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gifter tlje best Jebml) giut^orities,



un? 'S': n3t?n xb

“ For it shall not be forgotten out of the mouth of his seed.”
Deut. xxxi. 21.


The BLOCH Publishing and Printing Company.
Cincinnati and Chicago.
Entered according to act ot Congress, in the year 1853, by
In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,


This corrected version supplies an admitted want

of our times. The so-called Authorized or Anglican

version of the Scriptures, now already more than two

centuries old, is an eminently clever work, con-
sidering the state of knowledge then available for

its production : but, examined by the light of iacer

researches and more comprehensive studies, it betrays

great need for revision. Indeed this need has long
been recognized by the highest dignitaries and most
accomplished scholars in the Anglican Church itself,

and, but for the risk of therewith disturbing matters

more difficult of adjustment, such a revision might
ere now have been effected under corresponding

* Even “ The British and Foreign Bible Society,” which

has so much for the distribution of the Authorized
version, is now denounced by u The Trinitarian Bible Society,”
which claims that version as essentially Anti-Unitarian in
de. igu.

Meanwhile other Biblical students have been more

free to publish the result of their investigations :

as witness “ Twenty Thousand Emendations,” by Dr.

Conquest, and a like catalogue by Mr. Selig Newman.
Objections are advanced by scholars unconnected
with the State Church, to the bias in favour of its

dogmas and polity traceable in the Authorized ver-

sion, and sufficiently accounted for by the recorded
instructions given to the translators by their patron,

King James I. Their dedication of the work to

him which has heretofore been published in the man-

ner of a preface, is to be withdrawn from future
editions, and therewith the warning for which it

serves. The headings of chapters and of columns

have from the first rendered the Anglican version
propagandist in its tendencies, so that the Church of
Scotland and other Christian denominations reject
those headings as favouring foregone conclusions un-
acceptable to those who wonld search the Scriptures
for themselves. But the striking out of these assump-
tions leaves, nevertheless, uncorrected in the text

abundant cases of false rendering. In “Three Let-

ters to the Archbishop of Canterbury, by the Rev.
John Oxlee, Rector of Molesworth ” (published by
Hatchard and Son), that learned minister of the Angli-
can Church denounces even in its own interest :

“ The fanatic zeal which, in spite of reason and

common sense, would cite and apply every passage
—no matter whether historical, didactic, or prophetic
— either to Jesus himself personally, or in support

of some doctrinal tenet admitted by the Church ;

that to the total exclusion of the literal sense, how-
ever plain and indisputable it may seem to common
understandings. This culpable bias on the part of
the Church docent, has never ceased to display itself
during the whole interval of the Christian dispensa-
tion, from the 1st to the 19th century ;
so that there

is scarcely a passage of any striking importance

which has not been more or less perverted or mis-
applied, in order that faith and not truth might appear
to be triumphant.”
To Jewish families and schools this version may be
considered as specially recommended, from the fact

that the Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Reli-

gious Knowledge have taken a large number of copies
for distribution among the children of their JSabbath
It is eminently the vocation of Israel to protect from
falsification and error the sacred Testimonies commit-
ted to their fathers. Jews, who of their own accord
introduce the Anglican version into their households,
and who provide nono other for their schools, commit
a flagrant breach of sacred trust, in the abandonment
of those for whose safe guidance they are immediately
responsible, to a helpless ignorance of truth — an igtior-

auce all the more fatal, because false interpretations

are obtruded in season and out of season, with an un-
scrupulous object — to procure apostasy from Judaism.
Judaism, on the other hand, seeks no proselytes, and is

altogether without inducement to put a gloss or colour

& 2

upon inspired words which, so far as a modern and

western tongue can do it, are here found faithfully
Hence this version, accomplished by a learned and
conscientious Hebraist, has found acceptance from all

denominations. In correcting the Authorized version,

he has treated it with due delicacy, preserving always
its simple grace and that characteristic “ biblical style”
endeared to all by its sacred associations.

No doubt many Israelites even will deem it an unneces*

eury waste of time to bestow years of labour in producing a
revised English translation of the Holy Scriptures. The
book commonly known as the authorized or King James’s
version has been so Tong looked upon with a deep veneration
almost bordering on superstitious dread, that, to most per-
sons, the very thought of furnishing an improved translation
of the divine records will be viewed as an impious assump-
tion and a contempt of the wisdom of former ages. But to
reason in this manner would not display a proper apprecia-
tion of the question, as it actually presents itself upon a
candid inquiry. For argument’s sake, it may be admitted
that those who assisted in furnishing the common version
may have been as honest as men writing for their sect are
ever likely to be but it must not be lost sight of, that, after

all, they could not well avoid falling into the common error

of most persons who have a favourite idea to defend, which

is, of giving a colouring to their work wdiich would, in some

manner, confirm their peculiar views. If it were the object

of this preface to indite a criticism of the English version,
many a proof could be brought forward. But a few speci-
mens only will be given, to exhibit in brief the danger of
taking for a higher authority than it deserves that which at
best is nothing more than the opinion entertained of the
divine Scriptures by ecclesiastics w'ho belonged to and wrote

for a particular sect. Deut. xxvii. 26 :
“ Cursed be he that
confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them;” here
“all” is not in the text and though it is so marked, by being

printed in italic type, still, hardly any Bible-reader not. ac-

quainted with the Hebrew but will believe that it is a cor-
rect version from the text. Isaiah vii. 14: “Behold, a vir-
gin shall conceive, and bear a son,” &c. ;
here the word
rendered a “virgin,” should literally be given “the young
woman.” Zechariah xii. 10: “ And they shall look upon me
whom they have pierced this is in nowise borne out by the
context, as the next words are “and they shall mourn for
him.” It is therefore evident that the objective embraced
in the relative whom not me as antecedent, but Ih at it
refers to an ellipsis “for one;” thus “for one whom they/*
&c., who is also then naturally referred to in “mourn for
him.” Instances could be multiplied, from the prophets and
Psalms in particular, where the text has been rendered so
as to prove certain doctrines which otherwise are not em-
braced therein but it is needless, since every one who is

curious in the matter can institute a comparison for him -

It must also be kept in view that most of the editions in
use are disfigured by chapter and page headings, through
which means ordinary readers are told what ideas they are
to expect to find in every chapter or page ;
and the merest
inspection will at once show that these expositions are per-
fectly arbitrary, and frequently not borne out by even the
very common version over which they are so ostentatiously
placed. Instead, therefore, of our having in this manner the
word of God without note or comment, as is asserted so
generally, and with a show of feigned liberality, we have
an annotation which at once teaches us to read the Bible with
a prejudice in favour of certain dogmas w hich had their

birth anywhere but in the unerring revelation of the God

of heaven.
But if it were otherwise, even, that no colouring had been
given to the English words not warranted bj" the Hebrew,
and that no such notes were ever appended, it would still be
a species of mental slavery to rely for ever upon the arbi-
trary decree of a deceased king of England, who certainly
was no prophet, for the correct understanding of the Scrip-
tures upon which our life in th‘,% world and the next depends:
especially as, to a Jew, there can be Mj authorized transla-
tion, except the traditional rendering of the legal terms of
the ordinances of God, whai-ever this is accessible ;
for the remainder the text alone is Authority, and to be ex-
plained from itself by the light which has come down from
the beginning to our own time. No human power can there-
fore say, “Thus and thus is the only expensive version of
this and that text, and this version and no other shall be
read in our public or private religious meetings.
Since the time of King lames the world has likewise pro
gressed in biblical knowledge x\o les-3 than lr all other branches
of science; and giar-t minds have laboured to make clear
what formerly was obscure. Hence it would be a wilful
blindfolding of our own intellect, were we to rest satisfied
without revision and examination with a production upward
of two hundred years old, and refuse to accept such aids tc
illustrate the Bible as old authors and investigators- ^not
Known or not sufficiently understood, or, if understood, not
carefully consulted — have furnished, besides the new light
thrown upon this all-important study by the search of many
* moderns in this ample field since the common version was
launched into the world by r,oyal authority.
Now, as all old translations are obnoxious to the same
objections, many attempts have been made of late years by
Israelites in all European countries to furnish new versions
in the various languages which they speak, unterrified by
the consideration that there exist such works as the Septua-
gint, the Vulgate, Luther’s and King James’s versions. And
to this are we indebted for many highly successful render-
ings of the whole or portions of the Bible, in German, French,
Italian, Butch, and English. The translator cannot say with
certainty that this course has been pursued in Russia and
the other northern and eastern kingdoms of Europe ; but if
it has not been done, it is solely owing to the fact that the
German is accessible to most of these countries, wherefore
a special version was not so necessary there. —
Hitherto at
least before the completion of the first edition of this work,

two years ago no other translation in the English had been
completed by Jews, although several had been commenced
for instance, Dr. Raphall’s and Mr. A. De Sola’s and Mr
Lindenthal’s book of Genesis with Hebrew text and ample
notes, and Dr. Benische’s version with Hebrew text to the end
of the Second Book of Kings : beside which, there is now in
progress a new version by a society called “ The American
Bible Union,” who have in hand, at the time of writing this,
the book of Job with Hebrew text, the old and a new ver-
sion, together with very copious notes. This society, by-the-
by, has collected large funds, to carry out its intention fully
but several years will elapse before it can expect to furnish
a complete translation of all the Scriptures, although many
are engaged in rendering the various portions, if the writer
of this be correct y informed. All this at least proves that
others besides the present translator thought a new version
absolutely necessary ;
consequently, it is to be hoped that
Israelites, if even no others, will see the propriety of intro
ducing into their schools and families a version of the Scrip
tures which, if not otherwise improved, has endeavoured
to render the text as literally as possible.
The translator is an Israelite in faith, in the full sense
the word, and believes in the Scriptures as they have been
handed down to us, as also in the truth and authenticity of
prophecies arid their ultimate literal fulfilment; and has al
ways Mudiel the Scrip cures to find .t confirmation for hi&
faith and hope : nevertheless, he asserts fearlessly, that ii>.

his going through this work he has thrown aside all bias,
discarded every preconceived opinion, and translated the
text be Id re him without regard to the result thence arising
for his creed. But no perversion or forced rendering of any
text was needed to bear out his opinions or those of Israel-
ites in general; and he for one would place but little confi-
dence in them, if he were compelled to change the evident
meaning of the Bible to find a support for them. He trusts,
therefore, that to those who agree with him in their religious
persuasion he has rendered an acceptable service as they

willnow have an opportunity to study a version of the Bible

which has not been made by the authority of churches in
which they can have no confidence and that to those also

who are of a different persuasion his labours will not be un-

acceptable, as exhibiting, so far as he could do it, the pro-
gress of biblical criticism among ancient and modern Irael-
ites —a task utterly beyond the power of any hut a Jew by
birth and conviction.
As regards the style, it has been endeavoured to adhere
closely to that of the ordinary English version, which for
simplicity cannot be surpassed: though, upon a critical ex-
amination, it will readily be perceived that the various trans-
lators differed materially in their methods, and frequently
rendered the same word in different ways. In the present
version, great care has been taken to avoid this fault ;
the translator does not mean to assert that he has succeeded
to as great an extent as he could have desired. He will not
enumerate what he has done; but let any one who is desir-
ous to investigate this point compare the two translations,
and he will readily convince himself that this may be called
a new version, especially of the Prophets, Psalms, and Job;
and he confidently hopes that the meaning has been rendered
more clear than it is in the old version.
He found great difficulty about coming to a satisfactory
resolution with regard to the spelling of Jhe proper nouns.
Any one the least acquainted with the manner in which they
are presented in the common versions and the languages of
Western Europe, must know that they are very much cor-
rupted; but they have in this shape become so much inter-
woven with the language of history and of daily conversation,
that it would have produced endless confusion to spell them
after the original manner. Hence the ordinary method had
to be retained for words in constant use; but, where this was
aot the case, a spelling more in accordance with the original

has been resorted to. The j should always be pronounced

as y, to accord with the Hebrew and ia as ya.
A should be
sounded as long or short ah; e as long a or e in “met;” i

as long ee, or i in “pin;” and u as oo. Ch stands for the

• Hebrew n; where j? occurs in the Hebrew, an apostrophe

has been used for the most part; but there are no English
letters to represent these sounds exactly. For instance,
“ Zechariah,” pronounce Zechary'ah ; “Jehu,” as Yay-hoo &c. ,

Whenever words have been supplied which are not in the

text, but are requisite to make the sense clear, they have been
placed in parentheses; for instance, 1 Chron. iii. 9: “(These
were) all the sons of David,” where there is no equivalent
in Hebrew for “ these w ere,” though no sense could be made

of the phrase without supplying these two words. The

parenthesis is also used occasionally, but very seldom, to
denote a construction, where an actual parenthesis of a whole
sentence, or of one or more verses, occurs.
In offering this work to the public, the translator would also
remark, that even in early youth he was made conscious how
much persons differing from us in religious ideas make use of
Scripture to assail Israel’s hope and faith, by what he deems,
in accordance with the well-settled opinions of sound critics,
both Israelites and others, a perverted arid hence erroneous
rendering of the words of the original Bible. Therefore he
has long entertained the hope to be one day permitted to do
for his fellow- Hebrews who use the English as their verna-
cular, what had been done for the Germans by some of the
most eminent minds whom the Almighty has endowed with
the power of reanimating in us the almost expiring desire
for critical inquiry into the sacred text. So much had been
done by these, that the translator’s labours were rendered
comparatively easy since he had before him the best results

of the studies of modern German Israelites, carried on for

the space of eighty years, commencing with Moses Mendels-
sohn, Herz Wesel, or, as he was called, Hartog Wessely, and
Solomon of Dubno, down to Dr. L. Zunz of Berlin, whose

work aided as he was by Rabbi Chayim Arnheim of Glogau,
Dr. Michael Sachs of Berlin, and Dr. Julius Fiirst of Leip-
zig— appeared in 1889, Dr. Solomon Herxheimer, Rabbi of
Anhalt-Bernburg, whose work was completed seven years ago,
and Dr. Lewis Philippson, Rabbi of Magdeburg in Prussian
Saxony, whose work was not yet quite completed when the
first edition of this was printed. In addition to these entire
Bible translations, the translator has had access to partial ver-
sions of separate books, by Ottensosser, Heinemann, Ober-
nik, Hochstatter, Wolfson, Lowenthal, and some anonymous
writers besides which he has had the advantage of the copious

notes of Dr. Philippson’sand Dr. Herxheimer’s Bibles, in which

these learned men have collected the views of the investi-
gators, both Israelites and others, in the path of biblical
criticism. The ancient versions, also, of Onkelos, Jonathan,
and the Jerusalem Targumist, have been carefully consulted,
and, wherever accessible, the comments of the great ex-
pounders Rashi, (Rabbi Shelomoh Yizchaki,) Redak, (Rabbi
David Kimchi,) Aben Ezra, (Rabbi Abraham ben Me'ir ben
Ezra,) Rashbam, (Rabbi. Shelomoh ben Meir, the grandson
of Rashi,) Ralbag, (Rabbi Levi ben Gershom,) and Rabbenu
Sa’adyah (Saadias) Gaon, as also the Miclilol Yophi, and the
modern 3iurim, have been sedulously compared, so as to in-
sure the utmost accuracy of which the translator is capable.
The whole work has been undertaken at the sole responsi-
bility, both mercantile and literary, of the translator. No
individual has been questioned respecting the meaning of a
single sentence ; and net an English book has been consulted,
so that no one can say that any plagiarism has been com-
mitted on the labours of others.
The quarto edition of this work appeared two years ago ;

and, although the translator cannot flatter himself that it

has met with such a reception as would have gratified his
ambition, he.has been stimulated, by the indulgent judgment
pronounced by several eminent men every way able to form
an opinion, to make an effort to render it more accessible
to all classes than a»a expensive and heavy quarto could
expect to be, although he regrets that the shape and size
of the pages have prevented him appending the notes to this
with wdiich the other is enriched. But in preparing this
work anew for the press the whole has been carefully sub-
jected to the elosest scrutiny, and improved and corrected
wherever it was deemed necessary.
With these few remarks the translator surrenders a labour
in which he has been engaged, occasionally, for more than
seventeen years, to the kindness of the public, trusting that,
by the blessing of the Father of all. it may be made instru-
mental in diffusing a taste for Scripture-reading among the
community of Israelites, and be the means of a better appre-
ciation of the great treasures of revelation to many who never
have had the opportunity of knowing what the Hebrews have
done for mankind, not alone in preserving the sacred books,
but by labouring to make them intelligible to the world at
Tebtth 29 , 5616 .

January 7, 1856 .

Accoutring to Dr. Zunz, the creation of the world date*

3988 before the common era. The Rood, in 1656 after the
creation. Abram born at Ur 1948. Jacob goes to Egypt,
2238. Moses born 2413
. Exodus, and piving of the L*eca-
logue, 2493. Entrance in.'o Palestine, 2533. Deborah and
Barak’s victory, 2653. Death r * ’EM, 2877. Saul made King,
2900. His death, 2930. David acknowledged king by all
Israel, 2937. Temple commenced, 12973, in the year 480 after
the Exodus. Division of the kingdom between Rehobo’am
and Jerobo’am, 3010. Elijah, about 3068, when Aehab be-
came king. Elisha’ becomes Elijah’s successor, 3090. Hoshea’,
the last king of Israel, 3259-3268, when Shalmenesser con-
quers Samaria, and carries the people into exile, while the
kingdom of Judah yet continues under Hezekiah (3262) to
Zedekiah, (3402,) in which year Nebuchadnezzar conquers
Jerusalem, and carries the people mostly to Babylon, while
a few fly to Egypt, taking Jeremiah with them. Babylon
conquered, 3450, and two years later Cyrus permits the Jews
to return to Palestine under Zerubbabel and Jeshua’. The
new temple is completed, 3472, that is, 516 before the com-
mon era. History of Hainan, 3514. ’Ezra comes to Pales-
tine, 3530, and Nehemiah, 3544; returns to Persia, 3556,
and arrives again in Palestine, 3564. Jaddua’ high-priest,
3656, and under him, two years later, Palestine is conquered
by Alexander of Macedon. These few dates, it is hoped,
will elucidate, with the Bible text, the history of the Scrip-
The various marks used in this work indicate the Mas-
soretic sections, the only ones in use in the Hebrew MSS.
without points, where neither chapter nor verse division are
otherwise marked off, except that between one verse and
the other there is a more space than between two
ordinary words.
The boe-ks of the Holy Scriptures are divided into the
following classes: the Law, Pentatcacb or Torah, Nebiim
Rishonim, the Earlier Prophets, Nebiim Acharonira, the Later
Prophets, and Ketubim, Hagiographa, or Holy Writings.
The order of the books of the Holy Scriptures according
to the usual Hebrew text is, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, and Deuteronomy, comprising the Pentateuch.
— Joshua, Judges, the First Book of Samuel, the Second
Book of Samuel, the First Book of the Kings, and the Se-
cond Book of the Kings, comprising the Earlier Prophets.
— Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the twelve minor prophets,
(to wit, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Michah, Na-
hum, Habakkuk, Zeplianiali, Haggai, Zechariah, and Mala-
ehi,) comprising the Later Prophets. Psalms, Proverbs,
Job, the five rolls, (to wit, the Song of Solomon, Ruth,
Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther,) Daniel, Ezra, Nehe-
miah, the First and Second Books of Chronicles, comprising
the Hagiographa, or Holy Writings.
The Jews also divide the Law in fifty-four sections,
which are called after the first distinctive word in each sec-
tion. For instance: the first of these sections is called
Bereshitii, from the first word of the Bible, signifying “in
the beginning.” The name of the first section in each book
of the Pentateuch is also applied to that book so is Genesis

called Bereshith Exodus, Shemoth; Leviticus, Vayikra

Numbers, Bemiibar; and Deuteronomy, Debarim. Levi-
ticus is also called Torath Cohanim, and Deuteronomy,
Mishneh Torah. The whole law is read once every year in
the Synagogue and families, together with a corresponding
section (Hapiitorah) of the prophetic books — that is, exclud-
ing the Hagiographa, the third division of this work. Occa-
sionally two weekly sections are read together, when mostly
the Hapiitorah of the second to the exclusion of the first is
recited. So also are the especial Hapbtorotli for Sabbath
New-Moon, or when new moon is on the first day of the week,
first and second Sabbath Chanuckah, Parshath Shekalim,
Zachor, Parah, and Hachodesh, as also Shim’u for Ivlattoth,
likewise ’Aniyak So’arah for Reay, and Soss Assiss for
Nizabim and Yayelech, read instead of the usual ones indi-
cated for the respective occasions. The name of each
weekly section is placed at its commencement, as also at the
head of the pages embracing the same, and the Hapiitorah
.s indicated at the end of each The weekly sections are
divided ofl in seven subdivisions called Parashiyoth, or
Parassahs, which are marked o it in this work with a * sc

also the few verses read for the jfaphtere or the om who

reads the Haphtorah, as will appear from inspection.

In addition to the above, the first division of next week «
section read every Sabbath afternoon and Monday and
Thursday morning, unless on these days some other portion
should be read, because of there being a fast, or half or
entire holy-day.
Here follows a table of the Law sections and Haphtoroth
for the various occasions :

ParashaA Haphtorah.
1st day of New Year Genesis xxi. 1-34. 1 Sam. i.-ii. 10.
2d “ “ “ “ xxii. 1-24. Jeremiah xxxi. 2-20
On both days also. Numb. xxix. 1-6.
Sabbath Teshubah The weekly section. As given after Vaye

rayofAtone m ent, m o ra in g .{“TxS Vln

4 1

Book of Jonah.
Port, add three last
{ verses of Mich ah.
f Leviticus xxii. 26- 1
1st day of Tabernacles xxiii. 44. v Zechariah xiv.
(Numb. xxix. 12-17. J
2d “ “ “ the same as first day. 1 Kings viii. 2-21.
. ( from Numb. xxix. 17-34,
Middle days of do the proper Terses
j .

Exod. xxxiii. 12-xxxiv.

26. Ezekiel xxxviii.
from Numb. xxix. 17-34, 18-xxxix. 16.
the proper verses
Deut.* xiv. 22-xvi. 17. 1 Kings viii. 54-66
S Numb, xxix, 35-xxx. 1.
f Deut. xxxiii. 1-fxxiv. 12. Joshua i. 1-18.
Rejoicing of the Law < Gen. i. 1-ii. 3. Portuguese only
(Numb. xxix. 35-xxx. 1. 1-9.
™ u
Chanuckah , f Numb, vii.f each day,

j the proper verses

On 8th day end with viii.
Usual weekly section,
the proper passages
Sabbaths of do. See end of Genesis.
. from Numb. vi. vii. j-

( and viii.
Shekalim See end of Exodus. “ Exodus.
Purim Exodus xvii. 8-15.
Parah See end of Exodus. U U
Hacliodesh “ 44
Leviticus. “ Leviticus,
Ilaggadole Weekly section. u u
1st day of Passover. Exod. xii.| 21-50. Joshua v. 2-vi. 1,
2d Levit. xxii. 26-xxiii.44. 2 Kingsg xxiii
On both days also. Numb, xxviii. 16-25. 1-25.
1 Middle days of..... Exod. xiii. 1-16.
2 “ xxii. 24-xxiii. 19.
8 “ “ “ xxxiv. 1-26.||
4 u u Numb. ix. 1-14.

* This is if on Sabbath, otherwise xv. 19-xvi. 17.

f The Portuguese add on the first day vi. 22-27.
t If on Sabbath, Portuguese commence verse 14.
Portuguese leave out 9 to 20.
If Sabbath be on the third day, the order is -hanged.
Parashah. Haphtorau.
Sabbath of M. D. oi Pass- ( Exod. xxxiii. 12-xxxiv. Ezekiel * xxxvii
over t 26. 1-14.
7 th Day of Passover Exod. xiii. 17-xv. 26. 2 Sam. xxii. 1-51
8th Deut. f xiv. 22-xvi. 17. Isaiah x. 32-xii. 6
Or. all six days read also Numb, xxviii. 19-25.
1 of Pentecost Exod. xix. 1-xx.
23. Ezekiel i. entire, iii. 12.
2 « “ Deut.J xiv. 22-xvi. 17. Hab. ii. 20-iii. 19.
On both days also Numb. xxix. 26-31.
New-moon days “ xxviii. 1-25.
Sabbath of do See end of Genesis.
Fast days Exod. xxxii. 11-14, $ In afternoon,
xxxiv. 1-10. $ Isaiah lv. 6-lvi. 8.
First of Ab, morning ^
[Deut. iv. 25-40. Jeremiah viii. 13-ix. 23
afternoon 1[ As on other fasts. As on other fasts.

* Others commence xxvi. 37.

f On week days, xv. 19-xvi. 17.
t On week days, xv. 19-xvi. 17.
$ Portuguese say no Ilaphtorah on Fast days’ afternoon, except on 9th oi
Ab, when they say Hosea xiv. 2-10, and Michah vii. 18-20.
O’mmi D’traa min





nro min
genesis, mt?xi3 exodus, maty

Sec. 1. BERESHITH, rrooma. Seas and : God saw that it vrts

CHAPTER I. 11 And God said,
Let the earth
1 In the beginning God cre- bring forth grass, herbs yielding
ated the heaven and the earth. seed, fruit-trees yielding fruit
2 And the earth was without after their kind, in which its
form and void, and darkness was seed is upon the earth and it :

upon the face of the deep and was so.


the spirit of God was waving 12 And the earth brought forth
over the face of the waters. grass, herbs yielding seed after
3 And God said, Let there be their kind, and trees yielding
light; and there was light. fruit, in which its seed is, after
4 And God sawthe light that their kind and God saw that it

it was good; and God divided was good.

between the light and the dark- 13 And it was evening and it

ness. was morning, the third day.*

5 And God called the light 14 And God said, Let there
Day, and the darkness he called be lights in the expansion of the
Night. And it was evening and heaven to divide between the day
it was morning, the first day. and the night; and let them be
6 And God said, Let there for signs, and for seasons, and for
be an expansion in the midst of days, and years;
the waters, and let it divide be- 15 And let them be for lights
tween waters and waters. in the expansion of the heaven,
7 And God made the expan- to give light upon the earth and :

sion, and divided between the it was so.

waters which were under the ex- 16 And God made
the two
pansion and the waters which great lights the greater light to

were above the expansion and : rule the day, and the lesser light
it was so. to rule the night; and the stars.
8 And God called the expan- 17 And God set them in the
sion Heaven. And it was even- expansion of the heaven to give
ing and it was morning, the se- light upon the earth,
cond day. 18 And to rule by day and by
9 And God said, Let the night, and to divide between the
waters under the heaven be ga- light and the darkness and God :

thered together unto one place, saw that it was good.

and let the dry' land be visible: 19 And it was evening and it
and it was so. was morning, the fourth day.
10 And God called the dry 20 And God said, Let the
land Earth; and the gathering waters bring forth abundantly
together of the waters he called moving creatures that have life,
and fowl that may fly above the have given unto you every herfc
earth in the open expansion of bearing seed, which is upon the
the heaven. face of all the earth, and every
21 And God created the great tree on which is the fruit of a tree
sea-monsters, and every living yielding seed; to you it shall be
creature that moveth, which the for food.
waters brought forth abundant- 30 And to every beast of the
ly after their kind, and every earth, and to every fowl of the
winged fowl after its kind and heaven, and to every thing that

God saw that it was good. creepeth upon the earth, where-
22 And God blessed them, in there is life, (I have given)
saying, Be fruitful, and multi- every green herb for food and :

ply, and fill the waters in the it was so.

seas, and let the fowl multiply 31 And God saw every thing
on the earth. that' he had made, and behold, it
2d And it was evening and it was very good. And. it was even-
was morning, the fifth day.* ing and it was morning, the sixth
24 % And" God said, Let the day.
earth bring forth living creatures
after their kind, cattle, and creep- CHAPTER

ing things, and beasts of the 1 Thus were finished the

earth after their kind: and it heavens and the earth, and all
was so. their host.
25 And God made the beasts 2 And God had finished on the
of the earth after their kind, and seventh day his work which he
the cattle after their kind, and had made, and he rested on the
every thing that creepeth upon seventh day from all the work
the earth after its kind and God
: which he had made.
saw that it was good. 3 And God blessed the seventh
26 And God said, Let us make day, and sanctified it; because
man in our image, after our like- thereon he had rested from all
ness and they shall have domi-
his work which God had created
nion over the fish of the sea, and in making it.*
over the fowl of the heaven, and 4 These are the generations
over the cattle, and over all the of the heavens and of the earth
earth, and over every creeping when they were created, on the
thing that creepeth upon the day that the Lord God made
earth. earth and heaven.
27 And God created man in 5 And every plant of the field
his image, in the image of God was not yet on the earth, and
created he him male and fe-
every herb of the field had not
male created he them. yet grown ; for the Lord God
28 And God blessed them, and had not caused it to rain upon
God said unto them, Be fruitful the earth, and man was not yet
and multiply, and fill the earth, there to till the ground.
and subdue it; and have domi- 6 But there went up a mist
nion over the fish of the sea, and from the earth, and watered the
over the fowl of the heaven, and whole face of the ground.
over every living thing that mov- 7 And the Lord God formed
eth upon the earth. the man of dust from the ground,
29 And God said, Behold I and breathed i.Dto his nostrils the
breath of life; and the man be- beast of the field, and every fowl
came a living being. of the heaven, and he brought
8 And the Lord God planted a them unto the man to sec what
garden in ’Eden to the eastward, he would call them and what- ;

and he put there the man whom soever the man would call every
he had formed. living creature, that should be
9 And the Lord God caused to its name.
grow out of the ground every tree 20 And the man gave names
that is pleasant to the sight and to all cattle, ancl to the fowl of
good for food and the tree of life
the heaven, and to every beast
in the midst of the garden, and of the field but for man there was

the tree of the knowledge of good not found a help suitable for him.
and evil. 21 And the Lord God caused
10 And a river went out of a deep sleep to fall upon the man,
'Eden to water the garden, and and he slept; and he took one
from there it was parted, and be- of his ribs, and closed up the
came four principal streams. flesh instead thereof.
11 The name of the first is 22 And the Lord God formed
Pishon, the same which compass- the rib which he had taken from
eth the whole land of Chavilah, the man into a woman, and
where there is gold. brought her unto the man.
12 And the gold of that land 23 And the man said, This
is good there is the bdellium time it is bone of my bones, and

and the onyx stone. flesh of m} flesh this shall be r


13 Andthe name of the second called Woman [Ishah], because

river Gichon, the same which
is out of Man [Ish] was this one
compasseth the whole land of taken.
Cush. 24 Therefore doth a man leave
14 And the name of the third his father and his mother, and
river is Chiddekel, the same cleave unto his wife, and they
which floweth towards the east of become one flesh.
Assyria and the fourth river is
; 25 And they were both naked,
the Euphrates. the man and his wife, and were
15 And the Lord God took the not ashamed.
mati, and put him into the garden
of ’Eden, to till it, and to keep it. CHAPTER III.
16 And the Lord God com- Now
the serpent was more
manded the man, saying, Of subtle than any beast of the field
every tree of the garden thou which the Lord God had made ;
mayest freely eat and he said unto the woman,
17 But of the tree of the know- Hath God indeed said Ye shall
ledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of every tree of the
not eat of it; for on the day that garden ?
thou eatest thereof thou shalt 2 And the woman said unto
surely die. * the serpent, may eat of the We
18 And the Lord God said, It fruit of the trees ot the garden ;
is not good that the man should 3 But of the fruit of the tree
be alone I will make him a help which is in the midst of the gar-

suitable for him.'** den, God hath said, Ye shall not

19 And the Lord God had eat of it, neither shall ye touch
formed out of the ground every it, lest ye die.
1* 6
4 And the serpent said unto all the cattle, and above every
the woman, Ye will surely not beast of the field upon thy belly

die shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou

5 For God doth know, that, on eat all the days of thy life :

the day ye eat thereof, your eyes 15 And I will put enmity be-
will be opened, and ye will be as tween thee and the woman, and
God, knowing good and evil. between thy seed and her seed
6 And when the woman saw he shall bruise thy head, and
that the tree was good for food, thou shalt wound his heel.
and that it was pleasant to the 16 Unto the woman he said,
eyes, and the tree was desirable I will greatly multiply thy pain
to make one wise, she took of its and (the suffering of) thy concep-
fruit, and did eat, and gave also tion ; in pain shalt thou bring
unto her husband with her, and forth children ; and for thy hus-
he did eat. band shall be thy desire, but he
7 And the eyes of both of them shall rule over thee.
were opened, and they felt that 17 ^f'And unto Adam he said,
they were naked; and they sewed Because thou hast hearkened un-
fig-leaves together, and made to the voice of thy wife, and hast
themselves aprons. eaten of the tree of which I com-
8 And they heard the voice manded thee, saying, Thou shalt
of the Lord God walking in the not eat of it cursed be the ground

garden in the cool of the day; for thy sake in pain shalt thou

and the man and his wife hid eat of it all the days of thy life.
themselves from the presence of 18 And thorns and thistles
the Lord God amongst the trees shall it bring forth to thee; and
of the garden. thou shalt eat the herbs of the
9 And the Lord God called field.
unto the man, and said unto him, 19 In the sweat of thy face
Where art thou ? shalt thou eat bread, till thou re-
10 And he said, Tky voice I turn unto the ground, for out of
heard in the garden and I was it wast thou taken for dust thou
; ;

afraid, because I am naked and art, and unto dust shalt thou re-

I hid myself. turn.

11 And he said, Who told thee 20 And the man called his
that thou art naked? Hast thou wife’s name Eve [Chavvah] be- ;

eaten of the tree, whereof I com- cause she was the mother of all
manded thee that thou shouldst living [Chay].
not eat? 21 And the Lord Clod made
12 And the man said, The wo- unto Adam and to his wife coats
man whom thou gavest to be with of skins, and clothed them.*
me, she gave me of the tree, and 22 And the Lord God said,
I did eat. Behold, the man is become as one
13 And the Lord God said of us, to know good and evil and ;

unto the woman, What is this now, lest he put forth his hand,
that thou hast done ? And the and take also of the tree of life,
woman said, The serpent be- and eat, and live for ever
guiled me, and I did eat. 23 Therefore the Lord God
14 And the Lord God said un- sent him forth from the garden
to the serpent, Because thou hast of ’Eden, to till the ground from
done this, be thou cursed above which he was taken.
24 So he drove out the man from the ground, which hath
and he placed at the east 'of the opened its mouth to receive thy
garden of ’Eden the Cherubim, brother’s blood from thy hand :

and the flaming sword which re- 12 When thou tillest the
volveth, to guard the way to the ground, it shall not henceforth

tree of life. yield its strength unto thee; fugi-

tive and vagabond shalt thou be
CHAPTER IV. on the earth.
1 5f And the man knew Eve 13 And Cain said unto the
his wife and she conceived, and Lord, My punishment is greater

bore Cain [Kay in], and said, I than I can bear.

have gotten a man from the Lord. 14 Behold, thou hast driven me
2 And she bore again, his bro- out this day from the face of the
ther, Abel [Habel] and Abel was ground and from thy face shall
; ;

a keeper of sheep, but Cain was 1 be hid; and if I shall be a fu-

a tiller of the ground. gitive and vagabond on the earth,
3 And it came to pass in pro- it will come to pass, that every
cess of time, that Cain brought of one that findeth me will slay me.
the fruit of the ground an offer- 15 And the Lord said unto
ing unto the Lord. him, Therefore whosoever slay-

4 And Abel he also brought eth Cain, vengeance shall be
of the firstlings of his flock, and taken on him seven-fold. And
of the fattest thereof,* and the the Lord set a sign unto Cain,
Lord had respect unto Abel and that any one finding him should
to his offering; not kill him.
5 But unto Cain and to his 16 And Cain went out from the
offering he had not respect; and presence of the Lord, and dwelt

itwas very displeasing to Cain, in the land of Nod, on the east

and his countenance fell. of ’Eden.
And the Lord said unto Cain,
6 17 And Cain knew his wife,
Why art thou wroth ? and wr hy and she conceived, and bore
is thy countenance fallen ? Enoch [Chanoch] and he built ;

7 If thou doest well, shaltthou a city, and called the name of

not be accepted ? and if thou do- the city after the name of his son
est not well, sin lieth at the door Enoch.
and unto thee is its desire, but 18 And unto Enoch was born
thou canst rule over it. Irad and Irad begat Mechujael

8 And Cain talked with Abel and Mechijael begat Methu-

his brother and it came to pass
: shael and Methushael begat Le-

when they were in the field, that mech.*

Cain rose up against Abel his 19 And Lemech took unto him-
brother, and slew him. self two wives, the name of the
9 And the Lord said unto one was ’Adah, and the name of
Cain, Where is Abel thy brother ? the other Zillah.
And he said, I know not; am I 20 And ’Adah bore Jabal; he
my brother’s keeper? was the father of such as dwell
10 And he said, What hast in tents, and have cattle.
thou done? the voice of thy bro- 21 And his brother’s name was
ther’s blood crieth unto me from Jubal he was the father of all

the ground. such as play on the harp and

11 And now be thou cursed guitar.
22 And Zillah, she also bore begotten Enosh eight hundred
Tubal cain, an artificer in every and seven years; and he begat
article of copper and iron and sons and daughters.

the sister of Tubal-cain was 8 And all the days of Shetli

Na’amah. were nine hundred and twelve
23 And Lemech said unto his years and he died. ;

wives, 'Adah and Zillah, hear my 9 And Enosh lived ninety

voice; ye wives of Lemech, heark- years, and begat Kenan.
en unto my speech for I have
10 And Enosh lived after he
slain a man to my own wound- had begotten Kenan eight hun-
ing, and a young man to my dred and fifteen years and he ;

hurt. begat sons and daughters.

24 If Cain shall be avenged 11 And all the days of Enosh
seven-fold, truly Lemech seventy were nine hundred and five years;
and seven-fold. and he died.
25 And Adam knew his wife 12 And Kenan lived seventy
again, and she bore a son, and years, and begat Mahalalel.
called his name Sheth [Seth] for 13 And Kenan lived after he

God (said she) hath appointed had begotten Mahalalel eight

me another seed instead of Abel, hundred and forty years; and he
whom Cain slew. begat sons and daughters.
26 And to Sheth, to him also, 14 And all the clays of Kenan
there was born a son and he were nine hundred and ten years

called his name Enosh then be- and he died.


gan men to call upon the name 15 And Mahalalel lived sixty
of the Lord.* and five years, and begat Jared.
16 And Mahalalel lived after
CHAPTER Y. he had begotten Jared eight hun-
1 This is the book of the ge- dred and thirty years and he be-;

nerations of Adam. On the day gat sons and daughters.

that God created man, in the like- 17 And all the days of Maha-
ness of God made he him lalel were eight hundred ninety

2 Male and female created he ancl five years ; and he died.

them ; and blessed them, and 18 And Jftred lived a hun-
called their name Adam, on the dred sixty and two years, and
day when they were created. begat Enoch [Chanoch].
3 And Adam lived a hundred 19 And Jared lived after he
and thirty years, and begat a son had begotten Enoch eight hun-
in his likeness, after his image dred years and he begat sons

and called his name Sheth. and daughters.

4 And the days of Adam after 20 And all the days of Jared
he had begotten Sheth were eight were nine hundred sixty and two
hundred years and he begat years and he died.
; ;

sons and daughters. 21 And Enoch lived sixty

5 And all the days that Adam and five years, and begat Methu-
lived were nine hundred and shelach.
thirty years and he died.
22 And Enoch walked with
6 And Sheth lived a hun- God after he had begotten Methu.
dred and five years, and begat shelach three hundred years ; and
Enosh. begat sons and daughters.
7 And Sheth lived after he had 23 And all the days of Enoch
were three hundred sixty and five shall be a hundred and twenty
years. years.
24 And Enoch walked with 4 The giants were on the earth
God, and he was no more; for in those days and also af er that,

God had taken him.* when the sons of God came in

25 And Methushelach lived a unto the daughters of men, and
hundred eighty and seven years, they bore children to them; these
and begat Lemech. became the mighty men, who
26 And Methushelach lived were of old the men of renown.*
after he had begotten Lemech 5 And God saw that the wick- #

seven hundred eighty and two edness of man was great on the
years and he begat sons and
earth, and that every imagina-
daughters. tion of the thoughts of his heart
27 And all the days of Methu- was only evil continually.
shelach were nine hundred sixty 6 And it repented the Lord
and nine years and he died.
that he had made man on the
28 And Lemech lived a hun- earth, and it grieved him at his
dred eighty and two years, and heart.
begat a son. 7 And the Lord said, I will
29 And he called his name No- destroy the man whom I have cre-
ah [Noach], saying, This one ated from the face of the earth
shall comfort us concerning our both man and beast, and the
work and the toil of our hands, creeping things and the fowls of
because of the ground which the the heaven for it repenteth me

Lord hath cursed. that I have made them.

30 And Lemech lived after he 8 But Noah found grace in the
had begotten Noah five hundred eyes of the Lord.
ninety and five years and he be-
Haphtorah in Isaiah xlii. 5-21 the Gor- ;

gat sons and daughters. mans read to xliii. 11.

31 And all the days of Lemech

were seven hundred seventy and Sec. 2. NOACH, ru
seven years and he died.
; 9 These are the generations
32 And Noah was five hun- ofNoah Noah was a just, per-

dred years old, and Noah begat fect man in his generations No- ;

Shem, Ham [Cham], and Ja- ah walked with God.

pheth. 10 And Noah begat three sons,
Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
CHAPTER VI. 1 1 And the earth was corrupt
1 And it came to pass, when before God and the earth was

men began to multiply on the face filled with violence.

of the earth, and daughters were 12 And God looked upon the
born unto them, earth, and behold, it was corrupt,
2 That the sons of God saw for all flesh had corrupted his way
the daughters of men, that they upon the earth.
were fair ; and they took them- 13 ^ And God said unto Noah,
selves wives of all whom they The end of all flesh is come be-
chose. fore me for the earth is filled

3 And the Lord said, My Spi- with violence through them, and
rit shallnot always strive for the .1 will destroy them with the
sake of man, for that he is but earth.
flesh; yet his days (of grace) 14 Make thee an ark of gopher-
wood, rooms shalt thou make in hold into the ark ; for thee have

^he ark, and shalt pitch it within I seen righteous before me in this
and without with pitch. generation.
15 And this is the manner in 2 Of every clean beast thou
which thou shalt make it The : shalt take to thee seven pair of
length of the ark shall be three each, the male and his female;
hundred cubits, the breadth of it and of beasts that are not clean
fifty cubits, and the height of it two, the male and his female.
thirty cubits. 3 Also of the fowls of the hea-
16 A window shalt thou make ven, seven pair of each, the male
to the ark, and thou shalt finish and the female to keep seed alive

it above, to be one cubit broad, upon the face of all the earth.
and the door of the ark shalt thou 4 For after only seven days
set in the side thereof ; with more, I will cause it to rain upon
lower, second, and third stories the earth forty days aird forty
shalt thou make it. nights and I will blot out every

17 And as regards myself, be- living substance that I have made

hold, I will bring a flood of wa- from off the face of the earth.
ters upon the earth, to destroy 5 And Noah did all just as the
all flesh, wherein is the breath Lord had commanded him.
of life, from under the heavens; 6 And Noah was six hundred
every thing that is on the earth when the flood of wa-
years old
shall perish. ters was upon the earth.
18 But I will establish my co- 7 And Noah went in, and his
venant with thee and thou shalt
: sons, and his wife, and his sons’
come into the ark, thou, and thy wives with him, into the ark, be-
sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ cause of the waters of the flood.
wives with thee. 8 Of the clean beasts, and of
19 And of every living thing, the beasts that are not clean, and
of all flesh, two of every sort shalt of the fowls, and of every thing
thou bring into the ark, to keep that creepeth upon the earth,
them alive with thee male and
: 9 One pair of each went in un-
female shall they be. to Noah into the ark, the male
20 Of the fowls after their kind, and the female, as God had com-
and of the cattle after their kind, manded Noah.
of every creeping thing of the 10 And it came to pass, after
earth after its kind, two of every the seven days, that the wa-
sort shall come unto thee, to keep ters of the flood were upon the
them alive. earth.
21 And thou, for thy part, take 1 1 In the six hundredth year of
unto thee of all food that is eaten, Noah’s life, in the second month,
and thou shalt gather it to thee on the seventeenth day of the

and it shall be unto thee, and un- month, on this same day, were
tc them for food. all the fountains of the great deep
22 Thus did Noah according broken up, and the windows of

to all that God had commanded heaven were opened.

him, so he did.* 12 And the rain fell upon the
earth forty days and forty nights.
CHAPTER VII. 13 On that self-same day en-
1 And the Lord said unto No- tered Noah, and Shetn, and Ilam,
tth, Come thou and all thy house- and Japbeth, the sons of No’&h,
and Noah’s wife, and the three those that were with him in the
wives of his sons with them, into ark.
the ark 24 And the waters prevailed
14 They, and every beast after upon the earth one hundred and
his kind, and all the cattle after fifty days.
their kind, and every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the CHAPTER VIII.
earth after its kind, and every 1 And God remembered Noah,
fowl after his kind, every bird, and every living thing, and all
every thing that hath wings. the cattle that were with him in
15 And they went in unto No- the ark and God caused* a wind

ah into the ark, one pair of each, to pass over the earth, and the
of all flesh, wherein is the breath waters were assuaged ;
of life. 2 The fountains also of the
16 And they that went in, went
deep, and the windows of heaven
in male and female of all flesh, as were stopped and the rain from

God had commanded him: and heaven was restrained.

then the Lord shut him in.* 3 And the waters returned from
17 And the flood was forty off the earth, gradually return-
days upon the earth and the wa- ing and the waters were abated

ters increased, and bore up the after the end of the hundred and
ark, and it was lifted up above fifty days.
the earth. 4 And the ark rested in the
18 And the waters prevailed, seventh month, on the seven-
and increased greatly upon the teenth day of the month, upon tho
earth and the ark floated along mountains of Ararat.

upon the face of the waters. 5 And the waters decreased

And the waters prevailed
19 continually until the tenth month ;
exceedingly upon the earth ; and in the tenth month, on the first
all the high mountains that are day of the month, were the tops
under the whole heavens were co- of the mountains seen ;
vered. 6 And it came to pass at the
20 Fifteen cubits above them end of forty days, that Noah
did the waters prevail ; and the opened the window of the ark
mountains were (thus) covered. which he had made ;
21 And all flesh perished that 7 And he sent forth a raven,
moved upon the earth, both of which went forth to and fro, un-
fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, til the waters were dried up from
and of every creeping thing that off the earth.
creepeth upon the earth, and 8 He then sent forth a dove
every man. from him, to see if the waters
22 All in whose nostrils was were abated from off the face of
the breath of life, of all that were the ground.
on the dry land, died. 9 But the dove found no rest-
23 And it swept off every liv- ing-place for the sole of her foot,
ing substance which was upon the and she returned unto him unto
face of the ground, both man, and the ark for there was water on

cattle, and 'keeping things, and the face of the whole earth then ;

fowls of the heaven and they he put forth his hand, and took

were swept from the earth and her, and brought her in unto him

Noah only was left, together with into the ark.

10 And he stayed yet other 21 And the Lord smelled tha
seven days, and again he sent sweet savour; and the Lord said

forth the dove out of the ark. in his heart, I will not agarin
11 And the dove came in to curse the ground any more for
him at the time of the evening; the sake of man ; although the
and, lo, an olive-leaf plucked off imagination of man’s heart is evil
was in her mouth ; so Noah knew from his youth neither will I

that the waters were abated from again smite any more every thing
off the earth. living, as I have done.
12 And he stayed yet other 22 All the while the earth re-
seven days, and sent forth the mainethu seed-time and harvest,
dove but she returned not again and cold and heat, and summer

unto him any more. and winter, and day and night,
13 And it came to pass in the shall not cease.
six hundredth and first year, in
the first month, on the first day CHAPTER IX.
of the month, that the waters were 1 And God
blessed Noah and
dried up from off the earth ; and his sons, and said unto them, Be
Noah removed the "covering of fruitful, and multiply, and re-
the ark, and looked, and behold, plenish the earth.
the face of the ground was dry. 2 And the fear of you, and the
14 And in the second month, dread of you, shall be upon every
on the seven and twentieth day beast of the earth, and upon every
of the month, was the earth per- fowl of the heaven ; whatever is
fectly dried up.* that moveth upon the earth, and
15 And God spoke unto No- all the fishes of the sea, are de-
ah, saying, livered into your hand.
16 Go forth from the ark, thou, 3 Every moving thing that liv-
and thy wife, and thy sons, and eth shall be yours for food ; even
thy sons’ wives with thee. as the green herbs have I given
17 Every living thing that is you all things.
with thee, of all flesh, both of 4 But flesh in which its life is,
fowl, and of cattle, and of every which is its blood, shall ye not eat.
creeping thing that creepeth up- 5 Your blood, however, on
on the earth, bring forth with which your lives depend, will I
thee that they may breed abun- require
at the hand of every

dantly on the earth, and be fruit- beast will I require it and at;

ful, and multiply upon the earth. the hand of man, at the hand of
18 And Noah went forth, and every man’s brother will I require

his sons, and his wife, and his the life of man.
sons’ wives with him. 6 Whoso sheddeth man’s blood,
19 Every beast, every creep- by man shall his blood be shed

ing thing, and every fowl, what- for in the image of God made he

soever creepeth upon the earth, man. i

after their families, went forth 7 And you, be ye fruitful, and

out of the ark. multiply bring forth abundantly

20 And Noah built an altar un- on the earth, and multiply there-

to the Lord, and he took of every on.* i

clean cattle, and of every clean 8 And God spoke unto Noah,
fowl, and offered burnt-offerings and to his sons with him, saying,

on the altar. 9 And I, behold, I establish

my covenant with you, and with of Noah, ami of them was the
your seed after you ;
whole earth overspread.
1 0 And with every living crea- 20 And Noah, who was a hus-
ture that is with you, of the fowl, bandman, began his work, and
of the cattle, and of every beast he planted a vineyard.
of the earth with you, from all 21 And he drank of the wine,
those that go out of the ark, for and became drunken and he ;

every beast of the earth. uncovered himself within his

11 And I will establish my co- tent.
venant with you ;
and all flesh 22 And Ham, the father of Ca-
shall not be cut off any more by na’an, saw the nakedness of his
the waters of a flood neither : father, and told it his two bro-
shall there be any more a flood thers without.
to destroy the earth. 23 And Shem and Japheth
12 And God said, This is the took a garment, and laid it upon
token of the covenant which I the shoulders of both of them,
make between me and you, and and went backward, and covered
every living creature that is the nakedness of their father;
with you, for perpetual genera- and their faces were turned back-
tions. ward, and they saw not their fa-
13 My bow have I set in the ther’s nakedness.
cloud, and it shall be for a token 24 And N<xih awoke from his
of the covenant between me and wine, and discovered what his
the earth. younger son had done unto him.
14 And it shall come to pass, 25 And he said, Cursed be Ca-
that, when I bring a cloud over na’an a servant of servants shall

the earth, and the bow shall be he be unto his brethren.

seen in the cloud, 26 And he said, Blessed be the
15 I will remember my cove- Lord, the God of Shem and Ca- ;

nant, which is between me and na’an shall be a servant unto

you and every living creature of them.
all flesh and the waters shall no
27 May God enlarge the bound-
more become a flood to destroy aries of Japheth, and may he
all flesh. dwell in the tents of Shem and ;

16 And the bow shall be in the Cana’an shall be a servant unto

cloud and I will look upon it, them.

that I may remember the ever- 28 And Noah lived after the
lasting covenant between God flood three hundred and fifty
and every living creature, of all years.
flesh, that is upon the earth. 29 And all the days of Noah
17 And God said unto Noah, were nine hundred and fifty
This is the token of the covenant years ; and he died.
which I have established between
me an 1 all flesh that is upon the CHAPTER X.
earth.* 1 f[ Now these are the genera-
18 And the sons of Noah tions of the sons of Noah Shem, :

that went forth from the ark, were Ham, and Japheth ; and unto
Shem, and Ham, and Japheth them were sons born after the
and Ham was the father of Ca- flood.
aa’an. 2 The sons of Japheth Go- :

19 These three were the sons mer, and Magog, and Madai, and
Javan, and Tubal, and Meshecli, 18 And the Arvadite, and the
and Thirass. Zemarite, and the Chamathite ,*

3 And the sons of Gomer Ash- : and afterward were the families
kenaz, and Riphath, and Thogar- of the Cana’anites spread abroad.
mah. 19 And the border of the Ca-
4 And the sons of Javan Eli- : na’anites was from Sidon, as thou
shah, and Tharshish, Kittim, and comest to Gerar, unto Gazzah as

Dodanim. thou goest unto Sodom and Go-

5 Fromthese were separated morrah, and Admah, and Zeboy-
Ae isles of the nations in their im, even unto Lesha’.
.ands, every one after his tongue 20 These are the sons of Ham,

after their families, in their na- after their families, after their
tions. tongues, in their countries, in
6 And the sons of Ham Cush, their nations.

and Mizrayim, and Put, and Ca- 21 f But unto Shem also, the
na’an. father of all the children of ’Eber,
7 And the sons of Cush Seba, the brother of Japheth the elder,

and Chavilah, and Sabthah, and were children born.

Ra’mah, and Sabtheclia ; and 22 The sons of Shem ’Elam, :

the sons of Ra’mah Sheba, and and Asshur, and Arpachshad,


Dedan. and Lud, and Aram.

8 And Cush begat Nimrod 23 And the children of Aram :

he began to be a mighty man on ’Uz, and Chul, and Gether, and

the earth. Mash.
9 He was a mighty hunter be- 24 And Arpachshad begat She-
fore the Lord wherefore it is lach
and Shelach begat ’Eber.

said, Evenas Nimrod, a mighty 25 And unto ’Eber were born

hunter before the Lord. two sons ; the name of one was
10 And the beginning of his Peleg, for in his days was the
kingdom was Babel, and Erech, earth divided and his brother’s ;

and Accad, and Calneh, in the name was Yoktan.

land of Shin’ar. 26 And Yoktan begat Almo-
11 Out of that land went forth dad, and Shelef, and Chazarma-
Asshur, and built Nineveh, and veth, and Yerach,
the city of Rechoboth, and Ca- 27 And Hadoram, and Uzal,
lach, and Diklah,
12 And Ressen between Nine- 28 And ’Obal, and Abimael,
veh and Calach; the same is the and Sheba,
great city. 29 And Ophir, and Chavilah,
13 And Mizrayim begat the and Yobab; all these were the
Ludim, and ’Anamim, and Leha- sons of Yoktan.
bim, and Naphthuchim, 30 And their dwelling was
14 And the Pathrussim, and from Mesha, as thou goest unto
Casluchim (out of whom came the Sephar, the mount of the east.
Pelishtim), and the Caphtorim. 31 These are the sons of Shem,
15 And Cana’an begat Sidon after their families, after their
his first-born, and Heth, tongues, in their lands, after their
16 And the Jebusite, and the nations.
Emorite, and the Girgashite, 32 These are the families of the
17 And the Hivite, and the sons of Noah, after their genera-
Aikilfl, and the Sinite, tions, in their nations j and from
these were the nations separated years old, begat Arpachshad, two
on the earth after the flood.* years after the flood.
11 And Shem lived after he
CHAPTER XI. had begotten Arpachshad five
1 And the whole earth was hundred years ; and begat sons
of one language, and of one kind and daughters.
of words. 12 And Arpachshad lived
2 And it came to pass, as they five and thirty years, and begat
journeyed toward the east, that Shelach.
they found a plain in the land of 13 And Arpachshad lived after
Shin’ar, and they dwelt there. he had begotten Shelach four
3 And they said one to an- hundred and three years and be-’

tither, Go to, let us make bricks, gat sons and daughters.

and burn them thoroughly. And 14 And Shelach lived thirty
thus the brick served them for years, and begat ’Eber.
stone, and slime served them for 15 And Shelach lived after he
mortar. had begotten ’Eber four hundred
4 And they said, Go to, let us and three years ; and begat sons
build ourselves a city, and a tow- and daughters.
er, the top of which may reach 16 f And ’Eber lived four and
unto heaven ; and let us make thirty years, and begat Peleg.
ourselves a name, lest we be scat- 17 And ’Eber lived after he
tered abroad upon the face of the had begotten Peleg four hundred
whole earth. and thirty years ; and begat sons
5 And the Lord came down to and daughters.
see the city and the tower, which 18 ^ And Peleg lived thirty
the children of man were build- years, and begat Re’u.
ing. 19 And Peleg lived after he
6 And the Lord said, Behold, had begotten Re’u two hundred
it is one people, and they have all and nine years ; and begat sons
one language, and this is the first and daughters.
thing they undertake to do ; and 20 And Re’u lived two and
now shall they not be restrained thirty years, and begat Serug.
in all which they have imagined 21 And Re’u lived after he had
to do ? begotten Serug two hundred and
7 Go to, let us go down, and seven years ; and begat sons and
confound there their language, daughters.
that they may not understand one 22 And Serug lived thirty
another’s speech. years, and begat Nachor.
8 So the Lord scattered them 23 And Serug lived after he
abroad from there over the face h!id begotten Nachor two hun-
of all the earth ; and they left off dred years and begat sons and

to build the city. daughters.

9 Therefore is the name of it 24 And Nachor lived nine
called Babel, because the Lord and twenty years, and begat The-
did there confound the language rach.
25 And Nachor lived after he

of all the earth and from there

; |

did the Lord scatter them abroad had begotten Therach a hundred
over the face of all the earth. and nineteen years; and begat
10 These are the generations! sons and daughters.
of Shem Shem, when a hundred
: 1 26
And Tlierach lived seven-
ty years, and begat Abram, Na- Lord had spoken unto him, and
ehor, and Charan. Lot went with him and Abram :

27 Now these are the genera- was seventy and five years old
tions of Therach Therach begat at his departure out of Charan.

Abram, Naehor, and Charan and ;

5 And Abram took Sarai his
Charan begat Lot. wife, and Lot his brother’s son,
28 And Charan died before hisand all their substance thr * they
had acquired, and the persons
father Therach in the land of his
nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.*
that they had obtained in Cha.
29 And Abram and Naehor ran and they went forth to go

took themselves wives the name into the land of Cana’an and
; ;

of Abram’s wife was Sarai and they came into the land of Ca-

the name of Nachor’s wife was na’an.

Milcah, the daughter of Charan, 6 And Abram passed through
the father of Milcah, and the fa- the land unto the place of She-
ther of Yiscah. chem, unto the plain of Moreh
30 But Sarai was barren ; she and the Cana’anite was then in
had no child. the land.
31 And Therach took Abram 7 And the Lord appeared un-
his son, and Lot, the son of Cha- to Abram, and said, Unto thy
ran, his son’s son, and Sarai, his seed will I give this land. And
laughter-in-law, the wife of his he built there an altar unto the
son Abram and they went forth Lord, who had appeared unto

with them from Ur’ of the Chal- him.

dees, to go into the land of Ca- 8 And he removed from there
na’an and they came unto Cha- unto the mountain on the east

ran, and dwelt there. of Beth-el, and pitched his tent,

32 And the days of Therach having Beth-el on the west, and
were two hundred and five years ’Ai on the east; and he built there
and Therach died in Charan. an altar unto the Lord, and called
liaphtorah in Isaiah liv. 1-10; the Ger- upon the name of the Lord.
mans read to lv. 5. 9 And Abram journeyed far-
ther, still going on toward the
Sec. 3. LECTI LECHA, ^ -jS.
10 If And there arose a famine
CHAPTER XII. in the land and Abram went

1 If Now the Lord had said un- down into Egypt to sojourn there ;
to Abram, Get thee out of thy for the famine was grievous in
country, and out thy birthplace, the land.
and from thy father’s house, ur^to 11 And it came to pass, when
the land that I will show thee. he was come near to enter into
2 And I will make of thee a Egypt, that he said unto Sarai
great nation, and I will bless his wife, Behold nowq I know that
thee and make thy name great; thou art a woman of handsome
and thou shalt be a blessing appearance
3 And I will bless those that 12 And it may come to pass,
bless thee, and him that curseth when the Egyptians shall see
thee, will I curse; and in thee thee, that they will say, This is
shall all families of the earth be his wife ; and they may kill me,
blessed. but thee they will save alive.
4 So Abram departed, as the 13 Say then, I pray thee, thou
art my sister, that it may go well; 5 And Lot also, who went witt
with me for thy sake, and my Abram, had flocks, and herds,
soul live because of thee.* and tents.
14 And it came to pass, when 6 And the land was not able to
Abram was come into Egypt, that bear them, that they might dwell
the Egyptians beheld the woman together j for their substance was
that she was very fair. great, so that they could not dwell
15 The princes also of Pharaoh together.
saw her, and commended her to 7 And there arose a strife be-
Pharaoh and the woman was tween the herdmen of Abram’s

taken into Pharaoh’s house. cattle, and the herdmen of Lot’s

16 And he did well to Abram cattle and the Cana’anite and the :

for her sake and he received Perizzite dwelled then in the land.

sheep, and oxen, and he-asses, 8 And Abram said unto Lot,
and men-servants, and maid-ser- Let there be no strife, I pray thee,
vants, and she-asses, and camels. between me and thee, and be-
17 But the Lord plagued Pha- tween my herdmen and thy herd-
raoh and his house with great men for we are near relatives. ;

plagues because of Sarai, Abram’s 9 Is not the whole land before

wife. thee ? Separate thyself, I pray
18 And Pharaoh called Abram, thee, from me if thou wilt take :

and said, What is this that thou the left hand, then I will go to
has done unto me? Why didst the right ; or if thou depart to the
thou not tell me that she is thy right, then I will go to the left.
wife ? 10 And Lot lifted up his eyes,
19 Why saidst thou, She is my and beheld all the plain of Jor-
sister ? and so I took her to me dan, that it was well watered
for a wife now therefore, behold, everywhere before the Loud de-
; ;

here is thy wife, take her, and go stroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, (it
thy way. was) like the garden of the Lord,
20 And Pharaoh commanded like the land of Egypt, till thou
some men concerning him, who comest unto Zo’ar.
accompanied him and his wife, 11 Theu Lot chose himself all
and all that he had. the plain of Jordan and Lot ;

journeyed east: and they sepa-

CHAPTER XIII. rated themselves the one from the
1 And Abram went up oflt of other.
Egypt* h e an(i his wife, and all
> 12 Abram dwelt in the land of

that he had, and Lot with him,| Cana’an and Lot dwelt in the ;

into the south. cities of the plain, and pitched

2 And Abram

was very rich in his tents, till close to Sodom,


cattle, in silver, and in gold. 13 But the men of Sodom wero


3 And he went on his journeys; wicked and sinners before the

from the south even to Beth-el, Lord exceedingly.
unto the place where his tent had 14 And the Lord said unto

been at the beginning, between! Abram, after Ll 4 was separated

Beth-el and ’Ai ,* [from him, Lift up now thy eyes,
4 Unto the place of the altar, and look from the place where
which he had made there at the thou art, northward, and south-
fi/st; and Abram called there on ward, and eastward, and west-
the name of the Lord.* iward;
2* a2 17
15 For all the land which thou rites, that dwelt in Ohazezon
eeest, to thee will I give it, and thamar.
to thy seed for ever. 8 And then went out the king
16 And I will make thy seed of Sodom, and the king of Go-
as the dust of the earth so that
morrah, and the king of. Admah
if a man can number the dust of and the king of Zeboyim, and
the earth, then shall thy seed also the king of Bela’, (the same is
be numbered. Zo’ar) and they joined battle

17 Arise, walkthrough the land with them in the vale of Siddim;

in the length of it and in the 9 With Kedorla’omer king of
breadth of it for unto thee will
’Elam, and with Thid’al king of
I give it. Goyim, and Amraphel king of
18 Then Abram pitched his Shin’ar, and Arioch king of El-
tent, and came and dwelt in the lassar four kings with five.

grove of Mamre, which is in He- 10 And the vale of Siddim was

bron and he built there an altar full of slime-pits and the kings
; ;

unto the Lord.* of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, and

fell therein and they that re-

mained fled to the mountain.

1 And it came to pass, in 11 And they took all the goods
the days of Amraphel king of of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all
Shin’ar, Arioch king of Ellassar, their victuals, and went their
Kedorla’omer king of ’Elam, and way.
Thid’al king of Gdyim ;
12 And they took Lot, Abram’s
2 That these made war with brother’s son, who dwelt in So-
Bera’ king of Sodom, and with dom, and hisgoods, and departed.
Birsha’ king of Gomorrah, Shin- 13 And there came one that
ab king of Admah, and She- had escaped, and told it to Abram
meber king of Zeboyim, and the Hebrew but he dwelt in the ;

the king of Bela’, which is grove of Mamre the Emorite,

Zo’ar. brother of Eshcol, and brother
3 All these joined together in of ’Aner, and these were confede-
the vale of Siddim, which is now rates of Abram.
the Salt Sea. 14 And when Abram heard that
4 Twelve ), ears had they serv- his brother was taken captive, he
ed Kedorla’omer, but in the thir- armed his trained servants, born
teenth year they rebelled. in his own house, three hundred
5 And in the fourteenth year and eighteen, and pursued them
came Kedorla’omer, and the unto Dan.
kings that were with him, and 15 And he divided himself
they smote the Rephaim in ’Ash- against them, he and his ser-
teroth-karnayim, and the Zuzim vants, by night, and smote them,
in Ham, and the Emim in Sha- and pursued them unto Chobah,
veh-kiriathayim, which is on the left hand of Da-
6 And the Horites in their mascus.
mountain Se’ir, unto El-paran, 16 And he brought back all the
which is by the wilderness. goods and he also brought again

7 And they returned, and came, his brother Lot, and his goods,
to ’En-mishpat, which is Kadesh, and also the women, and the
and smote all the country of the people.
Amalekites, and also the Emo-| I
17 And the king of Sodom
went out to meet him (after his lo, one born in my house will be
return from smiting Kedorla- my heir.
'omer, and the kings that were 4 And behold, the word of the
with him) at the valley of Sha- Lord came unto him, saying.
veh, which is the kings’ dale. This one shall not be thy heir ;

18 And Malkizedek king of but he that shall come forth out

Salem brought forth bread and of thy own bowels shall be thy
wine and he was a priest of the
jnost high God. 5 And he brought him forth
19 And he blessed him, and abroad, and said, Look now to-
said, Blessed be Abram of the ward the heaven, and count? the
most high God, the possessor of stars, if thou be able to count
heaven and earth. them and he said unto him, So

20 And blessed be the most shall thy seed be.

high God, who hath delivered 6 And he believed in the Lord;
thy enemies into thy hand. And and he accounted it to him for
he gave him tithes of all.* righteousness.*
21 And the king of Sodom said 7 And he said unto him, I am
unto Abram, Give me the per- the Lord that brought thee out
sons, and the goods take to thy- of Ur of the Chaldees, to give un-
self. to thee this land, to inherit it.
22 And Abram said to the 8 And he said, Lord God,
king of Sodom, I have lifted up whereby shall I know that I shall
my hand unto the Lord, the most inherit it ?
high God, the possessor of hea- 9 And he said unto him, Take
ven and earth, me a heifer of three years old,
23 That I will not take from a and a she-goat of three years old,
thread even to a shoe-latchet, and j
and a ram of three years old, and a
that I w ill not take any thing
turtle-dove, and a young pigeon.
that is thine lest thou shouldst
10 And he took unto him all
say, I have made Abram rich : these, and divided them in the
24 Save only that which the midst, and laid each piece one
young men have eaten, and the opposite the other but the birds

portion of the men who went with he did not divide.

me, ’Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre 11 And the birds of prey came
these may take th,eir portion. down upon the carcasses; but
Abram drove them away.
CHAPTER XY. 12 And when the sun was
1 After these things the about going down, a deep sleep
word of the Lord came unto fell upon A bram and lo, a horror,

Abram in a vision, saying, Fear dark and great, fell upon him.
not, Abram I am thy shield,
; 13 And he said unto Abram,
thy reward shall be exceedingly Know of a surety that thy seed
great. shall bea stranger in aland which
2 And. Abram said, Lord God, is not theirs, and they will make
what wilt thou give me, seeing I them serve, and they will afflict
go childless, and the steward of them four hundred years.
my house is Eli’ezer of Barnas- 14 And also that nation, whom
cus ? they shall serve, will I judge;
3 And Abram said, Behold to and afterward shall they go *iut
me thou hast given no seed ; and with great substance.
15 But thou shalt comethy I suffer wrong through thee; I
fathers in peace ; thou shalt be have placed my maicl into thy
buried in a good old age. bosom; and when she saw that
16 Yet the fourth generation she had conceived, I became of
shall come hither again for tin little esteem in her eyes
; may

iniquity of theEmorites will not the Lord judge between me and

be full until then. thee.
17 And it came to pass, when 6 But Abram said unto Sarai,
the sun had gone down, and it Behold, thy maid is in thy hand;
was dark, that behold a smoking do to her as it pleaseth thee. Ami
furnace, and a burning flame, when Sarai dealt hardly with her,
which passed between those she fled from her face.

pieces. 7 And an angel of the Lord

18 On the same day the Lord found her by a fountain of water
made a covenant with Abram, in the wilderness, by the fountain
saying, Unto thy seed have I on the way to Sliur.
given this land, from the river of 8 And he said, Hagar, Sarai’s
Egypt unto the great river, the maid, whence earnest thou ? and
river Euphrates ;
whither wilt thou go ? And she
19 The Kenites, and the Ke- said, From the face of my mis-
nizzites, and the Kadmonites, tress Sarai I am fleeing.
20 And the Hittites, and the 9 And the angel of the Lord
Perizzites, and the Rephaim, said unto her, Return to thy mis-
21 And the Emorites, and the tress, and submit thyself under
Cana’anites, and the GirgaEites, her hands.
and the Jebusites. 10 And the angel of the Lord
said unto her, I will multiply tby
CHAPTER XVI. seed exceedingly, that it shall not
1 Now Sarai. Abram's wife, be numbered for multitude.
bore him no children and she;
11 And the angel of the Lord
had an Egyptian handmaid, said unto her, Behold, thou art
whose name was Hagar. with child, and wilt bear a son,
2 And Sarai said unto Abram, and thou shalt call his name Ish-
Behold now, the Lord hath re- ma’el because the Lord hath

strained me from bearing go in, heard thy affliction.


I pray thee, unto my maid it 12 And he will be a wild man

; ;

may be that I may obtain chil- his hand will be against every
dren by her. And Abram heark- man, and every man’s hand
ened to the voice of Sarai. against him and in the presence

3 And Sarai, Abram’s wife, of all his brethren shall he dwell.

took Hagar, the Egyptian, her 13 And she called the name of
maid, after Abram had dwelt ten the Lord that spoke unto her,
years in the land of Cana’an, and Thou art an all-seeing God for ;

gave her to her husband Abram she said, Have I not also seen
to be his wife. here a vision after he appeared
4 And he went in unto Hagar, to me ?
and she conceived and when she
14 Wherefore the well was call-
saw that she had conceived, her ed Beer-lachai-roi behold, it is

mistress became of little esteem between Kadesh and Bered.

in her eyes. 15 And Hagar bore Abram a
5 And Sarai said unto Abram, son and Abxim called the name

pf his son, whom Hagar bore, seed after thee: Everyman-child
Ishma’el. among you shall be circumcised.
16 And Abram was eighty and 11 And ye shall circumcise the
six years old, when Hagar bore flesh of your foreskin and this

Ishma’el to Abram. shall serve as the token of the

covenant between me and you.
CHAPTER XVII. 1 2 And at eight days old shall
1 And when Abram was nine- every man-child in your genera-
ty and nine years old, the Lord tions be circumcised among you,
appeared to Abram, and said un- he that is born in the house, or
to him, 1 am the Almighty God bought with money of any stran-
walk before me, and be thou per- ger, who is not of thy seed.
fect. 13 He that is born in thy house,
2 And I will make my cove- and he that is bought with thy
nant between me and thee, and I money, must needs be circum-
will multiply thee exceedingly. cised; and my covenant shall be
3 And Abram fell on his face, in your flesh for an everlasting
and God spoke with him, saying, covenant.
4 As for me, behold my cove- 14 And any uncircumcised
nant is with thee, and thou shalt male, who circumciseth not the
become the father of a multitude flesh of his foreskin, that soul
of nations. shall be cut off from his people;
5 Neither shall thy name any he hath broken my covenant.
more be called Abram, but thy 15 And God said unto Abra-
name shall be Abraham for the ham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou

father of a multitude of nations shalt not call her name Sarai, but
have I made thee. Sarah shall her name be.
6 And I will make thee ex- 16 And I will bless her, and
ceedingly fruitful, and I will give thee also a son of her yea ;

cause thee to become nations; I will bless her, and she shall be-
and kings shall come out of come a mother of nations; kings
thee.* of people shall spring from her.
7 And I will establish my co- 17 Then Abraham fell upon
venant between me and thee and his face, and laughed and he

between thy seed after thee in said in his heart, Shall a child be
their generations for an everlast- born unto him that is a hundred
ing covenant: to be a God unto years old? and shall Sarah, who
thee, and to thy seed after thee. is ninety years old, bear ?

8 And I will give unto thee, 18 And Abraham unto

and to thy seed after thee, the God, 0 that Ishma’el might lrvo
land wherein thou sojournest, all before thee
the land of Cana’an, for an ever- 19 And God said, Truly, Sarah
lasting possession; and I will be thy wife shall bear thee a son ;
their God. and thou shalt call his name
9 And God said unto Abraham, Isaac [Yitzchak] and I will esta-

But thou, for thy part, shalt keep blish my covenant with him for an
my covenant, thou, and thy seed everlasting covenant, for his seed
after thee, in their generations. after him.
10 This is my covenant, which 20 And as for Ishma’el, I have
ye shall keep, between me and heard thee behold, I have bless-

between you, and between thy ed him, and will make him fruit-
ful, and will multiply him ex- now have found favour in thy
ceedingly; twelve princes shall eyes, pass not away, I pray thee,
he beget, and I will make of him from thy servant.
a great nation. 4 Let a little water, I pray you,
21 But my covenent will I esta- be fetched, and wash your feet,
blish with Isaac, whom Sarah and rest yourselves under the
shall bear unto thee at this set tree.
time in the next year. 5 And I will fetch a morsel of
22 And when he had left off bread, and comfort ye your heart,
talking with him, God went up after that ye may pass on ; since
from Abraham. ye have once passed by your ser-
23 And Abraham now took vant. And they said, So do, as
Ishma’el his son, and all that thou hast spoken.
were born in his house, and all 6 And Abraham hastened into
that were bought with his money, the tent unto Sarah, and said,
every male among the men of Make ready quickly three mea-
Abraham’s house; and he cir- sures of fine meal, knead it, and
cumcised the flesh of their fore- make cakes.
skin on the self-same day, as God 7 And Abraham ran unto the
had spoken unto him.* herd,and fetched a calf tender
24 And Abraham was ninety and good, and gave it unto a
and nine years old, when he was young man, and he hastened to
circumcised in the flesh of his dress it.

foreskin. 8 And he to-ok cream and milk,

25 And
Ishma’el his son was and the calf w hich he had dressed,

thirteen years old, when he was and set it before them ;

and he
circumcised in the flesh of his stood by them under the tree, and
foreskin. they did eat.
26 On the self-same day was 9 And they said unto him,
Abraham circumcised, with Ish- Where is Sarah thy wife ? And
ma’el his son. he said, Behold, in the tent.
27 And all the men of his house, 10 And he said, I will certainly
born in the house, and bought return unto thee at this time next
with money of the stranger, were year; and lo, Sarah thy wife
circumcised with him. shall have a son. And Sarah
Haphtorah in Isaiah, xl. 27 to xli. 16. heard it at the door of the tent,
which was behind him.
11. Now Abraham and Sarah
Sec. 4. VAYERA, am
were old and well stricken in
CHAPTER XVIII. years it had ceased to be with Sa-

1 And the Lord appeared un- rah after the manner of women.
to him in the grove of Mamre 12 Therefore Sarah laughed
while he was sitting at the door within herself, saying, After I
of the tent in the heat of the day. am waxed old shall I have plea-
2 And he lifted up his eyes sure, my lord also being old?
and looked, and lo, three men 13 And the Lord said unto
stood near him; and when he Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah
saw them, he ran to meet them laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety
from the door of the tent, and bear a child, since I am old?
bowed himself to the ground ;
14 Is any thing too hard for
3 And he said, My Lord, if the Lord ? At the time appointed
I will return unto thee, at this [after this manner, to slay the
time next year, and Sarah shall righteous with the wicked, and
have a son.* that the righteous should be as
15 Then Sarah denied, saying, the wicked far be this from thee

I laughed not; for she was afraid shall the Judge of all the earth

but he said, Nay indeed thou not exercise justice ?


didst laugh. 26 And the Lord said, If I find

16 And the men rose up from in Sodom fifty righteous within
there, and looked toward Sodom the city, then will I spare all the
and Abraham went with them to place for their sake.
bring them on the way. 27 And Abraham answered
17 And the Lord said, Shall I and said, Behold now, I have
hide from Abraham what I am taken upon me to speak unto the
about doing ? Lord, although I am but dust
18 Seeing that Abraham shall and ashes:
surely become a great and mighty 28 Peradventure there will lack
nation, and all the nations of the five of the fifty righteous; wilt
earth shall be blessed in him ? thou then destroy all the city for
19 For I know him, that he the (lack of) these five? And
will command his children and he said, I will not destroy, if I
his household after him, that they find there forty and five.
shall keep the way of the Lord, 29 And he spoke yet again
to do righteousness and justice unto him, and said, Peradven-
in order that the Lord may bring fcure there will be found there
upon Abraham that which he forty. And he said, I will not
hath spoken concerning him. do it for the sake of the forty.
20 And the Lord said, Because 30 And he said, Oh, let not
the cry against Sodom and Go- the Lord be angry, and I will
morrah is great, and because speak Peradventure there will

their sin is very grievous be found there thirty. And he


21 I will go down now, and see, said, I will not do it, if I find
if they have done according to there thirty.
the cry against them, which is 31 And he said, Behold now,
come unto me, destruction (shall I have taken upon me to speak
come upon them) and if not, I unto the Lord
Peradventure :

will know it. there will be found there twenty.

22 And the men turned their And he said, I will not destroy,
faces from there, and went toward for the sake of the twenty.
Sodom but Abraham stood yet 32 And he said, Oh, let not the

before the Lord. Lord be angry, and I will speak

23 And Abraham drew near, yet but this once Peradventure :

and said, Wilt thou then de- there will be found there ten.
stroy the righteous also with the And he said, I will not destroy,
wicked ? for the sake of the ten.
24 Perad venture there are fifty 33 And the Lord went away,
righteous within the city wilt when he had finished speaking

thou then also destroy and not with Abraham and Abraham re- ;

spare the place for the sake of turned unto his place.*
the fifty righteous that are there-
in ?
25 Far be it from thee to do 1 And the two angels came tc
8j'i?m in the evening, and Lot 10 But the men pul forth their
was sitting in the gate of Sodom hand, and pulled Lot to them in-
and when Lot saw them he rose up to the house, and the door they
to meet them, and he bowed him- locked.
self with his face to the ground. 11 And the men that were at
2 And he said, Behold now, the entrance of the house they
my lords, turn in,I pray you, in- smote with blindness, both small
to your servant’s house, and tarry and great, so that they wearied
all night, and wash your feet, themselves to find the entrance.
and ye can rise up early, and go 12 And the men said unto Lot,
on your way. And they said, Hast thou here any besides ? a
Nay; but we will abide in the son-in-law, and thy sons, and thy
street all night. daughters, and whatsoever thou
3 And he pressed upon them hast in the city, bring out of this
greatly, and they turned in unto place.
him, and entered into his house 13 For we will destroy this
and he made them a feast, and place, because the cry against
baked unleavened bread, and them is waxed great before the
they did eat. face of the Lord and the Lord

4 But before they had lain hath sent us to destroy it.

down, the men of the city, even 14 And Lot went out and spoke
the men of Sodom, compassed unto his sons-in-law, who were
the house round, both old and to marry his daughters, and said,
young, all the people from every Arise, get yourselves out of this
quarter : place, for the Lord will destroy
5 And they called unto Lot, this city but he seemed as one

and said unto him, Where are that jesteth in the eyes of his
the men who came in to thee this sons-in-law.
night? bring them out unto us, 15 And as the morning dawn
that we may know them. arose, the angels urged Lot, say-
6 And Lot went out unto them, ing, Arise, take thy wife, and thy
at the entrance (of the house), two daughters that are here, lest
and shut the door after him, thou be consumed for the iniquity
7 And he said, I pray you, my
of the city.
brethren, do not act wickedly. 1 6 And while he yet lingered,
8 Behold now, I have two the men laid hold of his hand,
daughters who have not known and of the hand of his wife, and
man let me, I pray you, bring of the hand of his two daughters,

them out unto you, and do ye to because the Lord desired to spare
them as is good in your eyes; him ; and they brought him forth,
only unto these men do nothing, and .seft him without the city.
since they have once come under 17 And it came to pass, when
the shadow of my roof. they had brought them forth
9 And they said, Stand back. abroad, that he said, Escape for
And they said, This one man thy life, look not behind thee,
came in to sojourn, and he will neither stay thou in all the plain
needs be a judge ; now will we escape to the mountain, lest thou
deal worse with thee than with be consumed.
them. And they pressed sorely 18 And Lot said unto them,
upon the man Lot, and they came Oh, not so, my lord !

near to break the door. 19 Behold now, thy servant

hath found grace in thy eyes, 30 And Lot went up out of
and thou hast magnified thy kind- Zo’ar, and dwelt in the moun-
ness, which thou hast showed un- tain, and his two daughters with
to me in saving my life ;
and I him, for he feared to dwell in
cannot escape to the mountain, Zo’ar and he dwelt in a cave,

lest the evil overtake me, and I he, and his two daughters.
die. 31 And the first-born said un-
20 Behold now, this city is to the younger, Our father is old,
near to flee thereunto, and it is and there is not a man in the
little: oh, let me, I pray thee, country to come in unto us after
escape thither (as it is but little), the manner of all the earth :

that my life may be saved.* 32 Come, let us make our fa-

21 And he said unto him, See, ther drink wine, and we will lie
I have favoured thee concerning with him, that we may preserve
this thing also, that I will not seed of our father.
overthrow this city, of which 33 And they made their father
thou hast spoken. drink wine that night; and the
22 Haste thee, escape thither first-born went in, and lay with

for I cannot do any thing till her father, and he perceived not
thou hast come thither. There- when she lay down, nor when she
fore was the name of the city arose.
called Zo’ar. 34 And it came to pass on the
23 The sun rose over the earth, morrow, that the first-born said
when Lot entered into Zo’ar. unto the younger, Behold, I lay
24 And the Lord rained upon yesternight with my father; let
Sodom and upon Gomorrah brim- us make him drink wine this
stone and fire, from the Lord, night also, and go thou in, and
out of heaven lie with him, that we may pre-
25 And he overthrew those serve seed of our father.
cities, and all the plain, and all 35 And they made their father
the inhabitants of the cities, and drink wine that night also; and
that which grew upon the ground. the younger arose, and Lay with
26 But his wife looked back him, and he perceived not when
from behind him, and she became she lay down, nor when she arose.
a pillar of salt. 36 And both the daughters of
27 And Abraham got up early Lot became with child by their
in the morning to the place where father.
he had stood before the Lord : 37 And the first-born bore a
28 And he looked towjird So- son, and called his name Moiib;
dom and Gomorrah, and toward the same is the father of the Mo-
all the land of the plain, and be- abites unto this day.
held, and lo, smoke went up from 38 And the younger, she also,
the earth as the smoke of a fur- bore a son, and called his name
nace. Ben-’ammi the same is the father

29 And it came to pass, when of the children of ’Ammon unto

God destroyed the cities of the this day.
plain, that God remembered
Abraham, and sent Lot away out CHAPTER
of the midst of the overthrow, 1 And Abraham journeyed
when he overthrew the cities in from there toward the south coun-
the which Lot had dwelt try, and dwelt between Kadesh
3 Ii 25
and Shur, and sojourned ini
11 And Abraham said, Because
Gerar. 1 thought, Surely there is no fear
2 And Abraham said of Sarah of God in this place, and they
his wife, She is my sister and will slay me for the sake of my

Abimelech, the king of Gerar, wife.

sent and took Sarah. 12 And yet indeed she is my
3 But God came to Abimelech sister, the daughter of my father,
in a dream by night, and said to but not the daughter of my me
him, Behold, thou shalt die for ther; and she became my wife.
the sake of the woman whom thou 13 And it came to pass, when
hast taken for she is a man’s wife. God caused me to wander from

4 But Abimelech had not come my father’s house, that I said un-
near to her and he said, Lord, to her, This is thy kindness which

wilt thou then slay also a right- thou shalt show unto me: at every
eous nation ? place whither we shall come, say
5 Said he not unto me, She is of me, He is my brother.
my sister ? and she, even she her- 14 And Abimelech took sheep,
self, said, He is my brother in and oxen, and men-servants, and

the integrity of my heart and women-servants, and gave them

the innocency of my hands have unto Abraham, and restored to
I done this. him Sarah his wife.
6 And God said unto him in 15 And Abimelech said, Be-
the dream, Yea, I also well know, hold, my land is before thee
that thou hast done this in the dwell where it is pleasing in thy
integrity of thy heart; therefore eyes.
did I also withhold thee from 16 And unto Sarah he said,
sinningagainstme; for this cause Behold, I have given thy bro-
I suffered thee not to touch her. ther a thousand pieces of sil-
7 And now restore the man’s ver behold, this is to thee a co-

wife, for he is a prophet, and he vering of the eyes unto all that
will pray for thee, that thou may- are with thee; and with all others
est live;
and if thou restore her thou canst thus justify thyself.
not, know thou, that thou shalt 17 And Abraham prayed unto
surely die, thou and all that are God and God healed Abime-

thine. lech, and his wife, and his maid-

8 And Abimelech rose early in servants, so that they could bear
the morning, and called all his children.
servants, and told all these things 18 For the Lord had fast closed
in their hearing and the men up every womb of the house of

were greatly afraid. Abimelech, because of Sarah,

9 Then Abimelech called Abra- Abraham’s wife.
ham, and said unto him, What
hast thou done unto us ? and in CHAPTER XXI.
what have I offended thee, that 1 And the Lord visited Sa-
thou hast brought on me and on rah as he had said, and the Ljrd
my kingdom a great sin ? deeds did unto Sarah as he had spoken.
that ought not to be done thou 2 And Sarah conceived, and
hast done unto me. bore unto Abraham a son in his
10 And Abimelech said unto old age, at the appointed time
Abraham, Whatsawest thou, that of which God had spoken to him.
thou didst this thing ? 3 And Abraham called the
name of his son that was born 15 And the water was spent
unto him, whom Sarah bore to from the bottle, and she cast the
him, Isaac. child under one of the shrubs.
4 And Abraham circumcised 16 And she went, and seated
his son Isaac, at eight days old, herself down at some distance, a
as God had commanded him.* good way off, about a bowsh )t
5 And Abraham was a hun- for she said, I cannot look on
dred years old, when his son Isaac [when
the child dieth so she sat ;

was born unto him. at a distance, and lifted up her

6 And Sarah said, God hath voice, and wept.
made me joy, whoever heareth 17 And God heard the voice
it will laugh concerning me. of the lad and an angel of God

7 -And she said, Who would called to Hagar out of heaven,

have said unto Abraham, that and said unto her, What aileth
Sarai should have given children thee, Hagar ? Fear not for God ;

suck? yet I have born a son in hath heard the voice of the lad,
his old age. there where he is.
8 And the child grew, and was 18 Arise, lift up the lad, and
weaned and Abraham made a lay hold on him with thy hand

great feast on the day that Isaac for I will make of him a great
was weaned. nation.
9 And Sarah saw the son of 19 And God opened her eyes,
Hagar the Egyptian, whom she and she saw a well of water and :

had born unto Abraham, mock- she went, and filled the bottle
ing. with water, and gave the lad
10 Wherefore she said unto drink.
Abraham, Cast out this bond-wo- 20 And God was with the lad;
man and her son for the son of and he grew up, and dwelt in

this bond-woman shall not be the wilderness, and became an

heir with my son, with Isaac. archer.
11 And the thing was very 21 And he dwelt in the wilder-
grievous in Abraham’s eyes, be- ness of Paran; and his mother
cause of his son. took him a wife out of the land
12 And God said unto Abra- of Egypt. *
ham, Let itnot be grievous in 22 And it came to pass at
thy eyes because of the lad, and that time, that Abimelech, and
because of thy bond-woman in ;
Phichol the chief captain of his
all that Sarah may say unto thee, host, spoke unto Abraham, say-
hearken unto her voice; for in ing, God is with thee in all that
Isaac shall thy seed be called. thou doest:
13 And also of the son of the 23 Now therefore swear unto
bond-woman will I make a na- me
here by God, that thou wilt
tion, because he is thy seed. not deal falsely with me, nor with
14 And Abraham rose up early my son, nor with my son’s son
in the morning, and took bread, (but) according to the kindness
and a bottle of water, and gave that I have done unto thee, shalt
it unto Hagar, putting it on her thou do unto me, and to the land
shoulder, and the child, and sent wherein thou hast sojourned.
her away; and she departed, and 24 And Abraham said, I will
wandered away in the wilderness swear.
of Beer-sheba’. 25 And Abraham reproved
Abimelech because of a well of offer him there for a burnt-offer*

water, which Abimelech’s ser- ing upon one of the mountains

vants had violently taken away. which I will tell thee of.
'26 And Abimelech said, I know 3 And Abraham rose up early
not wdio hath done this thing: in the morning, and saddled his
neither didst thou tell me nor ass, and took two of his young

have I heard of it except this men with him, and Isaac his son
day. and he clave the wood for the
27 And Abraham took sheep burnt-offering, and arose, and
and oxen, and gave them unto went unto the place of which God
Abimelech and both of them had told him.

made a covenant. 4 On the third day Abraham

28 And Abraham set seven lifted up his eyes, and saw the
ewe-lambs of the flock, by them- place afar off.
selves. 5 And Abraham said unto his
29 And Abimelech said unto young men, Abide ye here with
Abraham, What mean these se- the ass, and I and the lad will go
ven ewe-lambs which thou hast yonder, and w e will worship, and r

set by themselves ? then come again to you.

30 And he said, For these 6 And Abraham took the wood
seven ewe-lambs shalt thou take for the burnt-offering, and laid
from my hand, that they may be it upon Isaac his son and he ;

a witness unto me that I have took in his hand the fire and the
dug this well. knife; and they went both of
31 Wherefore he called that them together.
place Beer-sheba’; because there 7 And Isaac spoke unto Abra-
they swore, both of them. ham his father, and said, My fa-
32 Thus they made a covenant ther ; and he said, Here am I, my
at Beer-sheba* ; then Abimelech son. And he said, Behold, here
rose up, and Phichol the chief is the fire and the wood ; but
captain of his host, and they re- where is the lamb for a burnt-
turned into the land of the Phi- offering ?
listines. 8 And Abraham said, God will
33 And Abraham planted an provide himself the lamb for a
orchard in Beer-sheba*, and call burnt-offering, my son so they ;

ed there on the name of the Lord, went both of them together.

the God of everlasting. 9 And they came to the place
34 And Abraham sojourned in which God had told him of and ;

the land of the Philistines many Abraham built there an altar, and
days.* laid the wood in order, and bound
Isaac his son, and laid him or
CHAPTER XXII. the altar above the wood.
1 And it came to pass after 10 And Abraham stretched
these things, that God did tempt forth his hand, and took the knife
Abraham, and he said unto him, to slay his son.
Abraham, and he said, Behold, 11 But the angel of the Lord
here am I. called unto him out of heaven,
2 And he said, Take now thy and said, Abraham, Abraham;
son, thy only one, whom thou and he said, Here am I.
Invest, even Isaac, and get thee 12 And he said, Lay not thy
into the land of Moriah; and hand upon the lad, neither dc
thou the least unto him ; for now 23 And Bethuel begat Rebe
I know that thou fearest God, see- kah these eight did Milcah bear

ing that thou hast not withheld to Nachor, Abraham’s brother.

thy son, thy only one, from me. 24 And his concubine, whose
13 And Abrrham lifted up his name was Reiimah, she also, bore
eyes, and saw, and behold, there Tebach, and Gacham, and Tha-
was a ram that was afterward chash, and Ma’achah.
caught in a thicket by his horns; Haphtorah in 2d Kings iv. to 37 but ] ;

and Abraham went and took the the Portuguese end with v. 23.
ram, and offered him up for a
burnt-offering in the stead of his
Sec. 5. CHAYE
14 And Abraham called the
mtr »n.
name of that place, Adonai-yireh CHAPTER XXIII.
as it is said to this day, On the 1 And the lifetime of Sarah
mount of the Lord itshall be seen. was a hundred and twenty-seven
15 And the angel of the Lord years; (these) were the years of
called unto Abraham the second the life of Sarah.
time out of heaven, 2 And Sarah died in Kiryath-
16 And said, By myself have arba’, the same is Hebron in the
I sworn, saith the Lord, since, land of Cana’an : and Abraham
because thou hast done this thing, came to mourn for Sarah, and to
and hast not withheld thy son, weep for her.
thy only one : 3 And Abraham stood up from
17 That I will greatly bless before his dead, and spoke unto
thee, and I will exceedingly mul- the sons of Heth, saying,
tiply thy seed as the stars of the 4 A
stranger and a sojourner
heaven, and as the sand which is I am with you ; give me a pos-
upon the sea-shore ; and thy seed session for a burying-place with
shall possess the gate of his ene- you, that I may bury my dead
mies ; out of
18 And in thy seed shall all 5 And the children of Ileth
the nations of the earth be bless- answered Abraham, saying unto
ed; because that thou hast obeyed him
my voice. 6 Hear us, my
a prince
lord ;

19 And Abraham returned un- of God thou art among us in the ;

to his young men and they rose

choice of our sepulchres bury thy
up, and went together to Beer- dead; none of us shall withhold
sheba’; and Abraham dwelt at from thee his sepulchre, so that
Beer-shebaV** thou mayest bury thy dead.
20 And it came to pass after 7 And Abraham stood up and
these things, that it was told to bowed himself to the people of
Abraham, saying, Behold, Mil- the land, to the children of Ileth,
cah, she also, hath born children 8 And he spoke with them,
unto Nachor thy brother saying, If it be your mind that I
21 ’Uz his first born, and Buz should bury my dead out of my
his brother,and Kemuel the fa- sight, hear me, and intercede for
ther of Aram, me with ’Ephron the son of
22 And Kessed, and Chazo, and Zochar,
Pildash, and Yidlaph, and Be- 9 That he may give me the
thuel. cave of Machpelab, which is his,
3* 29
which is at the end of his field possession in the presence of the
for as much money as it is worth children of Heth, before all that
shall he give vt me, for a posses- went in at the gate of his city.
sion as a burying-place amongst 19 And after this, Abraham
you. buried Sarah his wife in the cave
10 And ’Ephron dwelt among of the field of Machpelah, before
Aie children of Ileth and ’Eph-
Mamre, which is Hebron, in the
ron the Hittite answered Abra- land of Cana’an.
ham in the hearing of the chil- 20 And the field, with the cave
dren of Heth, of all those that that is therein, was made sure
went in at the gate of his city, unto Abraham for a possession
saying, as a burying-place by the sons
1 1 Nay, my lord, hear me
the : of Heth.
field I to thee, and the cave
that is therein, I give it to thee CHAPTER XXIV.
in the presence of the sons of my 1 ^ And Abraham was old,
people do I give it thee; bury well stricken in years and the

thy dead. Lord had blessed Abraham in all

12 And Abraham bowed him- things.
self down before the people of 2 And Abraham said unto his
the land. servant, the eldest of his house,
13 And he spoke unto ’Ephron who ruled over all that he had,
in the hearing of the people of Put, I pray thee, thy hand under
the land, saying, But if thou my thigh :

wouldst only hear me I will give

3 And I will make thee swear
the money for the field, take it by the Lord, the God of heaven,
of me, and I will bury my dead and the God of the earth, that
there. thou shalt not take a wife unto
14 And ’Ephron answered my son from the daughters of
Abraham, saying unto him, the Cana’anites, among whom I
15 My lord, hearken unto me : dwell.
a piece of land worth four hun- 4 But unto my country, and
dred shekels of silver, what is to my birthplace shalt thou go,
that between me and thee ? only and take a wife unto my son, un-
bury thy dead. to Isaac.
16 And Abraham understood 5 And the servant said unto
the meaning of ’Ephron ; and him, Peradventure the woman
Abraham weighed out to ’Ephron will not be willing to follow me
the silver which he had named unto this land must I then bring :

in the hearing of the sons of thy son again unto the land from
Heth, four hundred shekels of which thou earnest?
silver, current with the mer- 6 And Abraham said unto him,
chant.* Beware thou, that thou bring not
17 And the field of ’Ephron, my son thither again.
which was in Machpelah, which 7 The Lord, the God of hea-
was before Mamre, the field, and ven, who took me from my fa-
the cave which was therein, and ther’s house, and from the land
all the trees that were in the field, of my birth, and who spoke unto
that were in all its borders round me and who swore unto me, say-
about, were made sure ing, Unto thy seed will I giv6
18 Unto Abraham for a bought this land he will send his angel

oefore thee, and thou shalt take virgin, neither had any mac
a wife unto my son from there. known her; and she went down
8 But if the woman should not to the well, and filled her pitcher,
be willing to follow thee, then and came up.
shalt thou be clear from this my 17 And the servant ran to meet
oath only my son shalt thou not
: her, and said, Let me, I pray thee,
bring thither again. drink a littlewater out of thy
9 And the servant put his pitcher.
hand under the thigh of Abra- 18 And she said, Drink, my
ham his master, and swore to lord and she hastened, and lei

him concerning this matter. down her pitcher upon her hand,
10 And the servant took ten and gave him to drink.
camels of the camels of his mas- 19 And when she had finished
ter, and departed, with all kinds giving him drink, she said, Also
of precious things of his master for thy camels will I draw water,
in bis hand; and he arose, and until they have finished drinking.
went to Mesopotamia, unto the 20 And she hastened, and emp-
city of Nachor. tied her pitcher into the trough,
11 And he made the camels to and ran again unto the well to
kneel down without the city by draw water, and drew for all his
a woil of water at the time of the camels.
evening, at the time that the 21 And the man was wonder-
women go out to draw water. ing at her; remaining silent, to*
12 And he said, 0 Lord, the discover whether the Lord had
God of my master Abraham, I made his journey prosperous or
pray thee, send me good speed not.
this day, and deal kindly with 22 And it came to pass, as the
my master Abraham. camels had finished drinking,
13 Behold, I stand by the well that the man took a golden ear-
of water and the daughters of
ring, half a shekel in weight, and
the men of the city come out to two bracelets for her hands, ten
draw water gold shekels in weight
14 And let it come to pass, that 23 And he said, Whose daugh-
the maiden to whom I shall say, ter art thou? tell me, I pray thee
Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, is there room in thy father’s
that I may drink and she shall;
house for us to stay this night in ?
say, Drink, and to thy camels 24 And she said unto him, I
also will I give drink, be the one am the daughter of Bethuel the
thou hast appointed for thy ser- son of Milcah, whom she bore
vant Isaac and thereby shall I
unto Nachor.
know that thou hast shown kind- 25 She said moreover unto him,
ness unto my master. We have both straw and proven-
15 And it came to pass, before der in plenty, as also room to
he had yet finished speaking, that, ledge in.
behold, Rebekah [Ribkah] came 26 And the man bowed down
out, who was born to Bethuel, the his head, and prostrated himself
son of Milcah, the wife of Na- before the Lord.*
chor, Abraham’s brother, with 27 And he said, Blessed be the
her pitcher upon her shoulder. Lord, the God of my master
16 And the maiden was of a Abraham, who hath not with-
very handsome appearance, a| drawn his mercy and his truth

from my master I being on the swear, saying, Thou shalt not

way, which the Lord hath led take a wife for my son from the
me, to the house erf the brethren daughters of the Cana’anites, in
of my master. whose land I dwell
28 And the maiden ran, and 38 But thou shalt go unto my
told at her mother’s house these father’s house, and to my kin-
things. dred, and take a wife unto my son.
29 And Rebekah had a bro- 39 And I said unto my master,
ther, and his name was Laban Peradventure the woman will not
and Laban ran out unto the man, follow me.
unto the well. 40 And he said unto me, The
30 And this came to pass, when Lord, before whom I have walk-
he saw the ear-ring and the brace- ed, will send his angel with thee,
lets upon his sister’s hands, and and prosper thy way; that thou
when he heard the words of Re- mayest take a wife for my son
bekah his sister, saying, Thus from my kindred, and from my
spoke the man unto me and he father’s house.

came unto the man and, behold,

41 Then shalt thou be clear
he was standing by the camels from my oath, when thou comest
at the well. to my kindred and if they do

31 And he said, Come in, thou not give thee one, (then) shalt
blessed of the Lord wherefore thou be clear from my oath.

standest thou without? while I 42 And I came this day unto

have prepared the house and the well, and said, 0 Lord, the
room for the camels. God of my master Abraham, if
32 And the man came into the thou wouldst but prosper my way
house, and he ungirded the ca- on which I am going.
mels and he gave straw and pro-
43 Behold, I stand by the well
vender for the camels, and water of water and it shall be the

to wash his feet, and the feet of young woman who cometh forth
the men that were with him. to draw water, and I say to her,
33 And there was set food be- Give me; I pray thee, a little wa-
fore him to eat but he said, I ter out of thy pitcher to drink;

will not eat, until I have spoken 44 And she say to me, Be th
my words. And he said, Speak drink thou, and also for thy ca-
on. mels will I draw this shall be

34 And he said, I am Abra- the wife whom the Lord hath

ham’s servant. destined for my master’s son.
35 And the Lord hath blessed 45 And before I had yet fin-
my master greatly and he is be-
ished speaking to my own heart,
come great: and he hath given behold, Rebekah came forth with
him flocks, and herds, and silver, her pitcher on her shoulder; and
and gold, and men-servants, and she went down unto the well, and
maid-servants, and camels, and drew water and I said unto her,

asses. Let me drink, I pray thee.

36 And Sarah my master’s 46 And she made haste, and
wife bore a son to my master let down her pitcher from her
after she was become old and shoulder, and said, Brink, and

he hath given unto him all that also to thy camels will I give
he hath. drink; and I drank, and she

AMmy master made me 'made the camels drink also.
*»7 And asked her, and said,
I me away, that I may go to my
\S tuve daughter art thou ? And master.
she .said, The daughter of Be- 57 And they said, We will cali
thuel, Nachor’s son, whom Mil- the maiden, and inquire her own
cah bore unto him and I put the
: decision.
ear-ring upon her face, and the 58 And
they called Rebekah,
bracelets upon her hands. and said unto her, Wilt thou go
48 An l I bowel down my with this man ? And she said, i
head, an 1 prostrated myself be- will go.
fore the Lord and I blessed the
59 And thereupon they sent
Lord, the Grod o*f my master away Rebekah their sister, and
Abraham, who had led me in the her nurse, and Abraham’s ser-
right way to take the daughter vant and his men.
of my master's brother for his son. 60 And they blessed Rebekah,
49 And now if ye will deal and said unto her, Our sister, be
kindly and truly with my mas- thou the mother of thousands of
ter, tell me and if not, tell me, myriads, and let thy seed possess

that I may turn to the right, or the gate of those who hate them.
to the left. 61 And Rebekah arose with
50 Then Laban and Bethuel her maidens, and they rode upon
answered and said, The thing the camels, and followed the
hath proceeded from the Lord man and the servant took Re-
; ;

we cannot speak unto thee bad bekah, and went his way.
or good. 62 And Isaac came from a
51 Behold, Rebekah is before walk to the well Lachai-roi for ;

thee, take her, and go, and let he dwelt in the south country;
her be the wife of thy master’s 63 And Isaac was gone out to
son, as the Lord hath spoken. meditate in the field toward even-
52 And it came to pass, when ing; and he lifted up his eyes,
Abraham’s servant heard their and saw, and, behold, camels
words, that he prostrated himself were coming.
to the earth unto the Loud.* 64 And Rebekah lifted up her
53 And the servant brought eyes, and she saw Isaac ; and she
forth vessels of silver, and ves- alighted off the camel.
sels of gold, and garments, and 65 And she said unto the ser-
gave them to Rebekah and pre- vant, Who is yonder man that

cious things he gave to her bro- walketh in the field toward us ?

ther and to her mother. And the servant said, This is my
54 And they did eat and drink, master; therefore she took a vail,
he and the men that were with and covered herself.

him, and tarried the night; and 66 And the servant told Isaac
they rose up in the morning, and all the things that he had done.
he said, Send me away unto my 67 And Isaac brought her in-
master. to the tent of Sarah his mother,
55 And her brother and her and took Rebekah, and she be-
mother said, Let the maiden came his wife, and he loved her
abide with us a year or ten and Isaac was comforted after
months after that she shall go. his mother’s death.

56 And he said unto them,

Hinder me not, seeing the Lord CHAPTER
hath prospered my way send ;1 Then Abraham took again
a wife, and her name was Ke- names, according to their gei/e-
turah. rations the first-born of Ish-

2 And she bore him Zimran, ma’el, Nebayoth and Kedar, and ;

and Yokshan, and Medan, and Adbeel, and Mibsatn,

Midian, and Yishbak, and Shu- 14 And Mishma’, and Dumah,
ach. and Massa,
3 And Yokshan begat Sheba, 15 Chadad, and Thema, Ye
and Dedan. And the sons of De- tur, Naphish, and Kedemah.*
dan were Asshurim, and Letu- 16 These are the sons of Ish
shim, and Leiiminim. ma’el, and these are their names,
4 And the sons of Midian by their towns, and by their cas-
'Ephah, and ’Epher, and Cha- tles twelve princes according

noch, and Abida’, and Elda’ah. to their nations.

All these were the children of 17 And these are the years of
Keturah. the life of Ishma’el, one hundred
5 And Abraham gave all that and thirty and seven years and :

he had unto Isaac. he departed this life, and died

6 But unto the sons of the con- and was gathered unto his people.
cubines that Abraham had, Abra- 18 And they dwelt from Cha-
ham gave gifts and he sent them
vilah unto Shur, that is before
away from Isaac his son, while Egypt, as thou goest toward As
he was yet living, eastward, un- Syria he dwelt in the presence

to the east countrf. of all his brethren.

7 And these are the days of Haphtorah in 1 Kings i. 1 to 31.
the years of Abraham’s life which
he lived, one hundred seventy
and five years.
Sec. 6. TOLEDOTH, rnSm
8 Then Abraham departed this 19 And these are the gene
life, and died in a good old age, rations of Isaac, the son of Abra-
an old man, and full of years, ham
Abraham begat Isaac.

and was gathered 20 And Isaac was forty years

to his people.
9 And his sons Isaac and Ish- old when he took Rebekah, the
ma’el buried him in the cave of daughter of Bethuel the Syrian,
Maehpelah, in the field of ’Eph- of Padan-aram, the sister to La-
ron the son of Zochar the Hittite, ban the Syrian, to himself as
which is before Mamre ;
10 The field which Abraham 21 And Isaac entreated the
purchased of the sons of Heth : Lord in behalf of his wife, be
there was Abraham buried, with cause she and the
was barren :

Sarah his wife. Lord was entreated of him, and

11 And it came to pass after Rebekah his wife conceived.
the death of Abraham, that G od 22 And the children struggled
blessed Isaac his son and Isaac
together within her; and she
dwelt by the well Lachai-ro'i.* said, If it be so, why did I SeMre
12 •[ Now these are the gene- this? And she went to inquire
rations of Ishma’el, Abraham's of the Lord.
son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, 23 And the Lord said unto
Sarah’s handmaid, bore unto her, Two nations are in thy womb,
Abraham. and two manner of people shall
13 And these are the names be separated from thy bowels;
of the sons of Ishma’el, by their and one people shall be stronger
than the other people; and the Abimelech, the king of the Phi-
elder shall serve the younger. listines, unto Gerar.
24 And when her days to be 2 And the Lord appeared un-
delivered were fulfilled, behold, to him, and said, Go not down
there were twins in her womb. into Egypt; dwell in the land
25 And the first came out red, which I shall tell thee of.
all over like a hairy garment; 3 Sojourn in this land, and I
and they called his name ’Esau will be with thee, and will bless
[’Esav]. thee for unto thee, and unto thy

26 And after that came his seed, will I give all these coun-
brother out, his hand holding on tries, and I will perform the oath
to ’Esau’s heel and his name
which I swore unto Abraham thy
was called Jacob [Ya’acob] and
: father ;
Isaac was sixty years old when 4 And I will cause thy seed to
she bore them. multiply as the stars of heaven,
27 And the boys grew up and : and I will give unto thy seed all
’Esau was an expert hunter, a these countries ; and in thy seed
man of the field and Jacob was shall all the nations of the earth

a plain man, dwelling in tents. bless themselves;

28 And Isaac loved ’Esau, be- 5 Because that Abraham obey
cause he did eat of his venison ; ed my voice, and kept my charge,
but Rebekah loved Jacob. my commandments, my statutes,
29 And Jacob at one time boil- and m37 laws.*
ed pottage, and ’Esau came from 6 And Isaac dwelt in Gerar.
the field, and he was faint. 7 And the men of the place
30 And ’Esau said to Jacob, asked (him) concerning his wife;
Let me swallow down, I pray and he said, She is my sister for ;

thee, some of that yonder red he feared to say, She is my wife ;

pottage, for I am faint; therefore lest (said he) the men of the
was his name called Edom. place should kill me for Rebekah,
31 And Jacob said, Sell me because she is of a handsome ap-
this day thy right of first-born. pearance.
32 And ’Esau said, Behold, I 8 And it came to pass, when
am going to die and what pro- he had been there a long time,

fit then can the right of first-born that Abimelech, the king of the

be to me ? Philistines, looked out at a win-

33 And Jacobsaid, Swear to dow, and saw, and behold, Isaac
me thisday and he swore unto was sporting with R,ebekah his

him and he sold his right of wife.


first-born unto Jacob. 9 And Abimelech called Isaac,

34 Then Jacob gave ’Esau and said, Behold, of a surety she
bread and pottage of lentiles, is thy wife and how saidst thou,

and he did eat and drink, and he She is my sister ? An-d Isaac
rose up, and went his way thus said unto him, Because I thought,

’Esau despised the birthright. Perhaps I may die for her.

10 And Abimelech said, What
CHAPTER XXVI. is this thou hast done unto us?
1 And there was a famine How easily might one of the peo-
in the land, beside the first fa- ple have lain with thy wife, and
mine that was in the days of thou wouldsthave brought guilti-
Abraham; and Isaac went unto ness upon us.
11 And Abimelech charged all the name of it Rechoboth, and
his people, saying, He that touch- he said, For now the Lord hath
eth this man or his wife shall made room for us, and we shall
surely be put to death. increase in the land.*
12 Then Isaac sowed in that 23 And he went up from there
land, and received in the same to Beer-sheba’.
year a hundred-fold so the Lord
: 24 And the Lord appeared un-
blessed him.* to him the same night, and said,
13 And the man became great, I am the God of Abraham thy
and went forward and grew, un- father; fear not, for I am with
til he became very great ;
thee, and I will bless thee, and
14 And he had possession of multiply thy seed for the sake
flocks, and possession of herds, of Abraham my servant.
and great store of servants ; and 25 And he built there an altar,
the Philistines envied him. and called upon the name of the
15 And all the wells which his Lord, and pitched there his tent
father’s servants had dug in the and the servants of Isaac dug
days of Abraham his father, these there a well.
the Philistines stopped, and filled 26 Then Abimelech went to
them with earth. him from Gerar, and Achuzzath
16 And Abimelech said unto his friend, and Phichol the chief
Isaac, Go away from us for thou ;
captain of his army.
hast become much mightier than 27 And Isaac said unto them,
we. Wherefore come ye to me, seeing
17 And Isaac departed thence, that ye do hate me, and have
and pitched his tent in the val- sent me away from you ?
ley of Gerar, and dwelt there. 28 And they said, We saw
18 And Isaac dug again the clearly that the Lord was with
wells of water, which they had thee; and we said, Let there be
dug in the days of Abraham his now an oath between us, between
father,and which the Philistines us and thee and we will make

had stopped after the death of a covenant with thee ;

Abraham and he called their

29 That thou shalt do us no
names after the names by which hurt, as we have not touched
his father had called them. thee, and as we have done unto
19 And the servants of Isaac thee nothing but good, and have
dug in the valley, and found sent thee away in peace thou :

there a well of springing water. art now one blessed of the Lord.*
20 And the herdmen of Gerar 30 And he made them a feast,
did strive with Isaac’s herdmen, and they and drank.
saying, The water is ours and : 31 Andthey rose up betimes
he called the name of the well in the morning, and they swore
’Essek because they strove with
one to the other and Isaac sent

him. them away, and they departe d

21 And they dug another well, from him in peace.
and they strove for that also 32 And it came : j
to pass the
and he called the name .same day, that Isaac’s servants
of it Sit-

nah. came, and told him concerning

22 And he removed from there, the well which they had dug, and
and dog another well ; for that they said unto him, We hav«
fcney strode not: and he called found water.
33 And he called it Shib’ah thy father, that he may eat; for

therefore is the name of the city the sake that he may bless thee
Becr-sheba’ unto this day. before his death.
31 And when ’Esau was forty 11 And Jacob said to Rebekah
years old he took to wife Judith his mother, Behold, ’Esau my
the daughter of Beeri, the Ilit- brother is a hairy man, and I am
and Bahsemath the daughter a smooth man
tite, :

of El on the Hittite. 12 Peradventuremy father will

35 And they were a grief of feel me, and I shall then seem to
mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah. him as a deceiver and I would ;

bring upon me a curse, and not

CHAPTER XXVII. a blessing.
1 ^ And it came to pass, when 13 And his mother said unto
Isaac was old, and his eyes were him, Upon me be thy curse, my
too dim to see, that he called son only obey my voice, and go

’Esau his eldest son, and said un- fetch them to me.
to him, My son and he said un-
: 14 And he went, and fetched,
to him, Behold, here am I. and brought them to his mo-
2 And he said, Behold now, I ther; and his mother made sa-
am grown old, I know not the voury food, such as his father
day of my death : loved.
3 Now therefore take, I pray 15 And Rebekah took the good-
thee, thy weapons, thy quiver ly garments of her eldest son
and thy bow, and go out to the ’Esau, which were with her in
field, and hunt for me some ve- the house, and clothed therewith
nison ;
Jacob her younger son ;

4 And make me savoury food, 16 And the skins of the kids

such as I love, and bring it to she put upon his hands, and upon
me, that I may eat that my soul the smooth part of his neck
; ;

may bless thee before I die. 17 And she gave the savoury
5 And Rebekah heard as Isaac food and the bread, which she
was speaking to ’Esau his son. had prepared, into the hand of
And ’Esau went to the field to Jacob her son.
hunt for venison, and to bring it. 18 And he came unto his fa-
6 And Rebekah spoke unto ther, and said, My father: and
Jacob her son, saying, Behold, I he said, Here am I; who art
heard thy father speak unto ’Esau thou, my son ?
thy brother, saying, 19 And Jacob said unto his
7 Bring me venison, and make father, I am ’Esau thy first-born ;

me savoury food, that I may eat, I have done as thou didst speak
and bless thee before the Lord to me: arise, I pray thee, sit
before my death. here and eat of my venison, that
8 And now, myson, obey my
thy soul may bless me.
voice in that I command
which 20 And Isaac said unto his
thee. son, How is it that thou hast
9 Go, I pray thee, to the flock, found it so quickly, my son ?
and fetch me from there two good and he said, Because the Lord
kids; and I will make them sa- thy God brought it before me.
voury food for thy father, such 21 And Isaac said unto Jacob,
as he loveth : Come near, I pray thee, that I
10 And thou shalt bring it to mav feel thee, son, whether my
4 37
thou be truly my son ’Esau or his son’s -venison, in order that
not. thy soul may bless me.
22 And Jacob went near unto 32 And Isaac his father said
Isaac his father, and he felt him ; unto him, Who art thou? And
and he said, The voice is the he said, I am thy son, thy first-
roiee of Jacob, but the hands are born, ’Esau.
the hands of ’Esau. 33 And Isaac trembled greatly,
23 And he recognised him not, exceedingly, and said, Who was
because his hands were hairy, as it? where is he that had hunted
his brother ’Esau’s hands: s<o he venison, and brought it me, and
blessed him. I ate of all before thou earnest,
24 And he said, Art thou in- and blessed him? yea, he shali
deed my son ’Esau? and he said, also remain blessed.
I am. 34 When ’Esau heard the
25 And he said, Bring it near words of his father, he uttered
to me, and I will eat of my son’s a great and exceedingly bitter
ven-ison, that my soul may bless cry, and said unto his father,
thee. And he brought it near Bless me, also me, my father.
to him, and he did eat, and he 35 And he said, Thy brother
brought him wine, and he drank. came with subtilty, and took
26 And Isaac his father said away thy blessing.
unto him, Come near, I pray 36 And he said, Hath he been
thee, and kiss me, my son. therefore named Jacob, because
27 And he came near, and he hath supplanted me these two
kissed him: and he smelled the times ? my right of first-born he
smell of his garments and blessed took away; and, behold, now he
him, and said, See, the smell of hath taken away my blessing:
my son is as the smell of a field and he said, Hast thou not re-
which the Lord hath blessed.* served a blessing for me?
28 And may God give thee of 37 And Isaac answered and
the dew of heaven, and the fat- said unto ’Esau, Behold, I have
ness of the earth, and plenty of made him thy lord, and all his
corn and wine; brethren have I given to him
29 Nations shall serve thee, for servants; and with corn and
and people bow down to thee; wine have I endowed him: and
be lord over thy brethren, and what can I do now for thee, my
thy mother’s sons shall bow down son ?
to thee cursed be they that curse
38 And ’Esau said unto his fa-
thee, and blessed be they that ther, Hast thou then but one
bless thee. blessing, my father? bless me,
30 And it came to pass, as also me, my father. And ’Esau
soon as Isaac had made an end lifted up his voice, and wept.
of blessing Jacob, and Jacob was 39 And Isaac his father an-
yet scarcely gone out from the swered and said unto him, Be-
presence of Isaac his father, that hold, thy dwelling shall be the
’Esau his brother came in from fatness of the earth, and (blessed)
his hunting. by the dew of heaven from above
31 And he also made savoury 40 And by thy sword shalt
food, and brought it unto his fa- thou live, and thy brother shalt
ther, and said unto his father, thou serve; and it shall come to
Let my father arise, and eat of pass, that when thou shalt have
the dominion, thou canst break bless thee, and make thee fruit-
his? yoke from otf thy neck. ful, and multiply thee, that thou
41 And ’Esau hated Jacob be-! mayest become a multitude of
cause of the blessing wherewith people
his father had blessed him ; and| 4 And may he give thee the
Esau said in his heart, The days blessing of Abraham, to thee,
of mourning for my father will and to thy seed with thee; that
be at hand; then will I slay my thou mayest inherit the land of

brother Jacob. thy sojourn, which God gave

42 And Rebekah was informed
unto Abraham.#
of the words of ’Esau her elder 5 And Isaac sent away Jacob,
son and she sent and called and he went to Padan-aram,

Jacob her younger son, and said unto Laban, the son of Bethuel
unto him, Behold, thy brother the Syrian, the brother of Rebe-
’Esau doth comfort himself, with kah, the mother of Jacob and
regard to thee, purposing to kill ’Esau.
thee. 6 And when ’Esau saw that
43 Now therefore, my son, Isaac had blessed Jacob, and
obey my voice; and arise, flee sent him away to Padan-aram,
thou to Laban my brother, to to take himself from there a wife
Charan and in blessing him had given
44 And tarry with him a short him a charge, saying, Thou shalt
time, until thy brother’s fury not take a wife of the daughters
turn away ; of Cana’an ;#
45 Until thy brother’s anger 7 And that Jacob had obeyed
turn away from thee, and he for- his father and his mother, and
get that which thou hast done to was gone to Padan-aram:
him then will I send, and fetch
: 8 Then saw ’Esau that the
thee from there; why should I daughters of Cana’an were evil
be deprived of both of you at in the eyes of Isaac his father;
once in one day? 9 And ’Esau went unto Ish-
46 And Rebekah said to Isaac, ma’el, and took Machalath the
I am weary of my life because of daughter of Ishma'el, Abraham’s
the daughters of Heth; if Jacob son, the sister of Nebayoth in
take a wife from the daughters addition to his wives, to himself
of Heth, such as these, from the as wife.
daughters of the land, what good Haphtorah in Malachi i. 1 to ii. 7.
will life do me?


1 And
Isaac called Jacob, and 10 And Jacob went out from
b.essed him, and charged him, Beer-sheba’, and went toward
and said unto him, Thou shalt Charan.
not take a wife from the daugh- 11 And he lighted upon a cer-
ters of Cana’an. tain place, and tarried there all
2 Arise, go to Padan-aram, to night, because the sun was set;
the house of Bethuel thy mother’s and he took one of the stones of
father; and take thyself from the place, and put it for his pil-
there a wife of the daughters of low, and laid himself down in
Laban thy mother’s brother. that place.
3 And God, the Almighty, 12 And he dreamed, and be-
hold a ladder was set up on the to my father’s house: then ishall

earth, and the top of it reached {the Lord be my God;

to heaven; and behold, angels of 22 And this stone, which I
God were ascending and descend- have set for a pillar, shall be
ing on it. God’s house; and of all that
13 And, behold, the Lord thou wilt give me I will surely
stood above it, and said, I am give the tenth unto thee.*
the Lord, the God of Abraham
thy father, and the God of Isaac CHAPTER XXIX.
the land whereon thou liest, to 1 Thkn Jacob lifted up his
thee will I give it, and to thy feet, and went unto the land of
seed; the children of the east.
14 And thy seed shall be as 2 And he looked, and behold
the dust of the earth, and thou there was a well in the field, and,
shalt spread abroad to the west, lo, there were three flocks of
and to the east, and to the north sheep lying by it; for out of that
and to the south; and in thee well they watered the flocks and :

and thy seed shall all the fami- the stone upon the mouth of the
lies of the earth be blessed. well was great.
15 And, behold, I am with 3 And there all the flocks
thee, and will keep thee whither- were wont to assemble; and they
soever thou goest, and will bring rolled then the stone from the
thee again into this land; for I mouth of the well, and watered
will not leave thee, until I have the sheep and they put the :

done what I have spoken to thee stone again upon the mouth of
of. the well in its place.
16 And Jacob awaked
out of 4 And Jacob said unto them,
his sleep, and he said, Surely My brethren, whence are ye?
the Lord is present in this place; And they said, Of Charan are we.
and I knew it not. 5 And he said unto them,
17 And he was afraid, and Know ye Laban the son of Na-
said, How fearful is this place! chor? And they said, We know
this isnone other but the house him.
of God, and this is the gate of 6 And he said unto them, Is
heaven. he well ? and they said. He is
18 And Jacob rose up early well; and, behold, Rachel his
in the morning, and took the daughter cometh with the sheep.
stone that he had put for his 7 And he said, Lo, the day is
pillow, and set it up for a pillar, yet long, it is not time that the
and poured oil upon the top of it. cattle should be driven home:
19 And he called the name of water ye the sheep, and go and
that place Beth-el; but Luz was feed them.
the name of that city in former 8 And they said, We
times. until all the flocks be gathered
20 And Jacob made a vow, together, then do they roll the
saying, IfGod will be with me, stone from the mouth of the
and will keep me on this way well; and we water the sheep.
which I am going, and will give 9 And while he was yet speak-
me bread to eat, and raiment to ing with them, Rachel came with
put on, her father’s sheep for she was a ;

21 And I come again in peace shepherdess.

10 And it came to pass,when seemed unto him but a few dayf\
Jacob saw Rachel the daughter through the love he had to her.
of Laban his mothers brother, 21 And Jacob said unto La-
and the sheep of Laban his mo- ban, Give me my wife, for my
ther’s brother, that Jacob went clays are fulfilled, that I may gc

near, and rolled the stone from in unto her.

the mouth of the well, and wa- 22 And Laban gathered to-
tered the flock of Laban his mo- gether all the men of the place,
ther’s brother. and made a feast.
11 And Jacob kissed Rachel, 23 And it came to pass in the
and lifted up his voice, and evening, that he took Leah his
wept. daughter, and brought her to
12 And Jacob told Rachel him; and he went in unto her.
that he was her father’s bro- 24 And Laban gave unto his
ther, and that he was Rebekah’s daughter Leah, Zilpah his maid
son and she ran and told her for a handmaid.

father. 25 And it came to pass, that

13 And it came to pass, when in the morning, behold, it was
Laban heard the tidings of Jacob Leah and he said to Laban,

his sister’s son, that he ran to What is this thou hast done un-
meet him, and embraced him, to me? did I not serve with thee
and kissed him, and brought for Rachel? wherefore then Last
him to his house. And he told thou deceived me?
Laban these things.
all 26 And Laban said, It is not
14 And Laban said to him, done so in our place, to give in
Surely thou art my bone and my marriage the younger before the
flesh. And he abode with him first-born.
the space of a month. 27 Fulfil the week of this, and
15 And Laban then said unto we will give thee this one also,
Jacob, Because thou art my bro- for the service which thou shalt
ther, shouldst thou therefore serve with me yet seven other
serve me for naught? tell me, years.
what shall thy wages be? 28 And Jacob did so, and ful-
16 And Laban had two daugh- filled the week of the first; and
ters; the name of the elder was he gave him Rachel his daughter
Leah, and the name of the young- for a wife.
er was Rachel. 29 And Laban gave to Rachel
17 And the eyes of Leah were his daughter Bilhah his hand-
tender; but Rachel was of hand- maid to be her maid.
some form and handsome appear- 30 And he went in also unto
ance.* Rachel, and he loved also Ra-
18 And Jacob loved Rachel; chel more than Leah and he

and he said, I will serve thee served with him yet seven other
seven years for Rachel thy years.
younger daughter. 31 And when the Lord saw
19 And Laban said, It is bet- that Leah was hated, he opened
ter that I give her to thee, than her womb; but Rachel was bar-
that I should give her to an- ren.
other man abide with me.
: 32 And Leah conceived, and
20 And Jacob served for Ra- bore a son, and she called his
chel seven years ; and they!Inarne Reuben; for she said,
2 41
Surely, the Lord hath looked )
8And Rachel said, Contests
upon my affliction, because now of God have I contended with
my husband

will love me. my sister, I have also prevailed:


33 And
she conceived again and she called his name Naph-
jmd bore a son: and she said, thali.
Because the Lord heard that ij 9 When Leah now saw that
was hated, he hath given me she had left off bearing, she took
this one also; and she called his Zilpah her maid, and gave her
name Simeon [Shim’on]. to Jacob for wife.
34 And she conceived again, 10 And Zilpah Leah’s maid
and bore a son and she said, bore Jacob a son.

Now this time will my husband 11 And Leah said, Good luck
be joined unto me, because I hath come and she called his

have born him three sons there- name Gad.


fore was his name called Levi. 12 And Zilpah, Leah’s maid,
35 And she conceived again, bore a second son unto Jacob.
and bore a son; and she said, 13 And Leah said, To my
This time will I praise the Lord happiness
for the daughters

therefore she called his name will call me blessed: and she
Judah [Yehudah] and she left called his name Asher
: .

off bearing. 14 And Reuben went in the

days of the wheat-harvest, and
CHAPTER XXX. found mandrakes in the field,
1 And when Rachel saw
that and he brought them unto Leah
she bore Jacob no children, Ra- his mother; then Rachel said to
chel envied her sister; and she Leah, Give me, I pray thee,
said unto Jacob, Give me chil- (some) of thy son’s mandrakes.
dren, and if not, I die. 15 And she said unto her, Is
2 And Jacob’s anger was kin- it not enough that thou hast
dled against Rachel: and he taken my husband? and wouldst
said, Am I in God’s stead, who thou also take away my son’s
hath withheld from thee the mandrakes ? And Rachel said,
fruit of the womb? Therefore shall he lie with thee
3 And she said, Behold, (here to-night for thy son’s mandrakes.
is) my maid Bilhah, go in unto 16 And Jacob came out of the
her; and she shall bear upon my field in the evening, and Leah
knees, that I may also have chil- went out to meet him, and said,
dren by her. Unto me must thou come in for ;

4 And she gave him Bilhah surely I have obtained thee as a

her handmaid for wife, and Jacob reward with my son’s mandrakes.
went in unto her. And he lay with her that night.
5 And Bilhah conceived, and 17 And God hearkened unto
bore Jacob a son. Leah, and she conceived, and
6 And Rachel said, God hath bore Jacob a fifth son.
judged me, and hath also heard 18 And Leah said, God hath
my voice, and hath given* me a given me my reward, because I
son :therefore called she his have given my maid to my hus-
name Dan. band and she called his name

7 And Bilhah, Rachel’s maid, Issachar.

conceived again, and bore Jacob 19 And Leah conceived again,
a second son. and bore a sixth son unto Jacob
And Leah
20 said, God hath least ; if thou wilt do this thing
endued me with a good dowry jfor me, I will again feed and

now my
husband dwell with keep thy flock
me, because I have born him six 32 I will pass through all thy
sons; and she called his name flock to-day, removing from
Zebulun. there every speckled and spot-
21 And afterward she bore a ted lamb, and every brown lamb
daughter, and she called her among the sheep, and whatever
name Dinah. is spotted an»d speckled among
22 And God remembered Ra- the goats; and such shall be
chel,and God hearkened to her, after this my reward.
and opened her womb. And my righteousness shall
23 And she conceived, and testify for me in time to come,
bore a son; and she said, God when it shall come with my re-
hath taken away my reproach. ward before thy face every one :

24 And she called his name that is not speckled and spotted
Joseph [Yosseph], saying, The among the goats, and brown
Lord shall add to me another among the sheep, that shall be
son. counted stolen with me.
25 And it came to pass, when 34 And Laban said, Well, let
Rachel had born Joseph, that it be according to thy word.
Jacob said unto Laban, Send 35 And he removed on that
me away, that I may go unto day the he-goats that were ring-
my own place, and to my coun- streaked and spotted, and all the
try. she-goats that were speckled and
26 Give me my wives and my spotted, every one that had some
children, for whom I have served white on it, and all the brown
thee, and let me go for thou among the sheep, and gave them

knowest my service with which into the hand of his sons.

I have served thee. 36 And he put a space of a
27 And Laban said unto him, three days’ journey between him-
If I could but find favour in thy self and Jacob; and Jacob fed
eyes; I have learned by experi- the flocks of Laban that were
ence that the Lord hath blessed left.
me for thy sake.'*' 37 And Jacob took himself
28 And he said, Appoint me rods of green poplar, and of the
thy wages, and I will give them. hazel and chestnut tree; and
29 And he said unto him, peeled thereon white streaks,
Thou knowest how I have served laying bare the white which was
thee, and what thy cattle hath on the rods.
become with me. 38 And he set the rods which
30 For it was a little which he had peeled in the gutters in
thou hadst before I came, and it the watering troughs, where the
is now increased unto a multi- flocks came to drink, just before
tude and the Lord hath blessed the flocks, and where they con-

thee since my coming; and now iceived, when they came to drink.
when shall I provide also for my 39 And the flocks conceived
own house ? before the rods, and brought
31 And he sai?l, What shall I forth ring-streaked,
give thee? And Jacob said, 'and spotted.
1 hou shalt not give me the 40 And these lambs did Jacob
separa te, and set the faces of the 8 If he said thus, The speckled

flocks toward the ring-streaked, shall be thy wages; then boro
and whatever was brown in the all the flocks speckled: and if

flock cf Laban; arid he put his he said thus, The ring-streaked

own flocks by themselves, and shall be my reward then bore ;

I ut them not with Laban’s cattle. all the flocks ring-streaked.

1And it came to pass, when- 9 Thus God took away the
soever the stronger cattle did cattle of your father, and gave
conceive, that Jacob laid the them to me.
rods before the eyes of the cattle 10 And it came to pass at the
in the gutters, that they might time that the flocks conceived,
conceive among the rods. that I lifted up my eyes, and
42 But when the cattle were saw in a dream, and, behold,
feeble, he put them not in; so the rams which leaped upon
the feebler belonged to Laban, the flocks were ring-streaked,
and the stronger to Jacob. speckled, and grizzled.
43 And the man increased ex- 11 And an angel of God spoke
ceedingly, and he had many unto me in the dream, Jacob:
flocks, and maid-servants, and and I said, Here am I.
men-servants, and camels, and 12 And he said, Lift up now
asses. thy eyes and see, all the rams
which leap upon the flocks are
CHAPTER XXXI. ring-streaked, speckled, and
1 And he heard the words of grizzled; for I have seen all
Laban’s sons, saying, Jacob hath that Laban doth unto thee.
taken away all that was our 13 I am the God of Beth-el,
father’s, and of that which was where thou anointedst a pillar,
our father’s hath he gotten all where thou madest unto me a
this wealth. vow now arise, get thee out

2 And Jacob beheld the coun- from this land, and return unto
tenance of Laban, and, behold, the land of thy birth.
it was not toward him as before. 14 And Rachel and Leah an-
3 And the Lord said unto swered and said unto him, I?
Jacob, Return unto the land of there yet any portion or inherit-
thy fathers, and to thy birth- ance for us in our father’s house ?
place and I will be with thee.
15 Were Ave not counted of
4 And Jacob sent and called him as strangers? for he hath
Rachel and Leah to the field sold us; and he hath quite con-
unto his flock. sumed also our money.
5 And he said unto them, I 16 For all the riches which
see your father’s countenance, God hath taken from our father,
that it is not toward me as be- that is ours, and our children’s .

fore; but the God of my father now then, whatsoever God hata
hath been with me. said unto thee, do.'*'
6 And ye know well that with 17 Then Jacob rose up, and
all my power I have served your set his sons and his wives upon
father. camels
7 And your father hath de- led away all his
18 And he
ceived me, and changed my all his goods which
cattle, and
wages ten times ; but God suf- he had gotten, the cattle of his
fered him not to do me evil. acquiring, which he had gotten
in Padan-aram, go to Isaac
to 29 It is in the power of my
his father into the land of Ca- hand to do you hurt; but the
ha’an. God of your father spoke unto
19 And Laban was gone to me yesternight, saying, Take
shear his sheep and;
Rachel thou heed that thou speak not to
stole the images that were her Jacob either good or bad.
father’s. 30 And now, thou wouldst
20 And Jacob stole away un- needs be gone, because thou
awares to Laban the Syrian, by greatly longedst after thy fa-
not letting him know that he ther’s house ; (yet) wherefore
was going to flee. hast thou stolen my gods ?
21 And he fled with all that 31 And Jacob answered and
he had and he rose up, and said to Laban, Because I was

passed over the river, and set afraid, for I said, Peradventure
his face toward the mount of thou wouldst take by force thy
Gil’ad. daughters from me.
22 And it was told to Laban 32 With whomsoever thou
on the third day that Jacob was findest thy gods, let him not
fled. live; before our brethren seek
23 And he took his brethren out thou what is thine with me,
with him, and pursued after him and take it to thee; but Jacob
a seven days’ journey; and he knew not that Rachel had stolen
overtook him at the mount of them.
Gil’ad. 33 And Laban went into the
24 And God came to Laban, tent of Jacob, and into the tent
the Syrian, in a dream of the of Leah, and into the tent of the
night, and said unto him, Take two maid-servants; but he found
thou heed that thou speak not nothing; he then went out of
to Jacob either good or bad. the tent of Leah, and entered
25 Then Laban overtook Ja- into Rachel’s tent.
cob; now Jacob had pitched his 34 Now Rachel had taken tho
tent on the mount, and Laban images, and put them in the
with his brethren pitched on the saddle-cushion of the camel, and
mount of Gil'ad. sat upon them ;
and Laban
26 And Labansaid to Jacob, searched all the tent, and found
What hast thou done, that thou nothing.
hast stolen away unawares to 35 And she said to her father,
me, and led away my daugh- Let it not displease my lord that
ters, as captives taken with the I cannot rise up before thee; for
sword ? the custom of women is upon
27 Wherefore didst thou flee me; and thus he searched, but
away secretly, and steal away found not the images.
from me; and why didst thou 36 Now Jacob became wioth,
not tell me, that I might have and quarrelled with Laban and ;

sent thee away with mirth, and Jacob answered and said to La-
with songs, with tabret, and with ban, What is my trespass ? what
harp? is my sin, that thou hast so hotly
28 And (why) hast thou not pursued after me ?
suffered me to kiss my sons and 37 Although thou hast search-
my daughters? now thou hast ed all my goods, what hast thou
acted foolishly in so doing. found of all the articles of thy
household? set it here before my heap: and they ate there upoc
brethren and thy brethren, that the heap.
they may judge between us 47 And Laban called it Yegar-
both. sahadutha; but Jacob called it
38 These twenty years have I Gal’ed.
been with thee thy ewes and
: 48 And Laban said, This heap
thy she-goats have not cast their is a witness betw'een me and
young: and the rams of thy thee this day; therefore called
flock have I not eaten. he its name Gal’ed;
39 That which was torn of 49 And Mitzpah for he said,

beasts I brought not unto thee; The Lord shall watch between
I had to bear the loss of it, of me and thee, when we are absent
my hand didst thou require it, one from the other;
whatever was stolen by day, or 50 If thou shouldst afflict my
stolen by night. daughters, or if thou shouldst
40 (Where) I was in the day take other wives besides my
the heat consumed me, and the daughters, when there is no man
frost by night and my sleep de- with us: see, God is witness be-

parted from my eyes. tween me and thee.

41 These twenty years have I 51 And Laban said to Jacob,
been in thy house I have served Behold this heap, and behold

thee fourteen years for thy two this pillar, which I have cast up
daughters, and six years for thy between me and thee;
flocks: and thou hast changed 52 Witness be this heap and
my wages ten times. witness be this pillar, that I will
42 Except the God of my fa- not pass by this heap, and that
ther, the God of Abraham, and thou shalt not pass unto me by
the Fear of Isaac, had been with this heap and this pillar, for
me, surely thou hadst now sent evil.
me away empty my affliction
53 The God of Abraham and
and the labour of my hands God the God of Nachor shall judge
hath seen, and decided yester- between us, the God of their fa-
night.* ther; but Jacob swore by the
43 And Laban answered and Fear of his father Isaac.
said unto Jacob, The daughters 54 Then Jacob slew some cat-
are my daughters, and the chil- tle upon the mount, and called
dren are my children, and the his brethren to eat bread; and
flocks are my flocks, and all that they did eat bread, and tarried
thou seest is mine but as to my all night on the mount.*

daughters, what can I do unto

them this day, or unto their chil- CHAPTER XXXII.
dren whom they have born ? 1 And early in the morning
41 And now, come thou, let Laban rose up, and kissed his
us make a covenant, I and thou sons and his daughters and
and let it be for a witness be- blessed them and Laban de-

tween me and thee. parted, and returned unto his

45 And Jacob took a stone, own place.
and set it up for a pillar. 2 And Jacob went on his way,
46 And Jacob said unto his and there met him angels of
brethren, Gather stones; and God.
they took stones, and made a 3 And when Jacob saw them,
foe said, This is a host of God from the hand of my brother,
and he called the name of that from the hand of ’Esau for I ;

place Machanayim. fear him, lest he will come and

Haphtorah in Hosea xi. 7 to xii. 12. smite me, the mother with the
borne read from xii. 13, to xiv. 10. children.
13 And thou saidst, I will
surely do thee good, and make
Sec. 8. VAYISHLACH, nStr'V thy seed as the sand of the sea,
4 And Jacob sent messen- which cannot be numbered for
gers before him to ’Esau his bro- multitude.*
ther unto the land of Se’ir, the 14 And he lodged there that
country of Edom. same night and he took of that ;

5 And he commanded them, which he carried with him, a pre-

saying-. Thus shall ye speak unto sent for ’Esau his brother :

my lord, to ’Esau, Thus hath 15 Two hundred she-goats,

said thy servant Jacob, With and twenty lie-goats, two hun-
Laban hace I sojourned, and dred ewes, and twenty rams,
stayed until now. 16 Thirty milch-camels with
6 And I have acquired oxen, their colts, forty cows, and ten
and asses, flocks, and men-ser- bulls, twenty she-asses, and ten
vants, and women-servants; and foals.
I send now to tell my lord, to 17 And he delivered them in-
find grace in thy eyes. to the hand of his servants, every
7 And the messengers return- drove by itself; and he said un-
ed to Jacob, saying, We
came to to his servants, Pass on before
thy brother, to ’Esau, and also me, and put a space between
he cometh to meet thee, and four drove and drove.
hundred men with him. 18 And he commanded the fore-
8 Then Jacob was greatly most, saying, When ’Esau my
afraid, and he felt distressed; brother should meet thee, and
and he divided the people that ask thee, saying, hose art thou ? W
were with him, and the flocks, and whither art thou going? and
and the herds, and the camels, for whom are these before thee?
into two bands. 19 Then shalt thou say, They
9 And he said, If ’Esau should belong to thy servant, to Jacob
come to the one band and smite it is a present sent unto my lord,
it, then the other band which is to ’Esau and, behold, also, he is

left may escape. himself behind us.

10 And Jacob said, 0 God of 20 And so he commanded also
my father Abraham, and God of the second, also the third, as also
my father Isaac, the Lord who all that followed the droves, say-
saidst unto me, Return unto thy manner shall ye
ing, After this
country, and to thy birthplace, speak unto ’Esau, when ye find
and I will deal well with thee him.
111 am not worthy of all the 21 And say ye moreover, Be-
kindness, and of all the truth, hold, also thy servant Jacob is
which thou hast shown unto thy behind us. For he said, I will
servant for with my staff’ I pass- appease him with the present

ed over this Jordan; and now I that goeth before me, and after-
am become two bands. ward I will see his face perad- ;

22 Deliver me, I pray thee, venture he will receive me kindly,

22 The present went thus on cause he struck against the hol«

before him and he lodged him- low of Jacob’s thigh on the sinew

self that night in the camp. that shrank.

23 And he rose up that night,
and he took his two wives, and CHAPTER XXXIII.
his two women-servants, and his 1 And Jacob lifted up his eyes,
eleven sons, and passed over the and looked, and behold, ’Esau
ford of the Yabbok. came, and with him four hundred
24 And he took them, and sent men. And he divided the chil-
them over the stream, and sent dren unto Leah, and unto Ra-
over what he had. chel, and unto the two hand-
25 And Jacob was left alone; maids.
and there wrestled a man with 2 And he put the handmaids
him until the breaking of the and their children foremost, and
day. Leah and her children after, and
26 And when he saw that he Rachel and Joseph hindermost.
could not prevail against him, he 3 And he himself passed on
struck against the hollow of his before them, and bowed himself
thigh and the hollow of Jacob’s
to the ground seven times, until
thigh was put out of joint, as he he came near to his brother.
was wrestling with him. 4 And ’Esau ran to meet him,
27 And he said, Let me go, for and embraced him, and fell on
the day hath dawned. And he his neck, and kissed him; and
said, I will not let thee go until they wept.
thou hast blessed me. 5 And he lifted up his eyes,
28 And he said unto him, and saw the women and the chil-
What is thy name ? and he said, dren and said, Who are these

Jacob. with thee? And he said, The

29 And he said, Not Jacob children whom God hath gra-
shall any more be called thy ciously given thy servant.*
name, but Israel [Yisrael] ; for 6 Then came the handmaids
as a prince hast thou power with near, they and their children,
God and with men, and hast pre- and they bowed themselves.
vailed. 7 And Leah also with her chil-
30 And Jacob asked him, and dren came near, and they bowed
said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy themselves and after that came

name. And he said, Wherefore Joseph near and Rachel, and

is it that thou dost ask after my they bowed themselves.
name ? And he blessed him 8 And he said, What meanest
there.* thou by all this drove which I
31 And Jacob called the name have met? And he said, To find
of the place Peniel for I have
: grace in the eyes of my lord.
seen an angel of God face to face, 9 And ’Esau said, I have
and my life hath been preserved. enough, my brother, keep unto

32 And the sun rose unto him thyself what thou hast.
as he passed by Penuel, and he 1 0 And Jacob said, This must
halted upon his thigh. not be, I pray thee; if 1 1 ave but
33 Therefore do the children found grace in thy eyes, then do
of Israel not eat the sinew which thou receive my present at my
shrank, which is upon the hollow hand ; since I have seen thy face,
of the thigh, unto this day; be- it is as though I had seen the
face of an angel, and because CHAPTER XXXIV.
thou hast received me kindly. 1 And Dinah the daughter
11 Take, I pray thee, my pre- of Leah, whom she had born un-
sent that is brought to thee be- ;
to Jacob, went out to look about
cause God hath dealt graciously among the daughters of the lan :l.

with me, and because I have a 2 And Shechem the son cf

plenty of all. And he urged him, Chamor the Hivite, the prince of
and he took it. the country, saw her; and he
I 2 And he said, Let us depart, took her, and lay with her, and
and move farther, and
I will tra- did her violence.
vel near thee. 3 And his soul clave unto Di-
13 And he said unto him, My
nah the daughter of Jacob, and
lord knoweth that the children he loved the maiden, and spoke
are tender, and the flocks and kindly unto the maiden.
herds with young are a charge 4 And Shechem spoke unto
on me and if they should over- Chamor his father, saying, Get

drive them one day, all the flock me this girl for wife.
would die. 5 And Jacob heard that he had
II Let my lord, I pray thee, defiled Dinah his daughter; but
pass on before his servant and his sons were with his cattle in

I will lead on slowly, according the field and Jacob held his

as the cattle that goeth before peace until they were come.
me and the children may be able 6 And Chamor the father of
to travel, until I come unto my Shechem, went out unto Jacob
lord unto Se’ir. to speak with him.
15 And ’Esau said, Let me, I 7 And the sons of Jacob came
pray thee, leave with thee some from the field when they heard
of the people that are with me. it, 'and the men were grieved,
And he said, What needeth it ? and it excited their anger greatly
let me only find grace in the eyes because he had wrought a dis-
of my lord. graceful thing in Israel to lie
16 So ’Esau returned that day with the daughter of Jacob, and
on his way unto Se’ir. this ought not to be done.
17 And Jacob journeyed to 8 And Chamor spoke with
Succoth and built himself a them, saying, The soul of She-
house, and for his cattle he made chem my son longeth for your
booths therefore he called the daughter give her, I pray you,
; ;

name of the place Succoth. unto him for wife.

18 <[[
And Jacob came in good 9 And intermarry with us
health to the city of Shechem, your daughters ye shall give un-
which is in the land of Cana’an, to us, and our daughters ye may
when he came from Padan-aram take unto yourselves.
and he encamped before the city. 10 And with us shall ye dwell
19 And he bought the parcel and the land shall be open before
of the field, where he had spread you dwell and trade ye therein,

his tent, at the hand of the chil- and acquire possessions therein.
dren of Chamor, the father of 1 1 And Shechem said unto her
Shechem, hundred kessitah. father and unto her brothers, Let
for a
20 And he erected there an me but find grace in your eyes,
altar, and called it El-Elohe- and whatever ye may say unto
Yisrael.* me, I will give.
5 49
12Ask of me ever so much 22 Only with this condition
dowry and gift, and I will give, will the men consent unto us to
just as ye may say unto me; dwell with us, to become one peo-
but give me the maiden for ple, if every male among us be cir-
wife. cumcised, as they are circum-
13 And the sons ©f Jacob an- cised.
swered Shechem and Chamor his 23 Their cattle and their sub-
father with cunning, and spoke; stance and every beast of theirs
because he had defiled Dinah —
will they not be ours ? only let
their sister. us consent unto them, that they
14 And they said unto them, may dwell with us.
We cannot do this thing, to give 24 And unto Chamor and un-
our sister to one that is uncir- to Shechem his son hearkened all
cumcised for that would be a that went out of the gate of his

reproach unto us. city; and all the males were cir-
15 But on this condition will cumcised, all that went out of the
we consent unto } ou; if ye will gate of his city.

become as we are, that ever} 25 And it came to pass on the


male of you be circumcised third day, when they were sore,


16 Then will we give our that two of the sons of Jacob,

daughters unto you, and we will Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s bro-
take your daughters unto us; thers, took each his sword, and
and we will dwell with you, and came upon the city unresisted
we will become one people. and slew all the males.
17 But if ye will not hearken 26 And they slew Chamor and
unto us, to be circumcised, then Shechem his son with the edge
will we take our daughter, and of the sword; and they took Di-
go our way. nah out of Shechem’s house, and
18 And their words were pleas- went out.
ing in the eyes of Chamor, and 27 The sons of Jacob came
in the eyes of Shechem, the son upon the slain, and spoiled the
of Chamor. city, because they had defiled
19 And the young man de- their sister.
ferred not to do the thing, be- 28 They took their sheep,
cause he had delight in Jacob’s and their oxen, and their asses,
daughter ; and he was the most and that which was in the city,
honoured of all the house of his and that which was in the
father. field.
20 And Chamor and Shechem 29 And all their wealth, and
his son came unto the gate of all their little ones, and their
their city, and spoke with the wives they took captive, and
men of their city, saying, spoiled ; and all that was in the
21 These men are peaceably house.
inclined with us; therefore let 30 And Jacob said unto Sime-
them dwell in the land, and trade on and Levi, Ye have troubled
therein ; and the land, behold, it me, to cause me to be hated among
is large enough on all sides be- the inhabitants of the land,
fore them ; their daughters we among the Cana’anites and the
will take unto us for wives, and Perizzites and as I am but few

our daughters we will give unto in number, they may gather

them. themselves together against me,
and slay me and I would be de- Jacob again, when he came from

stroyed. I and my house. Padan-aram, and blessed him.

31 And they said, Should he 10 And God said unto him,
deal with our sister as with a Thy name is Jacob; thy name
harlot ? shall not be called any more
Jacob, but Israel shall be thy
CHAPTER XXXV. name: and he called his name
1 And God said unto Jacob, Israel.
Arise, Go up to Beth -el, and dwell 11 And God said unto him, I
there ; and make there an altar am God the Almighty; be fruit-
unto the God that appeared unto ful and multiply a nation and

thee when thou fleddest from the an assemblage of nations shall

face of ’Esau thy brother. spring from thee, and kings shall
2 Then said Jacob unto his come out of thy loins. *
household, and to all that were 12 And the land which I gave
with him, Put away the strange to Abraham and to Isaac, to thee
gods that are among you, and will I give it and to thy seed

cleanse yourselves, and change after thee will I give the land.
your garments. 13 And God went up from him
3 And let us arise, and go up on the place where he had spoken
to Beth-el : and I will make there with him.*
an altar unto the God who an- 14 And Jacob set up a pillar
swered me on the day of my dis- at the place where he had spoken
tress, and was with me on the with him, a pillar of stone and ;

way which I went. he poured a drink offering there-

4 And they gave unto Jacob on, and he poured oil thereon.
all the strange gods which were 15 And Jacob called the name
in their hand, and the ear-rings of the place where God had spo-
which were in their ears and ;
ken with him, Beth-el.
Jacob hid them under the oak 16 And they journeyed from
which was near Shechein, Beth-el and there was yet some

5 And they journeyed; and the distance to come to Ephrath,

terror of God was upon the cities when Rachel travailed, and she
that were round about them, and had hard labour.
they did not pursue after the sons 17 And it came to pass, when
of Jacob. she was in hard labour, that the
6 So Jacob came to Luz, which midwife said unto her, Fear not;
is inthe land of Cana’an, that is, for this child also is a son for
Beth-el, he and all the people thee.
that were with him. 18 And it came to pass, as her
7 And he built there an altar, soul was departing (for she died),
and called the place El-beth-el; that she called his name Ben-
because there God appeared un- oni but his father called him

to him, when he fled from the Benjamin.

face of his brother. 19 And so Rachel died, and
8 And Deborah Rebekah’s was buried on the way to Ephrath,
nurse died, and she was buried which is Beth-lechem.
beneath Beth-el under an oak 20 And Jacob set a pillar upon

and he called its name Allon- her grave; this is the pillar of
bachuth. Rachel’s grave unto his day.
9 % And God appeared unto 2 1 And Israel journeyed, and
spread his tent beyond the tower 5 And Aholibamah bore Ye-
of flocks [’Eder], ’ush, and Ya’lam, and Korach
22 And it came to pass, when these are the sons of ’Esau, that
Israel dwelt in that land, that were born unto him in the land
Reuben went and lay with Bil- of Cana’an.
hah his father’s concubine ; and 6 And ’Esau took his wives,
Israel heard it. and his sons, and his daughters,
Now the sons of Jacob were and all the persons of his house,
twelve. and his cattle, and all his beasts,
23 The sons of Leah, Jacob’s and all his substance, which he
first-born, Rciiben, and Simeon, had gotten in the land of Cana-
and Levi, and Judah, and Is- ’an and went into another coun-

sachar, and Zebulun. try from the face of his brother

24 The sons of Rachel, Joseph, Jacob.
and Benjamin. 7 For their riches were more
25 And the sons of Bilhah, than that they might dwell to-
Rachel’s handmaid, Dan, and gether; and the land of their so-
Naphtali. journing could not bear them,
26 And the sons of Zilpah, because of their cattle.
Leah’s handmaid, Gad, and Ash- 8 Thus dwelt ’Esau in mount
er : these are the sons of Jacob, Se’ir ’Esau is Edom.

that were born to him in Padan- 9 And these are the genera-
aram. tions of ’Esau, the father of the
27 And Jacob came unto Isaac Edom in mount Se’ir.
his father unto Mamre, the city 10 These are the names of
of Arba’, which is Hebron, where ’Esau’s sons Eliphaz the son of

Abraham and Isaac had so- ’Adah the wife of ’Esau, Re’uel
journed. the son of Bahsemath the wife
28 And the days of Isaac were of ’Esau.
one hundred and eighty years. 11 And the sons of Eliphaz
29 And Isaac departed this were Theman, Omar, Zepho, and
life,and died, and was gathered Ga’tam, and Kenaz.
unto his people, old and full of 12 And Thirnna’ was concu-
days and ’Esau and Jacob his bine to Eliphaz ’Esau’s son and

sons buried him. she bore to Eliphaz ’Amalek

these were the sons of ’Adah,
CHAPTER XXXVI. ’Esau’s wife.
1 Now these are the gene- 13 And these are the sons of
rations of ’Esau, who
is Edom. Re’uel: Nachath, and Zerach,
2 ’Esau took his wives of the Shammah, and Mizzah ;
were the sons of Bailsman n,
daughters of Cana’an ; ’Adah the
daughter of Elon the Hittite, and
’Esau’s wife.
Aholibamah the daughter of 14 And these were the sons
of Aholibamah, the daughter of
’An ah the daughter of Zib’on the
Hivite 'An ah the daughter of Zib’ou,
3 And Bahsemath Ishma’el’s ’Esau’s wife and she bore to :

daughter, the sister of Neba- ’Esau Ye’ush, and Ya’lam, and

yoth ;
4 And ’Adah bore to ’Esau 15 These are the dukes of the
Eliphaz ;
and Bahsemath bore sons of ’Esau; the sons of Eli-
Re’uel phaz the first-born of ’Esau: duke
Theman, duke Omar, duke Ze- Etzer: Bilhan, and Za’avan, and
pho, duke Kenaz, ’Akan.
16 Duke Korach, duke Ga’tam, 28 These are the children of
duke ’Amalek; these are the Dishan ’Uz, and Aran. :

dukes of Eliphaz in the land of 29 These are the dukes of the

Edom these are the sons of Chorites duke Lotan, duke Sho-

Adah. duke Zib’on, duke ’Anah;

17 And these are the sons of Duke Dishon, duke Etzer,
Re’uel ’Esau's son duke Na- duke Dishan these are the dukes

chath, duke Zerach, duke Sham- of the Chorites, after their dukes
mah, duke Mizzah these are the in the land of Se’ir.

dukes of Re’uel in the land of 31 And these are the kings

Edom; these are the sons of that reigned in the land of Edom,
Bahseinath, ’Esau’s wife. before there reigned any king
18 And these are the sons of over the children of Israel.
Aholibamah, ’Esau’s wife: duke 32 And there reigned in Edom
Ye’ush, duke Ya’lam, duke Ko- Bela’ the son of Be’or and the :

rach these are the dukes of Aho- name of the city was Dinhabah.

libamah, the daughter of ’Anah, 33 And Bela’ died, and there

’Esau’s wife. reigned in his stead Yobab the
19 These are the sons of ’Esau, son of Zerach of Bozrah.
and these are their dukes this 34 And Yobab died, and there

is Edom.* reigned in his stead Chusham of

20 These are the sons of the land of Theman.
Se’ir the Chorite, who inhabited 35 And Chusham died, and
the land Lotan, and Shobal, and there reigned in his stead Hadad

Zib’on, and ’Anah, the son of Bedad, who smote

21 And Dishon, and Etzer, and Midian in the field of Moab; and
Dishan these are the dukes of the name of his city was ’Avith.

the Chorites, the children of Se’ir 36 And Hadad d- ed, and there :

in the land of ’Edom. reigned in his stead Samlah of

22 And the children of Lotan Masrekah.
were Chori and Heman ; and Lo- 37 And Samlah died, and there
tan’s sister was Thimna’. reigned in his stead Shaiil of
23 And these were the chil- Rechoboth by the river.
dren of Shobal ’Alvan, and Ma-
: 38 And Shaiil died, and there
nachath, and ’Ebal, Shepho, and reigned in his stead Ba’al-chanan
Onam. the son of ’Acbbor.
24 And these are the children 39 And Ba’al-chanan the son
of Zib’on both Ajah, and ’Anah of ’Achbor died, and there reign-

this was that ’Anah that found ed in his stead Hadar, and the
the mules in the wilderness, as name of his city was Pa’u and ;

he fed the asses of Zib’on his his wife’s name was Mehetabel,
father. the daughter of Matred, the
25 And these are the children daughter of Me-zahab.*
of ’Anah Dishon, and Aholiba-
: 40 And these are the names
mah the daughter of ’Anah. of the dukes of ’Esau, accord-
26 And these are the children ing to their families, after their
of Dishan Chemdan, and Esh- places, by their names duke
: :

ban, and Yithran, and Cheran. Thimna’, duke ’Alvah, duke

27 These are the children of Yetheth,
5* 53
4 1 Duke Aholibamah, duke selves round about, and made
Elah, duke Pinon, obeisance to my sheaf.
42 Duke Kenaz, duke Theman, 8 And his brothers said to
duke Mibzar, him, Shalt thou indued reign
43 Duke Magdiel, duke ’Irani over us? or shalt thou indeed
these are the dukes of Edom, have dominion over us? And
according to their habitations they hated him yet the more for
in the land of their possession his dreams, and for his words.
this is ’Esau the father of the 9 And he dreamed yet another
Edom. dream, and told it to his brothers;
liaphtorah in Hosea xii. 13, to xiv. 10. and he said, Behold, I have
Others read from xi. 7 to xii. 12. Thei dreamed a dream more and, be-
Portuguese read Obadiah i. 1-21.
hold, the sun and the moon and
eleven stars made obeisance to
Sec. 9. VAYESHEB, me.
10 And he told it to his father,
CHAPTER XXXVII. and to his brothers ;
and his fa-
1 And Jacob dwelt in the ther rebuked him, and said unto
land of his father’s sojourning, him, What is this dream that
in the land of Cana’an. thou hast dreamed ? Shall we
2 These are the generations indeed come, I and thy mother,
of Jacob. Joseph, being seven- and thy brothers, to bow down
teen years old, was feeding the ourselves to thee to the earth ?
flock with his brothers ; and he 11 And his brothers envied
was as a lad with the sons of him; but his father noted the
Bilhah, and with the sons of Zil- matter (in his mind).*
pah, his father’s wives; and Jo- 12 And his brothers wr ent to
seph brought evil reports of them feed their father’s flocks in She-
unto his father. chem.
3 Now Israel loved Joseph 13 And Israel said unto Jo-
more than all his children, be- seph, Do not thy brothers feed
cause he was the son of his old (the flocks) in Shechem ? come,
age and he made him a coat of
and I will send thee unto them.
many colours. And he said to him, Here am I.
4 And when his brothers saw 14 And he said to him, Go,
that their father loved him more I pray thee, see whether it be
than all his brothers, they hated well with thy brothers, and well
him, and could not speak peace- with the flocks; and bring me
ably unto him. word again. So he sent him from
5 And Joseph dreamed a the vale of Hebron, and he came
dream, and he told it to his bro- to Shechem.
thers: and they hated him yet 15 And a certain man found
the more. him, and, behold, he was wan-
6 And he said unto them, Hear, dering astray in the field and ;

I pray you, this dream which I the man asked him, saying, What
have dreamed. seekest thou?
7 And, behold, we were bind-] 16 And he said, I seek my bro-
ing sheaves in the field, and, lo, thers tell me, I pray thee, where

my sheaf arose, and also remain- 'they are feeding their flocks ?
ed standing upright; and, be- 17 And the man said. They
hold, your sheaves placed them-! are departed hence ; for I heard
them say, Let us go to Dothan. hand not oe upon him ;
for l e is

And Joseph went after his bro- our brother, our flesh. And his
thers, and found them in Dothan. brothers hearkened to him.
18 And when they saw him 28 And when the Midianitish
afar off, even before he came near men, merchants, passed by, the;v
unto them, they conspired against drew and lifted up Joseph out
him to slay him. of the pit, and sold Joseph to the
19 And they said one to an- Ishma’elites for twenty pieces of
other, Behold, here cometh this silver : and they brought Joseph
man of dreams. into Egypt.
20 And now, come and let us 29 And when Reuben returned
slay him, and cast him into one unto the pit, and, behold, Joseph
of the pits, and we will say, Some was not in the pit, he rent his
evil beast hath devoured him; clothes.
and we shall see what will be- 30 And he returned unto his
come of his dreams. brothers, and said, The child is
21 And when Reiiben heard not there ; and I, whither shall
it, he delivered him out of their I go?

hand and he said, Let us not

: 31 And they took Joseph’s
put him to death. coat, killed a he-goat, and
22 And Reiiben said unto dipped the coat in the blood
them, Do not shed blood; but 32 And they sent the coat of
cast him into this pit that is in many colours, and they brought
the wilderness, but do not lay it to their father, and said, This

hand upon him ; in order that have we found acknowledge, :

he might deliver him out of their we pray thee, whether it be thy

hand, to bring him back again son’s coat or not.
to his father.*' 33 And he recognised it, and
23 And it came to pass, when said, It is my son’s coat ; an evil
Joseph was come unto his bro- beast hath devoured him ; Joseph
thers, that they stript Joseph of is surely torn' in pieces.
his coat, the coat of many colours 34 And Jacob rent his clothes,
that was on him ;
and put sackcloth upon his loins,
24 And they took him, and and mourned for his son many
cast him into the pit; and the pit days.
was empty there was no water
35 And all his sons and all
in it. his daughters rose up to comfort
25 And they sat down to eat him but he refused to be com-

bread and they lifted up their forted and he said, For I must

eyes and looked, and, behold, a go down unto mj' son, mourning,
company of Ishma’elites was into the grave: thus his father
coming from Gil’ad ; and their wept for him.
camels were bearing spicery, and 36 And the Midianites sold

balm, and lotus, going to carry him into Egypt unto Potiphai,
it down to Egypt. an officer of Pharaoh’s, the cap-
26 And Judah said unto his tain of the guards.*'
brothers, What profit will it be
if we slay our brother, and con- CHAPTER
ceal his blood ? 1 5T And it came to pass at
27 Come, and let us sell him that time, that Judah went down
to the Ishma’elites, but let our from his brothers, and he pitched
his tent with a certain ’Adullam-i friend Chirah the Adullamite, t<

lie w nose name was Chirah. Thimnah.

2 And Judah saw there a 13 And it was told unto Tha-
daughter of a certain Cana’anite, mar, saying, Behold thy father-
whose name was Shua’; and he in-law goeth up to Thimnah to
took her, and went in unto her. shear his sheep.
3 And she conceived, and bore 14 And she put her widow’s
a son ; and he called his name garments off from her, and co-
’Er. vered herself with a vail, and
4 And she conceived again, concealed her face, and seated
and bore a son and she called herself at the cross-road, which

his name Onan. is on the way to Thimnah ; for

5 And she again bore another she saw that Shelah was grown,
son ; and she called his name She- and she was not given unto him
lah and he was at Chezib, when for wife.

she bore him. 15 And Judah saw her, and

6 And Judah took a wife for thought her to be a harlot; be-
’Er his first-born, whose name cause she had covered her face.
was Thatnar. 16 And he turned unto her by
7 And ’Er, Judah’s first-born, the way, and said, Go to, I pray
was displeasing in the eyes of thee, let me come in unto thee;
the Lord; and the Lord slew (for he knew not that she was his
him. daughter-in-law.) And she said,
8 And Judah said unto Onan, What wilt thou give me, that
Go in unto thy brother’s wife, thou mayest come in unto me?
and take her, as her brother-in- 17 And he said, I will send
law, and raise up seed to thy thee a kid from the flock. And
brother. she said, If thou wilt give me a
9 Onan thus knew that the pledge, till thou send it.
seed should not be his; and it 18 And he said, What is tho
came to pass, when he went in pledge which I shall give thee?
unto his brother’s wife, that he And she said, Thy signet, and
spilled it on the ground, so as thy scarf, and thy staff that is in
not to give seed unto his brother. thy hand. And he gave them
10 And the thing which he to her, and came in unto her, and
did was displeasing in the eyes she conceived by him.
of the Lord; wherefore he slew 19 And she arose, and went
him also. aw ay, and laid by her vail from

11 Then said Judah to Thamar her, and put on the garments of

his daughter-in-law, Remain a her widowhood.
w ; dow at thy father’s house, till 20 And Judah sent the kid by
bneiah my son be grown ; for he the hand of his friend the ’Adul-
thought, Lest peradventure he lamite, to take the pledge out of
die also, as his brothers have the woman’s hand but he found

done. And Thamar went and her not.

dwelt in her father’s house. 21 Then he asked the men of
12 And many days had elapsed her place, saying, Where is the
when the daughter of Shua’, Ju- harlot that was at the cross-road
dah’s wife, died and after Judah on the highway ? And they said,

was comforted, he went up untO| There hath been no harlot in this

his sheep-shearers, he and his neighbourhood.

22 And he returned to Judah, CHAPTER XXXIX.
and said, I cannot find her; and 1 And Joseph was brought
also the men of the place have down to Egypt and Potiphar,

said, There hath been no harlot an officer of Pharaoh, the cap-

in this place. tain of the guards, an Egyptian,
23 And Judah said, Let her: bought him of the hands of the
keep it, lest we be put to shame Ishma’elites, who had brought
behold, I sent this kid, and thou him down thither.
hast not found her. 2 And the Lord was with
24 And it came to pass about Joseph, and he was a prosperous

three months after, that it was man j

and he was thus in the

told to Judah, saying, Thamarj house of his master the Egyp-

thy daughter-in-law hath played jtian
the harlot; and also, behold, she 3 And when his master saw
is with child by prostitution. that the Lord was with him,
And Judah said, Lead her forth, and that the Lord caused all
and let her be burnt. that he did to prosper in his
25 When she was led forth, hand :

she sent to her father-in-law, 4 Joseph found grace in his

saying, By the man, whose these eyes, and he served him and he ;

are, am I with child: and she made him overseer over his
said, Acknowledge, I pray thee, house, and all that he had he
to whom belong these, the signet, put into his hand.
the scarf, and staff. 5 And it came to pass from
26 And Judah acknowledged the time he had made him over-
them, and said, She hath been seer in his house, and over all
more righteous than I because
that he had, that the Lord
I gave her not to Shelah my son. blessed the Egyptian’s house
And he knew her not again any for the sake of Joseph ; and the
more. blessing of the Lord was upon
27 And it came to pass at all that he had, in the house and
the time of her travail, that, in the field.
behold, twins were in her 6 And he left all that he had
womb. in Joseph’s hand ; and he trou-
28 And it came to pass, when bled himself not about aught he
she travailed, that the one put had, save the bread which he
out his hand and the midwife did eat.
: And Joseph was hand-
took and bound upon his hand some in form and handsome in
a scarlet thread, saying, This appearance.*
came out first. 7 And it came to pass after
29 And it came to pass, as he these things, that his master’s
drew back his hand, that, behold wife cast her eyes upon Joseph;
his brother came out; and she and she said, Lie with me.
said, How hast thou broken 8 But he refused, and said
forth? this breach is upon thee unto his master’s wife, Behold,

therefore his name was calledj my master troubleth himself not

Perez. about what is with me in the
30 And afterward came out house, and he hath committed
his brother, that had the scarletj all that he hath into my hand;
thread upon his hand and his: There is none greater in this
name was called Zerach.* house than I; neither hath he
kept back any thing from me him, saying, After this mannei
but thee, because thou art his hath thy servant done to me;
wife: how then can I do this that his wrath was kindled.
great evil, and sin against God ? 20 And Joseph’s master took
10 And it came to pass, as him, and put him into the pri-
she spoke to Joseph day by day, son, the place where the king’s
and he hearkened not unto her, prisoners were imprisoned and:

to lie by her, or to be with her; he was there in the prison.

11 That it came to pass one 21 But the Lord was with
particular day, that he went in- Joseph, and caused him to find
to tie house to do his business kindness, and gave him favour
and there was none of the men in the eyes of the superintendent
of the house there within. of the prison.
12 And she caught him by 22 And the superintendent
his garment, saying, Lie with of the prison committed into
me and he left his garment in Joseph’s hand all the prisoners

her hand, and fled, and ran out that were in the prison; and
into the street. whatsoever they did there, was
13 And it came to pass, when done through him.
she saw that he had left his gar- 23 The superintendent of the
ment in her hand, and was fled prison looked not after the least
forth, that was under his hand, be-
14 That she called unto the cause the Lord was with him
men of her house, and spoke and that which he did, the Lord
unto them, saying, See, he hath made to prosper.*
brought in unto us a Hebrew
man to have his sport with us; CHAPTER XL.
he came in unto me to lie with 1 And it came to pass after
me, and I cried with a loud these things, that the butler of
voice : the king of Egypt and the baker
And it came to pass, when committed an offence, against
he heard that I lifted up my theL* lord the king of Egypt.
voice and cried, that he left his 2 And Pharaoh was wroth
garment with me, and fled, and against his two officers, against
ran out into the street. the chief of the butlers, and
16 And she laid up his. gar- against the chief of the bakers.
ment by her until his lord came 3 And he put them in ward
home. in the house of the captain of
17 And she spoke unto him the guards, into the prison, the
according to these words, say- place where Joseph was confined.
ing, The Hebrew servant whom 4 And the captain of the
,hou hast brought unto us, came guards charged Joseph with
in unto me to have his sport them, and he r-erved them and ;

with me. they continued a season in ward.

18 And it came to pass, as I 5 And they dreamed a dream,
lifted up my voice and cried, both of them, each his dream in
that he left his garment with one night, each in accordance
me, and fled forth. with the interpretation of his
19 And it came to pass, when dream, the butler and the baker
his master heard the words of of the king of Egypt, who were
his wife, which she spoke unto confined in the prison.
6 And Joseph came unto bakers saw that he had well in-
them in the morning, and looked terpreted, he said unto Joseph,
at th.em, an>d, behold, they were I also (saw) in my dream, and
sad. behold, I had three baskets with
7 And he asked the officers of fine bread on my head :

Pharaoh that were with him in 17 And in the uppermost bas-

ward in his lord’s house, saying, ket there was of all manner of
Wherefore look ye so sadly to- bakemeats, used as food f« r
day ? Pharaoh; and the birds did eat
8 And they said unto him, them out of the basket from my
We have dreamed a dream, and head.
there is none to interpret it. 18 And Joseph answered and
And Joseph said unto them, Do said, This is its interpretation :

not interpretations belong to The three baskets are three days

God ? tell it to me, I pray you. 19 Within yet three days will
9 The chief of the butlers then Pharaoh lift up thy head from
told his dream to Joseph, and off thee, and will hang thee on a
said to him, In my dream, be- tree and the birds shall eat thy

hold, a vine was before me; flesh from off thee.*

10 And on the vine were three 20 And it came to pass on the
branches and it was as though third day, which was Pharaoh’s

it budded, shot forth its blos- birthday, that he made a feast

soms, and on its clusters the unto all his servants and he :

grapes became ripe lifted up the head of the chief

11 And Pharaoh’s cup was in of the butlers and the head of
my hand and I took the grapes, the chief of the bakers among

and pressed them out into Pha- his servants.

raoh’s cup, and I placed the cup 21 And he restored the chief
into Pharaoh’s hand. of the butlers unto his butler-
12 And Joseph said unto him, ship; and he placed the cup in-
This is its interpretation: The to Pharaoh’s hand;
three branches are three days 22 But the chief of the bakers

13 Within yet three days will he hanged, as Joseph had inter-

Pharaoh lift up thy head, and preted to them.
restore thee unto thy office and 23 Yet the chief of the butlers

Jiou shalt place Pharaoh’s cup did not remember Joseph, and
into his hand, after the former forgot him.
manner when thou wast his Haphtorah in Amos ii. 6 to iii. 8
14 Therefore if thou thinkest Sec. 10. MICKETZ.
on me when it shall be well with
yp c .

thee, then show kindness, I pray CHAPTER XLI.

thee, unto me, and make men- 1 And it came to pass at
tion of me unto Pharaoh, and the end of two full years, that
bring me out of this house; Pharaoh dreamed and behold ;

15 For indeed I was stolen he stood by the river.

away out of the land o:' the He- 2 And, behold, there came up
brews and here also have I not out of the river seven cows, of

clone the least that they should good appearance and fat in flesh
put me into the dungeon. and they fed in the meadow.
16 And when the chief of the 3 And, behold, seven other
cows came up after them out of as he had interpreted to us. so it
the river, ill-favoured and lean was; me he restored unto my
in flesh ;
and th-ey stood by the office, and him he hanged.
other cows upon the brink of the 14 Then Pharaoh sent and

river. jhad Joseph called, and they

4 And the ill-favoured and .brought him hastily out of the
led n -fleshed cows did eat up the dungeon: and he shaved him-
seven well-favoured and fat cows. 'self, and changed his garments,
And Pharaoh awoke. and came in unto Pharaoh.*
5 And he slept and dreamed 15 And Pharaoh said unto

a second time and, behold, J oseph, I have dreamed a dream,

: !

seven ears of corn came up on and there is none that can in-
one stalk, rank and good. terpret it and I have heard say

6 And, behold, seven thin ears of thee, that thou canst under-
and blasted with the east wind stand a dream to interpret it.
sprung up after them. 1 6 And Joseph answered Pha-

7 And the seven thin ears raoh, saying, It is not in me

swallowed up the seven rank God will give an answer for the
and full ears. And Pharaoh peace of Pharaoh.*
awoke, and, behold, it was a 17 And Pharaoh said unto
dream. Joseph, In my dream, behold, I
8 And it to pass in the stood upon
come the brink of the
morning his spirit was river
troubled ; and he sent and called 18 And, behold, there came
for all the magicians of Egypt, up out of the river seven cows,
and all the wise men thereof: fat in flesh and good in shape
and Pharaoh told them his and they fed in the meadow
dream; but there was none that 19 And, behold, seven other
could interpret the same unto cows came up after them, poor
Pharaoh. and very ill-shaped and lean in
9 Then spoke the chief of the flesh I never saw any like these

butlers unto Pharaoh, saying, in all the land of Egypt for ugli-
My faults I must call to remem- ness ;
brance this day 20 And the lean and the ill-
10 Pharaoh was wroth with favoured cows did eat up the
his servants, and put me in ward first seven fat cows ;
in the house of the captain of 21 And when they had eaten
the guards, me and the chief of them up, it could not be known
the bakers that they had eaten them but ;

11 And we dreamed a dream their appearance was still as bad

in one night, I and he ; we as at the beginning. And I
dreamed each in accordance with awoke.
toe interpretation of his dream. 22 And I saw in my dream,
12 And there was with us a and, behold, seven ears came up
Hebrew lad, a servant to the on one stalk, full and good
captain of the guards; and we 23 And, behold, seven ears,
told him, and he interpreted to withered, thin, blasted with the
us our dreams ; to each accord- east wind, sprung up after them
ing to his dream did he inter- 24 And the thin ears devoured
pret. the seven good ears and I told:

And came to pass, just' this unto the magicians; but


13 it
there was none that could tell it under the hand of Pharaoh, aa
to me. food in the cities, and keep the
25 And Joseph said unto Pha- same.
raoh, The dream of Pharaoh is 36 And that food shall be for
one, that which God is about to a store to the land against the
do, he hath told to Pharaoh. seven years of famine, which
26 The seven good cows are shall be in the land of Egypt
seven years and the seven good that the land be not cut oft*

ears are seven years,* the dream through the famine.

is one. 37 And the thing was good in
27 And the seven thin and ill- the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the
favoured cows that came up after eyes of all his servants.
them are seven years; and the 38 And Pharaoh said unto his
seven empty ears, blasted with servants, Can we find such a one
the east wind, shall be seven as this, a man in whom the spi-
years of famine. rit of God is ?*
28 This is the thing which I 39 And Pharaoh said unto
have spoken unto Pharaoh Joseph, Inasmuch as God hath

What God is about to do he caused thee to know all this,

hath shown unto Pharaoh. there is none so discreet and
29 Behold, there are coming wise as thou
seven years of great plenty 40 Thou shalt be over my
throughout all the land of Egypt house, and according to thy
80 And there shall arise seven word shall all my people be
years of famine after them, when ruled ; only in regard to the
all the plenty shall be forgotten throne will I be greater than
in the land of Egypt ; and the thou.
famine shall consume the land 41 And Pharaoh said unto
31 And the plenty shall not Joseph, See, I have set thee
be known in the land by reason over all the land of Egypt.
of that famine following it; for 42 And Pharaoh took off his
it shall be very grievous. ring from his hand, and put it
32 And as it respecteth that upon Joseph’s hand, and arrayed
the dream was doubled unto him in vestures of fine linen, and
Pharaoh twice, it is because the put a golden chain about his
thing is firmly resolved on by neck
God, and God hasteneth to bring 43 And he caused him to ride
it to pass. in the second chariot which he
33 Now therefore let Pharaoh had; and they cried before him,
look out a man, discreet and Bend the knee and he placed

wise, and set him over the land him (thus) over all the land of
of Egypt. Egypt.
34 Let Pharaoh do this, and 44 And Pharaoh said unto
lethim appoint officers over the Joseph, I am Pharaoh ; but
land, and take up the fifth part without thee shall no man lilt
(of the produce) of the land of up his hand o*r his foot in all the
Egypt in the seven years of land of Egypt.
plenty. 45 And Pharaoh called Jo-
35 And let them gather up all seph’s name Zaphenath-pa’ne-
the food of those good years that iich and he* gave him Asse-

are coming, and lay up corn nath the daughter of Poti-phera’

6 til
the priest of On, for wife. And Egyptians, Go unto Joseph:
Josepn went out over* all the what he saith to you, do.
land of Egypt. 56 And the famine was over
46 And Joseph was thirty all the face of the earth and :

years old when he stood before Joseph opened all the store-
Pharaoh, the king of Egypt ; houses, wherein corn was, and
and Joseph went out from the sold unto the Egyptians for the ;

presence of Pharaoh, and went famine grew strong in the land

throughout all the land of Egypt. of Egypt.
47 And the earth brought forth 57 And all the countries came
in the seven years of plenty by into Egypt to buy corn of Jo-
handfuls. seph ;
because the famine was
48 And he gathered up all the sore in all the countries.
food of the seven years, which
were in the land of Egypt, and CHAPTER XLII.
laid up the food in the cities the: 1 And when Jacob saw that
food of the field of the city which there was corn in Egypt, Jacob
was'round about it laid he up in said unto his sons, "Why do ye
the same. look at one another ?
49 And Joseph heaped up corn 2 And he said, Behold, I have
as the sand of the sea, very much heard thatthere is corn in Egypt ;

until he left off numbering, for get you down thither, and buy
it was without number. for us provision from there, that
50 And unto J oseph were born we may live, and not die.
two sons before the years of fa- 3 And ten brothers of Jo-
mine came, whom Assenath the seph went down to buy corn in
daughter of Poti-phera’, the Egypt.
priest of On, bore unto him. 4 But Benjamin, Joseph’s bro-
51 And Joseph called the ther, Jacob sent not with his
name of the first-born Menasseh brothers for he said, Lest mis-

[Menasheh] Eor God (said he)

chief befall him.
hath made me forget all my toil, 5 And the sons of Israel came
and all in y father’s house. to buy corn among those that
52 And the name of the second came ; for the famine was in the
he called Ephraim [Ephrayim] land of Cana’an.
For God (said he) hath caused 6 And Joseph he was the —
me to be fruitful in the land of governor over the land, it was
my affliction.* he that sold corn to all the peo-
53 And seven years of
the ple of the land; and Joseph’s
plenty, that wasin the land of brothers came, and bowed them-

Egypt, were ended. selves down before him with the

54 And the seven years of fa- face to the earth.
mine began to come, just as Jo- 7 And Joseph saw his bro-
seph had said and there was thers, and he recognised them;

famine in all the countries, but but made himself strange unto
in all the land of Egypt there them, and spoke roughly unto
was bread. them; and he said unto them,
55 And when all the land of Whence come ye? And they
Egypt also felt hunger, the peo- said, From the land of Cai.a'an

pie cried to Pharaoh for bread to buy food.


and Pharaoh said unto all the 8 And Joseph recognised his
brothers, but they recognised not 21And they said one to an-
him. other, Truly we are guilty con-
9 And Joseph remembered the cerning our brother, in that we
dreams which he had dreamed saw the anguish of his soul, when
concerning them, and he said he besought us, and we would
unto them, Ye are spies to see the not hear therefore is this dis-
; ;

nakedness of the land are ye come. tress come upon us.

10 Af.d they said unto him, 22 And Reiiben answered them,
No, my lord, thy servants are saying, Did I not say unto you,
only come to buy food. thus, Do not sin against the
11 We all are sons of one man,* child ;
and ye would not hear ?
we are true men; thy servants and behold, his blood also is now
have never been spies. required.
12 And he said unto them, No 23 And they knew not that
but to see the nakedness of the Joseph understood them; for he
land are ye come. spoke unto them by an inter-
13 And they said, We, thy ser- preter. 4
vants, are twelve brothers, sons 24 And he turned himself
of one man in the land of Ca- away from them, and wept ; and
na’an ; and, behold, the youngest returned to them again, and
is this day with our father, and spoke with them, and took from
one is no more. them Simeon, and bound him be-
14 And Joseph said unto them, fore their eyes.
It is as I have spoken unto you, 25 And Joseph commanded to
saying, Ye are spies ;
fill their sacks with corn, and to

15 Hereby shall ye be proved restore every man’s money into

By the life of Pharaoh, ye shall his sack, and to give them pro-
not go forth hence, except your vision for the way and he did ;

youngest brother come hither. unto them thus.

16 Send one of you, and let 26 And they loaded their asses
him fetch your brother, and ye with their corn, and departed
shall be kept in prison, that your thence.
words may be proved, whether 27 And one of them opened
the truth be with you and if his sack to give his ass pro-

not, by the life of Pharaoh, ye vender in the inn when he :

are surely spies. espied his money; for, behold,

17 And he put them together it was in the mouth of his
into ward three days. sack.
18 And Joseph said unto them 28 And
he said unto his bro-
on the third day, This do, and thers, My money
hath been re-
live ; I fear God.* stored and, lo, it is even in my

19 If ye be true men, let one sack and their heart failed them,

of your brothers remain impri- and they were afraid, saying one
soned in the house of your con- to another, What is this that God
finement ; but ye, go, carry home
hath done unto us ?
what ye have bought for the 29 And they came unto Jacob
want of your household. their father unto the land of Ca-
20 But your youngest brother na’an, and they told him all that
bring unto me; so shall your had befallen them; saying,
words be verified, and ye shall 30 The man, the lord of the
not die. And they did so. land, spoke roughly to us, and
took us as though we were espy- CHAPTER XLIII.
ing the country. 1 And the famine was sore in
31 And we said unto him, We the land.
are true men ;
we have never 2 And it came to pass, when
been spies: they had completely eaten up
32 We are twelve brothers, the provisions which they had
sons of our father the one is no brought out of Egypt, that their

more, and the youngest is this father said unto them, Go again,
day with our father in the land buy us a little food.
of Cana’an. 3 And Judah said unto him,
33 And the man, the lord of thus, The man did solemnly pro-
the country, said unto us, Here- test unto us, saying, Ye shall not
by shall I know that ye are true see my face, except your brother
men leave one of your brothers be with you.

here with me, and (the food for) 4 If thou wilt send our bro-
the want of your households take ther with us, we will go down
ye and be gone and buy thee food;
34 And bring your youngest 5 But if thou sendest him not,
brother unto me ;
then shall I we will not go down for the man

know that ye are no spies, but said unto us, Ye shall not see my
that ye are true men your bro- face, except your brother be with

ther I will give up to you, and you.

in the land ye shall be allowed 6 And Israel said, Wherefore
to traffic. have ye dealt so ill with me, as
35 And it came to pass as they to tell the man that ye have yet
were emptying their sacks, that, another brother ?
behold, every man’s bundle of 7 And they said, The man in-
money was in his sack and quired particularly concerning

when they saw the bundles of us, and our kindred, saying, Is
their money, they and their fa- your father yet alive? have ye
ther, they were afraid. another brother’ and we told
36 And Jacob, their father, him according to the tenor of
said unto them, Me ye have be- these words could we possibly

reaved of my children Joseph know that he would say, Bring


is gone, and Simeon is gone, down your brother ?

and Benjamin ye will take 8 And Judah said unto Israel
away ; all things are his father, Send the lad with me,
against me. and we will arise and go that

37 And Reuben said unto his we may live, and not die, both
father, thus, Two of my sons we, and thou, as also our little
shalt thou slay, if I bring him ones.
not to thee ; deliver him into my 9 I will be a surety for him
hand, and I will bring him back from my hand shalt thou require
to thee. him if I bring him not unto

38 And he said, My son shall thee, and set him before thee,
not go down with you for his then shall I have sinned against

brother is dead, and he alone is thee all the days.

: and if mischief befall him 10 For, if we had not lingered,
by the way in which ye go, then surely we had now returned the
will ye bring down my gray hairs second time.
with sorrow to the grave. 11 And their father Israel said
an to them, If it must be so now, with him at the door of the
do this take of the best products house,

of the land in your vessels, and 20 And they said, Pardon, my

carry down to the man a present, lord, we came down at the first
a little balm, and a little honey, time to buy food :

soices, and lotus, pistachio-nuts 21 And it came to pass, when

and almonds we came to the inn, that we
12 And twofold money take in opened our sacks, and, behold,
your hand and the money that every man’s money was in the

was put back in the mouth of mouth of his sack, our money in
your sacks, you must carry back its full weight; and we have
in your hand ; peradventure it brought it back in our hand.
was an oversight; 22 And other money have we
13 Also your brother take brought down in our hand to buy
along, and arise, go again unto food we know not who hath put

the man. our money in our sacks.

14 And may God the Almighty 23 And he said, Peace be to
give you mercy before the man, you, fear not; your God, and the
that he may send away to you God of your father, hath given
your other brother, and Benja- you a treasure in your sacks
min. And I, if I am to be be- your money hath come to me.
reaved, let me be bereaved. And he brought Simeon out unto
15 And the men took that pre- them.
sent; and twofold money they 24 And the man brought the
took in their hand, as also Ben- men into Joseph’s house; and
jamin; and they rose up, and he gave them water, and they
went down to Egypt, and stood washed their feet, and he gave
before Joseph.*' provender to their asses.
16 And when Joseph saw Ben- 25 And they made ready the
jamin with them, he said to present before Joseph came home
the superintendent of his house, at noon for they had heard that

Bring these men into the house, they should eat bread there.
and slay, and make read}' ;
for 26 And when Joseph came
with me shall these men dine at home, they brought him the pre-
noon. sent which was in their hand
17 And the man did as Joseph into the house, and bowed them-
had said and the man brought selves to him to the earth.

the men into Joseph’s house. 27 And he asked them after

18 Andthe men were afraid, their welfare, and said, Is your
because they were brought into old father well, of whom ye
Joseph’s house: and they said, spoke? is he yet alive?
Because of the money that came 28 And they answered, Thy
back in our sacks at the first servant, our father, is in good
time are we brought in; that he health, he is yet alive. And they
may seek occasion against us, bowed down their heads, and
and fall upon us, and take us prostrated themselves.
for bond-men, together with our 29 And he lifted up his eyes,
asses. and saw his brother Benjamin,
19 And they came near to the his mother’s son, and said, Is
man who was appointed over this your youngest brother, of
Joseph’s house, and they spoke whom ye spoke unto me ? And
6* c2 65
be said, God be gracious unto! taken them, say unto them.
• !

thee, my son.* Wherefore have ye returned evil

30 And Joseph hastened a way, for good ? ,

for his affection toward his bro- 5 Is not this out of which my
ther became enkindled, and he lord drinketh, and whereby in-

sought to weep and he entered deed he divineth ? ye ha ve done


into his chamber, and wept there. evil in so doing.

31 And he washed his face, 6 And he overtook them, and
and came out, and refrained him- he spoke unto them these same
self, and said, Set on the bread, words.

32 And they set on for him 7 And they said unto him,
by himself, and for them by them- Wherefore will my lord speak
selves, and for the Egyptians, such words as these ? God for-
who did eat with him, by them- bid that thy servants should do
selves because the Egyptians any thing like this.

may not eat bread with the He- 8 Behold the money, which
brews for that is an abomina- we found in the mouth of our

tion unto the Egyptians. sacks, we brought back unto

33 And they sat before him, rhee out of the land of Cana’an :

the first-born according to his how then should we steal out of

prior birth, and the youngest thy lord’s house silver or gold?

according to his youth and the : 9 With whomsoever of thy ser-

men marvelled one at the other. vants it be found, let him die;
34 And he sent portions unto and we also will be bond-men
them from before him but Ben- unto my lord.

jamin’s portion exceeded the 10 And he said, Now also let

portions of all of them fivefold. it be according to your words
And they drank, and were merry he w ith whom it is found shall

with him. be my servant but ye shall be ;

they made haste, and
1 And he commanded the su- every one (of them) took down
perintendent of his house, say- his sack to the ground, and every
ing, Fill the sacks of these men one opened his sack.
with food, as much as they can 12 And he searched, at the
carry, and put every man’s mo- eldest he began, and at the
ney in the mouth of his sack. youngest he left off; and the
2 And my cup, the silver cup, cup was found in Benjamin’s
thou shalt put in the mouth of sack.
the sack of the youngest, and the 13 Then they rent their clothes,
money for his corn. And he did and every one loaded his ass, and
according to the word of Joseph they returned to the city.'*
which he had spoken. 14 And Judah and his bro-
3 As soon as the morning was thers came into Joseph’s house,
light, the men were sent away, and he was yet there and they

they and their asses. fell down before him on the

4 They were gone out of the ground.
city, not yet far off, when Joseph 15 And Joseph said unto them,
said unto the superintendent of What deed is this that ye have
his house, Up, follow after the done? knew ye not that such a

men and when thou hast over-

man as I can certainly divine?
16 And Judah said, What 25 And our father said, Go
shall we say unto my lord ? back, and buy us a little food.
what shall we speak? or how 26 And we said, we cannot go
shall we justify ourselves ? God down if our youngest brother

hath found out the iniquity of be with us, then will we go

thy servants behold we are ser- down
: for we cannot see the

vants unto my lord, both we, as man’s

face, except our youngest
also he in whose hand the cup brother be with us.
was found. 27 And thy servant my father
17 And he said, God forbid said unto us, Ye know that my
that I should do this: the man wife bore me two sons
in whose hand the cup was found, 28 And the one went out from
he shall be my servant,* and as me, and I said, Surely he hath
for you, go you up in peace un- been torn in pieces and I have

to your father. not seen him up to this time.

Haphtorah in 1 Kings iii. 15 to iv. 1. 29 And if ye take this one
also from me, and mischief be-
fall him, ye will bring down my
Sec. 11. VAYIGGASH, vrr
gray hairs with sorrow to the
18 Then Judah came near grave.
unto him, and said, Pardon, my 30 And now, when I come to
lord, let thy servant, I pray thy servant my father, and the
thee, speak a word in my lord’s lad be not with us seeing that

ears, and let not thy anger burn his life is bound up in the lad’s
against thy servant; for thou life ;*
art even as Pharaoh. 31 It will come to pass, that
19 My lord asked his servants, when he seeth that the lad is not
saying, Have ye a father, or a with us, he will die: and thy
brother ? servants would thus bring down
20 And we said unto my lord, the gray hairs of thy servant
We have an old father, and a our father with sorrow to the
little child born in his old age; grave.
and his brother is dead, and he 32 For thy servant became
alone is left of his mother, and surety for the lad unto my fa-
his father loveth him. ther, saying, If I bring him not
21 .And thou saidst unto thy unto thee, then shall I have sin-
servants, Bring him down unto ned against ray father all the
me, that I may set my eye upon days.
him. 33 Now therefore, I pray thee,
22 And we said unto my lord, let thy servant abide instead of
The lad cannot leave his father; the lad as bond-man to my lord ;
for if he should leave his father, and let the lad go up with his
he would die. brothers.
23 And thou saidst unto thy 34 For how shall I go up tc
servants, Except your youngest my father, and the lad be not
bi other come down with you, ye with me? I should perhaps be
shall not see my face any more. compelled to witness the evil
24 And it came to pass, when which would come on my father.
we came up unto thy servant
U*.y father, that we told him the CHAPTER XLV.
words of my lord. 1 Then could Joseph not re-
frain himself before all those the land of Goshen, and thou
that stood by him; and be shalt be near unto me, thou, and
cried, Cause every man to go thy children, and thy children's
out from me. And there re- children, and thy flocks, and thy
mained no man with him, while herds, and all that is thine.
Joseph made himself known un- 11 And I will maintain thee
to his brothers. there ; for there are yet five
2 And he raised his voice in years of famine ; lest thou, and
weeping; and the Egyptians thy household, and all that thou
heard it, and the house of Pha- hast, come to poverty.
raoh heard it. 12 And, behold, your own
And Joseph said unto his eyes see, and the eyes of my
brothers, I am Joseph doth my
brother Benjamin, that it is my
father yet live ? And his bro- mouth that speaketh unto you.
thers could not answer him ; for 13 And ye shall tell my fa-
they were terrified at his pre- ther of all my honour in Egypt,
sence. and of all that ye ha ve seen
4 And Joseph said unto his and ye shall hasten and bring
brothers, Come near to me, I down my father hither.
pray you and they came near
14 And he fell upon his bro-
and he said, I am Joseph your ther Benjamin’s neck, and wept;
brother, whom ye sold into and Benjamin wept upon his
Egypt. neck.
5 But now be not grieved, 15 And he kissed all his bro-
nor be angry with yourselves, thers, and wept upon them ;
that ye sold me hither; for in after that his brothers spoke with
order to preserve life did God him.
send me before you. 16 And the report thereof was
6 For these two years hath heard in Pharaoh’s house, say-
the famine been already in the ing, Joseph’s brothers are come;
land; and there are yet five and it was pleasing in the eyes
years, in which there will be of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of
neither ploughing nor harvest- his servants.
ing. 17 And Pharaoh said unto
7 And God
hath thus sent me Joseph, Say unto thy brothers,
before you to prepare for you a This do ye load your beasts,

permanence on the earth, and to and go, get you unto the land of
save your lives by a great de- Cana’an
liverance.* 18 And take your father and
8 So now was not you that your households, and come unto
sent me hither, but God and he me and I will give you the best
; ;

hath made me a father to Pha- of the land of Egypt, and ye

raoh, and a lord for all his house, shall eat the fat of the land.*
and a ruler throughout all the 19 And thou art commanded,
land of Egypt. This do ye, take unto yourselves
9Haste ye, and go op to my out of the land of Egypt wagons
father,and say unto him, Thics for your little ones, and for your
hath said thy son Joseph, God wives, and take up your father,
hath made me lord of all Egypt; and come.
come down unto me, tarry not. 20 And do ye feel no concern
10 And thou shalt dwell in on account of your household
goods; for the best of all the 3 And he said, I am God, the
land of Egypt is yours. God of thy father fear not to ;

21 And the children of Israel go down into Egypt for a great ;

did so; and Joseph gave them nation will I make of thee there :

wagons, according to the com- 4 I will go down with thee

mand of Pharaoh and he gave into Egypt and I will also
; ;

them provision for the way. surely bring thee up again ;

22 To all of them he gave shall put his Land
to Joseph upon
each changes of raiment ; but to thy eyes.
Benjarmin he gave three hundred 5 And Jacob rose up from
pieces of silver, and five changes JBeer-sheba’ and the sons of :

of raiment. Israel carried Jacob their father,

23 And to his father he sent and their tittle ones, and their
after this manner Ten asses la- wives, in the wagons which Pha-

den with the best things of Egypt, raoh had sent to carry him.
and ten she-asses laden with corn 6 And they took their cattle,
and bread and other food for his and their goods, which they had
father, for the journey. gotten in the land of Cana’an,
24 And he accompanied his and came into Egypt ; Jacob,
brothers on the way, and they de- and all his seed with him :

parted : and he said unto them, 7 His sons, and his sons’ sons
Do not fall out by the way. with him, his daughters, and his
25 And they went up out of sons’ daughters, and all his seed
Egypt, and came into the land he brought with him into Egypt.
of Cana’an, unto Jacob their fa- 8 And these are the names
ther. of the children of Israel, that
26 And they told him, saying, came into Egypt, Jacob and his
Joseph is yet alive ; and that he sons The first-born of Jacob,

is governor over all the land of Reuben.

Egypt. But his heart remained 9 And the sons of Reuben :
cold, for he believed them not. Chanoch, and Pallu, and Chez-
27 But when they told him all ron, and Carmi.
the words of Joseph, which he 10 And the sons of Simeon :

had said unto them and when Yemuel, and Yamin, and Ohad,

he saw the wagons which Joseph and Yachin, and Zochar, and
had sent to carry him the spirit Shaiil the son of the Cana’an-

of Jacob their father revived.* itish woman.

28 And Israel said, Enough 11 And the sons of Levi T

Joseph my son is yet alive: I Gershon, Kehath, and Merari.

will go and see him before I die. 12 And the sons of Judah :

and Onan, and Shelah, and

CHAPTER XLVI. Perez, and Zerach ; but ’Er and
1 And Israel commenced his Onan died in the land of Ca-
journey with all that he had, na’an, and the sons of Perez

and came to Beer-sheba’, and were Chezron and Chamul.

offered sacrifices unto the God 13 And the sons of Issachar:
of his father Isaac. Tola’, and Puvah, and Yob, and
2 And God spoke unto Israel Shimron.
in the visions of the night, and 14 And th.e sons of Zebulun :

said, Jacob, Jacob. And he Sered, and Elon, and Yachleel.

said, Here am I. 15 These are the sons of Leah#
whom she bore unto Jacob in were two souls all the souls of

Padan-aram, with Dinah his the house of Jacob, that came

daughter: all the souls of his into Egypt, were seventy.*
sons and his daughters were 28 And Judah he sent be-
thirty and three. fore him unto Joseph, to direct
16 And the sons of Gad: him beforehand unto Goshen
Zipbyon, and Chaggi, Shuni, and they came into the land of
and Ezbon, ’Eri, and Arodi, and Goshen.
Areli. 29 And Joseph made ready
17 And the sons of Asher: his chariot, and went up to meet
Yimnah, andYishvah, and Yish- Israel his father, to Goshen and

vi, and Beri’ah, and Serach their when he obtained sight of him,
sister; and the sons of Beri’ah he fell on his neck, and wept on

Cheber, and Malkiel. his neck a good while.

18 These are the sons of Zil- 30 And Israel said unto Jo-
pah, whom Laban gave to Leah seph, Let me die now, since I
his daughter, and she bore these have seen thy face, that thou
unto Jacob, sixteen souls. art yet alive.
19 The sons of Rachel, Jacob’s 31 And Joseph said unto his
wife: Joseph, and Benjamin. brothers, and unto his father’s
20 And there were born unto house, I will go up, and tell
Joseph in the land of Egypt Pharaoh, and say unto him, My
Menasse-h and Ephraim, whom brothers and my father’s house.,
Assenath the daughter of Poti- who were in the land of Cana’an.,
phera’, the priest of On, bore are come unto me
unto him. 32 And the men are shepherds,
21 And the sons of Benjamin: for they have been owners of
Bela’, and Becher, and Ashbel, cattle; and their flocks, and
Gera, and Na’aman, Echi, and their herds, and all that they
Rosh, Muppim, and Chuppim, have, they have brought along.
and Ard. 33 And it shall come to pass,
22 These are the sons of Ra- if Pharaoh should haye you
chel, that were born to Jacob: called, and say, What is your
in all fourteen souls. occupation ?
23 And the sons of Dan: Chu- 34 That ye shall say, Owners
shim. of cattle have thy servants been
24 And the sons of Naphtali from our youth even until now,
Yaclizeel, and Guni, and Yezer, both we, as also our fathers; in
and Shillem. order that ye may dwell in the
25 These are the sons of Bil- land of Goshen ; for every shep-
hah. whom Laban gave unto herd is an abomination unto the
Rachel his daughter, and she Egyptians.
bore these unto Jacob, in all
seven souls. CHAPTER XLYII.
26 All the souls that came 1 Then came Joseph and told
with Jacob into Egypt, that Pharaoh, and said, My father
came out of his loins, besides and my brothers, and their flocks,
the wives of Jacob’s sens, were and their herds, and all that
in all sixty and six souls. they have, are come out of the
27 And the sons of Joseph, land of Cana’an; and, behold,-
who were born him in Egypt,!Ithey are in the land of Goshen.
2 And he took some of his 'land of Ra’messes, as Pharaoh

and presented had commanded.

brothers, five men,
them before Pharaoh. 12 And Joseph supplied his
3 And Pharaoh said unto his father, and his brothers, and
brothers, What is your occupa- all his father’s household, with
tion ? And they said unto Pha- bread, in proportion to their fa-
raoh, Thy servants are shep- milies.
herds, both we, as also our fa- 13 And there was no bread in
thers. all the land for the famine was

4 They said moreover unto very sore ; and the land of Egypt
Pharaoh, To sojourn in the land and the land of Cana’an fainted
are we come ; because there is by reason of the famine.
no pasture for the flocks of thy 14 And Joseph gathered up
servants, for the famine is sore all the money that was found in
in the land of Cana’an ; and now the land of Egypt, and in the
let thy servants dwell, we pray land of Cana’an, for the corn
thee, in the land of Goshen. which they bought; and Joseph
5 And Pharaoh said unto Jo- brought the money into Pha-
seph, thus, Thy father and thy raoh’s house.
brothers are come unto thee 15 And when the money failed
6 The land of Egypt is before in the land of Egypt, and in the
thee in the best of the land let land of Cana’an, all the Egyp-

thy father and brothers dwell ; tians came unto Joseph, and said,
let them dwell in the land of Give us bread; fof why should
Goshen ; and if thou knowest we die in thy presence, since the
that there are among them men money is all gone ?
of activity, then appoint them 16 And Joseph said, Give up
rulers over my cattle. your cattle and I will give you

7 And Joseph brought in Ja- for your cattle, if the money be

cob his father, and placed him allgone.
before Pharaoh ,• and Jacob 17 And
they brought their
blessed Pharaoh. Joseph and Joseph
cattle unto ;

8 And Pharaoh said unto Ja- gave them bread in exchange

cob, How old art thou? for horses, and for the flocks of
9 And Jacob said unto Pha- sheep, and for the herds of cat-
raoh, The days of the years of tle, and for the asses and he ;

my pilgrimage are one hundred supplied them with bread for all
and thirty years: few and evil their cattle for that year.
have been the days of the years 18 And when that year was
of my life, and have not attained ended, they came unto him in
unto the days of the years of the the second year, and said unto
life of my lathers in the days of him, We will not hide it from my
their pilgrimage. lord, how that our money with
10 And Jacob blessed Pha- our herds of cattle hath entirely
raoh, and went out from before passed into the possession of my
Pharaoh Ji- lord there is naught left in the

ll And Joseph assigned places sight of my lord, but our bodies,

of residence for his father and and our land.
his brothers, and gave them a 19 Wherefore shall we die be-
possession in the land of Egypt, fore thy eyes, both we and our
in the best of the land, in the land ? buy us and our land 1V-T


bread and we and our land will

be servants unto Pharaoh and ;

Sec. 12. VAYECHEE,
give us seed, that we may live, 28 And Jacob lived in the land
and not die, and that the land of Egypt seveKeen years: and
be not rendered desolate. the days of Jacob, the years of
20 And Joseph bought all the his life, were one hundred forty
rand of Egypt for Pharaoh; for and seven years.
the Egyptians sold every man 29 And when the time of Israel
his field, because the famine pre- drew near that he was to die, he
vailed over them so the land sent to call his son Joseph, and

became Pharaoh's. said unto him, If now I have

21 And as for the people, he found grace in thy eyes, put, I
removed them to the cities, from pray thee, thy hand under my
one end of the borders of Egypt thigh; and deal with me in kind-
even to the other end thereof. ness and truth ; bury me not, I
22 Only the land of the priests pray thee, in Egypt.
bought he not; for the priests 30 But when I shall lie with
had a portion assigned them by my fathers, thou shalt carry me
Pharaoh, and they ate their por- out of Egypt, and bury me in
tion which Pharaoh gave them: their burying-place. And he
therefore they did not sell their said, I will do as thou hast said.
land. 31 And he said, Swear unto
23 Then said Joseph unto the me and he swore unto him and
; ;

people, Behold, I have bought Israel bowed himself upon the

you this day and your land for head of the bed.
Pharaoh lo, here is seed for you,

and sow ye the land. CHAPTER XLVIII.

24 And it shall come to pass 1 And it came to pass after
in the harvest times, that ye shall these things, that some one said
give the fifth part unto Pharaoh to Joseph, Behold, thy father
and four parts shall be your own, is sick and he took his two

for the seed of the field, and for sons with him, Menasseh and
your food, and for those belong- Ephraim.
ing to your households, and for 2 And some one told Jacob,
food for your little ones.*

and said, Behold, thy son Joseph

25 And they said, Thou hast is coming unto thee and Israel ;

saved our lives let us but find strengthened himself, and sat

grace in the eyes of my lord, and upon the bed.

we will be Pharaoh’s servants. 3 And Jacob said unto Joseph,
26 And Joseph made it a sta- God, the Almighty, appeared un-
tute unto this day over the land to me at Luz in the land of Ca-
of Egypt, that Pharaoh should na’an, and blessed me,
have the fifth part; except the 4 And he said unto me, Be-
land of the priests alone became hold, I will make thee fruitful,
not Pharaoh’s. and multiply thee, and I will
27 And Israel dwelt in the make of thee a multitude of peo-
land of Egypt, in the country of ple ; and I will give this land to
Goshen and they had posses- thy seed after thee for an ever-

sions therein, and were fruitful, lasting possession.

and multiplied exceedingly, 5 And now thy two sons, who
flaphtorah in Ezekiel xxxvii. 15 to 28. were born unto thee in the land


of Egypt, before I came unto hands wittingly; although Me-
thee into Egypt, shall be mine nasseh was the first-born.

Ephraim and Menasseh shall 15 And he blessed Joseph,

be unto me as Reiiben and and said, The God, before whom
Simeon. my fathers Abraham and Isaac
6 And thy issue, which thou did walk, the God w ho fed me

begettest after them, shall be from my first being unto this

thine, after the name of their day,
brothers shall they be called in 16 The angel who redeemed
their inheritance. me from all evil, bless the lads
7 And as for me, when I came and let my name be called on
from Padan, Rachel died by me them, and the name of my fathers
in the land of Cana’an on the Abraham and Isaac; and let
way, when yet there was some them grow into a multitude in
distance to come unto Ephrath the midst of the earth.*

and I buried her there on the 17 And when Joseph saw that
way of Ephrath, the same is his father would lay his right
Beth-lechem. hand upon the head of Ephraim,
8 And Israel perceived the it displeased him and he took

sons of Joseph, and said, Who hold of his father’s hand, to

are these ? remove it from the hea.d of
9 And Joseph said unto his Ephraim un4o the head of Me-
father, They are my sons, whom nasseh.
God hath given me in this place. 18 And Joseph said unto his
And he said, Bring them, I pray father, Not so, my father; for
thee, unto me, and I will bless this is the first-boim, put thy right
them.* hand upon his head.
10 Now the eyes of .Israel 19 And his father refused, and
were dim through age, he could said, I know, my son, I know,
not see; and he brought them he also shall become a people,
near unto him, and he kissed and he also shall be great; but
them, and embraced them. truly his younger brother shall
11 And Israel said unto Jo- be greater than he, and his seed
seph, To see thy face I had not shall become a multitude of na-
hoped ; and, lo, God hath shown tions.
me also thy seed. 20 And he blessed them on
12 And Joseph brought them that day, saying, With thee shall
out from between his knees, and Israel bless, saying, God make
he bowed himself with his face thee as Ephraim and Menasseh:
to the earth. and so he set Ephraim before
13 And Joseph took them Menasseh.
both, Ephraim in his right hand 21 And Israel said unto Jo-
toward Israel’s left, and Menas- seph, Behold, I die but God ;

8 eh in his left hand toward Is- will be with you, and bring you

nel’s right, and brought them again unto the land of your fa-
near unto him. thers.
14 And Israel stretched out 22 Moreover I have given un-
his right hand, and laid it upon to thee one portion above thy
Ephraim’s head, who was the brothers, which I took out of the
younger, and his left hand upon hand of the Emorit.e with my
MenasselTs head ;
he laid his sword and with my bow.'*
7 ) ] 73
CHAPTER XLIX. garments in wdne, and in the
1 And Jacob called
unto his blood of grapes his clothes;
sons, and said, Gather yourselves 12 His eyes shall be red from
together, that I may tell you that wine, and his teeth white from
which shall befall you in the last milk.
days. 13 f Zebulun shall dwell at
2 Gather yourselves together, the margin of the seas ; and he
and hear, ye sons of Jacob and ;
shall be at the haven oi ships;
hearken unto Israel your father. and his border shall be near to
3 Reuben, thou art my first- Zidon.
born, my might, and the begin- 14 Issachar is a strong-boned
ning of my strength the excel- ass, crouching down between the

lency of dignity, and the excel- stables.

lency of power (should be thine). 15 And when he saw the rest-
4 Unstable as water, thou shalt ing-place that it was good, and
not have the excellence; because the land that it was pleasant, he
thou wentest up to thy father’s bent his shoulder to bear, and
bed then defiledst thou the one became a servant unto tribute.

who ascended my couch. 16 Dan shall judge his peo-

5 Simeon and Levi are bre- ple, as one of the tribes of Israel.
thren; weapons of violence are 17 Dan shall be a serpent by
their swords. the way, an adder on the path,
6 Into their secret shall my
that biteth the horse in the heels,
soul notcome ; unto their assem- so that his rider falleth back-
bly my spirit shall not be united ward.
for in their anger they slew the 18 For thy salvation, I hope,
man, and in their self-will they 0 Lord.-
lamed the ox. 19 Gad, troops will band
7 Cursed be their anger, for it against him; but he shall wound
is fierce; and their wrath, for it their heel.
is cruel I will divide them in
: 20 Out of Asher cometh fat
Jacob, and scatter them in Is- bread, and he shall yield roya*
rael. dainties.
8 ^ Judah, thou art the one 21 Naphtali is (like) a fleet
thy brothers praise, thy hind hebringeth pleasant words.
shall ;

hand shall be on the neck of thy 22 Joseph is a fruitful bough,

enemies thy father’s children a fruitful bough by a spring the
; ;

shall bow down unto thee. branches of which run over the
9 Like a lion’s whelp, 0 Ju- wall.
dah, from the prey, my son, thou 23 And they embittered his
risest: he stoopeth down, he life, and they shot at hin* ; and
croucheth as a lion, and as a they hated him, the men of the
lioness, who shall rouse him up? arrows.
10 The sceptre shall not de- 24 But his bow abode in
part from Judah, nor a lawgiver strength,and his arms and his
from between his feet; until Shi- hands remained firm from the

loh come, and unto him shall the hands of the mighty God of Ja-
gathering of the people be. cob, from there thou becamest
11 He bindeth unto the vine the shepherd, the stone of Israel.
his foal, and to the vine-branch 25 From the God of thy father.
his ass’s colt; he washeth his! who ! will help thee; and from
the Almighty, who will bless CHAPTER L.
thee, with blessings of heaven 1 And Joseph fell upon his
above, with blessings of the deep father’s face, and wept upon him,
that coucheth beneath, with bless- and kissed him.
ings of the breasts, and of the 2 And Joseph commanded his
womb servants the physicians to em-
26 With the blessings of thy balm his father and the physi-

father that have excelled the cians embalmed Israel.

blessings of my progenitors unto 3 And they fulfilled fcr him
the utmost bound of the ever- forty days; for so they fulfil the
lasting hills: these shall be on days of those that are embalmed
the head of Joseph, and on the and the Egyptians wept for him
crown of the head of him that seventy days.
was separated from his brothers.* 4 And when the days of his
27 Benjamin shall be as a wolf mourning were past, Joseph
that rendeth in the morning he
: spoke unto the house of Pha-
shall devour the prey, and at raoh, saying, If now I have
evening he shall divide the spoil. found grace in your eyes, speak,
28 All these are the tribes of I pray you, in the ears of Pha-
Israel, twelve in number; and raoh, saying,
this is what their father spoke 5 My father made me swear,
unto them, and wherewith he saying, Lo, I die ; in my grave,
blessed them; every one accord- which I have dug for me in the
ing to his proper blessing blessed land of Cana’an, there shalt thou
he them. bury me now therefore let me

29 And he charged them and go up, I pray thee, and I will

said unto them, I am to be ga- bury my father, and return again.
thered unto my people; bury me 6 And Pharaoh said, Go up,
near my fathers in the cave that and bury thy father, as he hath
is in the field of ’Ephron the made thee swear.
Hittite, J. 7 And Joseph went up to bury
30 In the cave that is in the his father, and there went up
field of Machpelah, which is with him all the servants of Pha-
before Marnre, in the land of raoh, the elders of his house,
Cana’an, which field Abraham and all the elders of the land of
bought of ’Ephron the Hittite, E gypt,
for a possession as a burying- 8 And all the house of Joseph,
place, and his brothers, and his father’s
31 (There they buried Abra- house ; only their little ones, and
ham and Sarah his wife ; there their flocks and their herds, they
they buried Isaac and Rebekah left behind in the land of Goshen.
his wife; and there I buried 9 And there went up with him
Leah ) both chariots and horsemen ; and
32 Purchasing the field and the encampment was very great.
the cave that is therein from the 10 And they came to the
children of Heth. thrashing-floor of Atad, which is
33 And when Jacob had made beyond Jordan, and they held
an end of commanding his sons, there a great and very sore la-
he gathered up his feet into the mentation; and he made for his
bed and he departed this life, and
father a mourning of seven days.
was gathered unto his people. 11 And when the inhabitants
of the land, the Cana’anites, saw 20 But as for you, though ye
the mourning at the thrashing- thought evil against me, God
floor of Atad, they said, This is meant it unto good; in order to
a grievous mourning to the Egyp- bring to pass, as it is this day, tc
tians ; wherefore the name of it save alive a numerous people.*
was called Abel-mizrayim, which 21 Now therefore fear ye not,
is beyond the Jordan. I will support you, and your lit-
12 And his eons did unto him tle ones; and he comforted them,
according as he had commanded and spoke kindly unto them.
them ;
22 And Joseph dwelt iu Egypt,
And his sons carried him he, and his father’s house ;
13 and
into the land of Cana’an, and Joseph lived one hundred and
buried him in the cave of the ten years.*
field of Machpelah, which field 23 And Joseph saw of Ephraim
Abraham bought for a posses- children of the third generation
sion, as a burying-place, of ’Eph- the children also of Machir, the
ron the Hittite, before Mamre. son of Menasseh, were brought
14 And Joseph returned unto up upon Joseph’s knees.
Egypt, he, and his brothers, and 24 And Joseph said unto his
all that were gone up with him brothers, I shall die but God ;

to bury his father, after he had will surely visit you, and bring
buried his father. you up out of this land unto the
15 And when Joseph’s bro- land which he hath sworn to
thers saw that their father was Abraham, to Isaac, and to Ja-
dead, they said, Perad venture cob.
Joseph may now hate us; and 25 And Joseph caused the
then he would certainly requite children of Israel to swear, say-
us all the evil which we have ing, God will surely visit you,
done unto him. and then shall ye carry up my
16 And they sent word unto bones from here.
Joseph, saying, Thy father did 26 So Joseph died, being one
command before his death, say- hundred and ten years old ; and
ing, they embalmed him, and he was
17 So shall ye say unto Jo- put in a coffin in Egypt.
seph, Oh forgive, I pray thee, the Haphtorah in 1 Kings ii. 1 to 12.

trespass of thy brothers, and

their sin;
for evil have they done Note.— Haphtorah for the Sabbath, if
unto thee and now, we pray on the day before New Moon, is iu 1

thee, forgive the trespass of the Samuel

xx. 18 to 42.
Reading for Maphtere for Sabbath aDd
servan ts of the God of thy father New Moon, Numbers xxviii. 9 to 15.
and Joseph wept when they spoke Haphtorah for Sabbath and New Moon
in Isaiah lvi. 1 to 24.
unto him. Haphtorah for Sabbath Chanukkah n
18 And went
his brothers also Zeehariah ii. 14 to iv. 7.
and fell down before him and ;
Haphtorah for the second Sabbath
Chanukkah in 1 Kings vii. 40 to 50.
they said, Behold, we will be thy When either of the above is read on
servants. any Sabbath, the usual weekly Hapli-
19 And Joseph said unto them, torah
is omitted. The same is* the case
with all other occasional Haphtoroth,
Fear not, for am I ,n the place which usually take the place of the regu-
of God? lar ones.

SHEMOTH, mot?,

Sec. 13. SHEMOTH, nw. with their burdensome labours;

and it built treasure cities, for
CHAPTER I. Pharaoh, Pithom, and Ra’amses.
1 Now these are the chil- 12 But in the measure that
dren of Israel that came into they afflicted the same, so it mul-
Egypt; with Jacob were they tiplied and so it spread itself
come, every man and his house- out; and they felt abhorrence
hold. because of the children of Israel.
2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and 13 And the Egyptians com-
Judah, pelled the children of Israel to
3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Ben- labour with rigour
jamin, 14 And they made their lives
4 Dan, and NaphtaJi, Gad, and hitter with hard labour, in mor-
Asher. tar, and in bricks, and in all
5 And all the souls that came manner of labour in the field;
out of the loins of Jacob were besides all their other service,
seventy souls together with Jo-
wherein they made them labour
seph who was already in Egypt. with rigour.
6 And Joseph died, with all 15 And
the king of Egypt said
his brothers, and all that gene- Hebrew midwives, of whom
to the
ration. the name of the one was Shiph-
7 And the children of Israel rah, and the name of the other,
were fruitful, and increased abun- Pu’ah ;
dantly, and multiplied, and wax- 16 And he said, When ye do
ed exceedingly mighty and the the office of a midwife to the He-

land was with them.

filled brew women, ye shall have due
8 Now there Tose up a new regard upon the birth if it be :

king over Egypt, who knew not a son, then shall ye kill him;
Joseph. but if it be a daughter, then may
9 And he said unto his people, she live.
Behold, the people of the chil- 17 But the midwives feared
dren of Israel is more numerous God, and they did not as the
and mightier than we : king of Egypt had commanded
10 Come on, let us deal wisely them, but saved the men-chil-
with it lest it multiply, and it
dren alive.*
come to pass, that, when there 18 And the king of Egypt
happen to be a war, it join also called for the mid wives, and he
unto our enemies, and fight said unto them, Why have ye
against us, and depart out of the done this thing, and have saved
land. the men-children alive?
11 And they thereupon did set 19 And the midwives said un-
over it taskmasters, to afflict it to Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew
women are not as the Egyptian 8 And Pharaoh’s daughter said
women ;
for they are lively ; ere to her, Go and the maiden went

the midwife cometh in unto and called the mother of the

them they are deli vered. child.
20 And God dealt well with the 9 And Pharaoh’s daughter said
midwives; and the people multi- unto her, Take away this child,
plied, and waxed very mighty. and nurse him for me, and I will
21 And it came to pass, be- give thee thy wages ; and the
cause the midwives feared God, woman took the child, and nursed
that he made them houses. him.
22 And Pharaoh charged all 10 And the child grew up, and
his people, saying, Every son she brought him unto Pharaoh’s
that is born ye shall cast into the daughter, and he became to her
river, and every daughter ye as a son ; and she called his
shall save alive. name Moses [Mosheh] and she

said, Because out of the water

CHAPTER II. have I drawn him.**
1 And there went a man of 11 And it came to pass in

the house of Levi, and took a those days, when Moses was
daughter of Levi. grown up, that he went out unto
2 And the woman conceived, his brethren, and looked on their
and bore a son and when she burdensome labours; and he saw

saw him that he was a goodly an Egyptian man smiting a He-

child, she hid him three months. brew man, one of his brethren.
3 And when she could no 12 And he looked this way
longer hide him, she took for and that way, and when he saw
him a box of bulrushes, and that there was no one by, he
daubed it with slime and with smote the Egyptian, and hid him
pitch ; and she put the child in the sand.
therein, and laid it amidst the 13 And when he went out the
flags by the brink of the river. second day, behold, two Hebrew
4 And his sister placed her- men were striving together ; and
self afar off, to ascertain what he said unto him that was in the
would be done to him. wrong, Wherefore smitest thou
5 And the daughter of Pha- thy fellow ?
raoh came down to wash herself 14 And he said, Who made
at the river; and her maidens thee a chief and a judge over
walked along by the side of the us ? intendest thou to kill me, as
river ; and when she saw the box thou hast killed the Egyptian ?
among the flags, she sent her And Moses feared, and said,
maid and fetched it. Surely the thing is become
6 And she opened it, and saw known.
the child, and, behold, it was a 15 And Pharaoh heard this
weeping boy ; and she had com- thing, and he sought to slay Mo-
passion on him, and said, This ses ; but Moses fled from the face
is one of the Hebrews’ children. of Pharaoh, and tarried in the
7 Then said his sister to Pha- land of Midian, and he sat down
raoh’s daughter, Shall I go and by a well.
call thee a nurse of the Hebrew 16 Now the priest of Midian
women, that she may nurse for had seven daughters; and they
thee the child ? came and drew water, and fillej
the troughs to water their father’s bush ; and he looked, and, be-
flock. hold, the thorn-bush was burn-
17 And the shepherds came ing with fire, but the thorn-bush
and drove them away; but Moses was not consumed.
arose and helped them, and wa- 3 And Moses said, I must turn
tered their flock. aside, and see this great sight,
18 And when they came to why the thorn-bush is not burnt.
Re’uel their father, he said, 4 And when the Lord saw that
Wherefore are ye come home so he turned aside to see, God called
soon to-day ? unto him out of the midst of the
19 And they said, An Egyp- tliorn-bush, and said, Moses, Mo-
tian man delivered us out of the ses; and he said, Here am I.
hand of the shepherds and he
5 And he said, Draw not nigh
algo drew water for us, and wa- hither; put off thy shoes from
tered the flock. off thy feet; for the place where-
20 And he said unto his daugh- on thou standest is holy ground.
ters, And where is he ? where- 6 And he said, I am the God
fore have ye left the man ? call of thy father, the God of Abra-
him, that he may eat bread. ham, the God of Isaac, and the
21 And Moses was content to God of Jacob; and Moses hid
dwell with the man and he gave his face for he was afraid to look
; ;

Zipporah his daughter to Moses. up to God.

22 And she bore a son, and 7 And the Lord said, I have
he called his name Gershoin ; for truly seen the affliction of my
he said, I have been a stranger people that is in Egypt, and have
in a foreign land. heard its cry by reason of its
23 ^ And it came to pass, in taskmasters ; yea, I know its sor-
this long time, that the king of rows ;

Egypt died and the children of

8 And I am come down to de-
Israel sighed by reason of the liver it out of the hand of the
bondage, and they cried; and Egyptians, and to bring it up out
their complaint came up unto of that land unto a land, good
God by reason of the bondage. and large, unto a land flowing
24 And God heard their groan- with milk and honey; unto the
ing, and God remembered his place of the Cana’anites, and the
covenant with Abraham, with Hittites, and the Emorites, and
Isaac, and with Jacob. the Perizzites, and the Hivites,
25 And God looked upon the and the Jebusites.
children of Israel, and God took 9 Now therefore, behold, the
cognizance of them.* cry of the children of Israel is
come unto me : and I have also
CHAPTER III. seen the oppression wherewith
1 And Moses was keeping the Egyptians oppress them.
Lie flock of Jithro his father-in- 10 And now then go, and I
law, the priest of Midian and will send thee unto Pharaoh, and

be led the flock far away into thou shalt bring forth my people
the desert, and came to the moun- the children of Israel out of
tain of God, to Horeb. Egypt.
2 And an angel of the Lord 11 And Moses said unto God,
appeared unto him in a flame of Who am I, that I should go un-
fire out of the midst of a thorn-! to Pharaoh, and that I should

bring forth the children of Israel thou and the elders of Israel*
out of Egypt? unto the king of Egypt, and ye
12 And he said, Because I will shall say unto him, The Ever-
be with thee ; and this shall be lasting One, the God of the He-
unto thee the token, that I brews hath met with us; and
have sent thee when thou hast
: now let us go, we beseech thee,
broaght forth the people out of a three days’ journey into the
Egypt, ye shall serve God upon wilderness, that we may sacrifice
this mountain. to the Lord our £rod.
13 And Moses said unto God, 19 But I am sure that the
Behold, if I come unto the chil- king of Egypt will not let you
dren of Israel, and say unto go, unless it happen through a
them, The God of your fathers mighty hand.
hath sent me unto you; and they 20 And I will stretch out my
then say to me, What is his hand, and smite Egypt with all
name ? what shall I say unto my wonders which I will do in
them ? the midst thereof; and after that
14 And God said unto Moses, he will let you go.
I WILL BE THAT I WILL BE and I 21 And I will give this people
he said, Thus shaft thou say un- favour in the eyes of the Egyp-
to the children of Israel, I will tians and it shall come to pass,

be hath sent me unto you. that, when ye go, ye shall not go

15 And God said moreover un- empty
to Moses, Thus shalt thou say 22 But (every) woman shall
unto the children of Israel, The ask of her neighbour, and of her
Everlasting One, the God of that sojourneth in her house,
your fathers, the God of Abra- vessels of silver, and vessels of
ham, the God of Isaac, and the gold, and garments and ye

God of Jacob, hath sent me un- shall put them upon your sons,
to you this is my name for ever, and upon your daughters
and ;

and this is my memorial unto all ye shall empty out Egypt.

16 Go, and assemble the elders CHAPTER IV.
of Israel, and say unto them, 1 And Moses answered and
The Everlasting One, the God said, But, behold, they will not
of your fathers, the God of Abra- believe me, nor hearken unto
ham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, hath my voice for they will say, The

appeared unto me, saying, I have Lord hath not appeared unto
surely taken cognizance of you thee.
and of that which is done to you 2 And the Lord said unto
in Egypt him, What is that in thy hand?
17 And I have said, I will and he said, A staff.
bring you up out of the affliction 3 And he said, Cast it on the
of Egypt unto the land of the ground; and he cast it on the
Cana’anites, and the Hittites, ground, and it became a ser-
and the Emorites, and the Periz- pent; and Moses fled from be-
zites, and the Hivites, and the fore it.
Jebusites, unto a land flowing 4 And the Lord said unto
with milk and honey. Moses, Put forth thy hand, and
18 And they will hearken to grasp it by the tail and he put

thy voice and thou shalt come, forth his hand, and laid hold of

it, and it became a staff in his Lord, send, I pray thee, by the
hand. hand of him whom thou wouldst
5 In order that they may be- send.
lieve that there hath appeared 14 And the anger of the Lord
unto thee the Everlasting One, was kindled against Moses, and
the God of their fathers, the God he said, Is there not Aaron, thy
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, brother, the Levite ? I know
and the God of Jacob. that he can speak well and ;

6 And the Lord said farther- also, behold, he cometh forth to

more unto him, Do put thy hand meet thee; and when he seeth
into thy bosom and he put his thee, he will be glad in his heart.

hand into his bosom; and when 15 And thou shalt speak unto
he took it out, behold, his hand him, and put the words in his
was leprous, white as snow. mouth and I will be with thy

7 And he said, Put thy hand mouth, and with his mouth, and
again into thy bosom and he I will teach you what ye shall do.

put his hand again into his 16 And he shall speak for
bosom ; and when he pulled it thee unto the people; and he
out of his bosom, behold, it was shall be, yea he shall be to thee
turned again as his other flesh. as a mouth, and thou shalt be to
8 And it shall come to pass, him as a god.
if they will not believe thee, 17 And this staff shalt thou
neither hearken to the voice of take in thy hand, wherewith
the first sign, that they will be- thou shalt do the signs.*
lieve the voice of the latter sign. 18 And Moses went and re-
9 And it shall come to pass, turned to Jether his father-in-
if they will not believe also these law, and said unto him, Let me
two signs, and will not hearken go, I pray thee,and return unto
unto thy voice, that thou shalt my brethren that are in Egypt,
take of the water of the river, and see whether they be yet
and pour it upon the dry land : alive; and Jithro said to Moses,
and the water which thou shalt Go in peace.
take out of the river shall become 19 And the Lord said unto
blood upon the dry land. Moses in Midian, Go, return in-
10 And Moses said unto the to Egypt; for all the men are
Lord, Pardon, 0 Lord, I am not dead who sought thy life.
a man of words, neither yester- 20 And Moses took his wife
day, nor the day before, nor and his sons, and set them upon
since thou hast spoken unto thy an ass, and he returned to the
servant for I am heavy of
land of Egypt; and Moses took
speech, and heavy of tongue. the staff of God in his hand.
11 And the Lord said unto 21 And the Lord .said unto
him, Who hath given a mouth Moses, When thou goest to re-
to man? or who maketh him turn into Egypt, regard well all
dumb, or deaf, or seeing, or the wonders which I have put
blind ? is it not I the Lord ? in thy hand, and do them before
12 Now therefore go, and I ;
Pharaoh but I will harden his
will be with thy mouth, and I heart, and he will not let the
will teach thee what thou shalt people go.
speak. 22 And thou shalt say unto
13 And he said, Pardon, 0 Pharaoh, Thus hath said the
Lord, My son, my first-born, is they may hold a feast unto me
Israel. in the wilderness.
23 And I said unto thee, Let 2 And Pharaoh said, Who is
my son go, that he may serve the Everlasting, whose voice I
me and thou refusest to let am to obey, to let Israel go ? I

him go so, behold, I will slay know not the Everlasting, nor

thy son, thy first-born. will I let Israel go.

24 And as he was on the jour- 3 And they said, the God of
ney in the inn, the Lord met the Hebrews hath met with us :

him, and sought to kill him. let us go, we pray thee, a three
25 Then took Zipporah a days’ journey into the desert,
sharp instrument, and cut off and sacrifice unto the Lord our
the foreskin of her son, and cast God lest he fall upon us with

it at his feet, and said, Surely a the pestilence, or with the sword.
bloody relative art thou to me. 4 And the king of Egypt said
26 And then he withdrew from unto them, Wherefore do ye,
him when she said, A bloody Moses and Aaron, hinder the

relative, but only in respect of people from their works ? get

the circumcision. you unto your own affairs.
27 And the Lord said to 5 And Pharaoh said, Behold,
Aaron, Go to meet Moses, into the people of the land now are
the wilderness; and he went and many, and ye disturb them in the
met him by the mount of God, pursuit of their labours.
and kissed him. 6 And Pharaoh commanded
28 And Moses told Aaron all on the same day the taskmasters
the words of the Lord wherewith of the people, and its officers,
he had sent him, and all the saying,
signs which he had commanded 7 Ye shall no more give the
him. people straw to make the bricks,
29 And Moses and Aaron as yesterday and the day before
went and assembled all the el- they themselves shall go and
ders of the children of Israel gather themselves straw.
30 And Aaron spoke all the 8 And the number of the
words which the Lord had spo- bricks, which they did make
ken unto Moses; and he did the heretofore, ye shall impose upon
signs before the eyes of the them, ye shall not diminish
people. aught thereof for they are idle;

31 And the people believed: therefore they cry, saying, Let

and when they heard that the us go and sacrifice to our God.
Lord had visited the children of 9 Let the work be made to lie
Israel, and that he had looked heavily upon the men, that they
upon their affliction, then they may have enough to do therein
bowed their heads and pros- and that they may not pay at-

trated themselves.* tention to false words.

10 And the taskmasters of the
CHAPTER V. people and its officers went out,
1 And after that Moses and and they said to the people, say-

Aaron went in, and said unto ing, Thus hath said Pharaoh, I

Pharaoh, Thus hath said the will not give you any straw.

Everlasting One, the God of 1 1 Go ye, get yourselves stra w

Israel, Let my people go, that from wherever ye can find it;

yet not the least shall be taken 22 And Moses returned unto
oft' from your work. the Lord, and said, Lord, where-
12 And the people scattered fore hast thou let so much evil
themselves abroad throughout come upon this people ? why is
all the land of Egypt to gather itthat thou hast sent me ?
stubble instead of straw. 23 For, since I came unto
13 And the taskmasters were Pharaoh to speak in thy name,
urgent, saying, Fulfil your works, he hath done more evil to this
every day its due portion, just people but thou hast in nowise

as when there was straw. delivered thy people.

14 And the officers of the
children of Israel, whom the
taskmasters of Pharaoh had set 1 Then
said the Lord unto
over them, were beaten, as these Moses, Now shalt thou see what
said, Wherefore have ye not ful- I will do to Pharaoh ; for with a
filled your task in making brick strong hand shall he send them
as heretofore, both yesterday and away, and with a strong hand
to-day ? shall he drive them out of his
15 And the officers of the chil- land.
dren of Israel came and cried Haphtorah in Isaiali xxvii. 6 to xxviii.
13, and y. 22 and 23 of xxix. The
unto Pharaoh, saying, Where- Portuguese read Jeremiah i. 1 to ii. 3.
fore deales-t thou thus with thy
servants ?
16 Straw is not given unto
Sec. 14. VAAYRAH, n-w).
thy servants, and, Make bricks, 2 And God spoke unto Mo-
say they to us and, behold, thy
: ses, and said unto him, I am the
servants are beaten, and thy Lord :

people are treated as sinners. 3 And I appeared unto Abra-

17 But he said, Idle are ye, ham, unto Isaac, and unto Ja-
therefore say ye, Let us cob, by the name of God, the
go and sacrifice to the Loud. Almighty; but by my name The
18 And now go, work, and Eternal was I not made known
straw shall not be given you them.
yet the required number of 4 And as I did also establish
bricks shall ye deliver. my
covenant with them, to give
19 And the officers of the unto them the land of Cana’an,
children of Israel saw them- the land of their pilgrimage,
selves in the evil necessity to wherein they sojourned :

say, Ye shall not diminish aught 5 So have I also heard the

from your bricks, every day of groaning of the children of Israel,
its task. whom the Egyptians compel to
20 And they met Moses and labour; and 1 have remembered
Aaron, standing in their way, as my covenant.
they came forth from Pharaoh. 6 Therefore say unto the chil-
21 And they said unto them, dren of Israel/I am the Eternal,
May the Loud look upon you, and will bring you out from un-
and judge ;
because ye have der the burdens of the Egyp-
made our savour to be abhorred tians, and I will release you
in the eyes of Pharaoh, and the from their bondage, and I will
eyes of his servants, to put a redeem you with an outstretched
sword in their hand to slay us.* arm, and with great judgments *

7 And I will take you to me Kehath, and Merari; and the
for a people, and I will be to you years of the life of Levi were one
for a God ; and ye shall know hundred and thirty and seven
that I am the Lord your God, years.
who bringeth you out from un- 17 The sons of Gershon : Lib-
der the burdens of the Egyptians. ni, and Shim/i, according to
8 And I will bring you in un- their families.
to the land, concerning which I 18 And the sons of Kehath
did lift up my hand to give it to ’Amram, and Yizhar, and Che-
Abraham, to Isaac, and to Ja- bron, and ’Uzziel ; and the years
cob ; and I will give it you for of the life of Kehath were one
an heritage I am the Lord.
: hundred and thirty and three
9 And Moses spoke thus unto years.
the children of Israel but they
: 19 And the sons of Merari
hearkened not unto Moses for Machli and Mushi; these are
anguish of spirit, and for cruel the families of Levi according
bondage. to their generations.
10 And the Lord spoke un- 20 And ’Amram took himself
to Moses, saying, Yochebed his aunt for wife and;

1 i Go in, speak unto Pharaoh, she bore unto him Aaron [Aha-
the king of Egypt, that be shall ron] and Moses; and the years
let the children of Israel go out of the life of ’Amram were one
of his land. hundred and thirty and seven
12 And Moses spoke before years.
the Lord, saying, Behold, the 21 And the sons of Yizhar:
children of Israel have not Korach, and Nepheg, and Zichri.
hearkened unto me : how then 22 And the sons of ’Uzzicl:
shall Pharaoh hear me, whereas Mishael, and Elzaphan, and
I am of uncircumcised lips ? Sithri.
13 And the Lord spoke un- 23 And Aaron took himself
to Moses and unto Aaron, and Elisheba’, daughter of ’Ammi-
gave them a charge unto the nadab, sister of Nachshon, for
children of Israel, and unto wife; and she bore unto him
Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to Nadab, and Abihu, ETazar, and
bring forth the children of Israel Ithamar.
out of the land of Egypt. 24 And the sons of Korach :

14 These are the heads of Assir, and Elkanah, and Abias-

their family divisions The sons saph these are the families of

of Reuben the first-born of Israel: the Korchites.

Chanoch, and Pallu, Chezron, 25 And El’azar the son of
and Carmi ; these are the fami- Aaron took himself one of the
lies of Reuben. daughters of Putiel for wife
15 And the sons of Simeon and she bore unto him Phinehas

Yemuel, and Yam in, and Oh ad, [Pinechass]: these are the heads
and Yachin, and Zochar, and of the divisions of the Levites
Shaiil the son of the Cana’an- according to their families.
itish woman ; these are the fami- 26 These are Aaron and Mo-
lies of Sitnecn. ses, to whom the Lord said,
16 And these are the names Bring forth the children of Israel
of the sons of Levi according to out of the land of Egypt accord-
their generations : Gershon, and ing to their armies.
27 These are they that spoke years old, when they spoke untc
to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, Pharaoh.*
to bring forth the children of 8 And the Lord said unto
Israel out of Egypt: these are Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
Moses and Aaron. 9 If Pharaoh shall speak unto
28 And it came to pass on the you, saying, Show a miracle for
day when the Lord spoke unto yourselves then shalt thou say

Moses in the land ofEgypt.* unto Aaron, Take thy staff and
29 % Then spoke the Lord cast it down before Pharaoh it ;

unto Moses, saying, I am the shall become a serpent.

Lord ; speak thou unto Pharaoh 10 And Moses and Aaron went
the king of Egypt all that I in unto Pharaoh, and they did
speak unto thee. so, as the Lord had commanded ;
30 And Moses said before the and Aaron cast down his staff
Lord, Behold, I am of uncir- before Pharaoh, and before his
cumcised lips, and how shall servants, and it became a ser-
Pharaoh hearken unto me? pent.
11 Then Pharaoh also called
CHAPTER VII. for the wise men and the sorce-
1 And the Lord said unto rers ;
and they also, the magi-
Moses, See, I have made thee a cians of Egypt, did with their
god to Pharaoh and Aaron thy secret arts in like manner.

brother shall be thy prophet. 12 And they cast down every

2 Thou shalt speak all that I man his staff, and they became
shall command thee ; and Aaron serpents but Aaron’s staff swal-

thy brother shall speak unto lowed up their staves.

Pharaoh, that he send away the 13 But the heart of Pharaoh
children of Israel out of his was hard, and he hearkened not
land. unto them; as the Lord had
3 And I will harden the heart spoken.
of Pharaoh, and I will multiply 14 And the Lord said untc
my signs and my wonders in the Moses, The heart of Pharaoh is
land of Egypt. obdurate, he refuseth to let the
4 And Pharaoh will not hear- people go.
ken unto you, and I will lay my 15 Get thee unto Pharaoh in
hand upon Egypt, and bring the morning; lo, he goeth out
forth my armies, my people, the unto the water and thou shalt

children of Israel, out of the place thyself opposite to him by

land of Egypt by means of great the brink of the river; and the
judgments. staff which was turned to a ser-
5 And the Egyptians shall pent shalt thou take in thy hand.
know that I am the Lord, when 16 And thou shalt say unto
I stretch forth my hand over him, The Eternal, the God of
Egypt, and bring out the chil- the Hebrews, hath sent me untc
dren of Israel from the midst of thee, saying, Let my people go,
them. that they may serve me in the
6 And Moses and Aaron did wilderness and, behold, thou

as the Lord commanded wouldst not hear, up to this time.
them, so did they. 17 Thus hath said the Lord,
7 And Moses was eighty years By this thou shalt know that I
old, and Aaron eighty and three am the Lord: behold, I will
; :


smite with the staff that is in my after that the Lord had smitten
hand upon the waters which are the river.
in the river, and they shall be 26 *[ And the Lord said unto
turned to blood. Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh, and
18 And the fish that is in the say unto him, Thus hath said
river shall die, and the river the Lord, Let my people g#,
shall stink; and the Egyptians that they may serve me.
shall loath to drink water from 27 And if thou refuse to let
the river. them go, behold, I will smite ah
19 *[ And the Lord said unto thy borders with frogs
Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take 28 And the river shall bring
thy staff, and stretch out thy forth frogs abundantly, and they
hand over the waters of Egypt, shall go up and come into thy
over their streams, over their house, and into thy sleeping-
rivers, and over their ponds, and chamber, and upon thy bed, and
over all their pools of water, that into the house of thy servants,
they become blood; and there and among thy people, and into
shall be blood throughout all the thy ovens, and into thy knead-
land of Egypt, also in vessels of ing-troughs
wood, and in vessels of stone. 29 And upon thee, and upon
20 And Moses and Aaron did thy people, and upon all thy ser-
so, as the Lord had commanded ; vants, shall the frogs come up.
and he lifted up (his hand) with
the staff, and smote the waters CHAPTER VIII.
that were in the river, before the 1 And the Lord said unto
eyes of Pharaoh, and before the Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch
eyes of his servants; and all the forth thy hqpd with thy staff
waters that were in the river over the streams, over the rivers,
were turned to blood. and over the ponds, and cause
21 And the fish that was in the frogs to come up over the
the river died and the river
land of Egypt.
stank, and the Egyptians could 2 And Aaron stretched out
not drink water from the river; his hand over the waters of
and the blood was throughout Egypt; and the frogs came up,
all the land of Egypt. and covered the land of Egypt.
22 And the magicians of 3 And the magicians did so
Egypt did so with their secret with their secret arts, and
arts and the heart of Pharaoh
: brought up the frogs over the
remained hardened, and he did land of Egypt.
not hearken unto them; as the 4 Then did Pharaoh call for
Lord had spoken. Moses and Aaron, and said, En-
23 And Pharaoh turned away treat the Lord, that he may take
and went into his house, and he away the frogs from me, and
did not set his heart to this thing from my people ; and I will lot
also. the people go, that they may
24 And
all the Egyptians dug sacrifice unto the Lord.
in theneighbourhood of the river 5 And Moses said unto Pha-
for water to drink for they;
raoh, Arrogate thyself glory over
could not drink of the water of me for what time shall I en-

the river. treat for thee, and for thy ser-

25 And full seven days elapsed, vants, and for fhy people, to de-
; * ;


stroy the frogs from thee and 15 Then said the magicians
from thy houses, that they may unto Pharaoh, This is a finger
remain in the river only ? of God; but Pharaoh’s heart re-
6 And
he said, For to-mor- mained hardened, and he heark-
row ; and he said, Be it accord- ened not unto them as the Lord

ing to thy word ; in order that had spoken.

*hou mayest know that there is 16 And the Lord said unto
uone like unto the Lord our Moses, Rise up early in the
God, morning, and place thyself be-
7 And the frogs shall depart fore Pharaoh lo, he goeth forth

from thee, and from thy houses, to the water ;

and say unto him,
and from thy servants, and from Thus hath said the Lord, Let
thy people ; only in the river my people go, that they may
shall they remain. serve me.
8 And Moses and Aaron went 17 For if thou wilt not let my
out from Pharaoh ; and Moses people go, behold, I will send
cried unto the Lord on account against thee, and against thy
of the frogs which he had in- servants, and against thy people,
flicted on Pharaoh. and into thy houses various wild
9 And the Lord did according beasts : and the houses of the
to the word of Moses ; and the Egyptians shall be full of the
frogs died out of the houses, out wild beasts, and also the ground
of the courts, and out of fhe whereon they dwell.
fields. 18 And I will distinguish on
10 And they gathered them that day the land of Goshen, in
together in many heaps; and which my people abideth, so
the land stank. that no wild beasts shall be there
11 But when Pharaoh saw to the end thou mayest know that
that there was a respite, he hard- I am the Lord in the midst of
ened his heart, and hearkened the earth.
not unto them as the Lord had
: 1 9 And I will put a distinction

spoken. between my people and thy

12 And Lord said unto
the people; to-morrow shall this
Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch sign be.
out thy staff, and smite the dust 20 And the Lord did so; and
of the earth, and it shall become there came a grievous multitude
licethroughout all the land of of beasts into the house of Pha-
Egypt. raoh, and into the house of his
13 And they did so and ;
servants; and in all the land of
Aaron stretched out his hand Egypt, the land was laid waste
with his staff, and smote the by reason of the wild beasts.
dust of the earth, and the lice 21 And Pharaoh called for
were thus on man, and on beast Moses and for Aaron, and said,
all the dust of the land became Go ye, sacrifice to your Gid in
lice throughout all the land of the land.
Egypt. 22 And Moses said, It is not
14 And the magicians did so proper to do so for the abomi- ;

with their secret arts to bring nation of the Egyptians must wo

Torth the lice, but they could sacrifice to the Eternal our God:
not so were the lice upon man jlo, if we should sacrifice the abo-

and upon beast. Imination of the Egyptians be-

fore their eyes,would they not guish between the cattle of Israel
stone us ? and the cattle of Egypt; and
23 A three days’ journey will not one head shall die of all that
we go into the wilderness, and belongeth to the children of
sacrifice to the Lord our God, Israel.
just as he may say unto us. 5 And the Lord appointed a
24 And Pharaoh said, J will set time, saying, To-morrow will
surely let 3
ou go, that ye may the Lord do this thing in the
Eternal your God
sacrifice to the land.
in the wilderness only do Kot ;
6 And the Lord did this thing
go very far away entreat for me. : on the morrow, and all the cattle
25 And Moses said, Behold, I of Egypt died but of the cattle

am going out from thee, and I of the children of Israel there

will entreat the Lord, and the died not one.
wild beasts shall depart from 7 And Pharaoh sent, and, be-
Pharaoh, from his servants, and hold, there had not died of the
from people, to-morrow;
his cattle of the Israelites even one ;
only not Pharaoh deal deceit-
let but the heart of Pharaoh re-
fully any more, so as not to let mained hardened, and he did
the people go to sacrifice to the not let the people go.
Lord. 8 And the Lord said unto
26 And Moses went out from Moses and unto Aaron, Take
Pharaoh, and entreated the Lord. unto yourselves your hands full
27 And the Lord did accord- of soot of the furnace, and let
ing to the word of Moses ; and Moses throw it heavenward be-
he removed the wild beasts from fore the eyes of Pharaoh.
Pharaoh, from his servants, and 9 And it shall become small
from his people there remained ;
dust over all the land of Egypt,
not one. and shall become upon man and
28 But Pharaoh hardened his beast an inflammation, produc-
heart at this time also, and he ing boils, throughout all the land
did not let the people go. of Egypt.
10 And they took the soot of
CHAPTER IX. the furnace, and stood before
1 And Lord said unto Pharaoh and Moses threw it up
the ;

Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh, and heavenward and it became an ;

speak to him, Thus hath said inflammation, producing boils

the Eternal, the God of the 'He- upon man, and upon beast.
brews, Let my people go, that 11 And the magicians could
they may serve me. not stand before Moses because
2 For if thou refusest to let of the inflammation; for the in-
them go, and still holdest on to flammation was upon the magi-
them, cians, and upon all the Egyp-
3 Behold, the hand of the tians.
Lord will be sent against thy 12 And the Lord hardened
cattle which is in the field, the heart of Pharaoh, and he
against the horses, against the hearkened not unto them as ;

asses, against the camels, against the Lord had spoken unto Moses.
the oxen, and against the sheep; 13 And the Lord said unto
— a very grievous pestilence. Moses, Rise up early in the
4 And the Lord will distin- morning, and place thyself be-
forePharaoh, and say unto him, toward heaven, and there shall
Thus hath said the Eternal, the be hail in all the land of Egypt,
God of the Hebrews, Let my upon man, and upon beast, and
people go, that they may serve upon every herb of the field, in
me. the land of Egypt.
14 Eor at this time I send all 23 And Moses stretched forth
my plagues against thy heart, his staff toward heaven; and the
and against thy servants, and Lord sent thunder and hail, and
against thy people; in order the fire ran down to the ground;
that thou mayest know that and the Lord rained hail upon
there is none like me on all the the land of Egypt.
earth. 24 And there was hail, and
15 For even now I might have fire was flaming up amidst the
stretched out my hand, and I hail, very grievous, the like of
might have smitten thee and thy which had not been in all the
people with the pestilence; and land of Egypt, since it had be-
thou wouldst have been cut off come a nation.
from the earth ;
25 And the hail smote through-
16 But for this cause have I out all the land of Egypt all that
allowed thee remain, in order
to was in the field, both man and
to show thee my power; and in beast; and every herb of the
order that they may proclaim
field did the hail smite, and
my name throughout all the every tree of the field did it
earth.* break.
17 If thou dost yet wantonly 26 Only in the land of Go-
oppress my people, so as not to shen, where the children of Is-
let them go rael were, there was no hail.
18 Behold, then will I let 27 And Pharaoh sent, and
rain, about this time to-morrow, called for Moses and Aaron, and
a very grievous hail, the like of he said unto them, I have sinned
which hath not been in Egypt this time; the Eternal is the
since the day of its foundation righteous, and I and my people
even until now. are the wicked.
19 And now send, and bring 28 Entreat the Lord that there
under shelter thy cattle, and all may be no more of the thunders
that thou hast in the field (for)
of God, and hail; and I will let
every man and beast that shall you go, and ye shall no longer
be found in the field, and shall stay 'here.
not be brought into the house, 29 And Moses said unto him,
upon them shall the hail come As soon as I am gone out of the
down, and they shall die. city, I will spread out my hands
20 He that feared the word of unto the Lord : the thunders
the L)ro among the servants of and the hail shall
shall cease,
Pharaoh made his servants and not be any more in order that ;

thou mayest know how that to

his cattle flee into the houses
21 And he that regarded notthe Lord belongeth the earth.
the word of the Lord left his 30 But as for thee and thy
servants and his cattle in theservants, I know that ye are not
field. yet afraid before the Lord God.
22 And the Lord said unto 31 And the flax and the bar-
Moses, Stretch forth thy hand ley were smitten ; for the barley
8* D 2 89
was in the ear, and the flax was And
they shall cover the
boiled. face of the earth, so that one
32 But the wheat and the shall not be able to see the earth
millet were not smitten ; for they and they shall eat the residue of
are late-ripening.*** that which escaped, which hath
33 And Moses went away from been left unto you from the hail,
Pharaoh out of the city, and and they shall eat off every tree
spread out his hands unto the which groweth for you out of the
Lord and the thunders and
: field:
hail ceased, and the rain was 6 And t!;y houses, and the
not poured out upon the earth. houses of all thy servants, and
34 And when Pharaoh saw the houses of all the Egyptians
that the rain and the hail and shall be full of them; such as
the thunders had ceased, he sin- neither thy fathers, nor thy fa-
ned yet farther, and hardened thers’ fathers have seen, since
his heart, he and his servants. the day of their being upon the
35 And the heart of Pharaoh earth, until this day ; and he
remained hardened, and he did turned himself, and went out
not let the children of Israel go; from Pharaoh.
as the Lord had spoken by the 7 And the servants of Pharaoh
hand of Moses. said unto him, How long shall
Haphtorah in Ezekiel xxviii. 25 to this man be unto us for a snare ?
xxix. 21. let the men go, that they may
serve the Lord their God know- :

est thou not yet that Egypt is

Sec. 15. BO,
destroyed ?
CHAPTER X. 8 And Moses was brought
1 ^ And the Lord said unto back with Aaron unto Pharaoh
Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh; for and he said unto them, Go ye,
I have hardened his heart, and serve the Lord your God who ;

the heart of his servants, in order all are they that shall go ?
that I might display these my 9 And Moses said, With our
signs in the midst of them young and with our old will we

2 And in order that thou may- go ; with our sons and with our
est tell in the ears of thy son, daughters, with our flocks and
and of thy son’s son, the wonders with our herds will we go; for
which I have wrought in Egypt, we are to hold a feast unto the
and my signs which I have Lord.
shown among them ; and ye shall 10 And he said unto them, So
know how that I am the Lord. be the Lord with you, as I will
3 And Moses and Aaron came let you go, together with your
in unto Pharaoh, and said unto little ones look, surely your in- :

him, Thus hath said the Eternal, tentions are evil.

the God of the Hebrews, How 11 Not so; go now ye men,
long yet wilt thou refuse to hum- and serve the Lord, for this you
ble thyself before me? let my peo- desire and they were driven

ple go, that they may serve me. out from Pharaoh’s presence.*
4 For, if thou refusest to let 12 And the Lord said unto
my people go, behold, I w*ill Moses, Stretch out thy hand over
bring to-morrow locusts into thy*, the land of Egypt for the locusts,

boundary. land they shall come up over the

EXODUS } :. xi. bo.
land of Egypt, and eat every darkness over the land of Egypt,
herb of the earth, all that the and it shall be a darkness of the
hail hath left. night.
13 And Moses stretched forth 22 And Moses stretched forth
his staff over the land of Egypt, his hand toward heaven ; and
and the Lord urged an east wind there was a thick darkness in all
over the land all that day, and the land of Egypt three days:
all the night; when it was morn- 23 They saw not one another,
ing, the east wind bore along the neither did they rise, any one
locusts. from his place, for three days
14 And the locusts went up but for all the children of Israel
over the land of Egypt, and
all there was light in their dwell-
rested in all the boundaries of ings.*
Egypt ; in very large masses 24 And Pharaoh called for
before them there were no such Moses, and said, Go ye, serve the
locusts as they, and after them Lord only your flocks and your

there will not be any such. herds shall remain behind also :

15 And they covered the face your little ones may go with you.
of the whole earth, so that the 25 And Moses said, Even thou
earth was darkened ;and they also must give into our hand
ate every herb of the land, and sacrifices and burnt-offerings,
all the fruit of the trees which that we may sacrifice (them) un-
the hail had left: and there was to the Eternal, our God.
not left any green thing on the 26 And also our cattle must go
trees, or on the herbs of the with us, there shall not be left
field, throughout all the land of behind a single hoof, for thereof
Egypt. jnust we take to serve the Lord
16 Then made Pharaoh haste our God and we cannot know

to call forMoses and Aaron and

with what we must serve the
he said, I have sinned against Lord, until we come thit-her.
the Lord your God, and against 27 But the Lord hardened
you. Pharaoh’s heart, and he would
17 And now forgive, I pray not let them go.
thee, my sin only this once, and 28 And Pharaoh said unto
entreat the Lord your God, that him, Get thee away from me
he may take away from me only take heed to thyself, see my face
this death. no more for on the day thou

18 And he went out from Pha- seest my face thou shalt die.
raoh, and entreated the Lord. 29 And Moses said, Thou hast
19 And the Lord turned a spoken well, I will not see thy
very strong west wind, which face again any more.
bore away the locusts, and cast
them into the Red Sea; there CHAPTER XI.
was not left one locust in all the 1 *[ And Lord
said unto
boundary of Egypt. Moses, Yet one plague more will
20 But the Lord hardened I bring upon Pharaoh, and upon
Pharaoh's heart, so that he did Egypt after that he will let you

not let the children of Israel go. go hence when he doth let you

21 And the Lord said unto go, he shall surely thrust you out
Moses, Stretch out thy hand to- altogether from here.
ward heaven, and there shall be 2 Speak now in the ears of the
people and let them ask every Pharaoh’s heart, and he did not
man of his neighbour, and every let the children of Israel go out

woman of her neighbour, vessels of his land.

of silver, and
vessels of gold.
3 And the Lord gave
the peo- XII. CHAPTER
ple favour in the eyes of the 1 *[[ And the Lord spoke unto
Egyptians ; also the man Moses Moses and Aaron in the land of
was very great in the land of Egypt, saying,
Egv pt, in the eyes of Pharaoh’s 2 This month shall be unto
servants, and in the eyes of the you the chief of months the :

people.*' first shall it be unto you of the

4 And Moses said, Thus months of the year.
hath said the Lord, About mid- 3 Speak ye unto all the con-
night will I go out in the midst gregation of Israel, saying, On
of Egypt: the tenth day of this month they
5 And there shall die every shall take to themselves every
first-born in the land of Egypt, man a lamb for every family, a
from the first-born of Pharaoh lamb for every house:
that is to sit upon his throne, 4 And if the household be too
even unto the first-born of the small for a lamb, then shall he
maid-servant that is behind the take it with his neighbour who
mill ; and every first-born of is next unto his house, according
cattle. to the number of the souls; every
6 And there shall be a great man according to what he eateth
cry throughout all the land of shall ye make a count for the
Egypt, the like of which hath lamb.
never been, and the like of which 5 A lamb without blemish, a
will not be any more. male of the first year shall ye
7 But against any of the chil- have; from the sheep, or from
dren of Israel not a dog shall the goats may ye take it.
move his tongue, neither against 6 And ye shall have it in keep-
man nor beast ; in order that ye ing until the fourteenth day of
may know how that the Lord the same month ;
and then the
doth distinguish between the whole assembly of the congrega.
Egyptians and Israel. tion of Israel shall kill it toward
8 And all these thy servants evening.
shall come down unto me, and 7 And they shall take of the
bow themselves down unto me, blood, and put it on the two side-
saying, Get thee out, and all the posts and on the upper door-post,
pe)ple that followeth thee and ;
in the houses, wherein they shall
after that I willgo out and he : eat it.
went out from Pharaoh in a burn- 8 And they shall eat the flesh
ing anger. in that night, roasted by the fire,
9 And the Lord said unto with unleavened bread; together
Moses, Pharaoh will not hearken with bitter herbs shall they eat it
unto you in order that my won-
9 You shall not eat of it raw,
ders may be multiplied in the nor in any wise sodden with
land of Egypt. water; but roasted by the fire;
10 And Moses and Aaron did its head with its legs, and with
all these wonders before Pha- its entrails.
raoh ;
and the Lord hardened I 10 And ye shall not let any

thing of it* remain until morn- of Egypt; therefore shall ye ob-

ing and that which remaineth serve this day in your genera-

of it until morning ye shall burn tions as an ordinance for ever.

with fire. 18 In the first month, on the
11 And thus shall ye eat it, fourteenth day of the month, at
With your loins girded, your evening, shall ye eat unleavened
shoes on your feet, and your staff bread, until the one and twen-
in your hand ;
and ye shall eat tieth day of the month at even-
it in haste, it is passover unto ing.

the Lord. 19 Seven days no leaven shall

12 And I will pass through be found in your houses; for
the land of Egypt in this night, whosoever eateth that which is
and I will smite every first-born leavened, even that soul shall be
in the land of Egypt, both man cut off* from the congregation of
and beast; and against all the Israel, whether he be a stranger,
gods of Egypt will I execute or one born in the land.
judgments: I am the Lord. 20 Nothing that is leavened
13 And the blood -shall be to shall ye eat; in all your habita-
you for a token upon the houses tions shall ye eat unleavened
where ye are and when I see
the blood, I will pass over you ;
21 And Moses called for all
and there shall be no plague the elders of Israel, and said un-
against you to destroy, when I to them, Draw out and take for
smite (others) in the land of yourselves lambs according to
Egypt. your families, and kill the pass-
14 And
this day shall be unto over sacrifice.
you memorial and ye shall
for a : 22 And ye shall take a bunch
celebrate it as a feast unto the of hyssop, and dip in the blood
Lord throughout your genera-
: that is in the basin, and strike
tions, as an ordinance for ever the lintel and the two side-posts
shall ye celebrate it. with the blood that is in the ba-
15 Seven days shall ye eat un- sin and none of you shall go

leavened bread but on the first

out from the door of his house
day ye shall have put away lea- until the morning.
ven out of your houses for who- ;
23 And the Lord will pass
soever eateth leavened bread, through to smite the Egyptians
that soul shall be cut off from and when he seeth the blood
Israel, from the first day until upon the lintel, and on the two
the seventh day. side-posts, the Lord will pass
16 And on the first day there over the door, and will not suffer
shall be a holy convocation, and the destroyer to come in unto
on the seventh day there shall your houses to smite.
be a holy convocation to you no 24 And ye shall observe this

manner of work shall be done on thing, as an ordinance for thee

them, save what is eaten by every and for thy sons for ever.
man, that only may be prepared 25 And it shall come to pass,
by you. when ye be come into the land
17 And ye shall observe the which the Lord will give you,
unleavened bread for on this according as he hath promised,

selfsame day have I brought that ye shall keep this service.

forth your armies out of the land 2-6 And it shall come to pass,
when your children shall say un-|| 35 And the children of Israel
to you, What mean ye by thishad done according to the word

service ? of Moses and they had asked


27 That ye shall say, It is the of the Egyptians vessels of sil-


sacrifice of the passover unto the ver, and vessels of gold, and gar-

Lord, who passed over the houses ments.


of the children of Israel in 36 And the Lord had given

Egypt, when he smote the Egyp- the people favour in the eyes of
tians, and our houses he spared; the Egyptians, so that they gave

and the people bent the head unto them what they required;

and bowed themselves. and they emptied out Egypt.

28 And the children of Israel 37 And the children of Is-
went away, and did as the Lord rael journeyed from Ra’meses to
had commanded Moses and Succoth, about six hundred thou-
Aaron so did they.*
: sand men on foot, beside chil-
29 ^ And it came to pass at dren.

midnight, that the Lord smote 38 And a mixed multitude also

every first-born in the land of went up with them and flocks, ;

Egypt, from the first-born of and herds, a very large amount

Pharaoh that -was to sit on his of cattle.

throne unto the first-born of the 39 And they baked of the

captive that was in the dungeon; dough, which they had brought
and all the first-born of cattle. forth out of Egypt, unleavened
30 And Pharaoh rose up in cakes, for it was not leavened
the night, he, and all his ser- because they were thrust out of
vants, and all the Egyptians; Egypt, and could not tarry, nei-
and there was a great cry in ther had they prepared any pro-
Egypt for there was not a house visions for themselves.

where there was not some one 40 Now the time of the resi-

dead. dence of the children of Israel,

31 And he called for Moses which they dwelt in Egypt, was
and Aaron by night, and said, four hundred and thirty years.
Rise up, get you forth from 41 And it came to pass at the
among my people, both ye and end of the four hundred and
the children of Israel and go, thirty years, and it happened

serve the Eternal, as ye have even on the selfsame day, that

spoken. all the armies of the Lord went
32 Also your flocks and your out from the land of Egypt.
herds take, as ye have spoken, 42 A night to be observed was
and be gone ;
and bless me this unto the Lord to bring them
also. out from the land of Egypt this :

33 And the Egyptians were is that night holy to the Lord,

urgent upon the people, to make to be observed by all the chil-
haste to send them away out of dren of Israel in their genera-
the land ; for they said, We are tions.
all dying. 43 And the Lord said unto
34 And the people took up Moses and Aaron, This is the

their dough before it was yet ordinance of the passover: No


leavened, their kneading-troughs stranger shall eat thereof.


being bound up in their clothes 44 But every man’s servant

upon their shoulders. that is bought for money, whec
thou hast circumcised him, then 4 This day go ye out, in the
shall he eat thereof. .month of Abib.
45 A resident foreigner and a 5 And it shall be, when th6
hired servant shall not eat there- Lord doth bring thee into the
of. land of the Cana’anites, and the
46 In one house shall it be Hittites, and the Einorites, and
eaten thou shalt not carry forth the Hivites, and the Jebusites,

aught of the flesh abroad out of which he hath sworn unto thy
the house and no bone shall ye fathers to give unto thee, a land

break in it. flowing with milk and honey,

47 All the congregation of Is- that thou shalt perform this ser-
rael shall prepare it. vice in this month.
48 And when a stranger so- 6 Seven days shalt thou eat
journeth with thee, and will pre- unleavened bread, and on Oie
pare the passover to the Lord, seventh day shall be a feast to
let all his males be circumcised, the Lord.
and then let him come near and 7 Unleavened bread shall be
prepare it, and he shall be as one eaten these seven days ;
that is born in the land but no there shall not be seen with thee

uncircumcised person shall eat any leavened bread, neither shall

thereof. there be seen with thee any lea-
49 One law shall be to him ven in all thy boundaries.
that is home-born, and unto the 8 And thou shalt tell thy son
stranger that sojourneth among on that day, saying, This is done
you. for the sake of that which the
50 And all the children of Is- Lord did unto me when I came
rael did so : as the Lord had forth out of Egypt.
commanded Moses and Aaron, 9 And it shall be unto thee for
so did they. a sign upon thy hand, and for a
51 And it came to pass on memorial between thy eyes, in
the selfsame day, that the Lord order that the law of the Lord
did bring forth the children of may be in thy mouth; for with
Israel out of the land of Egypt a strong hand hath the Lord
by their armies.* brought thee forth out of Egypt.
10 And thou shalt keep this
CHAPTER XIII. ordinance in its season, from
1 And the Lord spoke unto year to year.
Moses, saying, 11 And it shall be, when the
2 Sanctify unto me all the Lord doth bring thee into the
first-born, whatsoever openeth land of the Cana’anites, as he
the womb among the children hath sworn unto thee and to thy
of Israel, both of man and of fathers, and giveth it to thee,
beast it is mine.
: 12 That thou shalt set apart
3 And Moses said unto the all that openeth the womb unto
people, Remember this day, on the Lord ; and every firstling
which ye came out from Egypt, that cometh of a beast which
out of the house of slavery; for thou shalt have, the males, shall
by strength of hand the Lord belong to the Lord.
brought you out from here 13 And every firstling of an
and no leavened bread shall be ass shalt thou redeem with a
eaten. lamb; and if thou wilt not re-
deem then shalt thou break up my bones away hence with

its neck and all the first-born you.


among thy children shalt thou 20 And they took their jour-
redeem.* ney from Succoth, and encamped
14 And it shall be, when thy in Etham, at the edge of the wil-
son asketh thee in time to come, derness.
saying, What is this? that thou 21 And the Lord went before
shalt say unto him, By strength them by day in a pillar of cloud,
of hand the Lord brought us to lead them the way and by ;

forth out of Egypt, out of the night in a pillar of fire, to give

house of slavery light to them that they might ;

15 And it came to pass, when go by day and by night

Pharaoh obstinately refused to 22 He took not away the pil-
let us go, that the Lord slew all lar of cloud by day, nor the pil-
the first-born in the land of lar of fire by night, from before
Egypt, both the first-born of the people.
man, and the first-born of beast;
therefore do I sacrifice to the
Lord all that openeth the womb, 1 And the Lord spoke unto
being males; but all the first- Moses, saying,
born of my children must I re- 2 Speak unto the children of
deem. Israel, that they turn back and
16 And it shall be for a sign encamp before Pi-hachiroth, be-
upon thy hand, and for front- tween Migdol and the sea; in
lets between thy eyes ; that by front of Ba’al-zephon ; opposite
strength of hand the Lord to this shall ye encamp by the
brought us forth out of Egypt. sea.

Haphtorah in Jeremiah xlvi. 13 to 27. 3 And Pharaoh will say of the

children of Israel, They are en-
tangled in the land, the wilder-
Sec. 16. BESHALLACH, ness hath shut them in.
4 And I will harden the heart
nStto- of Pharaoh, that he shall follow
17 ^ And it came to pass, after them and I will get myself

when Pharaoh let the people go, honour on Pharaoh, and on all
that God did not lead them the his host; and the Egyptians shall
way through the land of the Phi- know that I am the Lord and;

because it was near for

listines, ;
they did so.
God perad venture the
said, Lest 5 And it was told to the king
people repent when they see war, of Egypt that the people had
and return to Egypt. fled and the heart of Pharaoh

18 But God led the people and of his servants was changed
about, by the way of the wilder- with respect to the people, and
ness to the Red Sea and the : they said, What is this whLh we
children of Israel went up armed have done, that we have let Is-
out of the land of Egypt. rael go from serving us ?
19 And Moses took the bones 6 And he made ready his cha-
of Joseph with him; for he had riot, and took his people with
caused the children of Israel to him.
swear, saying, God will surely 7 And he took six hundred
visit you, and ye shall then carry chosen chariots, and all the cha
Egypt, and captains over
riots of staff, and stretch out thy han^
every one of them. over the sea, and divide it; and
8 And the Lord hardened the the children of Israel shall go
heart of Pharaoh, the king of through the midst of the sea on
Egypt, and he pursued after the dry ground.
children of Israel; and the chil- 17 And I, behold, I will hard-
dren of Israel went out with a en the heart of the Egyptians,
Ligh hand.* and they shall follow them and:

9 And the Egyptians pursued I will get myself honour on Pha-

after them, and they overtook raoh, and on all his host, on his
them encamping by the sea, all chariots, and on his horsemen.
the horses and chariots of Pha- 18 And the Egyptians shall
raoh, and his horsemen, and his know that I am the Lord, when
army, beside Pi-hachiroth, be- I have got myself honour on
fore Ba/al-zephon. Pharaoh, on his chariots, and on
10 And when Pharaoh drew his horsemen.
nigh, the children of Israel lifted 19 And the angel of God, that
up their eyes, and behold, the went before the camp of Israel,
Egyptians were marching after removed and went behind them ;
them, and they were greatly and the pillar of cloud removed
afraid; and the children of Israel from before them, and stood be-
cried out unto the Lord. hind them
1 1 And they said unto Moses, 20 And it came between the
Is it because there were no graves camp of the Egyptians and the
in Egypt, that thou hast taken camp of Israel; and it was a
us away to die in the wilderness ? cloud and darkness (to the first),
what is this which thou hast but it gave light by night (to
done to us, to bring us forth out these) and the one came not

of Egypt? near unto the other all the night.

12 Is not this the word that 21 And Moses stretched out
we spoke unto thee in Egypt, his hand over the sea ; and the
saying, Let us alone, that we Lord drove back the sea with a
may serve the Egyptians ? for it strong east wind all that night,
is better for us to serve the Egyp- and made the sea dry land, and
tians than that we should die in the waters were divided.
the wilderness. 22 And the children of Israel
13 And Moses said unto the went into the midst of the sea
people, Fear ye not, stand still, upon the dry ground and the:

and see the salvation of the waters were a wall unto them,
Lord, which he will do for you on their right hand, and on their
to-day; for as ye have seen the left,
Egyptians to-day, ye shall not 23 And the Egyptians pur-
see them again any more for sued, and went in after them, all
ever. Pharaoh’s horses, his chariots,
14 The Lord will fight for you, and his horsemen, to the midst
and ye shall hold your peace.* of the sea.
15 And the Lord said unto 24 And it came to pass in the
Moses, Wherefore criest thou un- morning watch, that the Lord
to me ? speak unto the children looked unto the camp of the
of Israel, that they go forward Egyptians with the pillar of fire
16 But do thou lifi up thy and of the cloud, and brought
9 j J 97
into confusion the camp of the hath triumphed gloriously: the
Egyptians; horse and his rider hath he
25 And he took wheels thrown into the sea.
off the
of their chariots, and caused 2 My strength and song is the
them to move onward with diffi- Lord, and he is become ray sal-
culty; and the Egyptians said, vation he is my God, and [ will

Let us flee from the face of Is- declare his praise, the God ol my
rael; for the Lord fighteth for father, and I will exalt him.
them against the Egyptians.* 3 The Eternal is the lord of
26 And the Lord said unto war: the Eternal is his name.
Moses, Stretch out thy hand 4 The chariots of Pharaoh and
over the sea, and the waters shall his host hath he hurled into the
return over the Egyptians, over sea and the chosen of his cap-

their chariots, and over their tains are sunk in the Red Sea.
horsemen. 5 The depths have covered
27 And Moses stretched forth them they went down to the

his hand over the sea, and the bottom as a stone.

sea returned, when the morning 6 Thy right hand, 0 Lord, is
appeared, to its strength ; while become glorious in power thy :

the Egyptians were fleeing right hand, 0 Lord, hath dashed

against it and the Lord over- in pieces the enemy.

threw the Egyptians in the midst 7 And in the greatness of thy

of the sea. excellency hast thou overthrown
28 And the waters returned, those that rose up against thee :

and covered the chariots, and thou didst send forth thy wrath,
the horsemen, with all the host it consumed them as stubble.
of Pharaoh that came after them 8 And with the breath of thy
into the sea there remained of nostrils the waters were heaped

them not even one. up together, the floods stood up-

29 But the children of Israel right as a wall congealed were

walked upon dry ground in the the depths in the heart of the sea.
midst of the sea; and the waters 9 The enemy, said, I will pur-
were unto them a wall on their sue, I will overtake, I will divide
right hand, and on their left. the spoil my desire shall be

30 Thus the Lord saved Israel satisfied upon them I will dra w

on that day out of the hand of my sword, my hand shall destroy

the Egyptians; and Israel saw them.
the Egyptians dead upon the 10 Thou didst blow with thy
shore of the sea. wind, the sea covered them they :

31 And Israel saw that great sunk as lead in mighty waters.

power which the Lord had shown 11 Who is like unto thee, 0
on the Egyptians: and the peo- Lord, among the mighty? who
ple feared the Lord, and they is like unto thee, glorious in holi-
believed in the Lord, and in ness, fearful in praises, doing
Moses his servant. wonders ?
12 Thou didst stretch out thy
CHAPTER XV. right hand, the earth swallowed
1 Then sang Moses and the them.
children of Israel this song unto 13 Thou leadest forth in thy
the Lord, and thus did they say, kindness the people thou hast
I will sing unto the Lord, for he redeemed thou guidest it in thy

strength unto the habitation of but they could not drink the wa-
thy holiness. ters of Marah, for they were
14 Nations hear it and trem- •
bitter therefore they called its

ble sorrow seizeth the inhabit-

: name Marah.
ants of Palestine. 24 And the people murmured
15 Then were troubled the s against Moses, saying, What
dukes of Edom; the mighty men shall we drink ?
of Moab, trembling seizeth them; 25 And he cried unto the Lord ;
faint-hearted become all the in- and the Lord showed him a tree,
habitants of Cana’an. which he cast into the waters,
16 Fear and dread shall fall and the waters were made sweet:
upon them; by the greatness i
there he made for them a statute
of thy arm they shall be still and an ordinance, and there he
as a stone : till thy people pass :
proved them,
over, 0 Lord, till this people 26 And he said, If thou wilt
pass over, which thou hast pur- diligently hearken to the voice
chased. of the Lord thy God, and wilt
17 Thou wilt bring them, and do that which is right in his
plant them on the mountain of eyes, and wilt give ear to his
thy inheritance, the place, 0 commandments, and wilt keep
Lord, which thou hast wrought all his statutes: I will put none of
for thy residence, the sanctuary,those diseases upon thee, which
0 Lord, which thy hands have I have brought upon the Egyp-
established. tians ; for I the Lord am thy
18 The Lord will reign for physician.*
ever and ever. 27 And they came to Elim,
19 For the horse of Pharaoh and there were twelve wells of
went in with his chariots and water, and seventy palm-trees:
with his horsemen into the sea, and they encamped there by the
and the Lord brought again water.
upon them the waters of the sea:
but the children of Israel went CHAPTER XVI.
on dry ground through the midst 1 Andthey took their journey
of the sea. from Elim, and all the congre-
20 Then took Miriam the gation of the children of Israel
prophetess, the sister of Aaron, came unto the wilderness of Sin,
a timbrel in her hand and all
which is between Elim and Sinai,
the women went out after her on the fifteenth day of the second
with timbrels and with dances. month after their departing cut
21 And Miriam began her song of the land of Egypt.
to them, Sing ye to the Lord, for 2 And the whole congregation
he hath triumphed gloriously of the children of Israel mur-
the horse and his rider hath he mured against Moses and Aaron
thrown into the sea. in the wilderness
22 And Moses caused Israel 3 And the children of Israel
to depart from the Red Sea, and said unto them,
ould to God
they went out into the wilderness that we had died by the hand of
of Shur; and they went three the Lord in the land of Egypt,
days in the wilderness, and found when we sat by the flesh-pot,
no water. when we ate bread to the full
23 And they came to Marah;! for ye have brought us forth into

this wilderness, to kill thiswhole ings of the children of Israeli
assembly with hunger. speak unto them, saying, To-
4 f Then said the Lord unto ward evening ye shall eat flesh,
Moses, Behold, I will let rain for and in the morning ye shall be
you bread from heaven; and the filled with bread; and yp shall
people shall go out and gather a know that I am the Eternal your
certain portion every day, in order God.
that I may prove it, whether it 13 And it came to pass, that
will walk in my law, or not. at evening the quails came up,
5 And it shall come to pass, and covered the camp; and in
on the sixth day, when they the morning there was a layer
prepare what they shall have of dew' round about the camp.
brought in, that it shall be twice 14 And when the layer of dew
as much as they shall gather was gone up, behold, there was
daily. upon the face of the wilderness
6 And Moses and Aaron said something fine in grains, small
unto all the children of Israel, as the hoar-frost, on the
At evening, then shall ye know ground.
that it is the Lord who hath 15 And when the children of
brought you out from the land Israel saw it, they said one to
of Egypt another, It is manna, for they
7 And in the morning, then knew not what it was; and Mo-
shall ye see the glory of the. ses said unto them, This is the
Lord ;
since he heareth your bread which the Lord hath given
murmurings against the Lord; you to eat.
and what are we, that ye should 16 This is the thing which the
murmur against us? Lord hath commanded, Gather
8 And Moses said, When the of it every man according to his
Lord giveth you in the evening eating; an ’omer for every head,
flesh to eat, and bread in the according to the number of your
morning to the full since the persons that every man hath in

Lord heareth your murmurings his tent, shall ye take.

which ye murmur against him : 17 And the children of Israel
what are we then ? not against did so ; and they gathered, some
us are your murmurings, but much, some little.
against the Lord. 18 And when they measured
9 And Moses said unto Aaron, it with an ’omer, he that had
Say unto all the congregation of gathered much had nothing over,
the children of Israel, Come near and he that had gathered little
before the Lord ;
for he hath had no lack every man accord-

heard your murmurings. ing to his eating, had they ga-

10 And it came to pass, as thered.
Aaron was speaking unto the 19 And Moses said, Let no
whole congregation of the chil- man leave of it till the inornin/.
dren of Israel, that they turned 20 But they hearkened not
round toward the wilderness, unto Moses; but some men left
and, behold, the glory of the of it until morning, and it bred
Lord appeared in the cloud.* worms, and stank; and Moses
11 And the Lord spoke un- was wroth with them.
to Moses, saying, 21 And so they gathered it
12 1 have heard the murrnur- every morning, every man ac-
cording to liis eating and when ;
32 And Moses said, This is
the sun waxed hot, it melted. the thing which the Lord hath
22 And it came to pass on commanded, One \>mer-full of it
the sixth day, that they gathered is to be kept for your genera-
twofold bread, two 'omers for tions; in order that ye may see
every one; and all the rulers of the bread which I gave you to
the congregation came and told eat in the wilderness, when I
it to M'oses. brought you forth out of the
23 And he said unto them, land of Egypt.
This is 33 And
what the Lord hath spo- Moses said unto
ken, A rest, unto Aaron, Take a flask, and put
a holy rest is
the Lord to-morrow that which therein an ’omer-full of manna,

ye will bake bake to-day, and and lay it up before the Lord,
what ye will seethe seethe to- to be kept for your generations.
day and all the remainder lay
34 As the Lord had com-
up for you to be kept until the manded Moses, so did Aaron lay
morning. it up before the Testimony, to
24 And they laid it up till the be kept.
morning, as Moses had bidden 35 And the children of Israel
and it did not stink, nor was ate the manna forty years, until
there any worm therein. they came to an inhabited laud
25 And Moses said, Eat it to- the manna they did eat, until
day for a sabbath is this day they came unto the borders of

unto the Lord: to-day ye will the land of Cana’an.

not find it in the field. 36 But the ’omer is a tenth
26 Six days shall ye gather part of an ephah.*
it; but on the seventh day, the
sabbath, on it there shall be none. CHAPTER XVII.
27 And it came to pass on the the congregation
1 And all
seventh day, that there went out
of the children of Israel jour-
some of the people to gather; neyed from the wilderness of
but they found nothing. Sin, after their journeyings, by
28 And the Lord said unto the order of the Lord; and they
Moses, How long refuse ye to encamped in ltephidim, and
keep my commandments and my there was no water for the peo-
laws ? ple to drink.
29 See, that the Lord hath 2 And the people quarrelled
given you the sabbath, there- with Moses, and said, Give us
fore he giveth you on the sixthwater that we may drink; and
day bread for two days remain Moses said unto them.
will Why
ye, every man in his place, letye quarrel with me? why will
no man go out of his place on ye tempt the Lord?
the seventh day. 3 And the people thirsted
30 So the people rested on there for water; and the people
the seventh day. murmured against Moses, and
31 And the house of Israel said, For what purpose is it that
called the name thereof Manna thou hast brought us up out of
[Man] and it was like corian- Egypt, to kill me and my chil-

der-seed, white, and its taste dren and my cattle with thirst ?
was like wafers made with 4 And Moses cried unto the
honey. Lord, saying, What shall I do
9* 101
unto this people? but little is ’Amalek and his people with the
wanting and they will stone me. edge of the sword.*
5 And the Lord said unto 14 And the Lord said urto
Moses, Pass on before the peo- Moses, Write this for a memo! al
ple, and take with thee some of in the book, and rehearse it in
the elders of Israel and thy
the ears of Joshua’; for I will
staff, wherewith thou smotest the utterly blot out the remembrance
river, take in thy hand, and go. of ’Amalek from under the
6 Behold, I will be standing heavens.
before thee there upon the rock 15 And Moses built an altar,
at Horeb; and thou shalt smite and called its name Adonay
the rock, and there shall come Nissy [The Lord is my Banner].
out from it water, and the peo- lfi And he said, Because the

ple shall drink; and Moses did Lord hath sworn on his throne,
so before the eyes of the elders that the Lord will have war
of Israel. with ’Amalek from generation to
7 And he called the name of generation.
the place Massah and Meribah; Haphtorah in Judges iv. 4 to v. 31.
because of the quarrelling of the The Portuguese commence at v. 1.

children of Israel, and because

they tempted the Lord, saying*
Is then the Lord among us, or
Sec. 17. YITHRO, w.
not ?
8 Then came ’Amalek, and 1 And Jithro, the priest of
fought with Israel in Rephidim. Midian, Moses’ father-in-law,
9 And Moses said unto Jo- heard all that God had done for
shua’, Choose for us men, and Moses, and for Israel his people,
go out, fight with ’Amalek; to- that the Lord had brought forth
morrow I will stand on the top Israel out of Egypt.
of the hill with the staff of God 2 Then took Jithro, the father-
in my hand. in-law of Moses, Zipporah, the
10 And Joshua’ did as Moses wife of Moses, after he had sent
had said to him, to fight with her back,
’Amalek; and Moses, Aaron, 3 And her two sons ; of whom
and Chur went up to the top of the name of the one was Ger-
the hill. shom for he said, I have been

11 And it came to pass, when a stranger in a foreign land:

Moses held up his hand, that 4 And the name of the other
Israel prevailed: and when he was Eli’ezer; for the God of my
let down hi3 hand, that ’Amalek father was my help, and deliv-
prevailed. ered me from the sword of Pha-
12 But when the hands of raoh.
Moses became heavy, they took 5 And Jithro, the father-in-
a stone, and put it under him, law of Moses, came with his sons
and he sat thereon; and Aaron and his wife unto Moses, unto
and Chur supported his hands, the wilderness, where he was
one on one side, and the other encamped at the mount of Goa.
on the other side: and his hands 6 And he sent word unto Mo-
were steady until the going down ses, I thy father-in-law Jithrc
of the sun. am coming unto thee, with thy
13 And Joshua’ discomfited wife, and her two sous with her.
7 And Moses wentout to meet jfather-in-law, Because the peo-
his father-in-law, and bowed ple cometh unto me to inquire

himself, and kissed him; and of God. <

they asked each other after their 16 When they have a matter
welfare; and they went into tho of dispute, they come unto me

ten t. and I judge between one and the


8 And Moses told his father- other, and I make

< them know
in-law all which the Lord had the statutes of God,
i and his laws.
done unto Pharaoh and to the 17 And the father-in-law of
Egyptians on account of Israel; Moses said unto him, The thing

all the hardship which had come that thou doest is not good.
upon them by the way, and how 18 Thou wilt surely wear
the Lord had delivered them. away, both thou, and this peo-
9 And Jithro rejoiced over all ple that is with thee; for the
the goodness which the Lord thing is too heavy for thee; thou
had done to Israel, that he had wilt not be able to perform it by
delivered it out of the hand of thyself alone.
the Egyptians. 19 Now hearken unto my
10 And Jithro said, Blessed voice, I will give thee counsel,
be the Lord, who hath delivered and may God be with thee, Be
you out of the hand of the Egyp- thou for the people a mediator
tians, and out of the hand of with God, that thou mayest
Pharaoh, who hath delivered the bring the causes unto God.
people from under the hand of 20 And thou shalt explain to
the Egyptians. them the statutes and the laws;
11 Now I know that the Eter- and thou shalt make them know
nal is great above all gods; for the way wherein they must walk,
by the very thing wherein they and the work that they must do.
sinned presumptuously was pu- 21 Moreover, thou shalt select
nishment brought upon them. out of all the people able men,
12 And Jithro, the father-in- such as fear God, men of truth,
law of Moses, offered a burnt- hating (their own) gain; and
offering and sacrifices unto God place these over them, as rulers
and Aaron came, with all the of thousands, rulers of hundreds,
elders of Israel, to eat bread rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.
w ith the father-in-law of Moses,
22 And let them judge the
before God.* people at all times and it shall

13 And it came to pass on the be, that every great matter they

morrow, that Moses sat to judge shall bring unto thee, but every

the people and the people stood small matter they shall judge

around Moses from the morning themselves: so shall it be easier


unto the evening. for thee, when they shall bear

14 And the father-in-law of with thee.
Moses saw all that he did to the !23 If thou wilt do this thing,
people: and he said, What is and God commandeth it thee,

this thing that thou doest to the then wilt thou be able to endure;

people ? why sittest thou thyself .and also the whole of this people
alone, and all the people stand- will come to its place in peace.*
eth around thee from morning ;
24 And Moses hearkened to
until evening? the voice of his father-in-law,
15 And Moses said unto his and did all that he had said.

25 And Moses chose able men which the Lord had commanded
out of all Israel, and placed them him.
as Leads over the people, rulers 8 And all the people answered
of thousands, rulers of hundreds, unanimously, and said, All that
rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. the Lord hath spoken wi.l we
26 And they judged the peo- do; and Moses returned the
ple at all times; any difficult words of the people unto the
cause they brought unto Moses, Lord.
but every small cause they 9 And the Lord said unto
judged themselves. Moses, Behold, I will come unto
27 And Moses dismissed his thee in a thick cloud, for the
father-in-law; and he went his sake that the people may hear
way unto his own land.* when I speak with thee, and
that also in thee they shall be-
CHAPTER XIX. lieve for ever: and Moses told
1 ®f[ In the third month, after the words of the people unto the
the children of Israel were gone Lord.
forth out of the land of Egypt, 10 And the Lord said unto
the same day they came into the Moses, Go unto the people, and
wilderness of Sinai. sanctify them to-day and to-
2 For they had departed from morrow, and let them wash their
Rephidim, and they came to the clothes.
desert of Sinai, and encamped 11 And they shall be ready
in the wilderness; and Israel against the third day ;
for on the
encamped there opposite the third day will the Lord come
mount. down, before the eyes of all the
3 And Moses went up unto people, upon Mount Sinai.
God, and the Lord called unto 12 And thou shalt set bounds
him from the mount, saying, unto the people, round about,
Thus shalt thou say to the house saying, Take heed to yourselves,
of Jacob, and tell the children of that ye go not up into the mount,
Israel nor touch the border of it; who-
4 Ye have yourselves seen soever toucheth the mount shall
what I have done unto the Egyp- surely be put to death.
tians, and how I bore you on 13 Yet not a hand shall touch
eagles’ wings, and brought you him, but he shall surely be
unto myself. stoned, or shot through; whe-
5 Now therefore, if you will ther it be beast or man, it shall
truly obey my voice, and keep not live; when the trumpet
my covenant, then shall ye be soundeth long, they may come
unto me a peculiar treasure up to the mount.
above all nations; for all the 14 And Moses went down
earth is mine from the mount unto the people,
6 And ye shall be unto me a and sanctified the people: and
kingdom of priests, and a holy they washed their clothes.
nation; these are the words 15 And he said unto the
which thou shalt speak unto the people, Be ready against the
children of Israel. third day; approach not unto a
7 And Moses came and called woman.
for the elders of the people, and 16 And it came to pass on the
laid before them all the?e words third day when it was morning,
that there were thunders and CHAPTER
lightnings, and a heavy cloud 1 And God spoke all these
was upon the mount, and the words, saying,
voice of the cornet was exceed- 2 I am the Lord thy God,
ingly loud; so that all the peo- who have brought thee out r i
ple that were in the camp trem- the land of Egypt, out of the
hled. house of slavery.
17 And Moses brought forth 3 Thou shalt have no other
the people out of the camp to gods before me.
meet with God; and they placed 4 Thou shalt not make unto
themselves at the foot of the thyself any graven image, or any
mount. likeness of any thing that is in
18 And mount Sinai smoked heaven above, or that is on the
in every part, because the Lord earth beneath, or that is in the
had descended upon it in fire; water under the earth.
and the smoke thereof ascended 5 Thou shalt not bow thyself
as the smoke of a furnace, and down to them, nor serve them
the whole mount quaked greatly. for I the Lord thy God am a
19 And the voice of the cor- jealous God, visiting the iniquity
net went on, and waxed louder of the fathers upon the children,
and louder Moses spoke, and unto the third and fourth gene-

God answered him with a loud ration of them that hate me ;

voice.* 6 And showing kindness unto

20 And the Lord came down the thousandth generation of
upon mount Sinai, on the top of them that love me, and keep my
the mount and the Lord called commandments.

Moses up to the top of the mount, 7 Thou shalt not take the
and Moses went up. name of the Lord thy God in
21 And the Lord said unto vain for the Lord will not hold

Moses, Go down, charge the peo- him guiltless that taketh his
ple, lest they break through un- name in vain.
to the Lord to gaze, and many 8 ^f Remember the sabbath
of them might perish. day to keep it holy.
22 And the priests also, who 9 Six days shalt thou labour,
come near to the Lord, shall and do all thy work.
sanctify themselves lest the
: 10 But the seventh day is the
Lord break forth among them. sabbath in honour of the Lord
23 And Moses said unto the thy God: on it thou shalt not do
Lord, The people cannot come any work, neither thou, nor thy
up to mount Sinai for thou hast son, nor thy daughter, thy man-

charged us, saying, Set bounds servant, nor thy maid-servant,

about the mount and sanctify it. nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
24 And the Lord said unto that is within thy gates
him, Go, get thee down, and then 11 For in six days the Lort
shalt thou come up, thou, and made the heavens and the earth,
Aaron with thee but the priests the sea, and all that is in them,

and the people shall not break and rested on the seventh day;
through to come unto the Lord, therefore the Lord blessed the
lest he break forth among them. sabbath day, and hallowed it.
25 So Moses went down unto 12 Honour thy father and
ihe people, and spoke unto them. thy mother; in order that thy
days may be prolonged upon the name to be mentioned, I will
land which the Lord thy God •come unto thee, and I will bless
giveth thee. thee.
13 Thou shalt not kill. 22 And if thou wilt make me
Thou shalt not commit adul- an altar of stone, thou shalt not
tery. build it of hewn stone; for if
Thou shalt not steal. thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou
Thou shalt not bear false hast polluted it.
witness against thy neighbour. 23 Neither shalt thou go up
14 Thou shalt not covet thy by steps upon my altar, that
neighbour’s house. thy nakedness be not laid open
Thou shalt not covet thy thereon.
neighbour’s wife, nor his man- Haphtorah in Isaiah vi. 1 to 13. The
servant, nor his maid-servant, Germans read to vii. 6, and add ix. 5
and 6.
nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any
thing that is thy neighbour’s.
15 And all the people per- Sec. 18. MISHPAHTIM,
ceived the thunders, and the
lightnings, and the sound of the
cornet, and the mount smok- CHAPTER XXL
ing and when the people saw
1 And these are the laws
it, they removed trembling, and of justice which thou shalt set

stood afar off. before them.

16 And they said unto Moses, 2 If thou buy a Hebrew ser-
Speak thou with us, and we will vant, six years shall he serve ;
hear ; but let not God speak with and in the seventh he shall go
us, lest we die. out free for nothing.
17 And Moses said unto the 3 If he came in by himself,
people, Fear not ; for in order to he shall go out by himself: if he
prove you, did God come, and in was the husband of a woman,
order that his fear may be before then shall his wife go out with
your faces, that ye sin not. him.
18 And the people stood afar 4 If his master should give
off, and Moses drew near unto him a wife, and she bear him
the thick darkness where God sons and daughters the wife :

was.* and her children shall belong to

19 And the Lord said unto her master, and he shall go out
Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto by himself.
the children of Israel, Ye have 5 And if the servant should
seen that from heaven I have plainly say, I love my master,
spoken with you. my wife, and my children ; I will
20 Ye shall not make any not go out free :

Ihing with me gods of silver,

6 Then shall his master bring
and gods of gold ye shall not him unto the judges, and he shall
make unto yourselves. bring him to the door, or unto
21 An altar of earth shalt thou the door-post and his master

make unto me, and shalt sacri- shall bore his ear through with
ficethereon thy burnt-offerings, an awl and he shall serve him

and thy peace-offerings, thyj till the jubilee.


sheep, and thy oxen: in every 7

I And if a man sell his
place where I shall permit my daughter for a maid-servant, she

shall not go out as the men-ser- his time, and shall cause him to
vants go out. be thoroughly healed.**'
8 If she please not her master, 20 ^ And if a man smite his
to whom he hath assigned her, servant or his maid, with a rod,
then shall he aid her to be re- and he die under bis hand, it
deemed unto a strange nation shall be surely avenged.

he shall have no power to sell 21 Nevertheless, if he con-

her, seeing he hath dealt faith- tinue alive a day or two, it shall
lessly with her. not be avenged; for he is his
9 And if he should assign her money.
unto his son, then shall he do 22 If men strive, and hurt
unto her after the right of the a woman with child, so that her
daughters. children depart from her, and
10 If he take himself another yet no farther mischief follow
wife, her food, her raiment, and he shall be surely punished (with
her duty of marriage, shall he a fine), according as the husband
not diminish. of the woman will lay upon him;
11 And if he do not these and he shall pay this by the de-
three things unto her, then shall cision of the judges.
she go out free, without money. 23 And if any mischief fol-
12 He that smiteth a man, low, then shalt thou give life for
so that he die, shall surely be life,
put to death. 24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth,
13 And if he did not lie in hand for hand, foot for foot,
wait, but God let it come into his 25 Burning for burning, wound
hand, then will I appoint thee a for wound, bruise for bruise.
place whither he shall flee. 26 And if a man smite the
14 But if a man come pre- eye of his servant, or the eye of
sumptuously upon his neigh- his maid, that it perish, he shall
bour, to slay him with guile, let him go free for the sake of
from my altar shalt thou take his eye.
him, that he may die. 27 And if he strike out his
15 And he that smiteth his man-servant’s tooth, or his maid-
father, or his mother, shall surely servant's tooth, he shall let him
be put to death. go free for the sake of his
16 And he that stealeth a tooth.
man, and selleth him, and he be 28 If an ox gore a man or
found in his hand, shall surely a woman, that he die then shall

be put to death. the ox be surely stoned, and his

17 And he that curseth his flesh shall not be eaten; but the
owner of the ox shall be quit.
father, or his mother, shall surely
be put to death. 29 But if the ox were wont to
18 And if men strive to- gore in time past, and warning
gether, and one smite the other have been given to his owner,
and he hath not kept him in, and
with a stone, or with the fist, and
he die not, but keepeth his he killeth a man or a woman
be 1 the ox shall be stoned, and his
19 If he rise again, and walk owner also should of right be
abroad upon his crutch, then put to death
shall he that smote hbri be Quit ;
30 But there shall be laid on
only he shall pay for < him a sum of money in atone-
ment, and he shall give the ran- 4 If a man cause a field or
som of his life whatsoever may vineyard to be eaten off, and he
be laid upon him. let his beasts enter, and they feed
31 If he gore a son, or gore a in another man’s field : with the
daughter, according to this judg- best of his own field, and with
ment shall be done unto him. best of his own vineyard, shall he
32 If the ox gore a man-ser- make restitution.
vant or a maid-servant, thirty 5 If a fire break out, and
shekels of silver shall he give to meet with thorns, so that stacks
bis master, and the ox shall be of corn, or the standing corn, or
stoned. the field, be consumed thereby
33 And if a man open a pit, he that kindled the fire shall
or if a man dig a pit, and do not surely make restitution.
cover it, and an ox or an ass fall 6 ^f If a man do deliver unto
therein : his neighbour money or ves-
34 The owner of the pit shall sels to keep, and it be stolen
make it good, he shall make re- out of the man’s house : if the
stitution in money unto the owner thief be found, he shall pay
thereof ;
and the dead beast shall double.
be his. 7 If the thief be not found,
35 *[[
And if one man’s ox hurt then shall the master of the house
the ox of another, that he die be brought unto the judges, (to
then shall they sell the live ox, swear) that he have not stretched
and divide his money; and the out his hand against his neigh-
dead ox also they shall divide. bour’s goods.
36 But if it be known that 8 For all manner of trespass,
the ox was wont to gore in time for ox, for ass, for lamb, for rai-
past, and his owner hath not ment, or for .any manner of lost
kept him in he shall surely pay
: thing, of which he can say, This
ox for ox ; and the dead shall is it, before the judges shall come
belong to him. the cause of both parties, and he,
37 ^ If a man steal an ox or whom the judges may condemn,
a sheep, and kill it, or sell it: shall pay double unto his neigh-
five oxen shall he restore for one bour.
ox, and four sheep for one sheep. 9 f If a man deliver unto his
neighbour an ass, or an ox, or a
CHAPTER XXII.lamb, or any beast to keep ; and
1 Ip a thief be found while it die, or be hurt, or driven aw a} ,

breaking in, and be smitten so no man seeing it

that he die, there shall no blood 10 Then shall an oath of the
be shed for him. Lord be between them both, that
2 If the sun be risen upon he have not stretched out his
him, there shall be blood shed hand against his neighbour’s
for him he shall make full re- goods ; and the owner of it shall

stitution; if he have nothing, accept this, and he shall not make

then shall he be sold for his it good.
theft. 11 But if it be stolen from
3 If the thing stolen be actu- him, he shall make restitution
ally found in his hand alive, unto the owner thereof.
whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, 12 If it be torn in pieces, then
he shall restore double.* let him bring it as evidence ; that
which was torn he shall not make it his raiment for his skin ;

good. wherein shall he sleep? and it

13 % And if a man borrow shall come to pass, when he crieth
aught of his neighbour, and it unto me, that I will hear for I :

be hurt, or die, the owner there- am gracious.*

of not being with it, he shall 27 If The judges thou shalt
surely make it good. not revile; and a ruler among
14 But if the owner thereof thy people thou shalt not curse.
be with he shall not make it
it, 28 The first of thy ripe fruits,
good : be a hired thing, the
if it and of thy liquors, shalt thou
loss is included in its hire. not delay to offer; the first-born
15 And if a man seduce a of thy sons shalt thou give unto
virgin that is not betrothed, and me.
lie with her, he shall surely en- 29 In like manner shalt thou
dow her to be his wife. do with thy ox, with thy sheep;
16 If her father refuse to give seven days it shall be with its
her unto him, he shall pay money dam on the eighth day thou

according to the dowry of vir- shalt give it me.

gins. 30 And holy men shall ye be
17 Thou shalt not suffer a unto me and flesh that is torn

witch to live. of beasts in the field, shall ye

18 Whosoever lieth with a not eat; to the dogs shall ye
beast shall surely be put to cast it.
19 He that sacrificeth unto CHAPTER XXIII.
any god, save unto t.»e Lord 1 Thou shalt not receive a
only, shall be utterly destroyed. false report: put not thy hand
20 And a stranger thou shalt with the wicked to be an un-
not vex, and shalt not oppress righteous witness.
him for strangers ye were in
2 Thou shalt not follow a
the land of Egypt. multitude to do evil; neither
21 Ye shall not afflict any wi- shalt thou speak in a cause, to
dow, or fatherless child. incline after many, to wrest
22 If thou afflict him in any judgment.
wise (for if he cry at all unto
3 Neither shalt thou counte-
me, I will surely hear his cry:) nance a poor man in his cause.
23 My wrath shall wax hot, 4 ^f If thou meet thy enemy’s
and I will slay you with the ox or his ass going astray, thou
sword and your wives shall be
shalt surely bring it back to him
widows, and your children fa- again.
therless. 5 If thou see the ass of him
24 If thou lend money to that hateth thee lying under his
my people, to the poor by thee, burden, and wouldst forbear to
thou shalt not be to him as a unload him, (thou must not do
lender of money; thou shalt not so, but) thou shalt surely unload
lay upon him usury. with him.*
25 If thou take at all thy 6 Thou shalt not wrest the
neighbour’s raiment in pledge, judgment of thy poor in his
thou shalt restore it unto him by cause.
the time the sun goeth down ; 7 Keep thyself far from a false
26 For it is his only covering, speech; and him who hath been
10 109
declared innocent and righteous 17 Threetimes in the year
thou shalt not slay; for I will shall all thy malesappear before
not justify the wicked. the Lord, the Eternal.
8 And thou shalt take no 18 Thou shalt not offer the
bribe; for the bribe blindeth the blood of my sacrifice with leav-
clear-sighted, and perverteth the ened bread; neither shall the fat
words of the righteous. of my
festive sacrifice remain
9 And a stranger shalt thou until morning.
not oppress; for ye know well 19 The of the first-fruits
the spirit of the stranger, seeing of thy land shalt thou bring
ye yourselves were strangers in unto the house of the Lord thy
the land of Egypt. God. Thou shalt not seethe a
10 And six years shalt thou kid in its mother’s milk.*
sow thy land, and shalt gather 20 Behold, I send an angel
in the fruits thereof; before thee, to keep thee on the
11 But the seventh year shalt way, and to bring thee unto the
thou let it rest and lie still; that place which I have prepared.
the needy of thy people may eat 21 Beware of him, and obey
(of it); and what they leave the his voice, disobey him not; for
beasts of the field shall eat in like
: he will not pardon your trans-
manner shalt thou deal with thy gression, because my name is in
vineyard, and wit*? thy olive-tree. him.
12 Six days shalt thou do thy 22 But if thou wilt carefully
work, and on the seventh day hearken to his voice, and do all
shalt thou rest; that thy ox and that I shall speak: then will I
thy ass may repose, and the son be an enemy unto thy enemies,
of thy hand-maid, and the stran- and afflict those that afflict thee.
ger, may be refreshed. 23 For my angel shall go be-
13 And in all things that I fore thee, and bring thee in unto
have said unto you be on your the Emorites, and the Hittites,
guard and of the name of other
and the Perizzites, and the Ca-
gods ye shall make no mention, na'anites, the Hivites, and the
it shall not be heard out of thy Jebusites; and I will cut them
mouth. off.

14 Three times shalt thou keep 24 Thou shalt not bow down
a feast unto me in the year. to their gods, nor serve them,
15 The feast of unleavened nor do after their deeds; but
bread shalt thou keep; seven thou shalt utterly overthrow
days shalt thou eat unleavened them, and completely break
bread, as I commanded thee, in down their statuary images.
the time appointed of the month 25 And ye shall serve the
of Abib; for in it thou earnest Lord your God, and he will
out from Egypt: and none shall bless thy bread, and thy water;
appear before me empty. and I will remove sickness from
16 And the feast of the har- the midst of thee.'*
vest, of the first-fruits of t^iy la- 26 ^1 There shall be no one
bours, which thou hast sown in casting her children, nor a bar-
thy field: and the feast of in- ren woman, in thy land; the
gathering, at the conclusion of number of thy days will I make
the year, when thou gatherest full.
in thy labours out of the field. 27 My terror will I send be
fore thee, and will bring in con- with one voice, and said, All the
fusion all the people to which words which the Lord hath spo-
thou shalt come; and I will make ken will we do.
all thy enemies turn their back 4 And Moses wrote down all
untrNthee. the wurds of the Lord, and he
28 And I will send hornets rose up early in the morning,
before thee, and they shall drive and built an altar at the foot of
out the Hivite, the Cana’anite, the mount, and twelve pillars,
and the Hittite, from before thee. according to the twelve tribes
29 I will not drive them out of Israel.
from before thee in one year; 5 And he then sent the young
lest the land become desolate, men of the children of Israel,
and the beast of the field multi- and they offered burnt-offerings,
ply against thee. and sacrificed peace-offerings un-
30 Little by little will I drive to the Lord, of oxen.
them out from before thee, until 6 And Moses took the half of
thou be increased and canst pos- the blood, and put it in basins;
sess the land. and the (other) half of the blood
31 And I will set thy bounds
he sprinkled on the altar.
from the Red Sea unto the sea 7 And he took the book of the
of the Philistines, and from the
covenant, and read in the hear-
ing of the people and they said,
desert unto the river; for I will ;

All that the Lord hath spoken

deliver into your hand the in-
will we do and obey.
habitants of the land, and thou
8 And Moses took the blood
shalt drive them out before thee.
32 Thou shalt not make a and sprinkled it on the people,
covenant with them, nor with and said, Behold the blood of
their gods. the covenant, which the Lord
33 They shall not dwell in hath made with you concerning
thy land, lest they cause thee to all these words.
sin against me; for thou rnight- 9 Then went up Moses, with
est (be led to) serve their gods, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and
and this would surely be a snare seventy of the elders of Israel.
unto thee. 10 And they saw the God of
Israel; and the place under his
CHAPTER XXIV. feet was like a paved work of
1 And unto Moses he said, brilliant sapphire, and like the
Come up unto the Lord, thou, colour of heaven in clearness^
and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, 11 And against the nobles of
and seventy of the elders of the children of Israel he stretched
Israel; and ye shall bow your- not forth his hand; and they
selves down afar off. saw (the glory of) God, and did
2 And Moses alone shall come eat and drink.
near unto the Lord, but they 12 And the Lord said unto
shall not come nigh; and the Moses, Come up to me to the
people shall not go up with mount, and remain there and I :

him. will give thee the tables of stone,

3 And Moses came and told with the law, and the command-
the people all the wmrds of the ment which I have written to
Lord, and all the laws of jus- teach them.
tice; and all the people answered 13 And Moses rose up, and
nis servant Joshua’; and Moses
6 Oil for lighting, spices for
went up to the mount
of God. the anointing oil, and for the
14 And unto the elders he incense of spices,
said, Tarry ye for us here, until 7 Onyx stones, and stones for
the time we come again unto setting, for the ephod, and for
you; and, behold, Aaron and the breastplate.
Chur are with you, whoever may 8 And they shall make me a
have any cause to be decided, sanctuary; and I will dwell in
let him cutne unto them. the midst of them.
15 And Moses went up to the 9 In accordance with all that
mount, and the cloud covered I show thee, the pattern of the
the mount.* tabernacle, and the pattern of all
16 And the glory of the Lord the instruments thereof, even so
abode upon mount Sinai, and shall ye make it.
the cloud covered it six days; 10 And they shall make an
and he called unto Moses on the ark of shittim wood two cubits :

seventh day out of the midst of and a half shall be its length, and
tne cloud. a cubic and a half its breadth,
17 And the appearance of the and a cubit and a half its
glory of the Lord was like a height.
devouring fire on the top of the 11 And thou shalt overlay it
mount, before the eyes of the with pure gold, within and with-
children of Israel. out shalt thou overlay it; and
18 And Moses went into the thou shalt make upon it a crown
midst of the cloud, and ascended of gold round about.
the mount; and Moses was on 12 And thou shalt cast for it
the mount forty days and forty four rings of gold, and put them
nights. on the four corners thereof:
Uaphtorah in Jeremiah xxxiv. 8-22 and
namely, two rings shall be on
xxxiii. 25, 26. the one side of it, and two rings
on the other side of it.
Sec. 19. THERUMAH, norm. 13 And thou shalt make staves
of shittim wood, and overlay
CHAPTER XXV. them with gold.
1 And the Lord spoke unto 14 And thou shalt place the
Moses, saying, staves into the rings, upon the
2 Speak unto the children of sides of the ark, that the ark
Israel, that they may bring me may be borne with them.
an offering; from every man 15 In the rings of the ark
whose heart prompteth him shall the staves remain; they
thereto shall ye take my offer- shall not be removed therefrom.
ing. 16 And thou shalt put into
3 And this is the offering the ark the testimony which I
which ye shall take from them: will give unto thee.*
Gold, and silver, and copper, 17 And thou shalt make a
4 And blue, and purple, and cover of pure gold: two cubits
scarlet yarn, and linen thread, and a half shall be its length,
and goats’ hair, and a cubit and a half its
5 And rams’ skins died red, breadth.
and badgers’ skins, and shittim 18 And thou shalt make two
wood, cherubim of gold, of beaten work
shalt thou make them, on the 29 And thou shall make its
two ends of the cover. dishes, and spoons, and its
19 And make one cherub on supporters, and its purifying
the one end, and the other che- tubes, wherewith (the bread) is
rub on the other end from the: to be covered of pure gold shalt

cover itself shall ye make the thou make them.

cherubim on the two ends thereof. 30 And thou shalt set upon
20 And the cherubim shall be, the table show-bread before me
spreading forth their wings on always.'*
high, overshadowing the cover 31 ^ And thou shalt make a
with their wings, with their faces candlestick of pure gold: of
turned one to the other; toward beaten work shall the candle-
the cover shall the faces of the stick be made; its shaft, and its
cherubim be directed. branches, its bowls, its knobs,
21 And thou shalt put the and its flowers, shall be out of
cover above upon the ark; and one piece with it.
in the ark shalt thou put the 32 And six branches shall
testimony which 1 will give un- come out of its sides three

to thee. branches of the candlestick out

22 And meet with thee
I will of the one side, and three
there, and I will speak with thee branches of the candlestick out
from above the cover, from be- of the other side.
tween the two cherubim which 33 Three bowls, almond-shap-
are upon the ark of the testi- ed, shall be on one branch, with
mony, all that which I will com- a knob and a flower; and three
mand thee unto the children of bowls almond-shaped on the
Israel. other branch, with a knob and
23 Thou shalt also make a a flower: so on the six branches
table of shittim wood two cubits
: that come out of the candlestick.
shall be its length, and a cubit 34 And on the candlestick it-
its breadth, and a cubit and a self shall be four bowls, almond-
half its height. shaped, (with) its knobs and its
24 And thou shalt overlay it flowers.
with pure gold, and make there- 35 And there shall be a knob
to a crown of gold round about. under the two branches that
25 And thou shalt make unto come out of the same, and a
it a rim of a hand’s breadth knob under the two branches
round about; and thou shalt that come out of the same, and
make a golden crown on its rim a knob under the two branche-*
round about. that come out of the same: for
26 And thou shalt make for it the six branches that proceed
four rings of gold, and thou shalt out of the candlestick.
put the rings on the four corners 36 Their knobs and their
that are on its four feet. branches shall be out of one
27 Close under the rim shall piece with it: all of it shall be
the rings be; as receptacles for one piece of beaten work of pure
the staves, to bear the table. gold.
28 And thou shalt make the 37 And thou shalt make its
staves of shittim wood, and over- seven lamps; and when they
lay them with gold; and the llight its lamps, it shall give light
table shall be borne with them. toward the body of it.

10 * e2 113
38 And its tongs, and its snuff- cubits; there shall be one mea-
dishes shall be of pure gold. sure for the eleven curtains.
39 Out of a talent of pure 9 And thou shalt couple five
gold shall he make it, with all of the curtains by themselves,
these vessels. and six of the curtains by them-
40 And look that thou make selves ; and thou shalt double
them after their pattern, which the sixth curtain toward the
thou wast shown on the mount.* front side of the tabernacle.
10 And thou shalt make fifty
CHAPTER XXVI. loops on the edge of the one
1 The tabernacle also shalt curtain that is the outmost in
thou make of ten curtains, of the (one) coupling, and fifty
twisted linen thread, and blue, loops on the edge of the curtain
and purple, and scarlet yarn, of the second coupling.
with cherubim, of weaver’s work 11 And thou shalt make fifty
shalt thou make them. hooks of copper; and thou shalt
2 The length of each curtain put the hooks into the loops,
shall be eight and twenty cubits, and couple the tent together,
and the breadth of each curtain that it may be one piece.
four cubits : there shall be one 12 And the part hanging over
measure for all the curtains. in the excess of the curtains of
3 Five of the curtains shall the tent, the half curtain which
be coupled together, one to an- is over, shall hang down over
other; and the other five curtains the back part of the tabernacle.
shall be coupled, one to another. 13 And the cubit on the one
4 And thou shalt make loops side, and the cubit on the other
of blue on the edge of the one side in the excess in the length
curtain which is on the outside of the curtains of the tent, shall
in the (one) coupling; and the be hanging down over the sides
like shalt thou make on the edge of the tabernacle on this side
of the curtain which is the out- and on that side, to cover it.
most in the second coupling. 14 And thou shalt make a
5 Fifty loops shalt thou make cover for the tent of rams’ skins
on the one curtain, and fifty dyed red, and a cover of badgers’
loops shalt thou make on the skins above.'*
edge of the curtain that is in the 15 And thou shalt make the
second coupling: the loops shall boards for the tabernacle of
be fixed opposite each other. shittim wood, standing up.
6 And thou shalt make fifty 16 Ten cubits shall be the
hooks of gold; and thou shalt length of each board, and a cu-
couple the curtains together one bit and a half shall be the breadth
unto the other with the hooks, of each one board.
and the tabernacle shall thus be 17 There shall be two tenons
one piece. for every board, fitted in, one
7 And thou shalt make cur- against the other: the like shalt
taips of goats’ hair for a tent thou make for all the boards of
over the tabernacle: eleven cur- 'the tabernacle.
tains shalt thou make the same. 18 And thou shalt make the
8 The length of each curtain boards for the tabernacle twenty

shall be thirty cubits, and the boards for the south side, on the
breadth of each curtain four right.

19 And forty sockets of silverjion thereof, which thou hast been
shalt thou make under the twenty shown on
the mount.*
boards two sockets under the
: 31 And thou shalt make a
one board for its two tenons, and vail of blue, and purple, and
two sockets under the other scarlet yarn, and twisted linen,
board for its two tenons. of weavers' work shall it be
20 And for the other side of made, with cherubim.
the tabernacle, for the north side, 32 And thou shalt hang it
there shall be twenty boards upon four pillars of shittim wood
21 And their forty sockets of overlaid with gold ; their hooks
silver: two sockets under the one also shall be of gold ; upon four
board, and two sockets under the sockets of silver.
other board. 33 And thou shalt hang up
22 And for the back wall of the vail under the hooks ; and
the tabernacle, westward, thou thou shalt bring in thither with-
shalt make six boards. in the vail the ark of the testi-
23 And two boards shalt thou mony ; and the vail shall divide
make for the corners of the taber- unto you between the holy place
nacle in the back wall. and the holy of holies.
24 And they shall be closely 34 And thou shalt put the
fitting together beneath, and cover upon the ark of the testi-
they shall be closely joined to- mony in the holy of holies.
gether on the top by means of 35 And thou shalt set the table
one ring thus shall it be for without the vail, and the candle-

both of them ; for the two cor- stick over against the table on
ners shall they be. the side of the tabernacle, toward
25 And so they shall be eight the south ;
and the table thou
boards, and their sockets of sil- shalt put it on the north side.
ver, sixteen sockets two sockets
: 36 And thou shalt make a
under the one board, and two hanging for the door of the tent,
sockets under the other board. of blue, and purple, and scarlet
26 And thou shalt make bars yarn, and twisted linen : the
of shittim wood five, for the work of the embroiderer.

boards of the one side of the ta- 37 And thou shalt make for
bernacle; the hanging five pillars of shittim
27 And five bars for the boards wood, and overlay them with
of the other side of the taberna- gold, their hooks also shall be of
cle, and five bars for the boards gold ; and thou shalt cast for
of the side of the tabernacle, for them five sockets of copper.*
the back wall, westward ;
28 And the middle bar in the CHAPTER XXVII.
midst of the boards, passing from 1 And thou shalt make the
the one end to the other end. altar of shittim wood five cubits

29 And the boards thou shalt long, and five cubits broad, a
overlay wi-th gold, and their foursquare shall the altar be, and
rings thou shalt make of gold, three cubits shall be its height.
as receptacles for the bars and
2 And thou shalt make its
thou shalt overlay the bars with horns on its four corners, from
gold. itself shall its horns be and thou

30 And thou shalt rear up the shalt overlay it with copper.

tabernacle, according to the fash- 3 And thou shalt make its pots
to receive its ashes, and its sho- ings shall be on the one wing:
vels, and its basins, and its forks, their
pillars shall be three and
and its fire-pans: all its vessels their sockets three.
thou shalt make of copper. 1 5 And on the other wing shall

4 And thou shalt make for it be fifteen cubits of hangings:

a grating, of a network of cop- their pillars shall be. three, and
per and thou shalt make ypon
their sockets three.
the net four rings of copper, on 16 And for the gate of the
its four corners. court shall be a hanging of
5 And thou shalt put it under twenty cubits, of blue, and pur-
the compass of the altar beneath, ple,and scarlet yarn, and twisted
and the net shall reach even to linen, the work of the embroid-
the half of the altar. erer ;
w ith four
pillars for the
6 And thou shalt make staves same, and their four sockets,*
for the altar, staves of shittim 17 All the pillars round about
wood, and overlay them with the court shall be filleted with
copper. silver their hooks shall be of sil-

7 And the staves shall be put ver, and their sockets of copper.
into the rings, and the staves 18 The length of the court
shall be upon the two sides of shall be one hundred cubits, and
the altar, when they bear it. the breadth fifty by fifty, and the
8 Hollow, of boards, shalt thou height five cubits, of twisted
make it : as it was shown to thee linen, and the sockets for the
on the mount, so shall they same of copper.
make it.* 19 All the vessels of the taber-
9 And thou shalt make the nacle in all the service thereof,
court of the tabernacle: for the and all its pins, and all the pins
south side, on the right, the of the court, shall be of copper.
hangings for the court, of twisted Haphtorah in 1 Kings v. 26 to vi. 13.
linen, shall be a hundred cubits
in length, for the one side.
10 And its pillars shall be Sec. 20. THETZAVVEH,
twenty, with their twenty sockets rmn.
of copper the hooks of the pillars
: 20 And thou shalt command
and their fillets shall be of silver. the children of Israel, that they
11 And likewise for the north bring thee pure olive oil, beaten
side in the length there shall be out, for the lighting, to cause a
hangings one hundred cubits in light to burn always.
length, and its pillars twenty 21 In the tabernacle of the
with their twenty sockets of cop- congregation, without the vail,
per the
: hooks of the pillars and which is before the testimony,
their fillets shall be of silver. shall Aaron with his sons arrange
12 And (for) the breadth of it (for) from the evening to the
the court on the west side shall morning, before the Lord as a :

be fifty cubits of hangings their statute for ever unto their gene-

pillars shall be ten, and their rations, on behalf of the chil-

sockets ten. dren of Israel.
13 And the breadth of the
court on the front side, east- CHAPTER
ward, shall be fifty cubits. 1 And thou shalt let come
14 And fifteen cubits of hang- near unto thee Aaron thy bro-
ther, his sons with him, from grave the two stones with the
among the children of Israel, names of the children of Israel .

that he may be a priest unto me fitted in settings of gold shalt

Aaron, Nadab and Abihu,El’axar, thou make them.
and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron. 12 And thou shalt put the two
2 And thou shalt make holy stones upon the shoulder-pieces
garments for Aaron thy brother, of the ephod as stones of memo-
for glory and for ornament. rial unto the children of Israel
3 And thou shalt speak unto and Aaron shall bear their names
all that are wisehearted, whom I before the Lord upon his two
have filled with the spirit of wis- shoulders for a memorial.*
dom, that they may make gar- 13 And thou shalt make
ments for Aaron, to sanctify him, casings of gold;
that he may be a priest unto me. 14 And two chains of pure
4 And these are the garments gold, with knots at the ends, of
which they shall make A breast-
: wreathed work shalt thou make
plate, and an ephod, and a robe, them, and thou shalt fasten the
and a checkered coat, a mitre, wreathed chains to the casings.
and a girdle and they shall make
15 And thou shalt make the
holy garments for Aaron thy bro- breastplate of judgment, of weav-
ther, and for his sons, to be a er’s work ; after the work of the
priest unto me. ephod thou shalt make it: of
5 And they shall take the gold, of blue, and purple, and
gold, and the blue, and purple, scarlet yarn, and of twisted linen,
and scarlet yarn, and the linen. shalt thou make it.
6 And they shall make the 16 Four-square shall it be,
ephod, of gold, of blue, and of double, a span in length, and a
purple, of scarlet yarn, and span in breadth.
twisted linen, of weavers’ work. 17 And thou shalt set in it set-
7 Two shoulder-pieces shall it tings of stones, even four rows
have joined at the two edges of stones : the first row, a sar-
thereof ;
by which it shall be dius, a topaz, and an emerald;
joined together. this shall be the first row.
8 And the belt for girding, 18 And the second row, a car-
which is upon it, shall be of the buncle, a sapphire, and a dia-
same make, out of the same piece mond.
with itself, of gold, of blue, and 1 9 And the third row, an opal,

purple, and scarlet yarn, and a turquoise, and an amethyst.

twisted linen. 20 And the fourth row, a chry-
9 And thou shalt take two solite, and an onyx, and a jasper
onyx stones, and engrave on they shall be fitted in golden
them the names of the children casings when they are set in.
of Israel: 21 And the stones shall be ac-
10 Six of their names on the cording to the names of the chil-
one stone, and the names of the dren of Israel, twelve, according
remaining six on the other stone, to their names (engraved) with

according to the order of their the engraving of a signet, every

birth. one according to his name, shall
11 With the work of an en- they be for the twelve tribes.
graver in stone, like the engrav- 22 And thou shalt make on
ing of a signet, shalt thou en- the breastplate chains with knots
at the ends, wreathed work, of 31 And thou shalt make the
pure gold. robe of the ephod altogether of
23 And thou shalt make on blue woollen yarn.
the breastplate two rings of gold, 32 And there shall be an open-
and shalt put the two rings on ing in the top of it, in the midst
the two ends of the breastplate. thereof it shall have a binding

24 And thou shalt put the two of woven work, round about its
wreathed chains of gold in the opening, as it is on the open-
two rings, on the ends of the ing of an habergeon, so shall
breastplate. it be thereon, that it be not
25 And the (other) two ends rent.
of the two wreathed chains thou 33 And thou shalt make on its
shalt fasten on the two casings, lower hem pomegranates of blue,
and put them on the shoulder- and purple, and scarlet yarn,
pieces of the ephod on the out- round about its lower hem and ;

side thereof. bells of gold between them round

26 And thou shalt make two about
rings of gold, and thou shalt put 34 A golden bell and a pome-
them on the two ends of the granate, a golden bell and a
breastplate on its border, which pomegranate, on the lower hem
is on the opposite side of the of the robe round about.
ephod, inward. 35 And it shall be upon Aaron
27 And thou shalt make two when he ininistercth ;
and his
more rings of gold, and shalt put sound shall be heard when he
them on the two shoulder-pieces goeth in unto the holy place be-
of the ephod underneath, toward fore the Lord, and when he com-
its front part, close by its seam, eth out, that he die not.
above the girdle of the ephod. 36 And thou shalt make a
28 And they shall fasten the plate of pure gold, and grave
breastplate by its rings unto the upon it, like the engraving of a
rings of the ephod with a lace of signet, Holy unto the Lord.
blue, that it may remain on the 37 And thou shalt fasten it on
girdle of the ephod, and that the a lace of blue, and it shall be
breastplate be not loosed from upon the mitre upon the front

the ephod. of the mitre shall it be.

29 And Aaron shall bear the 38 And it shall be upon Aaron’s
names of the children of Israel forehead; and Aaron shall atone
in the breastplate of judgment for the iniquity of the holy things,
upm his heart, when he goeth which the children of Israel shall
in unto the holy place, for a me- hallow in all their holy gifts
morial before the Lord continu- and it shall be upon his forehead
ally. always, that they may be received
30 And thou shalt put into in favour before the Lord.
tl ic breastplate the Uriin and the 39 And thou shalt make the
Thummim, and they shall be coat of linen checkered, and thou
upon Aaron’s heart, when he shalt make a mitre of linen, and
goeth in before the Lord and a girdle shalt thou make of em-

Aaron shall bear the judgment broiderer’s work.

of the children of Israel upon 40 And for Aaron’s sons shalt
his heart before the Lord con- thou make coats, and thou shalt
tinually.* make for them girdles; and bon-
nets thou shalt make
for them, fasten the holy crown upon the
for glory and ornament.
for mitre.
41 And thou shalt clothe there- 7 Then shalt thou take the
with Aaron thy brother, and his anointing oil, and pour it upon
sons with him and thou shalt his head, and anoint him.

anoint them, and consecrate 8 And his sons shalt thou

them, and sanctify them, that bring near, and clothe them
they may be priests unto me. with coats.
42 And thou shalt make them 9 And thou shalt gird them
linen breeches to cover their na- with the girdles, Aaron and his
kedness: from the loins even un- sons, and bind the bonnets on
to the thighs shall they reach. them; and the priest's office
43 And they shall be upon shall be theirs for a perpetual
Aaron, and upon his sons, when statute: and thus shalt thou
they come in unto the tabernacle consecrate Aaron and his sons.
of the congregation, or when 10 And thou shalt cause the
they come near unto the altar to bullock to be brought before the
minister in the holy place; that tabernacle of the congregation :

they bear not iniquity and die and Aaron and his sons shall lay

a statute for ever shall it be their hands upon the head of the
for him and seed after bullock.
for his
him.* 11 And thou shalt kill the
bullock before the Lord, by the
CHAPTER XXIX. door of the tabernacle of the con-
1 And this is the thing that gregation.
thou shalt do unto them to hal- 12 And thou shalt take of the
low them, to become priests unto blood of the bullock, and put it
me Take one young bullock, upon the horns of the altar with

and two rams without blemish, thy finger, and all the (remain-
2 And unleavened bread, and ing) blood shalt thou pour out
unleavened cakes, mingled with beside the bottom of the altar.
oil, and unleavened wafers, 13 And thou shalt take all the
anointed with oil of fine wheat- fat that covereth the inwards,

en flour shalt thou make them. and the midriff above the liver,
3 And thou shalt put them in- and the two kidneys, and the
to one basket, and bring them fat that is upon them, and burn
near in the basket, with the bul- them upon the altar.
lock and the two rams. 14 But the flesh of the bullock,
4 And Aaron and his sons and his skin, and his dung, shalt
shalt thou bring near unto the thou burn with fire, without the
door of the tabernacle of the con- camp it is a sin-offering.

gregation, and shalt wash them 15 And the one ram shalt thou
with water. take; and Aaron and his sone
5 And thou shalt take the gar- shall lay their hands upon the
ments, and clothe Aaron with head of the ram.
the coat, and the robe of the 16 And thou shalt slay the
ephod, and the ephod, and the ram, and thou shalt take his
breastplate, and gird him with blood, and sprinkle it upon the
the girdle of the ephod altar round about.
6 And thou shalt put the mitre 17 And the ram shalt thou
upon his head, and thou shalt cut in pieces, and wash his in-
wards, and his legs, and put them from their hands, and burii
them with his pieces, and with them upon the altar upon the
his head. burnt-offering; for a sweet sa-
18 And thou shalt burn the vour before the Lord, it is an
whole ram upon the altar, it is a offering made by fire unto the
burnt-offering unto the Lord: Lord.
it is a sweet savour, an offering 26 And thou shalt take the
made by fire unto the Lord.* breast of the ram of the conse-
19 And thou shalt take the cration that belongeth to Aaron,
other ram; and Aaron and his and make therewith a waving
sons shall lay their hands upon before the Lord; and it shall
the head of the ram. belong to thee as thy portion.
20 Then shalt thou kill the 27 And thou shalt sanctify
ram, and take of his blood, and the breast which hath been
put it upon the tip of Aaron’s waved, and the shoulder which
right ear, and upon the tip of hath been lifted up, which was
the right ear of his sons, and waved, and which was heaved
upon the thumb of their right up, of the ram of the consecra-
hand, and upon the great toe of tion, of that which belongeth to
their right foot, and sprinkle Aaron, and of that which be-
the blood upon the altar round longeth to his sons:
about. 28 That they shall belong to
21 And thou shalt take of the Aaron and to his sons, as a sta-
blood that is upon the altar, and tute forever, from the children
of the anointing oil, and sprinkle of Israel; for it is a heave-offer-
them upon Aaron, and upon his ing; and a heave-offering it shall
garments, and upon his sons, remain from the children of Is-
and upon the garments of his rael, from the sacrifices of their
sons with him and he shall be peace-offerings, as their heave-

hallowed, together with his gar- offering unto the Lord.

ments, and his sons, and the 29 And the holy garments be-
garments of his sons with him. longing to Aaron shall be for his
22 And thou shalt take from sons after him, to anoint them
the ram the fat and the rump, therein, and to consecrate them
and the fat that covereth the therein.
inwards, and the midriff above 30 Seven days shall that one
the liver, and the two kidneys, of his sons put them on who is
and the fat that is upon them, to be priest in his place, who is
and the right shoulder; for it is to go into the tabernacle of the
a ram of consecration congregation to minister in the
23 And one loaf of bread, and sanctuary.
one cake of the oiled bread, and 31 And the ram of the conse-
one wafer, out of the basket of cration shalt thou take, and
the unleavened bread that is be- seethe his flesh in a holy place.
fore the Lord. 32 And Aaron with his sons
24 And thou shalt put all this shall eat the flesh of the ram,
upon the hands of Aaron, and and the bread that is in the
upon the hands of his sons; and basket, by the door of the taber-
thou shalt make with them a nacle of the congregation.
waving before the Lord. 33 And they shall eat those
25 And thou shalt then take things wherewith the atonement
was made, to consecrate them throughout your generations
and to sanctify them; but a (shall this be) at the door of the
stranger shall not eat thereof, tabernacle of the congregation
because they are holy. before the Lord; where I will
34 And if aught of the flesh meet with you, to speak unto
of the consecration sacrifice, or thee there.
of the bread, remain unto the 43 And I willmeet there with
morning, then shalt thou burn the children of Israel, and it
the remainder with fire: it shall shall be sanctified by my glorj^.
not be eaten, because it is holy 44 And I will sanctify
35 And thou shalt do unto tabernacle of the congregation,
Aaron, and to his sons thus, all and the altar: and both Aaron
as I have commanded thee and his sons will I sanctify, that
seven days shalt thou consecrate they may be priests unto me.
them. 45 And I will dwell among
36 And a bullock shalt thou the children of Israel, and I will
offer every da}r for a sin-offering be to them for a God.
as an atonement: and thou shalt 46 And they shall know that
cleanse the altar, in as much as I am the Eternal, their God, who
thou makest an atonement upon brought them forth out of the
it; and thou shalt anoint it, to land of Egypt, that I might
sanctify it. dwell among them I am the :

37 Seven days shalt thou Lord their God.

make an atonement upon the
altar and sanctify it; and the CHAPTER XXX.
altar shall be most holy ; what- 1 And thou shalt make an
soever toucheth the altar shall altar to b-arn incense upon, of
be holy.* shittim wood shalt thou make it.
38 And this is what thou 2 A
cubit shall be its length,
shalt offer upon the altar: Two and a cubit its breadth, four-
sheep of the first year for every square shall it be; and two
day, continually. cubits shall be its height; from
39 The one sheep shalt thou itself shall its horns be.
offer in the morning; and the 3 And thou shalt overlay it
other sheep shalt thou offer to- with pure gold, its top, and its
ward evening. sides round about, and its horns ;

40 And a tenth part (of an and thou shalt make unto it a

ephah) of fine flour mingled with crown of gold round about.
the fourth part of a hin of beaten 4 And two rings of gold shalt
oil, and the fourth part of a hin thou make for it beneath its
of wine for a drink-offering, shall crown, on its two corners shalt
be for the one sheep. thou make them, upon both its
41 And the other sheep shalt sides ; and they shall be as re-
thou offer toward evening; ac- ceptacles for the staves to bear
cording to the meat-offering of it by means of them.
the morning, and according to 5 And thou shalt make the
its drink-offering shalt thou do staves of shittim wood, and over-
unto it, for a sweet savour, an lay them with gold.
offering made by fire unto the 6 And thou shalt put it before
Lord. the vail that is before the ark of
42 A continual burnt-offering the testimony, before the r/ jrcy-
11 i 121
Beat that is over the testimony, more, and the poor shall not
where I will meet with thee. give less than the half of a she-
7 And Aaron shall burn there- kel, as a tribute unto the Lori*,
on incense of spices: every morn- to make an atonement for your
ing when he dresseth the lamps, souls.
shall he burn it.* 16 And
thou shalt take the
8 And when Aaron lighteth money of the atonement from
the lamps toward evening, shall the children of Israel, and shalt
he burn it: a perpetual incense employ it for the service of the
before the Lord, throughout tabernacle of the congrega,.. ,n;
your generations. and it shall be unto the children
9 Ye shall not offer thereon of Israel as a memorial before
any strange incense, or burnt- the Lord, to make an atonement
sacrifice, or meat-offering; and for your souls.
a drink-offering shall ye not 17 ^ And the Lord spoke un-
pour thereon. to Moses, saying,
10 And Aaron shall make an 18 Thou shalt also make a
atonement upon its horns once laver of copper, with its foot of
in a year: with the blood of the copper, to wash withal: and
sin-offering of the day of atone- thou shalt set it between the
ment, once in the year, shall tabernacle of the congregation
he make atonement upon it, and the altar, and thou shalt
throughout your generations; it put therein water.
is most holy unto the Lord. 19 And Aaron and his sons
Haphtorah in Ezekiel xliii. 10 to 27. shall wash out of it their hands
and their feet.
20 When they go into the
Sec. 21. KI THISSA, o. tabernacle of the congregation,
11 And the Lord spoke un- shall they wash themselves with
to Moses, saying, water, that they die not; or
12 When thou takest the sum when they come near to the
of the children of Israel of those altar to minister, to burn an
who are to be numbered of them offering made by fire unto the

then shall they give every man Lord.

a ransom for his soul unto the 21 And they shall wash their
Lord, when they number them; hands and their feet, that they
that there be no plague among die not; and it shall be to them
them, when they number them. a statute for ever, even to him
13 This shall they give, every and to his seed throughout their
one that passeth among those generations.
that are numbered: Haifa shekel 22. And the Lord spoke un-
after the shekel of the sanctu- to Moses, saying,
ary; twenty gerahs to the she- 23 And thou, take unto thy-
kel; the half of the shekel shall self principal spices: Of pure
be the tribute to the Lord. myrrh five hundred shekels, and
14 Every one that passeth of sweet cinnamon, its half shall
among those that are numbered, be two hundred and fifty shekels,
from twenty years old and above, and of sweet calamus two hun-
shall give the tribute unto the dred and fifty shekels.
Lord. 24 And of cassia five hundred
15 The rich shall not give shekels, after the shekel of tbt
sanctuary, and of olive-oil one the testimony in the tabernacle
hin. of the congregation, where I will
25 And thou shalt make of it meet with thee most holy shall

an oil of holy anointing, a mix- it be unto you.

ture, compounded after the art 37 And as for the incense
of the apothecary an oil of holy which thou shalt make, accord-

anointing shall it be. ing to its proportion, shall ye

26 And thou shalt anoint not make any unto yourselves:
therewith the tabernacle of the holy shall it be unto thee for the
congregation, and the ark of the Lord.
testimony. 38 Whosoever shall make the
27 And the table and all its like of it, to smell thereon, shall
vessels, and the candlestick and be cut off from his people.
its vessels, and the altar of in-
28 And altar of burnt-
the 1 And the Lord spoke unto
offering with all its vessels, and Moses, saying,
the laver and its foot. 2 See, I have called by name
29 And thou shalt sanctify Bezalel the son of Uri, the son
them, and they shall be most of Chur, of the tribe of Judah :

holy whatsoever toucheth them

: 3 And I have filled him with
shall be holy. the spirit of God, in wisdom,
30 And Aaron and his sons and in understanding, and in

shalt thou anoint, and conse- knowledge, and in all manner

crate them to be priests unto me. of workmanship.
31 And unto the children of 4 To devise works of art, to
Israel shalt thou speak, saying, work in gold, and in silver, and
An oil of holy anointing shall in copper,
this be unto me throughout your 5 And in the cutting of stones,
generations. to set them, and in the carving
32 Upon the flesh of roan shall of wood, to work in all manner
it not be poured, and after its of workmanship.
proportion shall ye not make 6 And behold, I have also
any thing like it: it is holy, and given with him Aholiab, the son
holy shall it be unto you. of Achissamach, of the tribe of
33 Whosoever compoundeth Dan, and in the heart of all that
the like of it, or whosoever put- are wise-hearted have I put wis-
teth any of it upon a stranger, dom,* and they shall make all
shall be cut off from his people. that I have commanded thee
34 And the Lord said unto 7 The tabernacle of the con-
Moses, Take unto thee spices, gregation, and the ark of the
balm, and onycha, and galba- testimony, and the cover that is
nurn, spices, with pure frankin- thereupon, and all the vessels of
cense of each shall there be an
: the tabernacle;
equal weight. 8 And the table and its ves-
35 And thou shalt make it an sels, and the pure candlestick
incense, a mixture after the art with all its vessels, and the altar
of the apothecary, well mingled of incense;
together, pure and holy. 9 And the altar of burnt-
36 And thou shalt pound some offering with all its vessels, and
of it fine, and offer of it before |
the laver and its foot;
10 And
the cloths of service, that Moses delayed to come down
and the holy garments of Aaron from the mount, the people assem-
the priest, and the garments of bled themselves together around
his sons, to minister therein; Aaron, and they said unto him,
11 And the anointing oil, and Up, make us gods, that shall go
the incense of spices for the holy before us; for of this man Moses,
place: all as I have commanded who hath brought us up out of
thee shall they do. the land of Egypt, we know noi
12 If And the Lord said unto what is become of him.
Moses as followeth, 2 And Aaron said unto them.
13 And thou shalt speak unto Take out the golden ear-rings,
the children of Israel, saying, which are in the ears of your
Above all, my sabbaths shall ye wives, of your sons, and of your
keep for a sign it is between me daughters, and bring them unto

and you throughout your gene- me.

rations; that ye may know that 3 And all the people took out
I am the Lord who doth sanc- the golden ear-rings which were
tify you. in their ears, and brought them
14 And ye shall keep the sab- unto Aaron.
bath, for it is holy unto you: 4 And he took them from their
every dne that defileth it shall hand, and fashioned it in a
surely be put to death ; for who- mould, and he made of it a molt-
soever doth any work thereon, en calf and they said, These are

that soul shall be cut off from thy gods, 0 Israel, that have
among his people. brought thee up out of the land
15 Six days may work be of Egypt.
done; but on the seventh is the 5 And when Aaron saw this,
sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord he built an altar before it; and

whosoever doeth any work on the Aaron called out, and said, A
sabbath-day, shall surely be put feast unto the Lord is to-morrow.
to death. 6 And they rose up early on
16 And the children of Israel the morrow, and offered burnt-
shall keep the sabbath, to ob- offerings, and brough t near peace-
serve the sabbath throughout offerings; and the people sat
their generations, for a perpetual down to eat and to drink, and
covenant. rose up to play.
17 Between me and the chil- 7 And the Lord spoke unto
dren of Israel it shall be a sign Moses, Go, get thee down for ;

forever; for in six days the Lord thy people, which thou hast
made the heavens and the earth, brought up out of the land of
and on the seventh day he rested, Egypt, hath become corrupt:
and was refreshed.'* 8 They have turned aside
18 ^f And he gave unto Moses, quickly from the way which I
when he had finished speaking ha>e commanded them; they
with him upon mount Sinai, the have made themselves a molten
fcwo tables of the testimony, calf; and they have bowed them-
tables of stone, inscribed with selves to it, and have sacrificed
the finger of God. unto it, and have said, These are
thy gods, 0 Israel, that have
CHAPTER XXXII. brought thee up out of the land
1 And when the people saw of Egypt.
9 And the Lord said unto Mo- voice of a shout for mastery
ses, I have seen this people, and, neither is it the voice of a cry foi
behold, it is a stiffnecked people. defeat ; the noise of singing do
10 And now let me alone, and I hear.
my wrath shall wax hot against 19 And it came to pass, when
them, and I will make an end of he came nigh unto the camp, and
them and I will make of thee a he saw the calf, and the dancing

great nation. that the anger of Moses waxed

1 1 Thereupon Moses besought hot, and he cast from his hands

the Lord his God, and said, Why, the tables, and broke them at
0 Lord, shall thy wrath wax hot the foot of the mount.
against thy people, that thou 20 And he took the calf which
hast brought forth out of the they had made, and burnt it in
land of Egypt, with great power fire, and ground it to a powder,
and with a mighty hand? and he strewed it upon the wa-
12 Wherefore should the Egyp- ter, and made the children of Is-
tians say thus, For mischief did rael drink of it.
he bring them out, to slay them! 21 And Moses said unto Aaron,
in the mountains, and to destroy What hath this people done unto
them from the face of the earth ? thee, that thou hast brought
Turn from thy fierce wrath, and upon it so great a sin ?
repent thee of the evil decreed 22 And Aaron said, Let not
against thy people. the anger of my lord wax hot:
13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, thou knowest the people, that it
and Israel, thy servants, to whom is bent on mischief.
thou didst swear by thy own self, 23 And they said unto me,
and speak unto them, I will mul- Make us gods that shall go be-
tiply your seed as the stars of fore us; for of this man Moses,
heaven and all this land that I who brought us up out of the

have spoken of will I give unto land of Egypt, we know not what
your seed, and they shall inherit hath become of him.
it for ever. 24 And I said unto them, Who
14 And the Lord bethought hath any gold ? They took it off
himself of the evil which he had themselves and gave it to me,
spoken to do unto his people. and I cast it into the fire, and
15 And Moses turned about, there came out this calf.
and went down from the mount 25 And Moses saw the people
with the two tables of the testi- that it had become unruly for ;

mony in his hand tables in- Aaron had made it unruly, for a

scribed on both their sides on disgrace among their opponents.


the one side and on the other 26 Moses then placed himself
were they inscribed. in the gate of the camp, and said,
16 And the tables were the Whoever is on the Lord’s side,
work of God, and the writing let him come unto me and there !

was the writing of God, engraved assembled themselves unto him

upon the tables. the sons of Levi.
17 And Joshua’ heard thenoise 27 And he said unto them,
of the people in its shouting an.d Thus hath said the Eternal, the
he said unto Moses, There is a God of Israel, Put ye, every man
noise of war in the camp. his sword by his side, and go ye
18 And he said, It is not the hither and thither, from gate to
11 * 125
gate in the camp, and slay ye swore unto Abraham, to Isaac,
every man his brother, and every and to Jacob, saying, Unto thy

man his companion, and every seed will I give it;

man his relative. 2 And I will send before thee
28 And the children of Levi an angel and I will drive out;

did according to the word of the Cana’anite, the Emorite, and

Moses: and there fell of the peo- the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the
ple on that day about three thou- Hivite, and the Jebusite;-—
sand men. 3 Unto a land flowing with
29 And Moses said, Consecrate milk and honey ; for I will not
yourselves to-day to the Lord, go up in the midst of thee, be-
yea even every man on his son, cause thou art a stiffnecked peo-
and on his brother and to bestow ple lest I consume thee on the
; ;

upon you this day a blessing. way.

30 And it came to pass on the 4 And when the people heard
morrow, that Moses said unto these evil tidings, they mourned;
the people, Ye have sinned a and no man did put his orna-
great sin and now I will go up ments on him.

unto the Lord; peradventure I 5 For the Lord had said unto
may obtain an atonement for Moses, Say unto the children of
your sin. Israel, Ye are a stiffnecked peo-
31 And Moses returned unto ple should I go up one moment,

the Lord, and said, Oh, this peo- in the midst of thee, I would
ple hath sinned a great sin, and consume thee now therefore put

they have made themselves gods off thy ornaments from thee, and
of gold. I shall know what I will do un-
32 Yet now, if thou wilt for- to thee.
give their sin — but if not, blot
6 The children of Israel then
me out, I pray thee, from thy stripped themselves of their or-
book which thou hast written. naments (they wore) from (the
33 And the Lord said unto time they were at) Mount Horeb.
Moses, Whosoever hath sinned 7 And Moses took the tent,
against me, him will I blot out and pitched it without the camp,
from my book. afar off from the camp, and called
34 And now go, lead the peo- it, Tabernacle of the congrega-
ple unto the place of which I tion and it came to pass, that

have spoken unto thee behold, [every one who sought (instruc-

my angel shall go before thee tion of) the Lord went out unto
but on the day when I visit I the tabernacle of the congre-
will visit their sin upon them. gation, which was without the
35 And the Lord sent a plague camp.
among the people, because they 8 And it came to pass, that
had made the calf which Aaron when Moses went out .unto the
made. tent, all the people would rise
up, and stand every man at the
CHAPTER XXXIII. door of his tent, and look after
1 And the Lord said unto Moses, until he was gone into
Moses, Depart, go up from here, the tent.
thou and the people that thou 9 And it came to pass, that as
hast brought up out of the land Moses entered into the tent, the
of Egypt, unto the land which I pillar of cloud descended, and
stood at the door of the tent, and 19 And he said, I will cause
spoke with Moses. all my goodness to pass before
10 And when all the people thy face, and I will proclaim, by
saw the pillar of cloud stand at name, the Lord before thee; and
the door of the tent: then all the I will be gracious to whom I will
people rose up and prostrated be gracious, and I will show
themselves, every man at the mercy to whom I will show
door of his tent. mercy.
11 And the Loan spoke unto 20 And he said, Thou canst
Moses face to face, as a man not see my face; for no man can
speak eth unto his friend ; and see me, and live.
then he returned into the camp; 21 And the Lord said, Behold,
but his servant, Joshua’ the son there is a place by me, and thou
of Nun, a young man, departed shalt stand upon the rock
not out of the tent. 22 And it shall come to pass,
12 And Moses said unto the while my glory passeth by, that
Lord, See, thou sayest unto me, I will put thee in the cleft of the
Bring up this people; but thou rock, and I will cover thee with
hast not let me know whom thou my hand, until I have passed
wilt send with me and yet thou
: by.
hast said, I have chosen thee by 23 And then will I take away
name, and thou hast also found my hand, and thou shalt see my
grace in my eyes. back parts but my face shall

13 Now, therefore, I pray thee, not be seen.*

if I have found grace in thy eyes,
do make me know thy way, that CHAPTER XXXIV.
I may know thee, in order that And the Lord said unto
1 5[
I may find grace thy eyes; Moses, Hew thyself two tables
and consider that this nation is of stone like unto the first; and
thy people. I will write upon these tables the
14 And he said, My presence words which were on the first
shall go in advance, and I will tables, which thou didst break.
give thee rest. 2 And be ready by the morn-
15 And he said unto him, If ing, and come up in the morning
thy presence go not (with us), unto mount Sinai, and present
carry us not up from here. thyself there to me on the top
16 For wherein shall it be of the mount.
known in any wise that I have 3 And no man shall come up
found grace in thy eyes, I with with thee, neither let any man
thy people ? is it not in that thou be seen throughoutall the mount;
goest with us ? so shall we be neither let the flocks or herds
distinguished, I and thy people, feed near this mount.
from all the people that are upon 4 And he hewed two table* of
the face of the earth.* stone like unto the first, and
17 And the Lord said unto Moses rose up early in the morn-
Moses, Also this thing that thou ing, and went up unto mount Si-
hast spoken will I do; for thou nai, as the Lord had commanded
hast found grace in my eyes, and]!him; and he took in his hand
I have chosen thee by name. the two tables of stone.

18 And he said, Let me see, 1 5 And the Lord descended


beseech tnee, thy glory. in the cloud, and stood with him
there ; and proclaimed, by name, ye break, and their groves shall
the Lord. ye cut down.
6 And the Lord passed<by be- 14 For thou shalt worship no
fore him, and proclaimed, The other god for the Lord, whose

Lord is the immutable, eternal name is Watchful, is a watchful

Being, the omnipotent God, mer- God.
ciful and gracious, long-suffer- 15 Make thou then no cove-
ing and abundant in beneficence nant with the inhabitants of the
and truth land ; lest that, if they go astray
7 Keeping kindness unto the after their gods, and sacrifice
thousandth (generation), forgiv- unto their gods, any one call
ing iniquity and transgression thee, and thou eat of his sacri-
and sin, but who will by no fice ;

means clear the guilty visiting

16 And lest thou take of his
the iniquity of the fathers upon daughters unto thy sons; and
the children, and upon the chil- when his daughters go astray
dren’s children, unto the third after their gods, they make thy
and unto the fourth generation. sons also go astray after their
8 And Moses made haste, and gods.
bowed his head toward the earth, 17 Thou shalt not make unto
and prostrated himself. thyself any molten gods.
9 And he said, If now I have 18 The feast of unleavened
found grace in thy eyes, 0 Lord, bread shalt thou keep seven

let the Lord, I pray thee, go days shalt thou eat unleavened
among us ; even because it is a bread, asI have commanded
stiffnecked people and pardon
: thee, in the time of the month
thou our iniquity and our sin, of Abib; for in the month of
and take us for thy heritage.* Abib thou wentest forth out of
10 And he said, Behold, I Egypt.
make a covenant before all thy
: 19 All that openeth the womb
people will I perform wonders, is mine; and every firstling that
such as have not been done on is a male among thy cattle,
all the earth, nor in any nation ; whether ox or lamb.
and all the people amongst 20 But the firstling of an ass
whom thou art shall see the work shalt thou redeem with a lamb
of the Lord; for it is a terri- and if thou redeem him not, then
ble thing that I will do with shalt thou break his neck all

thee. the first-born of thy sons shalt

11 Observe thou that which I thou redeem and none shall

command thee this day; behold, appear before me empty.

I will drive out before thee the 21 Six days thou mayest work,
Emorite, and the Cana’anite, and but on the seventh day shalt
the Hittite, and the Perizzite, thou rest: even in ploughing
and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. time and in harvest shalt thou
12 Take heed to thyself, lest rest.
thou make a covenant with the 22 And the feast of weeks
inhabitants of the land against shalt thou observe, with the first-
which thou goest up, lest it be fruits of the wheal harvest and ;

for a snare in the midst of thee; the feast of ingathering at the

13 But their altars shall ye closing of the year.
destroy, and their statues shall 23 Thrice in the year shall all
thy males appear before the Lord, commanded them all that which
the Eternal, the Godof Israel. the Lord had spoken with him
24 For I will cast out nations on mount Sinai.*
before thee, and enlarge thy bor- 33 And when Moses had done
ders yet shall no man desire
speaking with them, he put a
thy land, when thou goest up to vail over his face.
appear in the presence of the 34 But when Moses went in
Loud thy God thrice in the before the Lord to speak with
year. him, he took the vail off, until
25 Thou shalt not offer the he came out; and then he came
blood of my sacrifice with leaven out, and spoke unto the children
neither shall be left unto the of Israel that which he had been
morning the sacrifice of the feast commanded.
of the passover. 35 And the children of Israel
26 The first of the fruits of thy saw the face of Moses, that the
land shalt thou bring unto the skin of Moses’ face shone: and
house of the Lord thy God thou Moses put the vail again over

shalt not seethe a kid in his mo- his face, until he went in to
ther’s milk.* speak with him.
27 And the Lord said unto Haphtorah 1 Kings xviii. 1-39: some
commence at verse 20.
Moses, Write thee down these
words; for after the tenor of Sec. 22. VAYAKHEL, bn.Ti.
these words have I made with
thee a covenant and with Israel. CHAPTER XXXV.
28 And he remained there 1 And Moses gathered to-
with the Lord forty days and gether all the congregation of
forty nights; bread he did not the children of Israel, and said
eat,and water he did not drink; unto them, These are the things
and he wrote upon the tables the which the Loud hath command-
words of the covenant, the ten ed, that ye should do them.
commandments. 2 Six days shall work be done,
29 And it came to pass, when but on the seventh day there
Moses came down from mount shall be to you a holy day, a
Sinai, with the two tables of the sabbath of rest to the Lord:
testimony in Moses’ hand, when whosoever doth work thereon
he came down from the mount, shall be put to death.
that Moses knew not that the 3 Ye shall not kindle any fire
skin of his face shone, because throughout your habitations
he had spoken with him. upon the sabbath day.
30 And Aaron and all the 4 And Moses said unto all
children of Israel saw Moses, the congregation of the children
and, behold, the skin of his face of Israel, as followeth, This is
shone and they were afraid to
: the thing which the Lord hath
come nigh unto him. commanded, saying,
31 But Moses called unto 5 Take ye from among yon
them, and then returned unto an offering unto the Lord; who-
him Aaron and all the princes soever is of a willing heart, let
of the congregation: and Moses him bring it, an offering of the
spoke to them. Lord: Gold, and silver, and
32 And afterward aL the chil- copper,
dren of Israel came nigh and he
: 6 And blue, and purple, and
scarlet yarn, and linen thread, 20 And all the congregation
and goats’ hair, of the children of Israel departed
7 And rams’ skins dyed red, from the presence of Moses.*
and badgers’ skins, and shittim 21 And they came, every man
wood, whose heart stirred him up; and
8 And oil for the lighting, every one whom kis spirit made
and spices, for the anointing oil, willing, brought the Lord’s of-
and for the incense of spices, fering for the work o*f the taber-
9 And onyx stones, and stones nacle of the congregation, and
for setting, for the ephod, and for all its service, and for the
for the breastplate. holy garments.
10 And all the wise-hearted 22 And they came, the men
among you shall come, and make with the women whoever was ;

all that which the Lord hath wdlling-hearted, brought brace-

commanded: lets, and ear-rings, and finger-
11 The
tabernacle, its tent, rings, and tablets, all kinds of
and covering, its hooks, and
its ornaments of gold, and every
its boards, its bars, its pillars, man that offered an offering of
and16its sockets; gold unto the Lord.
12 The ark, and its staves, 23 And every man, with whom
(with) the mercy-seat, and the was found blue, and purple, and
vail of the separation; scarlet yarn, and linen thread,
13 The table, and its staves, and goats’ hair, and rams’ skins
and all its vessels, and the show- dyed red, and badgers’ skins,
bread ;
brought them.
14 And the candlestick for 24 Every one that did offer an
the lighting, and its vessel, and offering of silver and copper
its lamps, with the oil for the brought it as the Lord's ofier-
lighting; ing; and every one with whom
And the altar of incense, was found shittim wood for any
and its staves, and the anointing work of the service, brought it.
oil, and the incense of spices, 25 And all the women that
and the hanging for the door at were wise-hearted spun with
the entrance of the tabernacle; their hands, and they brought
16 The altar of burnt-offering, that which they had spun, of the
with its grating of copper, its blue, and of the purple, and of
staves, and all its vessels, the the scarlet yarn, and of the linen
laver and its foot; thread.
17 The hangings of the court, 26 And all the women whose
its and its sockets, and heart stirred them up
pillars, in wisdom
the hanging for the door of the spun the goats’ hair.
court 27 And the princes brought
18 The pins of the tabernacle, the onyx stones, and the stones
and the pins of the court, and for setting, for the ephod, and
their cords; for the breastplate;
19 The cloths of service, to do 28 And the spice and the oil,
service therewith in the holy for lighting, and for the anoint-
place, the holy garments for ing oil, and for the incense of
Aaron the priest, and the gar- spices.
ments of his sons, to minister in 29 Every man and woman,
as priests. whose heart made them willing
to all manner of work, one whose heart stirred him up
bring for
which the Lord had commanded to come near unto the work to
to be made, by the hand of Mo- do it:
ses, even that brought the chil- 3 And they received from Mo-
dren of Israel as a free-will of- ses the whole of the offering,
fering unto the Lord.* which the children of Israel had
30 And Moses said unto the brought for the work of the ser-
children of Israel, See, the Lord vice of the sanctuary, to make
lath called by name Bezalel the it; and these brought unto him
son of Uri, the son of Chur, of yet more free-will offerings morn-
the tribe of Judah ;
ing after morning.
31 And he hath filled him 4 And then came all the w ise T

with the spirit of God, in wis- men, that wrought all the work
dom, in understanding, and in of the sanctuary, every man from
knowledge, and in all manner of his own work which they were
workmanship doing.
32 And to devise works of art, 5 And they said unto Moses,
to work in gold, and in silver, thus, The people bring more than
and in copper, is required for the service of the
33 And in the cutting of work, which the Lord hath com-
stones, to set them, and in the manded to make.
carving of wood, to make any 6 And Moses gave the com-
manner of work of art. mand, and they caused it to be
34 And to teach hath he put proclaimed throughout the camp,
in his heart, both to him, and to saying, Let neither man nor wo-
Aholiab, the son of Achissamach, man do any more work for the
of the tribe of Dan. offering of the sanctuary : so
35 He hath filled them with the people were restrained from
wisdom of heart, to execute all bringing (more).
marmer of work, of the engraver, 7 And the stuff prepared was
and of the designing weaver, and sufficient for all the work to
of the embroiderer, in blue, and make it, and there was some
in purple, in scarlet yarn, and over *
in linen thread, and of the wea- 8 And all the wise-hearted
ver, of those that do every spe- men, among those who wrought
cies of work, and of those that the work, made the tabernacle
devise works of art. of ten curtains: of twisted linen
thread, and blue, and purple,
CHAPTER XXXVI. and scarlet yarn with cheru-

1 And Bezalel and Aholiab, bim, of weaver’s work, made he

and every wise-hearted man, in them.
whom the Lord hath put wisdom 9 The length of each curtain
and understanding to know how was twenty-eight cubits, and the
to do every manner of work for breadth of each curtain foui
the service of the sanctuary, cubits: there was one measure
shall make all, just as the Lord for all the curtains.
hath commanded. 10 And he coupled together
2 And Moses called for Be- five of the curtains one to an-
zalel and Aholiab, and every other: and the other five cur-
wise- hearted man in whose heart tains he coupled one to another.
the Lord had put wisdom, every 11 And he made loops of Hue
on the edge of the one curtain, the other: the like made he for
which was the outside in the all the boards of the tabernacle.
coupling: the like he made on 23 And he made the boards for
the border of the curtain, which the tabernacle: twenty boards
was the outmost on the second for the south side, on the right.
coupling. 24 And forty sockets of sil-
12 Fifty loops made he on ver made he under the twenty
the one curtain, and fifty loops boards; two sockets under the
made he on the edge of the cur- one board for its two tenons, and
tain which was in the second two sockets under the other board
coupling: the loops were fixed for its two tenons.
opposite to each other. 25 And for the other side of
13 And he made fifty hooks the tabernacle, for the north side,
of gold; and he coupled the cur- he made twenty boards:
tains together one unto the other 26 And their forty sockets of
with the hooks, and the taber- silver; two sockets under the
nacle became thus one piece. one board, and two sockets un-
14 And he made curtains der the other board.
of goats’ hair for a tent over the 27 And for the back wall of
tabernacle eleven curtains made the tabernacle, westward, he

he the same. made six boards.

15 The length of each curtain 28 And two boards made he
was thirty cubits, and four cubits for the corners of the tabernacle
was the breadth of each curtain: in the back wall.
there was one measure for the 29 And they were closely fit-
eleven curtains. ting beneath, and they were
16 And he coupled five of the closely joined together on the
curtains by themselves, and six top, by means of one ring; thus
of the curtains by themselves. he did to both of them, for both
17 And he made fifty loops on the corners.
the edge of the curtain that was 30 And so there were eight
the outmost in the coupling, and boards, and their sockets of sil-
fifty loops made he on the edge ver, sixteen sockets, two sockets
of the curtain of the second under every board.
coupling. 31 And he made bars of shit-
18 And he made fifty hooks tim wood; five, for the boards
of copper, to couple the tent to- of the one side of the tabernacle
gether that it might be one piece. 32 And five bars for the boards
19 And he made a covering of the other side of the taber-
for the tent of rams’ skins dyed nacle, and five bars for the
red, and a covering of badgers’ boards of the tabernacle for the
skins above.* back wall, westward.
20 And he made the boards 33 And he made the middle
for the tabernacle, of shittim bar to pass through the midst of
wood, standing up: the boards from the one end to
21 Ten cubits was the length the other end.
of each board, and one cubit and 34 And the boards he over-
a half was the breadth of each laid with gold, and their rings
one board. he made of gold, as receptacles
22 There were two tenons for for the bars, and he overlaid the
every'board, fitted in, one against bars with gold.
35 And he made the vail of 8 One cherub was on the one
blue, and purple, and scarlet end, and the other cherub on
yarn, and twisted linen of wea- the other end; out of the cover

ver’s work made he it, with che- itself made he the cherubim on
rubim. the two ends thereof.
36 And he made thereunto 9 And the cherubim were
four pillars of shittim wood, and spreading forth their wings on
overlaid them with gold, their high, overshadowing with their
hooks also were of gold; and he wings the cover, with their faces
cast for them four sockets of one to the other: toward the
silver. cover were the faces of the che-
37 And he made a hanging rubim directed.
for the door of the tabernacle, 10 And he made the table
of blue,and purple, and scarlet of shittim wood: two cubits was
yarn, and twisted linen; the its length, and a cubit its breadth,
work of the embroiderer and a cubit and a half its height

38 And its five pillars with 11 And he overlaid it with

their hooks; and he overlaid pure gold, and made thereto a
their tops and made their fillets crown of gold round about.
with gold; and their five sockets 12 And he made unto it a rim
were of copper. of a hand’s breadth round about,
and made a golden crown on its
CHAPTER XXXVII. rim round about.
1 And Bezalel made the 13 And he cast for it four
ark of shittim wood: two cubits rings of gold, and he put the
and a half was its length, and a rings on the four corners, that
cubit and a half its breadth, and were on the four feet thereof.
a cubit and a half its height. 14 Close under the rim were
2 And he overlaid it with pure the rings, as receptacles for the
gold within and without, and staves to bear the table.
made for it a crown of gold 15 And he made the staves of
round about. shittim wood, and overlaid them
3 And he cast for it four rings with gold, to bear the table.
of gold, for the four corners 16 And he made the vessels
thereof; even two rings on the which were upon the table, its
one side of it, and two rings on dishes, and its spoons, and its
the other side of it. purifying tubes, and the support-
4 And he made staves of shit- ers wherewith (the bread) was
tim wood, and overlaid them covered, of pure gold.*
with gold. 17 And he made the candle-
5 And he put the staves into stick of pure gold of beaten :

the rings upon the sides of the work made he the candlestick;
ark, to bear the ark. its shaft, and its branches, its
6 And he made a cover of bowls, its knobs, and its flowers,
pure gold two cubits and a half were out of one piece with it.

was its length, and one cubit 18 And six branches were
and a half its breadth. coming out of its sides: three
7 And he made two cherubim branches of the candlestick out
of gold, of beaten work made he of its one side, and three
them, on the tw o ends of the branches of the candlestick out
cover; of the other side thereof.
12 133
19 Three bowls, almond- cense of spices, according to the
shaped, were on one branch, work of the apothecary.*
with a knob and a flower,* and
three bowls, almond-shaped, CHAPTER XXXVIII.
were on the other branch, with 1 And he made the altar of
a knob and a flower: so on the burnt-offering of shittim wood:
six branches that were coming five cubits was its length, and
out of the candlestick. five cubits its breadth it was :

20 And on the candlestick it- foursquare, and three cubits was

self were four bowls, almond- its height.
shaped, with its knobs, and its 2 And he made its horns on
flowers four corners, from itself were
21 And a knob was under twa and he overlaid it with
its horns,*
branches that came out of the copper.
same, and a knob under two 3 And he made all the vessels
branches that came out of the of the altar, the pots, and the
same, and a knob under two shovels, and the basins, and the
branches that came out of the forks, and the fire-pans: all its
same, for the six branches that vessels made he of copper.
proceeded out of it. .4 And he made for the altar

22 Their knobs and their a grating, a network of copper,

branches were out of one piece under its compass beneath, even
with it all of it was one piece unto the half of it.

of beaten work, of pure gold. 5 And he cast four rings on

23 And he made its seven the four corners of the grating
lamps, and its snuffers, and its of copper, as receptacles for the
snuff-dishes, of pure gold. staves.
24 Of a talent of pure gold 6 And he made the staves of
made he it, and all its vessels. shittim wood, and overlaid them
25 And he made the altar with copper.
of incense of shittim wood its :7 And he put the staves into
length w7 as a cubit, and its the rings on the sides of the
breadth a cubit,* it was four- altar, to bear it by means of
square, and two cubits was its them: hollow, of boards, made
height,* from itself were its he it.

horns. 8 And he made the laver of

26 And he overlaid it with copper, and its foot of copper,
pure gold, its top, and its sides of the mirrors of the assembled
round about, and its horns: and women, who had assembled in
he made unto it a crown of gold troops at the door of the taber-
round about. nacle of the congregation.
27 And two rings of gold he 9 And he made the court
made for it beneath its crown, on on the south side, on the right,
its two corners, upon both its the hangings of the court weie
sides, as receptacles for the staves of twisted linen, of one hundred
to bear it by means of them. cubits
28 And he made the staves of 10 Their pillars were twenty,
shittim wood, and overlaid them with their twenty sockets of cop-
with gold. per ; the hooks of the pillars and
29 And he made the holy their fillets were of silver.
anointing oil, and the pure in- H And for the north side one
hundred cubits their pillars were
Sec. 15. PEKUDAY, npo.

twenty, with their twenty sock-

ets o-f copper ;
the hooks of the 21 These are the accounts
pillars and their fillets were of (of the articles furnished) for the
silver. tabernacle, even of the taberna-
12 And for the west side were cle of the testimony, which were
hangings of fifty cubits their counted, according to the order

pillars were ten, and their sock- of Moses, the service of tho Le-
ets ten the hooks of the pillars vites, by the hand of Ithamar,

and their fillets were of silver. the son of Aaron, the priest.
13 And for the front side, east- 22 And Bezalel the son of Uri,
ward, fifty cubits. the son of Chur, of the tribe of
14 Hangings, of fifteen cubits, Judah, made all that the Lord
were on the one wing ; their pil- had commanded Moses.
lars were three, and their sockets 23 And with him was Aholiab,
three. the son of Achissamach, of the
15 And for the other wing, on tribe of Dan, an engraver, and
both sides of the gate of the a skilful weaver, and an em-
court, were hangings of fifteen broiderer in blue, and in purple,
cubits their pillars were three, and in scarlet yarn, and in linen

and their sockets three. thread.

