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Indoor Environmental Quality for Occupant Comfort and Wellbeing: Daylighting, air ventilation, exhaust
systems, low VOC paints, materials & adhesives, building acoustics. Codes related to green buildings: NBC, ECBC,

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important issue that has both short term and long term impacts on
the health of occupants. There are two common strategies in building design that are employed to
deal with the IAQ in a building. The first one is to improve the indoor air quality by increasing
the ventilation rate, which in turn reduces air pollutant . The second is by reducing the source of
pollution within and outside the building in order to reduce the introduction of pollutants in the
indoor air.

Using Natural Ventilation for Sustainable Construction

Natural ventilation is a healthy and cost effective way to save energy and provide fresh air for
building occupants. It is defined as using passive strategies to supply outdoor air to a building’s
interior for ventilation and cooling without using mechanical systems. Natural ventilation has
become a key component of green building today and is required in order to be certified
by LEED and the Living Building Challenge (LBC).

How it works
During the preconstruction phase of a project, research is done to determine the best positioning
of the building to allow adequate ventilation from prevailing winds. There are also design
elements that have to be incorporated into a building to allow for the free air access. For
example, upper clerestory windows will be installed in the Brock Environmental Center in order
to provide free air access to the workspaces below.
During preconstruction, the team will also determine the range of ambient weather variables (i.e.
65-75 degrees Fahrenheit) in which the HVAC system will be turned off and natural ventilation
will be used. Humidity and wind speed are also taken into account in order to provide the most
comfortable and energy efficient environment for building occupants.

The benefits of natural ventilation

The primary purpose of natural ventilation is to allow the outside ambient weather to provide
low humidity, moderate temperature wind currents as an alternate cooling source for the building
and provide air circulation throughout. By using this method, building owners are able to save on
energy costs by turning off the HVAC system when the temperatures are right. Natural
ventilation can replace all or part of a mechanical system—reducing construction, energy and
operating costs for the owner.
Indoor climate is critical for human well being. Similar to natural daylighting, natural ventilation
helps keep occupants comfortable and healthy and increase productivity and learning.
Natural Daylighting
Natural daylighting, whether from a ray of light reaching through the curtains, or the soft
dappled light just beneath the canopy of an oak tree. It evokes in us warmth and serenity. Our
sophisticated eyes function efficiently and without stress in the presence of natural light. Our
moods are calmer. Our energy tends to be higher. Recent studies in architectural design have
shown that natural lighting may even improve the test scores of our children upwards of 25%
compared to students in classrooms with no windows and no natural lighting, leading to a
revolution in the design of educational institutions. Best of all, daylight is completely free (when
the sun is up). Undeniably natural lighting is the most desirable, and sustainable solution for
interior lighting – provided that windows and openings do not incur excessive heat gain.

Admitting an acceptable level of life-nourishing light while managing heat gain requires a
rigorous balancing act. Luckily, today’s energy-efficient windows, as well as advances in lighting
design, allow efficient use of windows to reduce the need for artificial lighting during daylight
hours without causing heating or cooling problems.

While the best way to incorporate daylighting in your home depends on your climate and home’s
design, the sizes and locations of windows should be based on the path of the sun roughly
according to the cardinal directions.

Exhaust Ventilation Systems work by decreasing the air pressure inside of a building, causing
indoor air to leave the building, while outside air enters the building through leaks in the building
shell and intentional passive vents. These systems are most suitable in cold climates, as warm,
moist outdoor air can condense and cause moisture damage inside building walls. These types of
systems are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, but cause higher heating and cooling
energy costs than energy recovery ventilation systems, as the incoming air is not warmed,
cooled, or dehumidified before entering the building.

What does paint do to the environment?

The VOC content of paint and the CO2 emitted during manufacture are key contributors to
environmental impact - primarily in the form of air pollution (petrochemical smog) and to a
lesser degree greenhouse gases. Just because a paint says it has no VOCs does not mean it does
not give off hazardous vapours.
Adhesives and sealants:
Liquid, or wet-applied, adhesives are more likely to expose workers to hazardous emissions than
are tapes or gaskets, with latex and solvent-free silicon products generally posing the least risk.
Though most are safe to the end user, many adhesives and sealants contain hazardous
Polyurethanes, which contain isocyanates that may cause lung damage in workers, need to be
properly mixed, applied, and cured, but proper ventilation and skin protection should also be
used when applying certain acrylics, butyls, polyurethanes, and polysulfides.
For Green building adhesives used within the interiors, ensure that the VOC content does not
exceed the limits as specified in Table given below.

• Adhesives certified by CII - GPSC / GreenPro can be used by the project to show compliance,
as and when the certified materials are available.

