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Q1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

1. Dharam Dev Pishorimal Anand (26 September 1923 - 3December 2011), better known as Dev Anand,
was an Indian film actor, writer, director and producer known for his work in Hindi cinema. Part of the
Anand family, he co-founded Navketan Films in 1949 with his elder brother Chetan Anand.
2. The Government of India honoured him with the Padma Bhushan in 2001 and the Dadasaheb Phalke
Award in 2002 for his contribution to Indian cinema. His career spanned more than 65 years with
acting in 114 Hindi films of which 104 have him play the main solo lead hero and he did 2 English
films. Dev Anand's autobiography "Romancing with Life" appears to be a very honest portrayal of the
man called Dev Anand. This article is composed on the basis of revelations recorded in his life story.
Being a very shy boy Dev's father put him up in a girl's school in Gurdaspur. It is obvious that Dev had
a very captivating face.
3. As a child Dev was fond of playing with marbles on the street outside his house. He was an excellent
marksman from any distance. He was always sure of hitting every marble that he aimed for. Due to his
marksmanship, he had won several marbles and stored those in a big jar, which was his proud
possession. His father hated him for playing all day with marbles. Dev was afraid of his father. One
day his father admonished him for playing with the marbles all the time. He said that this was not the
way to attain stature in life. But he loved his mother very much.
4. While Dev was still in Gurdaspur, his mother developed Tuberculosis, a fatal disease during those
days. The rare medicines necessary for her treatment were unavailable in Gurdaspur. Dev and friend
Bhagoo used to go to Amritsar, more than thirty miles away from Gurdaspur, by bus to bring
medicines for the treatment of his mother. Dev was fond of a special "Lassi" made from full fat milk,
which used to have "Pedas" crushed into it.
5. One sultry summer day Dev was sweating outside the Golden Temple in Amritsar. A Sikh gentleman
was selling "Almond Sherbat". Dev put his hand forward to grab the tumbler of "Sherbat". The Sikh
"Sherbatwala" saw the unique blessings of sun on Dev's forehead. He quickly said that some day he
would be a big shot in life. Dev narrated this to his mother, who hugged him and told his father to give
him the finest education and other facilities so that her son gets what he aspires for. His mother soon
became too weak to walk even and was moved to a sanitarium, where she died.
i. Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option. Dev Anand received Padma Bhushan in the year______.
a. 2002 b. 2011
c. 2001 d. 2012

ii. His father hated him_________________________. Fill in the blank with the correct option.
a. for playing marbles b. for being shy
c. for acting d. for producing movies
iii. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE: Dev Anand's autobiography "Romancing of
Life" is a very honest portrayal of the man called Dev Anand.

iv. Dev was fond of a special "Lassi" made from _____________________. Fill in the blank by selecting the
correct option.
a. pedas b. full fat milk
c. fat milk d. skimmed milk
v. What do you know about Dev Anand’s Film career?
vi. Find ONE WORD for the following phrase in paragraph 2: To show great respect for somebody
vii. Where did Dev Anand travel with Bhagoo? What is the reason of his travel?
viii. What kind of a relationship did Dev Anand share with his parents?


Q2. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for the following sentences.

i. You ............ consult the Thesaurus if you need groups of synonyms for those words.
(a) had to (b) need to (c) used to (d) might

ii. Everybody ............ keen to participate in the upcoming nukkad natak.

(a) are (b) has (c) is (d) were

iii. The good news is that ............ volunteers dropped out this month than the last two.
(a) fewer (b) less (c) few (d) a little

iv. It was ............ historic day for the organisation when ............ honour was bestowed upon its
(a) a; an (b) an; the (c) the; a (d) an; a

v. At this time tomorrow we ............ our project details to ma’am.

(a) are presenting (b) shall be presenting (c) have been presenting (d) will have presenting

vi. The Komodo dragon ............ follow its prey till it will eventually dies due to its venomous bite.
(a) have to (b) will (c) has to (d) had to

vii. Grit can be learned to help you ____________________ more successful. One of the techniques
that helps is mindfulness.
(a) have become (b) to become (c) become (d) became

viii. A new understanding of the fundamental connection between mind and body explains
phenomena such as phantom limbs, and _________________ surprising implications.
(a) have (b) are (c) is (d) has

ix. The service lanes ________________ able to sustain the large volume of vehicles.

(a) aren’t being (b) aren’t been (c) will be being (d) shouldn’t been

x. The two parks in our locality have virtually _______________ over by undesirable
(a) been taking (b) take (c) taken (d) been taken

Q3. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the

i. As per the report, India will allowed food processors to import duty-free wheat against a commitment to
export flour.


(a) the a

(b) will would

(c) allowed allow

(d) against for

ii. Electronic devices and screens are part of our daily lives. However, these screens
have a very harmful affect on both children as well as adults.

(a) have has

(b) however moreover

(c) affect effect

(d) on over

iii. Laws are been used in a way to serve the needs of the current regime and its
authoritarian ideology.