16 All the hangings of the court 24 All the gold that was
round about were of twisted applied to the work in all the
linen. work of the sanctuary, to wit,
17 And the sockets for the the gold of the offering, was
pillars were of copper; the hooks twenty and nine talents, and
of the pillars and their fillets, of seven hundred and thirty she-
silver; and the overlaying of kels, after the shekel of the sanc-
their tops was of silver; and all tuary.
the pillars of the court were fil- 25 And the silver of those that
leted w ith silver.®
were numbered of the congrega-
18 And the hanging for the tion was one hundred talents,
gate of the court was the work and a thousand seven hundred
of the embroiderer, of blue, and and seventy and five shekels,
purple, and scarlet yarn, and after the shekel of the sanc-
twisted linen and twenty cubits tuary
: :

was the length, and the height, 26 A bekah for every head,
in the breadth, was five cubits, that is, half a shekel, after the
answering to the hangings of the shekel of the sanctuary, for every
court. one that went to be numbered,
19 And the pillars for the same from twenty years old and up-
were four, with their four sockets ward, for six hundred thousand
of copper; their hooks were of and three thousand and five hun
silver, and the overlaying of dred and fifty.
their tops and their fillets, of 27 And the hundred talents
silver. of silver served to cast the sock-
20 And all the pins of the ta- ets of the sanctuary, and the
bernacle, and of the court round sockets of the vail one hundred

about were of copper. sockets to the hundred talents, a

Haphtorah in 1 Kings vii. 13 to 26. The talent for every socket.
Germans read from vii. 40 to 50. 28 And of the thousand seven
hundred seventy and five she- names of the children of Is*
kels he made hooks for the pil- rael.
lars, and overlaid their tops and 7 And be put them on the
filletedthem. shoulder-pieces of the ephod, as
29 And the copper of the offer- stones of memorial to the chil-
ing was seventy talents, and two dren of Israel as the Lord had

thousand and four hundred she- commanded Moses.

kels. 8 And he made the breast-
3. And he made therewith plate of weaver’s work, like the
the sockets of the door of the work of the ephod : of gold,
tabernacle of the congregation, blue, and purple, and scarlet
and the altar of copper, and the yarn, and twisted linen.
grating of copper for it, and all 9 It was foursquare, double
the vessels of the altar did they make the breastplate
31 And the sockets of the court it was a span in length, and a
round about, and the sockets of span in breadth, double.
the court gate, and all the pins 10 And they set in it four rows
of the tabernacle, and all the of stones the first row, a sar-

pins of the court round about. dius, a topaz, and an emerald;

this w as the
first row.
CHAPTER XXXIX. 11 And the second row, a car-
1 And of the blue, and purple, buncle, a sapphire, and a dia-
and scarlet yarn, they made the mond.
cloths of service, to do the ser- 12 And the third row, an opal,
vice in the holy place; and they a turquoise, and an amethyst.
made the holy garments which 13 And the fourth row, a chry-
were for Aaron, as the Lord had solite, an onyx, and a jasper:
commanded Moses.* they were fitted in golden casings
2 And he made the ephod, when they were set in.
of gold, blue, and purple, and 14 And the stones were ac-
scarlet yarn, and twisted linen ;
cording to the names of the chil-
3 And they did beat the gold dren of Israel, twelve, according
into thin plates, and cut it into to their names (engraved) with

wires, to work it in the blue, and the engraving of a signet, every

in the purple, and in the scarlet one according to his name, for
yarn, and in the linen, with the twelve tribes.
weaver’s work. 15 And they made upon the
4 They made shoulder-pieces breastplate chains with knots at
for it, joined on : on both its the ends, of wreathed work, of
edges w as it thus joined together. pure gold.

5 And the belt for girding it 16 And they made two casings
on, that was upon it, was of the of gold, and two golden rings,
same piece with itself, of the and they put the two rings on
same make of gold, blue, and the two ends of the breastplate.

purple, arid scarlet yarn, and 17 And they put the two
twisted linen ;
as the Lord had wreathed chains of gold in the
commanded Moses. two rings on the ends of the
6 And they wrought the breastplate.
onyx stones enclosed in casings 18 And the two ends of the
of gold, engraved with the en- two wreathed chains they fast-
graving of a signet, after the ened on the two casings, and
they put them on the shoulde^Jlinen breeches of twisted linen
pieces of the ephod, on the out- thread.
side thereof. 29 And the girdle of twisted
1 9 And they made two golden linen, and blue, and purple, and

rings, and put them on the two scarlet yarn, the work of the em-
ends of the breastplate, on its broiderer; as the Lord had com-
border, which was on the op mandedvMoses.
posite side of the ephod, in 30 And they made the plate
ward. of the holy crown of pure gold,
20 And they made two more and wrote upon it a writing, like
gclden rings, and put them on the engraving of a signet, Holy
the two shoulder-pieces of the to the Lord.
ephod underneath, toward its 31 And they put on it a lace of
front part, close by its seam, blue, to place it upon the mitre
above the girdle of the ephod. above; as the Lord had com-
21 And they fastened the manded Moses.
breastplate by its rings unto the 32 Thus was finished all
rings of the ephod with a lace of the work of the tabernacle of the
blue, that it might remain on the tent of the congregation and ;

girdle of the ephod, and that the the children of Israel had made
breastplate might not be loosed it in accordance with all that the
from the ephod as the Lord Lord had commanded Moses, so

had commanded Moses. had they made it.*

22 And he made the robe of 33 And they brought the
the ephod of woven work, alto- tabernacle unto Moses, the tent,
gether of blue woollen yarn. and all its vessels, its hooks, its
23 And there was an opening boards, its bars, and its pillars,
in the midst of the robe, as the and its sockets,
opening of an habergeon, with a 34 And the covering of rams’
binding round about the open- skins dyed red, and the covering
ing, that- it should not be rent. of badgers’ skins, and the vail
24 And they made upon the of the separation
lower hem of the robe pomegra- 35 The ark of the testimony,
nates of blue, and purple, and and its staves, and the mercy-
scarlet yarn, twisted. seat ;

25 And they made bells of 36 The table, and all its ves-
pure gold and they put tho. bells
sels, and the showbread;
between the pomegranates upon 37 The pure candlestick, with
the lower hem of the robe, round its lamps, the lamps to be set in
about, between the pomegra- order thereupon, and all its ves-
nates. sels, and the oil for the lighting
26 A bell and a pomegranate, 38 And the golden altar, and
a bell and a pomegranate, round the anointing oil, and the in-
about the lower hem of the robe, cense of spices, and the hanging
to minister therein ;
as the Lord for the door of the tabernacle ;

had commanded Moses. 39 The copper altar, and the

27 And they made the coats grating of copper which belonged
of linen, of woven WDrk, for to it, its staves, and all its ves-
Aaron and for his sons, sels,the laver and its foot
28 And the mitre of linen, and 40 The hangings of the court,
the goodly bonnets of linen, and its pillars and its sockets, and
12 * f2 137
the hanging for the court-gate, the hanging at the gate of the
its cords, and its pins, and all court.
the vessels of the service of the 9 And thou shalt take the
tabernacle, for the tent of the anointing oil, and anoint the ta-
congregation ;
bernacle, and all that is therein ,

41 The cloths of service, to do and thou shalt hallow it, with

the service in the holy place, and all its vessels, and it shall be
the holy garments for Aaron the holy.
priest, and the garments of hir 10 And thou shalt anoint the
sons, to minister therein. altar of burnt-offering, and all
42 All, just as the Lord had its vessels ; and thou shalt sanc-
commanded Moses, so had the tify the altar, and the altar shall
children of Israel done all the be most holy.
work. 11 And thou shalt anoint the
4.3 And Moses did look over laver with its foot, and sanctify
all the work, and, behold, they it.
had done it as the Lord had 12 And thou shalt bring near
commanded, even so had they Aaron and his « ms unto the door
done it : and Moses blessed of the tabernaoie of the congre-
them.* gation, and wash them with
CHAPTER XL. 13 And thou shalt clothe Aaron
1 And the Lord spoke untc with the holy garments and ;

Moses, saying, thou shalt anoint him, and sanc-

2 On the first day of the first tify him, that he may be a priest
month shalt thou set up the ta- unto me.
bernacle of the tent of the con- 14 And his sons shalt thou
gregation. bring near, and clothe them with
3 And thou shalt put therein coats
the ark of the testimony, and 15 And thou shalt anoint them,
separate the ark with the vail. as thou hast anointed their fa-
4 And thou shalt bring in the ther, that they may be priests
table, and arrange the order of unto me and this shall be, that

the showbread upon it; and thou their anointing shall be unto
shalt bring in the candlestick, them for an everlasting priest-
and light the lamps thereof. hood throughout their genera-
5 And thou shalt set the altar tions*
of gold for the incense before 16 And Moses did so all, just

the ark of the testimony ;

and as the Lord had commanded
thou shalt put up the hanging at him, so did he.*
the door to the tabernacle. 17 And it came to pass in
6 And thou shalt set the altar the first month in the second
of burnt-offering before the door year, on the first of the month,
of the tabernacle of the tent of that the tabernacle was reared
the congregation. up.
7 And thou ^halt set the laver 18 And Moses reared up the
between the tabernacle of the tabernacle, and placed its sock-
congregation and the altar, and ets, and sot up its boards, and
thou shalt put water therein. put in its bars, and reared up its
8 And thou shalt set up the pillars.

C' ui t round about, and put up i

19 And he spread the tent

over the tabernacle, and put the 31 And Moses and Aaron and
covering of the tent over it his sons
1 washed therefrom their
above; as the Lord had com- hands and their feet.

manded Moses. 32 When they went in unto

20 And he took and put the the tabernacle of the congrega-

testimony into the ark, and tion,

1 and when they came near
placed the staves on the ark; unto the
i altar, they washed them-
and he put the mercy-seat upon selves; as the
i Lord had com-
the ark above. manded Moses.

21 And he brought the ark 33 And he reared up the

into the tabernacle, and set up court round about the tabernacle

the vail of the separation, and and the altar, and put up the

made therewith a separation for hanging of the gate of the


the ark of the testimony ; as the court; and so did Moses finish

Lord had commanded Moses. the work.*

22 And he put the table in 34 And the cloud covered
the tabernacle of the congrega- the tent of the congregation,
tion, upon the side of the taber- and the glory of the Lord filled

nacle, northward, without the the tabernacle.

vail. 35 And Moses was not able to
23 And he arranged upon it enter into the tent of the congre-

the order of bread before the gation ; because the cloud abode
Lord; as the Lord had com- thereon, and the glory of the
manded Moses. Lord filled the tabernacle.
24 And he placed the can- 36 And when the cloud was
dlestick in the tabernacle of the taken up from over the taberna-
congregation, opposite the table, cle, the children of Israel were
on the side of the tabernacle, wont to go onward in all their
southward. journeyings.
25 And he lighted the lamps 37 But if the cloud was not
before the Lord as the Lord taken up, then they journeyed

had commanded Moses. not till the day that it was taken
26 And he placed the golden up.

altar in the tabernacle of the 38 For the cloud of the Lord

congregation before the vail. was upon the tabernacle by day,
27 And he burnt thereon the and a fire was by night on it,
incense of spices; as the Lord before the eyes of all the house
had commanded Moses.* of Israel, throughout all their
28 And he put up the hang- journeyings.
ing at the door to the tabernacle.
29 And the altar of burnt- Haphtorah, according to the Germans,
offering he placed by the door
in 1 Kings vii. 51 to viii. 21. The Por-
tuguese read from vii. 40 to 50.
of the tabernacle of the tent of Maphtere for Shekalim in Exodus
the congregation; and he offered xxx. 11 to 16.
Haphtorah in 2 Kings xii. 1 to 17'
upon it the burnt-offering and The Portuguese commence at xi. 17.
the meat-offering ; as the Lord Maphtere for Zachor in Deuteronomy
had commanded Moses. xxv. 17 to 19.
Haphtorah in 1 Samuel xv. 2 to 34.
30 And he set the laver be- The Portuguese commence v. 1.
tween the tabernacle of the con- Maphtere for Parah in Numbers xix.
gregation and the altar, and put 1 toHaphtorah

in Ezekiel xxxvi. 16 to
water there, for washing. The Portuguese end at v. 36.
YAYIKRA, xip’l.

Sec. 24. VAYIKRA, priests shall lay in order the

the head, and the fat,
upon the wood that Is on the
1 And the Loud called unto fire which is upon the altar;
Moses, and spoke unto him out 9 But its inwards and its legs
of the tabernacle of the congre- shall he wash in water and the :

gation, saying, priest shall burn the whole on

2 Speak unto the children of the altar, as a burnt-sacrifice, an
Israel, and say unto them, If offering made by fire, of a sweet
any one of you wish to bring an savour unto the Lord.
offering unto the Lord of the
: 10 And if his offering be of
cattle, either of the herds, or of the flocks, of the sheep, or of
the flocks, shall ye bring your the goats, for a burnt-sacrifice:
offering. then shall he ofi'er a male with-
3 If his offering be a burnt- out blemish as the same.
then shall
sacrifice of the herds, 11 And he shall kill it on the
he offer a male without blemish : side of the altar, northward, be-
unto the door of the tabernacle fore the Lord; and the sons of
of the congregation shall he Aaron the priests shall sprinkle
bring it, that it may be favour- its blood upon the altar round
ably received for him before the about.
Lord. 12 And he shall cut it into
4 And he shall lay his hand its pieces, with its head and its
upon the head of the burnt- fat; and the priest shall lay them
offering; ana it shall be accept- in order on the wood that is on
ed for him to make atonement the fire which is upon the altar;
for him. 13 But the inwards and the
5 And he shall kill the young legs shall he wash with water;
steer before the Lord and the and the priest shall bring near

sons of Aaron the priests shall the whole, and burn it upon the
bring near the blood, and they altar: it is a burnt-sacrifice, an
shall sprinkle the blood round offering made by fire, of a sweet
about upon the altar that is by savour unto the Lord.*
the door of the tabernacle of the 14 And if of fowls be the
congregation. burnt-sacrifice for his offering to
6 And he shall flay the burnt- the Lord: then shall he bring
offering, and cut it into its pieces. his offering of turtle-doves, or of
7 And the sons of Aaron the young pigeons.
priest shall put fire upon the al- 15 And the priest shall bring
tar, and lay the wood in order it near unto the altar, and pinch
upon the fire; off its head, and burn it on the
8 And the sons of Aaron the altar; and the blood thereof
shall be wrung out on the wall pan, it shall be made of fine floui
of the altar. with oil.
16 And he shall remove its 8 And thou shalt bring the
crop with its feathers, and cast meat-offering, which shall be
it beside the altar on the east made of these things, unto the
part, at the place of the ashes. Lord; and the offerer shall pre*
17 And he shall cleave it by sent it unto the priest, who shall
its wings, but shall not divide it bring it near unto the altar.
asunder; and the priest shall 9 And the priest shall take
burn it upon the altar, upon the up from the meat-offering its
wood that is on the fire: it is a memorial, and shall burn it upon
burnt-sacrifice, an offering made the altar: it is an offering made
by fire,of a sweet savour unto by fire, of a sweet savour unto
the Lord. the Lord.
10 And that which is left of
CHAPTER II. the meat-offering, shall belong
1 And when any person to Aaron and his sons: it is a
wish to offer a meat-offering un- most holy thing, from the fire-
to the Lord then shall his of- offerings of the Lord.

fering be of fine flour; and he 11 No meat-offering, which

shall pour upon it oil, and put ye shall bring unto the Lord,
thereon frankincense; shall be prepared leavened; for
2 And he shall bring it to one of whatever is leaven, or of any
of the sons of Aaron the priest; honey, ye shall not sacrifice an
and he shall take therefrom his offering made by fire unto the
handful of its flour, and of its Lord.
oil, with all its frankincense; 12 As an oblation of the first-
and the priest shall burn the fruits shall ye offer them unto
memorial of it upon the altar, the Lord; but on the altar shall
as an offering made by fire, of a they not come for a sweet sa-
sweet savour unto the Lord. vour.
3 And what is left of the 13 And every oblation of thj'
meat-offering shall belong to meat-offering shalt thou season
Aaron and to his sons: it is a with salt; and thou shalt not
most holy thing, from the fire- suffer the salt of the covenant of
offerings of the Lord. thy God to be lacking from thy
4 And if thou bring an obla- meat-offering with all thy of-

tion of a meat-offering baked in ferings shalt thou offer salt.

the oven, it shall be of fine flour, 14 And if thou offer a meat-
unleavened cakes mingled with offering of the first-fruits unto
oil, or unleavened wafers anoint- the Lord of ripe ears of corn

ed with oil. dried by the fire, of pounded

5 And if thy oblation be a corn out of full ears, shalt thou
meat-offering baked in a pan, it offer the meat-offering of thy
shall be made of fine flour min- first-fruits.
gled with oil, unleavened. 15 And thou. shalt put upon
6 Thou slialt break it in pieces, it oil, and lay thereon frankin-
and pour thereon oil: it is a cense: it is a meat-offering.
meat-offering.* 16 And the priest shall burn
7 And if thy oblation be a its memorial, from its pounded
meat-offering baked in a deep corn, and from its oil, with all
Its frankincense : it is an part thereof, the whole
offer- the best
ing made by fire unto the Lord.* rump, hard
by the backbone
it off’; and the fat
shall he take
CHAPTER III. that covereth the inwards, and
1 ^ And if his oblation be a all fne fat that is upon the in-
sacrifice of peace-offering, if he wards ;
offer it of the herds, whether it 10 And the two kidneys, and
be a male or female, he shall of- the fat that is upon them, which
fer it without blemish before the is on the flanks, and the midriff
Lord. above the liver, wifi, the kid-
2 And he shall lay his hand neys, shall he remove it.
ui*on the head of his offering, 11 And the priest shall burn
and kill it at the door of the it upon the altar it is the food :

tabernacle of the congregation: of the offering made by fire unto

and the sons of Aaron the priests the Lord.
shall sprinkle the blood upon 12 And if a goat be his of-
the altar round about. fering, then shall he bring it
3 And he shall offer of the near before the Lord.
sacrifice of the peace-offering, as 13 And he shall lay his hand
a fire-offering unto the Lord, the upon its head, and kill it before
fat that covereth the inwards, the tabernacle of the congrega-
and all the fat that is upon the tion and the sons of Aaron

inwards, shall sprinkle its blood upon the

4 And the two kidneys, and altar round about.
the fat that is on them, which is 14 And he shall offer thereof
on the flanks, and the midriff his offering, as a fire-offering un-
above the liver, with the kid- to the Lord, the fat that cover-
neys, shall he remove it. eth the inwards, and all the fat
5 And Aaron’s sons shall burn that is upon the inwards,
it on the altar, upon the burnt- 15 And the tw o kidneys, ana r

offering, which is upon the wood the fat that is upon them, which
that is on the fire it is an offer- is on the flanks, and the midriff'

ing made by fire, of a sweet sa- above the liver, with the kidneys
vour unto the Lord. shall he remove it.
6 And if of the flocks be 16 And the priest shall burn
his offering for a sacrifice of" them upon the altar; as the food
peace-offering unto the Lord, of the offering made by fire for
male or female, without blemish, a sweet savour, is all the fat un-
shall he offer it. to the Lord.
7 If he offer a sheep for his 17 A perpetual statute shall it
offering, then shall he bring it be for your generations through-
near before the Lord. out all your dwellings: no fat
8 And he shall lay his hand nor blood shall ye eat.*
upon the head of his offering,
and kill it before the tabernacle CHAPTER
of the congregation and the : 1 And the Lord spoke un-
sons of Aaron shall sprinkle its to Moses, saying,
blood upon the altar round about. 2 Speak unto the children of
9 And he shall offer of the Israel, saying, If any person do
sacrifice of the peace-offering, sin through ignorance against
as a fire-offering unto the Lor?, any of the prohibitions of the
Lord which ought ?:ot to And the skin of the bul-
bel 11
done, and do any of them and all his flesh, with his
3 If the anointed priest do sin head, and with his legs, and his

to bring guiltiness on the people inw ards, and his dung,


then shall he bring near for his 12 Even the whole bullock,
sin, which he hath committed, a shall he carry forth without the
young bullock without blemish, camp, unto a clean place, to
unto the Lord, for a sin-offering. where the ashes are poured out,
4 And he shall bring the bul- and burn him on the wood with
lock unto the door of the taber- fire; upon where the ashes are
nacle of the congregation before poured out shall he be burnt.
the Lord; and he shall lay his 13 And if the whole con-
hand upon the head of the bul- gregation of Israel sin through
lock, and kill the bullock before ignorance, and a thing be hidden
the Lord. from the eyes of the assembly,
5 And the anointed priest and they do any one of all the
shall take some of the bullock’s prohibitions of the Lord which
blood, and bring it into the ta- ought not to be done, and they

bernacle of the congregation (become guilty;


6 And the priest shall dip his 14 When now the sin becom-
finger in the blood and he shall leth known, through which they

sprinkle of the blood seven times have sinned: then shall the con-
before the Lord, before the vail gregation offer a young bullock
of the sanctuary. for a sin -offering, and shall bring
7 And the priest shall put him before the tabernacle of the
some of the blood upon the horns congregation.
of the altar of the incense of 15 And the elders of the con-
spices before the Lord, which is gregation shall lay their hands
in the tabernacle of the congre- upon the head of the bullock
gation; and all the (remaining) before the Lord and they

blood of the bullock shall he shall kill the bullock before the
pour out at the bottom of the Lord.
altar of burnt-offering, which is 16 And the anointed priest
at the door of the tabernacle of shall bring some of the bullock’s
the congregation. blood into the tabernacle of the
8 And all the fat of the bul- congregation :

lock of the sin-offering shall he 17 And the priest shall dip his
take off from the same the fat finger in some of the blood, and

that covereth the inwards, and sprinkle it seven times before

all the fat that is upon the in- the Lord, before the vail.
wards, 18 And some of the blood shall
9 And the two kidneys, and he put upon the horns of the
the fat that is upon them, which altar which is before the Lord,
is on the flanks, and the midriff that is in the tabernacle of the
above the liver, with the kid- congregation ; and all the (re-
neys, shall he remove it; maining) blood shall he pour out
10 As it is taken off from the at the bottom of the altar of
bullock of the sacrifice of peace- burnt-offering, which is at the
offering; and the priest shall door of the tabernacle of the
burn the same upon the altar of congregation.
burnt-offering. 19 And all his fat shall he
take from him, and burn it upon hath committed, come to his
the altar. knowledge then shall he bring

20 And he shall do with the as his offering, a goat, a female,

bullock as he did with the bul- without blemish, for his sin which
lock of the sin-offering so shall ;
he hath committed
he do with this; and the priest .29 And he shall lay his hand
shall make an atonement forupon the head of the sin-offer-
them, and it shall be forgiven ing, and slay the sin-offering
unto them. on the place of the burnt-offer-
21 And he shall carry forth ing.
the bullock to without the camp, 30 And the priest shall take
and burn him as he burnt the some of the blood thereof with
first bullock ; it is a sin-offering his finger, and put it upon the
of the congregation. horns of the altar of burnt-offer-
22 If a ruler should sin, and ing and all the (remaining)

do any one of the prohibitions blood thereof shall he pour out

of the Lord his God which ought at the bottom of the altar.
not to be done, through igno- 31 And all the fat thereof shall
rance, and become guilty he remove, as the fat is removed
23 If now his sin, wherein he from off the sacrifice of peace-
hath sinned, come to his know- offering;and the priest shall
ledge he shall bring as his offer-
: burn upon the altar for a sweet

ing, a goat, a male, without ble- savour unto the Lord and the ;

mish ;
priest shall make an atonement
24 And
he shall lay his hand for him, and it shall be forgiven
upon the head of the goat, and unto him.
kill it on the place where they 32 And if he bring a sheep
kill the burnt-offering before the for a sin-offering, a female with-
Lord it is a sin-offering.
out blemish shall he bring it.
25 And the priest shall take 33 And he shall lay his hand
some of the blood of the sin- upon the head of the sin-offer-
offering with his finger, and put ing, and slay it for a sin-offering
it upon the horns of the altar of on the place where they kill the
burnt-offering; and (the remain- burnt- offering.
der of) its blood shall he pour 34 And the priest shall take
out at the bottom of the altar of some of the blood of the sin-
burnt-offering. offering with his finger, and put
26 And all its fat shall he it upon the horns of the altar of
burn upon the altar, as the fat burnt-offering; and all the (re-
of the sacrifice of peace-offering; maining) blood thereof shall he
and the priest shall make an pour out at the bottom of the
atonement for him concerning altar.
his sin, and it shall be forgiven 35 And all the fat thereof shall
unto him.*' he remove, as the fat of the sheep
27 And if any person of is removed from the sacrifice of

the common people should sin the peace-offering and the priest ;

through ignorance, by his doing shall burn the same upon the
any one of the prohibitions of altar, upon the offerings made
the Lord, which ought not to be by fire unto the Lord and the ;

done, and become guilty priest shall make an atonement

23 If now his sin, which he for his sin that he hath com-
mitted, and it shall be forgiven sufficient for a sheep, then shall
unto him. he bring as his offering (for the
trespass) which he hath com-
CHAPTER V. mitted, two turtle-doves, or twt
1 And if any person sin, young pigeons, unto the Lord;
hr cause he heareth the voice of one for a sin-offering, and the
adjuration, and he is a witness, other for a burnt-offering.
since he hath either seen or 8 And he shall bring them
knoweth something; if he do unto the priest, and he shall offer
not tell it, and thus bear his ini- that which is for the sin-offering
quity; first, and pinch off its head by

2 Or if there be a person who the back of its neck, but shall

toucheth any unclean thing, not divide it asunder :

whether it be the carcass of an 9 And he shall sprinkle some

unclean beast, or the carcass of of the blood of the sin-offering
unclean cattle, or the carcass of upon the wall of the altar and ;

an unclean creeping thing, and the rest of the blood shall be

it escape his recollection ; but wrung out at the bottom of the
(he becometh aware that) he is altar; it is a sin-offering.
unclean, and hath (thus) in- 10 And the second shall he
curred guilt prepare as a burnt-offering, ac-
3 Or if he touch the unclean- cording to the prescribed order;
ness of man, whatsoever unclean- and the priest shall make an
ness of the kind it be by which atonement for him for his sin
he can be defiled, and it escape which he hath committed, and
his recollection but he becom- it shall be forgiven unto him.*

eth aware of it, and (that) he 11 But if his means be not

hath (thus) incurred guilt; sufficient for two turtle-doves, or
4 Or if any person swear, by two young pigeons, then shall
pronouncing with his lips to do he bring as his offering for that
evil, or to do good (to himself), which he hath sinned, the tenth
in whatsoever it be that a man part of an ephah of fine flour for
pronounceth with an oath, and a sin-offering he shall not put

it escape his recollection but he upon it any oil, nor shall he put

becometh aware of it that he thereupon any frankincense; for

hath incurred guilt by any one it is a sin-offering.
of these 12 And he shall bring it to the
5 And it shall be, if he have priest; and the priest shall take
incurred guilt by any one of from it his handful, as its memo-
these (things), that he shall con- rial, and burn it on the altar,
fess that concerning which he upon the fire-offerings of the
hath sinned; Lord; it is a sin-offering.
6 And he shall bring his tres- 13 And the priest shall mako
pass-offering unto the Lord for an atonement for him concern-
liis sin which he hath committed, ing his sin that he hath com-

a female from the flocks, a sheep mitted in one of these, and it

or a goat, for a sin-offering and shall be forgiven unto him and
; ;

the priest shall make an atone- it shall belong to the priest, aj

ment for him concerning his the meat-offering.
ein. 14 And the Lord spoke un-
7 And if his means be not to Moses, saying,
13 < 145
15 If any person commit a in any one of all these which k
trespass, and through igno-
sin man can do, to sin thereby
rance against the holy things of 23 Then shall it be, when he
the Lord then shall he bring
: hath sinned, and is conscious of
as his trespass-offering unto the his guilt, that he shall restore
Lord a ram without blemish out what he hath taken violently
of the flocks, in value of two away, or the wages which he
shekels of silver, after the shekel hath withheld, or that which
of the sanctuary, for a trespass- was delivered to him to keep, or
offering. the lost thing which he hath
1 6 And that, in which he hath found,*
sinned against the holy thing, 24 Or any one thing about
shall he pay, and shall add its which he may have sworn falsely
fifth part thereto, and give it and he shall restore it in its prin-
unto the priest; and the priest cipal, and the fifth part thereof
shall make an atonement for shall he add thereto: unto him
him with the ram of the tres- to whom it appertained shall he
pass-offering, and it shall be for- give it, on the day when he con-
given unto him. fesseth his trespass.
17 ^ And if any person sin, 25 And his trespass-offering
and commit any one of the pro- shall he bring unto the Lord, a
hibitions of the Lord which ram without blemish out of the
ought not to be done; and he flocks, of the usual value, for
know not whether he have in- a trespass-offering, unto the
curred guilt, and so bear his ini- priest
quity : 26 And the priest shall make
18 Then shall he bring a ram an atonement for him before the
without blemish out of the flocks, Lord, and it shall be forgiven
of the usual value, for a trespass- unto him, for any one thing of
offering, unto the priest; and the all that he may have done to
priest shall make an atonement trespass thereby.
for him concerning his sin of Haphtorah in Isaiah xliii. 21 to xliv. 23.
ignorance, wherein he hath erred
and knoweth it not, and it shall
be forgiven unto him. Sec. 25. TZAV, u.
19 It isa trespass-offering: he
hath in trespassing trespassed CHAPTER VI.
against the Lord.* 1 And the Lord spoke unto
20 And the Lord spoke un- Moses, saying,
to Moses, saying, 2 Command Aaron and his
21 If any person sin, and com- sons, saying, This is the law of
mit a trespass against the Lord; the burnt-offering It is the :

if he, namely, lie unto his neigh- burnt-offering, which shall be

bour in that which was delivered burning upon the altar all night
to him to keep, or in a loan, or unto the morning, and the fire
in a thing taken away by vio- of the altar shall be burning
lence, or if he have withheld theon it.
wages of his neighbour ;3 And the priest shall put od
22 Or if he have found some- his linen garment, and linen
thing which was lost, and lie breeches shall he put upon his
concerning it, and swear falsely flesh, and he shall un tie
ashes which the fire hath made 12 And the Lord spokeun-
by consuming the burnt-offering to Moses, saying,
on the altar, and he shall place 13 This is the offering of Aaron
them beside the altar. and of his sons, which they shall
4 And he shall take off his offer unto the Lord on the day
garments, and put on other gar- when he is anointed The tenth :

ments, and carry forth the ashes part of an ephah of fine flour
to without the camp, unto a clean for a meat-offering perpetually
place. half of it in the morning, and
5 And the fire upon the altar the other half of it in the even-
shall be burning on it, it shall ing.
not be put out, and the priest 14 In a pan, with oil, shall it
shall burn wood on it every be made, well sodden shalt thou
morning; and he shall lay in bring it; twice baked, a meat-
order upon it the burnt-offering, offering of broken pieces, shalt
and he shall burn thereon the thou offer it for a sweet savour
fat of the peace-offerings. unto the Lord.
6 A perpetual fire shall be 15 And the priest that shall
burning upon the altar it shall be anointed in his stead among

not go out. hhs sons shall offer it it is a:

7 5[ And this is the law of the statute for ever, unto the Lord ;
meat-offering (One of) the sons it shall be wholly burnt.

of Aaron shall bring it near before 16 And every meat-offering

the Loud, in front of the altar. of a priest shall be wholly burnt,
8 And he shall lift up from it it shall not be eaten.
his handful, of the flour of the 17 And the Lord spoke un-
meat-offering, and of its oil, and to Moses, saying,
all the frankincense which is 18 Speak unto Aaron and to
upon the meat-offering, and he his sons, saying, This is the law
shall burn it upon the altar, for of the sin-offering On the place

a sweet savour, as its memorial where the burnt-offering is killed

unto the Lord. shall the sin-offering be killed
9 And what is left thereof before the Lord it is most holy.

shall Aaron and his sons eat: 19 The priest who inaketh
unleavened shall it be eaten in a atonement with its blood shall
holy place in the court of the eat it in a holy place shall it be

tabernacle of the congregation eaten, in the court of the taber-

shall they eat it. nacle of the congregation.
10 It shall not be baked lea- 20 Whatsoever may touch the
ven as their portion have I flesh thereof shall be holy and

given it from my offerings made if there should be sprinkled any

by fire; it is most holy, as is the of its blood upon a garment,
sin-offering, and as is the tres- whatever it shall be sprinkled
pass-offering. on shalt thou wash out in % holy
11 All the males among the place.
children of Aaron shall eat of it, 21 And any earthen vessel
as a fixed portion for ever in wherein it may have been boiled
your generations from the fire- shall be broken and if it have

offerings of the Lord every one been billed in a copper vessel,


that toucheth the same shall be it shall be both scoured and

holy.* rinsed with water.
22 Every male among the!^ong to the priest that offereth :t
priests may eat thereof: it isi I
most holy. 10 And
every meat-offering
23 And every sin-offering: which is mingled with oil, or dry,

whereof any of the blood is shall belong to all the sons of


brought into the tabernacle of Aaron, to one as much as the

the congregation to make atone- other.*
ment therewith in the holy place, 11 If And this is the law of
shall not be eaten; it shall be the sacrifice of peace-offering,
burnt in fire. which one may happen to offer
unto the Lord.
CHAPTER VII. 12 If he offer it for a thanks-
1 And this is the law of giving, then shall he offer with
the trespass-offering It is most the sacrifice of thanksgiving un-

holy. leavened cakes mingled with oil,

2 On the place where they kill and unleavened wafers anointed
the burnt-offering shall they kill with oil, and fine flour, well sod-
the trespass-offering and the den, made into cakes mingled

blood thereof shall be sprinkled with oil.

upon the altar round about. 13 Together with cakes of lea-
3 And all its fat shall be vened bread shall he bring his
offered up from it; the rump, offering, with the sacrifice of his
and the fat that covereth the in- thanksgiving-peace-offering.
wards, 14 And he shall offer thereo.
4 And the two kidneys, and one out of every oblation for a
the fat that is on them, which is heave-offering unto the Lord :

on the flanks, and the midriff to the priest that sprinkleth the
above the liver, with the kid- blood of the peace-offering to —
neys shall he remove the same him shall it belong.
5 And the priest shall burn 15 An.d the flesh of the sacri-
them upon the altar for an offer- fice of his thanksgiving-peace-
ing made by fire unto the Lord offering
shall be eaten the same
it is a trespass-offering. day that it is offered; he shall
6 Every male among the priests not leave any of it until the
may eat thereof; in a holy place morning.
shall it be eaten: it is most 16 But if the sacrifice of his
holy. offering be a vow, or a voluntary
7 As the sin-offering is, so is offering, it shall be eaten the
the trespass-offering there is same day that he offereth his

one law for them the priest that sacrifice

: and on the morrow

maketh atonement therewith, his also shall what is left thereof be

shall it be. eaten.
8 And the priest that offereth 17 But what is left of the flesh

any man’s burnt-offering, the of the sacrifice, on the third day
skin of the burnt-offering which shall it be burnt with fire.
he Lath offered shall belong to 18 And if the intention was to
this priest alone. eat of the flesh of the sacrifice
9 And every meat-offering that of his peace-offering on the third
is baked in the oven, and all day, it shall not be favourably
that is dressed in the deep pan, received to him who offereth it

wad in the flat pan, shall be- shall it not be accounted it shall;

be an abomination, and the per- 29 Speak unto the children
son that eateth of it shall bear of Israel, saying, He that offer-
his iniquity. eth the sacrifice of his peace-
19 And the flesh, that touch- offering unto the Lord shall
efh any unclean thing, shall not bring his oblation unto the Lord
be eaten, with fire shall it be from the sacrifice of his peace-
burnt: and as for the flesh, every offering.
one that is clean may eat thereof. 30 His own hands shall bring
20 But the person that eateth it, as the fire-offerings of the
the flesh of the sacrifice of peace- Lord : the fat with the breast
offering, that pertaineth unto the shall he bring, the breast that it
Lord, having his uncleanness may be waved for a wave-offer-
upon him, even that person shall ing before the Lord.
be cut off from his people. 31 And the priest shall burn
21 And any person that touch- the fat upon the altar; but the
eth any unclean thing, as the breast shall belong to Aaron and
uncleanness of man, or any un- to his sons.
clean beast, or any abomina- 32 And the right shouldei
ble unclean thing, and eateth shall ye give unto the priest foi
of the flesh of the sacrifice of a heave-offering, of the sacri-
peace-offering, which pertaineth fices of your peace-offerings.
unto the Lord, even that per- 33 The one that offereth the
son shall be cut off from his blood of the peace-offerings and
people. the fat, among the sons of Aaron,
22 And the Lord spoke unto shall have the right shoulder for
Moses, saying, his part.
23 Speak unto the children 34 For the breast which hath
of Israel, saying, Every manner been waved, and the shoulder
of fat, of ox, or of sheep, or of which hath been lifted up have
goat shall ye not eat. I taken from the children of Is-
24 And the fat of a beast that rael from the sacrifices of their
dieth of itself, and the fat of that peace-offerings; and I have given
which is torn by beasts, may be them unto Aaron the priest and
used for any manner of work, unto his sons as a fixed portion
but ye shall in no wise eat of it. for ever from the children of
25 For whosoever eateth the Israel.
fat of the cattle, of which one 35 This is the portion of the
can offer an offering made by anointing of Aaron, and of the
fire unto the Lord, even the per- anointing of his sons, from the
son that eateth it shall be* cut off fire-offerings of the Lord, on the
from his people. day when he brought them near
26 Moreover ye shall eat no to become priests unto the Lord :

manner of blood, in any of your 36 Which the Lord command-

dwellings, whether it be of fowl ed to give unto them, on the day
or of cattle. that he anointed them, from the
27 Whatsoever person it be children of Israel, as a fixed por-
that eateth any manner of blood, tion for ever throughout their
even that person shall be cut off generations.
from his people. 37 This is the law of the burnt-
28 And the Lord spoke un- offering, of the meat-offering,
to Moses, saying, and of the sin-offering, and of
13* 149
the trespass-offering, and of the 1 0 And Moses took the anoint
consecration-offering, and of the ing oil, and anointed the taber-
sacrifice of the peace-offering ; nacle, and all that was therein,
38 Which the Lord command- and sanctified them.
ed Moses on mount Sinai, on the 11 And he sprinkled thereof
day that he commanded the chil- upon the altar seven times; and
dren of Israel to offer their obla- he anointed the altar and all its
tions unto the Lord, in the wil- vessels, also the laver and its
derness of Sinai.* foot, to sanctify them.
12 And he poured of the
CHAPTER VIII. anointing oil upon Aaron’s head,
1 And the Lord spoke unto and he anointed him, to sanctify
Moses, saying, him.
2 Take Aaron and his sons 13 And Moses brought near
with him, and the garments, and the sons of Aaron, and clothed
the anointing oil, and the bul- them with coats, and girded them
lock for the sin-offering, and the with girdles, and bound the bon-
two rams, and the basket of un- nets on them as the Lord had

leavened bread commanded Moses.*

3 And all the congregation 14 And he brought near the
shalt thou assemble together un- bullock of the sin-offering and ;

to the door of the tabernacle of Aaron and his sons laid their
the congregation. hands upon the head of the bul-
4 And Moses did as the Lord lock of the sin-offering.
had commanded him and
the 15 And some one slew him;
assembly came together unto the and Moses took the blood, and
door of the tabernacle of the con- put it upon the horns of the altar
gregation. round about with his finger, and
5 And Moses said unto the con- purified the altar, and the (re-
gregation, This is the thing which maining) blood he poured out at
the Lord hath commanded to do. the bottom of the altar, and sanc-
6 And Moses brought near tified it, to make henceforth atone-
Aaron and his sons, and washed ment upon it.
them with water. 16 And he took all the fat
7 And he put upon him the that was upon the inwards, and
toat, and girded him with the the midriff of the liver, and the
girdle, and clothed him with the two kidneys, and their fat, and
robe, and put upon him the Moses burnt them upon the
ephod, and he girded him with altar.
the belt of the ephod, and bound 17 But the bullock, and his
it unto him therewith. hide, and his flesh, and his dung,
8 And he put on him the he burnt with fire without the
breastplate and he put in the camp; as the Lord had com-

breastplate the Urim and the manded Moses.

Thummim. 18 And he brought near the
9 And he put the mitre upon ram of the burnt-offering; and
his head; and he placed upon Aaron and his sons laid their
the mitre, toward the front there-, hands upon the head of the ram.
of, the golden plate, the holy 19 And some one killed him;
crown ;
as the Lord had com- and Moses sprinkled the blood
manded Moses. upon the altar round about.
20 And the ram he cut into burnt them on the altar upon
the proper pieces; and Moses the burnt-offering they were a:

burnt the head, and the pieces, consecration-offering for a sweet

and the fat. savour, a fire-offering were they
21 And he washed the inwards unto the Lord.
and the legs in water ;
and Mo- 29 And Moses took the breast,
ses burnt the whole ram upon and made therewith a waving
the altar it was a burnt-sacri- before the Lord
: from the ram

fice for a sweet savour, an offer- of consecration was it given to

ing made by fire unto the Lord ;
Moses as his portion as the

as the Lord had commanded Lord had commanded Moses.*

Moses.* 30 And Moses took some of
22 And
he brought near the the anointing oil, and of the
other ram, the ram of consecra- blood which was upon the altar,
tion and Aaron and his sons and sprinkled the same upon

laid their hands upon the head Aaron, and upon his garments,
of the ram. and upon his sons, and upon the
23 And some one slew him garments of his sons with him

and Moses took some of his blood, and he sanctified Aaron, his gar-
and put it upon the tip of Aaron’s ments, and his sons, and the gar-
right ear, and upon the thumb ments of his sons with him.
of his right hand, and upon the 31 And Moses said unto Aaron
great toe of his right foot. and to his sons, Boil ye the flesh
24 And he brought near at the door of the tabernacle of
Aaron’s sons, and Moses put the congregation and there shall

some of the blood upon the tip ye eat it with the bread that is
of their right ear, and upon the in the basket of the consecra-
thumb of their right hand, and tion as I have commanded, say-

upon the great toe of their right ing, Aaron and his sons shall
foot; and Moses sprinkled the eat it.
blood upon the altar round about. 32 And that which is left of
25 And he took the fat, and the flesh and of the bread shall
the rump, and all the fat that ye burn with fire.*
was upon the inwards, and the 33 And from the door o.f the
midriff of the liver, and the two tabernacle of the congregation
kidneys, and their fat, and the shall ye not go forth seven days,
right shoulder until the days of your consecra-
26 And out of the basket of tion be at an end for seven days

unleavened bread, that was be- shall your consecration last.

fore the Lord, he took one un- 34 As they have done this
leavened cake, and one cake of day, so hath the Lord com-
oiled bread, and one wafer, and manded to do farther, to make
he put them on the fat, and upon an atonement for you.
the right shoulder : 35 And at the door of the
27 And he placed the whole tabernacle of the congregation
upon the hands of Aaron, and shall ye abide day and night
upon the hands of his sons, an,d seven days, and keep the charge
made with them a waving before of the Lord, that ye die not; for
the Lord. so I have been commanded.
23 And Moses then took these 36 And Aaron and his sons
things from off their hands, and did all the things which the
Lord had commanded by the the altar; and he slew the calf
hand of Moses. of the sin-offering, which was for
Haphtorah in Jeremiah vii. 21 to viii. 3 himself.
and ix. 22, 23.
9 And the sons of Aaron
brought the blood unto him; and
Sec. 26. SHEMINEE, he dipped his finger in the blood,
and put it upon the horns of the
CHAPTER IX. altar; and the (remaining) blood
1 And it came to pass on he poured out at the bottom of
the eighth day that Moses called the altar.
Aaron and his sons, and the 10 And the fat, and the kid-
elders of Israel neys, and the midriff from the
2 And he said unto Aaron, liver of the sin-offering, he burnt
Take unto thyself a young calf upon the altar; as the Lord had
for a sin-offering, and a ram for commanded Moses.
a burnt-offering, without blemish, 11 And the flesh and the hide
and bring them near before the he burnt with fire without the
Lord. camp.
3 And
unto the children of Is- 12 And he slew the burnt-
rael shalt thou speak, saying, offering; and the sons of Aaron
Take ye he-goat for a sin-offer-
a presented unto him the blood,
ing and a calf and a sheep, both
and he sprinkled it upon the
of the first year, without blemish, altar round about.
for a burnt- offering 13 And the burnt-offering they
4 Also a bullock and a ram presented unto him, in its proper
for peace-offerings, to sacrifice pieces, together with the head;
before the Lord, and a meat- and he burnt them upon the
offering mingled with oil; for altar.
this day the Lord will appear 14 And he washed the inwards
unto you. and the legs; and he burnt them
5 And they brought that which upon the burnt-offering on the
Moses had commanded before altar.
the tabernacle of the congrega- 15 And he brought near the
tion ; and all the congregation people’s offering; and he took
drew near and stood before the the goat of the sin-offering which
Lord. belonged to the people, and slew
6 And Moses said, This thing it, and made atonement with its
which the Lord hath commanded blood, as the first.
shall ye do: and then will the 16 And he brought near the
glory of the Lord appear unto burnt-offering, and offered it ac-
you. cording to the prescribed man-
7 And Moses said unto Aaron, ner.*
Draw near unto the altar, and 17 And he brought near the
prepare thy sin-offering, and thy meat-offering, and he filled his
burnt-offering, and make an hand thereof, and burnt it upon
atonement for thyself, and for the the altar, beside the burnt-sacri-
people; and prepare the offer- fice of the morning.
ing of the people, and make an 18 He slew also the bullock
atonement for them; as the Lord and the ram, the sacrifice of
hath commanded. peace-offering which belonged to
8 And Aaron drew near unto the people and the sons of

Aaron presented unto him the will I be glorified and Aaron

blood, and he sprinkled it upon held his peace.

the altar round about, 4 And Moses called unto
19 Also the fat of the bullock, Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons
and of the ram, the rump, and of ’Uzziel, the uncle of Aaron,
that which covereth the inwards, and said unto them, Come near,
and the kidneys, and the midriff carry your brethren from before
of the liver the sanctuary to without the
20 And they put these pieces camp.
cf fat upon the breasts, and he 5 And they came near, and
burnt the fat upon the altar; carried them in their coats to
21 And with the breasts and without the camp; as Moses had
the right shoulder Aaron made spoken.
a waving before the Lord; as 6 And Moses said unto Aaron,
Moses had commanded. and unto El’azar and unto Itha-
22 And Aaron lifted up his mar, his sons, The hair of your
hands toward the people, and head you shall not let grow long,
blessed them ;
and came down and your garments you shall not
after he had offered the sin-offer- rend, that ye die not, and that
ing, and the burnt-offering, and he be not wroth upon the whole
peace-offerings. congregation; but your brethren,
23 And Moses and Aaron went the whole house of Israel, may
into the tabernacle of the con- bewail the burning which the
gregation, and came then out, Lord hath kindled.
and blessed the people and the
: 7 And from the door of the
glory of the Lord appeared unto tabernacle of the congregation
all the people. shall ye not go out, lest ye die;
24 And there came forth a fire for the anointing oil of the Lord
from before the Lord, and con- is upon you; and they did ac-
sumed upon the altar the burnt- cording to the word of Moses.
offering and the fat; and when 8 And the Lord spoke unto
ail the people saw this, they Aaron, saying,
shouted, and fell on their faces. 9 Wine or strong drink shalt
thou not drink, neither thou, nor
CHAPTER X. thy sons with thee, when ye go
1 And Nadab and Abihu, the in unto the tabernacle of the
sons of Aaron, took each his congregation, lest ye die : it

censer, and they put therein fire, shall be a statute for evei
and put thereon incense: and throughout your generations.
they brought near before the 10 So that ye may be able to
Lord a strange fire, which he distinguish between theh<*lj and
had not commanded them. the unholy, and between the un-
2 And there went out a fire clean and the clean
from before the Lord, and con- 11 And that ye may be able
sumed them, and they died be- to teach the children of Israel
fore the Lord. all the statutes which the Lord
3 Then said Moses unto Aaron, hath spoken unto them by the
This is what the Lord hath hand of Moses.
spoken, saying, On those who 12 And Moses spoke unto
are near unto me will I be sanc- Aaron, and unto ETazar and
tified, and before all the people unto Ithamar his sons, that were
left, Take ye the meat-offering theLord; and things as these
that is left of the fire-offerings of have befallen me and if : I had
the Lord, and eat it unleavened eaten the sin-offering to-day,
beside the altar; for it is most would it have been pleasing in
holy. the eyes of the Lord?
13 And ye shall eat it in a 20 And when Moses heard
holy place, because it is thy this, it was pleasing in his eyes.*
fixed portion, and the fixed por-
tion of thy sons, from the fire-
offerings of the Lord; for so 1 <[[ And the Lord spoke unto
have I been commanded. Moses and to Aaron, saying un-
14 And the breast which hath to them,
been waved and the shoulder Speak unto the children of
which hath been lifted up, shall Israel, saying, These are the
ye eat in a clean place, thou, beasts which ye may eat among
and thy sons, and thy daughters all the beasts that are on the
with thee for as thy fixed por-
tion, and the fixed portion of thy 3 Whatsoever divideth the
sons, have they been given from hoof, and is cloven-footed, and
the sacrifices of peace-offerings cheweth the cud, among the
of the children of Israel. beasts, that may ye eat.
15 The shoulder which is 4 But these shall ye not eat,
waved and the breast which is of those that chew the cud, or of
lifted up, shall they bring with those that divide the hoof: The
the fat of the fire-offering, to camel; because he cheweth the
make therewith a. waving before cud, but divideth not the hoof;
the Lord and then shall it be
he unclean unto you.
thine, and thy sons’ with thee, 5 And
the cony; because he
as a fixed portion for ever; as cheweth the cud, but divideth
the Lord hath commanded.'* not the hoof: he is unclean unto
16 And the goat of the sin- you.
offeringMoses sought diligently, 6 And the hare; because he
and behold, it was burnt: and cheweth the cud, but divideth
he was angry with El’azar and not the hoof; he L unclean unto
Ithamar, the sons of Aaron who you.
had been left, and said, 7 And the swine; because he
17 Wherefore have ye not divideth the hoof, and is cloven-
eaten the sin-offering in the holy footed, but he cheweth not the
place, seeing that it is most holy, cud; he is unclean unto you.
and that he hath given it to you 8 Of their flesh shall ye not
to bear the iniquity of the con- eat, and their carcass shall ye
gregation, to make atonement not touch; they are unclean un-
for them before the Lord? to you.
18 Behold, its blood was not 9 These may ye eat, of all
brought within the holy place: that are in the waters All that :

ye should then have eaten it in have fins and scales in the wa-
the holy place, as I commanded. ters, in the seas, and in the riv-
19 And Aaron spoke unto ers,them may ye eat.
Moses, Behold, this day have But all that have not fins
they offered their sin-offering, and scales in the seas, and in
and their burnt-offering before the rivers, of whatever rnoveth
in the waters, and of any living 25 And whosoever beareth
thing which is in the waters, aught of their carcass shall wash
shall be an abomination unto his clothes, and be unclean un
you : til the evening.

11 And an abomination shall 26 Every species of beast,

they remain unto you; of their which divideth the hoof and is
flesh shall ye not eat, and their not cloven-footed nor cheweth
carcasses shall ye have in abo- the cud, is unclean unto you:
mination. every one that toucheth the
12 Whatsoever hath not fins same shall be unclean.
and scales in the waters, shall 27 And all that walk upon
be an abomination unto you. their paws, among all manner
13 And these shall ye have in of beasts that walk on four feet,
abomination among the fowls: are unclean unto you: whoso-
they shall not be eaten, they are ever toucheth their carcass shall
an abomination The eagle, and
: be unclean until the evening.
the ossifrage, and the osprey, 28 And he that beareth their
14 And the vulture, and the carcass shall wash his clothes,
kite after his kind ;
and be unclean until the even-
15 Every raven after his kind ing: unclean shall they be unto
16 And the ostrich, and the you.
night-hawk, and the cuckoo, and 29 And these shall be un-
the hawk after his kind clean unto you among the creep-
17 And the little owl, and the ing things that creep upon the
cormorant, and the great owl, earth : The weasel, and the
18 And the swan, and the mouse, and the tortoise after its
pelican, and the gier-eagle, kind.
19 And the stork, the heron 30 And the hedgehog, and the
after his kind, and the lapwing, chameleon, and the lizard, and
and the bat. the snail, and the mole.
20 All flying insects that walk 31 These shall be unclean to
upon four feet, shall be an abo- you among all that creep: who-
mination unto you. soever doth touch them, when
21 Yet these may ye eat, among they are dead, shall be unclean
all the flying insects that walk until the evening.
on four feet, which have spring- 32 And every thing upon
legs above their feet, to leap which any part of them, when
therewith upon the earth. •they are dead, doth
fall, shall be
22 These of them may ye eat: unclean; whether it be any ves-
The locust after its kind, and sel of wood, or raiment, or skin,
the sol’am after its kind, and or sack, every vessel wherewith
the chargol after its kind, and any work can be done, must be
the cliagab after its kind. put into water, and it shall be
unclean .until the evening, when
23 But all flying insects, which
have four feet, shall be an abo-it shall be clean.*
mination unto you 33 And every earthen vessel
24 And through these shall whereinto any part ot them fall-
ye be rendered unclean who- eth, whatsoever is in it shall

soever toucheth the carcass of be unclean ; and itself shall ye

'hem shall be unclean until the break.
evening 34 All kinds of food which
may be eaten, on which water 44 For I am the Lord youi
cometh, shall be unclean and God; ye shall therefore sanctify

all drink that may be drunk, yourselves, and ye shall be holy;

shall be rendered unclean in for I am holy neither shall ye :

every vessel. make yourselves unclean with

35 And every thing where- any manner of creeping thing
upon any part of their carcass that creepeth upon the earth.*
fa.leth, be unclean
shall an :45 For I am the Lord that
oven, or ranges for pots, shall be have brought you up out of the
broken down, they are unclean; land of Egypt, to be your God;
and unclean shall they be unto ye shall therefore be holy, for I
you. am holy.
36 Nevertheless, a fountain, 46 This „ is the law of the
or receptacles for water,
pit, beasts, and of the fowl, and of
shall be clean ; but he that every living creature that mov-
toucheth their carcass shall be eth in the waters, and of every
unclean. creature that creepeth upon the
37 And if any part of their earth
carcass fall upon any sowing- 47 To distinguish between the
seed which hath been sown, it unclean and the clean, and be-
shall be clean. tween the beast that may be
38 But if any water be put eaten and the beast that may
upon the seed, and any part of not be eaten.
their carcass fall thereon, it shall Haphtorah in 2 Samuel vi. 1 to 19. The
be unclean unto you. Germans read to vii. 3, and the Ita-
lians to verse 17.
39 And if any cattle die,
which is allowed to you as food :

he that toucheth its carcass shall Sec. 27. THAZREEANG,

be unclean until the evening. ynjn.
40 And he that e-ateth of its
carcass shall wash his clothes, CHAPTER XII.
and be unclean until the even- 1 Andthe Lord spoke un-
ing; he also that beareth its car- to Moses, saying,
cass shall wash his clothes, and 2 Speak unto the children of
be unclean until the evening. Israel, saying, If a woman have
41 And every creeping thing conceived seed, and born a male
that creepeth upon the earth is an child: then shall she be unclean
abomination, it shall not be eaten. seven days, even as in the days
42 Whatsoever goeth upon the of the separation for her infir-
belly, and whatsoever goeth upon mity shall she be unclean.
four feet, down to whatsoever 3 And on the eighth day shall
hath many feet among all creep- the flesh of his foreskin be cir-
ing things that creep upon the cumcised.
earth, shall ye not eat ; for they 4 And thirty and three day a
are an abomination. shall she then continue in the
43 Ye shall not make your- blood of her purification: any
selves abominable with any thing hallowed shall she not
creeping thing that creepeth; touch, and into the sanctuary
and ye shall not make your- shall she not come, until the days
selves unclean with them, that of her purification be at an end.
ye should be defiled thereby. 5 But if she bear a female
child, then shall she be unclean 4 But if it be a white bright
two weeks, as in her separation spot in the skin of his flesh, and
and sixty and six days shall she its appearance be not deeper
continue in the blood of the puri- than the skin, and the hair bo
fication. not turned white: then shall the
6 And at the completion of priest shut up the plague seven
the days of her purification, for days.
a son, or for a daughter, she 5 And the priest shall see him
shall bring a sheep of the first on the seventh day; and, behold,
year for a burnt-offering, and a if the plague have remained un-
young pigeon, or a turtle-dove, changed in its .appearance, the
for a sin-offering, unto the door plague have not spread in the
of the tabernacle of the congre- skin then shall the priest shut

gation, unto the priest. him up seven days more.*

7 And he shall bring it near 6 And the priest shall see him
before the Lord, and make an again on the seventh day and, ;

atonement for her, and she shall behold, if the plague be some-
be cleansed from the issue of what pale, and' the plague have
her blood: this is the law for not spread in the skin: then
her that hath given birth to a shall the priest pronounce him
male or to a female. clean it is a rising, and he shall

8 And if her means will not wash his clothes, and be clean.
suffice for a lamb, then shall she 7 But if the rising should
take two turtle-doves, or two spread abroad in the skin, after
young pigeons, the one for a he hath been seen by the priest
burnt-offering, and the other for for his cleansing, he shall be
a sin-offering; and the priest seen again by the priest.
shall make an atonement for 8 And if the priest see that,
her, and she shall be clean. behold, the rising have spread
abroad in the skin, then shall
CHAPTER XIII. the priest pronounce him un-
1 And the Lord spoke unto clean it is leprosy.

Moses and unto Aaron, saying, 9 If the plague of leprosy

2 If a man shall have in the happen to be on a man, then
skin of his flesh a swelling, a shall he be brought unto the
rising, or a bright spot, and it priest;
might become in the skin of his 10 And the priest shall see,
flesh the plague of leprosy: then and, behold, if there be a white
shall he be brought unto Aaron swelling in the skin, and the
the priest, or unto one of his hair in it have turned white, or
sons the priests. there be a trace of healthy flesh
3 And if the priest shall see in the swelling:
the plague in the skin of the 11 It is an inveterate leprosy
flesh, and the hair in the plague in the skin of his flesh, and the
be turned white, and the appear- priest shall pronounce him un-
ance of the plague be deeper clean ; he shall not shut him up,
than the skin of his flesh it is for he is unclean.

a plague of leprosy ; and (so 12 And if the leprosy break

soon as) the priest shall see out abroad in the skin, and the
him, he shall pronounce him leprosy cover all the skin of (him
unclean. that hath) the plague from his
14 157
head even to the feet, so far as 23 But if the bright spot re
the eyes of the priest can see main and spread not,
in its place,
13 If now the priest should a scar of the inflammation ,
it is
see, that, and the priest shall pronounce
behold, the leprosy
have covered all his flesh, he him clean.*
shall pronounce the plague 24 ^ Or if there be a person
clean; it is all turned white, in whose skin there is a place
he is clean. burnt by fire, and the mark of
14 But on the day that healthy the burning become a bright
flesh appeareth therein, he shall spot, white and dark red, or
be unclean. white
15 And the priest shall see 25 And if the priest see it, and,
the healthy flesh, and pronounce behold, the hair in the bright
him to be unclean the healthy spot have been turned white, and

flesh is unclean, it is the leprosy.! its appearance be deeper than

16 Or if the healthy flesh turn the skin it is leprosy, broken

again, and be changed unto out in the fire-wound and the ;

white, he shall come unto the priest shall pronounce him un-
priest; clean, it is the plague of leprosy.
17 And if the priest see him, 26 But if the priest see it, and,
and, behold, the plague be turned behold, there be in the bright
into white then
: shall the priest spot no white hair, and it be not
pronounce the plague clean, he lower than the skin, and it be
is clean. pale then shall the priest shut

18 And if there be a person him up seven days.

who hath had in his skin an 27 And the priest shall see
inflammation, and hath been him on the seventh day7 ; if now
healed, it have spread abroad in the
19 And if there be on the skin, then shall the priest pro-
place of the inflammation a nounce him unclean it is the :

white swelling, or a white and plague of leprosy.

dark red bright spot, he shall be 28 And if the bright spot re-
shown to the priest; main in its place, (and) it have
20 And if the priest see, and, not spread abroad in the skin,
behold, its appearance be lower and it be pale it is a swelling :

than the skin, and the hair there- of the fire-wound; and the priest
of have been turned white then shall pronounce him clean; for

shall the priest pronounce him it is a scar of the fire-wound.*

unclean, it is the plague of le- 29 And if there be a man
prosy broken out in the inflam- or woman on whom there arise
mation. a plague, on the head or on the
2 1 But if the priest see it, and, beard ;
behold, there be no white hair 30 Then shall the priest see
therein, and if it be not lower the plague; and, behold, if its
than the skin, and it be pale appearance be deeper than the
then shall the priest shut him up skin, and there be in it a yellow
seven days. thin hair then shall the priest

22 And if it now spread abroad pronounce him unclean, it is a

in the skin, then shall the priest dry scall, it is the leprosy of the
pronounce him unclean it is the head or of the beard.

plague (of leprosy). 31 And if the priest see the

plague of the scall, and, behold, whose hair of the head fall ofij
its appearance be not deeper he is a bald-head he is clean.

than the skin, and there be no 41 And if from the side of his
black hair in it: then shall the face his hair fall off he is fore-
priest shut up the plague of the head-bald ; he is clean.
scall seven days. 42 But if there be on the bald
32 And the priest shall see head, or the bald forehead, an
the plague on the seventh day eruption, white and dark red: it
and, behold, if the scall have not is the leprosy sprung up on his

spread, and there be in it no yel- bald head, or his bald forehead.

low hair, and the appearance of 43 And the priest shall see
the scall be not deeper than the him; and, behold, if the swell-
gkin : ing of the eruption be white and
33 Then shall he be shaved, dark red on his bald head, or on
but the scall he shall not shave his bald forehead, like the ap-
and the priest shall shut up the pearance of the leprosy on the
scall seven days more. (other parts of the) skin of the
34 And the priest shall see flesh
the scall on the seventh day 44 He is a leprous man, he is
and, behold, if the scall have unclean; the priest shall pro-
not spread in the skin, and its nounce him unclean ; his plague
appearance be not deeper than is on his head.
the skin then shall the priest
: 45 And the leper on whom
pronounce him clean, and he the plague is, his clothes shall —
shall wash his clothes, and be be rent, and his head shall be
clean. bare, and he shall cover himself
35 But if the scall should up to his upper lip, and, Un-
spread abroad in the skin after clean, unclean, shall he call out.
his being pronounced clean 46 All the days whereon the

36 Then shall the priest see plague which rendereth unclean

him ; and, behold, if the scall is on him, he shall be unclean
have spread in the skin, the alone shall he dwell without ;

priest shall not seek for the yel- the camp shall his habitation
low hair he is unclean.
37 But if the scall have re- 47 *ff And if there be a gar-
mained stationary in its colour, ment on which there arise a
and black hair have grown up plague of leprosy, whether it bo
therein the scall is then healed, on a woollen garment, or on a

he is clean and the priest shall linen garment;


pronounce him clean. 48 Whether it be on the warp,

38 <[[ And if there be a man or or on the woof; of linen or of
a woman having in the skin of woollen; whether on a skin, or
their flesh bright spots, white on any thing made of skin ;
bright spots 49 And the plague be dark
39 And if the priest do see, green or dark red, on the gar-
and, behold, there are in the skin ment, or on the skin, or on the
of their flesh br’ ght spots, pale warp, or on the woof, or on any
and white it is a freckly erup- article made of skin it is the
: :

tion grown in the skin; he is plague of leprosy and it shall


clean.* be shown unto the priest.

40 If And if there be a man 50 And the priest shall see the
plague, and shut up the plague part therefrom, shall be washed
seven days. the second time, when it shall be
51 And if he see the plague clean.
on the seventh day, that the 59 This is the law of the
plague have spread in the gar- plague of leprosy on a garment
ment, either in the warp, or in of woollen or of linen, either in
the woof, or in the skin, or in the warp, or the woof, or any
any article that is made of skin : article of skin, to pronounce
ib 3 plague is a corroding leprosy clean, or unclean.
it is unclean. Haphtorah in 2 Kings iv. 42 to v. 19.
52 And he shall then burn
that garment, whether warp or
woof, in woollen or in linen, or S/EC. 28. METZORANG, jpso-
any article of skin, whereon the
plague is ; for it is a corroding CHAPTER XIV.
leprosy, in fire shall it be burnt. 1 And the Lord spoke unto
53 And if the priest shall see, Moses, saying,
and, behold, the plague have not 2 This shall be the law of the
spread on the garment, either on leper on the day of his being
the warp, or on the woof, or on cleansed: He shall be brought
any article of skin unto the priest.
54 Then shall the priest com- 3 And the priest shall go forth
mand that they wash the thing to without the camp and if the

whereon the plague is, and he priest see, and, behold, the plague
shall shut it up seven days of leprosy be healed on the leper
more.’* 4 Then shall the priest com-
55 And if the priest see, after mand to take for him that is to
the plague hath been washed, be cleansed two healthy, clean
and, behold, the plague have not birds, and cedar wood, and a
changed its colour, and the plague string of scarlet yarn, and hys-
have not spread it is unclean, sop.

in fire shall thou burn it ; it is a 5 And the priest shall com-

decay on its inside or on its out- mand that one of the birds be
side. killed in an earthen vessel over
56 And if the priest see, and, running water.
behold, the plague have become 6 As for the living bird, he
pale after its having been washed shall take it, and the cedar wood,
then shall he tear it out from the and the string of scarlet yarn,
garment, or from the skin, or and the hyssop, and he shall dip
from the warp, or from the these and the living bird into
woof.'* the blood of the bird that was
57 And if it appear again on killed over the running water:
the garment, either on the warp, 7 And he shall sprinkle upon
or on the woof, or on any instru- him that is to be cleansed from
ment of skin it is a growing the leprosy seven times; and

plague with fire shalt thou burn when he hath cleansed him, he

that whereon the plague is. shall let the living bird fly forth
58 And the garment, either into the open field.
the warp or the woof, or every 8 And he that is to be cleansed
instrument of skin, which thou shall wash his clothes, and shave
shalt wash, and the plague de- off all his hair, and wash him*
self in water, and he shall be And the priest shall dip
clean, and after that he may his finger of the right hand in
come into the camp; but he shall the oil that is in his left hand,
tarry outside of his tent seven and he shall sprinkle of the oil
days. with his finger seven times be-
9 And it shall be on the se- fore the Lord.
venth day, that he shall shave 17 And of the rest of the oil
off all his hair, his head, and his that is in his hand shall the
beard, and his eyebrows, even priest put upon the tip of the
all his hair shall he shave off’: right ear of him that is to be
and he shall wash his clothes, he cleansed, and upon the thumb
shall also wash his flesh in wa- of his right hand, and upon the
ter, when he shall be clean. great toe of his right foot, upon
10 And on the eighth day he the blood of the trespass-offering.
shall take two sheep without ble- 18 And what is left of the oil
mish, and one ewe of the first that is in the priest’s hand, he
year without blemish, and three- shall put upon the head of him
tenth parts (of an ephah) of fine that is to be cleansed: and the
flour for a meat-offering, mingled priest shall (thus) make an atone-
with oil, and one log of oil. ment for him before the Lord.
11 And the priest who cleans- 19 And the priest shall pre-
eth shall cause the man that is pare the sin-offering, and make
to be made clean, and these an atonement for him that is to
things, to stand before the Lord, be cleansed from his unclean-
at the door of the tabernacle of ness and afterward shall h* kill

the congregation : the burnt-offering;

12 And the priest shall take 20 And the priest shall offer
the one sheep, and offer the same the burnt-offering and the meat-
for a trespass-offering, with the offering upon the altar: and the
log of oil ; and he shall make priest shall (thus) make an atone-
with them a waving before the ment for him, and he shall be
Lord.* clean.*
13 And he shall slay the sheep 21 But he be poor, and
on the place where the sin-ofl'er- his means do not suffice, then
ing and the burnt-offering are shall he take one sheep for a
killed, in the holy place for as
trespass-offering to be waved, to
the sin-offering so doth the tres- make an atonement for him;
pass-offering belong to the priest and one-tenth part (of an ephah)
it is most holy. of fine flour mingled with oil for
14 And the priest shall take a meat-offering, and a log of oil
some of the blood of the trespass- 22 And two turtle-doves, or
offering,*and the priest shall put two young pigeons, for which
it upon the tip of the right ear his means suffice; and one shall
of him that is to be cleansed, and be a sin-offering, and the other
upon the thumb of his right a burnt-offering.
hand, and upon the great toe of 23 And he shall bring them
his right foot. on the eighth day of his being
15 And the priest shall take cleansed unto the priest, unto
some of .thelog of oil, and pour the door of the tabernacle of the
it into the palm of his own left congregation, before the Lord.
hand. 24 And the priest shall take
14* g 2 161
the sheep of the trespass-offer- to Moses and unto Aaron, say
ing, and t»he log of oil; and the ing,
priest shall make with them a 34 When ye come into the
waving before the Lord. land of Cana’an, which I give to
25 And he shall kill the sheep you for a possession, and I put
of the trespass-offering; and the the plague of leprosy on a house
priest shall take some of the of the land of your possession
blood of the trespass-offering, 35 Then shall he that owneth
ftnd put it upon the tip of the the house come and tell the
right ear of him that is to be priest, saying, Something like a
cleansed, and upon the thumb leprosy hath shown itself to me
of his right hand, and upon the in the house.
great toe of his right foot. 36 And the priest shall com-
26 And some of the oil shall mand that they clear out the
the priest pour into the palm of house, before the priest go into
his own left hand : it to see the plague, that all be
27 And the priest shall sprin- not made unclean that is in the
kle with his finger of the right house and after this shall the

hand some of the oil that is in priest go in to see the house.

his left hand, seven times before 37 And he shall view the
the Lord; plague, and, behold, if the plague
28 And the priest shall put of be in the walls of the house, in
the oil that is in his hand upon depressions, dark green or dark
the tip of the right ear of him red, and their appearance be
that #s to be cleansed, and upon deeper than the wall
the thumb of his right hand, and 38 Then shall the priest go
upon the great toe of his right out of the house to the door of
foot; upon the place of the blood the house, and lock up the house
of the trespass-offering; seven days.
29 And what is left of the oil 39 And the priest shall come
that is in the priest’s hand he again on the seventh day and ;

shall put upon the head of him if he see, that, behold, the plague
that is to be cleansed, to make have spread in the walls of the
an atonement for him before the house
Lord. 40 Then shall the priest com-
30 And he shall offer the one mand that they break out the
of the turtle-doves, or of the stones on which the plague is;
young pigeons, from what his and they shall cast them forth
means enable him (to bring); without the city on an unclean
31 Even what his means en- place.
able him, the one for a sin-offer- 41 And the house he shall
ing, and the other for a burnt- cause to be scraped within round
ofi'ering, with the meat-offering: about; and they shall pour out
and the priest shall (thus) make the rubbish that they have
an atonement for him that is to scraped off without the city on
be cleansed, before the Lord. an unclean place ;
32 This is the law of him on 42 And they shall take other
whom is the plague of leprosy, stones, and put them into the
whose means are not sufficient place of these stones; and other

when he is clean sed.* mortar shall he take, and shall

33 And the Lord spoke un-j poster the house.

43 And if the plague come hyssop, and with the string of
aguin, and break out in the scarlet yarn ;

house, after he hath taken -away 53 But he shall let fly forth
the stones, and after the house the living bird out of the city
hath been scraped, and after it into the open field, and make
hath been plastered (thus) an atonement for the
44 Then shall the priest come house, and it shall be clean.*
and if he see that, behold, the 54 This is the law for all man-
plague have spread in the house, ner of plague of leprosy, and.
it is a corrosive leprosy in the scall,
house it is unclean.
55 And for the leprosy of a
45 And he shall break down garment and of a house,
the house, its stones, and the 56 And for a swelling, and for
timbers thereof, and all the mor- a rising, and for a bright spot;
tar of the house; and he shall 57 To teach on the day when
carry them forth to without the something is unclean, and on
city, unto an unclean place. the day when it is clean: this is
46 And he that goeth into the the law of the leprosy.
house, all the days that it is
locked up, shall be unclean until CHAPTER
the evening.
47 And he that lieth in the 1 And the Lord spoke unto
house shall wash his clothes Moses and to Aaron, saying,
and he that eateth in the house 2 Speak unto the children of
shall wash his clothes. Israel, and say unto them, When
48 But if the priest should any man have a running issue
come in, and see, and, behold, out of his flesh because of his

the plague have not spread in issue is he unclean.

the house, after the house was 3 And this shall be his un-
plastered then shall the priest cleanness in his issue whether
: :

pronounce the house clean, be- his flesh run with his issue, or
cause the plague is healed. his flesh be stopped from his
49 And he shall take, to atone issue, it is his uncleanness.
for the house, two birds, and 4 Every bed, whereon he may
cedar wood, and a string of scar- lie that hath the issue, shall
let yarn, and hyssop. be unclean and every vessel,

50 And he shall kill the one whereon he may sit, shall be

bird in an earthen vessel over unclean.
running water; 5 And any man that toucheth
51 And he shall take the cedar his bed shall wash his clothes,
wood, and the hj'ssop, and the and bathe himself in water, and
scarlet yarn, and the living bird, be unclean until the evening.
and dip them in the blood of the 6 And he that sitteth on any
slain bird, and in the running vessel whereon he that hath the
water, and sprinkle on the house issue may sit, shall wash his
seven times clothes, and loathe himself in
52 And he shall atone for the water, and be unclean until the
house with the blood of the bird, evening.
and with the running water, and 7 And he that toucheth the
with the living bird, and with flesh of him that hath the issue
the cedar wood, and with the shall wash his clothes, and bathe
himself in water, and be unclean ,of copulation go oat from him,
until the evening. then shall he bathe all his flesh
8 And if he that hath the is- in water, and be unclean until

sue spit upon him that is clean: the evening.


then shall this one wash his, ,

17 And any garment, and any
clothes, and bathe himself in skin, whereon the seed of copu-
water, and be unclean until the lation may be, shall be washed
evening. with water, and be unclean until
9 ^nd what saddle soever he the evening.
that hath the issue may ride 18 And if a man should lie
upon shall be unclean. with a woman with seed of co-
10 And whosoever toucheth pulation :then shall they bathe
any thing, that may be under themselves in water, and be un-
him, shall be unclean until the clean until the evening.
evening: and he that beareth 19 And if a woman have an
any of these things shall wash issue, so that blood flow from
his clothes, and bathe himself in her flesh: then shall she be in
water, and be unclean until the her state of separation seven
evening. days; and whosoever toucheth
11 And whomsoever he that her shall be unclean until the
hath the issue may touch, and evening.
he have not rinsed his hands in 20 And every thing that she
water, shall wash his clothes, may lie upon in her separation
and bathe himself in water, and shall be unclean: and whatever
be unclean until the evening. she may sit upon shall be un-
12 And an earthen vessel that clean.
he who hath the issue may touch, 21 And whosoever toucheth
shall be broken ; and every ves- her bed shall wash his clothes,
sel of wood shall be rinsed in and bathe himself in water, and
water. be unclean until the evening.
13 And when he that hath an 22 And whosoever toucheth
issue becometh clean of his issue any vessel, that she may sit

then shall ne number to himself upon, shall wash his clothes,

seven days for his cleansing, and bathe himself in water, and
and wash his clothes, and bathe be unclean until the evening.
his flesh in running water, and 23 And if something be on
then shall he be clean. the bed, or on any thing whereon
14 And on the eighth day she may sit, when he toucheth it,
shall he take unto himself two he shall be unclean until the
turtle-doves, or two young pi- evening.
geons, and come before the Lord, 24 And if any man should lie
unto the door of the tabernacle with her, and the uncleanness of
of the congregation, and give her separation come upon him,
them unto the priest,* he shall be unclean seven days;
15 And the priest shall offer and every bed whereon he may
them, the one for a sin-offering, lie shall be unclean.
and the other for a burnt-offer- 25 And if a woman have an
ing: and the priest shall make issue of her blood many days
an atonement for him before the out of the time of her separation,
Lord for his issue.* or if it run beyond the time of
16 II And if any man’s seed her separation all the days of

the of her uncleanness Sec. 29.
shall she be as in the days of
rio nn«.
her separation she shall be un-
26 Every bed whereon she 1 And the Lord spoke unto
may lie all the days of her issue Moses after the death of the two
shall be unto her as the bed of sons of Aaron, when they had
her separation; and whatever come near before the Lord, and
vessel she may sit upon shall be died
unclean, as the uncleanness of 2 And the Lord said unto
her separation. Moses, Speak unto Aaron thy
27 And whosoever toucheth brother, that he come not at all
these things shall be unclean times into the holy place within
and he shall wash his clothes, the vail, before the mercy-seat,
and bathe himself in water, and which is upon the ark, that he
be unclean until the evening. die not; for in the cloud will I
28 And when she becometh appear upon the mercy-seat.
clean of her issue, then shall she 3 With this shall Aaron come
number to herself seven days, in to the holy place With a young

and after that shall she be bullock for a sin-offering, and a

clean.* ram
for a burnt-offering.
29 And on the eighth day 4 A holy linen coat shall he
shall she take unto herself two put on, and linen breeches shall
turtle-doves, or two young pi- he have upon his flesh, and with
geons, and bring them unto the a linen girdle shall he gird him-
priest, to the door of the taber- self, and a linen mitre shall he
nacle of the congregation. bind on his head; these are holy
30 And the priest shall offer garments; therefore shall he
the one for a sin-offering, and wash his flesh in water, and then
the other for a burnt-offering; put them on.
and the priest shall make an 5 And from the congregation
atonement for her before the of the children cf Israel shall he
Lord for the issue of her un- take two goats for a sin-offering,
cleanness.* and one ram for a burnt-offering.
31 And ye shall separate the 6 And Aaron shall bring near
children of Israel from their un- the bullock of the sin-offering,
cleanness; that they may not which is for himself, and make
die in their uncleanness, when an atonement for himself, and
they detile in}r tabernacle that is for his house.
in their midst. 7 And he shall take the two
32 This is the law of him that goats, and place them before the

hath an issue, and of him whose Lord at the door of the taber-
seed goeth from him, and is de- nacle of the congregation.
filed therewith 8 And Aaron shall put lota
33 And of her that is suffering upon the two goats: one lot
in her separation, and of him “for the Lord,” and the other
that hath an iseue, of the man, lot “ for 'Azazel.”
and of the woman, and of him 9 And Aaron shall bring near
that lieth with her that is un- the goat upon which fell the lot
clean. “for the Lord,” and offer him
Haphtorah in 2 Kings vii. 3 to 20. for a sin-offering.
10 But the goat on which fell man in the tabernacle of ftie
the lot “for ’Azazel” shall be congregation when he goeth in
placed alive before the Loud, to to make an atonement in the
make an atonement with him, holy place, until he come out:
by sending him away to ’Azazel and so shall he make an atone-
into the wilderness. ment for himself, and for his
11 And Aaron shall bring household, and for the whole
near the bullock of the sin-of- congregation of Israel.*
fering, which is for himself, and 18 And he shall then go out
he shall make an atonement for unto the altar that is before the
himself, and for his house; and Lord, and make an atonement
he shall kill the bullock of the upon it; and he shall take of the
sin-offering which is for himself. blood of the bullock, and of the
12 And he shall take a censer blood of the goat, and put it
full of burning coals of fire from upon the horns of the altar round
off the altar before the Lord, about.
and both his hands full of in- 19 And he shall sprinkle upon
cense of spices, pounded fine, it of the blood with his finger
and bring it within the vail; seven times ; and he shall cleanse
13 And he shall put the in- it, and hallow it from the un-

cense upon the fire, before the cleanness of the children of Is-
Lord ; that the cloud of the in- rael.
cense may envelop the mercy- 20 And when he hath made
seat that is upon the testimony, an end of atoning for the holy
that he die not. place, and the tabernacle of the
14 And he shall take of the congregation, and the altar: then
blood of the bullock, and sprinkle shall he bring near the live goat.
it with his finger above toward 21 And Aaron shall lay both
the mercy-seat, eastward; and his hands upon the head of the
before the mercy-seat shall he live goat, and confess over him
sprinkle seven times of the blood all the iniquities of the children
with his' finger. of Israel, and all their trans-
15 And he shall kill the goat gressions in all their sins, put-
of the sin-offering, that is for the ting them upon the head of the
people, and bring his blood to goat, and he shall send him away
within the vail, and do with that by the hand of a man appointed
blood as he did with the blood thereto into the wilderness:
of the bullock, and sprinkle it 22 And the goat shall bear
above the mercy-seat, and be- upon him all their iniquities
fore the mercy-seat. unto a land not inhabited; and
16 And he shall make an so shall he send away the goat
atonement for the holy place, into the wilderness.
because of the uncleanness of 23 And Aaron shall then go
the children of Israel, and be- into the tabernacle of the con-
cause of their transgressions in gregation, and he shall take off
all their sins: and so linen garments, which he
shall he do the
had put on when he went into
for the tabernacle of the congre-
gation, thatabideth among them the holy place, and he shall leave
in the midst of their unclean- them there:
ness. 24 And he shall bathe his flesh
17 And there shall not be any with water in a holy place, and
put on his garments; and come 33 And he shall make an
then forth, and offer his burnt- atonement for the holy of holies;
offering,and the burnt-offering and for the tabernacle of the
of the people, and make an congregation, and for the altar
atonement for himself, and for shall he make an atonement;
the people.* and also for the priests, and for
25 And
the fat of the sin-of- all the people of the congrega-
fering shall he burn upon the tion shall he make an atone-
altar. ment.
26 And he that carrieth the 34 And this shall be unto you
goat to ’Azazel shall wash his as a statute for everlasting, to

clothes, and bathe his flesh in make an atonement for the chil-
water, and afterward he may dren of Israel for all their sins
come into the camp. once a year: and he did as the
27 And the bullock for the Lord had commanded Moses.*
sin-offering, and the goat for the
sin-offering, the blood of which CHAPTER XVII.
was brought in to make atone- 1 f And the Lord spoke unto
ment in the holy place, shall one Moses, saying,
carry forth without the camp; 2 Speak unto Aaron, and un-
and they shall burn in fire their to his sons, and unto all the
skins, and their flesh, and their children of Israel, and say unto
dung. them, This is the thing which
28 And he that burnetii them the Lord hath commanded,
shall wash his clothes, and bathe saying,
his flesh in water, and afterward 3 Any man whatsoever of the
he may come into the camp. house of Israel, that killeth an
29 And it shall be unto you ox, or a sheep, or a goat, in the
a statute for ever in the seventh camp, or that killeth it out of

month, on the tenth of the month, the camp,

shall ye afflict yourselves (by 4 And bringeth it not to the
fasting), and no work shall ye door of the tabernacle of the
do, whether it be one of your congregation, to offer it as an
own country, or the stranger offering unto the Lord before
that sojourneth among you; the tabernacle of the Lord: as
30 For on that day shall (the blood-guiltiness shall it be im-
high-priest) make an atonement puted unto that man, blood hath
for you, to cleanse you; from all he shed; and that man shall be
your sins before the Lord shall cut off from among his people.
yc be clean. 5 In order that the children
31 It shall be a sabbath of of Israel may bring their sacri-
rest unto you, and ye shall af- fices, which they slay in the
flict yourselves (by fasting), as open field, and bring them unto
a statute for ever. the Lord, to the door of the
32 And the priest, who shall tabernacle of the congregation,
be anointed, and who shall be unto the priest, and slay them
consecrated to minister as priest as sacrifices of peace-offerings
in his father’s stead, shall make unto the Lord.
the atonement; and he shall put 6 And the priest shall sprinkle
on the linen clothes, the holy the blood upon the alt-ar of the
garments Lord at the door of the taberna.
cle of the congregation; and he unto the children cf Israel, The
shall burn the fat for a sweet blood of every manner of flesh
savour unto the Lord. shall ye not eat; for the life
7 S that they shall offer no
of all flesh is its blood, every
more their sacrifices unto evil one who eateth it shall be cut
spirits, after which they have off.
gone astray: a statute for ever 15 And every person that eat*
shall this be unto them through- eth that which hath died of it-
out their generations.* self, or that which was torn by
3 And unto them shalt thou beasts, be this one born in your
say, Whatsoever man there be own country, or a stranger, shall
of the house of Israel, or of both wash his clothes, and bathe
the strangers w ho may sojourn
himself in water, and be unclean
among them, that offereth a until the evening, when he shall
burnt-offering or a sacrifice, be clean.
9 And bringeth it not unto 16 But if he wash (them) not,
the door of the tabernacle of the nor bathe his flesh, then shall he
congregation, to offer it unto the bear his iniquity.
Lord even that man shall be

cut off from among his people. CHAPTER XVIII.

10 And if there be any man 1 And
the Lord spoke unto
of the house of Israel, or of the Moses, saying,
strangers that sojourn among 2 Speak unto the children of
them, that eateth any manner Israel, and say unto them, I am
of blood I will set my face
: the Lord your God.
against the person that eateth 3 After the doings of the land
the blood, and I will cut him off of Egypt, wherein ye have dwelt,
from among his people. shall ye not do and after the

11 For the life of the flesh is doings of the land of Cana’an

in the blood; and I have ap- whither I am bringing you, shall
pointed it for you upon the altar ye not do; and in their customs
to make an atonement for your shall ye not walk.
souls; for the blood it is that 4 My ordinances shall ye do,
maketh an atonement for the and my statutes shall ye keep,
soul. to walk therein I am the Lord

12 Therefore have I said unto your God.

the children of Israel, No one of 5 And ye shall keep my sta-
you shall eat blood, and the tutes, and my ordinances, which
stranger that sojourneth among if a man do, he shall live in
you shall not eat blood. them I .am the Lord.'*

13 And if there be any man 6 None of you shall approach

whatsoever of the children of to any that are near of kin to
Israel, or of the strangers that him, to uncover their nakedness:
sojourn among them, who catch- I am the Lord.
eth by hunting any beast or fowl 7 The nakedness of thy fa-
that may be eaten: then shall ther, or the nakedness of thy
he pour out the blood thereof, mother, shalt thou not uncover:
and cover it up with dust. she is thy mother, thou shalt not
14 For the life of all flesh is uncover her nakedness.
its blood, on which its life de- 8 The nakedness of thy fa-
pendeth therefore have I said ther’s wife shalt thou not un-

cover: thy father’s naked- nakedness, beside the other, in
it is
ness. her lifetime.
9 ^ The nakedness of thy sis- 19 And a woman in the sepa-
ter, the daughter of thy father, ration of her uncleanness shalt
or the daughter of thy mother, thou not approach, to uncover
whether she be born at home, or her nakedness.

born abroad, even the naked- 20 And with thy neighbour’s
ness of any of these, shalt thou wife shalt thou not lie carnally,
not uncover. to defile thyself with her.
10 % The nakedness of thy 21 And any of thy seed shalt
son’s daughter, or of thy daugh- thou not let pass through (the
ter’s daughter, —
even the naked- fire) to Molech, and thou shalt
ness cf any of these, shalt thou not profane the name of thy God
not uncover ; for theirs is thy I am the Lord.*
own nakedness. 22 And with a man shalt thou
11 The nakedness of thy not lie, as with a woman it is :

father’s wife’s daughter, begot- an abomination.

ten of thy father, she is thy sis- 23 And with any beast shalt

ter, thou shalt not uncover her thou not lie to defile thyself
nakedness. therewith neither shall any wo-

12 *[ The nakedness of thy man stand before a beast to lie

father’s sister shalt thou not un- down thereto : it is confusion.
cover she is thy father’s near
: 24 Do not defile yourselves
kinswoman. through any of these things ; for
13 The nakedness of thy through all these have become
mother’s sister shalt thou notun- defiled the nations which I cast
cover; for she is thy mother’s out before you :

near kinswoman. 25 And the land became de-

14 The nakedness of thy filed wherefore I have visited

father’s brother shalt thou not its iniquity upon it, and the land
uncover: his wife shalt thou not itself vomited out its inhabit-
approach, she is thy aunt. ants.*
15 The nakedness of thy 26 Ye shall therefore keep my
daughter-in-law shalt thou not statutes and my ordinances, and
uncover: she is thy son’s wife, ye shall not commit any of these
thou shalt not uncover her na- abominations ;
neither any of
kedness. your own nation, nor the stran-
16 The nakedness of thy ger that sojourneth among you ;

brother’s wife shalt thou not un- 27 (For all these abominations
cover it is thy brother’s naked- have the men of the land done,

ness. who were before you, and the

17 The nakedness of a wo- land hath become defiled) :*
man and her daughter shalt thou 28 That the land may not
not uncover; her son’s daughter, vomit you out also, when ye de-
or her daughter’s daughter shalt file it, as it hath vomited out the
thou not take, to uncover her nations that were before you.
nakedness ; for they are near 29 For whosoever shall com-
kinswomen it is incest.
: mit any of these abominations,
18 And a woman together even the souls that commit them
with her sister shalt thou not shall be cut oft' from among their
take, to vex her, to uncover her people.
15 ] I 169
30 Therefore shall ye keep my up the gleanings of thy har-
charge, so that ye commit not vest.
any one of these abominable cus- 10 And thou shalt not glean
toms, which were committed be- thy vineyard, and the single
fore you, and that ye do not de- grapes that drop in thy vineyard
file yourselves therewith : I am shalt thou not gather up; for thi
the Lord your God. poor and the stranger shalt thou
Uaphlorah in Ezekiel xxii. 1 to 16. The leave them I am the Lord your

Germans read to verse 18. God.

11 Ye shall not steal ;
Sec 30. KEDOSHIM, shall ye deny (another’s property
in your hands), nor lie one to
CHAPTER XIX. another.
1 Andthe Lord spoke unto 12 And ye shall not swear by
Moses, saying, my name falsely, and thou shalt
2 Speak unto all the congre- not thus profane the name of thy
gation of the children of Israel, God I am the Lord.

and say unto them, Ye shall be 13 Thou shalt not withhold

holy ; for I the Eternal your God any thing from thy neighbour,
am holy. nor rob him there shall not

3 Ye shall fear, every man, his abide with thee the wages of him
mother and his father, and my that is hired, through the night
sabbaths shall ye keep I am the until morning.

Lord your God. 14 Thou shalt not curse the

4 Ye shall not turn unto the deaf, nor put a stumbling-block
idols, and molten gods shall ye before the blind; but thou shalt
not make to yourselves I am be afraid of thy God I am the
: :

the Lord your God. Lord.*

5 And if ye otfer a sacrifice of 15 Ye shall do no unrighteous-
peace-offering unto the Lord, ye ness in judgment; thou shalt not
shall offer it so that it may be respect the person of the poor,
favourably received from you. nor honour the person of the
6 On the same day ye offer it great: in righteousness shalt
shall it be eaten, and on the mor- thou judge thy neighbour.
row and whatever is left until
: 16 Thou shalt not go up and
the third day, shall be burnt down as a talebearer among thy
with fire. people thou shalt not stand

7 And if the intention was (idly) by the blood of thy neigh-

that it should be eaten on the bour I am the Lord. :

third day, it is an abomination, 17 Thou shalt not hate thy

it shall not be favourably re- brother in thy heart: thou shalt
ceived. indeed rebuke thy neighbour,
8 And whoever eateth it shall and not bear sin on account of
bear his iniquity; because he him.
hath profaned the hallowed thing 18 Thou shalt not avenge nor
of the Lord and that soul shall bear any grudge against the hil-

be cut off from among his people. dren of thy people but thou ;

9 And when ye reap the har- shalt love thy neighbour as thy-
vest of your land, thou shaft rvot self I am the Lord.

wholly reap the corners of thy 19 My

statutes shall ye keep,
field, neither shalt thou gather thy cattle shalt thou not let gen-
der with a diverse kind; hy flesh ; and any etched-in writing
field shalt thou no, sow with shall you not fix on yourselves :

mingled seeds; and a garment I am the Lord.

of mingled kinds, of linen and 29 Do not profane thy daugh-
woollen, shall not come upon ter, to cause her to be a prosti-
thee. tute lest the land fall to prosti-

20 And if a man lie carnally tution, and the land become full
with a woman, that is a bond- of incest.
maid, betrothed to a man, but 30 My sabbaths shall ye keep,
who hath neither been redeem- and my sanctuary, shall ye reve-
ed, nor hath her freedom been rence I am the Lord.

given her there shall a scourg-

: 31 Turn not unto them that
ing be decreed they shall not have familiar spirits, and unto

be put to death, because she was wizards; seek (them) not, to be

not free. defiled by them I am the Lord

21 And he shall bring his tres- your God.

pass-offering unto the Lord, un- 32 Before the hoary head shalt
to the door of the tabernacle of thou rise up, and honour the
the congregation: a ram for a face of the old man and thou ;

trespass-offering. shalt be afraid of thy God: lam

22 And the priest shall make the Lord.*
an atonement for him with the 33 And if a stranger sojourn
ram of the trespass-offering be- with thee, in your land, ye shall
fore the Lord for his sin which not vex him.
he hath done : and he shall be 34 As one born in the land
forgiven for his sin which he among you, shall be unto you
hath committed.* the stranger that sojourneth with
23 And when ye come into you, and thou shalt love him as
the land, and plant any kind of thyself; for ye were strangers in
tree bearing edible fruit, then the land of Egypt: I am the
shall ye count the fruit thereof Lord your God.
as uncircumcised three years
: 35 Ye shall do no unrighteous-
shall it be as uncircumcised unto ness in judgment, in meteyard,
you, it shall not be eaten. iq weight, or in measure.
24 But in the fourth year shall 36 Just balances, just weights,
all its fruit be holy for praise- a just ephah, and a just hin,
giving unto the Lord. shall ye have :I am the Lord
25 And in the fifth year shall your God, who have brought
ye eat of its fruit, in order that you forth out of the land of
it may increase unto you its pro- Egypt.
ductiveness I am the Lord your
37 Ye shall therefore observe
God. all my statutes, and all my ordi -

26 Ye shall not eat upon the nances, and do them I am tbfc


blood nor shall ye use enchant- Lord.*


ment, nor observe times.

27 Ye shall not cut round the CHAPTER XX.
corners (of the hair) of your 1 And the Lord spoke unto
head, neither shalt thou destroy Moses, saying,
the corners of thy beard. 2 And to the children of Israel
28 And for the dead shall ye shalt thou say, Whatsoever man
not make any incision in your of the children of Israel, or of
the strangers that sojourn in his father’s wife, hath uncovered
Israel, that giveth any of his his father’s nakedness: both of
seed unto Molech, shall surely them shall be put to death; tkeif
be put to death the people of
: blood shall be upon them.
the land shall stone him with 12 And if a man lie with his
stones. daughter-in-law, both of them
3 And I will set my face shall be put to death :they have
against that man, and I will cut committed an unnatural deed
him off from among his people; their blood shall be upon them.
because of his seed hath he given 13 And if a man lie with a
unto Molech, in order to defile male, as they lie with a woman,
my sanctuary, and to profane both of them have committed
my holy name. an abomination ; they shall be
4 And if the people of the put to death; their blood shall
land should in any way hide be upon them.
their eyes from that man, when 14 And if a man take a wo-
he giveth of his seed unto Mo- man and her mother, it is incest:
lech, so as not to kill him : in fire shall they burn him and
5 Then will I set my face them, that there be no incest
against that man, and against among you.
his family, and I will cut him 15 And a man that lieth with
off, and all that go astray after a beast shall be put to death :
him, to go astray after Molech, and the beast also shall ye
from among their people. slay.
6 And the person that turneth 16 And if a woman approach
unto such as have familiar spi- unto any beast to lie down there-
rits, and unto wizards, to go to, then shalt thou kill the wo-
astray after them, —
then will I man, and the beast: they shall
set my face against that person, be put to death their blood shall

and will cut him off from among be put upon them.
his people. 17 And if a man take his sis-
7 Sanctify yourselves, there- ter, the daughter of his father,
fore, and be ye holy; for I am or the daughter of his mother,
the Lord your God.* and see her nakedness, and she
8 And ye shall keep my sta- see his nakedness: it is a dis-
tutes, and do them I am the graceful deed; and they shall

Lord who sanctify you. be cut off before the eyes of

9 For every one whatever their people; the nakedness of
that curseth his father or his his sister hath he uncovered; his
mother shall be put to death iniquity shall he bear.

his father or his mother hath he 18 And if a man lie with a

cursed, his blood shall be upon woman suffering of her separa-
him. tion, and uncover her naked-
10 And if there be a man who ness, and he lay open her foun-
committeth adultery with a man’s tain, and she uncover the foun-
wife, (whoever it be) that com- tain of her blood then shall both :

mitteth adultery with his neigh- of them be cut off from the midst
bour’s wife then shall the adul- of their people.

terer be put to death, together 19 And the nakedness of thy

with the adulteress. mother’s sister, or of thy father’!
11 And a man that lieth with sister shalt thou not uncover;
for his near of kin he uncover- stones shall they stone them;
ed their iniquity shall they their blood shall be upon them.

bear. Haphtorah in Amos ix. 7 to 15. The

20 And the man that lieth Portuguese read in Ezekiel xx. 2 to
with his uncle’s wife, hath un- 20. Others begin at verse 1.
covered his uncle’s nakedness
their sin shall they bear; child-
Sec. 31. EMORE, -\dn.
less shall they die.
21 And if a man do take his CHAPTER XXI.
brother’s wife, it is an abomina- 1 And the Lord said untc
ble act: the nakedness of his bro- Moses, Speak unto the priests
ther hath he uncovered; child- the sons of Aaron, and say unt*
less shall they remain. them, None (of them) shall de-
22 And keep ye all my sta- file himself on the dead, among
tutes, and all my ordinances, his people;
and do them; that the land, 2 But on his kin, that is near
whither I bring you to dwell unto him, (that is,) on his mo-
therein, may not vomit you ther, and on his father, and on
forth.* his son, and on his daughter,
23 And ye shall not walk in and on his brother,
the customs of the nation which 3 And on his sister that is a
I cast out before you; for all' virgin, that is nigh unto him,
these things they committed,’ who hath had no husband: on
and therefore I felt loathing for her may he defile himself.
them. 4 The chief man among his
24 And I said unto you, Ye people shall not defile himself,
shall possess their land, and I to be profaned thereby.
will give it unto you to possess 5 They shall not make any
it, a land flowing with milk and baldness upon their bead, and

honey I am the Eternal your the corner of their beard shall


God, who have separated you they not shave off, and in their
from the nations.* flesh shall they not make any
25 Ye shall therefore make a incision.
difference between the clean beast 6 Holy shall they be unto
and the unclean, and between their God, and they shall not
the unclean fowl and the clean profane the name of their God;
and ye shall not make your souls for the fire-offerings of the Lord,
abominable by the beast, or by the bread of their God, do they
the fowl, or by any manner of offer, they shall therefore be
thing that creepeth on the ground, holy.
which I have separated for you 7 A woman that is a harlot,
as unclean. or one profaned, shall they not
26 And ye shall be holy unto take; and a woman put away
me, for I the Lord am holy ; from her husband shall they not
and 1 have separated you from take; for holy is he unto his
the nations, that ye should be God.
mine. 8 And thou shalt sanctify
27 And there be among men him; for the bread of thy God
or women one that hath a fami- doth he offer: holy shall he be
liar spirit, or that is a wizard, unto thee
for I the Lord, who
they shall be put to death with sanctify you, am holy.

15* 173
9 Andthe daughter of any
if mish in his eye, or the itch, ot
priest profane herself by com- the scurvy, or the testicles bro-
mitting incest, her father doth ken.
she profane: with fire shall she 21 Every man on whom there
be burnt. is a blemish, of the seed of
10 And the priest that is Aaron the priest, shall not come
highest among his brethren, nigh to offer the fire-offerings of
upon whose head the anointing- the Lord: there is a blemish on
oil hath been poured, and who him; he shall not come nigh to
hath been consecrated to put on offer the bread of his God.
the garments, shall not let the 22 The bread of his God, both
hair of his head grow long, and of the most holy, and of the holy
his garments shall he not rend; things he may eat.
11 Neither shall he go in to 23 Only unto the vail, and
any dead body; even on his fa- unto the altar shall he not come
ther, and on his mother shall he nigh, because there is a blemish
not defile himself. on him: that he profane not my
12 And out of the sanctuary holy things: for I the Lord do
lhall he not go, that he may not sanctify them.
profane the sanctuary of his 24 And Moses spoke thus un-
God; for the crown of the anoint- to Aaron, and to his sons, and
ing oil of his God is upon him: unto all the children of Israel.
I am the Lord.
13 And he shall take a wife CHAPTER XXII.
in her virgin state. 1 And the Lord spoke unto
14 A widow, and a divorced Moses, saying,
woman, and one profaned, (and) 2 Speak unto Aaron and to
a harlot, these shall he not take; his sons, that they keep them-
but a virgin of his own people selves away from the holy things
shall he take for wife; of the children of Israel, (so that
15 So that he may not profane they profane not my holy name,)
his seed among his people; for which they hallow unto me: I
I, the Lord, do sanctify him.* am the Lord.
16 And the Lord spoke un- 3 Say unto them, In your
to Moses, saying, generations, if there be any man
17 Speak unto Aaron, saying, of all your seed, that approach-
Whosoever of thy seed in their eth unto the holy things, which
generations it be on whom there the children of Israel hallow un-
is any blemish, shall not ap- to the Lord, having his unclean-
proach to offer the bread of his ness upon him, that soul shall be
God. cut off from my presence I am :

18 For whatsoever man it be the Lord.

on whom there is a blemish, 4 Any man whatsoever of the
shall not approach: a blind, or seed of Aaron, that is a leper, or
a lame man, or one that hath a hath a running issue, shall not
flattened nose, or a man one of eat of the holy things, until he
whose limbs is too long, be clean ; and whoso toucheth
19 Or a man who hath a bro- any thing that is unclean by the
ken foot, or a broken hand, dead, or a man whose seed goeth
20 Or a crook-backed, or a from him;
dwarf, or one that hath a ble- 5 Or a man who toucheth any
creeping thing, whereby he may of Israel, which they offer unto
be 6 made unclean, or a man the Lord ;
through whom he can be ren- 16 And load on themselves
dered unclean, through any the iniquity of trespass, when
kind of uncleanness which he they eat their holy things; for I
hath am the Lord who sanctify them.*
The person that toucheth 17 And the Lord spoke un-
any such shall be unclean until I
to Moses, saying,
the evening, and he shall not eat 18 Speak unto Aaron, and un-
of the holy things, unless he have to his sons, and unto all the chil-
bathed his flesh in water. dren of Israel, and say unto them,
7 And when the sun hath set, If there be any man of the house
he shall be clean and afterwards
of Israel, or of the strangers in
he may eat of the holy things ;
Israel, that offereth his oblation,
because it is his food. be it for any manner of vows, or
8 That which dieth of itself, for any manner of freewill-offer-
or is torn by beasts, shall he not ings, which they may offer unto
eat, to defile himself therewith the Lord for a burnt-offering
I am the Lord. 19 Then shall it be, that it
9 And they shall keep my may be favourably received for
charge, that they may not bear you, a male without blemish, of
sin through it, and die therefor, the oxen, of the sheep, or of the
if they profane it : I am the Lord goats.
who sanctify them. 20 Whatsoever on which there
10 And no stranger shall eat is a blemish shall ye not offer;
of a holy thing: a sojourner of a for it will not be favourably re-
priest, or a hired servant, shall ceived for you.
not eat of a holy thing. 21 And when a man offereth
11 But if a priest buy a per a sacrifice of peace-offering unto
son with his money, then may the Lord as a vow, or a freewill-
he eat of it; and those that are offering of the herds or of the
born in the house, may eat of his flocks: it shall be without blem-
bread. ish to be favourably received no :

12 And if the daughter of a kind of bodily defect shall be

priest be married unto a stranger, thereon.
she may not eat of the offered 22 A blind, or broken limbed,
part of the holy things. or maimed animal, or one having
13 But the daughter of a priest, wen, or itch, or scurvy, ye
if she be a widow, or divorced, shall not offer these unto the

and have no child, and is returned Lord, and a fire-offering shall
unto her father’s house, as in her ye not make of them upon the
youth, may eat of her father altar unto the Lord.
bread but no stranger shall eat
; 23 And an ox or a lamb that
thereof. hath a limb too long or too short,
14 And if a man eat a holy that mayest tbou offer for a
thing unwittingly: then shall he freewill-offering; but for a vow
add the fifth part thereof unto it shall not be favourably re-
it, and he shall make good unto ceived.
the priest the holy thing. 24 And one that is bruised,
15 And they shall not profane or crushed, or broken, or cut in
the holy things of the children the testicles, shall ye not offer
unto the Lord; and in your land sabbath a holy convoca-
ol rest,
shall ye not make the like. tion no kind of work shall ye

25 And from a stranger’s hand do thereon; it is the sabbath

shall ye not offer the bread of (holy) unto the Lord in all your
your God from any of these dwellings.
because their corruption is on 4 These are the feasts of
them, a bodily defect is on them the Lord, the holy convocations,

they shall not be favourably re- which ye shall proclaim in their

ceived for you. seasons
26 And the Lord spoke un- 5 On the fourteenth day of ;he
tc Moses, saying, firstmonth, toward evening, is
27 When a bullock, or a sheep, the passover-lamb to be offered
or a goat, is brought forth, then unto the Lord.
shall it remain seven days by its 6 And on the fifteenth day of
mother; and from the eighth the same month is the feast of
day and thenceforth shall it be unleavened bread unto the Lord :

favourably received for an offer- seven days must ye eat unleav-

ing made by fire unto the Lord. ened bread.
28 And whether it be ox or 7 On the first day there shall
sheep, ye shall not kill it and its be a holy convocation unto you;
young both in one day. noservile work shall ye do
29 And when ye offer a sacri- thereon.
fice of thanksgiving unto the 8 And ye shall offer an offer-
Lord, offer it so that it may be ing made by fire unto the Lord
favourably received of you. seven days on the seventh day

30 On the same day shall it' is a holy convocation; no ser-

be eaten up; ye shall leave none, vile work shall ye do.
of it until the morning: I am 9 And the Lord spoke unto
the Lord. Moses, saying,
31 And ye shall keep my com- 10 Speak unto the children of
mandments and do them: I am Israel, and say unto them, When
the Lord. ye shall have come into the land
32 And ye shall not profane which I give unto you, and reap
my holy name; so that I may the harvest thereof then shall :

be sanctified among the children ye bring an ’omer full of the first

of Israel; I am the Lord who of your harvest unto the priest
sanctify you, 11 And he shall wave the
33 That brought you out of ’omer before the Lord, that it
the land of Egypt, to be unto may be favourably received for
you a God I am the Lord.*
: you; on the morrow after the
holy day shall the priest wave it.
CHAPTER XXIII. 12 And ye shall offer on the
1 And the Lord spoke unto day when ye wave the ’orner, a
M oses, saying, male sheep without blemish of
2 Speak unto the children of the first year for a burnt-offerii g
Israel, and say unto them, The unto the Lord.
feasts of the Lord, which ye 13 And the meat-offering
shall proclaim o be holy convo- thereof shall be two tenth parts
cations,— these are my feasts: (of an ephah) of fine flour min-
3 Six days may work be done gled with oil, as an offering made
but on the seventh day is the by fire unto the Lord, for a sweet
savour; with its drink-offering ah
shall be a statute for ever in
of wine, the fourth part of a hin. your dwellings throughout your
14 And neither bread, nor generations.
parched corn, nor green ears, 22 And when ye reap the har-
shall ye eat, until the self-same vest of your land, thou shalt not
day, until ye have brought the cut away altogether the corners
offering of your God: it shall be of thy field when thou reapest,
a statute for ever throughout and the gleaning of thy harvest
your generations in all your shalt thou not gather up; unto
dwellings. the poor, and to the stranger
15 If And ye shall count unto shalt thou leave them I am the :

you from the morrow after the Lord your God.*

holy day, from the day that ye 23 And the Lord spoke un-
bring the oraer of the wave- to Moses, saying,
offering, (that) it be seven com- 24 Speak unto the children
plete weeks: of Israel, saying, In the seventh
16 Even unto the morrow af- month, on the first day of the
ter the seventh week shall ye month, shall ye have a rest, a
number fifty days; and ye shall (day of) memorial of sounding
then offer a new meat-offering the cornet, a holy convocation.
unto the Lord. 25 Xo servile work shall ye
17 Out of your own habita- do: and ye shall offer an offer-
tions shall ye bring two wave- ing made by fire unto the Lord.
loaves of two tenth parts (of 26 And the Lord spoke un-
an ephah); of fine flour shall to Moses, saying,
they be; leavened shall they be 27 But on the tenth day of
baked: they are the first-fruits this seventh month is the day
unto the Lord. of atonement, a holy convocation
18 And ye shall offer with the shall it be unto you, and ye shall
bread seven sheep without ble- fast;and ye shall offer an offer-
mish of the first year, and one ing made by fire unto the Lord.
young bullock, and two rams: 28 And no manner of work
they shall be for a burnt-offering shall ye do on this same day;
unto the Lord, with their meat- for it isa day of atonement, to
offering, with their drink-offer- make an atonement for you be-
ings, an offering made by fire, fore the Lord your God.
of a sweet savour unto the Lord. 29 For whatsoever person it
19 And ye shall sacrifice one be that fasteth not on this same
he-goat for a sin-offering, and day, shall be cut off from among
two sheep of the first year for a his people.
sacrifice of peace-offering. 30 And
if there be any person
20 And the priest shall make that dothany work on this same
with them together with the day then will I destroy the same

bread of the first-fruits a waving person from among his people.

before the Lord, together with 31 No manner of work shall
the two sheep: holy shall they ye do it shall be a statute for

be to the Lord for the priest. ever throughout your genera-

21 And ye shall proclaim on tions, in all your dwellings.
the self-same day, that it may 32 A sabbath of rest it shall
be a holy convocation unto you; be unto you, and ye shall fast
no servile work shall ye do: it on the ninth day of the month
ut evening (shall ye begin), from in the year : ij, shall be a statute
evening unto evening shall ye for ever throughout your gene-
celebrate your sabbath.* rations ;
in the seventh month
33 And the Lord spoke un- shall ye celebrate it.
to Moses, saying, 42 In booths shall ye dwell
34 Speak unto the children seven days all that are Israel-

of Israel, saying, On the fifteenth ites born shall dwell in booths.

day of this seventh month, shall 43 In order that your genera-
be the feast of tabernacles for tions may know, that I caused
seven days unto the Lord. the children of Israel to dwell
35 On the first day shall be in booths, when I brought them
a holy convocation : no servile forth out of the land of Egypt
work shall ye do. I am the Lord your God.
36 Seven days shall ye offer 44 And Moses declared the
an offering made by fire unto the feasts of the Lord unto the chil-
Lord on the eighth day shall dren of Israel.*

be a holy convocation unto you;

and ye shall offer an offering CHAPTER XXIV.
made by fire unto the Lord, it 1 And the Lord spoke unto
is a solemn assembly ; no servile Moses, saying,
work shall ye do. 2 Command the children of
37 These are the feasts of the Israel, that they bring unto thee
Lord, which ye shall proclaim pure beaten olive-oil, for the
to be holy convocations, to offer lighting, to cause the lamp to
an offering made by fire unto the burn continually.
Lord, burnt-offering, and meat- 3 Without the vail of the tes-
offering, sacrifice, and drink- timony, in the tabernacle of the
offerings, every thing upon its congregation, shall Aaron put it
day : in order (for) from evening unto
38 Beside the sabbaths of the morning before the Lord con-
Lord, and beside your gifts, and tinually as a statute for ever in

beside all your vows, and beside your generations.

all your freewill-offerings, which 4 Upon the pure candlestick
ye may give unto the Lord. shall he put in order the lamps,
39 But on the fifteenth day before the Lord, continually.
of the seventh month, when ye 5 And thou shalt take fine
have gathered in the fruit of the flour, and bake thereof twelve
land, shall ye keep the feast of cakes of two tenth parts (of an

the Lord seven days :on the ephah) shall each one cake be.
first day shall be a rest, and on 6 And thou shalt place them
the eighth day shall be a rest. in two rows, six in a row, upon
40 And ye shall take unto the pure table before the Lord.
yourselves on the first day the 7 And thou shalt put upon
fruit of the tree hadar, branches each row pure frankincense, that
of palm-trees, and the boughs it may be unto the bread for a
of the myrtle-tree, and willows memorial, as a fire-offering unto
of the brook; and ye shall re- the Lord.
joice before the Lord your God 8 On every and each sabbath
seven days. day shall he place it in order be-
41 And ye shall keep it as a fore the Lord continually, (ob-
feast unto t*he Lord seven days tained) from the children of Is-
rael as an everlasting cove- 18 And he
that taketh the life
nant. of a beast shall make it good:
9 And it shall belong to Aaron beast for beast.
and to his sons; and they shall 19 And if a man cause a bo-
eat it in a holy place; for it is dily defect in his neighbour, as
most holy unto him, from the he hath done, so shall be done to
fire-offerings of the Lord, as a him;
perpetual fixed portion. 20 Breach for breach, eye for
10 And there went forth a eye, tooth for tooth in the man- :

son of an Israelitish woman, but ner as he hath caused a bodily

who was the son of an Egyptian defect in a man, so shall it be
man, among the children of Is- done to him.'*
rael and there quarrelled to-
21 And he that killeth a beast,
gether in the camp this son of shall make restitution for it; and
the Israelitish woman and an he that killeth a man shall be
Israelitish man. put to death.
11 And the son of the Israel- 22 One manner of judicial law
itish woman pronounced the shall ye have, the stranger shall
(holy) Name, and blasphemed be equal with one of your own
and they brought him unto Mo- country ; for I am the Lord your
ses (and his mother’s name was God.
Shelomith, the daughter of Di- 23 And Moses spoke to the
bri, of the tribe of Dan); children of Israel and they led

12 And they placed him in forth the blasphemer to without

ward, until the decision of the the camp, and they stoned him
Lord could be explained to with stones ; and the children of
them. Israel did as the Lord had com-
13 And the Lord spoke unto manded Moses.
Moses, saying, Haphtorah in Ezekiel xliv. 15 to 31.
14 Lead forth the blasphemer
to without the camp and all

that have heard him shall lay Sec. 32. BEHAR, ma.
their hands upon his head and
all the congregation shall stone
him. 1 And the Lord spoke un-
15 And
unto the children of to Moses on mount Sinai, say-
Israel shalt thou speak, saying, ing
Whatsoever man that blasphem- 2 Speak unto the children of
eth his God shall bear his sin. Israel, and say unto them, "When
16 But he that pronounced ye come into the land which 1
the name of the Lord (with blas- give unto you then shall the :

phemy) shall be put to death, all land keep a sabbath unto the
the congregation shall stone him Lord. :

be he a stranger, or be he one 3 Six years shalt thou sow thy

that is born in the land, when field, and six years shalt thou
he pronounceth the (holy) Name prune thy vineyard, and gather
with blasphemy), he shall be in the fruit thereof;
put to death. 4 But in the seventh year
17 And he that taketh the life there shall be a sabbath of rest
of any mi n shall surely be put unto the land, a sabbath (in ho-
so death. nour) of the Lord thy field :

shalt thou not sow, and thy vine- 13 In this year of the jubilet
yard shalt thou not prune. shall ye return, every man, unto
5 That which groweth of its his possession.*
own accord of thy harvest shalt 14 And if thou sell aught un-
thou not reap, and the grapes of to thy neighbour, or buy aught
thy undressed vine shalt thou of thy neighbour’s hand, ye shall
not gather a year of rest shall
: not overreach one the other;
it be unto the land. 15 According to the number
6 And (the product of) the of years after the jubilee shalt
sabbath of the land shall be un- thou buy of thy neighbour, ac-
to you for food, for thee, and for cording unto the number of har-
thy man-servant, and for thy vest-years shall he sell unto
maid-servant, and for thy hired thee ;

labourer, and for thy stranger, 16 According to the multitude

that sojourn with thee,* of years shalt thou increase the
7 And for thy cattle, and for price thereof, and according to
the beasts that are in thy land, the fewness of years shalt thou
shall all its products be (left) for diminish the price thereof; for
food. a number of harvests doth he
8 And thou shalt number sellunto thee.
unto thee seven sabbaths of 17 And ye shall not overreach
years, seven years seven times; one the other; but thou shalt bo
and the space of the seven sab- God
afraid of thy ;
for I am the
baths of years shall be unto thee Lord your God.
forty and nine years. 18 And ye shall do my sta-
9 And then shalt thou cause tutes, and my ordinances shall
the sound of the cornet to be ye keep and do them; and then
heard, in the seventh month,. on shall ye dwell in the land in
the tenth day of the month on : safety.*
the day of atonement shall ye 19 And the land shall yield
sound the cornet throughout all its fruit, and ye shall eat your
your land. fill, and dwell in safety therein.

10 And ye shall hallow the 20 And if ye should say, What

fiftieth year, and proclaim free- shall we eat in the seventh year?
dom throughout the land unto behold, we are not permitted to
all the inhabitants thereof: it sow, and we cannot gather in
shall be a jubilee [yobel] unto our harvest
you and ye shall return, every
21 Then will I command my
man, unto his possession, and ye blessing unto you in the sixth
shall return, every man, unto his year, aifd it shall bring forth a
family. harvest for three years.
11 A jubilee shall this, the 22 And when ye sow in the
fiftieth year, be unto you :
ye eighth year, then shall ye eat
shall not sow, nor reap that yet of the old harvest: until the
which groweth of itself in it, nor ninth year, until its harvest come
gather in it the fruit of the un- in, shall ye eat of the old store.
dressed vines. 23 And the land shall not be
12 For it is the jubilee ; holy sold for a permanence (to the
shall it be unto you : from the purchaser) ; for the land is mine;
field shall ye eat the products for strangers and sojourners are
thereof. ye with me.
24 And
in all the land of your petual right of redemption shall
possession ye shall grant a re- belong to the Levites.
demption for the land.* 33 And if a man of the Levites
25 If thy brother become redeem something
f then shall

poor, and sell away some of his the house that was sold, and the
possession then may his nearest city of his possession, become

of kin come and redeem what freed in the jubilee; for the
his- brother hath sold. houses of the cities of the Levites
26 And if the man have none are their possession among the
to redeem it, and he acquire the children of Israel.
means, sufficient to be able to 34 And a field of the open space
redeem it himself of their cities shall not be sold ;
27 Then let him reckon the for a perpetual possession is it
years since his sale, and re- unto them.
store the overplus unto the 35 And if thy brother be-
man to whom he sold it; and come poor, and fall in decay with
so shall he return unto his pos- thee: then shalt thou assist him,
session. (yea) a stranger, or a sojourner,
28 But if his means do not that he may live with thee.
suffice to enable him to restore 36 Thou shalt not take of him
it to him then shall that which any usury or increase but thou

he hath sold remain in the hand shalt be afraid of thy God that :

of him that bought it until thy brother may live with thee.
the year of the jubilee; and it 37 Thy money shalt thou not
shall be freed in the jubilee, and give him upon usury, nor lend
he shall return unto his posses- him thy victuals for increase.
sion.* 38 I am the Lord your God,
29 And if a nan sell a dwell- who have brought you forth out
ing-house in a walled city ther. of the land of Egypt, to give un-

shall the time of redemption last to you the land of Cana’an, to be

till the end of ;he year of his unto you a God.*
sale ; a full yeai shall his time 39 And if thy brother be-
of redemption last. come poor near thee, and be sold
30 And if it Le not redeemed unto thee : thou shalt not com-
within the expiration of a full pel him to work as a bond-ser-
year then shall the house which vant.

is in the walled city remain as a 40 But as a hired labourer, as

permanence to him that bought a sojourner, shall he be with
it throughout his generations; it thee; until the year of the jubi-

shall not become freed in the lee shall he serve with thee :

jubilee. 41 And then shall he depait

31 But the houses of the vil- from thee, he and his children
lages which have no wall Yound with him; and he shall return
about them shall be counted as unto his own family, and unto
the fields of the country :they the possession of his fathers shall
shall have the right of redemp- he return.
tion, and they shall become freed 42 For my servants are they,
in the jubilee. whom I brought forth out of the
32 And (respecting) the cities land of Egypt: they shall not
of the Levites, the houses of the be sold as bond-men are sold.
cities of their possession, a per- 43 Thou shalt not rule over
him with rigour; but thou shalt turn the price of his redemption
have fear of thy God. out of his purchase-money.
44 But thy bond-man, and thy 52 And if there remain butfew
bond-woman that shall remain years unto the year of the jubi-
thine, shall be of the nations lee : then shall he reckon with
that are round about you of him according to his years shall

them may ye buy bond-man and he return the price of his re-
bond-woman. demption.
45 And also of the children 53 As a labourer hired from
of the strangers that sojourn year to year shall he be with
with you, of them may ye buy, him he shall not r’,le over him

and of their families that are with rigour before thy eyes.
with you, which they have be- 54 And if he be not redeemed
gotten in your land; and they by (one of) these means: then
shall remain to you as a posses- shall he go out in the year of the
sion. jubilee, both he, and his children
46 And ye may transfer them with him.*
as an inheritance for your chil- 55 For unto me are the chil-
dren after you, to inherit them dren of Israel servants, my ser-
for a possession ; you may hold vants are they, whom I have
them to service for ever; but brought forth out of the land of
over your brethreu the children Egypt: I am the Eternal your
of Israel, one over the other, ye God.
shall not rule with rigour.*
47 And if a stranger or so- CHAPTER XXVI.
journer wax rich near thee, and 1 Ye shall not make your-
thy brother become poor near selves any idols, and a graven
him, and he sell himself unto image, or a standing image shall
the sojourning stranger near ye not rear up unto you, and any
thee, or to a descendant of a carved stone shall you not place
stranger’s family :
in your land, to bow down upon
48 After he hath sold himself it; for I am the Eternal your
shall he have the right of re- God.
demption ; one of his brethren 2 My sabbaths shall ye keep,
may redeem him. and my sanctuary shall ye reve-
49 Either his uncle, or his un- rence I am the Lord.

cle’s son, may redeem him, or Haphtorah in Jeremiah xxxii. 6 to 27.

any that is near of kin unto him

of his family may redeem him;
or if he obtain the means, he
may redeem himself. ^npna.
50 And he shall reckon with 3 f If in my statutes ye walk,
him that bought him from the and if my commandments ye
year that he sold himself to him keep, and do them :

unto the year of the jubilee and

: 4 Then will I give you raina
the price of his sale shall be ac- in their due season, and the earth
cording to the number of years, shall yield her products, and the
as the time of a hired labourer tree of the field shall yield its
ghall he have been with him. fruit.
51 If there be yet many years, 5 And the threshing shall
according to them shall he re- reach with you unto the vintage
and the vintage shall reach untoj eyes, and cause sorrow of heart;

sowing-time and ye shall eat and ye shall sow in vain your


your bread to the full, and ye seed for your enemies shall eat

shall dwell in safety in your it.

land.* 17 And I will set my face
6 And I will give peace in against you, and ye shall be
the land, and ye shall lie down, struck down before your ene-
with none to make you afraid mies and they that hate you

and I will remove evil beasts shall bear rule over you; and ye
out of the land, and the sword shall flee while there is no one
shall n Apass through your land. pursuing you.
7 And ye shall chase your ene- 18 And if with these things
mies, and they shall fall before even ye will not yet hearken un-
you by the sword. to me then will I chastise you

8 And five of you shall chase yet more, sevenfold for your
a hundred, and a hundred of you sins.
shall chase ten thousand; and 19 And I will break the pride
your enemies shall fall before of your power; and I will make
you by the sword. your heaven as iron, and your
9 And I will turn myself unto earth as copper
you, and make you fruitful, and 20 And in vain shall your
multiply you; and I will esta- strength be spent; for your land
blish my covenant with you.* shall not yield her products, and
10 And ye shall eat very old the tree of the land shall not
store, and the old shall ye re- yield its fruit.
move away because of the new. 21 And if ye walk yet con-
11 And I will set my dwell- trary unto me, and if you refuse
ing among you; and my soul to hearken unto me then will I

shall not loath you. bring more plagues upon you,

12 And I will walk among sevenfold according to your
you, and I will be to you a God, sins.
and ye shall be to me a people. 22 And I will send out against
13 I am the Eternal your God, you the beasts of the field, which
who have brought you forth out shall rob you of your children,
of the land of Egypt, that ye and destroy your cattle, and di-
should not be their bond-men; minish yourselves: so that your
and I have broken the bands of roads shall be desolate.
your yoke, and caused you to 23 And if notwithstanding
walk upright. these things ye will not be re-
Id f But if ye will not hearken formed by me, and walk contrary
anto me, and wiii not do all these unto me
commandments 24 Then will I also walk con-
15 And if my statutes ye de- trary unto you, and I also will
spise, and if my ordinances your punish you, sevenfold for your
soul loath, so as not to do all my sins.
commandments, in that ye break 25 And I will bring over you
my covenant: the sword, avenging the quarrel
16 Then will I also do this of my covenant, so that ye shall
unto you, and I will inflict on be gathered together within your
you terror, consumption, and the cities; and then will I send the
burning ague, that consume the pestilence among you, that ye
shall deliver yourselves into the ness into their hearts in the landi
hand of the enemy of their enemies; and the sound
26 When I break unto you of a leaf shaken shall chase them;
the staff of bread and ten women and they shall flee, as fleeing from

shall bake your bread in one the sword; and they shall fall
oven, and they shall deliver with none pursuing.
your bread again by weight; and 37 And they shall stumble one
ye shall eat, and not be satisfied. over the other, as before the
27 And if notwithstanding sword, without one pursuing:
this ye will not hearken unto and ye shall have no power to
me, but walk contrary unto me: stand up before your enemies.
28 Then will I also walk con- 38 And ye shall be lost among
trary unto you in fury; and I, the nations, and the land of your
even I, will chastise you, seven- enemies shall consume you.
fold for your sins. 39 And they that are left of
29 And ye shall eat the flesh you shall pine away in their ini-
of your sons, and the flesh of quity in the land of your ene-
your daughters shall ye eat. mies; and also through the ini-
80 And I will destroy your quities of their fathers shall they
high-places, and cut down your pine away with them.
sun-images, and cast your car- 40 And they shall then con-
casses upon the carcasses of your fess their iniquity, and the ini-
idols; and my soul shall loath quity of their fathers, (that)
you. through their trespass which
31 And I render your they trespassed against me, and
cities a waste, and I will make also that (because) they had
desolate your sanctuaries, and I walked contrary unto me
will not smell the savour of your 41 I also had to walk contrary
sweet odours. unto them, and to bring them
32 And I will surely make into the land of their enemies;
desolate the land: and your ene- and then shall their uncircum-
mies who dwell therein shall be cised heart be humbled, and then
astonished at it. shall they satisfy their iniquity.
33 And you will I scatter 42 And I will then remember
among the nations, and I will my covenant with Jacob, and
draw out after you the sword; also my covenant with Isaac,
and your land shall be a desolate and also my covenant with Abra-
wild, and your cities shall be a ham will I remember; and the
waste. land will I remember.
34 Then shall the land satisfy 43 For the land shall be for-
its sabbaths, all the days of its saken by them, and shall satisfy
desolation, when ye are in the its sabbaths, while it lieth deso-
land of your enemies then shall late without them, and they shall

the land rest, and satisfy its satisfy their iniquity; because,
sabbaths. even because my ordinances they
35 Ail the days of its desola- despised, and my statutes their
tion shall it rest, the time which soul loathed.
it did not rest in your sabbaths, 44 And yet for all that, though
when ye dwelt upon it. they be in the land of their ene-
36 And regarding those that mies, will I not cast them away,
are left of you, I will send a faint- neither will I loath them, to de-
Btroythem utterly, to break my this estimation, then shall he
covenant with them; for I am present himself before the priest,
the Lord their God. and the priest shall value him ;

45 But I will remember for according to the ability to pay
their sakes the covenant of their of him that hath vowed shall the
ancestors, whom I brought forth priest value him.
out of the land of Egypt before 9 And if it be a beast,
the eyes of the nations, that I whereof men can bring an offer-
might be unto them a God: I am ing unto the Lord, all that a
the Lord. man giveth of such unto the
46 These are the statutes and Lord shall be holy.
ordinances and laws, which the 10 He shall not alter it, nor
Lord made between him and change it, a good for a bad one,
the children of Israel on mount or a bad for a good one: and if
Sinai, by the hand of Moses.* he should change beast for beast,
then shall it together with its ex-
CHAPTER XXVII. change be holy.
1 And the Lord spoke unto 11 And if it be any unclean
Moses, saying, beast, of which they cannot offer
2 Speak unto the children of a sacrifice unto the Lord, then
Israel, and say unto them, If a shall he present the beast before
man make a particular vow, (to the priest:
give) the estimated value of per- 12 And the priest shall value
sons in honour of the Lord: it, whether it be good or bad; as

3 If the estimated value con- the priest valueth it, so shall it

cern a male from twenty years be.
old and unto sixty years old, 13 And if he will redeem it,
then shall the estimation be fifty then shall he add a fifth part
shekels of silver, after the shekel thereof unto the estimated value.
of the sanctuary. 14 And if a man sanctify his
4 And if it be a female, then house as holy unto the Lord,
shall the estimation be thirty then shall the priest value it,
shekels. whether it be good or bad; as
5 And if (the person be) from, the priest may value it, so shall
five years old and unto twenty it stand.
years old, then shall the esti- 15 And if he that sanctified it
mation of the male be twenty will redeem his house, then shall
shekels, and for the female ten he add the fifth part of the mo-
shekels. ney of the estimated value unto
6 And if (the person be) from it, and it shall remain his.*
a month old and unto five years 16 And if a man sanctify some
old, then shall the estimation of part of a field of his possession
the male be five shekels of silver, unto the Lord, then shall the
and for the female the estimation estimation be in proportion to its
(shall be) three skekels of silver. required seed the seed of a cho-

7 And if (the person be) from mer of barley at fifty shekels of

Bixty years old and upward, if it silver.
be a male, then shall the estima- 17 If immediately after the
tion be fifteen shekels, and for year of the jubilee he sanctify
the female ten shekels. his field, according to this esti-
8 But if he be too ptor for mation shall it stand.
16* H 2 185
18 But the jubilee he
if after mal, then shall he redeem it ac
sanctify his field, then shall the cording to the estimated value :

priest reckon unto him the mo- and he shall add its fifth part
ney in proportion to the years thereto and if it be not redeem-

that remain until the year of the ed, then shall it be sold accord-
jubilee,and it shall be deducted ing to the estimated value.
from the estimation. 28 But any devoted thing,
19 And if he that sanctified which a man may devote unto
the field will redeem it, then shall the Lord of all that he hath,
he add the fifth part of the mo- both of man and beast, and of
ney of the estimated value unto the field of his possession, shall
it, and it shall be assured to not be sold nor redeemed every :

him. devoted thing is most holy unto

20 But if he will not redeem the Lord.*
the field, or if he have sold the 29 Any one condemned, who
field to another man, it shall not shall be condemned to death
be redeemed any more. among men, shall not be re-
21 But the field, when it is deemed he shall be put to death.:

freed in the jubilee, shall be holy 30 And every tithe of the land,
unto the Lord, as a devoted field of the seed of the land, or of the
to the priest shall it belong as fruit of the tree, belongeth to the
his possession.* Lord: it is holy unto the Lord.
22 And if a man sanctify a 31 And if a man will redeem
field which he hath bought, any part of his tithe, its fifth
which is not of the fields of his part shall he add thereto.*
possession, unto the Lord: 32 And concerning the tithe
23 Then shall the priest reckon of the herds, or of the flocks,
unto him the amount of the esti- whatsoever passeth under the
mated value to the year of the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto
jubilee; and he shall give this the Lord.
estimation on that day, as a holy 33 He shall not search whe-
thing unto the Lord. ther it be good or bad, neither
24 In the year of the jubilee shall he change it: and if he
the field shall return unto him should change it, then both it
of whom he bought it, to the one and the exchange thereof shall be
to whom belongeth the posses- holy ; it shall not be redeemed.
sion of the land. 34 These are the command-
25 And all estimations of value ments, which the Lord com-
shall be according to the shekel manded Moses for the children
of the sanctuary twenty gerahs of Israel on Mount Sinai.

shall be the shekel.

26 Only the first-born which Haphtorah in Jeremiah xv ). 19 to xvii.
shall, 'by being first born, be 14.
Maphtere for Hachodesh in Exodui
sacred unto the Lord among xii. 1 to 20.
cattle;ho man shall sanctify: Haphtorah for Hachodesh in Ezekiel
whether it be ox, or lamb, it is xlv. 16 to xlvi. 18. The Portugue&j read
from xlv. 18 to xlvi. 15.
the Lord’s. Haphtorah for Sabbath Haggadole in
27 And if it be an unclean ani- Malachi iii. 4 to 24.

11 Of Benjamin: Abidan tb«

Sec. 34. BEMIDBAR, wo*. son of Gid’oni.
12 Of Dan Achrezer the son
of ’Ammi’eshaddai.

1 And the Lord spoke unto 13 Of Asher: Pag'iel the.son

Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, of 'Ochran.
in the tabernacle of the congre- 14 Of Gad Elyassaph the son

gation, on the first day of the of De’uel.

second month, in the second year 15 Of Naphtali: Achira' the
after their going out of the land son of 'Enan.
of Egypt, saying, 16 These were the selected of
2 Take ye the sum of all the the congregation, the princes of
congregation of the children of the tribes of their fathers the :

Israel, after their families, by heads of the thousands of Israel

the descent from their fathers, were they.
by numbering the names, every 17 And Moses and Aaron took
male according to their polls; these men who are expressed by
3 From twenty years old and name
upward, all that are able to go 18 And all the congregation
forth to war in Israel these shall they assembled together on the

ye number according to their first day of the second month,

armies, thou and Aaron. and they were enrolled in the
4 And with you there shall be lists of their pedigrees after their
one man each of every tribe, a families, by the descent from
man who is the head of his their fathers, by numbering the
family division. names, from twenty years old
5 And
these are the names of and upward, according to their
the men that shall stand with polls.
you of Reuben Elizur the son
: 19 As the Lord had com-
of Shedeiir. manded Moses, so did he nuin
6 Of Simeon Shelumiel the
: her them in the wilderness of
eon of Zurishaddai. Sinai.*
7 Of Judah: Nachshon the son 20 And there were of the chil-
of ’Amminadab. dren of Reiiben the first-born of
8 Of Issachar: Nethanel the Israel, by their generations, after
son of Zu’ar. their families, by the descent
9 Of Zebulun Eliab the son
: from their fathers, by number-
of Chelon. ing the names, according to their
10 Of the children of Joseph, polls,every male from twenty
of Ephraim: Elishama’ the son years old and upward, all that
of ’Ammihud; of Menasseh : were able to go forth to war;
Gamliel the son of Pedahzur. 21 Those that were numbered
of the tribe of Reuben, were lun, by their generations, after
forty and six thousand and five their families, by the descent
hundred. from their fathers, by numbering
22 Of the children of Sime- the names, from twenty years old
on, by their generations, after and upward, all that were able
their families, by the descent to go forth to war;
from their fathers, those that 31 Those that were numbered
were numbered of them, by num- of the tribe of Zebulun, were
bering the names, according to fifty and seven thousand and
their polls, every male from four hundred.
twenty years old and upward, 32 Of the children of Jo-
all that were able to go forth to seph, namely, of the children of
war Ephraim, by their generations,
23 Those that were numbered after their families, by the de-
of the tribe of Simeon, were fifty scent from their fathers, by num-
and nine thousand and three bering the names, from twenty
hundred. years old and upward, all that
24 Of the children of Gad, were able to go forth to war;
by their generations, after their 33 Those that were numbered
families, by the descent from of the tribe of Ephraim, were
their fathers, by numbering the forty thousand and five hun-
names, from twenty years old dred.
and upward, all that were able 34 Of the children of Me-
to go forth to war; nasseh, by their generations,
25 Those that were numbered after their families, by the de-
of the tribe of Gad, were forty scent from their fathers, by num-
and five thousand six hundred bering the names, from twenty
and fifty. years old and upward, all that
26 Of the children of Ju- were able to go forth to war;
dah, by their generations, after 35 Those that were numbered
their families, by the descent of the tribe of Menasseh, were
from their fathers, by numbering thirty and two thousand and two
the names, from twenty years old hundred.
and upward, all that were able 36 Of the children of Ben-
to go forth to war jamin, by their generations, after
27 Those that were numbered their families, by the descent
of the tribe of Judah, were from their fathers, by numbering
seventy and four thousand and the names, from twenty years old
six hundred. and upward, all that were able
28 f[ Of the children of Issa- to go forth to war
char, by their generations, after 37 Those that were numbered
their families, by the descent of the tribe of Benjamin, were
from their fathers, by number- thirty and five thousand and four
ing the names, from twenty years hundred.
old and upward, all that were 38 Of the children of Dan,
able to go forth to war; by their generations, after their
29 Those that were numbered families, by the descent from
of the tribe of Issachar, were their fathers, by numbering the
fifty and four thousand and four names, from twenty years old
hundred. and upward, all that were able
30 If Of the children of Zebu- to go forth to war
39 Those that were numbered 50 But thou shall, appoint th§
of the tribe of Dan, were sixty Levites over the tabernacle of
and two thousand and seven the testimony, and over all its
hundred. vessels, and over all things that
40 Of the children of Asher, belong to it they shall carry the

by their generations, after their and all its vessels

families, by the descent from and they shall minister unto it
their fathers, by numbering the and round about the tabernacle
names, from twenty years old shall they encamp.
and upward, all that were able 51 And when the tabernacle
to go forth to war ;
is to be carried forward, the Le-

41 Those that were numbered vites shall take it down and ;

of the tribe of Asher, were forty when the tabernacle is to be

and one thousand and five hun- pitched, the Levites shall set
dred. it up and the stranger that

42 Of the children of Naph- cometh nigh shall be put to

tali, by their generations, after death.
their families, by the descent 52 And the children of Israel
from their fathers, by numbering shall pitch their tents, every man
the names, from twenty years old by his own camp, and every
and upward, all that were able man by his own standard, accord-
to go forth to war; ing to their armies.
43 Those that were numbered 53 But the Levites shall en-
of the tribe of Naphtali, were camp round about the tabernacle
fifty and three thousand and four of the testimony, that there be
hundred. no wrath upon the congregation
44 These are those that were of the children of Israel and :

numbered, whom Moses num- the Levites shall keep the charge
bered with Aaron, and the princes of the tabernacle of the testi-
of Israel, being twelve men one mony.

man each for his family division 54 And the children of Israel
were they. did so: all, just as the Lord
45 Thus were all those that had commanded Moses, so did
were numbered of the children of they.*
Israel, by the descent from their
fathers, from twenty years old CHAPTER II.

and upward, all that were able 1 And the Lord spoke unto
to go forth to war in Israel, Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
46 Even all they that were 2 Every man by his own stand-
numbered, were six hundred ard, by the ensigns of their fa-
thousand and three thousand and mily division, shall the children
five hundred and fifty. of Israel pitch their tent a* :

47 But the Levites, after the some distance round about the
tribe of their fathers, were not tabernacle of the congregation
numbered among them. shall they encamp.
48 For the Lord had spoken 3 And they, who encamp on
unto Moses, saying, the east, toward the rising of
49 Only the tribe of Levi shalt the sun, shall be (those who be-
thou not number, and their sum long to) the standard of the camp
shalt thou not take, among the of Judah according to their ar-
children of Israel; mies and the prince of the chil-
dren of Judah shall be Nachshon shall be Elyassaph the son of
the son of ’Amminadab. Re’uel.
4 And his host, and those that 15 And his host, and those
tfere numbered of them, were that were numbered of them,
seventy and four thousand and were orty and five thousand and
s'x hundred. six hundred and fifty.
5 And those that encamp next 16 All that were numbered of
unto him shall be the tribe of Is- the camp of Reuben were one
sachar: and the prince of the hundred thousand and fifty an i
children of Issachar shall be Ne- one thousand and four hundred
thanel the son of Zu’ar. and fifty, according to their ar-
6 And his host, and those that mies and as the second shall

were numbered thereof, were fifty they set forward.

and four thousand and four hun- 17 Then shall the taberna-
dred. cle of the congregation, the camp
7 (Then) the tribe of Zebulun of the Levites, set forward in the

and the prince of the children midst of the camps as they en-

of Zebulun shall be Eliab the son camp, so shall they set forward,
of Chelou. every man in his place after their
8 And his host, and those that standards.
were numbered thereof, were fifty 18 The standard of the camp
and seven thousand and four of Ephraim shall be on the west
hundred. side, according to their armies
were numbered of and the prince of the sons of
9 All that
the camp
Judah were one hun- Ephraim shall be Elishama’ the
dred thousand and eighty thou- son of ’Ammihud.
sand and six thousand and four 19 And his host, and those
hundred, according to their ar- that were numbered of them,
mies they
: shall first set for- were forty thousand and five
ward. hundred.
10 The standard of the camp 20 And by him shall be the
of Reuben shall be oil the south tribe of Menasseh ; and the prince
side, according to their armies: of the children of Menasseh
and the prince of the children of shall be Gamliel the son of Pe-
Reiiben shall be Elizur the son dahzur.
of Shedeiir. 21 And his host, and those
11 And his host, and those that were numbered of them,
that were numbered thereof, were were thirty and twc thousand
forty and six thousand and five and two hundred.
hundred. 22 Then the tribe of Benja-
12 And those that encamp by min and the prince of the sons

him shall be the tribe of Sime- of Benjamin shall be Abidan the

on and the prince of the chil- son of Gid’oni.

dren of Simeon shall be Sbelu- 23 And his host, and those

mic'l the son of Zurishaddai. that were numbered of them,
13 And his host, and those were thirty and five thousand
that were numbered of them, and four hundred.
were fifty and nine thousand and 24 All that were numbered of
three hundred. the camp of Ephraim were one
14 Then the tribe of Glad: and hundred thousand and eight
the prince of the sons of Gadi thousand and one hundred, ac-
cording to their armies and as
: encamp by their standards, and
the third shall they set forward. so did they set forward every
25 The standard of the camp one after his family, by his divi-
of Dan shall be on the north side, sion.*
according to their armies and :

the prince of the children of Dan CHAPTER III.

shall be Achi’ezer the son of 1 And these are the gene-
'Ammishaddai. rations of Aaron and Moses, on
26 And and those the day that the Lord spoke with
his host,
that were numbered of them, Moses on mount Sinai.
were sixty and two thousand 2 And these are the names of
and seven hundred. the sons of Aaron The first-born :

27 And those that encamp by Nadab, and Abihu, El’azar, and

him shall be the tribe of Asher: Ithamar.
and the prince of the children of 3 These are the names of the
Asher shall be Pag’iel the son sons of Aaron, the priests that
of ’Ochran. were anointed, who were conse-
28 And his host, and those crated to minister as priests.
that were numbered of them, 4 And Nadab and Abihu died
were forty and one thousand and before the Lord, when they
fivehundred. offered a strange fire before the
29 Then the tribe of Naphtali Lord, in the wilderness of Sinai,
and the prince of the children and they had no children and :

of Naphtali shall be Achira’ the ETazar and Ithamar ministered

son of ’Enan. as priests in the life-time of
30 And his host, and those Aaron their father.
that were numbered of them, 5 And
the Lord spoke unto
were fifty and three thousand Moses, saying,
and four hundred. 6 Bring the tribe of Levi
31 All those that were num- near, and present the same be-
bered of the camp of Dan were fore Aaron the priest, that they
one hundred thousand and fifty may serve him.
and seven thousand and six hun- 7 And they shall keep his
dred the hindmost shall they charge, and the charge of the

set forward according to their whole congregation before the

standards. tent of the congregation, to do
32 These are those that were the service of the tabernacle.
numbered of the children of Is- 8 And they shall keep all the
rael according to their family vessels of the tent of the congre-
divisions and all those that were gation, and the charge of the chil-

numbered of the camps, accord- dren of Israel, to do the service

ing to their armies, w7 ere six hun- of the tabernacle.
dred thousand and three thou- 9 And thou shalt give the Le-
sand and five hundred and fifty. vites unto Aaron and to his sons
33 But the Levites were not as associates are fhey gWen un-

numbered among the children to him out of the children of Is-

of Israel as the Lord had com- rael.

manded Moses. 10 And Aaron and his sons

34 And the children of Israel shalt thou instruct, that they
did all just as the Lord had shall guard well their priest’s

commanded Moses, so did they office ; and the stranger that

fometh nigh put to the males from a month old and
shall he
death. upward, even those that were
11 And the Lord spoke un- numbered of them, were seven
to Moses, saying, thousand and five hundred.
12 And I, behold, I have taken 23 The families of the Ger-
the Levites from the midst of the shunites used to encamp behind
children of Israel instead of the tabernacle, westward.
every first-born that openeth the 24 And the prince of the family
worn! among the children of Is- division of the Gershunites was
rael ; %nd the Levites shall be Elyassaph the son of Laid.
mine. 25 And the charge of the sons
13 Because mine is every first- of Gershon in the tabernacle of
born; on the day when I smote the congregation was the taber-
every first-born in the land of nacle and the tent, its covering,
Egypt I hallowed unto me every and the hanging for the door of
first-born in Israel, both man the tabernacle of the congrega-
and beast mine shall they be tion,

I am the Lord. 26 And the hangings of the

14 And the Lord spoke un- court, and the curtain for the
to Moses in the wilderness of Si- door of the court, which is by
nai, saying, the tabernacle and by the altar,
15 Number children of round about, and its cords for all
Levi after their divisions, by the service thereof.
their families every male of
: 27 And of Kehath: The fa-
them from a month old and up- mily of the ’Amramites, and the
ward shalt thou number. family of the Yizharites, and the
1 6 And Moses numbered them family of the Chebronites, and
according to the order of the the family of the 'Uzzielites;
Lord, as he had been com- these are the families of the Ke-
manded. hathites.
17 And 28 By the numbering of all
these were the sons of
Levi by their names: Gershon, the males, from a month old and
and Kehath, and Merari. upward, they were eight thou-
18 And these are the names sand and six hundred, keeping
of the sons of Gershon after their the charge of the sanctuary.
families: Libni, and Shim’i. 29 The families of the sons of
19 And the sons of Kehath Kehath used to encamp on the
after their families ’Amram, side of the tabernacle, south-

and Yizhar, Chebron, and ’Uz- ward.

ziel. 30 And the prince of the divi-
20 And the sons of Merari sion of the families of the Ke-
after their families: Machli, and hathites was Elizaphan the son
Mushi these are the families of of 'Uzziel.

the Levites according to their 31 And their charge was the

family divisions. ark, and the table, and the can-
21 Of Gershon The family of dlestick, and the altars, and the

the Libnites, and the family of vessels of the sanctuary which

the Shim’ites these are the fami-
are used for the service, and the
lies of the Gershunites. vail,and all belonging thereto.
22 Those that were numbered 32 And the chief over the
of them, by the numbering of all princes of the Levites was El’azar
the son of Aaron the priest, hav- 41 And thou shalt take the
ing the oversight of those that Levites for me, I am the Lord,
kept the charge of the sanc- instead of all the first-born
tuary. among the children of Israel;
33 Of Merari The family of and the cattle of the Levites in

the Machlites, and the family of stead of all the first-born among
the Mushites ; these are the fa- the cattle of the children of
milies of Merari. Israel.
34 And those that were num- 42 And Moses numbered, as
bered of them, by the numbering the Lord had commanded him,
of all the males, from a month all the first-born among the chil-
old and upward, were six thou- dren of Israel.
sand and two hundred. 43 And all the first-born males,
35 And the chief of the divi- by the numbering of the names,
sion of the families of Merari from a month old and upward,
was Zuriel the son of Abichayil of those that were numbered of
they used to encamp on the side them, were twenty and two thou-

of the tabernacle, northward. sand two hundred and seventy

36 And under the custody and and three.
charge of the sons of Merari were 44 And the Lord spoke un-
the boards of the tabernacle, and to Moses, saying,
its bars, and its pillars, and its 45 Take the Levites instead
sockets, and all its vessels, and of all the first-born among the
all that belongeth thereto, children of Israel, and the cattle
37 And the pillars of the court of the Levites instead of their
round about, and their sockets, cattle and the Levites shall be

and their pins, and their cords. mine I am the Lord.


38 But those that encamped 46 And (for) those that are to

before the tabernacle toward the be redeemed, the two hundred
east, even before the tabernacle and seventy and three of the
of the congregation toward the first-born of the children of Is-
rising of the sun, were Moses, rael, who are more than the
and Aaron and his sons, keep- Levites,
ing the charge of the sanctuary 47 Thou shalt take five shekels
for the charge of the children of apiece for the poll; after the
Israel: and the stranger that shekel of the sanctuary shalt
came nigh was to be put to thou take, twenty gerahs to the
death. shekel;
39 All that were numbered of 48 And thou shalt give unto
the Levites, whom Moses num- Aaron and to his sons the money,
bered with Aaron, at the order (for) those who are to be re-
of the Lord, according to their deemed of those that are over
families, all the males from a the number of them.
month old and upward, were 49 And Moses took the re-
twenty and two thousand. demption-money of those that
40 And the Lord said unto were over in number above those
Moses, Number all the first-born who were redeemed by the Le-
males of the children of Israel vites :

from a month old and upward, 50 Of the first-born of the ch 11-

and take the number of their idren of Israel did he take the
names. money; a thousand three hun-

17 1 193
dred and sixty and five shekels, snuff-dishes, and all the oil-vcs
after the shekel of the sanctuary. sels thereof, wherewith they mi-
51 And Moses gave the money nister by it:
of those who were redeemed un- 10 And they shall put it and
to Aaron and unto his sons, by all its vessels within a covering
the order of the Lord; as the of badgers’ skins, and they shall
Lord had commanded Moses.* put it upon a barrow.
11 And over the golden altar
CHAPTER IV. shall they spread a cloth of blue,
1 And the Lord spoke unto and cover it with a covering cf
Moses and unto Aaron, saying, badgers’ skins and they shall

2 Take the sum of the sous of put in its staves.

Kehath from among the sons of 1.2 And they shall take all the
Levi, after their families, by vessels of the service, wherewith
their divisions, they minister in the sanctuary,
3 From thirty years old and and put them in a cloth of blue,
upward even until fifty years and cover them with a covering
old, all that are fitted for the of badgers’ skins and they shall

service, to do work at the taber- put them on a barrow.

nacle of the congregation. 13 And they shall take away
4 This shall be the service of the ashes from the altar, and
the sons of Kehath at the taber- spread over it a cloth of purple
nacle of the congregation The
: 14 And they shall put upon
most holy things. it all its vessels, wherewith they
5 And Aaron shall come with minister upon it, the fire-pans,
his sons, when the camp settetli the forks, and the shovels, and
forward, and they shall take the basins,all the vessels of the
down the vail of the separation, altar;and they shall spread over
and cover therewith the ark of ita covering of badgers’ skins,
the testimony and put in its staves.
6 And they shall put over it 15 And when Aaron and his
a cot ering of badgers’ skins, and sons have thus made an end of
the} shall spread over all a cloth covering the sanctuary, and all
wholly of blue (woollen yarn), the vessels of the sanctuary,
and they shall put in its staves. when the camp is to set forward :

7 And over the table of the then shall, after that, the sons
showbread shall they spread a of Kehath come to carry it; but
cloth of blue, and put thereon they shall not touch any holy
the dishes, and the spoons, and thing, lest they die these are

the tubes, and the staves of the the things which the sons of
covering ;
and the continual Kehath are to carry at the taber-
bread shall be thereon : nacle of the congregation.
8 And they shall spread over 16 And under the supervision
them a cloth of scarlet, and cover of El’azar the son of Aaron the
the same with a covering of priest shall be the oil for the
badgers’ skins; and they shall lighting, and the incense of
put in its staves. spices, and the daily meat-offer-
9 And they shall take a cloth ing, and the anointing-oil; the
of blue, and cover the candle- supervision of all the tabernacle,
stick of the lighting, and its and of all that is therein, over the
lamps, and its tongs, and its sanctuary, and over its vessel*- *
17 And tlie Lord spoke un- 27 By the order of Aaron and
to Moses and unto Aaron, saying, his sons shall be all the service
18 Do ye not cause the tribe of the sons of the Gershunites,
of the families of the Kehathites in all their carrying, and in all
to be cut off from among the their service; and ye shall de-
Levites signate unto them in charge all
19 But thus do unto them, which they have to carry.
that they may live, and not die, 28 This is the service of the
when they approach unto the families of the sons of the Ger-
most holy things: Aaron and shunites at the tabernacle of the
his sons shall go in, and appoint congregation and their charge

them, every one, to his service shall be under the supervision

and to his burden ,• of Ithamar the son of Aaron the
20 That they may not go in priest.
to see when the holy things are 29 The sons of Merari shalt
covered, and die. thou number after their families,
Haphtorah in Hosea ii. 1 to 22. by their divisions;
30 From thirty years old and
upward, even until years
Sec. 35. NAHSSO, wa old, shalt thou number them,
21 And the Lord spoke un- every one that is fitted for the
toMoses, saying, service, to do the work of the
22 Take also the sum of the tabernacle of the congregation.
sons of Gershon, by their divi- 31 And this is what is con-
sions, after their families; fided to them to carry, regarding
23 From thirty years old and all their service at the tabernacle
upward until fifty years old shalt of the congregation The boards:

thou number them all that are of the tabernacle, and its bars,

fitted for the service, to do work and its pillars, and its sockets,
in the tabernacle of the congre- 32 And the pillars of the court
gation. round about, and their sockets,
24 This shall be the service and their pins, and their cords,
of the families of the Gershun- with all their instruments, and
ites, to serve, and to carry: all which belongeth thereto; and
25 They shall carry the cur- by name shall ye designate (to
tains of the tabernacle, and of them) the vessels which are con-
the tent of the congregation, its fided to them to carry.
covering, and the covering of the 33 This the service of tho
badgers’ skins that is over it families of the sons of Merari,
above, and the hanging for the regarding all their service, at
door of the tabernacle of the the tabernacle of the congrega-
congregation, tion, under the supervision of
26 And the hangings of the Ithamar the son of Aaron, the
court, and the hanging for the priest.*
door of the gate of the court, 34 And Moses with Aaron and
which is by the tabernacle and the princes of the congregation
by the altar round about, and numbered the sons of the Kehath-
their cords, and all the vessels ites after their families, and aftei
of their service; and all that is their divisions,
delivered to them shall they per- 35 From thirty years old and
form. upward, even until fifty years
old, every one that was fitted for 45 These are those that were
the service, for the work at the numbered of the families of the
tabernacle of the congregation. sons of Merari, whom Moses
36 And those that were num- with Aaron numbered by the
bered of them after their families order of the Loud through the
were two thousand seven hun- hand of Moses.
dred and fifty. 46 All those that were num-
37 These were they that were bered of the Levites, whom Mo-
numbered of the families of the ses with Aaron and the chiefs of
Kehathites, all that could do Israel numbered, after their fa-
service at the tabernacle of the milies, and after their divisions,
congregation, whom Moses with 47 From thirty years old and
Aaron numbered by the order of upward, even until fifty years
the Lord through the hand of old, every one that came to do
Moses.* the service of the ministry, and
38 And those that were the service of the carrying at
numbered of the sons of Gershon, the tabernacle of the congrega-
after their families, and after tion,
their divisions, 48 Even those that were
39 From thirty years old and numbered of them, were eight
upward, even until fifty years thousand and five hundred and
old, every one that was fitted eighty.
for the service, for the work at 49 By the order of the Lord
the tabernacle of the congrega- through the hand of Moses, did
tion, he appoint them, every one to
40 Even those that were num- his proper service, and to his
bered of them, after their fami- proper carrying: and they were
lies, after their divisions, were numbered, as the Lord had com-
two thousand and six hundred manded Moses.*
and thirty.
41 These are they that were CHAPTER V.
numbered of the families of the 1 And the Lord spoke unto
sons of Gershon, all that could Moses, saying,
do service at the tabernacle of 2 Command the children of
the congregation, whom Moses Israel, that they send out of the
with Aaron numbered by the camp every leper, and every one
order of the Lord. that hath an issue, and whoso-
42 And those that were num- ever i-s defiled by the dead
bered of the families of the sons 3 Both male and female shall
of Merari, after their families, ye send out, to without the camp
after their divisions, shall ye send them; that they
43 From thirty years old and defile not their camps, in f he
upward, even until fifty years midst whereof I dwell.
old, every one that was fitted 4 And the children of Israel
for the service, for £he work at did so, and they sent them out
the tabernacle of the congrega- to without the camp: as the
tion, Lord had spoken unto Moses,
44 Even those that were num- so did the children of Israel.
bered of them after their fami- 5 And the Lord spoke unto
lies, were three thousand and Moses, saying,
two hundred. 6 Speak unto the children of
Israel, any man or woman
If shall bring her offering for her,
commit any sin against a fellow- the tenth part of an ephah o*
man, thereby doing a trespass barley-meal; he shall not pour
against the Lord, and this per- any
oil upon it, nor put any
son thus become guilty frankincense thereupon; for it
7 Then shall they confess their*is a meat-offering of jealousy, a

sin which they have committed meat-offering of memorial, bring-

and he shall make restitution for ing iniquity to remembrance.
his trespass with the principal 16 And the priest shall bring
thereof, and its fifth part shall her near, her before the
he add thereto, and give it unto Lord;
him against whom he hath tres- 17 And the priest shall take
passed. holy water in an earthen vessel;
8 But if the man have no and of the dust that is on the
kinsman to whom restitution floor of the tabernacle the priest
could be made for the trespass, shall take, and put it into the
then shall the trespass which is water;
restored unto the Lord, belong 18 And the priest shall place
to the priest; beside the ram of the woman before the Lord, and
the atonement, whereby an atone- uncover the woman’s head, and
ment shall be made for him. put upon her hands the meat-
9 And every offering of all the offering of memorial, it is the
holy things of the children of Is- meat-offering of jealousy; and
rael, which they bring unto the in the hand of the priest shall
priest, shall be his. be the bitter waters that bring
10 And every man’s hallowed the curse.
things shall be his: whatsoever 19 And the priest shall charge
any man giveth to the priest, her by an oath, and he shall say
shall belong to him.* unto the woman, If no man have
11 And the Lord spoke unto lain with thee, and if thou hast
Moses, saying, not gone aside to uncleanness
12 Speak unto the children of behind thy husband: then be
Israel, and say unto them, If the thou free from these bitter waters
wife of any man go aside, and that bring the curse.
commit a trespass against him, 20 But if thou hast gone aside
13 And a man lie with her behind thy husband, and if thou
carnally, and it be hidden from hast been defiled, and some man
the eyes of her husband, because have lain with thee besides thy
she hath been secretly defiled; husband :

and there be no witness against 21 And the priest shall charge

her, and she have not been de- the woman with an oath of im-
tected in the fact; precation, and the priest shall
14 Art! the spirit of jealousy say unto the woman, The Lord
come over him, and he be jea- then make thee a curse and an
lous of his wife, and she have oath among thy people, when
been defiled ; or the spirit of jea- the Lord doth cause thy thigh
lousy come over him, and he be to fall away, and thy belly to
jealous of his wife, and she have swell
not been defi'ed 22 And these waters that bring
15 Then shall the man bring the curse shall go into thy bow-
bis wife unto the priest, and he els, to cause the belly to sweil,
17* 107
and the thigh to fall away; and from iniquity; but this wo-
the woman shall say, Amen, man shall bear her iniquity.
23 And
the priest shall write CHAPTER VI.
these curses on a roll, and he 1 And
the Lord spoke unto
shall blot them out with the bit- Moses, saying,
ter waters. 2 Speak unto the children of
24 And he shall cause the Israel, and say unto them, When
woman to drink the bitter waters either man or woman pronounce
that bring the curse; and the an especial vow, the vow of a
waters that bring the curse shall Naza.rite, to be abstinent in ho-
enter into her for bitterness. nour of the Lord :

25 And the priest shall take 3 Then shall he abstain from

out of the woman’s hand the wine and strong drink, vinegar
meat-offering of jealousy, and he of wine, or vinegar of strong
shall wave the meat-offering be- drink shall he not drink, and
fore the Lord, and bring it near any infusion of grapes shall he
to the altar not drink, and grapes, fresh or
26 And the priest shall take dried, shall he not eat.
a handful from the meat-offer- 4 All the days of his absti-
ing, for a memorial, and burn it nence shall he eat nothing that
upon the altar, and after that is made of the grape-vine, from
shall he cause the woman to the kernels even to the husk.
drink the water. 5 All the days of the vow of
27 And when he hath made his abstinence no razor shall pass
her drink the water, then shall over his head until the days be

it come to pass, if she have been completed in which he abstain-

defiled, and have committed a ed in honour of the Lord, shall
trespass against her husband, he be holy, letting grow un-
that the waters that bring the touched the hair of his head.
curse shall enter into her for 6 All the days of his absti-
bitterness, and her belly shall nence in honour of the Lord
swell, and her thigh shall fall shall he not come near any dead
away and the woman shall be- body.

come a curse among her people. 7 On his father, or on his mo-

28 And if the woman have ther, on his brother, or on his
not been defiled, but be clean sister,
: shall he not make himself
then shall she remain unharmed, unclean, when they die because

and she shall conceive seed. the consecration of his God is

29 This is the law of jealous- upon his head.
ies, when a woman goeth aside 8 All the days of his absti-
behind her husband, and hath nence is he holy unto the Lord.
been defiled 9 And if some one die very
30 Or when the spirit of jea- suddenly by him, and he thus
lousy cometh over him, and he defile his consecrated head: then
be jealous of his wife and he
shall he shave his head on the
shall place the woman before the day of his being cleansed, on the
Lord, and the priest shall do seventh day shall he shave it.
unto her altogether according to 10 And on the eighth day
this law. shall he bring two turtle-doves,
31 And the man shall be guilt- or two young pigeons, to the
priest, to the door of the taber- consecrated head and he shall

nacle of the congregation : take the hair of his consecrated

11 And the priest shall pre- head, and put it on the fire which
pare the one for a sin-ottering, is under the sacrifice of the peace-

and the other for a burnt-offer- offering.

ing, and make an atonement for 19 And the priest shall take
him, because he hath sinned the shoulder of the ram wnen it
through the dead ;
and he shall is cooked, and one unleavened
hallow his head on that same cake out of the basket, and one
day. unleavened wafer, and he shall
12 And he shall consecrate put them upon the hands of the
unto the Lord (again) the days Nazarite, after he hath shaved
of his abstinence, and he shall his consecrated (head).
bring a sheep of the first year 20 And the priest shall make
for a trespass-offering; but the with them a waving before the
prior days shall not be counted, Lord; it is a noly gift for the
because his consecration hath priest, together with the breast
been defiled. that was waved, and the shoulder
13 And this is the law of the that was lifted up and after

Nazarite On the day when the

: that may the Nazarite drink
days of his abstinence are com- wine.
pleted, shall he present himself 21 This is the law of the Na-
at the door of the tabernacle of zarite who hath vowed; his offer-
the congregation ing unto the Lord for his absti-
14 And he shall bring his offer- nence, beside that w hich he may

ing unto the Lord, one male be able to give according to his

sheep of the first year without vow which he may vow, so must
blemish for a burnt-offering, and he do in addition to what is re-
one ewe of the first year without quired by the law of his absti-
blemish for a sin-offering, and nence.
one ram without blemish for a 22 And the Lord spoke un-
peace-offering, to Moses, saying,
15 And a basket of unleavened 23 Speak unto Aaron and un-
bread, cakes of fine flour mingled to his sons, saying, Thus shall
with oil, and unleavened wafers ye bless the children of Israel,
anointed with oil ;
and their saying unto them,
meat-offering, and their drink- 24 The Lord bless thee, and
offerings. preserve thee;
16 And the priest shall bring 25 The Lord make his face
them near before the Lord, and shine unto thee, and be gracious
he shall prepare his sin-offering, to thee
and his burnt-offering: 26 The Lord lift up his
17 And the ram shall he pre- countenance unto thee, and give
pare for a sacrifice of peace-offer- thee peace.
ing unto the Lord, with the 27 And they shall put my
basket of unleavened bread; and name upon the children of Is-
the priest shall prepare his meat- rael and I will bless them.*

offering, and
his drink-offering.
18 And the Nazarite shall CHAPTER
shave at the door of the taber- 1 And it came to pass on
nacle of the congregation his the day that Moses had finally
set up the tabernacle, and had offering, for the dedication of the
anointed, and sanctified it, and altar.*
all its vessels, as also the altar 12 And he that offered his
and all its vessels, and had offering on the first day was
anointed them, and sanctified Nachshon the son of ’Ammina-
them dab, of the tribe of Judah :

2 That the princes of Israel, 13 And his offering was one

the heads of their family divi- silver charger, the weight where-
sions who were the princes of the of was a hundred and thirty she-
iribes, the same who had super- kels, one silver bowl of seventy
intended the numbering, offered. shekels, after the shekel of the
3 And they brought their offer- sanctuary ; both of them full of
ing before the Lord, Six covered fine flour mingled with oil for a
wagons, and twelve oxen a wa- meat-offering

gon for two princes, and an ox 14 One spoon of ten shekels

for each one and they presented of gold, full of incense;

them before the tabernacle. 15 One young bullock, one

4 And the Lord spoke unto ram, one sheep of the first year,
Moses, saying, for a burnt-ottering;
5 Take it from them, that they 16 One he-goat for a sin-offer*
may be used to do the service of iug;
the tabernacle of the congrega- 17 And for a sacrifice of peace-
tion ; and thou shalt give them offering, two oxen, five rams, five
unto the Levites, to every man he-goats, five sheep of the first
according to his service. year; this was the ottering of
6 And. Moses took the wagons Nachshon the son of ’Ammina-
and the oxen, and gave them dab.
unto the Levites. 18 *[[ On the second day Ne-
7 Two of the wagons and four thanel the son of Zu’ar, the
of the oxen he gave unto the prince of Issachar, did offer
sons of Gfershon, according to 19 He offered for his offering
their service one silver charger, the weight
8 And four of the wagons and whereof was a hundred and
eight of the oxen he gave unto thirty shekels, one silver bowl of
the sons of Merari, according to seventy shekels, after the shekel
their service, under the super- of the sanctuary ;
both of them
vision of Ithamar, the son of full of fine flour mingled with oil
Aaron the priest. for a meat-offering
9 But unto the sons of Kehath 20 One spoon of ten shekels
be gave none ; because the ser- of gold, full of incense;
vice of the sanctuary belonged 21 One young bullock, one
unto them, they were to bear ram, one sheep of the first jear,
upon their shoulders. for a burnt-ottering
10 The princes also offered for 22 One he-goat for a sin- offer-
the dedicating of the altar on ing;
the day that it was anointed 23 And for a sacrifice of peace-
and the princes presented their offering, two oxen, five rams, five
offering before the altar. he-goats, five sheep of the first
11 And the Lord said unto year this was the ottering of Ne-

Moses, One prince each on a thanel the son of Zu’ar.

given day, shall they offer their 24 On the third day Eliab
the son of Chelon, the prince of 37 His offering was ona silver
the children of Zebulun, (did charger, the weight whereof was
offer) a hundred and thirty shekels, one
25 Ilis offering was one silver silver bowl of seventy shekels,
charger, the weight whereof was after the shekel of the sanc-
a hundred and thirty shekels, tuary both of them full of fine

one silver bowl of seventy she- flour mingled with oil for a meat-
kels, after the shekel of the sanc- offering ;

tuary ; both of them full of fine 38 One spoon of ten shekels

flour mingled with oil for a meat- of gohi, full of incense
offering ; 39 One young bullock, one
26 One spoon of ten shekels ram, one sheep of the first year,
of gold, full of incense for a burnt-offering
27 One young bullock, one 40 One he-goat for a sin-offer-
ram, one sheep of the first year, ing ;

for a burnt-offering'; 41 And for a sacrifice of peace-

28 One he-goat for a sin-offer- offering, two oxen, five rams, five
ing ;
he-goats, five sheep of the first
29 And for a sacrifice of peace- year; this was the offering of
offering, two oxen, five rams, five Shelumiel the son of Zurishad-
he-goats, five sheep of the first dai. *
year; this was the offering of 42 On the sixth day Elyas-
Eliab the son of Chelon. saph the son of De’uel, the prince
30 On the fourth day Elizur of the children of Gad, (did
the son of Shedeiir, the prince offer) :

of the children of Reuben, (did 43 His offering was one silver

offer) charger, the weight whereof was
31 His offering was one silver a hundred and thirty shekels,
charger, the weight whereof was one silver bowl of seventy she-
a hundred and thirty shekels, kels, after the shekel of the sanc-
one silver bowl of seventy she- tuary ; both of them full of fine
kels, after the shekel of the sanc- flour mingled with oil for a meat-
tuary ; both of them full of fine offering;
flour mingled with oil for a meat- 44 One spoon of ten shekels
offering ; of gold, full of incense;
32 One spoon of ten shekels 45 One young bullock, one
of gold, full of incense; ram, one sheep of the first year,
33 One young bullock, one for a burnt-offering;
ram, one sheep of the first year, 46 One he-goat for a sin-offer-
for a burnt-offering ing;
34 One he-goat for a sin-offer- 47 And for a sacrifice of peace-
ing; offering, two oxen, five rams, five
35 And for a sacrifice of peace- he-goats, five sheep of the first
offering, two oxen, five rams, five year; this was the offering of
he-goats, five sheep of the first Elyassaph the son of De’uel.
year this was the offering of
48 On the seventh day Eli-
Elizur, the son of Shedeiir. shama’ the son of ’Ammihud,
36 On the fifth day Shelu- the prince of the children of
miei the son of Zurishaddai, the Ephraim, (did offer):
prince of the children of Simeon, 49 His offering was one silver
(did offer) charger, the weight whereof was
t, hundred and thirty shekels, kels, after the shekel of the sanc-
one silver bowl of seventy she- tuary both of them full of fine

kels, after the shekel of the sanc- flour mingled with oil for a meat-
tuary; both of them full of fine offering ;

flour mingled with oil for a meat- 62 One spoon of ten shekels
offering ;
of gold, full of incense
50 One spoon of ten shekels 63 One young bullock, one
of gold, full of incense ;
ram, one sheep of the first year,
51 One young bullock, one for a burnt-offering;
ram, one sheep of the first year, 64 One he-goat for a sin-offer-
for a burnt- offering ing ;

52 One he-goat for a sin-offer- 65 And for a sacrifice of peace-

ing ;
offering, two oxen, five rams, five
53 And for a sacrifice of peace-!(he-goats, five sheep of the first
offering, two oxen, five rams, five year ;
this was the offering of
he-goats, five sheep of the first Abidan the son of Gid’oni.
year; this was the offering of 66 On the tenth day Achi-
Elisliama’ the son of ’Ammi- ’ezer the son of ’Ammishaddai,
hud. the prince of the children of
54 On the eighth day Gam- Dan, (did offer)
liel the son of Pedahzur, the 67 His offering was one silver
prince of the children of Menas- charger, the weight whereof was
seh, (did offer) a hundred and thirty shekels,
55 His offering was one silver one silver bowl of seventy she-
charger, the weight whereof was kels, after the shekel of the sanc-
a hundred and thirty shekels, tuary both of them full of fine

one silver bowl of seventy she- flour mingled with oil for a meat-
kels, after the shekel of the sanc- offering ;
tuary; both of them full of fine 68 One spoon of ten shekels
flour mingled with oil for a meat- of gold, full of incense
offering; 69 One young bullock, one
56 One spoon of ten shekels ram, one sheep of the first year,
of gold, full of incense for a burnt-offering
57 One young bullock, one 70 One he-goat for a sin-offer-
ram, one sheep of the first year, ing;
for a burnt-offering; 71 And for a sacrifice of peace-
58 One he-goat for a sin-offer- offering, two oxen, five rams, five
ing; he-goats, five sheep of the first
59 And for a sacrifice of peace- year; this was the offering of
offering, two oxen, five rams, five Achi’ezer the son of ’Ammishad-
he-goats, five sheep of the first dai.*
year this was the offering of
; 72 ^ On the eleventh day Pag-
Gamliel the son of Pedahzur. ’iel the son of ’Ochran, the prince
60 On the ninth day Abidan of the children of Asher, (did
the son of Gid’oni, the prince of offer)
the children of Benjamin, (did 73 His offering was one silver
offer) charger, the weight whereof was
61 His offering was one silver a hundred and thirty shekels,
charger, the weight whereof was one silver bowl of seventy she-
», hundred and thirty shekels, kels, after the shekel of the sanc-
one silver bowl of seventy she- tuary both of them full of fine

flour mingled with oil for 86 Twelve golden spoons, full
a meat-
offering : of incense; ten shekels was the
74 One spoon of ten shekels weight of each spoon, after the
of gold, full of incense shekel of the sanctuary,' all the
75 One young bullock, one gold of the spoons was a hun-
ram, one sheep of the first year, dred and twenty shekels.'*
for a burnt-offering; 87 All the oxen for the burnt-
76 One he- goat for a sin-offer- offering were twelve bullocks,
ing; the rams were twelve, the sheep
77 And for a sacrifice of peace- of the first year twelve, with their
offering, two oxen, five rams, five meat-offering; and the he-goats
he-goats, five sheep of the first for sin-offering were twelve.
year; this was the offering of 88 And all the oxen for the
Pag’iel the son of ’Ochran. sacrifice of the peace-offerings
78 On the twelfth day Achi- were twenty and four bullocks,
ra’ the son of ’Enan, the prince the rams were sixty, the he-goats
of the children of Naphtali, (did sixty, the sheep of the first year
offer) sixty: this was the dedication-
79 His offering was one silver offering of the altar, after it had
charger, the weight whereof was been anointed.
a hundred and thirty shekels, 89 And when Moses went into
one silver bowl of seventy she- the tabernacle of the congrega-
kels, after the shekel of the sanc- tion to speak with Him, then
tuary ; both of them full of fine heard he the voice speaking unto
flour mingled with oil for a meat- him from off the mercy-seat that
offering ; was upon the ark of testimony,
80 One spoon of ten shekels from between the two cherubim:
of gold, full of incense and thus he spoke unto him.
81 One young bullock, one Haphtorah in Judges xiii. 2 to 25.
ram, one sheep of the first year,
for a burnt-offering;
82 One he -goat for a sin-offer- Sec. 36. BEHANGALOTHE-
ing; CHA, ^n^na.
83 And for a sacrifice of peace-
offering, two oxen, five rams, five CHAPTER VIII.
he-goats, five sheep of the first 1 And the Lord spoke unto
year; this was the offering of Moses, saying,
Achira’ the son of ’Enan. 2 Speak unto Aaron, and say
84 This was the dedication- unto him, When thou lightest
offering of the altar, on the day the lamps, then shall the seven
when it was anointed, from the lamps give light toward the body
princes of Israel Twelve silver
: of the candlestick.
chargers, twelve silver bowls, 3 And Aaron did so ; toward
twelve golden spoons; the body of the candlestick did
85 A hundred and thirty she- he light its lamps; as the Lord
kels was the weight of each sil- had commanded Moses.
ver charger, and seventy of each 4 And this was the workman-
bowl; the silver of all the vessels ship of the candlestick It waf :

was two thousand and four hun- of beaten gold, from the shaft
dred shekels, after the shekel of thereof, unto the flowers thereof,
the sanctuary it was beaten work; according
unto the pattern which the Lord 15 And after that shall the
had shown Moses, so made he Levites go in to do the service
the candlestick. of the tabernacle of the congre-
5 And the Lord spoke unto gation after thou shalt have

Moses, saying, cleansed them, and made with

6 Take the Levites from the them a waving.
midst of the children of Israel, 16 For they are wholly given
and cleanse them. unto me from the midst of the
7 And thus shalt thou do unto children of Israel :instead of
them, to cleanse them Sprinkle every one that openeth the womb,

upon them water of purification, of every first-born of the chil-

after they have let the razor dren of Israel, have I taken them
pass over all their flesh, and unto me.
then let them wash their clothes, 17 For mine are all the first-
and so shall they be clean. born of the children of Israel,
8 And they shall take a young both of man and beast on the

bullock with his meat-offering, day that I smote every first-born

fine flour mingled with oil and in the land of Egypt did I sanc-

another young bullock shalt thou tify them unto myself.

take for a sin-offering. 18 And I have taken the Le-
9 And thou shalt bring near vites, instead of all the first-born
the Levites before the tabernacle among the children of Israel.
of the congregation : and thou 19 And I have given the Le-
shalt assemble together the whole vites as a gift to Aaron and to
congregation of the children of his sons from the midst of the
Israel. children of Israel, to do the ser-
10 And when thou hast brought vice of the children of Israel in
near the Levites before the Lord, the tabernacle of the congrega-
then shall the children of Israel tion, and to make an atonement
lay their hands upon the Le- for the children of Israel; that
vites: there be no plague among the
11 And Aaron shall make with children of Israel, when the chil-
the Levites a waving before the dren of Israel come nigh unto
Lord from the children of Israel, the sanctuary.
that they may be ready to exe- 20 And so did Moses, and
cute the service of the Lord. Aaron, and all the congregation
12 And the Levites shall lay of the children of Israel, to the
their hands upon the heads of Levites according unto all that

the bullocks and thou shalt pre- the Lord had commanded Moses

pare the one as a sin-offering, concerning the Levites, so did

and the other as a burnt-offering, the children of Israel unto them.
unto the Lord, to make an atone- 21 And the Levites purified
ment for the Levites. themselves, and they washed
13 And thou shalt place the their clothes ; and Aaron made
Levites before Aaron and before with them a waving before the
his sons, and make with them a Lord and Aaron made an atone-

waving before the Lord. ment for them to cleanse them.

14 Thus shalt thou separate 22 And after that went tho
the Levites from the midst of Levites in to do their service in
the children of Israel and the the tabernacle of the congrega-

Levites shall be mine # tion before Aaron, and before his

sons : as the Lord had com- who had been defiled by th6
manded Moses concerning the dead body of a man, and they
Levites, so did they unto them. could not prepare the passover-
23 And the Lord spoke unto lamb on that day and they came

Moses,, saying, before Moses and before Aaron

24 This shall be the rule for on that day.
the Levites From twenty and
: 7 And these men said unto
five years old and upward shall Km, We are defiled by the dead
he go into the ranks to do the body of a man wherefore shall

service of the tabernacle of the we be kept back, so as not ic

congregation offer the sacrifice of the Lord at
25 And from the age of fifty its appointed season in the midst
years shall he go out of the ranks of the (other) children of Israel?
of the service, and Ire shall serve 8 And Moses said unto them,
no more Wait ye, and I will hear what
26 But he shall wait on his the Lord will command concern-
brethren in the tabernacle of the ing you.
congregation, to keep the charge, 9 And the Lord spoke unto
but the service shall he not per- Moses, saying,
form thus shalt thou
do unto 10 Speak unto the children of
the Levites in the discharge of Israel, staying, If any man what-
their office.* ever should be unclean by rea-
son of a dead body, or be on a
CHAPTER IX. distant journey among you or
1 And the Lord spoke unto your posterity yet shall he pre-

Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, pare the passover-lamb unto the

in the second year after their Lord ;

coming out of the land of Egypt, 11 In the second month on

in the first month, saying, the fourteenth day toward even-
2 That the children of Israel ing shall they prepare it, with
fball prepare the passover-larab unleavened bread and bitter
at its appointed season. herbs shall they eat it.
3 On the fourteenth day of 12 They shall leave none of it
thismonth, toward evening, shall until morning, and no bone shall
ye prepare it at its appointed they break on it according to :

season according to all its ordi- the whole ordinance of the pass-

nances, and according to all its over-lamb shall they prepare it.
prescribed rules, shall ye pre- 13 But the man that is clean,
pare it. and is not on a journey, and for-
4 And Moses spoke unto the beareth to prepare the passover-
children of Israel, that they lamb, even that same soul shall
should prepare the passover- be cut off from his people be* ;

lainb. cause the offering of the Lour

5 And they prepared the pass- hath he not brought at its ap
over-lamb on the fourteenth day pointed season, his sin shall that
of the first month toward even- man bear.
ing in the wilderness of Sinai 14 And if a stranger sojoarn
according to all that the Lord among you, and will prepare the
had commanded Moses, so did passover-lamb unto the Lord :

the children of Israel. according to the ordinance of the

6 But there were certain men, passover-lamb, and according tc
18 205
its prescribed rule, so shall he tarried upon the tabernacle, to
prepare it,* one statute shall be remain thereon, did the children
for you, both for the stranger, of Israel remain encamped, and
and for the native born in the journeyed not forward but when ;

land.** it was taken up, they journeyed

15 And on the day that the forward.
tabernacle was reared up the 23 At the order of the Lord
cloud covered the tabernacle of they remained in camp, and at
the tent of the testimony; and the order of the Lord they jour-
in the evening there was upon neyed forward the charge of

the tabernacle as it were the ap- the Lord they kept, at the urder
pearance of fire, until morning. of the Lord by the hand of
16 So it used to be always Moses.
the cloud covered it Chy day),
and the appearance of fire by CHAPTER X.
night. 1 And the Lord spoke unto
17 And as the cloud was taken Moses, saying,
up from the tabernacle, then 2 Make unto thyself two trum-
after that d'id the children of Is- pets of silver, beaten out of one
rael journey forward and in the piece shalt thou make them and

place where the cloud halted, they shall serve thee for the call-
there did the children of Israel ing of the congregation, and for
encamp. the setting forward of the camps.
18 At the order of the Lord 3 And w hen they shall blow

did the children of Israel jour- with both, all the congregation
ney forward, and at the order of shall assemble themselves unto
the Lord they encamped all thee at the door of the taberna-

the days that the cloud abode cle of the congregation.

upon the tabernacle did they re- 4 And if they blow with but
main in camp. one, then shall assemble them-
19 And when the cloud tarried selves unto thee the princes, the
upon the tabernacle many days, heads of the thousands of Israel.
then did the children of Israel 5 And when ye blow an alarm,
keep the charge of the Lord, and then shall set forward the camps
journeyed not forward. that encamp on the east side.
20 And at times it was, that 6 And when ye blow an alarm r

the cloud remained but a few the second time, then shall set
days upon the tabernacle at the forward the camps that encamp

order of the Lord they abode in on the south side an alarm:

camp, and at the order of the shall they blow for their setting
Lord they journeyed forward. forward.
21 And at times it was, that 7 But at the assembling of the
the cloud remained from even- assembly, ye shall blow but ye 7

ing until morning; and when shall not sound an alarm.

the cloud was taken up in the 8 And the sons of Aaron, the
morning, they journeyed for- priests, shall blow with the trum-
ward ;
or a day and a night, and pets; and they shall be to you
when the cloud was taken up, for an ordinance forever through-
they journeyed forw'ard out your generations.
22 Or two days, or a month, 9 And if ye go to war in your
or a year; so long as the cloud land against the oppressor that
oppresseth you, then shall ye over their host was Elizur the
blow an alarm with the trumpets ; son of Shedeiir.
and ye shall be remembered be- 19 And over the host of the
fore the Lord your God, and ye tribe of the children of Simeon
shall be saved from your ene- was Shelumiel the son of Zuri-
mies. shaddai.
10 And on the day of your 20 And over the host of the
gladness, and on your appointed tribe of the children of Gad was
festivals, and on the beginnings Elyassaph the son of De’uel.
of your months, shall ye blow 21 And then set forward the
with the trumpets over your Kehathites, the bearers of the
burnt-olferings, and over the sanctuary : and the others set
sacrifices of your peace-offer- up the tabernacle against they
ings and they shall be to you came.

for a memorial before your God 22 Then set forward the stand-
I am the Lord your God. ard of the camp of the children
11 And it came to pass in of Ephraim according to the ar-
the second year, in the second mies and over their host was

month, on the twentieth day of Elishama’ the son of ’Ammihud.

the month, that the cloud was 23 And over the host of the
taken up from off the tabernacle tribe of the children of Menas-
of the testimony. seh was Gamliel the son of Pe-
12 And the children of Israel dahzur.
set forward on their journeys 24 And over the host of the
from the wilderness of Sinai, and tribe of the children of Benja-
the cloud halted in the wilder- min was Abidan the son of Gid-
ness of Paran. ’oni.
13 And they set forward for 25 Then set forward the stand-
the first time at the order of the ard of the camp of the children
Lord by the hand of Moses. of Dan, the rereward of all the
14 And the standard of the camps, according to their hosts
camp of the children of Judah and over their host was Achi’ezer
set forward at the first, accord- the son of ’Ammishaddai.
ing to their armies and over
: 26 And over the host ofi the
their host was Nachshon the son tribe of the children of Asher
of ’Amminadab. was Pag’iel the son of ’Ochran.
15 And over the host of the 27 And over the host of the
tribe of the children of Issachar tribe of the children of Naphtali
was Nethanel the son of Zu’ar. was Achira’ the son of ’Enan.
16 And over the host of the 28 In this order were the jour-
tribe of the children of Zebulun neyings of the children of Israel
was Eliab the son of Chelon. according to their armies, when
17 And (in the mean time) they set forward.
the tabernacle was taken down 29 And Moses said unto
and then set forward the sons Chobab, the son of Re’uel the
of Gershon and the sons of Me- Midianite, the father-in-law of
rari, the bearers of the taber- Moses, We are journeying unto
nacle. the place of which the Lord hath
18 Then set forward the stand- said, This will I give unto you
ard of the camp of Reiiben, ac come thou with us, and we wiP
eording to their armies and do thee good; for the Lord hath
spoken (to bring) good upon the place Tab’erah because the;

Israel. fire of the Lord had burnt among

30 And he said unta him, I them.
will not go but to my own land,
4 And the mixed multitude
and to my birthplace will I go. th-at was among them felt a lust-
31 And he said, Do not, I ful longing: and the children of
pray thee, leave us: since thou Israel also wept again, and said,
didst find out the places where Who will give us flesh to eat?
we were to encamp in the wilder- 5 We remember the fish, which
ness, and thou hast been to us we could eat in Egypt for naught;
instead of eyes. the cucumbers, and the melons,
32 And it shall be, if thou go and the leeks, and the onions,
with us, yea, it shall be, that the and the garlic;
same goodness which the Lord 6 But now our soul is faint:
may do unto us, will we do unto there is nothing at all, only to
thee. the manna are our eyes (di-
33 And they set forward from rected).
the mount of the Lord a three 7 But the manna was like
days’ journey and the ark of
: coriander-seed, and its colour as
the covenant of the Lord went the colour of the bdellium.
before them in the three days’ 8 The people went about, and
journey, to search out for them gathered it, and ground it in a

a resting-place. mill, or pounded it in a mortar,

34 And the cloud of the Lord it in a pot, or made
and boiled
was over them by day, when they cakes of it: and its taste was as
set forward from the camp.* the taste of cakes mixed with oil.
35 And it came to pass, when 9 And when the dew fell upon
the ark set forward, that Moses the camp in the night, the manna
said, Rise up, Lord, and let thy fell upon it.
enemies be scattered ; and let 10 And Moses heard the peo-
those that hate thee flee before ple weep according to their fami-
thy face. lies, every man at the door of his
36 And when it rested, he said, tent: and the anger of the Lord
Return, 0 Lord, among the was kindled greatly; and in the
myriads of the thousands of eyes of Moses also was it dis-
Israel. pleasing.
11 And Moses said unto the
CHAPTER XI. Lord, Wherefore hast thou done
1 And it came to pass, that, evil to thy*servant? and where-
as the people complained in a fore have I not found favour in
manner displeasing in the ears thy eyes, that thou layest the
of the Lord, the Lord heard it, burden of all this people upon
and his anger was kindled, and me?
the fire of the Lord burnt among 12 Was it I who have con-
them, and consumed at the utter- ceived all this people? or was it
most part of the camp. I who have begotten them? that
2 And the people then cried thou shouldst say unto me, Carry
unto Moses; and Moses prayed; them in thy bosom, as a nursing
unto the Lord, and the fire dis- father beareth the sucking child,
appeared. unto the land which thou hast
3 And he called the name of, sworn unto their fathers?
13 Whence shall I obtain flesh am; and yet thou hast said/
fo give unto all this people? for Flesh will I give them, that they
they weep around me, saying, may eat a whole month.
Give us flesh, that we may eat. 22 Shall flocks and herds be
14 I am not able by myself slain for them, that they may
alone to bear all this people, be- suffice forthem? or shall all the
cause it is too heavy for me. fish of the sea be gathered to-
15 And if thou wilt thus deal gether for them, that they may
with me, then slay me, I pray suffice for them?
thee, at once, if I have found 23 And the Lord said unto
favour in thy eyes that I may
: Moses, Should the Lord’s hand
not see my wretchedness. be too short? now shalt thou see
16 And the Lord said unto whether my word shall come to
Moses, Gather unto me seventy pass unto thee or not.
jnen of the elders of Israel, whom 24 And Moses went out, and
thou knowest to be the elders of spoke to the people the words
the people, and its officers; and of the Lord; and he assembled
take them unto the tabernacle seventy men from the elders of
of the congregation, and they the people, and placed them
shall stand there with thee. round about the tabernacle.
17 And I will come down and 25 And the Lord came down
speak with thee there; and 1 in a cloud, and spoke unto him
will take some of the spirit which and he took some of the spirit
is upon thee, and I will put it that was upon him, and put it
upon them: and they shall bear upon the seventy men, the elders :

with thee the burden of the peo- and it came to pass, that, when
ple, and thou shalt not bear it by the spirit rested upon them, they
thyself alone. prophesied, but they did not so
18 And unto the people shalt any more.
thou say, Hold yourselves ready 26 And there remained two
against to-morrow, that ye may men in the camp, the name of
eat flesh; for ye have wept in the one was Eldad, and the name
the ears of the Lord, saying, of the other Medad and the

Who shall give us flesh to eat? spirit rested upon them; and
for it was better with us in they were of those that were
Egypt: thus will the Lord give written down, but they had not
you flesh, and ye shall eat. gone out unto the tabernacle:
19 Not one day shall ye eat, and they prophesied in the
nor two days, nor five days, nor camp.
ten days, nor twenty days 27 And there ran a young
20 But up to a full month, man, and told to Moses, and
until it come out at your nos- said, Eldad and Medad are pro-
trils, and it become loathsome phesying in the camp.
unto you because that ye have
28 And Joshua’ the son of
despised the Lord who is in the Nun, the servant of Moses from
midst of you, and ye have wept his youth, answered and said.
before him, saying, Why did we My lord Moses, forbid them.
vome forth out of Egypt? 29 And Moses said unto him,
21 And Moses said, Six hun- Art thou zealous for my sake?
dred thousand men on foot is the And oh that one might render
people, in the midst of whom I all the people of the Lord pro-
18* 209
phets, that the Lord would putl 4 And the Lord said sud
his spirit upon them !* dcnly unto Moses, and unto
30 And Moses retired back Aaron, and unto Miriam, Go out
into the camp, he with the elders ye three unto the tabernacle of
of Israel. the congregation and these three

31 And a wind went forth went out.

from the Lord, and drove up 5 And the Lord came down
quails from the sea, and scat- in a pillar of cloud, and stood at
tered them over the camp, about the door of the tabernacle; and
a day’s journey on this side, and he called Aaron and Miriam, and
about a day’s journey on the both of them went out.
other side, round about the camp, 6 And he said, Hear now my
and about two cubits high over words If there be a prophet of

the face of the earth. your kind, I, the Lord, do make

32 And the people arose all myself known unto him in a
that day, and all that night, and vision, in a dream do I speak
all the following day, and they with him.
gathered the quails he that had
7 Not so is my servant Moses,
taken the least, had gathered ten in all my house is he faithful.
chomers; and they spread them 8 Mouth to mouth do I speak
out for themselves round about with him, even evidently, and
the camp. not in dark speeches; and the
33 The flesh was yet between similitude of the Lord doth he
their teeth, it was not yet chewed behold
: wherefore then were yo

when the wrath of the -Lord was not afraid to speak against my
kindled against the people, and servant, against Moses?
the Lord smote among the peo- 9 And the anger of the Lord
ple a very great plague. was kindled against them, and
34 And he called the name of he went away.
that place Kibroth-hattaavah; 10 And the cloud departed
because there they buried the from oft' the tabernacle ; and,
people that had lustfully craved. behold, Miriam became leprous,
35 From Kibroth-hattaavah (white) as snow; and Aaron
the people journeyed unto Cha- turned toward Miriam, and, be-
zeroth ; and they remained at hold, she was leprous.
Chazeroth. 11 Then said Aaron unto Mou-
ses, Alas, my lord, do not, I be-
CHAPTER XII. seech thee, account to us as sin
1 And Miriam and Aaron that wherein we have done fool-
epoke against Moses, on account ishly, and wherein we have sin-
of the Ethiopian woman whom ned.
he had married; for an Ethio- 12 Let her not be as a dead-
pian woman had he married. born child, of which half the
2 And they said, Hath then flesh is consumed, when it com-
only with Moses the Lord spo-eth out of its mother’s womb.
ken? hath he not also spoken 13 And Moses cried unto the
with us ? And the Lord heard it.
Lord, saying, 0 God do thou !

3 (But the man Moses was heal her, I beseech thee.*

very meek, more so than any 14 f And the Lord said unto
man who was upon the face of Moses, If her father had spit
the earth.) in her face, would she not be
ashamed seven days? let her be 12 Of the tribe of Dan, ’An>
shut up seven days outside of miel the son of Gemalli.
the camp, and after that let her 13 Of the tribe of Asher, Se
be brought in again. thur the son of Michael.
15 And Miriam was shut up 14 Of the tribe of Naphtali,
outside of the camp seven days Nachbi the son of Vophsi.
anrl the people did not set for- 15 Of the tribe of Gad, Geiiel
ward till Miriam was brought in the son of Machi.
again. 16 These are the names of the
16 And afterward the people men whom Moses sent to spy
removed from Chazeroth, and out the land; and Moses called
encamped in the wilderness of Hoshea’ the son of Nun, Joshua’
Paran. [Yehoshua’].
Haphtorah in Zechariah ii. 14 to iv. 7. 17 And Moses sent them to
spy out the land of Cana'an, and
lie said unto them, Go you up
this way at the south side, and
Y? riV. go up into the lxountain;
CHAPTER XIII. 18 And see the land, what it
1 And the Lord spoke unto is; and the people that dwell
Moses, saying, therein, w'hether they be strong
2 Send thou out some men or weak, whether they be few or
that they may spy out the land many
of Cana’an, which I give unto 19 And what the land is on
the children of Israel: one man which they dwell, whether it be
each of every tribe of their fa- good or bad; and what the cities
thers shall ye send, every one are in which they dwell, whether
who is a prince among them. in open places, or in strongholds
3 And Moses sent them out 20 And what the land is, whe-
from the wilderness of Paran by ther it be fat or lean, whether
the order of the Lord they all there be trees therein, or not;

were men, (who) were heads of and take ye courage, and take
the children of Israel. away some of the fruit of the
4 And these are their names: land. Now the time was the
Of the tribe of Reuben, Sham- season of the first ripening of
mua the son of Zaccur.
5 Of the tribe of Simeon, Sha- 21 And they went up, and
phat the son of Chori. spied out the land from the wil-
6 Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb derness of Zin unto Rechob, on
the son of Yephunneh. the road to Chamath.
7 Of the tribe of Issachar, 22 And they ascended on the
Yigal the son of Joseph. south side, and came unto He-
8 Of the tribe of Ephraim, bron; and there were Achiman,
Iloshea’ the son of Nun. Sheshai, and Thalmai, the chil-
9 Of the tribe of Benjamin, dren of ’Anak (now Hebron had
Palti the son of Raphu. been built seven years before
10 Of the tribe of Zebulun, Zo’an in Egypt).
Gaddiel the son of Sodi. 23 And they came unto the
11 Of the tribe of Joseph, of valley of Eshcol, and they cut
the tribe of Menasseh, Gaddi the down from there a branch witk.
son of Sussi. one cluster of grapes, and they
bore it upon a barrow between to spy it out, is a land that con-
two; and (they took some) of the sumeth its inhabitants; and all
pomegranates and of the figs. the people that we saw in it are
24 That place was called the men of a great stature.
vallej' of Eschol, on account of 33 And there we saw the giants,
the cluster which the children of the sons of ’Anak, of the giants 1
Israel cut down from there. (family); and we were in our
25 And they returned from own eyes as grasshoppers, and
gpying out the land at the end so were we in their eyes.
of forty days.
26 And they went and came CHAPTER XIV.
to Moses, and to Aaron, and to 1 And all the congregation
all the congregation of the chil- lifted up their voice, and cried
dren of Israel, unto the wilder- aloud and the people wept that

ness of Paran, to Kadesh; and night.

they brought back word unto 2 And all the people mur-
them, and unto all the congre- mured against Moses and against
gation, and showed them the Aaron; and the whole congre-
fruit of the land. gation said unto them, Oh who
27 And they told him, and would grant that we had died in
said, We came unto the land the land of Egypt! or that we
whither thou didst send us, and might but die in this wilder-
truly doth it flow with milk and ness !

honey; and this is its fruit. 3 And wherefore doth the

28 Nevertheless the people are Lord bring us unto yonder land,
strong that dwell in the land, to fall by the sword ? that our
and the cities are very strongly wives and our children may be-
walled, and great; and the chil- come a prey ? is it not better for
dren of ’Anak also have we seen us to return to Egypt ?
there. 4 And they said one to an-
29 The ’Amalekites dwell in other, Let us appoint a chief, and
the southern country; and the let us return to Egypt.
Hittites, and the Jebusites, and 5 Then fell Moses and Aaron
the Emorites, dwell in the moun- on their faces before all the as-
tains; and the Cana’anites dwell sembly of the congregation of
by the sea, and by the margin the children of Israel.
of the Jordan. 6 And Joshua’ the son of
30 And Caleb stilled the peo- Nun, and Caleb the son of Ye-
ple toward Moses, and he said, phunneh, of those that had spied
We can easily go up, and take out the land, rent their garments.
possession of it; for we are well 7 And they said unto all the
able to overcome it. congregation of the children of
31 But the men who had gone Israel, as followeth, The land,
up with him said, We are not through which we have passed
able to go up against the people; to spy it out, this land is exceed-
for they are stronger than we. ingly good.*
32 And
they brought up an 8 If the Lord have delight in
evil report of the land which us, then will he bring us into
they had spied out unto the chil- this land, and give it to us a :

dren of Israel, saying, The land land which is flowing with milk
through which we have passed and honey.
9Only against the Lord do !the Lord be made manifest, a*
ye not rebel and then ye need thou hast spoken, saying,

not fear the people of the land; 18 The Eternal is long-suffer-

for they are our bread : their ing, and abundant in benefi-
shadow is departed from them, cence, forgiving iniquity and
while the Lord is with us fear transgression but who will by
; ;

them not. no means clear the guilty, visit-

10 But all the congregation ing the iniquity of the fathers
said to stone them with stones upon the children, upon the third
when the glory of the Lord ap- and upon the fourth generation.
peared in the tabernacle of the 19 Pardon, I beseech thee, the
congregation unto all the chil- iniquity of this people, accord-
dren of Israel. ing to the greatness of thy bene-
11 And the Lord said unto ficence, and as thou hast been
Moses, How long yet shall this indulgent to this people, from
people provoke me ? and how Egypt even until hitherto.
long yet will they not believe in 20 And the Lord said, I have
me, with all the signs which I pardoned according to thy word.
have shown in the midst of 21 But as truly as I live, and
them ? as all the earth is filled with the
12 I will smite them with the glory of the Lord :

pestilence, and root them out, 22 That all the men who have
and I will make of thee a na- seen my glory, and my signs,
tion greater and mightier than which I have displayed in Egypt
they. and in the wilderness, and have
13 And Moses said unto the tempted me these ten times,
Lord, But when the Egyptians and have not hearkened to my
hear, from the midst of whom voice,
thou hast brought up in thy 23 Shall surely not see the
might this people; land which I have sworn unto
14 And when they tell to the their fathers, yea all those that
inhabitants of this land, who have provoked me shall not see
have heard that thou, Lord, art it.

in the midst of this people, that 24 But my servant Caleb, as

face to face thou, Lord, art seen, a reward that he had another
and that thy cloud standeth over spirit with him, and followed me
them, and that in a pillar of fully, —
therefore will I bring him
cloud thou goest before them by into the land whereinto he went;
day, and in a pillar of fire by and his seed shall possess it.
night; 25 And the ’Amalekites and
15 That thou hast killed this the Cana’anites dwell in the val-
people as one man then will the
: ley :to-morrow turn you, and
nations that have heard thy set forward into the wilderness
fame, say in this mannef by the way to the Red Sea.*
16 That because the Lord was 26 <[[ And the Lord spoke un-
not able to bring this people into to Moses and unto Aaron, say-
the land which he had sworn ing,
unto them, hath he slain them 27 How long (shall indulgence
in the wilderness. be given) to this evil congrega-
17 And now, I beseech thee, tion, that murmur against me ?
let the greatness of the power of the murmurings of the children
of Israel, which they murmur 37 Even these men, that ha&
against me, have I heard. brought up the evil report of the
28 Say unto them, As truly as land, died by the plague before
I live, saith the Lord, as ye the Lord.
have spoken in my ears, so will 38 But Joshua’ the son of
I do tc you Nun, and Caleb the son of Ye-
29 In this wilderness shall phunneh, remained alive of those
your carcasses fall, and all that men, who had gone to spy out
were numbered of you, accord- the land.
ing to your whole number, from 39 And Moses spoke these
twenty years old and upward words unto all the children of
ye who have murmured against Israel; and the people mourned
me greatly.
30 Truly ye shall not come 40 And they rose up early in
into the land, concerning which the morning, and went up to the
I have lifted up my hand to let top of the mountain, saying, Lo,
you dwell therein ; save Caleb here we are, and we will go up
the son of Yephunneh, and Jo- unto the place of which the
shua’ the son of Nun. Lord hath spoken; for we have
31 But your little ones of sinned.
which ye said, They would be- 41 And Moses said, Wherefore
come a prey, them will I bring now do ye transgress the order
in, and they shall know the land of the Lord ? and it will not
which ye have despised. prosper.
32 But as for you, your car- 42 Do not go up, for the Lord
sasses shall fall in this wilder- isnot among you that ye may

ness. not be smitten before your ene-

33 And your children shall mies.
wander about in the wilderness 43 For the ’Amalekites and
forty years, and bear your back- the Cana’anites are there before
slidings, until your carcasses be you, and ye will fall by the sword ;

spent in the wilderness. since, because ye are turned

34 After the number of the away from the Lord, the Lord
days in which ye spied out the also will not be with you.
land, forty days, yea, each one 44 Yet they persisted to go up
day for a year, shall ye bear for unto the top of the mountain ;

your iniquities, forty years; and but the ark of the covenant of
ye shall experience my with- the Lord, and Moses, did not
drawal (of protection). move out of the camp.
35 I the Lord have spoken it, 45 Then came down the ’Ama-
surely, this will I do unto all lekites, and the Cana’anites that
this evil congregation that have dwelt on that mountain, and
assembled against me in this smote them, and discomfited

wilderness shall they be spent, them, even unto Chormah.

and therein shall they die.
36 And the men whom Moses CHAPTER XV.
had sent to spy out the land, and 1 And the Lord spoke un-
who returned, and caused all the to Moses, saying,
congregation to murmur against 2 Speak unto the children of
him, by bringing up an evil re- Israel, and say unto them, When
port against the land, ye shall have come into the land
of your habitations, which I give after this manner in offering a
unto you, fire- offering of a sweet savour

3 And ye will prepare a fire- unto the Lord.

offering unto the Lord, a burnt- 14 And if a stranger sojourn
offering, or a .sacrifice, in per- with you, or whosoever may be
forming a pronounced vow, or among you in your generations,
as a freewill-offering, or on your and will make an offering made
solemn feasts, to prepare a sweet by fire, of a sweet savour unto
savour unto the Lord, of the the Lord as ye do, so shall he

herds or of the flocks do.

4 Then shall he that bringeth 15 Congregation one statute

his offering unto the Lord, bring shall be for you, and for the
as a meat-offering a tenth part stranger that sojourneth a sta-:

of fine flour mingled with the tute for ever in your generations
fourth of a hin of oil. as ye are, so shall the stranger
5 And wine for a drink-offer- be before the Lord.
ing, the fourth of a hin, shalt 16 One law and one code shall
thou prepare with the burnt- be for you, and for the stranger
offering or sacrifice, for each one that sojourneth with you.*
sheep. 17 And the Lord spoke un-
6 But for a ram, shalt thou to Moses, saying,
prepare as a meat-offering two 18 Speak unto the children
tenth parts of fine flour mingled of Israel, and say unto them,
with the third of a hin of oil. When ye come into the land
7 And wine for the drink- whither I bring you :

offering, the third of a hin, shalt 19 Then shall it be, that, when
thou bring, for a sweet savour ye eat of the bread of the land,
unto the Lord.* ye shall set aside a heave-offer-
8 And when thou preparest a ing unto the Lord.
bullock for a burnt offering, or 20 As the first of your doughs
for a sacrifice, in performing a shall ye set aside a cake for a
pronounced vow, or as a peace- heave-offering; like the heave-
offering unto the Lord : offering of the threshing-floor,
9 Then shall he bring with so shall ye set this aside.
the bullock as a meat-offering, 21 Of the first of your doughs
three tenth parts of fine flour shall ye give unto the Lord a
mingled with half a hin of oil. heave-offering, in your genera-
10 And wine shalt thou bring tions.
for a drink-offering, half a hin, 22 And if ye erf, and do not
as a fire-offering of a sweet sa- observe all these commandments,
vour unto the Lord. which the Lord hath spoken
11 Thusshall it be done for unto Moses,
each one bullock, or for each one 23 All that the Lord hath
ram, or for a lamb, be it of the commanded you by the hand of
sheep or of the goats. Moses, from the day that the
12 According to the number Lord commanded (the same)
that ye may prepare, so shall ye and thenceforward, among your
do to every one according to generations :

theirnumber. 24 Then shall it be, if, through

13 A., that are born in the inadvertence of the congrega-
country shall do these things tion, it was committed by igno-
ranee, that all the congregation jthat person shall be cut off, hit
shall prepare one young bullock iniquity is upon him.

for a burnt-offering, for a sweet 32 Ar/d while the children

savour unto the Lord, with his of Israel were in the wilderness,
meat-offering, and his drink- they found a man gathering
offering, according to the pre- sticks upon the sabbath-day.
scribed manner, and one he-goat 33 And they that found him
for a sin-offering. gathering sticks brought him for
25 And the priest shall make judgment unto Moses and Aaron,
an atonement for all the congre- and unto all the congregation.
gation of the children of Israel, 34 And they put him in ward
and it shall be forgiven unto because it had not been declared
them; for it is (a sin of) igno- what should be done to him.
rance and they have brought
35 And the Lord said unto
their offering, a sacrifice made Moses, The man shall be put to
by fire unto the Lord, and their death all the congregation shall

sin-offering before the Lord, for stone him with stones without
their (sin of) ignorance: the camp.
26 And it shall be forgiven 36 And all the congregation
unto all the congregation of the brought him forth to without
children of Israel, and unto the the camp, and they stoned him
stranger that sojourneth among with stones, and he died as the :

them for by all the people (was

Lord had commanded Moses.*
it done) in ignorance.* 37 And the Lord said unto
27 And if any person sin Moses, as followeth,
through ignorance, then shall he 38 Speak unto the children of
bring a sh e-goat of the first year Israel, and say to them that they
for a sin-offering. shall make themselves fringes
28 And the priest shall make on the corners of their garments
an atonement for the person that throughout their generations,
hath erred, in his sinning through and that they shall put upon the
ignorance before the Lord to ;
fringe of the corner a thread of
make an atonement for him, blue :

that it may be forgiven unto 39 And it shall be unto you

him. for a fringe, that ye may look
29 For the native born among upon it, and remember all the
the children of Israel, and for the commandments of the Lord, and
stranger th^t sojourneth among do them and that ye seek not
them :

one law shall be for you,

after (the inclination of) your

for him that acteth through igno- own heart and (the delight of)
rance. your eyes, in pursuit of which
30 But the person that doth ye have been led astray.
aught with a high hand, be he 40 In order that ye may re-
member, and do all my com-
one born in the land, or a stran-
ger, the same dishonoureth the mandments, and be holy unto
Lord; and that person shall your God.
be cut off from among his peo- 41 I am the Lord your God,
ple. who brought you out of the land
31 Because the word of the of Egypt, to be your God I am :

Lord hath he despised, and his the Lord your God.

commandment hath he broken Haphtorah in Joshua’ ii. 1 to 24.

the God of Israel hath separated
Sec. 38. KORACH, nip. you from the congregation of
CHAPTER XVI. Israel, to bring you near unto
1 C Now Korach, the son of himself, to do the service of the
Yizhar, the son of Kehath, the tabernacle of the Lord, and to
son of Levi, was presumptuous, stand before the congregation to
together with Dathan and Abi- minister for them?
iam, the sons of Eliab, and On, 10 And he hath brought thee
the son of Peleth, sons of Reii- near, and all thy brethren the
fcen : sons of Levi with thee and :

2 So that they rose up before now will ye seek the priesthood

Moses, with certain men of the also ?

children of Israel, in number 11 For which cause (beware),

two hundred and fifty ;
(who thou and all thy company that
were) princes of the congrega- are gathered together against the
tion, called to the assembly, men Lord; for Aaron, what is he,
of renown. that ye should murmur against
3 And they assembled them- him ?
selves against Moses, and against 12 And Moses sent to call
Aaron, and said unto them, Ye Dathan and Abiram, the sons of
assume too much ; for the whole Eliab; but they said, We will
of the congregation are all of not come up
them holy, and the Lord is 13 Is it too little that thou
among them wherefore then hast brought us up out of a land

will you lift yourselves up above flowing with milk and honey, to
the congregation of the Lord? kill us in the wilderness, that
4 And when Moses heard it, thou wilt assume to make thy-
he fell upon his face: self also a prince over us ?*
5 And he spoke unto Korach 14 Moreover thou hast not
and unto all his company, say- brought us into a land flowing
ing, To-morrow, —
then will the with milk and honey, and thou
Lord make known who is his, hast not given us inheritance of
and who is holy, that he may fields and vineyards: wilt thou
cause them to come near unto bore out the eyes of th$se men?
him and him whom he shall we will not come up.

choose will he cause to come 15 And this displeased Moses

near unto him. greatly, and he said unto the
6 This do ye: Take yourselves Lord, Have no respect unto
censers, Korach and all his com- their offering: I have not taken
pany ;
away an ass of any one of them,
7 And put therein fire, and nor have I done wrong to any
put upon them incense before one of them.
the Lc id, to-morrow and it
16 And Moses said unto Ko-
shall bf that the man whom the rach, Thou and all thy company,
Lori /ill choose, he shall be the be ye before the Lord, thou, and
holy one; you assume too much, they, and Aaron, to-morrow
ye sons of Levi. 17 And take ye every man his
8 And Moses said unto Ko- censer, and put incense upon
rach, Hear, I pray you, ye sons them, and bring ye near before
of Levi the Lord every man his censer,
9 It is too little for you, that two hundred and fifty censers;
19 ] £ 217
thou also, and Aaron, each his 28 And Moses said, Through
censer. this shallye know that the Lord
18 And they took every man hath sent me to do all these
his censer, and put fire on them, deeds; that (I have) not done
and laid incense thereupon ; and them out of my own heart.
they stood at the door of the 29 If these men die as all men
tabernacle of the congregation die, and if the visitation of all
with Moses and Aaron. men be visited on them: then
19 And Korach assembled hath the Lord not sent me.
against them all the congrega- 30 But if the Lord do create
tion unto the door of the taber- a new thing, and the earth open
nacle of the congregation; and her mouth, and swallow them
the glory of the Lord then up, with all that appertaineth
appeared unto all the congrega- unto them, and they go down
tion.* alive into the pit: then shall ye
20 And the Lord spoke un- understand that these men have
to Moses and unto Aaron, saying, provoked the Lord.
21 Separate yourselves from 31 And it came to pass, when
the midst of this congregation, he had made an end of speaking
and I will make an end of them all these words, that the ground
in a moment. that was under them was cloven
22 And they fell upon their asunder
; faces, and said, 0 God, the God 32 And the earth opened her
of the spirits of all flesh, this one mouth, and swallowed them up,
man doth sin, and with all the and their houses, and all the
congregation wouldst thou be men that appertained unto Ko-
wroth ? rach, and all their goods.
23 And the Lord spoke un- 33 And they went down, they,
to Moses, saying, and all they that appertained to
24 Speak unto the congrega- them, alive into the pit; and the
tion, saying, Get you away from earth closed over them, and they
about the dwelling of Korach, disappeared from the midst of the
Da than, and Abiram. congregation.
25 A^id Moses rose up and 34 And all Israel that were
went unto Dathan and Abiram; round about them fled at their
and there went after him the cry; for they said, Perhaps the
elders of Israel. earth may swallow us up (also).
26 And he spoke unto the 35 And there came out a fire
congregation, saying, Depart, I from the Lord, and consumed
pray you, from the tents of these the two hundred and fifty men
wicked men, and touch nothing that had offered the incense.
which belongeth to them, lest ye
be destroyed through all their CHAPTER XVII.
sins. 1 And the Lord spoke unte
27 So they got away from the Moses, saying,
dwelling of Korach, Dathan, and 2 Speak unto El’azar the son
Abiram, on every side: and of Aaron the priest, that he lift
Dathan and Abiram came out, up the censers out of the burn-
standing (boldly) at the door of ing, and throw out the fire far
their tents, with their wives, and away for they have been hal-

their sons, and their little ones. lowed:

3 The censers of these sinners unto the congregation, and make
against their own lives and they
an atonement for them for the ;

shall make of them broad plates wrath is gone forth frcin the
for a covering for the altar ; for Lord the plague hath begun.

they brought them near before 12 And Aaron took as Moses

the Lord, and they have thus had commanded, and he ran in-
become hallowed; and they shall to the midst of the assembly;
serve for a sign unto the children and, behold, the plague had be-
of Israel. gun among the people and ho :

4 And El’azar the priest took put on the incense, and made an
the copper censers, which they atonement for the people.
that were burnt had brought 13 And he stood between the
near; and they beat them out dead and the living and the ;

for a covering unto the altar: plague was stayed.

5 As a memorial unto the chil- 14 And those who died in the
dren of Israel, in order that no plague were fourteen thousand
stranger, who is not of the seed and seven hundred, besides those
of Aaron, should come near to that had died about the matter
*burn incense before the Lord; of Korach.
that he become not as Korach, 15 And Aaron returned unto
and as his company as the Lord Moses, to the door of the taber-

had spoken to him by the hand nacle of the congregation, after

of Moses. the plague had been stayed.*
6 And all the congregation 16 And the Lord spoke unto
of the children of Israel mur- Moses, saying,
mured against Moses and Aaron, 17 Speak unto the children of
on the morrow, saying, It is you Israel, and take from them one
who have caused the people of staff each for a family division,
the Lord to die. from all their princes, according
7 And it came to pass, when to their family divisions, twelve
the congregation assembled staves the name of each man

against Moses and against Aaron, shalt thou write upon his staff.
that they looked toward the ta- 18 And the name of Aaron
bernacle of the congregation, shalt thou write upon the staff
and, behold, the cloud covered of Levi; for there shall be but
it; and the glory of the Lord one staff for the head of their
appeared. family division.
8 And Moses came with Aaron 19 And thou shalt lay them
before the tabernacle of the con- down in the tabernacle of the
gregation.* congregation before the testi*.
9 \\ And the Lord spoke unto mony, where I usually meet with
Moses, saying, you.
10 Remcve yourselves from 20 And it shall come to pass,
the midst of this congregation, that the staff of the man whom
that I may consume them in a I shall choose, shall blossom:
moment. And they fell upon and I will allay from around me
their faces. the murmurings of the children
11 And Moses said unto Aaron, of Israel, which they murmur
Take the censer, and put therein against you.
lire from offthe altar, and put on 21 And Moses spoke unto the
incense, and carry (it) quickly children of Israel, and all their
princes gave him each a staff, father, bring thou near with

one for every prince, according thee, that they

be joined
feo their family divisions, twelve with
< thee, and
minister unto
staves and the staff of Aaron
: thee; while thou and thy sons
was among their staves. with thee shall be before the
22 And Moses laid down the i tabernacle of the testimony,
staves before the Lord in the s 3 And they shall keep thy
tabernacle of the testimony. charge, and the charge of all
23 And it came to pass on the * the tabernacle: only unto the
morrow, that, as Moses went into i
vessels of the sanctuary and un-
the tabernacle of the testimony, ,
to the altar shall they not come
behold, the staff of Aaron for the i near, that they may not die,
house of Levi had budded; and either they or you.
it brought forth buds, and pro- 4 And they shall be joined
duced blossoms, and yielded ripe : unto thee, and keep the charge
almonds. of the tabernacle of the congre-
24 And Moses brought out all gation, respecting all the service
the staves from before the Lord of the tabernacle and a stranger

unto all the children of Israel; shall not come nigh unto you.
and they looked (at them), and 5 And ye shall keep the charge
took away every one his staff. of the sanctuary, and the charge
25 ^ And the Lord said unto of the altar; that there be not
Moses, Carry back the staff of any more wrath upon the chil-
Aaron before the testimony, to dren of Israel.
be kept as a token against the 6 And I, behold, I have taken
children of rebellion, that there your brethren the Levites from
may be an end of their murmur- the midst of the children of Is-
ings from around me, and they rael unto you are they given as

die not. a gift for the Lord, to perform

26 And Moses did so: as the the service of the tabernacle of
Lord had commanded him, so the congregation.
did he. 7 And thou and thy sons with
27 % And the children of Israel thee shall keep your priesthood
said unto Moses, thus, Behold, concerning every matter of the
we perish, we are lost, we are all altar, and for that within the
lost. vail, where ye shall serve as a :

28 Every one that cometh near service of gift do I give you your
at all unto the tabernacle of the priesthood and the stranger

Lord must die: shall we totally that cometh nigh shall be put tc

perish ? death.
8 And the Lord spoke unto
CHAPTER XVIII. Aaron, And I, behold, I give
1 And the said unto thee the charge of my heave-
Aaron, Thou and thy sons and offerings; of all the hallowed
thy father’s house with thee things of the children of Israel,
shall bear the iniquity of the unto thee have I given them as
sanctuary; an 4 thou and thy;an official portion, and to thy
sons with thee shall bear the*;sons, as a fixed right for ever.
iniquity of your priesthood. 9 This shall belong to thee of
2 And also thy brethren, the the most holy things, from the
tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy firc-(offerings) every oblation

of theirs, namely, every meat- blood shalt thou sprinkle upon
offering of theirs, and every sin- the altar, and their fat shalt thou
offering of theirs, and every burn as a fire-offering, for a sweet
trespass-offering of theirs, which savour unto the Lord.
they shall render unto me, 18 And their flesh shall be
shall, as most holy things, be- thine as the breast that is wayed

long to thee and to thy sons. and as the right shoulder shall
10 In a most holy place shalt it be thine.
thou eat it: every male shall eat 19 All the heave-offerings of
it; holy shall be unto thee.
it the holy things, which the chil-
] 1 And this shall be thine, as dren of Israel set apart unto the
the heave-offering of their gift., Lord, I have given to thee, and,
of all the wave-offerings of the to thy sons and to thy daughters
children of Israel; unto thee with thee, as a fixed portion for
have I given them, and to thy ever: it is a covenant of salt for
sons and to thy daughters with ever before the Lord for thee
thee, as a fixed portion for ever: and for thy seed with thee.
every one that is clean in thy And the Lord said unto
house may eat thereof. Aaron, In their land shalt thou
12 All the best of oil, and all have no inheritance, and any
the best of wine, and of corn, portion shalt thou not have
the first-fruits thereof which among them : I am thy portion
they shall offer unto the Lord, and thy inheritance among the
to thee have I given them. children of Israel.*
13 The first ripe fruit of what- 21 And to the children of
soever is in their land, which Levi, behold, I have given every
they may bring unto the Lord, tithe in Israel, for an inherit-
shall be thine every one that is
: ance, in lieu of their service
clean in thy house may eat there- which they render, the service
of. of the tabernacle of the congre-
14 Every thing devoted in Is- gation.
rael shall be thine. 22 And the children of Israel
15 Whatever openeth the shall not henceforth come nigh
womb of all flesh, which they unto the tabernacle of the con-
bring unto the Lord, be it of gregation, to bear sin, to die
men or of cattle, shall be thine thereby.
nevertheless thou shalt redeem 23 But they of the tribe of'
the first-born of man, and the Levi themselves shall perform
firstling of the unclean cattle the service of the tabernacle of
shalt thou redeem. the congregation, and they shall
16 And those that are to be bear the;r iniquity: a statute for
redeemed from a month old ever shall it be throughout your
shalt thou redeem, according to generations and among the

the usual estimation of five she- children of Israel shall they not
kels of silver, after the shekel of possess any inheritance.
the sanctuary, which is twenty 24 But the tithes of the chil-
gerahs. dren of Israel, which they offer
17 But the firstling of an ox, as a heave-offering unto the
'nr the firstling of a sheep, or the Lord, have I given to the Le-

firstling of a goat, thou shalt not vites for an inheritance: there-

redeem; they are holy:, their fore have I said unto them,
19* .221
Among the children of Israel
Sec. 39. CIIUCKATH, npn.
shall they obtain no inherit-
ance. ' CHAPTER XIX.
25 And the Lord spoke un- 1 ^ And the Lord spoke unto
to Moses, saying, Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
26 And unto che Levites shalt 2 This is the statute of the
thou speak, and say unto them, law which the Lord hath com-
When ye take from the children manded, saying, Speak unto the
of Israel the tithes which I have children of Israel, that they
given you from them for your bring unto thee a completely red
inheritance then shall ye sepa- cow, on which there is no ble-

rate therefrom a heave-offering mish, upon which no yoke hath

of the Lord, the tenth part of ever come.
the tithe. 3 And ye shall give her unto
27 And your heave-offering El’azar the priest, and he shall
shall be reckoned unto you, like lead her forth to without the
the corn of the threshing-floor, camp, and some one shall slay
and as the fulness of the wine- her before his face :

press. 4 And El’azar the priest shall

28 Thus shall ye also offer a take some of her blood with his
heave-offering unto the Lord finger; and he shall sprinkle in
from all your tithes, which ye the direction of the front of the
may receive from the children of tabernacle of the congregation
Israel; and ye shall give there- of her blood seven times.
of the heave-offering of the Lord 5 And some one shall burn
to Aaron the priest. the cow before his e3 es her r

29 From all your gifts shall skin, and her flesh, and her
ye set apart every heave-offering blood, with her dung, shall he
of the Lord, from every best burn.
part thereof, its hallowed por- 6 And the priest shall take
tion therefrom.* cedar-wood, and hyssop, and a
30 And thou shalt say unto scarlet string, and cast it into
them, When ye have separated the midst of the burning of the
the best thereof from it then cow.

shall (the remainder) be count- 7 And the priest shall wash

ed unto the Levites as the pro- his clothes, and he shall bathe
duce of the threshing-floor, and his flesh in water, and afterward
as the produce of the wine- may he come into the camp and :

press. the priest shall be unclean until

31 And ye may eat it in every the evening.
place, ye and your households 8 And he that burneth her
for it is your reward in lieu of shall wash his clothes in water,
your service at the tabernacle of and bathe his flesh in water;
the congregation. and he shall be unclean until the
32 And ye shall not bear any evening.
sin by reason of it, when ye have 9 And a man that is clean
separated its best part from it shall gather up the ashes of the
and the holy things of the chil- cow, and lay them up without
dren of Israel shall ye not pro- the camp in a clean place; and
fane, lest ye die. it shall be kept for the congre-

Uaphtorah in 1 Samuel xi. 14 to xii. 22. gation of the children of Israel

for a water of sprinkling: it is take hyssop, and dip it in the
a purification-offering. water, and sprinkle it upon the
10 And he that gathereth up tent, and upon all the vessels,
the ashes of the cow shall wash and upon all the persons that
and be unclean until have been there, and upon him
his clothes,
the evening and it shall be unto that hath touched the bone, or

the children of Israel, and un- the one slain, or the dead, or the
to thestranger that sojourneth grave
among them, for a statute for 19 And the clean person shall
ever. sprinkle upon the unclean on the
11 He that toucheth the dead third day and on the seventh
body of any human person shall day; and when he hath purified
be unclean seven days. him on the seventh day, then
12 Such a one shall purify shall he wash his clothes, and
himself with it on the third day bathe himself in water, and shall
and on the seventh day, when be clean at evening.
he shall be clean but if he pu-
20 But a man that is unclean,
rify himself not on the third day and doth not purify himself, that
and on the seventh day, he shall soul shall be cut off from among
not be clean. the congregation ;
because the
13 Whosoever toucheth the sanctuary of the Lord hath he
dead body, the person of any defiled; the water of sprinkling
man that is dead, and purifieth hath not been sprinkled upon
himself not, hath defiled the ta- him he is unclean.

bernacle of the Lord ; and that 21 And it shall be unto them

soul shall be cut off from Israel; for a perpetual statute and he ;

because the water of sprinkling that sprinkle th the water of

was not sprinkled upon him, he sprinkling shall wash his clothes
shall be unclean ;
his unclean- and he that toucheth the water
ness is yet upon him. of sprinkling shall be unclean
14 This is the law, when a until the evening.
man dieth in a tent Every one
: 22 And whatsoever the un-
that cometh into the tent, and clean person may touch shall be
all that is in the tent, shall be unclean and the person that

unclean seven days. toucheth him shall be unclean

15 And every open vessel, on until the evening.
which there is not a closely fit-
ting cover, is unclean. CHAPTER XX.
16 And whosoever toucheth 1 And
the children of Is-
in the open field one that hath rael, the whole
been slain with a sword, or a came into the desert of Zin in
dead body, or a bone of a man, the first month, and the people
or a grave, shall be unclean seven abode in Kadesh and Miriam;

days. died there, and was buried there.

17 And they shall take for the 2 And there was no water
unclean person some of the ashes for the congregation and they;

of the burnt purification-offer- assembled themselves together

ing, and they shall put there- against Moses and against Aaron.
upon running water in a ves- 3 And the people quarrelled
sel.* with Moses, and said thus, Oh
18 And a clean person shall that we had but perished when
our brethren perished before the ye not bring this congregation
Lord ! into the land which I have given
4 And why have ye brought to them.
the congregation of the Lord 13 These are the waters of
into this wilderness, to die there, Meribah; where the children of
we and our cattle ? Israel quarrelled with the Lord,
5 And wherefore have ye caus- and through which he was sanc-
ed us to come up out of Egypt, tified. *
to bring us in unto this evil 14 And Moses sent messen-
place ? it is no place for sowing, gers from Kadesh unto the king
or of figs, or of vines, or of pome- of Edom, Thus hath said thy
granates ; and water even there brother Israel, Thou knowest all
is none to drink. the hardship that hath befallen
6 And Moses and Aaron went us.
from the presence of the assem- 1 5 How our fathers went down
bly unto the door of the taber- into Egypt, and we dwelt in
nacle of the congregation, and Egypt many days,- and the
they fell upon their faces and : Egyptians did evil to us, and
the glory of the Lord appeared to our fathers
unto them.* 16 And we cried unto the
7 And the Lord spoke unto Lord, and he heard our voice,
Moses, saying, and he sent a messenger, and
8 Take the staff*, and gather caused us to go forth out of
the assembly together, thou, with Egypt; and, behold, we are in
Aaron thy brother, and ye shall Kadesh, a city at the outmost
speak unto the rock before their end of thy border.
eyes, that it shall give forth its 17 Let us pass, we pray thee,
water and thou shalt bring
through thy country ; we will
forth for them water out of the not pass through field, or through
rock, and give drink to the con- vineyard, and we will not drink
gregation and their cattle. the water of the wells by the :

9 And Moses took the staff* king’s highway will we go, we

from before the Lord, as he had will not turn to the right hand
commanded him. nor to the left, until we have
10 And Moses and Aaron as- passed thy border.
sembled the congregation to- 18 And Edom said unto him,
gether before the rock, and he Thou shalt not pass through my
said unto them, Hear now, ye land, lest I come against thee
rebels shall we out of this rock
! with the sword.
bring forth water for you ? 19 And the children of Israel
11 And Moses lifted up his said unto him, We will go by the
hand, and he smote the rock with highway and if we drink of

his twice and there came

staff* : thy water, I and my cattle, then
out much water, and the congre- will I pay its value I will do

gation drank, together with their thee no injury, only on foot will
cattle. I pass through.
12 And the Lord said unto 20 And he said, Thou shalt
Moses and Aaron, Because ye not pass through and Edom

have not confided in me, to sanc- came out against him with much
tify me
before the eyes of the people, and with a strong hand.
ihildren of Israel: therefore shall 21 And as Edom thus refused
to permit Israel pass through wilt but deliver this people int«
his border, Israel turned away my hand, then will I devote their
from him.* cities.
22 And 3 And the Lord hearkened to
they set forward
from Kadesh and the children the voice of Israel, and he de-

of Israel, the whole congrega- livered up the Cana’anites and ;

tion, came unto mount Hor. they devoted them and their
23 And the Lord said unto cities and they called the name

Moses and Aaron at mount Hor, of the place Chormah.

by the boundary of the land of 4 And they set forward from
Edom, as follow eth, mount Hor by the way to the
24 Aaron shall be gathered Red Sea, to go round the land
unto his people for he shall not of Edom: and the spirit of the

enter into the land which I have people became impatient because
given unto the children of Israel, of the way.
because ye rebelled against my 5 And the people spoke against
order at the waters of Meribah. God, and against Moses, Where-
25 Take Aaron and El’azar, fore have ye brought us up out
his son, and cause them to go up of Egypt to die in the wilder-
unto mount Hor ness ? for there is no bread, and
26 And cause Aaron to take there is no water; and our soul
off his garments, and clothe loatheth this miserable bread.
therewith ETazar his son and ;
6 And the Lord let loose
Aaron shall be gathered in, and against the people poisonous ser-
he shall die there. pents, and they bit the people;
27 And Moses did as the Lord and there died much people of
had commanded and they went ;
up to mount Hor before the eyes 7 And the people then came
of all the congregation. to Moses, and they said, We
28 And Moses caused Aaron have sinned, for we have spoken
to take off his garments, and heagainst the Lord, and against
clothed therewith El’azar his thee; pray unto the Lord, that
son ; and Aaron died there on he take away from us the ser-
the top of the mount; and Moses pents. And Moses prayed for
and El’azar then came down the people.
from the mount. 8 And the Lord said unto Mo-
29 And when all the congre- ses, Make and
thyself a serpent,
gation saw that Aaron was de- set it upon a pole and it shall

parted, they wept for Aaron come to pass, thatwhoever is

thirty days, even all the house bitten shall look at it, and ho
of Israel. shall live.
9 And Moses made a serpent
CHAPTER XXI. of copper, and put it upon a
1 ^ And when the Cana’anite, pole and it came to pass, that,

the king of 'Arad, who dwelt in when a serpent had bitten any
the south, heard that Israel was man, and he looked up to the
coming by the way of the spies: serpent of copper, he remained
he made an attack on Israel, and alive.*
took from them some prisoners. 10 And the children of Israel
2 And Israel made a vow un- set forward, and encamped in
to the Lord, and said, If thou Oboth.
11 And they journeyed from field, or into vineyard ;
we will
Oboth, and encamped at Ty’e-ha- not drink the water of a well’
'abarim, in the wilderness, which by the king’s highway will we
is before Moab, toward the rising go along, until we have passed
of the sun. thy* border.
12 From there they set for- 23 But Sichon wojffd not suf-
ward and encamped in the val- fer Israel to pass through his
ley of Zered. border; and Sichon assembled
J3 From there they set for- all his people together, and went
ward, and encamped on the other out against Israel into the wil-
side of Arnon, which is in the derness and he came to Yahaz^

wilderness, and which cometh and fought against Israel.

out of the boundary of theEmor- 24 And Israel smote him with
ites; for Arnon is the border of the edge of the sword, and took
Moab, between Moab and be- possession of his land from Ar-
tween the Emorites. non unto Yabbok, even unto the
14 Therefore mention is made children of ’Ammon for the bor- ;

in the book of the wars of the der of the children of ’Ammon

Lord, of Vaheb in Supha, and was strong.
of the brooks of Arnon, 25 And Israel took all these
15 And the descent of the cities ;
and Israel dwelt in all the
brooks, that turneth toward She- cities of the Emorites, in Chesh-
beth-’Ar, and leaneth upon the bon, and in all the villages there-
border of Moab ;
16 And from there to the well 26 For Cheshbon was the city
this is the well where the Lord of Sichon the king of the Emor-
said unto Moses, Assemble the ites and he had fought against

people and I will give them the former king of Moab, and
water. taken all his land out of his
17 Then did Israel sing this hand, up to the Arnon.
song, Come up, 0 well ; sing ye 27 Therefore said the poets,
unto it Come into Cheshbon, let the city
18 Well, which the princes of Sichon be built and esta-
have dug, which the nobles of blished.
the people have hollowed out 28 For a fire is gone out of
with the sceptre, with their Cheshbon, a flame from the city
staves ; —
and from the wilder- of Sichon it hath consumed :

ness to Mattanah ’Ar-Moab, the men of the high


19 And from Mattanah to Na- places of the Arnon.

chaliel and from Nachaliel to
29 Wo to thee, Moab thou !

Bamoth art lost, 0 people of Kemosh :

20 And from Bamoth to the he hath suffered his sons to be-

valley, which is in the fields of come fugitives, and his daugh-
Moab, to the top of Pisgah, ters to go into captivity, unto
which looketh toward the de- the king of the Emorites, Si-
sert.* chon.
21 And Israel sent messen- 30 We have thrown them
gers unto Sichon, the king of down lost is Cheshbon even

the Emorites, saying, unto I)ibon, and we have laid

.22 Let me pass through thy waste (all) up to Nophach, which
land we will not turn aside into reacheth unto Medeba.

31 Thus Israel dwelt in the which is by the river, in the land
land of the Emorites. of the children of his people, tc
32 And Moses sent to spy out have him called; saying, Behold,
Ya’zer, and they captured the there is a people come out from
villages thereof, and drove out Egypt; behold, it covereth the
the Emorites that were there. surface of the earth, and it is
33 And they turned and went abiding opposite to me :

up by* the way to Bashan; and 6 And now do but come, curse
*0g, the king of Bashan, went me this people; for it is t<$o
out against them, he, and all his mighty for me peradventure I

people, to the battle at Edre’i.* may be able to smite it, that 1

34 And the Lord said unto may drive it out of the land;
Moses, Fear him not for into for I know that he whom thou

thy hand have I delivered him, blessest is blessed, and he whom

and all his people, and his land thou cursest is cursed.
and thou shalt do unto him as 7 And the elders of Moab and
thou hast done unto Sichon, the the elders of Midian departed
king of the Emorites, who dwelt with the rewards of divination
at Cheshbon. in their hand; and they came
35 And they smote him and unto Bil’am, and spoke unto him
his sons, and all his people, the words of Balak.
until there was none left unto 8 And he said unto them, Re-
him that escaped; and they took main you here this night, and I
possession of his land. will bring you word again, as
the Lord may speak unto me:
CHAPTER XXII. and the princes of Moab abode
1 And the children of Israel with Biram.
set forward, and encamped in 9 And God came unto BiPam,
the plains of Moab, on this side and said, Who are these men
of the Jordan, opposite Jericho. with thee ?
Haphtorah in Judges xi. 1 to 33. 10 And BiPam said unto God,
Balak the son of Zippor, the
king of Moab, hath sent unto
Sec. 40. BALAK, pSa. me, (saying,)
2 And Balak the son of 11 Behold, there is the people
Zippor saw all that Israel had that is come out of Egypt, and
done to the Emorites. covereth the face of the earth

3 And Moab was greatly afraid now come, denounce it for me*,
of the people, because it was peradventure I shall be able to
numerous and Moab was hor- fight against it, and drive it

rified beca use of the children of away.

Israel. 12 And God said unto BiPam,
4 And Moab said unto the Thou shalt not go with them
elders of Midian, Now will this thou shalt not curse the people;
assemblage devour all that is for it is blessed.*
round about us, as the ox de- 13 And BiPam rose up in the
voureth the grass of the field morning, and said unto the
and Balak the son of Zippor princes of Balak, Go hack to
was king of Moab at that time. your land ; for the Lord refus-
5 And he sent messengers unto eth to give me leave to go with
BiPam the sod ^f Be’or to Pethor, you.
14 And the princes of Moab ass, to make her turn into the
rose up, and they went unto Ba- way.
lak, and said, BiPam
refuseth to 24 But the angel of the Lord
come with us. stepped into a path between the
15 And Balak
sent yet again vineyards, (with) a wall on this
princes, more in number, and side, and a wall on that side.
more honourable than those. • 25 And when the ass saw the
16 And they came to BiPam, angel of the Lord, she forced
and sail to him, Thus hath said herself against the wall, and
Balak the son of Zippor, Do not pressed Bil’am’s foot against the
suffer thyself, I pray thee, to be wall and he smote her again.

prevented from coming unto me; 26 And the angel of the Lord
17 For I will honour thee went yet farther, and stood in a
greatly, and whatsoever thou narrow place, where there was
mayest say unto me will I do no way to turn either to the
and only come, I pray thee, de- right or to the left.
nounce me this people. 27 And when the ass saw
18 And Biram answered and the angel of the Lord, she lay
said unto the servants of Balak, down under BiPam whereupon :

If Balak would give me his house Bil’am’s anger was kindled, and
full of silver and gold, I could he smote the ass with a stick.
not transgress the order of the 28 And the Lord opened the
Lord my God, to do a small or mouth of the ass, and she said
a great thing. unto BiPam, What have I done
19 And now, I pray you, tarry unto thee, that thou hast smit-
ye also here this night, that I ten me these three times ?
may know what the Lord will 29 And BiPam said unto the
farther speak with me. ass, Because thou hast mocked
20 And God came unto Bil’am me had I but a sword in my:

at night, and said unto him, If hand, I would assuredly have

to call thee the men have come, now killed thee.
rise up, go with them but only ;
30 And the ass said unto
the word which I shall speak BiPam, Am
not I thy ass, upon
unto thee, that shalt thou do.* which thou hast ridden from thy
21 And Bil’am rose up in the commencement unto this day ?
morning, and saddled his ass, was I ever wont to do so unto
and went with the princes of thee? and he said, No.
Moab. 31 Then the Lord opened the
22 And the anger of God was eyes of BiPam, and he saw the
kindled, because he went; and angel of the Lord standing in
an angel of the Lord placed the way, with his sword drawn
himself in the way to be a hin- in his hand and he bowed down :

dnnce to him and he was riding his head and prostrated himself

upon his ass, and his two ser- on his face.

vants were with him. 32 And the angel of the Lord
23 And the ass saw the angel said unto him, Wherefore hast
of the Lord standing in the way, thou smitten thy ass these three
with his sword drawn in his times ? behold, I went out to be
hand and the ass turned aside
a hindrance; because the jour-
out of the way, and went into ney which is odious to me waa
the field and Bil’am smote the
: too quickly begun.
33 And the ass saw me, and Build me here seven altars, and
turned aside before me these prepare me here seven bullocks
three times ; if she had not and seven rams.
turned aside from me, I would 2 And Balak did as Bil’am
surely now not only have slain had spoken ;
and Balak and
thee, but saved her alive. Bil’am offered a bullock and a
34 And Bil’am said unto the ram on every altar.
angel of the Lord, I have sinned ;
3 And Bil’am said unto Balak,
for I knew nDt that thou wast Place thyself by thy burnt-offer-
standing against me in the way; ing and I will go, peradventure

but now, if it be evil in thy eyes, the Lord will come to meet me,
I will return home again. and whatsoever he may show me
35 And the angel of the Lord I will tell thee: and he. went
said unto Bil’am, Go with the thoughtfully alone.
men however, only the word
4 And God met Bil’am and :

which I will speak unto thee, he said unto him, The seven
that shalt thou speak and Bil-
: altars have I made ready, and
'am went with the princes of I have offered a bullock and a
Balak. ram upon every altar.
36 And when Balak heard 5 And the Lord put a word
that Biram was come, he went in Bil’am’s mouth, and said, Re-
out to meet him unto ’Ir-Moab, turn unto Balak, and thus shalt
which is on the border of Arnon, thou speak.
which is at the outmost end of 6 And he returned unto him,
the boundary. and, lo, he was standing by his
37 And Balak said unto Bil- burnt-offering, he, and all the
'am, Did I not earnestly send princes of Moab.
unto thee to have thee called? 7 And he took up his parable,
wherefore earnest thou not unto and said, From Aram did Balak
me? in truth, am I not able to send for me, the king of Moab,
honour thee ? out of the mountains of the east,
38 And Bil’am said unto Balak, Come, curse me Jacob, and come,
Lo, I am come unto thee ; have defy Israel.
I now any power whatever to 8 How shall I denounce, whom
speak the least? the word that God hath not denounced ? and
God may put in my mouth, that how shall I defy, whom the Lord
alone must I speak.* hath not defied ?
39 And Bil'am went with Ba- 9 For from the top of rocks I
lak, and they came unto Kir- see him, and from hills I behold
yath-chuzoth. him lo, it is a people that shall

40 And Balak slew oxen and dwell alone, and among the na-
sheep, and sent to Bil’am, and to tions it shall not be reckoned.
the princes that were with him. 10 Who can count the dust of
41 And it came to pass in the Jacob, and nun ber the fourth
morning, that Balak took Bil- part of Israel ? May my soul
’am, and brought him up into the die the death of the righteous,
high-places of Ba’al, and he saw end may my last end be like
thence a portion of the people. his
11 And Balak said unto Bil-
CHAPTER XXIII. ’am, Whut hast thou done unto
1 And Bil'am said unto Balak, me? to denounce my enemies
2J 229
lid take thee, and, behold,
I the glory of the king dwelletk
thou hast even blessed them. among him.
12 And he answered and said, 22 God, who brought them
Must I not take heed to speak out of Egypt, is to them like
that only which the Lord may the heights of the reem.
put in my mouth ?* 23 For there is no enchant-
13 And Ba*lak said unto him, ment in Jacob, nor is there any
Come, I pray thee, with me unto divination in Israel at the pro-

another place, from where thou per time shall it be said to Jacob
canst see them; nevertheless a and to Israel, what God doth
portion of them only wilt thou work.
see, but the whole of them thou 24 Behold, it is a people that
wilt not see and denounce them
: shall rise up as a lioness, and as
for me from there. a lion shall it raise itself it will

14 And he brought him to the not lie down until it have eaten
field ofthe watchmen, on the top the prey, and have drunk the
of Pisgah, and he built seven blood of the slain.
altars, and offered a bullock and 25 And Balak said unto Bil-
a ram on every altar. ’am, Neither shalt thou denounce
15 And he said unto Balak, them, nor shalt thou any wise
Place thyself here by thy burnt- bless them.
offering, while I will repair to 26 But Bil’am answered and
yonder place. said unto Balak, Have I not
16 And the Lord met Bil’am, spoken unto thee, saying, All
and put a word in his mouth, that the Lord will speak, that
and said, Return unto Balak, must I do ?*
and thus shalt thou speak. 27 And Balak said unto Bil-
17 And he came to him, and, ’am, Come, I pray thee, I will
behold, he was standing by his take thee unto another place
burnt-offering, and the princes peradventure it may be pleasing
of Moiib with him and Balak
in the eyes of God that thou
said unto him, What hath the mayest denounce them for me
Lord spoken ? from there.
18 And
he took up his parable, 28 And Balak took Bil’am
and said, Rise up, Balak, and unto the top of Pe’or, that look-
hear; bend hither thy ear unto eth toward the desert.
me, son of Zippor 29 And Bil’am said unto Ba-
19 God is not a man, that he lak, Build me here seven altars,
should lie; nor a son of man, and prepare me here seven bul-
that he should repent hath he : locks and seven rams.
said, and shall he not do it? and 30 And Balak did as Bil’am
hath he spoken, and shall he not had’ said, and he offered a bul-
fulfil it? lock and a ram on every altar.
20 Behold, to bless I have
received (the word) and he ;
hath blessed, and I cannot re- 1 And when Bil’am saw that
verse it. it was pleasing in the eyes of the
21 He hath not beheld any Lord to bless Israel, he went
wrong in Jacob, nor hath hei not, as at other times, to seek
seen perverseness in Israel the 'for enchantments, but he set his

Lord his God is with him, and face toward the wilderness.
2 And Bil'am lifted up his lak, Did I not already speak tc
eyes, and when he saw Israel thy messengers, whom thou sent-
encamped according to their est unto me, saying,
tribes, there came upon him the 13 If Balak would give me
spirit of God. his house full of silver and gold,
3 And he took up his parable, I could not transgress the order
and said, Thus saith Bil’am the of the Lord, to do good or evil
son of Be’or, and thus saith the out of my own heart what the

man whose eyes are open Lord will speak, that must I
4 Thus saith he who heareth speak ?•
the sayings of God, who seeth 14 And now, behold, I am
the vision of the Almighty, fall- going unto my people come, I

ing down, wittf unvailed eyes : will advise thee against what
5 How beautiful are thy tents, this people will do to thy people
0 Jacob, thy dwellings, 0 Is- in the end of days.
rael! 15 And he took up his parable
6 As streams are they spread and said, Thus saith Bil’am the
forth, as gardens by the river’s son of Be’or, and thus saith the
side, as aloe-trees, which the man whose eyes are open
Lord hath planted, as cedar- 16 Thus saith he who heareth
trees beside the waters. the sayings of God, and knoweth
7 Water runneth out of His the knowledge of the Most High,
buckets, that his seed may be who seeth the vision of the Al-
moistened by abundance of wa- mighty, falling down, with un-
and exalted above Agag vailed eyes :

shall be his king, and raised on 17 I see him, but not now ; I
high shall be his kingdom. behold him, but not nigh ; there
8 God, who brought him forth steppeth forth a star out of Jacob,
out of Egypt, is to him like the and there ariseth a sceptre out
heights of the reem he will de- of Israel, and he pierceth the

vour nations, his oppressors, and chiefs of Moab, and destroyeth

their bones will he break, and all the children of Sheth.
pierce (them) through with his 18 And Edom shall be a con-
arrows. quest, and Se’ir shall be a con-
9 He coucheth, he lieth down quest for his enemies; and Israel
as a lion, and as a lioness: who shall do valiantly.
shall make him rise up ? They 19 And there shall rule the
i'hat bless thee be blessed, and one from Jacob, and he shall
they that curse thee be cursed. destroy whatever escapeth out
10 And the anger of Balak of the city.
was kindled against Bil’am, and 20 And he looked on ’Amalek,
he struck his hands together and he took up his parable, and
and Balak said unto Bil’am, To said, The first of nations is ’Ama-
denounce my enemies did I call lek ; but his latter end shall be
thee, and, behold, thou hast even destruction for ever.
blessed them these three times. 21 And he looked on the Ken-
11 And now flee thou to thy itcs, and took up his parable, and
place I thought to honour thee said, Strong is thy dwelling-

greatly ; but lo, the Lord hath place, and placed on the rock
kept thee back from honour. is thy nest.
12 And Bil’am said unto Ba- 22 Nevertheless the Kenite
Bhall whither will from the midst of the congre-
be wasted :

Asshur carry thee away captive ? gation, and took a javelin in his
23 And he took up his para- hand
ble, and said, Alas, who shall 8 And he went after the man
live when God doth appoint this of Israel into the tent, and thrust
one ? both of them through, the man
24 But ships will come from of Israel, and the woman through
the coast of Kittim, and will her body and the plague was

afflict Asshur, and will afflict stayed from the children of Is-
’Eber and he also will be given rael.

to destruction for ever. 9 And those that died in the

25 And Bil’am rose up, and plague were twenty and four
went and returned to his place thousand.
and Balak also went his way. Haphtorah in Micah v. 6 to vi. 8.

Sec. 41. PINECHAS, D ruio.
1 ^ And Israel abode in Shit-
tim, and the people began to 10 If And the Lord spoke unto
commit incest with the daugh- Moses, saying,
ters of Moab. 11 Phinehas, the son of EL
2 And they called the people 'azar, the son of Aaron the priest,
unto the sacrifices of their gods : hath turned away my wrath from
and the people did eat, and bowed the children of Israel, while he
themselves down to their gods. was zealous in ray stead in the
3 And Israel joined themselves midst of them, that I consumed
unto Ba’al-pe’or ; and the anger not the children of Israel in my
of the Lord was kindled against indignation.
Israel. 12 Therefore say, Behold, I
4 And the Lord said unto Mo- give unto him my covenant of
ses, Take all the heads of the peace
people, and (cause them to) hang 13 And it shall be unto him
the (guilty) up before the Lord, and unto his seed after him a
in the face of the sun, that the covenant of an everlasting priest-
fierce anger of the Lord may be hood; because he was zealous
turned away from Israel. for his God, and made an atone-
5 And Moses said unto the ment for the children of Israel.
judges of Israel, Slay ye every 14 Now the name of the man
one his men that have been joined of Israel that was slain, wbo
unto Ba’al-pe’or. was slain with the Midianitish
6 And, behold, one of the chil- woman, was Zirnri, the son of
dren of Israel came, and brought Sahlu, a prince of a family divi-
unto his brethren a Midianitish sion among the Simeonites.
woman, before the eyes of Moses, 15 And the name of the Mi-
and before the eyes of all the dianitish woman that was slain
congi>egation of the children of was Cozbi, the daughter of Zur;
Israel, and these were weeping he was the head of tribes, of a
by the door of the tabernacle of family division in Midian.
the congregation.'* 16 And the Lord spoke un-
7 And when Phinehas, the to Moses, saying,
eon of El’azar, the son of Aaron 17 Attack the Midianites, and
the priest, saw it, he rose up smite them;
IS For they are enemies unto against Aaron in the company
you with their wiles, wherewith of Korach, at the time they quar-
they have beguiled you in the relled against the Lord;
matter of Pe’or, and in the mat- 1 0 When the earth opened her

ter of Cozbi, the daughter of a mouth, and swallowed them up

prince of Midian, their sister, together with Korach, while that
who was slain on the day of the company died, when the lire
plague for the sake of Pe’or. devoured the two hundred and
fifty men; and they became a
1 And it came to pass after 11 But the sons of Korach did
the plague, not die.
That the Lord spoke unto 12 The sons of Simeon after
Moses and unto El’azar the son their families of Nemuel, the

of Aaron the priest, saying, family of the Nemuelites; of

2 Take ye the sum of all the Yamin, the family of the Yamin-
congregation of the children of ites; of Yachin, the family of
Israel, from twenty years old the Yachinites;
and upward, by the descent from 13 Of Zerach, the family of
their fathers, all that are able to the Zarchites of Shaiil, the fa-

go forth to war in Israel. mily of the Shaiilites.

3 And Moses with El’azar the 14 These are the families of
priest spoke with them in the the Simeonites, twenty and two
plains of Moab by The Jordan thousand and two hundred.
opposite Jericho, saying, 15 The children of Gad after
4 (Take the sum of the peo- their families of Zephon, the

ple,) from twenty years old and family of the Zephonites; of

upward; as the Lord commanded Chaggi, the family of the Chag-
Moses and the children of Is- gites of Shuni, the family of

rael, who went forth out of the the Shunites;

land of Egypt.* lfi Of Ozni, the family of the

5 Reuben, the eldest son of Oznites of ’Eri, the family of


Israel ;
the children of Reuben, the ’Erites;
of Chanoch, the family of the 17 Of Arod, the family of the
Chanochites; of Pallu, the fa- Arodites; of Areli, the family
mily of the Palluites of the Arelites
6 Of Chezron, the family of 18 These are the families of
the Chezronites of Carmi, the the children of Gad according to

family of the Carmites. those that were numbered of

7 These are the families of the them, forty thousand and five
Reiibenites; and those that were hundred.
numbered of them were forty 19 The sons of Judah were
and three thousand and seven ’Er and Onan ; and ’Er with
hundred and thirty. Onan died in the land of Ca-
8 And the sons of Pallu na’an. :

Eliab. 20 And the sons of Judah after

9 And the sons of Eliab Ne- their families were
: of Shelah,:

muel, and Dathan, and Abiram. the family of the Shelanites; of

These are Dathan and Abiram, Perez, the family of the Parzites;
tnen called to the assembly, who of Zerach, the family of the
quarrelled against Moses and Zarchites.
20* k 2 233
21 And sons of Perez
the of Chepher, the family of the
were: of Chezron, the family of Chephrites.
the Chezronites; of Chamul, the 33 And Zelophchad the son
family of the Chamulites. of Chepher had no sons, but only
22 These are the families of daughters ; and the names of the
Judah, according to those that daughters of Zelophchad were
were numbered of them, seventy Machlah, and No’ah, Cboglah,
and six thousand and
hun- Milcah, and Thirzah.
dred. 34 These are the families of
23 The sons of Issachar Menasseh and those that were ;

after their families of Tola’, numbered of them were fifty and


the family of the Tola’ites; of two thousand and seven hun-

Puva, the family of the Pun- dred.
ites 35 These are the sons of
24 Of Yashub, the family of Ephraim after their families of :

the Yashubites of Shimron, the Shuthelach, the family of the


family of the Shimronites. Shuthalchites of Becher, the


25 These are the families of family of the Bachrites ; of Tha-

Issachar according to those that chan, the family of the Tha-
were numbered of them, sixty chanites.
and four thousand and three 36 Andthese are the sons of
hundred. Shuthelach of 'Eran, the family

26 The sons of Zebulun after of the ’Erapites.

their families of Sered, the fa-
: 37 These are the families of
mily of the Sardites of Eton, ;
the sons of Ephraim according
the family of the Elonites ; of to those that were numbered of
Yachleel, the family of the Yach- them, thirty and two thousand
leelites. and five hundred th*ese are the :

27 These are the families of sons of Joseph after their fami-

the Zebulunites according to lies.
those that were numbered of 38 The sons of Benjamin
them, sixty thousand and five after their families of Bela’, the :

hundred. family of the Bal’ites of Ash- ;

28 The sons of Joseph after bel, the family of the Ashbelites;

their families are Menasseh and of Achiram, the family of the
Ephraim. Achiramites ;•
29 The sons of Menasseh of 39 Of Shephupham, the fa-

Machir, the family of the Ma- mily of the Shuphamites ; of

chirites and Machir begat Gril- Chupham, the family of the Chu-

’ad of Gil’ad, the family of the phamites.


Gil’adites. 40 And the sons of Bela’ were

30 These are the sons of Gil- Ard and Na’aman: of ^rd, the
*ad of I’ezer, the family of the family of the Ardites ; and of

I’ezerites of Chelek, the family Na’aman, the family of the Na-


of the Chelkites ’amites.

31 And of Assriel, the family 41 These are the sons of Bern
of the Assrielites; and of She- jamin after their families; and
chem, the family of the Shich- those that were numbered of
mites them were forty and five thou-
32 And of Shemida’, the fa- sand and six hundred.
mily of the Shemida’ites ; and 42 These are the sons of
Dan of Shu- and to the small shalt thou give
after their families :

cham, the family of the Shu- the less inheritance to each ac- :

ehamites; these are the families cording to those that were num-
of Dan after their families. bered thereof shall its inherit-
43 All the families of the Shu- ance be given.
chamites, according to those that 55 Nevertheless, through the
were numbered of them, were lot shall the land be divided
sixty and four thousand and four according to the names of the
hundred. tribes of their fathers shall they
44 The children of Asher obtain their inheritance.
after their families: of Yimnah. 56 By the decision of the lot
the family of the Yimnites of ;
shall the inheritance of each be
Yishvi, the family of the Yish- divided, according as they are
vites of Beri’ah, the family of
many or few.
the Beri’ites. 57 And these are those that
45 Of the sons of Beri’ah of : were numbered of the Levites
Cheber, the family of the Cheb- after their families: of Gershon,
rites ; of Malkiel, the family of the family of the Gershunites;
the Makielites. of Kehath, the family of the Ke-
46 And the name of the daugh- hathites ; of Merari, the family
ter of Asher was Serach. of the Merarites.
47 These are the families of 58 These are the families of
the sons of Asher according to Levi: the family of the Libnites,
those that Were numbered of the family of the Chebrouites,
them, fifty and three thousand the family of the Machlites, the
and four hundred. family of the Mushites, the fa-
48 ^ The sons of Naphtali mily of the Korchites ; and Ke-
after their families of Yachzeel,
: hath begat ’Amram.
the family of the Yachzeelites; 59 And the name of ’Amram’s
of'Guni, the family of the Gun- wife was Yochebed, the daughtei
ites of Levi, whom (her mother) bore
49 Of Y'ezer, the family of the to Levi in Egypt; and she bore
Ydzrites; of Shillem, the family unto ’Amram, Aaron and Moses,
of the Shillemites. and Miriam their sister.
50 These are the families of 60 And there were born unto
Naphtali according to their fami- Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, El-
lies ;
and those that were num- ’azar, and Ithamar.
bered of them were forty and 61 And Nadab and Abihu
fivethousand and four hundred. died, when they offered a strange
51 These were the numbered fire before the Lord.
of the children of Israel, six 62 And those that were num-
hundred thousand, and one thou- bered of them were twenty and
sand, seven hundred and thirty.*three thousand, all the males
52 And the Lord spoke unto from a month old and upward;
Moses, saying, for they were not numbered
53 Unto these shall the land among the children of Israel,
be divided for an inheritance because there was not given unto
according to the number of the them any inheritance among the
names. children of Israel.
54 To the large tribe shalt 63 These are those that were
thou give the more inheritance, numbered by Moses and El’azar
the priest, who numbered the 7 The daughters of Zeloph.
children of Israel in the plains chad speak rightly thou shah

of Molib by the Jordan, opposite indeed give them a possession as

Jericho. an inheritance among the bro-
64 And among these there was thers of their fathers and thou

not one man of those whom Mo- shalt cause the inheritance of
ses and Aaron the priest had their father to pass unto them.
numbered, who numbered the 8 And unto the children of
children of Israel in the wilder- Israel shalt thou speak, saying,
ness of Sinai. If a man die, and have no son,
65 For the Lord had said of then shall ye cause his inherit-
them, They shall surely die in ance to pass unto his daughter.
the wilderness : and there was 9 And if he have no daughter,
not left of them one man, save then shall ye give his inherit-
Caleb the son of Yephunneh, and ance unto his brothers.
Joshua’ the son of Nun. 10 And if he have no brothers,
then shall ye give his inheritance
CHAPTER XXVII. unto his father’s brothers.
1 And there came nigh the 11 And if his father have no
daughters of Zelophchad, the brothers, then shall ye give his
son of Chepher, the son of Gil- inheritance unto his kinsman
'ad, the son of Machir, the son that is next to him of his family,
of Menasseh, of the families and heshall inherit it and it ;

of Menasseh the son of Joseph :shall be unto the children of Is-

and these are the names of his rael a statute of justice, as the
daughters, Machlah, No’ah, and Lord hath commanded Moses.
Choglah, and Milcah, and Thir- 12 And the Lord said unto
zah. Moses, Go thou up unto this
2 And they stood before Mo- mount of ’Abarim, and see the
ses, and before El’azar the priest, land which I have given unto
and before the princes, and all the children of Israel.
the congregation, by the door of 13 And when thou hast seen
the tabernacle of the congrega- then shalt thou also be ga-

tion, saying, thered unto thy people, as Aaron

3 Our father died in the wil- thy brother hath been gathered.
derness but he was not among
14 Because ye rebelled against
the company of those that gather-my order in the desert of Zin, at
ed themselves together against the quarrelling of the congrega-
the Lord in the company of Ko- tion, to sanctify me through the
rach but in his own sin he died, waters before their eyes these

and sons he had not. are the waters of Meribah in

4 Why should the name of Kadesh, in the wilderness of
our father be done away from Zin.
the midst of his family, because 15 ^ And Moses spoke unte
he hath no son ? Give unto us the Lord, saying,
a possession among the brothers 16 Let the Lord, the God of
of our father. the spirits of all flesh, appoint a
5 And Moses brought their man over the congregation,
cause before the Lord.* 17 Who may go rut, before
6 ^ And the Lord spoke unto them, and who may come in be-
Moses, saying, fore them, and who may lead
them out, and who may bring the Lord Sheep of the first yea*

that the congregation without blemish, two on every


them in ;

Lord be not

of the as a flock day, as a continual burnt-offer-

which have no shepherd. ing.
IS And the Lord said unto 4 The one sheep shalt thou
Moses, Take to thyself Joshua’ prepare in the morning, and the
the son of Nun, a man in whom other sheep shalt thou prepare
there is a spirit, and thou shalt toward evening;
lay thy hand upon him. 5 And a tenth part of an
19 And thou shalt cause him ephah of fine flour for a meat-
to stand before El’azar the priest, offering, mingled with the fourth
and before all the congregation part of a hin of beaten oil.
and thou shalt give him a charge 6 It is a continual burnt-of-
before their eyes. fering, as it was prepared at
20 And thou shalt put some mount Sinai, for a sweet savour,
of thy^ greatness upon him ; in a sacrifice made by fire unto the
order that all the congregation Lord.
of the children of Israel may be 7 And the drink-offering there-
obedient. of shall be the fourth part of a
21 And before El’azar the hin for the one sheep in the

priest shall he stand, and he holy place shalt thou cause the
shall ask of him after the judg- strong wine to be poured out as
ment of the Urim before the a drink-offering unto the Lord.
Lord at his direction shall
: 8 And the other sheep shalt
they go out, and at his direction thou prepare toward evening as :

shall they come in, he, and all the meat-offering of the morning,
the children of Israel with him, and as the drink-offering thereof,
and all the congregation. shalt thou prepare it; an offer-
22 And Moses did, as the ing made by fire, for a sweet
Uord had commanded him; and savour unto the Lord.
he took Joshua’, and caused him 9 And on the sabbath-day
tostand before El’azar the priest, two sheep of the first year with-
and before all the congregation; out blemish, and two tenth parts
And he laid his hands
23 of fine flour for a meat-offering,
upon him, and gave him a mingled with oil, and the drink-
charge: as the Lord had com- offering thereof.
manded by the hand of Moses.* 10 This is the burnt-offering
of the sabbath on every sabbath,
CHAPTER XXVIII. I besides the continual burnt-of-
1 the
5[ And Lord spoke unto fering, and its drink-offering.
Mo-es, saying, 11 ^ And on the beginnings
2 Command the children of of your months shall ye bring as
Israel, and say unto them, My a burnt-offering unto the Lord,
offering, my bread for my sacri- two young bullocks, and one
fices consumed by fire, for a ram, seven sheep of the first year
sweet savour unto me, shall ye without blemish.
observe to offer unto me in its 12 And three tenth parts of
due season. fine flour for a meat-offering,
3 And thou shalt say unto mingled with oil, for each one
them, This is the offering made bullock; and two tenth parts of
by fire which ye shall bring unto fine flour for a meat-offering,
mingled with oil, for the one 23 Besides the burnt-offering
ram ;
of the morning, which is for a
13 And
a tenth part of fine continual burnt-offering, shall ye
flour mingled with oil for a prepare these.
meat-offering for every sheep 24 After this manner shall ye
as a burnt-offering for a sweet prepare daily, throughout the
savour, a sacrifice made by fire seven days, the food of the sacri-
unto the Lord. fice made by fire, for a sweet sa-
14 And their drink-offerings vour unto the Lord: besides the
shall be half of a hin of wine for continual burnt-offering shall ii
each bullock, and the third part be prepared with its drink-offer-
of a hin for the ram, and a fourth ing.
part of a hin for every sheep 25 And on the seventh day
this is the burnt-offering of the shall ye have aholy convocation ;
new moon for every month no servile work shall ye do.
throughout the months of the 26 And on the day of the
year. first fruits, when ye bring a new
15 And one he-goat for a sin- meat-offering unto the Lord,
offering unto the Lord: besides after your w eeks are out, shall

the continual burnt-offering shall ye have a holy convocation; no

it be prepared with its drink-of- servile work shall ye do.
fering.* 27 And ye shall bring as a
16 And in the first month, burnt-offering for a sweet savour
on the fourteenth day of the unto the Lord, two young bul-
month, the passover-lamb (must locks, one ram, seven sheep of
be offered) unto the Lord. the first year;
17 And on the fifteenth day 28 And their meat-offering of
of this month is the feast seven : fine flour mingled with oil, three
days shall unleavened bread be tenth parts for each one bullock,
eaten. two tenth parts for the one ram,
18 On the first day is a holy 29 A tenth part each for every
convocation ; no manner of ser- sheep, of the seven sheep;
vile work shall ye do ; 30 One he-goat to make an
19 And ye shall bring as a atonement for you
sacrifice made by fire for a burnt- 31 Besides the continual burnt-
offering unto the Lord, two offering and its meat-offering
young bullocks, and one ram, shall ye prepare them; without
and seven sheep of the first year; blemish shall they be unto you
without blemish shall they be together with their drink-offer-
unto you; ings.
20 And their meat-offering
shall be of fine flour mingled CHAPTER XXIX.
with oil; three tenth parts for 1 And in the seventh month/

each bullock, and two tenth parts on the first day of the monlh,
for the ram shall ye offer;- shall ye have a holy convoca-
21 A tenth part each shalt tion; no servile work shall ye
thou offer for every sheep, of the do: a day of blowing the cornet
seven sheep shall it be unto you.
22 And one goat for a sin- 2 And ye shall prepare as a
offering, to make an atonement burnt-offering for a sweet savour
for you. unto the Lord, one young bul-
lock, one ram, seven sheep of burnt-offering, a sacrifice mad*
the first year without blemish; by fire, for a sweet savour unto
3 And their meat-offering of the Lord, thirteen young bul-
fine flour mingled with oil, three two rams, and fourteen
tenth parts for the bullock, and sheep of the first year; without
two tenth parts for the ram, blemish shall they be.
4 And one tenth part for every 14 And their meat-offering
sheep, of the seven sheep; shall be of fine flour mingled
5 And one he-goat for a sin- with oil, three tenth parts for
offering, to make an atonement every bullock of the thirteen
for you bullocks, two tenth parts for
6 Besides the burnt-offering of each one ram of the two rams,
the new-moon, and its meat-of- 15 And a tenth part each fo*
fering, and the daily burnt-of- every sheep of the fourteen sheep.
fering, and its meat-offering, 16 And one he-goat for a sin-
and their drink-offerings, ac- offering: besides the continual
cording unto their prescribed burnt-offering, its meat-offering,
manner; for a sweet savour, a and its drink-offering.
sacrifice made by fire unto the 17 <[[ And on the second day,
Lord. twelve young bullocks, two rams,
7 And on the tenth day of fourteen sheep of the first year
this seventh month shall ye have without blemish
a holy convocation and ye shall
18 And their meat-offering

afflict your persons; no manner and their drink-offerings for the

of work shall ye do. bullocks, for the rams, and for
8 And ye shall bring as a the sheep, shall be according to
burnt-offering unto the Lord their number, after the prescribed
for a sweet savour, one young manner;
bullock, one ram, seven sheep 19 And one he-goat for a sin-
of the first year; without ble- offering: besides the continual
mish shall they be unto you. burnt-offering, and the meat-of-
9 And their meat-offering fering thereof, and their drink-
shall be of fine flour mingled offerings.
with oil, three tenth parts for 20 And on the third day
the bullock, two tenth parts for eleven bullocks, two rams, four-
the one ram, teen sheep of the first year with-
10 A tenth part each for every out blemish
sheep, of the seven sheep ; 21 And their meat-offering
11 One he-goat for a sin-of- and their drink-offerings for the
fering: besides the sin-offering bullocks, for the rams, and \ :r
of the atonement, and the con- the sheep, shall be according to
tinual burnt-offering, and the their number, after the prescribed
meat-offering thereof, and their manner;
drink-offerings.* 22 And one goat for a sin-
12 And on the fifteenth day offering: besides the continual
of the seventh month shall ye burnt-offering, and its meat-of-
have a holy convocation ;
no fering, and its drink-offering.
servile work shall ye do;
and ye 23 And on the fourth day
shall keep a feast unto the Lord ten bullocks, two rams, fourteen
seven lays. sheep of the first year without
13 And ye shall bring as a blemish;
24 Their meat-offering and burnt-offering, its meat-offerings
their drink-offerings for the bul- and its drink-offering.**
locks, for the rams, and for the 35 On the eighth day shall
sheep, shall be according to their ye have a solemn assembly ; no
number, after the prescribed man- servile work shall ye do.
ner ;
36 And ye shall bring as a
25 And one he-goat for a sin- burnt-offering, a sacrifice made
offering : besides the continual by fire, for a sweet savour unto
burnt-offeriEg, its meat-offering, the Lord, one bullock, one ram,
and its drink-offering. seven sheep of the first year
26 *[ A nd on the fifth day nine without blemish.
bullocks, two rams, fourteen 37 Their meat-offering and
sheep of the first year without their drink-offerings for the bul-
blemish lock, for the ram, and for the
27 And their meat-offering sheep, shall be according to their
and their drink-offerings for the number, after the prescribed
bullocks, for the rams, and for manner;
the sheep, shall be according to 38 And one goat for a sin-
their number, after the prescribed offering: besides the continual
manner; burnt-offering, and its meat-of-
28 And one goat for a sin- fering, and its drink-offering.
offering: besides the continual 39 These shall ye prepare un-
burnt-offering, and its meat- to the Lord on your appointed
offering, and its drink-offer- festivals besides your vows, and

ing. your freewill-offerings, consisting

29 And on the sixth day of your burnt-offerings, and of
eight bullocks, two rams, four- your meat-offerings, and of
teen sheep of the first year with- your drink-offerings, andofvour
out blemish; peace-offerings.
30 And their meat-offering CHAPTER
and their drink-offerings for the
1 And Moses said to the chil-
bullocks, for the rams, and for
dren of Israel according to all
the sheep, shall be according to
that the Lord had commanded
their number, after the prescribed
Haphtorah in 1 Kings xviii. 46 to xix.
31 And one goat for a sin- 21 : but if it be after the 17th of Tamuz,
offering: besides the continual in Jeremiah i. 1 to ii. 3.

burnt-offering, its meat-offering,

and its drink-offerings. Sec. 42. MATTOTH, nao.
32 And on the seventh day 2 And Moses spoke unto the
seven bullocks, two rams, four- heads of the tribes of the chil-
teen sheep of the first year with- dren of Israel, saying, This is
out blemish; the thing which the Lord hath
33 And their meat-offering commanded,
and their drink-offerings for the 3 If a man make a vow unto
bullocks, for the rams, and for the Lord, or he swear an oath
the sheep, shall be according to to bind his soul with an obliga-
their number, after their pre- tion: he shall not profane his
scribed manner; word; according to all that pro-
34 And one goat for a sin- ceeded out of his mouth shall
offering: besides the continual he do.
4 Anct if a woman make a vow 13 But if her husband hath
unto the Lord, and bind herself annulled them on the day he
by an obligation, being in her heard them: then whatsoever
father’s house in her youth; proceeded out of her lips, con
5 And her father hear her vow, cerning her vows, or concerning
and her obligation wherewith she the obligation of her soul, shall
hath bound her soul, and her fa- not stand; her husband hath
ther be silent to her: then shall annulled them; and the Lord
all her vows stand, and every will forgive her.
obligation wherewith she hath 14 Every vow, and every bind-
bound her soul shall stand. ing oath to afflict the person, her
6 But if her father disallow husband may confirm it, or her
her on the day that he heareth husband may annul it.
it: all her vows or her obliga- 15 But if her husband should
tions, wherewith she hath bound be silent to her from day to day :

her soul, shall not stand ; and then hath he confirmed all her
the Lord will forgive her, because vows, or all her obligations,
her father hath disallowed her. which are upon her; he hath
7 And if she be given to a confirmed
3 them, because he was
man, and have vows upon her, silent to her on the day that he
or what she may have uttered heard them.
with her lips, wherewith she 16 But if he should annul
hath bound her soul them after (the day) that he hath
8 And her husband hear it, heard them: then shall he bear
and be silent to her on the day her iniquity.
that he heareth it: then shall her 17 These are the statutes,
vows stand, and her obligations, which the Lord commanded
wherewith she hath bound her Moses, between a man and his
soul, shall stand. wife, between the father and his
9 But if on the day of her daughter, being yet in her youth,
husband’s hearing it, he disallow in her father’s house.*
her: then doth he annul her
vow which is upon her, and that
which she hath uttered with her 1 And the Lord spoke unto
lips, wherewith she hath bound Moses, saying,
her soul; and the Lord will for- 2 Execute the vengeance of
give her. the children of Israel on the
10 But regarding the vow of Midianites, after which thou
a widow, or of her that is di- shalt be gathered unto thy peo-
vorced, all, wherewith she hath ple.
bound her soul, shall stand for her. And Moses spoke unto the peo-
11 And if she had vowed in ple, saying, Arm from yourselves
her husband’s house, or had some men for the army, and let
bound her soul by an obligation them go against the Midianites,
with an oath; to execute the vengeance of the
12 And her husband heard it, Lord on Midian.
and was silent to her, and 4 A thousand each for every
allowed her not: then her tribe, of all the tribes of Israel,
vows shall stand, and every shall ye send to the army.
obligation, wherewith she hath 5 And there were levied out
bound her soul, shall stand. of the thousands of Israel, a
21 1i 241
thousand of every tribe, twelve 15 And Moses said unto them,
thousand armed for the army. Have ye allowed all the females
6 And Moses sent them, a to live ?
thousand of every tribe, to the 16 Behold, these chiefly were
army them and Phinehas the
: the cause unto the children of
son of El’azar the priest, to the Israel, through the counsel of
army, with the holy vessels, and BiPam, to commit the gross tres-
the trumpets for blowing the pass against the Lord in the
alarm in his hand. matter of Pe’or through which

7 And they marched out against there was the plague among the
the Midianites, as the Lord had congregation of the Lord.
commanded Moses; and they 17 And now kill ye every male
slew every male. among the little ones, and every
8 And the kings of Midian woman that hath known man by
they slew, besides the rest of their lying with him, shall ye kill.
men that were slain namely, : 18 But all among the women-
Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and children, that have not known
Chur, and Reba’, the five kings a man by lying with him, keep
of Midian and BiPam the son
alive for yourselves.
of Be’or
they slew with the —
19 But ye, you must abide
without the camp seven days
9 And
the children of Israel all ye who have killed any per-
took captives the women of Mi- son, and all who have touched
dian, and their little ones; and any one slain, shall purify your-
all their cattle, and all their selves on the third day, and on
flocks, and all their goods, they the seventh day; both you and
took as spoil. your captives.
10 And all their cities where- 20 And every garment, and
in they dwelt, and all their cas- whatever is made of skins, and
tlesthey burnt with fire. every work of goats’ hair, and
11 And they took all the spoil, every vessel made of wood, shall
and all the booty, both of men ye purify unto yourselves.
and of cattle. 21 And EPazar the priest
12 And
they brought unto said unto the men of the army
Moses, and to EPazar the priest, who had gone to the battle, This
and unto the congregation of the is the ordinance of the law which
children of Israel, the captives, the Lord hath commanded Mo-
and the booty, and the spoil, ses :

unto the camp, to the plains of 22 Nevertheless the gold, and

Moab, which are by the Jordan the silver, the copper, the iron,
opposite Jericho.* the tin, and the lead,
13 jl And Moses, and EPazar 23 Every thing that comcth
the priest, and all the princes of into the fire shall ye make go
the congregation, went forth to through the fire, and it shall be
meet them, to without the camp. clean only it shall be purified

14 And Moses was wroth with with the waters of sprinkling

the officers of the host, the cap- and whatsoever doth not come
tains over the thousands, and into the fire shall ye cause to go
the captains over the hundreds, through the water.
who had come from the war- 24 And ye shall wash your
campaign. | clothes on the seventh day, and
ye shall be clean, and after that by lying with him, In all thirty
may ye come into the camp.* and two thousand.
25 And the Lord said unto 36 And the half, the portion
Moses, as followeth, of’those who had gone out in
26 Take the sum of the booty the army, was, in the number of
of the captives, both of man and sheep and goats, three hundred
of cattle, thou, with El’azar thousand, and seven and thirty
the priest, and the chiefs of thousand and five hundred.
the families of the congrega- 37 And the tribute unto the
tion : Lord of the flocks was six hun-
27 And thou shalt divide the dred and seventy and five.
booty, between those that carried 38 And the beef-cattle were
on the war, who went out to the thirty and six thousand ; and
army, and between all the con- the tribute thereof unto the Lord
gregation. was seventy and two.
28 And thou shalt levy a tri- 39 And the asses were thirty
bute unto the Lord from the thousand and five hundred and ;

men of war who went out to the the tribute thereof unto the Lord
army, one individual from every was sixty and one.
five hundred, of the persons, and 40 And the human persons
of the beef-cattle, and of the were sixteen thousand; and the
asses, and of the sheep : tribute thereof unto the Lord
29 From their half shall ye was thirty and two persons.
take it; and thou shalt give it 41 And Moses gave the tri-
unto El’azar the priest, for a bute, the Lord’s heave-offering,
heave-offering unto the Lord. unto ETazar the priest, as the
30 And from the half of the Lord had commanded Moses.*
children of Israel, shalt thou 42 And from the half of the
take one individual, as it may children of Israel, which Moses
come, from any fifty, of the per- divided off from the men that
sons, of beef-cattle, of the asses, had gone forth in the army,
and of the flocks, of all manner 43 (Now the half of the con-
of cattle; and thou shalt give gregation was, of sheep and
the same unto the Levites, who goats three hundred thousand
keep the charge of the taberna- and thirty thousand, seven thou-
cle of the Lord. sand and five hundred,
31 And Moses with El’azar 44 And beef-cattle, thirty and
the priest did, as the Lord had six thousand,
commanded Moses. 45 And asses thirty thousand
32 And the booty, being the five hundred,
rest of the spoil which the men 46 And human persons sixteen
of the army had taken, was of thousand)
sheep and goats, six hundred 47 And Moses took from this
thousand and seventy thousand half of the children of Israel, as
and five thousand, it came, one from every fifty, of
33 And of beef-cattle, seventy man and of cattle, and gave the
and two thousand, same unto the Levites, who kept
34 And of asses, sixty and one the charge of the tabernacle of
thousand, the Lord as the Lord had com-

35 And of human persons, of manded Moses.

women that had not known man 48 And there came near unto
Moses the officers who had been and said unto Moses, and untc
over the thousands of the army, El’azar the priest, and unto the
the captains of the thousands, princes of the congregation, as
and the captains of the hun- followeth,
dreds, 3 ’Ataroth, and Dibon, and
49 And they said unto Moses, Ya’zer, and Nimrah, and Chesh-
Thy servants have taken the bon, and El’aleh, and Sebam,
sum )f the men of war who have and Nebo, and Be’on,
been under our command, and 4 The country which the Lord
there lacketh not one man of hath smitten before the congre-
us. gation of Israel, is a land for
50 We have therefore brought cattle; and thy servants have
an oblation unto the Lord, each cattle.
what he hath gotten of vessels 5 And they said, If we have
of gold, chains, and bracelets, found grace in thy eyes, let this
tinger-rings, ear-rings, and tab- land be given unto thy servants
lets, to make an atonement for for a possession do not compel

our souls before the Lord. us to go over the Jordan.

51 And Moses with El’azar 6 And Moses said unto the
the priest took the gold from children of Gad, and unto the
them, all kinds of wrought arti- children of Reuben, Shall youi
cles. brethren go to the war, and will
52 And all tne gold of the ye sit here ?
offering that they offered up to 7 And wherefore will you turn
the Lord, was sixteen thousand aside the heart of the children
seven hundred and fifty shekels, of Israel from going over into
from the captains of the thou- the land which the Lord hath
sands, and from the captains of given them?
the hundreds. 8 Thus did your fathers, when
53 The men of the army had I sent them from Kadesh-bar-
taken spoil, every man for him- nea’ to see the land.
self. 9 For they went up as far as
54 And Moses and El’azar the the valley of Eshcol, and they
priest took the gold from the saw the land, and then they
captains of the thousands and of turned aside the heart of the
the hundreds, and they brought children of Israel, so that they
it into the tabernacle of the con- would not go into the land which
gregation, as a- memorial for the the Lord had given them.
children of Israel before the 10 And the anger of the Lord
Lord.* was kindled on that day, and he
swore, saying,
CHAPTER XXXII. 11 Surely none of the men
1 Now the children of Reu- that came up out of Egypt, from
ben and the children of Gad had twenty years old and upward,
a very great multitude of cattle; shall see the land which I swore
and they saw the land of Ya’zer, unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and
and the land of Gil’ad, that, be- unto Jacob because they have

hold, the place was a place for not wholly followed me :

cattle. 12 Save Caleb the son of

2 And the children of Gad and Yephunneh the Kenizzite, and
the children of R,eLiben came, Joshua’ the son of Nun; for
they have wholly followed the 22 And when, only aften the
Lord. land hath been subdued before
13 And the anger of the Lord the Lord, ye will return, and ye
was thus kindled against Israel, be thus guiltless before the Lord,
and he made them wander about and before Israel : then shall
in the wilderness forty years, this land be yours for a posses-
until all the generation was sion before the Lord.
spent, that had done the evil in 23 But if ye will not do so,
the eyes of the Lord. behold, ye have sinned against
14 And now, behold, ye are the Lord; and ye shall experi-
risen up in your fathers’ stead, a ence the punishment of your
new race of sinful men, to aug- sin which will overtake you.
ment yet more the fierce anger 24 Build yourselves cities for
of the Lord toward Israel. your little ones, and folds for
15 For if ye turn away from your flocks; and that which hath
after him, he will yet longer proceeded out of your mouth
leave them in the wilderness; shall ye do.
and ye will thus be destruction 25 And the children of Gad
to all this people. and the children of Reuben said
16 ^ And they came near un- unto Moses, as followeth, Thy
to him, and said, Sbeepfolds will servants will do as my lord corn-
we build for our cattle here, and man deth.
cities for our little ones; 26 Our little ones, our wives,
17 But we ourselves will go our flocks, and all our cattle,
ready armed before the chil- shall remain there in the cities
dren of Israel, until that we of Gil’ad
have brought them unto their 27 But thy servants will pass
place; and our little ones shall over, every one that is armed for
dwell in the fortified eities, be- the army, before the Lord, to
cause of the inhabitants of the the war, as my lord speaketh.
land. 28 And Moses commanded
18 We will not return unto concerning them El’azar the
our houses, until the children of priest, and Joshua’ the son of
Israel have acquired for them- Nun, and the chiefs of the fami-
selves every man his inherit- lies of the tribes of the children
ance. of Israel
19 For we will not take pos-- 29 And Moses said unto them,
session with them on the other If the children of Gad and the
side of the Jordan, and farther children of Reiiben do pass with
on when our inheritance hath you over the Jordan, every one

come to us on this side of the that is armed for the w ar, before

Jordan eastward.*" the Lord, and the land shall be

20 And Moses said unto subdued before you then shall

them. If ye will do this thing, if ye give to them the land of Gil-

ye will arm yourselves before the ’ad for a possession
Lord for the war 30 But if they should not pass
21 And every armed man of over armed with you, they shall
you will go over the Jordan be- take possessions among you iu
fore the Lord, until he have the land of Cana’an.
driven out his enemies from be- 31 And the children of Gad
fore him and the children of Reiiben an-
21 * 245
swered, saying, That which the thereof, and called it Nooach, af-
Lord hath spoken concerning ter his own name.
thy servants, even so will we Haphtorah in Jeremiah i. 1 to ii. 3.
32 We will indeed pass over
armed before the Lord into the Sec. 43. MASSAY, ^dd.
land of Cana’an, while ours re-
maineth the possession of our CHAPTER XXXIII.
inheritance on this side of the 1 These are the journeys
Jordan. of the children of Israel, who
33 And Moses gave unto them, went forth out of the land of
to the children of (lad, and to the Egypt according to theii armies,
children of Reuben, and to half under the guidance of Moses and
the tribe of Menasseh the son Aaron.
of Joseph, the kingdom of Si- 2 And Moses wrote their de-
chon, the king of the Emorites, partures according to their jour-
and the kingdom of ’Og, the neys by the order of the Lord;
king of Bashan, the land, with and these are their journeys ac-
its cities within the boundaries, cording to their departures.
the cities of the country round 3 And they set forward from
about. Ra’meses in the first month ; on
34 And the children of Gad the fifteenth day of the first
built Libon, and ’Ataroth, and month, on the morrow after the
’Aro’er, passover-sacrifice the children of
35 And’Atroth-shophan, and Israel went out with a high hand
Ya’zer, and Yogbehah, before the eyes of all the Egyp-
36 And Beth-nimrah, and tians.
Beth-haran, fortified cities, and 4 And the Egyptians were
folds for flocks. burying all the first-born, whom
37 And the children of Reu- the Lord had smitten among
ben built Cheshbon, and El’aleh, them ; and upon their gods also
and Kiryathayim, did the Lord execute judgments.
38 And Nebo, and Ba’al-me- 5 And the children of Israel
'on (their names being changed), removed from Ra’meses, and en-
and Sibmah and they gave the camped in Succoth.

former names unto the cities 6 And they removed from Suc-
which they built. coth, and encamped in Etham,
39 And the children of Ma- which is on the edge of the wil-
chir the son of Menasseh went derness.
to Gil’ad, and conquered it, and 7 And they removed from
dispossessed the Emorites who Etham, and returned unto Pi-
were in it.* hachiroth, which is before Ba’al-
40 And Moses gave Gil’ad un- zephon ; and they encamped be-
to Machir the son of Menasseh fore Migdol.
and he dwelt therein. 8 And they removed from
41 And Yair the son of Me- before Pi-hachiroth, and passed
nasseh went and conquered the through the midst of the sea in-
small towns thereof, and called to the wildern-ess ; and they went
them Chavvoth-ya'ir. a three days’ journey in the wil
42 And Nobach went and con- derness of Etham, and encamped
quered Kenath, and the villages in Marah.
9 And they removed from 25 And they removed from
Marah, and came unto Elim and Charadah, and encamped in

in Elim there were twelve springs Makheloth.

of water, and seventy palm-trees ;
26 And they removed from
and they encamped there. Makheloth, and encamped in
10 And they removed from Thachath.
Eli n, and encamped by the Red 27 And they removed from
Sea.* Thachath, and encamped in
11 And they removed from Tharach.
the Red Sea, and encamped in 28 And they removed from
the wilderness of Sin. Tharach, and encamped in Mith-
12 And they removed from kah.
the wilderness of Sin, and en- 29 And they removed from
camped in Dophkah. Mithkah, and encamped in
13 And they removed from Chashmonah.
Dophkah, and encamped in 30 And they removed from
Alush. Chashmonah, and encamped in
14 And they removed from Mosseroth.
Alush, and encamped at Rephi- 31 And they removed from
dim, and there was no water for Mosseroth, and encamped in
the people to drink. Bene-ya’akan.
15 And they removed from 32 And they removed from
Rephidim, and encamped in the Bene-ya’akan, and encamped in
wilderness of Sinai. Chor-hagidgad.
16 And they removed from 33 And they removed from
the wilderness of Sinai, and en- Chor-hagidgad, and encamped
camped in Kibroth-hattaavah. in Yotbathah.
17 And they removed from 34 And they removed from
Kibroth-hattaavah, and encamp- Yotbathah, and encamped in
ed in Chazeroth. ’Abronah.
lb And they removed from 35 And they removed from
Chazeroth, and encamped in ’Abronah, and encamped in
Rithmah. ’Ezyon-geber.
19 And they removed from 36 And they removed from
Rithmah, and encamped in Rim- ’Ezyon-geber, and encamped in
mon-perez. the wilderness of Zin, which is
20 And they removed from Kadesh.
Rimmon-perez, and encamped 37 And they removed from
in Libnah. Kadesh, and encamped at mount
21 And they removed from Hor, on the edge of the land of
Libnah, and encamped in Ris- Edom.
sah. 38 And Aaron the priest went
22 And they removed from up on mount Hor by the ordet
Rissah, and encamped in Kehe- of the Lord, and died there, in
lathah. the fortieth year after the going
23 And they removed from out of the children of Israel from
Ivehelathah, and encamped in the land of Egypt, in the fifth
mount Shapher. month, on the first of the month.
24 And they removed from 39 And Aaron was a hundred
mount Shapher, and encamped and twenty and three years old
in Charadah. when he died on mount Hor.
40 And the Cana’anite, the inhabitants of) the land, and ye
king of ’Arad, who dwelt on the shall dwell therein; for unto you
south side in the land of Cana’an, have I given the land to possess
heard of the coming of the chil- it.
dren of Israel. 54 And ye shall divide the
41 And they removed from land by lot ior an inheritance
mount Hor, and encamped in among your families; to the
Zalmonah. numerous shall ye give the more
42 And they removed from inheritance, and to the small in
Zalmonah, and encamped in Pu- number shall ye give the less
non. inheritance: there, where the
43 And they removed from lot designateth it for him, shall
Punon, and encamped in Oboth everyone’s possessions be; ac-
44 And they removed from cording to the tribes of your fa-
Oboth, and encamped in ’Iye- thers shall ye divide it among
ha’abarim, on the border of yourselves.
Moab. 55 But if ye will not drive out
45 And they removed from the inhabitants of the land from
’Iyim, and encamped in Dibon- before you then shall it come

gad. to pass, that those whom ye will

46 And they removed from let remain of them shall be as
Dibon-gad, and encamped in thorns in your eyes, and as stings
’Almon-diblathaymah. in your sides, and they shall
47 And they removed from trouble you in the land wherein
’Almon-diblathaymah, and en- ye dwell.
camped on the mountains of 56 And it shall come to pass,
’Abarirn, before Nebo. that as I purposed to do unto
48 And they removed from them, will I do unto you.
the mountains of ’Abarim, and
encamped in the plains of Moab CHAPTER XXXIV.
by the Jordan opposite Jericho. 1 And the Lord spoke unto
49 And they encamped by the Moses, saying,
Jordan, from Beth-hayeshimoth 2 Command the children of
even unto Abel-hashittim in the Israel, and say unto them, When
plains of Moab. ye come into the land of Cana’an,
50 And the Lord spoke unto shall this be the land that shall
Moses in the plains of Moab by fall unto you for an inheritance
the Jordan opposite Jericho, say- The land of Cana’an according
ing, to its boundaries.
51 Speak unto the children of 3 And the southern side shall
Israel,and say unto them, When be unto you from the wilderness
ye pass over the Jordan into the of Zin along by the boundary of
land of Cana’an : Edom, and your southern border
52 Then shall ye drive out all shall commence at the outmost
the inhabitants of the land from edge of the Salt Sea on its east
before you, and ye shall destroy side.
all their statues, and all their 4 And the border shall turn
molten images shall ye destroy, for you from the south of the
and devastate all their high- ascent of ’Akrabbim, and pass
places. on to Zin; and its terminating
53 And ye shall drive out (the points shall be to the south of
248 •
Kadesh-barnea’, and shall go on to their family divisions, have
to Chazar-addar, and pass on to received, — and the half of the
'Azmon tribe of Menasseh have received
5 And the border shall turn their inheritance
from ’Azmon unto the river of 15 The two tribes and the half
Egypt, and its terminating points tribe have received their inherit-
shall be at the sea. ance on this side of the Jordan
6 And as the western border, opposite Jericho eastward, to-
t hall ye have the Great Sea for a ward the rising of the sun.*
border: this shall be your west- 16 And the Lord spoke un-
ern border. to Moses, saying,
7 And this shall be unto you 17 These are the names of the
the northern border: from the men who shall parcel out unto
Great Sea shall ye mark out for you the land: El’azar the priest,
you (the boundary to) mount and Joshua’ the son of Nun.
Hor; 18 And one prince each from
8 From mount Hor shall ye every tribe shall ye take to par-
mark out (the boundary) unto cel out the land.
the entrance of Chamath; and 19 And these are the na.mes
the terminations of the border of the men: Of the tribe of Ju-
shall be toward Zedad; dah, Caleb the son of Yephun-
9 And the border shall go on neh
to Ziphron, and its terminating 20 And of the tribe of the
points shall be at Chazar-’enan children of Simeon, Shemuel the

this shall be unto you the north- son of ’Ammihud;

ern border. 21 Of the tribe of Benjamin,
10 And ye shall turn your- Elidad the son of Kisslon
selves to the eastern border, from 22 And of the tribe of the
Chazar-’enan to Shepham; children of Dan the prince, Buk-
11 And the boundary shall go ki the son of Yogli
down from Shepham to Riblah, 23 Of the children of Joseph,
to the eastward of ’Ayin; and for the tribe of the children of
the boundary shall descend, and Menasseh the prince, Channiei
shall touch upon the coast of the the son of Ephod;
sea of Kinnereth, eastward; 24 And of the tribe of the
12 And the border shall go children of Ephraim the prince,
down to the Jordan, and its ter- Kemuel the son of Shiphtan •

minating points shall be at the 25 And of the tribe of ihe

Salt Sea: this shall be your land children of Zebulun the pri ice,
after its boundaries round about. Elizaphan the son of Parnach ;

13 And Moses commanded the 26 And of the tribe of the

children of Israel, saying, This children of Issachar the prince,
is the land which ye shall divide Paltiel the son of ’Azzan
among yourselves by lot, which 27 And of the tribe of the
the Lord hath commanded to children of Asher the prin3e,
give unto the nine tribes, and to Achihud the son of Shelomi;
the half tribe. 28 And of the tribe of the
1 1 For the tribe of the children children of Naphtali the prince,

of Reuben according to their fa- Pedahel the son of ’Ammihud.

mily divisions, and the tribe of 29 These are they whom the
the children of Gad according Lord hath commanded to divide
out the inheritance unto the chil- give many; but from the cne

dren of Israel in the land of Ca- that hath few shall ye give few
li a'an.** every one according to its in-
heritance which it may inherit
CHAPTER XXXV. shall give of its cities unto the
1 And the Lord spoke unto Levites.**

Moses in the plains of Moab by 9 And the Lord spoke unto

the Jordan opposite Jericho, say- Moses, saying,
ing, 10 Speak unto the children of
2 Command the children of Israel,and say unto them, When
Israel, that they give unto the ye have passed over the Jordan
Levites from the inheritance of into the land of Cana’an:

their possession cities to dwell 11 Then ye shall appoint unto

in; and an open space for the yourselves proper cities, that they
cities round about them shall ye be cities of refuge for you; and
give (also) unto the Levites. thither shall flee the manslayer
3 And the cities shall serve who killeth any person at un-
them to dwell in and their open
; awares.
spaces shall be for their cattle, 12 And these cities shall be
and for their goods, and for all unto you for a refuge from the
their requirements. avenger; that the manslayer die
4 And the open spaces of the not/until he have stood before
cities, which ye shall give unto the congregation for trial.
the Levites, shall reach from the 13 And the cities which ye
wall of the city and outward a shall give, shall be six cities of
thousand cubits round about. refuge unto you;
5 And ye shall measure from 14 Three of these cities shall
without the city on the east side ye give on this side of the Jor-
two thousand cubits, and on the dan, and the three other cities
south side two thousand cubits, shall ye give in the land of Ca-
and on the west side two thou- na’an cities of refuge shall they

sand cubits, and on the north be.

side two thousand cubits, with 15 For the children of Israel,
the city in the midst: this shall and for the stranger, and for the

be to them the open spaces of sojourner among them, shall


the cities. these six cities be for a refuge:

6 And the cities which ye that every one may flee thither

shall give unto the Levites shall that killeth any person at un-

be the six cities of refuge, which awares.


ye shall appoint that the man- 16 And if he have smitten him

slayer may flee thither; and in with an instrument of iron, so
addition to them shall ye give that he die, he is a murderer:

forty and two cities. the murderer shall surely be put

7 All the cities which ye shall to death.
(thus) give to the Levites shall 17 And if he have smitten him
be forty and eight cities, they with a stone which one can take
with their open spaces. in the hand, wherewith he may
8 And the cities which ye die, and he die, he is a murderer

shall give of the possession of the murderer shall surely be put

the children of Israel, from the to death.
tribe that hath many shall ye 18 Or if he have smitteD him
with an article of wood, which the boundary of the city of his
one can take in the hand, where- refuge, and the avenger of the
with he may die, and he die, he blood should kill the manslayer:
is a murderer: the murderer shall he shall not be guilty of blood;
surely be put to death. 28 Because in the city of his
19 The avenger of the blood refuge shall he remain until the
himself shall slay the murderer: death of the high -priest; but
when he meeteth him, shall he after the death of the high-priest
slay him. the manslayer may return unto
20 And if he push against him the land of his possession.
out of hatred, or he have hurled 29 And these things shall be
at him (any thing) by lying in unto you for a statute of justice
wait, that he die; throughout your generations, in
21 Or if in enmity he have all your dwellings.
smitten him with his hand, that 30 Whoever it be that killeth
he died, he that smote him shall a person, according to the testi-
surely be put to death; (for) he mony of witnesses shall the mur-
is a murderer: the avenger of derer be put to death ; but one
the blood shall slay the murderer, witness shall not testify against
when he meeteth with him. any person to cause him to die.
22 But if he have pushed 31 Moreover ye shall
take no
against him accidentally with- redemption money for the per-
out enmity, or have cast upon son of a murderer, who is guilty
him any thing without lying in of death but he shall surely be

wait, put to death.

23 Or with any stone where- 32 And ye shall take no re-
with a man may die, without demption money for him that
seeing him, and he have let it hath fled to the city of his re-
fall upon him, that he died; fuge, that he should come again
whereas he was not his enemy, to dwell in the land, until the
and did not seek his harm: death of the priest.
24 Then shall the congrega- 33 And ye shall not defile the
tion judge between the slayer land wherein ye are; for the
and the avenger of the blood blood it is which defileth the
according to these institutions; land: and no atonement can be
25 And the congregation shall made unto the land for the blood
deliver the manslayer out of the which hath been shed therein,
hand of the avenger of the blood, except through the blood of him
and the congregation shall re- that hath shed it.
store him to the city of his re- 34 And ye shall not render
fuge, whither he had fled; and unclean the land which ye inha
he shall abide in it until the bit, in the midst of which I
death of the high-priest, who dwell; fori the Lord dwell in
hath been anointed with the holy the midst of the children of
oil. Israel.**
26 But if the manslayer should
at any time pass the boundary of CHAPTER XXXVI.
the city of his refuge, whither he 1 And there came near the
may have fled; chiefs of the divisions of the fa-
27 And the avenger of the mily of the children of Gil'ad,
blood should find him beyond the son cf Machir, the son of
Menasseh, of the families of the the family of the tribe of their
sons of Joseph and they spoke father shall they become wives.

before Moses, and before the 7 And the inheritance of the

princes, the chiefs of the di- children of Israel shall not pus t
visions of the children of Is- from tribe to tribe but the chil-

rael ;
dren of Israel shall adhere every
2 And they said, The Lord one to the inheritance of the
hath commanded my lord to give tribe of his fathers.
the land for an inheritance by 8 And every daughter that in-
lot to the children of Israel and heriteth any possession out of

my l'ord hath been commanded any tribe of the children of Is-

by the Lord to give the inherit- rael, shall become the wife unto
ance of Zelophchad our brother one of the family of the tribe of
unto his daughters. her father; in order that the
3 And if they become the children of Israel may inherit
wives of any of the sons of the every one the inheritance of his
(other) tribes of the children of fathers.
Israel :then will their inherit- 9 And no inheritance shall
ance be taken from the inherit- pass from one tribe to another
ance of our fathers, and be added tribe but the tribes of the chil-

to the inheritance of the tribe dren of Israel shall adhere, every

whereamong they may be mar- one, to his own inheritance.*
ried ;
and from the lot of our 10 Even as the Lord had
inheritance will it be taken commanded Moses, so did the
away. daughters of Zelophchad ;
4 And whenever the jubilee 1 1 And Machlah, Thirzah, and
shall be to the children of Is- Choglah, and Milcah, and No’ah,
rael: then will their inheritance the daughters of Zelophchad, be-
be added unto the inheritance came the wives of the sons of
of the tribe whereamong they their uncles.
may be married; and from the 12 (To persons) of the fami-
inheritance of the tribe of our lies of the sons of Menasseh the
fathers will their inheritance be son of Joseph did they become
taken away. wives, and their inheritance re-
5 And Moses commanded the mained in the tribe of the family
children of Israel by the order of their father.
of the Lord, saying, The tribe of 13 These are the command-
the sons of Joseph have spoken ments and the ordinances, which
well. the Lord commanded by the
6 This is the thing which the hand of Moses unto the children
Lord hath commanded concern- of Israel, in the plains of Mo'ab
ing the daughters of Zelophchad, by the Jordan, opposite Jericho.
saying, To those who are pleas- Haphtorah in Jeremiah ii. 4 to 28; tr
ing in their eyes may they be- which the Germans add iii. 4; and !iz«
come wives; however only to Portuguese, iv. 1 and 2.


DEBARIM, and unto the Lebanon, up to the

Sec. 44. onat.
great river, the river Euphrates.
CHAPTER I. 8 Behold I have given up the
1 These are the words which land before you: go in and take
Moses spoke unto all Israel on possession of the land which the
this side of the Jordan, in the Lord hath sworn unto your fa-
wilderness, in the plain opposite thers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and
Suph, between Paran and Tho- to Jacob, to give it unto them
phel, and Laban, and Chazeroth, and to their seed after them.
and Di-zahab. 9 And I said unto you at that
2 It is a journey of eleven time, as followeth, I am not able
days from Horeb by the way of alone to bear you :

mount Se’ir unto Kadesh-bar- 10 The Lord your God hath

nea\ multiplied you, and, behold, ye
3 And it came to pass in the are this day as the stars of hea-
fortieth year, in the eleventh ven for multitude.
month, on the first day of the 11 May the Lord the God of
month, that Moses spoke unto your fathers make you a thou-
the children of Israel, according sand times as many more as ye
to all that the Lord had com- are and bless you, as he hath

manded him concerning them : spoken unto you.*

4 After he had smitten Sichon 1 2 How can I by myself alone
the king of the Emorites, who bear your cumbrance, and your
dwelt in Cheshbon, and ’0 g the burden, and your strife?
king of Bashan, who dwelt at 13 Furnish for yourselves wise
’Ashtharoth in Edre’i. and understanding men, and
5 On this .side of the Jordan, those known among your tribes,
in the land of Moab, began Mo- and I will place them as chiefs
ses to explain this law, saying, over you.
6 The Lord our God spoke to 14 And ye answered me, and
us i i Horeb, saying, Ye have tar- said, The thing which thou hast
ried long enough at this mount; spoken is good to do.
7 Turn you, and take your 15 And I took the chiefs of
journey, and go to the mountain your tribes, wise and known
of the Emorites, and unto all its men, andI set them as heads
neighbouring places, in the plain,over you, captains over thou-
in the mountain, and in the low- sands, and captains over hun-
lands, and in the southern coun- dreds, and captains over fifties,
try, and by the coast of the sea, and captains over tens, and as
to the land of the Cana’anites, officers for your tribes.
22 263
16 And
I commanded your unto the valley of Eslicol, and
judges at that time, saying, Hear spied it out.
the causes between your bre- 25 And they took in their
thren, and judge righteously, hand some of the fruit of the
between a man and his brother, land, and brought it down unto
and between his stranger. us; and they brought us word
17 Ye shall not respect per- again, and said, The land which
sons in judgment; the small as the Lord our God doth give us
well as the great shall ye hear; is good.
ye shall not be afraid of any 26 But you would not go up,
man for the judgment belong- and ye rebelled against the order

eth to God and the cause that of the Lord your God

is too hard for you shall ye bring 27 And ye murmured in your

unto me, and I will hear it. tents, and said, On account of
18 And I commanded you at thfe hatred of the Lord toward
that time all the things which ye us, hath he brought us forth
should do. out of the land of Egypt, to de-
19 And we departed from Ho- liver us into the hand of the
reb, and we went through Emorites, to destroy us.
that great and terrible wilder- 28 Whither shall we go up?
ness, which ye have seen, by our brethren have made faint
the way of the mountain of the our heart, saying, The people is
Emorites, as fche Lord our God greater and taller than we; the
had commanded us and we
cities are great and fortified up
came as far as Kadesh-bar- to heaven ; and moreover the
ne'a’. sons of the ’Anakim have we
20 And I said unto you, Ye seen there.
are come unto the mountain of 29 And I said unto you, Have
the Emorites, which the Lord no dread, nor be ye afraid of
our God doth give unto us. them.
21 Behold, the Lord thy God 30 The Lord your God who
hath given up the land before goeth before you, he it is who
thee go up and take possession will fight for you all just as he
: ;

of it, as the Lord the God of thy did for you in Egypt before your
fathers hath spoken unto thee; eyes ;
do not fear, and be not discou- 31 And in the wilderness which
raged.* thou hast seen, where the Lord
22 And ye all came near unto thy Go,d bore thee, as a man doth
me an l said, Let us send out bear his son, on all the way tha*
men before us, that they may ye have gone, until ye came unto
search out for us the land, and this place.
bring us word again concerning 32 Yet in this thing do yo
the way by which we must go not believe in the Lord your
up, and the cities to which we God,
shall come. 33 Who goeth before you on
23 And the thing was pleasing the way to seek out for you a
in my eyes; and I took of you place for your encamping, in fire
twelve men, one man for every by night, to cause you to see on
tribe the way in which ye are to go,
24 And they turned and went and in a cloud by day.
up into the mountain, and came 34 And the Lord heard the
: 11. DRBARIM.
o>ce of your words and he was
44 And the Emorites, who
wroth, and swore, saying, dwelt in that mountain, came
35 Surely there shall not one out against you, and they pur-
of these men of this evil genera- sued you, as the bees do, and
tion see that good land, which I they overthrew you in Se’ir, as
have sworn to give unto your far as Chormah.
fathers 45 And ye returned and wept
36 Save Caleb the son of Ye- before the Lord; but the Lord
phunneh, he shall see it, and to hearkened not to your voice, nor
him will I give the land upon gave ear unto you.
which he hath trodden, and to 46 And ye tarried in Kadesh
his children ;
because he hath many days, according unto the
wholly followed the Lord. days that ye tarried there.
37 Also with me was the Lord
angry for your sakes, saying, CHAPTER II.
Also thou shalt not go in thither. 1 Then we turned, and took
38 Joshua’ the son of Nun, our journey into the wilderness
who standeth before thee, he by the way of the Red Sea, as
shall go in thither: him encou- the Lord had spoke unto me
rage; for he shall cause Israel to and we travelled around mount
inherit it.* Se’ir many days *
39 And your little ones, of 2 And the Lord said unto
whom ye said, They will become me, as followeth,
a prey, and your children who 3 Ye have travelled long
know not this day either good enough around this mountain :

or evil, these shall go in thither; turn yourselves northward.

and unto them will I give it, and 4 And the people command
they shall possess it. thou, saying, Ye are passing by
40 But as for you, turn you, the border of your brethren the
and take your journey into the children of ’Esau, who dwell in
wilderness by tb<i way of the Se’ir; and they will be afraid of
Red Sea. you therefore take ye good heed

41 And ye answered and said unto yourselves

unto me, We have sinned agannst 5 Do not contend with them :

the Lord we indeed will go up for I will not give unto you of

and we will fight, according to their land, even so much as a

all that the Lord our God hath foot’s breadth ;
because unto
Bommanded us and ye girded ’Esau have I given mount Se’ir

on every man his weapons of for an inheritance.

war, and ye insisted to go up 6 Food shall ye buy of them
into the mountain. for money, that ye may eat; and
42 And the Lord said unto water also shall ye buy of them
me, Say unto them, Go not up, for money, that ye may drink.
and do not fight; for I am not 7 For the Lord thy God hath
among you; lest ye be smitten blessed thee in all the works of
before your enemies. thy hand he hath provided for

43 And I spoke unto you but thy wandering through this great

ye would not hear ; and ye rebel- wilderness these forty years the

led against the order of the Lord, Lord thy God hath been with
and you were presumptuous, and thee; thou hast lacked nothing.
went up into the mountain. 8 And we passed away from
our brethren the children of 17 That the Lord spoke un-
’Esau, who dwell in Se’ir, from to me, saying,
the way through the plain, from 18 Thou art passing this day
Elath, and from ’Ezyon-geber. by the border of Moab, by ’Ar,
Amd we turned and passed 19 And thou comest nigh op-
the way of the wilderness of posite the children of ’Ammon :

Mo ah. do not attack them, nor contend

9 And the Lord said unto me, with them for I will not give

Do not attack the Moabites, nor unto thee of the land of the
contend with them in battle for children of ’Ammon any inhe-

I will not give thee from their ritance because unto the chil-

land any inheritance because dren of Lot have I given it foi


unto the children of Lot have I an inheritance.

given ’Ar for an inheritance. 20 As a land of Repha'im was
10 The Emim in times past it also counted Repha'im dwelt :

dwelt therein, a people great, therein in times past; and the

and numerous, and tall as the ’Ammonites called them Zam-
’Anakim zummim ;

11 As Repha'im were also they 21 A people great, and nume-

accounted, equally with the ’Ana- rous, and tall, as the ’Anakim
kim and the Moabites called but the Lord destroyed them

them Emim. before them and they drove


12 And in Se’ir dwelt the Cho- them out, and dwelt in their
rim in times past; but the chil- stead
dren of ’Esau drove them out, 22 As he hath done to the
and they destroyed them from children of ’Esau, who dwelt in
Se’ir, from before whom he de-
before them, and dwelt in their
stead; as Israel hath done un-stroyed the Chorim and they ;

drove them out and dwelt in

to the land of his inheritance,
which the Lord hath given untotheir stead, even unto this day.
them. 23 And the ’Avvim, who
13 Now rise up, and get you dwelt in open towns, as far as
over the brook Zered and we unto Gazzah, the Caphtorim,
: —
passed over the brook Zered. who came forth out of Caphtor,
14 And the time which we destroyed them, and dwelt in
came from Kadesh-barnea’, until their stead.
we had passed over the brook 24 Rise ye up, set forward,
Zered, was thirty and eight and pass over the brook Arnon
years until all the generation
behold, I have given into thy
of the men of war were spent hand Sichon the king of Chesh-
from out the midst of the camp, bon, the Emorite, and his land:
as the Lord had sworn unto begin to drive him out, and con-
them. tend with him in battle.
15 And also the hand of the 25 This day will I begin t)
Lord was against them, to de- put the dread of thee and the
stroy them from the midst of the fear of thee upon the nation?
camp until they were spent.
that are under the whole hea-
16 So it came to pass, when ven whoever will hear the re-

all the men of war were spent port of thee, shall tremble, and
by dying from the midst of the shall quake because of thee.
people, 26 And I sent messengers
out of the wilderness of Kede- 36 From ’Aro’er, which is by
inoth unto Sichon, the king of the bank of the brook of Arnon,
Cheshbon, with words of peace, and the city that is in the brook,
saying, even unto Gil’ad, there was not
27 Let me pass through thy one city which was too strong
land always by the highway for us the whole did the Lord
: :

will I go along ; I will not turn our God give up before us.
unto the right hand or unto the 37 Only unto the land of the
left. children of ’Ammon didst thou
28 Food shalt thou sell me not come nigh, unto the whole
for money, that I may eat ; and margin of the brook Yabbok,
water for money shalt thou give and the cities in the mountain,
me, that I ma; drink only let and unto whatsoever the Lord

me pass through on foot,* our God had forbidden us.

29 (As the children of ’Esau
who dwell in Se’ir, and the CHAPTER III.
Moabites who dwell in ’Ar, have 1 And we turned, and went
done unto me ;) until that I shall up the way to Bash an ;
and ’Og
pass over the Jordan into the the king of Bashan came out
land which the Lord our God against us, he and all his peo-
giveth us. ple, to the battle at Edre’i.
30 But Sichon, the king of 2 And the Lord said unto
Cheshbon, would not suffer our me, Fear him not; for into thy
passing by him for the Lord
hand have I given him, and all
thy God had hardened his spirit, his people, and his land and ;

and had made obstinate his thou shalt do unto him as thou
heart, that he might deliver hast done unto Sichon, the king
him into thy hand, as (hath of the Emorites, who dwelt at
happened) this day.** Cheshbon.
31 And the Lord said unto 3 And the Lord our God
me, Behold, I have begun to gave into our hands also ’Og
give up Sichon and his land the king of Bashan, and all his
before thee begin to drive him people and we smote him un-

out, that thou rnayest inherit his til none was left to him who
land. escaped.
32 And Sichon came out 4 And we conquered all his
against us, he and all his peo- at that time there wascities :

ple, to the battle at Yahaz. not a city which we took not

33 And the Lord our God from them, sixty cities, all the
gave him up before us ; and we
region of Argob, the kingdom
smote him, and his sons, and of ’Og in Bashan.
all his people. 5 All these were fortified cities,
34 And we conquered all his with high walls, gates, and bars:
cities at that time, and devoted besides the unwalled towns,
every inhabited city, and the which were a great many.
women, and the little ones : we 6 And we devoted them, as
leftnone that escaped. we had done unto Sichon the
35 Only the cattle we took as king of Cheshbon, devoting
booty unto ourselves, and the every inhabited city, the wo-
spoil of the cities which we had men, and the little ones.
captured. 7 But all the cattle, and the
22 * L2 257
ipoil of the cities, we took as and that adjoining, even unto
booty to ourselves. the brook Yabbok, the border
8 And we took at that time of the children of ’Ammon
Dut of the hands of the two 17 The plain also, and the
kings of the Emorites the land Jordan, and the adjoining land,
which is on this side of the from Kinnereth even unto the
Jordan, from the river of Arnon sea of the plain, the Salt Sea,
unto mount Chermon under the declivities of Pisgah,
9 [The Zidonians call Cher- eastward.
mon Siryon ; and the Emorites 18 And I commanded you at
call it Senir ;) that time, saying, The Lord
10 All the cities of the plain, your God hath given you this
and all Gil’ad, and all Bashan, land to possess it: armed shall
unto Salchah and Edre’i, the ye pass over before your brethren
cities of the kingdom of ’Og in the children of Israel, all that
Bashan. are fit to bear arms.
11 For only ’Og the king of 19 But your wives, and your
Bashan had been left of the little ones, and your cattle, (I
remnant of the Rephaim ; be- know that ye have much cattle,)
hold, his bedstead was a bed- shall abide in your cities which
stead of iron ; lo it is in Rab-
! I have given you
bah of the children of ’Ammon : 20 Until that the Lord have
nine cubits is its length, and given rest unto your brethren,
four cubits its breadth, after the as well as unto you, and they
arm of a man. also have taken possession of
12 And of this land, of which the land which the Lord your
we took possession at that time, God giveth them beyond the
from ’Aro’er, which is by the Jordan : then shall ye return
river Arnon, and half mount every man unto his possession
Gil’ad, and the cities thereof, which I have given you.
I gave unto the Reiibenites and 21 And Joshua’ also I com-
to the Gadites. manded at that time, saying,
13 And the rest of Gil’ad, Thy own eyes have seen all that
and all Bashan, the kingdom of the Lord your God hath done
’Og, I gave unto the half tribe unto these two kings thus will

of Menasseh all the region of

: the Lord do unto all the king-
Argob, with all Bashan, this is doms whither thou passest.
called the land of Rephaim. 22 Ye shall not fear them ; for
14 Yair the son of Menasseh the Lord your God it is who
took the region of Argob up fighteth for you.
to the border of the Geshurites Haphtorah in Isaiah i. 1 to 27.
and the Ma’achathites ; and he
called them the (land of) Ba-
shan, after his own name, the
villages of Yair, unto this day.* pnn*n.
15 And unto Machir I gave 23 f And I besought the
Gil’ad. Lord at that time saying,
16 And unto the Reiibenites 24 0 Lord Eternal, thou
and unto the Gadites I gave hast begun to show thy servant
from Gil’ad even unto the brook thy greatness, and thy mighty
ArnoD. the land within the river hand; for what god is there in

heaven or on earth, that can do destroyed from the midst of
aught like thy works, and like thee.
thy mighty deeds ? 4 But ye that did cleave unto
25 Let me go over, I pray the Lord your God, are alive,
thee, that I may see the good every one of you, this day.*
land which is on the other side 5 See, I have taught you sta-
of the Jordan, this goodly moun- tutes and ordinances, just as the
tain, and the Lebanon. Lord my God commanded me
26 But the Lord was wroth that ye may do so in the midst
with me for your sakes, and he of the land whither ye go U)
would not hear me : and the take possession of it.
Lord said unto me, Let it suf- 6 Keep therefore and do them
fice thee; do not continue to for this is your wisdom and your
speak unto me any more of this understanding before the eyes of
matter. the nations, that shall hear all
27 Get thee up unto the top these statutes, and they will say,
of Pisgah, and lift up thy eyes, Nothing but a wise and under-
westward, and northward, and standing people is this great
southward, and eastward, and nation.
behold it with thy eyes; for 7 For what great nation is
thou shalt not pass over this there that hath gods so nigh un-
Jordan. to it, as is the Lord our God at
28 And do thou charge Jo- all times that we call upon him ?
shua’, and strengthen him, and 8 And what great nation is
encourage him for he shall go there that hath statutes and ordi-

over before this people, and he nances so righteous as is all this

shall divide out to them the law, which I lay before you this
land which thou shalt see. day ?*
29 i^nd we abode in the valley 9 Only take heed to thyself,
opposite Beth-pe’or. and guard thy soul diligently,
that thou do not forget the
CHAPTER IV. things which thy ejr es have
1 And now, 0 Israel, heark- seen, and that they depart not
en unto the statutes and unto from thy heart all the days of
the ordinances which I teach thy life; but thou shalt make
you to do in order that ye may them known unto thy sons, and

live, and go in and take posses- unto thy sons’ sons ;

sion of the land which the Lord, 10 The day that thou stoodest
the God of your fathers, giveth before the Lord thy God at
unto you. Horeb, when the Lord said unto
2 Ye shall not add unto the me, Assemble for me the people,
word which I command you, nor and I will cause them to hear
shall ye diminish aught from it; my words, which they shall
that ye may keep the command- learn, to fear me all the days
ments of the Lord your God that they shall live upon the
which I command you. earth, and which they shall
3 Your own eyes have seen teach their children.
that which the Lord hath done 11 And ye came near and
because of Ba’al-pe’or for every stood at the foot of the mount;

man that followed Ba’al-pe’or, and the mount was burning

him the Lord thy God hath with fire unto the midst of the
heaven, (from amidst) darkness, 21 Farthermore the Lord wai
clouds, and thick darkness. angry with me for your sakes,
12 And the Lord spoke unto and he swore that I should not
you out of the midst of the fire go over the Jordan, and that I
the sound of words ye heard, should not go in unto that good
but any similitude ye saw not land, which the Lord thy God
there was nothing but a sound. giveth unto thee for an inherit-
13 And he told unto you his ance ;

covenant, which he commanded 22 For I must die in this

you to perform, the ten com- land; I shall not go over the
mandments and he wrote them
J ordan but ye will go over

upon two tables of stone. and take possession of this good

14 And me the Lord com- land.
manded at that time to teach 23 Take heed unto yourselves,
you statutes and ordinances, that ye do not forget the cove-
that ye might do them in the nant of the Lord your God,
land whither ye go over to pos- which he hath made with you,
sess it. and make yourselves a graven
15 Take ye therefore good image, the likeness of any thing,
heed of your souls for ye saw which the Lord thy God hath

no manner of similitude on the forbidden thee.

day that the Lord spoke unto 24 For the Lord thy God is
you at Horeb out of the midst a consuming fire, yea, a watch-
of the fire ful God.
16 That ye become not cor- 25 When thou begettest
rupt, and make yourselves a children, and children’s chil-
graven image, the similitude of dren, and ye shall have re-
any idol-figure, the likeness of mained long in the land, and
a male or of a female, ye become corrupt, and make a
17 The likeness of any beast graven image, the likeness of
that is on the earth, the likeness any thing, and do the evil in
of any winged fowl that flieth the eyes of the Lord thy God,
in the air of heaven, to provoke him to anger
18 The likeness of any thing 26 I call this day the heavens
that creepeth on the ground, and the earth to witness against
the likeness of any fish that is you, that ye shall soon perish
in the waters beneath the earth from off the land whereunto ye

19 And that thou lift not up go over the Jordan to possess it;
thy eyes unto the heavens, and ye shall not remain many days
thou see the sun, and the moon, upon it, but ye shall surely bo
and the stars, all the host of destroyed.
neaven, and be misled to bow 27 And the Lord will scatter
down to them, and to serve you among the nations, and ye
them, those which the Lord thy will be left few in number among
God hath assigned unto all na- the nations, whither the Lord
tions under the whole heaven. will lead you.
20 But you did the Lord 28 And ye will serve there
take, and he brought you forth gods, the work of man’s hands,
out of the iron furnace, out of wood and stone, which neither
Egypt, to be unto him a people can see, nor hear, nor eat, nor
of inheritance, as ye are this day. smell.
29 But thou wilt seek from 37 And therefore, because ha
there the Lord tb.y God, and loved thy fathers, he chose their
wilt find him, if thou apply to seed after them, and brought
him with all thy heart and with thee out in his presence with his
nil thy soul. mighty power out of Egypt;
30 When thou art in tribula- 38 To drive out nations greater
tion, and all these things have and mightier than thou art, from
overtaken thee, in the latter end before thee, to bring thee in, to
of days then wilt thou return give unto thee their land for an

to the Lord thy God, and be inheritance, as it is this day.

obedient unto his voice. 39 Know therefore this day,
31 For a merciful God is the and reflect in thy heart, that the
Lord thy God he will not for- Eternal is the God in the hea-

sake thee, nor destroy thee ; and vens above, and upon the earth
he will not forget the covenant beneath: there is none else.
of thy fathers which he hath 40 And thou shalt keep his
sworn unto them. statutes, and his commandments,
32 For do but ask of former which I command thee this day,
days, which were before thee, that it may go well with thee,
since the day that God created and with thy children after thee;
man upon the earth, and from and that thou mayest live many
the one end of the heavens unto days upon the land which the
the other end of the heavens, Lord thy God giveth thee, for
whether there hath been the times. *
like of this great thing, or whe- 41 Then Moses set aside
ther the like of it hath been three cities on this side of the
heard ? Jordan, toward the rising of the
33 Hath ever a people heard sun
the voice of a god, speaking out 42 That thither might flee the
of the midst of the fire, as thou manshtyer, who should kill his
hast heard, and remained alive ? neighbour unawares, when he
34 Or hath a god essayed to had not been an enemy to him
go to take to himself a nation in timej past and that he should

from the midst of a nation, by flee unto one of these cities and
proofs, by signs, and by wonders, live.
and by war, and by a mighty 43 Bezer in the wilderness, in
hand, and by an outstretched the plain country, for the Reii-
arm, and by great terrors, like benites, and Ramoth in Gil’ad
all that which the Lord your for the Gadites; and Golan in
Ood hath done for you in Egypt Bashan for the Menassites.
before thy eyes ? 44 And this is the law which
35 Unto thee it was shown, Moses set before the children of
that thou mightest know, that Israel
the Eternal is the God: there 45 These are the te°rimonies,
is none eke besides him. and the statutes, and the ordi-
36 Out of the heavens he nances, which Moses spoke unto
caused thee to hear his voice, to the children of Israel, when they
correct thee and upon the earth came forth out of Egypt.

he caused thee to see his great 46 On this side of the Jordan,

ure; and his words didst thou in the valley opposite to Beth-
hear out of the midst of the fire. pe’or, in the land of Sichon the
king of the Emorites, who dwelt thyself any graven image, any
at Cheshbon, whom Moses and likeness of any thing that is in
the children of Israel smote, after the heavens above, or that is on
they were come forth out of the earth beneath, or that is 'n
Egypt; the water under the earth
47 And they took possession 9 Thou shalt not bow thyself
of his land, and of the land of down unto them, nor serve them
'Og the king of Bashan, the two for I the Lord thy God am a
kings of the Emorites, who were jealous God, visiting the iniquity
on this side of the Jordan toward of the fathers upon the children,
the rising of the sun and upon the third and upon the
48 From ’Aro’er, which is on fourth generation of them that
the bank of the river Arnon, hate me,
even unto Mount Sion, which is 10 And showing kindness un-
Chermon, to the thousandth generation of
49 And all the plain on this them that love me, and keep my
side of the Jordan eastward, even commandments.
unto the sea of the plain, under 11 <[[ Thou shalt not take the
the declivities of Pisgah.* name of the Lord thy God in
vain; for the Lord will not hold
CHAPTER V. him guiltless that taketh his
1 And Moses called all Is- name in vain.
rael, and said unto them, Hear, 12 f Keep the sabbath -day to
0 Israel, the statutes and the sanctify it, as the Lord thy God
ordinances which I speak in yourhath commanded thee.
ears this day, that ye may learn 13 Six days shalt thou labour,
them, and that ye may observe and do all thy work;
to do them. 14 But the seventh day is the
2 The Lord our God made a sabbath in honour of the Lord
covenant with us in Horeb. thy God on it thou shalt not do

3 Not with our fathers did the

any work, neither thou, nor thy
Lord make this covenant, but son, nor thy daughter, nor thy
with us, we who are here all of man-servant, nor thy maid-ser-
us alive this day. vant, nor thy ox, nor thy ass,
4 Face to face did the Lord nor any of thy cattle, nor thy
speak with you on the mount, stranger that is within thy^ gates
out of the midst of the fire, in order that thy man-servant
5 (I was standing between the and thy maid-servant may rest
Lord and between you at that as well as thou.
time, to announce to you the 15 And thou shalt remember
word of the Lord; for ye were that thou hast been a servant in
afraid by reason of the lire, and the land of Egypt, and that the
ye went not up into the mount;) Lord thy God brought thee out
saying, from there by a mighty hand
6 I am the Lord thy God, and by an outstretched arm;
who have brought thee out of therefore hath the Lord thy God
the land of Egypt, from the house commanded thee to observe the
of slavery. sabbath-day.
7 Thou shalt have no other 16 Honour thy father and
gods before me. thy mother, as the Lord thy God
8 Thou shalt not make unto hath commanded thee in order :

that thy days may be prolonged, midst of the fire, like us, and
and in order that it may go well hath remained alive?
with thee, in the land which the 24 Do thou approach, and hear
Lord thy God giveth thee. all that the Lord our God may
17 Thou shalt not kill. say; and thou shalt speak unto
Neither shalt thou commit us all that the Lord our God
adultery. may speak unto thee; and we
Neither shalt thou steal. will hear and do it.

f Neither shalt thou bear 25 And the Lord heard the

false witness against thy neigh- voice of your words, while ye
bour. were speaking unto me; and the
18 Neither shalt thou cowet Lord said unto me, I have heard
thy neighbour’s wife. the voice of the words of this
Neither shalt thou desire people, which they have spoken
thy neighbour’s house, nor his unto thee: they have done well
field, nor his man-servant, nor in all that they have spoken.
his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor 26 Who would grant that this
his ass, nor any thing that is thy their heart might remain in them,
neighbour’s.* to fear me, and to keep all my
19 These words did the Lord commandments at all times; in
speak unto all your assembly on order that it might be well with
the mount out of the midst of them, and with their children for
the fire, of the cloud, and of the ever!
thick darkness, with a great 27 Go, say to them, Return
voice, but he did so no more; you unto your tents.
and he wrote them on two tables 28 But as for thee, remain
of stone, and he gave them unto thou here by me, and I will speak
me. unto thee all the commandments,
20 And it came to pass, when and the statutes, and the ordi-
ye heard the voice out of the nances, which thou shalt teach
midst of the darkness, while the them, that they may do them in
mount was burning with fire, the land which I give them to
that ye came near unto me, even possess it.
all the heads of your tribes, and 29 Observe ye then to do as
your elders; the Lord your God hath com-
21 And ye said, Behold, the manded you: ye shall not turn
Lord our God hath caused us to aside to the right or to the left.
see his glory and his greatness, 30 Altogether in the way,
and his voice have we heard out which the Lord your God hath
of the midst of the fire this day commanded you, shall ye walk-

have we seen that God can speak in order that ye may live, ana
with man, who nevertheless may that it may be well with you,
live. and that ye may remain many
22 But now why should we days in the land which ye will
die ? for this great fire may con- possess.
sume us; if we continue to hear
the voice of the Lord our God CHAPTER VI.
any more, then shall we die. 1 And this is the command-
23 For where there any flesh, ment, with the statutes, and the
that hath heard the voice of the ordinances, which the Lord your
living God speaking out of the God hath commanded to teach
you, to do them in the land whi- things, which thou didst not fill'
ther ye are passing over to pos- and wells hewed out which thou
sess it: didst not hew, vineyards and
2 In order that thou mayest olive-trees, which thou didst not
fear the Lord thy God, to keep plant; and thou hast eaten and
all his statutes and his com- art satisfied
mandments, which I command 12 Then beware that thou do
thee, thvu and thy son, and thy not forget the Lord, who hath
son’s son, all the days of thy life brought thee forth out of the
and in order that thy days may land of Egypt, from the house
be prolonged. of slavery.
3 Hear, therefore, 0 Israel, 13 The Lord thy God shalt
and observe to do them; that it thou fear, and him shalt thou
may be well with thee, and that serve, and by his name shalt
ye may increase greatly, as the thou swear.
Lord the God of thy fathers 14 Ye shall not go after other
hath spoken to thee, (in) the gods, of the gods of the nations
land flowing with milk and which are round about you:
honey.* 15 For the Lord thy God is a
4 Hear, 0 Israel! The Lord, watchful God among you
*j[ so :

our God, is the One Eternal that the anger of the Lord thy
Being. God may not be kindled against
5 And thou shalt love the thee, and he destroy thee from
Lord thy God with all thy heart, off the face of the earth.
and with all thy soul, and with 16 Ye shall not tempt the
all thy might. Lord your God, as ye tempted
6 And these words which I him in Massah.
command thee this day, shall be 17 Ye shall diligently keep
in thy heart the commandments of the Lord
7 And thou shalt teach them your God, and his testimonies,
diligently unto thy children, and and his statutes, which he hath
thou shalt speak of them when commanded thee.
thou thy house, and
sittest in 18 And thou shalt do thaO
when thou walkest by the way, which right and good in the
and when thou liest down, and eyes of the Lord; in order that
when thou risest up. it may be well with thee, and

8 And thou shalt bind them that thou mayest go in and take
for a sign upon thy hand, and possession of the good land which
they shall be as frontlets between the Lord hath sworn unto thy
thy eyes. fathers,
9 And thou shalt write them 19 To cast out all thy enemies
upon the door-posts of thy house, from before thee: as the Lord
and upon thy gates. hath spoken.
10 And it shall be, when 20 When thy son should ask
the Lord thy God shall bring thee in time to come, saying,
thee into the land which he hath What mean the testimonies, and
sworn unto thy fathers, to Abra- the statutes, and the ordinances,
ham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to which the Lord our God bath
give unto thee, great and goodly commanded you?
cities, which thou didst not build, 21 Then shalt thou say unto
11 And houses full of all good thy s;>n, We were bond-men un-
to Pharaoh in Egypt; and the kindled against you, and ho
Lord brought us out of Egypt would destroy thee speedily.
with a mighty hand; 5 But thus shall ye do unto
22 And the Lord let come them their altars shall ye pull

signs and wonders, great and down, and their statues shall ye
sore, on Egypt, on Pharaoh, and break, and their groves shall ye
on all his household, before our cut down, and their graven ima-
eyes ges shall ye burn with fire.
23 And us he brought out from 6 For thou art a holy people
there; in order to bring us in, to unto the Lord thy God: of thee
give us the land which he had the Lord thy God hath made
sworn unto our fathers. choice to be unto himself a spe-
24 And the Lord commanded cial people, above all the nations
us to do all these statutes, to fear that are upon the face of the
the Lord our God; that it might egrth.
be well with us at all times, and 7 Not because ye are more in
that he might preserve us alive, number than all the nations, did
as it is at this day. the Lord desire you and make
25 And it shall be accounted choice of you; for ye are the
righteousness unto us, if we ob- fewest of all the nations ;

serve to do all this command- 8 But on account of the love

ment before the Lord our God, of the Lord for you, and because
as he hath commanded us. he keepeth the oath w'hieh he
hath sworn unto your fathers,
CHAPTER VII. hath the Lord brought you out
1 When the Lord thy God with a mighty hand, and re-
shall bring thee into the land deemed you out of the house of
w hither thou goest to possess it, bond-men, out of the hand of
and cast out many nations before Pharaoh the king of Egypt.*'
thee, the Hittites, and the Gir- 9 Know then that the Eternal
gashites, and the Emorites, and thy God, is the God, the faith-
the Cana’anites, and the Periz- ful God, who keepeth the cove-
zites, and the Hivites, and the Je- nant and the kindness with those
busites, seven nations, greater in that love him and with those
number and mightier than thou; that keep his commandments to
2 And when the Lord thy the thousandth generation;
God shall give them up before 10 And repayeth those that
thee, and thou dost smite them : hate him to their face, to destroy
thou shalt utterly destroy them; them; he will not delay to him
thou shalt not make any cove- that hateth him, he will repay
nant with them, nor show mercy him to his face.
auto them. 11 Therefore shalt thou keep
3 Neither shalt thou make the commandment, and the sta-
marriages with them thy daugh-
: tutes, and the ordinances, which
ter shalt thou not give unto his I command thee this day, to do
son, and his daughter shalt thou them.
not take unto thy son. llaphtorah in Isaiah xl. 1 to 26.
4 For he would turn away thy
son from following me, so that
they might serve other gods; and Sec. 46. AYKEB, app
the anger of the Lord would be 12 % And it shall come to pass
23 M 265
in reward ye will heark-l will the Lord thy God dc unto
for that I

en to these ordinances, and all the people of whom thou art

keep, and do them, that the afraid.
Lord thy God will keep unto 20 Moreover the hornet will
thee the covenant and the kind- the Lord thy God send out
ness which he hath sworn unto against them, until they that aie
thy fathers: left, and hide themselves from
13 And he will love thee, and thee, be destroyed.
bless thee, and multiply thee 21 Thou shaltnot be affrighted
and he will bless the fruit of thy at them; for the Lord thy God
womb, and the fruit of thy land, is in the midst of thee, a mighty
thy corn, and thy wine, and thy and terrible God.
oil, the increase of thy cattle, 22 And the Lord thy God
and the young of thy flocks, in will chase out these nations be-
the land which he hath sworn fore thee, little by little thou :

unto thy fathers to give unto shalt not be able to make an

thee. end of them speedily, the
14 Blessed shalt thou be above beasts of the field increase upon
all the nations there shall not be
: thee.
a barren male or female among 23 And the Lord thy God wib
thee, nor among thy cattle. give them up before thee, and he
15 And the Lord will take will bring among them a mighty
away from thee all sickness and ;
confusion, until they be de-
all the evil diseases of Egypt, stroyed.
which thou knowest, will he not And he will give their kings
put upon thee but he will lay ;
thy hand, and thou shalt
them upon ail those that hate destroy their name from under
thee. the heavens no man shall be

16 And thou shalt consume able to stand up before thee, un-

all the nations which the Lord til thou have destroyed them.

thy God givetli unto thee; thy 25 The graven images of their
eye shall not look with pity upon gods shall ye burn with fire thou :

them and thou shalt not serve

: shalt not covet the silver or gold
their gods for that would be a
that is on them, so that thou
snare unto thee. wouldst take it unto thyself, lest
17 ^ If thou shouldst say in thou be ensnared thereby; for it
thy heart, These nations are is an abomination unto the Lord
more numerous than I : how thy God.
shall I be able to dispossess 26 And thou shalt not bring
them ? an abomination into thy house,
18 Thou shalt not be afraid of lest thou become accursed like
them ;
(but) thou shalt well re- it thou shalt utterly detest it,

member what the Lord thy God and thou shalt utterly abhor it;
did unto Pharaoh, and unto all for it is accursed.
The great proofs which thy
eyes have seen, and the signs, 1 All the commandment
and the wonders, and the mighty which I command thee this day
hand, and the outstretched arm, shall ye observe to do in order ;

whereby the Lord thy God that ye may live, and multiply,
brought thee out: in this wise and go in and take possession
of the land which the Lord hath good land which he hath give!*
sworn unto your fathers. thee.*
2 And thou shalt remember 11 Take heed unto thyself
all the way which the Lord thy that thou forget not the Lord
God hath led thee these forty thy God, so as not to keep his
years in the wilderness, in order commandments, and his ordi-
to afflict thee, to prove thee, to nances, and his statutes, which
know what is in thy heart, I command thee this day
whether thou wouldst keep his 12 That when thou hast eaten
commandments, or not. and art satisfied, and hast built
3 And he afflicted thee, and goodly houses, and dwelt there-
suffered thee to hunger, and he in ;
gave thee manna to eat, which 13 And when thy herds and
thou knewest not, and which thy thy flocks multiply, and thy sil-
fathers had not known in order ver and thy gold are multiplied,

that he might make thee knowlland all that thou hast is multi-
that not by bread alone man plied :

doth live, but by every thing that 14 Thy heart be then not lifted
proceedeth out of the mouth of up, and thou forget the Lord
the Lord doth man live. thy God, who hath brought thee
4 Thy garment did not fall forth out of the land of Egypt,
worn out from thee, and thy from the house of slavery
foot did not swell, these forty 15 Who hath led thee through
years. the great and terrible wilder-
5 And thou shalt consider in ness, wherein are snakes, poison-
thy heart, that,, as a man chas- ous serpents, and scorpions, and
teneth his son, so doth the Lord drought, where there is no wa-
thy God chasten thee. ter; who hath brought forth for
6 And thou shalt keep the thee water out of the flinty rock ;

commandments of the Lord thy 16 Who hath fed thee in the

God, to walk in his ways, and to wilderness with manna, which
fear him. thy fathers knew not; in order
7 For the Lord thy God bring- to afflict thee, and in order to
eth thee into a good land, a land prove thee, to do thee good at
of brooks of water, of fountains thy latter end
and depths that spring out of 17 And thou say in thy heart,
valleys and mountains My power and the strength of
8 A land of wheat, and bar- my hand have gotten me this
fey, and of the vine, and the fig- wealth.
tree, and the pomegranate,* a 18 But thou shalt remember
land of the oil-olive, and of the Lord thy God for it is he;

honey ;
that giveth thee power to get
9 A land wherein thou shalt eat wealth in order that he might

bread without sc ;rceness, where- fulfil his covenant which he hath

in thou shalt not lack any thing sworn unto thy fathers, as it is
a land the stone? whereof are this day.
iron, and out of the mountains of 19 And it shall come to pass,
which thou c.mst hew copper. that, if thou shouldst forget the

10 And when thou hast eaten Lord thy God, and walk after
and art satisfied, then shalt thou other gods, and serve them, and
bless the Lord thy God for the bow thyself down to them, I tes-

tify against you this day that ye not for thy righteousness doth
shall surely perish ;
the Lord thy God give unto
20 Like the nations which the thee this good land to possess
Lord destroyeth from before you, it; for thou art a stiff-necked
so shall ye perish in recompense
of that ye would not hearken 7 Remember, do not forget,
unto the voice of the Lord your how thou didst provoke the Lord
God. thy God to wrath in the wilder-
from the day that thou
CHAPTER IX. wentest out of the land of Egypt,
1 Hear, 0 Israel: Thou art until ye came unto this place,
to pass this day over the Jordan, have ye been rebellious against
to go in to drive out nations the Lord.
greater and mightier than thou, 8 Also at Horeb ye provoked
(to conquer) cities great and for- the Lord to wrath, so that the
tified up to heaven, Lord was angry with you to de-
2 A people great and tall, the stroy you
children of the ’Anakim, whom 9 When I was gone up into
thou knowest, and of whom thou the mount to receive the tables
hast heard say, Who can stand of stone, the tables of the cove-
before the children of ’Anak ! nant which the Lord had made
3 Understand therefore this with you, and I abode on the
day, that the Lord thy God it is mount forty days and forty
who goeth over before thee, he nights, bread did I not eat, and
is a consuming fire he will de-
water did I not drink.
stroy them, and he will subdue 10 And the Lord gave unto
them before thy face ; and thou me the two tables of stone in-
wilt drive them out, and destroy scribed by the finger of God;
them quickly, as the Lord hath and on them (was written) ac-
spoken unto thee.* cording to all the words, which
4 Thou must not say in thy the Lord had spoken with you on
heart, when the Lord thy God the mount out of the midst of the
doth cast them out from before fire on the day of the assembly.
thee, as followeth, For my right- 11 And it came to pass at the
eousness hath the Lord brought end of forty days and forty
me in to possess this land; and nights, that the Lord gave unto
that for the wickedness of these me the two tables of stone, the
nations the Lord doth drive tables of the covenant.
them out from before thee. 12 And the Lord said unto
5 Not for thy righteousness, me, Arise, get thee down quickly
nor for the uprightness of thy from here; for thy people which
heart, dost thou go in to possess thou hast brought forth out of
their land; but for the wicked- Egypt have become corrupted;
ness of these nations doth the they have quickly turned aside
Lord thj' God drive them out out of the way which I have com-
from before thee, and in order manded them they have made

that he may fulfil the word which

themselves a molten image.
the Lord hath sworn unto thy 13 And the Lord said unto
fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, me, thus, I have seen this peo-
and to Jacob. ple, and, behold, it is a stiff*
6 And thou shalt know, that necked people:
. 268
14 Let me alone, and I will ayah, have ye been provoking
destroy them, and blot out their the Lord to wrath.
name from under the heavens; 23 And when the Lord sent
and I will make of thee a nation you from Kadesh-barnea’, say-
mightier and more numerous ing, Go up and take possession
than they. of the land which I have given
15 And I turned and came you: then rebelled ye against
down from the mount, and the the order of the Lord your God,
mount was burning with fire; and ye believed not in him, and
and the two tables of the cove- ye hearkened not to his voice.
nant were upon my hands. 24 Rebellious have ye been
16 And I looked, and, behold, against the Lord, from the day
ye had sinned against the Lord that I have known you.
your God, ye had made your- 25 And I threw myself down
selves a molten calf ye had before the Lord those forty days

turned aside quickly out of the and forty nights, which I threw
way which the Lord had com- myself down ; because the Lord
manded you. had said that he would destroy
17 And I took hold of the two you.
tables, and cast them out of my 26 And I prayed unto the
two hands, and I broke them Lord, and said, 0 Lord Eternal,
before your eyes. destroy not thy people and thy
18 And I threw myself down heritage, which thou hast re-
before the Lord, as at the first, deemed through thy greatness,
forty days and forty nights which thou hast brought forth
bread did I not eat, and water out of Egypt with a mighty
did I not drink on account of hand.

all your sins which ye had com- 27 Think of thy servants, of

mitted, in doing what is evil in Abraham, of Isaac, and of Ja-
the eyes of the Lord, to provoke cob; turn not unto the stubborn-
him to anger. ness of this people, nor to its
19 For I was afraid of the an- wickedness, nor to its sin
ger, and the indignation, where- 28 Lest (the inhabitants of) the
with the Lord was wroth against land whence thou hast brought
you to destroy you ; but the us out say, Out of want of ability
Lord hearkened unto me also at in the Lord to bring them into
that time. the land which he had promised
20 And with Aaron was the them, and out of his hatred to
Lord very angry to destroy him them, hath he brought them out
and I prayed also for Aaron at to slay them in the wilderness.
the same time. 29 Whereas they are thy peo-
21 And your work of sin, ple and thy heritage, whom thou
which ye had made, the calf, I hast brought out by thy mighty
took and burnt it in fire, and power and by thy outstretched
stamped it, grinding it very arm.*'
Email, until it was as fine as
dust and I cast the dust there-
of into the brook that descend- that time the Lord
1 At
ed from the mount. said unto me, Hew for thyself
22 And at Thab’erah, ar/1 at two tables of stone like un4o the
Massah and at Kibroth-hattha- [first, and come up unto me into

23 * 269
the mount; and make thyself an like the first days, forty days
ark of wood. and forty nights; and the Lord
2 And I will write on the ta- hearkened unto me also at that
bles the words that were on the time, the Lord would not de-
first tables which thou harst stroy thee.
broken; and thou shalt put them 11 And the Lord said unto
in the ark. me, Arise, go on the journey be-
3 And I made an ark of shit- fore the people, that they may
tim-wood, and hewed two tables go in and take possession of the
of stone like unto the first; and land, which I have sworn unto
I went up into the mount, with their fathers to give unto them.*
the two tables in my hand. 12 And now, Israel, what
4 And he wrote on the tables, doth the Lord thy God require
like the first writing, the ten of thee, but to fear the Lord thy
commandments, which the Lord God, to walk in all his ways,
had spoken unto you on the and to love him, and to serve
mount out of the midst of the the Lord thy God with all thy
fire on the day of the assembly heart and with all thy soul,
and the Lord gave them unto 13 To keep the commandments
me. of the Lord, and his statutes,
5 And I turned myself and which I command thee this day,
came down from the mount, and for thy own good ?
I put the tables in the ark which 14 Behold, to the Lord thy
I had made and they have re- God belong the heavens and the

mained there, as the Lord hath heavens of heavens, and the

commanded me. earth with all that is thereon;
6 And the children of Israel 15 Yet only in thy fathers
took their journey from the wells had the Lord delight, to love
of the children of Ya’akan to them he chose, therefore, their

Mosserah there Aaron died, and seed after them, namely you,

he was buried there; and El’azar from all the nations, as it is this
his son became priest in his day.
stead. 16 Remove therefore the ob-
7 From there they journeyed duracy of your heart, and be no
unto Gudgodah and from Gud- more stiff-necked.

godah to Yotbatha, a land of 17 For the Lord your God is

brooks of waters. the God of gods, and the Lord
8 At that time did the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty,
separate the tribe of Levi, to and the terrible God, who hath
bear the ark of the covenant of no regard to persons, and taketh
the Lord, to stand before the no bribe
Lord to minister unto him, and 18 Who executeth justice for
to bless in his name, unto this the fatherless and the widow, and
day. loveth the stranger, to give him
9 Therefore was not assigned food and raiment.
unto Levi any portion or inhe- 19 Love ye then the stranger;
ritance with his brethren the far you have been strangers in

Lord is his inheritance, as the the land of Egypt.

Lord thy God hath spoken to 20 The Lord thy God shalt

him. thou fear him shalt thou serve,


10 And I stayed on the mount, and to him shalt thou cleave.

and by bis name slialt thou acts of the Lord which he hath
6 wear. done.
21 He is thy praise, and he 8 Ye shall therefore keep all
is thy God, who hath done for the commandment which I com-
thee these great and fearful mand you this day, that ye may
things, which thy own eyes have be strong, and go in and take
seen. possession of the land, whither
22 With seventy persons did ye go over to possess it;
thy fathers go down into Egypt; 9 And in order that ye may
and now the Lord thy God hath live many days in the land, which
made thee like the stars of hea- the Lord hath sworn unto your
ven in multitude. ^fathers to give unto them and to
their seed, a land flowing with
CHAPTER XI. milk and honey.*
1 Thou shalt therefore love 10 For the land, whither
the Lord thy God, and keep his thou goest in to possess it, is not
charge, and his statutes, and his like the land of Egypt, from
ordinances, and his command- where ye came out, where thou
ments, all the days. sowest thy seed, and waterest it
2 And ye shall know this day, with thy foot, as a garden of
that (I speak) not with your chil- herbs
dren who have not known, and 11 But the land, whither ye
who have not seen the chastise- go over to possess it, is a land
ment of the Lord your God, his of mountains and valleys, from
greatness, his strong hand, and the rain of heaven doth it drink
his outstretched arm; water
3 And his signs, and his acts, 12 A land which the Lord thy
which he displayed in the midst God careth for; always are the
of Egypt, unto Pharaoh the king eyes of the Lord thy God upon
of Egypt, and unto all his land it, from the beginning of the

4 And what he did unto the year even unto the end of the
army of Egypt, unto its horses, year.
and to its chariots; over whom 13 And it shall come to pass,
he caused the water of the Red if ye will hearken diligently unto
Sea to flow, as they pursued after my commandments which I com-
you, and whom the Lord de- mand you this day, to love the
stroyed unto this day Lord your God, and to serve
5 And what he did unto you him with all your heart and with
in the wilderness, until ye came all your soul,
unto this place 14 That I will send rain for
6 And what he did unto Da- your land in its due season, the
than and Abiram, the sons of first rain and the latter rain, that
Eliab, the son of Reiiben how
thou mayest gather in thy corn,
the earth opened her mouth, and and thy wine, and thy oil.
Bwr.llowed them up, and their 15 And I will give grass in
households, and their tents, and thy field for thy cattle; and thou
all the living substance that fol- shalt eat and be satisfied.
lowed them, in the midst of all 16 Take heed to yourselves,
Israel that your heart be not deceived,
7 But it is your own eyes and ye turn aside, and serve
fc'hieh have seen all the great other gods, and worship them;
17 (For) th*en the Lord’s wrath the Lord your God lay upon all
will be kindled against you, and the land which ye may tread
he will shut up the heavens that upon, as he hath spoken unto
there be no rain, and the land you.
will not yield her products; and Haphtorah in Isaiah xlix. 14 to li. 3.

ye shall perish quickly from off

the good land which the Lord
giveth unto you.
Sec. 47. REAY, run
18 Therefore shall ye lay up 26 Behold, I lay before you
these my words in your heart this day a blessing and a curse:
and in your soul; and ye shall 27 The blessing, if ye will
bind them for a sign upon your hearken unto the commandments
hand, and they shall be as front- of the Lord your God, which I
lets between your eyes. command you this day;
19 And ye shall teach them to 28 And the curse, if ye will
your children, to speak of them not hearken unto the command-
when thou sittest in thy house, ments of the Lord your God,
and when thou walkest by the and ye turn aside out of the way
way, and when thou liest down, which I command you this day,
and when thou risest up. to go after other gods, which ye
20 And thou shalt write them know not.
upon the door-posts of thy house, 29 And it shall come to pass,
and upon thy gates. when the Lord thy God shall
21 In order that your days have brought thee in unto the
may be multiplied, and the days land whither thou goest to pos-
of your children, in the land sess it, that thou shalt put the
which the Lord swore unto your blessing upon mount Gerizzim,
fathers to give unto them, as the and the curse upon mount ’Ebal.
days of the heavens over the 30 Behold, they are on the
earth. other side of the Jordan, far
22 For if ye will diligently away in the direction of the
keep all this commandment which going down of the sun, in the
I command you, in order to do land of the Cana’anites, who
it, to love the Lord your God, dwell in the plain, opposite Gil-
to walk in all his ways, and to gal, near the grove of Moreh.
cleave unto him :
31 For ye are about to pass
23 Then will the Lord drive over the Jordan to go in to take
out all these nations from before possession of the land which the
you, and ye shall supplant na- Lord your God giveth you and ;

tions greater and mightier than ye will possess it, and dwell
yourselves. therein.
24 Every place whereon the 32 And ye shall then observe
sole of your foot may tread shall to do all the statutes and ordi-

be yours: from the wilderness nances which I set before you

and the Lebanon, from the river, this day.
the river Euphrates, even unto
the Western Sea shall be your
boundary. 1 These are the statutes and

25 There shall no man be able ordinances, which ye shall ob-

to stand up before you the dread serve to do, in the land which

of you and the fear of you will the Lord, the God of thy fa-
thers, give4h unto thee to pos- mies round about, so that ye may
sess it, all the days that ye live dwell in safety.*

upon the earth. 11 And then shall it be, that

2 Ye shall utterly destvoy all the place which the Lord your
the places whereon the nations God will choose to cause his
which ye are about to drive out name to dwell there, (even) —
served their gods, upon the high thither shall ye bring all that I
mountains, and upon the hills, command you: your burnt-of-
and under every green tree ferings, and your sacrifices, your
3 And ye shall overthrow their tithes, and the heave-offering of
n l tars, and break their statues, your hand, and all your choice
and their groves shall ye burn vows which ye may vow unto
with fire and the graven images the Lord;

of their gods shall ye hew down; 12 And ye shall rejoice before

and ye shall destroy their name the Lord your God, ye, and your
out of the same place. sons, and your daughters, and
4 Ye shall not do so unto the your men-servants, and your
Lord your God maid-servants, and the Levite
5 But unto the place which who is within your gates; be-
the Lord your God may choose cause he hath not any portion
out of all your tribes to put his nor inheritance with you.
name there, even unto his habi- 13 Take heed to thyself that
tation shall ye repair, and thither thou offer not thy burnt-offer-
shalt thou come ings in every place which thou
6 And ye shall bring thither mayest see
your burnt-otferings, and your 14 But in the place which the
sacrifices, and your tithes, and Lord will choose in one of thy
the heave-offering of your hand, tribes, there shalt thou offer thy
and your vows, and your free- burnt-offerings, and there shalt
will-offerings, and the first-born thou do all that I command thee.
of your herds and of your 15 Notwithstanding, accord-
flocks ing to all the longing of thy soul,
7 And ye shall eat there be- mayest thou kill and eat flesh,
fore the Lord your God, and ye according to the blessing of the
shall rejoice with all the acqui- Lord thy God which he hath
sition of your hand, ye and your given thee, in all thy gates: the
households, wherewith the Lord unclean and the cleau may eat
thy God may have blessed thee. thereof, as of the roebuck, and
8 Ye shall not do after all the as of the hart.
manner that we do here this day, 16 Only the blood shall ye not
every one whatsoever is right in eat: upon the earth shall ye pour
his own eyes. out as water.
9 For ye are not as yet come 17 Thou mayest not eat within
to the rest and to the inherit- thy gates the tithe of thy corn,
ance, which the Lord thy God or of thy wine, or of thy oil, nor
giveth thee. the first-born of thy herds or of
10 But ye will go over the thy flocks, nor any of thy vows
Jordan, and dwell in the land which thou mayest vow, nor thy
which the Lord your God caus- freewill offering, and the heave-
eth you to inherit, and he will offering of thy hand;

give you rest from all your ene- 18 But before the Lord thy

God must thou eat them in the 27 And thou shalt offer tlij
place which the Lord thy God burnt offerings, the flesh and the
may choose, thou, and thy son, blood, upon the altar of the Lord
and thy daughter, and thy man- thy (*od; and the blood of thy
servant, and thy maid-servant, sacrificesshall be poured out
and the Levite who is within thy upon the altar of the Lord thy
gates and thou shalt rejoice be-
God, and the flesh shalt thou
fore the Lord thy God with all eat.
the acquisition of thy hand. 28 Observe and hear all these
19 Take heed to thyself that words which I command thee;
thou forsake not the Levite as in order that it may go well with
Img as thou livest upon thy thee, and with thy children after
land. thee for ever, when thou wilt do
20 When the Lord thy God what is good and right in the
will enlarge thy border, as he eyes of the Lord thy God.*
hath spoken unto thee, and thou 29 ^ When the Lord thy Go&
dost say, I wish to eat flesh, be- will cut off the nations, whither
cause thy soul longeth to eat thou goest to drive them out from
flesh: then mayest thou, accord- before thee, and thou succeedest
ing to all the longing of thy soul, them, and dwellest in their land:
eat flesh. 30 Then take heed to thyself
21 If the place wh'ch the Lord that thou be not snared by fol-
thy God may choose to put his lowing them, after they have
name there be too far for thee: been destroyed from before thee;
then mayest thou kill of thy and that thou inquire not after
herds and of thy flocks, which their gods, saying, How did these
the Lord hath given thee, as I nations serve their gods? even
have commanded thee; and thou so will I do likewise.
shalt eat in thy gates according 31 Thou shalt not do so unto
to all the longing of thy soul. the Lord thy God; for every
22 But as the roebuck and the abomination to the Lord, which
hart are eaten, so shalt thou eat he hateth, have they done unto
the same: the unclean and the their gods; for even their sons
clean may eat thereof together. and their daughters have they
23 Only be firm so as not to burnt in the fire to their gods.
eat the blood; for the blood is
the life and thou shalt not eat
the life with the flesh. 1 What
thing soever I com-
24 Thou shalt not eat it: upon mand you, even that shall ye
the earth shalt thou pour it out observe to do thou shalt not add

like water. thereto, and thou shalt not dimi-

25 Thou shalt not eat it; in nish therefrom.
order that it may go well with 2 If there arise in the midst
thee, and with thy children after of thee a prophet, or a dreamer
thee, when thou wilt do what is of dreams, and he giveth thee a
right in the eyes of the Lord. sign or a token,
26 Nevertheless thy holy things 3 And. the sign or the token
which thou mayest have, and come to pass, whereof he spoke
thy * ows, shalt thou take, and unto thee, saying, Let us go after
go unto the place which the Lord other gods, which thou dost not
may choose: know, and let us serve them
4 Then shalt thou not hearken and the hand of all the people
unto the words of that prophet, afterward.
or unto that dreamer of dreams; 11 And thou shalt stone him
for the Lord your God proveth with stones, that he die; because
you, to know whether ye indeed he sought to mislead thee from
love the Lord your God with all the Lord thy God, who hath
your heart and with all your brought thee out of the land of
soul. Egypt, from the house of bond-
5 After the Lord your God men.
shall ye walk, and him shall ye 12 And hear it,
all Israel shall

fear, and his commandments and they shallbe afraid, and
shall ye keep, and his voice shall they shall not do any more such
ye obey, and him shall ye serve, a wicked deed as this is in the
and unto him shall ye cleave. midst of thee.
6 And that prophet, or that 13 ^ If thou shouldst hear
dreamer of dreams, shall be put concerning one of thy cities,
to death because he hath spo-
which the Lord thy God hath
ken revolt against the Lord your given thee to dwell there, say-
God, who hath brought you out ing,
of the land of Egypt, and who 14 There have gone forth men,
hath redeemed you out of the children of worthlessness, from
house of bond-men, to mislead the midst of thee, and have mis-
thee from the way which the led the inhabitants of their city,
Lord thy God commanded thee saying, Let us go and serve other
to walk therein; and thou shalt gods, which ye have not known :

put the evil away from the midst 15 Then shalt thou inquire,
of thee. and make search, and ask dili-
7 f If thy brother, the son of gently and, behold, if it be true,

thy mother, or thy son, or thy the thing is certain, such abomi-
daughter, or the wife of thy bo- nation hath been wrought in the
som, or thy friend, who is (dear midst of thee:
to thee) as thy own soul, should 16 Then shalt thou smite the
entice thee, in secret, saying, inhabitants of that city with the
Let us go and serve other gods, edge of the sword, devoting it
which thou dost not know, either utterly, and all that is therein,
thou, or thy fathers; and the cattle thereof, to the
8 Some of the gods of the na- edge of the sword.
tions which are round about you, 17 And all its spoil shalt thou
that are nigh unto thee, or that gather into the midst of the mar-
are far oft’ from thee, from one ket-place thereof, and thou shale
end of the earth even unto the burn with fire the city, and all
other end of the earth : its spoil entirely, unto the Lord
9 Then shalt thou not consent thy God; and it shall be a ruin-
unto him, nor shalt thou hearken ous heap for ever: it shall not
unto him; nor shall thy eye look be built again.
with pity on him, nor shalt thou 18 And there shall not cleave
spare, nor shalt thou conceal it to thy hand aught of the devoted
for him things; in order that the Lord
10 But thou shalt surely kill may turn from the fierceness of •

him; thy hand shall be the first his anger, and grant thee mercy,
Upon him to put him to death,!land have mercy upon thee, and
multiply thee, as he hath sworn that is in the waters All that :

unto thy fathers hath fins and scales may ye eat*

19 When thou wilt hearken to 10 And whatsoever hath not
the voice of the Lord thy God, fins and scales shall ye not eat;
to keep all his commandments it is unclean unto you.
which I command thee this day, 11 If Every clean bird may yo
to do what is right in the eyes eat.
of the Lord thy God.* 12 But these are they which
ye shall not eat of them The :

CHAPTER XIV. eagle, and the ossifr ige, and the

1 If Ye
are the children of tne osprey,
Lord your God ye shall not
J3 And the glede, and the
cut yourselves, nor make any kite, and the vulture after his
baldness between your eyes for kind,
the dead. 14 And every raven after his
2 For a holy people art thou kind,
unto the Lord thy God, and the 15 And the ostrich, and the
Lord hath made choice of thee night-hawk, and the cuckoo, and
to be unto himself a peculiar the hawk after his kind,
nation above all the nations If) The little owl, and the great

that are upon the face of the owl, and the swan,
earth. 17 And the pelican, and the
3 ^f
Thou shalt not eat any gier-eagle, and the cormorant,
abominable thing. 18 And the stork, and the
4 These are the beasts which heron after his kind, and the
ye may eat The ox, the sheep,
: lapwing, and the bat.
and the goat, 19 And every winged insect is
5 The hart, and the roebuck, unclean unto you it shall not

and the fallow-deer, and the cha- be eaten.

mois, and the gazelle, and the 20 All clean fowls may ye
wild ox, and the antelope. eat.
6 And every beast that hath 21 Ye shall not eat any thing
parted hoofs, and whose feet are that dieth of itself: unto the
cleft into two claws, and cheweth stranger that is in thy gates canst

the cud among the beasts that thou give it, that he may eat it;
alone may ye eat. or thou mayest sell it unto an
7 Nevertheless these shall ye alien for thou art a holy people

not eat of those that chew the unto the Lord thy God ; thou
cud, and of those that possess shalt not seethe a kid in its mo-
the divided cloven hoof: The ther’s milk.*
camel, and the hare, and the 22 ^f Thou shalt truly tithe all
coney ; for they chew the cud, the produce of thy seed, wtiich
but divide not the hoof; unclean the field bringeth forth year by
are they unto you year.
8 And the swine, because it 23 And thou shalt eat before
divideth the hoof, yet cheweth the Lord thy God, in the place
not the cud, it is unclean unto which he will choose to cause
you ; of their flesh shall ye not his name to dwell there, the tithe
•eat, and their dead carcass shall of thy corn, of thy wine, and of
ye not touch. thy oil, and the first-born of thy
9 This may ye eat of all herds and of thy flocks in order ;

that thou may 3 exact it of his neighbour, oi
learn to fear the not
Lord thy God all the days. of his brother; because the re-
24 And if the way be too long lease year in honour cf the Lord
for thee, so that thou art not hath been proclaimed.
able to carry it ;
because the Of a foreigner thou mavost
place is too far from thee, which hexact (payment); but that which
the Lord thy God will choose to is thine with thy brother shall
set his name there, because the thy hand release.
Lord thy God will bless thee: 4 Although indeed there should
25 Then shalt thou turn it into be no needy man among thee
money, and bind up the money for the Lord will greatly bless
in thy hand, and thou shalt go thee in the land which the Lord
unto the place which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inhe-
thy God will choose ritance to possess it
26 And thou shaft lay out that 5 Yet only if thou wilt care-
money for whatsoever thy soul fully hearken unto the voice of
longeth after, for oxen, or for the Lord thy God, to observe to
sheep, or for wine, or for strong do all this commandment which
drink, or for whatsoever thy soul I command thee this day.
asketh of thee; and thou shalt 6 For the Lord thy God bless-
eat it there before the Lord thy eth thee, as he hath spoken unto
God, and thou shaft rejoice, thou, thee ; and thou shalt lend unto
and thy household. many nations, but thou shaft not
27 And the Levite, who is borrow ; and thou shalt rule over
within thy gates, him shalt thou many nations, but over thee
not forsake; for he hath no por- shall they not rule.
tion nor inheritance with thee. 7 If there be among thee a
28 At the end of three years needy man any one of thy bre-
shalt thou bring forth all the thren within any of thy gates in
tithe of thy produce in the same thy land which the Lord thy
year, and thou shalt lay it down God giveth thee : thou shalt not
within thy gates harden thy heart, Dor shut thy
29 And then shall come the hand from ,thy needy brother.
Levite, because he hath no por- 8 But thou shaft open wide
tion nor inheritance with thee, thy hand unto him, and thou
with the stranger, and the father- shalt surely lend him sufficient
less, and the widow, that are for his need, which his want re-
within thy gates, and they shall quireth.
eat and be satisfied; in order 9 Beware that there be not
that the Lord thy God may bless a wicked thought in thy heart,
thee in all the work of thy hand saying, The seventh year, the
which thou doest.* year of release, is at hand ; and
thy eye be thus evil against
CHAPTER XV. thy needy brother, so that thou
1 ^ At the end of (every) wouldst give him nought; and
seven years shalt thou make a if he cry concerning thee unto
release. the Lord, it will be sin in thee :

2 And this is the manner of 10 Thou shalt surely give him,

the release: Every creditor shall and thy heart shall not be grieve'd
release the loan which he hath when thou givest unto him; for
lent unto his neighbour; he shall because of this thing the Lord
24 277
thy God will bless thee in all thy that come of thy herds and ot
work, and in all the acquisition thy flocks shalt thou sanctify
of thy hand. unto the Lord thy God: thou
1 1 For the needy will not cease shalt do no work with the first-
out of the land,* therefore do I born of thy bullock, and not
command thee, saying, Thou shear the first-born of thy sheep.
shalt open wide thy hand unto 20 Before the Lord thy God
thy brother, to thy poor, and to shalt thou eat it year by year, in
thy needy, in thy land. the place which the Lord will
12 If thy brother, the He- choose, thou with thy household.
brew, or a Hebrew woman, be 21 And if there be any ble-
sold unto thee, he shall serve mish thereon, if it be lame, or
thee six years and in the seventh
blind, or have any (other) ill ble-
year shalt thou let him go free mish, thou shalt not sacrifice it
from thee. unto the Lord thy God.
13 And when thou lettest him 22 Within thy gates shalt thou
go out free from thee, thou shalt eat it, the unclean and the clean
not let him go away empty : together, as the roebuck, and as
14 Thou shalt furnish him the hart.
liberally out of thy flocks, and 23 Only the blood thereof
out of thy threshing-floor, and shalt thou not eat: upon the
out of thy wine-press ; where- ground shalt thou pour it out as
with the Lord thy God hath water.
blessed thee, that shalt thou give
unto him. CHAPTER XVI.
15 And thou shalt remember 1 If Observethe month of
that thou hast been a bond-man Abib, and prepare the passover-
in the land of Egypt, and that sacrifice unto the Lord thy God;
the Lord thy God hath redeemed for in the month of Abib did the
thee ; therefore do I command Lord thy God bring thee forth
thee this thing to-day. out of Egypt by night.
16 And it shall be, if he say 2 And thou shalt sacrifice the
unto thee, I will nqt go away passover-offering unto the Lord
from thee because he loveth
thy God of sheep and oxen, in
thee and thy house, because he the place which the Lord will
is well with thee: choose to let his name dwell
17 Then shalt thou take an there.
awl, and thrust it through his 3 Thou shalt noteat therewith
ear unto the door, and he shall any leavened bread: seven days
be unto thee a servant for ever shalt thou eat therewith unlea-
and also unto thy maid-servant vened bread, the bread of afflic-
shalt thou do likewise. tion; for in haste didst thou go
18 It shall not seem hard un- forth out of the land of Egypt;
to thee, when thou sendest him in order that thou mayest re-
away free from thee, that for member the day of thy going
double the wages of a hired la- forth out of the land of Egyj t
bourer hath he served thee six all the days of thy life.
years ;
and the Lord thy God 4 And there shall not be seen
will bless thee in all that thou with thee any leaven in all thy
doest.* borders seven days neither shall

19 If All the first-born males there any of the flesh, which thou
sacrificedst in the evening, on 13 The feast of tabernacles
the day, remain all night shalt thou hold for thyself seven
until the morning. days, when thou hast gathered
5 Thou mayest not slay the in the produce of thy threshing-
passover within any of thy gates, floor and of thy wine-press:
which the Lord thy God giveth 14 And thou shalt rejoice on
thee ;
thy feast, thou, and thy son, and
6 But at the place which the thy daughter, and thy man-ser-
Lord thy God will choose to let vant, and thy maid-servant, and
his name dwell in, there shalt the Levite, and the stranger, and
thou slay the passover at even- the fatherless, and the widow,
ing, at the going down of the that are within thy gates.
sun, at the season that thou earn- 15 Seven days shalt thou keep
est forth out of Egypt. a solemn feast unto the Lord
7 And thou shalt roast and thy God in the place which the
eat it in the place which the Lord will choose because the;

Lord thy God will choose ; and Lord thy God will bless thee in
thou shalt turn in the morning, all thy product, and in all the
and go unto thy tents. work of thy hands, and thou
8 Six days shalt thou eat un- shalt only rejoice.
leavened bread and on the se-
16 Three times in the year
venth day shall be a solemn shall every one of thy males ap-
assembly to the Lord thy God pear before the Lord thy God in
thou shalt do no work. the place which he will choose
9 Seven weeks shalt thou on the feast of unleavened bread,
number unto thyself from the
: and on the feast of weeks, and
time thou beginnest to put the on the feast of tabernacles ; and
sickle to the corn, shalt thou be- no one shall appear before the
gin to number seven weeks. Lord empty;
10 And thou shalt keep the 17 Every man according to
feast of weeks unto the Lord thy what his hand can give, accord-
God with a tribute of a freewill- ing to the blessing of the Lord
offering of thy hand, which thou thy God which he hath given
shalt give: according as the thee.
Lord thy God shall have blessed Haphtorah in Isaiah liv. 11 tolv. 5.