Notes for Paints & Coatings and Adhesives:

• Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are carbon compounds that participate in atmospheric
photochemical reactions (excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic
carbides and carbonates, and ammonium carbonate). The compounds vaporize at normal room
• If the project has used small quantities of non-complying paints & coatings and/or adhesives, a
VOC budget can be calculated to demonstrate that the weighted average VOC of all products
(based on litres of each applied) is below the allowed limit, by each type.

Use of Hard Surfaces/Materials

The right surface materials will function acoustically by absorbing noise and blocking the
transmission of sound from one space to the next. In green spaces, architects and designers tend
to specify harder materials, often avoiding mineral fiber ceilings, carpet, or fabric wall coverings.
They do this, explains Moeller, because harder materials give off the impression of being easier
to maintain and offer a longer lifespan; however, they also eliminate absorption. Unless designed
with acoustics in mind, spaces without sound-absorbing finishes, such as acoustic ceilings, can
have poor acoustics due to reverberation, echo, and elevated noise levels

Achieving Acoustic Comfort in Green Buildings

Sustainability is one of the driving forces in the field of construction today, a road that has
largely been paved by the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED®) rating
system developed by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC).
However, for much of its history, LEED paid little attention to acoustics, drawing criticism from
building professionals and weakening the overall performance of many green buildings. In fact,
surveys performed by the Center for the Built Environment show that their occupants are
generally more dissatisfied with noise control and speech privacy than those in traditional
USGBC is attempting to address this weakness through LEED Building Design and Construction
While credits draw much-needed attention to this aspect of the work environment, it is essential
to have a good understanding of the basic elements needed to achieve acoustic comfort, as well
as the reasons why some of the current sustainable design strategies tend to undermine them.
The ABC Rule provides a solid framework for this discussion. This acronym stands for the
principal methods used by acoustic professionals to achieve effective acoustics: absorb, block
and cover.

Absorptive materials reduce the volume of noises reflected back into a space, the length of time
they last and the distance over which they travel. The amount of absorption in a room is
generally indicated by the Reverberation Time (RT) measured within the space. Attaining a low
RT is essential to reducing the echo or ‘liveliness’ of the room, which can otherwise irritate and
tire out its occupants.
Because the ceiling is usually the largest uninterrupted surface in a facility, using a good
absorptive tile is important. Select a ceiling tile with at least a 0.75 Noise Reduction Coefficient
(NRC) for open plans. In closed space, use tiles with a high Ceiling Attenuation Class (CAC)
because they are better at containing noise. Ideally, tile coverage should be uninterrupted.
However, many green buildings have open ceilings. It is important to research whether this
decision will have the desired heating/cooling or cost benefits and, if an exposed structure is still
desired, treat an appropriate percentage of the deck with an absorptive material sufficient to
provide the RT deemed acceptable for the type of space (i.e., open or closed). Generally
speaking, this strategy has an impact, as do vertical baffles. Depending on the building
construction, another option is to use a perforated corrugated metal deck with an absorptive
material placed behind the perforations before the concrete is poured.
Workstation panels should also be absorptive, particularly if there is no acoustical tile. If the
space is narrow in order to promote natural light penetration, use absorptive panels on select
walls in order to prevent noise from ricocheting between the exterior wall and the core. Use soft
flooring to reduce footfall noise, at least in high traffic areas.
Blocking noise is achieved using walls, doors and other physical structures. However, green
buildings generally feature more open plan than their traditional counterparts.

In open plan spaces, workstation partitions above seated head height (150 to 165 centimeters; 60
to 65 inches) are essential to attenuate the noises passing to an occupant’s nearest neighbors. If
they are shorter, they will do little more than hold up the desks.
Where daylighting is a concern, use absorptive panels up to a 120-centimeter height (48 inches)
and top them with 30 centimeters (12 inches) of glass or another transparent material. The top 12
inches introduces a reflective surface, but the reduction in absorption relative to the increase in
blocking is an acceptable compromise. Also, ensure the panels have a high Sound Transmission
Class (STC) rating and are well sealed along any joints, with no significant openings between or
below them.
If there is no ceiling, build walls to the deck. If there is a suspended ceiling, walls can stop at the
ceiling. Walls should have a high Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating to prevent airborne
noise transmission. Do not locate penetrations such as outlets back-to-back on opposite sides of a
wall. Ensure the STC rating of doors and interior windows at least meets the wall standard.
Many of these requirements also apply to demountable wall systems, which are often used to
enclose spaces in green buildings. These systems may have lower STC ratings than conventional
walls and the joints between the panels may provide conduits for noise. Address any gaps along
the ceiling, exterior walls and floor during installation or they will easily transmit noise.
HVAC systems must also meet several criteria to avoid compromising acoustic isolation. For
example, supply ducts should not connect adjoining closed rooms prior to connection to the main
supply duct. Air return grills should not be placed straddling walls between closed spaces.

