Amendment, Jdihtfart; du- thing,) aur ek. (a different
rustt; tarmim. V, —k. thing), ۰
Amiable, aziz; shdyastah. Answer, jawdb, ४. -d. (to
—bility, shéyastagt. ‘do,’) thik-hona ; achchha-
Among; amidst, ke dich. hona. (liable to answer),
—themselves, épas mez. jawdb-adtht.
Amount, jumlah ; jama. Ant, chytintt. (red.) dendiit.
Amuse, dahldéna ; khush-k. (white.) dimak.
-ment, tdémdsha,; khela- Antimony, surmah.
khelt. Antipathy, s7dd ; 707۶9۷۶ ;
Analysis, ta/sil ; tafrik, V. -Α. chirh (f.)

Antiquity, awd,t/ ; agle-wakt. or thtimdm-k. ; adil-lagd-d.

Anxiety, μὰν (f.) ; andeshah ,; -plication, (of one thing to
taraddud, A. fikrmand ; another,) e& chiz disri ko
mutafakkir. V. fikrmand, lagd-d. (v.n.). (diligence, )
&c. hona, mihnat ,; tanathi ; thtimém.
Any. See page 38. —where, Appointment, dm, naukart,
kahin. —how, ist tarah ; V. hist ko kdm, &e. d. ;
jis-tarah ban ‫۔‬‎ parega. tayin-k ; ndm-zad-k. —ed,
-more, aur kuchh. muta,atyan ; mansib.
Apart, juda ; alag ; ek taraf. Apprehend (with mind), sa-
—ment, othri; kamra. majhna, samajh men lena ;
(for females), zandnah. bijhna, -hension, samazh,
(for males), marddnah. (f.) ; 2४८, (Ε); Rosh; akl
Apology, uzr. ४. --. (f.) See ‘ Arrest.’
Apostle, rasil ; paighambar. Approach, zazdik, or sdmune,
(the latter referring, par or pds dna; wérid hona.
excellence, to Muhammad.) Approve, pasand-k.; man-
Apparatus, séz; séz-0-sdmdn; zur-k. —al, manziri.
saranjadm ; chiz sab. Apricot, &Aibdni, or khobént.
Apparent, 2éhir,; maalimn ; Arbitration, + sdé/tst ; panch-
saf. to be-, -hona. to dyat. ४. -&, -tor, 5428 ;
make-, -&, panch.
Appearance, surat; shaki (f.). Arch (n.), #thrdb.V.—bandna.
Append, jorna; Jagd-d. ‫رب‬‎ Archer, kamdn-dér ; tir-an-
shémil-k, -age, léhik. -ix, ddz. -ery, kamdn-ddri ;
tatimmah. tir-anddzt.
Apple, sed. Ardour, garmt ; dil-sozt ; zah-
Applicable, /4,72 ; mundstb. mat ; mthnat. filled with-,
Apply (one thing to an- garm ; ail-soz ; mihnatt.
other), /agéna; Jagd-d. ; Arduous, sakht; mushkil ;
miléna,; mild-d. (as to sangin ; wazani.
study), mihnat, tandthi, Are. See pagers. ‫کءےگ‬‎

Area, maiddn ‫ر‬‎ yagah.(court) Art, iunar ; tlh; kdém. -ful,

sahn. hilah-bdz ; shokh. —fully,
Areca-nut, supdrt, pan. Jann se. —less, sidha ; sach-
Arise, uthna ,. uth-jdna. (be- cha, —ifice, hilah. —ificer,
gin,) shurd-k. (come up, hkdrigar. -ist, *usatwwir.
e.g., for attention,) dar-pd- Artichoke, Adtichok. (E.).
hona ; pesh-hona. Artillery, the, sop-khdnah.
Arm, δάση; héth.-it, baghail, As. See page ٢‫وہ‬‎ (like.) ۸۶
(f.). (of sea, or river), ۰‫ء‬‎ mianina ,ke mu,afk ; chun-
Arms, hathiydér ; harbe. dnchih. ‘he gives orders
Army, fau7 (f.) ; Zashkar (m.). as a master, malik kar
Around, har taraf,; chéron (from ‘karna,’) hukum deta
taraf,chauras.prep.kegird. hai ‘as if’ is best transla-
Arrangement, fartid, intizdm; ted by ‘like,’ e.g., he speaks
banda-o-bast. (m.). ४. -#. ; as if he were a great man,
thik-k. ; durust-k. -he speaks ‘like,’ or ‘ in
Arrears, 2627 ; jo baki hat ; the manner of’ ‘a-great
bakiyde. man,’ ‘bare ddmi ۸۶ faur se
Arrest, Zakarna ; pakar-lena, bolta hai, or, bara ddmi
or leydna; giriftér-k. in kar bolta hai.’ As far as,
arrest, girif/tdr-hi,a ; ‫و‬‎ as long as, ἄς. See corre-
hia ; pakra gaya. sponding phrases at page
Arrive, pahunchna ; d-pahun- ٦‫ہ‬.‎ as often often,
thna ; dna ; dzana ; hasir- jat-ber...tat-ber, ‘that as
hona, or dna ; tashrif lina. well as ¢his,? wuh, aur yih
See page 76. Sect. τῇ. bhi.
wérid-hona. —al, dmad (f.). Ascend,charhua ; charh jana.
dar-dmad (f.). and with the N. wuchi zamin (f.).
verbs used as ४. ἢ. -€.g., Ascertainment, daryaft ;
‘on his arrival,’ ws-ke dne tahkik. V. -k. ;. khabar
ke wakt. lana , puchhna,
Arrow, “ix (m.). Ascribe, /agd-d.

Ashamed, sharmindah ; lajit. Astonishment, ¢ahaiyur. V.

to be-, -hona ; sharmdna ; hist ko tahatyur-k, -ed,
sharm-khéna ; lajdna. vhdbra. —ing, ajiibah , azib.
Ashes, ‎‫ء‬۰۷ Astrology, zujum. —ger, nu-
Ask, (a question.) piéchhna ; jum,
sawdl-k. (for something. ) At, (a person’s,) ke pads , ke
mangna ,; 6۰‫ء‬‎ yahdén. (place,) men.
Asparagus, sfarugras. (K.). (time,) 40. -all events, da
Aspec, asptk. (E.) har strat. -first, awwalan ;
Aspire, drzu rakhna. —ation, paihle. -hand, ke pds ; ke
ali-himmat. nazaik ; muyassar. -home.
Ass, gadha. (f. gadhi); Rhar. ghar meu. —last, dkhir;
Assault, hamlah,;mér-pit.V-k. akhir ko; dkhir-ul-amr,
Assembly, -blage, jamd,at ; —least, Ram se kam. —lei-
majint,ah ; mazlis; ambonh, sure, e.g., abmujh-ko fursat
(unlawful) 778 khi- hai. —length, (in detail,)
laf kaénun. (riotous) .۶‫ء‬‎ mufassatlan. (See, ‘at last.’)
V. (trans.), jama-k, (intr.), -most, Jdbahut se bahut.
Jama-hona. -pleasure, marzi ke mu,-
Assent. See ‘ Agree to.’ aéfik. —present, ad ; is wakt.
Assert. See ‘ Say.’ -random ; @ttifdk-se; be-
Assist. See ‘Aid.’ -tant, taur , be-thikdna. -times,
madad-gar. habhi-kabhi. -—work, kém
Associate, sharik ; rafik. to men ; mashghil.—the worst,
—with. wmel-rakhna ; séth- sab se burt hdlat men.
rahna ; suhbat-rakhna. Attach, Jdagdna,; Jlagd-d;
Assume (take), /ena ; le-lena. jJorna. —ment (as a friend),
(for ‘argument’s _ sake,) tarafddri ; mail. (a join-
Jari-k, (airs), “γάλα. ing), jor. (seize, by process
Assure, hahna ; yakin kardna. of law, or otherwise),
—ance, yakin ; khdtirjama. zabt-k,
-edly, ۰ Attack. See ‘ Assault.’

Attain, ‎‫ وخ‬/ milna (See Aunt, (paternal,) pAzdphi.

page το. Note τ.) hasil-k. (maternal), mazs?.
—ment, (of wish,) kémyddz. Author, musannif.
(acquisition), Adsz?. (learn- Authority ,tkAtiydr ; makdur ;
ing), sm; dénist ; hunar. hukumat. -ise, ijdzat-d.
Attempt, oshish. ४. -&. Autumn, &harif. A. kharifi.
Attendance, (६2777, khidmat; —crop, kharif.
(in hopes of employment), _ Avail of, dém-lena. -able,
ummedwdari, -tion, kha- kdm ka. of no avail, kuchh
barddri ; sucheti, -tive, kam ka nahin.
khabardédr; give Avarice, /dé/ach, (m.) ; bukAl ;
attention, Ahabarddri-k. ; (f.) ; Airs, (f.) A. /६/८/४.
dil-lagdna. to attend on Avenge, intikdm Jena.
one, Rist ki khidmat-k. Averse (huchh chiz se), mukhd-
with attention, £habarddri lif. V.—hona, -sion, nafrat.
se ; 57४४४ 56. Await, rahna ; kist ke ٤6
Attestation, ¢asdik (f.); shahd- sabr-k,
dat. V. -, Award (v.) diléna. (n.) fatwa;
Attorney, vakil; mukhtdr ; hukm.
nd,to. power of-, vakdlat- Aware, wékif. to be-, wékif-
némah ; mukhtér-ndmah., hona. to make-, --ὦ.
Auction, nilém. V. —-k. to Away. See ‘ Absent.’
send to-, १८६४7 men d., or Awaken, (¢rans.) jsagdna ;
dédlna. jagd-d. (intr.), 7άρπα.
Audience, darbdr; mayits. awake, jdgta ; beddr. wide-
-hall (public), diwdn-t- awake, (fig.) ἀοελγάγ;
dmm. (private), dizdn-t- ۸
khdss. to grant an-, diwdn- Awe, (n.,) dar (m.). (v.) dar
i-dmm (or khdss) men muld- dikhléna. -ful, haul-ndk.
kat farmdana. Awning, shdmiydnah,
Augment, éarhdna ; styd- Axe, tdnga ; kulhdri.
dah-k, ation, 2tyddat. Azure, dsmdnt.

Babe, baby, dachchah ; bach- Ball, goli; gend; anta. —of
chah miydn ; larka ; (fem.) thread, &c., batta. (dance),
larki ; 2626 (L. B.). nach, (f.). a fancy -- pédrt-
Bachelor, mukhlis ; mujar- ndch. (half E.).
vad ; ko,dra. Bamboo, dds.
Back (v. ¢rans.), pichhe-k. ; Band, (of people,) guro/.(m.),
hatd-d. (v.intr.), hat jana ; (music,) δάγα. (for waist,)
hatna. togive-, wdpas-d. to kamar-band. (for neck,)
keep-, rokna ; bdz-rakhna. gala-band, or gulu-band.
(n.) pith, (f.). (adv.) pher ; —age, patti.
pichhe ; baz. Bank, (river, ἄς.) fdr ;
Bacon, dekam. (E.). kindrah (money,) otht ;
Bad, khardb; bura; bad (last bank} (Ε.". -er, sarraf;
much used in compos.) sthiukdr ; mahdjan,
ly, khardb; khardb taur se. Barber, ddrwal (E.); (4/74#7 ;
Badge, chapfrds. wearer of nd pit.
a—, chaprdast. Bare, (naked,) J/anga, or
Bag, thaili ; kisah; kharitah. nanga. (piain,) sdda; khdli.
for water (small), mash. to lay-, holna ; dekhne-d.
(large), pakhdl. -gage, chiz- —faced, be-sharm.
bast, (f.). Bargain, shart ; kaul-o-kardr.
Bail, zadmini. —Or, :8‫ء‬‎ V. -bdndhna,; -bdndh-
नी, ndzir. lena ; —k.
Bake, pakdna. -er, roti-wdla. Barley, 77४. (for table,) 4‫ئ‬۳٤۶‎
—house, tanur-khdnah.
Balance, (for weighing,) (n.), Barouche, ¢arish-géri. (half
tardsu. -(unpaid,) ९ ; E.).
bdkiydt. (excess,) ‫رک‬‎
447 Barracks, chhduni, ldins (E.).
Bald, gawja. —ness, ganj. Barrel, ‎‫ھ‬۰

३ Preserve your Hindustani pronunciation of the short ‘a.’


Barren, -land, zamin 76-5९ —witness, cazwdhi, or shahd-

Jasl nahin milti hat. dat-d. ‘bearer.’ See page 35,
Base (n.), dunydd, (f.). (adj.), See ‘Carrier.’ (animal),
bad-zét; pdjt. (of coin,) richh; bhal ; ۰
mekht. Beard, ddrhi ; rish (f.).
Bashful. See ‘ Ashamed.’ Beast, jdnwar ; hatwan.
Basil, Δεῖ, Beat, mdrna; pitna, thokna;
Basin, ddésan. (metal,) chilam- (in contest,) séfma, (7.०., to
chi. win,) (é..g.,adrum,) ۲۶‫ھ‬‎
Basket, fokrt. work-, αι, -ing, mdr; mar-mar;
Bat, (beast, )chamegddar.(play- mdra-madrit ‫رر‬‎ ‫ یر‬to be
ing,) thdpi ; lakri. beaten, mdér-khdna.
Battle, lard,7; jang.(f£.).V.9k.; Beautiful, (/४/0-5/76०४. N. 2.
larna, -array, safftjang. Because, ‫ۂ(ب‬‎
Bazaar, ddzér. Becone, ho-jana (suit,)
Be, ona , (for Passive Voice), achchha-lagna ; ldé,tk-hona.
jana, —it so, so hi ho. Bed, pa/ang. stead, ۶‫ءء‬‎
Beach. See ‘ Bank.’ ‎‫ ; فُؤم‬khdt ; khatiyah, (for
Bead, dénah. a string of-, flowers,) /akAtah. (ofriver, )
mila, pet. —clothes, dichhdwan ;
Beak, chonch ; nok. (f.) orhne ka hapra. —ding,
Beam, (large, ) /a¢tha ; (small,) bichkauna. to make the-,
barga. palang taiydr-k. to spread
Bean, dora ; lobiya. -ding, bichhauna 7۰‫ء‬۶‎
Bear (v.). See ‘Carry.’ (en- -room, sone ka kamra,
dure,) darddsht-k. -fruit, Bee, sambir,shaha kimakkni.
phalna; phatl-d. —pain, Beef, dif-gosht. (half E.).
dard uthina. -children, Beer, dir-shardd, (f.), (half
ganna, —young, buydna,

۶ The idiom often is as follows: Zag. ‘Because it is raining, I shall

not go out.” A/ind. ‘It is raining, therefore (7 sadaé se), 4 shall not
go out.

Before, (adv.) (person or Belong, by the genitive, 6.8.»

place,) sdmne, pds; dge. ‎‫ہر‬: ghora mera hat,
(time,) dge ; pathle; pesh- Beloved, pydra ; ‫ہہ‬‎
tar. (prep.), ke sdmne ; ke Below, (adv.) niche. (prep.)
pas ; ke dge ; husur men. ke niche ,; ke tale.
Beg, mdngna,; iltimds-k. Belt, dand (as last part in
(alms,) ὀλίλά - madngna. compos.) ; fet? ; delat. (E.)
-gar, bhikdrt. ‘I - your Bench, chauki. of Justices,
pardon.’ mu,af kistye. ‘binch. (E.)
Begin, /agna ; shurt-k.—ning, Bend(n.), ferhd,i; pech. ४. -#.
shuru. ; tbtida, (f.) from A. ferha ; kaj ; banka.
beginning to end, ἀκ, Beneath. See ‘ Below.’
tamadm ; sar-d-sar; sar-d- Benediction, ۷,“ (f.).
pa. Benefactor, md-bdp,; murabbt.
Behalf (on - of,) 2e ‫تیار‬‎ Benefit, fé,tdah; nafa;
he liye. thsan.
Behave, nibdhna. N. chal- Benevolence, khair-khwéhi ;
chalan. wltifat ; shafakat ; thsan.
Behind, (adv.) pichhe. (prep.) Beseech. See ‘ Beg.’
ke pichhe. Beside, besides, (near,) ۵٥
Being, (a human,) ddmi ; pis ; ke nazdik + ke yahan.
insan, (except,) ۸ stzva. (in addi-
Belief, dwar; ttimdd ; tion to,) aldwah ts ke; ts
ttibdr. V. —-k.; manna. ke siwa; is-par yih bhi
(religious) mazhadb ; imdn. hat.
Bell, ghanta. Best, sab se achchha, to do
Bellows, dhaunkni, V. one’s-,makdir bhar kdin-k.
dhaunkna to make the -- οὗ it, dure
Belly, jet; shikam. to fill bhale nibéhna, or lena.
the-, (Z.¢., to satisfy one,) Bestow, de-d.; bakhshna;
pet bharna. -ache, fech- bakhshish-d.
ish. Bet, shart. V.-band-lena.

Betel, supdéri, or supydri. as Bit, ¢ukra ; zarrah (f.); thora-

chewed by natives, pdén. a sa (for horse,) dahdnah.
dealer in-, ¢amdolt. ~box, Bite, Adta. V. dant se kdtna.
pan-dén. (as hot things,) /agna.
Better, dihtar ; us-se achchha. Bitter, fifa; karwa; ८5.
V. Rist ki bthtart-k. —ness, falkhi.
Between. See ‘ Among.’ Black, dla ; styéh. —ness,
Beware. See ‘ Acquainted.’ sityahit. ४. kdla-k. -ant,
Beyond, ke ddhar ; us taraf. chytintt. —guard, dbad-zét.
(e.g., the sea,) pdr. smith, lohér. -ing,
Bible, daibal. (E.) styaht ; roshnd,t. pepper,
Bid, kahuna ; hukm-c. -—good gol-mirch,
day, ‫غم‬‎ khair-bdd or Blame, 775477: malémat. V.-k.
mubdrak-béd kahna (n.) less, de-kusur ; nirdosh.
(at auction,)7. (to bid at Blanket, kammal, (f.). ۸۸۱۸/۶
auction) @ék-k., or 2०७4. Blaze, Jaw; lahar ; shulah.
Big, dara; dbusurg. (fat,) V. lahréna.
mota. N. bard,t ; motd,t. Bleed, (¢rans.), fasd-kholna ;
Bigoted, muta,assib. lohu lena.(intr.),lohu ۰
Bile, Zzth, or pit. Blemish, aid, (f.); hata ;
Bill. See ‘Beak’ and ‘Ac- ddgh. A. daghi.V. daght-k.
count.’ -of exchange, Blessing, dv,a, (f.). A. mudd-
hund. rak, V. —d.
Billiards, azfa-khel. -room, Blind (adj.), axdha ,; kor.-of
anta-ghar. one eye, Adna, V. andhera-
Bind, ddudhna; bdndh-d. k. —ness, kort ; nd-bint,
—ing of a book, 7e/d-bandt. Blind (n.), pardah.
Bird, chiriya. -cage, pinjra. Blister, ۶۶۰
—lime, /dsa. block, kundah. —head,
Birth, zanam. —day, —din. ahmak ; be-wukif.
Biscuit, diskit. (E.) Blood, Azin ; lohu. -y, khin-
Bishop, 4} pddrt sahib. adliidah, -\ess, be-khiin,

Blossom, phii/.V.—-bahar dna. Bold, marddnah shuja.

Blot, dégh. -ed, ddght. V. -ness, marddnagt ; ausdn,
-k,-ting-paper, /d/-kdghasz. (f.); shugd,at. (in a bad
Blow (n.), 2472 (f.) ; thokar, sense,) shokh. N. shokAt.
(f.) ; 87४5०. (V.) (as wind,) Bolster, dara takiyah. —up,
chalna ; bahna -with the madaa-d.
mouth, phinkna; phink-d. Bolt (n.), 2८७४६ , theki. V.
πονεῖ, (as a storm,) séf —lagdna. as, e.g., a horse.
hona ; khulna. to -- an in- bhdgna ; bhdgjdna.
strument, dajydna. to give Bond (fetter,) aid (f.). (to
a-, See ‘ Beat.’ secure debt,) ¢amassuk.
Blue, μά], nila. Bone, haddi ; hér.
Blunt, und. N. -2. Book, itd, ([); δαλί.
Blush, £hilat. ४. -k. at the -shelves, -kha fakhtah.
first-, dekhte hii,e. binder, 7:/d-band. —bind-
Boar, jangli ۰ ing, 7tld-banai.
Board, takhtah. (assembly), Boot, dt. (E.); mozah,
‘borad.’ (E.) —lace, but ka fitah.
Boasting, /défsani. V. —k, Border, kinérah. (of a writ-
a -er, /éf-zan. ing,) Adshiyah.
Boat, kishti ; nd,o (f.); with Bore (v.), chhedna. (annoy,)
their various’ kinds, as satdéna ‫رب‬‎ adikk-k. —-er, bar-
‘bajra’,; ‘panso,t’ ; ‘den- mah,
ghi, ‫یہ‬‎ -man, malléh. Born, to be, patda-hona.
head ditto, manzhi. Borrow, mang-lena,; kars-
Body (human,) dadan ; ism. lena. —er, mustair.
(of men.) See ‘Assembly.’ Bosom, sinah.
Boil (¢rans.), ubdina ; (intr.), Both (two), donon. both...
khaulna ; ubalna. ‫نوچ‬‎ and, See page 46.
water, garm pdni. servants Bottle, 2०४०7, (f.),(E.). shish-
say, Dhita pani. N. phap- ah,
hola. Bough. See ‘ Branch’

Bound (leap,) ۸۷۰477۸0 ; uchhal- Brain, maghz; dimdgh. —less,

na. N. kid ; uchhal. (en- be-wukiis.
close,) Aadd (f.) (or, plur.) Bran, dbus.
hudid-d, or lagéna. A. Branch, shdékh ; ddl (f.). (of
pa-band, -ed, ghera ; mah- tiver,) sofa. (of a subject,)
aid. juz, bab,
Bow (for arrows,) aman ; Brandy, drdudi-sharéh (f.).
adhanuk (f.). (for pellets,) Brass, jfita/. of-, —ka.
ghulel (f.). to use a-, --ὦ. -platter, ‘thal. —vessels
(salutation,) salém. V. —k. (generally), ¢id/t-lota.
Bowl, ८2८०८ (E.); pivdlah ; Brave. See ‘ Bold.’ diléwar ;
katora. finger-, ha&th-bolt. diler, -ery, diléwart, dilert,
Box, sanduk ; sandik-chah ; Bravo! shdbdsh; bahut
bakas. (E.). (trunk,) feds. achchha /
tin-box of ἃ particular Brawn, ὀαγάπ. (E.)
shape for clothes, «c., Brav, ‎‫ء‬۰5
pitdrah. ...dan. See page Bread, roti; ndn (f.). (food
4I. a small-, eg., for generally,) 7۰.
snuff, a single ring, &c, Breadth, chaurd,t ; ۶0.
dtbtya., See ‘Blow.’ Break (/vans.), torna ; tor-d.;
Boy, chhokra ; larka. In pharna, (tntr.), titjdna.,
Bombay and Madras, ‘40)” -open, torna ; tor-a
is used in calling one’s -away, dbhdgjdna. —-off,
personal servant ; never so barkhdast-k. of day, bhor ;
in Bengal. —hood, /arak- hart fajr; tarka ; subh, ala-
pan, -ish, chhokra-sa. s-sabaéh. broken, fifa ; tuta
Bracelet, called by endless hit,a. —fast, Adsirt; ndsh-
names ; a general word is, tah. V. -lena ; —khdna.
bdzu-band. Breast, chhdtt ‫زر‬‎sinah.
Braces, ‎‫ہ‬5 Breath, dam ,; sdéus. to be out
Bracket, drdkit. (E.). of-, dam-titna, to draw-,
Braid, gundhan. —lena.

Breeches, jdughia . brichis. Brow (οἵ: face,) adzu. (of a

(E.). hill,) Zad.
Bribe, vishwat; ghis. to Brown, arin. (E.)
give a-, -d. to accept 8- Brush, See ‘Broom.’ (hair,
--lena, or --khdna.. cloth es,) drish, (E.) V.-d.,
Brick, μέ, (f.) ; kheshe. or lagd-d. See page 96.
Bridge, pul. V. —bandna. (sweep,) jAdrua ; shar-d.
tolls for construction of-, -wocd, shar ; shart.
—bandi. Bucket, dolchi ,; ۵46777
Bridle, dagém (f.) V. -/agd-d. Buffalo, ¢harusa. f. --st.
Brief ; briefly, #&Atasar. a-, Buffoon, maskharah.
intikhdad. Bug, ’Aat-mal.
Bright, s¢f; vaushan. V. -४. Build, dandéna; badndhna ;
—ness, vaushant. uthana, —ing, ghar, makén,
Bring, (देव ; le-éna ; /ete- hkotht ; tmdérat.
dna. —about, band-léna. Bull, var-git,o + sand, or sdur.
-in, Adsir lina ; has 77- Bullet, ٥/۶
khar-d.; dne-d.: yahdu-ldéna. Bullock, δαδ, -cart, --οὐάγί.
-over, 7s taraf léna. -up, sunch, guchchka.
pdlna ; parwarish-k. Bundle, σα δ γί, bastah ; chiz-
Broad, chaura; ariz. N. bastah; mot. (e.g., of grass, )
chaurd,t; araz. —cloth, 7.
‎‫م‬۶۸ Purden (n.), daha.V. ‫طور‬‎‫مہ‬
Brocade, amkhwwav. Burial, afan-dafan, (f.).
Broker, da//a/. ५. -&. ; mitti-d. —ground,
Brooch, éaroch. (E.) goristén ; kabristdn.
Broom, 7۴۰ Burn (n.), sokhtah. (v. trans.,)
Broth, shorba. Jaldna ; falé-d., dg-lagd-d.
Brother, 2/6;7 ; bardédar. (tntr.), jalna.
-hood, barddarr. -ly, bard- Burst (twtr.), phutna ; phat-
dardana. 74πα. (trans.), torna;
Brougham, éand-gdri. phdrna.

Bush, jhdér; gdchh. rose-, Buttocks, chi¢ar.

gul-db-phil. Button, ghundi ;butém. (E.),
Business, kdém,; kdr; kar bdr; -hole, mzndt.
kar-o-bdr, (trade,) tijdrat. Buy, mol-lena; kharia-k.
(profession,) peshah, V. --. -ing and selling, &haria-
Busy, sém menu ; mashghil. Jarokht -er, kharidér.
But, /ekin; magar. (only,) Buzz, bhin-bhindna. —-ing,
sitrf; khdli, e.g., there is bhin-bhinéhat.
nothing but books here, By, se. -me, mere pds. by
yvahin sirf (or, khAdlt) hundreds, sau, sau hokar.
kitdben hain. -one’s self, dp hi dp, or
Butcher, (65562, V. katl-k. , dp-se. —chance, i¢tifékan.
sabh-k, -all means, har farah se.
Butler, LAdnsdman. - means, hargiz na.
Butter, #akkhan,(native,)ghi -and,-— ¢hort ghari ke baad.
(m.). -man, makkhan-wdla. -heart, ydd se. year by
Butterfly, 7۸ year, sd/-ba-sd/,

Cab, thika-gdéri ‫دجوص‬-‎ -wd/a. dwds-d. N. dwd:,(f.); δά.
Cabbage, obi. (visit,) muldkdt. V. -.
Cage, pinjra Camel, wut; shutur. —driver,
Cake, kulchah ; kek. (E.). shutur-ban.
Calamity, ἀγα, musibat. Camp,khimah'-gdh,; zis ‫رب‬‎
Calendar, jantrz. khime Rhare hii,e hain.
Calf, achhra. —of leg, pindle. Camphor, £dfir.
Calico, katan kapra ; mdrkin Can, See page τ, Sect. 22.
(i.e., ‘American.’) dna, (of what a person is
Call(one), duléna,; buld-lena; able to do,e.g., Aam koltkh-
talab-k, (shout), pukdrna ; na dta hat, I can write.)

३ Pronounced also + Khaimah.’


Canal, παν. (f.). (free from care, ) de-khabar.

Candle, mom-batti; kandil. N. be-khabardért.
(not E.), -stick, shama- Caress, yawdzish. ५. pydr-k.
dan. Carpenter, Jdarha,t. -try,
Cannon, top —ball, top ۸۶‫م‬‎golt. napjart.
Canvas, fat. Carpet, dari; farsh, shat-
Cap, foft. ranjt,; ghilichah, or kdli-
Capable. See ‘ Able.’ ‎‫ءء‬۰
Caper (n.), Aabar (f.) ۸۶‫ء‬‎ Carriage. See page ‫وه‬‎
(E.). (v.) uchhalna. N. stage-, dék-géart.
uchhal. Carry, wuthdnea,; wuthd-ke-le-
Capital (in trade,) 2 42:7]. jana, -into effect, ba-sar-
Adj. achchha ; bahut ach- léna ; baja lina ; nibahna.
chha ; umdah. -ier, uli; bardar ; ham-
Capon, pekan. See page 84. mal ; motiya,
Captain, strddr ۲ (१६279 séhib. Cart, gdért. bullock-, δαί ράγί.
Caravan, kérwan ۲‫ر‬‎ kafilah. -load, géri ka bojha ; gart
Card, ۸۷7۶ ۸۱‫و‬۷‎ (E.). playing-, ki khep.
tdésh. —board, at. Case(covering,) ‎‫ا یلع‬۸4۸ ,xob)(
Care (anxiety,) 7۸۶‫ر‬‎ )).(; ande- sanduk. See page ‫ھ‬٦,‎ ‘ dan.’
shah ; tarraddud; Adj. (in Court,) mukaddamah ;
fikr-mand. NV. fikrmand- ndlish. the facts of the-,
hona(guardianship.) amd- hdl; asl hal; mdjara.
nat; hifdzat; szimmah. one’s-, (i.e. what he has ;
V. (to take care of a thing,) to say,) gusdrish ; ars (f.),
apne pas rakhna ; hifdézat nibedon.
men vrakhna. (caution,) Cash, patse; riipiye. ready—
khabardéri, Adj. khabar- nakda-rupiye ; —-book, khdta-
ddr. V. khabarddr-hona. bahi; hisab ki baht. —ier,
-less, ghdfil. N. ghaftat. ἡ khazanchi.

‫ ٭‬Not in use in Bengal.‫‏‬

‫کے‬ 5

Cask, ‎‫ھ‬۰ Certificate, stfdrish ka khatt ;

Cast. See ‘ Throw.’ ‘ sartifikat (E.).
Cat, 27708. Chaff, ८665.
Catalogue, fihrist. Chain, zanjir. (f.). V. /agdé-d.
Catch, pakarna ; pakar-lena. Chair, Aurst ; chaukt. —-man,
-cold, sardi khdna. to be (ofa meeting,) sar-t-maylis.
caught, pakra-jdna. - Chalk, £Adri-matte.
Caterpillar, ‎‫ء‬۰۵ Chamber, kamra ; kothri.
Cattle, mazveshi; ga,e-goru. Chamois-leather, sébari.
Cauliflower, prul-hobr. Chance, itti/ék. ४. -se hona.
Cause, 54040 ; wazh, (f.). V. by-, ¢ttifdkaxn.
kardna ; kard-d. without-, Change, fabdil ; badl ; badld.
be-sabab. badlt. V. (trans.) -&.(intr.)
Caution. See ‘Care.’ —hona,
Cease (¢rans.), maukuf-k. ; Channel, μάνα, sota; khél.
bana-k. (intr.), same words Character, cid/-chalan. good-
and jona + ho-zdna. nek-ndn. bad-, bad-ndm.
Celery, σαγί (E.) a bad character (person,)
Cent, per, satkra, e.g. paduch bad-madsh. (letter,) (4४7,
riipiye satkra, § per cent. pl. Aurif.
Centipede, gaar. Charcoal, 0,۰
Centre, markaz ; bichon bich. Cnarge (keeping,) amdnat ,;
in the-, dich mez. hifasat,; πίράλδάμκί. V,
Ceremony, takaliuf ;takiif(f.). (¢rans.) -men rakhna,
Certain (sure,) yazin. N. --ἰ. (intr.) -men hona. (attack, )
V. -Aona. (settled,) mu- hamlah. ΝΜ. -&, (accusa-
karrar ; kd,im. ΝΜ. these tion,) χάνι. ۷, -lagd-d.
words and kona. ‘a certain charge in an account,
person’ fuldnah,; fuldnah hisdb men likhna.
shakhs. -ly, albattah ; be- Charity, %hatrdt; lutf (f.).
shak ; zarir. -ify, sdbit-k. ; -able, &hairdt: ; faiyds ;
tahkik-k. sakht.

Chase (sport), shikdr. V.-R. Child, dachchah ; larka, larki,;

(pursuit), raged ; khader. ‎‫ہ‬7: bdba (L.B.) hood,
V. ragedna ; khedna. larakpan ; tufiliyat. —less
Chattering, dak-bak ; kdn- be-auldd ; lé-wdris. —dren,
kan. V. —R. larke-log ; béba-log, (L.B.)
Cheap, sasta ; manda ; kam- Chin, thuddi ; zanakh.
kimat. —ness, sasit; kam- Chintz, rangi.
kimati. Chisel, δάχι κι.
Cheating, fared ; daghd-bézi. Choose, μα, chdhna; pa-
V. -& one who cheats, sand-k, N. {what pleases, )
daghd-bdz. jo pasand hat (option,)
Check, dhiste-k ; rokna ; ikhtiydr ; marzi; khusht.
atkdna. Cholera, haizah ; ola-pira.
Cheek, gil; rukh, Chop, (v.) 2étna; tukra-tukra
Cheer (amuse, &c.) dah/dna ‫ر‬‎ kar-d. (n.) cidp. (E.). —pers
khush-k. -ful, hush ; bdwarchi-khdne ki chhurt.
khush-dil ; khush-ru ; be- Christ, AHazrat.J’sa. —ian;
fikr. -fulness, 2hush-tad,t. isawt —-ianity. Jsd-t-maz-
(applaud,) Ausht-khushe- hab, -mas, bara din ;
bolna. (by clapping,) kismts. (E.). a Christian,
tdli,dn-k. cheers, khushi- Kristin (E.)
khushi ; ‘htura’ (E.) Church, givja, or eriza.
Cheese, fanir (m.). -monger, Cinnamon, @ér-chint.
—farosh. Circle, ghera,; add,irah. (of
Chess. shatranj. to play-, jurisdiction.) Aalkah ; ald-
—khelna. -board, —bisédt. kah,; parganah; σία:
-man, muhrah., and many other territorial
Chest. See ‘ Box.’—of drawers, words—‘i’ added to the
drdj (E.). (of body,) ۸۸‫ء‬‎
/‫ا‬ title of an officer often
Chew, cidbna ; chabdna. means his jurisdiction, e.g.,
Chief, (n.) sarddr. (a.) pathla; ‘zaminddri, the territory
awwal. of a zamindar, and so on.

Circumstance, fel; amal ; Cleave, phdrna ; chirna. --er,

amr; hdl ; asl hal ; wéki,- See ‘Axe’ -ἴο one, lagé
dt; jo hi,a hat. -tial, rahna ; ke pas rahna.
mufassalan ; tafsil-wér. Clerk, xirdni ; katib ; nawis-
City, shahr ; (as last part in andah ; as last part of
compos :) ‘nagar’ and word ... zavis, e.g., nakl-
‘pur’ —-izen, shahr men navis, a Copying-clerk.
rahne-wdla. Clever, chdlak, hoshyér,N.--t-
Civil, sz-shi?. नए, slik ; Climate, dd-0-hawa, (f.)
nek-chalan. -ization, /4/- Cloak (n.), zba (f.) ; labdédah.
2tb-t-akhlak. (v.) chhipdna. (adj.) chhipa-
Claim, dawa. (f.); as formu- hii,a.
lated,) darkhwast ; arz ; (f.) Clock, ghari. See page 67.
sawdl. V. -k. -ant, dawé- Clod, 2/7/۰
dér. (in Court,) mudda,t. _ Close, (v.), dand-&.(n.) ékhir,
Claret, /é/-shardb (f.); Rald- or akhir, (near,) nazdik ;
rat (E.). ke pads.--ed, band.
Class, Aésm. (rank,) 2۷۰ Closet, Aothri. the W. C.
(of Railway, or School,) ghusl-khdnah ; péd-e-khd-
kalds. (E.). -ification, ¢ar- μα, jd-e-zarir.
tib. -ify, tartib-k, Cloth, Zapra. table-, mez Ri
Clause, dafah ; jumlah. chédar ; dastar-khwdn.
Claw, changul ; nd-khun. web of--, thdén. cotton--,
Clay, gid (f.), 2/۸۸۶ mitts. nan-klath ;* katén-kapra-
Clean (adj.), séf,; safa. (v.) woollen-, Jddéndét. to lay
sdf-k. -liness, safd,t ; paki- the--, mez Jagdna, or
sagt. tatydr-k. clothes, apre.
Clear, séf; shafféf. (obvi- night--, *é¢. ke hapre. See
ous,) séf; maalim; séf pagé 95. Clothe (v.), Aapre
maalim,; ‎‫موواج‬. .ΝὟ .k-féas pahinna ; orhna.

३ This is an attempt at the English, ‘ long-cloth.’


Cloud, abr ; badli ; megh. -y, Collection, sama; jamiyat.

αὐγί. V. -jyama-k. -of dues,
Clove, karanful. wasil. V. -. -tor, (of a
Club, déthi,;, chob; sonta. district,) alektar sdhib.
—min, /éthidl. generally,) tahsilddr, sazd-
Coal, ko,i/a. wal,
Coarse, mota. N. wmotd,t College, madrasah.
(fiz.) be-hunar , b2-adab, Colonel, karnail (E.) 56670.
Coast, kindrah; par. V.- Colour (n.) rang. (f.), V. -d.
kindre par chalna. —en, vangin.
Coat, ۸۷۶۷۰ Column, stdin ; khamba.
Coax, phuslina ; chumkdrna, Comb, kanghi. V. -d. or
Cobbler, ४700४. lagd-d.
Cob-web, makrt ka ۰‫ر‬‎ Come, dua ; dydna ; tashrif
Cock, murgh. (of a gun,) ldéna, (See pave 76. Sect.
ghora (v.) -khara-k. ‎‫ر‬7.) -about, ۸7۰
Cockroach, 4-٠۰ —back, Phir-dna. -ουΐ,
Coco, koko (E.). bdhar-dna; ntkalna; nikal-
Coffee, kahwah , kéft (E.) dna. -to one’s self, hash
Coffin, sanduk, (v.) -men menu ana,
rakhna. Comfort, ¢asall:; tashaffi ;
Coin, faise; riipiye. V. taskin ‘{.) ‫رر‬‎ khushi. V. -d. ;
—bandna, false-, mekhi bahléna.
ripiye. Command, Aukm. ۷. -d.
Cold (adj.), sard; thandha ; ποῦ, Adkim ; sarddr. with
sital. (n.) sardi ; thandhd,t. special names for various
-in the head, ۶۰‫ء‬‎ commanders, e.g.,fauj-ddr,
—thandha-k. to be-, than- a military -er; £7/a-dér;
dha hona, a —er of a fort, and so on,
Collar, ۸4/۸۶ (E.).-of a coat, down to jsama-ddr, head-
५ ८., girebdn. man of any small body,
Colleague, rafik; 5/4///, military or other.