(a) a the

(b) the a

(c) its it's

(d) are have

Q4. Identify the error in the given sentences, and supply the correction.
i. The ship Titanic and her fate continues to fascinate the imagination
of the people.
Use the given format for your response:

Error Correction

ii. Exploring solutions to brought awareness about celebrating festivals without

harming ecology was the second objective of the competition.

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction

iii.Falling down or failing is one of the most agonising, embarrassing, and scary human
Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction

Q5. Identify the correct sentence from the following:

a. This is one of the most difficulty question that is ever asked.
b. This is one of the most difficult questions that has ever been asked.
c. This is one of the most difficult question that have ever been asked.
d. This is one of the most difficult question that has ever been asked.

a. The Prime Minister has not and probably would not introduce the bill.
b. The Prime Minister has not introduced and probably will not introduce the bill.
c. The Prime Minister has not and probably will not introduce the bill.
d. The Prime Minister has not and probably is not introducing the bill.

a. What an excellent idea he has!
b. What a excellent idea he was having!
c. What an excellent idea he was having!
d. How a excellent idea he has!

Q6. Put the correct determiners wherever necessary:

i. There is ____ dirt on this cap.

ii. Tell her to purchase ____ ticket.
iii. There are _____ apples in the basket.
iv. There are ____ buses at this hour.
v. They held ____ reception in his honour.
vi. He hurt his leg in ____ accident.
vii. Are there _____ lemons in the kitchen?
viii. My father is ______ honourable man.
ix. Switzerland is _____ European country.
x. There are just _____ apples left.
xi. Do you need ____ help from me?
xii. I earn ____ money than you.

Q7. Today is your birthday and your brother has gifted you something you wanted to have for a long time.
You are very happy to own it. Before going to bed you intend to share your joy with your diary. Write a
diary entry in 100-120 words expressing your feelings.
Q8. You fought with your best friend in school. You came back home upset and depressed. Write a diary
entry sharing your feelings in about 100-120 words.

Q9. Develop a story in about 100-120 words based on the hints given below: Also give a suitable title
to it.

A disabled child- very intelligent- feels lonely- gets the attention of the teacher- spends time with him-
notices a change in the boy- became pally with everyone- gets shifted to some other place- still remembers
all of us.

Q10. Complete the story in about 100-120 by using the given clues. Also give a suitable title to your
You’re sitting on a bench outside the library when a dog approaches you with no leash on. He climbs up on
the bench, looks you right in the eyes, and says, “I heard you have the spell for turning dogs into people.
Help me, please!”


Q11. Reference to context

A. “He would cunningly test the temperature with his hand, then gradually step into the bath, first one
foot, then the other (as he had seen me doing), until he was into the water up to his neck.”

i. Why do you think he tested the temperature of the water before going for a bath?
ii. What can you infer about the person’s personality from the way he entered for bath?

a. he was a smart creature c. he was excellent in copying others

b. he was witty d. he was cautious
iii. Who is ‘he’ in the first line?
iv. What did he do after the testing the temperature? When was he on the verge of dying?

B. “And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow Dropping from the veils of the
morning to Where the Cricket sings;
There midnight’s all a glimmer and noon a purple glow
And evenings full of the linnet’s wings.”

i. What did the poet see in the morning?

ii. Identify the poetic device in Line 1.
iii. Find a word from the extract which means “weak, faint, unsteady light.”
iv. How is the poet describing the days in Innisfree? Why does the poet wish to go to Innisfree?

C. “That night there was a hue and cry in the house. Father’s great speech for the Port Authority had
been lost. Rooms were searched; servants questioned. Finally, Mother came into Kezia’s room.”
“Kezia, I suppose you didn’t see some papers on a table in our room?”
“Oh yes,” she said,” I tore them up for my surprise.”
i. Why was there a hue and cry in the house?
ii. Why did Kezia tear those papers?
iii. Give the meaning of ‘hue and cry’.
iv. How did her father react when he got know the reality? What did he do?

Q12. Answer the following questions in about 40-50 words each.

i. Which path did the poet take in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’? How did it impact his life?
ii. What lesson do you learn from the lives of Evelyn Glennie and Ustad Bismillah Khan?
iii. What can you say about the nature of the doctor in the story, ‘The Snake and the Mirror’? Support your
answer with valid reasons.
iv. Why did the grandfather finally return Toto to the tonga driver? Was it a wise decision?
v. How is the lady’s greed visible in the poem ‘The Legend of the Northland’? How was she punished for the
vi. In the poem ‘Wind’, what suggestions does the poet give to protect yourself from the damage caused by the
vii. How did Iswaran master the art of storytelling?

Q13. Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words.

i. “Every wave of Life, teaches you some lessons.”

The child in the story ‘The Lost Child’ learnt a strong lesson in the end, what was it? What were the
circumstances that made him learn the lesson?
ii. What kind of a relationship did Kezia share with her father and why? How did it change later? Support
your answer with valid reasons.

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