We have all heard the old saying ‘silence is golden.’ However, just as with lighting and
temperature, there is a comfort zone for the volume of sound and it is actually not zero. For this
reason, the final step of the ABC Rule involves ensuring that the ambient – or background –
sound level in the space is sufficient.

The ambient level in the majority of traditional offices is already too low. The use of
high-efficiency heating and cooling systems means that it is generally even lower in green
buildings. In these types of environments, conversations and noises can easily be heard, even
from a distance, and are very disruptive to occupants.
Sound masking is the only acoustic treatment that can replenish and maintain the ambient level.
This technology consists of a series of loudspeakers installed in a grid-like pattern in or above
the ceiling, as well as a method of controlling their output. Though the sound the loudspeakers
distribute is often compared to that of softly blowing air, it is specially engineered. It either
completely covers up conversations and noises or reduces their disruptive impact by decreasing
the amount of change between the baseline volume and any peaks in the space.
The generally recommended sound masking volume is between 43 and 48 dBA in open plans
and from 40 to 45 dBA in private offices. In order to ensure uniform coverage – maximizing
performance and occupant comfort across the entire space – the system should be designed to
provide small zones (one to three loudspeakers) that are individually controllable for both
volume and frequency. The system should also provide a suitable sound masking spectrum, such
as the one developed by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC).
Using a sound masking system can help support other sustainable efforts, especially when
included in the project’s design stage. For instance, masking increases noise isolation in open
plans. Natural ventilation can be employed without affecting speech privacy and the amount of
disruptions occupants experience. It can also pave the way for using demountable wall systems,
contributing to the space’s flexibility and reducing waste following future renovations.
The project team should establish performance targets (e.g., for speech privacy) for their facility,
particularly if pursuing LEED credit. These goals are best set together with an acoustic
professional, who can also assist in product selection, make measurements and confirm
compliance. However, for those who lack the budget for a consultant, this article provides a clear
list of the required steps and technologies, which is far preferable to ignoring acoustics

Green Building Codes

Green building codes go beyond minimum code requirements, raising the bar for energy
efficiency. They can serve as a proving ground for future standards, and incorporate elements
beyond the scope of the model energy codes, such as water and resource efficiency. As regional
and national green building codes and programs become more available, they provide
jurisdictions with another tool for guiding construction and development in an overall less
impactful, more sustainable manner.

● Beyond Codes
International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
The International Code Council's (ICC's) International Green Construction code (IgCC) is an
overlay code, meaning it is written in a manner to be used with all the other ICC codes. The
IgCC contains provisions for site development and land use, energy efficiency, water
conservation, material resource conservation and efficiency, indoor environmental quality and
comfort, commissioning and operations and maintenance, and existing buildings. The energy
efficiency provisions use the commercial provisions of the IECC as a basis, and then improve on
them by generally increasing the efficiency of the IECC provisions by 10%. ASHRAE Standard
189.1 is also adopted by reference in the IgCC as an alternative path to compliance.

Revision Process
All ICC model codes, including the IgCC, are revised every three years through a tri-annual
public consensus process.
DOE's Participation
DOE participates in the ICC consensus process to update the commercial building provisions of
the IgCC. DOE develops changes designed to increase energy efficiency in commercial
buildings, participates in code hearings, and prepares and responds to public comments. Through
this development process, DOE works to foster increased efficiency in commercial and high-rise
residential buildings.

For more information on the DOE role in the development of building energy codes, visit
the About section of this website.
ASHRAE Standard 189.1
ASHRAE Standard 189.1, Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings
Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, addresses site sustainability, water use efficiency, energy
use efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and the impact on the atmosphere, materials and
resources by buildings, as well as high-performance operation.
Revision Process
All ASHRAE standards are revised according to a consensus process developed and maintained
by ASHRAE and reviewed by the American National Standards Institute.

DOE's Participation
The U.S. Department of Energy is a member of the ASHRAE 189.1 Standing Standards Project
Committee (SSPC) and participates in updating and maintaining Standard 189.1; helping SSPC
189.1 develop changes associated with increasing energy efficiency in new commercial buildings
by developing addenda, responding to public comments, and assessing and voting on addenda to
the standard.