Commence. See ‘ Begin,’ bimdri ; vog. complainant

Commendation, sifirish, (in Court, )farydat,; mudda,t.
(praise,) 72०7४ (f.). V. -d. Complete, famdm. ΝΜ. -
Commerce, sauddgari , tijd- tion, -& as v.n. -ἰὶγ
rat; kharid-farokht,; maha- tamadm,; kull,; bil-kull ;
Jani sar-a-pa.
Comm:t (do.), ۸۶7۰۱۰ (en- Comprehend, samajhna ;
trust το.) Zawdle men rakh- samajh men lana, sion,
na ; hawdlah-k.,; supurd-k.; samajh (f.) ; hosh ; aki (f.)
amdnat men rakhna. com- Conceal, chhifdna. to be
mission, (e.g. of an of- —ed, riposh-hona. —ment,.
fence,) with ‘karna,’ as riposht.
v.n. Conclude ‫ءءک‬۶‎ ‘ Close.’
Common, dum. —-ly, umuman; Condemn (disapprove,) 7d-
aksar, held in-, wmdlt ; pasana-k, (sentence,) Aukur
mushtarak. a-, matdin ; -@. —nation, sazdé ka hukm.
parti samin (f). Conduct, 5४४४ ; chdl-chalan.
Companion, sdéthi; rafik ; V. pahuncha-d.
ham-raht. -ship, rifdékat. Confectioner, Za:zd,7. -ery,
Company. See ‘ Assembly.’ mithdt,
The East India Company, Confession, 7۸۶۰۶۶۲ kubiil.
Kampani Bahddur. V. -&. (person who ad-
Compare, milina ; muka- mits,) 2d,27.
balah-k. —atively, 6a nisbat Confine (by bounds,) ”‫مو‬‎
is kt, -ison, (act of,) muka- lagd-d. (imprison,) £aza-k.
balah-k. as v.n. —ment, said ; giriflari.
Compel, use ‘z0r7-se, or Confirmation, 5४८४४... ५४.
zabar-dasti se,’ with appro- —-kar-d. ; 34277-/2.
priate verb. Conflict. -See ‘ Battle’
Competent. See ‘Able’ Conform to, Aukm ke niu,afik
Complaint(in words,) zad/ish ; kim k.; miénna, —bly to,
nila. V. -#. (sickness,) ‎(‫ ; ڈرو‬ke mu,anhk ; ba-mijib.

Confound (¢rans.), ghabradna. Construct, éandna ; band-d.

be -ed, ghabrdna. Adj. —tion, zmdrat.
ghdbra. -(one thing with Consultation, maslahat. (v.
another,) /d-d. —fusion, —k.) salah (f.). V. —lena.
gol-mdl (L. B.); ‫طٹعاوج‬‎ Contain, by phrase, e.g:
tibt. (of mind,) ghabréhat. is sanduk men mtsri hat, in
Congeal, jamna 7‫ز‬‎6۰‫ء‬07 this box is sugar=this
Congratulations, mudbdérak- box contains sugar. con-
bddt. V. --k. tents, zs mez jo kuchh hat.
Conjuring, 7édu. V. --R. --er, table of contents, 7८77४.
--gar. See ‘ Beseech.’ —of a book, mazmiuin.
Connection,a/ékah,sar-o-kdr. Contemplation, muldéhazah.
V. -rakhna. See ‘Relation.’ (mental, )¢a,ammul. V. —2.;
Conscience, ail; khétir. dekhna., --tive, mutafakkir.
ποίους, v7ést, sachcha ; Contemptible, Zakir ; pdzi,
sddik. -ciousness, rédstt. —temn, hakir jdnna.
sachd,t ; sdaikt. tempt, A‘kdrat.
Consent. See ‘ Agree.’ Contention, shagra ; lard,t.
Consequence, atijah ; md- V.--k. A. jhagrdlu, siddt.
(4547. See page, 99. Contentedness, vazsdmandi.
Consideration, (thought, ) A. γάσέ, khush. V. ‫ما‬‎
soch (f.); hay dl; tadbir (f). or khush hona.
۷۰. .‫ط‬+-‎ (dignity.) martabah. Continue, vahna. (to keep
—ately, ‘tadbir-se ; biizh-ke. doing a thing,) vakaa,
Consign. See ‘Commit.’ added to stem.
—ment, mdl,; chalan (f.). Contract, shart, kaul-o-
Consist of,—ka hona ;—se hona. kardr ; ahd-o-paimdn, V.
Consolation. See ‘Comfort.’ πᾶς, bdandh-/ena. —debt,
Constancy, £é,tmi ; mazbits ; karz-lena ; karz-ddr hona.
istikrdr A. kd,im, mazbit. (e.g. in business,) ¢hika,
V. hona, (with the Adjs.) V. —lena. -or, thikd-dér.
—tly, hameshah ; aksar. Contradict, bar-khiléf kahna.

Contrary to, mukhalif. Corn, andj, ghallah ; dénah

-riness, sidd (f.); aks; a grain of— danah. —field,
addwwat. Jasl ka khet.
Contusion, chot ; thokar ((.). Corpse, /désh (f.) ; murdah.
Convenient,wu,dfk , durust ; Correct, sahih ; thik ; durust.
achchha , thik. to be-, hona. ۷۰-۸ See ‘ Punish.’ —ly,
Conversation, (di-chit ; guft- thik.
o-gu(f.). V. ‫(ط‬-‎ Correspond (match,) mina ;
Convey, /e-jdna ‫رہ‬‎pahunchd-d. miljdna , eksdn, or thik
See ‘ Carriage.’ deed of or bardbar hona. N. mu,d-
—ance, ndmah (following Jakat. (by letter,) katt,
the word expressing the or kAutit likhna. N. khatt-
kind of conveyance, e.g. khutiut ; khatt-kitdbat.
hibah-ndmah, a deed of Cost (n.),. dém , kimat. V.
conveyance by gift.) ttnt kimat ka hona, -ly,
Convict (n.), ۸۸٥/77 ; mulsim. Rimatt ; besh-kimat.
V. ek shakhs ko mujrim Cotton, 77,2; umbah , kapas.
sabit-k. —tree,kasds, or simal gachh.
Cook (n.), δάτοαγελί. --room, Couch, Rauch (E.). See ‘ Bed.’
—khinah.(v.), pakdna. -ing, Cover, sar-posh ; dhakna ;
rast,t. See page 87. chapni. V. -d.; 742 6-८.
Cool. See ‘Cold.’ —ing (according to its kind,
Copy, zak/ (f.) ४ -#. ist, e.g.), Aammal (m.) 0 kamlt,
—navis. (as last part in a blanket; rizd,7z, a quilt ;
compos. ). chddar (f.), a sheet, ἃς. ;
Cord, γαῖ; sutlt, V. orhne ki .‫ا‬‎
—lagd-d ; se bandh-d. Covetousness, /d/ach,; hirs, (f.)
Coriander, dhantya (f.) V. -k. A. lélchi,
Cork, dhatha ; thentht | kdg, Cough, &hdust. ४. —2.
(E.). ५. 4. -screw. &dg Council. See ‘ Assembly.’
kholne ka pech. (Servants Counsel. See ‘ Advice.’ (law-
use only the word ‫ج‬/۶۸۸‎ yer,) kuusili sdhib (E.)

Count, gtnuna,; shumdadr-k. -shed, gd,o-sdla, or go-

—ing, shumdr-k., as v.n.; sala.
Aisdb-k, —ing-house, daftar- Coward, xd-mard. -ly, ‫طے‬‎
khinah ; dfis. (E) jigar. —liness, desigart.
Country (a.), mu/k. native-, See “ Jigar.’
watan, des. (not the town, ) Crack, phdt. ۷. (trans.)
aihét; mufassal. -man, phadrna, phdr-d. (intr.)
ganar. (co-patriot,) ۰ phatjdéna.
watan ; des-bhd,t. Crane (bird,) séras ; ۸۸۸۰‫ء‬‎
Courage. See ‘ Brave.’ (machine,) charkh ; Ral.
Court (vard,) sazan. (King’s, ) Creak (v.), charchardna.
(public, )dzedn-t-dmm, (pri- Cream, ma/d,t.
vate,) diwdn-t-khdss. (of Creature. See ‘ Being.’
Justice) (civil,) dizwdni- Credit, &c. See ‘ Believe,’ &c.
addé/at, (criminal,) ‫را‬‎ ‫ ہر‬Creep, vinmgna, or rengna ;
déri-addlat. V. (none; reng-reng-k,
natives do not ‘court,’ Crime, jurm ; gundh, —inal
they employ a_ broker, (n.a.), mujrim,; gundh-gdr.
called ‘ ghafak.’) See ‘ Court.’
Cousin, ὀλά,: , bahin, with Croak, ghon-ghon-k.
descriptive words before Crocodile, magar, kumhir ,;
them, wz: father’s bro- athang ; ghariydl.
ther’s son, chachera-. mo- Creoked, sferha; tirchha ;
ther’s ditto, mamera—. banka ; kaj.
father’s sister’s son, phu- Crop (of field,) fast, (f.);
phera—. mother’s ditto, ghallah ; paidéwér.
mausera—. So, ‘ chacheri Cross (adj.), magra; sarkash.
bahin, &c., if the’ cousin ९५. (९.४., a river,) pér-k,
be female, (e.g., two sticks,) dya-
Cow, gd,e, or gdo,; goru. lagdna, road, chau-rdsta,
—dung, gobar. -herd, or Crow (voice,) déng.. )) ५.
-keeper, 0, d/a. (f.) go,dlin. -ἄ. (bird,) kauwa ; hag.

Crowd, guroh ; amboh. Cure (medicine,) 47/:‫؛‬‎ (f.) ;

Crown, ‎//‫ا‬۸ ΜΝ. -rakhna. dawa, (f.). (recovery,)
-lands. khass mahéll. shifa ; durusti, V. durust,
Cruel, de-rahm. -iy. -2. or achchha-k. —ed, bhala.
Cruet, strkah-ddn. Curl, of hair, 2४०, (६). ५.
Crumb, chur; rezah ; tukra., pechtab-d.
Crush, dabdéna ; dabd-d. Currier, chamdr.
Crust, chhilka. (of bread,) Curry, 6६797.
post. Curtain, fardah ; (mosquito, )
Cry (weep,) vona. (out,) musahri.
pukdrna ; chilléna. (up,) Cushion, gadai,; kiishan,(E.).
taarif-d.N. pukdr ; 26928 Custard, Aastad, (E.) ; falu-
(f.) ; dwaz (f.); shor. dah, -apple, sharifah.
Cubit, ۸4 Custom, dastir,; riwd] ;
Cucumber, ‎‫م‬۰۷۶۸ (native, ) maamul, (tribute,) kAird7 -
pindol ; palwal. mahsil; tikkas, (\.e., ‘tax.’)
Cudgel, /éthi. V. -chalina; —house, parmit-ghar. (half
—se marna. E.).-arv, dastir 4९४7,</ ८,
Cultivate, Afeli-k. -tion, hasb zdbitah.-ary discount,
(fields,) 2hett ; kasht. -tor, aastiri.
hkasht-kdr ; kisén ra,iyat. Cut, dt, chira. ९. kdtna ;
-ed land, 026४८. -tion, (of chirna ; tardshna, —-cut,
mind,) fahszib-t-nafs. kdta hii,a. a -ting, (of
Cup,piydlah ; katora. —board, plant,) £a/am.
alméari. Cycle, yug.
Curd, dahi, (m.) Cypress, saro, or sarv.


Damage, zuksdn ; siydn ; Damp, ar; dhinga. V.

zarar. V. —k.;\ -pahunch- bhingd-d. -ness, fart ;
ana. tard,t, bhingd,t.

Dance, zach, (f.), (fancy, ) (affection,) fydra. papa!

pudri-nach. V. नाव, dear! baba jan. dearest
Danger, &hatrah. —ous, mamma, avima jdn. my
khatar-ndk. to run into -, dear! mert jén. Oh! dear!
khatre men dna. hde. ۸٥, ۶/ to hold dear,
Dare, Aimmat-rakhna. N. pydr-k. or rakhna.
dilert. Adv. divert se. Death, mat, (f.); maran ,
Dark, andhera , tdrik. —ness, intikal,
andhera. V. —R. Debate, 24.25, (f.). ४. -&.
Darning, rafu. V. --. Debt, £arz ; -or, arz-dér. to
Dash (assault,) pafak. V. be, or get in to-, sarz-
-4. (down), @d/-d. (at,) lena; karz-ddr hona.
lapakna, Decayed, sara ; purdna.
Date(time,) /érikh, (f.), V.-d. Decanter, ‘antar. (E.);
-d, markium. (fruit,) khazur. shardb ki suraht.
Daughter, Jett ; dukhtar. -in- Deceased, marhum, muta-
law, dahu. waffa.
Dawn, subh,; bhor ; tarka ; Deceive. See ‘Cheat.’
bart fajr. Decision, (eg., of a case,)
Day, din ; voz. —by-, roz-ba- hukm ; faisalah ; farmdn
702. daily, har ros. ; (as V. -d. ‘I have decided
adj.) vozinah. daily pay, to go to Calcutta,’ mera
rozinah. a fine-, khula, or kasd hat kih main Kalkatta
achchha din. abad-, pani ka Jatin.
din. ‫وہ‬‎ a. in these days, Declaration, δάξ, daydn ;
aj-kal. —bock, roz-ndam- ishdr. ۷۰, -k. ; kahna (as
chah. —break, See ‘Dawn.’ v.n.)
-labourer, mazdtr. daily Decline (slope,) τά. (f.).
bread, AAdna-pina. See ‘ Refuse.’
Deaf, bahra. —ness, bahré,t. Decrease. ami, V. ‫ۂ‬۶-‎ and
Dear (price,) mahuga ; besh- hona.
kimat. N. besh-kimatt. Decree. See ‘ Decide’

Deed, Adm; fel; amr. -in Degree, martabah; darjah.

writing. mdmah, .as_ last by degrees, raftah-raftah ;
part of word, e.g., Azba- kadam-ba-kadam.
ndmah, a deed of gift. Delay, der, or deri ; tawak-
Various kinds have differ- kuf. V. -k. (trans.) rokna.,
ent names, e.y., albdlah, Deliberation, fa,ammul. ۰
a deed of sale ; sanad (f.), -k. Adv. -se,; tadbir se ;
a deed of royal, or other soch karke.
grant of favour; fatta, a Delicious, latif; Jlasiz ,;
deed of lease; adbiilyat, khush-mazah. a - cacy,
an acceptance of a lease. lazzat,; nitmat ki ‫لا‬‎
&c., &c. A general word Delight, Ahushi. V. —&.-ful,
is dast-dwez, (f.). or -—ed, khush ; dil-khush.
Deep, gathra; amik. ४. -#. Deliverance, £haldst ; rehd,t.
N. gathra,t. V. -d.
Deer, hiran, or haran. Demand. See ‫؛‬‎ Ask.’
Defeat, Aazimat. V. -—d. to Demon, ~rédkshas; bhiit ;
be defeated, --λάμα. jinn ‎‫ ر‬battdl.
Defect, Ausir; khata; 472. Demonstration, ۶760777۱۷ ,-6
A. ndktys. ad. ; -kar-diklana , zahir-k.
Defend, dachéna; bachd-d. Denial, zzkdr. V. «2.
(in Court,) 7awdd-d. (one’s Departure, vawdnagt ; chald-
character,) “27-4. defence, jana, as νη. ۷, 7٦٤٤,
bachd,o,; hifdzat ; jawdb ; chalé-ydna ; uth-jaina ;
usr, —dant, muda,d-alaine ; rukhsat lena; tashrif ‫(ے‬‎
farik sani. jana. See page 76.
Defer, maukuf-k ; multavi Dependent (a), ¢édz. ( ‘on,’
rakhna. se.) (n.) -dar. —dence,
Deficiency. See ‘Decrease.’ tdbt-dért. This depends
Definition, faavif, (f.). ४. -#. on my pleasure, yik mert
Defraud. See ‘ Cheat.’ khwihish par maukif hat.
Defy, dhambdna ; dhamki-d. Deponent, 44,77.

Deposit, amdnat ; giraw. V. Despot, zdé/im.-ic, mustakill,

rakhna ; sipurd-k. —ism, 2ulm.
Deposition, ὀάέ, daydn ; Dessert, mezwa ; fartt, (E.).
izhdr. (Ν᾽ --) on oath,) Destiny, 4/smat ; kaza, (f.) ;
shahddat ; gawdhi. V. —d. takdir.
Depress, dabdna ; dabd-d. (in Destitute, gharit; be-mak-
mind), afsurdah-k. -ed, dir ; and almost any noun
afsurdah. preceded by ‘de’, di/a,
-Deprive of, /ejdna ; chhin- (Arabic prep.) -tion, 96.
lena. N. nuksdn ; styan. Destroy, khardb-kar-d ; nuk-
Deputy, zaki/, or vakil ; sdn-karv-d. N. nuksant ;
gumidshtah ; nd,t0. V. khardbt.
bhejna. Detail, tafsi/, (f.) V.-d. ; or.
Descend, ufarna ; niche-dna. bolna. Adv. --σάγ. mufas-
Description, daydn ; taarif sal. V. -kahna. Adv. —lan.
(f). Ν. τὰ; -d. (sort,) 8۰‫ء‬‎ Detention, 7ukd,o; atkd,o.
Desert (n.) daydbdn ; gangal. ۷٢. rokna; bdz-rakhna ;
(a.) wirdn. V. See ‘Aban- atkdna.
don.’ Determination. See ‘ Deci-
Design. See ‘Tntention. ’ sion.’
۶ Drawing. ’ Devil, s/is; shaitén. A.
Desire, khwdhish ; murda, shaitdn-ka.
(f.) drzu ; jo main chahta Device, Aikmat ; tadbir, (f.);
hin, so. VV. chahna. A. bandobast ; taur. V. —pana-
arzumand ; mushtak. nikdina ,; batléna ; karna.
Despatch (speed), 707/47,; Devotion, (piety,) ٥007 ;
shitdbi. (of e.g. goods,) namdz, (f.). (to one,) Μά.
chaldn; rawdnagt. V. wiyat, V. dena.
chalin-kar-d. ; bhej-d. Devout, musalli ; khuda-
Despise, Aakir--jdnna. N. tars."
hikdrat. Dew, shabnam. (A. #.) os.
Δ From Persian, ‘ tarsidan, ’ ¢o fear.

Dialogue. See ‘Conversation.’ Direction (order,) Aukm. (V.

Diamond, almds ; hira. -4.) (way,) réh (() ; δα καῇ
Diarrhoea, ८437. (V. datléna.) (of letter,)
Diary, voz—ndmchah. thikdna. V. lagé-d.
Dice, pdse. V. —khelna. Dirty, matla. V. -k. and
Diction, «tbdrat; bol-chdl. hona. N. mati.
-ary, /ughat. Disagreement. See ‘ Differ-
Die (expire,) marna; mar- ence.’
jana ; intikdl hona. Disallow, 2d-manzir-k. (and
Difference, fark. -ent, μά- so with many other words
mu,afik ; adisre kism ζα. ἃ in ‘dis;’ place ‘na’ before
different ..., 4/۶۶۰, ΝΥ. the affirmative word.)
ausre kism ka_ hona. Disaster, dfat; musibat ;
(quarrel,) aztyah ; jhagra. bad-bakhti. A. bad-bakht.
۷۰-۸ Discern, dekhna ; samaghna.
Difficult, wushhil ; dushwer ; —ment, ak/, (f.) ; hosh, zihn;
sakht, WV. -hona. -y, chdlakt.
mushkildt ; dushwari ; tsh- Discharge (freedom,) &ha/s ;
kdl. Adv. ishkdl-se. (V. -&.) rthd,t. V.-kar-d.
Dig, Rhodna. -up, (eg. (dismissal,) jazeds ; rukh-
plants,) ۸‫ءء‬‎ ۳۸". --ger, sat. V. -d. -ed, barkhdast :;
bel-dér. maazil, (of an account.)
Dignity, adr ; darjah ; tzzat. vasid, (E.). dékhilah.
--nified, shéa-ddr. V. hur- Disclose, hah-dena ; tkrdr-k ;
mat-d. sthir-k.
Diligence, thtimdm ; tandthi; Discount, bafta, dastiri.V.—d.
mthnat. A. mihnatt, V.-k. ; Discourse, 24/5, (f.); waz.
(with adj. ).-Aona. Adv.-se. V.-k&. See ‘ Converse.’
Dinner, 2haéna. ४. —-khdna. Discovery, darydft. V. -A. ;
dining-room, hdne ka dhindhna.
Rkamra. dining-table, ۶ Discretion, 4६४, (f.) ; imttyds.
Ri mez. A. aklmand.

Disdain, Atkdrat. V. hakir- Dispute, Aasiyah , jhagra. V.

jdnna, -ful, maghriir. -k.
Visease, χορ, bimdrt. —-ed, Dissatisfied, md-rdz ,; nd-
root, :‫طز‬‎ khush; khafa. -faction,
Disfavour, wd-2/tifatt. na-khushi ; khafagt.
Disgrace, de-hurmati ; tahkir ; Dissect, chirna ; kdtna.
be-izzati, V. —k. ed, ८८- Dissipate, urd-d.
hurmat ; be-tzzat. —ful, Dissolve (t#tr.) galna. (trans.
nd-shd,tstah ; khardb. galéna.,
Dish, dartan. side-, ۰+ Distance. ८6४677 ; tafdwutl ;
lishonest, dad-dtydnat ; (N. Jasilah. A. dir.
-t.); be-imdn. Distant. See ‘Separate.’
Dismiss. See ‘Discharge.’ Distinction. See ‘ Difference.’
Dismount, ۰ (rank,) martabah ; shin.
Disobedient, sar-kash, munh- a person οἵ--, shén-ddar.
sor. N.-t. V. nahin manna. Distress; fasdi; (taklif;
Disorder, d¢e-tartibi in --, απο, ἀλη. V. ed. ;
darham-barham. saténa, --ed, dzurdah ,; af-
Dispel, Aatd-d. ; bhaga-d. ; surdah ; ghamgin.
urd-d. District, xawdh ; nazaikt
Display. See ‘Show.’ (technical,) σέλα.
Displease, 2d-kiust-k. ; πά- Disturbance, khalal ; ghul,;
pasand-hona.-sure, khafagt, shor; hangédmah, V. -k.
nd-khusht. Ditch, dla; paghdr.
Dispose, of. See ‘Sell.’ also, Ditto, atzan.
‘Arrange.’ --al, tkAtiydr. Dive, dubki madrna, dibna.
-ition, mizdj ; ftabi,at. -er, ghotah-méir.
(arrangement,) <cntizdm ; Diverse, daaze , ka’t-ka’t.—ify,
band-o-bast, --ed (in order,) baazt tarah kdm-k, ; adal-
murattad, badal-k,
* The English ' dis’ is used by servants to mean the Préce de résts-

Divert, ’hush-k.; bahléna. mushtlabah, —less, be shakk ,-

(turn aside,) pher-d. --ion, be-shubhah.
khusht ; tamadsha, Down, downward, xiche; tale,
Divide, 4 ; bdnt-lena. (prep ) ,۶‫م‬‎ -.
--sion, taksim, (f.); hissah ; Dozen, ddrah ; ek-darjan. (E.)
(of family property,) ‫طو‬‎ Drain, (off,) se&hdna. (strain, }
wdra. V. -#. chhinna.
Divine, dizjhna ; 7۶۰‫ء‬۶‎ Draw (load, οὔ picture,)
A. wht. khatuchna, a-ing, nakshah.
Divorce, (falék. ΝΜ. --d. -ing-room, Ad/-kamra.
Do, karna ; ba-jd-lina ; Drawers (body,) jsdnghiya ;
faamil-k. See ‘Deed.’ --er, sul-drdj (E. in some forma-
karne-wila. tion, ) (chest of,) dvd. (E.).
Doctor, (if of English train- Dress. See ‘Clothés.’ -ing-
ing ;), daktar sdhib. (if case, stgdr-din. -glass,
native,) fadid; hakim ; d,inah, table, singdr-mes.
batd. (in learning,) mau- Dream, ۶/۸,46‫ہ‬‎ V. --dekhna.
lavi, (M.) pandit, (H.) Drink (accorving to, its kind,
pee Cure, as ‘pani, shardb, &c. See
Dog, utta ; sag. —cart, fam- page 93). V. pina.
tam. (Not Hindtstani.) Drive, adzkna. --in (a nail,)
Doll, ‎‫م‬77 miarna. -er, gdribdn ;
Don’t, mat karo ; nahin! kochbin. (half E )
Door, darwdzah; khirkt. Drop, (down,) (¢a¢r.) girna ;
outer--, phdfak. out of gir-parna. (let -,) yirdna ;
doors, ὀάλαγ. indoors, gird-d. (as water,) china ;
bhitar. —keeper, darbdn. tapakna. N. katrah. (a
Double, dohAra. V. 0076. very little.) sz7rah-sa.
Doubt, shakk ; shubhah. V. Drown (intr.) dibia ; (WM ? -
-k. and rvakhna. A. séf jana. (trans.) dubiéna.
nahin ; shakk ki bdt. (sub- Drum, dol, ۷. -baydna.
ject to --, or suspicion,) --mer, --Ζγα.

Drunk, mast; matwdla ; Dumb, ράχισα ; chup. ४५,

nashe-men. —ard, matwdla. ‎‫ ای‬hona; chup rahna.
-enness, masti; nashah. -ness, gungd,t.
Dry, Ahushk; ‫لو‬‎ ۰ Dung, gut, (f.), goats -,
sukhdna ; sukhd-r. -\and, mengnt, cow -, gobar,
khushkt. horse--, Zid, (f.), --hill, ۰‫ء‬۸‎
Duck, dat; dattak/:. (brah- During, mex ; ke bich ;Jabtak
mani,) chakwa, chakwi. .-tabtak, See page 4‫ہ‬‎
Due, to be, by various phrases, Dust, gard. A. --a ; alidah.
e.g., miujh-ko das ripiye V. poucnh-d, ; .6‫را‬‎
pana hai, or dle hain, --er, 70.
ham-ko das riipiye dena, Duty, 4d ; 70 wdjtb-o-mund
hoga. my dues, mera sth hat ; wazjtbt kdm. (tax,)
pad,ona ; mera hakk. maksil,
Dull (intellect,) ۸۷۸0-۰ Dwell, rvahna ; bid-o-bash-k. ;
(sad,) afsurdah, (weather,) makdin-k.--ing-house,ghar ;
abri. -ard, kund-sihn makdn ; kothi.
ddmi ; ahmak. Dynasty, kAanddn-shéhi.

Each, far-eh; ‫ائ‬‎ See αἴξ. Ν. dsdnt, salist.
page 40. --other, ۳‫ء‬‎ --ily, dsdnt-se ; ba-khibt.
on --side, donon taraf. East, pavab ; mashrik,
Ear, kén ; gosh. (of corn,) Eat, &hdna. give to -
bdl ; bdlt.--rings,bdla , bdlt. khildna.
Early. See ‘ Dawn.’ Eaves, ०८67.
Earth, mitti; khék (world,) Ebb, (of tide,) ὀλάϊλα. V.
dunya (f.); dlam_ --en, --hona..
mittt Ra, Ebony, ddniis.
Ease, drém; rahat fard- Eclipse, (of sun,) ۶7‫ء‬‎ 8‫ی‬
chat; fursat. at ease, han. (of moon,) chdnd-
ardm meu --sy, dsan; grahan.,
Teg Hl, τό

Edge, (e.g., of knife,) dhdr. Eloquence, faséhat. A. /25/2.

(of cloth, the sea, &c.) Else, (otherwise,) nahin 7०,
hindrah. a stiff - (as in (additional,) aur. e.g., any-
matting), £07. where else. aur kahin.
Edifice, tdrat. what else, aur kya ? who
Education, faa/im, (f.) ; ‫أ‬۶‫ا‬‎ else is there? aurhkaun hai?
biyat, tahstb,(f.)V.taalim-d. Embankment, 26४०१, (f.). ५.
Effect, asar ; natijah. to pro-
duce an --,farna ; kardéna,
Embezzlement, tasarrif ;
anjdm-k ; asar-k, my words khivdnat. V. --k.
produced no effect, mer? Embroidery, chikan-dosi.--ed
bdton se kuchh asar nahin
cloth, got laga hii,a kapra.
tha.--ive, kém ka, kér-gar ; Emerald, samurrad; panna.
7770, Assir. Emeuic, az ki dawa.
Emperor, satsar ; shth-an-
Effects, md/; mdl-o-mata ;
shih ; sultin. The Em-
45268 ,;chizen ; chis sab
press of India, Aaésar-i-
Effort, Zoshish, make an,--f.
Egg, anda ; baizah.’ --cup, Empire, 7 » badshitht y Sa /-
.ddn. -spoon, ande ka fanat,
chammach. eggs and
Employ, &A:dmat men lena ;
bacon, ande bekam (E.). kém-d. (oneself,) mash.
‘Either. See page 46. shit-hona.—er, τ ᾽ν aka;

Eject. See “ Expel.’ munib, —ment, kam ; nau-

Elapse, dit-jdna; gusaryana. hart ; kirbar ; rosgir.
Elbow, κρῖ, baghal. Empty, ἀλάδϊι ΝΟ --#. 5 sab
Elegant, /atif ,suchra, khush- chis nikdlna,--iness, ۸۰
numa. -gance, latdfat. --handed, 2Aa&li-hdth.
Elephant, Adthi ; pil, or fi’. Enable, adad-d ; 776 ὦ,
driver, mahézwat ; pil- Enact, /farmidéna -ment,
ban. --shed, pil-khinah Jarman ; hukm "(ἐπ
India The word is Persian
١ Used in Western and North-Western

Encamp, ¢era-k. ; makdm-k. health, maiz behut tan-

—ment, khaima - gah ; darust hiin.—ment, khushi ;
770۰ anand.
Enclose, ghera lagdna. --ure, Enlargement, darhd,o. ۷۰
by the word appropriate to barhdna ; ὦ. τὸ bara-k.
the use of the place, e.g., Enough, das ; dahut. (suffi-
bigh, a garden. sahn, a cient, ) kdf, N. kifdyat.
court-yard, &c. Enraged, ghusse. V. --2.
Encouragement, d/dsa. ۷۰ Enter, ὀλέίαν, or andar-dna,
--. or jana ; paithna ; ghusni.
End, dkhir ; -khatm. (οὗ eg., (in a book, &c.) “khna ;
ἃ stick,) ok, (f.). ۰ siythah-k. ; mundaraz-k.
(trans.) ba sar lina; —trance, (passage,) duar-
ikhir-k ; khatm-kar-d. wdsah, rth, (f.), act of
from beginning to--, azwzwal entering, dakhd-&. (v.n.).
se akhir tak, to no --, bé- Entertainment, siydfat ; khd-
faiidah. na; bara khdéna. (amuse-
Endeavour. See ‘ Effort.’ ment,) ¢amdsha, the act
Endurance, darddsht; burd- of entertaining, mihmdnt.
bart; sabr, (f.) ४. -&. V. -k. --er, mihmdn-dir ;
(to last,) ab tak hona, or dene-weéla.
rahna. Entire. See ‘All.’
Enemy, dushman. enmity, Environs, gird-nawdh; 70
dushmanti ; addwat. chiron taraf hai; atréf.
Engaged in. See ‘ Employ.’ (pl. of ‘ ¢araf.’)
Engine, ۸۸ (railway,) ۸۰ Envy, asad, (f.). V. --2.
(E.). A. hasida.
England, Jnglistan. A. ang- Epilepsy, 7777/۶
rest. Epistle, chitthi; khatt,; rukah,
Enjoin. See ‘Command.’ Equal, dariébar ; eh-san ;
Enjoy, ahna ; kuchh chiz se mu,fidk. N, bardbari ;
khush hona, I enjoy good mu,dfakat.

Equipage, sdz,; sdman. V. Esteem, asizs-rakhna ; kadr

saz-o-sdman tatyar-k. --X, --timation, hadr. -ed,
Equity, inséf; 70 rast-o- aziz ; pydra,
durust hat, so. A. rast : Et ceetera, waghatran.
dail ; sachha. Europe, wiliyat, --ean,
Era, san ; térikh. (f.). wildyatt, a European,
Erect, sidha ; khara. V. -k. to wiliyati ddmt ; gora.
be -, --Aona, --ion, ۰ Evasion, ¢d/a, tdla-toli.V. -k.
प्रात, ghalati ; khata ; bhi! ; Even. See ‘ Equal. “ना, agar-
chik. N. -k.; bhilna ; chin,
bhiljdna, --roneous, gha- Evening, shdém, (f.) ; sdujh,
lat; nd-durust. at--, --ko.
Escape, dhdgjdna, as v.n. ; Event, 2९४८४, at all events,
jfirdr ; (τοῦ danger,) ba har surat, in the event
bachi,o. V. bhégzina : of, agar ; ts hal men, kih,
(danger,) bachzina ; xe.
chhitna ; ‫ء‬۷٤٤۰‎ Ever, abhi; hargts. what--,
Especial, huss; khdss ; jo kuchh. who-, jo kot.
Adv. ۰ when-, jad ; jab-kih, jis-
Essence, (scent,) 227, (of any wakt. where--, jsahdn-
matter, ) ain; nafs; hkahdu. —more, hameshah,
mahtyat. -tial, sarur. the Every, (one,) Zar ek; sab ho,t.
essentials, saruriydt. (thing.) sab kuchh,; sab,
Estate, milk; wmilkiyat, followed by noun of per-
samin, (f.) with names ac- son or thing spoken of.
cording to kinds ; as samin- _where, harzagah, chéron-
addrt ; ta,alluk ; =muk- taraf.
arrari, ‫تے‬‎ -given for Evident, ‎‫ء‬۶7, maalim ;
support, jdgir, or ‫راے‬‎ sdf. Adv. sihiran, -ce,
gir, ~holder, szaminddr ; shahddat ; gawaht.
ta,alluk-ddr ; =mukarrart- Evil, (n.) 2044 ; sabiunt ;
dir ; jagir-ddr, δα, khardéi
pad A I
‫سک‬‎ kdm;

bura,t, bura kam. (a.) A. khith ; sab se achchha.

kharib; bura; bad; ۸۰‫ء‬‎ Adv. achchhi tarah se.
—doer, jo-karta hat.—heart- Interj. ۸۰۶۵ / khib ! bahut
ed, bad-kho; bad-dil. achchha ! shibash |
—speaker, dad-go.*_ —speak- Exception, mustasna. V.-X. ;
ing, bad-go,t.! chhoy-d. ; jane-d. prep.
Ewer, dftdbah. ke siwa, or stwd-e ; aléwah
Exact, γάλα ; durust,; athchha; is-ke. to take -to, dura
sahih. Adv. thik. V. See 7۰
‘Demand.’ N. durustagt. Exchange. See ‘Change.’
Exaltation, éardé,t; sarfa- Excise, ébkart.
rdést. V.—-k. ; -d. -ed, sar- Exclaim, ahkna; (scream,)
Jards. purérna ; chilléna; baland
Examination, 2tihién, jinch; dws se bolna,; zor-se bolua,
tajwis (f.). V-k.; jénchna ; shor-k. N. bét ; dws, (f.):
dzmdna. to be examined, shor ; shorshér. examine into, Exclude, ὀάλαγ rakhua ‫ا‬‎
tahkikat-k. to pass an-, nahin ane-d. ; mana-kar-d.
—se nthalta hona. N. vokd,o. also, better.
Example, masa/ (f.). tamsil, by Verbs as v. n.
(f.). for-, masalan. Excuse, usr ; mudifi. ४.
Exceed, styddah-k. excess, —(oneself) uzr-k. -(an
styddat; κέφι; jo baki hat. other) mu,éF-k. -ed, mut.
excessive, (and as adv.) -able, dbtl-t-usr. with-
nihdyat. out-, de-uzr.
Excellence, kamd/,; tarsih, Execute. See ‘ Do.’ (by hang-
(f.). V. kémitl-hona, tarjih- ing,) phdust-d. —tioner,
rakhna ; ntkalta-hona ; 7α 70
sab se achchha-hona. Your Exercise, (work,) kém ; mth-
—cy ! husir ; janéb-dli / nat.(using,) éstimal, muhd-

! From the Persian, ‘ guftax,’ ‘to say.’ See also ‘ Guft-o- gu’.

qwarah. (lesson,) sabak. (by Expenses, kharj; kharjah.

walking, &c.) dy the words (cost,) Rimat,; -ive, besh
which mean these. (mili- kimat; kimati; mahnuga.
tary,) azwid,id. to take -, —diture, ۶۶۶۸ ५. kharz-k. ;
hawa khina to- e.g.ऊ a sarf-k.
horse, pheri-k. Experience, cdkifkdri. —ed,
Exhaust, (e.g.a bottle,) ۸۸/۶ wakif ; hoshydr. ४. (e. σα.
۸ (resources,) w7i-d.. bar'- pain,) &Adna : uthéna.
bdd'-d. (one’s strencth,) Expert, chdlik; hoshydr.
thaka-k. and hona. —\vely, N. —2 5 -ὖ
pire taur 50. Explanation, fashrih ))(
Exhibition, #Asrbishan. (E.). baydn (of conduct,) wr ;
V. dthhléna ; dikhli-d. ; safi,t; sawdb, V. ~-d. ;
sahir-kar-d. samphana.
Exist, Zona. -tence, sindagi. Expose. See ‘Show.’
(abstract,) ona as v.n. Express, —ion. See ‘Diction.’
-ing, maujid; hdl. in the ‘Say,’ ἄς. -ly, AAusisan ;
~ing circumstances, 06 tikid-se.
Adlét maujidah. Extend. See ‘Spread,’ ‘ Ex-
Expand, kholua ; phathina.
Extinguish, dazhd-d . butd-d ;
(as a flower,) ۸۸۷۷/۸١:
phiina. N. khuli jagah.
Extract. See ‘Essence.’ (e.g.
Expectation, iniisar, ys
from a book,) muntakhad.
ummed, (f.) ; ummedwart. V. nikdl-lena.
V. A. —tant, also, an
Extravagance, fusiil-kharjt.
—tant, wmmedwiar. A. μι khary.
Expedient, ‎‫ء‬077۲ + manidstb » Extremity, 6/۲/۶۱۰۸ (e.g., of
hiéstm. N. with ‘7o.’ a stick,) ok. (f.). See
Expel, 7۸۲۶/۸۵۸۰ N. third]. ‘Distress.’ -ely, ۶

٦ See ‘bar’ and ‘bad’ in Glossary, Part I.


Eye, dukh,; (f.); chashm. dukh ka kdnta. glass,

-brow, abru, (f.). —ball, chashmah (telescope, bin-
putlt, lash, palak, (f.).-lid, oculars,) drbin. —witness,
papota.—sight, dind,t. —sore, chashm-did'-gawéh.