11 And thou shalt rejoice be-
fore the Lord thy God, thou,
and thy son, and thy daughter, O'ODtP.
and thy man-servant, and thy 18 Judges and officers shalt
maid-servant, and the Levite thou appoint unto thyself in all
thy gates, which the Lord thy
that is within thy gates, and the
God giveth thee, throughout thy
stranger, and the fatherless, and
the widow, that are in the midsttribes and they shall judge the

of thee, in the place which the people with a just judgment.

Lord thy God will choose to let 19 Thou shalt not wrest judg-
his name dwell there. ment; thou shalt not respect per-
12 And thou shalt remember sons, and thou shalt not take a
that thou hast been a bond-man bribe for the bribe blindeth the

in Egypt; and thou shalt ob- eyes of the wise, and pervertetb
serve and do these statutes.'* the words of the righteous.

20 Justice, only justice shalt put to death upon the evidence
thou pursue ; in order that thou of one witness.
mayest live, and retain posses- 7 The hand of the witnesses
sion of the land which the Lord shall be first upon him to put him
thy God giveth thee. to death, and the hand of all the
21 Thou shalt not plant un- people at the last and thou shalt

to thyself a grove, any tree, near put the evil away from the midst
the altar of the Lord thy God, of thee.
which thou shalt make unto thy- 8 If a matter be unknown
self. to thee for decision, between
22 Neither shalt thou set thee blood and blood, between plea
up any statue, which the Lord and plea, and between bodily in-
thy God hateth. jury and injury, (or) matters of
controversy within thy gates
CHAPTER XVII. then shalt thou arise, and get
1 Tiiou shalt not sacrifice thee up unto the place which the
unto the Lord thy God any bul- Lord thy God will choose;
lock, or lamb, whereon there 9 And thou shalt come unto
is a blemish, any thing evil; for the priests, the Levites, and unto
it is an abomination unto the the judge that may be in those
Lord thy God. days, and thou shalt inquire, and
2 If there be found in the they shall inform thee of the
midst of thee, within any one of sentence of the case
thy gates, which the Lord thy 10 And thou shalt do accord-
God giveth thee, a man or a ing to the sentence, which they
woman, that doth the wicked- may tell thee from that place
ness in the eyes of the Lord which the Lord will choose, and
thy God, to transgress his cove- thou shalt observe to do accord-
nant, ing to all that they may instruct
3 And he hath gone and served thee
other gods, and worshipped them, 11 In accordance with the in-
either the sun, or the moon, or struction which they may in-
any of the host of heaven, which struct thee, and according to the
I have prohibited; decision which they may say
4 And it be told thee, and thou unto thee, shalt thou do thou

hearest of it: then shalt thou shalt not depart from the sen-
inquire diligently and, behold, tence which they may tell thee,

if it be true, the thing is certain, to the right, or to the left.

such abomination hath been 12 And the man that will act
wrought in Israel: presumptuously, so as not to
5 Then shalt thou bring forth hearken unto the priest that
that man or that woman, who standeth to minister there before
have committed this wicked the Lord thy God, or unto the
thing, unto thy gates, the man judge, even that man shall die;
or the woman, and thou shalt and thou shalt put away the
stone them with stones till they evil from Israel.
die. 13 And all the people shall
6 Upon the evidence of two hear, and be afraid, and not act
witnesses, or of three witnesses, presumptously any more.*
shall he that is worthy of death 14 f When thou art come un-
be put to death he shall not be to the land which the Lord thy

God giveth and thou hast and all the tribe of Levi, shall
taken possession of it, and dwell have no portion nor inheritance
est therein, and thou sayest, I with Israel the fire-offerings of

wish to set a king over me, like the Lord, and his inheritance
all the nations that are round shall they consume.
about me 2 But any inheritance shall
15 Then mayest thou indeed he not have among his brethren:
pet a king over thee, the one the Lord is his inheritance, as
whom the Lord thy God will he hath spoken unto him.
choose (but) from the midst of
3 And this shall be the
thy brethren shalt thou set a priests’ due from the people,
king over thee ; thou mayest from them that slay an animal,
not set over thee a stranger, whether it be ox or lamb then :

who is not thy brother. shall each one give unto the
16 Only he shall not acquire priest the shoulder, and the two
for himself many horses, so that cheeks, and the maw.
he may not cause the people to 4 The first-fruit of thy corn,
return to Egypt, in order to ac- of thy wine, and of thy oil, and
quire many whereas the
horses,* the first shearing of thy sheep,
Lord hath unto you, Ye
said shalt thou give him.
shall henceforth not return on 5 For him the Lord thy God
that way any more. hath chosen out of all thy tribes,
17 Neither shall he take to to stand to minister in the name
himself many wives, that his of the Lord, he and his sons all
heart may not turn away nor ;
the days.*
shall he acquire for himself too 6 And if the Levite come
much silver and gold. from any one of thy gates out
18 And it shall be, when he of all Israel, where he sojourn -
sitteth upon the throne of his eth, and come with all the long-
kingdom, that he shall write for ing of his soul unto the place
himself a copy of this law in a which the Lord will choose
book out of (that which is) be- 7 Then can he minister in the
fore the priests, the Levites name of the Lord his God, like
19 And it shall be with him, all his brethren the Levites, who
and he shall read therein all the stand there before the Lord.
days of his life in order that
: They shall have like por-
he may learn to fear the Lord tions to eat, besides that which
his God, to keep all the words cometh of the sale of his patri-
of this law and these statutes, mony.
to do them. 9 When thou comest into
20 So that his heart be not the land which the Lord thy
God giveth thee, thou shal f not
lifted up above his brethren, and
eo that he turn not aside from learn to do after the abom. na-
the commandment, to the right, tions of those nations.
or to the left in order that he
: 10 There shall not be found
may live many days in his king- among thee any one who causeth
dom, he, and his children, in his son or his daughter to pass
the midst of Israel.* through the fire, one who useth
divination, one who is an ob-
CHAPTER XVIII. server of times, or an enchanter;
1 f The priests, the Levites, or a conjurer,
24* m2 281
11 Or a charmer, or a con- gods — even that prophet shall
iulter with familiar spirits, or a die.
wizard, or who inquireth of the 21 And if thou shouldst say
dead. in How shall we know
thy heart,
12 For an abomination unto the word which the Lord hath
the Lord are all that do these not spoken ?
things and on account of these
22 That which .he prophet
abominations the Lord thy God speaketh in the name of the
doth drive them out from before Lord, and the thing do not
thee. happen and come not to pass
13 Perfect shalt thou be with this is the word which the Lord
the Loro thy God.* hath not spoken; in presump-
14 For these nations, which tion hath the prophet spoken it
thou art about to dispossess, thou shalt not be afraid of him.
hearken unto observers of times,
and unto diviners but as for
thee, the Lord thy God hath 1 When
the Lord thy God
not assigned the like unto thee. shall have cut off the nations,
15 A prophet from the midst whose land the Lord thy God
of thee, of thy brethren, like giveth thee, and thou hast driven
unto me, will the Lord thy God them out, and dwellest in their
raise up unto thee ; unto him cities, and in their houses :

shall ye hearken 2 Then shalt thou set apart

16 According to all that thou three cities for thyself, in the
didst desire of the Lord thy midst of thy land, which the
God at Iloreb on the day of the Lord thy God giveth thee to
assembly, saying, I wish no possess it.
more to hear the voice of the 3 Thou shalt put in order for
Lord my God, and this great thyself the (way to them), and
fire I wish not to see again, that divide into three parts the ter-
I die not. ritory of thy land, which the
17 And the Lord said unto Lord thy God will give thee
me, They have done well in to inherit, and it shall serve,
what they have spoken. that every man-slayer may flee
18 A prophet will I raise up thither.
unto them from among their 4 And this is the case of the
brethren, like unto thee and I man-slayer, who shall flee thi-

willput my words in his mouth ther, that he may live: Whoso


and he shall speak unto them all smiteth his neighbour without
that I may command him. knowledge, when he hath not
19 And it shall come to pass, been an enemy to him in time
that if there be a man who will past
not hearken unto my words 5 And he that goeth into the
which he shall speak in my forest with his neighbour to hew
name, I myself will require it wood, and his hand fetcheth a
of him. stroke with the axe to cut down
20 But the prophet, who may the tree, and the iron slippeth
presume to speak a word in my from the helve, and strikcth his
name, which I have not com- neighbour, that he die this one :

manded him to speak, or who shall flee unto one of these citieu,
may speak in the name of other and live
6 That the avenger of the shalt inherit, in the -land that
olood pursue not the man-slayer, the Lord thy God giveth the*
while his heart is hot, and over- to possess it.
take him, because the way is long, 15 There shall not rise up
and smite him dead whereas he one single witness against a man

deserveth not a judgment of for any iniquity, or for any sin,

death, inasmuch as he was not in any sin that he sinneth upon :

an enemy to him in time past. the evidence of two witnesses,

7 Therefore do I command or upon the evidence of three
tnoe, saying, Three cities shall witnesses, must a case be esta-
thou set apart for thyself. blished.
8 And if the Lord thy God 16 If a witness of violence
enlarge thy boundary, as he rise up against any man to tes-
hath sworn unto thy fathers, tify against him for any wrong :

and give thee all the land which 17 Then shall both the men.
he hath spoken to give unto thy who have the controversy, stand
fathers before the Lord, before the
9 Because thou dost keep all priests and the judges, who shall
this commandment to do it, ,be in those days.
which I command thee this day, 18 And the judges shall in-
to love the Lord thy God, and quire diligently and, behold,

to walk in his ways all the days if the witness be a false witness,

then shalt thou add for thyself he hath testified a falsehood

three cities more, unto these against his brother
three 19 Then shall ye do unto him,
10 That innocent blood be not as he had purposed to do unto his
shed in the midst of thy land, brother; and thou shalt put away
which the Lord thy God giveth the evil from the midst of thee.
thee for an inheritance, and 20 And those who remain
blood-guiltiness be brought up- shall hear, and be afraid, and
on thee. shall henceforth commit no more
11 But if any man be an any such evil thing in the midst
enemy to his neighbour, and he of thee.
lie in wait for him, and rise up 21 And thy eye shall have no
against him, and smite him mor- pity but life (shall go) for life,

tally so that he die, and he flee eye for eye, tooth for tooth,
unto one of these cities : hand for hand, foot for foot.
12 Then shall the elders of his
city send and fetch him thence, CHAPTER XX.
and they shall deliver him into 1 When thou goest out to
the hand of the avenger of the battle against thy enemies, and
blood, that he may die. thou seest horse, and chariot,
13 Thy eye shall not look people more in number than
with pity on him but thou shalt thou
: be not afraid of them

put away the (shedding of) in- for the Lord thy God is with
nocent blood from Israel, that it thee, who brought thee up out
may go well with thee.* of the land of Egypt.
14 Thou shalt not remove 2 And it shall be, when ye
the landmark of thy neighbour, come nigh unto the battle, that
which they of old time have set, the priest shall approach and
in thy inheritance which thou speak unto the people
3 And he shall say unto them, open (its gates) unto thee then

Hear, 0 Israel, ye come nigh .shall it be, that all the people
this day unto the battle against that are found therein shall b«
your enemies let not your heart tributaries unto thee, and they

be faint, fear not, and be not shall serve thee.

downcast, and do not tremble 12 But if it will not make
because of them peace with thee, and wageth
4 For the Lord your God it war against thee: then shalt
is who goeth with you, to fight thou besiege it;
for you against your enemies, to 13 And when the Lord thy
hell* you. God hath delivered it into thy
5 And the officers shall speak hands, thou shalt smite every
unto the people, saying, What male thereof with the edge of
man is there who hath built a the sword
new house, and hath not dedi- 14 But the women, and the
cated it ? let him go and return little ones, and the cattle, and
unto his house, lest he die in the all that may be in the city, all
battle, and another man dedi- the spoil thereof, shalt thou take
cate it. as booty unto thyself and thou

6 And what man is there who shalt enjoy the spoil of thy
hath planted a vineyard, and enemies, which the Lord thy
hath not redeemed it? let him God hath given thee.
go and return unto his house, 15 Thus shalt thou do unto
lest he die in the battle, and an- all the cities which are very far
other man redeem it. off from thee, which are not of
7 And what man is there that the cities of these nations.
hath betrothed a wife, and hath 16 But of the cities of these
not taken her ? let him go and people, which the Lord thy God
return unto his house, lest he doth give thee for an inherit-
die in the battle, and another ance, shalt thou not let live a
man take her. single soul.
8 And the officers shall speak 17 But thou shalt utterly de-
yet farther unto the people, and vote them namely, the Hittites,

they shall say, What man is and the Emorites, the Cana’an-
there that is fearful and faint- ites, and the Perizzites, and the
hearted ? let him go and return Hivites, and the Jebusites; as
unto his house, that the heart the Lord thy God hath com-
of his brethren become not as manded thee
faint as his heart. 18 In order that they may not
9 And it shall be, when the teach you to do in accordance
officers have made an end of with all their abominations,
speaking unto the people, that which they have done unto
the}' shall appoint captains of their gods and ye would thus

the armies at the head of the sin against the Lord your God.
people.* 19 ^ When thou besiegest a
10 When thou comest nigh city a long time, to make war
unto a city to make war against against it to capture it, thou
it, then summon it with words shalt not destroy the trees there-

of peace. of by forcing an axe against

1 1 And it shall be, if it make them ; for of them thou mayest

thee an answer ol peace, and eat, and thou shalt not cut them
Aown, (for man liveth of the shed this blood, and our eyes
trees of the field,) to employ have not seen it.
them in thy siege 8 Grant pardon unto thy peo-
20 Only those trees of which ple Israel, whom thou hast re-
thou knowest that they are not deemed, 0 Lord, and lay not
fruit-trees, thou mayest. destroy innocent blood in the midst of
and cut down and (thus) thou ; thy people Israel and the blood

eamt build bulwarks against shall be forgiven unto them.

the city that wageth war with 9 And thou shalt put away
thee, until it be subdued. (the guilt of) the innocent blood
from the midst of thee, when
CHAPTER XXI. thou wilt do what is right in the
1 If there be found a slain eyes of the Lord.
person in the land which the Haphtorah in Isaiah li. 12 to lii. 12.
Lord thy God givr eth thee to
possess it, lying in the field,
Sec. 49. KI THETZAY,
(and) it be not known who hath
slain him :
Msn 'r.

2 Then
shall thy elders and 10 thou goest forth When
thy judges go forth, and they to war against thy enemies, and
shall measure unto the cities the Lord thy God delivereth
which are round about the one them into thy hands, and thou
that is slain. takest captives of them
3 And be, that the
it shall 11 And thou seest among the
city which the nearest unto captives a woman of handsome
the slain person, even the elders form, and hast a desire unto
of that city shall take a heifer, her, that thou wouldst take her
which hath not been wrought to thee for wife
with, which hath not drawn in 12 Then shalt thou bring her
a yoke home to thy house and she ;

4 And the elders of that city shall shave her head, and let
shall bring down the heifer unto grow her nails
a rough valley, which is neither 13 And she shall put off the
tilled nor sown, and they shall raiment of her captivity from
break there the neck of the her, and she shall remain in thy
heifer in the valley house, and weep for her father

• 5 And the priests the sons of and her mother a full month
Levi shall come near for them and after that thou mayest go

the Lord thy God hath chosen in unto her, and be her hus-
to minister unto him, and to band, that she may become thy
bless in the name of the Lord; wife.
and after their decision shall be 14 And it shall be, if thru
done (at) every controversy and have no delight in her, then
every injury shalt thou let her go whither she
6 And all the elders of that will; but thou shalt nowise sell
city who are nearest unto the her for money: thou shalt not
slain person shall wash their make a servant of her, because
hands over the heifer, the neck thou hast humbled her.
of which is broken in the valley.* 15 If a man have two wives,
7 And they shall commence one beloved, and the other hated,
and say, Cur hands have not and they bear him children, botb
the beloved and the hated; land, which the Lord thy God
that the first-born son be hers giveth thee for an inheritance.
that is hated:
16 Then shall it be, when he CHAPTER XXII.
divideth as inheritance among 1 Thou shalt not see thy
his sons what he hath, that he brother’s ox or his lamb go
shall not institute the son of the astray, and withdraw thyself
beloved as the first-born before from them : thou shalt surely
the son of the hated, the first bring them back again unto thy
born brother.
17 But the first-born, the son 2 But if thy brother be not
of the hated woman, shall he ac nigh unto thee, or thou know
knowledge, to give him a double him not: then shalt thou take it
portion of all that is found in unto thy own house, and it shall
his possession; for he is the be- remain with thee until thy bro-
ginning of his strength ; to him ther inquire after it, and then
belongeth the right of the first shalt thou restore it to him.
birth. 3 In like manner shalt thou
18 If a man have a stubborn do with his ass; and in like man-
and rebellious son, who liearken- ner shalt thou do with his rai-
eth not to the voice of his father, ment; and in like manner shalt
or the voice of his mother, and thou do with every lost thing of
they chastise him, and he will thy brother’s, which may have
not hearken unto them : been lost to him, and which thou
19 Then shall his father and hast found: thou art not at li-
his mother lay hold on him, and berty to withdraw thyself.
bring him out unto the elders of 4 Thou shalt not see thy
his city, and unto the gate of brother’s ass or his ox fallen
his place; down by the way, and withdraw
20 And they shall say unto thyself from them: thou shalt
the elders of his city, This our iurely help him to lift them up
son is stubborn and rebellious, again.
he will not hearken to our voice; 5 A woman shall not have
he is a glutton, and a drunkard. upon her the apparel of a man,
21 And all the men of his city and a man shall not put on a
shall stone him with stones, that woman’s garment; for an abomi-
he die; and thou shaltput away nation unto the Lord thy God
the evil from the midst of thee; arc all who do this.
and all Israel shall hear, and be 6 If a bird’s nest chance t«
afraid.* be before thee in the way, on
22 And if a man have com- any tree, or on the ground, with
mitted a sin for which there is a young ones, or with eggs, and
punishment of death, and he be the mother be sitting upon tho
to be put to death, and thou hang young, or upon the eggs: thou
him on a tree: shalt not take the mother with
23 Then shall his body not the young
remain all night on the tree, 7 But thou shalt surely let the
but thou shalt surely bury him mother go, and the young thou
on that day; (for he that is muyest take to thyself; in order
hanged is a dishonour of God;) that it may be well with thee, and
and thou shalt not defile thy that thou may est live many day s.*
8 When thou buildest a new and give them unto the father of
house, thou shalt make a battle- the damsel because he hath

ment for thy roof; that thou spread abroad an evil name upon
bring not blood upon thy house, a virgin of Israel: and she shall
if any one were to fall from there. remain his wife; he shall not be
9 Thou shalt not sow thy at liberty to put her away all his
vineyard with divers seeds that
the ripe fruit of thy seed which 20 But if this thing was true,
thou hast sown, and the fruit of there have not been found tokens
the vineyard, be not defiled. of virginity in the damsel
10 Thou shalt not plough 21 Then shall they lead out
with an ox and an ass together. the damsel to the door of her
11 Thou shalt not wear a gar- father’s house, and the men of
ment of divers sorts, of woollen her city shall stone her with
and linen together. stones that she die; because she
12 *[Thou shalt make thyself hath wrought a disgraceful deed
fringes upon the four corners of in Israel, to commit incest in her
thy vesture, wherewith thou father’s house; and thou shalt
coverest thyself. put away the evil from the midst
13 If any man take a wife, of thee.
and go in unto her, and hate her, 22 If a man be found lying
14 And he lay an accusation with a woman married to a hus-
against her, and spread abroad band then shall both of them

an evil name upon her, and say, die, the man that lieth with the
This woman I took (for wife), woman, and the w oman and ;

and when I came near to her, I thou shalt put away the evil from
found no tokens of virginity in Israel.
her 23 ^ If a damsel that is a vir-
15 Then shall the father of the gin be betrothed unto a man,
damsel, and her mother, take and a man find her in the city,
and bring forth the tokens of and lie with her:
the damsel's virginity unto the 24 Then shall ye lead them
elders of the city, to the gate. both out unto the gate of that,
16 And the father of the dam- city, and ye shall stone them
sel shall say unto the elders, My with stones that they die ; the
daughter I gave unto this man damsel, because she cried not
for wife; but he hath conceived (for aid) in the city; and the
hatred toward her; man, because he hath done vio-
17 And, lo, he hath laid an lence to his neighbour’s wife,
accusation (against her), saying, and thou shalt put away the evil
I have found no tokens of vir- from the midst of thee.
ginity ir thy daughter; and 25 % But if in the field the
yet these are the tokens of my man should find the betrothed
daughter’s virginity: and they damsel, and the man take hold
shall spread the cloth before the of her by force, and lie with her:
elders of the city. then shall the man that lay with
18 And the elders of that city her die alone;
shall take that man and chastise 26 But unto the damsel shalt
him; thou not do any thing; there is
19 And they shall amerce him in the damsel no sin worthy of
in a hundred shekels of silver, death ; for as when a man riseth
against his neighbour, arid strik- thee the curse into a blessing,
cth him dead, even so is this because the Lord thy God loved
matter thee.
27 For in the field did he find 7 Thou shalt not seek their
her; had the betrothed damsel peace and their welfare all thy
even cried, there would have days, for ever.*
been nine to aid her. 8 Thou shalt not abhor an
28 If a man find a damsel Edomite;
for he is thy brother :

that is a virgin, who is not be- thou shalt not abhor an Egyp-
trothed, and lay fast hold on her, tian because thou wast a stran-

and lie with her, and they be ger in his land.

found : 9 The children that are born
29 Then shall the man who unto them in the third genera-
lieth with her give unto the fa- tion, may enter of them into the
ther of the damsel fifty shekels congregation of the Lord.
of silver; and she shall become 10 When thou goest forth
his wife, because he hath done into camp against thy enemies,
violence to her, he shall not be then keep thyself from every
at liberty to put her away all his evil thing.
days. 11 If there be among thee any
man, that is not clean by reason
CHAPTER XXIII. of an occurrence by night: then
1 A man shall not take his shall he go abroad to without
father’s wife, and he shall not the camp, he shall not come
uncover his father’s skirt. within the camp
2 He that is wounded in the 12 But it shall be, that toward
testicles, orhath his privy mem- evening he shall bathe himself
ber cut, shall not enter into the in water; and when the sun
congregation of the Lord. goeth down, he may come into
3 One born from prohibited the midst of the camp.
connections shall not enter into 13 And a place shalt thou
the congregation of the Lord; have without the camp, whither
even the tenth generation of him thou shalt go forth abroad:
shall not enter into the congre- 14 And a spade shalt thou
gation of the Lord. have with thy weapons; and it
4 An ’Ammonite and a shall be, when thou sittest abroad,
Moabite shall not enter into the that thou shalt dig therewith, and
congregation of the Lord; even shalt afterward cover that which
the tenth generation of them cometh from thee;
shall not enter into the congre- 15 For the Lord thy God
gation of the Lord, for ever; walketh in the midst of thy
5 For the reason, that they camp, to deliver thee and to
met you not with bread and with give up thy enemies before thee
water on the way, when ye came therefore shall thy camp be holy;
forth out of Egypt; and because that he see no unseemly thing ia
he hired against thee Bil’am the thee, and turn away from thee.
son of Be’or of Pethor in Meso- 16 Thou shalt not deliver
potamia, to curse thee unto his master the servant whs
6 But the Lord thy God would may escape unto thee from hii
not hearken unto Bil’am; and master
the Lord thy God changed unto| 17 With thee shall he dwell,
in the midst of thee, in the place shalt thou not move over thj
which he may choose in any one neighbour’s standing corn.
of thy gates, where it seemeth
best to him: thou shalfc not op- CHAPTER XXIV.
press him. 1 When
a man hath taken
18 There tliall not be a pros-a wife, and married her, and it
titute of the daughters of Israel, come to pass, that, if she find no
and there shall not be a sodom favour in his eyes, because he
ite of the sons of Israel. hath found some scandalous
19 Thou shalt not bring the thing in her, he may write her
hire of a harlot, or the price of a bill of divorcement, and give
a dog, into the house of the Lord it in her hand, and send her
thy God for any vow ; for both away out of his house;
of these are equally an abomina- 2 And she shall depart out of
tion unto the Lord thy God. his house; and if she go and be-
20 Thou shalt not take in- come another man’s wife;
terest from thy brother, interest 3 And the latter husband hate
of money, interest of victuals, her, and write her a bill of di-
interest of an} thing that is lent vorcement, and give it in her

upon interest: hand, and seud her away out of

21 From an alien thou mayest his house; or if the latter hus-
take interest; but from thy bro- band, who took her as his wife,
ther thou shalt not take interest; should die
in order that the Lord thy God 4 Then shall her former hus-
may bless thee in all the acqui- band, who had sent her away,
sition of thy hand, in the land not be at liberty to take her
whither thou goest to possess again to be his wife, after she
it. hath been defiled; for it is abo-
22 When thou makest a vow mination before the Lord; and
unto the Lord thy God, thou thou shalt not bring sin upon the
shalt not delay to pay it; for the land, which the Lord thy God
Lord thy God will surely require' giveth thee for an inheritance.*
it of thee; and it would be sin 5 When a man hath taken
in thee. a new wife, he shall not go out
23 But if thou forbear to vow, to war, neither shall he be
it shall be no sin in thee. charged with any public busi-
24 What is gone out of thy ness: he shall be free for his
lips shalt thou keep and perforin, house one year, and shall cheer
as thou hast vowed unto the Lord up his wife whom he hath taken.
thy God voluntarily, as thou hast 6 No man shall take to pledge
spoken with thy mouth.* the nether or the upper mill-
25 When thou comest into stone; for he taketh a man’s life
thy neighbour’s vineyard, thou to pledge.
mayest eat grapes at thy own 7 If a man be found stealing
pleasure, till thou have enough; any one of his brethren of the
but into thy vessel sh^lt thou children of Israel, and he treat-
not put any. eth him as a slave, and selleth
26 When thou comest into him: then shall that thief die;
the standing corn of thy neigh- and thou shalt put the evil away
bour, thou mayest pluck ears from the midst of thee.
with thy hand; but a sickle 8 Take heed in the plague
'25 N 289
of leprosy, to observe diligently, 18 But thou shalt remember
and to do according to all that that thou wast a bond-man in
the priests, the Levites, may in- Egypt, and that the Lord thy
struct you ; as I have command- God redeemed thee thence there- ;

ed them, so shall ye observe to do. fore do I command thee to do

9 Remember what the Lord this thing.
thy God did unto Miriam on the 19 When thou cuttest down
journey, at your coming forth thy harvest in thy field, andfor-
out of Egypt. gettest a sheaf in the field, thou
10 When thou dost lend thy shalt not go back to fetch it; for
brother any thing as a loan, thou the stranger, for the fatherless,
shalt not go into his house to and for the widow shall it be; in
take his pledge. order that the Lord thy God
11 In the street shalt thou may bless thee in all the work
stand, and the man to whom of thy hands.
thou dost lend shall bring out 20 ^f When thou beatest thy
unto thee the pledge into the olive-tree, thou shalt not go over
street. the boughs again for the stran- ;

12 And if he be a poor man, ger, for the fatherless, and for

thou shalt not lie down with his the widow shall it be.
pledge 21 When thou gatherest the
13 Thou shalt punctually de- grapes of thy vineyard, thou
liver him the pledge again when shalt not glean the small fruit
the sun goeth down, that he may afterward ; for the stranger, for
lie under his own cover, and the fatherless, and for the widow
bless thee; and unto thee shall shall it be.
it be as righteousness before the 22 And thou shalt remember
Lord thy God.* that thou wast a bond-man in
14 Thou shalt not withhold the land of Egypt; therefore do
the wages of a hired man, of the I command thee to do this thing.
poor and needy, (whether he be)
of thy brethren, or of thy stran- CHAPTER
gers that are in thy land within 1 ^f If there be a controversy
thy gates: between men, and they come
15 On the same day shalt thou nigh unto a court of justice, and
give him his wages, that the sun they judge them and they jus- ;

may not go down upon it for he tify the righteous, and condemn

is poor, and his soul longeth for the wicked:

it; so that he may not cry 2 Then shall it be, if the
against thee unto the Lord, and guilty man deserve to be beaten,
it be sin in thee. that the judge shall cause him
16 ^ Fathers shall not be put to lie down, and to be beaten
to death for the children, neither before his face, according to the
shall children be put to death for degree of his fault, by a (certain)
the fathers : for his own sin shall number.
every man be put to death. 3 Fotfy stripes may he give
17 If Thou shalt not pervert him, not more; so that he shall
the cause of the stranger, or of not exceed to have him beaten
the fatherless; and thou shalt above these, with too many
not take in pledge the raiment stripes, and thy brother be thua
of a widow rendered vile before thy eyes.
4 Thou shalt not muzzle the hand, thy eye shall not have
ox when he thresheth out the pity.
corn. 13 ^ Thou shalt not have in
5 bag divers weights, a great
If brothers dwell together, thy
and one of them die, and have and a small.
no child: then shall the wife of 14 Thou shalt not have in thy
the dead not be married abroad, house divers measures, a great
unto a stranger; her husband’s and a small.
brother shall go in unto her, and 15 A
perfect and just weight
take her to himself for wife, and shalt thou have, a perfect and
perform the duty of a husband’s just measure shalt thou have; in
brother unto her. order that thy days may be pro-
6 And it shall be, that the longed in the land which the
first-born whom she may bear Lord thy God giveth thee;
shall succeed in the name of his 1 6 For an abomination of the
brother who is dead; so that his Lord thy God is every one that
name be not blotted out of Is- doth such things, every one that
rael. that acteth unrighteously.*
7 And if the man have no de 17 Remember what ’Amalek
sire to take his sister-in-law did unto thee, by the way, at
then shall his sister-in-law go up your coming forth out of Egypt;
to the gate unto the elders, and 18 How he met thee by the
say, Myhusband’s brother re way, and smote the hindmost of
fuseth to raise up unto his bro thee, all that were feeble behind
ther a name in Israel, he will thee, when thou was faint and
not perform on me the duty of a wr eary ; and he feared not God.
husband’s brother. 19 And it shall come to pass,
8 Then shall the elders of his when the Lord thy God giveth
city call him, and speak unto thee rest from all thy enemies
him ; and if he persist, and round about, in the land which
say, I have no desire to take the Lord thy God giveth thee
her for an inheritance to possess it,
9 Then shall his sister-in-law that thou shalt blot out the
come nigh unto him in the pre- remembrance of ’Amalek from
sence of the elders, and pull his under the heavens : thou shalt
shoe from off his foot, and spit not forget.
out before him, and shall com- Haphtorah in Isaiah liv. 1 to 10.
mence and say, Thus shall be
done unto that man that will not
build up his brother’s house. Sec. 50. KI THAHBO,
10 And his name shall be
ton o.
called in Israel, the house of -the
barefooted. CHAPTER XXVI.
11 When men strive together 1 And it shall come to pass,
one with the other, and the wife when thou art come in unto the
of the one draweth near to de- land which the Lord thy God
liver her husband out of the giveth thee for an inheritance,
hand of him that smiteth him, and thou hast taken possession
and putteth forth her hand, and of it, and dwellest therein :

taketh him by the secrets: 2 That thou shalt take of the

12 Then shalt thou cut off her first of all the fruit of the soil,
which thou shalt bring in from 1 I
1 11 And thou shalt rejoice with
thy land which the Lord thy r
every good thing which the Lord
God giveth thee, and shalt put : thy God hath given unto thee,
it in a basket and thou shalt go
> and unto thy house, thou, with
unto the place which the Lord the Levite, and the stranger that
thy God will choose to let his i is in the midst of thee.*
name dwell there. 12 When thou hast made an
3 And thou shalt come unto •
end of giving away all the tithe
the priest that may be in those : of thy produce in the third year,
days, and thou shalt say unto the year of the tithing, and hast
him J give thanks this day unto given it unto the Levite, to the
the Lord thy God, that I am stranger, to the fatherless, and
come into the land which the to the widow, and they have
Lord swore unto our fathers to eaten it within thy gates, and
give to us. are satisfied
4 And the priest shall take 13 Then shalt thou say before
the basket out of thy hand, and the Lord thy God, I have re-
set it down before the altar of moved away the hallowed things
the Lord thy God. out of the house, and I have also
5 And thou shalt commence given them unto the Levite, and
and say before the Lord thy unto the stranger, to the father-
God, A Syrian, wandering about, less, and to the widow, accord-
was my father, and he went down ing to all thy commandment
into Egypt, and sojourned there which thou hast commanded me
with a family few in number, and I have not deviated from thy
he became there a nation, great, commandments, and I have not
mighty, and numerous. forgotten ;

6 And the Egyptians treated 14 I have not eaten thereof

us ill, and afflicted us, and laid in my mourning, neither have I
upon us hard labour ;
removed away aught thereof in
7 And then we cried unto the an unclean state, nor have I
Eternal, the God of our fathers given aught thereof for the dead
and the Lord heard our voice, I have hearkened to the voice
and looked on our affliction, and of the Lord my God, I have
our trouble, and our oppression ;
done all, just as thou hast com-

8 And the Lord brought us manded me.

forth out of Egypt with a mighty 15 Look down from the habi-
hand, and with an outstretched tation of thy holiness, from the

arm, and with great terror, and heavens, and bless thy people

with signs, and with wonders Israel, and the soil which thou
9 And he brought us unto this hast given unto us, as thou hast

place, and gave unto us this sworn unto our fathers, a land

land, a land flowing with milk flowing with milk and honey.'*

and honey. 16 *f This day the Lord thy

10 And now, behold, I have God commandeth thee to do

brought the first of the fruits of these statutes and ordinances;


the soil, which thou hast given and thou shalt keep and do them

me, 0 Lord and thou shalt set

with all thy heart, and with all

it down before the Lord thy thy soul.


God, and prostrate thyself before 17 Thou hast this day acknow-
the Lord thy Go 1; ledged the Lord, that he is thy

God, and that thou wilt walk in 6 Of whole stones shalt thou
his ways, and keep his statutes, build the altar of the Lord thy
and his commandments, and his God; and thou shalt offer there-
ordinances, and hearken unto upon burnt-offerings unto the
his voice; Lord thy God;
18 And the Lord hath acknow 7 And thou shalt slay peace*
ledged thee this day, that thou offerings, and eat (them) there;
art unto him a peculiar people, and thou shalt rejoice before the
as he hath spoken unto thee, and Lord thy God.
that thou shouldst keep all his 8 And thou shalt write upon
commandments ;
the stones all the words of this
19 So that he maj set thee law, very plainly.

highest above all nations that he 9 And Moses with the priests,
hath made, in praise, and in the Levites, spoke unto all Is-
name, and in honour and that rael, saying, Be attentive, and

thou mayest be a holy people hearken, 0 Israel! this day art

unto the Lord thy God, as he thou become a people unto the
hath spoken.* Lord thy God.
10 Thou shalt therefore heark-
CHAPTER XXVII. en to the voice of the Lord thy
1 And Moses with the elders God, and do his commandments
of Israel commanded the people, and his statutes, which I com-
saying, Keep the whole com- mand thee this day.*
mandment which I command you 11 And Moses commanded
this day. the people on the same day,
2 And it day saying,
shall be on the
when ye pass over the Jordan 12 These shall stand upon
unto the land which the Lord mount Gerizzim to bless the peo-
thy God giveth thee, that thou ple, when ye are come over the set up for thyself great Jordan Simeon, and Levi, and

stones, and cover them with Judah, and Issachar, and Joseph,
plaster and Benjamin.
3 And thou shalt write upon 13 And these shall stand for
them all the words of this law, the sake of the curse upon mount
so soon as thou art passed over ’Ebal Reiiben, Gad, and Asher,

in order that thou mayest go in and Zebulun, Dan, and Naph-

unto the land which the Lord thy tali.
God giveth thee, a land flowing 14 And the Levites shall com-
with milk and honey as the mence, and say unto all the men

Lord, the God of thy fathers, of Israel with a loud voice,

hath spoken unto thee. 15 Cursed be the man who
4 And it shall be so soon as maketh a graven or molten
ye are gone over the Jordan, that image, the abomination of the
ye shall set up these stones, Lord, the work of the hands of
which I command you this day, the craftsman, and putteth it in
on mount 'Ebal; and thou shaft a secret place; and all the peo-
cover them with plaster. ple shall answer, and say, Amen.
5 And thou shalt build there 16 Cursed be he that hold-
an altar unto the Lord thy God, eth in light esteem his father or
an altar of stones: thou shalt not his mother; and all the people

lift up any iron tool upon them. shall say, Amen.


*7 Cursed be he that re- 2 And all these blessings shat*
tt-vj vc th the landmark of his come upon thee, and overtake
iwIg!;.bour ; and all the people thee; because thou wilt hearken
shall t>uy, Amen. unto the voice of the Lord thy
18 Cursed be he that caus- God.
eth the blind to wander out of 3 Blessed shalt thou be in the
the way ; and all the people shall city, and blessed shalt thou be
say, Amen. in the field.
19 Cursed be he that per- 4 Blessed shall be the fruit of
verteth the cause of the stran- thy body, and the fruit of thy
ger, of the fatherless, and of the ground, and the fruit of thy cat-
widow ; and all the people shall tle, the increase of thy catlle,
say, Amen. and the young of thy flocks.
20 Cursed bo he that lieth 5 Blessed shall be thy basket
with his father’s wife; because and thy kneading-trough.
he uncoveretb his father’s skirt; 6 Blessed shalt thou be at thy
and all the people shall say, coming in, and blessed shalt thou
Amen. be at thy going out.'*
21 Cursed be he that lieth 7 The Lord will cause thy
with any manner of beast; and enemies that rise up against thee
all the people shall say, Amen. to be smitten before thy face on :

22 Cursed be he that lieth one way shall they come out

with his sister, the daughter of against thee, and on seven ways
his father, or the daughter of his shall they flee before thee.
mother; and all the people shall 8 The Lord will command
say, Amen. upon thee the blessing in thy
23 Cursed be he that lieth storehouses, and in all the acqui-
with his mother-in-law; and all sitions of thy hand and he will

the people shall say, Amen. bless thee in the land which the
24 Cursed be he that smit- Lord God
thy giveth thee.
eth his neighbour secretly and ;
9 The Lord will raise thee up
all the people shall say, Amen. unto himself as a holy people, as
25 Cursed be he that taketh he hath sworn unto thee ; if thou
a bribe to slay a person, an in- wilt keep the commandments of
nocent blood; and all the people the Lord thy God, and walk in
shall say, Amen. his ways.
26 Cursed be he that exe- 10 And all the nations of the
cuteth not the words of this law earth shall see, that thou art
to do them ; and all the people called by the name of the Lord;
shall say, Amen, and they shall be afraid of tbee.
11 And the Lord will make
thee pre-eminent for good, in the
1 And it shallcome to pass,
fruit of thy body, and in the
if thou wilt hearken diligently fruit of thy cattle, and in the
unto the voice of the Lord thy fruit of thy ground, in the land
God, to observe* to do all his which the Lord swore unto thy
commandments which I com- fathers to give unto thee.
mand thee this day, that the 12 The Lord will open unto
Lord thy God will set thee thee his good treasure, the hea-
highest above all nations of the ven, to give the rain of thy land
earth in its season, and to bless all tho
work of thy hand and thou
shalt 22 The Lord will smite thc6
lend unto many nations, but with consumption, and with
thou shalt not borrow. fever, and with inflammation,
13 And the Lord will consti- and with extreme burning, and
tute thee the head, and not the with drought, and with blasting,
; and thou shalt only be up- and with mildew and they shall

permost, and thou shalt not be pursue thee until thou be lost.
beneath if thou wilt hearken
23 And thy heavens that are
unto the commandments of the over thy head shall be copper,
Lord thy God, which I command and the earth that is under thee
thee this day to observe and to shall be iron.
do 24 The Lord will give as the
14 And thou wilt not go aside rain of thj land powder and dust:
from all the words which I com- from heaven shall it come down
mand thee this day, to the right, upon thee, until thou be de-
or to the left, to go after strange stroyed.
gods, to serve them. 25 The Lord will cause thee
15 \\ But it shall come to pass, to be smitten before thy enemies
if thou wilt not hearken unto the on one way shalt thou go out
voice of the Lord thy God, to against them, and on seven ways
observe to do all his command- shalt thou flee before them ; and
ments and his statutes which I thou shalt become a horror unto
command thee this day that all all the kingdoms of the earth.

these curses shall come upon 26 And thy carcass shall be-
thee, and overtake thee. come food unto all the fowls of
16 Cursed shalt thou be in the the heavens, and unto the beasts
city, and cursed shalt thou be in of the earth, but with no one to
the field. scare them away.
17 Cursed shall be thy basket 27 The Lord will smite thee
and thy kneading-trough. with the inflammatory disease
18 Cursed shall be the fruit of Egypt, and with the hemor-
of thy body, and the fruit of thy rhoids, and with the scab, and
land, the increase of thy cattle, with the itch, whereof thou shalt
and the young of the flocks. not be able to be healed.
19 Cursed shalt thou be at thy 28 The Lord will smite thee
coming in, and cursed shalt thou with madness, and with blind-
be at thy going out. ness, and with confusion of
20 The Lord will send out heart
against thee misfortune, confu- 29 And thou shalt grope about
sion, and failure, in all the occu- at noonday, as the blind gropeth
pation of thy hand which thou about in the darkness, and thou
mayest engage in; until thou be shalt not prosper in thy ways
destroyed, and until thou perish and thou shalt be only oppressed
quickly; because of the wicked- and robbed all the days, but
ness of thy doings, that thou with no one to help.
hast forsaken me. 30 A wife wilt thou betroth,
21 The Lord will cause the and another man shall lie with
pestilence to cleave unto thee, her; a house wilt thou build,
until it have consumed thee from and thou shalt not dwell there-
off the land, whither thou goest, in ;
a vineyard wilt thou plant,
to possess it. and. thou shalt not redeem it.
31 Thy ox shall be slain be- thyself for thy olive shall cast

fore thy eyes, and thou shalt the fruit.

not eat thereof; thy ass shall 41 Sons and daughters wilt
be violently taken away from thou beget; but they shall not
before thy face, and shall not be remain thine ; for they shall go
brought back to thee; thy sheep into captivity.
shall be given unto thy enemies, 42 All thy trees and the fruit
without any one to help thee. of thy land shall the cricket
32 Thy sons and thy daugh- strip bare.
ters shall be given unto another 43 The stranger that is in the
people, and thy eyes shall look midst of thee shall get up above
on, and fail with longing for thee higher and higher; but
them all the day long but with-
thou shalt come down lower and
out any power in thy hand. lower
33 The fruit of thy soil, and all 44 He shall lend to thee, and
thy exertion, shall a nation which thou shalt not lend to him he :

thou knowest not eat up and ;

shall become the head, and thou
thou shalt only be oppressed and shalt become the tail.
crushed all the days. 45 And there shall come upon
34 And thou shalt become thee all these curses, and they
mad from the sight of thy eyes, shall pursue thee, and overtake
which thou wilt see. thee, till thou be destroyed be-;

35 The Lord will smite thee cause thou didst not hearken
with a sore inflammation upon unto the voice of the Lord thy
the knees, and upon the legs, of God, to keep his commandments
which thou shalt not be able and his statutes which he hath
to be healed, from the sole of commanded thee
thy foot unto the top of thy 46 And they shall remain on
head. thee for a sign and for a token,
36 The Lord will drive thee, and on thy seed, for ever.
and thy king whom thou wilt 47 For the reason that thou
set over thee, unto a nation didst not serve the Lord thy
which neither thou nor thy God with joyfulness, and with
fathers have known ;
and thou gladness of heart, while there
wilt serve there strange gods, was an abundance of all things :

of wood and stone. 48 Therefore shalt thou serve

37 And thou shalt become an thy enemies whom the Lord will
astonishment, a proverb, and a send out against thee, in hunger,
by -word, among all the nations and in thirst, and in nakedness,
whither the Lord will lead thee. and in want of every thing; and
38 Much seed wilt thou carry they will put a yoke of iron upon
out into the field, yet but little thy neck, until they have de-
shalt thou gather in for the stroyed thee.

locust shall consume it. 49 The Lord will bring up

39 Vineyards wilt thou plant against thee a nation from afar,
and dress but wine shalt thou from the end of the earth, as the

not drink nor lay up for the eagle rusheth down

a nation ;

worms shall eat them. whose tongue thou wilt not un-
40 Olive-trees wilt thou have derstand ;

throughout all thy borders but 50 A nation of a fierce coun-


with the oil shalt thou not anoint tenance, that will not have re-
gpect for the old, nor show favor which she hath born; for shfc
to the young ; shall eat them for want of every
51 And it will eat the fruit of thing secretly, in the siege and
thy cattle, and the fruit of thy in the straitness, wherewith thy
soil, until thou be destroyed ;
so enemy will distress thee in thy
that it will not leave unto thee gates.
corn, wine, or oil, the increase 58 If thou wilt not observe to
of thy cattle, or the young of do all the words of this law
thy flocks, until it have ruined which are written in this book
thee. to fear this glorious and fearful
52 And it will besiege thee in Name, the Lord thy God •

all thy gates, until thy high and 59 Then will the Lord render
strong walls come down, wherein peculiar thy plagues, and the
thou trustest, throughout all thy plagues of thy seed, plagues
land and it will besiege thee in
great, and of long continuance,
all thy gates throughout all thy and sicknesses sore, and of long
land, which the Lord thy God continuance.
hath given thee. 60 And he will bring back
63 And thou shalt eat the fruit upon thee all the diseases of
of thy own body, the flesh of thy Egypt, of which thou wast
sons and of thy daughters, whom afraid and they shall cleave

the Lord thy God hath given unto thee.

thee, in the siege, and in the 61 Also every sickness, and
straitness, wherewith thy enemy every plague which is not writ-
will distress thee. ten in the book of this law, will
54 The man that is the most the Lord bring upon thee, until
tender among thee, and who is thou be destroyed.

very delicate, his eye shall look 62 And ye shall be left but
enviously toward his brother, and few in number, instead of that
toward the wife of his bosom, and ye once were as the stars of hea-
toward the remnant of his chil- ven for multitude because thou

dren whom he may spare ; didst not hearken unto the voice
55 So as not to give to any of of the Lord thy God.
them of the flesh of his children 63 And it shall come to pass,
which he may eat because there that, as the Lord rejoiced over

is nothing left unto him, in the you to do you good, and to mul-
siege, and in the straitness, tiply you, so will the Lord re-
wherewith thy enemy will dis- joice over you to bring you to
tress thee in all thy gates. nought, and to destroy you and :

56 The woman, the most ten- ye shall be plucked from off the
der among thee, and the most land whither thou goest to pos-
delicate, who hath never adven- sess it.
tured to set the sole of her foot 64 And the Lord will scatter
upon the ground for delicateness thee among all the nations, from

and tenderness, her eye shall one end of the earth even unto
look enviously toward the hus- the other end of the earth and ;

band of her bosom, and toward there wilt thou serve strange
her son, and toward her daughter, gods, which neither thou nor thy
57 And toward her young one fathers have known, even wood
that is come from between her and stone.
feet, and toward her children 65 And among these nations
shalt thou find no ease, and there see, and ears to hear, until this
shall not be any rest for the sole day.
of thy foot: and the Lord will 4 And
I have led you forty
give thee there a trembling years in the wilderness; your
heart, and a failing of eyes, and clothes did not fall worn out
a faintness of soul. from off you, and thy shoe did
66 And tin life shall hang in not fall worn out lrom off thy
doubt before thee ; and thou foot.
shalt be in dread day and night, 5 Bread have ye not eaten,
and thou shalt have no confi- and wine or strong drink have
dence of thy life; ye not drunk ; in order that ye
67 In the morning thou wilt might understand that I am the
say, Who would but grant that Lord your God.*
it were only evening! and at 6 And when ye came unto
evening thou wilt say, Who this place, Sichon the king of
would but grant that it were Cheshbon, and ’Og the king of
only morning from the dread Baslian, went out against iis un-

of thy heart which thou wilt to battle, and we smote them :

experience, and from the sight 7 And we took their land, and
of thy eyes which thou wilt gave it for an inheritance unto
see. the Reiibenites, and to the Gad-
68 And the Lord will bring ites, and to the half tribe of the
thee back to Egypt in ships, by Menassites.
the way whereof I have spoken 8 Keep ye therefore the words
unto thee, Thou shalt no more of this covenant, and do them,
see it again : and there will ye that ye may prosper in all that
offer yourselves for sale unto ye do.
your enemies for bond-men and Haphtorah in Isaiah lx. 1 to 22.
bond-women, without any one
to buy you.
These are the words of
Sec. 51. NITZABIM, o'a sj.
the covenant, which the Lord 9 Ye are standing this day,
commanded Moses to make with all of you, before the Lord your
the children of Israel in the land God your heads of your tribes,

of Moab, besides the covenant your elders, and your officers,

which he had made with them all the men of Israel,
in Horeb.* 10 Your little ones, your wives,
and thy stranger that is in tho
CHAPTER XXIX. midst of thy camp, from the
1 Axd Moses called unto all hewer of thy wood unto the
Israel, and said unto them, Ye drawer of thy water :

yourselves have seen all that the 11 That thou shouldst enter
Lord hath done before your eyes into the covenant of the Lord
in the land of Egypt unto Pha- thy God, and into his oath of
raoh, and unto all his servants, denunciation, which the Lord
and unto all his land thy God maketh with thee this
2 The great proofs which thy day.*
eyes have seen, those great signs, 12 In order to raise thee up
and miracles : to-day unto himself for a people,
3 Yet the Lord gave you not and that he may^be unto thee a
a heart to perceive, and eyes to God, as he hath spoken unto
thee, and as he hath sworn un- nant which is written in this
to thy fathers, to Abraham, to book of the law.
Isaac, and to Jacob. 21 And the latest generation,
13 And not with you alone your children that will rise up
do I make this covenant and after you, and the stranger that
this oath will come from a far land, will
14 But with him that is stand- say, when they see the plagues
ing here with us this day before of that land, and its sufferings
the Lord our God, and with him with which the Lord hath smit-
that is not here with us this ten it;
doy.* 22 (That) the whole soil there-
5 (For ye know how we dwelt of is brimstone, and salt, and a
in the land of Egypt; and how burning waste, which is no.t sown,
we passed through the nations and beareth not, and in which
through which ye have passed no kind of grass springeth up,
16 And ye saw their abomi- like the overthrow of Sodom,
nations, and their idols, of wood and Gomorrah, Admah, and Ze-
and stone, silver and gold, which boyim, which the Lord over-
they had with them :) threw in his anger, and in his
17 So that there may not be wrath :

among you a man, or a woman, 23 Even all the nations will

or a family, or a tribe, whose say, Wherefore hath the Lord
heart turneth away this day done thus unto this land? whence
from the Lord our God, to go the heat of this great anger?
to serve the gods of these na- 24 Then shall men say, Be-
tions; that there may not be cause they had forsaken the
among you a root that beareth covenant of the Lord, the God
abundantly poison and worm- of their fathers, which he made
wood. with them when he brought
18 And might come to pass,
it them forth out of the land of
when he heareth the words of Egypt;
this denunciation, that he would 25 And they went and served
bless himself in his heart, saying, other gods, and bowed down to
There will be peace unto me, them, gods which they knew
though I walk in the stubborn- not, and which he had not as-
ness of my
heart ; in order that signed unto them
the indulgence of the passions 26 And the anger of the Lord
may appease the thirst (for was kindled against this land,
them) to bring upon it the entire curse
19 The Lord will not pardon that is written in this book
him but then the anger of the
; 27 And the Lord plucked
Lord and his jealousy will smoke them out of their land in anger,
against that man, and there shall and in wrath, and in great in-
rest upon him all the curse that dignation, and he cast them in-
is written in this book and the to another land, as it is this day.

Lord will blot out his name 28 The secret things belong
from under the heavens. unto the Lord our God; but
20 And the Lord will single those things which are publicly
him out unto evil out of all the known belong unto us and to
tribes of Israel, according to all our children for ever, to do all
ihe denunciations of the cove- the words of this law.*
CHAPTER XXX. of thy body, and in the fruit of
1 Anl» it shall come to pass, thy cal tie, and in the fruit of
when all these things are come thy land, for good for the Lord

upon thee, the blessing and the will again rejoice over thee for
curse, which I have set before good, as he rejoiced over thy
thee, and thou reflectest on themfathers ;

in thy heart among all the na- 10 If thou wilt hearken unto
tions, whither the Lord thy God the voice of the Lord thy God,
hath driven thee, to keep his commandment^ and
2 So that thou returnest unto his statutes which are written
the Lord thy God, and hearken- in this book of the law if thou

est unto his voice according to wilt return unto the Lord thy
all that I command this day, God with all thy heart, and
thou and thy children, with all with all thy soul.*
thy heart, and with all thy soul 11 For this commandment
3 That then the Lord thy which I command thee this day,
God will restore thy captivity, is not hidden from thee, nor is
and Lave mercy upon thee and;
it far off.
he will again gather thee from 12 Itis not in heaven that

all the nations, whither the Lord thou shouldst say, Who will go
thy God hath scattered thee. up for us to heaven, and fetch
4 If thy outcasts be at the it down unto us, and cause us to
outmost parts of heaven, from hear it, that we may do it ?
there will the Lord thy God 13 Neither is it beyond the
gather thee, and from there will sea; that thou shouldst say,
he fetch thee Who will go over the sea for
5 And the Lord thy God will us, and fetch it unto us, and
bring thee into the land which cause us to hear it, that we may
thy fathers possessed, and thou do it?
shalt possess it and he will do
14 But the word is very nigh
thee good, and multiply thee unto thee, in thy mouth, and in
above thy fathers. thy heart, that thou mayest
6 And the Lord thy God will do it.*
circumcise thy heart, and the 15 f See, I have set before
heart of thy seed, to love the thee this day life and the good,
Lord thy God with all thy death and the evil
heart, and with all thy soul, in 16 In that I command thee
order that thou mayest live.* this day to love the Lord thy
7 And the Lord thy God will God, to walk in his ways, and to
put all these denunciations upon keep his commandments and his
thy enemies, and on those that statutes and his ordinances that

hate thee, who have persecuted thou mayest live and multiply;
thee. and that the Lord thy God may
8 And thou wilt return and bless thee in the land whitier
hearken unto the voice of the thou goest to possess it.
Lord, and thou wilt do all his 17 But if thy heart turn away,
commandments which I com- so that thou wilt not hearken,
mand thee this day. and thou sufferest thyself to be
9 And the Lord thy God will drawn away, and thou bowed
make thee pre-eminent in every down to other gods, and servest
work of thy hand, in the fruit them:*
18 1 announce unto you this! 1 ) them according unto the whole

day, that ye shall surely perish of the commandment which 1

ye shall not remain many days have commanded you.
upon the land, whither thou pass- 6 Be strong and of good cou-

est over the Jordan to go thither rage, be not afraid and be not
to possess it. dismayed on accoutit of them
19 I call heaven and earth as for the Lord thy God it is that
witnesses against you this day, goeth with thee he will not let

that I have set before you life thee fail, nor forsake thee.*
and death, the blessing and the 7 And Moses called unto
curse therefore choose thou life, Joshua’, and said unto him before

in order that thou mayest live, the eyes of all Israel, Be strong
both thou and thy seed and of a good courage; for thou
20 To love the Lord thy God, must go with this people unto
to hearken to his voice, and to the land which the Lord hath
cleave unto him; for he is thy sworn unto their fathers, to give
life, and the length of thy days; unto them ;
and thou shalt divide
that thou mayest dwell in the it for them as a possession.
land which the Lord swore un- 8 And the Lord it is that
to thy fathers, to Abraham, to goeth before thee ; he will be
Isaac, and to Jacob, to give unto with thee, he will not let thee
them. fail, nor will he forsake thee fear

Haphtorah in Isaiah lxi. 10 to lxiii. 9. not, nor be thou discouraged.

9 And Moses wrote down this
law, and delivered it unto the
Sec. 52. YAYELECH, priests the sons of Levi, who
bore the ark of the covenant of
CHAPTER XXXI. the Lord, and unto all the elders
1 And Moses went and spoke of Israel.*
these words unto all Israel. 10 And Moses commanded
2 And he said unto them, I them, saying, At the end of
am a hundred and twenty years (every) seven years, at the fixed
old this day; I am not able any time of the year of release, on
more to go out and come in ; for the feast of tabernacles,
the Lord hath said unto me, 11 When all Israel come to
Thou shalt not go over this Jor- appear before the Lord thy God
dan. in the place which he will choose,
3 The Lord thy God it is who shalt thou read this law in the
goeth over before thee he will
presence of all Israel in their
destroy these nations from be- hearing.
fore thee, and thou shalt dispos- 12 Assemble the people to-
sess them Joshua’ it is who goeth
: gether, the men, and the women,
over before thee, as the Lord and the children, and thy stran-
hath spoken.* ger that is within thy gates in :

4 And the Lord will do unto order that they may hear, and in
them as he hath done to Sichon order that they may learn how
and to ’Og, the kings of the they are to fear the Lord your
Emorites, and unto their land, God, and to observe to do all the
whom he hath destroyed. words of this law;
5 And the Lord will give them 13 And that their children,
up before you ; and ye shall do un- who have not yet any knowledge,
26 301
may hear, and learn to fear the witness against the children oi
Lord your God, all the days Israel.**
which ye li ve in the land whither 20 For when I shall have
ye go over the Jordan to pos- brought them into the land which
sess it.* I have sworn unto their fathers,
14 ^ And the Lord said unto that floweth with milk and ho-
Moses, Behold, thy days ap- ney; and they shall have eaten
proach that thou must die call and filled themselves, and grown

Joshua’, and place yourselves in fat : then will they turn unto
the tabernacle of the congrega- other gods and serve them, and
tion, that I may give him a provoke me, and break my cove-
charge and Moses and Joshua’ nant.

went and placed themselves in 21 And it shall come to pass,

the tabernacle of the congrega- when many evils and troubles
tion. have befallen them, that this
15 And the Lord appeared in song shall testify against them
the tabernacle in a pillar of as a witness for it shall not be

cloud; and the pillar of cloud forgotten out of the mouth of

stood at the door of the taber- their seed; for I know their in-
nacle. clination which they have shown,
16 And the Lord said unto even this day, before I have
Moses, Behold, thou shalt sleep brought them into the land which
with thy fathers and then will I have sworn.

this people rise up and go astray 22 And Moses wrote down this
after the gods of the strangers song on the same day, and taught
of the land, whither they go to it the children of Israel.
be in the midst of them, and 23 And he gave a charge unto
they will forsake me, and break Joshua’ the son of Nun, and said,
my covenant which I have made Be strong and of a good courage;
with them. for thou shalt bring the children
17 And my anger shall be of Israel into the land which I
kindled against them on that have sworn unto them; and I
day, and I will forsake them, will be with thee.
and I will hide my face from 24 And it came to pass, when
them, and they shall be given to Moses had made an end of
be devoured, and many evils and writing the words of this law
troubles shall overtake them in a book, until they were fin-
and they will say on that day, ished,*
Is it not, because my God is not 25 That Moses commanded
in the midst of me, that these the Levites, the bearers of the
evils have overtaken me ? ark of the covenant of the Lord,
18 But I will assuredly hide saying,
my face on that day on account 26 Take this book of the law,
of all the evils which they have and put it at the side of the ark
wrought, because they have turn- of the covenant of the Lord your
ed unto other gods. God, that it may remain there
19 Now therefore write ye for against thee for a witness.
yourselves this song, and teach 27 For I know thy rebellion,
it the children of Israel, put it and thy stiff neck behold, while

in their mouth ; in order that I am yet alive with you this day,
this song may become for me a have ye been rebellious against
the Lord, and how much more 6 Will ye thus requite the
after my death ?* Lord, 0 people, worthless and
28 Assemble unto me all the unwise? is he not thy father who
elders of your tribes, and your hath bought thee? is it not he
officers; and I will speak in their who hath made thee, and esta-
ears these words, and I will call blished thee ?*
as witnesses against them the 7 Remember the days of old,
heavens and the earth. consider the years of former ge-
29 For I know that after my nerations ask thy father, and

death ye will to a surety become he will tell thee; thy elders, and
corrupt, and turn aside from the they will say unto thee
way which I have commanded 8 When the Most High divided
you ; and that the evil will befall to the nations their inheritance,
you in the latter days, when ye when he separated the sons of
do the evil in the eyes of the man he set the bounds of the

Lord, to incense him through tribes according to the number

the work of your hands. of the sons of Israel.
30 And Moses spoke in the 9 For the portion of the Lord
ears of all the congregation of is his people; Jacob is the lot of
Israel the words of this song, his inheritance.
until they were ended. 10 He found him in a desert
Haphtorah for the Portuguese, if after land, and in the waste of the
Rosh Hashanah, in Hosea xiv. 2 to 10, howling of the wilderness he ;
and Micah vii. 18 to 20 otherwise that

of Nitznbim. The Germans read, in encircled him, he watched him,

the first ease, in Hosea xiv. 2 to 10, he guarded him as the apple of
and Joel ii. 15 to 27 in the second, in
his eye.
Isaiah lv. 6 to lvi. 8.
11 As an eagle stirreth up his
nest, fluttereth over his young,
Sec. 53. HAAZEENU, trwn. spreadeth abroad his wings, seiz-
eth them, beareth them aloft on
CHAPTER XXXII. his pinions
1 Give ear, 0 ye heavens, 12 So did the Lord alone lead
and and let the
I will speak; him, and there was not with him
earth hear the words of my a stranger god.'*
mouth. 13 He caused him to stride on
2 My doctrine shall drop as the high places of the earth, and
the rain, my speech shall distil he ate the products of the fields;
as the dew, as heavy rains upon and he made him
to suck honey
the grass, and as showers upon out of the rock, and oil out of
herbs. the flinty stone
3 When I call on the name of 14 Cream of cows, and milk
the Lord, ascribe ye greatness of sheep, with fat of lambs, and
unto our God. rams of the breed of Bashan,
4 He is the Rock, his work is and goats, with the fat of the
perfect; for all his ways are just:kidneys of wheat; and of the
the God of truth and without blood of the grape thou drankest
iniquity, just and upright is he. unmixed wine.
5 The corruption is not his, it 15 Thus did Yeshurun grow
is the defect of his children, of fat, and he kicked (thou art ;

the perverse and crooked gene- grown fat, thick, fleshy

;) and
ration. then he forsook the God wh*
made him, and lightly esteemed and the virgin, the suckling with
the Rock of his salvation. the man of gray hairs.
16 They incensed him with 26 I said, I would drive them
strange gods, with abomina- into one corner, I would cause
tions they provoked him to their remembrance to cease from
anger. among men
17 They sacrificed unto evil 27 Were it not that I feared

spirits, things that are not god, the wrath of the enemy, lest their
gods that they knew not, new oppressors should mistake the
ones lately come up, which your truth, lest they should say, Our
fathers dreaded not. hand is high, and the Lord hath
18 Of the Rock that begat not wrought all this.
thee thou wast unmindful, and 28 For a nation void of coun-
forgottest the God that had sel are they,and there is no un-
brought thee forth.* derstanding in them.*
19 And the Lord saw this, 29 If they were but wise, they
and he was angry because of
would understand this, they
the provoking of his sons and of would consider their latter end !

his daughters. 30 How should one chase a

20 And he said, I will hide thousand, and two put ten thou-
my face from them, I will see sand to flight, unless their Rock
what their end will be for a per-
had sold them, and the Lord
verse generation are they, chil- had delivered them up ?
dren in whom there is no faith. 31 For not as our Rock is
21 They have moved me to their rock, even our enemies
wrath with things that are not themselves being judges.
god; they have provoked me to 32 For from the vine of So-
anger with their vanities; and I dom is their vine, and from the
too will move them to jealousy fields of Gomorrah; their grapes
with those which are not a peo- are grapes of gall, they bear
ple I will provoke them to an-
bitter clusters.
ger with a worthless nation. 33 The poison of serpents is
22 For a fire is kindled in my their wine, and the deadly venom
anger, and it burneth unto the of asps.
lowest deep and it consumetb
34 Behold this! is laid up in
the earth with her products, and store withme, it is sealed up
it setteth on fire the foundations among my treasures
of the mountains. 35 Mine are vengeance and
23 I will heap upon them recompense, at the time that
miseries; all my arrows will I their foot shall slip for nigh

spend upon them. draweth the day of their cala-

24 They shall be wasted with mity, and the future speedeth
hunger, and devoured with burn- along for them.
ing heat, and with bitter deadly 36 For the Lord will espouse
disease also the tooth of beasts
the cause of his people, and be-
will loose against them,
I let think himself concerning hi®
with the poison of serpents that servants: when he seeth that
crawl in the dust. their power is gone, and the
25 Without shall the sword guarded and fortified are no
destroy, and terror within the more.
chambers, both the young man 37 Then will he say, Where
are their gods, the rock in whom land, whither ye go over the Jor-
they trusted, dan to possess it.*
38 They that ate the fat of 48 And the Lord spoke un-
heir sacrifices, and drank the to Moses on that self-same day,
wine of their drink-offerings? saying,
let them arise and help you, 49 Get thee up into this moun-
let them be a protection over tain of ’Abarirn, unto mount
you. Nebo, which is in the land of
39 See now that I, even I, am Moab, that is in front of Jericho;
he, and there is no god with me and behold the land of Cana’an,
I alone kill, and I make alive; I which I give unto the children
wound, and I heal and no one ;
of Israel for a possession ;
can deliver out of my hand. 50 And die on the mount
40 For 1 lift up my hand to whither thou goest up, and be
heaven, and say, I live for ever. gathered unto thy people; as
41 When 1 whet my glittering Aaron thy brother died on mount
sword, and my hand taketh hold Hor, and was gathered unto his
on judgment I will render ven-
: people
geance unto my enemies, and 51 Because ye trespassed
those that hate me will I re- against me in the midst of the
quite. children of Israel at the waters
42 I will make my arrows of contention at Kadesh, in the
drunken with blood, and my wilderness of Zin because ye

sword shall devour flesh from ;

sanctified me not in the midst of
the blood of the slain, and of the the children of Israel.
captives, from the crushed head 52 For from afar shalt thou
of the enemy. see the land: but thither shalt
43 Speak aloud, 0 ye nations, thou not go unto the land which
the praises of his people ; for he I give the children of Israel.
will avenge the blood of his ser- Ilaphtorah, if before Kippur, for the
vants, and vengeance will he Portuguese in Hosea xiv. 2 to 10 and
Micah vii. 18 to 20; for the Germans,
render to his adversaries, and instead of the last. Joel ii. 15 to 27 but :

forgive his land and his people.* if after Kippur, both read in 2 Samuel
44 And Moses came and xxii. 1 to 51. Some congregations read
in Ezekiel xvii. 22 to xviii. 32.
spoke all the wmrds of this song
in the ears of the people, he, and
Hoshea’ the son of Nun. Sec. 54. YEZOTH HABERA-
45 And when Moses had made CHAH, ro-un run.
an end of speaking all these
words to all Israel CHAPTER XXXIII.
46 He said unto them, Set 1 And this is the blessing,
your hearts unto all the words wherewith Moses, the man of
which I testify against you this God, blessed the children of
day, so that ye may command Israel before his death.
them your children, to observe 2 And he said, the Lord came
to do all the words of this from Sinai, and rose up from
law. Se’ir unto them: he shone forth
47 For it is not a vain word from mount Paran, and he came
for you on the contrary, it is from
among myriads of saints,
your life; and through this word from his right hand he gave a
shall ye live many days in the fiery law unto them.
26* n 305
3 Yea, thou also lovedst the Blessed of the Lord be his land,
tribes ; all their saints were in thy through the precious gift of
hand ; and they, prostrate before heaven, through the dew, and
thy feet, received thy words. through the deep that coueheth
4 “ The law which Moses com- beneath,
manded us, is the inheritance of 14 And through the precious
the congregation of Jacob.” fruits brought forth by the sun,
5 Thus became he king in and through the precious things
Yeshurun, when the heads of put forth by the moon,
the people were assembled, as 15 And through the best things
one the tribes of Israel. of the ancient mountains, and
6 May Reuben live, and not through the precious things of
die ;
and may not his men be few. the everlasting hills,
7 And this is (the blessing) 16 And through the precious
of Judah, and he said, Hear, things of the earth and its ful-
Lord, the voice of Judah, and ness, and through the goodwill
bring him unto his people: let of him that dwelt in the thorn-
the power of his hands contend bush may this blessing come

for him and be thou a help to

upon the head of Joseph, and
him from his adversaries.* upon the crown of the head of
8 And of Levi he said, Thy him that was separated from his
Thummim and thy Urim are brothers.
with thy holy man, whom thou 17 His first-born steer is
didst prove at Massah, and with adorned with glory, and his
whom thou didst strive at the horns are like the horns of
waters of Meribah reem with them shall he push ;

9 Who and nations together to the ends of

said of his father
of his mother, I have not seen the earth and they are the my- :

him and who did not acknow riads of Ephraim, and they are

ledge his brothers, nor regard the thousands of Menasseh.*

his own children; for they ob- 18 And of Zebulun he said,
serve thy word, and thy cove- Rejoice, Zebulun, in thy going
nant they keep. out; and Issachar, in thy tents.
10 They shall teach thy ordi- 19 They will call the tribes
nances unto Jacob, and thy law unto the mountain; there will
unto Israel: they shall put in- they offer sacrifices of righteous-
cense before thee, and whole ness; for they will suck the abun-
burnt-sacrifice upon thy altar. dance of the seas, and the trea-
11 Bless, 0 Lord, his sub- sures hid in the sand.
stance, and receive favourably 20 And of Gad he said,
the work of his hands: crush the Blessed be he that enlarrgeth
loins of those that rise up against Gad like a lioness lieth he

him, and those that hate him, down, and teareth off the arm
that they cannot rise again. with the crown of the head.
12 And of Benjamin he said, 21 And he provided the first
The beloved of the Lord (is he), part for himself, because there
he shall dwell in safety by him: is the field of the law-giver, of
he will shield him all the day the hidden; and he went forth
long, and between his shoulders at the head of the people: he
will he dwell.* executed the justice of the Lord,
13 f" And of Joseph he said, and his judgments with Israel.*
22 And of Dan he said, Dan 3 And the south, and th«
is a lion’s whelp, that leapeth plain, the valley of Jericho, the
forth from Bashan. city of palm-trees, unto Zo’ar.
23 And of Naphtali he said, 4 And the Lord said unto
0 Naphtali, satisfied with favour, him, This is the land which I
and full of the blessing of the swore unto Abraham, unto Isaac,
Lord, take thou possession of and unto Jacob, saying, Unto
the west and the south. thy seed will I give it: I have
24 *[ And of Asher he said, let thee see it with thy eyes, but
More than (all) the children be thither shalt thou not go over.
Asher blessed: he shall be the 5 And Moses the servant of
most favoured of his brethren, the Lord died there in the land
and bathe his foot in oil. of Moab. according to the orcVr
25 Iron and copper shall be of the Lord.
thy bolts; and as thy (younger) 6 And he buried him in the
days so shall thy old age be. valley in the land of Moab, oppo-
26 There is none like unto the site Beth-pe’or but no man know-

God of Yeshurun, who rideth to eth of his sepulchre unto this day.
help thee upon the heavens, 7 And Moses was a hundred
and in his excellency upon the and twenty years old when lie
s-kies.* died; his eye was not dimmed,
27 Thy refuge is the eternal and his natural force had not
God, and here beneath, the ever- abated.
lasting arms ;
and he thrust out 8 And the children of Israel
the enemy from before thee ; and wept for Moses in the plains of
he said, Destroy. Moab thirty days ; and then were
28 And then dwelt Israel in ended the days of weeping and
safety, alone, the fountain of Ja- mourning for Moses.
cob ; in a land of corn and wine 9 And Joshua’ the son of Nun
also its heavens shall drop down was full of the spirit of wisdom;
dew. for Moses had laid his hand3
29 Happy art thou, 0 Israel upon him; and the children of
who is like unto thee, 0 people, Israel hearkened unto him, and
saved by the Lord, the Shield did, as the Lord had commanded
of thy help, and who is the Moses.
Sword of thy excellency! and 10 And there arose not a pro-
thy enemies shall fawn upon phet since then in Israel like
thee; and thou shalt tread upon unto Moses, whom the Lord
their high -places.* knew face to face,
11 In respect to all the signs
CHAPTER XXXIV. and the wonders, which the Lord
1 And Moses went up from had sent him to do in the land
the plains of Moab unto the of Egypt to Pharaoh, and to all
mount of Nebo, to the top of his servants, and to all his land,
Pisgah, that is before Jericho; 12 And in respect to all that
and the Lord showed him all mighty hand, and in all the
the land (from) Gil’ad unto Dan,great terrific deeds which Moses
2 And all Naphtali, and the displayed before the eyes of all
land of Ephraim, and Menas- Israel.
seh, and all the land ot Judah, Haphtorah in Joshua i. 1 to 9. Tht
unto the western sea. * Germans read to 18.

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j?Bnrr isd.



order that thou mayestprospd

CHAPTER I. whithersoever thou goest.
1 And it came 8 This book of the law shall
to pass after
the death of Moses, the servant not depart out of thy mouth ;
of the Lord, that the Lord spoke but thou shalt meditate therein
unto Joshua’ the son of Nun, the day and night, in order that thou
minister of Moses, saying, mayest observe to do according
2 Moses my servant is dead to all that is written therein for ;

now therefore arise, pass over, then shalt thou make thy way
this Jordan, thou, and all this prosperous, and then shalt thou
people, unto the land which I do have good success.
give to them, to the children of 9 Behold, I have commanded
Israel. thee, Be strong and of good cou-
3 Every place that the sole of rage be not dismayed, neither

your foot shall tread upon, that be thou discouraged ; for the
have I given unto you, as I said Lord thy God is with thee
unto Moses. whithersoever thou goest.
4 From the wilderness and 10 Then Joshua’ command-
this Lebanon even unto the great ed the officers of the people,
river, the river Euphrates, all saying,
the land of the Hittites, and un- 11 Pass through the midst of
to the great sea toward the going the camp, and command the peo-
down of the sun, shall be your ple, saying, Prepare yourselves
boundary. provisions ; for after only three
5 No man shall be able to days more ye shall pass over this
stand up before thee all the days Jordan, to go in to possess the
of thy life as I was with Moses, land, which the Lord your God

so will I be with thee I will giveth you, to possess it.


not let thee fail, nor forsake 12 And to the Reiibenites, and
thee. to the Gadites, and to half the
6 Be strong and of a good cou- tribe of Menasseh, spoke Joshua’
rage for thou shalt divide for
an inheritance unto this people 13 Remember the word which
the land, which I swore unto Moses the servant of the Lord
their fathers to give to them. commanded you, saying, The
7 Only be thou strong and Lord your God hath granted
very courageous, to observe to do you
rest, and hath given you
according to all the law, which this land
Moses my servant hath com- 14 Your wives, your little ones,
manded thee turn not from it
: and your
i cattle, shall remain in
to the right hand or to the left; the land which Moses gave you
on this side of the Jordan; butjthee, who came to thy house:
ye shall pass over armed before for to search out all the country
your brethren, all the mighty are they come.
men of valour, and help them; 4 But the woman had taken
15 Until the Loud shall have the two men, and hidden them
granted your brethren rest, as and she said, It is true, the men
be hath done to you, and they came unto me, but I knew not
also have taken possession of the whence they were.
land which the Lord your God 5 And it came to pass, about
giveth them: then shall ye re- the time of shutting the gate,
turn unto the land of your pos- when it was. dark, that the men
session, and possess it, which went out; I know not whither
Moses the servant of the Lord the men are gone pursue quickly

gave you on this side of the Jor- after them, for ye can overtake
dan, toward the rising of the them.
sun. 6 But she had brought them
16 And they answered Jo- up to the roof, and had hidden
shua’, saying, All that thou hast them among the stalks of flax,
commanded us will we do, and which she had laid in order upon
whithersoever thou wilt send us the roof.
will we go. 7 And the men pursued after
17 Entirely so as we have them by the way to the Jordan
hearkened unto Moses, thus will unto the fords; and the gate was
we hearken unto thee only the closed, as soon as those who pur-

Lord thy God be with thee, as sued after them were gone out.
he was with Moses. 8 But they had not yet laid
18 Every man that doth rebel themselves down, when she came
against thy order, and will not up unto them upon the roof.
hearken unto thy words, in all 9 And she said unto the men,
that thou mayest command him, I know that the Lord hath given
shall be put to death only be
: you the land, and that the terror
strong, and of a good courage. of you hath fallen upon us, and
that all the inhabitants of the
CHAPTER II. land are become faint-hearted,
1 And Joshua’, the son of because of you.
Nun, had sent out from Shittim 10 For we have heard, how
two men as spies, secretly, say- that the Lord dried up the wa-
ing, Go ye, view the land and ters of the Red Sea before you,
especially Jericho; and they when ye went forth out of Egypt;
went, and came unto the house and what ye have done unto the
of a woman, a harlot, whose two kings of the Emorites, who
name was Rachab, and they were on the other side of the
lodged there. Jordan, unto Sichon and ’Og,
2 And it was told unto the whom ye have utterly destroyed.
king of Jericho, saying, Behold, 11 And when we heard this,
men came in hither this night, of our heart melted, and there re-
the children of Israel, to search mained not any more courage in
out the country. any man, because of you for ;

3 And the king of Jericho the Lord your God is alone God
sent to Rachab, saying, Bring in the heavens above, and upcn
forth the men who are come to the earth beneath.

12 And now swear, I pray on our head if a hand he laii

you, unto me by the Lord, be upon him.
cause I have shown you kind- 20 And if thou tell this our
ness, that ye will also, for your business, then will we be free of
part, show kindness unto my thy oath which thou hast caused
father’s house; and give me a us to swear.
sure token, 21 And she said, According
13 That ye will preserve the unto your words, so be it; and
life of my father, and my mother, she dismissed them, and they
and my brothers, and my sisters, departed ; and she bound the
and all that they have, and de- scarlet line in the window.
liver our lives from death. 22 And they went, and came
14 And the men said unto her, unto tiie mountain, and they re-
Our life shall be (doomed) to mained there three days, until
death instead of yours, if ye tell the pursuers were returned ; and
not this our business ; and it the pursuers sought throughout
shall be, when the Lord giveth all the way, but found nothing.
us the land, that we will show 23 And the two men returned,
thee kindness and truth. and descended from the moun-
15 Then she let them down by tain, and passed over, and came
a cord through the window for to Joshua’ the son of Nun, and

her house was within the town related to him all the things that
wall, and within the wall she had befallen them.
dwelt. 24 And they said unto Joshua’,
16 And she said unto them, Truly the Lord hath given up
Get you to the mountain, lest into our hand all the country
the pursuers meet with you and for all the inhabitants of the

hide yourselves there three days, country are already become faint-
until the pursuers be returned hearted because of us.

and afterward ye may go your

17 And the men
said unto her, 1 And
Joshua’ rose early
We will be blameless of this thy in the morning; and they broke
oath which thou hast caused us up from Shittim, and came close
to swear. to the Jordan, he and all the
18 Behold, when we come into children of Israel; .and they
the land, this line of scarlet lodged there before they passed
thread shalt thou bind in the over.
window by which thou hast let 2 And it came to pass at the
us down ;
and thy father, and end of three days, that the offi-
thy mother, and thy brothers, cers passed through the midst
and all ihy father’s household, of the camp.
thou must bring together unto 3 And they commanded the
thee into the house. people, saying, When ye see the
19 And it shall be, that who- ark of the covenant of the Lord
soever will go out of the doors your God, and the priests the
of thy house into the street, his Levites bearing it, then shall } e T

blood shall be upon his head, break up from your place, and
and we will be guiltless and go after it.

whosoever will remain with thee 4 Nevertheless there shall ba

in the house, his blood shall be a space between you and it, of
27 O 313
about two thousand cubits by that as soon as the soles of the
measure; come not near unto it, feet of the priests that bear the
in order that ye may know the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all
wajr by which ye must go for ;
the earth, shall rest, in the waters
ye have not passed this way here- of the Jordan, the waters of the
tofore. Jordan shall be cut off, namely,
5 And Joshua’ said unto the the waters that come down from
people, Sanctify yourselves ; for above and they shall stand up

to-morrow will the Lord do as a wall.

wonders in the midst of you. 14 If And it came to pass,
6 And Joshua’ said unto the when the people broke up from
priests, as followeth, Take up the their tents, to pass over the Jor-
ark of the covenant, and pass dan, and the priests the bearers
over before the people. And of the ark of the covenant were,
they took up the ark of the before the people;
covenant, and went before the 15 And as they that bore the
people. ark were come up to the Jordan,
7 ^ And the Lord said unto and the feet of the priests that
Joshua’, This day will I begin to bore the ark were dipped in the
make thee great in the eyes of edge of the water, (the Jordan,
all Israel, that they may know however, had overflowed all its
that, as I was with Moses, so will banks all the time of the har-
I be with thee. vest,)
8 And thou shalt command 16 That the waters which
the priests that bear the ark of came down from above stood
the covenant, saying, When ye still and rose up as a wall, very
are come to the brink of the wa- far from the city Adam, which
ters of the Jordan, ye shall stand is beside Zarethan ;
and those
still in the Jordan. that ran down toward the sea of
9 And Joshua’ said unto the plain, the salt sea, failed,
the children of Israel, Approach were cut off’; and the people
hither, and hear the words of passed over opposite to Jericho.
the Lord your God. 17 And the priests that bore
10 And Joshua’ said, Hereby the ark of the covenant of the
shall ye know that the living Lord stood firm on dry ground
God is in the midst of you, and in the midst of the Jordan, and
that he will without fail drive all the Israelites passed over on
out from before you the Cana’an- dry ground, until all the people
ites, and the Hittites, and the had finished passing over the
Hivites, and the Perizzites, and Jordan.
the Girgashites, and the Emor-
ites, and the Jebusites. CHAPTER IV.
11 Behold, the ark of the co- 1 And it came to pass, when
venant of the Lord of all the all the people had finished pass-
earth passeth over before you ing over the Jordan,
into the Jordan. That the Lord said unto
12 And now take yourselves Joshua’, as followeth,
twelve men out of the tribes of 2 Take yourselves twelve men
Israel, one man out o.f every out of the people, one man each
tribe. o-ut of every tribe.
13 And it shall come to pass, 3 And command ye them, say*
Ing, Take yourselves hence out they have remained there untc
of the midst of the Jordan, out this day.
of the place where the priests’ 10 But the priests who bore
feet stood firmly, twelve stones, the ark stood in the midst of the
and ye shall carry them over Jordan until every thing was
with you, and leave them in the finished that the Lord had com-
lodging-place, where ye will manded Joshua’ to speak unto
lodge this night. the people, according to all that
4 Then did Joshua’ call the Moses had commanded Joshua’;
twelve men, whom he had ap- and the people hastened and
pointed out of the children of passed over.
Israel, one man each out of every 11 And it came to pass, when
tribe : all the people had finished pass-
5 And Joshua’ said unto them, ing over, that the ark of the
Pass over before the ark of the Lord passed over with the priests
Lord your God into the midst in the presence of the people.
of the Jordan, and take your- 12 And the children of Reu-
selves up every man one stone ben, and the children of Gad,
upon his shoulder, according un- and the half tribe of Menasseh,
to the number of the tribes of the passed over armed before the
children of Israel; children of Israel, as Moses had
6 In order that this may be a spoken unto them :

sign among you, when your chil- 13 About forty thousand ready
dren ask in time to come, say- armed for war, did they pass
ing, What mean ye by these over before the Lord unto battle,
stones ? to the plains of Jericho.
7 That ye shall answer them, 14 On that day the Lord
That the waters of the Jordan made Joshua’ great in the eyes
were cut off* before the ark of of all Israel ;and they feared
the covenant of the Lord ; when him, as they had feared Moses,
it passed over the Jordan, the all the days of his life.
waters of the Jordan were cut 15 And the Lord said unto
off*; and these stones shall be for Joshua’, as followeth,
a memorial unto the children of 16 Command the priests that
Israel for ever. bear the ark of the testimony,
8 And the children of Israel that they come up out of the
did so as Joshua’ had command- Jordan.
ed ;
and they took up twelve 17 And Joshua’ commanded
stones out of the midst of the the priests, saying, Come ye up
Jordan, as the Lord had spoken out of the Jordan.
unto Joshua’, according to the 18 And it came to pass, when
number of the tribes of the chil- the priests that bore the ark of
dren of Israel and they carried
the covenant of the Lord were
them over with them unto the come up out of the midst of
place where they lodged, and the Jordan, the soles of the feet
laid them down there. of the priests were lifted up unto
Twelve stones also did Jo-
9 the dry land, that the waters of
shua’ set up in the midst of the the Jordan returned unto their
Jordan, on the spot where the feet place, and flowed over all its
of the priests who bore the ark banks, as on the preceding days.
of the covenant had stood and: 19 And the people came up
out of the Jordan on the tenth sharp knives, and circumcised
day of the first month, and en- the children of Israel at the hill
camped in Gilgal, on the ex- of ’Araloth.
treme eastern border of Jericho. 4 And this is the cause why
20 And those twelve stones, Joshua’ did circumcise: All the
which they had taken out of the people that came out of Egypt,
Jordan, did Joshua’ set up in the males, all the men of war,
Gilgal. died in the wilderness on the
21 And he said unto the chil- way, after their going forth out
dren of Israel, thus, When your of Egypt.
children shall ask in time to 5 For all the people that came
tome their fathers, saying, What out were circumcised; but all
mean these stones? the people that were born in the
22 Then shall ye let your wilderness on the way at their
children know , saying, On dry
going forth out of Egypt, they
land did Israel pass over this had not circumcised.
Jordan 6 For during forty years the
23 That the Lord your God children of Israel wandered in
dried up the waters of the Jor- the wilderness, till there was an
dan from before you, until ye end of all the people, the men
were passed over, as the Lord of war, who were come out of
your God did to the Red Sea, Egypt, who had not obeyed the
which he dried up from before voice of the Lord; unto whom
us, until we were gone over; the Lord had sworn that he
24 In order that all the na- would not let them see the land,
tions of the earth may know the which the Lord had sworn unto
hand of the .Lord, that it is their fathers that he would give
mighty; in order that ye may unto us, a land flowing w ith milk
fear the Lord your God all the and honey.
days. 7 But their children he raised
up did Jo-
in their stead: these
CHAPTER V. shua’ circumcise; for they w ere 7

1 And it came to pass, when uncircumcised, because they had

all the kings of the Emorites, not circumcised them on the way.
who were on the side of the Jor- 8 And it came to pass, when
dan westward, and all the kings the whole people had all been
of the Cana’anites, who were by circumcised, that they abode in
the sea, heard that the Lord had their places in the camp till they
dried up the waters of the Jor- were healed.
dan from before the children of 9 And the Lord said unto
Israel, until they were passed Joshua’, This day have I rolled
over, that their heart melted, away the reproach of Egypt from
and there remained no more any off you. And he called the name
courage in them, because of the of the place Gilgal unto this day.
children of Israel. 10 And the children of Israel
2 At that time the Lord encamped in Gilgal, and they
said unto Joshua’, Make thee prepared the passover-offering
sharp knives, and circumcise on the fourteenth day of the
again the children of Israel the month at evening in the plains
second time. of Jericho.
3 And Joshua’ made himself 11 And they ate of the com
of the land on the morrow after seven times, and the priests shall
the passover-offering, unleavened blow with the cornets.
cakes and parched corn, on the 5 And it shall come to pass,

self-same daj7
. that, when they blow a long blast
12 And the manna ceased on with the ram’s horn, when ye
the morrow after they had eaten hear the sound of the cornet, all
of the corn of the land; and the the people shall utter a great
children of Israel had not any shout; and the wall of the city
more manna; but they did eat shall fall down flat, and the peo-
of the product of the land of ple shall ascend up every man
Cana’an during that year. straight before him.
13 And it came to pass, 6 And Joshua’ the son of Nun
when Joshua’ was by Jericho, called the priests, and said unto
that he lifted up his eyes and them, Take up the ark of the
looked, and, behold, a man was covenant, and let seven priests
standing over against him with bear seven cornets of rams’ horns
his sword drawn in his hand; before the ark of the Lord.
and Joshua’ went unto him, and 7 And he said unto the peo-
said to him, Art thou for us, or ple, Pass on, and compass the
for our adversaries ? city, and let the armed men pass
14 And he said, No: for I am on before the ark of the Lord.
a captain of the host of the 8 And it came to pass, when
Lord now am I come. And Joshua’ had spoken unto the

Joshua’ fell on his face to the people, that the seven priests,
earth, and bowed himself, and bearing the seven cornets of
said to him, What doth my lord rams’ horns before the Lord,
speak unto his servant? passed on and blew with the
15 And the captain of the cornets; and the ark of the cove-
Lord’s host said unto Joshua’, nant of the Lord fjllowed them.
Put off thy shoe from off thy 9 And the armed men went
foot; for the place whereon thou before the priests that blew with
standest is holy. And Joshua’ the cornets, and the rereward
did so. came after the ark, going on,
and blowing with the cornets.
CHAPTER YI. 10 And Joshua’ had com-
1 Now Jericho was shut up, manded the people, saying, Ye
and barred up, because of the shall not shout, nor let your
children of Israel: no one went voice be heard, neither shall any
out, and no one came in. word proceed out of your mouth,
2 And the Lord said unto until the day I bid you, Shout;
Joshua’, See, I have given into and then shall ye shout.
thy hand Jericho and its king, 11 So the ark of the Lord
even the mighty men of valour. compassed the city, going round
3 And ye shall compass the city, it once; and they came into the
all the men of war, going round camp, and lodged in the camp.
about the city once. Thus shalt 12 And Joshua’ rose early
thou do six days. in the morning, and the priests
4 And seven priests shall bear took up the ark of the Lord.
before the ark seven cornets of 13 And the seven priests be r^
ram’s horns; and on the seventh ing seven cornets of rams’ horns
day shall ye compass the city before the ark of the Lord went
27* 217
on c ntinually, .and blew with all that was in the city, both
the cornets; and the armed men man and woman, young and old,
went before them; and the rere- and ox, and lamb, and ass, with
ward came after the ark of the the edge of the sword.
Lord, going on, and blowing 22 But unto the two men that
with the cornets. had spied out the country, Jo-
14 And they compassed the shua’ said, Go into the house of
city on the second day once, and the woman, the harlot, and bring
returned into the camp so did : out thence the woman, and all
they six days. belonging to her, as ye have
15 And it came to pass on the sworn unto her.
seventh day, that they rose early 23 And the young men, the
about the dawning of the day, spies,went in, and brought out
and compassed the city after Rachab, and her father, and her
this manner seven times: only mother, and her brothers, and
on that day they compassed the all belonging to her; and they
city seven times. brought out all her kindred, and
16 And it came to pass at the they left them without the camp
seventh time, when the priests of Israel.
blew with the cornets, that Jo- 24 And the city they burnt
shua’ said unto the people, Shout with fire, and all that was there-
for the Lord hath given you the in only the silver, and the gold,

city. and the vessels of copper and of

17 And the city shall be de- iron, they put into the treasury
voted, it, and all that is therein, of the house of the Lord.
to the Lord: only Rachab the 25 And Rachab the harlot did
harlot shall live, she and all that Joshua’ save alive, and her fa-
are with her in the house; be- ther’s household, and all belong-
cause she did hide the messen- ing to her; and she dwelt in the
gers that we sent. midst of Israel even unto this
18 But ye, keep yourselves day; because she had hidden
from the devoted things, lest ye the messengers, whom Joshua’
devote and yet take of the de- had sent to spy out Jericho.
voted things, and make the camp 26 ^ And Joshua’ adjured (the
of Israel a curse, and trouble it. people) at that time, saying,
19 And all the silver, and Cursed be the man before the
gold, and vessels of copper and Lord, that will rise up and build
iron, shall be holy unto the this city Jericho: with his first-
Lord: into the treasury of the born shall he lay its foundation,
Lord shall they come. and with his youngest shall h6
20 So the people shouted, set up its gates.
when they blew with the cor- 27 And the Lord was with
nets; and it came to pass, when Joshua’; and his fame was spread
the people heard the sound of throughout all the country.
the cornet, that the people ut-
tered a great shout, and the wall CHAPTER VII
fell down flat, and the people But
the children o. Israel
went up into the city, every man committed a trespass on the de-
Btraight before him, and they cap- voted things; for ’Achan, the

tured the city. son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi,

21 And they utterly destroyed the son of Zerach, of the tribe

of Judah, took of the devoted environ us round, and cut off oui
things: and the anger of the name from the earth; and what
Lord was kindled against the wilt thou do for thy great name?
children of Israel. 10 And the Lord said unto
2 «f And Joshua’ sent men Joshua’, Get thee up; wherefore
from Jericho to ’Ai, which is be- liest thou upon thy face?
side Beth-aven, on the east side 11 Israel hath sinned, and
of Beth-el, and said unto them, they have also transgressed my
thus, Go up and spy out the covenant which I have com-
country. And the men went up manded them; and they have
and spied out ’Ai. also taken of the devoted things,
3 And they returned to Jo- an*d have also stolen, and have
shua,’ and said unto him, Let also dissembled, and they have
not all the people go up; but let also put it into their own ves-
about two or three thousand men sels.
go up and smite ’Ai do not fa-
: 12 Therefore will the children
tigue all the people (to go) thi- of Israel not be able to stand up
ther: for they are but few. before their enemies; their back
4 So there went up thither of will they turn before their ene-
the people about three thousand mies, because they have become
men and they fled before the accursed: I will not be any

men of ’Ai. •
more with you, except ye de-
5 And the men of ’Ai. smote stroy the accursed from among
of them about thirty and six you.
men; and they chased them 13 Rise up, sanctify the peo-
from before the gate unto the ple, and say, Sanctify yourselves
stone-quarries, and smote them against to-morrow for thus hath

on the declivity (of the hill); said the Lord the God of Israel,
wherefore the heart of the people An accursed thing is in the midst
melted, and became as water. of thee, 0 Israel: thou shalt not
6 And Joshua’ rent his clothes, be able to stand up before thy
and fell upon his face to the enemies, until ye have removed
earth before the ark of the Lord the accursed from among you.
until the evening, he with the 14 And ye shall be brought
elders of Israel, and they put near in the morning according
dust upon their head. to your tribes and it shall be,

7 And Joshua’ said, Alas, 0 that the tribe which the Lord
Lord Eternal, wherefore hast will seize shall come near accord-
thou caused this people to pass ing to its families; and the fa-
over the Jordan, to deliver us mily which the Lord will seize
into the hand of the Emorites, shall come near by households
to destroy us? and oh! that we and the household which the
had been content, and dwelt on Lord will seize shall come near
the other side of the Jordan ! by its men.
8 I pray thee, 0 Lord, what ; 15 And it shall be, that he
shall I say, since Israel have that is seized with the accursed
turned their back before their thing shall be burnt with fire, he
enemies ? and all that he hath because he

9 And when the Cana’anites hath transgressed the covenant

and all the inhabitants of the of the Lord, and because he hath
land will hear of it, they will wrought wickedness in Israel.
16 So Joshua’ rose up early his daughters, and his ox, an 1
in the morning, and brought Is- his ass, and his sheep, and his
rael near by their tribes, and the tent,and all that he had, and aK
tribe of Judah was seized Israelwere with him, and they
17 And he brought near the brought them up unto the valley
family of Judah, and he seized of ’Achor.
the family of the Zarchites; and 25 And Joshua’ said, How
he brought near the family of hast thou troubled us! so shall
the Zarchites by its men, and the Lord trouble thee this day.
Zabdi was seized; And all Israel stoned him with
18 And he brought near his stones, and burnt them with fire,
household by its men, and ’Achan after they had stoned them with
the son of Carmi, the son of Zab- stones.
di, theson of Zerach, of the tribe26 And they raised over him
of Judah, was seized. a great heap of stones (which is)
19 And Joshua’ said unto unto this day ; and the Lord
’Achan, My son, give, I prayturned from the fierceness of his
thee, glory to the Lord, the Godanger. Wherefore the name of
of Israel, and make confession that place was called, The valley
unto him; and tell me, I pray of ’Achor unto this day.
thee, what thou hast done: hide
nothing from me. CHAPTER VIII.
20 And ’Achan answered Jo- 1 ^ And the Lord said unto
shua’, and said, Truly I have Joshua’, Fear not, neither be

indeed sinned against the Lord thou discouraged take with thee

the God of Israel, and thus and all the people of war, and arise,
thus have I done: go up to ’Ai; see, I have given
21 I saw among the spoil a into thy hand the king of ’Ai,
handsome Babylonish mantle, and his people, and his city, and
and two hundred shekels of sil- his land.
ver, and a wedge of gold of fifty 2 And
thou shalt do to ’Ai and
shekels in weight, and I coveted to its king, as thou hast done
them, and took them; and, be- unto Jericho and its king; only
hold, they are hidden in the its spoil and its cattle shall ye
earth in the midst of my tent, take for booty unto yourselves;
with the silver beneath the same. but lay thee an ambush for the
22 Joshua’ thereupon sent city in its rear.
messengers, and they ran unto 3 So Joshua’ arose, and all
the tent; and, behold, it was the people of war, to go up
hidden in his tent, and the silver
against ’Ai and Joshua’ chose

beneath it. out thirty thousand mighty men

23 And they took them out of valour, and sent them away
of the midst of the tent, and by night.
brought them unto Joshua’, and 4 And he commanded them,
unto all the children of Israel, saying, Behold, ye shall lie in
and they laid them out before wait against the city, in the rear
the Lord. of the city go not very far from

24 And
Joshua’ took ’Achan the city; and be ye all ready;
the son of Zerach, and the sil- 5 And I, and all the people
ver, and the mantle, and the that are with me, will approach
wedge of gedd. and his sons, and unto the city; and it shall come
to pass that, when they come out 'all
his people, at the time ap
against us, as at the first time, pointed, before the plain

we will flee before them ; he knew not that there was an

6 And the 3r will come out after ambush against him in the rear
us, till we have drawn them from of the city.
the city for they will say, They
; 15 And Joshua’ and all Israel
flee before us as at the first time feigned themselves beaten before
and we will flee before them. them, and fled by the way of
7 And then shall ye rise up the wilderness.
from the ambush, and take pos- 16 And all the people that
session of the city and the Lord were in ’Ai were called together

your God will deliver it into your to pursue after them ; and they
hand. pursued after Joshua’, and were
8 And it shall be, that as soon drawn away from the city.
as ye have seized the city, ye 17 And there was not a man
shall set the city on fire ; accord- left in ’Ai or Beth-el, that went
ing to the word of the Lord not out after Israel and they ;

shall ye do see, I have com- left the city open, and pursued

manded you. after Israel.

9 And Joshua’ sent them off: 18 And the Lord said unto
and they went to lie in ambush, Joshua’, Stretch out the spear
and remained between Beth-el that is in thy hand toward ’Ai;
and ’Ai, on the west side of ’Ai ; for into thy hand will I give it.
but Joshua’ lodged that night And Joshua’ stretched out the
among the people. spear which was in his hand to-
10 And Joshua’ rose up ward the city.
early in the morning, and num- 19 And the ambush arose
bered the people, and went up, quickly out of their place, and
he and the elders of Israel, be- they ran as soon as he stretched
fore the people, toward ’Ai. out his hand; and they entered
11 And all the people of war into the city, and took posses-
that were with him went up, sion of it, and hastened and set
and drew nigh, and came oppo- the city on fire.
site the city, and encamped on 20 And the men of ’Ai turned
the north side of ’Ai; and the (and looked) behind them, and
valley was between them and ’Ai. they saw, and, behold, the smoke
12 And he took about five of the city ascended up to hea-
thousand men, and set them as ven and they had no power to

an ambush between Beth-el and flee this way or that way; and
’Ai, on the west side of ’Ai. the people that had fled to the
13 And the people, all the wilderness turned back upon the
camp that was on the north of pursuers.
the city, and its ambush on the 21 For when Joshua’ and all
west of the city got ready and Israel saw that the ambush had

Joshua’ went that night into the seized the city, and that the
midst of the valley. smoke of the city ascended
14 .And it came to pass, when they turned back, and smote
the king of ’Ai saw this, the the men of ’Ai.
men of the city hastened and 22 And the others issued out
rose up early, and went out of the city against them so ;

against Israel to battle, he and that the Israelites had them in

the middle, some on this side, 31 As Moses the servant of
and some on that side ; and they the Lord had commanded the
smote them, until there was not children of Israel, as it is writ-
left of them one that remained ten in the book )f the law of
or escaped. Moses, an altar of whole stones,
23 And the king of ’Ai they over which no one had lifted
caught alive, and brought him up any iron tool; and they offered
to Joshua’. thereon burnt-offerings unto the
24 And it came to pass, that, Lord, and sacrificed peace-offer-
when Israel had made an end ings.
of slaying all the inhabitants of 32 And he wrote there upon
’Ai in the field, in the wilderness the stones a copy of the law of
wherein they had pursued them, Moses, which he wrote in the
and when they were all fallen presence of the children of Is-
by the edge of the sword, until rael.
they were consumed, 33 And all Israel, and their
All the Israelites returned elders, and the officers, and their
unto ’Ai, and smote it with the judges, stood on this side and
edge of the sword. on that side of the ark, opposite
25 And (the number of) all the priests the Levites, who
that fell in that day, both of bore the ark of the covenant of
men and women, was twelve the Lord, the stranger no less
thousand, all the people of ’Ai. than the native born half of :

26 And Joshua’ drew not back them turned toward mount Ge-
his hand, wherewith he and the other half of them
had rizzim,
stretched out the spear, toward mount ’Ebal; as
until turned
he had utterly destroyed the Moses the servant of the Lord
inhabitants of ’Ai. had commanded, to bless the
27 Only the cattle and the people of Israel at first.
spoil of that city Israel took as 34 And afterward he read all
booty unto themselves, accord- the words of the law, the bless-
ing to the word of the Lord ing and the curse, all, just as it
which he had commanded Jo- is written in the book of the law.
shua’. 35 There was not a word of
28 And Joshua’ burnt ’Ai, and all that Moses had commanded,
made it a ruinous heap of deso- which Joshua’ did not read be -

lation for ever, even unto this fore all the congregation of Is-
day, rael, with the women, and the
29 And the king of ’Ai he little ones, and the stranger that
hanged on a tree until eventide walked in the midst of them.
and at the going down of the
sun, Joshua’ commanded, and CHAPTER
they took his carcass down from 1 And it came to pass, when
the tree and cast it at the en- all the kings that were on this
trance of the city gate, and they side of the Jordan, in the monn.
raised over him a great heap of tain, and in the lowlands, and
stones, (which is) even unto this in all the coast of the great sea
day. opposite Lebanon, the HittiteS,
30 Then did Joshua build and the Emorites, the Cana’an-
an altar unto the Lord, the God ites, the Perizzites, the Hi' rites,
of Israel, on mount ’Ebal, and the Jebusites, heard this,
2 That they assembled them-)(say unto them, Your servants
seizes all together, to fight with are we : and now make ye with
Joshua’ and with Israel, with us a covenant.
one accord. 12 This our bread we took
3 And when the inhabitants hot for our provision out of out
of Gib’on beard what Joshua’ houses on the day we came forth
had done unto Jericho and un- to go unto you; and now, be-
to ’Ai, hold, it is dry, and it is become
4 They also did work wilily, mouldy :

and went and feigned to be 13 And these wine-bottles,

messengers, and took old sacks which we filled, when new, but —
for their asses, and wine-bottles, behold, they are now become
old, and rent, and bound up rent; and these our garments
5 And (put) old and patched- and our shoes are become worn
up shoes upon their feet, and out by reason of the very long
old garments upon themselves journey.
and all the bread of their pro- 14 And the men took of their
vision was dry and mouldy. provisions, but the decision of
6 And they went to Joshua’ the Lord they did not ask.
unto the camp at Gilgal, and 15 And Joshua’ made peace
said unto him, and to the men with them, and made a covenant
of Israel, We are come from a with them, to let them live; and
far-off country ;
and now make the princes of the congregation
ye a covenant with us. swore unto them.
7 And the men of Israel said 16 And it came to pass, at the
unto the Hivites, Peradventure end of three days after they had
ye dwell in the midst of us and made a covenant with them, that

how can we make a covenant they heard that they were their
with you ? neighbours, and that they dwelt
8 And they said unto Joshua’, in the midst of them.
We are thy servants. And Jo- 17 And the children of Israel
shua’ said unto them, Who are broke up, and came unto their
ye ? and whence come ye ? cities on the third day; and
9 And they said unto him, their cities were Gib’on, and
From a very far-off country are Kephirah, and Beeroth, and
thy servants come, because of Kiryath-ye’arim.
the name of the Lord thy God; 18 And the children of Israel
for we have heard his fame, smote them not; because the
and all that he hath done in princes of the congregation had
Egypt; sworn unto them by the Lord,
10 And all that he hath done the God of Israel ;
but all the
to the two kings of the Emorites, congregation murmured against
that were beyond the Jordan, to the princes.
Sichon the king of Cheshbon, 19 And all the princes said
and to ’Og the king of Bashan, unto all the congregation, We
who was at ’Ashtharoth. have sworn unto them by the
11 Wherefore our elders ancf'Lord the God of Israel; and
all the inhabitants of our country now we cannot touch them.
said to us, as followeth, Take 20 This will we do to them,
provisions with you for the jour- and we will let them live, that
ney, and go to meet them, and there be no wrath upon us, on
account of the oath which we Jerusalem heard that Josima 1

have sworn unto them. had captured ’Ai, and bad utterly
21 And the princes said unto destroyed it; (that) as he had
them, Let them live: and they done to Jericho and its king, so
became hewers of wood and had he done to ’Ai and its king ;
drawers of water unto all the and that the inhabitants of Gib-
congregation, as the princes had ’on had made peace with Israel,
spoken unto them. and were in the midst of them
22 *[ And Joshua’ called for 2 That they were greatly
them, and he spoke unto them, afraid; because Gib’on was a
saying, Wherefore have ye de- great city, like one of the royal
ceived us, saying, We are very cities, and because it was greater
far from you whereas ye dwell
: than ’Ai, and all the men there-
in the midst of us ? of were mighty.
23 And now be ye cursed, 3 Therefore Adoni-zedek the
and there shall not cease to be king of Jerusalem sent unto
of you servants and hewers of Hoham the king of Hebron,
wood and drawers of water for and unto Piram the king of
the house of my God. Yarmuth, and unto Yaphia’ the
24 And they answered Jo- king of Lachish, and unto De-
shua’, and said, Because it was bir the king of ’Eglon, saying,
certainly told thy servants, how 4 Come up unto me, and help
that the Lord thy God had me, that we may smite Gib’on
commanded his servant Moses for it hath made peace with
to give unto you all the land, Joshua’ and with the children
and to destroy all the inhabit- of Israel.
ants of the land from before 5 And the five kings of the
you ; wherefore we were sore Emorites, the king of Jerusalem,
afraid for our lives because of the king of Hebron, the king of
you, and we have done this Yarmuth, the king of Lachish,
thing. the king of ’Eglon, assembled
25 And now, behold, we are themselves together, and went
in thy hand ; as it seemeth good up, they and all their camps,
and right in thy eyes to do unto and encamped before Gib’on,
us, so do. and made war against it.
26 And he did unto them 6 And the men of Gib’on sent
thus; and he delivered them unto Joshua’ to the camp to Oil-
out of the hand of the children gal, saying, Bo not withdraw
of Israel, and they slew them thy hand from thy servants
not. come up to us quickly, and save
27 And Joshua’ appointed us, and help us for all the

them on that day hewers of kings of the Emorites that dwell

wood and drawers of water for in the mountains are assembled
the congregation, and for the together against us.
altar of the Lord, even unto 7 And Joshua’ went up from
this day, for the place which he Gilgal, he, and all the people of
should choose. war with him, and all the mighty
men of valour.
CHAPTER X. 8 f[ And the Lord said unto
1 Now it came to pass, Jo-shua’, Be not afraid of them
when Adoni-zedek the king of for into thy hand have I de-
livered them there shall not and hid themselves in the cave

stand a man of them before at Makkedah.

thee. 17 And it was told to Joshua’,
9 And Joshua’ came unto them saying, The five kings have been
suddenly; the whole night he found hidden in the cave at
went up from Gilgal. Makkedah.
10 And the Lord brought 18 And Joshua’ said, Roll
then, in confusion before Israel, great stones to the mouth of the
and t hey smote them with a great cave, and set men over it to
slaughter at Gib’on, and pur- guard them ;
sued them by the way the 19 But you, do ye not stay,
ascent to Beth-choron, ana smote pursue after your enemies, and
them up to ’Azekah, and up to smite the hindmost of them
Makkedah. suffer them not to enter into
11 And it came to pass, as their cities ; for the Lord your
they fled from before Israel, God hath delivered them into
while they were in the declivity your hand.
of Beth-ehoron, that the Lord 20 And it came to pass, when
cast down upon them great Joshua’ and the children of Is-
stones from heaven, up to ’Aze- rael had made an end of smiting
kah, and they died there were them with a very great defeat,

more who died by means of the till they were all spent, and
hailstones than those whom the those that escaped had fled from
children of Israel had slain with them and entered into the forti-
the sword. fied cities,
12 Then spoke Joshua’ to 21 That all the people re-
the Lord on the day when the turned to the camp to Joshua’
Lord delivered up the Emorites at Makkedah in peace : no one
before the children of Israel, pointed against any man of the
and he said before the eyes of children of Israel his tongue.
Israel, Sun, stand thou still up- 22 Then said Joshua’, Open
on Gib’on and thou, Moon, in
the mouth of the cave, .and bring
the valley of Ayalo-n. out unto me those five kings out
13 And the sun stood still, of the cave.
and the moon stayed, until the 23 And they did so, and
people had avenged themselves brought forth unto him those
upon their enemies. Is not this five kings out of the cave, the
written in the book of Yashar? king of Jerusalem, the king of
And the sun stood still in the Hebron, the king of Yarmuth,
midst of the heavens, and has- the king of Lachish, the king
tened not to go down about a of ’Eglon.
whole day. 24 And it came to pass, when
14 And there was no day like they brought out those kings
that before it or after it, that unto Joshua’, that Joshua’ called
the Lord hearkened unto the for all the men of Israel, and
voice of a man ; for the Lord said unto the chiefs of the men
fought for Israel. of war who had gone with him,
15 5[ And Joshua’ returned, Come near, put your feet upon
and all Israel with him, unto the necks of these kings. And
the camp to Giigal. they came near, and put their
16 But these five kings fled, feet upon their necks.
28 325
25 And. Joshua.’ said unto of the sword, and all the souls
them, Fear not, nor be disheart- that were therein : just as he
ened, be strong and of good had done to Libnah.
courage for thus will the Lord
33 *[ Then came up Horam
do unto all your enemies against the king of Gezer to help La-
whom ye fight. chish ; and Joshua’ smote him
20 And Joshua’ smote them and his people, until he had left
afterward, and slew them, and him none that escaped.
hanged them on five trees; and 34 And
Joshua’ and all Is-
they remained hanging upon rael with him passed from La-
the trees until the evening. chish unto ’Eglon; and they en-
27 And it came to pass at camped against it, and fought
the time of the going down of against it ;

the sun, that Joshua’ command- 35 And they captured it on

ed, and they took them down that day, and smote it with the
from the trees, and cast them edge of the sword and all the ;

into the cave wherein they had souls that were therein he de-
been hidden; and they placed voted on that day just as he :

great stones upon the mouth of had done to Lachish.

the cave, (which remain) even 36 And Joshua’ and all Is-
until this very day. rael with him went up from
28 And Joshua’ captured ’Eglon unto Hebron; and they
Makkedah on that day, and smote fought against it
it with the edge of the sword, 37 And they captured it, and
and its king he devoted, them, smote it with the edge of the
and all the souls that were there- sword; and its king, and all its
he left none that escaped; cities, and all the souls that
and he did to the king of Mak- were therein ; he left none that
kedah as he had done unto the escaped, just as he had done to
king of Jericho. ’Eglon and he devoted it, and

29 Then did Joshua’, and all the souls that were therein.
all Israel with him, pass from 38 f And Joshua’ and all Is-
Makkedah unto Libnah ; and he rael with him returned to Debir;
fought against Libnah and fought against it
30 And the Lord delivered it 39 And he captured it, and its
also into the hand of Israel, king, and all its cities ; and they
with its king and he smote it smote them with the edge of the

with the edge of the sword, and sword, and devoted all the souls
all the souls that were therein that were therein he left none

he left none in it that escaped that escaped as he had done to


and he did unto its king as he Hebron, so did he to Debir and

had done unto the king of Je- to its king; and as he had done
richo. to Libnah and to its king.
31 And Joshua’, and all Is- 40 And Joshua’ smote all
rael with him, passed from Lib- the country, the mountain, and
nah unto Lachish, and encamped the south, and the lowlands, and
against it, and fought against it the declivities, and all their
32 And the Lord delivered kings he left none that escaped

Lachish into the hand of Israel and all that breathed he utterly

and he captured it on the second destroyed, as the Lord, the God

day, and smote it with the edge of Israel had commanded. .

41 And Joshua’ smote them 7 And Joshua’ and alt the
from Kadesh-barnea’ even unto people of war with him came
Gazzah, and all the country of upon them by the waters of Me-
Goshen, even up to Gib’on. rom suddenly ; and they fell up-
42 And all these kings and on them.
their land did Joshua’ capture 8 And the Lord delivered
at one time because the Lord,
them into the hand of Israel,
the God of Israel fought for who smote them, and pursued
Israel. them unto great Zidon, and un-
43 And Joshua’ returned, and to Missrephoth-mayim, and un-
all Israel with him, unto the to the valley of Mizpeh east-
camp to Gilgal. ward; and they smote them,
until they left them none that
CHAPTER XI. escaped.
1 And it came to pass, that, 9 And Joshua’ did unto them
when Yabin the king of Chazor as the Lord had said unto him :

heard these things, he sent to their horses he hamstringed and

Yobab the king of Madon, and their chariots he burnt with fire.
to the king of Shimron, and to 10 5[ And Joshua’ at that time
the king of Achshaph, turned back, and captured Cha-
2 And to the kings that were zor, and its kings he smote with
at the north, on the mountains, the sword for Chazor aforetimes

and in the plains, south of Kin- was the head of all these king-
neroth, and in the lowlands, and doms.
in the district of Dor on the west, 11 And they smote all the
3 To the Cana’anites on the souls that were therein with the
east and on the west, and to the edge of the sword, and devoted
Emorites, and the Hittites, and them; there was not left any
the Perizzites, and the Jebusites one having breath ; and Chazor
in the mountains, and to the he burnt with fire.
Hivites under Chermon in the 12 And all the cities of these
land of Mizpah. kings, and all their kings, did
4 And they went out, they Joshua’ capture, and he smote
and all their camps with them, them with the edge of the sword,
much people, even as the sand and he devoted them, as Moses
that is upon the sea-shore in the servant of the Lord had com-
multitude, and with very many manded.
horses and chariots. 13 But as for the cities that
5 And all these kings as- had been left standing in their
sembled themselves together, strength, these did Israel not
and they came and encamped burn save Chazor only did Jo-

together at the waters of Merom, shua’ burn.

to fight against Israel. 14 Apd all the spoil of these
6 And the Lord said unto cities, and the cattle, did the
Joshua’, Be not afraid because children of Israel take as booty
of them; for to-morrow about unto themselves but all the men

this time will I give all of them they smote with the edge of the
up slain before Israel : their sword, until they had destroyed
horses shalt thou hamstring and them : they left not any one
their chariots shalt thou burn having breath.
with fire. 15 As the Lord had com-
man fled Moses his servant, solIsions by their tribes. And the
did Moses command Joshua’, land rested from war.
and so did Joshua’ he left no-

thing undone of all that the CHAPTER XII.

Lord had commanded Moses. 1 And these are the kings
16 And Joshua’ took all that of the land whom the children
land, the mountain, and all the of Israel smote, and whose land
south country, and all the land they took possession of on the
of Goshen, and the lowlands, other side of the Jordan, toward
and the plain, and the mountain the rising of the sun, from the
of Israel, and its lowlands river Arnon unto mount Cher-
17 From the bald mountain mon, and all the plain on tho
that goeth up to Se’ir, even unto east
Ba’al-gad in the valley of Leba- 2 Sichon the king of the Emor-
non under mount Chermon and ites, who dwelt in Cheshbon, and

all their kings he captured, and ruled from ’Aro’er, which is upon
smote them, and slew them. the bank of the brook Arnon,
18 A long time did Joshua’ and over the land in the middle
make war with all these kings. of the brook, and from half Gil-
19 There was not a city that ’ad, even unto the brook Yabbok,
made peace with the children of the boundary of the children of
Israel, save the Hivites the in- Ammon
habitants of Gib’on the whole : 3 And over the plain up to
they took by war. the sea of Kinneroth on the east,
20 For of the Lord it was to and up to the sea of the plain,
harden their heart, that they the salt sea on the east, on the
ghould come against Israel in way to Beth-hayeshimoth and :

battle, in order to destroy them at the south, under the declivi-

utterly, that they might obtain ties of Pisgah ;

no favour but in order that he

: 4 And the territory of ’Og the
might exterminate them, as the king of Bashan, who was of the
Lord had commanded Moses. remnant of the Rephaim, that
21 And Joshua’ came at dwelt at ’Ashtharoth and at
that time, and cut off the ’Ana- Edre’i,
kim from the mountains, from 5 And reigned over mount
Hebron, from Debir, from ’Anab, Chermon, and over Salchah, and
and from the whole mountain over all Bashan, unto the border
of Judah, and from the whole of the Geshurites and the Ma’a-
mountain of Israel with their cathites, and half Gil’ad, (to) the

cities did Joshua’ destroy them boundary of Sichon the king of

utterly. Cheshbon.
22 There was none of the 6 These did Moses the servant
'A nakim left in the land of the of the Lord and the children of
children of Israel only in Gaz- Israel smite and Moses the ser-
: ;

zah, in Gath, and in Ashdod, vant of the Lord gave it for a

there remained some. possession unto the Reiibenites,
23 And Joshua’ took the whole and the Gadites, and the half
land, all just as the Lord had tribe of Menasseh.
spoken unto Moses and J oshua’
; 7 5[ And these are the kings
gave it for an inheritance unto of the country whom Josnua*
Israel, according to their divi- and the children of Israel smote
on this Jordan on
side of the CHAPTER XIII.
the west, from Ba’al gad in the 1 Now Joshua’ was old, weli
valley of Lebanon as far as the stricken in years and the Loud ;

bald mountain, that goeth up to said unto him, Thou art old,
Se’ir; and Joshua’ gave it unto stricken in years, and of the
the tribes of Israel for a posses- land there remaineth yet very
sion, according to their divisions much to be taken possession of.
8 In the mountains, and in 2 This is the land that yet
the lowlands, and in the plain, remaineth All the circles of the

and in the declivities, and in Philistines, and all (the land of

the wilderness, and in the south the) Geshurites,
country the Hittites, the Emor-
: 3 From the Shichor, which
ites, and the Cana’anites, the runneth before Egypt, even unto
Perizzites, the Hivites, and the the boundary of ’Ekron north-
Jebusites. ward, is counted to the Cana’an-
9 The king of Jericho, one ; ites ; the five lords of the Philis-
the king of ’Ai, which was beside tines the Gazzathites, and the

Beth -el, one; Ashdodites, the Eshkelonites,

10 The king of Jerusalem, the Gittites, and the 'Ekronites;
one; the king of Hebron, one; also the ’Avvirn ;

11 The king of Yarmuth, one; 4 On the south, all the land

the king of Lachish, one of the Cana’anites, and Me’arah
12 The king of ’Eglon, one; that belongeth to the Zidonians,
the king of Gezer, one up to Aphek, up to the border
13 The king of Debir, one of the Emorites ;

the king of Geder, one 5 And the land of the Giblites,

14 The king of Chorrnah, one; and all Lebanon, toward the
the king of ’Arad, one rising of the sun, from Ba’al-
15 The king of Libnah, one; gad under mount Chermon up
the king of ’Adullam, one; to the entrance of Chamath.
16 The king of Makkedah, 6 All the inhabitants of the
one; the king of Beth-el, one; mountain from Lebanon unto
17 The king of Thappuach, Missrephoth-mayim, all the Zi-
one the king of Chepher, one donians these will I drive out
; ;

18 The king of Aphek, one; from before the children of Is-

the king of Lasharon, one; rael only divide thou it by lot

19 The king of Madon, one; unto the Israelites for an inhe-

the king of Chazor, one ritance, as I have commanded
20 The king of Shimron-me- thee.
ron, one; the king of Achshaph, 7 And now divide this land
one; for an inheritance unto the nine
21 The king of Tha’anach, tribes, and the half tribe of Me-
one; the king of Megiddo, one; nasseh.
22 The king of Kedesh, one 8 With him the Reiibenites
the king of Yokne’am on Car- and the Gadites have received
mel, one their inheritance, which Moses
23 The king of Dor in the gave unto them, beyond the
district of Dor, one the king Jordan eastward, as Moses the

of Goyim in Gilgal, one servant of the Lord hath given

24 The king of Thirzah, one them : :

in all thirty and one kings. 9 From ’Aro’er, that h upon

28 * o2 329
the bank of the brook Arnon, declivities of Pisgah,and Beth-
and the city that is in the midst hayeshimoth,
of the brook, and all the plain 21 And all the cities of the
of Medeba up to Dibon ;
plain, and all the kingdom of
10 And all the cities of Si- Sichon the king of the Emor-
chon the king of the Emorites, ites, who reigned in Cheshbon,
who reigned over Cheshbon, up whom Moses smote with the
to the border of the children of princes of Midian, Evi, and Re-
’Ammon ; kem, and Zur, and Chur, and
11 And Gil’ad, and the terri- Reba’, the dukes of Sichon, the
tory of the Geshurites and Ma’a- dwellers of the country.
chathites, and all mount Cher- 22 And Bil’am the son of
mon, and all Bashan up to Sal- Be’or, the soothsayer, did the
eh ah ; children of Israel slay with the
12 All the kingdom of ’O g in sword among their slain.
Bashan, who reigned in ’Ash- 23 And the boundary of the
tharoth and in Edre’i who had children of Reuben was the Jor-

been left of the remnant of the dan, and its bordering territory.
Rephaim ; and Moses smote This was the inheritance of the
them, and cast them out. children of Reuben after their
13 Nevertheless the children families, the cities and their vil-
of Israel expelled not the Ge- lages.
shurites and the Ma’achathites ; 24 And Moses gave unto
but the Geshurites and the Ma’a- the tribe of Gad, unto the chil-
chathites continued to dwell in dren of Gad according to their
the midst of the Israelites until families
this day. 25 And their territory was
14 Only unto the tribe of Levi Ya’zer, and all the cities of Gil-
he gave no inheritance the fire- ’ad, and half the land of the

offerings of the Lord, the God children of ’Ammon, up to ’Aro-

of Israel, are their inheritance, ’er that is before Rabbah
as he hath spoken unto them. 26 And from Cheshbon unto
15 And Moses gave unto Ramath-mizpeh, and Betonim ;
the tribe of the children of and from Machanayim up to the
Reuben according to their fami- border of Debir
lies ;
27 And in the valley, Beth-
16 And their territory was haram, and Beth-nimrah, and
from ’Aro’er, that is on the bank Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest
of the brook Arnon, and the city of the kingdom of Sichon the
that is in the midst of the brook, king of Cheshbon, the Jordan
and all the plain by Medeba and its bordering territory, up
17 Cheshbon, and all its cities to the edge of the sea of Kin-
that are in the plain ;
Dibon, nereth on the other side the Jor-
and Bamoth-ba’al, and Beth- dan eastward.
ba’al-me’on, 28 This ia the inheritance of
18 And Yahzah, and Kede- the children of Gad after their
moth, and Mepha’ath, families, the cities and their vil-
19 And Kiryathayim, and Sib- lages.
mah, and Zereth-hashachar on 29 And Moses gave unto
the mount of the valley, the half tribe of Menasseh and

20 And Beth-pe’or, and the it belonged to the half tribe of

the children of Mcnasseh after Ephraim ; therefore they gave
their families no portion unto the Levites in
30 And their territory was the land, save cities to dwell in,
from Machanayim, all Bashan, with their open spaces for their
all the kingdom of ’Og the king- cattle and for their substance.
of Bashan, and all the villages 5 As the Lord had command-
of Ya’ir, which are in Bashan, ed Moses, so did the children
sixty cities of Israel, and so divided they
31 And half Gil’ad, and ’Ash- the land.
tharoth, and Edre’i, the cities 6 And the children of Ju-
of the kingdom of ’Og in Ba- dah came near unto Joshua’ in
shan, (belonged) unto the chil- Gilgal; and Caleb the son of
dren of Machir the son of Me- Yephunneh the Kenizzite said
nasseh, even to the one half of unto him, Thou well knowest
the children of Machir after the word which the Lord spoke
their families. unto Moses the man of God
32 These are they to whom concerning me and thyself in
Moses did distribute an inherit- Kadesh-barnea’.
ance in the plain-s of Mo’ab, on 7 Forty years old was I whjtm
the other side of the Jordan, by Moses the servant of the Lord
Jericho, eastward. sent me from Kadesh-barnea to
33 But unto the tribe of Levi spy out the land; and I brought
Moses gave not any inheritance him word again as it was in my
the Lord the God of Israel is heart.
himself their inheritance, as he 8 But my brethren who had
hath spoken unto them. gone up with me caused the
heart of the people to be faint;
CHAPTER XIV. but I wholly followed the Lord
1 5T And these are the coun- my God.
tries which the children of Israel 9 And Moses swore on that
obtained as an inheritance in day, saying, Surely the land
the land of Cana’an, which El- whereon thy foot hath trodden
’azar the priest, and Joshua’ shall belong to thee for an inhe-
the son of Nun, and the heads ritance, and to thy children for
of the divisions of the tribes of ever; because thou hast wholly
the children of Israel, distri- followed the Lord my God.
buted for an inheritance unto 10 And now, behold, the Lord
them, hath kept me alive, as he hath
2 Bythe lot as their inherit- spoken it
: is now forty and live
ance : the Lord had com-
as years since the Lord spoke this
manded by the hand of Moses, word unto Moses, while Israel
for the nine tribes, and the half wandered in the wilderness and ;

tribe. now, behold, I am this day

3 For Moses had given the eighty and five years old.
inheritance of the two tribes and Ill am yet this day as strong
the half tribe on the other side as I was on the day that Moses
of the Jordan j but unto the sent me as my strength was

Levites he had given no inherit- then, even so is my strength

ance among them. now, for war, and to go out, and
4 For the children of Joseph to come in.
were two tribes, Mtnasseh and 12 Now there fore, give me this
mountain, whereof the Lord the salt sea, unto the end of the
spoke on that day for thou didst
Jordan. And the boundary in
hear on that day that the ’Ana- the north quarter was from the
kim were there, and great forti- bay of the sea at the end of the
fied cities perhaps the Lord will
be with me, and I shall drive 6 And the boundary went up
them out, as the Lord hath to Beth-choglah, and passed
spoken. along by the north of Beth’ara-
13 And Joshua’ blessed him. bah and the boundary went up

and gave Hebron unto Caleb the to Eben-bokan the son of Reu-
son of Yephunneh for an inhe- ben ;

ritance. 7 And the boundary went up

14 Therefore did Hebron be- toward Debir from the valley of
come the inheritance of Caleb ’Achor, and at the north it bent
the son of Yephunneh the Ke- toward Gilgal, that is opposite
nizzite unto this day; for the the heights of Adummim, which
cause that he had wholly fol- is on the south side of the valley
lowed the Lord the God of Is- and the boundary passed toward
rael. the waters of ’En-shemesh, and
15 And the name of Hebron its terminations were at ’En-
was aforetimes Kiryath-arba’, rogel
who was the greatest man among 8 And the boundary went up
the ’Anakim. And the land had to the valley of the son of Hin-
rest from war. nom unto the south side of the
Jebusite, the same is Jerusalem ;
CHAPTER XV. and the boundary went up to the
1 And the lot for the tribe top of the mount that lieth be-
of the children of Judah after fore the valley of Hinnom west-
their families came by the bor- ward, which is at the end of the
der of Edom, with the wilder- valley of Repha'im northward ;

ness of Zin, southward, as the 9 And the boundary extended

uttermost southern boundary. from the top of the mount unto
2 And their southern bound- the spring of the waters of Neph-
ary was from the end of the salt thoiich, and went out to the ci-
sea, from the bay that bendeth ties of mount ’Ephron and the

southward ;
boundary extended to Ba’alah,
3 And it went out to the south which is Kiryath-ye’arim ;

to the heights of ’Akrabbim, and 10 And the boundary com-

passed along to Zin, and ascended passed from Ba’alah westward
up on the south side unto Ka- unto mount Se’ir, and passed
desh-barnea’, and passed along along unto the side of mount
to Chezron, and went up to Adar, Ye’arim, which is Kessalon, on
and fetched a compass to Kar- the north side, and went down
ka’ to Beth-shemesh, and passed on
4 And it passed on toward ’Az- to Thimnah ;

mon, and went out unto the river 11 And the boundary went out
of Egypt; and the terminations unto the side of ’Ekron north-
of the boundary were at the sea: ward; and the boundary ex-
this shall be your southern bound- tended to Shikron, and passed
ary. along to the mount of Ba’alah,
5 And the east boundary was and went out unto Yabneel and ;

the terminations of the boundary Kabzeel, and ’Eder, and Ya*
were at the sea. gur,
12 And the west boundary 22 And Kinah, and Dimonah,
was by the great sea, and the and ’Ad’adah,
coast thereof. This is the bound- 23 And Kedesh, and Chazor,
ary of the children of Judah and Yithnan,
round about according to their 24 Ziph, and Telem, and Be-
families. ’aloth,
13 And unto Caleb the son 25 And Chazor-chadatthah,
of Yephunneh he gave as a por- and Keriyoth-chezron, which is
tion among the children of Ju- Chazor,
dah, according to the order of 26 Amam, and Shema’, and
the Lord to Joshua’, Kiryath- Moladah,
arba’ the father of ’Anak, which 27 And Chazar-gaddah, and
is Hebron. Cheshmon, and Beth-palet,
14 And Caleb drove out from 28 And Chazar-shu’al, and
there the three sons of ’Anak, Beer-sheba’, and Bizyotheyah,
Sheshai, and Achiman, and Thal- 29 Ba’alah, and ’Iyim, and
mai, the children of ’Anak. ’Azem,
15 And he went up from there 30 And Eltholad, and Kessil,
to the inhabitants of Debir; and and Chormah,
the name of Debir before was 31 And Ziklag, and Madrnan-
Kiryath-sepher. nah, and Sansannah,
16 And Caleb said, He that 32 And Lebaoth, and Shil-
will smite Kiryath-sepher, and chim, and ’Ayin, and Rimmon :

capture it, to him will I give in all twenty and nine cities, with
’Achsah my daughter for wife. their villages.
17 And ’Othniel the son of 33 And in the lowlands,
Kenaz, the brother of Caleb, cap- Eshthaol, and Zor'ah, and Ash-
tured it; and he gave him ’Ach- nah,
sah his daughter for wife. 34 And Zanoach, and ’En-
18 And it came to*pass, as she gannim, Thappuach, and ’Enam,
came thither, that she persuaded 35 Yarmuth, and ’Adullam,
him to ask of her father a field Sochoh, and ’Azekah,

and she alighted from her ass; 36 And Sha’arayim, and ’Adi-
and Caleb said unto her, What thayim, and Gederah, and Ge-
aileth thee? derothayim : fourteen cities with
19 And she said, Give me a their villages.
blessing; for a dry land hast 37 Zenan, and Chadashah,
thou given me ; give me then and Migdal-gad.
also springs of water. And he 38 And Dil’an, and Mizpeb,
gave her the upper springs, and and Yoktheel,
the lower springs. 39 Lachish, and Bozkath, and
20 This is the inheritance ’Eglon,
of the tribe of the children of 40 And Cabbon,and Lachmas3,
Judah according to their fami- and Kithlish,
lies. 41 And Gederoth, Beth-dagon,
21 And the cities on the bound- and Na’amah, and Makkedah
ary line of the tribe of the chil- sixteen cities with their villages.
dren of Judah toward the bor- 42 Libnah, and ’Ether, and
der of Edom, on the south, were ’Ashan,
43 And Yiphthach, and Ash- 62 And Nibshan, and Ir’ham-
nah, and Nezib, melach, and ’En-gedi six cities

44 And Ke’ilah, and Achzib, with their villages.

and Mareshah: nine cities with 63 As for the Jebusites the
their villages. inhabitants of Jerusalem, these
45 ’Ekron, with its towns the children of Judah could not
and its villages: drive out; but the Jebusites
46 From ’Ekron even unto the dwelt with the children of Ju-
sea, all that lay alongside of Ash- dah at Jerusalem, even unto this
dod, with their villages. day.
47 % Ashdod with its towns
and its villages, Gazzah with its CHAPTER XVI.
towns and its villages, up to the 1 And the lot of the chil-
brook of Egypt, and the great dren of Joseph fell from the Jor-
sea, and its territory. dan by Jericho, unto the waters
48 And in the mountains, of Jericho on the east, to the
Shamir, and Yatthir, and So- wilderness that goeth up from
choh, Jericho by the mount Beth-el,
49 And Dannah and Kiryath- 2 And (the boundary) went
sannah, which is Debir, out from' Beth-el to Luz, and
50 And ’Anab, and Eshtemoh, passed along unto the boundary
and ’Anim, of the Arkites to ’Ataroth,
51 And Goshen, and Cholon, 3 And went down westward to
and Giloh eleven cities with the boundary of the Yaphleti,

their villages. unto the border of Beth-choron

52 Arab, and Durnah, and the lower, and to Gezer and its ;

Esh’an, terminations were toward the sea.

53 And Yanum, and Beth- 4 This did the children of Jo-
thappuach, and Aphekah, seph, Menasseh and Ephraim,
54 And Chumtah, and Kir- take as their inheritance.
yath -arba’, which is Hebron, and 5 And (this) was the bound-
Zi’or nine cities with their vil- ary of the children of Ephraim

lages. according to their families; and

55 Ma’on, Carmel, and Ziph, the boundary of their inherit-
and Yutah, ance on the east side was ’Atroth-
56 And Yizre’el, and Yokde- addar, up to Beth-choron the
’am, and Zanoach, upper
57 Kayin, Gib’ah, and Thim- 6 And the boundary went out
nah ten cities with their vil- toward the sea to Michmethath

lages. on the north and the boundary


58 Chalchul, Beth-zur, and fetched a compass eastward unto

Gedor, Thaanath -shiloh, and passed by
59 And Ma’arah, and Beth- it on the east to Yanochah ;

'anoth, and Elthekon : six cities 7 And it went down from Ya-
with their villages. nochah to ’Ataroth, and to Na-
60 Kiryath-ba’al, which is ’arath, and touched on Jericho,
Kiryath-ye’arim, and Rabbah and went out at the Jordan.

two cities with their villages. 8 From Thappuach westward

61 I n the wilderness, Beth- the border went out unto the
na’arabah, Middin, and Secha- brook Kanah and its termina-

chah, tions were toward the sea. This

is tne inheritance of the tribe of our brethren. And he gave them,
the children of Ephraim after according to the order of the
their families Lord, an inheritance among the
9 And (in addition to this) the brethren of their father.
cities which were separated for 5 And there fell ten portions
the children of Ephraim in the of Menasseh, beside the lands of
midst of the inheritance of the GiFad and Bashan, which were
children of Menasseh, all the on the other side of the Jordan;
cities with their villages. 6 Because the daughters of
10 And they drove not out Menasseh obtained an inherit-
the Cana’arvites that dwelt in ance among his sons and the :

Gezer; but the Cana’anites dwelt land of GiFad belonged to the

among the Ephraimites until this rest of the sons of Menasseh.
day, and became tributary ser- 7 And the boundary of Me-
vants. nasseh was from Asher to Mich-
methath, that lieth before She-
CHAPTER XVII. chem; and the boundary went
1 And then came the lot for along on the right hand unto the
the tribe of Menasseh for he was inhabitants of ’En-thappuach.

the first-born of Joseph : to wit, 8 To Menasseh belonged the

for Machir the first-born of Me- land of Thappuach but Thappu- ;

nasseh, the father of GiFad ;

be- ach on the borders of Menasseh
cause he was a man of war, there- belonged to the children of
fore he obtained GiFad and Ba- Ephraim ;

sh an. 9 And the boundary descended

2 There was also a lot for the unto the brook Kanah, south-
rest of the children of Menasseh ward of the brook; these cities
after their families; for the chil- belonging to Ephraim are in the
dren of Abi’ezer, and for the midst of the cities of Menasseh ;
children of Chelek, and for the and the boundary of Menasseh
children of Assriel, and for the was on the north side of the
children of Shechem, and for the river, and its terminations were
children of Chepher, and for the toward the sea :

children of Shemida’: these were 10 Southward it was Ephraim’s,

the male children of Menasseh and northward it was Menas-
the son of Joseph after their seh’s, and the sea was (there)
families. his boundary; and on Asher they
3 But Zelophchad, the son of touched on the north, and on
Chepher, the son of GiFad, the Issachar on the east.
son of Machir, the son of Menas- 11 And to Menasseh belonged
seh, had no sons, but only daugh- in Issachar and in Asher Beth-
ters; and these are the names shean and its -towns, and Yible-
of his daughters, Machlah, and ’ain and its towns, together with
No’ah, Choglah, Milcah, and the inhabitants of Dor and its
Thirzali. towns, and the inhabitants of
4 And they came near before ’En-dor and its towns, and the
EFazar the priest, and before inhabitants of Tha’anach and its
Joshua.’ the son of Nun. and be- towns, and the inhabitants of
fore the princes, saying, The Megiddo and its towns, namely
Lord commanded Moses to give the three districts.
unto us an inheritance among 12 Yet the children of Menas*
sell could not drive out the in- set up there the tabernacle of the
habitants of these cities; but the congregation. And the land was
Cana’anites succeeded to dwell subdued before them.
in this land; 2 And there remained among
13 Yet it came to pass, when the children of Israel, that had
the children of Israel were be- not yet received their inherit-
come strong, that they put the ance, seven tribes.
Cana’anites to tribute; but they 3 And Joshua’ said unto the
did not drive them out. children of Israel, How long will
14 And the children of Jo- ye show yourselves slack to go
seph spoke unto Joshua’, saying, to take possession of the land,
Why hast thou given me but one which the Lord the God of your
lot and one portion as an inherit- fathers hath given to you ?
ance, seeing I am a numerous 5 Furnish for yourselves three
people, to which extent the Lord men for each tribe and I will

hath hitherto blessed me ? send them out, and they shall

15 And Joshua’ said unto them, arise,and walk through the land,
If thou art a numerous people, and describe it according to their
then get thee up to the wood inheritance, and come again to
country, and cut down (a space) me.
for thyself there in the lan d of the 5 And they shall divide it into
Perizzites and of the Rephaim, seven parts Judah shall remain

if the mountain of Ephraim bo on his boundary at the south,

too narrow for thee. and the house of Joseph shall
16 And the children of Joseph remain on their boundary at the
said, The mountain will not be north.
enough for us and chariots of
6 But you shall make a de-
iron are belonging to all the Ca- scription of the land in seven
na’anites that dwell in the land parts, and bring it hither to me
of the valley, to those who are and I will cast the lot for you
at Beth-shean and its towns, and here, before the Lord our God.
to those who are in the valley of 7 For to the Levites there is
Yizre’el. no portion among you ; for the
17 And Joshua’ said unto the priesthood of the Lord is their
house of Joseph, to Ephraim and inheritance ; and Gad, and Reu-
to Menasseh, as followeth, Thou ben, and half the tribe of Me-
art a numerous people, and hast nasseh have already received
great power thou shalt not have
their inheritance beyond the
one lot only; Jordan, at the east, which Mo-
18 But the mountain shall be ses the servant of the Lord gave
thine; it is indeed a wood, yet to them.
thou eanst cut it down and the
8 And the men arose, and
terminations of it shall be thine; went away ;
and Joshua’ charged
for thou shalt drive out the Ca- those that went to describe the
na’anites, though they have iron land, saying, Go and walk
chariots, though they be strong. through the land, and describe
it, and return again to me; and
CHAPTER XVIII. here will I cast the lot for you
1 And the whole congrega- before the Lord, in Shiloh.
tion of the children of Israel as- 9 And the men went and
sembled together at Shiloh, and passed through the land, and
JOSHUA xvrir.
described according to the north, .and descended to the val-

cities in seven parts in a book; ley of Hinnom, to the side of the

and they came again to Joshua’ Jebusi on the south, and de-
to the camp at Shiloh. scended to’En-rogel,
10 And Joshua’ cast the lot 17 And extended northwardly >
for them in Shiloh before the and went forth to ’En-shemesh,
Lord; and Joshua’ divided there and went forth toward Geliloth,
the land unto the children of Is- which is opposite to the ascent
rael according to their divisions. of Adummim, and descended to
11 And the lot of the tribe Eben-bohan the son of Reu-
of the children of Benjamin ben,
came up according to their fa- 18 And passed along on this
milies; and' the boundary of side opposite to ’Arabah north-
their lot came forth between the ward; and went down unto ’Ara-
children of Judah and the chil- bah ;

dren of Joseph. 19 And the boundary passed

12 And their boundary was on along to the side of Beth-choglah
the north side (starting) from northward; and the terminations
the Jordan ; and the boundary of the border were at the north
w ent up to the side of Jericho on bay of the Salt Sea at the south
the north, and went up through end of the Jordan: this was the
the mountains westward ; and its south boundary.
terminations were at the wilder- 20 And the Jordan bounded
ness of Beth-aven. it on the east side. This was the
13 And the boundary went inheritance of the children of
over from there toward Luz, to Benjamin, by its boundaries
the south side of Luz, which is round about, according to their
Beth-el; and the boundary de- families.
scended to ’Atroth-addar, upon 21 Now these were the cities
the mount that on the south
is of the tribe of the children of
side of the lower Beth-choron. Benjamin according to their fa-
14 And the border extended milies, Jericho, and Beth-chog-
(thence), and fetched a compass lah, and ’Emek-keziz,
to the west side, to the south of 22 And Beth-ha’arabah, and
the mount that is before Beth- Zemarayim, and Beth-el,
choron at the south and its ter-
23 And ’Avviin, and Parah,
minations were at Kiryath-ba’al, and ’Ophrah,
which is Iviryath-ye’arim, a city 24 And Kephar-ha’ammonah,
of the children of Judah this : and ’Ophni, and Geba’: twelve
was the west -side. citieswith their villages.
15 And the south side com- 25 Gib’on, and Ramah, and
menced from the end of Kiryath- Beeroth,
ye’arim, and the boundary went 26 And Mizpeh, and Kephi-
out on the west, and went out to rah, and Mozah,
the spring of the waters of Neph- 27 And Rekem, and Yirpeel,
thoiich and Tharalah,
16 And the boundary went 28 And Zela’, Eleph, and Je-
down to the end of the mount busi, which is Jerusalem, Gib’-
that is before the valley of the- ath, and Kiryath fourteen cities

son of Hinnom, and which is in with their villages. This is the

the valley of Rephaim at the inheritance of the children of
29 J» 337
Benjamin according to their fa- eastward toward the rising of
milies. the sun unto the border of Kis-
loth- thabor, and then went out to
CHAPTER XIX. Daberath, and went up toYaphia’;
1 And
then came forth the 13 And from there it passed
second lot for Simeon, for the on in front to the east unto Uath-
tribe of the children of Simeon Chepher, to’Eth-kazin, and went
according to their families; and out to Rimmon, whence it ex-
their inheritance was within the tended to Ne’ah ;

inheritance of the children of 14 And this boundary turned

Judah. about on the north side to Chan-
2 And they obtained in their nathon; and its terminations
inheritance Beer-sheba’, (or) were in the valley of Yiphthach-
Sheba’, and Moladah, el;
3 And Chazar-shu’al, and Ba- 15 And Kattath, and Nahallal,
lah, and ’Ezem, and Shimron, and Yidalah, and
4 And Eltholad, and Bethul, Beth-lechem: twelve cities with
and Chormah, their villages.
5 And Ziklag, and Beth-ha-
16 This is the inheritance of
marcaboth, and Chazar-sussah, the children of Zebulun accord-
6 And Beth-lebaoth, and Sha- ing to their families, these cities
ruchen thirteen cities and their with their villages.

villages. 17 For Issachar came out

7 ’Ayin, Rimmon, and ’Ether, the fourth lot, for the children
and ’Ashan : four cities and their of Issachar according to their
villages, families.
8 And the villages that
all 18 And their boundary went
were round about these cities up to Yizre’el, and Kessulloth, and
to Ba’alath-beer, South Ramah. Shunem,
This is the inheritance of the 19 And Chapharayim, and
tribe of the children of Simeon Shion, and Anacharath,
according to their families. 20 And Rabbith, and Kish-
9 Out of the portion of the yon, and Abez,
children of Judah was the in- 21 And Remeth, and ’En-gan-
heritance of the children of Si- nim, and ’En-chaddah, and Beth-
meon ;
for the portion of the pazzez;
children of Judah was too much 22 And the boundary touched
for them; therefore the children on Thabor, and Shachazimah,
of Simeon obtained their inherit- and Beth-shemesb and the ter- ;

ance within their inheritance. minations of their boundaries

10 *; And then came up the were a t the Jordan sixteen cities :

third lot for the children ofZebu- with their villages.

lun according to their families 23 This is the inheritance of
and the boundary of their in- the tribe of the children of Issa-
heritance extended up to Sarid; char according to their families,
11 And their boundary went the cities and their villages.
up toward the sea,, and Mar’alah, 24 And then came out the
and touched on Dabbesheth, and fifth lot for the tribe of the chil-
touched on the brook that is be- dren of Asher according to their
fore Yokne’am; families.
12 And turned from Sarid 25 And their boundary was
Chelkath, and Chali, and Beten, 36 And Adamah, and Ramah,
and Achshaph, and Chazor,
26 And Allammeleeh, and 37 And Kedesh, and EdreY,
’A rn’ad, and Mishal ; and it anti ’En-chazor,
touched on Carmel at the sea, 38 And
Yiron, and Migdal-el,
and on Shichor-libnath Chorem, and Beth-’anath, and
27 And it turned toward the Beth-shemesh nineteen cities

rising of the sun to Beth-dagon, with their villages.

and touched on Zebulun, and on 39 This is the inheritance of
the valley of Yiphthach-el at the tribe of the children of
the north, on Beth-ha'einek, and Naphtali according to their fa-
Ne’iel, and went out to Cabub'milies, the cities and their vil-
on the left, lages.
28 And ’Ebron, and Rechob,40 For the tribe of the chil-
and Chamrnon, and Kanah, up dren of Dan according to their
to Zidon the great city, families came out the seventh
29 And then the boundary lot.
turned back to Ramah, and to 41 And the boundary of their ,

the city of Mibzar-zor; and then inheritance was Zor’ah, and

the boundary turned back to Eshthaol, and ’Ir-shemesh,
Chossah and the terminations
42 And Sha’alabbin, and Aya-
were by the sea in the district lon, and Yithlah,
toward Achzib 43 And Elon, and Thimna-
30 And ’Unimah and Aphek, thah, and ’Ekron,
and Rechob twenty and two
: 44 And Elthekeh, and Gibbe-
cities with their villages. thon, and Ba’alath,
31 This is the inheritance of 45 And Yehud, and Bene-
the tribe of the children of Asher berak, and Gath-rimmon,
according to their families, these 46 And Me-hayarkon, and
cities with their villages. Rakkon, with the boundary be-
32 f Unto the children of fore Yapho.
Naphtali came out the sixth lot, 47 And the territory of the
for the children of Naphtali ac- children of Dan went out beyond
cording to their families. these for the children of Dan

33 And their boundary was went up and fought against Le-

from Cheleph, from Allon-beza- shem, and captured it, and smote
'anannim, and Adami-hanekeb, it with the edge of the sword,
and Yabneel, as far as Lakkum; and took possession of it, and
and its terminations were at the dwelt therein, and they called
J ordan Leshem, Dan, after the name of
34 And then the boundary Dan their father.
turned westward to Aznoth-tha- 48 This is the inheritance of
bor, and went out from there to the tribe of the children of Dac
Chukkok, and touched on Zebu- according to their families, these
lun on the south, and touched cities with their villages.
on Asher on the west, and on 49 And they made an end

Judah upon the Jordan toward of dividing the land for inherit-
the rising of the sun. ance after its boundaries; and
35 And fortified cities, Zid- the children of Israel gave an
dim, Zer, and Chammath, Rak- inheritance to Joshua’ the son of
kath, and Kinnereth, Nun among them;
50 By the order of the Lord the high-priest that may be ir

did they give him the city which those days: then shall the man.
he had asked, Thimnath-serach slayer return, and come unto hia

on the mountain of Ephraim: ;own house, unto the city whence

and he built the city, and dwelt he hath fled.
therein. 7 And they appointed Kelesh
51 These are the inherit- in Galilee in the mountain of
ances, which ETazar the priest, Naphtali, and Shechem in the
and Joshua’ the son of Nun, and mountain of Ephraim, and Kir-
the heads of the divisions of the yath-arba’, which is Hebron, in
tribes of the children of Israel, the mountain of Judah.
divided for an inheritance by 8 And on the other side of the
lot, at Shiloh before the Lord, Jordan by Jericho eastward,
at the door of the tabernacle of they appointed Bezer in the wil-
the congregation. So they made derness in the plain from the
an end of dividing the country. tribe of Reuben, and Ramoth in
Gil’ad from the tribe of Gad, and
CHAPTER XX. Golan in Bashan from the tribe

1 ^ And the Lord spoke unto of Menasseh.

Joshua’, saying, 9 These were the cities as-
2 Speak to the children of Is- signed for all the children of
rael, saying, Appoint for your- Israel, and for the stranger that
selves the cities of refuge, where- sojourneth among them, that thi-
of I have spoken unto you by ther might flee whosoever killeth
the hand of Moses any person at unawares, and
3 That thither may flee the that he should not die by the
manslayer that killeth any per- hand of the avenger of the blood,
son unawares, without know- until he have stood before the
ledge; and they shall be unto congregation.
you for a refuge from the aven-
ger of the blood. CHAPTER XXL
4 And he shall flee unto one 1 Then came
near the heads
of those cities, and he shall stand of the divisions of the Levites
at the entrance of the gate of the unto El’azar the priest, and unto
city, and speak in the ears of the Joshua’ the son of Nun, and
elders of that city his words; and unto the heads of the divisions
they shall take him into the city of the tribes of the children of
unto them, and give him a place, Israel
that he may dwell among them. 2 And they spoke unto them
5 And if the avenger of the at Shiloh, in the land of Cana’an,
blood should pursue after him, saying, The Lord commanded
then shall they not deliver the by the hand of Moses to give
manslayer up into his hand; unto us cities to dwell in, with
because without knowledge did the open spaces thereof for our
he smite his neighbour, and he cattle.
was not an enemy to him in time 3 And the children of Israel
past. gave unto the Levites from their
6 And he shall dwell in that inheritance, at the order of the
city, until he shall have stood Lord, these cities and their open
before the congregation for judg- spaces.
ment, (and) until the death of 4 ^ And the lot came out for
the families of the Kehathites city of refuge for the manslayer,
and the children of Aaron the Hebron with its open spaces,
priest, who were of the Levites, and Libnah with its open spaces,
obtained from the tribe of Judah, 14 And Yatthir with its open
and from the tribe of Simeon, spaces, and Eshthemoa/ with its
and from the tribe of Benjamin, open spaces.
by lot, thirteen cities. 15 And Cholon with its open
5 And the rest of the chil- spaces, and Debir with its open
dren of Kehath obtained from spaces,
the families of the tribe of Eph- 16 And ’Ayin with its open
raim, and from the tribe of Dan, spaces, and Yuttah with its open
and from the half tribe of Me- spaces, and Beth-shemesh with
nasseh, by lot, ten cities. its open spaces: nine cities from

6 And the children of Ger- those two tribes.

shon obtained from the families 17 And from the tribe of
of the tribe of Issachar, and from Benjamin, Gib’on with its open
the tribe of Asher, and from the spaces, Geba* with its open
tribe of Naphtali> and from the spaces,
half tribe ofMenasseh in Bashan, 18 'Anathoth with its open
by lot, thirteen cities. spaces, and 'Almon with its open
7 1[ The children of Merari spaces: four cities.
after their families obtained from 19 All the cities of the chil-
the tribe of Reuben, and from dren of Aaron, the priests, were
the tribe of Gad, and from the thirteen cities with their opea
tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities. spaces.
8 And the children of Israel 20 And the families of the
gave unto the Levites these cities children of Kehath, the Levites,
with their open spaces, as the who remained of the children of
Lord had commanded by the Kehath, obtained the cities of
hand of Moses, by lot. their lot from the tribe of Eph-
9 *[}
they gave from the raim.
tribe of the children of Judah, 21 And they gave to them the
and from the tribe of the chil- city of refuge for the man slayer,
dren of Simeon, these cities Shechem with its open spaces in
which are called by name. the mountain of Ephraim, and
10 And the children of Aaron, Gezer with its open spaces,
of the families of the Kehathites, 22 And Kibzayim with its open
of the children of Levi, obtained spaces, and Beth-choron with its
them ;

for they had the first lot. open spaces four cities.

1 1 And they gave unto them 23 f And from the tribe of

Kiryath-arba’, (the father of Dan,Eltheke with its open spaces,
*Anak,) which is Hebron, in the Gibbethon with its open spaces,
mountain of Judah, with the 24 Ayalon with its open spaces,
open spaces thereof round about Gath-rimmon with its open
it; spaces : four cities.
12 But the And from the half tribe
fields of the city, 25
and its villages, theyMenasseh, Tha'nach with its
gave to of
Caleb the son of Yephunneh for open spaces, and Gath-rimmon
his possession. with its open spaces two cities. :

13 And to the children of 26 All the cities were ten with

Aaron the priest they gave the their open spaces for the families
29 * 341
of the children of Kehath that open spaces, and Machana-
remained. yim with its open spaces,
27 And unto the children of 37 Cheshbon with its open
Gershon, of the families of the spaces, Ya’zer with its open
Levites, (they gave) fro,m the spaces four cities in all.

(other) half tribe of Menasseh 38 All the cities for the chil-
the city of refuge for the man- dren of Merari after their fami-
slayer, Golan in Bashan with its lies, they who were remaining
open spaces, and Be’eshtherah of the families of the Levites, —
with its open spaces two cities. even their lot was twelve cities.

28 And from the tribe of Is- 39 All the cities of the Levitea
sachar, Kishyon with its open in the midst of the possession of
spaces, Daberath with its open the children of Israel were forty
spaces, and eight cities with their open
29 Yarmuth with its open spaces.
spaces, ’En-gannim with its open 40 These cities were every one
spaces four cities.
: with their open spaces round
30 And from the tribe of Ash- about them thus it was with all

er, Mishal with its open spaces, these cities.

’Abdon with its open spaces, 41 And the Lord gave unto
31 Chelkath with its open Israel all the land which he had
spaces, and Rechob with its open sworn to give unto their fathers;
spaces four cities.
: and they possessed it, and dwelt
32 And from the tribe of therein.
Naphtali, the city of refuge for 42 And the Lord gave them
the manslayer, Kedesh in Gali- rest round about, all just as he
lee with its open spaces, and had sworn unto their fathers
Chammoth-dor with its open and there stood not up before
spaces, and Karthan with its them a man of all their enemies ;
open spaces: three cities. all their enemies the Lord de-
33 All the cities' of the Ger- livered into their hand.
shunites according to their fami- 43 There failed not aught of
lies were thirteen cities with their all the good thing which the
open spaces. Lord had spoken unto the house
34 And unto the families of of Israel it all came to pass.

the children of Merari, the re-

mainder of the Levites, (they CHAPTERXXII.
gave) from the tribe of Zebulun, 1 <[f Then did Joshua’ call the
Yokne’am with its open spaces, Reiibenites, and the Gadites, and
and Karthah with its open spaces. the half tribe of Menasseh,
35 Dimnah with its open 2 And he said unto them, Ye
spaces, Nahalal with its open have indeed kept all that Moses
spaces: four cities. the servant of the Lord com-
3b And from the tribe of Gad, manded you, and ye have obeyed
the city of refuge for the man- my voice in all that I commanded
slayer, Ramoth in Gil’ad with you :

* Here follow in some copies the fol- “37 Kedemoth with its open spaces,
lowing two verses; but they are not in a-id Mepha’ath with its open spaces:
the Hebrew text; four cities..
“36 And from the tribe of Reuben, If these verses are included, v 36 if
Bezer with its open spaces, and Yahzah 38, &c.
With its open spaces,
Ye have not forsaken your to the land of their possession,
brethren these many days, until whereof they were possessed, ac-
this day; but ye have kept the cording to the order of the Lord
obligation of the commandment by the han.d of Moses.
of the Lord your God. 10 And when they came unto
4 And now the Lord your God the districts of the Jordan, that
hath given rest unto your bre- are in the land of Cana’an, the
thren, as he promised them children of Reuben and the chil-

therefore now turn yourselves, dren of Gad and the half Iribe
and get you unto your tents, of Menasseh built there an altar
unto the land of your possession, by the Jordan, a great altar for
which Moses the servant of the a show.
Lord gave unto you on the other 11 And the children of Israel
side of the Jordan. heard, as followeth, Behold, the
5 Only take diligent heed to children of Reuben and the chil-
practise the commandment and dren of Gad and the half tribe
the law, which Moses the servant of Menasseh have built an altar
of the Lord hath commanded in the front of the land of Ca-
you, to love the Lord your God, na’an, in the districts of the Jor-
and to walk in all his ways, and dan, at the side belonging to the
to keep his commandments, and children of Israel.
to cleave unto him, and to serve 12 And when the children of
him with all your heart and with Israel heard it, the whole con-
all your soul. gregation cf the children of Is-
6 And Joshua’ blessed them, rael assembled themselves toge-
and sent them away and they ther at Shiloh, to go up against

went unto their tents. them to war.

7 Now to the one half of 13 And the children of Israel
the tribe of Menasseh Moses had sent unto the children of Reii-
given possession in Bashan but ben, and to the children of Gad,

unto the other half thereof gave and to the half tribe of Menasseh,
Joshua’ with their brethren on into the land of Gil’ad, Phinehas
this side of the Jordan west- the son of El’azar the priest,
ward; and when Joshua’ sent 14 And ten princes with him.
them also away unto their tents, one prince each for every divi-
lie blessed them sion of all the tribes of Israel;
8 And he
said unto them, as and each one was a head of their
folio weth, With much
riches re- family divisions among the thou-
turn unto your tents, and with sands of Israel.
very much cattle, with silver, and 15 And they came unto tlio
with gold, and with copper, and children of Reuben, and to the
with iron, and with very many children of Gad, and to the half
garments divide the spoil of tribe of Menasseh, unto tb« ’and

your enemies with your brethren. of Gil'ad, and they spoke with
9 And the children of Reu- them, saying,
ben and the children of Gad and 16 Thus have said the whole
the half tribe of Menasseh re- congregation of the Lord, What
turned, and departed from the trespass is this that ye have
children of Israel from Shiloh, committed against the God of
which is in the land of Cana’an, Israel to turn away this day
to go unto the country of Gil’ad, from following the Lord, in that
ye have built yourselves an altar, 24 Or whether we have not
that ye might rebel this day done it for fear of this thing,
against the Lord? saying, In time to come your
17 Have we had too little in the children might say unto our chil-
iniquity of Pe’or, —
from which dren, as followeth, What have ye
we are not yet cleansed until this to do with the Lord, the God of
day, —
when there was a plague Israel ?
in the congregation of the Lord ? 25 For the Lord hath mauo a
18 And will ye turn away this boundary between us and you,
day from following the Lord? ye children of Reuben and chil-
and it will be, that when ye will dren of Gad, the Jordan; ye —
rebel this day against the Lord, have no part in the Lord thus :

to-morrow he will be wroth with might your children make our

the whole congregation of Israel. children cease so as not to fear
19 But, notwithstanding, if the Lord.
the land of your possession be 26 Wherefore we said, Let us
unclean, then pass ye over unto now act for ourselves to build
the land of the possession of the this altar, not for burnt- offering,
Lord, wherein dwelleth the ta- nor for sacrifice
bernacle of the Lord, and take 27 But it shall be a witness
possession in the midst of us between us, and you, and our
but rebel not against the Lord, generations after us, that we may
and against us do not rebel, in perform the service of the Lord
building yourselves an altar, be- before him with our burnt-offer-
side the altar of the Lord our ings, and with our sacrifices, and
God. with our peace-offerings ;
20 Did not ’Achan the son of that your children may not say
Zerach commit a trespass on the in time to come to our children,
devoted things, and wrath fell Ye have no portion in the Lord.
on all the congregation of Is- 28 And we said, that it shall
rael? and he, though but one be when they should say this to
man, perished not alone in his us and to our generations in time
iniquity. to come, that we may say, Be-
21 if
But the children of Reu- hold the pattern of the altar of
ben and the children of Gad and the Lord, which our fathers
the half tribe of Menasseh an- made, not for burnt-offering, nor
swered, and they spoke unto the for sacrifice;' but it is a witness
heads of the thousands of Israel, between us and you.
22 The God of gods, the Eter- 29 Far be it from us that we
nal, the God of gods, the Eter- should rebel against the Lord,
nal, he knoweth, and Israel also and turn away this day from fol-
shall know if it be in rebellion,
: lowing the Lord, to build an
or if in transgression .against the altar for burnt-offering, for meat-
Lord, (aid us not this day,) offering, or for sacrifice, beside
23 That we have built us an the altar of the Lord our God
aitar to'turn away from follow- that is before his dwelling.
ing the Lord or if to offer there-
30 And when Phinehas the
on burnt-offering or meat-offer- priest, and the princes of the con-
ing, or if to offer thereon peace- gregation and the heads of the
offerings, may the Lord himself thousands of Israel who were
require it; with him, heard the words which
the children of Reuben and the 3 And ye have yourselves seem
children of Gad and the children all that the Lord your God hath
of Menasseh had spoken, it was done unto all these nations, be-
pleasing in their ej’es. cause of you; for the Lord your
31 And Phinehas the son of God it is that hath fought for
El’azar the priest said unto the you.
children of Reuben, and to the 4 Behold, I have divided unto
children of Gad, and to the chil- you by lot those nations that
dren of Menasseh, This day do yet remain, to be an inheritance
we know that the Lord is in our according to your tribes, from
midst, because ye have not com- the Jordan, with all the nations
mitted this trespass against the that I have cut off, as far as the
Lord: now have ye delivered great sea, toward the setting of
the children of Israel out of the the sun.
hand of the Lord. 5 And the Lord your God will
32 5[ And Phinehas the son indeed expel them from before
of EPazar the priest, and the you, and drive them out from
princes, returned from the chil- before you; and ye shall possess
pren of Reuben, and from the their land, as the Lord } our God

children of Gad, out of the land hath spoken unto you.

of Gii’ad, unto the land of Ca- 6 But be ye very steadfast to
na’an, to the children of Israel, keep and to do all that is written
and they brought them word in the book of the law of Moses,
again. so as not to turn aside therefrom
33 And the thing was pleasing to the right or to the left;
in the eyes of the children of Is- 7 So as not to come among
rael and the children of Israel
these nations, those that are left
blessed God and they did not
; remaining near you and of the

speak any more to go up against name of their gods shall ye not

them to battle, to destroy the make mention, nor cause any
land wherein the of to swear thereby, neither shall
Reuben and Gad dwelt. ye serve them, nor bow your-
34 And the children of R.eii- selves down unto them;
ben and the children of Gad 8 But unto the Lord your
called the altar (“Ed”) for (they God shall ye cleave, as ye have

said) it is a witness between us done unto this day.

that the Eternal is God. 9 And the Lord drove out
from before you great and mighty
CHAPTER XXIII. nations but as for you, no man

1 ^ And it came to pass after hath been able to stand up be-

many days, after the Lord had fore you unto this day.
given rest unto Israel from all 10 One man of you can chase
their enemies round about, and a thousand ; for the Lord your
Joshua’ had grown old and was God it is that fighteth for you,
well stricken in age, as he hath spoken unto you.
2 That Joshua’ called for all 11 Take good heed therefore
Israel, for their elders, and for for your soul’s sake, to love the
their heads, and for their judges, Lord your God.
and for their officers, and said 12 For if ye do in any wise
unto them, I am become old and turn back, and cleave unto the
well stricken in age 'remnant of these nations, those
that are left remaining near the people, Thus hath said the
you, and make marriages with Lord the God of Israel, On the
them, and come in among them, other side of the river did your
and they among you : fathers dwell in old time, even
13 Know for a certainty that Therach, the father of Abraham,
the Lord your God will no more and the father of Nachor; and
drive out these nations from be- they served other gods.
fore you; but they shall be snares 3 And I took your father Abra-
and traps unto you, and scourges ham from the other side of the
in your sides, and stings in your river, and I led him throughout
eyes, until ye perish from off this all the land of Cana’an ; and I
good land which the Lord your multiplied his seed, and gave
God hath given unto you. him Isaac.
14 And, behold, I am going 4 And I gave unto Isaac, Ja-
this day the way of all the earth cob and ’Esau: and I gave unto
and ye know with all your heart ’Esau mount Se’ir, to possess it;
and with all your soul, that not but Jacob and his children went
one thing hath failed of all the down into Egypt.
good things which the Lord your 5 And I sent Moses and Aaron,
God spoke concerning you: all and I plagued Egypt in the man-
are come to pass unto you, not ner as I have done among them;
one thing thereof hath failed. and after that I brought you
15 But it shall come to pass, out.
that as every good thing is come 6 And I brought your fathers
upon you, which the Lord your out of Egypt; and ye came unto
God spoke unto you so will the the sea and the Egyptians pur-

LoRft bring upon you every evil sued after your fathers with cha-
thing, until he have destroyed riots and horsemen unto the Red
you from off this good land which Sea.
the Lord your God hath given 7 And they cried unto the
unto you. Lord, and he put darkness be-
16 When ye transgress the tween you and the Egyptians,
covenant of the Lord your God, and he brought the sea over
which he hath commanded you, them, and covered them ; and
and go and serve other gods, and your eyes saw what I had done
bow yourselves down to them on Egypt; and ye dwelt in the
then will the anger of the Lord wilderness many days.
be kindled against you, and ye 8 And I brought you into the
shall perish quickly from off the land of the Emorites, that dwelt
good land which he hath given on the other side of the Jordan ;
unto you. and they fought with you and

I gave them into your hand, and

CHAPTER XXIY. ye took possession of their land;
1 And Joshua’ assembled and I destroyed them from be-
all the tribes of Israel to She- fore you.
chem and he called for the elders
9 Then Balak the son of Zip.
of Israel, and for their heads, por, the king of Moiih, arose and
and for their judges, and for warred against Israel; and he
their officers, and they presented sent and called Bil’am the son
themselves before God. of Be’or to curse you
2 And Joshua’ said unto all 10 And I would not hearken
unto Bil’am ;
to bless' whereon
but be had we haA'e gone, and
you instead and I delivered among all the people through

you out of his hand. the midst of whom we have

11 And ye passed over the passed
Jordan, and came unto Jericho; 18 And the Lord hath driven
and then fought the men of Je- out all the nations, and tho
richo against you, the Emorites, Emorites who dwelt in the land,
and the Perizzites, and the Ca- from before us; therefore also
na’anites, and the Hittites, and will we serve the Lord; for he
the Girgashites, the Hivites, and is our God.
the Jebusites: and I gave them 19 And Joshua'* said unto the
up into your hand. people, Ye will not be able to
12 And I sent before you the serve the Lord; for he is a holy
hornet which drove them out God; he is a watchful God; ne
from before you, even the two will not have any indulgence
kings of the Emorites: not with for your transgressions and for
thy sword, and not with thy your sins
bow. 20 If ye forsake the Lord,
13 And I gave you a land for and serve strange gods, then
which ye had not toiled, and will he again do you evil, and
cities which ye had not built, consume you, after that he hath
and ye dwell in them of vine- : done you good.
yards and oliveyards which ye 21 And the people said unto
planted not do ye eat. Joshua’, No; nevertheless the
14 Now therefore fear the Lord will we serve.
Lord, and serve him in sincerity 22 And Joshua’ said unto the
and in truth and put away the
people, Ye
are witnesses agflinst
gods which your fathers served yourselves that ye yourselves
on the other side of the river and have chosen for you the Lord,
in Egypt, and serve the Lord. to serve him. And they said,
15 And if it be displeasing in We are witnesses.
your eyes to serve the Lord, 23 And now put away the
choose for yourselves this day strange gods which are in the
whom ye will serve: whether midst of you, and incline your
the gods which your fathers that heart unto the Lord the God of
were on the other side of the Israel.
river served, or the gods of the 24 And the people said unto
'Emorites, in whose land ye Joshua’, The Lord our God will
dwell ;
but as for me and my we serve, and his voice will wo
house, we will serve the Lord. obey.
16 And the people answered 25 And Joshua’ made a cove-
and said, Far be it from us to nant with the people on that
forsake the Lord, to serve other day, and set them a statute and
gods an ordinance in Shechem.
17 For the Lord our God it is 26 And Joshua’ wrote these
that hath brought us and our words in the book of the law or
fathers up out of the land of God: and he took a great stone,
Egypt, from the house of slavery, and set it up there under the
and who hath done those great oak, that was by the sanctuary
signs before our eyes, and pre- of the Lord.
served us upon all the way 27 And Joshua’ said unto

all the people, Behold, this stone allthe days of Joshua’, and all
shall be among us as a witness the days of the elders who lived
for it hath heard all the words many days after Joshua’, an*,
of the Loud w hich he spoke un-
who had known all the deeds o
to us :it shall be therefore as a the Lord, that he had done for
witness against you, that ye may Israel.
not deny your God. 32 And the bones of Joseph,
28 And Joshua’ let the people which the children of Israel had
depart, every man unto his in- brought up out of Egypt, they
heritance. buried in Shechem, in a parcel
29 And it came to pass after of the field which Jacob had
these things, that Joshua’ the bought of the sons of Chamor
son of Nun, the servant of the the father of Shechem for one
Lord, died, one hundred and hundred kessitah and it re- :

ten years old. mained the inheritance of the

30 And they buried him on children of Joseph.
the border of his inheritance at 33 And El’azar the son of
Thimnath-serach, which on Aaron died; and they buried
the mountain of Ephraim, on him on the hill of Phinehas his
the north side of mount Ga’ash. son, which was given him in the
31 And Igrael served the Lord mountain of Ephraim.


D'DSlty 13D.

CHAPTER I. 4 And Judah went up; and

1 And it came
pass after
to the Lord delivered the Cana’an-
the death of Joshua’, that the ites and the Perizzites into their
children of Israel asked the hand and they smote (of) them'

Lord, saying, Who shall go up in Bezek ten thousand men.

for us against the Cana’anites at 5 And they found Adoni-bezek
the first, to fight against them? in Bezek and they fought

2 And the Lord said, Judah against him, and they smote
shall go up: behold, I have de- the Cana’anites and the Periz-
livered the land into his hand. zites.
3 And Judah said unto Simeon 6 But Adoni bezek fled; and
his brother, Come up with me they pursued after him, and
into my lot, and we will fight caught him, and cut off his
against the Cana’anites; and I thumbs and his great toes.
likewise will go with thee into 7 And Adoni-bezek said,
thy lot. So Simeon went with Seventy kings, having their
him. thumbs and their great toes cut

off, gathered food under my ’Arad; and they went and dwelt
table: as I have done, so hath with the people.
God requited me. And they 17 And Judah went with
brought him to Jerusalem, and Simeon his brother, and they
he died there. smote the Cana’anites that in-
8 And the children of Judah habited Zephath, and devoted
fought against Jerusalem, and it. And the name of the city
raptured it, and they smote it was called Chormah.
with the edge of the sword, andi 18 And Judah captured Gaz-
the city they set on fire. zah with its territory, and Ash-

9 And afterward did the chil- kelon with its territory, and ’Ek-
dren of Judah go down to fight ron with its territory.
against the Cana’anites, that 19 And the Lord was w ith r

dwelt in the mountain, and in Judah; and he took possession

the south, and in the lowlands. of the mountain but could not

10 And Judah went against drive out the inhabitants of the

the Cana’anites that dwelt in valley, because they had chariots
Hebron; (now the name of of iron.
Hebron was formerly Kiryath- 20 And they gave Hebron un-
arba’;) and they smote Sheshai, to Caleb, as Moses had spoken ;

and Achiman, and Thalmai. and he drove out thence the

11 And he went from there three sons of ’Anak.
against the inhabitants of Debir; 21 And the Jebusites that in-
and the name of Debir was for- habited Jerusalem, the children
merly Kiryath-sepher of Benjamin did not drive out;
12 And Caleb said, He that but the Jebusites dwelt with the
will smite Kiryath-sepher, and children of Benjamin in Jerusa-
capture it, to him will I give lem until this day.
’Achsah my daughter for wife. 22 And the house of Joseph,
13 And ’Othniel the son of these also, went up against Beth-
Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother, el: and the Lord was with them.
captured it: and he gave him 23 And the house of Joseph
’Achsah his daughter for wife. sent to spy out Beth-el :now
14 And it came to pass, when the name of the city formerly
she came to him, that she per- was Luz.
suaded him to ask of her father 24 And the watchers saw a
a field: and she alighted from man coming forth out of the
off her ass;
and Caleb said unto city, and they said unto him,
her, What aileth thee? Show us, we pray thee, the en-
15 And she said unto him, trance into the city, and we will
Give me a blessing; for thou show thee kindness.
hast given me a dry land give
25 And he showed them the
me also springs of water. And entrance into the city, and they
Caleb gave her the upper springs smote the city with the edge of
and the nether springs. the sword; but the man and all
16 And the children of the his family they let go free.
Kenite, the father-in-law of Mo- 26 And the man went into the
ses, went up out of the city of land of the Hittites, and built a
palm-trees with the children of city, and called its name Luz*
Judah into the wilderness of this is its name unto this day.
Judah, which is at the south of 27 V Neither did Menasseh
30 349

drive out (the inhabitants of) Ayalon, and in Sha’albim; but

Beth-shean and its towns, nor when the hand of the house of
Tha’anach and its towns, nor the Joseph prevailed, they became
inhabitants of Dor and its towns, tributary.
nor the inhabitants of Yible’am 36 And the territory of tho
and its towns, nor the inhabitants Emorites was from the ascent of
of Megiddo and its towns; but ’Akrabbim, from the Rock up-
the Cana’anites succeeded to re- ward.
main in this land.
28 And it came to pass, when CHAPTER II.

Israel became strong, that they 1 And

a messenger of th
put the Cana’anites to tribute; Lord came up from Gilgal to
but they did not drive them out Bochim,
entirely. And he said, I caused you
29 ^ Neither did Ephraim togo up out of Egypt; and I
drive out the Cana’anites that brought you unto the land which
dwelt in Gezer; and the Cana’an- I had sworn unto your fathers;
ites dwelt in the midst of them and I said, I will not break my
at Gezer. covenant with you for ever.
80 Zebulun did not drive 2 But ye for your part shall
out the inhabitants of Kitron, make no covenant with the in-
nor the inhabitants of Nahalol; habitants of this land; their al-
and the Cananites dwelt in the tars shall ye throw down; but
midst of them, and became tri- ye have not obeyed my voice
butary. what is this ye have done?
31 Asher did not drive out 3 And I also have said, I will
the inhabitants of ’Akko, nor the not drive them out from before
inhabitants of Zidon, nor of Ach- you but they shall be evil neigh-

lab, nor of Achzib, nor of Chel- bours to you,- and their gods shall
bah, nor of Aphik, nor of Re- become a snare unto you.
chob ;
4 And it came to pass, when
32 And the Asherites dwelt in the messenger of the Lord spoke
the midst of the Cana’anites, the these words unto all the children
inhabitants of the land; for they of Israel, that the people lifted
did not drive them out. up their voice, and wept.
33 f Nnphtali did not drive 5 And they called the name
out the inhabitants of Beth- of that place Bochim [Weepers] ;
shemesh, nor the inhabitants of and they sacrificed there unto
Beth-’anath and he dwelt in the the Lord.

midst of the Cana’anites, the in- 6 And when Joshua’ had let
habitants of the land; neverthe- the people go, the children of
less the inhabitants of Beth-she- Israel went every man unto hie
inesh and of Beth-’anath became inheritance to take possession oi
tributary unto them. the land.
34 And the Emorites forced 7 And the people served the
the children of Dan into the Lord all the days of Joshua’,
mountain; for they would not and all the days of the eliers
suffer them to come down into that lived many days after Jo-
the valley shua’, who had seen all the great
35 And the Emorites succeeded deeds of the Lord, which he had
to remain on mount Cheres, in done for Israel.
8 Then died Joshua’ the son they did not hearken; but they
of Nun, the servant of the Lord, went astray after other gods, and
being one hundred and ten years bowed themselves unto them :

old. they turned quickly out of the

9 And they buried him on the way which fathers had
border of his inheritance in walked in, to obey the command-
Thimnath-cheres, in the moun- ments of the Lord; they did not
tain of Ephraim, on the north so.
side of mount Ga’ash. 18 And when the Lord raised
10 And also all that genera- them up judges, then was the
tion were gathered unto their Lord with the judge, and he de-
fathers; and there arose another livered them out of the hand of
generation after them, who knew their enemies all the days of the
not the Lord, and likewise not judge; for the Lord bethought
the deeds which he had done for himself because of their groan-
Israel. ing by reason of those that
11 And the children of Is- oppressed them and ill-treated
rael did the evil in the eyes of them.
the Lord, and served the Be- 19 And it came to pass, when
’alim the judge died, that they re-
12 And they forsook the Lord turned, and became more corrupt
the God of their fathers, who than their fathers, in going after
had brought them out of the land other gods to serve them, and to
of Egypt, and they went after bow down unto them they omit-:

other gods, of the gods of the ted nothing from their doings,
nations that were round about and from their stubborn way.
them, and they bowed them- 20 And the anger of the Lord
selves unto them, and incensed was kindled against Israel; and
the Lord. he said, For the cause that this
13 And they forsook the Lord, people have transgressed my
and served Ba’al and ’Ashtha- covenant which I commanded
roth. their fathers, and have not
14 And the anger of the Lord hearkened unto my voice:
was kindled against Israel, and 21 So will I also for my part
he delivered them into the hand not drive out henceforth any
of spoilers who spoiled them, and man from before them out of the
he sold them into the hand of nations which Joshua’ left when
their enemies round about, and he died;
they were not able any longer 22 In order to prove through
to stand before their enemies. them the Israelites, whether they
15 Whithersoever they went will keep the way of the Lord,
out, the hand of the Lord was to walk therein, as their fathers
against them for evil, as the did keep it, or not.
Lord had spoken, and as the 23 And thus did the Lord
Lord had sworn unto them and leave these nations, so as not to

they were greatly distressed. drive them out speedily; and he

16 And the Lord raised up delivered them not into the hand
judges, and they delivered them of Joshua’.
out of the hand of those that
spoiled them. CHAPTER III.
17 But also unto their judges 1 Now these are the nat ions
that the Lord left, to prove by the son of Kenaz, the younget
them the Israelites, namely, all brother of Caleb.
those who had not experienced 10 And the spirit of the Lord
all the wars of Cana’an; came over him, and he judged
2 Only in order that the fu- Israel, and went out to battle:
ture generations of the children and the Lord delivered Cushan-
of Israel might obtain know- rish’athayim the king of Meso-
ledge, to teach them war; but potamia into his hand ;
and his
fcnly such as before had learned hand prevailed over Cushan-
nothing thereof; rish’athayim.
3 Namely, the five lords of 11 And the land had rest forty
the Philistines, and all the Ca- years ;
and then died ’Othniel
na’anites, and the Zidonians, the son of Kenaz.
and the Hivites that dwelt on 12 And the children of Is-
mount Lebanon, from mount rael did again the evil in the
Ba’al-ckermon unto the entrance eyes of the Lord; and the Lord
of Chamath. strengthened ’Eglon the king of
4 And they were left to prove Moab against Israel, because
by them the Israelites, to know they had done the evil in the
whether they would hearken unto eyes of the Lord.
the commandments of the Lord, 13 And he gathered unto him
which he had commanded their the children of ’Ammon and
fathers by the hand of Moses. ’Amalek, and they went and
5 And the children of Israel smote Israel, and took posses-
dwelt in the midst of the Ca- sion of the city of palm-trees.
na’anites, the Hittites, and the 14 And the children of Israel
Emorites, and the Perizzites, served ’Eglon the king of Moab
and the Hivites, and the Jebu- eighteen years.
sites 15 But the children of Israel
6 And they took their daugh- cried then unto the Lord; and
ters to themselves for wives, and the Lord raised up unto them a
their daughters they gave to deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera
their sons ; and they served their a Benjamite, a man who was
gods. lamed in his right hand and ;

7 And
the children of Israel the children of Israel sent by
did (thus) the evil in the eyes him a present unto ’Eglon the
of the Lord, and forgot the king of Moab.
Lord their God, and served the 16 But Ehud made himself a
Be’alim and the groves. sword which had two edges, of
8 Wherefore the anger of the a cubit length and he girded it

Lord was kindled against Israel, under his garments upon lib
and he sold them into the hand right thigh.
of Cushan-rish’athayim the king 17 And he brought the pre-
of Mesopotamia; and the chil- sent near unto ’Eglon the king
dren of Israel served Cushan- of Moab :now ’Eglon was a
rish’athayim eight years. very fat man.
9 And the children of Israel 18 And it came to pass when
cried then unto the Lord, and he had made an end to offer the
the Lord raised up a deliverer present, that he sent away the
to the children of Israel, who people who had borne the pre-
delivered them, namely, ’Othniel sent.

19 But himself returned the mountain, and he before

again from the quarries that them.
were by Gilgal, and said, I have 28 And he said unto them,
a secret word unto thee, 0 king. Pursue after me; for the Lord
And he said, Keep silence. And hath delivered your enemies, the
thereupon went out from his pre Moabites, into your hand. And
sence all that stood by him. they went down after him, and
20 And Ehud came in unto seized on the fords of the Jordan
him and he was sitting in the toward Moab, and suffered not a

summer upper chamber, which man to pass over.

was for himself alone. And 29 And they smote of Moab
Ehud said, I have a word of at that time about ten thousand
God unto thee. And he arose men, all lusty, and all men of
out of his chair. valour; and there escaped not
21 And Ehud stretched forth a man.
his left hand, and took the sword 30 And Moab was humbled
from his right thigh, and thrust that day under the hand of Is-
it into his body. rael. And the land had rest
22 And the haft also went in eighty years.
after the blade ; and the fat 31 And after him was Sham-
closed upon the blade ; for he gar the son of ’Anatli, who smote
did not draw the sword out of of the Philistines six hundred
his body, and it passed into the men with an ox-goad; and he
fundament. also delivered Israel.
23 And Ehud went forth into
the ante-room, and shut the CHAPTER IV.
doors of the upper chamber 1 Andthe children of Israel
after him, and locked them. again did the evil in the eyes of
24 He was just gone out, when the Lord, when Ehud was dead.
his servants came ; and they 2 And the Lord sold them
saw, behold, the doors of the into the hand of Yabin the king
upper chamber were locked of Cana’an, that reigned in Cha-
and they said, Surely he cover- zor ; and the captain of his army
eth his feet in the summer was Sissera, who dwelt in Cha-
chamber. rosheth -hagoyim
25 And
they tarried till they 3 And the children of Israel
were ashamed and behold, he
cried unto the Lord for he had

opened not the doors of the nine hundred chariots of iron

upper chamber wherefore they : and he oppressed the children
took the key and opened them : of Israel with might twenty
and, behold, their lord was lying years.
dead on the floor. 4 And Deborah, a prophet-
26 And Ehud had escaped ess, the wife of Lapidoth, she—
while they were tarrying, and judged Israel at that time.
passed beyond the quarries, and 5 And she held her sitting
escaped unto Se’irah. under the palm-tree of Deborah
27 And it came to pass, between Ramah and Beth-el on
when he was come, that he blew the mountain of Ephraim and ;

the cornet on the mountain of the children of Israel came up

Ephraim, and the children of to her for judgment.
Israel went down with him from 6 And she sent and called
30* r 353
Barak the son of Abino’am out Sissera into thy hand; behold,
of Kedesh-naphtali ;
and she the Lord is gone out before thee:
said unto him, Behold, the Lord so Barak went down from mount
the God of Israel hath com- Thabor, with ten thousand men
manded, Go and lead on toward after him.
mount Thabor, and take with 15 And the Lord confounded
thee ten thousand men of the Sissera, and all his chariots, and
children of Naphtali and of the all his army, with the edge of
children of Zebulun. the sword before Barak and ;

7 And I will draw unto thee, Sissera alighted from his chariot,
to the brook Kishon, Sissera, and fled away on foot.
the captain of Yabin’s army, 16 And Barak pursued after
and his chariots and his multi- the chariots, and after the army,
tude and I will give him up unto Charosheth-hagoyim and

into thy hand. all the army of Sissera fell by

8 And Barak said unto her, the edge of the sword there

If thou wilt go with me, then was not left even one.
will I go but if thou wilt not
17 But Sissera had fled away
go with me, I will not go. on foot to the tent of Ja’el the
9 And she said, I will indeed wife of Cheber the Kenite for ;

go with thee; nevertheless it there was peace between Yabin

will not be for thy honour, on the king of Chazor and the house
the way which thou goest; for of Cheber the Kenite.
into the hand of a woman will 18 And Ja’el went out to meet
the Lord deliver Sissera; and Sissera, and said unto him, Turn
Deborah arose, and went with in, my lord, turn in unto me,
Barak to Kedesh. fear not and he turned in unto

1 0 And Barak called Zebulun her into the tent, and she covered
and Naphtali together to Ke- him with a blanket.
desh and there went up in his
19 And he said unto her, Give
train ten thousand men ;
also me to drink, I pray thee, a little
Deborah went up with him. water for I am thirsty and she

11 Now Cheber the Kenite' opened a bottle of milk, and

had severed himself from the gave him to drink, and covered
Kenites, from the children of him up.
Chobab the father-in-law of 20 And he said unto her.
Moses; and he had pitched his Stand at the door of the tent;
tent as far as Elon-beza’anan- and it shall be, that, when any
nim, which is near Kedesh. man should come and ask of
12 And they told Sissera that thee, and say, Is there any man
Barak the son of Abino’am was here? thou shalt say, No.
gone up to mount Thabor. 21 And Ja’el the wife of Che-
13 And Sissera called together ber took thereupon the nail of
all his chariots, nine hundred the tent, and placed a hammer
chariots of iron, and all the in her hand, and went softly un-
people that were with him, from to him, and struck the nail into
Charosheth-hagoyim unto the his temple, and it became fast-
brook Kishon. ened in the ground but he was

14 And Deborah said unto fast asleep and weary so he ;

Barak, Up for this is the day died.


on which the Lord hath given 22 And, behold, Barak came

in pursuit of Sissera,and Ja’el was there war in the gates was :

cauie out to meet him, and said there a shield seen or a, spear
unto him, Come, and I will show among forty thousand in Is-
thee the man whom thou art rael ?

seeking : and he came to her, 9 My heart (belongeth) to the

and behold, Sissera was lying governors of Israel, that offered
dead, with the nail in his temple. themselves willingly among the
23 So did God humble on that people praise ye the Lord.

day Yabin the king of Cana’an 10 Ye that ride on white asses,

before the children of Israel. ye that sit in judgment, and ye
24 And the hand of the chil- who walk on the way, utter
dren of Israel became constantly praise
heavier upon Yabin the king 11 (Urged on) by the voice
of Cana’an, until they had de- of those who divide (the flocks)
stroyed Yabin the king of Ca- between the watering wells, there
na’an. shall they rehearse the benefits
of the Lord, the benefits toward
CHAPTER V. his open towns in Israel; (for)
1 with now go down (again) to the
Then sang Deborah
Barak the son of Abino’am on gates the people of the Lord.
that day, saying, 12 Awake, awake, Deborah
2 When depravity had broken awake, awake, utter a song up, !

out in Israel, then did the peo- Barak, and lead away thy cap-
ple offer themselves willingly; tives, son of ’Abino’am.
(therefore) praise ye the Lord. 13 Then obtained dominion a
3 Hear, 0 kings give ear, 0 few that had escaped for the
— ;

princes I unto the Lord will

nobles among the people the —
I sing ; I will sing praise to the Lord gave me dominion over
Lord, the God of Israel. the mighty.
4 Lord, at thy going forth out 14 They whose root is out of
of Se’ir, at thy marching along Ephraim were against ’Amalek ;

out of the field of Edom, the after thee, Benjamin, with thy
earth trembled, also the heavens armies; out of Machir came
dropped, also the clouds dropped down lawgivers, and out of Ze-
water. bulun they that handle the pen
5 The mountains melted away of the writer.
because of the presence of the 15 And the princes of Issachar
Lord, yonder Sinai, because of were with Deborah yea, Issa- ;

the presence of the Lord, the char, the support of Barak into ;

God of Israel. the valley he hastened down in

6 In the days of Shamgar the his train (but) at the streams

son of ’Anath, in the days of of Reuben there were great

Ja’el, the highways were unoc- thoughts of heart.
cupied, and those who travelled 16 Why didst thou sit among
on roads walked through crooked the sheepfolds to hear the bleat-
by-paths. ings of the flocks ? At the
7 Desolate were the open towns streams of Reuben there were
in Israel, they were desolate, great searchings of heart.
until that I arose, Deborah, that , 17 Gil’ad abode beyond the
I arose a mother in Israel. Jordan; and Dan why would —
8 They chose new gods, then he tarry in ships? Asher re-
mained on the sea-shore, and his chariot so long in
abode near his bays. coming? why lag the wheels of
18 Zebulun is a people that his chariot?
jeoparded its life unto death, and 29 The wise among her ladies

Naphtali on the high places of answered her, she also returned
the (battle) field. a reply to herself,
19 There came kings, (and) 30 Will they not find, divide —
fought, then fought the kings of booty ? one maiden, two maidens
Cana’an, in Tha’anach by the for every man, a booty of coloured
waters of Megiddo gain of garments for Sissera, a booty of

money they took not away. coloured embroidered garments,

20 From heaven they fought coloured, double-worked gar-

the stars in their courses ments round the necks of the
fought against Sissera. captives ?
21 The stream of Kishon 31 Thus may perish all thy
swept them away, that ancient enemies, 0 Lord; but may those
stream, the stream of Kishon that love him be as the rising of

step along, 0 my soul, in vic- the sun in his might. And the
torious strength. land had rest forty years.
22 Then were crushed the
hoofs of the horses, through CHAPTER VI.
the prancings, the prancings of 1 5[ And the children of Is-
their mighty ones. rael did the evil in the eyes of
23 Curse ye Meroz, saith the the Lord and the Lord de-

messenger of the Lord, yea, livered them into the hand of

curse ye bitterly its inhabitants ;
Midian seven years.
because they came not to the 2 And the hand of Midian
help of the Lord, to the help prevailed over Israel; (and) be-
of the Lord among the mighty. cause of the Midianites the chil-
24 Blessed above (other) wo- dren of Israel made for them-
men shall be Ja’el the wife of selves the passes which are in
Cheber the Kenite, above (other) the mountains, and the caves,
women (dwelling) in the tent and the strongholds.
may she be blessed. 3 And it was, when Israel had
25 Water he asked, milk she sown, that the Midianites came
gave (him): in a lordly dish she up, and the ’Amalekites, and the
brought him cream. children of the east, and they
26 Her hand she put forth to went up against them;
the nail, and her right hand to 4 And they encamped against
the laborious workman’s ham- them, and destroyed the pro-
mer ; and she hammered Sis- ducts of the earth, as far as Gaz-
sera, she struck his head, and zah, and they left no sustenance
crushed and smote through his for Israel, neither lamb, nor os,
temple. nor ass.
27 Between her feet he bent, he 5 For they came up with tneir
fell,he lay between her feet he
cattle and their tents, and came
bent, he fell : where he had bent, as locustsmultitude
in and ;

there he fell down, bereft of life. both they and their camels were
28 Out of the window looked without number and they came ;

and moaned the mother of Sis- into the land to destroy it.
sera, through the lattice, Why 6 And Israel was greatly im
poverished because of the Mi- Israel from the hand of the Mi-
dianites; and the children of dianites : behold, I have sent
Israel cr.ed unto the Lord. thee.
7 And it came to pass, when 15 And he said unto him, Par-
the children of Israel had cried don, my lord, wherewith shall I
unto the Lord because of the save Israel? behold, my family
Midianites, is the weakest in Menasseh, and
8 That the Lord sent a pro- I am the youngest in my father’s
phet unto the children of Israel, house.
and he said unto them, Thus 16 And the Lord said unto
hath said the Lord the God of him, Because I will be with thee,
Israel, I led you forth out of and thou shaft smite the Midi-
Egypt, and brought you out of anites as one man.
the house of slavery 17 And
he said unto him, If
9 And I delivered you out of now I have found grace in thy
the hand of the Egyptians, and eyes, then give me a sign that
out of the hand of all that op- thou hast been speaking with
pressed you, and I drove them me
out from before you, and gave 18 Depart not hence, I pray
you their land thee, until I come unto thee, and
10 And I said unto you, I am bring forth my present, and set
the Lord your God ye shall not
: it before thv,e. And he said, I
fear the gods of the Emorites, in will tarry until thy return.
whose land ye dwell ; but ye 19 And Gid’on went in, and
have not obeyed my voice. made ready a kid, and unlea-
11 And there came an an- vened cakes of an ephah of flour
gel of the Lord, and sat down the flesh he put in a basket, and
under the oak which was in the broth he put in a pot, and
’Ophrah, that pertained unto brought it out unto him under
Yoiish the Abi’ezrite; and Gid’on the oak, and presented It.
his son was beating out wheat 20 And the angel of God said
in the wine-press, to hide it from unto him, Take the flesh and the
the Midianites. unleavened cakes, and lay them
12 And the angel of the Lord upon this rock, and the broth
appeared unto him, and said un- pour out. And he did so.
to him, The Lord is with thee, 21 Then the angel of the Lord
thou mighty man of valour. put forth the end of the staff that
13 And Gid’on said unto him, was in his hand, and touched
Pardon, my lord, if the Lord be the flesh and the unleavened
indeed with us, why then hath cakes; and there rose up fire out
all this befallen us? and where of the rock, and consumed the
are all his wonders of which ourflesh and the unleavened cakes.
fathers have told saying, And the angel of the Lord de-
Dii not the Lord bring us parted out of his sight.
up from Egypt? But now the 22 And when Gid’on perceived
Lord hath forsaken us, and de- that it was an angel of the Lord,
livered us into the hand of Mi- Gid’on said, Alas, 0 Lord Eter-
dian. nal because I have surely seen

14 And the Lord turned to- an angel of the Lord face to

ward him, and said, Go in this face.
thy might, and \hou shall save 23 And the Lord said unto
him, Peace be unto thee; fear that stood around him, Will ye
not: thou shalt not die. indeed contend for Ba’al? or will
24 And Gid’on built there an ye assist him ? he that will con-
altar unto the Lord, and called tend for him shall be put to
it Adonay-shalom [the Eternal death; (wait) until morning: ij
of Peace] unto this day it is
: he be a god, let him contend for
yet in ’Ophrah of the Abi’ez- himself, because one hath over- thrown his altar.
25 And it came to pass in 32 And the people called hirn
the same night, that the Lord on that day Yerubba’al, saying,
• said unto him, Take thy father’s Let Ba’al contend against him,
young bullock, and the second because he hath overthrown his
bullock of seven years old, and altar.
throw down the altar of Ba’al 33 And all the Midianites
which belongeth to thy father, and ’Amalekites and the chil-
and the grove that is around it dren of the east assembled to-
shalt thou cut down. gether, and went over and en-
26 And build an altar unto camped in the valley of Yiz-
the Lord thy God upon the top re’el.
of this rock, on the level piace, 34 But the spirit of the Lord
and take the second bullock, and endued Gid’on, and he blew the
offer (it as) a burnt-sacrifice with cornet: and Abi’ezer assembled
the wood of the grove which thou and followed him.
. shalt cut down. 35 And he sent messengers
27 And Gid’on took ten men throughout all Menasseh, who
of his servants, and did as the also assembled and followed him;
Lord had spoken unto him but and he sent messengers thrcugh

it came to pass, because he feared Asher, and through Zebulun, and

his father’s household, and the through Naphtali, and they e&me
men of the city, to do it by day, up to meet them.
that he did it by night. 36 And Gid’on said unto God,
28 And when the men of the city If thou wilt save Israel by my
arose early in the morning, be- hand, as thou hast spoken,
hold, the altar of Ba’al was over- 37 Behold, I set up this fleece
thrown, and the grove that was of wool in the threshing-floor:
around it was cut down, and the if now there be dew on the fleece
second bullock was offered upon alone, and it be dry upon all the
the altar which had been built. ground, then shall 1 know that
29 And they said one to an- thou wilt save Israel by my
other, Who hath done this thing ? hand, as thou hast spoken.
And they inquired and searched, 38 And it was so and when

and then said, Gid’on the son of he rose up early on the morrow,
Yoash hath done this thing. he squeezed the floece together,
30 Thereupon said the men and wrung dew out of the fleece,
of the city unto Yoash, Bring (making) a bowl full of water.
out thy son, that he may die; 39 And Gid’on said unto God,
because he hath overthrown the Let not thy anger be kindled
altar of Ba’al, and because he against me, and I will speak but
hath cut down the grove that this once (more); let me have a
was around it. • proof, I pray thee, but thi-s once
31 But Yoash said unto all more W'th the fleece; let it, I
pray, be dry upon the fleece bendeth down upon his knees t*
alone, and upon all the ground drink.
let there be dew. 6 And the number of those
40 A»nd God did so that night; that lapped, putting their hand
and it was dry upon the fleece to their mouth, was three hun-
alone, and on all the ground dred men but all the rest of the

there was dew. people bent down upon their

knees to drink water.
CHAPTER VII. 7 And the Lord said unto
1 Then Yerubba’al, who is Gid’on, By the three hundred
Gid’on, and all the people that men that lapped will I save you,
were with him, rose up early, and deliver the Midianites into
and encamped beside the spring thy hand; and let all the other
of Charod; and the camp of the people go every man unto his
Midianites was on the north side place.
of them, by the hill of Moreh, 8 And they took the provision
in the valley. of the people in their hand, and
2 •[ And the Lord said unto their cornets; and all the rest
Gid’on, The people that are with of Israel he dismissed, every
thee are too many for me to give man unto his tent; but those
the Midianites into their hand: three hundred men he retained :

lest Israel should vaunt them- and the camp of Midian was be-
selves against me, saying, My neath him in the valley.
own hand hath saved me. 9 And it came to pass, dur-
3 Now therefore, do proclaim ing the same night, that the
in the ears of the people, saying, Lord said unto him, Arise, get
Whosoever is fearful and afraid, thee down into the camp for I;

let him return and depart early have delivered it into thy hand.
from mount Gil’ad. And there 10 And if thou fear to go down,
returned of the people twenty then go thou dowrn with Purah
and two thousand ; and ten thou- thy servant to the camp.
sand remained. 11 And thou shalt hear what
4 And the Lord said unto they will say; and after that
Gid’on, The people are yet too shall thy hands be strengthened,
many; let them go down unto and thou wilt go down unto the
the water, and I will try them camp. And he went down with
for thee there : and it shall be, Purah his servant unto the out-
that of whom I will say unto side of the armed men that were
thee, This one shall go with thee, in the camp.
the same shall go with thee; 12 And the Midianites and
and of whomsoever I will say the ’Amalekites, and all the chil-
unto thee, This one shall not dren of the east lay along in the
go with thee, the same shall not valley like the locusts for multi-
go. tude ; and their camels were with,
5 So he caused the people out number, as the sand which
to go down unto the water: and is by the seaside for multitude.
the Lord said unto Gid’on, Every 13 And when Gid'on was
one that lappeth of the water come, behold, a man was telling
with his tongue, as the dog lap- a dream unto his fellow, and
peth, him shalt thou set by him- said, Behold, I have dreamed a
self; likewise every one that dream, and, lo, a baked cake of
barley bread was rolling round pitchers, and seized with their
through the camp of Midian, left hand the torches, and with
and came unto the tent, and their right hand the cornets to
struck against it so that it fell, blow and they cried, The sword

and it turned it bottom up- for the Lord, and for Gid’on.
ward, and the tent thus tumbled 21 And they remained stand-
down. ing every man in his place round
14 And his fellow answered about the camp; and all (in)
and said, This is nothing else the camp ran, and shouted, and
save the sword of Gill’on the fled.
son of Yoash, a man of Israel; 22 And as the three hundred
into whose hand God hath de- cornets sounded, the Lord set
livered Midian and the whole every man’s sword against his
camp. fellow, even throughout all the
15 And it was, when Gid’on camp; and (those in) the camp
heard the narration of the dream, fled as far as Beth -hash ittah to
and its interpretation, that he Zererah, up to the border of
prostrated hirmelf, and returned Abel-mecholah, near Tabbath.
unto the camp of Israel, and 23 And the men of Israel were
said, Arise; for the Lord hath called together out of Naphtali,
delivered into your hand the and out of Asher, and out of all
camp of Midian. Menas-seh, and they pursued after
16 And he divided the three the Midianites.
hundred men into three compa- 24 And Gbl’on sent messen-
nies, and he put cornets in the gers throughout all the mountain
hand of all of them, with empty of Ephraim, saying, Come down
pitchers, and torches in the against the Midianites, and seize
pitchers. from them the waters as far as
17 And he said unto them, Beth-barah and the Jordan. And
What you see me do, do ye like- all the men of Ephraim assem-
wise; and, behold, when I am bled themselves, and seized on
come to the edge of the camp, the waters as far as Beth-barah
it shall be that, as I do, so shall and the Jordan.
ye do. 25 And they captured two
18 When I blow the cornet,. I: princes of the Midianites, ’Oreb
and all that are with me, then and Zeeb and they slew ’Oreb

shall ye blow the cornets also on upon the rock ’Oreb, and Zeeb
every side of all the camp, and they slew at the winepress of
say, For the Lord, and for Gid- Zeeb, and pursued the Midian-
’on. ites and the heads of ’Oreb and

19 And Gid’on, and the Zeeb they brought to Gid’on

hundred men that were with from the other side of the Jordan.
him, came unto the edge of the
camp in the beginning of the CHAPTER VIII.
middle watch; when they had 1 And the men of Ephraim said
but newly set the sentinels: and unto him, What is this thing
they blew the cornets, and broke that thou hast doru? unto us, not
the pitchers that were in their to call for us when thou wentest
hand. to fight with the Midianites?
20 And the three companies And they quarrelled with him
blew the cornets, and broke the vehemently.
2 And he said unto them, hundred and twenty thousand
What have I done now in com- men that drew the sword.
parison with you ? Is not the 11 And Gid’on went up by the
gleaning of Ephraim better than way of those that dwelt in tents,
the vintage of Abi’ezer ? to the east of Nobach and Yog-
3 Into your hand God deli- behah, and smote the camp; but
vered the princes of Midian, the camp thought itself secure.
’Oreb and Zeeb and what have
12 And Zebach and Zulman-
I been able to do in comparison na’ fled; but he pursued after
with you ? Then was their an- them, and captured the two kings
ger abated from him, when he of Midian, Zebach and Zalmun-
had spoken this speech. na’, and all the camp he discom-
4 And Gid’on came to the Jor- fited.
dan, and passed over, he, and 13 And Gid’on the son of Yo-
the three hundred men that were ash returned from the battle be-
with him, faint, and in pur- fore the rising of the sun.
suit. 14 And he caught a young
5 And hesaid unto the men man of the people of Succoth,
of Succoth, Give, I pray you, a and inquired of him :and ho
few loaves of bread unto the wrote down for him the princes
people that are in my train ; for of Succoth, and the elders there-
they are faint, and I am pur- of, seventy and seven men.
suing after Zebach and Zalmun- 15 And he came unto the men
na’, the kings of Midian. of Succoth, and said, Behold,
6 And the princes of Succoth here are Zebach and Zalmunna’,
said, Is the sole of the foot of with whom ye derided me, say-
Zebach and Zalmunna’ now al- ing, Is the sole of the foot of Ze
ready in thy hand, that we should bach and •Zalmunna’ now al-
give unto thy army bread ? ready in thy hand, that we
7 And Gid’on said, Therefore should give unto thy weary men
when tho Lord hath delivered bread ?
Zebach and. Zalmunna’ into my 16 And he took the elders of
hand, then will I thresh your the city, and the thorns of the
flesh with the thorns of the wil- wilderness and briers, and chas-
derness and with briers. tised with them the men of Suc-
8 And he went up thence to coth.
Penuel, and spoke unto them in 17 And the tower of Penuel
the same manner and the men he beat down, and slew the men

of Penuel answered him as the of the city.

men of Succoth had answered. 18 And he said unto Zebach
0 And he said also unto the and Zalmunna’, What kind of
men of Penuel thus, When I re- men were those whom ye slew
turn again in peace, I will break at Thabor? And they answered,
down this tower. As thou art, so were they ; one
10 Now Zebach and Zal- was in form like that of the chil-
munna’ were in Karkor, and dren of a king.
their camps with them, about 19 And he said, They were my
fifteen thousand men, all that brothers, the sons of my mother:
had been left of all the camp of as the Lord liveth, if ye had
the children of the east; but spared them alive, I would not
those who had fallen were one slay you.
31 Q 361
20 And he said unto Yether 28 And Midian was humbled
hiS first-born, Rise up, and slay before the children of Israel, sc
tuem. But the youth drew not that they lifted not up their head
his sword; for he was afraid, be- any more. And the country was
cause he was yet a youth. quiet forty years in the days of
21 Then said Zebach and Zal- Gid’on.
munna’, Rise thou, and fall upon 29 And Yerubba’al the sen
us,* for as the man is, so is his of Yoash went and dwelt in hi a
strength. And Gid’on arose, own house.
and slew Zebach and Zalmunna’; 30 And Gid’on had seventy
and he took away the crescent sons begotten of his body; for
ornaments that were on the necks he had many wives.
of their camels. 31 And his concubine that
22 And the men of Israel was in Shechem, she also bore
said unto Gid’on, Rule thou over him a son, and he gave him tin?
us, both thou and thy son, and name, Abimelech.
thy son’s son also; for thou hast 32 And Gid’on the son of
delivered us out of thehand of Yoash died in a good old age,
Midian. and was buried in the sepulchre
23 And Gid’on said unto them, of Yoash his father, in ’Ophrah
I will not rule over you, neither of the Abi’ezrites.
shall my son rule over you the
: 33 And it came to pass,
Lord shall rule over you. when Gid’on was dead, that the
24 And Gid’on said unto them, children of Israel turned again,
I would ask one request of you, and went astray after the Be-
that ye should give me every ’alim, and made themselves
man the ear-ring of his booty: Ba’al-berith for a god.
for they had had golden ear- 34 And the children of Israel
rings, because they were Ish- remembered not the Lord their
ma’elites. God, who had delivered them
25 And they answered, We
out of the hand of all their ene-
will willingly give. And they mies on every side :

spread out a garment, and they 35 Neither showed they kind-

cast therein every man the ear- ness to the house of Yerubba’al,
ring of his booty. namely, Gid’on, in accordance
26 And the weight of the with all the good which he had
golden ear-rings that he had done unto Israel.
requested was a thousand and
seven hundred shekels of gold CHAPTER IX.
besides the crescent ornaments, 1 And Abimelech the son
and ear-drops, and purple gar- of Yerubba’al went to Shechem
ments that were on the kings of unto his mother’s brothers, and
Midian, and besides the chains spoke unto them, and unto all
that were about their camels’ the family of the house of his
necks. mother’s father, saying,
27 And Gid’on made thereof 2 Speak, I pray you, in the
an ephod, and set it up in his ears of all the men of Shechem,
city, in ’Ophrah: and all Israel What is better for you, either
went astray after it thither and
that there should rule over you
it became a snare unto Gid’on, seventy men, all the sons of
and to his house. Yerubba’al, or that there reign
over you one man ? and remem- tiveness, and go to be promoted
ber chat I am your bone and over the trees ?
youi flesh. 12 Then said the trees unto
3 And his mother’s brothers the vine, Come thou, reign over
spoke concerning him in the us.
ears of all the men of Shechem 13 But the vine said unto
all these woi*ds; and their heart them, Should I give up my fresh
became inclined after Abime- wine, which rejoiceth God and
lech; for they said, He is our men, and go to be promoted over
brother. the trees ?
4 And they gave him seventy 14 Then said all the trees un-
pieces of silver out of the house to the bramble, Come thou, reign
of Ba’al-berith ; and Abimelech over us.
hired therewith idle and heed- 15 And the bramble said unto
less persons, who followed him. the trees, If in truth ye anoint
5 And he came unto his fa- me as king over you, then come
ther’s house at ’Ophrah, and seek protection in my. shadow
slew his brothers the sons of and if not, then let fire come out
Yerubba’al, seventy persons, of the bramble, and devour the
upon one stone; and there was cedars of the Lebanon.
yet left Yotham the youngest 16 And now, if ye have acted
son of Yerubba’al; for he had in truth and sincerity, when ye
hidden himself. made Abimelech king, and if ye
6 And all the men of She- have dealt well with Yerubba’al
chem and all Beth-millo assem- and his house, and have done
bled together, and went, and unto him according to the merit
made Abimelech king, by the of his hands
oak of the pillar that was by 17 (In that my father fought
Shechem. for you, and cast his life far
7 And they told it to Yotham away, and delivered you out of

and he went and stood on the the hand of Midian;

top of mount Gerizzim, and he 18 While ye are risen up
lifted up his voice, and cried; against my father’s house this
and he said unto them, Hearken day, and have slain his sons,
unto me, ye men of Shechem, so seventy men, upon one stone,
that God may hearken unto you. and have made Abimelech, the
8 The trees went once forth to son of his maid-servant, king
anoint a king over them; and over the men of Shechem, be-
they said unto the olive-tree, cause he is your brother;)
Reign thou over us. 19 If ye have thus acted in
9 But the olive-tree said unto truth and sincerity with Yerub-
them, Should I give up my fat- ba’al and with his house this
ness, wherewith through me they day: then rejoice ye in Abime-
honour God and men, and shall lech, and let him also rejoice in
I go to be pr.omoted over the you.
trees ? 20 But if not, let fire come out
10 And the trees said to the from Abimelech, and devour the
fig-tree, Come thou, reign over us. men of Shechem and Beth-millo;
11 But the fig-tree said unto and let fire come out from the
them, Should I give up my men of Shechem, and from Beth-
sweetnesB, and my good produc- millo, and devour Abimelech.
21 And Yotham
ran away, 30 And when Zebul the rulei
and fled, and went to Beer, and of the city heard the words of
dwelt there, for fear of Abimelech Ga’al the son of ’Ebed, liis anger
his brother. was kindled.
22 And Abimelech ruled 31 And he sent messengers
over Israel three years; unto Abimelech privately, say-
23 And then did God send an ing, Behold, Ga’al the son of
evil spirit between Abimelech ’Ebed and his brothers are come
and the men of Shechem; and to Shechem; and, behold, they
the men of Shechem became un- incite the city to enmity against
faithful toward Abimelech ;
24 So that the violence (done) 32 And now rise up by night,
to the seventy sons of Yerub- thou and the people that are with
ba’al might come, and their thee, and lie in wait in the field :

blood be laid upon Abimelech 33 And it shall be, in the

their brother, who had slain morning, the moment the sun
them ai\d upon the men of She shineth, that thou shalt rise

chem, who had strengthened his early, and set upon the city
hands to slay his brothers. and, behold, when he and the
25 And the men of Shechem people that are with him come
set persons to lie in wait for him out against thee, then mayest
on the tops of the mountains, thou do to him as thy means
and they robbed all that passed may let thee.
by them on that way and it was
: 34 And Abimelech rose up,
told unto Abimelech. and all the people that were with
26 And there came Ga’al him, by night, and they lay in
the son of ’Ebed with his bro- wait against Shechem in four
thers, and passed through She- companies.
chem and the men of Shechem
: 35 And Ga’al the son of ’Ebed
put their confidence in him. went out, and stood in the en-
27 And they went out into trance of the city-gate : and
the field, and gathered their Abimelech rose up, and the peo-
vineyards, and trod (the grapes), ple that w ere with him, from the

and made joyful feasts, and went ambush.

into the house of their god, and 36 And when Ga’al saw the
ate ana drank, and cursed Abi- people, he said to Zebul, Behold,
melech. people are coming down from
28 And Ga’al the son of ’Ebed the tops of the mountains. And
said, Who is Abimelech, and Zebul said unto him, Thou re
who is Shechem, that we should gardest the shadow of the moun-
serve him? is he not the son of tains as men.
Yerubba’al? and Zebul his super- 37 And Ga’al spoke again and
intendent? serve the men of'Cha- said, See, people are coming
mor the father of Shechem; for down from the highest point of
why indeed should. we serve him ? the land, and one company is
29 And 0 that some one would coming along by the way of the
put this people into my power! grove of Me’onenim.
and I would remove Abimelech. 38 Then said Zebul unto him,
And he let it be said to Abime- Where is now thy mouth, where-

lech, Increase thy army, and with thou saidst, Who is Abime-
come out. lech, that we should serve him ?
is not this the people that thou him; and Abimelech took a
hast despised? go out now, I axe in his hand, and cut down
pray, and fight with them. a bough from a tree, and bore it,
39 And Ga’al went out before and laid it on his shoulder; and
the men of Shechem, and fought he said unto the people that were
with Abimelech. with him, What ye have seen
40 And Abimelech pursued that I have done, make haste,
him, and he fled before him, and and do like me.
many fell slain, even as far as 49 And the people also cut
the entrance of the gate. down every man his bough, and
41 And Abimelech remained followed Abimelech, and put the
at Arumah and Zebul banished
: same to the strong-hold, and set
Ga’al and his brothers, that they the strong-hold over them on
should not remain in Shechem. fire: and thus died also all the
42 And it came to pass on the people of the tower of Shechem,
morrow, that the people went about a thousand men and women.
out into the field; and it was 50 And Abimelech went
told to Abimelech. then to Thebez, and encamped
43 And he took the people, against Thebez, and captured it.
and divided them into three com- 51 But there was a strong
panies, and lay in wait in the tower within the city, and thi-
field; and as he saw, and, be- ther fled all the men and the
hold, that the people were com- women, and all the chief persons
ing forth out of the city, he rose of the city, and shut the doors
up against them, and smote behind them, and went up to the
them. roof of the tower.
44 And Abimelech, and the 52 And Abimelech came up
companies that were with him, to the tower, and fought against
spread forward, and took posi- it, and approached as far as the

tion in the entrance of the city- door of the tower to burn it with
gate and the two other com
: fire.
panies spread over all that were 53 But a certain woman cast
in the fields, ar.d smote them. a piece of an upper millstone
45 And Abimelech fought upon Abimelech’s head, and
against the city all that day; crushed his skull.
and he captured the city, and 54 Then called he hastily un-
the people that were therein he to the young man that bore his
slew; and he beat down the armour, and said unto him^
city, and sowed it with salt. Draw thy sword, and slay me,
46 ^ And when all the men that people may not say of me,
of the tower of Shechem heard A woman hath slain him. And
this, they entered into the strong- his young man thrust him
hold of the house of the god Be- through, and he died.
lith. 55 And when the men of Is-
47 And it was told unto Abi- rael saw that Abimelech was
melech, that all the men of the dead, they departed every man
tower of Shechem were gathered to his place.
together. 56 Thus did God compensate
48 And Abimelech went there- the evil of Abimelech, which he
upon up to mount Zalmon, he had done unto his father, in
and all the people that were with slaying his seventy brothers:
21 * 36a
57 And the evil of the men against Benjamin, and against
of Shechern did God bring back the house of Ephraim so that

upon their own head; and upon Israel was sorely distressed.
them there came the curse of 10 And the children of Israel
Yotham the son of Yerubba’al. cried unto the Lord, saying, We
have sinned against thee, be-
CHAPTER X. cause we have forsaken our God,
1 And there arose after Abi- and have served the Be’alim.
melech to deliver Israel Thola’ 11 And the Lord said unto
the son of Puah, the son of Dodu, the children of Israel, Behold (I
a man of Issachar; and he dwelt delivered you) from the Egyp-
in Shamir in the mountain of tians, and from the Emorites,
Ephraim. from the children of ’Ammon,
2 And he judged Israel twenty and from the Philistines.
and three years, and then died, 12 And when the Zidonians,
and was buried in Shamir. and the ’Amalekites, and the
3 % And after him arose Yair, Ma’onites did oppress you, and
the Gil’adite, and judged Israel ye cried to me, I delivered you
twenty and two years also out of their hand.
4 And he had thirty sons that 13 And yet ye have forsaken
rode on thirty ass-colts, and they me, and served other gods;
had thirty cities, which are call- wherefore I will deliver you no
ed Chavvoth-yair unto this day, more.
which are in the land of Gil’ad. 14 Go and cry unto the gods
5‘And Yair died, and was which ye have chosen; let these
buried in Kamon. deliver you in the time of your
6 And the children of Israel tribulation.
repeated to do the evil in the 15 And the children of Israel
eyes of the Lord, and they serv- said unto the Lord, We have
ed the Be’alim, and ’Ashtharoth, sinned do thou unto us entirely

and the gods of Syria, and the as it seemeth good in thy eyes
gods of Zidon, and the gods of only deliver us, we pray thee,
Moab, and the gods of the chil- this time.
dren of ’Ammon, and the gods of 16 And they put away the
the Philistines, and they forsook strange gods from their midst,
the Lord, and served not him. and served the Lord and his

7 And the anger of the Lord soul was grieved for the trouble
was kindled against Israel, and of Israel.
he sold them into the hand of 17 If And the children of ’Am-
the Philistines, and into the mon were called together, and
hand of the children of ’Ammon. they encamped in Gil’ad. And
8 And they afflicted and op- the children of Israel also assem-
pressed the children of Israel bled themselves together, and
that year: (and) for eighteen encamped in Mizpah.
years all the children of Israel 18 And the people, the
that were on the other side of princes of Gil’ad, said one to an-
the Jordan in the land of the other, AVhatever man it be that
Emorites, which is in Gil’ad. will begin to fight against the
9 And the children of ’Am- children of ’Ammco, shall be-
mon passed over the Jordan to come the head over all tho in«
tight also against Judah, and habitants of Gil'acL

CHAPTERXI. Lord give them up before me,
1 Now Yiphthach [Jephthah] shall I remain your head ?

the Gil’adite was a mighty man 10 And the elders of Gil’ad

of valour, but he was the son of said unto Yiphthach, The Lord
a harlot and Gil’ad had begot-
shall be a hearer bet ween us, if we
ten Yiphthach. do not so according to thy word.
2 And the wife of Gil’ad also 11 Then went Yiphthach with
bore him sons; and when the the elders of Gil’ad, and the peo-
sons of the wife were grown up, ple appointed him over them as
they drove away Yiphthach, and head and leader; and Yiphthach
said unto him, Thou shalt not spoke all his words before the
inherit in the house of our fa- Lord in Mizpah.
ther for the son of another wo-
12 And Yiphthach sent mes-
man art thou. sengers unto the king of the chil-
3 And Yiphthach fled away dren of ’Ammon, saying, What
from his brothers, and dwelt in have I to do with thee, that thou
the land of Tob; and there ga- art come unto me to fight against
thered themselves to Yiphthach my land?
idle men, and they went out with 13 And the king of the chil-
him. dren of ’Ammon said unto the
4 And it came to pass after messengers of Yiphthach, Be-
some time, that the children of cause Israel took away my land,
’Ammon made war against Is- when they came up out of Egypt,
rael. from the Arnon even unto the
5 And it was so, when the Yabbok, and unto the Jordan
children of ’Ammon made war and now restore these lands
against Israel, that the elders of again in peace.
Gil’ad went to fetch Yiphthach 14 And Yiphthach again sent
out of the land of Tob. . messengers unto the king of the
6 And they said unto Yiph- children of ’Ammon;
thach, Come, and become a leader 15 And he said unto him,
unto us, that we may fight with Thus hath said Yiphthach, Is-
the children of ’Ammon. rael did not take away the land
7 And Yiphthach said unto of Moab, nor the land of the
the elders of Gil’ad, Did ye not children of ’Ammon ;

hate me, and drive me away out 16 For when they came up out
of my father’s house ? and why of Egypt, Israel walked through
are ye come unto me now, when the wilderness unto the Red Sea,
ye are in distress? and came to Kadesh ;
8 And the elders of Gil’ad 17 And Israel then sent mes-
said unto Yiphthach, Therefore sengers unto the king of Edom,
are we now come back to thee, saying, Let me pass, I pray thee,
that thou rnayest go with us, and through thy land but the king

fight against the children of ’Am- of Edom would not hearken ; and
mon and thou shalt become un- also to the king of Moab they

to us a head, unto all the inha- sent; but he would not consent:
bitarts of Gil’ad. ,and Israel remained in Kadesh.
9 And Yiphthach said unto 18 Then they wandered
the elders of Gil’ad, If ye bring through the wilderness, and tra-
me home again to fight against velled round the land of Edom,
the children of ’Ammon, and the and the land of Moab, and came
from the rising of the sun to the Arnon, three hundred years
land of Moab, and encamped on why did ye not recover them
the other side of the Arnon but within that time ?

they came not within the border 27 Whereas I myself have not
of .Moab for the Arnon is the sinned against thee, and thou

boundary of Moab. doest me wrong to war against

19 And Israel sent messengers me may the Lord, the Judge,

unto Sichon the king of the decide this day between the chil-
Emorites, the king of Cheshbon ;
dren of Israel and the children
and Israel said unto him, Let us of ’Ammon.
pass, we pray thee, through thy 28 Nevertheless the king of
land unto my place. the children of ’Ammon heark-
20 But Sichon trusted not Is- ened not unto the words of Yiph-
rael to (let them) pass through thach which he had sent to him.
his territory, and Sichon assem- 29 Then came upon Yiph-
bled all his people, and encamped thach the spirit of the Lord, and
in Yahaz, and fought against Is- he passed through Gil’ad and
rael. Menasseh, and passed through
21 And
the Loud the God of Mizpeh of Gil’ad, and from
Israel delivered Sichon and all Mizpeh of Gil’ad he passed over
his people into the hand of Is- unto the children of ’Ammon.
rael, and they smote them and ;
30 And Yiphthach made a vow
Israel took possession of all the unto the Lord, and said, If thou
land of the Emorites, the inha- wilt indeed deliver the children
bitants of the country. of ’Ammon into my hand,
22 And they took possession 31 Then shall it be, that what-
of all the territory of the Emor- soever cometh forth out of the
ites, from the Arnon even unto doors of my house to meet me,
the Yabbok, and from the wil- when I return in peace from the
derness even unto the Jordan. children of ’Ammon, shall be-
23 So now the Lord the God long to the Lord, and I will offer
of Israel hath dispossessed the it up for a burnt-offering.

Emorites from before his people 32 So Yiphthach passed over

Israel, and shouldst thou pos- unto the children of ’Ammon to
sess it ? fight against them: and the Lord
24 Truly! that which Kemosh delivered them into his hand.
thy god may give thee to pos- 33 And he smote them from
sess, even that canst thou pos- ’Aro’er, even till thou comest to
sess; but whatsoever the Lord Minnith, twenty cities, and unto
our God hath driven out from be- Abel-keramin, with a very great
fore us, even that will we possess. defeat and the children of ’Am-

25 And now art thou then any mon were humbled before the
better than Balak the son of Zip- children of Israel.
por, the king of Moab? did he 34 f And Yiphthach came to
ever strive against Israel, or did Mizpaii unto his house, anti,
he ever fight against them ? behold, his daughter came out to
26 (And) while Israel hath meet him with timbrels and with
dwelt in Cheshbon and in its dances and she was his sole:

towns, and in ’Ar’or and in its child he had beside her neither

towns, and in all the cities that son nor daughter.

are along the margins of the 35 And it came to pass, when
he saw her, that he rent his gar- the children of ’Ammon; and 1
ments, and said, Alas, my daugh- called you, but ye helped me not
ter! thou hast bent me down out of their hand.
very low, and thou art one of 3 And when I saw that yo
those that trouble me ; for I have helped me not, I put my life in
opened my mouth'unto the Lord, my hand, and passed over to the
and I cannot go back. children of ’Ammon, and the
36 And she said unto him, My Lord delivered them into my
father, if thou hast opened thy hand and why then are ye

mouth unto the Lord, do to me come up unto me this day, to

in accordance with what hath fight against me ?
proceeded out of thy mouth ;
4 Then Yiphthach gathered
since the Lord hath taken ven- together all the men of Gil’ad,
geance for thee on thy enemies, and fought with Ephraim ; and
on the children of ’Ammon. the men of Gil’ad smote Ephraim,
37 And she said unto her fa- because they said, Ye are fugi-
ther, Let this thing be done for tives of Ephraim Gil’ad is in

me: Lei me alone two months, the midst, between Ephraim and
that I may descend to the moun- Menasseh.
tains, and bewail my virginity, 5 And the Gil’adites seized on
I with my
companions. the passages of the Jordan be-
38 And
he said, Go. A,nd he fore the Ephraimites and it ;

sent her away for two months : came to pass, when the Ephraim-
and she went with her compa- ites who had escaped said, Let
nions, and bewailed her virginity me pass over ; that the men of
on the mountains. Gil’ad said unto him, Art thou
39 And it came to pass at the an Ephrathite ? and if he said,
end of two months, that she re- No;
turned unto her father, and he 6 Then said they unto him,
fulfilled on her his vow which Do say, Shibboleth but when

he had vowed and she knew no

he said, Sibboletb, and was not
man and it became a custom in
able to pronounce it correctly,
Israel, they laid hold of him and slew
40 That the daughters of Is- him on the passages of the Joi-
rael went from year to year to dan ; and there fell at that time
lament for the daughter of Yiph- of the Ephraimites forty and two
thach the Gil’adite four days in thousand.
the year. 7 And Yiphthach judged Is-
rael six years; and then died
CHAPTER XII. Yiphthach the Gil’adite, and was
1 And the men of Ephraim buried in one of the cities of
were called together, and went Gil’ad.
northward, and said unto Yiph- 8 And after him there judged
thach, Wherefore didst thou pass Israel Ibzan of Beth-lechem.
over to fight against the children 9 And he had thirty sons; and
of ’Ammon, and didst not call for thirty daughters he sent abroad,
us to go with thee? thy house and thirty daughters he brought
will we burn over thee with fire. in for his sons from abroad: and
2 And Yiphthach said unto he judged Israel seven years.
them, I and my people were 10 Then died Ibzan, and was
greatly engaged in strife with buried at Beth-lechem.

11 And after him there appearance was like che appear*

judged Israel Elon the Zebu- ance of an angel of God, very
Ionite : and he judged Israel ten terrible; but I asked him not
years. whence he might be, and his
12 Then died Elon the Zebu- name he did not tell me.
Ionite, and was buried in Ayalon 7 And he said unto me, Be-
in the country of Zebulun. hold, thou wilt conceive, and
13 And after him there bear a son ; and now thou must
judged Israel ’Abdon the son of drink neither wine nor strong
Hillel the Pir’athonite. drink, and not eat any thing un.
14 And he had forty sons and clean; for the child shall be a
thirty grandsons, that rode on Nazarite of God from the womb
seventy ass-colts : and he judged until the day of his death.
Israel eight years. 8 And Manoach entreated
15 Then died ’Abdon the son the Lord, and said, Hear me, 0
of Hillel the Pir’athonite, and Lord, let the man of God, whom
wa.s buried in Pir’athon in the thou didst send, come again un-
land of Ephraim, in the moun- to us, and instruct us what we
tain of the ’Amalekites. shall do unto the child that is to
be born.
CHAPTER XIII. 9 And God hearkened to the
1 And the children of Is- voice of Manoach; and the an-
rael did again the evil in the gel of God came again unto the
eyes of the Lord ; and the Lord woman, as she was sitting in the
delivered them into the hand of field ; and Manoach her husband
the Philistines forty years. was not with her.
2 And there was a certain 1 0 And the woman made haste,
man of Zor’ah, of the family of and ran, and informed her hus-
the Danites, whose name was band ; and she said unto him,
Manoach and his wife was bar- Behold, there hath appeared un-

ren, and did not bear. to me the man, that came unto
3 And there appeared an an- me the other day.
gel of the Lord unto the woman, 11 And Manoach arose, and
and he said unto her, Behold, went after his wife; and he came
thou art barren, and hast not to the man, and said unto him,
born ; but thou wilt conceive, Art thou the man that spokest
and bear a son. unto the woman ? and he said,
4 And now do beware, and I am.
drink neither wine nor strong 12 And Manoach said, If now
drink, and eat not any thing un- thy words come to pass, what
clean. shall be our proceeding/with the
5 For, lo, thou wilt conceive, child, and what shall be done
and bear a son and no razor unto him ?

shall come on his head; for a 13 And the angel of the Lord
Nazarite of God shall the lad be said unto Manoach, Of all that I
from the womb and he shall have said unto the woman must

begin to deliver Israel out of the she beware.

hand of the Philistines. 14 Of any thing that cometh
6 And the woman c-ame and of the grape-vine she may not
told her husband, saying, A man eat, and wine or strong driuk
of God came unto me, and his she may not drink, and any thing
unclean she may not eat : all he have let us see all these things,
that I have commanded her must and at this time he would not
she observe. have let us hear (such a thing)
15 And Manoach said unto as this.
the angel of the Lord, Let us, I 24 And the woman bore a son,
pray thee, detain thee, and we and called his name Samson
will make a kid ready for thee. [Shimshon] and the child grew

16 And the angel of the Lord up, and the Lord blessed him.
said unto Manoach, Though thou 25 And the spirit of the Lord
detain me, I will n )t eat of thy began to move him in Macha-
bread; but if thou wilt offer a neh-dan between Zor’ah and
burnt-offering, thou must offer it Eshthaol.
unto the Lord for Manoach

knew not that he was an angel CHAPTER XIY.

of the Lord. 1 And Samson went down
17 And Manoach said unto to Thimnathah, and saw a wo-
the angel of the Lord, What is man in Thimnathah of the daugh-
thy name, that, when thy word ters of the Philistines.
cometh to pass, we may do thee 2 And he went up, and told
honour ? his father and his mother, and
18 And the angel of the Lord said, I have seen a woman in
said unto him, Why is it that Thimnathah of the daughters of
thou wilt ask after my name, the Philistines ; and now take
seeing it is secret? her to me for wife.
19 And Manoach took the kid 3 Then said unto him his fa-
and the meat-offering, and offered ther and his mother, Is there not
it upon the rock unto the Lord : among the daughters of thy bre-
and he did wondrously ; and Ma- thren, or among all my people,
noach and his wife looked on. a woman, that thou art going to
20 And it came to pass, when take a wife from the Philistines,
the flame went up from off the the uncircumcised ? And Sam-
altar toward heaven, that the son said unto his father, This
angel of the Lord ascended in one take for me ; for she pleaseth
the flame of the altar and Ma- me well.

noach and his wife looked on, 4 But his father and his mo-
and they^ fell on their faces to ther knew not that it was from
the ground. the Lord, that he sought but an
21 And the angel of the Lord occasion against the Philistines;
was no longer visible to Manoach and at that time the Philistines
and to his wife then knew Ma- had dominion over Israel.

noach that he was an angel of 5 And Sainscn thus went

the Lord. down, with his father and hia
22 And Manoach said unto mother, to Thimnathah; and
his wife, We shall surely die, when they were come as far as
because a divine being have we the vineyards of Thimnathah,
seen. behold, a young lion came roar-
23 But his wife said unto him, ing toward him.
If the Lord were pleased to kill 6 And the Spirit of the Lord
us, he would not have received came suddenly over him, and he
from our hand a burnt-offering rent him as he would have rent
and a meat-offering, nor would a kid, and he had nothing in his
hand hut he told not his father
have ye invited us to impoverish
or his mother what he had done. us ? is it not so ?

7 And he went down, and 16 And Samson’s wife wept

spoke unto the woman ; and she before him, and said, Thou dost
pleased Samson well. but hate me, and lovest me not
8 And when he returned after that riddle hast thou propounded
a time to take her, he turned unto the children of my people,
aside to see the carcass of the and me hast thou not told (the
lion: and, behold, there was a solution). And he said unto her,
swarm of bees in the carcass of Behold, I have not told it to my
the lion and honey likewise. father and to my mother, and
9 And he took it out in his thee shall I tell it?
hands, and went on, eating as 17 And she wept before him
he was going, and came to his the seven days, while their feast-
father and mother, and he gave lasted and it came to pass on
unto them, and they did eat the seventh day, that he told
hut he told them not that out her, because she had worried
of the carcass of the lion he had him: and she told (the solution
taken the honey. of) the riddle to the children of
10 And his father went down her people.
unto the woman,* and Samson 18 Then said unto him the
made there a feast ; for so used men of the city on the seventh
the young men to do. day before the sun was yet gone
11 And it came to pass, when down, What is sweeter than
they saw him, that they brought honey ? and what is stronger
thirty companions, and they re- than a lion ? And he said unto
mained with him. them, If ye had not ploughed
12 And Samson said unto with my heifer, ye had not found
them, I will now propound unto out my riddle.
you a riddle if ye can in any-
: 19 And the Spirit of the Loan
wise tell it me within the seVen came suddenly over him, and he
days of the feast, and find it out, went down to Ashkelon, and
then will I give you thirty shirts slew of them thirty men, and he
and thirty changes of garments took the-ir apparel, and gave the

13 But if ye will not be able changes of garments unto the

to tell it to me, then shall ye expounders of the riddle but ;

give me thirty shirts and thirty his anger was kindled, and he
changes of garments. And they went up to his father’s house.
said unto him, Propound thy 20 And Samson’s wife was
riddle, that we may hear it. given to his companion who had
14 And he said unto them, been given him as his associate.
Out of the eater came forth food,
and out of the strong came forth CHAPTER XV.
sweetness. And they could not 1 And it came to pass after
solve the riddle in three days. some time, in the time of wheat-
15 And it came to pass on the harvest, that Samson visited his
seventh day, that they said unto wife with a kid; and he said,
Samson’s wife, Persuade thy hus- Let me go in to my wife into the
band, that he may solve unto chamber; but her father would
us the riddle, lest we burn thee not suffer him to go in.
and tny father’s house with fire : 2 And her father said, I verily
thought that thou didst utterly and what is this that thou hast
hate her; therefore I gave her done unto us ? And he said un-
to thy companion is not her to them, As they did unto me, so

younger sister fairer than she ? have I done unto them.

Let her be thine, I pray thee, 12 And they said unto him,
instead of her. To bind thee are we come down,
3 And Samson said to them, to deliver thee into the hand of
Now shall I be more blameless the Philistines. And Samson
than the Philistines, though I do said unto them, Swear unto me,
them evil. that ye will not assail me your-
4 And Samson went and caught selves.
three hundred foxes, and took 13 And they said unto him,
torches, and turned tail to tail, thus, No for we will (only)

and put one torch between two bind thee fast, and deliver thee
tails in the midst; into their hand; but we will in
5 And he set the torches on nowise kill thee. And they
fire, and let them go into the bound him with two new cords,
standing corn of the Philistines, and brought him up from the
and burnt up both shocks and rock.
standing corn, as also olive- 14 When he was come unto
yards. Lechi, the Philistines shouted
6 Then said the Philistines, against him ;
but the Spirit of
Who hath done this ? And they the Lord came suddenly over
answered, Samson, the son-in- him, and the cords that were
law of the Thimnite, because he upon his arms became as flax
hath taken his wife, and given threads that are burnt with fire,
her to his companion. And the and his bands melted from off
Philistines went up, and burnt his hands.
her and her father with fire. 15 And he found a fresh jaw-
7 And Samson said unto them, bone of an ass, and put forth his
Since ye will do the like of this, hand, and took it, and smote
I will surely be avenged on you, therewith a thousand men.
and after that will I cease. 16 And Samson said, With a
8 And he smote them hip and jaw-bone of an ass, heaps upon
thigh with a great slaughter heaps, with the jaw-bone of an
and he went down and tarried ass have I smitten a thousand
in the cleft of the rock ’Etam. men.
9 And the Philistines went 17 And it came to pass, when
up, and encamped in Judah, and he had made an end of speaking,
spread themselves in Lechi. that he cast away the jaw-bone
10 And the men of Judah out of his hand, and called that
said, Why are ye come up against place Ramath-lechi.
us ? And they answered, To 1 8 And he became very thirsty,
bind Samson are we come up, and he called on the Lord, and
to do to him as he hath done said, Thou hast granted through
to us. the hand of thy servant this
1 1 Thereupon went three thou- great deliverance; and now shall
sand men of Judah down to the I die for thirst, and fall into the
cleft of the rock 'Etam, and said hand of the uncircumcised ?
to Samson, Knowest thou not 19 But God clave a hollow
that the Philistines rule over us ? p\ace that was at Lechi, and
32 373
there came forth water out of 7 And Samson said unto her,
and he drank, and his spirit If they bind me vs ith seven moist
came again, and he revived cords which have not yet been
wherefore he called the name dried, then shall I become weak,
thereof ’En-hakkore [the spring and be like any other of man-
of him that called], which is in kind.
Lechi unto this day. 8 And the lords of the Philis-
20 And he judged Israel in tines brought up to her seven
the days of the Philistines twenty moist cords which had not yet
3 ears. been dried, and she bound him
with them.
CHAPTER XVI. 9 And she had men lying in
1 ^[ Then went Samson to wait, sitting near her in the
Gazzah, and saw there a harlot, chamber. And she said unto
and went in unto her. him, The Philistines are upon
2 And it Gaz- thee, Samson. And he tore the
was told to the
zites, saying, Samson is come cords, as a thread of tow is torn
hither and they compassed him when it toucheth the fire; and

in, and lay in wait for him all his strength was not perceived.
the night in the gate of the city, 10 And Delilah said unto Sam-
and held themselves quiet all the son, Behold, thou hast deceived
night, saying, By the time it is me, and told me lies: now do
light in the morning will we kill tell me, I pray thee, wherewith
him. thou canst be bound.
3 And Samson lay till mid- 11 And he said unto her, If
night but he arose at midnight, they bind me fast with new ropes

and took hold of the doors of that have never been used in
the city-gate, and the two door- work, then shall I become weak,
posts, and tore them away with and be like any other of man-
the bolt, and put them upon his kind.
shoulders, and carried them up 12 And Delilah took new
to the top of the mount that is ropes, and bound him there-
before Hebron. with, and said unto him, The
4 And it came to pass after Philistines are upon thee, Sam-
this, that he loved a woman in the son. And the liers in wait were
valley of Shorek, whose name sitting in the chamber. But he
was Delilah. tore them from off' his arms like
5 And the lords of the Philis- a thread.
tines came up unto her, and said 13 And Delilah said unto Sam-
unto her, Persuade him, and see son, Hitherto tbVm hast deceived
wherein his great strength lieth, me, and told me lies do tell me :

and by what means we ma} pre- wherewith thou canst be bound.


vail over him, that we may bind And he said unto her, If thou
him to subdue him and we will weavest the seven locks of my

give thee every one of us eleven head with the web.

hundred pieces of silver. 14 And she fastened it with
6 And Delilah said to Samson, the pin, and said unto him, The
Tell me, I pray thee, wherein Philistines are upon thee, Sam-
thy great strength lieth, and son. And he awakened out of
wherewith thou canst be bound his sleep, and tore away the pin
t,o subdue thee. of the loom, with the web.
15 And said unto him, began to grow again after it wad
How canst thou say, I love thee, shaved off.
when thy heart is not with me ? 23 And the lords of the
these three times hast thou de- Philistines gathered themselves
ceived me, and hast not told together to offer a great sacrifice
me wherein thy great strength unto Dagon their god, and to
lieth. rejoice; and they said, Our god
16 And it came to pass, when hath delivered into our hand
she worried him daily with her Samson our enemy.
words, and urged him, that his 24 And when the people saw
soul became impatient to die him, they praised their god ; for
17 And he told her all his they said, Our god hath deli-
heart, and said unto her, A
razor vered into our hand our enemy,
hath not passed over my head and the destroyer of our country,
for a Nazarite of God have I and him who hath slain so many
been from my mother’s womb of us.
if I were shaved, my strength 25 And it came to pass, when
would depart from me, and I their heart was merry, that they
should become weak, and be said, Call for Samson, that he
like all other men. may make sport for us. And
18 And when Delilah saw that they called for Samson out of
he had told her all his heart, she the prison-house and he made

sent and called for the lords of sport before them and they

the Philistines, saying, Come up placed him between the pillars.

this once; for he hath told me 28 And Samson said unto the
all his heart. Then came the lad that held him by the hand,
lords of the Philistines up unto Suffer me (to go) and let me feel
her, and brought the money in the pillars whereupon the house
their hand. is supported, that I may lean
19 And she made him sleep upon them.
upon her knees and she called
; 27 Now the house was full of
a man, and caused him to shave men and women and there

off the seven locks of his head were all the lords of the Philis-
and she began to subdue him, tines and upon the roof were

and his strength departed from about three thousand men and
him. women, that looked on while
20 Andshe said, The Philis- Samson made sport.
tines upon thee, Samson.
are 28 And Samson called unto
And awoke out of his sleep, the Lord, and said, 0 Lord
and thought, I will go out as at Eternal, remember me, I pray
other times before, and shake thee, and do thou strengthen me
myself free. But he knew not only this once, 0 God, that I *
that the Lord had departed may be avenged for one of my
from him. two eyes on the Philistines.
21 And the Philistines seized 29 And Samson threw his
him, and put out his eyes, and arms around the two middle
brought him down to Gazzah, pillars upon which the hi use
and bound him with fetters of was supported, and he leaned
copper and he had to grind in
; on them, (on) one with his right
the prison-house. hand, and (on) the other with
22 But the hair of his head his left.
30 And Samson said, Let me 6 In those days there was no
die with the Philistines. And king in Israel every man did :

he bent (them) with might, and what seemed right in his own
the house fell upon the lords, eyes.
and upon all the people that 7 And there was ayoung man
were therein. So the dead whom out of Beth-lechem-judah of the
he slew at his death were more family of Judah, but he was a
than those whom he had slain in Levite, and sojourned there.
his life. 8 And the man departed from
31 Then came down his bro- the city, from Beth-lechem-ju-
thers and all the house of his dah, to sojourn where he could
father, and they took him up, find (a place) and he came to

and carried him up, and buried the mountain of Ephraim to

him between Zor’ah and Esh- the house of Michah, as he was
thaol, in the burying-place of pursuing his journey.
Manolich his father. And he 9 And Michah said unto him,
had judged Israel twenty years. Whence comest thou? And he
said unto him, I am a Levite
CHAPTER XVII. from Beth-lechem-judah, and I
1 And ^th ere was a man of go to sojourn where I may find
the mountain of Ephraim, whose (a place).
name was Michayhu. 10 And Michah said unto him,
2 And he said unto his mother, Remain with me, and become
The eleven hundred shekels of unto me a father and a priest,
silver that were taken from thee, and I will give thee ten shekels
about which thou cursedst, and of silver for the year, and suit-
spokest of also in my ears, able apparel, and thy victuals.
behold, the silver is with me I And the Levite went in.

took it. And his mother gaid, 11 And the Levite consented
Blessed be my son unto the Lord. to dwell with the man and the ;

3 And he restored the eleven young man was unto him as one
hundred shekels of silver to his of his sons.
mother and his mother said, I
12 And Michah consecrated
had wholly dedicated the silver the Levite and the young man

unto the Lord from my hand, for became his priest, and remained
my son, to make a graven and in the house of Michah.
molten image and now I will
; 13 Then said Michah, Now I
give it back unto thee. know that the Lord will do me
4 Yet he gave the money back good, seeing I have obtained a
unto his mother and his mother Levite for priest.

took two hundred shekels of

/ silver, and gave them to the CHAPTER XVIII.
silver-smith, who made thereof 1 In those days there was no
a graven and molten image king in Israel; and in those
and it was in the house of Mi- days the tribe of the Danites
chayhu. were seeking for themselves an
5 And the man Michah had a inheritance to dwell in ;
for there
house of god, and he made an had not fallen to their share up
ephod, and theraphim, and con- to that day among the tribes of
secrated one of his sons, who rsrael a (sufficient) inheritance.
became his priest. 2 And the children of Dan

judges xvm.
sent from their family five men 10 When ye enter, ye will

from among themselves, men of come unto a secure- people, and

valour, from Zor’ah, and from the land is roomy; for God hath
Eshthadl, to spy out the land,' given it into your hand; a place
and to search it; and they said where there is no want of any
unto them, Go, search the land. thing that is on the earth.

And they came to the mountain 11 And there went from

of Ephraim, as far as the house there of the family of the Dan-
of Michah, and lodged there. jites, out of Zor’ah and out of
3 They were just by the house Eshthadl, six hundred men gird-
of Michah, when they recognised ^d with weapons of war.
the voice of the young man the) 12 And they went up, and en-
Levite and they turned in t-hi- camped in Kiryath-ye’arim, in

ther, and said unto him, Who! Judah; wherefore they called
brought thee hither? and what that place Machaneh-dan until
doest thou in this place? and this day; behold, it is behind
what hast thou here? Kiryath ye’arim.
4 And he said unto them, Thus 13 And they passed thence
and thus hath Michah done unto unto the mountain of Ephraim,
me ; and he hired me, and I be- and came as far as the house of
came his priest. Michah.
5 And they said unto him, 14 Then commenced the five
Ask counsel, we pray thee, of men that had gone to spy out
God, that we may know' whether the country of Layish, and said
our way on which we are going unto their brethren. Do ye know
shall be prosperous. that there are in these houses
6 And the priest said unto an ephod, and theraphim, and a
them, Go in peace before the : graven and molten image? and
Lord is your way on which ye now consider what ye have to
will go. do.
7 And the five men depart- 15 And they turned thither-
ed, and came to Layish, and saw ward, and came to the house of
the people that were therein, the young-man, the Levite, untc
dwelling in security, after the the house of Michah, and asked
manner of the Zidonians, quiet him after his welfare.
and secure and no one inflicted
16 And the six hundred men
any wrong in the land, as here- who were of the children of Dan,
ditary ruler and they were far
girded with their weapons of
from the Zidonians, and had no war, remained standing by th«
concern with any man. entrance of the gate.
8 And they came unto their 17 And the five men that had
brethren to Zor’ah and Eshthadl gone to spy out the land went
and their brethren said unto up, and came in thither, and took
them. What (news bring) ye? the graven image, and the eph<»d,
9 And they said, Arise, and and the theraphim, and the n ol-
let us go up against them for ;
ten image and the priest st od

we have seen the land, and, be- in the entrance of the gate with
hold, it is very good ;
and you the six hundred men that were
keep still ? be not slothful, to girded with the weapons of war.
go, to enter to take possession 18 And these went into Mi-
of the Land. chah’s house, and took the graven
32 * Q2 377
image, the ephod, and the thera- whom he had had, and came
phim, and the molten image ;
over Layish, over a people that
and the priest said unto them, were quiet and secure; and they
What are ye doing ? smote them with the edge of the
19 And they said unto him, sword, and the city they burnt
Be still, lay thy hand upon thy with fire.
mouth, and go with us, and be- 28 And there was no deliverer
come to us a father and a priest: because it was far from Zidon,
is it better that thou be a priest and the people had no business
unto the house of one man, or with any man and it was in the

that thou be a priest unto a tribe valley that lieth by Beth-rechob.

and a family in Israel ? And they rebuilt the city, and
20 And the priest’s heart be- dwelt therein.
came glad, and he took the 29 And they called the name
ephod, and the theraphim, and of the city Dan, after the name
the graven image, and came into of Dan their father, who was
the midst of the people. born unto Israel nevertheless,

21 And they turned and went Layish was the name of the city
away, and placed the little ones at first.
and the cattle and the heavy 30 And the children of Dan
things before them. erected for themselves the graven
22 When they were at a dis- image: and Jonathan, the son
tance from the house of Michah, of Gershom, the son of Menas-
the men that were in the houses seh, he and his sons were priests
near to house were
Michah’s to the tribe of Dan until the day
called together, and they over- of the exile of the land.
took the children of Dan. 31 And they set up for them-
23 And they called unto the selves Michah’s graven image,
children of Dan, who turned which he had made, all the time
their faces, and said unto Mi- that the house of God was in
chah, What a/leth thee, that thou Shiloh.
hast called out thy people?
24 And he said, My god which CHAPTER XIX.
I made have ye taken away, and 1 And itcame to pass in
the priest, and are gone away those days, when there was no
and what have I more ? and what king in Israel, that there was a
is this ye say unto me, What ail- certain Levite sojourning on the
eth thee? lower edge of the mountain of
25 And the children of Dan Ephraim, who took to himself a
eaid unto him, Cause not thy concubine out of Beth-lecliem-
voice to be heard among us, lest judah.
men of an embittered spirit assail 2 And his concubine became
thee, and thou lose thy life, with faithless unto him, and she went
the life of thy household. away from him unto her father’s
26 And the children of Dan house to Beth-lechem-judah, and
went on their way and when;
was there one year and four
Michah saw that they were too months.
strong for him, he turned and 3 And then her husband arose,
went back unto his house. and went after her, to speak
27 And they took what Mi- friendly unto her, to bring her
chah had made, and the priest back and he had his servant

with him, and a couple of asses :| two saddled asses, and his con

and she brought him into her Jcubine also was with him.
father’s house; and when the 11 When they were by Jebus,

father of the damsel saw him, he the day was far spent; and the
rejoiced to meet him. servant said unto his master,
4 And his father-in-law, the Come, I pray thee, and let us
damsel’s father, detained him turn in unto this city of the Je-
and he abode with him three busites, and lodge in it.
days and they ate and drank,
: 12 And his master said unto
and lodged there. him, We will not turn into one
5 And it came to pass on the of the cities of the stranger, that
fourth day, that they arose early are not belonging to the children
in the morning, and he rose up of Israel but we will pass on as

to depart; but the damsel’s fa- far as Gib’ah.

ther said unto his son-in-law, 13 And he said unto his ser-
Comfort thy heart with a morsel vant, Come, and let us draw near
of bread, and afterward can ye to one of these places and let

go your way. us lodge all night in Gib’ah, or

6 And they sat down, and in Hamah.
both of them ate together and 14 And they passed on and
drank and the damsel’s father went forward; and the sun went

said unto the man, Do consent, down unto them by Gib’ah, which
I pray thee, and tarry all night, belongeth to Benjamin.
and let thy heart be merry. 15 And they turned aside
7 Still the man rose up to de- thither, to go in to lodge in Gib-
part; but his father-in-law urged ’ah ;
and when he went in, he
him, and he turned back and sat down in the street of the
lodged there. city; for there was no man that
8 And when he arose early in brought them into his house to
the morning on the fifth day to lodge.
depart, the damsel’s father said, 16 And, behold, an old man
Comfort thy heart, I pray thee, was coming from his work out
and tarry until the declXie of the of the field at evening, and this
day and both of them did eat. man was from the mountain of

9 And when the man rose up Ephraim, and he sojourned in

to depart, he, and his concubine, Gib’ah but the men of the place

and his servant, his father-in- were Benjamites.

law, the damsel’s father, said 17 And he lifted up his eyes,
unto him, Behold, now, the day and saw the wayfaring man in
draweth toward evening, tarry the street of the city: and then
all night, I pray you : behold, it said the old man, Whither goest
is the resting-time of day, lodge thou ? and whence comest thou ?
here, and let thy heart be merry 18 And he said unto him, We
and you may get early to-mor- are passing from Beth-lechem-
row on your way, and go then to judah toward the lower edge of
thy tent. the mountain of Ephraim from ;'

10 But the man would not there am I, and I went as far as

tarry that night, but he rose up Beth-leehem-judah ;
but I am
and went away, and came as far going to the house of the Loud;
as opposite Jehus, which is Je- and there is no man that bring-
rusalem ; and he hail with him eth me into his house.
19 Yet there is both straw and!jher lord was, (and lay) till it
provender for our asses; and was light.
there are also bread and wine 27 And when her lord rose up
for me, and for thy handmaid, in the morning, and opened the
and for the young man who is doors of the house, and went out
with thy servants there is no to go on his way behold, the
: :

want of any thing. woman, his concubine, was lying

20 And the old man said, Peace at the door of the house, with
be with thee; only let all thy her hands upon the threshold.
wants lie upon me at least lodge
28 And he said unto her, Kise
not in the street. up, and let us be going but no

21 So he brought him to his one answered. Then he took

house, and gave provender un- her upon the ass, and the man
to the asses: and they washed rose up, and went unto his place.
their feet, and they ate and 29 And when he was come
drank. into his house, he took a knife,
22 As they were making their and laid hold on his concubine,
hearts merry, behold, the men and divided her, according to
of the city, worthless people, her bones, into twelve pieces,
beset the house round about, and sent her about in all the ter-
knocking at the door ; and they ritory of Israel.
said to the master of the house, 30 And it happened, that who-
the old man, thus, Bring forth ever saw it said, There hath no
the man that is come to thy such deed been done or seen
house, that we may know him. from the day that the children
23 And the man, the master of Israel came up out of the land
of the house, went out unto them, of Egypt until this day reflect

and said unto them, No, my bre- well on it, give advice, and speak.
thren, I pray you, act not wick-
edly since this man is once come
into my house, do not this scan- 1 Then went out all the
dalous thing. children of Israel, and the con-
24 Behold, here is mj' daugh- gregation was assembled toge-
ter a virgin, and his concubine ther as one man, from Dan even

let me bring them out now, and to Beer-sheba’, with the land
humble ye them, and do to them of Gil’ad, unto the Lord in Miz-
what seemeth good in your eyes pah.
but unto this man do not this 2 And there presented them-
scandalous thing. selves the chiefs of all the peo-
25 But the men would not ple, of all the tribes of Israel, in
hearken to him; so the man the assembly of the people of
took hold of his concubine, and God, four hundred thousand
brought her forth unto them into men on foot that drew the sword.
the street; and they knew her, 3 (And the children of Ben-
and ill-used her all the night un- jamin heard that the children
til the morning ;
and they let her of Israel were gone up to Miz-
go when the day began to dawn. pah.) And the children of Is-
26 Then came the woman rael said, Speak, how did this
(home) in the early part of the wickedness take place ?
morning, and fell down at the 4 And the Levite, the husband
door of the man’s house where of the woman that was murdered,
answered and said, I came to I who are in Gib’ah, that we may
Gib’ah that belongeth to Benja- put them to death, and remove
min, I and my concubine, to stay evil from Israel. But the chil-
one night, dren of Benjamin would not
5 When the men of Gib’ah hearken to the voice of their
rose against me, and beset the brethren the children of Israel.
house round about against me 14 And the children of Ben*

by night; me they intended to jamin gathered themselves to

slay and my concubine they gether out of the cities unto

humbled, so that she died. Gib’ah, to go out to battle with

6 And I took hold of my con- the children of Israel.
cubine and cut her in pieces, 15 And at that time there were
and sent her about throughout numbered of the children of Ben-
all the fields of the inheritance jamin out of the cities twenty
of Israel for they had com- and six thousand men that drew

mitted incest and scandal in Is- the sword, beside the inhabit-
rael. ants of Gib’ah, who were num-
7 Behold, ye are all here chil- bered seven hundred chosen
dren of Israel furnish for your-
: men.
selves here advice and counsel. 16 Among all this people there
8 And all the people then were seven hundred chosen men
arose as one man, saying, We lame in the right hand: every
will not go any of us to his tent, one of these could sling a stone
neither will we turn any of us at a hair, and would not miss.
into his house. 17 ^1 And the men of Israel,
9 And now this shall be the beside Benjamin, were numbered
thing which we will do to Gib- four hundred thousand men that
’ah We will go up against it by
: drew the sword all these were

lot men of war.

10 And we will take ten men 18 And they arose, and went
out of every hundred through- up to Beth-el, and asked counsel
out all the tribes of Israel, and of God and the children of Is-

a hundred out of every thou- rael said, Who of us shall go up

sand, and a thousand out of at first to the battle with the
every ten thousand, to procure children of Benjamin ? And the
provisions for the people that ;
Loro said, Judah, at first.
they may do, when they come to 19 And the children of Israel
Gib’ah of Benjamin, in accord- rose up in the morning, and en-
ance with all the scandalous camped against Gib’ah.
deed that they have wrought in 20 And the men of Israel went
Israel. out to battle with Benjamin and :

11 So all the men of Israel the men of Israel put themselves

were gathered against the city, in battle-array against them by
associated together as one man. Gib’ah.
12 And the tribes of Israel 21 And the children of Benja-
sent men through all the divi- min came forth out of Gib’ah,
sions of Benjamin, saying, What and struck down to the ground
wickedness is this that hath been of the Israelites on that day
done among you ? twenty and two thousand men.
13 Now therefore deliver up 22 And the people the men
the men, those .worthless people, of Israel took courage, and set
themselves again in battle-array 31 And the children of Benja-
in the place where they had ar- min went out against the people,
rayed themselves on the first day. and were drawn away from the
23 And the children of Israel city; and they began to smite
went up and wept before the some of the people, and kill, as
Lord until the evening, and at previous times, in the high-
asked counsel of the Lord, say- ways, of which one goeth up to
ing, Shall I again approach to Beth-el, and the other to Gib'ah
battle with the children of Ben- in the field, about thirty men of
jamin my brother? And the Israel.
Lord said, Go up against him. 32 And the children of Benja-
24 And the children of Is- min said, They are defeated be-
rael came near against the chil- fore us, as at the first. But the
dren of Benjamin on the second children of Israel said, Let us
day. flee, and draw them from the
25 And Benjamin went forth city unto the highways.
against them out of Gib’ah on 33 And all the men of Israel
the second day, and struck down rose up out of their place, and
to the ground of the children of put themselves in array at Ba’al-
Israel again eighteen thousand' thamar: and those that lay in
men : all these were men
that wait of Israel rushed forth out
drew the sword. of their place, out of the mea-
26 Now all the children of Is- dows of Gib’ah.
rael, and all the people, went up, 34 And there came against
and came unto Beth-el, and Gib’ah ten thousand chosen men
wept, and sat there before the out of all Israel, and the battle
Lord, and fasted on that day was severe; but they knew not
until the evening, and offered that the evil was overtaking
burnt-offerings and peace-offer- them.
ings before the Lord. 35 And the Lord smote
27 And the children of Israel Benjami'n before Israel and the

inquired of the Lord, (for there children of Israel destroyed of

was the ark of the covenant of the Benjamites on that day
God in those days, twenty and five thousand and
28 And Phinehas, the son of one hundred men: all these
El’azar, the son of Aaron, stood were those that drew the sword.
before it in those days,) saying, 36 And the children of Ben-
Shall I yet continue to go out to jamin saw that they were de-
battle with the children of Ben- feated; for the men of Israel
iamin my brother, or shall I for- gave place to the Benjamites,
bear? And the Lord said, Go because they trusted unto those
up for to-morrow will I deliver that lay in wait whom they had

him into thy hand. set against Gib’ah.

29 And Israel set men to lie 37 And those in ambush has-
in wait round about Gib’ah. tened, and spread themselves
30 And the children of Is- over Gib'ah; and those that lay
rael went up against the children in wait moved along, and «mote
of Benjamin on the third day, all the city with the edge of the
and put themselves in array sword.
against Gib’ah, as at previous 38 Now there was an under-
times. standing between the men of Is-
rael and those that lay in wait,j 47 But six hundred men turned

that they should make an abun- and fled into the wilderness unto
dance of columns of smoke rise the rock Rimmon, and they
up out of the city. abode on the rock Rimmon four
39 And when the men of Is- months.
rael turned round in the battle, 48 And the men of Israel
and Benjamin began to smite turned again upon the children
and kill of the men of Israel of Benjamin, and smote them
about thirty persons; for they with the edge of the sword, as
said, Surely they are entirely well the men of every city, as
defeated before us, as in the first the beasts, and all that was
battle found: also all the cities that
40 Then began the cloud to they came upon did they set on
arise up out of the city as a pil- fire.
lar of smoke and when the Ben-

jamites looked behind them, be- CHAPTER XXL

hold, the flames of all the city 1 Now the men of Israel had
were ascending up to heaven. sworn in Mizpah, saying, Not
41 And when the men of Is- any one of us shall give his
rael turned again, the men of Ben- daughter unto Benjamin for
jamin were amazed for they saw
that the evil had overtaken them. 2 And the people came to
42 Therefore they turned Beth-el, and abode there till the
round before the men of Israel evening, before God, and they
unto the way to the wilderness; lifted up their voices, and wept
but the battle overtook them with a great lamentation;
and those who came out of the 3 And they said, Wherefore,
cities destroyed them in the 0 Lord, God of Israel, is this
midst of them. come to pass in Israel, that there
43 They enclosed the Benja- should be lacking this day out
mites round about, chased them, of Israel one tribe?
they overtook them in their 4 And it came to pass on the
morrow, that the people
places of rest, as far as opposite rose
to Gib’ah toward the rising of early, and built there an altar,
the sun. and offered burnt-offerings and
44 And there fell of Benjamin peace-offerings.
eighteen thousand men all these
: 5 And the children of Israel
were men of valour. said, Who
is there among all the
45 And they turned and fled tribes of Israel that came not up
toward the wilderness unto the with the congregation unto the
rock of Rimmon ;
and they Lord? For there had been taken
gleaned of them in the highways the great oath concerning him
five thousand men; and they that came not up to the Lord to
pursued hard after them as far Mizpah, saying, He shall surely
ns Gid’om, and slew of them two be put to death.
thousand men. 6 And the children of Israel
46 So that all who fell on that felt regret for Benjamin their
day of Benjamin were twenty brother, and they said, One tribe
and five thousand men that drew hath this day been cut down
the sword: all these wire men from Israel.
of valour. 7 What shall we do as respect-
eth wives for those that remain, 16 And the elders of the
since we have sworn by the Lord congregation said, What shall we
that we will give none of our do for those that remain as re-
daughters unto them for wives? specteth wives because the wo-

8 And they said, What one is men have been destroyed out of
there of the tribes of Israel that Benjamin ?
came not up unto the Lord to 17 And they said, Their in-
Mizpah? And, behold, there heritance must be secured for
had not come to the camp a man Benjamin, that not a tribe may
from Yabesh-gil’ad to the as- be blotted out from Israel.
sembly. Is Nevertheless we ourselves
9 For the people were num- are not able to give them wives qf
bered, and, behold, there was our own daughters for the chil-

not present a man of the inha- dren of Israel have sworn, say-
bitants of Yabesh-gil’ad. ing, Cursed be he that giveth a
10 And the congregation sent wife to Benjamin.
thither twelve thousand persons 19 And they said, Behold,
of the valiant men, and com- there is a feast of the Lord in
manded them, saying, Go and Shiloh from year to year (at a
smite the inhabitants of Yabesh- place) which is on the north side
gil’ad with the edge of the sword, of Beth-el, on the east side of the
with the women and the chil- highway that goeth up from
dren. Beth-el to Shechem, and on the
11 And this is the thing that south of Lebonah.
ye shall do, every male, and 20 And they commanded the
every woman that hath known children of Benjamin, saying,
(man) by lying with him, shall Go ye and lie in wait in the
ye devote. vineyards
12 And they found among the 21 And look out, and, behold,
inhabitants ofYabesh-gil’ad four if the daughters of Shiloh go out
hundred young virgins that had to dance in dances: then come
not known man by lying with ye forth out of the vineyards,
any male : and they brought and snatch you every man his
them unto the camp to Shiloh, wife from the daughters of Shi-
which is in the land of Cana’an. loh, and go then to the land of
13 And the whole congre- Benjamin.
gation sent and spoke to the 22 And it shall be, when their
children of Benjamin that were fathers or their brothers come to
on the rock Rimmon, and offered contend with us, that we will say
them peace. unto them, Be favourable unto
14 And Benjamin returned at them for our sakes because we

that time and they gave unto took not for each man his wifo

them the wives whom they had in the war; (and) because yo
saved alive out of the women of yourselves did not give them
Yabesh-gil’ad; but they found unto them, that ye should at this
not sufficient for them in this time be guilty.
way. 23 And the children of Ben-
15 And the people felt regret jamin did so, and took them-
for Benjamin; because that the selves wives, according to their
Lord had made a breach in the number, from the dancers whom
tribes of Israel. they had stolen away and they


went and returned unto their in- family, and they went out from
heritance, and rebuilt the cities, there every man to his inherit-
and dwelt in them. ance.
24 And the children of Israel 25 In those days there was no
departed thence at that time, king in Israel: every man did
every man to his tribe and to his what was right in his own eyes.



CHAPTER I. her fret; because the Lord had

1 And was a certain man
there shut up her womb.
of llamathayim-zophim, of the 7 And as he did so year by
mountain of Ephraim, whose year, as often as she went up tc
name was Elkanah, the son of the house of the Lord, so did
Yerocham, the son of Elihu, the she provoke her; wherefore she
son of Thochu, the son of Zuph, wept, and did not eat.
an Ephrathite. 8 Then said to her Elkanah
2 And he had two wives; the her husband, Hannah, why wilt
name of the one was Hannah, thou weep? and why wilt thou
and the name of the other Pe- not eat? and why should thy
ninnah and Peninnah had
: chil- heart be grieved? am not I bet-
dren, but Hannah had no chil- ter to thee than ten sons?
dren. 9 And Hannah rose up after
3 And this man went up out they had eaten in Shiloh, and
of his city from year to year to after they had drunk; and ’Eli
prostrate himself and to sacrifice the priest was sitting upon a
unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh. chair by the door-post of the
And at that place were the two temple of the Lord.
sons of ’Eli, Chophni and Phine- 10 But she had bitterness of
has, priests of the Lord. soul, and prayed unto the Lord,
4 And when the day was come and wept greatly.
that Elkanah offered, he gave to 11 And she vowed a vow, and
Peninnah his wife, and to all said, 0 Lord of hosts, if thou
her sons and her daughters, por- wilt indeed look on the affliction
tions: of thy handmaid, and remember
5 But unto Hannah he gave a me, and not forget thy hand-
double portion for Hannah he maid, but wilt give unto thy

loved (greatly) ; but the Lord handmaid a man-child :then

had shut up her womb. will I give him unto the Lord
6 And her rival also provoked all the days of his life, and nc
her continually, in order to make razor shall come upon his head,
33 1i 3S5

12 An-d it came to pass, as |up; for she said unto her hus-
she continued praying long be- [band, So s-oon as the child shall
fore the Lord, that ’Eli watched be weaned, then I will bring
her mouth. him, that he may appear before
13 Now as for Hannah, she [the Lord, and abide there for
spoke in her heart; only her ever.
lips moved, but her voice could 23 And Elkanah her husband
not be heard; wherefore ’Eli re- said unto her, Do what seemeth
garded her as a drunken woman. good in thy eyes; tarry until
14 And ’Eli said unto her, thou hast weaned him; only may
How long wilt thou be drunken ? the Lord fulfil his word. So
put away thy wine from otf thee. the woman remained behind,
15 And Hannah answered and and gave her son suck until she
said, No, my lord, I am a woman weaned him.
of a sorrowful spirit ; but neither 24 And she took him up with
wine nor strong drink have I her, when she had weaned him,
drunk, and I have poured out with three bullocks, and one
my soul before the Lord. ephah of flour, and a bottle of
16 Esteem not thy handmaid wine, and she brought him unto
as a worthless woman; for out the house of the Lord at Shi-
of the abundance of my grief loh; although the child was yet

and vexation have I spoken young.

hitherto. 25 And they slew a bullock,
17 Then ’Eli answered and and brought the child to ’Eli.
said, Go in peace; and may the 26 And she said, Pardon, my
God of Israel grant thy petition lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord,
which thou bast asked of him. I am the woman that stood by
18 And she said, Let thy thee here, to pray unto the Lord.
handmaid find grace in thy eyes. 27 For this lad did I pray;
The woman then went on her and the Lord hath granted me
way, and did eat, and her coun- my petition which 1 asked of
tenance was no longer as before. him.
19 And they rose up early 28 Therefore also have I lent
in the morning, and prostrated him, for my part, to the Lord;
themselves before the Lord, and all the days that have been as-
returned, and came to their house signed to him shall he be lent
at Hamah and Elkanah knew to the Lord.
: And he bowed
Hannah his wife; and the Lord himself there before the Lord. ,

remembered her.
20 And it came to pass, after

the lapse of some time, that 1 And Hannah prayed, and

Hannah conceived, and bore a said, My heart is ^ad in the
ion; and she called his name Lord, my horn is exalted
Samuel [Shemuel], saying, Be- through the Lord my mouth :

cause from the Lord have I is enlarged over my enemies;

asked him. because I rejoice in thy salva-
21 And the m-an Elkanah tion.
went up, with all his house, to 2 There is none holy like the
unto the Lord
offer Lord; for there
the yearly is none beside
and his vow.
sacrifice, thee; and there is not any rock

22 But Ham ah did not go like our God.


3 Talk no exceed- while (the man) was seething the

more so
ingly proudly; let not arrogance flesh, with a fork with three teeth
come out of your mouth for a in his hand ;

God of knowledge is the Lord, 14 And he struck it into the

and by him are actions weighed. pan, or the kettle, or the caldron,
4 The bow of the mighty is or the pot; (and) all that the
broken, and those that stumbled fork brought up, the priest took
are girded with strength. away with it. So did they unto
5 They that were full hire all the Israelites that came thi-
themselves out for bread; and ther, to Shiloh.
they that were hungry cease 15 Even before they had yet
(from labour) while the barren burnt the fat, the priest’s servant

hath born seven, she that hath would come, and say to the man
many children fadeth away. that sacrificed, Give flesh to roast
6 The Lord killeth, and mak- for the priest; for he will not
eth alive he bringeth down to take from thee sodden flesh, but

the grave, and bringeth up. raw.

7 The Lord maketh poor and 16 And if the man said unto
maketh rich he bringeth low, him, They will surely presently

and also lifteth up. burn the fat, and then take what-
8 He raiseth up out of the dust ever thy soul may long for then :

the poor, from the dunghill he would he say, No but thou shalt

lifteth up the needy, to set them give it me now; and if not, I

among nobles, and he assigneth will it take by force.
them the th-rone of glory ; for 17 And the sin of the young
the Lord’s are the pillars of the men was very great before the
earth, on which he hath set the Lord ; for the men despised the
world. offering of the Lord.
9 He ever guardeth the feet 18 But Samuel was minister-
of his pious ones, and the wicked ing before the Lord, being a
shall be made silent in darkness; lad, girded with a linen ephod.
for not by strength can man pre- 19 Moreover his mother used
vail. to make him a little overcoat,

10 The Lord his adversaries and brought it to him from year
will be crushed; out of heaven to year, when she came up with
will he thunder upon them the her husband to offer the yearly

Lord will judge the ends of the sacrifice.

earth ; and he will give strength 20 And ’Eli blessed Elkanah
unto his king, and lift up the and his wife, and said, May the
liorn of his anointed. Lord give thee seed from this
11 And Elkanah went to woman instead of the loan who
Rarnah to his house. And the is lent to the Lord. And they
lad was ministering unto the went back unto his place.
Lord before ’Eli the priest. 21 And truly the Lord visited
12 And the sons of ’Eli were Hannah, and she conceived, and
worthless men they knew not bore three sons and two daugh-

the Lord. ters. And the lad Samuel grew

13 And the custom of the up before the Lord.
priests with the people was, that, 22 Now ’Eli was very old,
when any man offered a sacri- and heard all that his sons were
fice, the priest’s servant came, in the habit of doing unto all
Israel; and how they would lie Lord, be it far from me; for
with the women that assembled those that honour me will I ho-
at the door of the tabernacle of nour, and those that despise me
the congregation. shall be lightly esteemed.
23 And he said unto them, 31 Behold, days are coming,
Why will ye do such things ? for that I will hew off thy arm, and
I hear of your evil dealings from the arm of thy father’s house, so
all this people. that there shall not be an old
24 No, my sons; for the re- man in th 3 house. '

port that I hear is not good, which 32 And thou shalt behold a
the Lord’s people spread abroad. rival in (my) habitation, in all
25 If one man sin against an- that by which he will do good for
other, the judge shall judge him; Israel and there shall not be

but if against the Lord a man an old man in thy house in all
should sin, who shall pray for times.
him ? Nevertheless would they 33 And yet I will not cut off
not hearken unto the voice of the men descended from thee
their father, because the Lord from my altar, to consume thy
desired to slay them. eyes, and to grieve thy soul and

26 And the lad Samuel was all the increase of thy house
constantly growing and increas- shall die as (vigorous) men.
ing in favour both with the Lord, 34 And this shall be unto thee
and also with men. the sign, that shall happen on
27 And there came a man thy two sons, on Chophni and
of God unto ’Eli, and said unto Phinehas On one day shall

him, Thus hath said the Lord, they, both of them, die.
Did I (not) appear unto the 35 And I will raise up to me
house of thy father, when they a faithful priest, who shall do in
were in Egypt in Pharaoh’s accordance with what is in my
house? heart and in my mind
and I ;

28 And did I (not) choose him will build forhim an enduring

out of all the tribes of Israel to house; and he shall walk before
me as a priest, to offer upon my my
anointed in all times.
altar, to burn incense, to wear 36 And it shall come to pass,
an ephod before me? and did I that whoever is left in thy house
(not) give unto the house of thy shall come to bow down to him
father all the fire-offerings of the for a gera of silver and a loaf
children of Israel ? of bread, and shall say, Attach
29 Wherefore kick ye at my me, I pray thee, unto one of the
sacrifice and at my meat-offering, priestly offices, that I may eat 1
which I have commanded in (my) piece of bread.
habitation? and (why) honour-
edst thou thy sons above me, to CHAPTER III.
fatten yourselves with the first 1 And the lad Samuel was
of every offering of Israel my ministering unto the Lord be-
people ? fore ’Eli. And the word of the
30 Therefore saith the Lord Lord was scarce in those days
the God of Israel, I had indeed prophecy was not extended.
said, Thy house, and the house 2 And it came to pass one
of thy father, should walk before day, when ’Eli was lying down
me for ever ; but now, saith the in his place, and his eyes had
begun to grow dim, he could not 13 And
I tell him that I wil1
«ee judge his house for ever; for the
3 And the lamp of God had
iniquity that he knew that his
uot yet gone out, while Samuel sons were drawing a curse on
was lying down in (the hall of) themselves, and he restrained
the temple of the Lord, where them not.
the ark of God was 14 And therefore have I sworn
4 That the Lord called Sa- unto the house of 'Eli, that the
muel and he said, Here am I. iniquity of Eli's house shall not

5 And he ran unto 'Eli, and be atoned for with sacrifice or

said, Here am I; for thou didst meat-otfering for ever.
call me. And he. said, I did not 15 And Samuel lay until the
call :lie down again. Arid he morning, when he opened the
went and lay down. doors of the house of the Lord;
6 And the Lord continued to and Samuel feared to tell the
call again, Samuel. And Samuel vision unto 'Eli.
arose and went to 'Eli, and said, 16 But 'Eli called Samuel,
Here am I; for thou didst call and said, Samuel, my son. And
me. And he answered, I did not he said, Here 'am I.
call, my son lie down again.
: 17 And he said, What is the
7 And Samuel knew not yet word which he hath spoken unto
the Lord, nor had the word of thee ? do not, I pray thee, con-
the Lord been as yet revealed ceal it from me may God do to :

unto him. thee thus, and continue to do so,

8 And the Lord continued to if thou conceal any thing from
call, Samuel, the third time and me of all the word that he hath

he arose and went to 'Eli, and spoken unto thee.

said, Here am I for thou didst
; 18 And Samuel told him all
call me. And 'Eli then perceived the words, and concealed nothing
that the Lord was calling the from him. And he said, He is
lad. the Lord let him do what seem-

9 And 'Eli said unto Samuel, eth good in his eyes.

Go, lie down; and it shall be, if 19 And Samuel grew up, and
he call thee, that thou shalt say, the Lord was with him, and he
Speak, Lord; for thy servant did not let fall any one of all his
heareth. And Samuel went and words to the ground.
lay down in his place. 20 And thus knew all Israel
10 And the Lord came, and from Dan even to Beer-sheba’
placed himself, and called as at that Samuel was accredited as a
previous times, Samuel, Samuel. prophet of the Lord.
And Samuel said, Speak ; for thy 21 And the Lord continued
servant heareth. to appear in Shiloh for the ;

11 And the Lord said to Lord revealed himself to Sa-

Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing muel in Shiloh by the word of
in Israel, at which both the ears the Lord.
of every one that heareth it shall
12 On
that day will I fulfil on 1 And the word of Samuel
'Eli all that I have spoken con- became known to all Israel. Now
cerning his house: I will begin Israel went out against the Phi-
and finish. jlistines to battle, and encamped
beside Eben-ha’ezer ;
and the with every plague in the wilder.
Philistines encamped in Aphek. ness.
2 And the Philistines put them- 9 lie strong, and act like men,
selves in battle-array against Is- 0 Philistines, so that ye become
rael; and the battle became ge- not servants unto the Hebrews,
neral, and Israel was smitten as they have been servants to
before the Philistines and they you therefore act like men, and
: :

slew on the battle-ground, in fight.

the field, about four thousand 10 And the Philistines fought,
men. a‘iid the Israelites were smitten,

3 And when the people were and they fled every man unto
come back into the camp, the his tent: and the defeat was
elders of Israel said, Wherefore very great; and there fell of

hath the Lord smitten us this Israel thirty thousand men on

day before the Philistines ? Let fOOt.r

us bring over to us out of Shiloh 11 And the ark of God was

the ark of the covenant of the taken: and the two sons of ’Eli,
Lord, that it may come in the Chophni and Phinehas, died also.
midst of us, and deliver us out -12 And there ran a man of
of the hand of our enemies. Benjamin from the battle-field,
4 So the people sent to Shi- and came to Shiloh on the same
loh, and they brought away from day, with his clothes rent, and
there the ark of the covenant of earth upon his head.
the Lord of hosts, who dwelleth 13 And when he came, lo, ’Eli
over the cherubim: and the two was sitting upon a chair by the
sons of ’Eli, Chophni and Phine- wayside, watching; for his heart
has, were there with the ark of was anxious for the ark of God.
the covenant of God. And when the man came to tell
5 And it happened when the it in the city, all the city cried
ark of the covenant of the Lord out.
came into the camp, that all Is- 14 And when ’Eli heard the
rael set up a great shout, so that,.noise of the crying, he said,
the earth trembled. What meaneth the noise of this
6 And when the Philistines multitude ? And the man came
heard the noise of the shouting,]jin hastily, and told it to ’Eli.
they said, What meaneth the 15 Now ’Eli was ninety and
noise of this great shouting in eight years old; and his eyes
the camp of the Hebrews? And were fixed, so that he could not
they understood that the ark of see.
the Lord was come into the 16 And the man said unto
camp. ’Eli, I am the person that came
7 And the Philistines were from the battle-field, and I my-
afraid; for they said, God is self fled from the battle-field to-

come into the camp. And they day. And he said, What was it
said, Wo unto us! for the like that took place, my son ?
of this hath not been, yesterday 17 And the messenger answer-
or the day before. ed and said, Israel is fled before
8Wo \-nto us! who shall de- the Philistines, and there hath
liver us out of the hand of these also been a great slaughter among

mighty Gods ? these are the the people, and also thy two
Gods that smote the Egyptians sons, Chophni and Phinehas, are'


dead, and the ark of God hath 4 An 1 when they arose early
been taken. on the morning of the following
18 And it came to pass, when day, behold, Dagon was lying
he mentioned the ark of God, upon his face on the ground be-
that he fell from off the chair fore the ark of the Lord and

backward by the side of the gate, the head of Dagon, and both the
and his neck was broken, and he palms of his hands were cut off
died for the man was old, and
upon the threshold; only the fish
heavy. And he had judged Is- portion was left on him.
rael forty years. 5 Therefore do the priests of
19 And his daughter-in-law, Dagon, and all that come into
the wife of Phinehas, was with Dagon’s house, not step on the
child, near to be delivered,* and threshold of Dagon in Ashdod
when she heard the tidings con- even until thi.s day.
cerning that the ark of God had 6 And the hand of the Lord
been taken, and that her father- became heavy upon the people
in-law and her husband were of Ashdod, and he destroyed
dead, she sank down and gave them, and smote them with he-
birth for her pains came sud- morrhoids, even Ashdod and its

denly upon her. territory.

20 And at the moment of her 7 And when the men of Ash-
dying, the women that stood dod saw that it was so, they said,
around her spoke (unto her), The ark of the God of Israel
Fear not; for a son hast thou shall not remain with us for his

born. But she answered not, hand is sore upon us, and upon
nor did she take it to heart. Dagon our God.
21 And she named the child 8 And they sent and gathered
I-chabod, saying, Glory is de- together all the lords of the
parted from Israel because of Philistines unto them, and said,

the taking away of the ark of What shall we do with the ark
God, and because of her father- of the God of Israel? And they
in-law and her husband. answered, Let the ark of the God
22 And she said, GI»o-ry is de- of Israel be removed unto Gath.
parted from Israel for the ark And they removed the ark of

of God hath been taken away. the God of Israel thither.

9 And it happened, after they
CHAPTER V. had removed it, that the hand
1 And the Philistines took of the Lord was against the city
the ark of God, and brought it with a very great confusion and ;

from Eben-ha’ezer unto Ashdod. he smote the men of the city,

2 And the Philistines took the both small and great, and they
ark of God, and brought it into had hemorrhoids in their secret
the house of Dagon, and set it parts.
by Dagon. 10 And they sent away the
3 And when the people of Ash- ark of God to ’Ekron. And it
dod arose early on the morrow, came to pass, as the ark of God
behold, Dagon was lying upon came to ’Ekron, that the Ekron -

his face on the earfn before the ites cried out, saying, They have
ark of the Loud. And they totfk removed to us the ark of the
Dagon, and set him again in his God v*. Israel, to slay us and our
place. people.
11 So they sent and gathered And why will ye har len
together all the lords of the Phi- your heart, just as the Egyptians
listines, and said, Send away the and Pharaoh hardened their
ark of the God of Israel, that it heart? Did not they, when he
may return to its own place, so had wrought wonderful deeds
that it may not slay us, and our among them, dismiss them, and
people; for there was a confu- they departed ?
sion of death throughout all the 7 And now make a new wa-
city; the hand of God was very gon, and take two milch-cows,
heavy there. on which there hath come no
12 And
the people that did yoke, and harness the cows to
not die were smitten with the the wagon, and bring their calves
hemorrhoids; and the lamenta- home away from them
tion of the city went up to hea- 8 And take the ark of the
ven. Lord, and place it into the wa-
gon; and the articles of gold,
CHAPTER VI. which ye return him as a tres-
1 5[
the ark of the Lord pass-offering, ye must put in a
was in the fields of the Philis- casket alo side of it; and then
tines seven months. send it away, that it may go.
2 And the Philistines called 9 And then see, if it go up by
for the priestsand the diviners, the way to its own boundary, to
saying, What shall we do with Beth-shemesh, then hath he
the ark of the Lord? let us
- done us this great evil but if ;

know wherewith we shall send not, then shall we know that not
off it to place.
its. his hand hath smitten us; it is
3 And they said, If ye send a chance which hath happened
away the ark of the God of Is- to us.
rael, send it not away empty; 10 And the men did so; and
but ye must to a certainty re- they took two milch-cows, and
turn him a trespass-offering: harnessed them to the wagon,
then will ye be healed, and it and their calves they shut up at
will be known to you why his home
hand is not removed from you. 11 And they placed the ark
4 And they said, What shall of the Lord in the wagon, and
be the trespass-offering that we the casket with the mice of gold
shall return to him? And they and images of their hemorrhoids.
answei ed, According to the num- 12 And the cows went straight
ber of the lords of the Philis- forward on the way on the road
tines, five golden hemorrhoids, to Beth-shemesh on one high-

and five golden mice; for one way they did go along, lowing
plague affected them all, and as they went, and turned not
your lords. '
aside to the right or to the left;
5 Therefore make images of and the lords of the Philistines
your hemorrhoids, and images went after them as far as the
of your mice that devastate the border of Beth-shemesh.
land and give glory unto the
13 And they of Beth-shemesh
God of Israel: perhaps he will were reaping their wheat- harvest
lighten his hand from off you, in the valley ; and when they
and from off your gods, and from liftedup their eyes, and saw th«
jff your land. ark, they rejoiced to see it.

14 the wagon came to
And and to whom shall it go up away
the field of Joshua’, the Beth- from us?
tfhemite, and stood still there; 21 And they sent messengers
and there was a great stone; and to the inhabitants of Kiryath-
they split the wood of the wa- ye’arim, saying, The Philistines
gon, and the cows they offered have brought back the ark of tha
as a burnt-offering unto the Lord 4 come ye down, and fetch
Lord. it up to you.
15 Aiid the Levites took down
the ark of the Lord, and the CHAPTER VII.
casket that was with it, wherein 1 And the men of Kiryath-
were the articles of gold, and ye’arim came, and fetched up
put them on the great stone the ark of the Lord, and brought
and the men of Beth-shemesh it unto the house of Abinadab
offered burnt-offerings and sacri- on the hill, and El’azar his son
ficed sacrifices on the same day they sanctified to guard the ark
unto the Lord. of the Lord.
16 And when the five lords of 2 And it came to pass, from
the Philistines had seen it, they the time the ark remained in
returned to ’Ekron on the same Kiryath-ye’arim, and the time
day. was long, and it was twenty
17 And these are the golden years that all the house of Is
: -

hemorrhoids which the Philis- rael followed anxiously after the

tines returned as a trespass- Lord.
offering unto the Lord : For 3 And Samuel said unto all
Ashdod one, for Gazzah one, for the house of Israel, as followeth,
Ashkelon one, for Gath one, for If with all your heart ye do re-
'Ekron one. turn unto the Lord, then put
18% And the golden mice away the gods of the stranger
were according to the number of and the ’Ashtharoth from your
all the cities of the Philistines midst, ana direct your heart
under the five lords, from the unto the Lord, and serve him
fortified city, down to the open alone: and then w ill he deliver

village, even unto the great you out of the hand of the Phi-
stone whereon they had set listines.
down the ark of the Lord, and 4 Then did the children of Is-
which is unto this day in the rael put away the Be’alitn and
field of Joshua’, the Beth-shem- the ’Ashtharoth, and served the
ite. Lord alone.
19 And he smote among the 5 And Samuel said, Assem-
men of Beth-shemesh, because ble all Israel together at Mizpah,
they had looked into the ark of and I will pray in your behalf
the Lord, namely, he smote unto the Lord.
among the people seventy men 6 And they assembled them-
and fifty thousand men : and selves together at Mizpah, and
the people mourned because the drew water, and poured it out
Lord had caused among the before the Lord, and fasted on
people a great slaughter. that day, and said there, We
20 And the men of Beth-she- have sinned against the Lord.
mesh said, Who is able to stand And Samuel judged the children
beiore the Lord, this holy God? of Israel in Mizpah.
7 And when the Philistines! tines. And there was peace bo-

heard that the children of Israel tween Israel and the Emorites.

had assembled themselves at 15 And Samuel judged Israel

Mizpah, the lords of the Philis- all the days of his life.
tines went up against Israel. 16 And he went from year ti
And when the children of Israel year and travelled in circuit to
heard it, they were afraid of the Beth-el, and Gilgal, and Miz-
Philistines. pah, and judged Israel in all
8 And the children of Israel these places.
said to Samuel, Do not abstain, 17 And his return was to Ra-
so as not to cry for us unto the mah; for there was his house;
Lord our God, that he may help and there he judged Israel and :

us out of the hand of the Philis- he built there an altar unto the
tines. Lord.
9 And Samuel took one suck-
ing lamb, and offered it for an CHAPTER VIII.
entire burnt-offering unto the 1 And it came to pass, when
Lord: and Samuel cried unto Samuel was old, that he appoint-
the Lord in behalf of Israel; ed his sons judges over Israel.
and the Lord answered him. 2 And the name of his first-
10 And as Samuel was offer- born was Yoel; and the name
ing up the burnt-offering, the of his second Abiyah: they
Philistines drew near to battle judged in Beer-sheba\
against Israel; but the Lord 3 But his sons walked not in
thundered with a loud noise on his ways, and they inclined after
that day over the Philistines, their own advantage, and took
and brought them into confu- bribes, and perverted justice.
sion, and they were smitten be- 4 Then did all the elders of
fore Israel. Israel assemble themselves to-
11 And the men of Israel went gether, and came to Samuel un-
out of Mizpah, and pursued the to Ramah,
Philistines, and smote them, as 5 And said unto him, Behold,
far as below Beth-car. thou art old, and thy sons have
12 And Samuel took one not w alked in thy ways: now

stone, and set it between Miz- appoint for us a king to judge

pah and Shen, and called its u«s like all the nations.
name Eben-ha’ezer, [Stone of 6 But the thing was displeas-
help,] saying, As far as this hath ing in the eyes of Samuel, when
the Lord helped us. they said, Give us a king to
13 So were the Philistines judge us. And Samuel prayed
humbled, and they came no unto the Lord.
more into the territory of Israel 7 f And the Lord said unt3
and the hand of the Lord was Samuel, Hearken unto the voice
against the Philistines all the of the people in all that they
days of Samuel. may say unto thee; for not thee
14 And the cities which the have they rejected, but me have
Philistines had taken from Is- they rejected, that I should not
rael came again to Israel, from reign over them.
'Ekron even unto Gath, and 8 In accordance w ith all the
their territory did Israel deliver deeds which they have done
nut of the hand of the Philis- since the day that I brought
them up cnit of Egypt even but the Lord will
until yourselves;
this clay, when they
forsook me, not answer you on that day.
and served other gods so do ,19 Nevertheless the pec pie

they also unto thee. fefused to listen to the voice of

9 And now hearken unto Samuel; and they said, No; but*
their voice nevertheless thou a king shall be over us

roust still solemnly forewarn 20 That we also ma}' ourselves

them, and tell them the manner be like all the nations; and that
of the king that will reign over our king may judge us, and go
them. out before us, and fight our bat-
10 And Samuel said all the tles.
words of the Lord unto the peo- 21 And Samuel heard all the
ple that had asked of him a words of the people, and ho
king. spoke them before the ears of
11 And he said, This will be the Lord.
toe manner of the king that will 22 Apd the Lqrd said to
reign over you: Your sons will Samuel, Hearken unto their
he take, and appoint them for voice, and appoint them a king.
himself with his chariots, and And Samuel said unto the men
among his horsemen and they of Israel. Go ye every man unto
will have to run before his cha- his city.
riot ;

12 And to appoint for himself CHAPTER IX.

captains over thousands, and 1 Now was a man of
captains over fifties; and to Benjamin, whose name was
plough his ground, and to reap Kish, the son of Abiel, the son
his harvest, and to make his of Zeror, *he son of Bechorath,
instruments of war, and the in- the son of Aphiach, the son of a
struments of his chariots. Benjamite, a mighty man of
13 And your daughters will valour.
he take for ointment makers, 2 And he had a son whose
and for cooks, and for bakers. name was young
Saiil [Shahiil],
14 And your fields, and your and handsome; and there was
~: not a man among the children
neyards, and your olive-yards,
yea the best, will he take, and of Israel handsomer than he:
give them to his servants. from his shoulders and upward
15 And of your seeds, and of he was taller than any of the
your vineyards will he take the people.
tenth, and give (the same) to 3 And there were lost the
his officers, and to his servants. asses belonging to Kish, Saul's
16 And your men-servants, father; and Kish said to Saiil
and your maid-servants, and his son, Do take with thee one
your best young men, and your of the servants, and arise, go
Asses will he take, and employ seek the asses.
(them) for his work. 4 And he passed through the
17 Of your flocks will he take mountain of Ephraim, and pass**
the tenth and ye yourselves
: ed through the land of Shalisha,
will become his servants. but they found (them) not; then
18 And ye will cry out on they passed through the land of
that day because of you-r king Sha’alim, and there was nothing
whom ye will have chosen for there; and he passed through
the land of Benjamin, but they because the people have a sacri-
found them not. fice to-day on the high-place;
5 When they were come in 13 As soon as ye are come in-
the land of Zuph, Saiil said ta to the city, ye will straightway
his servant that was with him, find him, before yet he can go
Come, and let us return ; lest my up to the high-place to eat; for
father relinquish the care for the the people will not eat until he
asses, and become anxious for be come, because he always
us. blesseth the sacrifice; afterward
6 And the other said unto, eat those that are invited; and

him, Behold now, a man of God? now go you up; for just to-day

is in this city, and the man is will ye surely find him.

honoured; all that he ever saith 14 And they went up into the
will surely come to pass: now city. They were entering into
let us go thither; perhaps he the city, when, behold, Samuel
can tell us our way that we came out toward them, to go up
should go. to the high-place.
7 Then said Saiil to his ser- 15 And the Lord had re-
vant, But, behold, if we should vealed to Samuel’s ear one day
go, what shall we bring to the before Saiil’s coming, saying,
man ? for the bread is spent out 16 About this time to-morrow
of our vessels, and there is not will I send unto thee a man out
a present to bring to the man of of the land of Benjamin, and
God: what have we with us?' thou shall anoint him as chief
8 And the servant answered over my people Israel, that he
Saiil again, and said, Behold, I may save my people out of the
have here in my hand the fourth hand of the Philistines: for I
part of a shekel of silver; and I have beheld my people, because
will give this to the man of God, their cry is come unto me.
that he may tell us our way. 17 And when Samuel saw
9 In former times-it was cus- Saul, the Lord addressed him,
tom in Israel, that when a man Behold the man of whom I spoke
went to inquire of God, he said to thee, This one shall rule over
thus, Come, and let us go, as far my people.
as the seer ; for the Prophet of 18 And Saiil drew near to
the present day was in former Samuel within the gate, and
times called a Seer. said, Tell me, I pray thee, where
10 Then said Saiil to bis- ser- is the house of the seer.
vant, Thy word is good: come, 19 And Samuel answered
let us go. So they went unto Saiil, and said, I am the seer:
the city where the man of God go up before me unto the high-
was. place, and ye shall eat with me
11 As they went up the ascent to-day; and I will let thee go in
to the city, they found some the morning, and all that is in
maidens going out to draw thy heart will I tell thee.
water ; and they said unto them, 20 And as for thy asses that
Is the seer here ? were lost unto thee this day three
12 And they answered them, days ago, do not set thy heart on
and said, He is; behold, he is them ; for they have been found.
before you : make haste now, And to whom belongeth all that
fir thh day came he to the city; is desirable in Israel? Is it not
to thee, and to all thy father’s of oil, and poured it upon his
house ? head, and kissed him, and said,
21 And Saul answered and Behold, it is because the Lord
said,Am not I a son of Benja- hath anointed thee over his in-
min, of one of the smallest tribes heritance as chief.
of Israel? and (is not) my fa- 2 When thou goest this day
mily the least of all the fami- away from me, thou wilt find
lies of the tribes of Benjamin ? two men who are now by Ra-
wherefore then hast thou spoken chel’s sepulchre, on the bound-
to me such a thing? ary of Benjamin at Zelzach
22 And Samuel took Saul and and they will say unto thee, The
his servant, and brought them asses which thou wentest to seek
into the apartment; and he as- are found and, lo, thy father

signed them a place at the head hath given up the matter of the
of the invited guests, who were asses, and is anxious for you,
about thirt}r persons. saying, What shall I do for my
23 And Samuel said unto the son ?
cook, Hand here the portion 3 Then shalt thou go on for-
which I gave thee, of which I ward from there, and thou shalt
said unto thee, Put it away by come as far as the grove of Tha-
thee. bor, and there shall meet thee
24 And the cook took up the three men going up to God to
shoulder, and that which was on Beth-el, one carrying three kids,
it, *and set it before Saul and and another carrying three loaves

he said, Behold what is left! set of bread, and another carrying

it before thee, and eat; for unto a bottle of wine
this time hath it been kept for 4 And they will ask thee after
thee, since I said, I have invited thy welfare, and give thee two
the people. And Saul ate with loaves of bread, which thou must
Samuel on that day. take from their band.
25 And they went down from 5 After that shalt thou come
the high-place into the city, and to the hill of God, where the out-
he spoke with Saul upon the roof. posts of the Philistines are ; and
26 And they got up early and it shall come to pass, when thou

it came to pass, when the morn- art come thither to the city, that
ing-dawn arose, that Samuel thou wilt meet a company of
called Saul to the roof, saying, prophets coming down from the
Up, that I may send thee away. high-place, having before them
And Saill arose, and they went a psaltery, and a tambourine,
out, both of them, he and Sa- and a pipe, and a harp; and
muel, into the street. they will be prophesying;
27 As they were going down 6 And the Spirit of the Lord
to the end of the city, Samuel will suddenly come over thee,
said to Saul, Say to the servant and thou shalt prophesy with
that he pass on before us, —
and them, and thou shalt be changed

he passed on, but thou remain into another man.
standing awhile, and I will let 7 And it shall be, that, when
thee hear the word of God. these signs are come unto thee,
then do thou what thy hand may
CHAPTER X. be able to effect for God is with

1 And Samuel took a flask thee.

34 397
8 And thou shalt go down be- people together unto the Lord
fore me to Gilgal; and, behold, to Mizpah ;

I will come down unto thee, to 18 And he said unto the chil-
offer burnt-offerings, (and) to sa- dren of Israel, Thus hath said
crifice sacrifices of peace-offer- the Lord the God of Israel, T
ings seven days shalt thou tarry,
: brought up Israel from Eg} pt,
till I come to thee, and then will and delivered you out of rbe
I tell thee what thou shalt do. hand of the Egyptians, and out
9 And it happened, that, as he of the hand of all the kingdoms
turned his back to go away from that oppressed you
Samuel, God changed his heart 19 And ye for your part have
into another; and all these signs this da}' rejected your God, he
came to pass on that same day. who hath saved you out of all
10 And when they came your misfortunes and your tri-
thither to the hill, behold, a com- bulations and ye have said un-

pany of prophets met him; and to him, Nevertheless, thou must

the Spirit of God came suddenly set a king over us: and now pre-
over him, and be prophesied in sent yourselves before the Lord
the midst of them. according to your tribes, and ac-
11 And it came to pass, when cording to your thousands.
all that knew him before saw, 20 And Samuel caused all the
that, behold, he prophesied with tribes of Israel to come near;
the prophets, then said the peo- and the tribe of Benjamin was
ple one to another, What is this seized.
that hath happened' to the son 21 And he caused the tribe of
of Kish ? is Saill also among theBenjamin to come near accord-
prophets ? ing to its families, and the family
12 And one of that place an- of Matri was seized, and then
swered and said, And who is was seized Saul the son of Kish :

their father? Therefore it be- and they sought him, but he

came a proverb, Is Saill also could not be found.
among the prophets? 22 And they inquired again
13 And when he had made an of the Lord, Is the man yet come
end of prophesying, he came to hither ?
the high-place. 1[ And the Lord said, Behold,
14 And SaiiTs uncle said unto he hath hidden himself among
him and Whither the vessels.
to his servant,
were ye gone And he
said, To
? 23 And they ran and fetched
seek the asses; and when we saw him thence, and he placed him-
that they were nowhere, we went self erect in the midst of the peo-
to Samuel. ple, and he was higher than any
And Saul’s uncle said, Do of the people from his shoulders
tell me, I pray thee, what did and upward.
Samuol say unto you. 24 And Samuel said to all the
16 And Saul said unto his people, Have ye seen him whom
uncle, He told us plainly that the Lord hath made choice of,
the asses had been found. But that there is none like him among
of th* matter of the kingdom, all the people ? And all the peo-
whereof Samuel had spoken, he ple shouted, and said, Long live
told him not. the king.
17 *[]
And Samuel called the 25 \ Then did Samuel speak
to the people the rights of the( 7 And he took a yoke of oxen,
kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and cut them in pieces, and sent
and laid it down before the them about throughout all the
Lord. And Samuel sent away boundary of Israel by the hand
all the people, every man to his of the messengers, saying, Who-
house. soever goeth not forth after Saiil
26 And Saiil also went to his and after Samuel, shall have his
home to Gib’ah and there went herds thus treated. And the

with him a large crowd, whose dread of the Lord fell on the
heart God had touched. people, and they went out as one
27 But the worthless men said, man.
In what can this one help us? 8 And he numbered them in
And they despised him, and Bezek ; and the children of Is-
brought him no present. But rael were three hundred thou-
he acted as though he were deaf. sand, and the men of Judah
thirty thousand.
CHAPTER XI. 9 And they said unto the mes-
1 Then came up Nachash sengers that were come, Thus
the ’Ammonite, and encamped shall ye say unto the men of Ya-
against Yabesh-gil’ad and all besh-gil’ad, To-morrow shall ye

the men of Yabesh unto have help, when the sun shineth
Nachash, Make a covenant with hot. And the messengers came
us, and we will serve thee. and told it to the men of Yabesh
2 And Nachash the ’Ammon- and these were glad.
ite said unto them, On this con- 10 And the men of Yabesh
dition will I make it with you, said, To-morrow will we go out
that ye all have put out the unto you, and ye can do unto us
right eye, that I may lay it as a in accordance with all that seein-
reproach upon all Israel. eth good in your eyes.
3 And the elders of Yabesh 11 And it happened on the
said unto him, Grant us seven morrow, that Saiil put the peo-
days respite, that we may send ple in three companies and they

messengers throughout all the came into the midst of the camp
boundary of Israel amd then, in the morning watch, and they

if there be none to save us, will smote the ’Ammonites until the
we come out to thee. heat of the day and it came to

4 And the messengers came pass, that those that remained

to Gib’ah of Saiil, and spoke the were scattered, and no two among
words in the ears of the people ; them were left together.
and all the people lifted up their 12 And the people said unto
voice, and wept. Samuel, Who is there that saith,
5 And, behold, Saiil was com- Shall Saiil reign over us ? give
ing after the herds out of the up the men, and we will put
field ; and Saiil said, What ail- them to death.
eth the people that they weep? 13 And Saiil said, There shall
And they told him the words of not a man be put to death on
the men of Yabesh. this day;
for to-day the Lord
6 And the Spirit of God came hath wrought deliverance in Is-
suddenly over Saiil when he rael.
hoard these words, and his an- 14 And Samuel said to the
ger was kindled greatly. people, Come and let us go to
'lilgal, and renew there the fathers up out of the land of
choice of the king. Egypt.
15 And all the people went to 7 And now stand up, that I
Gllgal; and they appointed there may hold judgment with you
Saill as king before the Lord in before the Lord concerning all
Gilgal; and they sacrificed there the benefits of the Lord, which
sacrifices of peace-offerings be- he hath done to you and to your
fore the Lord and Saul with
all the men of Israel rejoiced 8 When Jacob was come into
there very greatly. Egypt, then did your fathers cry
unto the Lord, and the Lord
CHAPTER XII sent Moses and Aaron, and they
1 And Samuel said unto all brought forth your fathers out
Israel, Behold, I have hearkened of Egypt, and caused them to
unto your voice in all that ye dwell in this place.
said unto me, and I have set a 9 And when they forgot the
king over you. Lord their God, he sold them
2 And now, behold, the king into the hand of Sissera, the
is walking before you and I am chief of the host of Chazor, and

old and gray -headed and my into the hand of the Philistines,

sons, behold, they are with you and into the hand of the king
and I have walked before you of Moab, and they made war
from my youth even until this against them.
day. 10 And they cried (then) unto
3 Behold, here am- 1; testify the Lord, and said, We have
against me in the presence of the sinned, because we have for-
Lord, and in the presence of saken the Lord, and have served
his anointed Whose ox have I the Be’alim and the Ashtharoth

taken ? or whose ass have I and now deliver us out of the

taken ? or whom have I defraud- hand of our enemies, and we will
ed? whom have I oppressed ? or serve thee.
from whose hand have I received 11 And the Lord sentYerub-
any ransom so that I withdrew ba’al, and Bedan, and Yiphthach,
my eyes from him? and I will and Samuel, and he delivered
restore it you. you out of the hand of your ene-
4 And they said, Thou hast mies on every side, so that ye
not defrauded us, nor hast thou dwelt safely.
oppressed us, and thou hast not 12 But when ye saw that Na-
taken from any man’s hand the chash the king of the children
least. of ’Ammon came against you, ye
5 And he said unto them, said unto me, No but a king ;

The Lord is witness against shall reign over us wheu the :

you, and his anointed is wit- Lord your God is your king.
ness this day, that ye have not 13 And now here is the king
found in my hand the least whom ye have chosen, whom ye
and they answered, He is wit- have asked for! and, behold, the
ness. Lord hath set over you a king.
6 And Samuel said unto the 14 If ye will fear the Lord,
people, It is the Lord who did and serve him, and obey his
(wonders through) Moses and voice, and will not rebel against
Aaron, and who brought your the will of the Lord then shall :

both ye and also the king that will teach you the good an I the
reigneth over you continue fol- right way:
lowing the Lord your God. 24 Only fear the Lord, and
15 But if ye will not hearken serve him in truth with all your
to the voice of the Lord, and heart; for see what great things
rebel against the will of the he hath done with you.
Lord: then will the hand of the 25 But if ye will in any wiso
Lord be against you, as it was do wickedly, both ye yourselves
against your fathers. as also your king shall perish.
16 Also now stand up and see
this great thing, which the Lord CHAPTER
is about doing before your eyes. 1 When Saul had reigned
17 Is it not wheat-harvest to- one year, —
and two years he
day ? I will call unto the Lord, reigned over Israel,
and he will send thunders and 2 Saul chose for himself three
rain; and ye will (thus) perceive thousand men out of Israel ; and
and see that your wickedness is there were with Saul two thou-
great, which ye have done, in sand in Michmash and on the
the eyes of the Lord, to ask for mountain of Beth-el, and a thou-
yourselves a king. sand were with Jonathan [Ye-
18 And Samuel called unto honathan] in Gib’ah of Benja-
the Lord and the Lord sent
min and the rest of the people

thunders and rain on that day he sent away every man to his
and all the people feared greatly tents.
the Lord and Samuel. 3 And Jonathan smote the
19 And all the people said outpost of the Philistines that
unto Samuel, Pray in behalf of was at Geba’, and the Philistines
thy servants unto the Lord thy heard of it. And Saul blew the
God, that we may not die for ;
cornet throughout all the land,
we have added unto all our sins saying, Let the Hebrews hear it.
yet this evil, to ask for ourselves 4 And all Israel heard it, say-
a king. ing, Saiil hath smitten the out-
20 And Samuel said unto the post of the Philistines, and the
people, Fear not; ye have in- Israelites also have put them-
deed done all this evil: yet turn selves in ill-favour with the Phi-
not aside from following the listines. And the people were
Lord, and serve ye the Lord called together after Saiil to Gil-
with all your heart gal.
21 And turn ye not aside; for 5 And the Philistines gather-
then would ye go after vain ed themselves together to fight
things, which cannot profit nor with Israel, thirty thousand cha-
deliver because they are vain. riots, and six thousand horse-

22 For the Lord will not for- men, and people as the sand
gake his people for the sake of which is on the sea-shore in mul-
his great name; because it hath titude and they came up, and

pleased the Lord to make you a encamped in Michmash, east-

people unto himself. ward from Beth-even.
23 Moreover as for me, far be 6 And when the men of Israel
it from me that I should sin saw that they were in a strait,
against the Lord by ceasing to (for the people were oppressed,)
pray in behalf of you ; but I then did the people hide them-
34* r2 40 i
selves in caves, and in thickets, after his own heart, and the
and in rocks, and in strong holds, Lord hath ordained him to be
and in pits. chief over his people; because
7 And some of the Hebrews thou hast not kept what the
passed over the Jordan to the Lord had commanded thee.
land of Gad and Gil’ad. As 15 And Samuel arose, and
for Saill, he was still in Gilgal, went up from Gilgal unto Gib-
and all the people followed him ’ah of Benjamin. And Saiil
hastily. numbered the people that were
8 And he tarried seven days, to be found with him, about six
according to the set time that hundred men.
Samuel had appointed but Sa- ;
16 And Saill, and Jonathan
muel came not to Gilgal; and his son, and the people that were
the people were scattering them- to be found with them, were ly-
selves from him. ing in Geba’ of Benjamin but ;

9 And Saul said, Bring hither the Philistines were encamped

to me the burnt-offering and the in Michmash.
peace-offerings. And he offered 17 And the troop of freeboot-
the burnt-offering. ers went out of the camp of the
10 And it came to pass, that, Philistines in three companies
as soon as he had made an end one company turned into the
of offering the burnt-offering, way to ’Ophrah, unto the land
behold, Samuel came and &aiil ;
of Shu’al
went out to meet him, that he 18 And another company
might greet him. turned into the way to Beth-
11 And Samuel said, What choron; and the other company
hast thou done ? And Saill said, turned into the way to the fron-
Because I saw that the people tier that looketh over the valley
were scattering themselves from of Zebo’im toward the wilder-
me, whereas thou earnest not at ness.
the appointed day, and the Phi- 19Now there was no smith
listines are gathering themselves to be found throughout all the
together at Michmash land of Israel; for the Philis-
12 And I said, The Philis- tines said, So that the Hebrews
tines will now come down unto shall not make themselves swords
me to Gilgal, and I have not yet or spears.
made supplication unto the 20 But all the Israelites went
Lord : wherefore I forced my- down to the Philistines, to
self, and offered the burnt-offer- sharpen every man his plough-
ing. share, arid his coulter, and his
13 And Samuel said to Saill, axe, and his mattock.
Thou hast done foolishly thou : 21 And they used a file for
hast not kept the commandment the mattocks, and for the coult-
of the Lord thy God, which he ers, and for three-pronged forks,
had commanded thee; for now and for the axes, and to sharjen
would the Lord have established the goads.
thy government over Israel for 22 So it came to pass on the
ever. day of battle, that there was
14 But now thy government neither sword nor spear found
shall not endure the Lord bath in the hand of any of the people

jought out for himself a man that were with Saiil and Joua-
Chan; hut they were found with 7 And his armour-bearer said
Saul and with Jonathan his unto him, Do all that is in thy
son. heart: turn thee; behold, I am
23 And the outpost of the with thee according to thy heart.
Philistines went out to the pass 8 Then said Jonathan, Be-
of Michmash. hold, we will pass over unla
these men, and we will show
CHAPTER XIV. ourselves unto them.
1 Now it happened one da,y, 9 If they say thus unto us,
that Jonathan the son of Saiil Stand still until we come to you
said unto the young man that then will we remain standing in
bore his armour, Come, and let our places, and will not go up
us go over to the Philistines’ unto them.
outpost, that is *on the other 10 But if they say thus, Come
side yonder. But unto his fa- up unto us: then will we go up;
ther he told nothing. for the Lord hath delivered
2 And Saiil tarried in the them into our hand; and this
lower part of Gib’ah under the shall be unto us the sign.
pomegranate- tree w’hich is by 11 And when both of them
Migron : and the people that showed themselves unto the out-
were with him were about six post of the Philistines, the Phi-
hundred men. listines said, Behold, Hebrews
3 And Achiyah, the son of are coming forth out of the holes
Achitub, the brother of I-cha- wherein they have hidden them-
bod, the son of Phinehas, the selves.
son of* Eli, the priest of the 12 And the men of the out-
Lord in Shiloh, wore the ephod. post addressed Jonathan and his
And the people knew not that armour-bearer, and said, Come
Jonathan was gone. up to us, and we will let you
4 And between the passes, by know something. Then said
which Jonathan sought to go Jonathan unto his armour-
over unto the outpost of the bearer, Come up after me ; for
Philistines, there was a sharp the Lord hath given them up
point of rock on the one side, into the hand of Israel.
and a sharp point of rock on the 13 And Jonathan then ascend-
other side: and the name of the ed upon his hands and upon his
one was Bozez, and the name of feet, and his armour- bearer after
the other Seneh. him: and they fell before Jona-
5 The one point rose up than, and his armour-bearer was
abruptly northward opposite killing after him.
Michmash, and the other south- 14 And that first defeat, which
ward opposite Geba\ Jonathan and his armour-bearer
6 And Jonathan said to the caused, was about twenty men,
young man that bore his ar- within about the half of a field,
mour, Come, and let us go over which a yoke of oxen might
unto the outpost of these uncir- plough.
cumcised: it may be that the 15 And there arose a terror
Lord will work for us; for there in the camp, in the field, and
is no restraint to the Lord to among all the people; the out-
save by means of many or by posts, and the free-booters, they
means of few. also were terrified, and the earth
quaked ;
and it Became a very 24 And the men of Israel
great terror. were hard urged that day; and
16 And the watchers of Saul Saiil adjured the people, saying,
in Gib’ah of Benjamin looked; Cursed be the man that will eat
and, behold, the multitude be- food until the evening, until I
came scattered, and ran hither have been avenged on my ene-
and thither. mies. And the whole people
17 Then said Saul unto the tasted thus no food.
people that were with him, Mus- 25 And (the men of) all the
ter now, and see who is gore land came to a forest; and there
away from us. And they mus- was honey upon the surface of
tered, and, behold, there was the field.
neither Jonathan nor his ar- 26 And when the people were
mour-bearer. come into the forest, behold,
18 And Saul said unto Achi- there was a stream of honey;
yah, Bring hither the ark of but no one put his hand to his
God; for the ark of God was on mouth ; for the people feared the
that day with the children of oath.
Israel. 27 But Jonathan had not
19 And it happened, while heard his father charging the
Saul was speaking unto the people with the oath; he there-
priest, that the confusion which fore put forth the end of the
was in the camp of the Philis- staff* that was in his hand, and
tines went on and increased dipped it in a honey-comb, and
more and more : carried his hand again to his
And Saiil unto the mouth
said and his eyes became

priest, Withdraw thy hand. clear.

20 And Saiil and all the peo- 28 Then commenced one of
ple that were with him were the people, and said, Thy father
called together, and they came strictly charged the people with
to the battle: and, behold, the an oath, saying, Cursed be the
sword of every man was against man that will eat food this day;
his fellow, the disorder being though the people were faint.
very great. 29 Then said Jonathan, My
21 And the Hebrews that father hath troubled the land:
were with the Philistines as be- see, I pray you, how my eyes
fore that time, those namely who are become clear, because I have
had gone up with them, were in tasted a little of this honey.
the camp round about; but these 30 How much more, if haply
also resolved to be with the Is- the people had eaten freely this
raelites that were with Saiil and day of the spoil of their enemies
J onathan. which they found? for would
22 And all the men of Israel there not have been now a
who had hidden themselves on greater defeat among the Philis-
the mountain of Ephraim, heard tines ?
that the Philistines had fled; 31 And they smote on that
and they also followed hard day among the Philistines from
after them in the battle. Michmash to Ayalon and the ;

23 So the Lord saved Israel people were very faint.

that day: and the battle passed 32 And the people flew upon
over unto Beth-aven. the spoil, and took sheep, and
oxen, and young steers, and 40 Then said he unto all Is-
slew them on the ground and : rael, Ye shall be on one side,
the people did eat upon the and I and Jonathan my son will
blood. be on the other side. And the
38 And they told Saul, say- people said unto Saiil, Do what
ing, Behold, the people are sin- seemeth good in thy eyes.
ning against the Lord, in eat- 41 And Saiil said unto the
ing upon the blood. And he Lord, God of Israel, 0, show
(then) said, Ye have acted forth the perfect truth. And
treacherously: roll (hither) unto Jonathan and Saiil were seized;
me this day a great stone. but the people came forth (free).
34 And Saul said, Disperse 4J And Saiil said, Cast the
yourselves among the people, lot between me and Jonathan
and say unto them, Bring near my son. And Jonathan was
unto me every man his ox, and seized.
every man his lamb, and slaugh- 43 Then said Sail, to Jona-
ter here, and eat; and sin not than, Do tell me whatthou hast
against the Lord in eating by done. And Jonathan told him,
the blood. And all the people and said, I did but taste with the
brought near every man his ox end of the staff that was in my
by his hand that night, and hand a little honey : lo, I am
slaughtered (them) there. willing to die.
35 And Saiil built an altar 44 And Saiil said, May God
unto the Lord: the same was do thus now, and in future also;
the first altar that he built unto for thou shalt surely die, Jona-
the Lord. than.
36 *[ And Saiil said, Let us go 45 Andthe people said unto
down after the Philistines by Saiil, Shall Jonathan die, who
night, and spoil them until the hath wrought this great salva-
morning-light, and let us not tion in Israel? This shall not
leave a man of them. And they be; as the Lord liveth, there
said, Do whatsoever seemeth shall not fall one hair of his
good in thy eyes. head to the ground; for with
Then said the priest, Let us God hath he wrought this day.
draw near hither unto God. So the people rescued Jonathan,
37 And Saiil asked counsel of and he died not.
God, Shall I go down after the 46 Then went Saiil up from
Philistines? wilt thou deliver following the Philistines; and
them into the hand of Israel? the Philistines went to their own
But he answered him not on place.
that day. 47 So Saiil strengthened him-
38 And Saiil said, Draw ye self in the government over Is-
near hither all the chief of rael; and he fought on every
the people: and know and see side against all his enemies,
through what this sin hath hap- against Moab, and against the
pened this day. children of ’Ammon, and against
39 For, as the Lord liveth, Edom, and against the kings
who saveth Israel, that if it be of Zobah, and against the Phi-
in Jonathan my son, he shall listines and whithersoever he

surely die. But no one an- turned himself, he caused ter-

swered himamong all the people, ror. j



48 And he gathered an army, 5 And Saiil came to the city
and he smote the ’Amalekites, of ’Amalek, and he fought in the
and delivered Israel out of the valley.
hands of those that spoiled them. 6 And Saiil said unto the Ken-
49 51
Now the sons of Saul ites, Go, depart, get you down
were Jonathan, and Yishvi, and from the midst of the ’Amalek-
Malkishua’: and the names of ites, lest I destroy you with
his two daughters —
the name of them; whereas ye acted kindly
the first-born was Merab, and with all the children of Israel,
the name of the younger Mi- at their coming up out of Egypt.
chal. And the Kenites departed from
50 And the name of Saiil’s the midst of the ’Amalekites.
wife was Achino’am, the daugh- 7 And Saiil smote the ’Ama-
ter of Achima’az and the name
: lekites from Chavilah until thou
of the captain of his army was comest to Shur, that is before
Abiner, the son of Ner, Saiil’s Egypt.
uncle. 8 And he caught Agag the
51 And Kish the father of king of the ’Amalekites alive,
Saul, and Ner the father of Ab- and all the people he devoted
ner, were each the son of Abiel. to the edge of the sword.
52 5[ And the war against the 9 But Saiil together with the
Philistines was violent all the people had pity on Agag, and
days of Saiil : and when Saul on the best of the flocks, and of
saw any strong man, or any the oxen, and of the fatlings, and
valiant man, he took him unto the fat lambs, and all that was
himself. good, and they would not de-
stroy them; but all the cattle
CHAPTER XV. that was of little value and weak,
1 51 And Samuel said unto that they destroyed.
Saiil, Me did the Lord send to 10 5[ And the word of the Lord
anoint thee as king over his came unto Samuel, saying,
people, over Israel; and now 111 repent that I have set up
hearken thou unto the voice of Saiil as king for he hath turned

the words of the Lord. back from following me, and my

2 5[ Thus hath said the Lord word hath he not performed and :

of hosts, I remember what ’Ama- it displeased Samuel, and he

lek did to Israel, how he lay in cried unto the Lord all the
wait for him on the way, when night.
he came up from Egypt. 12 And Samuel rose up early
3 Now go and smite ’Amalek, to meet Saiil in the morning;
and devote all that they have, and it was told to Samuel, say-
and spare them not; but slay ing, Saiil came to Carmel, and,
both man and woman, infant behold, he set himself up a mo-
and suckling, ox and lamb, nument, and then went abcut,
camel and ass. and passed on, and went down
4 51 And Saiil ordered the to Gilgal.
people to assemble, and he num- 13 And Samuel came to Saiil
bered them in Tela'im, two hun- and Saiil said unto him, Blessed
dred thousand men on foot, and be thou unto the Lord, I have
ten thousand of the men of Ju- performed the word of the Lord.
tlah. 14 And Samuel said, What n
then this bleating of the flocks 23 For the sin of witchcraft
in my ears, and the lowing of i*s rebellion, and idolatry and
the oxen which I hear? image-worship,stubbcrnness; in-
15 And Saiil said, From the asmuch as thou hast despised
'Amalekites have they brought the word of the Lord, he hath
them; because the people had also despised thee tha thou shalt 1

pity on the best of the flocks and not be king.

of the oxen, in order to sacrifice 24 And Saiil said unto Sa-
unto the Lord thy God; and the muel, I have sinned; for I have
rest have we destroyed. transgressed the will of the Lord,
16 And Samuel said unto and thy words because I feared ;

Saiil, Stay, and I will tell thee the people, and I hearkened to
what the Lord said to me this their voice.
night: and he said unto him, 25 And now, I pray thee, par-
Speak. my sin, and return w ith me,
17 f And Samuel that I may prostrate myself to
said, Is it

not that, however little thou the Lord.

wast in thy own eyes, thou art 26 And Samuel said unto
the head of the tribes of Israel? Saiil, I will not return with thee
and the Lord anointed thee as for thou didst despise the word
king over Israel? of the Lord, and the Lord hath
18 And the Lord sent thee despised thee, that thou shalt
on a journej , and said, Go and
not be king over Israel.
destroy the sinners, the 'Amalek- 27 And Samuel turned about
ites, and thou shalt fight against to go and he laid hold on the

them until they be consumed. corner of his mantle, and it was

19 Wherefore then didst thou rent.
not hearken unto the voice of 28 And Samuel said unto
the Lord, and didst fly upon the him, The Lord hath rent the
spoil, and didst the evil in the kingdom of Israel from off thee
eyes of the Lord? this day, and hath given it to
20 And Saiil said unto Sa- thy associate, who is better than
muel, Yea, I have fully heark- thou.
ened unto the voice of the Lord ;
29 And also the Strength of
and I went on the way which Israel will not lie nor repent;
the Lord had sent me; and I for he is not a man, that he
have brought Agag the king of should repent.
’Amalek and the ’Amalekites
30 And he said, I have sinned
have I destroyed. (yet) honour me now, I pray
21 And the people took of the thee, in the presence of the elders
spoil, of the flocks and oxen, the of my people, and in the pre-
chief of the devoted things, to sence of Israel, and return with
sacrifice unto the Lord thy God me, that I may prostrate myself
in Gilgal. unto the Lord thy God.
22 ^ And Samuel said, Hath 31 So Samuel returned, fol-
tne Lord as much delight in lowing Saiil; and Saiil prostrated
burnt-offerings and in sacrifices, himself to the Lord.
as in obeying the voice of the 32 And Samuel said, Bring
Lord ? Behold, to obey is bet- ye hither unto me Agag the king
ter than sacrifice, and to attend of the ’Amalek tes : and Agag
snore than the fat of the rams. came unto him lheerfully ; and
Agag said, Surely the bitterness and invited them to the sacri
of death is past. fice.
33 And Samuel said, As thy
<[[ 6 And it came to pass, when
sword did make women child- they came, that he saw Eliab,
thy mother be child- and said, Surely the Lord’s
less, so shall
less among women and Samuel anointed is (here) before him.

hewed Agag in pieces before the 7 ^ But the Lord said unto
Lord in Gilgal. Samuel, Regard not his appear-
34 Then Samuel went to ance, nor the height of his sta-
Ramah and Saul went up to ture because I have rejected
; ;
his house at Gib ah of Saul. him for not what man looketh


35 And Samuel did not see on for man looketh on the


Saiil any more until the day eyes, but the Lord looketh on
of his death because Samuel the heart.

mourned for Saiil,* and the Lord 8 Then Jess6 called Abinadab,
repented that he had made Saiil and caused him to pass before
king over Israel. Samuel. And he said, This one
also hath the Lord not chosen.
CHAPTER XVI. 9 Then Jesse caused Sham-
1 And Lord said
the unto mah to pass by. And he said,
Samuel, How long wilt thou This one also hath the Lord not
mourn for Saiil, seeing I have chosen.
rejected him so as not to reign 10 And Jesse caused seven of
over Israel ? fill thy horn with his sons to pass before Samuel
oil, and go, I will send thee to and Samuel said unto Jessti, The
Jesse the Beth-lechemite ; fori Lord hath not made choice of
have selected among his sons these.
unto myself a king. 11 And Samuel said unto
2 And Samuel said, How shall Jesse, Are there no more young
I go? if Saiil should hear it, he men ? And he said, There is yet
would kill me. left behind the youngest, and,
And the Lord said, Take behold, he is feeding the flocks.
a heifer with thee, and say, To And Samuel said unto Jesse,
sacrifice unto the Lord am I Send and fetch him for we will ;

come. not sit down till he have come

3 And invite Jess6 to the sa- hither.
crifice, and I will let thee know 12 And he sent, and brought
what thou shalt do; and thou him in. Now he was ruddy^
shalt anoint unto me the one having withal handsome eyes,
whom I will say unto thee. and being of a goodly appear-
4 And Samuel did that which ance.
the Lord had spoken, and came ^f
And the Lord said, Arise,
to Beth-lechem. And the elders anoint him ; for this is he.
of the town came hastily to meet 13 Then took Samuel the horn
him, and said, Peace to thee at of oil, and anointed him from
thy coming. among his brothers; and the
5 And he said, Peace to sa- Spirit of the Lord came sud-

crifice unto the Lord am I come denly upon David from that
sanctify yourselves, and come day and forward. And Samuel
with me to the sacrifice. And then rose up, and went to Ra-
he sanctified Jesse and his sons, mah.
14 And the Spirit of the Lord and the evil spirit departed from
departed from SaUl, and there him.
troubled him an evil spirit from
the Lord.
15 And Saul’s servants said 1 And the Philistines ga-
unto him, Behold now, an evil thered together their camps to
spirit from God troubleth thee. battle, and they gathered them-
16 Let our lord but say (the selves together at Sochoh, which
word), and thy servants, now belongcth to Judah and they

oefore thee, will seek out a man, encamped between Sochoh and
who is skilful as a player on the ’Azekah, at Ephess-dammim.
harp ; and it shall come to pass, 2 And Saiil and the men of
when the evil spirit from God is Israel gathered themselves to-
upon thee, that he shall play gether, and encamped in the
with his hand, that thou mayest valley of Elah, and put them-
be well. selves in battle-array opposite to
17 And Saiil said unto his ser- the Philistines.
vants, Select for me, I pray you, 3 And the Philistines stood on
a man that can play well, and a mountain on the one side, and
bring him to me. the Israelites stood on a moun-
18 Then answered one of the tain on the other side and the :

servants, and said, Behold, I valley was between them.

have seen a son of Jesse the 4 And there went out the
Beth-lechemite, who is skilful as champion out of the camp of the
a -player, and a mighty valiant Philistines, Goliath of Gath was
man, and a man of war, and in- his name, whose height was six
telligent in speech, and a person cubits and a span.
of a good form, and the Lord is 5 And he had a helmet of
with him. copper upon his head, and he
19 Thereupon Saiil sent mes- was clothed with a scaly coat of
sengers unto Jesse, and said, mail; and the weight of the coat
Send me David thy son, who is of mail was five thousand she-
with the flocks. kels of copper.
20 And Jesse took an ass 6 And he had greaves of cop-
laden with bread, and a bottle per upon his legs, and a javelin
of wine, and a kid, and sent of copper between his shoulders.
them through David his son un- 7 And the staff of his spear
to Saiil. was like a weaver’s beam; and
21 And David came to Saiil, the blade of his spear (weighed)
and stood before him ; and he six hundred shekels of iron: and
loved him greatly, and he be- the shield-bearer was walking
came his armour-bearer. before him.
22 And Saiil sent to Jesse, 8 And he stood and called
baying, Let David, I pray thee, unto the arrays of Israel, and
stand before me ;
for he hath said unto them, Whywill ye
found favour in my eyes. come out to put yourselves in
23 And it came to pass, when battle-array ? Behold I am the !

the Spirit of God was upon Saiil, Philistine, and ye are servants
that David took the harp, and to Saiil! select for yourselves
played with his hand; so Saiil one man, and let him come down
became relieved, and he felt well, to me
35 S 409
9 If he be able to fight with the valley of Elah, fighting witk
me, and he kill me, then will we the Philistines.
be unto you as servants; but if 20 And David rose up#*,,*
I prevail against him, and kill in the morning, and gave tip the*
him, then shall ye be unto us as flocks to a keeper, and took, and^lk
servants, and ye shall serve us. went, as Jesse had commanded »•«
10 And the Ph'-istine said, I him ; and he came to the en-
have defied the arrays of Israel trenchment, as the host was go-
this day : Give me a man, and ing forth in battle-array, and
let us fight together. shouted the battle-cry.
11 When Saul and all Israel 21 And the Israelites and the
heard these words of the Philis Philistines put themselves in
tine, they were disheartened, and battle-array, army against army.
became greatly afraid. 22 And David left the arti-
12 \\ Now David was the son cles which he had on him in the
of that Ephrathite of Beth-le- hand of the keeper of the bag-
chem-judah, whose name was gage, and ran into the array, and
Jesse; and he had eight sons: came and asked of his brothers
and the man was old in the days after their welfare.
of Saul, belonging to the per- 23 And as he was speaking
sons (of high esteem). with them, behold, there came
13 And the three eldest sons up the champion, Goliath the
of Jesse were gone following Philistine, by name, of Gath,
Saiil to the battle and the names out of the battle-arrays of the

of his three sons that were gone Philistines, and spoke in accord-
to the battle were Eliab the first- ance with these same words and

born, and the next to him Abi- David heard it.

nadab, and the third Sham- 24 And all the men of Israel,
mah. when they saw the man, fled from
14 And David was the young- before him, and were greatly
est: and the three eldest followed afraid.
Saiil. 25 And the men of Israel said,
15 But David kept going and Have ye seen this man that is
returning from Saiil to feed his coming forth ? for to defy Israel
father’s flocks at Beth-leehem. is he coming forth: and it shall
16 And the Philistine drew be, that the man who killeth

near morning and evening, and him, him will the king enrich
presented himself forty days. with great riches, and his daugh-
17 And Jesse said unto David ter will he give him, and his
his son, Take, I praj thee, for father’s house will he make free

thy brothers an ephah of this in Israel.

parched corn, and these ten 26 And David said to the
loaves, and run to the camp to men that stood by him, thus,
thy brothers; What shall be done to the man
18 And these ten cheeses shalt that may smite yon Philistine,
thou bring unto the captain of and take away the reproach from
the thousand, and inquire of thy Israel ? for who is this uncir-
brothers how they fare, and take cumcised Philistine, that he
away their pledge. should defy the arrays of the
19 Now Saiil,and they, and living God?
all the men of Israel, were in 27 And the people spoke to
him after thismanner, saying, become as one of them because ;

So shall it be done to the man he hath defied the arrays of the

that may smite him. living God.
28 .And Eliab his eldest bro- 37 Moreover David said.
ther heard when he was speak The Lord who hath delivered
Jfcing unto the men; and Eliab’s me out of the power of the lion
anger was kindled against Da- and out of the power of the
vid, and he said, Why didst thou bear, will also surely deliver
come down hither? and with me out of the hand of this Phi-
whom hast thou left those few listine.
sheep in the wilderness ? I know If
And Saiil said unto David,
thy presumption, and the wick- Go, and may the Lord be with
edness of thy heart; for in order thee.
to see the battle art thou come 38 And Saiil clothed David
down. with his garments, and he put a
29 And David said, What have helmet of copper upon his head;
I now done ? It is nothing but and he clothed him also with a
a word. coat of mail.
30 And he turned from him 39 And David girded his sword
toward another, and spokj^ifter over his garments, and he essay-
the same manner and twPpeo-
: ed to go for be had not tried it.

ple made him again a reply after And David said unto Saiil, I
the former manner. cannot walk in these (things);
31 And the words which Da- for I have never tried it before.
vid had spoken were heard, and And David put them off from
they told them in the presence him.
of Saiil, who sent for him. 40 And he took his staff in
32 And David said to Saiil, his hand, and chose himself five
Let no man’s heart fail because smooth stones out of the brook,
of him thy servant will go and
: and put them in the shepherd’s
light with this Philistine. pouch which he had, even in a
33 And, Saul said to David, scrip, with his sling in his hand;
Thou art not able to go unto this and he approached the Philis-
Philistine to fight with him for ;
thou art but a lad, and he (hath 41 And the Philistine went
been) a man of war from his and drew nearer and nearer unto
youth. David; and the man that bore
34 And David said unto the shield went before him.

Saiil, Thy servant was feeding 42 And when the Philistine

his father's flocks, and there looked about, and saw David, he
came a lion and a bear, and bore disdained him; for he was but a
off a lamb out of the drove; lad, and ruddy, with a fair ap-
35 And I went out after him, pearance.
and smote him, and delivered it 43 And the Philistine said
out of his mouth and when he unto David, Am I a dog, that

rose up against me, I caught thou comest unto me with sticks ?

him by his beard, and smote And the Philistine cursed David
him, and slew him. by his gods.
36 Both the lion and the bear 44 And the Philistine said to
did thy servant smite and this David, Come to me, and I will

uncircumcised Philistine shall give thy flesh unto the fowis of

the heavens, and to the beasts Israel and of Judah, and shouteo,
of the field. . and pursued the Philistines, un-
45 Then said David to the til thou comest to the valley,
Philistine, Thou comest unto me and to the gates of ’Ekron. And
with a sword, and with a spear, the slain of the Philistines fell
and with a javelin but I come ;
down by the way to Sha’arayim,
to thee in the name of the Lord even as far as Gath, and up to
of hosts, the God of the arrays ’Ekron.
of Israel, that thou hast defied. 53 And the children of Israel
46 This day will the Lord de- returned from hotly pursuing
liver thee into my hand and I ;
after the Philistines, and they
will smite thee, and remove thy spoiled their camps.
head from thee and I will give
: 54 And David took the head
the carcasses of the army of the of the Philistine, and brought it
Philistines this day unto the to Jerusalem but his weapons

fowls of the air, and to the wild he placed in his tent.

beasts of the earth and all the; 55 ^ And when Saul saw Da-
earth shall know that there is a vid going forth against the Phi-
God for Israel. listine, he said unto Abner, the
47 And all this assembly shall captain of the army, Abner,
know that the Lord saveth not whose son is this lad? And
through sword and spear; for Abner said, As thy soul liveth,
the battle is the Lord’s, and he 0 king, I know it not.
will give you up into our hand. 56 And the king said, Ask
48 And it came to pass, when thou whose son this youth is.
the Philistine arose, and went 57 And as David returned
and drew nigh to meet David, from smiting the Philistine, Ab-
that David hastened, and ran ner took him, and brought him
toward the battle-array to meet before Saul with the head of the
the Philistine. Philistine in his hand.
49 And David put his hand 58 And Saiil said to him,
into the pouch, a ad took thence Whose son art thou, young man ?
a stone, and slung it, and he And David answered, The son
struck the Philistine on his fore- of thy servant Jesse the Beth-
head, and the s'tone sunk into lechemite.
his forehead and he fell upon

his face to the ground. CHAPTER

50 So David prevailed over 1 And it came to pass, when
the Philistine with the sling and he had made an end of speaking
with the stone, and smote the unto Saiil, that the soul of Jona-
Philistine, and s*Iew him but than was knit on the soul of Da-

there was no sword in the hand vid; and Jonathan loved him as
of David. his own soul.
51 And David ran, and stood 2 And Saiil took him on that
by the Philistine, and took his day, and would not permit him
gword, and drew it out of its to go home to his father’s house.
sheath, and slew him, and cut 3 Then Jonathan and David
off his head therewith. And made a covenant, because of his
when the Philistines saw that loving him as his own soul.
their hero was dead, they fled. 4 And Jonathan stripped him-
52 And then arose the men of self of the robe tin t he had upon
him, and gave it to David, and jwith him, and from Saul lie was
likewise his garments, even to departed.
his sword, and to his bow, and 13 Therefore Saiil removed
to his girdle. him from himself, and made him
5 And David went out,* whi his captain over a thousand and :

thersoever Saul used to send him, he went out and came in befcre
he was successful; and Saiil set the people.
him over the men of war; and 14 And David was success-
he was accepted in the eyes of ful on all his ways and the Lord

all the people, and also in the was with him.

eyes of the servants of Saiil. 15 And when Saiil saw that
6 1[ And it came to pass as he was very successful, he was
they came home, when David in dread of him.
returned from smiting the Phi- 16 But all Israel and Judah
listine, that the women came loved David because he went

forth out of all the cities of Is- f‘ut and came in before them.
rael, singing and dancing, to 17 And Saiil said to David,
meet king Saiil, with tambour- Behold here is my eldest daugh-
ines, with joy, and with tri- ter Merab, her will I give to
angles. thee for wife only be thou unto

7 And the women that played me a man of valour, and fight

answered one another, and said, the Lord’s battles. And Saiil
Saiil hath slain his thousands, thought, Let not my hand be
and David his ten thousands. against him, but let the hand of
8 And Saiil was very wroth, the Philistines be against him.
and this saying was displeasing 18 And David said unto Saiil,
in his eyes ;
and he said, They Who am I ? and what is my life,
have given unto David ten thou- (or) my father’s family in Israel,
sands, and to me they have given that I should be a son-in-law to
the thousands and all that he the king ?

lacketh now yet is only the 19 But it happened at the time

kingdom. when Merab, Saiil’s daughter,
9 And Saiil looked jealously should have been given to Da-
on David from that day and for- vid, that she was given unto
ward. ’Adriel the Mecholathite for
10 And it came to pass on wife.
the morrow, that an evil spirit 20 And Michal Saiil’s daugh-
from God came suddenly over ter loved David and they told

Saiil, and he spoke foolish things it to Saiil, and the thing was
in the midst of the house while right in his eyes.

David was playing with his 21 And Saiil said, I will give
hand, as on previous days and her to him, that she may becomo

the spear was in the hand of unto him a snare, and that the
Saiil. hand of the Philistines may be
11 And Saiil cast the spear; against him. Wherefore Saiil
and he thought, I will strike Da- said to David, Through the
vid through even on the wall. second shalt thou this day be-
And David turned aside out of come my son-in-law.
his presence twice. 22 And Saiil commanded his
12 And Saiil was afraid of servants, Speak to David secret-
David ;
because the Lord was ly, saying, Behold, the king hath
85* 413
delight in thee, and all his ser- CHAPTER XIX.
vants love thee; and now thou 1 And Saiil to Jonathan
must become the king’s son-in- his son, and to all his servants*,
law. that he would kill David. But
23 And the servants of Saiil Jonathan the son of Saiil de-
spoke in the ears of David these lighted greatly in David.
words. And David 2 And Jonathan told David,
said, Doth
it seem so light in your eyes to saying, Saiil my father seeketh
become the king’s son-in-law, to kill thee now therefore, I ;

seeing that I am a poor man, and pray thee, take heed to thyself
of light esteem ? in the morning, and abide in a
24 And the servants of Saiil secret place, and hide thyself
told him, saying, Words such as 3 And I will go out and stand
these David hath spoken. by the side of my father in the
25 And Saiil said, Thus field where thou art, and I my-
shall ye say to David, The king self will speak of thee to my fa-
desireth not any dowry, but a ther; and I will see what it is,
hundred foreskins of the Philis- and I will tell thee.
tines, to be a venged on the king’s 4 And Jonathan spoke fa-
enemies. But Saiil thought to vourably of David unto Saiil his
cause David to fall by the hand father, and said unto him, Let
of the Philistines. not the king sin against his ser-
26 And when
servants told
his- vant, against David; since he
David these words, the thing hath not sinned against thee,
was pleasing in the eyes of Da- and because his deeds are very
vid to become the king’s son-in- good for thee ;

law and the days were not com-

: 5 And he did put his life in
plete, his hand, and he slew the Phi-
27 When David arose and listine, and the Lord wrought a
went, he and his men, and smote great salvation for all Israel
of the Philistines two hundred thou sawestit, and wast rejoiced
men and David brought their wherefore then wilt thou com-

foreskins, and they counted them mit sin on innocent blood, by

out in full to the king, that he slaying David without a cause?
might become the king’s son-in- 6 And Saiil hearkened unto
law. And Saiil gave him Michal the voice of Jonathan and Sa.iil :

his daughter for wife. swore, As the Lord liveth he

28 And Saiil saw and under- shall not be put to death.
stood that the Lord was with Da- 7 And Jonathan called David,
vid and Michal, Saul’s daughter, and Jonathan told him all these

loved him. words. And Jonathan brought

29 And Saiil was yet the more David to Saiil, and he was in his
afraid of David : and Saiil was presence, as in times past.
David’s enemy all the time. 8 And the war occurred
30 And the princes of ihe again and David went out, and

Philistines went forth and it : fought with the Philistines, and

came to pass, whenever they smote them with a great de-
went forth, that David was more feat, and they fled from before
successful than all the servants him.
of Sa.iil; so that his name was 9 And the evil spirit from the
highly prized. Lord came upon Saiil, and he
. XIX. XX.
was house with his
sitting in his saying, Behold, David is at Na-
spear in his hand and David : yoth near Ramah.
was playing with his hand. 20 And Saiil sent messengers
10 And Saul sought to strike to take David and when they

David through with the spear, saw the company of the prophets
even to the wall but he slipped
prophesying, and Samuel stand-
away from before Saul, who ing as superintendent over them
struck the spear into the wall: then came upon the messengers
and David fled, and escaped that of Saiil the spirit of God, and
night. they also prophesied.
11 But Saul sent messen- 21 And when it was told to
gers unto David’s house, to watch Saiil, he sent other messengers,
him, and to slay him in the morn- and these prophesied likewise.
ing and Michal his wife told it And Saiil sent again messengers

to David, saying, If thou save the third time, and these also
not thy life this night, to-morrow prophesied.
thou wilt be put to death. 22 Then went he himself also
12 And Michal let David down to Ramah, and came as far as
through the window: and he the great well that is in Sechu :

went, and fled, and escaped. and he asked and said, Where
13 And Michal took an image, are Samuel and David? And
and put it in the bed, and a pil- some one said, Behold, they are
low of goats’ hair she put for its at Nayoth, near Ramah.
head to rest on, and covered it 23 And he went thither to Na-
with a cloth. 5 oth
? near Ramah and there

14 And when Saul sent mes- came upon him also the Spirit
sengers to take David, she said, of God, and he went on, and
He is sick. prophesied as he went, until he
15 And Saiil sent the messen- came to Nayoth near Ramah.
gers to see David, saying, Bring 24 And he also stripped off
him up to me in the bed, that I his clothes, and he also prophe-
may put him to death. sied himself before Samuel, and
16 And when the messengers lay down naked all that day and
were come in, behold, there was all that night. Therefore peo-
an image in the bed, with a pil- ple are in the habit of saying,
low of goats’ hair for its head to Is Saiil too among the pro-
rest on. phets?
17 And Saiil said unto Michal,
Why hast thou thus deceived CHAPTER XX.
me, and sent away my enemy, 1 And David fled from Na-
that he is escaped ? And Michal yoth near Ramah, and. came and
said to Saiil, He said unto me, said before Jonathan, What have
Let me go away why should 1 I done? what is my iniquity?

kill thee ? and what is my sin before thy

18 So David fled, and escaped, father, that he seeketh my life?
and came unto Samuel to Ra- 2 And he said unto him, God
mah, and he told him all that forbid; thou shalt not die: be-
Saiil had done to him. And he hold, my father is not wont to do
and Samuel went and remained a great thing or a small thing,
in Nayoth. which he doth not inform me of;
19 And it was told unto Saiil, and why should my father con-
ceal this thing from me? it is I
11 And Jonathan said unt<
not so ? David, Come, and let us go
3 But David swore again, and out into the field. And they
said, Thy father well knoweth went out, both of them, into the
that I have found grace in thy field.
eyes ; wherefore he said, Jona- 12 And Jonathan said unto
than must not know this, lest he David, May the God of Israol
be grieved nevertheless, as truly
: (punish me) if, Avben I have
as the Lord liveth, and thy soul sounded my father about this
liveth, there was but one step- time to-morrow, or of the third
between me and death. day, and, behold, if he be good
4 Then said Jonathan unto toward David, I do not then
David, Whatsoever thy soul say- send unto thee, and inform thee
eth will I do for thee. of it.

5 And David said unto Jona- 13 May the Lord do so to Jo-

than, Behold, to-morrow is the nathan, and continue so yet far-
new-moon, and I should as usual ther, that, if it please my father
sit with the king to eat; but let (to do) thee evil, I will inform
me go, that I may hide myself thee of it, and send thee away,
in the field until the third even- that thou mayest go in peace;
ing. and may the Lord be with thee,
6 If thy father at all miss me, as he hath been with my father.
then do thou say, David asked 14 And wilt thou not, should
earnestly leave of me, that he I be yet alive, show me the kind-
might run to Beth-lechem his ness of the Lord, that I may
city ; for there is a yearly sacri- not die ?
fice there for all the family. 15 But, surely, thou wilt not
7 If he should say thus, It is withdraw thy kindness from my
well then shall thy servant have
: house for ever, not even when
peace; but if it be at all dis- the Lord cutteth off the enemies
pleasing to him, then know that of David, every one, from off the
the evil is determined on by face of the earth.
him. 16 So Jonathan made a cove-
8 And
do thou deal kindly nant with the house of David,
with thy servant; for into a co- (saying,) May the Lord require
venant of the Lord hast thou it at the hand of David’s ene
brought thy servant with thee mies.
but if there be in me any in- 17 And Jonathan caused Da-
iquity, slay me thyself; for why vid to swear again, by his love
shouldst thou bring me to thy for him for he loved him as he
, ;

father ? loved his own soul.

9 And Jonathan said, Far be 18 \\ Then Jonathan said to
it from thee ; for if I should David, To-morrow is the new-
know for ctrtain that evil were moon and thou wilt be missed, :

determined on by my father to because thy seat will be left

come upon thee, would I not tell empty.
it thee ? 19 And when thou hast stayed
10 Then said David to Jona- till the third day, then shalt
than, Who shall tell it me? or thcu go down greatly, and come
what if thy father answer thee[ to the place where thc<u didst
roughly ? hide thyself on the work-day;

»nd thou shalt remain by the 29 And he said, Let me go, I
stone Ezel. pray thee ;
for we have a family-
20 And I will myself shoot sacrifice in the city, and my bro-
three arrows on the side thereof, ther himself hath commanded it

as though I were shooting at a to me ;

and now, if I have found
mark. favour in thy eyes, let me get
21 And, behold, I will send away, I pray thee, that I may
the lad, saying, Go, find*Mie ar- see my brothers therefore is he

rows; if I should now say unto not come unto the king’s table.
the lad, Behold, the arrows are 30 *[[ And the anger of Saiil
on this side of thee: then take was kindled against Jonathan,
him and come for there is peace and he said unto him, Thou son

to thee, and it is nothing ; as the of perverse rebelliousness! do I

Lord liveth. not know that thou, hast chosen
22 But if thus I should say the son of Jesse to thy own
unto the young man, Behold, shame, and to the shame of thy
the arrows are beyond thee mother’s nakedness?
. :

then go thy way, for the Lord 31 For all the days that the
hath sent thee olf. son of Jesse liveth upon the
23 And touching the matter ground, thou wilt not have any
of which we have spoken, thou permanence with thy kingdom :

and I, behold, the Lord is be- therefore now send and fetch
tween me and thee for ever. him unto me, for he shall surely
2d So David hid himself in die.
the field and when the new-moon
: 32 And Jonathan answered
was come, the king set himself Saiil his father, and said unto
down to the repast to eat. him, Wherefore shall he be put
25 And the king sat upon his to death ? what hath he done?
seat, as at other times, upon the 33 And Saiil cast his spear at
seat by the wall and when Jo- him to smite him: and Jona-

nathan arose, Abner seated him- than understood that it was de-
self by the side of Saul, and Da- termined on by his father to put
vid’s place was left empty. David to death.
26 Nevertheless Saiil spoke 34 And Jonathan arose from
not the least on that day ; for he the table in fierce anger, and
thought, Something hath befal- did eat no food on the second
len him, he is not clean ; be- day of the new-moon for ho :

cause he hath not yet purified was grieved for David; because
himself. his father had made him feel
27 % And it came to pass on ashamed.
the morrow, the second day of 35 ^ And it came to pass in
the new-moon, that David’s place the morning, that Jonathan
was left empty and Saul said went out into the field to the

unto Jonathan his son, Where- place appointed with David, and
fore is the son of Jesse not come, a little lad was with him.
both yesterday and to-day, to 36 And he said unto his lad,
the repast? Run, do find out the arrows
28 And Jonathan answered which I shoot: and the lad ran,
Saiil, David asked earnestly leave and he shot the arrow so as to
of me to go as far as Beth-le- pass beyond him.
ebern. 37 And when the lad was
come to the place of the arrow'll appointed to such and such a
which Jonathan had shot, Jona- place.
than called after the lad, and 4 And now what hast thou on
said, Behold, the arrow is be- hand? put five loaves of bread
yond thee into my hand, or what else can
38 And Jonathan called after be found.
the lad, Make haste, speed, stay 5 And the priest answered
not: and Jonathan’s lad gath- David, and said, I have no com-
ered up the arrows, and came to mon bread on hand, but there is
his master. hallowed bread; if the young
39 But the lad knew not the men have only withheld them-
least: only Jonathan and David selves from women.
knew the matter. 6 And David answered the
40 And Jonathan gave his priest and said to him, To a cer-
weapons unto the lad who was tainty women have been denied
with him, and said unto him, us yesterday and the day before,
Go, carry them to the city. when I went forth, and the ves-
41 And as soon as the lad sels of the young men were holy :

Was gone, David arose from the and if this was the custom with
south side (of the stone), and unholy things, how much more
fell on his face to the ground, will it remain this day holy in
and bowed himself three times: the vessels.
and they kissed one another, 7 So the priest gave him hal-
and wept one with another, un- lowed bread; for there was no
til David exceeded. bread there except the show-
42 And Jonathan said to Da- bread, that was removed from
vid, Go in peace :what we have before the Lord, so as to put
sworn, both of us, in the name down hot bread on the day when
of the Lord, saying, The Lord it was taken away.
shall be between me ajid thee, 8 Now a certain man of the
and between, my seed and thy servants of Saul was there on
seed for ever, (shall be kept). that day, detained before the
Lord and his name was Doeg,

the Edomite, the chief of the

1 And he arose and depart- herdsmen that belonged to
ed; and Jonathan went into the Saul.
city. 9 And David said unto Achi-
2 And David came to Nob melech, Hast thou not also here
to Achimelech the priest; and at hand a spear or sword? for
Achimelech hastened trembling both my sword as also my other
to meet David, and said unto weapons have I not brought with
him, Why art thou alone, and me, because the king’s business
no man is with thee? was urgent.
3 And David said unto Achi- 10 And the priest said. The
melech the priest, The king sword of Goliath the Philistine,
commanded me a business, and whom thou didst slay in the val-
said unto me, Let not any man ley of Elah, behold, it is here
know the least of the business wrapped up in a cloth behind
concerning which I send thee, the ephod: if thou wilt take
and which I have commanded that for thyself, take it; for
thee. And the young men have![there is no other save it here.


And David said. There is thee,go forth with you, until 1
none like that ;
give it to me. can know wlnt God will do for
11 And David arose, and [ me.
God on that day from before ! 4 And he conducted them to
Saul, and came to Achish the ! the presence of the king of
king of Gath. Moab and they remained with

12 And the servants of Achish him all the time that David was
said unto him, Is not this David in the strong hold.
the king of the land? did they 5 And the prophet Gad said
not of this man sing one to .an- unto David, Thou must not re-
other in the dances, saying, main in the strong-hold depart, :

Saul hath slain his thousands, and get thee into the land of
and David his ten thousands? Judah. Then David departed,
13 And David took these and came into the forest of Che-
words to his heart, and was reth.
greatly afraid of Achish the king 6 And Saul heard that Da-
of Gath. vid was discovered, and the men
14 And he disguised his rea- that were with him, (now Saul
SDn before their eyes, and played was sitting in Gib’ah under the
the madman in their hands, and tamarisk on the hill, with his
scribbled on the doors of the spear in his hand, and all his
gate, and let his spittle run down servants were standing about
upon his beard. him :)
15 Then said Achish unto 7 Then said Saul unto his
his servants, Lo, ye see, the man servants that stood about him,
is mad wherefore then will ye Hear, I pray 3 ou, men of Ben-

bring him to me? jamin will the son of Jesse !

16 Have I lack of madmen, give, indeed, to every one of

that ye have brought this man you fields and vineyards? will
to play his pranks about me? he appoint you all captains of
shall this one come into my thousands, and captains of hun-
house? dreds ?
8 That ye have conspired, all
CHAPTER XXII. of you, against me, and there is
f And David departed thence, none that informeth me, while
and escaped to the cave ’Adul- my son hath made a covenant
lnm and when his brothers and with the son of Jesse, and there

all his father’s house heard it, is none of you that is concerned
they went down to him thither. for me, or informeth me that my
2 And there gathered them- son hath stirred up my servant
selves unto him every one that to lie in wait against me, as it is
was in distress, and every one this
that had a creditor, and every
9 Then answered Doeg the
one that had an embittered spi- Edomite, who was set over the
rit; and he became a captain servants of Saul, and said, I

over them: and there were with saw the son of Jesse coming to

him about four hundred men. Nob, to Achimelech the son f

3 And David went thence to Achitub.

Mizpeh of Moab: and he said 10 And he asked counsel for

unto the king of Moab, Let my him of the Lord, and he gave

father and my mother, I pray him

1 provision, and gave him
also the sword of Goliath the Edomite turned round, and he
Philistine. fell upon the priests, and slew
11 Then sent the king to call on that day eighty, and five
Achimelech, the son of Achitub, persons that did wear a linen
the priest, and all his father’s ephod.
house, the priests that were in 19 And Nob, the city of the
Nob: and they came, all of priests,he smote with the edge
them, to the king. of the sword, both men and wo-
12 And Saul said, Hear men, children and sucklings,
now, thou son of Achitub. And and oxen, and asses, and lambs,
he said, Here am I, my lord. with the edge of the sword.
13 And Saul said unto him, 20 And there escaped one of
Why have ye conspired against the sons of Achimelech the son
me, thou and the son of Jesse, of Achitub, whose name was
in that thou didst give him bread, Ebyathar, and he fled after
and a sword, and hast asked David.
counsel for him of God, that he 21 And Ebyathar told David
should rise to lie in wait against that Saul had slain the priests
me, as it is this day ? of the Lord.
14 Then answered Achime- 22 And David said unto Eb-
lech the king, and sail, And
yathar, I knew on that day, be-
who is among thy servants cause Doeg the Edomite was
so trusted as David, and the there, that he would surely tell
king’s son-in-law, and freelj’ Saul I have myself occasioned

admitted to thy private council, the death of all the persons of

and is honoured in thy house? thy father’s house.
15 Did I this day then begin 23 Remain thou with me, fear
to ask counsel for him of God? nothing; for he that will seek
far be it from me let not the my life will seek thy life; but

king impute any thing unto his thou shalt be well guarded with
servant, (nor) to all the house of me.
my father; for thy servant knew
not of all this, either a little or CHAPTER XXIII.
great thing. 1 Thenthey told David,
16 And the king said, Thou saying, Behold, the Philistines
shalt surely die, Achimelech, are fighting against Ke’ilah, and
thou, and all thy father’s house. they are plundering the thresh-
17 And the king said unto the ing-floors.
runners that stood about him, 2 Thereupon David asked
Turn round and slay the priests counsel of the Lord, saying,
of the Lord; because their hand Shall I go and smite among
also is with David, and because these Philistines?
they knew that he was fleeing, And the Lord said unto
and did not disclose it to me. David, Go and smite among the
But the servants of the king Philistines, and deliver Ke’ilah.
would not stretch forth their 3 And David’s men said unto
hand to fall upon the priests of him, Behold, here in Judah are
the Lord. we afraid how much more then

18 And the king said to Doeg, if we should go to Ke’ilah

Turn thou round, and fall upon against the battle-arrays of the
the priests. And Doeg the Philistines?
4 Then David asked yet ^f
Then arose David and
again counsel of the Lord. And his men, about six hundred men,
the Lord answered him and and departed out of Ke’ilah, and
said, Arise, Go down to Ke’ilah; wandered about whithersoever
for I (will) deliver the Philis- they could go. And when it
tines into thy hand. was told to Saiil that David was
5 So David and his men went escaped from Ke’ilah, he forbore
to Ke’ilah; and he fought with to go forth.
tho Philistines, and led away 14 And David remained in
their cattle, and smote among the wilderness in strong-holds,
them a great slaughter. So and abode on the mountain in
David delivered the inhabitants the wilderness of Ziph. And
of Ke’ilah. Saiil sought him all the time,
6 *’ And it came to pass, when but God delivered him not into
Ebyathar the son of Achimelech his hand.
fled over to David, to Ke’ilah, 15 And David saw that Saiil
that the ephod came down with was gone forth to seek his life:
him. and David was in the wilderness
7 And it was told to Saul that of Ziph in the forest.
David was come to Ke’ ilah. 16 ^f And Jonathan, the son

And Saul God hath de- of Saiil, arose, and went to Da-
livered him into my hand for vid into the forest, and strength-

he is shut in, by entering into a ened his hand in God.

town that hath gates and bars. 17 And he said unto him,
8 And Saul called all the peo- Fear not; for the hand of Saiil
ple together to war, to go down my father will not find thee;
to Ke'ilah, to besiege David and and thou wilt be king over Is-
his men. rael, and I will be next unto
9 And David understood that thee; and also Saiil my father
Saiil secretly devised mischief knoweth this.
against him; and he said to 18 And they made, both of
Ebyathar the priest, Bring hi- them, a covenant before the
ther the ephod. Lord: and David remained in
10 *[ Then said David, 0 Lord, the forest; but Jonathan went
God of Israel, thy servant hath to his house.
heard for certain that Saiil seek- 19 Then came up the Ziph-
eth to come to Ke’ilah, to de- ites unto Saiil to Gib’ah, saying,
stroy the city for my sake. Behold, David is hiding himself
11 Will the men of Ke’ilah with us in the strong-holds in
surrender me into his hand? will the forest, on the hill of Chachi-
Saiil come down as thy servant lah, which is on the right of the
hath heard? 0 Lord, God of desert.
Israel, 1 beseech thee, tell 20 And now in accordance
Bervant. with all the longing of thy soul,
And the Lord said, He will 0 king, to come down, come
come down. down and our part shall be to

12 Then said David, Will surrender him into the king's

the men of Ke’ilah surrender me hand.
and my men into the hand of 21 And Saiil said, Blessed be
Saul ? And the Lor&> said, They ye of the Lord; for ye have pity
will surrender. on me.
22 Go, I pray you, make yet 2 And it cameto pass, when
more preparations, and remark Saiil was returned from pursuing
and see his place where his foot the Philistines, that it was told
may be, who hath seen him to him, saying, Behold, David is
there; for I am told that he in the wilderness of ’En-gedi.
dealeth with great subtil ty. 3 Then took Saiil three
23 See therefore, and remark thousand chosen men out of all
every one of all the lurking- Israel, and went to seek David
places where he usually hideth and his men upon the rocks of
himself, and come ye again to me the wild goats.
with the certainty, and I will go 4 And he came to the sheep-
with you; and it shall come to folds by the way, and there was
pass, if he be in the land, that I a cave and Saiil went in to

will search him out throughout cover his feet: and David and
all the thousands of Judah. his men were sitting in the lower
24 And they arose, and went end of the cave.
to Ziph before Saul; but David 5 And the men of David said
and his men were in the wilder- unto him, Behold, this is the day
ness of Ma’on, in the plain on of which the Lord hath said un-
the right of the desert. to thee, Behold, I will deliver
25 And Saul and his men thy enemy iftto thy hand, that
went to make a search. And thou raayest do to him as it
they told it to David wherefore shall seem good in thy eyes.

he came down to the rock, and And David arose, and cut off the
abode in the wilderness of Ma’on. corner of the robe which Saiil
And when Saul heard this, he wore, unperceived.
pursued after David into the 6 And it came to pass after-
wilderness of Ma’on. ward, that David’s heart smote
26 And Saul went on this him, because he had cut off the
side of the mountain, and David corner of Saul’s (robe).
and his men on that side of the 7 And he said unto his men,
mountain ;
and David made Far be it from me for the Lord’s
haste to get a way from before sake, that I should do this thing
Saul; and Saiil and his men unto my master, the Lord’s
were compassing David and his anointed, to stretch forth my
men to seize them. hand against him because he is

27 But a messenger came un- the anointed of the Lord.

to Saul, saying, Haste thee, and 8 So David restrained his ser-
come; for the Philistines have vants with these words, and suf-
invaded the land. fered them not to rise against
28 Wherefore Saiil returned Saiil. But Saiil rose up out of
from pursuing after David, and the cave, and went on his way.
went against the Philistines: 9 David also arose after-
therefore they called that place ward, and went forth out of tho
Sela’-hammachlekoth [Rock of cave, and called after Saiil, say-
divisions]. ing, My lord, the king! And
Saiil then looked behind him,
CHAPTER XXIV. and David bowed his face to the
1 And David went up from >arth, and prostrated himself.
there, and abode in strong-holds 10 And David said to Saiil,
of ’En-gedi. Wherefore wilt thou listen to

men's words, saying, Behold, warded thee only with what is

David seeketh thy injury ? evil.
11 Beljold, this day thy eyes 19 And thou hast proved this
have seen how that the Lord day, that thou hast dealt well
had delivered thee to-day into with me forasmuch as when :

my hand in the cave, and some the Lord had surrendered me

one said that I should kill thee into thy hand, thou didst not

but my soul felt compassion for kill me.

thee and I said, I will not
: 20 For if a man find his ene-
stretch forth my hand against my my, will he let him go away on
lord because he is the anointed a good road ? so may the Lord

of the Lord. reward thee with good for what

12 And now, my father, see, thou hast done unto me this day.
yea, see the corner of thy robe 21 And now, behold, I know
in my hand; for in that I cut that thou wilt surely become
off the corner of thy robe, and king, and that the kingdom of
killed thee not, know thou and Israel will stand firmly in thy
see that there is neither evil nor hand.
transgression in my hand, and 22 And now swear unto me by
that I have not sinned against the Lord, that thou wilt not cut
thee yet thou liest in wait for off my seed after me, and that

my soul to take it. thou wilt not destroy my name

13 May the Lord judge be- out of my father’s house.
tween me and thee, and may the 23 And David swore unto
Lord avenge me on thee; but Saiil and Saiil went to his house

my hand shall not be against but David and his men went up
thee. into the strong-hold.
14 As saith the proverb of
the ancients, From the wick- CHAPTER XXV.
ed proceedeth wickedness but ;
1 And Samuel died and all ;

my hand shall not be against the Israelites assembled them-,

thee. selves together, and lamented
15 After whom is the king of for him, and buried him in his
Israel gone out? after whom art house at Rainah. And David
thou pursuing ? after a dead dog, arose, and went down to the wil-
after a single flea. derness of Paran.
16 May the Lord therefore be 2 And there was a man in
judge, and decide between me Ma’on, whose business was in
and thee, and see, and plead my Carmel and the man was very

cause, and obtain me justice out great, and he had three thousand
of thy hand. sheep, and a thousand goats
17 And it came to pass, and he was, while they were
when David had finished speak- shearing his sheep, at Carmel.
ing these words unto Saiil, that 3 Now the name of the man
Saul said, Is this thv voice, my was Nabal, and the name of his
son David? And Saiil lifted up wife Abigayil and the woman :

his voice, and wept. was of good understanding, and

18 And he said to David, of a beautiful form but the man ;

Thou art more righteous than I: was hard-hearted and evil in his
for thou hast done for me only deeds and he was of the house

what is good, whereas I have re- of Caleb.

