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Anna Maria Taigi was very devoted to the souls in Purgatory. In her pious exercises she
used to intercede for the Blessed Souls by reciting a hundred requiem.
She gave witness to having received many celestial favours from God in the most diverse
circumstances and during the greatest spiritual and temporal needs.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I offer You, beloved Jesus, the merits of all the sufferings and sorrows You experienced
for our redemption, to help the souls in Purgatory; I begin by contemplating the Blood
You sweated on account of the desolation and anguish You experienced in the Garden of

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise. se.

I offer You, my beloved Jesus, for the souls in Purgatory, the great affliction which wrung
Your Heart when one of your beloved disciples, Judas, who, becoming a persecutor,
betrayed You with a sacrilegious kiss in order to deliver You into the hands of your cruel

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise. se.

I offer You, my beloved Jesus, for the souls inPurgatory, the admirable patience with
which You endured so many insults from those cowardly soldiers, who dragged You from
Annas to Caiaphas, from Pilate
to Herod, who, in greater contempt dressed You in the robe of the insane and sent You
back to the Roman governor through the mocking and jeering crowd.

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise..

I offer You, my beloved Jesus, for the souls in Purgatory, the bitterness that troubled
your Spirit when Barabbas, a bandit and a murderer, was released to the Jews instead of
you, the innocent and just one; You were tied to a column and repeatedly flogged without

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise.
I offer You, my beloved Jesus, for the souls in Purgatory, the humiliation You endured
when they put a scarlet cloak round you, placed a reed in your hand, and put a painful
crown of thorns on your head to mock You as a false king; and it was thus that Pilate
presented You to the crowd saying: "Here is the man."

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise. se.

I offer You, my beloved Jesus, for the souls in Purgatory, the inexpressible sorrow You
experienced when they shouted: "Crucify him! Crucify him!" and
the painful weight of the heavy cross on your shoulders borne with such sublime
resignation on the road to Calvary.

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise.

.I offer You, my beloved Jesus, for the souls in Purgatory, the merciful compassion and
the deep sorrow You fully experienced, when You were so brutally separated from Your
beloved Mother who had come to meet and embrace You.

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise. s
I offer You, my beloved Jesus, for the souls in Purgatory, the incredible torments You
suffered when, with your bleeding body stretched out on the cross and your hands
and feet horribly pierced with nails, You
were lifted up on that shameful gallows.

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise.

I offer You, my beloved Jesus, for the souls in Purgatory, the anguish and suffering
endured continuously for three hours while hanging on the cross, and spasms You
suffered in your limbs deepened by the presence of Your Sorrowful Mother witnessing
such heart-rending agony.

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise.
I offer You, my beloved Jesus, for the souls in Purgatory, the desolation which
overwhelmed the Most Holy Virgin Mary present at your death, and the wound in her
tender heart when she received in her arms your lifeless body taken down from the

Eternal rest. (10 times)

Holy Souls, Souls in Purgatory,

pray to God for me, and I will pray for you,
so that you may be granted the glory of Paradise.

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