Fable, issah ; afsinah ; Fair, (n.) mela, hat (a.) gora ;

nakl, (f.) sufed, (as weather,) ۸۸۱/۸۷ ;
Face, munh,; chihrah ; ru. achchha, -to see, k&hiib-
٢. samne-dna : munh surat. —play, vrdst-bdst ;
pherna. to make faces, nek-kam —ly, rastt-se.
777077/: terha-k. -to-, ru- Fairy, azz.
ba-ru. —ing, ke :6‫ء‬‎ Faith, ληιάι. -ful, --ἀάγ. —-ful-
Fact, asl hdl; hakikat. in fact, -ness, ddé7v7. to vut— in,
hakikat men, ttimdd-rakhna. fully, --56.
Factory, ۸/7۸ indigo-, ni/.- -less, be-imdn ; bad-diyd-
Fade, 6۰ nat.
Fail, (as stores,) kam-hona. Fall, (n.) g?7-parna, v.n. (v.)
(in any work,) chiikna. I gir-parna, cause to-, gird-d.
have failed in my attempt, False, jhutha ; . darogh ;
main apni koshish men Jarebi, -hood, jhith. < See
nd-kam-yab? hii,a. —ure, ‘Lie’.
nd-kadm-yabt,? Fame, nam ; nek-ndmt, A.
aint, (a.) de-hosh, (n.) -ὦ namwar ; 70۶
V.—hona. (as, e.g. ink,) Family, &Aduddn ; barddari ;
Ram-numia, —ness, suf; ghar-ke-log. of good-,
nd-tdkatt ; kami-zort.—heart- khindént, the children of
ed, ۵۸2-277 the-, darke-bd/e.

* From the Persian ‘ didan,’ ‘ to see.’

2 From the Persian, ‘ydftan,’ " to obtain.’

Famine, ζαζέ; akdl. band-hii,a ; sakht ; mazbiit.

Fan, pankha, (small,) hdth-, V. band, sakht, or mazbiit.
(for fire,) άμά ἡ (for -۸ N. mazbiilt.
flies,) chauzrt. V. (if large,) Fat, (a) mota; farbih ; (n.)
—khinchna ; ténna. (L.B.) charbt. —ness, motd,t. V.
(if small,) 7ha/na or doldéna. mota-k,
Fancy, ‎۸۶‫ہؤ‬/‫ رز‬.V.lakta .&- ; Fate, kaza, (f.) ; &¢smat. fatal,
atkalna. 0). mutawahhim. katil ; sangharu.
Far, dur ; dur-dardz. thus-, Father, δά , wdélid; pidar.
yahdn tak -ly, pidardna. -in-law,
Fare, (n.) &irdya. (person,) susva ; sosur. (L.B.)
—dir. V. chalna. how are Fault, gundh, (f.); usr;
you faring ? dp ke pds sab taksir, (f.); Rhata, (f.); aid.
katsa chalta hat? -well, -ty, laksir-war. (as work,
Khuda λάβε. to take &c.) thik nahin ; achchha
farewell, rukhsat lena. nahin. —less, be-kusiir. (as
Farm, jot; kdsht; zamin, work, &c.) thik; durust;
(f.) chads; khet; khet- bahut achchha.,
béri. (of revenues,) 7drak ; Favour, (thing granted,)
thika. —er,kisén, &c. See tndm. (mental,) zndyat ;
‘Cultivator.’ —of revenues, 77774۸ (kindness,) mzhr-
mustdjir; drah-dér, thika- bani. to grant a-, zxdm-d. ;
adr. mthrbént-k, to be favour-
Farrier, salotri ; ndl-band. able to.) tvdydt-R. ; ttt-
Farther, aur dge. (in addi- Jat-rakhna. —-able, mihr-
tion,) aldwah ts-ke. -est. ban. a — ite, yar; dost ;
sab se dur ; sab se pichhla. muséhib. ably, mthrbdni
Fast, (n.) #०&4/ V. -rakhna. se; aili-tltifat se.
(a.) “2. mess, Zest. Fear, dar, (f.); khauf dah-
(closed, secure,) ۸۶×4; shat, tars. ۷. darna;

٢ Literally, (may) God (be your) keeper, as in our ‘ good-bye.’


dar-khdna. --ful, (timor- Fence, vhera. V. —lagdéna. ; 4.

ous,) dahshat-ndék. (horri- ‫۔‬‎ Ferry, guzar-ghdt. —man,
ble,) hauf-ndk. -less, be- ghdt-maénji V. par-k.
khauf ; marddna. Fertile, zar-khez. Ν. τῇ
Feast. See ‘ Entertainment.’ Fever, fab; bukhdr. —ish,
Feather, far. —bed, —ka dich- garm. to have-, mujh-ko
hauna, tab hat.
Feature, ‎‫ء‬۰۸۸۶ Few, chand ; thore.
Fee, (of office,)rusiim. (gra- kant.
tuity,) dakhshish.t V. -d. Field, kret ; matddn ; ramnah.
Feeble, am-zor ;, durbal, Fig, anjir. (f.)
σα, Ν. kam-zort ; Fight. See ‘ Battle.’
suf. Figure, (shape,) szak/, (f.);
Feed, (eat,) ۶۸/7". (another,) stirat(t,2,3,&c.) hindasah.
khiléna. File, (tool,) sadn. V. ۸۵۶۵۰‫ء‬۶‎
Feel, (grope,) fafolna. (e.g. (of papers,) math; mis?.
pain)...khdna,; uthdna. (f.).
(for one,) rikkat-rakhna. Fill, dharna; bhar-d.; pira-k.
—ing,(sense of,) Zémisah. (a post,) «whdah-rakhna. ;
fine feelings. khaydlét. Julina kaém-k.
Feign, makr hachhéna. Final, ékhir; adkhirt. -ν,
Fellow, (person,) ddmt ; akhir-ko ; &khir-ul-umr.
shakhs ; kas. a certain-, Find, milna (See page 50);
Juléna. (match,) jora, or pana, -out, daryéft-k. ;
Jort. a fellow (e.g. travel- pichhna.
ler,) kam, added to ap- Kine, (n.) jarimdnah. V.
propriate noun. —ship, —lena. (a.) mthin,; bdrik.
ham-sari ; saphd,t. N. dériki. in fine, alkissah;
Female, mddah. a-, aurat. adkhirask.

This word suffers much in Anglo-Hind. The author has seen it

reduced to ‘boris.’ It isa Persian word, from ‘bakhshtdan,’ ‘to give
a present,’ ‘to reward.’

Finger, wnglt. V. chhiina. Flag, shanda ; nishdn.-stone,

Finish, tamdém-k.; khatm-kh. chatin, (f.). (v.) dhila, or
-ed, famdm hia; kdmil ; sust ho-jana.,
plira , ho-gaya. Flame, shulah ; lau, (f.); V.
Fire, dg. (f.); dtish. ۷. -lagd- shulah uthna (tig.) chamak-
4. —place, dtish-khdnah. na ; lapatna.
τῆν, shab-chirdgh. —wood, Flannel, 74/657, (E.); dhus-
lakyi ; heszim, (f.). -works, sa.
dtish-basi, Flash. See ‘Flame.’ a Yash’
Firm, sakht, maszbiit » kd,tm ; e.g. of lightning, say, e.g.
kardr. V.—-k. —ness, sakhti; the lightning flashes.
mazbitt, -ly, sakht; zor se; Flat, chaptd. N. -d,t. Adv.
mazbut taur se. (plainly,) sarihan.
First, pathla, or, pahda. in the Flattery, £Aush-dmad, (f.). V.
—place, or, time, path/e. —-k.; phusténu. -er, with
Fish, machhii ; mdhi.-mong- Jo.‘ ᾽

er, machhlt-wéla ; machhli- Flea, ‎‫کاو‬

Jarosh»V. machhli-mérna. Flee, dhdgna ; bhdgzdna ;
—er-man, jaliya ; méht-gir. bhaga-jana ; chaljdna ;
—ery, jalkar. firdr-hona.,
Fist, mutthi ; musht. -icuffs, Flesh, gosht, -y, mota ; far-
mukka-mukkt ; mérd-mart. bih.
Fit, (¢2tr.) achchha batthna ; Flight, dage/, (f.); 4 γάτγι.
thik-lagna, (trans.) thik k., Flock, gallah.
or dagéna, or batthdna. (a.) Flog, chébuk* se mdrna.—ing,
thik; durzst. (suitable, )/<, ११. (by the operator,) chdbuk-
Fix, See -*Firm,’ -in the 2627. (as received,) chdbuk
ground, 7۰ ki sasa.

'Vary ‘chabuk,’ which means ‘a wh7zp,’ according to the instrument

used. The cane (‘det’) is generally used. In India, only criminals
are flogged. Domestic and school discipline are unknown.

Floor, samin, (f.). (storey, )ma- pichhe-ane-wala. (adher-

hallah. -cloth, dart ; farsh, ent,) ¢débiddr.
Flour, é/a ; maidah : satti. Folly, de-coukiufi ; ahmaki ;
Flourish, achchhe hil men himikat. A. be-wukif ;
hona; philna. (e.g.astick, ) ahmak,
(۶۰8۶. Fond, σά, ; πιά,δ to be
Flow, (v.) dahna ‫ری‬‎ ۷/676 : -of a person, fydr-h. ;
chalna. ,‫[ط‬-‎ ‫ زن‬۶ ; ۶۰۲۸/۰ asis-rakhna, (of a thing,)
the -0٤٥ the tide, ‫ھ‬۶٢۰‎ pasana-k,
Flower, pAi/ ; gu’. -garden, Fool, ahmak. V. himdkat-h.
phul-wart. -pot, gamlah ; See ‘Folly.’ adv. de-zvwki-
phart, -y. philphiila ; (fig.) fi-se.
rangin. (speech,) gu/jrsh- Foot, Adu. (measure, ) ///.
du. V.-na ; -d, (E.). -man, chob-dir, piyd-
Fly, magas, (f.); makkhi. dah, -—path, pag-dandt.
(cab,) ‘hika-giyt. (v.)(intr.) —step, adam, —stool, moy-
urna; Uursjdna, (trans.) ha ; ishtil. (E.) ; pdo-dén.
wrdua ; urd-d. For, ke wiiste ; ke liye; ko.
lodder, ghits, (f.); chdrah ; (because,) chiivkth. -in-
vasad, ([.) stance,chuninchi; masalan.
Foe. See ‘ Enemy.’ Forbearance, parhes, (f.):
Fog, hohdsa. -gy, dhundla. sabr, (f.). V. -
Fold, (for animals,) derh ; da- Forbid, mana-k. which, may
thin ; or with “۶ kAdnak, ad- God-, ۸:۷:۰ γα kare.
ded to the name of the N. mana.
animal,e.g.surghi-khinah. Force, sor. (oppression,}
(in cloth,) Zak. (of a door, sul, (f.) ; sabar-dastt. ۰
K&e.), palla. two-, ἄς, do- -/. A. 707۶0۱۰۰۶. Adv:
guna. V.lapetna; tah-k. with sor 50, δ ὦ. -ed, (constrain-
~ed hands, hd th-jor-har-ke, ed,) mazbiur. N. maybirt.
Follow, pichhe-dna and jéna. Fore, (adv. )*<ége; agla, sduine;
(a trade), peshah-k. -er, 2 esh,

Fore-fathers, jada + ۳‫ہ‬‎

‫أ‬/۶٥[( Fortnight, chaudah ros; do
-558۰۲ shahddad ki tingli. hafte.
-foot, agla-péuw —head, lortune, (good, or bad,) 47s-
‎‫مز‬+۳7۷7۰. —noon, do pahar mat. (good,) nasib ; tkbdl.
ke age. -g0, chhor-d. ; (bad,) dad kismat , bad-
Jane-a. bakhtt, be-nasibi. (wealth,)
Foreign, pardesht , bideshi , daulat ; mal. A. nek-bakht ;
wiléyatt, —country,pardes; Khush nasib. bhala,; daulat-
wildyat. -er, ‫ہ‬۸7۷‎۲‫و‬édmt. mand. Adv. nasib-se - nek-
Torest, jangal; ban. (as in bakhtt-se. to be —ate, adjs.
‘ sundar-ban.’ ‘the beauti- with ona.
Jul forest, The Soonder- l‘orward, dge. (rude, ) shokh ,
bunds. ) gusttkh. NV. chalin kar-d. :
lorgetfulness, 26४72, (.) ; rawinah kar-ad ; ἄσε bhej-a.
Sardmoshi. V. -k.; bhilna: Foundation, dunydd, (f.)
bhiljina. A. fardémosh- Fountain, chashmah.
gdr. —gotten, fardémosh. Fourth-part, chauthd-i ; pd,o.
Torgiven, τιμάς N. - V. Fowl, chirtya ; (poultry, )
~k, -er, with ‘7o.’ murgh ; murght; (small,)
Fork, ۰ kharchah ; (middle size,)
Form, shaki, (f.); surat. V. nim ; (roast,) 6६८6८,
bandna. (bench,) ursi ‫۔‬‎ Fox, /omrt.
takhtah ; ९ binsh? (ΕΒ. Frame. See ‘Make.’ picture-,
Former, jpeshtar; agla; dhducha. door-, chau-kath,
pahla; sdbik ; -ly, ἄνες if, }. -
agle zamdne meu : peshtar. Fraud. See ‘ Deceive.’
Forsake, chhoy-d. , triég-k. l'ree, khalis, ésdd. N. khalist;
Fort, αλλ, garh. rihi,t &ésddagt. V. chhor-
Forth, dge. and so-, waghat- ad: khalés kar-d. ; jine-d,
rah, to go-, biéhar-jdéna. adv. (eg. with 4 free-
to show-, batld-d. ; sihir-k. hand,) κλάσαι hith se.
2 From the Persian "ἤν αν," * to open.
Freeze, (tatr.) ‫روس‬‎ 7۱۸۷(۶ kry, fayat (E.) —kar-ad.-ing-
(¢rans.) barf men rakhna : pan, fardi-pin (E.)
Jamia. Vuel, dakyt,; hesim, (f.).
Frequent, (a.), 29 aksar hota Fulfil, adé ۸ ἃς, See ‘Accom-
hat. -ly, aksar. (v.) adnd- plish.’
jana ; dmad-o-raft-k, Jrull, pura: bhara ; bhar-
lresh, “ésah; nau, ness, pir. —grown, (of persons,):
hisagt. sivina Adv. pire taur se;
Vriday, Jumah ; shukr-war, lahsilan.
(or —hir.). kun, Ahushi: khel ۰ tamiisha.
lriend, dost; yr. -shin, dost, —ny, hanusne ki ۸۷
-ly, , ۰ (‫ا‬۳۳ ‫م‬4.
[۱۲‫ ماع‬daréua : dar-adtkh-‫‏‬ Furious, dizedénuah ; ghusse ;
‘éna or karna, or kardua. Josh. a passion, atish-«:tr
Vrock, frék, (E.). kurt, xhussah,
—coat, rth 6४777. lurlough, chhuttt ; rukhsat.
Frog, mendak. Furnish, (supply,) pahzz-
Irom, se. as (Persian), ८//र्द-दें, " bhej-a (e.g a
Front. See ' Face,’ ‘ lore.’ room,) sajdéna : stuedr-k.
[पा mezeah » phad. (results,) Furniture, sdéuén +. 45060 5
natijah, —erer, = mewah- mes-chaukt.
Sarosh. ful, phal-dir. Future, (n.a.), éyindah.

Gain, nafe: munifa ‫ںی‬‎ the word for the kind
dah. 3, ~k. (e.g. learning, ) of game, e.g. dtish-bdést,
hitstl-ke : jama-k. games with fire, fireworks,
Gallop, (n.), chhdr-lag. V. (sport,) shikdr. See " Gam-
dauria, ble.’ Also page 88.
Gamble, 7७4 “helna. bler, arden, ۸۵4 ry bd gh ch a h ۰
JUBA, ποῦ, γι),
Game, ۸۸۷۶۰۸ : héct following Garlic, Zahsan.

Garment, (according to its Gilding, //46/. -er, kar. gilt,

name.) .-s, kapre; poshak, +8٤.
(f.). See pages 34, 87 & 95. Gimlet, ۶۰
Garrison, ile ke Jog. Ginger, (green, or preserved,)
Gate, phdtak. -man, dar- adrak. (dry,) south.
ban. Girl, darkt ; chhokyt. (slave, )
Gather, jama-k. (flowers,) bandt + laundt ; ४657. -ish,
77 larki-sa.
Gay, khush; khush-dil. V. Give, dena; ade-d. —up,
hona, N. -t; --ἰ᾿ chhor-a@. -way, hatna, —er,
Gaze, dekhte rahna ; ghiurna. dene-wwitla. See ‘Gift.’
N. nigardnt. Glad, Akush ; khush dil. V.
Gem, jawithir ; Jauhar ; hona, and karna, —ness,
sewar. khusht ۰ dil-khusht. Adv.
‘General, dm. -ly, 2+ khushi -se.
Generation, Ausht. from—to-, Glass, shishah ; gids. (E.),
pusht-ba-pusht. service οἵ, ‫لہ‬/‫ج‬‎ sab.) -9f,
Generous, sakhi; N. sakii- shishe ka,
wat. Globe, Avrah. A. gol,
Gentle, vari: ; gharib. (of Gloomy, dhumla. ‎(‫ا‬. -ἰ,
birth,)κα): ashraf; asil. Glue, saresh. V. =se Jorn.
—-man,~dhala dd. gently, Glutton, disvdr-khor. -y, -ἰ,
adhistan. Cinat, was.
Get. See ‘Acquire. -you Go, pina ; chalna; barhina;
gone, dir! ‫إ‬‎ dur-ho! rith-lena. —against, hist par
Ghost, ὀλίέ See ‘lie.’ jidna, -forward, dge-jdéna,
‘Holy.’ or chalna, οὐ barhina.
Gift, ‘adm; bakhshish, (to a —back, pichhe jdéna, ce.
superior,) γιατ, nasarit- to let-, chhoy-d, -ronnd
nah; salémt. V. -ἰ about, chakkar-karke

MSee *Sab’ in Part [ of this Glossary,


Goat, chhdgul; bakra, (77.) Goods, mal ; 45062 ; chiz sab.

bakri, ))( Goose, ra7-hdus,
God, (Christian and M.) Gospels, the, एप8.
Khuda; Khudd-ta,dla. Government, Aukumat ; sal-
(M.) 47/47. (H.) Tshwar ; tanat , amaldéri.
Parmeshwar ; Bhagwan ; Governor, according to his
Rdém; Radm-Rém, ۹ rank, from fddshéh, to
many more, corresponding ‘sibahdir ; hitkim. —Ge-
to the attributes of God. neral, dara lat sithib.
(as we say, ‘The God of lieutenant-, /é¢ séhib. See
Love,’ ‘The God of Jire,’ page 78.
&c.). Religious figures are Gourd, 4.
called (20४४7... Muhamma- Grace, 774۶۸ to show-, —A.
dans are forbidden to use —ful, sazila.
them. -ly, Avudd-lars. Gracious, mthrbdn ; rahim ;
-liness, ۰ shirin. N. ٤. —ness, mthr-
Gold, sona : sar. A. sone ka ; baat.
sonahla. —smith, sondr. Graft, £a/am. V. lagdna.
Good, achchha: bhala ; khiib ; Grain, ghallah ; andj ; dénah.
nek. -—and bad, ۰ (a little,) sarvah-sa. (f.);
hbura. a —deal, khib-kuchh, thora-sa,
a -while, der tak, a —way Granary, ‎‫ھ‬۰
kuchh dur. —for nothing, Grand, dara, umdah, busurg ;
ni-kdra, kuchh kam ka na- dlishdn. -eur, bardt ; shau-
hin. -for, kim ka, a-many, kat. as applied to rela-
bahut-sa. —morning, sadd- tives: father’s father, dda.
hu-l-khatr. —evening, ۸ mother’s father, πάρα, fa-
ha-khair. N. achhi,t; ther’s mother, 2/77. mo-
bhali,t ; nekt. (kindness,) ther’s mother, ‫ف‬۶۶‎ son’s
mthrbdnt. to do-, achhi,t, son, fota. son’s daughter,
‎‫ ےنت‬ἃ. to make-. «५
See pott, daughter’s son, ۸/۸
‘ Establish.’ daughter’s daughter, 727777

Grape, grapes, 7۰ Gridiron, gril-ddn. (haif E.).

Grasp, pakarna. N. kabzah ; Grief, ghamm ,; afsos ; dukh ;
hath. ۶۲77. A. ghamgin ; dukhit;
Grass, giiis, (f.). (for horses, ) ranjidah ; dsurdah ; udds.
aib-ehis. -hopper, ttdd. v. (¢rans.) besdr-k ; izd-d ;
Grate, ragar-k. ; charchar- +۷۷۸۶۰. (intr.) hona, with
dna, N. ragar. (for fire,) the adjs.
atish-khinah ; shanjhari. Grind, Pisza. —stone, chakki.
Grateful, *Asdnnand. ‫طا‬‎ -7. -ing -slab, 57८.
Gratify, ۸۴۸۷۶۸۰۰۸۰۰ —itude, Groan, karith; &h,; ndlah.
shukr. (expressing grati- V. -k. ; kaharna,
tude,) shukr-gusaért. Grocer, moat.
Grave, (n.) fabr ; gor. -yard, Groom, sd@/s. V. ghora
-istén, (a.) (in mind,) thanda-k. ۰ ghore-ko malna,
fikrmand ۳ udds ; afsur- +۱۴۸ or other appropriate
dah, (as an affair,) sav- phrase.
gin; wasant., Grove, diégh ; top.
Gravel, vora ; vey; kankar. Ground, samin, (f.) the sur-
Gravy, é)-t-gosht ; grevt. (E.). face of the-, ‫مر‬‎ 7‫جہ‬
Gray, sadsak, flea-bitten-, dry-, khushki. wet-, tart ;
magast, (as hair,) ۰‫م‬‎ fard,t. as in ‘camping-
Graze, (772) charna., (trans.) ground,’ &c.,.. gi as last
chardna. one who tends part of word, *haima-géh,
cattle -iny, charwiéha. Exc, (८१०५९, )54262. (origin, )
-ing-ground, parts samin, bunydd, (f.); jar. less, ‫مے‬‎
(f.) ; charié-géh. bunydd » be-sabab. V. (as
Grease, charbi; chiknd,t.V.—d. a boat,) -par lagydna ;
Great, dara, &~c. See ‘Grand.’ thekna : thekjdana. (a case,)
a —deal, dahut; cher. ts bunyad par ars Rarna,
Green, saz. (fresh,) fésah , kth, &¢.
tar-o tiésah. —ness, sabsi; Grow, (t2fr.) phalna ; ugna ;
7٤٦9 dna; dzina, hozdna. (e.g.

in stature,) dara hona ; shebatt.) -ship, hifdzat-

barhna, (trans.) (e.g. vege- amdnat ,; zimmah,
tables, ) bina ; - ropna. Guess, 6795 ; athal. ४. -ἀ-;
grown-up (persons, ) ۰‫ھ‬‎ atkalna. Ὀν-, atkal-se ;
Grumble, kurkurdna ,;garaz- andazi.
na. N. kurkurdhat ; garayj. Guide, 7éh-numa ; agwia. (५.)
Guava, amrid. γάλ batléna ; pahunché-d.
Guarding, (n.) (as sentinel,) Guile, fareb; daghd-biz ;
pahra; nigthbint; pds- hilah ; chélékt. A. farebi ;
‎۸‫ ئ‬7۲۲۱۷۰-۸۸ onewho guards, hila-baz.
pahra-wila; pdya-wdia Guilt, gundh; Rusir. ΔΛ.
nigth-bin ; chauki-dér. to gunih-gér ; mujrim., —less,
be on one’s guard, khabar- be-kustr.
dér hona., Gulp, ghiénut. ४. -se khéna,
Guardian, ‎‫تم‬. (of youth, or pina.
&c.) murabor, (of a minor,) Gum, gond. V. —laga-d. ;
walt.of (property, ) amdnat- dena.
ddr; chauki-ddr. (of a Gun, danduk, (f.) —powder,
Muham, : religious trust,) badrut, shot for -, chharra.
mutawallt, (of a Hindu (cannon,) /०/. at -fire,
ditto, ) shewait, (vulg. top ke wake.

Habit, dastir ; maamil. a ῥά σαί, —less, ganja, kora.
bad-, duri ddat. -ual, 70 -y, mu-e ddr. curling-,
aksar-hota hat. -—ually, sulf, (f.)
aksar; hameshah.—of mind, Half, ddha , nisf, nim. ५.
mizdy ; kho. See ‘ Dress.’ ddhiyéna ; nisfd-nisfi-k. for
Hail, patthar ; ola. V. --αγ- ‘half? in compos.: use
na. interj. mubdrak-béd / ‘adh,’ e.g. ‘adh-bhara,’
Hair, da/ ; chil. —brush, δά. halffull, ‘nim’ is also
ka british (E.). —dresser, used in this sense.
T.. 49. 7

Hall, 44/4. (of audtence,) mushkil se. There is hard-

diwdén-t-dinm. ἦν a man present, am-
Ham. See page 92. tar ek idm héstr hat.-ship.
Hammer, wdrto/l, ΜΝ. —se See ‘ Distress.’ —dy, mas-
marnua. but, sakht ; marddnah.
Hand, Ad¢h ; dast. of watch, Hare, &Aar-gosh.
Ranta ; 37,7. at -, tatyadr : Harm, zarar ; taklif ; tasdt,
muyassar ; murattab ; ke (f.); uuksdn,; stydn. V.-R.,
fds; ke nazdik, - in - —pahunchd-d. -ful, with
hatha-hiétht. —covering ‘70, + musirr. less, ghair-
(gloves,) dast-énah. —ker- musirr , benuksdn.
chief, 7z-md/. --writing, Harness, ‫ جک‬हे‫‏‬ (f.). -room,
hath-likha, —cuffs, hath- -khinah, -stand, ka ghora.
kari.—ful,mutthi-bhar (grip, See page go.
power,) Labzah. (v.) dena ; Harsh, ¢ursh ; khatta ; kar-
de-d. wa. See ‘Cruel.’ ९ Hard.’
Handle, dastah ; kara. (v.) N. turshi ; khaté,t.
hath lagdna,; pakarna ; Harvest, (spring,) γαδί.
chhina. (autumn,) ۸۸۸۶۱۸ (general
Handsome, £Aibsiirat. word,) Jas, (f.)
Hang, (évans.) latkdna ; Hash, (meat,) esh, (E.);
lathd-d. (intr.) latakna. kimah. V. -k.
(execute,) ‫ؤ‬۸‎ ۲۶۰47, -man, Haste, shttéb, or shitdbi ,
jalléd. Jalat, V. -k. -en, —kardna;
Happen, ८674 | hozydna, dna; —karad-d. Advs. See page 54.
pesh hona ; bar-pa hona. -y, (in temper,) ¢und-kho.
Happy, &kush , knush-dil. N. Ν. -ὦ
जरा, -͵Ι V. —hona. Hate, wmafrat; dushmani ;
Harass, saténa ; dtkk-k, (۰ addiwat, V: -rakhna. —ful,
dikk ; tasat. (f.). bura, sablin,; nafrat-
Hard, 54//४. (lit. and fig.) anges.
N. -7. See ‘ Difficult.’ -ly, Have. See page 75. Sect. 3.

Hawk, jurra, (m.). 262, (f.) -less, be-dil; be-rahm. to

Hawker. See ‘ Pedler.’ take-, Aimmat rakhna.
He, wih; wuh, See page 30. Heat, garmi ; tapish ; soztsh.
Head, sav, or sir. (so many (of sun,) dhip; ghdm.
cattle,) ~ds. (of corn,) 06/. (of temper,) garmi + tundt;
-ache, sar ka dard. —long, josh ; dtish. ५. gar k. See
be-tadbir. -—man, sar-dér. ‘ Hot.’ ۱
—quarters, sadr makadm. Heaven, drhisht. (paradise,)
stall, nuktah, —strong, jannat.,
munh-zor. N. munh-zort, Heavy, bhdri; wasant
; girdn.
-y, nasha-dér. to make-, Hedge, (n.) bdrh;. ghera;
sar-k. (to lead,) sardart-k. ; thitah, ۷, -d. ; -lagéna.
sarddr-hona. -hog, dul-dul.
Health, tan-durusti ; bhalé,t ; Heel, e7z.
khairtyat ; mizdj. A. tan- Height. See ‘ High.’
darust; bhala; khair. to Heir, wéris. Pl. -dn.
be in good-, fan-durust Hell, jahannam, (f.). dozakh.
hona. to be in bad-, ‫م۔‬/‎ Help, madad, (f.); tdnat,
durust nahin hona ; bimadr V. -d. -ful, madad-gér.
hona ; kam-zor hona. -less, /dé-chér. by God’s
Heap, (n.) dher ; ambdr. (of help, Ahuda chéthe; da-
people,) guroh; majma ; Jfazli-Khuda, a - mate,
ghol. See ‘Collect.’ madad-gar.
Hear, τρια. (obey,) sunna ; Hemp, san; pdt. —-plant,
mdnna, hearing, (eg. a ganja.
case in Court,) samd,at. Hen, murgAt. —house,
Heart, d/. (central part,) —khénah,
maghz; gtuda; bhitar jo Hence,(time, )£e baad. (place,)
hat. by-, nok zabén se. yahdn se, (cause,) zs diye.
hard -ed, sang-dt/. soft Her, 5-4 ; us-ka. See page
-ed, narm-dil, -y, dil-soz ; 30. herself, See page 30.
dil-garm. -ily, ail-o-7an se. As गम

Here, yahdnu ; is jagah, or Hinge, chil.

ts jagah men. -and there, Hint, (n.), ¢shkdrah. V. -#.
idhar - udhar. —abouts, Hire, (fare in money.) ۰‫ء‬۸۶۶‎
hahin-yahin. —after, dyindah V. -lena, τι, kirdya-dér.
men. —On, Or —at, ts-par ; His, ts-ka ; us-ka. See page 30.
is men, ts-se. yih bdt sun- Hobby, shauk.
kar, or bol-kar. ‫ رعہ ا‬70,۰ wild-,7angl
,75 4४:‫‏‬
Heron, 2६.2४. Hold. See ‘Grasp.’ -(con-
Hesitation, fas-o-pesh; tdla- tain.) reverse the sentence,
toli; dert. (in speech,) say ‘one ser of milk will
hichkich. V. —k. go into this glass,’ 75 ‫من‬‎‫ئے‬
Hidden, chhipé hii,a ; riiposh. men ek ser audh atta hat.
Hide, (¢rans.) chhipana ; [a‘na, to get into a given
riiposh - rakhna. (tntr.) space.] or you may say,
chhipa-hona ; riiposh-hona ‎‫ہر‬: ek ser ka ptydla hat=
(n.) chamra,; khdl, (f.) this is a one ser glass, 2
High, wzcha,; baland, or holds, or can contain, one
buland. N. wnchd,t. —bred, ser. —one’s tongue, chup-
asil, -in price, mahzga ; rahna. to -gcod, rahna ;
gird. -minded, &/t-him- thaharna. -er, ddan. See
mat. -in rank, dlt-shdn. page ۰
—in spirit, 07/67: himmatti. Hole,chhed ; (V. —na.)surak.
in the height of (anything,) (of an animal,) ‫ھر‬‎
ain'-men. —way, γάλ, (f.); Holy, musalli; Khudd-tars.
sayak, ‎))(‫۔‬ —way-man, -iness, fakwa.-day, ταί,
rdhzan. -—way robbery, (religious,) pard, (vulg.,
rahzant. ‘parab,’) - war, sthdd.
Hill, pahkdr ; vinchi zamin. —Ghost, vihu-l-lah.
Him, 8, us; 7-४० us-Ro. Home, ghar ; makdn ; kotht.
See page 30. at-, ghar men. not at-,(lit.)

7 Arabic for ‘the eye.’


ghar men nahin. (fig.). See Host, mihmdn-dar ; ‫یورو‬‎ ‫ضم‬

page 26. to go-, gharjdna. khénah. See ‘Crowd.’
Hone, 5776. Hot, garm. the ~ weather
Honesty, diydnat-déri ; garmt ka mausam.
sachd,t ; rdsti. A. dtydnat- Hound, shkikdrt kutta.
ddr ; sachcha , rast. -ly, by Hour, ghart. See page 67.-ly,
‘se,’ added to the nouns. (i. 6. always,) ghart-ghart.
Honey, shahd.—comb, chhdta. House. See ‘ Home.’ —break-
Honour, (reputation,) 224४; ing, senrdh-chort. —breaker,
(dignity,) shdn ; sar-fardzt. sendhiva. —hold, khanddn.
(reverence,) f2zim. your-, -holder, séhtb-t-khdnah.
huzur. dress of-, ۸۸/۸۸/۰ -keeping, ghar ka tntizdm
V.-tazim-k. ; adab-k. karna ; khanah-dért. ۱
able, mu,azzaz; mutabar. How? 6/۶٥ , kis tarah ; kytin-
Hook, ankri,; kdnta. hitk. kar. —ever, lekin. —long,
(E ). V. -se pakarna. kab-tak. —often, ka,e bdr ;
Hope, ummed, (.). ५. kitne dafah -many, kitne.
-rakhna. -ful, also one -much, ۸7/70. --ἀο you
who is hoping for some- do? mizdj sharif; 42 ζα
thing, —wdér. (expectancy, ) mizdj kaisa hai? however
—wdrt. —less, be-ummed. strong he may be, still, &c.
Horn, sing ; shakh., to draw in agarchih wuh bahut zor-
one’s horns, dum-dabdéna. dwar ho, taubhi, &c.
Horse, ghora ; asp. —back, Human, being, ddim ; 2۷۶۶۰
ghore par sawdr; sawér A. insdént. the -race, tn-
ho-kar, —dung, lid, (f.). sdniyat ; ddmiyat. —mane,
—doctor, sa/otar. —man, rahim ; mihrbin, muléim:
sawdr, —manship, sawédrt. nek-kho.
—race, ghur-daur. Humble, gharib; miskin.
Hospitable, mthmdn-ddr. N. N. -2; ]‫۔‬-‎faro-tant. to be-
-t. —tal, haspatdl, (F.); hona, with theadjs. (¢vans.)
shifa-khinah. nithd-k. : ‫مح‬‎

Humour. See ‫؛‬‎ Moist.’ (wit,) Hunt. (n.) shikér. V. ‫و‬

(४ ; thattha. A. latif ; -sman, -, -ing dog, -ὦ
thathol. -ously, Jatife-se. kutta, -ground, —gdh. A.
good-, khush-hdlt. bad-, shikari.
bad-héli ; ina bad-, mag- Hurry. See ‘ Haste.’
ra ; ghusse. to-, Hdszat-d.; Hurt. See ‘ Harm.’
dena. Husband, &hasam ; shauhar ;
Hump, ۸77 —backed, . mara. See ‘Cultivation.’
kiibra. Hush! chup; chup-raho ;
Hundred, saz, or saz. as a khaémosh / to -up, chhipad-
unit, satkra. 5 per cent. ma. —money, rishwat.
ji satkre, panch ripiye. Husk. (n.) chhilka ; post. V.
Hunger, ۸۸7۸7 (f.). A. -a. ππίάγπηπα.
to be, —Aona. Hut, shomprt.

Ice, ‎‫( وو‬f.); yakh, (f.) If, agar, 79. See ‘page ‫ہ‬۲‎
V. barf men vrakhna. Ignorant, sahil ; aghal ; μά-
—d-water, barf-pant. ddn ; kam-akl. -ce, 7ahilt ;
Idea, khaydl. See page ττο. nd-dini; kam-akli, (f.).
A. -ἃ adv. with ‘se.’
Idiot, pdgal ;ahmak.-ocy,-t. Ill, dimdr. -ness, -2. See
-tic, ahmak ke taur par. ‘Bad.’ -behaved, ὀαά-
Idle, (doing nothing,) de-kdr; suluk, -behaviour, éaa-
be-kém ; drdm-men (lazy,) suluki, —disposition, éad-
sust ; dhila. —ness, dram ; kho ; bad-tabi,at.
fursat; faréghat.(laziness, ) Illegal,t 2Aléf kann. —ity,
sustt, to be-, adjs. with Jo khildéf-kantn hat,
hona. Illumination, raushanti; tan-
Idol, dut. -atry,—parastt. wir, (f.). ४. -R.

3 For many negatives in ‘il,’ ‘un,’ ‘im,’ &c., use the affirmative and
nahin ,; or prefixes ‘de,’ ‘ /a’, ' nd,’ ‘nir, δὲ.

Illustrious, 2zdm-war; ndm- Include, shémil-rakhna. —ed,

ddr; mashhir. in compos: shadmil-kiya ; sath rakha.
Jalil. Income, dmadant ; md-hasal.
Image, putla; putli. (idol,) Incomprehensible, ée-£zyds ;
but. See ۱, ghair-mutasawwar ; 70 7‫ر‬0‎
Imagination, khaydl ; tassaw- shakhs nahin samphe.
wur. V.—-k, -ary, khaydlt. Incorrect, md-durust, .‫تن‬‎
See ۶ Idea.’ See ‘Correct.’
Immediate, masjid ; hdzir ; Increase, (¢vans.) barhdua ;
makhsis. —ly, bil-fel. See siyddah-k, (intr.) barhna ;
246०८ 54. zidddah-h. (n.) I2dfah ;
Immense. See ‘ Grand.’ syadat.
Immoiuest, de-sharm ; be-haya. Indeed, fl-wdke ; hakikat
N. de-sharmi, be-hayé,t. 727۰
Immoral, wd-maakil ; 2077. Independent, mustakil; ‫ج‬۵‎
Impair, ghatd-d. to be-ed, lagé,o; aléhidah; khud-
ghatna ; bigar-jana. sar. περ, adsddt; be-
Impatient, Je-sabr. A. --ἰ. ta,alluki ; khud-sart.
Impel, chalina ; chalid-d. India, Hind. το, Aindit ;
Incapabie, ghatr-kdabil. Hindu. + corn, ۰
Incense, (n.)Z/ddén. (v.) (make Indigo, 2६८. (f.). factory,
angry), ghussa-k. —kotht. -planter, —ka s&ftb.
Inch, zzshz, (E.). Indiviiual, (n.). See ‘ Being,’
Incident, kém; fel; amr; (a.) ۸‫ء‬‎ ; ek-ek. -ly, eh-ba-ek ;
wuku , bat. Jark-fark ho-ke.
Incite, uthdéna ; targhib-d. Indolent. See ‘Idle.’
N. farghi, (f.) Industry. See ‘ liligence.’
Inclination, maz?, (f.) ; ragh- Infamous, sadin; mayiub,;
bat; ६720, (f.); shauk. bara kharadb. N. bad-nimt ;
I am inclined to think, zabint ; khardbt.
nera khaydl yth hat, kth, Infant. “See ‘ Child.’
cre. Infection, sardyat. V. -A.