4 And David heard in the wil- men, Gird ye on, every man, hia
derness that Nabal was shearing sword. And they girded on,
his sheep. every man, his sword; and David
5 And David sent out ten also girded on his sword and

young men, and David said un- there went up after David about
to the young men, Get you up four hundred men, and twj hun-
to Carmel, and go to Nabal, and dred abode by the baggage.
ask him in my name after his 14 But one of the young men
well-being. told Abigayil, Nabal’s wife, say-
6 And ye shall say, May it ing, Behold, David sent messen-
thus be throughout thy life and gers out of the wilderness to

peace be to thee, and peace be to greet our master; but he hath

thy house, and unto all that thou spoken rudely to them.
hast be peace. 15 Whereas the men have
7 And now have I heard that been very good unto us ;
aud we
thou hast sheep-shearers now have not been injured, neither

thy shepherds have bec-n with have we missed any thing, all
us, and we have not injured the time that we went about

them, neither hath there aught with them, while we were in the
been missing unto them, all the field :

time they were at Carmel. 16 A wall were they around

8 Ask thy young men, and us both by night and by day, all
they will tell it thee. Therefore the time we were with them, feed-
let the young men find favour in ing the flocks.
thy eyes for on a festive day
17 And now know and con-
are we come give, I pray thee, sider what thou canst do; for

whatsoever thy hand is capable evil is determined on against our

of unto thy servants, and to thy master, and against all his house-
son, to David. hold and he is too greatly a

9 And David’s young men worthless man for me to speak

came, and they spoke to Nabal to him.
in accordance with all these 18 And Abigayil made haste,
words in the name of David; and and took two hundred loaves,
then they ceased. and two bottles of wine, and five
10 And Nabal answered the sheep ready dressed, and five
servants of David, and said, Who measures of parched corn, and a

is David? and who is the son hundred clusters of raisins, and

of Jesse? now-a-days there are two hundred cakes of figs, and

many servants that break away laid them on asses.
every one from his master. 19 And she said unto her
1 1 Shall I then take my bread, young men, Pass on before me

and my water and my flesh that behold, I come after you. But
I have killed tor my sheep-shear- to her husband Nabal she told
ers, and give it unto men, whom nothkig.
I know not whence they are? 20 And it was so, as she was
12 And David’s young men riding on the ass, and coming
turned about on their way, and down hy the covert of the mount,
returned, and came and told him that, behold, David and his men
In accordance with all these came down toward her; and she
words. met them.
13 And David said unto his 21 Now David had said, Yea,
for naught only have I guarded 29 And though a man is risen
all that belongeth to this fellow up to pursue thee, andseek to
in the wilderness, so that not thy soul yet will the soul of

the least was missed of all that my lord be bound in the bond of
pertained unto him ; and he hath life with the Lord thy God and ;

requited me evil instead of good. the soul of thy enemies will ho

22 So may God do unto the hurl away, as out of the middle
enemies of David, and do so yet of the sling.
farther, if I leave of all that per- 30 And it shall come to pass,
taineth to him by the morning- when the Lord will do to my
light, as much as a dog. lord, in accordance with all the
23 And when Abigayil saw good that he hath spoken con-
David, she hastened, and alight- cerning thee, and will ordain
ed off the ass, and fell down be- thee as ruler over Israel,
fore David on her face, and 31 That this shall not be unto
bowed herself to the ground, thee as a cause of offence, and
24 And she fell at his feet, and as a reproach of heart unto my
said, On me, me, my lord, is the lord, both by having shed blood
fault and let thy hand-maid, I
: without cause, and by my lord
pray thee, speak in thy hearing, having righted himself: and
and listen to the words of thy when the Lord will do good un-
hand-maid. to my lord, then do thou remem-
25 Let not my lord. I pray ber thy hand-maid.
thee, turn his heart unto this 32 And David said to Abi-
worthless man, unto Nabal for ;
gayil, Blessed be the Lord, the
as his name is, so is he Nabal
: God of Israel, who sent thee this
is name, and meanness is day to meet me
with him but I thy hand-maid
33 And blessed be thy intelli-
did not see the young men of my gence, and blessed be thou, who
lord, whom thou didst send. hast prevented me this day from
26 And now, my lord, as the conwng unto blood-guiltiness,
Eternal liveth, and as thy soul and from helping myself with
liveth, it is the Lord who hath my own hand.
withholden thee from coming to 34 But truly, as the Lord the
blood-guiltiness, and from help- God of Israel liveth, who hath
ing thyself with thy own hand; withdrawn me from injuring
and now may like Nabal be thy thee, except thou hadst hastened
enemies, and those that seek (to and come to meet me, surely
do) my lord evil. there would not have been left
27 And now this present Avhich unto Nabal by the morning-light
thy hand- maid hath brought un- so much as a dog.
to my lord, let it even be given 35 And David took out of her
unto the young men that follow hand that which she had brought
in the train my lord. him; and unto her he said, Go
28 Pardo<n, I pray thee, the up in peace to thy house see, I :

trespass of thy hand-maid; for have hearkened to thy /nice,

the Lord will certainly make for and have respected thy pre-
my lord an enduring house be- sence.

cause the battles of the Lord 36 And Abigayil came to Na-

doth my lord fight, and evil will bal and, behold, he held a feast

not be found in thee all thy days. in his house, like the feast of a
36* s 2 425
king, and Nabal's heart was CHAPTER XXVI.
merry within him, and he was 1 And the Ziphites came untc
exceedingly drunken; wherefore Saiil to Gib’ah, saying, Behold,
she told him not a word, either David hideth himself on the hill
little or great, until the morning- of Chachilah, before the desert.
light. 2 Then arose Saiil, and went
37 But it happened in the down to the wilderness of Ziph,
morning, when the wine was and with him were three thou-
gone out of Nabal, that his wife sand men chosen out of Israel,
told him these things ; and his to seek David in the wilderness
heart died within him, and he of Ziph.
became as a stone. 3 And Saiil encamped on the
38 And it came to pass, in hill of Chachilah, which is be-
about ten days thereafter, that fore the desert by the way but ;

the Lord struck Nabal, and he David abode in the wilderness,

died. and he saw that Saiil was com-
39 And when David heard ing after him into the wilder-
that Nabal was dead, he said, ness.
Blessed be the Lord, who hath 4 David thereupon sent out
pleaded the cause of my reproach and understood that Saiil
from the hand of Nabal, and was come for a. certainty.
hath withheld his servant from 5 And David arose, and came
evil and the wickedness of Na-
; to the place where Saiil was en-
bal hath the Lord returned upon camped and David beheld the

his own head. And David sent place where Saiil lay, with Ab-
and applied for Abigayil, to take ner the son of Ner, the captain
her to himself for wife. of his army and Saiil was lying

40 And the servants of David in the midst of the ring, and the
came to Abigayil to Carmel, and people were encamped round
they spoke unto her, saying, Da- about him.
vid hath sent us unto thee, to 6 Then commenced David and
take thee to himself for wife. said to Achimelech the Hittite,
41 Thereupon she arose, and and to Abishai the son of Zeru-
bowed herself with her face to yah, the brother of Joab, say-
the earth, and said, Behold, let ing, Who will go down with me
thy hand-maid be a servant to to Saiil to the camp ? And Abi-
wash the feet of the servants of shai said, I will readily go down
my lord. with thee.
42 And Abigayil hastened, 7 So David and Abishai came
and arose, and rode upon an ass, to the people by night and, be- :

with her five damsels that went hold, Saiil lay sleeping within
in her train ; and she went after the ring, with his spear stuck in
the messengers of David, and the ground by his head but ;

she became his wife. Abner and the people were lying
43 David also took Achino- round about him.
*ani of Yizre’el and both of
8 Then said Abishai to Da-
them became thus his wives. vid, God hath surrendered this
44 But Saiil had given Mi- day thy enemy into thy hand;
chal his daughter, David’s wife, and now let me strike him
to Palti, the son of Layish, who through, I pray thee, with tho
Was of Gallim. spear, even to the earth with one
bl >w, and I not give him a your master, over the Lord’s
second one. anointed. And now see, where
9 But David said to Abishai, is the king’s spear, and the cruise
Destroy him not; for who hath of water that was by his head ?
stretched forth his hand against 17 And Saul recognised Da-
the Lord’s anointed, and re- vid’s voice, and he said, Is this
mained guiltless ? thy voice, my son David ? And
10 David said furthermore, As David said, It is my voice, my
the Lord liveth, the Lord alone lord, 0 king.
shall strike him down: either 18 And he said, What is this
his day shall come that he die; that my lord doth pursue after
or he shall go down into battle, his servant? for what have I
and perish. done ? or what evil is in my
11 Far be this from me for hand?
the sake of the Lord, that I 19 And now, I pray thee, let
should stretch forth my hand my lord the king hear the words
against the Lord’s anointed of his servant If the Lord

but now, I pray thee, take thou have stirred thee up against me,
the spear that is by his head, then may he accept the savour
and the cruise of water, and let of an offering; but if they be the
us go our way. children of men, then be they
12 So David took the spear cursed before the Lord; because
and the cruise of water by the they have driven me out this
head of Saul, and they went day so that I cannot attach my-
their way and no one saw it, self on the inheritance of the

and no one perceived it, and no Lord, saying, Go, serve other
one awaked; for they were all gods.
sleeping because a deep sleep
20 Now, therefore, let not my
from the Lord was fallen upon blood fall to the earth far from
them. the presence of the Lord; for
13 Then went David over to the king of Israel is come out to
the other side, and stood on the seek a single flea, as one doth
top of the mount afar off, the usually pursue a partridge on
space between them being great. the mountains.
14 And David called to the 21 Then said Saul, I have
people, and to Abner the son of sinned; return, my son David;
Ner, saying, Wilt thou not an- for I will not do thee harm any
swer, Abner ? And Abner an- more, for the cause that my life
swered and said, Who art thou was precious in thy eyes this
that callest to the king ? day behold, I have acted fool-

15 ^ And David said to Ab- ishly, and ha ve erred exceedingly

ner, Art thou not a man? and much.
who is like to thee in Israel? why 22 And David answered and
then hast thou not kept guard said, Behold, here is the king’s
over thy lord the king ? for there spear and let one of the young

came one of the people to de- men come over and fetch it.
stroy the king thy lord. 23 And may the Lord recom-
1 6 This thing which thou hast pense to every man his right-
done is not good. As the Lord eousness and his faithfulness
liveth, ye deserve to die because since the Lord delivered thee

ye have not kept guard over into my hand to-day, and I would
not stretch forth my hand against hath Ziklag pertained unto the
the anointed of the Lord. kings of Judah until this day.
24 And behold, as thy life 7 ^ And the number of the
was highly valued this day in days that David dwelt in the
my eyes, so may my life be fields of the Philistines was a
highly valued in the eyes of the full year and four months.
Lord, and may he deliver me 8 And David and his men
out of all tribulation. went up, and invaded the Ge-
25 Then said Saiil to David, shurites, and the Gizrites, and
Blessed be thou my son David the 'Amalekites; for these na-
thou wilt both do great things, tions were of old the inhabitants
and wilt also surely prevail. And of the land, till thou comest to
David went then on his way, and Sbur, and as far as the land of
Saiil returned to his place. Egypt.
9 And David smote the land,
CHAPTER XXVII. left not alive either man
1 And David said in his or woman, and took away the
heart, Now I may yet perish flocks, and the oxen, and the
suddenly one day by the hand asses, and the camels, and the
of Saiil there is nothing better apparel, and returned, and came

for me
than that I should escape to Achish.
at once into the land of thePhi- And Achish said, Whither
listines, when have ye made an inroad to-day?
Saiil will abstain
from me, to seek me any more And David said, Against the
in all the territory of Israel and south of Judah, and against the

so shall I escape out of his hand. south of the Yerachmeelites, and

2 And David arose, and he against the south of the Kenites.
passed over himself with his six 11 And David left not alive
hundred men that were with him either man or woman, to bring
unto Achish, the son of Ma’och, (them) to Gath, saying, That
the king of Gath. they may not tell on us, saying,
3 And David remained with So hath David done, and so is
Achish at Gath, he and his men, his custom all the days he hath
every man with his household, dwelt in the fields of the Philis-

alsoDavid with his two wives, tines.

Achino’am the Yizre’elitess, and 12 And Achish had confidence

Abigayil, Nabal’s wife, the Car- in David, saying, He hath surely
melitess. spoiled his odour among his peo-
4 And when
it was told unto
ple, among Israel; and he will

Saiil David was fled to become unto me a servant for

Gath, he continued no more to ever.
seek for him.
5 And David said unto Ach- CHAPTER XXVIII.
ish, If now I have found grace ^ And
it came to pass in
in thy eyes, let them give me a those days, that the Philistines
place in some one of the country- gathered their camps together
towns, that I may dwell there; for warfare, to fight with Israel ;

for why should thy servant dwell and Achish said unto David,
in the royal city with thee? Thou must know that the u shalt
fi Then gave Achish unto him go out with me into the camp,
On that day Ziklag: therefore thou and thy men.
2 And David said to Achisb, familiar spirits, and the wizards,
By reason of this wilt thou thy- out of the land ; wherefore then
self ascertain what thy servant layest thou a snare for my life,
will do. And Achish said to to cause me to die?
David, Therefore will I make 10 And Saiil swore to her by
thee the guard of my head for the Lord, saying, As the Lord
all times. liveth, there shall no guilt attach
3 Now Samuel was dead, to thee for this thing.
and all Israel had lamented him, 11 Then said the woman,
and buried him Ramah,
in Whom
even shall I bring up for thee ?
in his own and Saul had And he said, Samuel thou must
removed those that had familiar bring up for me.
spirits, and the wizards, out of 12 And when the woman saw
the land. Samuel, she cried with a loud
4 And the Philistines assem- voice: and the woman said to
bled themselves together, and Saiil thus, Why
hast thou de-
came and encamped at Shunem: ceived me? since thou art Saiil.
and Saiil assembled together all 13 And the king said unto
Israel, and they encamped at her, Be not afraid; however,
Gilboa\ what hast thou seen? And the
5 And when Saiil saw the woman said unto Saiil, A divine
camp of the Philistines, he was being have I seen ascending out
afraid, and his heart trembled of the earth.
greatly. 14 And he said unto her, What
6 And Saiil asked counsel of is his form? And she said, An
the Lord; but the Lord an- old man is coming up; and he
swered him not, either by means is wrapt in a mantle. And so
of dreams, or by means of the Saiil perceived that it was Sam-
Urirn, or by means of the pro- uel, and he bowed with his face
phets. to the ground, and prostrated
7 Then said Saiil unto bis himself.
servants, Seek out for me a wo- 1o And Samuel said to Saiil,
man that hath a familiar spirit, Why bast thou disquieted me,
that I may go to her and inquire to bring me up? And Saiil an
of her. And his servants said swered, I am greatly distressed,
to him, Behold, there is a woman and the Philistines make war
that hath a familiar spirit at against me, and God is departed
’En-dor. from me, and hath not answered
8 And Saiil disguised himself, me any more, either by tbe
and put on other garments, and agency of the prophets, or by
he went, he and two men with means of dreams; wherefore I
him, and they came to the wo- have called thee, to make known
man by night: and he said, Di- unto me what I shall do.
vine, I pray thee, unto me by 16 Then said Samuel, And
the familiar spirit, and bring up why wilt thou ask me, seeing
for me the one whom I shall say the Lord is departed from thee,
unto thee. and is become thy enemy ?
9 And tbe woman
said unto 17 And the Lord hath done
him, Behold, tnou well knowest for himself as he hath spoken
'hat which Saiil hath done, that through my agency; and the
be hath cut off those that have Lord hath rent the government
out of ihy hand, and hath given vants ; and they ate. Then they
it to thy associate, to David; rose up, and went away that
18 As thou didst not obey the night.
voice of the Lord, and didst not
execute his fierce wrath upon CHAPTER XXIX.
•"Ainalek ;
therefore hath the 1 *[ Now the Philistines as-
Lord done this thing unto thee sembled together all their camps
this day. at Aphek: and the Israelite*
19 And the Lord will deliver encamped by the spring which
also Israel with thee into the is by Yizre’el.
hand of the Philistines; and to- 2 And the lords of the Philis-
morrow shalt thou and tliy sons tines passed on by hundreds, and
»e with me also the camp of by thousands; but David and

Israel will the Lord deliver into his men passed on at the last
the hand of the Philistines. with Achish.
20 Then fell Saul hastily with 3 Then said the princes of the
his full length to the earth, and Philistines, What are these He-
was greatly afraid, because of brews to do? And Achish said
the words of Samuel there was unto the princes of the Philis-

also no strength in him: for he tines, Behold, this is David, the

had not eaten any food all that servant of Saiil the king of Is-
day, and all that night. rael, who hath been with me
21 And the woman came unto already a year, or even years,
Saul, and saw that he was greatly and I have not found the least
and she said unto him, in him (to blame) from + he day
Behold, thy hand-maid hath of his joining (me) until this
obeyed thy voice; and I put my day?
life in my hand, and hearkened 4 And the princes of the
unto thy words which thou spok- Philistines were angry with him;
est unto me. and the princes of the Philistines
22 And now, hearken thou said unto him, Cause this man
also, I pray thee, unto the voice to go back, that he may return
of thy hand-maid, and let me to his place whither thou hast
set before thee a morsel of bread, assigned him; but he shall not
and eat; that thou mayest have go down with Ud to the battle,
strength w hen thou goest on the that he may not become an ad-

way. versary to us in the battle; for

23 But he refused, and said, wherewith could this person re-
I will not eat. But his servants concile himself unto his master?
urged him much, as also the is it not by means of the heads
woman; and he hearkened unto of these men?
their voice. So he arose from 5 Is not this David, of whom
the earth, and sat upon the bed. they sang one to another in the
24 And the woman had a fat- dances, saying, Saiil hath slain
ted calf in the house; and she his thousands, and David his ten
hastened, and slaughtered it, thousands?
and took flour, and kneaded it, 6 f Then did Achish call Da-
and baked unleavened bread vid, and say unto him, As the
thereof: Lord liveth, (I declare) that
25 And she brought it near thou art upright, and that thy
before Saiil, and before his ser- going out and thy coming in

with me in the camp good in their wives, and their son's, and

my eyes; for I have not found their daughters, had been taken
in thee any evil from the day of captive.
thy coming unto me irntil this 4 And David and the people
day; nevertheless in the eyes of that were with him lifted up
the lords thou art not good. their voice and wept, until they
7 And now return, and go in had no more power to weep.
peace, that thou mayest not do 5 And the two wives of David
any evil in the eyes of the lords were also taken captive, Achi-
of the Philistines. no’am the Yizre’elitess, and Abi-
8 And David said unto Ach- gayil the wife of Nabal the Car*
ish, But what have I done ? and rnelite.
what hast thou found in thy ser- 6 And David was greatly dis-
vant from the day that I have tressed for the people spoke of

been before thee, until this day, stoning him, because the soul of
that I shall not go to fight against all the people was embittered,
the enemies of my lord the king? every man for his sons and for
9 And Achish answered and his daughters; but David forti-
said to David, I know that thou fied himself in the Lord his God.
art good in my eyes, as an angel 7 ^ And David said to Ebya-
of God nevertheless, the princes thar the priest, the son of Achi-

of the Philistines have said, He melech, Bring hither, I pray

shall not go up with us to the thee, unto me the ephod. And
battle. Ebyathar brought the ephod
10 And now rise up early in near unto David.
the morning with the servants 8 And David asked counsel
of thy master that are come with of the Lord, saying, Shall I
thee: and rise then up early in pursue after this troop ? shall I
the morning, and when ye have overtake them? And he said to
light, go away. him, Pursue; for thou wilt surely
11 And David and his men overtake them, and certainly re-
rose up early to go away in the cover (all).
morning, to return unto the land 9 So David went, he and the
of the Philistines; but the Phi- six hundred men that were with
listines went up to Yizre’el. him, and came up to the brook
Bessor, where those that were
CHAPTER XXX. left behind stayed.
1 ^ And it came to pass when 10 But David pursued on, he
David and his men came to Zik- and four hundred men ;
lag on the third day, that the there stayed behind two hun-
’Amalekites had invaded the dred men, who were too fatigued
south, and Ziklag, and smitten to go over the brook Bessor.
Ziklag, and burnt it with fire; 11 And they found an Egyp-
2 And had taken captive the tian man in the field, and took
women that were therein, both him to David, and gave him
great and small: they had not bread, and he did eat: and they
slain any one, but had led them made him drink water;
off, and gone on their way. 12 And they gave him a piece
3 When therefore David and of a cake of figs, and two clus-
his men came to the city, he- ters of raisins, and he ate, and
boid, it was burnt with fire and then his spirit returned to him

for he had not eaten any bread, flocks and the herds: these they
nor drunk any water, three days drove before those other cattle,
and three nights. and said, This is David’s spoil.
13 And David said unto 21 And David came to the
him, To whom belongest thou? two hundred men, who had been
and whence art thou? And he too fatigued to follow after Da-
said, I am a young Egyptian vid, and whom they had left to
man, the servant to an ’Ainalek- remain at the brook Bessor and :

ite; and my master left me be- they went forth to meet David,
hind, because I fell sick, to-day and to meet the people that were
three days ago. with him; and David came near
14 We made an invasion upon to the people, and asked them
the south of the Kerethites, and after their well-being.
upon that which belongeth to 22 Then exclaimed every
Judah, and upon the south of wicked and worthless man, of
Caleb; and Ziklag did we burn those that had gone with David,
with fire. and said, Because they werfthot
15 And David said to him, with us, we will not give them
Wilt thou bring me down to this aught of tl -j spoil that we have
troop? And he said, Swear un- recovered, save to every man his
to me by God, that thou wilt not wife and his children, and these
kill me, and that thou wilt not they may lead away, and go.
surrender me into the hand of 23 Then said David, Ye must
my master, and then will I bring not do so, my brethren; since
thee down to this troop. the Lord hath given us this, and
16 And he brought him down guarded us, and delivered the

and behold they were scattered troop that came against us into
over the face of all the country, our hand.
eating and drinking, and dan- 24 And who will hearken un-
cing for joy, because of all the to you in this matter? but as is
great spoil which they had taken the part of him that went down
out of the land of the Philistines, to the battle, so shall be the part
and out of the land of Judah. of him that remained with the
17 And David smote them baggage : together must they
from the twilight even unto the share.
evening of the next day : and 25 f And it happened from
there escaped not a man of them, that day and forward, that he
save four hundred young men, made it a statute and an ordi-
who rode upon camels, and fled. nance for Israel until this day.
18 And David recovered all 26 ^ And when David came
that the ’Amalekites had taken to Ziklag, he sent of the spoil
away; and his two wives also unto the elders of Judah, to his
did David rescue. friends, saying, Behold, here is
19 And there was nothing a present for you from the spoil
missing to them, from small to of the enemies of the Lord:
great, as also sons and daugh- 27 To those who were in Beth-
ters, and spoil, down to every el, and to those who were in
thing that they had taken from south Ramoth, and to those wl )
them the whole did David bring were in Yatthir,

*,ack. 28 And to those who were 'n

20 And David took all the 'Aro’er, and to those who wei
in Siphmoth, and to those who
he likewise upon his sword,
were in Eshthemoa’, and died with him.
29 And to those who were in 6 Thus died Saul, and his
Rachal, and to those who were three sons, and his armour-bear-
in the cities of the Yerachmeel- er, also all his men, on that sam«
ites, and to those who were in day together.
1 10 cities of the Kenites, 7 And when the men of Israel
30 And who were in that were on the other side of
to those
Chormuh, and who were the valley, and those that were
to those
in Kor-’ashan, and to those who on the other side of the Jordan,
were in ’Athach, saw that the men of Israel had
31 And to those who were in fled, and that Saiil and his sons
Hebron, and to all the places had died they forsook the cities,

where David himself and his and fled away and the Philis- ;

men had wandered about. tines came and dwelt in them.

8 And it came to pass on
* * CHAPTER XXXI. the morrow, that the Philistines
1 5[ Now
the Philistines fought came to strip the slain; and they
against Israel: and the men of found Saiil and his three sons
Israel fled from before the Phi- fallen on mount Gilboa’.
listines, and there fell down 9 And they cut off his head,
(many) slain on mount Gil- avid stripped off his armour, and
boa’. sent it into the land of the Phi-
2 And the Philistines over- listines round about, to publish
took SaUl and his sons; and the it in the house of their idols, and
Philistines smote Jonathan, and among the people.
Abinadab, and Malkishua', the 10 And they put his armour
sons of Saul. in the house of Ashtharoth ; and
3 And the battle was heavy his body they fastened to the
against Saul, and he was found wall of Beth-shan.
by the archers, the men with 11 And when the inhabitants
bows; and he was greatly in of Yabesh-giTad heard concern-
dread of the archers. ing him that which the Philis-
4 A nd Saul said unto his ar- tines had done to Saiil
mour-bearer, Draw thy sword, 12 Then arose all the valiant
and thrust me through there- men, and walked all the night,
with; lest these uncircumcised .and took the body of Saiil and
come and thrust me through, the bodies of his sons from the
and wantonly ill-use me. But wall of Beth-shan, and they
his armour-bearer would not; came to Yabesh, and burnt them
for he was greatly afraid ; where- there.
fore Saiil took his sword, and fell 13 And they took their bones,
upon it. and buried them under the tama-
6 And when his armour-bearer risk-tree at Yabesh, and they
saw that Saiil was dead, then fasted seven days.

37 T 433
'2 Saint? 13D.


he saw me, and called unto me.

I said, Here am I.
1 Now it came And he said unto me, Who
to pass after 8
the death of Saul, when David And I answered him r
art thou?
was returned from smiting the An ’Ainalekite am I.
’Amalekites, that David abode 9 And he said unto me, Place
in Ziklag two days. thyself, I pray thee, by me, and
2 And it came to pass on the slay me ;
for a mortal tremour
third day, that, behold, a man hath seized on me, although my
came out of the camp from Saul life is yet whole in me.
with his clothes rent, and earth 10 So I placed myself by him,
upon his head and it happened,
: and slew him, because I was sure
when he came to David, that he that he could not live after his
fell to the earth, and prostrated fall and I took the crown that

himself. was upon his head, and the brace-

3 And David said unto him, was on his arm, and I
let that
From where comest thou? And have brought them unto my lord
he said unto him, Out of the hither.
camp of Israel am I escaped. 11 David thereupon took hold
4 And David said unto him, of his clothes, and rent them
What took place there ? I pray and (so did) likewise all the men
thee, tell me. And he said, That that were with him :

the people are fled from the bat- 12 And they lamented, and
tle, and that also many of the wept, and fasted until the even-
people are fallen and have died; ing, for Saul, and for Jonathan
and that also Saul and Jonathan his son, and for the people of the
his son are dead. Lord, and for the house of Is-
5 And David said unto the rael because they "were fallen

young man that told him, How by the sword.

knowest thou that Saul is dead 13 And David said unto the
as also Jonathan his son? young man that told him, Whence
6 And the young man that art thou? And he said, The
told him, said, I happened en- soh of a stranger, an ’Amalekite,
tirely by chance to be upon am I.
mount Gilboa’, when, behold, 14 And David said unto him,
there was Saul leaning upon How wast thou not afraid to
his spear; and, the chariots stretch forth thy hand to destroy
and horsemen had
overtaken the Lord’s anointed ?
him. 15 And David called one of
7 And he turned round, and the young men, and said, Come

aear, and fall upon him. And hast thou been unto me: won-
he smote him that he died. derful was thy love for me, pass-
16 And David said unto him, ing the love of women.
Thy blood is upon thy own head 27 How are the mighty fallen,
for thy mouth hath testified and lost the instruments of war!
against thee, saying, I myself
have slain the Lord's anointed. CHAPTER II.

17 5[ And David lamented 1 And came to pass after


with this lamentation over Saiil this, that David asked counsel
and over Jonathan his son of the Lord, saying, Shall I go

18 And he said, That the chil- up into one of the cities of Ju-
dren of Judah should be taught dah ? And the Lord said unto
the bow behold it is written in
: him, Go up. And David said,
the book of Yashar. Whither shall I go up ? And he
19 0 beauty of Israel upon said, Unto Hebron.

the high places slain how are : 2 So David went up thither,

the mighty fallen ! and his two wives also, Achino-
20 Tell it not in Gath, publish ’am the Yizre’elitess, and Abi-
it not in the streets of Ashkelon; gayil Nabal’s wife the Carmelite.
that the daughters of the Philis- 3 And his men that were with
tines may not be glad, that the him did David bring up, every
daughters of the uncircumcised man with his household and ;

may not rejoice. they dwelt in the cities of He-

21 0 mountains of Gilboa’, no bron.
dew, nor rain be upon you, nor 4 And then came the men of
fields of offerings; for there the Judah, and they anointed there
shield of the mighty was stained, David as king over the house of
the shield of Saiil, as though it Judah. And they told David,
had not been anointed with oil. saying, The men of Yabesh-gil-
22 From the blood of the slain, ’ad were those that buried Saiil.
from the fat of the mighty, tho 5 And David thereupon sent
bow of Jonathan turned never messengers unto the men of Ya-
back, and the sword of Saiil besh-gil’ad, and said unto them,
never returned empty. Blessed be ye of the Lord, that
23 Saiil and Jonathan, thebe- ye have done this kindness unto
loved and dear in their lives, your lord, unto Saiil, and have
were even in their death not buried him.
divided more than eagles were
: 6 And now may the Lord deal
they swift, more than lions were with you in kindness and truth;
they strong. and as for me also, I will requite
24 0 daughters of Israel, weep you this good deed, because ye
for Saiil, who clothed you in have done this thing.
scarlet, with beautiful dresses, 7 And now let your hands be
who put on ornaments of gold strengthened, and be ye valiant
upon your apparel. men for your lord Saiil is dead:

25 How are the mighty fallen and also me have the house of
in the midst of the battle! 0 Judah anointed as king over
Jonathan, on thy high places them.
slain. 8 But Abner, the son of Nei,
26 I am distressed for thee, the captain of the army of Saiil,
my brother Jonathan ;
very dear took Ish-bosheth the son of Saiil,
end brought him over to Ma« place
three sous of Zeruyah,
chanayim Joab, and Abishai, and ’Asahel
9 And made him king over and ’Asahel was as fleet of foot
Gil’ad, and over the Ashurites, as any roe in the field.
and over Yizre’el, and over 19 And ’Asahel pursued after
Ephraim, and over Benjamin, Abner; and he turned not in
and over all Israel. going to the right hand or to
10 Forty years old was Ish- the left from following Abner.
bosheth the son of Saul, when 20 And Abner turned round
he became king over Israel, and •and said, Art thou ’Asahel ? And
two years he reigned. But the he answered, I am.
house of Judah followed David. 21 And Abner said to him,
11 And the number of days Turn thee aside to thy right
that David was king in Hebron hand or to thy left, and lay hold
over the house of Judah, was for thyself on one of the young
seven years and six months. men, and take thyself his ar-
12 And there went out Ab- mour. But ’Asahel would not
ner the son of Ner, and the ser- turn aside from following him.
vants of Ish-bosheth the son of 22 And Abner repeated again
Saul, from Machanayim to Gib- to say unto ’Asahel, Turn thee
’on. aside from following me: where-
13 And Joab the son of Ze- fore should I smite thee to the
ruyah and the servants of Da- ground ? and how should I then
vid also went out, and they met lift up my face to Joab thy bro-
together by the pool of Gib’on ther? :

and they sat down, these on the 23 But he refused to turn

one side of the pool, and the aside and Abner smote him

others on the other side of the with the hinder end of the spear,
pool. under the fifth rib, so that the
14 And Abner came out behind him and
said to Joab, spear ;

Do let the young men rise up lie fell down there, and died on
and play before us. And Joab the spot: and it came to pass,
said, They may rise up. that all who came to the place
15 Then they rose up and where ’Asahel had fallen down
went over by number twelve and died remained standing still.

for Benjamin, and for Ish-bo- 24 But Joab and Abishai pur-
sheth the son of Saiil, and twelve sued after Abner: and the sun
of the servants of David. went down when they were come
16 And they grasped every to the hill of Ammah, that lietli
one his fellow by the head, and before Giach on the way to the
thrust his sword in his fellow’s wilderness of Gib’on.
side; and they fell down to- 25 And the children of Ben-
gether wherefore that place was
: jamin assembled themselves to-
called Chelkath-hazzurim, which gether behind Abner, and formed
is by Gib’on. one solid body, and posted them-
17 And the battle was exceed- selves on the top of a certain

ingly fierce on that day; andjhill.

Abner with the men of Israel| 26 And Abner called to Joab,
was beaten before the servants land said, Shall for everlasting
of David. the sword devour? knowest thou

18 And there were at thatinot that it will be bitter in the


end? and how long shall it be, of Abigayil the wife of Nabal
ere thou wilt bid the people to the Carmelite; and the third,
return from pursuing their bre- Abshalom, the son of Ma’achah
thren ? the daughter of Thalmai the
27 And Joab said, As God king of Geshur
liveth, unless thou hadst spoken, 4 And the fourth, Adoniyah,
surely then already in the morn- the son of Chaggith ; and the
ing would the people have gone fifth, Shephatyah, the son of
away every one from pursuing Abital
his brother. 5 And the sixth, Yithre’am,
28 So Joab blew the cornet, by ’Eglah, David’s wife. These
and all the people remained were born to David in Hebron.
standing still, and pursued no 6 And it came to pass, while
more after Israel, and they con- the war lasted between the house
tinued no more to fight. of Saiil and the house of David,
29 And Abner and his men that Abner upheld with all his
walked through the plain all strength the house of Saiil.
that night, and they passed over 7 And Saiil had a concubine,
the Jordan, and went through whose name was Rizpah, the
all Bithron, and they came to daughter of Ayah and Ish-bo- :

Machanayim. sheth said to Abner, Wherefore

30 And Joab returned from hast thou gone in unto my fa-
pursuing Abner; and he gather- ther’s concubine ?
ed all the people together; and 8 And Abner became very
there were missed of David’s wroth because of the words of
servants nineteen men and ’Asa- Ish-bosheth, and said, Am I the
hel. chief of the dogs which belong
31 But the servants of David to Judah ? unto this day have I
had smitten (many) of Benja- shown kindness unto the house
min, and of Abner’s men three of Saiil thy father, to his bro-

hundred and sixty men died. thers, and to his friends, and
32 And they took up ’Asahel, have not delivered thee into the
and buried him in the sepulchre hand of David; and yet thou
of his father, which was in Betli- charges! me to-day with a wrong
lechem. And Joab and his men committed with this woman ?
went all that night, and the day 9 May God do so to Abner,
broke on them at Hebron. and continue to do yet more to
him, that, as the Lord hath
CHAPTER III. sworn to David, even so will I
1 And the war lasted a long surely do to him ;
time between the house of Saul 10 To transfer the kingdom
and the house of David but Da- ;
from the house of Saiil, and to
vid became continually stronger establish the throne of David
and stronger, and the house of over Israel and over Judah, from
Saiil became ‘continually weaker Dan even to Beer-sheba.’.
and weaker. 11 And he could not answer
2 And there were born unto Abner a word more in reply, be-
David sons in Hebron and his cause of his fear of him.

first-born was Amnon, of Achi- 12 *[ And Abner sent messen-

Qo’aiu the Yizre’elitess gers to David on his behalf, say-
3 And his second was Kilab, ing, Whose is the land? saying
37 * 437
(also), Make thy covenant with vid, I will now arise and go, and
me, and, behold, my hand shall I will assemble unto my lord the
be with thee, to bring round un- king all Israel, that they may
to thee all Israel. make a covenant with thee, and
13 And he said, Well: I will that thou mayest reign over all
indeed make a covenant with that thy soul longeth for. And
thee; but one thing I require of David dismissed Abner and he

thee, namely, Thou shalt not see went in peace.

my face, except thou first bring 22 And, behold, the servants
Michal SailTs daughter, when of David and Joab came from a
thou comest to see my face. predatory excursion, and brought
14 And David sent messen- in much booty with them but ;

gers to Ish-bosheth, the son of Abner was no more with David

Saul saying, Give up to me my in Hebron: for he had dismissed
wife Michal, whom I espoused to him, and he was gone in peace.
me for a hundred foreskins of 23 When Joab and all the
the Philistines. army that was with him were
15 And Ish-bosheth sent, and come, they told Joab, saying,
took her from the man, from Abner the son of Ner came to
Paltiel the son of Layish. the king, and he hath dismissed
16 And her husband went him, and he is gone in peace.
with her going along and weep- 24 Then came Joab to the
ing behind her as far as Bachu- king, and said, What hast thou
rina when Abner said unto him, done? behold, Abner came unto

Go, return. And he returned. thee: why is it that thou hast

17 % And Abner had used dismissed him, that he went
these words with the elders of freely away?
Israel, saying, Already yester- 25 Thou knowest Abner the
day and even before ye have son of Ner, that to deceive thee
been desiring David as king did he come, and to know thy
over you going out and thy coming in,
18 And now do it; for the and to know all that thou art
Lord hath said of David thus, doing.
By the hand of my servant Da- 26 And Joab went out from
vid will I save my people Israel David, and he sent messengers
out of the hand of the Philis- after Abner, who brought him
tines, and out of the hand of all back from the well of Sirah; but
their enemies. David knew it not.
19 And Abner also spoke in 27 And when Abner was re-
the ears of Benjamin and Ab- turned to Hebron, Joab took him

ner went also to speak in the aside in the gate to speak with
ears of David in Hebron all that him in private ;
and he smote
seemed good in the eyes of Is- him there under the fifth rib,
rael, and in the eyes of the whole and he died, for the blood of
house of Benjamin. ’Asahel his brotheh
20 And Abner came to David 28 And when David heard it
to Hebron, and with him were afterward, he said, I and my
twenty men and David made kingdom are guiltless before the

for Abner and for the men that Lord for ever of the blood of
were with him a feast. Abner the son of Ner:
21 And Abner said unto Da- 29 May it rest on the head, of

Joab, and on all his father’s a prince and a great man hath
house; and may there not fail fallen this day in Israel ?

from the house of Joab one that 39 And I am this day yet
hath an issue, or that is a leper, weak, and just anointed king;
or that leaneth on a crutch, or and these men, the sons of Zeru-
that falleth by the sword, or that yah, are too strong for me may :

lacketh bread. the Lord pay the doer of evil

30 But Joab and Abishai his according to his wickedness.
brother slew Abner, because he
had killed their brother 'Asahel CHAPTER IV.
at Gib’on in the battle. 1 A nd when Saul's son
31 And David said to Joab, heard that Abner had died in
and to all the people that were Hebron, his hands became en-
with him. Rend } our clothes,
feebled, and all the Israelites
and gird yourselves with sack- were troubled.
cloth, and (go) mourning before 2 And Saul's son had tw<r
Abner. And king David walked men who were captains of bands*,
behind the bier. the name of the one was Ba-
32 And they buried Abner in 'anali, and the name of the other
Hebron and the king lifted up Rechab, the sons of Rimmon the

his voice, and wept at the grave Beerothite, of the children of

of Abner; and all the people Benjamin (for Beeroth also was

wept. reckoned to Benjamin

33 And the king lamented 3 And the Beerothites had
over Abner, and said, 0, that fled to Gittayim, and remained
Abner had to die, as the worth- sojourners there until this day.)
less dietli 4 And Jonathan, SaUPs son,
34 Thy hands were not bound, had a son that was lame on both
and thy feet were not put into feet. He was five years old when
fetters :as one falleth before men the tidings came of Saul and
of wickedness art thou fallen. Jonathan from Yizre'el, and his
And all the people wept again nurse took him up and fled and :

over him. it came to pass, in her haste to

35 And all the people came flee, that he fell, and was ren-
to cause David to eat food while dered lame. And his name was
it was yet day; but David swore, Mephibosheth.
saying, So do God to me, and 5 And the sons of Rimmon
thus may he continue, if before the Beerothite, Rechab and Ba-
the sun be down I taste bread, 'anah, went, and came at the
or the least else. heat of the day to the house of
36 And all the people took Ish-bosheth, who was just tying
notice of it, and it was pleasing in bed as usual at noon.
in their eyes: as whatsoever the 6 And they came thither into
king did was pleasing in the the interior of the house, as
C3 es of all the people.
buyers of wheat; and they smote
37 And all the people and all him under the fifth rib and Re- :

Israel understood on that day chab and Ba'anah his brother

that it had not been of the king escaped.
to slay Abner the son of Ner. 7 Namely, they came into the
38 *[ And the king said unto house, while he was tying on his
his servants, Know ye not that bed in his sleeping-chamber, a na
they smote him, and slew him, us, thou wast the one that led
and cut oft' his head, and took out and brought in Israel:
his head, and went by the way If
And the Lord said to thee,
of the plain all the night. Thou snalt indeed feed my peo-
8 And they brought the head ple Israel, and thou shalt be a
of Ish-bosheth unto David to chief over Israel.
Hebron, and they said to the 3 Thus came all the elders of
king, Behold, here is the head Israel to the king unto Hebron $
of Ish-bosheth the son cf Saiil and king David made a cove-
thy enemy, who sought thy life : nant with them in Hebron be-
and the Lord hath granted to fore the Lord: and they anoint-
my lord the king vengeance this ed David as king over Israel.
day on Saiil, and on his seed. 4 % Thirty years was Davil
9 But David answered Re- old when he became king, (and)
chab and Ba’anali his brother, forty years he reigned.
the sons of Rimmon the Beeroth- 5 In Hebron he reigned over
ite, and said unto them, As the Judah seven years and six
Lord liveth, who hath redeemed months: and in Jerusalem he
my soul out of all adversity, reigned thirty and three years
10 When one told me, saying, over all Israel and Judah.
Behold, Saiil is dead, and he 6 And the king and his men
was in his own eyes as though went to Jerusalem against the
he brought good tidings, I took Jebusites, the inhabitants of the
hold of him, and slew him in land; who said unto David, as
Ziklag, who (thought) that I followeth, Thou shalt not come
should give him a reward for his in hither, except thou (first) re-
tidings move away the blind and the
11 How much more, when lame: meaning, David cannot
wicked men have slain a right- come in hither.
eous man in his own house upon 7 Nevertheless David captur-
his bed? and now, behold, I will ed the strong-hold of Zion: the
require his blood of your hand, same is the city of David.
and I will remove you away 8 And David said on that day.
from the earth. Whosoever will smite the Jebu-
12 And David gave the com- sites, and reach the aqueduct
mand to the young men, and and the lame and the blind, that
they slew them, and cut off their are hateful to David’s soul
hands and their feet, and hanged Wherefore people usualty say,
them up by the pool in Hebron. The blind and the lame shall
But the head of Ish-bosheth they not come into the house.
took, and buried it in the sepul- 9 And David dwelt in the
chre of Abner in Hebron. fort, and he called it “The City
of David.” And David built (it)
CHAPTER V. round about from the Millo and
1 Then came all the tribes inward.
of Israel to David unto He- 10 And David went on, and
bron, and spoke, saying, Be- became greater and greater, an I
hold us, thy bone and thy flesh the Lord the God of hosts was
are we; with him.
2 Already yesterday, and even 11 And Hiram the king of
before, when Saiil was kiing over Tyre sent messengers to David,
and cedar-trees, and carpenters, their idols, and David and his
and stone-masons; and they men burnt them.
built a house for David. 22 And the Philistines came
12 And David felt conscious up once again, and spread them-
that the Lord had established selves out in the valley of Re-
him as king ov£r Israel, and phaim.
that he had exalted his king- 23 And when David asked
dom for the sake of his people counsel of the Lord, he said,
Israel. Thou shalt not go up but turn

13 ^ And David took yet more about and fall in the rear of
concubines and wives out of them, and come upon them op-
Jerusalem, after he was come posite to the mulberry-trees.
from Hebron ; and there were 24 And it shall be, when thou
born to David yet (more) sons hearest the sound of walking on
and daughters. the top of the mulberry-trees,
14 And these are the names that thou shalt then bestir thy-
of those that were born unto him self; for then will the Lord go
in Jerusalem Shammua’, and out before thee, to smite in the

Shobab, and Nathan, and Solo- camp of the Philistines.

mon [Shelomoh], 25 And David did so, as the
15 And Yibchar, and Elishua’, Lord had commanded him; and
and Nepheg, and Yaphia’, he smote the Philistines from
16 And Elishama’, and El- Geba’ until thou comest to Gezer.
yada*, and Eliphelet.
17 But when the Philistines CHAPTER VI.
heard that the people had an- 1 And David assembled
ointed David as king over Is- again all the chosen men of Is-
rael, all the Philistines came up rael, thirty thousand.
to seek David : and David heard 2 And David arose, and went
of it, and went down to the with all the people who were
strong-hold. with him from Ba’ale-yehudah,
18 The Philistines also came to bring up from there the ark
and spread themselves out in the of God, the name of which was
valley of Rephaim. called by the name of the Lord
19 And David asked counsel of hosts, that dwelleth over the
of the Lord, saying, Shall I go cherubim.
up against the Philistines^? wilt 3 And they conveyed the ark
thou deliver them into my hand ? of God in a new wagon, and
And the Lord said unto brought it out of the house of
David, Go up; for I will cer- Abinadab that was on the hill;
tainly deliver the Philistines in- and 'Uzzah and Achyo, the sons
to thy hand. of Abinadab, guided the new
20 And David came to Ba’al- wagon.
perazim, and David smote them 4 When they brought it out
there, an' said, The Lord hath of the house of Abinadab which
broken down my enemies before was on the hill, (they were) near
me, as a breach (is made by) the ark of God but Achyo went

water. Wherefore he called the before the ark.

name of that place Ba’al-pera-l 5 And David and all the house
zim. I of Israel played before the Lord
21 And they left behind there on all manner of instruments
aaado of fir-wood, and on harps, 15 So David and all the house
and on psalteries, and on tam- of Israel brought up the ark of
bourines, and with bells, and the Lord with shouting, and
with cymbals. with the sound of the cornet.
6 And when they came to the 16 And it happened, as the
threshing-floor of Nachon, ’Uz- ark of the Lord came into the
zah put forth (his hand) to the city of David, that Michal the
ark of God, and took hold of it; daughter of Saul looked through
for the oxen shook it. the window, and saw king Da-
7 And the anger of the Lord vid leaping and dancing before
was kindled against ’Uzzah; the Lord; and she despised him
and God smote him there for in her heart.
the error; and he died there by 17 And they brought in the
the ark of God. ark of the Lord, and set it in its
8 And it was grievous to Da- place, in the midst of the tent
vid, because the Lord had sud- that David had pitched for it:
denly taken away’Uzzah; and and David offered burnt-offer-
he called that place Perez-’uzzah ings before the Lord and peace-
[Breach of’Uzzah] until this day. offerings.
9 And David was afraid of 18 And when David had made
the Lord on that day, and said, an end of offering the burnt-of-
How shall the ark of the Lord ferings and the peace-offerings,
come to me? he blessed the people in the name
10 So David would not allow of the Lord of hosts.
to have the ark of the Lord re- 19 And he dealt out to all the
moved unto him into the city of people, to the whole multitude
David; but David had it carried of Israel, to both men and wo-
round into the house of 'Obed- men, to every person one cake
edom the Gittite. of bread, and a good piece of
11 And the ark of the Lord flesh, and a flagon of wine: and
remained in the house of ’Obed- all the people departed every
edom the Gittite three months: one to his house.
and the Lord blessed 'Obed- 20 And David then returned
edom, and all his household. to bless his household.
12 And it was told to king But Michal the daughter of
David, saying, The Lord hath Saiil came out to meet David,
blessed the house of ’Obed-edom, and sfye said, How honoured was
and all that pertaineth unto him, to-day the king of Israel, who
because of the ark of God: and uncovered himself to-day before
David then went and brought the eyes of the handmaids of his
up the ark of God from the house servants, as onljr one of the low
of ’Obed-edom into the city of fellows can uncover himself!
David with joy. 21 And David said unto Mi-
13 And it happened, that, chal, Before the Lord, who chose
when the bearers of the ark of the me before thy father, and before
Lord had progressed six paces, all his house, to ordain me ruler
he sacrificed an ox and a falling. over the people of the Lord,
14 And David danced with all over Israel :

yea, before the
his might before the Lord; and Lord will I yet farther play.
David was girded with a linen 22 And should I be yet more
ephod. vile than thus, and should I be
base in my own eyes yet among
sheepcote, from behind the flocks,
the maid-servants of whom thou to be a ruler over my people,
hast spoken, yea, among them over Israel
would I still be honoured. 9 And I have been with thee
23 And Michal the daughter whithersoever thou didst go, and
of Saul had no child until the I have cut off all thy enemies
day of her death. from thy presence, and I have
made thee a great name, like
CHAPTER VII. the name of the great who are on
1 And it came when the earth
to pass, ;

the king dwelt in his house, and 10 And I have procured a

the Lord had given him rest place for my people, for Israel,
round about from all his ene- and I have planted them, that
mies ; they may dwell in a place of
2 That the king said unto their own, and be no more trou-
Nathan the prophet, See now, I bled; and that the children of
dwell in a house of cedar, while wickedness shall not afflict them
the ark of God dwelleth within any more as aforetimes,
curtains. 11 And (as it w'as) since the
3 And Nathan said to the day that I ordained judges to be
king, All that is in thy heart go over my people Israel and I ;

and do; for the Lord is with have caused thee to rest from all
thee. thy enemies; and the Lord tell-
4 And it came to pass dur- eth thee that he, the Lord, will
ing that night, make thee a house.
That the word of the Lord 12 When thy days will be
came unto Nathan, saying, completed, and thou wilt sleep
5 Go and say unto my ser- with thy fathers: then will I set
vant, unto David, Thus hath up thy seed after thee, who shall
said the Lord, Wilt thou indeed proceed out of thy body, and I
build me a house for my dwell- will establish his kingdom.
ing? 13 He it is that shall build a
6 For I have not dwelt in a house for my name, and I will
house since the day that I establish the throne of his king-
brought up the children of Is- dom for ever.
rael out of Egypt, even until 14 I too will be to him as a
this day ; but have been moving father, and he shall indeed be to
vbout in a tent and in a taber- me as a son so that when he :

nacle. committeth iniquity, I will chas-

7 In all the places where I tise him with the rod of men,
moved about among all the chil- and with the plagues of the chil-
dren of Israel, did I speak a dren of man ;

word to any one of the tribes of 15 But my kindness shall not

Israel, whom I ordained to feed depart from him, as I caused it
my people Israel, saying, Why to depart from Sail], whom I re-
have ye not built for me a house moved from before thee.
of cedar ? 16 And thy house and thy
8 Now therefore, thus shalt kingdom shall be steadfast for
thou say unto my servant, to ever before thee thy throne shall :

David, Thus hath said the Lord be established for ever.

of hosts, I took thee from the 1 7 In accordance with all these
morels, and in accordance with 26 And let thy name be mag
all this vision, so did Nathan nified unto everlasting, that men
speak unto David. may say, The Lord of hosts is
18 ^ Then went king David the God over Israel and may :

in, and sat down before the Lord, the house of thy' servant David

and he said, Who am I, 0 Lord be established before thee.

Eternal ? and what is my house, 27 For thou, 0 Lord of hosts,
that thou hast brought me as far the God of Israel, hast revealed
as hitherward? to the ear of thy servant, saying,
19 And this was yet too small A house will I build up for thee ;
a thing in thy eyes, 0 Lord Eter- therefore hath thy servant found
nal and thou hast spoken also
the heart to pray unto thee this
of thy servant’s house for a dis- prayer.
tant time. And is this the desert 28 And now, 0 Lord Eternal,
of man, 0 Lord Eternal? thou art the (true) God, and thy
20 And what can David add words must become the truth,
yet more to speak unto thee? and thou hast spoken unto thy
since thou, 0 Lord Eternal, know- servant this goodness
est well thy servant ? 29 And now let it please thee
21 For the sake of thy word, and bless the house of thy ser-
and in accordance with thy own vant, that it may continue for
heart, hast thou done all this ever before thee for thou, 0

great thing, so as to let thy ser- Lord Eternal, hast spoken it;
vant know it. and from thy blessing let the
22 Therefore art thou great, 0 house of thy servant be blessed
Eternal God; for there is none for ever.
like thee, and there is no god be-
side thee, in accordance with all CHAPTER VIII.
that we have heard with our 1 And it came to pass after
ears. this, that David smote the Phi-
23 And who is like thy people, listines, and humbled them and :

like Israel, the only nation on David took Metheg-haammah

the earth, which God went to out of the hand of the Philis-
redeem for himself as a people, tines.
and to acquire for himself a name, 2 And he smote Moab, and
and to do for you this great deed, measured them with a line, lay-
and fearful things for thy land ing them down on the ground
(to drive out), from before thy and he measured with two lines
people which thou hast redeemed to put to death, and with one
for thyself from Egypt, nations full line to keep alive. And thg
and their gods ? Moabites became David’s ser-
24 For thou hast established vants, bringing presents.
for thyself thy people Israel as 3 David smote also Halad-
a people unto thee for ever; and ’ezer, the son of Rechob, the
thou, 0 Lord, art indeed become king of Zobah, as he went to ex-
their God. tend his territory at the river
25 And now, 0 Eternal God, Euphrates.
let the word that thou hast spoken 4 And David captured from
concerning thy servant, and con- him a thousand and seven hun-
cerning his house, stand firm for dred horsemen, and twenty thou-
ever, and do as thou hast spoken. sand men on foot: and David


hamstringed the chariot-
all 14 And he put garrisons in
teams, but reserved of them a Edom throughout all Edom put

hundred chariot-teams. he garrisons, and all the Edom-

5 And the Syrians of Damas- ites became servants to David.
cus then came to aid Hadad’ezer And the Lord helped David
the king of Zobah, when David whithersoever he went.
slew of the Syrians twenty and 15 And David reigned over
two thousand men. all Israel and David did what is

6 And David put garrisons in just and right unto ail his people.
Syria of Damascus and the Sy-
: 16 And Joab the son of Zeru-
rians became servants to David, yah was oyer the army; and Je-
bearing presents. And the Lord hoshaphat the son of Achilud
helped David whithersoever he was recorder;
went. 17 And Zadok the son of Achi-
7 And David took the shields tub,and Achimelech the son of
of gold that belonged to the ser- Ebyathar, were priests; and Se-
vants of Hadad’ezer, and brought rayah was scribe
them to Jerusalem. 18 And Benayahu the son of
8 And from Betach, and from Yeheyada’ was over both the
Berothai, cities of Hadad’ezer, Kerethites and the Pelethites
did king David take exceedingly and David’s sons were officers
much copper. of state.
9And when Tho’i the king
of Chamath heard that David CHAPTER IX.
had smitten all the host of Ha- 1 And David said, Is there
dad’ezer, yet any one that is left of the
10 Then did Tho’i send Yoram house of SaUl, that I may show
his son unto king David, to ask him kindness for the sake of Jo-
him after his well-being, and to nathan ?
bless him, because that he had 2 And the house of Saiil had
fought against Hadad’ezer, and a servant whose name was Ziba;
smitten him; for Hadad’ezer had and they called him unto David;
been engaged in wars with Tho’i ;
and the king said unto him, Art
and he had in his hand vessels thou Ziba? And he said, Thy
of silver, and vessels of gold, servant (is it).
and vessels of copper 3 And
the king said, Is there
11 These also did king David no one any more of the house
sanctify unto the Lord, with the of Saiil, that I may show him
silver and gold that he had sanc- the kindness of Grod? And Ziba
tified from all the nations which said unto the king, There is yet
he subdued a son of Jonathan, lame on both
1 2 From Syria, and from Moab, feet.
and from the children of ’Ammon, 4 And the king said unto him,
and from the Philistines, and And Ziba said
is he ?
from ’Amalek, and from the spoil unto the king, Behold, he is in
of Hadad’ezer, the son of Re- the house of Machir, the son of
chob, the king of Zobah. ’Ammiel, in Lo- debar.
13 And David acquired a name 5 And king David sent, and
when he returned from his smit had him taken out of the house
ing the Syrians in the valley of of Machir, the son of ’Ammiel,

salt, eighteen thousand men. {from Lo-debar.

38 145

6 And Mephibosheth,
the son tinually at the king’s table ; and
of Jonathan, the son of Saul, he was lame on both his feet.
came unto David, and he fell on
his face, and bowed himself. CHAPTER X.
And David said, Mephibosheth ! 1 And it came to pass after
And he answered, Here is thy this, that the king of the chil-
servant dren of ’Ammon died, and Cha-
7 And David said unto him, nun his son became king in his
Fear not; for I will surely show stead.
thee kindness for the sake of Jo- 2 Then said David, I will
nathan thy father, and I will re- show kindness unto Chanun the
store unto thee all the land of son of Nachash, as his father
Saul thy father; and thou shalt showed me kindness. And Da-
eat bread at my table continu- vid sent to comfort him by the
ally. hand of his servants for his fa-
8 And he bowed himself, and ther. And David’s servants came
said, What is thy servant, that unto the land of the children of
thou shouldst turn thy regard ’Ammon.
unto such a dead dog as I 3 And the princes of the chil-
am ? dren of ’Ammon said unto Cha-
9 Then called the king for nun their lord, Doth David ho-
Ziba, Saiil’s servant, and said nour thy father in thy eyes, that
unto him, All that hath pertain- he hath sent comforters unto
ed to Saul and to all his house thee? hath David not sent his
have I given unto thy master’s servants unto thee, in order to
son. search the city, and to spy it
10 And thou shalt till for him out, and to overthrow it?
the land, thou, and thy sons, and 4 Chanun thereupon took Da-
thy servants, and thou shalt vid’s servants, and shaved off
fring in (the product), that thy the one-half of their beard, and
master’s son may have bread cutoff their garments in the mid-
which he can eat but Mephibo- dle, even to their buttocks, and

sheth thy master’s son shall eat sent them away.

continually bread at my table. 5 When they told it unto Da-
Now Ziba had fifteen sons and vid, he sent (persons) to meet
twenty servants. them, because the men were
11 And Ziba said unto the greatly ashamed and the king;

king, In accordance with all said, Tarry at Jericho until your

that my lord the king may beard be grown, and then re-
command his servant, so will turn.
thy servant do. And Mephibo- 6 And when the children of
sheth (said the king) shall eat ’Ammon saw that they were be-
at my table, as one of the king’s come in bad odour with David,
sons. the children of ’Ammon sent and
12 And Mephibosheth had a hired the Syrians of J3eth-rechob,
young son, whose name was Mi- and the Syrians of Zoba, twenty
cha. And all that dwelt in the thousand men on foot, and the
house of Ziba were servants un- king Ma’achah with a thousand
to Mephibosheth. men, and of the people of Tob
13 And Mephibosheth dwelt twelve thousand men.
in Jerusalem; for he ate con- 7 And when David heard of
it, he sent Joab, and all the came to Chelam and Shobach, ;

army, (and) the mighty men. the captain of the army of Ha-
8 And the children of ’Ammon dar’ezer, went before them.
came out, and put themselves in 17 And when it was told to
battle-array at the entrance of David, he gathered all Israel to-
the gate and the Syrians of gether, and passed over the Jor-

Zoba, and of Rechob, and the dan, and came to Chelam. And
people of Tob and Ma’achah, the Syrians set themselves in
were by themselves in the field. battle-array against David, and
9 When now Joab saw that fought with him.
the front of the battle was against 18 And the Syrians fled from
him before and behind, he se- before Israel and David slew ;

lected from all the chosen men of the Syrians (the men) of seven
of Israel, and arrayed himself hundred chariots, and forty thou-
against the Syrians sand horsemen and Shobach ;

10 And the rest of the people also the captain of their army
he delivered into the hand of he smote, and he died there.
Abishai his brother, who arrayed 19 And when all the kings,
himself against the children of the vassals to Hadar’ezer saw
’Ammon. that they were smitten before
11 And he said, If the Syrians Israel, they made peace with Is-
be too strong for me, then shalt rael, and served them and the :

thou bring me help but if the Syrians feared to help the chil-

children of ’Ammon be too strong dren of ’Ammon any more.

for thee, then will I go to help
12 Be strong, and let us 1 And came to pass, at
strengthen ourselves in behalf the return of the same season of
of our people, and in behalf of the year, at the time when kings
the cities of our God and may
: go forth, that David sent Joab,
the Loud do that which seemeth and his servants with him, and
good in his eyes. all Israel ;
and they destroyed
13 And Joab drew nigh, and the children of ’Ammon, and be-
the people that were with him, sieged Rabbah. But David re-
unto the battle against the Sy- mained behind at Jerusalem.
rians and they fled from before
: 2 And it happened at evening-
him. tide, that David arose from off
14And when the children of his couch, and walked upon the
’Ammon saw that the Syrians roof of the king’s house and :

were then did they also fly

fled, he saw from the roof a woman
before Abishai, and entered into bathing herself and the woman

the city. Joab then returned was of a very beautiful appear-

from the children of ’Ammon, ance.
and came to Jerusalem. 3 And David sent and in-
15 And when the Syrians saw quired after the woman ; and
that they were smitten before some one said, Behold, this is
Israel, they gathered themselves Bath-sheba’, the daughter of Eli-
altogether. ’am, the wife of Uriyah [Uriah]
16 And Hadar'ezer sent, and; the Hittite.
brought out the Syrians that 4 And David sent messengers

were beyond the river, and they! and took her and she came in

nnto him, and he lay with her,''and he went out in the evening
and she had just purified herself to lie down on his resting-place
from her uncleanness and she with the servants of his lord;

returned unto her house. but to his house he did not go

5 And the woman conceived; down.
and she sent and told David, 14 And it came to pass in the
and said, I am with child. morning, that David wrote a
6 And David sent U Joab, letter to Joab, and sent it by
Send unto me Urijmh theHittite. the hand of Uriyah.
And Joab sent Uriyah to David. 15 And he wrote in the letter
7 And when Uriyah was come saying, Set Uriyah in front, op-
unto him, David asked after the posite to the hottest fight, and
well-being of Joiib, and after the then withdraw from behind him,
well-being of the people, and that he may be smitten and die.
how the war prospered. 16 And it came to pass, when
8 And David said to Uriyah, Joab was enclosing the city, that
Go down to thy house, and wash he placed Uriyah toward the spot
thy feet. And Uriyah went forth of which he knew that valiant
out of the king’s house, and there men were there.
followed him a mess of food from 17 And the men of the city
the king. went out and fought with Joab;
9 But Uriyah laid himself and there fell some of the peo-
down at the door of the king’s ple, of the servants of David,
house with all the servants of and there died also Uriyah the
his lord, and went not down to Hittite.
his house. 18 Then did Joab send, and
10 And they told David, say- told unto David all the events
ing, Uriyah is not gone down of the war,
unto his house and David said
: 19 And he charged the mes-
unto Uriyah, Art thou not come sengers, saying, When thou hast
from a journey ? why then art finished telling all the events of
thou not gone down unto thy the war to the king,
own house? 20 And it happen that the
11 Then said Uriyah unto Da- king’s wrath arise, and he say
vid, The ark, and Israel, and unto thee, Wherefore did you
Judah, abide in booths; and my approach unto the city to fight?
lord Joiib and the servants of my knew ye not, that they would
lord are encamped in the open shoot down from off the wall ?
field and should I alone go un-
: 21 Who smote Abimelech the
to my house, to eat and to drink, son of Yerubbesheth ? did not a
and to lie with my wife ? as thou woman throw dow upon him a
livest, and as thy soul liveth, I piece of an upper mill-stone from
will not do this thing. oft' the wall, so that he died at

12 And David said to Uriyah, Thebez? why did ye approach

Tarry here also this day, and to- unto the wall? then must thou
morrow will I send thee off. So say, Also thy servant Uriyah
Uriyah remained in Jerusalem the Hittite is dead.
on that day and the following. 22 And the messenger went,
13 And David invited him, and came and told unto David
and he ate and drank before all for which Joiib had sent him.
him, and he made him drunken; 23 And the messenger said
unto David, Because the men man and he felt
unto the rich ;

overpowered us, and came out compunction to take from his

against us into the field; but we own flocks and from his own
set upon them, as far as the en- herds to dress for the wayfarer
trance of the gate. that was come to him; but he
24 And the archers then shot took the ewe of the poor man,
at thy servants from off the wall and dressed it for the man that
and there died some of the ser- was come to him.
vants of the king, and also thy 5 And the anger of David was
servant Uriyah the Hittite is greatly kindled against the man;
dead. and he said to Nathan, As the
25 Then said David to the Lord liveth, surely the man that
messenger, Thus shalt thou say hath done this deserveth to die;
to Joiib, Let this thing not be 6 And the ewe he shall pay
displeasing in thy eyes; for at fourfold, for punishment that he
times this, at other times the hath done this thing, and because
other will the sword devour; he had no compassion.
continue firmly in thy war 7 Then said Nathan to Da-
against the city, and overthrow vid, Thou art the man Thus

it; and thus do thou encourage hath said the Lord, the God of
him. Israel, It is I who anointed thee
26 And when the wife of Uri- as king over Israel, and it is I
yah heard that Uriyah her hus- who delivered thee out of the
band had died, she mourned for hand of Saul
her lord. 3 And I gave unto thee the
27 And when the (time of) house of thy master, and (put)
mourning was past, David sent the wives of thy master into thy
and took her to his house, and bosom, and gave unto thee the
she became his wife; and she house of Israel and Judah and :

bore him a son. But the thing if this be too little, I could be-
which David had done was dis- stow on thee yet many more like
pleasing in the eyes of the Lord. these things.
9 Wherefore hast thou de-
CHAPTER XII. spised the word of the Lord to
1 And the Lord sent Nathan do what is evil in his eyes ? Uri-
unto David, and he came unto yah the Hittite hast thou smitten
him and said to him, Two men with the sword, and his wife hast
were once in one city, the one thou taken unto thee for wife;
rich and the other poor. but him hast thou slain with the
2 The rich man had flocks sword of the children of ’Am-
and herds, in great abundance. mon.
3 But the poor man had no- 10 And now, the sword shall
thing, save one little ewe, which not depart from thy house for
he had bought; and he nourished ever; for the reason that thou
it, and it grew up with him and hast despised me, and hast taken

with his children together; of the wife of Uriyah the Hittite to

his bread it used to eat, and out be thy wife.
of his cup it used to drink, and 11 Thus hath said the Lord,
in his bosom it used to lie, and Behold I will raise up against
it was to him as a daughter. thee evil out of thy own house,
4 And there came a traveller and I will take away thy wives
38* t 2 449
before thy eyes, and I will give Is the child dead ? and they said,
them unto thy neighbour; and He is dead.
he shall lie with thy wives be- David then rose up from
fore the face of this sun. the earth, and washed and an-
1*2 For thou hast done it in ointed himself, and changed
secret; but I will surely do this garments, and went into tho
thing before all Israel, and be- house of the Lord and pros-
fore the sun. trated himself; and then he
13 Then said David unto came to his own house, and
Nathan, I have sinned against asked that they should set food
the Lord. before him, and he ate.
And Nathan said to David, 21 And his servants then said
Also the Lord hath caused thy unto him, What is this thing
sin to pass away thou shalt not which thou hast done? On ac-

die. count of the child when living

14 Nevertheless, because thou thou didst fast and weep; but as
hast given great cause to the soon as the child was dead thou
enemies of the Lord to blas- didst arise and eat bread !

pheme through this thing, the 22 And he said, While the

child also that hath been born child was yet alive, I fasted and
unto thee shall surely die. wept because I said, Who know-

15 And Nathan went to his eth, but that the Lord will be
house; and the Lord struck the gracious to me, that the child
child that Uriyah’s wife had may live?
born unto David, that it became 23 But now he is dend, where-
very sick. fore should I fast then? can I
16 And David besought God restore him again? I am going
in behalf of the lad; and David to him ; but he will not return
kept a fast, and came home, and to me.
lay over night upon the earth. 24 And David comforted Bath-
17 And the elders of his house sheba* his wife, and he went in
arose about him, to raise him up unto her, and lay with her; and
from the earth ; but he would she bore a son, and called his
not, and he did not partake of name Solomon: and the Lord
any bread with them. loved him.
18 And it came to pass on the 25 And he sent by the hand
seventh day that the child died; of Nsithan the prophet, and
and the servants of David were called his name Yedideyah [Be-
afraid to tell him, that the child loved of the Lord], in behalf of
was dead; for they said, Behold, the Lord.
while the child was yet alive, we 26 And Joab fought against
spoke to him, and he would not Rabbali of the children of ’Am-
hearken to our voice how then mon, and captured the royal city.

shall we say to him, The child is 27 And Joiib sent inessen*

dead! he might do (himself) a gers to David, and said, 1 have
hurt. fought against Rabbah, and
19 But when David saw that have also captured the water-
his servants were whispering to town.
each other, David understood 28 Ana now gather the rest
that the child was dead; where- of the people together, and en-
fore David said unto his servants, camp against the city, and cap-
ture it: lest I capture the city 5 And Yonadab said to him,
myself, and it be called by my Lie down on thy couch, and
name. feign thyself sick; and when
29 And David gathered all thy father cometh to see thee,
the people together and went to thou must say unto him, Le’t, I
Rabbah, and fought against it, pray thee, Thamar my sister
and captured it. come, and give me some food,
30 And he took the crown of and prepare the refreshment
Malkam from off his head, and before my eyes, in order that I
its weight was a talent of gold, may see it, and eat it out of her
and (on it was) a precious stone, hand.
and it was set on the head of 6 So Amnon lay down, and
David; and the booty of the city feigned himself sick; and when
he brought out in great abun- the king came to see him, Am-
dance. non said to the king, Let, I pray
31 And the people that were thee, Thamar my sister come,
therein he brought forward, and and mix up before my eyes a
put them under saws, and under couple of cakes, that I may en-
iron threshing-wagons, and un- joy them out of her hand.
der axes of iron, and made them 7 Then did David send home
pass through brick-kilns; and to Thamar, saying, Do go now
thus did he unto all the cities to thy brother Amnon’s house,
of the children of ’Ammon and : and prepare for him the refresh-
David returned then with all the ment.
people unto Jerusalem. 8 So Thamar went to the
house of Amnon her brother,
CHAPTER XIII. and he was lying down; and
1 And came to pass after
it she took the dough and kneaded,
this, that Abshalom the son of and mixed it up before his eyes,
David had a handsome sister, and baked the cakes;
whose name was Thamar; and 9 And she took the pan, and
Amnon the son of David loved poured them out before him; but
her. he refused to eat; and Amnon
2 And Amnon worried him- said, Cause every man to go out
self so that he fell sick on ac- from me; and they went out,
count of Thamar his sister; for every man, from him.
she was a virgin and it was im-
10 And Amnon said unto
possible in the eyes of Amnon, Thamar, Bring the refreshment
to do her the least (harm). into the chamber, that I may
3 But Amnon had a friend, enjoy it out of thy hand. So
whose name was Yunadab, the Thamar took the cakes which
son of Shim’ah, David’s brother; she had made, and brought them
and Yonadab was a very sen- unto Amnon her brother into the
sible man. chamber.
4 he said to him, Why
And 11 And when she had brought
art thou so wasted, 0 prince, them near unto him to eat, he
morning after morning? Wilt took hold of her, and said unto
thou not tell me? Then said her, Come, lie with me, my sis-
Amnon to him, Thamar the sis- ter.
ter of Abshalom my bi ither do 12 But she said to him, No,
I love. my brother, do not violate me;
for such a deed ought not to be not to thy heart. So Thanrar
done in Israel; do not this scan- remained, and was secluded in
dalous act the house of Abshalom her bro-
13 An I I, whither should I ther.
cafry my shame ? and as for 21 And when king David
thee, thou wouldst be like one heard all these things, it dis-
of the worthless in Israel ; but pleased him greatly.
now, 0 speak, I pray thee, unto 22 And Abshalom spoke not
the king, for he will not with- with Amnon either bad or good;
hold me from thee. for Abshalom hated Amnon, be-
14 Nevertheless, he would not cause he had violated Thamar
hearken unto her voice; but he his sister.
overpowered her, and violated 23 And it came to pass aftei
her, and lay with her. two full years, that Abshalom
15 Then did Amnon hate her had sheep-shearers at Ba’al-
with a very great hatred ; so that cbazor, which is near Ephraim;
the hatred with which he hated and Abshalom invited all the
her was greater than the love king’s sons.
with which he had loved her; 24 And Abshalom came to the
and Amnon said unto her, Arise, king, and said, Behold, now, thy
be gone. servant hath sheep-shearers let:

16 And she said to him, the king, I pray thee' and his
(Do) not add this yet greater servants go with thy servant.
wrong than the other which thou 25 And the king said to Ab-
hast done with me, to send me shalom, No, my son, do not let
(now) away ! But he would not us all go now, that we may not
listen to her; be a burden upon thee. And he
17 And he called his young urged him much, but he would
man, his servant, and said, Do not go, and he blessed him.
send this woman away from me, 26 And Abshalom said, If not,
into the street, and lock the door let, I pray thee, Amnon my bro-
behind her. ther go with us. And the king
18 And she had on her a said to him, Why should he go
garment of divers colours; for with thee?
thus were usually apparelled the 27 But Abshalom urged him
king’s daughters when virgins, greatly, and he sent with him
in robes and his servant brought Amnon and all the sons of the

her out into the street, and locked king.

the door behind her. 28 Now Abthalom command-
19 And Thamar put ashes on ed his servants, saying, Mark ye,
her head, and the garment of I pray you, when Amnon’s heart
divers colours which was on her is merry with wine, and I say
she rent; and she placed her unto you, Smite Amnon then :

hand on her head, and went kill him, fear not; behold, it is
away, and cried as she went I who command it you be firm ;

along. and show yourselves men of

29 Then said to her Absha- valour.
lom her brother, Hath Amnon 29 And the servants of Ab-
thy brother been with thee? but shalom did unto Amnon as Ab-
now, my sister, keep silence, he Ishalom had commanded. Then
is thy brother, take this thing arose all the king’s sons, and

they rode off, every man on his 38 So did Abshalom fly, and
mule, and fled. go to Geshur, and he remained
30 And it happened, while there three years.
they were on the way, that the 39 And (the soul of) king
report came to David, saying, David longed to go forth unto
Abshalom hath smitten all the Abshalom; for he was comforted
king’s sons, and there is not one concerning Amnon, that he was
of them left. dead.
31 Then arose the king and
rent his garments, and laid him- CHAPTER XIV.
self on the earth ; and all his 1 And when now Joab the
servants were standing by with son of Zeruyah perceived that
their garments rent. the heart of the king was (turned)
32 But Yonadab the son of toward Abshalom :

Shim’ah, David’s brother, com- 2 Then sent Joab to Thekoa’,

menced and said, Let not my and he fetched thence a wise
lord suppose that they have woman, and said to her, Feign,
slain all the young men, the I pray thee, as though thou
king’s sons; since Amnon alone mournest, and do put on mourn-
is dead; for by the command ing garments, and anoint thy-
of Abshalom was this ordained self not with oil ; but be as a
from the day that he violated woman that hath these many
Thamar his sister. days been mourning for the
33 And now let not my lord dead.
the king take the thing to his 3 And thou must come to the
heart, thinking, that all the king and speak with him after
king’s sons are dead ; for Amnon these words; and Joab put the
alone is dead. words into her mouth.
34 And Abshalom fled away. 4 And the woman of Thekoa’
And the young man that was spoke to the king, and fell on
watching lifted up his eyes, and her face to the ground, and bow-
looked, and behold, many peo- ed herself, and said, Help, 0
ple were coming by the way be- king
hind him, by the side of the 5 And the king said unto
mount. her, Whataileth thee? And she
35 And Yonadab said to the said, Truly, I am a widow-wo-
king, king’s sons are come man; since my husband is dead.
according to the word of thy ser- 6 And thy hand-maid had two
vant, so hath it come to pass. sons, and they two quarrelled
36 And it happened, as he together in the field, and there
had just finished speaking, that, was no one between them to help
behold, the king’s sons came, (either) ; so the one smote the
and they lifted up their voice other, and slew him.
and wept; and also the king 7 And, behold, the whole fa-
and all his servants wept very mily is risen up against thy
much. hand-maid, and they said, Give
37 But Abshalom had fled up the slayer of his brother, that
and he went to Thalmai, the son we may have him put to death,
of ’Ammihud, the king of Ge- for the life of his brother whom
shur: and (David) mourned for he hath killed; and we will de-
his son all the time. stroy also the heir: and thus
they will quench my coal which therefore thy hand-maid said, I

is remaining, so as not to allow will still speak unto the king;


to my husband either name or perhaps the king may act (in ac-
remainder upon the face of the cordance with) the word of his
earth. hand-maid.
8 And the king said unto 16 For the king may hear
the woman, Go to thj house, and (me), to deliver his hand-maid

I will issue (my) charge concern- out of the hand of the man (that
ing thee. desireth) to exterminate me and
9 Then said the woman of my son together out of the inhe-
Thekoa’ unto the king, On me, ritance of God.
my lord, 0 king, be the iniquity, 17 And thy hand-maid said,
and on my father’s house and May the word of
: m
3 lord the

may the king and his throne be king now become (the means of
guiltless. giving) repose; for as an angel
10 m
And the king said, Who- of God, so is 37 lord the king
soever speaketh aught unto thee, to comprehend the good and the
bring him to me, and he shall bad ; and may the Lord thy God
not touch thee any more. be with thee.
11 Then said she, Let the 18 Then answered the king
king, I pray thee, remember the and said unto the woman, Con-
Lord thy God, so as not to sutler ceal not, I pray thee, from me a
the avenger of the blood to cause word concerning what I am go-
yet more destruction, and that ing to ask thee. And the woman
they may not destroy my son. said, Let my lord the king but
And he said. As the Lord liveth, speak.
there shall not fall one hair of 19 And the king said, Is not
thj7 son to the earth. the hand of Joab with thee in
12 Then said the woman, Let all this? And the woman an-
thy hand-maid, I pray thee, swered and said, As thy soul
speak unto my lord the king one liveth, my lord, 0 king none !

word. And he said, Speak on. can turn to the right or to the
13 And the woman said, Where- left from all that my lord the
fore then hast thou thought such king hath spoken ; for it was thy
a thing against the people of servant Joab who hath bidden
God? and since the king doth me, and it was he that hath put
'speak this thing, he is as a guilty in the mouth of thy hand-maid
man, if the king do not permit all these words.
his banished one to return home. 20 In order to change the ap-
14 For we must needs die, and pearance of the matter hath thy
are as water which is spilt on the servant Joab done this thing:
ground, which cannot be gather- and my lord is wise, according
ed up again and yet doth God to the wisdom of an angel of

not take away life and he de- God, to know all that is (done)

viseth thoughts, so that the ba- on the earth.

nished one may not remain ba- 21 And the king said unto
nished from him. Joab, Behold, now, thou hast
15 And now that I am come done this thing go then, bring

to speak unto my lord the king back the young man Abshalom.
of this thing, (happened) because 22 And Joab fell on his face
the people made me afraid ; and to the ground, and bowed him-
and blessed the king and he went to Abshalom unto his
self, :

Joab said, To-day is thy servant house, and said unto him, Where-
convinced that I have found fore have thy servants set the
grace in thy eyes, my lord, 0 fieldbelonging to me on fire?
king; since the king hath acted 32 And Abshalom said to Jo-
in accordance with the word of ab, Behold, I had sent unto thee,
thy servant. saying, Come hither, that I may
23 And Joab arose and went send thee to the king, to say,
to Geshur, and brought Absha- Wherefore am I come from Ge-
lom to Jerusalem. shur? it would be better for me
24 And the king said, Let were I yet there and now let

him repair to his own house, but me see the king’s face and if :

my face he shall not see. So there be any iniquity in me, let

Abshalom repaired to his own him put me to death.
house, but the king’s face he did 33 So Joab went to the king,
not see. and told it to him and he called :

25 And like Abshalom there for Abshalom, who came to the

was no man as handsome in all king, and bowed himself on his
Israel, so that he was greatly face to the ground before the
praised from the sole of his foot king; and the king kissed Ab-

up to the crown of his head there shalom.

was no blemish on him.
26 And when he shaved off CHAPTER XV.
(the hair of) his head (and it 1 And it came to pass after
was at the end of every year that this, that Abshalom provided for
he shaved it off ; because it was himself a chariot and horses, and
too heavy on him, so that he had fifty men who ran before him.
to shave it off): he weighed the 2 And Abshalom rose up early,
hair of his head at two hundred and stood on the side of the way
shekels by the king’s weight. to the gate and it happened,

27 And there were born unto that whenever a man who had a
Abshalom three sons and one controversy came to the king for
daughter, whose name was Tha- judgment, Abshalom called to
mar this one was a woman of
: him, and said, From what city
handsome appearance. art thou ? And he said, Thy ser-
28 And Abshalom dwelt vant is from one of the tribes of
two years in Jerusalem, and
full Israel.
the king’s face he did not see. 3 And Abshalom said unto
29 Abshalom sent out there- him, See, thy words are good
fore for Joab, to send him to the and right; but no one listeneth
king; but he would not come to thee on the part of the king.
to him and he sent again the
: 4 And Abshalom said, Oh if
second time; but he would not there were but one to appoint
come. me judge in the land, so that
30 lie thereupon said unto his every man who may have any
servants, See, Joab’s field is controversy or cause might come
alongside of mine, and he hath unto me, and I would do him
barley there go and set it on
fire. And Abshalom’s servants 5 And it happened, that when
set the field on fire. a man came nigh to bow down
31 Then did Joab arise, and to him, he used to put forth his
hand, and laid hold of him, and lorn make haste to depart, lest

kissed him. he make haste and overtake us

6 And Abshalom did after this suddenly and overwhelm us with
manner to all Israel that came evil, and smite the city with the
to the king for judgment: and edge cf the sword.
thus did Abshalom steal the heart 15 And the king’s servants
of the men of Israel. said unto the king, In accord-
7 And it came to pass at the ance with all that my lord the
end of forty years, that Absha- king may choose, are thy ser-
lom said unto the king, Let me vants ready.
go, I pray thee, and fulfil my 16 And the king went forth,
vow, which I have vowed unto and Jill his household in his
the Lord, at Hebron. train. And the king left behind
8 For thy servant vowed a ten women, who were concubines,
vow while I abode at Geshur in to guard the house.
Syria, saying, If the Lord will 17 And the king went forth,
ever bring me back again to Je- and all the people in his train,
rusalem, then will I serve the and tarried in a place that was
Lord. far off.
9 And
the king said unto him, 18 And all his servants passed
Go peace and he arose, and on alongside of him, and all the
in :

went to Hebron. Kerethites, and all the Peleth-

10 ^ But Abshalom
sent spies ites ; and all the Gittites, six
throughout the tribes of Is- hundred men, who were come in
rael, saying, When
ye hear the his train, from Gath, passed on
sound of the cornet, then shall before the king.
ye say, Abshalom is become king 19 Then said the king to It-
at Hebron. thai the Gittite, Wherefore wilt
11 And with Abshalom went thou also go with us ? turn back,
two hundred men out of Jeru- and abide with the king ; for
salem, who were invited, and thou art a stranger, and also an
going in their simplicity ; and exile from thy place.
they knew of nothing what 20 Yesterday thou earnest;
ever. and to-day should I move thee
12 And Abshalom sent for about with us to wander ? seeing
Achithophel the Gilonite, David’s that I go whither I may re- :

counsellor, from his city, from turn thou, and take back thy
Giloh. while he offered the sacri- brethren with thee, in kindness
fices. And the conspiracy be- and truth.
came strong and the people in-
21 And Itthai answered the
creased continually with Absha- king, and said, As the Lord liv-
lom. eth, and as my lord the king
13 And there came a news- liveth, surely in whatever place
bearer to David, saying, The my lord the king may be, whether
heart of the men of Israel is for death or for life, even there
turned after Abshalom. will thy servant be.
14 And David said unto all 22 And David said then to
his servants that were with him Itthai, Go and pass on. And
at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us Itthai the Gittite passed on, and
flee; for there will not (else) be all his men, and all the little
any escape for us from Absha- ones that were with him.
23 And all the (people of the) the conspirators with AbshaiOtn.
country wept with a loud voice, And David said, I pray thee,
as all the people passed on and : turn into foolishness the counsel
the king passed over the brook of Achithophel, 0 Lord !

Kidron, and all the people passed 32 And it came to pa£s, that,
over, along the way to the wil- when David was come to the
derness. top, where he used to bow him-
24 And lo and all self down to God, behold, Chu-
Zadok also,
the Levites with him, were bear- shai the Arkite came to meet
ing the ark of the covenant of him with his coat rent, and earth
God and they set down the ark upon his head.

of God; and Ebyathar went up, 33 And David said unto him,
until all the people had finished If thou passest on with me, thou
passing out of the city. wouldst be a burden unto me;
25 And the king said unto 34 But if thou shouldst return
Zadok, Carry back the ark of to the city, and say unto Absha-
God into the city; if I shall find iom, Thy servant will I be, 0
favour in the eyes of the Lord, king thy father’s servant have

he will bring me back again, I been this long time past, and
and show me both it, and his now will I also be thy servant:
dwelling; then mightest thou defeat for me
26 But if he should thus say, the counsel of Achithopel.
I have no delight in thee here : 35 And, behold, thou hast
am I, let him do to me as seem- with thee there Zadok and Ebya-
eth good in his eyes. thar the priests; therefore shall
27 The king said also unto it be, that what thing soever
Zadok the priest, If thou see the thou mayest hear out of the
justice of this, return to the city king’s house, shalt thou tell to
in peace and your two sons, Zadok and Ebyathar the priests.

Achima’az thy son, and Jona- 36 Behold, they have there

than the son of Ebyathar, are with them their two sons, Achi-
with you. ma’az for Zadok, and Jonathan
28 See, I will tarry in the for Ebyathar: and ye shall send
plain of the wilderness, until by means of them unto me what-
there come word from you to ever thing ye can hear.
bring me news. 37 So Chushai, David’s friend,
29 Zadok therefore and Ebya- came into the city, as Abshaiom
thar carried the ark of God again had just resolved to enter intc
to Jerusalem; and they remained Jerusalem.
30 And David went up by the CHAPTER XVI.
ascent of the mount of Olives, 1 And when David was passed
weeping as he went up, and had a little beyond the top (of the
his head covered, and he was mount), behold, Ziba the servant
walking barefoot and all the
: of Mephibosheth came toward
people that were with him cover- him, with a couple of asses sad-
ed every man his head, and they dled, and upon them two hun-
went up, weeping as they went dred loaves of bread, and a hun-
up. dred bunches of raisins, and a
31 And some one told David, hundred (cakes) of dried figs,
saying, Achithophel is among and a bottle of wine.
39 U 457
2And the king said unto Ziba, 10 And the king said, What
What meanest thou with these? have I to do with you, ye sons
And Ziba said, The asses are for of Zeruyah? so let him curse;
the king’s household to ride on because the Lord hath said untc

and the bread and the dried figs him, Curse David. Who shall
for the j^oung men to eat; and then say, Wherefore hast thou
the wine to drink for such as maydone so?
be faint in the wilderness. 11 And David said to Abi-
3 And the king said, And shai, and to all his servants, Be-
where is thy master’s son ? And hold, my son, who hath ?ciue
Ziba said unto the king, Behold, forth out of my own body, seek-
he remaineth at Jerusalem; for eth my life: how much more
he said, To-day will the house now this Benjamite? let him
of Israel restore unto me the alone, and him curse; for the
kingdom of my father. Lord hath said it to him.
4 Then said the king to Ziba, 12 Perhaps the Lord will look
Behold, thine shall be all that on my affliction, and the Lord
pertaineth unto Mephibosheth. will requite me good instead of
And Ziba said, I prostrate my- his cursing this day.
self let me but find grace in thy
: 13 And David and his men
eyes, my lord, 0 king. went (thus) on the way.
5 And when king David came And Shim’i went on the side
as far as Bachurim, behold, there of the mount opposite to him,
came out thence a man of the and cursed as he went, and threw
family of the house of Saul, stones toward him, and cast
whose name was Shim’i, the son dust,
of Gera, coming forth, and curs- 14 And the king, and all
ing. the people that were with him,
6 And he cast stones at Da- arrived weary, and refreshed
vid, and at all the servants of themselves there.
king David and all the people
: 15 And Abshalom, and all the
and all the mighty men were on people the men of Israel, came
his right and on his left. to Jerusalem, and Achithophel
7 And thus said Shim’i as he (also) with him.
cursed, Away, away, thou man 16 And it came to pass, when
of blood, and thou worthless Chushai the Arkite, David’s
man ! friend, was come unto Absha-
8 The Lord hath brought back lom, that Chushai said untc
upon thee all the blood of the Abshalom, Long live the king!
house of Saul, in whose stead Long live the king!
thou didst reign and the Lord
17 And Abshalom said to
hath placed the kingdom into Chushai, Is this thy kindness
the hand of Abshalom thy son for thy friend? why art thou
and, behold, thou art now in thy not gone with thy friend?
misfortune, because a man of 18 And Chushai said untc
blood art thou. Abshalom, No; but whom the
9 Then said Abishai the son Lord, and this people, and all
of Zeruyah unto the king, Why the men of Israel have chosen,
snould this dead dog curse my his will I be, and with him will
lord the king ? let me go over, I I remain.
pray thee, and remove his head. 19 And secondly, who is it
whom I shall serve? is it not in 5 ^ Then said Abshalom, Do
the presence of his son? as I call now also Chushai the Ark-
have served in thy father’s pre- ite, and let us hear what he like-
sence, so will I be in thy pre- wise beareth in his mouth.
sence. 6 And when Chushai was
20 Then said Abshalom come to Abshalom, Abshalom
to Achithophel, Hold counsel said unto him, as followeth,
among yourselves as to what we Such words as these hath Achi-
shall do. thophel spoken: shall we do
21 And Achithophel said un- after his words ? if not, do thou
to Abshalom, Go in unto thy speak.
father’s concubines, whom he 7 ^ And Chushai said unto
hath left to guard the house; Abshalom, The counsel that
and all Israel will hear that thou Achithophel hath given at this
art in bad odour with thy father: time is not good.
and then will the hands of all 8 And Chushai said, Thou
that are with thee become strong. well knowest thy father and his
22 So they spread for Absha- men, that they are mighty men,
lom a tent upon the roof; and and are of an embittered spirit,
Abshalom went in unto his fa- as a bear robbed of her whelps
ther’s concubines before the eyes in the field : and thy father is
of all Israel. also a man of war, and will not
23 And the counsel of Achi- lodge with the people.
thophel, which he counselled in 9 Behold, he is now hidden
those days, was as if a man had in some one of the pits, or in
asked advice of the word of God some one of the (other) places:
so was all the counsel of Achi- and it will come to pass, when
thophel both with David and some of them should fall at the
with Abshalom. first onset, that whosoever hear-
eth it would say, There hath
CHAPTER XVII. been a slaughter among the
1 Moreover Achithophel people that follow Abshalom.
said unto Abshalom, Do let me 10 And he also that is most
now select twelve thousand men, valiant, whose heart is as the
and I will arise and pursue after heart of the lion, would become
David this night; quite discouraged; for all Israel
2 And I will come upon him knoweth that thy father is a
while he is weary and weak- mighty man, and they who are
handed, and will terrify him; with him are valiant persons.
so that all the people that are 11 But I counsel that all Is-
with him will flee; and I will rael be gathered together unto
smite the king alone; thee, from Dan even to Beer-
3 And I will bring back all sheba’, like the sand that is by
the people unto thee :when all the sea in multitude while thou

return (except) the man whom in thy own person goest into the
thou seekest, all the people will fight.
be in peace. 12 And when we come upon
4 And the thing was pleasing him in some one of the places
in the eyes of Abshalom, and in where he may be found, we will
the eyes of all the elders of Is encamp around him as the dew
rael. |falleth on the earfh: and there
lhall not be him and of
left of 20 And Abshalom’s servants
all the men that are with him so came to the woman into the
much as one. house, and they said, Where are
13 And if he should withdraw Achima’az and Jonathan? And
into a city, then shall all Israel the woman said unto them, They
bring ropes to that city, and we are passed over the brook of
will drag it into the stream, un- water. And they sought, but
til there be not found there even could not find them ; and they
one small stone. returned to Jerusalem.
14 ^ And Abshalom and all 21 And it came to pass,
the men of Israel said, The coun- after they were gone, that they
sel of Chushai the Arkite is bet- came up out of the well, and
ter than the counsel of Achi- went and told it to king David,
thophel. and they said unto David, Arise,
But the Lord had ordained and pass quickly over the water
good counsel of
to frustrate the for thus hath Achithophel coun-
Achithophel, to the intent that selled against you.
the Lord might bring the evil 22 Then did David arise, and
upon Abshalom. all the people that were with
15 ^ Then said Chushai unto him, and they passed over the
Zadok and to Ebyathar the Jordan: by the time the morn-
priests, Thus and thus did Achi- ing was light, not even one was
thophel counsel Abshalom and lacking who had not passed over
the elders of Israel; and thus the Jordan.
and thus have I counselled. 23 And when Achithophel saw
16 Now therefore send quickly, that his counsel was not followed,
and tellDavid, saying, Lodge he saddled the ass, and arose,
not this night in the plains of and went home to his house, to
the wilderness, but rather pass his city, and gave his charge to
over at once; lest the king be his household, and hanged him-
entirely ruined, and all the peo- self and he died, and was buried

ple that are with him. in the sepulchre of his father.

17 Now Jonathan and Achi- 24 Then came David to
ma’az were staying by ’En- Machanayim and Abshalom

rogel; and a maid-servant had passed over the Jordan, he and

to go and tell them, that they all the men of Israel with him.
should go and tell king David; 25 And Abshalom placed ’A
for they dared not be seen to inassa instead of Jo'ab as cap-
come into the city. tain over the army: and ’Am-
18 Nevertheless a lad saw assa was the son of a man, whose
them, and told it to Abshalom name was Yithra the Israelite,
but they went, both of them, who had gone in to Abigail the
quickly away, and came to the daughter of Nachash, the sister
house of a man in Bachurim, of Zeruyah Joab’s mother.
who had a well in his court; and 26 And Israel and Abshalom
they went down thither. encamped in the land of Gil’ad.
19 And the wife took and 27 i And it came to pass,
spread a covering over the well’s when David was come to Macha-
mouth, and scattered ground nayim, that Shobi the son of
corn thereupon ; so that nothing Nachash of Rabbah of the chil-
was perceived. dren of ’Ammon, and Machir the
eon of ’Ammiel of Lo-debar, and Joab and Abishai and Itthai,
Barzillai the Gil’adite of Roge- saying, Deal gently for my sake
lim, with the young man, with Ab-
28 Brought beds, and bowls, shalom. And all the people
and earthen vessels, and wheat, heard when the king charged all
and barley, and flour, and the captains with respect to Ab-
parched corn, and beans, and shalom.
lentiles, and parched pulse, 6 So the people went out into
29 And honey, and cream, the field against Israel: and the
and sheep, and cow’s cheese, for battle took place in the forest of
David, and for the people that Ephraim.
were with him, to oat; for they 7 And the people of Israel
said, The people are hungry, were smitten there before Da-
and weary, and thirsty, in the vid’s servants, and the slaughter
wilderness. was great there on that day
twenty thousand men.
CHAPTER XVIII. 8 And the battle became ex-
1 And David numbered the tended there over the face of all
people that were with him, and the country and the forest de-

he set over them captains of voured yet more of the people

thousands and captains of hun- than the sword had devoured on
dreds. that day.
2 And David sent forth the 9 And Abshalom happened to
people a third part under the come before the servants of Da-
command of Joab, and a third vid. And Abshalom was riding
part under the command of Abi- upon a mule, and the mule came
shai the son of Zeruyah, Joab’s under the thick boughs of a
brother, and a third part under great oak, and his head caught
the command of Itthai the Git- hold of the oak, and he was left
tite. hanging between the heaven and
And the king said unto the the earth and the mule that was

people, I myself also will with- under him passed on.

out fail go forth with you. 10 And a certain man saw,
3 But the people said, Thou and told it to Joab, and said,
shalt not go forth; for if we Behold, I have seen Abshalom
should have to flee away, they hanging on an oak.
will not care for us; and if half 11 And Joab said unto the
of us die, they will not care for man that told him, And, behold,
us; for now thou art worth ten thou sawest him why then didst

thousand of us: therefore now thou not smite him there to tho
it is better that thou shouldst ground? and it would have been
be a succour to us out of the obligatory on me to give thee ten
city. shekels of silver and a girdle.
4 And the king said unto 12 And the man said unto
them, What seemeth good in Joab, And though I should
your eyes will I do. And the weigh on my hands a thousand
king placed himself by the side shekels of silver, I would not
of the gate, and all the people stretch forth my hand against
went out by hundreds and by the king’s son; for before our
thousands. ears did the king charge thee
5 And the king commanded and Abishai and Itthai, saying,
39 * 461
Take heed, whoever it be, of the 21 Then said Joab to the
young man, of Abshalom. Cushi, Go tell the king what
13 Or should I even have thou hast seen. And Cushi
actod with falsehood against my bowed himself unto Joab, and
own life, since there is no mat- ran.
ter which can be hidden from 22 Then said Achima’az the
the king: thou wouldst surely son of Zadok yet again to Joab,
have placed thyself aloof. Be it as it may, let me, I pray
14 Then said Joab, I will not thee, run also after the Cushi.
wait thus before thee. And he And Joab said, Wherefore is it
took three darts in his hand, that thou wilt run, my son, see-
and thrust them into the heart ing that thou hast no profitable
of Abshalom, who was yet alive tidings?
in the midst of the oak. 23 But be it as it may, let me
15 And ten young men, Joab’s run. And he said unto him,
armour-bearers, encompassed Run. And Achima’az ran by
and smote Abshalom, and slew the way of the plain, and passed
him. the Cushi.
16 And Joab blew the cornet, 24 And David was sitting be-
and the people returned from tween the two gates: and the
pursuing after Israel; for Joab watchman went up to the roof
restrained the people. of the gate, upon the wall, and
17 And they took Abshalom, as he lifted up his eyes, he saw,
and cast him down in the forest, and behold, a man was running
into the large pit, and erected alone.
upon him a very great heap of 25 And the watchman cried,
stones and all Israel fled, every and told it to the king.
: And
one, to his tents. the king said, If he be alone,
18 Now Abshalom had taken there are tidings in his mouth.
and reared up for himself in his And he came nearer and nearer
lifetime the pillar, which is in continually.
the king’s dale ;
for he said, I 26 And the watchman saw
have no son so as to keep my another man running: and the
name in remembrance; and he watchman called unto the gate-
called the pillar after his own keeper, and said, Behold, here
name: and it was called Absha- is a man running alone. And
lom’s monument, even until this the king said, Also this one
day. bringeth tidings.
19 And Achima’az the son 27 And the watchman said, I
of Zadok said, Do let me run, I regard the running of the fore-
pray thee, aud bear the king most as the running of Achi-
tidings, that the Lord hath done ma’az the son of Zadok. And
him justice from the power of the king said, That is a good
his enemies. man, and with good tidings must
20 And Joab said unto him, he come.
Thou art not the man to bear 28 And Achima’az called, and
(good) tidings this day, and thou said unto the king, Peace. And
shalt bear tidings another day; he prostrated himself to the king
but this day thou shalt bear no with his face to the earth, and
tidings, because the king’s son said, Blessed be the Lord thy
is dead. God, who hath surrendered tht
men that had lifted up their 5 But the king covered his
hand against my lord the king. face, and the king cried with a
29 And the king said, Is loud voice, 0 my son Abshalom,
the young man Abshaloni safe? 0 Abshalom, my son, my son !

And Achima’az answered, I saw 6 And Joab came to the

the greatest crowd when Joab king, into the house, and said,
sent off the king’s servant, and Thou hast covered with shame
thy servant; but I know not this day the faces of all thy ser-
what hath happeued. vants, who have saved thy life
30 And the king said, Turn this day, and the life of thy sons
aside, place thyself here. And and of thy daughters, and the
he turned aside, and remained life of thy wives, and the life of
standing. thy concubines;
31 And, behold, the Cushi 7 Since thou lovest thy ene-
came (next); and the Cushi mies, and hatest thy friends
said, Let my lord the king re- for thou hast declared this day,
ceive the tidings, that the Lord that thou hast neither princes
hath done thee justice this day nor servants; for I perceive this
from the power of all those that day, that if Abshalom were but
had risen up against thee. alive, and we ail were dead this
32 And the king said unto day, that then it would have
the Cushi, Is the young man been just right in thy eyes.
Abshalom safe? And the Cushi 8 And now arise, go forth,
answered, May like the young and speak to the heart of thy
man be the enemies of my lord servants; for by the Lord have
1 sworn, that if thou go not
the king, and all that have risen
up against thee for evil. forth, there shall not remain one
man with thee this night: and
CHAPTER XIX. this would be worse unto thee
1 *|[ And the king was much than all the evil that hath be-
moved, and he went up to the fallen thee from thy youth until
upper chamber of the gate, and now.
wept: and thus he said as he 9 % Then the king arose, and
went, 0 my son Abshalom, my sat in the gate. And they told
son, my son Abshalom who it unto all the people, saying,

would grant that I had died in Behold, the king is sitting in the
thy stead, 0 Abshalom, my son, gate. And all the people came
my son before the king but Israel fled,

2 And it was told unto Joab, every man to his tents.

Behold, the king weeping and
is 10 And all the people were
he mourneth for Abshalom. contending throughout all the
3 And the victory on that day tribes of Israel, saying, The king
was turned into mourning unto hath saved us out of the hand
all the people; for the people of our enemies, and he it was
heard it said on that day, that that hath delivered us out of the
the king was grieved for his son. hand of the Philistines; and
4 And tnc people repaired by now he is fled out of the land
stealth on that day when coming from before Abshalom.
into the city, as usually steal 11 And Abshalom, whom we
away the people who are asham- had anointed over us, died iu
ed when they flee in battle. battle and now why are v*

silent about bringing the king Let not my lord impute it unto
back ? me as iniquity, neither do thou
12 ^ And king David sent to remember that in which tthy ser-
Zadok and to Ebyathar the vant acted perversely on the day
Speak ye unto
priests, saying, that my lord the king went forth
the elders of J udali, saying, Why out of Jerusalem, so that the
will you be the last to bring the king should lay it to his heart.
king back to his house? seeing 21 For thy servant doth know
the speech of all Israel is already that I have indeed sinned; and,
come to the king, to his house. behold, I am come this day the
13 My brothers are ye, my first of all the house of Joseph 10
bone and my flesh are ye where-
: go down to meet my lord the
fore then will you be the last to king.
bring back the king? 22 But Abishai the son of Ze-
14 And to ’Amassa shall ye ruyah spoke out and said, Shall
say, Art thou not my bone and Shim’i for this not be put to
my flesh ? May God do so to death, because he cursed the
me, and may he thus continue Lord’s anointed?
to do, if thou shalt not be cap- 23 And David said, What have
tain of the army before me con- I to do with you, ye sons of Ze-
tinually in the room of Jo'ab. ruyah, that ye should become a
15 And he turned the heart of hindrance this day unto me?
all the men of Judah, as of one shall this day any man be put to
man: and these sent unto the death in Israel? for do I not
king, Return thou, with all thy know that this day I am king
servants. over Israel ?
16 So the king returned, and 24 And the king said unto
came as far as the Jordan, and Shim’i, Thou shalt not die. And
Judah came to Gilgal, to go forth the king swore unto him.
to meet the king, to conduct the 25 And Mephibosheth the
king over the Jordan. (grand-) son of Saiil came down
17 Then hastened Shim’i the to meet the king, and he had not
son of Gera, the Benjamite, who dressed his feet, nor trimmed his
was of Bachurim, and went down beard, nor washed his clothes,
with the men of Judah to meet from the day that the king de-
king David. parted until the day that he
18 And there were with him came home in peace.
a thousand men of Benjamin, 26 And it came to pass, when
and Ziba the servant of the house he was come to Jerusalem to
of Saiil, and his fifteen sons and meet the king, that the king said
his tw enty servants with him unto him, Wherefore c.idst thou

and they set hastily over the not go with me, Mephibosheth?
Jordan before the king. 27 And he answered, My lord,
19 And there went over the 0 king, my servant deceived me;
ferry-boat to carry over the for thy servant said, I will sad-
king’s household, and to do what dle for me the ass, that I may
was good in his eyes. And ride thereon, and go with the
Shim’i the son of Gera fell down king; because thy servant is
before the king, as he was pac- lame.
ing over the Jordan ;
28 And he slandered thy ser-
20 A ill I he said unto the king, vant unto my lord the king but

my lord the king is an angel little way over the Jordan with
of God do then what is good in the king: and why should the

thy eyes. king recompense me with this

29 For all of my father’s house reward ?
were nothing but men deserving 38 Let thy servant I pray
death with my lord the king thee, turn back again, that I
and yet didst thou set thy ser- may die in my own city, by the
vant among those that eat at thy sepulchre of my father and cf
own table. What other merit my mother. But, behold, thy
therefore have I, and what to servaiit Kimham will pass over
complain of yet farther unto the with my lord the king and do;

king ? to him what is good in thy eyes.

30 And the king said unto 39 And the king said, Kim-
him, For what purpose speakest fiain shall pass over with me,
thou yet thy words? I have and I will do to him that which
said, Thou and Ziba shall divide shall seem good in thy eyes
the field. and whatsoever thou wilt desire
31 And Mephibosheth said un- of me, will I do for thee.
to the king, Yea, let him take 40 And all the people passed
the whole, since that my lord over the Jordan, after the king
the king is come (back) in peace had passed over; and the king
unto his own house. kissed Barzillai, and blessed him
32 And Barzillai the Gil- and he returned unto his own
’adite came down from Rogelim; place.
and he passed over the Jordan 41 Then did the king pass
with the king, to accompany him on to Gilgal, and Kimhan passed
over the Jordan. on with him and all the people

33 N6w Barzillai was very of Judah conducted the king,

aged, eighty years old and he and also half the people of Is-

had sustained the king while he rael.

lay at Machanayim for he was
42 And, behold, all the men
a very great man. of Israel came to the king, and
34 And the king said unto said unto the king, Why have
Barzillai, Come thou over with our brethren the men of Judah
me, and I will sustain thee near stolen thee away, and have con-
me in Jerusalem. ducted the king and his house-
35 But Barzillai said unto the hold over the Jordan, and all
king, How many yet are the days David’s men with him ?
of the years of my life, that I 43 And all the men of Ju-
should go up with the king to dah replied to the men of Israel,
Jerusalem ? Because the king is near of kin
36 I am eighty years old this to us wherefore then are ye so

day can I discern between good angry for this matter? have we

and evil ? or can thy servant eaten the least from the king?
taste what I eat or what I drink ? or hath he given us any gift?
or can I listen yet to the voice 44 And the men of Israel
of singing men and singing wo- answered the men of Judah, and
men ? wherefore should thy ser- said, Ten parts have we in the
vant become yet a burden unto king, and also in David have we
my lord the king ? more right than ye why then

37 Thy servant will pass a did ye esteem us lightly ? and

SAMUEL , XIX. XX. not our word the very
the mighty men
first and they went :

to bring back our king ? And forth out of Jerusalem, to pursue

the words of the men of Judah after Sheba’ the son of Bichri.
were fiercer than the words of 8 They were close by the great
the men of Israel. stone which is at Gib’on, as
’Amassa came before them. And
CHAPTER XX. Joab was girded with his coat,
1 And
there happened to be his (usual) garment, and upon it
n worthless man, whose name the girdle of the sword which
was Sheba’, the son of Bichri, a was fastened upon his loins in
Benjamite and he blew the cor-
: its sheath; and as he went forth
net, and said, We have no part it fell out.
in David, nor have we any in- 9 And Joab said to ’Amassa,
heritance in the son of Jess6: Art thou in health, my brother?
every man to his tents, 0 Israel And Joab’s right hand took hold
2 So every man of Israel went of ’Amassa’s beard to kiss him.
off from David, following Sheba’ 10 And ’Amassa did not guard
the son of Bichri; but the men himself against the sword that
>f Judah adhered unto their was in Joab’s hand so he smoto

king, from the Jordan even to him therewith in the fifth rib
Jerusalem. and shed out his bowels to the
3 And David came to his house ground, and struck him not
at Jerusalem; and the king took again and he died. But Joab

the ten women, the concubines, and Abishai his brother pursued
whom he had left to guard the after Sheba’ the son of Bichri.
house, and put them in a guard- 11 And one man of Joab’s
house, and provided for them, people remained standing by
but went not in unto them. So him, and said, He that favoureth
they were confined until the day Joab, and he that is for David,
of their death, living in widow- follow Joab.
hood. 12 And ’Amassa was wallow-
4 Then said the king to ing in his blood in the midst of
’Amassa, Call together for me the highway. And when the
the men of Judah within three man saw that all the people
days, and thou present thyself stood still, he put ’Amassa aside
here (then). out of the highway into the field,
5 So ’Amassa went to call Ju- and threw a garment over him,
dah together; but he remained when he saw that every one that
out longer than the set time came by him stood still.
which he had appointed him. 13 When he was removed out
6 And David said to Abishai, of the highway, every man passed
Now will Sheba’ the son of Bichri on after Joab, to pursue after
do us more harm than (did) Ab- Sheba’ the son of Bichri.
shalom take thou the servants
: 14 And this one passed through
of thy lord, and pursue after him, all the tribes of Israel unto Abel,
lest he succeed in reaching for- which is of Beth-ma’achah, and
tified cities, and withdraw him- all the Berim : and they assem-
self from our eyes. bled themselves together, and
7 And there went out after went also after him.
him Joab’s men, and the Kereth- 15 And they came, and be-
iUiS, and the Pelethites, and all sieged him in Abel. of Beth-ma-
and they cast up a trench
•'aohan, turned to Jerusalem unto . th«j
against the city, and it stood en- king.
closed by the troops and all : 23 Now Joab was over the
the people that were with Joab- army of Israel ; and Benayah
were battering to throw down the son of Yehoyada’ was over
the wall. the Kerethites and over the Pe-
16 Then called a wise woman lethites
out of the city, Hear, hear! say, 24 And Adoram was over the
I pray you, unto Joab, Come tribute; and Jehoshaphat the
near as far as hither, that I may son of Achilud was recorder;
speak with thee. 25 And Sheva was scribe
17 And when -he was come and Zadok and Ebyathar were
near unto her, the woman said. priests ;

Art thou Joab? And he said, I 26 And ’Ira also the Ya'irite
am. Then said she unto him, was an officer of state unto Da-
Hear the words of thy hand- vid
maid. And he said, I do hear.
18 Then said she, thus, They CHAPTER XXI.
ought surely first to have spoken, 1 And
there was a famine
saying, “Let them ask at least in the days of David three years,
in Abel:” and so would they year after year; and David be-
have come to an end. sought the presence of the Lord.
19 I am one of the peaceful And the Lord said, On ac-
and faithful (cities) in Israel; count of Saul, and on account
thou seekest to overthrow a city of the house of blood, is this ;

and a metropolis in Israel: why because he hath slain the Gib-

wilt thou destroy the inheritance ’onites.
of the Lord ? 2 And the king called for the
20 And Joab answered and Gib’onites, and said unto them ;

said, Far be it, far be it from (now the Gib’onites are not of
me, that I should destroy or the children of Israel, but of the
ruin. remnant of the Emorites; and
21 The matter is not so; but the children of Israel had sworn
a man from the mountain of unto them; but Saul had sought
Ephraim, Sheba’ the son of to slay them in his zeal for the
Bichri is his name, hath lifted children of Israel and Judah ;)
up his hand against the king, 3 Wherefore David said unto
against David give him up the Gib’onites, What shall I do

alone, and I will withdraw from for you ? and wherewith shall I
the city. And the woman said make the atonement, that ye
unto Joab, Behold, his head may bless the inheritance of the
shall be cast down to thee over Lord ?
the wall. 4 And the Gib’onites said un-
22 And the woman came unto to him, We have no concern of
all the people with her wisdom silver or gold with Saul and with
and they cut off the head of She- his house nor do we wish to ;

ba’ the son of Bichri, and cast kill any man in Israel. And
it down to Joab and he blew he said, What ye say will I do

the cornet, and they scattered for you.

themselves from the city, every 5 And they said to the king.
man to his tents. And Joab re- The man that consumed us, and
that devised against us that we the men of Yabesh-giPad, who
should be destroyed, so that we had stolen them from the mar-
should have no footing in all the ket-place of Beth-shan, where
boundaries of Israel, the Philistines had hanged them
6 Let there be delivered unto, up, at the time the Philistines
us seven men of his sons, and we had smitten Saiil at Gilbo'a’
will hang them up unto the Lord 13 And he brought up from
in Gib’ah of Saiil, the chosen of there the bones of Saiil and the
the Lord. bones of Jonathan his son and;

And the king said, I will they gathered up the bones of

give them. those that had been hanged.
7 But the king had pity on 11 And they buried the bones
Mephibosheth, the son of Jona- of Saiil and Jonathan his son in
than the son of Saiil, because of the country of Benjamin at Zela’,
the Lord’s oath that was be- in the sepulchre of Kish his fa-
tween them, between David and ther : and they performed all
Jonathan the son of Saiil. that the king had commanded.
8 And the king took the two And after that God was entreated
sons of Rizpah the daughter of for the land.
Ayah, whom she had born unto 15 And the Philistines had
Saiil, Armoni and Mephibosheth again a war with Israel; and
and the five sons of Michal the David went down, and his ser-
daughter of Saiil, whom she vants with him, and fought
had brought up for ’Adriel the against the Philistines and Da-

son of Barzillai the Mecholath- vid became fatigued.

ite 16 And Yishbi at Nob, who
9 And he delivered them into was of the children of the Ra-
the hand of the Gib’onites, and phah, the weight of whose spear
they hanged them on the mount was three hundred shekels of
before the Lord ; and they fell, copper, he being girded with a
these seven, together,* and they new armour, thought to slay
were put to death in the first days David.
of harvest, in the beginning of 17 But Abishai the son of Ze-
the barley-harvest. ruyah succoured him, and smote
10 And Rizpah the daughter the Philistine, and killed him.
of Ayah took sackcloth, and Then swore the men of David
spread out it for herself upon unto him, saying, Thou shalt go
the rock, from the beginning of out no more with us to battle,
the harvest until water dropped that thou mayest not quench the
down upon them out of heaven, lamp of Israel.
and she suffered neither the 18 And it came to pass after
birds of heaven to rest on them this, that there was again a bat-
by day, nor the beasts of the tle at Gob with the Philistines :
field by night. then smote Sibbechai the Chu-
11 And it was told to David shathite Saph, who was of the
what Rizpah the daughter of children of the Raphah.
Ayah, the concubine of Saiil, had 19 And there was again a
done. battle at Gob with the Philis-
12 And David then went and tines, when Elchanan the son
took the bones of Saiil and the of Ya’are-oregitn, the Beth-le-
bones of Jonathan his son from chemite, slew Goliath the Gittite,
the staff of whose spear was like 9 Smoke went up in his an-
a weaver’s beam. ger, and consuming fire out of
20 •[ And there was again a his mouth, coals flamed forth
battle in Gath, where was a man from him.
of (great) stature, that had on 10 And he bent the heavens,
ever hand six fingers, and on and came down, and thick dark-
eve:y foot six toes, (in all) four ness was under his feet.
and twenty in number,* and he 11 And he rode upon a che-
also was born to the Raphah. rub, and flew along, and he was
21 And he defied Israel; but seen upon the wings of the wind.
Jonathan the son of Shim’ah the 12 And he made darkness
brother of David slew him. round about him into pavilions,
22 These four were born to heavy masses of waters, thick
the Raphah in Gath and they clouds of the skies.

fell by the hand of David, and 13 From the brightness before

by the hand of his servants. him flamed forth coals of fire.
14 The Lord thundered from
CHAPTER XXII. heaven, and the Most High ut-
1 And David spoke unto tered forth his voice.
the Lord the words of this song, 15 And he sent out arrows,
on the day that the Lord had and scattered them lightning,

delivered him out of the hand and discomfited them.

of all his enemies, ant" out of the 16 And then were seen the
hand of Saul. channels of the sea, there were
2 And he said, Lord, my rock, laid open the foundations of the
ray fortress, and my deliverer world
at the rebuke of the
3 God, my rock, in whom I Lord, through the blast of the
trust; my shield, and the horn breath of his nostrils.
o'f my salvation, my high tower, 17 He stretched out from
and my refuge, my saviour! from above (his hand), he took me;
violence dost thou save me he drew me out from the mighty
4 Praised, I cried, be
the waters.
Lord, and from my enemies was 18 He delivered me from my
I saved. enemy, the strong, from those
5 For the waves of death en- that hated me, when they were
compassed me, the floods of de- too mighty for me.
struction made me afraid; 19 They overcame me on the
6 The bonds of hell encircled day of my calamit3 ; but the

me, the snares of death seized on Lord became my stay;

me 20 And he brought me forth
7 (When) in my distress I into a large space: he delivered
called upon the Lord, and to me, because he had delight in
nr God I cried; and he heard me.
f‘jm hia temple my voice, and 21 The Lord rewarded me
aiy complaint entered into his according to my righteousness s
ears. according to the purity of my
8 Then shook and trembled hands did he recompense me.
the earth ; the foundations of 22 For I had kept the ways
the heavens were moved; and of the Lord, and had not wick-
they shook, because he was edl}r departed from my God.
wroth. 23 For all his ordinances were
40 469
Defore me, and from none of his 38 I pursue my enemies, and
statutes did I depart. destroy them; and I return not
24 I was also upright toward again until I have made an end
him, and I guarded myself of them.
against my iniquity. 39 And I make an end of them,
25 Therefore did the Lord and I crush them, that they can-
lecompense me according to my not rise; and they fall under my
righteousness, according to my feet.
purity before his eyes. 40 For thou hast girded me
26 With the kind thou wilt with strength for the war: thou
show thyself kind; with the up- subduest my opponents under
right mighty man thou wilt show me.
thyself upright. 41 And my enemies thou caus-
27 With the pure thou wilt est to turn their back to me;
show thyself pure ; and with the those that hate me, —
that I may
perverse thou wilt wage a con- destroy them.
test. 42 They look about, but there
28 And the afflicted people is none to help; unto the Lord
thou wilt save but thy eyes are
but he answereth them not.
upon the haughty, (that) thou 43 And I beat them small as
mayest bring (them) down. the dust of the earth as the mire

29 For thou art my lamp, 0 of the street, I stamp them, I

Lord ! and the Lord will en- tread them down.
lighten my darkness. 44 Thou hast also delivered
30 For (aided) by thee I run me from the contests of my peo-
through a troop (helped) by ple
thou preservest me to be

my God I leap over a wall. the head of nations, a people

31 As for God his way is which I know not shall serve
perfect the word of the Lord is me.

tried he is a shield to all that

45 The children of the stran-
trust in him. ger shall utter flattery unto me;
32 For who is god, save the as soon as their ear heareth they
Lord ? and who is a rock, save shall be obedient unto me.
our God ? 46 The children of the stran-
33 God is my strength and ger shall fade away, and come
power and he rendereth free forth tottering out of their close

from obstruction my way. places.

34 He maketh my feet like 47 The Lord liveth, and bless-
those of the hinds, and upon my ed be my Rock ; and exalted be
high places he causeth me to the God, the Rock of my salva-
stand. tion ;

35 He teacheth my hands for 48 The God, that granteth me

the war, so that a brazen bow is vengeance, and bringeth dowu
bent by my arms. nations under me;
36 And thou gavest me the 49 And that bringeth me forth
ghield of thy salvation and from my enemies also above

thy assistance hath made me my opponents thou liftest me

great. up, from the man of violence
37 Thou enhirgest my steps thou deliverest me.
under me, so that my joints do 60 Therefore will 1 give thanks
not slip. unto thee, 0 Lord, among the
nations, and unto thy name will zar the son of Dodo, the son of
I sing praises Achochi, one of the three mighty
51 (To) the tower of salvation men with David, when they de-
of his king, and who showeth fied the Philistines that were
kindness to his anointed, to Da- there gathered together to bat-
vid and to his seed for ever. tle, and the men of Israel had
withdrawn themselves

10 He then arose, and smote

1 And these are the last the Philistines until his hand
words of David. Thus saith Da- was weary, and his hand did
vid the son of Jesse, and thus cleave unto the sword and the

saith the man who was raised up Lord wrought a great victory on
on high, the anointed of the God ;
that day and the people return-
of Jacob, and the sweet singer ed after him only to strip (the
of Israel slain).
2 The Spirit of the Lord spoke 11 If And after him was Sham-
through me, and his word was mah the son of Age the Harar-
upon my tongue. ite. The Philistines were ga-
3 (Thus) said the God of Is- thered together into a troop, and
rael, concerning me spoke the there was a piece of ground, full
Rock of Israel, That (I should of lentiles and the people had;

be) ruler over men, be righteous, fled from the Philistines;

ruling in the fear of God 12 But he placed himself in
4 And as in the light of morn- the midst of the ground, and de-
ing the sun riseth, in a morning livered it, and smote the Philis-
without clouds, with more than tines and the Lord wrought a

the brightness (reflected) by rain great victory.

on the herbs that spring from 13 And these three, the chiefs
the earth. of the thirty, went down, and
5 Truly is not so my house came to David at harvest-time
with God? since he hath made unto the cave of ’Adullam and :

with me an everlasting cove- the troop of the Philistines was

nant, firm in all, and sure ? yea, encamped in the valley of Re-
will he not cause to grow all my pha'im.
salvation, and all my desire ? 14 And David was then in the
6 But the godless are all of strong-hold, and an outpost of
them as waving thorns, which the Philistines was then in Beth-
cannot be taken in the hand lechem.
7 But the man that will touch 15 And David longed, and
them must protect his hand with said, Oh that one would bring
iron and the staff of a spear and me water to drink out of the well

they will be utterly burnt with at Beth-lechem, which is by the

fire in the dwelling. gate
8 These are the names of 16 And the three mighty men
the mighty men whom David broke through the camp of the
had : Yosheb-bashebeth, the Philistines and drew water out ;

Thachkemonite, the chief among of the well of Beth-lechem, that

the captains, —
the same as ’Adi- was by the gate, and took it, and

no the ’Eznite because of eight brought it to David; but he
hundred slain at one time. would not drink thereof, and
9 And after him was El’a-j[poured it out unto the Lord.
17 And he said. Far he it from 27 Abi’ezer the ’Anethoth-
me, 0 Lord, that I should do ite,Mebunnai the Chushathite,
this: (is not this) the blood of 28 Zalmon the Achochite,
the men that went at the risk of Maharai the Netophatbite,
their life? and thus he would 29 Cheleb the son of Ba’a-
not drink it. These things did nah, the Netophathite, ltthai the
the three mighty men. son of Ribai of Gib’ah of the
18 And Abishai the brother children of Benjamin,
of Joab, the son of Zeruyah, was 30 Benayahu the Pir’athon-
the chief of these three; and he ite, Hiddai of Naehale-Ga’ash,

lifted up his spear against three 31 Abi-’albon the ’Arbathite,

hundred slain, and had a name ’Azmaveth the Barchumite,
among the three. 32 Elyachba the Sha’albon-
19 Although he was the most ite, Bne-yashen, Jonathan,
honoured of the three, wherefore 33 Shammah the Hararite,
he became their captain : he Achiam the son of Sharar the
nevertheless attained not unto Ararite,
the three (in prowess). 34 Eliphelet the son of
20 And Benayahu the son Achasbai, the son of the Ma-
of Yehoyada’, the son of a va- ’aehathite, Eliam the son of Achi-
liant man, great in many acts of thophel the Gilonite,
Kabzeel he it was that smote
35 Chezrai the Carmelite,
the two lion-like heroes of MoiibPa’arai the Arbite,
he also went down and slew a 36 Yigal the son of Nathan
lion in the midst of a pit on a of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,
day when it snowed ; 37 If Zelek the ’Ammonite,
21 And he slew an Egyptian, Nacharai the Beerothite, the ar-
a man of good appearance; and mour-bearer of Joab the son of
the Egyptian had a spear in his Zeruyah,
hand ; but he went down to him 38 ’Ira the Yithrite, Gareb
with a staff, and he snatched the Yithrite,
the spear out' of the Egyptian’s 39 ^f Uriyah the Hittite: in
hand, and slew him with his own all thirty and seven.
22 These things did Benaya- CHAPTER XXIV.
hu the son of Yehoyada’, and he 1 f And again was the anger
had a name among the three of the Lord kindled against Is-
mighty men. rael, and he incited David against
23 He was more honoured than them to say, Go, number Israel
the thirty but he attained not and Judnh.

to these three. And David ap- 2 And the king said to Joab
pointed him in his private coun- the captain of the army, who
cil. was with him, Traverse, I pray
24 ’Asahel the brother of thee, all the tribes of Israel, from
Joab was one of the thirty; El- Dan even to Beer-sheba’, and
chanan the son of Dodo of Beth- number ye the people, that I
lechem, may know the number of the
25 Shammah the Charodite, people.
Elika the Charodite, 3 Then said Joab unto the
26 Chelez the Paltite, ’Ira king, Now may the Lord thy
the son of ’Ikkesh the Theko’ite, God add unto the people, how
many soever they be, a hundred- If
The word of the Lord came
fold more, and may the eyes of' unto Gad the prophet, David’s
my lord the king see it; but seer, saying,
why doth my lord the king find 12 Go and speak unto David,
delight in this thing? Thus hath said the Lord, Three
4 Nevertheless the king’s word things do I offer thee choose for

remained firm against Joab, and thyself one of them, and I will
against the captains of the army do it unto thee.
and Joab and the captains of the 13 So Gad came to David, and
army went out from the presence told it unto him; and he said
of the king, to number the peo- unto him, Shall there come unto
ple of Israel. thee seven years of famine in thy
5 And they passed over the land ? or three months, that thou
Jordan, and encamped in ’Aro- flee before thy enemies, while
’er, on the right side of the city they pursue thee ? or that there
that lieth in the midst of the be for three days a pestilence in
valley of Gad, and toward Ya- thy land? now consider, and see
’zer: what word I shall bring back to
6 Then they came to Gil’ad, him that hath sent me.
and to the land of Thachthim- 14 ^ And David said unto
chodshi ; and they came to Dan- Gad, I am in a great strait let :

ya’an, and about to Zidon us fall then into the hand of the
7 And they came to the strong- Lord, —for his mercies are great;
hold of Tyre, and to all the cities but let me not fall into ‘the hand
of the Hivites, and of the Cana- of man.
’anites; and they went out to 15 And the Lord sent a pesti-
the south of Judah, up to Beer- lence in Israel from the morn-
sheba’. ing even to the time appointed;
8 And so they traversed all and there died of the people from
the land, and they came at the Dan even to Beer-sheba’ seventy
end of nine months and twenty thousand men.
days to Jerusalem. 16 And when the angel stretch-
9 And Joab gave up the sum ed out his hand over Jerusalem
of the number of the people un- to destroy it, the Lord bethought
to the king : and there were in himself of the evil, and said to
Israel eight hundred thousand the angel that destroyed among
valiant men that drew the sword the people, It is enough now

and the men of Judah were five stay thy hand. And the angel
hundred thousand men. of the Lord was by the thresh-
10 And David’s heart smote ing-floor ot Aravnah the Je-
him after that he had numbered busite.
the people. 17 ^f And David spoke unto
And David said unto the the Lord when he saw the angel
Lord, I have sinned greatly in that smote among the people,
what I have done; and' now, I and said, Lo, I have indeed sin*
beseech thee, 0 Lord, cause the ned, and I have truly done wick-
iniquity of thy servant to pass edly but these sheep, what have

away for I have acted very they done? let thy hand, I pray

foolishly. thee, be against me, and against

11 And when David was arisen my father’s house.
in the morning, 18 And Gad came to David
40* u2 473

on that day, and said unto him, oxen are here for burnt-offer
Go up, erect an altar unto the ings, and the threshing-roller?
Lord on the threshing-floor of and the harness of the oxen for
Aravnah the Jebusite. wood.
19 And David went up, ac- 23 All these things did Arav-
cording to the word of Gad, as nah, the king, give unto th*
the Lord had commanded. king.
20 And Aravnah looked up, And Aravnah said unto
and saw the king and his ser- king, May the Lord thy
vants coming on toward him God
receive thee favourably.
and Aravnah went out, and 24 And the king said unto
bowed himself before the king Aravnah, No; but I will surely
with his face to the ground. buy it from thee at the value;
21 And Aravnah said, for I will not offer burnt-offer-
Wherefore is my lord the king ings unto the Lord my God
come to his servant ? And David without paying therefor. So
said, To buy from thee the David bought the threshing-
threshing-floor, to build an floor and the oxen for fifty she-
altar unto the Lord, that the kels of silver.
plague may be stayed from the 25 And David built there an
people. altar unto the Lord, and offered
22 And Aravnah said unto burnt-offerings and peace-offer-
David, Let my lord the king ings and the Lord was entreat-

Hke and" offer up what seemeth ed for the land, and the plague
a.ood in his eyes: behold, the was stayed from Israel.




ant on him; and let her lie in

thy bosom, that my lord the
1 Now king David was old, king may become warm.
stricken in years; and they 3 So they sought for a fair
covered him with clothes, but maiden throughout all the terri-
he could not become warm. tory of Israel and they found

2 Wherefore his servants said Abishag the Shunammite, and

unto him, Let them seek out for brought her to the king.
my lord the king a young vir- 4 And the maiden was ex-
gin, ana let her stand before the ceedingly fair; and she became
kmg, and let her be an attend- an attendant on the king, and

ministered to him but the king swear unto thy hand-maid, say-

knew her not. ing, Assuredly, Solomon thy son

5 And Adoniyah the son of shall reign after me, and only
Chaggith exalted himself, say- he shall sit upon my throne?
ing, I shall be king: and he why then is Adoniyahu become
procured himself a chariot and king ?
horsemen, and fifty men who ran 14 And, lo, while thou shalt
before him. be yet speaking there with the
6 And his father had never king, I myself will come in after
grieved him in all his life by thee, and confirm thy words.
saying, Why hast thou done so? 15 And Bath-sheba’ went in
and he also was of a very goodly unto the king into the chamber,
form; and his mother had born and the king was very old and ;

him after Abshalom. Abishag the Shunammite was

7 And he had conferences ministering unto the king.
with Joab the son of Zeruyah, 16 And Bath-sheba’ bowed,
and with Ebyathar the priest: and prostrated herself unto the
and they, following Adoniyah, king: and the king said, What
helped him. wouldst thou?
8 But Zadok the priest, and 17 And she said unto him,
Benayahu the son of Yehoyada’, My lord, thou thyself didst
and Nathan the prophet, and swear by the Lord thy God
Shim’i, and Re’i, and the mighty unto thy hand-tnaid, Assuredly,
men that belonged to David, Solomon thy son shall reign
were not with Adoniyahu. after me, and only he shall sit
9 And Adoniyahu slaughtered upon my throne.
sheep and oxen and fatted cat- 18 And now, behold, Adoni-
tle by the stone Zocheleth, which yah become king; and now,
is by ’En-rogel; and he invited my lord, 0 king, thou knowest
all hisbrothers the king’s sons, it not:
and the men of Judah the
all 19 And he hath slaughtered
king’s servants; oxen and fatted cattle and sheep
10 But Nathan the prophet, in abundance, and hath invited
and Benayahu, and the mighty all the sons of the king, and
men, and Solomon his brother, Ebyathar the priest, and Joab
he invited not. the captain of the army; but
11 And Nathan spoke unto Solomon thy servant hath he
Bath-sheba’ the mother of Solo- not invited.
mon, saying, Hast thou not 20 And as for thee, my lord,
heard that Adoniyahu the son 0 king, the eyes of all Israel are
of Chaggith is become king, and upon thee, to tell them, who
(that) David our lord knoweth shall sit on the throne of my
.itnot? lord the king after him.
12 And now come, let me, I 21 Otherwise it would come
pray thee, give thee counsel, to pass,when my lord the king
that thou mayest save thy own sleepeth with his fathers, that I
life, and the life of thy son Solo- and my son Solomon may bo
mon. counted offenders.
13 Go and get thee in unto 22 And, lo, while she was yet
king David, and say unto him, speaking with the king, Nathan
Didst not thou, my lord, ) king, the prophet also came in.

23 And they told the king, lord, the king David, live foi
Baying, Behold, here is Nathan ever
the prophet: and when he was 32 And king David said,
come in before the king, he pros- Call unto me Zadok the priest,
trated himself before the king and Nathan the prophet, and
with his face to the ground. Benayahu the son of Yehoyada'.
24 And Nathan said, My lord, And they came before the king.
0 king, hast thou then said, 33 And the king said unto
Adoniyahu shall reign after me, them, Take with you the ser-
and he shall sit upon my throne ? vants of your lord, and cause
25 For he is gone down this Solomon my son to ride upon
day, and hath slaughtered oxen my own mule, and conduct him
and fatted cattle and sheep in down to Gichon :

abundance, and hath invited all 34 And let Zadok the priest
the king’s sons, and the captains with Nathan the prophet anoint
of the army, and Ebyathar the him there as king over Israel;
priest: and, behold, they are and blow ye with the cornet, and
eating and drinking before him, say, Long live king Solomon.
and they say, Long live king 35 Then shall ye go up after
Adoniyahu. him, and he shall come and sit
26 But as for me, me thy ser- upon my throne; and he shall
vant, and Zadok the priest, and be king in my stead: and him
Benayahu the son of Yehoyada’, have I ordained to be ruler over
and thy servant Solomon, hath Israel and over Judah.
he not invited. 36 And Benayahu the son of
27 Can it be that this hath Yehoyada’ answered the king,
been done by order of my lord and said, Amen May thus say :

the king, and thou hast not in- the Eternal the God of my lord
formed thy servant, who should the king.
sit on the throne of my lord the 37 As the Eternal hath been
king after him ? with my lord the king, even so
28 Then answered king Da- may he be with Solomon, and
vid, and said, Call me JBath- may he make his throne greater
sheba’ and she came into the than the throne of my lord the

king’s presence, and stood before king David.

the king. 38 Thereupon Zadok the priest,
29 And the king swore and and Nathan the prophet, and
said, As the Lord liveth, that Benayahu the son of Yehoyada’,
hath redeemed my soul out of and the Kerethites, and the Pe-
all distress, lethites, went down, and caused
30 Even as I have sworn unto Solomon to ride upon king Da-
thee by the Lord the God of vid’s mule, and conducted him
Israel, saying, Assuredly, Solo- to Gichon.
mon thy son shall reign after 39 And Zadok the priest took
me, and only he shall sit upon the horn of oil out of the taber-
my throne in my stead even so nacle, and anointed Solomon.

will I certainly do this day. And they blew with the cornet;
31 Then did Bath-sheba’ bow and all the people said, Long
herself with her face to the earth, live king Solomon.
and prostrate herself unto the 40 And all the people went
king; and she said, May my up after him, and the people

blew on flutes,and rejoiced with sitteth on my throne, while my

great joy, so that the earth was eyes see it.
rent at their noise. 49 And all the guests that
41 And Adoniyahu and all were with Adoniyahu were ter
the guests that were with him rifled, and rose up, and went,
heard it as they had just finished every man, on his own way.
eating : and when Joab heard 50 And Adoniyahu was afraid
the sound of the cornet, he said, because of Solomon ;
and he
Wherefore is this noise of the arose, and went, and caught
city in an uproar ? hold on the horns of the altar,
42 And while he was yet 51 And it was told unto Solo-
speaking, behold, Jonathan the mon, saying, Behold, Adoniyahu
son of Ebyathar the priest came feareth king Solomon; and, be-
in: and Adoniyah said (unto hold, he hath caught hold on
him), Come in; for thou art a the horns of the altar, saying,
worthy man, and must bring Let king Solomon swear unto
good tidings. me to-day that he will not slay
43 And Jonathan answered his servant with the sword.
and said to Adoniyah, Alas, 52 And Solomon said, If he
no: our lord king David hath will become a worthy man, there
made Solomon king; shall not a hair of his fall to the
44 And the king hath sent earth but if any wrong shall be

with him Zadok the priest, and found on him, then shall he die.
Nathan the prophet, and Be- 53 So king Solomon sent, and
nayahu the son of Yehoyada’, they brought him down from the
and the Kerethites, and the altar; and he came and bowed
Pelethites, and they have caused himself to king Solomon; and
him to ride upon the king’s Solomon said unto him, Go to
mule; thy house.
45 And Zadok the priest and
Nathan the prophet have an- CHAPTER II.
ointed him as king on the Gi- 1 And when the days of
chon; and they are come up David drew near that he should
from there rejoicing, and the die, he charged Solomon his son,
city hath been set in commotion. saying,
This is the noise that ye have 2 I am going the way of all
heard. the earth; but be thou strong,
46 And Solomon hath also sat and become a man
on the kingly throne. 3 And keep the charge of the
47 And also the king’s ser- Lord thy God, to walk in his
vants are come to bless our lord ways, to keep his statutes, his
king David, saying, May God commandments, and his ordi-
make the name of Solomon more nances, and his testimonies, as
famous than thy name, and make it is written in the law of Moses
his throne greater than thy' in order that thou mayest pros-
throne and the king hath per in all that thou doest, and

bowed himself upon the bed. whithersoever thou turnest thy

48 And also thus hath the self; ;

king said, Blessed be the Lord 4 In order that the Lord may
the God of Israel, who hath fulfil his word which he hath
given (me) this day one who spoken concerning me, saying,


If thy children take heed to their seven years, and in Jerusalem

way, to walk before me in truth he reigned thirty and three
with all their heart and with all years.
their soul, there shall never fail 12 Then sat Solomon upon
thee, said he, a man on the the throne of David his father
throne of Israel. and his kingdom was established
5 And thou also knowest well greatly.
what Joab the son of Zeruyah 13 <j[ And Adoniyahu the son
hath done to me, what he did of Chaggith came to Bath-sheba’
to the two captains of the armies the mother of Solomon and she

of Israel, unto Abner the son of said, Is thy coming for peace?
Ner, and unto ’Amassa the son And he said, For peace.
of Yether, whom he slew, and 14 He said moreover, I have
shed the blood of war in peace, a word for thee. And she said,
and put the blood of war upon Speak.
his girdle that was about his 15 And he said, Thou well
loins, and on his shoes that were knowest that mine was the king-
on his feet. dom, and that on me all Israel
6 Do therefore according to had set their faces, that I should
thy wdsdom, and let not his reign: nevertheless the kingdom
hoary head go down in peace was turned about, and became
to the grave. my brother’s; for from the Lord
7 But unto the sons of Bar- was it (made) his.
fcillai the Gileadite show thou 16 And now there is one peti-
kindness, and let them be of tion I am going to ask of thee,
those that eat at thy table for do not turn me away.
And she
so they came near to me when I said unto him, Speak.
fled from before Abshalom thy 17 And he said, Speak, I pray
brother. thee, unto Solomon the king,
8 And, behold, thou hast with (for he will not turn thee away,)
thee Shim’i the son of Gera, the that he may give me Abishag
Benjamite of Bachurim, who the Shunammite for wife.
cursed me with a grievous curse 18 And Bath-sheba’ said,
on the day when I w ent to Ma- Well I will speak for thee unto

chanayim; but who came down the king.

to meet me at the Jordan, and I 19 Bath-sheba’ thereupon
swore to him by the Lord, say- went unto king Solomon, to
ing, I will not put thee to death speak unto him for Adoniyahu;
with the sword. and the king rose up to meet
9 But now leave him not un- her, and bowed himself unto her,
putished; for thou art a wise and then sat down on his throne,
man: know then what thou and placed a chair for the king’s
oughtest to do unto him, and mother; and she sat on his right
bring thou down his hoary head hand.
with blood to the grave. 20 Then said she, There is
10 And David slept with his one small petition I am going
fathers, and was buried in the to ask of thee: do not turn me
city of David. away. And the king said unto
11 And the days that David her, Ask on, my mother; for 1
reigned over Israel were forty will not turn thee away.
years ; in Hebron he reigned 21 And she said, Let Abishag

the Shunammite be given to 29 And it was told to king

Adoniyahu thy brother for wife. Solomon that Joab had fled unto
22 And king Solomon an- the tabernacle of the Lord, and
swered and said unto his mother, that, behold, he was close by the
And why dost thou ask Abishag altar. Then sent Solomon Be.
the Shunammite for Adoniyahu ? nayahu the son of Yehoyada',
rather ask for him the kingdom; saying, Go, fall upon him.
for he is my elder brother; 30 And Benayahu came to the
even for him, and for Ebyathar tabernacle of the Lord-, and said
the priest, and for Joab the son unto him, Thus hath said the king.
of Zeruyah. Come forth. And he said, No;
23 Then swore king Solo- but here will I die. And Benaya-
mon by the Lord, saying, May hu brought the king word again,
God do so to me, and may he saying, Thus hath Joab spoken,
thuscontinue, if Adoniyahu have and thus hath he answered me.
not spoken this word against his 31 Then said the king unto
own life. him, Do as he hath spoken, and
24 And now, as the Lord liv- fall upon him, and bury him ;

eth, who hath established me, and remove (thus) the innocent
and seated me on the throne of blood which Joab hath shed,
David my father, and who hath from me, and from the house of
made me a house, as he hath my father.
spoken, this very day shall 32 And may the Lord bring
Adoniyahu be put to death. back his blood-guiltiness upon
25 And king Solomon sent by his own head, because be fell
the hand of Benayahu the son upon two men more righteous
of Yehoyada’ and he fell upon and better than he, and slew

him, so that he died. them with the sword, while my

26 And unto Ebyathar the father David knew it not, Abner
priest said the king, Go to ’Ana- the son of Ner, the captain of
thoth, unto thy own fields ;
for the army of Israel, and ’Amassa
thou art a man worthy of death the son of Yether, the captain of

but on this day will I not put the army of Judah.

“thee to death; because thou hast 33 And their blood shall re-
borne the ark of the Lord Eter- turn upon the head of Joab, and
nal before David my father, and upon the head of his seed for
because thou wast afflicted in all ever; but unto David, and unto
wherein my father was afflicted. his seed, and unto his house, and
27 So Solomon banished Ebya- unto his throne, may there be
thar that he should not be priest peace for ever from the Lord.
unto the Lord, to fulfil the word 34 So Benayahu the son of
of the Lord which he had spoken Yehoy ada’ went up, and fell upon
concerning the house of ’Eli in him, and slew him; and he was
Shiloh. buried in his own house in the
28 And the report came to wilderness.
Joab for Joab had turned after
; 35 And the king appointed
Adoniyahu, though he had not Benayahu the son of Yehoyada’
turned after Abshalom. And in his place over the army; and
Joab fled unto the tabernacle of Zadok the priest did the king
the Lord, and caught hold on appoint in the place of Ebya
the horns of the altar. thar.
36. And
the king sent and done to David my father : and
called for Shim’i, and said unto the Lord bringeth back thj»
him, Build thee a house in Jeru- wickedness upon thy own head /

salem, and dwell there, and thou 45 But king Solomon will be
shalt not go forth from there blessed, and the throne of Da v id
hither or thither. will be established before the
37 And it shall be, that on the Lord for ever.
day thou goest out, and passest 46 So the king commanded
over the brook Kidron, thou Benayahu the son of Yehoyada’,
shalt know for certain that thou who went out, and fell upon him,
shalt surely die: thy blood shall so that he died. And the king-
be upon tby own head. dom was established in the hand
38 And Shim’i said unto the of Solomon.
king, It is well as my lord the

king hath spoken, so will thy CHAPTER III.

servant do. And Shim’i dwelt 1 And Solomon intermar-
in Jerusalem many days. ried with Pharaoh the king of
39 And it came to pass at Egypt, and took the daughter of
the end of three years, that two Pharaoh, and brought her into
servants of Shim’i ran away unto the city of David, until he had
Achish the son of Ma’achah the finished building his own house,
king of Gath and they told un- and the house of the Lord, and

to Shim’i, saying, Behold, thy the wall of Jerusalem round

servants are in Gath. about.
40 And Shim’i arose, and sad- 2 But the people sacrificed
dled his ass, and went to Gath still on the high-places; because
to Achish to seek his servants ,• there was no house built unto
and Shim’i went, and brought the name of the Lord, until
his servants from Gath. those days.
41 ^ And it was told to Solo- 3 And Solomon loved the
mon that Shim'i had gone from Lord, walking in the statutes of
Jerusalem to Gath, and had re- David his father: only that he
turned. sacrificed and burnt incense on
42 And the king sent and the high-places.
called for Shim’i, and said unto 4 And the king went to Gib-
him, Did I not make thee swear ’on to sacrifice there ; for that
by the Lord, and warned thee, was the great high-place: one
saying, On the day thou goes! thousand burnt-offerings did So-
out, and walkest abroad hither lomon offer upon that altar.
or thither, know for certain that 5 In Gib’on the Lord ap-
thou shalt surely die ? and thou peared to Solomon in a dream
saidst unto me, It is well, I have of the night: and God said, Ask
heard what I shall give thee.
43 Why then hast thou not 6 And Solomon said, Thou
kej .e oath of the Lord, and hast shown unto thy servant Da-
the commandment with which I vid my father great kindness,
charged thee ? just as he walked before thee in
44 The king said moreover to truth, and in righteousness, and
Shim’i, Thou well knowest all in uprightness of heart with
the wickedness of which thy thee; and thou hast kept for him
heart is conscious, that thou hast this great kindness, and thou

hast given him a son who sittethto Jerusalem, and stood be-
on his throne, as it is this day. fore the ark of the covenant of
7 And now, 0 Lord my God, the Lord, and offered up burnt-
thou hast made thy servant king offerings, and prepared peace-
in the place of David my father: offerings. and made a feast to all
and I am but a young lad I his servants.

know not how to go out or come 16 Then came there two wo-
in. men that were harlots, unto the
8 And thy servant is in the king, and placed themselves be-
midst of thy people which thou fore him.
hast chosen, a great people, that 17 And the one woman said,
cannot be numbered nor counted Pardon, my lord, I and this wo-
for multitude. man dwell in one house and I ;

9 Give therefore thy servant was delivered of a child with her

an understanding heart to judge -in the house.
thy people, to discern between 18 And it came to pass on the
good and bad : for who would third day after I was delivered,
(otherwise) be able to judge this that also this woman was de-
thy great people ? livered and we were together,

10 And the speech was pleas- there was no stranger with us in

ing in the eyes of the Lord, that the house, only we two were in
Solomon had asked this thing. the house.
11 And God said unto him, 19 And this woman’s son died
Because thou hast asked this in the night; because she had
thing, and hast not asked for overlaid him.
thyself long life; and hast not 20 And she arose in the midst
asked for thyself riches, nor hast of the night, and took my son
asked the life of thy enemies from beside me, while thy hand-
but hast asked for thyself dis- 23 slept, and laid him in her
cernment to understand (how to bosom, and her dead son she laid
give) judgment: in my bosom.
12 Behold, I have done ac- 21 And when I rose in the
cording to thy word; lo, I have morning
24 to give my son suck,
given thee a wise and a discern- behold, he was dead ; but when
ing heart; so that like unto thee I looked at him carefully in the
there was none before thee, nor morning, behold, it was not my
after thee shall any one arise son, whom I had born.
like unto thee. 22 And the other woman said,
13 And also what thou hast It is not so; my son is the living
not asked haye I given thee, both one, and thy son is the dead
riches and honour: so that like and this one said, It is not so;
unto thee there shall not have thy son is the dead, and my son
been any one among the kings is the living thus they spoke:

all thy days. before the king.

14 And if thou wilt walk in Then said the king, This
iny ways, to keep my statutes one saith, This is my son that
and my commandments, as thy jliveth, and thy son is dead: and
father David did walk, then wiil the other saith, It is not so; thy
I lengthen thy days. son is the dea 1, and my son is
15 f And Solomon awoke, and, the living.
behold, it was a dream ; and he And the king said, Fetch
41 r


me asword and they brought his household
: one month in :

the sword before the king. the year had the particular one
25 And the king said, Hew to procure provisions.
the living child in two, and give 8 And these are their names :

the one half to one, and the Ben-chur on the mountains of

other half to the other. Ephraim
26 Then spoke the woman 9 Ben-deker in Makaz, and in
whose son was the living unto Sha’albim, and Beth-shemesh,
the king, for her love had be- and Elon-beth-chanan
come enkindled for her son, and 10 Ben-chessed, in Arubboth
she said, 0 pardon, my lord, give to him pertained Sochoh, and all
her the living child, and only do the land of Chepher ;

not slay it; but the other said, 11 Ben-abinadab, in all the
Neither mine nor thine shall it district of Dor; he had Taphath
it be, hew it asunder. the daughter of Solomon for
27 The king then answered wife
and said, Give her the living 12 Ba’ana the son of Achi-
child, and do not slay it she is
: lud in Tha’anach and Megiddo,
its mother. and all Beth-shean, which is by
28 And when all Israel heard Za.rethanah beneath Yizre’el,
of the judgment which the king from Beth-shean to Abel-me-
had given, they feared the king ;
cholah, as far as beyond Yokme-
for they saw that the wisdom ’am
of God was in him, to exercise 13 Ben-geber, in Ramoth-
justice. to him pertained the vil-
gil’ad ;

lages of Ya’ir the son of Me-

CHAPTER IV. nasseli, which are in Gil’ad to ;

1 Thus was king Solomon him also pertained the region of

king over all Israel. Argob, which is in Bashan, sixty
2 And these were the princes great cities with walls and bra-
whom he had ’Azaryahu the zen bars

son of Zadok the priest 14 Achinadab the son of

3 Elichoreph and Achiyah, the Tddo in MachanajHm ;

sons of Sbisha, scribes; Jeho- 15 Achima’az in Naphtali;

shaphat the son of Achilud, the he also took Bahsemath the
recorder; daughter of Solomon for wife ;

4 And Benayaliu the son of 16 Ba’anah the son of Chu-

Yehoyada’ over the army and shai
in Asher and in Be’aloth ;

Zadok and Ebyathar priests; 17 *[ Jehoshaphat the son of

5 And Azaryahu the son of Paruach, in Issachar;
Nathan was over the superin- 18 ^ Shim’i the son of ’Ela,
tendents and Zabud the son of in Benjamin

Nathan was an officer of state, 19 Geber the son of Uri in

and the king’s friend; the country of Gil’ad, the coun-
6 And Achishar was over the try of Sichon the king of tho
household; and Adonirnm the Emorites, and of 'Og the king
son of ’Abda was over the tri- of Bashan; besides the one su-
bute. perintendent who was in the
7 And Solomon had twelve land.
superintendents over all Israel, 20 Judah and Israel were nu-
who provided for the king and merous, as the sand which is
by the sea in multitude; and exceedingly much, and largeness
they ate and drank, and made of heart, even as the sand that
merry. is on the sea-shore.
10 And Solomon’s wisdom ex-
CHAPTER Y. celled the wisdom of all the chil-
1 And Solomon was ruling dren of the east country, and all
o/er all kingdoms from the the wisdom of Egypt.
river unto the land of the Phi- 11 And he was wiser than all
listines, and as far as the bound- men ;
than Ethan the Ezrachite,
ary of Egypt, which brought and Heman, and Kalkol, and
presents, and served Solomon all Darda’, the sons of Machol and :

the days of his life. his name was spread among all
2 And Solomon’s provision the nations round about.
for one day was thirty kors of 12 And he spoke three thou-
fine and sixty kors of sand proverbs and his songs
flour, ;

meal, were a thousand and five.

3 Ten fatted oxen, and twenty 13 And he spoke concerning
pasture oxen, and a hundred the trees, from the cedar-tree
sheep, besides harts, and roe- that is on the Lebanon even unto
bucks, and fallowdeer, and fatted the hyssop that springeth out of
fowl. the wall he spoke also concern-

4 For he had dominion over ing the beasts, and concerning

all the region on this side the the fowl, and concerning the
river, from Thiphsach even to creeping things, and concerning
G-azzah, over all the kings on the fishes.
this side the river : and he had 14 And men came from all
peace on all sides round about the people to hear the wisdom
him. of Solomon, from all the kings
5 And Judah and Israel dwelt of the earth, who had heard of
in safety, every man under his his wisdom.
vine and under his fig-tree, from 15 And Hiram [Chiratn] the
Dan even to Beer-sheba’, all the king of Tyre sent his servants
days of Solomon. unto Solomon; for he had heard
6 And Solomon had forty that they had anointed him king
thousand stalls for the horses for in the room of his father; for
his chariots, and twelve thou- Hiram had all the time been a
sand horsemen. lover of David.
7 And those superintendents 16 And Solomon sent to
provided for king Solomon, and Hiram, saying,
for all that came near unto king 17 Thou well knowest of Da-
Solomon’s table, every man in vid my father, that he was not
his month they let nothing be able to build a house unto the

wanting. name of the Loud his God, on

8 The barley also and the account of the war wherewith
straw for the horses and the run- his enemies encompassed him,
ners did they bring unto the until the Lord had put them un-
place where he might be, every der the soles of his feet.
man according to his prescrip- 18 But now hath the Lord my
tion. God given me rest on every side,
9 And God gave unto Solo- there is neither adversary nor
mon wisdom and understanding evil hinderance.
19 And, behold, I purpose to 26 ^ And the Lord gave wis-
build a house unto the name of dom unto Solomon, as he had
the Lord my God, as the Lord spoken to him and there was

hath spoken unto David my fa- peace between Hiram and Solo-
ther, saying, Thy son, whom I mon and they made a covenant

will place in thy room upon thy with each other.

throne, he it is that shall build 27 And king Solomon raised
the house unto my name. a levy out of all Israel; and the
20 And now command thou levy was thirty thousand men.
that they hew me cedar-trees 28 And he sent them into the
out of Lebanon; and my ser- Lebanon, ten thousand in each
vants shall bh with thy servants month by turns; one month they
and the wages of thy servants used to be in the Lebanon, two
will I give unto thee in accord- months at home: and Adoniram
ance with all that thou wilt say; was over the levy.
for thou well knowest that there 29 And there belonged to
is not among us a man that hath Solomon seventy thousand bear-
the skill to hew timber like unto ers of burdens, and eighty thou-
the Zidonians. sand stone-cutters in the moun-
21 And it came to pass, tains ;

when Hiram heard the words 30 Besides the chiefs who were
of Solomon, that he rejoiced appointed by Solomon over the
greatly; and he said, Blessed work, three thousand and three
be the Lord this day, who hath hundred, who ruled over the
given unto David a wise son people that wrought on the work.
over this numerous people. 31 And when the king com-
22 And Hiram sent to Solo- manded, they quarried out great
mon, saying, I have heard what stones, heavy stones, to lay the
thou hast sent to me for: I will foundation of the house, and
gladly execute all thy desire in hewn stones.
respect of timber of cedar, and 32 And the builders of Solo-
in respect of timber of fir. mon, and the builders of Hiram,
23 My servants shall bring and the Giblites hewed them:
them down from the Lebanon and so they prepared the wood
unto the sea: and I will convey and the stones to build the house.
them by sea in floats unto the
place of which thou wilt send
me word, and I will cause them 1 And it came to pass, in
to be taken apart there, and thou the four hundred and eightieth
shalt take them away and thou year after the going forth of the

shalt accomplish my desire, in children of Israel out of the land

giving the food for my household. of Egypt, in the fourth year, in
24 So Hiram gave Solomon the month Ziv, which is the se-
cedar-trees and fir-trees, ail his cond month, of the reign of So-
desire. lomon over Israel, that he built
25 And Solomon gave Hiram the house unto the Lord.
*wenty thousand kors of wheat 2 And the house which king
as provision for his household, Solomon built unto the Loud,
and twenty kors of beaten oil was sixty cubits in length, and
thus did Solomon give to Hiram twenty in breadth, and thirty
year by year. cubits in height.
3 And the porch before thej(ordinances, and keep all my
temple of the house, was twenty [commandments to walk in them:

cubits in length, in front of the then will X perform my word

breadth of the house; and ten with thee, which I have spoken
cubits in breadth at the east unto David thy father.
side of the house. 13 And I will dwell in the
4 And he made for the house midst of the children of Israel,
window's wide without and nar- and I will not forsake my people
row within. Israel.
5 And he built on the wall of 14 So did Solomon build
the house a gallery round about, the house, and finish it.
on the walls of the house round 15 And he built the walls of
about, of the temple and of the the house within with boards of
most holy place: and he made cedar : from the floor of the
side-chambers round about. house to where the walls touched
6 The nethermost gallery was the ceiling did he overlay it on
five cubits in breadth, and the the inside with wood; and he
middle was six cubits in breadth, overlaid the floor of the house
and the third was seven cubits with boards of fir.
in breadth; for projections had 16 And he built the twenty
he made to the house round about cubits on the lower side of the
on the outside, so as to fasten house with boards of cedar, from
nothing in the walls of the the floor to the battlements; and
house. he built it within, for the debir,
7 And the house, when it was for the holy of holies.
in building, was built of entire 17 And the house, that is, the
stones as the}7 had been prepared temple before it, was forty cubits
at the quarry : so that neither long.
hammer, nor axe, nor any tool 18 And the cedar on the house
of iron was heard in the house, within was carved with colo-
while it was in building. cynths and opening flowers: all
8 The door for the middle was cedar, no stone was seen.
(gallery) side-chamber was in 19 And the debir in the house
the right side of the house: and within did he prepare, to set
with winding stairs they went therein the ark of the covenant
up into the middle chamber, and of the Lord.
out of the middle into the third. 20 And the interior of the de-
9 So he built the house, and bir was twenty cubits in length,
finished it; and covered the and twenty cubits in breadth,
house with hollow tiles, and with and twenty cubits was its height
boards of cedar. and he overlaid it with pure gold
10 And he built the galle.ry and he overlaid the altar with
against all the house, (each) five cedar-wood.
cubits in height; and it was 21 And Solomon overlaid thj
fastened on to the house with house within with pure gold*
timber of cedar. and he barred by means of chains
11 And the word of the of gold the front of the debir;
Lord came to Solomon, saying, and he overlaid it with gold.
12 This house which thou art 22 And the whole house he

building if thou wilt walk in overlaid with gold, until all the
my statutes, and execute my house was finished also the :

41* 485
whole altar that 33 So also made he for the
was before the
debir did he overlay with gold. entrance of the temple door-
23 And within the debir he posts of oleaster-wood in shape
made two cherubims of oleaster- of a square
wood, each ten cubits high. 34 And two doors of fir-wood :
24 And five cubits was the the one door having two leaves
one wing of the cherub, and five which were folding, and the
cubits the other wing of the other door having two leave*
cherub f there were) ten cubits which were folding.

from the uttermost part of the 35 And he carved theroon

one wing unto the uttermost cherubim, and palm-trees and
part of the other. opening flowers: and he over-
25 And the other cherub was laid them with gold fitting upon
also ten cubits: both the cheru- the carved work.
bim were of one measure and 36 And he built the inner
one form. court of three rows of hewn
26 The height of the one che stone, and one row of cedar
rub was ten cubits, and so that beams.
of the other cherub. 37 In the fourth year was
27 And he set the cherubim the foundation of the house of
within the innermost part of the the Lord laid, in the month
house : and they spread forth Ziv;
the wings of the cherubim, so 38 And in the eleventh year,
that the wing of the one touched in the month Bui, which is the
the one wall, and the wing of the eighth month, was the house
other cherub touched the other finished throughout all its parts,
wall ; and their wings toward and according to all its require-
the middle of the house touched ments. So was he building it
one another. seven years.
28 And he overlaid the cheru
biin with gold. CHAPTER VII.
29 And on all the wall of the 1 But his own house was So-
house round about he carved lomon building thirteen years,
figures of cherubim and palm- and then he finished all his
trees and opening flowers, in the house.
debir and in the temple. 2 He built also the house of
30 And the floor of the house the forest of Lebanon : a hun-
he overlaid with gold for the dred cubits was its length, and
debir and for the temple. fifty cubits was its breadth, and
31 And for the entrance of the thirty cubits was its height, upon
debir he made doors of oleaster- four rows of cedar pillars, with
wood: the lintel with the side- cedar beams upon the pillars.
posts forming five sides. 3 And it was covered with
32 And also upon the two cedar above over the beams, that
doors of oleaster-wood he carved lay on the forty-five pillars, fif-
figures of cherubim and palm-j teen in a row.
trees and opening flowers, and 4 And there were window-
overlaid them with gold, and spaces in three rows, and win-
spread the gold, by beating, upon dows were opposite each other
the cherubim, and upon the in three ranks.
4>alm-trees. 5 And all the entrances and
door- posts formed a square in he came to king Solomon, and
shape and windows were oppo- did all his work.

site windows in three ranks. 15 And he cast the two pillars

6 And he made a porch of of copper, eighteen cubits was
pillars fifty
: cubits was its the height of the one pillar; and
length, and thirty cubits its a line of twelve cubits did en
breadth and the porch was be- compass the second pillar.

fore them; and the other pil- 16 And he made two capitals,
lars with an entablature before to set upon the tops of the pil-
them. lars, of molten copper five :

7 Then he made a porch for cubits was the height of the one
the throne where he might judge, capital, and five cubits was the
the porch of judgment: and it height of the other capital;
was covered with cedar from one 17 And nets of checker-work,
side of the floor to the other. and wreaths of chain-work, for
8 And his house where he the capitals which were upon
dwelt in another court within the top of the pillars; seven for
the porch, was of the like work the one capital, and seven for

and Solomon made also a house the other capital.

for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom 18 And he made the pillars,
he had taken for wife, like unto so that two rows of pomegra-
this porch. nates were round about upon the
9 All these were of heavy one net-work, to cover the capi-
stones, hewn after a fixed mea- tals that were upon the top and :

sure, sawed with the saw inside the same he made for the other
and outside, even from the foun- capital.
dation unto the coping, and 19 And the capitals, that were
from the outside unto the great upon the top of the pillars, fur-
court. nished with lily-work, (as) those
10 Andthe foundation was of in the porch, were four cubits.
heavy stones, large stones, stones 20 And the capitals upon the
of ten cubits, and stones of eight two pillars rose also above, close
cubits. by the rounding which was on
11 And above were heavy the side of the net-work and :

stones, hewn after a fixed mea- the pomegranates were two hun-
sure, and cedars. dred, in rows round about, upon
12 And the great court round either capital.
about was of three rows of hewn 21 And he set up the pillars
stones, and one row of cedar for the porch of the temple; and
beams, both for the inner court he set up the right pillar, and
of the house of the Lord, and called its name Yachin ;
and he
for the porch of the house. set up the left pillar, and called
13 And king Solomon sent its name Bo’az.
and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. 22 And upon the top of the pil-
14 He was the son of a widow lars there was lily-work and

of the tribe of Naphtali, and his so was finished the work of the
father was a man of Tyre, a pillars.
worker in copper: and he was 23 And he made the molten
filled with wisdom, and under- sea, ten cubits from the one brim
standing, and knowledge, to to the other, rounded all about,
make every work in copper; and and it was five cubits in height:
and a line of thirty cubits did cubit; and also upon its mouth
encompass it round about. were carvings; and their borders
24 And colocynth - shaped were square, not rounded.
knobs were under its brim round 32 And the four wheels were
about encompassing it, ten in a under the borders; and the axle-
cubit, encircling the sea round trees of the wheels were joined
about: the colocynths were in to the base: and the height of
two rows, and were cast (with each one wheel was a cubit and
it) when it was cast. a half-cubit.
25 It was standing upon twelve 33 And the workmanship of
oxen, three looking toward the the wheels was like the work-
north, and three looking toward manship of a chariot-wheel :
the west, and three looking to- their axletrees, and their naves,
ward the south, and three look- and their felloes, and their spokes,
ing toward the east,* and the sea were all cast.
was resting above upon them, 34 And there were four under-
and all their hinder parts were setters to the four corners ofeach
inward. one base; the undersetters were
26 And its thickness was a of one piece with the base itself.
hand’s breadth, and its. brim 35 And on the top of the base
was wrought like the brim of a was a rounded compass of half
cup, with lily-buds it could : a cubit high and on the top of

contain two thousand baths. the base were its side-ledges; and
27 % And he made ten bases its borders were of one piece with
of copper: four cubits was the itself.
length of each one base, and four 36 And he engraved on the
cubits its breadth, and three cu-plates of its side-ledges and on
bits its height. its borders, cherubim, lions, and
28 And this was the work- palm-trees and in the open:

manship of the bases They had space of every one were pendant

borders, and the borders were wreaths round about.

between the corner ledges; 37 After this manner did he
29 And on the borders that make the ten bases: one casting,
were between the ledges were one measure, one form, was there
lions, oxen, and cherubim; and for all of them.
upon the corner ledges it was 38 Then made he ten lavers
thus a>so above; and likewise of copper; forty baths could each
beneath the lions and oxen were one laver contain ; every laver
pendant wreaths of plated work. was four cubits: each one laver
30 And every base had four was upon each one base of the
copper wheels, and axles of cop- ten bases.
per; and its four corners had 39 And he put the bases, five
undersetters: under the laver on the right side of the house,
were the undersetters cast on and five on the left side of the
at the side of each were pen- house and the sea he set on the

dants. right side of the house eastward

31 And its mouth was within opposite the south.
the capital and above a cubit in 40 And Hiram made the
height; but the mouth of this lavers, and the shovels, and the
was rounded after the work of basins; so Hiram made an end
the base, a cubit and a half- of doing all tho work that h®
made for king Solomon for the the house, and for the temple*
house of the Lord : (were) of gold.
41 The two pillars and the 51 And so was ended all the
two bowl-shaped capitals that work that king Solomon made
were on the top of the two pil- for the house of the Lord : and
and the two net-works, to Solomon brought in the things
cover the two bowl-shaped capi- sanctified by David his father,
tals which were upon the top of the silver, and the gold, and the
the pillars ;
vessels, (and) he placed (these)
42 And the four hundred pome- in the treasuries of the house of
granates for the two net- works, the Lord.
two rows of pomegranates for
each one net work, to cover the CHAPTER VIII.
two bowl-shaped capitals that 1 Then did Solomon assem-
were upon the front of the pillars ble the elders of Israel, and all
43 And the ten bases, and the the heads of the tribes, the
ten layers upon the bases princes of the divisions of the
44 And the one sea, and the children of Israel, unto king So-
twelve oxen under the sea; lomon in Jerusalem, to bring up
45 And the pots, and the sho- the ark of the covenant of the
vels, and the basins; and all Lord out of the city of David,
these vessels, which Hiram had which is Zion.
made for king Solomon for the 2 And all the men of Israel
house of the Lord, were of po- assembled themselves unto king
lished copper. Solomon at the feast in the
46 In the plain of the Jordan month Ethanim, which is the
did the king cast them, in the seventh month.
clay-ground between Succoth 3 And all the elders of Israel
and Z are than. came, and the priests took up the
47 And Solomon set down all ark.
the vessels (unweighed), because 4 And they brought up the
they were exceedingly many ; ark of the Lord, and the taber-
the weight of the copper was not nacle of the congregation, and
inquired into. all the holy vessels that were in
48 And Solomon made all the the tabernacde even these did

vessels that pertained unto the the priests and the Levites bring
house of the Lord: The altar up.
of gold, and the table where- 5 And king Solomon, and all
upon the show-bread was, of the congregation of Israel, that
gold, were assembled unto him, were
49 And the candlesticks, five with him before the ark, sacri-
on the right side, and five on the ficing sheep and oxen, that could
left, before the debir, of pure not be told nor numbered for
gold, with the flowers, and the multitude.
lamps, and the tongs of gold, 6 And the priests brought in
50 And the bowls, and the the ark of the covenant of the
knives, and the basins, and the Lord unto its place, into the de-
spoons, and the censers of pure bir of the house, into the most
gold; and the hinges, for the holy place, under the wings of
doors of the inner house, for the the cherubim.
holy of holies, for the doors of 7 For the cherubim spread
forth their wings over the place 17 And it was in the heart of
of the ark, and the cherubim David my
father to build a house
covered the ark and its staves for the name of the Lord, the
from above. God of Israel.
8 And they had made the 18 But the Lord said untc
staves so long, that the ends of David my
father, Whereas it was
the staves were seen out in the in thy heart to build a bouso
h oly place in the front of the debir, my name, thou didst well
but they were not seen without; that it was in thy heart
and they have remained there 19 Nevertheless, thou shaft
until this day. not thyself build the house but ;

9 There was nothing in the thy son that shall come forth out
ark save the two tables of stone, of thy loins, he shall build the
which Moses had placed therein house unto my name.
at Horeb, where the Lord made 20 And the Lord hath ful-
a covenant with the children of filled his word that he hath
Israel, when they came out of spoken and I am risen up in

the land of Egypt. the room of David my father,

10 And it came to pass, when and I sit on the throne of Israel,
the priests were come out of the as the Lord hath spoken, and I
holy place, that the cloud filled have built the house for the name
the house of the Lord : of the Lord the God of Israel.
11 And the priests were not 21 And I have assigned there
able to stand to minister because a place for the ark, wherein is
of the cloud for the glory of the the covenant of the Lord, which

Lord had filled the house of the he made with our fathers, when
Lord. he brought them forth out of the
12 Then said Salomon, The land of Egypt.
Lord said that he would dwell 22 And Solomon now placed
in the thick darkness. himself before the altar of the
13 I have indeed built a dwell- Lord in the presence of all the
ing-house for thee, a settled place congregation of Israel, and
for thy abode for ever. spread forth his hands toward
14 And the king turned his heaven
face about, and blessed all the 23 And he said, 0 Lord, the
congregation of Israel; and all God of Israel, there is no god
the congregation of Israel was like thee, in the heavens above,
standing and on the earth beneath, thou
15 And he said, Blessed be who keepest the covenant and
the Lord, the God of Israel, who the kindness for thy servants
spoke with his mouth unto Da- that walk before thee with all
vid my father, and hath with his their heart
hand fulfilled it, when he said, 24 Who hast kept for thy ser-
16 Since the day that I brought vant David my father what thou
forth my people Israel out of hadst promised him and thou

Egypt, I did not make choice of spokest with thy mouth, and hast
any city out of all the tribes of fulfilled it with thy hand, as it is
Israel to build a house, that my this day.
name might be therein but I ; 25 And now, 0 Lord, the God
made choice of David to be over of Israel, keep for thy servant
my people Israel. David my father what thou hast
spoken concerning him, saying, 33 5[ When thy people Israel
There shall never fail thee a man are struck down before the ene-
in my sight who sitteth on the my, because they have sinned
throne of Israel if thy children
against thee, and they return
hut take heed to their way to then to thee, and confess thy
walk before me, as thou hast name, and pray, and make sup-
walked before me. plication unto thee in this house
26 And now, 0 God of Israel, 34 Then do thou hear in hea-
I pray thee, let thy word be veri- ven, and forgive the sin of thy
fied, which thou hast spoken people Israel, and cause them to
unto thy servant David my fa- return unto the land which thou
ther. hast given unto their fathers.
27 For in truth will God then 35 When the heavens be
dwell on the earth? behold, the shut up, and there be no rain,
heavens and the heavens of hea- because they have sinned against
vens cannot contain thee how : thee, and they pray toward this
much less then this house that I place, and confess thy name, and
have built! turn from their sin, because thou
28 Yet wilt thou turn thy re- hast afflicted them :

gard unto the prayer of thy ser 36 Then do thou hear in hea-
vant, and to his supplication, 0 ven, and forgive the sin of thy
Lord my God, to listen unto the servants, and of thy people Is-
entreaty and unto the prayer, rael for thou wilt teach them the

which thy servant prayeth be- good way wherein they should
fore thee to-day walk; and give then rain upon
29 That thy eyes may be open thy land, which thou hast given
toward this house night and day, to thy people for an inheritance.
toward the place of which thou 37 If there be famine in the
hast said, My name shall he land, if there be pestilence, blast-
there; that thou mayest listen ing, mildew, or if there be locust,
unto the prayer which thy ser- caterpillar, if their enemy be-
vant shall pray at this place. siege them in the land in their
30 And 'listen thou to the sup- gates; at whatsoever plague,
plication of thy servant, and of whatsoever sickness
thy people Israel, which they 38 What prayer and supplica-
will pray at this place and oh,
: tion soever be made by any man,
do thou hear in heaven thy of all thy people Israel, when
dwelling-place; and hear, and they shall be conscious every
forgive. man of the plague of his own
31 If any man trespass against heart, and he then spread forth
his neighbour, and an oath be his hands toward this house :

laid upon him to cause him to 39 Then do thou hear in hea-

swear, and the oath come before ven the place of thy dwelling,
thy altar in this house : and forgive, and act, and give to
32 Then do thou hear in hea- every man in accordance with
ven, and act, and judge thy ser- all his wa}T s, as thou mayest
vants, by condemning the wicked, know his heart; for thou, thy-
to bring his way upon his head; self alone, knowest the heart of
and by justifying the righteous, all the children of men
to give him according to his 40 In order that they may
righteousness. fear thee all the days that they
live on the face of the land with all their heart, and with al 1 .

which thou hast given unto our their soul, in the land of their
fathers. enemies, who have led them
41 But also to the stranger, away captive, and they pray un-
who is not of thy people Israel, to thee in the direction of their
hut cometh out of a far-off coun- land, which thou hast given un
try for the sake of thy name to their fathers, of the city which
42 For they will hear of thy thou hast chosen, and of the
great name, and of thy strong house which I have built for thy
hand, and of thy outstretched name :

arm; when he will come and 49 Then hear thou in heaven

pray at this house : the place of thy dwelling their
43 Mayest thou listen in hea- prayer and their supplication,
ven the place of thy dwelling, and procure them justice ;
and do according to all that the 50 And forgive thy people for
stranger will call on thee for; in what they have sinned against
order that all the nations of the thee, and all their transgressions
earth may know thy name, to whereby they have transgressed
fear thee, as (do) thy people Is- against thee, and cause them to
rael and that they may under- find mercy before their captors,

stand that this house, which I that they may have mercy on
have built, is called by thy them
name. 51 For they are thy people,
44 If thy people go out to and thy heritage, whom thou
battle against their enemy, on hast brought forth out of Egypt,
the way on which thou mayest from the midst of the iron fur-
send them, and they do pray nace ;

unto the Lord in the direction 52 That thy eyes may be open
of the city which thou hast unto the supplication of thy ser-
chosen, and of the house that I vant, and unto the supplication
have built for thy name of thy people Israel, to listen
45 Then hear thou in heaven unto them in all for which they
their prayer and their supplica- call unto thee;
tion, and procure them justice. 53 For thou hast separated
46 If they sin against thee, them unto thee as a heritage
(for there is no man that may from all the people of the earth,
not sin,) and thou be angry with as thou spokest by the hand of
them, and give them up before Moses thy servant, when thou
the enemy, so that their captors broughtest forth our fathers out
carry them away captive unto of Egypt, 0 Lord Eternal.
the land of the enemy, (be it) 54 f And it happened, that,
far or near when Solomon had made an end
47 And if they then take it to of praying all this prayer and
their heart in the land whither supplication unto the Lord, he
they have been carried captive, arose from before the altar of
and repent, and make supplica- the Lord from kneeling on his
tion unto thee in the land of knees, with his hands spread out
their captors, saying, We have toward heaven.
sinned, and have committed in- 55 And he stood up, and bless-
iquity, we have acted wickedly; ed all the congregation of Israel
48 And they return unto thee with a loud vciee, saying,
56 Blessed be the Lord, who there the burnt-offerings, and
hath given rest unto his people the meat-offerings, and the fat
Israel, in accordance with all of the peace-offerings ; because
that he hath spoken (so that)
the copper altar that was before
there hath not failed one word the Lord was too small to con-
of all his good promise, which tain the burnt-offerings, and the
he spoke by the hand of Moses meat-offerings, and the fat of the
his servant. peace-offerings.
57 The Lord our God be with 65 And Solomon held at that
us, as he was with our fathers time the feast, and all Israel

oh may he not leave us, nor for- with him, a great assembly, from
sake us ; the entrance of Chamath unto
58 That he may incline our the river of Egypt, before the
heart unto him, to walk in all Lord our God, seven days and
his ways, and to keep his com- seven days, even fourteen days.
mandments, and his statutes, and 66 On the eighth day he dis-
his ordinances, which he com- missed the people, and they
manded our fathers. blessed the king; and they went
59 And may these my words, unto their tents joyful and glad
wherewith I have made suppli- of heart, because of all the good
cation before the Lord, be nigh that the Lord had done for Da-
unto the Lord our God day and vid his servant, and for Israel
night, that he may maintain the his people.
cause of his servant, and the
cause of his people Israel in their CHAPTER IX.
daily requirements 1 And it came to pass, when
60 In order that all the na- Solomon had finished building
tions of the earth may know that the house of the Lord, and the
the Lord is the (true) God, and king’s house, and all Solomon’s
none else. desire which he was pleased to
61 Let your heart therefore be execute :

entire with the Lord your God, 2 That the Lord appeared
to walk in his statutes, and to to Solomon the second time, as
keep his commandments, as at he had appeared unto him at
this day. Gib’on.
62 And the king, and all Is- 3 And the Lord said unto
rael with him, offered sacrifices him, I have heard thy prayer
before the Lord. and thy supplication, that thou
63 And Solomon offered (as) hast offered before me I have;

the sacrifice of peace-offering hallowed this house, which thou

which he offered unto the Lord, hast built, to put my name there
two and twenty thousand oxen, for ever ; and my eyes and my
and a hundred and twenty thou- heart shall be there at all times.
sand sheep. And thus did the 4 And as for thee, if thou wilt
king and all the children of walk before me, as David thy
Israel dedicate the house of the father walked, in integrity of
Lord. heart, and in rectitude, to do in
64 On the same day did the accordance with all that I have
king hallow the interior of the commanded thee, (and) wilt keep
court that was before the house my statutes and my ordinances:
of the Lord; for he prepared 5 Then will I establish the
42 4y3
throne of thy kingdom over Is- lomon had given him; but they
rael for ever as I have spoken
were not right in his eyes.
concerning David thy father, 13 And he said, What kind
saying, There shall never fail of cities are these which thou
thee a man upon the throne of hast given me, my brother? And
Israel. he called them, The land of Ca-
6 But if ye will at all turn bul, until this day.
away, ye or your children, from 14 And Hiram sent to the
following me, and will not keep king one hundred and twenty
my commandments (and) my talents of gold.
statutes which I have set before 15 And this is the manner of
you, and go and serve other the levy which king Solomon
gods, and bow down to them raised, to build the house of the

7 Then will I cut off Israel Lord, and his own house, and
from the face of the land which the Millo, and the wall of Jeru-
I have given them; and the salem, and Chazor, and Megid-
house, which I have hallowed do, and Gezer.
unto my name, will I cast away 16 (Pharaoh, king of Egypt
from my sight; and Israel shall had gone up, and captured Ge-
be a proverb and a by-word zer, and burnt it with fire, and
among all the nations slain the Cana’anites that dwelt
8 And at this house, which in the city, and given it as a
should be so exalted, every one marriage-presentunto his daugh-
that passeth by it shall be asto- ter, Solomon’s wife.
nished, and shall hiss; and men 17 And Solomon built Gezer,
will say, Why hath the Lord and lower Beth-choron,
done thus unto this land, and 18 And Ba’alath, and Thad-
unto this house ? mor, in the wilderness, in the
9 And they shall say, For the land,
cause that they forsook the Lord 19 And all the treasure-cities
their God, who had brought that Solomon had, and the cities
forth their fathers out of the for the chariots, and the cities
land of Egypt, and took hold of for the horsemen, and the (other)
other gods, and bowed down to desire of Solomon which he de-
them, and served them there- sired to build in Jerusalem, and

fore hath the Lord brought upon in Lebanon, and in all the land
them all this evil. of his dominion.)
10 And it came to pass at 20 All the people that were
the end of twenty years, when So- left of the Emorites, the Hittites,
lomon had built the two houses, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and
the house of the Lord, and the the Jebusites, who were not of
king’s house, the children of Israel,
11 (Now Hiram the king of 21 Their children that were
Tyre had supplied Solomon with left after them in the land, whom
cedar-trees and fir-trees, and the children of Israel had not
with gold, according to all his been able utterly to destroy, these
desire,) that king Solomon then did Solomon levy as tributary
gave to Hiram twenty cities in labourers until this day.
the land of Galilee. 22 Yet of the children of Is-
12 And Hiram came out from rael did Solomon make no one a
Tyre to see the cities which So- bond-man; but they were the
men of war, and his servants, hidden from the king, which he
and his princes and his captains, did not tell her.
and the officers of his chariots, 4 And when the queen of
and of his horsemen. Sheba saw all Solomon's wis-
23 These (also) were the dom, and the house that he had
chiefs of the superintendents built,
tha* were over Solomon’s work, 5 And the food of his table,
fi*e hundred and fifty, who ruled and the sitting of his servants,
over the people that wrought on and the attendance oi his minis-
the work. ters, and their apparel, and his
24 But Pharaoh’s daughter cup-bearers, and his ascent by
came up out of the city of David which he went up into the house
unto her house which he had of the Lord there was no more

built for her :then did he build spirit in her.

the Millo. 6 And she said to the king,
25 And Solomon did offer three The truth only was the word
times in every year burnt-offer- that I heard in my own land of
ings and peace-offerings upon thy acts and of thy wisdom.
the altar which he had built unto 7 And I believed not in the
the Lord, and he burnt incense words, until I came, and my
upon the one that was before the eyes saw (all) and, behold, the

Lord. So he finished the house. half hath not been told me ; thou
26 And king Solomon made a excellest in wisdom and pros-
ship in ’Ezyon-geber, which is perity the report which I have
near Eloth, on the shore of the heard.
Red Sea, in the land of Edom. 8 Happy are thy men, happy
27 And Hiram sent in the ship are these thy servants, who stand
his servants, seamen, that had before thee continually, who hear
knowledge of the sea, with the thy wisdom.
servants of Solomon. 9 Blessed be the Lord thy
28 And they came to Ophir, God, who hath had delight in
and fetched from there gold, four thee, to place thee on the throne
hundred and twenty talents, and of Israel ; because the Lord lov-
brought it to king Solomon. eth Israel for ever, therefore hath
he made thee king, to do justice
CHAPTER X. and righteousness.
1 And when the queen of 10 And she gave to the king
Sheba heard of the fame of Solo- one hundred and twenty talents
mon in connection with the name of gold, and of spices a very
of the Lord, she came to prove great store, and precious stones :

him with riddles. there came no more spices in

2 And she came to Jerusalem such abundance as these which
with an exceedingly great train, the queen of Sheba gave to king
with camels bearing spices, and Solomon.
gold in great abundance, and 11 And also the ship of Hiram,
precious stones: and when she that fetched gold from Ophir,
was com-e to Solomon, she spoke brought in from Ophir in great
w \h him of all that was on her abundance sandal-wood and pre-
heart. cious stones.
3 And Solomon solved her 12 And the king made of the
her questions: nothing remained sandal-wood a railing frr the
house of the Lord, and for the pure gold; none were of silver,
king’s house, and harps and it was not valued in the d%ys of
psalteries for the singers there Solomon at the least.

came no such sandal-wood, nor 22 For the king had a Thar-

was it seen (again) until this shish-ship at sea with the ship
day. of Hiram once in three years

13 And king Solomon gave the Tharshish-ship used to come

unto the queen of Sheba all her home, laden with gold, and sil-
pleasure, whatsoever she asked, ver, ivory, and apes, and pea-
beside what Solomon gave her cocks.
of his royal bounty. So she 23 And king Solomon became
turned about and went to her greater than all the kings of the
own country, she and her ser- earth for riches and for wisdom.
vants. 24 And (men of) all the earth
14 Now the weight of the sought the presence of Solomon
gold that came to Solomon in to hear his wisdom, which God
one year was six hundred and had put in his heart.
sixty and six talents of gold, 25 And they brought every
15 Beside what he had of the man his present, vessels of sil-
travelling tradesmen, and of the ver, and vessels of gold, and gar-
traffic of the merchants, and of ments, and armour, and spices,
all the kings of confederate na- horses, and mules : and so year
tions, and of the governors of by year.
the country. 26 And Solomon gathered
16 And king Solomon made together chariots and horsemen :

two hundred targets of beaten and he had a thousand and four

gold :six hundred shekels of hundred chariots, and twelve
gold he used for each one target. thousand horsemen, whom he
17 And (he made) three hun- quartered in the cities for cha-
dred shields of beaten gold riots, and near the king at Jeru-

three manehs of gold he used salem.

for each one shield : and the 27 And the king rendered the
king put them in the house of silver in Jerusalem like stones,
the forest of Lebanon. and the cedars he rendered like
18 The king also made a great the sycamore-trees that are in
throne of ivory, and overlaid it the lowlands, for abundance.
with the best gold. 28 And Solomon had horses
19 The throne had six steps, brought out of Egypt,* and a
and there was a round top on company of the king’s merchants
the throne behind,* and there bought a quantity at a price.
were arnvs on either side on the 29 And a chariot- team came
place of the seat, and two lions up and went out of Egypt for
stood beside the arms. six hundred shekels of silver,
20 And twelve lions stood and a horse for a hundred and
there upon the six steps on both fifty and so for all the kings of

sides :there was not the like the Hittites, and for the kings
made in any other kingdom. of Syria, did they bring them
21 And all king Solomon’s out by their means.
drinking-vessels were of gold,
and all the vessels of the house CHAPTER XI.
of the forest of Lebanon were of 1 But king Solomon loved
many strange women, beside the 11 And the Lord said unto
daughter of Pharaoh, women Solomon, Forasmuch as this is
of the Moabites, ’Ammonites, in thy mind, and thou hast not
Edomites, Zidonians, and Hit- kept my covenant and my sta-
titcs. tutes, which I commanded con-
2 From the nations concern cerning thee I will surely rend

ing which the Lord had said the kingdom from thee, and will
unto the children of Israel, Ye give it to thy servant,
shall not go in among them, nor 12 Nevertheless in thy days
shall they come in among you; will I not do it, for the sake
surely they will turn away your of David thy father; (but) out
heart after their gods unto these of the hand of thy son will I

Solomon did cleave to love them rend it.

3 And he had seven hundred 13 Still all the kingdom will
wives, princesses, and three hun I not rend away one tribe will

dred concubines and his wives 1 give to thy son on account of


turned away his heart. David my servant, and on ac-

4 And it came to pass, at the count of Jerusalem which I have
time that Solomon was old, that chosen.
his wives turned away his heart 14 % And the Lord stirred up
after other gods and his heart an adversary unto Solomon, Ha-

was not undivided with the Lord dad the Edomite: he was of the
his God, like the heart of David king’s seed in Edom.
his father. 15 It came to pass, namely,
5 And Solomon went after when David was in Edom, when
’Ashthoreth the divinity of the Joab the captain of the army
Zidonians, and after Milcom the was gone up to bury the slain,
abomination of the ’Ammonites. after he had smitten every male
6 And Solomon did what is in Edom
evil in the eyes of the Lord, and 16 (For six months did Jo’al
went not fully after the Lord, remain there with all Israel, un-
like David his father. til he had cut off every male in

7 Then did Solomon build Edom :)

a high-place for Kcmosh, the 17 That Hadad fled, he and
abomination of Moab, on the certain Edomites of his father’d
mount that is before Jerusalem, servants with him, to go inte
and for Molech, the abomination Egypt; but Hadad was then yet
of the children of ’Ammon. a young lad.
8 And so did he for all his 18 And they arose from Mi-
strange wives, who burnt incense dian, and came to Paran ; and
and sacrificed unto their gods. they took (some) men with them
9 And the Lord was angry from Paran, and came to Egypt,
with Solomon because his heart
unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt;
was turned away from the Lord who gave him a house, and de-
the God of Israel, who had ap- creed him a support, and gave
peared unto him twice him land.
10 And had commanded him 19 And Hadad found great
concerning this thing, that he favour in the eyes of Pharaoh,
should not go after other gods ;
so that he gave him for wife the
but he did not keep that which own wife, the sister
sister of his
the Lord had commanded. of Thachpeness the queen.
42* \ 2 497
1 KIN<3 S XI.
20 And the sister of Thach- was a mighty man of valour:
peness bore him Genubath his and Solomon seeing the young
son, whom Thachpeness brought man that he was (also) an indus-
up in Pharaoh’s house and Ge- trious worker, he appointed him

nubath remained in Pharaoh’s over all the charge of the house

house, among the sons of Pha of Joseph.
raoh. 29 And it came to pass at
21 And when Hadad heard in that time when Jerobo’am went
Egypt that David slept with his out of Jerusalem, that the pro-
fathers, and that Joab the cap- phet Achiyah the Shilonite found
tain of the army was dead Ha- him on the way and he had

dad said to Pharaoh, Dismiss clad himself with a new gar-

me, that I may go to my own ment and these two were alone

country. by themselves in the field;

22 Then said Pharaoh unto 30 And Achiyah caught hold

him, But what dost thou lack of the new garment that was
with me, that, behold, thou seek- on him, and rent it in twelve
est to go to thy own country ? pieces
And he answered, Nothing: ne- 31 And he said to Jerobo’am,
vertheless thou must let me go Take thee ten pieces; for thus
away. hath said the Lord the God of
23 And God stirred him up Israel, Behold, I will rend the
another adversary, Rezon the son kingdom out of the hand of So-
of Elyada’, who had fled from lomon, and I will give to thee
Iladad’ezer the king of Zobah the ten tribes
his lord 32 But the one tribe shall re-
24 And he gathered around main for him, on account of my
him some men, and became cap- servant David, and on account
tain over a band, when David of Jerusalem, the city which I
slew those (of Zobah) and they have chosen out of all the tribes

went to Damascus, and dwelt of Israel

therein, and reigned in Damas- 33 For the cause that they
cus. have forsaken me, and have
25 And he was an adversary bowed down to ’Ashthoreth the
to Israel all the days of Solo- divinity of the Zidonians, to Ke-
mon, beside the mischief that mosh the god of Moab, and to
Hadad did and he abhorred Is- Milcom the god of the children

rael, and reigned over Syria. of ’Ammon, and have not walked
26 Also Jerobo’am [Yarob- in my ways, to do what is right
’am] the son of Nebat, an Eph- in my eyes, and my statutes and
rathite of Zeredah, the name of my ordinances, like David hi?
whose mother was Zeru’ah, a father.
widow woman, was a servant of 34 Nevertheless will I not take
Solomon, and he lifted up his the whole kingdom out of his
hand against the king. hand but I will let him remain

27 And this was the occasion prince all the days of his life for
that he lifted up his hand against the sake of David my servant,
the king: Solomon built up the whom I chose, who kept my com-
Millo, and closed up the breach mandments and my statutes;
of the city of David his father. 35 But I will take the king-
28 And the man Jerobo’am dom out of the hand of his son,
and I will give it unto thee, even come to Shechem to make him
the ten tribes. king.
36 And unto his son will I 2 And it came to pass, when
give one tribe; so that there may Jerobo’am the son of Nebat*
remain a government for David heard of it, (but he was yet in
my servant at all times before Egypt, whither he was fled from,
me in Jerusalem, the city which the presence of king Solomon,
I have chosen for me, to put my and Jerobo’am dwelt in Egypt;
name there. 3 And they had sent and called
37 But thee will I take, and him;) that Jerobo’am and all
thou shalt reign over all that thy the congregation of Israel came,
soul may long for and thou and spoke unto Rehobo’am, say-

shalt be king over Israel. ing,

38 And it shall be, if thou wilt 4 Thy father made our yoke
hearken unto all that I shall hard; but do thou now make
command thee, and wilt walk in lighter the hard service of thy
my ways, and do what is right father, and his heavy yoke which
in my eyes, to keep my statutes he put upon us, and we will serve
and my commandments, as Da- thee.
vid my servant did that I will : 5 And he said unto them, Go
be with thee, and build thee a away yet for three days, and
permanent house, as I have built then return to me. And the peo-
for David, and I will give Israel ple went away.
unto thee. 6 Then consulted king Reho-
39 And I will afflict the seed bo’am with the old men, that had
of David for this but not for all stood before Solomon his father

times. while he yet lived, and said,

40 Solomon thereupon sought How do ye advise that I should
to put Jerobo’am to death but give an answer to this people?

Jerobo’am arose, and fled into 7 And they spoke unto him,
Egypt, unto Shishak the king saying, If thou wilt this day be
of Egypt, and he remained in a servant unto this people, and
Egypt until the death of Solo- wilt serve them, and be attentive
mon. to them, and speak to them good
41 And the rest of the acts of words then will they be ser-

Solomon, and all that he did, and vants unto thee for all times.
his wisdom, behold, they are 8 But he forsook the counsel
written in the book of the his- of the old men, which they had
tory of Solomon. given him, and consulted with
42 And the days that Solomon the young men that were grown
reigned in Jerusalem over all Is- up with him, those who stood
rael were forty years. before him
43 And Solomon slept with 9 And he said uuto them,
his fathers, and was buried in What do you counsel how we
the city of David his father and should give an answer to this

llehobo’am [Rechab’am] his son people, who have spoken t j me,

became king in his stead. saying, Make lighter the yoke
which thy father did put upon
1 And Rehobo’am went to 10 Then spoke unto him the
Shechem for all Israel were young men that were growm up
with him, saying, Thus must Judah, over them did Rehobo’am
thou say unto this people that reign.
nave spoken unto thee, saying, 18 Then sent king Rebobo-
Thy father made our yoke heavy, ’am Adoram, who was over the
but do thou make it lighter unto tribute ;
but all Israel stoned him
us thus must thou speak unto
: with stones, that he died. There-
them, My little finger is thicker fore king Rehobo’am made speed
than my father’s loins. with all his might to get up into
11 And now, if my father hath his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.
burdened you with a heavy yoke, 19 So did Israel rebel against
I will even add to your yoke; if the house of David unto this
my father hath chastised you day.
with whips, then will I chastise 20 And it came to pass,
you with scorpion-thorns. when all Israel heard that Jero-
12 When now Jerobo’am and bo’am was returned, that they
all the people came to Rehobo- sent and called him unto the con-
’am on the third day, as the king gregation, and made him king
had spoken, saying, Return to over all Israel there was none

me on the third day : that followed the house of Da-

13 The king answered the peo- vid, save the tribe of Judah
ple harshly, and forsook the old alone.
men’s counsel that they had ad- 21 And when Rehobo’am was
vised him ;
come to Jerusalem, he assembled
14 And he spoke to them after all the house of Judah, with the
the counsel of the young men, tribe of Benjamin, a hundred
saying, My father made your and eighty thousand chosen men,
yoke heavy, and I will even warriors, to fight against the
add to your yoke; my father house of Israel, to bring back
chastised you with whips, but I the kingdom to Rehobo’am the
will chastise you with scorpion- son of Solomon.
thorns. 22 But the word of God
15 Thus the king hearkened came unto Shema’yah the man
not unto the people for it was of God, saying,

so brought about from the Lord, 23 Say unto Rehobo’am, the

in order that he might fulfil his son of Solomon, the king of Ju-
word, which the Lord had spoken dah, and unto all the house of
by means of Achiyah the Shi- Judah ami Benjamin, and to the
lonite unto Jerobo’am the son of remnant of the people, saying,
Nebat. 24 Thus hath said the Lord,
16 So when all Israel saw that Ye shall not go up, nor fight
the king hearkened not unto with your brethren the children
them, the people gave the king of Israel: return every man to
nil answer, saying, What portion his house ; for from me hath this
have we in David ? nor have we thing been brought about. And
an inheritance in the son of they hearkened to the word of
Jesse: to your tents, 0 Israel: the Lord, and returned to go
now see to thy own house, Da- home, according to the word of
vid. So did Israel go away un- the Lord.
to their tents. 25 And Jerobo’am built
17 But as for the children of Shechem in the mountain of
Israel who dwelt in the cities of Ephraim, and dwelt therein; and
he went out from there and built CHAPTER XIII.
Penuel. 1 <[ And, behold, there cam*
26 And Jerobo’am said in his a man of God out of Judah by
heart, Now may the kingdom the word of the Lord unto Beth-
return to the house of David el; while Jerobo’am was stand-
27 If this people go up to pre- ing upon the altar to burn in-
pare sacrifices in the house of cense.
the Lord at Jerusalem, then may 2 And he called out against
the heart of this people turn the altar by the word of the
again unto their lord, even unto Lord, and he said, 0 altar, altar,
Rehobo’am the king of Judah, thus hath said the Lord, Behold,
and they might kill me, and re- a child shall be born unto the
turn to Rehobo’am the king of house of David, Josiah [Yoshi-
Judah. yahu] by name, and he shall
28 Whereupon the king took sacrifice upon thee the priests of
counsel, and he made two calves the high-places that burn incense
of gold, and said unto the peo- upon thee, and men’s bones shall
ple,You have been long enough be burnt upon thee.
going up to Jerusalem: behold, 3 And he gave on the same
here are thy gods, 0 Israel, which day a token, saying, This is the
have brought thee up out of the token that the Lord hath spoken,
land of Egypt. Behold, the altar shall be rent,
29 And he placed the one in and the ashes which are upon it
Beth-el, and the other put he in shall be spilled about.
Dan. 4 And it came to pass, when
30 And this thing became a
, the king beard the word of the
sin ;
and the people went before man of God, which he had called
the one, as far as Dan. out against the altar in Beth-el,
31 And he made a house of that Jerobo’am stretched forth
the high-places, and made priests his hand from off the altar, say-
of the lowest of the people, who ing, Seize him. And his hand,
were not of the sons of Levi. which he had put forth against
32 And Jerobo’am made a him, dried up, so that he could
feast in the eighth month, on the not draw it back to himself.
fifteenth day of the month, like 5 The altar also was rent, and
unto the feast that is in Judah, the ashes were spilled about from
and he offered upon the altar; the altar, according to the token
so did he in Beth-el, sacrificing which the man of God had given
unto the calves that he had by the word of the Lord.
made: and he stationed at Beth- 6 And the king commenced
el the priests of the high-places and said un*to the man of God,
whom he had made. Offer but entreaty before the
33 So he offered upon the altar Lord thy God, and pray in be-
which he had made in Beth-el half of me, that my hand may
on the fifteenth day of the eighth return to me again. And the
month, in the month w hich he r
man of God offered his entreaty
had falsely devised of his own before the Lord, and the king’s
heart and he ordained a feast
hand returned to him again, and
unto the children of Israel, and became as it was before.
he went up to the altar, to burn 7 And the king spoke unto
incense. the man of God, Come home with
me, and take some refreshment, not return to go by the way
and I will give thee a present. (also) by which thou earnest.
8 But the man of God said 18 And he said unto him, 1
unto the king. If thou wert to also am a prophet like thee; and
give me the half of thy house, I an angel spoke unto me by the
would not go in with thee, nei- word of the Lord, saying, Bring
ther would I eat bread nor drink him back with thee unto thy
water in this place; house, that he may eat bread
9 For so was it charged me and drink water. But le lie 1
by the word of the Lord, saying, unto him.
Thou shalt not eat bread, nor 19 So he returned with him,
drink water, nor return by the and ate bread in his house, and
way that thou earnest. drank water.
10 So he went by another way, 20 And it came to pass, as
and returned not by the way on they were sitting at the table,
which he was come to Beth-el. That the word of the Lord
11 Now there dwelt a cer- came unto the prophet who had
tain old prophet in Beth-el; and brought him back;
his son came and told him all 21 And he called unto the man
the deed that the man of God of God that was come from Ju-
had done that day in Beth-el dah, saying, Thus hath said the
the words (also) which he had Lord, Forasmuch as thou hast
spoken unto the king, these too disobeyed the order of the Lord,
they told to their father. and hast not kept the command-
12 And their father spoke un- ment which the Lord thy God
to them, What way did he go ? had commanded thee;
His sons however had seen what 22 But didst return, and hast
way had gone the man of God, eaten bread and drunk water in
who had come from Judah. the place, of which he had spoken
13 And he said unto his sons, to thee, Thou shalt not eat bread,
Saddle me the ass. So they sad- nor drink water thy dead body

dled him the ass, and he rode shall not come unto the sepul-
away thereon, chre of thy fathers.
14 And he went after the man 23 And it came to pass, after
of God, and found him sitting he had eaten bread, and after he
under the oak; and he said unto had drunk, that he saddled for
him, Art thou the man of God him the ass, (to wit,) for the
that earnest from Judah? And prophet whom he had brought
he said, I am. back.
15 Then said he unto him, 24 And when he was gone, a
Come with me home, and eat lion met him on the way, and
bread. slew him: and his corpse re-
16 And he said, I cannot re- mained cast down on the way,
turn with thee, nor go in with and the ass stood by it, the lion
thee: neither will I eat bread also stood by the corpse.
nor drink water with thee in this 25 And, behold, men passed
place by, and saw the corpse cast down
17 For a command came to on the way, and the lion stand-
me by the word of the Lord, ing by the corpse; and they
Thou shalt not eat bread nor came and spoke of it in the city
drink water there; thou shalt where the old prophet dwelt.

2f> And when

the prophet that 34 And he became through
had brought him baclr from the this thing the cause of sin unto
way heard it, he said, It is the the house of Jerobo’am, and to
man of God who was disobedient cause that it was blotted out,
unto the order of the Lord and destroyed from off the face

wherefore the Lord hath given of the earth.

him up unto the lion, who hath
torn him, and slain him, accord- XIV. CHAPTER
ing to the word of the Lord, 1 At that time Abiyah the
which he had spoken unto him. son of Jerobo’am fell sick.
27 And he spoke to his sons, 2 And Jerobo’am said to his
saying, Saddle me the ass. And wife, Arise, I pray thee, and
they saddled him. disguise thyself, that people may
28 And he went and found not know that thou art the wife
his corpse cast down on the way, of Jerobo’am; and goto Shiloh:
and the ass and the lion stand- behold, there is Achiyahu the
ing by the corpse the lion had prophet, who spoke of me that (I

not eaten the corpse, nor torn should become) king over this
the ass. people.
29 And the prophet took up 3 And take with thee ten
the corpse of the man of God, loaves of bread and spice-cakes,
and laid it upon the ass, and and a cruise of honey, and go to
brought it back; and he came him he will tell thee what is to

to the city of the old prophet, become of the lad.

to lament for, and to bury him. 4 And Jerobo’am’s wife did
30 And he laid his corpse in so, and arose, and went to Shi-
his own sepulchre; and they loh, and came to the house of
lamented over him, “Alas, my Achiyah. But Achiyahu was
brother !” not able to see; for his eyes
31 And it came to pass, after were set by reason of his high
he had buried him, that he spoke age.
to his sons, saying, When I am 5 <[[ And the Lord had said
dead, then bury me in the sepul- unto Achiyahu, Behold the wife
chre wherein the man of God is of Jerobo’am is coming to in-
buried ; beside his bones lay ye quire a word of thee about her
my bones; son; for he is sick: thus and
32 For the thing which he thus shalt thou speak unto her;
called out by the word of the for it will be, when she coineth
Lord against the altar which is in, that she will feign to be an-
in Beth el, and against all the other.
houses of the high-places which 6 And it happened, when Achi-
are in the cities of Samaria, will yahu heard the sound of her
surely come to pass. feet, as she came in at the door,
33 After this event Jerobo- that he said, Come in, thou wife
’am returned not from his evil of Jerobo’am; why is this, that
way but made again of the low-
; thou feignest to be another? but
est of the people, priests of the I am sent to thee with a Lard
high-places whosoever desired
: message.
it, he consecrated, that he might 7 Go, say to Jerobo’am, Thus
become one of the priests of the hath said the Lord the God of
high-places. Israel, Forasmuch as I exalted
thee from the midst of the peo- Israel, as the reed is shaken in
ple,and made thee prince over the water, and he will pull up
my people Israel, Israel out of this good land,
8 And I rent the kingdom which he gave to their fathers,
away from the house of David, and will scatter them on the
and gave it unto thee ; whereas other side of the river ; because
thou hast not been like my ser- they have made their groves, pro-
vant Dawid, who kept my com- voking the Lord to anger.
mandments, and who followed 16 And he will give Israel up
after me with all his heart, to do for the sake of the sins of Jero-
only what is right in my eyes bo’am, who did sin, and who in-
9 And thou hast done more duced Israel to sin.
evil than all that were before 17 And J erobo’am’s wife arose,
thee; and thou art gone, and and departed, and came to Thir-
hast made unto thyself other zah; (and) as she came to the
gods, and molten images, to pro- threshold of the door, the lad
voke me to anger, and me hast died
thou cast behind thy back 18 And they buried him; and
10 Therefore, behold, will I all Israel mourned for him, ac-
bring evil upon the house of Je- cording to the word of the Lord,
robo’am, and will cut off from w hich he had spoken by the

Jerobo’am every male, (also) the hand of his servant Achiyahu

guarded and fortified in Israel ;
the prophet.
and I will sweep out after the 19 And the rest of the acts of
house of Jerobo’am asonesweep- Jerobo’am, how he warred, and
eth away the dung till there be how he reigned, behold, they are
nothing left of it. written in the book of the chro-
11 Him that dietli of Jerobo- nicles of the kings of Israel.
’am in the city, shall the dogs 20 And the days which Jero-
eat; and him that die-th in the bo’am reigned were two and
field shall the fowls of the hea- twenty years; and he slept with
vens eat; for the Lord hath his fathers, and Nadab his son
spoken it. became king in his stead.
12 But thou, arise now, go 'to 21 And llehobo’ain Che son
thy own house when thy feet of Solomon reigned in Judah.

enter into the city, the child Rehobo’am was forty and one
shall die. years old when he became king,
13 And all Israel shall mourn and seventeen years did he reign
forhim, and bury him for this in Jerusalem, the city which the

one alone shall come of Jerobo- Lord had chosen out of all the
grave; be- tribes of Israel, to put his name
’arn’s (family) to the
cause there hath been found in there. And his mother’s name
him some good thing toward the was Na’amah the ’Ammonitess.
Lord the God of Israel in the 22 And Judah did what is evil
house of Jerobo’am. in the eyes of the Lord, and they
14 And the Lord will raise up moved him to wrath more than
unto himself a king over Israel, all that their fathers had done,
who shall cut off the house of with their sins which they com-
Jerobo’am what is here this day, mitted.
and what will be after this. 23 And they also built them-
15 And the Lord will smite selves high-places, anc 3t&^ ling
images, and groves [Asherim] of Nebat became Abiyam king
on every high hill, and under over Judah.
every green tree. 2 Three years he reigned in
24 And sodomites also were Jerusalem. And his mother’s
in the land: they acted in ac- name was Ma’achah, the daugh-
cordance with all the abomi- ter of Abishalom.
nable deeds of the nations which 3 And he walked in all the
the Lord had driven out before sins of his father, which he had
the children of Israel. done before him; and his heart
25 And it came to pass in the was not entire with the Lord
fifth year of king Rehobo’um, his God, like the heart of David
that Shishak the king of Egypt his father.
came up against Jerusalem; 4 Nevertheless for the sake
26 And he took away the trea of David did the Lord his God
sures of the house of the Lord, give him a rule in Jerusalem, to
and the treasures of the king’s set up his son after him, and to
house; yea, every thing did he allow Jerusalem to exist.
take away; and he took away 5 Because David did what is
all the shields of gold which So- right in the eyes of the Lord,
lomon had made. and turned not aside from all
27 And king Rehobo’am made that he had commanded him all
in their stead shields of copper, the days of his life, save only in
and committed them for keepin the matter of Uriyah the Hit-
into the hand of the chiefs of the tite.
runners, who kept guard at the 6 And there had been war
door of the king’s house. between Rehobo’am and Jero-
28 And it happened whenever bo’am all the days of his life.
the king went into the house of 7 And the rest of the acts of
the Lord, that the runners used Abiyam, and all that he did, be-
to bear them, and carried them hold, they are written in the
then back into the apartment of book of the chronicles of the
the runners. kings of Judah. And there was
29 And the rest of the acts of (also) war between Abiyam and
Rehobo’am, and all that he did, Jerobo’am.
behold, they are written in the 8 And Abiyam slept with his
book of the chronicles of the fathers; and they buried him in
kings of Judah. the city of David and Assa his

30 And there was war between son became king in his stead.
Rehobo’am and Jerobo’am all 9 And in the twentieth year
the days. of Jerobo’am the king of Israel
31 And Rehobo’am slept with became Assa king over Judah.
bis fathers, and was buried with 10 And forty and one years
Lis fathers in the city of David. did he reign in Jerusalem. And
And his mother’s name was Na- the name of his (grand-) mother
’amah the ’Ammonitess. And was Ma’achah, the daughter of
Abiyam his son became king in Abishalom.
his stead. 11 And Assa did what is right
in the eyes of the Lord, like
CHAPTER XV. David his father.
1 Now in the eighteenth 12 And he put away the so-
year of king Jerobo’am the son domites out of the land, and re-
43 \V 505
moved all the idols which his 'whole of Kinneroth, with all the
fathers had made. land of Naphtali.
13 And also Ma’achah his 21 And it came to pass, when
mother, even her he removed Ba’sha heard this, that he left
from being queen; because she off the building of Ramah, and
had made a scandalous image remained in Thirzah.
for the grove: and Assa cut 22 Then king Assa called to-
down her scandalous image, and gether by proclamation all Ju-
burnt it by the brook Kidron. dah, none being exempted: and
14 But the high-places were they took away the stones of
not removed; nevertheless Assa’s Ramah, and its timber, where-
heart was entire with the Loud with Ba’sha had built; and king
all his days. Assa built with them Geba’.of
15 And lie brought the things Benjamin, and Mizpah.
which his father had sanctified, 23 And the rest of all the acts
and his own sanctified things, of Assa, and all his mighty deeds,
into the house of the Lord, sil- and all that he did, and the cities
ver, and gold, and vessels. which he built, behold, they are
16 And there was war between written in the book of the chro-
Assa and Ba’sha the king of Is- nicles of the kings of Judah.
rael all their days. Nevertheless in the time of his
17 And Ba’sha the king of Is- old age he became diseased in
rael went up against Judah, and his feet.
built Hamah, in order not to suf- 24 And Assa slept with his
fer any one to go out or come in fathers, and was buried with his
to Assa the king of Judah. fathers in the city of David his
18 Then did Assa take all the father: and Jehoshaphat his son
silver and the gold that were became king in his stead.
left in the treasures of the house 25 And Nadabthe son of
of the Lord, and the treasures Jerobo’am became king over
of the king’s house, and gave Israel in the second year of
them into the hand of his ser- Assa the king of Judah; and he
vants; and king Assa sent them reigned over Israel two years.
to Ben-ha dad, the son of Ta b- 26 And he did what is evil in
rimmon, the son of Chesyon, the the eyes of the Lord, and he
king of Syria, who dwelt in Da- walked in the w ay of his father,

mascus, saying, and in his sin wherewith he had

19 A covenant is between me induced Israel to sin.
and thee, (as) between my fa- 27 And Ba’sha the son of
ther and thy father: behold, I Achiyah, of the house of fssa
have sent unto thee a present of char, conspired against him; and
silver and gold; go and do break Ba’sha smote him at Gibbethon,
thy covenant with Ba’sha the which belonged to the Philis-
king of Israel, that he may with- tines: while Nedab and all Is-
draw from me. rael were besieging Gibbethon.
20 And Ben-hadad hearkened 28 And Ba’sha slew him in
unto king Assa, and sent the the third year of Assa the king
captains of the armies which he of Judah, and became king in
had against the cities of Israel, his stead.
29 And it came to pass, when

and smote ’Iyon, and Dan, and

Abel-beth-ma’achah, and the! he reigned, that he smote all the
house of Jerobo’am ; he left not 4 Him that dieth of Ba’sha in
any that breathed unto Jero- the city shall the dogs eat; and
bo’am, until he had destroyed him that dieth of his in the field
him, according to the word of shall the fowls of the heavens
the Lord, which he had spoken eat.
by his servant Achiyah the Shi- 5 And the rest of the acts of
lonite Ba’sha, and what he did, and
30 Because of the sins of Je- his mighty deeds, behold, they
robo’am which he had sinned, are written in the book of the
and through which he had in- chronicles of the kings of Israel.
duced Israel to sin, by his pro- 6 And Ba’sha slept with his
voking wherewith he provoked fathers, and was buried in Thir-
the Lord the God of Israel to zah and Elah his son became

anger. king in his stead.

31 And the rest of the acts of 7 And also by the hand of
Nadab, and all that he did, be- Jehu the son of Chanani, the
hold, they are written in the prophet, came the word of the
book of the chronicles of the Lord against Ba’sha, and against
kings of Israel. his house, both for all the evil
32 And there was war between that he did in the eyes of the
Assa and Ba’sha the king of Is- Lord, to provoke him to anger
rael all their days. with the work of his hands, thus
33 In the third year of As- being like the house of Jerobo-
sa the king of Judah became ’am and because he had killed

Ba’sha the son of Achiyah king him.

over all Israel, in Thirzah, (for) 8 In the twenty and sixth
twenty and four years. year of Assa the king of Judah
34 And he did what is evil in became Elah the son of Ba’sha
the eyes of the Lord, and walked king over Israel in Thirzah,
in the way of Jerobo’am, and in (for) two years.
his sin wherewith he had in- 9 And there conspired against
duced Israel to sin. him his servant Zimri, captain
of half the chariots, as he was
CHAPTER XVI. in Thirzah, drinking himself
1 *[Then came the word of drunk in the house of Arza, who
the Lord to Jehu [Yehu] the was set over the house in Thir-
son of Chanani against Ba’sha, zah.
saying, 10 And Zimri went in and
2 JForasmuch as I lifted thee smote him, and killed him, in
up out of the dust, and I set thee the twenty and seventh year of
as prince over my people Israel Assa the king of Judah, and be-
and thou hast walked in the way came king in his stead.
of Jerobo’am, and hast induced 11 And it came to pass, when
my people Israel to sin, to pro- he began to reign, as soon as he
voke me anger with their sat on his throne, that he slew
sins all the house of Ba’sha: he left
3 Behold, I will sweep out af- him not a single male, neither
ter Ba’sha, and after his house; of his kinsfolks, nor of his
and I will render thy house like friends.
the house of Jerobo’am the son 12 Thus did Zimri extermi-
of Nebat, nate all the house of Ba’sha,
according to the word of the people of Israel divided into tw«
Lord, which he had spoken parts one half of the people fol-

against Ba’sha by the agency lowed Thibni the son of Ginath,

of Jehu the prophet, to make him king ;
and the other
13 For all the sins of Ba’sha, half followed ’Omri.
and the sins of Elah his son, by 22 Butthe people that followed
which they had sinned, and by ’Omri prevailed against the peo-
which they had induced Israel ple that followed Thibni the son
to sin, to provoke the Lord the of Ginath: and Thibni (also)
God of Israel to anger with their died, and ’Omri became king.
vanities. 23 In the thirty and first year
14 Now the rest of the acts of of Assa the king of Judah be-
Elah, and all that he did, be- came ’Omri king over Israel,
hold, they are written in the (for) twelve years; in Thirzah he
book of the chronicles of the reigned six years.
kings of Israel. 24 And he bought the mount
15 •[ In the twenty and seventh Samaria [Shomeron] of Shemer
year of Assa the king of Judah for two talents of silver, and built
did Zimri reign seven days in on the mount, and called the
Thirzah: and the people were name of the city which he had
encamped against Gibbethon, built, after the name of Shemer,
which belonged to the Philis- ihe lord of the mount, Samaria.
tines. 25 And ’Omri did what is evil
16 And when the people that in the eyes of the Lord, and did
were encamped heard it said, worse than all that w ere before

Zirnri hath conspired, and hath him.

also slain the king: all Israel 26 And he walked in all the
made ’Omri, the captain of the way of Jerobo’am the son of Ne-
army, king over Israel on that bat, and in his sin wherewith he
day in the camp. induced Israel to sin, to provoke
17 And ’Omri went up, and the Lord God of Israel to anger
all Israel with him from Gibbe- with their vanities.
thon, and they besieged Thirzah. 27 Now the rest of the acts of
18 And it came to pass, when ’Omri which he did, and his
Zimri saw that the city was cap- mighty deeds that he displayed,
tured, that he went into the behold, they are written in the
strong-hold of the king’s house, book of the chronicles of the
and burnt the king’s house over kings of Israel.
him with fire, and he died; 28 And ’Omri slept with his
19 For his sins which he had fathers, and was buried in Sa-
sinned, in doing what is evil in maria and Achab his son be-

the eyes of the Lord, to walk in came king in his stead.

the way of Jerobo’am, and in 29 And Achab the son :f
his sin which he did, to induce ’Omri became king over Israel
Israel to sin. in the thirty and eighth year of
20 And the rest of the acts of Assa the king of Judah; and
Zimri, and his conspiracy that Achab the son of ’Omri reigned
he contrived, behold, they are over Israel in Samaria twenty
written in the book of the chro- and two years.
nicles of the kings of Israel. 30 And Achab the son of
21 1[ At that time were the ’Omri did what is evil in the
eyes of the Lord more than all and he went and lemained by
that had been before him. the brook Kerith, that is to the
31 And it came to pass,' as if east of the Jordan.
it had been too light a thing for 6 And the ravens brought him
him to walk in the sins of Jero- bread and flesh in the morning,
boam the son of Nebat, that he and bread and flesh in the even-
took for wife Izebel the daughter ing :and out of the brook he
of Ethba’al the king of the Zido- used to drink.
nians, and went and served Ba’al 7 And it came to pass after a
and worshipped him. while, that the brook dried up;
32 And he erected an altar because there had been no rain
for Ba’al in the house of Ba’al, in the land.
which he had built in Samaria. 8 % And the word of the Lord
33 And Achab made a grove : came unto him, saying,
and Achab did yet more, so as 9 Arise, go unto Zarephath,
to provoke the Lord the God of which belongeth to Zidon, and
Israel to anger, than all the remain there behold, I have

kings of Israel that had been ordained there a widow- woman

before him. to sustain thee.
34 In his days did Chiel the 10 So he arose, and went to
Beth-elite build Jericho: with Zarephath ;
and when he came
Abiram his first-born laid he to the gate of the city, behold,
the foundation thereof, and with there was there a widow-woman
Segub his youngest son set be gathering sticks of w ood and

up the gates thereof, according he called her, and said, Fetch

to the word of the Lord, w hich me, I pray thee, a little water in

he had spoken by means of Jo- a vessel, that I may drink.

shua’ the son of Nun. 11 And as she went to fetch
it,he called to her, and said.
CHAPTER XVII. Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel
1 5[
Then said Elijah [Eli- of bread in thy hand.
yahu] the Thishbite, who was 12 And she said, As the Lord
of the inhabitants of Gil’ad, un- thy God liveth, I have nothing
to Achab, As the Lord the God baked, but a handful of meal in
of Israel liveth, before whom I a jar, and a little oil in a cruise:
have stood, there shall not be in I
and, behold, I am gathering a
these years dew or rain, except couple of sticks, that I may go
according to my word. in and prepare it for me and my
2 And the word of the Lord son ;
and when we have eaten
came unto him, saying, it, we shall have to die.

3 Go away from here, and 13 And Elijah said unto her,

turn thyself eastward, and hide Fear not; go and do as thou
thyself by the brook Kerith, hast said but make me thereof ;

which is to the east of the Jor- a little cake at first, and bring it
dan. out unto me and for thee and :

4 And it shall be, that out of for thy son shalt thou prepare
the brook shalt thou drink and ;
(something) afterward.
the ravens have I ordained to 14 For thus hath said the
sustain thee there. Lord the God of Israel, The jar
5 And he went and did ac of meal shall not fail, neither
jording to the word of the Lord ; shall the cruise of oil diminish,
43* 509
until the day that the Lord giv- 24 And the woman said tfl
eth rain upon the face of the Elijah, Now by this do I -know,
earth. that thou art a man of God, and
15 And she went and did ac- the word of the Lord in thy
cording to the woid of Elijah: mouth is truth.
and she, and he, and her house-
hold, did eat (many) days. CHAPTER XVIII.
16 The jar of meal failed not, 1f
And it lasted many days,
nor did the cruise of oil dimin- when the word of the Lord came
ish, according to the word of the to Elijah in the third year,
Lord, which he had spoken saying, Go, show thyself unto
through means of Elijah. Achab; and I will give rain
17 And it came to pass after upon the face of the earth.
these events, that the son of the '2 And Elijah went to show
woman, the mistress of the house, himself unto Achab,- and the
fell sick and lys sickness be- famine was grievous in Samaria.

came very severe, until that at 3 And Achab called ’Obadiah

length there was no breath left [’Obadyahu], who was the su-
in him. perintendent of the house;
18 And she said unto Elijah, (now ’Obadiah feared the Lord
What have I to do with thee, 0 greatly-;
man of God ? thou art come un- 4 And it happened, when Ize-
to me to call my sin to remem- bel cut off the prophets of the
brance, and to slay my son Lord, that ’Obadiah took a hun-
19 And he said unto her, Give dred prophets, and hid them
me thy son. And he took him fifty each in one cave, and pro-
out of her bosom, and carried vided them with bread and wa-
him up into the upper chamber, ter;)
in which he abode, and he laid 5 And Achab said unto ’Oba-
him upon his own bed. diah, Go through the land, unto
20 And he called unto the all the springs of water, and un-
Lord, and said, 0 Lord my to all the brooks ; peradventure
God, hast thou also brought evil we may find grass and keep alive
upon the widow with whom I horse and mule, that we lose not
sojourn, by slaying her son? all the cattle.
21 And he stretched himself 6 So they divided between
out over the child three times, them the land to pass through
and called unto the Lord, and it: Achab went one way by him-
said, 0 Lord my God, let, I pray self alone, and ’Obadiah went
thee, the soul of this child return another way by himself alone.
again within him. 7 And as ’Obadiah was on the
22 And the Lord listened to way, behold, Elijah came toward
the voice of Elijah and the soul him ; and he recognised him,

of the child returned into him, and fell on his face, and said,
and he revived. Art thou here indeed, my lcrd
23 And Elijah took the child, Elijah ?
and brought him down out of the 8 And he said unto him, I
upper chamber into the house, am go, say unto thy lord, Be-

and gave him unto his mother hold, Elijah is here.

and Elijah said, See, thy son 9 And he said, What have I
Uveth. sinned, that thou wouldst delivei
thy servant into the hand of unto me all Israel at Mount Car-
Achab, to slay me? mel, and the prophets of Ba’al
10 As the Lord thy God liv- four hundred and fifty, and the.
prophets of the grove [Asherahj
eth, there is not a nation or king-
dom whither my lord hath not four hundred, who eat at the
gent to seek thee; and when table of Izebel.
they said, He is not here he
: 20 And Achab sent round
caused that kingdom and nation among all the children of Israel,
to take an oath, that no one and he assembled the prophets
could find thee. at Mount Carmel.
11 And now thou sayest, Go, 21 And Elijah approached un-
say unto thy lord, Behold, here to all the people, and said, How
is Elijah. long halt ye between the two
12 And it may come to pass, opinions? if the Lord be the
that, when I go from thee, the God, follow him and if Ba’al

spirit of the Lord may carry follow him. And the people an-
thee whither I know not: and swered him not a word.
when I come to inform Achab, 22 And Elijah said unto the
and he cannot find thee, he people, I have been left a pro-
will slay me ;
but I thy servant phet of the Lord by myself
have feared the Lord from my alone but the prophets of Ba’al

youth. are four hundred and fifty men.

13 Hath it not been told unto 23 Therefore let there be given
my lord what I did when Izebel unto us two bullocks ; and let
slew the prophets of the Lord, them choose for themselves the
how I hid a hundred men of the one bullock, and cut it in pieces,
prophets of the Lord, fifty each and lay it on wood, and put no
in one cave, and provided them fire to it and I will prepare the

with bread and water? other bullock, and lay it on wood,

14 And now thou sayest, Go and put no fire to it.
say to thy lord, Behold, Elijah 24 And do ye call on the name
is here: and he will slay me. of your god, and I will call on
15 Then said Elijah, As the the name of the Lord and it :

Lord of hosts liveth, before shall be that the God who an-
whom I have stood, surely to- sweretli by fire, he shall be the
day will I show myself unto him. (true) God. And all the people
16 So ’Obadiah went to meet answered and said, The proposal
Achab, and he told it to him is good.
and Achab went to meet Elijah. 25 And Elijah said unto the
17 And it came to pass, when prophets of Ba’al, Choose you for
Achab saw Elijah, that Achab yourselves the one bullock, and
said unto him, Art thou he that prepare it first; for ye are the
troubleth Israel ? many and call on the name

* IS And he answered, I have of your god, but put no fire

not troubled Israel; but thou, to it.
and thy father’s house, through 26 And they took the bullock
your forsaking the command- which he had given to them, and
ments of the Lord, and be- they prepared it and they called

cause thou hast followed the Be- on the name of Ba’al from morn-
'alim. ing even until noon, saying, O
19 And now send, assemble Ba’al, answer us ; but there was
no voice, nor any answer: andi did it the second time; and he
they danced about the altar which said, Do it the third time; and
had been made. they did it the third time.
27 And it came to pass at 35 And the water ran round
noon, that Elijah mocked at about the altar; and the trench
them, and said, Call with a loud also he filled with water.
voice, for he is a god; either 36 And it came to pass, at (the
he is holding council, or he is time of) the offering of the even-
busy in some pursuit, or he ing sacrifice, that Elijah the pro-
is on a journey or peradven- phet came near, and said, 0

ture he sleepeth, and may thus Lord, God of Abraham, of Isaac,

awaken. and of Israel, this day let it be
28 And they called with a loud known that thou art God in Is-
voice and cut themselves after rael, and that thy servant,
I am
their custom with knives and and that at thy w ord I have r

spears, till the blood gushed out done all these things.
over them. 37 Answ er me, 0 Lord, an-

29 And it came to pass, when swer me, and let all this people
midday was past, that they prac- know that thou, 0 Lord, art the
tised their follies until near (the (true) God, and thou wilt (then)
time of) the offering of the even- have turned their heart back
ing-sacrifice ; but there was nei- again.
ther voice, nor any answer, nor I
38 And there fell a fire of the
any perceptible sound. Lord, and consumed the burnt-
30 And Elijah said unto all offering, and the wood, and the
the people, Come near unto me stones, and the dust; and the
and all the people came near water also that was in the trench
unto him and he repaired the
did it lick up.
altar of the Lord that had been 39 And when all the people
torn down. saw this, they fell on their faces;
31 And Elijah took twelve and they said, the Lord he is —
stones, according to the number the God the Lord
he is the —
of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, God.
unto whom the word of the Lord 40 And Elijah said unto them,
was come, saying, Israel shall be seize the prophets of Ba’alnot ;

thy name. one of them must escape and ;

32 And he built of the stones they seized them and Elijah :

an altar in the name of the brought them down to the brook

Lord; and he made a trench Kishon, and slaughtered them
as great as would contain two there.
seahs of seed round about the 41 And Elijah said unto
altar. Achab, Go up, eat and drink;
33 And he put in order the for there is a sound of abundance
wood, and cut the bullock in of rain.
pieces, and laid them on the 42 So Achab went up to eat
wood, and to drink.And Elijah w ent r

34 And he said, Fill four jars up to the top Carmel and he

of ;

with water; and they had to cast himself down toward the
pour it on the burnt-offering, earth, and put his face between
and on the wood and he said,: his knees
Do it the second time and they ;
43 And he said to his servant
up, I pray thee, look in the 5 And he *aid himself down
direction of the sea. And he and slept under a certain broom-
went up, find looked, and said, bush, and, behold then, an angel
Not the least (is visible). And was touching him, and said unto
be said, Go again, seven times. him, Arise, eat.
44 And it came to pass at the 6 And he looked about, and,
seventh time, that he said, Be- behold, there was at his head
a cake baked on coals, and a
hold, there is a little cloud, like
a man’s hand, arising out of the cruise of water; and he ate and
sea. And he said, Go up, say drank, and laid himself down
unto Achab, Harness up (thy again.
chariot), and come down, that 7 And the angel of the Lord
the rain may not detain thee. came again, the second time,
45 And it came to pass in the and touched him, and said, Arise,
mean while, that the heavens eat because the journey is yet

were blackened with clouds and far for thee.

wind, and there was a great rain. 8 And he arose, and ate, and
And Achab rode, and went to drank; and he went on the
Yizre’el. strength of that eating forty
46 And the inspiration [hand] days and forty nights unto the
of the Lord came over Elijah, mount of God, Horeb.
and he girded up his loins ; and 9 And he came there unto a
he ran before Achab up to the cave, and remained there over
entrance of Yizre’el. night and, behold, the word of

the Lord came to him, and said

CHAPTER XIX. unto him, What dost thou here,
1 f And Achab told Izebel all Elijah ?
that Elijah had done, and withal 10 And he said, I have been
that he had slain all the pro- very zealous for the Lord, the
phets with the sword. God of hosts ; for the children
2 Then sent Izebel a messen- of Israel have forsaken thy co-
ger unto Elijah, saying, So may venant, thy altars have they
the gods do to me, and may they thrown down, and thy prophets
thus continue, if about this time have they slain with the sword
to-morrow I do not render thy and I am left by myself alone,
life as the life of any one of and they have sought my life, to
them. take it away.
3 And when he saw this, he 11 And he said, Go forth, and
arose, and went for his life, and stand upon the mount before the
came to Beer-sheba’, which be- Lord and, behold, the Lord

longeth to Judah, and he left his passed by, and a wind, great and
young man there. strong, rending the mountains,
4 But he himself went forward and breaking in pieces the rocks,
into the wilderness a day’s jour- (went) before the Lord; but not
ney, and he came and sat down in the wind was the Lord ; and
under a certain broom-bush and after the wind was an earth-

he requested for himself to die quake but not in the earthquake


and he said, It is enough, now, was the Lord ;

0 Lord, take away my soul 12 And after the earthquake

for I am not better than my was a fire; but not in the fire
fathers. was the Lord ; and after the
fire was the sound of a soft (then) follow thee :and he said
whisper. unto him, Go, return for what

13 And it came to pass, when have I done to thee ?

Elijah heard it, that he concealed 21 And he returned back from
his face in his mantle, and went him, and took a yoke of oxen,
Dut, and stood in the entrance and slew them, and with the in-
of the cave and, behold, there
: struments of the oxen he boiled
came a voice unto him, and said, the flesh for them, and he gave
What dost thou hear, Elijah? it unto the people, and they did

14 And he said, I have been eat; and then he arose, and went
very zealous for the Lord, the after Elijah, and ministered unto
God of hosts,- because the chil- him.
dren of Israel have forsaken thy
covenant, thy altars have they CHAPTER XX.
thrown down, and thy prophets 1 f And Ben-hadad the king
have they slain with the sword : ot Syria assembled all his host
and I am left by myself alone, together: and thirty and two
and they have sought my life, to kings were with him, and horses,
take it away. and chariots; and he went up
15 And the Lord said unto and besieged Samaria, and made
him, Go, return on thy way to war against it.
the wilderness of Damascus; and 2 And he sent messengers to
go, anoint Chazael to be king Achab the king of Israel into
over Syria the city;
16 And Jehu the son of Nim- 3 And he said unto him, Thus
shi shalt thou anoint to be king hath said Ben-hadad, Thy silver
over Israel and Elisha’ the son and thy gold are mine; thy wives

of Shaphat of Abel-mecholah also and thy children, even the

shalt thou anoint to be prophet best, are mine.
in thy stead. 4 And the king of Israel an-
17 And it shall come to pass, swered and said, According to
that him that escapeth the sword thy word, my lord, 0 king, thine
of Chazeel shall Jehu slay; and am I, and all that I have.
him that escapeth the sword of 5 And the messengers return-
Jehii shall Elisha’ slay. ed, and said, Thus hath said
18 And I will leave in Israel Ben-hadad, to say (to thee), I
seven thousand, all the knees have indeed sent unto thee, say-
which have not been bent unto ing, Thou shalt give unto me
Ba’al, and every mouth which thy silver, and thy gold, and thy
hath not kissed him. wives, and thy children;
19 And he departed thence, 6 Nevertheless, about this
and found Elisha’ the son of time to-morrow will I send my
Shaphat, who was ploughing; servants unto thee, and they
twelve yoke of oxen were before shall search through thy house,
him, and he was with the twelfth and the houses of thy servants;

and Elijah passed up to him, and it shall be, that whatsoever

and cast his mantle toward him. is pleasant in thy eyes, they
20 And he left the oxen, and shall place it in their hand, and
ran after Elijah, and said, Let take it away.
me, I pray thee, kiss but my fa- 7 Then did the king of Israel
ther and my mother, and 1 will call for all the elders of the land.
and Mark, I pray you, and order the battle?
said, And he said,
see that this man seeketh mis- Thou.
chief; for he hath sent unto me 15 He then numbered the
for my wives, and for my chil- young men of the princes of the
dren, and for my silver, and for provinces, and they were two
my gold, and I have not refused hundred and thirty-two: and
them to him. after them he numbered the
8 And the elders and all
all people, all the children of Israel,
the people said unto him, Thou seven thousand strong.
must not hearken, nor consent. 16 And
they went out at mid-
9 Wherefore he said unto the day :while Ben-hadad was
messengers of Ben-hadad, Say drinking himself drunk in the
to my lord the king, All that pavilions, he and the kings, the
thou didst send for to thy ser- thirty and two kings that helped
vant at the first will I do; but him.
this thing I am not able to do. 17 And the young men of the
And the messengers went away, princes of the provinces went
and brought him word again. out at first: and Ben-hadad sent
10 And Ben-hadad then sent out, and they told him, saying,
unto him, and said, May the Some men are come out of Sa-
gods do so unto me, and continue maria.
to do so, if the dust of Samaria 18 And he said, If they be
shall suffice for handfuls for come out for peace, catch them
all the people that are in my alive; and if they be come out
train. for war, alive must ye catch
11 And the king of Israel an- them.
swered and said, Speak, Let him 19 So these, the young men
that girdeth on the armour not of the princes of the provinces,
boast himself as he that putteth came out of the city, with the
it off. army which followed them.
12 And it came to pass, when 20 And they slew every one
he heard message, as he was
this his man and the Syrians fled,

drinking, he and the kings in and Israel pursued them and ;

the pavilions, that he said unto Ben-hadad the king of Syria

his servants, Get ready for theescaped on a horse with the
attack. And they got ready for
the attack against the city. 21 And the king of Israel
13 And, behold, there ap- went out, and smote the horses
proached a certain prophet untoand chariots, and inflicted on
Achab the king of Israel, and the Syrians a great defeat.
said, Thus hath said the Lord, 22 And the prophet approach-
Hast thou seen all this great ed unto the king of Israel, and
multitude? behold, I will deliver
said unto them, Go, strengthen
it into thy hand this day ; andthyself, and mark, and see what
thou shalt know that I am the thou hast to do; for at the re-
Lord. turn of the year the king of
14 And Achab said, By whom? Syria will come up against thee.
And he said, Thus hath said the 23 And the servants of the
Lord, By means of the young king of Syria said unto him,,
men of the princes of the pro- Gods of the mountains are their
vinces. Then said he, Who
shall gods; therefore they prevailed
over us ;
but let us fight against had been left. And Ben-hadad
them in (and see) fled, and came into the city, into
the plain,
whether we not prevail an innermost chamber.
over them. 31 And his servants said unto
24 But do this thing, Remove him, Behold now, we hfiVe heard
the kings, every one from his that the kings of the house of
place, and appoint governors in Israel are kindly kings let us, :

their rooms; we pray thee, put sackcloth on

25 And thou, number for thy- our loins, and ropes upon our
self an army, like the army that heads, and go out to the king of
thou hast lost, horse for horse, Israel; peradventure he may
and chariot for chariot: and we save thy life.
will fight against them in the 32 So they girded sackcloth
plain, (and see) whether we shall on their loins, and ropes on their
prevail over them. And he heads, and came to the king of
hearkened unto their voice, and Israel, and said, Thy servant
did so. Ben-hadad hath said, I pray
26 And it came to pass at thee, let me live. And he said,
the return of the year, that Ben- Is he yet alive ? he is my bro-
hadad numbered the Syrians, ther.
and went up to Aphek, to the 33 Now the men took it for a
war with Israel. good sign, and hastened and
27 And the children of Israel caught at his word, whether it
were numbered, and provisioned, was his earnest and they said,

and went (out) against them: Thy brother Ben-hadad! But

and the children of Israel en- he said, Go ye, bring him. Then
camped opposite to them like came Ben-hadad forth to him
two little fiocks of goats; but and he caused him to come up
the Syrians filled the country. into the chariot.
28 And there approached the 34 And he said unto him, The
man of God, and spoke unto the cities, which my father took from
king of Israel, and said, Thus thy father, will I restore; and
hath said the Lord, Forasmuch thou canst lay out for thyself
as the Syrians have said, “ A streets in Damascus, as my fa-
God of the hills is the Lord, but ther laid out in Samaria. “ And
he is not God of the valleys:” I for my part will send thee
will I deliver all this great mul- away with this covenant.” So
titude into thy hand; and ye he made a covenant with him,
shall know that I am the Lord. and sent him away.
29 And they encampe-d one 35 5[ And a certain man of
opposite the other for seven the sons of the prophets said
days. And it happened, that on unto his companion, By the
the seventh day the battle took word of the Lord, smite roe, I
place and the children of Israel
: pray thee. But the man refused
smote of the Syrians a hundred to smite him.
thousand men on foot in one 36 Then said he unto him,
day. Forasmuch as thou hast not
80 But those that were left obeyed the voice of the Lord,
Aphek, into the city; but
fled to behold, when thou goest away
fell upon the twenty
the city-wall from me, a lion shall slay tlieo.
and seven thousand men that And he went away from him.


when a lion found him, and slew 2 And Achab spoke unto Na-
him. both, saying, Give me thy vine-
37 Then he met with another yard, that it may serve me for
man, and said, Smite me, I pray an herb-garden, because it is
thee. And the man smote him, near unto my house; and I will
smiting and wounding (him). give thee in its stead a vineyard
38 And the prophet then went, better than it; (or,) if it seem
and placed himself before the good in thy eyes, I will give thee
king on the way, and disguised the money, the value of the same.
himself with a bandage over his 3 And Naboth said to Achab,
eyes. Far be it from me before the
39 And as the king passed Lord, that I should give the
by, he cried unto the king, and inheritance of my fathers unto
said, Thy servant went out into thee.
the midst of the battle; and, be- 4 And Achab came into his
hold, a man turned aside, and house low-spirited and displeas-
brought unto me a man, and ed because of the word which
said, Guard this man if by any Naboth the Yizre’elite had spo-

means he be missing, then shall ken to him, when he said, I will

thy lifebe (forfeit) for his life, not give unto thee the inherit
or else thou shalt weigh me down ance of my fathers. And he laid
a talent of silver. himself down upon his bed, and
40 But it happened as thy turned away his face, and would
servant was busy here and there, eat no food.
that he was gone. And the 5 But Izebel his wife came to
king of Israel said unto him, him, and spoke unto him, Why
So is thy sentence: thou thyself is thy spirit so sad? and why
hast decided it. eatest thou no food?
41 And he hastened, and re- 6 And he said unto her, Be-
moved the bandage from his cause I spoke unto Naboth the
eyes; and the king of Israel re- Yizre’elite, and said unto him,
cognised him that he was one Give me thy vineyard for money;
of the prophets. or else, if it please thee, I will
42 And he said unto him, give thee a vineyard in its stead ;
Thus hath said the Lord, Be- but he hath said, I will not give
cause thou hast let go out of thy unto thee my vineyard.
hand the man whom I had caught 7 Then said unto him Izebel
in my net, therefore shall thy his wife, Dost thou now govern
life be the forfeit for his life, and the kingdom of Israel? arise,
thy people for his people. eat bread, and let thy heart be
43 And the king of Israel merry: I will myself give thee
went to his house low-spirited the vineyard of Naboth the Yiz-
and displeased, and he came to re’elite.
Samaria. 8 So she wrote letters in
Achab’s name, and sealed them
CHAPTER XXI. with his seal; and she sent the
1 And it came to pass after letters unto the elders and unto
these events, that Naboth the! the nobles w ho were in his city,

Yizre’elite had a vineyard, which and who dwelt near Naboth.

was in Yizre’el, near the palace 9 And she wrote in the letters,
of Achab the king of Samaria. saying, Proclaim a fast, and
cause Naboth to sit at the head in Samaria: behold, he is in the
of the people; vineyard of Naboth, whither he
10 And seat two men, worth- is gone down to take possession
less fellows, opposite to him, and of it.
let them bear witness against 19 And thou shalt speak unto
him, saying, Thou hast blas- him, saying, Thus hath said the
phemed God and the king: and Lord, Hast thou murdered, and
then lead him forth, and stone also taken possession? And
him, that he may die. thou shalt speak unto him, say-
11 And the men of his city, ing, Thus hath said the Lord,
the elders and the nobles, those In the place where the dogs
who dwelt in his city, did as licked the blood of Naboth shall
Izebel had sent unto them, as the dogs lick thy blood, yes,
was written in the letters which thine also.
she had sent unto them. 20 And Achab said to Elijah,
12 They proclaimed a fast, Hast thou found me, 0 my ene-
and caused Naboth to sit at the my? And he answered, I have
head of the people. found thee; because thou hast
13 And there came in two sold thyself to do what is evil in
men, worthless fellows, and the eyes of the Lord.
seated themselves opposite to 21 Behold, I will bring evil
him; and these worthless men upon thee, and I will sweep out
testified against him, against after thee, and will cut off from
Naboth, in the presence of the Achab every male, and the
people, saying, Naboth hath guarded and fortified in Israel,
blasphemed God and the king. 22 And I will make thy house
Then they led him forth out of like the house of Jerobo’am the
the city, and stoned him with son of Nebat, and like the house
stones, that he died. of Ba’sha the son of Achiyah,
14 And they sent to Izebel, for the provocation wherewith
saying, Naboth hath been ston- thou hast provoked (me) to an-
ed, and is dead. ger, and induced Israel to sin.
15 And it came to pass, when 23 And also concerning Ize-
Izebel heard that Naboth had bel hath the Lord spoken, say-
been stoned, and was dead, that ing, The dogs shall eat Izebel in
Izebel said to Achab, Arise, take the valley of Yizre’el.
possession of the vineyard of 24 Him that dieth of Achab
Naboth the Yizre’elite, which he in the city shall the dogs eat;
refused to give thee for money; and him that dieth in the field
for Naboth is not alive, but dead. shall the fowls of the heavens eat.
16 And it came to pass, when 25 But indeed there was none
Achab heard that Naboth was like Unto Achab, who sold him-
dead, that Achab rose up to go self to do what is evil in the eyes
down to the vineyard of Naboth of the Lord, to which Izebel his
the Yizre’elite, to take posses- wife incited him.
sion of it 26 And he acted very abomi-
17 And the word of the nably in following the idols, in
Lord came to Elijah the Thish- all things just as had done the
bite, saying, Emorites, whom the Lord had
18 Arise, go down to meet driven out from before the chil-
Achab the king of Israel, who is dren of Israel.
27 And it came when
to pass, Eternal besides, that we might
Achab heard these words, that he inquire of him ?
rent his clothes, and put sack- 8 And the king of Israel said
cloth upon his flesh, and fasted, unto Jehoshaphat, There is yet
and slept in the sackcloth, andone man, by whom we might in-
walked about barefooted. quire of the Lord; but I hate
28 And the word of the him for he will never prophesy

Lord came to Elijah the Thish- good concerning me, but evil
bite, saying, (it is) Michayhu the son of Yim-
29 Hast thou seen how Achab lah. And Jehoshaphat said,
hath humbled himself before me ? Let not the king say so.
therefore, because he hath hum- 9 Then called the king of Is-
bled himself before me, will I rael a certain officer, and said,
not bring the evil in his days : Hasten hither Michayhu the son
in the days of his son will I of Yimlah.
bring the evil upon his house. 10 And the king of Israel and
Jehoshaphat the king of Judah
CHAPTER XXII. were sitting each on his throne,
1 And
they remained (at rest) dressed in their regal garments,
three years, there being no war in a threshing-floor at the en-
between Syria and Israel. trance of the gate of Samaria;
2 And it came to pass in the and all the prophets prophesied
third year that Jehoshaphat the before them.
king of Judah came down to the 11 And Zedekiah [Zidkeyah]
king of Israel. the son of Kena’anah had made
3 And the king of Israel said himself horns of iron; and he
unto his servants, Know ye that said, Thus hath said the Lord,
Ramoth in Gil’ad is ours, and we With these shalt thou push the
remain without taking it out
idle, Syrians, until thou have made
of the hand of the king of Syria? an end of them.
4 And he said unto Jehosha- 12 And all the prophets pro-
phat, Wilt thou go with me phesied so, saying, Go up to Ra-
to the battle against Ramoth- moth-giTad, and prosper; and
gil’ad? And Jehoshaphat said I
the Lord will deliver it into the
to the king of Israel, I (will be) king’s hand.
like thee, my people like thy 13 And the messenger that
people, my horses like thy horses. went to call Michayhu spoke
5 And Jehoshaphat said unto unto him, saying, Behold now,
the king of Israel, Inquire, I the words of the prophets are
pray thee, to-day (first) of the with one voice good for the king
word of the Lord. do let thy word, I pray thee, be
6 Then assembled the king of like the word of any one of them,
Israel the prophets, about four and speak something good.
hundred men, and said unto 14 And Michayhu said, As the
them, Shall 1 go against Ramoth- Lord liveth, truly, what th«
gil’ad to baitle, or shall I for- Lord may say unto me, that will
bear ? And they said, Go up I speak.
and the Lord will deliver (it) 15 And when he was come to
into the hand of the king. the king, the king said unto him,
7 And Jehoshaphat said, Is Michayhu, shall we go against
there not here a prophet of the Ramoth-gil’ad to battle, or shall
we forbear ? And he answered ritof the Lord away from me to
him, Go up, and prosper; and speak with thee ?
may the Loan deliver it into the 25 And Michayhu said, Be-
hand of the king. hold, thou shalt see it on that day,
16 And the king said unto when thou shalt go into the inner-
him, how many times yet must I most chamber to hide thyself.
adjure thee that thou shalt not 26 And the king of Israel said,
speak to me any thing but the Take Michayhu, and carry him
truth in the name of the Lord? back unto Amon the governor
17 And he said, I saw all Is- of the city, and unto Yoash the
rael scattered over the mountains, king’s son
as flocks that have not a shep- 27 And say, Thus hath said
herd and the Lord said, These
: the king, Put this man in the
have no master let them return
prison, and feed him with spar-
every man to his house in peace. ing bread and with sparing wa-
18 And the king of Israel said ter, until I come home in peace.
unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not say 28 And Michayhu said, If thou
unto thee that he would not pro- return at all in peace, then hath
phesy concerning me any good, the Lord not spoken through
but (only) evil ? me. And he said, Hear it, 0 all
19 And he said, Therefore ye nations
hear thou the word of the Lord : 29 So the king of Israel

I saw the Lord sitting on his went up with Jehoshaphat the

throne, and all the host of hea- king of Judah, to Ramoth-gil’ad.
ven standing by him on his right 30 And the king of Israel said
and on his left. unto Jehoshaphat, I will disguise
20 And the Lord said, Who myself, and enter into the battle
willpersuade Achab, that he may but do thou put on thy regal
go up and fall at Ramoth-gil’ad ? garments. And the king of Is-
And one said, In this manner, and rael disguised himself, and went
another said, In that manner. into the battle.
21 And there camea 31 And the king of Syria had
spirit, and placed himself before commanded the captains over
the Lord, and said, I will per- his chariots, thirty-two (in num-
suade him. And the Lord said ber), saying, Fight neither with
unto him? Wherewith? a small nor a great one, save only
22 And he said, I will go forth, with the king of Israel alone.
and I will be a lying spirit in 32 And it came to pass, when
the mouth of all his prophets. the captains of the chariots saw
And he said, Thou wilt persuade Jehoshaphat, that they said,
him, and also prevail: go forth, Surely this is the king of Israel.
and do so. And they turned aside .against
23 And now, behold, the Lord him to fight: and Jehoshaphat
hath put a lying spirit in the cried out.
mouth of all these thy prophets; 33 And it came to pass, when
but the Lord hath spoken evil the captains of the chariots per-
joncerning thee. ceived that it was not the king
24 And Zedekiah the son of of Israel, that they turned back
Kena’anah went near, and struck from following him.
Michayhu on the cheek, and 34 But a man drew his bow at

said, Which way passed the Spi- a venture, and struck the king

of Israel between the joints and 44 Nevertheless the high,
the armour: wherefore he said places were not removed ;
unto his chariot-driver, Turn the people still offered, and burnt
about, and carry me out of the incense on the high-places.
camp ; for I am wounded. 45 And Jehoshaphat made
35 And the battle increased peace with the king of Israel.
on that day ; and the king was 46 Now the rest of the acts of
stayed up in his chariot against Jehoshaphat, and his mighty
the Syrians ; but he died in the deeds that he showed, and how
evening and the blood of the
: he warred, behold, they are writ-
wound flowed down into the hol- ten in the book of the chronicles
low of the chariot. of the kings of Judah.
36 And there went a procla- 47 And the remnant of the
mation throughout the camp at sodomites, that had been left in
the going down of the sun, say- the days of his father Assa, did
ing, Every man to his city, and he put away out of the land.
every man to his own land. 48 There was then no king in
37 So the king died, and was Edom a deputy was king.

brought to Samaria; and they 49 Jehoshaphat made Thar-

buried the king in Samaria. shish-ships to go to Ophir for
38 And the chariot was washed gold but they went not; for the

out at the pool of Samaria; and ships were wrecked at ’Ezyon-

the dogs licked up his blood, as geber.
they washed his armour accord-
: 50 Then said Achazyahu the
ing to the word of the Lord son of Achab unto Jehoshaphat,
which he had spoken. Let my servants go with thy ser-
39 Now the rest of the acts of vants in the ships. But Jeho-
Achab, and all that he did, and shaphat would not.
tho ivory house which he built, 51 And Jehoshaphat slept with
and all the cities that he built, and was buried with
his fathers,
behold, they are written in the his fathers in the city of David
book of the chronicles of the his father and Jehoram his son

kings of Israel. became king in his stead.

40 So Achab slept with his 52 Achazyahu the son of
fathers and Achazyahu his son Achab became king over Israel

became king in his stead. in Samaria in the seventeenth

41 And Jehoshaphat the year of Jehoshaphat, the king
son of Assa became king over of Judah; and he reigned over
Judah in the fourth year of Israel two years.
Achab the king of Israel. 53 And he did what is evil in
42 Jehoshaphat was thirty and the eyes of the Lord, and walked
five years old when he became in the way of his father, and in
king, and twenty and five years the way of his mother, and in
did he reign in Jerusalem. And the way of Jerobo’am the son of
his mother’s name was ’Azubah Nebat, who had induced Israel
the daughter of Shilchi. to sin.
43 And he walked in all the 54 And he served Ba’al, and
ways of Assa his father; he bowed down to him, and he pro-
turned not aside from it, doing voked to anger the Lord the God
what is right in the eyes of the of Israel, all just as his father
Lord : had done.
44 * r 2 621
'3 O’dSd 33D.

fore from the bed on which thou

CHAPTER I. art gone up shalt thou not come
1 Then did Moab rebel against down for thou shalt surely die.

Israel after the death of Achab. 7 And he spoke unto them,

2 And Achazyah fell down What is the manner of the man
through the lattice in his upper who came up to meet you, and
chamber that was in Samaria, spoke unto you these words?
and became sick and he sent
: 8 And they said unto him, He
messengers, and said unto them, is a hairy man, with a girdle of
Go, inquire of Ba’al-zebub the leather girded about his loins.
god of ’Ekron whether I shall And he said, It is Elijah the
recover from this sickness. Thishbite.
3 But an angel of the Lord 9 Then did he send unto him
spoke to Elijah the Thishbite, a captain of fifty with his fifty
Arise, go up to meet the messen- and he went up to him, and, be-
gers of the king of Samaria, and hold, he was sitting on the top
say unto them, Is it because of the mount; and he spoke
there is not a God in Israel, that unto him. 0 man of God, tho
ye go to inquire of Ba’al-zebub king hath commanded, Come
the god of ’Ekron ? down.
4 Now therefore, thus hath 10 And Elijah answered, and
said the Loud, From the bed on spoke to thecaptain of the fifty,
which thou art gone up shall And if I be a man of God, let a
thou not come down ;
for thou fire come down from heaven and
shalt surely die. And Elijah de- consume thee and thy fifty. And
parted. there came down a. fire from hea-
5 And the messengers returned ven, and consumed him and his
unto him, and he said unto them, fifty.
Why is this that ye are already 11 And he sent again unto
returned ? him another captain of fifty with
6 And they said unto him, his fifty. And he commenced
There came up a man to meet and spoke unto him, 0 man cf
us, and said unto us, Go, return God, thus hath the kitg sail,
unto the king that hath sent Come down quickly.
you, and speak unto him, Thus 12 And Elijah answered and
hath said the Lord, Is it because spoke unto them, If I be a man
there is not a God in Israel, that of God, let a fire come down from
thoa sendest to inquire of Ba’al- heaven, and consume thee and
tebub the god of ’Ekron ? there- thy fifty. And the fire of God
came down from heaven, and 2 And Elijah said unto Elisha',
consumed him and his fifty. Remain, I pray thee, here; for
13 Arid he sent again a cap- the Lord hath sent me as far as
tain of fifty the third time with Beth-el. But Elisha’ said, A?
his fifty. And the third captain the Lord liveth, and as thy soui
of fifty went up, and came and liveth, I will not leave thee. So
bent clown on his knees before they went clown to Beth-el.
Elijah, and besought him, and 3 And the sons of the prophets
spoke unto him, 0 man of God, that were at Beth-el came forth
I pray thee, let my life and the to Elisha’, and said unto him,
life of these fifty thy servants be Knowest thou that to-day the
precious in thy eyes. Lord will take away thy master
14 Behold, there came down from thy head? And he said, I
a fire from heaven, and consumed also know it ; be still.
the two captains of the first fifties 4 And Elijah said unto him,
with their fifties: and now let Elisha’, remain, I pray thee,
my life be precious in thy eyes. here for the Lord hath sent me

1 5 And the angel of the to Jericho. But he said, As the

Lord spoke unto Elijah, Go Lord liveth,and as thy soul
down with him: be not afraid liveth, I will not leave thee. So
of him. And he arose, and went they came to Jericho.
down with him unto the king. 5 And the sons of the prophets
16 And he spoke unto him, that were at Jericho came near
Thus hath said the Lord, Foras- to Elisha’, and said unto him,
much as thou didst send mes- Knowest thou that to-day the
sengers to inquire of Ba’al-zebub Lord will take away thy master
the god of ’Ekron, as though from thy head? And he said, I
there were no God in Israel to also know it be still.

inquire of his word therefore

: 6 And Elijah said unto him,
from the bed on which thou art Remain, I pray thee, hero; for
gone up shalt thou not come the Lord hath sent me to the
down ; for thou shalt surely die. Jordan. But he said, As the
17 And he died, according to Lord liveth, and as thy soul liv-
the word of the Lord which Eli- eth, I will not leave thee. So
jah had spoken and Jehoram
these two went on.
became king in his stead in the 7 And fifty men of the sons
second year of Jehoram the son of the prophets went and stood
of Jehoshaphat the king of Ju- opposite (to them) afar off': and
dah because he had no son.
those two stood by the Jordan.
J 8 Now
the rest of the acts of 8 And Elijah took his mantle,
Achazyahu which he did, be- and folded it together, and smote
hold, they are written in the the waters, and they were di-
book of the chronicles of the vided hither and thither, and
kings of Israel. they went, both of them, over on
dry ground.
CHAPTER II. 9 And it came to pass, when
1 And it came to pass, when they passed over, that Elijah
the Lord was about to take up said unto Elisha’, Ask what I
Elijah by a storm-wind to hea- shall do for thee, before I shall
ven, that Elijah went out with be taken away from thee. And
Elisha’ from Gilgal. Elisha’ said, Let there be, I pray
thee, a double portion of thy Send. And they sent fifty men,
spirit upon me. and they sought three days, but
10 And he said, Thou hast found him not.
asked a hard thing if thou see : 18 And they returned again
me when I am taken from thee, to him, for he had remained at
It shall be so (given) unto thee; Jericho and he then said unto

but -if not, it shall not be. them, Did I not say unto you,
11 And it came to pass, as Ye should not go?
they went on, speaking as they 19 <
And the men of the city
were going, that, behold, there said unto Elisha’, Behold, I pray
came a chariot of fire, and horses thee, the situation of this city is
of fire, and parted them both good, as my lord seeth but the ;

asunder; and Elijah went up by water is bad, and the land caus-
a storm-wind to heaven. eth untimely births.
12 And Elisha’ saw it, and he 20 And he said, Fetch me a
cried, My father, my hither, the new flask, and put salt therein :

chariot of Israel, and their horse- and they fetched it to him.

men. And he saw him no more; 21 And he went forth unto
and he took hold of his clothes, the spring of the waters, and
and rent them in two pieces. cast therein the salt, and said,
13 And he lifted up the man- Thus hath said the Lord, I have
tle of Elijah that had fallen from healed these waters there shall :

him, and went back, and stood not be from there any more
by the border of the Jordan; death or untimely births.
14 And he took the mantle of 22 So the waters were healed
Elijah that had fallen from him, unto this day, according to the
and smote the waters, and said, word of Elisha’ which he spoke.
Where is the Lord the God of 23 \\ And he went up from
Elijah ? and when he also had there to Bethel: and as he was
smitten the waters, the}' parted going up by the way, there came
hither and thither; and Elisha’ forth young lads out of the city,
passed over. and they mocked him, and said
15 And when the sons of the unto him, Go up, bald-head! go
prophets who w ere at Jericho, at up, bald-head!

a distance, saw him, they said, 24 And he turned back, and

The spirit of Elijah doth rest on looked on them, and cursed them
Elisha’. And they came forth in the name of the Lord and :

to meet him, and bowed them- there came forth two she-bears
selves unto him to the ground. out of the forest, and tore of them
16 And they said unto him, forty and two boys.
Behold now, there are among 25 And he went from there
thy servants fifty strong men to mount Carmel, and from there

let -them go, we pray thee, and he returned to Samaria.

seek thy master; peradventure
the Spirit of the Lord hath CHAPTER III.
taken him up, and cast him upon 1 And Jehoram
the son of
one of the mountains, or into Achab became king over Israel
one of the valleys. And he said, in Samaria in the eighteenth
Ye must not send. year of Jehoshap*hat the king of
17 And they urged him till Judah, and he reigned twelve
he was ashamed, when he said, years.
2 And he did what is answered one of the king of Is.
evil in
the eyes of the Lord but not like rael’s servants and said, Here is

his father and like his mother; Elisha’ the son of Shaphat, who
and he removed the statue of poured water on the hands of
Ba’al which his father had made. Elijah.
3 Nevertheless unto the sins 12 And Jehoshaphat said, The
of Jerobo’am the son of Nebat, word of the Lord is with him.
who had induced Israel to sin, And there went down to him the
did he cleave he departed not king of Israel and Jehoshaphat

therefrom. and the king of Edom.

4 f And Mesha’ the king of 13 And Elisha’ said unto the
Mo'ab was a sheepmaster, and king of Israel, What have I tc
rendered as tribute unto the king do with thee ? go to the prophets
of Israel a hundred thousand of thy father, and to the pro-
lambs, and a hundred thousand phets of thy mother. And the
rams, with the wool. king of Israel said unto him,
5 And it came to pass, when Not so for the Lord hath called

Achab was dead, that the king these three kings, to deliver them
of Mo'ab rebelled against the into the hand of Mo’ab.
king of Israel. 14 And Elisha’ said, As the
6 And king Jehoram went out Lord of hosts liveth, before
of Samaria at that time, and whom I have stood, surely, were
numbered all Israel. it not that I regard the presence
7 And he went and sent to Je- of Jehoshaphat the king of Ju-
hoshaphat the king of Judah, dah, I would not look toward
saying, the king of Molib hath thee, nor see thee.
rebelled against me: wilt thou 15 But now bring me a musi-
go with me against Mo'ab to bat- cian. And it came to pass, when
tle ? And he said, I will go up, the musician played, that the
I as thyself, my people as thy inspiration of the Lord came
people, my horses as thy horses. upon him.
8 And he said, Which way 16 And he said, Thus hath
shall we go up? And he said, said the Lord, Make this valley
The way through the wilderness full of ditches.
of Edom. 17 For thus hath said the
9 So the king of Israel went, Lord, Ye shall not perceive wind,
with the king of Judah, and the nor shall ye see rain yet this :

king of Edom and they took a valley shall be filled with water,

circuitous route, a seven days’ that ye may drink, yourselves,

journey ; and there was no wa- and your docks, and your cattle.
ter for the camp, and for the cat- 18 And this is yet too light a
tle that followed in their train. thing in the eyes of the Lord;
10 And the king of Israel and he will also deliver the Mo
said, Alas !that the Lord hath abites into your hand.
called these three kings, to de- 19 And ye shall smite every
liver them into the hand of fortified city, and every choice
Mo’ab ! city, and every good tree shall
11 But Jehoshaphat said, Is ye fell, and all springs of water
there not here a prophet of the shall ye stop, and every good
Lord, that we may inquire of piece of land shall ye spoil with
the Lord from him ? And there stones.
20 And it came and they departed
to pass in the against Israel :

morning, at the time when the from him, and returned to theii
meat-offering is offered, that, be- land.
hold, there came water by the
way from Edom, and the coun- CHAPTER IV.
try was filled with the water. 1 And
a certain woman, of
21 And when all the Moabites the wives of the sons of the pro-
heard that the kings were come phets cried unto Elisha’, saying,
up to fight against them, they Thy servant my husband is dead
were called together from every and thou well knowest that thy
one who was girded with a sword, servant was one who feared the
and upward, and they posted Lord and now the creditor is :

themselves on the border. come to take my two sons unto

22 And when they rose up himself for servants.
early in the morning, and the 2 And Elisha’ said unto her,
sun shone upon the water, the What shall I do for thee ? tell
Moabites saw the water at a dis- me, what hast thou in the house ?
tance as red as blood. And she said, Thy hand-maid
23 And they said, This is blood; hath nothing in the house, save
the kings have certainly had a a pot of oil.
contest among themselves, and 3 And he said, Go, borrow for
they have smitten one another : thyself vessels from abroad from
and now, up to the spoil, Moab. all thy neighbours, empty ves-
24 But when they came to the sels, let them not be a few.
camp of Israel, the Israelites 4 And then go home, and lock
rose up and smote the Moabites, the door behind thee and behind
so that they fled before them thy sons, and then pour out into
and they smote the Moabites all those vessels ;
and that which
completely, even in their own is thou shalt set aside.
country. 5 So she went from him, and
25 And the cities they pulled locked the door behind her and
down, and into every good piece behind her sons, who brought
of land they cast every man his the vessels ne*ir to her, and she
stone, and filled it up, and every poured out.
spring of water they stopped, 6 And it came to pass, when
and every good tree they felled, the vessels were full, that she
until they left only its stones in said unto her son, Bring near to
Kir-chareseth, and this the sling- me yet another vessel; and he
ers encompassed and smote it. said unto her, There is not a ves-
26 And when the king of Mo- sel more and the oil stayed. :

ab saw that the battle was too 7 Then came she and told it
strong for him, he took with him to the man of God; and he said,
seven hundred men that drew Go, sell the oil, and pay thy
the sword, to break through unto debt, and thou with thy children
the king of Edom but they
shalt live of the rest.
could not. 8 And it happened one day,
27 Then took he his eldest son that Elisha’ passed over to Shu-
that should have reigned in his nem, and there was a great wo-
stead, and offered him for a man, and she constrained him
burnt-offering upon the wall. to eat bread; and it happened,
And there was great indignation that as often as he passed by,
he used to turn in thither to eat19 And he said unto his father.
bread. My head, my head: and he said
9 And she said unto her hus- to a lad, Carry him to his mo-
band, Behold, now, I perceive ther.
that this is a holy man of God, 20 And he took him up, and
who passeth through by us con- brought him to his mother, and
tinually. he sat on her knees till noon,
10 Let us then make a little when he died.
upper chamber, on the wall and ;
21 And she went up, and laid
let us set for him there a bed, him on the bed of the man of
and a table, and a chair, and a God, and locked the door behind
candlestick and it shall be, him, and went out,

when he cometh to us, that he 22 And she called unto her

shall turn in thither. husband, and said, Send me, I
11 And it happened one day, pray thee, one of the young men,
that he came thither, and he and one of the she-asses, that I
turned into the upper chamber, may hasten as far as the man of
and lay there. God, and return.
12 And he said to Gechazi his 23 And he said, Wherefore
servant, Call this Shunammite art thou going to him to-day? it
and he called her, and she stood is neither new moon, nor sab-
before him. bath. And she said, It is well.
13 And he said unto him, Say 24 Then she saddled the she-
now unto her, Behold, thou hast ass, and said to her servant,
been at pains to take all this Drive, and go forward ; do not
trouble for us what is to be restrain me in riding, unless I

done for thee ? wouldst thou be say it to thee.

spoken for to the king, or to the 25 So she went, and came un-
chief of the army ? And she an- to the man of God to mount
swered, I dwell in the midst of Carmel and it came to pass,

my own people. when the man of God saw her

14 And he said, What then is afar off, that he said to Gechazi
to be done for her ? And Gechazi his servant, Behold, yonder is
said, Verily, she hath no son, that Shunammite.
and her husband is old. 26 Now do run to meet her,
15 And he said, Call her and and say unto her, Is it well with

he called her, and she stood in thee ? is it well with thy hus-
the door. band? is it well with the child?
16 And he said, At this sea- and she answered, It is well.
son, next year, thou shalt em- 27 And she came to the man
brace a son. And she said, No, of God to the mount, and caught
my lord, man of God, do not de- hold of his feet; and Gechazi
ceive thy handmaid. came near to thrust her away
17 But the woman conceived, but the man of God said, Let her
and bore a son at that season in alone; for her soul is grieved
the following year, as Elisha’ within her and the Lord hath

had spoken unto her. hidden it from me, and hath not
18 Andthe child grew up; told it me.
and it happened one day, that 28 And she said, Did I request
he went out to his father to the a son from my lord? did I not
reapers. Isay, Do not lead me astray ?
29 Then said he to Gechazi, Gilgal; and there was a famine
Gird up thy loim/, and take my in the land;
and the sons of the
staff in thy hand, and go thy prophets were sitting before him:

way if thou meet any man, thou

: and he said unto his servant,
shalt not salute him; and if any Set on the large pot, and seethe
salute thee, thou shalt not answer pottage for the sons of the pro-
him ; and lay my staff upon the phets.
face of the lad. 39 And one went out into the
30 And the mother of the lad field to gather herbs, and found
said, As the Lord liveth, and as a wild vine, and gathered there-
thy soul liveth, I will not leave of wild colocynths his garment
thee. And he arose and followed full, and came and cut them up
her. into the pot of pottage; for they
31 And Gechazi passed on be- knew them not.
fore them, and laid the staff upon 40 And they poured it out for
the face of the lad; but there the men to eat; and it came to
was neither voice, nor percepti- pass, as they were eating of the
ble sound; wherefore he went pottage, that they cried out, and
back to meet him, and told him, said, Death is in the pot, 0 man
saying, The lad is not awakened. of God. And they could not
32 And when Elisha’ was come eat.
into the house, behold, the lad 41 But he said, Then bring
was dead, laid upon his bed. some meal. And he cast it into
33 And he went in and locked the pot; and he said, Pour it
the door behind both of them, out for the people, that they may
and prayed unto the Lord. eat. And there was nothing bad
34 And he went up, and laid in the pot.
himself upon the child, and put 42 And there came a man from
his mouth upon his mouth, and Ba’al-shalishah, and brought un-
his eyes upon his eyes, and his to the man of God bread of the
hands upon his hands; and he first-fruits, twenty loaves of bar-
stretched himself upon him and ley-bread, and fresh ears of corn

the flesh of the child became in his scrip and he said, Give

warm. it unto the people, that they may

35 Then he returned, and eat.
walked in the house to and fro 43 And his servitor said, What,
and went up, and stretched him- shall I set this before a hundred
self (again) upon him : and the men ? And he said, Give it unto
lad sneezed as many as seven the people, that they may eat,
times, and the lad opened his for thus hath said the Lord,
eyes. They shall eat, and shall leave
36 And he called Gechazi, and (thereof ).
said, Call this Shunammite so: 44 So he set it before them,
he called her, and she came in and they ate, and left thereof,
unto him; and he said, Take up according to the word of the
thy son. Lord.
37 Then went she in, and fell
and bowed herself to
at his feet,
the ground, and took up her son, 1 And Na’a man, the captain
and went out. of the army of the king of Syria,
38 f And Elisha’ returned to was a great man befi re his lord,
at. I highly honoured; because 9 And Na’amancame with
by him had the Lord given vic- his horses and with his chariot,
tory unto Syria and this man
: and remained at the door of the
was valiant in war, but a leper. house of Elisha’.
2 And the Syrians had gone 10 And Elisha’ sent a mes-
out in predatory troops, and had senger unto him, saying, Go and
brought away captive out of the bathe seven times in the Jordan,
Land of Israel a little maiden ;
and thy flesh shall be restored
and she waited on Na’aman’s (healthy) to thee, and thou shalt
wife. become clean.
3 And she said unto her mis- 11 ButNa’aman became wroth,
tress, Oh that my lord were but and went away, and said, Behold,
before the prophet that is in Sa- I had thought, He will surely
maria then would he heal him come out to me, and stand, and

of his leprosy. call on the name of the Lord

4 And he went in, and told his God, and swing his hand
bis lord, saying, Thus and thus over the place, and heal the
hath spoken the maiden that is leper.
from the land of Israel. 12 Are not Amanah and Phar-
5 And the king of Syria said, par, the rivers of Damascus, bet-
Go to, go, and I will send a let- ter than all the waters of Israel?
ter unto the king of Israel. And may I not bathe in them, and
he departed, and took with him become clean? and he turned
ten talents of silver, and six and went away in a rage.
thousand pieces of gold, and ten 13 And his servants came
changes of garments. near, and spoke unto him, and
6 And he brought the letter to they said, My father, if the pro-
the king of Israel, which said, phet had bidden thee a great
And now when this letter cometh thing, wouldst thou not do it?
unto thee, behold, I have sent to how much rather then, when he
thee Na’aman my servant, that hath said to thee, Bathe, and
thou rnayest heal him of his become clean?
leprosy. 14 Then went he down, and
7 And it came to pass, when dived seven times in the Jordan,
the king of Israel read the let- according to the word of the man
ter, that he rent his clothes, and of God: and his flesh was re-
said, Am I God, to kill and to stored (healthy) like the flesh of
make alive, that this one doth a little boy, and he became clean.
send unto me to heal a man of his 15 And he returned to the
leprosy? for know to a certainty, man of God, he with all his
I pray you, and see that he but camp, and came and stood be-
seeketh a quarrel against me. fore him, and said, Behold, now
8 And it happened, when I know
that there is no god on
Elisha’ the man of God heard the earth, but in Israel; and
that the king of Israel had rent now, I pray thee, take a present
his clothes, that he sent to the from thy servant.
king, saying, Wherefore hast 16 But he said, As the Lord
thou rent thy clothes? let him liveth before whom I have stood,
but come to me, and he shall I will take none and he urged

know that there is a prophet in him to take it: but he refused.

Israel. 17 And Na’aman said, If (thou
45 }: 529
wilt) not, (then) let there be hill,he took them from their
given, I pray thee, unto thy ser- hand, and bestowed them in the
vant two mules’ burden of earth ;
house; and he dismissed the
for thy servant will not offer men, and they departed.
henceforth either burnt-offering 25 But he went in, and stood
or peace-sacrifice unto other
before his master. And Elisha’
gods, except unto the Lord. said unto him, Whence comest
18 For this thing may the thou, Gechazi ? And he said,
Lord pardon thy servant, that Thy servant went not hither or
when my lord goeth into the thither.
house of Rimmon to prostrate 26 And he said unto him, My
himself there, and he leaneth on mind was not gone, when the
my hand, and I prostrate myself man turned round from his cha-
also in the house of Rimmon: riot to meet thee. Is it a time
may the Lord pardon thy ser- to take money, and to take gar-
vant for this thing. ments, and oliveyards, and vine-
19 And he said unto him, Go yards, and sheep, and oxen, and
in peace : so he departed from men-servants, and maid-ser-
him some distance. vants ?
20 But Gechazi, the servant 27 May then the leprosy of
of Elisha’ the man of God, said, Na’aman cleave unto thee, and
Behold, my master hath spared unto thy seed for ever. And he
Na’aman, this Syrian, in not re- went out from his presence a
ceiving from his hand what he leper (as white) as snow.
had brought; but, as the Lord
liveth, I will run after him, and
take some little thing from him. 1 If And the sons of the pro-
21 So Gechazi hurried after phets said unto Elisha’, Behold
Na’aman ; and when Na’aman now, the place where v e dwell T

saw him running after him, he before thee is too narrow for us.
lighted down from the chariot 2 Let us go, we pray thee,
to meet him, and said, Is (all) as far as the Jordan, and take
well ? thence every man one beam, and
22 And he said, (All) is well. let us prepare for us there a place
My master hath sent me, saying, to dwell therein. And he said,
Behold, even now there are come Go.
to me from the mountain of 3 And one said, Give thy as-
Ephraim two young men of the sent, I pray thee, and go with
sons of the prophets do give thy servants.
: And he said, I
them, I pray thee, a talent of will indeed go.
silver, and two changes of gar- 4 So he went with them; and
ments. they came to the Jordan, and
23 And Na’aman said, Give they cut down trees.
thy assent, take two talents. 5 But as one was felling a
And he urged him, and bound beam, the axe-head fell into the
up two talents of silver in two water: and he cried, and said,
bags, with two changes of gar- Alas, my lord it was also bor- !

ments, and he gave them unto rowed.

his two young men, and they 6 And the man of God said,
carried them before him. Where did it fall? And he
24 And when he came to the showed him the place. And he
cut doyen a stick, and cast it in 16 And he said, Fear not for ;

thither, and lie caused the iron those that are with us are more
to swim. than those that are with them.
7 And then said he, Lift it up 17 And Elisha’ prayed, and
to thee. And he stretched out said, 0 Lord, open, I pray thee,
his hand, and took it. his eyes, that he may see. And
8 And the king of Syria the Lord opened the eyes of the
made war against Israel, and young man and he saw, and

took counsel with his servants, behold, the mountain was full
saying, In such and such a place of horses and chariots of fire
shall be my camp. round about Elisha’.
9 And the man of God sent 18 And when they came down
unto the king of Israel, saying, to him, Elisha’ prayed unto the
Beware that thou pass not that Lord, and said, Smite, I pray
place; for thither the Syrians thee, this people with blindness.
are come down. And he smote them with blind-
10 And the king of Israel sent ness according to the word of
to the place, which the man of Elisha’.
God had told him and warned 19 And Elisha’ said unto them,
him of, and he took care of him- This is not the way, neither is
self here :not once nor twice. this the city follow me, and I

11 Therefore the heart of the will lead you to the man whom
king of Syria was sorely troubled ye wish to seek. And he led
concerning this thing; and he them thus to Samaria.
called for his servants, and said 20 And it came to pass, when
unto them, Can ye not tell me they were come into Samaria,
who of us is for the king of Is- that Elisha’ said, Lord, open
rael ? the eyes of these, that they may
12 And one of his servants see. And the Lord opened their
said, Not so, my lord, 0 king; eyes, and they saw, and, behold,
but Elisha’, the prophet that is they were in the midst of Sa-
in Israel, can tell unto the king maria.
of Israel the words that thou 21 And the king of Israel said
mayest speak in thy sleeping- unto Elisha’, when he saw them,
chamber. Shall I smite them ? Shall I
13 And he said, Go and see smite them, my father?
where he is, that I may send and 22 But he said, Thou shalt
fetch him. And it was told un- not smite them wouldst thou

to him, saying, Behold, he is in smite those whom thou hast

Dothan. taken captive with thy sword
14 And he sent hither horses, and with thy bow ? set bread
and chariots, and a strong army and water before them, that the,y

and they came by night, and may eat and drink, and go (back)
surrounded the city. to their master.
15 And the servant of the 23 And he prepared for them
man of God rose early, and went a great meal and they ate and

forth, when, behold, an army drank, and he sent them away,

compassed the city both with and they went (back) to their
horses and chariots. And his master. And the predatory
servant said unto him, Alas, my bands of Syria came no more
master how shall we do?
! into the land of Israel.
24 ^ And came to pass after ye how this son of the murderer
this, that Ben-hadad the king hath sent to remove my head?
of Syria assembled all his camp, look, when the messenger com-
and went up, and besieged Sa- eth, shut the door, and hold him
maria. back with the door : is not the
25 And there was a great fa sound of his master’s feet behind
mine in Samaria; and, behold, him ?

they besieged it, until an ass’s 33 And while he was yet

head was sold for eighty pieces speaking with them, behold, the
of silver, and the fourth part of messenger came down unto him
a kab of dove’s dung for five and he said, Behold, this evil is
pieces of silver. of the Lord ; what shall I hope
26 And it happened as the for in the Lord any longer?
king of Israel was passing along
upon the wall, that a woman CHAPTER VII.
cried unto him, saying, Help, 1 Then
said Elisha’, Hear
my lord, 6 king. ye the word of the Lord Thus :

27 And he said, If the Lord hath said the Lord, About this
do not help thee, whence shall I time to-morrow a seah of fine
help thee? shallit be out of the flour shall be sold for a shekel,
threshing-floor, or out of the and two seahs of barley for a
wine-press ? shekel, in the gate of Samaria.
28 And the king said unto 2 Then answered the lord of
her, What aileth thee ? And the king, on whose hand he used
she said, This woman said unto to lean, the man of God, and
me, Give up thy son, that we said, Behold, will the Lord
may eat him to-day, and my son make windows in the heavens,
we will eat to-morrow. that this thing shall be? And
29 So we boiled my son, and he said, Behold, thou shalt see
ate him ;
but when I said unto it with thy eyes, but thereof
her on the next day, Give up shalt thou not eat.
thy son, that we may eat him: 3 And there were four lep-
she hid her son. rous men at the entrance of the
30 And it came to pass, when gate : and they said one to an-
the king heard the words of the other, Why
do we remain here
woman, that he rent his clothes, until we die ?
as he was passing along upon 4 If we say, We
will enter in-
the wall and the people looked,
: to the city, then is the famine in
and, behold, he had sackcloth the city, and we shall die there;
beneath upon his flesh. and if we remain here, we die
31 Then said he, May God do (also) now therefore come, and

«o unto me, and continue so yet let us go over unto the camp of
farther, if the head of Elisha’ the Syrians if they will let us

the son of Shaphat shall remain live, we shall live; and if they
on him this day. kill us, we shall but die.
32 But Elisha’ was sitting in 5 And they rose up in the
his house, and the elders were twilight, to go unto the camp of
sitting with him; and he sent a the Syrians and when they;

man from before him ; but before were come to the uttermost part
the messenger could yet come to of the camp of the Syrians, be*
him, he said to the elders, See hold, there was no man there.
6 For the Lord had caused in the field, saying, If they
She camp of the Syrians to hear should come out of the city, we
a noise of chariots, and a noise will catch them alive, and enter
of horses, the noise of a large into the city.
army and they said one to the
: 13 And one of his servants
other, Lo, the king of Israel hath answered and said, Let some
hired against us the kings of take, I pray thee, five of the
the Hittites, and the kings of horses that remain, which are
the Egyptians, to come upon us. left in the city, let it fare with
7 And they -were arisen and them as with all the multitude
fled in the twilight, and had left of Israel that are left in it, (or)
their tents, and their horses, and with them as with all
let it fare
their asses, the camp as it was, the multitude of Israel that have
and fled for their life. perished and let us send out

8 And so came these lepers to and see.

the uttermost part of the camp, 14 And they took two chariots
and they went into one tent, and with horses and the king sent

ate and drank, and carried away after the camp of the Syrians,
thence silver, and gold, and gar- saying, Go and see.
ments, and went and hid them ;
15 And they went after them
and they returned, and entered as far as the Jordan and, lo,

into another tent, and carried the whole way was full of gar-
away (something) thence, and ments and vessels, which the
went and hid it. Syrians had cast away in their
9 And then they said one to haste: and the messengers re-
the other, We do not act cor- turned, and told it to the king.
rectly ;
this day is a day of good 16 And the people went out,
tidings and if we remain silent,
and plundered the camp of the
and tarry till the morning-light, Syrians and a seah of fine flour

we shall incur guilt : now then was to be had for a shekel, and
come, and let us go and tell it at two seahs of barley for a shekel,
the king’s house. according to the word of the
10 So they went and called Lord.
unto one of the gate-keepers of 17 And the king had appoint-
the city, and they told them, ed the lord on whose hand he
saying, We came to the camp used to lean to have the charge
of the Syrians, and, behold, there of the gate and the people trod

was no man there, nor the voice him down in the gate, and ho
of man but the horses were tied,
died ; as the man of God had
and the asses were tied, and the spoken, which he spoke when
tents as they had been. the king came down to him.
11 And he called the gate- 18 And it came to pass as the
keepers; and they told it at the man of God was speaking to the
king’s house within. king, saying. Two seahs of bar-
12 And the king arose in the ley for a shekel, and a seah of
night, and said unto his ser- fine flour for a shekel, shall be
vants, I can easily tell you what about this time to-morrow in the
the Syrians have done to us gate of Samaria
they know that we are hungry 19 That the lord had answere
and they are therefore gone out the man of God, and said, Now,
of the ?amp to hide themselves behold, if even the Lord were to
45 * 533
make windows in the heavens, a certain officer, saying, Restore
would such a thing be? And all that belongeth to her, and all
he had said, Behold, thou shalt the products of the field since
see it with thy eyes, but thereof the day that she left the land,
shalt thou not eat. even until now.
20 And it happened unto him 7 And Elisha’ came to Da*
so ; for the people trod him down mascus and Ben-hadad the king

in the gate, and he died. of Syria was sick and it was


told him, saying, The man of

CHAPTER VIII. God is come even hither.
1 And Elisha’ spoke unto 8 And the king said unto Cha-
the woman, whose son he had zael, Take a present in thy hand,
restored to life, saying, Arise, and go to meet the man of God,
and go, thou and thy household, and inquire of the Lord from
and sojourn wheresoever thou him, saying, Shall I recover from
canst sojourn ; for the Lord hath this sickness ?
called for a famine, and it is also 9 So Chazael went to meet
coming in the land for seven him, and took a present in his
years. hand, and all manner of good
2 And the woman arose, and things of Damascus, a burden for
did after the word of the man forty camels, and he came and
of God; and she went, she with stood before him, and said, Thy
her household, and sojourned in son Ben-hadad the king of Syria
the land of the Philistines seven hath sent me to thee, saying,
years. Shall I recover from this sick-
3 And it came to pass at the ness ?
end of seven 3^ears, that the wo- 10 And Elisha’ said unto him,
man returned out of the land of Go, say unto him, Thou mayest
the Philistines; and she went certainly recover; nevertheless
forth to cry unto the king for the Lord hath shown me that he
her house and for her land. shall surely die.
4 And the king was just 11 And he restrained his coun-
speaking with Gechazi the ser- tenance, and held back as long
vant of the man of God, saying, as he could : and then wept the
Relate to me, I pray thee, all man of God.
the great things that Elisha’ 12 And Chazael said, Why
hath done. doth my lord weep? And he
5 And it came to pass, as he said, Because I know what evil
was just relating to the king thou wilt do unto the children
how he had restored the dead to of Israel their strong-holds wilt

life, that, behold, the woman, thou set on fire, and their young
whose son he had restored to men wilt thou slay with the
life, cried to the king for her sword, and their children wilt
house and for her land. And thou dash, and their pregnant
Gechazi said, My lord, 0 king, women wilt thou rip up.
this is the woman, and this is 13 And Chazael said, But wha:
her son, whom Elisha’ restored is thy servant, the dog, that he
to life. should do this great thing ? And
6 And the king asked of the Elisha’ said, the Lord bath
woman, who related it to him. caused me to see thee as king
So the king appointed unto her over Syria.
14 So he went away from Eli- hold, they are written in the boolf
sha", and came to his master; of the chronicles of the kings of
who said to him, What hath Eli- Judah.
sha said to thee ? And he said,
24 And Joram slept with his
He said to me that thou coulds.t fathers, and was buried with his
surely recover, fathers in the city of David and

15 And it came to pass on the Achazyahu his son became king

morrow, that he took a cover- in his stead.
lid, and dipped it in water, and 25 In the twelfth year of
spread it over his face, and he Joram the son of Achab the king
died and Chazael became king of Israel became Achazyahu, the

in his stead. son of Jehoram the king of Ju-

16 And in the fifth year of dah, king.
Joram the son of Achab the king 26 Two and twenty years old
of Israel, Jehoshaphat being yet was Achazyahu when he became
king of Judah, Jehoram the son king and one year did he reign

of Jehoshaphat the king of Ju- in Jerusalem. And his mo-

dah became king. ther's name was "Athalyahu, the
17 Thirty and two years old (grand-) daughter of "Omri the
was he when he became king, king of Israel.
and eight years did he reign in 27 And he walked in the way
Jerusalem. of the house of Achab, and did
18 And he walked in the way what is evil in the eyes of the
of the kings of Israel, as the Lord, like the house of Achab
house of Achab had done; for a for he was the son-in-law of the
daughter of Achab had he for house of Achab.
wife and he did what is evil in
: 28 And he went with Joram
the eyes of the Lord. the son of Achab to the war
19 Yet would the Lord not against Chazael the king of Sy-
destroy Judah for the sake of ria at Ramoth-giPad : and the
David his servant, as he said Syrians smote Joram.
unto him, to give him a govern- 29 And king Joram returned
ment and to his children at all to be healed in Yizre’el of the
times. wounds which the Syrians had
20 In his days Edom revolted inflicted on him at Ramah, when
from under the power of Judah, he W'as lighting against Chazael
and p they appointed a king over the king of Syria. And Achaz-
themselves. yahu the son of Jehoram the
21 And Joram went over to king of Judah went down to see
Za"ir, and all the chariots were Joram the son of Achab in Yiz-
with him; and he rose up by re’el, because he was sick.
night, and smote the Edomites
who compassed him about, and CHAPTER IX.
the captains of the chariots and
: 1 And Elisha" the prophet
the people fled into their tents. called one of the children cf the
22 Yet Edom revolted from prophets, and said unto him,
under the power of Judah even Gird up thy loins, and take thi&
until this day;
then did Libnah flask of oil in thy hand, and go
revolt at the same time. to Ramoth-gil’ad:
23 And the rest of the acts of 2 And when thou art come
Joram, and all that he did, be- thither, look out there for Jehu

the son of Jehoshaphat the son unto him, Is all well ? wherefors
sf Nirnshi, and go in, and cause came this madman to thee ? And
him to stand up from the midst he said unto them, Ye yourselves
of his brethren, and bring him know the man, and his talk.
in to the innermost chamber; 12 And they said, It is false
3 And thou shalt then take onty tell us, we pray thee. And
the flask of oil, and pour it on he said, So and so did he speak
his head, and say, Thus hath to me, saying, Thus hath said
said the Lord, I have anointed the Lord, I anoint thee as king
thee as king over Israel. Then over Israel.
must thou open the door, and 13 Then they hastened, and
flee, and not wait for any thing. they took every man his gar-
4 So the young man, the dis- ment, and put it under him on
ciple of the prophet, went to Ra- the top of the stairs; and they
moth-gil’ad. blew the cornet, saying, Jehu is
5 And when he came, behold, king.
the captains of the army were 14 So Jehu the son of Jeho-
sitting; and he said, I have a shaphat the son of Nimshi con-
word for thee, 0 captain. And spired against Joram. (Now Jo-
Jehu said, For whom of all of ram had kept guard at Ramoth-
us? And he said, For thee, 0 gil’ad, he and all Israel, because
captain. of Chazael the king of Syria.
6 And he arose, and went into 15 But king Jeboram was re-
the house and he poured the oil
: turned to be healed in Yizre’el
on his head, and said unto him, of the wounds which the Syrians
Thus hath said the Lord the had inflicted on him, when he
God of Israel, I anoint thee as was fighting with Chazael the
king over the people of the Lord, king of Syria.) And Jehu said,
over Israel. If this be your mind, then let
7 And thou shalt smite the none that escapeth go forth out
house of Achab thy master, that of the city to go to tell it in Yiz-
I may avenge the blood of my re’el.
servants the prophets, and the 16 So Jehu rode in a chariot,
blood of all the servants of the and went to Yizre’el for Joram ;

Lord, at the hand of Izcbel. was lying there. And Achazyah

8 And the whole house of the king of Judah was come
Achab shall perish: and I will down to see Joram.
cut off from Achab every male, 17 And the watchman s'tood
and the guarded and fortified in on the tower in Yizre’el, and he
Israel saw the company of Jehu a* he
9 And I will make the house came ; and he said, A comijany
of Achab like the house of Jero- do I see. And Jehoram &aid,
bo’am the son of Nebat, and like Take a horseman, and send out
the house of Ba’sha the son of to meet them, and let him say,
Achiyah ;
Is it peace ?
.10 And Izebcl shall the dogs 18 So there went one riding
e<t in the field of Yizre’el, with on horseback to meet him, and
Dune to bury her. And he (then) said, Thus hath said the king, Is
opened the door, and fled. it peace? And Jehu said, What
1 1 But Jehu came forth to the hast thou to do with peace ? turn
servants of his lord and one said thee about behind me. And the

watchman told, saying, The mes- day the blood of Naboth, and
senger came up to them, but he the blood of his sons, saith the
hath not returned. Lord; and I will repay thee in
19 Then sent he out a second this part of the field, saith the
rider on horseback, who came to Lord. And now lift up, (and)
them, and said, Thus hath said cast him down into the field,
the king, Is it peace ? And Jehu according to the word of the
answered, What hast thou to do Lord.
with peace ? turn thee about be- 27 And when Achazyah the
hind me. king of Judah saw this, he fled
20 And the watchman told, by the way of the garden-house;
saying, He came up to them, but but Jehu pursued after him, and
he hath not returned and the : said, Also him smite in the cha-
driving is like the driving of riot. (And they did so) on the
Jehu the son of Nimshi; for he ascent to Gur, which is by Yib-
driveth as though he were mad. le’am. And he fled to Megiddo,
21 And Jehoram said, Har- and died there.
ness up. And his chariot was 28 And his servants carried
harnessed up. And Jehoram the him in a chariot to Jerusalem,
king of Israel and Achazyah-u and buried him in his sepulchre
the king of Judah went out, each with his fathers in the city of
in his chariot, and they went out David.
to meet Jehu, and found him in 29 And in the eleventh year
the portion of land of Naboth of Jorarn the son of Achab be-
the Yizre’elite. came Achazyah king over Judah.
22 And it came to pass, when JO And Jehu came to Yizre’el;
Jehoram saw Jehu, that he said, and when Izebel heard of it, she
Is it peace, Jehu ? And he said, painted her eyes, and ornament-
What peace can there be with ed her head, and looked out at
the acts of incest of thy mother the window.
Izebel and her many witch- 31 And as Jehu entered in at
crafts? the gate, she said, Is it peace,
23 And Jehoram turned about, 0 Zimri, who hath slain his
and and said to Achazyahu,
fled, master ?
Treachery, Achazyah. 32 And he lifted up his face
24 And Jehu grasped the bow to the window, and said, Who is
with his full strength, and struck on my side ? who ? And there
Jehoram between his arms, and looked out to him two or three
the arrpw went out at his heart, chamberlains.
and he sunk down in his cha- 33 And he said, Pitch her down.
riot. So they pitched her down: and
25 Then said he to Bidkar his some of her blood was sprinkled
oflicer, Lift up, (and) cast him on the wall, and on the horses;
down in the part of the field that and he trod her under foot.
was Naboth’s the Yizre’elite ;
for 34 And he came in, and ate
remember how that I and thou and drank; and then said he,
rode alongside each other after Look, I pray you, after this ac
Achab his father, when the Lord cursed one, and bury her for ;

pronounced over him this fatal she is a king’s daughter.

decree 35 And they went to bury
26 Surely I have seen yester- her; but they found nothing of
her but the skull, and the feet, hearken unto my voice, then
and the palms of the hands. take the heads of the men, your
36 And they returned, and master’s sons, and come to me to
told him; and he said, It is the Yizre’el by this time to-morrow.
word of the Lord which he Now the king’s sons, seventy
spoke by means of his servant persons, were with the great men
Elijah the Thishbite, saying, In of the city, who brought t;em
the field of Yizre’el shall the up.
dogs eat the flesh of Izebel 7 And it came to pass, when
37 And the carcass of Izebel the letter came to them, that they
shall be as dung upon the face took the king’s sons and slaugh-
of the field in the portion of Yiz- tered them, seventy persons, and
re’el; so that they shall not say, put their heads in baskets, and
This is Izebel. sent them to him to Yizre’el.
8 And the .messenger came,
CHAPTER X. and told him, saying, They have
1 And Achab had seventy brought the heads of the king’s
sons in Samaria. And Jehu sons. And he said, Place ye
wrote letters and sent them to them in two heaps at the en-
Samaria, unto the rulers of Yiz- trance of the gate until the morn-
re’el, the elders, and to those ing.
that brought up Achab’s chil- 9 And it came to pass in the
dren, saying, morning, that he went out, and
2 And now as soon as this let- stood, and said to all the people,
ter cometh to you, seeing that Ye are righteous behold, I con-

there are with you your master’s spired against my master, and
sons, and there are with you the slew him ;
but who hath killed
chariots and the horses, and the all these?
fortified city, and the armour 10 Know now that there shall
3 Select then the best and the not fall of the word of the Lord
most fitting of your master’s unto the earth, the least that the
sons, and set him on his father’s Lord hath spoken concerning
throne, and fight for your mas- the house of Achab and the;

ter’s house. Lord hath done that which he

4 But they were exceedingly spoke by means of his servant
much afraid, and said, Behold, Elijah.
the two kings could not stand 11 And Jehu smote all that
before him how then shall we
: yet remained of the house of
be able to stand ? Achab in Yizre’el, and* all his
5 And the superintendent over great men, and his acquaintance,
the house, and the commander and his priests, until he had left
over the city, and the elders, and him none that escaped.
the bringers up of the children, 1 2 And he arose and depnrtod,

sent to Jehu, saying, We are thy and came to Samaria; he was

servants, and all that thou may- just at the binding-house of the
est say unto us will we do ; we shepherds, on the way:
will not set up any one as king : 13 When Jehu met with the
do what is good in thy eyes. brothers of Achazyahu the king
6 Then wroSe he to them a of Judah, and he said, Who are
letter the second time, saying, ye ? And the} said, The brothers

If ye be for me, and if ye will of Achazyahu are we; and we

are come down to salute the chil- there was not a man remaining
dren of the king and the chil- that came not; and they came
dren of the queen. into the house of Ba’al and the

14 And he said, Seize them house of Ba’al was full from one
alive. And they seized them end to another.
alive, and slaughtered them at 22 And he said unto him that
the pit of the binding-house, two was over the wardrobe, Bring
and forty men and he left not
: forth vestments for all the wor-
one of them remaining. shippers of Ba’al. And he
1 5 And he went away thence, brought forth for them the vest-
find met Yehonadab the son of ments.
Rechab coming to meet him 23 And Jehu went, with Ye-
and he saluted him, and said to honadab the son of Rechab, into
him, Is all right in thy heart, as the house of E-a’al, and he said
my heart is with thy heart? unto the worshippers of Ba’al,
And Yehonadab answered, It is Search, and look that there be

it is give me thy hand.

And not here with you any of the
he gave him his hand; and he servants of the Lord, but the
took him up to him into the worshippers of Ba’al entirely
chariot. alone.
1*6 And he said, Come with 24 And they went in to pre-
me, and behold my zeal for the pare sacrifices and burnt- offer-
Lord. So they made him ride ings but Jehu had set for him-

in his chariot. self without eighty men, and

17 And when he came to Sa- said, (If there be) a man that
maria., he smote all that yet re- escapeth from the men whom I
mained unto Achab in Samaria, deliver into your hands, (there
till he had exterminated him, shall be given) life for his life.
according to the word of the 25 And it came to pass, as
Lord which he had spoken to soon as they had made an end
Elijah. of preparing the burnt-offering,
18 And Jehu assembled all that Jehu said to the runners
the people, and said unto them, and to the officers, Go in, smite
Achab hath served Ba’al a little : them: let none come forth. And
Jehu will serve him much. they smote them with the edge
19 And now call unto me all of the sword; and the runners
the prophets of Ba’al, all his and the captains cast them out,
worshippers, and all his priests: and went as far as the city of
let no %one be missing for I
the house of Ba’al.
have a great sacrifice to make 26 And they brought forth
for Ba’al ; whosoever will be the statues out of the house of
missing, shall not live. But Ba’al, and burnt every ore of
Jehu did it in subtil ty, in order them.
to destroy the worshippers of 27 And they broke down the
Ba’il. statue of Ba’al, and broke down
20 And Jehu said, Sanctify a the house of Ba’al, and made it
solemn assembly for Ba’al. And a common sewer unto this day.
they proclaimed it. 28 Thus Jehu exterminated
21 And Jehu sent throughout Ba’al out of Israel.
all Israel: and there came all 29 Nevertheless the sins of
the worshippers cf Ba’al, so that Jerobo’am the son of Nebat, wht
induced Israel to sin, Jehu de- Achazyahu, took Yoash the son
parted not from in following of Achazyah, and stole him away
them, (namely,) the golden from among the king’s sons that
calves that were in Beth-el, and were slain, him and his nurse
that were in Dan. into the bed-chamber and they

30<[[And the Lord said unto hid him from ’Athalyah, so that
Jehu, Forasmuch as thou hast he was not slain.
acted well in dokig what is right 3 And he was with her in the
in my eyes, and hast done in ac- house of the Lord hidden for
cordance with all that was in my six years, while ’Athalyah was
heart unto the house of Achab : reigning over the land.
children of the fourth generation 4 And in the seventh year
after thee shall sit upon the Yehoyada’ sent and fetched the
throne of Israel. rulers over the hundreds, of the
31 But Jehu took no heed to guards and the runners, and
walk in the law of the Lord- the brought them to him into the
God of Israel with all his heart house of the Lord, and made a
he departed not from the sins of covenant with them, and made
Jerobo’am, who induced Israel them swear in the house of the
to sin. Lord, and showed them the
32 In those days the. Lord king’s son.
began to cut Israel short and: 5 And he commanded them,
Chazael smote them, in all the saying, This is the thing that
boundary of Israel ,* ye shall do A third part of you

33 From the Jordan to the that enter in on the sabbath shall

rising of the sun, all the land of even be keeping watch in the
Gil’ad, the Gadites, and the king’s house
Reiibenites, and the Mienassites, 6 And a third part shall be
from ’Aro’er whicL is by. the at the gate of Sur and a third

river Arnon, both, Gil’ad and part at the gate behind the run-
Bashan. ners so shall ye keep watch at

34 Now the rest of the acts the house, as a defence.

of Jehu, and all that lie did, and 7 And two parts of you all
all his mighty deeds, behold, they that are relieved on the sabbath,
are written in the book of the even they shall keep watch in
chronicles of the kings of Israel. the house of the Lord about the
35 And Jehu slept with his king.
fathers, and they buried him in 8 And ye shall encompass the
Samaria. And Yehoachaz his king round about, every man
son became king in his stead. with his weapons in his hand;
36 And the time that Jehu and he that cometh within the
reigned over Israel in Samaria ranges shall be put to death
was twenty and eight years. and be ye with the king when
he goeth out and when he com-
CHAPTER XI. eth in.
1 And when ’Athalyah the 9 And the captains over Jie
mother of Achazyahu saw that hundreds did in accordance with
her son was dead, she arose and all that Yehoyada’ the priest
destroyed all the seed royal. had commanded and they took

2 But Yehosheba’, the daugh- every man his men that came
ter of king Jorarn, the sister of in on the sabbath, with thoso
that were to be relieved on the 17 And Y’ehoyada’ made a
sabbath, and came to Yehoyada’ covenant between the Lord and
the priest. between the king and between
10 And the priest gave to the the people, that they should be
captains over the hundred the a people unto the Lord; and
spears and shields that had be- between the king and between
longed to king David, that were the people.
in the house of the Lord. 18 And then came all the
11 And the runners stood people of the land into the house
every man with his weapons in of Ba’al, and pulled it down his :

his hand, from the right side of altars and his images they broke
the house to the left side of the in 'pieces thoroughly, and Mat-
house, by the altar and within, than the priest of Ba’al they
round about the king. slew before the altars. And the
12 And he brought forth the priest appointed superintendents
king’s son, and put the crown over the house of the Lord.
upon him, and (gave him) the 19 And he took the chiefs
testimony, and they made him over hundreds, and the guards,
king, and anointed him; and and the runners, and all the
they clapped their hands, and people of the land, and they
said, Long live the king. brought down the king from the
13 And when ’Athalyah house of the Lord, and came by
heard the noise of the runners the way of the gate of the run-
(and) of the people, she came to ners to the king’s house and he

the people in the house of the sat on the throne of the kings.
Lord. 20 And all the people of the
14 And she looked, and, be- land rejoiced, and the city was
hold, the king stood upon a quiet; but ’Athalyahu thejr had
stand, according to custom, and slain with the sword at the king’s
the princes and .the trumpeters house.
were by the king, and all the
people of the land were rejoic- CHAPTER XII.
ing, and blowing with trumpets : Seven years old was Ye-
and ’Athalyah then rent her hoash when he became king.
clothes, and cried, Conspiracy 2 In the seventh year of Jehu

conspiracy ! became Yehoash king, and forty

15 But Yehoyada’ the priest years did he reign in Jerusalem
commanded the captains of the and the name of his mother was
hundreds, the commanders of Zibyah of Beer-sheba’.
the army, and said unto them, 3 And Yehoash did what is
Lead her forth to within the right in the eyes of the Lord all
ranges and him that followeth his days, that Yehoyada’ the

her put to death with the sword. priest instructed him.

For the priest had said, She 4 Only the high-places were
shall not be slain in the house not removed the people as yet

of the Lord. sacrificed and burnt incense on

16 And they made way for the high- places.
her; and she went by the way 5 And Yehoash said to the
of the entrance of the horses in- priests, All the money of the
to the king’s house •
and she dedicated things that may be
was put to death there. brought into the house of the
46 541
Lord, the money of every one workmen, that had been ap-
that passeth the numbering, the pointed as overseers of the house
money any man is valued at, of the Lord and they laid it

and all the money that cometh out to the carpenters and to the
into any man’s heart to bring builders, that wrought on the
into the house of the Lord, house of the Lord,
6 The priests shall take to 13 And to the masons, ind
themselves, every man from his the heAvers of stone, and for the
acquaintance; and they shall purchase of timber and hewn
repair the breaches of the house, stones to repair the breaches of
wheresoever any breach may be the house of the Lord, and for
found. all that was laid out for the
7 But it happened, that in house to repair it.
the three and twentieth year of 14 Nevertheless there were
king Yehoash the priests had not made for the house of the
not repaired the breaches of the Lord bowls of silver, knives,
house. basins, trumpets, all kinds of
8 Then called king Yehoash vessels of gold, or vessels of sil-
for Yehoyada’ the priest, and ver, from the money that Avas
the (other) priests, and he said brought into the house of the
unto them, Wherefore do ye not Lord ;

repair the breaches of the house ? 15 But they gave it to those

and now ye shall take no more who overlooked the workmen,
money from your acquaintances, and they repaired thereAvith the
but ye shall give it up (at once) house of the Lord.
for the breaches of the house. 16 And they reckoned not
9 And the priests consented with the men, into whose hand
neither to take any more money the}' delivered the money to give
from the people, nor to repair it to those who overlooked the
the breaches of the house. workmen ; for they acted in good
10 But Yehoyada’ the priest faith.
took a chest, and bored a hole 17 The money for trespass-
in its lid, and he placed it be- offerings and the money for sin-
side the altar, on the right side offerings was not brought into
as one cometh into the house of the house of the Lord: it be-
the Lord and the priests that longed to the priests.

kept watch at the threshold put 18 At that time Chazael the

therein all the money, that was king of Syria Avent up, and
brought into the house of the fought against Gath, and cap-
Lord. tured it and Chazael directed

11 And it happened, when his face to go up against Jeru-

they saw that there was much salem.
money in the chest, that the 19 Then took Yehoash the
king’s scribe«and the high -priest king of Judah all the hallowed
came up, and they put up in things that Jehosbaphat, Jeho-
bags, after having counted, the ram, and Achazyahu, his fa-
money that was found in the thers, the kings of Judah, had
house of the Lord. dedicated, and his own hallowed
12 And they gave the money, things, and all the gold that was
after it was counted, into the found in the treasures of the
bands of those who overlooked house of the Lord, and in the
king’s house, and sent it to Cha- Israel dwelt in their tents, as in
zael the king of Syria and he times past.

withdrew from Jerusalem. 6 Nevertheless they departed

20 And the rest of the acts of not from the sins of the house
Yoash, and all that .he did, be- of Jerobo’am, who induced Is-
hold, they are written in the rael to sin, therein the people
bjok of the chronicles of the walked: and the Asherah also
kings of Judah. remained standing in Samaria.)
21 And his servants arose, 7 For he had left of people to
and formed a conspiracy, and Yehoachaz none but fifty horse-
smote Yoash in Beth-millo, men, and ten chariots, and ten
which (lieth on the road) that thousand men on foot for the ;

goeth down to Silla. king of Syria had destroyed

22 And Yozachar the son of them, and had made them like
Shim’ath, and Yehozabad the the dust at threshing.
son of Shomer, his servants, 8 Now the rest of the acts of
smote him, and he died ; and Yehoachaz, and all that he did,
they buried him with his fathers and his mighty deeds, behold,
in the city of David : and Amaz- they are written in the book of
yah his son became king in his the chronicles of the kings of
stead. Israel.
9 And Yehoachaz slept with
CHAPTER XIII. his fathers ; and they buried him
1 In the three and twentieth in Samaria and Yoash his son

year of Yoash the son of Achaz- became king in his stead.

yahu the king of Judah became 10 In the thirty and seventh
Yr ehoachazthe son of Jehu king year of Yoash the king of Judah
over Israel in Samaria (for) became Yehoash the son of Ye-
seventeen years. hoachaz king over Israel in Sa-
2 And he did what is evil in maria, (for) sixteen years.
the eyes of the Lord, and fol- ‘11 And he did what is evil
lowed the sins of Jerobo’am the in the eyes of the Lord he de-

son of Nebat, who induced Israel parted not from all the sins of
to sin : he departed not there- Jerobo’am the son of Nebat, who
from. induced Israel to sin therein

3 And the anger of the Lord he walked.

was kindled against Israel ; and 12 And the rest of the acts of
he gave them up into the hand Yoash, and all that he did, and
of Chazael the king of Syria, his mighty deeds wherewith he
and into the hand of Ben-hadad fought against Amazyah the
the son of Chazael, all the king of Judah, behold, they are
time. written in the book of the chro-
4 And Yehoachaz besought nicles of the kings of Israel.
the Lord; and the Lord heark- 13 And Yoash slept with his
ened unto him; for he saw the fathers; and Jerobo’am sat upon
oppression of Israel, how the his throne and Yoash was

king of Syria oppressed them. buried in Samaria with the

5 (And the Lord gave Israel kings of Israel.
a deliverer, so that they came 14 *[[ Now Elisha’ was fallen
out from under the power of the sick of his sickness whereof he
Syrians : and the children of had to die. And Yoash the
king of Israel came down untoj Syria oppressed Israel all the

him, and wept over his face, and! days of Yelioacbaz.

said, 0 my father, my father, 23 And the Lord became gra-
the chariot of Israel, and their cious unto them, and had mercy
horsemen. on them, and turned his regard
15 And Elisha’ said unto him, unto them, because of his cove-
Fetch a bow and arrows. And nant with Abraham, Isaac, and
he fetched unto him a bow and Jacob, and would not destroy
arrows. them, and he cast them not off*
16 And he said to the king from his presence even until
of Israel, Place thy hand upon now.
the bow. And he placed his 24 And Chazael the king of
hand (upon it) and Elisha’ laid Syria died and Ben-hadad his
: :

his hands upon the king’s hands. son became king in his stead.
17 And he said, Open the 25 And Yehoash the son of
window eastward. And he Yohoachaz took again the cities
opened it. Then said Elisha’, out of the power of Ben-hadad
Shoot. And he shot. And he the son of Chazael, which he
said, The arrow of victory from had taken out of the power of
the Lord, and the arrow of vic- Yehoachaz his father in the war.
tory over Syria and thou shalt Three times did Yoash beat him,

smite the Syrians in Aphek, till and he recovered the cities of

they be consumed. Israel.
18 And he said, Take the
arrows. And he took them. CHAPTER XIV.
And he said unto the king of 1 In the second year of Yo-
Israel, Strike upon the ground. ash the son of Yoachaz the king
And he struck three times, and of Israel became Amazyahu, the
stopped. son of Yoash the king of Judah,
19 And the man of God was king.
angry with him, and said, Thou 2 Twenty and five years was
shouldst have struck five or six he old when he became king,
times then wouldst thou have
and twenty and nine years did
smitten the Syrians till they hadhe reign in Jerusalem. And his
been consumed whereas now
: mother’s name was Yeho’addan
thou shalt smite Syrians of Jerusalem.
three times. 3 And he did what is right in
20 And Elisha’ died, and the eyes of the Lord, yet not
they buried him. And the pre- like David his father in ac- :

datory bands of the Moabites cordance with all that Yoash his
frequently invaded the land at father had done, (so) did he.
the coming in of the year. 4 Nevertheless the high-pla3es
21 And it came to pass, as were not removed as yet the :

they were burying a man, that, people sacrificed and burnt in-
behold, they saw the band; and cense on the high-places.
they cast down the man into the 5 And it came to pass, when
sepulchre of Elisha’ and as the the kingdom was firmly esta-

man came, and touched the bones blished in his hand, that he slew
of Elisha’, he revived, and rose his servants who had slain the
up on his feet. king his father.
22 But Chazael the king of 6 But the children of the mur-
derers he put not to death as it
: salem, and made a breach in the
is written in the book of the law wall of Jerusalem from the gate
of Moses, that the Lord com- of Ephraim unto the corner-gate,
manded, saying, The fathers four hundred cubits.
shall not be put to death for the 14 And he took all the gold
children, nor shall the children and the silver, and all the ves-
be put to death for the fathers sels that were found in the house
but every man shall be put to of the Lord, and in the treasures
death for his own sin. of the king’s house, and the chil-
7 He it was that smote of dren of the chiefs as hostages,
Edom in the valley of salt ten and returned to Samaria.
thousand men, and seized Sela’ 15 Now the rest of the acts
in the war, and called its name of Yehoash which he did, and
Yoktheel until this day. his mighty deeds, and how he
8 Then sent Amazyah mes- fought with Amazyahu the king
sengers to Yehoash, the son of of Judah, behold, they are writ-
Yehoachaz the son of Jehu, the ten in the book of the chronicles
king of Israel, saying, Come, let of the kings of Israel.
us look one another in the face. 16 And Yehoash slept with
9 And Yehoash the king of his fathers, and was buried in
Israel sent to Amazyahu the king Samaria with the kings of Israel
of Judah, saying, The thornbush and Jerobo’am his son became
that was in the Lebanon sent to king in his stead.
the cedar that was in the Leba- 17 And Amazyahu the son
non, saying, Give thy daughter of Yoash the king of Judah lived
to my son for wife. And there after the death of Yehoash, the
passed along the wild beasts that son of Yehoachaz the king of
were in Lebanon, and trod down Israel, fifteen years.
the thornbush. 18 And the rest of the acts of
10 Thou hast indeed smitten Amazyahu, behold, they are writ-
Edom, and thy heart hath lifted ten in the book of the chronicles
thee up :keep thy glory and of the kings of Judah.
stay in thy house and why wilt
19 Now they raised a con-
thou meddle with misfortune, spiracy against him in Jerusa-
that thou mayest fall, thou, and lem : wherefore he fled to La-
Judah with thee? chish ; but they sent after him
11 But Amazyahu would not to Lachish, and slew him there.
hear. Therefore Yehoash the 20 And they brought him on
king of Israel went up ; and he horses :and he was buried at
and Amazyahu the king of Ju- Jerusalem with his fathers in the
dah looked one another in the city of David.
face at Beth-shemesh, which bc- 21 And all the people of Ju-
lcngeth to Judah. dah took ’Azaryah, who was six-
12 And Judah was defeated teen years old, and they made
before Israel and they fled every him king instead of his father

man to his tents. Amazyahu.

13 And Yehoash
the king of 22 He it was that built Elath,
Israelcaught Amazyahu the king and brought it back to Judah,
of Judah, the son of Yehoash, after the king slept with his
the son of Achazyahu, at Beth-' fathers.
shemeshj and he came to Jeru-j 23 f" In the fifteenth year of
46* x2 545
Amazyahu Yoash the w hen he became king, and two
the son of II

king of Judah became Jerobo-j and fifty years did he reign in

’am, the son of Yoash the king![Jerusalem. And his mother’s
of Israel, king in Samaria, (for) name was Yecholyahu of Jeru-
forty and one years. salem.
24 And he did what is evil in 3 And he did what is right in
the eyes of the Lord he de-: the eyes of the Lord, in accord-
parted not from all the sins of ance with all that Amazyahu his
Jerobo’am the son of Nebat, who father had done
induced Israel to sin. 4 Nevertheless the high-places
25 He restored the boundary were not removed: as yet the
of Israel from the entrance of people sacrificed and burnt in-
Chamath unto the sea of the cense on the high places.
plain; in accordance with the 5 And the Lord afflicted the
word of the Lord God of Israel, king with leprosy, and he was a
which he had spoken by means leper unto the day of his death,
of his servant Jonah the son of and he dwelt in the leper-house.
Amitthai, the prophet, who was And Jotharn the king’s son was
of Gath-chepher. over the house, (and) judged the
26 For the Lord saw the people of the land.
affliction of Israel, which was 6 And the rest of the acts of
veiy bitter; that the guarded ’Azaryahu, and all that he did,
was no more, and that the forti- behold, they are written in the
fied was no more, and there was book of the chronicles of the
no helper for Israel. kings of Judah.
27 And
the Lord had not 7 And ’Azaryah slept with his
spoken that he would blot out fathers ; and they buried him
the name of Israel from under with his fathers in the city of
the heavens ; but he helped them David: and Jotharn his son be-
by means of Jerobo’am the son came king in his stead.
of Yoash. 8 In the thirty and eighth
28 Now the rest of the acts of year of ’Azaryahu the king of
Jerobo'am, and all that he did, Judah became Zechariah the son
and his mighty deeds, how he of Jerobo’am king over Israel in
warred, and how he brought Samaria (for) six months.
back Damascus and Chamath, 9 And he did what is evil in
(which had belonged) to Judah, the eyes of the Lord, as his fa-
to Israel, behold, they are writ- thers had done he departed not

ten in the book of the chronicles from the sins of Jerobo’am the
of the kings of Israel. son of Nebat, who induced Israel
29 And Jerobo’am slept with to sin.
his fathers, with the kings of Is- 10 And Shallum the son of
rael and Zechariah his son be- Yabesh conspired against him,

came king in his stead. and smote him before the people,
and put him to death, and be-
CHAPTER XY came king in his stead.
1 In the twenty and seventh 11 And the rest of the acts of
year of Jerobo’am the king of Zechariah, behold, they are writ-
Israel became ’Azaryah, the son ten in the book of the chronicles
•f Amazyah king of Judah, king. of the kings of Israel.
2 Sixteen years old was he 12 This was the word of the
Loud which he spoke unto Jehu, man and : the king of Assyria
Baying, Sons of the fourth gene- then returned, and stayed not
ration shall sit after thee on the there in the land.
throne of Israel. And so it came 21 And the rest of the acts of
to pass. Menachem, and all that he did,
13 Shallum the son of Ya- behold, they are written in the
besh became king in the nine book of the chronicles of the
and thirtieth year of ’TJzziyah kings of Israel.
the king of Judah; and he reign- 22 And Menachem slept with
ed for the space of one month in his fathers and Pekachyah his

Samaria. son became king in his stead.

14 Then went up Menachem 23 In the fiftieth year of
the son of Gadi from Thirzah, 'Azaryah the king of Judah be-
and came to Samaria, and smote came Pekachyah the son of Me-
Shallum the son of Yabesh in nachem king over Israel in Sa-
Samania, and put him to death, maria, (for) two years.
and became king in his stead. 24 And he did what is evil in
15 And the rest of the acts the eyes of the Lord he de- :

of Shallum, and his conspiracy parted not from the sins of Je-
which he made, behold, they are robo’am the son of Nebat, who
written in the book of the chroni- induced Israel to sin.
cles of the kings of Israel. 25 And Pekach the son of Re-
16 At that time did Mena- malyahu, an officer of his, con-
chem smite Thiphsach, and all spired against him, and smote
that was therein, and its terri- him in Samaria, in the fortress
tory from Thirzali ; because they of the king’s house, with the aid
opened not to him, he smote it; of Argob and the Aryeh, and
and all the pregnant women with him were fifty men of the
therein he ripped up. children of the Gil’adites and

17 In the nine and thirtieth he put him to death, and became

year of ’Azaryah the king of Ju- king in his stead.
dah became Menachem the son 26 And the rest of the acts of
of Gadi king over Israel, (for) Pekachyah, and all that he did,
ten years, in Samaria. behold, they are written in the
18 And he did what is evil in book of the chronicles of the
the eyes of the Lord: he de- kings of Israel.
parted not from the sins of Jero- 27 f In the fifty-second year
bo’am the son of Nebat, who of ’Azaryah the king of Judah
induced Israel to sin, all his became Pekach the son of Re-
days. malyahu king over Israel in Sa-
19 (Then) came Pul the king maria, (for) twenty years.
of Assyria against the land and: 28 And he did what is evil in
Menachem gave Pul a thousand the eyes of the Lord he de- :

talents of silver, that his hand parted not from the sins of Je-
might be with him to strengthen robo’am the son of Nebat, who
his kingdom in his hand. induced Israel to sin.
20 And Menachem exacted 29 In the days of Pekach the
the money from all Israel, from king of Israel came Thiglath-
all the mighty men of the army, pilesser the king of Assyria, and
to give to the king of Assyria, took Tyon, and Abel-beth-ina’a-
fifty shekels of silver from every chah, and Y anoach, and Kede&h,
and Chazor, and Gil’ad, and Ga- CHAPTER XVI.
lilee, the land of Naphtali,
all J In the seventeenth year
and led them away
as exiles to of Pekach the son of Remalyahu,
Assyria. became Achaz, the son of Jotham
30 And Hoshea’ the son of the king of Judah, king.
Elah made a conspiracy against 2 Twenty years old was Achaz
Pekach the son of Remalyahu, when he became king, and six-
and smote him, and put him to teen years did he reign in Jeru-
death, and became king in his salem ; and he did not what is
stead, in the twentieth year of right in the eyes of the Lord his
Jotham the son of ’Uzziyah. God, like David his father.
31 And the rest of the acts of 3 But he walked in the way
Pekach, and all that he did, be- of the kings of Israel, and even
hold, they are written in the book his son he caused to pass through
of the chronicles of the kings of the fire, after the abominable acts
Israel. of the nations whom the Lord
32 In the second year of had driven out from before the
Pekach the son of Remalyahu children of Israel.
the king of Israel became Jo- 4 And he sacrificed and burnt
tham, the son of ’Uzziyah the incense on the high-places, and
king of Judah, king. on the hills, and under every
33 Five and twenty years old green tree.
was he when he became king, 5 Then came up Rezin the
and sixteen years did he reign king of Syria and Pekach the
in Jerusalem. And his mother’s son of Remalyahu the king of
name was Yerusha, the daughter Israel to Jerusalem to war: and
of Zadok. they besieged Achaz; but were
34 And he did what is right not able to make an attack.
in the eyes of the Lord: in ac- 6 At that time did Rezin
cordance with that ’Uzziyahu the king of Syria bring Elath
his father had done,
(so) did he. back to Syria, and drove the
35 Nevertheless, the high- Jews from Eloth and the Edo-

places were not removed as yet means came to Elath and dwelt

the people sacrificed and burnt there, even until this day.
incense on the high-places. He 7 And Achaz then sent mes-
it was that built the upper gate sengers to Thiglath-pilesser the
of the house of the Lord. king of Assyria, saying, Thy
36 Now the rest of the acts of servant and thy son am I come :

Jotham, and all that he did, be- up, and help me out of the hand
hold, they are written in the book of the king of Syria, and out of
of the chronicles of the kings of the hand of the king of Israel,
Judah. who rise up against me.
87 f In those days began the 8 And Achaz took the silver
Lord to send against Judah Re- and the gold that were found in the king of Syria, and Pe- the house of the Lord, and in
kach the son of Remalyahu. the treasures of the king’s hou=6,
38 And Jotham slept with his and sent (the same) to the king
fathers, and was buried with his of Assyria as a bribe.
fathers in the city of David his 9 And the king of Assyria
father and Achaz his son be- hearkened unto him
and the
came king in his stead. king of Assyria went up against
Damascus, and captured it, and 16 And Uriyah the priest did
led (the people of) it away cap- in accordance with all that king
live to Kir, and Rezin did he put Achaz had commanded.
to death. 17 And king Achaz cut off the
10 And King Achaz went to borders of the bases, and re-
meet Thiglath-pilesser the king moved the lavers from off them;
of Assyria to Damascus, and he and the sea he took down from
saw the altar that was at Damas- off the copper oxen that were
cus and king Achaz then sent
: under it, and placed it upon a
to Uriyah the priest the form of pavement of stones.
the altar, and its pattern, after 18 And the covered passage
all its workmanship. for the sabbath that they had
11 And Uriyah the priest built built on the house, and the outer
the altar: in accordance with all king’s entrance, turned he from
that king Achaz had sent from the house of the Lord, on ac-
Damascus so did Uriyah the count of the king of Assyria.
priest make it against the arrival 19 Now the rest of the acts of
of king Achaz from Damascus. Achaz which he did, behold, they
12 And when the king came are written in the book of the
from Damascus, the king saw chronicles of the kings of Judah.
the altar; and the king ap- 20 And Achaz slept with his
proached to the altar, and offered fathers, and was buried with his
thereon. fathers in the city of David : and
13 And he burnt his burnt- Hezekiah his son became king
offering, and his meat-offering, in his stead.
and poured out his drink-offer-
ing, and sprinkled the blood
of his peace-offerings upon the 1In the twelfth year of
altar. Achaz the king of Judah became
14 And as respecteth the cop- Hoshea’ the son of Elah king in
per altar, which was before the Samaria over Israel, (for) nine
Lord, he moved it back from years.
the forefront of the house, from 2 And he did what is evil in
between the altar and the house the eyes of the Lord, but not
of the Lord, and set it on the like the kings of Israel that were
side of the altar to the north. before him.
15 And king Achaz command- 3 Against him came up Shalma-
ed Uriyah the priest, saying, nesser the king of Assyria and ;

Upon the great altar burn the Hoshea’ became his servant, and
morning burnt-offering, and the rendered him tribute.
evening meat-offering, and the 4 And the king of Assyria dis-
king’s burnt-offering, and his covered a conspiracy on Hoshea’;
meat-offering, with the burnt- for he had sent messengers to
offering of all the people of the So the king of Egypt, and had
land, and their meat-offering, raised no tribute for the king of
and their drink-offerings ; and Assyria, as (before) year by year;
all the blood of the burnt-offer- and the king of Assyria made
ing, and all the blood of the sa- him prisoner, and shut him up
crifices shalt thou sprinkle on it; in a prison-house.
and the copper altar shall be for 5 And the king of Assyria
me to visit occasionally. came up over all the land, and

went np to Samaria, and besieged and which I have sent to you by
it three years. means of my servants the pro-
6 In the ninth year of Hoshea* phets.
did the king of Assyria capture 14 But they would not hear,
Samaria, and he led Israel away and hardened their neck, like
as exiles into Assyria, and set- the neck of their fathers, who
tled them in Chalach and in Cha- had not believed in the Lord
bor by the river of Gozan, and their God;
in the cities of Media. 15 And they despised his sta-
7 This took place, because tutes, and his covenant which he
the children of Israel had sinned had made with their fathers, and
against the Lord their God, who his testimonies which he had en-
had brought them up out of the trusted to them ; and they fol-
land of Egypt, from under the lowed after what is vanity, and
hand of Pharaoh the king of became vain, and followed after
Egypt, and had feared other the nations that were round about
gods. them, concerning whom the Lord
8 And had walked in the cus- had charged them, not to do like
toms of the nations whom the them.
Lord had driven out from before 16 And they forsook all the
the children of Israel, and in commandments of the Lord their
those of the kings of Israel, God, and made themselves molt-
which they had made. en images, two calves, and made
9 And
(because) the children a grove, and bowed down to all
of Israel had secretly done things the host of the heavens, and
that are not right against the served Ba’al
Lord their God, and had built 17 And they caused their sons
themselves high-places in all and their daughters to pass
their cities, from the tower of through the fire, and used divina-
the watchmen up to fortified tions and enchantments, and
cities sold themselves to do what is
10 And had set themselves up evil in the eyes of the Lord, to
statues and groves on every high provoke him to anger.
hill, and under every green tree 18 Therefore became the Lord
11 And had burnt there in- very angry with Israel, and he
cense on all the high-places, like removed them from his presence
the nations that the Lord had there was none left but the tribe
led away exiles before them; and of Judah alone.
wrought wicked things to pro- 19 Also Judah kept not the
voke the Lord to anger commandments of the Lord their
12 And had served the idols, God, but walked in the customs
whereof the Lord had said unto of Israel which they had made.
them, Ye shall not do this thing. 20 Therefore did the Lord re-
13 The Lord had indeed warn- ject all the seed of Israel, and
ed Israel and Judah, by means he afflicted them, and gave them
of all the prophets, all the seers, up into the hand of spoilers, un-
saying, Turn ye back from your til that he had cast them out of
evil ways, and keep my com- his presence.
mandments (and) my statutes, 21 For Israel had torn them-
in accordance with all the law selves from the house of David,
which Icommandedyour fathers, land they made Jerobo’am tin*

son of Nebat king: and Jerobo- them how they should fear the
’ain misled Israel from following
the Lord, and caused them to 29 Yet they made, every na-
commit a great sin ;
tion, their own gods and they ;

22 And the children of Israelput them in the houses of the

high-places which the Samari-
walked in all the sins of Jerobo-
’am which he did; they departed tans had made, every nation in
not therefrom. their cities wherein they dwelt.
23 Until that the Lord re- 30 And the men of Babylon
made Succoth-benoth, and the
moved Israel out of his presence,
as he had spoken by means of men of Cuth made Neregal,
all his servants the prophets; and the men of Chamath made
and Israel was led away as ex- Ashima.
iles out of their own land to As- 31 And the’Avvites made Nib-
syria even until this day. chaz and Tharthak, and the Se-
24 And the king of Assyriapharvites burnt their children in
brought (men) from Babylon, fire to 'Adrammelech and ’Anam-
and from Cuthah, and from ’Av- melech, the gods of Sephar-
va, and from Chamath, and from' vayim.
Sepharvayim, and settled them 32 And they feared (also) the
in the cities of Samaria in the Lord and they made unto them-

room of the children of Israel: selves of the lowest of them

and they took possession of priests of the high-places, and
Samaria, and dwelt in its cities. these sacrificed for them in the
25 And it happened at the be- houses of the high-places.
ginning of their dwelling there, 33 The Lord did they fear,
that they feared not the Lord : and their own gods did they
wherefore the Lord sent among serve, after themanner of the
them lions, which slew some of nations wdience they had been
them. led away.
26 And they said to the king 34 Even until this day do they
of Assyria, as followeth, The na- act after the former manners
tions that thou hast led away, they fear not the Lord, neither
and settled in the cities of Sama- do they act after their own cus-
ria, know not the manner of the toms, and after their manner,
God of the land wherefore he
: nor after the law and after the
hath sent among them lions, and, commandment which the Lord
behold, they are slaying them, commanded the children of Ja-
since they know not the manner cob, whose name he styled Is-
of the God of the land. rael ;
27 Then commanded the king 35 With whom the Lord had
of Assyria, saying, Carry thither made a covenant, and charged
one of the priests whom ye led them, saying, l~e shall not fear
away from there ; and let them other gods, nor bow yourselves
go and dwell there, and let him down to them, nor serve them,
teach them the manner of the nor sacrifice to them:
God of the land. 36 But the Lord, who hath
28 And there came one of the brought you up out of the land
priests whom they had led away of Egypt with great might and
as exiles from Samaria, and with an outstretched arm, him
dwelt in Beth-el; and he taught alone shall ye fear, and to him
shall ye bow yourselves down, cense to it and he called : it Ne-
and to him shall ye sacri- chushthan.
fice; 5 In the Lord the God of Is-
37 And the statutes, and the rael did he trust; and after him
ordinances, and the law, and the there was not his like among all
commandment, which he hath the kings of Judah, nor among
written for you, shall ye observe those that were before him.
to d: for all time; and ye shall 6 And he adhered to the Lord,
not fear other gods. and turned not away from fol-
38 And the covenant that I lowing him; but he kept his
have made with you shall ye not commandments, which the Lord
forget :and ye shall not fear had commanded Moses.
other gods. 7 And the Lord was with him
39 But the Lord your God whithersoever he went forth
shall ye fear and he will deliver he prospered
and he rebelled :

you out of the hand of all your against the king of Assyria, and
enemies. served him not.
40 Nevertheless they have not 8 He it was that smote the
hearkened, but they act after Philistines, as far as Gazzah, and
their former manner. its territory, from the tower of
41 So were these nations, while the watchmen up to the fortified
they feared the Lord, also serv- city.
ing their graven images: and 9 •[[ And came
to pass in the

both their children, and their fourth year of king Hezekiah,

children’s children do until this which was the seventh year of
day as their fathers have done. Hoshea’ the son of Elah the king
of Israel, that Shalmanesser the
CHAPTER XVIII. king of Assyria came up against
1 And it came to pass, in Samaria, and besieged it.
the third year of Hoshea’ the son 10 And they captured it at the
of Elah the king of Israel, that end of three years, in the sixth —
Ilezekiah, [Chiskiyahu,] the son year of Hezekiah, that is the
of Achaz the king of Judah, be- ninth year of Hoshea’ the king
came king. of Israel, was Samaria captured.
2 Twenty and five years old 11 And the king of Assyria
was he when he became king, led away Israel as exiles unto
aud twenty and nine years did Assyria, and transported them to
he reign in Jerusalem and his : Chalach and to Chabor, by the
mother’s name was Abi, the river of Gozan, and to the cities
daughter of Zechariah. of Media;
3 And he did what is right in 12 Because they had not obey-
the eye« of the Lord, in accord- ed the voice of the Lord their
ance with all that David his fa- God, but had transgressed his
ther had done. covenant, all that Moses the ser-
4 He it was that removed the vant of the Lord had command-
high-places, and broke the sta- ed ; and had not obeyed, nor
tues, and cut down the groves, done accordingly.
and stamped in pieces the copper 13 And in the fourteenth year
serpent that Moses had made of king Hezekiah did Sennache-
for until those days were the rib' [Sancherib] the king of As-

children of Israel burning in- syria come up against all the for-
tified cities of Judah, and seized thou trust, that thou rebelledsfc
on them. against me?
14 And Hezekiah the king of 21 Now, behold, thou trustedst
Judah sent to the king of Assy- thee upon yon cracked reed-
ria to Lachish, saying, I have staff, upon Egypt, which, if a
sinned ;
retire from me what: man lean on it, will enter into
thou wilt impose on me will I his hand, and pierce it: so is
bear. And the king of Assyria Pharaoh the king of Egypt unto
exacted from Hezekiah the king all that trust on him.
of Judah three hundred talents 22 But if ye should say unto
of silver and thirty talents of me, In the Lord our God have
gold. we trusted,: is he not the one
15 And Hezekiah gave up all whose high-places and whose
the silver that was found in the altars Hezekiah hath removed,
house of the Lord, and in the when he said to Judah and to
treasures of the king’s house. Jerusalem, Before this altar shall
16 At that time did Hezekiah ye prostrate yourselves in Jeru-
cut off (the gold from) the doors salem ?
of the temple of the Lord, and 23 And now I pray thee, enter
from the door-sills which Heze- into a contest with my master
kiah the king of Judah had over- the king of Assyria, and I will
laid, and gave the same to the give thee two thousand horses,
king of Assyria. if thou be able on thy part to set
17 And the king of Assyria riders upon them.
sent Tharthan and Rab-sariss 24 How then wilt thou turn
and Rabshakeh from Lachish to back the face of a single chief-
king Hezekiah with a strong tain among the least of my mas-
army against Jerusalem. And ter’s servants, while thou hast
they went up and came to Jeru- put thy trust on Egypt for cha-
salem; and when they were come riots and for horsemen?
up, they came and halted by the 25 Now am I come up with-
aqueduct of the upper pool, which out the Lord (’s will) against
is on the highway of the washer’s this place to destroy it? The
field. Lord hath said to me, Go up
18 And they called for the against this land, and destroy
king, when there came out to it. *

them Elyakim the son of Chilki- 26 Then said Elyakim the son
yahu, who was superintendent of Chilkiyahu, and Shebnah, and
over the house, and Shebnah the Yoach, unto Rabshakeh, Speak,
scribe, and Yoach the son of As- we pray thee, to thy servants in
saph the recorder. the Syrian language for we un-

19 And Rabshakeh said unto derstand it: and speak not with
them, Say ye now to Hezekiah, us in the Jewish language before
Thus hath said the great king, the ears of the people that are on
the king of Assyria, What con- the wall.
fidence is this wherewith thou 27 But Rabshakeh said unto
hast trusted ? them, Hath my master then sent
20 Thou saidst, but it was me to thy master, and to thee, to
only a word uttered with the lips, speak these words ? is it not
(I have) counsel and strength rather to the men who sit on the
for the war. Now on whom didst wall, that they may eat their own
47 { 553
excrement, and drink their own 36 But the people remained
urine with you ? silent, and answered him not a
28 Then stood Rabshakeh up word; for it was the king’s com-
and called out with a loud voice mand, saying, Ye shall not an-
in the Jewish language, and swer him.
spoke, and said, Hear ye the 37 Then came Elyakim th*
word of the great king, the king son of Chilkiyah, who was su-
of Assyria perintendent over the house, and
29 Thus hath said the king, Shebnah the scribe, and Yolich
Let not Hezekiah deceive you the son of Assaph the recorder,
for he will not be able to deliver to Hezekiah with their clothes
you out of his hand; rent; and they told unto him the
30 Neither let Hezekiah in- words of Rabshakeh.
duce you to trust in the Lord,
saying, The Lord will surely CHAPTER XIX.
deliver us, and this city will not 1 And it came to pass, when
be given up into the hand of the king Hezekiah heard it, that he
king of Assyria rent his clothes, and covered
31 Hearken not to Hezekiah; himself with sackcloth, and went
for thus hath said the king of into the house of the Lord.
Assyria, Make a treaty of peace 2 And he sent Elyakim, who
with me, and come out to me, was superintendent over the
and eat ye every man of his own house, and Shebnah the scribe,
vine, and every man of his fig- and the elders of the priests,
tree, and drink ye every man the covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah
waters of his cistern ; [Y'esha’yahu] the prophet the son
32 Until I come and take you of Amoz.
away to a land like your own land, 3 And they said unto him,
a land of corn and wine, a land Thus hath said Hezekiah, A day
of bread and vineyards, a land of trouble, and of rebuke, and
of oil-olive trees, and of honey, derision is this day; for the chil-
that ye may live, and not die ; dren are come to the birth, and
and hearken not unto Hezekiah there is not strength to bring

for he will mislead you, saying, forth.

The Lord will deliver us. 4 Perhaps the Lord thy God
33 Have the gods of the na- will hear all the words of Rab-
tions delivered in anywise each shakeh, whom the king <_f Assy-
his land out of the hand of the ria his master hath sent ; blas-
king of Assyria ? pheme the living God and who

34 Where are the gods of Cha- hath reproached with the words
math, and of Arpad ? where are which the Lord thy God hath
the gods of Sepharvayim, Hena’, heard wherefore lift up a prayer

and Tvvah ? have they then in behalf of the remnant that is

delivered Samaria out of my still found here.
hand ? 5 And the servants of king
35 Who are they among all Hezekiah came to Isaiah.
the gods of the countries, that 6 And Isaiah said unto them,
have delivered their country out Thus shall ye say to your mas-
of my hand, that the Lord should ter, Thus hath said the Lord, Be
deHver Jerusalem out of my not afraid because of the words
hand ? which thou hast heard, with
which the boys of the king of art the (true) God, thou alone,
Assyria have blasphemed me. for all the kingdoms of the earth ;

7 Behold, I will put an (other) for it is thou who hast made the
spirit in him, that, when he will heavens and the earth.
hear a rumour, he shall return 16 Bend down, 0 Lord, thy
to his own land and I will cause ear, and hear! open, 0 Lord,

him to fall by the sword in his thy eyes, and see and hear the

own land. words of Sennacherib, that which

8 And Rabshakeh returned, he hath sent to blaspheme the
and found the king of Assyria living God.
warring against Libnah ; for he 17 Truly, Lord, the kings of
had heard that he was departed Assyria have devastated the na-
from Lac-hish. tions and their land,
9 And he heard it said of Thir- 18 And they have placed their
hakah the king of Ethiopia, Be- gods 'into the fire; for they are
hold, he is come out to fight with no gods, but the work of man’s
thee: and he again sent messen- hands, wood and stone and

gers unto Hezekiah, saying, these have they destroyed.

10 Thus shall ye say to Heze- 19 And now, 0 Lord our God,
kiah the king of Judah, as fol- save us, I beseech thee, out of
loweth, Let not thy God in whom his hand, that all the kingdoms
thou trustest deceive thee, say- of the earth may know that thou
ing, Jerusalem shall not be given art the Lord God, thou alone.
up into the hand of the king of 20 Then sent Isaiah the son
Assyria. of Amoz to Hezekiah, saying,
11 Behold, thou thyself hast Thus hath said the Lord the
heard what the kings of Assyria God of Israel, What thou hast
have done to all the lands, by prayed to me concerning Senna-
destroying them utterly and cherib the king of Assyria have

thou alone shouldst be delivered ? I heard.

12 Have the gods of the na- 21 This is the word that the
tions which my fathers destroyed Lord hath spoken over him She :

delivered them as Gozan, and despiscth thee, she laugheth thee


Charan, and Rezeph, and the to scorn, the virgin daughter of

children of 'Eden who were in Zion behind thee shaketh her

Thelassar ? head the daughter of Jerusalem.

13 Where is the king of Cha- 22 Whom hast thou blas-
math, and the king of Arpad, phemed, and (whom) hast thou
and the king of the city of Se- scorned ? and against whom hast
pharvayim, of Hena’, and ’Iv- thou raised thy voice, and lifted
vah ? up thy eyes on high? against
14 And Hezekiah took the let- the Holy One of Israel.
ters out of the hand of the mes- 23 By thy messengers thou
sengers, and read them and hast blasphemed the Lord, and

Hezekiah went up into the house hast said, With the multitude of
of the Lord, and spread them my chariots am I indeed come
out before the Lord. up to the height of the moun-
15 And Hezekiah prayed tains, to the sides of Lebanon,
before the Lord, and said, 0 and I will cut down its tall
Lord God of Israel, who dwell- cedars, the choice of its fir-trees:
est between the cherubim, thou and I will enter into the lodgings
on its summit, the forest of its
1 1 of Assyria, He shall not come
fruitful soil. jinto this city, and he shall not
24 I have dug and drunk shoot an arrow thereon, nor come

strange waters, and I will dry before it with shield, nor cast up
up with the sole of my feet all against it an embankment.
the streams of besieged places. 33 On the way by which fee
25 Iladst thou not heard that came, by the same shall he re-

in distant ages I had prepared turn, and into this city shall he
this? in the times of antiquity not come, saith the Lord.
when I formed it? now have I 34 And I will shield this city,
brought it along, and it came to to save it, for my own sake, and
pass, to desolate into ruinous for the sake of David my ser-
heaps fortified cities. vant.
26 And thus their inhabitants 35 ^ And it came to pass, on
were short of power, they were the same night, that an angel of
dismayed and confounded they ;
the Lord went out and smote in
were as the herbs of the field, the camp of the Assyrians one
and as the green grass as the ;
hundred eighty and five thou-
moss on the house-tops, and as sand men : and when people
corn blasted before the ear ap- arose early in the morning, be-
peareth. hold, they were all dead corpses.
27 But thy abiding and thy 36 And Sennacherib the king
going out and thy coming in do of Assyria then departed, and
I know, and thy raging against went and returned, and dwelt at
me. Nineveh.
28 Because thy raging
of 37 And it came to pass, as he
against me and thy tumult that was prostrating himself in the
is come up into my ears, will I house of Nisroch his god, that
put my hook in thy nose, and Adrammelech and Sharezer his
my bridle between thy lips and sons smote him with the sword

I will cause thee to turn back on and they escaped into the land
the way by which thou earnest. of Ararat. And Essar-chaddon
29 And this shall be unto thee his son became king in his stead.
the sign, Ye shall eat this year
what grovveth of itself, and in CHAPTER XX.
the second year what springeth 1 J In those days Hezekiah
up after the same and in the fell sick unto death and there
; ;

third year sow and reap, and came to him Isaiah the son of
plant vineyards, and eat their Amoz the prophet, and said unto
fruit. him, Thus hath said the Lord,
30 And the remnant of the Give thy charge to thy house;
house of Judah that is escaped for thou shalt die, and not live.
shall yet again strike root down- 2 Then did he turn his face to
ward, and bear fruit upward. the wall, and prayed unto the
31 For out of Jerusalem shall Lord, saying,
go forth a remnant, and that 3 I beseech, thee, 0 Lord, re-
which escapeth out of mount member now that I have walked
Zion the zeal of the Lord of
: before thee in truth, and with an
hosts will do this. undivided heart, and have done
32 Therefore thus hath said what is good in thy eyes. And
the Lord concerning the king Hezekiah wept aloud.
4 And
came to pass, be- kiah
it for he had heard that ;

fore Isaiah was gone out into Hezekiah had been sick.
the middle court, that the word 13 And Hezekiah listened un-
of the Lord came to him, say- to them, and showed them the
ing, whole of his treasure-house, the
5 Return, and say to Ileze- silver, and the gold, and the
kiah the ruler of my people, spices, and the precious oil, and
Thus hath said the Lord, the the whole of his armour-house,
God of David thy father, I have and all that was found in his
heard thy prayer, I have seen treasures : there was nothing
thy tears; behold, I will heal that Hezekiah showed them not,
thee on the third day shalt thou
: in his house and in all his do-
go up unto the house of the minion.
Lord. 14 Then came Isaiah the pro-
6 And I will add unto thy phet unto king Hezekiah, and
days fifteen years and out of said unto him, What did these

the hand of the king of Assyria men say? and whence did they
will I deliver thee and this city \ come unto thee? And Heze-
and I will shield this city for my kiah said, From a far off country
own sake, and for the sake of are they come, from Babylon. .

David my servant. 15 And he said, What did

7 And Isaiah said, Fetch a they see in thy house ? And
lump of figs. And they fetched Hezekiah answered, All that is
and laid it on the inflammation, in my house have they seen :

and he recovered. there was nothing that I did not

S And Hezekiah said unto show them in my treasures.
Isaiah, What sign shall there be 16 Ar/d Isaiah said unto
that the Lord will heal me, and Hezekiah, Hear the word of the
that I shall go up into the house Lord,
of the Lord on the third day? 17 Behold, days are coming,
9 And Isaiah said, This shall when all that is in thy house,
be unto thee the sign from the and that which thy fathers have
Lord, that the Lord will do the laid up in store until this day,
thing that he hath spoken Shall shall be carried to Babylon no-
: :

the shadow go forward ten de- thing shall be left, saith the
grees, or go back ten degrees ? Lord.
10 And Hezekiah said, It is a 18 And of thy sons that will
light thing for the shadow to go issue from thee, whom thou wilt
forward ten degrees no, but let beget, shall they take and they

the shadow return backward ten shall be court-servants in the

degrees. palace of the king of Babylon.
11 And Isaiah the prophet 19 Then said Hezekiah unto
called unto the Lord; and he Isaiah, Good is the word of the
caused the shadow to return, by Lord which thou hast spoken.
the degrees which the (sun) was And he said, Is it not so, if there
gone down on the dial of Achaz, be peace and stability in my
backward, ten degrees. days ?
12 And at that time sent 20 And the rest of the acts of
Berodach-baladan, the son of Hezekiah, and all Ms mighty
Baladan,- the king of Babylon, deeds, and how he made the
letters and a present unto Heze- pool, and the aqueduct, and
47 * 557
brought the water into the city, more the foot of Israel to mov6
behold, they are written in the out of the land which I gave
book of the chronicles of the their fathers only if they will

kings of Judah. observe to act in accordance

21 And Hezekiah slept with with all that I have commanded
his fathers : and Menasseh his them, and in accordance with
son became king in his stead. all the law that my servant Mo-
ses commanded them.
CHAPTER XXL 9 But they hearkened not:
1 Twelve years old was and Menasseh seduced them to
Menasseh when he became king, do what is evil more than the
and fifty and five years did he nations whom the Lord had de-
reign in Jerusalem. And his stroyed before the children of
mother’s name was Chepzi-bah. Israel.
2 And he did what is evil in 10 And the Lord spoke by
the eyes of the Lord, after the means of his servants the pro-
abominable acts of the nations phets, saying,
Tvhom the Lord had driven out 11 Forasmuch as Menasseh
before the children of Israel. the king of Judah hath done
3 And he built up again the these abominations, having done
liigh-places which Hezekiah his wickedly more than all that the
father had destroyed and he Emorites had done, who were

reared up altars for Ba’al, and before him, and hath induced
made a grove, as Achab the Judah also to sin with his idols :

king of Israel had done; and 12 ^ Therefore thus hath said

he bowed down to all the host the Lord the God of Israel, Be-
of heaven, and served them. hold, I will bring evil upon Je-
4 And he built altars in the rusalem and Judah, at which
house of the Lord, of which the both the ears of every one that
Lord had said, In Jerusalem heareth it shall tingle.
will I put my name. 18 And I will stretch over
5 And he built altars for all Jerusalem the measure-line of
the host of heaven in the two Samaria, and the plummet of
courts of the house of the Lord. the house of Achab: and I will
6 And he caused his son to wipe oft’ Jerusalem as one wipeth
pass through the fire, and ob- oft' a dish, wiping it, and turning
served times, and used enchant- it on its face.
ments, and dealt with familiar 14 And I will forsake the
spirits and wizards :he wrought remnant of my inheritance, and
much that is evil in the eyes of give them up into the hand of
the Lord, to provoke him to their enemies and they shall ;

anger. become a prey and a spoil to all

7 And he set a hewn image their enemies ;

of the Asherah that he had made 15 Forasmuch as they have

in the house, of which the Lord done w’hat is evil in my eyes,
had said to David, and to Solo- and have been provoking me to
mon his son, In this house, and anger, from the day that their
in Jerusalem, which I have fathers came forth out of Egypt,
3 hosen out of all tribes of Israel, even until this day.

will I put my name for ever 16 And also innocent blood

8 And I will not cause any did Menasseh shed in very grea*

abundance, he had filled

till 26 And they buried him in
(therewith) Jerusalem from one his sepulchre in the garden of
end to another beside his sin ’Uzza: and Josiah his son be-

wherewith he induced Judah to came king in his stead.

sin, to do what is evil in the
eyes of the Lord. CHAPTER XXII.
17 Now the rest of the acts 1 Eight years old was Jo-
of Menasseh, and all that he did, siah when he became king, and
and his sin that he committed, thirty and one years did he
behold, they are written in the reign in Jerusalem. And his
book of the chronicles of the mother’s name was Yedidah, the
kings of Judah. daughter of’Adayah of Bozkath.
18 And Menasseh slept with 2 And he did what is right in
his fathers,and was buried in the eyes of the Lord, and walked
the garden of his own house, in in all the way of David his fa-
the garden of ’Uzza: and Amon ther, and turned not aside to the
his son became king in his right or to the left.
stead. 3 And it came to pass in the
19 <[[ Twenty and two years eighteenth year of king Josiah,
old was Amon when he became that the king sent Shaphan the
king, and two years did he reign son of Azalyahu, the son of Me-
in Jerusalem. And his mother’s shullam, the scribe, to the house
name was Meshullemeth, the of the Lord, saying,
daughter of Charuz of Yotbah. 4 Go up to Chilkiyahu the
20 And he did what is evil in high-priest, that he may collect
the eyes of the Lord, as his fa- up all the money which is
ther Menasseh had done. brought into the house of the
21 And he walked in all the Lord, which the door-keepers
way that his father had walked have gathered from the people
in, and served the idols that his 5 And let them deliver it into
father had served, and bowed the hand of those who overlook
himself down to them the workmen, that have been
22 And he forsook the Lord appointed as overseers of the
the God of his fathers, and house of the Lord ; and let them
walked not in the way of the give it to those who do the
Lord. work who are in the house of
23 And the servants of Amon the Lord, to repair the breaches
conspired against him, and put of the house
the king to death in his own 6 TJnto the carpenters, and
house. the builders, a’nd the masons,
21 And the people of the land and to buy timber and hewn
slew all those that had conspired stones to repair the house.
against king Anion and the
7 Nevertheless shall there be
people of the land made Josiah no reckoning made with them
[Yoshiyahu] his son king in his for the money that is delivered
stead. into their hand, because they
25Now the rest of the acts of deal faithfully.
Amon which he did, behold, 8 And Chilkiyahu the high-
they are written in the book of priest said unto Shaphan the
the chronicles of the kings of scribe, A book of the law have I
Judah. found in the house of the Lord,
And Chilkiyah gave the book Thus hath said the Lord the
Shaphan, and he read it. God of Israel, Say unto the man
9 And Shaphan the scribe that hath sent you to me,
came to the king, and brought 16 Thus hath said the Lord,
the king word again, and said, Behold, I will bring evil upon
Thy servants have taken out all this place, and upon its inhabi-
the money that was found in the tants, all the words of the book
house, and have delivered it in- which the king of Judah hath
to the hand of those who over- read ;

look the workmen, that have been 17 Because they have forsaken
appointed overseers of the house me, and have burnt incense un-
of the Lord. to other gods, in order to pro-
10 And Shaphan the scribe voke me to anger with all the
also told the king, saying, A works of their hands therefore

book hath Chilkiyahu the priest is my wrath kindled against this

given me. And Shaphan read place, and shall not be quenched.
it before the king. 18 But with respect to the
11 And it came to pass, when king of Judah who sendeth you
the king had heard the words of to inquire of the Lord, thus shall
the book of the law, that he rent ye say to him, Thus hath said
his clothes. the Lord the God of Israel,
12 And the king commanded Concerning the words which
Chilkiyah the priest, and Achi- thou hast heard
kain the son of Shaphan, and 19 Because thy heart was
'Achbor the son of Michayah, tender, and thou hast humbled
and Shaphan the scribe, and thyself before the Lord, when
’Assahyah a servant of the thou heardest what I had spoken
king’s, saying, against this place, and against
13 Go ye, inquire of the Lord its inhabitants, that they should
in my behalf, and in behalf of become an astonishment and a
the people, and in behalf of all curse, and hast rent thy clothes,
Judah, concerning the words of and wept before me I also have

this book that hath been found; heard it, saith the Lord.
for great is the wrath of the 20 Therefore, behold, I will
Lord that hath been kindled gather thee unto thy fathers, and
against us, because our fathers thou shalt be gathered unto thy
did not hearken unto the words graves in peace; and thy eyes
of this book, to do in accordance shall not look on all the evil
with all that is prescribed con- which I am bringing over this
cerning us. place. And they brought the
14 And Chilkiyahu the priest, king word again.
and Achikam, and ’Achbor, and
Shaphan, and ’Assahyah, went
unto Chuldah the prophetess, 1 And
the king sent, and they
the wife of Shallum the son of gathered unto him all the elders
Thikvah the son of Charchass, of Judah and Jerusalem.
the keeper of the wardrobe; 2 And the king went up into
(now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the house of the Lord, and all
the suburb;) and they spoke un- the men of Judah and all the
to her. inhabitants of Jerusalem with
15 And she said unto them, him, and the priests, and the
prophets, and all the people, where the women wove hang-
from the small to the great and ings for the Asherah.

he read before their ears all the 8 And he brought all the
words of the book of the cove- priests out of the cities of Ju-
nant which had been found in dah, and defiled the high-places
the house of the Lord. where the priests had burnt in-
3 And the king stood upon cense, from Geba’ to Beer-she-
the stand, and he made a cove- ba’, and he pulled down the
nant before the Lord, to walk high-places of the gates that
after the Lord, and to keep his were at the entrance of the gate
commandments, and his testi- of Joshua’ the governor of the
monies and his statutes with all city, which were on a man’s left
(their) heart and all (their) soul, at the gate of the city.
to maintain the words of this 9 Nevertheless the priests of
covenant that are written in this the high-places came not up to
book. And all the people en- the altar of the Lord in Jerusa-
tered into the covenant. lem; but they ate unleavened
4 And the king commanded bread in the midst of their
Chilkiyahu the high-priest, and brethren.
the priests of the second order, 10 And he defiled the Tho-
and the door-keepers, to carry pheth, which was in the valley
forth out of the temple of the of Ben-hinnom, so that no man
Lord all the vessels that had should cause his son or his
been made for Ba’al, and for the daughter to pass through the
Asherah, and for all the host of fire to Molech.
heaven : and they burnt them 11 And he put down the horses
without Jerusalem in the fields that the kings of Judah had de-
of Kidron, and carried their dicated to the sun, from the en-
ashes unto Beth-el. trance of the house of the Lord,
5 And he put down the ido- by the chamber of Nethan-me-
latrous priests, whom the kings lech the chamberlain, who was
of Judah had appointed that over the suburbs ; and the cha-
they might burn incense on the riots of the sun he burnt with
high-places in the cities of Ju- fire.
dah, and in the places round 12 And the altars that were
about Jerusalem ;
those also on the roof of the upper-cham-
that burnt incense unto Ba’al, ber of Achaz, which the kings
to the sun, and to the moon, of Judah had made, and the al-
and to the planets, and to all tars which Menasseh had made
the host of heaven. in the two courts of the house
6 And he brought out the of the Lord, did the king pull
Asherah from the house of the down, and tore them away from
Lord, without Jerusalem, unto there, and cast their dust into
the brook Kidron, and burnt it the brook Kidron.
at the brook Kidron, and ground 13 And the high-places that
it small to powder, and cast its were before Jerusalem, which
powder upon the graves of the were to the right of the mount
children of the people. of destruction, which Solomon
7 And he pulled down the the king of Israel had built for
houses of the Sodomites, that ’Ashthoreth the abomination of
were by the house of the Lord, the Zidonians, and for Kemosh
the abomination of the Moab- were there upon the altars, am?
ites, and for Milcom the abomi- burnt men’s bones upon them,
nation of the children of ’Am- and returned (then) to Jerusa-
mon, did the king defile. lem.
14 And he broke in pieces the 21 And the king commanded
standing images, and cut down all the people, saying, Keep the
the Asherah-groves, and filled passover unto the Lord your
their places with the bones of God, as it is written in this
men. book of the covenant.
1 5 So also the altar that was 22 For there had net been
at Beth-el, the high-place which holden such a passover from the
Jerobo’am the son of Nebat, who days of the judges that judged
induced Israel to sin, had made, Israel; nor in all the days of
— also that altar and the high- the kings of Israel, and of the
place did he pull down and he
kings of Judah
burnt the high-place, ground it 23 But in the eighteenth year
small to powder, and burnt then of king Josiah was this passover
the Asherah. holden to the Lord in Jerusa-
/ 16 And Josiah turned about, lem.
and beheld the graves that were 24 And also the men of fami-
there in the mount, and he sent, and the wizards, and
liar spirits,
and took the bones out of the the theraphim, and the idols,
sepulchres, and burnt them upon and all the abominations that
the altar, and polluted it, accord- were be seen in the land of
ing to the word of the Lord Judah and in Jerusalem, did Jo-
which the man of God proclaim- siah clear away in order that

ed, who had proclaimed these he might accomplish the words

events. of tne law which were written
17 Then said he, What kind in the book that Chilkiyahu the
of monument is that which I priest had found in the house of
see? And the men of the city the Lord.
said to him, It is the grave of 25 And like unto him there
the man of God, who came from was no king before him, that
Judah, and proclaimed these returned to the Lord with all
things which thou hast done his heart, and with all his soul,
against the altar of Beth-el. and with all his might, accord-
18 And he said. Let him rest: ing to all the law of Moses and ;

no man shall disturb his bones. after him there arose none like
So they saved his bones, with him.
the bones of the prophet that 26 Notwithstanding this the
came out of Samaria. Lord turned not from the fierce-
19 And also all the houses of ness of his great anger, since his
the high-places that were in the anger was kindled against Ju-
cities of Samaria, which the dah, because of all the provok-
kings of Israel had made as ings wherewith Menasseh had
provocations to anger, did Jo- provoked him to anger.
siah remove, and did to them in 27 And the Lord said, Also
accordance with all the acts that Judah will I remove out of my
he had done in Beth-el. sight, as I have removed Israel,
20 And he slaughtered the and will cast off this city which
priests of the high-places that I have chosen, even Jerusalem,
and the house of which I said, raoh from every one according

My name shall be there. to his estimation did he exact

28 Now the rest of the acts the silver and gold from the
of Josiah, and all that he did, people of the land, to give it un-
behold, they are written in the' to Pharaoh-nechoh.
book of the chronicles of the 36 Twenty and five years
kings of Judah. old was Yehoyakim when he
29 In his days went up Pha- became king and eleven years

raoh-neclioh the king of Egypt a'id he reign in Jerusalem. And

against the king of Assyria to his mother’s name was Zebudah,
the river Euphrates: and king the daughter of Pedayah of Bu-
Josiah went against him ; and rn ah.
he slew him at Megiddo, when 37 And he did what is evil in
he saw him. the eyes of the Lord, all just as
30 And his servants carried his fathers had done.
him dying in a chariot from Me-
giddo, and brought him to Jeru-
salem, and buried him in his 1 In his days came up Nebu-

own sepulchre. And the people chadnezzar the king of Babylon,

of the land took Yehoachaz the land Yehoyakim became his ser-

son of Josiah, and anointed him, vant for three years and then :

and made him king in his fa- he turned and rebelled against
ther’s stead. him.
31 % Twenty and three years 2 And the Lord sent against
old was Yehoachaz when he be- him predatory bands of the Chal-
came king and three months deans, and predatory bands of

did he reign in Jerusalem. And the Syrians, and predatory bands

his mother’s name was Charnu- of the Moabites, and predatory
tal, the daughter of Jeremiah bands of the children of ’Am-
[Yirmeyahu] of Libnah. mon, and sent them against
32 And he did what is evil in Judah to destroy it, according
the eyes of the Lord, all just as to the word of the Lord, which
his fathers had done. he had spoken by means of his
33 And Pharaoh-nechoh put servants the prophets.
him in fetters at Riblah in the 3 But only at the order of the
land of Chamath, that he should Lord came this upon Judah, to
not reign in Jerusalem and
im- remove the same out of his sight,
posed a fine on the land of a for the sins of Menasseh, in ac-
hundred talents of silver, and a cordance with all that he had
talent of gold. done
34 And Pharaoh-nechoh made 4 And also for the innocent
Elyakim the son of Josiah king blood that he had shed for he ;

in the room of Josiah his father, had filled Jerusalem with inno-
and changed his name to Yeho- cent blood wherefore the Lord

yakim, and took Yehoachaz would not pardon.

away and he came to Egypt,
: Now
the rest of the acts of
and died there. Yehoyakim, and
all that he did,
35 And Yehoyakim gave the behold, they are written in tho
silver and the gold to Pharaoh;
book of the chronicles of tho
but he taxed the land to give kings of Judah.
the money by the order of Pha- 6 And Yehoyakim slept with
Jtis fathers : and Yehoyachin his the poorest sort of the people of
son became king in his stead. the land.
7 And the king of Egypt
15 And be led away Yehoya-
came no more again out of bis chin as exile to Babylon; and
land; for the king of Babylon the king’s mother, and the king’s
had taken from the brook of wives, and his court-officers, and
Egypt unto the river Euphrates the mighty men of the land, ho
all that had pertained to the led into exile from Jerusalem to
king of Egypt. Babylon.
8 Eighteen years old was 16 And all the men of might,
Yehoyachin when he became seven thousand (in number), and
king, and three months did he the craftsmen and the locksmiths
reign in Jerusalem. And his a thousand (in number), all
mother's name was Nechushtn, strong men, apt for war; and
the daughter of Elnathan of the king of Babylon brought
Jerusalem. them into exile to Babylon.
9 And he did what is evil in 17 And the king of Babylon
the e}ms of the Lord, all just as made Matthanyah his uncle king
that his father had done. in his stead, and changed his
10 At that time the servants name to Zedekiah [Zidkeyahu.]
of Nebuchadnezzar the king of 18 Twenty and one years
Babylon came up against Jeru- old was Zedekiah when he be-
salem, and the city was put in a came king, and eleven years did
state of siege. he reign in Jerusalem. And his
11 And Nebuchadnezzar the mother’s name was Chamutal,
king of Babylon came against the daughter of Jeremiah of
the city, while his servants were Libnah.
besieging it. 19 And he did what is evil in
12 And Yehoyachin the king the eyes of the Lord, all just as
of Judah went out to the king Yehoyakim had done.
of Babylon, he, and his mo- 20 For through the anger of
ther, and his servants, and his the Lord it occurred in Jerusa-
princes, and his court-officers : lem and Judah, until he had cast
and the king of Babylon took them out from his presence, that
him (captive) in the eighth year Zedekiah rebelled against the
of his reign. king of Babylon.
13 And he carried out thence
all the treasures of the house of
the Lord, and the treasures of And it came to pass in

the king’s house, and cut in the ninth year of his reign, in
pieces all the vessels of gold the tenth month, on the tenth
which Solomon the king of Is- of the month, that Nebuchadnez-
rael had made in the temple of zar the king of Babylon came,
the Lord, as the Lord had spo- he, and all his host, against Je-
ken. rusalem, and encamped against
14 And he led away as ex- it; and they built a mound all
iles all Jerusalem, and all the round about it.
princes, and all the mighty men 2 And the city was put in a
of valour, ten thousand exiles, state of siege until the eleventh
and all the craftsmen and lock- year of king Zedekiah.
emiths there was none left, save
: 3 And on the ninth, of the
month, when the famine pre- 12 But from the poorest of tha
vailed in the city, and there was land the captain of the guard
no bread for the people of the left some to be vine-dressers and
land husbandmen.
4 The city was broken into, 13 And the pillars of coj per
and all the men of war (fled) in that were in the house of the
the night by the way of the gate Lord, and the bases, and the
between the two walls, which copper sea that was in the h< us©
was ’ey the king’s garden (while of the Lord, did the Chaldeans

the Ohaldeiins were all round break up, and they carried the
about the city;) and the people copper thereof to Babylon.
went the way toward the plain. 14 And the pots, and the
5 And the army of the Chal- shovels, and the knives, and the
deans pursued after the king, spoons, and all the vessels of
and overtook him in the plains copper wherewith they minis-
of Jericho : and all his army tered, took they away.
were scattered from around him. 15 And the censers, and the
6 And they seized the king, bowls, the gold of the golden
and brought him up to the king things, and the silver of the sil-
of Babylon to Riblah and they ver things, took the captain of

called him to account. the guard away.

7 And they slaughtered the 16 The two pillars, the one
sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, sea, and the bases which Solo-
and he blinded the eyes of Zede- mon had made for the house of
kiah, and bound him with fetters the Lord the copper of all

of brass, and carried him to these vessels was too much to

Babylon. be weighed.
8 And in the fifth month, 17 Eighteen cubits was the
on the seventh day of the month, height of the one pillar, and the
which was the nineteenth year capital upon it was copper; and
of king Nebuchadnezzar the the height of the capital was
king of Babylon, came Nebu- three cubits and the wreathed

saradnn, the chief of the guard, work, and the pomegranates up-
a servant of the king of Baby- on the capitals round about,
lon, unto Jerusalem : were all of copper and the same

9 And he burnt the house of had the second pillar together

the Lord, and the king’s house; with the wreathed work.
also, all the houses of Jerusalem, 18 And the captain of the
and every great man’s house guard took Serayah the chief-
burnt he with fire. priest, and Zephanyahu the se-
10 And the walls of Jerusalem cond priest, and the three door-
round about did all the army of keepers ;

the Chaldeans that were with the 1 9 And out of the city he took

captain of the guard tear down. one court-officer that was ap-
11 And the rest of the people pointed over the men of war,
that were left in the city, and and five men of those that could
the deserters that had run over come into the king’s presence,
to the king of Babylon, with the who were found in the city, and
remnant of the multitude, did the scribe of the chief of tha
Nebusaradan the captain of the army, who ordered to the army
guard lead away into exile the people of the land, and si xtj
48 51
men of the people of the land 25 5f But it happened in the
that were found in the citj 7"
seventh month, that there came
20 And Nebusaradan the cap- Ishma’el the son of Nethanyah,
tain of the guard took these, the son of Elishama’, of the
and conducted them to the king seed royal, and ten men with
of Babylon to Riblah him, and they smote Gedalyahu,
21 And the king at Babylon so that he died, also the Jews
smote them, and put them to and the Chaldeans that were
death at Riblah in the land of with him at Mizpah.
Chamath. So did Judah wan- 26 And then arose all the
der away into exile out of their people, from small to great, and
land. the captains of the armies, and
22 And as for the people that went to Egypt; for they were
were left in the land of Judah, afraid of the Chaldeans.
whom Nebuchadnezzar the king 27 And it came to pass in
of Babylon had left, he ap- the seven and thirtieth year of
pointed over them Gedalyahu the captivity of Yehoyachin the
the son of Achikam, the son of king of Judah, in the twelfth
Shaphan. month, on the seven and twen-
23 And when all the cap- tieth (day) of the month, that
tains of the armies, they and Evil-merodach the king of Baby-
their men, heard that the king lon in the year that he became
of Babylon had appointed Ge- king did lift up the head of Ye-
dalyahu, they came to Gedal- hoyachin the king of Judah out
yahu to Mizpah even Ishma’el of the prison

the son of Nethanyah, and Yo- 28 And he spoke kindly to

chanan the son of Kareach, and him, and set his chair above the
Serayah the son of Thanchumetk chair of the kings that were
the Netophathite, and Yaiizan- with him in Babylon ;

yahu the son of a Ma’achathite, 29 And changed his prison-

they and their men. garments and he ate bread con-

24 And Gedalyahu swore to tinually before him all the days

them, and to their men, and said of his life.
unto them, Be not afraid of the 30 And his allowance was a
servants of the Chaldeans re- continual allowance given him

main in the land, and serve the by the king, the necessary ration
king of Babylon ; and it will be for the day on its day, all the
well with you. days of his life.
D^nroi dwdj min




isaiah, r\yw' JEREMIAH, 7TDT

EZEKIEL, ^KpHT hosea, ytsnn

JOEL, bar amos, oiny

OB ADI AH, may jonah, njr
rrytr iso.