For more information on the DOE role in the development of building energy codes, visit
the About section of this website.
Going Beyond Code
A Guide for Creating Effective Green Building Programs for Energy Efficient and Sustainable
The Going Beyond Code Guide is designed to help state and local governments design and
implement successful "beyond code" programs for new commercial and residential buildings.
The guide addresses keys to successful adoption and implementation and discusses the primary
areas typically included in beyond code or green building programs, including energy efficiency,
materials and resource conservation, water efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and site
development and land use. Detailed descriptions, analysis of actual programs, lessons learned,
and best practices are also discussed. States and localities can use the information on local
programs, model codes and standards, and the model energy efficiency criteria for residential and
commercial buildings to find the best approach for their jurisdiction to develop and implement an
effective beyond code program.


It is a comprehensive building code for regulating the building construction activities across the
country which was first published in 1970, later revised in 1983, 2005 and 2016.

The Code contains regulations which can be immediately adopted or enacted for use by various
departments, municipal administrations and public bodies. It lays down a set of minimum
provisions designed to protect the safety of the public with regard to structural sufficiency, fire
hazards and health aspects of buildings; so long as these basic requirements are met, the choice
of materials and methods of design and construction are left to the ingenuity of the building
professionals. The Code also covers aspects of administrative provisions, development control
rules and general building requirements; fire safety requirements; stipulations regarding
materials and structural design; rules for design of electrical installations, lighting, air
conditioning and heating, installation of lifts; provisions for ventilation, acoustics and plumbing
services, such as water supply, drainage, sanitation and gas supply; measures to ensure safety of
workers and public during construction; and rules for erection of signs and outdoor display
structures. The Code today also covers provisions relating to structural use of glass; escalators
and moving walks; information and communications enabled installations; solid waste
management; landscape planning and design; and asset and facility management.

The Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC), was launched by Ministry of Power,
Government of India in May 2007, as a first step towards promoting energy efficiency in the
building sector.
The ECBC was developed by an Expert Committee, set up by India’s Bureau of Energy
Efficiency, with support and guidance from United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and significant inputs from various other stakeholders such as practicing
architects, consultants, educational institutions and other government organizations.
The successful implementation of the code requires development of compliance procedures
(compliance forms and development of field-test compliance forms and procedures), in addition
to building capacity of architects/designers/builders/contractors and government official in States
and Urban and Local Bodies (ULBs). It is also dependent on availability of materials and
equipment that meet or exceed performance specifications specified in ECBC.
BEE with the support of USAID ECO- III Project is promoting ECBC awareness and voluntary
adoption through training and capacity building programmes, pilot demonstration projects, and
identifying steps for compliance check and monitoring of ECBC. ECBC User Guide was
developed to support ECBC implementation by providing detailed guidance to the users on how
to comply with the Code. Four ECBC tip sheets on Energy Simulation, Building
Envelope, Lighting Design and HVAC are also available and provide useful information on Code
compliance at the system level and through Whole Building Performance approach that require
knowledge of energy simulation to model the proposed building.
The ECBC provides design norms for:
● Building envelope, including thermal performance requirements for walls, roofs, and
● Lighting system, including daylighting, and lamps and luminaire performance
● HVAC system, including energy performance of chillers and air distribution systems;
● Electrical system; and
● Water heating and pumping systems, including requirements for solar hot-water systems.
The code provides three options for compliance:
1. Compliance with the performance requirements for each subsystem and system;
2. Compliance with the performance requirements of each system, but with tradeoffs
between subsystems; and
3. Building-level performance compliance.
During the development of ECBC, analysis conducted through energy simulation indicated that
ECBC-compliant buildings may use 40 to 60% less energy than similar buildings being designed
and constructed at that time.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers is an
American professional association seeking to advance heating, ventilation, air conditioning and
refrigeration (HVAC&R) systems design and construction. ASHRAE has more than 57,000
members in more than 132 countries worldwide. Its members are composed of building services
engineers, architects, mechanical contractors, building owners, equipment manufacturers'
employees, and others concerned with the design and construction of HVAC&R systems in
buildings. The society funds research projects, offers continuing education programs, and
develops and publishes technical standards to improve building services engineering, energy
efficiency, indoor air quality, and sustainable development.

UPC: Uniform Plumbing Code

Designated as an American National Standard, the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) is a model
code developed by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical
Officials (IAPMO) to govern the installation and inspection of plumbing systems as a means of
promoting the public's health, safety and welfare.
The UPC is developed using the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) consensus
development procedures. This process brings together volunteers representing a variety of
viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus on plumbing practices.
The UPC is designed to provide consumers with safe and sanitary plumbing systems while, at the
same time, allowing latitude for innovation and new technologies. The public at large is
encouraged and invited to participate in IAPMO’s open consensus code development process.
This code is updated every three years.


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