Infidel, (one not a Muham :) Injunction, Aukm,; kahna,

kéfir. (one not a Hindu,) (v.n.) ४. hukm-d. ; kahna.
malechha. —ity, kufr. Injury, xuksdn ; 27069, (hurt,)
Infirm, (body,) za,if (body zarar, (trivial ditto, zarar-
and other things,) £am-zor; khafif. (serious ditto, )
durbal,;, nd-tdédkat; »ιά- zarar-shadid, or sangin.
fawdn. (of mind,) mun- (wrong,)2é-hakk ; be-inséfi.
kharif. —ity, (of body,) V.—h.; -palunuchd-d.-ious,
zuf, or sof. (of body, &c.,) jis-se (any of the nouns)
kam-zori; na-lawdnut ; nd- dta hat.
mazbitt. (of imind,) 7x- Injustice, Je-znsdft. ; nd-hakk.
‎‫رورت‬ Ink, (black,) γάλι, roshnd,t.
Inflame, ‎‫ر‬8/‫ گ‬‎‫مر‬٠( -am-.k-hsoj (red,) surkh7. -stand, or
tion, josh; soztsh ‫ز‬‎ garmt. pen-and-ink, dawdaét,; a-
Influence, asar ; ¢dsir, (f.). lam-dan.
۷-۸۶ Inn, sard,e, (f.); musdfir-
Inform. See ‘ Tell.’ an —ation khinah,; dék-bangla ; hotel.
in Court, 7۸4/7677, dawa, (E.).
(f.); sual. —er, go,tndah. Innocent, Je-gundh; sdf;
Ingratitude, 2d-thsdnmandt. pak. N. be-gundhi ; safé,t;
Ingress, hitar jane ki rah. paki , pakizagt.
(admission to presence,) Inquiry, puchhaa, (v.n.); tah-
huzir men ana. (v.n.) kikdt; daryaft; taddruk.
Inhabitant, sékin, badshindah; V. the nouns and arna.
rahne-wala, See ‘Live.’ Insane. See‘ Mad.’
Inherit, zedérts-hona. —ance, Insect, Aira ; Rirmn.
mirds, (f.); ¢artkah, or Insensible, Jde-hosh; be-
tarkah, —or, wérts. hawdss. N. -t ; -ἰ,
Inhuman, @e-rahm, &c. See Insert, dékhil-k.; daryz-k.;
‘Cruel.’ mundaray-k. ; 277-7, -ion,
Iniquity, 242, zabint,; burd,t. indird).
A. zabin; bura; khardd. Inside, dhiftar ; andar.

Insight, τυ, hoshydrt. Intention, asd; irdédah ;

Insist, mustirr-h. , zor 56 murédd, (f.); gharaz, (f):
mangna, or chéhna, or matlap. V. -rakhna, or,
kahna. <-ency, d6ér-bar better, with Zona, e.g. mera
mingna, &c. (v.n.). kasd yih hat, kih, &e.
Insolent, gustadkh ; sar-kash. Adv. kasdan ; jan-bijh-ke.
Ν. -ὦ; τὸ Intercourse, tlékah ; sarokdr;
Inspect, aekhna,; muliha- dnajand, (v.n.); dmad-o-
zah-k. -ion, (¢fakatyud ; raft. ΜΝ. kist ke séth-
nazar-anddzt.| —or, muta- rakhna. or, better, with
min , inshpektar-sdhib.(half hona, e.g. mujh-se Us-se
E.). kuchh - nahin hai, ۶ have
Instant, (n.) dahzah ; ek dam. nothing to do with that
See ‘Immediate.’ This in- fellow.’
stant. See page 54. Interest, (of money,) σα.
Instead of, ewwaz men ;ke bade. (with a person, ) kahd-suna;
Instruct, stkhdna ; stkhd-d. , asar. (share,) féssah ;
stkhlana, stkhlaé-d. ; taa- sdjha, (in any matter,)
lim-d. N. taalim, (f.). —or, shauk ,; matl, (f.) V. -rakh-
jo stkhdta hat; stkhak ; na, ail-lagdna. self —ed,
munshi; pandit ; guru. gharaz-mand. seeking one’s
πῖνε, mufid. own-, khud-gharaz.
Instrument, d/ah ; hathtydr. Interpret, samshd-d. See
He was instrumental 77, ‘Yranslate.’
&c., us-ki madad se, χε. Interruption, halal ; atkd,o ;
Intellect, ak/, (f.); hosh ; zihn. rok. V. —-k.; atkd-d.,;
A. 466 ; zahin. rokna.
Intelligence (of mind,) See Interval, (time,) arsah ;
‘Intellect,’ (news.) ‫کی‬‎ (space,) fdsilah.
‘ News.’ Interview. See ‘ Visit.’
From the Persian ‘anddékhtan’ ‘to throw;' a not uncommon
termination. ‘ Anddzi' as adv., means ‘ approximately.’

Into, men; ke bhitar; ke Involuntary, -rily, -ὖε-

andar. tkhtiydr. N. =2.
Intoxication, washah. —ed, Inundation, saz/éb, (m.).
nashe men ;; matwdla. V. Iron, /oha. of-, lohe ka. a
nashe men hona; matwéla smoothing -- zs/77, V. -.
hona., Irregular, &hiléfdastir. N.
Introduce, mulékat-kara-d. ; -7 adv. be-tartibise.
héztr-kar-d ; bhitar, or Irrigate, patdéna.—ion, dbpasht.
husur men, léna. -tion, lrritate, satdéna ; dikk-k. ۰
idkhd/. a letter of -tion, chher-chhar ; aikk. —able,
stfdrish ka khatt. ghussa.
Intrust, swpurd-kar-d. 5; Rist
Island, azirah ; dwip, ur 472.
ke pas rakhna, amdnat
Issue, (v. ‘vans.) sari-kar-d.
men rakhna.
(intr.) nikalna ; ntkal-dna.
Invent, zkd/na, pdna. -ion,
(n.) natizah ; ६7047.
ijda, (f.).
It, yh; wuh; its, ts-ka ;
Inventory, /é/ikah ; fthrist.
us-ka, See page 30.
Investigation. See ‘Inquiry.’
Itch, khdrtsht; ۶‫ط‬‎77 A,
Invisible, ροἡά ὁ, ghatr-
kharishtt. V. khujlina.,
για λοις,
Invitation, nyota. V. --ἀὠκὔχεγρα. Ivory, Adtht-ddut.

Jackal, gidar ; stydl. Jasmine, saman.

Jacket, jdhit, (E.); urtah, Jaw, jabra.
or kurt, Jealous, dad-zann, .‫(ا‬‎ ‫۔؛‬
Jail, 7el-khdnah, (half E.); Jelly, 70/7, (E.)
kaid-khdnah, —-or, Jelar- Jest, ¢hattha. V. -&. -ing,
54,272, (half E.) thatholi, -er, thathol. in-,
Jam, murabba,; jam. (E.). thatholi ke taur se.
Jar, (vessel,) ghara ;jar. (E.). Jesus Christ, Zazrat-isa.
-ring sound, &harkharéhat. Jew, yahid (m.) ; -im, (f.).

Jewel, gahna ; zewar ; jawd- Jug, kulhiya, (f.) ; 2γάϊα ;

hir. -er, jauhari. —box, jag. (E.)
with ...ddn, See page 4. Juice, ras; pant, didh ; arak.
Job, kam ; tahal. Julep, 77/7
Jockey, sawdr ; /4/४, (E.). Jump, (n.) kid; chhaldng,
Jocoseness, thatthe-badst ; (f.); uchhdl ; gast. V. -k. ;
khush-tab,t. 7"
Join, (n.), jor. V. -d.,;jorna ; Junction, &c., See “ Join.’
mild-d. joint, (a.) 8٤ Jurisdiction, (power,) Aukm ;
hii,a. (junction,) Jor. hukimat ; amaldéri ; tkh-
Joke. See ‘Jest.’ tiydr. — (territory,) ali-
Jolly. See ‘Happy.’ a —fel- kah ; tla, ‫مت‬. accord-‫‏‬
low, ydr-bdsh. ing to local divisions. a
Jot, zarrah, (f.) thora-sa ; ‘sub-division’ of territori-‫‏‬
ek dana. al-, mahkamah, -a word‫‏‬
Journal, ~o2z-ndmchah., which | really‫ ‏‬means ‘

Journey, safar, kuch. V. -۸ ἃ tribunal,‫‏‬

day’s—, manzil. Jury (native village,) panch ;
Joy. See ‘Happy.’ panchayat, (in English
Judge, Adkim,; jaj-séhib, courts,) 7४४, (E.). ‘Gen-
(half E.). sadr-dla séhib ; tlemen of the Jury,’ 47‫ء‬‎
munstf sdhib; kdzi sdhtb. dnzurt.
(all these, except the first, Just, ddt/;rdst; sach ; sachcha;
are technical words.) insafi; insdf ka, -ice, insdf;
—ment, (decision,) /fazsa- hakk. —ness, rdstt ; durus-
lah ; fatwa ; hukm ; ‫لا‬‎ ti. (proper, ) mundastb ;
(E). ५. -d. (sense,) aki, wath ; baja. (at this mo-
(f.); hosh; samajgh, (f.) ment,) ad ; ab-tab, -οἰίγ,
(to select,) pasand-k. sdf, or safd,t-k; usr-k. adv.
Judicious, é&i/ ; addatsh- rastt-se.
mand; hoshydr. —ness, Justle, ¢helna; dhakka-d
ddntst ; aki, (f.): hosh. —tling, —thel-pel ,‫(مم‬‎

Keep, vakhna ; apne pas King, (M.) pddshah, or bdd-
rakhna. (back,) bdsz-rakh- shah. (H.), raja; mahd-
na; rokna, atkana. (e.g. raja. -dom. bddshéht.
sheep.) pd/na. He keeps saltanat ; raj. -ly, shéht.
two horses, us ke pads do Kiss, (n.) dosah ; mitht. (v.)
ghore hain. -er, rakhwéal. bosah-d ; chimna. mutual
to -0 doing a thing, use -ing, dosah-bézt.
the stem of the principal Kitchen, Jddéwarchi-khdnah,
verb, followed by ۶7۰ See page 87.
Kernal, maghz ; guda ; bhi- Kite, (bird,) chi/. (toy,) guddt.
tart, Kitten, ۸7/77 ka bachchah.
Kettle, etl, (E.) ; tdbah. Knee, ghutna; sdnu. to
fish-, machhii ki kets. kneel, do-zdnu baithna.
Key, Aungt, chdoi; tél. Knife, chhuri. clasp-, chakku,
bunch ofkeys,—a guchchha. pen-, kalam-tardash.
-hole, --ζα surdkh. Knock, (at a door,) dhad-
Kick, (67. V. -mdrna. --ἰὴρ habdna. See ‘ Blow.’
and cuffine, /ét uk. ‘Strike.’
Kill, mér-délna,; katl-k. Knot, gduth. (fig. e.g. the
khiin-k. (for food,) sabh-2. ; marriage-,) akd.
haldl-k, -ing, Ratl ; khtn- Know, jdnna; pahchénna ;
rest <۶2abh, wdakif-hona,; khabar pana.
Kind, (a.) mthrban ; shaftk. -ledge, dénist ; tlm, (f.);
—ness, mthrbdunt. adv. wakfiyat. -n, maalim, See
mihrbiéni-se. (sort,) kisim, page 59. well-known, mash-
(f.) hur. -ingly, didah-o-
Kindred. See ‘ Relations.’ ddntstah ;? gan-buzsh-ke.

3 From the Persian, ‘ ve&htan,’ ‘to pour out.’

2 Persian; ‘having seen and known ;’ ‘didan,’ ‘ to see.’

Labour, mthnat. (V. -#.) milk , milkiyat. the dry-,
(A. -ὦ ,) thtimdm. daily-, khushki. moist-, tart. by-,
maszaluri ; vroz-gdr, πΥ, khushki. -lord, malik ;
mazdur ; kult, sdhib-i-khdnah. V. (trans.)
Lac, /ékh ; (ah. utarna. (intr.) utarna.
Lace, (embroidery,) gofa ; kindre tak djanu.
gold-, kaldbattin, for boot, Lane, galt ; chhoti rah.
ἄς. -, fitah , dort , sutlt, Language, zaddn, (f.) ; bolt.
Ladder, +۰ the common-, chalut-bolz.
Lady, didi; khdtiun ; begam ; Lantern, /a/fain or /anten
musammat ; sthibah, Eng- (both being attempts at
lish title, ۰ the English word).
Lake, /d/, ¢d/-db, (m.) ; ta/d,o. Large, dara , buzurg ; kaldn.
Lamb, dbheri ka bachchah. —ness, dard,t. —ly, bahut-sa.
Lame, dangra.—ness, langrd,t. —esse, 7۰
Lamentation, d/ah. V. -&. ; Lash, (n.) σαγό. whip-,phind.
rona ; chhdti-pitna. —able, V. chadbuk, &c. se marna.
ghamm-khez." Last, (a.) sab se pichhla ;
Lamp, (English,) λα». (na- adkhir, e.g. -year, guszash-
tive,) chirdgh ; dip ; sird]. tah. V. ab tak rahna, or
-black, kdjal ; kazlt. hona, -ly, &khir-ul-amr.
Lance, dallam; barchhi. —cet, Late, der. —ness, -#. ‘the
nashtar, (f.). ۷. chirna ; late,’ marhim, mutawaffa.
nashtar marna. (former,) agla. -ly, thore
Land, zamin, (f.). —holder, dinon 56.
—dér. -ed property, —ddri ; Laugh, Aamsna. -ter, hansi.

? You must ask for the ‘/ledi sdhibah' (not the ‘ mem-sihibah,’) if
the lady hasthe ttle. See page 24.
3 From the Persian, ‘ &A4ez/dan,' ‘ to rise.’
* Pronounce, according to rule, like the English word ‘lump.

Law, (divine,) (M.) sara, ment expressing a —zrant-

(f.) ; (IH.) dharm-shdstra. ed, parfa, ditto —accepted,
(human, )4,2, (m.); £éniin. kabilyat. V. thika, tjdrah
(custom,) vasm, (f.) ; (or as the kind of lease
kd,idah ; sdbitah. —court, may be) dena. to- eg. a
adélat. (criminal), fawy- house, Aivdye-d, or, lena.
déri, civil, diwdnt.) —ful, lessor of land, mdé/tk.
ja,iz ; hash kénin. —less, lessee, thikdddr,tjdrahdar,;
be-d,in; d,in ke khilaf, ra,iyatl, ‫تہ‬‎ according to
—suit. dawa, (m.) ; nalish ; the kind of lessee. See
suwal ; mukaddamah, Glossary Part I. sud voct-
Lay, rakhna ; rakh-d, laga- bus.
na; lagd-d, Least, sad se chhota. See ‘ At.
Lazy, sust; dhila ; mazhil ; Leather, chamra, —n. —re ka.
Rdhil, -iness, sustt ; mayz- Leave, (n.) 9८24४ ; (-to go,)
Auli ; kahils, rukhsat ; chhuttt. to take-,
Lead, (n.) sisa. -en, sise ka. —lena. without-, de-kahe-
Lead, (v.) Ze-chalna ; lezéna. puchhe. (v.) chhor-d.
ποτ, sar-dér. to —the way, Leech, jonh, (f.)
dge chalna, to —one’s life, Leek, gandana.
gusran-k, Left, (over,) ८६४४. (surplus,)
Leaf, patla ; warak. -of a Jézil ; jo bacha hat. on, or
book, warak. —of a door, to the ἐγ hand, dd,en.
palla. Leg, and its parts. See page
Lean, dudbla ; patla, ~ness, 63۰
dublé,t. V. jhukna, (to an Leisure, fursat ; drém, faré-
opinion, ) #dz/-hona. ghat. at—, —men. —-ly,dhime-
Leap. See ‘Jump.’ dhime ; ahiste-chiste.
Learn, sikina ; parhna, -er, Lemon, emu; lembu. —ade,
shégird. —ed, dlim ; féztl. mitha-pant,
—ng, t/m, (m.) ; 24۵7۸٤۸ Lend, udhdr, or, kare, or
Lease, thika ; drah. docu- mangni-d, -er, with 7०.

Length, /ambd,z; til, (time,) Level, dardbar; samdn. V.

arsah,; muddat. See ‘ At.’ -k, N. 2.
V. lamba-k. Liable, mdkhiiz, but best
Leopard, chita. translated by the Persian
Leprosy, 6027. A. korht. suffix ‘dth,’ or ‘dtht.’ e.g.
Less, kam ; suffix, jawdb-dih, liable to an-
‘be’ before the noun, e.g. swer, responsible ; liable
be-wukiuf, senseless. —en, ‎‫ ہا‬punishment. saza-wér,
kam-kar-d. ; ghaténa. -to sickness, error, &c.
Lesson, sadbak. may be best translated by
Lest, e.g. be quiet, Zest I be ‘ana,’ or ‘aksar dna, e.g.
angry, chup raho, nahin to us-ko sukdm aksar Gta
main, &c. don’t speak, dest hat. or ‘karna, e.g. wuh
he hear, mat bolo, zuriur hameshah ghalatikarta hat.
sunega, and so according Liberal, sakhi , karim , fatz-
to the analysed meaning bakhsh. -minded. karim.
in each use. un-nafs. N. sakhdéwat ,;
Let. See ‘Lease.’ (allow,) Jaiz, (f.). -ly, dil-khol-ke.
dena, following the inflected Liberty. See ‘ Freedom.’
infin. of principal verb. e.g. Library, 2utub-khdnah.
bhitar dne-do, \et him come Lick, chét. V. chétna.
in. or, more formal, 74۰ Lid, dhakna, chapni, sarposh.
d.; hukm-d. ; farmdna. Lie, (tell a,) shuth-kahna ;
Letter, (written,) chitthi; darogh-boina. —ar, darogh-
khatt ; rukah, (alphabet,) , 0." -ying, darogh-go,t.
harf, Pl. hurt. Lie, (down), /etna + sona.
Lettuce, sa/dd, (E.): kéhu. Life, jéx (f.); vith, (f.). (being
Levee, darbar; jamd,at; maz- alive, life-time,) zindagt;
ma; majlis. zindagdni,; haydt. (f.).

* From the Persian, ‘guftan,' ‘to speak." Hence also ‘ guft-o-gu,’

‘conversation ‫٭‬‎ ‘o,indah,’ ‘an informer,’ or ‘spy,’ and many other

-less, dejan; mi,a-hii,a. List, fihrist ; fard, (f.) ; tél

(fig.) de-dil; afsurdah ; hah.
udds. to spend-, gusrdn-k. Listen, £én-lagdna ; sunna.
-long, umr-bhar. Litter, sawdrt; pdlki; dolt.
Lift, wthdna ; uthd-d. (rubbish,) kurkaz.
Light, (not heavy,) alka ; Little, chhota; khurd. a-,
subuk (clear,) séf; rau: thora ; zarrah-sa,; kuchh-
shan ; ujdla. (fig.) kha/fif. kuchh,—better, kuchh
—ness, halkd,t., (clearness, ) achchha. —ness, (quantity, )
safé,t ; raushant ; ujadla. to Ramt, (size,) chhoté,!.
lighten (e.g. a boat,) ad- Live, sina; sindah-hona.
ka-k, -ning, 27४... ۰ -lihood, gusrdén. means
chamakna, vo light, ja/d-d. of -lihcod, roi; rozgér ,
Like, (a.) dardbar ; samén ; guszrdn. (to dwell,) sahna ;
ek kism ka; kt manind ; bid -o-bash-k.,
ke mu,adfik. τὸ be - Liver, (organ of body,) 7zgar .
another thing, 4 75-5९ haleja. (person _ living,)
milta Aat. See Glossary, with ‘70.’
Part. ‘Sal’ V. chahna ; Lizard, ۴۲/۷۸۶۰: chhipkals.
pasana-k, ; (be tond of,) Load, (n.), dojha ; bharit ;
pyadr-k. ۰‫ا‬-‎ aghlab. —ness, khep, (f.).(v. trans.) didna .
mu,adtakat ; sarikha, bharna, ‫ا‬٢.‎ intr.) ladna.
Lime, chana. —kiln, -e¢ δὲ ladened, éhara hia.
bhatthi. Loaf, e& roft.
Limit. See Joundary.’, Lock, ‫طر‬‎ V. —laga-d. ;
‘Fence.’ ~se bana-k.
Line, salar. -ing, astar. long, /amba,; dards; til-
Linen, katén-kapra. fawi/. See‘ Length.’ -ago,
Lion, sher-babar ; singh. bakut dinon se; agle +۶
Lip, αὐ. ‎‫رر‬۳ ‫ برء‬elohweht mdmat,-yad
Liquor, shardé, (f.)..See page 34. din. din bhar. as-as, jab-
3 From the Persian, ‘ ,۷0۸‫ئ‬۸‎ ‘to be.’
tak, followed by ‘ tad-tak.’ (in trade,) ghati. to be at
See page 304. to —for, a loss. jpavreshdn-hona,
λάλημα, raghbat, or khwé- shakk men hona.
hish-rakhna. Lot. See ‘Fortune.’ (die,)
Look, (n.) zazar, (f.); nigéh, kurah, to cast lots, kurah
(f.). (v.) dekAna, -this way, ‎‫ئ‬2
tdkna., (to keep an eye on,) Loud, loudly, daland 6०९६2
nazar, or nigah rakhna. to 56. to call-, pukdrna.
πους for, intizdr-k. (to con- Love, pydr, (f.) ; maz, (£.) ;
sider,) ghaur-k. he looks ydri. (animal) -, “sk.
(well, &c.), (achchha, &c.) V. pyadr-k. ; aziz rakhna.
maalim hota hat. his —fell ‎‫با‬ hiubsirat. -liness,
on me, ws-kt nazar mujh- khibsirati. -ed, pydra;
par part. -out, khabar-dér mahbub,
hona. —ing-glass, d,inah.* Louse, zz.
Loose, &hula. (slack,) dhila. Low, nicha. (mean,) kaminah,
V. kholna; khol-d. to also as noun, a mean per-
come-, khuljdna. ἴο son. (as voice,) dada. to-,
break-, chhitzjdana ; chhiit- bambana.*tolower, niche-k. ;
he bhdgydana. dabd-d. —liness. gharibi ;
Lord, séhib ; malik; khudd- Jaro-tant.
wand ; khéwind ; Austr. Luggage. See ‘ Goods.’
to — it over one, zulm-k.; Lumbago, kamar kha dard.
zabar-dasti-k. Lump, ۳۳۰
Lose, khona; gum-k. gene- Lunch, ¢iffin. See Glossary,
rally the passive form is Part I.
used, viz. gum-hojdna., Luxury, atydshi + khushi. A.
(e.g. a bet,) hérna ; hard-d. atyash,
loss, nuksdn ; siydn,; 207۰۰ Lying, (n.) 7hith-miith.

? Accent on first syllable.

2 In India the cattle are very silent.
T., 4. ι8ὃ

Mace, (staff,) chob; sonta. thattha-mérna, -away with,
—bearer, chob-dér. (spice,) urd-d.; bar-bdd-k. —haste,
basbasah ; masdlah. Jaldi-k, (n.) (shape,) 5‫ء‬‎
Machine, ad. (f.); dandwat. -er, τάς, or
Mad, diwdnah, padgal; pagla. ۸۶4۶۶ &c. as last part in
—man, pégal ddmi. —-house, compos.
pdgal-khénah., —ness, diwd- Male, ۶
nagi ; be-hosht, -ly, diwd- Malice, Ainah ; bad-khot. A.
nah-sa, —den, diwdnah-k. kinawédr ; bad-khwéh.
(fig.) ghusse-k.; ‫رم‬‎ ‫(طر‬ Man, ard; ddmi; insdn ;
bad dimagh-k. shakhs ; kas. (at games,)
Magistrate, Adkim; mayts- nard. —-kind, ddmiyat
tret séhib, insdntyat ; bani-ddam.3
Maid, dékirah ; ku,drt. -ser- -hood, jawéuti ; mardt,
vant, dydh ; béndi ; laundt, —liness, marddnagt. A,
Mail, dah; tappal. See page 98. mardinah. --ἰγ, marda-sa ;
Maintain. See ‘Assert, ‘Live.’ marddnah, —eating, mar-
(rear,) pdlna ; parwast-k, dum-khor4
N. parwarish; 7०४४ , Management, intizédm, band-
khirdki ; khdna-pina. o-bast, (m.); sar-ba-réht.
Make, dandéna ; band-d. ; kar- V. -karna.,; kist taur se
na ; ‘I made him come to karna, —er, sarbarth-kar ;
me,’ wsko mere pas dne par kdr-parddz; manejar, (E.).
main-ne majbur kiya. e.g. Mange. See ‘ Itch.’
—profit, Adsil-k, ; kdm-dna ; Mango, dm. -tree, --σάελλ.
-progress, da-sir-k. —sport, —fish, fapst-machhii,

3 From the Persian, ‘ sékh¢an,’ to ‘ make,’

2 This of course is from ‘ £arna.’
® ‘Sons of Adam;’ he being common to Muham: and Christians,
4 (7: the Persian, ‘£Aurdan,’ ‘ to eat.’

- Manifest, (a.) zéhir ; maalim ; hat ; chauk. -rate, nirkh ;

saf. V.—k. ; kar-dikhldna, bhd,o.
-o, Marriage, +۶427, ἐγάλ; nikéh.
izhdr-ndmah ; surat-
hdl. -ly, 728۰ V. -&. ‫یہ‬٤٥,‎ (m.) ὀγάλα,
Manner, ‘aur; tarah, (f.) ; (f.) ὀγάλι.
tarikah. See ‘Custom,’ in Marsh, Ail, (f.) ; gtl-dd, (f.),
this, (that) manner, 5, -y, tar ; martud.
(us) tarah. in what manner, Martingale, zer-dand.
kis-tarah,; kytnkar. -ly, Mason, ‎‫ ; ترک‬rdj-mistri. -ry,
susil. good -s, ६440 , raj ka kam.
akhlék. Mass. See ‘ Lump.’
Manufacture,dast-Réri. -tory, Master, mdlik, &c. See
har-khénah. 27
Many, dahut ; dher; bahutere ; Mat, chata,i; darma. (Δ.
bahut-se. -πὰ, bahut-ek. —lagd-d.) ; for sleeping on,
—times, aksar; bédr-bédr. sital-patit. -maker, or sel-
Map, zakshah. V. —khainch- ler, chatd,t-wdla.
na ; —tatydr-k. Match, (n.) jora ; sdéni.* V.
Marble, sang marmar. jorna ; bardbar-k , mild-d.
March, (n.) Ruch. V. -#. —€s, dia-sald,t; mechis? (E.)
Mare, mddiydn ; ghort. —less, ἐά- γι.
Margin. See ‘ Edge.’ Materials. See " Apparatus.’
Mark, 4427 ; nishdn. (trace,) Matter, mdddah; jism3
asar; aldmat,; surdégh; (affair,) kdm ; bat; mu,d-
pata. V. to make a-, -d. malah. no—, kuchh parwéh
to find -- of, —dekhna ; nahin; kuchh muzd,ikah
—pdana. nahin. what’s the-, kya
Market, (n.) ddzdr, (५. -k. ;) hii,a? kya hai?

2 Persian ‘ second,’ or ‘a second.’ 3 This word means ‘ lamp-chips,’

8 The Author knows no word really in common use for ‘ matter’ in
the abstract.

Mattress, toshak, (f.). Medal, medal, (E.).tamghah.

Mature, 6۶۸۸ ; faiydr. Medicine, dawa, (f.); ddru.
Maund, man. See page 70. Meditation, ¢a,ammul, (m.) ;
May. See page ۰ Jikr, ))( ; soch ; andeshah.,
Me. See page 29. -tive, muta,ammil ; muta-
Meadow, maiddn ; ramnah ; fakkir ; fikrmand; soch
khuli jagah. men.
Meal, (flour,) dfa ; matdah ; Meet, ‘v.) mtl/na. See page
sattu. (food,) ٠ 50. (assemble, ) zama-hona.
Mean, /4/४ ; kaminah. —ness, (as clothes.) thik-hona, or
kantinagt. baithna, (a.). See ‘ Suit-
Meaning, mani; matlab ; able.’ a — ing, (of friends,)
mazmun, ٤٢ mean, with muladkdt ; bhent. V. —k. ;
hona, e.g., what does this bhentna. See * Assembly.’
mean? is-ke mani, &c. Melon, &harbiizar.
kya hain ? Melt, (¢n¢r.) galna ; ٢٣/7۸٥.
Means. See‘ Wealth. (agency), (trans.) galina ; gald-d.
wasilah ; tadbir, (f.). by Member, (of the body,) azo ,
no-, hargiz nahin. by juz. (of a meeting,) séhib-
some — or other, kuchh- t-majlis ; membar, (E.).
tarah se; kist taur se. Memory. ydd, (f.) ; (74, (f.)
Meanwhile, meantime, in -andum, ydd-ddsht.—book,
the, 7s men; itne men ; baydz, (f.). -rial, ydd-gar.
darmiydn ts-ke. Mending, marammat; rafa.
Measles, pan-gott. V.-&, -in health, d/a/a or
Measure, (of a thing,) γιά, achchha hona.
ndp, (f.). -ing of land, Mental, aid ; dil ka. —arith-
paimi,ish ; jarib. ४. -k. ; metic, 204707 hisdb;zabdnt
mdpna. See page 70. jJokha. --ἰγ, ba-dil ; dil se.
Meat, (butcher’s,) ۶۶۸۸ See Mention, 7۸۶ (m.) ५. -#&.
page gt. 2४०४८. (generally,) Merchant, saudégar ; mahd-
khdna pina ; khurdk, (f.). jan ,; baniyd, (travelling,)

baipdri; bakas-wdla, (half Might, (v.) sakna. page 22.

E.). -dize, sauda,; πιά; (n.) See ‘ Power.’
jins, (f.); ८४2, (£). See Mild, ‎‫نمأی‬ mran ; -mran
‘Trade,’ dil. Ν. --ἰ.
Mercy, vahm, (f.) ; mthrbdnt. Mile, 7, ddha-kos.
A. rahim ; mthrbdén. —fully Military, the, ashkar. A. -t.
with se. —iless, de-rahm. Milk, “μάλ. A -ka. V. doh-
—ilessness, Je-rahmt. na. -man, go,é/a. -woman,
Merely, fakat ; sirf,; khdlt, 80, alin,
Merit, £adar, (f.); diydékat. Mill, chakki; dsya. oil-,
-torious, kadar ka. ; khitb ; ‎‫مزا‬ -stone, chakkt;
achchha ; wédjtb-t-rt, dyat. sang-l-dsya.
the merits of any matter, Millet, δάζαγα.
bhalebure; aslhdl; waktdt. Million, das /ékh. ten mil-
Merry. See ‘ Happy.’ lions, ۸۶۰
Message, khabar, (f.); δάέ; Mince, minsh ; (E.). kimah,
patghém, V.—-d. or bhejna. ۷-۸
-—enger, chaprast ; piyddah, Mind, (n.) αὐ], (f.); ۸۶/۸ ;
pi,an.* (divine,) patgham- athn ; rth, (f.) V. ydd-k. ;
bar.? lihdz-k. ; ghaur-k, to put
Messiah, JAZasiha. in -, ydd dildéna.
Metal, dhdé/, or cdhétu.3 Minister, (of state,) diwdn ;
Mid, ‎‫ئ‬4/ ; nim. —day, nimroz ; wazir. (of church,) ‫رک‬‎‫وجؤ‬
do-pahar; suhr. —night, sdéhib. See pages 52 and 77.
ddht-rdt ; do-pahar-rdt. Minor, (n.) 2d-bdligh. (a.)
Middle, dich ; mtydén. in the khurd ; chhota ; kam, -ity,
—bich men ; bichon-bich ; kam-umrt, (f.) ; kam-stnt.
dar-miyan. Minute, (n.) ‫ء‬‎ minat, (E.).
Midwife, dé,7. (a.) See ‘Small.’

τ Not Hindustani ; probably Portuguese generally written ‘ peon,’

9 Applied especially to Muhammad.
* Not often heard, as you generally name the metal,

Mirror, d,inah ; darpan. (intr.) nahin lagzdana, (n.)

Mirth. See ‘ Joy.’ chik ; khata,
Mishbehaviour, bad-salihkt. Mist, Auhdsah. -y, 7۰.
(v. --ὦ.) bad chalant. V - Misunderstand, use nahin
hona. with ۶ Understand.’
Miscarry, (fail,) dzzar-jdna. Mix, 7777476 ; mtlé-d. N.mild,o.
(as a letter,) gum-ho-jdna ; Moan. See ‘Groan.’
khozdna. Mode. See ‘ Manner.’
Miscellaneous, har kism ka ; Model, xakshah. (v. -#.)
mutafarrik. (pattern,) zaminah.
Mischief, δαάί, nuksdén. to Modesty, sharm, (f.); Aaya,
make -, digdérua ; bigdr-d. (f.); A. sharmandah ;
Misdeed, dad-fel ; bad-kdm. lajila. --ἰγ, sharm se
Miser, dakhi/. —liness, bukhi, Moist, chinga ; tar, sila ; gila.
(m.). —ly, dukhl-se. V.-k; bhingd-d. ; stléna.
Misery, stllat; bad-hdli ; Molasses, gur.
be-chdragi; tangt. —able, Mole, (animal,) 2or-miish.
σα, bad-bakht,; be-na- Moment. See ‘Instant.’ a
sib, matter of--, zariuri kdém.
Misfortune, dad-bakhti ; must- Monarch. See ‘ King.’
bat ; tabéhi. Monday, Sombdr ; pir ka roz;
Mislead, dhathéna; γάΖ- do shambah, See page 66.
bhuldéna. Money, fazse ; ri/piye. a sum
Mismanagement, ‫نم‬‎2777. of-, mablagh ; zar, (m.)
zami. V. -‫۔‬ ready-, 77۷7 riipiye. —bag,
Misplace, be-tartib-rakhna ; lora ; thatlt. -changer,
kist dusrijagah men rakhna. sarradf. -lender, mahdjan.
Miss, mis séhibah, (half E.) ; —less, tthi-dast; khali-hath.
begam ,* sdhib-zddt. Mongoose, 77:04/
Miss, (v.) chikna ; chhorna ; Monkey, dandar.
2 ६ Khiurshidi begam, (See page (‫×ھہھ‬‎ may be translated * Miss Sun-

beam.’ Khirshid is a Persian word meaning the ‘ Sun.’


Month, makinah ; mah.-ly, -on, chalna; chaldé-zjdna ;

or, - by—, mah-ba-maéh. —ly dge-barhdna. -off, chal-d.
pay, #dhiydna,; dar-méhah, -ing, vawdn; chalta ;
Moon, chdénd; mé&h. See harakat men. as last word
‘Eclipse,’ —light, chéndnt. in Compos.:... 42825, 6.5.
a-light night, chéndni rat ; rikkat-angez, compassion-
shab-t-madh, -—beam, 47‫ء‬‎ stirring.
At jot. Mount. See ‘ Ascend.’
More, aur; aur kuchh; Mourning, ghamm.V.-k. -ful,
styddah. the more ... the —gin. —fully. —se.
more, jyon-/you tyon- Mouse, chitha ; mush.— trap,
tyon. the more ... the less, -4 479.
same phrase, with ‘ zahin’ Mouth, १7787. to make a-,
in the co-relative clause. munh terha-k. — ful, a,
Mosque, maszid, (f.) lukmah, - of 28 river,
Mosquito, machchhar. -cur- 7.
tains, masahrt. Much, Jdahut; bahutera.
Most, deshtar , sab se siyddah., too-,ziyvddah. See page ۱١4+
Adv. beshtar ; sab se aksar. so-so, that, &c., 7s mar-
Mother, ma; mddar ; wéalt- tabe ko, kih, & ce.
dah, step+, sauteli ma. Mud, ichar, (f.) ; gil, (f.).
a-—who has had a son, Δάσο. — dy, matla; bahut
larkori. —less, be-madar, kichar hai.— wall, mitti ki di-
—ly, mak Sa. —tongue, war, (f.); kachchi-diwar, (f.)
watant' sabdn, (f.). Mug, mag. (E.)
Motion, arakat. Mulberry, 4
Motive, subab ; ; mat- Multiply. See ‘ Increase.’
lab ; gharaz, (f.) (arithmetic), ۰‫ھ‬‎
Move, )٥/۶,( Adina : dolna. Multitude, gzvroh, (m.); 7:۶۰
(¢rans.) hildna ; dolina, vat; ghol, (m.) ; guhdr, (f.)

3 ]‫]إ‬ ‫ ںام‬means one’s fatherland.


Murder, ἀλη. wilful-, fat?

Musket, dandith, (f.).
amd. (homicide), €६7//-४- Muslin, sadl-ma?.
insin, V.-k.; mdr-délna, Must. See page τὅ.
—er, khint,; kétil. -ous, Mustache, mzichh, (f.).
Rhtin-rez. —ed, maktil. Musalman, musalmdn ; mus-
Muse,(v). sochna; andeshah-k. lim. Fi. muslimin. fem.
Mushroom, musharim, (E.) ; musalmdnt. their religion,
chhdta ; dhartt. islam.
Music, musikt. —cian, mutrib, Mutiny, Jalwa ; baghdwat.
ποδὶ, shirigz. -cal_ instru- V. - ἃ.
ment, ddd. (with very Mutton, dheri ka gosht.
many names for various My, mera. See page 30.
kinds.) Sect. 6.
Musk, mushk. -—cat, mushk- Mystery, ~éz, (m.); dhed. A.
billt, नाग, chha-chindar. rds ka.
Nail, preg.-V. -d. + lagdéna. Native, (a.) mu/k ka, (n.) sd-
(of man or beast,) 77. hin ; bashandah, —country,
Naked, /anga, or nanga. N. qwatan ,; des. —ity, Janant ;
nangd,t. paidd,ish. natal, anam ka.
Name, wdm,; ism. V. -d. Natural, Jda-ddat; tabi-t,
-less, gum-ndm,; ‫و‬‎ nature (disposition.) ddat ;
maalim, —sake, ham-ndm. tabiat , mizdj ; Rho.
Napkin, ath ka tauliyah , Near, (prep.) ke pds , ke naz-
ru-mae. dik ; ke yahan ; kane. (a.)
Narrow, (tight,) sakra , tang. nazdik, (६77९, pas ; yahan.
(not broad,) kam-arz. -ly, arib-karib, —-ness,
—ness, sakrd,t + kam-arazi. nasdikt. —(in blood), ὁλά͵,{-
Nation, mu/k ; mulk ke log. banat; barddart.