CHAPTER I. a lodge in a cucumber-field, as a

1 The vision of Isaiah the besieged city.
eon of Araoz, which he saw con- 9 Unless the Lord of hosts had
cerning Judah and Jerusalem in left unto us a remnant ever so
the days of ’Uzziyahu, Jotham, small, like Sodom should we have
Achaz, and Hezekiah, the kings been, unto Gomorrah should we
of Judah. have been compared.
2 Hear, 0 ye heavens, and 10 Hear the word of the
give ear, 0 earth ; for the Lord Lord, ye rulers of Sodom give !

hath spoken :Children have I ear unto the law of our God, ye
nourished and brought up, but people of Gomorrah.
they have rebelled against me. 11 For what serveth me the
3 The ox knoweth his owner, multitude of your sacrifices ?
and the ass his master’s crib saith the Lord I am sated with
: :

Israel doth not know, my people the burnt-offerings of rams, and

doth not consider. the fat of fatted beasts and the

4 Wo! sinful nation, people blood of bullocks, and of sheep,

laden with iniquity, seed of evil- and of he-goats, I do not de-
doers, children that are corrupt sire.
they have forsaken the Lord, 12 When ye come to appear
they have incensed the Holy in my presence who hath re- —
One of Israel, they are departed quired this at your hand, to
backward. tread down my courts ?
5 Why will ye be stricken yet 13 Continue no more to bring
more? (that) ye increase the re- an oblation of deceit; incense
volt? every head is sick, and of abomination is it unto me:
every heart is faint. new moon and sabbath, the call-
6 From the sole of the foot ing of assemblies —
I cannot bear
even unto the head there is no misdeed with festive gathering.
soundness in but wounds, and
it ;
14 Your new moons and your
bruises, and putrefying sores appointed feasts my soul hateth ;
they have not been closed, nor they are become a burden unto
bound up, nor mollified with oil. me I am weary to bear them.

7 Your country is desolate, 15 And when ye spread forth

your cities are burnt with fire your hands, I will withdraw my
your soil — in your presence, eyes from you; yea, when ye
strangers devour it, and it is de- make ever so many prayers, I
solate, as overthrown by stran- will not hear your hands are

gers. full of blood.

8 And left the daughter of
is 16 Wash yourselves, make
Zion as a hut in a vineyard, as yourselves clean; put away the
48* y2 569
evil ofyour deeds from before 28 But destruction shall come
my eyes cease to do evil
over transgressors and sinners
17 Learn to do well; seek for together, and those that forsake
justice, relieve the oppressed, the Lord shall perish.
do justice to the fatherless, plead 29 For people shall be ashamed
for the widow. because of the terebinths which
18 ^ Come now, and let us ye had desired, and ye shall be
reason together, saith the Lord put to the blush because of the

though your sins should be as gardens that ye had chosen.

scarlet, they shall become white 30 For ye shall be as a tere-
as the snow though they should binth the leaves of which wither,

be red like crimson, they shall and as a garden that hath no

become like wool. water.
19 If ye be willing and obey, 31 And the mighty oppressor
the best of the land shall ye eat shall become as tow, and his

20 But if ye refuse and rebel, workman as a spark and they ;

by the sword shall ye be de- shall both burn together, with

voured for the mouth of the none to quench.

Lord hath spoken it.

21 How is she become a CHAPTER II.

harlot, the faithful town ! she, 1 The word that Isaiah the
that was full of justice : right- son of Amoz foresaw concerning
eousness lodged therein ;
but Judah and Jerusalem.
now murderers. 2 And it shall come to pass
22 Thy silver is become dross, in the last days, that the moun-
thy wine is drugged with water ;
tain of the Lord’s house shall
23 Thy princes are rebels, and be firmly established on the top
companions of thieves every ;
of the mountains, and shall be
one loveth bribes, and runneth exalted above the hills; and un-
after rewards to the fatherless
to it shall flow all the nations.
they will not do justice, and the 3 And many people shall go
cause of the widow doth not and say, Come ye, and let us go
come unto them. up to the mountain of the Lord,
24 Therefore saith the Lord, to the house of the God of Ja-
the Eternal of hosts, the mighty cob that he may teach us of his

One of Israel, Ah, I will take ways, and we may walk in his
satisfaction on my adversaries, paths ; for out of Zion shall go
and be avenged on my enemies. forth the law, and the word of
25 And I will turn my hand the Lord out of Jerusalem.
against thee, and purge away as 4 And he will judge among
with lye thy dross, and remove the nations, and decide for many
all thy tin : people and they shall beat their

26 And I will restore thy swords into plough-shares, and

judges as at the first, and thy their spears into pruning-knives
counsellors as at the beginning nation shall not lift up sword
after that shalt thou be called, against nation, and they shall
The city of righteousness, the not learn any more war.
town that is faithful. 5 0 house of Jacob, come
27 Zion shall be redeemed ye, and let us walk in the light
through justice, and her con- of the Lord.
verts through righteousness. 6 For thou hast abandoned
thy people, the house of Jacob, and exalted shall be the Lord
because they are full of (witch- alone on that day.
craft) more than the east, and 18 And the idols will he ut-
are soothsayers like the Philis- terly abolish.
tines, and with the children of 19 And men shall enter into
strangers they unite themselves. | the caverns of rocks, and into
7 And full became their land the rifts of the earth, because of
of silver and gold, and there is the dread of the Lord, and be-
no end to their treasures and cause of the glory of his majesty
full became their land of horses, when he ariseth to terrify the
and there is no end to their earth.
chariots ; 20 On that day shall a man
8 And full became their land cast away his idols of silver, and
of idols to the work of their
his idols of gold, which have
own hands they bow themselves, been made for him to vvorship,
to what their own fingers have to themoles and to the bats ;

made. 21 To entes- into the clefts of

9 And
so bent down the the rocks, and into the hollows
son of earth, and humbled the of the cliffs, because of the dread
man and thou wilt not forgive of the Lord, and because of the

them. glory of his majesty, when he

10 Enter into the rock, and ariseth to terrify the earth.
hide thee in the dust, because 22 Withdraw yourselves (then)
of the dread of the Lord, and from man, whose breath is in his
because of the glory of his ma nostrils because, for what is he

jesty. to be esteemed ?
11 The looks of human pride
shall be humbled, and the haugh- CHAPTER III.
tiness of men shall be bent down :1 For, behold, the Lord,
and exalted shall be the Lord the Eternal of hosts, doth re-
alone on that day. move from Jerusalem and from
12 5f F° r there is a day (of Judah stay and staff, every stay
judgment) unto the Lord of of bread, and every stay of water.
hosts over every proud and lofty 2 The hero, and the man of
one and over every exalted one, war, the judge, and the prophet,

that he be brought low ;

and the prudent, and the ancient,
13 And over all the cedars of 3 The captain of fifty, and the
the Lebanon, the high and ex honourable man, and the coun-
alted, and over all the oaks of sellor, and the skilful artificer,
Bashan and the eloquent orator.
14 And over all the high 4 And I will set up boys as
mountains, and over all the ex- their princes, and children shall
alted hills : rule over them
15 And over every high tower, 5 And so shall the people
and over every fortified wall press man against man, and one
16 And over all the ships of against the other the boy shall

Tharshish; and over all desi- demean himself proudly against

rable palaces. the ancient, and the base against
1 7 And the pride of man shall the honourable.

be bent down, and the haughti- 6 When a man will seize hold
ness of men shall be humbled- on his brother in the house of
his father, (saying,) Thou hast Zion are proud, and walk with
a garment, thou shalt be our stretched forth necks and cast-
ruler, and let this ruin be under ing about their eyes, walking
thy hand and mincing as they go, and
7 He will swear on that day, making a tinkling with their
saying, I will not be a chief; feet
and in my house is neither 17 Therefore will the Lord
bread nor clothing; you shall smite with leprosy the crown of
not appoint me a ruler of the the head of the daughters of
people. Zion, and the Lord will lay
8 For Jerusalem is sunk to open their nakedness.
decay, and Judah is fallen; be- 18 *[ On that day will the
cause their tongue and their Lord take away the beauty of
doings are against the Lord, to their tinkling shoe-buckles, and
incense the eyes of his glory. the hair-nets, and the crescent-
9 The boldness of their face shaped ornaments,
testifieth against them and like
19 The drops, and the brace-
Sodom they tell openly their sin, lets,and the mufflers,
they conceal it not. Wo unto 20 The bonnets, and the foot-
their soul for they have pre-
! chains, and the head-bands, and
pared evil unto themselves. the tablets, and the ear-rings,
10 Say ye to the righteous, 21 The finger-rings, and nose-
that he hath done well ; for the jewels,
fruit of their doings shall they 22 The changeable suits of
eat. apparel, and the mantles, and
11 Wo unto the wicked who the shawls, and the pockets,
doeth evil for the recompense
: 23 The mirrors, and the che-
of his hands shall be bestowed misettes, and the turbans, and
on him. the long vails.
12 My people! their oppres- 24 And it shall come to pass,
sors are children, and women that instead of sweet smell there
rule over them. 0 my people! shall be corruption ; and instead
thy leaders cause thee to err, of a girdle a rope; and instead
and the direction of thy paths of curled hair baldness ; and in-
they corrupt. stead of a wide garment a girding
13 *} The Lord is stepped of sackcloth; a mark of burning
forth to plead, and standeth up instead of beauty.
to judge the people. 25 Thy men shall fall by the
14 The Lord will enter into sword, and thy mighty ones in
judgment with the ancients of the war.
his people, and their princes; 26 And then shall her gates
but ye—*ye have eaten up the lament and mourn and stript ;

vineyard the plunder of the

of all shall she sit upon the
poor is in your houses. ground.
15 What mean ye that ye
crush my people, and grind CHAPTER
down the faces of the poor? 1 And seven women shall take
saith the Lord the Eternal of hold of one man on that day,
hosts. saying, We will eat our own
16 «[ And the Lord said, bread, and wear our own ap-
Forasmuch as the daughters of parel only let us be called by

thy name, take but away our judge, I pray you, between me
reproach. and my vineyard.
2 Onthat day shall the 4 What more was to be done
sprout of the Lord be for orna- to my vineyard, that I had not
ment and for honour, and the done it ? why then did I hope
fruit of the land for excellence that it should bring forth grapes,
and for glory for the escaped of while it brought forth worthless
Israel. fruit?
3 And it shall come to pass, 5 And now I will let you
that whoever is left in Zion, and what I will do to my
know also
he that remaineth in Jerusalem, vineyard I will take away its :

shall be called holy, every one hedge, and it shall be eaten off;
that is written down unto life in I will break down its wall, and
Jerusalem it shall be trodden down
4 When the Lord shall have 6 And I will lay it quite waste
washed away the filth of the it shall not be pruned, nor hoed
daughters of Zion, and shall around; and it shall be over-
have scoured away the blood- grown with briers and thorns
guiltiness of Jerusalem from her and the clouds will I command
midst, by the spirit of judgment, that tKey send down no rain
and by the spirit of destruction. upon it.

5 Andthen will the Lord 7For the vineyard of the

create upon every dwelling of Lord of hosts is the house of
mount Zion, and upon her places Israel, and the men of Judah are
of assembly, a cloud and smoke the plant of his delight and he :

by day, and the brightness of a hoped for justice, but behold in-
flaming fire by night; for over justice; for equity, but behold
all the glory shall be a cover- iniquity.
ing. 8 Wo
unto those that cause
6 And a tabernacle shall it be house to join on house, bring
for a shade in the daytime from field near to field, till there is no
the heat, and for a refuge, and more room, so that ye may be
for a covert from tempest and left alone as the inhabitants in
from rain. the midst of the land !

9 In my ears (spoke) the Lord

CHAPTER V. of hosts, Truly many houses
1 5[ I will sing now for my shall become desolate, yea, great
beloved, the song of my dear and beautiful ones without an
one touching his vineyard. A inhabitant.
vineyard had my beloved on a 10 Yea, ten acres of vineyard
rich hill-top •
shall yield (but) one bath, and
2 And he fenced it in, and a chomer-seed shall yield (but)
cleared it of stones, and planted an ephah.
it with the choicest vines, and 11 Wo
unto those that rise
built a tower in its midst, and up early in the morning, that
also a winepress he hewed out they may run after strong drink ;
therein :and he hoped that it that continue until late in the
should bring forth grapes, and twilight, till wine inflame them!
it brought forth worthless fruit. 12 And there are harp and
3 And now, 0 inhabitants of psaltery, tambourine and flute,
Jerusalem, and men of Judah, and wine at their drinking-feasts;
but the deeds of the Lord they lieu of a bribe, and who deprive
regard not, and the works of his the righteous of their right
hands they behold no4. 24 Therefore as the tongue
13 Therefore are my people of the fire devoureth the stubble,
led into exile, for want of know- and dry hay sinketh before the
ledge and their honourable men flame so shall their root be as
: :

suffer of famine, and their mul- rotten things, and theii blossom
titude are panting with thirst. shall fly up as the dust; beca'JLse
14 Therefore hath the deep they have despised the law of the
enlarged her desire, and opened Lord of hosts, and the word of
her mouth without measure and the Holy One of Israel they have

there descend (Jerusalem’s) glo- rejected.

ry, and her multitude, and her 25 For this cause is kindled
noise, and whoever rejoiced there- the anger of the Lord against
in. his people, and he stretcheth
15 And bent down shall be forth his hand against them, and
the son of earth, and humbled he smiteth them and the moun- ;

shall be the man, and the eyes tains tremble, and their carcasses
of the lofty shall be humbled lie like sweepings in the midst
16 And the Lord of hosts of the streets with all this

shall be exalted in judgment, his anger is not turned away,

and the holy God shall be sanc- but still is his hand stretched
tifiedby (displaying his) right- out.
eousness. 26 And he will lift up an en-
17 Then shall the sheep feed sign to the nations from afar,
according to their wont, and the and will call for one of them
ruins of the fat ones shall so- from the end of the earth and,

journers eat. behold, with speed, swiftly, it

18 | Wo unto those that draw cometh
iniquity with the cords of false- 27 There is none weary nor
hood, and as with a wagon-rope, stumbling among its men it ;

sinfulness; slumbereth not, it sleepeth not;

19 That say, Let him make not loosened is the girdle of its
speed, let him hasten his work, loins, not broken is the latghet
that we may see it: and let draw of its shoes
nigh and come the counsel of the 28 Whose arrows are sharp-
Holy One of Israel, that we may ened, and all whose bow s are r

know it bent; its horses’ hoofs are hard

20 *[ Wo unto those that say like the flint, and its wheels like
of the evil it is good, and of the the whirlwind
good it is evil; that put dark- 29 It hath a roar like the
ness for light, and light for dark- lioness, it roareth like the young
ness that put bitter for sweet, lions yea, it growleth, and lay-

and sweet for bitter ! eth hold of the prey, and car-
21 Wo unto those that are rieth it safely off, with none tc
wise in their own eyes, and in- deliver.
telligent in their own esteem 30 Anri it will rage against them

22 | Wo unto those that are on that day like w ith the raging

heroes to drink wine, and men of the sea: and if one look unto
of might to mingle strong drink the earth, behold, there is dark
23 Who justify the wicked in ness, oppression, and the light i

darkened through the darkness hear with their ears, nor their
of its clouds. hearts be understanding, so that
they be converted, and healing
CHAPTER VI. be granted them.
1 In the year of king ’Uz- 11 And I said, How long, 0
ziyabu’s death I saw the L rd Lord? And he said, Until that
sitting upon a high and exalted cities be left waste without an
throne, and his train filled the inhabitant, and houses without
temple. man, and the soil be made deso-
2 Seraphim were standing late as a wilderness,
tround him, each one had six 12 And the Lord will have
wings with two he covered his removed far away the men, and

face, and with two he covered the depopulation be great in the

his feet, and with two did he fly. midst of the land.
3 And one called unto the 13 And should a tenth part
other, and said, Holy, holy, holy thereof yet remain, it will again
is the Lord of hosts the whole be swept away
(yet) like the :

earth is full of his glory. terebinth and the oak, wr hich,

4 And
the posts of the thresh- when they cast their leaves, re-
old shook at the voice of those tain their stems, so remaineth
that called aloud, and the house the holy seed, its stem.
was filled with smoke.
5 And I said, Wo is me! for CHAPTER VII.
I am lost; because a man of un- 1 And
came to pass in
clean lips am I, and in the midst the days of Achaz the son of Jo-
of a people of unclean lips do I tham, the son of ’Uzziyahu, the
dwell: for the King, the Lord king of Judah, that Rezin the
of hosts have my eyes seen. king of Syria, and Pekach the
6 Then flew unto me one of son of Remalyahu, the king of
the seraphim, and in his hand Israel, went up toward Jerusa-
was a live coal, with the tongs lem to war against it; but were
had he taken it from otf the not able to make an attack upon
altar it.

7 And he touched therewith 2 And it was told unto the

upon my mouth, and said, Lo, house of David, saying, Syria is
this hath touched thy lips and encamped with Ephraim and

thy iniquity is departed, and thy his heart trembled, with the heart
sin is forgiven. of his people, as the trees of
8 And I heard the voice of the the forest are shaken before the
Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, wind.
and who will go for us ? And I 3 And the Lord said unto
said, Here am I send me.: Isaiah, Go forth now to meet
9 And he said, Go, and say Achaz, tjiou with Shear-yashub
unto this people, Hear indeed, thy son, to the end of the aque-
but understand not ; and see in- duct of the upper pool, on the
deed, but know not. highway of the washers field;
10 Obdurate will remain the 4 And thou shalt say unto
heart of this people, and their him, Take heed, and be quiet;
ears will be heavy, and their fear not, and let thy heart not
eyes will be shut: so that they become faint because of these
will not see with their eyes, nor two stumps of smoking fire-
brands, before the fierce anger jsaken the land, of the kings ol
of Rezin with Syria, and of the which thou feelest dread.
son of Remalyahu. 17 The Lord will bring over

5 Forasmuch as Syria, (with) 'itbee, and over thy people, and

Ephraim and the son of Remal- over thy father’s house, days
yahu, have taken evil counsel that have not come, from the
against thee, saying, day that Ephraim withdrew from
6 Let us go up against Judah Judah, the king of Assyria. —
and besiege it, and let us make 18 And it shall come to
a breach therein for us, and set pass on that day, that the Lord
up as k ing in the midst of it, the will call for the fly that is in the
son of Tabeal uttermost end of the streams of
7 Thus hath said the Lord Egypt, and for the bee that is in
Eternal, It shall not succeed, the land of Assyria.
and it shall not come to pass. 19 And they shall come, and
8 For the head of Syria is Da- shall encamp, all of them, in the
mascus, and the head of Damas- desolate valleys, and in the clefts
cus is Rezin and within sixty of the rocks, and upon all thorn-

and five years shall Ephraim hedges, and upon all bushes.
be broken, to be no more a 20 On the same day will the
people. Lord shave with the razor that
9 And the head of Ephraim is hired, from among those on
is Samaria, and the head of Sa- the other .side of the river, with
maria is Remalyahu’s son. If the king of Assyria, the head,
ye will not believe, surely ye and the hair of the feet: and
shall not have permanence. also the beard shall it entirely
^ And the Lord continued remove.
to speak unto Achaz, saying, 21 And it shall come to pass
Ask thee a sign from the on that day, that a man shall
Lord thy God ask it in the nourish (but) one young cow,

depth, or high up above. and two sheep ;

1 2 But Achaz said, I will not 22 And it shall happen, that

ask, and I will not tempt the for the abundance of milk which
Lord. they shall he shall eat
13 And he said, Hear ye now, cream ;
cream and honey
0 house of David Is it too lit- shall
! eat every one that is left iD
tle for you to weary men, that the midst of the land.

ye will weary also my God? 23 And it shall come to pass

14 Therefore the Lord
will on that day, that every place,
himself give you a sign behold, : where there are (now) a thousand
this young woman shall con- vines worth a thousand silver
ceive, and bear a son, and she shekels, shall be, —yea,briers
this shall
shall call his name Tmmanu-el, be (given up) to and
[God with us.] thorns.
Cream and honey shall he
15 24 With arrows and with bows
eat, so soon as he knoweth to shall men enter thither because ;

refuse the evil, and to choose all the land shall become (co-
the good. vered with) briers and thorns.
16 For before yet the child 25 And all mountains that are
shall know to refuso the evil, and worked with the mattock, there
to choose the good, si' all be for- shall net 'jome thither the fear


of bi •iers and thorns and they selves, yet shall ye be broken in


shall serve for the pasture of pieces.

oxen, and for the treading of 10 Take counsel together, yet
sheep. shall it come to naught: speak
the word, and it shall not stand
CHAPTER VIII. firm; for with us is God.
1 And the Lord said unto 11 For thus said the Lord
me, Take thyself a large table, to me with the strength of pro-
and write on it with distinct let- phecy, and warned me not to
ters, Lemaher-shalal-chash-bas, walk in the way of this people,
[Speedy booty, sudden spoil]. saying,
2 And I was to summon for 12 Call ye not a conspiracy
myself trustworthy witnesses, all that this people may call a
Uriyah the priest, and Zechar- conspiracy, and what it feareth
yahu the son of Yebereehyahu. shall ye not fear, and be not ter-
3 A.nd I came near unto the rified (thereat).
prophetess and she conceived,
13 The Lord of hosts, him
and bore a son. Then said the shall ye sanctify and let Dim bo

Lord to me, Call his name Ma- your fear, and let him be your
her-shalal-chash-bas. terror.
4 For before yet the boy shall 14 And he will be for a sanc-
know to call, My father, and my tuary ;
but also for a stone of
mother, the wealth of Damascus stumbling, and for a rock to fall
and the spoil of Samaria shall over unto both the houses of Is-
be carried away before the king rael, for a gin and for a snare to
of Assyria. the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
5 And the Lord continued 15 And many shall stumble
to speak unto me again, saying, over them, and fall, and be
6 Forasmuch as this people broken, and snared, and be
despiseth the waters of Shilo- caught.
ach that flow softly, and rejoice 16 *[ Bind up the testimony,
in Rezin and Remalvahu’s son : seal up the law among my dis-
7 Yea therefore behold, the ciples.
Lord bringeth up over them the 17 And I will wait for the
strong and many waters of the Lord, that hideth his face from

river, the king of Assyria, and the house of Jacob, and I will
all his glory; and he shall come hope for him.
up over all his channels, and 18 Behold, I and the children
step over all his banks; whom the Lord hath given me
8 And he shall penetrate into are for signs and for tokens in
Judah, overflow and flood ever, Israel, from the Lord of hosts
even to the neck shall he reach who dwelleth on mount Zion.

and his outstretched wings shall 19 And when they shall say
fill the breadth of thy land, 0 unto you, “ Inquire of those that

'Immanu-el have familiar spirits, and of the

9 Associate yourselves, 0 ye wizards, that whisper, and that
people, yet shall ye be broken in mutter should not a people
pieces; and give ear, all ye of inquire of their God ? (should w«
the far portions of the earth then) in behalf of the living (in-

gird yourselves, yet shall ye be quire) of the dead?

broken in pieces gird your- 20 (Hold) to the law and to
49 Z 577
the testimony : ifthey are not his shoulders; and his name is
to .‘.peak according to this- word, called, Wonderful, counsellor of
in which there is no light. the mighty God, of the everlast-
.21 And the (people) shall pass ing Father, the prince of peace,
through (the land), hard op- 6 For (promoting) the in-
pressed and hungry and it shall crease of the government, and

come to pass, that when they for peace without end, upon the
shall be hungry, they will be- throne of David and upon his
come enraged, and curse their kingdom, to establish it and to
king and their god, and turn to- support it through justice and
ward on high (for aid). righteousness, from henceforth
22 And they will look unto and unto eternity the zeal of

the earth and behold there are the Lord of hosts will do this.

trouble and darkness, dimness 7 A. word hath the Lord


of oppression, and they shall be sent against Jacob, and it hath

scattered into obscurity. alighted upon Israel.
23 For no fatigue (befalleth) 8 And experience it shall all
him that oppresseth them ; in the the people together, Ephraim
first time he made light of the and the inhabitants of Samaria ;
land of Zebulunand of the land because they say, in the pride
of Naphtali, and at the last he and haughtiness of heart,
will deal hard, with the way by 9 “ The bricks are fallen down,
the sea, on the other side of the but with hewn stones will we re-
Jordan, (up to) the Galilee of build :the sycamores are cut
the nations. down, but with cedars will we
replace them.”
CHAPTER IX. 10 Therefore will the Lord
1 The people that walk in strengthen the adversaries of
darkness have seen a great Rezin above him, and will stir
light: they that dwell in the up his enemies;
land of the shadow of death 11 The Syrians in front, and
a. light shineth brightly over the Philistines behind ; and they
them. shall devour Israel with a full
2 Thou hast multiplied the mouth. For all this his anger
nation, made great their joy: is not turned away, but his hand
they rejoice before thee as with still remaineth stretched out.
the joy in harvest, as men are 12 And the people return not
glad when they divide the spoil. unto him that smiteth them, and
3 For the yoke of their bur- the Lord of hosts do they not
den, and the staff on their shoul- seek.
der, the rod of their oppressor, 13 And the Lord cutteth oil
hast thou broken, as on the day from Israel head and tail, palm-
of Midian. branch and rush, on one day.
4 For all the weapons of the 14 The ancient and hon ur-
fighter in the battle’s tumult, able is the head; and the pro-
and the garment rolled in blood, phet that teacheth lies is the
shall be burnt, become food for tail.
fire. 15 And the guides of this peo-
5 For a child is born unto us, ple are those that guide to error
a son hath been given unto us, and those that are led of them
and the government is placed on are misled.
16 Therefore will the Lord help? and whore will ye leave
have no joy in their young men, your glory ?
and on their fatherless and wi- 4 W
ithout me they shall kneel
dows will he have no mercy for down under the prisoners, and

every one is a hypocrite and under the slain shall they fall.
an evil-doer, and every mouth For all this his anger is not
speaketh scandalous words. For turned away, but his hand still
all this his anger is not turned remaineth stretched out.
away, but his hand still remain- 5 f Wo over Asshur, the rod
eth stretched out. of my anger and a staff is in

17 For wickedness burneth their hand my indignation.

like the fire it shall devour the
6 Against a hypocritical na-
briers and thorns and it shall tion will I send him, and against

kindle (a flame) in the thickets the people of my fury will I give

of the forest, and they shall be him a charge, to take the spoil,
shrouded by the wreaths of and to carry off the prey, and
smoke. to render them trodden down
18 Through the fury of like the mire of the streets.
the Lord of hosts is the land 7 But he deemeth it not so,
scorched, and the people have and his heart doth not think so ;

become as food for the fire no but to destroy is in his heart,


man will spare his brother. and to cut off nations not a few.
19 And he snatcheth on the 8 For he saith, “ Are not my
right hand, and is (yet) hungry princes altogether kings ?

and he eateth on the left hand, 9 Is not Calno like Karke-

and is not (yet) satisfied they mish ? is not Chamath like Ar-

shall eat every man the flesh of pad ? is not Samaria like Da-
his own arm : mascus?
20 Menasseh (against) Eph- 10 As my hand hath reached
raim ;
and Ephraim (against) the kingdoms of the idols, whose
Menasseh and they together
graven images exceeded in num-
against Judah. For all this his ber those of Jerusalem and of
anger is not turned away, but Samaria :

his hand still remaineth stretch- 1 1 Shall I not, as I have done

ed out. unto Samaria and her idols, do

so unto Jerusalem and unto her
CHAPTER X. idols ?”
1 Wo unto those that de- 1
2 ^ Wherefore shall it come
cree decrees of unrighteousness, to pass, that when the Lord
and the writers who write down hath completed all his work on
wrongful things ;
mount Zion and in Jerusalem,
2 To turn aside from judg- I will punish the fruit of the
ment the needy, and to rob the haughtiness of the king of As-
just due of the poor of my peo- shur, and the vain-glory of his

pie, that widows may be their proud looks.

prey, and (that) they may plun- 13 For he hath said, “Bythe
der the fatherless ! strength of my hand have I done
3 And what will ye do on the it, and by my wisdom, for I have
day of the visitation, and at the Intelligence; and I have re-

desolation which will come from moved the boundaries of na-

afar? to whom will ye flee foritions, and their laid- up treasures
have I plundered, and brought, 22 For though thy people Is-
down low those chat were power- rael should be as the sand of
fully seated. the sea, (yet) a remnant (only)
14 And my hand hath reach- of them shall return destruc-

ed. as a bird’s nest, the wealth tion is decreed, it overfloweth

of the people; and as one gather- with righteousness.
eth up eggs that are forsaken, 23 For it is completed and
have I myself gathered up all decreed the Lord, the Eternal

the earth ;
and there was not of hosts will do it in the midst
one that moved the wing, or of all the land.
opened the mouth, or chirped. 24 *[[ Therefore thus hath said
15 Shall the axe boast itself the Lord the Eternal of hosts,
over him that heweth there- Be not afraid, 0 my people that
with ? or shall the saw magnify dwellestin Zion, of Asshur, who
itself against him that swingeth will smite thee with the rod,
it? as if the rod should swing and lift up his staff against thee,
about those that lift it up, or after the manner of Egypt.
as if the staff should lift up him 25 For yet but a very little
who is no wood. while more, and the indigna-
16 *f[ Therefore will the Lord, tion shall cease, and my anger
the Eternal of hosts, send forth shall be for their destruction.
among his fat ones leanness ;
26 And the Lord of hosts
and under his glory shall be will up a scourge over him
kindled a burning like the like (at) the smiting of Midian
burning of a tire. at the rock of ’Oreb and as :

17 And the light of Israel his staff was lifted over the sea,
shall become a fire, and his Holy so will he carry him off after
One a flame and it shall burn
the manner of Egypt.
and devour his thorns and his 27 And it shall come to pass
briers on one day. in that day. that his burden
18 And the glory of his forest, shall be removed from off thy
and of his fruitful field, both shoulder, and his yoke from off
soul and body, wiil-he destroy : thy neck, and the yoke shall be
and he shall be as (a tree) eaten broken because of the fatness.
to powder by the worms. 28 He cometh to 'Ayath, he
19 And the rest of the trees passeth on to Migron at Mich- ;

of his forest shall be few in mash he layeth up his bag-

number, so that a boy may gage :

write them down. 29 They go through the pass ;

20 And it shall come to pass they take up their lodging lit

on that day, that the remnant Geba’; Ramah treiubleth ;
of Israel, and such as are escaped
ah of Saul fleeth.
of the house of Jacob, shall not 30 Let thy voice resound, 0
farther lean for support again daughter of Gallirn listen Lay- !

upon him that smiteth them shah 0 poor Anathoth

; ;


but they shall lean for support 31 Madmenah is in motion :

upon the Lord, the Holy One the inhabitants of Gebirn are
of Israel, in truth. assembled to flee.
21 The remnant shall return, 32 As yet to-day will he re-
the remnant of Jacob, unto the main at Nob: then will he swing
mighty God. his hand against the mount of
the daughter of Zion, the hill of the lion shall like the ox ea*

Jerusalem. straw.
33 1[ Behold, the Lord, the 8 And the sucking child shall

Eternal of hosts, will lop off play on the hole of the asp, and

the fruitful bough with terrific on the basilisk’s den shall the
might: and those of towering weaned child stretch out his
growth shall be hewn down, and hand.
the high shall be laid low. 9 They shall not do hurt nor
34 And he will cut down the destroy on all my holy monn
thickets of the forests with iron, tain ;
for the earth shall be full
and the Lebanon shall fall by of the knowledge of the Lord,
(means of) a mighty one. as the waters cover the sea.
10 And it shall happen on
CHAPTER XL that day, that (he of) the root
1 ^ And there shall come forth of Jesse, who shall stand as an
a shoot out of the stem of Jesse, ensign of the people, to him
and a sprout shall spring out of shall nations (come to) inquire

his roots. and his resting-place shall be

2 And there shall rest upon glorious.
him the spirit of the Lord, the; 1 1 And it shall happen on
spirit of wisdom and understand-! that day, that the Lord will put
ing, the spirit of counsel and forth his hand again the second
might, the spirit of knowledge; time to acquire the remnant of
and of the fear of the Lord. his people, which shall remain,
3 And he shall be animated from Asshur, and from Egypt,
by the fear of the Lord ;
and and from Pathros, and from
not after the sight of his eyes Cush, and from ’Elam, and from
shall ye judge, and not after the Shin’ar, and from Chamath, and
hearing of his ears shall he de- from the islands of the sea.
cide ; 12 And he will lift up an en-
4 But he shall judge with sign unto the nations, and wili
righteousness the poor, and de- assemble the outcasts of Israel
cide with equity for the suffer- and the dispersed of Judah will
ing ones of the earth and he he collect together from the four

shall smite the earth with the corners of the earth.

rod of his mouth, and with the 13 And then shall depart the
breath of his lips shall he slay envy of Ephraim, and the ad-
the wicked. versaries of Judah shall be cut
5 And righteousness shall be! off: Ephraim shall not envy Ju-
the girdle of his loins, and faith- dah, and Judah shall not assail
fulness the girdle of his hips. Ephraim.
6 And the wolf shall then 14 But they shall fly upon the
dwell with the sheep, and the shoulders of the Philistines to-
leopard shall lie down with the ward the west ; together shall
kid; and the calf and the young they spoil the children of the
lion and the fatling (shall be)! east: upon Edom and Moiib
together, and a little boy shall shall they lay their hands ;
lead them. the children of ’Ammon shall
7 And the cow and the she- obey them.
bear shall feed, together shall 15 And the Lord will utterly
their young ones lie down ; and destroy the tongue of the Egyp-
49 * 581
tian sea; and he will swing his pared ones,
I have also called
hand over the river with his my heroes for my anger, those
mighty wind, and will smite it that rejoice in my highness.
into the seven streams, and ren- 4 There is a noise of tumult
der it passable with shoes. on the mountains, like that of a
16 And there shall be a high- numerous people ; a noise of
way for the remnant of his peo- shouting of kingdoms of nations
ple, which shall remain from assembled the Lord of hosts

Asshur, like as it was to Israel mustereth a host of battle.

on the day that they came up 5 They are coming from a
out of the land of Egypt. far-off country, from the end of
the heavens, (here is) the Lord,
XII. with the weapons of his indig-
1 And thou shalt say on that nation, to destroy all the land.
day, “ I will thank thee, 0 Lord, 6 Wail ye; for nigh is the
that thou wast angry with me day of the Lord: like wasting

thy anger (now) is turned away, from the Almighty shall it come.
and thou comfortest me. 7 Therefore all hands shall
2 Behold, God is my salva- become weak, and every mor-
tion I will trust and tal’s heart shall melt;

afraid for my strength and

8 And they shall be affright-
song is Yah the Eternal and ed; pangs and pains shall seize

he is become my salvation.” on them they shall have throes


3 And ye shall draw water as a woman that travaileth ;

with gladness out of the springs at the other shall they look
of salvation. amazed ;
red like tlames shall
4 And ye shall say on that their faces glow.
day, “ Give thanks unto the 9 Behold, the day of the Lord
Lord, call on his name, make cometh, direful, (laden) with
known his deeds among the peo- wrath and the fierceness of an-
ple, keep it in remembrance that ger, to render the earth deso-
exalted is his name. late and its sinners will he de-

5 Sing unto the Lord ; for stroy out of it.

he hath wrought a stupendous 10 For the stars of the hea-
thing known is this on all the vens and their constellations

earth.” shall not give forth their light,

6 Call aloud and shout, inha- the sun shall be darkened in his
bitress of Zion for great is in going forth, and the moon shall

the midst of thee the Holy One not shed abroad her light.
of Israel. 11 And I will visit on the
world its evil, and on the wicked
XIII. their iniquity; and I will stop
1 The doom of Babylon, the arrogance of the presumptu-
which Isaiah the son of Arnoz ous, and the haughtiness of the
foresaw. tyrants will I humble.
2 Upon a high mountain lift 12 I will make the mortal
ye up a banner, raise high your more precious than fine gold
yoice unto them, wave the hand, and man, more than the valued
that they may enter' into the metal of Ophir.
gates of the princes. 13 Therefore will I shake the
3 I have charged my pre- heavens, and the earth shall
start quaking out of her place, CHAPTER XIV.
at the wrath of the Lord of 1 For the Lord will have
hosts, and on the day of his mercy on Jacob, and will again
fierce anger. make choice of Israel, and re-
14 And the people shall be as place them in their own land :

the chased roe, and as flocks and the strangers shall be joined
which no one gathereth up unto them, and they shall at-
©very man to his own people tach themselves to the house of
shall they turn, and every man Jacob.
unto his own land shall they 2 And nations shall take
flee. them, and bring them to their
15 Every one that is found own place but the house of Is-

shall be thrust through ;

and rael shall obtain possession of
every one that is joined unto them in the land of the Lord
them shall fall by the sword. for men-servants and for maid-
16 And their babes shall be servants and they shall take

dashed to pieces before their captive their captors, and they

eyes: spoiled shall be their shall rule over their oppressors.
houses, and their wives ravished. 3 And it shall come to pass
17 Behold, I will stir up on the day when the Lord will
against them the Medes, who give thee rest from thy trouble,
will not regard silver, and who and from thy vexation, and from
will not delight in gold. the hard bondage wherein thou
18 And their bows will dash wast made to serve,
young men to pieces; and on the 4 That thou wilt take up this
fruit of the womb will they have parable against the king of Ba-
no mercy on children their eye bylon, and say, How hath ceased

will not look with pity the oppressor ceased the exac-

19 And (thus) shall Babylon, tress of gold !

the glory of kingdoms, theproud 5 Broken hath the Lord the

ornament of the Chaldeans, be staff of the wicked, the sceptre
com'elike the overthrow through of rulers ;

God of Sodom and Gomorrah. 6 He who smote people in

20 It shall not be inhabited wrath, blows without intermis-
for ever, and it shall r.ot be sion, he that ruled in anger na-
dwelt in from generation to gen- tions, persecuting without re-
eration nor shall the Arabian straint.

pitch there his tent; and shep- 7 At rest. quiet is all the earth:
herds shall not let their flocks men break forth into loud song.
rest there ;
8 Also, the fir-trees rejoice at
21 But there shall rest the thee, the cedars of Lebanon,
wild beasts of the desert ;
and “Since thou wast laid low, no
their houses shall be full of feller is come up against us.”
owls and ostriches shall dwell
9 The nether world from be-
there, and evil spirits shall low is n motion concerning thee

dance there. to meet thee at thy coming it


22 And jackals shall howl in stirreth up the departed for

her palaces, and monsters in the thee, all the chief ones of the
temples of pleasure and near earth it hath caused to rise up

to come is her time, and her from their thrones all the kings
days shall not be extended. of nations.
10 They all will commence'|nity shall not be called the seed

and say unto thee, “ Thou thou of evil-doers.
also art become weak like us: 21 Prepare for his children
similar unto us art thou be- the slaughter, for the iniquity
come !” of their fathers : that they ?nay
1 1 Into the nether world is not rise, and possess the lan 1,
brought down thy pride, the and till the face of the world
clatter of thy psalteries beneath with enemies (of mankind).

thee is spread the worm, and thy 22 And I will rise up against
cover is the moth. them, saith the L. no vf hosts;
12 How art thou fallen from and I will cut off from Babylon
heaven, 0 morning-star, son of name, and remnant, and son, and
the dawn ! how art thou hewn grandson, saith the Lord.
down to the ground, crusher of 23 I will also make it a pos-
nations session for the hedgehog, and

13 And thou thou hadst said pools of water; and I will sweety
in thy heart, “ Into heaven will it with the besom of destrueu«-.t. jl

I ascend, above the stars of God saith the Lord of hosts

will I exalt my throne ; and I 24 Sworn hath the Lord or
will sit also upon the mount of hosts, saying, Surely as I ha- t> ;

the assembly, in the farthest end purposed, so doth it come to

of the north pass ; and as I have resolved, so
14 I will ascend above the shall it occur
heights of the clouds I will be
25 To break Asshur in my
equal to the Most High.” own land, and upon my moun-
15 But into the nether world tains will I tread him under
shalt thou be brought down, into foot; then shall his yoke be re-
the lowest depth. moved from off them, and his
16 They that see thee will gaze burden shall be removed from
at thee, will regard thee well, off their shoulders.
(saying,) “Is this the man that 26 This is the resolve that is
caused the earth to tremble, that resolved over all the earth; and
made kingdoms quake ? this is the hand that is stretched
1 7 That rendered the world as out over all the nations.

a wilderness, and pulled down 27 For the Lord of hosts hath

its cities
: never opened the pri- resolved, and who shall frustrate
son-house of his prisoners?” it? and it is his hand which is
18 All the kings of nations, stretched out, and who shall turn
all of them, lie in glory, every it back ?
one in his own (eternal) house. 28 In the year that king
19 But thou — thou art cast Achaz died was this prophecy
out of thy grave like a discarded (given).
offshoot, as a garment of those 29 Rejoice not, thou entiro
that are slain, pierced by the Palestine, because the rod of him
sword, that go down to the stones that smote thee is broken for ;

of the pit, as a carcass trodden out of the serpent’s root shall

un ler feet. come forth an adder, and its
20 Thou shalt not be united fruit shall be a flying dragon.
with them in burial; because thy 30 And the first-born of the
land hast thou destined, thy poor shall feed, and the needy
People hast thou slain to eter- shall rest in safety and I will
: :

kill with famine thy root, and acquisitions and what they pos*
men shall slay thy remnant. sess shall they carry away ovet
31 Wail, 0 gate cry out, 0 the brook of the willows.

city thou
art dissolved, 0 thou 8 For the cry hath encora
entire Palestine for from the massed the boundary of Moiib
! ;

north a smoke is coming, and up to Egla.yim (is heard) its

there is no one solitary among wail and at Beer-elim (is heard)
those of his that are bidden to its wail.
come. 9 For the waters of Dimon are
32 And what will each one of filled with blood, for I will bring
the messengers of the nations over Dimon armed bands over :

answer? That the Lord hath the escaped of Moab (cometh) a

founded Zion, and that therein lion, and over the remnant of
shall find protection the poor of the land.
his people.
CHAPTER XV. 1 Send ye
the lambs of the
1 The doom of Moab Truly ruler of the land from Sela’.
in a night is 'Ar of Moab plun- through the wilderness, unto the
dered, it is laid waste truly in : mount of the daughter of Zion.
a night is Kir of Moab plun- 2 For it shall be, that, as a
dered, it is laid waste. fugitive bird, as a chased nest,
2 It goeth up to the (idol ) so shall be the daughters of
house, and Dibon (goeth) up to Moab at the fords of Arnon.
the high-places to weep, on Nebo 3 Bring counsel, execute jus-
and on Medeba shall Moab wail tice render like the night thy

on all its heads there is bald shadow in the midst of the noon-
ness, and every beard is hewn day conceal the outcasts; be-

off. tray not the fugitive.

3 In its streets they are girded 4 Let my outcasts sojourn with
with sackcloth, on its roofs, and ihee, Moab be thou a covert to

in its public places every one them from the face of the waster:
shall wail, groan with weeping. till ceaseth the extortion, past

4 And loud crieth Cheshbon be the wasting, and vanished be

with El aleh as far as Yahaz is
the oppressor out of the land.
heard their voice therefore the
: 5 And there shall be found-
armed men of Moab shall howl ;
ed through kindness a throne;
its soul is grieved for itself. and theie shall sit upon it in
5 My heart will cry for Moab, truthfulness in the tent of David
whose fugitives are as far as ajudge who seeketh justice, and
Zo'ar, (and) the third ’Eglath ;
is quick in righteousness.
for the ascent of Luchith with — 6 We have heard of the pride
weeping is it ascended for on ;
of Moab, (that) he is very proud:
the way to Choronayim they let of his haughtiness, and his pride,
resound the cry of defeat (in and his wrath, his groundless
battle). lies.
6 For the waters of Nimrin 7 Therefore shall Moab wail
shall be desolate for dry is the for Moab every one shall wail
; ;

grass, gone are the herbs, and for the strong walls of Kir-cha-
green things are no more. resseth shall ye lament, deeply
7 Therefore the rest of their stricken.
8 For the fields of Cheshbon up) to flocks, which shall lie
are withered, the vine of Sib- down, and none shall inak6

mah the lords of nations have them afraid.
beaten down its branches, they 3 And there shall cease the
did reach as far asYa’zer, into fortress from Ephraim, and the
the wilderness did they wander : kingdom from Damascus, and
its tendrils were stretched forth, theremnant of Syria: like the
they passed over the sea. glory of the children of Israel
9 Therefore will I weep, when shall they be, saith the Lord of
weeping for Ya’zer for the vine hosts.
of Sibmah I will moisten thee
: 4 And it shall come to pass
richly with my tears, 0 Chesh- on that day, that the glory of
bon, and El’aleh for over (i he
! Jacob shall vanish, and the fat-
gathering of) thy summer fiuits ness of his flesh shall become
and over thy harvest the battle- lean.
cry is fallen. 5 And it shall be as when
10 And (thus) are taken away the harvestman gathereth the
standing-corn, and reapeth the
joy and gladness out of the f ruit-
ful field and in the vineyards
ears with his arm and it shall

shall be no singing, shall be ro be as when one gleaneth ears in

joyful shout; in the presses shallthe valley of Repha'im.
the treader not tread out wine 6 And there shall be left on it

I have stopped the harvest-call gleaning-fruit,as one shaketh an

11 Therefore my bowels shall olive-tree, two or three berries
groan for Moab like a harp, and on the top of the uppermost
my inward parts for Kir-charess. bough, four or five on the out-
12 And it shall come to pass, most branches of a fruitful tree,
that it shall be seen that Moab saith the Lord the God of Israel.
is weary on the high-places: 7 On that day shall a man
and he will come to his sanc- turn his regard up to his Maker,
tuary to pray but he shall not and his eyes shall look toward

accomplish (aught). the Holy One of Israel.

13 This is the word that the 8 And he shall not turn his
Lord hath spoken concerning regard to the altars, the work
Moab in former times. of his hands and he shall not

14 But now hath the Lord look at what his fingers have
spoken, saying, Within three made, both the groves and the
years, as the years of a hired sun-images.
labourer, shall the glory of 9 *[f On that day shall his
< Moab be rendered mean with strong cities be as a forsaken
all this (his) great multitude ruin in a forest, and on a moun-

and the remnant shall be very tain-peak, which they left be-
small and inconsiderable. cause of the children of Israel :

and the land shall be desolate.

CHAPTER XVII. 10 Because thou hast forgotten
1 The doom of Damascus. the God of thy salvation, and
Behold, Damascus is deprived the rock of thy strength thou
of being a city, and it shall be- hast not remembered therefore :

come decaying ruins. vvouldst thou plant luxuriant

2 Forsaken are the cities of'plantings, and wouldst set out
’Aro’er : they shall be (given* the shoot of the stranger therein.

11 (Already) on the day that 5 For before the harvest, when
thou plantedst thou causedst to the blossom is past, and the
grow, and in the morning thou flower beeometh a ripening grape,
inadest thy seed to blossom ; but will he both cut off the tendrils
now fleeth the harvest on the with pruning-knives, and the
day of disease and of incurable sprigs will he remove and cut
pain. down.
12 *[ Wo
to the raging of many 6 They shall be left together
people, who rage like the raging unto the birds of prey of the
of the seas ; and to the noise of mountains, and to the beasts of
nations, that make a noise like the earth and the birds of prey

the roar of mighty waters ! shall summer upon them, and

13 The nations will make a all the beasts of the earth shail
noise like the roaring of many winter upon them.
waters but He will rebuke it,
7 At that time shall be
and it shall flee afar off, and brought as a present unto the
shall be chased as the chaff of Lord of hosts a people pulled
the mountains before the wind, and torn, and a people terrible
and as thistle-down before the from their beginning and on-
tempest. ward a nation meted out and

14 At eveningtide, behold, trodden under foot, whose land

there is trouble ;
before yet it is the rivers have spoiled, to the

morning it is no more. This is place of the name of the Lord

the portion of our spoilers, and of hosts, the mount Zion.
the lot of those that plunder us.
CHAPTER XVIII. 1 <[ The doom of Egypt. Be-
1 Wo to the land with spread- hold, the Lord rideth upon a
ing wings, which is beyond the swift cloud, and is coming to
rivers of Cush, Egypt: and the idols of Egypt
2 That sendeth on the sea am- shall be moved because of his
bassadors, and in vessels of bul- presence, and the heart of Egypt
rushes messengers over the face shall melt in its inward parts.
of the waters. Go, ye swift mes- 2 And I will stir up Egyp-
sengers, to a nation pulled and tians against Egyptians and :

torn, to a people terrible from they shall fight every one against
their beginning and onward a his brother, and every one against

nation meted out and trodden his fellow; city against city,
down, whose land the rivers have' kingdom against kingdom.
spoiled 3 And the spirit of Egypt
3 All ye inhabitants of the' shall be emptied out in its in-
world, and dwellers on the earth,! ward parts, and its counsel will I
when the ensign is lifted up on frustrate ; and they will inquire
the mountains, see ye; and when of the idols, and of the charmers,
the cornet is blown, hear ye. and of those that have familiar
4 If For so hath said the Lord spirits, and of the wizards.
unto me, I will take my rest, and 4 And I will surrender the
I will look down on my dwell- Egyptians into the hand of a
ing-place like a clear heat upon cruel lord and a rigorous king :

herbs, and like a cloud of dew in shall rule over them, saith the
the heat of harvest. Lord, the Eternal of hosts.

5 And
the waters shall fail 16 f On that day shall Egypx
from the sea, and the river shall be like the women and it shall

be wasted and dried up. tremble and be in dread because

6 And the rivers shall become of the waving of the hand of the
foul and shallow and dried up
; Lord of hosts, which he waveth
shall become the deep streams over it.

reeds and flags shall wither. 17 And the land of Judah

7 The well-rooted plants by shall become unto Egypt a ter-
the stream, by the mouth of the ror, every one that maketh men-
stream, and every thing sown tion thereof shall be in dread,
by the stream, shall dry up, be because of the counsel of the
scattered (by the wind), and be Lord of hosts, which he hath
no more. resolved against it.
8 The fishermen also shall 18 On that day shall be five
lament, and all they that cast cities in the land of Egypt speak-
an angle into the stream shall ing the language of Cana’an, and
mourn and they that spread
swearing by the Lord of hosts:
nets upon the face of the waters “The city of destruction” shall
shall languish. one be called.
i) And ashamed shall be they 10 On that day shall there
that work in fine flax, and they be an altar to the Lord in the
that weave white cloth. midst of the land of Egypt, and
10 And its foundations shall a pillar at its border to the Lord.
be beaten down, all that build 20 And it shall be for a sign
sluices shall be grieved in soul. and for a testimony unto the
1 1 Surely fools are the princes Lord of hosts in the land of
of Zo’an, the wise of the coun- Egypt; for they shall cry unto
sellors of Pharaoh (impart) silly the Lord because of the oppres-
counsel how can ye say unto
: sors, and he will send them a
Pharaoh, I am a son of the wise, helper, and a chief, and he shall
a son of the ancient kings ? deliver them.
12 Where are they, these, thy 21 And the Lord will be made
wise men ? that they may tell known to the Egyptians, and
thee now, that they know what the Egyptians shall know the
the Lord of hosts hath resolved Lord on that day, and will do
on over Egypt. service (with) sacrifice and ob-
13 The princes of Zo’an are lation : yea, they will make vows
become fools, deceived are the unto the Lord and perform
princes of Noph and Egypt is
led astray by the chiefs of its 22 And the Lord will thus
tribes. strike Egypt, striking and heal-
14 The Lord hath poured out ing it and they will return unto

in the midst thereof a spirit of the Lord, and he will be en-

perverseness and they have led
: treated of them, and heal them.
Egypt astray in all its work, as 23 On that day there shall
a drunkard reeleth astray in his be a highway out of Egypt to
vomit. Asshur, and Asshur shall come
15 And there shall not be for into Egypt, and the Egyptians
Egypt (successful) work, which into Asshur, and the Egyptians
the head or tail, palm-branch or shall serve with' Asshur (the
rush, may do. Lord).
24 On
that day shall Israel 2 A hard vision hath been
be the third with Egypt and told unto me the traitor dealeih

ith Asshur, a blessing in the treacherously, and the spoiler

midst of the earth, spoileth. “ Go up, 0 'Elam
25 Whom the Lord of hosts besiege, 0 Media i” all sighing
will have blessed, saying, Blessed have I caused to cease.
be my people Egypt, and Asshur 3 Therefore are myloins filled
the work of my hands, and my with pain pangs;
have seized
heritage Israel. me, like the pangs of a woman
that travail eth : I r.rn too much
CHAPTER XX. cramped to hear I am too much j

1 In the year that Tharthan dismayed to see.

came unto Ashdod, when Sargon 4 My heart wanderoth astray,
the king of Assyria sent him, dread affrighteth me the even- :

and fought against Ashdod, and ing of my pleasure hath he turned

captured it unto me into terror.
2 At the same time spoke the 5 Prepare the table, put on the
Lord by means of Isaiah the candlesticks, eat, drink arise, :

son of Amoz, saying, Go and ye princes, and anoint the shield.

loosen the sackcloth from off thy 6 For thus hath said unto
loins, and thy shoe shalt thou me the Lord, Go, set the watch-
pull off from thy foot. And he man, what he seeth let him tell,
did so, walking naked and bare- 7 And he will see chariots,
foot. horsemen in couples, riders on
3 And the Lord said, Just asses, riders on camels and he ;

asmy servant Isaiah hath walked shall listen diligently with much
naked and barefoot thre^e years heed
as a sign and token for Egypt 8 And he calleth (like) a lion,
and for Cush : Upon the watchtower, 0 Lord,
4 So shall the king of Assyria do I stand continually in the
lead away
the prisoners of Egypt, daytime, and on my ward am I
and the exiles of Cush, young set all the nights.
and old, naked and barefoot, 9 And, behold, here cometli a
even with uncovered buttocks, chariot with men, horsemen in
to the disgrace of Egypt. couples, and he commenceth and
5 And they shall be terrified, saith, Fallen, fallen is Babylon ;
and ashamed of Cush their trust, and all the graven images of her
and of Egypt their vaunt. gods hath he shivered unto the
6 And the inhabitant of this ground.
isle shall say on that day, Be- 10 0 my down -trodden (peo-
hold, such is our trust, whither ple), and the son of my thresh-
we fled for help to be delivered ing-floor that which I have :

from the king of Assyria and heard from the Lord of hosts,

how shall we then escape ? the God of Israel, have I told

unto you.
CHAPTER XXI. 11 The doom of Dumah.
1 «[ The doom of the desert Unto me one calleth out of Se’ir,
by the sea. As tempests in the Watchman, what of the night?
south blow with fury so doth it Watchman, what of the night?

come from the desert, from a 12 The watchman said, The

terrible land. morning cometh, and also the
50 589
night : ye will desire, desire ver, (cometh) with men in cha-
ye; return, come again. riots and horsemen, and Kir un-
13 The doom upon Arabia. covereth the shield.
In the forest in Arabia shall ye 7 And it is so, that thy choicest
lodge, 0 ye caravans of Dedanim. valleys are full of chariots, and
14 Toward him that is thirsty the horsemen set themselves in
they bring water the inhabit- array against the gate.

ants of the land of Thema meet 8 And he laid open the cover-
with suitable bread the fugitive. ing of Judah : and thou didst
15 Because from the swords look on that day toward the
are they fled, from the drawn armour of the house of the forest.
sword, and from the bent bow, 9 And the breaches of the city
and from the pressure of war. of David have ye seen, that they
16 For thus hath said the are many and ye gathered to-

Lord unto me, Within yet one gether the waters of the lower
year, like the years of a hired pool.
labourer, shall all the glory of 10 And the houses of Jeru-
Kedar be at an end salem have ye numbered, and
17 And the residue of the ye have pulled down the houses
number of bows of the mighty to fortify the wall.
men of the children of Kedar 11 And a tank have ye made
shall be small for the Lord between the two walls for the

the God of Israel hath spoken it. water of the old pool; but ye
have not looked toward the
CHAPTER XXII. Maker thereof, and him that
1 <f The doom of the valley fashioned it in distant times
ot vision. What aileth thee have ye not regarded.
now, that thou art wholly gone 12 And the Lord Eternal of
up to the roofs ? hosts called on that day for
2 0 noiseful, tumultuous city,weeping, and for mourning, and
joyous town thy slain ones are
! baldness, and for girding
Dot slain with the sword, and with sackcloth,
not those that die in battle. 13 And behold (there are)
gladness and joy, slaying cf
3 All thy rulers are fled toge-
ther, they are made prisoners by oxen, and killing of sheep, eat-
the bowmen ing flesh, and drinking wine
all that are found

in thee are made prisoners toge- “ Let us eat and drink ; for to-
ther, who have run away from morrow we must die.”
afar. 14 And it was revealed in ray
4 Therefore said I, Look away ears by the Lord of hosts
from me I will weep bitterly Surely this iniquity shall not be

be not urgent to comfort me, forgiven unto you until ye die,

because of the wasting of the said the Lord the Eternal of
daughter of my people. hosts.
5 For a day of confusion, and 15 Thus hath said the Lord
of treading down, and of per- Eternal of hosts, Go, get thee
plexity hath the Lord Eternal unto this treasurer, even unto
of hosts in the valley of vision Shebna, who is (superintendent)

walls are broken, and crying is over the house

heard against the mountain. 16 What hast thou here? and
6 And ’Elam beareth the qui- whom hast thou here, that thou
hast hewn out for thyself here a upon it shall be cut off; for tha
sepulchre, (the man) that hath Lord hath spoken it.

hewn out on high his sepulchre,

that holloweth out in the rock a
habitation for himself ? 1 The doom of Tyre. Wail,
17 Behold, the Loud will ye ships of Tharshish ; for it is
thrust thee about with a mighty laid waste, without house, with-
throw, 0 man and will lay fast
! out entrance : from the land of
hold of thee Kittim hath it been revealed to
18 He will roll thee up as a them.
bundle, and (toss thee) like a 2 Be silent, ye inhabitants of
ball into a country of ample the coast-land the merchants

space there jshalt thou die, anrl

: of Zidon, that pass over the sea,
there shall remain the chariots (formerly) filled thee.
of thy glory, thou disgrace of 3 And on mighty waters (came)
the house of thy lord. the seed of Shichor, the harvest
19 And I will cast the#1 out of the stream, as her revenue ;
from thy station, and from thy and she became the mart of na-
post shall he pull thee down. tions.
20 And it shall come to pass 4 Be ashamed, 0 thou Zidon;
on that day, that I will call my for spoken hath the sea, the
servant, for Elyakim the son of strong-hold of the sea, saying, I
Chilkiyahu. travailed not, nor brought forth
21 And I will clothe him children, neither did I nourish
with thy robe, and thy girdle up young men, nor bring up
will I fastenaround him, and virgins.
thy government will I place into 5 As at the report concerning
his hand and he shall be as a Egypt, so shall they tremble at

father to the inhabitants of Je- the report of Tyre.

rusalem, and to the house of 6 Pass ye over to Tharshish !

Judah. wail, ye inhabitants of the coast-

22 And I will lay the key of land.
the house of David upon his 7 Is this your fate, ye of the
shoulder so that he shall open, joyous (city)? she whose anti-

and none shall shut; and he quity is of ancient days her —

shall shut, and none shall open. own feet shall carry her, afar
28 And I will fasten him as off to sojourn.
a tent-nail in a sure place : and 8 Who hath resolved this
he shall be for a chair of honour against Tyre, the crowning city,
to his father’s house. whose merchants are princes,
24 And they shall hang upon whose traders are the honour-
him all the glory of his father’s able of the earth ?
house, the shoots and offshoots, 9 The Lord of hosts hath re-
all the small vessels, from the solved it, to dishonour the pride
vessels of basins, even to all the of all ornament, to make of light
vessels of flagons. esteem all the honourable of the
25 On that day, sailh the earth.
Loud of hosts, shall be removed 10 <[[ Pass through thy land
the nail that is fastened in the as a stream, 0 daughter of Thar -
sure place, and be cut down, shish there is no more strength.

and fall ; and the burden that is 11 He hath stretched out his
hand over Hie sea, he hath shaken waste, and marreth its surface,
kingdoms : the Loan hath given and scattereth abroad its inha-
b command gainst Cana’an, to
si bitants.
subvert its strongholds. 2 And it shall be the sama
12 And he said, Thou shalt no with the people as with the
longer rejoice any more, 0 thou priest; with the servant as with
oppressed virgin, daughter of his master ; with the bondwoman
Zidon! arise, pass over to the as wfith her mistress; with the
Kittim also there shalt thou
: buyer as with the seller; with
have no rest. the lender as with the borrower;
13 Behold the land of the with the debtor as with his ere

Chaldeans this people which ditor.
was not, Asshur founded it for 3 Empty, emptied out shall
the dwellers in the wilderness be the land, and spoiled, utter-
they have set up their watch- ly spoiled; for the Lord hath
towers, have overthrown its pa- spoken this word;
laces, have rendered it a heap 4 The land mourneth, wither-
of ruins. eth away, the world languishetb,
14 Wail, ye ships of Thar- wdthereth aw ay, the high ones r

shish ;
for your stronghold is of the people of the land do lan-
laid waste. guish.
15 And it shall come to 5 For the land was defiled
pass on that day, that Tyre under its inhabitants; because
shall be forgotten seventy years, they had transgressed the law's,
like the days of one king at the : neglected the statutes, broken
end of the everlasting covenant.
seventy years shall it
happen 6 Therefore hath the curse
to Tyre as in the song
of the harlot. devoured the land, and they
16 “Take the harp, go round that dwell therein suffer for
about the city, thou forgotten their guilt therefore are the :

harlot make sweet music, sing inhabitants of the land dried up,

many songs, in order that thou and but few men are left.
mayest be remembered.” 7 The new wine mourneth,
17 And it shall come to pass the vine languisheth, all the
after the end of seventy years, merry-hearted sigh.
that the Lord will visit Tyre, 8 At rest is the mirth of the
and she shall return to her hire, tambourines ceased hath the ;

and shall have commerce with tumult of the joyful at rest is ;

all the kingdoms of the world the mirth of the harp.

upon the face of the earth. 9 Amidst singing shall they
18 And her gain and her hire no (more) drink wine; bitter
shall be holy to the Lord it be the strong drink to
those that drink it.
shall not be treasured nor laid
up; but for those that dwell be-10 Broken down is the city
of desolation; shut up is every
fore the Lord shall her gain be,
house that none can enter.
to eat to fulness, and for mag-
nificent clothing. 11 A (painful) cry for wine is
in the streets darkened is all
CHAPTERXXIV. joy banished is the mirth of ;

1 Behold, the Lord rnaketh the land.

empiy the land, and layeth it 12 There is left destruction in
the city, and in ruins is beaten I 22 And they shall be gathered
the gate. in heaps, as prisoners, in the
13 For thus shall it be in the prison, and shall be shut up in
midst of the land among the na- the dungeon, and thus after
tions, as (at) the shaking of an many days shall they be pun-
olive-tree, as (at) the gleaning ished.
of grapes when the vintage is 23And the moon shall be put
done. to the blush, and the sun be
14 These shall lift up their made ashamed; for the Lore
voice, they shall sing because ;
of hosts will reign on mount
of the majesty of the Lord, they Zion, and in Jerusalem, and be-
shout aloud from the sea. fore his ancients in glory.
15 Therefore in the valleys
honour ye the Lord; in the CHAPTER XXY.
isles of the sea, the name of the 1 ^ 0 Lord, my God art thou;
Lord theGod of Israel. I will exalt thee, I will praise
16 From the edgeof the thy name ;
for thou hast done
earth have we heard songs, wonderful things, resolves of
“ Glory to the righteous.” But distant times (are become) faith-
I said, .“ Evil is mine, evil is ful confirmation.
mine, wo is me the treacherous
! 2 For thou hast made of a
have dealt treacherously yea, : city a stone-heap ; of a fortified
the treacherous have dealt very town a falling ruin: the palace
treacherously.” of barbarians ceaseth out of the
17 Fear, and the pit, and the city, to eternity shall it not be
snare are upon thee, 0 inhabit- rebuilt.
ant of the land 3 Therefore shall a strong
18 And it shall come to pass, people honour thee the town :

that he who fleeth from the call of the tyrannical nations shall
of the fear shall fall into the fear thee.
pit and he that cometh up out
4 For thou hast become a
of the midst of the pit shall be stronghold to the poor, a strong-
caught in the snare for the; hold to the needy when he is
windows from on high are open- distressed a protection from

ed, and there quaked the foun- the tempest, a shadow from the
dations of the earth. heat; for the (wrathful) breath
19 Crushed entirely is the of the tyrants is like the tempest
earth split in pieces is the earth
; against a wall.
shaken to its centre is the earth. 5 Like heat in a dry land,
20 The earth reelefch to and wilt thou subdue the tumult of
fro like a drunkard, and vibrat- the barbarians: as the heat (is
eth like a watch-hut: and hea- lessened) by the shadow of the
vily lieth upon it its transgres- cloud, so will he subdue the
sion and it shall fall, and not
song of the tyrants.
rise again. 6^[ And the Lord of hosts will
21 And it shall come to pass make unto all the nations on this
on that day, that the Lord will mountain a feast of fat things, a
visit punishment o.n the host of feast of wines on the lees, of fat
heaven in heaven, and on the things full of marrow, of wines
kings of the earth upon the on the lees well refined.
earth. 7 And he will destroy on this
50* z 2 593
mountain the face of the cover- dwellers of the height; the loftj
ing which covereth all the peo- fortress he layeth it low; ha—
ple, and the vail that is spread layeth it low, along the ground;
over all the nations. it down to the dust.
he casteth
8 lie .will destroy death to 6 The foot shall tread it down,
eternity; and the Lord Eternal the feet of the poor, the steps of
will wipe away the tear from off the needy.
all faces and the shame of his
; 7 The path of the just is
people will he remove from off straight: thou, most upright,
all the earth for the Lord hath dost ever level the road of the

spoken it. just.

9 ^ And men on that 8 Yea, on the path of thy
will say
day, Lo, this our God, for judgments, 0 Lord, have we
whom we have waited that he wa.ited for thee for thy name, :

would help us: this is the Lord and for the remembrance of
for whom we have waited, we thee, was the longing of our
will he glad and we will rejoice soul.
in his salvation. 9 In my soul have I longed
10 For the hand of the Lord for thee in the night: yea, with
will rest on this mountain, and my spirit within me will I seek
Moab shall be trodden down on for thee ; for when thy judg-
his own place, even as straw is ments are (sent) on the earth,
trodden down upon the dunghill. the inhabitants of the world
11 And he will spread forth learn righteousness.
his hands in the midst thereof, 10 If favour be shown to the
as the swimmer spreadeth them wicked, he will not learn right-
forth to swim and he will bring eousness in the land of upright-
: :

down his pride together with the ness will he deal unjustly, and
joints of his hands. will not regard the majesty of
12 And the fortress of the the Lord.
stronghold of thy walls he bring- 11 Lord! thy hand was
eth down, layeth low, casteth it raised high, but they would not
to the ground, even to the dust. see oh that they might see, and

be ashamed, (thy) zeal for the

CHAPTER XXVI. people yea, the fire which shall
1 On that day shall this devour them thy enemies.

song be sung in the land of Ju- 12 Lord! thou wilt ordain
dah A strong city have we peace for us ; for also all our

his aid will he grant (us) as works hast thou accomplished

walls and defence. for us.
2 Open ye the gates, that 13 f 0 Lord our God! lords
there may
enter in the right- have had dominion over us be-
eous nation which guardeth the sides thee; (but) of thee mly
truth. would we make mention, of —
3 The confiding mind wilt thy name.
thou keep in perfect peace; be- 14 (They are) dead, they will
cause he trusteth in thee. not live (again); (they are) de-
4 Trust ye in the Lord unto parted, they will not rise (again):
eternity for in Yah the Lord therefore hast thou visited and

'destroyed them, and made to


is everlasting protection.
5 For he bendeth down the perish every memorial of them.

15 Thou hast done more for song of the vineyard of excellent
the nation, 0 Lord, thou hast wine.
done more for the nation thou ;
3 “ I the Lord do keep it;
hast glorified thyself thou hast
: every moment will I water it:
enlarged all the ends of the that no one shall hurt it, night
earth. and day will I keep it.
16 ^ Lord! have
in trouble 4 Wrath have I not: who
(hay sought thee they poured would set the briers and thorns
out earnest prayers when thy against me in battle ? I would
chastening was upon them. pass through them, and I would
17 Like as a pregnant woman, burn them altogether.
that is near giving birth, is in 5 If he but take hold of my
pain, crieth out in her strength, make peace with me;
pangs have we been in thy make peace with me.”
: so
presence, 0 Lord ! 6 In the future shall Jacob
18 We have been pregnant, yet take root Israel shall bud :

we have been in pain, (but it and blossom, and shall fill the
was) as though we brought forth face of the world with fruit.
wind we have not wrought any
7 Hath he smitten him, as
deliverance in the land and the he smote the one that smote

inhabitants of the world have him ? or was he slain with the

not fallen. same slaughter as those of him
19 Thy dead shall live, my that were slain ?
dead bodies shall arise. Awake 8 In measure, by driving him
and sing ye, that dwell in the forth, thou strivest with him : he
dust; for a dew on herbs is thy removed him with his violent
dew, and the earth shall cast out storm on the day of the east
the departed. wind.
20 Go, my people, enter 9 Therefore by this (only)
thou into thy chambers, and shall the iniquity of Jacob be
shut thy door behind thee hide : atoned ;
this shall be all the
thyself but for a little moment, fruit of the taking away of his
until the indignation be passed sin: when he maketh all the
away. stones of the altar as limestones
21 For, behold, the Lord that are beaten in pieces, when
eometh out of his place to visit there shall not arise again any
the iniquity of the inhabitants groves and sun -images.
of the earth on them and the : 10 For (by this) the fortified
earth shall disclose her blood, city shall be desolate, the habi-
and shall no more be a cover tation be forsaken, and left liko
over her slain. a wilderness : there shall the
calf feed, and there shall it lie
CHAPTER XXVII. down, and consume its branches.
1 On
that day will the Lord 11 When its boughs are with-
punish with his heavy and great ered, they shall be broken off;
and strong sword leviathan the women will come and set them
flying serpent, and leviathan on fire; for it is not a peo-
the crooked servant; and he ple of understanding: therefore
will slay the crocodile that is in he that made it will not have
the sea. mercy on it, and he that formed
2 •[ On that day sing ye a it will show it no favour.
12 ^ And it shall come to pass 7 But these also are now
on that day, that the Lord will stumbling through wine, and
hpatoff (the fruit) from the chan reeling through strong drink:

nel of the river up to the brook priest and prophet are stumbling
of Egypt; but ye —
ye shall be
gathered up one by one, 0 ye
through strong drink, they are
overpowered with wine, they
children of Israel reel through strong drink; they
13 And it shall come to pass stumble in (divine) vision, they
on that day, that the great cor- are unsteady in giving judg-
net shall be blown, and then ment.
shall come those who are lost in 8 For all tables are full of
the land of Asshur, and those vomit of filthiness, there is no
who are outcasts in the land of place (clean).
Egypt, and they shall prostrate 9 Whom
shall he teach
themselves before the Lord on knowledge? and whom shall he
the holy mount at Jerusalem. give to understand doctrine ?
those that are weaned from the
CHAPTER XXVIII. milk, those that are taken from
1 Wo to the crown of pride the breasts.
of the drunkards of Ephraim, 10 For precept must be upon
and to the fading flower of his precept, precept upon precept;
glorious ornament, which is on line upon line, line upon line;
the eminence of the fat valley here a little, and there a little.
of those who are struck down by 11 For (as) with stammering
wine ! lips and a foreign tongue will he
2 Behold (it cometh) mighty speak to this people :

and strong from the Lord, as a 12 When he said unto them,

tempest of hail, a storm of de- This is the rest, cause ye the
struction as a
: tempest of mighty weary to rest; and this is the
overflowing waters, will he cast refreshing ; but they would not
it down to the earth with force. hear.
3 Under feet shall be trodden 13 Therefore shall be unto
the crown of pride of the drunk- them the word of the Lord, pre-
ards of Ephraim : cept upon precept, precept upon
4 And the fading flower of his precept; line upon line, line
glorious ornament, which is on upon line ; here a little, and
the eminence of the fat valley, there a little in order that they

shall be as its early ripe fruit may go, and stumble backward,
before the summer; which one, and be broken, and snared, and
when he just seeth it, while it is caught.
scarcely in his hand, hastily de- 14 ^ Therefore hear the word
voured. of the Lord, ye scornful men,
5 On that day will the Lord who rule this people that is in
oi hosts be for a crown of glory, Jerusalem.
*nd for a diadem of beauty, un- 15 Because ye have said,
to the residue of his people, “We
have entered into a cove-
6 And for a spirit of judgment nant with death, and with the
to him that sitteth in judgment, nether world have we made
and for strength to those that an agreement: the overflowing
drive back the battle to the gate scourge, when it passeth by,:
(of the enemy). shall not come at us; for we
have made lies our refuge, and 24 Doth the ploughman plough
under falsehood have we sought allthe time to sow ? doth he open
a hiding-place.” and harrow his ground (conti-
16 Therefore thus hath said nually) ?
tne Lord Eternal, Behold, I 25 Is it not so? that, when he
have laid in Zion as a founda- hath made level its surface he
tion a stone, a tried stone, a scattereth fennel, and streweth
costly corner-stone, well found- about cumin, and planteth the
ed he that believeth will not
: wheat in rows, and barley on its
make haste. assigned (place), and millet on
17 And I will make of justice its proper spot?
a measuring line, and of right- 26 For his God hath instruct-
eousness a plummet: and the ed him rightly, taught him (so
hail shall sweep off the refuge to do).
of lies, and the hiding-place 27 Truly not with a threshing
against the waters shall these instrument is fennel threshed,
tiood away. and a wagon-wheel is not turned
18 And your covenant with about upon cumin but fennel ;

death shall be annulled, and is beaten out with a staff, and

your agreement with the nether cumin with a stick.
world shall not have perma- 28 Bread-corn is crushed but ;

nence the overflowing scourge, not for ever doth (man) keep

when it passe th by then shall threshing it; and though he
ye be trodden down by it. drive over it the wheel of his
19 As often as it passeth by wagon and his horses, ho will
shall it take you for morning not (thereby) crush it.

by morning shall it pass by, by 29 This also cometh forth

day and by night; and the mere from the Lord of hosts won- :

understanding of the report shall derful is he in counsel, and ex-

cause terror. cellent in (his) wise deeds.
20 For the bed shall be too
short for (a man) to stretch him- CHAPTER XXlX.
self out (on it): and the cover- 1 Wo to Ariel, to Ariel, the
ing too narrow to wrap himself town where David dwelt! add
in. ye year to year let the festi-

21 For as on mount Perazim vals come round in order :

will the Lord rise up, as in the 2 Yet will I distress Ariel,
valley of Gib’on will he be wroth, and there shall be groaning .and
that he may do his work, his wailing; and it shall be unto me
singular work and to accom- like Ariel.

plish his labour, his strange 3 And I will encamp against

labour. thee round about, and will lay
22 And now be ye no longer siege against thee with hostile
scornful, lest your bonds be made posts, and I will raise up in-
strong for as completed and trenchments against thee.

fully decreed have I heard, it 4 And brought down low,

from the Lord, the Eternal of hosts shalt thou speak (as though) out
over all the earth. of the earth, and out of the dust
23 *j Give ye ear, and he ;.?
shall come forth thy speech ; and
my voice! listen, and bear my like one of a familiar spirit out
speech. of the earth shall be thy voice,
arjii out of the dust shalt thou livered to one that cannot read,
whisper forth thy speech. saying, Read this, I pray thee ;
5 And like the small dust and he saith, I cannot read.
.snail be the multitude of thy 13 % And the Lord said. For-
barbarian enemies, and like the asmuch as this people draw near
passing chaff the multitude of with their mouth, and with their
tyrants; and (this) shall be at lips do honour me, but have re-
unawares, suddenly. moved their heart far from me,
6 From the Lord of hosts and their fear toward me is but
shall the visitation come with the acquired precept of men :

thunder, and with earthquake, 14 Therefore, behold, I will

and great noise, with storm and do yet farther a marvellous work
tempest, and the devouring flame with this people, doing wonder
of lire. on wonder; so that the wisdom
7 And as a dream of a night- of their wise men shall be lost,
vision shall be the multitude of and the understanding of their
all the nations that go to war prudent men shall be hidden.
against Ariel, even all that fight 15 ^ Wo unto those that seek
against her, and raise towers to hide deeply their counsel from
against her, and that distress the Lord, so that th'jir works
her. may be in the dark, and they
8 And it shall even be as say, Who seeth us ? and who
when a hungry man dreameth, knoweth us ?
that, behold, he eateth ; but he 16 Oh your perverseness shall

awaketh, and his soul is empty ; the potter be esteemed as the

or as when a thirsty man dream- clay? that the work shall say of
eth, that, behold, he drinketh its maker, He hath not made me ?

but he awaketh, and, behold, he or shall the thing framed say of

is faint, and his soul yet long- its framer, He had no under-
eth so shall it be with the mul- standing ?

titude of all the nations, that go 17 Lo but yet a very little


to war against mount Zion. while more, and Lebanon shall

9 Stay but still and wonder; be turned into a fruitful field,
turn your eyes away, and be and the fruitful field shall be
blinded they are drunken, but esteemed as a forest

not with wine ; they stagger, but 18 And on that day shall the
not with strong drink. deaf hear the words of the book,
10 For the Lord bath poured and out of obscurity, and out of
out over you the spirit of deep darkness, shall the eyes of the
sleep, and hath closed your eyes blind see. :

(over) the prophets, and your 19 And the sufferers shall have
chiefs, the seers, hath he cast a abundant joy in the Lord, and
vail. th.e needy among men shall be
11 the vision of every glad in the Holy One of Israel.
become unto you as the
iliing is 20 For the tyrant is no more,
words of a bock that is sealed, and consumed is the scorner,
which men deliver to one that and cut off’ are all that watch for
can read, saying, Read this, I injustice
pray thee; and he saith, I can- 21 That cause mankind to sin
not for it is sealed
by (their) word and lay a snare

12 And the book is then de- for him that reproveth (them) in
the gate and pervert through
ders of young asses their riches,
fraud the cause of the just. and upon the humps of camels
22 Therefore thus hath said their treasures, to a people that
the Lord unto the house of Ja- cannot profit.
cob, he who hath redeemed Ab- 7 And the Egyptians will help
raham, Not now shall Jacob be in vain, and to no purpose:
ashamed, and not now shall his therefore have I called this,
face be made pale. Boasters they are in sitting still.
23 For when he seeth his chil 8 Now go, write it before
dren, the work of my hands in them on a table, and note it in
the midst of him, how they sanc- a book, that it may be for the
tify my name then will they latest time to come, for ever,

sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and to eternity ;

and the God of Israel will they 9 For this is a rebellious

reverence. people, lying children, children
24 They also that, were erring that will not hear the law of
in spirit shall acquire under- the Lord :

standing, and they that mur- 10 Who have said to the

mured shall obtain instruction. seers. Ye shall not see and to

the prophets, Reveal not unto

CHAPTER XXX. us true things, speak unto us
1 f Wo to the rebellious chil- smooth things, reveal deceits ;

dren, saith the Lord, that take 1 1 Depart j^ou out of the way,

counsel, but not from me and ;

turn aside out of the path, re-
that set themselves a ruler, but move from before us the Holy
not by my spirit, in order that One of Israel.
they may add sin to sin : 12 Therefore thus hath said
2 That travel to go down into the Holy one of Israel, Because
Egypt, and have not asked my ye despise this word, and trust
will to strengthen themselves
in oppression and perverseness,
through the strength of Pha- and lean thereon for aid :

raoh, and to seek shelter in the 13 Therefore shall this ini-

shadow of Egypt quity be to you as a threatening
3 Therefore shall the strength breach, swelling out in a high-
of Pharaoh become your sha me, towering wall, the fall of which
and the shelter in the shadow will come unawares, suddenly.
of Egypt your disgrace. 14 And he will break it, as
4 For his princes were at Zo- one breaketh a potter’s vessel,
’an, and his ambassadors had dashing it in pieces without
reached Chanes. sparing it so that there cannot :

5 They all are ashamed be- be found among its fragments a

cause of a people that cannot sherd to rake fire from a hearth
profit them, neither be a help and to draw water from a pit.
nor give profit but (bringeth)
; 15 % For thus hath said the
shame, and also a reproach. Lord Eternal, the Holy One of
6 The doom of the beasts of Israel, In repose and rest shall
the south Through the land of ye be helped
: in quietness and ;

trouble and anguish, whence in confidence shall be your

come the lioness and the lion, strength and ye would not. ;

the viper and flying dragons, 16 And ye said, “No; for

they will carry upon the shoul- upon horses will we flee there-
fore shall ye flee : and, “
Upon young asses that till the ground
swift beasts will we ride shall eat salted provender,
therefore shall your pursuers which hath been winnowed with
be swift. the shovel and with the fan.
17 One thousand (shall flee) 25 And there shall be upon
at the threatening of one; at every high mountain, and upon
the threatening of five shall ye every prominent hill, rivulets,
(all) flee till ye be left as a streams of waters on the day of

pole upon a mountain-top, and the great slaughter, when tow

as an ensign on a hill. ers fall.
18 And therefore will the 26 And the light of the moon
LorI) wait, to be gracious unto shall be as the light of the sun,
you, and therefore will he exalt and the light of the sun shall be
himself, to have mercy upon sevenfold, as the light of the
you, for a God of justice is the seven days, on the day that the
Lord happy are all those that Lord bindeth up the broken

wait for him. (limbs) of his people, and heal-

19 For 0 people of Zion eth the bruise of their wound.
that shall dwell at Jerusalem 27 If Behold, the name of the

thou shalt indeed not weep he Lord cometh from afar, burn-

will be surely gracious unto ing is his anger, and heavy the
thee at the voice of thy cry so smoke; his lips are full of in-

soon as he heareth it, he an dignation, and his tongue is like

swereth thee. a devouring fire ;

20 And the Lord will give you 28 And his breath, like an
bread (in) adversity, and water overflowing stream, shall reach
(in) oppression and thy teach to the midst of the neck, to toss

ers shall not have to hide them- the nations with the van of false-
selves in a corner any more, but hood: and (toplace)a deceiving
thy eyes shall see thy teachers bridle on the jaws of the people.

21 And thy ears shall hear 29 (Then) shall ye have a

the word behind thee, saying, song, as in the night when a
“ This is the way, walk ye in festival is ushered in, and joy
it,” when ye turn to the right of heart, as when onegoeth with
hand, and when ye turn to the the flute to come unto the
left. mountain of the Lord, to the
22 And ye will regard as un- Rock of Israel.
clean the covering of thy gra- 30 And the Lord will cause
ven idols of silver, and the or- his majestic voice to be heard,
nament of thy molten images of and will show the stretching
gold thou wilt cast them away down of his arm, in the indig-

as a filthy thing; Get thee nation of (his) anger, and in the

hence,” wilt thou say unto them. flame of a devouring fire, in
23 Then will he give the rain flood, and tempest, and stones
for thy seed, that thou mayest of hail.
sow in the ground and bread 31 For because of the voice


the produce of the ground of the Lord shall be terrified

this shall be fat and nutritious Asshur, that smote (you) with

thy cattle shall feed on that day the rod.

in extensive pastures. 32 And at every passage of
24 The oxen likewise and the the appointed staff which the
Lord on him, there
will let fall 6 Turn ye unto him fiom

shall be (music) on tambourine [whom the children of Israel have


and harp; the tumult deeply revolted.

and in
of battles will he fight with 7 For on that day shall every
them. man despise his idols of silver,
33 For already of old is Tho- and his idols of gold, which your
pheth made ready also this is own hands have made unto you
prepared for the king deep and for a sin.

wide its pile hath fire and wood
8 Then shall Asshur fall by
in plenty, the breath of the Lord, the sword of one who is not a
like a stream of sulphur, will man and (he sword of one who ;

kindle it into a flame. is not a son of earth shall devour

him; and he shall flee him from
CHAPTER XXXI. the sword, and his young men
1 Wo to those that go down shall become tributary.
to Egypt for help and depend ;
9 And his stronghold shall
for support on horses, and trust pass away for fear, and his
on chariots, because they are princes shall be terrified because
many and on horsemen, be-
of the ensign, saith the Lord,
cause they are very strong; but who hath a fire in Zion, and a
who turn not unto the Holy One furnace in Jerusalem.
of Israel, and seek not the
Lord !
2 Yet he also Behold, a king shall reign
is wise, and 1
bringeth evil, and taketh not in righteousness, and princes
back his words; and riseth up shall rule in justice.
against the house of evil-doers, 2 And every one shall be as
an-d against the help of those a hiding-place from the wind,
that work injustice. and a covert from the tempest;
3 But the Egyptians are men, as rivulets of water in a dry
and not God; and their horses place, as the shadow of a large
are flesh, and not spirit and the rock in a languishing land.

Lord will stretch out his hand, 3 And the eyes of those that
and there shall stumble the see shall not be blinded again,
helper, and he that is helped and the ears of those that hear
shall fall down, and they all shall hearken.
shall perish together. 4 The heart also of the rash
4 For thus hath said the shall be attentive in order to
Lord unto me, Just as the lion know, and the tongue of the
or the young lion growleth over stammerers shall be ready to
his prey, against whom is called speak plainly.
forth the company of shepherds, 5 The worthless person shall
of whose voice he is not afraid, be no more called liberal, and
and is not depressed because of the avaricious man shall not be
their multitude thus will the said to be bountiful.

Lord come down, to fight on 6 For the worthless person

mount Zion and on its hill. ever speaketh villany, and his
5 As fluttering birds, so will heart will work injustice, to prac-
the Lord of hosts shield Jerusa- tise hypocrisy, and to speak erroT
lem shielding and delivering; against the Lord, to leave empty

sparing and preserving. the soul of the hungry, and the

51 2 x bUl
drink of the thirsty will he take 18 And then shall my people
away. abide in peaceful dwellings, and
7 The instruments also of the secure abodes, and in undisturbed
avaricious man are evil he de- resting-places.

viseth wicked resolves to destroy 19 And it shall spread itself

the poor with words of falsehood, out in the declivity of the forest;
even when the needy speaketh and far down in the lowlands
what is right. shall the city descend.
8 But the liberal deviseth libe- 20 Happy are ye that sow be-
ral things ;
and he ever persist- side all waters, freely sending
ed by liberal things. forth the feet of the ox and the
9 Ye careless women rise ass.
up, hear my voice; ye daughters
that are secure, give ear unto my CHAPTER XXXIII.
speech. 1 Wo to thee that wastest,
10 After days and years shall while thou wast not wasted; and
ye shudder, ye women that are traitor, while men dealt not trea-
secure; for ended is the vintage, cherously with thee when thou

the fruit gathering shall nowise shalt have made an end of wast-
come. ing, thou shalt be wasted; and
11 Tremble, ye careless wo- when thou shalt have finished to
men ; shudder, ye that are secure, deal treacherously, men shall
strip off your garments and make deal treacherously with thee.
yourselves bare, and gird (sack- 2 0 Lord, be gracious unto
cloth) upon the loins. us we have waited for thee be

12 (They shall strike) on the thou their support every morn-

breast, lamenting, for the plea- ing, also our salvation in the
sant fields, for the fruitful vine. time of trouble.
13 Upon the soil of my peo- 3 At the noise of (thy) thun-
ple thorns and briers shall come der people fled : when thou lift-
up yea, upon all the houses of edst thyself up nations were

joy of the gladsome town. scattered.

14 Because the palace is aban- 4 And your spoil shall be ga-
doned, the tumult of the city is thered as the cricket gathereth :

forsaken; the hill and watch- as locusts run about, so shall

tower are become dens for a long people hasten after it.
time, a joyous haunt for wild 5 The Lord is exalted for he

asses, a pasture for flocks. dwelleth on high he hath filled


15 Until a spirit be poured Zion with justice and righteous-

upon us from on high, and the ness.
wilderness be changed into a 6 And the stability of thy times
fruitful field, and the fruitful and the strength of thy happi-
field be accounted as a forest. ness shall be wisdom and know-
16 Then shall justice dwell ledge ; the fear of the Lord is
in the wilderness, and right- his treasure.
eousness abide in the fruitful 7 Behold, their valiant ones
field. cry without: the ambassadors of
17 And the work of righteous- peace weep bitterly.
ness shall be peace; and the 8 The highways lie waste,
effect of righteousness quietness ceased hath the wayfaring tra-
and security for ever. veller : he hath broken the cove-
nant, he despiseth cities, he re- be understood, of a stammering
garde th not wan. tongue, without meaning.
9 It mourneth, it langnisheth 20 Look on Zion, the town of
— the land Lebanon is
: ashamed, our solemn assemblies ; thy eyes
it is withered away ;
Sharon is shall see Jerusalem as an undis-
become like a wilderness and turbed residence, a tent that

bereft of their fruits are Bashan shall not be struck for removal;
and Carmel. not one of the stakes of which
10 Xow will I arise, saith the shall ever be moved, and all the
Lord; now will I raise myself; cords of which shall never bo
now will I lift myself up. torn loose.
11 Ye shall be pregnant with 21 But there will the Lord
hay, (and) ye shall bring forth (show himself) mighty unto us,
stubble: your breath is a fire, (in) a place of rivers and streams
which shall devour you. of ample breadth wherein no

12 And the people shall be oared galley shall go, and a gal-
burnt as lime as cut-off thorns lant ship shall not pass thereby.

shall they blaze up in fire. 22 For the Lord is our judge,

13 Hear, ye distant ones, the Lord is our lawgiver, the
what I have done ; and acknow- Lord is our king he will save

ledge ye that are near my might. us.

14 In Zion sinners are in 23 Loose hang thy tacklings ;
dread trembling hath seized on they cannot well uphold strongly

hypocrites. “Who among us their mast, they cannot spread

shall abide with the devouring the sail. Then are divided booty
fire ? who among us shall abide and spoil in abundance, (even)
with everlasting burnings ?” the lame take the booty.
15 He that walketh in right- 24 And no inhabitant shall
eousness, and speaketh upright- say, I am sick the people that

ly ; he that despiseth the gain dwell therein shall be one w hose T

of oppressions, that shaketh his iniquity is forgiven.

hands against taking hold of
bribes, that stoppeth his ears CHAPTER XXXIV.
against hearing of blood, and 1 Come near, ye nations, to
shutteth his eyes against looking hear; and ye people, hearken:
on evil let the earth hear, and all that
16 He shall dwell on high filleth it; the world, and all
rocky strongholds shall be his things that spring forth of it.
refuge: his bread shall be given 2 For the indignation of the
him his water shall be sure.
; Lord is (enkindled) over all the
17 The king in his beauty nations, and his fury over all
shall thy eyes behold they shail their army
: : he hath devoted
see a far-off land. them, he hath given them up to
18 Thy heart shall meditate the slaughter.
on past terror. “Where is who 3 And their slain also shall be
wrote down ? where is he that cast out, and as regardeth their
weighed? where is he that count- carcasses their stench shall as-
ed the towers ?” cend upward, and the mountains
19 The barbarous people shalt shall be melted through thoir
thou not see any more, the peo- blood.
ple of a speech too obscure to 4 And all the host of heave a
shall be dissolved, and the hea- be a habitation of monsters, and
vens shall be rolled together like a court for ostriches.
a book and all their host shall
: 14 And the martens shall meet
wither, as the leaf witliereth from with the jackals, and one goat
the vine, and as withering fruit shall call to his fellow only the

from the fig-tree. screech-owl shall rest there, and

5 For my sword is sated in find for herself a place of repose.
heaven behold, it shall come
: 15 There shall nestle the ar-
down upon Edom, and upon the row-snake, and lay eggs, and
people I have devoted to punish- hatch, and gather its young un-
ment. der its shadow only vultures

6 The sword of the Lord is shall assemble there, every one

full of blood, it is enriched with with her mate.
fat,with the blood of lambs and 16 Inquire out of the book of
goats, with the fat of the kid- the Lord, and read not one of

neys of rams; for the Lord these shall be absent, not one
hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a shall miss her mate; for my
great slaughter in the land of mouth it is that hath ordained
Edom. it, and its breath it is that hath

7 Andwild oxen shall sink gathered them.

down with them, and steers with 17 And he hath cast the lot
bullocks and their land shall be
for them, and his hand hath di-
sated with blood, and their dust vided it out unto them by the
enriched with fat. measuring line for ever shall

8 For it is the day of ven- they possess it, from generation

geance unto the Lord, and the to generation shall they dwell
year of recompense for the con- therein.
troversy of Zion.
9 And its brooks shall be CHAPTER XXXV.
changed into pitch, and its dust 1 The wilderness and the
into sulphur, and its land shall dry land shall be glad thereat
become burning pitch. and the desert shall rejoice, and
10 Night and day shall it not blossom as the lily.
be quenched for ever shall as-
2 It shall blossom abundantly,
cend the smoke thereof: from and rejoice, yea, with joy and
generation to generation shall it singing the glory of the Leba-

lie waste; no one shall for ever non shall be given unto it, the
and ever pass through it. elegance of Carmel and Sharon :

11 But pelican and hedgehog they indeed shall see the glory
shall take possession of it; night- of the Lord, and the excellency
owl also and raven shall dwell of our God.
in it and he shall stretch out
: 3 Strengthen ye weak hands,
over it the line of destruction, and stumbling knees make ye
and the weights of desolation. firm.

12 As to its nobles no one is 4 Say to the timid of heart,
there they could call (tol the Be strong, fear not behold, your

kingdom, and all its prince 5 vhall God, (with) vengeance will he
be no more. come, with God’s recompense; it
13 And thorns shall spring up is he who will come and save
in its palaces, nettles and bram- you.
bles in itc fortresses; and it shall 5 Then shall the eyes of the
blind be opened, and the ears of who was superintendent over tilt
the deaf shall be unstopped. house,and Shebnah the scribe,
6 Then shall the lame leap as and Yoach the son of Assaph, the
a hart, and the tongue of the recorder.
duv.b shall sing; for in the wil- 4 And Rabshakeh said unto
derness shall waters break out, them, —
Say ye now to Hezekiah,
and brooks in the desert. Thus hath said the great king,
7 And the sandy waste shall the king of Assyria, What con-
be changed into a pool, and the fidence is this wherewith thou
thirsty land into springs of wa- hast trusted ?
ter: in the habitation of mon- 5 I have said, but it was only
sters, where each one used to lie, a word uttered with the lips,
shall be a court for reeds and (I have) counsel and strength
rushes. for the war. Now on whom didst
8 And there shall be a high- thou trust, that thou rebelledst
way and a way, and The holy against me ?
way, shall it be called ; no un- 6 Behold, thou trustedst on
clean one shall pass over it; but yon cracked reed-staff, on Egypt,
it shall be (only) theirs : the which, if a man lean on it, will
wayfaring man, and those unac- enter into his hand, and pierce
quainted (therewith), shall not it: so is Pharaoh the king of
go astray. Egypt to all that trust on him.
9 No lion shall be there, and 7 But if thou shouldst say to
no ravenous beast shall go up me, In the Lord our God have
thereon,— shall not be found we trusted is he not the one

there; but there shall walk the whose high-places and whose
redeemed Hezekiah hath removed,
10 And the ransomed of the when he said to Judah and to
Lord shall return, and come to Jerusalem, Before this altar shall
Zion with song, with everlasting ye prostrate yourselves.
joy upon their head; gladness 8 And now I pray thee, enter
and joy shall they obtain, and into a contest with my master
sorrow and sighing shall flee the king of Assyria, and I will
away. give thee two thousand horses,
if thou be able on thy part to set
CHAPTER XXXVI. riders upon them.
1 And it came to pass in the 9 How then wilt thou turn
fourteenth year of king Heze- back the face of a single chief-
kiah, that Sennacherib the king tain of the least of my master’s
of Assyria came up against all servants, while thou hast put thy
the fortified cities of Judah, and trust on Egypt for chariots and
seized on them. for horsemen ?
2 And the king of Assyria sent 10 And now am I come up with -

Rabshakeh from Lachish to Je- out the Lord (’s will) against
rusalem to king Hezekiah with this land to destroy it? The
a strong army. And he halted Lord hath said unto me, Go up
by the aqueduct of the upper against this land, and destroy it.
pool on the highway of the wash- 11 Then said Elyakim and
er’s field. Shebnah and Yoach unto Rab-
3 Then came forth unto him shakeh, Speak, we pray thee,
Elyakim the son of Chilkiyahu, unto thy servants in the Syrian
51* 606
language for we understand it:
the gods of these countries, thai
and speak not to us in the Jew- have delivered their country out
ish language before the ears of of my hand, that the Lord should
the people that are on the wall. deliver Jerusalem out of my
12 But Rabshakeh said, Hath hand ?

my master then sent me to thy 21 But they remained silent,

master, and to thee, to speak and answered him not a word;
these words? is it not rather to for it was the king's command,
the men who sit upon the wall, saying, Ye shall not answer him.
that they may eat their own ex- 22 Then came Elyakim the
crements, and drink their own son of Chilkiyahu, that was su-
urine with you? perintendent over the house, and
13 Then stood Rabshakeh up Shebnah the scribe, and Yoach
and called out with a loud voice the son of Assaph, the recorder,
in the Jewish language, and to Hezekiah with their clothes
said, Hear ye the words of the rent; and they told him the
great king, the king of Assyria. words of Rabshakeh.
14 Thus hath said the king,
Let not Hezekiah deceive you CHAPTER XXXVII.
for he will not be able to deliver 1 And it came to pass, when
you; king Hezekiah heard it, that he

15 Neither let Hezekiah in- rent his clothes, and covered

duce you to trust in the Lord, himself with sackcloth, and went
saying, The Lord will surely into the house of the Lord.
deliver us; this city shall not 2 And he sent Elyakim, who
be given up into the hand of the was superintendent over the
king of Assyria house, and Shebnah the scribe,
16 Hearken not to Hezekiah; and the elders of the priests,
for thus hath said the king of covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah
Assyria, Make a treaty of peace the son of Amoz the prophet.
with me, and come out to me; 3 And they said unto him,
and eat ye every one of his vine, Thus hath said Hezekiah, A day
and every one of his fig-tree, and of trouble, and of rebuke, and of
drink ye every one the waters of derision is this day; for the chil-
his cistern ;
dren are come to the birth, and
17 Until I come and take you there is not strength to bring
away to a land like your own land, forth.
a land of corn and wine, a land 4 Perhaps the Lord thy God
of bread and vineyards. will hear the words of Rab-
1.8 So that Hezekiah may not shakeh, whom the king of Assy-
mislead you, saying, The Lord ria his master hath sent to blas-
will deliver us. Have the gods pheme the living God, and who
of the nations delivered each his hath reproached with the words
land out of the hand of the king which the Lord thy God hath
of Assyria ? heard: wherefore lift up a prayer
19 Where are the gods of Cha- for the remnant that is still found
math, and Arpad ? where are here.
the gods of Sepharvayim ? and 5 And the servants of king
have they then delivered Samaria Hezekiah came to Isaiah.
out of my hand ? 6 And Isaiah said unto them.
2v. Who are they among all Thus shall ye say unto your mas-
ter, Thus hath said the Lord, Be 15 And Hezekiah prayed untc
not afraid because of the words the Lord, saying,
which thou hast heard, with 16 0 Lord of hosts, the God
which the boys of the king of of Israel, who dwellest between
Assyria have blasphemed me. the cherubim, thou art the (true)
7 Behold, I will put an (other) God, thou alone, for all the king-
spirit in him, and when he will doms of the earth (for) it ig thou

hear a rumour, he shall return who hast made the heavens and
to his own land ; and I will cause earth.
him to fall by the sword in his 17 Bend down, 0 Lord, thy
own land. ear, and hear ; open, 0 Lord, thy
8 And Rabshakeh returned, eye, and see and hear all the

and found the king of Assyria words of Sennacherib, which he

warring against Libnah for he hath sent to blaspheme the living

had heard that he was departed God.

from Lachish. 18 Truly, Lord, the kings of
9 And he heard it said of Thir- Assyria have devastated all the
hakah the king of Ethiopia, nations, and their land ;

He is come out to fight with 19 And they have placed their

thee. And when he had heard gods into the fire,- for they are
it, he sent messengers to Heze- no gods, but the work of man’s

kiah, saying, hands, wood and stone ; and

10 Thus shall ye say to Heze- these have they destroyed.
kiah the king of Judah, as fol- 20 And now, 0 Lord our God,
io weth, Let not thy God, in whom save us out of his hand, that all
thou trustest, deceive thee, say- the kingdoms of the earth may
ing, Jerusalem shall not be given know that thou art the Lord,
up into the hand of the king of thou alone.
Assyria. 21 Then sent Isaiah the son
11 Behold, thou thyself hast of Amoz unto Hezekiah, saying,
heard what the kings of Assyria Thus hath said the Lord the
have done to all the lands, by God of Israel, Whereas thou hast
destroying them utterly and prayed to me concerning Senna-

thou alone shouldst be delivered ? cherib the king of Assyria :

12 Have the gods of the na- 22 This is the word that the
tions which my fathers destroyed Lord hath spoken over him She :

delivered them, as Gozan, and despiseth thee, she laugheth thee

Charan, and Rezeph, and the to scorn, the virgin daughter of
children of ’Eden, who were in Zion behind thee shaketh her

Thelassar ? head the daughter of Jerusalem.

13 Where is the king of Cha- 23 Whomhast thou blas-
math, and the king of Arpad, phemed, and (whom) hast thou
and the king of the city of Se- scorned? and against whom hast
pharvayim, of Ilena’, and ’Iv- thou raised thy voice, and lifted
vah ? up thy eyes on high? against
14 And Hezekiah
took the let- the Holy One of Israel.
ter out of the hand of the mes- 24 Through thy servants hast
sengers, and read it and Heze- thou blasphemed the Lord, and

kiah went up unto the house of hast said, With the multitude of
the Lord, and spread it out be- my chariots am I iudeed come
fore the Lord. up to the height of the rnoun-
tains, to the sides of Lebanon Zion the zeal of the Lore of

and I willcut down its tall hosts will do this

cedars, the choice of its fir-trees: 33 •[ Therefore thus hath raid
and 1 will enter into the height the Lord concerning the king
of its summit, the forest of its of Assyria, He shall not come
fruitful soil. into this city, and he sha’ T not
25 1 have dug, and drunk shoot an arrow thereon, nor come
water; and I will dry up with before it with shields, nor cast up
the sole of my feet all the streams an embankment against it.
of besieged places. 34 On the way by which he
26 Hadst thou not heard, thati came, by the same shall he re-

in distant ages I had prepared turn, and into this city shall ho
this? in the times of antiquity not come, saith the Lord
when I formed it? now have I 35 And I will shield this city
brought it along, and it came to to save it for my own sake, and
pass to desolate into ruinous for the sake of David my ser-
heaps fortified cities. vant.
27 And thus their inhabitants 36 Then went out an angel
were of short power, they were of the Lord, and smote in the
discouraged and confounded; camp of the Assyrians one hun-
they were as the herbs of the dred and eighty and five thou-
field, and as the green grass ;
as sand men and when people

the moss on the house-tops, and arose early in the morning, be-
as corn blasted before the ear hold, they were all dead corpses.
appeareth. 37 And Sennacherib the king
28 But thy abiding, and thy of Assyria departed, and went
going out, and thy coming in do and returned, and dwelt at Ni-
I know, and thy raging against neveh.
me. 38 And it came to pass, as he
29 Because of thy raging was prostrating himself in the
against me, and thy tumult, that house of Nisroch his god, that
is come up into my ears, will I Adrammelech and Sharezer his
put my hook in thy nose, and sons smote him with the sword
my bridle between thy lips, and they escaped into the land
and I will cause thee to turn of Ararat. And Essar-chaddou
back on the way by which thou his son became king in his stead.
30 And this shall be unto thee CHAPTER XXXVIII.
the sign, Ye shall eat this year 1 In those days Hezekiah
what groweth of itself; and in fellsick unto death and there

the second year what springeth came unto him Isaiah the son of
after the same; and in the third Amoz, the prophet, and said unto
year sow, and reap, and plant him, Thus hath said the Lord,
vineyards, and eat their fruit. Give thy charge to thy house;
31 And the remnant of the for thou shalt die, and ru t live.
bouse of Judah that is escaped 2 Then did Hezekiah turn his
shall yet strike root downward, face to the wall, and prayed unto
and bear fruit upward. the Lord.
32 For out of Jerusalem shall 3 And he said, 0 Lord, I be-
go forth a remnant, and that seech thee remember now that I
*hich escapeth out of Mount have walked before thee in truth.
and with an undivided heart, from day until night wilt thou
and have done what is good in make an end of me.
thy eyes. And Hezekiah wept 14 Like a swallow or a crane,
aloud. so did I chirp ; I did moan like
4 \\
Then came the word of a dove; my eyes were lifted up
the Lord to Isaiah, saying, on high: OLord, am oppressed;
5 Go, and say to Hezekiah, grant me ease.
Thus hath said the Lord, the 15 What shall I speak? be
God of David thy father, I have hath promised it unto me, and
heard thy prayer, I have seen he hath also accomplished it:
thy tears behold, I will add I will make pilgrimages (to

unto thy days fifteen years. God’s house) all my years be-
6 And out of the hand of the cause of the bitterness of my
king of Assyria will I deliver soul.
thee and this city; and I will Id 0 Lord! by these (things
shield this city. men) will live, and in all these
7 And this shall be unto thee (things) is the life of my spirit:
the sign from the Lord, that the so wilt thou give me health, and
Lord will do this thing which cause me to live.
he hath spoken : 17 Behold, for peace I had
8 lb.h old, I will cause the sha- great bitterness ; hut thou hast,
dow of the degrees, which is gone in loving my soul, delivered it
down on the dial of Achaz by from the pit of corruption ; for
the sun, to return backward ten thou hast cast behind thy back
degrees. So the sun returned all my sins.
ten degrees, by the degrees which 18 For the nether world will
he was gone down. not thank thee, death will not
9 The writing of Hezekiah praise thee they that go down

the king of Judah, when he had into the pit will not hope for thy
been sick, and was recovered of truth.
his sickness 19 The living, the living alone
10 I had said, In the midst shall thank thee, like me this
of my days, must I enter the day the father to the children

gates of the nether world I am shall make known thy truth.


deprived of the residue of my

20 The Lord is there to help
years. me: therefore will we play my
Ill had said, I shall not see hymns all the days of our life in
the Lord, the Lord, in the land the house of the Lord.
of the living I shall not behold
: 21 And Isaiah had said, Let
man any more among the inha- them take a lump of figs, and
bitants of the regions of death. lay it for a plaster upon the in-
12 My dwelling is broken flammation, and he shall recover,
down, and is removed from mo 22 And Hezekiah had said.
as a shepherd’s tent 1 have cut What is the sign that I shall go

off, like a weaver, my life; with up to the house of the Lord ?

pining sickness will he snatch
me away: from day until night CHAPTER
wilt, thou make an end of me. 1 At that time sent Mero-
13 I waited (with patience) daeli-baladan, the son of Bala-
till morning, (whether) a-s a lion, dan, the king of Babylon, letters

so would he break all my bones: and a present to Hezekial ; for

he had heard that he had been 2 Speak ye (comfort) to the
sick, and was become strong heart of Jerusalem, and call Ui

again. unto her, that her time of sor-

2 And Hezekiah was rejoiced jrow is accomplished, that her
on their account, and showed iniquity is atoned for ; for she
them his treasure-house, the sil- hath received from the hand of
ver, and the gold, and the spices, the Lord double for all her sins.
and the precious oil, and the 3 A voice calleth out, In the
whole of his armour-house, and wilderness make ye clear the way
all that was found in his trea- of the Lord, make straight in
sures :there was nothing that the desert a highway for our
Hezekiah showed them not, in God.
his house, and in all his domi- 4 Every valley shall be raised,
nion. and every mountain and hill
3 Then came Isaiah the pro- shall be made low; and the
phet unto king^ Hezekiah, and crooked shall be made a straight
said unto him, What did these path, and the rough places a
men say ? and whence did they plain :

come unto thee ? And Hezekiah 5 And the glory of the Lord
said, From a far-off country are shall be revealed and all flesh ;

they come unto me, from Ba- shall see it together; for the
bylon. mouth of the Lord hath spoken
4 And he said, What did they it.

see in thy house ? And Hezekiah 6 A

voice saith, Proclaim;
said, All that is in my
house and he What shall I pro-
have they seen there is nothing
: claim? All flesh is grass, and
that I did not show them in my all its goodliness is as the flower
treasures. of the field
5 And Isaiah said to Heze- 7 The grass withereth, the
kiah, Hear the word of the Lord flower fadeth; because the breath
of hosts, of the Lord hath blown upon it;
6 Behold, days are coming surely the people is grass.
when all that is in thy house, 8 The grass withereth, the
and that which thy fathers have flower fadeth ; but the word of
laid up in store until this day, our God will stand firm for ever.
shall be carried to Babylon no- : 9 Upon a high mountain get
thing shall be left, saith the Lord. thee up, thou that bringest good
7 And of thy sons that will tidings to Zion lift up with

issue from thee, whom thou wilt strength thy voice, thou who
beget, shall they take and they
: bringest good tidings to Jerusa-
shall be court-servants in the lem lift it up, be not afraid;

palace of the king of Babylon. say unto the cities of Judah, Be-
8 Then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, hold, (here is) your God!
Good is the word of the Lord 10 Behold, the Lord Eternal
which thou hast spoken. He will come with might, and his
said moreover, For there shall be arm ruleth for him behold, his :

peace and stability in my days. reward is with him, and his re-
compense before him.
CHAPTER XL. 11 Like a shepherd will he
1 «[ Comfort ye, comfort ye feed his flock with his arm will

my people, saith your God. Ihe gather the lambs, and in his
bosom will he carry them, those attention to the foundations of
that suckle their young will he the earth ?
lead gently. 22 (It is he) that dwelleth
12 Who hath measured in above the circle of the earth,
the hollow of his hand the wa- while its inhabitants are as
ters. and meted out the heav- grasshoppers that stretched

ens with the span, and com- out the heavens as a curtain,
prised in a measure the dust of and spreadeth them out as a
the earth, and weighed in the tent to dwell in ;

scale-beam the mountains, and 23 That bringeth princes to

the hills in balances? naught; rendering the judges
13 Who hath meted out the of the e.irth as vanity.
Spirit of the Lord? and (who 24 Yea, they were not yet
was)his counsellor that hecould planted yea. they were not yet

have given him information? sown yea, their stem had not

14 With whom took he coun- yet taken root in the earth :

sel, that he gave him under- when he but breathed upon

standing, and taught him the them, and they withered, and
path of justice, and taught him the storm-wind carrieth them
knowledge, and caused him to away as stubble.
know the way of understand- 25 To whom then will ye li-
ing? ken me, that I should be equal
15 Behold, nations are as a to? saitb the Holy One.
drop out of a bucket, and as the 26 Lift up your eyes on high,
small dust of the balance are and see who hath created these ?
they accounted behold, isles he that bringeth out their host

are like the flying dust. by number; that calleth them

16 And Lebanon is not suffi- ail by name; from him, who is
cient for burning, and its beasts great in might, and strong in
do not suffice for burnt-offering. power, not one escapeth.
17 All the nations are as 27 Why wilt say thou, 0
naught before him less than Jacob, and speak, 0 Israel, My

nothing, and vanity are they way is hidden from the Lord,
accounted to him. and my cause hath passed from
18 To whom then will ye li- the cognizance of my God ?
ken God 9 or what likeness will 28 Dost thou not know ? hast
ye compare unto him? thou not heard? The God of
19 The graven image —
this everlasting is the Lord, is the
the artificer hath cast, and the Creator of the ends of the earth;
goldsmith hath overspread it he will not be faint, and he will
with gold, and fabricated (on not be weary unsearchable is

it) silver chains. his understanding.

20 He that is skilled in the 29 He giveth to the faint
choice chooseth a wood that strength and to the powerless

will not rot he seeketh unto

: he imparteth much might.
himself a skilful workman to 30 Though youths should grow
prepare a graven image, that faint and be weary, and young
shall not be moved. men should utterly stumble ;

21 Know ye not? hear ye not? 3 1 Yet they that wait upon the
hath it not been told you from Lord shall acquire newstrength s

the beginning? have ye not paid they shall mount up with wings
as eagles; they shall run and not. have chosen thee, and not cast

bo weary, they shall walk, andj thee away.

Dot become faint. 10 Fear thou not, for I am

with thee be not dismayed, for


I am thy God: I strengthen

1 <[[ Keep silence before me, thee, yea, I help thee, yea, I up-
0 islands; and let nations ac- hold thee with the right hand
quire new strength : let them of my righteousness.
approach, then let them speak, 11 Behold, ashamed and con-
together let us come near to judg- founded shall be all that were
ment. incensed against thee; they shall
2 Who waked up from the be as naught and perish the —
east the man whom righteous- men that strive with thee.
ness met in his steps ? he gi vetli 12 Thou wilt seek then:, and
up nations before him, and mak- shalt not find them, the men
eth him rule over kings: that that contend with thee: they
his sword may render them as shall be as naught and as no*
the dust, as driven stubble, his thing, the men that make war

bow. against thee.


3 He pursueth them, passethj 13 For I the Loan thy God

along in safety, by a path whieh'lay hold of thy right band; (I
his feet have not gone over be- am he) who saith unto thee, Fear
fore. not, I help thee.

4 Who hath wrought and done! 14 Fear not, thou worm Ja-
it ?he who called the genera- cob, ye few men of Israel: I

tions from the beginning; I the; myself help thee, saith the Lord,
Lord, (who am) the first, andjand thy redeemer is the Holy
with the latest I am the same, One of Israel.

5 The isles saw it, and are| 15 Behold, I have rendered thee
afraid; the ends of the oarthla threshing-instrument, sharp,
tremble; they draw near, and new, having many teeth: thou

come. jshalt thresh mountains, and heat

6 They help one another; and them small, and shalt render the
each one saith to his brother, Be hills as chaff.
strong! 16 Thou shalt scatter them,
7 So the smith encouraged the and the wind shall carry them
inelter, he that smootheth with away, and the storm shall dis-

t’ne hammer him that striketh perse them; but thou shalt re-

on the anvil; saying of the sol- joice in the Lord, in the Holy
der, It is good and he fastened One of Israel shalt thou glorify

it with nails, that it should not thyself.

be moved. 17 The poor and the needy
8 But thou, Israel, art my seek water, and there is none;
servant, Jacob whom I have cho- their tongue is dried up with
sen, the seed of Abraham my thirst I the Lord will answer

friend : them, I the God of Israel will

9 Thou, whom I have taken not forsake them.
hold of from the ends of the 18 I will open on naked moun-
earth, and called thee from the tain-peaks rivers, and in the
midst of its chiefs, and said unto midst of valleys fountains: I will
thee, Thou art my servant, I change the wilderness into a pool
of water, and the dry land into and to Jerusalem will I give one
springs of water. that bringeth good tidings.
19 I will place in the wilder- 28 And I ever look, and there
ness the cedar, the acacia, and is no man ; and among these
the myrtle, and the oil-tree; I there is no counsellor, that, were
will set in the desert the fir-tree, I to ask them, they could answer
the pine, and the box-tree to- a w ord.r

gether; 29 Behold, they all are naught;

20 In order that they may see, their works are nothing: wind
and know and take (it to heart), and vanity are their molten
and comprehend together, that images.
the hand of the Lord hath done
this, and the Holy One of Israel CHAPTER XLII.
hath created it. 1 Behold my servant, whom
21 Produce your cause, saith I will uphold; my elect, in whom
the Lord: bring forward your my soul delighteth : I have put
strong reasons, saith the King my spirit upon him, that he may
of Jacob. bring forth justice to the nations.
22 Let them bring them for- 2 He shall not cry, nor call
ward and tell us w hat shall hap- out aloud, nor cause his voice to

pen the former things what be heard in the street.

are they ? — tell us, that we may 3 A cracked reed will he not
take it to heart, and know the break, and a dimly burning wick
result of them or let us hear the will he not quench
: unto truth
things that are to come. shall he bring forth justice.
23 Tell the events that are to 4 He shall not become fatigued
happen hereafter, that we may and not be faint, till he have
know that ye are gods yea, do established justice on the earth
: ;

good, or do evil, that we may be and (till) the isles shall wait for
astonished, and see it together. his law.
24 Behold, ye are less than 5 Thus hath said God the
nothing, and your work less than Lord, he that created the hea-
a breath (he that is) an abomi-
vens, and stretched them out; he
nation (alone) chooseth you. that spread forth the earth, and
25 I have waked up one the things which come out of it;
from the north, and he cometh he that giveth breath unto the

from the rising of the sun one people upon it, and spirit to
who will call on my name: and those that w alk thereon

he shall (over-) come princes as 6 I the Lord have called thee

mortar, and as the potter tread- in righteousness, and will lay
eth down the clay. hold on thy hand, and will keep
26 Who hath told it from the thee, and appoint thee for a cove-
beginning, that we may know nant of the people, for a light of
it ? and aforetimes, that we may the nations

say, “It is right?” but indeed 7 To open blind eyes, to bring

there is none that telleth, indeed out from the dungeon the pri-
there is none that letteth us hear, soner, and out of the prison-
indeed there is none that heareth house those that dwell in dark-
your words. ness.
27 The first (was I to say) to 8 I am the Everlasting One,
Zion, Behold, there they are; that is my name ; and my glory
52 613
will I not give to any
other, nor say to molten idols, Ye are our
my praise to graven images. gods.
9 The former things, behold, 18 Ye deaf, hear! and ye
are come to pass; and new things blind, look up, that ye may see.
do I announce; before they 19 Who is blind, but my ser-
spring forth I let you hear of vant? or deaf, as my messenger
them. whom I send? who is blind as
10 Sing unto the Lord a he that, is perfect, and blind as
new song, his praise from the the servant of the Lord?
end of the earth; ye that go 20 Thou seest many things,
down to the sea, and all that fill- but observest not : the ears are
eth it ; the isles, and their inha- open, but he heareth not.
bitants. 21 The Lord willed (to do
11 Let resound with song the this) for the sake of his right-
wilderness and its cities, the vil-
eousness (therefore) he magni-

lages which Kedar inhabiteth fieth the law, and maketh it

let the inhabitants of the rocks honourable.
sing, let them shout forth from 22 But it is a people robbed
the top of the mountains. and spoiled they are all of them

12 Let them give glory unto ensnared in holes, and in prison-

the Lord, and in the islands de- houses are they hidden they are :

clare his praise. become for a prey, and none de-

13 The Lord as a mighty livereth for a spoil, and none

one will he go forth, like a man saith, Restore.

of war will he arouse his ven- 23 Who among you will give
geance he will shout, yea, raise
: ear to this ? will listen and
the war-cry against his enemies
hearken, for the time to come?
will he show his strength. 24 Who gave up Jacob for a
1-4 I have a long time held spoil, and Israel to plunderers?
my peace I have been still, and
was it not the Lord? he it is
refrained myself: (now) like a against whom we have sinned;
travailing woman will I cry ; I for they would not walk in his
will destroy and devour (all) to- ways, neither did they hearken
gether. unto his law.
15 I will lay waste mountains 25 Therefore hath he poured
and hills, and all their herbs will out over Dim the fury of his an-
I dry up ; and I will change the ger, and the strength of battle
rivers into islands, and pools will and it blazed all round about
I dry up. him, yet he regarded it not; and
16 And I will cause the blind it burnt on him, yet he laid it
to walk on a way that they have not to heart.
not known on paths that they

have not known will I lead them :

I will change darkness before 1 But now thus hath said
them into light, and crooked the Lord that created thee, 0
places into plains. These are Jacob, and he that formed thee,
the things which I will do, and 0 Israel, Fear not; for I have
not leave them (unfulfilled). redeemed thee, I have called
17 They shall be turned back, thee by thy name mine art :

they shall be greatly ashamed, tho-u.

that trust in graven images, that 2 Whenever thou passest
through the waters, I am with 11 f I,I am the Lord ; and be-
thee: and through the rivers, side me there is no saviour.
they shall not overflow thee: 12 I myself have announced
whenever thou walkest through it,and I have saved, and I have
the fire, thou shalt not be scorch- be heard, and there was no
let it
ed neither shall the flame burn
strange (god) among you: and
oa thee. ye are my witnesses, saith the
3 For I am the Lord thy God, Lord, and I am God.
the Holy One of Israel, thy Sa- 13 Yea, from the (first) day
viour I have given Egypt for
: am I he ; and there is none that
thy ransom, Cush and Seba in can deliver out of my hand if :

place of thee. I will work, is there one that can

4 Since thou art precious in hinder it ?
my eyes, art honourable, and I 14 Thus hath said the Lord,
indeed do love thee: therefore your Redeemer, the Holy One
will I give men in place of of Israel, For your sake did I
thee, and nations instead of thy send to Babylon, and in swift
soul. vessels brought I them all down,
5 Fear not, for I am with thee : and the Chaldeans, in the ships
from the east will I bring thy of their joyful song.
seed, and from the west will I 15 1 am the Lord, your Holy
gather thee. One, the Creator of Israel, your
6 I will say to the north, Give King.
up; and to the south, Withhold 16 Thus hath said the Lord,
not: bring my sons from afar, who maketh a way in the sea,
and my daughters from the ends and a path in the mighty wa-
of the earth ters ;

7 Every one that is called by 17 Who bringeth forth chariot

my name, and whom I have and horse, army and power: to-
created for my glory; whom I gether shall they lie down, they
have formed yea, whom I have shall not rise up again
they ;

made. are extinct, like a wick are they

8 Bring forward the blind peo- quenched.
ple that have eyes, and the deaf 18 Remember not the former
that have ears. things, and ancient events regard
9 Let all the nations be ga- no more.
thered together, and let the peo- 19 Behold, I will do a new
ple be assembled who among thing now shall it spring forth
; ;

them can announce this? and will ye not acknowledge it? I

cause us to hear former things? will even make in the wilder-
let them bring forth their wit- ness a way, and in the desert
nesses, that they may be justi- rivers.
fied :or let them hear, and say, 20 The beasts of the field shall
It is truth. honour me, the monsters and
10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the ostriches; because I give
the Lord, and my servant whom waters in the wilderness, rivers
I have chosen in order that ye in the desert, to give drink to

may know and believe me, and my people, my elect

understand, that I am he ; be- 21 This people which I have
fore me there was no god formed, formed for myself: my praise
and after me there will be none. shall they relate.
22 But on me hast thou not 5 This one will say, I belong
called, 0 Jacob! for thou art be- to the Lord ;
and the other will
jome weary of me, 0 Israel. call himself by the name of Ja-
23 Thou hast not brought un- cob ; and the other will inscribe
to me the lamb of thy burnt- himself with his hand unto the
offerings ;
and with thy sacri- Lord, and surname himself by
fices hast thou not honoured me : the name of Israel.
I have not troubled thee with 6 Thus hath said the Lord,
meat-offerings, nor wearied thee the king of Israel, and his Re-
with frankincense. deemer, the Lord of hosts, I am
24 Thou hast not bought for the first, and I am the last; and
me with money sweet cane, and beside me there is no god.
with the fat of thy sacrifices hast 7 And who, like me, will an-
thou not satisfied me; but thou nounce, and will tell it, and set
hast troubled me with thy sins, it in order for me, since I ap-
thou hast wearied me with thy pointed the people of ancient
iniquities. times? and the futare things,
25 I, it is I that blot out thy and those which are to happen,
transgressions for my own sake, — let them foretell unto them.
and thy sins I will not remember. 8 Have no dread, and do not
26 Put me in remembrance; despond have I not long since

let us plead together relate : informed thee, and have told it?
thou, in order that thou rnayest and ye are my witnesses Is :

be justified. there a god beside me ? yea,

27 Thy first father did sin, and there is no rock, whom I know
they that plead for thee trans- not.
gressed against me. 9 The makers of graven im-
28 Therefore do I profane the ages are of them vanity ;
holy princes, and I give up Ja- and costly idols cannot
cob to the curse, and Israel to profit; their own
and they are
reproaches. witnesses, that they see not, and
know not, in order that they
CHAPTER XLIY. may be ashamed.
1 Yet now hear, 0 Jacob 10 Who hath formed a god,
my servant ! and Israel, whom I or cast an image that profiteth
have chosen : nothing ?
2 Thus hath said the Lord 11 Behold, all his associates
thy Maker, and he that formed shall be ashamed, for the work-
thee from the womb, who will men themselves are but men :

help thee, Fear not, 0 my ser- let them all be gathered to-
vant Jacob and thou Jeshurun,
! gether, let them stand up, they
whom I have chosen. shall be terrified, they shall be
3 For (as) I pour water upon ashamed together.
the thirsty (land), and rain-drop- 12 The iron-smith (maketh)
pings upon the dry ground (so) :
an axe and worketh it in the
will I pour my spirit over thy coals, and with hammers he
seed, and my blessing over thy fashioneth it, and worketh it
offspring, with his powerful arm he also, :

4 And they shall spring up when he is hungry, loseth his

(as) among grass, like willows by strength ; when he drinketh n<f
*be water-courses. water, he becom-eth faint.
13 The worker in wood tion, before a block of wood
stretcheth out the rule;
he shall I kneel ?
marketh it out with chalk he ;
20 He pursueth ashes ; a de-
fitteth it with planes, and he ceived heart hath turned him
marketh it out with the compass atide and he cannot deliver

and maketh it after the figure of his soul, and will not say, Is
a man, after the beauty of a child there not a lie in my right hand ?
of earth, that it may dwell in a 21 Remember these things,
house. 0 Jacob; and Israel, for thoii
14 He felleth for himself art my servant: I have. formed
cedars, and taketh cypress and thee to be my servant, thou (art
oak, and he chooseth for him- this) ;
0 Israel, thou shalt not
self the strongest among the be forgotten by me.
trees of the forest: he planteth 22 I have blotted out, as a
an ash, and the rain causeth it vapour, thy transgressions, and,
to grow. as a cloud, thy sins return un-

15 Then doth it serve a man to me ; for I have redeemed

for burning; and he taketh thee.
thereof, and warmeth himself; 23 Sing, 0 ye heavens; for
he also heateth therewith, and the Lord hath done it; shout,
baketn bread he also worketh ye lowest depths of the earth

out a god, and boweth himself; break forth into singing, ye

he maketh of it an image, and mountains, 0 forest, and every
kneeleth down thereto. tree therein for the Lord hath

16 The half thereof hath he redeemed J acob, and on Israel

burnt in fire; with the half there- will he glorify himself.
of will he eat flesh he will roast
24 Thus hath said the Lord,
food, and be satisfied; he will thy Redeemer, and he that
also warm himself, and say, formed thee from the w'omb, I
Aha, I am warm, I have felt the am the Lord that hath made all
fire things that hath stretched forth

17 And the residue thereof the heavens by myself alone

hath he made into a god, his that hath spread abroad the
graven image he kneeleth down earth from my own self

unto it, and boweth himself, 25 That frustrate the tokens

and prayeth unto it, and saith, of the liars, and confuseth di-
Deliver me ; for my god art viners ; that turneth the wise
thou. backward, and maketh their
18 They know not, they un- knowledge foolish;
derstand not; for their eyes are 26 That fulfilleth the word of
daubed over, that they cannot his servant, and performeth the
see; their hearts, that they can- counsel of his messengers ; that
not understand. saith of Jerusalem, It shall be
19 And he layeth it not to inhabited ; and of the cities of
heart, and hath no knowledge, Judah, They shall be built, and
no understanding, to say, The their ruins will I raise up.
half thereof have I burnt in fire 27 That saith to the deep, Be
and I have also baked upon its dry, and thy rivers will I dry
coals bread; I (now) will roast up;
flesh, and eat it: and shall I 28 That saith of Cyrus, (He
make of its residue an abomina- is' my shepherd, and all my
52* 2 a 2 617
pleasure shall he perform even : 9 Wo unto him that con-
saying of Jerusalem, It shall be tended with the one who formed
built; and the temple’s founda- him —a potsherd among the pot-
tion shall be laid. sherds of the earth. Shall the
clay say to him that fashioneth
CHAPTER XLV. it, What makest thou? or thy
1 Thus hath said the Lord work, He hath no hands ?
to his anointed, to Cyrus, whom 10 Wo unto him that saith
I have taken hold of by his right unto (his) father, What begettest
hand, to subdue nations before thou? or to the woman, What
him, even the loins of kings will bringest thou forth ?
I ungird, to open before him 11 f Thus hath said the Lord,
(city-)doors, and gates that they the Holy One of Israel, and he
shall not be shut who hath formed him, About
2 I myself will go before thee, events to come will you ask me ?
and proud eminences will I level concerning my sons, and con-
doors of brass will I break in cerning the work of my hands
pieces, and bolts of iron will I will ye command me?
cut asunder. 12 (When) I myself have made
3 And I will give unto thee the earth, and created man upon
the treasures of darkness, and it; (when) I, even my hands,
riches hidden in secret places have stretched out the heavens,
in order that thou mayest know and I have ordained all their

that I am the Lord, who call host.

thee by thy name, — the God of 13 I myself have waked him
Israel up in righteousness, and all his
4 For the sake of my servant ways will I make straight: he
Jacob, and Israel my elect; and shall build my city, and my ex-
I have called thee by thy name ; iles shall he dismiss free, not for
I have designated thee, though purchase-money nor for presents,
thou hast not known me. saith the Lord of hosts.
5 I am the Lord, and there 14 Thus hath said the Lord,
is none else, beside me there is The labour of Egypt, and the
no god*: I assisted thee, though merchandise of Ethiopia, and of
thou hast not known me. the Sabeans, men of high sta-
6 In order that they may ture, shall pass over unto thee,
Know from the rising of the sun, and thine shall they be: behind
and from its setting, that there thee shall they walk in chains

is nothing without me. I am the shall they pass along, and unto
Lord, and there is no one else; thee shall they bow, unto thee
7 Forming the light, and shall they pray, (saying) Yea,
creating darkness ; making only among thee is God; and
peace, and creating evil I the there is no one else beside God.

Lord do all these things. 15 Verily thou art a God that

8 Drop down, ye heavens, hidest thyself, 0 God of Israel,
from above, and let the skies the Saviour!
distil blessing; let the earth 16 They are ashamed, and
open and let them (all) be fruit- also confounded, all of them •

ful of prosperity, and let right- together shall they go to con-

eousness spring up likewise I fusion that are makers of idols.

the Lord have created it. 17 (But) Israel shall be helped

by the Lord with an everlast- In the Lord shall be justi-
ing salvation ye shall not be
: fied, and shall glory themselves
ashamed and not be confounded all the seed of Israel.
unto all eternity.
18 For thus hath said the CHAPTER XLVI.
Lord the creator of the hea- 1 Bel is bowed down, Neb*
vens ; he, the God that formed sinketh, their idols are (deli-
the earth and made it he that vered) unto the beasts, and unto
hath established it, not for—;

the cattle those which were


naught did he create it, to be once carried by you are now

inhabited did he form it I am : laden up a burden to the weary
the Lord ; and there is no one beasts.
else. 2 They are sunk, they are
19 Not on a secret spot have bowed down together they ;

I spoken, in a dark place of the could not deliver the burden,

earth; I said not unto the seed but they themselves are gone
of Jacob, Seek ye me for naught; into captivity.
(but) I the Lord speak right- 3 Hearken unto me, 0 house
eousness, I declare things that of Jacob, and all the remnant
are right. of the house of Israel, w ho are r

20 Assemble yourselves and borne (by me) from their birth,

come; draw near together, ye who are carried from the womb;
escaped fugitives of the nations ! 4 And even unto old age I am
They have no knowledge that the same and even unto the

carry the wood of their graven time of hoary hairs will I bear:
image, and pray unto a god that I have done it, and I will carry
cannot save. (you) even I will bear, and de-

21 Tell ye, and bring them liver you.

near yea, let them take counsel
; 5 ^ To whom will ye liken
together Who hath announced
: and assimilate me, and compare
this in ancient times ? told it me, that we may be like ?
from the beginning? is it not I 6 (There are those) that lav-
the Lord ? and there is no other ish gold out of the bag, and
god without me, a just god and a weigh silver in the balance that ;

saviour there is none beside me.

hire a melter, that he may make
22 Turn unto me, so that ye of it a god; they (then) bend
may be helped, all ye ends of the the knee, yea, they bow them-
earth for I am God, and there selves
is no one else. 7 They carry him, upon the
23 By myself have I sworn, shoulder they bear him, and set
righteousness is gone out of my up him in his spot, and he re-
mouth, a word (which) shall not maineth standing, from his place
return, That unto me every knee he doth not move yea, though :

shall bend, every tongue shall one should cry unto him, he
swear. cannot answer, out of his trouble
24 Only in the Lord, — shall he cannot help him.
paen say of me, —
there are right- 8 Remember this, and take
eousness and strength. Unto courage take it again to heart,

him shall come and be ashamed 0 ye transgressors

all that are incensed against 9 Remember the former things
him. of olden times; for I am God,
imd there is no one else; I am gave them into thy hand (yet) :

God, and there is nothing like thou didst grant them no mercy;
me ;
upon the aged didst thou lay
10 Declaring from the begin- very heavily thy yoke.
ning the end, and from the ear- 7 And thou saidst, For ever
liest days the things that have shall I be mistress; until that
not yet been done, saying, My thou didst not lay these things
counsel shall stand firm, and all to thy heart, thou didst not call
my pleasure will I do to mind the result thereof.
11 Calling from the east the 8 5[ And now hear this, luxu-
eagle, from a far-off country the rious one, that dwellest in secu-
man of my counsel yea, I have
rity, that sayest in thy heart, I
spoken it, I will also bring it to am, and there is nothing else
pass I have purposed it, I will
beside me I shall not sit as a

also execute it. widow, neither shall I know the

12 Hearken unto me, ye loss of children :

stout of heart, that are far from 9 Yet both these things shall
righteousness come to thee in a moment in one
13 I have brought near my day, the loss of children, and
righteousness; it shall not be widowhood ;
in their full mea-
far off, and my salvation shall sure shall they come upon thee,
not tarry; and I will grant unto despite of the multitude of thy
Zion salvation, unto Israel my sorceries, despite of the very
glory. great abundance of thy enchant-
CHAPTER XL VII. 10 And thou didst trust in
1 Come down, and sit in the thy wickedness : thou saidst,
dust, 0 virgin daughter of Baby- No one seeth me. Thy^ wisdom
lon ; sit on the ground, there is and thy knowledge, these were —
no throne, 0 daughter of the they that seduced thee; and
Chaldeans; for men shall never- thou saidst in thy heart, I am,
more call thee, Tender and deli- and there is nothing else beside
cate. me.
2 Take
the mill, and grind 11 And there shall come upon
meal uncover thy locks, lift up thee an evil, which thou shalt

the train, uncover the thigh, not know how to remove it by

pass over the rivers. prayer and there shall fall

3 Thy nakedness shall be un- upon thee mischief, which thou

covered, yea, thy shame shall be shalt not be able to atone for;
seen I will take vengeance, and and there shall come upon thee

I will not regard any man. suddenly desolation, which thou

4 —
Our redeemer the Lord shalt not know.
of hosts is his name, the Holy 12 Stand now with thy en •

One of Israel. chantments, and with the multi-

5 Sit thou silent, and enter tude of thy sorceries, wherein
into darkness, 0 daughter of the thou hast laboured from thy
Chaldeans; for men shall never youth; peradventure thou may-
more call thee, The mistress of est be able to profit, peradven-
kingdoms. ture thou rnayest withstand.
6 I was wroth over my people, 13 Thou art wearied with the
I defiled my inheritance, and multitude of thy counsels. Do
let now those that divide oft' the molten image, have ordained
heavens, that look at the stars, them.
that announce (coining) events 6 Thou hast heard it; see it
at new moons, stand up, and all now ;

and you will you not
gave thee from the things that declare it? I caused thee to hear
are to come over thee. new things, from this time, even
14 Behold, they are become hidden things which thou hadst
as stubble; the fire burneth not known.
them ; they shall not deliver 7 Now are they created, and
themselves from the power of not from the beginning; and
the flame not a coal shall be
: before the day (that I announced
left to warm at, no blaze to sit them) thou heardest them not
before it. lest thou shouldest say, Behold,
15 Thus are they become un- I knew them.
to thee with whom thou hast la- 8 But neither hadst thou
boured; those that had com- heard it; nor didst thou know;
merce with thee from thy youth, nor had in ancient times thy ear
wander away every one on his been opened; for I knew that
road there is no one to save thou wouldst deal very treach-

thee. erously, and a transgressor wast

thou called from thy birth.
CHAPTER XLVIII. 9 For the sake of my name
1 f Hear ye this, 0 house of will I defer my anger, and be-
Jacob, who are called by the cause of my praise will I restrain
name of Israel, and are come it toward thee, so that I may not
forth out of the spring of Judah, cut thee off.
who swear by the name of the 10 Behold, I have refined thee,
Lord, and make mention of the though not into silver I have :

God of Israel, not in truth, nor approved thee in the crucible of

in righteousness. affliction.
2 For of the holy city they 11 For my own sake, for my
call themselves, and upon the own sake, will I do it; for how
God of Israel they staj^ them- would (my name) be dishonour-
selves, —
The Lord of hosts is ed? and my glory will I not give
his name. unto an other.
3 The former things have I 12 Hearken unto me, 0 Ja-
declared from the beginning: cob, and Israel, my called one !

and out of my mouth went they I am he ; I am the first, I also am

forth, and I announced them; the last.
suddenly did I accomplish them, 13My hand also hath laid the
and they came to pass foundation of the earth, and my
4 Because I knew that thou right hand hath spanned out the
art obstinate, that like an iron heavens : I call unto them, they
sinew is thy neck, and thy brow stand forward together.
of copper ; 14 Assemble yourselves, all
5 And I declared it to thee of you, and hear: Who among
from the beginning; before yet them hath told these things?
it came to pass did I let thee He whom the Lord loveth, will
hear it lest thou shouldst say, do his pleasure on Babylon, and

My idol hath done these things, (display) his arm (on) the Chal-
and my graven image, and my deans.
15 I,have spoken it,
even I, 2 And he hath rendered my
I have also called him I have : mouth like a sharp sword iix ;

brought him, and he shall be the shadow of his han-d batn-he

prosperous on his way. hidden me and he hath ren-

16 Come ye near unto me, hear dered me as a polished arrow

ye this never from the begin-
in his quiver hath he concealed
ning have I spoken in secret,* me j

from the time that it occurred, 3 And he

said unto me, My
was I there. And now the Lord servant art thou, 0 Israel, thou
Eternal hath sent me, and his on whom I will be glorified.
Spirit. 4 But I had indeed said, For
17 Thus hath said the Lord, no purpose have I laboured, for
thy Redeemer, the Holy One of naught and vanity have I spent
Israel, I am the Lord thy God my strength yet surely my cause

who teach thee for thy profit, is with the Lord, and the recom-
who lead thee by the way thou pense of my work, with my God.
shouldst go. 5 And now hath said the
18 Oh that thou hadst but lis- Lord that formed me from the
tened to my commandments womb to be his servant, to bring
then would have been as a river Jacob again to him, that Israel
thy peace, and thy prosperity as may be gathered unto him, that
the waves of the sea I should be honoured in the eyes
19 And then would have been of the Lord, while my God was
as the sand thy seed, and the off- my strength,
spring of thy body like the peb- 6 And he said, It is too light
bles of the sea-shore yet shall :
a thing that thou shouldst be my
his name not be cut off" nor de- servant to raise up the tribes of
stroyed from before me. Jacob, and to bring back the
20 Go forth out of Baby- preserved of Israel ; but I will
lon, flee away from the Chalde- (also) appoint thee for a light to
ans, with the voice of singing the nations, that my salvation
declare, announce this, carry it may reach as far as the end of
forth as far as the end of the the earth.
earth say, The. Lord hath re-
7 % Thus hath said the Lord,
deemed his servant Jacob. the Redeemer of Israel, his Holy
21 And they thirsted not when One, to him who is despised by
he led them through the deserts ; men, to him who is abhorred by
waters out of the rock he let drop nations, to the servant of rulers,
down them and he cleaved Kings shall see it and rise up,
for :

the rock, and the waters gushed princes, and they shall prostrate
out. themselves, for the sake of the
22 There is no peace, saith Lord who is faithful, the Holy
the Lord, unto the wicked. One of Israel, who hath made
choice -of thee.
CHAPTER XLIX. 8 ^ Thus hath said the Lord,
1 ^ Hearken, 0 isles, unto In the time of favour have I an-
me ;
and listen, ye people, from swered thee, and on the day of
afar The Lord hath called me salvation have I helped thee

from my birth from my mo- and I will preserve thee, and I


ther’s womb hath he made men- will appoint thee as a people of


tion of my name. my covenant to raise up the


land, to divide out desolate heri- 19 For thy ruins and thy de-
tages : solate places, and thy wasted
9 When I say to the prisoners, land, —
yea, now shall it be too
Go forth to those that are in
narrow for thee by reason of the
darkness, Show yourselves. On inhabitants, and thy destroyers
the roads shall they feed, and on shall be far away.
all mountain-peaks shall be their 20 Yet again will say before
pasture. thy ears the children of whom
10 They shall not be hungry thou wast deprived, The place is
nor thirsty, and neither heat nor too narrow for me make room

sun shall smite them for he that

; for me that I may dwell.
hath mercy on them will lead 21 And thou wilt say in thy
them, and by springs of water heart, Who hath born me these,
will he guide them. seeing I was bereft of my chil-
11 And I will change all my dren, and was solitary, an exile,
mountains into a road, and my and outcast ? and who hath
highways shall be lifted up. brought up these? Behold, I
12 Behold, these shall come was left entirely alone these, :

from afar; and, lo, these from where have they been ?
the north and from the west and ;
22 Thus hath said the Lord
diese from the land of Sinim. Eternal, Behold, I will lift up to
13 Sing, 0 heavens ; and be the nations my hand, and to the
joyful, 0 earth and break forth,
people will I raise up high my
0 mountains, into song; for the standard; and they shall bring
Lord hath comforted his people, thy sons in (their) arms, and thy
and upon his oppressed will he daughters shall be carried upon
have mercy. shoulders.
14 Yet Zion said, The Eter- 23 And kings shall be thy
nal hath forsaken me, and the nursing-fathers, and their prin-
Lord hath forgotten me. cesses thy nursing-mothers; with
15 Can a woman forget her the face toward the earth shall
sucking child, not to have mercy they bow down to thee, and the
on the son of her body ? yea, dust of thy feet shall they lick
should these even forget, yet up and thou shalt know that I

would I not forget thee. am the Lord, who will not suffer
16 Behold, upon the palms of those who hope in me to be made
my hands have I engraved thee; ashamed.
thy walls are continually before 24 Shall the prey be taken
me. from the mighty, or shall the
17 Thy children come in haste captive of the victor escape ?
thy destroyers and they that laid 25 For thus hath said the
thee waste shall go away from Lord, Also the captive of the
thee. mighty shall be taken away, and
18 Lift up thy eyes round the prey of the powerful shall
about, and see they all are as- escape; and with those who con-

sembled together, they come to tend against thee will I contend,

thee as I live, saith the Lord, and thy children will I indeed

thou shalt surely clothe thyself save.

with them all, as with an orna- 26 And I will feed thy op-
ment, and bind them on thee, as pressors with their own flesh;
a bride. and as with new wine shall they
be made drunken with their own 8 He that justifieth me U
blood and all flesh shall know near; who will contend with me?

that I the Eternal am thy Sa- let us stand forward together*

viour, and thy Redeemer the who hath a dispute with me? let
Mighty One of Jacob. him come near to me.
9 Behold, the Lord Eternal
CHAPTER L. will help me; who is the man
1 Thus hath said the Lord, that will condemn me? lo, they
Where is your mother’s bill of all shall wear out as a garment:
divorcement, wherewith I have the moth shall eat them up,
sent her away? or who of my 10 Who is among you that
creditors is it to whom I have feareth the Lord, that hearken-
sold you ? behold, for your in- eth to the voice of his servant?
iquities were ye sold, and for though he have walked in dark-
your transgressions was your ness, and had no light let him :

mother sent away. trust in the name of the Lord,

2 Why did I come and no and lean for support upon his
man was there, did I call, with God.
none to answer ? hath my hand 11 Behold, all ye that kindle
become too short for redeeming ? fire, that urge on the brands :

or is there no power in me to walk by the blaze of your fire,

deliver? behold, through my and by the brands ye have kin-
threatening I can dry up the dled from my hand hath this

sea, I can change the rivers into been bestowed on you in pain

a wilderness their fish stink for shall ye lie down.


want of water, and die for thirst.

3 I can clothe the heavens CHAPTER
with blackness, and I can make 1 Hearken to me, ye that
sackcloth their garment. pursue righteousness, that seek
4 The Lord Eternal hath tfee Lord look unto the rock

given me a tongue for teach- whence ye were hewn, and to

ing, that I should know how to the hole of the pit whence ye
strengthen the weary with the were dug up.
word he waken eth morning by
: 2 Look unto Abraham your
morning, he wakeneth my ear to father, and unto Sarah that bore
listen like those who are well you; for he was one when I
taught. called him, and I blessed him,
5 The Lord Eternal hath open- and I increased him.
ed me my ear, and I resisted 3 Yea, the Lord hath com-
not I turned not backward.
: forted Zion he hath comforted

6 My back I gave up to the all her ruins; and he hath made

smiters, and my cheeks to those her wilderness like ’Eden, and
that plucked off the hair my her desert like the garden of the

face I hid not from abuse and Lord gladness and joy shall e

spitting. found therein, thanksgiving, and

7 But the Lord Eternal ever the voice of song.
helpeth me therefore was I not
4 Listen unto me, my peo-
confoun led ; therefore have I ple and 0 my nation, give ear

rendered my face like a flint, and unto me; for a law shall proceed
I knew that I should not be from me, and my justice will I
made ashamed. establish as a light of the people.
5 My righteousness is near; man who will wither as the
Xfcj salvation goeth forth, and grass ?

my arms shall judge the peo- And thou forgettest the

ple: on me the isles shall wait, Lord, thy Maker, who hath
and for my arm shall they spread out the heavens, and laid
hope. the foundations of the earth ;
6 Lift up your eyes to the hea- and thou dreadest continually,
vens, and look upon the earth all the day, because of the fury
beneath; for the heavens shall of the oppressor, whenever he
vanish away like smoke, and the aimeth to destroy: and where is
earth shall wear out like a gar- (now) the fury of the oppressor?
ment, and they that dwell there- 14 The exile will be speedily
on shall die in like manner; but set free and he shall not die in

iny salvation shall exist for ever, the dungeon, and his bread shall
and my righteousness shall not not fail.
be stayed. 15 For I am the Lord thy
7 Hearken unto me, ye that God, who stirreth up the sea
know righteousness, 0 people in that its waves roar the Lord of :

whose heart my law is ye must hosts is his name.


not fear the reproach of men, 16 And I have placed my

and of their revilings shall ye words in thy mouth, and with
not be in dread. the shadow of my hand have I
8 For like a garment shall the covered thee to plant the hea

moth eat them up, and like wool vens, and to lay the foundations
shall the worm eat them ; but of the earth, and to say to Zion,
my righteousness shall exist for Thou art my people.
ever, and my salvation from ge- 17 If Rouse up, rouse up, arise,
neration to generation. 0 Jerusalem, thou who hast
9 Awake, awake, put on drunk from the hand of the Lord
strength, 0 arm of the Lord! the cup of his fury the deep cup :

awake, as in the ancient days, in of confusion hast thou drunk,

the generations of olden times. hast thou drained.
Art thou not it that struck down 18 There is none to lead her,
Rahab [Egypt], that pierced the from all the children whom she
crocodile ? hath born ; and there is none
10 Art thou not it that dried that taketh her by the hand,
up the sea, the waters of the great from all the children whom she
deep that rendered the depths hath brought up.

of the sea a road for the redeemed 19 Two things are these which
to pass through ? have befallen thee who will:

11 And (so) shall the ransomed have compassion for thee ? deso-
of the Lord return, and come and destruction, and fa-
to lation
Zion with song, with everlasting mine and the sword with whom —
joy upon their head; gladness shall I comfort thee ?
and joy shall they obtain, while 20 Thy children have fainted,
sorrow and sighing shall have they lie at the entrance of all
fled away. streets, as a wild bull caught in
12 \\ I, I am he that comfort- a net, (they are those) who are
eth you who art thou, that thou full of the fury of the Lord, the

shouldst be afraid of a mortal threatening of thy God.

that must die, and of a son of 21 Therefore hear now this, 0
53 2 B 625
thou afflicted, and drunken, but 7 How beautiful are upon
not with wine. the mountains the feet of tho
22 ^ Thus hath said thy Lord, messenger of good tidings,,
the Eternal, and thy God, who that publisheth peace, that an-
will ever plead for his people, nounced tidings of happiness,
Behold, I have taken out of thy that publisheth salvation, that
hand the cup of confusion, the saith unto Zion, Thy God reign-
deep cup of my fury: thou shalt eth.
never more drink it again. 8 The voice of thy watchmen,
23 And I will place it in the — they raise their voice, to-
hand of those who have tortured gether shall they shout for eye ;

thee, that have said to thy soul, to eye shall they see, when the
Bend thee down, that we may Lord returned unto Zion.
pass over and thou madest like
: 9 Break forth (in song), shout
the earth thy back, and like together, ye ruins of Jerusalem;
the street for those that passed for the Lord hath comforted
over. his people, he hath redeemed
CHAPTER LII. 10 The Lord hath made bare
1 Awake, awake, put on his holy arm before the eyes of
thy strength, 0 Zion put on thy
all the nations and all the ends

beautiful garments, 0 Jerusa- of the earth shall see the salva-

lem, thou holy city; for no more tion of our God.
shall enter into thee henceforth 11 If Depart ye, depart ye, go
the uncircumcised and the un- out from dere, touch no unclean
clean. thing; go ye out from the midst
2 Shake thyself free from the of it; cleanse yourselves, ye
dust, arise, sit down, 0 Jerusa- bearers of the vessels of the
lem! loosen thyself from the Lord.
bands of thy neck, 0 captive, 12 For not in haste shall ye
daughter of Zion. go out, and not in flight shall ye
3 For thus hath said the go; for before you goeth the
Lord, For naught were you sold, Lord, and your rereward is the
and without silver shall ye be God of Israel.
redeemed. 13 Behold, my servant shall
4 For thus hath said the be prosperous, he shall be ex-
Lord Eternal, Into Egypt went alted and extolled, and be placed
my people down aforetimes, to very high.
sojourn there, and Asshur hath 14 Just as many were asto-
oppressed it without cause. nished at thee, so greatly was
5 And now what have I here, his countenance marred more
saith th$ Lord, since my peo- than any (other) man’s, and his
ple hath been taken away for form more than (that of) the
naught ? its rulers vaunt aloud, sons of men,
saith the Lord, and continually, 15 Thus will he cause many
ali the day, is my name blas- nations to jump up in (astonish-
phemed. ment) at him will kings shut

6 Therefore shall my people their mouth ; for what had not

know my name, therefore on been told unto them shall they
that day, that I am he that speak- see, and what they had never
eth it here am I.
: heard shall they understand.
62 b
the (godless) rich at his death:

LIII. although he had done no vio-

1 AV'ho would have believed lence, and there was no deceit
our report? and the arm of the in his mouth.
Lord over whom hath it been 10 But the Lord was pleased
revealed ? to crush him through disease
2 Yea, he grew up like a small when (now) his soul hath brought
shoot before him, and as a root the trespass-offering, then shall
out of a dry land he had no form
: he see (his) seed, live many days,
nor comeliness, so that we should and the pleasure of the Lord
look at him; and no counte- shall prosper in his hand.
nance, so that we should desire 11 (Breed) from the trouble
him. of his soul shall he see (the good)
3 He was despised and shun- and be satisfied through his

ned by men ; a man of pains, knowledge shall my righteous

and acquainted with disease; servant bring the many to right-
and as one who hid his face from eousness, while he will bear their
us was he despised, and we es- iniquities.
teemed him not. 12 Therefore will I divide
4 But only our diseases did him (a portion) with the many,
he bear himself, and our pains and with the strong shall he di-
he carried while we indeed es-
: vide the spoil ; because he poured
teemed him stricken, smitten of out his soul unto death, and with
God, and afflicted. transgressors was he numbered:
5 Yet he was wounded for our while he bore the sin of many,
transgressions, he was bruised and for the transgressors he let
for our iniquities : the chastise- (evil) befall him.
ment for our peace was upon
him; and through his bruises CHAPTER LIV.
was healing granted to us. 1 Sing, 0 barren one, thou
6 We all like sheep went that hast not born break forth ;

astray ; every^ one to his own into song, and rejoice aloud,
way did we turn and the Lord thou that hast not travailed for
; ;

let befall him the guilt of us all. more are the children of the de-
7 He was oppressed, and he solate than the children of the
was also taunted, yet he opened married wife, saith the Lord.
not his mouth like the lamb
; 2 Enlarge the space of thy
which is led to the slaughter, tent, and let them stretch forth
and like a ewe before her shear- the curtains of thy habitations,
ers is dumb and he opened not
; —
spare not lengthen thy cords,

his mouth. and strengthen thy stakes

8 Through oppression and 3 For to the right and to the
through judicial punishment left shalt thou spread forth and :

was he taken away; but his thy seed shall drive out nations,
generation — who could tell, that and desolate cities shall they re-
he was cut away out of the land people.
of life, (that) for the transgres- 4 Fear not, for thou shalt not
sions of my people the plague be made ashamed and be not ;

was laid on him ? confounded, for thou shalt not

9 And he let his grave be be put to the blush ; for the
made with the wicked, and with shame of thy youth shalt thou
forget, and the reproach of thy be established : keep far f; om
widowhood shalt thou not re- oppression, for thou shalt
member any more. fear; and from terror, for it
5 For thy husband is thy shall not come near unto thee.
Maker, the Lord of hosts is his 15 Behold, they that assemble
name and thy Redeemer is the together, are nothing without

Holy One of Israel, The God me: whosoever assembleth to-
of all the earth,” shall he be gether against thee shall fall
called. under thy power.
6 For as a woman forsaken 16 Behold, I have created the ,

and grieved in spirit did the smith that bloweth the coals in
Lord call thee back, and as a the fire, and that bringeth forth
wife of youth, that was rejected, an instrument for his work and ;

saith thy God. I have also created the waster

7 But for a brief moment have to destroy.
I forsaken thee; but with great 17 No weapon that is formed
mercies will I again receive against thee shall prosper; and
thee. every tongue that will rise
8 In a little wrath did I hide against thee in judgment thou
my face for a moment from shalt condemn. This is the
thee but with everlasting kind- heritage of the servants of the

ness will I have mercy on thee, Lord, and their due reward from
saith thy Redeemer the Lord. me, saith the Lord.
9 For as the waters of Noah
is this unto me as I have sworn
that the waters of Noah should 1 Ho, every one of ye that
no more pass over the earth so thirsteth, come ye to the water,

have I sworn that I would not and he too that hath no money :

be wroth with thee, nor rebuke come ye, buy, and eat yea, ;

thee. come, buy without money and

10 For the mountains may without price wine and milk.
depart, and the hills may be re- 2 Wherefore will ye spend
moved; but my kindness shall money for what is not bread ?
not depart from thee, neither and your labour for what satis-
shall the covenant of my peace fieth not? hearken then unto
be removed, saith he that hath me, and eat what is good, and
mercy on thee, the Lord. let your soul delight itself in
11 ^ 0 thou afflicted, tossed fatness.
by the tempest, and not com- 3 Incline your ear, and come
forted, behold, I will lay thy unto me, hear, and your soul
stones with fair colours, and lay shall live; and I will make with
thy foundations with sapphires. you an everlasting covenant,
12 And I will make of rubies the promised mercies of David,
thy battlements, and thy gates which are sure.
into carbuncle-stones, and all 4 Behold, for a lawgiver unto
thy borders into precious stones. the people have I appointed
13 And all thy children shall him, a prince and commander
be disciples of the Lord and;
to the people.
great shall be the peace of thy 5 Behold, a nation thou know-
children. est not shalt thou call, and a na-
14 In righteousness shalt thou tion that knew thee not shall run
unto thee for the sake of the

Lord thy God, and for the Holy CHAPTER LYI.

One of Israel, for he hath glori- f Thus hath said the Lord,
fied thee. Keep ye justice, and do equity ;
6 1j Seek ye the Lord, while for near is my salvation to come,
he may be found, call ye on him, and my righteousness to be re-
while he is near. vealed.
7 Let the wicked forsake his 2 Happy is the mortal that
way, and the man of unright- ever doth this, and the son of
eousness his thoughts; and let man that ever layeth hold on it;
him return unto the Lord, and that keepeth the sabbath by not
he will have mercy upon him, violating it, and keepeth his
and unto our God, for he will hand from doing any evil.
abundantly pardon. 3 And let not say the son of
8 For not my thoughts are the stranger, that joineth him-
your thoughts, and not your self unto the Lord, saying,
ways are my ways, saith the Surely the Lord will exclude
Lord. me from his people nor let the

9 For as high as the heavens eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry

are above the earth, so high tree.
are my ways above your ways, 4 For thus hath said the
and my thoughts above your Lord concerning the eunuchs
thoughts. that keep my sabbaths, and
10 For as the rain and the make choice of what pleaseth
snow come down from heaven, me, and take hold of my cove-
and return not thither, but water nant,
the earth, and render it fruit- 5 I will indeed give unto them
ful, and cause it to bring forth in my house and within my walls
plants and give seed to the a place and a name, better than

sower and bread to him that sons and daughters: an ever-

eateth lasting name will I give them,
11 So shall ever be my word that shall not be cut off.
which goeth forth from my 6 Also the sons of the stran-
mouth, it shall not return unto ger, that join themselves unto
me without etfect; but it accom- the Lord, to serve him, and to
plisheth what I desire, and it love the name of the Lord, to
prospereth in that whereto I be unto him as servants, every
have sent it. one that keepeth the sabbath by
12 For in joy shall ye go out, not violating it, and those who
and in peace shall ye be brought take hold of my covenant:
home: the mountains and the 7 Even these will I bring to
hills shall break forth before my holy mountain, and make
you into song, and all the trees them joyful in my house of
of the field shall clap their hands. prayer their burnt-offerings and

13 Instead of the thorn shall their sacrifices shall be a r eepted

come up the fir-tree, and instead upon my altar; for rnj house
of the nettle shall come up the shall be called a house of prayer
myrtle and it shall be unto the
for all the nations.
Lord for a name, for a sign of 8 Thus saith the Lord Eternal
everlasting that shall not be cut who gathereth the outcasts of
off. Israel, I will yet gather (others)
53 * 629
to him, beside his own gathered valley is thy portion ; they, they
(outcasts). are thy lot even to them has*t

9 All ye beasts of the field, thou poured out a drink-offering,

come to devour, (yea,) all ye hast thou offered a meat-offer-
beasts in the forest. ing. Shall I for these things re-
10 His watchmen are all of pent me (of the evil)?
them blind, they know nothing; 7 Upon a high and lofty moun-
they all are dumb dogs, they tain hast thou placed thy ouch
cannot bark dreamers, lying
even thither wentest thou up to
down, loving to slumber. offer sacrifice.
11 But the dogs are of a 8 And behind the doors and
greedy disposition, they know the door-posts hast thou placed
not how to be satisfied; and thy (mark of) remembrance for

those are shepherds that know (departing) from me, thou hast
how to understand they all
: laid open, and art gone up, —
turn to their own way, every hast enlarged thy .couch, and
one after his gain, from all made thee a covenant with some
quarters. of them thou hast loved their

12 Come ye, I will fetch wine, lying with thee, hast selected a
and let us swallow abundantly fitting place.
of strong drink ; and like this 9 And thou didst show thy-
day shall it be to-morrow, ex- self unto the king with oint-
cellent and in very great abun- ment, and thou didst multiply
dance. thy perfumes, and thou didst
send out thy messengers even
CHAPTER LVII. into the far-off distance, and
1 The righteous perisheth, didst debase thyself even down
and no man layeth it to heart: to the nether world.
and pious men are taken away, 10 Though thou art wearied
without one considering that be- by the length of thy way, yet
fore the evil the righteous is saidst thou not, It is useless
taken away. thou hadst found enough for thy
2 He shall come (to his fathers) hand; therefore didst thou feel
in peace : they shall repose in no care.
their resting-place, every one 11 And of whom hadst thou
that walketh in his uprightness. dread or fear, that thou becamest
3 But ye draw near hither, false, and didst not remember
sons of the sorceress, the seed of me, nor lay it to thy heart? is it
the adulterer and the harlot. not so? I kept silence, and this
4 Over whom will you make from earliest times, and there-
yourselves merry ? concerning fore thou fearest me not?
whom will you open wide your 12 I, I ever tell th6e (what
mouth, stretch out your tongue? deeds would be) thy righteous-
are ye not children of transgres- ness but thy works
— these in-
sion, a seed of falsehood, deed will not profit thee.
5 That are inflamed after the 13 When thou criest, let thy
idols under every green tree; masses of idols deliver thee ; but
that slaughter the children in all of them will the wind carry
the valleys under the clefts of away, a breath will take them
the rocks ? off; but he that putteth his trust
6 Of the smooth stones of the in me shall possess the land,
and shall inherit my
holy moun- a nation that hath done right-
tain. eousness, and hath not forsaken
14 And he will say, Cast ye the ordinance of their God con- :

up, cast ye up, clear out the way, tinually do they ask of me the
lift up every stumbling block out ordinances of justice do they —
of the way of my people. desire to draw nigh unto God.
15 For thus hath said the 3 “ Wherefore have we fasted,
high and lofty One, who inha- and thou seest it not? have we
biteth eternity, whose name is afflicted our soul, and thou re-
Holy, In the high and holy place gardest it not?” Behold, on the
do I dwell, yet also with the day of 3T our fasting ye follow
contrite and humble of spirit, to your business, and all your ac-
revive the spirit of the humble, quired gains do ye exact.
and to revive the heart of the 4 Behold, for contention and
contrite. strife do ye fast, and to smite
16 For not to eternity will I with the fist of wickedness ye :

contend, neither will I be for fast not so at this day, to cause

ever wroth when the spirit from
: your voice to be heard on high.
before me is overwhelmed, and 5 Is such then the fast which
the souls which I have made. I can choose ? a day that a man
17 Because of the iniquity of afflicteth his soul? to bend his
his covetousness was I wroth, head as a bulrush, and to spread
and I smote him, hiding my face, sackcloth and ashes for his couch?
and was wroth while he went : wilt thou call this a fast, and a
on frowardly in the way of his day of acceptability unto the
own heart. Lord ?

18 I (now) see his ways, and 6 Is not this (rather) the fast
I will heal him and I will guide that I will choose? to open the

him, and bestow full comforts on snares of wickedness, to undo

him and on his mourners; the bands of the yoke, and to let
19 Creating the fruit of the the oppressed go fret , and that
lips: Peace, peace to him that ye should break asunder every
is afar off, and to him that is yoke ?
near, saith the Lord and I will 7 Is it not to distribute thy

heal him. bread to the hungry, and that

20 But the wicked are like the thou bring the afflicted poor into
troubled sea for it can never be thy house ? when thou seest the

at rest, but its waters cast up naked, that thou clothe him
m re and dirt. and that thou hide not thyself
21 There is no peace, saith my from thy own flesh ?
God, to the wicked. 8 Then shall break forth as
the morning-dawn thy light, and
CHAPTER LVIII. thy healing shall speedily spring
1 Cry with a full throat, forth ; and before thee shall go
spare not, like the cornet lift up thy righteousness, the glory of
thy voice, and declare unto my the Lord shall be thy rereward.
people their transgression, and 9 Then ghalt thou call, and
to the house of Jacob their sins. the Lord will answer thou shalt :

2 Yet me do they ever seek cry, and he will say, Here am I.

day by day, and to know my If thou remove from the midst
ways do they always desire ; as of thee the yoke, the stretching
out of tlie finger, and speaking face from you, so that he would
wickedly ;
not hear.
10 And if thou pour out to the 3 For your hands are defiled
hungry thy soul, and satisfy the with blood, and your fingers with
afflicted soul : then shall shine iniquity your lips have spoken

forth in the darkness thy light, falsehood, your tongue uttereth

and thy obscurity be as the deception.
noonday 4 No one admonisheth with
11 And the Lord will guide righteousness, and no one exe-
thee continually, and will satisfy cuteth justice in truth ;
thy soul in times of famine, and trust in naught, and speak lies
will strengthen thy bones; and they have conceived mischief,
thou shalt be like a well-watered and bring forth wickedness.
garden, and like a spring of 5 Basilisk’s eggs do they hatch,
water, the waters of which will and spider’s webs do they weave
never deceive. he that eateth of their eggs must
12 And they that spring from die, and if one be crushed, a
thee shall build up the ancient viper will break forth.
ruins the foundations of many
6 Their webs cannot serve for
generations shalt thou raise up garments, and they cannot clothe
again and thou shalt be called,
: themselves with their works
The repairer of the breaches, The their works are works of wick-
restorer of paths to the dwelling- edness, and the deed of violence
place. is in their hands.
13 If thou restrain thy foot 7 Their feet run to what is
for the sake of the sabbath, not evil, and they make haste to shed
doing thy business on my holy innocent blood their thoughts :

day and if thou call the sab-

are thoughts of wickedness ;
bath a delight, the holy day of wasting and destruction are on
the Lord, honourable; and ho- their highways.
nour it by not doing thy usual 8The way of peace they know
pursuits, by not following thy own not and there is no justice on

business, and speaking (vain) their tracks : their paths they

words : have made unto themselves
14 Then
shalt thou find de- crooked ;
whosoever walketh
light in the Lord; and I will therein knoweth not peace.
cause thee to tread upon the 9 Therefore is justice far from

high-places of the earth, and I us, nor will happiness overtake

will cause thee to enjoy the in- us we ever hope for light, but

heritance of Jacob thy father; behold there is darkness for ;

for the mouth of the Lord hath brightness, but in obscurity must
spoken it. we w.alk.
10 We grope like the blind on
CHAPTER LIX. the wall, and as if we had no
1 Behold, the Lord’s hand eyes do we grope we stumble :

is not too short to save neither at noonday as in the twilight;


his ear too heavy for hearing; we are in complete darkness like
2 But your iniquities have the dead.
ever made a separation between 11 We growl all of us like
you and your Grod, and your bears, and like doves do we moan
sins have caused him to hide his sorely ;
we ever hope for justice.

but there is none ;

the redeemer, and unto those
for aid, but it

is from us.
far who return from transgression
12 For our transgressions are in Jacob, saith the Lord.
numerous in thy presence, and 21 And as for me, this is my
our sins testify against us; for covenant with them, saith the
of our transgressions are we Lord, My spirit that is upon

aware; and our iniquities we thee, and my words which I have
know them put in thy mouth, shall not de-
13 We transgressed and de- part out of thy mouth, nor out
nied the Lord, and departed of the mouth of thy children, nor
away from our God; we spoke out of the mouth of thy chil-
oppression and revolt, conceived dren’s children, saith the Lori .

and brought forth in our heart from henceforth and unto all
words of falsehood. eternity.
14 And justice is forced to
turn backward, and righteous- CHAPTER LX.
ness standeth afar off for truth 1 ;
Arise, give light, for thy
stumbled in the street, and equity light is come; and the glory of
is not able to enter. the Lord is shining forth over
15 And thus is the truth miss- thee.
ing and he that departeth from
2 For behold, the darkness
evil isregarded as foolish and shall cover the earth, and a gross

the Lord saw it, and it was dis- darkness the people but over;

pleasing in his eyes that there thee will shine forth the Lord,
was no justice. and his glory will be seen over
16 And he saw that there was thee.
no man, and wondered that there 3 And nations shall walk by
was no intercessor therefore his thy light, and kings by the

arm brought him aid, and his brightness of thy shining.

tained him.

yea, this sus- 4 Lift up thy eyes round about
and see, they all are assembled,
17 And he put on righteous- they come to thee, thy sons are
ness as a coat of mail, and coming from afar, and thy daugh-
(placed) the helmet of salvation ters are brought along in arms.
upon his head; and he put on 5 Then wilt thou see and be
the garments of vengeance as filled with light, and thy heart
raiment, and wrapped himself will dread and be enlarged; be-
with zeal as with a cloak. cause unto thee shall be turned
18 According to the demerits, the abundance of the sea, the
so will he repay (all), fury to his riches of nations shall come unto
adversaries, recompense to his thee.
enemies : to the islands will he 6 The multitude of camels
repay what they have merited. shall cover thee, the dromedaries
19 And they shall fear from of Midian and ’Ephah; they all
the west the name of the Lord, from Sheba shall c-ome gold and :

and from the rising of the sun frankincense shall they carry,
his glory for there shall come and the praises of the Lord shall

distress like the stream which the}7 announce.

the Spirit of the Lord urgeth 7 All the flocks of Kedar shall
forward. be assembled unto three, the rams
20 But unto Zion shall come of Nebayoth shall minister unto
thee : they shall come for a fa- milk of nations, and the breast
vourable acceptance (unto me) of kings shalt thou suck; and
upon my altar, and the house of thou shalt know that I the Lord
my glory will I glorify. am thy Saviour, and thy Re
8 Who are these that fly like deemer, the Mighty One of Ja-
a cloud, and like the doves, to cob.
their windows ? 17 Instead of the copper will
9 Yea, unto me (the inhabit- I bring gold, and instead of the
ants of) the isles shall hasten, iron will I bring silver, and in-
and the ships of Tharshish at stead of wood, copper, and in-
first, to bring thy sons from afar, stead of the stones, iron and I

their silver and their gold with will set peace as thy authorities,
them, unto the name of the Lord and righteousness as thy task-
thy God, and to the Holy One masters.
of Israel ; because he hath glo- 18 There shall not be heard
rified thee. any more violence in thy land,
10 And the sons of the stran- wasting and destruction within
ger shall build up thy walls, and thy boundaries ; but thou shalt
their kings shall minister unto call, Salvation, thy walls, and
thee; for in my wrath did I thy gates, Praise.
smite thee, but in my favour have 19 The sun shall not be unto
I had mercy on thee. •
thee any more for a light by day,
11 And thy gates shall stand and for brightness shall the moon
jpen continually, day and night not give light unto thee but the

shall they not be closed, to bring Lord will be unto thee for a
unto thee the wealth of nations, light of everlasting, and thy God
and their kings led (captive). as thy glory.
12 For the nation and the 20 Thy sun shall not go down
kingdom that will not serve thee any more, and thy moon shall
shall perish ;
and the nations not be withdrawn for the Lord

shall be utterly destroyed. will be unto thee for a light of

13 The glory of Lebanon shall everlasting, and ended shall be
come unto thee, the fir, the cy- the days of thy mourning.
press, and the box together, to 21 And thy people — they all
adorn the place of my sanctuary, will be righteous, for ever shall
and the (resting) place of my they possess the land, the sprout
feet will I glorify. of my planting, the work of my
14 And then shall come unto hands, that I may glorify my-
thee bent downthe sons of those self.
who afflicted thee, and there shall 22 The little one shall become
bow themselves down at the soles a thousand, and the small, a
of thy feet all thy revilers and
mighty nation I the Lord will

they shall call thee, The city of hasten it in its time.

the Lord, Zion of the Holy One
of Israel. CHAPTER LXI.
15 Instead that thou wast for- 1 The Spirit of the Lord
saken and hated, without one to Eternal is upon me ; because the
pass through (thee), will I ren- Lord hath anointed me to an-
der thee an excellency of ever- nounce good tidings unto the
lasting, a joy of all generations. meek he hath sent me to bind

16 And thou shalt suck the up the broken-hearted, to pro-

claim to captives Liberty, and to they are the seed whom the
prisoners Release ; Lord hath blessed.
2 To proclaim a year of favour 10 I will be greatly glad in
of the Lord, and the day of ven- the Lord, my soul shall be joy-
geance of our God, to comfort ful in my God ; for he hath
all mourners clothed me with the garments
3 To grant unto the mourners of salvation, with the mantle of
of Zion,— to give unto them or- righteousness hath he enveloped
nament in the place of ashes, me ; as a bridegroom decketh
oil of gladness in the place of himself with elegant attire, and
mourning, garments of praise as a bride adorneth herself with
in the place of a grieved spirit her bridal array.

that they may be called, Oaks 11 For, as the earth bringeth

of righteousness, the planting forth her growth, and as a gar-
of the Lord, that he may be den causeth what is sown there-
glorified. in to spring forth: thus will the
4 And they shall build up the Lord Eternal cause righteous-
ancient ruins, desolate places of ness and praise to spring forth
former times shall they raise up, in the presence of all the na-
and they shall renew ruined ci- tions.
ties, the desolate places of many
generations. CHAPTER LXII.
5 And strangers shall stand 1 For the sake of Zion will I
and feed your flocks, and the not be silent, and for the sake
sons of the alien shall be your of Jerusalem will I not be quiet;
ploughmen and your vintners. until its righteousness go forth
6 But ye — ye shall be called, as the brightness (of light), and
Priests of the Lord; Ministers its salvation as a burning torch.
of our God, shall be said unto 2 And nations shall see thy
you the wealth of nations shall righteousness, and all kings thy

ye consume, and in their glory glory ; and men shall call thee
shall ye be placed as posses- by a new name, which the mouth
sors. of the Lord shall pronounce.
7 In the place of your twofold 3 And thou shalt be a crown

shame, and the confusion of of ornament in the hand of the
which they loudly complained Lord, and a royal diadem in the
as their portion : therefore in hand of thy God.
their land shall they possess a 4 Thou shalt not be termed
twofold (portion) ; everlasting any more “ Forsaken,” and thy
joy shall be granted unto them. land shall not be termed any
8 For I the Lord love justice, more “ Desolate;” for thou shale
I hate robbery with burnt-offer- be called “ My delight in her”
ing: therefore will I give them [Chephzi-bah], and thy land
the recompense of their work in “ Espoused” [Be’ulah] ; for the
truth, and an everlasting cove- Lord will have delight in thee,
nant will I make with them. and thy land shall be espoused.
9 And among the nations 5 For as a young man espous-
shall their seed be known, and eih a virgin, so shall thy sons
their offspring in the midst of espouse thee ; and as the bride-
the people: all that see them groom is glad over the bride, so
shall acknowledge them, that will be glad over thee thy God.
6 Over thy walls, 0 Jerusa- parel, and (why are) thy gar-
lem, have I appointed watch- ments as of one that treadeth
men, all the day and all the the wine-press ?
night, continually, shall they 3 “ I have trodden the vat
not be silent ye that make men- alone, and of the nations there

tion of the Lord, take ye no rest. was no man with me; and I
7 And give him no rest, until trod them down in my anger,
he have established, and until and I trampled on them in my
he have set up Jerusalem as a fury and their blood was sprin-

praise on the earth. kled on my garments, and all

8 Sworn hath the Lord by my raiments have I stained.
his right hand, and by the arm 4 For the day of vengeance
of his strength, I will not give was in my heart, and the year
thy corn any more as food for of my redeemed was come.
thy enemies, and the sons of the 5 And I looked, and there
stranger shall not drink thy was no one to help, and I was
young wine for which thou hast astonished, and there was no
laboured ;
one to support: and then my
9 But they who gather it shall own arm aided me, and my fury
eat it, and praise the Lord and ;

this it was that upheld me.
they who bring it together shall 6 And I stamped down na-
drink it in the courts of my tions in my anger, and I made
sanctuary. them drunken with my fury,
10 Pass, pass through the and brought down to the earth
gates, make clear the way of the their victorious strength.”
people, cast up, cast up, the high- 7 The kindnesses of the Lord
way, remove away the stones, will 1 mention, the praises of the
lift up a banner over the na- Lord, in accordance with all
tions. that the Lord hath bestowed on
11 Behold, the Lord hath us,and the abundant goodness
caused to be heard unto the toward the house of Israel, which
ends of the earth, “ Say ye to he hath bestowed on them ac-
the daughter of Zion, Behold, cording to his mercies, and the
thy salvation cometh :behold abundance of his kindnesses.
his reward is with him, and his 8 And he said, “ Surely they
recompense before him.” are my people, children that will
12 And they shall call them, not lie ;” and he became to them
“ The holy people, The redeem- a Saviour.
ed of the Lord and thou shalt 9 In all their affliction he was
be called “ Sought for” [Deru- afflicted, and the angel of his
sha], “ The city never forsaken.” presence saved them in his love

and in his pity he redeemed

CHAPTER LXIII. them and he bore them, and he

1 Who is this that cometh carried them all the days of old.
from Edom, dyed red in his gar- 10 But they rebelled, and
ments from Bozrah ?
rious in
apparel, moving
—glo- grieved his holy Spirit and he
changed himself to become their

along in the greatness of his enemy, and he himself fought

strength ? “ I who speak in against them.
righteousness, mighty to save.” 11 Then remembered his peo-
2 Why is redness on thy ap- ple the ancient days of Moses,
"Where is he that brought them CHAPTER LXIV.
up out of the sea with the shep- 1 As tire is kindled on brush
herd of his fiock? where is he wood, as water is made to bub-
that put within him his holy ble up by fire to make thy—
Spirit ? name known to thy adversaries,
.12 That displayed by the that at thy presence nations
right hand of Moses his glori- might tremble !

ous arm that divided the water

; 2 (As) when thou didst fear-
before them, to make unto him- ful deeds which we had not
self an everlasting name ? looked for, thou earnest down,
13 That led them through the (while) at thy presence moun-
deeps, as a horse through the tains melted away;
wilderness, that the}' should not 3 Yea! what from the begin-
stumble ? ning of the world men had not
14 As a beast goeth down heard, not perceived by their
into the valley, so did the spirit hearing; no eye (also) had seen
of the Lord bring them to rest: a god beside thee, who could do
thus didst thou guide thy peo- (the like) for the one that wait-
ple, to make unto thyself a glo- eth for him.
rious name. 4 Thou acceptest him that re-
15 Look down from heaven, joiceth and worketh righteous-
and behold, from the habitation ness, those that remember thee
of thy holiness and of thy glory : in thy ways: behold, thou wasA
where are thy zeal and thy wroth, for we had sinned on
mights, the yearning of thy them continually ; and can we
bowels and of thy mercy which thus be saved ?
are now restrained from me? 5 And we are become like an
16 For thou art our father; unclean man all of us, and like
for Abraham knoweth nothing a soiled garment, all our right-
of us, and Israel recogniseth us eousnesses; and we wither like
not: thou, 0 Lord, art our fa- a leaf all of us and our iniqui-

ther, our Redeemer from ever- ties, like the wind, will bear us
lasting is thy name. away.
17 Why hast thou let us go 6 And there is none that call-
astray, 0 Lord, from thy ways, upon thy name, that stirreth
suffered our heart to be hardenedhimself up to lay hold of thee
against thy fear? Return forfor thou hast hidden thy face
the sake of thy servants, the from us, and hast let us melt
tribes of thy heritage. away, through the force of our
18 Rut a brief space were thy iniquities.
holy people in possession, when 7 But now, 0 Lord, our fa-
our adversaries trod down thy ther art thou; w e are the clay, r

sanctuary. and thou our fashioner ; and the

19 We are become as though work of thy hand are we all.
we are those over whom thou 8 Be not wroth, 0 Lord, so
hast never ruled, over whom thy very greatly, and do not for ever
name hath noA been called. Oh remember (our) iniquity: be-
that thou mightest rend the hold, look, we beseech thee, thy
heavens, come down : at thy people are we all.
presence would mountains (then) 9 Thy holy cities are become
melt away. a wilderness, Zion is become a
54 637
wilderness, Jerusalem, a deso-| 8 Thus hath said the Lord,
late place. |
A s the new wine is found in the
10 Our holy and our beautiful cluster of grapes, and one saith,

where our fathers praised Destroy it not, for a blessing is
thee, is burnt up with fire ; and in it : so will I do for the sake
all our costly things are become of my servants, that I will not
ruins. destroy the whole
Wilt thou for these things 9 And I let come forth out of
refrain thyself, 0 Lord? wilt Jacob a seed, and out of Judah
thou be silent, and afflict us so an inheritor of ray mountains
very greatly ? and my elect shall inherit it, and
my servants shall dwell there.
CHAPTER LXV. 10 And Sharon shall become
1 *f I allowed myself to be a fold of flocks, and the valley
sought by those that asked not; of ’Achor a resting-place for
I let myself be found by those herds, for my people that have
that sought me not: I said, sought me.
“ Here am I, here am I,” unto a 11 But ye who forsake the
nation that called itself not by Lord, who forget my holy
my name. mountain, that set out a table
2 I spread out my hands all for the god of Fortune, and that
the time unto a rebellious peo- fill for Destiny the drink-offer-
ple, that walk in the way which ing :
is not good, after their own 12 Yea, I will destine you to
thoughts the sword, and all of you shall
3 (To) the people that pro- kneel down to the slaughter
voke me to anger to my face because when I called, ye did
continually ;
that sacrifice in not answer; when I spoke, ye
gardens and burn incense upon did not hear; but ye did what
(altars of) brick, is evil in my eyes, and that
4 That sit about among the wherein I had no delight did ye
graves, and lodge in the vaults, choose.
that eat the flesh of the swine, 13 •[ Therefore thus hath said
and (have) broth of abomina- the Lord Eternal, Behold, my
tions (in) their vessels; servants shall eat, but ye shall
5 That say, “ Stand by thy- be hungry ; behold, my servants
self, come not near to me ; for I shall drink, but ye shall be
am holier than thou.’’ These thirsty ; behold, my servants
are a smoke in my nose, a fire shall rejoice, but ye shall be
that burneth all the time. made ashamed
6 Behold, it is written before 14 Behold, my servants shall
me ; I will not keep silence, till sing for joy of heart, but ye
I hav'i recompensed, yea, recom- shall cry out from pain of heart,
pensed into their bosom, and from a broken spirit shall
7 Your iniquities and the in- ye howl
iquities of your fathers together, 1 5 And ye shall leave behind

saith the Lord, who have burnt your name for an oath unto my
incense upon the mountains, and elect ones, when the Lord Eter-
upon the hills have blasphemed nal will slay thee ; but his ser-
me and I will measure out their vants will he call by another

work at first into their bosom. name.

16 Whoever be that
there 25 The wolf and the lamli
biesseth himself on the earth shall feed together, and the lion
shall bless himself by the true shall like the bullock eat straw :
God; and that sweareth on the —
and the serpent dust shall be
earth shall swear by the true They shall not hurt
his food.
God ; because the former trou- nor destroy in all my holy
bles are forgotten, and because mountain, saith the Lord.
they are hidden from my eyes.
17 For, behold, I will create CHAPTER LXYI.
new heavens and a new earth 1 Thus hath said the Lord,
and the former shall not be re- The heaven is my throne, and
membered, nor come into mind the earth is my foot-stool where :

18 But be ye glad and rejoice is there a house that ye can

unto all eternity in what I cre- build unto me ? and where is the
for, behold, I will create place of my rest ?
Jerusalem for rejoicing, and her 2 For all these things hath
people for gladness. my hand made, that all these
19 And I will rejoice over Je- things came into being, saith
rusalem, and be glad in my peo- the Lord; but upon such a one
ple: and there shall not be will I look, upon the poor, and
heard in her any more the voice him who is of a contrite spirit,
of weeping, nor the voice of and who trembleth at my word.
complaint. 3 He that slaughtereth the
20 There shall no more come ox, slayeth a man he that sa-

thence an infant of few days, crificeth a lamb, breaketh the

nor an old man that shall not neck of a dog; he that offer -

have the full length of his days eth a meat-offering, (offereth)

for as a lad shall one die a hun- swine’s blood; he that burnetii
dred years old and as a sinner incense, biesseth an idol yea,
; :

shall be accursed he who (dieth) they have made choice of their

at a hundred years old. own ways, and in their abomi-
21 And they shall build nations doth their soul delight.
houses, and inhabit them and
4 So will I also make choice
they shall plant vineyards, and of their misfortune, and what
eat their fruit. they dread will I bring upon
22 They shall not build, and them ; because I called, and
another inhabit they shall not none did answer I spoke, and
; ;

plant, and another eat; for as they did not hear; and they did
the days of a tree are the days what is evil in my eyes, and
of my people, and the work of that in which I delighted not
their hands shall my elect wear did they choose.
out. 5 Hear the word of the Lord,
23 They shall not toil in vain, ye that tremble at his word:
nor bring forth unto an early Your brethren that hated you,
death for the seed of the bless- that cast you out for the sake

ed of the Lord are they, and of my name, said, “ Let the

their offspring with them. Lord be glorified ;” but he will
24 And it shall come to pass, appear to your joy, and they
that before yet they call will I shall be made ashamed.
answer and while they are still
6 (There is) a voice of tumult
speaking will I hear. from the city, a voice from the
Lord will be like the storm-wind, to
temple, the voice of the
who rendereth recompense to send forth his anger with fury,
his enemies. and his threatening with flames
7 Before she had travailed of fire.
she brought forth ;
before yet 16 For by fire will the Lord
her pain was come, she was de- judge, and by his sword against
livered of a man-child. all flesh : and many shall be the
8 Who hath heard the like? slain of the Lord.
who hath seen such things ? They that sanctify them-
shall a land be made to travail selves, and purify themselves
in one day ? or shall a nation be for the gardens, behind one tree
born at once ? that Zion hath in the midst, they who
eat the
travailed, also brought forth her flesh of the swine, and the abo-
children ? mination, and the mouse, toge-
9 Shall I bring to the birth, ther shall they perish, saith the
and not cause to bring forth ? Lord.
saith the Lord ; or shall I who 18 And I, because of their
cause to bring forth, now pre- works and their thoughts, will
vent it? saith thy God. let it comepass to gather all
10 Rejoice ye with Jerusa- the nations and tongues and :

lem, and be delighted over her, they shall come, and shall see
all ye that love her; be highly my glory.
glad with her, all ye that mourn 19 And I will display a sign
for her. on them, and I will send from
11 In order that ye may suck, them those that escape unto the
and be satisfied with the breast nations, Tharshish, Pul, and
of her consolations ; in order Lud, that draw the bow, Thu-
that ye may sip, and find plea- bal, and Yavan, the isles afar
sure from the abundance of her off, that have not heard my
glory. fame, and have not seen my
12 For thus hath said the glory ; and they shall pro-
Lord, Behold, I will extend to claim my glory among the na-
her peace like a river, and like tions.
a rapid stream the glory of na- 20 And they shall bring all
tions, that ye may suck : upon your brethren out of all nations
the arm shall ye be borne, and as an offering unto the Lord,
upon knees shall ye be dan- upon horses, and in chariots,
dled. and in litters, and upon mules,
13 As one whom his mother and upon dromedaries, to my
comforteth, so will I comfort holy mountain Jerusalem, saith
you: and in Jerusalem shall ye the Lord, as the children of
be comforted. Israel bring the offering in a
14 And ye shall see this, and clean vessel into the house of the
your heart shall be glad, and Lord.
your bones shall flourish like 21 And of them also will I
the grass; and then will be take for priests and for Levites,
known the hand of the Lord on saith the Lord.
his servants, and he will be in- 22 For as the new heavens
dignant toward his enemies. and the new earth, which I will
15 For, behold, the Lord will make, shall have permanence
come with fire, and hi*’, chariots before me, saith the Lord, so

shall existpermanently your against me; for their worm shall

seed and your name. not die, nor shall their fire be
23 And it shall come to pass, quenched and they shall be an :

that from one new moon to the abhorrence unto all flesh.
other new moon, and from one sab- 23 [And it shall come to pass,
bath to the other sabbath, shall that from one new moon to the
all flesh come to prostrate them- other new moon, and from one
selves before me, saith the Lord. sabbath to the other sabbath,
24 And they shall go forth, shall all flesh come to prostrate
and look upon the carcasses of themselves before me, saith the
the men that have transgressed Lord.]


7TDT 1£3D.

nal ! behold, I know not how to

CHAPTER I. speak (but) a lad.
for I am
1 The words of Jeremiah 7 And the Lord said unto
the son of Chilkiyahu, one of me, Say not, I am (but) a lad;
the priests that were in ’Ana- but to whomsoever I may send
thoth in the land of Benjamin thee shalt thou go, and whatso-

2 To whom the word of the ever I may command thee shalt

Lord came in the days of Jo- thou speak.
siah the son of Amon the king 8 Be not afraid because of
of Judah, in the thirteenth year them ; for I am with thee to de-
of his reign, liver thee, saith the Lord.
3 And who continued (pro- 9 And the Lord stretched
phet) in the days of Yehoyakim forth his hand, and touched
the son of Josiah the king of (me) therewith on mouth; my
Judah, until the end of the and the Lord said unto me, Be-
eleventh year of Zedekiah the hold, I have put my words in
son of Josiah the king of Judah, thy mouth.
until the carrying away into 10 See, I have appointed thee
exile of Jerusalem in the fifth this day over the nations and
month. over the kingdoms, to root out,
4 And the word of the Lord and to pull down, and to destroy,
came unto me, saying, and to throw down : to build up,
5 Before yet I had formed and to plant.
thee in thy mother’r body I 1 1 And the word of the
knew thee and before thou
Lord came unto me, saying.
wast yet come forth out of the What seest thou, Jeremiah?
womb I sanctified thee a pro- : And I said, A staff of an al-
phet unto the nations did I or- mond-tree do I see.
dain thee. 12 And the Lord said unto
6 And I said, Ah, Lord Eter- me, Thou hast well seen for I ;

54 * 2 b 2 641

am watching over my word

2 Go and call out before the
perform it. ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus
13 And the word of the hath said the Lord, I remember
Lord came unto me the second unto thee the kindness of thy
time, saying, What seest thou ? youth, the love of thy espousals,
And I said, seething pot do I thy going after me in the wilder-
see,* and the front thereof is ness, through a land that is not
turnod from the north. sown.
14 And the Lord said unto 3 A holy thing is Israel unto
me, Out of the north shall the the Lord, the first of his fruits
evil break forth over all the in- all that devour him shall incur
habitants of the land. guilt evil shall come over them,

15 For, lo, I will call unto all saith the Lord.

the families of the kingdoms of 4 Hear ye the word of the
the north, saith the Lord: and Lord, 0 house of Jacob, and all
they shall come, and they shall ye families of the house of Is-
set every one his throne at the rael.
entrance of the gates of Jerusa- 5 Thus hath said the Lord,
lem, and upon all its walls round What fault did your fathers find
about, and upon (those of) all in me, that they went away far
the cities of Judah. from me, and walked after van-
16 And I will call them to ity, and became vain ?
account touching all their wick- 6 That they said not, Where
edness, in that they have for- is the Lord that brought us up
saken me, and have burnt in- out of the land of Egypt, that
cense unto other gods, and have led us through the wilderness,
bowed down unto the works of through a land of deserts and
their own hands. of wildness, through a land of
17 But do thou gird up thy drought, and of the shadowT of
loins, and arise, and speak unto death, through a land through
them all that I may command which no one had passed, and
thee be not discouraged be-
where no man had dwelt?
cause of them, le^t I humble 7 And I brought you into the
thee before them. land of fruitful fields, to eat its
18 But I, behold, I have made fruit and its goodly products;
of thee this day a fortified city, but ye came and ye made un-
and an iron pillar, and brazen clean my land, and my heritage
walls over the whole land, ye rendered an abomination.
against the kings of Judah, 8 The priests said not, Where
against its princes, against its is the Lord? and they that
priests, and against the people handle the law knew me not
of the land. and the shepherds transgressed
19 And (although) they fight against me ; and the prophets
ngainsi thee, they shall not pre- prophesied in the name of Ba’al,
vail against thee for with thee
and after things that cannot
am I, saith the Lord, to deliver profit did they walk.
thee. 9 Therefore will I contend
yet farther with you, saith the
CHAPTER II. Lord, and with your children’s
1 And the word of the Lord children will I contend.
came to me, saying, 10 For pass over to the isles

of the and see; and break thy yoke, did I burst

unto Kedar send, and consider asunder thy bands; and thou
well and see if any thing like saidst, I will not transgress

this hath happened. nevertheless upon every high

11 Hath a nation exchanged hill and under every green tree
its gods, which are yet no gods? thou makest thy bed, as harlot.
and (still) my people hath ex- 21 Yet I had planted thee as
changed its glory for that which a branch of a noble vine, wholly
cannot profit. * of the proper seed but how art

12 Be astonished, 0 ye hea- thou changed unto me intc a

vens, at this, and let your hair degenerate plant of an ignoble
stand at an end, be ye greatly vine ?
terrified, saith the Lord. 22 For though thou wash thy-
13 For two evils have my self with natron, and take for
people committed me have: thyself much soap yet would

they forsaken, the source of liv- the stain of thy iniquity remain
ing waters, to hew out for them before me, saith the Lord Eternal.
selves cisterns, broken cisterns, 23 How canst thou say, I am
that cannot hold water. not become unclean, after the
14 Is Israel a servant ? or Be’aliui have I not gone ? see
one born (to servitude) in the thy way in the valley, know
house ? why hath he been given what thou hast done (like) a :

up toplunder ? swift dromedary bound fast to

15 (That) over him young her ways
lions roared, let their voice re- 24 (Like) a wild ass used to
sound, and changed his land in- the wilderness, that at her plea-
to a waste, that his cities are sure snuffeth up the wind her
burnt, left without an inhabitant? lust —who can turn this away ?

16 Even the children of Noph all they that seek her will not
and Thachpanches have crushed weary themselves in her month

the crown of thy head. will they find her.

17 Hast thou not procured 25 “ Prevent thy foot from
this unto thyself, through thy being unshod, and thy throat
forsaking the Lord thy God, from being thirsty but thou
while he was leading thee on the saidst, It is useless no, for I :

(right) way? have loved strangers, and after

18 And now what hast thou them will I go.
to do on the way of Egypt, to 26 As the thief is ashamed
drink the waters of Shichor? when he is found, so have the
and what hast thou to do on the house of Israel been made
way of Asshur, to drink the ashamed, they, their kings, their
waters of the river ? princes, and their priests, and
19 Thy own wickedness shall their prophets,
chastise thee, and thy backslid- 27 Who say to the wood,
ings shall correct thee and thou Thou art my father and to the
; ;

shalt know and see that evil and stone, Thou hast brought us
bitter was thy forsaking the forth; for they have turned
Lord thy God, while the dread their back unto me, and not
of me was not upon thee, saith their face; but in the time of
the Lord Eternal of hosts. their misfortune will they say,
20 Because from yore did I Arise, and save us.

28 But where are then thy (clasped) over thy head for the

gods that thou hast made for Lord hath rejected those on
thyself? let them arise, if they whom thou trustest, and thou
can save thee in the time of thy shalt not prosper with them.
misfortune for equal to the

number of thy cities were thy CHAPTER III.

gods, 0 Judah. 1 One could say, Behold, if a
29 ^ Wherefore will ye con- man send away his wife, and she
tend with me? all of you have go from him, and become another
transgressed against me, saith man’s, can he return unto her
the Lord. again ? would not that land be
30 To no purpose have I smit- greatly polluted? and thou hast
ten your children ; correction played the harlot with many
they accepted not your sword companions, and wilt yet return

hath devoured your prophets, to me, saith the Lord.

like a destroying lion. 2 Lift up thy eyes unto the
31 O (present) generation, re- mountain-tops, and see where
gard ye the word of the Lord. thou hast not been lain with.
Have I been a wilderness unto On public rcfads hast thou sat for
Israel ? a land of deep darkness ? them, as the Arab in the wilder-
wherefote say my people, We ness and thou hast polluted the

wander about ; we cannot come land with thy incests and with
any more unto thee? thy wickedness.
32 Can a virgin forget her 3 And (though) the early
ornament, or a bride her deco- showers were withholden, and
rations? yet my people have the latter rain came not :
forgotten me days without num- hadst thou a forehead of an in-
ber. cestuous wife, thou refusedst to
33 Why orna men test thou thy feel shame.
way to seek for love ? truly even 4 Wilt thou not from this time
'to the worst hast thou used thy- call out unto me, My father, the
self as thy ways. guide of my youth art thou ?
34 Also on thy skirts is found 5 Will he bear grudge for
the blood of the souls of the in- ever ? will he keep it to eter-
nocent needy ones :not while nity ? Behold, thou hast spoken
breaking in (thy house) didst (this), and yet hast done the
thou find them ; but for all these things that are evil as much as
things. thou wast able.
35 Yet thou sayest, Yea, I 6 And the Lord said unto
am innocent, surely his anger is me in the days of Josiah the
already turned away from me. king, Hast thou seen what back-
Behold, I will hold judgment sliding Israel hath done ? she is
with thee, because thou sayest, gone upon every high mountain
t have not sinned. and under every green tree, and
36 Why makest thou thyself hath played the harlot there.
so very low to change thy way ? 7 And I thought that after she
also because of Egypt shalt thou had done all these things, sho
be made ashamed, as thou wast would return unto me. But she
put to shame because of Assyria. returned not. And this saw her
37 Also from this one shalt treacherous sister J-udRh.
thou go forth, with thy hands 8 And I saw, that, although
because backsliding Israel had nant of the Lord ;” nor shall if

committed adultery I had sent come any more to mind nor ;

her away, and given her bill of shall they remember it nor shall

divorce unto her, still treacher- they mention it; nor shall any
ous Judah her sister feared not, thing be done any more (with
but went and played herself the it).
harlot also. 17 At that time shall they call
9 And it came to pass through Jerusalem, The throne of the
her giddy incest, that she de- Lord: and all the nations shall
filed the land, and committed be gathered unto it, to the name
adultery with stone and with of the Lord, to Jerusalem and ;

wood. they shall not walk any more

10 And yet with all this her after the stubbornness of their
treacherous sister Judah hath evil heart.
not returned unto me with all 18 J/c those days shall the

her heart, but with falsehood,](house of dudah walk with the

saith the Lord. house of Izrael, and they shall
11 And the Lord said unto come together out of the land of
me, The backsliding Israel hath the north unto the land that I
justified herself through the trea- have given for an inheritance
cherous Judah. unto your fathers.
12 Go and proclaim these 19 But I had thought, IIow
words toward the north, and say. shall I establish thee among the
Return, thou backsliding Israel, (other) sons (of man), and give
saith the Lord : I will not cause thee a desirable land, a heritage
my anger to fall upon you ; for of glory of the hosts of nations ?
I am full of kindness, saith the and I thought, My father thou
Lord, I will not bear grudge for wouldst call me, and that from
ever. me thou wouldst not turn away.
13 Only acknowledge thy in- 20 But truly as a wife trea-,
iquity, that against the Lord cherously departeth from her
thy God thou hast rebelled, and husband, so have ye dealt trea-
hast scattered thy ways to the cherously with me, 0 house of
strangers under every green tree, Israel, saith the Lord.
and that unto my voice ye have 21 A voice is now heard upon
not hearkened, saith the Lord. the mountain-tops, the suppli-
14 Return, 0 backsliding chil- catory weeping of the children
dren, saith the Lord for I am of Israel
for they have per-

become your husband and I verted their way, they have for-

will take you one of a city, and gotten the Lord their God.
two of a family, and bring you 22 Return, ye backsliding chil-
to Zion dren, I will heal your backslid-
15 And I will give you shep- ings. “Behold, we come unto
herds after my own heart, and thee; for thou art the Lord aur
they shall feed you with know- God.
ledge and intelligence. 23 Truly deceptive was (what
16 And it shall come to pass, we hoped for) from the hills, and
when ye multiply and increase the multitude on the mountains:
in the land, in those days, saith truly in the Lord our God ig
the Lord, that men shall not say the salvation of Israel.
any more, “The ark of the cove- 24 And shame hath devoured
Ihe acquisition fathers his thicket, and the destroyer
of our
from our youth, their flocks and of nations hath commenced his
their herds, their sons and their march, he is gone forth from his
daughters. place, to make thy land deso-
25 We
lie down in our shame, late; and thy cities shall be laid
and our confusion covereth us; waste, left without an inhabit-
for against the Lord our God ant.
have we sinned, we and our fa- 8 For this gird yourselves with
thers, from our youth even until sackcloths, lament and wail for •

this day ; and we have not heark- the fierce anger of the Lord is
ened to the voice of the Lord not turned away from us.
our God.” 9 And it shall come to pass
on that day, saith the Lord, that
CHAPTER IV. the heart of the king and the
1 If thou wilt return, 0 Israel, heart of the princes shall fail
eaith the Lord, unto me must and the priests shall be asto-
thou return; and if thou wilt nished, and the prophets shall
put away thy abominations out wonder.
of my sight, then shalt thou not 19 Then said I, Ah, Lord
wander about (any more), Eternal surely thou hast greatly

2 And if thou wilt swear, As deceived this people and Jerusa-

the Lord Uveth, in truth, in just- lem, saying, Ye shall have peace;
ice, and in righteousness then whereas the sword reacheth unto

shall nations bless themselves in the soul.

him, and in him shall they glo- 11 At that time shall be an-
rify themselves. nounced to this people and to
3 For thus hath said the Jerusalem a dry wind from the
Lord to the men of Judah and mountain-peaks in the wilder-
to Jerusalem, Plough up your ness, (coming) on the road to
fallow ground, that ye may not the daughter of my people; not
sow among thorns. to winnow, nor to cleanse (the
4 Circumcise yourselves to the corn)
Lord, and remove the obduracy 12 A strong wind from these
of your heart, dye men of Ju- places shall come unto me now :

dah and inhabitants of Jerusa- also will I myself pronounce

lem lest my fury come forth judgment against them.

like fire, and burn so that none 13 Behold, like clouds shall he
can quench it, because of the come up, and like a whirlwind
evil of your doings. shall be his chariots swifter:

5 Tell ye in Judah, and pub- than eagles are his horses. “Wo
lish in Jerusalem, and say, Blow unto us for we are wasted.”

ye the cornet in the land call :14 Wash from wrong doing
out, gather together, and say, thy heart, 0 Jerusalem, in order
Assemble yourselves, and let us that thou mayest be saved. IIovv
go into the fortified cities. long wilt thou let lodge within
6 Set up the standard toward thee the thoughts of thy wicked-
Zion save yourselves by flight, ness ?

stay not; for evil do I bring 15 For a voice declareth from

from the north, and a great de- Dan, and publisheth unhappi-
struction. ness from the mountain of
7 The lion is come up from Ephraim.
16 Make ye mention of it to presence of the Lord, because
the nations; behold, let it be of the fierceness of his anger.
heard against Jerusalem, that 27 For thus hath said the
beleaguerers come from a far-off Lord, Desolate shall be the
country, and send forth their whole land; yet a full end will
voice against the cities of Ju- I not make.
dah. 28 For this shall mourn the
17 As keepers of a field are earth, and black shall be the
they against her round about; heavens above; because I have
because against me hath she been spoken have purposed it,
it, I
rebellious, saith the Lord. and I and I will
will not repent,
18 Thy way and thy doings not turn back from it.
have procured these things unto 29 From the noise of horse-
thee this is thy wickedness, men and those that shoot with

which is so bitter, which so the bow fleet.h the Avhole city

reacheth unto thy heart. they go into thickets, and climb
19 My bowels, ray bowels! up upon the rocks every city is :

I am shaken, at the very cham- forsaken, and not a man dwell-

bers of my heart; my heart beat- eth therein.
eth tumultuously in me; I can- 30 And thou, 0 wasted one,
not remain silent; because the what wilt thou do? Though
sound of the cornet hast thou thou clothe thyself with scarlet,
heard, 0 my soul, the alarm of though thou adorn thyself with
war. ornaments of gold, though thou
20 Ruin upon ruin is called encircle with paint thy eyes in :

out; for the whole land is wasted: vain shalt thou make thyself
suddenly are my tents wasted, beautiful the adulterers will

and in a moment, my curtains. despise thee, thy life will they

21 How long shall I see the seek.
standard, hear the sound of the 31 For a voice as of a woman
cornet ? in travail have I heard, the an-
22 “ Because my people is guish as of one that bringeth
foolish, me have they not known ;
forth her first child, the voice of
sottish children are they, and the daughter of Zion, that groan-
they have not any understand- eth, that spreadeth out her hands,
ing : wise are they to do evil, (saying,) “Wois me now! for
but how to do good tb-sy do not my soul succumbeth to the mur-
know.” derers.”
23 I look at the earth, and,
without form and void;
lo, it is
and toward the heavens, and Roam
about through the
their light is gone. streets of Jerusalem, and see
24 I look at the mountains, now, and notice, and search in
and, lo, they tremble, and all its broad places, if ye can find
the hills are moved. one man, if there be one that
25 I look, and, lo, there is no executeth justice, that searcheth
man, and all the birds of the for truth and I will pardon it.

heavens are fled. 2 And though they say, “As

26 I look, and, lo, the fruitful the Lord liveth !” surely they
country is a wilderness, and all only swear to a falsehood.
its cities are laid waste at the 3 0 Lord! are not thy eyes
(directed) to the truth ? thou very treacherously against me,
didst strike them, but they felt saith the Lord.
it not; thou didst make an end 12 They have denied the Lord,
of them, (yet) th-ey refused to and said, “ He existeth not ;
accept correction :they made come over us and the
will evil ;

their faces harder than a rock, sword and famine shall we not
they refused to return. see.
4 Yet I myself thought. Oh 13 And the prophets shall be-
these are but poor; they are come wind, and the word is not
foolish; for they know not the in them thus shall it be done
way of the Lord, the ordinance unto them.
of their God. 14 Therefore thus hath said
5 I had better go unto the the Lord the God of hosts, Be-
great men, and let me speak with cause ye speak this word, behold,
them ; for these surely know the I will make my words in thy
way of the Lord, the ordinance mouth to be a fire, and this peo-
of their God; but these altoge- ple wood, and it shall devour
ther have broken the yoke, burst them.
the bands. 15 Lo, I will bring over you
6 Therefore slayeth them the a nation from afar, 0 house of
lion out of the forest, the wolf Israel, saith the Lord it is a :

of the deserts wasteth them, the mighty nation, it is a most an-

leopard lieth in wait against their cient nation, a nation whose lan-
cities every one that cometh
: guage thou wilt not know, and
out thence shall be torn in pieces; thou wilt not understand what
because many are their trans- they speak.
gressions, very numerous are 16 Their quiver is as an open
their backslidings. sepulchre they are all mighty

7 How shall I for this pardon men.

thee ? thy children have forsaken 17 And they shall consume
me, and sworn by those that are thy harvest, and thy bread; they
not gods when I had led them
: shall consume thy sons and thy
to the full, they then committed daughters they shall consume

adultery, and assembled them- thy flocks and thy herds; they
selves by troops in the harlot’s shall consume thy vines and thy
house. fig-trees; they shall depopulate
8 As robust horses they rose thy fortified cities, those where-
by times in the morning every in thou trustedst, with the sword.

one neighed after the wife of his 18 Nevertheless even in those

neighbour. days, saith the Lord, will I not
9 Shall I not for these things make a full end of you.
inflictpunishment ? saith the 19 And it shall come to pass,
Lord and shall on a nation when ye will say, For what rea-

such as this my soul not be son hath the Lord our God done
avenged ? all these things unto us? that
10 Scale ye her walls, and thou shalt say unto them, In the
destroy but make not a full end same manner as ye have forsaken

remove her young shoots; for me, and served strange gods in
they are not the Lord’s. your land, so shall ye serve
11 For the house of Israel and strangers in a land that is not
the house of Judah have dealt yours.
20 Announce this in the Lord or shall on a nation sucn :

house of Jacob, and publish it as this my soul not be avenged ?

in Judah, saying, 30 An astonishing and hor-
21 Ho now hear this, 0 sottish rible thing is committed in the
people, who have no heart; who land
have eyes, and see not; who have 31The prophets prophesy
ears, and hear not: falsely, and the priests bear rule
22 Will ye not fear me ? saith by their means and my people ;

the Lord; will ye not tremble at love to have it so but what will ;

my presence, who have placed ye do in the end thereof?

the sand as a bound for the sea
by an everlasting law, which it CHAPTER VI.
can never pass over ? and though 1 Assemble, 0 ye children
the waves thereof be upheaved, of Benjamin, to flee out of the
yet can they not prevail; though midst of Jerusalem, and in The-
they roar, yet can they not pass koa, blow the cornet, and on
over it. Beth-hakkerem set up a fire sig-
23 But this people hath a stub- nal ;
for evil is seen (coming)
born an.d a rebellious heart they : out of the north, and great
have departed (from the right) havoc..
and have gone their way. 2 The comely and the deli-
24 And they have not said in cate, the daughter of Zion do I
their heart, Let us now fear the destroy.
Lord our God, that giveth rain, 3 Unto her shall come shep-
the early and the latter rain, in herds with their flocks ; they
its season; the appointed weeks shall pitch their tents against
of the harvest doth he ever pre- her round about they shall feed ;

serve for us. otf every one in his own place.

25 Your iniquities have turned 4 Prepare ye war against her !

away these things, and your sins “ Arise, and let us go up at noon.
have withholden what is good Wo unto us for the day wan- !

from you. eth, for the shadows of the even-

26 For there are found among ing are stretched out.
my people wicked men they lie 5 Arise, and let us go up by

in wait, as he that layeth snares night, and let us destroy her pa-
they set a trap, they catch laces.”
men. 6 For thus hath said the Lord
27 As a coop is full of birds, of hosts, Cut ye down trees, and
so are their houses full of deceit: cast up a mound against Jeru-
therefore are they become great, salem this is the city whose

and grown rich. time of punishment is come;

28 They are grown fat, they she is full of oppression in her
are stout ; yea, they surpass even midst.
the deeds of the wicked they: 7 As a well sendeth forth its
pronounce no (just) sentence, waters, so doth she cause her
the sentence of the fatherless, wickedness to spring forth vio- :

that they might prosper and lence and robbery are heard in

the cause of the needy do they her; in my presence there are

not judge. continually disease and wounds.
29 Shall I not for these things 8 Be thou instructed, 0 Jeru-
infliit punishment? saith the salem, that my soul tear itself
55 2 C 649
not away from thee ; that I ren- Place ourselves on the ways,
der thee not desolate, a land and and ask after the an-
which is not inhabited. cient paths, where is the way
9 Thus hath said the Lord which is good, that ye may walk
of hosts, They shall thoroughly thereon, and find rest for ur
; :

glean like a vine the remnant of soul. But they said, Wc will
Israel: carry back thy hand as not walk (thereon).
a grape-gatherer frequently to 17 Then did I set watchmen
the baskets. over you, (saying,) Listen to the
10 To whom shall I speak, sound of the cornet. But they
and give warning, that they may said, We will not listen.
hear? behold, their ear is un- 18 Therefore hear, ye nations,
cireumcised, and they cannot be and know, 0 assembly, what
attentive : behold, the word of guilt is among them.
the Lord is become unto them 19 Hear, 0 earth ! behold, I
a reproach ; they have no de- will bring evil upon this. people,
light in it. the fruit of their thoughts; be-
11 And I am full of the fury cause unto my words have they
of the Lord ; I am weary with not been attentive, and as re-
sustaining it: (I must) pour it gardeth my law, — that have
out over the child in the street, they despised.
and over the assembly of young 20 To what purpose serveth
men together for even the hus-
me the frankincense which com-
band with the wife shall be eth from Sheba, and the sweet
seized, the aged with him that is cane from a far-off country ?
full of days. your burnt-offerings are not ac-
12 And their houses shall be ceptable, and your sacrifices are
transferred unto others, fields not agreeable unto me.
and wives together; for I will 21 Therefore thus hath said
stretch out my hand over the in- the Lord, Behold, I will place
habitants of the land, saith the before this people stumbling-
Lord. blocks, and thereon shall stum-
13 For from their least even ble the fathers and the sons to-
unto their greatest, every one is gether, the neighbour and his
given to covetousness ; and from friend, and they shall perish.
the prophet even unto the priest 22 Thus ha th said the Lord,
every one practiseth falsehood. Behold, a people is coming from
14 And they heal the breach the north country, and a great
of the daughter of my people nation shall wake up from the
very lightly, saying, Peace, 'farthest ends of the earth.
peace when there is no peace.
: 23 Bow and spear shall they
1 5 They should have been firmly grasp; cruel are the>,
ashamed, because they had com- and will have no mercy; their
rnitted an abomination but they
voice roareth like the sea; and
neither felt the least shame, nor upon horses do they ride set in

did they know how to blush : array as one man for the war,
therefore shall they fall among against thee, 0 daughter of
those that fall at the time that
I punish their sin shall they 24 We have heard the fame
stumble, saith the Lord. of him —our hands grow feeble
16 ^xhus hath said the Lord, anguish hath taken hold of us,
pain, as of a woman in giving 5 For if ye thoroughly amend
birth. your ways and your deeds if ;

25 Go not forth into the field, ye thoroughly execute justice

on the road must ye not walk ;
between a man and his neigh-
for (there is) the sword of the bour ;

enemy, terror on every side. 6 If ye oppress not the stran-

26 0 daughter of my
people, ger, the fatherless, and the wi-
gird thyself with sackcloth, and dow, and shed not innocent
roll thy^self in the ashes a : blood in this place, and walk
mourning as for an only son not after other gods to your own
prepare unto thee, a most bitter hurt
lamentation for suddenly will
7 Then will I permit you to
the destroyer come over us. dwell in this place, in the land
27 I have set thee for a tower that I have given to your fa-
and a fortress among my peo- thers, from eternity to eternity.
ple, that thou mayest know and 8 Behold, ye rely on the
probe their way. words of falsehood, that cannot
28 They all are grievous re- profit.
volters, going about as tale- 9 How?
will ye steal, mur-
bearers, copper and iron they: and commit adultery, and
all are corrupt. swear falsely, and burn incense
29 The bellows are burnt, by unto Ba’al, and walk after other
the fire the lead is consumed in gods of which ye have had no

vain the melter refineth for knowledge

; ;

the wicked are not separated 10 And (then) come and stand
away. beforemy presence in this house,
30 Refuse silver men call which is called by my name,
them because the Lord hath
and say, “We are delivered j”
rejected them. in order to do all these abomi-
nations ?
CHAPTER VII. 11 Is then this house, which
1 f The word that came to is called by my name, become a
Jeremiah from the Lord, say- den of robbers in your eyes ?
mg, (But) I also, behold, I have seen
2 Place thyself in the gate of it, saith the Lord.
the house of the Lord, and pro- 12 For go ye now unto my
claim there this word, and say, place which was in Shiloh, where
Hear the word of the Lord, all I caused my name to dwell at
ye of Judah, that enter in by the first, and see what I did un-

these gates to bow down before to it because of the wickedness

the Lord. of my people Israel.
3 Thus hath said the Lord 13 And now, whereas ye have
of hosts, the God of Israel, done all these acts, saith the
Amend your ways and your Lord, and I spoke unto you,
deeds, and I will permit you to causing (the prophets) to rise up

dwell in this place. early and speaking, while ye


4 (But) do not rely on the would not hear: and I called

words of falsehood, saying, The' you, but ye would not answer
temple of the Lord, The tem-j 14 Therefore will I do unto
pie of the Lord, The temple this house, which is called by
of tne Lord, (as) they (say). imy name, whereon ye rely, and
unto the place which I have unto me for a j eople and walk

given to you and to your fathers, ye altogether on the way which

as I have done to Shiloh. I may command you, in ordei
15 And I will cast you out of that it may be well unto you.
my presence, as I have cast out 24 Yet they hearkened not,
all your brethren, all the seed and inclined not their ear but ;

of Ephraim. they walked in the counsels, in

16 —
Rut thou pray not thou the stubbornness of their evil
in behalf of this people, nor lift heart and they went backward,

up in their behalf entreaty or and not forward

prayer, nor make intercession 25 Since the day that your
to me ;
for I will not hear thee. fathers came forth out of the
17 Dost thou not see what land of Egypt until this day;
they are doing in the cities of and I sent unto you all my
Judah and in the streets of Je- servants the prophets, sending
rusalem ? them daily in the morning
18 The children gather wood, early
and the fathers kindle the fire, 26 Yet they hearkened not
and the women knead dough, to unto me, and inclined not their
make cakes for the queen of ear; but they hardened their
heaven, and they pour out drink- neck they did worse than their

offerings unto other gods, in or- fathers.

der to provoke me to anger. 27 And if thou speak unto
19 Do they provoke me to an- them all these words, and they
ger? saith the Lord, (and) not will not hearken to thee and ;

themselves, to the shame of their if thou call unto them, and they
own faces ? will not answer thee :

20 Therefore tbus hath said 28 Then shalt thou say unto

the Lord Eternal, Behold my them, This is the nation that
anger and my fury shall be hearken not to the voice of the
poured out upon this place, over Lord their God, and accept not
man, and over beast, and over correction lost is the truth,

the trees of the field, and over and is obliterated from their
the fruit of the ground and it mouth.

shall burn, and it shall not be 29 Cut off thy flowing hair,
quenched. and cast it away, and take up
21 Thus hath said the Lord on mountain-tops a lamenta-
of hosts, the God of Israel, Add tion for rejected hath the Loru

your burnt-offerings unto your and forsaken the generation of

peace-sacrifices, and eat the flesh his wrath.
thereof. 30 For the children of Judah
22 For I spoke not with your have done what is evil in my
fathers, and I eyes, saith the Lord
commanded them they have:

not on the day of my

bringing set up their abominations in the
them out of the land of Egypt, house which is called by my
concerning burnt offering or sa- name, to pollute it.
31 And they have built the
23 But this thing did I com- high-places of Thophet, which
mand them, saying, Hearken to is in the valley of Ben-hinnom,
my voice, and I will be unto to burn their sons and their
you for a God, and ye shall be daughters in the fire; which I
had not commanded, and which* driven them, saith tbs Lord of
never came into my mind. hosts.
32 Therefore, behold days 4 And thoushalt say unto
are coming, saith the Lord, that them, Thus hath said the Lord,
it shall not be called any more Shall they fall, and not arise?
Thophet, or The valley of Ben- will he turn away, and not re-
hinnom, but The valley of turn ?

slaughter and they shall bury

: 5 Why then remaineth this
in Thophet, for want of room. people, Jerusalem, rebellious by
33 And the carcasses of this a perpetual backsliding ? they
people shall become food unto hold fast on deceit, they refuse
the fowls of the heavens, and to return.
unto the beasts of the earth, 6 I listened and heard, but
with none to chase them away. they would not speak aright;
34 And I will cause to cease no man repented him of his
from the cities of Judah, and wickedness, saying, What have
from the streets of Jerusalem, I done ? every one turned again
the voice of gladness, and the to his course, as the impetuous
voice of joy, the voice of the horse in the battle.
bridegroom, and the voice of the 7 Yea, the stork in the hea-
bride for a desert shall the land
vens knoweth her appointed
become. times; and the turtle, and the
swallow, and the crane observe
CHAPTER VIII. the time of their coming home
1 At that time, saith the but my people know not the or-
Lord, shall they bring out th.e dinance of the Lord.
bones of the kings of Judah, 8 How can ye say, We are
and the bones of his princes, wise, and the law of the Lord
and the bones of the priests, is with us ? Truly, behold in
and the bones of the prophets, vain wrought the pen, in vain
and the bones of the inhabit- the writers.
ants of Jerusalem, out of their 9 The wise men are ashamed,
graves. they are discouraged and caught
2 And they shall spread them lo, the word of the Lord have
out before the sun, and the they rejected and what wisdom

moon, and all the host of hea- have they (now) ?

ven, which they have loved, and 10 Therefore will I give their
which they have served, and wives unto others, their fields to
after which they have walked, conquerors; for from the least
and which they have sought, even unto the greatest, every
and to which they have pros- one is seeking his own gain
trated themselves they shall
: from the prophet even unto thv
not be gathered up, and they priest every one practisetli false-
shall not be buried ; dung upon hood.
the face of the ground shall they 11 And they heal the breach
become. of the daughter of my people
3 And death shall be prefer- very lightly, saying, Peace,
able to life, for all the residue peace when there is no peace.

of those that are left of this evil 12 They should have been
family, who are left in all the ashamed, because they had com-
places whither I shall have mitted abomination; but they
55 * 653
neither felt the least shame, nor 20 “ The harvest is past, the
did they know how to blush summer is ended, and we are not
therefore shall they fall among yet helped.”
those that fall at the time of
21 Because of the breach oi
their punishment shall they the daughter of my people am I
stumble, saith the Lord. broken I am grieved astonish-

13 I will surely make an ment hath taken fast hold on

end of them, saith the Lord me. :

(there shall be left) no grapes 22 Is there no more balm in

on the vine, and no figs on the Gil’ad ? or is no physician there ?
fig-tree, and the leaf shall with- why then is there not placed a
er; and the things that I have plaster (on the wound of) the
given them shall pass away from daughter of my people?
them. 23 ^ Oh that one would make
14 “ Why do we sit still ? as- my head water, and my eyes a
semble yourselves, and let us fountain of tears, that I might
enter into the fortified cities, weep day and night for the slain
and let us be silent there; for of the daughters of my people.
the Lord our God hath put us
to silence, and given us poison-
water to drink ; because we have 1 Oh that one would place me
sinned against the Lord. in the wilderness in a lodging-
15 We hoped for peace, but place of wayfaring men, that I
no happiness is here for a time might leave my people, and go

of cure, and behold here is ter- from them for all of them are

ror.” adulterers, a band of traitors.

16 From Dan was heard the 2 And they bend their tongues,
snorting of his horses; at the their bow of falsehood, and not
sound of the neighing of his for the truth are they valiant in
war-steeds trembleth the whole the land; for from evil to evil
land: and they are come, and do they proceed, and me they
devour the land, and all that know not, saith the Lord.
filleth it; the city, and those 3 ^ Take ye heed every one
that dwell therein. of his neighbour, and on any
17 For, behold, I will send brother place ye no reliance ; foi
out against you serpents, basi- every brother will surely sup-
lisks, for which there is no plant, and every neighbour will
charm, and they shall bite you, go about as a tale-bearer.
saith the Lord. 4 And they will deceive every
18 When I would cheer my- one his neighbour, and the truth
self up against sorrow, my heart will they not speak : they have
within me is pained. taught their tongue to speak
19 Behold (I hear) the voice falsehood, they weary themselves
of the complaint of the daughter to commit iniquity.
of my people (coming) out of a 5 Thy habitation is in the
far-off land : “Is the Lord not midst of deceit: through deceit
in Zion ? is her king no more in they refuse to know me, saith
her?” “Why have they provoked the Lord.
me to anger with their graven 6 Therefore thus hath said
images, and with the vanities of the Lord of hosts, Behold, I will
the stranger ?” melt them, and probe them; for
how (else) shall Ido because of And
15 I will scatter them
the daughter of my people ? among the nations, whom nei-
7 A murderous arrow is their ther they nor theii fathers have
tongue ;
(every one) speaketh known and I will send out
: after
deceit: with his mouth speaketh them the sword, till I have con-
he peaceably to his neighbour, sumed them.
but in his heart he layeth wait 16 Thus hath said the Lord
for him. of hosts, Considerit well, and

8 Shall I not for these things call for themourning women,

inflict punishment on them? saith that they may come and send ;

the Lord or shall not on a na-

: for the women skilled in lament,
tion such as this my soul be that they may come;
avenged ? 17 And let them make haste,
9 For the mountains will I and take up for us a lamentation,
take up a weeping and wailing, that our eyes may run down with
and for the habitations of the tears, and our eyelids drop down
wilderness a lamentation be- ;
cause they are burnt up, so that 18 For a voice of wailing is
no man can pass through them; heard out of Zion, “ How are w©
and they hear not the voice of wasted we are greatly ashamed;

the cattle both the fowls of the

: because we have forsaken the
heavens and the beasts are fled; land, because they have cast
they are gone away. down our dwellings.”
10 And I will change Jerusa- 19 For hear, 0 ye women, the
lem into heaps of ruins, a dwell- word of the Lord, and let your
ing for monsters; and the cities ear perceive the word of his
of Judah will I make desolate, mouth, and teach your daugh-
without an inhabitant. ters wailing, and every one her
11 Who is the wise man, neighbour lamentation.
that may understand this? and 20 For death is come up
who is he to whom the mouth of through our windows, is entered
the Lord hath spoken, that he into our palaces; to cut off the
may declare it : for what is the children from the street, the
land destroyed, burnt up like the young men from the open places.
wilderness, without one that 21 Speak, Thus saith the Lord,
passeth through ? Yea, the carcasses of men shall
12 And the Lord said, Be- lie as dung upon the open field,
cause they forsook my law which and as the sheaves (left) after
I had set before them, and heark- the harvestman, with none to
ened not to my voice, and walked gather them.
not therein 22 Thus hath said the Lord,
13 But have walked after the Let not the wise glorify himself
stubbornness of their own heart, in his wisdom, neither let th©
and after the Be’alim, which mighty man glorify himself in
their fathers had taught them. his might, let not the rich glorify
14 f Therefore thus hath said himself in his riches;
the Lord of hosts, the God of 23 But let him that glorifieth
Israel, Behold, I will feed them himself glory in this, that he
— this people, with wormwood, understandeth and knoweth me,
and give them poison-water to that I am the Lord who exercise
drink. kindness, justice, and righteous-
Hess, on the earth for in these King of the nations ? for to theo

things I delight, saith the Lord. doth it appertain ; because among

24 Behold, days are coming, all the wise men of the nations,
saith the Lord, that I will send and in all their kingdoms, (they
punishment on all the circum- say) there is none like unto thee.
cised who are (yet) uncircum- 8 But at once shall they be
cised ;
shown to be brutish and foolish :

25 On Egypt, and on Judah, it is a doctrine of vanities, it'

and on Edom, and on the chil- concernet-h but wood.
dren of ’Ammon, and on Moab, 9 The beaten out silver is
and all who have the locks of brought from Tharshish, and
their hair cut off round that gold from Uphaz, the work of
dwell in the wilderness for all the workman, and of the hands

these nations are uncircumcised, of the goldsmith blue and pur- :

and all the house of Israel are ple is their clothing; the work
uncircumcised in the heart. of skilful men are they all.
10 But the Lord Hod is the
X. truth, he is the living Hod, and
1 Hear
ye the word which the everlasting king at his :

the Lord hath spoken concern- wrath the earth shall quake, and
ing you, 0 house of Israel nations cannot endure his indig-
2 Thus hath said the Lord, nation.
Do not habituate yourselves on 11 Thus shall ye say unto
the way of the nations, and at them, The gods that have not
the signs of the heavens be ye made the heavens and the earth,
not dismayed although the na-
shall perish away from the earth,
tions should be dismayed at and from under these heavens.
them. 12 He made the earth by
3 For the statutes of these his power, he established the
people concern what is vanity; world by his wisdom, and by his
for it is but a tree which a man understanding he stretched out
hath cut out of a forest, the work the heavens.
of the hands of the workman, 13 At the sound when he giv-
with the axe. eth a multitude of waters in the
4 With silver and with gold heavens, and causeth clouds to
do they ornament it; with nails ascend from the ends of the
and with hammers do they fasten earth ; when he maketh light-
it, that it move not from its nings with rain, and bringeth
place. forth the wind out of his trea-
5 As a wrought-out palm-like sures :

column are they, and cannot 14 Then standeth every man

speak; they must needs be borne, as brutish without knowledge;
because they cannot step along. ashamed is every goldsmith be-
Be not afraid of them ; for they cause of the graven image ; for
cannot do any harm, so also to falsehood is his molten work, and
do any good is not in them. there is no breath therein.
6 Forasmuch as there is 15 They are vanity, the work
none like unto thee, 0 Lord of deception ; in the time of

thou (alone) art great, and great their punishment shall they van-
Is thy name might.
in ish.
7 Who would not fear thee, 0 16 Not like these is the por-
tion of Jacob ; for he is the XI. CHAPTER
former of all things; and Israel 1 The word that came to
ih the tribe of his inheritance Jeremiah from the Lord, say-
The Lord of hosts is his name. ing,
17 If Gather up thy wares from 2 Hear ye the words of this
the ground, 0 inhabitress of the covenant, and speak unto the
beleaguered city. men of Judah, and to the inha-
18 ^J» For thus hath said the bitants of Jerusalem;
Lord, Behold, I will cast forth 3 And say thou unto them,
as with a sling the inhabitants Thus hath said the Lord God of
of the land at this time, and I Israel, Cursed be the man that
will enclose them, in order that hearkeneth not to the words of
they may find them. this covenant,
19 Wo is me for my breach ! 4 Which I commanded your
my wound is painful but I ;
fathers on the day that I brought
thought, This is but pain, and I them forth out of the land of
shall be able to bear it. Egypt, out of the iron furnace,
20 (But now)'my tent is laid saying, Hearken to my voice,
waste, and all my cords are torn and do the same, in accordance
asunder my children are gone
with all which I may command
away from me, and they are not you ; and so shall ye be to me
(here) there is no one to stretch
for a people, and I will be to you
forth my tent any more, and to for a God;
set my curtains.
up 5 In order that I may fulfil
21 For the shepherds were the oath which I have sworn un-
brutish, and the Lord had the}7 to your fathers, to give unto them
not sought; therefore have they a land flowing with milk and
not prospered, and all their flocks honey, as it is this day. And I
are scattered. answered, and said, So be it, 0
22 Behold, the noise of the Lord.
report is come, and a great com- 6 Then said the Lord unto
motion out of the north country, me, Proclaim all these words in
to render the cities of Judah the cities of Judah, and in the
desolate, a dwelling for mon- streets of Jerusalem, saying,
sters. Hear ye the words of this cove-
23 I know, 0 Lord, that the nant, and do them.
way of man isnot in his own 7 For I earnestly warned your
power: it is not in man that fathers on the day that I brought
passeth away to direct his own them up out of the land of Egypt
steps. even until this day, sending
24 Correct me, 0 Lord, but out early and warning, saying,
with justice, not in thy anger, Hearken to my voice ;
lest thou bring me to nothing. 8 Yet they hearkened not, and
25 Pour out thy fury over the inclined not their ear, but walked
nations that know thee not, and every one in the stubbornness
over tht, families that have not of their evil heart: therefore did
called or thy name; for they I bring over them all the Avords
have eaten up Jacob, and de- of this covenant, which I com-
voured him, and consumed him, manded them to do; but Avhich
and have made his dwelling de- they did not.
solate. 9 And the Lord said unto
me,A conspiracy hath been found the Lord call thy name with :

among the men of Judah, and the noise of a great tumult hath
among the inhabitants of Jeru- he kindled fire around it, and
salem. they break off its branches.
10 They are returned again to 17 And the Lord of hosts,
the iniquities of their earlier that planted thee, hath decreed
forefathers, who had refused to evil against thee ; on account of
hearken to my words ; and they the wickedness of the house of
themselves are (also) gone after Israel and of the house of Ju-
other gods to serve them the
: dah, which they have done
house of Israel and the house of against themselves, to provoke
Judah have broken my cove- me to anger in offering incense
nant which I made with their unto Ba’al.
fathers. 18 And the Lord hath given
11 5[ Therefore thus hath said me knowledge of it, and I know
the Lord, Behold, I will bring it: then didst thou let me see
an evil upon them, from which their doings.
they shall not be able to rid 19 But I was like a sheep or
themselves; and they will cry an ox that is brought to the
unto me, but I will not hearken slaughter; and I knew not that
unto them. they had devised devices against
12 Then let the cities of Judah me, “ Let us destroy the tree
and the inhabitants of Jerusa- with its fruit, and let us cut him
lem go, and cry unto the gods off from the land of the living,
unto whom they offer incense ;
that his name may not be re-
but they shall not save them in membered any more.”
the least in the time of their dis- 20 But, 0 Lord of hosts,
tress. that judgest righteously, that tri-
13 For equal to the number est the reins and the heart, let
of thy cities were thy gods, 0 me see thy vengeance on them ;

Judah; and equal to the number for unto thee have I laid open
of the streets of Jerusalem ha ve my cause.
ye set up altars to the disgrace- 21 Therefore thus hath said
ful idol, altars, to burn incense the Lord concerning the men of
unto Ba’al. ’Anathoth, that seek thy life,

14 5[ But thou thou must not saying, “ Thou shalt not pro-
pray in behalf of this people, phesy in the name of the Lord,
neither lift up in their behalf en- that thou mayest not die by our
treaty or prayer for I will not hand:”

hear at the time that they call 22 Therefore thus hath said
unto me, because of their dis- the Lord of hosts, Behold, I will
tress. inflict punishment on them: the
15 •[ Wha.t hath my beloved young men shall die by the
tc do in my house, while she sword their sons and their

©xecuteth the evil counsel of daughters shall die by the fa-

so many (sinners)? Yea, the mine ;

holy flesh passeth away from 23 And no remnant shall re-

thee; for even with thy wicked- main of them for I will bring

ness, thou rejoicest still. evil upon the men of ’Anathoth,

16 An ever-green olive-tree, in the year of their punish-
beautiful in fruit and form, did ment.
CHAPTER XII. 9 Is my heritage become un-
1 (Too) righteous art thou, 0 to me as a bird of prey stained
Lord, that I could plead with with blood ? so that the birds of
thee ; yet must I speak of (the prey are all around it? Come
principles of) justice with thee: ye, assemble all the beasts of the
Wherefore is the way of the field, bring them hither to de-
wicked happy ? do all those pros- vour.
per that deal treacherously ? 10 Many shepherds have de-
2 Thou hast planted them; stroyed my vineyard, they have
they have also taken root they trodden under foot my field, they

grow they also bring forth have rendered my pleasant field


fruit : thou art near in their a desolate wilderness.

mouth, and far from their mind. 11 They have made it a deseTt,
3 But thou, 0 Lord, knowest and being desolate it mourneth
me,* thou seest me, and probest before me the whole land is

my heart toward thee set them made desolate, because no man


apart like sheep for the slaugh- laid it to heart.

ter, and destine them for the day 12 Over all the mountain-
of slaying. peaks in the wilderness did the
4 5[ How long shall the land destroyers come for the sword ;

mourn, and the herb of all the of the Lord devoureth from the
field wither ? Because of the one end of the land even to the
wickedness of those that dwell other end of the land there is :

therein are wholly removed the no peace to any flesh.

beasts and the birds; because 13 5f They have sown wheat,
they said, He will not see our but they reap thorns they have ;

last end. put themselves to pain, (but)

5 If thou hast run with the have no profit be therefore :

footmen, and they have wearied ashamed of your products, be-

thee, how then canst thou con- cause of the fierce anger of the
tend with the horses ? and if in Lord.
the land of peace, (wherein) 14 Thus hath said the Lord
thou trustest, (they wearied against all my bad neighbours,
thee,) how then wilt thou do in that touch the inheritance which
the swelling of the Jordan ? I have caused my people Israel
6 For even thy brethren, and to inherit, Behold, I will pluck
the house of thy father, —
even them out of their land, and the
they have dealt treacherously house of Judah will I pluck out
with thee yea, even they have from the midst of them.

called forth a crowd of men after 15 And it shall come to pass,

thee: believe them not, though that, after I have plucked them
they speak kindly unto thee. out, I will again have mercy on
7 f I have forsaken my house, them, and will restore them,
I have abandoned my heritage; every man to his heritage, and
I have given up the most dearly every man to his land.
beloved of my soul into the hand 16 And it shall come to pass,
»f her enemies. if they will truly learn the ways
8 My heritage is become unto of my people, to swear by my
me as a lion in the forest ; it name, As the Lord liveth; as
sent forth its voice against me : they had taught my people to
therefore do I hate it. swear by Ba’al that they shall

then be built up in the midst of to bow down to them, shall even
my people. be as this girdle which is useful
17 But if they will not heark- for nothing.
en, then will I pluck out that 11 For as the girdle cleaveth
nation, plucking out and ex- to the loins of a man, so had I
terminating (them), saith the caused to cleave unto me all the
Lord. house of Israel and all the house

of Judah, saith the Lord, to —
become unto me a people, and
1 Thus said the Lord unto (to be) for a name, and for
:ne, Go and buy thee a linen praise, and for honour but they

girdle, and put it around thy would not hear.

loins,and lay it not in water. 12 Therefore shalt thou say
2 So I bought the girdle, ac- unto them this word, Thus hath
cording to the word of the Lord, said the Lord the God of Israel,
and put it around my loins. Every bottle shall be filled with
3 And the word of the Lord wine and when they will say

came unto me the second time, unto thee, Do we not know full
saying, well that every bottle shall be
4 Take the girdle that thou filled with wine ?
hast bought, which is around 13 Then shalt thou say un-
thy loins ; and arise, go to the to them, Thus hath said the
Euphrates, and hide it there in Lord, Behold, I will fill all the
a cleft of the rock. inhabitants of this land, even
5 So I went, and hid it by the kings that sit after David
the Euphrates, as the Lord had upon his throne, and the priests,
commanded me. and the prophets, and all the
6 And it came to pass at inhabitants of Jerusalem, with
the end of many days, that the drunkenness.
Lord said unto me, Arise, go to 14 And I will dash them one
the Euphrates, and take from against the other, even the fa-
there the girdle, which I com- thers and the sons together,
manded thee to hide there. saith the Lord I will not pity,

7 And I went to the Euphra- nor spare, nor have mercy, so as

tes, and dug, and took the girdle not to destroy them.
from the place where I had hid- 15 Hear ye, and bend your
den it and, behold, the girdle ear be not proud ; for the Lord
: :

was spoiled, it was useful for hath spoken.

nothing. 16 Give unto the Lord your
8 Then came the word of God glory, before he cause dark-
the Lord unto me, saying, ness, and before your feet strike
9 Thus hath said the Lord, upon the mountains of twilight,
After this manner will I destroy and (where), while ye look for
the pride of Judah, and the light, he turn it into the shalow
pride of Jerusalem, which is of death, and change it into gross
great. darkness.
10 And this bad people, who 17 But if ye will not hear it,
refuse to hearken to my words, my soul shall weep in secret
who walk in the stubbornness places because of (your) pride;
of their heart, and have followed and my eye shall weep sore'y,
fcther gods, to serve them, andj[and run down with tears, o-
cause the flock of the Lord is wilt not be made clean after ever
driven away captive. so long a time.
J8 Say unto the king and
to the queen-mother, Sit down
very lowly ; for sunk down are 1 *[ The word of the Lord

your head-attires, the crown of that came to Jeremiah concern-

your ornament. ing the drought.
19 The cities of the south 2 Judah mourneth, and her
are shut up, and« there is no gates languish ; they lie grieved
one to open them : Judah is on the ground and the dis-

carried away into exile altoge- tressed cry of Jerusalem ascend-

ther, carried into exile com- eth upward.
it is

pletely. 3 And their nobles have sent

20 Lift up your eyes, and out their subordinates for water:
see those that are coming from they come to the pits, they find
the north where is the flock no water; they return with their

that was given thee, thy splen- vessels empty they are ashamed

did flock ? and confounded, and cover their

21 What wilt thou say when head.
he will punish thee ? since thou 4 Because of the ground which
hast accustomed them to be over is cracked open, since there hath
thee captains, and chiefs? shall been no rain in the land, are the
not pangs seize upon thee, as on ploughmen ashamed, they cover
a woman in travail ? their head.
22 And if thou wilt say in thy 5 Yea, the hind also bringeth
heart, Wherefore come these forth her young in the field, and
things upon me ? For the great- forsaketh (them), because there
ness of thy iniquity are thy skirts is no grass.
laid open, thy heels are made 6 And the wild asses stand or.
bare violently. the mountain-tops, they snuff up
23 Can the Ethiopian change the wind like serpents : their
his skin, or the leopard his spots ? eyes fail, because there are no
(then) may ye also do good, that herbs.
are accustomed to do evil. 7 If our iniquities testify
24 Therefore will I scatter against us, 0 Lord, do thou act
them as the stubble that passeth for the sake of thy name for ;

away before the wind of the wil- our backslidings are many;
derness. against thee have we sinned.
25 This is thy lot, the portion 8 0 thou hope of Israel, his
of thy measures from me, saith saviour in time of trouble, why
the Lord ; because thou hast for- shouldst thou be as a stranger
gotten me, and trusted in false- in the land, and as a wayfarer
hood. that turneth aside to lodge for a
26 Therefore do I also strip night ?
up thy skirts over thy face, that 9Why shouldst thou be as
thy shame may be seen. a man that is surprised, as a
27 Thy adulteries and thy mighty man that cannot save?
loud shoutings, the lewdness of yet thou art in the midst of us,
thy incest, ihy abominations on 0 Lord, and we are called by
the hills in the fields have I seen. thy name: abandon us not.
Wo unto thee, 0 Jerusalem thou 10 Thus hath said the Lori

56 6G1
unto this people, Thus have they pour out their wickedness over
loved to wander about, their feet them.
have they not restrained there- :17 But thou shalt say unto
f >re the Lord doth not receive them this word, My eyes shall
them in favour now will he re-
run down with tears night and
member their iniquity, and will day, and they shall not cease;
punish their sins. for with a great breach ,is the
11 If Then said the Lord un- virgin-daughter of my people
to me, Pray not in behalf of this broken, with a very painful
people for their good. blow.
12 When they fast, I will not 18 If I go forth into the field,
hear their entreaty and when ;
behold, there are the slain with
they offer burnt-offering and the sword and if I enter into

meat-offering, I will not receive the city, behold, there are those
them in favour; but by the that are sick with famine for !

sword, and by the famine, and both the prophet and the priest
by the pestilence, will I make travel round into a land that
an end of them. they know not.
13 Then said I, Ah, Lord 19 Hast thou entirely re-
Eternal behold, the prophets
! jected Judah? or hath thy soul
say unto them, Ye shall not see loathing on Zion ? why hast
the sword, neither shall ye have thou smitten us, so that there is
famine; but a permanent peace no healing for us ? we hoped for
will I give you in this place. peace, and there is no good and ;

14 5f Then said the Lord un- for the time of healing, and be-
to me, Falsehood do the pro- hold, there is terror
phets prophesy in my name ; I 20 We know, 0 Lord, our
have not sent them, neither have wickedness, the iniquity of our
I commanded them, neither have fathers for we have sinned

I spoken unto them a vision of

: against thee.
falsehood, and divination, and 21 Bo not cast us off, for the
idolatrous folly, and the deceit sake of thy name, do not dis-
of their heart do they prophesy grace the throne of thy glory:
unto you. remember, break not thy cove-
15 Therefore thus hath said nant with us.
the Lord concerning the pro- 22 Are there any among the
phets that prophesy in my name, vanities of the nations those that
when I have not sent them, bestow rain ? or can the heavens
while they say, Sword and fa- give forth showers ? Behold,
mine shall not come in this thou art this, 0 Lord our God,
land By the sword and by the and we will hope in thee for

famine shall these prophets come thou hast done all these things.
to their end.
16 And the people to whom CHAPTER XV.
they prophesy
shall lie cast 1 And the Lord said unto
down in the streets of Jerusa- me, If Moses and Samuel were
lem by means of the famine to stand before me, favour my
and the sword and they shall would
(still) not be toward this
have none to bury them, them, people : send them away out
their wives, and their sons, of my sight, that they may go
and their daughters ;
for I will forth.
2 And it shall come to pass, breatheth out her soul, her sun
if say unto thee,
they should is set while it is yet day; she is

Whither shall we go forth ? that made ashamed and put to the

thou shalt say unto them, Thus blush —
and their residue will

hath said the Lord, Such as are I give up to the sword before
destined to death, to death and ;
their enemies, saith the Lord.
such as are destined to the 10 | Wo is me, my mother,
sword, to the sword; and such that thou hast born me, a mat
as are destined to famine, to of contention, and a man of
famine; and such as are des- strife to the whole land I have !

tined to captivity, to captivity. not lent, nor have men lent me:
3 And I will appoint over (yet) every one of them curseth
them four species, saith the me.
Lord : The sword to slay, and 11 The Lord said, Truly I
the dogs to drag away, and the will release thee for (thy) good;
fowls of the heaven, and the truly I will cause the enemy to
beasts of the earth, to devour meet thee in the time of distress
and to destroy. and in the time of affliction.
4 And I will cause them to 12 Can iron break in pieces
become a horror unto all the the northern iron and copper ?
kingdoms of the earth, on ac- 13 Thy wealth and thy trea-
count of Menasseh the son of sures will I give up as spoil
Hezekiah the king of Judah, be- without price, and this for all
cause of what he did in Jerusa- thy sins, even in all thy borders.
lem. 14 And I will cause them to
5 For who will have pity upon pass over with thy enemies into
thee,0 Jerusalem ? or who will a land which thou knowest not;
condole with thee? or who will for a fire is kindled in my an-
go aside to ask after thy wel- ger, over you shall it burn.
fare? 15 Thou well knowest it, 0
6 Thou hast indeed forsaken Lord remember me, and think

me, saith the Lord, thou art of me, and avenge me on my

gone backward therefore do I persecutors
not according ;
stretch out my hand against thy long-suffering act thou for
thee, and destroy thee: I am me know, that for thy sake I

weary with repenting. have borne shame.

7 And I winnow them with a 16 When thy words were
fan in the gates of the land I made manifest to me, then I

make childless; I annihilate my greedily received them and ;

people, (since) from their ways thy word became unto me the
they have not turned away. gladness and joy of my heart;
8 Their widows are more for thy name is called upon me,
numerous before me than the 0 Lord God of hosts.
sand of the seas: I bring unto 17 I sat not in the assembly
them, over the mothers of the of the mirthful, and was re-
young men, a waster at noon- joiced; because of thy inspira-
day I cause to fall upon her tion I sat solitary
; for thou ;

suddenly the enemy wittf (his) hadst filled me with indignation.

terrors. 18 Why
pain perpetual, is my
9 She that had born seven and my wound incurable? itre-
children fadeth away ; she. fuseth to be healed Tt is truly :

lk«ome unto me ns a deceptive of mourning, neither go to la-
:ing, as waters that are not ment nor to condole with them ;

re 1 i able. for I have taken away my peace

Therefore thus hath said
19 5T
from this people, saith the Lord,
the Lord, If thou return, and I yea, kindness and mercy.
bring thee back again, then shalt 6 And both the great and the
thou stand before me and if ;
small shall die in this land,
thou bring forth the precious they shall not be buried, and
from the vile, thou shalt be as men shall not lament for them,
mv mouth : these shall return nor cut themselves, nor make ,

unto thee; but thou shalt not themselves bald for them ;

return unto them. 7 Nor shall they break bread

20 And I will make thee un- them at their mourning, to
comfort them for the dead nor
to this people as a fortified bra- ;

zen wall and they will fight

they give them to drink
against thee, but they shall not the cup of consolation for their
prevail against thee; for I am father and for their mother.
with thee to save thee and to 8 And into the house of feast-
deliver thee, saith the Lord. ing shalt thou not enter, to sit
21 And I will deliver thee out with them, to eat and to drink.
of the hand of the wicked, and 9 For thus hath said the
I will redeem thee out of the Lord of hosts, the God of Is-
grasp of the tyrants. rael, Behold, I will cause to
cease out of this place before
CHAPTER XVI. in your days, the
yohr eyes, and
1 And the word of the Lord voice of gladness, and the voice
came unto me, saying, of joy, the voice of the bride-
2 Thou shalt not take thyself groom, and the voice of the
a wife, neither shalt thou have bride.
sons or daughters in this place. 10 And it shall come to pass,
3 For thus hath said the when thou shalt tell this people
Lord concerning the sons and all these words, and they should
concerning the daughters that say unto thee, Wherefore hath
are born in this place, and con- the Lord spoken against us all
cerning their mothers that bear this great evil ? and what is our
them, and concerning their fa- iniquity? and what is our sin
thers that beget them in this that we have committed against
land the Lord our God?
4 A death through diseases of 11 That thou shalt say unto
famine shall they die they shall them, Because your fathers for-

no* be lamented for; nor shall sook me, saith the Loud, and

thej- be buried; for dung upon walked after other gods, and
the face of the earth shall they served them, and bowed down

be : and by the sword and by unto them, and me they forsook,

famine shall they come to their and my law they kept not;

end and their carcasses shall

12 And ye act worse than
be for food unto the fowls of your fathers for, behold, ye;

heaven, and unto the beasts of walk every one after the stub-
the earth. bornness of his evil heart, so as
5 ^ For thus hath said the not to hearken unto me ;

Lord, Enter not into the house 13 Therefore will I hurl you
out cf this land into the land of cause them to know, at this time
which ye had no knowledge, will I cause them to know, my
neither ye nor your fathers and hand and my might and they

ye will serve there other gods shall know that my name is The
by day and by night; so that I Eternal.
will not grant you any favour.
14 Therefore, behold, days CHAPTER XVII.
are coming, saith the Lord, 1 The sin of Judah is writ-
when it shall not be said any ten down with a pen of iron,
more, As the Lord liveth, who with the point of a diamond it :

hath brought up the children of is engraved upon the table of

Israel out of the land of Egypt their heart, and on the horns of
15 Rut, as the Lord liveth, your altars.
who hath brought up the chil- 2 Like their remembrance of
dren of Israel from the land of their children, so are (to them)
the north, and from all the coun- their altars and their groves by
tries whither he had driven (every) green tree upon the high
them and I will cause them to hills.

return unto their land which I 3 0 my mountain in the field,

have given unto their fathers. thy substance, all thy treasures
16 ^ Behold, I will send for will I give up for spoil, thy
many fishermen, saith the Lord, high-places (reared) with sin,
and they shall fish them ; and throughout all thy borders.
after that will I send for many 4 And thou shalt be cast out,
hunters, and they shall hunt yea, through thy own guilt, from
them from every mountain, and thy heritage which I have given
from every hill, and out of the thee and I will cause thee to

clefts of the rocks. serve thy enemies in a land

17 For my eyes are directed which thou knowest not for a ;

upon all their ways, they are not fire have ye kindled in my an-
hidden from my face, nor is ger, for ever shall it burn.
their iniquity concealed from my 5 Thus hath said the Lord,
eyes. Cursed is the man that trusteth
18 xlnd (thus) will I pay them in man, and placeth on flesh
at the first their twofold iniquity his dependence, while from the
and their sin because they have Lord his heart departeth.

defiled my land, filling my heri- 6 And he shall be like a lone-

tage with the carcasses of their ly tree in the desert, which feel-
detestable and abominable idols. eth not when the good cometh ;

19 ^ 0 Lord, my strength, but abideth in the parched places

and my fortress, and my refuge in the wilderness, in a salty land
on the day of trouble, unto thee which cannot be inhabited.
shall nations come from the ends 7 Blessed is the man that
of the earth, and say, Nothing trusteth in the Lord, and the
but falsehood had our fathers Lord will be his trust.
inherited, vanity, wherein there 8 And he shall be like a tree
is nc profit. that is planted by the waters,
20 Ilow ? can a man make and by a stream spreade-th out
unto himself gods, which are its roots, which feeleth not when
yet no gods ? heat cometh, but its leaf re-
21 Therefore, behold, I will maineth green ; and in a yeai
56 * 2< 1 665
of drought it is undisturbed by to me, Go and stand in the gate
care, and ceaseth not from yield- of the children of the people,
ing fruit. whereby the kings of Judah
9 Deceitful is the heart above usually enter, and by which they
all things, and sick : who can usually go out, and in all the
know it? gates of Jerusalem;
10 I the Lord search the 20 And say unto them, Hear
heart, probe the reins yea, to :
ye the word of the Lord, ye
give unto every man according kings of Judah, and all Judah,
to his ways, according to the and all inhabitants of Jerusa-
fruit of his deeds. lem, that enter in by these gates :
11 | As a cuckoo that sitteth 21 Thus hath said the Lord,
on eggs which he hath not laid, Take heed for your souls, and
so is he that getteth riches, and bear no burden on the sabbath-
not by right in the midst of his
: day, nor bring it in through the
days shall he leave them, and at gates of Jerusalem
his end shall be called wicked. 22 Nor shall you carry forth
12 A throne of glory, exalted a burden out of your houses on
from the beginning, is the place the sabbath-day, and no manner
of our sanctuary ! of work shall ye do, but hallow
13 Hope of Israel, 0 Lord, ye the sabbath-day, as I have
all that forsake thee shall be commanded your fathers
made ashamed, and the back- 23 But they hearkened not,
sliders among me shall be writ- and inclined not their ear; and
ten down on the earth; because they made their neck stiff, so as
they have forsaken the fountain not to hearken, and not to re-
of living waters, the Lord. ceive instruction.
14 % Heal me, 0 Lord, and
I 24 And it shall come to pass,
shall be healed save me, and I if ye will diligently hearken un-

shall be saved; for my praise to me, saith the Lord, so as to

art thou. bring in no burden through the
15 Behold, they say unto me, gates of this city on the sab-
Vhere is the word of the Lord ? bath-day, and to hallow the
come now.
let it sabbath-day, so as to do no
16 As for me, I have not has- work thereon
tened to be a shepherd to follow 25 Then shall there enter
thee and the woful day have I through the gates of this city

not longed for; thou knowest it: kings and princes sitting upon
what came out of my lips was the throne of David, riding in
known before thee. chariots and on horses, they,
17 Be not a terror unto me and their princes, the men of
thou art my protection on the Judah, and the inhabitants of
day of evil. Jerusalem and this city shall ;

18 Let those be made ashamed be inhabited for ever.

that persecute me, but let not 26 And there shall come fr *n
me be made ashamed; let them the cities of Judah, and fioni
be dismay ed, but let me not be the environs of Jerusalem, and
dismayed bring upon them the from the land of Benjamin, ana

day of evil, and strike them from the lowlands, and from the
with a double breach. mountain, and from the south,
19 IT Thus said the Lord un- those that bring burnt-offerings,

und and meat-offer- speak concerning a nation, and

ings, and frankincense, and concerning a kingdom, to build
those that bring thanksgiving- and to plant it ;

offerings, unto the house of the 10 But should it do what is

Lord. evil in my eyes, s-o as not to
27 Rut if ye will not hearken hearken to my voice: then will
unto me to hallow the sabbath- I bethink me of t*he good, where-
day, and not to bear a burden, with I had thought to benefit
and to enter in at the gates of the same.
Jerusalem on the sabbath-day: 11 And now do say to the
then will I kindle a fire in its men of Judah, and to the in-
gates, and it shall devour the habitants of Jerusalem, as fol-
palaces of Jerusalem, and it io w etli,
Thus hath said the
shall not be quenched. Lord, Behold, I form against
you evil, and devise against you
CHAPTER XVIII. a device do but return now

1 The word w hich came

to every one from his evil way,
Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, and amend your ways and your
2 Arise, and go down to the deeds.
potter’s house, and there will I 12 And they said, It is use-
let thee hear my words. less ;
for after our own thoughts
3 Then went I down to the will we walk, and we will every
potter’s house, and, behold, he one do after the stubbornness of
was doing work on the wheels. his evil heart.
4 And the vessel that he was 13 *| Therefore thus hath said
iiaking became spoiled as (hap- the Lord. Only ask among the
peneth) with the clay in the nations, Who hath heard the
hand of the potter ; and he made like things ? a very horrible act
again thereof another vessel, as hath the virgin of Israel com-
it seemed good in the eyes of the mitted.
potter to make it. 14 Doth the snow of Lebanon
5 Then came the word of ever quit the rock of the field ?
the Lord to me, saying, or do the far-coming, cold, flow-
6 Shall I not be able to do ing waters ever fail ?
unto you as this potter, 0 house 15 That my people have for-
of Israel ? saith the Lord. Be- gotten me, that they have burnt
hold, as the clay is in the pot- incense to false gods, and are
ter’s hand, so are ye in my hand, made to stumble on their ways,
0 house of Israel. the ancient beaten tracks, to
7 *[ At one instant I speak walk in paths, on a road which
concerning a nation, and con- is not levelled ?
cerning a kingdom, to root out, 16 To make their land deso-
and to pull down, and to destroy late, a perpetual derision every :

it; one that passeth thereby shall be

8 But should that nation, astonished, and shake his head.
against whom I have spoken, 17 Like an east wind will I
return from their wrong-doing scatter them before the enemy
: :

then will I bethink me of the with the back, and not the face,
evil that I had thought to do will I regard them on the day
unto them. of their calamity.
9 And at one instant I 18 V And they said, Come,
an-d let us contrive
devices is by the entry of the gate of
against Jeremiah; for the law Charsith, and proclaim there the
will not be lost from the priest, words that I will speak unto
nor counsel from the wise, nor thee.
the word from the prophet. 3 And say, Hear ye the word
Come, and let us smite him withof the Lord, 0 kings of Judah,
the tongue, and let us not listen
and inhabitants of Jerusalem,
to any of his words. Thus hath said the Lord of
19 Listen to me, 0 Lord, andhosts, the God of Israel, Behold,
hearken to the voice of those I will bring evil over this place,
that contend with me. so that the ears of every one
20 Shall evil be recompensedthat heareth it shall tingle.
instead of good, that they have 4 Eor the reason that they
dug a pit for my life ? Remem- have forsaken me, and have de-
ber my standing before thee to filed this place, and have burnt
speak good concerning them, to incense in it unto other gods,
cause thy wrath to turn away which they had not known,
from them. either they or their fathers, or
21 Therefore give up their the kings of Judah, and have
children to the famine, and let filled this place with the blood
their life ebb out by means of of innocents;
the sword and let their wives
5 And they have built the
be bereaved of their children, high-places of Ba’al, to burn
and widows; and let their men their sons with fire as burnt-offer-
be slain by death ; their young ings unto Ba’al, which I had not
men smitten by the sword in commanded, nor spoken, and
the battle. which had not come into my
22 Let a cry be heard from mind :

their houses, when thou bring- 6 Therefore, behold, days

est a troop over them suddenly are coming, saith the Lord, that
for they have dug a pit to catch this place shall no more be called
me, and laid concealed snares The Thopheth, nor The valley
for my feet. of the son of Hinnom, but The
23 Yet thou, Lord, knowest valley of slaughter.
well all their counsel against 7 And I will make void the
me to (procure my) death for- counsel of Judah and Jerusalem

give not their iniquity, and let in this place and I will cause

their sin not be blotted out from them to fall by the sword before
before thee ; but let them be their enemies, and by the hand
brought to stumbling before of those that seek their life and :

thee in the time of thy anger I will give their carcasses as


deal thus with them. food unto the fowls of the hea-
ven, and unto the beasts of tho
1 Thus
said the Lord, (to 8 And I will render this city
and buy a bottle from a maker desolate, and an (object of) ie-
of earthenware, and (take; some rision every one that passeth

of the elders of the people, and thereby shall be astonished, and

of the elders of the priests hiss because of all its plagues.
2 And go forth unto the val- 9 And I will cause them to
ley of the son of Hinnom, which eat the flesh of their sons and
the flesh of their daughters, and 2 Then smote Pashchur Jere-
they shall eat every one the flesh miah the prophet, and put him
of his associate, in the siege and in the stocks that were in the
straitness, wherewith their ene- upper gate of Benjamin, which
mies, and those that seek their was in the house of the Lord.
life, shall distress them. 3 And it came tc pass on the
10 Then shalt thou break the morrow, that Pashchur brough
bottle before the eyes of the men forth Jeremiah out of the stocks.
that are going with thee. And Jeremiah said unto him, Not
11 And thou shalt say unto Pashchur [Fulness of freedom]
them, Thus hath said the Lord hath the Lord called thy name,
of hosts, In this manner will I but Magor-missabib [Terror all
break this people and this city, around].
as one breaketh a potter’s vessel, 4 For thus hath said the
that cannot be restored again Lord, Behold, I will make thee

and in Thopheth shall they bury, a terror to thyself, and to all thy
for want of room to bury.
friends and they shall fall by

12 Thus do unto this the sword of their enemies, and

will I
place, saith the Lord, and to its thy eyes shall see it and all ;

inhabitants, and to make this Judah will I give into the hand
city as Thopheth of the king of Babylon, and he
13 And the houses of Jerusa- shall lead them into exile to Ba-
lem, and the houses of the kings bjdon, and shall smite them with
of Judah, which are unclean, the sword.
shall become as the place of the 5 And I will give up all the
Thopheth, with all the houses wealth of this city, and all its
upon the roofs of which they acquisitions, and all its precious
have burnt incense to all the host things ; and all the treasures of
of heaven, and have poured out the kings of Judah will I give
drink-olferings to other gods. into the hand of their enemies,
14 5[ Then came Jeremiah who shall plunder them, and take
from the Thopheth, whither the them, and carry them away to
Lord had sent him to prophesy; Babylon.
and he placed himself in the 6 And thou, Pashchur, and
cou?it of the house of the Lord ;
all the inhabitants of thy house,
and said to all the people, shall go into captivity and to ;

15 said the Lord

Thus hath Babylon shalt thou come, and
of hosts, the God of Israel, Be- there thou shalt die, and there
hold, I will bring upon this city shalt thou be buried, thou, and
and upon all its towns all the all thy friends, to whom thou
evil that I have spoken against hast prophesied with falsehood.
it ;
because they have hardened 7 Thou didst persuade me,
their neck, so as not to hear my 0 Lord, and I wa3 persuaded;
Words. thou laidst thy (hand) strongly
on me, and didst prevail I am :

CHAPTER XX. laughed at all the time, every one

1 But when Pashchur the son mocketh me.
of Immer the priest, who was 8 For as often as I speak must
chief superintendent in the house 1 cry out, violence and wasting
of the Lord, heard Jeremiah must I proclaim; because the
prophesying these words: word of the Lord is become unto
me a disgrace, and a derision, all! cry of anguish in the morning,
the time. land a tumultuous noise at noon-
And I thought, I will not tide;
make mention of him, and I will 17 Because I was not slain (as
not speak any more in his name. I escaped) from the womb; or
But it became in my heart as a that my mother might have be-
burning fire enclosed within my come unto me my grave, and her
bones, and I was weary with en- womb have been affected with a
during, ani I could rot over- perpetual pregnancy.
come it, 18 Wherefore was this that I
For I heard the defaming came out of the womb to see
of many, angry assemblies on 'trouble and sorrow, that my days
every side, “Tell, and we will should pass away in shame

tell of him.” All the men who

ought to seek my welfare, watch CHAPTER XXI.
for my fall saying, “ Peradven-
1 The word which came
ture he may be enticed, and we unto Jeremiah from the Lord,
shall prevail against him, and when king Zedekiah sent unto
we will then take our revenge him Pashchur the son of Malki-
on him.” yah, and Zephanyah the son of
11 But the Lord is with me Ma’asseyah the priest, saying,
as a mighty powerful one ; there- 2 Inquire, I pray thee, in our
fore my persecutors will stum- behalf, of the Lord; for Nebu-
ble, and they will not prevail: chadrezzar the king of Babylon
they will be greatly ashamed, for maketh war against us perad- :

they will not prosper; (it is) an venture the Lord will deal with
everlasting confusion which will us according to all his wondrous
never be forgotten. deeds, so that he may withdraw
12 But, 0 Lord of hosts, that from us.
probest the righteous, seest the 3 Then said Jeremiah unto
reins and the heart, let me see them, Thus shall ye say to Zede-
thy vengeance on them for un- kiah

to thee have I laid open my 4 Thus hath said the Lord

cause. the God of Israel, Behold, I will
13 Sing unto the Lord, turn back the weapons of war
praise ye the Lord for he hath that are in your hands, where-

delivered the soul of the needy with ye fight against the king
from the hand of evil-doers. of Babylon, and against the Chal-
14 Cursed be the day where- deans, who besiege you without
on I was born the day on which the walls, and I will assemble

my mother bore me shall not be them into the midst of this

blessed. city.
15 Cursed be the man who 5 And I myself will fight
brought tidings to my father, against you with an outstretched
saying, A man-child is born unto hand and with a strong arm, and

thee. How very glad did he in anger, and in fury, and in

make him great wrath.
16 And may that same man 6 And I will smite the inha-
become like the cities which the bitants of this city, both man
Lord overthrew, and bethought! and beast: of a great pestilence
himself not; and may he hear a! shall they die.
7 And afterward, saith the or who shall enter into our habi-
Lord, will I give up Zedekiah tations ?
the king of Judah, and his ser- 14 But I will inflict punish-
vants, and the people, and those ment on you according to the
that are left in this city from the fruit of your doings, saith the
pestilence, from the sword, and Lord and I will kindle a fire

from the famine, into the hand in its forest, and it shall devour
of Nebuchadrezzar the king of all its environs.
Babylon, and into the hand of
their enemies, and into the hand
of those that seek their life: and 1 Thus
said the Lord, Go
he shall smite them with the down to the house of the king
edge of the sword he will not
of Judah, and speak there this
spare them, nor have pity, nor word ;

have mercy. 2 And thou shalt say, Hear

8 And unto this people shalt the word of the Lord, 0 king
thou say, Thus hath said the of Judah, that sittest upon the
Lord, Behold, I set before you throne of David, thou, and thy
the way of life, and the way of servants, and thy people that
death. enter in by these gates
9 He that remaineth in this 3 Thus hath said the Lord,
city shall die by the sword, or Execute ye justice and right-
by the famine, or by the pesti- eousness, and deliver him that is
lence ; but he that goeth out, and robbed out of the hand of the
runneth away to the Chaldeans oppressor; and the stranger, the
that besiege you, shall remain fatherless, and the widow shall
alive, and his life shall be unto ye not oppress, and do them no
him as a booty. violence, and shed no innocent
10 For I have set my face blood in this place.
against this city for evil, and not 4 For if ye indeed will do this
for good, saith the Lord : into thing, then shall enter in through
the hand of the king of Babylon the gates of this house kings
shall it be given up, and he will sitting after David upon his
burn it with fire. throne, riding in chariots and on
11 And to the house of the horses, he, and his servants, and
king of Judah (say), Hear ye his people.
the word of the Lord : 5 But if ye will not hear these
12 0 house of David, thus words, then do I swear by my-
hath said the Lord, Exercise self, saith the Lord, that this
justice on (every) morning, and house shall become a ruin.
deliver him that is robbed out 6 For thus hath said the
of the hand of the oppressor ; Lord concerning the house of
lest my fury go forth like fire, and the king of Judah, A Gil'ad
burn so that none can quench it, (though) thou art unto me, a
because of the evil of your do- summit of the Lebanon yet I :

ings, will surely change thee into a

13 Behold, I am against thee, wilderness, cities which are not
0 inhabitress of the valley, inhabited.
(about) the rock of the plain, 7 And I will make ready
saith the Lord ; who say, Who against thee destroyers, every
-shill descend down against us? one with his weapons and they

shall cut. down the choice of thy poor and needy; then was it
cedars, and cast them into the well: is not this the proper know-
lire. ledge of me? saith the Lord.
8 And (when) many nations 17 But thy eyes and thy heart
(then) pass by this city, they are directed on nothing but upon
will say every man to his neigh- thy own gain, and upon inno-
bour, Wherefore hath the Lord cent blood to shed it, and upon
done the like unto this great oppression, and upon extortion,
city ? to practise them.
9 Then shall they say. Because 18 Therefore thus hath
they had forsaken the covenant said the Lord concerning Ye-
of the Lord their God, and bowed hoyakim the son of Josiah the
down unto other gods, and served king of Judah, They shall not
them. lament for him, with, “ Wo, my
10 Weep not for the dead, brother!” and, “Wo, sister!”
and do not bemoan him weep they shall not lament for him,

sorely for him that goeth away with, “Wo, lord!” and, “Wo to
for he shall never return any his glory !”
more, and see the land of his 19 With the burial of an ass
birth. shall he be buried, dragged about
11 For thus hath said the and cast forth beyond the gates
Lord respecting Shallum the son of Jerusalem.
of Josiah the king of Judah, who 20 Ascend the Lebanon, and
reigneth in the place of Josiah cry aloud and let thy voice re-

his father, who is gone forth out sound in Bashan; and cry aloud
of this place, He shall never re- from ’Abarim for crushed are

turn thither any more; all thy lovers.

12 But in the place whither 21 I spoke unto thee in thy
they have led him into exile, prosperity; but thou saidst, I
there shall he die; but this land will not hear. This hath been thy
shall he not see any more. manner from thy very youth,
13 f Wo
unto him that build- that thou didst not hearken to
eth his house by unrighteous- my voice.
ness, and his chambers by in- 22 The wind shall scatter
justice; that maketh his neigh- abroad all thy shepherds, and
bour work without wages, and thy lovers shall go into capti-
giveth him not the reward for vity: surely then shalt thou be
his labour; ashamed and confounded be-
14 That saith, I will build me cause of all thy wickedness.
a roomy house, and ample cham- 23 0 inhabitress of Lebanon,
bers, and cutteth himself out that makest thy nest in the ce-
windows, and ceileth it with dars, how full of grace wilt thou
cedar, and painteth it with co- be when pangs come upon thee,
lours. the pain as of a woman in tra-
15 Shalt thou reign, because vail !

thou strivest to excel with cedar 24 As I live, saith the LoRt,

buildings? behold, thy father though Conyahu the son of Ye-
ate and drank, but he executed hoyakim the king of Judah were
justice and righteousness then a signet upon my right hand,

was it well with him! yet for a surety would I thence

18 He judged tfie cause of the pluck thee
25 And I will give thee into folds and they
: shall be fruit-
the hand of those that seek thy ful and multiply.
life, and into the hand of those 4 And
I will raise up over
of whom thou art afraid, and them shepherds who shall feed
into the hand of Nebuchadrez- them: and they shall fear no
zar the king of Babylon, and in- more, nor be dismayed, and none
to the hand of the Chaldeans. of them shall be missing, saith
26 And I will hurl thee out, the Lord.
and thy mother that hath born 5 Behold, days are coming,
thee, into another country, where Lord, when I will raise
saith the
ye were not born; and there up unto David a righteous sprout,
shall ye die. and he shall reign as king, and
27 But to the land whither- prosper, and he shall execute
ward they direct their soul to justice and righteousness on the
return, thither shall they not earth.
return. 6 In his days shall Judah be
28 Is this man Conyahu a helped, and Israel shall dwell in
despised broken image? or a safety and this is his name

vessel without value ? wherefore whereby he shall be called,

are they hurled out, he and his The Lord is our righteous-
seed, and are cast forth into a ness.
land which they know not? 7 Therefore, behold, days
29 0 land, land, land hear are coming, saith the Lord,

the word of the Lord. when they shall no more say,

30 Thus hath said the Lord, As the Lord liveth, who hath
Write ye down this man as child- brought up the children of Is-
less, as a man that shall not rael out of the land of Egypt
prosper in his days; for no man 8 But, As the Lord liveth,
of his seed shall succeed to sit who hath brought up and who
upon the throne of David, and hath led forth the seed of the
to rule any more in Judah. house of Israel out of the north
country, and out of all coun-
CHAPTER XXIII. tries whither I had driven them :

1 | Wo unto the shepherds and they shall dwell in their

that destroy and scatter the own land.
flocks of my pasture saith the
! 9 f To the prophets — Broken
Lord. is my
heart within me; all my
2 Therefore thus hath said the bones shake I am like a drunk- ;

Lord the God of Israel concern- en man, and like a person whom
ing the shepherds that feed my wine hath overcome, because of
people, Ye have scattered my the Lord, and because of his
flocks, and driven them away, holy words.
and have not taken care of them 10 For of adulterers is the

now, behold, I will visit upon land full for because of false

you the evil of your doings, saith swearing mourneth the land,
the Lord. dried up are the pastures in the
3 And I will indeed gather wilderness; because their course
the remnant of my flock together was for evil, and their strength
out of all the countries whither was for injustice.
I have driven them and I will
11 For both prophet and priest
bring them back again to their are hypocrites :
yea, in my own
57 2: 3 673
house have I found their wick- 19 Behold, the storm-wind
edness, saith the Lord. of the Lord is gone forth in
12 Therefore shall their way fury, yea, a whirling storm up- .

be unto them as slippery ways on the head of the wicked shall

in the darkness; they shall be it fall grievously.
pushed forward, and fall there- 20 The anger of the Lord
on for I will bring upon them will not return, until he have

evil, the year of their punish- executed, and until he have ful-
ment, saith the Lord. filled the purposes of his heart:
13 And on the prophets of in the end of days shall ye un-
Samaria have I seen absurdity derstand this fully.

they prophesied by Ba’al, and 21 I had not sent these pro-

misled my people Israel. phets, yet they ran I had not :

14 *[ But on the prophets of spoken to them, yet they pro-

Jerusalem have I seen a horri- phesied.
ble thing; they commit adul- 22 But if they had stood in
ter} and walk in falsehood and my secret counsel, they should
, ;

they strengthen the hands of have announced my words to

evil-doers, so that not one of my people, and have caused
these doth return from his wick- them to turn back from their
edness they are become unto evil way, and from the wrong-

me all of them as Sodom, and fulness of their doings.

its inhabitants as Gomorrah. 23 ^f Am I a God for those
15 Therefore thus hath said near at hand, saith the Lord,
the Lord of hosts concerning and not a God for those who
the prophets, Behold, I will feed are afar off?
them with wormwood, and make 24 If a man should hide him-
them drink poison-water for
self in secret places should I
from the prophets of Jerusalem not then see him ? saith the
is hypocrisy gone forth over all Lord. Do I not fill the hea-
the land. vens and the earth ? saith the
16 f Thus hath said the Lord Lord.
of hosts, Hearken not unto the 25 I have heard what the
words of the prophets that pro- prophets have said, that pro-
phesy unto you, they bring you phesy falsely in my name, say-
unto vanity a vision of their
: ing, I have dreamt, I have
own heart do they ever speak, dreamt.
not out of the mouth of the 26 How long shall it be in
Lord. the heart of the prophets that
17 They say indeed unto those prophesy falsehood ? yea, the
that incense me, The Lord hath prophets of the deceit of their
spoken, Peace shall ye have own heart,
and unto everyone that walketh 27 (How long) do they think
in the stubbornness of his own to cause my people to forget my
heart, they said, There shall name by their dreams which
come no evil upon you. they relate every man to his
18 For who hath stood in the neighbour, as their fathers for-
secret counsel of the Lord, that got my name for the sake of
he could perceive and hear his Ba’al ?
word ? who hath listened to his 28 The prophet that hath had
word and heard it ? a dream, let him relate hi*
dream and he that hath re- the words of the living God, of

ceived my word, let him speak the Lord of hosts our God.
my word of truth. What hath 37 Thus shalt thou say to the
the straw to do with the corn ? prophet, What hath the Lore
saith the Lord. answered thee? and, What hath
29 Is not thus my word, like the Lord spoken ?
the fire? saith the Lord, and 38 But if ye will say, “A
like a hammer that shivereth message of the Lord,” then
the rock ? thus saith the Lord, Because
30 Therefore, behold, I am ye say this word, “A message
against the prophets, saith the of the Lord,” and I have sent
Lord, that steal my words every unto you, saying, Ye shall not
one from his neighbour. say, “ A message of the Lord
31 Behold, I am against the 39 Therefore, behold, I am
prophets, saith the Lord, that here,and I will tear you com-
use their own word, and say, pletely away, and I will cast
(The Lord) saitli. you and the city that I have
32 Behold, I am against those given to you and to your fathers,
that prophesy with false dreams, out of my presence ;
saith the Lord, and do relate 40 And I will lay upon you
them, and mislead my
people an everlasting disgrace, and a
by their falsehoods, and by their perpetual shame, which shall
vain boasting while I have
: not be forgotten.
not sent them, nor commanded
them ;
and they cannot bring CHAPTER XXIV.
the least profit to this people, 1 % The Lord caused me to
saith the Lord. and, behold, there were two
33 And if this people, or the baskets of figs placed before the
prophet, or a priest, should ask temple of the Lord, after Ne-
thee, saying, What is the mes- buchadrezzar the king of Baby-
sage of the Lord ? then shalt lon had carried away into exile
thou say unto them, Because of Yechonyahu the son of Yehoya-
this “ What is the message ?” kim the king of Judah, and the
will I even cast you off, saith princes of Judah, with the
the Lord. carpenters and the locksmiths,
34 And as for the prophet, from Jerusalem, and had brought
and the priest, and the people, them to Babylon.
that will say, “ A message of the 2 The one basket (had) very
Lord,” I will even inflict pun- good figs, like the figs that are
ishment on that man and on his first ripe and the other basket

house. (had) very bad figs, which could

35 Thus shall ye say every not be eaten, from being so
one to his neighbour, and every bad.
one to his brother, What hath 3 Then said the Lord unto
the Lord answered? and, What me, What seest thou, Jeremiah ?
hath the Lord spoken ? And I said, Figs the good figs,

36 But “ A message of the are very good ; and the bad

Lord” shall ye not mention any ones, are very bad, which can-
more ; for the message cometh not be eaten, from being so bad.
indeed to the man of his (pro- 4 And the word of the Lord
phetic) word ;
but yi pervert came unto me, saying,
5 Thus hath Loan
said the 2 Which Jeremiah the pro-
the God of Israel, Like these phet spoke concerning all the
good acknowledge people of Judah, and to all the
figs, so will I
the exiles of Judah, whom I inhabitants of Jerusalem, say-
have sent away from this place ing,
into the land of the Chaldeans, 3 From the thirteenth year of
for good. Josiah the son of Amon the king
6 And I will set my eye upon of Judah, even until this day,
them for good, and I will cause that is now three and twenty
them to return again to this years, the word of the Loud
land and I will build them up, hath come unto me, and I have

and not pull them down ; and I spoken unto you, rising early
will plant them, and not pluck and speaking; but ye have not
them up. hearkened.
7 And I will give them a heart 4 And the Lord hath sent un-
to know me, that I am the Lord to all his servants the prophets,

and they shall be unto me for a making (them) rise early and
people, and I will be unto them sending (them); but ye have
for God; for they will return not hearkened, and have not in-
unto me with all their heart. clined your ear to hear.
8 *f[ And like the bad figs, 5 They said, 0 do turn away
which cannot be eaten, from every one from his evil way, and
being so bad, surely thus hath from the wrongfulness of your
said the Lord, So will I render d#in gs ; and ye shall remain in
Zedekiah the king of Judah, and the land that the Lord hath
his princes, and the residue of given unto you and to your fa-
Jerusalem, that remain in this thers, for from eternity to eter-
land, and those that dwell in nity
the land of Egypt; 6 And go not after other gods
9 And I will make them a to serve them, and to bow down
horror because of (their) mis- to them, and provoke me not to
haps unto all the kingdoms of anger with the works of your
the earth, a disgrace and a pro- hands: and I will not injure
verb, a byword and a curse, in you.
all the places whither I will 7 Yet have ye not hearkened
drive them. unto me, saith the Lord in :

10 And I will send out against order that ye might provoke me

them the sword, the famine, and to anger with the works of your
the pestilence, till they be de- own hands to your own injury.
stroyed from off the land that I 8 Therefore thus hath said
had given unto them and to their the Lord of hosts, Because ye
fathers. have not hearkened to my
words :

CHAPTER XXV. 9 Behold, I will send and take

1 The word that came to all the families of the north, saith
Jeremiah concerning all the the Lord, and to Nebuchadrez-
people of Judah, in the fourth zar ^he king of Babylon, my ser-
year of Yehoyakim the son of vant, and I will bring them over
Josiah the king of Judah, which this land, and over its inhabit-
is the first year of Nebuchad- ants, and over all these nations
rezzar the king of Babylon round about, and I will utterly
destroy them, and make them an astonishment, a derision, and a
Astonishment, and a derision, curse ;
as it is this day ;
and perpetual ruins. 19 Pharaoh the king of Egypt,
10 And I will banish from and his servants, and his princes,
them the voice of gladness, and andall his people
the voice of joy, the voice of the 20 And all the confederated
bridegroom, and the voice of the nations, and all the kings of the
bride, the sound of the mill, and land of ’Uz, and all the kings of
the light of the lamp. the land of the Philistines, and
11 And this whole land shall Ashkelon, and Gazzah, and ’Ek-
become a ruin and an (object of) ron, and the remnant of Ash-
astonishment and these nations dod

shall serve the king of Babylon 21 Edom, and Moab, and the
seventy years. children of ’Ammon ;

12 And it shall come to pass, 22 And all the kings of Tyre,

when seventy years are com- and all the kings of Zidon, and
pleted, that I will visit on the the kings of the isle which is
king of Babylon, and on that beyond the sea;
nation, saith the Lord, their 23 Dedan, and Thema, and
iniquity, and on the land of the Buz, and all those that have
Chaldeans, and will change it their hair cut round ;
into perpetual desolations. 24 And all the kings of Ara-
13 And I will bring over that bia, and all the kings of the con-
land all my words which I hsfve federated nations that dwell in
spoken concerning it, all that is the wilderness;
written in this book, which Jere- 25 And all the kings of Zim-
miah hath prophesied concerning ri, and all the kings of ’Elam,
all the nations. and all the kings of Media;
14 For when many nations 26 And all the kings of the
and great kings shall have made north, that are far and that are
them also serve: I will then re- near, one with another, and all
compense them according to the kingdoms of the world, which
their deeds, and according to are upon the face of the earth ;

the work of their own hands. and the king of Sheshach shall
15 For thus hath said the drink after them.
Lord the God of Israel unto me, 27 And thou shalt say unto
Take the cup of the wine of this them, Thus hath said the Lord
fury out of my hand, and cause of hosts, the God of Israel, Drink
all the nations to whom I send ye, and become drunken, and
thee to drink it. vomit, and fall, and rise no more,
16 And they shall drink, and because of the sword, which I
reel about, and be mad, because am sending among you.
of the sword that I will send 28 And it shall be, if they re-
among them. fuse to take the cup out of thy
17 And I took the cup out of hand to drink, that thou shalt
the hand of the Lord, and caused say unto them, Thus hath said
to drink all the nations, unto the Lord of hosts, Ye must cer-
whom the Lord had sent me : tainly drink;
18 Jerusalem, and the cities 29 For lo, on the city which
of Judah, and its kings, and its is called by my name I begin to

princes, to make them a ruin, an inflict evil, and ye will remain

57* 677
uttertyunpunished? Ye shall of the flocks ft /r the Lord hath

not remain unpunished for a devastated their pasture.


sword am I calling up over all 37 And in silent desolation lie

the inhabitants of the earth, the pasture-lands of peace, be
saith the Lord of hosts. cause of the fierceness of the
30 But thou, do thou pro- anger of the Lord.
phesy concerning them all these 38 He hath forsaken his co-
words, and say unto them, The vert, like the young lion ; for
Lord will cry aloud from on their land is become deso’ate,
high, and from his holy habita- because of the fierceness of the
tion will he send forth his voice; wasting (sword), and because
he will cry out very loudly over of the fierceness of his ang-er.
his habitation; the vintner’s
call, as they that tread out the CHAPTER
grapes, will he lift up against 1 In the beginning of the
all the inhabitants of the earth. reign of Yehoyakim the son of
31 A tumultuous noise cometh Josiah the king of Judah came
even to the ends of the earth this word from the Lord, say-

for the Lord hath a controversy ing,

with the nations, he holdeth 2 Thus hath said the Lord,
judgment over all flesh: the Place thyself in the court of the
wicked, —
these he giveth up to house of the Lord, and speak
the sword, saith the Lord. against all of the cities of Judah,
32 Thus hath said the Lord who come to prostrate them-
of hosts, Behold, evil goeth forth selves in the house of the Lord,
from nation to nation, and a all the words that I have com-
great storm-wind waketh up manded thee to speak unto
from the farthest ends of the them omit not a word (there-

earth. of)
33 And
the slain of the Lord 3 Perhaps it be that they will
shall be on that day from one hearken, and return every man
end of the earth even unto the from his evil way, that I may
other end of the earth : they bethink me of the evil, which I
shall not be lamented, nor gath- purpose to do unto them, be-
ered up, nor buried they shall
cause of the wrongfulness of
be as dung upon the surface of their doings.
the ground. 4 And thou shalt say unto
34 Wail, ye shepherds, and them, Thus hath said the Lord,
cry :and roll yourselves about If ye will not hearken unto me,
(in the dust), ye leaders of the to walk in my law, which I have
flocks ; for full are your days set before you,
for you to be slaughtered, and I 5 To hearken unto the words
will scatter you ; and ye shall of my servants the prophets,
full like a costly vessel. whom I send unto you, yea,
35 And lost shall be the place making them rise up early, and
of refuge for the shepherds, and sending them, while ye have not
the escape for the leaders of the hearkened :

flocks to escape. 6 Then will I render this

36 There is the voice of the house like Shiloh, and this city
cry of anguish of the shepherds, will I render a curse unto all th«
and the wailing of the leaders nations of the earth.
7 And the priests and the that if ye put me to death, ye

prophets and all the people heard will surely place (the guilt of)
Jeremiah speaking these words! innocent blood upon yourselves,
in the house of the Lord. jand upon this city, and upi u its
8 And it came to pass, when inhabitants; for in truth hath
Jeremiah had finished sneaking the Lord sent me unto you to
all that the Lord had command- speak in your ears all these
ed (him) to speak unto all the words.
people, that the priests and the 16 Then said the princes and
prophets and all the people all the people unto the priests
seized on him, saying, Thou and to the prophets, This man
shalt surely die. is not deserving the punishment
9 Why hast thou prophesied of death ; for in the name of the
in the name of the Lord, say- Lord our God hath he spoken
ing, Like Shiloh shall this house unto us.
be, and this city shall be ruined, 17 And then rose up certain
(left) without an inhabitant? men of the elders of the land,
And all the people assembled and said to all the assembly of
themselves against Jeremiah in the people, as followeth,
the house of the Lord. 18 Michah the Morashthite
10 But when the princes of prophesied in the days of Heze-
Judah heard these things, they kiah the king of Judah, and said
came up from the king’s house to all the people of Judah, as
unto the house of the Lord, and followeth, Thus hath said the
sat down at the entrance of the Lord of hosts, Zion shall be
new gate of the Lord’s house. ploughed up like a field, and
11 Then said the priests and Jerusalem shall become heaps
the prophets unto the princes of ruins, and the mountain of
and unto all the people, as fol- the house, woody high-places.
lowetn, This man deserveth the 19 Did Hezekiah the king of
punishment of death ; for he Judah and all Judah attempt to
hath prophesied against this put him to death ? behold, he
city, as ye have heard with your did fear the Lord, and besought
own ears. the Lord, and the Lord be-
12 Then said Jeremiah un- thought him of the evil which
to all the princes and unto all he had spoken against them.
the people, as followeth, The And shall we bring a great
Lord hath sent me to prophesy wickedness on our souls ?
against this house and against 20 And there was also a man
this city all the words that ye that prophesied in the name of
have heard. the Lord, Urijmh the son of
13 But now amend your ways Shema’yahu of Kiryath-ye’arim,
and your doings, and hearken who prophesied against this city
to the voice of the Lord your and against this land in accord-
Hod and the Lord will bethink ance with all the words of Jere-

him of the evil that he hath miah ;

spoken against you. 21 And when king Yehoyakim,
14 As for me, behold, I am in with all his mighty men, and all
your hand do with me as seem- the princes, heard his words, the

eth good and just in your eyes. king sought to put him to death ;
15 But know ye for certain, but when Uriyahu heard it, he
was afraid, and fled, and arrived the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the
in Egypt; king of Babylon, servant; my
22 But king Yehoyakim sent and also the beasts of the field
some men into Egypt, namely, have I given him to serve him.
Einathan the son of ’Achbor, 7 And all nations shall serve
and some men with him into him, and his son, and his son’s
Egypt: son, until the time of his land is
23 And they fetched Uriyahu also come in its turn when :

out of Egypt, and brought him many nations and great kings
unto king Yehoyakim, who slew shall make itserve.
him with the sword, and cast his 8 And it shall come to pass,
dead body upon the graves of '
that the nation and the king-
the common people. dom which will not serve him,
24 But the hand of Achikam Nebuchadnezzar the king ofBa-
the son of Shaphan was with bylon, and that will not put its
Jeremiah, so as not to give him neck in the yoke of the king of
up into the hand of the people —
Babylon, even that nation will
to put him to death. I punish with the sword, and
with the famine, and with the
CHAPTER XXVII. pestilence, saith the Lord, until
1 In the beginning of the I have made an end of them by
reign of Yehoyakim the son of his hand.
Josiah the king of Judah came 9 But ye do ye not hearken—
this word unto Jeremiah from to your prophets, and to your
the Lord, saying, diviners, and to your dreamers,
2 Thus said the Lord to me, and to your enchanters, and to
Make for thyself bands and your sorcerers, who speak unto
yoke-bars, and put them around you, saying, Ye shall not serve
thy neck, the king of Babylon ;

3 And send such to the king 10 Eor falsehood do they pro-

of Edom, and to the king of phesy unto you, in order to re-
Moab, and to the king of the move you far from your land;
children of ’Ammon, and to the and that I might drive you out,
king of Tyre, and to the king of and that ye might perish.
Zidon, by means of the messen- 11 But the nation that will
gers who come to Jerusalem un- bring its neck into the yoke of
to Zedekiah the king of Judah; the king of Babylon, and serve
4 And thou shalt charge them —
him, that one will I then let
unto their masters, saying, Thus remain quietly in its own land,
hath said the Lord of hosts, the saith theLord and it shall till

God of Israel, Thus shall ye say it,and dwell therein.

unto your masters, And unto Zedekiah the
5 It is I who have made the king of Judah did I speak in
earth, the men, and the beasts accordance with all these words,
that are upon the face of the saying, Bring your neck into the
earth, by my great power and yoke of the king of Babylon,
by my outstretched arm, and I and serve him and his people,
have given it unto the one who that ye may live.
seemeth proper in my eyes. 13 Why will ye die, thou and
6 And now it is I who have thy
people, by the sword, by the
given all these countries into famine, and by the jestilence.
as the Lord hath spoken con- the nobles of Judah and Jeru-
cerning the nation that will not salem ;

serve the king of Babylon ? 21 (Yea) for thus hath & \i<i
14 And do ye not hearken the Lord of hosts, the God of
unto the words of the prophets Israel, concerning the vessels
that say unto you, as followeth, that are left in the house of ‘the
Ye shall not serve the king of Lord, and in the house of the
Babylon ;
for a falsehood do king of Judah and in Jerusa-
they prophesy unto you. lem,
15 For I have not sent them, 22 Unto Babylon shall they
saith the Lord, yet they pro- be carried, and there shall they
phesy in my name falsely in remain until the day that I think

order that I might drive you of them, saith the Lord, when I
out, and that ye might perish, will bring them up, and restore
ye, and the prophets that pro- them to this place.
phesy unto you.
16 And unto the priests and CHAPTER XXVIII.
unto all this people did I speak, 1 And it came to pass in the
saying. Thus hath said the Lord, same year, in the beginning of
Do not hearken to the words of the reign of Zedekiah the king
your prophets that prophesy un- of Judah, in the fourth year, in
to you, saying, Behold, the ves- the fifth month, that there said
sels of the house of the Lord unto me Chananyah the son of
shall be brought again from Ba- 'Azzur the prophet, who was
bylon now speedily for a false- from Gib’on, in the house of the

hood do they prophesy unto you. Lord, before the eyes of the
17 Hearken not unto them; priests, and of all the people, as
serve the king of Babylon, that followeth,
‘ye may live : wherefore should 2 Thus hath said the Lord of
this city become a ruin ? hosts, the God of Israel, saying,
18 And if they be prophets, I have broken the yoke of the
and if the word of the Lord be king of Babylon ;

with them, let them now make 3 Within yet two years’ time
intercession with the Lord of will I cause to be brought back
hosts, that the vessels which are unto this place all the vessels of
left in the house of the Lord, the house of the Lord, which
and in the house of the king of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Ba-
Judah, and at Jerusalem, may bylon hath taken away from
not be carried to Babylon. this place, and which he hath
19 For thus hath said the carried to Babylon :

Lord of hosts of the pillars, and 4 And Yechonyah the son of

concerning the sea, and concern- Yehoyakim the king of Judah,
ing the bases, and concerning and all the exiles of Judah that
the residue of the vessels that are gone to Babylon, will I cause
ure left in this city, to return to this place, saith the
20 Which Nebuchadnezzar the Lord ; for I will break the yoke
king of Babylon did not take of the king of Babylon.
away, when he carried away into 5 Then said Jeremiah the pro-
exile Yechonyah the son of Ye- phet unto Chananyah the pro-
hoyakim the king of Judah from phet before the eyes cf the priests,
Jerusalem to Babylon, with all and before the eyes of all the
people that stood in the house make in their stead yoke-bars of
of the Lord, iron.
6 Yea, then said Jeremiah the 14 For thus hath said the Lord
propht*., Amen, may the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, A
do so may the Lord fulfil thy yoke of iron have I placed upon

words which thou hast prophe- the neck of all these nations,
sied, to cause the vessels of the that they may serve Nebuchad-
Lord’s house, and all that have nezzar the king of Babylon; and
been carried into exile, to be they shall work for him and :

brought back from Babylon un- also the beasts of the field have
to this place. I given him.
7 Nevertheless hear thou now 15 Then said Jeremiah the
this word which I speak before prophet unto Chananyah the pro-
thy ears, and before the ears of phet, Hear now, Chananyah, The
all the people Lord did not send thee; but
8 The prophets that have been thou hast caused this people to
before me and before thee from trust on a falsehood.
olden times prophesied both con- 16 Therefore thus hath said
cerning many countries, and the Lord, Behold, I will send
against great kingdoms, respect- thee away from off the face of
ing war, and respecting evil, and the earth this year shalt thou

respecting pestilence. die, because thou hast spoken

9 The prophet who prophesi- rebellion against the Lord.
eth of peace, when the word of 17 So Chananyah the prophet
the prophet doth come to pass, died in that same year, in the
then shall the prophet be known, seventh month.
(as the one) whom the Lord hath
sent in truth. CHAPTER XXIX.
10 Then took Chananyah the 1 And these are the words
prophet the yoke-bar from off of the letter which Jeremiah the
the neck of Jeremiah the pro- prophet sent from Jerusalem un-
phet, and broke it. to the residue of the elders of the
11 And Chananyah said be- exiles, and to the priests, and to
fore the eyes of all the people, as the prophets, and to all the peo-
followeth, Thus hath said the ple whom Nebuchadnezzar had
Lord, Even so will I break the carried away into exile from Je-
yoke of Nebuchadnezzar the rusalem to Babylon
king of Babylon within two 2 (After king Yechonyah and
years’ time from the neck of all the queen-mother, and the court-
the nations. And Jeremiah the officers, the princes of Judah
prophet went his way. and Jerusalem, and the carpen-
12 Then came the word of ters, and the locksmiths, were
the Lord unto Jeremiah, after departed from Jerusalem;)
Chananyah the prophet had 3 By the hand of El’assah the
broken the yoke-bar from off the son of Shaphan, and Gemaryah
neck of Jeremiah the prophet, the son of Chilkiyah, (whom Ze-
saying, dekiah the king of Judah sent
13 Go and say unto Chanan- unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar
yah as followeth, Thus hath said the king of Babylon,) saying,
the Lord, Yoke-bars of wood' 4 Thus hath said the Loud of

hast thou broken; but thou shalt; hosts, the

God of Israel, unto all

the exiles, whom I have caused back your captivity, and I will
to be carried into exile from Je- gather you from all the nations,
rusalem unto Babylon, and from all the places whither
5 Build ye houses, and dwell I have driven you, saith the
therein plant gardens, and eat Lord ; and I will cause you to

their fruit return unto the place when3e I

6 Take ye wives, and beget have banished you.
sons and daughters; and take 15 Because ye have said, The
wives for your sons, and give Lord hath raised us up prophets
your daughters to husbands, that in Babylon.
they may bear sons and daugh- 16 But thus hath said the
ters : that ye may multiply there, Lord concerning the king that
and not be diminished. sitteth upon the throne of David,
7 And seek the welfare of the and concerning all the people
city whither I have banished that dwell in this city, your bre-
you, and pray in its behalf unto thren that are not gone forth
the Lord for in its welfare shall with you into exile
; ;

ye fare well. 17 Thus hath said the Lord

8 For thus hath said the of hosts, Behold, I will send out
Lord of hosts, the God of Is- against them the sword, the fa-
rael, Let not your prophets, that mine, and the pestilence: and I
are in the midst of you, and your will render them like the detest-
diviners, deceive you, and do able figs, that cannot be eaten,
not hearken to your dreams from being so bad.
which ye cause to be dreamt 18 And I will pursue after
9 For with falsehood do they them with the sword, with the
prophesy unto you in my name: famine, and with the pestilence,
I have not sent them, saith the and will make them a horror
Lord. unto all the kingdoms of the
10 For thus hath said the earth, a curse, and an astonish-
Lord, Because only after the ment, and a derision, and a dis-
accomplishment of seventy years grace, among all the nations
for Babylon, will I visit you, and whither I have driven them;
fulfil respecting you my good 19 For the reason that they
word, in causing you to return have not hearkened to my words,
to this place. saith the Lord, since I sent un-
11 For I alone know the to them my servants the pro-
thoughts that I entertain re- phets, causing them to rise up
specting you, saith the Lord, early and sending them ; but ye
thoughts of peace, and not of would not hear, saith the Lord.
evil, to give you a (happy) future —
20 But ye hear ye the word
and hope. of the Lord, all ye exiles whom
12 And you will call upon me, I have sent away from Jerusa-
and ye will go and will pray lem Babylon.
unto me, and I will hearken unto 21 Thus hath said the Lord
you. of hosts, theGod of Israel, con-
13 And ye will seek me, and cerning Achab the son of Kola-
shall find me, for ye will search yah, and of Zedekiah the son of
for me with all your heart. Ma’asseyah, who prophesy unto
14 And I will be found of you, you in my name falsehood, Be-
saith the Lord and I will bring
hold, I will give them up into
the hand of Nebuchadrezzar the the Lord unto Jeremiah, say-
king of Babylon and he shall ing.

smite them before your eyes. 31 Send to all the exiles, say-
22 And a curse shall be de- ing, Thus hath said the Lord
rived from them for all the ex- concerning Shema’yah the Nech-
iles of Judah who are in Baby- lamite, Whereas Shema’yah hath
lon., saying, “ May the Lord prophesied unto you, while I
make- thee like Zedekiah and like have not sent him, and he hath
Achab, whom the king of Baby- caused you to rely on a false-
lon roasted in the fire hood :

23 Because they have done' 32 Therefore thus hath said

scandalous deeds in Israel, and the Lord, Behold, I will inflict

have committed adultery with punishment on Shema’yah the
the wives of their neighbours, Nechlamite, and on his seed he ;

and have spoken in my name shall not have a man to dwell in

falsehood, which I had not com- the midst of this people; and he
manded them whereas I am the shall not behold the good that I

one that know, and am the wit- am doing for my people, saith the
ness, saith the Lord. Lord because he hath spoken

24 And to Shema’yahu the revolt against the Lord.

Nechelamite shalt thou say, as
followeth, CHAPTER XXX.
25 Thus hath said the Lord 1 The word that came to
of hosts, the God of Israel, say- Jeremiah from the Lord, say-
ing, Because thou hast sent in ing,
thy name letters unto all the 2 Thus hath said the Lord
people that are at Jerusalem, the God of Israel, saying, Write
and to Zephanyah the son of thee all the words that I have
Ma’asseyah the priest, and to all spoken unto thee in a book.
the priests, saying, 3 For, behold, days are com-
26 The Lord hath appointed ing, saith the Lord, when I will
thee priest in the place of Yeho- bring back again the captivity
yada’ the priest, that ye should of my people Israel and Judah,
be superintendents in the house saith the Lord and I will cause

of the Lord, for every man that them to return to the land that
is mad, and that prophesieth, I have given to their fathers, and
that thou shouldst put him in they shall possess it.
the stocks, and in prison: 4 And these are the words
27 And now, why hast thou that the Lord spoke concerning
not rebuked Jeremiah of ’ Israel and concerning Judah ;
thoth, who prophesieth to you? 5 For thus hath said the Lord,
28 For the reason that he hath A voice of terror have we heard,
sent unto us to Babylon, saying, dread, and no peace.
It will last a long time :build 6 Ask ye now, and
see whether
ye houses, and dwell therein ;
a male doth give birth to a child ?
and plant gardens, and eat the wherefore do I see every man
fruit thereof. with his hands on his loins, as a
29 And Zephanyah the priest woman in giving birth ? and why
read the letter before the ears of are all faces turned pale ?
Jeremiah the prophet. 7 Alas for that day is great,

30 *[ Then came the word of there is none like it; and a time
of distress it is unto Jacob yeti:
lf> Nevertheless, all they that

out of it shall he be saved. devour thee shall be devoured ;


8 And it shall come to pass and all thy adversaries, all of

on that day, saith the Loud of Ahem, shall go into captivity;
hosts, that I will break his yoke and they that plunder thee shall

from off thy neck, and thy bands be (given up) to plunder, and all
will I burst asunder; and stran- that prey upon thee will I give
gers shall not make him serve up for a prey.
any more 17 For I will place a healing
9 But they shall serve the plaster on thy bruise, and of fhy
Lord their God, and David their wounds will I cure thee, ith
king, whom I will raise up unto the Lord; because they called
them. thee “ an Outcast,” “ Thio is Zion,
10 And thou — do not fear, 0 whom no one seeketb after.”
my servant Jacob, saith the 19 1 8
% Thus hath said the Lord,
Lord and be not dismayed, 0 Behold, I will bring back again

Israel ; for, behold, I will save the captiv.ry o the cents of Ja-

thee from afar, and thy seed from cot and oi his dwelling-places
the land of their captivity and will I have mercy : and the city

Jacob shall return, and shall be shall be rebuilt upon her own
at rest, and be secure, with none heap of ruins, and the palace
to terrify him. shall be inhabited after its (an-
11 For with thee am I, saith cient) manner.
the Lord, to save thee though
: And there shall proceed
I make a full end of all the na- out of them thanksgiving, and
tions whither I have scattered the voice of those that make
thee, yet of thee will I not make merry and I will multiply them,

a full end but I will correct thee land they shall not be diminished

i moderation, and will not leave I will also make them nume-
thee altogether unpunished. rous, and they shall not be made
12 For thus hath said the few in number.
Lord, Incurable is thy bruise, 20 And their children shall be
and painful, thy wmund. as aforetimes, and their congre-
13 There is no one to plead gation shall be firmly established
thy cause, to bind up (thy wound): before me, and I will punish all
useful remedies there are none that oppress them.
for thee. 21 And their leader shall be
14 All thy lovers have forgot of themselves, and their ruler

ten thee ; thee they seek not for shall proceed from the midst of

with the blow of an enemy have them and I will cause him to

I smitten thee, with cruel chas- draw near, and he shall approach
tisement, for the multitude of unto me; for who is this that
thy iniquity, because thy sins will venture of his own heart
were so numerous. to approach unto me? saith the
15 Why wilt thou cry out be- Lord.
cause of thy breach ? for thy 22 And ye shall be unto me
pain which is incurable? because for a people, and I will be unto
of the multitude of thy iniquity,! you for a God.
because thy sins were so nume- 23 Behold, the storm-wind
rous, have I done these things of the Lord goeth forth with
unto thee. fury, an abiding storm- wind:
58 685
upon the head of the wicked will gather them from the far-
shall it fall. thest ends of the earth, among
24 The fierceness of the anger them the blind and the lame, the
of the Loud will not turn back, pregnant woman and she that
until he have done, and until he travaileth with child together:
have fulfilled the purposes of his a great assembly shall they re-
heart in the latter days shall
: turn hither.
ye understand this. 9 With weeping shall they
come, and with supplications will
CHAPTER XXXI. I bring them in I will lead them

1 f At the same time, se.ith by brooks of water in a straight

the Lord, will I be the God for way, whereon they shall not
all the families of Israel, and stumble ; for I am become a fa-
they shall be unto me for a ther to Israel, and Ephraim is
people. ' m
3 first-born.
2 Thus hath said the Lord, 10 Hear the word 01 the
The people of those that are Lord, 0 ye nations, and tell it
escaped of the sword found grace in the isles afar off, and say, He
in the wilderness, —
even Israel, that seattereth Israel will gather
when it went to find rest. him, and keep him, as a shep-
3 " From afar is the Lord ap herd his flock.

peared unto me,” (saying,) Yea, 11 For the Lord hath ran-
with an everlasting love have I somed Jacob, and redeemed him
loved thee therefore have I out of the hand of one stronger

guided thee with loving-kind- than he.

ness. 12 And they shall come and
4 Yet again will I build thee sing on the height of Zion, and
up, and thou shalt be built, 0 shall come together as a stream
virgin of Israel yet again shalt to the goodness of the Lord, for

thou adorn thy timbrels, and go wheat, and for wine, and for oil,
forth in the dances of those that and foi the young of the flocks
make merry. and of the herds, and their soul
5 Yet again shalt thou plant shall be as a well-watered gar-
vineyards upon the mountains den and they shall not farther

of Samaria the planters shall experience griof any more.


plant, and shall redeem the 13 Then shall the vi’gia re-
fruit. joice in the dance, and youth
6 For there cometh a day, that and old men together and I wi'T

the watchers call out upon the change their mourning into glad
mountain of Ephraim, Arise ye, ness, and I will comfort them,
and let us go up to Zion unto the and make them rejoice from tbeir
Lord our God. sorrow.
7 ^ For thus hath said the 14 And I will satiate the sou)
Lord, Sing for Jacob with joy, of the priests with fatness, and
and shout at the head of the ray people shall be satisfied with
nations: publish ye, praise ye, my goodness, saith the Lord.
and say, The Lord hath helped 15 Thus hath said the Lord,
thy people, the remnant of Is- A voice is heard in Raraah,
rael. groaning, weeping, and bitter
8 Behold, I will bring them lamentation; Rachel is weeping
from the north country, and I, for her children she refusetb to:

be comforted for her children, when I will bring
cities thereof,
because they are not (here). back again their captivity,
16 Thus hath said the “ May the Lord bless thee, 0
Lord, Refrain thy voice from habitation of righteousness, 0
weeping, and thy eyes from holy mountain.’
tears ;
for there is a reward for 24 And there shall dwell there
thy work, saith the Lord, and in Judah, and in all his cities
they shall return from the land together, husbandmen, and they
of the enemy. that move about with the flocks.
1 7 And there is hope for (thee 25 For I have satiated the
in) thy future, saith the Lord, weary soul, and every grieving
and thy children shall return to soul have I gratified.
their own borders. 26 For this did I awake and
18 I have indeed heard Eph- looked about and my sleep

raim bemoaning himself. “Thou was sweet unto me.

hast chastised me, and I was 27 Behold, days are com-
chastised, as an untamed calf ing, saith the Lord, when I will
cause me to return, and I will sow th^e house of Israel and the
return for thou art the Lord house of Judah with the seed of

my God. ma n, and with the seed of cattle.

19 Surely after my return- 23 And it shall come to pass,
ing, I repent; and after I am that just as I have watched over
made conscious (by punish- them, to pluck up, and to pull
ment), I smite upon my thigh down, and to overthrow, and to

I am ashamed, yea, I am con- destroy, and to do harm so will :

founded, because I bear the dis- I watch over them, to build up,
grace of my youth.” and to plant; saith the Lord.
20 Is not Ephraim a dear son 29 In those days shall they
untome? or a child that L dan- not say any more, The fathers
dle ? for whenever I speak of ha ve eaten sour grapes, and the
him, I do earnestly remember children’s teeth are set on edge ;

him again therefore are my

: 30 Bat every one shall die
inward parts moved for him I for his own iniquity every man
; :

will surely have mercy upon that eateth the sour grapes
him, saith the Lord. his teeth shall be set on edge.
21 ^ Set thyself up way 31 Behold, days are coming,
marks, place thyself pillars di- saith the Lord, when I will

lect thy heart toward the high- make with the house of Israel,
way, the way which thou didst and with the house of Judah, a
go: return, 0 virgin of Israel, new covenant
return to these thy cities. 32 Not like the covenant that
22 How long wilt thou roam I made with their fathers on the
about, 0 thou backsliding day that I took hold of them by
daughter? for the Lord hath the hand to bring them out of
created a new thing on the the land of Egypt; which my
earth, The woman will go about' covenant they have broken, al-
(seeking for) the husband. though I was become their hus-
23*1] Thus hath said he Lord band. saith the Lord;

of hosts, the God of Israel. Yetj 33 But this is the covenant

again shall they say this word that I will make with the house
in the land of J udah and in the of Israel, after those days, saith
the Loro, I place my law in CHAPTER XXXII
their inward parts, and upon 1 The word that came tc hearts will I write it and I Jeremiah from the Lord in the

will be unto them for a God. and tenth year of Zedekiah the king
they shall be unto me fora people. of J ud.! h, which is the eighteenth
34 And they shall not teach year of Nebuchadrezzar.
any more every man his neigh- 2 And at that time the king
bour, and every man his brother, of Babylon’s army was besieg-
saying, Know the Lord for ing Jerusalem
and Jeremiah

they all shall know me, from the the prophet was shut up in the
least of them even unto their court ot the prison, which was in
greatest, saith the Loud ;
for I the house of the king of J udah ;

will forgive their iniquity, and 3 Because Zedekiah the king

their sin will I not remember of Judah had shut him up, say-
any more. ing, Wherefore art thou prophe-
35 Thus hath said the Lord, sying, saying, Thus hath said
who bestoweth the sun for a light the Lord, Behold, I will give up
by day, the ordinances of the this city into the hand of the
moon and of the stars for a light king of Babylon, and he shall
by night, who stirreth up the sea capture it

that its waves roar The Lord 4 And Zedekiah the king of
of hosts is his name : Judah shall not escape out of the
36 If these ordinances ever hand of the Chaldeans, because
depart from before me, saith the he shall surely be given up into
Lord, then also shall the seed the hand of the king of Baby-
of Israel cease from being a na- lon. and his mouth shall speak
tion before me during all time. to his mouth, and his eyes shall
37 Tf Thus hath said the Lord, behold his eyes
If the heavens can be measured 5 And to Babylon shall he
above, and the foundations of lend Zedekiah, and there shall
the earth searched out beneath : he remain until I think of him,
then also will I reject all the saith the Lord though ye fight

seed of Israel, for all that they with the Chaldeans, ye shall
have done, saith the Lord. not prosper.
38 -j[ Behold, days are coming, 6 And Jeremiah said, The
saith the Lord, when the city word of the Lord came unto
shall be built up to the Lord me, saying.
from the tower ot Chananel unto 7 Behold. Chanamel the son
the corner gate. of Shallum thy uncle is coming
39 And the measuring-line unto thee, saying. Buy for thy-
shall yet again go forth opposite self my field that is in ’Ana-
it over the hill Gareb, and shall ihoth for unto thee bolongeth

take a turn to Go’ath. the right of redemption to buy

40 And the whole valley of it.
the lead bodies, and of the ashes, 8 And there came to me Cha
and all fields as far as the brook namel my uncle’s son according
Kidron, unto the corner of the to the word of the Lord into
horse-gate toward the east, shall the court of the prison, and he
be holy unto the Lord it shall said unto me, Buy, I pray thee,

not be plucked up nor over- my field, that is in ’Anathoth,

thrown any more to eternity. which is in the land of Benja
min ;
for to thee belongeth the great power and by thy out-
right of inheritance, and to thee stretched arm ; nothing is toe
belongeth the redemption, buy wonderful for thee
it for thyself then did I know,
: 18 Thou exercisest kindness
that it was the word of the unto the thousandth (genera-
Lord. tion), and recompensest the in-
9 And I bought the field from iquity of the fathers unto the
Chanamel my uncle’s son, that bosom of their children after
is in ’Anathoth and I weighed them (thou art) the Great, the
; ;

out unto him the money, seven Mighty God, the Lord of hosts
shekels, and ten pieces of silver. is his name ;
10 And I wrote it in a deed, 19 Great in counsel, and
and sealed it, and had it certi- mighty in execution (thou) ;

fied by witnesses, and weighed whose eyes are open over all the
the money in balances. ways of the sons of man, to
11 And I took the deed of the give unto every one according
purchase, both that which was to his ways, and according to
sealed, according to the law and the fruit of his doings
custom, and that which was 20 Who hast displayed signs
open ; and wonders in the land of
12 And I gave the deed of the Egypt, up to this day, and in
purchase unto Baruch the son Israel, and among other men
of Neriyah, the son of Machse- and thou hast made thyself a
yah, before the jeyes of Chanam- name, as it is at this day
el my kinsman, and before the 21 And thou didst bring forth
eyes of the witnesses that had thy people Israel out of the land
signed the deed of the purchase, of Egypt with signs, and with
before the eyes of all the Jews wonders, and with a strong hand,
that were sitting in the court of and with an outstretched arm,
the prison. and with great terror
13 And I charged Baruch be- 22 And thou gavest them this
fore their eyes, saying, land, which thou hadst sworn to
14 Thus hath said the Lord their fathers to give unto them,
of hosts, the God of Israel, Take a land flowing with milk and
these deeds, this deed of the honey
purchase, both the sealed, and 23 And they came in, and
this open deed, and place them took possession of it; but they
in an earthen vessel, in order hearkened not to thy voice, and
that they may last many days. in thy law they did not walk ;

15 **[ For thus hath said the all that thou hadst commanded
Lord of hosts, the God of Is- them to do they did not do and :

rael, Yet again shall there be thou hast therefore caused all
bought houses and fields and this evil to befall them.
vineyards in this land. 24 Behold the mounds reach
16 If And I prayed to the unto the city to capture it; and
Lord after I had delivered the the city is given up into the
deed of the purchase unto Ba- hand of the Chaldeans, who
ruch the son of Neriyah, saying, fight against it, because of the
17 Ah Lord Eternal! behold, sword, and of the famine, and
it \s thou that hast made the of the pestilence : and what
heavens and the earth by thy thou hast spoken is come id
58 * 2 >2: 689
pass ;
and, behold, thou seestj S3 And they turned unto me
it. the back, and not the fact .

25 And yet thou hast said un-|though (my prophets) taught

to me, 0 Lord Eternal, Buy for them, rising up early and teaeh-
thyself the field for money, and ing: yet they hearkened not to
have it certified by witnesses receive instruction.
while the city is given up into 34 But they placed their ah'*
the hand of the Chaldeans. minations in the house, which \9
26 Then came the word of called by my name, to (Vjfile it.
the Loud unto Jeremiah, saying, 35 And they built the bigh-
27 Behold, I am the Lord, places of Ba’al, which are in tli6
the29God of all flesh shall any valley of the son of Hinnom, to
thing be too wonderful for me? cause their sons and their daugh-
28 Therefore thus hath said ters to pass through (the fire)
the Lord, Behold, I will give unto Moleeh ; which I had not
up this oity into the hand of the commanded them, and which

Chaldeans, and into the hand; had not come into my mind, to
of Nebuchadrezzar the king of practise this abomination, in or-
Babylon, and he shall capture it. der to mislead Judah to sin.
And the Chaldeans, that But now, therefore, thus
fight against this city, shall come hath said the Lord, the God of
and set this city on fire, and Israel, concerning this city,
burn it, with the houses upon whereof ye say, It is given up
the roofs of which thej' have into the hand of the king of

offered incense unto Ba’al, and Babylon through

the sword,
have poured out drink-offerings and through the famine, and
unto other gods, in order to pro- through the pestilence:
voke me to anger Behold, I will gather them
For the children of Israel out of all the countries, whither
and the children of Judah have, I have driven them in my an-
been doing only what is evil injger, and in my fury, and in
my eyes from their youth; for great wrath; and I will bring

the children of Israel have been them back again unto this place,

only provoking me to anger with; and I wfill cause them to dwell

the work of their hands, saith in safety ;

the Lord. 38 And they shall be unto

31 For to excite my anger me for a people, and I will be
and my fury hath been unto me unto them for a God;
this city from the day that they 39 And I will give them one
built it, even until this day ; so heart, and one manner, to fear
that I will remove it from before me at all times, that it may be
my presence; well with them, and with their
32 Because of all the wicked- children after them ;

ness of the children of Israel 40 And I will make with them

and of the children of Judah, an everlasting covenant, that I
which they have done to pro- will not turn away from them,
voke me to anger, they, their to do them good on my part;
kings, their princes, their priests, and my fear will I place in their
and their prophets, and the men heart, so that they may not de-
of Judah, and the inhabitants part from me.
cf Jerusalem 41 And I will be glad ovel
them to do them good ;
and I those with the corpses of the
will plant them in this land in men whom I slay in my anger
truth, with all my my fury, and for all
heart and and in
with all my soul. whose wickedness I have hidden
42 For thus hath said the my face from this city :

Lord, Just as I have brought 6 Behold, I will bring it heal

upon this people all this great ing and cure, and I will cure
evil, so will I bring upon them them, and I will display unto
all the good that I speak con- them the abundance of peace
cerning them. and truth.
43 And the field shall yet be 7 And I will cause to return
bought whereof ye the captivity of Judah and the
in th >3 land,
say, It is desolate without man captivity of Israel, and I will
or beast, it is given up into the build them up, as at the first.
hand of the Chaldeans. 8 And I will cleanse them
44 Men shall buy fields for from all their guiltiness, where-
money, and write it in deeds, by they have sinned against
and seal it, and certify it by me and I will pardon all their

witnesses, in the land of Benja- iniquities, whereby they have

min, and in the environs of Je- sinned toward me, and whereby
rusalem, and in the cities of Ju- they have transgressed against
dah, and in the cities of the me.
mountain, and in the cities of 9 And it shall be to me for a
the lowlands, and in the cities name of gladness, a praise and
of the south for I will cause an honour with all the nations

their captivity to return, saith of the earth, who will hear all
the Lord. the good that I am doing unto
them and they shall dread and:

CHAPTER XXXIII. tremble because of all the good

1 And the word of the anti because of all the happi
Lord came unto Jeremiah the ness that I prepare unto it.
second time, while he was yet 10 •[ Thus hath said the Lord,
shut up in the court of the pri- Yet again shall there be heard
son, saying, in this place, of which ye say,
2 Thus hath said the Lord
“ It is ruined, without man and
who doth the Lord that without beast,” (even) in the ci-
formeth it, to establish it: the ties of Judah, and in the streets
Eternal is his name ;
of Jerusalem, that art desolate,
3 Call unto me, and I will without man, and without inha-
answer thee, and I will tell thee bitant, and without beast.
great and unheard of things, 11 The voice of gladness, and
which thou knowest not. the voice of joy, the voice of
4 For thus hath said the the bridegroom, and the voice of
Lord, the God of Israel, con- the bride, the voice of those that
cerning the houses of this city, say, “ Give thanks unto the Lord
and concerning the houses of the of hosts for the Lord is good ; ;

kings of Judah, which are thrown because to eternity endureth his

down by means of the mounds, kindness of those that bring
and by means of the sword thanksgiving-offering unto the

5 As they come to fight with house of the Lord. For I will

the Chaldeans, but only to fill cause to return the captivity of
the land, as at the first, saith the with the day, and my covenant
Lord. with the night, and
so, that
12 f Thus hath said the Lordthere be not day and night in
of hosts, Yet again shall there their season
be in this place, which is ruined, 21 Then also shall my cove-
without man and even without nant be broken with David my
beast, and in all its cities, an servant, that he should not have
habitation of shepherds who a son to reign upon his throne
cause their flocks to lie down. and (that) with the Levites the
13 In the cities of the moun- priests, my ministers.
tain, in the cities of the low- 22 As the host of heaven can-
lands, and in the cities of the not be numbered, and the sand
south, and in the land of Benja- of the sea not be measured so :

min, and in the environs of Je- will I multiply the seed of Da-
rusalem, and in the cities of Ju- vid my servant, and the Levites
dah, shall the flocks yet pass that minister unto me.
again under the hands of him 23 ^ And the word of the
that counteth them, saith the Lord came to Jeremiah, say-
Lord. ing,
14 f Behold, days are com- 24 Hast thou not observed
ing, saith the Lord, when I will what this people have spoken,
fulfil that good word which I saying, The two families which
have spoken concerning the the Lord hath made choice of,
house of Israel and respecting even these hath he rejected
the house of Judah. and they (thus) have despised
15 In those days, and at that my people, that they should be
time, will I cause to grow up no more a nation before them.
unto David the sprout of right- 25 *[ Thus hath said the
eousness and he shall execute
: Lord, If my covenant be not
justice and righteousness in the with day and night, if I have
land. not appointed the ordinances of
16 In those days shall Judah heaven and earth :

be helped, and Jerusalem shall 26 Then also will I reject the

dwell in safety and this is what
: seed of Jacob, and David my
she shall be called, The Lord servant, so as not to take any
is our righteousness. of his seed to be rulers over the
17 For thus hath said the seed of Abraham. Isaac, and
Lord, There shall never be Jacob; for I will cause their
wanting unto David a man to captivity to return, and have
sit upon the throne of the house mercy on them.
of Israel
18 And unto the priests the CHAPTER
Levites there shall not be want- 1 The word which came
ing a man before me, to offer unto Jeremiah from the Lord,
burnt-offerings, and to burn when Nebuchadnezzar the king
meat-offerings, and to prepare of Babylon, and all his army,
sacrifices at all times. and all the kingdoms of the
19 <[ And the word of the Lord country ruled by his power, and
came unto Jeremiah, saying, all the people, fought against
.20 Thus hath said the Lord, Jerusalem, and against all its

If ye can break my covenant, cities, saying,

2 Thus Lord Hebrew man or a Hebrew wo
hath said the
the Godof Israel, Go and speak man, free; so that no mac
to Zedekiah the king of Judah, among them should exact la-
and say to him, Thus hath said bour of a Jew, his brother.
the Lord, Behold, I will give 10 And all the princes had
up this city into the hand of the hearkened, with all the people,
king of Babylon, that he may who had entered into the cove-
burn it with fire : nant, that every one should dis-
3 And thou thyself shall not miss his man-servant, and every
escape out of his hand: but one his maid-servant, free, that
thou shall surely be caught, and no one should exact labour of
be delivered into his hand; and them any more and they had :

thy eyes shall see the eyes of obeyed, and dismissed them.
the king of Babylon, and his 11 But they had turned after-
mouth shall with thy ward, and they had brought
mouth, and Babylon shalt back the men-servants and the
thou go. maid -servants whom they had
4 Yet hear the word of the dismissed as free, and had sub-
Lord, 0 Zedekiah king of Ju- jected them to become men-ser-
dah, Thus hath said the Lord vants and maid-servants.
respecting thee, Thou shalt not 12 And the word of the
die by the sword : Lord (then) came to Jeremiah
5 In peace shalt thou die from the Lord, saying,
and as burnings were made for 13 Thus hath said the Lord,
thy fathers, the former kings the God of Israel, I myself —
who were before thee, so shall made a covenant with your fa-
they make burnings for thee thers on the day that I brought

and “Ah lord” shall they la- them forth out of the land of
ment for thee for I have spoken Egypt, out of the house of bond-

the word, saith the Lord. men, saying,

6 And Jeremiah the pro- 14 At the end of seven years
phet spoke unto Zedekiah the shall ye dismiss every man his
king of Judah all these words brother the Hebrew, who may
in Jerusalem, have been sold unto thee and ;

7 When the army of the king when he hath served thee six
of Babylon were fighting against years, then shalt thou dismiss
Jerusalem, and against all the him free from thee; but your
cities of Judah that were left, fathers hearkened not unto me,
against Lachish, and against and inclined not their ear.

'Azekah for these had been left

: 15 And ye had turned this
of the cities of Judah as forti- day, and done what is right in
fied cities. my
proclaim freedom
eyes, to
8 The word which came every man
his neighbour; to
unto Jeremiah from the Lord, and ye had made a covenant

after king Zedekiah had made a before me in the house orer

covenant with all the people who which my name is called
were at Jerusalem, to proclaim 16 But ye have turned again,
among themselves freedom and profaned my name, and ye
9 That every man should dis- have brought back every man
miss his man-servant, and every his man-servant, and every man
aian his maid-servant, being a his woman-servant, whom ye
had dismissed as free at their will I make a desert without an
pleasure, and have subjected inhabitant.
them to be unto you for men-
servants and for women-ser- CHAPTER XXXV.
vants. 1 The word which came
17 Therefore thus hath said ijnto Jeremiah from the Lord
the Lord, Ye indeed have not in the days of Yehoyakim the
hearkened unto me, to proclaim son of Josiah the king of Judah,
freedom, every one to his bro- saying,
ther, and every one to his neigh- 2 Go unto the house of tho
bour behold, I proclaim a. free- Rechabites, and speak with

dom over you, saith. the Lord, them, and bring them into the
to the sword, to the pestilence, house of the Lord, into one of
and to the famine; and I will the chambers, and offer them
make you a horror unto all the wine to drink.
kingdoms of the earth. 3 Then I took Yaazanyah the
18 And I will give up the son of Jeremiah, the son of Cha-
men that have transgressed my bazzinyah, and his brethren, and
covenant, who have not fulfilled ail his sons, and the whole house
the words of the covenant which of the Rechabites;
they had made before me, at the 4 And I brought them into
calf which they cut in twain, the house of the Lord, into the

and between .the parts whereof chamber of the sons of Chanan,

they passed, the son of Yigdalyahu, the man
19 The princes of Judah, and of God, which was alongside of
the princes of Jerusalem, the the chamber of the princes,
court-servants, and the priests, which was above the chamber
and all the people of the land, of Ma’aseyahu the son of S’nal-
who have passed between the Jiitn, the keeper of the door :

parts of the calf; 5 And I set before the sons

20 (Yea) I will give them up of the house of the Rechabites
into the hand of their enemies, goblets full of wine, and cups;
and into the hand of those that and I said unto them, Drink
seek their life;
and their dead wine.
bodies shall become food unto 6 But they said, We will not
the fowls of the heavens, and to drink wine; for Yonadab the
the beasts of the earth. son of Rechab our father hath
21 And Zedekiah the king of laid a charge on us, saying, Ye
Judah and his princes will I shall not drink wine, neither ye,
give up into the hand of their nor your sons for ever;
enemies, arid into the hand of 7 Nor shall ye build any
those that seek their life, and house, nor sow seed, nor plant a
into the hand of the army of the vineyard, nor have (any such);
king of Babylon, that are (now) but in tents shall ye dwell all.
gone away from you. your days, in order tbit ye may
22 Behold, I will command, live many days on the face of
saith the Lord, and I will the land where ye may sojourn.
bring them back to this city 8 And we have hearkened
and they shall fight against it, unto the voice of Yehonadab tho
and capture it, and burn it with son of Rechab our father in all
tire: and the cities of Judah that he hath charged us, not to
drink any wine all our days, and have not hearkened unto
we, our wives, our sons, and our me.
daughters ;
16 Because the sons of Yeho-
9 And not to build houses for nadab the son of Rechab have
our dwelling and we never had
: fulfilled the ccmmandment of
any vineyard, or field, or seed ;
their father, which he hath com-
10 But we have dwelt in manded them; but as thispeople
tents, and have obeyed, and have not hearkened unto me :

done in accordance with all that 17 Therefore thus hath said

Yonada'b our father hath com- the Lord, the God of hosts, the
manded us. God of Israel, Behold, I will
11 But it came to pass, when bring upon Judah and upon all
Nebuchadrezzar the king of Ba- the inhabitants of Jerusalem all
bylon came up into the land, the evil that I have spoken con-
that we said, Come, and let us go cerning them ;
because I spoke
into Jerusalem because of the unto them, but they would not
army of the Chaldeans, and be- hear: and I called unto them,
cause of the army of the Syrians; but they would not answer.
and so we dwell at Jerusalem 18 And unto the house of the
12 Then came the word of Rechnbites said Jeremiah, Thus
the Lord unto Jeremiah, say hath said the Lord of hosts, the
ing, God of Israel, Whereas ye have
13 Thus hath said the Lord hearkened to the charge of Yo-
of hosts, the God of Israel, Go nadab your father, and have
and say to the men of Judah kept all his commandments, and
and to the inhabitants of Jeru- have done in accordance with all
salem, Will ye not receive in- that he hath commanded you :

struction to hearken to my 19 Therefore thus hath said

words? saith the Lord. the Lord of hosts, the God of
14 Fulfilled are the words of Israel, Thei e shall not be want-
Yehonadab the son of Rechab, ingiunto Yehonadab the son of
that he hath commanded his Rechab a man to stand before
sons not to drink wine and me at all times.

they have not drunk any even

unto this day; because they CHAPTER XXXVI.
have obeyed the commandment 1 *[[ And it came to pass in
of their father but I, I have the fourth year of Yehoyakim

spoken unte you, early in the the son of Josiah the king of
day and speaking but ye have Judah, that this word came

not hearkened unto me. unto Jeremiah from the Lord,

15 And I have sent unto you saying,
all my servants the prophets, 2 Take thee a roll-book, and
making them rise up early and write therein all the words that
sending them, saying, Do but I have spoken unto thee against
return every man from his evil Israel, and against Judah, and
way, and amend your deeds, and against all the nations, from the
go not after other gods to serve day that I spoke unto thee. from
them and so shall ye remain the days of Josiah, even until

in the land which I have given this day.

to you and to your fathers but 3 Peradventure it be that the

ye have not inclined your ear, house of J udah will hear all the
evilwhich I purpose to do unto of Shaphan the scribe, in the
them in order thnt they may upper court, at the entrance of

return every man from his evil the new gate of the Lord's
way that I may forgive their
house, before the ears of all th?
iniquity and their sin. people.
4 Then did Jeremiah call And when Michayhu the
1 1

Baruch the son ofNeriyah and : son of Gemaryahu, the son of

Baruch wrote from the mouth Shaphan, had heard all the
of Jeremiah all the words of the words of the Lord out of the
Lord, which he had spoken book :

unto him, upon a roll -book. 12 He went down into the

5 And Jeremiah commanded king’s house, into the scribe’s
Baruch, saying, I am shut up; chamber; and, lo, all the princes
1 am not able to enter into the were sitting there, even Eiisha-
house of the Lord : uia’ the scribe, and Delayahu
6 Therefore go thou, and read the son of Shema’yahu, and El-
in the roll, which thou hast writ- n Attain the son of’Achbor, and
ten from my mouth, the words Gemaryahu the son of Shaphan,
of the Lord before the ears of and Zedekiah the son of Cha-
the people in the house of the nanyahu, and all the princes.
Lord on the fast-day and also
; 13 And Michayhu told unto
before the ears of all Judah them all the words which he
that come out of their cities had heard, when Baruch read
shalt thou read them. in the book before the ears of
7 Perhaps it may be that they the people.
will humbly present their sup 14 Thereupon sent all the
plication before the Lord, and princes Yehudi the son of Ne-
will return every one from his thanyahu, the son of Shelem*
evil way for great are the an- yahu, the son of Cushi, unto

ger and the fury that the Lord Baruch, saying, The loll wherein
hath decreed against this peo- hou hast ead before the ears of
1 l

ple. the people, —

this take in thy
8 And Baruch the son of Ne- hand, and come. So Baruch the
riyah did in accordance with all son of Neriyahu took the roll in
that Jeremiah the prophet had his hand, and came unto them
commanded him, to read in the 15 And they said unto him,
book the words of the Lord in Sit down, we pray thee, and
the house of the Lord. read it before our ears. So Ba-
9 And it came to pass in the ruch read it before their ears.
fifth year of Yehoyakim the son 16 Now it came to pass, when
of Josiah the king of Judah, in they heard all the words, they
the ninth month, that they pro- looked terrified at each other,
claimed a fast before the Lord and they said unto Baruch, We
for all the people in Jerusalem, will surely tell the king of all
and for all the people that came these words.
from the cities of Judah unto 17 And they asked Baruch,
Jerusalem. saying, Do tell us, How didst
10 And Baruch read in the thou write down all these words
book the words jof Jeremiah iti from his mouth ?
the house of the Lord, in the 18 Then said Baruch unto
thamber of Gemaryahu the son them, With his mouth did he
utter clearly these wo ds the Lord to Jeremiah, after the
unto me, and I wrote them in king had burnt the roll, and the
the book with ink. words which Baruch had writ-
19 Tf Then said the princes ten down from the mouth of
unto Baruch, Qo, hide thyself, Jeremiah, saying,
thou with Jeremiah and let ;
28 Take thee again another
no man know where ye are. roll, and write on it all the for-
20 And they went in to the mer words that have been on
king into the court, but the roll the first roll, which Yehoyakim
they had put in safe keeping in the king of Judah hath burnt.
the chamber of Edshama’ the 29 And concerning Yehoya-
scribe and they told before the kim the king of Judah shall

ears of the king all the words. thou say, Thus hath said the
21 But the king sent Yehudi Lord, Thou hast indeed burnt
to fetch the roll and he took it ibis roll, saying, Why hast thou

out of the chamber of Elishama’ written therein, saying, The

the scribe. And Yehudi read it king of Babylon shall certainly
before he ears of the king, and come and destroy this land, and

before the ears of all the princes shall cause to cease therefrom
who stood around the king. man and beast?
22 Now the king was sitting 30 Therefore thus hath
in the winter house in the ninth said the Lord concerning Ye-
month and a pan of coals was hoyakim the king of Judah.

burning before him. He shall have no one to sit

23 And it came to pass, when upon the throne of David and ;

Yehudi had read three or four his dead body shall be cast out
pages, that he cut it with the'to the heat in the day, and to
writer's knife, and cast it into the cold in he night. 1

the fire that was in the coal-pan. 31 And I will visit on him
until all the roll was consumed and on his seed and on his ser-
in the fire that was in the coal- vants their iniquity and I will

pan. bring over them, and over the

24 Yet they were not terri inhabitants of Jerusalem, and
tied, nor did they rend their against the men of Judah, all
garments, either the king, or Jthe evil that I have spoken
any of his servants that had against them, while they did
heard all these words. not hearken.
25 And although Elnathan 32 And Jeremiah took an-
and Delayahu and GemaryahuVher roll, and gave it to Ba-
had also made intercession with ruch the son of Neriyahu the
the king that he might not burn scribe who wrote thereon from

the roll, he would not listen to the mouth of Jeremiah all the
them. dvords of the book which Ye-
25 And the king commanded hoyakim the king of Judah
Yeraehmeel the son of the king, had burnt in the fi e and the e :

and Serayahu the son of Azriel, were yet added unto them

and fcShelemyahu the son of Ab- many words like them,

deei, to seize on Baruch the

scribe and Jeremiah the pro- CHAPTER XXXVII.

phet ;
but the Lord bid them. I
1 A^D Zedekiah the son of
27 Then came the word of Josiah reigned as king in the
59 2 E 697
place ofConyahu the son of (only such; men a i are pierce!
Yehoyakim, whom Nebuchad-j through yet should they rise :

rezzar the king of Babylon' up, every man in his tent, and
made king in the land of Judah. burn this city with fire.
2 But neither he, nor his ser- 1 1 And wher
it came to pass,
vants, nor the people of the the army of the Chaldeans had
land, did hearken unto the withdrawn from Jerusalem be-
words of the Lord, which he cause of the army of Pharaoh,
had spoken by means of Jere- 12 That Jeremiah went
miah the prophet. forth out of Jerusalem to go
3 And king Zedekiah sent into the land of Benjamin, to
Yehuchal the son of Shelemyah make his escape thence in the
and Zephanyahu the son of M;i- midst of the people.
’asseyah the priest unto Jere- 13 But as he was in the gate
miah the prophet, saying, Pray of Benjamin, there was there a
now in our behalf unto the Lord
ca ptain of the guardsmen, whose
our God. name was Yiriyah. the son of
4 Now Jeremiah came and: Shelemyah. the son of Chanan-
went out among the people;! yah and he seized hold of

and they put him not into the Jeremiah the prophet, saying,
prison-house. Thou runnest away to the Chal-
5 But the army of Pharaoh deans.
was come forth out of Egypt 14 But Jeremiah said, It is
and when the Chaldeans that false I am not running away

besieged Jerusalem heard the to the Chaldeans. But he lis-

report of them, they withdrew tened not to him and Yiriyah ;

from Jerusalem. seized hold of Jeremiah, and

6 Tnen came the word of brought him to the princes.
the Lord unto Jeremiah the* 5 Thereupon were the princes

prophet, saying, wroth with Jeremiah, and

7 Thus hath said the Lord, struck him, and put him in pris-
the God ot‘ Israel, Thus shall ye on in the house of Jonathan
say to the king of Judah, that the scribe for that had they

hath sent you unto me to in- made into a prison house.

quire of me, Behold, Pharaoh’s 16 When Jeremiah had been
army, which is come forth to placed in the dungeon, within
help you, returneth into its own the trader’s shops, where Jere-
land, to Egypt miah remained many days :

8 But the Chaldeans will 17 King Zedekiah sent, and

come again, and fight against had him taken out; and the
this city, and capture it, and king asked him in his house in
burn it with fire. secret, and said, “ Is there any
9 Thus hath said the Lord, word from the Lord?” And
Deceive not yourselves, saying, Jeremiah said, ‘‘There is.”
The Chaldeans will certainly go and he said, Into the hand of
away from us for they will not the king of Babylon shalt tboa

go away. be given up
10 For if even ye had smitten 18 And Jeremiah said unto
the whole army of the Chal- king Zedekiah, What have I
deans that fight against you, sinned against thee and against
and there remained among them thy servants, and against this
people, that ye have put me are yet left in this city, and the
into the prison-house? hands of all the people, by speak-
19 And where are now your ing such words unto them foi ;

prophets who have prophesied this man seeketh not the welfare
unto you, saying, The king of of this people, but their hurt.
Babylon will not come against 5 Then said king Zedekiah,
you, and against this land? Behold, he is in your hand ;
20 Yet now, do but hear, I the king is not able to do any-
pray thee, 0 my lord the king : thing against you.
let me offer my humble suppli- 6 Then did they take Jere-
cation, I pray thee, before thee, miah, and cast him into the pit
that thou wilt not make me re of Malkiyahu the son of the
turn to the house of Jonathan king, that was in the court of
the scribe, lest I die there. the prison and they let Jere-

21 Then comm tnded king miah down with cords but in ;

Zedekiah that they should put the pit there was no water, but
Jeremiah in ward in the court mire so that Jeremiah sunk

of the prison, and that they into the mire.

should give him a loaf of bread 7 Now when ’Ebed melech the
for every day out of the bakers Cushi, a eunuch who was in the

street, until all the bread was king’s house, heard that they
spent out of the city. Thus had placed Jeremiah into the
Jeremiah remained in the court pit while the king was sitting

of the prison. in the gate of Benjamin :

8 ’Ebed-melech went forth

CHAPTER XXXVIII. out of the king’s house, and
1 And Shephatyah the son of spoke to the king, saying,
Matthan,and Gedalyahu the son 9 My
lord, 0 king, these men
of Pashchur.and Y uchal the son have done wrong in ai that they 1

of Shelemyahu, and Pashchur have done to Jeremiah the pro-

the son of Malkiyah, heard the phet, whom tht-y have cast into
words that Jeremiah was speak- the pit and he would have had

ing unto all the people, saying. to die(as it is)in the place where
2 Thus hath said the Lord, he was for hunger for there is ;

He that remaineth in this city no more bread in the city.

shall die by the sword, by the 0 The king then commanded

famine, and by the pestilence ;

Ebed-melech the Cushi, saying,
but he that goeth forth to the Take with thee from here thirty
Chaldeans shall live : and he men, and bring up Jeremiah the
shall have his life as a booty, prophet out of the pit, before
and shall live. he die.
3 Thus hath said the Lord, II So ’Ebed- melech took the
This city shall surely be given men with him, and went into
up into the hand of the army of the house of the king under the
the king of Babylon, and he ireasury, and took thence cast-
shall capture it. off clothes and old rags, and let
4 Thereupon said theprinces them down into the pit to Jere-
unto the king, We beseech thee, miah by cords.
let this man be put to death; for 12 And ’Ebed-melech the Cu-
the cause that he weakeneth the shi said unto Jeremiah, Put, I
bands of the men of war that pray, these cast-off clothes and
rags under thy arm-pits be-[]ivyr me into their hand, and
neatli the cords. And Jeremiah! they might ill-use me.
did so. 20 •[ But Jeremiah said, J'hey

13 So they drew up Jeremiah will not give (thee) up. Obey,

14 cords, and brought him up! I beseech thee, the voice of the
out of the pit: and Jeremiah Lord, in that which I speak un-
remained in the court of the to thee; so it shall be well unto
prison. thee, and thy soul shall live.
Then sent king Zedekiah, 21 But if thou refuse to g
and took Jeremiah the prophet forth, this is the word that th .

unto him into the third entry Lord hath shown me :

that was in the house of the 22 And behold, all the women
Lord and the king said unto that are loft in the house of tin

Jeremiah, I will ask thee some- king of Judah shall be led forth
thing: conceal nothing from to the princes of the king of Ba-
me. bylon; and these women shall
15 Then said Jeremiah unto say, “ They have enticed, and
Zedekiah, If I should tell it un- have overpersuaded thee thy —
to thee, behold, thou wilt surely men that should have sought
put me to death and if I should thv welfare; thy feet are (now)

give thee counsel, thou wilt not sunk in the mire, and they have
hearken unto me. withdrawn themselves back-
16 So king Zedekiah swore ward.”
unto Jeremiah secretly, saying, 23 And all thy wives and thy
As the Lord Jiveth, who hath children shall they bring out to
made for us this soul, I will not the Chaldeans and thou thy- ;

put thee to death, nor will I give self shalt not escape out of their
thee up into the hand of these hand for by the hand of the

men that seek thy life. king of Babylon shalt thou be

17 51 Then said Jeremiah un- caught; and this city wilt thou
to Zedekiah, Thus hath said the cause to be burnt with fire.
Lord, the God of hosts, the God 24 51 Then said Zedekiah unto
of Israel, If thou ivilt indeed go Jeremiah, Let no man know of
forth unto the princes of the these words, that thou mayest
king of Babylon, then shall thy not die.
soul live, and this city shall not 25 And if the princes should
be burnt with fire; and thou hear that I have spoken wiih
shalt live, thou with thy house- thee, and they come unto thee,
hold ;
and say unto thee, Tel: us. we
pray thee, wha t thou hast spoken
18 But if thou w ilt not go forth

to the princes of the king of Ba- unto the king, conceal it not
bylon, then shall this city be from us, and we will not. pet thee
given up into the hand of the to death also what the king

Chaldeans, and they shall burn hath spoken unto thee :

it with fire, and thou thyself 26 Then shalt thou say unto
shaft not escape out of their them, I presented my htmn-la
hand. supplication
before the king, coat
19 51 Then said king Zedekiah he would not send me bach vj

unto Jeremiah, I am in dread! the house of Jonathan, to die

of the Jews that have run away there.
27 51 And all the princes came

to the Chaldeans, lest these de-i

unto Jeremiah, and asked him ;
6 And the king of Babylon
and he told them in accordance slaughtered the sons of Zede-
with all these words that the kiah in Riblah before his eyes ;

king had commanded. And also all the nobles of Judah did
they turned away silent from the king of Babylon slaughter
him; for the matter had not 7 And the eyes of Zedekiah
been made public. did he blind and he bound

28 And Jeremiah remained in him with brazen fetters, to car-

the court of the prison unti* the ry him to Babylon.
day that Jerusalem was taken. 8 And the house of the king,
And it came to pass when
and the houses of the people did
Jerusalem was captured, the Chaldeans burn with fire,
and the walls of Jerusalem did
CHAPTER XXXIX. they pull down.
lx the ninth year of Zede-
1 9 And the rest of the people
kiah the king ot Judah, in the that remained in the city, and
tenth month, that Nebuchad- those who had run away that
rezzar the king of Babylon came had run away to him, with the
with all his army against Jeru rest of the people that remain-
salem, and they besieged it. ed, did Nebusaradan the cap-
2 (And) in the eleventh year tain of the guard carry off into
of Zedekiah, in the fourth exile to Babylon.
month, on the ninth day of the 10 But of the poorest of the
month, was the city broken in. people, who had nothing, did
3 And then came all the Nebusaradan the captain of the
princes of the king ot Babylon, guard leave some in the land of
and sat down in the middle gate; Judah, and gave them vine-
(namely,) Neregal-sharezer, yards and arable fields at the
Samgar-nebu, Sarsechim, the same time.
chief of the eunuchs, Neregal- 11 And Nebuchadrezz ir the
sharezer, the chief of the magi, king of Babylon gave charge
with all the residue of the concerning Jeremiah through
princes of the king of Babylon. means of Nebusaradan the cap-
4 And it came to pass when tain of tue guard, saying,
Zedekiah the king of Judah saw 12 Take him, and direct thy
them, and all the men of war, eyes to him, and do him not the
that they fled, and went forth least harm ;
but as he may
out of the city by night, by the speak unto thee, even so do
way of the king’s garden, by the thou with him.
gate between the two walls: 13 Then sent Nebusaradan
and he went out by the way of

the captain of the guard, and

the plain. Nebushazban the chief of the
5 But the army of the Chal- eunuchs, and Neregal-sharezer
deans pursued alter them, and the chief of the magi, and all the
they overtook Zedekiah in the chiefs of the king of Babylon,
plains of Jericho; and they took 14 Even they sent, and took
him, and brought him up to Jeremiah out of the court of the
Nebuchadrezzar the king of prison, and they committed him
Babylon to Riblah :n the land unto Gedalyahu the son of
of Cnamath and he called him Achikam the son of Shaphan,

to account. Ito carry hiiu home and he re- :

59 * 701
mained in the midst of the peo- chains
which were upon thy
ple. hand. If it seem good in thy
15 But unto Jeremiah was eyes to come with me to Baby-
come the word of the Lord lon, come, and I will direct my
while he was shut up in the eye unto thee but if it seem ill ;

court of the prison, saying, in thy eyes to come with me to

16 Go and say to 'Ebed-me- Babylon, forbear: beheld, all
lech the Cushi as follovveth, the land is before thee whither ;

Thus hath said the Lord of it seemeth good and proper in

hosts, the God of Israel, Be- thy eyes to go, thither go.
hold, I will bring my words (to 5 And as he did not yet turn
fulfilment) against this city for about, (he said,) Go then back
evil, and not for good and ;
to Gedalyah the son of Achikam
they shall be accomplished be- the son of Shaphan, whom the
fore thee on that day. king of Babylon hath appointed
17 But I will deliver thee on governor over the cities of Ju-
that day, saith the Lord; and dah. and dwell with him in the
thou shalt not be given up into midst of the people or where- ;

the hand of the men of whom soever it seemeth proper in thy

thou hast dread. eyes to go, go. And the captain
18 For I will surely let thee of the guard gave him an allow-
escape, and thou shalt not fall ance and a present, and then
by the sword but thy life shall
dismissed him.
be unto thee as a booty; be 6 So did Jeremiah come unto
cause thou h-ist put thy trust Gedalyah the son of Achikam to
in me, saith the Lord. Mizpah and he dwelt with him

in the midst of the people that

CHAPTER XL. had been left in the land.
1 Tf The word that came unto 7 Now when all the captains
Jeremiah from the Lord, after of the armies who were in the
Nebusaradan the captain of the field,they and their men, heard
guard had dismissed him from that the king of Babylon had
Ramah, when he had taken him appointed Gedalyahu the son of
as he was bound in chains in the Achikam governor over the
midst of all the exiles of Jerusa i land, and that he had intrusted
lem and Judah, who werecarried unto him men, and women, and
away into exile unto Babylon.children, and these of the poor-
2 Then took the captain of est of the land, of those that had
the guard Jeremiah, and said not been carried away into ex-
unto him, The Lord thy God ile to Babylon :

had spoken this evil over this Then came they

to Gedal-
place ;
Mizpah, even I sham’ el
3 Now the Lord hath brought the son of Netbanyahu,and Yo-
it (to fulfilment), and hath done chanan and Jonathan the sons
according as he had spoken; be- of Kareach, and Serayah the
cause ye had sinned against the son of Thanchumeth, and the
Lord, and had not hearkened sonsof’Ephai the Netophathite,
to his voice ;
and therefore is and Yezanyahu the son of a Ma-
this thing come upon you ’achathite, they and their men.
4 And now, behold, I have 9 And Gedalyahu the son of
freed thee this day from the Achikam the son of Shaphan
swore unto them and unto thtir of it: wherefore should he de-
men, saying, Have no fear to prive thee of life, whereby all
serve the Chaldeans: remain in the Jews who are gathered untc
the land, and serve the king of thee would be scattered, and the
Babylon, and it will be well with remnant of Judah be lost?
you. 16 But Gedalyahu the son of
10 As for me, behold, I will Achikam said unto Yochanan
dwell at Mizpah, to stand before the son of Kareach, Thou slialt
the Chaldeans, who will come not do this thing; for thou speak-
unto us but ye, gather ye to-
: est a falsehood concerning Ish-
gether wine, and summer-fruits, ma’el.
and oil, and put them in your
vessels, and dwell in your cities CHAPTER XLI.
of .which ye have taken posses- 1 Now it came to pass in
sion. the seventh month, that Ishma-
11 And so likewise all the ’el the son of Nethanyah the son

Jews that were in Moab, and of Elishama’, of the royal seed,

among the children of ’Ammon, and the chiefs of the king, even
and in Edom, and that were in ten men with him, came unto
all the countries, heard that the Gedalyahu the son of Achikam
king of Babylon had left a rem- to Mizpah ; and they ate there
nant unto Judah, and that he bread together in Mizpah.
had appointed over them Gedal- 2 Then arose Ishma’el the son
yahu the son of Achikam the of Nethanyah, and the ten men
son of Shaphan ;
that were with him, and smoto
12 And then did all the Jews Gedalyahu the son of Achikam
return out of all places whither the son of Shaphan with the
they had been driven, and came sword, and put to death him,
to the land of Judah, to Gedal- whom the king of Babylon had
yahu, unto Mizpah, and gathered appointed governor over the
together wine and summer-fruits land.
in very great abundance. 3 And all the Jews that were
13 And Yochanan the son of with him, even with Gedalyahu,
Kareach, and all the captains at Mizpah, and the Chaldeans
of the armies that were in the that were found there, even the
field, came to Gedalyahu to men of war, did Ishma’el slay.
Mizpah, 4 And it came to pass on the
14 And they said unto him, second day after he’had put Ge-
Dost thou at all know that Ba- dalyahu to death, while no man
’alis the king of the children of knew of it,
’Ammon hath sent Ishma’el the 5 That there came certain
son of Nethanyah to deprive men from Shechem, from Shi-
thee of life? But Gedalyahu loh, and from Samaria, eighty
the son of Achikam believed men (in all), having their beards
them not. shaven, and their clothes rent,
15 And Yochanan the son of and having cut themselves, with
Kareach said to Gedalyahu se- meat-offerings and frankincense
cretly in Mizpah, as followeth, in their haud, to bring the same
Let me go, I pray thee, and I to the house of the Lord.
will slay Ishma’el the son of Ne- 6 And Ishma’el the son of Ne-
tt any ah, and no marshall know thanyah went forth from Mizpah
to meet them, going along and and found him by the great

weeping and it came to pass as water(-pool) that is near Gib’on


he met them, that he said unto 13 And it came to pass, when

them, Come to Gedalyahu the all the people who were wdth
son of Achikam. Ishma’el saw Yochanan the son
7 And it happened, as they of Kareach, and all the captains
entered into the midst of the of the armies that were with
city, that Ishma’el the son of him, that they were rejoiced.
Nethanyah slaughtered them, 14 And all the people that
(and cast them) into the midst Ishma’el had carried aw ay cap-

of the cistern, he, and the men tive from Mizpah turned about
that were with him. and returned, and went unto
8 But ten men were found Yochanan the son of Kareach.
among them that said unto Ish- 15 But Ishma’el the son of
ina’el, Slay us not; for we have Nethanyah escaped with eight
some things hidden in the field, men from the presence of Yocha-
(such as) wheat, and barley, and nan, and he went to the chil-
oil, and honey. So he forbore, dren of ’Ammon.
and slew them not in the midst 16 Then took Yochanan the
of their brethren. son of Kareach, and all the cap-
9 And the cistern wherein tains of the armies that were
Ishma’el cast all the corpses of with him, all the remnant of
the men, whom he had slain in the people whom he had reco-
company with Gedalyahu, is the vered from Ishma’el the son of
same which king Assa had made Nethanyah, from Mizpah, after
on account of Ba’sha the king he had slain Gedalyah the son
of Israel this did Ishma’el the of Achikam, the adult males,

son of Nethanyahu fill with the men of war, and the wo-
slain persons. men, and the children, and the
10 Then did Ishma’el carry eunuchs, whom he had brought
away captive all the residue of back from Gib’on
the people that wrnre in Mizpah, 17 And they w ent, and

the king’s daughters, and all remained in Geruth-Kimham,

the people that were remaining which is by Beth-lechem, to go
in Mizpah, whom Nebusaradan to enter into Egypt,
the captain of the guard had in- 18 Because of the Chaldeans ;
trusted to Gedalyahu the son of for they were afraid of them;
Achikam and Ishma’el the son
: because Ishma’el the son of Ne-
of Nethanyah carried them away thanyah had slain Gedalyahu
captive, and went off to pass the son of Achikam, whom the
over to the children of ’Am- king of Babylon had appointed
mon. governor over the land.
11 But when Yochanan the
Bon of Kareach, and all the cap- CHAPTER XLII.
tains of the armies that were 1 f Then came near all the
with him, heard of all the evil captains of the armies, and Yo-
that Ishma’el the son of Ne- chanan the son of Kareach, and
thanyah had done Yeza.nyah the son of llosha’yah,
12 Then did they take all the and all the people from the least
men, and went to fight with Ish- even unto the greatest,
ma’ei the son of Nethanyah, 2 And said unto Jaromiah the
prophet, Let, we beseech thee, you up, and I will not pull you
our humble supplication be ac- down, and I will plant you, and
cepted before thee, and pray in not pluck you up; for I have
our behalf unto the Lord thy bethought me of the evil that I
God, in behalf of all this rem- have done unto you.
nant (for we are left but a few
11 Be ye not afraid because
of many, as thy own eyes do see of the king of Baby Ion, of whom
us :) ye are afraid : have no fear of
3 That the Lord thy God him, saith the Lord for ;
may tell us the way whereon we with you to save jmu, and to
should walk, and the thing that deliver you out of his hand.
we should do. 12 And I will give unto you
4 Then said Jeremiah the mercy, that he may have mercy
prophet unto them. I have upon you, and let you return to
heard you behold, I will pray
: your own land.
unto the Lord your Gocl accord- 13 But if ye say, We will not
ing to your words and it shall
remain in this land, so as not to
come to pass, that whatsoever hearken to the voice of the
thing the Lord will answer you. Lord your God,
I will tell unto you; I will 14 laying. No; but into the
withhold not a word from you. land of Egypt will we go, that
5 But they said to Jeremiah. we may not see war, nor hear
May the Lord be a true and the sound of the cor net, and that
faithful witness against us, if we we may not have hunger for
do not act entirely according to bread and there will we dwell
; ;

all the word withwhich the Lord 15 And now therefore hear
thy God may send thee to us : the word of the Lord, ye rem-
t) Whether it be good, or nant of Judah, Til us hath said
whether it be evil, we will the Lord of hosts, the God of
hearken to the voice of the Israel, If ye will indeed set
Lord our God, to whom we send your faces to enter into Egypr,
thee ;
in order that it may be and go thitherto sojourn there :

well with us, when we hearken lf> Then shall the sword, of
to the voice of the Lord our God. which ye are afraid, there over-
7 And it came to pass at take you in the land of Egypt ;

the end of ten days, that the and the famine, whereof ye are
word of the Lord came unto in dread, shall there cleave close
Jeremiah. unto you in Egypt ;
and there
8 Then called he Yoch&nan shall ye die.
the son of Kareach, and all the 17 So shall be a’l the men
captains of the armies who were that have set their faces to go
with him, and all the people into Egypt to sojourn there,
from the least even to the great- they shall die by the sword, by
est, the famine, and by the pesti-
9 And he si id unto them. lence and they shall have none

Thus hath said the Lord, the that remaineth orescapeth from
God of Israel, unto whom ye the evil thac I am bringing over
sent me to present your humble them.
supplication before him 18 For thus hath said the

10 If ye will indeed remain Lord of hosts, the God of Is-

in this land, then will I build rael, As my anger and my fury
were poured forth over the in- |in order to deliver us into ths
habitants of Jerusalem so shal^hand of the Chaldeans, that

my fury be poured forth ove* they may put us to death, or

you, when ye enter into Egypt; carry us away as exiles to Ba-
and ye shall become an oath, byion.
and an astonishment, and a 4 So Yochannn the son of
curse, and a disgrace and ye Kareach, and all the captains

shall never see this place again. of the armies, and all the peo-
1 The Lord hath spoken con- ple, hearkened not to the voice
cel ning you.O ye remnant of Ju- of the Lord, to remain in the
dah, Ye shall not go into Egypt: land of J udah.
ye must know for certain that I 5 But Yochanan the son of
have warned you this day. Kareach. and all the captains
20 For ye ha ve dissembled in of the armies, took all the rem-
regard to what your intentions nant of Judah, that were re-
are; for ye sent me unto the turned from all the nations,
Lord your God, saying, Pray in whither they had been driven,
our behalf unto the Lord our to sojourn in the land of Judah;
God: and in accordance with all 6 The men, and the women,
that the Lord our God may say, and thechildren, and the king’s
so tell unto us, and we will do it. daughters, and everyperson that
21 And I have told it to you Nebusaradan the captain of the
this day; but ye have not heark- guard had left with Gedalyahu
ened to the voice of the Lord the son of Achikam the son of
your God, and this in all with Shaphnn ;
and Jeremiah the
which he hath sent me unto you prophet, and Baruch the son of
22 But now know for certain Neriyah ;

that ye shall die by the sword, 7 And they entered into the
by the famine, and by the pesti- land of Egypt for they heark-

lence, in the place whither ye ened not to the voice of the

desire to go to sojourn there. Lord and they came as far as

CHAPTER XLIII. 8 \\ Then came the word of
1 And it came to pass, when the Lord unto Jeremiah in
Jeremiah had made an end of Thachpanches, saying,
speaking unto the whole people 9 Take great stones in thy
all the words of the Lord their hand, and hide them in the mor-
God, with which the Lord their tar in the brick kiln which is at
God had sent him to them, the entrance of Pharaoh’s house
(namely,) all these words, in Thachpanches, before the
2 That then spoke ’Azaryah eyes of the Jewish men ;

the son of Hosha’yah, and Yo- 10 And thou shalt say unto
chnnan the son of Kareach, and them, Thus hath said the Lokd
all the presumptuous men, say- of hosts, the God of Israel, Be-
ing unto Jeremiah, Thou speak- hold I will send for and take
est falsely ihe Lord our God Nebuchadrezzar the king of Ba-

hath not sent thee to say, Ye bylon, my servant, and I will

shall not go into Egypt to so- set his throne above these stones
journ there ;
that I have hidden; and he shall
3 But Baruch the son of Ne- spread his royal pavilion over
riyah setteth thee on against us, them.

11 And he shall come and 5 But they hearkened not

smite the land of Egypt such
: and inclined not their ear t<i
as ^re destined for death shall turn away from theirwicked-
be given to death; and such as ness, so as not to burn incense
are destined for captivity, to unto other gods.
captivity ;
and such as are des- 6 Whereupon my fury and
tined for the sword, to the sword. my anger were poured forth,
12 And I will kindle a fire in and were enkindled in the cities
of Judah and in the streets of
the houses of the gods of Egypt,
and he shall burn them, and Jerusalem and they are become

car^y them away captive: and ruins, a desert, as at this day.

he shall wrap around him the 7 And now thus hath said
laud of Egypt, as a shepherd the Lord, the God of hosts, the
wrappeth his garment around God of Israel, Wherefore do ye
nim and he shall go forth from commit so great an evil against

there in peace. your souls, so as to cut oft* unto

13 And he shall break the you man and woman, child and
statues of Beth-sbemesb, which suckling, out of the midst of
is in the land of Egypt; and Judah, so as not to leave you
the houses of the gods of the any remainder,
Egyptians shall he burn with 8 By provoking me unto wrath
fire. with the works of your hands,
in burning incense unto other
CHAPTER XLIV. gods in the land of Egypt,
1 ^ The word that came to whither ye are come to sojourn
Jeremiah for all the Jews who there, in order to cut yourselves
dwell in the land of Egypt, who olf, and in order that ye might
dwell at Migdol, and at Thach- become a curse and a disgrace
panches, and at Noph, and in among all the nations of the
the country of Pathros, saying, earth ?
2 Thus hath said the Lord of 9 Have ye forgotten the wick-
hosts, the God of Israel, You edness of your fathers, and the
yourselves have seen all the evil wickedness of the kings of Ju-
that I have brought over Jeru- dah, and the wickedness of their
salem, and over all the cities of wives, and your own wicked-
Judah; and, behold, they are ness, and the wickedness of your
ruins this day, and no man is wives, which they had committed
dwelling in them in the land of Judah, and in the
3 Because of their wicked- streets of Jerusalem ?
ness which they had committed 10 They are not humbled even
to provoke me to anger, by go- up to this day, and they are not
ing to burn incense, to serve afraid, and they walk not in rny
other gods, whom they did not law, nor in my statutes, that I
know, either they, you, or your have set before you and before
fathers. your fathers.
4 And I sent unto you all my 11 Therefore thus hath said
servants the prophets, making the Lord of hosts, the God of
them rise early and sending Israel, Behold, I will set my
them, saying, Oh, do not com- face against you for evil, and to
mit this abominable thing which cut aft* all Judah.
L ha e. 12 And I will take the rem-
riant that have set
of Judah, cities of Judah, and in the
their faces to go into the land streets of Jerusalem when wo

of Egypt to sojourn there, and had plenty of food, and fared

they sh;ill all come to their end, well, and saw no evil.
(and') in the land of Egypt shall 18 But since the time we have
they fall by the sword (and)
: left off to burn incense to the
by the famine shall they come queen of heaven, and to pour
to their end from the least even
out drink-offerings unto her,
unto the greatest, by the sword have we had a lack of every
and by the famine shall they we have come to our
thing; and
die; and they shall become an end through the sword and
oath, an astonishment, and a through the famine.
curse, and a disgrace. 19 And when we burnt iucense
13 And I will inflict punish-to the queen of heaven, and
ment on those that dwell in the poured out drink-offerings i>nto
land of Egypt, as I have inflict-
her, —
was this without (the con-
ed punishment on Jerusalem, sent of) our husbands, that we
through the sword, through the did make cakes for her to make
famine, and through the pesti- her image, and pour out drink-
lence : offerings unto her?
14 So that there shall be no 20 «[ Then said Jeremiah un-
one that escapeth or remaineth to all the people, to the men,
of the remnant of Judah, who and to the women, and to all the
are gone into the land of Egypt people who had answered him
to sojourn there, that the}* should (with that) word, saying,
return into the land of Judah, 21 Behold, it was the incense
to which they direct (the desire that ye burnt in the cities of
of) their soul to return thither Judah, and in the streets of Je-
to dwell there; for they shall rusalem, ye, and your fathers,
not return, but such as shall es- your kings, and your princes,
cape. and the people of the land,
15 all the men
Then did which the Loud remembered,
who knew that their wives were and which came into his r*ind;
burning incense unto other gods, 22 So that the Lord could no
and all the women that stood by, longer endure it, because of the
a great multitude, and all the evil of your doings, because of
people that dwelt in the land of the abominations which ye had
Egypt, in Pathros, answer Jere- committed therefore is your

miah, saying, land become a, ruin, and an (ob-

16 Respecting the word that ject of) astonishment, and a
thou hast spoken unto us in the curse, without an inhabitant, as
name of the .T ohd, we will not at this day.
hearken unto tnee. 23 Because that ye had burnt
17 For to a surety we will do incense, and because ye bad
all the word that is gone forth sinned against the Lord, and
out of our own mouth, to burn had not hearkened to the voice
incense unto the queen of hea- of the Lord, and had not walked
ven and to pour out drink- in his law, in his statutes, and
offerings unto her, as we have in his testimonies therefore did

done, we, and our fathers, our this evil befall you, as it is this
kings, and our prices, in the day.
24 And Jeremiah said (far- chophra/ the king of Egypt into
ther) to all the people, and to the hand of his enemies, and into
all the women, Hear the word the hand of those that seek his
of the Lord, all Judah that are life, as I gave Zedekiah the king

in the land of Egypt, of Judah into the hand of Ne-

25 Thus hath said the Lord buchadrezzar the king of Baby-
of hosts, the God of Israel, say- lon, his enemy, and who had
ing, Ye and your wives have sought his life.
both spoken with your mouth,
and fulfilled with your hands, CHAPTER XLV.
saying, We will surely perform 1 The word which Jeremiah
our vows that we have vowed, the prophet spoke unto Baruch
to burn incense to the queen of the son of Neriyah, when he
heaven, and to pour out drink- wrote these words in a book out
offerings unto her: }^e will fully of the mouth of Jeremiah, in the
accomplish your vows, and fully fourth year of Yehoyakim the
perform your vows. son of Josiah the king of Judah,
26 Therefore hear ye the word saying,
of the Lord, all Judah that 2 Thus hath said the Lord,
dwell in the land of Egypt, Be- the God of Israel, concerning
hold, I ha ve sworn by my great thee, 0 Baruch :

name, saith the Lord, that my 3 Thou didst say, is meWo

name shall no more be called by now for the Lord hath added

the mouth of any man of Judah, grief to my pain I am wearied


saying, “As the Lord Eternal in my sighing, and rest have I

liveth,” in all the land of Egypt. not found
27 Behold, I will watch over 4 Thus shalt thou say unto
them for evil, and not for good him, Thus hath the Lord said,

and all the men of Judah that Behold, What I have built will
are in the land of Egypt shall I pull down, and what I have
come to their end through the planted will I pluck up and so ;

sword and through the famine, it is with this whole land.

until they be destroyed. 5 And wouldst thou indeed
28 Yet some that escape the seek great things for thyself?
sword shall return out of the seek them not; for, behold, I
land of Egypt into the land of will bring evil upon all flesh,
Judah, but few in number; and saith the Lord; but I will give
all the remnant of Judah, that thy life unto thee as a booty in
are come into the land of Egypt all the places whither thou may-
to sojourn there, shall know est go.
whose words shall stand firm,
mine, or theirs. CHAPTER XLV I.
29 And this shall be unto yon 1 The word of the Lord
the sign, saiih the Lord, that I which came to Jeremiah the pro.
will inflict punishment on you phet against the nations :

|p this place, in order that ye 2 Concerning Egypt, against

may know that my words shall the army of Pharaoh-uecho the
surely stand firm against you for king of Egypt, which was (post-
evil ed) by the river Euphrates in
30 Thus hath said the Lord, Karkemish, which Nebuchr ire?-
Behold, I will give Pharaoh- zar the king of Babylon smote
60 709
in the fourth year of Yehoya- remedies; there is no recovery
kim the son of Josiah the king for thee.
of Judah. 12 Nations have heard of thy
3 Make ye ready shield and shame, and thy cry of anguish
buckler, and draw near to the hath filled the earth for the

battle. mighty man over the mighty

4 Harness the horses, and have they stumbled, together are
mount, ye horsemen, and stand both of them fallen.
forth with helmets : sharpen the 13 The word which the Lord
spears, and put on the coats of spoke to Jeremiah the prophet,
mail. concerning the coming of Nebu-
5 Wherefore have I seen them chadrezzar the king of Babylon,
dismayed, moving backward ? to smite the land of Egypt.
while their mighty ones are 14 Announce ye in Egypt,
beaten down, and seek safety in and publish in Migdol, and pub-
flight, and look not back? There lish in Noph and in Thach-
is terror round about, saith the panches say ye, Stand fast, and

Lord. prepare thyself; for the sword

6 The swift cannot flee nway, devoureth round about thee.
nor can the mighty man escape: 15 Why are thy valiant men
toward the north, by the shore swept away ? notone hath stood,
of the river Euphrates do they because the Lord did drive him
stumble and fall. off.

7 Who is this that cometh up 16 He caused many to stum-

like a stream, whose waters are ble; yea, one also fell over the
upheaved like the rivers? other; and they said, Arise, and
8 Egypt cometh up like a let us return to our own people,
stream, and like the rivers are and to the land of our birth, from
the waters upheaved ;
and he before the wasting sword.
saith, I will go up, I will cover 17 They called out there, Pha-
the land I will destroy the city, raoh is king of Egypt, it was but

and those that dwell therein. vaunting, he hath let the time
9 Come up, ye horses; and appointed pass by.
rush along wildly, ye chariots; 18 As I live, saith the King,
and let the mighty men come the Lord of hosts is his name,
forth : Cush and Put, that grasp Surely as Thabor is among the
the shield, and the Ludim, that mountains, and as Carmel is by
grasp and bend the bow. the sea, so shall he come.
10 And this same day is for 19 Appurtenances of exile
the Lord, the Eternal of hosts, a make for thyself, 0 thou inha-
day of vengeance, to be avenged bitress, daughter of Egypt; for
on his adversaries; that the Noph shall be made a waste and
sword may devour, and may be be left desolate without an inha-
satiated and made drunken with bitant.
their blood ;
for there is a sacri- 20 ^ 0 fairest heifer, Egypt
the Lord the Eternal of
fice for. the butcher from the north com-
hosts in the north country by eth, he cometh.
the river Euphrates. 21 Also her hired troops in
1 1 Go up into Gil’ad, and fetch the midst of her are like fatted
balm, 0 virgin, daughter of calves; for they also are turned
Egypt in vain usest thou many
: round, are fled away together,
they do not stand; because the wholly will I not leave thee un-
day of their calamity is come punished.
upon them, the time of their pu-
nishment. CHAPTER XLVII.
22 Her cry shall come like 1 The word of the Lord that
(the hissing of) a serpent; for came to Jeremiah the prophet
with an army shall they march, against the Philistines, before
and with axes do they come the time that Pharaoh smote
against her, like hewers of wood. Gazzah.
23 They cut down her forest, 2 Thus hath said the Lord,
saith the Lord, though it can- Behold, waters are coming up
not be searched out ; because out of the north, and they shall
they are more than the grass- become an overflowing stream,
hoppers, and there is no number and shall overflow the land, and
to them. what filleth it the city, and

24 Ashamed hath been made those that dwell therein and :

the daughter of Egypt she hath the men shall cry aloud, and

been given up into the hand of every inhabitant of the land

the people of the north. shall wail.
25 The Lord of hosts, the 3 Because of the noise of the
God of Israel, hath said, Behold, stamping of the hoofs of his stud-
I will send visitation on Ahmon horses, because of the rushing
of No, and on Pharaoh, and on sound of his chariots, the rum-
Egypt, and on her gods, and on bling of his wheels, fathers do
her kings even on Pharaoh, not turn round to their children

and on those that trust on him; from, their feebleness of hands;

26 And I will give them up 4 Because of the day that
into the hand of those that seek eometh to devastate all the Phi-
their life, and into the hand of listines, to cut off from Tyre and
Nebuchadrezzar the king of Ba- Zidon every helper that remain-
bylon, and into the hand of his eth; for the Lord devastateth
servants and afterward shall the Philistines, the remnant of

she be inhabited, as in the days the isle of Caphthor.

of old, saith the Lord. 5 Baldness is come upon Gaz-
27 —
But thou fear thou not, zah ruined is Ashkelon with

0 my servant Jacob, and be not the remnant of their vall-ey how :

dismayed, 0 Israel for, behold, long yet wilt thou cut thyself?

1 will save thee from afar off, 6 Wo thou sword of the Lord,

and thy seed from the land of how long yet wilt thou not be
their captivity: and Jacob shall quiet? withdraw thyself into thy
return, and he shall be at rest scabbard, take thee rest, and be
and a.T ease, with none to make still.
him afraid, Yet how canst thou be quiet ?
28 Thou, —fear thou not, 0 When
the Lord hath given it a
Jacob my servant, saith the charge, against Ashkelon, and
Lord for I am with thee and against the sea-coast-- -thithei
; :

although I make a full end of hath he destined it.

ail the nations whither I have
driven thee, yet of thee will I CHAPTER XL V HI.
not make a full end and I will 1 Against Moab, Thus hath

correct thee in measure; yet said the Lord of hosts, the God
jeremiah XLvm.
of Israel, Wo unto Nebo! for
it had his taste remained in him,
is made ashamed, cap- and his scent was not changed.
wasted ;

tured is Kiryathayim made 12 ; Therefore, behold, days

ashamed is Misgab and dis- are coming, saith the Lord, when
mayed. I will send unto him tappers, that
2 There is no more praise of shall tap him, and they shall
Moab in Cheshbon have they empty his ve^els, and dash In

devised evil against it, “ Come, pieces their bottles.

and let us cut it off from being 13 And Moab shall bo ashamed
a nation/’ Also thou Madmen of Kemosh, as the house of Is-
shalt be ruined ; after thee shall rael were made ashamed be-
.pursue the sword. cause of Beth-el their confi-
3 There is a voice of crying dence.
from Choronayim, destruction 14 How can ye say, We are
and a great breach. mighty and men of bravery for
4 Broken down is Moab her : the war ?
little ones send forth a cry of 15 Moab
is wasted, and into
distress. hath (the enemy) as-
his cities
For the ascent of Lucbith cended, and his chosen young
is ascended with weeping and men are gone down to the slaugh-
tears for on the descent of Cho- ter, saith the King, the Lord of

ronayim the enemies have heard hosts is bis name.

the cry of destruction. 16 Near is the calamity of
6 Flee, save your life, and be Moab to come, and his misfor-
ye like the solitary tree in the tune hasteneth fast.
wilderness. 17 All ye that are about him
7 For, because thou hast trust- bemoan him, and all ye that
ed in thy works and in thy trea- know his name say. How is the :

sures, thou shalt be con-

also strong staff broken, the beautiful
quered : and Kemosh
shall go stick
forth into exile, (with) his priests 18 Come down from thy glory,
and his princes together. and thirst, thou inh&bi-
sit in
8 And the waster shall c*ome tress, daughter of Dibon fur

over every city, and no city shall the waster of Moab cometh up
escape: and lost shall be the against thee, he destroyeth thy
valley, and destroyed shall be the strong-holds.
plain, as the Lord hath said. 19 Stand by the way, and look
9 Give wings unto Moab, that out, 0 inhabitress of ’Aro’er ask.

she may flee and get away since : him that fleeth, and her that
her cities shall become deso- escapeth, say, What hath been
late, without any to dwell there- done ?

in. 20 Moab hath been made

10 Cursed be he that doth the ashamed for it is broken 3ov n

work of the Lord negligently, wail, and cry aloud tell ye it


and cursed be he that withhold- by the Arnon, that Moab is

eth his sword from blood. wasted,
11 Moab was ever at ease from 21 And punishment is come
his youth, and he was resting on over the land of the plain, over
his lees, and was not emptied Cholon, and over Yahzah, and
from vessel to vessel, and had over Mepha’ath,
not gone into exile therefore :22 And over Dibon, and over
Nebo, and over Beth-diblatha- •caused the wine to cease from the
yim, wine-presses none shall tread

23 And over Kiryathayim, and the press with the vintner’s call;
over Beth-gamul, and over Beth- battle cry —nor vintner’s call.
me’on, 34 From the loud cry of Chesh-
24 And over Keriyoth, and bon as far as ETaleh, even unto
over Bozrah, and over all the Yahaz, have they sent forth their
cities of the land of Mo’ab, that voice, from Zo’ar even unto Cho-
are far and that are near. ronayim, to the third ’Eglath ;
25 Hewn away is the horn of for the waters also of Nimrim
Moab, and his arm is broken, shall become desolate.
saith the Lord. 35 Moreover will I cause tc
26 Make him drunken for he cease unta Moab, saith the Lord,

magnified himself against the him that oflereth on the high-

Lord and Moab shall wallow places, and him that burneth in-

in his vomit, and he also shall cense to his gods.

become (an object) of derision. 36 Therefore shall my heart
27 For was not Israel a deri- groan for Moab like flutes, and
sion unto thee? or was he found my heart shall groan like flutes
among thieves? that whenever .for the men of Kir-cheres; for
thou spokest of him, thou hadst the cause that the remnant of
to shake (thy head) ? the riches he had gotten are lost.
28 Leave the cities, and dwell 37 For every head is bald, and
on rocks, 0 ye that dwell in Mo- every beard is shorn upon all :

ab; and be ye like the dove that the hands are cuttings, and upon

maketh her nest in the sides of the loins is sackcloth.

the mouth of rocky clefts. 38 Upon all the roofs of Moab,
29 We have heard the pride and in her streets, there is every-
of Moab, who is so exceedingly where lamentation for I have

proud, his haughtiness, and his broken Moab like a vessel which
pride, and his arrogance, and hath no value, saith the Loro.
the overbearingness of his heart. 39 Oh, how is it broken down !

30 I well know, saith the Lord, wail how hath Moab turned the

his wrath, and how causeless it back with shame and Moab

is: his liars have done what is shall be a derision and a dismay
not right. to all those around him.
31 Therefore will I wail for 40 For thus hath said the
Moab, and for all Moab will I Loud, Behold, as th-e eagle shall
cry out; for the men of Kir- he fly, and he shall spread out
cheres shall people moan. his wings over Moab.
32 With the weeping of Ya- 41 Captured are the fortresses,
'zer will I weep for thee, 0 vine and the strong-holds are con-
of Sibmah; thy tendrils (once) quered and the heart of the

passed over the sea, they reach- mighty men of Moab shall be on
ed as far as to the sea of Ya- that day as the heart of a woman
’zer: over thy summer-fruits and in her pangs.
over thy vintage the waster is' 42 And Moab shall be de-
fallen. coyed from being a people; be-
33 And banished are joy ami cause it hath magnified himself
gladness from Carmel, and from against the Lord.
tb« land of Moab; and I Lave 43 Terror, and the pit, and tha
60 * 2 52 713
upon thee, 0 inha- exile, (with) his
shall no priest and hi a
bitant of Moab, saith the Lord. princes together.
44 lie that fleeth from the 4 Wherefore gloricst thou in
terror shall fall into the pit ;
and the valleys? thy valley floweth
he that getteth up out of the pit (with blood), 0 backsliding
shall be caught in the snare; for daughter, that trusted in her
I will bring upon it, even upon treasures, saying, Who can come
Moab, the year of their visita- unto me ?
tion, saith the Lord. 5 Behold, I will bring terror
45 Under the shadow of Chesh- upon thee, saith the Lord the
bon stand still, deprived of Eternal of hosts, from all those
itrength, those that flee; but a that are around thee and ye shall
! :

fire cometh forth out of Chesh- jbe driven out every man in his
bon, and a flame from the midst Sown way and none shall gather

of Sichon, and it devoureth the up the fugitive.

corner of Moab, and the crown 6 And afterward will I bring
of the head of the children of back again the captivity of the
vaunting. children of ’Ammon, saith the
46 Wo unto thee, 0 Moab! Lord.
lost is the people of Kemosh 7;
Concerning Edom, Thus
for thy sons are taken captives, hath said the Lord of hosts, Is
and thy daughters into cap- there no more wisdom in The-
tivity. man ? is counsel vanished from
47 Yet will I bring back again the prudent? is their wisdom
the captivity of Moab in the end become corrupt?
of days, saith the Lord. Thu 3 8 They flee, turn round, seek
far is the punishment of Moab. their abode in deep places, the —
inhabitants of Hedan for the
CHAPTER XLIX. calamity of ’Esau do I bring

1 Against the children of upon him, the time when I visit

’Ammon, Thus hath said the him with punishment.
Lord, Hath Israel no sons ? or 9 If grape-gatherers had come
hath he no heir? why then doth to thee, would they not have
Malcom possess Gad, and why left some gleanings ? thieves
do his people dwell in his cities? by night, they would destroy
2 Therefore, behold, days are only till they had satisfied them-
coming, saith the Lord, when selves ;
I will cause an alarm of war to 10 But I have made ’Esau
be heard in Rabbah of the chil- bare, I have uncovered his se-
dren of ’Ammon and it shall cret haunts, so that he will not

become a desolate heap, and its be able to hide himself his seed :

villages skall be burnt with fire: is wasted, and his brethren, and
then shall Israel drive out those his neighbours, and he is no
that drove them out, saith the more.
Lori:. 11 Leave thy fatherless chil-
3 Wail, 0 Cheshbon, for ’Ai dren, I will have to preserve
is wasted ; cry aloud, ye daugh- them alive and thy widows

ters of Rabbah, gird yourselves must trust in me.

with sackcloth lament, and
12 For thus hath said the
roam about among the sheep- Lord, Behold, they whose right
folds ; for Malcom shall go into it was not to drink the cup have
been compelled to drink it, and 20 Therefore hear the coum
art thou he that shall altogether sel of the Lord, that he hath
go unpunished? thou shalt not resolved against Edom and his ;

go unpunished, but thou shalt purposes, that he hath devised

surely drink it. against the inhabitants of The-
13 For by myself have I Qian Surely the least of the

sworn, saith the Lord, that flocks shall drag them away ;
Bozrah shall become an asto- surely he will devastate ever
nishment, a disgrace, a ruin, them their habitation.
and a curse: and all its cities 21 At the noise of their fall
shall become perpetual ruins. the earth quaketh (there is) an :

14 A report have I heard outcry, —

at the Red Sea their
from the Lord, and an ambas- voice is heard.
sador is sent among the nations, 22 Behold, like the eagle shall
(saying,) Gather yourselves to- he come up and fly along, and
gether, and come against her, spread out his wings over Boz-
and rise up to the battle. rah and the heart of the mighty

15 For, lo, I render thee small men of Edom shall be on that

among the nations, despised day as the heart of a woman in
among men. her pangs.
16 Thy hastiness hath de- 23 Concerning Damascus.
ceived thee, the presumption of Chamath and Arpad are made
thy heart, 0 thou that dwellest ashamed for evil tidings have

in the clefts of the rock, that they heard, they are faintheart-
holdest the height of the hill ed on the sea there is care, it

though thou shouldst make thy is not able to be quiet.

nest as high as the eagle, thence 24 Damascus is become feeble,
would I bring thee down, saith she t.urneth about to flee, and
the Lord. trembling hath taken hold on
17 And Edom shall become her: pangs and throes have
(an object of) astonishment seized her, as a woman in tra-
every one that passeth by it vail.
shall be astonished, and shall 25 “ How is the city of praise
hiss at all its wounds. not forsaken, the town of my
18 Like the overthrow of So- joy r
dom and Govnorrah and their 26 Therefore shall her young
neighbours, saith the Lord, so men fall in her streets, and all
shall no man dwell there, nor the men of war shall perish on
shall a son of man sojourn there- that day, saith the Lord of hosts.
in. 27 And I will kindle a fire on
19 Behold, like a lion will he the wall of Damascus, and it
come up from the overflow of shall consume the palaces of
the Jordan against the strong Ben-hadad.
habitation for I will hasten
; 28 Concerning Kedar, and
him, (and) make him suddenly concerning the kingdoms of
prevail against her; and him Chazor, which Nebuchadrezzar
who is chosen will I array the king of Babylon smote, thus
against her for who is like me ? hath s?id the Lord, Arise ye, go

and who will challenge me to up to Kedar, and devastate the

battle? and who is that shep- men of the east.
herd that can stand before me ? 29 Their tents and their flocks
shall they take awaytheir cur- anger, saith the Lord
; and I ;

tains, and all their vessels, and will send out after them tho
their camels shall they take to sword, till I have made an end
themselves and they shall call of them.

out over them, Terror is on every 38 And I will set up my

side. throne in ’Elam, and I will de-
30 Flee, fly away far off, seek stroy thence king and princes,
your abode in deep places, 0 ye saith the Lord.
inhabitants of Chazor, snil-h the 39 But it shall come to pass
Lord for Nebuchadrezzar the in the latter days, that I will

king of Babylon h.ith taken bring back again the captivity

counsel against you, and hath of 'Elam, saith the Lord.
conceived a device against thee.
31 Arise, get you up unto CHAPTER
the nation that is at ease, that 1 The word that the Lord
dwelleth in security, saith the spoke concerning Babylon, con-
Lord, which hath neither gates cerning the land of th6 Chal-
nor bars, which dwell alone. deans, by means of Jeremiah
32 And their camels shall be- the prophet.
come a booty. and the multitude 2 Announce ye among the na-
of their cattle a spoil and I
: tions, an.d publish, and lift up a
will scatter unto all winds those standard publish, conceal not
; ;

that have the hair cut round ;

say, Babylon is captured, Bel
and from all sides will I bring is put to shame, Merodach is
their calamity, saith the Lord. broken in pieces put to shame

33 And Chazor shall become are her idols broken in pieces


a dwelling for monsters, a, deso- are her images.

lation for ever there shall no
: 3 For there is come up against
man dwell there, nor shall a her a nation out of the north,
son of man sojourn therein. which will change her land into
34 The word of the Lord a desert, so that there shall not
that came to Jeremiah the pro- be any one dwelling therein :

phet concerning ’Elam, in the both man and beast are fled
beginning of the reign of Zede- away, they are departed.
kiah the king of Judah, saying, 4 In those days, and at that
35 Thus hath said the Lord time, saith the Lord, shall the
of hosts, Behold, I will break children of Israel come, they
the bow of ’Elam, the chief of and the children of Judah to-
their strength. gether, going and weeping shall
36 And I will bring over they go, and the Lord their God
’Elam the four winds from the shall they seek.
four quarters of the heavens, *
5 After Zion shall they ask,
and I will scatter them toward with their faces on the way
allthese winds and there shall
: thitherward, (saying,) Come:
not be any nation whither shall and they will join themselves to
not come the outcasts of ’Elam. the Lord in a perpetual cove-
37 For I will cause ’Elam to nant that shall not be forgotten.
be dismayed before their ene- 6 Lost sheep were my peo-
mies, and before those that seek pie their shepherds had caused

their life and I will bring over

: them to go astray, they had let
them evil, the fierceness of my them roam wildly on the rnoun-
tains from mountain to hill did about; she hath stretched out

they go, they forgot their rest- her hand fallen are her foun-

ing-place. dations, thrown down are hei

7 All that found them de- walls; for it is the vengeance
voured them and their adver- of the Lord take vengeance
; ;

saries said, We offend not, be- upon her; as she hath done, so
cause they have sinned against do unto her.
the Loud, the habitation of 16 Cut off the sower from Ba-
righteousness, and the hope of bylon, and him that handleth
their fathers, the Loud. the sickle in the time of harvest;
8 Fly away out of the midst because of the wasting sword
of Babylon, and go forth out of shall they turn about every one
the land of the Chaldeans, and to his people, and everyone to
be ye as the he-goats before the his own land shall they flee.
flocks. 17 A scattered lamb is Is-
9 For, lo, I will awaken and rael; the lions have driven him
cause to come up against Baby- away; first the king of Assyria
lon an assemblage of great na- devoured him; and this last one
tions from the north country; broke his bones, (even) Nebu-
and they shall set themselves in chadrezzar the king of Baby-
battle-array against her from ;
there shall she be captured 18 Therefore thus hath said

their arrows are as those of a the Lord of hosts, the God of

skilful mighty one, none of Israel, Behold, I will inflict
which ever returneth in vain. punishment on the king of Ba-
10 And Chaldea shall be givenbylon and on his land, as I have
up to spoil all that spoil her
: punished the king of Assyria.
19 And I will bring Israel
shall be satisfied, saith the Loud.
11 Though ye rejoice, though back again to his habitation,
ye be glad, 0 ye plunderers of and he shall feed on Carmel
my heritage, though ye be grown and Bashan and upon the

fat as the heifer at grass, and mountain of Ephraim and Gil-

neigh ns stud-horses : 'ad shall his soul be satisfied.
12 Your mother is made 20 In those days, and at that
greatly ashamed she that bore
time, saith the Lord, shall the
you is put to the blush behold, ;
iniquity of Israel be sought for,
the end of nations shall be wil- and it shall not be there and ;

derness, dry land, and desert. the sins of Judah, and they
13 Because of the wrath of shall not be found for I will

the Lord shall it not be inhab pardon those whom I will leave
ited, and it shall be wholly des- remaining.
olate every one that passeth
: 21 Against the land of two-
by Babylon shall be astonished, fold rebellion —
even against it
and hiss overall her wounds. go thou up, and against the in-
14 Put yourselves in battle- habitants of the country of pun-
array against Babylon round ishment lay in ruins and ut-

about, all ye that bend the bow terly destroy their offspring,
shoot at her, spare not the ar- saith the Lord, and do in ac
rows for against the Lord
cordance with all that I have
path she sinned. commanded thee,
15 Shout against her round 22 A sound of battle (is heard)
in the land, and of great de- 31 Behold, I am against
struction. thee, 0 presumptuous one
2 3 How is cut asunder and bro saith the Lord, the Eternal of
ken the hammer of all the earth! hosts; for thy day is come, the
how is Babylon become an as- time that I will visit thee (with
tonishment among the nations ! punishment)
24 I have laid a snare for 32 And the presumptuous
thee, and thou art also cap- shall stumble and fall, with none
tured, 0 Babylon, while thou to raise him up : and I will
wast not aware: thou art found, kindle a fire in his cities, and it
and also caught, because thou shall devour all his environs.
hadst entered into a contest 33 Thus hath said the Lord
against the Lord. of hosts, The children of Israel
25 The Lord hath opened his and the children of Judah are
treasury, and hath brought forth oppressed together and all that:

the weapons of his indignation ;

took them captive hold them
for it is a work for the Lord, they refuse to disinissthem.
the Eternal of hosts, in the land 34 Their Redeemer is strong ;

of the Chaldeans. of hosts is his name

The Lord :

26 Come against her from the he will surely contend in their

end of the earth, open her gar- cause, in order that he may give
ners tread her down as shea ves
rest to the land, and make the
of corn, and destroy her utterly: inhabitantsot Babylon tremble.
let there not be left of her a 35 The sword is upon the
remnant even. Chaldeans, saith the Loro, and
27 Destroy all her bullocks against the inhabitants of Ba-

fet them go down tv> the slaugh- bylon, and against her princes,
ter: wo unto them for their
! and against her wise men.
day is come, the time of their o6 The sword is against the
visitation. lyingsoothsayers.and th.ey shall
28 There is the voice of those be made foolish the sword is:

that flee and escape out of the against her mighty men, and
land of Babylon, to tell in Zion they shall be dismayed.
the vengeance of the Lord our 37 The sword is against their
God, the vengeance for his tem- horses, and against their cha-
ple riots, and against all the con-

29 Call together the archers federates that are in the midst


against Babylon all

ye that of her, and they shall become
bend t-he bow, encamp against as women the sword is against

her round about ;

let there be her treasures, and they shall be
no escape for her recompense plundered.

her according to her work in;

38 The drought is against her
accordance with all that she wa ters, and they shall be dried
hath done, do unto her; for up for it is the land of graven

against the Lord hath she acted images, and with their horrid
presumptuously, against the idols do they play the madman.
Holy One of Israel. 39 Therefore shall martens
30 Therefore shall hor young dwell (there) with jackals, and
men fall in her streets, and all the ostriches shall dwell therein:
her men of war shall perLh on and it shall not be inhabited any
that day, saith the Lord. jmore for ever and it shall not


be dwelt in from generation to CHAPTER

generation. 1 Thus hath
said the Lord,
>4*0 Like the overthrow by God Behold, I will awaken against
of Sodom and Gomorrah and. , Babylon, and against those that
their neighbours, saith the Lord, dwell in the midst of my oppo-
so shall no man dwell there, nor nents, a destroying wind ;

shall auy son of man sojourn 2 -And I will send out unto
therein. Babylon fanners, and they shall
41 Behold, a people cometh fan her, and shall empty out her
from the north, and a great na- land ; for they shall be against
tion, and many kings shall be her round about on the day of
awakened from the farthest ends trouble.

o'f the earth. 3 Let the archer come against

42 Bow and lance do they any one that bendeth his bow,
firmly grasp ; they are cruel, and against him that lifteth him-
and show not any mercy,- their self up in his armour and spare :

voice roareth like the sea, andj ye not her young men; destroy

upon horses do they ride, placed ye utterly ail her host.

in array, like one man, for the 4 And the slain shall fall in
battle, against, thee, 0 daughter the land of the Chaldeans, aud
of Babylon. they that are pierced through,
43 The king of Babylon hath in her streets.
heard the report of them, and 5 For not widowed are Israel
his hands are grown feeble an- and Judah of their God, of the

guish hath taken fast hold of Lord of hosts ; for the land of
him, pangs as of a woman in those was filled with guiltiness
travail. against the Holy One of Israel.
44 Behold, like a lion shall 6 Flee ye out of the midst of
he come up from the overflow Babylon, and save ye every man

of the Jordan unto the strong his life perish not for her ini-

habitation ;
for I will hasten quity for this is a time of ven-

them (and) make them suddenly geance unto the Lord; a re-
prevail over her, and him who compense is he paying out unto
is chosen will I array against her.
her; for who like me? and who 7 A
golden cup hath Babylon
will challenge me to battle? and been in the hand of the Lord,
who is that shepherd that can that made drunken all the earth :

stand before me ? of her wine have nations drunk ;

45 Therefore hear ye the coun- therefore are the nations ren-
sel of the Lord, that he hath dered mad.
resolved against Babylon and ;
8 Suddenly is Babylon fallen
his purposes, that he hath de- and broken wail ye for her;

vised against the land of the fetch balm for her wound, per-
Chaldeans Surely the least of haps she may be healed.

the flock shall drag them away 9 “We

would have healed
surely he will devastate over Babylon, but she was not heal-
them their habitation. ed forsake her, and let us go

46 At the noise of the con- every one unto his own country;
quest of Babylon the earth for her punishment reacheth un-
quaketh, and the outcry is heard to the heavens, and it is lifted
among the nations. up even to the skies.”
10 The Lord hath brought 19 Not like these is the poi\
forth our righteousness come, ti-on of Jacob; for He is the

and let us relate in Zion the .former of all things, and Israel
work of the Lord our God. is the tribe of his inheritance .

11. Make bright the arrows; The Lord of hosts is his

fill the quivers the Lord hath name.

awakened the spirit of the kings 20 Thou art a hammer un-

of Media; for against Babylon to me, weapons of war; and I
is his intention, to destroy it strike down with thee nations,
because it is the vengeance of and I destroy with thee king-
the Lord, the vengeance for his doms ;
temple. 21 And I strike down with
12 Against the walls of Ba- thee the horse and his rider;
bylon lift up the standard, and I strike down with thee the
strengthen the watch, set up the chariot and its rider
watchmen, make ready the am- 22 And I strike down with
bushes for the Lord hath both thee man and woman; and I

intended and done what he had strike down with thee the aged
spoken against the inhabitants and the lad; and I strike down
of Babylon. with thee the young man and
13 0 thou that dwellest upon the virgin ;
many waters, great in treasures, 23 And I strike down with
thy end is come, tha full mea- thee the shepherd and his flock ;
sure of thy selfish robbery. and I strike down with thee the
14 Sworn hath the Lord of husbandman and his yoke of
hosts by himself, Surely I will oxen; and I strike down with
fill thee with men, as with lo- thee governers and rulers.

custs and they shall lift up the

: 24 But (now) will I repay un-
battle-cry against thee. to Babylon and to all the inha-
15 He made the earth by bitants of Chaldea all their evil
his power, he established the that they have done in Zion be-
world by his wisdom, and by his fore your eyes, saith the Lord.
understanding he stretched out 25 Beho-ld, I am against
the heavens. thee, 0 destroying mountain,
16 At the sound when he giv- saith the Lord, which destroy-
eth a multitude of waters in the est all the earth ;
and I will
heavens, and causeth clouds to stretch out my hand over thee,
ascend from the ends of the and I will roll thee dotvn from
earth ; when he maketh light- the rocks, and will render thee a
nings with rain, and bringeth burnt mountain.
forth the wind out of his trea- 26 And they shall not take
sures : from thee a stone for a corner,
17 Then standeth every man nor a stone for foundations but

as brutish without knowledge; everlasting ruins shalt thou be,

ashamed is every goldsmith be- saith the Lord.
cause of the graven image for ;
27 Lift ye up a standaid in
falsehood is his molten work, the land, blow ye the comet
and there is no breath therein. among the nations, make ready
18 They are vanity, the work against her nations, call togei her
of deception in the time of their against her the kingdoms of

punishment shall they vanish. Ararat, Minni, aud Ashkenaz;

appoint against her a command- say; and “My blood be upon
er; cause the horses to come up the inhabitants of Chaldea,” will
like the hairy locusts. Jerusalem say.
28 Make ready against her 36 *[ Therefore thus hath said
the nations with the kings of the Lord, Behold, I will contend
Media, its governors, and all its in thy cause, and execute ven-
rulers, and all the land of their geance for thee and I will dry

dominion. up her sea, and cause her springs

29 And the earth quaketh and to fail.
trembleth ; for every one of the 37 And Babylon shall become
purposes of the Lord is fulfilled ruinous heaps, a dwelling-place
against Babylon, to change the for monsters, an astonishment,
land of Babylon into a deso- and a derision, without an in-
late country without an inhabi- habitant.
tant. 38 Together like lions shall
30 The mighty men of Baby- they roar they shall yell like

lon have ceased to fight, they the lions’ whelps.

sit still in (their) strongholds; 39 When they are heated will
their might is vanished they
I prepare their drinking-feasts,
are become as women they have
: and I will make them drunken,
burnt her dwelling-places; her in order that they may be joy-
bars are broken. ful, and (then) sleep a perpetual
31 One runner shall run to sleep, and not awake again, saith
meet another runner, and one the Lord.
messenger to meet another mes- 40 I will bring them down
senger, to tell unto the king of like lambs to the slaughter, like
Babylon that his city is cap- wethers with he-goats.
tured at all ends, 41 How is Sheshach captured!
32 And that the passages have and how is conquered the praise
been seized, and that they have of the whole earth how is Ba-

burnt the reeds with fire, and bylon become an astonishment

that the men of war are af- among the nations
frighted. 42 The sea is come up over
33 For thus hath said the
<[ Babylon with the multitude of

Lord of hosts, the God of Is- itswaves is she covered.

rael, The daughter
of Babylon 43 Her cities are become de-
is like a threshing-floor, at the solate places, a dry land, and a
-time they thresh therein but ;
wilderness, a land wherein not
yet a little while more, when the any man shall dwell, ai^d through
time of harvest shall come for which no son of man shall pass
her. along.
34 “ Nebuchadrezzar the king44 And I will inflict punis '-
of Babylon devoured me, he ment on Bel in Babylon, and I
crushed me, he set me down as! will bring forth what he hath

an empty vessel, he swallowed swallowed up out of his mouth ;

me up like a huge serpent, he and nations shall not assemble
filled his belly with my delica- together like a stream unto him
cies he drove me out.
: any more yea, the wall of Ba-

35 The violence done to me bylon also is fallen.

and to my flesh be upon Baby- 45 Go ye out of the midst of
lon,” will the inhabitress of Zion her, my people, and save ye
61 2F 721
every man his life from
the fierce- 54 A sound of a painful cry
ness of the anger of the Lord. cometh from Babylon, and of a
46 And so that your heart great breach from the land of
may not faint, and ye fear at the Chaldeans;
the report that is heard in the 55 Because the Lord wasteth
land when the report cometh Babylon, and destroyeth out of

in one year, and after that in her the loud noise; but their
another year cometh another waves roar like great waters, the
report, and when violence (be noise of their voice is sent forth
done) in the land, (by) ruler 56 Because the destroyer is
against ruler. come over her, over Babylon,
47 Therefore, behold, days are and her mighty men are caught,
coming, when I will inflict pun- every one of their bows is
ishment on the graven images broken; for the God of recom-
of Babylon, and her whole land penses, the Lord, will surely “re-
shall be put to shame, and all quite.
her slain shall fall in the midst 57 And I will make drunken
of her. her princes, and her wise men,
48 And then shall the heaven her governors, and her rulers,
and the earth, and all that is and her mighty men and they:

therein, sing because of Baby- shall sleep a perpetual sleep, and

for from the north shall not awake again, saith the King,
come unto her the destroyers, The Lord of hosts is his name.
saith the Lord. 58 Thus hath said the Lord
49 Also Babylon is destined of hosts, Every one of the broad
to fall, 0 ye slain ones of Israel, walls of Babylon shall be utterly
also at Babylon fall the slain of overthrown, and her high gates
all the land. shall be burnt with fire :so that
50 (But) ye that have escaped nations shall have laboured in
the sword, go away, stand not vain, and the people for the fire,
still : remember afar off the and so shall they have wearied
Lord, and let Jerusalem rise up themselves.
in your heart. 59 The word which Jere-
51 “ We had been made miah the prophet commanded
ashamed, because we had heard Serayah the son of Neriyah, the
reproach confusion had cover- son of Machseyah, when he

ed our faces ; because strangers went with Zedekiah the king of

were come into the sanctuaries Judah unto Babylon in the
of the Lord’s house.” fourth year of his reign. And
52 Therefore, behold, days this Serayah was chief cham-
are coming, saith the Lord, berlain.
when I will inflict punishment 60 And Jeremiah wrote down
on her graven images and all the evil that should come up-

through all her land shall groan on Babylon in one book, name-
the deadly wounded. ly, all these words that are writ-
53 Though Babylon should ten concerning Babylon.
mount up to heaven, and though, 61 And Jeremiah said to Se-
she should fortify the height of rayah, As thou comest to Baby-
her strength: yet from me should lon, see to it, that thou read all
destroyers come unto her, saith these words;
the Lord. 62 And thou shalt say, 0
Lord, thou thyself hast spoken when the famine was severe in
concerning this place, to cut it the city, so that there was no
oft', so that there shall not be in bread for the people of the land .
it an inhabitant, either n.ian or 7 The city was broken in, and
beast; but that it shall become the men of war fled, and
a desolate place for ever. went forth out of the city by
63 Aud it shall be, when thou night by the way of the gate
hast finished reading this book, between the two waflls, which
that thou shaft bind a stone to was near the king’s garden
it, and throw it into the midst (while the Chaldeans were round
of the Euphrates; about the city;) and they went
64 And thou shalt say, Thus by the way of the plain.
shall Babylon sink, and shall 8 But the army of the Chal-
not rise again from the evil that deans pursued after the king,
I will bring upon her :and her and they overtook Zedekiah in
people shall be wearied. Thus the plains of Jericho: and all
far are the words of Jeremiah. his army was scattered from
CHAPTER LII. 9 And they caught the king,
1 One and twenty years and they brought him up unto
was Zedekiah old when he be- the king of Babylon to Riblah
came king, and eleven years did in the land of Chamath and :

he reign in Jerusalem. And his he called him to account.

mother’s name was Chamutal 10 And the king of Babylon
the daughter of Jeremiah of slaughtered the sons of Zede-
Libnah. kiah before his eyes and also :

2 And he did what is evil in all the princes of Judah did he

the eyes of the Lord, in accord- slaughter in Riblah.
ance with all that Yehoyakim 11 And the eyes of Zedekiah
had done. did he blind ; and the king of
3 For through the anger of Babylon bound him with brazen
the Lord it came to pass against fetters, and carried him to Ba-
Jerusalem and Judah, till he bylon, and put him in the ward-
had cast them out from his pre- house till the day of his death.
sence, that Zedekiah rebelled 12 And in the fifth month,
against the king of Babylon. on the tenth day of the month,
4 And it came to pass in which was the nineteenth year
the ninth year of his reign, in of king Nebuchadrezzar the king
the tenth month, on the tenth of Babylon, came Nebusaradan,
day of the month, that Nebu- the captain of the guard, (who)
chadrezzar the king of Babylon served the king of Babylon, un-
came, he and all his army, to Jerusalem.
against Jerusalem, and they en- 13 And he burnt the house
camped against it, and built of the Lord, and the king's
against it works of attack round house and all the Louses of Je-

about. rusalem, and all the houses of

5 So the city was placed in a the great men, elid he burn with
state of siege until the eleventh fire.
year of king Zedekiah. 14 And all the walls of Jeru-
6 And in the fourth month, salem round about did all the
on the ninth day of the month, army of the Chaldeans, that
were with the captain of the 22 And a capital was upon it
guard, pull down. of copper and the height of the

15 And certain of the poorest one capital was five cubits, with
of the people, and the residue network and pomegranates upon
of the people that had been left the capital round about, ail of
in the city, and the deserters, copper. And the like was the
that had run away to the king case with the second pillar and
of Babylon, and the rest of the the pomegranates.
multitude, did Nebusaradan the 23 And the pomegranates were
captain of the guard carry away ninety and six on every side all :

into exile. the pomegranates upon the net-

16 But certain of the poorest work were one hundred round
of the land did Nebusaradan about.
the captain of the guard leave 24 And the captain of the
for vine-dressers and for hus- guard took Serayah the chief
bandmen. priest, and Zephanyah the priest
17 Also the pillars of copper second in rank, and the three
that were in the house of the doorkeepers
Lord, and the bases, and the 25 And out of the city he took
copper sea that was in the house a certain court-officer, who had
of the Lord, did the Chalaeans the supervision of the men of
break, and they carried off all war and seven men of those

their copper to Babylon. that had free access to the king’s

18 And the pots, and the sho- presence, who were found in the
vels, and the knives, and the city ; and the scribe of the chief
bowls, and the spoons, and all of the army, who ordered to the
the vessels of copper wherewith army the people of the land
they used to perform the service, and sixty men of the people of
did they take away. the land, that w ere found in the

19 And the basins, and the midst of the city ;

censers, and the bowls, and the 26 And Nebusaradan the cap-
pots, amd the candlesticks, and tain of the guard took them, and
the spoons, and the purifying- led them away unto the king of
tubes of what was of gold the
: Babylon to Riblah.
gold, and of what was of silver 27 And the king of Babylon
the silver, did the captain of the smote them, and put them to
guard take away. death in Riblah in the land of
20 The two pillars, the one Chamath. Thus Judah was car-
sea, and the twelve copper oxen ried away into exile out of his
that served instead of the bases, own country.
which king Solomon had made 28 This is the people whou
for the house of the Lord the Nebuchadrezzar carried
copper of all these vessels could into exile In the seventh year,

not be weighed. three thousand and twenty and

21 And as regardeth the pil- three Jews
lars, eighteen cubits was the 29 In the eighteenth year of
height of each one pillar; and a Nebuchadrezzar from J erusalem,
thread of twelve cubits would eight hundred thirty and two
compass it: and :
ts thickness persons
was four fingers: it was hol- 30 In the three and twentieth
low year of Nebuchadrezzar, did Ne

bu&aradan the captain of the him forth out of the prison-.


guard carry away into exile of house

the Jews seven hundred forty 32 And he spoke kindly with
and five persons all the persons him, and set his throne above

were four thousand and six hun- the throne of the kings that were
dred. with him in Babylon,
31 And it came to pass in 33 And he changed his pri-
the seven and thirtieth year of son-garments and he ate bread :

the exile of Yehoyachin the king before him continually all the
of Judah, in the twelfth month, days of his life.
on the five and twentieth day of 34 And his allowance was a
the month, that Evil-merodach continual allowance given him
the king of Babylon in the by the king, the necessary ration
(first) year of his reign lifted for the day on its day, until the
up the head of Yehoyachin the day of his death, all the days of
king of Judah, and brought his life.



itround about and out of the

midst of

it was like the glitter

1 5[ And it came to pass in of amber out of the midst of the

the thirtieth year, in the fourth fire.
month, on the fifth day of the 5 And out of the midst there-
month, as I was in the midst of of (I saw) the likeness of four
the exiles by the river I\ebar, living creatures. And this was
that the heavens were opened, their appearance : They had the
and I saw divine visions. likeness of a man.
2 On the fifth day of the 6 And
every one had four
month, which Avas the fifth year faces, and every one of them had
of the exile of king Yehoyachin, four wings.
3 Came the word of the Lord 7 And their feet were straight
expressly unto Ezekiel [Yeches- feet; and the sole of their feet
kel] the son of Buzi the priest, was like the sole of a calf’s foot
in the land of the Chaldeans by and they sparkled like the glitter
the river Kebar; and there came of burnished copper.
upon him there the inspiration 8 And hands of man (were
of the Lord. visible.) from beneath their wings
4 And I saw, and behold, a on their four sides and their

storm wind came out of the faces and their wings (were alike)
north, a great cloud, and a flam- on all these, four.
ing fire, and a brightness was on 9 Their wings were joined one
61 * 725

to the other: they turned not they were so high, that they ex-
about in their going they went cited fear and their felloes were

every one in the direction of one full of eyes round about on all
of their faces. these four.
10 And the likeness of their 19 And when the living crea-
faces was the face of a man and ;
tures went, the wheels went near
the face of a lion, on the right to them : and when the living
side for all four of them and
creatures lifted themselves up
the face of an ox on the left side from the earth, the wheels lifted
for all four of them; and the themselves up.
face of an eagle for all four of 20 Whithersoever the spirit
them. was to go, they went; (for) thi-
11 Thus were their faces and : ther was (their) spirit to go and

theirwings were spread out up- the wheels lifted themselves up

ward ;
every one had two joined at the same time with them ; for
one to another, and two covered the spirit of the living creatures
their bodies. was in the wheels.
12 And they went every one 21 When those went, these
in the direction of one of his went; and when those stood,
faces: whither the spirit was di- these stood; and when those
rected to go, they went; they lifted themselves up from the
turned not about in their going. earth, the wheels lifted them-
13 As for the likeness of the selves up at the same time with
living creatures, their appear- them; for the spirit of the living
ance was like coals of fire, burn- creatures was in the wheels.
ing as with the appearance of 22 And the likeness of a vault
torches ; this (fire) it was which was over the head of the living
passed along between the living creatures, (shining) like the glit-
creatures and a brightness was ter of the purest crystal, stretched

about the fire, and out of the fire forth over their heads above.
went forth lightning. 23 And under the vault their
14 And the living creatures wings were straight, the one to-
ran backward and forward like ward the other every one had :

the appearance of a flash of light- two, which covered them, and

ning. every one had two, which covered
15 And I looked on the living them,
creatures, and, behold, there was

(namely,) their bodies.
24 And I heard the sound of
one wheel upon the earth close their wings, like the sound of
by the living creatures, by their great waters, as the voice of the
four front faces. Almighty, when they went, the
16 The appearance of the sound of (their) speech, as the
wheels and their work was like noise of an army when they :

the colour of a chrysolite; and stood still, they let down their
all four had one likeness and wings.

lheir appearance and their work 25 And there was a voice from
was as though it were a wheel in the vault that was over their
the middle of a wheel. head when they stood still, they

17 Toward their four sides let down their wings.

they went in their going they: 26 And above the vault that
turned not round in their going. was over their head was like the
18 As for their circumferences, 'appearance of a sapphire-stone.

the likeness of a throne :and and of their words thou bhalt
upon the likeness of the throne have no fear, though they be
was a likeness as the appearance briers and thorns with thee, and
of a man above upon it. 'thou dost dwell among scor-
27 And I saw as if it were the pions : of their words be not
glitter of amber, as the appear- afraid,and at their presence be
ance of fire within it round not dismayed; for they are a re-
about, from the appearance of bellious family.
his loins upward; and from the, 7 And thou shalt speak my
appearance of his loins down- words unto them, whether they
ward, I saw as it were the ap- will hear, or whether they will
pearance of fire, and it had bright- forbear for they are rebellious.

ness round about. 8 But thou, son of man, hear

28 Like the appearance of the what I am speaking unto thee,
bow that is in the cloud on the Be not thou rebellious like this
day of rain, so was the appear- rebellious family open thy

ance of the brightness round mouth, and eat what I give unto
about this was the appearance thee.

of the likeness of the glory of 9 And then I looked, and be-

the Lord. And when I saw it, hold, a hand was stretched out
I fell upon my face, and I heard toward me and, lo, a roll-book

the voice of one that spoke. was therein

10 And he spread it out before
CHAPTER II. me; and it was written within
1 And he said unto me, Son and without: and there were
of man, stand up upon thy feet, written therein lamentations, and
and I will speak with thee. dirges, and wo.
2 And a spirit entered into
me as he spoke unto me, and it CHAPTER III.
placed me upon my feet, and I 1 And he said unto me, Son
heard him that spoke unto me. of man, eat what thou findest:
3 And he said unto me, Son eat this roll, and go, speak unto
of man, I send thee to the chil- the house of Israel.
dren of Israel, to rebellious tribes 2 So I opened my mouth, and
that have rebelled against me he caused me to eat this roll.

they and their fathers have trans- 3 And he said unto me, Son
gressed against me, even until of man, feed thy belly, and fill
this very day. thy bowels with this roll that I
4 And the children are impu- am giving unto thee. And I ate
dent of face, and obdurate of it; and it was in my mouth like
heart : I send thee unto them honey in sweetness.
and thou shalt say unto them, 4 And he said unto me, Son
Thus hath said the Lord Eter- of man, go, get thee unto the
nal. house of Israel, and speak with
5 And they, whether they will my words unto them. t
hear, or whether they will for- 5 For not to a people of an
bear, (for they are a rebellious obscure speech and of a difficult
family,) shall yet know that a tongue art thou sent, but to the
prophet hath been among them. house of Israel
6 And thou, son of man, 6 Not to many people of an
thou shalt not be afraid of them, obscure speech and of a diffi-

cult tongue, whose words thou where they dwelt, and I remained
canst not understand. Surely, there in a state of confusion
had I sent thee to them, they among them seven days.
would truly have hearkened unto 16 And it came to pass at
thee. the end of seven days,
7 But the house of Israel will T That the word of the Lorp
not hearken unto thee for they came unto me, saying,

will not hearken unto me; for 17 Son of man, I have made
all the house of Israel have a thee a watchman unto the house
bold forehead, and a hard heart. of Israel and thou shalt hear

8 Behold, I have made thy the word out of my mouth, and

face strong against their face, and give them warning from me.
thy forehead strong against their 18 When I say unto the wick-
forehead. ed, Thou shalt surely die and ;

9 As an adamant harder than thou dost not give him warning,

flint have I made thy forehead : and speakest not to warn the
thou shalt not fear them, nor wicked from his wicked way, to
shalt thou be dismayed at their save his life the same wicked

presence, though they be a re- man shall die through his in-
bellious family. iquity; but his blood will I re-
10 And he said unto me, Son quire at thy hand.
of man, all my words that I will 19 But thou, —
if thou hast
speak unto thee receive in thy warned the wicked, and he turn
heart, and hear (them) with thy not from his wickedness, nor
ears. from his wicked way he shall :

11 And go, get thee to those indeed die in his iniquity but ;

in exile, unto the children of thy thou hast surely delivered thy
people, and speak unto them, soul.
and say unto them, Thus hath 20 ^ Again, When a righteous
said the Lord Eternal : whether man do turn from his righteous-
they will hear, or whether they ness, and do what is wrong:
will forbear. then will I lay a stumbling-block
12 Then a spirit took me up, before him, (so that) he shall die
and I heard behind me a voice yet if thou hast not given him
of a great rushing, (saying,) warning, he shall die in his sin,
Blessed be the glory of the Lord and his acts of righteousness
from his place. which he hath done shall not be
13 (I heard) also the sound of remembered but his blood will

the wings of the living creatures I require from thy hand.

that touched one another, and 21 But if thou hast truly warn-
the sound of the wheels at the ed him, — the righteous, that the
same time with them, and the righteous should not sin, and he
sound of a great rushing. doth not sin he shall surely

14 So a spirit lifted me up, live, because he attended to the

and away, and I walked warning, and thou hast surely
in bitterness, in the heat of my delivered thy own soul.
spirit, and the inspiration of the 22 And the inspiration of
Lord was strong upon me. the Lord came there over me:
15 Then came I to the exiles and he said unto me, Arise, go
at Thel-abib, who dwelt by the forth into the valley, and there
river Kebar, and I remained will I speak with thee.

23 And
I arose, and went forth 4 And as for thyself, lie
into the valley and, behold, upon thy left side, and lay the

there was the glory of the Lord iniquity of the house of Israel
standing, like that glory which upon it: (after) the number of
I had seen by the river Ke- the days that thou shalt lie upon
bar: and I fell down on my it shalt thou bear their iniquity.
face. 5 But as for myself, I lay upon
24 Then entered a spirit into thee the years of their iniquity,
me, and placed me upright on after the number of the days,
my feet, and spoke with me, and three hundred and ninety days :

said unto me, Go, shut thyself so shalt thou bear the iniquity
up within thy house. of the house of Israel.
25 But thou, 0 son of man, 6 And when thou hast made
behold, they put ropes upon an end of them, thou shalt lie on
thee, and bind thee with them, thy right side, the second time,
that thou canst not go out among and thou shalt bear the iniquity
them of the house of Judah forty days:
26 An 1 I will let thy tongue a day each for a year, a day for
cleave to the roof of thy mouth, a year do I lay it on thee.
that thou shalt be dumb, and 7 And toward the siege of Je-
shalt not become to them a man rusalem shalt thou direct thy
who reproveth for they are a face with thy arm uncovered, and

rebellious family. thou shalt prophesy against it.

27 But when I speak with 8 And, behold, I will lay ropes
thee, I will open thy mouth, and upon thee, that thou mayest not
thou shalt say unto them, Thus turn thyself from one side to the
hath said the Lord Eternal, He other, till thou hast made an end
that heareth, let him hrar; and of the days of thy siege.
he that forbeareth, let him for- 9 But thou take unto thee
bear for they are a rebellious wheat, and barley, and beans,

family. and and millet, and

len tiles,
spelt, and put them in one ves-
CHAPTER IV. sel, and make thyself bread
1 ^ But thou, of man, thereof, (after) the number of
0 son
take thyself a and lay it be- the days that thou shalt lie upon
fore thee, and engrave upon it a thy side, three hundred and
city, (namely,) Jerusalem : ninety days, shalt thou eat it.
2 And
place around it a siege, 10 And thy food which thou
and build works of attack against shalt eat shall be by weight,
it, and cast up a mound against twenty shekels for every day
it ; and arrange around it en- from one time to the other time
campments, and place against it shalt thou eat it.
battering rams round about. 11 And water shalt thou drink
3 Moreover take thou unto by measure, the sixth part of a
thyself an iron pan, and set it up hin from one time to the other

as a wall of iron between thee time shalt thou drink (it).

and the city: and direct thy face 12 And in form of a barley
against it, that it may be placed cake shalt thou eat it, and this
in a state of siege, and lay siege shalt thou bake with balls of
against it. This shall be a sign human excrement before their
for the house of Israel. eyes.
13 Andthe Lord said, Even number, and tie them up in the
Aius shall the children of Israel corners of thy garment.
eat their bread unclean among 4 And from these again shalt
the nations whither I will drive thou take some, and cast them
them. into the midst of the fire, and
14 Then said I, Ah Lord Eter- burn them in the fire therefrom

nal behold, my soul hath not shall a fire go forth unto all the

been defiled; and that which house of Israel.

dieth of itself, or is torn in pieces, 5 Thus hath said the Lord
have I never eaten from my Eternal, This is Jerusalem, which
youth up even until now; and I had set it in the midst of the
never is flesh of abomination nations and countries that are
come into my mouth. round about her.
15 Then said he unto me, 6 But she rebelled against my
Lo, I have given thee cow’s dung ordinances more wickedly than
instead of human excrement; the nations, and against my sta-
and thou shalt prepare thy bread tutes, more than the countries
thereupon. that are round about her ; for
16 f And he said unto me, my ordinances they have de-
Son of man, behold, I will break spised, and as for my statutes,
the staff of bread in Jerusalem they have not walked in them.
and they shall eat bread by 7 % Therefore thus hath said
weight, and with anxious care; the Lord Eternal, Because ye
and they shall drink water by have given yourselves up to evil
measure, and in confusion; more than the nations that are
17 In order that they may round about you, have not walked
want bread and water, and be in my statutes, and have not
confounded one with the other, executed my ordinances, and not
and pine away for their in- even acted according to the ordi-
iquity. nances of the nations that are
round about you
CHAPTER V. 8 Therefore thus hath said
1 Andthou, son of man, the Lord Eternal, Behold, I, also
take unto thyself a sharp sword, I am against thee, and I will
a barber’s razor shalt thou take execute judgments in the midst
for it unto thyself, and cause it of thee before the eyes of the
to pass over thy head and over nations.
thy beard then take unto thee
: 9 And I will do in thee that
balances for weighing, and divide which I have never done, and
the hair. the like of which I will never do
2 One third part shalt thou any more, because of all thy
burn with fire in the midst of the abominations.
city, when the days of the siege 10 Therefore fathers shall
are completed; and thou shalt devour their children in the
take another third part, and midst of thee, and children shall
smite (it) round about it with the devour their fathers and I will

sword; and the other third part execute judgments on thee, and
shalt thou scatter to the wind I will scatter all thy remnani
and I will draw out a sword after unto all the winds.
the same. 11 Therefore, as I live, saith
3 And take thence a few in the Lord Eternal, Surely, be-
cause thou hast made unclean CIIAPTEK VI.
iny sanctuary with all thy detest- 1 And the word of the Lorb
able things, and with all thy came unto me, saying,
abominations : therefore will I 2 Son of man, set thy face
also diminish (thee); and my against the mountains of Israel,
eye shall not show pity, and I and prophesy against them.
also will not spare. 3 And thou shalt say, 0 moun-
12 A third part of thee shall tains of Israel, hear ye the word
die through the pestilence, and of the Lord Eternal Thus hath

come through famine to their said the Lord Eternal to the

end in the midst of thee; and mountains, and to the hills, to
another third part shall fall by the brooks, and to the valleys,
the sword round about thee; and Behold, I, even I, will bring
the other third part will I scat- over you the sword, and I will
ter unto all the winds, and a destroy your high-places.
sword will I draw out after them. 4 And your altars shall be
13 Thus shall my anger be made desolate, and your sun-
accomplished, and 1 will cause images shall be broken and I :

m 3 fury to rest upon them, and will cause your slain ones to fall

I will satisfy myself: and they before your idols.

shall know that I the Lord have 5 And I will lay the carcasses
spoken it in my zeal, when I of the children of Israel before
have let out all my fury on them. their idols; and I will scatter
14 Yea, I will render thee a your bones round about your
ruin and a disgrace among the altars.
nations that are round about 6 In all your dwelling-places
thee, before the eyes of every the cities shall be laid in ruins,
one that passeth by. and the high-places shall be
15 And she shall be a disgrace made desolate ; in order that
and a taunt, a warning and an your altars may be laid in ruins
astonishment unto the nations and made desolate, and your
that are round about thee, when idols may be broken and annihi-
I execute judgments on thee ii^ lated, and your sun-images may
anger and in fury and in furious be cut down, and your works
chastisements, —I the Lord have may be blotted out.
spoken it, 7 And the slain shall fall in
16 When I send out among the midst of you and ye shall

them the dreadful arrows of fa- know that I am the Lord.

mine, which (ever) were the 8 Yet will I leave (some); that
cause of destruction, which I ye shall have some that escape
will send out to destroy you ;
the sword among the nations,
and I will increase the famine when ye shall be scattered in the
upon you, and will break unto (various) countries,
you the staff of bread: 9 And tho e of you that escape
So will I let loose over you shall remember me among the
famine and wild beasts, and they! nations among whom they shall
shall make thee childless; and have been carried captive, when
pestilence and blood shall pass I shall have broken their licen-
through thee; and the sword will; tious heart, which had departed
I bring over thee. I the Loi’D'from me, even with their eyes,
have spoken it. which were gone astray after

their idols : and they shall loathe thee, and I will let loose my an-
themselves on account of the ger against thee, and I will judge
evildeeds which they have com- thee according to thy ways, and
mitted with all their abomina- I will lay upon thee all thy aba
tions. ruinations.
10 they shall know that
And 4 And my eye shall not show
I am the Lord
not for naught pity upon thee, and I will not

have I spoken that I would do spare thee; for thy own ways
unto them this evil. will I lay upon thee, and thy
11 Thus hath said the Lord abominations shall come in the
Eternal, Strike thy hands toge- midst of thee and ye shall know :

ther, and stamp with thy foot, that I am the Lord.

and say, Alas for all the dread- 5 Thus hath said the Lord
ful abominations of the house of Eternal, An evil, a peculiar evil,
Israel! who will have to fall by behold, is coming.
the sword, by the famine, and 6 An end is coming, there is
by the pestilence. coming the end it waketh up:

12 He that is afar off shall die against thee; behold, (the evil)
of the pestilence and he that is ; cometh.
near shall fall by the sword; and 7 The evil decree is come
he that remaineth and is be- against thee, 0 thou inhabitant
sieged shall die by the famine: of the land the time is come,

thus will I let out all my fury on near is the day of tumult, and
them. not the joyful call on the moun-
13 And ye shall know that 1 tains.
am the Lord, when their slain 8 Now will I in a short time
ones shall lie in the midst of pour out my
fury over thee, and
their idols round about their my anger against
I will let out all
altars, on every high hill, upon thee, and I will judge thee ac-
all the tops of the mountains, cording to thy ways, and I will
and under every green tree, and lay upon thee all thy abomina-
under every thick-branched oak, tions.
— places where they presentee^ 9 And my eye shall not show
sweet savour to all their idols. pity, and I will not spare ac- :

14 And I will stretch out my cording to thy ways will I lay

hand over them, and I will ren- (evil) on thee; and thy abomi-
der the land desolate and waste, nations shall come in the midst
more than the wilderness toward of thee and ye shall know that

Diblath, in all their habitations: I am the Lord that smiteth.

and they shall know that I am 10 Behold the day, behold, it
the Lord. is coming ; the evil decree is gone
forth ; the staff hath blossomed,
CHAPTER VII. presumption hath budded
1 •[ And the word of the Lord
11 The violence is grown up
came unto me, saying, into the staff of wickedness no- :

2 And thou, son of man, thus thing is left of them, and no-
hath said the Lord Eternal con- thing of their multitude, and no-
cerning the land of Israel, There thing of theirs ; and there shall
is an end the end is coming be no lamenting for them.

over the four corners of the land. 12 The time is coming, the
3 Now cometh the end over day occurreth ; let the buyer not
rejoice, and let not detestable things therefore have
the seller :

mourn for wrath is against all I rendered it unclean for them.


her multitude. 21 And I will give it up into

13 For the seller shall not re- the hands of the strangers for a
turn to that which is sold, al- prey, and to the wicked of the
though their soul were yet alive; earth for a spoil and they shall :

for the vision is against all her pollute it.

multitude no one shall return ;
22 And I will turn away my
but the soul of every one i%s fas- face from them, and they shall
tened to hrs iniquity, they do pollute my place where I dwelt
not strengthen themselves (to in secret; and therein shall bar-
repent). barians enter and pollute it.
14 They have blown the cor- 23 Make chains; for the land
net, every one maketh himself is full of blood-guiltiness, and
ready but no one goeth to the the city is full of violence.

battle for my wrath is against

24 Therefore will I bring the
all her multitude. worst of nations, and they shall
15 The sword is without, and take possession of their houses:
the pestilence and the famine are I will also cause the pride of the
within he that is in the field mighty to cease; and their holy

shall die by the sword ; and he places shall be polluted.

that is in the city, him shall fa- 25 Destruction cometh and :

mine and pestilence devour. they will seek peace, but there
16 But they that escape of shall be none.
them shall escape, and they shall 26 Mishap shall come upon
be on the mountains like the mishap, and report shall be
doves of the valleys, all of which spread upon report: and then
are moaning, every one in his will they seek a vision from the
iniquity. prophet; but the law shall be
17 All hands become feeble, lost from the priest, and counsel
and all knees go into water. from the ancients.
18 And people gird themselves 27 The king shall mourn, and
with sackcloth, and shuddering the prince shall be clothed with
covereth them and upon all distress, and the hands of the

faces there is shame, and upon people of the land shall be pow-
all their heads there is baldness. erless after their way will I do

19 Their silver shall they cast unto them, and according to

into the streets, and their gold their own manners will I judge
shall be as though it were un- them and they shall know that

clean their silver and their gold I am the Lord.


shall not be able to deliver them

on the day of the wrath of the CHAPTER VIII.
Lord; they shall not satisfy 1 And it came to pass in
their and not fill their the sixth year, in the sixth
bowels ;
it was the stum- month, on the fifth day of the
bling-block for their iniquity. month, that I was sitting in my
20 And as for the beauty of house, and the elders of Judah
his ornament, which he had in- were sitting before me; and
stituted for (their) pride even there fell upon me there the in-

therein did they make the im- spiration of the Lord Eternal.
ages of their abominations, their 2 And I saw, and, behold,
62 733
there was a likeness similar to behold there was every form of
the appearance of fire ; from the creeping things, and cattle, abo-
appearance of his loins down- minations, and all the idols of
ward, it was fire and from his
the house of Israel, engraven
loins upward, it was similar to upon the wall all round about.
the appearance of a bright light, 11 And seventy men of the
like the glitter of amber. elders of the house of Israel,
3 And he stretched forth the and Yaazanyahu the son of Sha-
form of a hand, and took me by phan. standing in the midst of
the locks of my head ; and a them, were standing before them,
spirit bore me between the earth and every man had his censer in
and the heaven, and brought me his hand; and a thick curling
in the visions of God to Jerusa- cloud of incense was ascending
lem, to the door of the inner gate upward.
that looketh toward the north, 12 Then said he unto me, Son
where was the seat of the image of man, hast thou seen what the
of jealousy, which provoketh to elders of the house of Israel are
wrath. doing in the dark, every man in
4 And, behold, there was the his image-chambers ? for they
glory of the God of Israel, like say, The Lord seeth us not:
the appearance which I had seen the Lord hath forsaken the
in the valley. earth.
5 And he said unto me, Son of 13 And he said unto me, Thou
man, do but lift up thy eyes in shalt yet again see still other
the direction toward the north. great abominations that they are
So I lifted up my eyes in the di- doing.
rection toward the north, and 14 And he brought me to the
behold northward at the gate of entrance of the gate of the
the altar (there was) this image Lord’s house which was on the
of jealousy at the entrance. north side and, behold, there

6 Then said he unto me, Son sat the women weeping for
of man, seest thou what they Thammuz.
are doing? great abominations 15 Then said he unto me,
are they that the house of Is- Hast thou seen this, 0 son of
rael commit here, to make me man ? Thou shalt yet again see
go far away from my sanctuary still other greater abominations

but thou shalt yet see still other than these.

great abominations. 16 And he brought me into
7 And he brought me to the the inner court of the Lord’s
door of the court: and I looked, house, and, behold, at the door
and behold there was a hole in of the temple of the Lord, be-
the wall. tween the porch and the altar,
8 Then said he unto me, Son were about five and twenty men,
of man, do break (an opening) with their backs toward the tem-
in the wall: and I broke (an ple of the Lord, and their faces
opening) in the wall, and, be- toward the east ; and they were
hold, there was a door. prostrating themselves eastward
9 And he said unto me, Go in, to the sun.
and see the wicked abomina- 17 Then said he unto me,
tions which they are doing here. Hast thou seen this, 0 son of
10 So I went in and saw ; and man? Is it too light a thing
for the house of Judah to com- the city after him, and smite
mit the abominations which they let your eye not look with pity,
commit here? for they have and do not spare ;

filled the land with violence, and 6 The aged, youth, and vir-
they constantly repeat to pro- gin, and little children, and wo-
voke me to anger and, lo, they men shall ye slay and destroy;

stretch forth the branch to their but come not near any man up-
nose. on whom the mark is; and at
18 Therefore I also will deal my sanctuary shall ye begin.
in fury ;
my eye shall not look Then they began with the an-
with pity, and I will not spare cient men who were before the

and though they call before my house.

ears with a loud voice, will I 7 And he said unto them,
still not hear them. Make unclean the house, and
fill the courts with the slain go :

CHAPTER IX. forth. And they went forth, and

1 And he called before my they smote in the city.
ears with a loud voice, saying, 8 And it came to pass, while
Let those come near that have they were smiting them, and I
charge to punish the city, and alone was left, that I fell upon
every man with his destroying my face, and cried out, and said.
weapon in his hand. Ah Lord Eternal wilt thou de-

2 And, behold, six men came stroy all the residue of Israel
from the direction of the upper when thou pourest out thy fury
gate, which is turned toward the over J erusalem ?
north, and every man with his 9 Then said he unto me, The
weapon of destruction in his iniquity of the house of Israel
hand; and one man in the midst and of Judah is exceedingly
of them was clothed in linen, great, and the land is full of
with a writer’s materials by his blood-guiltiness, and the city
side: and they went in, and full of injustice; for they have
placed themselves beside the said, The Lord hath forsaken
copper altar. the land, and the Lord seeth not.
3 And the glory of the God 10 And as for me also, my
of Israel ascended up from the eye shall not look with pity,
cherub, whereupon it had been, and I will not spare ; but I will
to the threshold of the house. bring their course upon their
And he called to the man clothed own head.
in linen, who had the writer’s 11 And, behold, the man
materials by his side. clothed in linen, who had the
4 And the Lord said unto writing materials by his side,
him, Pass through the midst of brought back word, saying, I
the city, through the midst of have done according to all Jia'j
Jerusalem, and inscribe a mark thou hast commanded me.
upon the foreheads of the men
who sigh and who complain be- CHAPTER X.
cause of all the abominations 1 Then I saw, and, behold,
which are done in the midst on the vault that was above the
of it. head of the cherubim, there ap-
5 And to the others he said peared over them something like
before my ears, Pass ye through a sapphire stone, something si-
milar in appearance to the like- pearance of the wheels was likt
ness of a throne. the glitter of a chrysolite stone.
2 And he said unto the man 10 And as for their appear-
clothed in linen, and said, Go in ances, the whole four had one
between the wheels, under the likeness, as if a wheel were in
cherub, and fill thy hands with the midst of another wheeu
coals of fire from between the 11 In their going, they went
cherubim, and throw (them) toward their four sides, they
over the city. And he went in turned not round in their going;
before my eyes. but to the place whither the
3 Now the cherubim were head was turned they followed
standing on the right side of the it, they turned not round in their
house, when the man went in going.

and the cloud filled the inner 12 And their whole body, and
court. their back, and their hands, and
4 Then the glory of the Lord their wings, as also the wheels,
rose upward from the cherub, were full of eyes round about,
toward the threshold of the (even) the wheels that belonged
house: and the house was filled to all four of them.
with the cloud, and the court 13 As for the wheels, they
was full of the brightness of the were called Galgal before my
Lord’s glory. ears.
5 And the sound of the wings 14 And every one had four
of the cherubim was heard as faces : the one face was the face
far as the outer court, like the of a cherub, and the second face
voice of the Almighty God when was the face of a man, and the
he speaketh. third the face of a lion, and the
6 And it came to pass, when fourth the face of an eagle.
he commanded the man clothed 15 And the cherubim lifted
in linen, saying, Take fire from themselves up. This is the liv-
between the wheels, from be- ing creature that I saw by tho
tween the cherubim, that he river Kebar.
went in, and stood beside the 16 And when the cherubim
wheel. went forward, the wheels went
7 And the one cherub stretch- close by them and when the

ed forth his hand from between cherubim lifted up their wings

the cherubim unto the fire that to mount up from the earth, the
was between the cherubim, and wheels also did not turn away
lifted it up, and placed it into from beside them.
the hands of the one clothed in 17 When those halted, these
linen ;
who took it, and went halted and when those lifted

out. themselves up, these lifted them-

8 And there became visible selves up with them for the

or the cherubim the form of spirit of the living creature was

a man’s hand beneath their in them.
wings. 18 And the glory of the Lord
9 And I saw, and, behold, went forth from off the threshold
there were four wheels by the of the house, and halted over
cherubim, one wheel by the one the cherubim.
cherub, and another wheel by 19 And the cherubim lifted
the other cherub and the ap- up their wings, and mounted up

from the earth before my eyes Israel ar»l whatever cometh in-

as they went forth, .and the to your mind, do I know full

wheels at the same time with well.
them, and halted at the entrance 6 Ye have multiplied those
of the east gate of the house of sbiin by you in this city, and ye
the Lord and the glory of the hawe filled its streets with the

God of Israel was over them slain.

above. 7 Therefore thus hath said
20 This is the living creature the Lord Eternal, Those slain
that I saw under the God of Is- by you whom ye have struck
rael by the river Rebar; and I down in the midst of it, —
understood that they were che- are the flesh, and this place is
rubim. the pot; but you are to be re-
21 Every one had four faces moved out of the midst of it.
apiece, and every one had four 8 The sword have ye feared:
wings and the likeness of the and the sword will I bring ove’

hands of a man was under their you, saith the Lord Eternal.
wings. 9 And I will remove you out
22 And the likeness of their of the midst of it, and I will
faces was the same as the faces give you up into the hand of
which I had seen by the river strangers, and will execute pun-
Kebar, their appearances and ishments among you.
themselves they went every
: 10 By the sword shall ye fall
one in the direction of his face. on the boundary of Israel will
I judge you and ye shall know

CHAPTER XI. that I am the Lord.

1 And a spirit bore me up, 11 This place shall not be un-
and brought me unto the east to you as a pot, so that you
gate of the house of the Lord, should be as flesh in the midst
which looketh eastward : and of it; but on the boundary of
behold, there were at the en- Israel will I judge you.
trance of the gate five and twen- 12 And ye shall know that I
ty men; and I saw in the midst am the Lord; because in my
of them Yaazanyah the son of statutes have ye not walked, and
'Azzur, and the son my ordinances have ye not exe-
of Benayahu, princes of the cuted ;
but ye have done after
people. the ordinances of the nations
2 Then said he unto me, that are round about you.
Son of man, these are the men 13 And it came to pass, as I
that devise wickedness, and give was prophesying, that Pelatyahu
evil counsel in this city the son of Benayah died. Then
3 Who say, (The evil) is not fell I down upon my face, and
near ;
so let us build houses cried with a loud voice, and said,
this (city) is the pot, and we are Ah Lord Eternal wilt thou

the flesh. make a full end of the remnant

4 Therefore prophesy against of Israel?
them, prophesy, 0 son of man. 14 Then came the word of
5 And the Spirit of the Lord the Lord unto me, saying,
fell upon me, and said unto me, 15 Son of man, thy brethren,
Speak, Thus hath said the Lord, even thy brethren, the men of
Thus have ye said, 0 house of thy kindred, and the whole house
62* 2jf2 73"
of Israelaltogether, are they city, and halted upon the mount
unto whom the inhabitants of which is on the east side of the
Jerusalem have said, Remain city.
you far from the Lord unto us : 24 But a spirit bore me up,
is this land given for a posses- and brought me ii>to Chaldea,, to
sion. those in exile, in the appearance
16 ^ Therefore say, Thus hath through the spirit of God and :

said the Lord Eternal, Although then ascended away from me

I have removed them far away the appearance which I had
among the nations, and although seen.
I have scattered them among 25 Then did I speak unto
the countries yet will I be to those in exile all the things that

them as a m nor sanctuary in the Lord had shown me.

the countries whither they are
17 % Therefore say, Thus hath 1 The word of the Lord
said the Lord Eternal, I will came unto me, saying,
both gather you from the peo- 2 Son of man, in the midst
ple, and assemble you out of the of a rebellious family art thou
countries whither ye have been dwelling, who have eyes to see,
scattered, and I will give you and see not; who have ears to
the land of Israel. hear, and hear not; for they are
18 And they shall come thi- a rebellious family.
ther, and they shall remove all 3 But thou, 0 son of man,
its detestable things, and prepare for thyself vessels for
all its
abominations out of it. going into exile, and wander
19 And I will give them one away by day before their eyes
single heart, and a new spirit and thou shalt wander away
will I put within you; and I from thy place to another place
will remove the heart of stone before their eyes perhaps they

out of their body, and I will may become aware that they are
give unto them a heart of flesh a rebellious family.

20 In order that they may 4 Then shalt thou carry forth

walk in my statutes, and keep thy vessels, like vessels of exile,
my ordinances, and do them by day before their eyes and :

and they shall be unto me for a thou shalt go forth at evening

people, and I will indeed be un- before their eyes, as they do that
to them for a God. go forth into exile.
21 But as for those whose 5 Before their eyes break a
heart walketh after the heart of hole through the wall, and carry
their detestable things and their (them) through it.
abominations, their way do I 6 Before their (eyes) shalt
bring upon their own head, saith thou bear them upon thy shoul-
the Lord Eternal. ders, in the dark shalt thou
22 Then did the cherubim lift carry them forth thy face shalt

up their wings, and the wheels thou cover, that thou mayest not
at the same time with them and see the ground; for as a token

the glory of the God of Israel have I set thee unto the house
was over them above. of Israel.
23 And the glory of the Lord 7 And I did so as I had been
ascended from the midst of the commanded ; my vessels I car-
ried forth by day, like vessels sword, from the famine, and
of exile, and in the evening I from the pestilence: in order
broke a hole for myself through jthat they may relate all their
the wall with my hand: in the abominations among the nations

dark I brought them forth, and whither they shall have come;
I bore them upon my shoulder and they shall know that I am
before their eyes. the Lord.
8 *[ And the word of the Lord 17 And the word of the
came unto me in the morning, Lord came to me, saying,
saying, 18 Son of man, thy bread
9 Son of man, have not the shalt thou eat with quaking, and
house cf Israel, the rebellious thy water shalt thou drink with
family, said unto thee, What trembling and with anxious
doest thou ? care.
10 Say thou unto them, Thus 19 And thou shalt say unto
hath said the Lord Eternal, For the people of the land, Thus
the prince in Jerusalem is the hath said the Lord Eternal con-
doom, and for all the house of cerning the inhabitants of Jeru-
Israel, (and those) that are in salem, (and) concerning the land
the midst of them. of Israel, Their bread shall they
11 Say, I am your token; just eat with anxious care, and their
as I have done, so shall it be water shall they drink with con-
done unto them into exile, in- fusion, for the cause that her

to captivity, shall they wander. land will be desolate, deprived

12And the prince that is of its plenteousness because of
among them shall bear upon his the violence of all those that
shoulder in the dark, and shall dwell therein.
go forth through the wall shall
20 And the cities that are in-
they break a hole to carry habited shall be laid in ruins,
(things) through it: his face and the land shall be made de-
shall he cover up, that he may solate and ye shall
: know that
not see the ground with his eyes. I am the Lord.
13 And 1 will spread out my 21 And the word of the
net over him, and he shall be Lord came unto me, saying,
caught in my snare, and I will 22 Son of man, what sort of
bring him to Babylon into the proverb is that which ye have
land of the Chaldeans yet shall in the land of Israel, saying,

he not see it, and there shall he The days are lasting long, and
die. lost is every vision ?
14 And all that are round 23 Therefore say unto them,
about him, those who assist him, Thus hath said the Lord Eter-
and all the wings of his armies nal, I will cause this proverb to
will I disperse toward ever}7 cease, and they shall no more
wind; and the sword will I use it as a proverb in Israel but ;

draw out after them. speak unto them, The days are
15 And they shall know that coming nigh, and the word of
I am the Lord, when I scatter every vision.
them among the nations, and 24 For there shall be no more
disperse them in the countries. any false vision and a deceptive
16 But I will leave of them divination within the house of
men few in number from the Israel.
25 For I am the Lord, — I do!
7 Had ye not seen a false vi*
speak, and whatever word I do!jsion, and had ye not said a ly-
speak shall be done it shall not;
ing divination ? and ye say,
be delayed any more ; for in “ The Lord saith,” when I have
your days, 0 rebellious family, not spoken.
will I speak the word, and I will 8 Therefore thus hath said
execute it, saith the Lord Eter- the Lord Eternal, Whereas ye
nal. have spoken falsehood, and have
26 And the word of the seen
lies therefore, behold, I

Lord came to me, saying, am

against you, saith the Lord
27 Son of man, behold, the Eternal.
house of Israel say, The vision 9 And my hand shall be
that he foreseeth is for distant against the prophets that see
days, and for times that are far falsehood, and that divine lies
off doth he prophesy. in the secret council of my peo-
28 Therefore say unto them, ple shall they not be, and in the
Thus hath said the Lord Eter- register of the house of Israel
nal, There shall not be delayed shall they not be written, and
any more one of all my words into the land of Israel shall they
but whatever word I do speak not come and ye shall know :

shall be done, saith the Lord that I am the Lord Eternal.

Eternal. 10 Because, even because they
have seduced my people, saying,
XIII. “ Peace,” when there was no
1 And the word of the Lord peace: and (my people) build a
came unto me, saying, protecting wall, and, lo, they
2 Son of man, prophesy against plaster it with unadhesive mor-
the prophets of Israel that pro- tar.
phesy, and say thou unto those 11 Say unto those who plaster
that prophesy out of their own it with unadhesive mortar, that
heart, Hear ye the word of the it shall fall there cometh an :

Lord : overflowing rain-shower: and

3 Thus hath said the Lord ye, 0 great hailstones. v shall fall
Eternal, Wo
unto the scandalous and a storm-wind shall rend it.
prophets, that follow their own 12 And, lo, the wall is fallen
spirit, without having seen any down will it not now be said

thing unto you, Where i«s the plaster-

4 Like foxes among the ruins ing wherewith ye have plas-
have been thy prophets, 0 Is- tered ?
rael ! 13 Therefore thus hath said
5 Ye did not go up into the the Lord Eternal, I will even
breaches, nor did ye make a rend it with storm-winds in
fence around the house of Israel my fury; and an overflowing
to stand in the battle on the day rain-shower shall come in my
of the Lord. anger, with great hailstones in
6 They saw falsehood and my fury, to destroy it.
lying divination, they who say, 14 And I will pull down the
“ The Lord saith/’ when the wall that ye have plastered with
Lord had not sent them and unadhesive mortar, and I will

yet they made others hope for cast it down to the ground, so
the fulfilment of the word. that the foundation thereof shall
be laid open and it shall fall, hunted: and ye shall know that

and ye shall be destroyed in the I am the Lord.

midst of it and ye shall know
: 22 Because ye grieve the heart
that I am the Lord. of the righteous with falsehood,
15 Thus will I let out all my when I have not given him pain ;
wrath upon the wall, and upon and strengthen the hands of the
those that have plastered it with wicked, so that he should not
unadhesive mortar; and I will return from his wicked way,
say unto you, Clone is the wall, through which he might live.
and gone are they that plastered 23 Therefore shall ye see no
it: more falsehood, and tell no more
16 (Namely,) the prophets of divinations; and I will deliver
Israel who prophesy concerning my people out of your hand :

Jerusalem, and who see for her and ye shall know that I am the
a vision of peace, when there is Lord.
no peace, saith the Lord Eter-
17 But, thou son of man, 1 Then came there unto me
set thy face against the daugh- certain men of the elders of Is-
ters of thy people, who prophesy rael, and sat down before me.
out of their own heart: and pro- 2 \\ And the word of the Lord
phesy against them, came unto me, saying,
18 And say, Thus hath said 3 Son of man, these men have
the Lord Eternal, Wo to the wo- set up their idols in their heart,
men that sew bolsters together and the stumbling-block of their
for the armpits of all, and make iniquity have they placed before
cushions for the head of every their faces: shall I in any wise
stature, to hunt souls! Will ye let myself be inquired of by
hunt the souls of my people, them ?
that ye may keep your own soul 4 Therefore speak with them,
alive ? and say unto them, Thus hath
19 And ye profane me among said the Lord Eternal, Whatever
my people for handfuls of barley man it be of the house of Israel
and for bits of bread, to slay the that setteth up his idols in his
souls that should not die, and to heart, and layeth the stumbling-
keep alive the souls that should block of his iniquity before his
not live, by your lying to my face, and cometh to the prophet
people that listen to lies! I the Lord will answer him, al-
20 Therefore thus hath said though he cometh with the mul-
the Lord Eternal, Behold. I am titude of his idols
against your bolsters, whereon 5 In order that I may grasp
ye hunt the souls that they may the house of Israel by their
flutter (in your net), and I will heart, those who are separated
tear them away from your arms ; from me through all their idols.
and I will let the souls go free, 6 Therefore say unto the
even the souls that ye hunt that house of Israel, Thus hath said
they may flutter (in your net). the Lord Eternal, Return, and
21 And I will tear away your cause (your heart) to turn away
cushions, and deliver my people from your idols : and from all
out of your hand, and they shall your abominations turn away
be no more in your hand to be your faces.
7 For whatever man it be of men, Noah, Daniel, and Job
the house of Israel, or of the [lyyob], in the midst of it :
stranger that sojourneth in Is- these through their righteousness
rael, that separateth himself should save but their own soul
from me, and setteth up his saith the Lord Eternal.
idols in his heart, and layeth 15 If I cause wild beasts to
the stumbling-block of his in- pass through the land, and they
iquity before his face, and then depopulate it, and it becometh
cometh to the prophet to inquire desolate, without any one to
through him of me I the Lord pass through because of the

will answer him through my beasts

word 16 These three men (if they
8 And I will set my face were) in it, as I live, saith the
against that man, and will make Lord Eternal, should not save
him an astonishment for a sign either sons or daughters; they
and for proverbs, and I will cut only should be saved, but the
him off from the midst of my land should be made desolate.
people ;
and ye shall know that 17 Or, if I should bring a
I am the Lord. sword over that land, and say,
9 “
And when the prophet The sword shall pass through
suffereth himself to be deceived, the land,” and I cut off from it
and he speaketh a word I the man and beast;

Lord have suffered that prophet 18 And if these three men

to be deceived ; and I will stretch should be in it : as I live, saith
out my hand against him, and the Lord Eternal, they should
will destroy him from the midst not save either sons or daugh-
of my people Israel. ters, but they alone should be
10 And they shall bear their saved.
guilt: as the guilt of the in- 19 Or, if I should send out
quirer is, so shall the guilt of the pestilence against that land,
the prophet be and pour out my fury over it in
11 In order that the house of blood, to cut off' from it man and
Israel may go no more astray beast ;
by not following me, and not 20 And if Noah, Daniel, and
pollute themselves any more Job, should be in the midst of
with all their transgressions it: as I live, saith the Lord
but that they may become unto Eternal, they should not save
me a people, and I may be unto either son or daughter; they
them a God, saith the Lord through their righteousness
Eternal. should save their own soul.
12 And the word of the 21 For thus hath said the
Lord came unto me, saying, Lord Eternal, Although I send
13 Son of man, if a land my four dreadful means of pun-
should sin against me by tres- ishment over Jerusalem, the
passing grievously, and I stretch sword, and the famine, and the
out my hand against it, and wild beasts, and the pestilence,
break unto it the staff of bread, to cut off from it man and
and send out famine against it, beast
and cut off from it man and 22 Still, behold, there are left
beast therein some that escape whc
14 And if there be these three shall be carried forth, both sons
and daughters behold, they are ;
that I am the Lord, vhen I set
coming forth unto you, and ye my face against them.
will see their way and their 8 And I will render the land
doings and then will ye be
: a desert ; because they have
comforted concerning the evil committed a trespass, saith the
that I have brought upon Jeru- Lord
salem, yea, concerning all that
I have brought upon it CHAPTER XVI.
23 And they will comfort you, 1 And the word of the Lord
when ye see their way and their came unto me, saying,
doings ;
and ye shall know that 2 Son of man, make known
I have not done without cause unto Jerusalem her abomina-
all that I have executed in it, tions,
saith the Lord Eternal. 3 And thou shalt say, Thus
hath said the Lord Eternal un-
CHAPTER XV. to Jerusalem, Thy origin and
1 And the word of the Lord thy birth are out of the land of
came unto me, saying, Cana’an thy father was an :

2 Son of man, What shall be- Emorite, and thy mother a Hit-
come of the wood of the vine tite.
more than of any other wood, 4 And as for thy birth, on the
of the branch which was standing day thou wast born thy navel
among the trees of the forest? was not cut, nor wast thou
3 Can wood be taken there- washed in water to be cleansed
from to employ it for any work ? and thou wast not rubbed with
or will men take from it a pin to salt, nor wrapt in swaddling
hang thereon any vessel ? clothes.
4 Behold, if it be given up to 5 No eye looked with pity on
the fire to be consumed, (and)
the fire have consumed both its
— thee, to
unto thee,
do any of these things
to have compassion
ends, and the middle of it be upon thee but thou wast cast

scorched will it be fit for any

: out on the open field, with a
work ? loathing of thy body, on the
5 Behold, when it was yet en- day that thou wast born.
tire, it could not be employed 6 But I passed then by thee,
for any work : how much more and I saw thee stained with thy
(must this be) when the fire own blood, and I said unto thee,
hath consumed it, and it is In thy blood, live yea, I said
— and

scorched, shall it yet be unto thee, In thy blood, live.

employed for any work ? 7 Myriads, like the vegeta-
6 *} Therefore thus hath said tion of the field, did I make of
the Lord Eternal, As the wood thee, and thou didst increase
of the vine among the trees of and become great, and thou at-
the forest, which I have given tainedst the highest attractions:
up to the fire to be consumed with thy breasts developed, and
so do I give up the inhabitants thy hair full grown but thou ;

of Jerusalem. wast still naked and bare.

7 And I will set my face 8 But I passed then by thee,
against them from the fire have
: and saw thee, and, behold, thy
they gone forth, yet the fire shall time was the time of love and ,*

devour them ;
and ye shall know I spread the skirt of my gar
ment over thee, 17 And thou didst take thy
and covered thy
nakedness :
swore unto elegant ornaments of my gold
yea, I
thee, and entered into a cove- and of my silver, which I had
nant with thee, saith the Lord given thee, and make for thy-
Eternal, and thou becamest self male images, and play the
mine. harlot with them
9 Then did I bathe thee with 18 And thou didst take thy
water, yea, I thoroughly washed broidered garments, and cover
away thy blood from thee and them and my oil and my in-
: :

I anointed thee with oil. cense didst thou place before

10 I clothed thee also with them.
broidered work, and made thee 19 And my bread which I had
shoes of badger’s skin, and I given thee, fine flour, and oil,
placed on thy head a turban of and honey, which I had let thee
fine linen, and I covered thee eat, even this didst thou set be-
with silk. fore them for a sweet savour
11 And I decked thee with yes, so was it, saith the Lord
ornaments, and I placed brace- Eternal.
lets upon thy hands, and a chain 20 And thou didst take thy
around thy neck. sons and thy daughters, whom
12 And I placed a ring on thy thou hadst born unto me, and
nose, and earrings in thy ears, didst slaughter these unto them
and a crown of splendour on to be devoured; (but) were thy
thy head. acts of lewdness not yet enough ?
13 Thus wast thou ornament- 21 That thou didst slay my
ed with gold and silver and thy children, and give them up to

garments were of fine linen, and cause them to pass through the
silk, and broidered work; fine fire for them ?
flour, and honey, and oil didst 22 And in all thy abomina-
thou eat: and thou wast ex- tions and thy acts of lewdness
ceedingly beautiful, and thou thou didst net remember the
didst succeed to acquire domi- days of thy youth, when thou
nion. wast naked and bare, when thou
14 And thy fame went forth wast staiwed with thy blood.
among the nations because of 23 And it came to pass after
thy beauty for it was perfect all thy wickedness,
; —
(wo, wo
through my glorious ornament, unto thee saith the Lord Eter-

which I had put upon thee, saith nal ;


the Lord Eternal. 24 That thou didst build un-

15 But thou didst trust in thy to thyself eminences, and make
beauty, and play the harlot be- thyself elevations in every street.
cause of thy fame, and lavish 25 On the corner of every
thy lewd caresses on every one road didst thou build thy eleva-
that passed by —
on him they tions, and make thy beauty
were bestowed. abominable, and spread out thy
16 And thou didst take from feet to every one that passed by,
thy garments, and deck thee and multiply thy acts of lewd-
high-places with divers colours, ness.
and play the harlot thereupon: 26 And thou didst play the
never should the like come to harlot with the Egyptians, thy
pass, and never should it be so. neighbours, with large limbfl^
and multiply thy acts of lewd- 36' f Thus hath said the Lord
ness, to provoke me to anger. Eternal, Whereas thy wealth
27 And, behold, I stretched was squandered, and thy naked-
out my hand over thee, and di- ness was uncovered through thy
minished thy stated portion : lewd acts with thy lovers, and
and I gave thee up unto the will with all thy abominable idols,
of those that hate thee, the and for the blood of thy chil-
daughters of the Philistines, dren, whom thou didst give unto
who were made to blush for thy them :

incestuous course. 37 Therefore, behold, I will

28 Then didst thou play the gather all thy lovers, whom thou
harlot with the sons of Asshur, hast given pleasure, and all
because thou wast un satiable whom thou hast loved, together
yea, thou didst play the harlot with all whom thou hast hated,
with them, and wast even then — yea, I will gather them all
not satisfied. round about thee, and will un-
29 And thou didst multiply cover thy nakedness unto them,
thy lewdness with the traders’ that they may see all thy naked-
land as far as Chaldea and ness.

even wdth this wast thou not 38 And I will judge thee, as
satisfied. adulteresses and Avomen that
30 How very corrupt is thy shed blood are judged: and I
heart, saith the Lord Eternal, will bring upon thee the blood
seeing thou didst all these of fury and jealousy.
things, deeds of an abandoned 39 And I will also give thee
lewd woman up into their hand, and they
31 Seeing that thou didst shall pull down thy eminences,
build thy eminences at the cor- and shall break down thy eleAr a-
ner of every road, and make tions ; and they shall strip thee
thy elevations in every street? of thy clothes, and they shall
and wast not like a harlot, as take thy elegant ornaments, and
thou scornedst the wages. leave thee naked and bare.
32 0 thou adulterous wife 40 And they shall bring up
who, while bound to her hus- against thee an assembly, and
band, receiveth strangers ! they shall stone thee with stones,
33 Unto all harlots they give and thrust thee through with
presents but thou hast given
their swords
thy presents to all thy lovers, 41 And they shall burn thy
and hast bribed them, that they houses with fire, and execute
might come unto thee from every punishments on thee before the
side in thy acts of lewdness. eyes of many women : and I
34 And the reverse was the will cause thee to cease from
case with thee from (other) wo- being a harlot, and also the
men in thy acts of lewdness, wages (of sin) shalt thou not
that men did not follow thee to give any more.
seek thy lewd caresses ; and be- 42 And then will I assuage
cause thou gavest the wages, my fury on thee, and my jea-
and no wages were given thee lousy shall depart from thee,
so was it the reverse with thee. and I will be quiet, and will be
35 Therefore, 0 harlot, hear no more angry.
the word of the Lord ! 43 Because that thou didst
63 2G 745
not remember the days of thy committed even the half of thj
youth, but didst irritate me with sins but thou didst multiply

all these things behold, there- thy abominations more than


fore I also will bring thy course they and thou hast justified

upon thy head, saith the Lord thy sisters through all thy abo-
Eternal, and thou shalt no more minations which thou hast done.
commit incest with all thy 52 Bear then thou also thy
(other) abominations. own confusion, which thou didst
44 Behold, every one that adjudge unto each of thy sis-
speaketh in proverbs shall use ters; through thy sins, which
this proverb against thee, say- thou hast committed more abo-
ing, As the mother is, so is her minably than they, are they
daughter. made more righteous than thou :

45 Thou art thy mother’s therefore thou also be ashamed, —

daughter, loathing her husband and bear thy confusion, since
and her children and thou art thou hast justified thy sisters.

the sister of thy sisters, who 53 And I will bring back

have loathed their husbands and again their captivity, the capti-
their children your mother was vity of Sodom and her daugh-

a Hittite, and your father an ters, and the captivity of Sa-

Emorite. maria and her daughters, and
46 And thy elder sister is Sa- the captivity of thy captives in
maria, she with her daughters, the midst of them :

that dwelleth at thy left hand 54 In order that thou mayest


and thy younger sister, that bear thy confusion, and mayest
dwelleth at thy right hand, is be confounded because of all
Sodom with her daughters. that thou hast done, when thou
47 Yet not even in their ways art a comfort unto them.
didst thou walk, nor act accord- 55 And thy sisters, Sodom
ing to their abominations as and her daughters, shall return

though this were quite too little, to their former state, and Sama-
and thou wast more corrupt ria and her daughters shall re-
than they in all thy ways. turn to their former state, and
48 As I live, saith the Lord thou and thy daughters shall
Eternal, Sodom thy sister, she return to your former state.
with her daughters, hath not 56 And was not thy sister
done as thou hast done, thou Sodom a report in thy mouth in
with thy daughters. the days of thy pride,
49 Behold, this was the ini- 57 Before yet thy wickedness
quity of thy sister Sodom Pride, was discovered, as at the time

abundance of food, and prosper- of the reproach of the daughters

ous security were hers and her of Syria, and all those round
daughters’ ; but the hand of the about her, the daughters of the
poor and needy did she not Philistines, who taunted thee on
strengthen. all sides ?
50 And they became haugh- 58 Thy
incest and thy abomi-
ty, and committed abominations nations, — thou
thyself hadst to
before me : therefore did I re- bear them, saith the Lord.
move them when I saw their 59 *[ For thus hath said the
course. Lord Eternal, I will even deal
51 And Samaria hath not with thee as thou hast done,
Ihou who hast despised the oath tendrilsof which should turn
by breaking the covenant. toward him, and the roots ct
60 Nevertheless will I indeed which should be under him so :

remember my covenant with it became a vine, and brought

thee in the days of thy youth, forth branches, and sent out
and I will establish unto thee shoots.
an everlasting covenant. 7 There was also another g~*eat
61 And thou shalt then re- eagle with large wings and many
member thy ways, and be con- feathers and, behold, this vine

founded, when thou receivest did bend its roots famishing to-
thy sisters, both those that are ward him, and shot forth its ten-
older than thou and younger drils toward him, that he might
than thou and I will give them
: water it, from the beds where it
unto thee for daughters, though was planted
not because thou vrast faithful 8 (Although) it was planted
to the covenant. in a good field by great waters,
62 And I will establish my that it might produce boughs,
covenant with thee; and thou and that it might bear fruit, that
shaltknow that I am the Lord : it might become an elegant vine.
63 In order that thou mayest 9 Say now, Thus hath said
remember, and feel ashamed, the Lord Eternal, Shall it pros-
and never open thy mouth any per? Behold the other will pull
more because of thy confusion, up its roots, and its fruit will he
when I forgive thee for all that cut away, that it may dry up
thou hast done, saith the Lord every one of its growing leaves
Eternal. shall dry up and not with great

power and numerous people

CHAPTER XVII. (will he have to come) to tear it
1 And the word of the Lord away from its roots.
came unto me, saying, 10 Yea, behold, although it is
2 Son of man, put forth a rid- planted, shall it prosper? Lo,
dle, and propound a parable un- as soon as the east wind touch-
to the house of Israel eth it, shall it be utterly dried
3 And say, Thus hath said up : in the beds where it groweth
the Lord Eternal, The great shall it dry up.
eagle with large wings, long 11 And the word of the
winged, full of feathers, who is Lord came unto me, saying,
rich in many colours, came un- 12 Do now say to the rebel-
to the Lebanon, and took the lious family, Know
ye not what
highest branch of the cedar these things mean? Say, Be-
4 The topmost of its young hold, the king of Babylon came
twigs did he crop off, and carry to Jerusalem, and took away its
it into the traders’ land ; and he king and its princes, and be
set it in a city of merchants. brought them unto himself to
5 And he took some of the Babylon
seed of the land, and planted it 13 And he took one of the
in a fruitful field he placed it
: royal seed, and made a covenant
by great waters, he transplanted with him, and bound him with
it among the willow-trees. an oath; but the mighty of the
6 And it grew, and became a land did he take away
^railing vine of low stature, the 14 That the kingdom should
be debased, so as not to lift it- (a part) of the highest branch
self up ;
that it should keep his of the high cedar, and will pre-
covenant that it might continue serve it from the topmost of its

to exist. young twigs will I crop off a ten-

15 But he rebelled against der one, and I myself will plant
him by sending his .messengers it firmly upon a high and emi-
into Egypt, that they might give nent mountain
him horses and numerous people. 23 On the mountain of the
Shall he prosper? shall he escape height of Israel will I plant it
that doth such things? yea, he firmly and it shall produce

hath broken the covenant, and boughs, and bear fruit, and be-
shall he escape ? come an elegant cedar ; and there
16 As I live, saith the Lord shall dwell under it all fowls,
Eternal, surely in the residence every thing that hath wing; in
of the king that hath made him the shadow of its light branches
king, whose oath he hath de- shall they dwell.
spised, and whose covenant he 24 And all the trees of the
hath broken, even near him in field shall know that I the Lord
the midst of Babylon shall he die. have made low the high tree,
17 And not with a mighty have made high the lowly tree,
army and a large assembly shall that I have dried up the green
Pharaoh labour for him in the tree, and have caused to flourish
war, when (the other) caste th up the dry tree I the Lord have

mounds, and buildeth works of spoken and have done it.

attack, to cut off many souls.
18 Yea, he that hath despised CHAPTER XVIII.
the oath by breaking the cove- 1 \\ And the word of the Lord
nant, when, lo, he had given his came unto me, saying,
hand, and hath done all these 2 What mean ye, that ye use
things, shall not escape. this proverb in the country of
19 Therefore thus hath said Israel, saying, The fathers have
the Lord Eternal, As I live, eaten sour grapes, and the teeth
surely my oath that he hath de- of the children are set on
spised, and my covenant that he edge ?

hath broken, even this will I 3 As I live, saith the Loud
bring upon his own head. Eternal, ye shall not have any
20 And I will spread my net more to use this proverb in Is-
over him, and he shall be caught rael.
in my snare, and I will bring 4 Behold, all the souls are
him to Babylon, and will hold mine as the soul of the father,
judgment with him there for his

so also the soul of the son mine
trespass which he hath commit- are they the soul which sinneth,

ted against me. that alone shall die.

21 And all his fugitives, with 5 But if a man be righteous,
all the wings of his army shall and execute justice and right-
fall by the sword, and those that eousness;
remain shall be dispersed toward 6 Upon
the mountains he eat-
all winds and ye shall know
: eth not, his eyes he lifteth
that I the Lord have spoken it. not up to the idols of the house
22 Thus hath said the Lord of Israel, and the wife of his
Eternal, But I myself will take neighbour he defileth not, and
onto a woman in her separation man, a pledge he withholdeth not.
he cometh not near; and of a robbery he is nevei
7 And he overreacheth no man, guilty, his bread he giveth to the
he restoreth his pledge for a hungry, and the nake-1 he cover-
debt, a robbery he doth not com- eth with a garment;
mit, his bread he giveth to the 17 From the poor he with-
hungry, and the naked he cover- draweth his hand, interest and
eth with a garment; increase he taketh not; my or-
8 Upo-n interest he giveth not dinances he executeth, in my
forth, and increase he doth not statutes he walketh : —
he shall
take, from wrong he withdraw- not die for the iniquity of his
eth his hand, true judgment he father, he shall surely live.
executeth between man and 18 His father, because he un-
man ;
justly withheld (wages)> was
9 In my statutes he walketh guilty of robbery on his brother,
steadfastly, and my
ordinances and did that which is not good
he keepeth to deal truly he is : in the midst of his people, and —
righteous, he shall surely live, lo, he died through his iniquity.
saith the Lord Eternal. 19 Yet say ye, Why doth not
10 If he (now) beget a disso- the son bear part of the iniquity
lute son. that sheddeth blood, of the father? when the son hath
and doth to (his) brother any executed justice and righteous-
one of these things ; ness, all my statutes hath he
11 And he is one that doth kept, and hath done them he :

not any of these (duties); but shall surely live.

eateth even upon the mountains, 20 The soul that sinneth, she
and defileth the wife of his neigh- alone shall die the son shall not

bour ; help to bear the iniquity of the

12 The poor and needy he father, and the father shall not
overreacheth, he is guilty of rob- help to bear the iniquity of the
beries, the pledge he restoreth son the righteousness of the

not, and to the idols he lifteth righteous shall be upon him, and
up his eyes, abominations he the wickedness of the wicked
committeth shall be upon him.
13 Upon
interest he giveth 21 And the wicked, when
forth, and increase he taketh he turneth away from all his
and he should live? he shall not sins that he hath committed, and
live all these abominations hath
keepeth all my statutes, and exe-
he done, he shall surely die; his cuteth justice and righteousness,
blood shall be upon him. shall surely live, he shall not
14 And behold, if he beget a die.
son, who seeth all the sins of his 22 All his transgressions which
father which he hath done, and he hath committed shall not be
he considereth, and doth not the remembered unto him through :

like of them; his righteousness which he hath

15 Upon the mountains he done shall he live.
eateth not, and his eyes he lift- 23 Have I then the least plea-
eth not up to the idols of the sure in the death of the wicked?
house of Israel, the wife of his saith the Lord Eternal and not :

neighbour he defileth not; in his turning away from his

16 And he overreacheth no ways, that he may live ?
63 * 749
24 But when the righteous new spirit; for why will ye die,
turneth away from his righteous- 0 house of Israel?
ness, and cornmitteth wrong, and 32 For I have no pleasure in
doth according to all the abo- the death of him that deserveth
minations that the wicked man to die, saith the Lord Eternal:
doth, shall he live? all his right- therefore convert yourseives, and
eousness that he hath done shall live.
not be remembered through his

trespass which he hath commit- CHAPTER XIX.

ted, and through his sin that he 1 f And thou, — do thou lift

hath done, through them shall up a lamentation for the princes
he die. of Israel,
25 Yet ye say, The way of the 2 And say, What a noble lion-
Lord is not equitable hear now, : esswas thy mother among lions !

0 house of Israel, Is not my way did she lie down, in the midst of
equitable? is it not your ways young lions did she raise her
which are not equitable? whelps 4
26 When a righteous man 3 And she brought up one of
turneth away from his righteous- her whelps he became a young

ness, and doth wrong, and dieth and he learned to tear in

therefor through his wrong
: pieces the prey ; (even) men he
which he hath done, must he die. devoured.
27 Again, when the wicked 4 And when nations heard of
turneth away from his wicked- him, he was caught in their
ness which he hath committed, pit, and they brought him with,
and executeth justice and right- nose-rings unto the land of
eousness he shall indeed pre-
: Egypt.
serve his soul alive. 5 Now when she saw that she
28 Because he hath consid- had long waited, (that) her hope
ered, and turned away from all was lost, she took another one
his transgressions which he hath of her whelps, and made him a
committed he shall surely live, young lion.

he shall not die. 6 And he went up and down

29 Yet say the house of Israel, in the midst of lions, he became
The way of the Lord is not a young lion and he learned to :

equitable are not my ways tear in pieces the prey; even men

equitable, 0 house of Israel ? is he devoured.

it not your ways which are not 7 And he broke down their
equitable ? palaces, and their cities laid he
30 Therefore will I judge you, in ruins and then was terrified

every one according to his ways, the land, with all that filled it, be-
0 house of Israel, saith the Lord cause of the noise of his roaring.
Eternal return ye, and cause
: 8 Then set themselves; the na-
others to return from all your tions against him on every side
transgressions, that iniquity may from the provinces and they ;

not become your stumbling- spread over him their net: in

block. their pit was he caught.
31 Cast away from yourselves 9 And they put him in a cage
all your transgressions, whereby with nose-rings (in his nose),
,ve have transgressed,* and make and they brought him to the
yourselves a new heart and a king of Babylon they brought :

him into the strong-holds, in 4 Wilt thou take them to task t

order that his voice should no wilt thou take them to task, son
more be heard on the mountains of man? then cause them to
of Israel. know the abominations of their
10 *([ Thy mother was like a fathers
vine, if I compare thee to aught, 5 And say unto them, Thus
planted by the waters: fruitful hath said the Lord Eternal, On
and full of boughs was she by the day when I made choice of
reason of many waters. Israel, I lifted up my hand unto
11 And she had strong branches the seed of the house of Jacob,
(fit) for the sceptres of rulers, and I made myself known unto
and her stature grew up high be- them in the land of Egypt; and
tween the thick-branched (trees), I lifted up my hand unto them,
and she was seen through her saying, I am the Lord your God.
height by means of the multitude 6 On the same day I lifted up
of her tendrils. my hand unto them, to bring
12 But she was plucked up in them forth from the land of
fury, to the ground was she cast Egypt into a land that I had
down, and the east wind dried up selected for them, flowing with
her fruit and torn off and dried
: milk and honey, which is an
up were her strong branches, a ornament among all the coun-
fire consumed them. tries.
13 And now is she planted in 7 And I said unto them, Cast
the wilderness, in a dry and ye away every one the abomina-
thirsty land. tions of his eyes, and on the
14 And fire is gone out of a idols of Egypt shall ye not de-
branch of her boughs, and hath file yourselves I am the Lord

devoured her fruit, so that there is your God.

no more on her a strong branch 8 But they rebelled against
for a sceptre to rule. This is a me, and they would not hearken
lamentation, and it is become a unto me they did not cast away

lamentation. every one the abominations of

their eyes, and the idols of Egypt
CHAPTER XX. did they not forsake : and I
1 And it came to pass in the thought then to pour out my fury
seventh year, in the fifth month, over them, to let out all my an-
on the tenth day of the month, ger against them in the midst of
that certain men of the elders of the land of Egypt.
Israel came to inquire of the 9 But I acted for the sake of
Lord, and they sat down before my name, so as not to profane
me. it before the eyes of the nations,
2 And the word of the Lord in the midst of whom they were;
came unto me, saying, because I had made myself
3 Son of man, speak unto the known unto them before their
elders of Israel, and say unto eyes, to bring them forth out of
them, Thus hath said the Lord the land of Egypt.
Eternal, Is it to inquire of me 10 1 therefore caused them to
that ye are coming? as I live, I go forth out of the land of Egypt,
will not let myself be inquired and brought them into the wil-
of by you, saith the Lord Eter- derness.
nal. 11 And I ga ve them my sta-
fcutes, and my
ordinances made in my statutes must ye walk, and
I known to them, which a man my ordinances must ye keep,
is to do, that he may live through and do them
them. 20 And my sabbaths must ye
12 And also my sabbaths gave sanctify ; and they shall be as a
I unto them, to be as a sign be- sign between me and between
tween me and between them, you, that ye may know that I
that they might know that I am am the Lord your God.
the Lord who sanctify them. 21 Nevertheless the children
13 But the house of Israel re- rebelled against me; in ray sta-
belled against me in the wilder- tutes did they not walk, and my
ness; in my statutes they walked ordinances they ke,pt not to do
not, and my ordinances they de- them, which a man is to do, that
spised, which a man is to do, he may live through them; my
that he may live through them, sabbaths they profaned and I :

and my sabbaths they greatly then thought to pour out my

profaned and I then thought to fury over them, to let out all my

pour out my fury over them in anger against them in the wil-
the wilderness, to make an end derness.
of them. 22 But I withdrew my hand,
14 But I acted for the sake of and acted for the sake of my
my name, so as not to profane it name, so as not to profane it be-
before the eyes of the nations, fore the eyes of the nations, be-
before whose eyes I had brought fore whose eyes I had brought
them forth. them forth.
15 Yet did I also lift up23 I also lifted up my hand
hand unto them unto them in the wilderness, that
in the wilder-
ness, that I would not bring I would scatter them among
them into the land which I had the nations, and disperse them
given (them), flowing with milk through the countries;
and honey, which is an orna- 24 Because my ordinances
ment among all the countries. they had not executed, and my
16 Because my ordinances statutes they had despised, and
they had despised, and in my my sabbaths they had profaned,
statutes they had not walked, and after the idols of their fa-
and my sabbaths they had pro- thers their eyes were directed.
faned for after their idols did
25 And I also let them follow
their heart go. statutes that were not good, and
17 Nevertheless my eye looked ordinances whereby they could
pityingly on them, so as not to not live
destroy them, and I did not make 26 And I let them be defiled
*m end of them in the wilder- through their gifts, in that they
ness. caused to pass (through the fire)
18 And I said unto their chil- all that openeth the womb, in
dren in the wilderness, In the order that Lmight destroy them,
statutes of your fathers shall ye to the end that they might know
not walk, and their ordinances that I am the Lord.
shall ye not keep, and on their 27 Therefore, speak unto the
idols shall ye not defile your- house of Israel, 0 son of man,
selves. and say unto them, Thus hath
19 I am the Lord your God: said the Lord Eternal, Yet in
this too didyour fathers blas- hand, and with an outstretched
pheme me, by their committing arm, and with (my) fury poured
a trespass against me : out.
28 When I had brought them 35 And I will bring you into
into the land, for which I had the wilderness of the people, and
lifted up my hand to .give it to I will hold judgment over you
them, they saw every high hill., there, face to face.
and all the thick-branched trees, 36 As I held judgment ever
and they offered there their sacri- your fathers in the wilderness
iices, and presented there th-eir of the land of Egypt, so will I
provoking offerings, and they hold judgment over you, saith
brought there their sweet savour, the Lord Eternal.
and poured out there their drink- 37 And I will cause you to
offerings. pass under the rod, and I will
29 Then said I unto them, bring you into the bond of the
What is this high -place where- covenant
unto ye go ? And its name was 38 And I will separate from
calfed*'The height”until this day. you those that have rebelled,
30 Therefore say unto the and those that have transgressed
house of Israel, Thus hath said against me: out of the country
the Lord Eternal, Ha do you where they sojourn will I cause

pollute yourselves after the man- them to go forth, but into the
ner of your fathers; and after land of Israel shall not one (of
their abominations do ye go them) enter and ye shall know

astray ? that I am the Lord.

31 And when ye offer up your 39 As for you, 0 house of Is-
gifts, when ye make your sons rael, thus hath said the Lord
pass through the fire, ye pollute Eternal, Go ye, serve ye every
yourselves with all your idols, one his idols, and hereafter
even until this day and I should (also), if ye will not hearken

allow myself to be inquired of unto me; but my holy name do

by you, 0 house of Israel ? As not profane any more with your
I live, saith the Lord Eternal, I gifts, and with your idols.
will not let myself be inquired 40 For on my holy mountain,
of by you. on the mountain of the height
32 And that which cometh up of Israel, saith the Lord Eter-
into your mind shall not at all nal, there shall serve me all the
come to pass, (namelj*,) that ye house of Israel, altogether, in
say, We will be like the nations, the land there will I accept

like the families of the (other) them in favour, and there will
countries, to serve wood and I require your heave-offerings,
stone. and the first-fruits of your obla-
33 As I live, saith the Lord tions, with all your holy things.
Eternal, surely, with a mighty 41 With your sweet savour
hand, and with an outstretched will accept you in favour,
arm, and with fury poured out, when I bring you out from the
will I rule over you : people, and gather you out of
34 And I will bring you out the countries wherein ye have
from the people, and I will gather been scattered and I will be

you out of the countries wherein sanctified through you before

ye are scattered, with a mighty the eyes of the nations.
42 And ye that I
shall know toward the holy places, and pro-
am the Lord, when I bring you phesy against the land of Israel.
into the land of Israel, into the 8 And say to the land of Is-
country for which I have lifted rael, Thus hath said the Lord,
up my hand to give it to your Behold, I will be against thee,
fathers. and wifi draw forth my sword
43 And ye shall remember out of its sheath and I will cut

there your ways, and all your off from thee the righteous and
doings, whereby ye have been the wicked.
defiled and ye shall loathe
9 But because I shall have
yourselves, because of all your cut off from thee the righteous
evil deeds that ye have com- and the wicked therefore shah

mitted. my sword go forth out of its

44 And ye shall know that I sheath against all flesh from the
am the Lord, when I deal with south to the north;
you for the sake of my name, 10 That all flesh may know
not accordance with your that I the Lord have drawn
wicked ways, and in accordance forth my sword out of its sheath
with your corrupt doings, 0 ye it shall not return any more.
house of Israel, saith the Lord 11 f But thou, son of man, do
Eternal. thou sigh as though with bro-

ken loins, and with bitterness

CHAPTER XXI. (of grief) shalt thou sigh before
1 And the word of the Lord their eyes.
came unto me, saying, 12 And it shall be, when they
2 Son of man, set thy face in say unto thee, Wherefore sighest
the direction toward the south, thou? that thou shalt say, For
and preach toward the south, the report, because it cometh,
and prophesy against the forest when every heart shall melt, and
of the field in the south. all hands shall be made feeble,
3 And say to the forest of the and every spirit shall become
south, Hear the word of the faint, and all knees shall be
Lord, Thus hath said the Lord changed into water: behold, it
Eternal, Behold, I will kindle a cometh, and shall be brought to
fire in thee, and it shall devour pass, saith the Lord Eternal.
in thee every green tree, and 13 And the word of the
every dry tree the glowing Lord came unto me, saying,

flame shall not be quenched, 14 Son of man, prophesy, and

and there shall be burnt therein say, Thus hath said the Lord,
all faces from the south to the Say, The sword, the sword is
noi th. sharpened, and also polished ;

4 And all flesh shall see that 15 In order to make a tho-

I the Lord have kindled it: it rough slaughter is it sharpened ;

shall not be quenched. in order that it may glitter is it

5 Then said I, Ah, Lord Eter- polished how can we now re-

nal they say of me, Behold, he joice, (when) the rod which

speaketh but in parables reacheth my son excelleth in


6 And the word of the Lord hardness every tree?

came unto me, saying, 16 And he hath given it to be
7 Son of man, direct thy face polished, to make it fit to grasp
toward Jerusalem, and preach it in the hand it is the sword

which is sharpened, and it is Judah (dwelling) in Jerusalem
polished, to place it into the the fortified.
hand of the slayer. 26 For the king of Babylon
17 Cry aloud and wail, 0 son hath halted at the parting of the
of man for it cometh against way, at the commencement of

my people, it cometh against all the two ways, to use divina :ion :

the princes of Israel; brought he shaketh the arrows, he con-

together for the sword are they sulteth with images, he looketh
with my people therefore strike
: at the liver.
(thy hand) upon thy thigh. 27 At his right hand was the
18 For a purification taketh divination for Jerusalem, to
place and what if the irresist-
: erect battering-rams, to open
ible rod will also come ? (my the mouth with the (cry for)
son) would not be able to exist, murder, to lift up the voice with
saith the Lord Eternal. shouting, to place battering-
19 ^f But thou, son of man, rams against the gates, to cast
prophesy, and strike thy hands up a mound, and to build works
together, and let “ The sword” of attack.
be repeated the third time, the 28 And it will appear unto
sword of the slain it is the : them as a false divination in
sword of the great that are slain, their eyes, to those that had
which lieth in wait for them sworn oaths but he will bring

everywhere. to remembrance their iniquity,

20 In order to make timid be caught.
that they may
the heart, and to multiply the 29 ^f Therefore thus hath said
stumbling-blocks, do I bring the the Lord Eternal, Because ye
howling of the sword against have brought your iniquity to
all their gates ah it is made remembrance, as your trans-
: !

bright, it is made thin-edged for gressions are discovered, so that

the slaughter. your sins do appear in all your
21 Gather up thy strength, go doings because ye are thus :

‘to the right hand, direct thyself, brought to remembrance, ye

go to the left, whithersoever thy shall be caught by (his) hand.
edge is turned. 30 ^f And thou, death-deserv-
22 And I also, —
I will strike ing wicked one, prince of Israel,
my hands together, and I will whose day is come, at the time
cause my fury to be assuaged: of the iniquity of the end,
I the Lord have spoken it. 31 ^ Thus hath said the Lord
23 And the word of the Lord Eternal, Remove the mitre, and
came unto me, saying, take off the crown this shall :

24 But thou, 0 son of man, not be always so exalt him that ;

appoint thee two ways, that the is low, and make him low thal
sword of the king of Babylon is high.
may come out of one land shall 32 Overthrown, overthrown

both of them come forth and overthrown will I render it


select a place; at the head of the also this shall not belong (to
way to a city do thou select it. any one), until he come whose
25 A way shalt thou appoint, right it is, and I will give it him,
that the sword may come against 33 ^ And thou, son of man,
Kabbah of the children of ’Am- prophesy, and say, Thus hath
mon, and (the other) against said the Lord Eternal concern-
ing the children of ’Ammon, and do I make thee a disgrace unto
concerning their reproach even the nations, and a mocking tc

say thou, The sword, the sword all the countries.

is drawn; for the slaughter is it 5 Those who are near, and
polished, to destroy, that it may those who are far from thee,
continue to glitter; shall mock thee, 0 thou unclean
34 While they foresee unto in name, and great in confusion !

thee falsehood, while they divine 6 Behold, the princes of Israel

unto thee lies, to lay thee by the were each (ready) with his arm
necks of the slain wicked, whose within thee, in order to shed
day is come, at the time of the blood.
iniquity of the end. 7 Father and mother they
35 Put back‘(the sword) into esteemed lightly within thee,
its sheath in the place where
! toward the stranger they acted
thou wast created, in the land with extortion in the midst of
of thy origin, will I judge thee. thee, the fatherless and the wi-
36 And I will pour out over dow they oppressed within thee.
thee my indignation, with the 8 My
holy things thou didst
fire of my wrath will I blow despise, and my sabbaths thou
against thee, and I will give didst profane.
thee up into the hand of brutish 9 Tale-bearers (also) were
men, skilful in destroying. within thee, in order to shed
37 To the fire shalt thou be blood ;
and upon the mountains
given to be devoured ; thy blood did they eat within thee incest ;

shall be in the midst of the land : did they commit in the midst of
thou shalt not be remembered thee.
(any more) ;
for I the Lord have
10 Their father’s nakedness
spoken it. they uncovered within thee; her
that was unclean in her separa-
CHAPTER XXII. tion did they violate within thee.
1 And the word of the Lord 11 And one w ith his neigh- 7

came unto me, saying, bour’s wife did commit abomi-

2 And thou, son of man, wilt nation ; and another did defile
thou take to task, wilt thou his daughter-in-law with incest;
take to task the city of blood ? and another did violate his sis-
and wilt thou make her know ter, the daughter of his father,
all her abominations ? within thee.
3 Then say thou, Thus hath 12 Bribes they took within
said the Lord Eternal, 0 city thee, in order to shed blood;
that sheddeth blood in her midst, interest and increase didst t.ho »i

that her time (of sorrow) may take, and thou didst acquire
come, and that hath made idols gain off* thy neighbours by ex*
for herself to become unclean tortion :and me thou didst for-

4 Through thy blood which get, saith the Lord Eternal.

thou hast shed, art thou become 13 And behold, I have struck
guilty; and through thy idols my hands together at thy wt ng-
which thou hast made art thou ful gain which thou hast ac-
become unclean; and thou hast, quired, and at thy biood guilt
caused thy days (of destruction) which hath been in the midst of
to draw near, and thou art come thee.
even unto thy years ; therefore 14 Will thy courage endure.
or will thy hands remain strong, 25 The banded troop of her
on the days that I will deal with prophets in the midst of her is
thee ? I the Lord have spoken, like a roaring lion that teareth
and will do it. in pieces the prey souls do they

15 And I will scatter thee devour; wealth and precious

among the nations, and disperse things do they take away; the
thee in the countries, and I will number of her widows do they
entirely remove thy uncleanness increase in the midst of her.
out of thee. 26 Her priests violate my law,
16 And thou shalt be de- and profane my holy things
graded through thyself before between the holy and profane
the eyes of nations, and thou do they make no distinction,
shalt know that I am the Lord. and the difference between the
17 % And the word of the Lord unclean and the clean do they
came unto me, saying, not make known, and from (the
18 Son of man, the house of violation of) my sabbaths do
Israel are become to me dross they turn away their eyes, so
they all are copper, and tin, and that I am profaned among tnem.
iron, and lead, in the midst of 27 Her princes in her midst
the furnace ; the dross of silver are like wolves that tear in
are they become. pieces the prey, to shed blood,
19 Therefore thus hath said to destroy souls, in order to ob-
the Lord Eternal, Because ye tain selfish gain.
are all become dross, therefore, 28 And her prophets plastered
behold, I will gather you into for them with unadhesive mor-
the midst of Jerusalem. tar, foreseeing falsehood, and
20 As silver, and copper, and divining unto them lies, saying,
iron, and lead, and tin are Thus hath said the Lord Eternal
gathered into the midst of the when the Lord had not spoken.
furnace, to blow the fire upon it, 29 The people of the land are
to melt it: so will I gather you guilty of extortion, and practice
in my anger and in my fury, robbery, and the poor and the
and I will lay you down there, needy they defraud and they :

and melt you. extort from the stranger with

21 Yea, I will assemble you injustice.
in a heap, and blow upon you 30 And I seek now among
with the fire of my wrath, and ye them for a man, that could erect
shall be melted in the midst of it. a fence, and stand in the breach
22 As silver is melted in the before me in behalf of the land,
midst of the furnace, so shall ye so that I should not destroy it;
be melted in the midst of it and
: but I find none.
ye shall know that I am the 31 And I therefore pour out
Lord who have poured out my over them my indignation ; with
fury over you. the fire of my wrath do I make
23 And the word of the Lord an end of them their own way

came unto me, saying, do I bring upon their head, saith

24 Son of man, say unto her, the Lord Eternal.
Thou art a land that is not
cleansed; (and) which is not CHAPTER XXIII.
rained upon on the day of indig- 1 And the word of the Lore
nation. came unto me, saying,
64 7 57
2 Son of man, there were two and in her lewd a?ts more than
women, the daughters of one her sister’s lewdness.
mother 12 For the sons of Asshur did
3 And they played the harlot she long, the governors and rulers
in Egypt; in their youth they that were near, clothed as they
played the harlot: there were were most gorgeously, horsemen
their breasts pressed, and there riding upon horses, attractive
they suffered their virgin bosoms youths all of them.
to be touched. 13 Then saw I that she was
4 And their names were Aho- defiled, that they followed both
lah the elder, and Aholibah her one way.
sister; but they became mine, 14 But she added still more
and they bore sons and daugh- to her acts of lewdness for when

ters and their names are, Sa- she saw men engraved upon the

maria is Aholah, and Jerusalem, wall, the images of the Chalde-

Aholibah. ans portrayed with colour,
5 And Aholah played the har- 15 Bound with girdles on their
lot while she was mine; and she loins, with hanging down colour-
longed for her lovers, for the ed turbans on their heads, in
Assyrians that were near (her), appearance like commanders, all
6 Clothed (as they were) in of them, in the likeness of the
blue, governors, and rulers, at- sons of Babylon of the Chal-
tractive youths all of them, horse- deans, the land of their birth :
men riding upon horses. 16 Then did she long for them
7 Thus she played the harlot as soon as she saw them with
with them, all of them the chosen her eyes, and she sent messengers
ones of the sons of Asshur and unto them to Chaldea.

with all for whom she longed, 17 And the sons of Babylon
with all their idols did she defile came to her unto the couch of
herself. love, and they defiled her with
8 But also her lewdness from their lewd caresses : and (yet)
Egypt forsook she not for they when she had been defiled with

had lain with her in her youth, them, she tore her soul away
and they had touched her virgin from them.
bosom, and had lavished their 18 And when she had laid
lewd caresses on her. open her lewdness, and had un-
9 Therefore did I give her up covered her nakedness then my

into the hand of her lovers, into soul tore itself away from her, as
the hand of the sons of Asshur, my soul had torn itself away
after whom she longed. from her sister.
10 These were they that laid 19 Yet she multiplied her
open her nakedness her sons deeds of lewdness, in calling to

and her daughters did they take remembrance the days of her
away, and her they slew with youth, when she had played the
the sword and she became in- harlot in the land of Egypt.

famous among women, when 20 And she longed for thei/

they inflicted the decreed pu- paramours, whose flesh is as the
Bishments on her. flesh of asses, and whose lustful-
11 And when
her sister Aholi- ness is like the lustfulness of
bah saw she became more horses.
corrupt in her longing than she, 21 And thou calledst to min<*
when hand of those from whom
the inccBt of thy youth, toy
thy bosom was touched by the soul hath torn itself away ;

Egyptians for the sake of thy 29 And they shall deal with
youthful breasts. thee in hate, and shall take away
22 ^ Therefore, 0 Aholibah, all (things acquired by) thy la-
thus hath said the Lord Eternal, bour, and they shall leave thee
Beh dd, I will wake up thy lovers naked and bare and thus shall

against thee, from whom thy be uncovered the nakedness of

siul hath torn itself away, and thy lewdness, and thy incest and
I will bring them against thee thy lewd deeds.
from every side ,• 30 I will do these things unto
23 The sons of Babylon, and thee, because thou hast gone
all the Chaldeans, Pekod, and with vile lust after the nations,
Shoa’, and Koa/, and all the because thou hast defiled thyself
sons of Asshur with them, at- with their idols.
tractive youths, governors and 31 On the way of thy sister
rulers all of them, commanders hast thou walked therefore will

and chiefs, riding upon horses I place her cup into thy hand.
all of them. 32 Thus hath said the Lord
24 And they shall come over Eternal, The cup of thy sister
thee with weapons, chariots, and shalt thou drink, the deep and
wheels, and with an assembly of wide one : thou shalt become
people, buckler, and shield, and to be laughed to scorn and to be
helmet shall they set up against held in derision, more than thou
thee round about: and I will canst bear.
give up before them the right to 33 With drunkenness and sor-
judge, and they shall judge thee row shalt thou be filled, (out of)
according to their ordinances. the cup of astonishment and
25 And I will set my zealous- confusion, the cup of thy sister
ness against thee, and they shall Samaria.
deal with thee in fury; thy nose 34 Thou shalt even drink it
and thy ears shall they cut off; and drain it out, and thou shalt
and what is left of thee shall fall break in pieces its fragments,
by the sword thy sons and thy
: and tear thy own breasts for I ;

daughters uhqj.1 they take away have spoken it, saith the Lord
and what is left of thee shall be Eternal.
devoured by the fire. 35 Therefore thus hath said
26 And they shall strip thee the Lord Eternal, Because thou
of thy clothes, and take away hast forgotten me, and cast me
thy ornamental attire. behind thy back therefore bear

27 Thus will I make thy in- thou also thy incest and thy act3
cest to cease from thee, and thy of lewdness.
lewdness brought from the land 36 The Lord said moreover
cf Egypt: and thou shalt not unto me, Son of man, wilt thou
lift up thy eye3 unto them, and call Aholah and Aholibah to ac-
Egypt shalt thou not remember count? then tell them of their
any more. abominations
28 ^ For thus hath said the 37 That they have committed
Lord Eternal, Behold, I will adultery, and there is blood on
give thee up into the hand of their hands, and with their idols
those whom thou hatest, into the have they committed adultery-
and also their sons whom they 46 For thus hath said tht
had born unto me have they Lord Eternal, I will bring up
caused to pass for them through against them an assemblage of
(the fire), to devour them. men, and 1 will give them up to
38 Moreover this have they ill-usage and plunder.
done unto me They have defiled
: 47 And the assemblage shall
my sanctuary on the same da}', stone them with stones, and cut
and my sabbaths have they pro- them down with their swords
faned. their sons and their daughters
39 And when they had slain shall they slay, and their houses
their children to their idols, then shall they
burn with fire.
came they into my sanctuary on 48 Thus will I cause incest to
the same day to profane it and,
: cease out of the land, that all
lo, thus have they done in the women may be warned by ex-
midst of my house. ample, and not do after your
40 And farther more yet, be- incestuous course.
cause they sent for men who 49 And they shall lay your
were to come from afar, unto incest upon you, and the sins of
whom messengers were sent: your idols shall ye bear: and ye
and, lo, they came, for whom shall know that I am the Lord
thou didst bathe thyself, paint Eternal.
thy eyes, and deck thyself with
ornaments CHAPTER XXIV.
41 And thou didst sit upon a 1 And the word of the Lord
stately bed, with a table spread came unto me in the ninth year,
before it, and my incense and in the tenth month, on the tenth
my oil didst thou set upon it. day of the month, saying,
42 And the shout of a peace- 2 Son of man, write thee down
ful joyous multitude was (heard) the name of this day, of this same
within her and with the men
day the king of Babylon hath

of the masses of the common advanced against Jerusalem on

people were brought Sabeans this same day.
from the wilderness and these
3 And speak concerning the
women placed bracelets on their rebellious family a parable, and
hands, and crowns of glory upon say unto them, Thus hath said
their heads. the Lord Eternal, Set on the pot,
43 Then thought I of her that set it on, and also pour water
was worn out in adulteries, Will into it;
they now (still) commit lewdness 4 Gather the proper pieces
with her, when she (is thus) ? into it, every good piece, the
44 But men went in unto her, thigh, and the shoulder; fill it
as they go in unto a faithless up with the choice bones.
wife: thus went they in unto 5 Take the choice of the flock,
Aholah and unto Aholibah, the and make also a fire for the
incestuous women. bones under it cause it to seethe

45 Righteous men, however well, that even the bones therein

these shall judge them as adul- may be fully boiled through.
teresses are judged, and as wo- 6 f Therefore thus hath said
men that shed blood are judged the Lord Eternal, Wo to the city

because adulteresses are they, of blood-guiltiness, to the pot

and blood is on their hands. the scum of which is yet in it.
and the scum of which is not 16 Son of man, behold, I will
gone out of it one of its pieces
! take away from thee the desire
after the other take out from it of thy eyes by a sudden death
no lot is cast for it. but thou shalt neither mourn nor
7 For her blood was in the weep, nor shalt thou shed a tear.
midst of her on the naked
17 Sigh in silence, make no
rock did she place it she poured
: mourning for the deceased, thy
it not upon the ground, to cover bonnet bind around thy head,
it over with dust. (and thy shoes put on thy feet,
8 To cause my fury to arise to land cover not thyself to thy
take vengeance, do I place her upper lip, and eat not the bread
blood upon the naked rock, so of (other) men.
that it shall not be covered up, 18 And when I had spoken
9 If Therefore thus hath said unto the people in the morning,
the Lord Eternal, Wo to the city my wife died at evening and I :

of blood-guiltiness I also will did in the morning as I had been


myself build up a large bumin. commanded.

pile, , 19 And the people said unto
10 Heaping on the wood, kin- me, Wilt thou not tell us what
dling the fire, thoroughly boiling these things mean for us, that
the flesh, and stirring the mix- thou doest so ?
ture, that the bones may be 20 And I said unto them, The
6corched. word of the Lord came unto me,
11 Then will I set it empty saying,
upon its coals, in order that it 21 Speak unto the house of
may become hot, and its copper Israel, Thus hath said the Lord
be made to glow, and its unclean Eternal, Behold, I will profane
ness may be molten in it, that my sanctuary, the pride of your
its scum may be consumed. strength, the desire of your eyes,
12 With fraud hath she wearied and the darling of your soul
(the poor) ;
therefore shall not and your sons and your daugh-
go. forth from her the greatness ters whom ye have left behind
of her scum through fire shall shall foil by the sword.

her scum (be removed). 22 And ye shall do as I have

13 In thy uncleanness is (thy) done ye shall not cover your-

incest; because I endeavoured selves to your upper lip, and the

to cleanse thee, and thou wouldst bread of other men shall ye not
not be clean, thou shalt not be eat.
cleansed from thy uncleanness 23 And your bonnets shall be
any more, uutil I have assuaged around your heads, and your
my fury on thee. shoes shall be on your feet: ye
14 I the Lord have spoken shall not mourn nor shall ye
it; it cometh to pass, and I will weep but ye shall pine away in

do it; I will not recall my de- your iniquities, and groan, look -

cree, and I will not have pity, ing one at the other.
nor will I repent; according to 24 Thus shall Ezekiel be uni 3
thy wa}r s, and according to thy you for a token ; in accordance
doings, shall men judge thee, with all that he hath done shall
saith the Lord Eternal. ye do when this cometh, then

15 ^f And the word of the shall ye know that I am the

Lord came to me, saying, Lord Eternal.
64* 2 g2 761
25 Also, thou son of man,
*[' 6 For thus hath said tha
behold, on the day when I take Lord Eternal, Whereas thou
from them their stronghold, the didst clap thy Lands, and stamp
joy of their glory, the desire of with thy feet, and rejoice with
their eyes, and the coveted object all thy derision in the soul ovei
of their soul, their sons and their the land of Israel
daughters, 7 Therefore, behold, will I
26 On that day there shall stretch out my hand over thee,
come one that hath escaped and will give thee up for a spoil
unto thee, and announce it to thy to the nations; and I will cut
ears. thee off from the people, and I
27 On that day shall thy will cause thee to perish out of
mouth be opened through him the countries ; I will destroy
that hath escaped, and thou thee, and thou shalt know that
shalt speak, and thou shalt not I am the Lord.
be silenced any more and thou : 8 Thus hath said the Lord
shalt be a token unto them, and Eternal, Because Moab and Se’ir
they shall know that I am the do say, Behold, the house of
Lord. Judah is like all the nations
9 Therefore, behold, I will
CHAPTER XXV. open the side of Moab from the
1 And
the word of the Lord cities, from his cities on his
came unto me, saying, frontiers, the glory of the coun-
2 Son of man, set thy face try, Beth-bayeshimoth, Ba’al-
against the sons of ’Ammon, and me’on, and Kiryathayim,
prophesy against them 10 Unto the children of the
3 And say unto the sons of east (coming) against the sons
’Ammon, Hear ye the word of of ’Ammon, and I will give them
the Lord Eternal, Thus hath in possession in order that the;

said the Lord Eternal, Because sons of ’Ammon may not be re-
thou hast said, Aha, concerning membered among the nations.
my sanctuary, when it was pro- 11 And on Moab will I exe-
faned and concerning the land cute judgments and they shall

of Israel, when it was made de- know that I am the Lord.

solate and concerning the house
12 Thus hath said the Lord
of Judah, when they went into Eternal, Because the Edomites
exile have acted revengefully against
4 Therefore, behold, I will the house of Judah, and have
give thee up to the children of greatty offended, and have taken
the east for a possession, and vengeance on them :

they shall set up their towers 13 Therefore thus hath said

in thee, and place in thee their the Lord Eternal, I will also
dwellings ; they shall indeed eat stretch out my hand against
thj fruit, and they shall surely Edom, and cut off from it man
drink thy milk. and beast; and I will make it a
5 And I will change Rabbah ruined land from Theman and ;

into a pasture for camels, and they of Dedan shall fall by the
(the land oj) the sons of ’Am- sword.
mon into a resting-place for 14 And I will display my ven-
flocks :and ye shall know that geance on Edom by the hand of
I am the Lord. my people Israel; and they shall
do in according to my an-
Edom 6 And her daughters that ar«
ger and according to my fury : in the field shall be slain with
and they shall feel my ven- the sword and they shall
: know
geance, saith the Lord Eternal. that lamthe Lord.
15 51 Th us bath said the Lord 7 f For thus hath said the
Eternal, Because the Philistines Lord Eternal, Behold, I will
have acted in revenge, and have bring against Tyre Nebuchad-
taken vengeance with derision rezzar the king of Babylon, from
in their soul, to destroy out of the north, the king of kings,
ancient enmity : with horses, and with chariots,
16 Therefore thus hath said and with horsemen, and an as-
the Lord Eternal, Behold, I will semblage, and a numerous peo-
stretch out my hand against the ple.
Philistines, and I will cut off the 8 Thy daughters in the field
Kerethim, and destroy the rem- will he slay with the sword and :

nant of the dwellers of the sea- he shall place around thee works
coast. of attack, and cast up against
17 And I will execute on them thee a mound, and erect against
great vengeances with furious thee a target-fence.
chastisements and they shall
: 9 And his catapults shall he
know that I am the Lord, when set against thy walls, and thy
I display my vengeance on them. towers shall he break down with
his axes.
CHAPTER XXVI. 10 By reason of the abundance
1 And it came to pass in the of his horses shall the dust they
eleventh year, on the first day raise cover thee by reason of the

of the month, that the word of noise of horsemen, and wheels,

the Lord came unto me, saying, and chariots, shall thy walls
2 Son of man, because Tyre quake, when he entereth into
hath said concerning Jerusalem, thy gates, as men enter into a
Aha, she is broken that was the city that is broken in.
gates of the people she is turned;
11 With the hoofs of his horses
unto me I shall be made full,
shall he tread down all thy
now she is laid in ruins streets thy people will he slay

3 Therefore thus hath said the with the sword, and the statues
Lord Eternal, Behold, I am of thy strength shall come dow n T

against thee, 0 Tyre, and will to the ground.

bring up against thee many na- 12 And they shall plunder thy
tions, as the sea causeth its waves riches, and make a spoil of thy
to come up. merchandise,* and they shall
4 And they shall destroy the break down thy walls, and thy
walls of Tyre, and pull down her pleasure-houses shall they pull
towers I will also flood away
: down and thy stones and thy

her earth from her, and I will timber and thy earth shall they
change her into a naked rock. throw into the midst of the wa.
5 A place for the spreading ter.
out of nets shall she be in the 13 And I will cause the sound
midst of the sea,* for I have of thy songs to cease and the

spoken saith the

it, Lord Eter- tones of thy harps shall not be
nal and she shall
: become a heard any more.
spoil to the nations. 14 And I will change thee into
a naked rock a place to spread
21 As though thou hadst not
out nets upon shalt thou be; been will I render thee, and thou
thou shalt not be rebuilt any shalt be no more and thou shalt

more for I the Lord have spoken be sought for, but thou shalt

it, saith the Lord Eternal. never be found any more to eter-
15 Thus hath said the Lord nity, saith the Lord Eternal.
Eternal to Tyre, Truly at the
noise of thy fall, when the deadly CHAPTER XXVII.
wounded whine, when the slaugh- 1 And the word of the Lord
ter taketh place in the midst of came unto me, saying,
thee, shall the islands quake. 2 But thou, 0 son of man, take
16 Then shall all the princes up a lamentation for Tyre
of the sea come down from their 3 And say unto Tyre, 0 thou
thrones, and lay aside their robes, that art situated at the entrances
and their broidered garments of the sea, the merchant of the
shall they put off: with trem- people unto many isles, Thus
bling shall they clothe them- hath said the Lord Eternal, 0
selves; upon the ground shall Tyre, thou hast indeed said, I
they sit, and shall tremble at am perfect in beauty.
every moment, and be astonished 4 In the heart of the seas were
concerning thee. thy boundaries, thy builders had
17 And they shall lift up over perfected thy beauty.
thee a lamentation, and say to 5 Of the fir-trees from Senir
thee, How art thou lost, that had they built thee all thy wood-
wast inhabited (safely) by rea work cedars from Lebanon had

son of the seas: 0 renowned they taken to make masts for

city, which was strong on the thee.
sea, she and her inhabitants, 6 Of the oaks of Bashan had
who caused their terror to be on they made thy oars thy rudder

all that dwelt around her! had they made inlaid with ivory
18 Now shall the isles tremble of boxwood, brought out of the
on the day of thy fall yea, the isles of the Kittim.

isles that are in the sea shall be 7 Fine linen with broidered
troubled at thy end. work from Egypt was thy flag
19 For thus hath said the to be unto thee a sign of blue:

Lord Eternal, When I render and purple from the isles of Eli-
thee a ruined city, like the cities shah was thy cover.
that are not inhabited; when I 8 The inhabitants of Zidon
bring up over thee the deep, and and Arvad were thy oarsmen :

when the great waters cover thy wise men, 0 Tyre, that were
thee: in thee, these were thy pilots.
20 Then will I bring thee down 9 The elders of Oebal and her
with those that descend into the wise men were in thee thy caulk-
pit, unto the people of olden time, ers: all the ships of the sea with
and I will cause thee to dwell in their mariners were in thee to
the land of the nether world, carry on thy commerce.
among ruins of ancient days, 10 They of Persia and of Lud
with those that go down to the and of Put were in thy army, thy
pit, in order that thou mayest men of war : the shield and the
not be inhabited; but I will b«- helmet did they hang up in thee;
itow glory in the land of life. these gave thee thy elegance.
7 til
11 The men of Arvad with thy of thy place in lambs, and weth*
army were upon thy walls round ers, and he-goats in these were :

about, and the Gammadim were they thy traders.

in thy towers their quivers they
: 22 The merchants of Sheba
hung upon thy walls round about; and Rahnah, these were thy —
these made perfect thy beauty. merchants in the best of all

12 Tharshish was thy mer- spices, and with all precious

chant through the abundance of stones, and gold, they furnished
all kinds of wealth with silver,
: thy supplies.
iron, tin,and lead, they supplied 23 Charan, and Canneh, and
thy markets. ’Eden, the merchants of Sheba,
13 Javan, Thubal, and Me- Asshur, (and) Kilmad, were thy
shech, these were thy merchants merchants.
with the persons of men and 24 These were thy merchants
vessels of copper they carried on in ornamental wares, in cloaks
thy commerce. of blue, and broidered work, and
14 They of the family of Tho- in chests of damask cloth, bound
garmah furnished thy supplies with cords, and packed in cedar,
in horses and horsemen and in thy market-place.
mules. 25 The ships of Tharshish
15 The men of Dedan were thy were thy caravans in thy com-
merchants; many isles fetched merce: and thou wast made full,
the merchandise from thy place : and becamest very rich in the
chamois horns, ivory, and ebony heart of the seas.
did they bring as presents for 26 Into great waters brought
thee. thee those that were thy rowers :

16 Syria was thy trader by the east wind hath broken thee
reason of the multitude of thy in the heart of the seas.
productions with emeralds, pur-
: 27 Thy wealth, and thy ware-
ple, and broidered work, and fine houses, thy commerce, thy mari-
linen, and coral, and rubies they ners, and thy pilots, thy caulk-
made deposits in thy treasuries. ers, and the conductors of thy
17 Judah, and the land of Is- commerce, and all thy men of
rael, these were thy merchants: war that were in thee, and in all
in wheat of Minnith, and bal- thy assemblage which w as in the
sam, and honey, and oil, and midst of thee, fell into the heart
balm they carried on thy com- of the seas on the day of thy
merce. downfall.
18 Damascus was thy trader in 28 At the sound of the pain*
the multitude of thy productions, ful cry of thy pilots quake (thy;
for the multitude of all wealth, rural districts.
with the wine of Chelbon, and 29 And all that handle the
white wool. oar, the mariners, and all the
19 Dan also and Javan brought pilots of the sea, come down from
silken goods into thy warehouses their ships, they stand upon the
hardened iron, cassia, and cala- land ;

mus came among thy commerce. 30 And cause their voice to be

20 Dedan was thy merchant heard concerning thee, and cry
in precious clothes for riding on. bitterly, and cast up dust upor*
21 Arabia, and all the princes their heads, they wallow in the
of Kedar, these were the traders ashes
31 And they make themselves thy understanding hadst thou
Utterly bald for thee, and gird gotten thee riches, and hadst
themselves with sackcloth, and gotten gold and silver into thy
they weep for thee with bitter- treasuries ;
ness of heart in a bitter com- 5 By the abundance of thy
plaint. wisdom in thy traffic
hadst thou
32 And they take in their wail- increased thy riches and thy ;

ing a lamentation for thee, and heart was lifted up because of

lament over thee, saying, Who thy riches
is like Tyre, who is so utterly 6 Therefore thus hath said
destroyed in the midst of the the Lord Eternal, Because tlvm
sea? hast esteemed thy mind equal to
33 When thy .supplies went the mind of God,
forth out of the seas, thou didst 7 Therefore, behold, will I
satisfy many people with the
: bring over thee strangers, the
multitude of thy wealth and of fiercest of nations and they

thy commerce thou didst enrich shall draw their swords against
the kings of the earth. the beauty of thy wisdom, and
34 (Now) at the time thou art they shall profane thy elegance.
broken by the seas in the depth 8 Down to the grave will they
of the waters, thy commerce and cast thee, and thou shalt die the
all thy assemblage fell in the deaths of the slain in the heart
midst of thee. of the seas.
35 All the inhabitants of the 9 Wilt thou then say, I am
isles areastonished at thee, and God, before him that slayeth
the hair of their kings stand at thee ? when thou art but a man,
an end, grieved are their coun- and no God, in the hand of him
tenances. that fatally woundeth thee.
36 The traders among the peo- 10 The deaths of the uncir-
ple shall hiss concerning thee cumcised shalt thou die by the
thou wast rendered as though hand of strangers for I have

thou hadst not been, and thou spoken it, saith the Lord Eter-
shalt not be any more for ever. nal.
11 And the word of the Lord
CHAPTER XXVIII. came unto me, saying,
1 f And the word of the Lord 12 Son of man, take up a la-
came unto me, saying, mentation concerning the king
2 Son of man, say unto the of Tyre, and say unto him, Thus
prince of Tyre, Thus hath said hath said the Lord Eternal, Thou
the Lord Eternal, Whereas thy wast complete in outline, full of
heart was lifted up, and thou wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
saidst, A god am I, on the seat 13 In ’Eden the garden of
of the gods do I dwell, in the God didst thou abide every pre- ;

heart of the seas; yet thou art cious stone was thy covering,
but a man, and not God, while the sardius, the topaz, and the
thou esteemest thy mind equal diamond, the chrysolite, the
to the mind of God onyx, and the jasper, the sap-
3 Behold, thou wast wiser than phire, the emerald, and the car-
Daniel; no secret was obscure buncle, and gold thy tabrets

to thee ;
and thy flutes of artificial work-
4 With thy wisdom and with manship were prepared in thee
on the day that thou wast cre- midst of thee: and they shall
ated. know that I am the Lord, when
14 Thou wast a cherub with execute judgments on her, and
outspread covering (wings) and ;
will be sanctified on her.
I had set thee upon the holy 23 And I will send out against
mountain of God (as) thou wast; her pestilence, and blood(-shed-
In the midst of the stones of fire ding) into her streets and the ;

didst thou wander. deadly wounded shall be felled

15 Perfect wast thou in thy in the midst of her by the sword
ways from the day that thou (that is) against her from every
wast created, till wickedness was side and they shall know that

found in thee. I am the Lord.

16 By the abundance of thj 24 And there shall be no more

commerce thou wast filled to thy unto the house of Israel a prick-
centre with violence, and thou ing brier, nor painful thorn from
didst sin : therefore I degraded all that are round about them,
thee out of the mountain of God that despoil them
and they :

and I destroyed thee, 0 covering shall know that I am the Lord

cherub, from the midst of the Eternal.
stones of fire. 25 Thus hath said the Lord
17 Thy heart was lifted up Eternal, When I gather the house
through thy beauty, thou didst of Israel from the people among
corrupt thy wisdom by reason whom they are scattered, and
of thy elegance: (therefore) I shall be sanctified on them be-
cast thee down to the ground, fore the eyes of the nations
before kings did I set thee that then shall they dwell in their
they might gaze on thee. land that I have given to my
18 Through the abundance of servant Jacob.
thy iniquities, through the wick- 26 And they shall dwell there-
edness of thy commerce didst upon in safety, and they shall
thou profane thy sanctuaries build houses, and plant vine-
therefore brought I forth fire yards ; yea, they shall dwell in
from the midst of thee, this de- safety; when I execute judg-
voured thee, and I changed thee ments on all those that despoiled
to ashes upon the earth before them from round about them
the eyes of all those that saw and they shall know that I am
thee. the Lord their God.
19 All that know thee among
the people are astonished con- CHAPTER
cerning thee thou art as though
: 1 In the tenth year, in the
thou hadst not been, and thou tenth month, on the twelfth day
Shalt not be any more for ever. of the month, came the word of
20 And the word of the Lord the Lord unto me, saying,
came to me, saying, 2 Son of man, set thy face
21 Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh the king of
against Zidon, and prophesy Egypt, and prophesy against
against it. him, and againstall Egypt.
22 And thou shalt say, Thus Speak and say, Thus hath
hath said the Lord Eternal, Be- said the Lord Eternal, Behold,
hold, I am against thee, 0 Zidon, I .will be against thee, 0 Pha-
and I will be honoured in the raoh king of Egypt, the great
crocodile that lieth in the midst through it the foot of man, and
of his streams, who hath said, the foot of beast shall not pass
Mine is my stream, and I have through it, and it shall not be
made it for myself. inhabited forty years.
4 But I will put hooks in thy 12 And I will render the land
jaws, and I will fasten the fish of Egypt a desolate land in the
of thy streams on thy scales; midst of desolated countries, and
and I will bring thee up out of her cities among the cities that
the midst of thy streams, with are ruined shall be desolate forty
all the fish of thy streams which years and I will scatter the

shall stick fast on thy scales. Egyptians among the nations,

5 And I will cast thee out in- and will disperse them through
to the wilderness, thee with all the countries.
the fish of thy streams; upon 13 For thus hath said the
the open field shalt thou fall; Lord Eternal, (only) at the end
thou shalt not be brought in, nor of forty years will I gather the
gathered up to the beasts of Egyptians from the people whi-

the field and to the fowls of the ther they shall have been scat-
heaven have I given thee for tered ;
food. 14 And I will bring back the
6 And all the inhabitants of captivity of Egypt, and will
Egypt shall know that I am the cause them to return into the
Lord ; because they have been land of Pathros, into the land
a reed-statf to the house of Is- of their own origin and they :

rael. shall be there an unimportant

7 When they took hold of kingdom.
thee with the hand, thou wast 15 Among the kingdoms it
cracked, and didst rend for them shall be the lowest; neither
all the shoulder and when they shall it raise itself any more

leaned upon thee, thou wast above the nations and I will :

broken, and madest all their diminish them, that they shall
loins to be at a stand. no more rule over the nations.
8 Therefore thus hath said 16 And it shall be no more unto
the Lord Eternal, Behold, I the house of Israel for a depend-
will bring a sword upon thee, ence, bringing (their) iniquity
and I will cut off out of thee to remembrance, when they
man and beast. turned after them : and they
9 And the land of Egypt shall shall know that I am the Lord
be changed into a waste and Eternal.
ruin, and they shall know that I 17 If And it came to pass in
am the Lord ; because he hath the seven and twentieth year, in
said, The stream is mine, and I the first month, on the first of
have made it. the month, that the word of tho
10 Therefore, behold, I will Lord came unto me, saying,
be against thee, and against thy 18 Son of man, Nebuchad-
streams, and I will render the rezzar the king of Babylon hath
land of Egypt a mass of ruins, a caused his army to perform a
waste, and a wilderness, from great service against Tyre
Migdol to Seveneh even up to every head hath been made
the border of Ethiopia. bald, and every shoulder hath
11 There shall not pass been rubbed sore yet no re

EZEKIEL 5 :xix. xxx.
ward hath come to or to his strength: from Migdol to So-
army from Tyre, for the service veneh shall they fall in her by
that he hath performed against it. the sword, saith the Lord Eter-
19 f Therefore thus hath said nal.
the Lord Eternal, Behold, I will 7 And they shall be made de-
give unto Nebuchadrezzar the solate in the midst of the deso-
king of Babylon the land of late countries, and its cities shali
Egyf t and he shall cany away
be counted in the midst of the
its multitude, and take its spoil, cities that have been laid in
and plunder its prey and this : ruins.
shall be the reward for his army 8 And they shall know that I
20 As his recompense for that am the Lord, when I set fire to
which he hath served against it, Egypt, and when all her helpers
have I given him the land of shall be broken.
Egypt, for that which they had 9 On that day shall messen-
done against me, saith the Lord gers go forth from my presence
Eternal. in ships to terrify the secure
21 On that day will I cause Ethiopians, and there shall be
to grow a horn for the house of trembling among them, as on
Israel, and unto thee will I open the day of Egypt; for, lo, it
the mouth in the midst of them : cometh.
and they shall know that I am 10 Thus hath said the Lord
the Lord. Eternal, I will also cause the
multitude of Egypt to cease
CHAPTER XXX. through the hand of Nebuchad-
1 And the word of the Lord rezzar the king of Babylon.
came unto me, saying, 11 He and his people with
2 Son of man, prophesy and him, the fiercest of nations, shall
say, Thus hath said the Lord be brought to destroy the land;
Eternal, Wail ye, Wo unto the and they shall draw their swords
day against Egypt, and they shall
3 For nigh is the day, yea, fill the land with the slain.
nigh is the day of the Lord a ; 12 And I will render the
cloudy day; the time of the na- streams dry, and sell the land
tions’ (misfortune) shall it be. into the hand of evil men; and
4 And the sword shall come I will make the land desolate,
into Egypt, and there shall be and all that filleth it, by the
trembling in Ethiopia, when hand of strangers I the Lord :

the slain fall in Egypt, and have spoken it.

when they take away its multi- 13 % Thus hath said the Lord
tude, and its foundations shall Eternal, I will also destroy the
be broken down. idols, and I will cause false gods
5 Ethiopia, and Put, and Lud, to cease out of Noph
, and a ;

and all the confederates, and prince out of the land of Egypt
Cub, and all the men of the shall there not be any more
leagued land, shall fall with and I will lay fear on the land
them by the sword. of Egypt.
6 Thus hath said the Lord, 14 And I will make Pathros
Yea, there shall fall those that desolate, and set fire to Zo’an;
uphold Egypt and there shall and l will execute judgments

come down the pride of her in No.

65 * H 709
15 I will pour my fury
And and I will put my sword in hig
over Sin, the strong-hold of hand but I will break the arms

Egypt; and I will cut off the of Pharaoh, and he shall groan,
multitude of No. with the groan i rigs of a deadly
16 And I will set fire to wounded man before him.
Egypt: Sin shall have great 25 Yea I will make strong
pain, and No shall be broken the arms of the king of Babylon,
in, and (over) Nopli shall the but the arms of Pharaoh shall
besiegers (prevail) by broad day. fall down and they shall know

17 The two young men of that I am the Lord, when L

Aven and of Pi-besseth shall place my sword into the hand
fall by the sword and they
: of the king of Babylon, that he
themselves shall go into cap- may stretch it out over the land
tivity. of Egypt.
18 And at Thechaphneches 26 And I will scatter the
the day shall be darkened, when Egyptians among the nations,
I break there the yoke-bars of and disperse them among the
Egypt, and the pride of her countries and they shall know

strength ceaseth therein as for

: that I am the Lord.
her, a cloud shall cover her, and
her daughters shall go into cap- CHAPTER XXXI.
tivity. 1 f And
it came to pass in
19 Thus will I execute judg- the eleventh year, in the third
ments on Egj- pt and they shall
: month, on the first day of the
know that I am the Lord. month, that the word of the
20 And it came to pass in Lord came unto me, saying,
the eleventh year, in the first 2 Son of man, say unto Pha-
month, on the seventh day of raoh the king of Egypt, and to
the month, that the word of the his multitude, Unto whom art
Lord came unto me, saying, thou like in thy arrogance ?
21 Son of man, the arm of 3 Behold, Asshur was a cedar
Pharaoh the king of Egypt have in Lebanon beautiful in its
I broken and, lo, it shall not boughs, and a shadowing thicket,

be bound up to apply remedies, and high in stature and among ;

to put on a bandage to bind it the thick-boughed trees was its

up, to make strong 'that it
it highest branch.
may grasp the sword. 4 The waters made it great,
22 •[ Therefore thus hath said the deep made it high, with its
the Lord Eternal, Behold, I will rivers it was flowing round the
be against Pharaoh the king of place where it was planted, and
Egypt, and will break his arms, its ditches it sent forth unto all
both the strong, and that which the trees of the field.
was already broken and I will
5 Therefore became its stature
cause the sword to fall out of his higher than all the trees of the
hand. field, and its boughs were mul-
23 And I will scatter the tiplied, and its branches became
Egyptians among the nations, long because of the multitude
and I will disperse them through of waters, when it stretched it-
the countries. self forth.
24 And I will strengthen the 6 In its boughs made all the
arms of the king of Babylon, fowls of heaven their nest, and
under itsbranches did all the and that all those that are
beasts of the field bring forth nourished by water shall not
their young, and under its shade place themselves erect, because
dwelt all great nations. of their height; for they are all
7 And it was beautiful in its given up unto death, to the land
greatness, in the length of its of the nether world, in the midst
light branches; for its root was of the children of men, with
by many waters. those that go down to the pit.
8 The cedars could not obscure 15 ^ Thus hath said the Lord
it in the garden of God the firs Eternal, On the day when it

were not like its boughs, and went down to the grave I caused
the chestnut-trees were not like a mourning; I covered the deep
its branches : not any tree in the for its sake, and I restrained its
garden of God was like unto it rivers, and the great waters
in its beauty. were withheld and I caused

9 Beautiful had I made it Lebanon to be clothed in black

by the multitude of its light attire for its sake, and all the
branches so that all the trees trees of the field were famished

of ’Eden that were in the garden because of it.

of God, envied it. 16 Through the noise of its
10 Therefore thus hath said downfall I caused nations to
the Lord Eternal, Because thou quake, when I cast it down into
wast so high in stature, and it the tomb with the (others) that
had placed its highest branch descend into the pit: and in the
between the thick-boughed trees, land of the nether world com-
and its heart was lifted up forted themselves all the trees
through its height: of 'Eden, the choice and best of
11 Therefore do I give it up Lebanon, all that were nourished
into the hand of the mighty one by water.
of the nations ;
he shall surely 17 They also went down with
deal with it at his pleasure for it into the tomb unto those that

its wdckedness do I drive it out. were slain with the sword, and
12 And strangers, the fiercest its helpers that had dwelt under
of nations, cut it down, and cast its shade in the midst of the
it to the ground on the moun- nations.

tains and in all the valleys fall 18 To whom art thou then
its light branches, and its boughs like in glory and in greatness
are (lying) broken in all the among the trees of ’Eden ? And
ravines of the land; and all the thou too shalt be brought down
people of the earth are gone with the trees of 'Eden unto the
away from its shade, and have land of the nether world: in the
cast it to the groupd. midst of the uncircumcised shalt
13 Upon its fallen fragments thou lie with those slain by the
dwell all the fowls of the hea- sword; yes, he, Pharaoh, and
ven, and on its branches are all his multitude, saith the Lord
all the beasts of the field :Eternal.
14 In order that none of all
the trees by the waters shall ex- CHAPTER
alt themselves for their height, 1 And it came to pass in the
nor place their highest branch twelfth year, in the twelfth
among the thick-boughed trees, month, on the first day of the
month, that the word of the 10 Yea, 1 will make many
Lord came unto me, saying, people amazed at thee, and on
2 Son of man, take up a la- their kings the hair shall stand
mentation for Pharaoh the king on end because of thee, when I
of Egypt, and say unto him, brandish my sword before their
Thou didst deem thyself like a faces and they shall tremble at

young lion among the nations every moment, every man for

while thou art as a crocodile in his own life, on the day of thy
the seas and thou issuedst forth downfall.

with thy rivers, and madest tur- 11 5[ For thus hath said the
bid the waters with thy feet, Lord Eternal, The sword of the
and didst stir up their rivers. king of Babylon shall come over
3 ^ Thus hath said the Lord thee.
Eternal, I will therefore spread 12 By the swords of the mighty
out my net over thee through will I cause thy multitude to fall,
the assemblage of many people, the fiercest of nations are all of
and they shall draw thee up in them: and they shall destroy the
my net. pride of Egypt, and all her mul-
4 Then will I cast thee upon titude shall be annihilated.
the land, upon the open field 13 And I will cause to vanish
will I hurl thee, and will cause all her beasts from beside the
all the fowls of the heaven to great waters ;
and the foot of
dwell upon thee, and I will man shall not make them turbid
satisfy off thee the beasts of all any more, nor shall the hoofs of
the earth. beasts make them turbid.
5 And I will lay thy flesh 14 Then will I make clear
upon the mountains, and fill the their waters, and cause their
valleys with thy carcass. rivers to flow like oil, saith the
6 I will also saturate the land Lord Eternal ;
wherein thou swimmest with thy 15 When I render the land of
blood, even to the mountains Egypt desolate and wasted, the

and the ravines shall be full of country bereft of what now fill-
thee. eth it, when I smite all those
7 And I will cover up the hea- that dwell therein : and they
vens, when thou art quenched, shall know that I am the Lord.
and make their stars obscure 16 This is the lamentation
the sun will I cover up with a wherewith they shall lament for
cloud, and the moon shall not her,* the daughters of the nations
let shine her light. shall lament for her: for Egypt,
8 All the light- dispensing and for all her multitude, shall
lights of the heavens —
these will they lament with it, saith the
I make obscure because of thee, Lord Eternal.
and I will lay darkness upon 17 ^ And it came to pass in
thy land, saith the Lord Eter- the twelfth year, on the fifteenth
nal. day of the month, that the word
9 And I will aggrieve the of the Lord came unto me, say-
heart of many people, when I ing,
bring those who are broken off 18 Son of man, mourn for the
from thee among the nations, multitude of Egypt, and say that
into countries which thou hast it shall go down, yea, she, and
not known. the daughters of powerful na
tions, unto the land of the nether go down to the pit in the midst :

world, with those that go down of the plain was she placed.
to the pit. 26 There is Meshech, Thubal,
19 Whom dost thou surpass and all her multitude allround ;

in loveliness? go down (then), about her are her graves all of :

and be thou laid with the (other) them are the uncircumcised, slain
uncircumcised. by the sword because they once

20 In the midst of those that spread their terror in the land

are slain by the sword shall they of the living.
fall to the sword is she given
: 27 And those who are fallen
up drag her away and all her of the uncircumcised shall not

multitudes. lie wiih the mighty, who are gone

21 Then will speak of him the down to the nether world with
strongest among the mighty out their weapons of war, while men
of the midst of the nether world laid their swords under their
with those that once helped him, heads, and the (instruments of)
They are gone down, there lie their iniquities were upon their
the uncircumcised, —
slain by the bones for the terror of the

sword. mighty was in the land of the

22 There is Asshur and all his living.
assemblage round about him
28 But thou shalt be broken
are his graves all of them the in the midst of the uncircum-

slain that are fallen by the cised, and shalt lie with those
sword that are slain by the sword.
23 Whose graves are placed 29 There are Edom, her kings,
in the lowest depth of the pit, and all her princes, who are laid
and his assemblage is round despite their prowess by those
about his grave all of them are that are slain by the sword they

slain, fallen by the sword, who shall lie with the uncircumcised,
once spread terror in the land and with those that go down to
of the living. the pit.
24 There is ’Elam and all her 30 There are the chieftains of
multitude round about her grave, the north, all of them, and all
all of them the slain, that are the Zidonians, who are gone
fallen by the sword, who are down with the slain despite the :

gone down uncircumcised into terror they excited through their

the land of the nether world, prowess are they made ashamed
who once spread their terror and they lie uncircumcised with
in the land of the living and those that are slain by the sword,

they have borne their confusion and bear their confusion with
with those that go down to the those that go down to the pit.
pit. 31 These shall Pharaoh ?ee>
25 In the midst of the slain and he shall be comforted <>ver
have they set a couch for her all his multitude slain by the :

w ith all her multitude all round sword are Pharaoh and all his

about are her graves all of them army, saith the Lord Eternal.

are uncircumcised, slain by the 32 For I spread my terror in

sword because their terror was the land of the living and he
; ;

once spread in the land of thei shall be laid in the midst of the

living; and they have borne! uncircumcised with those that


their confusion with those thatj are slain by the sword,

65 *

Pharaoh and all his multitude, 9 Nevertheless, if thou hast
saitb the Lord Eternal indeed warned the wicked of his
way to turn away from it, and
CHAPTER XXXIII. he do not turn from his way he :

1 And the word of the Lord shall certainly die for his ini-
came unto me, saying, quity; but thou hast delivered
2 Son of man, speak to the thy soul.
children of thy people, and say 10 But thou, 0 son of man,
unto them, If there be a land speak unto the house of Israel,
over which I bring the sword, Thus do ye speak, saying, Truly
and the people of the land take our transgressions and our sins
a man from among themselves, are upon us, and through them
and appoint him unto themselves do we pine away how then shall

for a watchman we live ?

3 And if he see the sword 11 Say unto them, As I live,

coming over the land, and blow saith the Lord Eternal, I have
the cornet, and warn the people
no pleasure in the death of the

4 And whosoever heareth the

wicked but in the return of the

wicked from his way that he may

sound of the cornet, and taketh
no warning and the sword com-
live return ye, return ye from

eth, and taketh him away his your evil ways

: for why will ye

blood shall be upon his own die, 0 house of Israel?

head. 12 But thou, son of man,
5 The sound of the cornet hath say unto the children of thy peo-
he heard, and he hath taken no ple, The righteousness of the
warning his blood shall be upon
rightous shall not deliver him
him. But had he taken warn- on the day of his transgression ;
ing he would have delivered his and as for the wickedness of the
soul. wicked, he shall not stumble
6 But if the watchman see the through it on the day that he re-
sword coming, and blow not the turneth from his wickedness
cornet, so that the people be not nor shall the righteous be able
warned, and the sword cometh, to live through the other on the
and taketh away from among day that he sinneth.
them some person this one is
: 13 When I say of the right-
taken away for his iniquity but
eous, that he shall surely live,
his blood will I require from the trusteth to his own right-
and he
watchman’s hand. eousness, and committeth what
7 But as for thee, 0 son of wrong: all his righteous deeds
man, I have appointed thee a shall not be remembered, and for
watchman unto the house of Is- his wrong that he hath commit-
rael : so that when thou hearest ted, —
through this shall he die.
a word from my mouth, thou 14 Again, when I say unto the
shalt warn them from me. wicked, Thou shalt surely die;
8 When I say unto the wicked, and he turneth from his sin, and
0 wicked one, thou shalt surely executeth justice and righteous-
die ; and thou dost not speak to ness ;
warn the wicked from his way: 15 If the wicked restore th«
that wicked one shall die for his; pledge, make restitution for

iniquity; but his blood will Ijjwhat he hath robbed, walk in

require from thy hand. the statutes of life, so as not t«


do any wrong he shall surely

: By the blood do ye eat, and your
live, he shall not die. eyes do you lift up toward your
16 All his sins that he hath idols, and blood do ye shed and

committed shall not be remem- ye expect to possess the land ?

bered unto him: justice and 26 Ye depend upon your sword,
righteousness hath he executed, ye commit abomination, ana ye
he shall surely live. defile every one his neighbour’s
17 Yet say the children of thy wife and ye expect to possess

people. The way of the Lord is the land ?

not equitable while, as to them,
: 27 Thus shalt thou say unto
their way is not equitable. them, Thus hath said the Lord
18 When the righteous turn- Eternal, As I live, surely those
eth away from his righteousness, that are in the ruined places shall
and doth what is wrong, he shall fall by the sword, and him that
even die therefor. is in the open fields will I give
19 And when the wicked re- to the beasts that they may de-
turneth from his wickedness, and vour him, and those that are
executeth justice and righteous- in the strong-holds and in the
ness, he shall surely live therefor. caves shall die through the pesti-
20 Yet ye say, The way of the lence.
Lord is not equitable. Every 28 And I will render the land
one after his own ways will I desolate and wasted, and the
judge you, 0 house of Israel. pride of her strength shall cease ;
21 ^f And it came to pass in the and the mountains of Israel shall
twelfth year, in the tenth month, be desolate, with none to pass
on the fifth day of the month through them.
after our exile, that there came 29 And they shall experience
unto me one that had escaped that I am the Lord, when I ren-
out of Jerusalem, saying, The der the land desolate and wasted,
city hath been smitten. because of all their abominations
22 Now the inspiration of the which they have committed.
Lord was come upon me in the 30 ^ And thou, son of man,
evening, before the coming of (there are) the children of thy
the one who had escaped and people, who are talking about

he had opened my mouth, before thee by the walls and in the en-
he was come to me in the morn- trances of the houses, and speak
ing and my mouth was opened one to another, every one to his

and I was not kept dumb any brother, saying, Do come, and
more. hear what the word is which
23 And the word of the Lord cometh forth from the Lord.
came unto me, saying, 31 And then they come unto
24 Son of man, they that thee as the people come, and they
dwell in these ruins in the land sit before thee (as) my people,
of Israel say as folio weth, But and they hear thy words, but ic
one man was Abraham, and he not execute them for as merry ;

obtained the land as an inherit- songs they carry them in their

ance; and as we arc many, the mouth, while their heart goeth
land must (surely) be given to after their unlawful gains.
us for an inheritance. 32 And, lo, thou art unto them
25 Therefore say unto them, as a merry song of one that
Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, hath a pleasant voice, and can
play well and (thus) they hearj shepherd, and my shepherds did

thy words, but execute them not inquire for my flock, but the
not. shepherds fed themselves, and
33 But when it cometh to pass, my flock they fed not:
(lo, it will come,) then shall they 9 Therefore, 0 ye shepherds,
know that a prophet hath been hear the word of the Lord,
among them. 10 Thus hath said the Lord
Eternal, Behold, I will be against
CHAPTER XXXIV. the shepherds, and I will require
1 And the word of the Lord my flock from their hand, and I
came unto me, saying, will stop them from feeding the
2 Son of man, prophesy con- flock ; neither shall the shep-
cerning the shepherds of Israel herds feed themselves any more :

prophesy, and say unto them, and I will deliver my flock out
unto the shepherds, Thus hath of their mouth, that they may
said the Lord Eternal, Wo to the not serve them for food.
shepherds of Israel who do feed 11 For thus hath said the
themselves! should not the shep- Lord Eternal, Behold, I am here,
herds feed the flocks ? and I will both inquire for my
3 The fat ye eat, and with the flocks, and search for them.
wool ye clothe yourselves, those 12 As a shepherd searcheth
that are well fed ye slaughter; for his flock on the day that he
but the flock ye feed not. is among his flocks that are scat-

4 The diseased have ye not tered so will I search for my


strengthened, and the sick have flocks and I will deliver them

ye not healed, and that which out of all places whither they
had a limb broken have ye not have been scattered on the day of
bound up, and the strayed have clouds and (tempestuous) dark-
ye not brought back again, and ness.
what was lost have ye not sought 13 And I will bring them out
for; but with force have ye ruled from the people, and gather them
them and with rigour. from the countries, and I will
5 And they were scattered for bring them to their own land
want of a shepherd ;
and they and I will feed them upon the
became food unto all the beasts mountains of Israel, in the ra-
of the field, and they were scat- vines, and in all the inhabited
tered. places of the country.
6 My sheep have to wander 14 On a good pasture will I
about on all the mountains, and feed them, and upon the high
upon every high hill: yea, over mountains of Israel shall be their
all the face of the land are my fold : there shall they lie in a
flock scattered, and there is none good fold, and in a fat pasture
that inquireth and none that shall they feed on the mountains
seeketh (after them). of Israel.
7 Therefore, ye shepherds, hear 15 1 myself will feed my flock,
the word of the Lord, and I myself will cause them to
8 As I live, saith the Lord lie down, saith the Lord Eternal.
Eternal, surely because my flock 16 That which was lost will I
became a prey, and my flock be- seek for, and that which was
came food unto every beast of gone astray will I bring back
the field, because there was no again, and that which had a limb
broken bind up, and the dwell in the wilderness in safety;
will I
sick will I strengthen but the and sleep in the forests.

fat and the strong will I destroy 26 And I will make them and
I will feed them in justice. the environs of my hill a bless-
17 And as for you, 0 iny flock, ing; and I will cause the rain to
thus hath said the Lord Eternal, come down in its season rains ;

Behold, I will judge between of blessing shall they be.

Iamb and lamb, between the 27 And the tree of the field
wethers and the he-goats. shall 3r ield its fruit, and the earth
18 Is it too little for you that shall yield her products, and
ye can feed on the good pasture, they shall be on their land in
that ye must tread down the re- safety and they shall know that

sidue of your pastures with your I am the Lord, when I break

feet? and that ye can drink clear the bands of their yoke, and de-
waters, that ye must render liver them out of the hand of
muddy with your feet what is those that had made them labour
left ? for them.
19 And as for my flock, what 28 And they shall be no more
ye have trodden with your feet a prey to the nations, and the
must they eat and what ye have
beasts of the land shall not de-
made muddy with your feet must vour them but they shall dwell

they drink. in safety, with none to make

20 Therefore thus hath said them afraid.
the Lord Eternal unto them, Be- 29 And I will raise up for
hold, I am here, and I will judge them a plantation for a (per-
between the fat lamb and the petual) renown, and they shall
lean lamb. be no more taken away by hun-
21 Because ye thrust with side ger in the land, neither bear the
and with shoulder, and push shameful reproach of the nations
with your horns all the dis- any more.
eased, till ye have scattered them 30 Thus shall they experience
abroad that I the Lord their God am
22 Therefore will I save my with them, and that they, the
flock, and they shall no more be house of Israel, are my people,
a prey and 1 will judge between
saith the Lord Eternal.
lamb and lamb. 31 And ye, my flock, the flock
23 And I will appoint over of my pasture, are men, (and) I
them one shepherd, and he shall am your God, saith the Loi l
feed them, namely, my servant Eternal.
David he it is that shall feed

them, and he it is that shall be CHAPTER XXXV.

unto them for a shepherd. 1 And the word of the Lord
24 And I the Lord I will be came unto me, saying,
unto them for a God, and my 2 Son of man, set thy face
servant David shall be a prince against the mountain of Se'ir,
in their midst I the Lord have
: and prophesy against it,
spoken it. 3 And say unto it, Thus hath
25 And I will make with them said the Lord Eternal, Behold,
a covenant of peace, and I will I will be against thee, 0 moun-
cause the wild beasts to cease tain of Se'ir, and I will stretch
out of the land and they shall
: out my hand over thee, and I
will render tliee and hast spoken against the moun-
wasted. tains of Israel, saying, They are
4 Thy cities will I lay in laid desolate, they are given un
ruins, and thou thyself shalt be to us to consume them.
desolate, and thou shalt know 13 And ye boasted greatly
that I am the Lord. against me with your mouth,
5 Because thou hast had an and have multiplied against me
undying hatred, and didst sur- your words I have indeed heard

render the children of Israel to them.

the power of the sword, at the 14 Thus hath said the Lord
time of their calamity, at the Eternal, When the whole earth
time of the iniquity of the end rejoiceth, I will make thee deso-
6 Therefore, as I live, saith late.
the Lord Eternal, I will surely 15 As thou didst rejoice over
let thy blood flow, and blood the inheritance of the house of
shall pursue thee; since thou Israel, because it was made de-
didst not hate blood-shedding, solate :so will I do unto thee
so shall blood pursue thee. desolate shalt thou be, 0 moun-
7 Thus will I change the tain of Se’ir, and all Idumea
mountain of Se’ir into a desolate altogether ; and they shall know
land and a waste, and I will cut that I am the Lord.
off from it him that travelleth
forward and backward. CHAPTEK XXXVI.
8 And I will fill his moun- 1 *[[ But thou, son of man,
tains with his slain as regard- prophesy unto the mountains of

eth thy hills, and thy valleys, Israel, and say, 0 mountains of
and all thy ravines, in them Israel, hear ye the word of the
shall fall those that are slain by Lord.
the sword. 2 Thus hath said the Lord
9 Into perpetual desolations Eternal, Because the enemy hath
will I change thee, and thy said regarding you, Aha, even
cities shall not be restored: and the ancient high places are be-
ye shall know that I am the come ours as a possession :

Lord. 3 Therefore prophesy and say,

10 Because thou hast said, Thus hath said the Lord Eter-
These two nations and these tw o nal, Because, even because men

countries shall indeed be mine, have made you desolate, and

and we will take possession sought to swallow you up on
thereof; whereas the Lord was every side, that ye might become
there a possession unto the residue of
11 Therefore, as I live, saith the nations, and ye are taken
the Lord Eternal, I will even do up as a talk for tongues, and an
according to thy anger, and ac- evil report of the people
cording to thy envy which thou 4 Therefore, 0 mountains of
didst use out of thy hatred Israel, hear ye the word of the
against them and I will make Lord Eternal, Thus hath said

myself known among them, when the Lord Eternal to the moun-
I judge thee. tains, and to the hills, to the
12 And thou shalt know that ravines, and to the vallejT s, to
I am the Lord : I have heard the desolate ruins, and to the
all thy blasphemies which thou cities that are forsaken, which

are become a prey and derision upon you men, even my people
to the residue of the nations that Israel, and the)7 shall possess
ar»' round about: thee, and thou shalt be unto
5 Therefore thus hath said them as an inheritance, and thou
the Lord Eternal, Surely in the shalt not any more henceforth
fire of my jealousy have I spoken cast them out.
against the residue of the na- 13 f Thus hath said the Lord
tions, and against all Idumea, Eternal, Because they say unto
that have appropriated my land you, Thou land devourest up
unto themselves as a possession men, and hast been one that
with the joy of all their heart, hath ever cast out thy nations
with derision in their soul, in 14 Therefore shalt thou not
order to drive it out that it may devour up men any more, and
be for a prey. thy nations shalt thou not cast
6 Therefore prophesy concern- out any more, saith the Lord
ing the land of Israel, and say Eternal.
unto the mountains, and to the 15 And I will not let be heard
hills, to the ravines, and to the against thee any more the re-
valleys, Thus hath said the Lord proach of the nations, and the
Eternal, Behold, in my zealous- disgrace of the people shalt thou
ness and in my fury have I not bear any more, and thy na-
spoken, because ye have borne tions shalt thou not cast out any
the reproach of the nations more, saith the Lord Eternal.
7 Therefore thus hath said 16 And the word of the Lord
the Lord Eternal, I have indeed came unto me, saying,
lifted up my hand, that the na- 17 Son of man, the house of
tions who are round about you Israel, when they dwelt in their

these shall bear their shame. own land, defiled it through
8 But ye, 0 mountains of Is their way and through their do-
rael, ye shall send forth your iugs : like the uncleanness of a
boughs, and your fruit shall ye woman in her separation was
bear for my people Israel ; for their way before me.
they are near at hand to come. 18 And I poured out my fury
9 For, behold, I will be for over them because of the blood
you, and I will turn unto you, that they had shed in the land,
and ye shall be tilled and ye and because through their idols
shall be sown they had polluted it;
10 And I will multiply upon 19 And I scattered them among
you men, all the house of Israel the nations, and they were dis-
— altogether and the cities shall persed through the countries

be inhabited again, and the ruins according to their way and ac-
shall be rebuilt; cording to their doings did I
It And I will multiply upon judge them.
you man and beast, and they 20 And when they were como
shall increase and be fruitful; unto the nations, whither they
and I will cause you to be inha- were gone, they profaned my
bited after your old estates, and holy name; because they said
will do more good ULto you than of them, These are the people
at your beginning and ye shall of the Lord, and oat of his land

know that I am the Lord. are they gone forth.

12 Yea, I will cause to walk 21 But I had pity for my holy

name, which the house of Israel 30 And I will multiply the

had profaned among the nations, fruit of the trees, and the pro-
whither they were gone. ducts of the field in order that- :

22 f Therefore say unto the ye may receive no more reproach

house of Israel, Thus hath said on account of famine among the
the Lord Eternal, Not for your nations.
sake d; I this, 0 house of Israel, 31 Then shall ye remember
but for the sake of my holy your ways that they were evil,
name, which ye have profaned and your doings that were not
among the nations, whither ye good; and ye shall loathe your-
are gone. selves on account of your iniqui-
23 And I will sanctify my ties and on account of your abo-
great name, which was profaned minations.
among the nations, which ye 32 Not for your sake do I
have profaned in the midst of this, saith the Lord Eternal, be
them : and the nations shall it known unto you be ashamed :

know that I am the Lord, saith and confounded because of your

the Lord Eternal, when I will ways, 0 house of Israel.
be sanctified through you be- 33 Thus hath said the Lord
fore your eyes. Eternal, On the day of my cleans-
24 And I will take you from ing you from all your iniquities,
among the nations, and I will when I cause the cities to be in-
gather you out of all the coun- habited, and when the ruins are
tries, and I will bring you unto built up,
your own land. 34 And when the desolate
25 And I will sprinkle upon land is tilled, instead that it was
you clean water, and ye shall a waste before the eyes of every
be clean from all your impuri- passer by

ties, and from all your idols, 35 Then shall they say, This
will I cleanse you. land, that was desolate, is be-
26 And I will give you a new come like the garden of Eden ;

heart, and a new spirit will I and the cities that were ruined,
put within you and I will re- and desolate, and broken down,

move the heart of stone out of are become fortified, and inha-
your body, and I will give you bited.
a heart of flesh. 36 And the nations that are
27 And my spirit I will put left round about you shall know
within you, and I will cause that I the Lord have spoken
that you shall walk in my sta- this, and have done it.
tutes, and that my ordinances 37 % Thus hath said the Lord
ye shall keep, and do them. Eternal, Also in this will I yet
28 And ye shall dwell in the suffer myself to be entreated of
land which I gave to your fa- by the house ofIsrael, to do it for
thers; and ye shall be unto me them, I will increase them With
for a people, and I truly will be men like flocks (in multitude).
unto you as a God. 38 As the flocks of the huiy
29 And I will save you from things, as the flocks of Jeiusa-
all kinds of your impurities and ;
lem on her appointed feasts, so
I v \11 call unto the corn, and in- shall the ruined cities be full of
crease it, and I will not lay flocks of men and they shall

famine upon you. know that I am the Lord.

CHAPTER XXXVII. came into them fhe spirit, and
1 There came over me the they lived, and stood up upor
inspiration of the Lord, and he their feet, an exceedingly great
carried me out in the spirit of army.
the Lord, and set me down in 11 Then said he unto me, Son
the midst of the valley which of man, these bones are the whole
was full of bones house of Israel : behold, they
2 And he caused me to pass say, Dried are our bones, and
by them all round about; and, lost is our hope; we are quite
behold, there were very many cut oft'.
of them on the surface of the 12 Therefore prophesy and say
valley ; and, lo, they were very unto them, Thus hath said the
dry. Lord Eternal, INehold, I will
3 And he said unto me, Son open your graves, and I will
of man, can these bones live? cause you to come up out of
And I said, 0 Lord Eternal, your graves, 0 my people, and
thou alone knowest this. I will bring you into the land
4 And he said unto me, Pro- of Israel.
phesy over these bones, and say 13 And ye shall know that I
unto them, 0 ye dry bones, hear am the Lord, when I open your
ye the word of the Lord. graves, and when I cause 3 ou 7

5 f Thus hath said the Lord to come up out of your graves,

Eternal unto these bones, Be- 0 my people.
hold, I Avill bring a spirit into 14 And I will put my spirit
you, and ye shall live in you, and ye shall live, and I
6 And I will lay sinews upon will place you in your own land :

you, and bring up flesh upon and ye shall acknowledge that 1

you, and draw over you a skin, the Lord have spoken it, and
and put a spirit in you, and ye done it, saith the Lord.
shall live: and ye shall expe- 15 And the word of the
rience that I am the Lord. Lord came unto me, saying,
7 And so I prophesied as I 16 But thou, son of man, take
had been commanded and there
: unto thyself one stick of wood,
was a sound, as I prophesied, and write upon it, “ For Judah,
and behold there was a rustling and for the children of Israel his
noise, and the bones came toge- companions;” then take another
ther, bone to its bone. stick, and write upon it, “ For
8 And I looked, and behold, Joseph, — the stick of Ephraim,
there were sinews upon them, — and for all the house of Israel
and the flesh came up, and the his companions
skin was drawn over them above; 17 And join them one to tho
but no spirit was in them. other unto thee as one stick
9 Then said he unto me, Pro- and they shall become one in
phesy unto the spirit prophesy, thy hand.

son of man, and say to the spirit, 18 And if the children of thy
Thus hath said the Lord Eter- people should say unto thee, say-
nal, From the four winds come, ing, Wilt thou not tell us what
0 spirit, and breathe into these thou meanest by these?
slain ones, that they may live. 19 (Then) speak unto them,
10 And I prophesied as he Thus hath said the Lord Eter-
had commanded me, and there! nal, Behold, I will take the stick
66 781
of Joseph, —
which is in the hand 26 And I will make with them
of Ephraim, —
and the tribes of a covenant of peace, an everlast-
Israel his companions, and will ing covenant shall it be with
lay them upon him, even the them and I will preserve them,

stick of Judah, and make them and I will multiply them, and
into one stick, and they shall be I will set my sanctuary in Urn
one in my hand. midst of them for evermore.
20 And the sticks whereon 27 My dwelling also shall be
thou shalt have written shall be with them, and I will be unto
in thy hand before their eyes. them for a God and they shall

21 And speak unto them, Thus be unto me as a people.

hath said the Lord Eternal, Be- 28 And the nations shall know
hold, I will take the children of that I am the Lord who sanc-
Israel from among the nations, tify Israel, when my sanctuary
whither they are gone, and I will be in the midst of them for
will gather them from every side, evermore.
and bring them unto their own
22 And I will make them into 1 ^ And the word of the Lord
one nation in the land, on the came unto me, saying,
mountains of Israel ; and one 2 Son of man, direct thy face
king shall be to them all for against Gog of the land of Ma-

king and they shall not be any gog, the

th prince of Rosh, Me-
more two nations, nor shall they shech and Thubal, and prophesy
at any time be divided into two against him,
kingdoms any more : 3 And say, Thus hath said
23 Neither shall they defile the Lord Eternal, Behold, I will
themselves any more with their be against thee, 0 Gog, the
idols, and with their detestable prince of Rosh, Meshech and
things, and with all their trans- Thubal
gressions but I will save them
4 And I will derange thee,
out of all their dwelling-places, and put hooks into thy jaws,
wherein they have sinned, and and I will bring thee forth, and
I will cleanse them, and they all thy army, horses and horse-
shall be unto me for a people, men, all of them clothed in ele-
and I will be to them for a God. gant attire, a great assemblage
24 And my servant David with bucklers and shields, all of
shall be king over them and them grasping swords.

one shepherd shall be for them 5 Persia, Cush, and Put (shall
all: and in my ordinances shall be) with them ; all of them with
they walk, and my statutes shall shield and helmet;
they observe, and do them. 6 Gomer and all of its armies
25 And they shall dwell in the house of Thogarmah out of
the land that I have given unto the farthest north, and all its
my servant, unto Jacob, wherein armies; many people shall be
your fathers have dwelt; and with thee.
they shall dwell therein, they, 7 Ee thou ready, and prepare
and their children, and their thyself, thou, and all thy assem-
children’s children for ever and blages that are assembled about

David my servant shall be prince thee, and be thou a guard unto

unto them for ever. them.
8 After many days shalt thou pie of Israel dwelleth in safety,
be ordered forward in the end
shalt thou know (my power).
of years shalt thou come into 15 And thou wilt come from
the land that is recovering from thy place out of the farthest
the sword, and is gathered to- ends of the north, thou, and
gether out of many people, many people with thee, all of
against the mountains of Israel, them riding upon horses, a groat
which have been ruined for a assemblage, and a mighty army;
very long time (to a people)
16 And thou wilt come up
against my people of Israel, like
that are brought forth out of the
nations, and that now dwell in a cloud to cover the land; in
safety, all of them. the latter days will this be, and
9 Thou wilt ascend and come I will bring thee over my land,
like a tempest, like a cloud to in order that the nations may
cover the earth wilt thou be, know me, when I am sanctified
thou, and all thy armies, and on thee, before their eyes, 0 Gog.
the many people with thee. 17 f Thus hath said the Lord
10 Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, Art thou (not) he of
Eternal, It will also come to whom I have spoken in ancient
pass, at the same time, that days through means of my ser-
things will come into thy mind, vants the prophets of Israel, who
and thou wilt entertain an evil prophesied in those days (many)
device years, that I would bring thee
11 And thou wilt say, I will against them ?
go up over the land of open 18 And it shall come to pass
towns ; I will come against at the same time, on the day of
those that are careless, that Gog’s coming over the land of
dwell in safety, all of whom Israel, saith the Lord Eternal,
dwell without walls, and have that my fury shall be kindled in
neither bars nor gates, my nose.
12 To snatch up the spoil, 19 And in my zealousness, in
and to take away the prey ; to the fire of my wrath, have I
turn thy hand against the ruined spoken, Surely on that day there
places now inhabited, and against shall be a great earthquake in
the people that are gathered out the country of Israel;
of the nations, that have gotten 20 And there shall quake at
cattle and goods, that dwell in my presence the fishes of the
the highest part of the land. sea, and the fowls of the hea-
13 Sheba, and Dedan, and ven, and the beasts of the field,
the traders of Tharshish, with and every creeping thing that
all her young lions, will say un- creepeth upon the earth, and all
to thee, Art thou come to plun- the men that are upon the face
der the spoil ? hast thou gather- of the earth, and the mountains
ed thy company to carry off the shall be thrown down, and the
prey? to bear away silver and cliffs shall fall, and every wall
gold, to take away cattle and shall fall to the ground.
goods, to plunder a great spoil ? 21 And I will call against him
14 Therefore, prophesy, son throughout all my mountains for
of man, and say unto Gog, Thus the sword, saith the Lord Eter-
hath said the Lord Eternal, Be- nal every man’s sword shall be

hold, on 'he day when my peo- against his brother.

22 And I will bold judgment faned any more •.
nnd the nations
over him with pestilenee and shall know that I am the Lord,
with blood (-shedding); and nn Holy in Israel.
overflowing rain, and great hail- 8 Behold, it cometh, and it
stones, fire, and sulphur will I taketh place, saith the Lord
let rain over him and his armies, Eternal this is the day where-

and over the many people that of I have spoken.

are with him. 9 And the inhabitants of the
23 Thus will I magnify my- cities of Israel shall go forth,
self, and sanctify myself, and and shall burn and make fire for
make myself known before the heating of the weapons, and
eyes of many nations and they shields and bucklers, of bows

shall know that I am the Lord. and of arrows, and of hand-

staves, and of spears and they

shall feed with them the fire for

1 ^ But thou, 0 son of man, seven years
prophesy against Gog, and say, 10 And they shall take no
Thus bath said the Lord Eter- wood out of the field, nor cut
nal, Behold, I will be against down any out of the forests for ;

thee, 0 Gog, the prince of Rosh, with weapons shall they feed the
Meshech and Thubal fire: and they shall spoil those
2 And I will derange thee, that spoiled them, and plunder
and lead thee astray, and will those that plundered them, saith
cause thee to come up from the the Lord Eternal.
farthest ends of the north ;
and 11 If And it shall come to
I will bring thee upon the moun- pass on that day, that I will
tains of Israel give unto Gog a place there for
3 And I will strike thy bow a grave in Israel, the valley
out of thy left hand, and thy where people pass over to the
arrows will I cause to fall out of east of the sea and it shall stop

thy right hand. the passengers (from passing)

4 Upon the mountains of Is- and they shall bury there Gog
rael shalt thou fall, thou, and all and all his multitude, and they
thy armies, and the people that shall call it The valley of the
are with thee: unto the raven- multitude of Gog [Gay hamom
ous birds, to every thing that Gog].
hath wings, and to the beasts 12 And the house of Israel
of the field, do I give thee for shall be burying them, in order
food. to cleanse the land, during seven
5 Upon the open field shalt months.
thou fall; for I have spoken it, 13 Yea, all the people of the
saith the Lord Eternal. land shall bury them: and it
6 And I will send a fire against shall be to them as a renown on
Magog, and against those that the day that I glorify myself,
dwell in the isles in safety and saith the Lord Eternal.

they shall know that I am the 14 And men constantly de-

Loro. voted to this shall they set apart
7 And my holy name will I to pass through the land, to bury
make known in the midst of my with those that pass through
people Israel; and I will not those that remain upon the face
permit my holy name to be pro- of the earth, to cleanse it: at the
end of seven months shall they because they had trespassed
make a search. against me, and I had hidden
15 And those that thus travel my face from them and I gave ;

will pass through the land; and them up therefore into the hand
when any one seeth a human of their oppressors, and they all
bone, then will he set up a sign fell by the sword.
by it, till theburiers have buried 24 According to their un-
it in the valley of the multitude cleanness, and according to their
of Gog. transgressions did I deal with
16 And also the name of the them, and hid my face from
cityr shall be Hamonah. Thus them.
shall they clease the land. 25 Therefore thus hath said
17 % And thou, 0 son of man, the Lord Eternal, Now will I
thus hath said the Lord Eternal, bring back again the captivity
Say unto the birds, to every of Jacob, and I will have mercy
thing that hath wings, and to upon the whole house of Israel,
every beast of the field, Assem- and will be zealous for my holy
ble yourselves, and come: gather name
yourselves from every side to my 26 And they shall feel their
sacrifice that I do slaughter for disgrace, and all their trespass
you, as a great sacrifice upon whereby they had trespassed
the mountains of Israel, that ye against me, when they dwelt in
may eat flesh, and drink blood. their land in safety, with none
18 The flesh of the mighty to make them afraid :

shall ye eat, and the blood of 27 When I bring them back

the princes of the earth shall ye again from the people, and
drink, — wethers, lambs, and he- gather them out of the land of
goats, bullocks, fallings of Ba- their enemies, and sanctify my-
shan are they all of them. self on them before the eyes of
19 And ye shall eat fat till ye many nations.
be sated, and ye shall drink And they shall know that
blood till ye be drunken, from I am the Lord their God be- ;

my sacrifice which I have slaugh- cause I had exiled them among

tered for you. nations, but gather them
20 And ye shall be sated at now unto their own land, and
my table on horses and chariot- leave none of them any more
teams, on mighty men, and on there.
all men of war, saith the Lord 29 And I will not hide my
Eternal. face any more from them; for I
21 And I will display my will have poured out my spirit
glory among the nations: and over the house of Israel, saith
all the nations shall see my pu- the Lord Eternal.
nishment that I execute, and my
hand that I lay on them. CHAPTER XL.
22 And the house of Israel In the five and twentieth
shall acknowledge that I am the year of our exile, in the begin-
Lord their God from that day ning of the year, on the tenth
and forward. day of the month, in the four-
23 And the nations shall know teenth year after the city had
that for their iniquity did the been smitten, on the selfsame
house of Israel go into exile ; day came the inspiration of the
66* 2 i [ 2 785
Lord upon me, and brought me door-posts, two cubits : and the
thither. porch of the gate was inward.
2 In the visions of God brought 10 And the cells of the gate
he me unto the land of Israel, in the eastern direction w*ere
and set me down upon a very three on this side, and three on
high mount, on which there was that side, one measure was for
built something like a city on all the three ;
and there was one
the south. measure for the door-posts on
3 And when he had brought this side and on that side.
me thither, behold, there was a 11 And he measured the
man, whose appearance was like breadth of the entrance of the
the appearance of copper, with gate, ten cubits, (and) the length
a line of flax in his hand, and of the gate, thirteen cubits.
a measuring-rod : and he was 12 And there was a space be-
standing in the gate. fore the cells of one cubit on this
4 And the man spoke unto side, and one cubit space was
me, Son of man, behold with there on that side : and every
thy eyes, and hear with thy cell was of six cubits on this
ears, and direct thy heart unto side, and of six cubits on that
all that I am about to show thee ;
for in order to show it unto thee 13 And he measured the gate
art thou brought hither: tell all from the roof of (one) cell to the
that thou seest to the house of roof of (another), in breadth five
Israel. and twenty cubits, one door be-
5 And behold there was a ing against (the other) door.
wall on the outside of the house 14 And he made door-posts
all round about, and in the man’s of sixty cubits, and around the
hand was a measuring-rod of door-posts the court and the gate
six cubits long by the cubit all round about.
which was a hand’s breadth 15 And the height of the gate
longer than usual and he mea- of the entrance as also the height

sured the breadth of the build- of the porch of the inner gate
ing, one rod, and the height, one was fifty cubits.
rod. 16 And there were narrow
6 Then came he unto the gate windows in the cells, and by
which looked in the direction to- their door-posts within the gate
ward the east, and went up its all round about, and likewise in
steps, and measured the thresh- the porches: and windows were
old of the gate, one rod in all round about inward ;
and on
breadth, and the other threshold each door-post were palm-shaped
one rod in breadth. (capitals).
7 And every cell was one rod 17 Then brought he me into
long, and one rod broad ;
and the outward court, and, lo, there
between the cells were five cu- were chambers, and a pavement
bits and the threshold of the made for the court all round

gate near by the porch of the about : thirty chambers were

gate within was one rod. upon the pavement.
8 He measured also the porch 18 And the pavement by the
of the gate within, one rod. side of the gates was all along
9 Then measured he the porch the whole length of the gates:
of the gate, eight cubits, and its this was the lower pavement.
19 Then measured he the to gate on the south side on*
oreadth from the front of tbfe hundred cubits.
lower gate unto the front of the 28 And he brought me to the
inner court, without, one hun- inner court by the south gate;
dred cubits, eastward and north- and he measured the south gate
ward. after these measures
20 And the gate of the outer 29 And its cells, and its ioor-
court that looked in a northern posts, and its porches were after
direction, he measured after its these measures; and there were
length and its breadth. windows in it and in its porches
21 And its cells were three on all round about it was fifty cu-

this side and three on that side bits in length, and in breadth

and its door posts and its porches five and twenty cubits.
were after the measure of the 30 And arched passages were
first gate: fifty cubits was its all round about, five and twenty
length, and its breadth five and cubits long, and five cubits broad.
twenty cubits. 31 And its porches were to-
22 And its windows, and its ward the outer court; and palm-
porches, and their palm -shaped shaped capitals were upon its
capitals, were after the measure door-posts and its ascent was

of the gate that looked in an by eight steps.

eastern direction : and by seven 32 And he brought me into
steps did they go up unto it, the inner court on the east side;
and to its porches which were and he measured the gate after
before them. these measures
23 And the gates of the inner 33 And its cells and its door-
court were opposite the gates on posts, and its porches, were ac-
the north, and on the east and cording to these measures; and

he measured from gate to gate there were windows in it and

one hundred cubits. in its porches all round about:
24 After that he led me forth its length was fifty cubits, and
to the south side, and behold its breadth five and twenty cu-
there was a gate on the south bits.
side: and he measured its door- 34 And its porches were to-
posts and its porches after these ward the outer court; and palm-
measures. shaped capitals were upon its
25 And there were windows door-posts, on this side, and on
in it and in its porches all round that side and by eight steps

about, like the other windows was the ascent to it.


it was fifty cubits in length, and 35 And he brought me to the

in breadth five and twenty cu- north gate, and he measured it
bits. after these measures
26 And by seven steps was the 36 Its cells, its door-posts, and
ascent to it, and to its porches its porches and the windows ill

which were before them and it

; it were all round about : its
had palm -shaped capitals, one length was fifty cubits, and its
on this side, and another on that breadth five and twenty cubits.
side, upon its door-posts. 37 And its door-posts were to-
27 And there was a gate in ward the outer court; and palm-
the inner court on the south shaped capitals were upon its
side and he measured from gate
: door-posts, on this side, and on
that side and by eight steps was
: charge of the altar these are :

the ascent to it. the sons of Zadok, who come

38 And there was a chamber near, from among the sons of
with its door by the door-posts Levi, to the Lord to minister
of the gates, where they washed unto him.
off the burnt-offerings. 47 So he measured the court,
39 And in the porch of the in length one hundred cubits,
gate were two tables on this side, and in breadth one hundred cu-
and two tables on that side, to bits, foursquare and the altar

slaughter thereon the burnt-offer- stood before the house.

ings and the sin-offerings, and 48 And he brought me to the
the trespass-offerings. porch of the house, and measured
40 And at the side without each door-post of the porch, five
(the porch), as one went up to cubits on this side, and five cu-
the entrance of the north gate, bits on that side and the breadth

were two tables ; and on the of the gate was three cubits on
other side of the porch of the this side, and three cubits on
gate were two tables ;
that side.
41 Four tables being on this 49 The length of the porch was
side, and four tables on that side, twenty cubits, and the breadth

by the side of the gate, eight eleven cubits, together with the
tables, whereupon they slaugh- steps whereby they went up to
tered (the sacrifices). it : and there were pillars by the
42 And there were four tables door-posts, one on this side, and
of hewn stone for the burnt-offer- another on that side.
ings, of a cubit and a half long,
and a cubit and a half broad, CHAPTER XLL
and one cubit high whereupon
: 1 And he brought me to the
they laid the instruments where- temple and he measured the

with they slaughtered the burnt- door-posts, six cubits broad on

offerings and the sacrifices. the one side, and six cubits
43 And hooks, a hand long, broad on the other side, (as also)
were fastened within all round the breadth of the tabernacle.
about: and on the tables was 2 And the breadth of the door
placed the flesh of the offerings. was ten cubits ; and the sides of
44 And without the inner gate the door were five cubits on the
were the chambers of the singers one side, and five cubits on the
in the inner court, which was at other side and he measured its

the side of the north gate ;

and length, forty cubits, and the
their front was toward the south breadth, twenty cubits.
side: one was at the side of the 3 Then went he inward, and
east gate having the front to- measured the posts of the door,
ward the north side. two cubits; and the door was six
45 And he spoke unto me, cubits high and the breadth

This chamber, the front of which of the door was seven cubits.
is toward the south, is for the 4 And he measured its length,
priests who have the charge of twenty cubits ; and the breadth,
the house. twenty cubits, fronting on the
46 And the chamber, the'frontj temple and he said unto me,

of which is toward the north, is This is the most holy place.

for the priests who have the 5 After this he measured the
788 '
wall of the house, six cubits :| |
13 So he measured the house,
and the breadth of every side- in length one hundred cubits;
chamber was four cubits, all and the main wing, and the
round about the house on every building, with its walls, in length
side. one hundred cubits
6 And the side-chambers were 14 Also the breadth in the
one over another, three and thirty front of the house, and of the
times; and they entered into the main wing on the east, was one
wall which was on the house hundred cubits.
for the side-chambers all round 15 And he measured the length
about, that they might be fast- of the building on the front side
ened on, but they were not fast- of the main wing which was be-
ened on the wall of the house. hind it, and its corner-pillars on
7 And as one wound upward the one side and on the other
it became continually wider for side, one hundred cubits ;
the side-chambers for the row this included the inner temple,

of chambers about the house went and the porches of the court;
more and more upward round 16 The thresholds, and the
about the house therefore was narrow windows, and the corner-

the breadth of the house greater pillars were round about on their
upward and so they ascended three sides opposite the thresh-
: :

from the lowest chambers to the old there was a wainscoting of

highest through the middle ones. wood all round about, and so
8 And I saw the height of the from the ground up to the win-
house all round about the foun- dows; and the windows were

dations of the side-chambers covered.

were a full rod of six cubits un- 17 On the part above the door,
der ground. and as far as the inner house,
9 The thickness of the wall, and the outer (house), was (a
which was for the side-chambers wainscoting), and on all the wall
without, was five cubits, as also round about within and without,
the space which was left open by by (the same) measure ;

the row of the side-chambers 18 And it was ornamented

that were on the house. with cherubim and palm-trees, a
10 And between the chambers palm-tree being between two
there was a width of twenty cu- cherubim and every cherub had

bits round about the house on two faces

every side. 19 So that a human face was
11 And the doors of the side- toward the palm-tree on the one
chambers were on the open space, side, and a young lion’s face to-
one door was in a northern di- ward the palm-tree on the other
rection, and another door on the side : it was so made on all the
south : and the breadth of the house round about.
place that was left open was five 20 From the ground to the
cubits all round about. part above the door were the
12 Now the building that was cherubim and the palra-;rees
before the main wing on the west made, and so on the wall of the
side was seventy cubits broad temple.
and the wall of the building was 21 The temple had four-cor-
five cubits thick round about, nered door-posts, and the front
and its length, ninety cubits. of the holy of holies had the
(same) appearance as the appear- breadth toward the inner house,
ance (of the other). a way of one cubit in width ;

22 The altar was of wood, three and their doors were toward the
cubits high, and its length was north.
two cubits and its corners, and
5 Now the upper chambers
its top-piece, and its walls, were were shorter (for the corner-pil-
of wood: and he spoke unto me, lar took away part of the space
This is the table that is before from them) than the lowest and
the Lord. than the middle chambers of the
23 And the temple and the building.
holy of Holies had two doors. 6 For they were in three sto-
24 And the doors had two ries, but had net pillars like the
leaves (apiece), two turning pillars of the courts : therefore
leaves, two (leaves) for the one was something taken off the low-
door, and two leaves for the est and the middle ones (as one
other. ascended) from the ground.
25 And there were made on 7 And the wall that was with-
them, on the doors of the tem- out alongside the chambers, to-
ple, cherubim and palm-trees, as ward the outer court in front of
they were made upon the walls the chambers, was in its length
and (a covering of ) thick wooden fifty cubits.
planks was upon the front of the 8 For the length of the cham-
porch without. bers that were in the outer court
26 And there were narrow win- was fifty cubits; and lo, (the
dows and palm-trees on the one whole space) in front of the tem-
side and on the other side, on ple was one hundred cubits.
the sides of the porch, and on 9 And beneath these cham-
the side-chambers of the house, bers was the entrance from the
and the (covering of) thick east side, as one goeth into them
planks. from the outer court.
10 On the breadth of the wall
CHAPTER XLII. of the court in an eastern direc-
1 And he led me forth into tion, before the main wing, and
the outer court, on the way to before the building, were cham-
the north side and he brought bers.

me into the (row of) chambers 11 And the way before them
that was opposite the main wing, was of like appearance as that
and which was opposite the build- for the chambers which were on
ing toward the north ;
the north side, of the same length
2 On the front side the length and the same breadth and all

(of which) was a hundred cubits, their means of egress, and their
(up to) the north door, while the arrangement, and their doors
breadth was fifty cubits. were of the like manner.
3 Opposite the twenty cubits 12 And so also were the doorr
which were for the inner court, of the chambers that were on the
and opposite the pavement which south side, a door being on the
was for the outer court, was cor- head of the way, of the way
ner-pillar before corner-pillar in directly before the wall on the
the three stories. east side, as one entereth into
4 And before the chambers them.
was a walk ol ten cubits in 13 And he said unto me, The
aortli chambers and the south gate, even the gate that wai
chambers which are in front of turned in an eastern direction.
the main wing, —
these are the 2 And, behold, the glory of
holy chambers, where the priests the God of Israel came from the
that approach unto the Lord I
way of the east and his voice;

shall eat the most holy things : was like a noise of many waters;
there shall they lay the most and the earth gave light from
holy things, namely, the meat his glory.
offering, and the sin-offering, and 3 And it was like the appear-
the trespass-offering ; for the ance of the vision which I had
place is holy. seen, yea, like the vision that I had
14 When the priests enter seen when
I came to destroy the
therein, then shall they not go city and the visions were like

out of the sanctuary into the the vision that I had seen by
outer court; but there shall thej7 the river Kebar and I fell upon

lay down their garments where- my face.

in they may have ministered; 4 Andthe glory of the Lord
for they are holy and they shall
: came into the house by the way
put on other garments, and shall of the gate which was turned in
then approach to (the court) an eastern direction.
which is for the people. 5 Then did the Spirit take
15 Now when he had finished me up, and bring me into the
the measurings of the inner inner court: and, behold, the
house, he led me forth by the glory of the Lord filled the
way of the gate which looked in house.
an eastern direction, and mea- 6 And I heard him speaking
sured it all round about. unto me out of the house and ;

16 He measured the east side a man was standing alongside

with the measuring-rod, five hun- of me.
dred rods, with the measuring- 7 And he said unto me, Son
rod round about. of man, (this) is the place of my
17 He measured the north throne, and the place of the soles
side, five hundred rods, with the of my feet, where I will dwell
measuring-rod round about. in the midst of the children of
18 The south side he mea- Israel for ever: and the house
sured, five hundred rods, with of Israel shall not defile any
the measuring-rod. more my holy name, neither
19 He turned about to the they, nor their kings, by their
west side, and measured five lewdness, nor by the carcasses
hundred rods with the measur- of their kings on their high-
ing-rod. places.
20 On the four sides did he 8 Inasmuch as they placed
measure it by the wall that was their threshold by threshold,my
all round about, five hundred and their door-posts close by my
rods in length, and in breadth door-posts, and the wall being
five hundred, to make a separa- only between me and them, and
tion between the holy place and they defiled my holy name by
the profane. their abominations which they
committed : so that I made an
CHAPTER XLIII. end of them in my anger.
I Then did he lead me to the 9 Now will they have to pu<5
away their lewdneo. , and the be fourteen cubits in length, by
carcasses of their kings, far from fourteen in breadth on its four
me, and I will dwell in the midst sides;
and the border round
of them for ever. about it shall be half a cubit;
10 Thou, son of man, tell and its bottom shall be a cubit
the house of Israel of the house, round about; and its steps shall
that they may be confounded look toward the ea'st.
because of their iniquities: and 18 And he said unto me, Son
let them measure the outlines. of man, thus hath said the Lord
11 And if they be confounded Eternal, These are the statutes
because of all that they have of the altar on the day when it
done then let them know the
: shall be finished, to offer thereon
form of the house, and its ar- burnt-offerings, and to sprinkle
rangements, and its means of thereon blood.
egress, and its entrances, and all 19 And thou shalt give to the
its forms, and all its statutes, priests the Levites that are of
and all its forms, and all its laws, the seed of Zadok, who approach
and write them down before their unto me, saith the Lord Eternal,
eyes that they may observe the to minister unto me, a young

whole of its form, and all its sta- bullock for a sin-offering.
tutes, and carry them out. 20 And thou shalt take of his
12 This is the law for the blood, and put it on its four
house, Upon the top of the mount horns, and on the four corners
shall its whole limit all round of the projection, and upon the
about be most holy behold, this border round about; and thou

is the law for the house. shalt cleanse it and make an

13 And these are the measures atonement for it.
of the altar in cubits, The cubit 21 And thou shalt take the
is a cubit and r. band-breadth bullock of the sin-offering, and
and the bottom shall be a cubit some one shall burn him at an
high, and a cubit broad, and itsj appointed place of the house,

border on its edge round about without the sanctuary.

shall be a span : and this shall 22 And on the second day
be the outside of the altar. shalt theu offer a he-goat with-
14 And from the bottom upon out blemish fer a sin-offering:
the ground up to the lower pro- and they shall cleanse the altar,
jection shall be two cubits, and as they did cleanse it with the
the breadth one cubit; and from bullock.
the lesser projection up to the 23 When thou hast made an
greater projection shall be four end of cleansing it, shall thou
cubits, and the breadth one cubit. offer a young bullock without
15 And the uppor portion of blemish, and a ram out of the
the altar shall be four cubits;! flock without blemish.
and from the upper surface of 24 And thou shalt bring them
the altar and upward shall be near before the Lord, and the
the four horns. priests shall throw salt upon
16 And the upper surface of them, and they shall offer them
the altar shall be twelve cubits up as a burnt-offering unto the
long, by twelve broad, square on Lord.
Us four sides. 25 Seven days shalt thou pre-
* And the projection shall pare a goat for a sin-oflferng
every day; and a young bul- 6 And
thou shalt say to the
lock, and a ram out of the house of Israel,
flock, rebellious, to the
without blemish shall they pre- Thus hath said the Lord Eter-
pare. nal, Ye have done enough with
26 Seven days shall they atone all your abominations, 0 house
for the altar and purify it; and of Israel
they shall consecrate the same. 7 In your having brought the
27 And when these days are sons of the stranger, uncircum-
expired, it shall be, that on the cised in heart, and uncircum-
eighth day, and thenceforward, cised in flesh, to be in mv sanc-
the priest shall prepare upon the tuary, to pollute it, even my
altar your burnt-offerings, and house, while you were offering
your peace-offerings and: I will my food, the fat and the blood :

accept you in favour, saith the so that they broke my covenant

Lord Eternal. because of all your abomina-
CHAPTER XLIY. 8 And (because) ye have not
1 And he brought me back kept the charge of my holy
by the way of the outer gate things; but ye have set (those
of the sanctuary which looked unworthy ones) as keepers of
toward the east : and it was my charge in my sanctuary at
locked. your own pleasure.
2 Then said the Lord unto 9 Thus hath said the Lord
me, This gate shall remain lock- Eternal, No son of the stranger,
ed, it shall not be opened, and uncircumcised in heart, or un-
no man shall enter in by it; be- circumcised in flesh, shall enter
cause the Lord, the God of Is- into my sanctuary, of all the
rael, hath entered in by it, there- sons of the stranger that are in
fore shall it remain locked. the midst of the children of Is-
3 As for the prince, being the rael.
prince, he shall sit in it to eat 10 But as respecteth the Le-
bread before the Lord by the vites that were gone away far

way of the porch of that gate from me, when Israel wentastray,
shall he enter, and by the way who went astray away from me,
of the same shall he go out. after their idols, they shall surely
4 Then brought he me by the bear their iniquity.
way of the north gate before the 11 And they shall be in my
house; and I looked, and, be- sanctuary servants, appointed to
hold, the glory of the Lord filled watch at the gates of the house,
the house of the Lord and I and to be servants for the house

fell upon my face. these are they that shall slay the
5 And the Lord said unto me, burnt- offerings and the sacrifices
Son of man, direct thy mind, and for the people, and they shall
see with thy eyes, and hear with stand before them to do the ser-
thy ears all that I am speaking vice for them.
with thee concerning all the or- 12 Because that they used to
dinances of the house of the serve them before their idols,
Lord, and of all its laws; and| and have been unto the house
direct thy mind to the entrance of Israel as a stumbling-block
of the house, with every place of of iniquity ; therefore have I
egress of the sanctuary. lifted up my hand against them,
67 21 793
saith the Lord Eternal, and they in the holy chambers; and they
shall bear their iniquity; shall put on other garments, and
13 And they shall not come they shall not mingle among the
near unto me, to officiate as priests people with their garments.
unto me, nor to come near to any 20 And their heads shall they
of my holy things, to the most not shave close, nor suffer their
holy things; but they shall bear hair to grow long: they shall
their shame, yea, for their abo- only crop (the hair of) their
minations which they have com- heads.
mitted. 21 And wine shall none of the
14 And I will appoint them priests drink, when they enter
tobe keepers of the charge of the into the inner court.
house, for all the service thereof, 22 And a widow, or one that
and for all that shall be done is divorced from her husband
therein. shall they not take to themselves
.15 ^ But thepriests the Le- as wives ; but only virgins of the
vites, the sons of Zadok, that seed of the house of Israel but

kept the charge of my sanctuary whatever widow it may be, the

when the children of Israel went (common) priests may
astray from me, —
these are they 23 And my people shall they
that shall come near unto me to teach the difference between the
minister unto me, and they shall holy and profane, and that be-
stand before me to offer unto me tween the unclean and the clean
the fat and the blood, saith the shall they make known unto
Lord Eternal them.
16 These are they that shall 24 And in a controversy shall
enter into my sanctuary, and they stand up to judge, accord-
these shall come near to my ta- ing to my ordinances shall they
ble, to minister unto me; and decide it: and my laws and my
they shall keep my charge. statutes at all my festivals shall
17 And it shall come to pass, they observe, and my sabbaths
that, when they enter in at the shall they sanctify.
gates of the inner court, they 25 And to a dead person shall
shall clothe themselves with they not come to defile them-
linen garments; and there shall selves ; but on father, or on mo-
no wool come upon them, when ther, or on son, or on daughter,
they minister in the gates of on brother, or on sister that hath
the inner court, and within the had no husband, may they de-
house. file themselves.

18 Linen bonnets shall be 26 And after he is become

upon their heads, and linen clean,— they shall reckon unto
breeches shall be upon their him seven days,
loins they shall not gird them-
: 27 Then shall he on the day
selves with any thing that caus- that he cometh into the sanctu-
eth sweat. ary, into the inner court, to mi-
19 And when they go forth nister in the sanctuary, offer his
into the outer court, into the sin-offering, saith the Lord Eter-
.auter court to the people then nal.

shall they put off their garments 28 And it shall be unto them
wherein they have ministered, as an inheritance, I am their in •

and they shall lay them down heritance and any possession

shall yea not give them in Is- I thousand in breadth, shall also
rael, I am their possession. belong unto the Levites, the ser-
29 The meat-offering, and the vants of the house, for them-
sin-offering, and the trespass- selves, as a possession, with
offering — these shall they eat; twenty chambers.
and every devoted thing in Is- 6 And as the possession of tht>
rael shall belong to them. city shall ye assign five thou-
30 And the first of all kinds sand rods broad, and five and
o' first-fruits of all, and every twenty thousand long, alongside
kind of heave-offering of every the holy oblation unto the whole

thing of all your heave-offerings, house of Israel shall it belong.

shall belong to the priests; and 7 And the prince shall have
the first of your dough shall you that on the one side and on the
give to the priest, to cause a other side of the holy oblation,
blessing to rest on thy house. and of the possession of the city,
31 Any thing that hath died in front of the holy oblation, and
of itself, or that is torn, whether in front of the possession of the
it be fowl or beast, shall the city, on the west side westward,
priests not eat. and on the east side eastward
and in length alongside one of
CHAPTER XLV. the portions, both on the west
1 And whenye divide the border and on the east border.
land by lot for an inheritance, 8 As landed property shall it
shall ye offer an oblation unto be his possession in Israel and :

the Lord, as a holy portion of my princes shall no more wrong

the land, five and twenty thou- my people; but the land shall
sand rods in length, and in they give to the house of Israel
breadth ten thousand. This according to their tribes.
shall be holy in all its extent 9 Thus hath said the Lord
round about. Eternal, Ye have done enough
2 Of this there shall be for the wrong, 0 princes of Israel : re-
sanctuary five hundred (rods) move
violence and robbery, and
by five hundred, square round execute justice and righteous-
about; and fifty cubits as an ness take away your exactions

open space for it round about. from my people, saith the Lord
3 And of this measure shalt Eternal.
thou measure, in length five and 10 Just balances, and a just
twenty thousand, and in breadth ephah, and a just bath shall ye
ten thousand (rods) and in it
: have.
shall be the sanctuary (and) the 11 The ephah and the bath
holy of holies. shall contain the same quantity,
4 The holy portion of the land that the bath may contain the
shall it be, for the priests the tenth part of a chomer, and the
ministers of the sanctuary shall ephah the tenth part of a cho-
it be, who come near to minister mer: after the chomer shall the
unto the Lord and it shall be measure of contents be.

unto them a place for houses, 12 And the shekel shall be

and a holy place for the sanc- twenty gerahs (in pieces of) :

tuary. twenty shekels, five and twenty

5 And five and twenty thou- shekels, fifteen shekels, shall be
sand (rods) in length, and ten!iyour maneh.
13 5[ This is the heave-offering the seventh day of the month for
that ye shall offer The sixth
: every one that erreth, and for
part of an ephah of a chomer of him that hath sinned unawares:
wheat; and ye shall give the so shall ye atone for the house..
sixth part of an ephah of a cho- 21 In the first month, on the
mer of barley fourteenth day of the month,
14 And the fixed portion of shall ye have the passover a :

oil shall be after the bath of oil, feast of seven days ; unleavened
the tenth part of a bath out of bread shall be eaten.
the cor, ten baths reckoned to 22 And the prince shall pre-
the chomer ; for ten baths are a pare on that day in behalf of
chomer himself and in behalf of all the
15 And
one lamb out of the people of the land a bullock for
flock, out of two hundred, out a sin-offering.
>f the fat pastures of Israel, for 23 And on the seven days of
kieat-offerings, and for burnt- the feast shall he prepare a burn t-
)ffering? ; and for peace-offerings, offering to the Lord, seven bul-
.o make an atonement for them, locks and seven rams without
saith the Lord Eternal. blemish on every day of the
16 5[ All the people of the seven days and for a sin-offer-

land shall be held bound for this ing a he-goat on every day.
heave-offering for the prince in 24 And as a meat-offering an
Israel. ephah for a bullock, and an ephah
17 And upon the prince shall for a ram, shall he prepare, and
be the duty to furnish the burnt- a hin of oil for each ephah.
offerings, the meat-offerings, and 25 In the seventh month, on
the drink-offerings, on the feasts, the fifteenth day of the month,
and on the new-moon days, and on the feast, shall he prepare the
on the sabbaths, on all the fes- likeduring the seven days, both
tive seasons of the house of Is- the sin-offering, as also the burnt-
rael he himself shall prepare offering, and the meat-offering,

the sin-offering, and the meat- and the oil.

offering, and the burnt-offering,
and the peace-offerings, to make CHAPTER XLVI.
an atonement in behalf of the Thus hath said the Lord
1 5f
house of Israel. Eternal, The gate of the inner
18 51 Thus hath Lord
said the court that looketh toward the
Eternal, In the first month, on east shall remain locked the six
the first of the month, shaft thou working days; but on the sab-
take a young bullock without bath day shall it be opened, and
blemish, and make an expiation on the new-mcon day shall it be
for the sanctuary. opened.
19 And the priest shall take 2 And the prince shall enter
some of the blood of the sin- by the way of the porch of the
offering, and put it upon the gate, from without, and shall
door-post of the house, and upon stand by the door-post of the
the four corners of the projec- gate, and the priests shall pre-
tion of the altar, and upon the pare his burnt-offering and his
door-post of the gate of the in- peace-offerings, and he shall bow
ner court. himself down at the threshold
20 And so shalt thou do on of the gate, and he shall then go
forth but the gate shall not be the appointed festivals shall tht

locked until the evening. meat-offering be an ephah for

3 And the people of the land each bullock, and an ephah for
shall bow themselves down at each ram, and for the sheep as
the door of this same gate on his hand may be able to give,
the sabbaths and on the new- and a hin of oil for every ephah.
moons before the Lord. 12 And when the prince doth
4 And the burnt-offering which prepare as a voluntary gift a
the prince is to offer unto the burnt-offering, or a peace-offer-
Lord, shall be on the sabbath- ing, as a voluntary gift unto the
day six sheep without blemish, Lord: then shall be opened for
and a ram without blemish ;
him the gate that looketh toward
5 And as a meat-offering an the east, and he shall prepare
ephah for the ram, and for the his burnt-offering and his peace-
sheep a meat-offering as his offering, as he usually doth on
hand may be able to give, and a the sabbath-day and he shall

bin of oil for every ephah. go out, and the gate shall be
6 And on the day of the new- locked after his going out.
moon, a young bullock without 13 And a sheep of the first
blemish, and six sheep and a year without blemish shalt thou
ram ; without blemish shall they prepare as a burnt-offering every
be. day unto the Lord: morning
7 And an ephah for the bul- by morning shalt thou prepare
lock, and an ephah for the ram, it.
shall he prepare as a meat-offer- 14 And as a meat-offering
ing, and for the sheep according shalt thou prepare with it, morn-
as his means may reach, and a ing by morning, the sixth part
hin of oil for every ephah. of an ephah, and the third of a
8 And when the prince doth hin of oil, to mingle with the
enter, he shall go in by the way fine flour — a meat-offering unto
of the porch of the gate, and by the Lord, as ordinances for ever
the same way shall he go forth. continually.
9 But when the people of the 15 Thus shall they prepare
land come before the Lord on the sheep, and the meat-offering,
the appointed feasts, he that en- and the oil, morning by morn-
tereth in by the way of the north ing, as a continual burnt-offer •

gate to bow himself down shall ing.

go out by the way of the south 16 % Thus hath said the Lord
gate; and he that entereth by Eternal, If the prince make a
, the way of the south gate shall gift unto any one of his sons, it
go out by the way of the north is his inheritance, it shall belong
gate: he shall not return by the to his sons it shall be their

way of the gate whereby he possession as their inheritance.

came in but by that opposite
17 But if he make a gift of
to him shall he go out. his inheritance to one of his ser-
10 And as for the prince — in vants : then shall it remain his
the midst of them, when they go to the year of freedom, when it
in, shall he go in ;
and when shall return to the prince; but
they go out, shall they go out his inheritance shall only remain
together). for his sons.
11 And on the feasts and on IS But the prince shall not
67* 797
take any thing from the inherit- out from under the threshold of
ance of the people, to wrong the house eastward for the front

them out of their possession of the house stood toward the

out of his own possession can he east and the water came down

give an inheritance to his sons : from under (the threshold), from

in >rder that not one of my peo- the right side of the house, to
ple be deprived of his posses- the south of the altar.
sion. 2 Then did he bring me out
19 f And then he brought me by the way of the gate north-
through the entry, which was at ward, and led me about the way
the side of the gate, into the holy without unto the outer gate by
chambers for the priests, which the way that looked eastward
looked toward the north and,: and, behold, the water was run-
behold, there was a place by the ning on the right side.
back wall on the west side. 3 When the man went forth
20 And he said unto me, This eastward, having the measuring-
is the place where the priests line in his hand, he measured a
shall boil the trespass-otfering thousand cubits, and he led me
and the sin-offering, where (also) through the water, the water
they shall bake the meat-offer- reaching to the ankles.
ing ; so as not to carry the same 4 Again he measured a thou-
out into the outer court, to min- sand (cubits), and led me through
gle with the people. the water, the water reaching to
21 Then did he lead me forth the knees. Again he measured
into the outer court, and caused a thousand (cubits), and led me
me to pass along the four cor- through, the water reaching to
ners of the court; and, behold, the loins.
in every corner of the court there 5 And he measured again a
was a court. thousand (cubits), it being a
22 In the four corners of the 'stream that I could not wade
court there were uncovered courts through ; for the water was in-
of forty cubits in length and creased, being water fit to swim
thirty in breadth : there was one in, a stream that could not be
measure for all these four in the waded through.
corners. 6 And he said unto me, Son
23 And there was a shelf of of man, hast thou seen this?
masonry round about in them, Then did he lead me, and caused
round about all these four, and me to return to the bank of the
it was furnished with hearths stream.
for boiling under the shelves 7 Now when I returned, be-
round about. hold, there were at the banks of
24 Then said he unto me, the stream very many trees, on
These are the places of those the one side and on the other.
that boil, where the servants of 8 Then said he unto me, These
the house shall boil the sacri- waters issue out toward the east-
fice of the people. ern district, and go down into
the plain, and fall into the sea,
CHAPTER XLVII. (the waters) being carried forth
1 And he brought me back into the sea, so that the waters
again unto the door of the house shall be healed.
and, behold, water was issuing 9 And it shall come to pass,
that every thing that liveth, 16 Charnath, Berothali, Sib-
which moveth, whithersoever rayim, which is between the
the double-stream shall come, boundary of Damascus and the
shall live and the fish shall be
: boundary of Charnath ; Chazar-
(therein) in great abundance; hatthichon, which is by the
for when this water shall have boundary of Chavran.
come thither, (the waters of the 17 And the boundary shall be
sea) shall be healed, and every from the sea to Chazar-’enon,
thing shall live whither the the boundary of Damascus, and
stream cometh. the northern part on the north,
10 And it shall come to pass, and the boundary of Charnath.
that the fishers shall stand by And this is the north side.
it; from ’En-gedi even unto 18 And the east side shall ye
’En-’eglayim, there shall be measure between Chavran and
places for the spreading out of Damascus (on the one side), and
nets : after their various kinds between Gil’ad and the land of
shall the fish thereof be, like the Israel (on the other side) by the
fish of the great sea, exceedingly Jordan, from the (north) bound-
many. ary unto the east sea. And this
11 But its swamps and its is the east side.
lagoons shall not be healed, for 19 And the south side, on the
(the production of) salt are they south, from Thamar even to the
destined. waters of contention at Kadesh,
12 And by the stream upon toward the brook (flowing) into
its banks, on this side and on the Great Sea. And this is the
that side, shall grow up all kinds south side on the south.
of trees for food, the leaves of 20 And the west side shall be
which shall not fade, and the the great sea from the (southern)
fruit of which shall not come to boundary, as far as straight up
an end, every month shall they to Charnath. This is the west
bring forth new ripe fruit ; be- side.
cause its water is that which is- 21 And ye shall divide this
sueth out of the sanctuary and land among yourselves accord-

their fruit shall serve for food, ing to the tribes of Israel.
and their leaves for remedies. 22 And it shall come to pass,
13 5[ Thus hath said the Lord that ye shall divide it by lot
Eternal, This shall be the bound- for an inheritance among your-
ary, whereby ye shall divide selves, and to the strangers that
out the land unto the twelve sojourn in the midst of you, who
tribes of Israel :Joseph shall shall have begotten children in
have two portions. the midst of you ; and they shall
14 And ye shall inherit it, be unto you as the native born
every one like the other, (the among the children of Israel,
land) concerning which I lifted with you shall they < btain an
up my hand to give it unto your inheritance in the midst of tho
fathers :and this land shall fall tribes of Israel.
unto you for an inheritance. 23 And it shall come to pass,
15 And this shall be the bound- that in whatever tribe the stran-
ary of the land On the north ger sojourn eth, there shall 3r e

side, from the great sea, the road give him his inheritance, saith
to Chethlon, as far as to Zedad the Lord Eternal.
(in length), and on the west
1 Now these are the names thousand in breadth, and on the
of the tribes At the edge, on
: east ten thousand in breadth,
the north side, along the road and on the south and twenty
on the way to Chethlon, as far thousand in length and the

as Chamath, Chazar-’enan, the sanctuary of the Lord shall be

boundary of Damascus north- in the midst of it.
ward, alongside of Chamath, 11 Unto the priests, that are
there shall be from the east side sanctified, of the sons of Zadok,
to the west for Dan one portion. who have kept my charge, who
2 And by the boundary of. went not astray when the chil-
Dan, from the east side unto the dren of Israel went astray, as
west side, for Asher one portion. the Levites went astray,
3 And by the boundary of 12 To them shall thus belong
Asher, from the east side even the portion set aside of the obla-
unto the west side, for Naphtali tion of the land as a most holy
one portion. thing by the boundary of the
4 And by the boundary of Levites.
Naphtali, from the east side un- 13 And the Levites shall have
to the west side, for Menasseh alongside the boundary of the
one portion. priests five and twenty thousand
5 And by the boundary of rods in length, and in breadth
Menasseh, from the east side ten thousand the whole in

unto the west side, for Ephraim [length five and twenty thousand,

ene portion. and in breadth ten thousand.

6 And by the boundary of 14 But they shall not sell
Ephraim, from the east side aught thereof, or exchange, or
even unto the west side, for alienate this first portion of the
Reiiben one portion. land; for it is holy unto the
7 And by the boundary of Reii- Lord.
ben, from the east side unto the 15 And the five thousand rods,
west side, for Judah one portion. that are left in the breadth, with
8 And by the boundary of a length of five and twenty thou-
Judah, from the east side unto sand, shall be an unconsecrated
the west side, shall be the obla- land for the city, for dwelling,
tion which ye shall set aside of and for an open space and the :

five and twenty thousand rods city shall be in the midst thereof.
in breadth, and in length as one 16 And these shall be its mea-
of the other parts, from the ease sures The north side four thou-

side unto the west side and the sand and five hundred (rods),

sanctuary shall be in the midst and the south side four thou-
of it. sand and five hundred, and on
9 The oblation that ye shall the east side four thousand and
set aside unto the Lord shall be five hundred, and the west side
in length five and twenty thou- four thousand and five hundred.
sand (rods), and in breadth ten 17 And the open space of the
thousand. city shall be toward the north
10 And to these shall belong two hundred and fifty (rods),
the holy oblation, —namely to and toward the south two hun-
the priests, toward the north, dred and fifty, and toward the
five and twenty thousand rods east two hundred and fifty, and
toward the west two hundred the west side, for Issachar on 9
and fifty. portion.
18 And the produce of the re- 26 And by the boundary of
Bidue in length alongside the holy Issachar, from the east side un-
oblation ten thousand rods east- to the west side, for Zebulun
ward, and ten thousand west- one portion.
ward, that which is alongside the 27 And by the boundary of
holy oblation, shall be for food Zebulun, from the east side unto
unto the labourers of the city. the west side, for Gad one portion.
19 And the labourers of the 28 And by the boundary of
city, men taken out of all the Gad, on the southern side toward
tribes of Israel, shall till it. the south, shall be the boundary
20 All the oblation, five and from Thamar unto the waters of
twenty thousand (rods) by five contention of Kadesh, unto the
and twenty thousand square, brook by the Great Sea.
a hallye set apart as the holy 29 This is the land which ye
ablation, with the possession of shall divide by lot for an inhe-
the city. ritance to the tribes of Israel,
21 And the residue shall be- and these are their allotted divi-
long to the prince, on the one sions, saith the Lord Eternal.
Bide and on the other of the holy 30 And these are the out-
oblation and of the possession lines of the city : On the north
of the city, alongside of the five side, four hundred and four thou-
and twenty thousand of the sand rods by the measure.
oblation toward the eastern 31 And of the gates of the
boundary, and westward along- city, being after the names of
side the five and twenty thou- the tribes of Israel, shall be
sand toward the western bound- three gates on the north :the
ary, alongside the portions (of gate of Reuben one, the gate of
the tribes); for the prince shall Judah one, the gate of Levi one.
it be and so shall be the holy
: 32 And on the east side, five
oblation; and the sanctuar}7 of hundred and four thousand rods,
the house shall be in the midst with three gates: namely, the
thereof. gate of Joseph one, the gate of
22 And both the possession of Benjamin one, the gate of Dan
the Levites, and the possession one.
of the city, shall be in the midst 33 And the south side, five
of that which belongeth to the hundred and four thousand rods,
prince between the boundary
: by the measure, with three gates .'

of Judah and the boundary of the gate of Simeon one, the gate
Benjamin, shall be for the prince. of Issachar one, the gate of Ze-
23 As for the rest of the tribes, bulun one.
from the east side unto the west 34 The west side, five hundred
side, shall be for Benjamin one and four thousand rods, with
portion. their three gates: the gate of
24 And by the boundary of Gad one, the gate of Asher one,
Benjamin, from the east side the gate of Naphtali one.
unto the west side, for Simeon 35 All around it shall be eigh-
one portion. teen thousand rods and th%

25 And by the boundary of name of the city shall be front

Simeon, from the east side unto that day “ The Lord is there.”


-\m nn.


yw n \ nxnj.

the bow of Israel in the valley

of Yizre’el.
1 the Lord that
The word of 6 And she conceived again,
came unto Hoshea’ [Hosea’] the and bore a daughter and he

son of Beeri, in the days of said unto him, Call her name Lo-
’Uzziyah, Jotham, Achaz, (and) ruchamah [Not finding mercy] ;
Hezekiah, the kings of Judah, for I will not farther have any
and in the days of Jerobo’am more mercy upon the house of
the son of Wash the king of Israel; but I will give them their
Israel. full recompense.
2 The beginning of the word 7 But upon the house of Ju-
of the Lord by Hoshea’ was, dah will I have mercy, and I
that the Lord said to Hoshea’, will save them through the Lord
Go, take unto thee a wife of pros- their God, and I will not save
titution and children of prosti- them by the bow, or by the sword,
tution for the (inhabitants of
or by battle, by horses, or by
the) land go far astray, depart- horsemen.
ing from the Lord. 8 Now when she had weaned
3 So he went and took Gomer Lo-ruchamah, she conceived, and
the daughter of Diblayim, and bore a son.
she conceived and bore him a 9 Then said he, Call his name
son. Lo-’ammi [Not my people] for ;

4 And the Lord said unto ye are not my people, and I will
him, Call his name l^izre’el [God indeed not be unto you (a God).
will scatter] for but yet a little

while, when I will visit the blood CHAPTER II.

of Yizre’el upon the house of shall the number of
I f 1 et
Jehu, and I will cause to cease the children of Israel (once) be
the kingdom of the house of Is- like the sand of the sea, which
rael. cannot be measured nor num-
5 And it shall come to pass bered and it shall come to pass,

on that day, that I will break that instead that people say of

them, Ye are not my people [Lo- had given her the corn, and the
’ammi], shall they call them, The wine, and the oil, and multiplied
sons of the living God. for her silver and gold, which
2 Then shall the children of they devoted for Ba'al.
Judah and the children of Israel 11 Therefore will I turn back,
be gathered together, and they and take away my corn in its
will appoint for themselves one time, and my wine in its season,
head, and they shall go up out and I will snatch away my wool
of the land for great shall be and my flax, (given) to cover

the day of Yizre’el. her nakedness.

3 Call ye your brothers, ’Am- 12 And now will I lay open
mi [my people] and your sis- her disgrace before the eyes of

ters, Ruchamah [That hath ob- her lovers, and no man shall de-
tained mercy]. liver her out of my hand.
4 Contend with your mother, 13 And I will cause to cease
contend for she is not my wife, all her mirth, her festival, her

and I am not her husband ; but new-moon, and her sabbath, and
let her put away her prostitution all her appointed feasts.
from her face, and her adulteries 14 And I will make desolate
from between her breasts : her vine and her fig-tree, where-
5 Lest I strip her naked, and of she hath said, These are my
set her, as on the day that she reward which my lovers have
was born, and make her as a wil- given me and I will change

derness, and render her like a them into a forest, and the beasts
dry land, and let her die with of the field shall devour them.
thirst. 15 And I will visit upon her
6 And upon her children will the days of the Be’alim, to which
I not have mercy; for they are she used to burn incense, when
children of prostitution she decked herself with her ear-
7 For their mother hath played rings and her jewels, and went
the harlot ;
she that conceived after her lovers, and me she for-
them hath done shamefully for got, saith the Lord.

she said, I will go after my lov- 16 Therefore, behold, will I

ers, that give me my bread and allure her, and lead her forth
my water, my wool and my flax, into the wilderness, and I will
my oil and my drink. speak comfortingly unto her
8 Therefore, behold, I will heart.
hedge up thy way with thorns, 17 And I will give her again
and I will close it up with a her vineyards from there, and
fence, that she shall not find her the valley of ’Achor [sorrow] as
paths. an entrance for hope: and she
9 And she will make pursuit shall sing there, as in the days
after her lovers, but she shall of her youth, and as on the day
not overtake them and she will of her coming up out of the land

seek them, but shall not find of Egypt.

them then will she say, I will
: 18 And it shall happen at
go and return to ni}T first hus- that day, saith the Lord, that
band; for it was better with me thou shalt call me Ishi [my hus-
then than now. band], and shalt not call me any
10 But she indeed did not ac- more Ba'ali [my lord].
knowledge, that it was I that 19 For I will remove the
names of the Be'alim out of her 3 And
I said unto her, Many
mouth, and they shall no more days shalt thou abide (true) for
be mentioned by their name. me thou shalt not play the har-

20 And I will make for them lot, and thou shalt not belong to
a covenant on that day with the any man, and so will I also be
beasts of the field, and with the toward thee.
fowls of the heaven, and with the 4 For many days shall the
creeping things of the ground children of Israel abide without

and bow, and sword, and war a king, and without a prince,
I will break away out of the and without a sacrifice, and with-
land, and I will cause them to out a standing image, jind with-
lie down in safety. out an ephod and theraphim.
21 And I will betroth thee 5 After that will the children
unto me for ever yea, I will be- of Israel return, and seek for

troth thee unto me in righteous- the Lord their God and David
ness, and in justice, and in lov- their king and fearing will they ;

ing-kindness, and in mercy. hasten to the Lord and to his

22 And I will betroth thee goodness in the latter days.
unto me in faithfulness; and
thou shalt know the Lord. CHAPTER IV.
23 And it shall come to pass 1 Hear the word of the
on that day, that I will answer Lord, ye children of Israel; for
prayer, saith the Lord, I will the Lord hath a controversy
answer the heavens, and they with the inhabitants of the land;
shall answer the earth ;
because there is no -truth, nor
24 And the earth shall answer kindness, nor knowledge of God
the corn, and the wine, and the in the land.
oil and they shall answer Yiz-
2 There is false swearing, and
re’el. lying, and murdering, and steal-
25 And I will sow her for me ing, and committing adultery :

in the land and I will have

; they break the bounds, and blood
mercy upon “ Her that had not toucheth on blood.
obtained mercy” [Lo-ruchamah]; 3 Therefore shall the land
and I will say to those who were mourn, and every one that dwell-
“ Not my people” [Lo-’amrai], eth therein shall languish, with
Thou art my people and they : the beasts of the field, and with
shall say, Thou art my God. the fowls of the heaven yea,

also the fishes of the sea shall

CHAPTER III. perish.
1 Then said the Lord unto 4 Yet let no man strive, let no
me, Go once more, love a woman man reprove another: and thy
beloved of her husband, yet com- people are contentious equally
mitting adultery like the love
with the priest.
of the Lord toward the children 5 Therefore shalt thou stum-
of Israel, who turn themselves ble in the daytime, and the pro-
after other gods, and love flagons phet also shall stumble with thee
of wine. in the night; and I will destroy
2 So I bought me such a one thy mother.
for fifteen pieces of silver, and 6 My people are destroyed for
for a chomer of barley, and half lack of knowledge because thou

a chomer of barley. hast rejected knowledge, so will

I also reject thee, that thou shalt 15 Yet though thou play the
not be a priest to me; and as harlot. 0 Israel, let not Judah
thou hast forgotten the law of offend: and come not ye unto
thy God, so will I myself also Gilgal, nor go ye up to Beth-
forget thy children. aven, nor swear, As the Lord
7 The more they increased, liveth.
the more did they sin against 16 For like an untamable cow
me therefore will I change their
: Israel disobedient now would
is :

glory into shame. the Lord have fed them as a

8 The sin-offering of my peo- sheep in a wide pasture.
ple do they eat, and for their ini- 17 Ephraim is bound to idols :
quity doth the soul of each one let him alone.
of them long. 18 Their drinking bout will
9 Therefore shall the same be- come to an end while they :

fall both people and priest: and are so often guilty of lewdness,
I will punish every one of them their rulers love, prepare them-
for his ways, and recompense selves but shame.
every one for his doings. 19 The wind seizeth fast, on
10 And they will eat, and them with its wings, and they
shall not be satisfied; they will shall be ashamed because of
commit lewdness, and they shall their sacrifices.
not increase because the Lord

have they forsaken (not) keep- CHAPTER V.

ing (his law). 1 f Hear this, 0 ye priests;
11 Lewdness and wine and and listen well, 0 ye house of
new wine take away the heart. Israel ;
and give ye ear, 0 house
12 My
people ask counsel of of the king; for the punishment
their stick of wood, and their threateneth you because ye ;

staff shall tell them (the future) ; have been a snare on Mizpah, and
for the spirit of lewdness hath a net spread out upon Thabor.
caused them to err, and they 2 And for murdering they
are gone astray unfaithful to who had rebelled (against God)
their God. concealed themselves in deep
13 Upon the tops of the moun- places; but I will inflict cor-
tains do they sacrifice, and upon rection on them all.
the hills burn they incense, un 3 I well know Ephraim, and
der oaks and poplars and tere- Israel is not hidden from me ;

binths, because their shadow is for now, 0 Ephraim, hast thou

good therefore will your da, ugh played the harlot, (and) Israel

ters play the harlot, and your is defiled.

daughters-in-law will commit 4 Their doings will not per-
adultery. mit them to return unto their
14 I cannot inflict punish- God for the spirit of lewdness

ment on your daughters when is in their bosom, and the Lord

they play the harlot, nor on your they have not known.

daughters-in-law when they 5 Therefore shall the pride of

commit adultery for they them- Israel be humbled before his

selves associate with lewd wo- face: and Israel and Ephraim
men, and with harlots do they shall stumble in their iniquity
sacrifice: and so doth the people Judah also shall stumble with
that doth not understand stumble. them.
68 80 L
6 With their flocks and with my presence in their affliction

their herds will they go to seek will they seek for me.
the Loud; but they shall not
find him he hath withdrawn
himself from them. 1 “Come, and let ns return
7 Against the Lord have they unto the Lord for he hath torn,

dealt treacherously ; for strange and he will heal us he hath


children have they begotten : smitten, and he will bind up our

now shall one month devour wounds.
them together with their posses- 2 He will revive us after two
sions. days : on the third day he will
8 Blow ye the cornet in Gib- raise us up, and we shall live in
’ah, the trumpet in Ramah his presence.
blow the alarm at Beth-aven, 3 And let us feel it, that we
(The enemy is) alter thee, 0 may strive to know the Lord ;
Benjamin. bright as the morning-dawn is
9 Ephraim shall be made de- his rising; and he will come as
solate on the day of chastise- the rain unto us, as the latter
ment among the tribes of Is- rain that maketh fruitful the

rael had I made known that earth/’

which is true. 4 What shall I do unto thee,
10 The princes of Judah were 0 Ephraim ? what shall I do un-
like those that remove the land- to thee, 0 Judah ? for your piety
mark: my wrath, therefore, will is as a morning cloud, and as the
I pour out upon them like early dew that passeth away.
water. 5 Therefore did I hew (them)
11 Oppressed Ephraim, down by means of the prophets ;
broken through punishment 1 slew them by the words of my
because he willingly walked af- mouth: and thy punishments go
ter the commandment (of false forth like the light.
prophets). 6 For piety I desired, and not
12 But like the moth became sacrifice; and the knowledge of
I unto Ephraim, and like rotten- God, more than burnt offerings.
ness to the house of Judah. 7 But they, like an ordinary
13 Then saw Ephraim his man, have transgressed the cove-
sickness, and Judah his wound, nant there have they dealt

and Ephraim went Asshur, treacherously against me.

and (the other) sent 8 Gil’ad is become a city of
to the king
that should contend [Yareb] workers of wickedness, is full of

but he will never be able to heal traces of blood.

you, nor remove from you your 9 And as troops that lie in
wound. wait for a man, so is the band
14 For I am as a lion unto of priests, they murder on the
Ephraim, and as a young lion way in unison; for they comrnil
to the house of Judah I, even scandalous deeds.

I myself will tear in pieces and 10 On the house of Israel have

go away I will bear away, and I seen a horrible thing there is

none shall deliver. lewdness in Ephraim, Israel is

15 1 will go (from here, and) become defiled.
return to my place, till they ac- 11 Also for thee, 0 Judah,
knowledge their guilt, and seek will a harvest be prepared, when
I bring back the captivity of my of Israel before his own face;
people. but they did not return to the
Lord their God, and sought
CHAPTER VII. him no*, notwithstanding all
1 Should I desire to heal this.
Israel, then would the iniquity 11 And Ephraim is become
of Ephraim and the wickedness like a silly dove without under-
)f Samaria be laid open for standing: Egypt did they call

they commit falsehood and the hither, to Assyria did they go.

thief entereth (secretly), and the 12 As they go, so will I spread

troop of robbers is spread abroad out my net over them as tho ;

without. fowls of the heaven will I bring

2 And they never think in them down I will chastise them, :

their own heart that I remember as it hath been announced to

all their wickedness though their congregation.

now their own doings are all 13 Wo unto them! for they
round about them before my have fled from me; destruction

face are they present. shall come unto them, because

3 With their wickedness they they have transgressed against
make the king glad, and with me though I desired to redeem:

their lies the princes. them, they yet spoke lies against
4 They are all adulterers, as me.
an oven well heated by the 14 And they cried not unto
baker: (when) he that stirreth me with their heart, when they
(the fire) resteth awhile from howled upon their beds : for corn
kneading the dough, until it be and new wine they assemble
leavened. themselves, and they rebel
5 On the day of our king’s against me.
(entering on his rule) the princes 15 And I desired to instruct
are made sick with fhe fumes of and to strengthen their arms
wine (the king) joineth his hand yet would they devise evil

with scorners. against me.

6 For they make ready their 16 They never return upward
heart for their tricky deeds, like they are like a deceitful bow ; by
the oven, the baker whereof the sword shall their princes fall
sleepeth all the night, while in because of the rage of their
the morning it gloweth as a tongue this shall be their derL :

flaming fire. sion in the land of Egypt.

7 They are all hot as an oven,
and they devour their judges; CHAPTER VIII.
all their kings are fallen there
: 1 Set the cornet to thy mouth.
is none among them that calleth (Let the enemy come) like the
unto me. eagle against the house of the
Ephraim mixeth himself in- Lord; because they have trans-
deed among the nations: Eph- gressed my covenant, and against
raim is a cake not turned. my law have they trespassed.
Strangers devour his strength,
{) 2 To me will they then cry,
and he knoweth it not yea, gray My God, we, Israel, know thee

hairs are sprinkled about on his 3 (But) Israel did reject the
(head), yet he knoweth not. good so let the enemy pursue:

10 And humbled was the pride him.

4 They set up kings, but not ker, and built palaces and Ju. ;

by my advice ; they chose dah multiplied fortified cities;

princes, and I knew it not of : but I will send a fire among his
their silver and their gold have cities, and it shall devour their
they made themselves idols, so fine edifices.
that they will be cut off.
5 Thy calf, 0 Samaria, hath CHAPTER IX.
caused thy rejection my anger
; 1 f Rejoice not, 0 Israel, for
is kindled against them how : gladness, as other people; for
long will it be that they cannot thou art gone astray, unfaithful
cleanse themselves ? to thy God thou hast loved the

6 For from Israel did also wages of sin upon every corn-
that (idol) spring; an artisan filled threshing-floor.
made it, and no God is it: so 2 The threshing-floor and the
then shall it become broken in wine-press shall not feed them,
splinters —that calf of Samaria. and the new wine shall deceive
7 For the wind do they sow, them.
and the whirlwind shall they 3 They shall not dwell in the
reap :
(their seed) bringeth no land of the Lord but Ephraim ;

standing corn the plant yield-

shall return to Egypt, and in
eth no meal but should it yield
Assyria will they eat unclean
it, strangers would swallow it up. things.

8 Swallowed up is Israel now 4 They shall not pour out vrine


are they among the nations as a to the Lord, and (their offerings)
vessel without any value. shall not be pleasing unto him
9 For they are needs gone up their sacrifices shall be unto
to Assyria, they who like a wild them as the bread of mourners
ass should dwell alone: Eph- all that eat thereof shall be pol-
raim spendeth lovers’ gifts. luted for this their food can

10 But even though they only be for themselves, it shall

should spend gifts among the not come into the house of the
nations, now will I gather them Lord. :

and they shall be humbled a 5 What will ye do on the day

little through the burden of the of the appointed festival, and on
king of princes. the day of the feast of the Lord ?
11 Because Ephraim hath 6 For, lo, they are gone forth
multiplied altars to sin, the al- because of the desolation Egypt ;

tars have been unto him the will gather them up, Moph will
means of sinning. bury them the pleasant cham- :

12 I ever wrote down for him bers for their silver, these shall —
the great things of my law but nettles take possession of; thorns

as a strange thing are they ac- shall (grow) in their tents.

counted. 7 Come are the days of the
13 My sacrificial offerings visitation, come are the day- of
they slay as common flesh that the recompense this shall Is- ;

they may eat it; the Lord ac- rael experience a fool was th* :

eepteth them not in favour now prophet, mad the inspired man,

will he remember their iniquity, because of the greatness of thy

and visit their sins they shall iniquity, and the great hateful-

indeed return to Egypt. ness.

14 For Israel forgot his Ma- 8 The watchmen of Ephraim
with my God, the prophet, was unto him : and they shall bt
a snare of the fowler on all his wanderers among the nations.
ways, a hateful thing in the
house of his god. CHAPTER X.
9 They are deeply corrupt, 1 An emptied
vine is Israel,
as in the days of Gib’ah he will
: how rhould he bring forth fruit
remember their iniquity, he will for himself? the more numerous
visit their sins. was his fruit, the more he in-
10 Like grapes in the wil- creased the altars; the more
derness had I found Israel; as prosperous was his land, the
the first ripe fruit on the fig-tree more they made goodly statues.
in the first of the season had I 2 Their heart is divided now :

seen your fathers but they too

shall they bear their guilt this :

went to Ba’al-pe’or, and devoted will break down their altars, will
themselves unto that shameful devastate their statues.
idol, and became abominations 3 For now will they say, We
as those they loved. have no king; because we fear
11 As for Ephraim, their glory not the Lord and the king :

shall fly away like a bird there what can he do for us ?


is no more birth, and no preg- 4 They have spoken (vain)

nancy, and no conception. words, swearing falsely in mak-
12 But though they were to ing a covenant: therefore spring-
bring up their children, yet eth up the punishment as poison
would I bereave them, that there in the furrows of the field.
should be no man yea, wo also
: 5 For the calves of Beth-aven
to themselves, when I depart are terrified the inhabitants of
from them Samaria; yea., the people there-
13 Ephraim, as I have seen of mourn over them, and also
him like Tyre, planted in a plea- its false priests that (before) re-

sant meadow, yet this Ephraim joiced over them, for its glory,
shall lead forth to the murderer because it is departed from it.
his children. 6 Also this shall be carried
14 Give them, 0 Lord, what unto Assyria for a present to the
thou wilt give give them a mis- contentious king Ephraim shall
! :

carrying womb and dried-up receive shame, and Israel shall

breasts. be ashamed because of his own
15 All their wickedness is in counsel.
Gilgal; for there I (learnt to) 7 As for Samaria, her king
hate them; for the wickedness shall vanish like the foam upon
of their doings will I drive them the surface of the water.
out of my house I will love
: 8 And destroyed shall be the
them no farther ; all their princes high-places of Aven, (the cause
are rebels. of) the sin of Israel; the thorn
16 Smitten is Ephraim, their and the thistle shall grow upon
root is dried up, they shall bear their altars and they shall say

no fruit :
yea, though they to the mountains, Cover us and ;

should bring forth, yet would I to the hills, Fall upon us.
slay the beloved fruit of their 9 More than in the days of
body. Gib’ah hast thou sinned, 0 Is*
17 My God will reject them, rael there they stood and th«

because they did not hearken battle in Gib’ah against the chiL
68 * 2 1 2 809
drew of wickedness did not over- them up in his arms but they ;

take them. would not acknowledge that I

10 (But now) after my desire healed them.
will I chastise them and the :4 With human cords I ever
people shall be gathered against drew them forward, with lead-
them, when they harness them ing-strings of love and I was :

(for labour) in their two furrows. to them as those that lift off the
11 And Ephraim is as a well- yoke from their jaws, and I
taught heifer that loveth to tread held out unto them food.
out the corn and I passed over
5 He should not return unto
her fair neck now will I make the land of Egypt: yet (now) is

Ephraim draw the wagon, Judah the Assyrian his king because ;

shall plough, and Jacob shall they refused to repent.

harrow the field for the enemy. 6 And the sword shall fall on
12 Sow then for yourselves his cities, and shall make an end
after righteousness, that you may of his boughs, and consume
reap (the fruit) of kindness; cul- them, because of their (evil)
tivate your fallow field; for it is counsels.
time to seek the Lord, till he 7 For my people are only bent
come and rain righteousness on backsliding from me; and
down for you. though upward they call them,
13 (But) ye have ploughed they altogether w'ill not elevate
wickedness, iniquity have ye themselves.
reaped, ye have eaten the fruit 8 How shall I give thee up,
of lies because thou didst trust Ephraim ? how shall I surrender

in thy own way, in the multitude thee, Israel? how shall I make
of thy mighty men : thee as Admah ? how shall I
14 Therefore shall a tumult change thee as Zeboyim ? turned
arise among thy people, and all is my heart within me, all my
thy fortresses shall be wasted, as compassion is enkindled toge-
Shalman devastated Beth-arbel ther.
on the day of battle, (when) the 9 I will not execute the fierce-
mother was dashed in pieces ness of my anger, I will not
upon her children. again destroy Ephraim for God ;

15 The like of this doth Beth- am I, and not man, the Holy
el procure unto you because of One in the midst of thee, and I
your great wickedness in the will not come with an enemy s

early morning shall utterly pass hatred.

away the king of Israel. 10 They shall follow after the
Lord, when he will roar like a
CHAPTER XI. lion for he will roar, and the

1 When Israel was yet young, children shall hasten together

then I loved him, and out of from the west;
Egypt did I call my son. 11 They shall hasten together
2 The (prophets) called them as birds out of Egypt, and as

but the more they went from doves out of the land of Assyria
them unto the Be’alim would and I will cause them to dwell

they sacrifice, and to the graven in their houses, saith the Lord.
images would they burn incense.
3 Yet I myself appointed a CHAPTER XII.
leader for Ephraim, who tooki 1 With lies hath Ephraim
encompassed me about, and with they sacrificed bullocks (to idols):
deceit, the house of Israel ;
but their altars also are as stone-
Judah yet ruleth with God, an.d heaps on the furrows of the fields.
is faithful to the Holy One. 13 And Jacob fled into the
2 Ephraim feedeth on wind, fields of Syria, and Israel served
and pursueth the east wind the for a wife, and for a wife he

whole day he increaseth deceit kept (the flocks).

and corruption and a covenant
14 And by a prophet did the
do they make with Assyria, and Lord bring Israel out of Egypt,
oil is carried into Egypt. and by a prophet was he guarded.
3 But with Judah also hath 15 (Yet) Ephraim provoked
the Lord (to hold) a contro- (him) to anger most bitterly:
versy and to punish Jacob ac- therefore w ill his Lord cast his

cording to his ways, according blood-guiltiness upon him, and

to his doings will he recompense his reproach will he recompense
him. unto him.
4 In thewomb he took his
brother by the heel, and in his CHAPTER XIII.
strength he strove with an angel. 1 When once Ephraim
5 Yea, he strove with an an- spoke, (all) trembled, so high
gel, and prevailed; he wept, and was he exalted in Israel ; but he
made supplication unto him in offended through Ba’al, and he

Beth-el he should find him, and died.

there he will speak with us. 2 And now they yet continue
6 And the Lord God of hosts, to sin, and have made them-
the Eternal One is his memorial. selves molten images of their
7 Therefore do thou return to silver, idols according to their
thy God: keep goodness find own imagining, every one of
justice, and wait on thy God them the work of the artisan
continually. they -say to them, They that
8 But like a merchant, who sacrifice men may kiss the calves.
hath the balonces of deceit in 3 Therefore shall they be as
his hand, loving to overreach, the morning cloud, and as the
9 Did Ephraim say, I am cer- dew that early passeth away, as
tainly become rich, I have ac- the chaff that is driven by the
quired substance unto myself; whirlwind out of the threshing-
it is all through my labours floor, and as smoke out of a
they will find no iniquity in me, window.
that could be sin. 4 Yet I am the Lord thy God
10 And I am the Lord thy from the land of Egypt and no :

God from the land of Egypt I god but me shalt thou know,

will yet make thee dwell in tents, and there is no saviour beside
as in the days of antiquity. me.
11 And I have spoken through 5 I myself did provide for
the prophets, and I myself have thee in the wilderness, in the
multiplied visions, and by the land of great drought.
means of the prophets have I 6 When they came to their
spoken in similitudes. pasture, they became sated they ;

12 If in Gil’ad there was mis- were sated, and their heart was
fortune, (it is because) there was lifted up therefore have they

naught but idolatry; in Gilgal forgotten me.

7 And now be unto shall be dashed in pieces, and
will I
them as a lion as a leopard their pregnant women shall ba

will I lie in wait by the way. ripped up.

8 [ will meet them as a bear 2 Return, 0 Israel, even

bereaved of her whelps, and I unto the Lord thy God for thou ;

will "end their closed-up heart; hast stumbled through thy ini-
and I will devour them there quity.
like a lioness, the beasts of the 3 Take with you words, and
field shallrend them. return to the Lord say unto :

9 Thou hast destroyed thy- him, “ Pardon all (our) iniquity,

self, 0 Israel for against me,
; and accept (our return to) good ;

against thy helper (didst thou and let us repay the steers (of
rebel). sacrifice) with (the prayer of)
10 Where then is now thy our lips.
king, that he may save thee in 4 Asshur shall not help us
all thy cities? and thy judges, upon horses will we not ride
since thou saids t, Give me a and we will no more say, Ye are
king, and princes? our gods, to the work of our
11 I give thee a king in my hands for in thee alone the
anger, and take him away in my fatherless obtaineth mercy.”
wrath. 5 I will heal their backslid-
12 % Bound up is the iniquity ing, I will love them freely for ;

of Ephraim, treasured up is his my anger is turned away from

sin. them.
13 The pains of a travailing 6 I will be as the dew unto
woman shall come upon him Israel he shall bloom as the

he is an unwise son for he will;

lily ; and he shall strike his roots
not remain steadfast at the time as (the forests of) Lebanon.
of the breaking forth of the 7 Ilis suckers shall spread out,
child. and his beauty shall be as that
14 From the power of the of the olive-tree, and his smell
grave would I ransom them, as that of the Lebanon.
from death would I redeem 8 They shall return that sat
them; (but now) where are thy under his shade they shall re-

plagues, 0 death, where is thy vive as corn, and bloom as the

pestilence, 0 grave ? compassion vine the scent of which shall

shall be hidden from my eyes. be as that of the wine of Leba-

15 Though he grow luxuriantly non.
in green meadows, the east wind 9 Ephraim (shall say), What
shall come, the wind of the Lord, have I to do any more with
rising up from the wilderness, idols ? I have answered, and will
and his spring shall become dry, observe him; I will be (to him)
and his fountain shall be dried like a green fir-tree through ;

up the same shall plunder the me is thy fruit found.


treasure of all precious vessels. 10 Who is w ise, that he may


understand these things ? intel-

CHAPTER XIV. ligent, that he may know them ?
1 Samaria shall meet her pu- for righteous are the ways of the
nishment; for she hath rebelled Lord; and the just shall walk
against her God by the sword in them but the transgressors

shall they fall; their infants will stumble through them.

. W nxm
CHAPTER I. the priests, the ministers of ths
1 The word of the Lord Lord.
that came to Joel the son of Pe- 10 Wasted is the field, the
thuel. land mourneth for wasted is

2 Hear this, ye old men, and the corn dried up is the new

give ear, ye inhabitants of wine, withered is the oil.

the land. Did ever such a thing 11 Be ashamed, 0 ye husband-
as this come to pass in your men wail, 0 ye vinedressers,

days, or ever in the days of your for the wheat and for the barley ;
fathers ? because lost is the harvest of the
3 Tell ye of it to your chil- field.
dren, and let your children tell 12 The vine is made ashamed,
it to their children, and their and the fig-tree is withered the

children to another generation. pomegranate-tree, the palm-tree

4 What the caterpillar left also, and the apple-tree, even all
hath the locust eaten and what the trees of the field, are dried

the locust left hath the canker- up because joy hath ceased

worm eaten and that which the from the children of men.

cankerworm left hath the cricket 13^[ Gird yourselves( with sack-
eaten. cloth), and lament, ye priests;
5 Wake up, ye drunkards, and wail, ye ministers of the altar:
weep and wail, all ye
drinkers come, remain all night in sack-
of wine, because of the sweet cloth, ye ministers of my God;
new wine, that it is taken away for there are withholden from
from your mouth. the house of your God the meat-
6 For a nation is come up offering and the drink-offering.
over my land, strong, and with- 14 Sanctify ye a fast, pro-
out number its teeth are the claim a solemn assembly, gather

teeth of a lion, and it hath the the elders, all the inhabitants of
cutting-teeth of the lioness. the land, into the house of the
7 It hath laid my vine waste, Lord your God, and cry aloud
and barked my fig-tree; it hath unto the Lord.
peeled it clean bare, and cast it 15 Alas for the day for the

down made white are its light day of the Lord is at hand, and

branches. like destruction from the Al-

8 Lament like a virgin girded mighty will it come.
with sackcloth for the betrothed 16 Is not before our eyes the
of her youth. food cut off, from the house of
9 Out off are the meat-offbring our God joy and gladness?
and the drink-offering from the 17 The grains of seed are rot-
house of the Lord now mourn ten under their clods, laid deso-

late are the garners, pulled down 6 At its presence the> peopl*
are the barns ; for the corn is are much pained all the faces

dried up. are covered with blackness.

18 How do the beasts groan 7 Like mighty men do they
how do the herds of cattle roam run like men of war they climb

about; because there is no pas- up a wall and they march every


ture for them yea, the flocks of

one on his own ways, and they
sheep are made to perish. turn not aside on their paths.
19 To thee, 0 Lord, will I 8 And they do not press one
cry; for the fire hath devoured another; every one on his beaten
the pastures of the wilderness, track do they go forward and :

and the flame hath singed all the they pass through between war-
trees of the field. like weapons, and change not
20 Also the beasts of the field their purpose.
cry unto thee panting; for the 9 Into the city they hasten
brooks of waters are dried up, forward on the wall they run
; ;

and a fire hath devoured the into the houses they climb up;
pastures of the wilderness. through the windows they make
their entrance like a thief.
CHAPTER II. 10 Before them trembleth the
1 Blow ye the cornet in earth the heavens quake the

Zion, and sound an alarm on my sun and the moon are obscured,
holy mount; let all the inhabit- and the stars withdraw their
ants of the land tremble for the brightness.

day of the Lord cometh, for it is 11 And the Lord uttereth his
nigh voice before his army for very ;

2 It is a day of darkness and numerous is his camp for strong ;

of gloom, a day of clouds and is he that executeth his w ord r

of tempestuous obscurity, like for great is the day of the Lord

the morning-dawn spread out and very terrible; and who is
upon the mountains a people able to endure it?

numerous and strong, the like 12 But even now also, saith
of which hath never been and the Lord, return ye fully to me
after it there will be none any with all your heart, and with
more, even to the years of all fasting, and with weeping, and
coming generations. with mourning:
3 Before it devoureth a fire; 13 And rend your heart, and
and behind it singeth a flame: not your garments, and return
like the garden of ’Eden was the unto the Lord your God; for
land before it (came), and after gracious and merciful is he, long-
it is a desolate wilderness yea, suffering, and of great kindness,

and nothing escapeth from it. and he bethinketh himself of t&e

4 Like the appearance of evil.
horses is its appearance; and 14 He that is conscious (of
like horsemen, so do they run. guilt), let him return and re-
5 Like tlie noise of chariots pent: when (the plague) may
on the tops of mountains do they leave behind it a blessing; even
leap they are like the noise of a a meat-offering and a drink-

flame of fire consuming the stub- offering unto the Lord your
ble, as a strong people arrayed God.
for a battle. 15 Blow the cornet in Zion,
sanctify a fast, proclaim a solemn the first rain in beneficence, and
assembly he hath caused to come down
16 Gather the people, sanctify for you the rain, the first rain,
the congregation, assemble the and the latter rain in the first
elders, gather the children, and (month).
those that suck the breasts; let 24 And the threshing-floors
the bridegroom go forth out of are full of corn, and the vats
his chamber, and the bride out overflow with young wine and
of her closet. oil.
17 Between the porch and the 25 And I will repay to you
altar let the priests weep, the the years (in) which the locust
ministers of the Lord, and let hath eaten (all), with the can-
them say, Spare, 0 Lord, thy kenvorm and the cricket, and
people, and give not up thy heri- the caterpillar, my great army,
tage to reproach, for nations to which I had sent against you.
make a by-word of them: where- 26 And ye shall eat in plenty,
fore should they say among the and be satisfied, and praise the
people, Where is their God ? name of the Lord your God, who
18 And the Lord was zealous hath dealt wondrously with you :

for his land, and he had pity for and my people shall not be made
his people. ashamed unto eternity.
19 And the Lord answered 27 And ye shall know that I
and said unto his people, ‘‘Be- am in the midst of Israel, and
hold, I will send you the corn, that I am the Lord your God,
and the young wine, and the oil, and none else and my people

and ye shall be satisfied there- shall not be made ashamed unto

with ; and I will not give you eternity.
up any more to be a reproach
among the nations :
20 And the host of the north 1 ^ And it shall come to pass
will I remove far away from you, after this, that I will pour out
and I will drive it off into a land my spirit over all flesh and :

barren and desolate, with its ad- your sons and your daughters
vance toward the eastern sea, shall prophesy; your old men
and its rereward toward the west- shall dream dreams ; your young
ern sea; and its stench shall men shall see visions ;
ascend, and its ill savour shall 2 And also over the men-ser-
come up, because it hath done vants and over the maid- servants
great things.” in those days will I pour out my
21 Fear not, 0 land; be glad spirit.
and rejoice for the Lord hath
3 And I will .display wonder-
done great things. ful tokens in the heavens and on
22 Be not afraid, ye beasts of the earth, blood, and fire, and
the field for the pastures of the pillars of smoke.

willerness have become green; 4 The sun shall be changed

for the tree beareth its fruit, the into darkness, and the moon into
fig-tree and the vine yield their blood, before the coming of the
strength. day of the Lord, the great and
23 And ye children of Zion, the terrible.
be glad, and rejoice in the Lord 5 And it shall come to pass,
your God; for he hath given you that whosoever shall call on the
name of the Lord shall escape hand of the children of Judafy
for on mount Zion and in Jeru- and they shall sell them to the
salem there shall be deliverance, Sabeans, to a nation far off for ;

as the Lord hath said, and the Lord hath spoken it.
among the remnant whom the 9 Proclaim ye this among
Lord calleth. the nations, Prepare war, wake
up the mighty men let them
CHAPTER IV. draw near; let them come up

1 For, behold, in those days, all the men of war.

and in that time, when I will 10 Beat your plough-sharey
cause to return the captivity of into swords, and your pruning-
Judah and Jerusalem, knives into spears let the weak :

2 Then will I assemble all the say, I am a hero.

nations, and I will bring them 11 Assemble hastily together
down into the valley of Jehosha- and come, all ye nations from
phat, and I will hold judgment every side, and gather yourselves
with them there because of my together: there doth the Lord
people and my heritage Israel, strike down thy mighty ones.
whom they have scattered among 12 Let the nations awake, and
the nations, and for ray land come up to the valle}7 of Jeho-
(which) the} have divided out. shaphat; for there will I sit to

3 And for my people did they judge all the nations from every
cast lots,- and gave a boy for a side.
harlot,and sold a girl for wine, 13 Put forth the sickle; for
and drank it. the harvest is ripe come, tread

4 And also ye, what have ye down (the grapes) for the press

to do with me, 0 Tyre, and Zi- is full ; the vats overflow ; for
don, and all ye districts of Phi- great is their wickedness.
listia? is this the recompense 14 Multitudes, multitudes are
which ye repay me ? or do ye in the valley of decision for

only commence to render me near is the day of the Lord in

evil ? —
swiftly and speedily will the valley of decision.
I bring back your recompense 15 Sun and moon are obscured,
upon your own head; and stars withdraw their bright-
5 Because my silver and my ness.
gold have ye taken, and the hand- 16 And the Lord will cry
somest of my precious things aloud out of Zion, and from Je-
have ye carried into your tem- rusalem will he send forth his
ples ;
voice and the heavens and the

6 And the children of Judah earth shall quake; but the Lord
and the children of Jerusalem will be a refuge for his people,
have ye sold unto the sons of the and a strong-hold for the chil-
Yevanim, in order to remove dren of Israel.
them far from their borders. 17 So shall ye know that I am
7 Behold, I will awaken them the Lord your God, dwelling on
out of the place whither ye have Zion, my holy mount: and Je-
sold them, and I will bring back rusalem shall be holy, and stran-
your recompense upon your own gers shall not pass through her
head ;
any more.
8 And I will deliver your sons 18 And it shall come to pass
and your daughters into the on that day, that the mountains

shall drop down sweet new wine, cause of the violence against the
and the hills shall flow with milk, children of Judah, in whose land
and all the ravines of Judah they have shed innocent blood.
shall flow with water; and a 20 But Judah shall be inha-
spring shall come forth out of bited for ever, and Jerusalem
the house of the Loud, and shall from generation to generation.
water the valley of Shittim. 21 And I will avenge their
19 Egypt shall become a de- blood that I have not yet
solate land, and Edom shall be- avenged; for the Lord dwelleth
et mo a desolate wilderness ; be- in Zion.


inhabitants from the valley of

Aven, and him that holdeth the
1 f The words of ’Amos, who sceptre from the house of ’Eden
was among the herdmen of The- and the people of Syria shall be
koa’, which he foresaw concern- exiled unto Kir, saith the Lord.
ing Israel in the days of ’Uzzi- 6 Thus hath said the Lord,
yah the king of Judah, and in For three transgressions of Gaz-
the days of Jerobo’am the son zah, and for four, will I not turn
of Yoash the king of Israel, two away their punishment; because
years before the earthquake. the}7 carried away exiles in full
2 And he said, The Lord will numbers, to deliver them up to
cry aloud out of Zion, and from Edom ;

Jerusalem will he send forth his 7 And I will send a fire against
voice ; and then shall mourn the the wall of Gazzah, which shall
pastures of the shepherds, and devour her palaces
then shall dry up the top of 8 And I will cut off the inha-
Carmel. bitants from Ashdod, and him
3 Thus hath said the Lord, that holdeth the sceptre from
For three transgressions of Da- Ashkelon, and I will turn my
mascus, and for four, will I not hand against ’Ekron : and the
turn away their punishment; be- remnant of the Philistines shall
cause they have threshed (the in- perish, saith the Lord Eternal.
habitants of) Gil’ad with thresh- 9 Thus hath said the Lord,
ing instruments of iron; For three transgressions of Tj re,

4 And I will send a fire into and for four, will I not turn
the house of Chazael, which shall away their punishment; because
devour the palaces of Ben-ha- they delivered up the exiles in
dad. full numbers to Edom, and re-
5 And I will break the bars membered not the brotherly co-
of Damascus, and cut off the venant;
CJ9 2K 817
! I. II.

10 And I will send a fire against For three transgressions of Jn

the walls of Tyre, which shall dah, and for four, will I not
devour her palaces. turn away their punishment;
11 Thus hath said the Lord, because they have despised the
For three transgressions of law of the Lord, and did not
Edom, and for four, will I not keep his statutes, and their ly-
turn away their punishment; be- ing idols caused them to err,
cause he pursued with the sword after which their fathers had
his brother, and disregarded his walked
mercy, and his anger tore in 5 And I will send out a fire
pieces continually, and he kept against Judah, which shall de-
his wrath for ever; vour the palaces of Jerusalem.
12 And I will send a fire 6 % Thus hath said the Lord,
against Theman, which shall de- For three transgressions of Is-
vour the palaces of Bozrah. rael, and for four, will I not
13 Thus hath said the Lord, turn away their punishment;
For three transgressions of thebecause they sold for silver the
children of ’Ammon, and for righteous, and the needy for a
four, will I not turn away their
pair of shoes
punishment; because they have 7 That are eager after the
ripped up the pregnant women dust of the earth on the head of
of Gil’ad, in order to enlarge the poor, and turn aside the way
their own territory of the meek and a man and his

14 And I will kindle a fire father will go in unto the same

within the walls of Rabbah, young woman, in order to pro-
which shall devour her palaces, fane my holy name.
with shouting on the day of bat- 8 And upon pledged garments
tle, with a storm on the day of they stretch themselves out by
the tempest; every altar, and the wine of the
15 And their king shall go condemned do they drink in the
into exile, he and his princes to- house of their gods.
gether, saith the Lord. 9 Yet have I destroyed the
Emoritefrom before them, whose
CHAPTER II. height was like the height of
1 Thus hath said the Lord, cedars, and who was strong as
For three transgressions of Mo- the oaks but I destroyed his

ab, and for four, will I not turn fruit from above, and his roots
away their punishment; because from beneath.
he burnt the bones of the king 10 And it was I who have
of Edom into lime ;
brought you up from the land
2 And I will send a fire against of Egypt, and led you forty
Moab, which shall devour the years through the wilderness, to
palaces of Keriyoth and Moab take possession of the land of

shall die in the tumult, in the the Emorite.

shouting, amidst the sound of the 11 And I have raised up your
e< rnet; sons for prophets, and of your
3 And I will cut off the judges young men for nazarites is it :

from her midst, and all her not even thus, 0 ye children of
princes will I slay, with him, Israel ? saith the Lord.
saith the Lord. 12 But ye have given the
4 IT Thus hath said the Lord, nazarites wine to drink; and
concerning the prophets have ye For the Lord Eternal will
commanded, saying, Ye shall do nothing, unless he have re-
not prophesy. vealed his secret unto his ser-
13 Behold, I press down (the vants the prophets.
ground) under you, as the wa- 8 The lion hath roared, who
gon presseth (it) down that is will not fear ? the Lord Eternal
full of sheaves. hath spoken, who will not pro-
14 And refuge shall vanish phesy ?
from the swift, and the strong 9 Publish at the palaces in
shall not make use of his force, Ashdod, and at the palaces in
neither shall the mighty man the land of Egypt, and say,
escape with his life. Assemble yourselves upon the
15 And he that handleth the mountains of Samaria, and be-
bow shall not be able to stand hold the great confusions in her

and he that is swift of foot shall midst, and the oppressions (that
not escape neither shall he that are) within her.

rideth the horse escape with his 10 For they know not how to
life. act rightly, saith the Lord, who
16 And he that is most treasure up violence and robbery
courageous hearted among the in their palaces.
mighty shall flee away naked 11 Therefore thus hath said
on that day, saith the Lord. the Lord Eternal, The adver-
sary (is there) and surroundeth
CHAPTER III. the land ; and he shall bring
1 Hear this word which down from thee thy strength,
the Lord hath spoken concern- and thy palaces shall be plun-
ing you, 0 children of Israel, dered.
concerning the whole family 12 Thus hath said the Lord,
which I have brought up from As the shepherd snatcheth out
the land of Egypt, saying, of the mouth of the lion (at
2 Only you have I loved out most) two leg-bones, or a tip of
of all the families of the earth the ear
: so shall be delivered

therefore will I visit upon you the children of Israel that sit in
all your iniquities. Samaria on the corner of a bed,
3 Will two walk together, ex- and on Damascus couches.
cept they had agreed (to do so) ? 13 Hear ye, and give warning
4 Will a lion roar in the fo- in the house of Jacob, saith the
rest, when he hath no prey ? Lord Eternal, the God of hosts.
will a young lion send forth his 14 For on the day when I
voice out of his den, unless he visit the transgressions of Israel
have caught something? upon him, will I also inflict pu-
5 Can a bird fall in a snare nishment on the altars of Beth-
upon the earth, when there is el and then shall be hewn off

no gin for him ? is ever a snare the horns of the altar, and they
taken up from the ground, when shall fall to the ground.
it hath caught nothing at all ? 15 And I will smite the winter-
6 Shall a cornet be blown in house together with the summer-
a city, and the people not be- house: and the houses of ivory
come afraid? shall there be evil shall disappear, and the great
in a city, and the Lord have houses shall be no more, saith
not done it? the Lord.

CHAPTER IV. blasting and mildew ; the mul-
1 He a it this word, 0 ye titude of your gardens and you?
rows of Basban, that are on the vineyards and your fig-trees and
mount of Samaria, who oppress your olive-trees did the cater-
the poor, who crush the needy, pillar devour and yet have ye

who say to their lords, Bring, not returned unto me, saith the
and let us drink. Lord.
2 Sworn hath the Lord Eter- 10 I had sent out against you
nal by his holiness, that, lo, days the pestilence after the manner
are coining over you, when men of Egypt; I slew your young
will carry you away with hooks, men with the sword, together
and your posterity with fish- with your captive horses and I :

hooks. had caused the stench of your

3 And through breaches in the camps to ascend even into your
wall shall ye go out, every one nostrils and yet have ye not re-

through that before her and ye turned unto me, saith the Lord.

shall cast off your proud great- 11 I had produced an over-

ness, saith the Lord. throw among you, like the over-
4 Go then to Beth-el, and throw by God of Sodom and
transgress ; to Gilgal, (and) Gomorrah, and ye became like
multiply transgression; and a firebrand snatched out of the
bring in the morning your sa- burning and yet have ye not re-

crifices, after three days your turned unto me, saith the Lord.
tithes 12 Therefore thus will I do
5 And burn of leaven a sacri- unto thee, 0 Israel because :

fice of thanksgiving, and pro- then I will do this unto thee,

claim and publish freewill-offer- prepare to meet thy God, 0 Is-
ings; for so do you love (to do), rael.
0 ye children of Israel, saith the 13 For, lo, he that formeth
Lord Eternal. the mountains, and createth the
6 But, I also had indeed given wind, and declareth unto man
you cleanness of teefh in all your what is his thought, that mak-
cities, and want of bread in all eth the morning- dawn (and)
your places: and yet have ye darkness, and treadeth upon the
not returned unto me, saith the high places of the earth, The —
Lord. Lord, the God of hosts, is his
7 And I also had indeed with- name.
holden from you the rain, when '

it was yet three months to the CHAPTER V.

harvest; and I caused it to rain 1 Hear ye this word which
upon one city, and upon another I take up against you, as a la-
city I caused it not to rain ; one mentation, 0 house of Israel.
piece of land was rained upon, 2 She is fallen, she will net

and another piece whereupon it rise again the virgin of Israel
rained not became dried up; she is thrown down upon her
8 And two or three cities wan- land; there is none to raise her
dered unto one city, to drink up.
water; but they were not satis- 3 For thus hath said the
fied : and yet have ye not re- Lord Eternal, The city that go-
turned unto me, saith the Lord. eth forth with a thousand shall
9 I had smitten you with [retain but a hundred, and she
that goeth forth with a hundred take a ransom, and t.iat wrest
shall retain but ten, (left) to the (the cause of) the needy in the
house of Israel. gate.
4 For thus hath said the 13 Therefore will the intelli-
Lord unto the house of Israel, gent keep silence in that time;
Seek ye for me, and ye shall for it is an evil time.
live 14 Seek for the good, and not
5 But seek not for Beth-el, the evil, in order that ye may
and into Gilgal enter not, and live and so will the Lord, the

to Beer-sheba* do not pass over God of hosts, be with you, as ye


for Gilgal shall surely go into have said.

exile, and Beth-el shall become 15 Hate the evil, and lore the
naught. good, and establish justice firmly
6 Seek for the Lord, and ye in the gate: perhaps the Lord
shall live so that he come not the God of hosts will be gracious

suddenly like fire over the house unto the remnant of Joseph.
of Joseph, and it devour, and 16 Therefore thus hath said
there be none to quench it in the Eternal, the God of hosts,
Beth-el the Lord, On all public places
7 Ye who change justice into there is lamentation, and in all
wormwood, and cast down right- the streets they cry, Wo! wo!
eousness to the earth ! and they call the husbandman
8 (But) he maketh the seven to mourning, and to lamentation
stars and Orion, and changeth those skilled in wailing.
into morning the shadow of 17 And in all vineyards there
death, and maketh the day dark is lamentation for I will pass

into night; he it is that calleth through thy midst, saith the

for the waters of the sea, and Lord.
poureth them out over the face 18 Wo
unto you that long
of the earth The Lord is his for the day of the Lord
: for !

name ;
what do you wish the day of the
9 That causeth wasting to pre- Lord? it is (one of) darkness,
vail against the strong, so that and not of light.
wasting shall come against the 19 As if a man were to flee
fortress. from a lion, and a bear should
10 They hate him that re- meet him; and he enter into
buketh in the gate, and him the house, and lean his hand
that speaketh uprightly they ab- against the wall, and a serpent
hor. should bite him.
11 Therefore forasmuch as 20 Behold the day of the Lord
you tread down upon the poor, is (one of) darkness, and not of
and ye take from him onerous light yea, it is obscure, and

contributions of corn if ye have hath no brightness.


built houses of hewn stone, ye 21 I hate, I despise your feast-

shall not dwell in them if ye days, and I will not smell (the

have planted pleasant vineyards, sacrifices) on your festive assem-

ye shall not drink their wine. blies.
12 For I know your manifold 22 For though ye should of-
transgressions and your nume- fer me burnt-offerings and your
rous sins ye are those that are meat-offerings, I will not accept

the adversaries of the just, that them in favour and the peaco- :

69 * 821
offerings o! your fatted and anoint themselves
cattle bowls,
will I not look at. with the costliest of ointments,
23 Remove thou from around but who feel no pain for the
me the noise of thy songs and wound of Joseph.

the playing of thy psalteries I 7 Therefore now shall they go

will not hear. into exile at the head of exiles,
24 But let justice roll along and the noisy banquet of those
like water, and righteousness that were stretched out shall
like a mighty stream. pass away.
25 Have ye offered unto me 8 The Lord Eternal hath
sacrifices and meat-offerings in sworn by his own existence,
the wilderness (during) forty saith the Lord the God of hosts,
years, 0 house of Israel? I abhor the pride of Jacob, and
26 Bear then the canopy of his palaces do I hate therefore

your chief idol, and the figure will I surrender up (to the
of your images, the star of your enemy) the city with all that
god, which ye have made for filleth it.
yourselves. 9 And it shall come to pass,
27 And I will cause you to go that if there remain ten men in
into exile far beyond Damascus, one house, they shall die.
saith the Lord, The God of 10 And should a man’s uncle
hosts is his name. or relative carry him forth, to
bring out the bones out of the
CHAPTER VI. house, and say unto him that is
1 Wo to those that are free in the recesses of the house, Is
from care in Zion, and that are there yet any one with thee ? he
in safety on the mount of Sama- will say, There is no one left.
ra, who are named the chief of Then will he say, Be silent; for
the nations, to whom the house we may not make mention of
of Israel come the name of the Lord.
2 Pass ye over unto Calneh, 11 For, behold, the Lord
and see and go from there to commandeth, and he will smite

Chamath-rabbah ; then go down the great house with breaches,

to Gath of the Philistines whe- and the little bouse with clefts.

ther they be better than these 12 Do horses ever run upon

kingdoms? or whether their ter- the rock ? or will one plough
ritory be greater than your ter- there with oxen ? that ’ye have
ritory ? turned justice into poison, and
3 (Ye) that deem far away the fruit of righteousness into
the evil day, and cause the seat wormwood ;

of violence to come near 13 Ye who rejoice for a thing

4 That lie upon beds of ivory, of naught, who say, Have we
and are stretched out upon their not through our own strength
couches, and eat lambs out of procured ourselves horns ?
the flock, and calves out of the 14 For, behold, I will raise up
midst of the stall against you a nation, 0 house of
5 That chant to the sound of Israel, saith the Lord the God
the psaltery, and like David’s of hosts, and they shall oppress
do they imagine their instrument you from the entrance of Cha-
of music to be ;
inath unto the brook of the wil-
6 That drink out of wine- derness.
CHAPTER VII. I the king of Israel, saying, ’Amos
1 Thus did the Lord Eter- hath conspired against thee in
nal show unto me and, behold, : the midst of the house of Israel
he was forming locusts in the the land is not able to bear all
beginning of the sprouting up his words.
of the latter growth and, lo, it ;
- 11 For thus hath ’Amos said,
was the latter growth after the By the sword shall Jerobo’am
king’s mowings (was over). die, and Israel shall surely be
2 And it came to pass, when led away into exile out of their
they had made an end of eating own land.
up the herbs of the earth, that I 12 And Amazyah said unto
said, 0 Lord Eternal, forgive, I ’Amos, Seer, go, flee thee away
beseech thee how should Jacob
: into the land of Judah, and eat
be able to endure, since he is so there (thy) bread, and there pro-
small? phesy ,*

3 The Lord bethought him- 13 But at Beth-el prophesy

self of this It shall not be, said not farther any more
: for it is ;

the Lord. the king’s sanctuary, and it is a

4 Thus did the Lord Eter- royal residence.
nal show unto me: and, behold, 14 Then answered ’Amos, and
the Lord Eternal called forth the said to Amazyah, I am no pro-
punishment by fire, and it de- phet, nor am I a prophet’s son ;
voured the great deep, and con- but I am a herdman, and a ga-
sumed the ploughed field. therer of wild figs;
5 Then said I, 0 Lord Eter- 15 But the Lord hath taken
nal, forbear, I beseech thee how me away from behind the flocks,

should Jacob be able to endure, and the Lord said unto me, Go,
since he is so small? prophesy unto my people Israel.
6 The Lord bethought him- 16 And now hear thou the
self of this: Also this shall not word of the Lord, Thou sayest,
be, said the Lord Eternal. Prophesy not against Israel, and
7 Thus he showed unto me preach not against the house of
and, behold, the Lord was stand- Isaac.
ing upon a wall (made) by a 17 Therefore thus hath said
plumbline, and in his hand was the Lord, Thy wife will play the
a plumbline. harlot in the city, and thy sons
8 And the Lord said unto me, and thy daughters shall fall by
What dost thou see, ’Amos? the sword, and thy land shall be
And I said' A plumbline. Then divided out by the line; and

said the Lord, Behold, I will set thou shalt die in an unclean
a plumbline in the midst of my land and Israel shall surely be ;

people Israel I will not farther led forth into exile out of their

indulge them any more. land.

9 And the high-places of Isaac
shall be made desolate, and the VIII. CHAPTER
sanctuaries of Israel shall be 1 Thus did the Lord Eter.
laid in ruins and I will rise up nal show unto me and, behold,
: :

against the house of Jerobo’am there was a basket of summer

with the sword. fruit.
10 Then sent Amazyah, the 2 And he said, What dost thou
priest of Beth -el, to Jerobo’am see, ’Amos ? And I said, A bas-
ket of summer fruit. Then said 11 Behold, days are coming,
the Lord unto me, The end is saith theLord Eternal, when 1
come for my people Israel I : will send afamine in the land, not
will not farther indulge them a famine for bread, nor a thirst for
any more. water, but to hear the words oi
3 And the songs of the temple the Lord :

shall become a wailing on that 12 And they will wander about

day, saith the Lord Eternal from sea to sea, and from the
many shall be the dead bodies; north even to the east, they will
in every place shall men throw roam about to seek the word of
them down, (saying,) Be silent. the Lord; but they shall not
4 Hear this, 0 ye that are find it.
greedy to swallow the needy, and 13 On that day shall the fair
to ruin the poor of the land, virgins and the young men faint
5 Saying, When will the new for thirst;
moon be gone, that we may sell 14 Those that swear by the
provision? and the sabbath, that guilt of Samaria, and say, As
we may open the corn-ware- thy god liveth, 0 Dan ; and, As
houses, making the ephah small, liveth the worshipped idol of

and increasing the shekel, and Beer-sheba’, yea, they shall
cheating with deceitful balances? fall, and never rise up again.
6 That we may buy the poor
for silver, and the needy for a
pair of shoes and even sell the
1 I saw the Lord standing
refuse of the corn ? upon the altar; and he said,
7 Sworn hath the Lord by the Smite, the capital, that the sills
excellency of Jacob, Surely I may quake and break them in

will not forget to eternity all pieces over the head of all of
their works. them and their posterity will I

8 Shall because of this the slay with the sword there shall

land not tremble, and mourn not flee away from them one that
every one that dwelleth therein ? fleeth, and there shall not escape
and shall it not rise up like a from them one that is saved.
stream wholly, and roll onward 2 Though they were to creep
and sink again like the stream down into the nether world,
of Egypt? thence would my hand fetch
9 And it shall come to pass them and though they were to

on that day, saith the Lord Eter- climb up to the heavens, thence
nal, that I will cause the sun to would I bring them down ;

set at noon, and I will bring 3 And though they were to

darkness over the earth on a hide themselves on the top of
bright day Carmel, thence would I search
10 And I will change your and take them out; and though
feasts into mourning, and all they were to conceal themselves
your songs into lamentations; from before my eyes in the bot-
and I will bring upon all loins tom of the sea, thence would I
sackcloth, and upon every head command the serpent, that he
baldness; and I will cause (the should bite them
land) to mourn as one doth for 4 And though they were t<?
an only son, and its end to be as go into captivity before their
a day of bitter (complaint). enemies, thence would I com-
mand the sword, that it should the sinners of my people, whc
slay them and I will set my say, The evil will not come near

eye upon them for evil, and not (us), nor hasten along for our
for good. sake.
5 And the Lord Eternal of 11 Onthat day will I raise up
hosts it is that toucheth the the tabernacle of David which is
earth, and she melteth away, fallen ; and I will close up its
and all that dwell thereon shall breaches and its ruins will I

mourn ; and she riseth up like a raise up, and I will rebuild it as
stream wholly ; and she sinketh in days of old:
like the stream of Egypt; 12 In order that they may
6 That buildeth in the hea- take possession of the remnant-
vens his steps, and hath founded of Edom, and of all the na-
his vault over the earth ; that tions, which are called by my
calleth for the waters of the sea, name, saith the Lord that doth
and poureth them out over the this.
face of the earth : The Lord is 13 Behold, days are coming,
his name. saith the Lord, when the plough-
7 Are ye not like the chil- man shall come close up to the
dren of the Ethiopians unto me, harvester, and the treader of the
0 children of Israel? saith the grapes to the one that scatter-
Lord: have I not brought up ed the seed: and the moun-
Israel out of the land of Egypt ? tains shall drop with sweet new
and the Philistines from Caph- wine, and all the hills shall melt
tor, and the Syrians from Kir ? away.
8 Behold, the eyes of the Lord 14 And I will bring back the
Eternal are upon the sinful king- captivity of my people Israel,
dom, and I will destroy it from and they shall build the wasted
off the face of the earth save cities, and dwell therein; and

only that I will not utterly de- they shall plant vineyards, and
stroy the house of Jacob, saith drink their wine; and they -shall
the Lord. lay out gardens, and eat their
9 For, lo, I will give the com- fruit.
mand, and I will shake about 15 And them upon
I will plant
among all the nations the house their own and they shall
of Israel, as oneshaketh things in not be pulled up any more Out
a sieve, while not the least piece of their land which I have given
falleth down upon the earth. unto them, saith the Lord thy
10 By the sword shall die all God,

may rwaj.

1 The vision of ’Obadiah thee secretly a wound. Thera


Thus bath said the Lord Eter- is no understanding in him.

nal concerning Edom, A ru- 8 Shall I not on that samo
mour have we heard from the day, saith the Lord, even de-
Lord, and an ambassador is sent stroy the wise men out of Edom,
among the nations, Arise ye, and understanding out of the
and let us rise up against her to mount of 'Esau ?
war. 9 And thy mighty men, 0
2 Behold, I make thee small Theman, shall be dismayed, in
among the nations thou shalt order that every one from the

be greatly despised. mount of 'Esau may be cut off

3 The presumption of thy by slaughter.
heart hath beguiled thee, thou 10 Because of thy violence
that dwellest in the clefts of against thy brother Jacob shall
the rock, whose habitation is shame cover thee, and thou shalt
high,* that saith in his heart, be cut off for ever.
Who shall bring me down to the 11 On the day that thou stood-
ground ? est on the other side, on the day
4 Though thou wert to rise as that strangers carried away cap-
high as the eagle, and though tive his army, and foreigners en-
thou set thy nest among the tered into his gates, and cast
stars, thence will I bring thee lots over Jerusalem, also thou
down, saith the Lord. wast as any one of them.
5 How? are thieves come to 12 But thou shouldst not have
thee? or night-prowling rob- looked on (pleased) at the day
bers? how destroyed art thou! of thy brother, on the day that
would they not have stolen till he was delivered up to stran-
they had enough? if grape-ga- gers neither shouldst thou have

therers had come to thee, would rejoiced over the children of Ju-
they not have left some glean- dah on the day of their destruc-
ings ? tion ; nor shouldst thou have
6 How are (the treasures) of spoken proudly on the day of
'Esau searched out how are his distress.

hidden things laid open ! 13 Thou shouldst not have

7 Up to the border have ac- entered into the gate of my peo-
companied thee all the men of ple on the day of their calamity;
thy confederacy; beguiled, over- yea, thou too shouldst not have
come thee have the men that looked (pleased) on their afflic-
were at peace with thee; (they tion on the day of their calamity
that eat) thy bread have struck nor have laid hands on theil

ftrmy on the clay of their cala- shall be a tire, and the house ol
mity ; Joseph a flame, and the house of
14 Neither shouldst thou have 'Esau become stubble, and they
stood in the crosswujr, to cut oft' shall set them on fire, and de-
those of his that did escape vour them and there shall not

neither shouldst thou have deli- be any one remaining of the

vered up those of his that did house of ’Esau ; for tho Lord
remain on the day of distress. hath spoken it.
15 For near is the day of the 19 And they of the south shall
Lord over all the nations: as possess the mount of ’Esau and ;

thou hast done, shall it be done they of the lowlands, the Philis-
unto thee ;
thy deeds shall re- tines and they shall possess the

turn upon thy own head. fields of Ephraim, and the fields
16 For as ye have drunk upon of Samaria: and Benjamin (shall
my holy mount, so shall all the possess) Gil’ad.
nations drink continually; yea, 20 And the exiles of this host
they shall drink, and they shall of the children of Israel that are
reel about, and they shall be as (with) the Cana’anites, as far as
though they had not been. Zarephath, and the exiles of J eru-
17 But upon mount Zion shall salem, who are in Sepharad, shall
be deliverance, and it shall be possess the cities of the south.
holy : and the house of Jacob 21 And deliverers shall go up
shall again possess their inherit- on mount Zion to judge the
ances. mount of ’Esau and the king

18 And the house of Jacob dom shall be the Lord’s.



them unto Tharshish, from tho

CHAPTER I. presence of the Lord.
1 The word of the Lord 4 But the Lord excited a great
also came unto Jonah the son of wind upon the sea, and there
Amitthai, saying, was a mighty tempest on the
2 Arise, go unto Nineveh, the sea and it was thought that tho

great city, and proclaim against ship would be broken in pieces.

her; for their wickedness is come 5 And the mariners wero
up before me. afraid, and called every man
3 But Jonah rose up to flee unto his god; and they cast forth
unto Tharshish from the pre- the articles which w ere in the

sence of the Lord and he went

: ship into the sea, to be lightened
down to Joppa [Yr apho], and of them. But Jonah was gone
found a ship going to Tharshish, down into the hold of the ship,
and paid the fare thereof, and and lay down, and was fas!
went down into it, to go with asleep.

6 So the ship-master came guilt of) innocent blood; for

near unto him, and said unto thou art the Lord, as it pleaseth
him, Why dost thou sleep ? arise, thee so dost thou do.
call upon thy God :
perhaps it 15 And they took up Jonah,
be that God will think of us, that and cast him forth into the sea
we may not be lost. and the sea ceased from its
7 And they said one to the raging.
other, Come, and let us cast lots; 16 And the men feared the
that we may know for whose Lord very greatly ;
and they
cause this evil hath happened offered a sacrifice unto the Lord,
unto us. And they cast lots, and made vows.
and the lot fell upon Jonah.
8 Then said they unto him, CHAPTER II.
Tell us, we pray thee, thou for 1 And the Lord made ready
whose cause this evil hath hap- a large fish to swallow up Jo-
pened unto us, What is thy bu- nah and Jonah was in the belly

siness? and whence comest thou ? of the fish three days and three
what is thy country ? and of nights.
what people art thou? 2 Then prayed Jonah unto
9 And he said unto them, I the Lord his God out of the belly
am a Hebrew; and I fear the of the fish,
Lord, the God of heaven, who 3 And he said, I called from
hath made the sea and the dry the midst of my distress unto
land. the Lord, and he hath answered
10 Then were the men exceed- me :out of the depth of the
ingly afraid, and they said unto grave have I cried, and thou
him, What is this thou hast done? hast heard my voice.
for the men knew that he was 4 For thou hast cast me into
flying from the presence of the the deep, in the heart of the seas
Lord; because he had told them. and the stream compasseth rhe
11 And they said unto him, about all thy billows and thy

What shall we do unto thee, that waves have passed over me.
the sea may become calm around 5 And I thought indeed, I am
us ? for the sea grew more and driven out from before thy eyes :

more tempestuous. yet I again shall look toward

12 And he said unto them, thy holy temple.
Take me up, and cast me forth 6 The waters surrounded me,
into the sea so shall the sea be to the peril of my life; the deep

calm around you ; for I know compassed me about sea- weeds


well that because of me is this were bound about my head.

great tempest upon you. 7 To the bottoms of the moun-
13 Nevertheless, the men row- tains did I go down; the earth
ed hard to bring (the ship) back (closed) her bars about me for
to the land; but they could not; ever when thou broughtest up

for the sea grew more and more my life from the pit, 0 Lord my
tempestuous around them. God!
14 And they called unto the 8 When my soul fainted with-
Lord, and said, We beseech in me, I remembered the Lord :

thee, 0 Lord, let us not be lost, and my prayer came unto thee,
we pray thee, for the life of this unto thy holy temple.
man, and lay not upon us (the 9 They that guard false vani-
ties forsake (the source of) their and them turn every one
kindness. from way, and from the
his evil
10 But I will sacrifice unto violence which is in their hands.
thee with the voice of thanks- 9 Who knoweth, but God may
giving that which I have vowed
turn and bethink himself, and
will I pay ;
turn away from the fierceness of
(for) help is with the
Lord. his anger, that we perish not?
11 And the Lord commanded 10 And God saw their works,
the fish, and it vomited out Jo- that they had turned from their
nah upon the dry land. evil way and God bethought

himself of the evil, which he had

III. spoken that he would do unto
1 And the word of the Lord them, and he did it not.
came unto Jonah the second
time, saying, CHAPTER
2 Arise, go unto Nineveh, the 1 But it displeased Jonah ex-
great city, and proclaim unto it ceedingly ; and he was wroth.
the proclamation which I shall 2 And he prayed unto the
speak unto thee. Lord, and said, I pray thee, 0
3 And Jonah arose, and went Lord, was not this my word,
unto Nineveh, according to the while I was yet in my own coun-
word of the Lord. Now Nine- try ? Therefore made I haste to
veh was a great city before God, flyunto Tharshish for I knew ;

a three days’ journey. that thou art a gracious God

4 And Jonah began to go and merciful, long-suffering, and
through the city one day’s jour- abundant in kindness, and re-
ney, and he called out, and said, pentant of the evil.
Yet forty days more, and Nine- 3 And now, 0 Lord, take, I
veh shall be overthrown. pray thee, my soul from me be- ;

5 And the men of Nineveh be- cause it is better for me to die,

lieved in God; and they pro- than to live.
claimed a fast, and put on sack- 4 And the Lord said, Art thou
cloth, from the greatest of them very wroth ?
to the least of them. 5 Now Jonah was gone out
6 For when the matter was of the city, and dwelt on the east
come unto the king of Nineveh, side of the city; and he had
he arose from his throne, and made himself there a booth, and
put off his mantle from him, and sat under it in the shade, till he
covered himself with sackcloth, should see what would become
and sat down on ashes. of the city.
7 And he caused to be proclaim- 6 And the Lord God made
ed and he published through Ni- ready a gourd, and it grew up
neveh, By the decree of the king over Jonah, to be a shade over
and his chief men, it is said, his head, to relieve him from his
Neither man nor beast, neither affliction. And Jonah rejoiced
herds nor flocks, shall taste any because of the gourd exceed-
thing they shall not feed, nor ingly.

drink water; 7 But God made ready a worm

8 But let man and beast be when the morning dawned on
covered with sackcloth, and let the morrow, and it smote the
(men) call unto God with might; gourd that it withered.
70 829

8 And it came to pass, when wouldst have spared the gourd,

the sun arose, that God made for which thou hadst not la-
ready a hot east wind ; and the boured, neither hadst thou made
gun beat upon the head of Jo- it
grow; which came up in
nah, that he became faint; and one night, and perished in one
he wished for himself to die, and night:
said, It is better for me to die And shall I not spare Nine-
than to live. veh, that great city, wherein are
9 And God said unto Jonah, more than twelve times ten thou-
Art thou very wroth for the sand persons, who know not how
gourd ? And he said, I am very to discern between their right
wroth, even unto death. hand and their left hand, and
10 And the Lord said, Thou also much cattle ?


cob is all this, and for the sins

of the house of Israel. Whc
1 f The word of the Lord caused the transgression of Ja-
that came to Michah the Mo- cob ? is it not Samaria ? and who
rash thite in the days of Jotham, caused the high-places of Ju-
Achaz, (and) Hezekiah the kings dah ? is it not Jerusalem ?
of Judah, which he foresaw con- 6 Therefore will I change Sa-
cerning Samaria and Jerusalem. maria into stone-heaps on the
2 Hear, ye people, altogether field, into vineyard plantations:
listen, 0 earth, with all that fill- and I will hurl down into the
eth it: and let the Lord Eternal valley her stones, and her foun-
be witness against you, the Lord dations will I lay open.
from his holy temple. 7 And all her graven images
3 For, behold, the Lord com- shall be beaten to pieces, and all
eth forth out of his residence her wages of sin shall be burnt
and he will come down, and he with the fire, and all her idols
will step along upon the high will I make desolate; for from
places of the earth. harlot’s wages she gathered
4 And the mountains shall them, and for harlot’s wages
melt beneath him, and the val- shall they be used again.
leys shall cleave in tw ain, like
8 For this will I lament and
wax (melteth) before the fire, wail; I will go confused and
like water poured out on a de- naked : I will make a lament
clivity. like the crocodiles, and mourn-
b For the transgression of Ja- ing like the ostriches.

9 For her wounds are incura-Jjrob them; and houses, and take
ble; for (the evil) is come even them away so they defraud the :

unto Judah ; (the enemy) hath master and his house, and the
reached as far as the gate of my man and his heritage.
people, even up to Jerusalem. 3 Therefore thus hath said
10 Tell it not at Gath, weep the Lord, Behold, I will devise
ye not loudly (there): in Beth- against this family an evil, from
le’aphrah roll thyself in the which ye shall not remove your
dust. necks ; nor shall ye go erect ; for
11 Pass ye away, ye inhabit- it is an evil time.
ants of Shaphir, having your 4 On that day shall one take
shame laid bare the inhabitress up a parable against you, and

of Zaanan cometh not forth (any lament with a mournful lamenta-

more); the mourning of Beth- tion, and say, are utterly “We
haezel taketh from you its halt- wasted the portion of my peo-

ing-place. ple hath he exchanged ; how

12 For the inhabitress of Ma- hath he removed it from me in- !

roth is grieved for the (lost) stead of restoring (them to us)

good because evil came down he divideth our fields.”

from the Lord unto the gate of 5 Therefore shalt thou have
Jerusalem. none that shall draw the (mea-
13 Bind the chariot to the suring) cord in (his) lot in the
swift horses, 0 inhabitress of congregation of the Lord.
Lachish the beginning of sin
: 6 “Preach not;” (but) they
was she to the daughter of Zion shall preach they shall not :

for in thee were found the trans- preach (indeed) to these, that
gressions of Israel. reproach may
not overtake them.
14 Therefore shalt thou have 7 Shall it be said (in) the
to give presents to Moresheth- house of Jacob, Is the spirit of
gath the houses of Achzib shall
: the Lord straightened ? are these
become a deception to the kings his doings? Do not my words
of Israel. do good to him that walketh up-
15 Yet will I bring an (enemy rightly ?
as) heir unto thee, 0 inhabitant 8 But long since is my people
of Mareshah as far as’Adullam
: risen up as an enemy from the

shall withdraw the glory of Is- garment do you pull off the or-
rael. nament; of those that pass by
16 Make thyself bald, and cut securely (ye make) men returned
off thy hair for the children of from war.
thy delight; enlarge thy bald- 9 The wives of my people do
ness like the eagle because they
you drive out of their delightful
are gone into exile from thee. houses; from their children do
ye take away my ornament for
1 Wo to those
that devise 10 Arise ye, and depart; for
wickedness, and resolve on evil this is not your resting-place;
upon their couches by the first ! because it is polluted, it shall
light of the morning they exe- destroy (you), even with a griev-
cute it, if they have it in the ous destruction.
power of their hand. 11 If a man that goeth after
2 And they covet fields, and wind and lieth with falsehood
(should say), “I will preach un and it shall be dark
unto you,
to thee of wine and of strong- without divining; and the sun
drink he would be a preacher shall go down around the pro-
for this people. phets, and the day shall be ob-
12 I will (once) surely assem- scured around them.
ble, 0 Jacob, all of thee ;
I will 7 Thus shall the seer« be
surely gather up the remnant of made ashamed, and the diviners
Israel ; I will place them toge- be put to the blush yea. they :

ther as flocks in the fold, as shall all wrap themselves up to

droves in the midst of their the upper lip ; for there is no
pen they shall be crowded with
: answer of God.
men. 8 But truly I am indeed full
13 The wall-breaker cometh of strength by the spirit of the
up before them ; they break in Lord, and (of power) of judg-
and pass through the gate, and ing, and of might, to tell unto
go out by it: and their king Jacob his transgression, and to
passeth on before them, and the Israel his sin.
Lord at their head. 9 Hear this, I pray you, ye
heads of the house of Jacob, and
CHAPTER III. ye princes of the house of Israel,
1 ^ And I said, Hear, I pray that abhor justice, and make
you, 0 ye heads of Jacob, and crooked all that is straight.
ye princes of the house of Israel 10 They build up Zion with
Is it not for you to know what blood-guiltiness, and Jerusalem
is justice ? with wrong.
2 (But they are those) who, 11 Her heads judge for bribes,
hate the good, and love the evil; and her priests teach for reward,
who tear their skin from off and her prophets divine for mo-
them, and their flesh from off ney and yet will they lean upon

their bones : the Lord, and say, Is not the

3 Who also eat the flesh of Lord among us? evil cannot
my people, and flay their skin come over us.
from off them ; and who crush 12 Therefore for your sake
their bones, and chop them in shall Zion be ploughed up as a
pieces, as that to be put in a pot, field, and Jerusalem shall be-
and as flesh within a caldron. come ruinous heaps, and the
4 Then will they cry unto the mount of the house, forest-
Lord, but he will not hear them covered high-places.
and he will hide his face from
them at that time, as they have CHAPTER
committed their evil deeds. 1 % And it shall come to pass
5 Thus hath said the Lord in the last days, that the moun-
concerning the prophets that tain of the Lord’s house shall
mislead my people, who, when be firmly established on the top
they have something to bite of the mountains, and shall be
with their teeth, cry, Peace but exalted above the hills
and :

who prepare WRr against him unto it shall people flow.

who putteth nothing in their 2 And many nations shall
mouth : come, and say, Come ye, and let
6 Therefore shall the night us go up to the mountain of the
be unto you, without a vision; Lord, and to the house of the
God of Jacob; that he may like a woman in travail ;
teach us of his ways, and we now shaltthou go forth out of
may walk in his paths; for out the town, and thou shalt dwel 1

of Zion shall go forth the law, in the field, and thou shalt gc
and the word of the Lord out of as far as Babylon; there shalt
Jerusalem. thou be delivered there will the

3 And he shall judge between Lord redeem thee from the

many people, and decide for grasp of thy enemies.
strong nations even afar off; and 11 And now many nations
they shall beat their swords into are gathered against thee, that
plough-shares, and their spears say, Let her be defiled, and let
into pruning- knives : nation our eye look with pleasure on.
shall not lift up sword against Zion.
nation, and they shall not learn 12 But they know not the
any more war. thoughts of the Lord, and they
4 But they shall sit every man understand not his counsel that :

under his vine and under his fig- he will (once) gather them as the
tree, with none to make them sheaves into the threshing-floor.
afraid for the mouth of the
13 Arise and thresh, 0 daugh-
Lord of hosts hath spoken it. ter of Zion for I will render

5 (But) though all the people thy horn iron, and thy hoofs
should walk every one in the will I render copper, and thou
name of his god, yet will we shalt beat in pieces many peo-
walk in the name of the Lord ple and I will devote unto the

our God for ever and ever. Lord their ill-gotten gain, and
6 On that day, saith the their substance unto the Lord of
Lord, will I assemble her that the whole earth.
halteth, and her that is driven 14 Now gather thyself in
out will I gather, and her to troops, 0 daughter of troops;
whom I have done evil; they lay siege against us with :

7 And I will make of her that the rod they smite upon the
halted a remnant, and of her cheek the judge of Israel.
that was castoff far away a
strong nation and the Lord
will reign overthem on mount 1 But thou, Beth-lechem
Zion, from this time and unto Ephratah, the least (though)thou
eternity. be among the thousands of Ju-
8 And thou, 0 tower of dah, (yet) out of thee shall he
flocks, the strong-hold of the come forth unto me that is to be
daughter of Zion, unto thee ruler in Israel, whose origin is
shall go, and shall come, the from olden times, from most an-
former dominion, the kingdom cient days.
belonging to the daughter of 2 Therefore will he give them
Jerusalem. up, until the time that she who
9 Now why dost thou cry travaileth hath brought forth
aloud ? is there no king in thee? then shall the remnant of his
is thy counsellor lost? that brethren return with the chil-
pangs have seized on thee as on dren of Israel.
a woman in travail ? 3 And he shall stand forward
10 Be in pain, and labour to and feed (Israel) through the
bring forth, 0 daughter of Zion, strength of the Lord, through.
70* 2 i 2
; 833
the excellency of the name of 12 And I will cut oft th> gTJU
the Lord his God and they
: ven images, and thy statues out
shall abide (safely) ; for now of the midst of thee: and thou
shall he be great even unto the shalt no more prostrate thyself
ends of the earth. to the work of thy hands;
4 And in this (manner) shall 13 And I will pluck up thy
there be peace If Asshur should
: groves out of the midst of thee;
come into our land and if he
; and I will destroy thy enemies.
should tread in our palaces, then 14 And I will in anger and
will we raise up against him in fury execute vengeance upon
seven shepherds, and eight an- the nations, upon those that
ointed men. have not hearkened.
5 And they shall lay waste
the land of Asshur with the CHAPTER VI.
sword, and the land of Nimrod 1 If
Do but hear now what
in the gates of its (cities) thus
: Lord saith, Arise, contend thou
will he deliver us from Asshur, before the mountains, and let
if he should come into our land, the hills hear thy voice.
and if he should tread within our 2 Hear ye, 0 mountains, the
borders. controversy of the Lord, and ye
6 ^ And the remnant of Jacob strong foundations of the earth !

shall be in the midst of many for the Lord hath a controversy

people like dew from the Lord, with his people, and with Israel
like showers upon the herbs, will he plead.
that wait not for man, nor hope 3 0 my people, what have I
for the sons of man. done unto thee? and wherewith
7 And the remnant of Jacob have I wearied thee ? testify
shall be among the nations, in against me.
the midst of many people, like a 4 Although I had brought
lion among the beasts of the thee up out of the land of Egypt,
forest, like a young lion among and redeemed thee out of the
flocks of sheep who, if he break house of bond-men ; and I sent

in, both treadeth down, and before thee Moses, Aaron, and
teareth in pieces, while none can Miriam.
deliver. 5 0 my people, do but remem-
8 High shall thy hand be ber what Balak the king of Moab
lifted up above thy adversaries, resolved, and what Bil’am the
and all thy enemies shall be cut son of Be’or answered him, from
off. Shittim unto Gilgal, in order
9 And it shall come to pass that ye may know the gracious
on that day, saith the Lord, benefits of the Lord.
that I will cut off thy horses out 6 Wherewith shall I come be-
of the midst of thee, and I will fore the Lord, bow myself be-
destroy thy chariots; fore the God on high ? shall I
10 And I will cut off the’eities come before him with burnt-
of thy land, and I will throw offerings, with calves of a year
down all thy strong-holds ;
11 And I will cut off the arts 7 Will the Lord be j leased
of witchcraft out of thy hand with thousands of rams, or with
and soothsayers shalt thou have myriads of streams of oil ? shall
no more I give my first-born for my
transgression, the fruit of my CHAPTER VII.
body for the sin of my soul ? 1 Wo is me! for I am as in

8 He hath told thee, 0 man, ,

the gathering of the sum«er-
what is good; and what the ! fruits, as it the grape-gleanings
Lord doth require of thee (no-
: of the vintage there is no clus-

thing) but to do justice, and to > ter to eat, no first-ripe fruit for
love kindness, and to walk hum- which my soul longeth.
bly with thy God. 2 The pious hath disappeared
9 The voice of the Lord out of the land and the upright

calleth unto the city, —

and (the among men there is none; all

man of) wisdom shall see thy of them lie in wait for blood;
name : —
hear ye the rod (of pu- they hunt every man his brother
nishment), and who hath or- with a net.
dained it. 3 For the evil of your hands
10 Are there yet in the house you expect good ? while the

of the wicked man the treasures prince demandeth (bribes), and


of wickedness, and the scant ac- the judge acteth for pay; and
cursed measure? the great man is only speaking
11 Can I be pure with wicked the wilful pleasure of his soul:

balances, and with a bag (full) and so do they make a network

of deceptive weights? (of wrong).
12 For her rich men are full 4 The best of them is like
of violence, and her inhabitants a brier; the most upright is
have spoken falsehood, and their (sharper) than a thorn-hedge:
tongue is deceit (itself) in their the day of thy watchmen, thy
mouth. punishment, iscome; now shall
13 Therefore have I also be perplexity among them.
smitten thee with sore wounds, 5 Trust ye not in a friend, put
making (thee) desolate because ye not confidence in a confidant:
of thy sins. from her that lieth in thy bosom
14 Thou wilt indeed eat, but guard the doors of thy mouth.
not be satisfied and what thou
6 For the son disgraceth the
hast eaten shall bend thee down : father, the daughter riseth up
and thou wilt overtake (the ene- against her mother, the daugh-
my), but thou shalt not deliver; ter-in-law against her mother-
and that which thou deliverest in-law; a man’s enemies are the
will I give up to the sword. men of his own
15 Thou wilt indeed sow, but 7 But I — look unto the
I will
thou shalt not reap thou wilt
Lord; I will wait for the God
indeed tread out olives, but thou of my salvation my God will

shalt not anoint thyself with oil hear me.

and the juice of the grapes, but 8 Rejoice not, 0 my enemy,
thou shalt not drink wine. over me though I am fallen, 1

16 For there are observed the rise again ; though I should sit
statutes of ’Oinri, and all the [in darkness, the Lord will be a
works of the house of Achab, light unto me.
and ye walk in their counsels : 9 ^ The indignation of the
in order that I should give thee Lord will I bear, because I have
up unto desolation, and thy inha- sinned against him until that ;

bitants to derision ; and ye shall he plead my cause, and execute

bear the reproach of my people. [justice for me (when) he will
( :


bring me
forth to the light, and will I let them see marvellous
1 shall behold his righteousness. things.
10 Then she that is my enemy 16 Nations shall see and be
will see it, and shame shall cover ashamed of all their might
her, who said unto me, Where they shall lay their hand upon
is the Lord thy God? My
eyes their mouth, their ears shall be
shall complacently see her (suf- deafened.
fer) : now
shall she be trodden 17 They shall lick the dust
down as the mire of the streets. like the serpent; like those that
11 The daythat thy fences crawl on the earth, shall they

are to be built that same day, come forth trembling out of their
the ordained, is yet far removed. close places : unto the Lord our
12 It is a day when men shall God shall they hasten in dread,
come to thee from Assyria, and and shall be afraid of thee.
the cities of Mazor, and from 18 Who is a God like unto
Mazor even to the river, and thee, pardoning iniquity, and
from sea to sea, and (from) forgiving transgression to the
mountain to mountain. residue of his heritage? he re-
13 While the land (of the na- taineth nothis anger for ever, be-
tions) shall be made desolate cause he delighteth in kindness.
because of its inhabitants, for 19 He will again have mercy
the fruit of their doings. on us, he will suppress our ini-
14 Feed thy people with quities: yea, thou wilt cast all
thy rod, the flock of thy herit- their sins into the depths of the
age, which dwell in solitude in sea.
the wood, in the midst of Car- 20 Thou wilt show faithful-
mel let them feed in Bashan
: ness unto Jacob, and kindness
and Gii’ad, as in the days of old. unto Abraham, which thou hast
15 As in the days of thy sworn unto our fathers in the
coming out of the land of Egypt days of old.


Dim riKim.

CHAPTERI. adversaries, and keepeth in mind

1 The doom of Nineveh. the deeds of his enemies.
The book of the vision of Na- The Lord is long-suffering,
chum the Elkoshite. and great in power, but he will
2 A God watchful and aveng- by no means clear the guilty:
ing is the Lord an avenger is the Lord in the whirlwind and
: —
the Lord, and full of fury ; the in the storm is his way, and the
Lord taketh vengeance on his clouds are the dust of his feet*.

4 rebuketh the sea, andjjof the house of thy gods will I
naked it dry, and all the rivers cut off the graven and the molten
he drieth up Bashan then with- image; I will prepare thy grave

ereth, with Carmel, and the flow- (there); for thou art made vile.
ers of Lebanon wither.
5 Mountains quake before him, CHAPTER II.
and the hills melt away and the
; 1 Behold, upon the moun-
earth is lifted up at his presence, tains are the feet of him that
yea, the world, and all that dwell bringeth good tidings, that pub-
therein. lished peace, Celebrate thy
6 Before his indignation, who feasts, 0 Judah, fulfil thy vows;
can stand? and who can subsist for never more shall the wicked
before the fierceness of his an-pass again through thee, he is
ger ’ his fury is poured out like
utterly cut off.
fire, and the rocks are broken 2 The destroyer is come up
down by him. against thee to enclose (thee)
7 The Lord is good, a strong- with works of siege look out on :

hold on the day of distress and the way, make thy loins strong,

he knoweth those that trust in strengthen (thyself) greatly with

him. power.
8 But with an overflowing 3 For the Lord bringeth back
flood will he utterly destroy the again the excellency of Jacob,
place of (Nineveh), and his ene- as also the excellency of Israel ;
mies will he pursue with dark- for the plunderers have plun-
ness. dered them, and have wasted
9 What will you devise against the branches of their vines.
the Lord? he is bringing about 4 The shields of his mighty
an utter destruction, the distress men are made red, the valiant
shall not rise up twice. men are (clothed) in scarlet
10 For they, like thorns inter- with the fire of the steel the cha-
woven, and as men made drunk- riots (glitter) on the day when
en in their drinking bout, shall he prepared himself (for battle),
be entirely consumed as dry and the spears are shaken.
stubble. 5 In the streets the chariots
11 There is gone forth out of rush madly along, they rattle
thee he that devised evil against through the public places their :

the Lord, the counsellor of in- appearance is like torches, they

famous things. run along like the lightnings.
12 Thus hath said the Lord, 6 He will summon his valiant
Though they be complete, and men, they shall stumble in their
ever so many, nevertheless shall walk they hasten to her walls,

they be cut down, and it shall and the covering for defence is
be over (with them) and if even
: prepared.
I have afflicted thee, I will afflict 7 The gates of the rivers are
thee no more. opened, and the palace is dis-
13 For now will I break his solved.
yoke from off thee, and thy 8 And the queen is carried
bonds will 1 tear asunder. away into exile stripped of her
14 But against thee hath the attire, and her maids moan as
Lord decreed, that no heir of with the voice of doves, striking
thy name shall be any more out their hand upon their breast.

9 And Nineveh was like a the corpses they stumble on

pool of water from the days that their corpses

she existed yet now they flee.
4 Because of the multitude of
“ Stand, stand,” (shall they cry,) the lewd deeds of the harlot, that
but none shall look back. is rich in gracefulness, the mis-
10 Plunder silver, plunder tress of witchcrafts, that selloth
gold; for without end are the nations through her lewd deeds,
treasures, there is an abundance and families through her witch-
of all precious vessels. crafts.
11 She is void, and emptied 5 Behold, I will be against
out, and wasted ;
and the heart thee, saith the Lord of hosts
melteth, and the knees totter, and I will lay thy skirts open
and trembling is in all loins, and over thy face, and I will let na-
the faces of them all are covered tions see thy nakedness, and
with blackness. kingdoms thy shame.
12 Where is (now) the dwell- And I will cast abominable

ing of the lions, and what was filth upon thee, and defile thee,
the feeding-place of the young and will render thee a dirt-
lions, where the lion, the lioness, heap.
and the lion’s whelp walked, and 7 And it shall come to pass,
none made them afraid ? that they that see thee shall flee
13 The lion tore in pieces from thee, and say, Laid waste
(prey) enough for his whelps, is Nineveh who will condole

and strangled for his lionesses, with her? whence shall I seek
and filled with prey his holes, comforters for thee ?
and his dens with what he had 8 Art thou better than No-
torn. amon, that w as situated on the

14 Behold, I will be against rivers, that had water round

thee, saith the Lord of hosts, about her, the rampart of which
and I will burn into smoke thy was the sea, and the walls of
chariots, and thy young lions which rose out of the sea?
shall the sword devour : and I 9 Ethiopia the numerous, and
will cut olf from the earth thy Egypt that was without end, Put
preying, and no more shall be and Lubim were thy helpers.
heard the voice of thy messen- 10 Yet also she was exiled,
gers. was carried away into captivity;
also her young children were
CHAPTER III. dashed in pieces at the corners
1 Wo to the city of blood! of all streets ; and for her ho-
it is all full of lies and rob- nourable men they cast lots, and
bery; never ceaseth the prey- all her great ones were bound
ing; with chains.
2 The noise of a whip, and the 11 Thou also shalt be made
noise of the rattling of wheels, drunken, thou shalt be hidden
and of prancing horses, and of from view: thou also shalt seek
the skipping chariots. refuge because of the enemy.
3 Horsemen mount, and there 12 All thy strong-holds shall

are the flaming sword and the ibe like fig-trees with the first-ripe
glittering spear: and there is a| figs, which, if they be shaken,

multitude of slain, and heaps of will fall into the mouth of the
carcasses; and without end are| eater.


13 Behold, thy people are worm spreadeth itself out, and

becou.e women in the midst flieth away.
of thee : unto thy enemies are 17 Thy crowned ones are like
the gates of thy land set wide the locusts, and thy leaders like
open the fire hath devoured thy the swarms of locusts, which

bars. • camp in the hedges on a cold

14 Water for the siege draw day, but when the sun ariseth
for thyself, fortify thy strong- they flee away, and their place
holds go into the clay, and is not known where they are.

tread the mortar, make strong 18 Thy shepherds slumber, 0

the brick-kiln. king of Assyria; thy valiant
15 There shall the fire devour men are at rest scattered are:

thee; the sword shall cut thee thy people upon the mountains,
otf, it shall devour thee up like and there is none that gathereth
the cankerworm :
(though) thou them.
make thyself many as the can- 19 There is no healing for thy
kerworm make thyself many as breach fatal is thy wound all
; ;

the locusts. that hear the report of thee will

16 (Though) thou hadsfc mul- clap their hands over thee ; for
tiplied thy merchants more than over whom did not thy wicked-
the stars of heaven the canker- ness pass continually ?


plp^n flKlDJ.

is the law power

4 Therefore
and justice cometh not forth
1 The prophecy which Cha- victorious for the wicked en-

)akkuk the prophet foresaw. compasseth about the righteous:

2 How long, 0 Lord, have I en- therefore doth justice come forth
treated (thee), and thou wouldst| perverted.

not hear? (how long) shall I 5 Look ye about among the

cry out unto thee (because of) nations, and behold and be asto-
violence, and thou wilt not nished and astounded; for (God)
save ? will fulfil a work in your days,
3 Why wilt thou let me see ye would not believe it if it were
wickedness, and wilt look on only told you.
trouble, and the robbery and 6 For, lo, I will raise up the
violence (that are) before me Chaldeans, that bitter and im-

while therte is strife, and conten- petuous nation, that march to

tion lifteth up (its head) ? the wide spaces of the earth to
conquer dwelling-places that are 16 Therefore be saci ificeth un-
not theirs. to his net, and burneth incense
7 Terrible and dreadful are unto his drag; because through
they : from themselves go forth them is his portion fat, and hia
their judicial laws and their dig- food marrowy.
nity. 47 Shall he therefore (always)
8 Andswifter than leopards empty his net, and continually
are their horses, and fiercer than slay nations without sparing?
the evening wolves; and their
horsemen spread themselves CHAPTER II.
abroad and their horsemen will
: 1 Upon my watch will I
-come from afar they will fly like stand, and place myself upon

the eagle hastening to eat. the tower, and will watch to see
9 They all will come for vio- what he will speak with me, and
lence the front of their faces is what I shall answer to my re-

like the east wind, and they proof.

gather captives as the sand. 2 And the Lord answered me,
10 And they will make sport and said, Write down the vision,
with kings, and princes will be and make it plain upon the ta-
a play unto them: at every bles, that every one may read it
strong-hold will they laugh, and fluently.
they will cast up earth-mounds 3 For there is yet a vision for
and capture it. the appointed time, and it speak-
11 Then doth their spirit be- eth of the end, and it will not
come arrogant, and they are sur- deceive though it tarry, wait

passingly proud, and offend, for it; because it will surely

(imputing) this their power unto come, it will not be delayed.
their god. 4 Behold, disturbed, not at
12 Art thou not from everlast- rest is the soul of (the wicked)
ing, 0 Lord my God, my Holy in him but the righteous ever

One ? we shall not die. 0 Lord, liveth in his (trustful) faith.

thou hast ordained them for 5 And though the wine-(drunk-
judgment; and, 0 Protector, en) traitor, the proud man, whose
thou hast appointed them to house will not stand, who en-
correct (nations). largeth his desire as the grave,
13 Thou, who art too pure of and is like death, which cannot
eyes to behold evil, and canst —
be satisfied, though he gather
not look on trouble, wherefore unto him all the nations, and
wilt thou look upon those that assemble unto him all the peo-
deal treacherously, be silent when ple :

the wicked swalloweth up him 6 Will not all these take up a

that is more righteous than he ? parable against him, and a pro-
II And (why) makest thou verb and a satire concerning
men as the fishes of the sea, as him? and they will say, Wo to
the creeping things, that have him that increaseth what is not
no ruler over them ? his! for how long? and to him
15 All of them he bringeth that loadeth himself with a bur-
up with the angle, he draggeth den of guilt!
them up in his net, and gather- 7 Behold, suddenly will rise
eth them in his drag: therefore up those that afflict thee, and
he rejoiceth and is glad. awake those that plague thee,

and thou shalt become a booty blood of men, and the violence
unto them. against the land, the town, and
8 Because thou hast despoiled all that dwell therein.
many nations, therefore will all 18 What profiteth the gravel,
the remnant of the people de- image that its maker ha th graven
spoil thee ;
because of the blood it? the molten image, and a
of men, and the violence against teacher of falsehood, that the
the land, the town, and all that maker of his image trusteth
dwell therein. therein, while making dumb
9 51Wo to him that obtaineth idols ?
an evil gain for his house, that 19 5[
Wo unto him that saith
he may set his nest on high, that to the wood, Awake Bouse up !

he may be delivered from the to the dumb stone. Shall thi3

grasp of the wicked! teach ? Behold, it is overlaid
10 Thou hastcounsclled shame with gold and silver, and no
to thy house, by cutting off many breath whatever is in its bo-
people, and sinning (against) som.
thy soul. 20 But the Lord is in his holy
11 For the stone will cry out temple be silent before him all

of the wall, and the beam out of the earth.

the wood- (work) will answer it.
12 5f Wo to him that buildeth

a city with blood-guiltiness, and 1 5[ A prayer of Chabakkuk

layeth the foundation of a town the prophet upon Shigyonoth.
by wrong-doing. 2 0 Lord! I have heard thy
13 Behold, is it not from the fame, (and) was afraid 0 Lord : !

Lord of hosts that people shall thy work —

in the midst of the
labour for the very fire, and na- years (of sorrow) revive thou it,
tions shall weary themselves for in the midst of the years make
naught but vanity? it known,- in wrath remember
14 For the earth shall be filled mercy.
with knowledge of .the glory of 3 (When) God from Theman
the Lord, as the waters cover came, and the Holy One from
the sea. mount Paran,* Selah his glory :

1 Wo
5 5f unto him that maketh covered the heavens, and of his
his neighbours drink, (to thee) praise the earth was fall.
that pourest out thy poisonous 4 And (his) brightness was
(wine), and makest them also like the sunlight; rays streamed
drunken, in order to look on their forth out of his hand unto them :

nakedness and there was the hiding of his

16 Thou art filled with shame power.
instead of glory ; drink thou 5 Before him went the pesti-
also, and let thy nakedness be lence, and burning coals went
uncovered there shall be turned forth in his steps.

around unto thee the cup of the 6 He stood forward, and made
Lord’s right hand, and filthy the earth tremble ; he looked,
spittle shall be on thy glory. and dispersed nations; and there
17 For the violence against burst asunder the everlasting
Lebanon shall cover thee, and mountains; there sunk the per-
the destruction of beasts, which petual hills the ways of he

he terrified away ; because of the world are his.

71 2 841

7 In affliction I saw the

tents 14 Thou didst strike through
of Cushan : —
they trembled the with his own spears the chiefs
curtains of the land of Midian. of his villages, who rushed out
8 f Was the Lord wroth furiously to scatter me; who re-
against the rivers? yea, was joiced greatly as though they
against the rivers thy anger were to devour the poor in se-
(kindled)? was against the sea cret.
thy wrath, that thou rodest upon 15 (But) thou didst pass along
thy horses, thy chariots of vic- over the sea with thy horses,
tory? over the piled-up billows of great
9 Laid quite bare is thy bow, waters.
like severe rods of punishment 16 I heard it, and my inmost
(goeth forth) thy word, Selah: parts trembled; at the report my
into rivers thou splittest the lips quivered; rottenness entered
earth. into my bones, and I trembled
10 The mountains saw thee, in my place, that I should rest
they trembled the flowing wa-
till the day of distress, till the
ters passed along the deep is-
: withdrawing of the people that
sued forth its voice, the height will invade us with its troops.
lifted up its hands. 17 For the fig-tree doth not
1 1 The sun and moon stood bud, and no fruit is on the vines
still in their dwelling: at the the productiveness of the olive
light of thy arrows they walked deceiveth, and the fields yield
along, at the shining of the flam- no food ; from the fold the flocks
ing glitter of thy spear. are cut off, and there are no
12 In indignation thou march- herds in the stalls.
es! through the earth, in anger 18 Yet will I rejoice in the
thou treadest down nations. Lord, I will exult in the God of
13 Thou wentest forth to the my salvation.
assistance of thy people, to the 19 The Lord Eternal is my
assistance of thy anointed; thou strength, and he maketh my feet
didst wound the head out of the fleet as those of the hinds, and
house of the wicked, destroy the he will cause me to tread upon
foundation with the high-tower- my high places. To the chief
ing walls. Selah. musician of my songs.

may nanj.

the day of theLord ;

for the
CHAPTER I. Lord hath prepared a slaugh-
1 The word of the Lord ter, he hath bidden his invited
which came unto Zephanyah the guests.
son of Cushi, the son of Uedal- 8 And it shall come to pass
yah, the son of Amaryah, the on the day of the Lord’s slaugh-
son of Chizkiyah, in the days ter, that I will inflict punish-
of Josiah the son of Amon the ment on the princes, and on the
king of Judah. king’s sons, and on all such as
2 I will remove, utterly re- are clothed in garments of a fo-
move all things from off the face reign land.
of the earth, saith the Lord. 9 And I will inflict punish-
3 I will remove man and beast; ment on all those that leap over
I will remove the fowls of the the threshold on that day, who
heaven, and the fishes of the sea, the house of their master with

and the stumbling-blocks to- violence and deceit.

gether with the wicked; and I 10 And it shall come to pass
will cut off man from off the faceon that day, saith the Lord, that
of the earth, saith the Lord. there shall be a loud cry of la-
4 And I will stretch out my mentation from the fish-gate,
hand over Judah, and over all and a wailing from the second,
the inhabitants of Jerusalem and (that of) a great breach

and I will cut off the remnant from the hills.

of Ba’al from this place, the 11 Wail, ye inhabitants of the
name of his ministers with his mortar- street, for destroyed are
priests ; all the trading-people; cut off
5 And those that bow them- are all that were laden "with
selves down on the roofs of silver.
houses to the host of heaven ;
12 And it shall come to pass
and those that bow themselves at that time, that I will search
down that are sworn (to be true) Jerusalem through with lights;
to the Lord and still swear by and I will inflict punishment on
Malkom ; the men that are at rest on their
6 And those that are turned lees, that say in their heart, The
away from following the Lord; Lord will not do good, nor will
and those that have not sought he do evil.
for the Lord, and have not in- 13 And their wealth shall be-
quired of him. come a booty, and their houses
7 Be silent in the presence of shall be made desolate and they

the Lord Eternal; for nigh is will build houses, but they shall

not inhabit them and they will
haps ye will be protected on the
plant vineyards, but they shall day of the Lord’s anger.
not drink their wine. 4 For Gazzah shall become for-
14 Nigh is the great day of saken, and Ashkelon a desolate
the Lord, it is nigh, and hasten- place: Ashdod shall they drive
eth greatly, (there is) the noise out at the noon of day, and ’Ek-
of the day of the Lord bitterly: ron shall be rooted up.
crieth there the mighty man. 5 Wo unto the inhabitants
15 A day of wrath is that day, of the district by the sea, the
a day of distress and anxiety, a nation of the Kerethites !the
day of wasting and desolation, a word of the Lord is against you,
day of darkness and obscurity, 0 Caria’an, the land of the Phi-
a day of clouds and tempestuous listines, I will even destroy thee,
gloom, that no inhabitant shall remain.
16 A day of the cornet and 6 And the district by the sea
alarm, against the fenced cities, shall become places for pens of
and against the high battle- shepherds, and folds for flocks.
ments. 7 And this district shall be for
17 And I will bring distress the remnant of the house of Ju-
upon men, that they shall walk dah thereupon shall they feed

about like the blind, because their flocks in the houses of


against the Lord have they sin- Ashkelon shall they lie down in
ned and their blood shall be
: the evening for the Lord their

poured out like the dust, and God will think of them, and
their flesh like the dung. bring back their captivity.
18 Neither their silver nor 8 I have heard the reproach
their gold shall be able to deliver of Moab, and the revilings of the
them on the day of the Lord's children of ’Ammon, wherewith
wrath, through the fire of whose they have reproached my peo-
zeal the whole land shall be ple, and made, themselves great
devoured for destruction, yea,
against their border.
quite sudden, will he prepare 9 Therefore as I live, saith
(or all the inhabitants of the the Lord of hosts, the God of
land. Israel, Surely Moab shall be-
come like Sodom, and the chil-
CHAPTER II. dren of ’Ammon like Gomorrah,
1 Gather
yourselves toge- overgrown with nettles, and (fill-
ther, yea, gather together, 0 na- ed with) saltpits, and a desola-
tion without desire (for repent- tion to eternity the residue of

ance) ;
my people shall plunder them,
2 Before the decree is brought and the remnant of my nation
forth —
like the chaff" the day shall possess them.

passeth away before yet there 10 This shall they have in re-
be come over you the fierce an- compense for their pride be- ;

ger of the Lord, before yet there cause they have reproached and
be come over you the day of the made themselves great against
anger of the Lord. the people of the Lord of hosts.
3 Seek ye the Lord, all ye 11 Terrible will the Lord (ap-
meek of the earth, who have ful- pear) over them for he will

filled his ordinances; seek right- cause to vanish all the gods of
eousness. seek meekness :
per- the earth: and then shall pros-

trate themselves before him, day), it never faileth ; but the

every one from his place, all the unjust knoweth no shame.
isles of the nations. 6 I have cut off nations ; de-
12 Also ye Ethiopians shall stroyed are their battlements; I
be those slain by m3 7
sword. have laid in ruins their streets,
13 And he will stretch out his so that none passeth through
hand against the north, and de- their cities are wasted, without
stroy Assyria and he will make a man, without an inhabitant.

Nineveh a desolate place, dry, 7 I said, Surely thou wilt fear

like the wilderness. me, thou wilt accept correction
14 And there shall lie down so that her dwelling should not
in the midst of her flocks, all the be cut off, all that I had decreed
beasts of the nations; both the to bring over her ; but they rose
pelican and the hedgehog shall up early, they acted corruptly in
lodge in the capitals of her co- all their doings.
lumns ; singing-birds shall sing 8 Therefore wait but for me,
in the windows ; ruin shall saith the Lord, for the day that
be on the thresholds ; for the I rise up to the prey ; for my
cedar wainscoting shall be torn judgment (cometh) to gather the
away. nations, for me to assemble the
15 This is the joyful city that kingdoms, to pour over them my
dwelt in security, that said in indignation, all the fierceness of
her heart, I am, and there is my anger; for through the fire
none else beside me ; how is she of my jealousy shall all the earth
become desolate, a resting-place be devoured.
for beasts ! every one that pass- 9 Yea then will I change un-
eth by her will hiss, and shake to the people a pure language,
his hand. that they may all call on the
name of the Lord, to serve him
with one accord.
1 Wo to her that is rebel- 10 From beyond the rivers of
lious and polluted, to the op- Cush shall they bring my sup-
pressing city pliants, even the assembly of my
2 She hearkened not to any dispersed, as an offering unto me.
voice ; she accepted no correc- 11 On that day shalt thou not
tion; in the Lord she did not be ashamed because of all thy
trust ; to her God she drew not doings, whereby thou hast trans-
near. gressed against me ;
for then
3 Her princes in her midst are will I remove out of the midst
roaring lions : her judges are of thee those that rejoice in thy
evening wolves, they leave not a pride, and thou shalt never more
bone for the morning. be haughty again on my holy
4 Her prophets are thought- mount.
less, men of treachery : her 12 And I will leave remain-
priests have profaned the sanc- ing in the midst of thee an hum-
tuary, they have done violence ble and poor people, and they
to the law. shall trust in the name of the
5 The just Lord is in her Lord.
midst, he will not do wrong 13 The remnant of Israel shall
morning after morning doth he not do injustice, nor speak lies;
bring his justice to the light (of and there shall not be found ia
71* 845

their mouth a deceitful tongue; 18 Those that mokrn far away

for they shall feed and lie down, from the festive assembly do I
with none to make them afraid. gather, those that were sepa-
14 Sing, 0 daughter oLZion; rated from thee, (that havo
shout, 0 Israel; rejoice and be borne) for thee the burden of
glad with all thy heart, 0 daugh- reproach.
ter of Jerusalem ! 19 Behold, I will deal (se-
15 The Lord hath removed verely) with all that afflict thee
thy punishment, he hath cleared at that time and I will save her

away thy enemy the king of

: that halteth, and her that was
Israel, the Lord, is in the midst driven off will I gather; and I
of thee ;
thou shalt not see evil will render them a praise and a
any more. famous name on all the earth
16 On that day shall it be where they have been put to
said to Jerusalem, Fear thou shame.
not (to) Zion, Let not thy hands
20 At that time will I bring
become weak. you back, even in the time that
17 The Lord thy God is in I gather you; for I will make
the midst of thee, the mighty you for a name and for a praise
one who will save he will be
among all people of the earth,
glad over thee with rejoicing ;
when I bring back again your
he will be silent in his love, he captives before your eyes, saith
will exult over thee with song. the Lord.


CHAPTER I. 3 And the word of the Lord

1 In the second year of king came by means of Chaggai the
Darius [Daryavesh], in the sixth prophet, saying,
month, on the first day of the 4 Is it time for you, 0 ye, to
month, came the word of the dwell in your ceiled houses,
Lord through means of Chaggai while this house lieth in ru-
the prophet unto Zerubbabel the ins ?
son of Shealthiel, the governor 5 Now therefore, thus hath
of Judah, and to Joshua’ the son said the Lord of hosts, Direct
of Yehozadak, the high priest, your heart unto your ways.
saying, 6 Ye have sown much, and
2 Thus hath said the Lord bring in little ye eat, but it

of hosts, saying, This people doth not satisfy hunger; ye

have said, The time is not yet drink, but it doth not appease
come, the time for the Lord’s thirst; ye clothe yourselves, but
house to be built. no one is warm ; and he that

earneth something earnetli it for remnant of the people, and they

a bag with holes. came and did work on the house
7 Thus hath said the Lord Lord of hosts, their God.
of the
of hosts, Direct your heart to On the four and twen-
your ways. day of the sixth month, in
S Go up to the mountain, the second year of king Darius.
aud bring wood, and build the
house : that I may take pleasure CHAPTER II.

in and be glorified, saith the

it, 1 In the seventh (month), on
Lord. the one and twentieth day of
9 (Till now) ye looked for the month, came the word of the
much, and, lo, it came to be lit- Lord by means of Chaggai the
tle ;
and when ye brought it prophet, saying,
home, I blew upon it. For 2 Do say to Zerubbabel the
what cause ? saith the Lord of son of Shealthiel, the governor
hosts. Because of my house of Judah, and to Joshua’ the son
that lieth in ruins, while ye run of Yehozadak, the high priest,
every man unto his own house. and to the residue of the people,
10 Therefore do the heavens saying,
for your sake withhold the dew, 3 Who is there yet left among
and the earth withholdeth her you that hath seen this house in
products. its first glory? and how do ye
11 And I called for a drought see it now? is it not in com-
over the land, and over the parison with it as nothing in
mountains, and over the corn, your eyes ?
and over the new wine, and over 4 Yet now be strong, 0 Zerub-
the oil, and over what the ground babel, saith the Lord, and be
bringeth forth, and over men, strong, 0 Joshua’, the son of
and over cattle, and over all the Yehozadak, the high priest, ana
labour of the hands. be strong, all ye people of the
12 f Then hearkened Zerub- land, saith the Lord, and do
babel the son of Shealthiel, and (for I am with you, saith the
Joshua’ the son of Yehozadak, Lord of hosts,)
the high priest, with all the 5 (In accordance with) the
remnant of the people, unto the word that I covenanted with you
voice of the Lord their God, and when ye came out of Egypt, so
to the words of Chaggai the pro- (will) my spirit remain among
phet, as the Lord their God had you fear nought.

sent him, and the people were 6 % For thus hath said the
afraid of the Lord. Lord of hosts, Yet one thing
13 Then said Chaggai the more (will I do), it is but little,
messenger of the Lord by the when I will cause to quake the
Lord’s message unto the people, heavens, and the earth, and the
saying, I am with you, saith the sea, and the dry land;
Lord. 7 And I will cause to quake
14 And the Lord stirred up all the nations, and the precious
the spirit of Zerubbabel the son things of all the nations shall
of Shealthiel, the governor of come (hither) and I will fill:

Judah, and the spirit of Joshua’ this house with glory, saith the
the son of Yehozadak, the high Lord of hosts.
priest, and the spirit of all the 8 Mine is the silver, and mine

is the gold, saitli the Lord of draw off fifty measures out of
hosts. the vat, and there were but
9 Greater shall be the glory twenty.
of this latter house than that of 17 I smote you with blasting
the former, saith the Lord of and with mildew and with hail
hosts: and in this place will I in all the labours of your hands :

give peace, saith the Lord of yet ye (turned) not (back) to

hosts. me, saith the Lord.
10 On the four and twen- 18 Direct, I pray you, your
tieth day of the ninth month, in heart from this day and upward,
the second year of Darius, came from the four and twentieth day
the word of the Lord by means of the ninth month, even from
of Chaggai the prophet, saying, the day that the foundation of
11 Thus hath said the Lord the Lord’s temple was laid,
of hosts, Do ask the priests con- direct your heart (to this).
cerning the law, saying, 19 Is the seed yet in the barn ?
12 Lo if one should carry
! yea, as yet the vine, and the
holy flesh in the corner of his fig-tree, and the pomegranate,
garment, and touch with his cor- and the olive-tree, have not
ner bread, or pottage, or wine, brought forth (but) from this

or oil, or any food, shall it be- day will I bless you.

come holy ? And the priests 20 And the word of the
answered and said, No. Lord came the second time unto
13 Then said Chaggai, If one Chaggai on the four and twen-
that is unclean by a dead body tieth day of the month/ saying,
should touch any of these, will 21 Speak to Zerubbabel the
it become unclean ? And the governor of Judah, saying, I
priests answered and said, It will cause to quake the heavens
willbecome unclean. and the earth
14 Then answered Chaggai, 22 And I will overthrow the
and said, So is this people, and throne of kingdoms, and I will
so is this nation before me, saith destroy the strength of the king-
the Lord; and so are all works doms of the nations ; and I will
of their hands; and what they overthrow chariots, and those
offer there is unclean. that ride in them and the

15 And now direct, I pray horses and their riders shall

you, your heart from this day come down, every one by the
and upward, before the time that sword of his brother.
a stone was laid upon a stone in 23 On that day, saith the
the temple of the Lord : Lord of hosts, will I take thee,
16 Since those days were, 0 Zerubbabel, the son of Sheal-
when one came to a heap of thiel, my servant, saith the Lord,
sheaves of twenty (in number), and I will place thee as a signet;
and there were but ten when ;
for of thee have I made ch.M*,v%
one came \o the wine-press to saith the Lord of hosts.

nn^r n«nj.

CHAPTER I. the word of the Lord unto Ze-

1 In the eighth month, in chariah, the son of Bereehyahu,
the second year of Darius, came the son of 'Iddo the prophet,
the word of the Lord unto Ze- saying,
chariah, the son of Berechyah, 8 I saw this night, and be-
the son of ’Iddo the prophet, hold there was a man riding
saying, upon a red horse, and he was
2 The Lord hath been greatly standing among the myrtle-
angry with your fathers. trees that were in the deep val-
3 And (now) say thou unto ley ; and behind him were red,
them, Thus hath said the Lord pale, and white horses.
of hosts, Return ye unto me, 9 And I said, What are these,
saith the Lord of hosts, and I 0 my lord? Then said unto me
will return unto you so hath the angel that spoke with me, I

said the Lord of hosts. will show thee what these are.
4 Be ye not like your fathers, 10 And the man that stood
unto whom the former prophets among the myrtle- trees answer-
proclaimed, saying, Thus hath ed and said, These are those
said the Lord of hosts, Do re- whom the Lord hath sent to
turn from your evil ways, and traverse the earth.
your evil doings but they did
11 And they answered the
not hear, nor listen unto me, angel of the Lord that stood
saith the Lord. among the myrtle-trees, and
5 Your fathers, —where are said, We have traversed the

they ? and the prophets, could earth, and, behold, all the earth
they live for ever ? is inhabited quietly, and is at
6 But my words and my de- rest.
crees, which I commanded my 12 Then commenced the an-
servants the prophets, behold, gel of the Lord, and said, 0
they did overtake your fathers Lord of hosts, how long yet wilt

and (then) they returned and thou not have mercy on Jerusa-
said, Just as the Lord of hosts lem and on the cities of Judah,
had purposed to do unto us, in against which thou hast been
accordance with our ways, and indignant these seventy years?
in accordance with our doings, 13 And the Lord answered
so hath he dealt with us. the angel that spoke with m^
7 On the four and twentieth with good words and comforting
day of the eleventh month, words.
which is the month Shebat, in 14 And the angel that spoke
the second year of Darius, came with me said unto me, Proclaim.
thou, raying, Thus hath said 6 Then
said I, Whither art
the Lokd of hosts, I am jealous ; thou going? And he said unto
for Jerusalem and for Zion with me, To measure Jerusalem, to
a great jealousy. see what is her breadth, and
15 And with a great anger what is her length.
will I be angry with the nations 7 And, behold, the angel that
that are at ease; for I was but spoke with me went out, and an-
a little angry (with Zion), and other angel came out to meet
they helped forward the mis- him ;

chief. 8 And he said unto him, Run,

16 ^ Therefore thus hath said speak to this young man, say-
the Lord, I am returned to Je- ing, Without walls shall Jerusa*
rusalem in mercy: my house lem be inhabited because of the
shall be rebuilt in it, saith the multitude of men and cattle in
Lord of hosts, and the measur- her midst.
ing-line shall be stretched forth 9 But I —
I will be unto her,
over Jerusalem. saith the Lord, a wall of fire
17 Proclaim yet (farther), say- round about, and for glory will
ing, Thus hath said the Lord of I be in the midst of her.
hosts, My cities shall again over- 10 Up up and flee away
! !

flow with prosperity : and the from the land of the north, saith
Lord will again comfort Zion, the Lord ; for as the four winds
and make choice again of Jeru- of the heaven have I spread you
salem. abroad, saith the Lord.
11 Up, Zion, escape, thou that
CHAPTER II. dwellest with the daughter of
1 And I lifted up my eyes, Babylon.
and saw, and behold, there were 12 For thus hath said the
four horns. Lord of hosts, For the sake of
2 And I said unto the angel (your) glory hath he sent me
who spoke with me, What are unto the nations that have de-
these? And he said unto me, spoiled you for whoever touch- ;

These are the horns that have eth you, toucheth the apple of
dispersed Judah, Israel, and Je- his eye.
rusalem. 13 For, behold, I will swing
3 And the Lord showed me my hand over them, and they
four carpenters. shall be a spoil to those that
4 Then said I, What are these served them and ye shall ac- :

coming to do ? And he said as knowledge that the Lord of

followeth, These are the horns hosts hath sent me.
that have dispersed Judah, to 14 Sing, and rejoice, 0
the extent that no man could lift daughter of Zion for, lo, 1 am ;

up his head ; but these are come coming, and I will dwell in tho
to terrify them, to cast off the midst of thee, saith the Lord.
horns of the nations, that have 15 And many nations will join
been lifting up their horn over themselves to the Lord on that
the land of Judah to disperse it. day, and they shall be unto me for
5 And I lifted up my eyes, a people: and I will dwell in the
and looked, and behold, there midst of thee, and thou shalt know
was a man with a measure-cord that the Lord of hosts hath sent
in his hand. me unto thee.
16 And the Lord will take hold, I will bring my servant
Judah as his inheritanceupon Zemach [the Sprout].
the holy land; and he will again 9 For behold (here is) the
make choice of Jerusalem. stone that I have laid before Jo-
17 Be silent, all flesh before shua’; upon one stone shall be

the Lord; for he is waked up seven eyes behold, I will en-


out of his holy habitation. grave thereon its inscription,

saith the Lord of hosts, And I
CHAPTER III. will remove the iniquity of that
1 And he showT ed me Jo- land in one day.
shua’ the high priest standing 10 On that day, saith the Lord
before the angel of the Lord, and of hosts, shall ye call every man
the accuser standing at his right his neighbour under the vine and
hand to accuse him. under the fig-tree.
2 And the Lord said unto the
accuser, The Lord rebuke thee, CHAPTER IV.
0 Accuser; yea, the Lord re- And the angel that spoke
buke thee that hath chosen Je- with me came back again, and
rusalem :is not this a brand waked me up, as a man that is
plucked out of the fire? wakened up out of his sleep
3 Now Joshua’ was clothed 2 And he said unto me, What
with filthy garments, and was art thou seeing? And I said, I
standing before the angel. have looked, and behold, there
4 And he commenced and said is a candlestick all of gold, with

unto those that stood before him, a bowl upon its top, and its seven
saying, Take away the lamps are thereupon, and seven
garments from him. And he pipes to the seven lamps, which
said unto him, Behold, I have are upon its top :

caused thy iniquity to pass from 3 And two olive-trees are by

off thee, and I clothe thee with it, one upon the right side of the
festive garments. bowl, and the other upon the
5 And 1 said, Let them place left side thereof.
a clean mitre upon his head. So 4 And I commenced and said
they placed the clean mitre upon unto the angel that spoke with
his head, and clothed him with me, saying, What are these, my
garments; and the angel of the lord ?
Lord stood by. 5 Then the angel that spoke
6 And the angel of the Lord with me answered and said un-
forewarned Joshua’, saying, to me, Knowest thou not what
7 Thus hath said the Lord of these are? And I said, No, my
hosts, If thou wilt walk in my lord.
ways, and if thou wilt keep my 6 Then answered he and spoke
charge, then shalt thou also unto me, saying, This is the woi d
judge my house, and shalt also of the Lord unto Zerubbabel,
keep my courts and I will give saying, Not by might, nor by

thee places to walk among these power, but by my spirit, saith

that stand by. the Lord of hosts.
8 Do but hear, 0 Joshua’ the 7 Who art thou, 0 great moun-
high priest, thou, and thy fellows tain ? before Zerubbabel thou
that sit before thee ; for distin- wilt become a plain and he shall :

guished men are they ; for, be- bring forth the headstone with
shoutings of, Grace, grace un- degree entirely destroyed, as also
to it. every one that sweareth (falsely)
8 And the word of the Lord as it is on that side shall be like-
came unto me, saying, wise entirely destroyed.
9 The hands of Zerubbabel 4 I bring it forth, saith the
have laid the foundation of this Lord of hosts, and it shall enter
house, and his hands shall com- into the house of the thief, and
plete it: and thou shalt know into the house of him that swear-
that the Lord of hosts hath cent eth falsely by my name and it :

me unto you. shall remain in the midst of his

10 For whoever even despised house, and shall consume it with
the day of (its) small beginning its timber and its stones.

yet will they rejoice when they 5 Then went forth the angel
see the plummet in the hand of that spoke with me, and said
Zerubbabel, with those seven; unto me, Do but lift up thy eyes,
they are the eyes of the Lord, and see what is this that goeth
which hold a survey through all forth.
the earth. 6 And I said, What is it? And
11 And I began, and said un- he said, This is an ephah that
to him, What are these two olive- goeth forth. He said moreover,
trees upon the right side of the This is their appearance through
candlestick and upon its left? all the earth.
12 And I began a second time, 7 And, behold, there was lifted
and said unto him, What are up a heavy (cover) of lead: and
these two olive-branches, which there was a certain woman sit-
are close by the two golden pipes ting in the midst of the ephah.
which empty out of themselves 8 And he said, This is the
the gold-coloured oil? wickedness. And he cast her
13 And he said to me as fol- into the midst of the ephah ; and
loweth, Knowest thou not what he cast the weighty lead cover
these things are? And I said, upon the mouth thereof.
No, my lord. 9 Then did I lift up my eyes,
14 Then said he, These are and looked, and, behold, there
the two sons of the clear oil, that came out two women, having the
stand by the Lord of the whole wind in their wings, and they
earth. had wings like the wings of a
stork and they lifted up the

CHAPTER V. ephah between the earth and the

1 And I again lifted up my heaven.
eyes, and looked, and behold 10 Then said I to the angel
there was a flying roll (-book). that spoke with me, Whither are
2 And he said unto me, What these bearing away the ephah ?
seest thou ? And I answered, I 11 And he said unto me, To
see a flying roll, its length is build for it a house in the land
twenty cubits, and its breadth of Shin’ar: and when this is
ten cubits. erected, then will the other be
3 Then said he unto me, This set there upon its own base.
is the curse that goeth forth over
the face of all the earth ; for CHAPTER VI.
every one that stealeth as it is 1 And up my
I again lifted
On thif side shall be in an equal eyes, and looked, and behold,
therecame out four chariots from the Lord of hosts, saying, Be.

between two mountains; and the hold a man, Sprout is his name;
mountains were mountains of since out of his own place shall
copper. he sprout up, even he shall build
the temple of the Lord
2 In the first chariot were red :

horses and in the second cha-

13 Yea, he shall build the
riot, black horses; temple of the Lord; and he shall
3 And in the third chariot, bear the glory, and shall sit and
white horses and in the fourth
rule upon his throne; and a
chariot, grizzled, ash-coloured priest shall be upon his own
horses. throne; and the counsel of peace
4 And I began and said unto shall be between both of them.
the angel that spoke 'with me, 14 And the crowns shall be
What are these, my lord ? for Chelem, and for Tobiyah,
5 And the angel answered and and for Yeda’yah, and for Chen
said unto me, These are the four the son of Zephanyah, as a me-
spirits of the heavens, which go morial in the temple of the
forth after having stood before Lord.
the Lord of all the earth. 15 And distant ones shall come
6 The (chariot) on which are and build on the temple of the

black horses these go forth into Lord and ye shall know that

the north country and the white the Lord of hosts hath sent me

go forth after them ; and the unto you. And this shall come
grizzled go forth toward the to pass, if ye will diligently
south country. hearken to the voice of the Lord
7 And the red-coloured were your God.
gone forth, and sought to tra-
verse the earth and he said, Go,
traverse the earth. So they tra- 1 And it came
to pass in
versed the earth. the fourth year of king Darius,
8 Then cried he loudly unto that the word of the Lord came
me, and spoke unto me, saying, unto Zechariah on the fourth
Behold, these that are going to- day of the ninth month, in Kis-
ward the north country have lev
quieted (the indignation of) my When they had sent unto
spirit in the north country. Beth -el Sherezer and Regein-
9 «[ And the word of the Lord meleeh, and his men, to make
came unto me, saying, entreaty before the Lord,
10 Take from the exiles, from 3 (And) to say unto the priests
Cheldai, from Tobiyahu, and who were in the house of the
from Yeda’yah, and thou shalt! Lord of hosts, and to the pro-
come on the same day, and go| phets, saying, Shall I weep in
into the house of Josiah the son the fifth month with abstinence,
of Zephanyah, whither they have as I have done already these

arrived from Babylon; many years.

11 Take also silver and gold, 4 5[ Then came the word of
and make crowns, and set them the Lord of hosts unto me, say-
upon the head of Joshua’ the son ing,
of Yehozadak the high priest 5 Say unto all the people of
12 And thou shalt say unto the land, and to the priests, as
him as ‘olloweth, Thus hath said followeth, When ye fasted and
72 £53
mourned in the fifth and in the land have they changed into a
seventh (month), already these desert.
seventy years, did ye in anywise
fast for me, yea, for me ?
6 And if ye do eat, and if ye 1 And
the word of the Lore
do drink, are ye not yourselves of hosts came, saying,
those that eat, and yourselves 2 Thus hath said the Lord of
those that drink? hosts, I am jealous for Zion with
7 Are not these the words a great jealousy, and with great
which the Lord hath proclaimed fury am I jealous for her.
by means of the former prophets, 3 Thus hath said the Lord, I
when Jerusalem was inhabited return unto Zion, and I will
and in prosperity, with her cities dwell in the midst of Jerusalem :
round about her, when (men) in- and Jerusalem shall be called,
habited the south, and the low- The city of truth; and the mount
lands ? of the Lord of hosts, The holy
8 And the word of the Lord mount.
came unto Zechariah, saying, 4 Thus hath said the Lord
9 Thus hath said the Lord of of hosts, Again shall there sit
hosts, saying, Execute true jus- old men and old women in the
tice, and show kindness and streets of Jerusalem, and every
mercy every man to his brother one with his staff in his hand be-

10 And defraud not the widow, cause of their multitude of years.

or the fatherless, the stranger, or 5 And the streets of the city
the poor; and imagine not evil shall be full of boys and girls
in your heart one against the playing in her streets.
other. 6 Thus hath said the Lord
11 But they refused to listen, of hosts, If it should be marvel-
and turned away rebelliously the lous in the eyes of the remnant
shoulder, and stopped their ears, of this people in those days,
so as not to hear should it also be marvellous in
12 And their heart they ren- my eyes? saith the Lord of hosts.
dered as an adamant, so as not 7 Thus hath said the Lord
to hear the law, and the words of hosts, Behold, I will save my
which the Lord of hosts had people from the east country
sent through his spirit by means and from the country of the set-
of the former prophets where-: ting of the sun ;

fore came a great anger from the 8 And I will bring them
Lord of hosts. (back), that they may dwell in
13 And it is come to pass, that the midst of Jerusalem and

as he proclaimed, and they would they shall be unto me for a peo-

not hear: so had they to call, ple, and I will be unto them for
and I would not hear, saith the a God, in truth and in right-
Lord of hosts; eousness.
14 And 9 \\ Thus hath said the Lord
I resolved to scatter
them with a storm-wind among of hosts, Let your hands be
all the nations that they had not
strong, ye that hear in these
known and the land was left
days these words out of the
mouth of the prophets, who
desolate after them, without any
one to pass through it forward (spoke) on the day that the foun-
or backward; and the pleasant dation of the house of the Lord
of hosts was laid, when the tem- 18 ^ And the word cf the
ple was to be built. Lord of hosts came unto me,
10 For before those days there saying,
was no reward for man, nor any 19 Thus hath said the Lord
reward for beast; and for him of hosts, The fast of the fourth,
that went out or came in there and the fast of the fifth, and the
was no peace, because of the fast of the seventh, and the fast
oppressor and I let loose all
: of the tenth (month), shall be-
men, every one against his neigh- come to the house of Judah
bour. gladness and joy, and merry
11 But now I am no more as festivals: only love ye the truth
in the former days unto the re- and peace.
sidue of this people, saith the 20 Thus hath said the Lord
Lord of hosts. of hosts, (A time) shall yet be
12 For the seed shall be un- when there shall come people,
disturbed ; the vine shall give and the inhabitants of many
its fruit, and the ground shall cities
give her production, and the 21 And the inhabitants of one
heavens shall give their dew (city) shall go to another, say-
and I will bestow on the rem- ing, Let us only go to pray be-
nant of this people all these fore the Lord, and to seek the
things. Lord of hosts I too will like-

13 And it shall come to pass, wise go.

that, in the same degree as ye 22 And many people and
have been a curse among the strong nations shall come to
nations, 0 house of Judah, and seek the Lord of hosts in Jeru-
house of Israel, so will I save salem, and to pray before the
you and ye shall be a blessing: Lord.
fear not; let your hands be 23 Thus hath said the Lord
strong. of hosts, In those days (it shall
14 For thus hath said the happen), that ten men out of all
Lord of hosts, As I had pur- the languages of the nations
posed to do you evil,
fathers incensed me, saith the
when your shall take hold — yea, they shall
take hold of the skirt of him
Lord of hosts, and I bethought that is a Jew, saying, Let us go
myself not with you; for we have heard
15 So do I again purpose in that God is with you.
these days to do well unto Jeru-
salem and to the house of Judah CHAPTER IX.
fear ye not. 1 The prophecy of the word
16 These are the things that of the Lord concerning the land
ye shall do, Speak ye the truth of Chadrach, and Damascus his
every man to his neighbour; resting-place ; for unto the Lord
(with) truth and the judgment (will look) the eye of men, and
of peace judge ye in your (that of) all the tribes of Israel;
gates 2 And also concerning Cha-
17 And let none of you think math that is bordering thereon.
evil inyour hearts against his Tyre, and Zidon, though it be
neighbour and love not a false
; very wise.
oath; for these are
all what I 3 And though Tyre have built
hate, saith the Lord. herself a strong-hold, and heap-
ed up silver as the dust, and fine of the pit wherein there is no
gold as the mire of the streets water.
4 Behold, the Loud will drive 12 Return you tc the strong
her out, and he will strike down hold, ye hopeful prisoners even :

her power into the sea and she

to-day do I declare, that I will
herself shall be devoured with recompense twofold (good) unt&
fire. thee.
5 Ashkelon shall see it, and 13 For I do bend Judah for
fear; Gazzah also, and tremble me, grasp Ephraim (as) a bow
greatly ;
and ’Ekron, for her and I will stir up thy sons, 0
trust will be made ashamed: Zion, against thy sons, 0 Ja-
and the king shall vanish from van, and I will render thee as
Gazzah, and Ashkelon shall not the sword of a mighty man.
be inhabited. 14 And the Lord will appear
6 And aliens shall dwell in over them, and then will go
Ashdod, and I will cut off the forth like the lightning his ar-
pride of the Philistines. row and the Lord Eternal will

7 And I will remove their blow on the cornet, and he will

bloody (sacrifices) out of their go along in the tempests of the
mouth, and their abominations south.
from between their teeth ; and 15 The Lord of hosts will be
their land also shall be left for a shield over them; and they
our God, and it shall be as a shall devour (the prey), and
prince’s (dwelling) in Judah, subdue the sling-stones; and
and ’Ekron shall be like Je- they shall drink, make a noise
busi. as one (drunken with) wine ; and
8 And I will encamp about the}' shall be filled like the offer-
my house against armies, against ing-bowls, like the corners of
those that pass to and fro, and the altar.
there shall not pass over them 16 And the Lord their God
any more an oppressor ;
for now will save them on that day
do I look (on them) with my
the flock of his people ; for (like)
eyes. the stones of a crown, will they
9 Be greatly glad, 0 daugh- elevate themselves over his land.
ter of Zion; shout, 0 daughter 17 For how great will be
of Jerusalem ! behold, thy King (that generation’s) happiness,
will come unto thee, righteous and how great its beauty corn !

and victorious is he, lowly, and shall make the young men sing
riding upon an ass, and upon a joyfully, and new wine the vir-

colt the foal of a she-ass. gins.