2 The European conception of a ‘nation’ does not, and never can,

exist in India.

Neat, suthra. N. suthrd,t. wuh,; na digar;

Necessaries. See ‘Apparatus. ᾽
ko,t nahin ; donon nahin.
—ary, zsarur; lazim; Nephew, (brether’s son,)ὀλα-
chdhiye. See page 20. tija. (sister’s son,) bAdnza.
(privy,) /-९ zarirat, —ity, Nerve, vag, (f.); as, (f.).
zarirat, -arily, zarur; Nest, ghousla ; dshtydna.
zaruratan. -itous, muhtdy ; Net, jdla ; jal.
gharib ; tang hdl. Never, abhi nahin.-theless.
Neck, gardan, (f.); gala; tau-bhi ,; td-ham.
‎‫ر‬۸۷ ~-cloth, gulu-band. New, zau,naya.(fresh, )/ézah,
—lace, ۰ —ness, fdzagt. -year, nau
Need, (v.) chdéhna ; mujh-ko sal, -Year’s Day, nau roz.
zarur hat, (n.) zarurat. News,khadbar, (f.) dat. good-,
—ful, zarur, dar-kdr. —y, khush-khabari ;achchhi bat.
gharib ; tang hdl. bad-, bad-khabadr ; khardb
Needle, (large,) sz,a. (com- bdt.—paper, akhbdr, khabar
mon,) ‫ہار‬‎ ‫ ار‬darzan, eye ka kadghaz.—writer, khabar-
0٤+, μάζα. -case, si,t-ddn. _ navis. without-,de-khadbar.
-work, sildét; «ὦ ka Next, 7० pichhe hat ; disra,
hdém. -time, diusre wakt —year,
Neglect, (n.) de-khabardéri. dyandah-sal.
(carelessness,) ghaflat. Nice. See ‘Neat.’
V. -k.; bhitlna, nahin kar- Niche, /4/, (f.)
na; (a.) ghéfil; kéhil ;maj- Niece, (brother’s daughter, )
hil. (with kona, these make bhatijt. (sister's daughter,)
verbs.) fully, ghaffat se. bhanjt.
Negro, habshi. Night, 7d, shad, (f.). to-,
Neighbour, farosi; ham- dj γάξ ko. by-, γάξ ko.
sdyah. -hood, nawéh ; naz- last-, kal rét ko. a moon-
dikt; jagah,; paros. -Ἰγ, light-, chdndni rdt. -and
ham-sdyah ; barddardna. day, shab-o-roz; rét-din.
Neither...nor, ma —dress, γάξ ha hapra.

Nightingale, shémah, Not. See ‘No.’

Nip, 70/6۰ Notification, ishtthér ;mand-
No, nahin ; néhi ; na. -one, at. V.-jdri-k.
ko,t nahin. nothing, kuchh Notion, Ayal ;° gumdn. to
nahin. -where,kahin nahin. have a—. -/.
Noble, sharif; asil; najid. Nourish, pd/na ; parwarisk
—man, mir; amir, &c. (ac- or parwasti .‫طط‬‎ or d.
cording to the title en- Now, 4८, ts -wakt ; bil—fel ,-
joyed.) —bility, shardéfat ; hdlan, -a days, d7-kal.
najdbat. the -bility, arkdn- Number, by the numeral
t-daulat. (See page 52); applicable. The English
umara, (Pl. of amir.). of word ‘xzambar’ is in com-
—birth, xazib-zdédah. mon use; the natives not
Nobody, 40,7 nahin. a-, nd- having our idiom. Thus, for
kas ; nd-chiz. ‘number 8, they say ‘the
Noise, shor; dwdz, (f.); 8th.’ Also, ‘there wasa
ghul. to make a -, --ὦ. great umber of people
None, (person,) 40,2 nahin. present’ dahut log 7‫ء‬‎
(things,) kuchh nahin. the. See ‘Count.’
Nonsense, lehiidah bat, ydwah, Numerous. -See ۶ Many.’
Noon, do pahar. (See page Nurse, (native,) éyé,* (Eng-
67.) ; do pahar din ; suhr. lish,) #455.? (E.) wet-,
Noose, phdust. V. phdusna. 7
Nor. See ‘ Neither.’ Nut, 7۶:2: wal-, akhrot.
North, wftar , shamal. Nutmeg, 7d4-e-pha/.
Nose, 7d, (f.) Nutriment, ghisa; ghizd, tyat.

2 Probably Portuguese, 9 That is, ‘ nurse.’


Oar, dénd. Obstruct, vokna ; atak-kar-d. ;
Oath, kasam ; halaf. to take thek-k -ion, rok; rukd,o 7
an-, —khéna. atak. his road is -ed,
Obey, mdnna; sunna, —dient, γίλ γάλ band hat..
hukm-barddr; tdbidar. Obtain. See ‘ Acquire.’
dience, -2 ; -2. Obtuse. See ‘ Stupid.’
Object, (thing,) chéz, (f.) Obvious, sé/; zéhir,; maalim.
(aim.) See ‘ Intention.’ any Adv. séf,; 2 ۰
object of pursuit, &c, Occasion, (time,) wa kt.
matma-t-nazar. (cause,) sabab ; wazh, (f.)
Object, (v.) 2d-manziir or nda- (opportunity,) wake ; mau-
pasana-k, ; itirds-k.N .7777 ka. (need,) kam ; zarurat.,
Obliged, (compelled,) ‫ہہہہر۔‬‎ Vio" See * Catise” —ally,
bir. N.-i.V.-2. (favoured) habhi-kabhi.
mamniin. (v.). mihrbdanr-k, Occupation, kém ; dhandha ;
(n.) mihrbant , minnat. peshah, -pied,(busy, )mash-
under —gation, minnat-dér, ghil. V. hona; fursat
(n.a.).-ing, mihrbdn ; nek- nahin hat.—pier, dakhl-kar;
kho. kdbiz. V. (e.g., a house,)
Observation,(noticing, )/hdz; aakhl-k. ; dakhil-kdr, or
ghaur ;nazar-anddzi.V.-k.; kadbiz-hona ; kirdya-ddr
dekhna, -er, dekhnewdla ; hona.
nigtéh-bdéz See ‘Word.’ Occur, ona; bar-pd-hona ;
Obstinate, sar-kash, gardan- ittifak-hona ; dna ; d-jdna;
kash; sakht; maghriir. pesh-dna, -rence, wuku' ;
N. sar-kashi. V. —k. Sel, kam.
2 The real pronunciation of this difficult word is that of a short,
closed Italian “ὁ ! in the first syilable ; very near the ‘o,’ in “ ora-
tion,’ ' oku.’ In Hindustani ‘6,’ (6, ? “ν, ? and ‘w’ are written with
one and the same character. Short ‘os’ do occur in Hindustani, and
also short "6 5; whatever the Grammarians may say. Thus you will
often hear mdharrir, Méhammad ; méhtar, méehrbin, &c., &c., and
these sounds cannot be said to be wrong. See page 47, Note ii.

Ocean, samundar, sdgar,; sweeper, Some of these

kdla pant, (.) are as follow :—Chief sub-
Odour, khush-bu, (f.). Adj. ordinate, sar-rishta-dar.
7٤, reader, pesh-kdr. Writer,
Of, See pages 5 and 73. of (native,) muharrir ; (Eng-
himself, dp-se,; khud ; khud- lish,) Azrduni; translator,
ba-khud. mutarjine, Record-keep-
Off, (distant,) dur, to go-, er, muhdfiz. (all these,
(person,) jéna, chaldjdna. when you call for them,
(gun,) chhutjdéna. inter}. should get ‘sahib’ after
dir + dir-dir! their titles) : the copyist or
Offence. See ‘ Crime.’ section-writer, xak/-navis.
Offer. There is no corre- the messenger, for near
sponding idea in Hindtis- work, chaprdsi ; for distant
tani. Use such phrases as work, pryddah. -cers of
suit.e.g. He offered to help the army. See page 97.
me, mujh-ko madad dene Often, aksar. how-, kae-bdr 7
ko taiydr tha. He offered SO, or as-, jsat-bdr, tat-bdr.
(or made an offer of) ten Oil, tel; raughan ; chiknd,t.
rupis for the cloth, kapre hair-, δά ka /‫ء‬/‎ and so of
ke wdste das ripiye bola, other kinds of oil: kero-
and so on. See ‘ Present.’ sine-, karshin * (E.) ka fel,
Office, (post,) whdah ; kdm ; mustard-, sarson ka tel,
peshah ‫ز‬‎naukari, khidmat. castor-, veuri ka tel. cocoa-
-room, daftar; daftar- nut-, adriyal ka tel. -man,
khanah ‫زر‬‎afis, (E.) servant teli ; Rolu, —press, kolhu.
thereof, daftari. -er, 'ac- Ointment, warham; raughan
cording to his work, from Old, purdna ; kadim, —man,
the ‘hakim,’ or ‘ead,’ buddha, -woman, buddat ;
down tothe ‘mihtar,’ or 26777. παρε, dburhdpa.

‫ ٭‬This oil is now extensively used in Indian houses.‫‏‬


of-, kadim men; agle ek-ek. it is all -, ἐξ hi bat

zamane men. how — are hat, kuchh fark nahin hat.
you? tumhdra sinn kya ‫‏‬,noinO, ‫ ام‬۷‫رہ‬
hai? a boy of ten years -, Only, ἐξ, ekla; (merely,)
das baras ka larka. Sirf, fakat,; khdlt.
Olive, γα 2άε. Onward. See ‘Advance’
Omelet, #४०/7४८४, (E.) Open, (v.) kholna; khol-a.
Omnipotence, udrat. A, (a.) Ahula. -land, maidzén ;
kaair. Rhult jagah. See ‘ Liberal.’
On, far, (lit. and fig.) e -ing, γάλ, (f.) ; bhitar june
upar. — a person’s side (as ki rah ; bdhar dne ki γάλ;
a friend,) ἀξ faraf. — this ntkds. -ly, zdhiran; sab
account, ‫ی‬+٢4۰۸,‎ — that logon ke sdmne.
day, us-roz. — this, ts-far ; Opinion, 74,7 or rd,e + khivdl +
tab, I shall reach - or by, I hold this -, meri ‫میر‬‎
the day after to-morrow, vih hat, kth, &c.
parson tak. — the contrary, Opium, (made, ).‫ہرن‬‎ (grow-
bil-aks ; bawujid is-ke. ing,) fost. one who uses --,
Once, ८८६ dafah , ek bar. all afimt ; posts.
at - (persons acting ἴο- Opportunity. See ‘Occasion,’
gether.) sab-mitl-ke, ek sath. Oppose. See ‘Obstruct,’
(ditto, suddenly,) achdnak; mukhdlif hona. ponent
nigah,; ndgahdn. - or mukhdlif, (also as an adj.),
twice, do ek martadbe, —up- position, “wuzéhamat ;
on atime, sébik dinon men. rok , rok-tok,; at-kd,o. —po-
One, ८४. often followed by site, (adv.) sémne ; (prep.).
‘ tho,’ an expletive, not to ke sdmne.
be translated, but equi- Oppression, zul/m,; zabar-
valent to ‘unit’ —another, dasti ; sakhti. ५, ‫٭‬-‎ ~Or,
eh-digar, some-, kot ; ‫وہا‬‎ sdlim. -ive, zabar-dast हा
ddmt.a certain -, fuldnah ; sakht; — sang-dtl, -€0,
Juldnah ddmi. — by -, mazlim, —ively, jabran,
Εν. αν σι

Oral, zabdni. also adv. siwé,e; aldwah its ke;

Orange, ndrangt. ztyddah ; aur. Verbs com-
Orator, zabdn-dwar. --ν, -2. pounded with ‘ over,’ must
-tion, takrir, (f.); dahs, (£.) be translated according to
Orchard, δάρᾳ , dbaghan, their meaning, there being
no corresponding prefix
Order. See ‘Command’ and in Hindtstdni,e.g., he went
‘Arrangement.’ —ly officer, over ( =across) the river,
ardali, (E.) darya ke us pdr gaya. he
Ordinary, maamiuli ; bdzdrt ; overcame (=removed) my
chalni ; jo dastur hat. scruples, ws-me mera pas-o-
Origin, jar; asl, bunydd, pesh (hesitation) dabé diya.
(f.). al, aslt; azwal. —-look, mu,éf-k. See ‘Ne-
—ally, shuru se; thtida 56. glect.’ —night, ré¢ he wakt ;
See ‘Beginning. rit-ko, -sight, ۵۸۸۸/۸ ِ chitk,
‘ ᾿ ?

Ornament, singdr, ([); 2०८ , (f.) ; gha/at. take, d-7dxna ;

dré,ish ; khush-numd,t. V. pas dna, ke pais pahunchna.
singdrna. —al,’ seb-dwar ; —turn, w/fdéna ; ulti-d.
khush-numa. —-ed, drds- Ought. See page τὃ. Sect. ۰۱
tah ; khitb-surat. Our, Aamdra ; ham logon ka.
Ortolan, dagert. with ‘own.’ See fave 30.
Ostrich, shutur-murgh. we --selves, ham,tum, ham-
Other, (extra,) ۶۱۱۶۶۸۵۰ (differ- donon (if only two.) ; kam-
ent,) 4۸:۶۰۰ digar. See sab, (if more.). among
‘One.’ some one or ‫ہر‬‎ -selves, dpas men.
ko,t na ko,t. some thing or Out, (adv.) δώλαγ. (prep.)
-- kuchh ; kuchh na ἀμελῆ, ke bihar, to go-, ۶
—wise, aur; aur tarah se. jana + nikal-jidéna, (as fire,)
—wise, zahin to. bujh-jina, to give-, kahuna;
Oven, fanir. siéhir-kar-d. to cry-, pukdr-
Over, “far. (prep.) ἅς par ; na. to put-, (as a light,)
par. -and above, ts ke buld-d.; bujha-d. -of, (a

place, or a number,) mez Owe, (money,) £arz rakhna;

se. (a material,) se. —of karz-dér hona. owing to,
{e.g.) fear, dar ke mare. -οὗ se or ke sabab se, e.g. ἀλη
breath, Je-dam. -० time, se, owing to the heat.
be-wakt. -of spirits, udds ;Owl, ullu.
ghamgin, get-, dut/ dir! Own, (adj.) See page 30. (v.)
dur-dur! -most, sab-se dur. (e.g. property,)...rakhna ;
-let, μίᾷάς, muhdna. malik hona. -er, mdaltk,.
-right, pure pire taur se. kdbiz ; dakhl-kdr ;séhtb-t...
Outrage, zulm ; be-hurmatt ; e.g. séhib.t-khanah.
be-tzzatt. V. --ἄ. Ox, 6a,z/. —cart, --ράγί.
Pace, Zadam. (४, --.); deg. dard ka, dard-angez.—fully,
Pacify, ‎(‫ بر طط‬.k-tzdr ; dard-se. -ϑ, mthnat ;
thanda-k. N.usetheseas v.n. zahmat, V.-k. ;-uthdéna.
Pack, (v.) chiz sab band kar- Paint, (n.) vamg, (m.) ( v.) (as
na. -et, gathri; péhit,(E.). an artist,) Adigchna, (as
Pad, gaddi; namdah, V. ts an artificer,) —d. ;—/agdéna.
men ru,t (or other mate- -er, (artist,) musawwir.
rial,) dena. (artificer,) vang-rez. —ed,
Padlock, ζωῇ, ۰‫ء‬‎ mankush, 775 par rang diya
Page, (of book,) safnah ; gayd hat.-ing,a, taswir, (f.)
warak. (servant,) Ads ; (the art of, )taswir-kashi.?
khds naukar. Pair. See ‘Join.’
Pageant,-ry,Zasham; hashmat. Palace, rang-mahal,; rdj-bdri.
Pail, 2676. milk—, 2077 Palanquin, fd/ki. —bearer,
Pain, dard, (m.); sozish; -wdla,; -bardér; berar,
dukh. to feel-, -uthdéna ; (E.).
khdna, to cause-, —d. -ful, Palate, 4.

! See page 22. Sects. 32 and ۰

۶ From the Persian, ‘kashidan,’ ‘to draw.’

Pale, (face,) sard ; pila.(gen- Park, ramna ; maiddn.

eral word,) Aalke rang ka. Parlour, batthne ka kamra ;
Palette, zang ki takhti. khas, or, khalwat-khdnah.
Palm, (according to its kind, Parrot, fofa (m.); ‘oft, (f.).
followed by ‘gdchh’ tree,) ‘Parsley, pérsit, (E.)
date, A&hajir. cocoanut, Part, (n.), jus; tukra,; hissah.
ndriyal, arecanut, supiyart. (concern in,) al/ékah.(side,)
plantain, ۰‫ء‬‎ taraf, (f.). (v.). :"‫طالب‬‎
Palsy, slang. hissah-kar-d, to take one’s
Pan, pan, ‘E.); tébah, —cake, -, tarafddr hona. to take
pan-kek, (E.) in bad -, dura mdnna. to
Pane, shishe ki takhtt. take in good -, bhala-
Panel, /akri ka takhtah. Janna; pasana-k. «-ἰαὶ,
Pantaloon. patlin, (E.) tarafdér. N. tarafdédri. -ly,
Panther, ۰‫ء‬‎ kuchh. -ially, tarafdari se.
Pantry, khdnsdmdu ka kamra., -isan, tarafddr. -ἰιίοη,
Paper, kdghaz. blotting-, taksim, (f.).; datwdra.
lél-. —\iscuit, papri. —icularly, (in detail,) ‫ہک‬‎
Parable, ¢amsil, (f.); masal,(f.) lan. (especially,) khustsan.
Paradise, jannat ;firdaus,(m.) Partner, sharik ; hissa-dér.
Paralysis, /akwah. -ship, sharékat; hissa-ddri.
Parasol, ‎‫ء‬۰8 Partridge, ۶۰.
Pardon, afu ; mu,dfi.V.-d.; Party, ...4¢ faraf ke log.
usr manzir-k.; mu,af-k. (-ies in a suit,) farikain.
-me! mu,éf kijiye; bura Pass, )۷.( sana ; chald-zdaa.
na midniega kth main, ‫نت‬‎ (as time,) (7४727.) dit jana.
—ed, mu-df, —away, ho-jdna ; ho chukna.
Parent. See ‘Father.’ ‘Mo- —time, (¢vans.) sarf-k, -cur-
ther.’ ~s, md-bdép. al, rent, jdrit-hona. —-across,
wiliddna ; pidart. par or ubtir-k.—over, (over-
Parish, sukiéinat ; mahallah ; look,) mu,df-k. ; chhor-d.
7. come to-. See ‘Occur.’

to — one’s word for, faz- (yearly,) sd/-dna. V. -d. (an

min-k. ; izhdr-k. the past, account, &c., )add-k, —able,
jo guzashtah hai. jo dena hat, —ment, ada.
Passage. See‘Outlet.’ ‘Extract.’ Pea, peas, #atar.
Passion, See ‘Anger.’ to be Peace, such, (f.); salémat,
or get in a-, shaljhaldna. (of mind,) hdtirjama ;
Paste, (batter,) /e,7. (on a taskin, (f.). (rest,) ardm
pie,) avast, (E. crust.). to hold one’s -, chup-
—board, fut. pastry, samo- rahna. to break the -,
sah; mathri ; pestart. (E.) balwa-k.- -ful, be-fasdéd.
Pasture land, chard-géh. to -fully, defasdd se ; chup-ke.
pasture, chardna, Peach, shaft-dlu,
Pat, (n.) ‫مر‬9‎ tamdchah, Peacock, mor, or mhor.
V. -d. ; (as a thing flap- Pearl, moti, (m.).
ping,) ‘hak-thakdna. Peasant, isdn; grihist ;
Patience, sadr. (f.). ۶۰ -. ra,iyat. the -try, va,dya.
Adj. sdbir. Adv. -se. Peck, thongna.
Patient,a,dimdr ddmi ; mariz. Peculiar, Adss ; mukhtass.
Patron, murabbi ; parwar, as -ity, khuststyat; khdsstyat.
last word in compos. : e.g. -ly, khustisan.
gharib-parwar. — of the Peg, mekh, (f.)
poor. -age, imdyat. -ize, Pellet, go/t. ἃ -- bow, guled.
murabbi hona ; parwasti-k. Pen,’ salam. —knife, —/ardsh,
Pattern, zamznah. -box, — ddén. - and ink,
Paw, (n.) panjah ; changul. dawdt kalam. V. —band-k.;
(v.) ۰ likhna. See ‘ Restrain.’
Pay, (n.) 6/0 ; mushdharah ; Penal, wé&djtb-us-saza. the
(daily,) voz-inah. (month- Indian — Code, majmti,ak
ly,) dar-mahah ; mahina., tdzirdt-i-Hind.
? As natives always used a reed for writing, there are no words for
a ‘nib,’ or a ‘ pen-holder.’ But ‘/ohe ka kalam’ is in use for the form-
er, and ‘ halam ki Jakri,’ for the latter. Natives now use‘ nibs.’
2 > H ۰

Pencil, pensil, (E.). mitted, as in the common

Penury, fangi; tang-dasti. phrase, (76४४2 do,’ permit
~ious, tang-dil ; bakhil. him to go.
People, Jog ; ddmi ; khald,tk. Perquisite, dastirt.
(v.) dasdna ; dbda-k. Person. See ‘ Being.’ -ate,
Pepper, mirch. (black,) gol-. bhes-k. ; ‫×ط‬‎ ; strat
(red,) @é/-. V. -d. box, bandna, —ation, by the v. n.
-ἀάλι. Persuasion, tar ghid, (f.).V.-d.
Perceive. See ‘See.’ Perturb. See ‘Confound.’
Perfect, (a.) Admil; pura; Perverse, mukhdlif; 27447.
stkhtah ; pukhtah ; 7+ V. -hona. -ness, 2idd;
V. -2. -ion, kamal ; thmd! ; mukhdlafat.
tamdmti. —-ly, bahut thik ; Pestle, sozza.
tamdm-o kamal. Pet, (n. a.) pydra, (m.), -i,
Perform. See ‘ Do.’ —ance (f.). V. ‫ضر‬‎ 4 ‫رم‬
(doing,) fel; kdm, ‫اتی‬ Petition, darkhwast; gusdrish;
(completion,) ¢amémz. arz, (f.); suwdl , nibedon ;
Perfume. See ‘ Odour.’ baydn, bét. V.-k. -er, sd,tl.
Perhaps, 60 sakta hat; shd- Petticoat, ۶
γαά." Phial, shishz.
Period, arsah; τπεύάδαΐ; Pick, (v.) chunna; chun-lena.
wakt,; zamdnah ,(long,) yug. (flowers,) forma. - a quar-
Perish. See ‘ Die.’ rel, /ard,t uthdna. —axe,
Perjury, jAithi-kasam. to phaura ; ۰
commit —, —khdna ; phitht Pickles, Zikal, (E.).
gawéhi-d. Picture, ¢aswir (f.); nakshah.
Permanent. See ‘ Firm.’ -frame, dhdncha. See
Permission, 74207 V. -d.; ‘ Draw.’
dena with the inflected in- Piece. See ‘ Part.’ —meal,
finitive of anything per- tukre-tukre.

2 Persian ‘it may be,’ from ‘ shudan,’ ‘to be.’

? Indian ladies don’t wear petticoats.

Pierce, chhedna ; chhea-k. in- Pipe, (smoking,) (native,)

strument for -ing, chhe,- Aukkah, (English,) pazZ,
ont. (E.), (for e.g. water,) zal ;
Pig, ۰ mat, (f.). (cask,) pipa.
Pigeon, adiitar. — house, (musical,) 24657, V. bansi
—khédnah. 7).
Pile, (heap,) cher, (f.); am- Pistachio, pistah.
bér. (of cloth, )7o,ez.(post), Pit, garha ; ελάλ. V. —k.
khambha. Pitch, (n.) &/#. (v.) (eg. a
Pilgrim, (to Mecea,) ‫مر‬‎ tent,) khara-k. ; tatydr-k.
(generally,) tivathi. —age, See ‘Throw.’
(to Mecca,) hazy. (gene- Pith, gzda.
rally,) ¢ivath. Pity, (n.) rahm , mihrbdnt.
Pill, ‎‫;لع‬hadbd, (f.). V. -&, -iful, rahim, mihr-
Pillage, (n.) ४४. V. -& ; ban. -iless, be-rahm.
litna. to be -ed, dutna. Place, (n.) jsagah, (f.); ja;
one who --, 4۰ makdn ; géh, as last part in
Pillar, sttin ; khambha. compos: See “ Rank.’
Pillow, takyah. -case, ‘Take.’ in this place, ¢s
ka ghildf. * Jagah men; yahdn (v.)
Pin, (n.) (for clothes, &c.) rakhna ; or by special
pin, (E.). (small bolt,) ‫ار‬‎ description, e.g. &hara-h.
(f.) ४. —lagd-d. to erect; gdraa, place in
Pimcers, sangst ; ۶۰‫ء‬‎ the ground, 447-2, to
Pinch, (n.) ποελ. V. nochna ; tie up, and so on.
chuthi-lena. Piain, (n.) See ‘ Park.’ (a.)
Pine-apple, anannds. (unadorned,) 5८८०. (level,)
Pious, din-ddr ; khudd-tars ;\ bar-d-bar ; samdn. —deal-
sdlih ; nek. piety, takwa; ing, sdda-dili.. -ly, sdf ;
khudd-tarsi, zdhiran. —ness, 364 4६67.

From the Persian, ‘tarsidan,' ‘to ear.’


Plaint, é/ah. (in Court). See raghbat. to please, khush-

‘Petition.’ जा, mudda,t; 6, ; γηλάπα. -ed, khush ;
faryddt. -ive, -ly, πμάδάμ. radzt. -ing, khush; mak-
Plan, tadbir, (f.); Atkmat ; bul, pleasure, khusht.
upd,e. V. -k. ; -bandna ; (will,) marzt; khushi >
—nikdina. See ‘ Drawing.’ tkhtiydr. please God, in-
Plane, (tool,) vzandah. V. sha alléh,
—chalina + randesesamdan-k. Pledge, (n.) giro ; rihn, (m.).
Plank, ¢akhtah. V. —lagéna. V. -vakhna. —d, marhiin.
Plant, (n.) paudha; per. Plenty, bahut ; ghanimat ;
V. - ۰ frat, —iful, dahut,; bahu-
Plantain, ۰ tera, —ifully, 2f/rd¢ se.
Plaster, Zep. V. 8۰‫ء‬‎ Pliers, ۰
Plate, dartan. -ed, mulam- Plot, (of ground,) ‘fakhfah ;
ma. kitah ; chaman. (of evil,)
Platform, chabitrah ;, takh- sdzish ; bandish. ὟΝ. -Ξ.
tah ‫۔‬‎4۰ ‘Plough, (n.) fal or ۰
Play, (n.) ‫مہا‬‎ (m.); as last hal-ba,il-k. ; jotna ; chds-k.
word in compos: 0627. V. —man, halwéha ; chdsa.
hhelna, (on an instrument, ) Pluck, forna. See ‘Courage.
bajdna. —day, chhutti ka Plug, datta ; thent.
din ; tatil, (f.). -fellow, yar; Plum, 24०72, (f.). -tree, —gdchh.
ham-bdz. -fulness, a/ol, Plunder. See ‘Pillage.’
(f.). -ful, a/o/a. —house, Ply, (in cloth, &c.) ¢ak. (v.)
nich ka ghar. —thing, e.g. a trade, harna.
khilauna. Pocket, jad, ))( V. -#०#
Pleader, (in Court,) vakil; rakhna. —book, daydz, (f.)
mukhtdr, -ing, bahs, (f.) —-handkerchief, γιά,
V. bahs-k. Point, (of stick, &c.) nok,
Pleasant, achchha; khib; (f.) (dot,), zuk/ah, on the-
khush; dil-pazir. —ness, of, par ; karib tha kth, &c.
pasanaidagi ; khush-taba,t ; thora béki tha kth, & c.

ila . to- , (sh arp en, ) Po pp y, fost. one who uses

—ed, nok
tez-k. to —out, batld-d. opium, poste.
us, ddd ; gul-zdr.
Poison, zahr,(f.) ; dis, (m.). Populo
-ed, -alidah. V. —d. —ness, dbddt ; maamurt.
Pole, ὀάμ ε; «ἰοῦ; lakri ; popular, dmm-pasana.
khambha. Porcelain, chint ke bartan
Police, polis, (E.) -office, Porch, osdéra ; de,orhi.
thanah. -—officer, thdna- Pork, si,ar ka ۶
ddr ; déroghah ; Porridge, (oat-meal,’) parich,
jama-dar ;
kdnstabil, (E.). (for vil- (E.). (of rough native
lages,) chauki-dér. Up- flour,) sit. (of crushed
country, they say ofwdd, wheat,) daltya.
for a head police-officer ; Porter, (at
gate,) darddn. (car-
and otwdli, for his office. rier, Rudi; motiya ; barddr.
Polish, (n.) vaughan ; mom- (drink,) portar shard, (f.)
raughan ; pdlish, (E.). ४. Portion. See ‘Part.’
- -lagd d.; saf-k. Portmanteau, eft ; bakas,
Polite, adabi ; khalik. —ness, (E.).
adab, (m.) ; khulk, (f.). -ly, Position, aga, (f.). to
khulk se. in -, jagah men rakhna.
Pomegranate, andr. Possess. See page 75. Sec. 73;
Pond, 742६2, (m.). dakhi-k. -iov, abzah,
Pony, ۰ -ions, mdl; daulat ; chiz
Pool, (water,) 4452۶ (m.). sab, and by their special
Poor, gharib,; kangal; mufits. names, as ‘milkfyat,’ landa-
ed possessions, ‫ےب‬‎ τοῦ,
(in spirit,) ghavid,; miskin;
nicha. the poor, gharid- dakhi-kér ; kdbiz ; malik ;
log. See ‘Poverty.’ sthib-i.... (e.g. khdnah.)

3 Chin is China,
9 You may have English ham and bacon on your table; but xever
the native animal.
‫ ٭‬Oat-meal itself is also called ‘pdrich.’‫‏‬

Possible, mumkin ; ho sakta Power, udrat; kuwwat ;

hat. -bility, with 70. -ibly, thhttydr ; hukm, hath.
shdyad ; ho sakta hat. to —ful, zor-dwar ; cabar-dast.
be -, mumkin hona; ho- -fully, zor-se. -less, nd-
sakna. tawdn ; kam-zor ; durbal.
Post(for letters, &c.). See page —fulness, zabar-dasti ;
98. See ‘Appointment ;’ bard,t ; zor-dwart ; tdkat.
‘Office®’ "Pillar? Practice, mashk. (v. -&.)
Posteriors, chitar ; pichhari, (habit,) ६८47. (custom, )
Posterity, pasinit. to all -, dastir,; riwdj. V. hona.
naslan baad nasi, Praise, faarif, (f.). V. -&.;
Postpone, (make delay,) dev, -2. -worthy, £é6i/-t-/aarif.
or deri-k. (adjourn,) *max- Prawn, chingri.
kiif-k. Prayer, namdz, (f.). V.—parh-
Pot,deg; degcha;degchi; hénrt. na. See ‘Request.’
Potato, ۰ Preach, waaz-k. -er, wé,tz.
Potter, Aumhdr. -y, matti ke —ment, (sermon, )zwaaz,(m.).
bartan. Precaution, khabar-dart.
Poultice, 278 V. -/agdna. V. -2. + khabar-dér hona.
Poultry, murghd-murghi. Precede, ége-jdéna, or chalna,
Pound,(n.) ddha-ser, ek paun, —dence in rank, ‘¢akdim,
(E.). (v.) pisna ; (beat,) (f.). to give ditto, -dena. to
pitna. the village -, derha ; enjoy ditto, -۶ ۰.
paun, (Ε..). to impound, Precious, (affection,) aziz;
paun men rakhna. pydra. (५. -vrakhna).
Pour, dé/na; dél-d. 2-०६ (price,) Jdesh-kimat. ۱۷۰
rain, 7707 —hona.
Poverty, ‘ds, muflisi ; tangt; Precise. Sce ‘Exact.’ -ly
lang-dasti. thik + bi,aintht.
Powder, (forfire arms,) ddérzv. Preface, samhid, (f.).
(small dust of anything,) Preference, pasand, (f.).;
chiran. chah; khwahish. V. chéhna;

pasanda-k, ; bihtar samajh- -ed labourer, δεράγ. —ed

na,; us-se ts-ko pasana-k, labour, Jegért.
to assign a -, ‘arjih-d. Pretence, Jdahdnah ; usr ;
-able, dihtar ; disron se hilah. ५. -k.
achchha. Pretty, khzéb-stirat,; suthra,
Preferment, éarakki; barhti; -iness, -2. (somewhat,)
barhd,t. hkuchh-kuchh. See Part I.
Preparation, fatydr-k (४. n.); ‘Sa.’
tatydri. V. tatydr-k, ; in- Prevalence, ghalbah. -ent,
tizdm-k. (make,) dandna. jari; phatla hi,a ; muraw-
Prescribe, kahna; hukm-d. way.
(as a doctor,) dawa-d. Prevent, mana-kar-d ;rokna;
—ption, nuskhah., chhenkna; atkdna; bdz-
Present, (n.). See ‘Gift.’ (a.) rakhna; thémna, N. rok ;
hdzir ; sdmne,; pesh; ru- chhenkd,o ; atkd,o; muzd-
ba-ru, tatydr ; maujid, hamat.
—ce, (lit.) Adzirt. (respect- Previous, -ly, dge ; peshtar.
fully,) Auzér. in the - of Price, kimat, ddém. rate of -,
many people, dahkut logon nirkh ; bhd,o.
ke sdmne. -- of mind, Prick, (t¢rans.) chubhona.
tez-zihn; hoshydrt. -ly, (intr. and passive) chubh-
Jauran, δα See page 54. na. (n.) kduta, khér. -up
Preserve. See ‘Defend.’ one’s ears, kdn uthdna. -ly,
Press, (v.) dabdna; dabd-d. khér-ddér. -\v heat, gha-
(constrain,) majbir-k, (n.) maurt.
(of people,) guroh, (m.) ; Pride, ghurir; dimdgh. A.
ghol,(m.). (for clothes,table maghrir, V. with hona,
things, &c.) a/méri,' (oil,) Prime, (n.) dahdr, (f.). -min-
kolhu. (printing,) chhdpne ister, wazir. (a.) awwal ;
ki kal? -ure, dabé,o ; dab. awwal kism ka,

3 Not Hindustani; probably Portuguese. Confer French, ' almosre,

and Scotch, ‘aumvie.’ ‘Kal’ is masculine in the western {parts.

Prince, shdéh-zédah, (fem. Criminal Procedure, 7‫ہر‬‎‫ہر‬

—di.); kiimwar; rdj-kumar; muah zawdbit γαμγάάγί,
jub-rdj. -ly, -sa. ditto Civil, majmi,ah
Principal, awwal; sab se zawdbit diwdni. -ings,
bara. jo sab kim kiya gaya hai ;
Principle, sabad ; sabab-t-aw- patravi ; kér-rawé,t.
wal, jar, (f.); bunydd, (f.) Proclamation, tshtihdr ;
Print, (v.) chhdpna. -ed, manddt. ΝΜ. ‫(ط‬-‎ ; —jart-k.;
chhépa hii,a. -ing, by the mashhir-k. ; zkéhir-k.
U.m. -ing-press, chhdépue ki Procure, /éna ; mangwana ;
kal, -ing-house, chhépd- mangiwd-lena.,
khdnah, —er, chhdépne-wdla, Prodigal, fustéd-kharj.—ity,-2.
Prison. See ‘ Jail.’ Produce, (v.) dena, paidd-k.
Private, khdss; Rhud, (in com- (n.) patdd,ish,; paidé-wér;
pos :) e.g. kAud-kdsht, one’s fasl, (f.). --ductive, 2ar-
reserved cultivation, or khez. —ed, paida.
‘home-farm.’ -room, &/a/- Profess, kahuna; waadah-k.
wat-khdnah; khdss-kamra. (a trade, &c.) karna,
a - soldier, ۶6407 in - and -ion, (what one alleges,)
in public, halwat-o-zal- -bdt ; baydn ; kahna, (v.n.) ;
wat men. -ly, khalwat waadah, (trade,) peshah ;
mien. kaém ; dhandha.
Privy, (n.) ghusl-khanah ; Profit, fdidah,; nafa ;
ja-e-zartirat ‎‫ مر‬tattt, mahdsil, to make -, --ζ, ;
Probable, aghlab ; mumkin., —pdna. able, /é,tda-
-bility, jo aghlab hat; mand,
thtimdl. to be -, thtimdl Progress. See ‘ Advance.’
hona , ‘ho sakta hat,’ --bly, Prohibit. Sze ‫؛‬‎ Forbid.’
shakk bahut nahin hai; Promise, waadah ; tkrér;
shayad ; ghaliban., paimdn. ४. -k.
Proceed. See ‘Go.’ --cedure, Promissory-note, 7p, (f.) ;
kdér-rawd,t ; The Code of tamassuk.,

Promote. See ‘Aid.’ ka sab kim ba-khibi (or

vance,) darhdna, tarak- achchhi tarah,) chalta
ki-d. N. bharti ; tarak&t. hat.
Pronounce, kana, (sen- Protect, Jdachdéna ; bachd-d. ;
tence,) Aukm dena. -nun- panth-d.; parwarish-k.
ciation, 0/777. (from justice, &c.) riéposh
Proof, da/i/, (f.) (evidence,) rakhna, -tion, bachd,o ;
shahddat ; gawéhi. V. -0. hifizat ; muhdfazatl ; adsra.
Prop, ball; tehnt. V.-rakhna. (watchfulness,) nigcth-bdnt.
Propagate, ufjdna ; paidd-k. self -tion, or defence, 22/4
(by grafting, alam lagdéna. zat-t-khud. -or malik ;
Propel, dége chaldna. sthib;, λάβε, murabbt ;
Proper, durust; wéasib ; dast-gir ; nigah-bdan.
sahih; thik, -ly, thik; Provide, 2ézir-kar-d.,; tatydr-
achcthha ; achchhi tarah se. 6, + saranjam-k, —visions,
Property. See ‘ Possess,’ khane ki ‫لت‬‎ sab. (for
Prosecute, (any work,) arna; troops, &c.,on the march, )
hartdé-jina , chaléna ; pat- vasad, (f.). —dent, khabar-
ravt-k.N. ta,akkub ; patra- ddr ; adur-andesh,
οἱ; kér-rawd,t, (in Court,) Province, sah. governor of
mukaddamah. -tor. See a-, suba-déar.
‘ Plaintiff,’ Provoke, ris—kardua, N.
Prospect, (view,) *add-t- chirh, (f.).
nazar. (e.g. of success,) Prudence, khabar-déri ;hosh-
ummed. (f.) yadri + tadbir, (f.) ; imtiyds,
Prosperity, dhald,i; nek- (f.). -dent, khabar-dar ;
bakhti ; daulat,; barhti. hosh-ydr. ۷۰ adjs. with
V. -men hona ; -men rah- hona. -tly, khabar-déri,
na,—men guzrin karna. &e., 2
—ous, the nouns followed Prune, (n.) farin, (E.) ;
by ‘men,’ ba-khair. His sukht bair, (f.), (v.)
affairs are prosperous, ws chhéntna ; chhdnt-k.