10 And I will cut off chariots
from Ephraim, and horses from CHAPTER X.
Jerusalem, and there shall be 1 Ask from rain at
the Lord
cut off the battle-bow, and he the time of the latter rain, (from)
shall speak peace unto the na- the Lord who maketh lightning-
tions; and his dominion shall clouds and he will give unto

be from sea to sea, and from the them showers of rain, to every
river to the ends of the earth. herb in the field.
11 As for thee also, because 2 For the Theraphira speak
of the blood of thy covenant, do vanity, and the diviners foresee
I send forth thy prisoners out a lie, and those that have dreams
speak what is false, with nought they live with their children,
do they comfort therefore do
: and return again.
they move about like a flock, 10 And I bring them
they bleat, because (they have) back again out of the land of
no shepherd. Egypt, and out of Assyria will
3 Against the shepherds is I gather them; and into the
my anger kindled, and on the land of Gil’ad and Lebanon will
he-goats will I inflict punish- I bring them, and it shall not be
ment; for the Lord of hosts sufficient for them.
thinketh of his flock, the house 11 And he will pass through
of Judah, and maketh them the sea (with) distress, and he
as his elegant horse in the bat- will smite in the sea the waves,
tle. and there shall dry up all the
4 Out of him cometh forth the deeps of the stream and there :

corner (-stone), out of him the shall be brought down the pride
tent-nail, out of him the battle- of Assyria, and the sceptre of
bow, out of him every ruler (of Egypt shall depart away.
others) together. 12 And I will strengthen them
5 And they shall be like in the Lord, and in his name
mighty men, treading down shall they ever walk, saith the
(their enemies) in the mire of Lord.
the streets in the battle, and
they shall fight, because the CHAPTER XI.
Lord is Avith them: and the 1 Open thy doors, 0 Leba-
riders on horses shall be made non, and the fire shall eat on
ashamed. thy cedars.
6 And I will strengthen the 2 Wail, fir-tree; for fallen
house of Judah, and the house is the cedar; those that were
of Joseph will I save, and I will mighty are despoiled wail, 0 :

bring them again to their own ye oaks of Bashan for the im- ;

homes; for I have mercy upon pervious forest is come down.

them, and they shall be as though 3 (There is) the noise of the
I had never cast them off; for I wailing of the shepherds ; for
am the Lord their God, and I wasted is their glory (there is) :

will answer their prayer. the noise of the roaring of young

7 And they of Ephraim shall lions for wasted is the pride of

be like a mighty man, and their the Jordan.

heart shall rejoice as though 4 Thus hath said the Lord
from wine: and their children my God, Feed the flocks (that
shall see it, and be rejoiced are destined for) the slaughter;

their heart shall be glad in the 5 Whom their buyers slay,

Ldrd. and hold themselves guiltless;
8 I will call for them, and and whose sellers say, Blessed
gather them ;
for I have re- be the Lord, for I am rich and :

deemed them :and they shall none of whose shepherds have

increase as they have increased pity on them.
(formerly). 6 For I will no more have
9 And when I shall have scat- pity on the inhabitants of the
tered them among the people, land, saith the Lord ; but, lo, 1
they will remember me in the will deliver the men every one
far-off countries therefore shall! into the hand of his neighbour,
: I

72* 2 il 2 857
and into the hand of his king: 16 For, lo, I raise up a shep.
and they shall beat down the herd in the land, who will not
land, and I will not deliver out think of those that are lost, nor
of their hand. seek for that which is gone
7 And I had fed the flocks astray, nor heal that which hath
(that were destined for) the (a limb) broken who will not
slaughter, —
indeed, the poorest

care for that which hath stiood

of the flocks ; and I had taken still; but who will eat the flesh
unto me two staves the one I
of the fat, and devour all even
called Mildness [No’am], and to their claws.
the other I-called Concord [Cho- 17 Wo to the worthless shep-
blim], and I fed the flocks. herd that leaveth the flock the

8 And I removed the three sword shall be upon his arm,

shepherds in one month ; and and upon his right eye his arm

my soul was tired of them, and shall utterly wither, and his
also their soul abhorred me. right eye shall be completely
9 Then said I, I will not feed blinded.
you: what is dying may die,*
and what is to be lost may be CHAPTER XII.
lost ;
and those that are left may 1 The prophecy of the word
eat every one the flesh of the of the Lord concerning Israel,
other. Saith the Lord, who stretcheth
10 And I took my staff, forth the heavens, and layeththe
namely, Mildness, and cut it to foundation of the earth, andform-
pieces, to annul my covenant etli the spirit of man within him :

which I had made with all the 2 Behold, I will make Jeru-
tribes. salem a cup of confusion unto
11 And when it was annulled all the people round about; and
on that day, then knew they also against Judah, who will
well, truly the poorest of the have to be at the siege against
flocks that waited for me, that Jerusalem.
it was the word of the Lord. 3 And it shall come to pass
12 And them, If on that day that I will make
I said unto
it be good in your eyes, give me Jerusalem a burdensome stone
my reward; and if not, forbear. for all the people all that bur-

So they weighed out as my re- den themselves with it shall be

ward thirty pieces of silver. severely cut: yet then will be
13 And the Lord said unto gathered together against it all
me, Cast it unto the treasurer, the nations of the earth.
the precious price which I am 4 On that day, saith the Lord,
prized at by them. And I took will I smite every horse with
the thirty pieces of silver, and dizziness, and his rider wita
cast them in the house of the madness ;
but over the house of
Lord unto the treasurer. Judah will I open my eyes,
14 Then I cut in pieces my while I will smite every horse
second staff, namely, Concord, of the people with blindness.
to annul the brotherhood be- 5 And the chiefs of Judah
tween Judah and Israel. will say in their heart, A strong
15 And the Lord said unto support for me are the inhabit-
me, Take unto thee yet the in- ants of Jerusalem through the
struments of a foolish shepherd. Lord of hosts their God.
6 On that day will I make I 18 The family of the house
the chiefs of Judah like a fire- of Levi apart, and their wives

hearth among the wood, and apart; the family of Shim'i

like a torch of fire among apart, and thei.r wives apart;
sheaves; and they shall devour 14 All the families that re«
on the right hand and on the main, every family apart by it-
left all the people round about: self, and their wives apart.
and Jerusalem shall be inha-
bited again in her own place, CHAPTER XIII.
even in Jerusalem. 1 If On that day shall there
7 The Lord also will save the be a fountain opened to the
tents of Judah first: in order house of David and to the inha-
that the glory of the house of bitants of Jerusalem, for cleans-
David and the glory of the in- ing from sin and for purification.
habitants of Jerusalem shall not 2 And it shall come to pass
become boastful over Judah. on that daj’, saith the Lord of
8 On that day will the Lord hosts, that I will cut off the
be a shield around the inha- names of the idols out of the
bitants of Jerusalem; and the land, and they shall not be re-
feeblest among them shall be on membered any more and also :

that day like David and the the prophets and the unclean

house of David shall be like' spirit will I remove out of the

divine beings, like an angel of *land.
the Lord before them. 3 And it shall come to pass,
9 And it shall come to pass any one should yet prophesy,
on that day, that I will seek to that his father and his mother
destroy all the nations that are who have begotten him shall say
come against Jerusalem. unto him, Thou shalt not live
10 But I will pour out over for falsely hast thou spoken in
the house of David, and over the name of the Lord: and his
the inhabitants of Jerusalem, father and his mother who have
the spirit of grace and of sup- begotten him shall thrust him
plications: and they will look through when he prophesieth.
up toward me (for every one) 4 And it shall come to pass
whom they have thrust through, on that day, that the prophets
and they will lament for him, as shall be ashamed every one be-
one lamenteth for an only son, cause of his vision, when ho pro-
and weep bitterly for him, as phesieth ; and they shall not
one weepeth bitterly for the first- clothe themselves with a hairy
born. cloak in order to deceive.
11 On that day will the* la- 5 But he will say, I am no
mentation be great in Jerusalem, prophet, a man that tilleth the
like the lamentation at Hadad- ground am I for some one hath

riinmon in the valley of Megid- taught me to keep cattle from

don. my youth.
12 And the land will mourn, 6 And should some one say
every family apart by itself the unto him, What are these wounds

family of the house of David between thy hands ? Then will

apart, and their wives apart; he say, Those with which I have
the family of the house of Na- been wounded in the house of my
than apart, and their wives apart; (vicious) friends.
7 ^ Awake, 0 sword, against 5 And ye shall flee (from)
my shepherd, and against the the mountains
valley of my
man whom I have associated for the valley of the
with me, saith the Lord of hosts shall reach unto Azal
: and ye ;

smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall flee, just as ye fled from
shall be scattered but I will turn
before the earthquake in the
my hand toward the feeble ones. days of ’Uzziyah the king of
8 And it shall come to pass, Judah: and then will come the
that in all the land, saith the Lord my God, and all the saints
Lord, two parts (of those) there- with thee.
in shall be cut off, shall perish 6 And it shall come to pass

but the third part shall be left on that day, that there shall be
therein. no light, but fleeting light and
9 And I will bring the third thick darkness.
part into the fire, and I will re- 7 But it shall be one particulai
fine them as one refineth silver, day which shall indeed be known
and will probe them ns gold is as the Lord's, neither day nor
probed they will call on my night; but it shall come to pass,

name, and I will answer their that at evening-time there shall

prayer; I will sa}r , They are my be light.
people and they will say, The
8 And it shall happen on that
Lord is my God. day, that living waters shall go
out from Jerusalem, the half of
CHAPTER XIV. them toward the eastern sea, and
1 Behold, a day is coming the other half of them toward
unto the Lord, when thy spoil the western sea in summer and :

shall be divided in the midst of in winter shall it be so.

thee. 9 And the Lord will be king
2 And I will assemble all the over all the earth on that day :

nations against Jerusalem to shall the Lord be (acknow-

battle ;
and the city shall be ledged) one, and his name be
captured, and the houses plun- one.
dered, and the women ravished 10 All theland shall be changed

and half of the city shall go as it were into a plain from Geba’
forth into exile, and the residue to Riminon to the south of Jeru-
of the people shall not be cut salem ; and she herself shall be
off from the city. elevated, and be inhabited on
3 Then will the Lord go forth, her former site, from the gate of
and fight against these nations, Benjamin unto the place of the
as on the day when he fought first gate, up to the corner gate,
on the day of battle. and from the tower of Chananel
4 And his feet will stand on unto the king’s wine-presses.
that day upon the mount of 11 And men shall dwell in it,
Olives, which is before Jerusa- and no destruction shall any
lem on the east, and the mount more take place; but Jerusalem
of Olives shall be split in twain shall be inhabited in safety.
in its middle eastward and west- 12 And this shall be the
ward, making a very great val- plague wherewith the Lord will
ley;and half of the mount shall afflict all the people that shall
remove northward, and half of it have come to battle against Je-
southward. rusalem : The flesh of every one
shall consume away while he 17 And it shall happen, that
atandeth upon his feet, and his whoso will notcome up out of
eyes shall consume away in their the families of the earth unto
holes, and the tongue of every Jerusalem to bow down before
one shall consume away in his the King, the Lord of hosts,
mouth. even upon these there shall be
13 And it shall come to pass no rain.
on that day, that a great con- 18 And if the family of Egypt
fusion from the Lord shall be go not up, and come not, then
among them and they shall lay
: shall not (any rain fall) upon
hold every one on the hand of them also :this shall be the
his neighbour, and his hand plague, wherewith the Lord will
shall rise up against the hand afflict the nations that will not
of his neighbour. come up to celebrate the feast
14 And also Judah will have of tabernacles.
to fight against Jerusalem: and 19 This shall be the punish-
there shall be gathered together ment of Egypt, and the punish-
the wealth of all the nations ment of all the nations that will
round about, gold, and silver, not come up to celebrate the feast
and garments, in great abun- of tabernacles.
dance. 20 On that day shall (every
15 And thus shall be the thing), even to the bells of the
plague of the horses, of the horses, be holy unto the Lord;
mules, of the camels, and of the and the pots in the Lord’s house
asses, and of all the beasts that shall be like the bowls before the
will be in these camps, just like altar.
this plague. 21 And every pot in Jeru-
16 % And it shall come to salem and in Judah shall be
pass, that every one that is left holy unto the Lord of hosts;
out of all the nations who will and all those that sacrifice will
have come against Jerusalem, come and take some of them,
yea, these shall go up year by and seethe therein and on that

year to bow down before the day there shall be no more any
King, the Lord of hosts, and to trader in the house of the Lord
celebrate the feast of tabernacles. of hosts.

dkSd nxm

that ye say, The table of the

CHAPTER I. Lord is contemptible.
1 The prophecy of the word 8 And if ye bring near the
of the Lord to Israel by means blind to sacrifice it, is this not
of Malachi. evil? and if ye bring near the
2 I have loved you, so hath lame and the sick, is this not
said the Lord yet ye say,
evil ? do but present it unto thy
Wherein hast thou loved us ? governor, will he be pleased with
Is not ’Esau brother to Jacob? thee, or receive thee with favour ?
saith the Lord : yet I loved saith the Lord of hosts.
Jacob; 9 And now, I pray you, be-
3 And ’Esau I hated; and I seech the presence of God that
rendered his mountains a desert, he may be gracious unto us;
and his heritage a dwelling for from your hand hath this thing
the monsters of the wilderness. come will he receive one of you

4 Should Edom even say, We with favour? saith the Lord of

are impoverished but we will
return and build the ruined 10 Oh that there were some
places: thus hath said the Lord one among you that would lock
of hosts, They may indeed build, up the doors (of the sanctuary),
but I will surely throw down ;
that ye might not light up my
and men shall call them, The altar for nought I have no

territory of wickedness, and, The pleasure in you, saith the Lord

people against whom the Lord of hosts, neither will I accept in
hath indignation to eternity. favour an offering from your
5 And your eyes shall see it; hand.
and ye shall then say, The Lord 11 For from the rising of the
will be magnified beyond the sun even unto his going down
territory of Israel. my name is great among the
6 A
son honoureth his father, nations and in every place in-

and a servant his master if : cense is burnt and there is of-


then I be a father, where is my fered unto my name, even a pure

honour? and if I be a master, offering ; for great is my name
where is my fear? saith the Lord among the nations, saith the
of hosts unto you, 0 priests, that Lord of hosts.
despise my name; and ye say, 12 But ye profane it, in that
Wherein have we despised thy ye say, The table of the Lord
name ? is polluted, and by the assertion,

7 Ye offer upon my altar pol- Its food is contemptible.

luted bread and ye say, Where-
13 And ye have said, Behold,
in have we polluted thee? In what a wearisome task is it and !


ye have left it to famish, saith for he is the messenger of the


the Lord of hosts; and ye have Lord of hosts.


brought what was robbed, and i 8 But ye are indeed departed

the lame, and the sick, and thus out of the way ye have caused

ye have brought an offering many to stumble in the law ye


should 1 accept this in favour have corrupted the covenant :)f

from your hand ? saith the Lord. the Levite, saith the Lord of
14 But cursed be the deceiver, hosts.
who hath in his flock a male, 9 Therefore have I also made
and voweth, and sacrificeth a you contemptible and low before
corrupt thing unto the Lord :

all the people, in the same mea-
for I am a great king, saith the sure as ye do not keep my ways,

Lord of hosts, und my name is but act with partiality in the


feared among the nations. law. ,

1 0 Have we not all one father ?

CHAPTER II. hath not one Gfod created us ?
1 And now, this command- (then) why shall we deal trea-
ment is for you, 0 ye priests. cherously every man against his
2 If ye will not hear, and if brother, to profane the covenant
ye will not lay it to heart, to of our fathers ?
give glory unto my name, saith 11 Judah hath dealt treacher-
the Lord of hosts: I will even ously, and an abomination hath
send out against you a curse, been committed in Israel and in
and I will curse your blessings Jerusalem; for Judah hath pro-
yea, I will curse the same, be- faned the sanctuary of the Lord
cause ye do not lay it to heart. which he loveth, and hath mar-
3 Behold, I will destroy un- ried the daughter of a strange
to you the seed, and spread god.
dung upon your faces, even the 12 The Lord will cut off unto
dung of your festive offerings the man that doth this, son and
and one shall take you away grandson, out of the tents of
with it. Jacob, and him that bringeth
4 And ye shall thereby know near an offering unto the Lord
that I have sent out unto you of hosts.
this commandment, that my 13 And this do ye secondly,
covenant might be with Levi, covering the altar of the Lord
saith the Lord of hosts. with tears, with weeping and
5 My covenant was with him with loud complaint, so that he
life and peace ;
and I gave them turneth not any mce his regard
to him for the fear wherewith to the offerings, nor receiveth it
he feared me, and because of my with favour at your hand.
name he had dread. 14 Yet ye say, Wherefore ?
6 The law of truth was in his Because the Lord hath been
mouth, and falsehood was not witness between thee and the
found on his lips: in peace andi wife of thy youth, against whom
equity he walked with me, and thou hast indeed dealt treacher-
many did he turn away from ously yet is she thy companion,

iniquity. and the wife of thy covenant.

7 For the priest’s lips are ever 15 And not one doth so who
to keep knowledge, and the law hath a remnant of a (good) spi-
are they to seek from his mouth ; rit ; for what desireth such a
one? he seeketh a will be a swift witness against
(to possess)
godly posterity: therefore take the sorcerers, and against the
heed to your spirit, and let none; adulterers, and against those that
of you deal treacherously against swear falsely, and against those
the wife of his youth. that withhold the wages of the
16 For he hateth putting away hired labourer, (oppress) the
(the wife), so hath said the Lord widow, and the fatherless, and
the God of Israel, and him who that do injustice to the stranger,
covereth his garment with vio- and fear me not, saith the Lord
lence, so hath said the Lord of of hosts.
hosts: therefore take heed to 6 For I the Lord — have not I
your spirit, and deal not trea- changed and ye sons of Jacob

cherously. —ye have not ceased to be.

17 Ye have wearied the 7 From the days of your fa-
Lord with your words yet ye :
thers did ye depart from my sta-
gay, Wherein have we wearied tutes, and did not keep them :

him ? By your saying, Every return unto me, and I will return
one that doth evil is good in the unto you, saith the Lord of
eyes of the Lord* and in them hosts ; but ye say, Wherein shall
hefindeth delight; or else, Where we return ?
is the God of justice? 8 Can a man rob God, that ye
rob me? But ye say, Where-
CHAPTER III. have we robbed thee ?
in In
1 Behold, I will send my tithes and in heave-offerings.
messenger, and he shall clear 9 With the curse are ye cursed,
out the way before me and sud- and yet me do ye rob, 0 ye en-

denly will come to< his temple tire nation !

the Lord, whom ye seek and ;

10 Bring ye all the tithes into
the messenger of the covenant, the storehouse, that there may
whom ye desire forj behold, he be provision in my house, and
is coming, saith the Lord of prove me but herewith, saith the
hosts. Lord of hosts, if I will not open
2 But who can sustain the day for you the windows of heaven,
of his coming? and who can and pour out for you a blessing,
stand when he appeareth ? for until it be more than enough.
he is like the fire of the melter, 1 1 And I will rebuke for you

and like the lye of the washers the devourer, and he shall not
3 And he will sit as a melter destroy for you the fruit of the
and purifier of silver; and he ground and the vine shall not :

will purify the sons of Levi, and cast its fruit for you before the
refine them as gold and silver, time in the field, saith the Lord
that they may offer unto the of hosts.
Lord an offering in righteous- 12 And all the nations shall
ness. call you blessed for ye shall be ;

4 And then shall be pleasant aland of delight, saith the Lord

unto the Lord the offerings of of hosts.
Judah and Jerusalem, as in the 13 Your words have been
da} s of old, and as in former strong against me, saith the

years. Lord but ye say, What have we


5 And I will come near unto spoken among us against thee?

7 ©u to (hold) judgment; and I 14 Ye have said, It is vain to
serve God and what profit is it
: day that is coming shall set them

that we have kept his charge, on fire, saith the Lord of hosts,
and that we have walked con- who will not leave them root or
tritely before the Lord of hosts? bough.
15 And now we call the pre- 20 But there shall rise unto
sumptuous happy yea, built up
you that fear my name the sun
are those that practise wicked- of righteousness with healing in
ness yea, they have even tempt-
hiswings and ye will go forth,

ed God and are (yet) suffered to and grow fat as calves of the
€ scape. stall.
16 Then conversed they that 21 And ye will tread down
fear the Lord one with the other: the wicked,* for they shall be
and the Lord listened and heard ashes under the soles of your
it, and there was written a book feet, on the day that I create,
cf remembrance before him for saith the Lord of hosts.
l.rijse who fear the Lord, and 22 Remember ye the law of
for those who respect his name. Moses my servant, whom I com-
17 And they shall be mine, manded on Horeb for all Israel,
saith the Lord of hosts, on that and ordinances.
day which I create as a special 23 Behold, I send unto you
treasure and I will spare them,
: Elijah the prophet before the
as a man spareth his son that coming of the day of the Lord.
fcerveth him. the great and the dreadful.
18 And ye shall return, and 24 And he shall turn back the
see the difference between the heart of the fathers to the chil-
righteous and the wicked, be- dren, and the heart of the chil-
tween him that serveth God and dren to their fathers lest I come

him that hath not served him. and smite the earth with a
19 For, behold, the day is curse.
coming, which shall burn as an [23 Behold, I send unto you
oven; and all the presumptuous, Elijah the prophet before the
yea, and all who practise wick- coming of the day of the Lord,
edness shall be stubble and the the great and the dreadful.]

78 2M 8*5

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D'Snn iso.

bands, and cast away from us
PSALM I. their cords.”
1 Happy the man who
is 4 He who dwelleth in the hea-
walketh not in the council of the vens will laugh: the Lord will
wicked, and standeth not in the hold them in derision.
way of sinners, and sitteth not 5 Then will he speak unto
in the seat of scorners them in his anger, and in his dis-
2 But whose delight is in the pleasure will he terrify them.
law of the Lord, and who doth 6 (Saying,) Yet have I ap-
meditate in his law by day and pointed my king upon Zion my
night. holy mount.
3 And he shall be like a tree 7 I will announce the decree,
planted by rivulets of water, that the Lord hath said unto me,
yieldeth its fruit in its season, “ My son art thou: I have in-
and the leaf of which doth not deed this day begotten thee.
wither ; and all that he may do 8 Ask it of me, and I will give
shall prosper. thee nations for an inheritance,
4 Not so the wicked but they : and for thy possession the utter-
are like the chaff which the wind most ends of the earth.
driveth away. 9 Thou shalt break them with
5 Therefore shall the wicked a rod of iron ; like a potter’s
not be able to stand in the judg- vessel shalt thou dash them in
ment, nor sinners in the congre- pieces.”
gation of the righteous. 10 And now, 0 ye kings, be
6 For the Lord regardeth the wise: take warning, ye judges
way of the righteous; but the of the earth.
way of the wicked leadeth to 11 Serve the Lord with fear,
perdition. and rejoice with trembling.
12 l)o homage to the son, lest
PSALM II. he be angry, and ye be lost ou
1 Wherefore do nations the way ;
for his wrath is so
rage, and people meditate a vain speedily kindled. Happy are all
thing? they that put their trust in him.
2 The kings of the earth raise
themselves up, and rulers take PSALM III.
counsel together, against the., 1 A psalm of David, when
Lord, and against his anointed: he fied from before Abshalom
3 “ Let us break asunder their his son.
73 * 869
2 Lord, how numerous are my us happiness? Let shine brightly
assailants how many, that rise
! over us the light of thy counte-
up against me nance, 0 Lord.”
3 Many say of my soul, There 8 (But) thou hast placed more
is no help for him with God. joy in my heart than at the time
Selah. when their corn and their wine
4 But thou, 0 Lord, art a were increased.
shield around me, my glory, and 9 In peace, altogether, will I
he that lifteth up my head. lay me down and sleep ; for thou,
5 ;
th my voice I call unto Lord, alone, causest me to dwell
the Lord, and he answereth me in safety.
out of his holy mountain. Selah.
6 I laid myself down and V. PSALM
slept: I awoke; for the Lord 1 f To the chief musician
sustaineth me. upon Nechiloth, a psalm of Da-
7 I will not be afraid of ten vid.
thousands of people, that have 2 To my words give ear, 0
placed themselves round about Lord have regard to my medi- !

against me. tation.

8 Arise, 0 Lord, help me, 0 3 Listen unto the voice of my
my God for thou smitest all my loud cry, my King, and my God,

enemies upon the cheek bone when unto thee I pray. :

the teeth of the wicked dost thou 4 0 Lord, in the morning do

break. thou hear my voice in the morn- :

9 Salvation belongeth unto ing will I set in order (my prayer)

the Lord thy blessing be upon before thee, and look up with

thy people. Selah. hope.

5 For thou art not a God that
PSALM IY. hath pleasure in wickedness:
1 To the chief musician on evil cannot abide with thee.
Neginoth, a psalm of David. 6 The arrogant cannot stand
2 When I call, answer me, 0 up before thy eyes thou hatest :

God of my righteousness amidst all workers of wickedness.


distress thou hast ever granted 7 Thou wilt destroy those that
me enlargement; be gracious speak lies the man of blood and :

unto me, and hear my prayer. deceit the Lord abhorreth.

3 0 ye sons of men, how long 8 But as for me, in the abun- —
shall my glory be put to shame ? dance of thy kindness will I en-
(how long) will ye love vanity, ter thy house I will bow my- ;

will ye seek for lies ? Selah. self down before thy holy tem-
4 But know that the Lord ple in the fear of thee.
hath set apart the pious for him- 9 0 Lord, lead me in thy
self* the Lord will hear when I righteousness because of those
caL on him. that regard me enviously ; make
d Tremble, and sin not com- straight before me thy way.

mune with your heart upon your 10 For there is not in their
bed, and be still. Selah. mouth any sincerity; their in-
6 Offer the sacrifices of right- ward part is full of deception;
eousness, and put your trust in an open sepulchre is their throat:
the Lord. they flatter with their tongue.
7 Many say, “Who will show| 11 Condemn them, 0 God; let
them through their own coiin-
fall Asha ned and greatly ter-
1 11
sels; for the multitude of their become all my ene-
rifled shall
transgressions cast them down mies they will turn round, and

for they have rebelled against be made ashamed in a moment.

12 Then will rejoice all those VII. PSALM
that put their trust in thee; for 1 A Shiggayon of David,
ever will they shout for joy, when which he sang unto the Lord,
thou protectest them and then concerning the affairs of Cush

will exult in thee those that love the Benjamite.

thy name. 2 0 Lord my God, in thee do
13 For thou wilt bless the I put my trust; save me from
righteous, 0 Lord! as with a every one of my persecutors, and
shield wilt thou encompass him deliver me :

with favour. 3 Lest he tear like a lion my

soul, rending it in pieces, with
PSALM VI none to deliver.
1 To the chief musician 4 0 Lord my God, if I have
on Neginoth upon Sheminith, a done this; if there be injustice
psalm of David. in my hands;
2 0 Lord, correct me not in 5 If I have recompensed
thy anger, and chastise me not him that was at peace with me
in thy wrath. with evil; if I have taken aught
3 Be gracious unto me, 0 from my assailants without
Lord; for I am withering away: cause
heal me, 0 Lord for my bones
6 May the enemy hotly pur-
are terrified. sue my soul, and overtake it;
4 And my soul is greatly ter- and tread down upon the earth
rified but thou, 0 Lord, how my life, and cause my honour to

long yet — lie in the dust. Selah.

5 Pteturn, deliver my
0 Lord, 7 Arise, 0 Lord, in thy an-
soul help me for the sake of ger, lift up thyself because of the

thy kindnesfi. rage of my enemies ; and awake

6 For in death men do not for me (to) the judgment that
remember thee in the nether thou hast commanded.

world, who shall give thee shall the congregation

thanks? of nations compass thee about:
7 I am weary with my sigh- and for their sakes return thou
ing I flood every night my bed; to the height.

with my tears I moisten my The Lord will judge the

couch. people: judge me, 0 Lord! ac-
8 My eye is consumed because cording to my righteousness, and
of grief; it waxeth old because according to my integrity (grant)
of all my assailants. me (recompense).
9 Depart from me, all ye work- 1 0 Oh let the evil of the wicked

ers of wickedness; for the Lord come to an end; but establish

hath heard the voice of my weep the just, 0 thou, who triest the
ing. hearts and reins, 0 righteous

10 The Lord hath heard my|God!

supplication; the Lord will ac-| 11 My
protection is by God,
cept m.y prayer. Iwho saveth the upright in heart.
God is a righteous judge, crowned him with honour and
and a God who is indignant glory.
(with the wicked) every day. 7 Thou hast given him domi-
13 If he turn not, He will whet nion over the works of thy hands;
his sword; he bendeth his bow, every thing hast thou placed be-
and maketh it ready. neath his feet:
14 Also for him he prepareth 8 Flocks and herds altogether,
the instruments of death ; he and also the beasts of the field
fashioneth his arrows against the 9 The birds of heaven, and
persecutors. the fishes of the sea, whatsoever
15 Behold, he travaileth with passeth through the paths of the
wrong doing; but he hath con- seas.
ceived mischief, and bringeth 10 0 Eternal One our Lord,
forth falsehood. excellenthow is thy name on all
16 He hath hollowed out a the earth
pit, and dug it, and is fallen
into the ditch which he hath PSALM IX.
wrought. 1 To the chief musician
17 His mischief will return upon Muth-labben, a psalm of
upon his own head, and upon David. I

his own skull will his violence 2 I will thank the Lord with
come down. all my heart: I will relate all
18 I will thank the Lord ac- thy marvellous deeds.
cording to his righteousness 3 I will rejoice and exult in
and I will sing praises to the thee I will sing praise to thy :

name of the Lord the Most name, 0 thou Most High!

High. 4 When my enemies are turned
backward, (when) they fall and
PSALM VIII. perish at thy presence.
1 To the chief musician 5 For thou hast conducted my
upon Gittith, a psalm of David. dispute and my cause thou hast ;

2 0 Eternal One our Lord, sat on the throne as a righteous

how excellent is thy name on all judge.
the earth thou who hast set thy
! 6 Thou hast rebuked nations,
majesty above the heavens. thou hast caused the wicked to
3 Out of the mouth of babes perish, their name hast thou
and sucklings hast thou founded blotted out for ever and ever.
(thy) might, because of thy op- 7 0 thou enemy, the ruins are
ponents, that thou migh test bring passed away for ever, and the
to silence the enemy, and him cities which thou hast destroyed,
that seeketh vengeance. —lost is their memorial, yea,
4 When I behold thy heavens, theirs.
the work of thy fingers, the moon 8 But the Lord will sit en-
and the stars, which thou hast throned forever: he hath esta-
established : — blished for giving judgment his
5 What is the mortal, that throne.
thou rememberest him? and the 9 And he will judge the world
son of man, tha\ thou thinkest with righteousness, he shall de-
of him ? cide for the people with equity.
6 Yet thou hast made him but 10 The Lord also will be a
a little less than angels, and hast strong-hold for the oppressed,
a strong-hold in times of dis- doth he hotly pursue the poor:
tress. they are seized through the
11 And they that know thy plans that those have devi*sed.
name will put their trust in thee ; 3 For the wicked boasteth of
for thou hast not forsaken those the longing of his soul, and the
that seek thee, 0 Lord! robber blesseth himself when he
12 Sing praises to the Lord, hath despised the Lord.
who dwelleth in Zion announce : 4 The wicked, according to
among the people his deeds. the pride of his wrathfulness,
13 For he, that inquireth after (saith,) He will not require:
acts of blood, hath remembered There is no God (in) all his
them he hath not forgotten the plans.

cry of the afflicted. 5 Prosperous are his ways at

14 Be gracious unto me, 0 all times far in the height (re-

Lord have regard to my afflic- main) thy punishments away


tion (coming) from those that from him: all his assailants
hate me, thou who liftest me up he puffeth at them.
from the gates of death. 6 He saith in his heart, I shall
15 In order that I may relate not be moved I shall be for

all thy praises in the gates of many generations, and without

the daughters of Zion I will be adversity.

glad in thy salvation. 7 Of false oaths is his mouth

16 Sunk are nations in the full, and deceit and fraud un- :

ditch that the}' have prepared der his tongue is mischief and
in this net which they had laid wickedness.
in secret is their own foot caught. 8 He sitteth in the lurking-
17 The Lord is made known places of the villages; in the se-

he executed justice through the cret places doth he murder the


doing of his own hands is the innocent his eyes search for the

wicked ensnared. Higgayon, unfortunate.

Selah. 9 He lieth in wait in a secret
18 The wicked shall return place like a lion in his den; he
into hell, all the nations that are lieth in wait to snatch up tl
forgetful of God. poor he snatcheth up the poor,

19 For not everlastingly shall as he draweth him into his net.

the needy be forgotten the ex- : 10 He croucheth, he bendeth
pectation of the poor shall not himself, and the unfortunate fall
perish for ever. through his might.
20 Arise, 0 Lord let not the
! 11 He saith in his heart, God
mortal boast of his strength hath forgotten he hath hidden ;

let nations be judged before thy his face he will never see it.

face. 12 Arise, 0 Lord! 0 God,

21 Place, 0 Lord, fear over lift up thy hand forget not the

them: nations know, that afflicted.

they are but mortals. Selah. 13 For what doth the wicked
despise God? (why) doth he say
PSALM X. in his heart, Thou wilt not re-
1 Wherefore, 0 Lord, quire it?
Blandest thou afar off? hidest 14 Thou hast seen it; for
thyself in times of distress? thou beholdest mischief and de-
2 In the pride of the wicked spiteful acts, to requite them with
PSALMS xiii.
thy hand unto thee the unfor-
tunate committeth himself unto ;
1 f To the chief musician upon
the fatherless hast thou (ever) Sheminith, a psalm of David.
been a helper. 2 Help, 0 Lord forthepioug !

1 5 Break thou the arm of the

have ceased to be for the truth- ;
wicked and of the bad man
ful have failed from among the
thou wilt inquire for his wicked- children of men.
ness (till) thou find none. 3 Deceptively do they speak
16 The Lord is King for ever every one with his neighbour,
and ever nations are perished with flattering lips, with a

out of his land. double heart do they speak.

17 The longing of the afflicted 4 May the Lord cut off all
dost thou hear, 0 Lord thou flattering lips, the tongue that

wilt strengthen their heart, thou speaketh boastful things

wilt cause thy ear to listen 5 Who have said, With our

18 To judge the fatherless and tongue will we be mighty; our

the oppressed, that not farther lips are with us; who is
more shall be arrogant the mor- over us ?
tal from the earth. 6 Because of the oppression
of the poor, because of the sigh-
ing of the needy, now will I
1 To
the chief musician, by arise,
saith the Lord I will :

David. In the Lord have I put grant safety to him for

my how can ye say to my the other layeth a snare.
trust :

soul, Flee to your mountain as a

The words of the Lord
7 are
bird ? pure words, as silver refined in
2 For lo, the wicked bend the crucible of earth, purified
their bow, they arrange their
seven times.
arrow upon the string, to shoot 8 Thou, 0 Lord, wilt preserve
in the dark at the upright in
them thou wilt guard them

heart. from this generation for ever.

3 For (if) the foundations be
9 On every side do the wicked
torn down, what can the right- walk about, when the vile are
eous do ? exalted over the sons of man.
4 The Lord is in his holy
temple, the Lord hath his throne PSALM XIII.
in the heavens, his eyes behold, 1 If
To the chief musician, a
his eyelids prove, the children psalm of David.
of men. 2 How long, 0 Lord, wilt
5 The Lord proveth the right- thou forget me continually ?
eous; but the wicked and him how long wilt thou hide thy
that loveth violence his soul face from me ?
hate th. 3 How long shall I have to
6 He letteth rain upon the devise resolves in my soul, with
wicked burning coals, fire and grief in my heart daily? how
brimstone and a glowing wind long shall my enemy exalt him-

is the portion of their cup. self over me ?

7 For righteous is the Lord, 4 Look down, answer me, 0
he loveth righteousness his Lord my God! enlighten my

countenance doth behold the eyes, that I may not sleep tba
upright. sleep of death
5 That my enemy may not 3 That uttereth no calumny
say, I have overcome him; that with his tongue, that doth no
my assailants may not be glad evil to his neighbour, and bring-
when I am moved. eth no reproach on his fellow-
6 But I trust in thy kindness, man ;

let my heart be glad because of 4 In whose eyes the despica-

thy salvation I will sing unto ble is despised; but hat ho-

the Lord, because he hath dealt noureth those who fear the Lord ;
bountifully with me. that sweareth to his own injury,
and changeth not;
PSALM XIV. 5 That putteth not out hi*
1 f To the chief musician, by money for interest, and taketh
David. The worthless fool saith no bribe against the innocent.
in his heart, There is no God. He that doth these things shall
They are corrupt, they are abo- not be moved to eternity.
minable (in their) doings, there
is none that doth good.
2 The Lord looketh down 1 f A Michtham of David.
from heaven upon the children of Preserve me, 0 God for I have ;

men, to see if there be one intel- placed my trust in thee.

ligent, one who seeketh for God. 2 (0 my soul,) thou hast said
3 They are all gone aside, unto the Lord, Thou art my
they are altogether become cor- Lord my happiness is not with-

rupt: there is none that doth out thee

good, no, not even one. 3 (But) in the saints who are
4 Is there no knowledge in on the earth, and in the ex-
all the workers of wickedness ? cellent, —
in them is all my de-
who eat up my people as they light.
eat bread; (while) they do not 4 Multiplied shall be the sor-
call on the Lord. rows of those who give presents
5 There are they terrified in to another god I will not pour

terror for God is with the right- out their drink-offerings of blood,

eous generation : nor bear their names upon my

6 The counsel of the poor lips.
(though) you put to shame; be- 5 Thou, 0 Lord, art the por-
cause the Lord is his protection. tion of my inheritance, and my
7 Oh that some one might cup : thou hast drawn my lot.
bring the salvation of Israel out 6 My possessions are fallen in
of Zion When the Lord bring- agreeable places yea, my herit-

eth back the captivity of his peo- age is pleasant to me.

ple, then will Jacob be glad, 7 I will bless the Lord, who
and Israel will rejoice. hath given me counsel: also in
the night seasons my reins ad-
PSALM XV. monish me.
1 A psalm of David. Lord! 8 I have always set the Lord
who may sojourn in thy tent? before me, that, being at my
who may dwell on thy holy right hand, I might not be
mount ? moved.
2 He that walketh uprightly, 9 Therefore is rejoiced my
and worketh righteousness, and heart, and my spirit is glad:
speaketh the truth in his heart; also my flesh shall rest in safety.
10 For thou wilt not abandon 12 Every man is just like a
my soul to the grave thou wilt : lion that is greedy to tea** his
not suffer thy pious (servant) to prey, and like a young lion lurk,
see corruption. ing in a covert.
11 Thou wilt let me know the 13 Arise, 0 Lord, prevent
path of life: fulness of joy is in him, cast him down deliver my

thy presence pleasures are at

soul from the wicked, who is
thy right hand for evermore. thy sword,
14 From these men —
thy hand
PSALM XVII. — 0 Lord, from the men of this
1 A prayer of David. Hear, world, whose portion is in this
0 Lord, (the cause of) righteous- life, and whose belly thou fillest
ness, attend unto my entreaty, with thy hidden treasure they :

give ear unto my prayer, coming have children in plenty, and

from lips without deceit. leave the rest of their substance
2 Let from thy presence my to their babes.
sentence come forth ; let thy 15 As for me, in righteousness
eyes behold what is right. shall T behold thy face I shall

3 Thou hast proved my heart; be satisfied, when I awake, with

thou hast thought of me in the contemplating thy likeness.
night; thou hast refined me
thou couldst find nothing: my PSALM XVIIL
purpose doth not pass beyond 1 chief musician, by
To the
(the words of) my mouth. the servant of the Lord, by Da-
4 Among the deeds of men vid, who spoke unto the Lord
did I observe, by the word of the words of this song on the
thy lips, the paths of the disso- day that the Lord had delivered
lute. him out of the power of all his
5 My steps held firmly to thy enemies, and from the hand of
tracks, (and) my footsteps did Saul
not slip. 2 And he said, I ever love
6 I call on thee, for thou wilt thee, 0 Lord, my strength.
answer me, 0 God incline thy
! 3 The Lord is my rock, and
ear unto me, hear my speech. my fortress, and my deliverer ;
7 Show marvellously thy lov- my God, my rock, in whom I
ing-kindnesses, 0 thou that sav- trust; my shield, and the horn
est those who put their trust (in of salvation, and my high
thee) from those that rise up tower.
(against them) by thy righthand. 4 Praised, I cried, be the
8 Keep me as the apple of the Lord, and from my enemies was
eye ; conceal me under the sha- I saved.
dow of thy wings, 5 The bonds of death encom-
9 From the wicked that de- passed me, and the floods of de-
spoil me, my enemies, who, to struction made me afraid.
take my life, compass me about. 6 The bonds of hell encircled
10 They are enclosed in their me the snares of death seized

own fat with their mouth they on me.


speak proudly. 7 (When) in my distress I

11 On our steps they now en- ca’led upon the Lord, and unto
compass us they direct their my God 1 cried he heard from
: :

eyes to turn aside in the land. his temple my voice, and my

complaint came before him, even 20 And he brought me forth
into his ears. into a large space ;
he delivered
8 Then shook and trembled me, because he had delight in
the earth ; and the foundations me.
of the mountains were moved 21 The Lord rewarded me
and they were shaken, because according to my righteousness;
he was wroth. according to the purity of my
9 Smoke went up in his anger hands did he recompense me.
and consuming fire out of his 22 For I have kept the ways
mouth coals flamed forth from of the Lord, and have not wick-

him. edly departed from my God.

10 And he bent the heavens, 23 For all his ordinances were
and came down: and thick dark- before me, and his statutes had
ness was under his feet. I not put away from me.
11 And he rode upon a che- 24 I was also upright with
rub, and flew along, and he flit- him, and I guarded myself
ted by upon the wings of the against my iniquity.
wind. 25 Therefore did the Lord
12 He made darkness his hid- recompense me according to my
ing-place, round about him as righteousness, according to the
his pavilion, dark waters, thick purity of my hands before his
clouds of the skies. eyes.
13 From the brightness be- 26 With the kind thou wilt
fore him his thick clouds passed show thyself kind with the up-

away, (with) hail-stones and right man thou wilt show thy-
coals of fire. selfupright
14 And the Lord thundered 27 With the pure thou wilt
in the heavens, and the Most show thyself pure ; and with the
High uttered forth his voice*, perverse thou wilt wage a con-
(with) hail-stones and coals of test.
fire. 28 For thou wilt indeed save
15 And he sent out his ar- the afflicted people; but haughty
rows, and scattered them ; and eyes wilt thou bring down.
he shot forth lightnings, and 29 For thou wilt cause my
discomfited them. light to shine: the Lord my
16 And then were seen the God will enlighten my darkness.
channels of the waters, and there 30 For (aided) by thee I run
were laid open the foundations through a troop; and (helped)
of the world, through thy re- by my God I leap over a wall.
buke, 0 Lord, through the blast 31 As for God, —
his way is
of the breath of thy nostrils. perfect ; the word of the Lord
17 He stretched out from is tried : he is a shield to all
above (his hand), he took me he
those that trust in him.
drew me out from mighty waters. 32 For who is god save the
18 He delivered me from my Lord? or who is a rock beside
enemy, the strong, and from our God ?
those that hated me, when they 33 He is the God thatgirdeth
were too mighty for me. me with strength, and rendereth
19 They overcame me on the my way unobstructed.
day of my calamity but the
34 He maketh my feet like
Lord became my stay. those of the hinds, and upon my
74 877
high places he eanselh me to 48 The God that granteth me
stand. vengeance, and subdueth nations
35 He teacheth my hands for under me
the war, so that a brazen bow is 49 That delivereth me from
bent by my arms. my enemies: also above my op-
36 And thou gavest me the ponents thou liftest me up thou

shield of thy salvation, and thy deliverest me from the man of

right hand supported me and
: violence.
thy meekness hath made me 50 Therefore will I give thanks
great. unto thee among the nations, 0
37 Thou enlargest my steps Lord and unto thy name will

under me, so that my joints do I sing praises,

not slip. 51 (To him) that maketh great
38 I pursue my enemies, and the salvation of his king, and
overtake them and I return not who sheweth kindness to his

again till I have made an end of anointed, to David, and to his

them. seed for ever.
39 I crush them that the3T are
not able to rise: they fall under PSALM XIX.
my feet. 1 To the chief musician, a
40 For thou hast girded me psalm of David.
with strength for the war: thou 2 The heavens relate the glory
subduest my opponents under of God and the expanse telleth

me. of the works of his hands.

41 And my enemies thou caus- 3 Day unto day uttereth speech,
est to turn their back to me; and night unto night showeth

and those that hate me, that I knowledge.
may destroy them. 4 There is no speech, there
42 They cry, but there is none are no words, their voice is not
to help ;
unto the Lord, but he heard.
answereth them not. 5 (But) their melody extend-
43 And I beat them small as eth through all the earth, and tc
the dust before the wind: like the end of the world their words.
the dirt in the streets do I cast For the sun hath he set a taber-
them out. nacle among them
44 Thou deliverest me from 6 And he goeth out as a bride-
the contests of the people; thou groom from his chamber, he is
appointest me- to be the head of glad like a strong man to run
nations a people that I know his course

not shall serve me. 7 From the end of the heavens

45 As soon as their ear hear- is his sroing forth, and his circuit
eth they shall be obedient to me is unto their ends and there is
: :

the children of the stranger shall nothing hidden from his heat.
utter flattery unto me. 8 The law of the Lord is per-
46 'The children cfthe stranger fect, quieting the soul the testi-

shall fade away, and come forth mony of the Lord is sure, mak-
trembling out of their close ing wise the simple.
places. 9 The precepts of the Lord
47 The Lord liveth, and bless- are upright, rejoicing the heart:
ed be my Rook ; and exalted be the commandment of the Lord
the God of my salvation is clear, enlightening the eyes.
10 The fear of the Lord is with the saving strength of his
pure, enduring for ever the or- : right hand.
dinances of the Lord are the 8 Some (trust) in chariots,
truth, they are just altogether. and some in horses; but we will
1J They are those which are invoke the name of the Lord
to be desired more than gold, our God.
and much fine gold and they
: 9 They are prostrate and fall-
are sweeter than honey and the en but we are risen up and

dropping of honeycomb. stand erect.

12 Moreover thy servant is 10 0 Lord, save (us) may :

admonished by them in keeping the king answer us on the day


them there is great reward. when we call (on him).

13 Who can guard against
errors? from secret (faults) do PSALM XXI.
thou cleanse me. 1 If To the chief musician, a
14 Also from presumptuous psalm of David.
(sins) withhold thy servant; let 2 0 Lord, because of thy
them not have dominion over strength will the king rejoice;
me then shall I be blameless, and through thy salvation how

and I shall be clear from any greatly will he be glad !

great transgression. 3 The longing of his heart

15 May the words of my hast thou given him, and the
mouth, and the meditation of request of bis lips hast thou not
my heart, be acceptable before withholden. Selah.
thee, 0 Lord, my Rock, and my 4 For thou meetest him un-
Redeemer. asked with the blessings of hap-
piness thou settest on his head

PSALM XX. a crown of pure gold.

1 To the chief musician, a 5 Life hath he asked of thee,
psalm of David. thou gavest it to him, length of
2 May the Lord answer thee days for ever and ever.
on the day of distress may the
6 Great is his honour through
name of the God of Jacob pro- thy help: glory and majesty
tect thee thou layest upon him.
3 May he send thee help from 7 For thou appointest him to
the sanctuary, and support thee be a blessing for ever thou :

from Zion ;
makest him glad with joy from
4 May he remember all thy thy presence.
meat-offerings, and accept in fa- 8 For the king trusteth in the
vour thy burnt-sacrifice. Selah. Lord and through the kindness

5 May he grant thee accord- of the Most High shall he not

ing^ thy own heart, and fulfil be moved.
all thy resolves. 9 Thy hand will reach all thy
6 We will rejoice in thy sal- enemies: thy right hand will
vation, and in the name of our reach those that hate thee.
God will we upraise our banners JO Thou wilt render them as

may the Lord fulfil all thy peti- a fiery oven at the time of thy
tions. anger: the Lord in his wrath
7 Now I know that the Lord will destroy them, and a fire wiii
saveth his anointed; he will an- devour them.
swer him from his holy heavens, 11 Their fruit wilt thou cause
PSALMS 5 :xi. xxn.
to perish from the earth, and been my trust when I hung on
their seed from among the chil- my mother’s breasts.
dren of men. 11 Upon thee was I cast from
12 For they directed against my birth from my mother’s

thee evil they devised a mis-

: womb art thou my God.
chievous purpose, which they 12 Oh be not far from me
were not able to perform. (now); for distress is near; for
13 For thou wilt make them there is none to help.
turn their back upon thy bow- ;
13 Many steers have encom
strings thou wilt make ready passed me: the strong bulls o
(thy arrows) against their face. Bashan have beset me round.
14 Exalt thyself, 0 Lord, in 14 They have opened wide
thy strength (and) we will sing against me their mouth, (as) a

and praise thy power. ravenous and roaring lion.

15 Like water am I poured
PSALM XXII. out, and all my bones are dis-
1 To the chief musician upon jointed my heart is become :

Ayeleth-hashachar, a psalm of like wax, it is melted in the

David. midst of my entrails.
2 My God, my God, why 16 Like a potsherd is my
hast thou forsaken me ? why* strength dried up
. and my ;

art thou so far from saving me, tongue cleaveth to my palate

and from the words of my loud and into the dust of death hast
complaint ? thou laid me down.
3 0 my God I call in the ! 17 For dogs have encompassed
day-time, but thou answerest me the assembly of the wicked ;

not and in the night I find no have enclosed me: like lions

rest. (they threaten) my hands and

4 But thou art holy, 0 thou my feet.
that dwellest amidst the praises 18 I may number all my
of Israel. bones (while) they stare and

5 In thee did our fathers trust; look upon me.

they trusted, and thou didst de- 19 They divide my clothes
liver them. among themselves, and for my
6 Unto thee they cried, and garment do they cast lots.
were delivered in thee they : 20 But thou, 0 Lord, be not
trusted, and were not put to far from me 0 (thou who :

shame. art) my strength, hasten to my

7 But I am a worm, and not aid.
a man, a reproach of men, and 21 Deliver from the sword my
despised of people. life, from the power of the dog
8 All those, who see me laugh my solitary soul. •
me to scorn they draw open 22 Save me from the lion’s

their lips, they shake their head, mouth as thou hast answered

(saying,) me from the horns of the reem.

9 “ Let him throw himself on 23 I will relate thy name unto
the Lord, that he may deliver my brethren in the midst of :

him he will save him, for he the congregation will I praise


delighteth in him.” thee.

10 Yea, thou art he that took 24 Ye that fear the Lord,
me from the womb thou hast praise him all ye the seed of

Jacr'b, glorify himand be in the valley of the shadow of death,

dread of him, ye the seed of I will not fear evil for thou art
all ;

Israel. with me thy rod and thy staff :

25 For he hath not despised —

they indeed comfort me.
nor abhorred the affliction of the 5 Thou preparest before me a
poor; neither hath he hidden table in the presence of my as-
his face from him but when he sailants; thou anointest with oil

cried unto him, he heard. my head: my cup overfloweth.

26 Of thee shall be my praise 6 Surely, only goodness and
in a great assembly my vows kindness shall follow me all the

will I pay in the presence of days of my life and I shall :

those who fear him. dwell in the house of the Lord

27 The meek shall eat and be to the utmost length of days.
satisfied ; they who seek him
shall praise the Lord may your :
heart live for ever. 1 Of David a psalm. Unto
28 All the ends of the world the Lord belongeth the earth
shall remember and return unto with what filleth it, the world
the Lord: and all the families and they that dwell therein.
of the nations shall bow them- 2 For upon seas hath he found-
selves down before thee. ed it. and upon rivers hath he
29 For the kingdom is the established it.
Lord’s, and he governeth the 3 Who shall ascend into the
nations. mountain of the Lord ? and who
30 All they that eat the fat shall be able to stand in his holy
of the earth shall bow them- place ?
selves down ; before him shall 4 He that is clean of hands,
bend the knee all that are going and pure of heart; who hath
down into the dust for none can
not lifted up his soul unto false-
keep alive his own soul. hood, and hath not sworn deceit-
31 Distant ages shall serve fully :

him ; there shall be related of 5 He shall bear away blessing

the Lord unto future genera- from the Lord, and (the reward
tions. of) righteousness from the God
32 They will come, and will of his salvation.
righteousness unto a peo-
tell his 6 This is the generation of
ple yet unborn, that he hath those that adore him, that seek
done this. thy presence, (the sons of) Ja-
cob. Selah.
PSALM XXIII. 7 your heads, 0 ye
1 f A psalm of David. The gates; and be raised wide, ye
Lord is my shepherd, I shall everlasting doors and let the

not want. King of glory enter!

2 In pastures of tender grass 8 Who is this King of glory?
he eauseth me to lie down be- : The Lord strong and mighty,
side still waters he leadeth me. the Lord mighty in battle.
3 My soul he refresheth he : 9 Raise your heads, 0 ye
guideth me in the tracks of gates; and raise (them) up, ye
righteousness for the sake of his everlasting doors and let the

name. King of glory enter !

4 Yea, though I walk through 10 Who is then this King of

74* 2] 4 2 881
glory? The Lord of hosts, he and his covenant — to make \\

is the King of glory. Selah. known to them.

15 My eyes are ever (directed)
PSALM XXV. toward the Lord ;
for he will
1 If
Op David. Unto thee, out of the net my feet.
0 draw
Lord, do I lift up my soul. 16 Turn unto me, and be
20 my God, in thee do I gracious unto me ; for I am
trust, let me not be ashamed, solitary and afflicted.
let not my enemies triumph over 17 The distresses of my heart
me. are enlarged 0 bring thou me :

3 Yea, none that wait on thee out of my afflictions.

will be put to shame let those 18 Look on my misery and

be put to shame who deal trea- my trouble and forgive all my ;

cherously without cause. sins.

4 Show me, 0 Lord, thy ways 19 Look at my enemies; for
teach me thy paths. they are many; and they hate
5 Lead me in thy truth, and me with the hatred of violence.
teach me for thou art the God
20 Oh guard my soul, and de-
of my salvation on thee do I liver me let me not be put to
: :

wait all the day. shame; for I put my trust in

6 Remember thy mercies, 0 thee.
Lord, and thy kindnesses; for 21 Let integrity and upright-
they are from everlasting. ness guard me; for I wait on
7 The sins of my youth and thee.
my transgressions do not re- 22 Redeem, 0 God, Israel out
member according to thy kind- of all his distresses.

ness bear thou me in remem-

brance, for the sake of thy good- PSALM XXVI.
ness, 0 Lord ! 1 ^f Op David. Judge me, 0
8 Good and upright is the Lord for I have indeed walked

Lord therefore he pointeth out in my integrity and in the Lord

: :

to sinners the right way. have I trusted I shall not slip. ;

9 He guideth the meek in 2 Try me, 0 Lord, and prove

justice, and he teacheth the me; purify my reins and my
meek his way. heart.
10 All the paths of the Lord 3 For thy kindness is before
are kindness and truth unto such my eyes and I have walked in ;

as keep his covenant and his thy truth.

testimonies. 4 I have not sat with men of
11 For the sake of thy name, falsehood, and with dissemblers
0 Lord, pardon my iniquity will I not enter (in communion).
although it is great. 5 I have hated the assemblage
12 Who is that man who fear- of evil-doers; and with the wick-
eth the Lord ? to him will he ed will I not sit.
point out the way which he is to 6 I will wash in innocency my
choose ? hands, and I will compass thy
13 His soul shall abide in hap- altar, 0 Lord :

piness and his seed shall in-

; 7 That I may publish with a
herit the land. loud voice (my) thanksgiving,
14 The secret counsel of the and relate all thy wondrous
Lord is for those that fear him, deeds.
8 Lord I love the site of thy (when) I call, and be gracious

house, and the place where thy unto me, and answer me.
glory dwelleth. 8 Of thee, said my heart,
9 Take not away with sinners “ Seek ye my presence thy pre
my nor with men of blood sence, Lord, will I seek.
my life 9 Hide (then) not thy face
10 In whose hands are wicked from me reject not in anger thy ;

devices, and whose right hand is servant, thou (who) hast been
full of bribes. my help cast me not off, nor :

11 But as for me, I will walk forsake me, 0 God of my salva-

in my integrity redeem me, and tion.

be gracious unto me. 10 For ray father and r.iy mo-

12 My foot standeth on an ther have forsaken me; but the
even place in assemblies will I Lord will take me up.

bless the Lord. 11 Point me out thy way, 0

Lord ! and guide me on a level
PSALM XXVII. path, because of those that re-
The Lord gard me enviously.
1 J Op David. is
my light and my salvation; of 12 Give me not up to the (re-
whom shall I be afraid? the vengeful) desire of my assail-
Lord is the fortress of my life ;
ants; for there are risen up
of whom shall I have dread ? against me false witnesses, and
2 When the evil- doers come such as utter violence.
near against me to eat up my 13 Unless I had believed to
flesh, my assailants and my ene- see the goodness of the Lord in
mies at me : then do they stum- the land of life*
ble and fall. 14 Wait on the Lord; be
3 If an army should encamp strong, and let thy heart be of
against me, my heart shall not good courage and only wait on

fear: if war should arise against the Lord.

me, even then will I have trust.
4 One thing have I asked of PSALM XXVIII.
the Lord, that will I seek for : 1 Of David. Unto thee, 0
that I may dwell in the house of Lord, will I call ; 0 my rock,
the Lord all the days of my turn not unheeding from me
life, to behold the loveliness of lest thou turn away silent from
the Lord, and to be every morn- me, and I become like those that
ing early in his temple. go down into the pit.
5 For he will hide me in his 2 Hear the voice of my sup-
pavilion on the day of evil he ;
plications, when I cry unto thee,
will conceal me in the secret of when I lift up my hands toward
his tabernacle upon a rock will
the most holy place of thy sanc-
he place me high. tuary.
6 And now will my
3 Snatch me not away with
head be
lifted up above my
the wicked, and with the work-
enemies all
round about me ; and I will sa- ers of injustice, who speak peace
crifice in his tabernacle sacrifices with their neighbours, with mis-
of joy I will sing, and I will chief in their heart.

triumphantly play unto the 4 Give unto them according

Lord. and according to
to their doing,
7 Hear, 0 Lord, my voice, the evil of their deeds accord- :

ing to the work of their hands eth the wilderness the Lord ;

do thou give unto them bestow shaketh the wilderness of Ka-


their (just) recompense upon desh.

them. 9 The voice of the Lord caus-
5 Because they have no re- eth the hinds to start, and mak-
gard for the doings of the Lord, eth bare forests and in his tem- :

nor the works of his hands may ple every thing speaketh (of his)

he pull them down, and not build glory.

them up. 10 The Lord sat (enthroned)
6 Blessed be the Lord, because at the flood; and the Lord will
he hath heard the voice of my sit as King for ever.
supplications. 1 The Lord will give strength
7 The Lord is my strength unto his people; the Lord will
and my shield ; in him hath my bless his people with peace.
heart trusted, and I am helped,
and my and with
heart exulteth ;
my song thank him.
will I 1 A psalm, a song, at the
8 The LoRd is strength unto dedication of the temple, of Da-
them, and he is the fortress of vid.
victory of his anointed. 2 I will extol thee, 0 Lord 1
9 Help thy people, and bless for thou hast lifted me up, and
thy heritage and feed them, hast not suffered my enemies to

and exalt them unto all eternity. rejoice over me.

3 0 Lord my God! I cried
PSALM XXIX. loudly unto thee, and thou hast
1 A psalm of David. As- healed me.
cribe unto the Lord, 0 ye sons 4 0 Lord! thou hast brought
of the mighty, ascribe unto the up from the nether world my
Lord glory and strength. soul thou hast kept me alive,

2 Ascribe unto the Lord the that I should not go down to the
glory of his name; bow down pit.
to the Lord in the beauty of 5 Sing unto the Lord, 0 ye
holiness. his pious ones, and give thanks
3 The voice of the Lord is to the memorial of his holiness.
upon the waters; the God of 6 For his anger is momentary,
glory thundereth, the Lord (but) life is in his favour in the :

upon mighty waters. evening (cometh) weeping to stay

4 The voice of the Lord (re- for a night, but in the morning
goundeth) with power; the voice there is joyful song.
of the Lord (resoundeth) with 7 And I had said indeed in
majesty. my prosperity, I shall never be
5 The voice of the Lord break - moved.
eth in pieces the cedars; yea, the 8 Lord by thy favour hadst

Lord shivereth the cedars of thou caused my mountain to

Lebanon stand in strength thou didst :

6 And he maketh them skip hide thy face, (and) I was terri-
like a calf : Lebanon and Siryon fied.
like young reerns. 9 Unto thee, 0 Lord, will I
7 The voice of the Lord hew- call ;
and unto the Lord will I
eth out flames of fire. make supplication.
8 The voice of the Lord shak- 10 What profit is there in my
blood, I go down to the Lord! for I am in distress: my
grave? Shall the dust thank eye is consumed through vexa-
thee ? shall it announce thy tion —
my soul ylDo) and my
truth ? body.
11 Hear, 0 Lord, and be gra- 11 For my
life is spent with
cious unto me: Lord! be thou sorrow, and my years with sigh-
u helper unto me. ing: my strength faileth because
12 Thou hast changed my of my iniquity, and my bones
mourning into dancing for me; are consumed.
thou hast loosened my sackcloth, 12 Because of all my assail-
and girded me with joy : ants am I become a reproach,
13 To the end that my glori- and unto my neighbours greatly
ous soul may sing praise to thee, so, and a terror to my acquaint-
and never be silent. 0 Lord my ance, those that see me abroad
God for ever will I give thanks flee away from me.

unto thee. 13 I am forgotten as a dead

man out of the heart: I am be-
PSALMXXXI. come like a perishable vessel.
1 To the chief musician, a 14 For I have heard the slan-
psalm of David. dering of many ; terror was on
2 In thee, 0 Lord, do I put every side, while they took coun-
my trust; Oh that I may never sel together against me to take :

be put to shame through thy away my life did they purpose.


righteousness do thou release me. 15 But I trusted well in thee,

3 Bend unto me thy ear; 0 Lord I said, Thou art my

speedily deliver me : be thou Go-d.

unto me as a rock of protection, 16 In thy hand are my desti-
as a mountain strong-hold to nies deliver me from the hand

save me. of my enemies, and from my

4 For my rock and my strong- persecutors.
hold art th ou : and for the sake of 17 Let thy face shine upon
thy name lead me, and guide me. thy servant: save me through
5 Draw me out of the net thy kindness.
which they have laid secretly for 18 OLord! let me not be put
me for thou art my protection. to shame; for I have called on

6 Into thy hand do I commit thee let the wicked be put to


my spirit thou redeemest me, shame, let them be silent, (pass-


0 Lord, the God of truth. ing) to the nether world.

7 I hate those that depend on 19 Let the lying lips be made
lying vanities ; but I trust indeed dumb, which speak hard things
in the Lord. against the righteous, with j ride
8 I will be glad and rejoice in and contempt.
thy kindness because thou hast
20 Oh how great is thy good-
seen my misery thou hast taken ness, which thou hast treasured

cognizance of the distresses of up for those that fear thee which ;

my soul; thou hast wrought for those that

9 And thou hast not surren- trust in thee before the sons of
dered me into the hand of the men !

enemy thou hast caused my feet

: 21 Thou wilt conceal them in
to stand on an ample space. the secret of thy presence from
10 Be gracious unto me, 0 the conspiracy of men; thou
wilt keep them secretly in a pa- 7 Thou art my hiding-place
vilion from the strife of tongues. from distress wilt thou preserve
22 Blessed be the Lord ; for me; with songs of deliverance
he hath shown me his kindness wilt thou encompass me. Selah.
wonderfully in a beleaguered 8 I will instruct thee and I
city. will teach thee concerning the
23 And yet had I said in my way which thou oughtest to go
despondency, I am cut off from I will counsel thee with my eye.
before thy eyes nevertheless
: 9 Be ye not like the horse, or
thou didst hear the voice of my like the mule, who hath no un-
supplications when I cried loudly derstanding ; who must be held
unto thee. in with bit and bridle, his orna-
24 Oh love the Lord, all ye ment, lest he come near unto
his pious ones the Lord pre-
: thee.
serveth the faithful, and recom- 10 Many are the pains of the
penses the presumption of him wicked but him that trusteth ;

that acteth proudly. in the Lord will he encompass

25 Be strong, and let your with kindness.
heart be of good courage, all ye 11 Rejoice in the Lord, and
that hope in the Lord. be glad, ye righteous and shout :

for joy, all ye that are upright

PSALM XXXII. in heart.
1 Of David : a Maskil.
Happy is he whose transgression PSALM XXXIII.
is forgiven, whose sin is covered 1 Be joyful, 0 ye righteous,
(by repentance). in the Lord (for) unto the right-

2 Happy is the man unto eous praise is comely.

whom the Lord imputeth not 2 Give thanks unto the Lord
iniquity, and in whose spirit with the harp with the ten-

there is no guile. stringed psaltery do ye sing

3 When I kept silence, my (praises) unto him.
bones wasted away through my 3 Sing unto him a new song
crying all the day. play beautifully amidst a tri-
4 For by day and night lay umphant shout.
thy hand heavily upon me my 4 For the word of the Lord is

(life’s) moisture hath been upright; and all his works (are
changed through the droughts done) in truth.
of summer. Selah. 5 Heloveth righteousness and
5 My sin do I ever acknow- justice the earth is full of the

ledge unto thee, and my iniquity kindness of the Lord.

have I not covered up. I said, 6 By the word of the Lord
I will make confession because were the heavens made; and by
of mj transgressions unto the the breath of his mouth all their
Lord and thou truly forgavest host.

the iniquity of my sin. Selah. 7 He gathereth together like

For this shall every pious heaps the waters of the sea he
6 :

one pray unto thee in a time layeth up in storehouses the

when thou mayest be found: depths (of the sea).
surely (then) when great waters 8 Let all the earth fear the
overflow, they shall nc ver reach Lord: of him stand in awe all
onto him. the inhabitants of the world.
0 For he spoke, and it came guised his reason before Abim©'
into being: he commanded, and lech, who drove him away, and
it stood fast. he departed.
10 The Lord frustrateth the 2 I will bless the Lord at all
resolves of the nations he bring- times: continually shall his

eth to nought the thoughts of praise be in my mouth.

the people. 3 My
soul shall make her
11 The counsel of the Lord boast in the Lord tne humble :

will stand for ever, the thoughts shall hear it, and be rejoiced.
of his heart from generation to 4 Oh magnify the Lord with
generation. me, and let us exalt his name
12 Happy is the nation whose together.
God is the Lord, the people 5 I sought the Lord, and he
whom he hath chosen for him- answered me, and from all that
self as a heritage. I dreaded did he deliver me.
1? The Lord looketh from 6 They ( vvho) looked unto him
heaven he seeth all the sons of were indeed enlightened, and

men. their faces were not put to the

14 From the place of his ha- blush.
bitation he directeth his view 7 This poor man cried, and
upon all the inhabitants of the the Lord heard him, and out of
earth : all his distresses did he save
15 He fashioneth their hearts him.
altogether he hath regard to all
8 The angel of the Lord en-
their works. campeth round about those who
16 The king is not saved by fear him, and delivereth them.
the multitude of an army : a 9 Experience and see that the
mighty man is not delivered by Lord is good happy is the man :

much strength. that trusteth in him.

17 Vain is the horse for vic- 10 Oh fear the Lord, ye his
tory nor shall he deliver any by saints; for there is no want to

the greatness of his strength. those who fear him.

18 Behold, the eye of the Lord 11 The young lions do lack,
is upon those that fear him, and suffer hunger; but those who
upon those that hope for his seek the Lord shall not want
kindness, any good.
19 To deliver from death their 12 Come, ye children, hearken
soul, and to keep them alive in unto me: thefear of the Lord
famine. will I teach you.
20 Our soul waiteth for the 13 Who is the man that de-
Lord our help and our shield sireth life, loveth (many) days,

is he. that he may see happiness ?

21 For in him shall our heart 14 Guard thy tongue from
rejoice; because in his holy name evil, and thy lips from speaking
have we trusted. deceit.
22 Let thy kindness, 0 Lord, 15 Depart from evil, and do
be upon us, even as we hope in good; seek peace, and pursue it.
thee. 16 The eyes of the Lord are
directed unto the righteous, and
PSALM XXXIV. his ears unto their cry.
1 By David, when he dis- 17 (But) the anger of the Lord
is against those that do evil, to upon each of them at unawares,
cut off from the earth their re- and may his net that he hath
membrance. hidden catch himself: in gutter)
18 Those cry, and the Lord destruction let him fall therein.
heareth, and from all their dis- 9 But my soul shall exult in
tresses he delivereth them. the Lord she shall be glad

19 The Lord is nigh unto through his salvation.

those that are broken-hearted; 10 All iny bones will say,
and he saveth those that are of Lord who is like unto thee,

a contrite spirit. who deliverest the poor from him

20 Many are the afflictions of that is too strong for him, yea,
the righteous but out of them the poor and the needy from him

all the Lord ever delivereth that robbeth him ?

him. 11 There rise up witnesses of
21 He watcheth all his bones violence concerning what I

not one of them is broken. know not they question me.

22 The evil will slay the wick- 12 They recompense me with
ed and they who hate the right- evil in place of good, (bringing)

eous shall incur guiltiness. bereavement on my soul.

23 The Lord redeemeth the 13 But as for me, when they
soul of his servants and all that were sick, my clothing was sack-

trust in him shall not incur cloth I afflicted with fasting my


guiltiness^ soul, and my prayer returned

into my own bosom.
PSALM XXXV. 14 As though he had been to
1 Op David. Contend, 0 me a friend or a brother did I
Lord, with those that contend walk about as one that mourn-

with me fight against those that eth for a mother did I sorrow-

fight against me. fully bend down my head.

2 Take hold of shield and 15 Butin my downfall they re-
buckler, and rise up for my help. joiced, and gathered themselves
3 And draw out the spear, and together there gathered them-

step in against my pursuers say selves together against me ab-


unto my soul, I am thy salva- ject wretches, whom I knew not;

tion. they did tear me, and ceased
4 Let those be put to shame not:
and be confounded that seek 16 With hypocritical babbling
after my life let those be turned mockers, they gnashed upon me

backward and be made to blush, with their teeth.

that devise unhappiness for me. 17 0 Lord, how long wilt
5 Let them be as chaff before thou look on ? rescue my soul
the wind and may the angel of from their destructions, from the

the Lord cast them forth. young lions my solitary spirit.

6 May their way be dark and 18 I will thank thee in the
slippery; and may the angel of great assembly among a mighty:

the Lord pursue them. people will I praise thee.

For without cause have they
7 19 Let not rejoice over me
hidden for me their net in a pit, those that are my enemies wrong-
without cause have they dug! fully (nor) let those who hate
J :

(pit-falls) against my life. [me without cause wink with the

8 May then destruction come!'eye.
20 For they speak not peace; j
upon his couch he placeth ^ifm.

but against the quiet in the land self on a way that is not gvod;
they devise deceitful words. evil he despiseth not.
21 Yea, they opened wide 6 0 Lord into the heaven*

against me their mouth ; they rcacheth thy kindness, thy faith

said, Aha, aha, our eye hath fulness even into the skies.
seen it. I
7 Thy righteousness is like
22 Thou hast seen it, 0 Lord ! the mountains of God; thy acti
remain not silent 0 Lord be
: ! of justice like the great deep
not far from me. man and beast dost the t evei
23 Arouse thyself, and awake help, 0 Lord.
to do me justice, my God and 8 How precious is thy kind
my Lord, unto my cause. ness, 0 God And the children

24 Judge me according to thy of men that seek shelter under

righteousness, 0 Lord my God the shadow of thy wings,
and let them not rejoice over 9 These will be abundantly
me. satisfied with the fatness of thy
25 Let them not say in their house; and of the stream of thy
heart, Aha, (this is the wish of) delights wilt thou give them to
our soul let them not say, We drink.

have swallowed him up. 10 For with thee is the source

26 Let those be made ashamed of life in thy light shall we see

and put to the blush together light.

that rejoice at my mishap: let 11 Draw down continuously
them be clothed with shame and thy kindness unto those that ac-
confusion that magnify them- knowledge thee; and thy right-
selves above me. eousness to the upright in heart.
27 Let those shout, and re- 12 Let not come against me
joice, that desire my righteous- the foot of pride, and let not
ness: yea, let them say continu- the hand of the wicked chase
ally, Great is the Lord, who de- me off.
sireth the welfare of his servant. 13 There are fallen the work-
28 And my tongue shall speak ers of wickedness they are :

of thy righteousness, all the day thrust down, and shall not be
of thy praise. able to rise.


1 To the chief musician, by 1 5[ Op David. Do not fret
the servant of the Lord, by Da- thyself because of the evil-do-
vid. ers, neither be thou envious
2 Saith vice itself to the wick- against the workers of iniquity.

ed so I feel it within my heart 2 For like the grass they shall
— that he should have no dread soon be mowed down, and like
of God before his eyes. the green herb shall they withei.
3 For he flattereth himself in 3 Trust in the Lord, and do
his own eyes (too much) to find good; dwell in the land, and
out his iniquity to hate it. feed (thyself) with truthfulness.
4 The words of his mouth are 4 And delight thyself in the
wickedness and deceit he hath Lord, and he will give thee the

left off to be wise, to do good. wishes of thy heart

5 He deviseth wickedness
5 Commit thy wav unto the
75 2 ‘889

Lord, and trust in him : and he inheritance shall endure Ur

will accomplish it. ever.
6 And he will bring forth as 19 They shall not be made
the light thy righteousness, and ashamed in the time of unhap-
the justice of thy (cause) as the piness ;
and in the days of fa-
noonday. mine shall they be satisfied.
7 Be silent before the Lord, 20 But the wicked shall perish,
and wait patiently for him fret and the enemies of the Lord

not thyself because of him who shall be as the beauty of the

prospereth in his way, because meadow they pass away in :

of the man who practises wicked smoke they pass away.

devices. 21 The wicked borroweth, and
8 Cease from anger, and for- repayeth not but the righteous ;

sake wrath fret not thyself in is beneficent, and giveth.


any wise to do evil. 22 For those blessed of him

9 For evil-doers shall be cut shall inherit the land; and those
off; but those that wait upon the cursed of him shall be cut off.

Lord, these shall truly inherit 23 By the Lord are the steps
the land. of the righteous man established;
10 For yet but for a little and he findeth pleasure in his
while, and the wicked shall be course (of life).
no more yea, thou wilt look
24 Though he fall, he shall
carefully at his place, and he not be utterly cast ; for the
shall not be there. Lord upholdeth his hand.
11 But the meek shall inherit 25 I have been young, and I
the land, and shall delight them- am also grown old: ye.t have I
selves because of the abundance never seen the righteous for-
of peace. saken, nor his seed seeking for
12 The wicked purposeth evil bread.
against the just, and gnasheth 26 He is all the time benefi-
against him with his teeth. cent, and lendeth ;
and his seed
13 The Lord will laugh at will be for a blessing.
him; for he seeth that his day 27 Depart from evil, and do
is coming. good and dwell for evermore.

14 The wicked have drawn 28 For the Lord loveth jus-

out the sword, and have bent tice, and never forsaketh his
their bow, to cause the poor and pious servants they are for ever :

needy to fall, and to slaughter preserved but the seed of the


such as are of an upright course wicked will be cut off.

(of life). 29 The righteous shall inherit
15 (But) their sword shall en- the land, and dwell for ever
ter into own heart, and therein.
their bowsshall be broken. 30 The mouth of the righteous
16 Better is the little that the uttereth wisdom, and his tongue
righteous hath, than the great speaketh what is just.
riches of many wicked. 31 The law of his God is in
17 For the arms of the wicked his heart : none of his steps shall
shall be broken ; but the upholder slip.
of the righteous is the Lord. 32 The wicked looketh out for
18 The Lord regardeth the his and seeketh to
days of the upright: and their slay him.
33 The will not leave bowed down to the utmost
Lord all ;

him in his hand, and will not the day long I go about full of
condemn him when he is judged. grief.
34 Wait on the Lord, and 8 For my loins are filled with
keep his way, and he wdll exalt a burning disease, and there is
thee to inherit the land when no soundness in my flesh.

the wicked are cut off, shalt thou 9 I am faint and crushed to
look on. the utmost; I cry aloud because
35 I have seen the wicked ter- of the groaning of my heart.
rible in power, and striking root 10 Lord before thee is all my

like a green tree in its native longing my sighing is from

soil. thee not hidden.
36 Yet he passed away, and, 11 My heart is restless, my
to, he was no more and I sought strength hath left me; and the

him, but he could not be found. light of my eyes that also is no —

37 Observe the perfect man, more with me.
and behold the upright; for there 12 My lovers and my friends
is a (happy) future for the man stand aloof from my plague and ;

of peace. my kinsmen stand afar off.

38 But the transgressors are 13 They also that seek after
destroyed together the future my life lay snares ; and they

of the wicked is cut off. that wish for my mishap speak

39 And the salvation of the wicked falsehoods and deceits ;

righteous is from the Lord he do they devise all the day long.

is their strong-hold in the time 14 But I, as a deaf man, hear

of distress. not; and I am as a dumb man
40 And the Lord helpeth that cannot open his mouth.
them, and delivereth them he ;
15 Thus am I as a man thac
will deliver them from the wick- heareth not, and in whose mouth
ed, and save them ; because they are no words of defence.
have put their trust in him. 16 For in thee, 0 Lord, do I
hope thou wilt answer, 0 Lord


1 ^ A psalm of David, to 17 For I said, Perhaps they
bring to remembrance. might rejoice over me when my :

2 0 Lord correct me not in foot slippeth, they might mag-


thy wrath, nor chastise me in thy nify themselves over me.

fury. 18 For I am prepared for (my)
3 For thy arrows have pene- downfall, and my pain is con-
trated into me, and thy hand tinually before me.
presseth down upon me. 19 For I will tell of my ini-
4 There is no soundness in my quity ; I will be grieved because
flesh because of thy indignation of my sin.
there is no peace in my bones 20 But my enemies are strong
because of my sin. in life and numerous are those

5 For my iniquities are passed that hate me wrongfully ;

over my head, as a heavy bur- 21 They also that repay me

den are they too heavy for me. evil in lieu of good ; they hate
6 Foul, corrupt are my bruises me bitterly because I pursue
because of my folly. what is good.
7 I am bent doub'e; I am 22 Forsake me not, 0 Lord

0 my God, be notfrom tions cdiastisest man for iniquity,
me. thou causest his excellence to
23 Make haste to help me, 0 melt away as (if eaten by) the
Lord, my salvation. moth yea, nothing but vanity :

is every man. Selah.

PSALM XXXIX. 13 Hear my prayer, 0 Lord I

1 To the chief musician, to and give ear unto my cry ; be

Jeduthun, a psalm of David. not silent at my tears; for a
2 I said, I will guard my ways, stranger am I with thee, a so-
that I sin not with my tongue journer, like all my fathers.
1 will guard my mouth with a 14 Leave off from me, that I
muzzle, while the wicked is be- may recover strength, before I
fore me. go hence, and am no more.
3 I was dumb in deep silence,
I was quite still, even from PSALM XL.
(speaking) good; but my pain 1 If
To the chief musician, a
was greatly excited psalm of David.

4 My heart was hot within 2 I had waited patiently for

me, in my self-communing there the Lord, when he inclined him-
burnt a fire (then) spoke I with self unto me, and heard my cry.

my tongue, 3 And he brought me up out

5 Let me know, 0 Lord, my of the noiseful deep, out of the
end, and the measure of my miry clay, and he set up my
days, what it is I wish to know feet upon a rock, making firm

when I shall cease to be. my steps.

6 Behold, measured out with 4 And he placed in my mouth
the span hast thou made my a new song, a praise unto our
days and my whole duration is God many will see it, and fear;
; :

nothing before thee yea, as and they will trust in the Lord.

nothing but vanity doth every 5 Happy is the man that mak-
man stand here. Selah. eth the Lord his trust, and turn-
7 As nothing but a shadowy eth not unto the proud, nor such
Image doth man walk about, as stray aside unto lies.
yea, for vanity only do all make 6 Many things hast thou done,
a noise he heapeth up his 0 Lord my God thy wonderful
: !

gains, and knoweth not who deeds and thy thoughts toward
shall gather them. us —
there is none to be com-
8 And now, what shall I wait pared unto thee will I tell and —
for, 0 Lord ? my hope is in speak of, (though) they are too
thee. numerous to be counted.
9 From all my transgressions 7 Sacrifice and meat-offering
deliver thou me render me not thou desirest not ears hast thou
: —
the object of reproach of the hollowed out unto me burnt- —
worthless. offering and sin-offering thou
10 I was dumb, I opened not demandest not.
my mouth ; because thou hadst 8 Then said I, Lo, I come in :

done it. the roll of the book it is written

11 Remove thou thy plague down for me
away from me from the blows
: 9 To fulfil thy will, 0 my God,
of thy hand am I consumed. do I desire and thy law is with- ;

12 When thou with correc- in my heart.

10 I announce (thy)
right- the poor: on the day of evil
sousness in the great assembly will the Lord deliver him.

lo, I will not refrain lips, 0 my

3 The Lord will preserve him,
Lord, thou well knowest it. and keep him alive he shall be ;

11 Thy righteousness I made happy on the earth and :

never hidden within my heart thou wilt not deliver him 'into
thy faithfulness and thy salva- the revengeful desire of his ene-
tion have I spoken of openly mies.
I have not concealed thy kind- 4 The Lord will sustain him
ness and thy truth before the upon the bed of painful disease :

great assembly. thou changest all his couch in

12 Do thou, 0 Lord, not with- his sickness.
hold thy mercies from me let : 5 I said,Lord be gracious

thy kindness and thy truth con- unto me heal my soul

: for T ;

tinually watch over me. have sinned against thee.

13 For evils without number 6 My enemies speak evil of
have compassed me about; my me, When will he die, and his
iniquities have overtaken me, so name perish?
that I am not able to see they : 7 And if he come to see (me),
are more numerous than the he speaketh falsely his heart :

hairs of my head and my cou-

gathereth wickedness to itself
rage hath forsaken me. he goeth abroad(and)speaketh it.
14 Be pleased, 0 Lord, to de- 8 Altogether whisper against
liver me 0 Lord hasten to my
! me all that hate me against me

help. do they devise my injury.

15 May those be made asham- 9 “ His godless deed (say they)
ed and put to the blush together is poured out over him as he :

that seek after my soul to take lieth there he will never more
her away let them be driven
: rise up again.”
backward and be confounded, 10 Yea, even the man that
that wish for my mishap. should have sought my welfare,
16 May they be astonished in in whom I trusted, who eateth
consequence of their shame that my bread, hath lifted up his heel
say unto me, Aha, aha against me.

17 (But) may all those that 11 But thou, 0 Lord, be gra-

seek thee be glad and rejoice in cious unto me, and raise me up,
thee may they say continually, that I may requite it unto them.

The Lord be magnified, those —

12 By this do I know that
that love thy salvation. thou art pleased with me, that
18 But though I be poor and my enemy doth not triumph
needy, the Lord will think of over me.
me: my he’p and my deliverer 13 But as for me, thou up-

art thou; 0 my God, delay holdest me in my integrity, and

not. placest me before thy presence
for ever.
14 Blessed be the Lord the
1 chief musician, a God of Israel from everlasting,
To the
psalm of David. and to everlasting. Amen, and
2 Happy is he that careth for Amen.
75* 893
me? why must I walk grieved,
PSALM XLII. under the oppression of the
1 f To the chief musician, a enemy ?
Maskil, for the sons of Ko- 11 It is as death in ray bones,
rach. when my assailants reproach
2 As a hart panteth after me; when they say unto me all
brooks of water, so panteth my the day, Where is thy God ?
soul after thee, 0 God 12 Why art thou cast down,
3 My soul thirsteth for God, 0 my soul ? and why art thou
for the living God: when shall disquieted within me? Hope
I go (again) and be seen in the thou in God for I shall yet ;

presence of God ? thank him, the salvation of my

4 My tears have been my food countenance, and my God.
day and night because men say
unto me all

the day, Where is PSALM XLIII.

thy God? 1 f Judge me, 0 God! and
5 These things will I remem- plead my cause against an un-
ber, and pour out my soul in godly nation from the deceitful

me how I was wont to pass

: and unjust man do thou deliver
along amidst the multitude, me.
journeying with them as a pil- 2 For thou art the God of my
grim to the house of God, with fortress: why hast thou aban-
the voice of joyful song and doned me ? why must I walk
thanksgiving, among
the festive about grieved, under the oppres-
throng. sion of the enemy ?
6 Why art thou cast down, 0 3 Send thou thy light and
my soul, and disquieted in me ? thy truth, these shall guide me
Hope thou in God ; for I shall they shall bring me unto thy
yet thank him, because of the holy mountain, and to thy dwell-
salvation of his countenance. ings :

7 0 my God my soul is cast 4 That I may go unto the al-


down within me therefore will tar of God, unto God the joy of

I remember thee from the land my gladness; and that I may

of the Jordan, and from the thank thee upon the harp, 0
peaks of Chermon, from the low God, my God
mount. 5 Why art thou cast down, 0
8 Deep calleth unto deep at my soul? and why art thou dis-
the noise of thy waterfalls all quieted within me ?
: Hoi e thou
thy waves and thy billows have in God; for I shall yet thank
passed over me. him, the salvation of my coun-
9 In the daytime the Lord tenance, and my God.
will command his kindness, and
in the night his song shall be XLIV.PSALM
with me, as a prayer unto the 1 5[ To the chief musician, for
God of my life. the sons of Korach, a Maskil.
10 I will say unto God, 2 0 God My with our ears have!

rock, why hast thou forgotten we heard, our fathers have told
os,deeds which thou hadst done before me, and the shame of my
in their days, in times of old. face covereth me
3 Thou, with thy hand, didst 17 Because of the voice of
indeed drive out nations, and him that reproacheth and blas-
plant them; thou didst ill-treat phemeth ; by reason of the enemy
people, and cause them to spread and him that seeketh vengeance.
out. 18 All this is come over us,
4 For not by their sword did yet have we not forgotten thee;
they obtain possession of the nor have we dealt falsely by thy
land, and their own arm brought covenant
them no victory but thy right
19 Our heart is not moved
hand, and thy arm, and the light backward, nor hath our step
of thy countenance, because thou turned aside from thy path :

hadst given them thy favour. 20 Even when thou didst

5 Thou art my King, 0 God crush us in the abode of mon-
ordain salvation for Jacob. sters, and cover us with the sha-
6 Through thee will we butt dow of death.
down our assailants through
: 21 If we had forgotten the
thy name will we tread under name of our God, or spread forth
foot our opponents. our hands to a strange god
7 For not in my bow will I 22 Would not God search out
trust, and my sword shall not this ? for he knoweth the secrets
help me. of the heart.
8 But thou helpest us against 23 But for thy sake are we
our assailants, and those that slain all the day we are counted

hate us thou puttest to shame. as flocks (destined) for slaughter.

9 Of God we boast all the day, 24 Awake, wherefore wilt thou
and to thy name will we give sleep, 0 Lord ? arise, abandon
thanks for ever. Selah. us not for ever.
10 But (now) thou hast cast 25 Wherefore wilt thou hide
off, and put us to the blush, and thy face, wilt thou forget our
goest not forth with our armies. misery and our oppression ?
11 Thou causest us to turn 26 For our soul is bowed down
back from before our assailant to the dust ; our body cleaveth
and they who hate ua take spoil unto the earth.
for themselves. 27 Arise unto our help, and
12 Thou givest us up like redeem us for the sake of thy
sheep for food, and among the kindness.
nations hast thou dispersed us.
13 Thou sellest thy people for PSALM XLV.
no value, and acquirest no gain 1 Tothe chief musician up-
by their price. on Shoshannim, by the sons of
14 Thou renderest us a re- Korach, a Maskil, a song of love.
proach to our neighbours, a 2 My heart swelleth with a
scorn and a derision to those good speech ; I say, “ My works
that are round about us. shall be for the king my tongue
15 Thou renderest us a by- is the pen of a ready writer.
word among the nations, a shak- 3 Thou art more fair than the
ing of the head among the peo- children of men ;
grace is poured
ple. out over thy lips therefore hath

16 All the day is my disgrace God blessed thee for ever.

Gird thy sword upon the
4 rejoicings and gladness, they
thigh, 0 mighty one (it is) thy !
enter into the palace of the
glory and thy majesty; king.
5 Yea, it is thy majesty: be 17 Instead of thy fathers shali
prosperous, ride along for the be thy children thou wilt ap-

cause of truth and meekness and point them as princes in all the
righteousness; and fearful things land.
shall thy right hand teach thee. 18 I will make thy name to
6 Thy sharpened arrows —
be remembered in all genera-
people will fall down beneath tions therefore shall the people

thee —
(will enter) into the heart praise thee for ever and ever.
of the king’s enemies.
7 Thy throne, given of God, PSALM XLVL
endureth for ever and ever the 1 :To the chief musician :
sceptre of equity is the sceptre by the sons of Korach, upon
of thy kingdom. ’Alamoth, a song.
8 Thou lovest righteousness, 2 God is our protection and
and hatest wickedness: there- strength, a help in distresses,
fore hath God. thy God, anoint- very readily found.
ed thee with the oil of gladness 3 Therefore will we not fear,
above thy associates. even when the earth is trans-
9 Of myrrh, and aloes, and formed, and when mountains
cassia are (fragrant) all thy gar- are moved into the heart of the
ments out of palaces of ivory seas ;

have they made thee joyful with 4 (When) the waters thereof
the sound of music. roar and foam, when mountains
10 Kings’ daughters are among quake before his majesty. Se-
those dear to thee the queen lah.

standeth on thy right hand in 5 (There) is a river, its rivu-

fine gold of Ophir. lets cause to rejoice the city of
11 Hearken, 0 daughter, and God, the sanctuary of the dwell-
look, and incline thy ear, and ings of the Most High.
forget thy own people, and thy 6 God is in her midst; she
father’s house shall not be moved God will :

12 Then will the king long ever help her, at the dawning
for thy beauty; for he is thy of (her) morning.
lord and bow thyself to him.
; 7 Nations rage, kingdoms ar®
13 And the daughter of Tyre moved he letteth his voice be :

shall be there with a gift: the heard, the earth melteth away.
rich among the people shall en- 8 The Lord of hosts is with
treat thy favour. us: a defence unto us is the
14 All gloriously attired await- God of Jacob. Selah.
eth the king’s daughter in the 9 Come, look at the deeds of
inner chamber of wrought gold the Lord, who hath made deso-
: II

is her garment. lations on the earth.

15 In embroidered clothes 10 He causeth wars to cease
will she be brought unto the unto the end of the earth ; he
king virgins that follow her,
: breaketh the bow, and cutteth
her companions, are brought the spear in pieces ; he burneth
unto thee. wagons in the fire.
16 Thev are led forth with 11 Leave off, and know that
I am God: I will be exalted| 4 God is become known in he*
among the nations, I will be palaces as a defence.
exalted on the earth. 5 For, lo, the kings were as-
12 The Lord of hosts is with sembled, they are passed away
us :a defence unto us is the God together.
of Jacob. Selah. 6 They indeed saw —
(and) s«
they were astonished they were

terrified, they were confounded.

1 To 7 Trembling seized on them
the chief musician, a
psalm Korach.
for the sons of there, pain, as on a woman in
2 All ye people, clap your travail.
bands shout unto God with the
8 With the east wind thou
voice of triumph. breakest the ships of Tharshish.
3 For the Lord is most high, 9 As we have heard, so have
fear-inspiring he is a great king we seen (it) in the city of the

over all the earth. Lord of hosts, in the city of our

4 He will subdue people un- God God will establish it for :

der us, and nations under our ever. Selah.

feet. 10 We have reflected on thy
5 He will choose for us our kindness, 0 God, in the midst
inheritance, the excellency of of thy temple.
Jacob which he loveth. Selah. 11 As thy name is, 0 God, so
6 God ascendeth amid a tri- is thy praise over the ends of
umphal shout, the Lord, amid the earth of righteousness is :

the sound of the cornet. thy right hand full.

7 Sing praises to God, sing 12 Let mount Zion rejoice, let
praises sing praises unto our the daughters of Judah be glad,

Kin.g. sing praises. because of thy judgments.

8 For God is King of all the 13 Compass Zion about, and
earth sing ye praises with un- walk round about her; number

derstanding. her towers.

9 God reigneth over the na- 14 Direct your mind to her
tions God sitteth upon his holy outer wall, mark carefully her

throne. palaces: in order that ye may

10 The nobles of the people the latest generation.
tell it to
are gathered together, (to be 15 For this One is God, our
with) the people of the God of God for ever and ever he will :

Abraham ;
for unto God belong be our guide even unto death.
the shields of the earth : he is
greatly exalted. PSALM XLIX.
1 To the chief musician,
PSALM XLVIII. by the sons of Korach, a psalm.
1 ^ A song and psalm by the 2 Hear this, all ye people;
sons of Korach. give ear, all ye inhabitants of
2Great is the Lord, and the perishable world :

highly praised in the city of our 3 Both the sons of the low
God, (in) his holy mountain. and the sons of the high, rich
3 A beautiful district, the joy and needy, altogether.
of the whole earth, is mount 4 My mouth shall speak wis-
Zion, the farthest north, the city dom and the meditation of my ;

of the great King. heart shall be of understanding.

5 I will incline my ear to a 18 For when he dieth he cat
parable :I will open with the take nothing away ;
his glory
harp my riddle. will not descend after him.
6 Wherefore should I fear in 19 For though he bless his
the days of evil, when the ini- soul during his life, and men
quity of my oppressors encom- praise thee, when thou doest
passeth me ? well to thyself
7 Of those that trust in their 20 She shall go to the gene-
wealth, and boast themselves of ration of his fathers, unto eter-
the multitude of their riches ? nity will these never see light.
8 No one can in any wise re- 21 Man, though in splendour,
deem his brother, nor can he who understandeth not, is like
give to God redemption money the beasts that perish.
for himself;
9 For the ransom of their PSALM L.
soul is too costly, and it is omit- t
A psalm of Assaph. The
ted for ever. God of gods, the Lord, speak-
10 And should he still live eth, and calleth the earth, from
for ever? not see the pit? the rising of the sun unto his
11 For he must see that wise setting.
men die, that together the fool 2 Out of Zion, the perfection
and the brutish person perish, of beauty, God shineth forth.
and leave to others their wealth. 3 Our God is coming, and
12 Their inward thought is, will not keep silence a fire de-

that their houses are to be for voureth before him, and round
ever, their dwelling-places, from him there rageth a mighty storm.
generation to generation they
4 He will call to the heavens
call them by their own names in above, and to the earth, to judge
(various) countries. his people.
13 Nevertheless man in (his) 5 “ Gather together unto me
splendour endureth not : he is my pious servants, who make
like the beasts (that) perish. a covenant with me by sacri-
14 This is their way, their fice.”
folly: yet their posterity will 6 And the heavens tell of his
take pleasure in their sayings. righteousness for God is judge

Selah. himself. Selah.

15 Like flocks are they thrust 7 “ Hear, 0 my people, and I
into the nether world ; death will speak ; 0 Israel, and I will
will feed them ;
but the upright testify against thee God, thy

shall have dominion over them God, am I.

in that morning; and their form 8 Not because of thy sacri-
wasteth away in the nether fices will I reprove thee ; and
world, (taken away) from their thy burnt-offerings are continu-
own dwelling. ally before me.
16 But God will redeem my
9 I will not take a bullock out
soul from the power of the nether of thy house, nor he-goats out
world for he will take me away. of thy folds.

Selah. 10 For mine are all the beasts

17 Be not \hou afraid when a of the forest, the cattle upon a
man becometh rich, when the thousand mountains.
glory of his house is increased 11 I know all the fowls of the
mountnins whatever moveth on
: came unto him, after he hai
the fields is with me. goneunto Bath-sheba’.
12 If I were hungry, I would 3 Be gracious unto me, 0
not say it to thee for mine is; God, according to thy kindness:
the world, and what filleth it. according to the greatness of thy
13 Do I eat the flesh of fatted mercies blot out my transgres-
bulls, or drink the blood of he- sions.
goats ? 4 Wash me thoroughly from
14 Offer unto God thanksgiv- my iniquity, and cleanse me
ing : and pay unto the Most from my sin.
High thy vows ;
5 For of my transgressions I
15 And call on me on the day have full knowledge; and my
of distress I will deliver thee,
: sin is before me continually.
and so wilt thou glorify me.” 6 To thee, thee only, have I
16 But unto the wicked God sinned, and what is evil in thy
saith, “ What hast thou to do to eyes have I done in order that : —
relate my statutes, and why bear- thou mightest be righteous when
est thou my covenant upon thy thou speakest, be justified when
mouth ? thou judgest.
17 And yet thou hatest in- 7 Behold, in iniquity was I
struction, and casteth my words brought forth and in sin did

behind thee. my mother conceive me.

18 When thou seest a thief, 8 Behold, thou desirest truth
then art thou pleased with him, in the inward parts therefore :

and with adulterers hast thou do thou cause me to know wis-

thy portion. dom in the recesses (of the
19 Thou lettest loose thy heart).
mouth with evil, and thy tongue 9 Cleanse me from sin with
frameth deceit. hyssop, and I shall be clean
20 Thou sittest and speakest wash me, and I shall be whiter
against thy brother against thy than snow.

own mother’s son thou utterest 10 Cause me to hear gladness

slander. and joy that the bones which

21 These things hast thou thou hast crushed may re-

done, and I kept silence: thou joice.
didst ween that I am like thy- 11 Hide thy face from my
self; (but) I will reprove thee, sins, and all my iniquities do
and set it in order before thy thou blot out.
eyes.” 12 Create unto me a clean
22 Do but reflect on this, ye heart, 0 God! and a firm spirit
that forget God, lest I tear (you) renew thou within me.
in pieces, with none to deliver. 13 Cast me not away from thy
23 Whoso offereth thanksgiv- presence and thy holy spirit do

ing glorifieth me and to him not take from me.


that ordereth his course aright, 14 Ptestore unto me the glad-

will I show the salvation of God. ness of thy salvation ; and with
a liberal spirit do thou support
1 % To the chief musician, a 15 I will teach transgressors
psalm of David, thy ways, and sinners shall re-
2 When Nathan the prophet turn unto thee.
16 Deliver me from
blood- it, and they will be afraid, and
guiltiness, 0 God! thou God of laugh concerning him :

iny salvation; (that) my tongue 9 “Lo, this is the man that

may sing aloud of thy righteous- made not God his fortress; but
ness. trusted in the abundance of his
17 0 Lord open thou my lips, riches, relied proudly on his

and my mouth shall declare thy mischievous wickedness.”

praise. 10 But I am like a green olive-
18 For thou desirest not sacri- tree in the house of God I :

fice; else would I give it: in trust in the kindness of God for
burnt-offering hast thou no de- ever and ever.
light. 11 I will thank thee for ever,
19 The sacrifices of God are because thou hast done it: and
a broken spirit; a broken and a I will wait on thy name, for (it
contrite heart, 0 God, wilt thou is) good, before thy pious ones.
not despise.
20 Do good in thy favour PSALM LIII.
unto Zion build thou the walls
; 1 | To the chief musician
of Jerusalem. upon Machalath, a Maskil of
21 Then wilt thou be pleased David.
with the sacrifices of righteous- 2 The worthless fool saith in
ness, with burnt-offering and his heart, There is no God.
entire offering then shall bul-
: They are corrupt, and they are
locks be offered upon thy altar. abominable (in their) injustice
there is none that doth good.
PSALM LII. 3 God looketh down from
1 To the chief musician, a heaven upon the children of
Maskil of David, men, to see if there be one in-
2 When Doeg the Edomite telligent, one who seeketh for
came and told Saul, and said God.
unto him, David is come to the 4 Every one (of them) hath
house of Achimelech. departed (from righteousness)
.3 What vauntest thou thyself altogether are they become cor-
of wickedness. 0 mighty man ? rupt: there is none that doth
the kindness of God endureth good, no, not one.
all the time. 5 Is there no knowledge in
4 Thy tongue deviseth mis- the workers of wickedness ? who
chiefs, like a sharpened razor, eat up my people as they eat
thou worker of deceit. bread: (while) they do not call
5 Thou lovest evil more than on God.
good ; falsehood more than 6 There were they terrified
speaking righteousness. Selah. with terror where there was no
6 Thou lovest all words of terror; for God had scattered
destruction, the tongue of de- the bones of those that encamped
ceit. against thee thou didst put

7 (Therefore) God will also them to shame, because God had

destroy thee for ever: he will rejected them.
take thee away, and pluck thee 7 Oh that some one might
out of his tent, and root thee bring the salvation of Israel out
out of the land of life. Selah. of Zion When God bringeth

8 And the righteous shall see back the captivity of his people,
: —LY.
(then) will Jacob be glad, (and) within me, and the terrors of
Israel will rejoice. death are fallen upon me.
6 Fearfulness and trembling
PSALM LIV. are come upon me, and shudder-
1 To the chief musician on ing hath covered me.
Neginoth, a Maskil of David, 7 And I said, Oh that some
2 When the Ziphim catne and one would give me wings like
said to Saiil, Behold, David is a dove I would fly away and !

hiding himself with us. dwell (quietly).

3 0 God by thy name save
! 8 Lo, I would flee far away, I
me, and by thy strength grant would spend my night in the
me justice. wilderness. Selah.
4 0 God ! hear my prayer 9 I would prepare hastily a
give ear to the words of my refuge for me from the sweeping
mouth. wind (and) from storm.
5 For strangers (to goodness) 10 Destroy, 0 Lord, divide
are risen up against me, and their tongue; for I have seen
powerful oppressors seek after violence and strife in the city;
my soul they have not set God
: 11 Day and night do these
before them. Selah. encompass it upon her walls:
6 Behold, God is a helper un- and wrong and trouble are in
to me the Lord is among those
: her midst.
that uphold my soul. 12 Mischief is in her midst:
7 He will cause the evil to re- guile and deceit depart not from
turn upon those that regard me her streets.
with envy in thy truth cut them
: 13 For it is not an enemy that
off. reproached me then I could

8 I will liberally sacrifice unto bear it not he that hateth me


thee : I will give thanks unto hath magnified himself against

thy name, 0 Lord ! for it is me; then I would have hidden
good. myself from him ;

9 For out of hath 14 But it is thou, a man my

all distress
he delivered me and my eye equal, my guide, and my ac-

hath seen its desire on my ene- quaintance ;

mies. 15 So that we took sweet se-

cret counsel together, and walk-
PSALM LY. ed unto the house of God in
1 To the chief musician on tumultuous company.

Neginoth, a Maskil of David. 16 Let him dispense death

2 Give ear, 0 God, to my over them let them go down ;

prayer, and hide not thyself alive into the nether world; for
from my supplication. evil is in their dwelling, in the
3 Listen unto me, and answer midst of them.
me: I mourn in my grief, and 17 I, however, will call on
moan ;
God and the Lord will save :

4 Because of the voice of the me.

enemy, because of the oppres- 18 At evening and morning
sion of the wicked for they cast and noon will I make my com-

wrong upon me, and in wrath plaint and moan: and he heir-
they attack me. eth my voice.
5 My heart is sorely pained 19 He delivereth my soul in
peace from the battle against they hide themselves, they are
me for in multitudes are they
: those that watch my heels, as
(contending) with me. though they hoped (to take) my
20 God will hear, and humble soul.

them yea, he that sitteth en-
throned from the oldest time
8 Because of their wrong-do-
ing let me escape from them in :

Selah — those who dread no anger cast down the people, 0

enanges, and fear not God. God
21 He streteheth out his hands 9 My wanderings hast thou
against those at peace with him : well numbered put thou my

he violateth his covenant. tears into thy bottle; behold,

22 The creamy words of his they are numbered by thee.
mouth are smooth, yet there is 10 Then shall my enemies re-
war (in) his heart: his words tire backward on the day when
are softer than oil, yet are they I call (on thee) ;
this I know
drawn swords. that God is for me.
23 Cast thy burden upon the 11 In God will I praise the
Lord, and he will sustain thee : word : in the Lord will I praise
he will never suffer the righteous the word.
to be moved. 12 In God have I put my
24 But thou, 0 God thou wilt ! trust ;
I will not be afraid : what
bring them down into the pit of can man do unto me?
destruction let not the men of
: 13 Upon me, 0 God, (rest) thy
blood and deceit live out half vows I will pay thanksgiving

their days; but I will indeed offerings unto thee.

trust in thee. 14 For thou hast delivered my

soul from death —
yea, behold,
my feet from slipping, that I
1 *[ To musician may walk before God in the light
the chief
upon Jonath-elem-rechokim, by of the life.
David, a Michtham, when the
Philistines seized him in Gath. PSALM LVIL
2 Be gracious unto me, 0 God 1 To the chief musician, Al-

for man longeth to swallow me thashcheth, by David, a Mich-

up; all the time he oppresseth tham, when he fled from Saul, in
me fighting. the cave.
3 Those that regard me with 2 Be gracious unto me, 0 God!
envy long to swallow (me) up all be gracious unto me; for in thee
the time ; for many are they that my soul seeketh protection, and
fight against me, 0 thou Most under the shadow of thy wings
High will I seek protection, until the
4 The day (when) I am afraid, mischief be passed away.
I will still trust in thee. 3 I will call unto God, the
5 In God will I praise his Most High; unto God that ae-
word, in God I have put my complisheth (his kindness) on
trust; I will not be afraid: what me.
can flesh do unto me? 4 He will send from heaven,
6 All the day they wrest my and save me, though he that
words: against me are all their longeth to swallow me up utter
thoughts for evil. reproach. Selah. God will send
7 They come together in troops, forth his kindness and his truth.
5 My soul is in the midst of like the deaf adder that stoppeth
lions ; I lie down (in the midst her ear
of) those that send out flames, 6 Which will not hearken to
(those) sons of men, whose teeth the voice of conjurers, yea, that
are spears and arrows, and whose of the wisest of all charmers.
tongue is a sharpened sword. 7 0 God break out their teeth !

6 Be thou exalted above the in their mouth the jaw-teeth of :

heavens, 0 God above all the the young lions tear thou out, 0

earth let thy glory be. Lord !

7 A net have they prepared 8 Let them melt away as wa-

for my steps : my
soul hath been ter (which) runneth off: when
bent down they have dug be- each one bendeth (his bow to

fore me a pit; they are fallen shoot) his arrows, let them be as
into the midst thereof. Se- if cut in pieces.
lah. 9 As a snail which melteth,
8 Firm is my heart, 0 God let him pass away! like the un- ;

firm is my heart: I will sing and timely birth of a woman which

play. hath not seen the sun.
9 Awake, my spirit; awake, 10 Before your pots can feel
psaltery and harp I will wake the thorns, will he take them

up the morning-dawn. away with a whirlwind, both the

10 I will thank thee among green and the burning.
the people, 0 Lord I will sing ! 11 The righteous will rejoice
praises unto thee among the na- when he seeth the vengeance
tions. he will bathe his steps in the
11 For great, even unto the blood of the wicked.
heavens, is thy kindness, and 12 So that a man shall say,
even unto the skies (extendeth) Yerily fruit will come for the
thy truth. righteous verily there is a God:

12 Be thou exalted above the that judgeth on the earth.

heavens, 0 God! above all the
earth let thy glory be. LIX. PSALM
1 To the chief musician, Al-
PSALM LVIII. thashcheth, by David, a Mich-
1 the chief musician, Al- tham when Saul sent, and they
f To :

thashcheth, by David, a Mich- watched the house to put him to

tham. death.
2 Do you indeed, who are 2 Deliver me from my ene-
dumb, speak righteously ? do ye mies, 0 my God defend me !

judge in uprightness, 0 ye sons from them that rise up against

of men ? me.
3 Even in (your) heart ye 3 Deliver me from the work-
Woik injustice: on the earth do ers of wickedness, and from men
ye weigh out the violence of of blood do thou save me.
your hands. 4 For, lo, they lie in wait for
4 The wicked are estranged my soul, the mighty are gathered
(from goodness) from the womb in troops against me: not for my

those who speak lies go astray transgression, nor for my sin, O’

from their very birth. Lord !

5 They have poison like the 5 Without guilt (in me) they
poison of a serpent (they are) run and make themselves ready

90 o
awake, (come) toward me, and ness; for thou hast been a de-
behold. fence unto me and a refuge on
6 And thou, 0 Lord God of the day when I was distressed.
hosts, the God of Israel, awake 18 Unto thee, 0 my strength,
to punish all the nations be will I sing for God is my de-

not gracious to any treacherous fence, the God of my kindness.

wicked ones. Selah.
7 They will return at evening; LX. PSALM
they will howl like dogs, and go 1 f To the chief musician
round about the city. upon Shushan-’eduth, a Mich-
8 Behold, they sputter with t'ham of David, to teach,
their mouth swords are in their
: 2 When he fought with Aram-
lips; for who, 'say they,) doth naharayim, and with Aram-zo-
hear ? bah, and Joiib returned, and
9 But 0 Lord, wilt smote of Edom in the Salt Val-
laugh at them thou wilt hold ley twelve thousand (men).

in derision all the nations. 3 0 God! thou hast cast us

10 Because of (the enemy’s) off, thou hast made a breach in
strength will I wait upon thee us, thou hast been displeased:
for God is my defence. restore now unto us (thy favour).
11 The God who showeth me 4 Thou hast caused the earth
kindness will go before me God to quake; thou hast split it: heal

will let me see (my desire) upon her breaches; for she is moved.
those w ho regard me with envy.
5 Thou hast caused thy peo-
12 Slay them not, that my ple to see hard things thou hast :

people may not forget: drive made us to drink the wine of

them about by thy power; and confusion.
bring them down, thou our 6 Thou hast given to those
shield, 0 Lord that fear thee a banner, to ele-
13 The sin of their mouth is vate themselves, because of the
the word of their lips : let them truth. Selah.
be caught through their pride, 7 In order that thy beloved
because of the cursing and lying may be delivered help with thy

which they relate. right hand, and answer me.

14 Make an end in fury, make 8 God hath spoken in his ho-
an end (of them), that they may liness : I will exult, I will divide
be no more, and let them know Shechem, and the valley of Suc-
that God ruleth in Jacob, as coth will I measure out.
far as the ends of the earth. 9 Mine is Gil’ad, and mine is
Selah. Menasseh Ephraim also is the ;

15 And they will return in the strong-hold of my head; of Ju-

evening; they will howl like dah are my chiefs ;
dogs, and go round about the 10 Moab is my washpot; upon
city. Edom will I cast my shoe Phi- :

16 They will indeed roam listia! triumph thou but over

about after something to eat, if me.
they be not satisfied, so that they 1 1 Who will bring me into the

can be at rest. fortified city? who will lead me

17 But I will truly sing of thy as far as Edom ?
strength yea, I will sing joy-
12 Behold, it js thou, 0 God,
fully in the morning of thy kind- who hast cast us off; and thou,
0 God, goest not forth with our mischief against a man ? will ye
armies. all assault him murderously, as

13 Give us help against the though he were a falling wall, a

assailant; for vain is the help tottering fence ?
of man. 5 Yea, from his height do they
14 Through God shall we do take counsel to cast (him) down;
valiantly and he it is that will they delight in lies
: with their :

tread down our assailants. mouth do they bless, but in-

wardly do they curse. Selah.
PSALM LXI.6 Yea, in God hope in silence,
1 *[ To the musician my soul for from him is my ex-
chief ;

upon Neginah, by David. pectation.

2 Hear, 0 God, my entreaty; 7 Only he is my rock and my
listen to my prayer. salvation ; (he is) my defence
3 From the end of the earth I shall not be moved.
will I call unto thee, when my 8 With God are my salvation
heart is overwhelmed lead me and my glory the rock of my
: :

to the rock that is too high for strength (and) my protection are
me. in God.
4 For thou hast been a shelter 9 Trust in him at all times. 0
unto me, a strong tower against ye people pour out before him

the enemy. your heart God is a protection


5 Let me sojourn in thy tent for us. Selah.

to all eternity ; let me be shel- 10 Verily, nought are the sons
tered under the covert of thy of common men, a lie the sons
wings. Selah. of the great; they must rise in
6 For thou, 0 God, hast truly the balance; they are altogether
listened to my vows thou hast (lighter) than nought.

given back the heritage of those 11 Do not put your trust in

that fear thy name. defrauding, and be not rendered
7 Oh, add days unto the king’s vain through robbery if riches :

days may his years be as of flourish, set not your heart (up-

many generations. on them).

8 May he abide for ever be- 12 Once hath God spoken ;

fore God ordain that kindness (yea,) twice (what) I have heard

and truth may guard him. that strength belongeth unto

9 So will I sing praise unto God.
thy name for ever, that I may 13 And unto thee, 0 Lord,
pay my vows day by day. belongeth kindness for thou ;

wilt recompense every man ac-

PSALM LXII. cording to his works.
1 To the chief musician,
upon Jeduthun, a psalm of Da- PSALM LXIII.
vid. 1 A psalm of David, when
2 Only in God my soul trusted he was in the wilderness of Ju-
in silence : my dah.
from him cometh
salvation. 2 0 God thou art my God !

3 Only he is my
rock and my early will I seek thee my soul :

Salvation; (he is) my defence: thirsteth for thee, my flesh long-

X shall not be greatly moved. eth for thee in a dry land, und it
4 How long will ye devise is faint without water.
76 * 2n2 905
S As I have beheld thee in the innocent; suddenly do they shoot

sanctuary, seeing thy strength at him, and fear not.

and thy glory 6 They encourage themselves
4 Because thy kindness is bet- in an evil plan ;
they tell secretly
ter than life, my lips shall praise of laying snares they say, Who

thee will see them ?

5 Thus
will I bless thee while 7 They search out iniquities:
I live in thy name will I lift
“ We are ready with the carefully
up my
hands. searched out device and the
6 As with fat and marrow will inward thought and heart of
my soul be satisfied and with ; each is deeply (hidden).
tuneful lips shall my mouth 8 But God shooteth at them
praise thee.
When I remember thee upon
suddenly (his) arrow
are come
their wounds.

my couch, I meditate on thee in 9 And their own tongues will
the night-watches. stumble over themselves all that :

8 Because thou hast been a look on them will shake their

help unto me and in the shadow; head.
of thy wings will I sing re- 10 All men shall fear, and
joicingly. shall declare the deeds of God,
9 My soul cleaveth unto fol- and understand his works.
lowing thee me thy right hand
: 11 The righteous shall rejoice
upholdeth. in the Lord, and shall trust in
10 But those that seek my him and all the upright in heart ;

soul, to destroy it, shall go down shall glorify themselves.

into the lowest deeps of the
earth. PSALM LXY.
11 They shall be delivered 1 To the chief musician, a
up power of the sword psalm (and) song of David.
to the
they shall become a prey for 2 For thee praise is waiting,
jackals. 0 God, in Zion and unto thee :

12 But the king shall rejoice shall vows be paid.

in God every one: that sweareth 3 0 thou that hearest prayer,
by him shall glorify himself; for unto thee all flesh shall come.
the mouth of those that speak 4 The iniquitous things have
falsehood shall be stopped. become too mighty for me our :

transgressions —
these wilt thou
wipe away.
1 To the chief musician, a 5 Happy is he whom thou
psalm of David. choosest, and causest to ap-
2 Hear my voice, 0 God, in proach, that he may dwell in
my complaint: preserve my life thy courts: let us be satisfied
from the dread of the enemy. with the happiness of thy house,
3 Hide me from the secret the holiness of thy temple.
counsel of evil-doers, from the 6 With terrific deeds in right-
tumultuous assault of the work- eousness wilt thou answer us, 0
ers of wickedness ; God of our salvation, who art
4 Who whet their tongue like the confidence of all the ends of
a sword, who aim with their the earth, and of the sea, that
arrow, the bitter word are far away :

5 To shoot in secret at the 7 Who setteth firmly the moun-

tains by his power, who
is girded God: fear-in spiring is his doing
with might; toward the children of men.
8 Who assuageth the roaring 6 He changed the sea into dry
of the seas, the roaring of their land; through the river they
waves, and the tumult of nations. went on foot there did we re-

9 And they that dwell in the joice in him.

uttermost parts are afraid of thy 7 He ruleth by his might for
wondrous signs the outgoings
: ever; his eyes look upon the na-
of the morning and evening thou tions the rebellious
: —
these shall
causest to rejoice. not be exalted. Selah.
10 Thou hast thought of the 8 Bless, 0 ye people, our God,
earth, and waterest her abun- and cause the voice of his praise
dantly ; thou greatly enrichest to be heard
her ; the brook of God is full of 9 Who hath appointed our
water: thou preparest their corn, soul to life, and hath not suf-
when thou hast thus prepared fered our foot to slip.
her. 10 For thou hast proved us, 0
11 Watering her furrows God thou hast refined us, as

abundantly, smoothing doAvn silver is refined.

her ridges, thou softenest her 11 Thou hast brought us into
with showers thou blessest her the net thou hast placed fetters
: ;

growth. upon our loins.

12 Thou hast crowned the 12 Thou hast caused men to
year of thy goodness; and thy ride on our head we entered in- :
tracks drop fatness. to fire and into water; but thou
13 The pastures of the wilder- broughtest us out to (the enjoy-
ness are dropping (with plenty) ment) of overflowing plenty.
and the hills are girt with glad- 13 I will enter thy house with
ness. burnt-offerings I will pay unto

14 The meadows are clothed thee my vows,

with flocks, and the valleys are 14 Which my lips have uttered,
enveloped with corn men shout and my mouth hath spoken, when

for joy, (yea,) they also sing. I was in distress.

15 Burnt-offerings of fatlings
PSALM LXVI. will I offer up unto thee, with
1 To the chief musician, a the incense of rams I will pre- ;

song or psalm. Shout joyfully pare steers with he-goats. Selah.

unto God, all ye lands : Come, hear, and I will re-
2 Sing forth the glory of hi£ late, all ye that fear God, what
name make glorious his praise. he hath done for my soul.

3 Say unto God, How fear-in- 17 Unto him I cried with my

spiring is every one of thy works mouth, and a song of extolling

through the greatness of thy was on my tongue.

strength will thy enemies yield 18 If I had looked on wicked-
feigned obedience unto thee. ness with my heart, the Lord
4 All the lands shall bow would not have heard ;

themselves down unto thee, and 19 But verily God hath heard :

shall sing praises unto thee; he hath listened to the voice of

they shall sing praises to thy my prayer.
name. Selah. 20 Blessed be God, who hath
5 Come and see the deeds of; not removed my prayer (from
him), nor his kindness from and a judge of the widows, is
me. God in his holy habitation.
7 Godplaces those who are
PSALM LXVII. solitary in the midst of their
1 To
the chief musician on families: he bringeth out those
Neginoth, a psalm or song. who are bound unto happiness;
2 May God be gracious unto but the rebellious dwell in a dry
Ms, and bless us may he cause
his face to shine upon us. Selah. 8 0 God! when thou didst go
3 That upon earth men may forth before thy people, when
know thy way, among all nations thou didst tread along through
thy salvation. the wilderness —
4 The people will thank thee, 9 The earth quaked, also the
0 God the people, all of them
! heavens dropped at the presence
together, will thank thee. of God yea, this Sinai, at the pre-

5 Nations will rejoice and sing sence of God, the God of Israel.
for joy: when thou judgest
the 10 Rain of beneficence didst
people righteously, and guides! thou pour down, 0 God whereby !

the nations upon earth. Selah. thou didst truly strengthen thy
6 The people will thank thee, heritage, when it was weary.
0 God the people, all of them
! 11 Thy assembly dwelt there-
together, will thank thee. in thou didst prepare it with

7 The earth yieldeth her pro- thy goodness for the afflicted
ducts (yea,) God, our own God, (people), 0 God

will bless us. 12 The Lord gave (happy)

8 God will bless us tidings
: they are published by
and all ;

the ends of the earth shall fear the female messengers, a nume-
him. rous host.
13 The kings of the armies
away flee away yet she :

1 the chief musician, by

To that tarried at home divideth
David, a Psalm or song. the spoil.
2 Oh that God would arise, 14 When ye lie still between
that his enemies might be scat- the folds (of your cattle), (ye will
tered, and those that hate him be like) the wings of the dove
might flee before him. covered with silver, and her
3 As smoke is driven off, so pinions shining with flaming
drive them away as wax raelt- gold.

eth before the fire, so let the 15 When the Almighty scat-
wicked perish at the presence of tered kings in the midst of her,
God. then even in darkness shone
4 But the righteous shall re- light (as pure) as snow.
joice; they shall exult before 16 A mountain of God is the
God yea., they shall be exceed- mount of Bashan many peaks
: ;

ingly joyful. hath the mount of Bashan.

5 Sing unto God, sing praises 17 Why watch ye enviously,
to his name; extol him who ye many-peaked mountains, yon-
rideth upon the heavens the der mountain which God hath

Everlasting is his name, and re- chosen for his residence? yea,
joice before him. the Lord will also dwell (there)
6 A father of the fatherless, for ever.
78 The God are Jerusalem shall kings bring pre«
chariots of
two myriads; thousands of an- sents unto thee.
gels (follow him) the Lord is
: 31 Rebuke the wild beasts
among them so is Sinai holy hiding among the reeds, the

(among mountains). troop of steers among the calveo

19 Thou didst ascend on high, of nations, that hasten along
lead away captives, receive gifts with presents of silver. He
among men, yea, even the rebel- scattereth nations that are eager
lious, to dwell among them, 0 for the fight.
Lord God 32 Nobles will come out of
20 Blessed be the Lord day Egypt: Ethiopia will stretch

by day he loadeth us (with bene- forth eagerly her hands unto God.
fits) ;
our God is our salvation. 33 Kingdoms of the earth,
Selah. sing unto God sing praises un- ;

21 Our God is to us the God to the Lord Selah ; ;

of salvation and by the Eternal

34 To him who rideth over
the Lord are the escapes from the highest heavens, of ancient
death. days hear, he sendeth forth his

22 But God will crush the voice, the voice of might.

head of his enemies, the hairy 35 Ascribe ye strength unto
skull of him who walketh in his God his excellency is over Is-

guiltiness. rael, and his strength is in the

23 The Lord hath said, From skies.
Bashan will I bring back, I will 36 Thou art tremendous, 0
bring back from the depths of God, from thy holy residences
the sea 0 God of Israel, (thou art) he
24 In order that thou mayest that givest strength and power
wade with thy feet in blood, unto (thy) people. Blessed be
feeding the tongue of thy dogs God.
from the enemies’ blood.
25 Men see thy goings forth, PSALM LXIX.
0 God the goings forth of my
! 1 To
the chief musician up-
God, my King, into the sanc- on Shoshannim, by David.
tuary. 2 Save me, 0 God for the !

26 First come singers, then waters are come even to threaten

follow players on instruments, my life.
in the midst of maidens playing 3 I am sunk in the mire of
on timbrels. the deep, where there is no stand-
27 In assemblies bless ye God, ing I am come into the depths

(praise) the Lord, ye sprung of the waters, and the flood over-
from Israel’s fountain. floweth me.
28 There Benjamin the young- 4 I am weary of my calling;
est leadeth them on, the princes throat is hoarse; my eyes
of Judah in purple robes, the while I hope for my God.
princes of Zebulun, the princes 5 More than the hairs of my
of Naphtali. head are those that hate me with-
29 Thy God hath ordained out a cause ; numerous are those
the rule to thee strengthen, 0 that would destroy me, that are

God, what thou hast wrought my enemies wrongfully: what 1

for us. have not robbed shall I now re-
30 Because of thy temple over store.
6 0 God, thou make haste and answer
art well aware tress:
of my folly, and my guilty deeds me.
are from thee not hidden. 19 Draw nigh unto my soul,
7 Let not those that wait on and redeem it because of my

thee, 0 Lord Eternal of hosts, enemies do thou ransom me.

be made ashamed through me 20 Thou well knowest my re-
let not those that seek thee be proach, and my shame, and my
confounded through me, 0 God confusion before thee are all

of Israel my assailants.
8 Because for thy sake have I 21 Beproach hath broken my
borne reproach, hath confusion heart; and I am sick: and I
covered my face. waited for pity, but there was
9 A stranger am I become un- none ; and for comforters, but I
to my brothers, and an alien un- found none.
to my mother’s children. 22 And they put into my food
10 Because the zeal for thy gall and in my thirst they gave

house hath devoured me; and me vinegar to drink.

the reproaches of those that re- 23 May (then) their table be-
proached thee are fallen upon come a snare before them and ;

me. to those that are at peace, a trap.

11 When T wept at the fasting 24 May their eyes become
of my soul, it became a reproach dark, that they cannot see and ;

to me. make their loins continually to

12 And when I made sack- waver.
cloth my garment, I became a 25 Pour out over them thy
proverb to them. indignation, and let the heat of
13 Those that sit in the gate thy anger overtake them..
talk against me and (about me
; 26 May their palace become
make) songs the drinkers of desolate in their tents let no

strong drink. one dwell.

14 But as for me, I direct my 27 For whom thou hast smit-
prayer unto thee, 0 Lord, in a ten they persecute and of the ;

time of favour; 0 God, in the pain of those whom thou hast

multitude of thy kindness: an- wounded do they converse.
swer me in the truth of thy sal- 28 Lay guilt upon their guilt;
vation. and let them not come into thy
15 Deliver me out of the mire, righteousness.
that I may not sink let me be
: 29 Let them be blotted out of
delivered from those that hate the book of the living; and with
me, and out of the depths of the the righteous let them not be
waters. written down.
16 Let not the flood of waters 30 But I am poor and suffer-
overflow me, and let not the ing let thy salvation, 0 God,

deep swallow me up, and let not set me up on high.

the pit close its mouth upon me. 31 I will praise the name of
17 Answer me, 0 Lord for God with song, and will mag-

thy kindness is good: according nify him with thanksgiving.

to the multitude of thy mercies 32 And this will please the
turn thou unto me. Lord better than an ox or bul-
18 And hide not thy face from lock having horns and cloven
thy servant; for I am in dis- hoofs.
33 The meek see this, habitation, whereunto I may
and be rejoiced ye that seek continually resort, which thou

God, and your heart shall re- hast ordained to save me for ;

vive. my rock and my strong-hold

34 For the Lord listeneth un- art thou.
to the needy, and his prisoners 4 0 my God, release me out
he despiscth not. of the hand of the wicked, oui
35 Let heaven and earth of the grasp of the unrighteous
praise him, the seas, and every and violent man.
thing that moveth therein. 5 For thou art my hope, 0
36 For God will save Zion, Lord Eternal thou art my trust !

and will build the cities of Ju- from my youth.

dah that they may abide there,
: 6 By thee have I been sup-
and have it in possession ported from my birth thou art
; ;

37 And the seed of his ser- he that took me out of my

vants shall inherit it; and they mother’s womb
of thee is my :

that love his name shall dwell praise continually.

therein. 7 As a wonderful token have
I been unto many ; but thou art
LXX. PSALM my strong refuge.
1 5[ To the chief musician, by 8 mouth shall be filled My
David, to bring to remembrance. with thy praise, and with thy
20 God, (arise) to deliver glory all the day.
me 0 Lord, make haste to 9 Cast me not off in the time

help me. of old age when my strength :

3 Let those that seek after my faileth, forsake me not.

life be made ashamed and put 10 For my enemies speak of
to the blush : let those that de- me ;
and they that watch for my
sire my
unhappiness be turned soul take counsel together,
1 1 Saying, God hath for- “
backward and put to coufusion.
4 Let them be turned back- saken him pursue and seize

ward in consequence of their him ;

for there is none to de-
shame, that say, Aha, aha. liver.”
5 Let all those that seek thee 12 0 God, be not far from
be glad and rejoice in thee; and me: 0 my God, hasten to my
\et such as love thy salvation help.
say continually, God is great. 13 Let those be made ashamed,
6 But I am poor and needy, let themperish, that are adver-
0 God come hastily unto me
saries to my soul let those be :

my help and my deliverer art covered with reproach and dis-

thou : 0 Lord, do not delay. honour that seek my unhappi-
PSALM LXXI. 14 ButI will continually hope,
1 If In thee, 0 Lord, do I put and will add yet more to all thy
my trust let me never be made praise.

ashamed. 15 My mouth shall relate thy

2 In thy righteousness do righteousness, all the day thy
thou deliver me and release me salvation for I know not their

incline thy ear unto me, and numbers.

save me 16 I will come to praise the
3 Be ;hou unto me a rocky mighty deeds of the Lord Eter-
nal I will make mention of thy
: 4 He shall judge the afflicted
righteousness, yea, thine only. of the people, he shall give help
17 0 God, thou hast taught to the children of the needy ; but
me from my youth and hither-
: he shall crush the oppressor.
to I ever tell of thy wondrous 5 They shall fear thee as long
deeds. as the sun shineth, and in the
18 Therefore also even in old presence of the moon, through-
age, and when I am grayheaded, out all generations.
0 God, forsake me not: until I 6 He shall come down like
have told of thy strength unto rain upon the mown grass, as
(this) generation, to every one showers which are dropping on
that may come of thy might. the earth.
19 And thy righteousness, 0 7 In his days shall the right-
God, reacheth even to the height, eous flourish ; and abundance
thou, who hast done great things: of peace (shall be) till the moon
0 God, who is like thee shall be no more.
20 Thou, who hast shown me 8 And he shall have dominion
great distresses and misfortunes, from sea to sea, and from the
wilt again revive me ; and from river unto the ends of the
the depths of the earth wilt thou earth.
bring me up again. 9 Before him shall bend down
21 Thou wilt increase my those that dwell in the wilder-
greatness, and wilt turn round ness ; and his enemies shall lick
and comfort me. the dust.
22 Also I, I will thank thee 10 The kings of Tharshish
with the psaltery, (for) thy truth, and of the isles shall bring pre-
0 my God I will sing unto thee sents: the kings of Sheba and

with the harp, 0 thou Holy One Seba shall offer gifts.
of Israel ! 11 Yea, there shall bow down
23 My lips shall shout joy- before him all kings all nations

fully when I sing unto thee,* and shall serve him.

my soul (too), which thou hast 12 For he will deliver the
redeemed. needy when he crieth ; the af-
24 Also my tongue shall speak flicted also, who hath no helper.
all the day of thy righteousness; 13 He will spare the poor and
for ashamed, for put to the blush needy ; and the souls of the
are those that seek my unhappi- needy will he assist.
ness. 14 From wrong and violence
will he deliver their soul; and
PSALM LXXII. precious shall their blood be in
1 By Solomon. 0 God, his eyes.
give unto the king thy decisions, 15 And he shall live; and he
and thy righteousness unto the will give him of the gold of
king’s son. Sheba: and he will pray in his
2 He shall decide for thy peo- behalf continually; all the time
ple with righteousness, and for will he bless him.
thy afflicted with justice. 16 There shall be an abun-
3 The mountains shall bear dance of corn in the land upon ;

peace for the people, and the the top of the mountains its fruit
hills (the same), through right- shall shake like (the trees of)
eousness. Lebanon and (men) shall bios-

som out herbs of
of the city like God, the God of Israel, who alone
the earth. doth wondrous things.
17 His name will endure for 19 And blessed be his glorious
ever ; in the presence of the sun name for ever; and with his
his name shall flourish and men;
glory may the whole earth be
shall bless themselves with him : filled : Amen, and Amen.
all nations shall call him happy. 20 Here are ended the prayers
18 Blessed be the Lord the of David the son of Jesse.

11 And they say, How should
PSALM LXXIII. God know? and is there know-
1 A Psalm of Assaph. Truly ledge in the Most High ?
God is good to Israel, to such as 12 Behold, these are the wick-
are pure of heart. ed and yet prospering continu-

2 But as for me, it lacked but ally they increase in wealth.

little that my feet had been 13 Verily in vain have I thus
moved : almost nothing was cleansed my heart, and have
needed that my steps had slip- washed in innocency my hands:
ped. 14 While I was afflicted all
3 For I was envious at the the day, and my chastisement
arrogant, when I saw the pros- (came) every morning.
perity of the wicked. 15 But if I were to say, I will
4 For there are no deadly fet- speak thus: behold, I would be
ters for them but their strength treacherous against the genera*,

is firm. tion of thy children.

5 They share not in the trouble 16 And when I should think
of mortals, and with men are to know this, it would be trouble
they not afflicted. in my eyes
6 Therefore is pride their 17 Until I enter into the sanc-
neck-chain : violence envelop- tuary of God ; and understand
eth them as a garment. what their future will be.
7 Their eyes start out from 18 Surely thou placest them
fatness: they have exceeded on slippery spots thou lettest :

their heart’s imaginings. them fall down into destruc-

8 They scorn, and speak wick- tion.
edly of oppression loftily do
: 19 How are they brought in-
they speak. to desolation, as in a moment
9 They set their mouth in the they perish, they come to their
heavens, and their tongue walk- end with terrific events.
eth busily on the earth. 20 As a dream after awaking,
10 Therefore do his people 0 Lord, reject thou in wrath
turn away hither: and waters of their image.

a full cup jire drained by them. 21 For it fermented in my


77 2 ! 0 913
heart, and in my
reins I felt 6 And now they hew in pieces
sharp thrusts the carved work thereof altoge-
22 But I was indeed foolish, ther with hatchets and hammers.
and I knew it not: I was as a 7 They have set on fire thy
(thoughtless) beast with thee. sanctuary to the ground have

23 Nevertheless I am continu- they profaned the dwelling-place

ally with thee thou hast seized of thy name.

hold of me by my right hand. 8 They have said in their

24 With thy counsel wilt thou heart, “ We will oppress them al-
guide me, and afterward take together they have burnt up
me on to glory. all the places of assembly of
25 Whom have I in heaven ? God in the land.
and beside thee I desire nothing 9 Our signs do we not see
upon earth. there is no more any prophet
26 Though my flesh and my and there is no one among us
heart should fail: yet the rock that knoweth how long.
of my heart, and my portion 10 How long, 0 God, shall
will be God for ever. the adversary utter defiance ?
27 For, lo, those that are far shall the enemy blaspheme thy
from thee shall perish thou de- name for ever ?

stroyest every one that strayeth 11 Why withdrawest thou thy

away from thee. hand, and thy right hand ? (draw
28 But as regardeth me, to it) out of thy bosom extermi- —
draw near to God is good for nate (them )
me I have put in the Lord
: 12 Since (thou) God art my
Eternal my trust, that I may re- King from olden days, working
late all thy works. salvation in the midst of the
PSALM LXXIV. 13 It was thou that didst di-
1 ^ A Maskil of Assaph. vide by thy strength the sea:
Why, 0 God, hast thou cast us thou brokest in pieces the heads
off for ever? why will thy an- of the crocodiles on the waters.
ger smoke against the flock of 14 Thou didst crush the heads
thy pasture ? of leviathan, and gavest them
2 Remember thy congrega- as food to the people inhabiting
tion, which thou didst acquire the wilderness.
of old; which thou didst redeem 15 Thou didst cleave fountain
as the tribe of thy inheritance and stream thou didst dry up
: :

this mount Zion, whereon thou ever-flowing rivers.

hast dw elt.
16 Thine is the day and thine
3 Lift up thy steps unto the is the night it is thou who hast

perpetual heaps of ruins the prepared the luminary and the


enemy hath ilLused every thing sun.

in the sanctuary. 17 It is thou who hast set i:p
4 Thy adversaries have roared all the boundaries of the earth :
in the midst of thy places of as- summer and winter —
thou thy-
sembly they have set up their self hast formed them.

signs for signs. 18 Remember this, that the

5 (The enemy) is known as enemy hath defied the Lord,
one that lifteth up high axes and that a worthless foolish peo-
against the thickets of a forest. ple have blasphemed thy name.
19 Oh give not up unto the foameth, it is full of mixture;
multitude of enemies the soul of and he poureth out of the same }

thy turtle-dove: the congrega- but its lees they drain, they drink
tion of thy afflicted do not thou —
all the wicked of the earth.
forget for ever. 10 But I will declare for ever,
20 Look unto the covenant I will sing praises to the God of
for the dark places of the earth Jacob.
are full of the habitations of 11 And all the horns of the
violence. wicked will I hew off; but the
21 Oh let not the oppressed horns of the righteous shall be
return confounded let the poor exalted.

and needy praise thy name.

22 Arise, 0 God plead thy
own cause remember thy de-
: 1 To the chief musician on
fiance from the worthless fool all Neginoth, a psalm or song of
the day. Assaph.
23 Forget not the voice of thy 2 In Judah hath God been
adversaries the tumult of those made known
: in Israel is his

that rise up against thee ascend- name great.

eth continually. 3 And in Salem was his taber-
nacle made, and his dwelling-
PSALM LXXV. place in Zion.
1 To chief musician,
the 4 There broke he the shining
Al-thashcheth, a psalm or song arrows of the bow, shield, and
of Assaph. sword, and battle. Selah.
2 We give thanks unto thee, 5 Thou art more brilliant,
0 God! we give thanks, and more excellent than the moun-
nigh is thy name: men relate tains (full) of prey.
thy wondrous deeds. 6 Bereft of reason are the
3 “ For I will take up a fixed stouthearted, they slumber their
time when I will judge up- sleep and none of the men of

rightly. might have found (the use of)

4 The earth and all her in- their hands.
habitants are melting away I :7 From thy rebuke, 0 God of
myself establish firmly her pil- Jacob, lie in deep sleep both
lars. Selah. chariot and horse.
5 I said unto the arrogant, 8 Thou —
thou art to be feared:
Deal not arrogantly and to the and who may stand in thy sight

wicked, Lift not up the horn. when once thy anger (is kin-
6 Lift not up on high your dled) ?
horn, speak not with a stiffly^ 9 From heaven hast thou
erect neck. caused (thy) sentence to he
7 For neither from the rising heard the earth feared, and

(of the sun), nor from (his) set- became still,

ting, nor from the wilderness of 10 When God rose to judg-
mountains (eometh this); ment, to save all the lowly of
8 But God is the judge he the earth. Selah.

lowereth one, and lifteth up an- 11 For the fury of man shall
other. praise thee the remainder of

9 For there is a cup in the the fury wilt thou gird about
hand of the Lord, and the winei thee. i

12 Make vows, and pay (them) thy work, and on thy deeds will
unto the Lord your God, all ye I reflect.
that are round about him, let 14 0 God in holiness is thy

men bring presents unto him way: where is there a God so

that exciteth fear. great as God ?
13 He will cut down the spirit 15 Thou art the God that
of the powerful he is terrible dost wonders thou hast made
: :

to the kings of the earth. known among the people thy

PSALM LXXVII. 16 Thou hast redeemed with
1 *[ To
the chief musician on (a mighty) arm thy people, the
Jeduthun, by Assaph a psalm. sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.
2 (I lift up) my voice unto 17 The waters saw thee, 0
God, and I cry; (I lift up) my God, the waters saw thee ; they
voice unto God do then give shook also the depths trembled.
: :

ear unto me. 18 The clouds poured out wa-

3 On the day of my distress I ter; the skies sent forth thunder
sought the Lord ; in the night also thy arrows sped along.
my hand was stretched out, and 19 The voice of thy thunder
did not cease my soul refused was in the whirlwind ; light-

to be comforted. nings gave light to the world;

4 I think of God, and moan the earth trembled and quaked.

I reflect, and my spirit is over- 20 Through the sea led thy

whelmed. Selah. way, and thy path was through
5 Thou holdest my eyes mighty waters, and thy footsteps
awake I am troubled and I could not be known.

cannot speak. 21 Thou didst lead like a flock

6 I think over the days of thy people by means of Moses
old, the years of ancient times. and Aaron.
7 I call to remembrance my
song in the night; with my own PSALM
heart I reflect: and my spirit 1 | A Maskil of Assaph.
maketh diligent search. Give ear, 0 my people, to my
8 Will the Lord cast me off instruction incline your ear to

for ever ? and will he never more the words of my mouth.

give his favour again ? 2 I will open with a parable
9 Is his kindness spent for my mouth ; I will utter riddles
ever ? is his promise come to an out of ancient times;
end for all generations ? 3 Which we have heard and
10 Hath God forgotten to be know, and which our fathers
gracious ? or hath he shut up in have related unto us.
anger his mercies ? Selah. 4 We will not conceal them
11 And I said, This shall be from their children, relating tc
my entreaty, (for) the years of the latest generation the praises
the right hand of the Most of the Lord, and his strength,
High. and his wonderful deeds which
12 I will remember the deeds he hath done.
of the Lord; for I will remem- 5 Yea, he established a testi-
ber out of ancient times thy mony in Jacob, and instituted a
wonders. law in Israel, which he com-
13 I will meditate also of all manded our fathers, that they
uhould make them known to 19 Yea, they spoke against
their children God : they said, Will God bo
6 In order that the latest able to set in order a table in the
generation might know them, wilderness ?
even the children that are to be 20 Behold, he smote the rock,
born that they may arise and
so that waters gushed out, and
relate them to their children; streams overflowed :shall he
7 That they may place in God also be able to give bread ? or
their hope, and not forget the can he provide flesh for his peo-
doings of God, but observe his ple ?
commandments 21 Therefore, when the Lord
8 And that they may not be heard this, he became wroth
like their fathers, a stubborn and and a fire was kindled against
rebellious generation ;
a genera- Jacob, and anger also ascended
tion that had not directed their against Israel
heart firmly, and whose spirit 22 Because they had not be-
was not faithful to God. lieved in God, and had not
9 The children of Ephraim, trusted in his salvation.
like well-armed archers, that 23 Then he ordained the skies
turn round on the day of battle, from above, and the doors of
10 Kept not the covenant of heaven he opened
God, and in his law they re- 24 And he let rain down upon
fused to walk them manna to eat, and the corn
11 And they forgot his deeds, of heaven gave he unto them.
25 Angels bread did man
as also his wonders which he
had permitted them to see. eat: he sent them provision to
12 In the presence of their satisfaction.
fathers did he do wonders, in 26 He caused an east wind to
the land of Egypt, in the fields pass along the heavens and he :

of Zo’an. led forth by his strength the

13 He divided the sea, and south wind.
caused them to pass through 27 And he let rain upon them
and he made the waters stand flesh (as plentiful) as the dust,
upright as a wall. and winged birds like the sand
14 And he led them with the of the sea
cloud by day, and all the night 28 And he let them fall in the
with a light of fire. midst of their camp, round about
15 He split rocks in the wil- their habitations.
derness, and gave them drink as 29 And they ate, and were
out of the mighty deep. greatly satisfied, and what they
16 And he brought forth run- longed for he brought unto
ning streams out of the rock, them.
and caused water to run down 30 They were not estranged
like rivers. from their longing, yet was their
17 But they repeated to sin food in their mouth :

yet more against him, rebelling 31 When the wrath of God

against the Most High in the ascended against them, and he
desert. slew some of the fattest of them,
18 And they tempted God in and the young mep of Israel did
their heart, by asking food for he strike down.
their desire. 32 With all this they sinned
77 * 917
psalm: LXXVIII.

agnln, ana believed not in his cricket their products, and theif
wonders. labour unto the locust.
33 Therefore he caused their 47 He slew with hail their
days to come to an end in vines, and their sycamore-trees
nought, and their years in dread. with ice-bolts.
34 When he slew them, then 48 And he surrendered to the
did they seek him, and they re- hail their cattle, and their herds
turned and inquired earnestly to the lightning's flashes.
after God. 49 He let loose against them
35 And they remembered that the fierceness of his anger,
God was their rock, and the wrath, and indignation, and dis-
most high God their redeemer. tress, a host of angels of mis-
36 Nevertheless they prayed fortune.
insincerely to him with their 50 He levelled a path for his
mouth, and with their tongue anger; he withheld not from
they lied unto him. death their soul, and their life
37 For their heart was not he surrendered to the pesti-
firm with him, and they were lence ;

not faithful in his covenant. 51 And he smote all the first-

38 But he, being merciful, born in Egypt the
first of their
forgave the iniquity, and de- strength in the tents of Ham;
stroyed (them) not: yea, many 52 But he caused his own
a time turned he his anger away, people to depart like flocks, and
and did not awaken all his guided them like a drove in the
fury. wilderness.
39 And he remembered that 53 And he led them in safety,
they are but flesh, a spirit that so that they felt no dread but ;

passeth away, and returneth not the sea covered over their ene-
again. mies.
40 How oft did they rebel 54 And he brought them to
against him in the wilderness, his holy territory, even to this
grieve him in the desert mount, which his right hand
41 Yea, they once more tempt- had acquired.
ed God, and set limits to the 55 And he drove out from be-
Holy One of Israel. fore them nations, and divided
42 They remembered not his them by the measuring-line as
hand, the day when he ran- an inheritance, and he caused to
somed them from the adversary; dwell in their tents the tribes of
43 When he displayed in Israel.
EgjT pt his signs, and his won- 56 Yet they tempted and re-
derful tokens in the fields of belled against the most high God,
Zo’an. and his testimonies they kept
44 And he changed their riv- not
ers into blood ; and their run- 57 But swerved aside, and
ning streams, that they could dealt unfaithfully like their fa-
not drink (of them). thers they turned about like a

45 He sent out among them deceitful bow.

various wild beasts, which de- 58 And they provoked him to
voured them ; and frogs, which anger with their high-places,
destroyed them. and with their graven images
46 And he gave unto the they moved him to jealousy.
59 God heard this, and he thy heritage ;
they have pro-
became wroth, and felt greatly faned thy holy temple they

disgusted with Israel have rendered Jerusalem heaps

60 And he cast off the dwell- of ruins*
ing at Shiloh, the tabernacle 2 They have given the dead
where he had dwelt among men bodies of thy servants as food
61 (And) he gave up his unto the fowls of the heaven,
strength unto captivity, and his the flesh of thy pious ones unto
glory into the adversary’s hand. the beasts of the earth.
62 And he surrendered his 3 They have shed their blood
people unto the sword ; and with like water all round about Jeru-
his inheritance was he wroth. salem and there is no one to

63 His young men the fire bury them.

devoured and his virgins were
4 We are become a reproach
not demanded in marriage. to our neighbours, a scorn and
64 His priests fell by the derision to those that are round
sword; and his widows did not about us.
weep. 5 How long, Lord ? wilt thou
65 Then awoke the Lord as be indignant for ever? shall thy
one that sleepeth, like a mighty jealousy burn like fire?
man that shouteth by reason of 6 Pour out thy fury over the
wine. nations that acknowledge thee
66 And he smote his enemies not, and over the kingdoms that
backward a perpetual disgrace have not called on thy name.

laid he on them. 7 For they have devoured Ja-

67 Yet was he disgusted with cob, and laid waste his dwelling-
the tent of Joseph, and of the place.
tribe of Ephraim he made not 8 Oh remember not against us
choice ;
the iniquities of our fathers
68 But he chose the tribe of make haste, let thy mercies come
Judah, the mount Zion which he to our aid ; for we are very
loved. miserable.
69 And he built like high 9 Help us, 0 God of our sal-
(mountains) his sanctuary, like vation, because of the glory of
the earth which he hath founded thy name; and deliver us, and
for ever. atone for our sins, for the sake
70 And he made choice of of thy name.
David his servant, and took him 10 Wherefore shall the na-
from the sheep-folds : tions say, Where is their God ?
71 From following the ewes let there be made known among
with young he brought him, to the nations before our eyes,
feed Jacob his people, and Is- the vengeance for the blood of
rael his inheritance. thy servants which hath been
72 And he fed them according shed.
to the integrity of his heart; 11 Let the sighing of the pri-
and by the skilfulness of his soner come before thee: accord-
hands did he lead them. ing to the greatness of thy al-
power preserve thou
PSALM LXXIX. those that are doomed to doafch
1 If A psalm of Assaph. 12 And
0 recompense unto our
God nations have entered into neighbours sevenfold into theif

bosom their defiance wherewith all who pass by the way pluck
they have defied thee, 0 Lord the fruit from it ?

13 But we thy people and the 14 The boar out of the forest
flock of thy pasture will give doth gnaw at it, and what mov-
thanks unto thee for ever: from eth on the field feedeth on it.
generation to generation will we 15 0 God of hosts, return I !

relate thy praise. pray thee, look down from hea-

ven, and behold, and think of
PSALM LXXX. this vine;
1 ^ To the chief musician 16 And of the sprout which
upon Shoshannim an ’Eduth thy right hand hath planted, and

by Assaph a psalm.
of the branch that thou hast
2 0 Shepherd of Israel, give made strong for thyself.
ear, thou that leadest Joseph 17 It is burnt with fire, it is
like a flock thou that dwellest hewn down because of the re-
: :

between the cherubims, shine buke of thy countenance do they

forth. perish.
3 Before Ephraim and Benja- 18 Let thy hand be over the
min and Menasseh awaken thy man
of thy right hand, over the
might, and come to our help. of man whom thou hast
4 0 God cause us to return,
! made strong for thyself.
and let thy countenance shine, 19 Then will we not swerve
that we may be saved. from thee revive us again, and :

5 0 Lord of hosts how long we will call on thy name.


shall thy anger smoke against 20 0 Lord God of hosts, cause

the prayer of thy people ? us to return let thy countenance :

6 Thou feedest them with the shine, that we may be saved.

bread of tears, and givest them
tears to drink in great measure.
7 Thou renderest us a contest 1 To the chief musician
unto our neighbours and our upon: Gittith ;
by Assaph.
enemies hold derision among 2 Sing aloud unto God our
themselves. strength shout joyfully unto

8 0 God of hosts cause us to the God of Jacob.


return, and let thy countenance 3 Lift up psalm, and bring

shine, that we may be saved. hither the timbrel, the pleasant
9 Avine didst thou remove harp with the psaltery.
out of Egypt: thou drovest out 4 Blow on the new moon the
nations, and plantedst it. cornet, at the time appointed, on
10 Thou didst clear out a the day of our feast.
place before it, and it struck its 5 For this is a statute for Is-
root deeply, and it filled the rael, an ordinance by the God
land. of Jacob.
11 Mountains were covered 6 As a testimony in Joseph
with its shadow, and with its did he ordain it, when he went
boughs the cedars of God. out over the land of Egypt. The
language of one I had not known
12 It sent out its tendrils as
far as the sea, and unto the river
did I hear.
its suckers. 7 I removed from the burden
13 Wherefore hast thou now his shoulder: his hands left be-
broken down its fences, so that hind the burden-basket.
8 In distress thou didst call, deliver them out of the power of
and I delivered thee ; I answered the wicked.
thee in the secret of the thunder: 5 They know not, m r will
I proved thee at the waters of they understand; in darkness do
Meribah. Selah. they walk on all the founda-

9 Hear, 0 my people, and I tions of the earth are moved.

will give warning unto thee; 0 6 I have indeed said, Ye are
Israel, if thou wouldstbut heark- gods and children of the most

en unto me! High are all of you.

10 There shall not be among 7 But verily like men shall ye
thee a foreign god nor shalt
die, and like one of the princes
thou bow thyself down to any shall ye fall.
strange god. 8 Arise, 0 God, judge the
Ill am the Lord thy God, earth for thou wilt possess all

who have brought thee up out the nations.

of the land of Egypt : open wide
thy mouth, and I will fill it. PSALM LXXXIII.
12 But my people did not 1 If A song or psalm of As-
hearken to my voice and Israel saph.

was not willing to follow me. 2 0 God, take no rest for thy-
13 So I let them go in the self be not silent, and keep not

stubbornness of their own hearts still, 0 God

and they walked in their own 3 For, lo, thy enemies make
counsels. a tumult, and they that hate
14 Oh that my people would thee have lifted up their head.
hearken unto me, that Israel 4 Against thy people they
would walk in my ways take crafty secret device, and

15 In a little while would I they consult against those thou

subdue their enemies, and against protectest.
their adversaries would I turn 5 They have said, Come, and
my hand. let us cut them off from being a
16 The haters of the Lord nation ; and the name of Israel
should offer flattery unto him but ;
shall be remembered no more.
their time should endure for ever. 6 For they have consulted cor-
17 And he would feed him dially together against thee ;

with the best of wheat: and out they make a covenant:

of the rock would I satisfy thee 7 The tents of Edom, and the
with honey. Ishma’elites; Moab, and the Ha-
PSALM LXXXII. 8 Gebal, and ’Ammon, and
1 A psalm of Assaph. God
If ’Amalek ; the Philistines with
standeth in the congregation of the inhabitants of Tyre;
God, in the midst of judges doth 9 Also Asshur is joined with
he judge. them; they have become an arm
2 How long will ye judge un- unto the children of Lot. Selah.
justly, and treat with favour the 10 Do unto them as (unto)
face of the wicked ? Selah. Midian as to Sissera, as to Ja-

3 Judge uprightly the poor bin, at the brook Kishon :

and fatherless : do justice to the 11 Who were annihilated at

and indigent.
afflicted ’En-dor; they became as dung
4 Release the poor and needy: for the ground.
12 Render them, their nobles, 7 Passing through the vallej
like ’Oreb, and like Zeeb yea, of weeping, they will change it

iijie Zebacli and like Zalmunna’ into a spring also the early :

all their princes rain covereth it with blessings.

13 Who said, 8 They go from strength to
Let us conquer
for ourselves the dwellings of strength, each of them appeareth
God. before God in Zion.
14 0 my God render them ! 9 0 Lord God of hosts, hear
like the thistle-down, like stub- my prayer give ear, 0 God of :

ble before the wind. .Jacob Selah. !

15 As the fire burneth up a 10 (Thou,) our shield, behold,

forest, and as the flame setteth 0 God and look upon the face

the mountains on fire of thy anointed.


16 So pursue them with thy 11 For better is a day in thy

storm, and with thy whirlwind courts than a thousand (else-
do thou terrify them. where) I would rather choose:

17 Fill their faces with shame, to wait at the threshold of the

that they may seek thy name, 0 house of my God, than to dwell
Lord ! in the tents of wickedness.
18 Let them be made ashamed 12 For a sun and shield is the
and terrified for ever and aye Lord God grace and glory will ;

yea, let them be put to the blush the Lord give; he will not with-
and perish : hold any good from those that
19 That they may know that walk with integrity.
thou, whose name is the Eternal, 13 0 Lord of hosts! happy is
art by thyself alone, the Most the man that trusteth in thee.
High over all the earth.
PSALM LXXXIV. 1 To the chief musician,
1 To musician by the sons of Korach, a psalm.
the chief
upon Gittith, 2 Thou hast been favourable,
by the sons of Ko-
rach, a psalm. 0 Lord, unto thy land thou :

2 How lovely are thy dwell- hast brought back the captivity
ing-places, 0 Lord of hosts of Jacob. !

3 My
soul desired, yea, it also 3 Thou hast forgiven the ini-
longed for the courts of the Lord quity of thy people thou hast

my heart and my flesh shout covered over all their sin. Selah.
with joy unto the living God. 4 Thou hast taken away all
4 Even as the sparrow hath thy wrath thou hast relinquish- ;

found a house, and the swallow ed the fierceness of thy anger.

a nest for herself, where she may 5 Return unto us, 0 God of
lay her young :

(have I found) our salvation, and cause thy ill-
thy altars, 0 Lord of hosts, my will toward us to cease.
King, and my God. 6 Wilt thou be wroth with us
5 Happy are they who dwell for ever? wilt thou extend thy
in thy house they will be con- anger from generation to gene-

tinually praising thee. Selah. ration ?

6 Happy is the man whose 7 Wilt thou not (now) revive
strong confidence is in thee, us again, that thy people may
(all) whose heart reflecteth on rejoice in thee ?
the paths of (righteousness). 8 Show us thy kindness, 0
Lord! and grant us thy salva- hast made shall come and bow
tion. themselves down before thee, 0
9 I will hear what God the Lord and they shall ascribe ho*

Lord will spenk for be will

nour unto thy name.
speak peace unto his people, and 10 For great art thou, and io-
to his pious ones : only let them ing wondrous things: thou art
not turn again to folly. God by thyself alone.
10 Surely, nigh is his salva- 11 Teach me, 0 Lord, thy
tion unto those that fear him, way I will walk firmly in thy

that glory may dwell in our truth unite my heart to fear


land. thy name.

11 Kindness and truth are 12 I will thank thee, 0 Lord
met together: righteousness and my God, with all m 3 heart, and 7

peace kiss each other. I will honour thy name for ever-
12 Truth will grow up out of more.
the earth, and righteousness will 13 For thy kindness is great
look down from heaven. toward me and thou hast de-

13 Yea, the Lord will also livered my soul from the grave
give the good, and our land will of the lower world.
yield its products. 14 0 God the presumptuous!

14 Righteousness will walk are risen up against me, and the

firmly before him, and wiL make assembly of the powerful wicked
(level) the way by its steps. have sought after my life, and
have not set thee before them.
PSALM LXXXVI. 15 But thou, 0 Lord, art God,
1 A prayer of David. In- full of mercy, and gracious, long-
cline, 0 Lord, thy ear, answer suffering, and abundant in kind-
me for poor and needy am I. ness and truth.

2 Preserve my soul; for I am 16 Oh turn unto me, and be

pious help thy servant, 0 thou gracious unto me
: give thy :

my God, that trusteth in thee. strength unto thy servant, and

3 Be gracious unto me, 0 save the son of thy handmaid.
Lord for unto thee I call all the
17 Display od me a sign for
time. good, that those who hate me
4 Cause to rejoice the soul of may see it, and be ashamed; be-
thy servant; for unto thee, 0 cause thou, Lord, hast helped
Lord, do I lift up my soul. me, and comforted me.
5 For thou, 0 Lord, art good
and forgiving, and abundant in PSALM LXXXVII.
kindness unto all that call on 1 By the sons of Korach a ;

thee. psalm or song. It is founded

6 Give ear, 0 Lord, unto my by him on holy mountains.
prayer, and attend to the voice 2 The Lord loveth the gates
of my supplications. of Zion more than all the dwell-
7 On the day of my distress ings of Jacob.
will I call on thee ; for thou wilt 3 Glorious things are spoken
answer me. of thee, 0 city of God! Se-
8 There is none like unto thee lah.
among the gods, 0 Lord and 4 I will make mention of Ra-

there is nothing like thy works. hab and Babylon as those that
9 All the nations whom thou know me; behold, here is Phi*
and Tyre, with Ethiopia:
listia, thee, 0 Lord, every day, 1
“ This man was born there.” stretch out unto thee my hands.
5 But of Zion will it be said, 11 Wilt thou display wonders
“This and that man were born to the dead ? shall the departed
in her and the Most High arise (and) thank thee? Selah.
himself doth establish her. 12 Shall thy kindness be re-
6 The Lord will number when lated in the grave? thy faithful-
he writeth down nations, “ This ness in the place of coriup-
man was born there.” Selah. tion ?
7 And the singers as well as 13 Shall thy wonders be ac-
the players on instruments shall knowledged in the darkness?
be there all my springs (of joy) and thy righteousness in the

are in thee. .land of forgetfulness ?

14 Yet I cry indeed aloud un-
PSALM LXXXVIII. to thee, 0 Lord ! and in the
1 A song or psalm of the morning shall my prayer come
sons of Korach, to the chief mu- before thee.
sician upon Machalath-le’an- 15 Why, 0 Lord, wilt thou
noth, a Maskil of Heman the cast off my soul? (why) wilt
Ezrachite. thou hide thy face from me ?
2 0 Lord the God of my sal- 16 I am afflicted and perish-
vation by day do I cry, (and) at ing from my youth up I bear
! :

night I am before thee. thy terrors, I am distracted.

3 Let my prayer come unto 17 Over me have the fires of
thy presence; incline thy ear thy wrath passed; thy terrors
unto my entreaty; have destroyed me
4 For my soul is sated with 18 They encompass me like
troubles; and my life draweth water all the time ;
they have
nigh unto the nether world. closed in round about me to-
5 I am counted with those gether.
that descend into the pit; I am 19 Thou hast removed far
become as a man without vi- from me lover and friend, my
gour : acquaintances (are in) darkness.
6 Free among the dead, like
the slain that dwell in the grave, PSALM LXXXIX.
whom thou rememberest no 1 A Maskil of Ethan the
more and those that are cut off Ezrachite.

by thy hand. 2 The kindnesses of the Lord

7 Thou hast laid me in the will I for ever sing :from gene-
pit of the lower world, in dark- ration to generation will I make
ness, in the depths. known thy faithfulness with my
8 Upon me lieth heavily thy mouth.
fury, and with all thy billows 3 For I have said, To eternity
hast thou afflicted me. Selah. will kindness be built up :tho
9 Thou hast removed my ac- heavens — yea, in these wilt thou
quaintances far from me thou establish thy faithfulness.

hast rendered me an abomina- 4 “ I have made a covenant

tion unto them I am impri- with my elect, I have sworn un-

soned, and I cannot go forth. to David my servant,

10 My eye languisheth by 5 Unto eternity will I esta-
reason of affliction I call
: on blish thy seed, and I will build
tip thy throne from generation 19 For of the Lord is om
to generation.” Selah. shield; and of the Holy One of
6 And the heavens praise thy Israel is our king.
wonder, 0 Lord also thy faith-
! 20 Then spokest thou in a
fulness in the assembly of holy vision to thy pious (servant),
ones. and saidst, “I have bestowed
7 For who in the sky can be help to one that is mighty l ;

compared unto the Lord ? who have exalted a youth out of the
can be likened unto the Lord people ;

among the sons of the mighty ? 21 I have found David my

8 God is greatly terrific in servant; with my holy oil have
the secret council of the holy I anointed him
ones, and fear-inspiring over 22 With whom my hand shall
all that are about him. be firmly established also my

9 0 Lord God of hosts, who arm shall strengthen him ;

is powerful, like thee, Eternal 23 The enemy shall not exact
and thy faithfulness is round from him like a lender; and the
about thee. son of injustice shall not afflict
10 Thou rulest over the pride him
of the sea when its waves are
: 24 And I will beat down be-
lifted up, thou assuagest them. fore his face his assailants, and
11 Thou didst crush Rahab those that bate him will I plague.
as one that is slain with thy
: 25 But my faithfulness and
strong arm didst thou scatter my kindness shall be with him :

thy enemies. and through my name shall his

12 Thine are the heavens, horn be exalted.
also thine is the earth: as for 26 And I will place on the
the world and what fiileth it, sea his hand, and on the rivers
thou hast founded them. his right hand.
13 The north and the south 27 He will call unto me, Thou
these hast thou created Thabor art my father, my God, and the

and Chermon shall rejoice in thy rock of my salvation.

name. 28 Also I will appoint him
14 Thine is the powerful arm, my first-born,the highest among
with might: strong is thy hand, the kings of the earth.
and exalted is thy right hand. 29 For evermore will I keep
15 Righteousness and justice for him my kindness, and my
are the prop of thy throne covenant shall stand faithfully
kindness and truth precede thy with him.
presence. 30 And I appoint for ever his
16 Happy is the people that seed, and his throne as the days
kn jw the cornet’s sound 0 of heaven.

Lord, in the light of thy counte- 31 If his children forsake my

nance will they ever walk firmly. law, and walk not in my ordi-
17 Ip thy name will they be nances ;
glad all the day, and in thy 32 If they profane my statutes,
righteousness will they be ex- and keep not my command-
alted. ments :

18 For thou art the glory of 33 Then will I visit with the
and through thy rod their transgressions, and
their strength ;
horn be exalted. with plagues their iniquity.
favour will our
78 925
34 Nevertheless my kindness not let him stand erect ii the
will I not make utterly void from battle.
him, and I will not act falsely 45 Thou hast made his bril-
against my faithfulness. liancy cease and his throne

35 I will not profane my co- hast thou thrown down to the

venant, and w'hat is gone out of ground.
iny lips will I not alter. 46 Thou hast shortened the
36 One thing have I sworn by days of his youth thou hast en-:

my holiness, that I will not lie shrouded him with shame. Selah.
unto David. 47 How long, Lord, wilt thou
37 His seed shall endure for hide thyself, continually ? how
ever, and his throne shall be long shall thy fury burn like
like the sun before me. fire ?
38 Like the moon shall it be 48 Remember (what) I am,
firmly established for ever, and what my duration is (here), for
as this faithful witness in the what nothingness thou hast cre-
sky.” Selah. ated allsons of men !

39 And yet thou hast cast off 49 What man is there that
and despised, thou hast become can live, and
shall not see death?
wroth with thy anointed. that can deliver his soul from
40 Thou hast made void the the power of the nether world ?
covenant of thy servant thou
: Selah.
hast profaned, down to the 50 Where are thy former
ground, his crown. 3
kindnesses, 0 Lord, which thou
41 Thou hast broken down all hast sworn unto David by thy
his fences thou hast brought truth ?

his strong-holds to terror. 51 Remember, Lord! the dis-

42 All that pass by the way grace of thy servants that I ;

plunder him he is become a re- bear in my bosom the (burden)


proach to his neighbours. of all the many nations ;

43 Thou hast raised up the 52 That thy enemies have de-

right hand of his assailants fied, 0 Lord that they have

thou hast caused all his enemies defied the footsteps of thy an-
to rejoice. ointed.
44 Thou hast also turned 53 Blessed be the Lord for
the edge of his sword, and hast evermore. Amen, and Amen.

PSALM XC. were brought forth, or thou
1 A prayer of Moses the hadst ever produced the earth
man of God. Lord a place
! of and the world, even from ever-
refuge hast thou been unto us lasting to everlasting, thou art
in all generations. God.
2 Before yet the mountains Thou turnest man to con-
trition, and sayest, Return, yo 16 Let thy act be visible on
children of men. thy servants, and thy majesty
4 For a thousand years are over their children.
in thy eyes but as the yesterday 17 And may the beauty of the
when it is past, and as a watch Lord our God be upon us and ;

in the night. the work of our hands do thou

5 Thou earnest them away as firmly establish upon us : yea,
Vi ith a flood; they are as a the work of our hands firmly —
sleep: in the morning (they establish thou it.
grow) like the grass which
changeth. PSALM XCI.
6 In the morning it blossom- 1 He who sitteth under the
eth, and is changed in the secret protection of the Most

evening it is mowed off, and High, shall rest under the sha-
with ere th. dow of the Almighty.
7 For (thus) are we consumed 2 I will say of the Lord, who
by thy anger, and by thy fury is my refuge and my strong-
are we terrified. hold, my God, in whom I ever
8 Thou hast set our iniquities trust,
before thee, our concealed sins 3 That he will surely deliver
before the light of thy counte- thee from the snare of the fowler,
nance. and from the pestilence of de-
9 For all our days are passed struction.
away wrath we consume
in thy : 4 With his pinions will he
our years iike a word that is cover thee, and under his wings
spoken. shalt thou find shelter shield

10 The days of our years in and buckler is his truth.

this life are seventy years and ;
5 Thou shalt not be afraid of
if by uncommon vigour they be the terror of the night; nor of
eighty, yet is their greatness the arrow that flieth by day
trouble and mishap for it soon ;
6 Nor of the pestilence that
hasteneth off, and we fly away. stalketh in darkness ; nor of the
11 Who knoweth the strength deadly disease that wasteth at
of thy anger, and thy wrath noonday.
which like the fear of thee ?
is 7 There shall fall at thy side
12 Let us then know how to a thousand, and ten thousand at
number our days, that we may thy right hand ; unto thee (how-
obtain a heart endowed with ever) shall it not come nigh.
wisdom. 8 Only with thy eyes shalt
13 Return, 0 Lord how long thou behold
! it, and see the re-

yet? and bethink thee concern- compense of the wicked.

ing thy servants. 9 Because thou hast (said),
14 Oh satisfy us in the morn- The Lord is my protection ; the
ing with thy kindness, that we Most High hast thou made thy
may be glad and rejoice through- refuge
out all our days. 10 No evil shall befall thee,
15 Cause us to rejoice as nor shall any plague come nigh
many days as those wherein unto thy tent.
thuu hast afflicted us, the years 11 For his angels will he give
wherein we have seen unhappi- charge concerning thee, to guard
ness. thee on all thy ways.
12 Upon (their) hands
lo, thy enemies,
shall 0 10 For,
they bear thee, that thou may- Lord for, lo, thy enemies shall !

est not dash against a stone thy perish all the workers of wick- :

foot. edness shall be scattered.

13 Upon the fierce lion and 11 But thou exaltest my horn !

asp shalt thou tread thou shalt like that of a reem I am an

: :

trample under foot the young ointed with fresh oil.

lion and serpent. 12 And my eye looketh on
14 “ Because he hath fixed (the punishment of) those that
his desire upon me, therefore regard me with envy: of the
will I release him I will set evil-doers that rise up against

him on high, because he know- me my ears shall hear it.

eth my name. 13 The righteous shall spring
15 He will call on me, and I up like the palm-tree like a :

will answer him with him will cedar in L'ebanon shall he grow

I be in distress I will deliver high.


him, and grant him honour. 14 Planted in the house of

16 With length of days will I the Lord, in the courts of our
satisfy him, and I will let him God shall they spring up.
see my salvation.” 15 They shall still flourish in
high old age; they shall be vi-
gorous and covered with foli-
1 A psalm or song for the age;
sabbath day. 16 To declare that the Lord
2 It is a good thing to give is upright he is my rock, :

thanks unto the Lord, and to and there is no faultiness in

sing praises unto thy name, 0 him.
Most High !

3 To tell in the morning of PSALM XCIII.

thy kindness, and of thy faith- reigneth, he is 1 ^ The Lord
fulness in the nights, clothed with excellency ; the
4 Upon a ten-stringed instru- Lord is clothed, he hath girded
ment, and upon the psaltery ; and himself with strength (there- :

with the sweet sound of the harp. fore) also the world is firmly
5 For thou hast caused me to established, that it cannot be
rejoice,0 Lord, through thy moved.
doing: because of the works of 2 Firmly established is thy
thy hands will I triumph. throne from the beginning from :

6 How great are thy works, 0 everlasting art thou (God).

Lord exceedingly profound are
! 3 The rivers have lifted up,
thy thoughts. 0 Lord the rivers have lifted !

7 A brutish man knoweth it up their voice the rivers lift up ;

not, and a cannot under- their waves.

stand this. 4 (But) more than the noiso
8 When the wicked spring up of great waters, than the mighty
like herbs, the billows of the sea, is the Lord
and when all
workers of wickedness do on high. flour- excellent
ish : it is that they
de- 5 Thy testimonies are exceed-
may be
stroyed evermore. ingly steadfast: in thy house
9 But thou art exalted to eter- ubideth holiness, 0 Lord! to the
nity, 0 Lord ! utmost length of days.
PSALM XCIV. 16 Who will rise up for me
1 0 God, vengeance, against evil-doers? or who will
Lord! 0 God of vengeance, stand forward for me against the
Biiine forth. workers of wickedness ?
2 Lift up thyself, 0 Judge of 17 Unless the Lord had been
the earth! bring a recompense a help unto me, but a little would
upon the proud. have been wanting that my soul
3 How long shall the wicked, had dwelt in the silence of death.

0 Lord how long shall the 18 When I said, My foot hath
wicked exult? slipped thy kindness, 0 Lord,

4 They sputter, they speak sustained me.

hard things all the workers of
: 19 In the multitude of my
wickedness boast themselves. (painful) thoughts within me,
5 Thy people, 0 Lord! they thy consolations delight my soul.
crush, and thy heritage they 20 Can there be associated
afflict. with thee the throne of destruc-
6 The widow and the stranger tive wickedness, which frameth
they slay, and the fatherless they mischief as a law ?
murder. 21 They band themselves to-
7 And they say, The Lord gether against the soul of the
will not see, and the God of Ja- righteous, and innocent blood
cob will not take notice of it. do they condemn.
8 Understand, ye brutish 22 But the Lord is become
among the. people: and ye fools, my defence, and my God, the
when will ye become intelli- rock of my refuge.
gent? 23 And he will bring back
9 He that hath planted the upon them their own injustice,
ear, shall he not hear? or he and in their own wickedness will
that hath formed the eye, shall he destroy them (yea,) he will

he not see ? destroy them —

the Lord our God.
10 He that admonisheth na-
tions, shall he not correct? is it PSALM XCV.
not he that teacheth man know- 1 Oh come, let us sing unto
ledge ? the Lord let us shout joyfully

11 The Lord knoweth the to the rock of our salvation.

thoughts of man, that they are 2 Let us come before his pre-
nought. sence with thanksgiving, and
12 Happy is the man whom shout joyfully unto him with
thou admonishest, 0 Lord and psalms.

teachest him out of thy law 3 For a great God is the Lord,
13 That thou mayest grant and a great King above all gods
him repose from the days of 4 In whose hand are the deep
evil, until the pit be dug for the places of the earth and whose

wicked. are the heights of mountains;

14 For the Lord will not cast 5 Whose is the sea, and who
off his people, and his inherit- hath made it and whose hands

ance will he not forsake. have formed the dry land.

15 For unto righteousness will 6 Oh come, let us prostrate
justice return ; and it shall be ourselves and bow down : let
followed by all the upright in us kneel before the Lord our
heart. Maker.
78* 2 >2
< 929
7 For he is our God; and we “The Lord reigneth;” (there-
are the people of his pasture, fore) also the worl 1 is ever firmly
and the flock of his hand yea., established that it shall not be

this day, if ye will hearken to moved: he will judge the peo-

his voice. ple in equity.
8 Harden not your heart, as 11 Let the heavens rejoice,
at Meribah, as on the day of the and let the earth be glad let:

temptation in the wilderness the sea roar, with all that fill-
9 When your fathers tempted eth it.
me, proved me, although they 12 Let the field exult, and all
had seen my doing. that is therein then shall all the

10 Forty years long did I feel trees of the forest sing for joy,
loathing on that generation, and 13 Before the Lord; for he
I said, It is a people of an erring cometh to judge the earth he

heart; and they truly acknow- will judge the world with right-
ledged not my ways eousness, and people in his truth.
11 So that I swore in my
wrath, that they should npt en- PSALM XCVII.
ter into my rest. 1 The Lord reigneth: let
the earth be glad; let the multi-
PSALM XCYI. tude of isles rejoice.
1 Oh sing unto the Lord a 2 Clouds and thick darkness
new song: sing unto the Lord, are round about him righteous-

all the lands. ness and justice are the support

2 Sing unto the Lord, bless of his throne.
his name announce from day
: 3 A fire goeth before him, and
to day his salvation. burneth up round about his ad-
3 Relate among the nations versaries.
his honour, among all the peo- 4 His lightnings give light to
ple his wonders. the world: the earth seeth it,
4 For the Lord is great, and and trembleth.
greatly praised : he is to be 5 The mountains melt away
feared above all gods. like wax at the presence of the
5 For all the gods of the na- Lord, at the presence of the
tions are idols ; but the Lord Lord of all the earth.
hath made the heavens. 6 The heavens tell of his
6 Glory and majesty are be- righteousness, and all the people
fore him : strength and beauty see his glory.
are in his sanctuary. 7 Made ashamed shall be all
7 Ascribe unto the Lord, 0 that serve graven images, that
ye families of the people, as- boast themselves of idols unto :

cribe unto the Lord honour and him bow down all the gods.
strength. 8 Zion heareth it, and rejoic
8 Ascribe unto the Lord the eth and glad are the daughters

honour (due unto) his name: of Judah, because of thy decrees,

bear hither a present, and come 0 Lord
unto his courts. 9 For thou, 0 Lord art the

9 Bow down unto the Lord in most high above all the earth :

the beauty of holiness tremble thou art greatly exalted above


before him, all ye lands. all gods.

10 Say amoug the nations, 10 Ye that love the Lord, hate
ye the evil : 2 The Lord is great in Zion;
he preserveth the
souls, of his pious out of and he is exalted above all the
ones ;

the hand of the wicked he ever people.

delivereth them. 3 They will give thanks to
11 Light is sown for the right- thy name, great, and terrible,
eous, and joy for the upright in (and) holy it is ;

heart, 4 And to the power of the

12 Rejoice, ye righteous, in king who loveth justice: thou
the Lord, and give thanks to hast established equity; justice
his holy memorial. and righteousness hast thou truly
executed in Jacob.
PSALM XCVIII. 5 Exalt ye the Lord our God,
1 f A psalm. Oh sing unto and bow yourselves down before
the Lord a new song; for he his footstool: he is holy.
hath done wonderful things his 6 Moses
: and Aaron were
right hand and his holy arm among his priests, and Samuel
have gotten him the victory. among those that call on his
2 The Lord hath made known name: they called on the Lord,
his salvation before the eyes of and he answered them.

the nations hath he revealed his 7 In the pillar of cloud he

righteousness. used to speak unto them they :

3 He hath remembered his kept his testimonies, and the

kindness and his truth toward statutes which he had given un-
the house of Israel, all the ends to them.
of the earth have seen the sal- 8 0 Lord, our God, thou didst
vation of oui God. answer them thou wast a for-

4 Shout joyfully unto the giving God unto them, yet also
Lord, all the lands break forth, an avenger for their wrong do-

and rejoice, and sing praises. ings.

5 Sing praises unto the Lord 9 Exalt the Lord our God,

with the harp, with the harp, and bow yourselves down before
and the voice of psalmody. his holy mount; for holy is the
6 With trumpets and the sound Lord our God.
of cornet shout joyfully before
the King, the Lord.
7 Let the sea roar, with all 1 A psalm of thanksgiving.
that filleth it, the world, with Shout joyfully unto the Lord
those that dwell therein. all ye lands.
8 Let the rivers clap their 2 Serve the Lord with joy :
hands let the mountains be joy- come before his presence with

ful together, triumphal song.

9 Before the Lord; for he 3 Know, that the Lord is God
cometh to judge the earth he indeed it is he that hath made
: :

will judge the world with right- us, and his are we —
his people,
eousness, and people with equity. and the flock of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanks-
PSALM XCIX. giving, his courts with praise :

1 The Lord reigneth; peo- give thanks unto him, bless his
ple tremble he sitteth enthron- name.

ed over the cherubim; the earth 5 For the Lord is good to ;

is moved. eternity endureth his kindness;

=tnd unto the latest generation day when I call, answer m«
his truth. speedily.
4 For my
days vanish in
PSALM CI. smoke, and my bones are burn-
1 f By David, a psalm. Of ing like a hearth.
kindness and justice will I sing: 5 Struck (by heat) like the
unto thee, 0 Lord, will. I sing herb and dried up is my heart;
praises. for I forget to eat my bread.
2 I will carefully regard the 6 Because of the voice of my
way of the perfect oh when
: groaning my bones cleave to my
wilt thou come unto me? I will flesh.
walk in the integrity of my heart 7 I am like the pelican of the
in the midst of my house. wilderness I am become liko

3 I will not set before my eyes the owl amid ruins.

a godless thing; to commit a 8 I watch, and I am become
departure (from righteousness) like a (night-) bird sitting alone
do I hate ; it shall not cleave toupon the housetop.
me. 9 All the day my enemies re-
4 A perverse heart shall de- proach me they that mock me

part from me evil will I not swear by me.


know. 10 For ashes do I eat like

5 Whoso slandereth in secret bread, and my drink I mingle
his neighbour, him will I de- with weeping;
stroy :whoso hath proud eyes 11 Because of thy indignation
and a haughty heart, him will I and thy»wrath ; for thou hadst
not suffer. lifted me up, and hast cast me
6 My eyes shall be upon the down.
faithful of the land, that they 12 My days are like a shadow
may abide with me he that that declineth ; and like the herb

walketh in the way of the per- I wither.

fect, he it is that shall serve 13 But thou, 0 Lord, wilt sit
me. enthroned for ever and thy me-

7 He that practiseth deceit morial is unto all generations.

shall not dwell within my house: 14 Thou wilt indeed arise;
he that speaketh falsehoods shall thou wilt have mercy upon Zion
not succeed before my eyes. for it is time to favour her, for
8 Every morning will I de- the appointed time is coming.
stroy all the wicked of the land, 15 For thy servants hold dear
cutting off from the city of the her stones, and her very dust
Lord all the wrong-doers. they cherish.
16 Then shall nations fear the
PSALM CII. name of the Lord, and all the
1 A prayer of the afflicted, kings of the earth thy glory :

when he is overwhelmed, and 17 When the Lord shall have

poureth out before the Lord his built up Zion, he appeareth in
complaint. his glory
2 0 Lord hear my prayer,
! 18 (When) he hath regarded
and let my cry come unto thee. the prayer of the forsaken, and
3 Hide not thy face from me doth not despise their prayer.
Wi the day when I am distressed 19 This shall be written down
incline unto me thy ear; on the for the latest generation; and

the people which shall be created 5 Who satisfieth with happi-

shall praise the Lord. ness thy spirit, so that thy youth,
20 For he hath looked down is renewed like the eagle’s (plum-

from the height of his sanctu- age).

ary; the Lord hath cast from 6 The Lord executeth right-
heaven his view to the earth ;
eousness, and justice for all that
21 To hear the sighing of the are oppressed.
prisoner; to loosen those that 7 He made known his ways
are doomed to death : unto Moses, unto the children
22 That men may proclaim in of Israel his acts.
Zion the name of the Lord, and 8 Merciful and gracious is the
his praise in Jerusalem ;
Lord, long-suffering, and abun-
23 When people are gathered dant in kindness.
together, and kingdoms, to serve 9 Not for all eternity will he
the Lord. contend nor will he for ever re-

24 He hath weakened on the tain his anger.

way my strength ; he hath short- 10 Notin accordance with
ened my days. our sins hath he dealt with us
25 I will say, 0 my God take ! nor according to our iniquities
me not away in the midst of my hath he requited us.
days :throughout all genera- 11 For as high as heaven is
tions are thy years. above the earth, so mighty is
26 In olden times didst thou his kindness toward those that
lay the foundations of the earth fear him. ;

and the heavens are the work of 12 As far as the east is from
thy hands. the west, so far hath he removed
27 These will indeed perish, from us our transgressions.
but thou wilt ever exist yea, all
13 As a father hath mercy on
of them will wear out like a gar- his children, so hath the Lord
ment; as a vesture wilt thou mercy on those that fear him.
change them, and they will be 14 For he knoweth our frame
changed he remembereth that we are dust.
28 But thou art ever the same, 15 As for man, like the grass
and thy years will have no end. are his days as the blossom of :

29 The children of thy ser- the field, so doth he bloom.

vants will dwell (securely), and 16 When, a wind but passeth
their seed will be firmly esta- over it, it is gone, and its place
blished before thee. will recognise it no more.
17 But the kindness of the
CIII. Lord is from everlasting to ever-
1 Of David. Bless, 0 my lasting over those that fear him,
soul, the Lord, and all that is and his righteousness unto chil-
within me, his holy name. dren's children,
2 Bless, 0 my soul, the Lord, 18 To such as keep his cove-
and forget not all his benefits nant, and to those who remem-

3 Who forgiveth all thy ini- ber his precepts to execute them.
quities who healeth all thy dis-
; 19 The Lord hath established
eases ; in the heavens his throne and ;

4 Who redeemeth from the his kingdom ruleth over all.

pit thy life who crowneth thee
; 20 Bless the Lord, ye his
with kindness and mercies; angels, mighty in strength, that
PSALMS cm. civ.
execute his word, hearkening 12 By them have the fowls of
unto the voice of his word. the heaven ever their habita-
21 Bless ye the Lord, all his tion, from between the branches
hosts, ye his ministers, that ex- they send forth their voice.
ecute his will. 13 Who watereth the moun-
22 Bless the Lord, all his tains from his upper-chambers :

works, in all the places of his from the fruit of thy works is
dominion : bless, 0 my soul, the the earth satisfied.
Lord. 14 (Thou art he) who causeth
grow for the cattle, and
grass to
PSALM CIV. herbs by the service of man,
1 % Bless, 0 my soul, the that he may bring forth bread
Lord. 0 Lord my God, thou out of the earth ;
art very great; with glory and 15 And wine that maketh joy-
majesty art thou clothed. ful the heart of man, (and) oil
2 (Thou art he) who wrnppeth to brighten his face, and bread
himself in light as with a gar- which strengthened the heart
ment who stretcheth out the of man.

heavens like a curtain 16 Full of sap are the trees

3 Who frameth of the waters of the Lord, the cedars of Le-
the beams of his upper-cham- banon, which he hath plant-
bers; who maketh the clouds ed ;'

his chariot; who walketh along 17 Where the birds make

upon the wings of the w ind; r
their nests the stork fir-trees
: —
4 Who maketh the winds his are her house.
messengers; the flaming fire his 18 The high mountains are
ministers for the wild goats : the rocks
5 Whohath founded the earth are a shelter for the conies.
upon her bases, that she should 19 He hath made the moon
not be moved to all eternity. for seasons the sun knoweth :

6 Thou hadst covered the his going down.

deep as with a garment above 20 Thou causest darkness,

the mountains stood the waters. and it becometh night, wherein

7 At thy rebuke they fled, at creep forth all the beasts of the
the voice of thy thunder they forest.
hastened away. 21 The young lions roar after
8 They ascended mountains their prey, and ask from God
they went down valleys, unto their food.
the place which thou hadst 22 The sun ariseth, they with-
founded for them. draw (to their lairs), and lio
9 Bounds hast thou set which down in their dens.
they cannot pass over, that they 23 Man goeth (then) forth
return not again to cover the unto his work, and to his labour
earth. until the evening.
10 (Thou art he) who sendeth 24 How manifold are thy
springs into the valleys, between works, 0 Lord in wisdom hast !

mountains they run along. thou made them all the earth :

11 They give drink to all the is full of thy riches.

beasts of the field the wild
: 25 Here is this great and
asses quench (thereon) their wide-extended sea, therein aio
\birst. moving things without number,
living creatures both small and his strength : seek his presence
great. evermore.
26 There the ships make their 5 Remember his wonderful
way : (there also) is that levia- works which he hath done his ;

than, whom thou hast made to tokens, and the decrees of his
sport therein. mouth
27 All of these wait upon 6 0 ye seed of Abraham his
thee, to give them their food in servant, ye children of Jacob,
its due season. his elect.
28 What thou givest them 7 Heis the Lord our God
they gather thou openest thy
: over the earth are his decrees.
hand, they are satisfied with 8 He remembereth his cove-
good. nant for ever, the word which he
29 Thou hidest thy face, they hath commanded, to the thou-
suddenly vanish thou takest
: sandth generation,
away their spirit, they perish, 9 Which he covenanted with
and to their dust they return. Abraham and his oath unto

30 Thou sendest forth thy spi- Isaac

rit, they are created; and thou 10 And which he established
renewest the face of the earth. unto Jacob as a statute, unto
31 The glory of the Lord will Israel as an everlasting cove-
endure for ever; the Lord will nant :

rejoice in his works : 11 Saying, “ Unto thee will I

32 He who looketh down on give the land of Cana’an, as the
the earth, and she trembleth portion of your inheritance.”
who toucheth the mountains, 12 When they were but a few
and they smoke. men in number; yea, very few,
33 I will sing uuto the Lord and strangers in it;
while I live I will sing praises
: 13 And when they wandered
to my God while I exist. from one nation to another, from
34 May my speech be agreea- one kingdom to another people :

ble to him I will indeed rejoice

: 14 He suffered no man to op-
in the Lord. press them yea, he reproved

35 May the sinners cease from kings for their sake ;

off the earth, and the wicked be 15 (Saying,) “Touch not my

no more. Bless, 0 my soul, the anointed, and do my prophets
Lord. Hallelujah. no harm.”
16 And he called for a famine
PSALM CY. over the land; every staff of
1 0 give thanks unto the bread he broke.
Lord; call on his name: make 17 He sent a man before them
known among the people his for a servant was Joseph sold;
deeds. 18 They forced
into fetters his
2 Sing unto him, sing praises feet; in iron his body put:
unto him speak of all his won-
: 19 Until the time that his
derful works. word came to pass, (when) the
3 Glorify yourselves in his saying of the Lord had purified
holy name let the heart of
: him.
those rejoice that seek the 20 The king sent and unfet-
I ORD. tered him; the ruler of people
4 Inquire after the Lord and and let him go free.
21 He appointed him lord of 38 Egypt rejoiced when they
his house, and ruler of all his departed for the dread of them

possession : was fallen upon them.

22 That he might bind his 39 He spread out a cloud for
princes at his pleasure ; and a covering, and fire to give light
teach his ancients wisdom. in the night.
23 Then came Israel into 40 The people asked, and ho
Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in brought quails, and with hea-
the land of Ham. venly bread he satisfied them.
24 And he increased his peo- 41 He opened the rock, and
ple greatly, and made them the waters gushed out they ran :

stronger than their adversaries. in the dry places like a river.

25 He turned their heart to 42 For he remembered his
hate his people, to deal subtilely holy word given to Abraham his
with his servants. servant.
26 He sent Moses his servant, 43 And he brought forth his
Aaron also whom he had made people with gladness, with joy-
choice of. ful song his elect.
27 They displayed among 44 And he gave them the
them his effective signs, and lands of nations and the la- ;

wonders in the land of Ham. bour of people they obtained as

28 He sent darkness, and an inheritance.
made it dark ; and they rebelled 45 So that they might ob-
not against his word. serve his statutes, and keep his
29 He changed their waters laws. Hallelujah.
into blood, and slew their fish.
30 Their land brought forth PSALM CVI.
frogs in abundance, in the very 1 f Hallelujah. Oh give
chambers of their kings. thanks unto the Lord for he is :

31 He spoke, and there came good for to eternity endureth


various wild beasts, lice also his kindness.

within all their boundary. 2 Who
can utter the mighty
32 He gave them as their ra n :
acts of the Lord ? who can pub-
hail, and flames of fire in their lish all his praise?
land. 3 Happy are those that ob-
33 And he smote their vines serve justice, that execute right-
and their fig-trees, and broke eousness at all times.
the trees within their boundary. 4 Remember me, 0 Lord,
34 He spoke, and the locusts when thou favourest thy people :

came, and crickets, and that oh me

with thy salvation
visit !

without number ;
5 That I may look on the
35 And they ate up all the happiness of thy elect, that I
herbs in their land, and ate up may rejoice in the joy of thy
the fruit of their ground. nation, that I may glorify my-
36 And he smote all the first- self with thy inheritance.
born in their land, the first of 6 We have sinned together
all their strength. with our fathers, we have com-
37 And he brought them forth mitted iniquity, we have done
with silver and gold and there wickedly.

was not one that stumbled 7 Our fathers did not reflect
among his tribes. on thy wonders in Egypt they :

remembered not the multitude his elect stood in the breach be-
of thy kindnesses ; but rebelled fore him, to turn away his fury,
at the sea, even at the Red Sea. that he might not destroy.
8 Nevertheless he saved them 24 And they despised the
for the sake of his name, to pleasant land, they believed not
make known his might. in his word;
9 He rebuked the Red Sea 25 But they murmured in
also, and it was dried up ; and their tents, they hearkened n(t
he led them through the depths, unto the voice of the Lord.
as through the wilderness. 26 He therefore lifted up his
10 And he saved them from hand against them, to cause
the hand of him that hated them to fall in the wilderness
them, and redeemed them from 27 And to let their seed fall
the hand of the enemy. among the nations, and to scat-
11 And the waters covered ter them in the lands.
their adversaries not one of
: 28 And they joined them-
them was left. selves unto Ba’al-pe’or, and ate
12 Then believed they in his the sacrifices of the dead.
words, they sang his praise. 29 And they provoked him to
13 Speedily they forgot his anger with their deeds and :

works, they waited not for his there broke in among them the
counsel plague.
14 And they felt a lustful 30 Then stood up Phinehas,
ydng in the wilderness, and and executed judgment and :

pted God in the desert. the plague was stayed.

15 And he gave them what 31 And it was accounted unto
they had asked; but sent dry- him for righteousness, unto all
ness into their soul. generations for evermore.
16 Moreover they envied Mo- 32 They angered him also at
ses in the camp, and Aaron the the waters of Meribab, and evil
holy one of the Lord. happened to Moses for their
17 The earth opened and swal- sake
lowed up Dathan, and covered 33 Because they had imbit-
over the company of Abiram. tered his spirit, and so he spoke
18 And a fire was kindled in thoughtlessly with his lips.
their company : the flame burnt 34 They did not ^terminate
up the wicked. the nations, that the Lord had
19 They made a calf in Ho- indicated to them
reb, and bowed themselves down 35 But they mingled them-
to a molten image. selves among the nations, and
20 And they exchanged their learned their doings.
glory for the similitude of an ox 36 And they served their
tha* eateth herbs. idols, and these became unto
21 They forgot God their sa- them a snare.
viour, who had done great things 37 Yea, they sacrificed their
in Egypt, sons and their daughters unto
22 Wonders in the land of the evil spirits
Ham, terrible things by the Red 38 And they shed innocent
Sea. blood, the blood of their sons
23 He therefore spoke of de- and of their daughters, whom
ftroying *bem : had not Moses they sacrificed unto the idols of
79 2 P 937
Cana’an and the land was pol-
: 44 Nevertheless he looked on
luted with blood-guiltiness. when they were in distress, when
39 Thus were they made un- he heard their entreaty.
clean through their own doings, 45 And he remembered unto
and went astray with their own them his covenant, and he
deeds. bethought himself according
40 Therefore was the wrath to the abundance of his kind-
of the Lord kindled against his nesses ;

people, and he felt disgust for 46 And he caused them to

his own inheritance. find mercy before all those that
41 And he gave them up into had carried them away cap-
the hand of the nations and tive. :

there ruled over them those that 47 Save us, 0 Lord our God
hated them. and gather us from among the
42 And their enemies also op- nations, to give thanks unto thy
pressed them : and they were holy name, to triumph in thy
subdued under their hand. praise.
43 Many times did he deliver 48 Blessed be the Lord the
them but they rebelled with God of Israel from everlasting

their counsel, and they were even to everlasting and let all :

brought low through their ini- the people say, Amen, Halle-
quity. lujah.

6 Then they cried unto the
PSALM CVII. Lord when they were in dis-
1 Oh give thanks unto the tress, (and) out of their afflic-
Lord ;
for he is good ;
for unto tions he delivered them.
eternity endureth his kindness. 7 And he led them forth on
2 Thus let the Lord’s re- the right way, that they might
deemed say, even those whom go to an inhabited city.
he hath redeemed from the hand 8 They (therefore) shall give
of the adversary ; thanks unto the Lord for his
3 And whom he hath gather- (proclaim) his
kindness, and
ed out of the (various) lands, wonders to the children of men!
from the east, and from the west, 9 For he satisfied the longing
from the north, and from the soul, and the hungry soul he
«ea. filled with good.
4 They wandered about in the 10 Such as sit in darkness
wdderness, in the desert path ; and in the shadow of death,
they could not find an inhabited bound in misery and (fetters of)
city iron ,•

5 Hungry and thirsty, their 11 Because they have rebel-

8qu1 within them fainted. led against the words of God*
And hare contemned the counsel 26 They would mount up to
of the Most High ;
heaven, they would go down tc
12 And he humbled with the depths their soul was melt-

trouble their heart; they stum- ed because of their danger.

bled, and there was none to 27 They would reel to and
help fro, and stagger like a drunken
13 But when they cry unto man, and all their wisdom was
the Lord when they are in dis- exhausted.
tress, he saveth them out of their 28 And they cried unto the
afflictions ;
Lord when they were in dis-
14 He bringeth them out of tress, and he brought them out
darkness and the shadow of of their afflictions.
death, and teareth their bands 29 He calmed the storm into
asunder. a whisper, and stilled were the
15 They (therefore) shall give waves of the sea.
thanks unto the Lord for his 30 And they were rejoiced be-
kindness, and (proclaim) his cause they were silent: and then
wonders to the children of men he guided them unto their de-

16 For he hath broken the sired haven.

doors of copper, and the bolts 31 They (therefore) shall give
of iron hath he hewn asunder. thanks unto the Lord for his
17 Fools, because of their kindness, and (proclaim) his
transgression, and because of wonders to the children of men !

their iniquities, are afflicted. 32 And

they must exalt him
18 All manner of food their in the congregation of the peo-
soul abhorreth ; and they draw ple, and in the assembly of the
near unto the gates of death ; elders must they praise him.
19 But when they cry unto 33 He changeth rivers into a
the Lord when they are in dis- wilderness, and water-springs
tress, he saveth them out of their into parched ground ;

afflictions. 34 A fruitful land into a salty

20 He sendeth his word and waste, for the wickedness of
healeth them, and delivereth those that dwell therein.
them from their graves. 35 He changeth the wilder-
21 They (therefore) shall give ness into a pool of water, and
thanks unto the Lord for his desert land into water-springs.
kindness, and (proclaim) his 36 And there he causeth to
wonders to the children of men ! dwell the hungry, that they may
22 They shall also sacrifice found an inhabited city;
the sacrifices of thanksgiving, 37 And they sow fields, and
and relate his deeds with joyful plant vineyards, that they may
song. yield the fruits of the ( annual ^
23 They who go down to the product.
sea in ships, who do business on 38 He also blesseth them, and
grey t waters ; they multiply greatly, and he
24 These have seen the works suffereth not their cattle to di-
of the Lord, and his wonders minish.
on the deep. 39 They were also diminished
25 For he spoke, and he raised and bowed low through oppres-
tihe stormy wind, which lifteth sion, misfortune, and sorrow:
up its waves. 40 He (then) poureth con-
tempt upon princes, and causeth who hast cast us off; and thou ;

them to wander in a pathless 0 God, goest not forth with our

wilderness. armies.
41 And he exalteth the needy 13 Give us help against the
from misery, and maketh (his) assailant; for vain is the help
families like flocks. of man.
42 The righteous shall see it, 14 Through God shall we do
nnd rejoice; but all wickedness valiantly; for he it is that will
shall stop her mouth. tread down our adversaries.
13 Whoever is wise, let him
observe these things, and let PSALM CIX.
(all) understand the kindness of To
the chief musician, by
1 1[
the Lord. David, a psalm. 0 God of my
praise, do not keep silence.
PSALM CVIII. 2 For the mouth of the wicked
1 If' A song or psalm of David. and the mouth of deceit are
2 My heart is firm, 0 God I opened against me
! they have :

will sing and give praise, even spoken with me with the tongue
with my spirit. of falsehood.
3 Awake, psaltery and harp 3 Also with words of hatred
I will wake up the morning- have they encompassed me, and
dawn. they fight against me without a
4 I will give thee thanks cause.
among the people, 0 Lord and 4 In recompense for my love

I will sing praises unto thee are they my accusers, while I

among the nations. have nothing but prayer.
5 For great above the hea- 5 And they impose evil on
vens is thy kindness, and thy me in recompense for good, and
truth reacheth even unto the hatred in lieu of my love.
skies. 6 Appoint thou a wicked man
6 Exalt thyself above the over him, and let an accuser
heavens, 0 God and above all stand at his right hand.

the earth thy glory. 7 When he is to be judged,

7 In order that thy beloved let him go forth guilty, and let
may be delivered help with thy his prayer become sin.

right hand, and answer me. 8 Let his days be few, and let
8 God hath spoken in his holi- another take his office.
ness I will exult, I will divide
: 9 Let his children be father-
Shechem, and the valley of Sue- less, and his wife a widow.
coth will I measure out. 10 Let his children be con-
9 Mine is Gil’ad, and mine is tinually moving about, and beg,
Menasseh ; Ephraim also is the and let them seek (their bread)
strong-hold of my head of out of their ruined places.

Judah are my chiefs. 11 Let the creditor lay snares

10 Moab is my washpot ; up- after all that he hath, and let
fin E lom will I cast my shoe ; strangers plunder his labour.

over Philistia will I triumph. 12 Let him have none that

11 Who will bring me into extendeth kindness, and let there
the fortified city ? who will lead be none that is gracious to hil
me as far as Edom ? fatherless children.
12 Behold, it is thou, 0 God, 13 Let his posterity be cut off:
in another generation let their 27 That they may know that
name be blotted out. this is thy hand that thou, ;

14 Let the iniquity' of his fa- Lord, hast truly done it.
thers be remembered by the 28 Let them then curse, but
Lord, and let the sin of his mo- do thou bless when they arise, :

ther not be blotted out. let them be made ashamed; but

15 Lot them be before the Lord let thy servant rejoice.
continually, that he may cut off 29 Let my accusers be clothed
from the earth their memory. with confusion, and let them
16 For the reason that he re- wrap themselves, as with a man-
membered not to show kindness tle, in their own shame.

but persecuted the poor and 30 I will thank the Lord

needy man, and the grieved in greatly with my mouth, and in
heart to put him to death. the midst of many will I praise
17 As he loved cursing, so let him.
it come over him and as he de-
: 31 For he ever standeth at
lighted not in blessing, so let it the right hand of the needy, to
be far from him. save him from those that judge
18 And he clothed himself his soul.
with cursing as with his gar-
ment and it cometh like water
within him, and like oil into his 1 By David, a psalm. The
bones. Eternal saith unto my lord, Sit
19 Let it be unto him as a thou at my right hand, until I
garment in which he wrappeth place thy enemies as a stool for
himself, and for a girdle let him thy feet.
be continually girded with it. 2 The staff of thy strength
20 Let this be the reward of will the Eternal stretch forth
my accusers from the Lord, and out of Zion rule thou in the :

of those that speak evil against midst of thy enemies.

my soul. 3 Thy people will bring free-
21 But thou, 0 Eternal Lord, will-gifts on the day of thy
deal with me for the sake of thy power, in the ornaments of ho-
name because thy kindness is liness as out of the bosom of
: :

good, deliver thou me. the morning-dawn, so is thine

22 For poor and needy am I, the dew of thy youth.
and my heart is deeply wounded 4 The Lord hath sworn,
within me. and will not repent of it,
23 Like the shadow when it Thou shalt be a priest for
declineth do I hasten away 1 ever after the order of Malki-

am driven suddenly off like the zedek.

locusts. 5 The Lord at thy right hand
24 My knees stumble through crusheth kings on the day of hia
faffing, and my flesh faileth of wrath.
fatness. 6 He will judge among the
25 And I am become —
a re- nations there shall be a fulness
proach unto them when they of corpses he crusheth heads
: —
see me, they shake their head. on a wide-spread land.
26 Help me, 0 Lord my God! 7 From the brook will he
0 save me according to thy drink on the way therefore :

kindness will he lift up the head.

79 * 941
PSALM CXI. 4 There ariseth in the dark-
1 Hallelujah. I will ness a light to the upright: he
thank the Lord with all (my) is gracious, and merciful, and
heart, in the council of the up- righteous.
right, and in the congregation. 5 Well will it be with the
2 Great are the works of the man who is kind, and lendeth :
Loud, they are sought for (by he will guide his affairs with
them) in all their desires. justice.
3 Glorious and majestic is his 6 Surely unto eternity shall
doing, and his righteousness en- he not be moved in everlasting :

dureth for ever. remembrance shall the righteous

4 He hath made a memorial be held.
for his wonderful works gra- : 7 Of an evil report shall he
cious an*d merciful is the Lord. not be afraid his heart is firm, :

5 He hath given sustenance trusting in the Lord.

unto those that fear him: he 8 Well supported is his heart,
will for ever be mindful of his he shall not be afraid, until he
covenant. looketh on (the punishment of)
6 The power of his works hath his assailants.
he told unto his people, that he 9 He distributeth, he giveth
might give them the heritage of to the needy his righteousness :

nations. endureth for ever his horn ;

7 The works of his hands are shall be exalted in honour.

truth and justice: faultless are 10 The wicked shall see it,
all his precepts. and be vexed; he will gnash
8 They are well supported for with his teeth, and melt away :
ever and eternally : they are the longing of the wicked shalll
framed in truth and upright- perish.
9 Redemption hath he sent PSALM CXIII.
unto his people he hath com-
1 Hallelujah. Praise, 0
manded his covenant for ever ye servants of the Lord, praise

holy and to be feared is his ye the name of the Lord.

name. 2 Let the name of the Lord
10 The beginning of wisdom be blessed from this time forth
is the fear of the Lord a good and for evermore.

understanding have all that ful- 3 From the rising of the sun
fil (his commandments) his unto his going down the name

praise endureth for ever. of the Lord is praised.

4 High above all nations is
PSALM CXII. the Lord, above the heavens is
1 Hallelujah. Happy is his glory.
the man that feareth the Lord, 5 Who is like the Lord our
that greatly delighteth in his God, who dwelleth on high ?
commandments. 6 Who condescendeth to view
2 His seed shall be mighty what is done in the heavens, and
upon earth :the generation of on the earth?
the upright shall be blessed. 7 He raiseth up out of the
3 Plenty and riches shall be dust the poor, from the dunghill
in his house, and his righteous- he lifteth up the needy :

ness shall endure for ever. 8 That he may set him with
PSALMS C3 :iii.— cxvi.
princes, even with the princes not; a nose they have, but smell
of his people. not.
9 He eauseth the barren wo- 7 They have hands, but thej
man to dwell in the midst of touch not; they have feet, but
Cher) household, the joyful mo-they walk not: nor do they give
ther of children. Hallelujah. any utterance by their throat.
8 Like them are those that
PSALM CXIY. make them, every one that trust-
1 When Israel went forth eth in them.
out of Egypt, the house of Ja- 9 0 Israel, trust thou in the

cob from a people of a strange Lord he is their help and their
language shield.
2 Judah became his sanctu- 10 0 house of Aaron, trust ye
ary, (and) Israel his dominion. in the Lord —
he is their help and
3 The sea beheld it, and fled: their shield.
the Jordan was driven back- 11 l"e that fear the Lord, trust
ward. —
ye in the Lord he is their help
4 The mountains skipped like and their shield.
wethers, the hills like lambs. 12 The Lord hath even been
5 What aileth thee, 0 sea, mindful of us, he will bless (us)
that thou fleest ? thou, 0 J ordan, he will bless the house of Israel;
that thou art driven backward? he will bless the house of Aaron
6 Ye mountains, that ye skip 13 He will bless those that
like wethers ? ye hills, like fear the Lord, the small together
lambs ? with the great.
7 At the presence of the Lord 14 May the Lord increase you
tremble, 0 earth ! at the pre- more and more, you and your
sence of the God of Jacob; children.
8 Who changeth the rock into 15 Blessed are ye of the Lord,
a pool of water, the flint into a who made heaven and earth.
fountain of water. 16 The heavens are the hea-
vens of the Lord ; but the earth
PSALM CXV. hath he given to the children of
1 Not for our sake, 0 Lord men.!

not for our sake, but unto thy 17 Not the dead can praise
name give glory, for the sake of the Lord, nor all those that go
thy kindness, for the sake of thy down into the silence (of death).
truth. 18 But as for us, we will bless
2 Wherefore should the na- the Lord from this time forth
tions say, Where now is their and for evermore. Hallelujah.
3 Whereas our God is in the PSALM CXVI.
heavens ;
whatsoever he desir- 1 It is lovely to me that the
eth hath he done. Lord heareth my voice, my sup-
4 Their idols are silver and plications.
gold, the work of the hands of 2 For he hath inclined his ear
man. unto me therefore throughout

5 A mouth they have, but all my days will I call on him.

speak not; eyes they have, but 3 The bands of death had com-
see not; passed me, and the pangs of the
6 Ears they have, but hear nether world had overtaken me;
Ihad met with distress and sor- nations : praise him, all ye peo-
row : ple.
4 I then called on the name 2 For mighty is his kindness
of the Lord, I beseech thee, 0 over us and the truth of the :

Lord release my soul.

! Lord endureth for ever. Halle-
5 Gracious is the Lord, and lujah.
righteous ; and our God is mer-
6The Lord preserveth the 1 0 give thanks unto the
simple: I was in misery, and he Lord; for he is good; because
helped me. unto eternity endureth his kind-
7 Pteturn, 0 my soul,
unto thy ness.
rest; for the Lord hath dealt 2 Let Israel then say so be- ;

bountifully with thee. cause to eternity endureth his

8 For thou hast delivered my kindness.
soul from death, my eyes from 3 Let the house of Aaron then
tears, my feet from falling. say so because to eternity en- ;

9 I will walk before the Lord dureth his kindness.

in the lands of life. 4 Let those that fear the Lord
10 I believe, therefore will I then say so because to eternity ;

speak I was greatly afflicted

: endureth his kindness.

111 indeed said in my de- 5 From the midst of distress

spondency, Every man is a liar. I called on the Lord the Lord :

12 What shall I give in return answered me with enlargement.

unto the Lord for all his boun- 6 The Lord is for mef I will
ties toward me ? not fear: what can a man do
13 The cup of salvation will unto me?
I lift up, and on the name of the 7 The Lord is for me, among
Lord will I call. those that help me : therefore
14 My vows will I pay unto shall I indeed look on (the pu-
the Lord, yea, in the presence nishment of) those that hate me.
of all his people. 8 It is better to seek shelter
15 Grievous in the eyes of the with the Lord than to trust in
Lord is the death of his pious man.
ones. 9 It is better to seek shelter
16 0 Lord truly am I thy with the Lord than to trust in

servant I am thy servant, the princes.


son of thy hand-maid: thou hast 10 All nations encompassed
loosened my fetters. me about ; but in the name of
17 Unto thee will I offer a sa- the Lord I will surely cut them
crifice of thanksgiving, and on off.
the name of the Lord will I call. 11 They encompassed me
18 My vows will I yea, they compassed
pay unto about ;

the Lord, yea, in the presence about; but in the name of the
of all his people. Lord I will surely cut them off.
19 In the courts of the house 12 They encompassed me
of the Lord, in thy midst, 0 Je- about like bees they blazed up ;

rusalem! Hallelujah. like the fire of thorns; but in

the name of the Lord I will
PSALM CXVII. surely cut them off.
1 Praise the Lord, all ye 13 Thou hast thrust violently
atme that I might fall but the 29 Oh give thanks unto the

Lord assisted me. Lord ; for he is good ; because to

14 My strength and song is eternity endureth his kindness.
the Lord, and he is become my
salvation. PSALM CXIX.
15 The voice of rejoicing and
salvation is in the tents of the
righteous the right hand of the
: 1 Happy are they whose
Lord doth valiantly. way is perfect, who walk in the
16 The right hand of the Lord law of the Lord.
is exalted the right hand of the
: 2 Happy are they who keep
Lord doth valiantly. his testimonies, that seek him
17 I shall not die, but I shall with all their heart.
live, and relate the works of the 3 They also commit no injus-
Lord. tice in his ways do they walk.

IS Severely hath the Lord 4 Thou thyself hast command-

chastised me but unto death ed us thy precepts, that we might

hath he not given me up. keep (them) diligently.

19 Open to me the gates of 5 Oh that my ways were firmly
righteousness ; I will enter into directed to observe thy statutes
them, I will give thanks unto 6 Then would I not be made
the Lord. ashamed, while I look at all thy
20 This is the gate which be- commandments.
longeth unto the Lord, the right- 7 I will thank thee with up-
eous shall enter thereby. rightness of heart, when I learn
21 I will thank thee; for thou thy righteous ordinances.
hast answered me, and art be- 8 Thy statutes will I observe
come my salvation. oh forsake me not too greatly.
22 The stone which the build-
ers rejected is become the chief 2 BETH.
corner-stone. 9 Wherewithal shall a youth
23 From the Lord is this keep his way pure ? by guard-
come to pass, it is marvellous in ing it according to thy word.
our eyes. 10 With all my heart have I
24 This is the day which the sought thee oh let me not wan-

Lord hath made, we will be glad der astray from thy command-
and rejoice thereon. ments.
25 We beseech thee, 0 Lord! 11 In my heart have I trea-
save (us) now we beseech thee, 0 sured up thy saying, in order

Lord send (us) now prosperity. that I may not sin against thee.

26 Blessed be he that cometh 12 Blessed art thou, 0 Lord !

in the name of the Lord we teach me thy statutes.


bless you out of the house of the 13 With my lips have I related
Lord. all the ordinances of thy mouth.
27 God is the Lord, and he 14 On the way of thy testimo-
giveth us light bind the festive nies have I been glad, as over

sacrifice with cords, (leading it) all wealth.

up to the horns of the altar. 15 On thy precepts will I me
28 Thou art my God, and I ditate, and direct my look unto
will thank thee my God. I will thy paths.

exalt thee. 16 In thy statutes will I seek


toy delight : I will not forget thy 32 The way of thy command
word. ments will I ;
for thou wilt
enlarge my heart.
17 Leal bountifully with n he
thy servant let me live, that I
: 33 Teach me, 0 Lord the !

may observe thy word. way of thy statutes, and I shall

18 Open thou my eyes, that I keep it in all its windings.
may behold wondrous things out 34 Give me understanding,
of thy law. that I may keep thy law, and I
19 A stranger am I on the will observe it with all (my)
earth hide not from me thy
: heart.
commandments. 35 Guide me on the path of
20 My soul is broken from thy commandments; for therein
longing for thy ordinances at all do I find my delight.
times. 36 Incline my heart unto thy
21 Thou hast rebuked the ac- testimonies, and not to desire for
cursed proud, who go erringly gain.
astray from thy commandments. 37 Turn away my eyes from
22 Roll away from me reproach beholding vanity on thy way :

and contempt ; for thy testimo- do thou give me life.

nies have I kept. 38 Fulfil unto thy servant thy
23 Although even princes promise for those who are de-
should sit and speak against me, voted to thy fear.
thy servant would still meditate 39 Cause to pass away my dis-
on thy statutes. grace of which I have dread; for
24 Also thy testimonies are thy ordinances are good.
my delight, my counsellors. 40 Behold, I have longed after
thy precepts through thy right- :

eousness do thou give my life.
25 My soul cleaveth unto
the dust revive thou me accord-
1 YAY.
ing to thy word. 41 And let thy kindness
26 My ways do I relate (to come unto me, 0 Lord thy sal- !

thee), and thou answerest me vation, according to thy pro-

teach me thy statutes. mise.
27 Cause me to understand 42 Then shall I have a word
the way of thy precepts, that I to answer the one that reproach-
may meditate on thy wonders. eth me; for I trust. in thy word.
28 My soul droppeth away 43 And snatch not the word
from grief: sustain me accord- of truth out of my mouth too
ing to thy word. greatly ; for I wait for thy ordi-
29 The way of falsehood do nances.
thou remove from me, and grant 44 So shall I observe thy law
me graciously thy law. continually for ever and ever.
30 The way of truth have I 45 And I will walk in an open
chosen thy ordinances have I space; for thy precepts have I

set (before me). sought.

31 I have adhered unto thy 46 And I will speak of thy
testimonies 0 Lord put me testimonies before kings, and
: !

Dot to shame. will not be ashamed.

PSALM cxix. :

47 And I will delight myself have surrounded me ; but I have

in thy commandments, which I not forgotten thy law.
love. 62 At midnights do I con-
48 And so will I lift up my stantly rise to give thanks unto
hands unto thy commandments, thee, because of thy righteous
which I love, and I will medi- decrees.
tate on thy statutes. 63 An associate am I unto all
that fear thee, and unto those
T ZAYIN. that keep thy precepts.
49 ^ Remember thy word un- 64 Of thy kindness, 0 Lord !

to thy servant, upon which thou is the earth full teach me thy

hast caused me to wait. statutes.

50 This is my comfort in my
affliction, that thy promise hath 0 TETH
revived me. 65 Thou hast shown good-
51 The presumptuous have ness on thy servant, 0 Lord !

held me too greatly in derision : according to thy word.

yet have I not departed away 66 The best of discernment
from thy law. and knowledge do thou teach
52 I remembered thy decrees me for in thy commandments

(which were) from olden times, do I believe.

0 Lord! and thus comforted 67 Before I was afflicted I
myself. was in error; but now I observe
53 Horror seized on me be- thy saying.
cause of the wicked that forsake 68 Thou art good, and do-
thy law. ing good : teach me thy sta-
54 Songs have thy statutes tutes.
been unto me in the house of my 69 The presumptuous have
pilgrimage. invented falsehoods against me
55 I remembered in the night but I will with all my heart in-
thy name, 0 Lord and observed
! deed keep thy precepts.
thy law. 70 Gross as fat is their heart;
56 This came to pass unto but I take truly delight in thy
me, because I had kept thy pre- law.
cepts. 71 It is well for me that I
have been afflicted, in order that
n CHETH. I might learn thy statutes.
57 My portion is the Lord, 72 Better is unto me the law
have I said, that I might observe of thy mouth than thousands of
thy words. gold and silver.
58 I make entreaty before thee
with all my heart: be gracious
unto me according to thy pro- Thy hands have made
73 %
mise. me and established me give me :

59 I have thought over my understanding, that I may learn

ways, and made my feet return thy commandments.
unto thy testimonies. 74 Those that fear thee will
60 I hastened, and delayed see me and be rejoiced because ;

not to observe thy command- I have waited for thy word.

ments. 75 I know, 0 Lord that thy !

61 Companies of wicked men decrees are righteous, and that

in faithfulness thou hast af-
flicted me. S LAMED
76 Let, I pray thee, thy kind- 89 f To eternity, 0 Lord!
ness come to comfort me, ac- standeth firm thy word with the
cording to thy promise unto thy heavens.
servant. 90 Unto all generations en-
77 Let thy mercies come unto dureth thy faithfulness thou:

me, that I may live for thy law ;

hast established the earth, and
is my delight. she standeth.
78 Let the presumptuous be 91 According to thy ordi-
made ashamed because they
nances they exist this day for ;

have without a cause dealt per- all are thy servants.

versely with me but I will
92 Unless thy law had been
indeed meditate on thy pre- my delights, I should long since
cepts. have been lost in my afflic-
79 Let those that fear thee tion.
return unto me, and those that 93 Never will I forget thy
know thy testimonies. precepts ; for with them thou
80 Let my heart be entire in hast kept me alive.
thy statutes, in order that I may 94 Thine am I, save me ; for
not be put to shame. thy precepts have I sought.
95 Wicked men have waited
D CAPH. for me to destroy me ; (but) I
81 My soul ardently de- will reflect on thy testimonies.
sireth for thy salvation : for thy 96 Of all perfection have I
word do I wait. seen the end; (but) thy com-
82 My eyes look eagerly for mandment is exceedingly ex-
thy promise, saying, When wilt tended.
thou comfort me ?
83 For I am become like a D MEM.
bottle in the smoke (yet) do I :97 If Oh how do I love thy
not forget thy statutes. law all the day is it my medi-

84 How many are the days of tation.

thy servant ? when wilt thou 98 Wiser than my enemy doth
execute justice on my persecu- thy commandment make me;
tors ? for it is perpetually wdth me.
85 The presumptuous have 99 Above all my teachers
dug pits for me, which is not in have I obtained intelligence;
accordance with thy law. for thy testimonies are my medi-
86 All thy commandments tation,
are founded on truth without 100 More than the elders do I

cause they persecute me help possess understanding because

; ;

thou me. thy precepts do I keep.

87 But little was wanting that 101 From every evil path
they had consumed me upon have I withholden my feet, in
earth but I have truly not for- order that I might observe thy

saken thy precepts. word.

88 According to thy kindness 102 From thy ordinances have
give me life, that I may ob- I not departed; for thou hast
serve the testimony of thy instructed me.
mouth. 103 How much sweeter are co
my palate thy sayings than 118 Thou hast trodden down
honey to my mouth that erringly stray from thy
104 Through thy precepts statutes; for falsehood is their
shall I obtain understanding deceit.
therefore do I hate every path 119 Like dross dost thou put
of falsehood. away all the wicked of the
earth : therefore do I love thy
2 NUN. testimonies.
105 A
lamp unto my feet is 120 flesh trembleth sfeud- My
thy word, and a light unto my deringly from dread of thee, and
path. of thy decrees am I afraid.
106 I have sworn, and I will
perform it, to observe thy right- y ’ayin.
eous ordinances. 121 I have executed jus
107 I am afflicted exceedingly tice and righteousness: leave
much 0 Lord revive me, ac- me not to those who oppress me.
: !

cording to thy word. 122 Protect thy servant for

108 Receive in favour the good let not the presumptuous :

freewill-offerings of my mouth, oppress me.

I beseech thee, 0 Lord and ! 123 My eyes look eagerly for
teach me thy ordinances. thy salvation, and for thy right-
109 My life is in my hand eous promise.
continually yet thy law do I
124 Deal with thy servant
not forget. according to thy kindness, and
110 The wicked have laid a thy statutes do thou teach me.
snare for me yet have I not
125 I am thy servant give :

erred from thy precepts. me understanding, that I may

111 I have taken thy testi- know thy testimonies.
monies as a heritage to eternity 126 It is time to act for the
for they are the joy of my heart. Lord they have broken thy

112 I have inclined my heart law.

to perform thy statutes always, 127 Therefore do I love thy
in all their ways. commandments more than gold,
and more than fine gold.
D SAMECH. 128 Therefore do I esteem all
113 Those of divided thy precepts in all things as
thoughts I hate ; but thy law do right every path of falsehood :

1 love. do I hate.
114 My shelter and my shield
art thou for thy word do I wait.
3 PE.
115 Depart from me, ye evil- 129 Wonderful are thy tes-
doers, that I may keep the com- timonies therefore doth my :

mandments of God. soul keep them.

116 Uphold me according to 130 The opening of thy words
thy promise, that I may live, giveth light, it giveth under-
and let me not be made ashamed standing unto the simple.
of my hope. 131 I opened my mouth, and
117 Support me that I may be panted for breath; because for
placed in safety, and I will di- thy commandments did I long.
rect my regard unto thy statutes 132 Turn thou unto me, and
continually. be gracious unto me, as is thy
80 949
PSALM cxix.

wont unto those that love thy dawn of morning, and cry: fo/
name. thy word do I wait.
133 My steps establish thou 148 My eyes are iwake before
through thy promise, and suffer the night-watches, that I may
not any wrong to have dominion meditate in thy saying.
over me. 149 Hear my voice according
134 Deliver me from the op- to thy kindness: 0 Lord! ac-
pression of man, and I will ob- cording to thy decree do thou
serve thy precepts. grant me life.
135 Let thy face shine upon 150 They that pursue mis-
thy servant, and teach me thy chievous devices draw nigh:
statutes. from thy law are they far.
136 Streams of water have 151 Near art thou, 0 Lord!
run down my eyes ;
because and all thy commandments are
they had not observed thy the truth.
law. 152 Of old already I knew of
thy testimonies because for
¥ TZADDE. eternity hast thou

137 Righteous art thou, 0 them.
Lord and upright are thy de-

crees. 1 RESH.
138 Thou hast commanded 153 Look on my affliction,
thy testimonies, as righteous and release me ;
thy law
and faithful exceedingly. have I not forgotten.
139 My zeal deStroyeth me 154 Plead my cause, and de-
because my assailants have for- liver me: according to thy pro-
gotten thy words. mise do thou revive me.
140 Thy promise is greatly 155 Far from the wicked is
refined, and thy servant loveth salvation; because thy statutes
it. have they not sought for.
141 I am little and despised : 156 Thy mercies are abun-
yet thy precepts have I not for- dant, 0 Lord! according to thy
gotten. decrees do thou revive me.
142 Thy righteousness is an 157 Many are my persecutors
everlasting righteousness, and and my assailants yet from:

thy law is the truth. thy testimonies do I not turn

143 Distress and trouble have away.
overtaken me (yet) are thy
158 I beheld the treacherous,
commandments my delights. and felt disgust; because they
144 Righteous are thy testi- observed not thy saying.
monies for everlasting: give me 159 Behold that I love thy
understanding, that I may live. precepts 0 Lord according to
: !

thy kindness do thou revive me.

KOPH. 160 The summit of thy word
145 I have called with all is truth: and the whole of thy
my heart answer me, 0 Lord righteous judgment endureth for
: !

thy statutes will I keep. ever.

146 I have called on thee, save
me, and I will observe thy testi-
monies. 161 Princes have perse-
147 I come before thee in the cuted me without a cause; but
of thy word standeth my heart thy servant; for thy command
in dread. ments have I not forgotten.
162 I am rejoiced over thy
promise, as one that findeth PSALM CXX.
great spoil. 1 A song of the degrees,
163 Falsehood I hate and ab- Unto the Lord, when I was in
hor but thy law do I love.
and he hath
distress, did I call,
164 Seven times in the day answered me.
do I praise thee because of thy 2 0 Lord deliver my! soul
righteous decrees. from lips of falsehood, and from
165 Abundant peace have a tongue of deceit.
they who love thy law ; and 3 What will (God) give unto
there is nothing that causeth thee ? or what will he add unto
them to stumble. thee, thou tongue of deceit ?

166 I have hoped for thy sal- 4 Sharpened arrows of the

vation, 0 Lord and thy com-
! mighty, with coals of the broom-
mandments have I fulfilled. bush.
167 My soul hath observed 5 Wo is me, that I sojourn in
thy testimonies, and I love them Meshech, that I dwell in the
exceedingly. tents of Kedar
168 I have observed thy pre- 6 Too long for herself hath
cepts and thy testimonies be- my soul dwelt with him that

cause all my ways are before hateth peace.

thee. 7 I am for peace ; but when I
speak, they are for war.
n TAV.
169 Let my entreaty come PSALM CXXI.
near before thee, 0 Lord! ac- 1 ^ A song for the degrees.
cording to thy word grant me I liftup my eyes unto the moun-
understanding. tains whence shall come my

170 Let my supplication come help ?

before thee according to thy

: 2 My help is from the Lord,
promise do thou deliver me. the maker of heaven and
171 My lips shall utter praise; earth.
because thou wilt teach me thy 3 He will not suffer thy foot
statutes. to slip thy keeper doth not :

172 My tongue shall speak slumber.

loudly of thy promise for all 4 Behold, he slumbereth not,

thy commandments are right- and he sleepeth not the keeper —

eous. of Israel.
173 Let thy hand be (ready) 5 The Lord is thy keeper:
to help me for thy precepts the Lord is thy shade, he is on

have I chosen. thy right hand.

174 I have longed for thy 6 By day the sun shall not
salvation, 0 Lord and thy law strike thee, nor the moon by

is my delights. night.
175 Let my soul live, and it 7 The Lord will guard thee
shall praise thee : and let thy against all evil : he will guard
decrees help me. thy soul.
176 I have gone erringly 8 The Lord will guard thy
astray like a lost sheep seek going out and thy coming in

PSALMS CXXI. — cxxv\
from this time forth and for ever- at ease, with the contempt of the
more. proud oppressors.
1 ^ A song of the degrees by 1 A
song of the degrees by
David. I was rejoiced when Davil. it had not been the
they said unto me, Unto the Lord who was for us, so should
house of the Lord let us go. Israel say ;
2 Our feet are now standing 2 If it had not been the Lord
within thy gates, 0 Jerusalem who was for us, when men rose
3 Jerusalem, which art built up against us
as a city wherein all associate 3 Then would they have swal-
together. lowed us up alive, when their
4 For thither go up the tribes wrath was kindled against us;
of the Lord, as a testimony for 4 Then would the waters have
Israel, to give thanks unto the overwhelmed us, the stream
name of the Lord. would have passed over our soul;
5 For there are placed chairs 5 Then would have passed
for (giving) judgment, the chairs over our soul the presumptuous
for th8 house of David. waters.
6 Pray ye for the peace of Je- 6 Blessed be the Lord, who
rusalem may those that love hath not given us up as a prey

thee prosper. to their teeth.

7 May there be’ peace within 7 Our soul is escaped like a
thy walls, prosperity within thy bird out of the snare of the fowl-
palaces. ers the snare is broken, and we

8 For the sake of my brethren are escaped.

and my friends, let me now 8 Our help is in the name of
speak, Peace be within thee. the Lord, the maker of heaven
9 For the sake of the house and earth.
of the Lord our God, will I seek
thy good. PSALM CXXV
1 .^f A song of the degrees.
PSALM CXXIII. Those who trust in the Lord are
1 f A song of the degrees. like m ount Zion, which will not be
Unto thee do I lift up my eyes, moved, which endureth for ever.
0 thou that dwellest in the hea- 2 Jerusalem hath mountains
vens ! round about her and (so) is the

2 Behold, as the eyes of ser- Lord round about his people,

vants are directed unto the hand from this time forth and for ever-
of their masters, as the eyes of a more.
maiden unto the hand of her 3 For the sceptre of wicked-
mistress thus are our eyes di- ness shall not rest upon the lot

rected unto the Lord our God, of the righteous in order that :

until he be gracious unto us. the righteous may not stretch

3 Be gracious unto us, 0 forth their hands unto wrong-
Lord! be gracious unto us; for doing.
we are overburdened with con- 4 Do good, 0 Lord, unto the
tempt. good, and to those that are up-
4 Our soul is overburdened right in their hearts.
with the scorn of those who are 5 But as for those who turn
aside unto their crooked ways, they do speak with the enemies
them will the Lord drive away in the gate.
with the workers of wickedness
but peace shall be upon Israel.
1 A song of the degrees.
PSALM CXXVI. Happy every one that feareth

1 f A song of the degrees. the Lord, that walketh in his

When the Lord bringeth back ways.
again the captivity of Zion, then 2 When thou eatest the labour
shall we be like dreamers. of thy hands: (then) wilt thou
2 Then shall our mouth be be happy, and it shall be well
filled with laughter, and our with thee.
tongue with singing then shall
: 3 Thy wife is (then) as a fruit-
they say among the nations, ful vine in the recesses of thy
Great things hath the Lord done house thy children, like olive-

for these. plants round about thy table.

3 Great things would the Lord 4 Behold, truly thus shall be
have done for us, (whereat) we blessed the nan that feareth the
should be joyful. Lord.
4 Bring back again, 0 Lord, 5 May the Lord bless thee
our captivity, like rivulets in out of Zion and see thou the :

arid land. happiness of Jerusalem all the

5 Those that sow in tears shall days of thy life.
reap with joyful song. 6 And see thou thy children’s
6 He goeth forth indeed and children may there be peace

weepeth, that beareth the seed upon Israel.

for sowing; but he will surely
come with joyful song when he PSALM CXXIX.
beareth (home) his sheaves. 1 ^f A song of the degrees
Many a time have they assailed
PSALM CXXYII. me from my youth, so should Is-
1 If A song of the degrees for rael say
Solomon. Unless the Lord do 2 Many a time have they as-
build the house, in vain labour sailed me from my youth yet :

they that build it on it unless have they not prevailed against


the Lord guard the city, in vain me.

is the watchman wakeful. 3 Upon my back have plough-
2 It is in vain for you to be men ploughed they have drawn ;

early in rising, to be late in sit- long their furrows

ting up, eating the bread of pain- 4 (Yet) the Lord is righteous ;

ful toils; (for) so doth he give he hath cut asunder the cords
unto his beloved during sleep. of the wicked.
3 Lo, children are an inherit- 5 May all be put to shame and
ance from the Lord a reward turned backward that hate Zion ;

is the fruit of the body. 6 May they become like the

4 Like arrows in the hand of grass of the roofs, which wither-
a mighty man, so are the chil- eth before it is pulled up
dren of youth. 7 Wherewith the mower filleth
5 Happy is the man that hath not his hand; nor his arm he
his quiver filled with them they that bindeth sheaves.

shall not be put to shame, when 8 Nor do they who pass by

SO* 2 ] 2 953
say, The Lord Lord; how he vowed unto the
blessing of the
be with you we bless you in mighty One of Jacob

the name of the Lord. 3 Surely, I will not enter into

the tent of my house, nor ascend
PSALM CXXX. the couch of my repose
1 f A song of the degrees. 4 I will not grant any sleep
Out of the depths have I called to my eyes, nor to my eyelids
thee, 0 Lord ! any slumber:
2 Lord! listen voice:
to my 5 Until I shall have found out
lot thy ears be attentive to the a place for the Lord, a dwelling-
voice of my supplications. place for the mighty One of
3 If thou, Lord shouldst ! Jacob.
treasure up iniquities, 0 Lord 6 “Lo, we heard of itatEphra-
who would be able to stand? thah we met with it in the fields

4 But with thee there is for- of the forest:

giveness, in order that thou may- 7 Let us then go into his dwell-
est be feared. ing; let us prostrate ourselves
5 I hope for the Lord, my before his footstool.”
soul doth hope, and for his word 8 Arise, 0 Lord ! unto thy
do I wait. resting-place thou,
: and the ark
6 My
soul (waiteth) for the of thy strength.
Lord, more than they that watch 9 Let thy priests be clothed
for the morning expect the morn-
with righteousness and let thy ;

ing. pious servants shout for joy.

7 Let Israel wait for the Lord ;
10 For the sake of David thy
for with the Lord there is kind-
servant turn not away the face
ness, and with him is redemp- of thy anointed.
tion in abundance 11 The Lord hath sworn unto
8 And he will surely redeemDavid in truth he will not turn ;

from it: “ From the fruit of thy

Israel from all his iniquities.
body will I set (some one) on
PSALM CXXXI. the throne to succeed thee.
1 A song of the degrees by 12 If thy children will observe
David. 0 Lord my heart was my covenant and this my testi-

not haughty, nor were my eyes mony which I teach them then :

lofty neither have I walked also shall their children sit for

after matters too great, or those evermore upon the throne to suc-
too wonderful for me. ceed thee.”
2 Surely I have pacified and 13 For the Lord hath made
stilled my soul, like the suckling choice of Zion he hath desired:

on its mother’s breast: like a it as a habitation for himself.

suckling is in me my soul. 14 This is my resting-place
3 Let Israel wait for the Lord for evermore: here will I dwell;
from this time forth and for ever- for I have desired it.
15 Her provision will I bless
abundantly her needy ones will

PSALM CXXXII. I satisfy with bread.

1 ^ A song of the degrees. 16 And her priests will I clothe
Kemember, 0 Lord, unto David with salvation and her pious :

all his afflictions ones shall shout aloud for joy.

2 How he swore unto the 17 There will I cause to grow
a horn unto David I arrange a
: Lord is great, and that our Lord
lamp for my anointed. is above all gods.
18 Ilis enemies will I clothe 6 Whatsoever the Lord will-
with shame; but upon himself eth, hath he done in the heavens,
shall his crown shine brilliantly. and on the earth, in the seas,
and in all the deeps.
PSALM CXXXIII. 7 He causeth clouds to ascend
A song of the degrees by from the ends of the earth he ;

David. Behold, how good and maketh lightnings with the rain
how pleasant it is when bre- he bringeth forth the wind out
thren dwell closely together (in of his treasuries.
union) 8 (He it is) who smote the
2 (It is) like the precious oil first-born of Egypt, both of man
upon the head, running down and of cattle
upon the beard, yea, Aaron’s 9 Who sent signs and wonder-
beard, which runneth down upon ful tokens into the midst of thee,
the upper border of his gar- 0 Egypt! against Pharaoh, and
ments ;
against all his servants;
3 Like the dew of Chermon, 10 Who smote many nations,
running down upon the moun- and slew mighty kings
tains of Zion ; for there hath the 11 Sichon the king of the
Lord commanded the blessing, Emorites, and ’Og the king of
even life for evermore. Bashan, and all the kingdoms
of Cana’an
PSALM CXXXIV. 12 And gave their land as an
1 51 A song of the degrees. inheritance, an inheritance unto
Arise bless ye the Lord, all ye Israel his people.

servants of the Lord that stand 13 0 Lord thy name (en-


in the house of the Lord in the dureth) for ever 0 Lord thy
: !

nights. memorial is throughout all gene-

2 Lift up your hands toward rations.
the sanctuary, 14 For the Lord will espouse
and Mess the
Lord. the cause of his people, and con-
3 May the Lor*' bless thee cerning his servants will he be-
out of Zion, he that is the maker think himself.
of heaven and earth. 15 The idols of the nations
are silver and gold, the work of
PSALMCXXXV. the hands of men.
1 5f Hallelujah. Praise ye| 16 Mouths they have, but they

the name of the Lord ;

praise speak not ; eyes the}' have, but
him, 0 ye servants of the Lord ; they see not;
2 Ye that stand in the house 17 Ears they have, but they
of the Lord, in the courts of the hear not; neither is there any
house of our God. breath in their mouth.
3 Hallelujah; for the Lord 18 Like them are those that
is good sing praises unto bis make them, every one that trust-

name for it is lovely.

eth in them.
4 For Jacob hath the Lord 19 0 house of Israel, bless ye
chosen unto himself, Israel, as the Lord; 0 house of Aaron,
his peculiar treasure. bless ye the Lord ;
5 For I well know that the 20 0 house of Levi, bless ye
the Lord ye that fear the Lord,
15 But overthrew Pharaoh and
bless the Lord. his host in the Bed Sea; for to
21 Blessed be the Lord out eternity endureth his kindness.
of Zion, even he that resideth at 16 To him who led his people
Jerusalem. Hallelujah. through the wilderness ; for to
eternity endureth his kindness.
PSALM CXXXVI. 17 To him who smote great
1 5f
0 give thanks unto the kings; for to eternity endureth
Lord ;
for he is good ;
for to his kindness
etornity endureth his kindness. 18 And slew mighty kings
2 0 give thanks unto the God for to eternity endureth his kind*
of gods for to eternity endureth
his kindness. 19 Even Sichon the king of
3 0 give thanks to the Lord the Emorites ; for to eternity en-
of lords ; for to eternity endur- dureth his kindness
eth his kindness. 20 And ’Og the king of Ba-
4 To him who doth great won- shan for to eternity endureth

ders alone for to eternity en- his kindness


dureth his kindness. 21 And gave their land as an

5 To him that made the hea- inheritance for to eternity en-

vens with understanding; f.r to dureth his kindness;

eternity endureth his kindness. 22 As an inheritance unto Is-
6 To him that stretched out rael his servant; for to eternity
the earth above the waters for endureth his kindness

to eternity endureth his kind- 23 Who hath in our low estate

ness. remembered us for to ;
7 To him that made great endureth his kindness ;

lights; for to eternity endureth 24 And hath freed us from our

his kindness ; assailants ; for to eternity endur-
8 The sun for the rule by day eth his kindness
for to eternity endureth his kind- 25 Who giveth food unto all
ness ; flesh for to eternity endureth

9 The moon and stars for the his kindness.

rule by night; for to eternity 26 0 give thanks unto the
endureth his kindness. God of the heavens; for to eter-
10 To him that smote Egypt nity endureth his kindness.
in their first-born for to eter-

nity endureth his kindness ;

11 And brought out Israel 1 By the rivers of Babylon,
from the midst of them ; for to there we sat, and we also wept
eternity endureth his kindness ; when we remembered Zion.
12 With a strong hand, and 2 Upon the willows in her
with an outstretched arm for midst had we hung up our harps.

to eternity endureth his kind- 3 For there our captors de-

ness. manded of us the words of song;
13 To him who divided the and those that mocked us, joy,
Bed Sea into parts; for to eter- (saying,) Sing for us one of the
nity endureth his kindness songs of Zion.
14 And caused Israel to pass 4 How should we sing the
through the midst of it; for to song of the Lord on the soil of
eternity endureth his kindness the stranger ?
5 If I forget thee, 0 Jerusa- The Lord will accomplish
lem, may my right hand for- (all) in my behalf; 0 Lord !

get—. thy kindness endureth for ever:

6 May my tongue cleave to the works of thy own hands do
my palate if I do not remember not abandon.
thee if I recall not Jerusalem

at the head of my joy.

7 Remember, 0 Lord, unto 1To the chief musician, by
the children of Edom the day David, a psalm. 0 Lord thou !

of Jerusalem who said, Rase

hast searched me through, and
it, rase it, even to her very foun- thou knowest (me).
dation. 2 Thou indeed knowest my
8 0 daughter of Babylon, who sitting down and my rising up,
art wasted happy he, that re- thou understandest my thinking

payeth thee thy recompense for while yet afar off.

what thou hast done to us. 3 My
walking and my lying
9 Happy he, that seizeth and dovrn hast thou limited, and
dasheth thy babes against the w ith all my ways art thou ac-

rock. quainted.
4 For, while there is not a
PSALM CXXXVIII. word on my tongue, lo, thou, 0
1 By David. I will praise Lord, knowest it entirely.
thee with my whole heart be- 5 Behind and before hast thou

fore (thee), 0 God, willme in, and thou placest

I sing hedged
praise unto thee. upon me thy hand.
2 I will bow myself down be- 6 Too wonderful is such know-
fore thy holy temple, and I will ledge for me it is too exalted, I :

thank thy name for thy kind- cannot attain unto it.
ness and for thy truth for thou ;
7 Whither shall I go from thy
hast magnified above all thy spirit? or whither shall I flee
name thy promise. away from thy presence ?
3 On the day when I called 8 If I should ascend into hea-
didst thou answer me, and raise ven, thou art there and if I ;

me up with strength in my soul. should make my bed in the ne-

4 All the kings of the earth ther world, behold, thou art
will give thanks unto thee, 0 there.
Lord when they hear the pro-
! 9 If I should lift up the wings
mises of thy mouth. of the morning-dawn, if I should
5 And they will sing on the dwell in the uttermost parts of
ways of the Lord for great is ;
the sea
the glory of the Lord. 10 Even there would thy hand
6 For exalted is the Lord, lead me, and thy right hand
yet doth he regard the lowly would seize hold of me.
but the proud he punisheth from 11 If I said, Surely darkness
nfar. shall enshroud me, and into night,
7 If should walk in the
I (be turned) the light about me :

midst of thou wilt re-

distress, 12 Yet even darkness can oio-
vive me against the wrath of
: scure nothing from thee; but
my enemies wilt thou stretch the night will shine like the day
forth thy hand, and thy right both the darkness and the light
hand will save me. are alike (to thee).
13 For thou possessest my an evil man; from a man of
reins: thou hast covered me in violence do thou keep me;
my mother’s womb. 3 Who think over evil (re-
14 I will thank thee therefor, solves) in their heart, (who)
that I am (so) fearfully (and) every day are gathered toge-
wonderfully made wonderful
: ther for war.
are thy works; and that my 4 They have sharpened their
soul knoweth right well. tongues like a serpent: the poi-
15 My being was not con- son of the adder is under their
jealed from thee, when I was lips: Selah.
made in secret, when I was (so 5 Preserve me, 0 Lord, from
to say) embroidered in the low- the hands of the wicked ; from
est parts of the earth. the man of violence do thou keep
16 My undeveloped substance me, who think of overthrowing
did thy eyes see; and in thy my steps.
book were all of them written 6 The proud have hidden a

down the days which have been snare for me, and cords they ;

formed, while yet not one of them have spread a net by the side of
was here. (my) track; traps have they set
17 And how precious are unto for me. Selah.
me thy thoughts, 0 God how 7 I have said unto the Lord,

mightily great is their sum ! Thou art my God :

give ear, 0
18 Should I count them, they Lord, to the voice of my sup-
would be more numerous than plications.
the sand: I awake, and I am 8 0 thou Eternal Lord, the
still with thee. strength of my salvation, thou
19 If thou wouldst but slay hast covered my head on the day
the wicked, 0 God and ye men
! of battle.
of blood, depart from me. 9 Grant not, 0 Lord, the
20 Who speak of thee for a longings of the wicked suffer :

wicked end, thy enemies, that not his wicked device to suc-
bear (thy name) for a vain pur- ceed lest they exalt themselves

pose. Selah.
21 Behold, those that hate 10 (As for) the heads of those
thee I ever hate, 0 Lord and that encompass me about, let the

for those that rise up against mischief of their own lips cover
thee do I feel loathing. them.
22 With the utmost hatred do 11 Let burning coals be cast
I hate them enemies are they upon them let them bo thrown
: :

become unto me. into the fire; into deep pits, that
23 Search me through, 0 God, they rise not up again.
and know my heart probe me,;
12 Let not the man of an
and know my thoughts : (evil) tongue be established on
24 And see if there be a way the earth: may evil hunt down
of perverseness in me, and lead the violent man to his down-
me on the way of eternity. fall.
13 I know that the Lord will
PSALM CXL. procure right for the afflicted,
1 To the chief musician, a (and) justice for the needy.
psalm of David. 14 Surely the righteous shall
2 Deliver me, 0 Lord, from give thanks unto thy name the :

upright shall dwell before thy the Lord with my voice I

presence. make supplication unto the

PSALM CXLI. 3 I pour out before him my
1 A psalm of David. 0 grief :my distress I recite be-

Lord ! unto fore him.

I call thee, hasten
me: give ear unto my voice, 4 When my spirit was over-
when I call unto thee. whelmed within me and thou —
2 May my prayer be valued knowest well my path on the —
as incense before thee, the lift- way whereon I desired to walk
ing up of my hand, as the even- they had secretly laid a snare
ing offering. for me.
3 Set, 0 Lord, a watch unto 5 Look to the right, and be-
my mouth keep a guard at the hold, yea, there is no man that

door of my lips. recogniseth me (every) refuge :

4 Permit not ray heart to in- is lost to me there is no one ;

cline after any evil thing, to that careth for soul. my

practise deeds in wickedness 6 I cried unto thee, 0 Lord !

with men that are doers of I said, Thou art refuge, my my

wrong and let me not eat of portion in the land of life.

their dainties. 7 Listen unto my entreaty;

5 If the righteous strike me, for I am very miserable : de-
it is a kindness; and if he re- liver me from my pursuers ; for
prove me, it is (as) oil poured they are too mighty for me.
on the head, my
head shall not 8 Bring forth out of prison
refuse it for yet my prayer also my soul, that I may thank thy

(is offered) in their sufferings. name with me shall the right- :

6 Are their judges fallen down eous crown themselves, when

through means of a rock then thou wilt deal bountifully with

will they listen to my

words me.
for they are pleasant.
7 As when one cutteth in and PSALM CXLIII.
splitteth open the earth so are : 1 | A psalm of David. 0
our bones scattered for the mouth Lord hear my prayer, give

of the grave. ear to my supplications in thy :

8 For unto thee, 0 Eternal faithfulness answer me, in thy

Lord, are my eyes directed ; in righteousness.
thee do I trust pour not out
2 And enter not into judg-
my life. ment with thy servant for no ;

9 Guard me from the power living man can be regarded

of the snare which they have righteous before thee.
laid for me, and the traps of the 3 For the enemy hath pursued
wrong-doers. my soul he hath crushed to the ;

10 Let the wicked fall into ground my life he hath made

their own nets, altogether —
me dwell in darkness, as those

while I pass safely by. that are dead eternally.

4 And my spirit within me is
PSALM CXLII. overwhelmed: in my bosom is
1 f A Maskil
of David, when my heart astounded.
he was in the cave. A prayer, 5 I remember the days of
2 With my voice I cry unto|[olden times; I meditate on all

thy doings on the work of thy the mountains, that they may

hands do I reflect. smoke.

6 I spread forth my hands 6 Cast forth lightning, and
unto thee: my soul (longeth) scatter them send out thy ar- :

for thee, as a thirsty land. Se- rows, and confound them.

lah. 7 Stretch out thy hands from
7 Hasten, answer me, 0 Lord above: rid me, and deliver me

my spirit faileth hide not thy

: out of great waters, from the
face from me, that I may not hand of the children of the
become like those that go down stranger.
into the pit. 8 Whose mouth speaketh va-
8 Cause me to hear in the nity, and whose right hand is
morning thy kindness for in the right hand of falsehood.

thee do I trust cause me to

: 9 0 God a new song will I !

know the way whereon I should sing unto thee upon the ten- :

walk for unto thee do I lift up stringed psaltery will I sing


my soul. praises unto thee.

9 Deliver me, 0 Lord, from 10 (Thou art he) that giveth
my enemies by thee do I seek victory unto kings who riddeth
: :

shelter. David his servant from the evil-

10 Teach me to do thy will; bringing sword.
for thou art my God thy spirit : 11 Rid me, and deliver me
is good; guide me on a level from the hand of the children
land. of the stranger, whose mouth
11 For thy sake, 0 Lord, re- speaketh vanity, and whose
vive me : in thy righteousness right hand is the right hand of
bring forth out of distress my falsehood.
soul. 12 So that our sons may be
12 And in thy kindness de- like plants, grown up in their
stroy my enemies, and annihi- youth: our daughters, like cor-
late all the adversaries of my ner-pillars, sculptured in the
soul ; for I am thy servant. model of a palace.
13 May our garners be full,
PSALM CXLIV. furnishing all manner of store :

1 By David. Blessed be our sheep bringing forth thou-

the Lord my Rock, who exer- sands and ten thousands in our
ciseth my hands for the battle, open pastures.
my fingers for the war 14 May our oxen be strong to
2 My kindness, and my strong- labour may there be no breach,:

hold ; my high tower, and my nor migration, nor loud com-

deliverer; my shield, and he in plaint in our streets.
whom I trust ; who subdueth my 15 Happy the people, that
people under me. fare thus happy the people, :

3 Lord, what is man, that whose God is the Lord.

thou takest cognizance of him !

the son of a mortal, that thou PSALM CXLV.

regardest him! 1 A hymn of praise by Da-
4 Man is like the breath his vid. I will extol thee, my God,

days are like a passing shadow. 0 king and I will bless thy !

5 0 Lord bend thy hea- name for ever and ever.


vens, and come down touch 2 Every day will I bless thee.

and I vrill praise thy name for those who call on him, to all
ever and ever. who call on him in truth.
3 Great is the Lord, and 19 The desire of those who
greatly praised, and his great- fear him will he fulfil, and their
ness is unsearchable. cry will he hear, and save tnem.
4 One generation shall praise 20 The Lord preserveth all
thy works to the other, and thy those who love him but all the ;

mighty acts shall they declare. wicked will he destroy.

5 On the majestic glory of 21 The praise of the Lord
thy excellence, and on thy won- shall m} mouth speak
and let :

drous deeds will I meditate. all flesh bless his holy name for
6 And of the might of thy ever and ever.
terrible acts shall men converse:
and thy greatness will I relate. PSALM CXLVI.
7 The memorial of thy abun- 1 Hallelujah. Praise, 0
dant goodness shall they loudly my soul, the Lord.
proclaim, and they shall sing 2 I will praise the Lord
joyfully of thy righteousness. throughout my life I will sing:

8 Gracious and merciful is the praises unto my God while I

Lord, long-suffering, and great have any being.
in kindness. 3 Put not your trust in
9 The Lord is good to princes, in the son of man, in
and his mercies are over all his whom there is no salvation.
works. 4 When his spirit goeth forth,
10 All thy works shall thank he returneth to his (native)
thee, 0 Lord ! and thy pious earth on that very day perish

servants shall bless thee. his thoughts.

11 Of the glory of thy king- 5 (But) happy is he who hath
dom shall they converse, and of the God of Jacob for his help,
thy might shall they speak whose hope is on the Lord his

12 To make known to the God;

sons of men his mighty acts, 6 Who hath made heaven, and
and the glorious majesty of his earth, the sea, and all that is
kingdom. therein ; who keepeth truth for
13 Thy kingdom is a kingdom ever;
of all eternities, and thy domi- 7 Who executeth justice for
nion (subsisteth) throughout all the oppressed; who giveth bread
generations. to the hungry the Lord loosen- :

14 The Lord upholdeth all eth the prisoners

who are falling, and raiseth up 8 The Lord causeth the blind
all those who are bowed down. to see the Lord raiseth up those

15 The eyes of all wait hope- who are bowed down; the Lord
fully upon thee, and thou givest loveth the righteous
them their food in its due season. 9 The Lord guardeth the
16 Thou openest thy hand, strangers; the fatherless and
and satisfiest the desire of every widow he helpeth up but the ;

living thing. way }f the wicked he maketh

17 Righteous is the Lord in crooked.
all his ways, and beneficent in 10 The Lord will reign for
all his works. ever, even thy God, 0 Zion, unto
18 The Lord is nigh unto all all generations. Hallelujah.
81 2 Q 961
PSALM CXLVII. like who streweth about
1 Hallelujah; for it is the hoarfrost like ashes ;

good to sing praises unto our 17 He who casteth down his

God ;
for it is comely ; (him) be- ice like pieces before his cold :

cometh praise. who can stand?

2 The Lord buildeth up Je- 18 He sendeth out his word,
rusalem the outcasts of Israel and melteth them
: he causeth :

will he gather together his wind to blow, and waters

3 He that healeth the broken- run along.
hearted, and bindeth up their 19 He declareth his word unto
hurts Jacob, his statutes and his ordi-
4 Who counteth the number nances unto Israel.
of the stars who calleth them;
20 He hath not done so unto
all by (their) names. any nation and (his) ordinances :

5 Great is our Lord, and abun- these they know not. —

dant in power his understand- lujah.

ing is immeasurable.
6 The Lord helpeth up the PSALM
meek he bringeth down
: the 1 Hallelujah. Praise ye
wicked to the ground. the Lord from the heavens :

7 Lift up a song unto the praise him in the heights.

Lord with thanksgiving; sing 2 Praise ye him, all his an-
God with the
praises unto our gels praise ye him, all his hosts.

harp ; 3 Praise ye him, sun and

8 Who covereth the heaven moon praise him, all ye stars :

with clouds, who prepareth rain of light.

for the earth, who causeth grass 4 Praise him, ye heavens of
to grow upon the mountains; heavens, and ye waters that are
9 Who giveth to the beast its above the heavens.
food, to the young ravens which 5 Let them praise the name
cry. of the Lord for he commanded ;

10 Not in the strength of the and they were created.

horse hath he delight nor in 6 And he established them for

the (swiftness of the) legs of ever and to eternity he gave a :

man taketh he pleasure. decree which none shall trans-

11 The Lord taketh pleasure gress.
in those that fear him, that wait 7 Praise the Lord from tho
for his kindness. earth, ye sea-monsters, and all
12 Glorify, 0 Jerusalem, the deeps
Lord praise thy God, 0 Zion
: 8 Fire, and hail snow, and ;

13 For he hath strengthened vapour; thou storm-wind that

the bars of thy gates he hath fulfillest his word;

blessed thy children in the midst 9 Ye mountains, and all hills;

of thee fruitful trees, and all cedars
14 He who bestoweth peace 10 Ye beasts, and all cattle ;

in thy borders, who satisfieth creeping things, and winged

thee with the best of wheat; birds
15 He who sendeth forth his 11 Ye kings of the earth, and
decree unto the earth how all nations; ye princes, and all

swiftly speedeth his word along judges of the earth :

16 He who dispenseth snow 12 Young men and also vir-


gins ; old men, together with 7 To execute vengeance on

boys :
the nations, and chastisements
13 Let them praise the name on the people
of the Lord for his name alone
8 To bind their kings with
is exalted; his majesty is above chains, and their nobles with
earth and heaven. fetters of iron ;
14 He also exalteth the horn 9 To execute upon them the
of his people, a praise unto all judgment (which is) written
his pious servants, (even) unto this is an honour for all his pious
the children of Israel, a people servants. Hallelujah.
near unto him. Hallelujah.
PSALM CXLIX. Hallelujah.
Praise yo
1 Hallelujah. Sing unto God sanctuary praise
in his :

the Lord a new song, his praise himin the expansion of his
in the congregation of the pious. power.
2 Let Israel rejoice in his 2 Praise him for his acts of
Maker let the children of Zion might: praise him according to

exult in their King. the abundance of his greatness.

3 Let them praise his name 3 Praise him with the blowing
in the dance with the timbrel of the cornet: praise him with

and harp let them sing praises the psaltery and harp.
unto him. 4 Praise him with the timbrel
4 For the Lord taketh plea- and dance praise him with

sure in his people he will adorn : stringed instruments and pipe.

the meek with salvation. 5 Praise him upon the clear-
5 Let the pious be joyful in ringing cymbals praise him

glory let them sing aloud upon

: upon the high-sounding cym-
their couches. bals.
6 The exalted praises of God 6 Let every thing that hath
are in their mouth, and a two- breath praise the Lord. Halle-
edged sword is in their hand; lujah.


’Stro 130-

struction to comprehend the

sayings of understanding;

1 The
proveibs of Solomon 3 To accept the instruction
the son of David, the king of of intelligence, righteousness*
Israel and justice, and equity;
2 To know wisdom and in- 4 To give to the simple pru-

dence, to the youth knowledge ful) gain it taketh away the


and discretion. life of those that own it.

5 The wise will hear, and will 20 Wisdom crieth loudly with,
increase his information ;
and out; in the public places she
the man of understanding will uttereth her voice
obtain wise counsels 21 At the corner of noisy
6 To understand a proverb, streets she ealleth, at the en-
and a sage sentence the words trances of gates; in the city she

of the wise, and their riddles. sayeth her speeches

7 The fear of the Lord is the 22 How long, ye simple ones,
beginning of knowledge: wis- will ye love simplicity ? and the
dom and instruction fools (alone) scorners take their delight in
despise. scorning, and fools hate know-
8 Hear, my son, the instruc- ledge ?
tion of thy father, and cast not 23 Turn back to my admoni-
off the teaching of thy mother; tion : behold, I will pour out my
9 For a wreath of grace are spirit unto you, I will make
they unto thy head, and chains known my words unto you.
for thy throat. 24 Whereas I called, and ye
10 My son, if sinners wish to refused I stretched out my

entice thee, consent thou not. hand, and no man was attentive;
11 If they should say, Come 25 And ye have set at nought
with us, let us lie in wait for all my counsel, and would not
blood, let us watch in conceal- accept my admonition
ment for the uselessly inno- 26 (Therefore) I also will truly
cent: laugh at your calamity ; I will
12 We will swallow them up deride (you) when your terror
like the grave alive ; and the cometh
men of integrity^ as those that 27 When your terror cometh
go down into the pit; like the tempest-cloud, and your
13 We shall find all (kinds calamity hasteneth like a whirl-
of) precious wealth, we will fill wind ;
when there come upon
our houses with booty you distress and affliction.
14 Thy lot must thou cast in 28 Then will they call me, but
our midst; one purse shall be for I will not answer they will seek

us all me earnestly, but they shall not

15 My son, walk not thou on find me
the way with them ;
withhold 29 For the reason that they
thy foot from their path hated knowledge, and the fear
16 For their feet run after of the Lord they did not choose
evil, and they make haste to 30 (That) they would not at-
shed blood. tend to my counsel; (that) they
17 For uselessly is the net rejected all my admonition.
spread out before the eyes of 31 Therefore shall they eat of
every winged bird : the fruit of their own way, and
18 While they lie in wait for from their own counsels shall
their (own) blood ;
they watch they be satisfied.
in concealment for their (own) 32 For the defection of the
lives. simple will slay them, and the
19 So are the paths of every prosperity of fools will cause
one that is greedy after (unlaw- them to be lost.
33 But he that hearkeneth 15 Who as regardeth their
unt</ me shall dwell safely, and paths are crooked, and froward
shall be at rest from the dread in their tracks.
of evil. 16 To deliver thee from the
adulteress, from the alien woman
CHAPTER II. that useth flattering speeches ;
1 ^ My son, if thou wouldst 17 That forsaketh the friend
but accept my words, and trea- of her youth, and forgetteth the
sure up my commandments with covenant of her God.
thee 18 For she sinketh unto death
2 To thy ear listen unto
let — her house, and unto the de-
wisdom thou wouldst incline
(if ) parted (lead) her tracks.
thy heart to understanding ! 19 All that come unto her
3 For if thou wilt call after return not again, and they
intelligence; if after understand- will not reach the paths of
ing thou wilt lift up thy voice ;
4 If thou wilt seek her as sil- 20 In order that thou mayest
ver, and search for her as for walk in the way of good men,
hidden treasures and observe the paths of the
5 Then wilt thou understand righteous.
the fear of the Lord, and the 21 For the upright will dwell
knowledge of God wilt thou find. on the earth, and the perfect will
6 For the Lord giveth wis- be left remaining on it.
dom out of his mouth (come)
: 22 But the wicked will be cut
knowledge and understanding. off from the earth, and the trea-
7 He treasureth up sound wis- cherous shall be plucked up
dom for the righteous, as a shield therefrom.
to those that walk in integrity:
8 That men may keep the III. CHAPTER
paths of justice; and the way 1 My
son, forget not my
of his pious servants doth he teaching, and let thy heart keep
guard. my commandments;
9 Then wilt thou understand 2 For length of days, and
righteousness, and justice, and years of life, and peace, will
equity yea, every track of good- they increase unto thee.

ness. 3 Let kindness and truth not

10 For wisdom will enter thy forsake thee; bind them about
heart, and knowledge will be thy throat write them upon the ;

pleasant unto thy soul table of thy heart

11 Discretion will watch over 4 So shalt thou find grace and
thee, understanding will keep good favour in the eyes of God
thee and man.
12 To deliver thee from the 5 Trust in the Lord with all
way of the bad, from the man thy heart: and upon thy own
that speaketh perverse things understanding do not rely.

13 (From those) who leave the 6 In all thy ways acknow-

paths of uprightness, to walk in ledge him, and he will make
the ways of darkness level thy paths.
14 Who rejoice to do evil, who 7 Be not wise in thy own eyes:
are delighted in the perverseness fear the Lord, and depart froja

of the bad; I
81 * 965
8 It will be healing to thy safety on thy way, and thy foo*
body, and marrow to thy bones. will not strike (against aught).
9 Honour the Lord with thy 24 When thou layest thyself
wealth, and with the first-fruits down, thou shalt feel no dread
of all thy products; and as thou down, thy sleep
10 So shall thy storehouses be shall be pleasant.
filled with plenty, and with new 25 Thou needest not to be
wine shall thy presses over- afraid of sudden dread, neither
flow. of the (unlooked-for) tempest
11 The correction of the Lord, over the wicked, when it cometh.
my son, do not despise; and feel 26 For the Lord will be thy
no loathing for his admonition ; confidence, and he will guard
12 Because whomever the thy foot from being caught.
Lord loveth he admonisheth 27 Withhold not a benefit
and as a father who delighteth from him who is deserving it,
in (his) son. when it is in the power of thy
13 Happy the man that hath hand to do it.
found wisdom, and the man that 28 Say not unto thy neigh-
acquireth understanding. bour, Go, and return, and to-
14 For the obtaining of her is morrow will I give when thou :

better than the obtaining of sil- hast it by thee.

ver, and better than fine gold is 29 Contrive not against thy
her product. neighbour any evil, when he
15 She is more precious than dwelleth in safety with thee.
pearls ; and all the things thou 30 Quarrel not with any man
valuest are not equal unto her. without cause, if he have done
16 Length of days is in her thee no harm.
right hand in her left are riches
: 31 Envy not the man of vio-
and honour. lence, and choose none of his
17 Her ways are ways of ways.
pleasantness, and all her paths 32 For the froward is an
are peace. abomination to the Lord ; but
18 A tree of life is she to wdth the upright is his good-
these that lay hold on her and will.

every one that firmly graspeth 33 The curse of the Lord is

her will be made happy. in the house of the wicked but ;

19 The Lord hath through the habitation of the righteous

wisdom founded the earth he will he bless.

hath established the heavens 34 If (it concern) the scorn-

through understanding. ful, he will himself render them
20 By knowledge were the a scorn but unto the lowly doth
his ;

depths split open, and the skies he give grace.

drop down the dew. 35 The wise shall inherit
21 My son, let them not be glory but fools shall obtain dis«

removed from thy eyes keep grace as their portion.


(before thee) sound wisdom and

discretion CHAPTER IV.
22 And they will be unto
life 1 Hear, ye children, the
thy soul, and grace to thy correction of a father, and at-
throat. tend to know understanding.
23 Then wilt thou walk in 2 For good information do I
give you my teaching must ye
: sleep is robbed away, unless they
not forsake. cause some to stumble.
3 For I was a son unto my 17 For they eat the bread of
father, a tender and an only wickedness ; and the wine of
child before my mother. violence do they drink.
4 And he instructed me, and 18 But the path of the right-
said unto me, Let thy heart eous is as the early morning
grasp firmly my words observe : light, that shineth more and
my commandments and live. more brightly until the height
5 Acquire wisdom, acquire of noonday.
understanding forget not, and
: 19 The way of the wicked is
depart not from the sayings of like darkness they know not

my mouth. against what they stumble.

6 Forsake her not, and she 20 My son, attend to my
will watch over thee love her, : words, unto my sayings incline
and she will keep thee. thy ear.
7 The beginning of wisdom 21 Let them not slip away
is, Acquire wisdom and with : from thy eyes: guard them in
all thy acquisition acquire un- the midst of thy heart.
derstanding. 22 For they are life unto
8 Hold her in high esteem, every one of those that find
and she will exalt thee she will : them, and to all his body a
bring thee to honour, when thou healing.
embracest her. 23 Above all that is to be
9 She will give tothy head a guarded, keep thy heart ; for out
wreath of grace : a crown of of it are the issues of life.
ornament will she deliver to 24 Remove from thee froward-
thee. ness of mouth and perverseness

10 Hear, 0 my son, and ac- of lips put away far from thee.
cept my sayings and they will : 25 Let thy eyes look right
increase unto thee the years of forward, and let thy eyelids see
life. straight out before thee.
11 In the way of wisdom 26 Balance well the track of
have I instructed thee : I have thy foot, and let all thy ways be
led thee in the tracks of upright- firmly right.
ness. 27 Turn not to the right hand
12 When thou walkest, thy nor to the left remove thy foot

Hep shall not be narrowed ; and from evil.

/vhen thou runnest, thou shalt
not stumble. CHAPTER V.
13 Lay hold of correc-
fast 1 My son, attend unto my
tion let her not go
; keep her wisdom to my understanding

for she is thy life. incline thou thy ear:

14 Enter not into the path of 2 That thou mayest observe
the wicked, and step not on the discretion, and that thy lips may
way of the bad. keep knowledge.
15 Avoid it, pass not through 3 For as of fine honey drop
by it, turn off from it, and pass the lips of an adulterous wo-
away. man, and smoother than oil is
16 For they sleep not, except her palate
they have done evil; and their 4 But her end is bitter as
is v. vr.
wormwood, it is sharp as a two- 19 The lovely gazelle and the
edged sword. graceful chamois : let her bosom
5 Her feet go down to death, satisfy thee abundantly at all
her stepe take firm hold on the times with her love be thou

nether world ravished continually.

6 So that she cannot balance 20 And why wilt thou, my
the path of life her tracks are;
son, be ravished with an adul-
unsteady, and she knoweth it teress, and embrace the bosom
not. of an alien woman?
7 And now, 0 ye children, 21 For before the eyes of the
hearken unto me, and depart Lord are the ways of man, and
not from the sayings of my all his tracks doth he weigh in
mouth. the balance.
8 Remove far from her thy 22 His own iniquities will
way, and come not nigh to the truly catch the wicked, and with
door of her house; the cords of his sin will he be
9 That thou mayest not give held firmly.
up unto others thy vigour, and 23 He will indeed die for
thy years unto the cruel want of correction ; and through
10 That strangers may not the abundance of his folly will
satisfy themselves with thy he sink into error.
strength, and with thy exertions,
in the house of an alien :
11 While thou moanest at thy 1 My
son, if thou hast become
end, when thy flesh and thy surety for thy friend, if thou
body are coming to their end, hast struck thy hand for a stran-
12 thou sayest “ How
And ger :

have I hated correction, and 2 If thou art ensnared through

how hath my heart rejected re- the words of thy mouth, if thou
proof ;
art caught through the words of
13 While I hearkened not to thy mouth :

the voice of my instructors, and 3 (Then) do this by all means,

to my teachers I inclined not my my and deliver thyself, be-
ear cause thou art come into the
14 But little more was want- power of thy friend, Go hasten
ing, and I had been in all (kinds to him, and urge thy friend.
of) unhappiness in the midst of 4 Grant not any sleep to thy
the congregation and assembly.” eyes, nor slumber to thy eyelids,
15 Drink water out of thy 5 Deliver thyself as a roebuck
own cistern, and running wa- from the hand (of the hunter),
ters out of thy own well and as a bird from the hand of
16 So will thy springs over- the fowler.
flow abroad; and in the open 6 Go to the ant, thou slug-
streets will be thy rivulets of gard ! look on her ways, and
water ; become wise,
17 They will be thy own only, 7 She, that hath no prince,
and not those of strangers with officer, or ruler,
thee. 8 Provideth in the summer
18 Thy fountain will be bless- her provision, gathereth in har •

ed and rejoice with the wife of vest-time her food.


thy youth,— 9 How long, 0 sluggard, wilt

thou lie down ? when wilt thou bad woman, from the flattery of
arise out of thy sleep ? an alien tongue.
10 “A little 25 Covet not her beauty in
(more) sleep, a
little slumber, a little folding of thy heart, and let her not con-
the hands in lying down quer thee with her eyelids.
11 But then will thy poverty 26 For by means of a harlot
come like a rover, and thy want (one is brought down) to the
<»s a man armed with a shield. last loaf of bread and an adul-

12 A godless person is a man terous woman will even hunt for

of injustice, who walketh with a the precious life.
distorted mouth. 27 dan a man gather up fire
13 He blinketh with his eyes, in his lap, and shall his clothes
he scrapeth with his feet, he not be burnt?
pointeth with his fingers 28 Can a man walk along

14 Perverseness is in his heart, upon hot coals, and shall his

he contriveth evil at all times; feet not be burnt?
he scattereth abroad discord. 29 So it is with him that go-
15 Therefore shall suddenly eth in to his neighbour's wife
come his calamity unawares
: no one that toucheth her shall
shall he be broken without a remain unpunished.
remedy. 30 Men do not despise the
16 Six things there are which thief, if he steal, to gratify his
the Lord hateth and seven are craving when he is hungry
: :

an abomination unto his spirit: 31 And if he be found, he

17 Haughty eyes, a tongue of must pay seven-fold ; all the
falsehood, and hands that shed wealth of his house must he
innocent blood, give.
18 A heart that contriveth 32 But whoso committeth
plans of injustice, feet that adultery with a woman lacketh
hasten to run after evil, sense : lie that is the destroyer
19 A false witness that eagerly of his soul, will alone do this.
uttereth lies, and him that scat- 33 Plague and disgrace will
tereth abroad discord among he meet with and his reproach

brethren. will not be blotted out.

20 Keep, 0 my son, the 34 For jealousy is the fury of
commandment of thy father, and a husband, and he will not spare
reject not the teaching of thy on the day of vengeance.
mother 35 He will not regard the ap-
21 Bind them upon thy heart pearance of any ransom and ;

continually, tie them about thy he will not be content, though

throat. thou give ever so many bribes.
22 When thou walkest, it shall
lead thee when thou liest down,
it shall watch over thee; and 1 My. son, observe my say-
when thou art awake it shall ings, and my commandments
converse with thee. must thou treasure up with
23 For the commandment is thee.
a lamp, and the law is light 2 Observe my command-
and the way of life are the ad- ments, and live and my teach- :

monitions of correction ing as the apple of thy eyes.

24 To guard thee against a 3 Bind them around thy fin-
gers, write them upon the table 18 Come, let us indulge in
of thy heart. love until the morning let us

4 Say unto wisdom, Thou art delight ourselves with dalli-

my sister and call understand-
ing thy kinswoman 19 For the man is not in his
5 That they may keep thee house, he is gone on a journey
from an adulterous woman, from a great way off:
an alien that useth flattering 20 The bag of money hath he
speeches. taken with him, by the day of
6 For through the window of the new-moon festival only will
my house, through my lattice he come home.”
did I (once) look out, 21 She seduced him by tho
7 And I beheld among the abundance of her reasoning: by
simple ones, I discerned among the flattery of her lips she mis-
the youths, a lad void of sense; guided him.
8 He was passing through the 22 He followed after her sud-
market-place near her corner; denly, as an ox goeth to the
and he stepped along on the slaughter, and as in fetters to his
way to her house, correction, the fool
9 In the twilight, in the eve- 23 Till an arrow cleaveth
ning of the day, in the depth of through his liver; as a bird
the night and when it was dark : hasteneth into the snare, and
10 And, behold, a woman knoweth not that it is done to
came to meet him with the at- take his life.
tire of a harlot, and obdurate of 24 And now, 0 children,
heart. hearken unto me, and listen to
11 (She is noisy and ungo- the sayings of my mouth.
vernable in her house her feet
25 Let not thy heart turn
never rest aside to her ways, do not go
12 At one time she is in the astray on her paths.
street, at another in the open 26 For many deadly wounded
places, and near every corner hath she caused to fall yea, :

doth she lurk,) very numerous are all those

13 And she caught hold of slain by her.
him, and kissed him, and with 27 The ways to the nether .

an impudent face she said to world is her house, leading down

him, to the chambers of death.
14 “ I had bound myself to
bring peace-offerings this day
have I paid my vows 1 Behold, wisdom calleth,
15 Therefore am I come forth and understanding sendeth forth
to meet thee, to seek thy pre- her voice.
sence diligently, and I have 2 On the top of high places,
found thee. by the wayside, at the house
16 With tapestry coverings where there are (many) paths
have I decked my bed, with em- doth she place herself.
broidered coverlids of the fine 3 Alongside of gates, at the
linen of Egypt. opening of the city, at the en-
17 I have sprinkled my couch trance of the town (-doors) doth
with myrrh, aloes, and cinna- she call loudly,
mon. 4 Unto you, 0 men, I call,
and my voice (goeth forth) to gold, and than fine gold and ;

the sons of men. my products, than choice silver.

5 Learn, 0 ye simple, to un- 20 On the road of righteous-
derstand prudence: and, ye ness do I walk firmly, in the
fools, be ye of an understanding midst of the paths of justice :

heart. 21 That I may cause th(

6 Hear for of noble things that love me to inherit a lasting

will I speak and the opening possession; and their treasures


of my lips shall be of what is will I fill.

equitable. 22 The Lord created me as
7 For truth uttereth my palate the beginning of his way, the
ever, and the abomination of my first of his works from the com-
lips is wickedness. mencement.
8 In righteousness are all the 23 From eternity was I ap-
sayings of my mouth, there is in pointed chief, from the begin-
them nothing crooked or per- ning, from the earliest times of
verse. the earth.
9 They are all evident to the 24 When there were yet no
man of understanding, and cor- depths, was I brought forth
rect to those that have obtained when there were yet no springs
knowledge. laden heavily with water.
LO Accept my correction, and 25 Before the mountains were
not silver and knowledge rather yet sunk down, before the hills

than choice gold. was I brought forth :

11 For wisdom is better than 26 While as yet he had not

pearls ; and all the things that made the land and open fields,
men wish for are not equal to nor the chief of the dust of the
her. world.
12 1 wisdom dwell with pru- 27 When he prepared the
dence,- and the knowledge of heavens,' I was there ; when he
discreet thoughts do I discover. drew a circle over the face of the
18 The fear of the Lord is to deep
hate evil, pride and arrogance, 28 When he fastened the skies
and the evil way and the mouth above when the springs of the

of perverseness do I hate. deep became strong;

14 Mine are counsel and 29 When he assigned to the
sound wisdom I am under- sea his decree, that the waters

standing; mine is might. should not transgress his order

15 Through me do kings when he established firmly the
reign, and chieftains give de- foundations of the earth :

crees (in) righteousness. 30 Then was I near him, as a

16 Through me do princes nursling and I was day by day

rule, and the nobles, even all (his) delights, playing before
the judges of the earth. him at all times ;
17 I indeed love those that 31 Playing in the world, his
love me ; and those that seek earth ; and having my delights
me earnestly shall find me. with the sons of men.
18 Riches and honour are 32 And now, 0 children (of
with me, yea, enduring wealth men), hearken unto me for hap-

aDd righteousness. py are those that observe m

19 Myfruit is better than ways.
33 Hearcorrection, and be 11 For through ine shall thy
wise, and reject it not. days be multiplied, and the years
34 Happy is the man that of thy life shall be increased un-
hearkeneth unto me, watching to thee.
day by day at my gates, waiting 12 If thou art become wise,
at the posts of my doors. thou art wise for thyself; but if
35 For he who findeth me thou art a scorner, thou alone
findethlife,and he obtaineth fa- wilt have to bear it.”
vour from the Lord. 13 The woman of folly is
36 But he that sinneth against noisy she is simple, and know-

me doth violence to his own soul efch not what (to do).
all those that hate me 14 And she sitteth at the door
love death.
of her house, upon a chair in the
CHAPTER IX.high places of the town,
1 Wisdom hath built her 15 To call the wayfarers who
house; she hath hewn out her go straight forward on their
seven pillars paths.
2 She hath killed her cattle 16 Whoso is simple, let him
she hath mingled her wine turn in hither; and as for him
she hath also set in order her that is void of sense, she saith
table. to him,
3 She hath sent forth her 17 “ Stolen waters are sweet,
maidens ; she inviteth (her and bread of secrecy is plea-
guests) upon the top of the sant.”
highest places of the town. 18 But he knoweth not that
4 Whoso is simple, let him the departed are there that in ;

turn in hither as for him that the depths of the nether world

is void of sense, she saith to are her guests.

5 “ Come, eat of my bread, CHAPTER X.
and drink of the wine which I 1 The proverbs of Solomon.
have mingled. A wise son causeth (his) father
6 Forsake simplicity, and live to rejoice; but a foolish son is

and go onward on the way of the grief of his mother.

understanding. 2 Treasures of wickedness
7 He that correcteth a scorner will not profit aught; but right-
acquire th for himself abuse ; and eousness will deliver from death.
he that reproveth the wicked 3 The Lord will not suffer
getteth himself a blemish. the soul of the righteous to fa-
8 Do not correct a scorner, mish ; but the sinful desires of
lest he hate thee reprove a wise the wicked will he cast away.

man, and he will love thee. 4 He becometh poor that ln-

9 Give to the wise (instruc- boureth with an indolent hand
tion), and he will become yet but the hand of the diligent
wiser: impart knowledge to the maketh rich.
righteous, and he will increase 5 He that gathereth in 'rum-
his information. mer is an intelligent son; (but)
10 The commencement of wis- he that sleepetb in harvest is a
dom is the fear of the Lord and son that causeth shame.

\he knowledge of the Most Holy 6 Blessings come upon the

One is understanding. head of the righteous; but the
mouth of the wicked covereth but he that refraineth his lips is
violence. intelligent.
7 The memoryof the jUst is 20 (Like) choice silver is the
(destined) to be blessed; but tongue of the righ teous the :

the name of the wicked shall heart of the wicked is worth but
lot. very little.

8 The wise in heart will ac- 21 The lips of the righteous

cept commandments but he feed many
; ;
but fools die through
that a fool in his speaking
is lack of sense.
will stumble. 22 The blessing of the Lord
9 He that walketh uprightly it which maketh rich, and
ever walketh securely ; but he painful labour addeth nothing
that perverteth his ways will be thereto.
punished. 23 It is as sport to a fool
10 He that winketh with the to do wicked deeds but a ;

eye causeth vexation ; and he man of understanding hath wis-

that is a fool in his speaking dom.
will stumble. 24 What the wicked dreadeth,
11 A source of life is the that will come upon him; but
mouth of the righteous; but the the longing of the righteous will
mouth of the wicked covereth God grant.
violence. 25 As the whirlwind passeth
12 Hatred stirreth up strifes by, the wicked is no more ; but
but love throweth a cover over the righteous is an everlasting
all transgressions. foundation.
13 On the lips of the man of 26 As vinegar is to the teeth,
understanding there is found and as smoke is to the eyes: so
wisdom but a rod is for the
is the sluggard to those that
back of him that is void of send him.
sense. 27 The fear of the Lord in-
14 Wise men treasure up creaseth (man’s) days; but the
knowledge; but the mouth of j
years of the wicked will be short-
the foolish is an approaching ened.
terror. 28 The expectation of the
15 The wealth of rich righteous is joy; but the hope
man is his strong town the of the wicked shall perish.

terror of the poor is their po- 29 The way of the Lord is a

verty. strong-hold to the upright; but
16 The labour of the right- terror is destined to the workers
eous (tendeth) to life: the pro- of injustice.
duct of the wicked is for sin. 30 The righteous shall never
17 On the way unto life is he be removed; but the wicked
that observeth correction; but shall not inhabit the earth.
he that forsaketh reproof is in 31 The mouth of the just ut-
error. tereth wisdom but the tongue ;

18 He that hideth hatred hath of perverseness shall be cut

lips of falsehood and he that out.

spreadeth abroad an evil report 32 The lips of the righteous

is a fool. know (how to obtain) favour;
19 In a multitude of words but the mouth of the wicked
transgression cannot be avoided (speaketh) perverseness.
82 973
CHAPTER XI. guidance, a people must fall;
1 Balances of deceit are an but (it will obtain) help through
abomination of the Lord; but the multitude of counsellors.
a full weight (obtaineth) his fa- 15 With evil will he be over-
vour. whelmed that is surety for a
2 When pride cometh, then stranger; but he that haleth
cometh disgrace but with the
giving the hand as pledge is
modest there is wisdom. safe.
3 The integrity of the upright 16 A woman endowed with
guideth them but the cunning
grace will surely obtain honour ;
of the treacherous destroyeth and the powerful will obtain
them. riches. >

4 Wealth cannot profit on the 17 The man of kindness doth

day of wrath ; but righteousness good to his own soul but he ;

will deliver from death. that troubleth his own flesh is

5 The righteousness of the cruel.
perfect maketh even his way; 18 The wicked practiseth a
but by his own wickedness will work of falsehood but he that ;

the wicked fall. soweth righteousness (obtaineth)

6 The righteousness of the the reward of truth.
upright will deliver them; but 19 He who is firm in right-
through their own sinful desires eousness attaineth to life and :

are the treacherous caught. he that pursueth evil (doth it)

7 When a wicked man dieth, to his own death.
(his) hope vanisheth and the
20 An abomination of the
expectation of (his) children is Lord are those of a perverse
lost. heart; but his favour is for
8 The righteous is delivered those who are unblemished in
out of distress, and the wicked their way.
cometh in his stead. 21 The hand (of God) being
9 With his mouth doth the against (his) hand, the bad man
hypocrite destroy his neighbour; shall not go unpunished; but
but through knowledge are the the seed of the righteous shall
righteous delivered. escape.
10 When it goeth well with 22 As a golden ring in a
the righteous, the town rejoiceth swine’s snout, so is a handsome
loudly : and when the wicked woman that hath thrown off dis-
perish, there is joyful shouting. cretion.
11 Through the blessing of 23 The desire of the righteous
the upright a city is exalted is only good but the hope ol ;

but through the mouth of the the wicked is the wrath (ol God).
wbked it is pulled down. 24 There is a man that scat-
12 He that despiseth his tereth gifts, and yet his wealth
neighbour is void of sense; but is increased and there is one

a man of understanding main- that withholdeth more thhn is

taineth silence. proper, and still cometh only to
13 He that walketh about as want.
talebearer revealeth secrets; but 25 A beneficent soul will be
he that is of a faithful spirit abundantly gratified; and he
concealeth the matter. that refresheth (others) will be
14 Where there is no wise also refreshed Limself.
26 Him thatwithholdeth corn, telligence is a man praised; but
the people will denounce; but he that is perverse of heart will
blessing will be heaped upon the come to be despised.
head of the one that selleth it. 9 Better is he that is lightly
27 He that diligently search - esteemed who hath a servant,
eth after good seeketh favour than he that aimeth after ho-
but if one inquireth after evil, it nour, and laeketh bread.
will come unto him. 10 A righteous man caret
28 He that trusteth in his for the life of his beast; but the
riches will surely fall ; but the mercies of the wicked are cru-
righteous shall grow like the elty.
leaves (of a tree). 11 He that tilleth his ground
29 He that troubleth his own will be satisfied with bread; but
house will inherit the wind; and he that runneth after idle per-
the fool will become the servant sons is void of sense.
to the wise of heart. 12 The wicked is covetous for
30 The fruit of the righteous the net of evil men ; but (God)
is of the tree of life; and the giveth root to the righteous.
wise draweth souls to himself. 13 In the transgression of his
31 Behold, the righteous is lips is the snare of the wicked ;

recompensed on the earth how but the righteous cometh out of


much more the wicked and the distress.

sinner. 14 From the fruit of his mouth
will a man be satisfied with what
CHAPTER XII. is good ;
and the recompense of
1 Whoso loveth correction a man’s hands will be brought
loveth knowledge but he that back unto him.

hateth reproof is brutish. 15 The way of a fool is straight

2 The good obtaineth favour in his own eyes; but he that
of the Lord ;
but a man of wick- hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.
ed devices will he condemn. 16 The wrath of the fool is
3 A man cannot be firmly esta- known on the very day; but he
blished by wickedness; but the that concealeth the disgrace is
root of the righteous will not be prudent.
moved. 17 He that uttereth truth an-
4 A virtuous woman is a crown nounceth righteousness; but a
to her husband; but as rotten- false witness, deceit.
ness in his bones is one that 18 There is some one that,
bringeth shame (on him). useth words (which are) like the
5 The thoughts of the right- thrusts of a sword ;
but the
eous are justice the best coun- tongue of the wise is healing.

sels of the wicked are deceit. 19 The lip of truth will stand
6 The words of the wicked firm for ever but only for a mo-

are of lying in wait for blood ment the tongue of falsehood.


but the mouth of the upright 20 Deceit is in the heart of

will deliver them. those that contrive evil; but for
7 The wicked are suddenly the counsellors of peace there is
overthrown, and are no more; joy.
but the house of the righteous 21 No wrong can come un-
will endure. awares to the righteous; but the
8 In accordance with his in- wicked are full of evil.
22 An abomination of the wickedness perverteth the (man
Lord are lips of falsehood; but of) sin.
they that deal in faithfulness 7 There is some one that pre-
(obtain) his favour. tendeth to be rich without having
23 A prudent man concealeth any thing another that pre-

(his) knowledge; but the heart tendeth to be poor while having

of fools proclaimeth (their) abundant wealth.
felly. 8 As the ransom of a man’s
24 The hand of the diligent life (hath he often to give) his
will bear rule; but the indolent riches; but the poor heareth no
must become tributary. threat.
25 If there be care in the 9 The light of the righteous
heart of man, let him suppress burneth joyfully; but the lamp
it; and a good word will change of the wicked will be quenched.
it into joy. 10 Only through presumptu-
26 The righteous is more ex- ous conduct doth man produce
cellent than his neighbour; but contention; but with the well-
the way of the wicked leadeth advised is wisdom.
them astray. 11 Wealth (gotten) by vain
27 The indolent roasteth not deeds will be diminished but ;

that which he hath caught in he that gathereth by close labour

hunting; but the most precious will increase it.
wealth of man is diligence. 12 Expectation long deferred
28 On the path of righteous- maketh the heart sick ; but a
ness there is life; and on her tree of life is a desire which is
pathway there is immortality. fulfilled.
13 Whoso despiseth the word
CHAPTER XIII. shall fall in debt to it; but he
1 If A wise son (becometh so) that feareth the commandment
by the correction of his father; will be rewarded.
but a scorner hearkeneth not to 14 The instruction of the wise
rebuke. is a source of life, (teaching) to
2 From the fruit of a man’s avoid the snares of death.
mouth doth he eat what is good 15 Good intelligence giveth
but the longing of the treacher- grace but the way of the trea-

ous is for violence. cherous is hard.

3 He that \$atcheth his mouth 16 Every prudent man act-
guardeth his soul ; but he that eth with knowledge; but a fool
openeth wide his lips (prepareth) spreadeth abroad his folly.
himself destruction. 17 A wicked messenger fall-
4 The sluggard longeth (in) eth into unhappiness but a

his soul, and there (cometh) no- faithful ambassador (bringeth)

thing; but the soul of the dili- healing.
gent will be abundantly grati- 18 Poverty and disgrace will
fied. overtake him that rejecteth cor-
5 The righteous hateth the rection but he that observeth

word of falsehood; but the wick- admonition will be honoured.

ed bringeth shame and disho- 19 A desire accomplished is
nour. pleasant to the soul but it is

6 Righteousness keepeth (him abomination to fools to depart

that is) upright on his way; but from evil.
20 He
that walketh with wise man, else thou wilt (never) know
men will become wise; but be the lips of knowledge.
that associateth with fools will 8 The wisdom of the prudent
be destroyed. is to understand his way; but
21 Evil pursueth the sinners; the folly of fools is deceit.
but the righteous will (God) re- 9 The fool maketh a mockery
pay with happiness. of guilt; but among the upright
22 A good man leaveth an in- there is good-will.
heritance to his children’s chil- 10 The heart knoweth its own
dren ; but the wealth of the sin- bitterness; and with its joy can
ner is treasured up for the right- no stranger intermeddle.
eous. 11 The house of the wicked
23 Much food bringeth the will be destroyed ; but the tent
new-tilled ground of the poor; of the upright will flourish.
but there are many others that 12 There is many away which
are taken away through ’injus- seemeth even before a man.; but
tice. its end are ways unto death.
24 He that withholdeth his 13 Even in laughter the heart
rod hateth his son; but he that feeleth pain ; and at its end joy
loveth him chastiseth him be- is sorrow.
times. 14 The backslider in heart
25 The righteous eateth to will have enough of his own
satisfy his desire (to eat)but ;
ways ; and from him (departeth)
the belty of the wicked always the good man.
suffereth want. 15 The simple believeth every
word ; but the prudent man un-
CHAPTER XIV. derstandeth his steps.
1 The wise among women 16 A wise man is fearful, and
buildeth her house but the fool-
departeth from evil ;
but the
ish pulleth it down with her own fool exciteth himself, and is con-
hands. fident.
2 In his uprightness walketh 17 He that is soon angry com-
he that feareth the Lord ; but mitteth folly ; and a man of
perverse in his ways is he that wicked devices is hated.
despiseth him. 18 The simple inherit folly;
3 In the mouth of the foolish but the prudent crown them-
is a stick (for his) pride; but the selves with knowledge.
lips of the wise will preserve 19 The bad sink down before
them. the good and the wicked are at

4 Where no oxen are, is the the gates of the righteous.

crib clean but the abundance
20 Even to his own neighbour
of harvests is (only) through the is the poor man hateful but the

strength of the ox. friends of the rich are many.

5 A faithful witness will not 21 He that despiseth his neigh-
lie ; but a false witness con- bour is a sinner; but he that is
stantly uttereth lies. —
gracious to the poor happiness
6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, attend him !

and there is none; but know- 22 Behold, those who contrive

ledge is easy to the man of un- evil are in error but kindness ;

derstanding. and truth attend on those who

7 Go far away from a foolish contrive what is good.
£2* 2 (1 977

23 In painful labour there

all 2 The tongue of the wise mak-
is profit; but mere words of the eth knowledge acceptable but ;

lips (lead) only to want. the mouth of fools sputtereth out

24 The crown of the wise is folly.
their riches but the folly of fools
3 In every place are the e;yes
is (only) folly. of the Lord, looking on the bad
25 A deliverer of souls is the and the good.
true witness ; but a witness of 4 A healing (word) of the
deceit uttereth lies. tongue is a tree of life ; but per-
26 In the fear of the Lord is verseness therein is a breach to
the strong confidence (of man), the spirit.
and unto his children will it be 5 A fool contemneth the cor-
a place of shelter. rection of his father; but he that
27 The fear of the Lord is the observeth admonition will be-
source of life, (teaching) to avoid come prudent.
the snares of death. 6 In the house of the right-
28 In the multitude of people eous there is much treasure but ;

is the king’s glory; but in the in the income of the wicked is

want of a population is the down- trouble.
fall of the prince. 7 The lips of the wise scatter
29 He that is slow to anger is knowledge; but the heart of fools
of great understanding; but he is not reliable.
that is hasty of spirit holdeth up 8 The sacrifice of the wicked
(to viiew) his foil}". is an abomination of the Lord ;
30 A
sound heart is the life but the prayer of the upright
of the body; but jealousy is the (obtain eth) his favour.
rottenness of the bones. 9 An abomination of the Lord
31 He that oppresseth the is the way of the wicked; but
poor blasphemeth his Maker him that pursueth righteousness
but he that is gracious to the will he love.
needy honoureth him. 10 An evil correction is (des-
32 Through his own evil is tined) for him that forsaketh the
the wicked thrust down ; but (right) path he that hatetli ad-:

even in his death doth the right- monition will die.

eous have confidence. 11 The nether world and cor-
33 In the heart of the man of ruption are open before the
understanding resteth wisdom Lord how much more then the

but (the little which is) in the hearts of the children of men !

bos >m of fools is made known. 12 A scorner loveth not that

34 Righteousness exalteth a one should admonish him: untc
people ; but the disgrace of na- the wise doth he not go.
tions is sin. 13 A merry heart cheereth up
35 The king’s favour is be- the countenance; but when the
stowed on an intelligent servant; heart feeleth pain the spirit
but his wrath is against him that depressed.
deserveth shame. 14 The heart of the man of un-
|derstanding seeketh knowledge;
CHAPTER XV. but the mouth of fools feedeth
1 Asoft answer turneth away on folly.
fury ;
but a mortifying word 15 All the days of the afflicted
stirreth up anger. are evil; but he that is of a
cheerful heart hath a continual 29 The Lord is far f’-om the
feast. wicked but the prayer of
16 Better k little with the righteous doth he hear.
fear of the Lord, than great 30 (What is pleasant to) the
treasure and confusion there- light of the eyes rejoiceth the
with. heart a good report giveth mar-

17 Better is an allowance of row to the bones.

herbs when love is there, than 31 The ear that heareth the
a stall-fed ox and hatred there- admonition of life will ever abide
with. in the midst of the wise.
18 A man of fury stirreth up 32 He that rejecteth correc-
strife; but he that is slow to an- tion despiseth his own soul ; but
ger assuageth contention. he that heareth admonition ac-
19 The way of the slothful quireth intelligence.
man is like a hedge of thorns 33 The fear of the Lord is the
but the path of the upright is a correction for wisdom; and be-
levelled (road). fore honour there must come
20 A wise son causeth his fa- humility
ther torejoice ; but a foolish
man despiseth his mother. CHAPTER XVI.
21 Folly is joy to him that is 1 Unto man belong the re-
void of sense but a man of un- solves of the heart ; but from the

derstanding walketh straight Lord cometh the expression of

forward. the tongue.
22 Plans are frustrated with- 2 Every one of the ways of a
out consultation ; but through a man is pure in his own eyes ; but
multitude of counsellors canst the Lord measureth the spirits.
thou maintain thyself. 3 Commit unto the Lord thy
23 A man hath joy by the an- works, and thy plans will be
swer of his mouth ; and a word firmly established.
(spoken) at the proper time, how 4 Every thing hath the Lord
good is it wrought for its destined end
24 The path of life (leadeth) yea, even the wicked for the day
upward for the intelligent, in of unhappiness.
order that he may avoid the ne- 5 An abomination of the Lord
ther world beneath. is every one that is proud of
25 The Lord will tear down heart the hand (of God) being

the house of the proud but he against (his) hand, he shall not

will set up firmly the boundary go unpunished.

(-stone) of the widow. 6 Through kindness and truth
26 An abomination of the is iniquity atoned for; and by
Lord are the thoughts of the bad the fear of the Lord (men) de-
man; but pleasant speeches are part from evil.
pure (before him). 7 When the Lord reoeiveth
27 He that is greedy after in favour a man’s ways, he mak-
gain troubleth his own house; eth even his enemies to be at
but he that hateth gifts will live. peace with him.
28 The heart of the righteous 8 Better is a little with right-
reflecteth to answer; but the eousness, than great incomes
mouth of the wicked sputtereth through injustice.
out evil things. 9 A man s heart deviseth hia
way; but the Lord directeth 23 The heart of the wise
firmly his steps. maketh his mouth intelligent,
10 There should be a wise and upon his lips he increaseth
sentence on the lips of the king information.:

his mouth should never commit 24 (Like) the droppings ot

a trespass in judging. honey are pleasant sayings,
11 A just balance and scales sweet to the soul, and healing
belong to the Lord his work to the bones.

are all the weights in the bag. 25 There is many a way which
12 It should be an abomina- seemeth even before a man, but
tion to kings to commit wicked- its end are the ways unto
ness ; for through righteousness death.
(alone) can a throne be esta- 26 The desire of the labourer
blished. laboureth for him for his mouth;

13 Righteous lips (should ob- imposeth it on him.

tain) the favour of kings ; and 27 An ungodly man dig/eth
him that speaketh uprightly up mischief, and on his lips there
should they love. is as it were a scathing fire.

14 The fury of a king is like 28 A perverse man scattereth

the messengers of death ; but a strife ; and a whisperer sepa-
wise man will appease it. rateth confident friends.
15 In the light of the king’s 29 The man of violence mis-
countenance there is life ; and leadeth his neighbour, and mak-
his favour is as a cloud of the eth him go on a way which is
latter rain. not good.
16 How much better is it to 30 He shutteth his eyes to
obtain wisdom than gold and devise perverse things when he
! :

to obtain understanding is pre- compresseth his lips then hath

ferable to silver he fully resolved on evil.
17 The highway of the up- 31 An ornamental crown is
right is to depart from evil he the hoary head, on the way of

preserveth his soul that watch- righteousness can it be found.

eth his way. 32 One that is slow to anger
18 Before downfall (goeth) is better than a hero; and he
pride, and before stumbling, that ruleth his spirit, than the
haughtiness of spirit. conqueror of a city.
19 Better it is to be of an 33 In the lap the lot is cast
humble spirit with the lowly, but from the Lord cometh the
than to divide spoil with the whole of its decision.
20 He that reflecteth on a CHAPTER
matter wisely will find happi- 1 Better is a piece of dry
ness; and whoso trusteth in the bread, and quiet therewith, than

Lord happiness attend him a house full of the sacrifices of

21 The wise in heart is called contention.

a man of understanding; and 2 An intelligent servant will
the sweetness of the lips in- have rule over a son that bring-
creaseth information. eth shame, and among the bro-
22 Intelligence is a source of thers will he have part of the
life unto its possessor ;
but the inheritance.
rorrection of fools is foliy. 3 The crucible is for silver,
and the furnace lor gold ; but acquire wisdom, seeing he hath
the Loud probeth the hearts. no sense?
4 An evil-doer listeneth to 17 A friend loveth at all times,
unjust lips falsehood giveth ear and as a brother is he born for

to a tongue that bringeth de- (the time of) distress.

struction. 18 A man void of sense pledg-
5 Whoso inocketh the poor eth his hand, and becometh surety
biasphemeth his Maker he that
: for his friend.
is glad at calamities will not re- 19 He loveth transgression
main unpunished. that loveth quarrel; and he that
6 The crown of old men are maketh high his door seeketh
children’s children; and the or- destruction.
nament of children are their fa- 20 He that bath a froward
thers. heart will not find happiness
7 High-toned language is not and he that hath a perverse
seemly to a worthless fool and tongue will fall into evil.

yet much less the language of 21 He that begetteth a fool

falsehood to a noble. (doth it) to his sorrow ; and the
8 As a precious stone appear- father of a worthless fool can-
eth a bribe in the eyes of him not have any joy.
that obtaineth it whithersoever
: 22 A merry heart causeth a
it turneth, it prospereth. healthy appearance of the coun-
9 He that covereth a trans- tenance ; but a depressed spirit
gression seeketh love but he drieth up the bones.

that repeateth a matter sepa- 23 A wicked man taketh a

rateth confident friends. bribe out of the bosom, to per-
10 A reproof penetrateth vert the paths of justice.
more deeply into a wise man, 24 Wisdom is before him that
than a hundred stripes into a fool. hath understanding ; but the
11 Only rebellion doth a bad eyes of a fool are at the ends of
man seek therefore a cruel the earth.

messenger will be sent out 25 A foolish son is a vexation

against him. to his father, and bitterness to
12 A man may meet a she- her that hath born him.
bear robbed of her whelps, but 26 To punish the just with a
not a fool in his folly. fine even is not good, nor to
13 Whoso bestoweth evil in strike the noble (-hearted) for

return for good evil shall not (their) equity.
depart from his bouse. 27 He that holdeth back his
14 As one letteth loose (a speeches hath knowledge; and
stream) of water, so is the begin- he that is sparing of his spirit
ning of strife therefore before it is a man of understanding.

be enkindled, leave off the con- 28 Even a fool, when he

test. keepeth silence, is counted
15 He that declareth the wise he that shutteth his lips

wicked innocent, and he that (is esteemed) a man of under-

condemneth the righteous, yea, standing.
both of them are equally an
abomination to the Lord. CHAPTER XVIII.
16 Wherefore is the purchase- 1 He that separateth himself
money in the hand of a fool to (from God) seeketh his own de-
sires: at every sound wisdom is 16 A man’s gift maketh room

he enraged. him, and before great men

2 A fool hath no delight in will it lead him.
understanding, but in laying 17 He that is first in his cause
open what is in his heart. seemeth just; but when his
3 When the wicked cometh, neighbour cometh, then will it
then cometh also contempt, and be investigated.
with dishonourable acts, dis- 18 The lot cause th disputes to
grace. cease, and it decide th between
4 Like deep waters are the the mighty.
words of a (wise) man’s mouth, 19 A brother offended is
and a bubbling brook is the harder (to be won) than a strong
well-spring of wisdom. town and quarrels (among bro-

5 It is not good to favour the thers) are like the bars of a

person of the wicked, to wrest castle.
(the cause of the) righteous in 20 From the fruit of a man’s
judgment. mouth is his body satisfied with :

6 The lips of the fool come the product of his lips doth he
with contention, and his mouth satisfy himself.
calleth for blows. 21 Death and life are in the
7 The mouth of the fool is a power of the tongue, and they
destruction to himself, and his that love it will eat its fruit.
lips are the snare of his soul. 22 Whoso hath found a wife
8 The words of a whisperer are hath found happiness, and hath
as wounds, and they go down obtained favour from the
indeed into the innermost parts Lord.
of the body. 23 The poor speaketh en-
9 He also that showeth him- treatingly; but the rich an-
self slothful in his work is swereth roughly.
brother to the destroyer. 24 A man’s many companions
10 The name of the Lord are hurtful to him but there is ;

is a strong tower, whereunto the many a friend that cleaveth

righteous runneth, and is placed closer than a brother.
in safety.
11 The rich man’s wealth is CHAPTER
his strong town, and as a tower- 1 Better is the poor that
ing wall in his own conceit. walketh in his integrity, than
12 Before downfall the heart one of perverse lips, who is a
of man becometh haughty, and fool.
before honour goeth humility. 2 Also in the want of know-
13 When one returneth an ledge in the soul there is no-
answer before he understandeth thing good and he that hasten-

(the question), it is folly unto eth with his feet misseth the
him and shame. right path.
14 The spirit of a man will 3 The folly of a man pervert-
readily bear his disease ; but a eth his way, and against the
depressed spirit who can bear? Lord will his heart rage.
15 The heart of the man of 4 Wealth bringetli many
understanding will obtain know- friends but the poor becometh

ledge ; and the ear of the wise separated from his (only) friend.
seeketh knowledge. 5 A
false witness shall not
remain unpunished, and he that is hope; and let not thy soul
uttereth lies shall not escape. spare (him) for his crying.
6 Many will entreat the fa- 19 A man of great fury must
vour of the liberal man and suffer punishment; for if thou

every one is the friend to him deliver him, thou must still do
that bestoweth gifts. it again.

7 All the brothers of the poor 20 Hear counsel, and accept

hate him how much more do correction, in order that thou

his friends go far away from mayest be wise in thy latter end.
him! he pursueth (their) pro- 21 There are many thoughts
mises but these are (all) that he in a man’s heart ; but the coun-

hath sel of the Lord alone will stand

8 Hethat get teth intelligence firm.
loveth his own soul he that 22 The longing of a man is

guardeth understanding will find (to exercise) his kindness; and

happiness. a poor man is better than a liar.
9 A
false witness shall not re- 23 The fear of the Lord lead-
main unpunished, and he that ed unto life and he (that hath :

uttereth lies shall perish. it) shall abide satisfied he shall ;

10 Delicacy is not seemly for not be visited with evil.

a fool much less for a servant
: 24 When a slothful man hath
to have rule over princes. hidden his hand in the dish,
11 It is intelligence in man to then will he not even bring it
be slow in his anger, and it is back to his mouth.
his glory to pass over a trans- 25 Smite a scorner, and the
gression. simple will become prudent
12 the roaring of a and if one that hath understand-
young the wrath of a ing be admonished, he will un-
lion is
king: as dew upon the herbs is derstand knowledge.
his favour. 26 He that plundered his fa-
13 A calamity unto his father ther, and chaseth away his mo-
is a foolish son and a continual ther, is a son that bringeth

dropping are the quarrels of a shame and dishonour.

wife. 27 Cease, my son, to hear the
14 House and wealth are an; instruction that caused (thee) to

inheritance from fathers; but! err from the sayings of know-


from the Lord (cometh) an in- ledge.

telligent wife. 28 An ungodly witness scorn-
15 Slothfulness casteth (man) ed at justice, and the mouth of
into a deep sleep; and an indo- the wicked swallowed mischief
lent soul will suffer hunger. 29 Punishments are prepared
16 He that observeth the com- for scorners, and stripes for the
mandment guardeth his own back of fools.
soul; but he that disregarded
(directing) his ways (aright) CHAPTER XX.
shall die. is a mocker, strong
1 Wine
17 He lendeth unto the Lord drink is noisy and whosoever ;

that is liberal to the poor, and indulged therein will never be

his good deed will he repay unto wise.
him. 2 Like the roaring of a young
18 Chastise th j son, for there lion is the dread of a king
whoso provoke th him to anger 17 Bread of falsehood is plea,
sinneth against his own soul. sant to a man ; but afterward
3 It is an honour for a man his mouth will be filled with gra-
to cease from a contest; but vel-stones.
every fool enrageth himself. 18 Plans are established by
4 Because it is winter’s cold, counsel; and with wise reflec-
will the sluggard not plough : tion conduct war.
when he therefore seeketh in 19 He that goeth about as a
the harvest time, there will be tale-bearer revealeth secrets
nothing. therefore meddle not with him
5 Like deep water is counsel that enticeth with his lips.
in the heart of man; but the 20 Whoso curseth his father
man of understanding will draw or his mother —
his lamp shall bo
it out. quenched in obscure darkness.
6 Most men will proclaim 21 An inheritance hastily got-
every one his own kindness ten at the beginning will at its
but who can find a faithful man ? end not be blessed.
7 The righteous walketh in 22 Do not say, I will recom-
his integrity happy will be his
: pense evil ; (but) wait on the
children after him. Lord, and he will help thee.
8 A king that sitteth on the 23 Divers weights are an abo-
throne of justice scattereth away mination of the Lord and a de-

with his eyes all evil. ceitful balance is not good.

9 Who can say, I have made 24 From the Lord are the
my heart pure, I am cleansed steps of man (ordained) but
from my sin ? —
man how can he understand

10 Divers weights, and divers his own way ?

measures, are both of them alike 25 It is a snare to a man to
an abomination of the Loud. sanctify things hastily, and to
11 Even a child maketh him- make inquiry only after having
self known by his doings, whe- made vows.
ther his work will be pure, and 26 A wise king scattereth the
whether it will be upright. Avicked, and turneth over them
12 The ear that heareth, and the threshing-wheel.
the eye that seeth, the Lord 27 A lamp of the Lord is the
hath made both of them alike. soul of man, searching all the
13 Love not sleep, lest thou inner chambers of the body.
come to poverty : open thy eyes, 28 Kindness and truth will
so wilt thou be satisfied with watch over a king, and he will
bread. prop up through kindness his
14 It is bad, it is bad, saith throne.
the buyer ; but when he is gone 29 The ornament of young
his way, then doth he boast. men
is their strength and the ;

glory of old men is a hoary head.

15 There is gold, and a multi-
tude of pearls but a precious
30 The bruises of a wound are
cleansing means for the bad, and
vessel are the lips of knowledge.
16 Take away his garment, stripes (will reach) the inner
because he hath become surety chambers of the body.
for a stranger; and on account
of a strange woman take a CHAPTER XXL
pledge from him. 1 Like brooks of water is a
king’s heart in the hand of the execute justice but it is a terror

Lord whithersoever it pleaseth

: to wrong-doers.
him doth he turn it. 16 The man that wandereth
2 Every way of a man is astray out of the way of intelli-
straight in his own eyes; but gence, shall rest in the assembly
the Lord weigheth the hearts. of the departed.
3 To exercise righteousness 17 He that loveth pleasure
and justice is more acceptable to will be a man of want: he that
the Lord than sacrifice. loveth wine and oil will not be-
4 Haughtiness of the eyes, come rich.
and an immoderate heart, are 18 The wicked shall be a ran-
the sinful field of the wicked. som for the righteous, and the
5 The plans of the diligent treacherous shall be put in the
tend only to plenty ; but every stead of the upright.
hasty man is (destined) only to 19 It is better to dwell in a
want. desert land, than with a quarrel-
6 The getting of treasures by some and vexatious woman.
a tongue of falsehood is like the 20 There are a desirable trea-
fleeting breath of those that seek sure and oil in the dwelling of
death. the wise but a foolish man will

7 The robbery of the wicked swallow it up.

will drag them away ;
because 21 He that pursueth righteous-
they refuse to execute justice. ness and kindness will find life,
8 Perverse is the way of the righteousness, and honour.
man that is estranged (from 22 A wise man scaleth the
goodness) but as for the pure, city of the mighty, and casteth

his work is upright. down the strength in which they

9 It is better to dwell in a trusted.
corner of a roof, than with a 23 Whoso guardeth his mouth
quarrelsome woman in a roomy and his tongue guardeth his soul
house. against distresses.
10 The soul of the wicked 24 The presumptuous and
longeth for evil his neighbour proud, scorner is his name, deal-

findeth no grace in his eyes. eth in the wrath of presump-

11 When the scorner is pu- tion.
nished, the simple is made wise : 25 The longing of the sloth-
and when the wise is taught in- ful will kill him; for his hands
telligence, he receiveth know- refuse to labour.
ledge. 26 All the day he feeleth a
12 The righteous regardeth great longing but the righteous

attentively the house of the giveth and withholdeth not.

wicked (but God) overturneth
27 The sacrifice of the wicked
the wicked into unhappiness. is an abomination how much

13 Whoso stoppeth his ears more, when he bringeth it with

against the cry of the poor, he a sinful purpose?
also will cry himself, but shall 28 A lying witness shall per-
not be answered. ish ; but the man that is obedi-
14 A gift in secret f acifieth ent (to the law) can speak for
anger, and a bribe in the bosom, ever.
strong fury. 29A wicked man showeth im-
15 It is joy to the righteous to pudence in his face; but as for
the upright, he will consider well 13 The slothful saith, There
his way. is a lion without, in the midst
30 There is no wisdom nor un- of the streets shall I be mur-
derstanding nor counsel against dered.
the Lord. 14 A deep pit is the mouth
31 The horse is prepared for of adulterous women he that

the d?y of battle ; but with the hath obtained the indignation of
Lord is the victory. the Lord will fall thereinto.
15 When folly is bound fast
CHAPTER XXII. to the heart of a lad, the rod of
1 A
good name is preferable correction must remove it far
to abundant riches, and good from him.
grace, to silver and to gold. 16 He that oppresseth the
2 The rich and poor meet to- poor to increase his riches, (must
gether: the Lord is the maker at length) give to the rich, and
of them all. come only to want.
3 The prudent foreseeth the 17 Incline thy ear, and hear
evil, and hideth himself; but the the words of the wise, and apply
simple pass on, and are pu- thy heart unto my knowledge.
nished. 18 For it is a pleasant thing
4 The reward of humility if thou keep them within thy
(and) the fear of the Lord are bosom, if they be altogether
riches, and honour, and life. firmly seated upon thy lips.
5 Thorns and snares are on 19 That thy trust may be in
the way of a perverse man he : the Lord, have I made them
that doth guard his soul will known to thee this day, yea,
keep far from them. even to thee.
6 Train up the lad in accord- 20 Have not I written for thee
ance with his course even when :excellent things in counsels and
he groweth old, will he not de- knowledge,
part from it. 21 That I might make thee
7 A rich man ruleth over the know rectitude, the sayings of
poor, and the borrower is ser- truth; that thou mightest bring
vant man that lendeth.
to the back answers of truth to those
8 He
that soweth injustice will that send thee ?
reap wrong-doing and the rod;
22 Rob not the poor, be-
of God's wrath will not fail. cause he is poor, neither crush
9 A man of a benevolent eye the afflicted in the gate
will indeed be blessed ; for he 23 For the Lord will plead
giveth of his bread to the poor. their cause, and despoil the life
10 Drive away the scorner, of those that despoil them.
and strife will go off ; and then 24 Make no friendship with a
will cease contention and dis- man given to anger and with a

honour. man of fury thou must have no

11 He that loveth with a pure intercourse
heart, and hath grace on his 25 Lest thou learn his ways,
lips, will have the king as his and get a snare for thy own
friend. soul.
12 The eyes of the Lord guard 26 Be not one of those that
knowledge, and he overturneth pledge their hand, or of those that
the words of the treacherous. are sureties for debt3.
27 If thou have nothing to 12 Apply thy heart unto in-
pay, why should he take away struction, and thy ears to the
thy bed from under thee? sayings of knowledge.
28 Remove not the ancient 13 Withhold not from a lad
landmark, which thy fathers have correction for if thou beat him

established. with the rod he will not die.

29 Seest thou a man that is 14 Thou wilt indeed beat him
diligent in his work? before with the rod but thou wilt de-

kings may he place himself: let liver his soul from perdition.
him not place himself before ob- 15 My son, if thy heart be
scure men. wise, my heart shall rejoice, even
CHAPTER XXIII. 16 And my reins shall exult
1 When thou sittest to eat when thy lips speak what is
with a ruler, consider diligently equitable.
what is before thee 17 Let not thy heart be en-
2 For thou puttest a knife to vious against sinners; but (re-
thy throat, if thou be a man of main) in the fear of the Lord all
a craving desire. the time.
3 Do not long for his savoury 18 For surely there is a future,
meats for they are deceitful food. and thy hope will not be cut

4 Fatigue thyself not to be- off.

come rich because thou hast
: 19 Hear thou, my son, and
understanding, forbear. become wise, and guide thy heart
5 When thou lettest merely on the right way.
thy eyes fly over it, it is no more 20 Be not among those that
for it will ever make itself wings drink wine immoderately, among
like an eagle will it fly toward those that over-indulge in eating
heaven. flesh
6 51 Eat not the bread of a 21 For the drunkard and the
man with an evil eye, and do not glutton will come to poverty;
long for his savoury meats and drowsiness clotheth a man
7 For as though there were a in rags.
division in his soul, so doth he 22 Hearken unto thy father
act :Eat and drink, saith he to that hath begotten thee, and de-
thee ; but his heart is not with spise not thy mother although
thee. 1
she be old.
8 Thy morsel which thou hast 23 Buy the truth, and sell it
eaten must thou spit out, and not; (also) wisdom, and instruc-
thou hast wasted thy pleasant tion, and understanding.
words. 24 The father of the righteous
9 Speak not before the ears will be greatly glad, and be that
of a fool for he will despise the begetteth a wise child will have

intelligence of thy words. joy through him.

10 Remove not the ancient 25 Let (then) thy father and
landmark, and into the fields of thy mother rejoice, and let her
the fatherless must thou not that hath born thee be glad.
enter 26 Give, my son, thy heart
11 For their redeemer is unto me, and let thy eyes watch
strong he will indeed plead my ways.

their cause with thee. 27 For a harlot is a deep dit^h,

and a strange woman is a nar- is help in a multitude of coun-
row well. sellors.
28 She also lieth in wait like 7 Wisdom is too high for a
a robber, and she increaseth the
fool in the gate can he not open

treacherous among men. his mouth.

29 Who hath wo ? who hath 8 Him that deviseth to do
r:rrow? who hath quarrels? who evil, men call a master of wicked
hath complaints? who hath devices.
wounds without cause? who hath 9 The counsel of folly is sin;
redness of eyes? and an abomination to men is
30 They that tarry late over the scorner.
the wine they that come to seek
: 10 If thou despond on the day
for mixed drink. of distress, thy strength is small.
31 Do not look on the wine 11 Deliver those that are taken
when it looketh red, when it unto death, and those that are
giveth its colour in the cup, when moved away to the slaughter
it glideth down so readily. hold back.
32 At the last it will bite like 12 If thou shouldst say, Be-
a serpent, and like a basilisk will hold, we know not this man lo, :

it sting. he that weigheth hearts will

33 Thy eyes will see strange truly regard it, and he that keep-
forms, and thy heart will speak eth thy soul will surely know it;
perverse things. and he will give a recompense
34 And thou wilt be like one to man according to his doing.
that lieth down in the heart of 13 Eat honey, my son, be-
the sea, or as he that lieth on cause it is good; and the fine
the top of a mast. honey, which is sweet to thy
35 “They smote me, (but) I palate
suffered no pain they struck me
14 So obtain the knowledge
hard, (but) I felt it not: when of wisdom for thy soul ;
shall I awake ? I will continue thou hast found her, then shall
to seek it again.” there be a (happy) future, and
thy hope shall not be cut off.
CHAPTER XXIV. 15 Lie not in wait, 0 wicked
1 Be thou not envious of bad man against the dwelling of

men, and do not long to be with the righteous; waste not his
them. resting-place;
2 For their heart meditateth 16 For though the righteous
destruction, and of mischief do were to fall seven times, he will
their lips speak. rise up again; but the wicked
3 Through wisdom is a house shall stumble into misfortune.
built; and through understand- 17 At the fall of thy enemy
ing is it firmly established; do not rejoice; and at his stum-
4 And through knowledge are bling let not thy heart be glad:
chambers filled with all manner 18 Lest the Lord see it, and
of precious and pleasant wealth. it be displeasing in his eyes,
5 A wise man is (always) in and he turn away from him his
power and a man of knowledge wrath.

fortifieth (his) strength. 19 Fret not thyself because

6 For by wise counsel canst of evil-doers, neither be thou en-
thou conduct thy war; and there vious of the wicked;
20 For there will be no (hap- little slumber, a little folding of
py) future for the bad man the hands in lying down

the lamp of the wicked will be 34 But then will thy poverty
quenched. come like a rover and thy ;

21 My son, fear the Lord and wants as a man armed with a

the king: with those that are shield.
desirous to change do not min-
gle thyself; CHAPTER XXV.
22 For suddenly will their ca- 1 If Also
these are the pro-
lamity arise; and who knoweth verbs of Solomon, which the
the ruin of both of them ? men of Hezekiah the king of
23 These things also are for Judah have collected.
the wise. To have respect of 2 It the honour of God to
persons in judgment is not conceal a thing but the honour

good. of kings is to search out a mat-

24 Him that saith unto the ter.
wicked, Thou art righteous, will 3 As are the heavens for
the people denounce, him will height, and the earth is for
nations hold accursed depth, so should the heart of
25 But to those that punish kings be unsearchable.
delight shall be given, and upon 4 Take away the dross from
them shall come the blessing of the silver, and there will come
the good. forth a vessel for the melter.
26 Men will kiss the lips of 5 Take away the wicked from
him that giveth a proper an- before the king, and his throne
swer. will be firmly established in
27 Prepare without thy work, righteousness.
and make it fit in the field for 6 Do not glorify thyself in
thyself and afterward build
: the presence of the king, and
thy house. force thyself not into the place
28 Be not without cause a of great men ;

witness against thy neighbour ;

7 For better it is that it be
for wouldst thou beguile with said unto thee, “ Come up hi-
thy lips ? ther, than that thou shouldst
29 Say not, As he hath done be put lower in the presence of
to me so will I do to him : I will the prince, which thy own eyes
recompense every man according have (often) seen.
to his doing. 8 Do not proceed to a contest
30 By the field of a slothful hastily, lest (thou know not)
man I once passed along, and what thou wilt have to do at its
by the vineyard of a man void end, when thy neighbour hath
of sense put thee to confusion.
31 And, lo, it was all grown 9 Carry on thy cause with
over with thorns, nettles had thy neighbour but lay not open ;

covered its surface, and its stone- the secret of another :

wall was broken down. 10 Lest he thatheareth it put

32 And when I had indeed thee to shame, and thy infamy
beheld (this) I took it to my never be removed.
heart I saw it, and received a
: 11 Like apples of gold among
warning. figures of silver is a word spoken
33 “ A little (more) sleep, a in a proper manner.
83 * 989
12 As an ear-ring of gold, and 25 As cold water is to a faint*
a pendant of fine gold, so is a ing soul, so are good news from
wise reprover toward an ear that a far-off country. .

listeneth. 26 Like a turbid spring and

13 As the cooling of snow on a corrupt fountain, is a right-
a harvest-day, so is a faithful eous man that giveth way before
messenger to those that send the wicked.
him for he refresheth the soul
27 To eat too much honey is
of his master. not good: so is it honour to set
14 Like clouds and wind with- a limit to men’s honour.
out rain, so is a man that vaunt- 28 Like a city that is broken
eth falsely of a gift. in, and is without walls : so is
15 By long forbearing is a the man that hath no control
prince persuaded, and a soft over his spirit.
tongue breaketh bones.
16 Hast thou found honey? CHAPTER XXVI.
eat so much as is sufficient for 1 As snow is in summer, ard
thee : lest thou consume too as rain in harvest: so is honour
much of it, and have to vomit it not seemly to a fool.
forth. 2 As the bird (cometh) to flit
17 Make thy foot scarce in away, as the swallow, to fly off
the house of thy friend lest so will an undeserved curse not

he have too much of thee, and come (to fulfilment).

so hate thee. 3 A whip is for the horse, a
18 A battle-axe, and a sword, bridle for the ass, and a rod for
and a sharpened arrow is a man the fool’s back.
that testifieth as a false witness 4 Do not answer a fool ac-
against his neighbour. cording to his folly, lest thou
19 Like a broken tooth and a also become equal unto him.
foot out of joint, is confidence in 5 Answer a fool according to
a treacherous man in a time of his folly, lest he be wise in his
distress. own eyes.
20 (As) he that taketh off his 6 lie choppeth off the feet,
garment on a cold day, (as) and drinketh vexation, that
vinegar is upon natron so is he sendeth important messages by

that singeth songs before an un- the hand of a fool.

happy heart. 7 Too feebly hang down the
21 If thy enemy be hungry, thighs on a lame man so :

give him bread to eat and if is a parable in the mouth of


he be thirsty, give him water to fools.

drink ;
8 As is the one that bind-
22 For though thou gatherest eth a stone fast in a sling, so
coals of fire upon his head, yet is he that giveth honour to a
wdll the Lord repay it unto thee. fool.
23 The north wind bringeth 9 (As) a thorn that is como
forth rain so doth secret talk- into the hand of a drunkard, so

ing, angry countenances. is a parable in the mouth of

24 It is better to dwell in the fools.
corner of a roof, than with a 10 A master injureth all
quarrelsome woman even in a things when he hireth a fool or
roomy house. jhireth mere rovers.

11 As a dog returneth to his him not for there are seven

vomit, so doth a fool repeat to abominations in his heart.

act ip his folly. 26 If one’s hatred be covered
12 When thou seest a man by deception, then shall be laid
wise in his own eyes, then is bare his wickedness before a
there nlore hope for a fool than (whole) assembly.
for him. 27 Whoso diggeth a pit will
13 The slothful saith, There fall therein and upon him that

is a leopard in the way : a lion rolleth a stone, will it return.

is between the .streets. 28 A lying tongue hateth
14 As a door turneth upon its those that are crushed by it;
hinges, so doth the slothful up- and a flattering mouth prepareth
on his bed. (others’) downfall.
15 Hath the slothful hidden
his hand in the dish, it wearieth CHAPTER XXVII.
him to bring it back again to 1 Make no boast for thyself
his mouth. of the coming day ; for thou
16 The slothful is wiser in his k no west not what a day may
own eyes, than seven men that bring forth.
can give wise answers. 2 Let another man praise
17 As is one that taketh hold thee, and not thy own mouth; a
of a dog by the ears, so is he stranger, and not thy own lips.
that passing by becometh ex- 3 A stone hath heaviness, and
cited about a dispute which con- the sand, weight; but a fool’s
eerneth him not. wrath is heavier than both of
18 As one fatigueth himself them.
shooting off firebrands, arrows, 4 Fury hath its cruelty, and
and death anger its overwhelming power;
19 So is the man that hath but who is able to stand before
cheated his neighbour, and saith, jealousy ?
Behold, I am only jesting. 5 Better is open reproof than
20 Where there is no wood, concealed love.
the fire goeth out : so where 6 Faithful are the wounds of
there is no whisperer, strife is a friend but deceptive are the

silenced. kisses of an enemy.

21 As char-coals are added to 7 The satisfied soul tread eth
burning coals, and wood to fire under foot fine honey but to

so is a contentious man fitted to the hungry soul every bitter

enkindle a dispute. thing sweet.
22 The words of a whisperer 8 As a bird that wandereth
are as wounds, and they go down away from her nest, so is a man
into the innermost chambers of that wandereth away from his
the body. place.
23 Like silver dross laid over 9 Oil and perfume cause the
an earthen vessel, so are burning heart to rejoice, and so do the
lips with a bad heart. sweet words of a friend more
24 With his lips dissembleth than one’s own counsel.
he that hateth, and within him- 10 Thy own friend, and thy
self layeth he up deceit father’s friend, thou must not
25 Though he make his voice forsake ; but into thy brother’s
sound ever so graciously, believe house enter not on the day of
thy calamity better is a near the appearance of thy flecks, di.

neighbour than a distant bro- rect thy attention to thy herds;

ther. 24 For property endureth not
11 Become wise, my son, and for ever, nor doth the crown
cause my heart to rejoice, that I remain for all generations.
may give an answer to him that 25 When the grass is past,
reproacheth me. young verdure showeth itself,
12 The prudent foreseeth the and then are gathered the herbs
evil, and hideth himself but of the mountains.

the simple pass on, and are pu- 26 The sheep are for thy
nished. clothing, and he-goats are the
13 Take his garment, for he purchase-price of a field.
became surety for a stranger; 27 And thou wilt have enough
and on account of an alien wo- of goats’ milk for thy food, for
man take a pledge of him. the food of thy household, and
14 When one saluteth his the support for thy maidens.
friend with a loud voice, when
rising early in the morning, it CHAPTER XXVIII.
will be counted a curse to him. Every wicked fleeth when
15 A continual dropping on a no man pursueth but the right

very rainy day and a contentious eous are like the confident young
woman are alike. lion.
16 He that would conceal her 2 When there is transgression
might conceal the wind, and as in a land, it hath many for its
(fragrant) oil on his right hand, princes; but under a man of un-
which would betray itself. derstanding and knowledge (its)
17 Iron is sharpened by iron : prosperity will long continue.
so doth a man sharpen himself 3 A poor man that oppresseth
on the countenance of his friend. the indigent is like a sweeping
18 Whoso guardeth the fig- rain which bringeth no bread.
tree will eat its fruit: so he that 4 They that forsake the law
wat.cheth over his master will praise the wicked; but such as
be honoured. observe the law contend with
19 As the water (showeth) to them.
the face the (reflected) face: so 5 Bad men understand not
doth the heart of man show it- justice; but they that seek the
self to man. Loud understand all things.
20 The nether world and the 6 Better is the poor that walk-
place of corruption are never eth in his integrity, than he that
satisfied so are the eyes of man
: is perverse in his ways, though
never satisfied. he be rich.
21 (As) the fining-pot is for 7 Whoso keepeth the law 3
silver, and the furnace for gold : an intelligent son but he that

so is a man (proved) according isa companion of gluttons bring-

to his praise. eth dishonour on his father.
22 Though thou shouldst 8 He that increaseth his
pound the fool in a mortar, in wealth by interest and usury
the midst of grains of wheat will gather it for him that will
with a pestle still w ould his
: be kind to the poor.
folly not depart from him. 9 When one turneth away his
23 Endeavour to knpw well ear so as not to listen to the law.
even his prayer becometh an 22 He that is eager for wealth
abomination. is a man of an evil eye, and he

10 Whoso causeth the upright knoweth not that want will come
to go astray on an evil way, will upon him.
surely fall into his own ditch; 23 He that reproveth a man
but the men of integrity will in- after (my example) will obtain
herit what is good. more grace than he that flatter-
11 The rich man is wise in eth with the tongue.
his own eyes; but the indigent 24 Whoso robbeth his father
that hath understanding can or his mother, and saith, It is
search him through. —
no transgression, the same is
12 When the righteous exult, a companion of a destroyer.
there is great splendour; but 25 He that hath an insatiable
when the wicked rise up, a man desire stirreth up strife; but he
hath to be sought for. that putteth his trust in the
13 He that concealeth his Lord will be abundantly grati-
transgressions will not prosper; fied.
but whoso confesseth and for- 26 He that trusteth in his
saketh them will obtain mercy. own sense is a fool; but whoso
14 Happy is the man that walketh in wisdom, will ever
always dreadeth (to do evil); escape.
but he that hardeneth his heart 27 He that giveth unto the
will fall into unhappiness. poor will not have any want;
15 As a roaring lion, and a but he that hideth his eyes will
greedy bear, so is a wicked ruler have an abundance of curses.
over an indigent people. 28 When the wicked rise,
16 The prince that is void of men conceal themselves ;
understanding is also a great when they perish, the righteous
oppressor; (but) he that hateth increase. will prolong his days.
17 If A man oppressed by the
load of having shed human blood 1 A man that, having received
will flee even to the pit: let no many admonitions, still harden-
man hold him. eth his neck, will suddenly be bro-
18 Whoso walketh in inte- ken, and this without remedy.
grity will be saved ;
but he that 2 When the righteous are in
walketh perversely on two paths, authority, the people will re-
will fall on one. joice; but when the wicked
19 He that tilleth his ground beareth rule, the people groan.
will have plenty of bread; but 3 The man that loveth wis-
he that runneth after idle per- dom causeth his father to re-
sons will have enough of po- joice; but he that keepeth com-
verty. pany with harlots wasteth (his)
20 A faithful man will abound wealth.
with blessings but he that mak-
4 A king will through the ex-
eth haste to be rich will not go ercise of justice establish (the
unpunished. welfare of) a land; but one that
21 To have respect to persons loveth gifts overthroweth it.
is not good ;
because even for a 5 A man that flattereth his
piece of bread will a man trans- neighbour spreadeth a net for
gress. his steps.
6 In the transgression of a hasty in his words? there is
man there is an evil snare ; but more hope for a fool than foi
the righteous ever singeth and him.
rejoiceth. 21 If one rear his servant
7 The righteous considereth delicately from his youth, then
the cause of the indigent; but will he at length become as (his)
the wicked will not understand son.
the knowledge (of justice). 22 A man of anger stirreth
8 Scornful men will kindle up strife ; and a man of fury
(confusion) in a town ; but the abounc7 eth in transgression.
wise turn away wrath. 23 The pride of a man will
9 If a wise man contend with humble him; but the humble in
a foolish man, whether he be spirit will attain to honour.
angry or whether he laugh, (he 24 Whoso divideth with a thief
will have) no rest. liateth hi3 own soul :he heareth
10 Men of blood hate the the adjuration and dareth not to
guiltless one; but the upright tell.
seek (to preserve) his life. 25 The dread of man bring-
11 A fool uttereth all his eth a snare; but whoso putteth
mind; but the wise holdeth it his trust in the Lord will be
back. upheld in safety.
12 If a ruler listen to the 26 Many seek the favour of a
word of falsehood, all his ser- ruler but from the Lord cometh

vants become wicked. justice for man.

13 The poor and the man of 27 An abomination of the
exactions meet together : the righteous is an unjust man and

Lord enlighteneth the eyes of an abomination of the wicked is

both of them. one who is upright in (his)
14 When a king judgeth in way.
truth the indigent, his throne
shall stand firmly for ever.
15 The rod and reproof im- 1 ^ The words of Agur the
part wisdom ;
but a lad aban- son of Yakeh, even the prophe-
doned to himself bringeth shame cy the man said unto Ithiel,

on his mother. even unto Ithiel and Ukkal,

16 With the increase of the 2 “ Surely I am more brutish
wicked transgression increaseth than any man, and have not

but the righteous shall yet look the understanding of a common

on their downfall. man.
17 Correct thy son, and he 3 Nor have I learned wisdom,
will procure thee rest: yea, he so that I should have knowledge

will give delight unto thy soul. of the Holy One.

18 Without a prophetic vision 4 Who was it that ascended
a people become unruly ;
but into heaven, and came down
when it observeth the law, then again ? who gathered the wind
will it be happy. in his fists ? who bound the wa-
19 Not with words (alone) can ters in a garment ? who set up
a servant be corrected; for all the ends of the earth ? what
though he understand, there will is his name, and what is his
be no response. Ison’s name, if thou knowest it?”
20 Seest thou a man that is |
5 Every saying of God is pu-
rified: a shield unto those
he is of the valley pick out, and the
that put their trust in him. young eagles shall eat it.
6 Do not add aught unto his 18 Three things there are
words lest he reprove thee, and
: which are too wonderful for
thou be found a liar. me and four, which I know

7 ^ Two things do I request not

of thee deny them not to me
: 19 The way of the eagle in
before I die. the air; the way of a serpent
8 Vanity and lying wcrds do upon a rock the way of a ship

thou remove far from me nei- in the heart of the sea; and the

ther poverty nor riches give thou way of a man with a young
unto me let me eat the bread woman.

appointed unto me : 20 Such is the way of an

9 Lest I become over-full, and adulterous woman she eateth,:

deny thee, and say, Who is the and wipeth her mouth, and
Lord? or lest I become poor, saith, I have done no wrong.
and steal, and trespass against 21 ^ Under three things the
the name of my God. earth trembleth, and under four
10 Do not calumniate a ser- which she cannot bear:
vant unto his master lest he : 22 Under a servant Avhen he
curse thee, and thou incur becometh king, and a worthless
guilt. fool when he hath eaten enough
11 There is a generation that bread ;
curseth its father, and doth not 23 Under an odious woman
bless its mother. when she is married, and a
12 There is a generation that bondwoman when she dispos-
is pure in its own eyes, and yet sessed her mistress.
is not washed (clean) of its filthi- 24 There are four which
ness. are the little ones of the earth,
13 There is a generation —
and they are nevertheless ex-
how lofty are its eyes and its ceedingly wise

eyelids are so lifted up. 25 The ants are a people not

14 There is a generation, strong, therefore do they prepare
whose teeth are as swords, and in the summer their food
whose cutting teeth are as knives, 26 The conies are but a feeble
to devour the poor from oft’ the people, therefore do they place
earth, and the needy from among on the rocks their houses
men. 27 The locusts have no king,
15 Insatiability hath two and yet they go forth in troops
daughters, (crying,) Give, give. altogether;
There are three things that are 28 The spider thou canst catch
never satisfied, yea, four things with (thy) hands, and yet she is
which never say, Enough. in the palaces of a king.
16 The nether world; and a 29 Three there are that
barren womb; the earth which have a stately step, and four,
is not satisfied with water ; and that are stately in going
the fire which never saith, 30 The lion, the mightiest
Enough. among beasts, who turneth not
17 The eye that mocketh at round from before any one
his father, and despiseth to obey 31 The light-legged grey,
his mother, this shall the ravens hound, and the he-goat ; and a
Ling against whom there is no 12 She treateth him well and
rising up. not ill, all the days of her
32 If thou hast become de- life.
graded by lifting up thyself, or 13 She seeketh for wool and
if thou hast devised evil, put flax, and worketh with her will
thy hand to thy mouth ; ing hands.
33 For the pressure of milk 14 She is become like the
bringeth forth butter, and the merchant’s ships from afar dofh

pressure of the nose bringeth she bring her food.

forth blood so the pressure of
: 15 And she riseth while it is
wrath bringeth forth strife. yet night, and giveth provision
to her household, and a task to
CHAPTER XXXI. her maidens.
1 The words of king Le- 16 She thinketh of a field,
muel, the prophecy with which and buyeth it: with the fruit of
his mother instructed him. her hands she planteth a vine-
2 What (hast thou done), 0 yard.
my son ? and what, 0 son of my 17 She girdeth with strength
body? and what, 0 son of my her loins, and giveth vigour to
vows? her arms.
3 Give not unto women thy 18 She perceive th that her
vigour, nor thy ways to those profit is good: (therefore) her
that ruin kings. lamp goeth not out by night.
4 Not for kings, 0 Lemoel 19 She stretch eth out her
not for kings (is it fitting) to hands to the spindle, and her
drink wine, nor for princes, palms hold fast the distaff.
strong drink : 20 She spreadeth out wide
5 Lest either might drink, her open palm to the poor: yea,
and forget what is written in the her hands she stretcheth forth
law, and pervert the cause of all to the needy.
the afflicted. 21 She hath no fear for her
6 Give strong drink unto him household of the snow ; for all
that is ready to perish, and wine her household are clothed in
unto those who have an embit- scarlet.
tered soul. 22 Tapestry-covering she mak-
7 Let such a one drink, and eth for herself of linen an 1 pur-

forget his poverty, and remem- ple is her attire.

ber his trouble no more. 23 Well-known is in the gates
8 Open thy mouth for the her husband, when he sitteth
dumb, for the cause of all fa- with the elders of the land.
therless children. 24 Fine tunics she maketh,
9 Open thy mouth, judge and selleth them, and girdles
righteously, and decide the she furnisheth unto the mer-
cause of the poor and needy. chant.
10 Who can find a virtuous 25 Strength and dignity are
woman ? for far above pearls is her clothing and she smileth

her value. at the coming of the last

11 The heart of her husband day.
doth safely trust in her, and 26 She openeth her mouth
he will not see his gain dimi- with wisdom, and the law of
nish. kindness is on her tongue.

27 She looketh well to the done virtuously but thou e*- ;

ways of her household, and the cellest them all.”

bread of idleness she doth not 30 False is grace, and vain is
eat. beauty a woman only that fear -

28 Her children
rise up, eth the Lord shall indeed be
and her blessed her hus- praised.
call ;

band, also, and he praiseth 31 Give her of the fruit of

her her hands, and let her own works
29 “ Many daughters have praise her in the gates.



burnt-offerings according to the

CHAPTER I. number of all of them ; for Job
1 There was a man in the said, It may be that my sons
land of ’Uz, Job [Iyyob] was have sinned, and have renounced
his name; and this man was God in their heart. In this
perfect and upright, and fearing manner used Job to do all the
God, and eschewing evil. time.
2 And there were born unto 6 Now it happened on a cer-
him seven sons andthree daugh- tain day, when the sons of God
ters. came to present themselves be-
3 And
his cattle consisted of fore the Lord, that the Accuser
seven thousand sheep, and three also came in the midst of them.
thousand camels, and five hun- 7 Then said the Lord unto
dred yoke of oxen, and five the Accuser, Whence comest
hundred she-asses, and he had a thou? And the Accuser an-
very great store of servants so swered the Lord, and said,

that this man was greater than From roaming over the earth,
all the sons of the east. and from wandering through it.
4 And his sons used to go and 8 Then said the Lord unto the
prepare a feast in the house of Accuser, Hast thou directed thy
every one on his day; and they attention toward my servant
tent and invited their three sis- Job; for there is none like him
ters to eat and to drink with on the earth, a man perfect and
them. upright, who feareth God, and
5 And it happened, when the escheweth evil ?
days of the feast were gone 9 Then answered the Accuser
round, that Job sent and sancti- the Lord, and said, Is it for
fied them, and he then rose up nought that Job feareth God ?
early in the morning, and offered 10 Behold, thou hast indeed
84 997

placed a fence about him, and other, and said, Thy sons and
about his house, and about all thy daughters were eating and
that he hath, on every side the
: drinking wine in the nouse of
work of his hands hast thou their first-born brother
blessed, andhis cattle are far 19 When, behold, a violent
spread out in the land. wind came from the direction
11 But stretch only forth thy of the wilderness, and struck
hand, and touch all that he hath, against the four corners of the
and (see) whether he will not house, so that it fell upon the
renounce thee to thy face. young men, and they died and ;

12 Then said the Lord unto I am escaped, none but mj'self

the Accuser, Behold, all that is alone, to tell it unto thee.
his be in thy power ;
only 20 Then arose Job, and rent
against himself shalt thou not his robe, and shaved his head,
stretch forth thy hand. The and fell down upon the ground,
Accuser went thereupon away and prostrated himself,
from the presence of the Lord. 21 And he said, Naked came
13 And it happened on a cer- I out of my mother’s w omb, and
tain day, when his sons and his naked shall I return thither the :

daughters were eating and drink- Lord gave, and the Lord hath
ing wine in the house of their taken away; may the name of
first-born brother, the Lord be blessed.
14 That a messenger came 22 With all this did Job not
unto Job, and said, The oxen sin, and attributed no injustice
were ploughing, and the she- to God.
asses were feeding beside them :

15 When the Sabeans made CHAPTER II.

an incursion, and took them 1 And it happened (again)

away, and the young men they on a certain day, when the sons
slew with the edge of the sword; of God came to present them-
and I am escaped, none but my- selves before the Lord, that the
self alone, to tell it unto thee. Accuser also came in the midst
16 This one was yet speaking, of them to present himself before
when another came, and said, A the Lord.
fire of God fell from heaven, and 2 Then said the Lord unto
burnt among the sheep and the the Accuser, Whence comest thou
young men, and consumed them now ? And the Accuser answer-
and I am escaped, none but my- ed the Lord, and said, From
self alone, to tell it unto thee. roaming over the earth, and from
17 This one was yet speak- wandering through it.
ing, when another came, and 3 Then said the Lord unto
said, The Chaldeans posted them- the Accuser, Hast thou directed
selves in three divisions, and thy attention toward my servant
made an inroad against the Job; for there is none like him
camels, and took them away, on the earth, a man perfect and
and the you'ng men they slew upright, who feareth God, and
with the edge of the sword ; and escheweth evil ? and he is still
I am escaped, none but myself holding fast to his integrity, and
alone, to tell it unto thee. thou hast incited me against
18 While this one was yet him, to destroy him without
speaking, there came also an- cause.

4 Then answered the Accuser with him on the ground seven

the Lord, and said, Skin for days \nd seven nights; but no
skin yea, all that a man hath
one spoke a word unto him for ;

will he give in behalf of his life. they saw that his pain was very
5 But stretch only forth thy great.
hand, and touch his bone and
his flesh, and (see) whether he CHAPTER
will not renounce thee to thy 1 After this time Job opened
face. his mouth, and cursed his day.
6 Then said the Lord unto 2 And Job commenced, and
the Accuser, Behold, he is in thy said,
hand only take care of his life.
: 3 Oh that the day whereon I
7 Thereupon went the Accuser was born might perish, and the
forth from the presence of the night when it was said, There
Lord, and he smote Job with a hath been a male child con-
sore inflammation, from the sole ceived.
of his foot unto the crown of his 4 May that day be (covered
head. with) darkness; may not God
8 And (Job) took himself a from above inquire for it, and
potsherd to scrape himself there- may no light beam upon it.
with, while he was sitting down 5 Oh that darkness and the
among the ashes. shadow of death might defile it!
9 Then said his wife unto him, may a cloud rest upon it; may
Art thou still holding fast to thy the blackness of the day ter-
integrity? renounce God, and rify it.
die. 6 Yon night —
let darkness
10 But he said unto her, Thou seize upon not be united
it; let it
speakest as one of the worthless to the days of the year; let it
women would speak. What? not come into the number of
should we accept the good alone the (periods lighted by the)
from God, and the evil we should moon.
not accept? With all this did 7 Lo, may that night be soli-
Job not sin with his lips. tary, let no song of joy occur
11 When now the three thereon.
friends of Job had heard of all 8 Let those denounce it that
this evil that was come over him, curse the day, who are ready to
the}7 came every one from his raise up their mourning cry.
own place, Eliphaz the Theman- 9 Let the stars of its twilight
ite, and Bildad the Shuchite, and be darkened let it hope for

Zophar the Na’amathite; and light, and there be none and ;

they met together to come to let it not behold the eyelids of

condole with him and to comfort the morning-dawn
him. 10 Because God closed not
12 And when they lifted up against me the doors of the
their eyes afar off, and they re- womb, and thus concealed trou-
cognised him not, they lifted up ble from my eyes.
their voice, and wept; and they 11 Why did I not die (the mo-
rent every one his robe, and ment I issued) from the womb ?
strewed dust upon their heads (why) was I not born merely to
toward heaven. perish at once ?
13 They likewise sat down 12 Wherefore were knees rea-
dy to receive me ? and for what CHAPTER IV.
purpose were breasts there that 1 Then answered Eliphaz
I might suck ? the Themanite, and said,
13 For now should I be lying 2 If we essay to address a
still and be quiet ; I should sleep word to thee, wilt thou be wea-
then would I be at rest, ried ? yet who is able to refrain
14 With kings and counsellors from speaking ?
of the earth, who build up ruined 3 Behold, thou hast (ere this)
places for themselves corrected many, and weak hands
15 Or with princes possessing thou wast wont to strengthen.
gold, who fill their houses with 4 Him that stumbled thy worJs
silver; used to uphold, and to sinking
16 Or as an untimely birth, knees thou gavest vigour.
hidden (from view) I should not 5 Yet now, when it cometh to
exist; as infants that never have thee, thou art wearied it touch- :

seen the light: eth even thee, and thou art ter-
17 There (where) the wicked rified.
cease from troubling; and where 6 Is not then thy fear of God
the exhausted weary are at still thy confidence, thy hope
rest ; equal to the integrity of thy
18 (Where) the prisoners re- ways?
pose together, (and) they hear 7 Remember, I pray thee, who
no more the taskmaster’s voice. ever perished, being innocent?
19 The small with the great is or where were the righteous de-
there, and the servant free from stroyed ?
his master. 8 Even as I have seen, that
20 Wherefore giveth He now those who plough wrong- doing,
light to the labour-laden, and and sow trouble, have to reap
life unto the bitter in soul? the same.
21 Who wait for death, which 9 Before the breathing of God
(cometh) not; and who dig for they perish, and before the breath
it sooner than for hidden trea- of his nostrils they come to their
sures ;
22 Who would rejoice even to 10 The roaring of the lion,
exulting, who would be glad and the voice of the fierce lion,
could they but find a grave ? and the teeth of the young lions,
23 (Why is light given) to a are broken.
man whose way is hidden, and 11 The old lion perisheth fi$*
around whom God hath placed lack of prey, and the whelps of
a fence? the lioness have to scatter them-
24 For before my food cometh selves abroad.
my groaning, and like the water 12 But to me a word came
are poured forth my loud com- by stealth, and my ear took in
plaints. a scarcely perceptible whisper
25 Because what I greatly thereof,
dreaded is come upon me, and 13 In intense thoughts out of
what I apprehended is come un- visions of the night, when deep
to me. sleep falleth on men :

26 I have had no safety, and 14 Dread came over me, with

no quiet, and no rest and (now) trembling, and it caused all my

harrowing trouble is come. bones to shudder.

15 Then flitted a spirit past doth trouble grow up out of the
before my face the hair of my
body stood up: 7 But man is born unto trou-
16 It stood still, but I could ble, as young birds take up their
not recognise its form ; a figure flight.
was before my eyes, a slight 8 I, however, would have be-
whisper, then a (louder) voice I sought God, and unto God would
heard, saying, I have committed my cause;
17 Can a mortal be more right- 9 Who doth great things which
eous than God? or can a man are unsearchable, marvellous
be more pure than his Maker ? things till they are without num-
18 Behold, in his servants he ber ;

putteth no trust, and his angels 10 Who giveth rain upon the
he chargeth with folly : surface of the earth, and sendeth
19 How much less in those out waters over the face of the
that dwell in houses of clay, fields
whose foundation is in the dust, 11 To set up the lowly on
who are crushed till they come high, that those who mourn may
to be eaten by the moth ? rise high to happiness;
20 From morning to evening 12 (But) who frustrateth the
are they broken to pieces with-
: plans of the crafty, so that their
hands cannot execute their well-
out laying it (to heart) they pe-
rish for ever. devised counsel;
21 Behold, their excellency 13 Who catcheth the wise in
which is in them is torn away their own craftiness; and the

they die, and this without wis- advice of the perverse is has-
dom. tened on headlong
14 By day they meet with
CHAPTER V. darkness, and as though it were
1 Do but call: is there one night they grope about in the
that will answer thee? and to noon of day;
whom of the saints wilt thou 15 But who saveth from the
turn thyself? sword, from their mouth, and
2 For vexation will prove from the hand of the mighty, the
death to a foolish man, and jea- needy one
lousy will slay the simple. 16 And so cometh to the in-
3 I have myself seen the digent hope, and iniquity stop-
foolish taking root; but I sud- peth her mouth.
denly held his habitation as ac- 17 Behold, happy is the man
cursed. whom God admonisheth despise :

4 His children are far from then not the correction of the
help, and men crush them in Almighty.
the gate, with no one to deliver 18 For he it is that woundeth,
them. and bindeth up: he smiteth, mi
5 (He it is) whose harvest the his hands do heal.
hungry eateth up, and taketh it 19 In six distresses will he
even out 'f the thorns, and the deliver thee; and in seven there
robber snatcheth eagerly after shall no evil touch thee.
their substance. 20 In famine he redeemeth
6 For wrong doth not come thee from death; and in war
forth out of the dust, neither from the power of the sword.
84* 2R2 1001
21 Against the scourge of the them they are unto
: me like dig*
tongue shalt thou be hidden gusting food.
and thou needest not be afraid 8 Oh that some one would
of destruction when it cometh. grant the accomplishment of my
22 At destruction and famine request ;
and that God would
canst thou laugh and thou
grant me the fulfilment of my
needest not to have any fear of hope
the beasts of the earth. 9 Yea, that it would please
23 For with the stones of the God that he might crush me:
field shalt thou have thy cove- that he would let loose his hand,
nant; and the beasts of the field and make an end of me !

shall be at peace with thee. 10 Then would this be still

24 And thou shalt know that my comfort; yea, I would re-
there is peace in thy tent; and joice in my pain while he would
thou wilt look over thy habita- not spare that I have not gain-

tion, and shalt miss nothing. said the commands of the Holy
25 And thou shalt know that One.
thy seed is numerous, and thy 11 What is my strength, that
offspring as the herbage of the I should wait? and what my
earth. end, that I should yet longer re •

26 Thou wilt go in a ripe age tain my patience ?

unto the grave, as a shock of 12 Is the strength of stones
corn is carried home in its sea- my strength? or is my flesh
son. brazen ?
27 Behold this, we have search- 13 Truly, am I not without
ed it out, so it is hear it, and my help in me? and is not wise

do thou note it well for thyself. counsel driven far away from
me ?
CHAPTER VI. 14 As though I were one who
-1 Then answered Job, and refuseth kindness to his friend,
said, and forsaketh the fear of the
2 Oh that my vexation could Almighty !

be truly weighed, and my cala- 15 My brothers are treacher-

mity oh that men might lift it ous as a brook, like flowing
up in the balances at once ! brooks they pass along
3 For now it is already hea- 16 Which are made turbid by
vier than the sand of the sea: reason of the ice, wherein the
therefore are my words con- snow hideth itself
fused. 17 At the time when they feel
4 For the arrows of the Al- the warmth, they vanish when ;

mighty are within me, the poi- it is hot, they are quenched out
son whereof my spirit drinketh of their place.
in: the terrors of God set them- 18 The paths of their course
selves in array against me. wind themselves along; they go
5 Doth the wild ass bray over up in the wilderness and are
the grass ? or loweth the ox over lost.
his fodder? 19 The caravans of Thema
6 Is ever tasteless food eaten look hither, the travelling com-
without salt? or is there any fla- panies of Sheba hope for them
vour in the white of an egg? 20 But they stand ashamed
7 My soul refuseth to touch because they had trusted ; they
come thither and are made to sess months of vanity, and nigh tl
blush. of trouble were counted out untc
21 For truly now ye are like me.
euch a one: ye. see my terrible 4 When I lie down, I say,
state, and are afraid. When shall I arise, and the night
22 Have I then ever said. be gone? and I am wearied with
Give me something, and out of tossings about till the dawn of
your property offer a bribe in day.
my behalf? 5 My flesh is covered with
23 And deliver me from the worms and clods of dust my :

hand of the adversary ? and re- skin is burst open, and become
deem me from the hand of ty- loathsome.
rants ? 6 My days hasten away more
24 Teach me, and I will in- swiftly than a Aveaver’s shuttle,
deed remain silent; and wherein and they come to an end in the
I liave erred give me to under- absence of hope.
stand. 7 Oh remember that nothing
25 How pleasant are straight- but a breath is my life; that my
forward words but what doth eye will not again see happi-

your arguing prove ? ness ;

26 Do ye think to reprove 8 The eye of him that seeth

words, and (to regard) as wind me now will not behold me
the speeches of one that is de- again: (thou fixest) thy eyes
spairing ? upon me, and I am no more.
27 Yea, ye would cast any 9 As the cloud vanisheth and
thing upon the fatherless, and passeth away so will he that

ye would dig a pit against your goeth down to the nether world
friend. not come up again.
28 But now, if it please you, 10 He will return no more to
turn yourselves toward me, and his house, and his place will not
(say) whether I would lie before recognise him any more.
your face. 11 Therefore will I also not
29 Pteflect again, I pray you, restrain my mouth I will speak ;

there will be no wrong yea, re- in the anguish of my spirit; I


flect once more, my righteous- will complain in the bitterness

ness (will be found) therein. of my soul.
30 Is there any wrong on my 12 Am
I a sea, or a monster,
tongue? or should my palate that thou settest a watch over
not understand (if I spoke) what me?
is iniquitous? 13 For should I say, My bed
shall comfort me, my couch shall
CHAPTER VII. help me bear my complaint:
1 Is there not a limited time 14 Then wouldst thou frighten
of service to a mortal upon earth ? me with dreams, and with visions
are not his days also like the wouldst thou terrif}' me ;

days of a hired labourer? 15 So that my soul would

2 As a servant eagerly long- choose strangling, death rathei
eth for the shadow, and as a than these limbs of mine.
hired labourer hopeth for his 16 I loathe it; I cannot live
reward for ever let me alone
: for my ;

3 So was I compelled to pos- days are but nought.

17 What is the mortal, that thyself to (stand by) the research
thou shouldst make him great? of their fathers ; —
and that thou shouldst direct thy 9 For we are but of yesterday,
heart toward him ? and know nothing, because a
18 And that thou shouldst (mere) shadow are our days upon
visit him every morning, probe earth ;
him every moment? 10 Behold, these will truly
19 How long wilt thou not teach thee, they will speak unto
turn thy regard from me, nor thee, and out of their very heart
let me loose till I swallow down will they bring forth words :

my spittle ? 11 Can the bulrush shoot up-

20 If I have sinned, what ward without mire? can the
(injury) can I cause unto thee, meadow-grass grow up without
0 thou Guardian of men? why water ?
hast thou set me as an object 12 It is yet in its greenness,
for thee to strike at, so that not yet cut down, when it wither-
1 am become a burden to my- eth before any other grass.
self? 13 So are the paths of all that
21 And why wilt thou not for- forget God ; and the hope of the
give my transgression, and let hypocrite will perish :

my iniquity pass away ? for soon 14 (It is he) whose trust will
must I lie down in the dust ;
and be cut off, and but a spider’s web
thou wilt seek for me, but I shall is that in which he confideth.
be no more. 15 He leaneth against his
house, but it shall not stand; he
CHAPTER VIII. layeth fast hold on it, but it shall
1 Then answered Bildad not remain erect.
the Shuchite, and said, 16 He is in full vigour before
2 How long wilt thou speak the sun, and over his garden his
these things? and (let) like a shoots go forth.
mighty wind be the words of thy 17 His roots are twisted about
mouth ? a stone-heap, he selecteth (for
3 Should God pervert justice? himself) a place of stones.
or should the Almighty pervert 18 But when men destroy him
righteousness ? from his place, then will it deny
4 If thy children have sinned him, saying, I have never seen
against him, then did he send thee.
them off through the means of 19 Behold, this is the joy of
their transgression. his way, and out of the (same)
5 If thou wilt earnestly seek dust others will grow up.
for God, and make thy supplica- 20 Behold, God will not re-
tion to the Almighty ject a perfect man, and will not
6 If thou become pure and hold fast by their hand the evil-
upright : surely then will he doers :

watch over thee, and restore thy 21 Till he fill thy mouth with
righteous habitation. laughing, and thy lip s with joy-
7 And thy beginning will ful shouting.
have been small; because thy 22 They that hate thee shall
latter end will grow up greatly. be clothed with shame; and the
8 For ask, I pray thee, of an tent of the wicked shall be no
earlier generation, and prepare more.
that C 4 ndemneth me I coulu
CHAPTER IX. (only) make supplicaticn.
1 Then answered Job, and 16 Or were I to call, and he
said, would answer me, I could yet
2 Truly I know that it is so: not believe that he would give
and how could a mortal be ear unto my voice
righteous before God? 17 He that bruiseth me with
3 If he were desirous to enter (his) tempest, and multiplied!
into a contest with him, he could my wounds without a cause.
not give him one answer out of 18 He suffereth me not to re -

a thousand. cover my breath ;

but feedeth
4 He is wise of heart, and me overmuch with bitter things.
mighty in strength who hath : 19 If it regard strength, lo, he
hardened himself against him, is the powerful; and if justice,

and escaped unscathed? who will cite him for me to ap-

5 (He who removeth pear ?
it is)
mountains, and they know it 20 If I were righteous even,
not, yea, when he overturneth my own mouth would condemn
them in his anger ;
me: were I innocent, it would
6 Who shaketh the earth loose prove me perverse.
out of her place, that her pillars 21 I am innocent; I will not
tremble ;
have regard for myself I will ;

7 Who speaketh to the sun, despise my life.

and he shineth not, and around 22 One thing is (certain),
the stars he placeth a seal therefore have I said it, The in-
8 Who spread out the heavens nocent and the wicked he bring-
by himself alone, and treadeth eth to their end.
upon the hillocks of the sea; 23 If a scourge should slay
9 Who made the Bear, Orion, suddenly, he will mock at the
and the Pleiades, and the cham- trial of the guiltless.
bers of the south 24 Is a land given up into the
10 Who doth great things hand of the wicked? he covereth
which are quite unsearchable, the faces of its judges if this be

and wonders which are quite not the truth, who is it then?
without number. 25 And my days pass swifter
11 Lo, were he to go past by than a runner: they flee away,
me, I should not see him and ; they see no happiness,
were he to pass along, I should 26 They hasten along like
not perceive him. pirate ships like the eagle that

12 Behold, were he to snatch stoopeth down upon his food.

aught away, who could hold him 27 If I say, I will forget my
back ? who would say unto him, complaint, I will leave off my
What dost thou ? sorrowful countenance, and re-
13 God will not withdraw his cover my cheerfulness

anger: beneath him sink down 28 0 then would I be in dread

the helpers of the proud. of all my pains; I know that
14 How much less then could thou wilt not declare me inno-
I answer him, and select my cent.
words (to contend) with him? 29 I must ever be guilty why :

15 Whom, were I even right- then should I fatigue myself for

eous, I could not answer ? to him nought?
30 If I were to wash myself round about: and yet thou dost
in snow-water, to cleanse my- destroy me !

self in the purity of my hands: 9 Remember,

I beseech thee,
31 Even then wouldst thou that as though I were clay hast
plunge me in the ditch, that my thou made me: and wilt thou
own clothes would render me cause me to return again unto
abhorred. the dust?
32 For he is not a man, like 10 Behold, like milk didst
me, that I could answer him, thou pour me out, and like
that we should enter together cheese didst thou curdle me.
into a contest. 11 With skin and flesh didst
33 There is no one who can thou clothe me, and with bones
decide between us, who could and sinews didst thou cover me.
lay his hand upon us both. 12 Life and kindness didst
34 Let him but remove from thou grant me, and thy provi-
me his rod, and let not his dread dence watched over my spirit.
terrify me 13 And yet these things hadst
35 Then would I speak, and thou treasured up in thy heart:
not fear him; for the like I feel I know that this was (resolved)
not within me. within thee.
14 If I have sinned, then dost
CHAPTER X. thou watch me, and from my
1 My soul is disgusted with iniquity thou wilt not declare
my life;' I will give free vent to me guiltless.
my complaint over myself; I 15 If I be wicked, wo unto
will speak in the bitterness of me ;
and if I be righteous, I can
my soul. still not lift up my head ;
I am
2 I will say unto God, Do not sated with disgrace, and ever
condemn me let : me know for seeing my affliction
what cause thou contendest 16 And it constantly increas-
against me. eth ; like a fierce lion dost thou
3 Is it well for thee that thou hunt for me; and again thou
shouldst oppress, that thou showest thyself continually won-
shouldst reject the labour of thy derful on me;
hands, and shed light upon the 17 Thou ever renewest thy
counsel of the wicked? witnesses against me, and caus-
4 Hast thou eyes of flesh ? or est thy indignation to grow
wilt thou see as a mortal seeth ? strong against me; changes and
5 Are thy days as the days of multitudes (of sufferings) are
a mortal, or are thy years as the around me.
days of a man, 18 Wherefore then didst thou
6 That thou inquirest after bring me forth out of the womb ?
my iniquity, and searchest after Oh that I had perished, and that
my sin ? no eye had seen me!
7 Still it is within thy know- 19 That I were as though I
ledge that I am not wicked, and had not been, had been borne —
there is none that can deliver from the womb to the grave.
me out of thy hand. 20 Lo my days are but few:

8 Thy hands have carefully cease, then, withdraw from me

fashioned me and made me (thy hand), that I may recover
©very thing is in harmony all my cheerfulness a little,
JOB 3 .—XII.
21 Before 1 go, and return 12 And the heartless who ac-
v,>t, to the land of darkness and quireth intelligence, and him who
the shadow of death, is (like) the colt of the wild ass

22 A land of utter gloom, as who is transformed into a man.

of the darkness of the shadow 13 If thou truly direct (aright)
of death, without any order, and thy heart, and spread out thy
the light, of which is like utter hands toward him :

gloom. 14 If wrong be in thy hand,

put it far away, and let not wick-
CHAPTER XI. edness dwell in thy tents.
1 Then answered Zopha.r 15 For then canst thou lift up
the Na’amathite, and said, thy face free from blemish yea,
2 Shall a multitude of words thou wilt stand steadfast, and
not be answered? and is it so needest not to fear ;

that a man full of talk shall be 16 Because thou wilt truly

deemed in the right? forget thy trouble, and as a
3 Thy inventions are to bring waterflood that is passed away
men to silence; and when thou wilt thou remember it;
utterest thy mockings no one is 17 And brighter than the noon
to cause thee to feel of day will thy earthly exist-
4 For thou hast said (to God), ence arise ; and thy obscurity
My doctrine is pure, and I am will be like thy morning.
become clean in thy eyes. 18 And thou wilt feel trust,
5 But oh that God would but because there is hope yea, thou

speak, and open his lips against wilt search about carefulty, and
thee thou wilt lie down in safety.
6 And that he would declare 19 Also thou wilt stretch thy-
unto thee the secrets of wisdom ; self out (to rest), with none to
for it is double to that which is make thee afraid and many will

really in our possession and

: entreat thy favour.
thou wouldst experience that 20 But the eyes of the wicked
God overlooketh unto thee much shall fail, and the means of
of thy iniquity. escape will vanish from them,
7 Canst thou find out the ex- and their (sole) hope shall be
perience of God? or canst thou the breathing out of their soul.
find (the way) unto the utmost
limit of the Almighty ? CHAPTER XII.
8 It is as high as heaven; 1 Then answered Job, and
what canst thou effect? it is said,
deeper than the nether world; 2 Truly ye are indeed the
what canst thou know ? (right kind of) people, and with
9 Longer than the earth is its you wisdom must die out.
measure, and broader than the 3 I also have sense like you;
sea. I do not fall short compared
10 If he pass by, and sur- with you and who possesseth

render (one to suffering), and not such things as these ?

call together an assembly, who am
as one laughed at by
4 I
can hinder him ? his friend, who calleth upon
11 For he knoweth the men of God, while he answereth him
vanit v he seeth the wrong-doer (yea,) a laughing-stock though

and him who considereth not; righteous and innocent.

5 To the unfortunate there
is 19 He leadeth priests away

given contempt according to bereft of sense, and the power-
the thoughts of him that is at ful he causeth to walk on crtok-
ease —
prepared (also) for those ed paths.
whose foot slippeth. 20 He removeth the speech
6 Prosperous are the tents of from trusty speakers, and taketb
robbers, and security is given to away the intelligence of the aged.
those that provoke God, to him 21 He poureth contempt up-
who carrieth his god in his hand. on princes, and the belt of the
7 Yet, do only ask of the mighty he looseneth.
beasts, and they will instruct 22 He la.yeth open deep things
thee and the fowls of the hea- from the midst of darkness, and

vens, and they will tell it thee; bringeth out unto light the sha-
8 Or speak to the earth, and dow of death.
she will instruct thee; and the 23 He permitteth the nations
fishes of the sea will inform to become great, and destroyeth
thee them he spreadeth out the na-

9 Who knoweth not through tions, and leadeth them away.

all these that the hand of the 24 He taketh away the sense
Lord hath wrought this ? of the chiefs of the people of the
10 (He) in whose hand is the land, and causeth them to wan-
soul of every living thing, and der astray in a wilderness where
the spirit of all the bodies of there is no way.
men ? 25 They grope in the dark
11 Doth not the ear try words, without light, and he causeth
as the palate tasteth food for it- them to wander astray like a
self? drunken man.
12 So with the ancients
wisdom, and
with (those of) CHAPTER XIII.
length of days understanding, 1 Lo, all hath my eye
13 That with him are wisdom seen, my 6ar hath heard and
and strength, his are counsel and noted it for itself
understanding. 2 As much as ye know, do I
14 Behold, he pulleth down, also know : I do not fall short
and there can be no rebuilding compared with you.
he locketh (the prison) upon a 3 However, I would gladly
man, and there can be no open- speak to the Almighty and to ;

ing. argue with God do I desire.

15 Behold, he restraineth the 4 But ye are inventors of
waters, and they dry up or he;
falsehood, physicians of no value
suffereth them to flow, and they are all of you.
overturn the earth. 5 Oh who would grant that
16 With him are strength and ye might keep a profound si-
counsel: his are the deceived lence and it would be account-

and the deceiver. ed unto you as wisdom.

17 He leadeth counsellors 6 Do hearken but to my rea-
away bereft of sense, and mak- soning, and listen to the plead-
eth the judges fools. ings of my lips.
18 He looseth the bond of 7 Will ye speak wrong things
kings, and bindeth a girdle for God? and will ye speak for
around their loins. him deceitfully ?
8 Will ye show him undue 24 Wherefore wilt thou hi lo

favour, when ye contend for thy face, and regard me as an

God ? enemy unto thee ?
9 Will it be well if he should 25 Wilt thou terrify a leaf
search you out? or as one over- driven about (by the wind)?
reacheth another mortal, do ye and wilt thou pursue dry stub-
tjxpect to overreach him? ble?
10 He will surely reprove 26 That thou writest bitter
you, if in secret you show him decrees against me, and assign-
undue favour. est unto me the iniquities of my
11 Doth not his excellency youth
terrify you? and his dread fall 27 And (that) thou puttest my
upon you ? feet in the stocks, and watchest
12 The things you remember narrowly all my paths; (and)
are mere proverbs of ashes, your settest for thyself a mark upon
high-places are high-places of the soles of my feet ?
clay. 28 And yet the bod}' decayeth
13 Keep silence toward me, like a rotten thing, as a garment
that I may indeed speak, and that the moth hath eaten.
let pass over me what will.
14 Whatever it may cost, I CHAPTER XIV.
will take my flesh in my teeth, 1 Man born of a woman is
and my life will I put in my short of days, and sated with
hand. harrowing trouble.
15 Lo, though he slay me, yet 2 Like a flower he cometh
will I trust in him only I will
: forth, and is cut down and he :

argue my own ways before him. fleeth like a shadow, and re-
16 Even he will come to my maineth not.
assistance for a hypocrite can-
3 And yet on such a one dost
not come before him. thou open thy eyes, and me
17 Listen well to my word, thou bringest into judgment
and to my demonstration with with thee ?
your ears. 4 Who can make a clean
18 Behold now, I have arrayed thing out of an unclean ? not
my cause: I know that I shall one (thing).
be indeed justified. 5 Seeing that his days are de-
19 Who is he that will con- termined, the number of his
tend with me? for now, if I months are (fixed) with thee,
keep silence, I must perish. that thou hast set his bounds
20 Only two things do not which he cannot pass :

unto me then will I not hide

: 6 Turn thyself from him that
myself from thy presence. he may recover from his pain,
21 Remove thy hand far from and be able to enjoy like a hired
me and let not thy dread ter- labourer his day.

rify me. 7 For there is hope for Ihe

22 Then call thou, and I will tree if it be cut down, it may

answer; or let me speak, and still sproutagain, while its young

do thou reply to me. shoot will not cease.
23 How many are my iniqui- 8 If even its root become old
ties and sins? my transgression in the earth, and its stock die in
pud my sin let me know. the dust:
85 2 S 1009
9 Yet through the scent of nouiy but he knoweth it not!
water will it flourish (again), and they are esteemed little, but
and produce boughs as though he perceiveth nothing of them.
it were newly planted. 22 But his body, on him, feel-
10 But man dieth, and lieth eth pain, and his soul will mourn
powerless yea, the son of earth for him.


departeth and where is he?