Public, the, og sab ; émmz-o- Punishment, saza, (f.). V. -d.

khass ; khalé,ik a - ser- deserving -, wd/tb-us-saza.
vant, sarkdr ka naukar, Puppet, pud/e.
the - service, sarkdr ki Puppy, ‎‫ھ‬۰
naukart, (well-known.) Purchase. See ‘ Buy.’
maalim , sdhir ; mashhir. Pure, séf;zuldl; pékizah. -tty,
-ly, 24/7707 ; sab logon ke —ness, safd,t; paki, nekt.
sdmne. Purgative, a, ju//ab ki dawa,
Publish. See ‘ Proclaim.’ (as (f.). V. shdrna.
a book,) 7d77-2. -er, with Purgatory, 7#4/, or 4१५.
“70. ᾽
Purple, ‎‫ما‬
Pudding, ‎۸‫خ‬67728 (E.). Purport, mazmiin ,; matlab ;
Puddle, ‎7‫ط‬
‫ ہہ‬ro .arbad mant,
Pull, 2hinch, (f.). V. khinch- Purpose. See ‘Intention.’
na ,; tdénna. (L. B.). Purse, kisah ; kharitah,
Pulse, (of the body,) xadz, Pursue. See ‘ Chase.’
(f.) to feel the -, -dehhna, Push, (n.) dhakka. V. -2 ;
—sation, Ζής. thelna.
Pulse, (grain,) known by its Put, rakhna ; rakh-d. ; batth-
various kinds, e.g. moth ; dna ; baithd-d. -away, /e-
बंदी + urad ; chana ; ming; jana.—back, wdépas rakhna.
kald,t ; bit, &¢., &c. —crossways, dra rakhna.
Pump, (v.) Adi uthdna.(n.); — off, (e.g. clothes,) ۰
pampah or bambah, being - off, (make delay,) der7-&. ;
attempts at the English maukuf-k. -- on, (clothes,)
word, natives having no orhna, kapre pahinna.-out,
pumps ; and few mechani- (e.g.) a person, ۳۵۸۵
cal contrivances. (a light,) duyhd-d. (money
Punctual, -ly, dar-wakt. at interest.) sad par dena.
-ality, -hona, (v.n.). —an end to, khatam-har-d.
2 A pleasant dish known as &hichri, (vulg. sichary), is made by
mixing ‘ddé/' and rice, cooked, of course, but served dry.

-to shame,- sharména ;pds rakhna. - up with,

lajwdna, - in mind, ydd barddsht-k. + to death,
ailéna. -to flight, dhagd-d. ; miar-dalna ; katl-k,
ghdlib hona, - past, apne Putty, puting, (E.).

Quack,’ (as a ,duck,) δάμι-- Question, (n.) sawd/, or
kdn-k, (oneself) /éfsanti-k, suwal. (v.) pichhna; sawdal-
-ery, /éfzant. Rk. out of the -, daks ke
Quail, ‎‫ھ‬۰۶ bahar; behidah. —-able,
Quality. See ‘ Kind.’ ९ Rank.’ mushtlabah,
Quantity, mkddr. Quick, sald ; tes, tund, chust.
Quarrel, jhagra; Jara; N. γα; test; chiustt ;
kaztyah. V.-k.; jhagarna ; shitdébt, -ly. See page 54.
larna. -some, shagrdlu. V. daurd-d; tez-k, -(alive,)
to picka -, kaztyahuthdna,; zindah, —-lime, dart. -sand,
or bar pa-k. chor-badlu, silver, para.
Quarry, (stone,) savg kh) Ζάλι. Quiet, (a.) chup; τάξη (as
(lime, ) chiine Αἱ kan, an animal,) gharid, (n.)
(game,) shikdr. adrdm,; rihat, khdémosht.
Quarter, (n.) chauthd,t, pd,o ; (v.) thanda-k.; sdkin-h.
thahdérum. -τύμι, chau- to keep—(¢ztr. )chuprahna.,
annt, See ‘Neighbourhood.’ —ly, chup-ke ; chiste.
-ofatown, mahallah , tola. Ouill, shih-par. (writing, )
-s, makdm, See pages 64 par ka kalam.
and gt note. (v.) chdr hisson Quilt, rasd,7.
Men badntna. -in battle, Quince, 77
aman, (f.). to give -, Quit. See ‘Abandon.’ -tance,
dmdn-d., bachadna ~(billet,) Jarigh-khatti.
chdr-padra-k. -ly, st-méhah,. Quite,di/-Aull,; tamdm.-right,
Queen, (M.), malikah ; kat- thik, khib,; bahut achchha.
sar. (H.) rani ; να ά-γάπί. ‘Quotation, ἐζηδάς. ५. -7

Race, (descent,) asi, (f.) ; Raisins, Aishmish.
nasl, (f.); khdnddn. (horse, Ram, (n.) dhera. (v.) thdsna;
ἄς. ) daur. —course, ghur- thelna. —mer, durmus.
daur. — rod, danduk ka gas,
Radical, 456 , dunyddt. Random, at, देश ; be-
Radish, γε, andis , be-tadbir.
Rafter, /attha ; barga. Rank, (position,) sagah, (f.) ;
Rag, gudar ; gudri. darjah ; martabah, high -,
Rage. See ‘ Anger.’ he has a shan, (f.)3 sar-fariéi ‫رب‬‎
rage (for, &c.,) us-ko bara shaukat.
shauk hat, ‫نم‬‎ Rap, (v.) (at door, ) 6۰
Railing, a, katahra,; bera. se," Strike.’
V. -lagéna. See * Abuse.’ Rapid. See ‘ Quick.’
Railway, ve/-rdsta, (half E.) Rare, sam ,; jo kam ٥٤۴
-train, γε δὶ οάγί, ἄπ. —en- men (or hath meu.) dta
gine, 7779, ‫)ا(۔‬‎ -ticket, hat. N. -2.
rel ka tikat, (E.). —-station, Rascal, dad-sadt; hardm-sd-
isteshan, (I.). dah, —ity, bad-siétt; hardm-
Rain, (n.) pdai(m.) ; ddrish; sddagt. Adv. with se.
menh; bdéran, (Persian.) Rash, d¢-/thds ; be-tadbdir.
V. -hona; barasna. ‫ہر‬‎ -ness, -#%. Adv., use the
pani ka. a - day, pani ka Adjs.
din, the -y weather, dar- Rate, (n.). See ‘ Price,’ ۶۶۰
sal; barsdt ka mausim, a ket.’ (v.) gdlt-d.
storm of -. jhart, —coat, Rather, with se. I would
bdraint kurti, if water- rather sleep than eat, xivd
proofs, Jdarsétt kapre. harna mujh-ko pasand hat
-pock, (in horses,) δα γερά. khdna khane se. See ‘ Pre-
-bow, dhanak, (m.) fer.’ (somewhat,) kuchh-
Raise, uthéna + uthd-d ; kha- kuchh.
ra-k, —crop, ἂς. ۰ Raw, achcha. N. kachd,t.

Reach. See ‘ Arrive.’ ‘Power.’ milna, See page 50. (a per-

Read, parhua. -to one, parh- son,) dne-dena. (a receipt,)
sundna. —er, parhne-wdla. rasid ; farigh-khatti.
read, parhd-hii,a. a. —ing, Recent, nau ,. thore dinon ka,
parhd,t. -ing and writing, -ly, thore dtyon se ; ab.
(reversed,) /ikhni-parhat. Reckon, ginti-k.; ginna ;
Ready, fazydr. —iness, -४. ४.-४. shumdr-k, (fig.) samajhna ;
Real, asl; hakiki ; sachcha. khiyal-k ; ktyds-k, —ing,
-ity, hakikat ; asl hal. -ly, ginti ; hisdb-k. (v.n.)
albattah. (interj.) really Recollection, ‎‫ ہآ مر‬.).f( .V .&—
now !sach bdt/ (interro- to recollect oneself, osh
gatively.) kd,im rakhna; nahin ghab-
Reap, (lit.) 2dtna; katnt-k, rina.
(fig.) Adsil-k, -er, kat- Recommendation, siférish.
watya ; kdtne-wdla. —ing V. -k. a letter of -, —ka
hook, aswa, or ۰ khatt.
-time, hafd,t. Recompense. See ‘Reward’.
Reason, ‘for a thing,) sadaé ; Reconcile, mildna ; mila-d. ;
wajh, (f.). (mind,) aki, sulh-k, ; tasfiyah, (or tas-
(f.); hosh; fahm. -able, Ji,ah)-k. N. mel; mild,o ;
makil; wdajih; mu,aéfk sulh ; tasfiyah. a deed of
—ableness, shd,tstagi ; ma- ~-jation, sulh-ndmah,
kiliyat; durusti; aklmandi. Record, (v.) dkhna. (put
Ady. with se. asidein ofnce, )a@ékh/-&. (n.)
Rebel, (n.) déghi. V. —-hona. (bundle of papers,) zatthi ;
-lion, δαρλάτυαί. —-ious, misl. (f.) ; kéghazdt -room,
ὀάρλι. daftar; daftar-khdnah ;
Rebuke, sar-zanish.t ५. -.; muhifis-khdnah. ~—keeper,
dokhna ; tlzdm-d. muhdfiz-t-daftar, generally
Receive, Jena; kabil-k, ; called ‘ muhdfiz’ only. ~
lFrom ‘ sar,’ ‘the head,’ and Persian, ‘ zadan,’ ‘to strike,’ ‘to
punch 9

Recover, (thing lost,) /#4 ; Refutation, vadd, (v. -2.) ;

mina, (from illness,) ach- jawdb, (v. —d.)
chha, orbhalahozdna. -ery, Regard. See ‘Look,’ ‘Re-
(of a thing,) pher-pana, spect.’ I regard him as a
(v.n.) from illness, achhd,7 ; father, cap ki larah, matin
bhald,t + shifa. uska lihdz karta hiin.
Recreation, ¢afarruy. Regiment, palfan,(f.) ; salért,
Red, /६/ ; surkh. N. surkhi. Region, mu/k ; jagah, (f.);
Redress, zaséf. V. --ἄ., or 4. nawdh ; taraf, (f.), or, Pl.
Reed, zat ,; kalam. atréf.
Reference, stkr , (v. -2.) (for, Register, registration ; regis-
e. δ. another person’s opin- trar, these words are re-
ion,) γι. ΜΝ. πᾶς SI presented by various cor-
refer you to Mr. A.’ A. ruptions of the English,
sdhib se pichhiye. which must be _ locally
Reflection, soch; frkr, (f.); picked up: Vernacular
andeshah ; ta,ammul, V.-k., words for similar matters
sochna ; fikrmand hona. will be found under ‘ Re-
Refrain, nahin karna ; par- cord.’
hez-k.4; ῥά: rahna. Regret, afsos ; hasrat ;
Refreshment, (by rest.) drdém; (strong,) soz, ۸۷ -/, ;
réhat ; dsudagt. (by food,) —khdna ; pachténa.,
huchh khéna; tifin; 74 Regular; (in routine,) asd
pan. V. dram, & ce. lena ; kdidah , hash zdbitah; das-
huchh ‫(فہ‬‎ ki chiz lena, tir ke mu,défk. —ity, (in
(by amusement,) deh/déna ; work, &c.) iatizdm ; band-o-
Rhush-k.; tamdsha dekhna. bast, (m.). tartib, (f.); (as
Refuge, dsra; of; pandh; to time,) dar-wakt, pahun-
dr. to give -, d. chna, karna, &c.a-—lation,
Refusal, zxkdr ‫رن‬‎ nd-manzirt ; din ; kann; hukm.
V. -&. Rejection, #d-manziri ; nd-
Refuse, (n.) dkhot ; fuslah, pasanda-k,(v.n.) wdpas dena

(v.n.) ۷. 2d-manzir-k. ; Remain, (stay,) akna ; tha-

wdpas-d.; nd-pasand-k. ; harna ; sabr-k. (be over,
pherna. a rejected (article,) baikti-hona , bachna.
phirta. Remains, (of food, &c.) /०
Reign, julis; saltanat; huki- bacha, or baki hat ; &khor ;
mat, amalddrt; badshéht ; Juszlah. (mortal,) murdah ;
γά7. V. -k. in the reign of lash, (f.)
A., bddshih A. ke aiyém Remark. See ‘Say,’ ‘Word,’
men, or sulus men. ‎‫مخ‬. -able, aid; ajubah.
Reins, rds, (f.); ddg, (f) Remedy, i/d7,; upd,e; tadbir,
V. -khinchna ; —-khara-k. (f.); chdrah. V.--k.;-batldna.
to put on the -, --/agd-d. Remember, 2Adtir men rakh-
(loins,) Aamar, (f.) na; yaad men hona, to call
Rejoice, khush-hona; rijhna ; to mind, yda-k. ; chetna.
shddman-hona. (to cause a person to -,)
Relate. See ‘Tell,’ ‘Connec- ydd diléna. N. yadda, (f.).
tion.’ Remind, ydd ۰
Release, (n.) rthd,t ; khalds; Remit, (a portion,) ghaténa ;
khalést, chhuttt. V. -d. ; ehatd-d.; kam-k (the whole,
thher-d. a penalty, &c.) mu,déf-k.
Relief, drdm. V. --d. (of a —ting, dy u.m. -tance, cha-
guard,) dadli. V. badal-k, lan ; 77562,
Religion, din, mazhab, Remove, (¢rans.) lejdana ;
-gious, din-ddr. —gious- dur-k. ; hatd-d. ; nikdl-d.
ness, din-ddrt ; khudd- (tntr.) jadna ; chaldjdna ;
tarst. uthjana; hatjdéna. (one
Relinquish. See ‘Abandon.’ from service,) *ukhsatd. ;
Relish, (n.) 24,tkah ; mazah ; bar-khast-k. ; maazil-k. ;
niimat ki chiz. V. laziz-k. ; (in a coarse way ) 752‫۔‬۶‎
khush-zd,tkah se khéna. N.éy v.2.; dusrijagah jana.
lie., times, Pl. οὐ" yaum,’ which is also Hebrew.
3 Equivalent to our colloquial, ‘kick him out.’

Render. See ‘ Give,’ ‘ Trans- Reproof, See ‘ Rebuke.

late.’ Reptile, γα; kirm.
Renounce. See ‘Abandon.’ Reputation, (general,) dm.
Renown. See ‘Fame.’ (good,) ek-ndmi. (bad,)
Rent, (house, shop, &c.) bad-némt. V.jaénna; ginna.
kirdyah, (land,) mélguzd- Request. See ‘ Petition.’
rt, jama,; khazdnah ; Require, (desire,) chdhna. (a
khirdj. -free, lé-khirdy. person to do a thing,)
rate of -, zirkh ; sharah., hukm-d. (to be in need of,)
-roll, jama-bandt. by hona and the 3rd Per-
Repairs, -ing, arammat, son, e.g., [ require a watch,
۷-۸ miujh-ko ghari sarir, or
Repeat, ‘ 57۶‫م‬‎ or ‘pher,’ with darkdr hat. as may be
_appropriate verb. e.g. phir required, 7484 zarir hoga.
hahiye, please say it again. -sition, ¢alad , iltiza, (f.) ;
repetition, dy ०.#. —edly, hukm.
aksar ; bahut dafe, Rescue. See ‘Save,’ ‘Protect
Repent. See ‘Regret.’ —ance, Resemblance, mushabth ,
naddmat, —ant, pashemdn, mushidbahat. he resembles
Reply. See ‘Answer.’ his father, wuk apne δά
Report. See ‘Inform.’ τοί ἃ kha mushadbth hat.
gun, dbhardka -of an oc- Reservoir, Zauz , 4/62, (m.) ;
currence, ۸۸۸۸۸۸۶ ; (if de- khazdnah ; pokhar.
tailed) svat hal) Resident. See ‘Inhabitant.’
Repose, (rest,) évdm ,; réhat ; Resign. See ‘Abandon.’
Jfaréghat. (sleep.) πέρι. Resin, ۰
V. —-lena. ; letna,; ۰‫ء‬‎ Resistance, 70k-tok , muzdha-
Reprimand. See ‘ Rebuke.’ mat, ४, —k,
Reproach, faz; tanah, -ing, Resolve. See ‘Intend.’ —lute,
tana-zant, V. --. mustakill,
'! A technical phrace ; properly ‘ sérat-2-2d/,’=‘ appearance of the
event,’ a formal report drawn by an investigating officer,

Respect, (v.) azis-rakhna ‫ر‬‎ Retreat, (e.g. of an army,)

izzal-d.,; bara jdnna, to (n.) pahlu-tiht. V. -ἄ.
pay one’s -s, Aisi ket (place of private -,) &had-
tazim-k ; ddadb bazd-lina ; wat-gah.
saldm-k. (n.) 4६40, tzzat. Return, (go, or come back, (
act of showing —~, /azim, pher-ina ; pherjana ; phir-
(f.). in all -s, da-har-surat. na, lautna. (give back,)
in this -, is amr men wdpas-d. N. by v. ۶. —-ed,
kih, &c.; ts bdre men. phirta ; phirta hii,a.
-able, achchha; bhala; mu- Revenge, zztikdm, V. —lena.
tabar ; izzat-ddr ‫رہ‬‎ wazib-ut- Revenue, 2/ird7 + dmadani ;
tazim. —ful, mu,addabd, dmad, (f.). -free, /d-khird7.
Rest. See ‘Repose,’ ‘ Re- Reverence. See ‘ Respect.’
mains.’ the rest, (people,) Reward, tadm ; bakhshish,
aur sab log. (things,) 20 V. a.; ۰‫ھ‬‎
bdki-hat. -less, be-drdm ; Rheumatism, ८४6,7.
be-kardr. -lessness, be- Rhinoceros, gatzda. —horn,
dram ; be-karéart. khag.
Restrain, rokna ; athdna ; Rib, panjart.
baz-rakhna ; chhenkna, -t, Rice, (in field or husk,) dhén.
rok ; atkd,o ; muzdhamat. (cleaned, but dry,) chéwa/.
Result, natijah; hasil ; phal ; (cooked,) ὀλάΐ!.
nikds ; adkhir. V. these Riches, daulat ; mal; dhan,
words and fona: The rich, daulat-mand ; dhant.
enquiry has resulted thus, Ride, (v.) sazwdér-hona ;
tahkikd! ka natijah yih sawdri-k. -inv, sawdrt. a
hat, kih, ‫نم‬‎ ride, ghoreparhawakhdna.
Resurrection, the, £/ydémat. v. ἢ. -er, sawédr.
Retain. See‘Keep.’-er, ¢ddiddr. Right, (a.) (done well,) ¢hiz;
Retire, 74/6 rahna. See ‘Go durust; achchha bhala.
away, —d, chAhifa. -ment, (just,) «τυάγιδ, nek, hakk
khalwat. ke mu,dfik. on, or to the
ἣν, ‫ و‬Ἢ: 20

नीवाते, 4٦/0۲72۰ (n.) insdf ; Roar, (n.) ehurrish, (v.)

hakk. ποῦ wrong, ۸/۸۸۷ n.i- «
hakk, to put -, durust-k. Roast, (n.} ,‫مہا‬‎ (.7) : ۸‫م‬
—eous, veh; sdaik; musall. νι, -A.
—ful, mustahakk. Rob, (व ; lut-lena, —bder,
Rind, chAi/ka, to take off the rah-san.gang —ber, dakait,
-,chhilna ; chhilka utirna, -bery, ۷77 cant, (by a
Ring, (v.) (¢rans.) bajéna. gang, )ddha πω δατ, a rob-
(tntr.) bajna, (n.) angitht ; bery took place, dha para.
angushtart.{circle, @d,ira’, Rock, (.‫)ط‬‎ patisar ; sang.
Riot, hangdémah ; — balzera. iv.) (érans.) Atlina ; phul-
V. -k. -er, guhiér-log.—ous, cud, (inty.) hina ; thiina,
hangdmah kar-ke. Roll, (v.)(trans) lape/na,
Ripe, pakha ; pukhtah. -en, (rrtr.) lot. { any side to
(¢rans.) pakdna, (tntr.) side,) ‎/‫مرغم‬ (n.) (eg.
pakna, -ness, farydrt , of paper.) ima. (roiling
pa kk, t. about,) ۸/۸. dinner-,
Rise, (गर्व: uth-jdina, (stand rol, (E.).
up,) AZara-hona, (in life,) Roof, chhappar, (f.) : chhat.
barkua | hara-hona ; tarak- Room, a, Aamrah ; othr: as
ki pina, (ascend,)charhaa, last part in compos:...
(in rebellion.) ῥα χυα-ἃ, (as khinah, (space,) jagah, (f.)
plants.) wpayna, (as bread,) (stead,) 7zvaz, or ezvaz. -y,
‫ورم‬ (in price.)‫‏‬ ‫ئا‬ khula ; Rkushidah ; bara.
Rimat barh-ga,t hat,‫‏‬ Root, (n.) yar; (fig.) asl;
Risk, ἀγαΐγαλ. to run -,‫‏‬ jar; bunyad, (f.). to -up,
uthana.‫‏‬ ukiiyna. to take-, jar
Rival, Aavif; vrakib, -ry,‫‏‬ pakayna, - "×۱٥ branch,
‫( مج‬22४, V.-k.‫‏‬ bil-kull,
Road, 7h, or ra&, (f.); rasta. Rope, rass? ; dort. to-, —lagd-
high-, sara, (f.). (lane,) a. ; -se bandh-d,
galt, Rosary, ¢asdif, (f.).
Rose, gul; gulid; ‫چا‬‎ Rubbish, 7۶۸۲/۰۰۷۰ kira,
phil. otto of-, ۷/۸۰۸۰‫ہی‬۱۶/‎ rabish, (¥..)
—bush, हद? gdchh, -gar- Ruby, yéhit; lal.
den, gul-istin, -ναῖςι, Rude, gusttkh,; —be-adab.
gul-db,-y, gul-rang, ~ness, -2,-7. Adv. with se.
Kot, sarna, —ten, saya. —ten- Rue, (n.)saddd. (v.) da,assuf-k,
ness, sardhind. Rug, Aammal, (f.); Rams.
Rough, kharkhara, —ness, Ruin, £haritbt , tabaéht; pare-
kharkaréhat. shiint. ४. -#. a -, khandar.
Round, (spherical, ) ge/. to —cd, be-marammiat ; shikas-
make -- , —-A. (circle,) 4۰ tah; tita-phita,
iran; ghera, to put any- Rule. See ‘ Government.’
thing — another, ‫جب‬‎۸۷۶۰۸۰ to er, (for desk,) srstar, to
goa-, ghum ho-ke pina to paper, satar-kheinchna.
go —s, (as an officer,) ۸۶ Rumour, afedh ; hawara.
gasht-k. (half E.), all -, Zar Kun, 40۸/۸۷۱۷١۷۳ (as time,) ‫مرگ‬‎
taraf. —nes, gol-shaki, (f.). puna, (as water,) dahna.
Row, (line,) atér, (f.). See -out, (as water,) china ;
‘Riot.’ ffakna. -out, (go done,)
Royal, shadhi. -ty, duidshihi. kam hona ; ghatna, ~away,
the-family, 2Adudidn-t-sAdAt. On, 7 7 tna. cause to —;
Rub, (intr.) ragar-k. (trans.) daurina ; daura-a
malna,; milish-k, Ν᾽ (scrap- Rust, sang; morchah -Υ,
ing, ) ragar. (९.९. with sang-alidah. This has
hands,) mdlish. a thing for turned rusty, is-far sang
rubbing body with, ۸۸۸/۶۰ faga hat,

Sabre, shamsher, (f.) Sacred, mukaddas, a —place,

Sack, (n.) dora. (v.) “itnua. 77 Adis ۰

३ See Glossary, Part I.‘ A’b.


Sacrifice, furddn. V.-k. self-, ek-ht hain. They both

nisar. ४. —k. arrived on the same day,
Sad, udés,; ghamm-gin, afsur- we donon ek ros pahunche,
dah. to —den, -%, —ness, Sample, zaminah.
uddst + afsurdagt ; ghamm. Sand, ret, reg ; bd/u. —bank,
Saddle, zx, (f.). ४. -bandh-d. char. -y, balu,a.
—cloth, —fosh. -horse, Sandal, sanda/.
sawdri Χά ghora. saddler, Sapphire, #/-maat.
zingar ; mocht, Satan, Shattdén,; Lbiis.
Safe, wdimiin, salémat. N. Satin, 4245.
salamat, bachd,o,; ۰۰‫ء‬‎ Satisfaction. ail-tashaffi ;
(hanging.) dol. -ly, ba- khétir-jamt ; taskin. to
khair. See ‘Save.’ feel- —rakhna. -tory pas-
Saffron, safardn. and ; achha ; khib. —-fied,
Sagacity. See ‘ Intelligence.’ rast; khush, V. —k.
Sago, sdgu. Saturday, Sanibdr; Sanichar.
Sail, (n.) 24. (v.) 77448 Savage, (a.) jsanglt. (n.)
men chalna. — ddmt, See ' Cruel.’
Saint, walt; pir. the -s, Sauce, 565, (E.). -pan, sds-
aultya. pan. (E.)
Salad, sa/éd, (E.) ; ३4027. Saucer, /777८//.
Salary. See ‘ Pay.’ Save. See ‘Rescue.’ to -
Saliva, thik. money, &c., vipiye, mal,
Salt, mamak, —dish, —ddv. ὥστε, gama-k,
-—spoon, —ka chammach, or Sausage, sassich, (E.); +۰
chamcha, -petre, shorah. Saw, (n.) dra. (v.) dre se
Salutation. See page 75. chirna, or kdtna. —dust,
Same, eh; ek-At; eksdn; ek ὀιίγα. -yer, dra-kash.
kism ka; bardbar, this -, Say, (speak,) do/na, (tell,)
yihi, that -, whi. in kahna. people -, kAabar
compos: aw. this is the hat; hawara hat, a-ing
same as that, yA aur wuh baét; kaha, bayadn. it is

commonly said, aksar Scoundrel. See ۶ Rascal.’

sunne men ata hat. Scrape, (rasp,) ragarna, (e.g.
Scaffold, ۰ off rind,) chhilna ; chhitl-d.
Scale, (balance,) tarazu. Scratch, (n.) khardsh. (v.)
(degrees,) ۸۷ khujléna.
Scanty, kam. "‫ا‬‎-{ .
Scream, (n.) chilléhat. 2
Scare. See ‘ Frighten.’ —crow, chillina ; 6۰‫ء‬‎
bijh-géh. Screen, pardah; tatti; fhamp.*
Scarf, orAnt. V. -lagé-d.; (fig.) bachéna;
Scatter, chhitrdna ;chhitkdna. pandh-d, riposh rakhna.
Scene, (view,) madd-i-nazar. Screw, iskru, (E.); pech;
(arena,) akhdya; khet,; marort. V. -d.
maiddn. (show), tamdsha. Scruple, fas-o-pest , waswds;
Scent. See ‘ Perfume.’ shakk, V. —k. he overcame
Scheme, A‘kmat; tadbir, (f.); my scruples, 76-26 mera
khaydl ; mansibah. pas-o-pesh dabdya.
Scholar, (pupil,) shkégtrd ; Scrutinize. See ‘ Examine.’
(learned person,) &/im-o- Scullion, mashd/chi,
Jéztl ddmt,; maulavi, (M.); Scum, haf. V. --ἀ-7)άπα.
pandit, (H.). -ship, Sea, samundar; darya, kdla
tlm, (m.). pani. (m).
School, tshkiil, (E.) : maktab- Seal, muhr; chhép. V.
khdanah ; pat-sdla. —master, —lagé-d. -ed, makhtim.
ishkil-mdstar, (E.). ustdd; -ing-wax, /ékA, a stick of
guru ; mu,allim., —ing-wax, /ékh kt batti.
Scissors, kainchi ; mikrdasz. Seam, dokht ; jor.
Scold, (n.) rand. -ing, a १ Search, ¢aldsh, khoj; dhindh;
Jhirki, νά! ४४. ~d. ; jJust-o-ju, (f.). Vi =k;
Jhirakna. taldshna ;.khojna ; dhiun-
Scorpion, dichchhu. dina, —er, with ‘79.’

3 This is generally moveable ; put on and taken off, like shop-shutters.


Season, mausam. See page 80. Seem. See ‘Like.’ it seems,

-ing, masdlah. V. -d. maalium hota hat. —ingly,
Seat, (of body,) dsan; chiitar. dekhne men.
(for sitting on,) dsan; Seize, pakarna; pakar-lejina;
batthak, (f.); chauki,; (۷۶۶ girift, or giriftir-k. (confis-
to have a good —on a cate,) zab¢-k, -ure, pakar,
horse, dsan mdrna, (v.) (f.); 2427. (by illness,)
bithdéna or batthdna. admad, (f.)
Second, (number,) dvsra ; Seldom, kam ; thore wakt.
sént ;doyum, (time,) lah- Select. See ‘Choose.’ ‘Extract.’
sah, (v.) madaa-d.,; ténat-d. Self. See page 30. -conceit,
-ly, doyum; adtusra yth khud-pasandt, —defence,
hat, & ἡ Aifdzat-t-khud, denial,
Secret, (n.) ۸۸:۱ ; raz, (m.). nisdr.—evident,khud-zahir.
-crecy, 7dé3-dart, (a.) poshi- —interest,&iud-gharazi, (f.)
dah ; chhipa; ghi,tb, -€, -ish, khud-gharz. —ishly,
chhipana. -ly, chhip-ke. knud-gharzi-se. —murder,
Section, fas/; dafa,; jumlah. khua-kusht.—will, sar-kasht.
Secure. See ‘Safe.’ Sell, dechna,; farokht-k. to
Sedition. See ‘ Revolt.’ be sold, dtkna. -er, ά, ;
See, dekhna, nazar-k.; tékna, bechwatya ; bechne-wéla ;:
to be able to -, sé/hna. as last part in compos.:...
(eye-sight,) 57४४, (f.). -ing, Jarosh. buying and -ing,
nazar-k, (v.n.) -ing that, kharidfarokht.*
chundnchi ; chinktih. Semi, sf; nim, adh, ddh.
Seed, (n.) diya; 29. -ling, Send, dhejna ; (goods, &c.),
chéra ; bihan. -plot, bihan chalan, or rawdnah-k. —for,
ka takhtah. -time, bone ke buléna ; talab-k.
din. —pearl, rez-t-mott. Sense. See ‘ Intelligence,’
Seek. See ‘Search.’ ‘Meaning.’

Δ From the Persian, ‘ sharédan,’ ‘to buy,’ and ‘ farokhtan,’ ‘to sell.’

Sentence. See ‘ Decision.’ Several, daaze; chand; ko,t ek.

-~of book, &c., jumlah. -ly, eh-ek ; juda-juda.
Sentinel, pds-ban; pahre-wdla. Severe, sakht. -rity, sakhti.
Separation, judd,t; mufara- Sew, sina,sild,t-k. -ing,si/d,t.
kat. A. juda,; alag; ald- Shade, sdyah. lamp -, fans.
hidah ; mutafarrak. V. V. -d. -dy, sdyaddr.
karna with the adjs. —ly, Shadow, aks, sdya. See
juda-juda ; alag-alag ; ek- ‘ Shelter.’
ek, (by kinds.) 7:۰ Shake, (¢rans.) hildna; hild-d.
Sergeant, dafa-dér; jama-déar, (intr.) hilna, N. hild,o.
sdrjan séhib (half E.) (tremble,) 7‫ء‬۸‎۰
Serious, wazani; bhdri. (as Shallow,(a )wth/a.(n.) uthld,?.
injury,) skadid. (of dispo- Shame, skarm, (f.) ,+ sharm-
sition,) sansidah. —ness, indagi ; ldj,(f.); haya, (६)
sanjidagt. to feel -- , /ajdna. to put
Sermon, waz. to -, 0۰ —faced,
Serpent, sdmp , ndg. sharm-ru. -ed, sharm-séar.
Servant, waukar ; chékar ‫رب‬‎ —ful, mayud. -fully, sharm-
khidmat.gér ; muldzim. the se. (badly.) bdahut ۸۸۸۶۶۵
‎‫ ہو‬naukar log. See page 35. taur se. -less, —lessly, ὁ
۷. naukari, or khidmat-k, sharm,
-viceable, kaém ka; mufid. Shape, (n.) shak/, (f.) ; daul;
Set, (v.) See ‘Place.’ one’s set, stirat. (v.) bandna, —less,
bardédari;\ ham-zdt; taraf- be-daul, -ly, khitb-surat ;
ddrin ; ۰ su-daul,
Settle, (in a place,) dasdéua ; Share, (v.) ddutna ; taksim-
bid-o-bdsh-k, (a dispute, ) ‎‫ رط‬hissah-d. (n.) hissah
tat-k.; mita-d, (anaccount,) hakk ; kismat. -× hissa-
add-k, (in life,) sar-khud-k. ddr + sharik ; bhagt.
—ment, dband-o-bast. Ὁ $ Sharp, /८४. (v. —£.). (in point,)
khud-bash. nokila. —ness, δαί.
ip ۰ 7 7
From the Persian ‘ da7a@/ar,’ * a brother,

Shave, Aajdimat-k. » miindna. bandh, (f.) a gun, tir, (m.)

πῇ, mundla. a-ing,chhilan; an arrow. to — rubbish,
chiilka. ‎‫ ہا‬phenkna, or délna.,
Shawl, σλάδ, to— as plants, ۰
She. jth + τομῆς See page 30. Shop, dikdn, (f.). —keeper,
Sheep, a, ۸۸۶۲۲ sheep, ۸۰‫ء‬۸۶‎ —dir, —keeping, -dért.
dn. a flock of -, dherton Shore, Aindrah ; 247.
ka gallah, -fold, bhert-sila. Short, ۸۸۷۶/۰, chhota.N. kotéhi,;
shepherd, ۸/۶۸۳0۰ chhotd,t. in -, al-kissah ;
Sheet, chidar, (f.). -of paper, algharas. —en, -k, -Ἰν,
ἀάσλας ka takhtan. (soon,) thort der ke baad ;
Shell, chAilha, V. -, -utdr-d. Jala. put -ly, mukhtasar.
Shelter, (n.) famdA, (f.) , dr; Shot, (for gun,) chAarra.
σάναλ. ۲. -d. gun, chor.
Sheriff, adsir ; shertf σάλι, Shoulder, μάλα.
(half E.), Shout, (n.) shor; baland
Shield, (n.) ddd, (f) 5 supar. dwas. (v.) pukdrna ; chil-
V. See ‘ Protect.’ lina , lalkarna.,
Shine, chamakna; raushan-h. Show, (n.) famdsha. (v.)
Ship, jahds. V.-men charhna, adikhlina ; atkhld-d. ; bat-
or charhdna. —miaster, lina ; batla-d. ; cadhtr-k.
sdhib-i-. wreck, -shikant. Shower, shart ; ۶۰‫ء‬۸‎
Shirt, Zamis, (f.). Shrimps, chingrt.
Shock. See ‘ Blow.’ (offend,) Shrine, 7+
chirhdna, —ing, -ingly, Shroud, kafan. V. —-Jlagi-d.
bahut khardad. Shun, &¢st se alag-rahna.
Shoe, 7४४7. horse -, nal. Shut, (a.) dand ; lagad hii,a.
—maker, jzti-cudla ; mocht. V. bana-k. ; lagd-d. -ter>
-ing a horse, mdd-bandt. (venetian,) shilmilt; (of
V. -k. See page 90°. bamboo,) sAdémp ; ‫بو‬‎ ;
Shoot, cha/éna, withthe name (of wood,) Aapdt.
of the weapon before it, as, Sick, dimdr ; rogt ; maris.

V. -hona,. —ness, bimadrt ; lé-jawdb. Interj. ८६४४ /

γον. -ly, sust; kdhil or ८7४४ raho! Adv. chup-ke.
hkahilah ; kam-sor. Silk, vesham. -en, τᾶς, -ἰ.
Sickle, asi a, or haswa. Silly, sddah,; mirakh. N.
Side, taraf, (f.) ; daghal, (f.); sddagi; murakh-pan, a
pduar ; janib; 263४. (e.g. —fellow, sédah lauh.
of a river,) kindrah. this-, Silver, γώῤα, chdndt. A. -ka.
is taraf. that -, us taraf; Simple, (single,) £Ad/@.(easy,)
pdr. on all -s, chéronu sahl, salis. (plain,) sédah.
taraf. to —with, tarafddér (in mind,) gharib; rast;
hona,; tavaf-kashi-k. to - nek. -plicity, ‘yo’ with
against, dusrt taraf lena ; these adjs. —-ply, str ;
mukhtalif hona. (747 ; fakat. ۱
Sieve, ghirbdl, (f.); chaini. Sin, 24δ, gundh. A., also
topass through a-, (¢vans.) a —ner, gundh-gdr. V. —-k.
chhdune. Since, (time,) 7ad-se!,?
Sigh, (n.) dA, (f.). V.-khatuch- se, (cause,) ‫لرز‬‎ ‫یس مرا‬
na. cwdste.?
Sight, azar, (f.); dasdrat,; Sincere, vrdst; nek; sach.
sujh. (snectacle,) tamdsha. —cerity. vdsti; neki ;
‘Sign, (n.) (indication,) zshd- sachd,t. -ly, with se.
rah. (signal,) mishdn. V. Sinew, zas, (f.).
-k, ; -d. Single, singular, ek; ake/a;
Signature, sahih ; dast-khatt. tanha. —\v, ek-ek,
V. -d.; -. Sink, (¢vans.) dubd-d. (intr)
Signify. See ‘Mean.’ diibna.
Silence, khdmoshi. V. -rakh- Sir, miydu; sdhib; khuda-
na; chup rahna. A. chup ; wand.
chup-chap ; khdmosh , (for Sister, dahin. —-in-law, (a
want of jiaving any reply,) man’s wife’s sister,) σάλι.

۶ In the first clause. 2 In the second clause. See page 4۰‫ہ‬‎


(a man’s 00675 wife,) Sleep, हदें, (f.); khwdh.

bhojd,t. (a woman’s hus- ५. -&. sleepy, nintiésa. I
band’s sister,) zanad ; na- am very sleepy, 2ind harne
nand (a woman’s brother’s kt khwiahish hat.
wife,) ὀλάτυα). Sleeve, dstin.
Sit, datthna. Slender. See ‘Thin.’
Size, kadar, (f.) ; mikdér. Slice, sa/ars, (E.); phdnk ;
Skill, shu,ir ; hunar; tlm ; kash. V. tériéshna ; kétna,
wukif. -ful, hunar-mand ; Slip, (v.) Akisakna. (n.)
mahir. fully, by se. (cover,) ghi/éf. (mistake,)
Skirt, déman. bhil; chik. ५. -k.
Skull, £hopri ۲ kdsah-e-sar. Slipper, s/pat, or st/pat (E.) ;
Sky, dsmdn. —blue, -vany. pi-posh.
Slab, chatdn, (f.) ; ۶‫ی‬‎ Slope, (n.) @hdlu. ५. (trans.)
Slack, dhila, (fig.) sust; narm. -k, -ing, dhdl. to be - ’
N. dhil ; susti ; narmt. —hona.
Slander, dad-ndémt; ‫جون‬‎ + tuh- Slow, ez nahin; dhtstah ;
mat, ۷, -d. -ous, δαί. adhima. —ness, éhistagi. -ly.
nam, &c. kt δάλ —er, with ahiste ; dhiste-cdhiste.
Jo. -ously, with se. Sly, mutafanni; makkér.
Slap, (n.) tamdchah. ४. -d. —ness, Airfat, Adv. with se.
Slaughter, atl; khAtin-rest. Small, chhota; khurd. -ness,
(V. -&.) of animals, zadz ; -té,t ; khurdt. —-pox, sitla;
halal. ४. -k.-er,(butcher, ) chechak.
kassdb. —house, fassdb- Smell, du, (f.); 5४८७४, (f.)
khdnah. sweet-, khush-bu, a nasty-,
Slave, chera ; launda,; ban- bad-bu, sense of -, shdém-
dah; ghulém, -ery,! dan- mah. (v.) (trans.) siinghna.
dagi; ghulémi. (tntr.) bu-d ; bu ka hona.

! All slavery, in India is domestic slavery; to which our harsh words.

‘slave’ and ‘slavery’ are hardly applicable.
Smile, (n.) fadassum V. -£. (degree,) 7s kadar ; ttna ‫ز‬‎
Smith, (iron,) /okdr. (gold, e/a. 80-50, aisa-waisa. Mr.
ἃς ,) sondr 5 sar-gar. So-and So, fuldnah ; fuli-
Smoke, (n.) chii,du. ४. (intr.) nah ddmi. it may be-,
—nikalna. to-tobacco, «c., “τοῦ ho-sakia hat; so
tambiku, &c. pina. hoga,
Smooth, chikna; samadn ; bard- Soak, (¢rans.) bhinga-k. (intr.)
bar, musattah,V.-k. -ness, sokna. -ing, (very wet,)}
chiknd,t, bardébart. khub bhinga.
Snaffle, (bridle,) £azaz. Soap, sdbun, V. —lagdna.
Snake, sémp ; ndg ; mar, Sob, ¢hunuk, (f.). V.-na. -#.
(Persian.) there are many Suber, parhes-gdr. —briety,
kinds ; of which the worst parhes, (f.)
are the guhmanah, cobra-di Sock, mozah ; sdk, (E.)
capello, and the ‘karazt. Socket, ...d@déu, (page 47.) ;
which has no English name khiénah ; ghar.
known to the Author.—of Sofa, suffah ; kauch, (E.)
a ‘hukkah, i.e. native Soft, warm ; muldjim. N. --,
(smoking) pipe, warchah. -ly, dhime-dhime ; dhisée.
Snare, phduda,; ddm V. Soldier, sipant, native -$,
pldndna ; phinde men pa- stpahi,én. European ditto,
Rkarna. gore log. a regiment of -s,
Sneeze, (n.) chhivk. V. --πα. paitan, (f.)
Snipe, «γάλα. Sole. See ‘Alone,’
Snoring, (n.), &harrdta, V. Solemn, sanjidah, -i ty, —jida-
—mdrna; n&k kharkharé- gt.
na, or ۶۶۰ Solid,(not liquid,) manzamid.
Snow, darf. V. -gtrtt hat. (firm,) sakht ; mazbit ;
Snuff, sent. V. —khainchna. kd,im, pukhtah. -ity,
So, (therefore) fas. (man- sakhit + masbuti, pukhtagt,
ner, ) atsa ; 779+, Solitary, See ‘ Alone.’ -tude,
(page Ic4); ¢s-larah, fanhd,t ; khalwat

Some, (of things,) ; ۸۷۷ ; less,) ni-kiéra,; nid-chiz ;

kuchh-kuchh, thora,zarrah- kaminah.
sa. (of persons,) ,‫مم‬‎ -one Sort. See ‘Kind.’ &ism. V,
or other, o,7-nah-ko,t.-more, thik-k. ; tartib-k.; sudhdr-
aur kuchh. —times, daaze na; sab chizon ko apni
wakt; kabhi-kabhi. —where, Jaghon men rakhna.
hahin. Soul, 7, (f.) ; nafs , 747,7.
Son, deta; larka ; bachcha ; with heart and -, d/-o-
pisar, (p.). -in-law, démdd, Jan-se.
Song, git. V. gana; ‎‫اق‬ Sound, (n.) 5426 , 67065, (f.) ;
gan-k. shor ; shor-shdr ; hab-gab ;
Soon, sald; ab ; thori der ke hion-ghdon. (of fire-arms,)
baad. as - as, ; dhin-dhin. ١۷. -k. + pu-
te-hi. (See page ۱۹4 ) -er, kdrna ; chilléna, (any in-
pathle ; us ke sooner strument,) dajdna. (intr.)
..than...zahin paya, kth. sabd, &c. a. ; bajna. -in
e.g. his order no sooner health, /an-durust. to be
‘reached me, than I carried ditto, /an-durust hona.—ne<s
it out, ws-ka hukm mere pds of health, ¢an-durusti. -in
pahunchne nahin ῥάγα, kih quality, wasbit ; pukhtah,
main-ne usko taamil ۶۷۰ be-ath ; mustahkam. —ness
Soreness, dard, (m.). to be of ditto, mazbuilt, pukhta-
sore. --ἄ, a-, ghd,o,; zakhm; gt. -as a business, pakka ;
nasir ; phaphola, thik ; sab achchha, a- e.g.
Sorrow, afsos ; ghamm; ranj. thrashing, Ad saza (dena,
A. afsurdah,; dsurdah,; pana,).
ghamgin ; ranjidah. to be Soup, shorbah, corruptly,
-ful, afsos, &c. khadna; shurwah.
adjs. and Aoxa. sorry, Sour, Ahatta ; tursh. N. tur-
pashemdn. ] am very sorry sft. to turn -, &hatta ho-
I am late, afsos hat kih jana.
main-ne der ki hat. (use- South, dakhan ;janiib

Sow, (n.) ,4‫ا‬۶‎ ۶۰‫ء‬ Speed, (n.) ‫ر‬‎ αΐ, shitdd, or

Sow, (v.) dona ; rompna. —ing, shitdbi, daur. V. daurana,
00, र्द,7. chaldéna. -ily, 72८४, ‫تر‬‎
Space, (time,) ۶۶۱۸‫ء‬‎ ; muddat. See fage 54.
(place,) jagah, (f.); ‫ر‬‎ ۰ Spend, &har7, or kharch-k.
-cious, khula ; fardkh. (lavishly),7d-d., bar-bda-k.
Spade, Audali ; bel ; belchah. -thrift, /azwl-kharj7, N.
Span, (of hand,) Jdd/sht ; (waste), -7, —(time,) 5477-/.
τυα)αῤ. (arch,) mthrdd, Spice, masd/ah. hot-, garm-.
Spare. See ‘Thin’ (excess,) Spider, makza ; makrt.
barhtt ; faltu. (v.) (6. g. Spill, g77~d-d.
life,) dachadna. (give,) de-d. Spin, Adtna ‫رب‬‎ sut-kdtna, —ning
—time, /fursat. a _ -liver, wheel, charkh.
parhez-gdr, N.-i. Spinage, 7767747 ; sag.
Sparrow, ghauriya. Spine, (body,) virh, (f.)
Speak, do/na; kahuna, bhaikhna. (plants,) ۰+
(converse, ) dé¢-chit, or guft- Spirit, γώ, (f.) ποῦ God,
o-gu-k, (chatter,) dakna ; rihu-l-léh.* (breath,) dam.
bak-bak-k. (incoherently,) (ghost,) JdA¢. (temper,)
bukhléna. See ‘ Language.’ mizdj. (manliness,) mar-
Spear, dallam ; barchhi. V. ddnagt. (liquor,) arak.
—lagd-d. (juice,) vas ; dudh. —less,
Special, khdss; makhsis. -ly, be-dil ; be-jigar.
khustsan., Spit, (for cooking,) sik, (f.)
Spectacle, famdsha. -tator, V. -lagdna.
dekhne-wédla. Spit, (v.) s¢hiikna. N. thik.
Spectacles, chashmah, —toon, pik-dan ; ugdl-dén.
Speech. See ‘Language.’ a Spite, Ainah , 2744, (f.). -ful,
-, takrir, (f.); bahs, (f.) kina-wear, zidai. Adv. with
—less, be-zdbdn ; ld-jawdd, Se.

* According to Muhammad, Jesus Christ.


Spleen, 77//, (disease of,) -( (f.) V. ἀνα jsast-k. ;

rog. uchhalna ; chhaléngna, to
Splendour, shaukat ; /7/4, (f.); -at, 7 ۰
jilwat; shan, (f.); raushant. Sprinkle, chhitna , chhit-k.
-did, ali-shén; muzalla ; Spur, kduta, V.-d., or marna.
umdah ; sar-fards. Spy, (n.) 74575, his work,
Spoil, ἐλαγάῤ, or be-kar-k ; jdsust. -glass, dur-bin, to
bigdr-d. spoilt, khardd ; spy, dekhna; tékna. (furtive-
kuchh ξάνι ka nahin. the-s ly,) shadnkna , hank lena.
(e.g. of war.) ἐξ) 4{, ghani- Square, (n.) chawk. (a.) chuu-
mat. kona ; chau-khinta; chauras.
Sponge, ésfanj. -gy, ۶۰‫ز‬‎ Squeeze, dabdina ; dabd-d.
Spoon, chammach; chamchah. Squirrel, gzlehrt.
Sport. See ‘Play.’ (hunting, Stable, (η.) tstabal. See
&c.,) shikér. —sman, also ‘Firm,’ &c,
adj., ‘relating to-,’ shAdrt. Stack, /६/ ; dher. V. -(
-ive, kAush-taba; shokh. Staff, asa; lakri. (of office,)
Spot, (stain,)¢@égh. (place,) chob.
ragah, (f.) ; sar-zamin, (f.) Stag, dérah-singa.
-ted, déghi ५. déght-k. Stage, (e.g. of atheatre, )amd-
Sprain, (n.) maror; murak. sha-géh, (journey,) manztl,
V. marorna, 28۰ (f.). (platform,) smachén ;
Spread, (e.g. a carpet,) ۸۶/۸۸ takhtah. -coach, d@ék-gart.
hana ; bichhd-d. (e.g. dis- Stain. See ‘Spot.’
ease,) (¢rans.) phaildna. Stair, —case, sirhi.
(intr.) ۰ Stall, thdén. (public,) argara.
Spring, (season,) ۸۶۸47 (f.); Stammer, hakia. V. hk. ;
basant; rabi. (of water,) hakléna,
chashmah-e-db, (leap,) Rud, Stamp, muhar, (f.) ‫ز‬‎ chhdp.
(f.) ; uchhd, (f.); chhalang, V. -laga-d.

2 Means also a prisoner who has been branded, or otherwise marked ;

as by his name being entered in the list of ex-convicts.

Stand, (n.) pdyah ; ghora ;.,. writing, ۶/۶١۶۶ μά]; suwdl;

449. (page,4t.)-ing, khara. darkhwéast,; ripot, (E.).
(v.) khara-hona; khara Station, chauki , sagah, (f.).
rahna. —up, uthna,; uth-ke (railway,) ¢sfeshan. (E.).
khara hona, ‫تی‬‎ -—down, (v.) rakhna ; khara-k.
niche jana, utarna.—in the muta,atyan-k.; taindl-k,
way, sdmne hona.—out of Stay,rahna,thaharna, sabr-k,
the way, Aat-jdna. —good, Steak, shrek, (E.)
kd,im rahna. of long Steal, chort-h. ; chordna ;
-ing, dahut roz ka. See chord-lejdna.
‘Endure.’ Steam, @hii,dén.-boat,dhi,dn-
Star, ¢dra ; sttérah. hash ; dg-bot, (half E.)
Starch, 2alap ; ‫فا‬‎ Steel, faulad ; loha.
Stare, ghiirna, dekhte 6۰ Stem, (family,) ‫مار‬‎ μας;
N. ghir. bunydd, (f.). ποῦ tree,
Start, (n.) (sudden move- shékh.
ment,) chaunk, V. chaunk- Step, adam, deg. V.-rakhna,
na, e.g.acarriage, ۸۰‫ء‬‎ (in relationship) sazée/a...
fora place, rawdnah hona, e.g. Ssautelt-ma.
to startle, chaunkdéna.start- Stew, tstew. (E.). V.-2.
ling, ¢a,azjub ka ; 4//०. Steward, 2#d,ib,; gumdshta ;
Starve, dh7kh se 6۰ kér-pardds.
State. See ‘Government.’ Stick, /akri ; (walking,) asa.
(condition, )Ad/; Adldt ; asl (v.) (e.g. bone in throat,)
hal. (dignity,) kadar, (f.).; atak-jdna, (together,) saf-
martabah, shdn, (f.); sar- Jana, stuck, sat-gaya; sdtd-
Jardzt.(v.)kahna, baydn-k.; hii,a.(trans.)jorna; lagd-d.;
bolna,; samphéna ; izhdér-k. ‎‫وو‬
~in writing, alam-band- Still, (a.) ८४८१ ‫لاؤ‬‎ ;
karke baydn-k.—ment, 267, be-harakat. (adv.) tau-bhi;
baydn ; izhdr; arz, (f.); td-ham ; par.
guzdrish; iltimds, (f.).— in Sting, dank. V.-mdrna.

Stir, (¢vans.) hild-d. (intr.) Story. See ‘Tale.’

hilna. (n.) harbari; khatal. Slove, (moveable,) ‫مہر‬‎
Stirrup, ۶/۶/۸, (f.). —leather, (fixed,) chii/ha. (oven,)
rikdb-dazudl, (f.) tanir.
Stitch, (v.) sina; tdnkna ; Stout, mota ,; masbit. N.-t.
ténk-d. (n.)tdnk,(f.); ténka, Straight, σάλα, sojha. N.-t.
Stocking, mozah , pd-e-tdbah. Strain, See “ Pull.’ (liquids,)
Stomach, midah, or medah. chhdénna, a-er, chhénna.
Stone, patthar; sang. of stone, Strange, (unfamiliar,) Jde-gd-
with ‘ka,’ -ny, pathrila. nah ,; ghair. (wonderful, )
-ny hearted, sang-adii. ajib ; ajubah. —ness, ajna-
Stool, (foot, )pd-o-ddn; morha ; biyat, a-ger, ghair dadmi ;
tshtil, (E.) night-,zomed,* be-gdnah ddmt, bi-desiddint.
Strap, dasmah,; dawdl, (f.).
Stoop, shukna ; jhuk-jana. Stratagem, Ailah; fareb ;
Stop, (77/7.) khara rahna ; dagha.
atakna, (trans.) rokna ; Straw, dichdli ; po,dl; bhisa.
thimna ; atkd-d. —-page, Stream, d@arya; sota. V.
rok ; athd,o ; atak. Jari-hona,
Store, dikdn, (f.) ; sins sab ; Street. See ‘Road.’ istri#,(E.).
ambiar ; dher. — house, Strength, zor; ¢tdékat. (of
dukdan, (f.); gola. stores, liquors,) ‘fund? ,; karwd,t.
e.g. for a journey, sar-an- V. mazbiut-k. ; 008‫ج‬‎
jam; sdmadn; chiz sab; Strict. See ‘ Severe.’
sab chiz, Strike, ¢hokar-d.; zarb-d. ;
Stork, dhanes ; bogla.? madrna, —e.g, tents, gird-d ;
Storm, ۸۷ ; dudht. -y, kholna. -—against...par
Lifant. lagna. ۱

Ὁ In India, this word—‘ commode '--ग्रपञ never be used in any other

sense, The accent is on the last syllable.
3 Names of birds are mostly vague; as identity between many English
and many Indian birds is wanting.

String, su¢/?; dort. shue-, fitah Submit to, mdnuna,; hukm

Strive. See ‘Endeavour.’ sunna, tabt-hona. (e.g.
Stroke, (blow.) chot, 247८ ; for orders,) pesh-k ; sduine
thokar, (f.); thonk. - of rakhna. -mission, (¢ddbt-
pen, &c., dégh ; nishdn. déri; hukm-barddri ; zer-
Strong, szabar-dast ; zor- Aukumt,
dwar ; zor ka; mazbit, (as Subscribe. See ‘Sign.’ =ption,
liquor,) Aaywa ; kaw. (to a charity &c.,)chandah,
Stubborn, saz-kash ; gardan- Subsistence, (means of liv-
hash. N. -t. Adv. -४ se. iny,) r02-gdr ᾿ khdna-bina ,;
Stud, (shirt,) zs/ad, (E.). khirdk-poshik, (f.); par-
Study, farina ; taalim lena. wasti, peshah; dhanda.
-dent, s/dgird. —-dious, —allowance, £hirdéki. -ing,
mthnati. sindah , sindagi men + hat.
Stupid, und; kund-zthn ; Substance. See ‘ Thing.’ (es-
na-ddn ; be-wukif , nadkts- sence,) Air. (abstract,)
ul-akl. -ity, himdkat ; be- khuldsah ; mukhtasar hdl ,
wukifi. a — fellow, ὀε- mazmiun, tial, masbit ;
wukif ddmt ; aki ka putla, kd,im.,
Subdue, 404706 7 kist par Substitute, (η.) ezwazl; kd,im-
ghalib hona; kdbu men lana. makdém, V.-k. ; -rakhna ;
—ed, (conquered, ) magh/ib. muta,atyan-k.
(meek,) gharib,; narm, —er, Suburb, shahar ka déman.
ghalib. Successful, kdm-ydb. N. -7.
Subject, (underling,) /ddz ; V. -hona. to succeed a
tdbiddr ; farmdan-lardar ; person, pichhe dna; ké,im-
hukm-barddr; asdmt ; ra,- makdm hona. —cession,
iyat. A. tabi. (v.) See kd,im-makdmt. -fully,
‘Subdue,’ he is subject to barakat-se; nek-bakhtt-se.
fever, us-ko bukhdr aksar -ively, ek par ek, dve-
dta hat. -, ९. 2. of a lecture, pichhe ; tdbar-tor.
mabhas. Such, atsa - ἃ one, fuldnah.
2 2I

Suck, chisna ; khainchna ; (trans.) mild-d. -able

pi-lena. a -ing babe, didh pasand ‫زر‬‎ achchha ; mu,afk,
ka bachchah. Sulpbur, gandhak.
Sudden, -ly, achdnak, πάφάλ, Sum. See ‘ Total.’ -of money
N. ndgahant. sar ; mablagh. (४) jorna ;
Sue, (in Court,) mukadda- Jama-k.
mah-k, (ask,) mdu2na ; Summer, garmit ka mausam.
iltimds-k. See page 80.
Suffer. See ‘ Allow.’ (endure, ) Summon, Jdu/déna; ftalab-k.
barddsht-k, (pain, or other a -ϑ of court, ‘alabi-par-
feeling,)...wthdna , ...khd- wdnah ; samans, (E.)
na, —ing. See ‘ Pain,’ &c. Sun, ۶4707 ; sirdj ; Rhurshia , |
Sufficient, das ; kéft. V.-hona. aftdéb. —heat, dhiif, (f.). to
N. kifdyat. -ly, δας; bask in the -, ἀλη khdna.,
zarurat ke mu,afk. -shine, dhiip, .{.); ghdm.
Sugar, chini ; shakar ; misrt. -rise, fulu-t-éftab. — set,
(brown,) &kdnd. -candy, ghurib-t-dftdb. ‫ح‬-‎ dhiip
misri, —cane, wkh, (f.); ka; ghdmt, —day, ttwdr ;
hatéri. rabt-bar ; yak-shambah,
Suggestion, salah, (f.) ; tshd- Superintendent, sar-da-7éh-
rah, tadbir, (६). ४. -d.; kar ‫رن‬‎ sarddr. —dence, sar-
—batlina. ba-rah-kdri, sarddri. ΝΥ.
Suicide, Aud-kushi. V. -#. sar-ba-rih kdr, &¢., hona ;
Suit, (n.) (dress.) sora. (in sar-ba-rth-kdri, &¢.-k.}
Court,) mukaddamah. (v.) Superior,’sad se achchha,bara,
(please,) pasand-hona. (fit,) (or as the matter of
milna ; achchha batthna. ' supericrity ' may be.)

4 Superintendents are named according to their work: e.g. ¢hana-

ddr, - of a police station. ézi7,a - ot process-serving, ὅς, muhdfiz, a
- of records, and so on 27 infinitum,
* The English word ‘afsa ’ (officer), Ys much used to mean one’s
: : ‫ےہ‬‎
immediate ‘ superior,

Supper,ré¢-hka-khdna ;sapar(E.) Sweat, pasina, he is sweating,

Supply, dena ; hdzir-kar-d. ; us-se pasina girta hat, or
pahuuchd-d. N. jo kaft nikalla hat,
hoga ; ambdr ; dher. Sweep, (man,) mzthtar,! fem.
Support, (n.} feknt ; dsra. mihtrdnt, (v.) shérna ;
V. -d. to - a person, par- jhaér-d. -away, jshdr-ke
wasti-k. ; khdna-pina-d. lejdna, -ings, kurkut.
Supposition,AAayd/;athal.V.-k. Sweet, mitha ; shirin; khush;
Sure, (certain,) yakinz. to be-, pasandidah. ‎-‫ ط‬١٥۲‫ا‬‎ pydra,
yakin jdnna.N -i. ‘to be fem. -- -meats, muthd,t.
sure! surely! de shakk ; —ness, Shirini ; muithd,t.
albattah ; chahiye kth. —ly, dil-khusht-se.
Surface, ru, (f.). Swell, seéjna ,; phitna ; uth-
Surgeon, jarrah, tabib-tjarh. jana, a -ing, waram.,
Surpass. See ‘ Excel.’ Swift, /65 + ald. —ness, fest;
Surround, gher-/ena. Jaldt, -ly, jaldt , jaldi-se ;
Survey. See ‘ View.’ ‘ Mea- fez ; tezt-se.
sure.’ — or, jarib-kash, Swim, Pairna. —mer, pairdk.
Suspect, Aisi par shakk rakh- Swing, (trans.) jhuldna,
na.—ed, mushtabah,; shakk (tntr.) jhiulna, a-, shiila.
ki bat. -cion, shakk ; ~ing, jhitla-yhiili.
shubhah ; ۸۰‫ء‬‎ Swoon,de-hoshi. ina—, behosh,
Sustain. See ‘ Support.’ -e.g. Sword, ¢éalwd, (f.) ; sham-
losses, ۰ sher, (f.). -sman, talwér-
Swallow, (bird,) adbddi?. (v.) bds.
nigalna ; ۰. Syllable, Zafz ka juz,
Swamp, dalda/, (f.). -y, ++. Sympathy, 7247. V. hist
Swan, rd7-hdus. se — rakhna. A. ham-dard.
Swear, (use bad language,) Symptom, aishdn ,; aldémat.
gdlt-d. (e.g. in Court,) Syringe, pichkdrt. V. -ठ.
kasam khana, or lena. System, Ad,idah ; rasm.
4 * ilihiar’ is really a native title of distinction,

Table, mes, (f.). -cloth, mez tarafddr hona. -vut, (ex-
ki chdédar, (f.); dastar- tract,) 77/۷۰
khwdn. to lay the -, mes Tale, abrak.
lagd-d. or taiydr-k. to re- Tale, £issah ; hikdyat ; nakl,
move things from the -, (f.) ;ahdnt, bat-khabar,(f.)
chis sab 7ε-7άγια. Talk, ddt-chit ; guft-o-gu, (£.);
Tail, dum, (f.) bat. V. -k. ; bolna ; kahna;
Tailor, 42۶27 bakna. to-to one’s self,
Take, μα. -away, /eydna. Gp se bolna.,
—-place, ona. (accept,) Tall, /amba,; dirgh. =ness,
lena. ; Rabul-k., pasand-k. lambd,t. See ‘High.’
-captive, pakarle-jdna ; Tame, ghavid. N. -i. ५. -2.;
girifldr-k. —effect, /agna ‫زن‬‎ dabina ; hiléna.
chalna, -on hire, &trdye- Tank, (cistern,) 6०2४, (9070,7)
lena, —flight, bhagjdna ; tala, (f.) ; tald,o ‫رپ‬‎ pokhra,
ur-jdna. -thehand of, Aé¢h Tap, thap-thapéna. a -ping,
pakarna. -heed, khadar- thapfa,; thappi, which
ddr hona, -off, (e.g. mean also a thing for tap-
clothes,) w/érna, —down, ping with, e.g. a mallet,
niche-léna. (in writing,) bat, &c.
kalam-band-k. πὰρ, utha- Tape, fitah ; niwér.
lena. -courage, Aimmat Tapering, gd-o-dum, V.—-hona,
rakhna. -the field, ۶‫ء‬‎ Tar, Aitrdn; al-katra2 V.
pakarna. — in good part, —lagd—d.
bhala jaénna. —in bad part, Target, dhdl, (f.); sipar.
dura mdnna. —the side of, -practice, chénd3méri.

2 In India, artificial ponds are called ‘tanks ;’ a natural pond, or

lake, is ‘ ¢d/,’ as at ‘ Nynee Tal.’
3 This is the word most generally used ; but is not to be found in either
the Persian or the Hindustani dictionaries.
8 ‘The moon ; the ‘ bull’s-eye’ being regarded a a full-moon.
Tariff, nirkh-nadmah. Temper, μιά; kho, (f.) ;
Task, (lesson,) sabak, (la- fabiat.
bour,) kadm. to take to -, Tempest, /// ۸: dudht. A.
dintna ; dhamki-d. Lifant.
Tassel, 7۸۷6۶۰ Temple, (M.), tbddat-gah ;
Taste, (n ) mazah. (fiz.) sali- masjid, ))( (H.) piuja-
kah. sense of - 2d,ikah. khinah, thakur-bari; math,
(v.) thora khéna ; 24, (Christian,) €777०, or grija,
lena. of a pleasant --, maze Tenant, (of house,) Airdya-
ha ; laziz. —less. be-mazah. ddr. (of Jand,) asdmti ;
Tax, mahsil,; tikas, (E.) ra,iyal; kasht-kdr. the -ry,
V. —lagdna. ri,dya ; asdmt-log.
Tea, chd,e, (f.). —pot, —pochr. Tender, xarm ; muld,im. See
—caddy,—ddén.-kettle, ἀεί, ‘ Offer.’
(E.). cup, -ἄα plydlah. Tent, khaimah, tambu; dera.
—spoon, —ka chamuiach, or (servant’s,) 24. —-pole,
chamchah. chob, curtains, kandt.
Teach, sikhdéna ; stkhléna ; —peg, mekh. -—pitcher,
faalim α΄. —ng, by ०.४७. —er, khaldst.
ustad ; mu,allin; guru; Terrify. See ‘ Frighten.’
tskil-mdstar, (E.). Testament, (Old) ¢aurdét.
Tear, (of eye,) dusu. (rent,) (New, )77///. (will,) zvasiyat-
chir ; phéik. to shed -s, ndmah ; wil, (E.).
‎‫ہم‬. (to rend,) chirna ; Testimony. See ‘ Evidence.’
torna; phdrna; fhéar-d. Than, se ; az, (Persian.),
Tease, satdna ; adikk-k. Thanks, shukr. to thank, —A.
Telescope, dir-bin) -ful, -guzdr. (N. -ὦ}
Tell, kahna,bolna; khabar-d.; (grateful, ) thsdn-mand.
bat-bolna, baydn-k. (count, ) (N. -7.) -less, 4-7
ginna ; shumdr-k Adv. with se

4 Persian ‘é/na,’ ‘ vision.’


That, (narration,) Ath. (de- Thief, chor; dusd. theft.

monstrative.) See page 30. chori ; sarkah ; duzdt.
—very, woht, -is to say, Thigh, sdagh, (f.).
yane, Thin, patla,; (texture,) dd7ik;
Thatch, (the,) chhappar, (f.). (e.g. as skin,) kdéghaszi ۷۰
(grass,) ghds, (f.); har. patla-k, and hona, -ness,
V. ghds, &c. ۰ hatld,t.—-ly, kam.
Theatre, ndéch-ghar,; tamdsha- Thing, chisz, (f.): shat. one’s
khanah ; nakl-khdnah, things, ‫لو‬‎ sab; bastah ;
Thee. See page 29. mal, mdl-o-mata,
Their, theirs, them, &c. “ee Think, sochna ; khaydl-k. ;
pages 30 and ۰ bichdrna, methinks, muzh-
Then, (time following,) 742 , ko maalum hota hat.
ts-ke baad; baad ts-ke. Third, tisra ; ‫(ا‬‎
(time previous,) ¢ad,; us- Thirst, (n.) pyds, (f.) 3 75/-
wakt.; wus-ke baad. now nagt. -y, pydsa. V. muzh-
and-, kabhi-kabhi, ko pyds lagi hat; pydsa
Thence, -forth, (place,) hona,
wahdn-se ; us-jagah-se. This, yh. See page ٠
(time,) aad is-ke; us Thither, wdhar ; wahdy , us
wakt-se, taraf.
There, ‫“یم‬‎ ,‫فر‬ usyagah Thorn, kduta; khdr. -y,
men.—abouts, zwahin-kahin. hantdr.
here and-, itd@har-udhar ; Thorough, famdm; pura.
yahdn-wahdn. -ly, sar-d-sar.—fare, sarak,
Therefore, 7s-zdste ; pas. (f.), gusar-gah ; dmm-rdsta,
Thereon, —upon, ‫یو‬‎ ; tad, Thou, 7४४. See Page 29.
They, ye, ze. See page 30. Though, agar-chih ; har-
Thick, mota ; gdrha, पर. chand ; as bas kth. as -,
motd,t. to go through - Jaisa-kih,..tatsa-kih,
and thin, dg pdni men Thought, sech; fikr, (f.) ;
parna. fa,ammul ; andeshah ;

dhydn. See ‘Thing, -ful, Ticket, ۸97. (E.)

Jikr-mand. (N. -t.) muta,- Tickle, gudguddna.,
ammil ;andesha-ndk. -less, Tide, (ebb,) ۸۸4/۸". (flow,)
be-fikr; be-khabar,; be- jawdr.
parwéh. N.add‘i’tothese Tidings. See ‘News.’
adjs. adv., nouns and se. Tie, déndhna ‫رب‬‎ bandh-d.a -,
Thrash, (corn,)d@d,ona ; dhun- dand, neck -, gulu-band.
na; 7λάγμπα. See ‘Flog. Tiger, ddgh; sher. —gress,
-ing floor, khalihdn) shernt,
Thread, sé; sutli; téga; Tight, fang; drawn -, ۶‫و‬‎
(strong,) dort. needle and-, hii,a. N. tangt. V. -#. ;
5u,t tdga, to-aneedle,tdgna. kasna ; khinchna.
Threat, dhamki; tan. V. -40‫رر‬‎ Tile, (round,) khapra.
dhamkédna. (square, )fezwal. V.—lagdna.
Throat, ga/a, or gulu; halak. ‘Till, (v), #/९//-6 , chds-k. ;
Throb, ۸/۸۰, (f.) V. -mdrna ; hal-bail-k ; jotna.
tisna. Till, (adv.). See page 47, iil.
Through, hebich ;men.(means) Timber, ἐσ ἄγ.
56. (agent,) se; ki mdrfat. ‘Vime,wakt,; zaman, or zamd-
Throw, phenkna ; phenk-d. ; nah, (period of.) arsah ;
ddlna ; bigna —aside, bar- muddat, (cycle οὐ) jug.
faraf- phenkna, -away, —when one ruled, exist-
phenk-d. -down, gird-d. ed) ἄς. wakt,; atydm. —of
-open, khol-d. -- up, life, umr, (f.) ; stn, (m.) ;
(as a ball,) wchhdlna, (leisure,)fursat ; fardghat.
Thrust, (n.) dhakka. ५. -d. ; (delay,) der, (f.); from-
ghuserna. to-, waktan-fa-waktan, at
Thunder, garay, :f.). V.-na. all-s,har wakt; hameshah.
Thursday, diphe ; brthaspat ; in - or out of -, wakt-nd,
Juma-rat. wakr, at the proper-, dar-
Thus,atsa , is-tarah; tst-tarah. wakt,
? Accent on the last syllable.

Tin, alat. V. -d. ۶+ —lagéd-d. Tool, hathiydr.

Tipsy, matewdla ; mast. Tooth, déut. ache, dént ka
Tire, thakdna. -ed, thaka ; dard. -—brush, déut ka
mdndah, —edness,mdndagt. bartsh, (E.). —pick, ۸۸۸۵۸۷۸.
-some, wmaldl-angez. a —powder, or paste, manjan.
-some fellow, c¢hakdéne- to cast in one’s teeth,
wila ; dikk karne-wila. munh par bolna.
Title, xém ; khitdéo ; lakab ; Top, sar. (toy,) Zattu. —most,
(ceremonious - heading,) sabhon se tipar. -heavy,sir-
alkdb, (PI. of ,‫(وو‬‎ ὠλάγί. -sy-turvy,ulat-pulat;
To,! (generally,) 40, (ap- upar-niche.
proach), ke pds ; (transfer, ) Torch, mashd/. —\earer, -chi.
ke hath ; ko. -day, 47; tm- Torment, (n). siydsat , dikk;
voz.—and fro, idhar-udhar ; aukh, :‫را‬‎ ‫ روا‬V. -k ;
face — face, rii-ba-ru; ke satdna,
sdmne, with respect --, ὦ Tortoise, kachhia.,
bdre men , ts-ke hakk men. Toss. See ‘Throw.’
Toast, (v.)segkna. N.fost,(E.). Total, gumlah; kull; kulliyat ;
Tobacco, sambdku. to smoke mot ; sab le-ke ; fama,
—, —pina. Touch, chhiina. N. chhuhd-
Together, ke sath, sath; wart, the sense of -, dams.
sith-sdth ; ek sath ;béham; Tow, (n.) pdt ; patwah —ing-
ham, as first part in com- rope, gun. V. gun k.
pos: all -, (action, \saé 7۸‫ر‬‎ Toward, towards, ἀξ taraf;
ke, (company,) sad ek sath. ke pas.
Tomb. See ‘ Grave.’ Towel, fauliyah. ; dast-mél.
Tongue, //2/, (f.) ; φαδάη,((.). Tower, ‎‫ٹط‬۱77.۱۷. daland-hona.
See ‘ Language.’ Town, shahr_ ,...piir, and
Too, (of excess,) siyddah. .. magar, as last part in
(also,) ۶‫ۃ‬‎ compos: -sman,_ shahr-

Δ ΤοΟ᾽ or ‘for’ ‘a place,’ is generally omitted, e.g. ‘kal riit-ko

Bandras rawdnah hia,’ ‘he started last night for Banaras.’

ka ddmt, one of the same Travel, safar-k. ; sair-k. —ler,

-, ham-shakhr. musdfir. —\ing, (adj ) safart,
Toy, (n.)&hilauna. (v.) 6۰ Tray, khwdn ; kishti.
Trace, (n.) (by which to ‘Treacle, gur ,+ tiryadk.
find,) surdgh ; alémat ; Treason, dagnd-bdz ; namak-
pata ; 4547. (harness,) ‫ا‬7‎ haradmt.
(v.) khojna ; khogh-k. ; pag- Treasure, khasdnah, -ὉΡ,
dandi-lena. (by pen, ἃς.) —khinah, —er, khasducht,
khinchna. (v.) aziz-rakhna ; kadar-k.
Tiade, tijdrat ; saudd-gart ; Tree, darakht ; per; gdchh.
hkdr-bdr , kharia-farokht ; Tremble, &dmpna. -bling,
byopdr.—er, saudd-gar , Eat- laraish.
pari. (travelling,) danjéra ; Trial, ρει φάη; saduch ; adz-
bakas-wiéla, (half E.) ma,ish. ४. —k. (in Court,)
Traffic, dnd-jdna ; ama 3890- tajwiz, (f.)
raft. See ‘Trade.’ Tribunal, addé/at; mahkamah,
Trail, (¢rans.) ghasitna ; Trick, hilah; bahdnah, fared.
khinchna, (intr.) ۹۶۰ Trickle, girna; vrasna ;
Train, (of dress,) ddéman., tapakna.
(followers,) Aashmat, ham- Troop, guroh, (f.) ; ta,tfah ;
rdhi,dn. (sequence,) ¢ar- jamd,at; ghol. troops,
lib, (f.) ; stlstlah, (railway,) lashkar, (m.) ; sipdhi,dn.
gadri,dn. (v.) stkhldéna. Trot, (n.) dulkt. V. -chalna.
Trample, 24 e-mdl-k. N. -7. Trouble, (n.) 4546. (f.)3
Transact. See ‘ Do.’ dukh ; dikk ; takdif, (f.) ;
Transfer, muntakal-k. ranjish. to feel -, -uthdna.
Translation, /axjamah. —tor, to cause -. -£. | satdna ;
larjumdn; =mutarjim. chherna ; ranjdna, —d,
Transparent, shafféf. N. -i. dzurdah ; jikr-mana ;
Transpositon, inkildo. V. -&. gham-gin. -some, miuzi;
Trap, χα), (f.);... dda, as last ranj-dwar ; aikk-karta ;
part in compos. atkk-dar.

Trousers, patlin, (E.). 726#,! a-, (circuit,) chakkar mérna;

(f.) ghium-ke jana; to take
True, sach ; wdjib; sddtk ; a-—,(exercise,) hawa-khdna,
durust, truth, sachd,t ‫رت‬‎ to -back, pher-dna, or
rastt; asl 26/ + hakikat. jina ; lautna. to - out,
in truth, wdéke men ; fil- ntkdl-d. to — one’s back,
hakikat. pith-dikldna a - ing,
Trumpet, ¢urhi. V. —bajdana. chakkar ; pech. See ‘Tur-
Trust,., 6dr 3, stimdd..N. ner;
-rakhna, (deposit,) amd- Turner, (trade,) harddi.
nat, -tee, amdunat-ddr. one —ing lathe, £Aardd, (f.). V.
who trusts, mutamid,. —wor- kharddna.,
thy, 7dbdért; wafd-dar ; Turnips, shalgham.,
imdan-ddr. —worthiness, Tweezers, chimta.
imdn-déri ; wafd-dari. Twilight, godhaura; shafak ,
Tub, fad, (E.). taghdre. chiritgh jaléne ka wakt.
Tube, μάλ, nai; nal. Twin, (one.) ¢au,am ; (the
Tuesday, mangad; si-shambah, two,) ۱/7۰.
Tumble. See ‘ Fall.’ Twine, (n.), ۶۸‫ء‬‎ See ‘Climb,’
Tumbler, ¢amdlet, (E.). Twist, aivfhna ; marorna.,
Tumult. Sze ‘ Riot.’ Type. See ‘ Kind.’ (printing,)
Turban, Jagri ; sar-band. chhap.
Turkey, (bird,) peru, or /2/77४. Tyrant, sdé/im ; jafd-kdr.—ny,
Turmeric, ۸۰۸۶۰ culm + sabar-dasti ; sitam ;
Turn, (xtr.) phirna ; phir- jabr ; sor. -ous, ζρ μι,
jiina ; ghtiimna, (trans.) sabar-dast ; sakht. -ously,
ghumdna:ghumd-d.tomake jabran,; sulm, &¢, se.

3 Means, rather, ‘drawers.’ Natives, unless anglified, seldom wear

‘ trousers.’

NVote.—Many of the words beginning with ‘un’ negative,
are not given. You may turn the sentence into one with ‘not”
e.g. this is untrue =‘ this ts not true’—yih sach nahin hai ;
or secondly, you may prefix ‘na’ to almost any adjective ; and
‘be’ fo almost any noun: e.g. na-pasand, na-maaltim, na-
durust ;—be-hosh, be-akl, be-sbarm. ‘La’ ‘ghair’ and
‘kam’ are also negative prefixes, but they are appropriated
to certain words, e.g. la-waris, without an heir ; \a-jawab,
without an excuse, ghair-hazir, absent. Many words of
Sanskrit origin (of which only a few have been given) take
‘a’ privative, (as in Greek,) or ‘nir,’ e.g. a-dharm, evjustice ;
nir-buddhi, sezseless, stupid,
Udder, than. Understand, samazhna ; bizh-
Ugly, bad-sirat; bad-shakl. na, samajh men lena;
--ness, --ὦ wékifhona. N. samayh,
Ulcer, ۶۰ (f.) ; Rosh ; aki, (f.) ; fakm,
Umbrella, chhdta ; chhkatri. wukiif.
--bearer, chhatar-ddr. Undertake, bira-uthdna ;
Unanimous,’ e2 zabdn ka. hadthlagéna ; karna.--king,
-ity, ek sabdn ka ittifak. kdém, or by tne name of
‎‫ زا۔۔‬ek sabdn se. the thing.
Unawares, achdnak; ndgahdn. Underwood, jrdr ; shart.
Uncertain, be-thikdna ; ghatr- Undo, eholna , (fig.) akdrath-
mukarrar. ἄς; tabadhi-k. -done, khula;
Uncivil, dad-khulk ; be-adad., (fig.) tabah ; shikastah,
Ν. --2. Unfix, -Aolna; utdrna;
Uncommon. See ‘ Rare.’ nikdl-d.
Under. See ‘ Below.’ --trial, Unfortunate, ham-bakhé.
zer tajwiz, (f.). Uniform, (a), eksdu,; eh kism
Undergo, (e.g. pain labour, ka (n. tial. --ity, bardbart;
ἄς.) khdna ; uthdna, eksdnt, adv. with se.

Union, 77766, εἰς; Unwell, achchha nahin ; misdj

ehiyat; bd-hami. unite, Khardb hai: bimér; maris.
(join,) jorna ; milé a. Unyoke, 44o/na.)
Universe, the, dunya, (f.) ;
Up.. See ‘Above.’
dlam ; jahdn --sal, harja,i ;
Upon, far.
kull ; tamdm.--sality, ἀμ γι.
Upright, 4zara. V. -&. (fig.),
yat, --sally, ۸۸۸۸‫ھ‬‎ -sity,
rast ; sachcha ; sidha ; nek,
N. rdsti; sachd,t ; sidhd,i ;
Unlawful, ‎‫ کارط‬niinaR ; neki,
Uproar, ghul ; danga ; haul.
Unless, agar followed by Jaul ; khalal. ५. ~k. Adv.
nahin, e.g. unless you do
with se.
this, I shallnot pay you, agar
Upset, (v.) ultdna; ultd-d.
tum गंदे kam nahin karo,
(a.) w/ta ; ulta ۸,6۰
fo, main ek patsanahin din.
Upshot, πανί αλ.
Unmarried, 4izdéra. an --per-
son, mu/fiis. Urge, (e.g. a horse,) chaldna.
Unravel, udherua. (a request,) ۲/7۸۰۰۸. he
Unroll, &holna. urged me to grant his
Uhruly, sar kash ; be-lagadm. prayer, ts Af darkhdst man-
‎‫×ط‬. sar-kasht. surkarne ko, muphe dabdya.
Unseen, ghd,ib; masar se or /d-chdr &tya,or tanghiya.
ghd, tb.
‫‏‬,enirU ۵ ‫ہ‬7 ۷3‫كأ‬۶
Until. See page 47, iii. Us, ham, ‫ث‬‎ See page 29
Unusual, ‎‫گرم‬ dastir ; and Votes.
be-riwwd} ; jo kam dekhne Usage. See ‘Custom.’
men ata hat. Use. (n.) istiama/. V. -&.;

The reader will have observed tow universally this word is used
for ali senses of ‘ disjoining’ as well as of merely ‘ opening.’ He will
hear English children who are allowed to talk English (a bad habit for
them in India) say, ‘opin σπαὶ shoes,’ where the happier children in Eng-
land say, ‘untie iny shoes "—(or do it for themselves. )

‫رر‬ men lena. -ful, kam‫‏‬ Usual, hasb-dastir ; jo jart

ha; ἀάνιϊ, (salutary,) mufid.‫‏‬ hat. -ly, aksar ; beshtar ;
-fully, fa,ide ke sath. —less,‫‏‬ ba dastir.
nd-kdrah ; kuchh kim ka‫‏‬ Usurer, bydj-khor ‫رب‬‎ σά. λον.
nahin. -lessly, ¢d-Adsil ; —ury, --.
be-fd,idah,. -\essness, (éd- Utensil, chiz, (f.). (but 6
hdsili. the - you want.)

Vacant. See ‘Empty.’ -ca- Varnish, (n.) édrnish, (E.) ;

tion, /4///, (f.). palish, (E.); vraughan ;
Vagabond, dad-zdt ,; luchcha. chiknd,t. V. -lagd-d.
Vain, dimdght, to be-, ur- Vase. See page ۰
chalna,; ldf-zani-k, -—ity, Vegetables, /arkdri ; sabzt.
khud-faroshi,in-,be-fd,idan. Vehicle, gdri ; sawéri.
Valid, durust; pakka; kd,im; Veil, mikddb. wearer of a ‫ہب‬‎
mazbut. -ity, durustt; maz- —dér. (pretence,) durkah.
buti, Vein, μᾶς, (f.); vag, (f.).-
Value. See ‘Price.’ —abdle, of metal, asar, or PI.
kimati; besh-kimat, girdn- asar.
baha. ΜΝ. kimat-lagd-d. Velvet, makhmal.
(fig.), aziz-rakhna; kadar- Vengeance, intikdm. V.—lena.
k.; pyar-k. Venture, Aimmat-k. at a -,
Vanish, ghd,tb-hona, ur jéna. kismat par.
Vanquish, ghd/ib-hona ; da- Verandah, dardmadah. See
2-4, , torna. page 23.
Variety, farah-tarah ; kism- Verbal, -ly, 20477
Rkism. -ious, chand kism Verdure, sabzt.
ka. —ously, aur aur tarah Verification, /asdi&, (f.).V.-&. vary, (¢rans.)badalna; Verily, Aakikat men; ‫رپ‬‎
chand tarah se karna. wake,
(intr.) badaljdna. Vermicelli, daramseli, (E.).

Very, éakut; nikdyat ; by Virgin, ۸۵۸۶۳8۸۸ -ity dikdrad,

suffix ‘Az.’ e.g. τον ddim, Virtue, rdstt ; mehr > dhald.t.
‘ that very man. A. rdst; nek > ὀλαία. by -
Vessel. Se ‘ Dish,’ " Ship.’ of his office, az ril-e-whde
Vex, -ation. Se ‘ Annoy,’ apre; fa-sarie, (or δα.
‘Grief,’ ἃς. sabad,) apne ‫دب‬‎
‫ جاے‬ἐξ.
Vice, shardrat; ksharddi ; Visible, sd&ir >; nazar men.
badi; sabiunt. (a), Shardé ; —bility ۱۷۱۸‫ء‬‎۶٘. —bly, ‫فض‬‎
bad-kho > sadbiin. ran, vision, (sight,) ‫ء‬٦‎
Vice... (substitute,) Sdzxe- (६); ὀέκπά, ὃ; dasdrat, (in
‫ورب‬ sleep,) ۸‫غ‬‎ 4‫ امر رخ م‬-ary,
Victor, ghdlid. -ious, and to ‎‫ری ریت‬
be -ious, -ἄσπα. -y, sath ; Visit, παν ῥά; bhent. ५. -&.
ghalbak ; jai. or, by ‘ya.’
View. See ‘See,’ ‘ Scene.’ Vizier, wesir.
Village, géew > dasti > dth ; Voice, duds, ([) ; shrdd,
grdm, (L. ‫طر‬‎ -together vocal, awds se; ۸۵‫ء‬‎
with the lands attached, vocal and instrumental
a@ikdi; mausa. जता, σαῃ- music, ‘gdradaydna,'(v.n.).
τού; gdox-wdla; dasit-wdla. Volume, 7४०, (f.)
Villain, -ous, ‫ۂم‬‎τάδ; ‫خم‬‎‫ف‬۶ Voluntary, ۵۸ ‫راشح‬۱‫ض‬/‎
sddak. -y, :‫م‬۸‎ Vomit, (०.) daz; κὐξάἢ; radd.
Vine, aagir ka ‫ہہم‬‎ V. -&.
-yard, angiir ka ۸6 Voyage, safar-s-darya. - ‫ا‬,

Vinegar, siréad, jakdsi- musdfir.

Violence, ser; sadr. V. -ὶ Vulgar, (public, )é#za.(mean,)
(adv.) with ‫ے‬۶‎ (a.) ۶:7 ; nicha | Raminah; ‫ھر‬‎ See
sor-dwar ; sabar-dast > be- ‘Common.’
lagdm. Vulture, σὰ.
-...........- . 5ῥς.

2 Lit, ‘to sing (and) to play. Page τσ, Nove,

Wade, λείπα, 472, (poverty,) langi. (v.)
Wafer, εἰ 4, (desire, )chahna; hajat hona.
Wager, shart; hora; héri. (be deficient,) 4am hona.
V. -k. + bandh-lena. War, lara,t; jang, (f.). V. -z.
Wazes. See ‘ Pay.’ -like, jangi. -equipments,
Wagon, chhakra ; gart. (car sdman-tjang.
used in religious proces- Warm, garm. V. -k.N.garmu;
sions, &c.) rath, tapish. a —bath. ygarm-
Waist, Lamar, (f.). —band, or dbah. to -oneself, tépna.
belt, —band. —cvat, washit, Warn, chilina,; khabar-d. ;
(४4. ), dgth-k.a-—ing, khabar, (f.);
Wait, rvahna,; sabr-karna; tttila, (f.).
rahjina, ~ing, intizdr. Was, tha, &c. See page τι.
(on one), kAidmat; mul- Wash, dhona ; dho-d. ; saf-k.
dzamat. ४, -Α, -er, (gen- ~ing, dho/d,t.-er, (person,)
eral,) with ‘70.’ ; umined- ...5h0, 45 last part in com-
4067, (servant), khidmat-gidr. pos: -erman, dhobi. —er-
Wake,(/rans.) jagina; jaga d. woman, dholin.
(intr.) jdgna. awake, ‫رض‬‎ ‫رپ‬ Wasp, 7777 ; zambiir.
ta; beddr. ful, beddr ; Waste, (what is over after
be-khwab. fulness, bedart, manufacture, &c.,) sitht ;
Walk, (n.) satr; hawa-khdna, sith, (f.). (squandering,)
(v.n.).(v.)chalna; hadam-k, isrdf. (a desert,) wirdna.
(take a~,) satr-k.; hawa- (v.) ghatina ; urd-d. ; bar-
ἀλάπα, bdd-d.; khardb-har-d. ful,
Wall, diwdr, (f.). -of a tent, Juz kharj.—-falness. fuziit-
handt. hharjt.
Wallow, /ofna. Watch, (n.) ‘pocket,) ghart.
Walnut, akhrof, —-man. See ‘Sentinel.’
Want, (need,) Adjal,; thtiyd). —post, λαμ κί (protection, )
(deficiency,) huchh hamt ; yifdzal ; nigith-bani ; kha-
barddri. -ful, be-dér ; kha- Wealth. See ‘ Riches.’
bar-ddér. Δὰν. with se. (v.) Weapon, Aarbah ; hathiydr.
hifdzat, &c. k. Wear, (our, as clothes), pur-
Water, pdnt, (m.) db, (Per- dna hozdna. (clothes, &c.),
sian,) ; 7 / —-fall, ad-shér. pahinna ; orhna ; bdndhna;
-fowl, wurgh-dbi. -ing, lagd-@. ; ۰‫ء‬‎
db-padshi. -ing-pot, ۸7۰ Weather. See ‫می‬‎ 80.
—pot, ghara ; ka st, —man, Weave, dinna. —ing, bindwat.
bihishti; pant-wdla.—-melon, πεῖ, fulahah ; Τά.
tarbiuiz. —seivant, db-ddar. Web, ۰
-y, tar ; dbt.(v.) paard. ; Wednesday, dbudh; chér-
(irrigate), faftdna; dd- shambah. *
pashi-k. to sprinkle-, pant Weed, ghds, (f.) ;jangli ghas.
chhit-karke-d. when plucked up, ghds-pdt;
Wave, (n.) mau, (f.). (v.) adkhor. V. —ukhdrna.
hildna ; hild-d. Week, Aaftah.
Wax, mom, -en, mom ka. Ween, vona , dusu-gird-d.
—cloth, *momsydmah. seal- Weigh, (¢vans) ftaulna ;
ing -, ۰ wazn-k, (intr.) ttne wasn
Way. See ‘Read.’ by the -, ka hona. (ponder,) waza-
i.e. on the road, darmivdn है, - jaduchna ; sochna, ty,
γάλ ke. by the -, e.g. by bhdrt ; wazni; sangin;
the way, | ought to men- gird. all lit. and fig.
tion, &c., ahkte hie; Welcome, mubérik, (also by
‎‫ ءاؤر‬۸‫ مہ‬yb yaw .g.e( way of address). V.-ddd-&,
kindness,) az vrah-t-mthr- See ‘ Agreeable.’
‎‫رر یم‬: stsoc fo eht ,- har Well,(a.) achchha ; bhala ; khiib,
ha kharch. (which are also interjs.) to
We, Zam. See 29. ; ham log. be-, —hona.(in good style,)
Weak, fam-sor; nd,lawdn ; achchhi tarah. -enough,
za,if.—ness, kam-zort ; nd- kam-besh. as - 85 possible,
tdékati ; sof. makdur bhar. this, as + as
that, yzh,aurwuh bhi.—fare, While. See page 47. iii. also,
khairtyat.—done ! shdbdsh/ ‘Space.’ a long or good -,
bahut achchha / -known, bahut der tak ; muddat-t-
khitb-maalim ; mashhiir. dardz. a little -, thori der
—wisher, khair-khwah. tak ; chhan-ek.
West, pachchham ; maghrib. Whip, chdbuk , hora. V.
Wet, dhinga; tar; gila. —midrna, or -: madrna.
—ness, fart, V. bhingdna. Whirl, ghiimna ; phirna.
What, -ever. See pages 33 -pool, gird-4b.-wind, gird.
and 39. bad.
Wheat, ۰ Whiskers, michh, (f.)
Wheedle, phuslina ; chum- Whisper, phasphaséhat. V.
‎۶‫ء‬۸۶ Phasphaséna.
Wheel, (n.) charkh ; pahiya; Whistling, οὐδέ, safir, (
chakkar. (v.) e.g. a barrow, ۷۰. -bajana.
chaldna. White, safed. ...‫(ا‬‎ ۲٣‫۔‬-‫ہ‬‎ a
When. See paye ۱6. —ever, -man, gora.a —ant, diwak.
jab kabhi...tad, —wash, puchéra.
Where, -ever. See pages ‫ہ‬۱‎ ۶4 Who, -ever. See pages 33
and 62. —abouts? ζαζάγι ; and 30.
kis taraf? Whole, (a) ull; tamdm
Whether, £hwah...khwéh ; sab, (n.) kulliyat. -some,
kya...kya(e.g. whether rich mu,dfik ; saziwan,; zuldl.
or poor,) khwdéh daulat- ly, dil-kull ,- mahs.
mand, khwdah gharib. Why? ἄγει ? héhe? his waste?
Which. See page 33. which Wick, batts.
of these two do you prefer, Wicked. See ‘Bad.’
in donon men se kaun Wicker, —work, Jaari.
pasand karte ho? which is Wide. See ‘ Broad.

which, I can’t say, haun yth Widow, γάμῳ, bewa ४ - pee
hat aur kaun wuh hai, shauhar. -er, randi,a ;
main nahin kah-sakta htm be-zan.
T., H. 22

Wife, yoru ; saujah; kabilah. hosh-ydr ; ddnish-mana. to

Wilful, *&Aud-pasand; sar- have-, to be wise, the adjs.
kash, -ly. See ‘ Intention.’ and ۸٥۷۸٥۸. wisely, ak se.
Will. See ‘Pleasure.’ ‘ Pow- Wish. See ‘ Desire.’
er.’ (testament,) cwasiyat- Wit. See ‘Wisdom,’ ‘Jest.’
ndmah. —ing, tatydr; + dst; Witch, ddyan.
risd-mand ; khush. —ing- With, (accompanied by,) ۷
ness, fatydri ; risd-mandi ; sdth; le-kar; ma,i? (instru-
khushi. -ingly, khushi-se. ment, manner,) se, 4e sa/A,
Win, jilna ; ghdlib-hona. (cause,) 4e madre; ke bd,ts;
Wind, awa, (f.) ; ddd, (Per- ke sabad, se —draw, le-jana,
sian. ). -hold, wnahin-d; bds-
Window, λίγα; ghurfah. rakhna.-stand, mukhdlif-
Wine, skardd, (f.) mai; mad; hona,. -in, bhitar; andar.
ddru, (f.). dddah, (Per- -out, édhar; (destitute of,)
sian.) ! be ; bila.
Wing, par; pankh,(fiz.)daghal, Witness, gawdh; shéhiad;
(f.). V. pankh madrna. shdki,(L.B.). eye-,chashm-
Wink, (n.) chashmak, V. -&. did ρατυάλ.
Winter, jdre Aa mausam. Wizard, osha.
Wipe, fonchhna ; ponchh-d. Wolt, dkeriva.
Wire, “dr. See page 98. Woman, aurat; san, (p.)
Wisdom, αὐ (f.); ask ; stri; randi.—’s property,
danist. A. akl-mand ; stri-dhan. appertaining to

2 This word will remind you (later on) of the beautiful song, ۸
δὰ ἰάξαλ, nau δὰ mau, where occur the line and refrain.
‘Bddah-t-dil-kusha bijo—
Tasah ba tdsah, nau δὰ nax—'
‘ Bring forth the heart-expanding wine—fresh and afresh.’
3 This word is nearly equivalent to ‘and.’ It is used of what is
elosely connected with a thing already named; as ‘a case wit (or
end) its evidence.’ See page τιϑ, for two illustrations of this.

women, sanvdut. —s apart- Worse, ws-se khardb,; (in

ments, sandnah, -ἶν, health,) 47 τυ aur bimdr
aurat-sa. hat, or 47 bimdri aur sakht
Wonder, fa,ajjub,; hairat ; kat. worst, s2b-se khardb,
fahatyur. V. —-k. -ful, Worship, (M.) zéddat; (H.)
ajib; ajtibah. -fully, ‫ا‬7‫ھ‬‎ puja. V.—k. your-! Ausir’
tarah Se. jandb ; jandb-dli ; gharib-
Woo, natives never ‘ woo ;’ parwar ; jahdu-fandh ;
in L.B. they employ a dharm-avatdr, &c.
broker, called ‘ghatak,’ Worsted, wn ka siit.
Wood, lJakri; hesim. of -, Worth. See ‘Price,’ ‘Value.’
lakri ka. a rupi’s -of cloth, ἐᾷ ripiye
Wool, wn; pashm. οἵ --, ka. ka kapra. it’s not - while,
Word, dat; baydn; lafz ; kuchh parwah nahin ;
sukhun ; shabd. - by -, taklif mat uthd,tye.
lafzan. (news,) khabar, (f.); Wrestling, ۷۷۶۸/7 V. —-A.
bat; ittila, (f.). —tler, kushti-gir; αλλ.
Work, kam ; kdr ; kdr-bdr ; wan.
kdr-o-bdr. See ‘Trade,’ Wretch,am-bakht; be-chdrah.
‘Labour,’ —man, kdrigar.| ποῦ, be-nasib; kangal.
~shop, —place, kér-khdnah, (contemptible,) xd-Adra.
adukdn, ‫))(۔‬‎ ४. kam, &e. -edness kam-bakhti; be-
‎‫ رم‬mihnat-k, nasibi ;shikasta-hdlt. —edly,
World. See ‘ Universz.’ —ly tangi-se; khardb hdl men.
affairs, wir dunydvt. Wring, machorna. (out water,)
Worm, kirm ; kira. glow -, pani nikdl-d.
shab-tab, -eaten, irm- Write, tkhna ; likh-d; kalam-
khurdah., band-k. a —-ing, lekha. --ΟΥ,
Worn, —out, purdna ; ho-gaya. kdtib ; nawisandah ; as last
See " Tired.’ part in compos:...#awis

Δ Accent on first syllable.


or...zavis. e.g. nakl-navis, Wrong, (a.) #d-durust , thik.

a copyist. -ten, ἔλα hii,a ; nahin ; ts men bhil hat;
nawishtah ; kalam-band; achcthha nahin, (unjust),
taiyér. -ting materials, be-insaf; nad-hakk ; ghair-
dawét-kalam ; kalam- wajib. right οἵ -, ‫وم‬‎
‫مہ مر‬
siyéhi. the art, or act, of hakk. N. be-inséfi ki bat;
ting, kalam-bandi ;tbérat; zu/m. —doer, with ५०.
tasnif, (f.). -fully, de-tnséfi se.



Yard, (court,) ταζη. (mea- Yes, han; 77 hdn. See page
sure,) gaz. 56, Note 2.
Yawn, jamhd,i V.-k ; jam- Yesterday. See page 69.
héna. Yet, (e.g. yef he did not obey
Year, baras; 547, (p.); (in me,) /ekin; magar; tau-
dating), saz. during this-, bhi ; té-ham. (for all that,)
im-sdél. during last -, par.’ there is yet this to be
guzashte sal. for years, said, yih bhi kahna hoga.
barason σὲ, sdlha τἀ se. he has not come yef,ad-tak,
-ly, sélydénah, or sdliydnah.
; fasl, ))(
every -, har sd/,; sdl-basdl.
(v.) dena.
advanced in—s, duddha;
stnn-ddr. of tender -s. See Yoke, (n.) 7ώ,α, or su,dth.
‘Young.’ the new -, nau (v.) jotna.
20۰ You, your; yourselves. See
Yellow, card. N. 7. pages 26, 29, and 40, 7.

2 See page ,5‫ء‬‎ line 9. “πᾶσαν Aaddi na‘ nikli ; par na’ nikli.

Young, jawdn ; jiba. under Youth, a, jawdn; nau

age, kam-sinn; khurd 57. jawdn. time of youth,
grown-up, but -, ۶‫ھ‬‎ jawéni, —fully, jawén-sa.

Zeal, josh; tezt ; garmi.—ous, Zephyr, bdd-t-saba.
lund; lez; gar. a —ot, Zest, hasrat.
with ५०! (dev tee,) zéhid. Ziz-zag, kaj-o-pech.
—ously, josh, ७४८. se. Zone, tklim ; mintaka.

γ Wow
का ‫نرخ‬‎ ‫ اوننواب و‬δὰρ ‫لا‬‎ ‫فافافئافاکگ‬ ‫کا‬

ant” bien ‫روتا‬‎ ‫ا ٹا‬ ‫راخاڈور‬

δον ὁ aden कफ... Apel) ewe segs
‎‫ہے‬ ‫ یی و ری بر‬‎١‫ ی‬४ ΝἌ -§ of uq\ ςὺοσ
۴ ἃ | कर ai?
۱ ‎‫و‬

٢ vr

(eee pias ‫حوھخ‬‎ ΝᾺ, ον διῶ, Jaap

24 mele 720५५ Jo - ‫مو ب‬
ek. 4७0४४‫‏‬
Prades AN 4, | ier τ۹ ΔΝ, 0700 ἐὺ ۷
۸ ७३४४७ .. ΑΔ ΔΊ “ἰὸν ὡς νῦν ४0९ ۲۳
A single figure, (as ‘23,’) inlicates the faye. When that figure is
followed by a comma and another figure, then the first figure
indicates the page, and the second, the section on that page. A
second or third figure mot referring to a Section, is separated from
the preceding figure by a semi-colon

A, or An, 9, ۶۰‫ھ‬‎
‘A,’ asin, ‘how much’ ‘a yard ?’ 65, 8.
‎۸‫ بتتاظ‬sdrow ,fo ,57 ‎95‫ ہ‬.eloV/ 48 toof( .)etun
‘Asour’ (4. g. about ten men), 39, 7-
ACCENT, 72, 2.
ADJECTIVES, allied to Pronouns, 39, 6. See ‘AGREEMENT.’
ADVERBS, and Allied Words, 54.
AGREEMENT, generally, το. of the Verb, το, 6; ‫اوہ‬‎ 25.
‘ Aco,’ 68, 7.
ALPHABET, (‫]طع‬‎ Ι.
ANAHS, as used to express fractions, 65, 8.
‘AND,’ omission of, τι, /Vote ; 68, το.
ANSWERS, by servants, 56. ۸۷0/۸ 2.
‘Ap’ 28, 2. APNA, 30, 7.
ARRANGEMENT of Words, 9, Vole; ۰
ARTICLES, the, 9, ۶۰‫ھ‬‎
At, of time, 68, 6. (See Glossary, sud voce.)
344 INDEX,

*Banut ACHCHHA!’ ‫؛‬‎ ‫عج‬ ‫ وجہ‬KHUB!’ 56, Nols 2.
Bopy, the Parts of the, 62.
ΒΟΤΗ, 40. Born. ..AND, 46.
By, (of time,) 68, 6.

CADENCE, 72, 3.
CARDINAL NUMBERS, the, 64; τὸς
CasEs, 5.
*CHAHIYE,’ τ8, 20.
‘CHHE-CHHI,’ warning against certain uses of, 57,
CIVILITY, exaggerated, 75, τᾷ, Wore.
CLock, the, 67, 4.
Cotours, the chief, 59.
COMPARISON of Adjectives, ordinary, 74,
8. by the Persian
method, 74. 9.
Compass, points of the, ‫یو‬‎
ConjJuNCTIONS, the, 46.
‫ب‬۶۶77‎ ‫ہہ‬

DAN, as a suffix, ۰
Darna, fo fear, followed by ‘se’ ‫ءرہ‬‎ Nore iv.
DaTING, 68, 8.
Days of the WEEK, 66, 2.
DEGREES of Comparison, 74, 8 and 9.
‘DENA,’ fo give, contractions of, :: τὸ
DiprxHoncs, 4, 8.
DisTRIBUTION ३०५, 8.
INDEX. 345

‎7‫۔‬۶0 0×۱ VowELs in Verbs, +5, ٦4, ८/ 4८५५.
EXERCISES, passim.

FEMININE Nouns, list of, τοϑ.
FRACTIONS, 64 ; 65, 8.
‘FROM HIS HORSE.’ 73, 5.
“ἜΒΟΜ INSIDE’ = ‘out of,’ 73, 5.
FuTurE TENSE USED for Subjunctive, 73, 5.

Gems, the principal, 96, /Vote 2.
GLOSSARIES, English; 205. Hindustani, ‫بب‬‎27.

‘H’ at end of a word preceded by a consonant, 2, 3.
Following another consonant, 2, 4.
* Havy,’ how translated, 3‫ا‬‎ ;5 ,75 ‫ےہ‬
HEALTH, to ask for one’s, 77, ۰.
HinputstaAni Reaper, ۵۸۱707۰
*Ho-cuuka,’ (and the like,) ‫وہ‬‎ 23.
Hours, how reckoned, 67, 3.
*HU,a HOGA,’ ,‫سرو‬‎ 8.
00۳۷‫ا‬ nouns of, used for τοῖ Personal Pronoun, 29.‫‏‬
Note iv.‫‏‬
*Huztr,’ 76, 57.
I, between two Persian words, meaning of, 52. Motes.
Ipioms, 73, 5.
340 INDEX.
INTERROGATIVE WORDS, a list of some, 62.
INTENTION, how expressed, 5r.
‘Ir Is,’ 75, ΤᾺ:

* JAB-TAK,’...‘TAB-TAK,’ 47, 3.
6 JIS-wA KT’...“US-WAKT,’ of unrelated events, 47, iv.
‘ Jo-Ko,!,’ ‘Jo-KUCHH,. 395
: JO-HUKM,’ 56, Vole 2.

Ka, KE, KI, rules for, 5, 3.
“۶ Kanna,’ Zo say, followed by ‘se,’ ,‫ہ‬/‎ κι, /Vole v.
‘Kam,’ Prefix meaning deficiency, 59, ۸۸۷۸۶۰
‘ KAUN HAI,’ ‘KO,I HAI,’ difference in meaning, 38.
—KE —KAR 0۶ —KARKAR, participle ending in, 76, 6:
“ΚΙΗ NA,’ 46.
“(६ 0,, ‘ KUCHH,’ 38, ८६ segg.

‘LaGNA,’ when it means / degin, construction with, ,‫ا‬5‎
Note, iii.
Lepi-sAHIBAH, 269, ۸۶/۶ i.
: LENA,’ to fake, contractions of, 55, ro.
‘Loa,’ people, used in forming plurals, 7, ۸0/۸۸

“Μααιύμ, ‘NA-MAALUM,’ colloquial use of, 59.
Marks of vowels, &c., 4.
‘MeEm-SAHIBAH,’ ‘MEM-LOG,’ 24, (Vole.
INDEX. 347

ἜΜ ΝΑ, ‘Miva,’ 3rd Personal Verb, 50, Vote i.

४ Mis-BABa,’ ‘MIS-SAHIBAH, 24, /Vole.
MONTHS, the, 66.

NARRATION, 47. Vole τὶ ; 74, το.
‘NoT AT HOME,’ 26, Vole Ί.
Nouns, See ‘Cases ; ‘Number,’ ‘Gender.’ paradigm of, ὃ,
ποῦ humility, used instead of rst Personal Pronoun..
29, ۰‫ھ‬‎
NUMERATION, 64; ‫!ہچ۔‬‎

“Ὁ, between two Persian words, meaning of, 52, /Votes.
‘Or,’ (7 e.g. ‘a cup of tea,’) 73, 5.
OMISSION of ‘AND,’ ×5, Vole, 68, το. of PRONOUNS, ۰‫چ‬‎
LVote ii; 73, 5. of the 3rd Pers. Sing. of the Substan-
tive Verb, 26, ۸/0/7۶ 2.
‘ONCE,’ ‘TWICE,’ ‘THRICE,’ &C., 65, 6.
‘OR SO,’ 39,7.
OrDINAL NUMBERS, the, 65, 5.
‘OuT OF,’ 73, 5-
‘Own,’ (pronoun,) 30, 7.

‘ PAHAR,’ a, 67.
PaRADIGMS:—of Hona, ¢o de or become, preceding the
‘First Lesson.’ of Nouns, 8. of terminations of VERBS,,.
‎‫ہ‬4 ὃ. of VERBS, 6.
PARTS OF THE Bopy, 62.
343 INDEX.
Post-OFFICE, the, 94.
PLUPERFECT TENSE, used for Past, 73, 5.
PLURAL, ordinary, 6,5, ef segg. Persian, 73, 6: 23 /Vote το.
-for Sing. in Verbs, 52, ۸۷۱۸۶۶۰
Pronouns, 28. ‘Ap,’ 28, 2. Demonstrative, 30,5. In-
terrogative, 33, 72. efsegg. Personal, 29, 4. Posses-
sive, 30, 6. Reflexive, 30, 7. Relative, 33, ۱٥6.۰ Words
allied to -, 38.
PRONUNCIATION, ١: 72, ٠۰١ /‫ء‬‎ 5८५०५.
PuRPOSE, how expressed, 5I.

RaiLway, the, 82.
RELATIVE and Co-RELATIVE words, 25; 39, oles; 47,
Notes ; το4. See ‘ PRONOUNS.’


SAnip, SAHIBAH, 24; 26, Vole 4.

SALUTE, tO, 75, 5۰
SELF, 35 8.
SincE, (of time,) 68, 7.
Stem, of Verb, ,‫ہو‬‎ 7. use as an Imperative, 5 τό.

TasHRig LANA, -LFJANA, 76, ۰

—TE-HI, Participle ending In, 034, ὃ.
TELEGRAPH, the, οὗ.
‘THANK YOU,’ 75, 4۰
‘THERE IS,’ ‘THERE ARE,’ 75, ۰+
ΗΟ, 47, ۸۰۸۸۰ i. and table of ‘ corrigenda.’
INDEX, 349

TIME, 66.
‘To,’ as Co-relative, 25, Vole × ; 47, Notes; τον.

‘UL,’ ‘Ub,’ “5, meaning of, in personal names, 2. ٤

VERBS :—Agreement in Gender of -, ‫ہ‬۲‎ 6. Auxiliary -,
‎‫ روا‬5. ‘Can,’ ۱8, 22. ‘Chukna,’ construction with,
ιδὃ, 23. Compound -, <٥: 27. Contractions in -, ۱4, 9
et segg. ‘Darna,’ and other —which take ٤ sé,’ κ΄, Notes.
Derivative -, ٥, 28. Euphonic letters in -, 5‫ا‬‎ 4‫ا‬
et segg. ‘Have,’ +3, ६; 75, 73. ‘Have done with,’ or
‘finished with,’ ὦ 5. 23. ‘Hona, 20 de, or become, ) 3, 5
ef ‫ءوہ‬:‎ ‫ زی‬9 ९४ segg. “Ηύ,α hoga,’ and similar
constructions, 27, 08. Imperative mood of -- :—(a.)
Abusive, 5‫ہ‬‎ 6 )۸( Irregular, 24, ‫دور‬‎ (८.) Ordinary,
‎‫ہ‬4 8. (d.) Respectful, ‫ہۃوہ‬‎ 8. Intensified =; ΤῸ, δῆ.
‘Lagna’ 60 begin, construciion with, ,‫ا‬5‎ Nolte iii.
‘May,’ 58, 22. ‘ Milna,’:—(q.) asa 3rd Personal Verb,
50, 276. (b.) as a full three-personed Verb, ἢ 24,
Note 2. ‘Must,’ :8, 20. ‘Ought,’ (8, ۰‫ء‬‎ Paradigms
of -, :—(a.) Of ' Hona,’ preceding the ‘ First Lesson.’
)۸ Of Nouns, 8. (८) Of the Regular Verb, ×6.
(4.) Of the terminations of the Tenses, ,۹‫ہ‬‎ 8. Partici-
ples :—(a.) The vast, τ4, 8 ; ‫ررہ‬‎ ‫ و‬7. (4.) The present,
4,8: ۲7, :6‫ا‬‎ 2٥‫ب‬‎ 30. (८) Irregular, 22, ‫ج‬‎ (d.)
..-Re,...kar,...karke, ۹8‫او‬‎ : ,76 ,6‫ ر‬٤ Sakna,’ const
tion with, +8, 2<. ‘Shall have,’ ١ 7, 79. Stem the,
54, 7. Tenses the, of -, ‫عو‬‎ 8 e¢ 5۶:77. ‘Tenses of the
Past Participle of Transitive -, construction with the,
‎‫ا‬9‫ ر‬25.
३5० INDEX,

VERBAL NOUN, the; ἀν 4:

VOCABULARIES, Classified :—Adjectives, useful, 9: τι; 25;
57. Adverbs, 54. Animals, common, 83. Bazar, the,
85. Bed-room, the, 24; 34; 87; 95. Birds, com-
mon, 84. Body, parts of the, 62. Colours, the chief,
59. Compass, points of, 59. Condiments, 92. Con-
junctions, 46. Dignitaries, 52. Dinner-table, the, 86.
Dress, 25; 343 95. Drinks, 34; 94. English words
in common use, 34. Food, articles of, εἰ ; gt ef segg.
Fruit, 93. Games, 88, Harness, 9०. House, the, avd
House-furniture, 23; 40; 87. Insects, 84. Kitchen,
the, 87. Land, and Cultivation, 52 ; 78. Landscape,
the, δι. Measurement, 70. Miccellaneous, 9; τι;
955.355 ‫یر‬‎ -07.. Money, go. Nature,..83, . .Post
Office, the, 98. Prepositions, 43. Relationships, 4.
Religion, 77. Seasons, the, 80. Servants, 35. Stable,
the, 90. ‘Telegraph, the, 98. Time, words relating to,
69. ‘Toilet accessories, g5. ‘Town, a, its principal
parts, 82. Vegetables, y3. Verbs, useful, 24; 48.
Vermin, 84. Weather, the, 80. Weights, 70. Wines,
345 94.
Voices, Active, 723/۱ 22. Passive, 22.
Vowets, Euphonic in Verbs, τ, 4‫ر‬‎ avd .5‫ہ‬‎ Pronuncia-
tion of, 3.
“Walt, पा), I COME.’ (tazom,) 47. Note ii
‘WALA, WALI, 73, 7.
WEEK, days of the, 60, 2.
WEIGHTS, 2, 70.
۱۷ ‎‫ہ‬8 ‫م‬3, tnemegnarra fo ni ,secnetnes ۰

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