11 The waters run off from CHAPTER
the sea, and the river faileth 1 f Then answered Eliphaz
and drieth up : the Themanite, and said,
12 So doth man lie down, and 2 Should a wise man utter
riseth not; till the heavens be windy knowledge, and fill his
no more, they will not awake, inward parts with the east wind?
and will not be roused out of 3 Should he reason with a
their sleep. speech which avaiieth nothing ?
13 Oh who would grant that and with words in which there
thou mightest hide me in the is no profit ?
nether world, that thou mightest 4 Yea, thou truly makest void
conceal me, until thy wrath be the fear (of God), and diminish-
appeased, that thou mightest es! devotion before God.
set for me a fixed time, and re- 5 For th}r iniquity teacheth
member me then thy mouth, so that thou choosost
14 Or, when a man dieth, will the language of the crafty.
he live again ? all the days of 6 Thy own mouth must con-
my time of service would I then demn thee, but not I yea, thy :

wait, till (the hour of) my re- own lips will testify against
lease were come. thee.
15 Do thou call, and I will 7 Wast thou born a^ the first
truly answer thee have a de-
: man ? or wast thou brought forth
work of thy hands. before the hills?
sire for the
16 Yet now thou numberest 8 Hast thou listened to the
my steps and thou waitest not secret counsel of God ? and is

with (the punishment of) my wisdom therefore of little esteem

sin. with thee ?

17 Sealed up in a bag is my 9 What knowest thou, that

transgression, and thou yet add- we do not know ? what under-
est to my iniquity. standest thou, which is not with
18 But truly a falling moun- us ?
tain will crumble, and (even) a 10 Both the grayheaded and
rock is moved out of its place. the very aged are among us,
19 The water weareth out richer than thy father in days.
stones ; thou sweepest away 11 Arc the divine consolations
their fragments (like) the dust too little for thee? and the word
of the earth and so thou de-
: that was so mild with thee ?
stroyest the hope of man. 12 Whither doth thy heart
20 Thou assailest him with carry thee away ? and what do
might without ceasing, till hethy eyes gaze at ?
passeth away thou changest
: 13 That thou shouldst turn
his countenance, and sendest against God thy spirit, and utter
him off. (such) words out of thy mouth ?
21 His children acquire ho- 14 What is man, that he should
be pure? and that he who is 23 And he had dwelt in abam
born of woman should be de- doned cities, in houses which
clared righteous ? none inhabited, which were des-
15 Behold, in his holy onestined to be ruinous heaps.
he putteth no trust; and the 29 (Yet) will he not remain
heavens are not pure in his rich, neither will his wealth en-
e\ es dure, nor will he attain their
16 How much more then the perfection on earth.
abominable and corrupt, the 30 He will never depart out
man who drinketh like water of darkness the flame shall dry

wrong-doing ? up hiS shoots, and he will depart

17 I instruct thee, hear by the breath of God’s mouth.
me ; and what I have seen will 31 Let him that goeth astray
I relate ; not trust in vanity ; for vanity
18 Which wise men have everj will be what he obtaineth there-
told, and have not concealed, as by.
they obtained it from their fa- 32 Even before his time will
thers ; it be overfull, and his branches
L9 Unto whom alone the earth will not be green.
was given, and into whose midst 33 He will shake off like the
no stranger ever entered. vine his unripe grapes, and cast
20 “All his days is the wicked off like the olive his blossoms.
plagued with pain, and the num- 34 For the assembly of hypo-
ber of years which are laid by crites will remain desolate, and
for the tyrant. fire will consume the tents of
21 A
sound of terrors is in his bribery.
ears during peace will the wast-
: 35 They conceive trouble, and
er come over him. bring forth wrong-doing, and
22 He believeth not that he their body prepareth deceit.”
shall return out of darkness, and
he is looked for by the sword.
23 He wandereth abroad for 1 Then answered Job, and
bread, (saying,) Where is it? he said,
knoweth that there is ready at 2 I have heard many things
his hand the day of darkness. such as these troublesome com-

24 Distress and anguish ter- forters are ye all.

rify him they assail him with
: 3 Shall there be any end to
might, as a king prepared for words of wind? or what com-
the battle. pelleth thee that thou shouldst
25 Because he had stretched answer?
out against God his hand, and 4 I also could well speak as
strengthened himself against the ye do if your soul were but in

Almighty ;
my soul’s stead, I could over-
20 (And) he had run against whelm you with words, and
him, wi-th an (extended) neck, could shake my head at you.
with the thick roundings of his 5 But I would strengthen you
bucklers with my mouth, and the condo-
27 Because he had covered lence of my lips should restrain
his face with his fat, and had (your grief).
made thick folds of fat on his 6 Though I were to speak,
flanks my pain would not be restrain-
ed and though I should for-
20 Are my friends my de-

bear, what will go away from me ? fenders ? unto God my eye pour-

7 But now he hath made me eth out (its tears). i

weary thou hast made desolate

: 21 And oh that a mau might

all my company. plead with God, as one son of

8 And thou hast filled me earth with the other !

with wrinkles, they are my wit- 22 For when the numbered

nesses and my leanness riseth years are passed, then must I

up for me, giveth its testimony travel a path whence I cannot

to my face. return.
9 In his wrath he teareth me
to pieces, and assaileth me; he CHAPTER XVII.
gnasheth over me with his teeth 1 My spirit is broken, my
my adversary sendeth threaten- days are cut short, the grave is
ing looks at me. ready for me.
10 They now open wide 2 Yet truly those that mock
against me their mouth re- are with me, and on their of-

proachfully they smite my cheek fendings must my eye rest.

altogether do they assemble 3 And thou, (Creator!) at-
against me. tend, I pray thee, be my surety
11 God hath surrendered me with thyself: who else is there
to the unjust, and cast me down that would strike hands with
into the hands of the wicked. me ?
12 I was at ease, but he hath 4 For thou hast concealed
crushed me; he hath also grasped their heart against intelligence :

me by the neck, and shaken me therefore art thou not exalted

to pieces, and set me up unto (through them).
himself as a mark ;
5 Every one of them speaketh
13 His archers encompass me deceptively to his friends may :

round about he cleaveth my also the eyes of his children fail.


reins asunder, and doth not 6 And he hath placed me here

pity he poureth out upon the as a byword unto nations; and

ground my gall I become openly as a place of

14 He breaketh me down with abomination.
breach upon breach he runneth ;
7 Therefore is my eye dim
against me like a mighty man. from vexation, and my limbs
15 Sackcloth have I sewed are all of them like a shadow.
upon my skin, and my horn I 8 Upright men must be asto-
roll in the dust. nished at this, and the innocent
16 My face gloweth from must arouse himself against the
weeping, and on my eyelids hypocrite.
rcsteth the shadow of death 9 Yet will the righteous hold

17 Not because any violence firmly on to his w.ay and he ;

ii in my hands, and while my that is clean of hands will ac-

prayer is pure. quire additional strength.
18 Earth do thou not cover
! 10 But all of you, do only
up my blood, and let no place return, and come but (to me)
restrain my cry. and yet I shall not find among
19 Even now, behold, my wit- you one wise man.
ness is in the heavens, and one 11 My days are past, my re-
that testifieth for me is on high. solves are broken off, (even the
thoughts) — the possessions of 10is hidden for him
The cord
my heart. ground, and a trap is (set)
in the
12 These would change the; for him on the pathway.
night into day, the light as near; 11 All around do terrors scare
in the presence of darkness, him, and chase him as he walk-
13 When I hope for the nether eth along.
world as my house in the dark-
12 His first-born will suffer
less have I spread my couch hunger, and calamity will bo

14 When I call to corruption, ready for his wife.

Thou art my father: Thou art' 13 It will devour the limbs of
my mother, and my sister, to the his body yea, the first-born of

worms. death will devour his limbs.

15 Ay, where is then my 14 Then will be plucked up
hope ? as for my hope, who will, out of his tent his confidence,
see it (fulfilled) ? and (the evil) will urge him for-
16 Let then my limbs sink ward to the king of terrors.
down to the nether world truly : 15 It will dwell in his tent,

in the dust alone there is rest because it is no more his there :

for all. will be strewed sulphur on his


CHAPTER XVIII. 16 Beneath, his roots will be
1 5[ Then answered Bildad dried up, and above will his
the Shuchite, and said, boughs be cut away.
2 When will ye at length put 17 His remembrance vanish-
an end to words? Come to an eth from the earth, and no name
understanding, and afterward remaineth for him in the streets.
let us speak. 18 Men will thrust him out
3 For what cause are we from light into darkness, and
counted as beasts, reputed stupid out of the world will they drive
in your eyes ? him.
4 Thou, the one that teareth 19 He will have neither son
himself to pieces in his anger nor grandson among his people,
shall for thy sake the earth be nor any that escapeth in the
forsaken, and the rock be moved places of his sojourning.
away out of its place ? 20 Because of his (calami-
5 Ah, truly the light of the tous) day are they that come
wicked will be quenched, and after him astonished, and they
the spark of his fire shall not that went before are seized with
give light. shuddering.
6 The light becometh dark in 21 Yea, such are the dwell-
his tent, and his lamp will be ings of the unjust, and this is
quenched above him. the place of one that knew not
7 His powerful steps will be God.
narrowed, and his own counsel
will casthim down. CHAPTER XIX.
8 For he is driven into the 1 Then answered Job, and
net by his own feet, and he tak- said,
eth his walk upon a snare. 2 How long will
ye grieve my
9 The trap will seize him by soul,and crush me with words?
the heel, and the robber will 3 These ten times have ye
prevail over him. reproached me ye are not
85* 1G13
ashamed when ye show your-| seous to my wife, and my ca-
selves as strangers to me. ressing, to the children of my own
4 Yea, if it be indeed that I body.
have erred, let my error remain 18 Yea, children even despise
with myself. me I rise up, but they speak

5 But if indeed ye wish to against me.

magnify yourselves above me, 19 All that have had my con-
and to prove against me my dis- fidence abominate me and ;

grace : those whom I have loved are

6 Then know for certain that turned against me.
God hath bent me down, and 20 To my skin and to my
hath laid his net all around me. flesh my bones do cleave, and
7 Behold, I cry out concern- I must sustain myself with the
ing the violence (done me), but gums of my teeth.
I am not answered I entreat
: 21 Spare me, spnre me, 0 ye,
aloud, but there is no justice. my friends for the hand of God

8 My road hath he fenced up, hath touched me.

so that I cannot pass out; and 22 Why will ye persecute me
on my paths he placeth dark- as God (hath done), and will
ness. never be satisfied with my flesh?
9 My glory hath he stripped 23 Oh who would but grant,
from me, and removed the crown that my words might be written
of my head. down oh who would grant that

10 He hath pulled me down they were entered in a book

on every side, and I am going 24 That they were hewn with
hence and he hath rooted up an iron pen and (blackened with)

like a tree my hope. lead for eternity in the hard

11 He hath also kindled rock
against me his wrath, and he 25 And well I know that my
counteth me with himself as one redeemer liveth, and that he will
of his adversaries. remain as the last after the crea-
12 Altogether come on his tures of the dust (are passed
troops, and make level against away)
me their way, and encamp round 26 And after my skin is cut to
about my tent. pieces will this be and then,

13 My brothers hath he re- freed from my body shall I be-

moved far from me, and my ac- hold God;
quaintance are entirely estranged 27 Whom I shall myself be-
from me. hold to my happiness, and whom
14 My near of kin have with- my eyes will see, and not as a
drawn, and those befriended by stranger, (when even) my reins
me have forgotten me. are consumed within my bosom.
15 Ye that sojourn in my 28 But if ye should say, IIow
house, and my maid- servants, will we pursue him ? seeing the
regard me as a stranger an root of the matter is found in

alien am I become in their eyes. me :

16 I call for my servant, but 29 Then have dread for your-

he will not answer, though I .selves of the sword; for the
were to entreat him with my wrath (which ye excite) is an in-
mouth. liquity that bringeth the sword;
17 My breath is become nau- in order that ye may know there

Is one that judgeth (in the 13 He will cherish it, and not
world). forsake it; and hold it back
within his palate
CHAPTER XX. 14 His food is thus changed
1 Then answered Zophar within his bowels, and becometh
the Na’amathite, and said, the venom of asps within him.
2 Even therefore do my in- 15 The wealth which he hath
most thoughts give me an an- swallowed, will he have to vomit
swer, and for this reason do I up again God will drive it out

feel a strong excitement within of his belly.

me. 16 The poison of asps will ho
3 Reproof which casteth have to suck the viper’s tongue

shame on me must I hear yet :

will slay him.
out of my understanding will 17 He shall not look with
the spirit give me an answer. pleasure on streams, on flowing
4 l)ost thou know this ? from brooks of honey and cream.
the very beginning of things, 18 He restoreth what he hath
from the very time when man laboured for, and will not swal-
was placed upon earth it was, low it down however much he :

5 That the triumphal shouting may have obtained by toil, he

of the wicked is ever of but a will not have any joy of it.
recent date, and the joy of the 19 Because he oppressed and
hypocrite endureth only for a forsook the indigent; because
moment. he took violently away a house,
6 Though his exaltation shall he not rebuild it;
should mount up to the heavens, 20 Because he knew not qui-
and his head should reach unto etness in his bosom, shall he not
the clouds : escape through what is the most
7 Yet when he but turneth precious to him.
round will he vanish for ever 21 Nothing was spared from
those who have seen him will his craving to eat: therefore
say, Where is he ? shall his wealth not prosper.
8 Like a dream will he fly 22 In the fulness of his abun-
away, and men will find him no dance will distress assail him :

more: yea, he be chased every hand of (those he) trou-

away like a vision of the night. bled will come against him.
9 If an eye have surveyed 23 In order to fill bis belly,
him, it will not do so again, and (God) will send out against him
it will not behold him any more the fury of his wrath, and will
in his place. rain it upon him for his eating.
10 His children will suffer op- 24 If he flee from the iron
pression from the indigent, and weapon, the brazen bow will
his hands will have to restore strike him through.
his (ill-gotten) wealth. 25 He draweth it, and it com-
11 (Now) his bones are full eth out of the body yea, out ;

of his youthful vigour; but it of his gall the glittering (arrow)

will (suddenly) lie down with him cometh forth over him come

in the dust. the terrors (of death).

12 If the evil be sweet in his 26 Entire darkness is laid by
mouth, he will conceal it under for his treasures a fire not

his tongue urged by blowing will consume

him ;
it will destroy any one 13 They wear out their days
that is left in his tent. and in a moment
in happiness,
27 The heavens will lay open they go down to the nether
his iniquity,* and the earth will world.
raise herself up against him. 14 And yet they say unto
23 The product of his house God, “ Depart from us and the ;

will be banished, flowing away knowledge of thy ways we de-

on the day of his wrath. sire not.
29 This is the portion of a 15 What is the Almighty, that
wicked man from God, and his we should serve him? and what
decreed heritage from God. profit shall we have, if we en-
treat him urgently ?”
CHAPTER XXI. 16 Lo, not in their hand doth
1 Then answered Job, and their happiness rest The coun- !

said, sel of the wicked be (still) far

2 Hear, 0 hear my speech, from me.
and let this be wherewith you 17 How often is the lamp of
give consolations. the wicked quenched? and how
3 Bear with me that I may often cometh over them their
indeed speak and after my calamity? and doth (God) dis-

speaking, then canst thou mock. tribute their lot in his anger?
4 As for me, —
is against man 18 Are they as straw before
my complaint? and if this be the wind, and as chaff which the
so, why should my spirit not be storm stealeth away ?
impatient ? 19 Should God lay up for his
5 Turn yourselves unto me, children his wrong-doing? it
and be astounded, and lay your were better that he reward him,
hand upon your mouth. that he might know it himself.
6 Yea, when I think of it, I 20 His own eyes ought to see
am terrified, and shuddering his downfall, and from the wrath
seizeth hold of my flesh. of the Almighty ought he to
7 Wherefore do the wicked drink.
live, become old, yea, grow 21 For what care hath he for
strong in power? his household after him, when
8 Their seed is firmly esta- the number of his months is all
blished in their presence with apportioned to him ?
them, and their offspring are be- 22 Is this fitting God, who
fore their eyes. teacheth knowledge? him who
9 Their houses are at peace judgeth those that are highest?
without any dread, and no rod 23 That this one dieth in his
of God (cometh) over them. full strength, being wholly at
10 The bull of each one ease and quiet;
gendereth, and disappointeth 24 His vessels being full of
not the cow of each one calv- healthy fluid, and the marrow

eth, and casteth not her young. of his bones being well moist-
11 They send forth their little ened :

ones like a flock, and their chil- 25 While this other dieth with
dren skip about (with joy). an embittered soul, and hath
12 They sing to the timbrel never partaken of any happi-
and harp, and rejoice at the ness ;

Bound of the pipe. 26 (And) yet together thej

must down in the dust, and
lie 6 For thou hast taken a pledge
the worms will cover them ? from thy brothers for nought,
27 Behold, I know your and stripped the naked of their
thoughts, and the opinions which clothing.
ye wrongfully devise against 7 Thou hast not given water
me. to the weary to drink, and from
28 For ye say, “ Where is the the hungry thou hast withholden
house of the noble-minded? and bread.
where is the tent of the dwell- 8 But as for the man of a
ing-places of the wicked?” strong he obtained the
29 Have ye not asked the way- land, and the highly honoured
farers ? surely their token ye could dwell therein.
cannot disregard, 9 Widows hast thou sent away
30 “ That the bad man is re- empty, and the arms of the fa-
served for the day of calamity, therless have been broken.
(that the wicked) are carried for- 10 Therefore are snares round
ward to the day of wrath.” about thee, and sudden dread
31 (But) who will tell him to terrifieth thee.
his face of his way ? and who
11 Or seest thou not the dark-
will repay him what he hath ness ? and the abundance of wa-
done ? ter which covereth thee?
32 Yea, he will indeed be car- 12 Is not God in the height
ried to the grave, and men will of heaven? and beholding the
quickly think of his monu- highest elevation of the stars,
ment : however high they are?
33 Sweet are to him the clods 13 But thou sayest, “What
of the valleyand after him suc- doth God know? can he judge

ceeded every man, as those that behind the darkness?

were before him are without 14 Thick clouds are a cover-
number. ing for him, so that he will not
34 How then will ye comfort see; and he walketh along on
me with vanity ? and of your the circle of heaven.”
answers there remained only 15 Wilt thou (thus) observe
deception. the path of ancient times, which
the men of injustice have trod-
1 ^ Then answered Eliphaz 16 Who were shrivelled up be-
the Themanite, and said, fore their time, whose founda-
2 Can a man be serviceable tion was flooded away like a
unto God? Truly the intelli- river ?
gent is serviceable unto him- 17 Who said unto God, “Depart
self. from us and what wrought
3 Is it any pleasure Almighty for them ?
to the Al- the
mighty that thou art righteous? 18 And yet it was he that filled
or is it any gain to him that thou their houses with good things;
makest thy ways perfect? but the counsel of the wicked be
4 Is it out of fear of thee that (still) far from me.
he will reproach thee? or go 19 The righteous will see it,
with thee into judgment ? and be glad and the innocent :

5 Is not thy evil great ? and will laugh them to scorn.

no end to thy iniquities ? 20 “ Is not he destroyed that
rose up against us, and hath not 4 I would put in order before
the fire consumed what they had him my cause, and my mouth
left?” would I fill with arguments.
21 Do but become acquainted 5 I should know the words
with him, and be at peace there- which he might answer me, and

by will happiness come unto understand what he might say

thee. unto me.
22 Do but accept instruction 6 Would he with his power
from his mouth, and lay up his contend against me? he would
sayings in thy heart. truly not lay such doings to my
23 If thou return to the Al- charge.
mighty, thou shalt be built up, 7 There would an upright one
so thou wilt but remove wrong- argue with him and I should be ;

doing far away from thy tents. allowed to escape for ever by my
24 And throw down in the judge.
dust precious metal, and (the 8 But, lo, I go eastward and —
gold of) Ophir to the stones of he is not there and to the west


the brooks and I cannot perceive him ;

25 Then will the Almighty be 9 When he doth great things
thy precious metals, and bright- at the north, I behold him not
ly-shining silver unto thee. he hideth himself in the south
26 For then wilt thou have in and I see him not.
the Almighty thy delight, and 10 But he knoweth the way
thou canst lift up unto God thy that I take were he to probe :

face. me, I should come forth as gold.

27 Thou wilt make entreaty 11 On his steps my foot hath
unto him, and he will hear thee, held fast his way have I kept,

and thy vows wilt thou pay. and swerved not.

28 And if thou decree a thing, 12 From the commandment
it will be fulfilled unto thee of his lips have I also not moved
and upon thy ways the light will away as a fixed statute for me

shine. have I treasured up the sayings

29 For when men are brought of his mouth.
low, thou wilt say, Pride (hath 13 But he is unchangeably
done it) ; but those of lowly one, and who can turn him ? and
eyes (God) will help. what his will desireth, even that
30 He will even deliver him he doth.
who is not guiltless: and thou 14 For he will bring to com-
wilt be delivered by the purity pletion what hath been destined
of thy hands. for me and like these hath he

manyother things with him.

CHAPTER XXIII. Therefore am I terrified at
1 5
1 Then answered Job, and his presence: I will reflect, and
said, be in dread of him.
2 Even now is my complaint 16 Still God hath made timid
bitter my
: suffering is heavier my heart, and the Almighty hath
than my groans. terrified me
3 Oh who would grant that I 1 7 Because I was not destroyed

knew' where I might find him before this darkness, and because

that I might attain to his judg- be hath not hidden from my face
ment throne (this) gloom.
CHAPTER XXIV. know not its ways, nor abide in
1 Wiiy are not times (of pu- its paths.
nishment) treasured up by the 14 With the earliest light ris-
Almighty, and why do his ador- eth the murderer, he slayeth the
ers not see his days (of retribu- poor and needy, and in the night
tion) ? he becometh like the thief.
2 (The wicked) remove land- 15 And the eye of the adul-
marks they rob flocks, and feed
: terer watcheth for the twilight,
them. saying, “No eye will see me:”
3 They drive away the ass of and placeth a covering on his
the fa therless, they take in pledge face.
the widow’s ox. 16 They break into houses in
4 They chase the needy out the dark, in the daytime they
of the highway altogether hide lock themselves in they know
: :

themselves the poor of the not the light.

earth. 17 For to all of these alike is the
5 Behold, as wild asses in the morning as the shadow of death
wilderness go they forth to their for they are familiar with the
work, rising betimes after (their) terrors of the shadow of death.
prey : the desert yieldeth food 18 Swift are such men (to flee)
for them and for their young on the face of the water; ac-
men. cursed is their field on the land;
6 In the field they reap their none of them turneth himself to
food and in the vineyard of the the way of the vineyards.

wicked they gather the fruit. 19 Drought and heat speedily

7 They cause (the poor) to consume the snow-waters so :

spend the night naked, without doth the grave those who have
clothing and without any cover- sinned.
ing in the cold. 20 The mother that bore such
8 Through the sweeping rain a one will forget him the worm ;

of the mountains are they made will feed sweetly on him ; he

wet, and for want of a shelter do will be no more remembered
they embrace the rock. and like a tree will wickedness

9 The others pluck from the be broken.

breast the fatherless, and the 21 He ill-treateth the barren
garment of the poor the}’ take that beareth not; and to the
in pledge. widow he acteth not well.
10 They cause him to go na.ied 22 But he also draweth down
without clothing, and from the the mighty with his power when :

hungry they take away the he riseth up, no one is sure of

sheaf life.
11 Within their walls do they 23 To such (God) granteth to
make oil, they tread their wine- be in safety, that he may find
presses, and suffer thirst. support; and His eyes are upon
12 Out of a populous city is their ways.
groaning heard, and the soul of 24 They are exalted ; in but
the deadly wounded crieth out a little while they are no more;
yet God regardeth it not as an and they are brought down low:
offence. like all others are they gathered
13 Yon men are of those that in, and like the top of the ear of
rebel against the light : they corn are they cut off.
25 But if it be not so, who will his throne, spreading over it hi?
prove me a liar, and render as cloud
nought my word? 10 A fixed limit he compassed
off over the face of the waters,
CHAPTER XXV. for the division of the light and
1 Then answered Bildad darkness.
the Shuchite, and said, 11 The pillars of heaven trem-
2 Dominion and dread are ble greatly, and are astounded
with him he maketh peace in at his rebuke.

his high places. 12 By his power he split in

3 Can the number of his hosts pieces the sea, and by his un-
be given ? and over whom riseth derstanding he crushed (its)
not his light? pride :

4 How then can man be justi- 13 By his breath the heavens

fied with God? or how can be (acquired) beauty; his hand hath
pure one that is born of woman ? created the flying serpent.
5 Behold, even as regardeth 14 Lo, these are ends of his
the moon, that is not bright ways for how slight a whisper

yea, the stars are not pure in his is heard (by us) of him but the !

eyes. thunder of his mighty deeds who

6 How much less the mortal, can understand ?
the mere worm? and the son of
earth, the mere maggot ? CHAPTER
And Job continued taking
CHAPTER XXVI. up his parable, and said,
1 Then 2 As God liveth, who hath re-
answered Job, and
said, moved justice from me; and by
2 What assistance hast thou the Almighty, who hath embit-
given to the powerless? (how) tered my soul
hast thou helped the arm with- 3 All the while my breath is
out strength ? in me, and the spirit of God is
3 How hast thou counselled in my nostrils,
the unwise? and what sound 4 Shall my lips not speak any
wisdom hast thou made known wrong, nor shall my tongue utter
so plentifully ? deceit.
4 To whom hast thou told 5 it from me that I
Far be
words ? and whose spirit justify you
came should till I depart

from thee ? hence will I not allow (any one)

5 The departed are called into to take my
integrity away from
being beneath the waters, and me.
their inhabitants. 6 I have laid fast hold on my
6 Naked is the nether world righteousness, and I will not let
before him, and there is no cover- it go : my
heart shall not re-
ing for the place of corruption. proach me (for my conduct) dur-
7 He stretched out the north ing all my life.
over empty space; he suspended 7 Like the wicked is (there-
the earth on nothing; fore) my
enemy, and he that
8 He bound up the waters in riseth up against me like a
his clouds; and the cloud burst- wrong-doer.
eth not under their weight; 8 For what is the hope of the
9 He closed up the surface of hypocrite, when he hath gained
Unjust wealth, when God castethl ofI
his hand (his wealth) will
forth his soul ? surely escape.
9 Will God hear his cry, when 23 Men will clap their hands
distress cometh upon him? over him, and will hiss after him
10 Or can he find delight in out of his place.
the Almighty? can he call on
God at all times ? CHAPTER
11 I will instruct you con- 1 For truly there is a source
cerning what is in the hand of for the silver, and a place for the
God: (the way) which is with gold which men refine.
the Almighty will I not con- 2 Iron is taken out of the
ceal. dust, and the stone is melted
12 Lo ye yourselves have all into copper.

beheld it why is it then that ye

: 3 An end doth he set to dark-
deal in such vanities ? ness, and the very utmost limit
13 This is the portion of a doth he search out, the stonea
wicked man with God, and the of darkness, and of the shadow
portion of tyrants, which they of death.
shall receive from the Almighty. 4 He breaketh a channel far
14 If his children be multi- from the inhabited place: those
plied, it is only for the sword of unsteady foot, the poorest of
and his offspring will not be sa- men move (there about).
tisfied with bread. 5 The earth, out of which
15 Those of his that are left cometh forth bread, is under its
to escape will be buried by death surface turned up as it were with

and his widows will not be able fire.

to weep. 6 Her stones are the place
16 Though he heap up silver whence the sapphire cometh;
as the dust, and prepare gar- and golden dust is also there
ments (as plentifully) as the 7 (On the) path which no bird
clay : of prey knoweth, and which the
17 He may prepare, but the vulture’s eye hath not surveyed ;
righteous will clothe himself 8 (Which) ravenous beasts
(therewith), and the silver the have never trodden, over which
innocent will divide. the lion hath never passed.
18 He buildeth his house like 9 To the flinty rock he stretch-
the moth, and like a hut that a eth forth his hand he overturn- :

keeper hath made. ed the mountains from the root.

19 Rich will he lie down, but 10 Amid rocks he heweth out
will not be gathered (into the canals; and every precious thing
grave) :one openeth his eyes, doth his eye behold.
and he is no more. 11 The various droppings of
20 Like a flood will terror water he uniteth into streams*
overtake him, in the night a and what is hidden he bringeth
tempest will steal him away. forth to light.
21 The east wind will lift him 12 —
But wisdom where shall
up, and he must be gone and it ; she be found ? and where is the
hurleth him like a storm out of place of understanding?
his place. 13 Man knoweth not her
22 And (God) will cast (evil) value ;
and she is not to be
upon him, and have no pity : out found in the land of the living.
86 1021
14 The deep saith, “Not in CHAPTER XXIX.
me is she:” and the sea saith, 1 And Job continued to take
“ She is not with me.” up his parable, and said,
15 No fine gold can be given 2 Who will give me back
in lieu of her, and silver cannot months like those which are
be weighed out as her price. past, days like those when God
16 She cannot be valued with guarded me;
the gold of Ophir, with the pre- 3 When his lamp shone over
cious onyx, or the sapphire. my head, when by his light I
17 She cannot be estimated could walk in darkness
after gold and glass and not in
4 As I was in the days of my
exchange for her (can) vessels abundance, when the confidence
of refined gold (be taken). of God was upon my tent;
18 Coral and crystal will not 5 When the Almighty was yet
be thought of and the value of with me, when my servants stood

wisdom is above pearls. round about me;

19 She cannot be estimated 6 When I bathed my steps in
after the topaz of Ethiopia, nor cream, and the rock poured out
can she be valued with pure near me streamlets of oil
gold. 7 When I went out to the gate
20 But wisdom —
whence close by the city, when in the
cometh she? and where is the open place I established my
place of understanding ? seat
21 Yea, she is hidden from the 8 Young men saw me, and
eyes of all living, and from the hid themselves ;
and the aged
fowls of the heavens is she con- rose up, and remained stand-
cealed. *n
22 Perdition and death say. 9 Princes stopped in the midst
“With our ears have we heard of (their) words, and laid their
a report of her.” hand on their mouth
23 God (alone) understandeth 10 The voice of nobles was
her way, and he knoweth her arrested, and their tongue cleav-
place ed to their palate.
24 For he looketh to the ends 11 For the ear that heard me
of the earth, (whatever is) under called me happy; and the eye
the whole heaven doth he see. that saw me bore witness for me;
25 When he imparted weight 12 Because I delivered the
unto the win l; and (when) the poor that cried, and the father-
waters he established by mea- ess, yea, that had none to help
sure ;
26 When he made a law for 13 The blessing of him that
the riin, and a way for the was ready to perish came upon
lightning of (his) thunders: me and the heart of the widow

27 Then did he see her, and I caused to sing for joy.

make her known; he establish 14 I took righteousness as my
ed her, and also searched her garment, and it clothed me as :

out. a robe and a mitre was justice

28 And he said unto man, unto me.
“Behold, the fear of the Lord, 15 Eyes was I to the blind;
that is wisdom; and to eschew and feet to the lame was I.
evil is understanding.” 16 A father was I to the
needy ;
and the cause of him I the bushes, and have broom-
knew not used to investigate. bush roots as their bread
17 And I broke the cutting- 5 Who are driven forth from
teeth of the wrong-doer, and out among (men), who are shouted
of his teeth I cast down his after as though they were
prey. thieves,
18 And I said then, “ In the 6 To dwell in the caverns of
midst of my nest shall I depart the valleys, in holes of the earth,
hence, and like the sand shall I and on naked cliffs.
have many da*s, 7 Among the bushes they
19 My root will stand open shriek under briers they are

for the water, and the dew will huddled together,

lodge on my boughs. 8 The children of the worth-
20 My glory will ever be new less, yea, the children of the
with me, and my bow will ac- nameless, who were outcasts
quire fresh strength in my from the land.
hand.” 9 But now I am become their
21 Unto me men listened, and song, and I am become a by-
waited, and watched in silence word unto them.
for my counsel. 10 They loathe me, they keep
22 After my words they made themselves far from me, ’and
no reply, and my speech drop- from my face they withhold not
ped on them (like dew). their spittle.
23 And they waited for me as 11 Because he hath loosened
for the rain, and they opened the cord of my bow, and afflicted
wide their mouth as for the lat- me, they have also cast off the
ter rain. bridle before me.
24 I smiled on those that had 12 Against my right hand rise
lost their confidence; and the up this swarm of worthless
light of my countenance they youths they push away my

never cast down. feet, and they level against me

25 I chose their way for them, their calamity -bringing paths.
and I sat as chief, and dwelt as 13 They destroy my foot-
a king in his army, as one that path, they help forward my
eomforteth mourners. downfall, without any one to
aid them.
CHAPTER XXX. 14 As (through) a broad breach
1 But now they who are they come: amidst a loud noise
younger than I in years laugh at the}' rolled themselves along.
me, whose fathers I scorned to 15 Terrors have turned their
put as equals with the dogs of face against me they chase like

013^ flocks. the wind my glory and like a ;


2 Yea, what possible use can cloud is my happiness passed

the strength of their hands be away.
unto me, over whom old age 16 And now my soul is poured
hath passed fruitlessly ? out over me the days of afflic-

3 Who suffer of want and fa- tion have seized on me

mine in solitude; who flee into 17 All night it holloweth out
the wilderness (where all is) my bones out of my body and ;

darkness, ruin, and desolation my pursuers take no rest.


4 Who crop off mallows by


18 Through the Almighty’i

ower is my garment made un- CHAPTER XXXI.
dowh : like the opening of my A covenant had I made

coat hath he enclosed me. with my eyes how then should:

19 He hath cast me into the I fix my look on a virgin ?

mire, and I am become like dust 2 And what would
then have
and ashes. been my portion of God from
20 I cry aloud unto thee, but above? and what lot of the
thou answerest me not: I stand Almighty from on high ?
up, and thou fixest thy regard 3 Is not calamity (ready) for
against me. the unjust? and misfortune for
21 Thou art changed into a the wrong-doers ?
cruel master toward me with : 4 Behold, he truly seeth my
the strength of thy hand tliou ways, and numbereth all my
assailest me. steps
22 Thou liftest me up to the 5 (And knoweth) whether I
wind,* thou causes! me to pass have walked with vain desires,
away, and dissolvest in me all or if my foot hath hastened after
wise counsel. deceit.
23 For I know that thou wilt 6 Let him weigh me then
bring me back to death, and to in a righteous balance, and
the house of assembly for all the let God acknowledge my inte-
living. grity.
24 But doth not a man stretch 7 If my step have turned aside
out his hand among ruins ? or from the (proper) way, and my
doth one not cry out therefrom heart have walked after my eyes,
(for help) when he meeteth his and if any blemish have cleaved
downfall ? to my hands :

25 Did not I weep for him 8 Then let me sow, and let
that was hard pressed by misfor- another eat and let what I have ;

tune? was not my soul grieved growing be rooted out.

for the needy? 9 If my heart have been be-
26 That I hoped for good, but guiled toward a woman, or if I
there came evil and I waited have lain in wait at my neigh-

for light, and there came dark- bour’s door

ness ! 10 Then may my wife labour
27 My bowels heave, and rest at the mill for another, and may
not: the days of affliction have strangers ill-use her;
overcome me. 11 For this would be' in-
28 I walk about mournfully cest; yea, it would be an ini-
without sunlight when I rise quity (to be punished by) the

up, in the assembly, I cry with judges;

pain. 12 For it would be a fire that
29 lam become a brother to consumeth down to the place of
(howling) monsters, and a com- corruption, and would root out
panion to ostriches. all my products.
30 My skin hangeth down 13 If ever I cast aside the
black from me, and my bones justice due to my man-servant

are burnt from heat. and my maid-servant, when they

31 And thus is changed to contended with me:
mourning my harp, and my pipe 14 What then could 1 do when
to the sound of weeping. [God should rise up? and when
he should investigate, what could led in secret, and my hand kissed
I answer him ? my mouth :

15 Did not he that made me 28 This also were an iniquity

make him born of a woman ? to be punished by the judge for ;

and did not the same one fashion thus would I have denied the
us in the womb ? God that is above.
16 If ever I denied the wish 29 If ever I rejoiced at the
of the indigent, or ever allowed downfall of him that hated me,
the eyes of the widow to fail (in or was elated when evil befell
vain hopes); him ;

17 Or if ever I ate my bread 30 But I suffered not my

by myself alone, and the father- mouth to sin by denouncing with
less did not eat thereof a curse his soul ;

18 (For from my youth he 31 If the men of my tent said

was brought up with me, as not, Oh is there one that is not
though we were of one father, satisfied of his flesh ;

and I have guided her (as though 32 In the street a stranger

she was sprung) from my mo- had not to lodge; ray doors I
ther’s womb;) held open to the roadside
19 If ever I saw any one pe- 33 If I covered up my trans-
rishing for want of clothing, or gressions like a common man,
the needy without covering by hiding in my bosom my ini-
20 If his loins have not bless- quity ;
ed me, and if he have not been 34 Because I dreaded the
warmed with the fleece of my great multitude, or because the
sheep ; contempt of families did terrify
21 If I have swung my hand me, so that I kept silence, and
against the fatherless, because I dared not to go out of the
saw in the gate those that would door ;

help me 35 Oh who will bring me one

22 Then may my shoulder fall that would hear me behold,!

from my shoulder-blade, and my here is my plea; may the Al-

arm be broken from the chan- mighty answer me ; and any
nel-bone ;
record which my opponent may
23 For dreaded by me was the have written,
calamitous punishment of God, 36 Surely upon my shoulder
and against his highness I can would I carry it I would bind

accomplish nothing. it as a crown unto me.

24 If I have made gold my 37 The number of my steps

confidence, or have said to would I tell him: as (to) a
the fine gold, “ Thou art my prince would I go near unto
trust;” him.
25 If ever I rejoiced because 38 If my land ever cried out
my wealth was abundant, and because of me, or if its furrows
because my hand had gotten wept together
much ; 39 If I ever consumed its
26 If ever I looked at the strength without payment, or
light (of the sun) when he shone caused the soul of its owners to
brightly, and on the moon walk- grieve
ing in splendour; 40 Then may instead of
27 And my heart became mis- wheat, thorns come forth, and
86* 2 s 2 1025
instead of barley, cockle. (Here 12 And now
I understand you
end the words of Job.) fully,and, behold, there is none
that convinceth Job, or, that
CHAPTER XXXII. answereth his speeches among
1 T So had these three men you.
abstained from answering Job; 13 Say then not, We have
because he was righteous in his found wisdom God will thrust

own eyes. him down, not man.

2 Thereupon was kindled 14 But he hath not directed
the wrath of Elihu the son of any words against me and with :

Barachel the Buzite, of the fa- your speeches will I not answer
mily of Ram against Job was
: him.
his wrath kindled; because he 15 They are dismayed, they
had declared himself more right- answer no more : wbrds have
eous than Cod. escaped away from them.
3 And against his three friends 16 And should I wait (longer),
was his wrath kindled, because because they cannot speak, be-
they had found no answer, and cause they stand still and an-
yet had condemned Job. swer no more ?
4 Now Elihu had held back to- 17 (But) I also will surely an-
ward Job (his) words because the
swer my part, I myself also will
others were older in days than he. show forth what I know ;
5 But when Elihu saw that 18 For I am full of words,
there was no answer in the the spirit in my bosom urgeth
mouths of these three men, then me hard.
was his wrath kindled. 19 Behold, my bosom is like
6 And Elihu the son of (fresh) wine which hath not been
Barachel the Buzite commenced, opened: like new bottles it is
and said, Young am I in days, ready to burst.
and ye are very old therefore I
: 20 I will speak, that I may
hesitated and feared to show you breathe freer I will open my

what Iknow. lips and answer.

7 I had said. Days shall 21 On no account will I show
speak, and multitude of years undue favour to any man, and
shall make wisdom known. to no son of earth will I give
8 But it is the spirit in man, flattering titles.
and the breath of the Almighty 22 For I know not to give
which giveth them understand- flattering titles (for else) my ;

ing. Maker would speedily carry me

9 Not those rich in years away.
must be always wise neither :

do the aged constantly under- CHAPTER XXXIII.

stand what is just. 1 Therefore do thou out
10 Therefore do I say, Hearken hear, 0 Job, my speeches, and
to me I also will show forth give ear to all my words.

what I know myself. 2 Behold now, I have opened

11 Behold, I waited for your my mouth, my tongue speaketh
words I gave an attentive ear to in my mouth.

your reasonings, till you might 3 Out of my straightforward

have searched out the (proper) heart (come) my sayings and ;

words. my lips utter knowledge clearly.

4 The of God hath
spirit by pain upon his couch, and all
made me, and the breath of the his bones with violent (aches).
Almighty giveth me life. 20 So that his inclination ab-
5 If thou canst, answer me, horreth bread, and his soul, the
array thyself before me, stand most agreeable food.
forward. 21 His flesh is consumed
6 Behold, I am in the same away, that it cannot be seen ;
relation as thyself toward God: and his bones that were not seen
I myself also am cut out of the stick out.
clay. 22 Yea, his soul draweth near
7 Behold, dread of me cannot unto the pit, and his life to those
terrify thee, and my pressure that slay.
will not be too heavy upon thee. 23 If there be now about him
8 But thou hast said before one single angel, as defender,
my ears, and the sound of the one out of a thousand, to tell
words I still hear, for man his uprightness :

9 “I am pure without trans- 24 Then is he gracious unto

gression, I am quite clean and him, and saith, “ Release him

there is no iniquity in me from going down to the pit, I

10 Yet, behold, he findeth have found an atonement.”
hateful backsliding on me, he 25 His flesh becometh full
regardeth me as an enemy unto again as in youth he returneth :

him ;
to the days of his boyhood.
11 He putteth my feet in the 26 He will offer his entreaty
stocks, he watcheth all my unto God, and he will receive him
paths.” in favour, that he may see his
12 Behold, in this thou art face with joy so doth He re-

not just: I will answer thee; compense unto the mortal his
for God is far greater than a righteousness.
mortal. 27 He then should assemble
13 Why dost thou contend men around, and say, “ I had
against him? for with all his sinned, and perverted what is
words will he not give an an- right, yet have I not received a
swer. like return.”
14 For God speaketh once, 28 Thus he redeemeth his
yea twice (yet man) regardeth
: soul from passing into the pit,
it not. his life will look joyously
15 In a dream, in a vision of on the light.
the night, when deep sleep fall- 29 Lo, all these things doth
eth upon men, in slumbers upon God two or three times with
the couch : man ;

16 Then doth he lay open the 30 To bring back his soul

ear of men, and sealeth it with [from the pit, that she may shine
their warning ; in the light of life.
17 To remove the son of earth 31 Listen well, 0 Job heark- !

(from his intended) deed; and en unto me keep silence, and I :

he covereth up pride from man will truly speak.

18 He withholdeth his soul 32 If thou hast any words,
from the pit, and his life from answer me speak, for I wish to:

passing away by the sword. justify thee.

19 And so is he admonished 33 If not, hearken thou unto
me keep silence, upon man, he would gather unta
and I will
tea:h thee wisdom. himself his spirit and his breath
15 All flesh would perish to-
CHAPTER XXXIV. gether, and the son of earth
1 And Elihu commenced, would return again unto dust.
and said, 16 If then thou wishest to
2 Hear, 0 ye wise men, my understand, hear this give ear :

w:>rds ;
and ye that have know- to the sound of my words.
ledge, give ear unto me. 17 Is it possible that he who
3 For the ear probeth words, ha eth justice should govern ? or

as the palate tasteth the food. wilt thou condemn the righteous
4 Let us choose for ourselves mighty One?
what is just: let us acknow- 18 (Is it fit) to say to a king,
ledge between ourselves what is Thou art worthless? and to
good. princes, Ye are wicked?
5 For Job hath said, “I am 19 Whereas he is one that
righteous and God hath taken
showeth no favour to chieftains,
away justice from me. and distinguisheth not the rich
6 Should I lie concerning the before the indigent; for all of
justice due me? incurable is them are the work of his hands.
(my wound from) the arrow I 20 In a moment will they die,
bear in me without any trans- and in the midst of the night,
gression. people are moved, and pass
7 What man is there like Job, away: and the mighty will be
who drinketh scorning like wa- removed without a human hand.
ter, 21 For his eyes are upon the
8 And is on the road to keep ways of man, and all his steps
company with the wrong-doors, doth he see.
and to walk with men of wick- 22 There is no darkness, nor
edness ? shadow of death, where the evil-
9 For he hath said, It pro- doers can hide themselves.
fiteth a man nothing when he 23 For he need not direct (his
acteth according to the pleasure attention) along time upon man,
of God.” that he should enter into judg-
10 Therefore ye men of sense ment before God.
hearken unto me far is it from
: 24 He breaketh down mighty
God to practise wickedness, and men without (long) searching,
from the Almighty to do wrong and placeth others in their

11 For the work of a son of stead.

earth doth he recompense unto 25 For the reason that he
him, and according to the path knoweth their deeds therefore :

of man doth he permit things to he overturneth them in the

occur to him. night, and they are crushed.
12 Yea, surely God* will not 26 Among wicked men doth
condemn unjustly, nor will the he strike them, in the place
Almighty pervert justice. where (many) see them
13 Who hath given him a 27 Because they have depart-
charge concerning the earth ? or ed from following him, and have
who hath entrusted (him) the not considered all his ways,
whole world ? 28 Bringing before him the
14 If he were to set his heart cry of the indigent, and the cry
nf the afflicted which he had to 4 I will truly reply unto theo
hear. with words, and unto thy
29 When he now granteth friends with thee.
rest, who will condemn (him)? 5 Look unto the heavens, and
and when he hideth his face, see; and gaze on the skies
who can behold him ? whether which are higher than thou.
it be against a nation, or against 6 If thou sin, what dost thou
one man, it is the same : effect against him ? and if thy
30 That no hypocritical man transgressions be mi ltiplied
may reign, that such shall not what canst thou do unto him?
be a snare to the people. 7 If thou be righteous, what
31 For truly it is only fitting givest thou him? or what doth
to say unto God, “ I bear (cheer- he accept out of thy hand?
fully), I will not do any wrong; 8 A man like thyself thy
32 What I cannot see myself, wickedness may reach, and a
do thou truly teach me; if I son of earth thy righteousness.
have done what is unjust, I will 9 By reason of the multitude
do so no more.” of oppressions (the wicked)
33 Should he then according cause men to cry: these com-
to thy view send a recompense, plain aloud because of the arm
because thou hast rejected him ? of the mighty.
“ Because thou must choose, and 10 But (man) saith not,
not I ?” and what thou knowest, “ Where is God my maker, who
do speak. bestoweth joyful songs even in
34 Men of sense will say unto the night;
me, and every wise man who 11 Who teacheth us more
heareth me, than the beasts of the earth, and
35 That Job hath not spoken maketh us wiser than the fowls
with knowledge, and that his of the heavens ?”
words are without intelligence. 12 There do they cry, but he
36 Oh that Job may therefore answereth not; because of the
be probed continually, in order pride of evil men.
to give answers against sinful 13 Only what is false will God
men. not hear, nor will the Almighty
37 For he addeth unto his sin regard it.
transgression among us he ut-
: 14 Although thou sayest, thou
tereth too many loud words, and canst not see him yet the deci- :

multiplieth his speeches against sion is before him; and do thou

God. wait tor him.
15 But now, because his an-
CHAPTER XXXV. ger hath punished nothing, shall
1 Then commenced Elihu, he not greatly take cognizance
and said, of the multitude of sins?
2 Dost thou deem this to be 16 But Job openeth wide his
just, that thou hast said, “ My mouth for nought: without
righteousness is more than knowledge he heapeth up words.
God’s ?”
3 For thou sayest, “ What CHAPTER XXXVI.
benefit will it be unto thee ? 1 Then continued Elihu,
what more profit shall I have, and said,
*han if I had sinned?” 2 Wait for me a little, and I

will instruct thee ;
for (I have) 16 And
also thee hath he in»
stillsome words on God’s behalf. cited away from
the jaws of dis-
3 I will lift up my knowledge tress into a wide space, on the
for him who is afar, and for my site of which there is no strait-
Maker will I obtain righteous- ness ; and what is set on thy
ness. table is full of fatness.
4 For truly no falsehood is 17 But if thou art full of the
(in) mywords: one that is up- judgment of the wicked (divine) :

right in (his) opinions (dealeth judgment and decree will sup-

now) with thee. port each other.
5 Behold, God is mighty, and 13 For there would be fury,
despiseth not, any he is mighty if aught were to incite thee to

in strength of intellect. utter an abundance (of rebellious

6 Pie permitteth not the wick- words) ; and the greatness of
ed to live ; but he procureth jus- the infliction must not mislead
tice for the afflicted. thee.
7 He withdraweth not his 19 Will he esteem thy riches ?
eyes from the righteous ; but (he no, not gold ore, nor all the high-
placeth them) with kings on the est forces of strength.
throne yea, he doth establish
20 Desire then not eagerly the
them for ever, a“nd they are ex- night, when nations pass away
alted. in their place.
8 And they be bound in
if 21 Take heed, turn not thy-
fetters, and if they be entangled wrong-doing, so that thou
self to
in the cords of affliction : wouldst choose this because of
9 Then doth he tell them of (thy) affliction.
their work, and of their trans- 22 Behold, God is exalted by
gressions, when they had become his power : who is an instructer
strong. like him ?
10 And he openeth thus their 23 Who hath given him a
ear to correction, and saith that charge concerning his way ? or
they should return from wrong- who hath ever said, “ Thou hast
doing. acted unjustly ?”
11 If they hearken and serve 24 Reflect, that thou shouldst
(him), they will spend their days magnify his work, which (other)
in happiness, and their years in men have beheld.
pleasures. 25 All men have looked at it
12 But if they hearken not, (with astonishment) the mortal :

they will pass away through the gazeth at it from afar.

sword, and they will perish in 26 Behold, God is great, and
want of knowledge. we comprehend him not, the
13 But the hypocrites in heart number of his years can truly
persevere in wrath they will not be searched out.

not offer entreaty when he bind- 27 For he taketh away drops

eth them : of w ater, which are purified into

14 Their soul will die in youth, rain in his mist;

and their life, among the inces- 28 These drop down cut of
tuous. the skies; they distil upon the
15 He delivereth the afflicted multitude of men.
through his affliction, and open- 29 But (what man) can under-
eth through oppression his ear. stand the outspreadings of the
clouds ? the tumult of his taber- 11 Also with moisture he load-
nacle ? eth the cloud; (and) he scatter-
30 Behold, he spreadeth out ed the cloud of his lightning;
over it his light, and covereth 12 And it is turned round
up the roots of the sea. about by his guidance, to exe-
31 For by means of them he cute what he commandeth it
judgeth nations, he giveth food upon the face of the world, the
in superfluity. earth.
32 (His) hands he covereth 13 Whether it be as a chastis-
with light* a»d he commandeth —
ing rod if this be destined for
it to strike the one who striveth his earth —or for kindness, doth
igainst him. he cause it come.
33 The noise of his storm tell- 14 Give ear unto this, 0 Job !

%th of it, yea., the cattle also, of stand still, and consider well the
‘he rising tempest. wonders of God.
15 Dost thou know how God
CHAPTER XXXVII. hath imposed (a law) on them,
1 At this also my heart trem- and (how) he hath caused the
\ leth, and is moved upward out light of his cloud to shine ?
of its place. 16 Dost thou know aught
2 Hear, 0 hear, the rattling about the balancings of the
of his thunder, and the storm’s clouds, the wondrous works of
roar that goetli out of his mouth. him. who is perfect in know-
3 Under the whole heavens ledge ?
he letteth it loose, and his light- 17 (Thou) who clothest thy-
ning over the ends of the earth. self with warm garments, when
4 Behind it roareth the thun- He giveth the earth rest from
der; he thundereth with his the south wind ?
majestic voice; and he holdeth 18 Hast thou with him spread
them not back when his voice is out the skies, which are strong
heard. even as a molten mirror ?
5 God thundereth with his 19 Let us know what we shall
marvellous voice he doth great
: say unto him we cannot set

things, which we cannot com- aught in order (before him) be-

prehend. cause of darkness.
6 For to the snow he saith, 20 Can (all) be related of him,
“ Be thou on the earth like- when
I speak (ever so much) ? or
wise to the pouring rain, and to a man talk (of him) even till
he be swallowed up (in death) ?
the pouring rains of his strength.
7 He sealeth it on the hand 21 Yet now men see not the
of every man, that all men whom light which is bright in the
he hath made may know it. skies, when the wind hath passed
8 Then retire the beasts intoalong, and purified them,
(their) dens, and rest in their 22 The golden (light) that
lairs. cometh out of the north around :

9 Out of (his) chamber com- God is terrible majesty.

eth the whirlwind, and out of 23 The Almighty, whom we
the north, the cold. cannot find out, excellent in
10 From the breathing of God power, and in justice, and
ice is given, and the broad wa- abounding in righteousness, will
ters become solid. not afflict
24 Therefore do men fear him 14 She is changed as the seal
he respecteth not any that are ing-clay and (all things) stand

wise of heart. as though newly clad.

15 And from the wicked is
CHAPTER XXXVIII. their light withdrawn, and the
1 Then did the Lord ad- high-raised arm is broken.
dress Job out of the storm-wind, 16 Didst thou ever penetrate
and said, as far as the springs of the sea ?
2 Who is this that casteth or wander through the botton
darkness (on my) counsel by of the deep ? •
words without knowledge? 17 Were the gates of death
3 Do but gird up like a mighty ever laid open unto thee ? or
man thy loins and I will ask
: canst thou see the doors of the
thee, and do thou inform me. shadow of death ?
4 Where wast thou when I 18 Hast thou a clear under-
laid the foundations of the earth ? standing of the breadth of the
tell it, if thou hast any under- earth? Tell it, if thou knowest
standing (of it). it all.

5 Who fixed her measurements, 19 Where is the way (to the

if thou knowest it? or who spot where) the light dwelleth ?
stretched the measuring - line —
and the darkness where is its
over her ? place,
6 Upon what are her founda- 20 That thou mightest take
tion-pillars placed at rest? or each to its boundary, and that
who laid her corner-stone thou mightest mark the path

7 When altogether sang the ways to its house ?

morning stars in gladness, and 21 Thou (surely) knowest it;
shouted for joy all the sons of because thou wast then born, and
God? thenumber of thy days is great
8 And who closed up with 22 Didst thou ever enter into
doors the when, issuing the treasuries of the snow? or
forth, it came out of the deep canst thou see the treasuries of
bosom of the earth ? the hail,
9 When I made the clouds
its 23 Which I have reserved for
garment, and thick fog swad- the time of distress, for the day
dling-cloth, of fight and battle ?
10 And when I decreed for it 24 Where is the way (to the
my law, and set (for it) bars and spot where) the light divideth
doors, itself, (where) the east wind is
11 And said, “ Thus far mayest scattered over the earth ?
thou come, but no farther and 25 Who hath divided off water-

here shall be stayed( thy strength) courses for the overflowing rain,
in the pride of thy waves V* and a way for the lightning (that
12 Didst thou ever, in all thy is followed by) thunders,
days, command the morning,* 26 To bring raiu on a land,
didst thou ever assign the morn- void of men on a wilderness

ing-dawn its place : wherein no son of earth (is

13 That it might lay hold of found)
the ends of the earth, so that the 27 To satisfy waste and deso-
wicked migh\ be shaken out late lands and to promote the ;

therefrom ? growth of the tender grass?

28 Hath the rain a father? or CHAPTER XXXTX.
who hath begotten the drops of 1 Knowest thou the time
the dew ? when the chamois of the rock
29 Out of whose womb cometh bring forth ? or markest thou
forth the ice? and the hoary when the hinds do calve?
frost of heaven— who giveth 2 Nuinberest thou the months
Dirth to it? of gestation which they com-
30 (When) like a stone the plete ? and knowest thou the
waters are congealed, and the time when they bring forth?
face of the deep is bound in fet- 3 They bend themselves they ;

ters ? drop their young ones ; they

31 Canst thou bind together throw oft’ their pains.
the chains of the Pleiades, or 4 Their little ones become
loosen the bands of Orion ? strong; they grow up in the
32 Canst thou bring forth the open field; they go forth, and
constellations of the zodiac, each return not unto them.
in its season? or canst thou guide 5 Who sent out the wild ass
the Bear with its young ? free ? or who loosened the bonds
33 Knowest thou the laws of of the forest ass ?
heaven? or dost thou appoint 6 To whom I assigned the
its rule on the earth ? wilderness as his house, and the
34 Canst thou lift up to the salty land as his dwellings.
clouds thy voice, that the abun- 7 He laugheth at the noise of
dance of waters may cover a town, and the shoutings of the
thee ? driver he heareth not.
35 Canst thou send out light- 8 What he espieth on the
nings, that they may go, and mountains is his pasture, and
say unto thee, “Here are after every green thing doth he
we ?” search.
36 Who hath put wisdom in 9 Will the forest-ox be willing
the dark clouds? or who hath to serve thee, or willhe stay over
given understanding to the night at thy crib ?
bright meteors ? 10 Canst thou bind the forest-
37 Who ordaineth the skies ox with a rope (to labour) in the
with wisdom ? or who emptieth furrow ? or will he harrow val-
out the bottles of heaven, leys, following after thee ?
38 When the dust is poured 11 Wilt thou trust him, be-
out as molten metal, and the cause his strength is great? and
clods are made to cleave fast to- wilt thou leave to him thy la-
gether? bour ?
39 Dost thou hunt for the 12 Wilt thou confide in him,
lioness her prey ? and suppliest that he should bring home thy
thou the food for the young seed, and gather it into thy
lions, threshing-floor ?
40 When they are couched in 13 The wing of the ostiich
their lairs, rest in the thicket, moveth joyfully hath she the

lying in wait? pinions and plumage of the care-

41 Who provideth for the ra- ful stork ?
ven his provision ? when his 14 (No,) for she intrusteth her
young ones cry unto God, and eggs to the earth, and letteth
wander about for lack of food ? them be hatched out on the dust;
87 2 T 1033
15 And she forgetteth that a 29 From there he espieth his
foot may crush them, or that the food, from afar can his eyes be*
beast of the field may stamp hold.
them down. 30 His young ones, alsc, sip
16 He hath made her callous up blood and where the slain

against her young, as though lie, there is he.

they were not hers : her labour
is in vain, (but she feeleth) no CHAPTER XL.
dread 1 And the Lord addressed
17 Because God hath denied Job, and said,
her wisdom, and he hath not 2 Will he that contendeth with
imparted to her understanding. the Almighty yet find fault?
18 At the time she raiseth let him that reproveth God an-
herself up on high, she laugheth swer this.
at the horse and his rider. 3 Then answered Job the
19 Dost thou give the horse Lord, and said,
strength ? dost thou clothe his am too vile what
4 Behold, I :

neck with the rolling mane ? shall I answer thee? my hand

20 Canst thou make him jump do I place on my mouth.
like a locust ? his majestic snort 5 Once have I spoken ; but I
is terrible. will not answer yea, twice ; but :

21 Men spy about in the val- I will not repeat it again.

ley, and he rejoiceth in his 6 Then answered the Lord
strength he goeth forth to meet unto Job out of the storm-wind,

the armed array. and said,

22 He laugheth at fear, and 7 Do but gird up like a mighty
is not dismayed and turneth man thy loins I will ask thee,

not back from before the sword. and do thou inform me.
23 Over him rattle the quiver, 8 Wilt thou indeed annul my
the glittering spear, and the decree? wilt thou condemn me,
lance. in order that thou mayest ap-
24 With impatient noise and pear righteous ?
rage he holloweth (with his hoof) 9 But if thou hast an arm like
the ground, and keepeth not God, or if thou canst thunder
quiet when the cornet’s voice (is loudly like him :

heard). 10 Then do deck thyself with

25 Midst the sound of the cor- excellence and. greatness, and
net he uttereth his joyful neigh clothe thyself in majesty and

and from afar he perceiveth the glory.

battle, the loud call of the cap- 1 1 Scatter abroad the ragings
tains, and the battle-cry.— of thy wrath, and look on every
26 Is it through thy under- proud one, and humble him.
standing that the hawk flieth 12 Look on every proud one,
along, and spreadeth out his and bend him low and tread ;

wings toward the south ? down the wicked in their place.

27 Or is it by thy order that 13 Hide them in the dust al-
the eagle doth mount upward, together bind up their faces in

and buildeth high up his nest? concealment.

28 On a rock he dwelleth, and 14 Then will I also myself
spendeth his nights, on a rocky praise thee, when thy own right
crag and mountain fastness. hand hath helped thee.
15 Only behold Behemoth, him ? can they divide him among
which I made near thee grass merchants ?

he eateth like the ox. 31 Canst thou fill his skin

16 Only see, (how great) is with barbed irons? and (pierce)
his strength in his loins, and his with a fish-spear his head ?
force, in the muscles of his belly. 32 Lay thy hand upon him
17 He stretcheth out his tail think of the battle: thou wilt
like a cedar: the sinews of his never do it again.
loins are closely wrapped toge-
18 His bones are like pipes 1 Behold, his expectation
of brass his frame is like bars
: was deceived : even at his mere
of iron. sight is he cast down.
19 He is the first in rank of 2 None is so daring that he
the works of God he that made
: would stir him up and who is :

him can alone bring his sword there that will stand up before
near unto him. me ?
20 But truly the mountains 3 Who hath shown me favour,
bear for him his food, and all the that I should repay him ? what-
beasts of the field play there. soever is under the whole hea-
21 Under shady trees he lieth ven is mine.
down, in the covert of the reeds, 4 I will not conceal (the ac-
and swamp. count of) his limbs, nor the re-
22 Shady trees cover him as lation of his might, nor the grace
his shadow willows of the brook of his proportion.

encompass him aboitf. 5 Who hath ever laid open the

23 Behold, a river sweepeth front of his garment? or who
violently along, but he hasteneth can penetrate into his double
not away he remaineth quiet, row of teeth ?

though a Jordan rusheth up to 6 Who hath opened the doors

his mouth. of his face ? all round about his
24 Can one catch him before teeth abideth terror.
his eyes ? pierce his nose by 7 What pride is there in (his)
means of snares ? strong shields he is locked up

25 Canst thou draw out the as with a close seal.

crocodile [livyathan] with a fish- 8 One is joined to another;
hook? or cause his tongue to and no breath can come between
sink into the baited rope ? them.
26 Canst thou put a reed 9 They are fitted closely one
through his nose ? or bore his to another they are interlocked,

jaw through with a thorn ? that they cannot be severed.

27 Will he address many sup- 10 From his sneezing there
plications unto thee? or will he beameth forth a light, and his
speak submissively unto thee ? eyes are like the eyelids of the
28 Will he make a covenant morning-dawn.
with thee? that thou couldst 11 Out of his mouth issue
take him as a servant for ever ? burning torches, sparks of fire
29 Canst thou play with him escape (therefrom).
as with a bird ? and tie him up 12 Out of his nostrils cometh
for thy maidens ? forth smoke, as out of a seeth
30 Can companions waylay ing-pot or caldron.
13 His breath kindleth coals, no deep plan of thine can be re-

and a flame cometh out of his strained.

mouth. 3 Who is he that dareth to
14 In his neck abideth strength, conceal (thy, counsel without
and before him danceth terror knowledge? Truly I have spoke:*
joyfully. of what I understood not, cf
15 The flakes of his flesh are things too wonderful for mo,
fitted closely together they are which I knew not.

as molten metal on him, immov- 4 Oh do but hear (me), and I

able. will indeed speak I will ask of :

16 His heart is firm like a thee, and do thou inform me.

stone yea, as firm as the nether
: 5 I had only heard of thee by
millstone. the hearing of the ear; but now
17 At his lifting himself up my eye hath seen thee.
the mighty are terrified: the 6 Therefore I reject (what I
waves also are lessened. have said), and repent; because
18 If one overtake him with I am dust and ashes.
the sword, it cannot hold nor 7 % And it came to pass, after

the spear, the dart, and ar- the Lord had spoken these words
mour. unto Job, that the Loud said
19 He esteemeth iron as straw, to Eliphaz the Themanite, My
(and) brass as rotten wood. wrath is kindled against thee,
20 The child of the bow can- and against thy two friends be-

not make him flee into stubble

: cause ye have not spoken of me
are slingstones changed unto properly, like my servant Job.
him. 8 And now take unto your-
21 Clubs are esteemed as stub- selves seven bullocks and seven
ble, and he laugheth at the whir- rams, and go to my servant Job,
ring of the lance. and offer up a burnt-offering in
22 Beneath him are sharp- your behalf; and my servant
pointed potsherds, he spreadeth Job shall pray for you for him

out, (as it were,) a threshing- alone will I receive favourably,

roller upon the mire. so as not to deal with you after
23 He causeth the deep to boil your folly because^ye have not

like a pot: he rendereth the sea spoken of me properly, like my

like an apothecary’s mixture. servant Job.
24 Behind him he causeth his 9 Then went Eliphaz the The-
pathway to shine, (so that) men manite and Bildad the Shuchite
esteem the deep to be hoary. and Zophar the Na’amathite, and
25 There is none upon earth did in accordance with what the
that ruleth over him, who is Lord had spoken to them and :

made to be without dread. the Lord received Job in fa-

26 He looketh upon all that is .vour. •

high he is the king over all the

: 10 And the Lord brought back
ravenous beasts. the captivity of Job, when he
prayed in behalf of his friends;
CHAPTER XLII. and the Lord increased all that
1 Then answered Job unto Job had had twofold.
the Lord, and said, 11 And then came unto him
2 I acknowledge that thou art all his brothers, and all his sis-
able to do every thing, and that ters, and all that had been of his

acquaintance before, and ate 14 And he called the name

bread with him in his house; of the first Yemimah; and the
and they condoled with him, and name of the second Keziah and ;

comforted him for all the evil the name of the third, Keren-
that the Lord had brought upon happuch.
him and they gave him, every
15 And there were not found
one, a kessitah, and every one such handsome women as the
an earring of gold. daughters of Job in all the land;
12 the Lord blessed the and their father gave them an
latter end of Job more than his inheritance among their bro-
beginning and he had fourteen thers.

thousand sheep, and six thou- 16 And Job lived after this
sand camels, and a thousand one hundred and forty years;
yoke of oxen, and a thousand and he saw his sons, and his
she-asses. sons’ sons,. even four generations.
13 He had also seven sons and 17 Then died Job, being ol'l
three daughters. land full of days.


o'Ttyrt Tty rtaa.

5 Black am T, yet comely, 0

daughters of Jerusalem like the

1 The song of songs, which tents of Kedar, like the curtains

is Solomon’s. of Solomon.
2 Oh that he might kiss me 6 Look not so at me, because
with the kisses of his mouth for I am somewhat black, because

thy caresses are more pleasant the sun hath looked fiercely at
than wine. me my mother’s children were

3 Tothe smell are thy fragrant angry with me; they appointed
oils pleasant, (like) precious oil me to be keeper of the vineyards
poured forth is thy name (famous but my vineyard, which is my
afar) therefore do maidens love own, have I not kept.

thee. 7 Tell me, 0 thou whom my

4 Oh draw me after thee will soul loveth, where thou feedest?

we run the king hath brought where lettest thou thy flock rest

me into his chambers; we will at noon ? for why should I ap-

be glad and rejoice in thee; we pear like a vailed mourner by
will recall thy caresses, more the flocks of thy companions?
(pleasant) than wine; without 8 If thou knowest this not, O
deceit (all) love thee. thou fairest of women go but!

87* 1037

forth in the footsteps of the flock, be under my

head, ar-d that his
and feed thy kids around the right might embrace me !

shepherds’ dwellings. 7 I adjure you, 0 daughters

9 Unto the horse in Pharaoh’s of Jerusalem, by the roes, and
chariot do I compare thee, my by the hinds of the field, that ye
beloved. awaken not, nor excite my love,
10 Comely are thy cheeks be- till it please (to come of it-
tween strings (of pearls), thy self).
neck with rows (of jewels). 8 The voice of my friond S

11 Chains of gold will we behold, there he cometh, leaping

make for thee with studs of sil- over the mountains, skipping
ver. over the hills.
12 While the king sitteth at 9 My friend is like a roebuck
his table, my spikenard sendeth or the fawn of the hinds be- :

forth its (pleasant) smell. hold, there he standeth behind

13 A bundle of myrrh is my our wall, looking in at the win-
friend unto me, that resteth on dows, seeing through the lat-
my bosom. tice.
14 A copher-cluster is my 10 My
friend commenced, and
friend unto me in the vineyards said unto me, “ Rise thee up, my
of ’En-gedi. beloved, my fair one, and come
15 Lo, thou art beautiful, my along.
beloved lo, thou art beautiful
11 For, lo, the winter is past,
thy eyes are those of a dove. the rain is over and gone its
16 Lo, thou art beautiful, my way.
friend, also pleasant also our
: 12 The
flowers are seen in the
couch is (made in the) green land;the time of the (birds’)
(wood). singing is come, and the voice
17 The beams of our house of the turtle-dove is heard in our
are cedar, and our wainscoting land
of cypress-trees. 13 The fig-tree perfumeth its
green figs, and the vines with
young grapes give forth a (plea-
1 I am the rose of Sharon, the sant) smell. Arise thee, my be-
lily of the valleys. loved, my fair one, and come
2 Like the lily among the along.
thorns, so is my beloved among 14 0 my dove, who art in the
the young maidens. clefts of the rock, in the recesses
3 Like the apple-tree among of the cliffs, let me see thy coun-
the trees of the forest, so is my tenance, let me hear thy voice ;
friend among the young men for thy voice is sweet, and thy

under his shadow do I ardently countenance is comely.”

wish to sit, and his fruit is sweet 15 Seize for us the foxes, the
to my palate. little foxes, that injure the vine-
4 He brought me to the ban- yards ; for our vineyards have
queting-house, and his banner young grapes.
over me was love. 16 My friend is mine, and I
5 Strengthen me with flagons am his —
that feedeth among the
of wine, refresh me with apples; lilies.
for sick of love am I. 17 Until the day become cool,
6 Oh that his left hand might and the shadows flee away, turn
about, my friend, and be thou of silver, its coverlid of gold, its
like the roebuck or the fawn of seat of purple: its inner part is
the hinds upon the mountains arranged lovely, by the daugh-
of separation. ters of Jerusalem.
11 Go forth, and look, 0 ye
CHAPTER III. daughters of Zion, on king Solo-
1 On my couch, during the, mon, with the cr )wn wherewith
nights, I sought him whom my his mother hath crowned him on
soul loveth :I sought him, but the day of his espousals, and on
I found him not. the day of the joy of his heart.
2 Oh, I must rise now, and go
about in the city, in the streets, CHAPTER IV.
and in the open places; I will 1 Behold, thou art beautiful,
seek him whom my soul loveth: my beloved !behold, thou art
I sought him, but I found him beautiful : thy dovelike eyes
not. (look forth) from behind thy
3 Then found me the watch- vail ; thy hair is like a flock of
men that walked about the city goats, that come quietly down

“ Have ye seen him whom my from mount Gil’ad.

soul loveth ?” 2 Thy teeth are like a flock
4 Scarcely had I passed away of well-selected sheep, which are
from them, when I found him come up from the washing, all
whom my soul loveth: I laid of which bear twins, and there
fast hold of him, and would not is not one among them that is
let him go, until I had brought deprived of her young.
him into my mother’s house, and 3 Like a thread of scarlet are
into the chamber of her that hath thy lips, and thy mouth is come-
born me. ly: like the half of a pomegra-
5 I adjure you, ye daughters nate is the upper part of thy
of Jerusalem, by the roes, and cheek behind thy vail.
by the hinds of the field, that ye 4 Thy neck is like the tower
awaken not, nor excite my love, of David built on terraces, a
till it please (to come of itself). thousand shields hang thereon,
6 Who is this that cometh up all the quivers of the mighty
from the wilderness, like pillars men.
of smoke, perfumed with myrrh 5 Thy two breasts are like two
and frankincense, with all spicy fawns, the twins of the roe, that
powders of the merchant? feed among the lilies.
7 Behold, it is the bed, which 6 Until the day become cool,
is Solomon’s, sixty valiant men and the shadows, flee away, will
are round about it, of the valiant I get me to the mountain of
ones of Israel. myrrh, and to the hill of frank-
8 All of them are girded with incense.
the sword, are expert in war : 7 Thou art altogether beauti-
every one hath his sword upon ful, my beloved, and there is r.o
his thigh, because of the terror blemish on thee.
in the nights. 8 Come with me from Lei a-
9 A palanquin did king Solo- non, 0 bride, with me from Le-
mon make for himself out of the banon look about from the top

wood of Lebanon. of Amanah, from the top of

10 The pillars thereof he made Senir and Chermon, from the
lions’ dens, from the leopards’ for me, my sister, my beloved, my
mountains. dove, my guiltless one for my

9 Thou hast ravished my head is filled with dew, and my

heart, 0 my sister, (my) bride locks with the drops of the night.”
thou hast ravished my heart with 3 I have put off my coat how :

one of thy eyes, with one chain shall I put it on ? I have wash-
of thy neck. ed my feet: how shall I defile
10 How beautiful are thy them ?
caresses, 0 my sister, (my) bride! 4 My friend stretched forth
how much more pleasant are thy his hand through the opening,
caresses than wine! and the and my inmost parts were
smell of thy fragrant oils more moved for him.
than all spices. 5 I rose up myself to open for
11 Of sweet honey drop thy my friend; and my hands drop-
lips, 0 bride honey and milk ped with myrrh, and my fingers

are under thy tongue; and the with fluid myrrh, upon the
scent of thy garments is like the handles of the lock.
scent of Lebanon. 6 I indeed opened for my be-
12 A locked-up garden is my loved but my beloved had ;

sister,, (my) bride; a locked-up vanished, and was gone my :

spring, a sealed fountain. soul had failed me while he was

13 Thy sprouts are an orchard speaking; I sought him, but I
of pomegranates, with precious could not find him; I called
fruits, copher and spikenard; him, but he answered me not.
14 Spikenard and saffron 7 Then found me the watch-
calamus and cinnamon, with all men that walked about the city;
the trees of frankincense; myrrh they smote me, they wounded
and aloes, with all the chief of me they took away my vail

spices; from me, they that watched the

15 A garden-spring, a well of walls.
living waters, and flowing down 8 I adjure you, 0 daughters
from Lebanon. of Jerusalem if ye find my be- !

16 Awake, 0 north wind! and loved, what will ye tell him?

come thou, O south blow over that
! I am sick of love.
my garden, that its spices may 9 “What is thy friend more
flow out. Let my friend come than another’s friend, 0 thou
into his garden, and eat its pre- fairest of women ? what is thy
cious fruits. friend more than another’s
friend, that thus thou adjurest
CHAPTER Y. us ?”
1 I am come into my garden, 10 My friend is white and
my sister, (my) bride! I have ruddy, distinguished among ten
p.ucked my myrrh with my thousand.
spice ;
have eaten my sugar-
I 11 His head is bright as the
cane with my honey I have finest gold, his locks are like

drunk my wine with my milk waving foliage, and black as a


eat, ye companions drink, yea, raven.


drink abundantly, ye friends. 12 His eyes are like (those of)

2 I slept, but my heart was doves by streamlets of waters,
awake (there was) the voice of bathed in milk, well fitted in

my beloved that knocked, “ Open their setting.

13 His cheeks are as a bed of eighty the concubines, and the
spices, as turrets of sweet per- young women without number;
fumes his lips, like lilies, drop-
: 9 But one alone is my dove,
ping with fluid myrrh. my one she is the only
guiltless ;

14 His hands are like wheels one of her mother, she is the
of gold beset with the ‘chryso- chosen of her that bore her
lite: his body, an image made maidens see her,* and call her
of ivory overlaid with sapphires, happy.; yea, queens and concu-
15 His legs are like pillars of bines, and praise her.
marble, resting upon sockets -of 10 Who
is this that shineth
fine gold his countenance is as
: forth like the morning-dawn,
Lebanon, excellent like the ce- beautiful as the moon, bright as
dars. >the sun, terrible as armies en-
16 His palate is full of sweets, camped round their banners ?
and every thing in him is agree- *11 Into the nut-garden was I

able. This is my
friend, and gone down, to look about among
this is my beloved, 0 daughters the plants of the valley, to see
of Jerusalem !
whether the vine had blossomed,
whether the pomegranates had
CHAPTER VI. budded.
1 “Whither thy friend is 12 I knew not (how it was),
gone, 0 fairest of women ? whi- my soul made me (like) the
ther hath thy friend turned chariots of my noble people.
himself? that we may seek him
with thee ?” CHAPTER VII.
2 My beloved is gone down to 1 Return, return, 0 43hulam-
his garden, to the beds of spices, mith return, return, that we

to feed in the gardens, and to may look upon thee. ‘“What

gather lilies. will ye see in the Shulammith ?”
3 I am my and my As though it were the dance of
friend is he that feedeth a double company.
mine :

among the lilies. 2 How beautiful are thy steps

4 Thou art beautiful, 0 my in sandals, 0 prince’s daughter!
beloved! like Thirzah, comely the roundings of thy thighs are
like Jerusalem, terrible as armies like jewelled ornaments, the
encamped round their banners. work of the hands of the arti-
5 Turn away thy eyes from ficer.
me, for they have excited me 3 Thy navel is like a round

thy hair is like a flock of goats goblet which lacketh not the
that come quietly down from mixed wine thy body is like a :

mount Gil’ad. heap of wheat fenced about with

6 Thy teeth are like a flock lilies.
of ewes which are come up from 4 Thy two breasts are like two
the washing, all of which bear fawns, the twins of the roe.
twins, and there is not one 5 Thy neck is like a tower
among them that is deprived of of ivory thy eyes are like the ;

her young. pools in Cheshbon, by the gate

7 Like the half of the pome- of Bath-rabbim thy nose is like ;

granate is the upper part of thy the tower of Lebanon which

cheek behind thy vail. looketh toward Damascus.
8 Sixty are the queens, and 6 Thy head upon thee is like
Carmel, and the hair of thy 3 Oh that his left hand might
head like purple: a king is held be under my head, and that his
bound in the tresses. right hand might embrace me
7 How beautiful and how 4 I adjure you. 0 daughters
pleasant art thou, 0 love, in thy of Jerusalem why will ye

attractions awaken, and why will j^e excite

8 This thy stature is like a my love, until it please (to come
palm-tree, and thy breasts are of itself) ?

like clusters of grapes. 5 Who is this that cometh

9 I thought, I wish to climb up from the wilderness, lean-
up the palm-tree, I wish to take ing upon her friend ? Under —
hold of its boughs ; and, oh, that the apple-tree have I waked
thy breasts might be like clus- thee up; there thy mother
ters of the vine, and the smell brought thee forth ; there
of thy nose like apples ; brought thee forth she that bore
10 And thy palate like the thee.
best wine, that glideth down for 6 Set me as a seal upon thy
my friend gently, exciting the heart, as a seal upon thy arm

lips of those that are asleep. for strong as death is love; vio-
111 am my friend’s, and to- lent like the nether world is
ward me is his desire. jealousy ; its heat is the heat of
12 Come, my friend us
! let fire, a flame of God.

go forth into the field; let us 7 Many waters are not able to
spend the night in the villages; quench love, nor can the rivers
13 Let us get up early to the flood it away if a man were to

vineyards; let us see if the vine give all the wealth of his house
have blossomed, whether the for love, men would utterly de-
young grape have opened (to spise him.
the view), whether the pome- 8 We have a little sister, and
granates have budded there : she hath yet no breasts what :

will I give my caresses unto shall we do for our sister on the

thee. day when she shall be spoken
14 The mandrakes give forth for ?
(their) smell, and at our doors 9 If she be a wall, we will
are all manner of precious fruits, build upon her a palace of sil-
new and also old O my friend ver: and if she be a door, we
: !

these have I laid up for thee. will enclose her with boards of
CHAPTER VIII. 10 I am a wall, and my breasts
1 Oh that some one would are like towers then was I in :

make thee as my brother that his eyes as one that found fa-
hath sucked my mother’s breasts vour.
should I then find thee without, 11 Solomon had a vineyard
I would kiss thee ; and yet, peo- at Ba’al-hamon; he had given
ple would not despise me. up the vineyard unto the keep-
2 I would lead thee, I would ers ; every one was to bring for
bring thee into my mother’s its fruit a thousand pieces of
house, thou shouldst teach me: silver.
I would cause thee to drink of 12 My vineyard, which was
spiced wine, of the sweet juice mine, was before me: thine, 0
of my pomegranate. Solomon, be the thousand, and

Jettwo hundred be for those that 14 Flee away, my friend, and

keep its fruit.— be thou like the roebuck, or the
13 “Thou thatdwellest in the fawn of the hinds, upon the
gardens, the companions listen mountains of spices
for thy voiceoh let me hear it.”


nn nSjo.

daughters-in-law, and returr ed

Chapter r.
homeward from the fields of
1 And it came to pass in Moab ;
for she had heard in the
the days when the judges judg- fields of Moab that theLoRD had
ed, that there was a famine in thought of his people in giving
the land and there went a cer-
: them bread.
tain man of Beth-lechem-judah 7 Therefore she went forth out
to sojourn in the fields of Moab, of the placewhere she had been,
he, and his wife, and his two and her two daughters-in-law
sons. (were) with her; and they went
2 And the name of the man on their way to return unto the
was Elimelech, and the name of land of Judah.
his wife Na’omi, and the name 8 Then said Na’omi unto her
of his two sons Machlon and two daughters- in- law, Go, return
Kilyon, Ephrathites of Beth- each one to her mother’s house
lechem-judah. And they came may the Lord deal kindly with
Moab, and re-
into the fields of you, as ye have dealt with the
mained there. dead, and with me.
3 Thereupon died Elimelech 9 May the Lord grant unto
Na’omi’s husband; and she was you that ye may find rest, each
left, her two sons. one in the house of her husband.
4 And they took themselves Then she kissed them, and they
wives of the women of Moab; liftedup their voice, and wept.
the name of one was ’Orpah, and 10 And they said unto her,
the name
of the other Ruth and : (No,) for truly we will return
they dwelt there about ten years. with thee unto thy people.
5 And then died also both of 11 Then said Na’omi, Return
these, Machlon and Kilyon, and back, my daughters why will :

the woman was left (deprived) ye go with me ? are there yet any
of her two children and her hus- more sons in my womb, that
band. they may become your hus-
6 Then did she arise with her bands?

12 Return back, my daugh- Mara; for the Almighty hath

ters, go ;
for I am
too old to be- dealt very bitterly with me.
come (the wife) of any man 21 I went out full, but empty

yea, if I were even to think, I hath the Lord brought me home

have hope ; should I even obtain again : why then will ye call me
this night a husband, and should Na’omi, seeing the Lord hath
also bear sons testified against me, and the Al-
13 Would ye wait in hopes for mighty hath sent me affliction ?
them till they were grown? 22 So did Na’omi return, and
would ye debar yourselves for Ruth the Moabitess, her daugh-
them so as not to> become the ter-in-law,with her, who had
wives of any man ? not so, my returned out of the fields of Mo-
daughters for I feel much more
ab: and they came to Beth-le-
bitter pain than you because;
chem at the beginning of the
the hand of the Lord is gone barley-harvest.
out against me.
14 And they lifted up their CHAPTER II.
voice and wept a long time ; and 1 And Na’omi had a kinsman
’Orpah kissed her mother-in- of her husband’s, a mighty, va-
law ; but Ruth cleaved unto liant man, of the family of Eli-
her. melech, whose name was Bo’as.
15 And she said, Behold, thy 2 And Ruth the Moabitess
sister-in-law is returned back said unto Na’omi, Let me go, I
unto her people,, and unto her pray thee, into the field, and
gods return thou after thy sis- glean ears of corn after him in

ter-in-law. whose eyes I shall find grace.

16 But Ruthi said,. Urge me And she said unto her, Go, my
not to leave thee* to return from daughter.
following thee ;; for whither thou 3 And she went, and came,
goest, will I go and where thou and gleaned in the field after the

lodgest, will I lodge: thy people reapers: and the accident hap-
shall be my people, and thy God pened to her, that it was a part
my God. of the field belonging unto Bo’as,
17 Where thou diest, will I who was of the family of Elirne-
die, and there will I be buried lech.
may the Lord do so to me, and 4 And, behold, Bo’as came
may he so continue, if aught but from Beth lechem, and he said
death shall part me from thee. unto the reapers, The Lord be
18 When she thus saw that with you. And they said unto
she was persisting to go with him, May the Lord bless thee.
her, she left off speaking unto 5 Then said Bo’as unto his
her. young man that was appointed
19 So these two went until over the reapers, Whose maiden
they came to Beth-lechem. And is this ?
it came to pass, when they en- 6 And the young man that
tered Beth-lechem, that all the was appointed over the reapers
city was in a commotion about answered and said, It is a Mo-
them, and people said, Is this abitish maiden that is returned
Na’omi ? with Na’omi out of the fields of
20 And she said unto them, Moab
Call me not Na’omi, call me 7 And she said, Let me glean*

I pray you, and gather among! At mealtime come near hither,

the sheaves after the reapers so and eat of the bread, and dip

she came, and hath remained thy morsel in the vinegar. And
ever from the morning even un-, she seated herself beside the
til now ;
it is but a little while reapers : and he reached her
that she hath sat down in the parched corn, and she ate, and
house. was satisfied, and had some left.
8 Then said Bo’as unto Ruth, 15 Then did she arise to glean
Hearest thou not, my daughter? and Bo’as commanded his young
Go not to glean in another field, men, saying, Even between the
neither go away from this; but sheaves let her glean, and do not
keep close company with my cause her to feel any shame
own maidens. 16 And ye shall also draw out
9 Let thy eyes be on the field some for her from the bundles
which they may reap, and go on purpose, and leave it, that
thou after them behold, I have she may glean it, and ye shall

charged the young men that they not rebuke her.

shall not touch thee : and when 17 So she gleaned in the field
thou art thirsty, go unto the ves- until the evening; and when she
sels, and drink of that which the beat out what she had gleaned,
young men may draw. it was about an ephah of barley.
10 Thereupon she fell on her 18 And she took it up, and
face, and bowed herself to the she went into the city; and her
ground, and said unto him, Why mother-in-law saw what she had
have I found grace in thy eyes, gleaned and she brought forth,

that thou shouldst take cogni- and gave to her what she had
zance of me, seeing I am but a left over after she was satisfied.
stranger? 19 And her mother-in-law said
11 But Bo’as answered and unto her, Where hast thou glean-
said unto her, It hath fully been ed to-day? and where hast thou
told me, all that thou hast done wrought? may he that took cog-
unto thy mother-in-law after the nizance of thee be blessed. And
death of thy husband ; and how she told her mother-in-law with
thou hast forsaken thy father whom she had wrought, and
and thy mother, and the land of said, The name of the man with
thy birth, and art come unto a whom I wrought to-day is Bo’as.
people which thou knewest not 20 Then said Na’omi unto her
yesterday or the day before. daughter-in-law, Blessed be he
12 May the Lord recompense unto the Lord, who hath not
thy work, and may thy reward withheld his kindness from the
be complete from the Lord the living and from the dead. And
G od of Israel, under whose wings Na’omi said unto her, The man
thou art come to seek shelter. is nearly related unto us, he is
13 Then said she, Let me find one of our next kinsmen.
grace in thy eyes, my lord for
21 And Ruth the Moabitess
thou hast comforted me, and be- said, He hath also said unto me,
cause thou hast spoken (kindly) Thou shalt keep close company
unto the heart of thy handmaid, with my young men, until they
though I be not like one of thy have ended all my harvest.
handmaids. 22 Then said Na’omi unto
14 And Bo’as said unto her, Ruth her daughter-in-law, It is
88 1045
good, my daughter, that thou go 8 And it came to pass ar mid-
out with his maidens, and that night, that the man became ter-
men may not meet with thee in rified, and bent himself forward
any other field. and, behold, a woman was lying
23 So she kept close company at his feet.
with the maidens of Bo’as in Who art thou?
9 And he said,
gleaning until the end of the Andshe said, I am Ruth thy
barley-harvest, and of the wheat- handmaid spread therefore thy

harvest; and she dwelt with her skirt over thy handmaid ; for
mother-in-law. thou art a near kinsman.
10 And he said, Blessed be
CHAPTER III. thou unto the Lord, m3 daugh- 7

1 Then said Na’omi her mo- ter; for thou hast shown more
ther-in-law unto her, My daugh- kindness in the last instance than
ter, behold I will seek for thee a the first, by not going after the
resting-place, where it may be young men, whether they be
well with thee. poor or rich.
2 And now, behold, Bo’as is 11 And now, my daughter,
our kinsman, he with whose fear not: all that thou mayest
maidens thou hast been. Lo, he say will I do for thee for all ;

is winnowing the barley to-night (the men in) the gate of my peo-
in the threshing-floor. ple know that thou art a virtu-
3 Therefore bathe, and anoint ous woman.
thyself, and put thy garments 12 And now, it is indeed true
upon thee, and go down to the that I am thy near kinsman
threshing-floor; (but) make thy- nevertheless, there is a kinsman
self not known unto the man, nearer than I.
until he shall have finished eat- 13 Remain here this night,
ing and drinking. and it shall be in the morning,
4 And it shall be, when he that if he will redeem thee, well,
lieth down, that thou shalt note let him redeem ; but if he be not
the place where he will lie, and willing to redeem thee, then will
thou shalt then go in, and lift I redeem thee, as the Lord
up the covering that is on his liveth lie still until the morn-

feet, and lay thyself down : and ing.

he will tell thee what thou shalt 14 And she lay at his feet un-
do. til the morning and she rose up

5 And she said unto her, All before one could know another.
that thou sayest unto me will And he said, It must not be
I do. known that this woman came
6 And she went down unto the into the threshing-floor.
threshing-floor, and did in ac- 15 Also he said, Bring hither
cordance with all that her mo- the cloak that thou hast upon
ther-in-law had commanded her. thee, and lay hold of it. And
7 And Bo’as ate and drank, she laid hold of it, and he mea-
and his heart became merry; sured six (measures) of barley,
and he then went in to lie down and laid it on her, and went into
at the end of the heap of corn the city.

and she came in softly, and lifted 16 And she came to her mo-
up the covering that was on his ther-in-law, and she said, How
feet, and laid herself down. is it with thee, my daughter?
And she told her all that the lest I injure my own inherit-
man had clone to her. ance redeem thou what I should

17 And she said, These six redeem for thyself for I am not

measures of barley gave he unto able to redeem it

me for he said to me, Thou
7 Now this was formerly the
shalt not come empty to thy mo- custom in Israel at a redeem-
ther-in-law. ing and at an exchanging, to
18 Then said she, Remain confirm any thing, that a man
still, mydaughter, until thou pulled off his shoe, and gave it
know how the matter will fall to the other; and this was the
out; for the man will not rest, manner of testimony in Israel.
until he have finished the mat- 8 Thereupon said the kinsman
ter this day. unto Bo’as, Buy it for thee. And
he pulled off his shoe.
CHAPTER IV. 9 And Bo’as said unto the
1 But Bo’as went up to the elders, and unto all the people,
gate, and sat down there and, Ye are witnesses this day, that I

behold, the kinsman of whom have bought all that belonged

Bo’as had spoken came passing to Elimelech, and all that be-
by; and he said unto him, Turn longed to Kilyon and Machlon,
aside hither, sit down here, such out of the hand of Na’omi.
a one. And he turned aside, 10 And also Ruth the Moab-
and sat down. itess, the wife of Machlon, have
2 And he took ten men of the I obtained for myself as my
elders of the city, and said, Sit wife, to raise up the name of the
ye down here. And they sat dead upon his inheritance, that
down. the name of the dead may not
3 And he said unto the kins- be cut off from among his bre-
man, Na’omi, that is returned thren, and from the gate of his
out of the field of Moab, hath to place ye are witnesses this day.

sell a parcel of land, which was 11 And all the people that
our brother Elimelech’s. were in the gate, and the elders,
4 And I thought to inform said, (We are) witnesses. The
thee of it, saying, Buy it before Lord grant that the woman that
those sitting here, and before the is coming into thy house be like
elders of my people. If thou wilt Rachel and like Leah, who did
redeem it, redeem it but if thou both build up the house of Is-

wilt not redeem it, then tell me, rael and acquire thou wealth

that I may know ; for there is in Ephrathah, and let thy name
none beside thee to redeem it, become famous in Beth-lechem
and I am after thee. And he 12 And may thy house be like
said, I will redeem it. the house of Perez, whom Tha-
5 Then said Bo’as, On the day mar bore unto Judah, through
that thou buyest the field out of the seed which the Lord will
the hand of Na’omi, thou buyest ,
give thee of this young woman.
it also from Ruth the Moabitess, 13 And Bo’as took Ruth, and
the wife of the dead, to raise up she became his wife, and he
the name of the dead upon his went in unto her and the Lord

inheritance. gave her conception, and she

6 And the kinsman said, I am bore a son.
not able to redeem it for myself, 14 And the women said unto
Na'omi, Blessed be the Lord, There hath been a son born unto
who hath not allowed to be want- Na'omi and they called his

ing unto thee a kinsman this name 'Obed, who is the father
day: and may his name become of Jesse, the father of David.
famous in Israel. 18 And these are the gene-
15 And may he be unto thee rations of Perez: Perez begat
one who refresheth thy soul, and Chezron
who nourisheth thy old age ; for 19 And Chezron begat Ram;
thy daughter-in law, who loveth and Ram begat ’Amminadab;
thee, hath born him, she who is 20 And 'Amminadab begat
better to thee than seven sons. Nachshon and Nachshon begat

16 AndNa’orni took the child, Salmah ;

and laid it in her lap, and she 21 And Salmon begat Bo’as;
became a nurse unto it. and Bo’as begat 'Obed;
17 And the neighbouring wo- 22 And ’Obed begat Jesse, and
men gave him a name, saying, Jesse begat David.


ro'x rhi n.

tions, she findeth no rest: all

her pursuers have overtaken her
1 Oh how doth she between the narrow passes.
sit soli-
tary —the city that was 4 The ways to Zion are in
full of
people is become like a widow mourning, because none come to

she that was so great among the the solemn feasts all her gates ;

nations, the princess among the are desolate her priests sigh ;;

provinces, is become tributary her virgins moan, and she suf-

2 She weepeth sorely in the fereth herself from bitter grief.
night, and her tears are on her 5 Her adversaries are become
cheeks; she hath none to com- chiefs, her enemies prosper; for
fort her among all her lovers: the Lord hath caused her to
all her friends have dealt trea- grieve because of the multitude
cherously toward her, they are of her transgressions her babes

bee Dine her enemies. are gone into captivity before

3 Exiled is Judah because of the adversary.
affliction, and because of the 6 And there is gone forth
greatness of servitude; she from the daughter of Zion all
dwelleth indeed among the na- her splendour: her princes are

become like harts that have eth (them) one by one he hath :

found no pasture, and they flee spread a net for my feet, he hath
without strength before the pur- caused me to return backward;
suer. he hath made me desolate, sick
7 Jerusalem remembereth in all the day.
the days of her affliction and of 14 Bound fast is the yoke of
her miseries all her magnificent my transgressions by his hand,
things which have been in the they are wreathed and come up
days of old when her people upon my neck he hath made

fell into the hand of the adver- my strength to stumble the :

sary, with none to help her, the Lord hath given me up into the
adversaries looked at her, they hands of (those against whom)
laughed at the cessation (of her I am not able to rise up.
glory). 15 The Lord hath trodden
8 A grievous sin did Jerusa- under foot all my mighty men in
lem commit, therefore is she be- the midst of me he hath called ;

come a wanderer all that ho- an assembly against me to crush


noured her hold her in contempt, my young men a winepress :

because they have seen her na- hath the Lord trodden over
kedness; she also sigheth, and the virgin, the daughter of Ju-
turneth (ashamed) backward. dah.
9 (With) her uncleanness on 16 For these things do I
her skirts, she thought not of weep my eye, my eye runneth ;

her latter end therefore is she down with water; because far

come down wonderfully, with- from me is the comforter that

out one to comfort her. Behold, should refresh my soul my :

0 Lord, my affliction for the children are in misery, because


enemy hath become great (above the enemy hath prevailed.”

me). 17 Zion spreadeth forth her
10 His hand hath the adver- hands, without one to comfort
sary spread out over all her her; the Lord hath given a
magnificent things ; for she hath charge concerning Jacob to all
seen nations entering into her his adversaries round about hirni
sanctuary, of whom thou didst Jerusalem is become as an un-
command that they should not clean woman among them.
enter into thy congregation. 18 “ Righteous is the Lord ;

11 All her people sigh, they for against his orders have I
are seeking bread; they have rebelled oh do hear, all yo

given their precious things for people, and see my pain my !

food to refresh their soul see, : virgins and my young men are
0 Lord, and look, how I have gone into captivity.
been brought low. 19 I called for my lovers, but
12 “ I adjure you, all that they deceived me my priests :

pass this way, behold, and see and my elders perished in the
if there be any pain like unto city; for they sought food for
my pain, which hath been in- themselves to refresh their
flicted on me, wherewith the soul.
Lord hath aggrieved me on the 20 See, 0 Lord ! how I am
day of his fierce anger. in distress ;
bowels are heat-
13 From on high hath he sent ed my
heart is turned round
a fire into my bones, and break- within me ; because I have
88 * 2 .2
^ 1040

grievously rebelled abroad be- enemy he destroyed Israel, he


reaveth the sword, at home, like destroyed all her palaces, he ru-
the pestilence. ined her strong-holds; and ho
21 They hear how greatly I increased in the midst of the
sigh, (yet) there is none to com- daughter of Judah groaning and
fort me all my enemies have
heard of my misfortune, they 6 And he violently wasted, as
are glad that thou hast done it if it were a garden, his taberna-
oh that thou wouldst bring the cle he destroyed his place of

day which thou hast proclaimed assembly: (yea,) the Lord hath
(against me), that they may be- caused to be forgotten in Zion
come like me. the solemn feast and the day of
22 Let all their wickedness rest, and hath despised in the
come before thee, and do unto indignation of his anger both
them as thou hast done unto me king and priest.
because of all my transgressions 7 The Lord hath cast off his
for many are my sighs, and my altar, he hath made void his
heart is sick/' sanctuary, he hath surrendered
into the hand of the enemy the
CHAPTER II. walls of her palaces they have :

1 ^ Oh how haththe Lord made their voice to resound in

covered in his anger the daugh- the house of the Lord, as on a
ter of Zion with a cloud he day of a solemn feast.

hath cast down from heaven 8 The Lord had resolved to

unto the earth the ornament of destroy the wall of the daughter
Israel; and he hath not remem- of Zion ; he stretched out the
bered his footstool on the day of measuring-line, he withdrew not
his anger his hand from destroying and :

2 The Lord hath destroyed he caused the rampart and the

and hath not pitied all the habi- wall to mourn; together they
tations of Jacob ; he hath thrown languish.
down in his wrath the strong- 9 Sunk into the ground are
holds of the daughter of Judah her gates ; he hath ruined and

he hath thrown them down to broken her bars her king and :

the ground he hath defiled the her princes are among the na-

kingdom and its princes. tions without any law her pro- ;

3 He hath hewn aw ay in his phets also obtain no more any


fierce anger the whole horn of vision from the Lord.

Israel; he hath drawn back his 10 The elders of the daughter
right hand from before the ene- of Zion sit upon the ground,
my and
he burnt against Jacob they keep silence; they have
like a flaming fire, which de- thrown dust upon their bead
voureth round about. they have girt themselves with
4 He bent his bow like an sackcloth the virgins of Jeru- :

enemy; he held out his right salem have brought down low
hand as an adversary, and slew their head to the ground.
all that were pleasant to the eye 11 My eyes do fail with tears,

in the tent of the daughter of my bowels are heated, my liver

Zion did he pour out like fire his is poured upon the earth, be-
fury. cause of the breach of the
5 The Lord became like an daughter of my people; because

babes and sucklings faint away the Lord. 0 thou wall of the
in the streets of the town. daughter of Zion let tears run

12 To their mothers they say, down like a stream day and

Where is corn and wine? when night; allow thyself no rest let

they faint away like the deadly not the apple of thj' eye be
wounded in the streets of the still.
city, when their soul is poured 19 Arise, complain aloud in
out on the bosom of their mo- the night, in the beginning of
ther. the watches pour out like wa-

13 What shall I take to wit- ter thy heart before the face of
ness for thee? what shall I com- the Lord: lift up toward him
pare unto thee, 0 daughter of thy hands because of the life of
Jerusalem ? what shall I find thy babes, that faint away for
equal to thee, that I may com- hunger at the corner of all the
fort thee, 0 virgin daughter of streets.

Zion? for great like the sea is 20 See, 0 Lord, and behold!
thy breach who can bring heal- to whom hast thou ever done

ing to thee ? the like ? Shall women, then,

14 Thy prophets foresaw for! eat their own fruit, the babes
thee vain and deceptive things they have tenderly nursed? or

and they did not lay open thy shall there be slain in the sanc-

iniquity, to cause thy backsliders tuary of the Lord the priest and
to return ; but they foresaw for the prophet ?
thee prophecies of falsehood and 21 There lie down on the
seduction. ground in the streets the lad and
15 All that pass by (this) way the ancient ; my virgins and my
clap their hands on account of young men are fallen by the
thee; they hiss and shake their sword thou hast slain on ttm

head over the daughter of Jeru- day of thy anger ; thou hast
salem : (saying,) “Is this the slaughtered, thou hast not pitied.
city that men called The perfec- 22 Thou hast called, as it
tion of beauty, The joy for all were on a festive day, my evil
the earth ?” *
neighbours from round about;
16 All thy enemies open wide and there was not on the day of
their mouth against thee they the Lord’s anger
one tha t
hiss and gnash their teeth ; they escaped or remained those that :

say, “ We have swallowed herjl had tenderly nursed and reared

up: ah, truly this is the day up my enemy brought to their
that we hoped for; we have end.
found, we have seen it.

17 The Lord hath done what CHAPTER

he had resolved; he hath ac- 1 f I am the man who hath
complished his word which he seen affliction by the rod of his
had ordained already in the days wrath.
of old; he hath thrown down, 2 Me hath he driven out, and
and hath not pitied : and he led into darkness, but not into
hath caused to rejoice over thee light.
thy enemy, he hath raised on 3 Surely against me doth he
high the horn of thy adversa- turn again and again his hand
ries. all the day.
18 Their heart crieth unto 4 He bath caused my flesh
and iny skin to wear he give to my heart therefore wiL
out, :

hath broken my bones. f wait (in confidence).

5 He hath built around me, 22 It is through the Lord's
and encompassed me with poi- kindness that we are not con-
son and hardship. sumed, because his mercies have
6 In dark places bath he set no end;
me to dwell, like the dead of 23 They are new every morn-
olden times. ing great is thy faithfulness.

7 He hath placed a fence 24 The Lord is my portion,

round about me, that I cannot saith my soul, therefore will I
get out he hath made heavy wait for him.

my chain. 25 The Lord is good unto

8 Also when I cry aloud and those that hope in him, to the
make entreaty, he shutteth out soul that seeketh him.
my prayer. 26 It is good that one should
9 He hath fenced up my wa}r s wait and this in silence for the
with hown stone, my paths hath salvation of the Lord.
he made crooked. 27 It is good for a man that
10 A bear l.ying in wait is he he bear the yoke in his youth ;

to me, a lion in secret places. 28 That he sit in solitude and

11 On my ways hath he placed be silent; because He hath laid
thorns, and torn me in pieces : it upon him ;

he hath made me desolate. 29 That he put his mouth in

12 He hath bent his bow, and the dust; perhaps there still is
placed me as a mark for the ar- hope ;

row. 30 That he offer his cheek to

13 He hath caused to enter him that smiteth him that he ;

into my reins the children of his be satisfied with reproach.

quiver. 31 For the Lord will not cast
14 I am become a laughing- off for ever
stock to all my people, their 32 But though he have caused
(jeering) song all the day. grief, yet will he have mercy
15 He hath sated me with bit- according to the abundance of
ter things, he hath made me his kindnesses.
drunken with wormwood. 33 For he doth not afflict of
16 He hath also broken my his own will, and aggrieve the
teeth with gravel-stones, he hath children of men.
covered me with ashes. 34 To crush under his feet all
17 And my soul hath given the prisoners of the earth,
up all thoughts of peace I for-
: 35 To pervert the justice (due
get happiness. to man) before the face of the
18 And I said, “Lost is my Most High,
strength, my expectation also 36 To subvert a man in his
from the Lord.” contest — should the Lord not
19 Remembering my afflic- see this ?
tion and (the cause o ) my com- 37 Who is he that saith aught,
plaint, is wormwood and poison. and it cometh to pass, when the
20 Remembering (this) con- Lord hath not ordained it?
tinually my soul is bowed down 38 Do not out of the mouth
deeply within me. of the Most High come both the
21 (Yet) this answer will I evil things and the good ?

39 Wherefore should a living hide not thy ear to give me en-

man complain ? let every man largement at my cry.
complain because of his sins. I
57 Thou wast ever near on
40 Let us search through and the day that I called on thee
investigate our ways, and let us thou saidst, Fear not.
return to the Lord. 58 Thou didst plead, 0 Lord,
41 Let us lift up our heart the causes of my soul thou :

with «ur hands unto God in the didst (before this) redeem my
heaven • life.

42 We have indeed trans- 59 Thou hast (now) seen, 0

gressed and rebelled thou hast
: Lord, the wrong I suffer: judge
truly not pardoned. thou my cause.
43 Thou hast covered (us) 60 Thou hast seen all their
with thy anger, and made pur- vengeance, all their plans against
suit after us thou hast slain,
: me.
thou hast not pitied. 61 Thou hast heard their re-
44 Thou hast covered thyself viling, 0 Lord, all their plans
with a cloud, that no prayer against me,
should pass through. 62 The speeches of those that
45 As something loathsome rise up against me, and their de-
and rejected hast thou rendered vice against me all the day.
us in the midst of the people. 63 Oh look upon their sitting
46 Wide have all our enemies down, and their rising up : I am
opened against us their mouth. their (jeering) song.
47 Terror and a snare are 64 Render unto them a re-
come upon us, (with) desolation compense, 0 Lord, according to
and breaches. the work of their hands.
48 With streams of water run- 65 Give them confusion of
neth my eye down, because of heart, thy curse be upon them.
the breach of the daughter of 66 Pursue them in anger and
my people. destroy from under the heavens
49 My
eye trickleth down, of the Lord.
and resteth not, without any in-
termission, CHAPTER IV.
50 Till the Lord look down, 1 Oh how is the gold be-
and behold from heaven. come dim how! is the most
51 My eye affecteth my soul fine gold changed ! how are the
because of all the daughters of stones of the sanctuary poured
my city. out at the corners of every street \

52 Those who are my enemies, 2 The precious sons of Zion,

without a cause, have chased me valued equal to pure gold, bow
about like a bird. are they now esteemed as ea* th-
53 They have shut up in the en pitchers, the work of the
dungeon my life, and have cast hands of the potter!
stones upon me. 3 Even wild beasts offer the
54 Waters streamed over my breast, they give suck to their
head I said, I am cut off.
: young ones the daughter of my

55 I called on thy name, 0 people is become cruel, like the

Lord out of the dungeon of ostriches in the wilderness.

the lowest depth. 4 The tongue of the suckling

56 Thou didst hear my voice cleaveth to its palate by reason
of thirst: babes ask for bread, had shed in the midst of her the
there is not one to break it for blood of the righteous.
them. 14 They wandered about
5 Those that used to eat dainty blindly in the streets, they be-
food are desolate in the streets came defiled with blood so that
: :

they that were reared up on men were not able to touch their
scarlet now embrace dunghills. garments.
6 For greater is the iniquity 15 “ Depart, ye unclean/’ they
of the daughter of my people called out unto them “ depart, ;

than the sin of Sodom, that was depart, touch not.” So they flee
overthrown as it were in a mo- away and also wander about:
ment, and no human hands were men say among the nations,
laid on her. “ They shall no more sojourn
7 Her crowned princes were there.”
purer than snow, they were 16 The anger of the Lord
whiter than milk, they were hath divided them; he will no
more brilliant in body than more look at them the faces of

pearls, more than the sapphire, the priests they respected not,
their countenance and the elders they spared
8 Darker than black is now not.
their visage ;
they are not to be 17 Even now our eyes anx-
recognised in the streets their
iously wait for our valueless
skin is shrivelled fast upon their help in our waiting have we

bones ; it is dry, it is become waited for a nation that cannot

like wood. help.
9 Happier are those slain by 18 They hunt our steps, that
the sword than those slain by we cannot walk in our streets:
hunger; for those poured forth our end is near, our days are
their blood, being pierced full; for our end is come.
through, — (these perished) with-
out the fruits of the field.
19 Swifter were our pursuers
than the eagles of heaven upon :

10 The hands of merciful wo- the mountains did they hotly

men cooked their own children: follow us, in the wilderness did
they became food unto them in they lie in wait for us.
the downfall of the daughter of 20 The breath of our nostrils,
my people. the anointed of the Lord, was
11 The Lord hath let loose caught in their pits, he, of whom
all his fury ; he hath poured out we said, Under his shadow shali
the fierceness of his anger ;
and we live among the nations.
he hath kindled a fire in Zion, 21 Be glad and rejoice, 0
which hath devoured her foun- daughter of Edom, that dwell
dations. est in the land of ’Uz also unto

12 The kings of the earth, thee shall the cup pass: thou
and all the inhabitants of the wilt be drunken, and make thy-
world, would not believe that an self naked.
adversary or an enemy could 22 Brought to an end is thy
ever enter within the gates of iniquity, 0 daughter of Zion !

Jerusalem. He will no more carry thee away

13 (But it hath happened) be- into exile: He visiteth thy ini-
cause of the sins of her prophets, quity, 0 daughter of Edom! He
the iniquities of her priests, that layeth open thy sins.
CHAPTER V. their hand: the faces of ellerr
1 Remember, 0 Lord, what were not honoured.
nath occurred to us, look down, 13 Young men they bore to
and behold our disgrace. the mill, and boys stumbled un-
2 Our inheritance is turned der the wood.
oyer to strangers, our houses to 14 The elders have ceased
aliens. from the gate, young men, from
3 Orphans are we become, and their singing.
(we are) without a father, our 15 Ceased hath the joy of our
mothers are like widows. heart: our dance is changed in-
4 Our water have we drunk to mourning.
for money our wood cometh to
: 16 Fallen is the crown of our
us for a purchase price. head : wo to us, for we have
5 Up to our necks are we pur- sinned !

sued we are fatigued, and no

: 17 Because of this is our heart
rest is allowed us. made sick ;
for these things are
6 To Egypt do we stretch out our eyes dimmed
18 Because of the mount of
our hand, to Asshur, to be satis-
fied with bread. Zion which is wasted, foxes walk
7 Our fathers have sinned, about on it.
and are no more; but we have 19 0 thou, Lord, wilt truly
indeed to bear their iniquities. abide for ever, thy throne exist-
1 Servants rule over us
8 :no
eth throughout all generations.
one delivereth us out of their 20 Wherefore wilt thou forget
hand. us for ever? wilt thou forsake
9 At' the peril of our life must
us for so long a time ?
we bring home our bread, be- 21 Cause us to return, 0 Lord,
cause of the sword of the wilder-unto thee, and we will return :

ness. renew our days as of old.

10 Our skin gloweth like an 22 For wouldst thou entirely
oven, because of the heat of fa- reject us, be wroth with us to
mine. the uttermost?
11 Women have they ravished [21 Cause us to return, 0
in Zion, virgins, in the cities of Lord, unto thee, and we will
Judah. return renew our days as of

12 Princes were hanged up by old.]


n^np nSjo.

2 Vanity of vanities, saith
The words
of Koheleth, Koheleth, vanity of vanities all :

the son of David, the king in is vanity.

Jerusalem. 3 What profit hath a man of

all which he
his toil toileth un- 14 I saw all the deed-s that
der the sun ? are done under the sun and, :

4 One generation passeth behold, all is vanity and a tor-

away, and another generation ture of the spirit.
cometh but the earth endureth
15 What is crooked cannot be
for ever. made straight; and that which
5 The sun also riseth, and the is defective cannot be num-
sun goeth down, and striving to bered.
reach his place he riseth again 18 I spoke with my own
there. heart, saying, “ Lo, I have truly
6 Going toward the south, obtained greater and more wis-
and turning round toward the dom than all those who have
north, the wind moveth round been before me over Jerusalem :”
about continually and around
yea, my heart had seen much
its circles doth the wind return wisdom and knowledge.
again. 17 And I directed my heart
7 All the rivers run into the to know wisdom, and to know
sea; yet the sea is never full: madness and folly; (but) I have
unto the place whither the rivers perceived that this also is a tor-
go, thither will they continue to ture of the spirit.
go. 18 For where there is much
8 All things weary themselves wisdom there is much vexation;
(constantly); man cannot utter and he that increaseth know-
them the eye is never satisfied
: ledge increaseth pain.
with seeing, nor the ear filled
with hearing. CHAPTER II.

9 That which hath been, is Come, then, I said in my

the same which will be and : heart, I will have a taste of
that which hath been done, is joy, and thou shalt see what is
the same which will be done ; good but, behold, this also was

and there is nothing new under vanity.

the sun. 2 Of laughter I said, It mak-
10 If there be any thing eth one mad and of joy, : What
whereof it is said, “ See, this is doth this do ?

new:” it hath already been in 3 I resolved in my heart to

olden times which were before us. indulge my body with wine,
11 (Only) there is no recol- while my heart guideth itself
lection of former (generations) with wisdom and to lay fast ;

and also of the later ones, that hold on folly, till I might see
are to be —
of these (likewise) what is good for the
it is that
there will be no recollection with sons of men, which they should
those that .will be still later. do under the heavens during
12 I Koheleth was king over the number of the days of their
Israel in Jerusalem. life.
13 And I directed my heart 4 I made great works I built :

to inquire and to search out bymyself houses I planted my- ;

wisdom concerning all that is self vineyards

done under the heavens this is :5 I made myself gardens and
an evil employment which God orchards, and I planted therein
hath given to the sons of man trees of all kinds of fruit:
to busy themselves therewith. 6 I made myself pools of wa-

water therewith the forest

ter, to The same that befalleth the fool
overgrown with trees will also befall even me and

7 I bought men-servants and why have I then been wiser?

maid-servants, and I had like- Then spoke I in my heart, that
wise those born in my house ;
I this is also vanity.
had also great possessions of 1 6 For there is no recollection
cattle and flocks above all that of the wise any more than of the
had been before me in Jerusa- fool for ever seeing that which

lem hath long ago been will, in the

8 I gathered unto myself also days that are coming, all be for-
silver and gold, and the choice gotten. And how doth the wise
treasures of kings and of the die equally with the fool
provinces: I procured myself 17 Therefore I hated life be- ;

male singers and female singers, cause I felt displeased with the
and the delights of the sons of work that is wrought under the
men, wagons and chariots. sun for all is vanity and a tor-

9 So was I great, and obtained ture of the spirit.

more than all that had been be- 18 Yea, I hated also all my
fore me in Jerusalem : also my toil with which I had toiled un-
wisdom remained with me. der the sun; because I should
10 And whatsoever my eyes have to leave it unto the man
desired I refused them not: I that will be after me.
withheld not my heart from any 19 And who knoweth, whe-
joy; for my heart was rejoiced ther he will be a wise man or a
with all my toil, and this was fool? yet will he have full sway
my portion of all my toil. over all my toil wherein I have
11 But when I turned myself toiled, and wherein I have
(to look) on all my works that shown myself wise under the
my hands had wrought, and on sun. Also this is vanity.
the toil that I had toiled to ac- 20 Therefore I turned about
complish then, behold, all was to cause my heart to give up

vanity and a torture of the spi- thinking of all the toil where-
rit, and there was no profit un- with I had toiled under the sun.
der the sun. 21 For there is many a man
12 And then I turned myself whose toil is in wisdom, and in
to behold wisdom, and madness, knowledge, and with energy
and folly; for what (can) the yet to a man that hath not toiled
man (do) that cometh after the therefor must he give it as his
king? (only) that which (others) portion. Also this is vanity and
have done already. a great evil.
13 But I saw indeed that wis- 22 For what doth a man ob-
dom hath the advantage over tain of all his toil, and of the
folly, as great as the advantage torture of his heart, wherewith
of light over darkness. he toileth under the sun ?
14 The wise man hath his 23 For all his days are full of
eyes in his head, while the fool pains, and vexation is (mingled
walketh in darkness ; but I my- with) his employment: yea,
self perceived then also that even in the night his heart tak*
one occurrence will befall all of eth not rest. Also this is vanity.
them. 24 It is not a good thing (in-
15 Then said I in my heart, herent) in man that he should
89 2 U lo57

oat and drink, he the sons of men to busy them*

and that
should make his soul enjoy hap- selves therewith.
piness for his toil. Also this 11 Every thing hath he made
have I seen, that it cometh out beautiful in its (proper) time :

of the hand of God. he hath als£> placed the eternity

25 For who can well, eat, or in their heart, without a man’s
who can enjoy earthly things being able to find out the work
more than I ? that God hath made from the
26 For to a man who is good beginning to the end.
in his presence (God) giveth 12 I know that there is no-
wisdom, and knowledge, and thing good (inherent) in them,
joy ; but to the sinner he giveth but for every one to rejoice, and
employment, to gather up and to do what is good during (all)
to bring together, that he may his life.
give it to him that is good be- 13 For also that every man
fore God. Also this is vanity should eat and drink, and enjoy
and a torture of the spirit, what is good for all his toil, is
likewise a gift of God.
CHAPTER III. 14 I know that whatsoever
1 For every thing there is a God doth, that will be for ever ;

season; and a (proper) time is to it nothing can be added, and

for every pursuit under the hea- from it there is nothing to be
vens. diminished and God hath so

2 (There is) a time to be born, made it, that men should be

and a time to die a time to afraid of him.

plant, and a time to pluck up 15 That which hath been hath

what hath been planted long since appeared (again) and
; ;

3 A time to kill, and a time what is to be hath already been

to heal; a time to break down, and God seeketh (again) that
and a time to build up which is sped away.
4 A time to weep, and a time 16 And moreover I have seen
to laugh a time to mourn, and under the sun, (that in) the place

a time to dance; of justice, even there was wick-

5 A time to throw away stones, edness and (that in) the place

and a time to gather up stones of righteousness, even there was

a time to embrace, and a time to wickedness.
be far from embracing; 17 I said in my heart, “ God
6 A time to seek, and a time will judge the righteous and the
to let things be lost; a time to wicked for there is a time for

keep, and a time to throw away every pursuit;

and on account

7 A time to rend, and a time of every deed there (will he

to sew a time to keep silence, judge).”

and a time to speak 18 I said in my heart con-

8 A time to love, and a time cerning the speaking of the sons
to hate a time of war, and a of men, that God might make it

time of peace. clear to them, and that they

9 What profit hath (now) he might see that they by them-
that worketh in that wherein he selves are but beasts.
toileth ? 19 For that which befalleth
10 Ihave seen the employ- the sons of men befalleth beasts;
ment, which God hath given to even the same thing befalleth
them as the one dieth, so dieth than both the hands full of toil

the other; yea, they have all one and torture of the spirit.
kind of spirit so that the pre-
: 7 Then I turned about, and I
eminence of man above the beast saw a vanity under the sun.
is nought; for all is vanity. 8 There is one alone, and he
20 Every thing goeth unto onehath not a companion yea, he ;

place every ching came from

: hath neither son nor brother
the dust, and every thing re- et is there no end to all his toil;
turneth to the dust. is eye also is not satisfied with

21 Who knoweth the spirit of riches. Yet for whom do I toil,

the sons of man that ascendeth and deprive my soul of good ?
upward, and the spirit of the Also this is vanity, yea, it is a
beast that descendeth downward bad employment.
to the earth? 9 Two are better than one;
22 And so did I perceive thatbecause they will have a good
there is nothing better, than that
reward for their toil.
a man should rejoice in his own 10 For if they fall, the one
works for that is his portion will lift up his fellow; but wo to

for who can bring him to look the single one that falleth; for
with pleasure on what will be he hath no companion to lift
after him ? him up.
11 Also, if two lie together,
CHAPTER IV. then will they become warm;
1 And I turned about, and be- but how can one person alone
neld all the oppressed that are become warm ?
made so under the sun and, : 12 And if a man could over-
behold, there are the tears of the power him, the single one, two
oppressed, and they have no com- would stand up against him
forter; and from the hand of and a threefold cord cannot
their oppressors they suffer vio- quickly be torn asunder.
lence; and they have no com- 13 Better is a poor and a wise
forter. youth than an old and foolish
2 Thereupon praised I the king, who knoweth not how to
dead that are already dead, more be admonished any more.
than the living who are still 14 For out of the prison com-
alive eth the one to reign whereas:

3 And as happier than both also in his kingdom the other

of them, him who bath not yet becometh poor.
come into being, who hath not 15 I have seen all the living
seen the evil-doing that is done who walk under the sun, being
under the sun. with the second child that is to
4 Again, I beheld all the toil, stand up in his stead.
and all the energy in doing, that 16 There was no end to all
it is (from) the envy of one man the people, (belonging) to all
of his neighbour. Also this is that have been before them they :

vanity and a torture of the also that come after will not re-
spirit. joice in him. Surely this also
5 The fool foldeth his hands is vanity and a torture of the
together, and eateth his own spirit.
flesh. 17 Watch thy foot when thou
6 Better is a handful of quiet, goest to the house of God, and
bo near to hearken (to his will), 10 When prosperity increas-
more than to give the sacrifice eth, those that consume it (like-
of fools,* for they consider not wise) increase and what advan- :

that they do evil (to themselves). tage is there to its owner, saving
to see (it) with his eyes?
CHAPTER V. 11 Sweet is the sleep of tho
1 Suffer not thy mouth to be labouring man, whether he eat
rash, and thy heart not be
let littleor much; but the over-
hasty to utter any word before abundance of the rich will not
God for God is in the heavens,
suffer him to sleep.
and thou art upon the earth 12 There is a sore evil which
therefore let thy words be few. I have seen under the sun,
2 For a dream cometh through (namely,) riches reserved for
being much employed (with their owner to his own hurt.
something), and the voice of a 13 And these riches are lost
fool (cometh) with a multitude through an unfortunate event;
of words. and he begetteth a son, and hath
3 When thou makest a vow not the least in his hand
unto God, do not delay to pay 14 As he came forth out of his
it; for he hath no pleasure in mother’s womb, naked will he
such fools that which thou hast
: return to go as he came; and
vowed must thou pay. not the least will he carry off for
4 It is better that thou shouldst his toil, which he might take
not vow, than that thou shouldst away with him.
vow and not pay. 15 And also this is a sore evil,
5 Suffer not thy mouth to cause that in all points as he came, so
thy body to sin and say thou
must he go and what profit

not before the messenger, that it hath he that hath toiled for the
was an error wherefore should
: wind ?

God be angry because of thy 16 All his days also had he to

voice, and destroy the work of eat in darkness, and hath had
thy hands? much vexation and wrath with
6 For in the multitude of his sickness.
dreams and vanities there are 17 Behold, what I have truly
also many words but rather seen as a good thing, that it is

fear thou God. fitting to eat and to drink, and

7 If thou see the oppression to enjoy the good of all one’s
of the poor, and violence done toil that he taketh under the sun
to justice and righteousness in a the number of the days of hi?
province, do not feel astounded life, which God hath given him;
at the matter; for one that is for this is his portion.
high watcheth over the high and 18 Also every man to whom

over them, the highest Power. God hath given riches and pro-
8 But the advantage of a land perty, and hath given him power
in all things is, a king who is to eat thereof, and to take his
subject to the country. portion, and to rejoice in his
9 He that loveth money will toil —
this is the gift of God.
never be satisfied with money; 19 Let him then remember,
nor he that loveth abundance, that the days of his life are not
with any increase. Also this is many, that God hath answered
vanity. jhim with the joy of his heart.

CHAPTER VI. vantage (cometh thence) fot
1 Therean evil which I
is man ?
have seen under the sun, and it 12 For who knoweth what is
is great on men : good for man in this life, the
2 (There is many) a man to number of the days of his vain
whom God hath given riches, life, that he should spend them
property, and honour, and no- as a shadow ? for who can tell a
thing is wanting for his soul of man what will be after him un-
all that he longeth for yet God : der the sun ?
empowereth him not to eat there-
of, but a stranger will consume CHAPTER VII.
it. This is vanity, and it is an 1 A
good name is better than
evil disease. precious oil, and the day of
3 If a man were to beget a death, better than the day of
hundred children, and live many one’s birth.
years, so that the days of his 2 It is better to go to the house
years were many, and his soul of mourning than to go to the
were not satisfied with what is house of feasting; inasmuch as
good, and he have not had even that is the end of all men and :

a burial then do I say, that an let the living lay it to his heart.

untimely birth is better than he. 3 Better is vexation than

4 For in vanity it came, and laughing ; for through the sad-
in darkness it departeth, and ness of the countenance the heart
with darkness will its name be is made better.
covered. 4 The heart of the wise is in
Moreover it never saw the
5 the house of mourning ; but the
sun, and knew nothing this : heart of fools is in the house of
hath more rest than the other. j°y-
6 Yea, though he were to live 5 It is better to hear the re-
a thousand years twice told, and buke of the wise, than that a
had not seen any good doth — man should hear the song of
not every one go to one place ? fools.
7 All the toil of a man is for 6 For as the crackling of
his mouth and yet is his desire thorns under a pot, so is the

never filled. laughter of the fool. Also this

8 For what hath the w ise more is vanity.

than the fool ? what hath the 7 For (exercising) oppression

poor, that knoweth to walk (pro- makcth a wise man mad ; and
perly) before the living ? bribery corrupteth the heart.
9 Better is what one seeth 8 Better is the end of a thing
with the eyes, than the wander- than the beginning thereof: bet-
ing of the desire. Also this is ter is the patient in spirit than
vanity and a torture of the spirit. the proud in spirit.
10 That which hath been is 9 Be not rash in thy spirit to
already called by its name, and be angry; for anger resteth in
it is knowi that he is a man the bosom of fools. :

and he is not able to contend 10 Thou must not say, “How

with him that is mightier than was it that the former days were
he. better than these?” for it is not
11 For there are many things out of wisdom that thou askesi
that increase vanity: what ad- concerning this.
89* 1061
11 Wisdom is better than an 23 All this have I proved by
inheritance yea, preferable for
wisdom I said, “ I will be wise ;”

those that see the sun ;

but it was far from me.
12 For under the shadow of 24 Far is what formerly was
wisdom (a man is equally well so, and what was deep remaineth
as) under the shadow of money; deep who can find it out ?

but the superior excellency of 25 Then I turned myself about

knowledge is, that wisdom giveth together with my heart to know,
life to him that possesseth it. and to search, and to seek out
13 Consider (then) the work wisdom, and experience, and to
of God; for who can make know the wickedness of folly,
straight what he hath made and the foolishness of madness.
crooked ? 26 And I find as more bitter
14 On the day of prosperity than death the woman, whose
be happy, but on the day of ad- heart is snares and nets, and
versity look on also this hath
: whose hands are bonds: he that
God made in equal measure with is deemed good before God will
the other, to the end that man escape from her but the sinner

should not find the least to cen- will be caught by her.

sure him. 27 Behold, this have I found,
15 All things have I seen in saith Koheleth, (adding) one to
the days of my vanity: there is the other, to find experience,
many a righteous man that pe- 28 What my soul constantly
risheth in his righteousness, and sought, but I found it not: one
there is many a wicked man that man among a thousand did I
liveth long in his wickedness. find; but a woman among all
16 Be not righteous over these did I not find.
much ; neither show thyself over 29 Lo, this only did I find,
wise why wouldst thou destroy
; that God hath made man up-
thyself? right; but they have sought for
17 Be not wicked over much, many (sinful) devices.
and be no fool: why wouldst
thou die before thy time? CHAPTER VIII.
18 It is good that thou shouldst 1 Who is like the wise? and
take hold of that, and that also who knoweth (as well) the ex-
from this thou withdraw not thy planation of a thing ? a man’s
hand for he that feareth God
: wisdom enlighteneth his face,
will come forth out of them all. and the boldness of his face will
19 Wisdom giveth more be lessened.
strength to the wise than ten 2 I (counsel thee), Keep the
rulers which were in the city. king’s command, and that which
20 For no man is so righteous regardeth the oath (to him taken)
upon earth, that he should do by God.
always good, and never sin. 3 Be not hasty to go out of
21 Also take no heed unto all the his presence ; engage not in an

wo~ds that are spoken, lest thou evil thing for whatsoever pleas- ;

hear thy servant cursing thee eth him, can he do;

22 For oftentimes also doth 4 Because the word of a king
thy own heart know that thou is powerful; and who may say
thyself likewise hast cursed unto him, What doest thou f —
others. —1062 5 Whoso keepeth the coin-
mandment experience no
will happeneth in accordance with
evil thing and a wise man’s
: the deeds of the wicked: again,
heart knoweth both time and the there are wicked mer, to whom
just consequence. it happeneth in accordance with
6 Because for every pursuit the deeds of the righteous. I
there is a time and a just conse- said that this also is vanity.
quence ;
for the evil of man (rest 15 Therefore do I praise joy-
eth) heavily upon him. fulness, that there is nothing bet-
7 For he knoweth not that ter for man under the sun, than
which will be for who can tell
to eat, and to drink, and to be
him how it will be ? joyful ; for this will adhere to
8 No man hath control over him in his toil, during the days
the spirit to detain the spirit; of his life which God hath given
and there is no control over the him under the sun.
day of death and there is no
16 When I applied my heart
representative in that war; and to know wisdom, and to see the
wickedness will not deliver those employment that is done upon
that practise it. the earth, how even neither by
9 All this have I seen, and day nor by night sleep is seen
directed my heart unto every in the eyes of some men :

work that is done under the sun : 17 Then did I see (in) the
there is a time when one man whole work of God, that a man
ruleth over another to his own is not able to find out the work
injury. that is done under the sun in- ;

10 Then also did I see the asmuch though a man were

wicked buried, who had gone to to toil to it, he would
seek for
their rest ; but those who had yet not find it; and even if the
acted correctly had to go away wise were to think to know it,
from the holy place, and were he would yet not be able to find
forgotten in the city. Also this it.

is vanity.
11 Because the punishment CHAPTER IX.
against evil deeds is not executed 1 For all this did I reflect
speedily, therefore is the heart over in my heart and to explain
of the sons of men filled up in all this, that the righteous and
them to do evil. the wise, arid their services, are
12 But let a sinner do evil a in the hand of God that man :

hundred times, and (God) with- knoweth neither love nor ha-
hold long his punishment from tred; it is all (ordained) before
him still do I truly know for
: them
certain that it will be well with 2 Every thing as it is to hap-
those that fear God, because pen to all there is but one oc-

they are afraid of him ;

currence for the righteous, and for
13 And that it will net be the wicked for the good and for

well with the wicked, and that the*clean, and for the unclean ;
he will not endure many days, and for him that sacrificeth, and
like the shadow ; because he is for him that sacrificeth not; as
not afraid of God. is the good, so is the sinner;
14 There is a vanity which is he that sweareth, as he that
done upon the earth, that there feareth an oath.
are righteous men, unto whom it 3 This is an ivil among all
things that are done under the but time and fate will overtake
Bun, that there is one occurrence them all.
for all, and that also the heart 12 For man also knoweth not
of the sons of men is full of his time, like the fishes that are
evil, and that madness is in their caught in an evil net, and like
heart while they live, and after the birds that are caught in the
this they go to the dead. snare like these are the sons

4 For whoever is yet united of men ensnared at an evil time,

with all the living hath still when it falleth upon them sud-
hope ;
for a living dog fareth denly.
better than a dead lion. 13 Also in this manner have I
5 For the living know that seen wisdom under the sun, and
they will die but the dead
it seemed great unto me :

know not the least ; nor have 14 There was a little city,
they longer any reward ; for and the men therein were few;
their memory is forgotten. and there came against it a
6 Also their love, and their great king, who enclosed it. and
hatred, and their envy, are now built around it great works of
already lost; and they will have siege
never more a portion in all that 15 But there was found in it
is done under the sun. a poor wise man, and he deli-
7 Go, eat with joy thy bread, vered the city by his wisdom ;

and drink with a merry heart yet no man had thought of that
thy wine, if God have al- same poor man.
ready received thy works in 16 Then said I, Wisdom is
favour. better than might although the :

8 At all times let thy gar- poor man’s wisdom is held in

ments be white, and let oil not contempt, and his words are not
be wanting on thy head. heard.
9 Enjoy life with the wife 17 The words of wise men
whom thou lovest all the days heard in quiet are better than
of the life of thy vanity, which the cry of him that ruleth among
God hath given thee under the fools
sun, (yea,) all the days of thy 18 Wisdom is better than
vanity; for this is thy portion weapons of war but one sinner

in this life, and in thy toil with causeth much good to be lost.
which thou toilest under the
10 Whatsoever thy hand find- 1 Dead flies cause the precious
eth to do with thy might, that oil of the apothecary to become
do ; for there is no work, nor stinking and foaming so doth a :

experience, nor knowledge, nor little folly him that is valued for
wisdom, in the nether world, wisdom and honour.
whither thou goest. 2 The heart of a wise man is
11 I turned about, and ^aw at his right hand but the heart ;

under the sun, that the race of a fool is at his left.

not to the swift, 3 Yea also, on whatever way
nor the battle
to the mighty and that also the the fool walketh, doth he lack

wise have no bread, nor yet the proper sense, and he saith to all
men of understanding riches, nor that he is a fool.
yet men of knowledge favour 4 If the spirit of the ruler
rise up against thee, leave not thy king is lowmindcd, and
thy place; for submissiveness when thy princes eat in the
causeth great offences to be morning !

avoided. 17 Happy art thou, 0 land

5 There is an evil which I when thy king is noble-spirited,
have seen under the sun, like an and thy princes eat in proper
error which proceedeth from the time, for strengthening, and not
ruler : for gluttony !

6 Folly is set in great high 18 Through slothful hands

places, aud the rich sit in low- the rafters will sink and through ;

ness. idleness of the hands the house

7 I have seen servants on will become leaky.
horses, and princes walking like 19 For gay pleasure they pre-
servants upon the ground. pare a feast, and wine is to make
8 He that diggeth a pit will the living joyful; but money
fall into it; and him who break procureth all things.
eth down a fence —
a serpent will 20 Even in thy thought thou
bite him. must not curse a king and in ;

9 Whoso removeth stones will thy bed-chambers do not curse

be hurt through them and he the rich for a bird of the air
; ;

that cleaveth wood will be en- can carry the sound, and that
dangered thereby. which hath wings can tell the
10 If the iron be blunt, and word.
man do not whet the edge, then
must he exert more strength CHAPTER XI.
but the advantage of making it 1 Cast thy bread upon the
properly sharp is wisdom. face of the waters for after ;

11 If the serpent do bite be- many days wilt thou find it

cause no one uttered a charm, again.
then hath the man that can use 2 Give a portion to seven, and
nis tongue (in charming) no also to eight for thou knowest

preference. not what evil may come upon

12 The words of a wise man’s the earth.
mouth (bring) grace but the ;
3 If the clouds be full of rain,
lips of a fool will destroy him- they will empty it out upon the
self. earth ; and if the tree fall to-
13 The of the ward the south, or toward the
words of his mouth is foolish- north, on the place where the
ness; and the last that cometh tree falleth, there will it remain,
out of his mouth is evil-bring- 4 He that watcheth the wind
ing madness. will not sow and he that gaz-

14 The fool also multiplieth eth on the clouds will not reap.
words (but) a man cannot
5 As thou knowest not which
know what is to be: and what is the way of the wind, as little
is to be after him, who can tell as what is enclosed in the womb
him ? of her that is with child even :

15 The toil of the foolish will so thou canst not know the
weary every one of them; be- works of God who maketh all.
cause he knowe-th not how to go 6 In the morning sow thy
to the city. seed, and in the evening let not
16 Wo
to thee, 0 land! when thy hand rest; for thou knowest
not which will succeed, whether voice of the bird, and all the
this or that, or whether both of daughters of song are brought
them will be alike good. low
7 Truly the light is sweet, and 5 Also when men will be afraid
it is a pleasant thing for the eyes of every elevation, and are ter-
to see the sun; rified on every way, and the
8 For if a man live (even) almond-tree will refuse (its blos-
many years, let him rejoice in som), and the locust will drag
them all and let him remember itself slowly along, and the de-

the days of darkness ; for they sire will gainsay compliance;

will be many; all that cometh because man goeth to his eter-
is vanity. nal home, and the mourners go
9 Ptejoice, 0 young man, in about the streets
thy childhood ; and let thy heart 6 While the silver cord is not
cheer thee in the days of thy yet torn loose, and the golden
youthful vigour, and walk firmly bowl is not crushed, and the
in the ways of thy heart, and in pitcher is not broken at the
(the direction which) thy eyes fountain, and the wheel is not
see; but know thou, that con- crushed at the cistern ;
cerning all these things God 7 When the dust will return
will bring thee into judgment. to the earth as it was, and the
10 And remove vexation from spirit will return unto God who
thy heart, and cause evil to pass gave it.
away from thy body; for child- 8 Vanity of vanities, saith
hood and the time when the Koheleth all is vanity. :

head is black are vanity. 9 And in addition to this that

Koheleth was wise, he continual-
CHAPTER XII. ly also taught the people know-
1 But remember also thy ledge, and he probed, and
Creator in the days of thy youth- searched out, and composed
ful vigour, while the evil days many proverbs.
are not yet come, nor those years 10 Koheleth sought to find
draw nigh of which thou wilt say, out acceptable words, and that
I have no pleasure in them ;
which would be written down
2 While the sun, and the uprightly, even words of truth.
light, and the moon, and the 11 The words of the wise are
stars, are not yet darkened, like goads, and like nails fast-
and the clouds return not again ened (are the words of) the men
after the rain of the assemblies, which are
3 the day when the watch-
On given by one shepherd.
men of the house will tremble, 12 But more than all these,
and the men of might will bend my son, take warning for thy-
themselves, and the grinders self the making of many books

stand idle, because they are be- would have no end and much ;

come few, and those be dark- preaching is a weariness of the

ened that look through the win- flesh.
dows; 13 The end of the matter is,
4 And whenthe two doors on let us hear the whole: Fear
the streets will be locked, while God, and keep his command-
the sound of the mill becometh ments for this is the whole

dull, and man riseth up at the :

(duty of) man.

14 For every deed will God [13 The end of the matter is,
bring into the judgment con- let us hear the whole Fear God, :

cerning every thing that hath and keep his commandments*,

been hidden, whether it be good, for this is the whole (duty of)
or whether it be bad. man.]


irox nSjo.

the court of the garden of the

CHAPTER I. king’s palace;
1 ^[ And came to pass in
it 6 (Where were) white, green,
the days of Achashverosh [Aha- and blue (hangings), fastened
suerus], of the same Achashve- with cords of fine linen and pur-
rosh who reigned, from India ple, on rollers of silver and pil-
even unto Ethiopia, (over) a lars of marble ;
couches of gold
hundred and seven and twenty and silver, upon a pavement of
provinces, green, and white, and yellow,
2 In those days, when this and black marble.
king Achashverosh was sitting 7 And they gave them to drink
on the throne of his kingdom, in vessels of gold, the vessels —
which was in Shushan the capi- being diverse one from the other,
tal, —
and the royal wine was in
3 That, in the third year of abundance, according to the
his reign, he made a feast unto ability of the king.
all his princes and his servants, 8 And the drinking was, ac-
the army of Persia and Media, cording to the (king’s) order,
the nobles and the princes of without compulsion; for so had
the provinces who were near the king enjoined on all the
him : officers of his house, to do ac-
4 When he showed the riches cording to the pleasure of every
and the glory of his kingdom,! man. I

and the brilliance (and) the 9 1[ Also Vashti the queen

splendour of his greatness, dur- made a feast for the women, in
ing many days, a hundred and the royal house which belonged
eighty days. to king Achashverosh.
5 And when these days were 10 On the seventh day, when
completed, the king made unto the heart of the king was merry
all the people that were found in with wine, he commanded Me-
Shushan the capital, unto every hutnan, Bistha, Charbona, Big-
one, from the great even to the tha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and
small, a feast of seven days, in Carcass, the seven chamberlains

that served in the presence of ladies of Persia and Media, whft

king Achashverosh, have heard of the conduct of the
11 To bring Vashti the queen queen, say this unto all the
before the king (ornamented) princes of the Jdng and there

with the royal crown, to show will arise too much contempt
the people and the princes her and quarrel.
beauty ; for she was handsome 19 If it please the king, let
in appearance. there go forth a royal order from
12 But queen Vashti refused him, and let it be written among
to come at the word of the king the laws of the Persians and the
brought by the hand of the Medes, that no one transgress it,
chamberlains and the king was That Vashti come no more be-

very wroth, and his fury burnt fore king Achashverosh and let

in him. the king give her royal dignity

13 Then said the king to unto another that is better than
the wise men, who knew (the she.
occurrences of) the times ; for 20 And when the king’s de-
so (came) every affair of the cree which he will make shall
king before all acquainted with be published throughout all his
law and state institutions; kingdom, however great it is all

14 And those next unto him the wives will show respect to
were Carshena, Shethar, Adma- their husbands, unto every one,
tha, Tharshish, Meress, Marsena, from the great even to the small.
and Memuchan, the seven princes 21 And the speech was pleas-
of Persia and Media, who could ing in the eyes of the king and
see (at all times) the king's face, of the princes; and the king did
who sat in the first rarnk in the according to the speech of Me-
kingdom : muchan.
15 What should according to 22 And he sent letters unto
law be done with queen Vashti; all the provinces of the king,
because she had not fulfilled the unto every province according
order of king Achashverosh by to its writing, and to every peo-
the hand of the chamberlains ? ple according to its language,
16 Then said Memuchan that every man should bear rule
before the king and the princes, in his own house, however he
Not against the king alone hath may speak according to the lan-
Vashti the queen done wrong, guage of his people.
but also against all the princes,
and against all the people that CHAPTER II.
are in all the provinces of king 1 After these events, when
Achashverosh. the fury of king Achashverosh
17 For the conduct of the was appeased, he remembered
queen will go abroad unto all Vashti, and what she had done,
the women, so that they will and what had been decreed con-
despise their husbands in their cerning her.
eyes, when it shall be report- 2 Then said the king’s young
ed, King Achashverosh ordered men, his servants, Let there be
Vashti the queen to be brought sought for the king virgins
into his presence, but she came handsome in appearance
not. 3 And let the king appoint
18 And even this day will the officers in all the provinces of

his kingdom, that they may ga- with her presents, and the seveL
ther together all the young vir- maidens, who were selected to
gins, handsome in appearance, be given her, out of the king’s
unto Shushan the capital, into house and he preferred her and

the house of the women, under her maidens with the best things
the custody of Hege the king’s in the house of the women.
chamberlain, the keeper of the 10 Esther told nothing of her
women and let them give them people or of her descent; for

theircustomary anointings; Mordecai had charged her that

4 And let the maiden who may she should not tell.
be pleasing in the eyes of the 11 And day by day did Mor-
king become queen instead of decai walk before the court of
Yashti: and the speech was the house of women, to ascer-
pleasing in the eyes of the king, tain the well-being of Esther,
and he did so. and what would be done with
5 There was a certain Jew her.
in Shushan the capital, whose 12 And when the turn of every
name was Mordecai, the son of maiden was come to go in unto
Ya'ir, the son of Shim’i, the son king Achashverosh, at the expi-
of Kish, a Benjamite; ration (of the time) that she had
6 Who had been carried away been treated according to the
into exile from Jerusalem with custom of the women, twelve
the exiles who had been exiled months; for so were the days
with Yeclionyah, the king of of their anointings accomplish-
Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar ed, six months with the oil of
the king of Babylon had carried myrrh, and six months with
into exile. sweet odours, and with other
7 And he had brought up ointments of the women ;

Hadassah, that is Esther, the 13 And thus came the maiden

daughter of his uncle; for she unto the king (and) whatsoever

had neither father nor mother, she asked for was given her to
and the maiden was beautiful in go with her out of the house of
form and handsome in appear- the women as far as the house
ance; and when her father and of the king.
mother were dead, Mordecai had 14 In the evening she went,
taken her to himself as a daugh- and in the morning she returned
ter. unto the second house of the
8 And it came to pass, when women, to the custody of Sha-
the king’s order and his decree ’ashgas, the king’s chamberlain,
were heard, and when many the keeper of the concubines
maidens were brought together she used not to come again untc
unto Shushan the capital, under the king, except the king desired
the custody of Hegai, that Es- for her, and she was called by
ther also was brought unto the name.
king’s house, under the custody 15 And when the turn of
of Hegai, the keeper of the wo- Esther, the daughter of Abiclia-
men. yil, the uncle of Mordecai, who
9 And the maiden was pleas- had taken her to himself as a
ing in his eyes, and she obtained daughter, was come to go in
favour before him and he made unto the king, she required no-

haste to give her her anointings, thing but what Hegai the king's
90 10<>9
: II. III.
chamberlain, the keeper of the ten in the book of chronicles
women, said and Esther ob-
: before the king.
tained grace in the eyes of all
those that beheld her. CHAPTER III.
16 And Esther was taken unto 1 After these events did
king Achashverosh, unto his king Achashverosh make great
royal house, in the tenth month, Haman the son of Hammedatha
which is the month Tebeth, in the Agagite, and he advanced
the seventh year of his reign. him ; and he placed his seat
17 And the king loved Esther above that of all the princes that
above all the women, and she were with him.
obtained grace and favour before 2 And all the king’s servants,
him more than all the virgins; that were in the king’s gate,
and he placed the royal crowir bent the knee and prostrated
upon her head, and made her themselves to Haman; for so
queen instead of Vashti. had the king commanded con-
18 And the king made a great cerning him but Mordecai bent ;

feast unto all his princes and his not the knee nor prostrated him-
servants, the feast of Esther self.
and he made a release of taxes 3 Then said the king’s ser-
to the provinces,and gave pre- vants, w ho were in the king’s

sents, according to the ability gate, unto Mordecai, “Why

of the king. transgressest thou the king's
19 And when virgins were command ?”
gathered together the second 4 Now it came to pass, w hen r

time, then was Mordecai sitting they spoke unto him day by day,
in the king’s gate. and he hearkened not unto them,
20 (But) Esther had not yet that they told it to Haman, to
told of her descent nor her peo- see whether the words of Mor-
ple; as Mordecai had charged decai would be able to stand;
her; and Esther did (fulfil) the for he had told them that he was
order of Mordecai, equally as a Jew.
when she was under his guar- 5 And when Haman saw that
dianship. Mordecai bent not the knee, nor
21 In those days, while prostrated himself to him, Ha-
Mordecai was sitting in the man became full of fur}7 .

king’s gate, Bigthan and The- 6 But it appeared too con-

resh, two chamberlains of the temptible in his eyes to lay his
king, of those who kept the door, hand on Mordecai alone for ;

became wroth, and sought to lay they had told him of the people
(their) hand on king Achash- of Mordecai therefore Hainan

verosh. sought to destroy all the Jews

22 And the thing became that were throughout all the
known to Mordecai, and he told kingdom of Achashverosh, the
it unto Esther the queen ; and people of Mordecai.

Esther said it to the king in the 7 In the first month, that is

name of Mordecai. the month Nissan, in the twelfth
23 And the thing was inquir- year of king Achashverosh, some
ed into and found true; and one cast the Pur, that is, the lot,
they were both of them hanged before Haman from day to day,
on a gallows ;
and it was writ- and from month (to month), tc
tlie twelfth month, which isthe the thirteenth day of the twelfth
month Adar. month, which is the month Adar,
8 Then said Haman unto and to plunder their property as
king Aehashverosh, “ There is spoil.
one people scattered yet separate 14 A copy of the writing, to
among the nations in all the be given out as a law in every
provinces of thy kingdom ; and province, was published unto all
their laws are different from those the nations* that they might bo
of every people; while they do ready against that day.
31 ot execute the laws of the king; 15 The runners went out with
and it is no profit for the king all speed with the king’s decree,
to tolerate them. and the law was given out in
9 If it be pleasing to the king, Shushan the capital: and the
let (a decree) be written to de- king and Haman sat down to
stroy them ;
and ten thousand drink but the city of Shushan

talents of silver will I weigh out was perplexed.

into the hands of those that have
the charge of the business, to CHAPTER IV.
bring (the same) into the king’s 1 When
Mordecai ascer-
treasuries.” tained that had been done,
10 And the king drew his Mordecai rent his clothes, and
signet-ring from off his hand, put on sackcloth (strewed) with
and gave it unto Haman the son ashes, and went out into the
of Hammedatha the Agagite, the midst of the city, and cried with
adversary of the Jews. a loud and a bitter cry
11 And the king said unto 2 And thus he came up to the
Haman, “The silver is given to front of the king’s gate ;
thee, that people also, to do none dared to enter into the
therewith as it seemeth good in king’s gate clothed with sack-
thy eyes.” cloth.
12 Then were called the king’s 3 And in each and every pro-
scribes in the first month on the vince, in every place whither
thirteenth day thereof, and there the king’s decree and his law
was written all just as Haman had reached, there was great
had commanded unto the king’s mourning for the Jews, with
lieutenants, and to the governors fasting, and weeping, and wail-
that were over every province, ing; and a sackcloth (strewed)
and to the princes of every peo- with ashes became the bed of
ple, to every province according the great.
to its writing, and to every peo- 4 Then came the maidens of
ple according to its language: Esther with her chamberlains
in the name of king Aehashve- and told it her; and the queen
rosh was it written, and it was was exceedingly terrified ; and
sealed with the king’s signet- she sent garments to clothe Mor-
ring. decai, and to remove his sack-
13 And the letters were sent cloth from him; but he accepted
by the runners unto all the them not.
king’s provinces, to destroy, to 5 Then called Esther for
kill, and to exterminate all the jHathaeh,

one of the king’s

Jews, from young to old, little chamberlains, whom he had ap-
ones and women, on one day, on!pointed to attend upon her, and
gave him a charge for Mordecai tain silence at this time, enlarge-
to know what this was, and why ment and deliverance will arise
this was. to the Jews from another place;
6 So Hathach went forth to but thou and thy father’s house
Mordecai unto the street of the will perish and who knoweth:

city, which was before the king’s whether thou hast not for a time
gate. like this attained to the royal
7 And Mordecai told him all dignity ?”
that had happened unto him, 15 Then said Esther to bring
and of the fixed sum of money this answer back to Mordecai,
which Haman had promised to 16 “ Go, assemble together all
weigh out into the treasuries of the Jews who are now present
the king for the Jews, to destroy in Shushan, and fast ye for me,
them. so that ye neither eat nor drink
8 Also the copy of the writing three days, either night or day
of the law that had been given also I myself with my maidens
out in Shushan to destroy them will fast in like manner; and
he gave to him, to show it unto then will I go in unto the king,
which is not according to the
Esther, and to tell her (all), and
to charge her that she should go law; and if I then perish, I
in unto the king, to make sup- perish.”
plication unto him, and to pre- 17 And Mordecai went about,
sent a request before him for her and did in accordance with all
people. that Esther had charged him.
9 And Hathach came and told
Esther the words of Mordecai. CHAPTER V.
10 And Esther said unto 1 And it came to pass on the
Hathach, and gave him a charge third day, that Esther put on
unto Mordecai, her royal apparel, and placed
11 “All the king’s servants, herself in the inner court of the
and the people of the king’s king’s house, opposite the king’s
provinces, do know, that every apartment; and the king was
one, whether man or woman, sitting upon his royal throne in
who should come unto the king the royal apartment, opposite to
into the inner court, who is not the entrance of the house.
called, there is but one law for 2 And it happened, when the
him, to put him to death, except king saw Esther the queen stand-
the one to whom the king should ing in the court, that she ob-
hold out the golden sceptre, for tained grace in his eyes; and
he will be sutfered to live but ;
the king held out to Esther the
1 have not been called to come golden sceptre that was in his
in unto the k ng these thirty hand ;
and Esther drew near,
days.” and touched the top of the
12 And they told Mordecai sceptre.
.Tie words of Esther. 3 Thensaid the king untc
13 Then said Mordecai to her, “ What wilt thou, queen
bring this answer back to Es- Esther? and what is thy re-
ther, “Imagine not in thy soul quest? if it be equal to half of
to be able to escape in the king’s the kingdom it shall still be
house out of all the Jews. given thee.”
14 For if thou do indeed main- 4 And Esther said, “ If it seem
good unto the king, let the king “Yea, Esther the queen did not
ana Human come this day unto let any one come in with the
the banquet which I have pre- king unto the banquet that she
pared for him.” had prepared but myself: and
5 Then said the king, “Bring also for to-morrow am I invited
Human quickly hither to fulfi unto her with the king.
the word of Esther :” so came 13 Yet all this profiteth me
the king with Haman to the nothing, every time that I see
banquet which Esther had pre- Mordecai the Jew sitting in the
pared. king’s gate.”
6 And the king said unto 14 Then said unto him Zeresh
Esther at the banquet of wine, his wife with all his friends,
‘ What is thy petition ? and it “Let them make a gallows of
shall be granted thee and what
: fifty cubits high, and in the
is thy request? even if it be morning speak unto the king
equal to half of the kingdom, it that they may hang Mordecai
shall still be done.” thereon ;
and then go thou in
7 Then answered Esther, and with the king unto the banquet
said, “My petition and my re- joyfully.” And the thing pleas-
quest are, ed Haman and he had the

8 If I have found grace in gallows made;

the eyes of the king, and if it
please the king to grant my pe- CHAPTER VI.
tition, and to fulfil my request, 1 5[ In that night sleep fled
that the king may come with from the king, and he ordered to
Haman to the banquet which I bring in the book of the memo-
will prepare for them, and to- rable events of the chronicles
morrow will I do according to and they were read before the
the word of the king.” king.
9 And Haman went forth on 2 And it was found written,
that day joyful and with a glad that Mordecai had told of Big-
heart; but when Haman saw thana and Theresh, two cham-
Mordecai in the king’s gate, who berlains of the king, of those
did not rise up, nor move out of who kept the door, who had
the way for him, then was Ha- sought to lay (their) hand on
man filled against Mordecai with king Achashverosh.
fury. 3 And the king said, “ What
10 Nevertheless Haman re- honour and distinction have
frained himself, and went to his been done to Mordecai for this ?”
house he then sent and had his Then said the king’s young men,

friends brought in with Zeresh his servants, “ There hath no-

his wife. thing been done with him.”
11 And Haman recounted to 4 And the king said, “ Who
them the glory of his riches, and is in the court?” Now Haman
the multitude of his children, was come into the outer court
and all the things wherein the of the king’s house, to say unto
king had made him great, and the king to hang Mordecai on
how he had advanced him above the gallows which he had pre-
the princes and the servants of pared for him.
the king. 5 And the king’s young men
12 And Haman said (farther), said unto him, “Behold, Haman
90* 2 j 2 MI
ir standing in the court.” And 13 And Haman related to Ze-
the king said, “ Let him come resh his wife and to all his friends
in.” all that had befallen him
: then
6 So Haman came in ;
and said unto him his wise men and
the king said unto him, “ What Zeresh his wife, “ If Mordecai,
shall be done with the man whom before whom thou hast begun to
the king desireth to honour?” fall, be of the seed of the Jews,
And Haman said in his heart, thou wilt not prevail against
To whom would the king de- him, but thou wilt surely fall
sire to do honour more than to before him.”
myself?” 14 They were yet speaking
7 Haman therefore said to with him, when the king’s cham-
the king, “ (For) the man whom berlains arrived, and they has-
the king desireth to honour, tened to bring Haman unto the
8 Let them bring a royal ap- banquet which Esther had pre-
parel which the king hath worn, pared.
and a horse on which the king
hath ridden, and let there be CHAPTER VII.
placed a royal crown on his 1 And the king came with
head. Haman to drink with Esther the
9 And let the apparel and the queen.
horse be given into the hand of 2 And the king said unto
one of the king’s princes, of the Esther also on the second day
most noble, that they may array at the banquet of wine, “ What
the man whom the king desireth is thy petition, queen Esther?
to honour, and let them cause and it shall be granted thee
him to ride on the horse through and what is thy request? even
the streets of the city, and pro- if it be equal to half the king-
claim before him, Thus shall be dom, it shall still be done.”
done to the man whom the king 3 Then answered Esther the
desireth to honour.” queen and said, “ If I have
10 Then said the king to Ha- found grace in thy eyes, 0 king !
man, “ Make haste, take the ap- and if it be pleasing unto the
parel and the horse, as thou hast king, let my life be given me at
spoken, and do this to Mordecai my petition, and my people at
the Jew, that sitteth at the king’s my request
gate : leave out nothing of all 4 For we have been sold, I
that thou hast spoken.” and my people, to be destroyed,
11 And Haman then took the to be slain and to be extermi-
apparel and the horse, and array- nated and if we had been only

ed Mordecai, and caused him to sold for bondmen and bond-

ride through the streets of the women, I would have remained
city, and proclaimed before him, silent ; for the adversary regard-
Thus shall be done unto the man eth not the damage of the king.”
whom the king desireth to ho- 5 Then spoke king Achash-
nour. verosh and said unto Esther the
12 And Mordecai thereupon queen, “ Who is this, and where
returned to the king’s gate ; but is he, whose heart hath embold-
Haman hastened to his house, ened him to do s*o ?”
mourning, and having his head 6 And Esther said, “An ad-
covered. versary, and inimical man, this
wicked Haman.” Then became before the king, and fell down

Hainan terrified before the king at his feet, and wept, arid be-
and the queen. sought him to do away the evil
7 And the king arose in his of Haman the Agagite, and his
fury from the banquet of wine, device which he had devised
and went into the palace-garden against the Jews.

and Haman remained behind to 4 And the king held out to-
make request for his life of Es- ward Esther the golden sceptre
ther the queen ; for he saw that and Esther arose, and stood up
there was evil fully determined before the king;
against him by the king. 5 And she said, “ If it be
8 And when the king returned pleasing to the king, and if I
out of the palace-garden into the have found grace before him,
apartment of the banquet of and the thing seem proper be-
wine, Haman was fallen upon fore the king, and I be pleasing
the couch whereon Esther was in his eyes, let it be w itten to

then said the king, “Will he recall the letters, the device of
even do violence to the queen Haman the son of Hammedatha
before me in the house?” The the Agagite, which he hath writ-
word had just come out of the ten to exterminate the Jews who
king's mouth, when they cover- are in all the provinces of the
ed Hainan’s face. king.
9 Then said Charbonah, one 6 For bow could I endure to
of the chamberlains, before the look on the evil that is to befall
king, “ Behold, there is also the my people ? and how could I
gallows, which Hainan hath had endure to look on the extermi-
made for Mordecai, who hath nation of my kindred ?”
spoken well for the king, stand- 7 Then said king Achash-
ing in the house of Haman, fifty verosh unto Esther the queen
cubits high.” And the king and to Mordecai the Jew, “ Be-
said, “ Hang him thereon.” hold, the house of Haman have
10 So they hanged Haman on I given to Esther, and him have
the gallows which he had pre- they hanged on the gallows be-

pared for Mordecai, and the fury cause he had stretched out his
of the king was appeased. hand against the Jews.
8 But ye, write yourselves con-
CHAPTER VIII. cerning the Jews, as it may be
1 *[ On
that day did king good in your eyes, in the king’s
Achashverosh give the house of name, and seal it with the king’s
Haman the adversary of the signet-ring for a writing which

Jews unto Esther the queen is written in the king’s name,


and Mordecai came before the and sealed with the king’s sig-

king; for Esther had told what net-ring, cannot be recalled.”

he was unto her. 9 Then were called the king’s
2 And the king took off his scribes at that time in the third

signet-ring which he had taken month, that is, the month Sivan,
away from Haman, and gave it on the three and twentieth day
unto Mordecai and Esther ap- thereof and it was written all

pointed Mordecai over the house just as Mordecai commanded tc

t>f Haman. the Jews, and to the lieuten-
3 And Esther spoke again ants, and the governors and the
princes of the provinces who linen and purple and the city

were from India unto Ethiopia, of Shushan was glad and joy-
one hundred and twenty-seven ful.
provinces, unto every province 16 For the Jews there was
according to its writing, and un- light, with joy and gladness,
to every people according to its and honour.
language, and to the Jews ac- 17 And in every province,
cording to their writing, and ac- and in every city, whitherso-
cording to their language. ever the king’s command reach-
10 And he wrote in the name ed with his law, there were joy
of king Achashverosh, and seal- and gladness for the Jews, en-
ed it with the king's signet- tertainments and a feast-day
ring, and he sent letters through and many of the people of the
means of the swift messengers land became Jews for the dread

on horseback, and riders on of the Jews had fallen upon

mules, camels, and young dro- them.
medaries :

11 That the king had granted CHAPTER IX.

to the Jews who were in every 1 And in the twelfth month,
city to gather themselves to- that is, the month Adar, on the
gether, and to stand forward for thirteenth day thereof, when the
their life, to destroy, to slay, king’s command with his law
and to exterminate all the mili- drew near to be put in execution,
tary strength of the people and on the day that the enemies of
province that would assault the Jews had hoped to have
them, both little ones and wo- power over them, which had
men, and to plunder their pro- been changed nevertheless, so
perty as spoil, that the Jews had power over
12 On one day in all the pro- those that hated them,
vinces of king Achashverosh, on 2 The Jews assembled toge-
the thirteenth day of the twelfth ther in their cities, throughout all
month, which is the month Adar. the provinces of king Achash-
13 A copy of the writing to verosh, to stretch out their hand
be given out as a law in every against those that had sought
province, was published unto all their injury : and no man could
nations, and that the Jews should keep standing before them for

be ready against that day to the dread of them had fallen up-
avenge themselves on their ene- on all the nations.
mies. 3 And all the rulers of the
14 The swift messengers that provinces, and the lieutenants,
rode upon mules and camels and the governors, and the su-
went out,being hastened and perintendents of the affairs of
hurried forward with the com- the king, elevated the Jews; be-
mand of the king: and the law cause the dread of Mordecai had
was given out at Shushan the fallen upon them.
capital. 4 For Mordecai was great in
15 And Mordecai went out the king’s house, and his fame
from the presence of the king went throughout all the pro-
in a royal apparel of blue and vinces; for the man Mordecai
white, and with a great crown became greater and greater.
of gold, and with a cloak of fine 5 And the Jews smote all their
enemies with the stroke of the to the spoil they did not stretch
sword, and slaughter, and ex- forth their hand.
termination ;
and they acted 16 And the remaining Jews
with those that hated them ac- that were in the king’s provinces
cording to their pleasure. assembled together, and stood
6 And in Shushan the capital forward for their life, and pro-
the Jews slew and exterminated cured rest from their enemies,
five hundred men. and slew of those that hated
7 And Parshandatha, and them seventy and five thousand
Dalphon, and Aspatha, but to the spoil did they not
8 And Poratha, and Adalya, stretch forth their hand,
and Aridatha, 17 On the thirteenth day of
9 And Parmashtha, and Aris- the month Adar, and they rested
eai, and Aridai, and Vayzatha, on the fourteenth day thereof,
10 The ten sons of Haman and made it a day of entertain-
the son of Hammedatha, the ad- ment and joy.
versary of the Jews, did they 18 But the Jews that were at
slay ;
but to the spoil did they Shushan assembled together on
not stretch forth their hand. the thirteenth day thereof, and
11 On that same day came on the fourteenth thereof, and
the number of those that were rested on the fifteenth thereof,
slain in Shushan the capital be- and made it a day of entertain-
fore the king. ment and joy.
12 Then said the king unto 19 Therefore do the Jews of
Esther the queen, u In Shushan the villages, that dwell in the
the capital have the Jews slain unwalled towns, make the four-
and exterminated five hundred teenth day of the month Adar as
men, and the ten sons of Haman : one of joy and entertainment,
what have they done in the rest and a feast-day, and of sending
of the king’s provinces? Now portions one to another.
what is thy petition ? and it 20 And Mordecai wrote down
shall be granted thee :and what these events; and he sent let-
is thy request farther ? and it ters unto all the Jews that were
shall be done.” in all the provinces of king
13 Then said Esther, “ If it Achashverosh, those nigh and
please the king, let it to-morrow those far aw ay.

also be granted to the Jews who 21 To take it on themselves

are in Shushan to do according as a duty, that they should cele-
to the law of this day, and let brate the fourteenth day of the
the ten sons of Haman be hang- month Adar, and the fifteenth
ed on the gallows.” day of the same in each and
14 And the king ordered that every year,
it should be done so and the
22 Like those days whereon
law was given out at Shushan ;
the Jews had rest from their
and the ten sons of Haman w ere enemies, and the month which
hanged. was changed unto them from sor-
15 And the Jews that were row to joy, and from mourning
in Shushan assembled together into a feast-day: to make them
also on the fourteenth day of the days of entertainment and joy,
month Adar, and slew at Shu- and of sending portions one to
shan three hundred men ; but the other, and gifts to the needy
23 And the Jews took upon 29 ^ Then wrote Esther the
themselves that which they had queen, the daughter of Abi
begun already to do, and that chayil, with Mordecai the Jew
which Mordecai had written un- with all due strength, to confirm
to them. this letter of Purim the second
24 Because Ilaman the son of time.
Hammedatha, the Agagite, the 30 And he sent letters unto
adversary of all the Jews, had allthe Jews, to the hundred and
devised against the Jews to ex- twenty-seven provinces of the
terminate them, and had cast the kingdom of Achashverosh, words
Pur, that is, the lot, to destroy of peace and truth,
them, and to exterminate them. 31 To confirm these days of
25 But when (Esther) came Purim in their times, just as
before the king, he ordered by Mordecai the Jew and Esther
that letter. that his wicked device, the queen had enjoined on them,
which he had devised against and as they had confirmed for
the Jews, should return upon his themselves and for their seed,
own head and they hanged him
: the matters of the fastings and
and his sons on the gallows. their prayers.
26 Therefore did they call 32 And the order of Esther
these days Purim, after the name confirmed these matters of Pu-
of the Pur: therefore, because rim; and it was written in the
of all the words of this letter, book.
both for that which they had
experienced thereby, and for that CHAPTER X.
which had occurred unto them. 1 And king Achashverosh
27 The Jews confirmed it as a imposed a tribute upon the land,
duty, and took upon themselves, and the isles of the sea.
and upon their seed, and upon 2 And all the acts of his
all such as join themselves unto strength and of his might, and
them, so that no one should fail the exposition of the greatness
therein, that they would cele- of Mordecai, wherewdth the king
brate these two days according made him great, behold they are
to their prescription, and at their written in the book of the chro-
appointed time, in each and nicles of the kings of Media and
every year. Persia.
28 And these days are remem- 3 For Mordecai the Jew Avas
bered and celebrated throughout the second in rank after king
each and every generation, every Achashverosh, and great among
family, every province, and every the Jews, and acceptable to tho
city; and these days of Purim multitude of his brethren, a pro-
will not pass away from the moter of good to his people,
midst of the Jews, nor will their and speaking peace to all its
memorial cease from their seed. seed.
Sx’JT 120-

of the children of Judah, Danif

CHAPTER. I. Chananyah, Mishael, and ’Azar*
1 In the third year of the yah.
reign of Yehoyakim the king of 7 And the chief of the eunuchs
Judah came Nebuchadnezzar the assigned them names; and he
king of Babylon unto Jerusa- assigned to Daniel the name of
lem, and besieged it. Belteshazzar; and to Chanan-
2 And the Lord gave up into yah, of Shadraeh; and to Mi-
his hand Yehoyakim the king shael, of Meshach ; and to ’Azar-
of Judah, with part of the ves- yah, of ’Abed-nego.
sels of the house of God : and 8 But Daniel resolved in his
he brought them into the land heart that he would not defile
of Shin’ar into the house of his himself with the food of the
god, namely, he brought the ves- king, nor with the wine which
sels intc the treasure-house of he drank and therefore he re-

his god. quested of the chief of the eu-

3 And the king said unto Ash- nuchs that he might not need to
penas, the chief of his eunuchs, defile himself.
that he should bring out of the 9 And God gave Daniel kind-
children of Israel, and of the ness and mercy before the chief
royal seed, and of the nobles, of the eunuchs.
4 (Certain) lads in whom there 10 Andthe chief of theeunuchs
should be no kind of blemish, said unto Daniel, I fear my lord
but who should be handsome in the king, who hath ordered your
appearance, and intelligent in all food and your drink; for why
wisdom, and acquainted with should he see your face sadder
knowledge, and understanding looking than that of the lads
science, and such as should have who are of your age? and ye
the ability to serve in the king’s would thus endanger my head
palace, and that these should be with the king.
taught the learning and the lan- 11 Then said Daniel to the
guage of the Chaldeans. steward whom the chief of the
5 And the king ordered for eunuchs had given charge over
them a daily provision for its Daniel, Chananyah, Mishael,
day of the king’s food, and of the and ’Azaryah,
wine which he drank, and to 12 “ Prove, I beseech thee, thy
educate them three years, so that servants, ten days ; and let them
at the end thereof they should give us vegetables to eat, and
serve before the king. water to drink
b Now there were among these 13 And then let our count©*

nance be looked at before thee, troubled, and his sleep that wa?
and the countenance of the lads upon him was gone.
that eat the food of the king 2 Then said the king to call
and as thou mayest see (fitting), the magicians, and the astrolo-
so deal with thy servants/’ gers, and the sorcerers, and the
14 And he hearkened unto Chadeans, to solve for the king
them in this matter, and proved his dreams: and they came and
them ten days. placed themselves before the
15 And at the end of ten days king.
their countenances appeared bet- 3 And the king said unto them,
ter and fuller in flesh than (that I have dreamed a dream, and my
of) nil the lads who ate the food spirit is troubled to know the
of the king. dream.
16 And the steward took away 4 Then spoke the Chaldeans
their (apportioned) food, and to the king in Aramic, “ 0 king,
the wine that they were to live for ever recite the dream

drink, and gave them vegeta- to thy servants, and we wdll tell
bles. 'the interpretation.”
17 But as regardeth all these 5 The king answered and said
four lads, God gave them know- to the Chaldeans, The decree is
ledge and intelligence in all firmly resolved on by me: If ye
learning and wisdom and Da- do not make known unto me the

niel had understanding in all dream with its interpretation, ye

visions and dreams. shall be cut in pieces, and your
18 And at the end of the days houses shall be changed into a
(after) which the king had said dunghill.
that they should be presented, 6 But if ye tell the dream and
the chief of the eunuchs pre- its interpretation, then shall ye
sented them before Nebuchad- receive gifts and rewards and
nezzar. great honour from me. There-
19 And the king spoke with fore tell me the dream and its
them ; and there was not found interpretation.
among them all any one like 7 They answered the second
Daniel, Chananyah, Mishael, and time and said, “ Let the king re-
’Azaryah: and so they served cite the dream to his servants,
before the king. and we wdll tell its interpreta-
20 And in every matter of tion.”
wise understanding, which the 8 The king answered and said,
king required of them, he found I know of a certainty that ye
them ten times superior above all wish to gain time, because ye see
the magicians and astrologers the decree is firmly resolved on
that were in all his kingdom. by me
21 And Daniel continued even 9 That if ye do not make
unto the first year of king Cyrus known unto me the dream, there
[Koresli]. is but one sentence for you for ;

ye have prepared lying and de-

CHAPTER II. ceptive wrnrds to speak before
1 And in the second year me, till the time be changed.
of the reign of Nebuchadnez- Therefore relate to me the dream,
zar, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed and 1 shall know that ye can tell
dreams, whereat his spirit was me its interpretation
2L II.

10 The Chaldeans answered 19 Thereupon was the secret

before the king, and said, “ There- revealed unto Daniel in a vision
is net a man upon the habitable of the night. Then did Daniel
earth that can tell the king’s bless the God of heaven.
matter wherefore no mighty
: 20 Daniel commenced and
and powerful king hath ever said, “May the name of God be
asked such a thing of any magi- blessed from eternity and to all
cian, or astrologer, or Chaldean. eternity for wisdom and might

11 And the matter which the are his

king requireth is difficult, and 21 And he changeth times
there is no other that can tell and seasons; he removeth kings,
it before the king, except the and raiseth up kings: he giveth
gods, whose dwelling is not with wisdom unto the wise, and know-
flesh.” ledge to those that possess un-
12 For all this cause the king derstanding.
became angry, and very furious; 22 He it is that revealeth what
and he commanded to destroy is deep and secret: he knoweth
all the wise men of Babylon. what is in the darkness, and the
13 And the law went forth and light dwelleth with him.
(some of) the wise men were 23 To thee, 0 God of my fa-
slain: and they sought Daniel ther, do I give thanks, and I
and his companions to slay praise thee, who hast given me
them. wisdom and might, and because
14 Then made Daniel thou hast made known unto me
presentations with intelligence what we prayed for of thee for ;

and prudence to Aryoch the cap- thou hast made known unto us
tain of the king’s guard, who was the king’s matter.”
gone forth to slay the wise men 24 Therefore did Daniel go in
of Babylon. unto Aryoch, whom the king had
15 He commenced and said to ordered to destroy the wise men
Aryoch the king’s commander, of Babylon. He went and said
“Wherefore is the law so hasty
thus unto him, “ The wise men
from the king?” Then made of Babylon must thou not de-
Aryoch the matter known to stroy: bring me before the king,
Daniel. and I will tell unto the king the
16 But Daniel went in, and interpretation.”
requested of the king that he 25 Then did Aryoch bring
would give him time, that he Daniel before the king in haste,
might tell the interpretation to and thus he said unto him,
the king. “ Here have I found a man out
17 Then went Daniel to his of the children of the exiles of
house, and made the matter Judah, who will make known
known to Chananyah, Mishael, unto the king the interpreta-
and ’Azaryah, his companions. tion.”
18 In order that they might 26 The king answered and
pray for mercy of the God of said unto Daniel, whose name
heaven concerning this secret was Belteshazzar, Art thou able
so that Daniel and his compa- to make known unto me the
nions might not be destroyed dream which I have seen, and
with the rest of the wise men of its interpretation?
Babylon. 27 Daniel answered in the pre-
91 V 1081

sence of the king, and said, “ The became

like the chaff of the sum-
secret which the king hath de- mer
threshing-floors; and the
manded no wise men, astrolo- wind carried them away, that no
gers, magicians, or soothsayers, trace was found o*f them and ;

can tell unto the king; the stcne that had stricken the
28 But there is a God in hea- image became a mighty moun-
ven that revealeth secrets, and tain, and filled the whole earth.
he hath made known to king 36 This is the dream ; and its
Nebuchadnezzar what is to be in interpretation will we relate be-
the latter days. Thy dream, and fore' the king.
*he visions of thy head upon thy 37 Thou, 0 king, art a king
couch, were these. of kings,, to whom the God of
29 As for thee, 0 king! thy heaven hath given kingdom,
thoughts, when thou wast on thy power, and strength, and ho-
couch, rose (within thee) con- nour :

cerning what is to come to pass 38 And wheresoever the chil-

hereafter; and the Revealer of dren of men dwell, hath he given
secrets hath made known to thee the beasts of the field and the
what is to come to pass. fowls of the heaven into thy
30 But as for me, this secret hand, and hath made thee ruler
hath not been revealed to me be- over them all. Thou art the
cause of any wisdom that is in head of gold.
me more than in all other living 39 And after thee there will
but for the sake that men might another kingdom inferior
make known the interpretation and another third king-
to thee ;

to the king, and that thou might- dom of copper, which will bear
est understand the thoughts of rule over all the earth.
thy heart. 40 And the fourth kingdom
31 Thou, 0 king, sawest, will be as strong as iron foras- ;

and behold there was a large much as iron grindeth up and

image: this image was mighty, beateth down all things, and as
and its brightness was excellent; iron that breaketh (every thing),
it stood opposite to thee and its will it grind up and break all

form was fear-inspiring. these.

32 As regardeth this image, 41 And that thou sawest the
its head was of fine gold, its feet and toes, part of them of
breast and its arms were of silver, potter’s clay, and part of them
and its thighs, of copper,
its belly, of iron, (signifieth) that it will
33 Its legs of iron, its feet be a divided kingdom, although
part of them of iron and part of there will be in it of the strength
them of clay. of the iron ; forasmuch as thou
34 Thou didst look on till the sawest the iron mingled with
moment that a stone tore itself miry clay.
loose, not (human)
through 42 And as the toes of the feet
hands, and struck the image were part of them of iron, and
upon its feet that were of iron part of them of clay so will :

and clay, and ground them to the kingdom be partly strong

pieces. and partly brittle.
35 Then were the iron, the 43 And whereas thou sawest
clay, the copper, the silver, and iron mingled with miry clay:
the gold ground up together, and so will they mingle themselves

among the seed of men but

they will not cleave firmly one to 1 King Nebuchadnezzar
another, even as iron cannot be made an image of gold, the
mingled with clay. height of which was sixty cu-
44 But in the days of these bits, and the breadth of which
kings will the God of heaven set was six cubits he set it up in

up a kingdom, which shall to the valley of Dura, in the pro-

eternity not be destroyed, and vince of Babylon.
its rule shall not be transferred 2 And king Nebuchadnezzar
to any other people (but) it will
sent to assemble (his) lieute-
grind up and make an end of all nants, the superintendents, and
these kingdoms, while it will it- the governors, the judges, the
self endure for ever. treasurers, the counsellors, those
45 Whereas thou sawest that learned in the law, and all the
out of the mountain a stone tore rulers of the provinces, to come
itself loose, not through (human) to the dedication of the image
hands, and that it ground up the which king Nebuchadnezzar had
iron, the copper, the clay, the set up.
silver, and the gold :the great 3 Thereupon were assembled
God hath made known to the the lieutenants, the superintend-
king what is to come to pass ents, and the governors, the
after this: and the dream is re- judges, the treasurers, the coun-
liable, and its interpretation cer- sellors, those learned in the law,
tain.” and all the rulers of the pro-
46 Then did king Nebu- vinces, unto the dedication of
chadnezzar fall upon his face, the image that king Nebuchad-
and he bowed down to Daniel, and nezzar had set up and they

ordered that they should offer stood opposite to the image

an oblation and sweet odours that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
unto him. 4 Then a herald called out
47 The king answered unto with a loud voice, “ To you it is
Daniel, and said, “ Of a truth it commanded, 0 people, nations,
is, that your God is the God of and languages,
gods, and the Lord of kings, and 5 That at the time when ye
the revealer of secrets, because do hear the sound of the cornet,
thou hast been able to reveal flute, guitar, harp, psaltery, bag-
this secret.” pipe, and all kinds of music, ye
48 Then did the king elevate shall fall down and bow your-
Daniel, and gave him many great selves to the golden image which
presents, and made him ruler king Nebuchadnezzar hath set
over the whole province of Ba- up:
bylon, and chief of the superin- 6 And whoso doth not fall
tendents over all the wise men down and bow himself shall in
of Babylon. the same hour be cast into the
49 Then requested Daniel of midst of a burning fiery fur-
the king, that he might appoint nace.”
Shadrach, Meshach, and 'Abed- 7 Therefore at the same time,
nego, over the public service of when all the people heard the
the province of Babylon but sound of the cornet, flute, gui-

Daniel remained in the gate of tar, harp, psaltery, and all kinds
the king. of music, all the people, the na-
tions, and the languages fell if ye bow yourselves not,
down bowing themselves to the shall be cast in the same hour
golden image which king Nebu- into the midst of a burning fiery
chadnezzar had set up. furnace and who is the God

8 Therefore at the same time that can deliver you out of my

certain Chaldean men came near, hand ?”
and accused the Jews treacher- 16 Then answered Shadiacb,
ously. Meshach, and ’Abed-nego, and
9 They commenced and said said to the king, “ 0 Nebu-
to king Nebuchadnezzar, u 0 chadnezzar, we have no need
king, In e for ever ! to answer thee a word in this
10 Thou, 0 king, hadst made matter.
a decree, that every man that 17 Behold, there is our God
should hear the sound of the whom we worship, he is able to
cornet, flute, guitar, harp, psal- deliver us from the burning fiery
tery,and bagpipe, and all kinds furnace; and out of thy hand,
of music, should fall down and 0 king, will he deliver us.
bow himself to the golden image 18 But if not, then be it
11 And that whoso should not known unto thee, 0 king! that
falldown and bow himself should thy god will we not worship,
be cast into the midst of a burn- and to the golden image which
ing fiery furnace. thou hast set up will we not bow
12 There are certain Jewish ourselves.”
men whom thou hast appointed 19 Then was Nebuchadnez-
over the public service of the zar filled with fury, and the
province of Babylon, Shadrach, form of his countenance was
Meshach, and ’Abed-nego these
: changed because of Shadrach,
men, 0 king have not paid any
! Meshach, and ’Abed-nego (and) :

regard to thee thy god they do

he commenced and ordered
not worship, and to the golden that they should heat the fur-
image which thou hast set up nace thoroughly seven times
they do not bow themselves. more than it was wont to be
13 Then ordered Nebuchad- heated.
nezzar in rage and fury to bring 20 And he ordered the might-
Shadrach, Meshach, and ’Abed- iest men in strength that were
nego. Then were these men in his army, to bind Shadrach,
brought before the king. Meshach, and ’Abed-nego, (and)
14 Nebuchadnezzar com- to cast them into the burning
menced and said unto them, “ Is fiery furnace.
it out of disrespect, 0 Shadrach, 21 Then were these men
Meshach, and ’Abed-nego ? My bound in their mantles, their
god ye do not worship, and to under-garments, and their tur-
the golden image which I have bans, and their other garments,
«et up ye do not bow yourselves ?and were cast into the midst of
15 Now then if ye be ready at the burning fiery furnace.
the time when ye hear the sound 22 Now , because the king’s

of the cornet, flute, harp, gui- command was so urgent, and

tar, psaltery, and bagpipe, and the furnace exceedingly heated,
all kinds of music, to fall down the flame of the fire slew those
and bow yourselves to the image men that carried up Shadrach,
which I have made, (well); but Meshach, and ’Abed-nego.

23 And these threemen, themselves to any god, except

Shadrach, Meshach, and ’Abed- their own God.
nego, fell down bound into the 29 Therefore do I make a de-
midst of the burning fiery fur- cree, That every people, nation,
nace. and language, that may speak
24 Then was king Nebu- any thing disrespectful against
chadnezzar astonished, and he the God of Shadrach, Meschach,
rose up in haste, (and) com- and ’Abed-nego, shall be cut in
menced, and said unto his coun- pieces, and their houses shall be
sellors, “ Did we not cast three changed into a dunghill; be-
men bound into the midst of the cause there is no other God that
fire ?” They answered and said can deliver like this one.”
unto the king, “ Certainly, 0 30 Then did the king pro-
king !” mote Shadrach, Meshach, and
25 He answered and said, ’Abed-nego, in the province of
u Lo, I see four men unbound, Babylon.
walking in the midst of the fire, 31 Nebuchadnezzar the
and there is no injury on them king, unto all people, nations,

and the appearance of the fourth and languages, that dwell on all
is like a son of the gods.” the earth, u May your welfare
26 Then came Nebuchad- increase.
nezzar near to the door of the 32 The signs and wonders
burning fiery furnace, com- which the most high God hath
menced, and said, “ Shadrach, wrought toward me I find it for
Meshach, and ’Abed-nego, ye good to make known.
servants of the most high 33 His signs how great are —
God, step forth, and come they! and his wonders how —
hither.” Then stepped Sha- mighty are they his kingdom !

drach, Meshach, and ’Abed-nego is an everlasting kingdom, and

forth out of the midst of the his rule is over every genera-
fire. tion.
27 And the lieutenants, su-
perintendents, and governors, CHAPTER IV.
and the king's counsellors, be- 1 ^ I Nebuchadnezzar was at
ing assembled together, saw rest in my house, and flourish-
these men, over whose bodies ing in my palace.
the fire had had no power, and 2 I saw a dream which terri-
the hair of whose head was not fied me; and the thoughts upon
singed, whose mantles were not my couch and the visions of my
changed, and on whom there head troubled me.
was not come the smell of fire. 3 Therefore made I a decree
28 Then commenced Nebu- to bring before me all the wiso
chadnezzar, and said, “ Blessed men of Babylon, that they
be the God of Shadrach, Me- might make known unto me the
shach, and ’Abed-nego, who interpretation of the dream.
hath sent his angel, and deli- 4 Then came up the magi-
vered his servants that had cians, the astrologers, the Chal-
trusted in him, and had trans- deans, and the soothsayers and ;

gressed the king’s word, and the dream did I recite before
yielded up their bodies, that them; but its interpretation (fid
they might not worship nor bow they not make known unto n e.
91 * 1085
5 But came up be- not to be human, and let a
at the last
fore me Daniel, whose name beast’s heart be given unto him;
was Belteshazzar, after the name and let seven times elapse over
of my god, and in whom is the him.
spirit of the holy gods and the
14 Through the resolve of the
dream did I recite before him, watchers is this decree, and by
(saying,) the order of the holy ones is
6 ‘ 0 Belteshazzar, chief of this decision to the intent that

the magicians, of whom I know the living may know that the
that the spirit of the holy gods Most High ruleth over the king-
is in thee, and that no secret is dom of men, and that he can
concealed from thee, tell me the give it to whomsoever he pleas-
visions of my dream which I eth, and can set up over it the
have seen, with its interpreta- lowest of men.”
tion. 15 This dream have I, king
7 And the visions of my head Nebuchadnezzar, seen but thou’, ;

on my couch were, (that) I saw, 0 Belteshazzar, relate its inter-

and behold, there was a tree in pretation, forasmuch as all the
the midst of the earth, and its wise men of my kingdom are
height was great. not able to make known unto
8 The tree grew, and was me the interpretation ; but thou
strong, and its height reached art able; for the spirit of the
unto heaven, and it was visible holy gods is in thee.’
to the end of all the earth. 16 Then was Daniel, whose
9 Its foliage was splendid, name was Belteshazzar, astound-
and its fruit large, and on it was ed for one hour, and his thoughts
food for all under it sought the troubled him. The king then

beasts of the field for shade, and commenced, and said, Belte-‘

in its boughs dwelt the fowls of shazzar let not the dream, or

heaven, and from it was fed all its interpretation, trouble thee.’
flesh. Belteshazzar answered and said,
10 I saw in the visions of my My Lord
0 that the dream

head on my couch, and, behold, might be for those that hate

a watcher who was also a holy thee, and its interpretation for
one came dow n from heaven.
thy enemies.
11 He called with might, and 17 The tree that thou hast
thus he said, “ Hew down the seen, which grew, and was
tree, and lop off its branches, strong, the height of which
strip off its leaves, and scatter reached unto the heaven, and
its fruit; let the beasts flee away which was visible to all the
from under it, and the fowls earth ;

from among its branches : 18 The foliage of which was

12 Nevertheless leave the splendid, and the fruit of which
body of its roots in the earth, was large, and on which was
but (bound) with fetters of iron food for all under which dwelt

and copper, among the grass of the beasts of the field, and in
the field ; and let it be made wet the boughs of which nestled th«
with the dew of heaven, and let fowls of the heaven :

its portion be with the beasts on 19 It is thou, 0 king, that art

the herbage of the earth. grown and become strong and ;

13 Let his heart be changed thy greatness is grown ap«ace;

and reacheth unto heaven, and said, ‘ Is not this Babylon the
thy dominion is to the end of the great, that I myself have built
earth. for a royal residence by the
20 And whereas the king saw might of my power, and for the
a watcher and a holy one com- honour of my majesty V
ing down from heaven, who 28 The word was still in the
said, “ Hew down the tree, and king’s mouth, when there fell a
destroy it yet leave the body voice from heaven, (saying,)

of its roots in the earth, bftt To thee it is said, 0 king Ne-

(bound) in fetters of iron and buchadnezzar, The kingdom de-

copper, among the grass of the parteth from thee.
field and let it be made wet
29 And from men will they
with the dew of heaven, and let drive thee away, and with the
its portion be with the beasts of beasts of the field shall thy
the field, till seven times elapse dwelling be herbs like oxen

over it will they suffer thee to eat, and

21 This is the interpretation, seven times shall elapse over
0 king and this is the resolve thee until thou wilt know that
! :

of the Most High, which will the Most High ruleth over the
come over my lord the king kingdom of men, and givetji it
22 They will drive thee away to whomsoever he pleaseth.’
from men, and with the beasts 30 At the same hour the word
of the field is thy dwelling to was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnez-
be, and they will suffer thee to zar; and from men was he
eat herbs like oxen, and they driven away, and herbs like
will suffer thee to be mad<e wet oxen had he to eat, and with
with the dew of heaven, and the dew of heaven was his body
seven times will elapse over made wet till
: his hair was
thee; until that thou wilt know grown like eagles’ (feathers),
that the Most High ruleth over and his nails were like birds’
the kingdom of men, and giveth (claws).
it to whomsoever he pleaseth. 31 But at the end of the days
23 And whereas they ordered I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up my
to leave the body of the roots eyes unto heaven, and un- my
of the tree : thy kingdom will derstanding returned unto me,
remain unto thee, as soon as and I blessed the Most High,
thou wilt know that the Hea- and I praised and glorified the
vens do rule. Ever-living, whose dominion is
24 Therefore, 0 king let my an everlasting dominion, and

counsel be agreeable unto thee, whose kingdom is over every

and atone for thy sins by right- generation
eousness, and for thy iniquities 32 And (by whom) all the in-
by showing kindness to the habitants of the earth are re-
poor perhaps thy prosperity garded as nought; and (who)

may (thereby) endure long/ according to his pleasure doth

25 All this came over king with the host of heaven, and
Nebuchadnezzar. the inhabitants of the earth
26 At the end of twelve while there is none that can stay
months he was walking upon his hand, or say unto him, Whaf
the royal palace at Babylon. doest thou ?
27 The king- commenced, and 33 At the same time my un
derstanding returned unto me his loins were loosed, and his

and with the glory of my king- knees knocked one against the
dom, my honour and my splen- other.
dour returned unto me and my;
The king called with tnighc
counsellors and my lords sought to bring in the astrologers, the
for me and I was replaced in
: Chaldeans, and the soothsayers.
my kingdom, and additional The king commenced, and said
greatness was added unto me. to the wise men of Babylon,
34 Now I Nebuchadnezzar “ Whatsoever man will read this
praise and extol and glorify the writing, and tell me its inter-
King of heaven, all whose works pretation, shall be clothed with
are truth, and whose ways are purple, and have a chain of gold
justice; and who is able to about his neck, and shall rule as
bring low those that walk in the third in the kingdom.”
pride.” 8 Then came in all the wise
men of the king; but they were
CHAPTER V. not able to read the writing, nor
1 ^ King Belshazzar prepared to make its interpretation known
a great feast for a thousand of to the king.
his lords, and before these thou- 9 Then was king Belshazzar
sand did he drink wine. greatly terrified, and his colour
2 Belshazzar ordered, through was changed on him, and his
the counsel of the wine, to bring lords were confounded.
in the golden and silver vessels 10 (Now) the queen in conse-
which his father Nebuchadnez- quence of the words of the king
zar had taken away out of the and of his lords came into the
temple which was in Jerusalem : banquet-house; the queen com-
that the king, and his lords, his menced and said, “0 king, live
wives, and his concubines, might for ever: let thy thoughts not
drink therefrom. trouble thee, nor let thy colour
3 Then they brought in the be changed
golden vessels that were taken 11 There is a man in thy king-
away out of the temple of the dom in whom the spirit of the
house of God which was at Je- holy gods ;
and* in the days of
rusalem and the king, and his
thy father enlightenment and
lords, his wives, and his concu- intelligence and wisdom, like the
bines, drank from them. wisdom of the gods, were found
4 They^ drank wine, and in him and king Nebuchadnez- ;

praised their gods of gold, and zar thy father appointed him
of silver, of copper, of iron, of chief of the magicians, astro-
wood, and of stone. logers, Chaldeans, and sooth-
5 At that same hour came
forth fingers of a man’s hand,
king !
— yes, thy father, 0

and wrote opposite to the chan- 12 Forasmuch as a superior

delier upon the plaster of the spirit, and knowledge, and intel-
wall of the king’s palace and: ligence, interpreting of dreams,
the king saw the part of the and solving of riddles, and of
hand that wrc te. untying knotty (doubts), were
6 Then was the king’s colour found in him, in Daniel, to whom
changed, and his thoughts trou- the king assigned the name of
bled him so that the bands of
: Belteshazzar now let Daniel b# :

called, and he will the in- ed he lifted up ; an 1 whom he
terpretation.” pleased he brought low.
13 Then was Daniel brought 20 But, when his heart was
in before the king the
: king lifted up, and his spirit hardened
commenced and said unto Da- to deal presumptuously, he was
niel, “Art thou Daniel, who art cast down from the throne of his
of the children of the exiles of kingdom, and his dignity did
Judah, whom the king my father they take from him
brought out of Judah ? 21 And from the sons of men
14 And I have heard of thee, was he driven forth, and his
that the spirit of the gods is in heart became equal with (that of)
thee, and that enlightenment, the beasts, and with the wild
and intelligence, and superior asses was his dwelling; they suf-
wisdom are found in thee. fered him to eat herbs like oxen,
15 And now the wise men, the and with the dew of heaven was
astrologers, had been brought his body made wet: till he ac-
before me, that they should read knowledged that the most high
this writing, and make known God ruleth over the kingdom of
unto me its interpretation; but men, and that he appointeth
they were not able to tell the in over it whomsoever he pleas-

terpretation of the matter. eth.

16 But I have truly heard 22 And thou his son, 0 Bel-
concerning thee, that thou art shazzar, hast not humbled thy
able to give interpretations, and heart, though thou knewest all
untie knotty (doubts) now if this;

thou art able to read the writing, 23 But against the Lord of
and make known to me its inter- heaven hast thou lifted thyself
pretation, thou shalt be clothed up; and the vessels of his house
with purple, with a chain of have they brought before thee,
gold about thy neck, and shaft and thou, and thy lords, thy
rule as the third in the king- wives, and thy concubines, have
dom.” drunk wine from them ; and the
17 ^ Then answered Daniel gods of silver, and gold, of cop-
and said before the king, “ Let per, iron, wood, and stone, which
thy gifts remain in thy posses- neither see, nor hear, nor know,
sion, and bestow thy bounty on hast thou praised and the God

another nevertheless will I read

: in whose hand thy soul is, and
the writing unto the king, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou
make known to him the inter- not glorified
pretation. 24 Thereupon was sent from
18 0 thou king the most high
! beforehim the part of the hand,
God gave kingdom, and great- and this writing was noted
ness, and glory, and honour unto down.
Nebuchadnezzar thy father; 25 And this is the writing
19 And because of the great- that was noted down, M'ne,
ness that he had given unto him, AFne, T’kel, Upharsin.
all people, nations, and lan- 26 This is the interpretation
guages trembled and shook be- of the matter: M’ne, God hath
fore him whom he pleased he numbered thy kingdom, and

slew and whom he pleased he made an end of it.


kept alive; and whom he pleas- 27 T’kel, Thou hast been

weighed in the balances, and 7 Then came these presidents
been found wanting. and lieutenants tumultuously to
28 P’ress, Thy kingdom hath the king, and thus said they
been divided, and is given to the unto him, “ King Darius, live
Medes and Persians.” for ever
29 Then gave Belshazzar the 8 All the presidents of the
order, and they clothed Daniel kingdom, the superintendents,
with purple, with a chain of and the lieutenants, the coun-
gold about his neck, and they sellors, and the governors, have
made a proclamation concerning consulted together to establish a
him, that he should rule as the royal statute, and to make a firm
third in the kingdom. prohibition, that whosoever will
30 In that very night was ask any thing by prayer of any
Belshazzar the king of the Chal- God or man within thirty days,
deans sla*in. save of thee, 0 king shall be !

cast into the den of lions.

CHAPTER VI. 9 Now, 0 king, establish the
1 5[ And Darius the Median prohibition, and sign the writing,
obtained the kingdom, when he that it cannot be changed, ac-
was sixty and two years old. cording to the law of the Medes
2 Darius deemed it proper, and Persians, which is not to be
and he set over the kingdom one repealed.”
hundred and twenty lieutenants, 10 In view of this king Darius
who should be over all the king- signed the writing and the pro-
dom ;
3 Andover these, three pre- 11 Now when Daniel knew
sidents, of whom Daniel was one : that the writing was signed, he
that these lieutenants should went up unto his house, where
give accounts unto them, so that he had open windows in his up-
the king might suffer no da- per chamber in the direction of
mage. Jerusalem; and three times
4 Then did this Daniel excel every day he kneeled upon his
(all) the presidents and lieute- knees, and prayed, and offered
nants, because a superior spirit thanks before his God, as he
was in him and the king
: had been doing before that
thought to appoint him over the time.
whole kingdom. 12 Then came in these men
5 Then sought the presidents tumultuously, and found Daniel
and lieutenants to find a pretext praying and making supplica-
against Daniel on account of the tion before his God.
management of the kingdom : 13 Then came they near, and
but they were not able to find spoke before the king concerning
any pretext or fault; forasmuch the king’s prohibition, “ Hast
as he was faithful, and no kind thou not signed a prohibition,
of error or fault was to be found that every man who will pray
on him. (for aught) of any God or man,
6 Then said these men, “We within thirty days, save of thee,
shall not find any pretext against 0 king shall be cast into the

this Daniel, except we find it den of lions ?” The king an-

against him in the law of his swered and said, “ The thing is
God.” certainly so, according to the
law of the Medes and Persians, the den, he cried with a mourn-
which cannot be repealed.” ful voice unto Daniel the king :

li Then answered they and commenced and said to Daniel,

said before the king, “ That Da- “ 0 Daniel, servant of the living
niel, who is of the children of God, hath thy God, whom thou
the exiles of Judah, hath paid worshippest continually, been
no regard to thee, 0 king! nor able to deliver thee from the
to the prohibition which thou lions ?”
hast signed ; but three times 22 Then spoke Daniel with
every day he offereth up his the king, “ 0 king, live for ever!
prayer. 23 My God sent his angel, and
15 Then the king, when he locked up the mouths of the
heard this matter, felt very much lions, and they have not hurt
distressed within himself, and me: forasmuch as before him
on account of Daniel he sought innocency was found in me and

an excuse to deliver him ; and also before thee, 0 king, had I

till the going down of the sun he done nothing injurious.”
strove hard to rescue him. 24 Then was the king exceed-
16 Then came these men tu- ingly glad within himself, and
multuously unto the king, and concerning Daniel he ordered to
said unto the king, “ Know, 0 bring him up out of the den. So
king! that it is the law of the was Daniel brought up out of the
Medes and Persians, That every den, and no manner of hurt was
prohibition and statute which found upon him, because he had
the king hath established is not trusted in his God.
to be changed.” 25 And the king gave the
17 Then gave the king the order, and they brought those
order, and they brought Daniel, men who had accused Daniel
and cast him into the den of treacherously, and they cast into
lions. The king commenced and the den of lions them, their chil-
said unto Daniel, “ May thy God dren, and their wives and they

whom thou worshippest continu- had not yet touched the bottom
ally, truly deliver thee.” of the den when the lions had
18 And a stone was brought, the mastery over them, and
and placed upon the mouth of ground up all their bones.
the den; and the king sealed it 26 Then wrote king Darius
with his own signet-ring, and unto all people, nations, and
with the signet-ring of his lords, languages, that dwell on all the
that nothing should be changed earth, “ May your welfare in-
in the purpose concerning Da- crease.
niel. 27 From me is it decreed, That
19 Then went the king to his in all the dominion of my king-
palace, and passed the night dom men shall tremble and have
fasting ; and no food was brought fear before the God of Daniel
before him ; and his sleep tied for he is the living God, and
from him. endureth for ever, and it is his
20 Then arose the king by the kingdom which will not be de-
morning-dawn, as soon as it was stroyed, and his dominion will
light, and went in great haste be unto the end (of things).
unto the den of lions. 28 He delivereth and rescueth,
21 And when he came near to and he displayeth signs and won-
ders in heaven and on earth, he all the beasts that were before
who hath delivered Daniel from it; and it had ten horns.
the power of the lions.” 8 I looked carefully at the
29 So this Daniel prospered horns, and, behold, another lit-
in the reign of Darius, and in tle horn came up between them,
the reign of Cyrus the Persian. and three of the first horns were
plucked up by the roots before
CHAPTER VII. the same and, behold, there

1 If In the first year of Bel- were eyes like the eyes of man
shazzar the king of Babylon, in this horn, with a mouth speak-
Daniel saw a dream and the ing presumptuous things.
visions of his head while on his 9 I was looking until chair!
oouch afterward he wrote down were set down, and an Ancient

the dream, relating the principal of days seated himself, whose

things. garment was white as snow, and
2 Daniel commenced and said, the hair of whose head was like
I saw in my vision by night, clean wool his chair was like

and, behold, the four winds of flames of fire, and his wheels
heaven blew fiercely on the great like fire that burnt
sea. 10 A stream of fire issued and
3 And four great beasts came came forth from before him ;
up from the sea, differing one thousand times thousands minis-
from another. tered unto him, and myriad
4 The first was like a lion, and times myriads stood before him:
had eagle’s wings: I looked till they sat down to hold judgment
its wings were plucked out, and and the books were opened.
it was lifted up from the earth, 11 I looked then, because of
and was placed upon its feet as the sound of the presumptuous
a man, and a human heart was words which the horn had spo-
given to it. ken, —
I looked till the beast was
5 And behold there was ano- slain, and its body destroyed,
ther, a second beast, like a bear, and given over to the burning
and on one side was it placed, fire.
with three ribs in its mouth be- 12 But concerning the rest of
tween its teeth: and thus they the beasts, they had their domi-
said unto it, “ Arise, eat much nion taken away yet a longer

flesh.” duration of life was given unto

6 After this I looked, and lo them until the time and period.
there was another, like a leopard 13 I looked in the nightly
and it had four wings of a bird visions, and, behold, with the
on its back the beast had also clouds of heaven came one like a

four heads and dominion was son of man, and he attained as


given unto it. far as the Ancient of days, and

7 After this I looked in the they brought him near before
night visions, and behold there him.
was a fourth beast, dreadful and 14 And there were given him
terrible, and strong exceedingly dominion, and dignity, and go-

and it had great iron teeth it vernment, and all people, na-

devoured and ground up, and tions, and languages had to

what was left it stamped with its serve him: his dominion is an
feet; and it was different from everlasting dominion, which
shall not pass away, and his 23 Thus said he, “The fourth
kingdom is one which shall beast (signifieth that) a fourth
never be destroyed. kingdom will be upon earth,
15 My spirit was deeply which is to be different from all
shaken within me, Daniel, in kingdoms, and will devour ah
the midst of its tenement, and the earth, and will tread it down,
the visions of my head troubled and grind it up.
me. 24 And the ten horns out of
16 I came near unto one of this kingdom (signify) that ten
those that stood by, and asked kings will arise ; and another
him something certain concern- will rise after them, and he will
ing all this and he spoke to me,
: be different from the first, and
and made known unto me the three kings will he bring low.
interpretation of the things. 25 And he will speak words
17 “ These great beasts, of against the Most High, and the
which there are four, are four saints of the Most High will he
kings, who are to arise on the oppress, and think to change the
earth. festivals and the law and they

18 But the saints of the Most will be given up into his hand
High will obtain the kingdom, until a time and times and half
and possess the kingdom to a time.
eternity, even to all eternity for 26 But they will sit down to
ever.” hold judgment, and they will
19 Then I desired what is take away his dominion, to de-
certain concerning the fourth stroy and to annihilate it unto
beast, which was different from the end.
all these others, exceedingly 27 And the kingdom and the
dreadful, whose teeth were of dominion, and the power over
iron, and whose nails of copper; the kingdoms under the whole
22 devoured, ground up, and heaven, will be given to the
stamped with its feet what was people of the saints of the Most
left High, whose kingdom is an ever-
20 And concerning the ten lasting kingdom, and all govern-
horns that were in its head, and ments are to worship and obey
concerning the other which came him.”
up, and before which three fell 28 Thus far is the end of the

down, even concerning that speech. As for me Daniel, my
horn which had eyes, and a reflections troubled me greatly,
mouth which spoke presumptu and my colour was changed on
ous things, and whose appear- me but I kept the speech in

ance was greater than that of its my heart.

21 I had seen how the same CHAPTER VIII.
horn had made war with the 1 the third year of the
f In
saints, and had prevailed against reign of king Belshazzar a vision
them : appealed unto me, to me Daniel,
Until the Ancient of days alter that which had appeared
came, and procured justice unto unto me at the first,
the saints of the Most High ; and 2 And I saw in the vision
the time came and the saints and it came to pass, in my see-
took possession of the kingdom, ing, that I was at Shushan the
92 luya
capital,which is in the province became exceedingly great, to*
of 'Elam —
and I saw in the ward the south and toward the

vision, as though I was by the east, and toward the glorious

river Ulai. land.
3 And I liftedup my eyes, and 10 And it became great, even

saw, and, behold, there was a up to the host of the heavens;

ram standing before the river, and it cast down to the ground
and he had two horns; and the some of the host and of the stars,
horns were high; but one was and trod them under foot.
higher than the other, and the 11 Yea, it magnified itself
higher one came up last. even up to the prince of the
4 I saw the ram butting west- host, and by it the continual
ward, and northward, and south sacrifice was taken away, and
ward; so that all the beasts the place of his sanctuary was
could not stand before him, ana cast down.
no one was there to deliver out 12 And the host is given up
of his hand and he did accord- together with the continual sacri-

ing to his will, and became fice, by reason of transgression :

great. and it casteth down the truth to

5 And as I was looking at- the ground, and it doth (this),
tentively, behold, there came a and is prosperous.
shaggy he-goat from the west 13 Then did I hear a certain
over the face of the whole earth, holy one speaking, and a holy
without touching the ground; one said unto the unknown one
and the goat had a sightly large who was speaking, “ For how
horn between his eyes. long is the vision concerning
6 And he came as far as the the continual sacrifice, and the
ram that had two horns, that I wasting transgression, to give
had seen standing before the up both the sanctuary and the
river, and ran at him with his host to be trodden under foot?"
furious power. 14 And he said untome, “Un-
7 And I saw him coming til two thousand and three hun-
close unto the ram, and he be- dred evenings and mornings,
came bitterly enraged against when the sanctuary shall be
him, and he struck the ram, and justified."
broke his two horns ; and there 15 And it came to pass, when
was no power in the ram to I, even I Daniel, saw the vision,
stand forward before him and and sought for understanding,

he cast him down to the ground, that, behold, there was standing
and stamped upon him; and opposite to me something like
there was no one to deliver the the appe.arance of a man.
ram out of his hand. 16 And I heard the voice of
8 And the shaggy he-goat be- a man between (the banks of)
came very great; but when he the Ulai, and it called, and said,
was grown strong, the great “ Gabriel, cause this one to un-
horn w as broken
and there derstand this appearance."

came up four sightly large ones 17 So he came close to where

in place toward the four I stood and when he came, I
its ;

winds of heaven. was terrified, and I fell upon

9 And out of one of them my face; but he said unto me,
came forth a little horn, which Mark it well, 0 son of man
because for the time of the end thou keep the vision closed up;

'for it will come to pass afte*
is the vision.”
18 Now as he was speaking many days.” :

with me, I fell down in amaze- And I Daniel grieved, and

ment on my face to the ground; was sick several days after- :

but he touched me, and set me ward I rose up, and did the
upright where I had been stand- king’s business and I was de- ;

ing. pressed because of the appear-

19 And he said, “ Behold, ance; but no one observed it.
will make known unto thee what
is to be at the last end of the
indignation for it is for the
1 In the first year of Darius
appointed time of the end. the son of Achashverosh, of the
20 The ram that thou hast seed of the Medes, who was
seen, him with the two horns, made king over the kingdom of
(signifieth) the kings of Media the Chaldeans,
and Persia. 2 In the first year of his reign,
21 And the shaggy he-goat is I Daniel searched in the books
the king of Javan and the great for understanding concerning

horn which is between his eyes the number of the years whereof
is the king.
first the word of the Lord had come
22 But that it was broken, and to Jeremiah the prophet, that he
that four sprung up in its stead, would let pass full seventy years
(signifieth that) four kingdoms over the ruins of Jerusalem.
will spring up out of the nation,3 And I directed my face unto
but not with his power. the Lord God, to ask by prayer
23 And in the latter time of and supplications, with fasting,
their kingdom, when the trans- and in sackcloth, and ashes.
gressors have filled their mea- 4 And I prayed unto the Lord
sure of guilt, there will arise a my God, and made my confes-
king of an impudent face, and sion, and said, “ 0 Lord, the
understanding deep schemes. great and terrible God, who
24 And his power will be keepeth the covenant and kind-
mighty, but not by his own ness to those that love him, and
power; and he will destroy to those that keep his command-
wonderfully, and will prosper ments :

while he doth (this); and he 5 have sinned, and haveWe

will destroy very many and the committed iniquity, and have
people of the saints. done wickedly, and have rebel-
25 And through his intelli- led, and have departed from thy
gence, and because he prosper- commandments and from thy
ed, iscraftiness in his hand; ordinances
and in his heart will he magnify 6 Nor have we hearkened un-
himself, and in peace will he de- to thy servants the prophets,
stroy many he will also stand who spoke in thy name to our

up against the Prince of princes; kings, our princes, and our fa-
but without a human hand will thers, and to all the people of
he be broken. the land.
26 And the appearance of the 7 Thine, 0 Lord, is the right-
evening and the morning which eousness, but unto us belongeth
was spoken of is true; but do the shame of face, as it is this
day, —
to the men of Judah, and done; but we have not obeyed
to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, his voice.
md unto all Israel, those that 15 And now, 0 Lord our God,
are near, and those that are far who hast brought forth thy peo-
off, through all the countries ple out of the kind of Egypt
whither thou hast driven them, with a strong hand, and hast
because of their trespass which made thyself a (great) name, as
they have trespassed against this day: we have sinned,
it is

thee. we have done wickedly.

8 0 Lord ! to. us belongeth 16 0 Lord! according to ail
the shame of lace, to our kings, thy righteousness, I beseech
to our princes, and to our fa- thee, let thy anger and thy fury
thers; because we have sinned be turned away from thy city
against thee. Jerusalem, thy holy mountain;
9 To the Lord our God belong because through our sins, and
mercies and pardonings for we ;
through the iniquities of our fa-
have rebelled against him; thers, Jerusalem and thy people
10 And we have not obeyed are become a reproach to all
the voice of the Lord our God, who are round about us.
to walk in his laws, which he 17 And now listen, 0 our God,
set before us through means of' to the prayer of thy servant, and
his servants the prophets. to his supplications, and cause
11 Y ea, all Israel have trans- thy face to shine upon thy sanc-
gressed thy law, and have de- tuary which is desolate, for the
parted so as not to obey thy sake of the Lord.
voice therefore was poured out
: 18 Incline, 0 my God, thy
over us the curse, with the oath ear, and hear; open thy eyes,
that is written in the law of and look on our desolations, and
Moses the servant of God be- ;
the city whereupon thy name is
cause we had sinned against called for not (relying) on our

him. acts of righteousness do we pre-

12 And he hath accomplished sent humbly our supplications
his words, which he had spoken before thee, but (relying) on thy
concerning us, and concerning great mercies.
our judges that judged us, by 19 0 Lord, hear; 0 Lord, for-
bringing upon us a great evil, give 0 Lord, hearken and do

which was never done under the it; delay it not; for thy own
whole heaven as it hath been sake, 0 my God for thy name

done in Jerusalem. is called upon thy city and upon

13 As it is written in the law thy people.”
of Moses ; all this evil came 20 And while I was yet speak-
over us yet offered we not any
ing, and confessing my sin and
entreaty before the Lord our the sin of my people Israel,
God, to return from our iniqui- and presenting my supplication
ties, and to become intelligent humbly before the Lord my
in thy truth. God because of the holy moun-
14 Therefore did the Lord tain of my God :

watch over the evil, and he 21 Yea, while I was yet speak-
brought it upon us : for the Lord ing in prayer, the man Gabriel,
our God is righteous because of whom I had seen in the vision
all his deeds which he hath at the beginning, came, flying
swiftly, near me aboutthe time struction and what is decreed
of the evening oblation. shall be poured out upon the
22 And he gave me under- waster.”
standing, and spoke with me,
and said, “ 0 Daniel, now am I CHAPTER X.
come forth to make thee intelli- 1 If In the third year of Cyrus
gent with understanding. the king of Persia a word was
23 At the beginning of thy revealed unto Daniel, whose
supplications the word went name was called Belteshazzar
forth, and I am come to tell it; and the word is the truth, but
for thou art greatly beloved the time appointed is long off
therefore understand the matter, and he noted the word, and took
and have understanding of the notice of it in the appearance.
appearance. 2 In those days 1 Daniel was
24 Seventy weeks are deter- mourning three full weeks.
mined upon thy people and upon 3 Costly food did I not eat,
thy holy city, to close up the and flesh and wine came not in
transgression, and to make an my mouth, nor did I at all an-
end of sins, and to atone for ini- oint myself, till three whole
quity, and to bring in everlast- weeks were elapsed.
ing righteousness, and to seal up 4 And on the four and twen-
the vision and prophecy, and to tieth day of the first month,
anoint the most holy thing. while I was by the side of the
25 Know therefore and com- great river, which is Chiddekel,
prehend, that from the going 5 I lifted up my eyes, and
forth of the word to restore and looked, and behold there was a
to build Jerusalem unto the an- certain man clothed in linen,
ointed the prince will be seven and his loins w7 ere girded with
weeks :and during sixty and fine gold of Uphaz ;
two weeks will it be again built 6 And his body also was like
with streets and ditches (around the chrysolite, and his face, like
it), even in the pressure of the the appearance of lightning, and
times. his eyes were like torches of
26 And after the sixty and fire, and his arms and his feet,
two weeks will an anointed one like the colour of polished cop-
be cut off' without a successor to per, and the sound of his words
follow him and the city and the was like the noise of a multitude.

sanctuary will the people of the 7 And I Daniel saw alone this
prince that is coming destroy ; appearance; but the men that
but his end will come in a vio- were with me did not see the
lent overflow but until the end appearance nevertheless a great

of the war devastations are de- terror fell upon them, so that
creed (against it). they fled to hide themselves.
27 And he will make a strong 8 And I was left by myself
covenant with the many for one alone, and I saw this great ap-
week and in the half of the pearance, arid there remained

week will he cause the sacrifice no strength in me : and my

and the oblation to cease, and healthy colour was changed on
this because of the prevalence me into corruption, and I re-
of the abominations which bring- tained no strength.
eth devastation, and until de- 9 Then heard I the sound of
92* 2 v 2
hiswords ;
and as I heard the with this my lord ?” And as
sound of his words, I sank in for me, from that moment there
amazement on my face, with my remained no strength in me, and
face toward the ground. no breath was left in me.
10 And, behold, a hand touch- 18 Then there touched me
ed n*3, and it moved me upon again something like the appear-
my knees and the palms of my ance of a man, and he strengthr-
hand* ened me
11 And he said unto me, “0 19 And he said, “Fear not, 0
Daniel, the man greatly beloved, man greatly beloved peace be !

mark well the words that I speak unto thee, be strong, yea, be
Unto thee, and stand on thy strong.” And when he spoke
standing-place; for now have I with me, I felt myself strength-
been sent unto thee.” And ened, and said, “ Let my lord
when he had spoken this word speak for. thou hast strength-

unto me, I stood up trembling. ened me.”

12 And he said unto me, 20 Then said he, “Knowest
“ Fear not, Daniel for from the! thou wherefore I am come unto
first day that thou didst set thy thee ? and now will I return to
heart to obtain understanding, fight with the prince of Persia;
and to fast before thy God, were and as I am going forth, lo, the
thy words heard and I am prince of Javan is coming.

come in consequence of thy 21 Nevertheless will I tell

words. thee what is noted down in the
13 But the prince of the king- writing of truth and there is : —
dom of Persia stood up against none that holdeth with me (to
me one and twenty days but, assist me) against those, except

lo, Michael, one of the chief Michael your prince.

princes, came help me and
I obtained the victory there with

the kings of Persia. 1 ^ And I in the first year of
14 Now am I come to make Darius the Mede had my station
thee understand what is to befall to assist and to protect him.
thy people in the latter days 2 And now will I tell thee the
for the vision is yet for the (com- truth. Behold, there will stand
ing) days.” up yet three kings of Persia
15 And when he spoke unto and the fourth will obtain far
me such words, I directed my greater riches than all (these)
face toward the ground, and I and when he is strong through
became dumb. his riches will he stir up all,
16 And, behold, something (namely,) the kingdom of Ja-
like the form of the sons of men van.
touched my lips; and I opened 3 And then will stand up a
my mouth, and I spoke, and mighty king, who will rule with
vaid unto him that stood oppo- great dominion, and do accord-
site to me, “ 0 my lord because ing to his pleasure.

of the appearance my pains sud- 4 And when he shall have

denly overcame me, and I have stood, his kingdom will be bro-
retained no strength. ken, and will be divided toward
17 And how shall the servant the four winds of the heavens,
of this my lord be able to speak and not to his posterity, nor ao-
cording to his dominion which even with the king of the north
he ruled for his kingdom will and he will set forth a great

be torn asunder, even for others multitude; but the multitude (of
beside those. the other) will be given up into
5 And the king of the south his hand.
will become strong, yea, he who is 12 And the multitude will be
one of his princes; but (another) lifted up, and his heart will be-
will become strong against him, come proud : and he will cast
and will rule a great dominion down myriads; but he will not

will his dominion be. be strengthened by it.

6 But at the end of (some) 13 And the king of the north
years will they associate them- will return, and set forth a mul-
selves together; and the daugh- titude greater than the former;
ter of the king of the south will and at the end of the times, of
come to the king of the north to years, will he certainly come
make a settlement of difficulties; with a great army and with
but she will not retain the power much riches.
of the support; neither will he 14 And in those times many
stand, nor his support but she will stand up against the king

will be given up, with those that of the south : also the rebellious
had brought her, and he that be- sons of thy people will lift them-
gat her, and he that strength- selves up to establish the vision;
ened her in those times. but they will stumble.
7 But there will stand up a 15 And the king of the north
sprout of her roots in his place, will come, and cast up a mound,
and he will come to the army, and capture the city defended by
and will enter into the strong- fortifications: and the arms of
hold of the king of the north, the south will not withstand,
and will deal with them, and and as regardeth his chosen peo-
ple, there will be no power (in
8 And also their gods with them) to withstand.
their molten images, with their 16 But he that cometh against
precious vessels of silver and of them will do according to his
gold, will he carry into captivity pleasure, and none will stand
to Egypt and he will stand off before him ; and he will place

some years from the king of the himself in the glorious land,
north. which will be altogether in his
9 But this one will then enter hand.
the kingdom of the king of the 17 He will also direct his face
south, and then return into his to enter with the strength of his
own land. whole kingdom, having profes-
10 But his sons will commence sions of peace with him and;

a war, and assemble a multitude thus will he do it: and he will

of great armies; and one will give him the daughter of his wife
certainly enter, and overflow, to destroy it ; but it will not
and pass along then will he re- stand, and it will not remain

turn, and make war again, even his.

to his strong-hold. 18 And he will direct his face
11 And the king of the south unto the isles, and capture many
will be moved with bitter wrath, but a chieftain will cause to cease
and go forth and fight with him, his reproach against him with-;

out his giving hack to him his food will bring his downfall, and
own reproach. the army of the others will over-
19 Then will he direct his face flow and many will fall down

toward the strong-holds of his slain.

own land; but he will stumble 27 And as for both these kings,
and fall, and will no more be their heart is bent on mischief,
found. and one table will they speak
20 And there will stand up in lies; but it shall not prosper;
his place one who will cause the for the end is yet for the time
exactor (of taxes) to pass through appointed.
the glorious (land) of the king- 28 Then will he return into
dom; but within a few days will his land with great riches, and
he be broken, but not in anger, his heart will be against the holy
nor in battle. covenant and he will do it, and

21 And there will stand up in return to his own land.

his place a despicable person, to 29 At the time appointed will
whom they assigned not the ho- he return, and enter into the
nour of the kingdom; but he south but not as in the former

will come in quietly, and lay will it be in the latter time.

hold of the kingdom by flat- 30 For there will come against
teries. him the ships of Kittim and he ;

22 And the powers of the over- will become faint-hearted, and

flow will be swept away from be- return, and will rage against the
fore him, and will be broken holy covenant; and he will do

yea, so also the prince in cove- it: and he will return, and have
nant (with him). an understanding with those that
23 And from the time of his forsake the holy covenant.
associating with him will he deal 31 And army divisions will
deceitfully; and he will come proceed from him, and they will
up, and obtain the victory with defile the sanctuary, the fortress,
a small number of people. and remove the continual sacri-
24 In quiet and into the fat- fice, and they will set up the de-
test portion of the province will solating abomination.
he enter ; and he will do what 32 And such as act wickedly
his fathers have not done, nor against the covenant will he cor-
his father’s fathers : the prey, rupt by flatteries; but the peo-
and spoil, and riches will he di- ple that do know their God will
vide freely to them, and against be strong, and deal (valiantly.)
the strong-holds will he devise 33 And the intelligent among
his plans, but only till a certain the people will impart under-
time. standing to many yet they will

25 Andhe will then stir up his stumble through the sword, and
power and his courage against through flame, through captivity,
the king of the south with a great and through being plundered
army: and the king of the south for some time.
will prepare himself for the war 34 But in their stumbling will
with an exceedingly great and they be aided with a help little
mighty army; but he will not but many themselves
will join
stand for they will devise (evil)
to them with deceptive flatte-
plans against him. ries.
26 Yea, thev that eat of his 35 And some of the intelligent
will stumble, to make a purifica- 42 And he will stretch forth
tion among them, and to select his hand against some countries,
and cleanse them, until the
to and the land of Egypt will not
time of the end because it is
yet for the time appointed. 43 And he will have control
36 And the king will do ac- over the treasures of gold and
cording to his pleasure; and he of silver, and over all the costly
will exalt and magnify himself things of Egypt: and the Liby-
above every god, and against the ans and the Ethiopians will fol-
G )d of gods will he speak in- low at his steps.
credible things, and he will pros- 44 But reports out of the east
per till the indignation be at an and out of the north will terrify
end for that which is deter-
him and he will go forth with

mined will be accomplished. great fury to destroy, and to ex-

37 And gods of his fa-
to the terminate many.
thers will he pay no regard and ;
45 And he will pitch the tents
to the desire of women, or to of his palace between seas and
any god whatever will he not the glorious holy mountain ; and
pay any regard; for above all he will come to his end, without
will he magnify himself. one to help him.
38 But in his place will he
pay honour to the god of the CHAPTER XII.
fortresses; and to a god w hom 1 And at that time will Mi-

his fathers knew not will he pay chael, the great prince who stand-
honour with gold, and silver, eth for the children of thy peo-
and with precious stones, and ple, stand forth and there will ;

costly things. be a time of distress, such as

39 This w ill he do for the very
hath never been since the exist-
strong fortresses together with ence of any nation, until that
the strange god whoever will
: same time; and at that time
acknowledge him, him will he shall thy people be delivered,
give much honour and he will ;
every one that shall be found
cause such to rule over many, written in the book.
and he will divide out the land 2 And many of those that
for a price. sleep in the dust of the earth
40 And at the time of the end shall awake, some to everlasting
will the king of the south push life, and some to disgrace and
against him; and the king of everlasting abhorrence.
the north wi'l come against him 3 And the intelligent shall
like a storm-wind, with chariots, shine brilliantly like the bril-
and with horsemen, and with liance of the expanse (of the
many ships; and he will enter sky); and they that bring many
into some countries, and will to righteousness shall be like the
overflow and pass along. stars, for ever and ever.
41 And he will enter into the 4 But thou, 0 Daniel, close
glorious land, and much will up the words, and seal the book,
be overthrown ; but these will until the time of the end :many
escape out of his hand, even will roam about, yet shall know-
Edom, and Moab, and the first ledge be increased.
portion of the children of ’Am- 5 Then I Daniel looked, and
mon. behold, there were two others

standing, the one on this side of 9 And he said, “Go (thy way\
the bank of the stream, and the Daniel ! for the words are closed
other on that side of the bank up and sealed till the time of th*
of the stream. end.
6 And one said to the man 10 Many shall be selected and
clothed in linen, who was above cleansed, and purified ; but the
the waters of the stream, “ How wicked will deal wickedly, and
long shall it be to the end of none of the wicked will under-
these wonders ?” stand; but the intelligent will
7 Then heard I the man clothed understand.
in linen, who was above the wa- 11 And from the time that the
ters of the stream; and he lifted continual sacrifice will be re-
up his right hand and his left moved, even to set up the deso-
hand unto the heavens, and lating abomination, there will be
swore by the Everliving One a thousand two hundred and
that after a time, times, and a ninety days.
half, and when there shall be an 12 Happy is he that waiteth,
end to the crushing of the power and attaineth to the thousand
of the holy people, all these three hundred and five and thirty
things shall be ended. days.
8 And I heard indeed, but I 13 But thou, go (thy way) to-
understood it not: then said I, ward the end; and thou shalt
“ 0 my lord, 'what shall be the rest, and arise again for thy lot
end of these things ?” at the end of the days.”


king of Persia, All the kingdoms

of the earth hath the Lord the
1 And the first year of God of heaven given unto me;
Cyrus the king of Persia, at the and he hath directed me to builcl
time the word of the Lord by for him a house at Jerusalem,
the mouth of Jeremiah was ac- which is in Judah.
complished, the Lord awakened Whoever among you that is
the spirit of Cyrus the king of of all his people, may his God be
Persia and he caused a procla- with him, and let him go up to

mation to be made throughout Jerusalem, which is in Judah,

all kingdom, and also by and build the house of the Lord
means of writing, saying, the God of Israel, he is the God
2 “ Thus hath said Cyrus the who is in Jerusalem.

4 And whosoever remaineth up out of the captivity of the

out of any place whei»e he hath exiles, whom Nebuchadnezzar
sojourned, him shall the men of the king of Babylon had carried
his place assist with silver, and away into exile unto Babylon,

with gold, and with goods, and and who returned unto Jerusa-
with beasts, beside the freewill lem and Judah, every one unto
offering for the house of God his city ;
which is in Jerusalem.' Who came with Zerubbabel,
5 Then rose up the chiefs of Joshua’, Nehemiah [Nechem-
the divisions of Judah and Ben- yah], Serayah, Re’elayah, Mor-
jamin, and the priests, and the decai, Bilshan, Misspar, Bigvai,,
Levites, with all those whose Rechum, Ba’anah. The numbei
spirit God had awakened, to gojof the men of the people of Israel
up to build the house of the was :

Lord which is in Jerusalem. 3 The children of Par’osh, two

6 And all those that were thousand one hundred seventy
round about them supplied them and two.
with vessels of silver, with gold, 4 The children of Shephatyah,
with goods, and with beasts, and three hundred seventy and two.

with precious things, beside all 5 The children of Arach,

that was willingly offered. seven hundred seventy and
7 Also king Cyrus brought five.
forth the vessels of the house of 6 The children of Pachath-
the Lord, which Nebuchadnez- moab, of the children of Joshua*
zar had brought away out of Je- and Joab, two thousand eight
rusalem, and had placed in the hundred and twelve.
house of his god : 7 The children of ’Elam, one
8 Even these did Cyrus the thousand two hundred fifty and
king of Persia bring forth through four.
the hand of Mithredath the trea- 8 The children of Zatthu,
surer, and counted them out un- nine hundred and forty and
to Sheshbazzar the prince for five.
Judah. 9 The children of Zaccai, se-
9 And number: ven hundred and sixty.
this is their
Thirty chargers of gold, a thou 10 The children of Bani, six
sand chargers of silver, nine and hundred forty and two.
twenty knives, 11 The children of Bebai, six
10 Thirty cups of gold, silver hundred twenty and three.
cups of a second degree four 12 The children of ’Asgad, one
hundred and ten, other vessels a thousand two hundred twenty
thousand. and two.
11 All the vessels of gold and 13 The children of Adonikam, .

of silver were five thousand and six hundred sixty and six.
four hundred. All these did 14 The children of Bigvai,
Sheshbazzar bring up with the two thousand fifty and six.
exiles that were brought up from 15 The children of ’Adin, four
Babylon unto Jerusalem. hundred fifty and four.
16 The children of Ater of
CHAPTER II. Hezekiah, ninety and eight.
1 Now these are the chil- 17 The children of Bezai,
dren of the province who went three hundred twenty and three.
18The children of Yorah, one one thousand two hundred forty
hundred and twelve. and seven.
19 The children of Chashum, 39 The children of Charim,
two hundred twenty and three. one thousand and seventeen.
20 The children of Gibbar, 40 The Levites were The:

ninety and five. children of Jeshua’ and Kad-

21 The people of Beth-le- miel, of the children of Hodav-
chern, one hundred twenty and yah, seventy and four.
three. 41 The singers were : The
22 The men of Netophah, fifty children of Assaph, one hun-
and six. dred twenty and eight.
23 The men of ’Anathoth, one 42 The children of the gate
hundred twenty and eight. keepers were : The children of
24 The people of 'Asmaveth, Shallum, the children of Ater,
forty and two. the children of Ta.lmon, the
25 The people of Kiryath- children of ’Akkub, the children
'arim, Kephirah, and Beeroth, of Chatita, the children of Sho-
seven hundred and forty and bai, in all one hundred thirty
three. and nine.
26 The people of Ramah and 43 The temple-servants were
Geba', six hundred twenty and The children of Zicha, the chil-
one. dren of Chassupha, the children
27 The men of Michmass, one of Tabba'oth,
hundred twenty and two. 44 The children of Keross,
28 The men of Beth-el and the children of Si’aha, the chil-
'Ai, two hundred twenty and dren of Padon,
three. 45 The children of Lebanah,
29 The people of Nebo, fifty the children of Chagabah, the
and two. children of 'Akkub,
30 The, children of Magbish, 46 The children of Chagab,
one hundred fifty and six. the children of Shalmai, the
31 The children of the other children of Chanan,
'Elam, one thousand two hun- , 47 The children of Giddel„
dred fifty and four. I the children of Gachar, the chil-
32 The children of Charim, dren of Reayah,

three hundred and twenty. 48 The children of Rezin, the

33 The people of Lod, Chadid, children of Nekoda, the children
and Ono, seven hundred twenty of Gazzam.
and five. 49 The children of ’Uzza, the
34 The people of Jericho, children of Paseach, the chil
three hundred forty and five. dren of Bessai,
35 The people of Senaah, 50 The children of Assnah,
three thousand and six hundred the children of Me’unim, the
and thirty. children of Nephussim,
36 The priests were : The 51 The children of Bakbuk,
children of Yeda’yah, of the the children of Chakupha, the
house of Jeshua/, nine hundred children ol Charchur,
seventy and three. 52 The children of Bazluth,
37 The children of Immer, the children of Mechida, the
one thousand fifty and two. children of Charsha,
38 The children of Pashchur, 53 The children of Barkoss,
EZRA ll.
: III.
the children of Sissera, the chil- 65 Besides their men-servants
dren of Thamach, and their maid-servants, of whom
54 The children of Neziach, there were seven thousand three
the children of Chatipha. hundred thirty and seven they :

55 The children of Solomon’s had also two hundred singing

servants were The children of
: men and singing women.
Sotai, the children of Sophereth, 66 Their horses were seven
the children of Peruda, hundred thirty and six ;
56 The children of Ya’alah, mules, two hundred forty and
the children of Darkon, the five
children of Giddel, 67 Their camels, four hun-
57 The children of Shephat- dred thirty and five their asses,

yah, the children of Chattil, the six thousand seven hundred and
children of Pochereth-hazzeba- twenty.
yim, the children of Ami. 68 *[ And some of the chiefs
58 All the temple-servants, of the divisions, when they came
and the children of Solomon’s to the house of the Loro which
servants, were three hundred is at Jerusalem, offered freewill
and ninety and two. gifts for the house of God to set
59 5[ And these are those who it up in its place

went up from Thel-melach, 69 After their ability they

Thel-charsha, Kerub, Addan, gave unto the treasure for the
and Iminer; but they could not work sixty and one thousand
tell their family division, and drachms of gold, and five thou-
their descent, whether they were sand manehs of silver, and one
of Israel: hundred coats for the priests.
60 The children of Delayah, 70 And the priests, and the
the children of Tobiyah, the Levites, and some of the people,
children of Nekoda, six hun- and the singers, and the gate-
dred fifty and two. keepers, and the temple-ser-
61 And of the children of the vants, dwelt in their cities, and
priests : The children of Chaba- all Israel in their cities.
yah, the children of Hakkoz,
the children of Barzillai, who CHAPTER III.
had taken a wife from the 1 And when the seventh
daughters of Barzillai the Gil- month drew near, and the chil-
*adite, and was called after their dren of Israel were in the cities,
name. the people gathered themselves
62 These sought for their fa- together as one man to Jerusa-
mily-registers, but they were not lem.
found: wherefore they were ex- 2 Then arose Jeshua’ the son
cluded, as unfit, from the priest- of Yozadak, and his brethren
hood. the priests, and Zerubbabel the
63 And the Thirshatha said son of Shealthiel, and his bre-
unto them, that they should not thren, and they built the altar
eat of the most holy things, till of the God of Israel, to offer
there should stand up a priest thereon burnt-offerings, as it is
with the Urim and Thummim. written in the law of Moses the
64 The whole congregation man of God.
together was forty and two thou- 3 And they erected the altar
sand three hundred and sixty. upon its foundations for there ;

9o i'- W 1105

was fear upon them because of Kadmiel and

his sons, the sons
the people of these countries: of Judah, as one man, to super-
and they offered thereon burnt- intend the workmen in the house
offerings unto the Lord, burnt- of God; (also) the sons of Cho-
offerings at morning and at nadad, their sons and their bre-

evening. thren the Levites.

4 And they celebrated the 10 And when the builders laid
feast of tabernacles, as it is writ the foundation of the temple of
ten, and (offered) the daily burnt- the Loud, they placed the priests
offerings by number, according in their apparel with trumpets,
to the prescribed manner, the and the Levites the sons of As-
offering of every day on its day saph with cymbals, to praise the

5 And afterward the continual Lord, after the manner of David

burnt-offering, and that for the the king of Israel.
new-moons, and for all the 11 And they sang responsively
feasts of the Lord that are hal- in praise and thanksgiving unto
lowed, and that of every one the Lord; because he is good,
who willingly offered a freewill for unto everlasting endureth
offering unto the Lord. his kindness toward Israel. And
6 From the first day of the all the people shouted with a
seventh month began they to great shout, while praising the
offer burnt-offerings unto the Lord ; because the foundation of
Lord although the foundation the house of the Lord had been

of the temple of the Lord had laid.

not yet been laid. 12 But many of the priests
7 Then did they give money and Levites and chiefs of the
unto the masons, and to the car- divisions, the aged, who had
penters; and food, and drink, seen the first house, when the
and oil, unto the Zidonians and founda tion of this house was laid
Tyrians, to bring cedar-trees before their eyes, wept with a
from the Lebanon by sea to loud voice, while many, shouting
Joppa, according to the permis- for joy, raised aloud their voice
sion of Cyrus the king of Persia 13 So that the people could
for them. not distinguish the noise of the
8 And in the second year shout of joy from the noise of
of their coming unto the house the weeping of the people ;
of God at Jerusalem, in the se- the people shouted with a loud
cond month, did Zerub babel the shout, and the noise was heard
son of Shealthiel, and Joshua’ ever so far off.
the son of Yozadak, and the re-
mainder of their brethren the CHAPTER IV.
priests and the Levites, and all 1 Now when the adversa-
the}' that were come out of the ries of Judah and Benjamin
captivity unto Jerusalem make heard that the children of the
a beginning; and they appoint- exile were building the temple
ed the Levites, from twenty unto the Lord the God of Is-

years old and upward, to su- rael :

perintend the work of the house 2 Then came they near to

of the Lord. Zerubbabel, and to the chiefs of
9 Then stood forward Jeshua’ the divisions, and said unto

with his sons and his brethren, them, “Let us build m ith you

for like you will we seek your whom the great and honoured
God and unto him do we sacri- Assnapper had brought into ex-

fice since the days of Essar- ile, and settled in the cities of Sa-
chaddon the king of Asshur, maria, and the rest that are on
who hath brought us up hither.” this side the river, and so forth.
3 But Zcrubbabel, and Jeshua’, 11 This is the copy of the
and the rest of the chiefs of the letter which they sent unto him,
divisions of Israel, said unto even unto king Artaxerxes:
them, “It is not obligatory on “ Thy servants the men on this
you and on us to build a house side the river, and so forth.
unto our God but we ourselves
; 12 Y Be it made known untc
together must build unto the the king, that the Jews who re-
Lord the God of Israel, as king moved away from thee are come
Cyrus the king of Persia hath up to us unto Jerusalem they are :

commanded us.” building the rebellious and the

4 Then did the people of the bad city, and are completing the
land weaken the hands of the walls, and are joining together
people of Judah, and frightened the foundations.
them off from building ;
13 Be it now known unto the
5 And they hired against king, that, if this city be rebuilt,
them counsellors, frustrate
to and the walls be completed, they
their purpose, all the days of will not give tax, tribute, and
Cyrus the king of Persia, and toll, and the royal revenues will
even until the reign of Darius suffer damage.
the king of Persia. 14 Now because we eat the
6 And in the reign of Achash- salt of the palace,and it is not
verosh, in the beginning of his proper for us to see the king’s
reign, they wrote an accusation dishonour, therefore have we
against the inhabitants of Judah sent and let the king know this :

and Jerusalem. 15 That search may be made

7 ^ And in the days of Arta- in the book of the memorable
xerxes [Arthachshashth] wrote events of thy fathers, and thou
Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel, wilt find in the book of the me-
and the rest of their companions, morable events, and know that
unto Artaxerxes the king of this city is a rebellious city, and
Persia: and the writing of the hurtful unto kings and pro-
letter was written in Aramic, and vinces, and that they have prac-
interpreted in Aramic. tised sedition within the same
8 Rechum the counsellor from the most ancient time for ;

and Shimshai th& scribe wrote a which cause this city was de-
certain letter against Jerusalem stroyed.
tc Artaxerxes the king, as fol- 16 We let the king know that,
loweth : if this city be rebuilt, and its
9 Then (wrote) Rechum the walls be completed, by this
counsellor, and Shimshai the means thou wilt have no more
scribe, and the rest of their any portion on this side of the
companions, from Din, and river.”
Apharsathach, Tarpel, Apharass, 17 % Then sent the king a
Erech, Babylon, Shushan, De- reply unto Rechum the counsel-
hav, and ’Elam, lor, and to Shimshai the scribe,
10 And the rest of the nations and to the rest of their com-
panions that dwell in Samaria, 2 Then rose un Zerubbabel

and unto the rest of those beyond the son of Shealthiel, and Je-
the river, “ Peace, and so forth. 'shua’ the son of Yozadak, and
18 The letter which ye have began to build the house of God
sent unto us hath been plainly which is in Jerusalem; and with

read before me. them were the prophets of God


19 And an order was given by helping them.

me, and search was made, and 3 At the same time came to
it was found that this city from them Thathnai, the governor on
the most ancient time hath lifted this side of the river, and She-
itselfup against kings, and that thar-bosenai, and their compa-
rebellion and sedition have been nions, and thus they said unto
2>ractised therein. them, “ Who hath given you an
20 And that mighty kings order to build this house, and to
have been over Jerusalem, who complete these walls?”
ruled over all the countries be- 4 Then said we unto them
yond the river; and that tax, after this manner, what are the
tribute, and toll was given unto names of the men that erect this
them. building.
21 Now give ye the order to 5 But the eye of their God
stop these men, and this city was upon the elders of the Jews,
shall not be built, until the order so that they did not stop them,
be given from me. till the matter came to Darius
22 Take heed now that ye and they then returned an an-
commit no error in this that swer by letter concerning this.

not any injury may grow (out 6 A copy of the letter which
of this) to the damage of the Thathnai, the governor on this
kings.” side of the river, and Shethar-
23 Thereupon so soon as Bosenai, and his companions,

the copy of king Artaxerxes* the Apharsachites, w’ho were on

letter was read before Rechum, this side of the river, sent unto
and Shimshai the scribe, and king Darius.
their companions, they did go up 7 They sent a report unto him,
in haste to Jerusalem unto the and thus was it written therein :

Jews, and stopped them by force “ Unto king Darius be all peace.
and power. 8 Be it known unto the king,
24 Then was stopped the work that we went into the province
of the house of God which is at of Judah, to the house of the
Jerusalem, and it remained in- great God, w hich they are build-
terrupted until the second year ing w ith heavy stones, and tim-

of the reign of Darius the king ber is laid in the walls, and this
of Persia. work is urged with speed, and
it prospereth in their hands.
CHAPTER V, 9 Then asked we these elders,
1 Then prophesied Chaggai and after this manner said we
the prophet, and Zechariah the unto them, ‘Who hath given you
son of ’Iddo, the prophets, unto the order to build this house,
the Jews that were in Judah and to complete these walls V
and Jerusalem, in the name of 10 Also their names did we
the God of Israel, concerning ask of them, to let thee know
them. them, that we might write dowa
Ezra v. wr.
the names of the men that are at this house of God at Jerusalem;
their head. and let the king send to us his
11 And in this manner did pleasure concerning this mat-
they return us answer, gaying, ter.”
We are the servants of the God
of heaven and earth, and we CHAPTER VI.
build the house that was built 1 ^ Then gave king Darius
before this many years, and a an order, that they should make
great king of Israel built and: search in the house of the books,
completed it. j
where the treasures were laid up
12 But since our fathers had 'there in Babylon,
provoked the God of heaven un- 2 And there was found at Ach-
to wrath, he gave them up into metha, in the castle that is in
the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the; the province of Media, a roll,
king of Babylon, the Chaldean, land therein was thus written:
and he destroyed this house, and “A record.
carried the people as exiles into 3 In the first year of king
Babylon. Cyrus, king Cyrus gave an order
13 However, in the first year concerning the house of God at
of Cyrus the king of Babylon, Jerusalem, Let the house be
king Cyrus gave an order to built, the place where they used
build this house of God. to offer sacrifices, and let its
14 And also the vessels of foundations be strongly laid its :

gold and silver of the house of height shall be sixty cubits, its
God, which Nebuchadnezzar had breadth sixty cubits,
taken out of the temple that was 4 With three rows of heavy
in Jerusalem, and brought into stones, and a row of new timber;
the temple of Babylon, these did and let the expenses be given
king Cyrus take out of the tem- out of the king’s house.
ple17of Babylon, and gave them 5 And also let the golden and
unto one, Sheshbazzar by name, silver vessels of the house of God,
whom he had appointed as go- which Nebuchadnezzar took
vernor; away out of the temple which is
15 And he said unto him, in Jerusalem, and brought unto
“Take these vessels, go, carry Babylon, be restored, and brought
them into the temple which is in back unto the temple which is
Jerusalem, and let the house of in Jerusalem, every one to its
God be built on its site.” place, and let them be put in the
16 Then came this same house of God.”
Sheshbazzar, (and) laid the foun- 6 “Now Thathnai, gover-
dation of the house of God which nor beyond the river, Shethar-
is in Jerusalem ; and from thatlbosenai, and your companions,
time even until now they have the Apharsachites, who are be-
been building it, but it is not yet yond the river, be ye far from
finished.’ there
And now, if it seem good 7 Let the work of this house
to the king, let search be made of God alone ;
let the governor
in the king’s treasure-house, of the Jews and the elders of the
whicn is there at Babylon, whe- Jews build this house of God on
ther it be so, that an order was its site.
given by king Cyrus to build 8 And by me is the order
93* 11U9
given what ye shall do to the of Cyrus, and Darius, and Ar
elders of these Jews for the taxerxes the king of Persia.
building of this house of God, 15 And this house was finished
that out of the king’s property, on the third day of the month
arising out of the tax beyond Adar, which was in the sixth
the river, the expenses shall year of the reign of king Darius.
forthwith be given unto these 16 Then celebrated the chil-
men, that they be not hindered. dren of Israel, the priests, and
9 And what they have need the Levites, and the rest of the
of, both young bullocks, and children of the exile, the dedi-
rams, and lambs, for the burnt- cation of this house of God with
offerings unto the God of hea- joy
ven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, 17 And they offered for the
according to the requirement of dedication of this house of God
the priests who are at Jerusa- one hundred bullocks, two hun-
lem, shall be given unto them dred rams, four hundred lambs ;
day by day, without fail and for a sin-offering for all Is-
10 That they may offer sacri- rael, twelve he-goats, according
fices of sweet savours unto the to the number of the tribes of
God of heaven, and pray for the Israel.
life of the king and of his sons. 18 And .they stationed the
11 Also is by me the order priests in their orders, and the
given, that if any man should Levites in their divisions, for the
alter this command, timber shall service of God, which is in Je-
be pulled down from his house, rusalem, as it is written in the
and being set up, he shall be book of Moses.
hanged thereon; and his house 19 And the children of the
shall be made a dunghill for exile prepared the passover-(sa-
this. crifice) on the fourteenth day of
12 And may the God that the first month.
causeth his name to dwell there 20 For the priests and the Le-
cast down every king and peo- vites had purified themselves, as
ple that will stretch forth their one man were all of them clean ;

hand to alter, to destroy this and they slaughtered the pass-

house of God which is in Jeru- over-sacrifice for all the children
salem. I Darius have given the of the exile, and for their bre-
order let it be done speedily.” thren the priests, and for them-

13 Then did Thathnai the selves.

governor on this side of the river, 21 And then did the children
Shethar-bosenai, and their com- of Israel, who were returned out
panions, in accordance with what of the exile, and all such as had
king Darius had sent, act in this separated themselves unto them
manner speedity. from the uncleanness o: the na-
14 And the elders of the tions of the earth, to seek the
Jews built, and they prospered, Lord the God of Israel, eat
through the prophesying of thereof.
Chaggai the prophet, and Zecha- 22 And
they celebrated the
riah the son of Tddo. And they unleavened bread seven
feast of
built, and completed it, accord- days with joy for the Lord had

ing to the order of the God of made them joyful, and had turn-
Israel, and according to the order ed the heart of the king of As-
shur toward them, to strengthen the letter which king Artaxerxes
their hands in the work of the gave unto ’Ezra the priest, the
house of God, the God of Israel. expounder of the law, the ex-
pounder of the words of the com-
CHAPTER VII. mandments of the Lord, and of
1 Ant) after these things, in his statutes for Israel.
the reign of Artaxerxes the king 12 “Artaxerxes, the king of
of Persia, ’Ezra the son of Sera- kings, unto ’Ezra the priest, the
yah, the son of ’Azaryah, the expounder of the law of the God
son of Chilkiyah, of heaven, the perfect, and so
2 The son of Shallum, the son forth.
of Zadok, the son of Achitub, 13 By me is the order given,
3 The son of Amaryah, the that every one who is freely wil-
son of ’Azaryah, the son of Me- ling in my kingdom out of the
rayoth, people of Israel, and their priests
4 The son of Zerachyah, the and Levites, to go up to Jerusa-
son of ’Uzzi, the son of Bukki, lem, may go up with thee;
5 The son of Abishua’, the 14 Forasmuch as thou art sent
son of Phinehas, the son of El- on the part of the king, and of
’azar, the son of Aaron the chief his seven counsellors, to make
priest inquiry concerning Judah and
6 This ’Ezra went up from Jerusalem, according to the law
Babylon ; and he was a prac- of thy God which is in thy
tised expounder in the law of hand
Moses, which the Lord the God 15 And to carry the silver and
of Israel hath given ; and the gold, which the king and his
king gave him, according to the counsellors have freely offered
hand of the Lord his God upon unto the God of Israel, whose
him, all his request. habitation is in Jerusalem,
7 And there went up some of 16 And all (freewill offerings
the children of Israel, and of the of) silver and gold that thou
priests, and the Levites, and the canst find in all the province of
singers, and the gate-keepers, Babylon, with the freewill offer-
and the temple-servants, unto ings which the people and the
Jerusalem, in the seventh year priests offer willingly for the
of king Artaxerxes. house of their God which is in
8 And he came to Jerusalem Jerusalem.
in the fifth month, which was in 17 Therefore mayest thou buy
the seventh year of the king. speedily with this money bul-
9 For on the first day of the locks, rams, lambs, with their
first month was the commence- meat-offerings and their drink-
ment of the expedition from Ba- offerings, and offer them upon
bylon, and on the first day of the altar of the house of your
the fifth month came he to Jeru- God which is in Jerusalem.
salem, according to the good 18 And whatsoever shall seem
hand of his God upon him. good to thee, and to thy bre-
10 For ’Ezra had directed his thren, to do with the rest of the
heart to inquire in the law of the silver and the gold, that do ac-
Lord, and to do it, and to teach cording to the will of your God.
in Israel statutes and ordinances. 19 And the vessels which have
11 Now this is the copy of been given unto thee for the ser-
vice of the house of thy God, to a fine on goods, or tc impri-
deliver thou before the God of sonment.”
Jerusalem. 27 Blessed be the Loud the
20 And the remainder that God of our fathers, who hath
will yet be needful for the house put the like of this in the heart
of thy God, which thou shalt of the king, to glorify the house
have occasion to procure, pro- of the Lord which is in Jerusa-
cure out of the king’s treasure- lem ;
house. 28 And who hath extended
21 And by me, me king Ar- kindness unto me before the king
taxerxes, is the order given unto and his counsellors, and before
all the treasurers who are beyond all the mighty princes of the
the river, that whatsoever ’Ezra king: and I strengthened my-
the priest, the expounder of the self according to the hand of the
law of the God of heaven, may Lord my God upon me, and I
demand of you, shall be done gathered together out of Israel
speedily, principal men to go up with me.
22 Up to one hundred talents
of silver, and up to one hundred CHAPTER VIII.
cors of wheat, and up to one 1 Now these are the chiefs
hundred baths of wine, and up of their divisions, and this is the
to one hundred baths of oil, and genealogy of those that wefat up
salt without prescribing it. with me, in the reign of king
23 Whatsoever isordered by Artaxerxes, from Babylon.
the God of heaven shall be care- 2 Of the sons of Phinehns,
fully done for the house of the Gershom ;
of the sons of Itha-
God of heaven ;
for why should mar, Daniel; of the sons of Da-
there be wrath against the king- vid, Chattush
dom of the king and his sons? 3 Of the sons of Shechanyah,
24 And to you make we it (who was) of the sons of Par-
known, that on any of the priests ’osh, Zeehariah;
and with him
and Levites, singers, gate-keep- were recorded by genealogy of
ers, and temple-servants, or mi- males one hundred and fifty.
nisters of this house of God, no 4 Of the sons of Pachath-
one shall be empowered to im- moab, Elyeho’enai the son of
pose any tax, tribute, or toll. Zerachyah, and with him were
25 And thou, ’Ezra, according two hundred males.
to the wisdom of thy God which 5 Of the sons of Shechanyah,
is in thy hand, appoint judges the son of Yachaziel, and with
and magistrates, who are to judge him were three hundred males.
ail the people that are beyond 6 And of the sons of ’Adin,
the river, all such as know the ’Ebed the son of Jonathan, and
laws of thy God; and make ye with him were fifty males.
them known to those that know 7 And of the sons of ’Elam,
them not. Yesha’yah the son of Athal-
26 And if there be any one yah, and with him were seventy
who will not execute the law of males.
thy God, and the law of the 8 And of the sons of Shephat-
king, let justice be speedily exe- yah, Zebadyah the son of Mi-
cuted upon him, whether it be chael, and with him were eighty
unto death or to banishment, or males.
9 Of the sons of Joab, ’Oba- telligence, of the sons of Mach-
diah the son of Yechiel, and with li, the son of Levi, the son of
him were two hundred and eigh- Israel, namely, Sherebyah, with
teen males. his sons and his brothers, eigh-
10 And of the sons of Shelo- teen ;

lni tli. the son of Yossiphyab, and 19 And Chashabyah, and with
with him were one hundred and him Yeshayah of the sons of
sixty males. Merari, his brothers and their
11 And of the sons of Behai, sons, twenty.
Zecbariah the son of Behai, and 29 Also of the temple-ser-
with him were twenty and eight vants, whom David and the
males. princes had assigned for the ser-
12 And of the sons of ’Asgad, vice of the Levites two hundred
Yoehanan the son of Hakkatan, and twenty temple-servants, all
and with him were one hundred of whom were expressed by
and ten males. names.
13 And of the sons of Adoni- 21 Then did I proclaim u fast
kam the last; and these are their there, at the river Ahava, that
names, Eliphelet, Ye’iel, and we might afflict ourselves before
Shema’yah, and with them were our God, to request from him a
sixty males. prosperous journey for us, and
14 And of the sons of Bigvai, for our little ones, and for all our
’Uthai, and Zahbur, and with substance.
them were seventy males. 22 For I was ashamed to ask
15 And I gathered them to- of the king an army and horse-
gether to the river that runneth men to assist us against an ene-
into the Ahava, and we encamped my on the way because we had

there three days: and I looked spoken unto the king, saying,
about among the people, and the **
The hand of our God 4s upon
priests, but of the sons of Levi all those that seek him for good
I found none there. but his power and his wrath are
16 Then sent I for Eli’ezer, against all those that forsake
for Ariel, forShema’yah, and for him.”
Elnathan, and for Yarib, and for 23 So we fasted and besought
Elnathan, and for Nathan, and our God for this, and he suffered
for Zechariah, and for Meshul- himself to be entreated by us.
lam, the head men; also forYoya- 24 Then set I apart of the
rib, and for Elnathan, men of chiefs of the priests twelve per-
understanding. sons, Sherebyah, Chashabyah,
17 And I sent them with a and with them ten of their
charge unto Iddo the chief at brethren,
the place Cassiphia, and I laid 25 And I weighed out unto
the words in their mouth to them the silver, and the gold,
speak unto Iddo and to his bro- and the vessels, the offering for
ther, who were appointed at the the house of our God, which the
place Cassiphia, that they should king, and his counsellors, and
bring unto us ministers for the his princes, and all Israel there
house of our God. present, had offered.
18 And they brought unto us* 26 And I weighed out into
according to the good hand of their hand .of silver six hundred
our God upon us a man of in- and fifty talents, and of silver
vessels one hundred talents, of the captivity, the children of
gold one hundred talents; the exile, offered burnt-offerings
27 Also twenty cups of gold, unto the God of Israel, twelve
of a thousand drachms; and bullocks for all Israel, ninety
two vessels of fine polished cop- and six rams, seventy and seven
per, valuable as gold. sheep, twelve he-goats for a sin-
28 And I said unto them, offering: all as burnt-t fferings
“Ye are holy unto the Lord; unto the Lord.
and the vessels are holy; and 36 And they delivered the
the silver and the gold are a king’s commands unto the king’s
freewill offering unto the Lord lieutenants, and to the governors
the God of your fathers. on this side of the river and :

29 Watch ye, and guard them, these endowed the people, and
until ye weigh them out before the house of God.
the chiefs of the priests and the
Levites, and the chiefs of the CHAPTER
divisions of Israel, at Jerusalem, 1 Now
when these things
into the chambers of the house were accomplished, the princes
of the Lord.” approached me, saying, “ The
30 And the priests and the people of Israel, and the priests,
Levites accepted what was and the Levites, have not sepa-
weighed out of the silver, and rated themselves from the na-
the gold, and the vessels, to bring tions of thenotwith-
the same to Jerusalem to the standing abominations,
house of our God. from the Cana’anites, the Hit-
31 And we departed from tites, the Perizzites, the Jebu-
the river Ahava on the twelfth sites, the ’Ammonites, the Mo-
day of the first month, to go abites, the Egyptians, and the
unto Jerusalem and the hand
: Emorites
of our God was over us, and he 2 For they have taken of their
delivered us from the hand of daughters for themselves and for
any enemy, and of such as lie their sons and the holy seed

in wait on the way. have mingled themselves with

32 And we came to Jerusa- the nations of these lands and ;

lem, and remained there three the hand of the princes and
days. rulers hath been the first in this
33 And on the fourth day trespass.”
were the silver and the gold and 3 And when I heard this
the vessels weighed out in the thing, I rent my garment and
house of our God into the hand my mantle, and I plucked out
of Meremoth the son of Uriyah some of the hair of my head
the priest; and with him was and of my beard, and sat down
l'Tazar the son of Phinehas astounded.
and with them was Yozabad the 4 And then assembled them-
son of Jeshua’, and No’adyah selves unto me every one that
the son of Binnui, the Levites trembled at the words of the
34 By number and by weight God of Israel, because of the
of everything and all the weight trespass of the exiles and I sat
: :

was written down at the same astounded until the evening sa-
time. crifice.
35 f' Those that came out of 5 And at the evening sacrifice
I rose up from my fasting, and which they have filled it from
while rending my garment and one end to another through their
my mantle, I knelt down upon uncleanness.
my knees, and spread out my 12 And now your diiighters
hands unto the Loud my God. shall ye not give unto tl«?ir sons,
6 And I said, “ 0 my God, I and their daughters shall ye not
am ashamed and confounded to take for your sons, and ye shall
lift up my face unto thee, my not seek their peace and their
God for our iniquities are in- welfare unto eternity in order
! :

creased above our head, and our that ye may be strong, and eat
guiltiness is grown up as far as the best of the land, and leave
the heavens. it for an inheritance to your
7 From the days of our fa- children unto eternity.’
thers have we been in a great 13 And after all that is come
guiltiness even until this day over us for our evil deeds, and

and through our iniquities have for our great guiltiness, seeing
we been delivered, we, our kings, that thou, our God, hast spared
and our priests, into the hand us, (punishing us) less than our
of the kings of the lands, to the iniquities (deserved), and hast
sword, to captivity, and to a given us such deliverance as
spoil, and to the shame of face, this
as it is this day. 14 Should we again make
8 And now for a little moment void thy commandments, and
hath grace been extended from make marriage with these peo-
the Lord our God, to preserve ple of abominations? wouldst
us a remnant to escape, and to thou not be angry with us even
give us a stake in his holy place, to make an end of us, so that
that our God might enlighten there would not be any remnant
our eyes, and give us a little re- or escape ?
viving in our bondage. 15 0 Lord, God of Israel
9 For w e are bondmen : yet thou art righteous
for we have

in our bondage hath our God not been left a remnant that hath
forsaken us, but hath extended escaped, as it is this day be- :

unto us kindness before the kings hold, we are before thee in our
of Persia, to give us a reviving, guiltinesses,* for there is no
to exalt the house of our God, standing before thee because of
and to erect again its ruins, and this.”
to give us a fence in Judah and
in Jerusalem. CHAPTER X.
10 And now what shall we 1 Now when ’Ezra prayed,
say, 0 our God, after this? for and when he made his confes-
we have forsaken thy command- sion, weeping and casting him-
ments, self down before the house of
11 Which thou hast com- God, there gathered themselves
manded through means of thy unto him out of Israel a very
servants the prophets, saying, large assembly of men and wo-
‘The land unto which ye go to men and children for the peo-

take possession thereof, is a land ple wept exceedingly much.

defiled through the defilement 2 *[ Thereupon commenced
of the nations of the lands, Shechanyah the son of Yechiel,
through their abominations, with of the sons of ’Elam, and said
unto ’Ezra, “We
have indeed house of God, trembling because
trespassed against our God, and of this matter, and by reason of
have brought home strange the showers of rain.
wives of the nations of the land : 10 And ’Ezra the priest rose
yet now there is hope in Israel up> and said unto them, u Ye
concerning this thing. have acted unfaithfully, and
3 And now let us make a co- have brought home strange
venant with our God to put away wives, to increase yet more the
all the wives, and such as are guiltiness of Israel.
born of them,, according to the 1.1 Row therefore make con-
direction of the Lord, and of fession unto the Lord the God
those that tremble at the com- of your fathers, and do his will;
mandment of our God ; and let and separate yourselves from
it be done according to the Law. the nations of the earth, and
4 Arise for this matter is
! from the strange wives.”
obligatory upon thee ; and we 12 Then answered all the as-
will be with thee: be strong,. and sembly and said with a loud
do it.” voice, “ So be it : according to
5 Then arose
’Ezra, and thy word it is our duty to do.
caused the princes of the priests, 13 But the people are many,
the Levites, and of all Israel*. to, and it is the rainy season, and
swear to do according to this we have not the strength to re-
word. And they swnre. main in the street, nor is this a
6 Then arose ’Ezra from be- work for one day or for two
fore the house of God, and went days ;
for we are many that
int.o the chamber of Yochanan have transgressed in this matter.
the son of Elyashib; and he 14 Let however our princes
went thither without having stand forward for all the congre-
eaten bread, or having drunk gation, and let all those in our
water; for he was mourning be- cities who have brought home
cause of the trespass of the ex- strange wives come at appointed
iles. times, and with them the elders
7 And they made proclama- of each and every city, and its
tion throughout Judah and Je- judges, until the tierce wrath of
rusalem unto all the children of our God be turned away from us
the exile, to gather themselves for this whole matter.”
together at Jerusalem 15 Only Jonathan the son o(
8 And that whosoever should ’Assahel and Yachzeyah the son
not come within three days, ac- of Thikvah withstood this (pro-
cording to the resolve of the posal) and Meshullam and

princes and the elders, all his Shabbethai the Levite assisted
substance should be devoted, them.
and himself separated from the 16 And the children of the
congregation of the exiles. exile did so. And then were
9 ^1 Then were all the men of set apart ’Ezra the priest, (and)
Judah and Benjamin gathered certain chieis of the divisions,
together unto Jerusalem within for their family divisions, and
three days it was in the ninth all of them (designated) bj their

month, on the twentieth day of names; and they sat down on

the month; and all the people the first day of the tenth month
sat in the open place before the to examine the matter.
17 they made an end|
And 28 And of the sons of Behai
with all, with the men that had Yehochanan, Chananyah, Zab-
brought home strange wives, not bai, and ’Athlai.
before the first day of the first 29 And of the sons of Bani
month. Meshullam, Malluch, and ’Ada
18 And there were found yah, Yashub, and Sheiil, and
among the sons of the priests Ramoth.
that had brought home strange 30 And of the sons of Pa-
wives, namely, of the sons of chath-moab: ’Adna, and Kelal,
Jeshua’ the son of Yozadak, and Benayah, Ma’asseyah, Mattha^-
his brethren Ma’asseyah, and yah, Bezalel, and Binnui, and

Eli’ezer, and Yarib, and Gedal- Menasseh.

yah. 31 And of the sons of Cha-
19 And they gave their hand rim Eli’ezer, Yishiyah, Malki-

to put away their wives, and be- yah, Shema’yah, Shiin’on,

ing guilty, (they offered) a rain 32 Benjamin, Malluch, and
of the flock for their trespass. Shemaryah.
20 And of the sons of Immer: 33 Of the sons of Chashum
Chanani, and Zebadyah. Matthenai, Matthathah, Zabad,
21 And of the sons of Cha- Eliphelet, Yeremai, Menasseh,
rim : Ma'asseyah, and Eliyah, and Shim’i.
and Shema^ah, and Yechiel, 34 Of the sons of Bani Ma-

and ’Uzziyah. ’adai, ’Amram, and Uel,

22 And of the sons of Pash- 35 Benayah, Bedeyah, Ke-
chur Elyo’enai, Ma'asseyah, luhu,

Ishma’el, Nethanel, Yosabad, 36 Vanyah, Meremoth, Elya-

and El’assah. shib,
23 Also of the Levites Yo-: 37 Matthanyah, Matthenai,
zabad, and Shim’i, and Relay ah, and Ya’assai,
the same is Kelita, Pethachyah, 38 And Bani, and Binnui, and
Judah, and Eli’ezer. Shim’i,
24 And of the singers, Elya- 39 And Shelemyah, and Na-
shib and of the gate-keepers, than, and ’Adayah,

Shallum, and Telem, and Uri. 40 Machnadbai, Shashai, Sha-

25 And of Israel Of the sons rai,

of Par’osh, Ramyali, and Yizzi- 41 ’Asar’el, and Shelemyahu,

yah, and Malkiyah, and Miya- Shemaryah,
min, and El’azar, and Malkiyah, 42 Shallum, Amarynh, and
and Benayah. Joseph.
26 And of the sons of ’Elam 43 Of the sons of Nebo

Matthanyah, Zecharyah, and Ye- Ye’iel, Matthithyah, Zabad, Zc-

chiel, and ’Abdi, and Yeremoth, bina, Yaddai, and Joel, Bena~
and Eliyah. yah.
27 And of the sons of Zat- 44 All these had taken strange
tliu: Elyo’enai, Elyashib, Mat- wives ; and some of them had
thanyah, and Yeremcth, and wives by whom they had chil-
Zabad, and ’Aziza. dren.
94 1117
rroru iso.

thy servants, and (as) I confess

for the sins of the children of
1 The words of Nehemiah Israel, (with) which we have
the son of Chachalyah. And it sinned against thee yea, I also

came to pass in the month Kis- and my father’s house have sin-
lev, in the twentieth year, as I ned.
was in Shushan the capital, 7 We have dealt very cor-
2 That there came Chanani, ruptly toward thee and we have

one of my brethren, himself not kept the commandments,

with certain men of Judah and : and the statutes, and the ordi-
I asked them concerning the nances, which thou didst com-
Jews that had escaped, who were mand Moses thy servant.
left of the captivity, and con- 8 Remember, I beseech thee,
cerning Jerusalem. the word with which thou didst
3 And they said unto me, charge Moses thy servant, say-
u The remnant that are left of ing, If ye become truly un-

the captivity there in the pro- faithful, I will indeed scatter

vince are in great misery and you among the nations.
in disgrace and the wall of Je-
9 But if ye return unto me,
rusalem is broken down, and her and keep my commandments,
gates are burnt with fire.” and da them (then) though

4 And it came to pass, when your outcasts should be at the

I heard these words, that I sat utmost parts of heaven, from
down and wept, and mourned there will I gather them, and I
some days, and I was fasting, will bring them unto the place
and praying before the God of which I have chosen to let my
heaven. name dwell there.’
5 And I said, “ I beseech thee, 10 And they are thy servants
0 Lord ! the God of heaven, and thy people, whom thou hast
the great and terrible God, that redeemed by thy great power,
keepeth the covenant and kind- and by thy stnong hand.
ness for those that love him and 11 I beseech thee, 0 Lord
for those that keep his com- do let thy ear be attentive to
mandments ! the prayer of thy servant, and
6 Let thy ear now be atten- to the prayer of thy servants,
tive, and thy eyes be open, I who are desirous to fear thy
entreat thee, to hearken unto name and grant success, I pray

the prayer of thy servant, which thee, to thy servant this day,
1 am praying this day before and let him find mercy in the
thee, by day and by night, in sight of this man.” But I was—
behalf of the children of Israel butler by the king.

CHAPTER II. make beams for the gates of the

1 And it came to pass which appertaineth to
in fortress
the month Nissan, in the twen- the house, and for the wall of
tieth year of king Artaxerxes, the city, and for the house that
that wine (stood) before him I shall move into.” And the
and I took up the wine, and king gave (them) to me, accord-
gave it unto the king. But I ing to the good hand of my God
had never been sad in his pre- upon me.
sence. 9 And (so) came I to the go-
2 Then the king unto vernors beyond the river, and I
me, “Why is thy countenance gave them the king’s letters.
sad, seeing thou art not sick ? Now the king had sent with me
this is nothing but an illness of captains of the army and horse-
heart.” Then was I very greatly men.
afraid. 10 When Sanballat the Cho-
3 And I said unto the king, ronite, and Tobiyah the servant,
“ May the king live for ever the ’Ammonite, heard of it, it
why should not my countenance displeased them exceedingly,
be sad, when the city, the place that there was come a man to
of my fathers' sepulchres, lieth seek the welfare of the children
ruined, and her gates are con- of Israel.
sumed by fire ?” 11 So came I to Jerusalem,
4 Then said the king unto and remained there three days.
me, “For what then dost thou 12 Then arose I in the night,
make request?” Then did I I and some few men with me
pray to the God of heaven. but I had not told any man what
5 And I said unto the king, my God had put in my heart to
“ If it seem good to the king, do for Jerusalem nor was there :

and if thy servant might be any beast w ith me, save the r

pleasing in thy presence, (I de- beast on which I rode.

sire) that thou wouldst send me 13 And I went out through
unto Judah, unto the city of my the gate of the valley by night,
fathers’ sepulchres, that I may even toward the direction of the
build it.” dragon-well, and to the dung-
6 And the king said unto me, gate ; and I was viewing the
while the queen was sitting be- walls of Jerusalem, which were
side him, “ When is thy journey broken down, and the gates
to be undertaken and when whereof were consumed by fire.

wilt thou return ?” So it pleas- 14 Then passed I on to the

ed the king to let me go
and I gate of the fountain, and to the

indicated to him a time. king’s pool; but there was no

7 And I said unto the king, space for the beast that was un-
If it seem good to the king, der me to pass through.
let letters be given unto me for 15 Then went I up through
the governors beyond the river, the valley in the night, and I
that they may convey me over was viewing the wall, and I re-
till the time that I come into turned and entered through the

Judah ; gate of the valley, and so re-

8 Also a letter unto Assaph turned home.
the keeper of the king’s forests, 16 And the rulers knew not
that he may give me timber to whither I was gone, or what I
was doing nor had I as yet told
: 3 But the fish-gate did the,
it to the Jews, and to the priests, sons of Hassenaah build they

and to the nobles, and to the also laid its beams, and set up
rulers, and the rest of the its doors, its locks, and its bars.
superintendents of the work. 4 And alongside of them re-
17 Then said I unto them, paired Meremoth the son of
“Ye see the misery in which we Uriyah, the son of Kakkoz. A nd
are, how Jerusalem lieth in alongside of them repaired Me-
ruins, and its gates are burnt shullam the son of Berechy.;h,
with fire come, and let us build the son of Meshesabel.
: And
up the wall of Jerusalem, that alongside of them repaired Za-
we may no more be for a re- dok the son of Ba’ana.
proach.” 5 And alongside of them re-
18 And I told them of the paired the Theko’ites ; but their
hand of my God, which was principal men put not their
good upon me, as also the king’s necks to the work of their Lord.
words which he had spoken un- 6 Moreover the old gate re-
to me. And they said, “We paired Yoyada’ the son of Pas-
will rise up and build.” So they seach, and Meshullam the son
strengthened their hands for the of Bessodeyah : they laid its
good work. beams, and set up its doors, and
19 But when Sanballat the its locks, and its bars.
Choronite, and Tobiyah the ser- 7 And alongside of them re-
vant, the ’Ammonite, and Ge- paired Melatyah the Gib’onite,
shem the Arabian, heard it, they and Yadon the Meronothite, men
laughed us to scorn, and despis- of Gib’on and of Mizpah, unto
ed us, and said, “ What is this the seat of the governor on this
thing that ye are doing ? are ye side of the river.
rebelling against the king?” 8 Alongside of him repaired
20 And I returned them an ’Uzziel the son of Charhayah,
answer, and said unto them, of the goldsmiths. And along-
“ The God of heaven will indeed side of him repaired Chananyah
give us prosperity, and we his the son of one of the apothe-
servants will truly rise up and caries. and they fortified Jeru-
build; but ye have no portion, salem as far as the broad wall.
nor right, nor memorial, in Je- 9 And alongside of them re-
rusalem.” paired Rephayah the son of
Chur, the chief of the half of the
CHAPTER III. district of Jerusalem.
1 Then rose up Elyashib 10 And alongside of them re-
the high priest with his bre- paired Yedayah the son of Cha-
thren the priests, and they built rumaph, and this opposite to his
the sheep-gate; they sanctified house. And alongside of him
it, and set up its doors : even as repaired Chattush the son of
far as the tower of Meah did Chashabneyah.
they sanctify it, as far as the 11 Another division did Mal-
tower of Chan an el. kiyah the son of Charim, and
2 And by his side built the Chashub the son of Pachath-
men of Jericho. And by his moab, repair, as also the tower
(other) side built Zaccur the son of the ovens.
of Imri. 12 And alongside of him re-
paired Shallura the son of Ilal- 20 Next to him did Baruch
Jochesh, the chief of the other the son of Zaccai earnestly re-
half of the district of Jerusalem, pair another division, from the
he and his daughters. angle as far as the door of the
13 The gate of the valley re house of Ely ash ib the high priest.
paired Chanun, and the inhabi 21 Next to him repaired Me-
tants of Zanoach they built it,: remoth the son of Uriyah the
and set up its doors, its locks, son of Hakkoz another division,
and its bars, and a thousand cu- from the door of the house of
bits of the wall as far as the Elyashib even as far as the end
dung-gate. of the house of Elyashib.
14 And the dung-gate repair 22 And next to him repaired
ed Malkiyah the son of Reohab, the priests, the men of the plain
the chief of the district of Beth (of Jordan).
hakkerem he built it, and
: set 23 Next to him repaired Ben-
up its doors, its locks, and its jamin and Chashub opposite to
bars. their house. Next to him re-
15 Andthe gate of the foun- paired ’Azarj^ah the son of Ma-
tain repaired Shallum the son of ’aseyah the son of ’Ananyah
Col-choseh, the chief of the dis- alongside of his house.
trict of Mizpah he built it and
: 24 Next to him repaired Bin-
covered it, and set up its doors, nui the son of Chenadad another
its locks, and its bars, and the division, from the house of ’Azar-
wall of the pool of Shelach by yah as far as the angle, and as
the king’s garden, and as far as far as the corner.
the stairs that lead down from 25 Palal the son of Usai (re-
the city of David. paired) from opposite to the
16 Next to him repaired Ne- angle, and the tower which
hemiah the son of ’Asbuk, the standeth out from the king’s
chief of the half district of Beth- upper house, that was by the
zur, as far as the place opposite court of the prison. Next to
to the sepulchres of David, and him Pedayah the son of Par’osh.
as far as the pool that was 26 And the temple-servants
(newly) made, and as far as the dwelt on the hill fort, (and they
house of the mighty men. built) as far as opposite to the
L7 Next to him repaired the water-gate toward the east, and
Levites Rechum the son of
: the tower that standeth out.
Bani. Alongside of him repair- 27 Next to them repaired the
ed Chashabyah, the chief of the Theko’ites another division from
half district of Ke’ilah, for his opposite the great tower that
district. standeth out, and as far as the
18 Next to him repaired their wall of the hill fort.
brethren Bavai the son of Che-
: 28 From above the horse-gate
nadad, the chief of the (other) repaired the priests, every one
half district of Ke’ilah. opposite to his house.
19 And there repaired along- 29 Next to this repaired Za
side of him ’Eser the son of Je- dok the son of Immer opposite
shua’, the chief of Mizpah, an- to his hou*se. And next to him
other division, opposite to the repaired Shema’yah the son of
ascent to the armoury at the Shechanyah, the keeper of the
angle. east gate.
94* 2 w 2 1121
30 Next to him repaired Cha- 38 But we built the wall ana ;

nanyah the son of Shelemyah, all the wall was joined together
and Chanun the sixth son of up to the half thereof for th<5

Zalaph, another division. Next people bad a heart to work.

to him repaired Meshullam the
son of Berechyah opposite to CHAPTER IV.
his chamber. 1 And it came to pass, when
31 Next to him repaired Mal- Sanballat and Tobiyah, and the
kiyah the goldsmith’s son as far Arabians, and the ’Ammonites,
as the house of the temple-ser- and the Ashdodites, heard that
vants, and of the merchants, op- the walls of Jerusalem were re-
posite to mustering-gate, stored, and that the breaches
And to the upper chamber of the began to be closed up, that it
corner. displeased them greatly.
32 And between the upper 2 And they conspired all of
chamber of the corner and the them together to come to fight
sheep-gate repaired the gold- against Jerusalem, and to do it
smiths and the merchants. an injury.
33 And it came to pass, 3 But we prayed unto our
when Sanballat heard that we God, and set a watch over them
were building the wall, that it day and night, because of the
displeased him, and he became others.
very angry, and mocked at the 4 And Judah said, “The
Jews. strength of the bearers of the
34 And he spoke before his burden is failing, and there is
brethren and the army of Sama- much rubbish; and we are not
ria, and said, “ What are these able to build on the wall.”
feeble Jews doing? will people 5 And our adversaries said,
suffer them (to build)? will they “They shall not know, nor see,
sacrifice? will they complete it until we come in the midst of
in one day ? will they revive the them, and slay them, and so
stones out of the heaps of the stop the work.”
rubbish, seeing that they have 6 And it came to pass, when
been burnt ?” the Jews who dwelt near them
35 And Tobiyah the ’Ammon- came, that they said unto us ten
ite was near him, and he said, times, “ From all places whence
Even what they are building, ye may return home (they in-
if a fox were to run up, he would tend to come) over us.”
readily break through their stone 7 I placed therefore on the
wall.” lower parts of the place on tha
36 Hear, 0 our God how we naked rocks behind the wall

are become a scorn and bring there I placed the people after

their reproach back upon their their families with their swords,
own head, and give them up their spears, and their bows.
for a prey in the land of capti- 8 And I looked (about), and
vity. rose up, and said unto the no-
37 And cover not up their bles, and to the rulers, and to
iniquity, and let not their sin be the rest of the people, “ Be not
blotted out from before thee afraid of them: think on the
for they have taunted (us) in the Lord, the great and terrible, and
presence of the builders. fight for your brethren, your
sons, and your daughters, your brothers, nor my young men,
wives, and your houses.” nor the men of the guard who
9 And it came to pass, that, followed me none of us took —
when our enemies heard that it off our clothes, no one leaving
was known unto us, God frus- them off even for washing him-
trated their counsel and we re- self.

turned, all of us, to the wall,

every one unto his work. CHAPTER V.
10 And it came to pass from 1 Andthere arose' a great
that day forth, that the half of outcry of the people and of their
my young men wrought at the wives against their brethren the
work, while the other half of Jews.
them were holding the spears, the 2 And there were some that
shields, and the bows, and the said, “ Our sons, and our daugh-
coats of mail and the princes
ters, (and) ourselves are many;
stood behind all the house of and we must buy corn, that we
Judah. may eat, and live.”
11 Those that built on the 3 And others there were that
wall, and those that bore bur- said, “We must pledge our fields,
dens, with those that loaded, our vineyards, and our houses,
every one with one of his hands that we may buy corn, in the
wrought on the work, and with famine.”
the other hand held a weapon. 4 And others there were that
12 And the builders had every said, “ We have borrowed money
one his sword fastened around for the king’s tax on our fields
his loins while they were build- and vineyards.
ing; and he that blew the cor- 5 Yet now our flesh is like
net stood alongside of me. the flesh of our brethren, our
13 And I said unto the no- children are like their children :

bles, and to the rulers, and to and, lo, we must force our sons
the rest of the people, “The and our daughters to become
work is great and extensive, and servants, and some of our daugh-
we are separated upon the wall, ters are forced (to become so),
distant one from another. and our hand is powerless and ;

14 In what place (then) ye our fields and our vineyards be-

hear the sound of the cornet, long to others.”
thither must ye assemble unto 6 And it displeased me greatly
us : our God will fight for us.” when I heard their complaint
15 So we laboured at the work, and these words.
while the half of them were hold- 7 Then did I consult with my
ing the spears from the rising of heart, and I upbraided the no-
the morning-dawn till the stars bles, and the rulers, and said
appeared. unto them, “Ye exact usury,
16 Likewise at the same time every one of his brother \” And
said I unto the people, “ Let I brought together a great as-
every one with his young man sembly against them.
lodge within Jerusalem, so that 8 And I said unto them, “We
they may be in the night a have indeed rans jmed our bre-
guard to us, and during the day thren the Jews, who had been
for the labour.” sold unto the various nations, as
17 And neither I, nor my far as our means went and will:

ye yourselves even your and had taken of them bread
brethren, so that they will be and wine, beside forty shekels
sold again unto us ?” And theyjof silver yea, even their young

remained silent, and found no men ruled over the people; but
answer. i
I myself did not act so, because
9 Then said I, “ The thing is of the fear of God.
not good which ye are doing :| 16 And in the work of this

ought ye not to walk in the fear! wall also did I labour actively;
of our God, because of the taunt- land we bought not any fields;
ing of the nations, our enemies?! and all my young men were as-
10 And also I, my brothers, 'sembled there by the work,
and my young men, have lent 17 Moreover of the Jews and

them money and corn: I pray rulers, one hundred and fifty

you, let us relinquish this loan, men, besides those that came
11 Give back to them, I pray Junto us from the nations that are
you, even this day, their fields, ‘about us, (ate) at my table,
their vineyards, their olive- 18 And that which was pre-
yards, and their houses, also the pared for one day was one ox
hundredth part of the money, and six choice sheep also birds ;

and of the corn, the wine, and were prepared for me, and once
the oil, that ye have lent them. in ten days all sorts of wine in
12 Then said they, “We will abundance yet with all this I :

give (all) back, and of them will required not the food of the go-

we require nothing: so will we vernor; because the service lay

do as thou sayest.” Then I heavily upon this people.
called the priests, and made 19 Remember for me, my
them swear, that they would do God, for good, all that I have
in accordance with this promise. done for this people.
13 Also my lap did I shake
out, and said, “So may God CHAPTER VI.
shake out every man that per- 1 Now it came to pass,
formeth not this promise, from when it came to the hearing of
his house and of his toil-gotten Sanballat, and Tobiyah, and Ge-
wealth, and so let him remain shem the Arabian, and the rest
shaken out, and empty.” And of our enemies, that I had built
all the assembly said, “ Amen,” the wall, and that there was no
and they praised the Lord. And breach although up
left therein,
the people did according to this to that time I had not yet set up
promise. the doors in the gates,
14 Moreover from the da\T 2 That Sanballat and Geshem
that (the king) had enjoined on sent unto me, saying, “ Come,
me to be governor in the land let us meet together in Kephi-
of Judah, from the twentieth
rim in the plain of Ono.” But
year up to the two and thirtieth I

they were thinking of doing me

year of king Artaxerxes, (full) mischief.

twelve years, neither I nor my 3 And I sent messengers unto

brothers ate the food of the go- them, saying, “ I am doing a
vernor. great work, and I cannot come

15 But the former governors down why should the work


that had been before me had cease, while I leave it lying, and
made it heavy for the people, come down to you?”
4 And they sent unto me after God had not sent him ; but that
this manner four times ; and I he pronounced this prophecy
answered them after the same over me, because Tobiyah and
manner. Sanballat had hired him.
5 Then sent Sanballat unto 13 Therefore was he hired, in
me in like manner the fifth time order that I should become
his young man with an open let- afraid, and do so, and sin, and
ter in his hand that it might serve them for an
6 Therein was written, “ It evil report, so that they might
hath been heard among the na- cast reproach upon me.
tion?, and Gashmu saith it, that 14 Think, 0 my God, of
thou and the Jews think of Tobiyah and Sanballat accord-
/’ebelling; wherefore thou art ing to these their works, and
building up the wall; and that also of No’adyah the prophetess,
thou art to be king unto them, and the rest of the prophets,
according to these reports. who wished to make me afraid.
7 And 'that thou hast also 15 And so was the wall finished
set up prophets to proclaim con- on the twenty and fifth day of
cerning thee at Jerusalem, say- the month Elul, in fifty and two
ing, He is king in Judah and days.

now theremay be reported to the 16 And it came to pass,

king something like these words. when our enemies heard this,
Now therefore come, and let us and all the nations that were
take counsel together.” about us saw it, that they sank
8 Then sent I unto him, say- greatly in their own eyes; and
ing, “ There hath been done no- they perceived that by the aid
thing like these reports of which of our God had this work been
thou speakest; but out of thy wrought.
own heart thou inventest them. 17 Moreover in those days
9 For they all wished to make the nobles of Judah despatched
us afraid, thinking, “ Their frequently their letters unto To-
hands will be withdrawn from biyah, and those of Tobiyah
the work, so that it will not be came unto them.
done.” Now therefore, (0 God,) 18 For many in Judah were
strengthen my hands. sworn friends unto him because

10 And I came also into the he was the son-in-law of She-

house of Shema’yah the son of chanyah the son of Arach, and
Delayah the son of Mehetabel, Yehochanan his son had taken
who had shut himself up; and the daughter of Meshullam the
he said, “Let us meet together son of Berechyah.
in the house of God, within the 19 Also his good deeds were
temple, and let us lock the doors they reporting before me, and
of the temple for they aro com- my words they used to carry out

ing to slay thee yea, in the night to him also Tobiyah sent let.
: :

are they coming to slay thee.” ters to make me afraid.

11 And I said, “ Should a
man like me flee? and who is CHAPTER VII.
there that is like me, that would 1 And it came to pass, when
go into the temple and live? I the wall was built, that I set up
will not go in.” the doors; and then were ap-
12 And I perceived that, lo, pointed the gatekeepers and the
iingers and the (other) Levites yah, three hundred seventy ana

(to their offices). two.

2 And I gave my brother Cha- 10 The children of Arach, six
nani, and Chananyah the com- hundred fifty and two.
mander of the fortress, charge 11 The children of Pachath-
over Jerusalem; for he was moiib, of the children of Jeshua’
esteemed a faithful man, and and Joab, two thousand and
one that feared God these many eight hundred and eighteen.
days. 12 The children of ’Elam, one
3 And I said unto them, “ The thousand two hundred fifty and
gates of Jerusalem must not be four.
opened until the sun be hot 13 The children of Zatthu,
and while ye stand by, let them eight hundred forty and five.
shut the doors, and do ye bar 14 The children of Zaccai,
them ; and station watches of seven hundred and sixty.
the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 15 The children of Binnui, six
every one in his watch, and hundred forty and eight.
every one opposite to his 16 The children of Bebai, six
house.” hundred twenty and eight.
4 But the city was roomy in 17 The children of ’Asgad,
space and large while the peo- two thousand three hundred

ple therein were few, and the twenty and two.

houses were not yet built. 18 The children of Adonikam,
5 Then did my God put it six hundred sixty and seven.
into my heart, and I assembled 19 The children of Bigvai,
together the nobles, and the two thousand sixty and seven.
rulers, and the people, that they 20 The children of ’Adin, six
might give in their genealogy hundred fifty and five.

and I found a register of the 21 The children of Ater of

genealogy of those who were Hezekiah, ninety and eight.
come up at the first, andJL found 22 The children of Chashum,
written therein : three hundred twenty and eight.
'6 These are the children of 23 The children of Bezai,
the province, that came up out three hundred twenty and four.
of the captivity of the exiles, 24 The children of Chariph,
whom Nebuchadnezzar the king one hundred and twelve.
of Babylon had carried into ex- 25 The children of Gib’on,
ile, and who returned to Jerusa- ninety and five.
lem and to Judah, every one 26 The men of Beth-lechem
unto his own city and Netophah, one hundred
7 Who came with Zerubbabel, eighty and eight.

Jeshua’, Nehemiah, ’Azaryah, 27 The men of ’Anathoth, ono

Ra’amyah, Nachamani, Morde- hundred twenty and eight.
cai, Bilshan, Misspereth, Big- 28 The men of Beth-’asma-
vai, Nechum, Ba’anah. The veth, forty and two.
number of the men of the peo- 29 The men of Kiryath-ye-
ple of Israel was ’arim, Kephirah, and Becroth,
S The children of Par’osh, seven hundred forty and three.

two thousand one hundred and 30 The men of Ramah and

Beventy and two. Gaba’, six hundred twenty and
9 The children of Shephat- one.
31 The men of Michmass, one children of Si’a, the children of
hundred twenty and two. Padon,
32 The men of Beth-el and 48 The children of Lebana,
’Ai, one hundred twenty and the children of Chagaba, the
three. children of Salmai,
33 The men of the other Ne- 49 The children of Chanan,
and two.
bo, fifty the children of Giddel, the chil-
34 The children of the other dren of Gachar.
’Elam, one thousand two hun- 50 The children of Reayah,
dred fifty and four. the children of Rezin, the chil-
35 The children of Charim, dren of Nekoda,
three hundred and twenty. 51 The children of Gazzam,
36 The people of Jericho, three the children of ’Uzza, the chil-
hundred forty and five. dren of Passeach,
37 The people of Lod, Cha- 52 The children of Bessai, the
did, and Ono, seven hundred and children of Me’unim, the chil-
twenty and one. dren of Nephishessim,
38 The people of Senaah, 53 The children of Bakbuk,
three thousand nine hundred the children of Chakupha, the
and thirty. children of Charchur,
39 The priests The children
: 54 The children of Baziitb,
of Yeda’yah, of the house of the children of Mechida, the
Jeshua’, nine hundred seventy children of Charsha,
and three. 55 The children of Barkoss,
40 The children of Immer, the children of Sissera, the chil-
one thousand fifty and two. dren of Thamach,
41 The children of Pashchur, 56 The children of Neziach,
one thousand two hundred forty the children of Chatipha.
*nd seven. 57 The children of Solomon’s
42 The children of Cha- servants: The children of So-
rim, one thousand and seven- tai, the children of Sophereth,
teen. the children of Perida,
43 The Levites The children
: 58 The children of Ya’ala,
of Jeshua’, of Kadmiel, of the the children of Darkon, the chil-
children of Hodevah, seventy dren of Giddel,
and four. 59 The children of Shephat-
44 The singers The children yah, the children of Chattil, the

of Assaph, one hundred forty children of Pochereth-hazzeba-

and eight. yim, the children of Amon.
45 The gatekeepers The chil-
: 60 All the temple-servants,
dren of Shallum, the children and the children of Solomon’s
of Ater, the children of Tal- servants, were three hundred
mon, the children of ’Akkub, the ninety and two.
children of Chatita, the children 61 And these were they
of Shobai, one hundred thirty who came up from Thel-molach,
and eight. Thel-charsha, Kerub, Addon,
46 The temple-servants The and Immer; but they could not

children of Zicha, the children tell their family division and

of Chassupha, the children of their descent, whether they were
Tabba’oth, of Israel
47 The children of Keross, the 62 The children of Delayah,
the children of Tobiyah, the chil- 72 And what the rest of th6
dren of Nekoda, six hundred people gave was, of gold twenty
forty and two. thousand drachms, and of silver
63 And of the priests: The two thousand manehs, aud
children of Chobayah, the chil- priests’ coats sixty and seven.
dren of Hakkoz, the children of 73 So the priests, and the Le-
Barzillai who had taken a wife vites, and the gatekeepers and
from the daughters of Barzillai the singers, and some of the
the Gil’adite, and was called people, and the temple-servants,
after their name. and all Israel, dwelt in their
64 These sought for their fa- cities : and so came round the
mily register, but it was not seventh month, while the chil,
found wherefore they were ex-
: dren of Israel were in their
cluded, as unfit, from the priest- cities.
65 And the Thirshatha said CHAPTER VIII.
unto them, that they should not 1 And the people gathered
eat of the most holy things, till themselves together as one man
there should stand up a priest into the open place which is be-
with the Urim and Thutnmim. fore the water-gate; and they
66 The whole congregation said unto ’Ezra the expounder
together was forty and two thou- that he should bring forward the
sand three hundred and sixty. book of the law of Moses, which
67 Besides these were their the Lord commanded to Israel.
man-servants and their maid- 2 Then did ’Ezra the priest
servants, of whom there were bring forward the law before the
seven thousand three hundred congregation both of men and
thirty and seven ;
and they had women, and every one that had
two hundred and forty and five understanding to listen (atten-
singing men and singing women. tively), on the first day of the
68 Their horses were seven seventh month ;

hundred thirty and six ;

3 And he read therein in the
mules, two hundred forty and open place which is before the
five ; water-gate from the first day-
69 (Their) camels, four hun- light until midday, before the
dred thirty and five ; (their) men and the women, and those
asses, six thousand seven hun- that could understand and the :

dred and twenty. ears of all the people were di-

70 And a portion of the chiefs rected unto the book of the law.
of the divisions gave unto the 4 And ’Ezra the expounder
work. The Thirshatha gave to stood upon an elevated stand of
the treasure, of gold one thou- wood, which they had made for
sand drachms, fifty bowls, five the purpose and beside him

hundred and thirty coats for the stood Matthithyah, and She-
priests. ma’, and ’Anayah, and Uriyah,
71 And some of the chiefs and Chilkiyah, and Ma’asseyah,
of the divisions gave to th e on his right hand; and on his
treasury of the work, of gold left, Pedayah, and Mishnel, and
twenty thousand drachms, and Malkiyah, and Chashum, and
of silver two thousand and two Chashbadanah, Zeehariah, (and)
hundred manehs. Meshullam.
5 And
’Ezra opened the book their way to eat, and to drink,
before the eyes of all the peo- and
send out portions, and to
ple for he was (standing) higher
prepare themselves great joy;
than all the people; and as he because they had understood
opened it, all the people became the words which (the others) had
silent. made known unto them.
6 And ’Ezra blessed the Lord, 13 And on the second day
the great God and all the peo- there gathered themselves toge-

ple answered, “Amen, Amen,” ther the chiefs of the divisions

with lifting up their hands and of all the people, the priests, and

they bowed their heads, and the Levites, unto ’Ezra the ex-
prostrated themselves before the pounder, to obtain again intelli-
Lord with their faces to the gence of the words of the law.
ground. 14 And they found written in
7 Also Jeshua’, and Bani, and the law that the Lord had com-
Sherebyah, Yamin, ’Akkub, manded through means of Mo-
Shabbethai, Hodiyah, Ma’as- ses, that the children of Israel
seyah, Kelita, ’Azaryah, Y^osa- should dwell in booths during
bad, Chanan, Pelayah, and the the feast in the seventh month,
Levites, explained to the people 15 And (they ordered) that
the law while the people re- they should publish and have

mained where they stood. proclamation made throughout

8 So they read in the book, in all their cities, and through Je-
the law of God distinctly, and rusalem, saying, “ Go forth unto
exhibiting the sense: so that the mountain and fetch olive-
(the people) understood what leaves, and oleaster-leaves, and
was read. myrtle-leaves, and palm-leaves,
9 Then said Nehemiah, that and leaves of the three-leaved
is the Thirshatha, and ’Ezra the myrtle, to make booths, as it is
priest the expounder, and the written.”
Levites that explained to the 16 And the people went forth,
people, unto all the people, and brought them; and they
“ This day is holy unto the made themselves booths, every
Lord your God mourn : not, and one upon his roof, and in their
weep not.” For all the people courts, and in the courts of the
were weeping, when they heard house of God, and in the open
the words of the law. place by the water-gate, and in
10 Then said he unto them, the open place by the gate of
“ Go your way, eat fat things, Ephraim.
and drink sweet drinks, and 17 And
the congregation
tend portions unto him for that were
returned out of the
whom nothing is prepared; for made booths, and
this day is holy unto our Lord
dwelt in the booths for since ;

and do not grieve yourselves the days of Jeshua’ the son of

Nun until that day the children
but let the joy of the Lord be
your stronghold.” of Israel had not done so. And
there was very great joy.
11 So the Levites quieted all
the people, saying, “ Be still 18 And he read in the book
for the day is holy ; and do not
of the law of God, day by day,
grieve yourselves.” from the first day until the last
12 And all the peopln went day. And they celebrated tho
95 2 X 1129
NEHEMIAH : viii. ix.
feast seven days, and on the Abram, and bring him forth out
eighth day the solemn assembly, of Ur of the Chaldeans, and
after the prescribed manner. change his name to Abraham;
8 And thou didst find his
CHAPTER IX. heart faithful before thee; and
1 And on the twenty and thou madest with him the cove-
founJi day of this month were nant to give the land of the Ca-
the children of Israel assembled na’anites, the Ilittites, the Emor-
with fasting, arid in sackclothes, ites, and the Perizzites, and
and with earth upon them. the Jebusites, and the Girgash-
2 And the seed of Israel sepa- ites, — to give it to his seed; and
rated themselves from all chil- thou hast performed thy words;
dren of the strangers,* and they for thou art righteous.
stood forward and made confes- 9 And thou didst see the
sion for their sins, and the ini- affliction of our fathers in Egypt,
quities of their fathers. and their cry didst thou hear by
3 And they stood up in their the Red Sea;
standing-place, and read in the 10 And thou didst display
book of the law of the Lord signs and wonders on Pharaoh,
their God the fourth part of the and on all his servants, and on
day and another fourth part
all the people of his land; for
they made confession, and pros- thou knewest that they had dealt
trated themselves before the presumptuously against them;
Lord their God. and thou didst (thus) make thy-
4 Then stood up upon the self a name, as it is this day.
stairs of the Levites, Jeshua’, 11 And the sea didst thou
and Bani, Kadmiel, Shebanyah, divide before them, so that they
Bunni, Sherebyah, Bani, and passed through the midst of the
Kenani, and they cried with a sea on dry land and their pur-

loud voice unto the Lord their suers didst thou throw into the
God. deeps, like a stone in mighty
5 Then said the Levites, waters.
Jeshua’, and Kadmiel, Bani, 12 And by a pillar of cloud
Chashabneyah, Sherebyah, Ho- didst thou lead them in the day,
diyah, Shebanyah, and Pethach- and by a in the
pillar of fire
yab, ** Arise bless ye the Lord
! night, to give light unto them
your God from eternity to eter- on the way whereon they should
nity. And
let men bless thy go.
glorious name, which is exalted 13 Also on mount Sinai earnest
above all blessing and praise. thou down, and spokest with
6 Thou indeed art the Eternal them from heaven and thou ;

One alone it is thou that hast

: gavest them upright ordinances,
made the heavens, the heavens and truthful laws, good statutes
of heavens, with all their host, and commandments;
the earth, and all that is upon 14 And thy holy sabbath
her, the seas, and all that is in madest thou known unto them,
them, and thou givest life to and commandments, statutes,
them all and the host of the
; and a law didst thou enjoin on
heavens bow down before thee. them, by the hand of Moses thy
7 Thou art indeed the Lord servant.
the (true) God, who didst choose 15 And bread from heaven
didst thou give them for their thou didst divide into various
hunger, and water out of the corners and they took posses-

rock brightest thou forth for sion of the land of Sichon, even
them for their thirst ; and thou the land of the king of Chesh-
didst order them to go in to bon, and the land of *0g the
take possession of the land con- king of Bashan.
cerning which thou hadst lifted 23 And their children didst
up thy hand lo give it unto thou multiply like the stars of
them. heaven, and then broughtesfc
16 And they and our fathers them into the land, concerning
acted presumptuously, and hard- which thou hadst ordered their
ened their neck, and hearkened fathers to enter in to take pos-
not to thy commandments. session of it.
17 And they refused to obey, 24 And the children entered
and remembered not thy mar in and took possession of the
vellous deeds which thou hadst land: and thou didst humble
done with them ; but they hard before them the inhabitants of
ened their neck, and (spoke of) the land, the Cana’anites, and
appointing a chief to return to gavest them up into their hands,
their bondage, in their rebellion ; with their kings, and the nations
but thou art a God ready to par- of the land, that they might do
don, gracious and merciful, long- with them according to their
suffering, and abundant in kind pleasure.
ness, and forsookest them not. 25 And they captured fortified
18 Yea, although they had cities, and a fat soil ; and they
made for themselves a molten took possession of houses full of
calf, and said, This is thy god all good things, hewn-out wells,

that hath brought thee up out vineyards, and olive-yards, ancl

of Egypt/ and had practised fruit trees in abundance and ;

great provocations they ate, and were satisfied, and

19 Yet in thy abundant mer- became fat, and delighted them-
cies didst thou not forsake them selves in thy great goodness.
in the wilderness ;
the pillar of 26 Then became they disobe-
cloud departed not from them Idient, and rebelled against thee,
by day, to lead them on the and cast thy law behind their
way ; nor the pillar of fire by back, and they slew thy prophets
night, to give them light on the who had warned them to bring
way whereon they should go. them back unto thee, and they
20 And thy good spirit thou practised great provocations.
gavest to make them intelligent, 27 Thereupon thou gavest
and thy manna thou withheld- them up into the hand of their
est not from their mouth, and adversaries, who oppressed them
water thou gavest them for their and in the time of their distress
thirst. they used to cry unto thee, and
21 And forty years didst thou thou ever heardest them from
provide for them in the wilder heaven and according to thy

ness ; they lacked nothin, /abundant mercies thou wast

their clothes did not wear out, wont to give them helpers, who
and their feet swelled not. helped them out of the hand of
22 Thou gavest them also their adversaries.
kingdoms and nations, which 28 But when (once more) they
had rest,they did again evil and our fathers have not exe-
before thee :wherefore thou cuted thy law, and have not
didst leave them in the hand of listened unto thy commandments
their enemies, so that they had and thy testimonies, wherewith
dominion over them and when thcu didst warn them.

they returned, and cried unto 35 But they in their kingdom,

thee, thou wast wont to hear and in thy abundant goodness
them from heaven, and thou which thou hadst given unto
didst ever deliver them accord- them, and in the ample and fat
ing to thy mercies many times. land which thou hadst given up
29 And thou gavest them before them, did indeed not
warning to bring them back serve thee, and they turned not
unto thy law yet they acted away from their wicked deeds.

presumptuously, and hearkened 36 Behold, we are this day

not unto thy commandments, servants: and as regardeth the
and sinned against thy ordi- land that thou gavest unto our
nances, which a ,aan is to do, fathers to eat its fruit and its
that he may live through them; good things, behold, we are ser-
and they rendered their shoulder vants in it
rebellious, and hardened their 37 And it yieldeth its pro-
neck, and would not hear. ducts in abundance for the kings
30 Yet thou gavest them in- whom thou hast set over us be-
dulgence many years, and didst cause of our sins; also over our
warn them through thy spirit by bodies have they dominion, and
means of thy prophets but they over our cattle (also) at their

gave no ear therefore didst pleasure, and we are

: in great
thou give them up into the hand distress.
of the nations of the lands.
31 Yet in thy abundant mer- CHAPTER X.
cies hast thou not made an en- 1 And because of all this, we
tire end of them, and thou hast make a faithful covenant, and
not forsaken them; for a gra- write it down and on the sealed

cious and merciful God art thou. document are our princes, our
32 And now, our God, the Levites, and our priests.”
great, the mighty, and the ter- 2 And with those whose seal
rible God, who keepest the co- was affixed were, Nehemiiih the
venant and kindness, let not be Thirshatha the son of Chachal-
esteemed as little before thee all yah, and Zidkiyah.
the hardship that hath befallen 3 (Then) Serayah, ’Azaryah,
us, on our kings, on our princes, Jeremiah,
and on our priests, and on our 4 Pashchur, Amaryah, Malki-
prophets, and on our fathers, yah,
and on all thy people, from the 5 Chattush, Shebanyah, Mal-
days of the kings of Assyria luch,
until this day. 6 Charim, Meremoth, ’Oba-
33 Nevertheless thou art right- diah,
eous in all that is come over us ;
7 Daniel, Ginnethon, Baruch,
for thou hast acted (according to) 8 Meshullam, Abiyah, Mi-
truth, but we have done wick- yamin,
edly. 9 Ma’asyah, Bilgai, Shema«
34 Also our kings, our priests, ’yah these were the priests.

10 And the Levites: Joshua’ commandments of the Eternal
the son of Asanyah, Binnui, of One, our Lord, and his ordi-
the sons of Chenadad, Kadmiel nances and his statutes
11 And their brethren, She- 31 And that we would not
banyah, Hodiyah, Kelita, Pala- give our daughters unto the
yah, Chanan, people of the land, nor take their
12 Micha, Rechob, Chashab- daughters for our sons
yah, 32 And that if the people of
13 Zaccur, Sherebyah, She- the land should bring wares or
banyah, any provisions on the sabbath
14 Hodi3'ah, Bani, Beninu. day to sell, we would not buy
15 The chiefs of the people: of them on the sabbath, or on
Par’osh, Pachath-mo'ab, ’Elam, (another) holy day; and that we
Zatthu, Bani, would leave (the fields without
16 Bunni, ’Asgad, Bebai, reaping in) the seventh year,
17 Adoniyah, Bigvai, ’Adin, and (give up) every loan of
18 Ater, Chiskiyah, ’Azzur, hand.
19 Hodiyah, Chashum, Bezai, 33 And we established for us
20 Chariph, ’Anathoth, Nebai, as one of the commandments to
21 Magpi'ash, Meshullam,Che- impose on ourselves (to give) the
sir, third part of a shekel in every
22 Meshesabel, Zadok, Jad- year for the service of the house
dua’, of our God
23 Pelatyah, Chanan, ’Ana- 34 For the shew-bread, and
yah, for the continual meat-offering,
24 Hoshea’, Chananyah, Chas- and for the continual burnt-offer-
shub, ing, (for those of) the sabbaths,
25 Hallochesh, Pilcha, Sho- of the new-moons, for the ap-
bek, pointed feasts, and for the holy
26 Rechum, Chashabnah, Ma- things, and for the sin-offerings
'asseyah, to make an atonement for Israel,
27 And Achiyah, Chanan, and (for) all the work of the
'Anan, house of our God.
28 Malluch, Charim, Ba’anah. 3o And we, the priests, the
29 And the rest of the peo- Levites, and the people, cast lots
ple, the priests, the Levites, the concerning the procuring of the
gatekeepers, the singers, the wood, to bring it into the house
temple-servants, and all those of our God, unto the house of our
that had separated themselves fathers, at fixed times, year by
from the nations of the lands year, to burn upon the altar of
unto the law of God, their wives, the Lord our God, as it is writ-
their sons, and their daughters, ten in the law
every one having knowledge, 36 And to bring the first-
and having understanding, fruits of our ground, and the
30 Held firmly with their first-fruits of all fruit of all trees,
brethren, their nobles, and en- year by year, unto the house of
tered into a curse, and into an the Lord ;

oath, to walk in the law of God, 37 And also the first-born of

which was given through means our sons, and of our (unclean)
of Moses the servant of God, cattle, as it is written in the law,
and to observe and to do all the and to bring the first-born of our
95* 1133
herds and of our flocks to the session in their cities, (to wit,)
house of our God, unto the priests Israel, the priests, and tie Le-
that minister in the house of our vites, and the temple-servants,
God; and the children of Solomon’s
38 And that we would bring servants.
the first portion of our dough, 4 And at Jerusalem dwelt cer-
and our heave-offerings, and tain of the children of Juiah,
this of the fruit of all manner and of the children of Benjamin.
of trees, of wine and of oil, to Of the children of Judah ’Atha-:

the priests, unto the chambers yah the son of ’Uzziyah, the son
of the house of our God, and the of Zechariah, the son of Amar-
tithes of our ground unto the yah, the son of Shephatyah, the
Levites; and that these same son of Mahalalel, of the children
Levites should be the receivers of Perez
of the tithes in all the cities of 5 And Ma’asseyah the son of
our land-tillage Baruch, the son of Kol-choseh,
39 And that the priest the son the son of Chasayah, the son of
of Aaron should be with the ’Adayah, the son of Yoyarib, the
Levites, when the Levites re- son of Zechariah, the son of Ha-
ceive the tithes; and that the shiloni
Levites should bring up the 6 All the sons of Perez that
tithe of the tithes unto the house dwelt at Jerusalem were four
of our God, to the chambers, hundred sixty and eight valiant
into the treasure-house. men.
40 For into the chambers shall 7 And
these are the sons of
the children of Israel and the Benjamin Sallu the son of Me-

children of Levi bring the heave- shullam, the son of Yo’ed, the
offering of the corn, of the new son of Pedayah, the son of Ko-
wine, and the oil, and there shall layah, the son of. Ma’asseyah,
be the vessels of the sanctuary, the son of Ithiel, the son of Ye-
and the priests that minister, sha’yah ;

and the gatekeepers, and the 8 And next to him Gabbai,

singers : and that we will not Sallai ; nine hundred twenty and
forsake the house of our God. eight.
9 And Joel the son of Zichri
CHAPTER XI. was overseer over them and ;

1 And the rulers of the peo- Judah the son of Hassenuah was
ple dwelt at Jerusalem and the
: second over the city.
rest of the people cast lots, to 10 Of the priests Yedayah

bring one of every ten to dwell the son of Yoyarib, Yachin ;

in Jerusalem the holy city, and 11 Serayah the son of Chilki-
the nine parts to (remain) in the yah, the son of Meshullam, the
(other) cities son of Zadok, the son of Mera-
2 And the people blessed all yoth, the son of A chi tub, tho
the men, that offered themselves superintendent of the house of
voluntarily to dwell at Jerusa- God
lem. 12 And their brethren who did
3 Now these are the chiefs the work of the house, eight hun-
of the province that dwelt in Je- dred twenty and two; nnd ’Ada-
rusalem; but in the cities of Ju- yah the son of Yerocham, the
dah dwelt every one in his pos- son of Pelalyah, the son of Amzi,
the son of Zechariah, the son of over the business of the house of
Pashchur, the son of Malki- God.
yah 23 For the king’s command
13 And his brethren, chiefs of was obligatory on them ; and
the divisions, two hundred forty there was a fixed rate for the
and two and ’Amashsai the son singers, the requirement of every

of ’Asarel, the son of Achzai, the day on its day.

son of Meshillemoth, the son of 24 And Pethachyah the son
I miner of Meshesabel, of the children
14 And their brethren, mighty of Zerach the son of Judah, was
men of valour, one hundred at the king’s hand in every thing
twenty and eight; and the over- concerning the people.
seer over them was Zabdiel, the 25 And respecting the villages
son of Haggedolim. with their fields, some of the
15 Also of the Levites She- children of Judah dwelt at Kir-

ma’yah the son of Chasshub, the yath-arba’ and in its villages,

son of ’Asrikam, the son of Cha- and at Dibon and in its villages,
shabyah, the son of Bunni and at Yekabzeel and in its vil-
16 And Shabbethai and Yosa- lages,
bad, of the chiefs of the Levites, 26 And at Jeshua’, and at
had the oversight of the outward Moladah, and at Beth-phelet,
business of the house of God; 27 And at Chazar-shu’al, and
17 And Matthanyah the son at Beer-sheba’ and in its vil-
of Micha, the son of Zabdi, the lages,
son of Assaph, the principal to 28 And at Ziklag, and at Me-
begin the thanksgiving at pray- chonah and in its villages,
er; and Bakbukyah the second 29 And at ’En-rimmon, and
among his brethren, and ’Abda at Zor’ah, and at Yarmuth,
the son of Shammua', the son of 30 Zanoaeh, ’Adullam, and in
Galal, the son of Jeduthun. their villages, at Lachish and its
18 All the Levites in the holy fields, at ’Asekah and in its vil-
city were two hundred eighty lages. And they dwelt from
and four. Beer-sheba’ as far as the valley
19 And the gatekeepers, Ak- of Hinnom.
kub, Talmon, and their brethren 31 And the children of Benja-
that watched at the gates, were min (dwelt), beginning from Ge-
one hundred seventy and two. ba’,at Michmash, and ’Ayya,
20 And the residue of Israel, and Beth-el, and in their vil-
of the priests, and the Levites, lages,
were in all the cities of Judah, 32 ’Anathoth, Nob, ’Anan-
ever} one in his inheritance.
21 But the temple-servants 33 Chazor, Ramah, Gittayirn,
dwelt in the hill-fort; and Zicha 34 Chadid, Zebo’im, Neballat,
and Gishpa. were over the tem- 35 Lod, and Ono, the valley
ple-servants, of the carpenters.
22 And the overseer of the 36 And of the Levites dwelt
Levites at Jerusalem was ’Uzzi certain divisions in Judah, and
the son of Banni, the son of in Benjamin.
Chashabyan, the son ol Mat-
thanyah, the son of Micha, one of CHAPTER XII.
the sons of Assaph, the singers 1 And these are the nriesta

and the Levites that came up 20 Of Sallai, Kallai ;
of ’Amok,
with Zerubbabel the son of She- ’Eber;
althiel, and Jeshua’: Serayah, 21 Of Chilkiyah, Chashab-
Jeremiah, ’Ezra, of Yeda’yah, Ne than el.
yah ;

2 Am ary ah, Mallueh, Chat-

22 Of the Levites in the days
tush, of Elyashib, Yoyada’, and Yo-
3 Shechanyah, Rechum, Me- chanan, and Jaddua’, are writ-
remoth, ten down the chiefs of the divi-
4 ’Iddo, Ginnethoy, Abiyah, sions also those of the priests

5 Miyamin, Ma’adyah, Bil- to the reign of Darius the Per-

gah, sian.
6 Shema’yah, and Yoyarib, 23 The sons of Levi, the
Yed’ayah, chiefs of the divisions, were
7 Sallu, ’Amok, Chilkiyah, written down in the book of the
Yed’ayah. These were the chiefs chronicles, even until the days
of the priests and of their bre- of Yochanan the son of Elya-
thren in the days of Jeshua’. shib.
8 ^ And the Levites Jeshua’,
: 24 And the chiefs of the Le-
Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebyah, vites were Chashabyah, Shereb-
Judah, and Matthanyah, who yah, and Jeshua’ the son of Kad-
was over the songs of thanks- miel, with their brethren oppo-
giving, he and his brethren site to them, to praise and to

9 And Bakbukyah and ’Unni, give thanks, according to the

their brethren, were opposite to command of David the man of
them in the watches. God, section by section.
10 And Jeshua’ begat Yoya- 25 Matthanyah, and Bakbuk-
kim, and Yoyakim begat Elya- yah, ’Obadiah, Meshullam, Tal-
shib, and Elyashib begat Yoya- mon, ’Akkub, were watching
da’, gatekeepers on the watch at the
11 And Yoyada’ begat Jona- thresholds of the gates.
than, and Jonathan begat Jad- 26 These were in the days of
dua’. Yoyakim, the son of Jeshua’, the
12 And in the days of Yoya- son of Yozadak, and in the days
kim were priests, as chiefs of of Nehemiah the governor, and
the divisions: Of Serayah, Me of ’Ezra the priest, the ex-
rayah; of Jeremiah, Chanan- pounder.
yah; 27 And at the dedication of
13 Of ’Ezra, Meshullam ; of the wall of Jerusalem they sought
Amaryah, Yehochanan ;
the Levites out of all their places,
14 Of Melichu, Jonathan; of to bring them to Jerusalem, to
Shebanyah, Joseph; celebrate the dedication with joy,
15 Of Charim, ’Adna; of Me- with thanksgivings, and w ith T

rayoth, Chelkai ;
singings, cymbals, psalteries, and
16 Of ’Iddo, Zechariah; of with harps.
Ginnethon, Meshullam; 28 And there gathered them-
17 Of Abiyah, Zichri; of Min- selves together the sons of the
yamin, c.f Mo’adyah, Piltai singers, both out of the district
18 Of Bilgah, Shammua’; of round about Jerusalem, and from
Shem’ayah, Jehonathan ;
the viLuges of Netophah
19 And of Yoyarib, Matthe- 29 Also from Beth-hngilgal,
nai ; of Yeda’vah, ’Uzzi; and out of the fields of Geba’
and ’Asraaveth for the singers of Me'ah, even as far as the sheep-

had built themselves villages gate and they halted at the pri-

round about Jerusalem. son-gate.

30 And the priests and the 40 So did the two companies
Levites purified themselves, and for thanksgiving place them-
then they purified the people, selves in the house of God, and
and the gates, and the wall. I, and the half of the rulers with
31 Then brought I up the me.
princes of Judah upon the wall, 41 And the priests, Elyakim,
and stationed two great compa- Ma’asseyah, Minyamin, Micha-
nies for thanksgiving, and trains yah, Elyo’enai, Zechariah, and
to walk on the right hand upon Channayah, with trumpets ;

the wall by the dung-gate 42 And Ma’asseyah, and She-

32 And after them walked Ho- ma’yah, and El’azar, and ’Uzzi,
sha’yah, and half of the princes and Yehockanan, and Malkiyah,
of Judah, and ’Elam, and ’Eser. And the
33 And ’Azaryah, ’Ezra, and singers sang aloud, with Yisrach-
Meshullam, yah as their overseer.
34 Judah, and Benjamin, and 43 And they sacrificed on that
Shema’yah, and Jeremiah; day great sacrifices, and re-
35 And of the sons of the priests, joiced for God had caused them

with trumpets, Zechariah the to rejoice with great joy; and

son of Jonathan, the son of She- also the women and the children
ma’yah, the son of Matthanyah, rejoiced so that the (shout of)

the son of Michayah, the son of joy of Jerusalem was heard even
Zaccur, the son of Assaph at a great distance off.
36 And his brethren, Shema- 44 And there w ere appointed

’yah, and ’Asarel, Milalai, Gila- at that day certain men as su-
lai, Ma’ai, Nethanel, and Judah, perintendents over the chambers
Chanani, with the musical in- for the treasuries, for the heave-
struments of David the man of offerings, for the first-fruits, and
God; and ’Ezra the expounder for the tithes, to gather into
walked before them. them out of the fields of the
37 And over the fountain-gate, cities the portions according to
and straight before them, they the law for the priests arid the
went up by the stairs of the city Levites; for Judah had joy on
of David, at the ascent of the the priests and on the Levites
wall, above the house of David, that stood there,
even as far as the water-gate, 45 And kept the charge of
eastward. their God, and the charge of the
38 And the other company for purification, and as singers and
thanksgiving that walked in the gatekeepers, according to the
opposite direction to them, — this command of David, (and) of So-
one did I follow, and the half of lomon his son.
the people upon the wall, from 46 For in the days of David
beyond the tower of the ovens and Assaph of old there were
even as far as the broad wall; chiefs of the singers, and songs
39 And above the gate of of praise and thanksgiving unto
Ephraim, and above the old gate, God.
and above the fish-gate, and the 47 And all Israel in the days
tow er of Chananel, and the tower of Zerubbabel, and in the da,yi
of Nehemiah, gave the portions and perceived the evil ihat Elya-
of the singers and the gate- shib had done for Tobiyah, in
keeper, what was required for preparing for him a chamber in
every day on its day and they
the courts of the house of God.
sanctified things for the Levites; 8 And it displeased me greatly :

and the Levites sanctified (the wherefore I cast forth all the
portion due) for the children of household vessels of Tobiyah
Aaron. away out of the chamber.
9 And I gave the order, where-
CHAPTER XIII. upon they cleansed the cham-
1 On that day there was bers; and I had brought thither
read in the book of Moses before again the vessels of the house
the ears of the people and there of God, with the meat-offering

was found written therein, that and the frankincense.

no ’Ammonite or Moabite should 10 And I perceived that the
come into the congregation of portions of the Levites had not
God for ever; been given (them) so that the

2 Because they had not met Levites and the singers, that used
the children of Israel with bread to do the work, were fled every
and with water, but had hired one to his field.
Biram against them, that he 11 Then contended I with the
should curse them; although our rulers, and said, “ Why hath the
God had changed the curse into house of God become forsaken ?”
a blessing. And I gathered them together,
3 And it came to pass, when and placed them on their posts.
they had heard the law, that 12 And all Judah brought the
they separated all the alien mix- tithe of the corn and the new
ture from Israel. wine and the oil unto the trea-
4 And before this, Elyashib suries.
the priest, appointed over the 13 And I appointed receivers
chambers of the house of our over the treasuries, Shelemyah
God, and a near (of kin) unto the priest, and Zadok the scribe,
Tobiyah, andPedayah of the Levites; and
5 Had prepared for him a large with them acted Chonan the son
chamber, where they had laid in of Zaccur, the son of Matthan-
former times the meat-offerings, yah for they were accounted as

the frankincense, and the vessels, faithful, and it was their duty to
and the tithes of the corn, the make a distribution among their
new wine, and the oil, which brethren.
was ordained for the Levites, and 14 Remember me, 0 my
the singers, and the gatekeep- God, concerning this, and wipe
ers, and the heave-offering of not out my pious deeds which I
the priests. have done for the house of my
6 But during all this I was God, and for those that had
not at Jerusalem ; for in the two charge of it.
and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes 15 In those days I saw in Ju-

the king of Babylon I went back dah som.e treading wine-presses

unto the king, and after the on the sabbath, and bringing in
lapse of some time I obtained by sheaves, and lading burdens on
request (leave) of the king; asses, as also wine, grapes, and
7 And I came to Jerusalem, figs, and all manner of burdens,
which they brought into Jerusa- 23 In those days also I saw
lem on the sabbath day and I
certain Jews that had brought
warned them on the day where- home wives of Ash lod, of ’Am-
on they sold provisions. mon, and of Moab
10 Also the men of Tyre (that) 24 And their children spoke
dwelt therein brought fish and partly in the speech of Ashdod,
all kinds of wares, and sold them and did not understand to speak
on the sabbath unto the children in the Jewish language, but ac-
of Judah and in Jerusalem. cording to the language of one
17 Then I contended with the or the other people.
nobles of Judah, and said unto 25 And I contended with
them, “What evil thing is this them, and cursed them, and
which ye are doing, and profan- smote certain of them, and
ing (thereby) the sabbath day? plucked out their hair, and
18 Did not your fathers act made them swear by God, say-
thus, wherefore our God brought ing, “Ye shall not give your
over us all this evil, and over daughters unto their sons, nor
this city? and ye bring yet more take their daughters for your
wrath over Israel by profaning sons, nor for yourselves.
the sabbath.” 26 Did not Solomon the king
19 And it came to pass, that, of Israel sin by these things ?
when the shadows were length- and although among the many
ened in the gates of Jerusalem nations there was never a king
before the sabbath, I gave the like him, and beloved as he was
order, whereupon the gates were by his God, and God had placed
locked, and I ordered that they him as king over all Israel:
should not be opened till after nevertheless even him did the
the sabbath and some of my
: alien women mislead to sin.
young men did I place at the 27 Shall we then hear it said
gates, that there should be of you, that ye do all this great
brought in no burden on the evil, to trespass against our God
sabbath day. in bringing home alien wives?”
20 But the merchants and sell- 28 And one of the sons of
ers of all kinds of wares lodged Yoyada’, the son of Elyashib the
outside of Jerusalem once or high priest, was son-in-law to
twice. Sanballat the Choronite where- :

21 Thereupon did I warn them, fore I chased him away from me.
and said unto them, “Why do 29 Remember (this) unto
ye lodge along the wall? if ye them, 0 my God because of

do so again, I will lay hands on the defilements of the priest-

you.” From that time forth they hood, and of the covenant of the
came no more on the sabbath. priesthood, and of the Levites.
22 And I ordered the Le- 30 Thus cleansed I them from
vites that they should cleanse all aliens, and I appointed the
themselves, and that they should watches of the priests and the
come and keep watch at the Levites, every one in his work ;

gates, to sanctify the sabbath 31 And for the procuring of

day. Also this remember unto the wood, at fixed times, and
me, 0 my God! and shield me for the first-fruits. Remember
according to the abundance of this unto me, 0 my God, for
thy kindness. good.
\s cd’h nan nao.

13 And Cana’an begat Zi-

don, his first-born, and Heth,
3 ^ Adam, Sheth, Enosh, 14 And the Jpbusite, and the
2 Kenan, Mehalalel, Jered, Emorite, and the Girgashite,
3 Enoch, Methushelach, Le- 15 And the Hivite, and the
mech, ’Arkite, and the Sinite,
4 Noah, Shem, Ham, and Ja- 16 And the Arvadite, and the
pheth. Zemarite, and the Chamathite.
5 The sons of Japheth Go- : 17 IT The sons of Shem
mer, and Magog, and Madai, ’Elam, and Asshur, and Arpach-
and Javan, and Thubal, and shad, and Lud, and Aram, and
Meshech, and Thirass. ’Uz, and Chul, and Gether, and
6 And the sons of Gomer Meshech.
Ashkenas, andDiphath, and 18 And Arpachshad begat
Thogarmah. Shelach, and Shelach begat
7 And the sons of Javan ’Eber. :

Elishah, and Tharshishah, Kit- 19 And unto ’Eber were born

tim, and Rodanim. two sons the name of the one

8 The sons of Ham Cush, was Peleg because in his days


and Mizrayim, Put, and Ca- the earth was divided; and his
na’an. brother’s name was Joktan.
9 And the sons of Cush Se- 20 And Joktan begat Almo-

ba, and Chavilah, and Sabtha, dad, and Sheleph, and Cbazar-
and Ra’rnah, and Sabtecha. And maveth, and Yerach,
the sons of Ra’mah Sheba, and
: 21 And Hadoram, and Uzal,
Dedan. and Diklah,
10 And Cush begat Nimrod 22 And ’Ebal, and Abimael,
this one began to be a mighty and Sheba,
man upon the earth. 23 And Ophir, and Chavilah,
11 And Mizrayim begat the and Yobab. All these were the
Ludim, and the ’Anamim, and sons of Joktan.
the Lehabim, and the Naphtu- 24 Shem, Arpachshad, She-
chim, lach,
12 And the Pathrussim, and 25 ’Eber, Peleg, Re’u,
the Cassluchim, of whom came 26 Serug, Nachor, Tberach,
the Philistines, and the Caph- 27 Abram, the same is Abra-
thorim. ham.

28 5T
The sons of Abraham 42 The sons of Ezer: Bil-
Isaac, and Ishma’el. han, and Za’avan, and Ya’akan.
29 These are their genera- The sons of Dishan ’Uz, and

tions : The first-born of Ish- Aran.

ina’el, Nebayoth, then Kedar, 43 And these are the kings
and Adbeel, and Mibsam, that reigned in the land of Edoin
30 Mishina’, and Dumah, before there reigned any king
Massa, Chadad, and Thema, over the children of Israel :Be-
31 Yetur, Naphish, and Ke- la’ the son of Be’or ;
and the
demah. These are the sons of name of his city was Dinhabah.
Ishma’el. 44 And Bela’ died, and there
32 And the sons of Ketu-[ reigned in his stead Jobab tfcu
rah, the concubine of Abraham son :
of Zerach of Bozrah.
45 And Jobab died, and there

she bore Zimran, and Yokshan,|

and Medan, and Midian, and reigned in his stead C/usham
Yishbak, and Shuach. And the of the land of Theman.
sons of Yokshan Sheba, and : 46 And Chusham died, and
Dedan. there reigned in his stead Hadad
33 And the sons of Midian the son of Bedad, who smote :

’Ephah, and ’Epher, and Cha- Midian in the field of Moab ;

noch, and Abida’, and Elda’ah. and the name of his city was
All these are the sons of Keturah. ’Avith.
34 And Abraham
begat 47 And Hadad died, and there
Isaac. The sons ’Esau reigned in his stead Samlah of
of Isaac :

and Israel. Massrekah.

35 «[ The sons of ’Esau: Eli- 48 And Samlah died, and
phaz, Re’uel, and Ye’ush, and there reigned in his stead Saul
Ya’lam, and Korach. of Rechoboth by the river.
36 The sons of Eliphaz The- 49 And Saul died, and there

man, and Omar, Zephi, and Ga’- reigned in his stead Ba’al-cha-
tham, Kenas, and Thimna’, and nan the son of ’Achbor.
’Arnalek. 50 And Ba’al-chanan died,
37 The sons of Re’uel Na- and there reigned in his stead

chath, Zerach, Shammah, and Hadad

and the name of his
Mizzah. city was Pa’i ; and the name of
38 And
the sons of Se’ir Lo- his wife was Mehetabel, the

tan, and Shobal, and Zib’on, daughter of Matred, the daugh-

and ’Anah, and Dishon, and ter of Me-zahab.
Ezer, and Dishan. 51 Hadad died also. And the
39 And the sons of Lotan dukes of Edom were: DukeTLim- :

Chori, and Homam ; and the na’, duke ’Alvah, duke Jetheth,
sister of Lotan Thimna’.
: 52 Duke Aholibamah, duke
40 The sons of Shobal Elah, duke Pinon, :

’Alyan, and Manachath, and 53 Duke Kenas, duke The-

’Ebal, Shephi, and Onam. And man, duke Mibzar,
the sons of Zib’on ’Ayah, and : 54 Duke Magdiel, duke ’Iram.
’Anah. These are the dukes of Edom.
41 ^ The sons of ’Anah Dis- :

hon. And the sons of Dishon: II. CHAPTER

Chamran,and Es»hban, and Yith- 1 These are the sons of
ran, and Cheran. Israel Reiiben, Simeon, Levi, :

96 1141


and Judah, Issachar, and Zebu- sa and the father of ‘Amass*


lun, was Jether the Ishme’elite.

2 Han, Joseph, and Benja- 18 And Caleb the son of
min, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. Chezron begat (children)of ’Azu-
3 The sons of Judah ’Er, bah his wife, and of Yeri’oth ;

and Onan, and Shelnh, the three and these are her sons Yesher,

(who) were born unto hitn of and Shobab, and Ardon.

the daughter of Shua’ the Cana- 19 And ’Azubah died, when
'anitess. And ’Er, the first-born Caleb took unto himself Ephrath,
of Judah, was evil in the eyes of who bore unto him Chur.
the Lord and he slew him.
: 20 And Chur begat Uri, and
4 And Tharnar his daughter- Uri begat Bezalel.
in-law bore unto him Perez and 21 And afterward came Chez-
Zeraeh. All the sons of Judah ron to the daughter of Machir
were five. the father of Gil’ad, and he took
5 The sons of Perez: Chez- her (for wife) when he was sixty
ron and Chamul. years old and she bore unto

6 If And the sons of Zeraeh him Segub.


Zimri, and Ethan, and Hernan, 22 And Segub begat Ja'ir, who
and Caleol, and Hara’ ; all of had three and twenty cities in
them five. the land of Gil’ad.
7 And the sons of Carmi 23 But Geshur and Aram took
’Achar the troubler of Israel, the small towns of Jair from
who trespassed against the de- them, whth Kenath, and the vil-
voted things. lages thereof, even sixty cities.
8 And the sons of Ethan All these (belonged to) the sons
'Azaryah. of Machir the father of Gil’ad.
9 And the sons of Chezron, 24 And after Chezron was
that were born unto him Ye- dead inCaleb-ephratah,then bore

rachmeel, and Ram, and Kelu- Chezron’s wife Abiyah unto him
bai. Ashchur the father of Thekoa’.
10 And Ram begat ’Ammina- 25 And the sons of Yerach-
dab, and ’Amminadab begat meel the first-born of Chezron
Nachshon, the prince of the chil- were, Ram the first-born, and
dren of J udah ; Bunah, and Oren, and Ozem, and
11 And Nachshon begat Sal- Achiyah.
ma, and Salma begat Bo'as, 26 Yerachmeel had also an-
12 And Bo’as begat ’Obed, other wife whose name was ’Ata-
and ’Obed begat Jesse, rah she was the mother of

13 And Ishai begat bis first- Onam.

born Eliab, and Abinadab the 27 And the sons of Ram the
second, and Shim’a the third, first-born of Yerachmeel were.
14 Nathanel the fourth, Rad- Ma’az, and Yamin, and ’Eker.
dai the fifth, 28 And the sons of Onam
15 Ozem the sixth, Havid the were, Shammai, and Yada’. And
seventh ,• the sons of Shammai: Nadab,
16 And their sisters were Ze and Abishur.
ruyah, and Abigayil. And the 29 And the name of the wife
sons of Zeruyah Abshai, and of Abishur was AbiohayMl, and

Joab, and ’Assahel, three. she bore unto him Achban, and
17 And Abigayil bore ’Amas- Molid.

3 ) And the sons of Nadab bine, bore Charan, and Moza,

Seled, and Appayim and Seled ;
and Gazez ;
and Charan begat
died without children. Gazez.
31 And the sons of Appayim : 47 And the sons of Yahdai :

Yish’i. And the sons of Yish’i Regem, and Jotham, and Ge-
Sheshan. And the sons of She- sham, and Pelet, and ’Ephah,
shan Achlai.
: and Sha’aph.
32 And the sons of Yada’ the 48 Ma’achah, Caleb’s concu-
brother of Shammai Jether, : and Thircha-
bine, bore Sheber,
and Jonathan and Jether died;
without children. 49 She bore also Sha’aph the
33 And the sons of Jonathan : father of Madmannah, Shevafc
Peleth, and Zaza. These were the father of Machbena, and the
the sons of Yerachmeel. father of Gib’a and the daugh-

34 Now Sheshan had no sons, ter of Caleb was ’Achsah.

but daughters. And Sheshan 50 These were the sons of Ca-
had a servant, an Egyptian, leb Benchur, the first-born of

whose name was Yarcha’. Ephratah, Shobal the father of

35 And Sheshan gave his Eiryath-ye’arim,
daughter unto Yarcha’ his ser- 51 Salma the father of Beth-
vant for wife and she bore unto lechem, Chareph the father of

him ’Attai. Beth-gader.

36 And ’Attai begat Nathan, 52 And Shobal the father of
and Nathan begat Zabad, Kir’yath-ye’arim had sons Ha- :

37 And Zabad begat Ephlal, roeh, and Chazi-hammenuchoth.

and Ephlal begat ’Obed, 53 And the families of Kir-
38 And ’Obed
begat Jehu, ’yath-ye’arim are the Yithrites,
and Jehu begat ’Azaryah, and the Putliites, and the Shu-
39 And ’Azaryah
begat Che- mathites, and the Mishra’ites.
lez, and Chelez begat El’assah. from these came the Zor’athites,
40 And El’assah begat Siss- and the Eshthaiilites.
mai, and Sissmai begat Shallum, 54 The sons of Salma Beth- :

41 And Shallum begat Ye- lechem, and the Netophathites,

kamyah, and Yekamyah begat ’Ataroth of the house of Joab,
Elishama’. and Chazi-hammanachtlii, the
42 Now the sons of Caleb the Zor’ite.
brother of Yerachmeel were, 55 And the families of the
Mesha’, his first-born, who was scribes who dwelt at Jabez the :

the father of Ziph, and of the Thirathites, the Shim’athires,

sons of Mareshah the father of and Suchathites. These are the
Hebron. Kenites that came from Chain-
43 And the sons of Hebron math, the father of the house

Korach, and Thappuach, and of Rechab.

Rekem, and Shema\
44 And Shema’ begat Ra- CHAPTER III.
cham, the father of Yorke’am; 1 And these were the sons
and Rekem begat Shammai. of David, who were born unto
45 And the son of Shammai him in Hebron The first-born, :

was Ma’on ;
and Ma’on was the Amnon, of Achino’ain the Yiz-
father of Beth-zur. re’elitess the second, Daniel, of ;

46 And Ephah, Caleb’s concu- Abigayil the Carmelitess

2 The third, Abshalom the 19 And the sons of Pedayah
eon of Ma’achah the daughter were, Zerubbabel, and Shim’i
of Thalinai the king of Geshur; and the sons of Zerubbabel
the fourth, Adoniyah the son of were, Meshullam, and Chanan-
Cnaggith yah, and Shelomith their sister.
3 The fifth, Shephatyah of 20 And Chashubah, and Ohcl,
Abital ; the sixth, Yithre’am of and Berechyah, and Chassad-
'Eglah his wife. yah, Yushab-chessed, five.
4 Six were born unto him in 21 And the sons of Chanan-
Hebron and he reigned there
: yah: Pelatyah, and Yesha'yah ;

seven years and six months; the sons of Rephayah, the sons
and thirty and three years he of Arnan, the sons of ’Obadiah,
reigned in Jerusalem. the sons of Shechanyah.
5 And these were born unto 22 And the sons of Shechan-
him in Jerusalem Shim’a, and
: yah Shema’yah and the sons

Shobab, and Nathan, and Solo- of Shema’yah were, Chattush,

mon, four, of Bathshua’ the and Yigal, and Bariach, and Ne-
daughter of ’Ammiel ’aryah, and Shaphat, six.
6 And Yibchar, and Elisha- 23 And the sons of Ne’aryah :

ma’, and Eliphelet, Elyo’enai, and Hezekiah, and

7 And Nogah, and Nepheg, ’Asrikam, three.
and Yaphia’, 24 And the sons of Elyo’enai
8 And Elishama
and Elya- were, Hodavyahu, and Elyashib,

da’, and Eliphelet, nine. and Pelayah, and ’Akkub, and

9 (These were) all the sons of Yochanan, and Delayah, and
David, beside the sons of the ’Anani, seven.
concubines, and Thamar their
10 ^ And Solomon’s son was 1 The sons of Judah Pe- :

Rehobo’am, Abiyah his son, As- rez, Chezron, and Carmi, and
ga his son, Jehoshaphat his son. Chur, and Shobal.
11 Joram his son, Achazyahu 2 And Reayah the son of
his son,Yoash his son, Shobal begat Yachath ; and
12 Amazyahu his son, ’Azar- Yachath begat Achumai, and
yah his son, Jotham his son, Lahad. These are the families
13 Achaz his son, Hezekiah his of the Zor’athites.
gon, Menasseh his son, 3 And these were (those of)
14 Amon his son, Josiah his the father of ’Etam, Yizre’el, and
8on. Yishma, and Yidbash and the :

15 And the sons of Josiah name of their sister was Ilazze-

were, the first-born Yochanan, lelponi.
the second Yehoyakim, the third 4 And Penuel the father of
Zedekiah, the fourth Shallum. Gedor, and ’Ezer the father of
16 And the sons of Yehoya- Chushah. These are the sons
kim Yechonyah his son, Zede- of Chur, the first-born of Eph-

kiah his son. ratah, the father of Beth-lechem.

17 And the sons of Yechon- 5 And Ashchur the father of
yah : Assir, Shealtbiel his son. Thekoa’ had two wives, Chelah
18 And Malkiram, and Peda- and Na’arah.
yah, and Shenazzar, Yekamyah, 6 And Na’arah bore him
Hoshama’, and Nedabyah. Achuzzam, and Chepher, and
Themeni, and HaUchashthari. 18 And his wife the Jewes,"
These were the sons of Na’arah. bore Jered the father of Gedor,
7 And the sons of Chelah and Cheber the father of Socho,
were, Zereth, and Zochar, and and Yekuthiel the father of Z&-
Ethnan. noach. And these are the sons
8 And Koz begat ’Anub and of Bithyah the daughter of Pha-
Hazzobebah, and the families raoh, whom Mered had taken
of Acharchel the. son of Harurn. (for wife).
9 And Ya’bez was more ho- 19 And the sons of the wife
nourable than his brothers and
of Hodiyah the sister of Nacharn
his mother called his name Ya’- The father of Ke’ilah the Gar-
bez, saying, “Because I bore mite, and Eshtheinoa/ the Ma-
him in pain.” ’achathite.
10 And Ya’bez called on the 20 And the sons of Shimon :

God of Israel, saying, “ Oh that Ainnon, and Rinnah, Ben-cha-

thou wouldst bless me indeed nan, and Thilon. And the sons
and enlarge my boundary, and of Yish’i were, Zocheth, and
that thy hand might be with Ben-zocheth.
me, and that thou wouldst act 21 The sons of Shelah the son
for me against the evil, that it of Judah: ’Er the father of Le-
may not give me pain !” And chah, and La’dah the father of
God granted him what he had Mareshah, and the families of
asked for. the house of those that wrought
11 And Kelub the brother of fine linen, of the house of Ash-
Shuchah begat Mechir, who was bea’,
the father of Eshthon. 22 And Yokim, and the men
12 And Eshthon begat Beth of Coseba, and Yoash, and Sa-
rapha, and Passeach, and The raph, who had dominion in
chinnah the father ofTr-nachash. Moab, and Yashubi-lechem.
These are the men of Rechah. And these are ancient things.
13 And the sons of Kenas : 23 There were the potters,
’Othniel and Serayah. And the and those that dwelt in planta-
sons of ’Othniel Chathath.
: tions and sheepfolds : for the
14 And Me’onothai begat king’s sake to do his work they
’Ophrah : and Serayah begat dwelt there.
Jo'ab, the father of the valley of 24 ^ The sons of Simeon Ne- :

the carpenters; for they were muel, and Yamin, Yarib, Zerach,
carpenters. and Saill.
15 And the sons of Caleb the 25 Shallum his son, Mibsam
son of Yephunneh Tru, Elah, his son, Mishma’ his son.

and Na’am. And the sons of 26 And the sons of Mishma’:

Elah Ukenas.
: Chamuel his son, Zaccur his son,
16 And the sons of Yehalelel: Shim’i his son.
Ziph, and Ziphah, Thireya, and 27 And Shim’i had sixteen
Assarel. sons and six daughters ; but his
17 And the sons of ’Ezrah brethren had not many children,

Jether, and Mered, and ’Epher, nor did all their family multiply,
and Yalon. And she conceived equal to the children of Judah.
(and bore) Miriam, and Sham- 28 And they dwelt at Beer-
mai, and Yishbach the father of sheba’, and Moladah, and Cha-
Eshtheinoa’. zar-shu’al,
2 . 1145
29 And Bilhah, and at terly unto this day, and dweit
'Ezem, and at Tholad, in their stead; because there
30 And at Bethuel, and at was pasture there for their
Chormah, and at Ziklag, flocks.
31 And at Beth-marcaboth, 42 And some of them, even
and Chazar-sussim, and at Beth- of the sons of Simeon, five hun-
biri, and at Sha'ara.yim. These dred men, went to mount Se’ir
were their cities until the reign having at their head Pelatyah,
of David. and Ne’aryah, and Rephayah ;
32 And their villages were and 'Uzziel, the sons of Yish’i.
’Etam, and ’Ayin, Rimmon, and 43 And they smote the rest
Thochen, and ’Ashan, five cities of the ’Amalekites that were
33 And all their villages that escaped, and dwelt there unto
were round about these same this day.
as far as Ba’al.
cities, These
were their dwelling-places, and CHAPTER V.
after them are they recorded. 1 f And the sons of Reuben
34 And Meshobab, and Yam- the first-born of Israel for he —
lech, and Yoshah the son of was the first-born but, when

Amazvah, he defiled his father’s bed, was

35 And Joel, and Jehu the his birthright given unto the
son of Yoshibyah, the son of sons of Joseph the son of Israel
Serayah, the son of ’Assiel, so that the genealogy is not to
36 And Elyo’enai and Ya’a- be reckoned after the first-birth.
kobah, and Yeshochayah, and 2 For Judah became the
LA.ssa.yah, and ’Adiel, and Yes- mightiest of his brothers, and
eimiel, and Benayah, the prince descended from him
37 And Zizatheson of Shiph’i, while the first-birthright be-
the son of Allon, the son ofYeda- longed to Joseph.
yah, the son of Shimri, the son 3 The sons of Reuben the
of Shema’yah : first-born of Israel were, Cha-
38 These mentioned by their noch, and Pallu, Chezron, and
names were princes in their fa- Car mi.
milies ; and their family divi- 4 The sons of Joel: Shema’-
sions spread themselves out yah his son, Gog his son, Shim’i
greatly. his son,
39 And they went to the en- 5 Michah his son, Reayah his
trance of Gedor, as far as the son, Ba’al his son,
east side of the valley, to seek 6 Beerah his son, whom Thil-
pasture for their flocks. gath-pilneesser the king of As-
40 And they found a fat and syria carried into exile he was

good pasture, and the land was the prince of the Reiibenites.
roomy, and quiet, and peace- 7 And his brethren by their
able for descendants of Ham
families, according to their ge-
dwelt there before that time. nealogy after their generations,
41 And then came these writ- were, the chief, Ye’iel, and Ze-
ten down by name in the days charyahu,
of Hezekiah the king of Judah, 8 And Bela’ the son of ’Azaz,
and smote their tents, and the the son of Shema,’ the son of
habitations that were found Joel, who dwelt in ’Aro’er, and
there, and destroyed them ut- as far as Nebo and BaV.-me’on;
9 And to the eastward he dred and sixty, th^tt went out to
dwelt as far as the entrance of the army.
the wilderness from the river 19 And they ma>e war with
Euphrates because their cattle the Hagarenes, and Yetur, and

were numerous in the land of Naphish, and Nodab.

Gil’ad. 20 And they obtained help
10 And in the days of Saul against them, and the Hagar-
they made war with the Ilagar- enes were delivered into their
enes, who fell by their hand; hand, and all that were with
and they dwelt in their tents in them for to God they cried in

the whole front of the land to the battle, and he was entreated
the east of Gil’ad. by them because they put their

11 And the children of Gad trust in him.

dwelt alongside of them, in the 21 And they led away captive'
land of Bashan as far as Sal- their cattle of their camels fifty

chah. thousand, and of sheep two hun-

12 Joel the chief, and Sha- dred and fifty thousand, and of
pharn the next, and Ya’nai, and asses two thousand, and of hu-
Shaphat in Bashan. man beings one hundred thou
13 And their brethren accord- sand.
ing to their family divisions 22 For there fell down many
were, Michael, and Meshullam, slain because the war was of

and Sheba’, and Yorai, and God. And they dwelt in their
Ya’kan, and Zia’, and ’Eber, stead until the exile.
seven. 23 And the children of the
14 These are the children half tribe of Menasseh dwelt in
of Abichayil the son of Churi, the land: from Bashan unto
the son of Yaroach, the son of Ba’al-chermon and Senir and
Gil’ad, the son of Michael, the mount Chermon were they nu-
son of Yeshishai, the son of merous.
Yachdo, the son of Buz : 24 And these were the heads
15 Achi the son of ’Abdiel, of their family divisions : name-
the son of Guni, the chief of ly, ’Epher, and Yish’i, and Eliel,
their family division. and ’Asriel, and Jeremiah, and
16 And they dwelt in Gil’ad, Ilodavyah, and Yachdiel, mighty
in Bashan, and in its minor men of valour, famous men, (and;
towns, and in all the open dis- heads of their family divisions.
tricts of Sharon, as far as their 25 ^ But they trespassed
terminations. against the God of their fathers,
17 All these were recorded by and went astray after the gods
their genealogies in the days of of the people of the land, whom
Jotham the king of Judah, and God had destroyed from before
in the days of Jerobo’am the them.
king of Israel. 26 And the God of Israel
18 The sons of Reuben, and stirred up the spirit of Pul the
the Gadites, and the half tribe king of Assyria, and the spirit
of Menasseh, of valiant men, of Thilgath-pilnesser the king
men able to bear shield and of Assyria, and he carried them

sword, and to draw the bow, into exile, even the Reiibenites,
and practised in war, were four and the Gadites, and the half
and forty thousand seven hun- tribe of Menasseh, and brought
them unto Chalach, and Chabor, the sons of Gershom
: Libni, and
and Hara, and to the river Go- Shim’i.
zan, even until this day. 3 And the sons of Kehath
27 If The sons of Levi : Ger- were, ’Amram, and Yizhar, and
fchon, Kehath, and Merari. Chebron, and ’Uzziel.
28 And the sons of Kehath: 4 The sons of Merari Machli :

’Amram, Yizhar, and Chebron, and Mushi. And these are the
and ’Uzziel. families of the Levites accord-
29 And the children of ’Am- ing to their fathers.
ram Aaron, and Moses, and
: 5 Of Gershom Libni his son,

Miriam. And the sons of Yachath his son, Zimmah hia

Aaron Nadab, and Abihu, El-
: son,
’azar, and Ithamar. 6 Yoach his son, ’Iddo his
30 El’azar begat Phinehas, son, Zerach his son, Ye'atherai
Phinehas begat Abishua’, his son.
31 And Abishua’ begat Buk- 7 The sons of Kehath : ’Am-
ki, and Bukki begat ’Uzzi, minadab his son, Korach his
32 And ’Uzzi begat Zerach- son, Assir his son,
yah, and Zerachyah begat Me- 8 Elkanah his son, and Eb-
rayoth, yassaph his son, and Assir his
33 Merayoth begat Ainaryah, son,
and Amaryah begat Achitub, 9 Thachath his son, Uriel his
34 And Achitub begat Zadok, son, ’Uzziyah his son, and Saiil
and Zadok begat Achima’az, his son.
35 And Achima'az begat’Azar- 10 And the sons of Elkanah :

yah, and ’Azaryah begat Yo- ’Amassai, and Achimoth,

chanan, 11 (And) Elkanah. The sons
36 And Yochanan begat ’Azar- of Elkanah Zophai his son, and :

yah, he it is that officiated as Nachath his son,

priest in the house that Solomon 12 Eliab his son, Y erocham
had built in Jerusalem; his son, Elkanah his son.
37 And ’Azaryah begat Amar- 13 And the sons of Samuel:
yah, and Amaryah begat Achi- the first-born Vashni, and Abi-
tub, yah.
38 And Achitub begat Zadok, 14 The sons of Merari Mach- :

and Zadok begat Shallum, li, Libni his son, Shim’i his son,

39 And Shallum begat Chilki- ’Uzzah his s'on,

yah, and Chilkiyah begat ’Azar- 15 Shim’a his son, Chaggiyah
yah, his son, ’Assayah his son.
40 And ’Azaryah begat Sera- 16 And these are thosfl
yah, and Serayah begat Yeho- whom David appointed for the
zadak, purpose of conducting the sing-
41 And Yehozadak went away, ing in the house of the Lord,
when the Lord carried Judah after the ark had a resting-
and Jerusalem into exile through place.
the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. 17 And they ministered be-
fore the tabernacle of the tent
CHAPTER VI. of the congregation with singing,
1 The sons of Levi: Ger- until Solomon built the house of
zhom, Kehath, and Merari. the Lord in Jerusalem ; and
2 A nd these are the names of they acted according to their
prescribed manner in their ser- manner of service of the taber-
vice. nacle of the house of God.
18 And these are those that 34 But Aaron and his sons
so acted with their sons. Of the offered upon the altar of the
sons of the Kehathites Heinan
: burnt-offering, and upon the al-
the singer, the son of Joel, the tar of incense, (and were) for all
80 i) of Samuel, the work of the most holy place,
19 The son of Elkanah, the and to make an atonement for
son of Yeroeham, the son of Israel, in accordance with all
Eliel, the son of Thoach, that Moses the servant of God
20 The son of Zuph, the son had commanded.
of Elkanah, the son of Machath, 35 And these are the sons of
the son of ’Amassai, Aaron El’azar his son, Phine-

21 The son of Elkanah, the has his son, Abishua’ his son,
son of Joel, the son of ’Azaryah, 36 Bukki his son, ’Uzzi his
the son of Zephanyah, son, Zerachyah his son,
22 The son of Thachath. the 37 Merayoth his son, Amar-
son of Assir, the sou of Ebyas- yah his son, Achitub his son,
saph, the son of Korach, 38 Zadok his son, Achima’az
23 The son of Yizhar, the son his son.
of Kehath, the son of Levi, the 39 And these are their
son of Israel. dwelling-places with their castles
24 And his relative Assaph in their boundaries: unto the
was he, who stood on his right sons of Aaron, of the families
hand, (even) Assaph the son of of the Kehathites; for theirs
Berachyah, the son of Shim’a, was the (first) lot,
25 The son of Michael, the 40 And they gave unto them
son of Ba’asseyah, the son of Hebron in the land of Judah,
Malkiyah, with its open spaces round about
26 The son of Ethni, the son it.
of Zerach, the son of ’Adayah, 41 But the fields of the city,
27 The son of Ethan, the son and its villages, they gave to
of Zimmah, the son of Shim’i, Caleb the son of Yephunneh.
28 The son of Yachath, the 42 And to the sons of
son of Gershom, the son of Aaron they gave (of) the cities
Levi. of refuge Hebron, and Libnah
29 And their brethren the with its open spaces, and Yat-
sons of Merari (stood) on the thir, and Eshthemoa, with its
left hand : Ethan the son of Ki open spaces,
shi, the son of ’Abdi, the son of 43 And Chilen with its open
Malluch, spaces, Debir with its open spa-
30 The son of Chashabyah ces,
the son of Amazyah, the son of 44 And ’Ashan with its open
Chilkiyah, spaces, and Beth-shemesh with
31 The son of Amzi, the son its open spaces.
of Bani, the son of Shamer, 45 And from the tribe of
32 The son of Machli, the son Benjamin, Geba’ with its open
of Mushi, the son of Merari, the spaces, and ’Anathoth with its
son of Levi. open spaces. And all their cities
33 And their brethren the were thirteen cities after their
Levites were superadded for all families.
46 % Andunto the sons of shorn (were given) from the fa-
Kehath that were left of the mily of the half tribe of Menas-
family of that tribo, (were given) seh, Golan in Bashan with its
from the half tribe, the half open spaces, and ’Ashtaroth with
tribe of Menasseh, by lot, ten its open spaces.
cities. 57 % And from the tribe of Is-
47 And to the sons of Ger- sachar Kedesh with
: its open
shom after their families, from spaces, Dobrath with its open
the tribe of Issachar, and from spaces.
the tribe of Asher, and from the 58 And Ramoth with its open
tribe of Naphtali, and from the spaces, and ’Anem with its open
tribe of Menasseh in Bashan, spaces.
(were given) thirteen cities. 59 And from the tribe of
48 Unto the sons of Merari Asher: Mashal with its open
after their families, from the spaces, and ’Abdon with its open
tribe of Reuben, and from the spaces.
tribe of Gad, and from the tribe 60 And Chukok with its open
of Zebulun, (were given) by lot, spaces, and Rechob with its open
twelve cities. spaces.
49 And the children of Israel 61 And from the tribe of
gave to the Levites these cities Naphtali Kedesh in Galilee

with their open spaces. with its open spaces, and Cham-
50 And they gave by lot from mon with its open spaces, and
the tribe of the children of Ju- Kiryathayim with its open
dah, and from the tribe of the spaces.
children of Simeon, and from 62 Unto the remaining por-
the tribe of the children of Ben- tion of the children of Merari
jamin these cities, which they (were given) from the tribe of
called by names. Zebulun, Rimmono with its open
51 And some of the fami- spaces, Thabor with its open
lies of the sons of Kehath had spaces.
the cities of their territory from 63 And on the other side the
the tribe of Ephraim. Jordan by Jericho, on the east
52 And they gave unto them, side of Jordan, from the tribe
(of) the cities of refuge Sechem of Reuben, Bezer in the wil-
with its open spaces in the moun- derness with its open spaces,
tain of Ephraim, and Gezer with and Yahzah with its open
its open spaces, spaces,
53 And Yokme’am with its 64 And Kedemoth with its
open spaces, and Beth-choron open spaces, and Mepha’ath with
with its open spaces, itsopen spaces.
54 And Ayalon with its open 65 And from the tribe of
spaces, and Gath-rimmon with Gad': Ramoth in Gilad with its
its open spaces. open spaces, and Machanayim
55 And from the half tribe of with its open spaces,
Menasseh ' with its open
: 66 And Cheshbon with its open
spaces, and Bil'am with its open spaces, and Ya’ezer with its open
spaces, for the family of the re- spaces.
maining portion of the sons of
56 Unto the sons of Ger- 1 And the sons of Issachar
were, Thola’, and Puah, and Ya- han Ye’ush, and Benjamin, and

shub, and Shimron, four. Ehud, and Kena’anah, and Ze-

2 And the sons of Thola’: than, and Tharshish, and Achi
’Uzzi, and Rephayah, and Ye- shachar.
ribl, and Yachmai, and Yibsam, 11 All these the sons of Yedi-
and Shemuel, heads of their fa- ’ael, by the heads of their divi-
mily divisions, of Thola’, being sions, being mighty men of va-
valiant men of might, after their lour, were seventeen thousand
descent. Their number in the and two hundred, fit to go out to
days of David was two and the army for war.
twenty thousand and six hun- 12 And Shuppim, and Chup-
dred. pim, the children of ’Ir, and Chu-
3 And the sons of ’Uzzi: shim, the sons of Acher.
Yisrachyah. And the sons of 13 The sons of Naphtali:
Yisrachyah Michael, and ’Oba- Yacbziel, and Guni, and Yezer,

diah, and Joel, Yishiyah, five, and Shallum, the sons of Bil-
chief men all of them. hah.
4 And with them according to 14 % The sons of Menasseh :
their descent, after their family Assriel, whom (his wife) bore;
divisions, were bands of the his concubine the Aramitess bore
army for war, six and thirty Machir the father of Gil’ad.
thousand men for they had
15 And Machir took for wife
many wives and sons. (the sister) of Chuppim and Shup.
5 And their brethren of all the pim, whose sister’s name was
families of Issachar were valiant Ma’achah. And the name of
men of might, eighty and seven the second was Zelophchad and :

thousand reckoned by their ge- Zelophchad had daughters.

nealogies in all. 16 And Ma’achah the wife of
6 *{ Of Benjamin :Bela’, and Machir bore a son, and she called
Becher, and Yedi’ael, three. his name Peresh ; and the name
7 And the sons of Bela’ : Ez- of his brother was Sheresh and ;

bon, and ’Uzzi, and ’Uzziel, and his sons were Ulam and Re-
Yerimoth, and ’Iri, five, heads kem.
of family divisions, being mighty 17 Andthe sons of Ulam Be- :

men of valour; and they were dan. These were the sons of
reckoned by their genealogies Gil’ad, the son of Machir, the
twenty and two thousand and son of Menasseh.
thirty and four. 18 And his sister Hammole-
8 And the sons of Becher: cheth bore Ishhod, and Abi’ezer,
Zemirah, and Yo’ash, and Eli- and Machlah.
’ezer, and Elyo’enai, and ’Omri, 19 And the sons of Shemida’
and Yeremoth, and Abiyah, and were, Achyan, and Shechem, and
’Anathoth, and ’Alemeth. All Likchi, and Ani’am.
these are the sons of Becher. 20 And the sons of Ephraim :

9 And reckoned by their ge- Shuthelach, and Bered his son,

nealogy after their descent, heads and Thachath his son, and El-
of their family divisions, mighty ’adah his son, and Thachath his
meu of valour, there were twenty son,
thousand and two hundred. 21 And Zabad his son, and
1 0 And the sons of Yedi’ael Shuthelach his son, and ’Eser,
Bilhan. And the sons of Bil- and El’ad* utiorn the men of
Gath that were horn and Rohgah, and Chub
in that land Achi,
slew, when they came down to bah, and Aram.
take away their cattle. 35 And the sons of his brother
22 And Ephraim their father Helem Zophach, and Yirnna’,

mourned many days, and his and Shelesh, and ’Amal.

brethren came to comfort him. 36 The sons of Zophach: Su-
23 And he went in to his wife, ach, and Charnepher, and Shu-
and she conceived, and bore a ’al, and Beri, and Yimrah,
son, and he called his name Be- 37 Bezer, and Hod, and Sham-
ri’ah, because misfortune [ra’ah] ma, and Shilshah, and Yithran,
had come into his house. and Beera.
24 And his daughter was She- 38 And the sons of Yether:
erah, who
built Beth-choron the Yephunneh, and Pisspah, and
lower, and the upper, and Uzzen- Ara.
sheerab. 39 And the sons of ’Ulla:
25 And Rephach was his son, Arach, and Chaniel, and Rizya.
also Resheph, and Thelach his 40 All these were the children
son, and Thachan his son, of Asher, heads of their family
26 La’dan his son, Ammihud divisions, selected mighty men
his son, Biishama’ his son, of valour, chiefs of the princes.
27 Non his son, Jehoshua’ his And being recorded according
son. to theirgenealogy for the army
28 And their possessions and for the war, their number was
dwelling-places were, Beth-el of men twenty and six thou-
and its villages, and at the east sand.
Na’aran, and at the west Gezer,
with its villages, and Shechem CHAPTER VIII.
with its villages, as far as Gaz- 1 And Benjamin begat Bela’
zah and its villages. his first-born, Ashbel the second,
29 And by the borders of the and Achrach the third,
children of Menasseh Beth-she- : 2 Nochah the fourth, and Ra-
an and its villages, Tha’nach pha the fifth.
and its Megiddo and its
villages, 3 And Bela’ had sons, Addar,
villages, Dor and its villages. In and Gera, and Abihud,
these dwelt the children of Jo- 4 And Abishua’, and Na’aman,
seph the son of Israel. and Achoach,
30 The sons of Asher: Yim- 5 And Gera, and Shephuphan,
nah, and Yishvah, and Yishvi, and Churam.
and Beri’ah, and Sorach their 6 And these are the sons of
sister. Echud these are the heads of

31 And the sons of Beri’ah: the family divisions of the inha-

Cheber, and Malkiel, who is the bitants of Geba’, who were ex-
father of Birzayith. iled to Manaehath;
32 And Cheber begat Yaphlet, 7 Both Na’aman and Achiyah
and Shomer, and Chotham, and and Gera, he exiled them, and —
Shu’a their sister. begat Achichud.
33 And the sons of Yaphlet 8 And Shacharayim begat
Passach, and Bimhal, and ’Ash- children in the fields of Moah,
vath. These are the children after he had sent them away
of Yaphlet. Chushim and Ba’ara his wives.
34 And the sonc of Shemer: 9 And he begat of Chodesh

his wife,Yobab, and Zibya, and the family divisions, bj their ge-
Mesha, and Malkam, nerations, chief men. These
10 And Ye’uz, and Shabyah, dwelt in Jerusalem.
and Mirmah. These w ere hisr
29 And at Gib’on dwelt the
• sons, heads of family divisions. father of Gib’on, whose wife’s
11 And of Chushim he begat name was Ma’achah ;

Abftub, and Elpa’al. 30 And his first-born son, ’Ab-

12 And the sons of Elpa’al: don, then Zur, and Kish, and
’Eber, and Mish’am, and Shemer, Ba.’al, and Nadab,
who built Ono, and Lod, with its 31 And Gedor, and Achyo,
villages and Zecher.
13 And Beri’ah, and Shema’, 32 And Mikloth begat Shimah.
who were the heads of the family And these also dwelt alongside
divisions of the inhabitants of of their brethren in Jerusalem,
Ayalon ;
these were those who with their brethren.
drove away the inhabitants of 33 And Ner begat Kish, and
Gath Kish begat Saiil, and Saul begat
14 And Achyo,
Shashak, and Yehonathan and Malkishua’, and
Yeremoth, Abinadab, and Eshba’al.
15 And Zebadyah, and ’Arad, 34 And the son of Yehona-
and ’Eder, than was Merib-ba’al and Me-

16 And Michael, and Yish- rib-ba’al begat Michah.

pah, and Yocha, the sons of Be- 35 And the sons of Michah
ri’ah ;
were, Pithon, and Melech, and
17 And Zebadyah, and Me- Tharea’, and Achas.
shullam, and Chiski, and Che- 36 And Achas begat Yeho’.id-
ber, dah and Yeho’addah begat’AJe-

18 And Yishmerai, and Yis- meth, and ’Asmaveth, and Zimri

liah, and Yobab, the sons of and Zimri begat Moza ;

Elpa’al ;
37 And Moza begat Bin’ah;
19 And Yakim, and Zichri, and Rapha was his son, El’assah his
Zabdi, son, Azel his son.
20 And Eli’enai, and Zillethai, 38 And Azel had six sons, and
and Eliel, these are their names, ’Asrikim,
21 And ’Adavah, and Bera- Bocheru, and Ishma’el, and She-
yah, and Shimrath, the sons of ’aryah, and ’Obadiah, and Cha-
Shim’i ;
nan. All these were the sons of
22 And Yishpan, and ’Eber, Azel.
and Eliel, 39 And the sons of ’Eshek his
23 And ’Abdon, and Zichri, brother were, Ulam his first-born,
and Chanan, Ye’ush the second, and Eliphelet
24 And Chananyah, and ’Elam, the third.
*nd ’Anthothiyah, 40 And the sons of Ulam were
25 And Yiphdeyah, and Pe- mighty men of valour, who drew
nuel, the sons of Shashak the bow, and had many sons,
26 And Shamsherai, and She- and sons’ sons, one hundred and
charyah, and ’Athalyah, fifty. All these are of the sons
27 And Ya’areshyah, and Eli- of Benjamin.
yah, and Zichri, the sons of Ye-
rocham. CHAPTER IX.
28 These were the heads of 1 So all Israel were recorded
97 2 r 1153
by their genealogies; and, be- Yerocham, the son- of Pashchur,

hold, they are written in the: the son of Malkiyah, and Ma’sai
book of the kings of Israel; but the son of’Adiel, the son of Yach-
(the men of) Judah were carried jzerah, the son of Mesliullam, the
away into exile to Babylon for son of Meshillemith, the son of
their unfaithfulness. I miner
2 And the first inhabitants 13 And their brethren, chiefs
that (dwelt again) in their pos- of their family divisions, were
sessions in their cities, were the one thousand and seven hundred
Israelites, the priests, the Le- and sixty, very able men for the
vites, and the temple-servants. work of the service of the house
3 And in Jerusalem dwelt of God.
some of the children of Judah, 14 And of the Levites : She-
and of the children of Benjamin, ma’yah the son of Chasshub, the
and of the children of Ephraim, son of ’Asrikam, the son of Cha-
and Menasseh. shabyah, of the sons of Merari;
4 ’Uthai the son of ’Ammihud, 15 And Bakbakkar, Cheresh,
the son of ’Omri, the son of Imri, and Galal, and Matthanyah the
the son of Bani, of the children son of Micha, the son of Zichri,
of Perez the son of Judah. the son of Assaph
5 And of the Shilonites: ’As- 16 And ’Obadiah the son of
sayah the first-born, and his Shema’yah, the son of Galal, the
sons. son of Jeduthun and Berech-;

6 And of the sons of Zerach: yah the son of Assa, the son of
Ye’uel, and their brethren, six Elkanah, that dwelt in the vil-
hundred and ninety. lages of the Netophathites.
7 And of the sons of Benja- 17 And the gatekeepers were,
min :Sallu the son of Meshul- Shallum, and ’Akkub, and Tal-
lam, the son of Hodavyah, the mon, and Achiinan, and their
son of Hassenuah, brethren, Shallum being the
8 And Yibneyah the son of chief;
Yerocham, and Elah the son of 18 And up to this time are they
’Uzzi, the son of Michri, and in the king’s gate to the east-
Meshullam the son of Shephat- ward : they are the. gatekeepers
yah, the son of Re’uel, the son for the camps of the children of
Yibniyah Levi.
9 And their brethren, accord- 19 And Shallum
the son of
ing to their generations, nine Kore, the son of Ebyassaph, the
hundred and fifty and six. All son of Korach, and his brethren,
these men were chiefs of the di- of the house of his father, the
visions of their family divisions. Korchites, being over the work
10 And of the priests Ye- of the service, were the watch-

da’yah, and Yehoyarib, and Ya- men at the threshold of the ta-
chin, bernacle and their fathers, be-

11 And ’Azaryah the son of ing over the camp of the Lord,
Chilkiyah, the son of Meshul- were the watchmen at the en-
lam, the son of Zadok, the son trance (thereof).
of Merayoth, the son of Achi- 20 And Phinehas the son of
tub, the ruler of the house of El’azar was the ruler over them
God. in times past; (and) the Lore
12 If And ’Adayah the son of was with him.
21 (And) Zechariah the son 31 And Matthithyah, one of
of Meshelemyah was gatekeeper the Levites, who was the first-
at the entrance of the tabernacle born of Shallum the Korchite,
of the congregation. had the trust over the meat-
22 All of these selected to be offerings that w ere baked in the

gatekeepers at the thresholds pans.

were two hundred and twelve. 32 And others of their bre-
These were recorded according thren, of the sons of the Kehath-
to their genealogy in their vil- ites, were over the orders of the
lages (and they were) those
shew-bread, to prepare it every
(whom) David and Samuel the sabbath.
seer did ordain in their trust. 33 But these the singers,
23 Both they and their chil- the chiefs of the divisions of the
dren had the oversight over the Levites, remained in the cham-
gates of the house of the Lord, bers free of service ; for day and
(namely,) the house of the taber- night were they obliged to en-
nacle, as watches. gage in that work.
24 On four quarters were the 34 These are the chiefs of the
gatekeepers, toward the east, the divisions of the Levites, being
west, the north, and the south. the chiefs for their generations :

25 And their brethren, who these dwelt at Jerusalem.

were in their villages, had to 35 And in Gib’on dwelt the
come after every seven days from father of Gib’on, Ye’iel ; and
time to time in common with the name of his wife was Ma-
these. ’achah ;
26 For in (their) trust were 36 And his first-born son was
these four chief gatekeepers ’Abdon, then Zur, and Kish, and
these Levites, and they were Ba’al, and Ner, and Nadab,
(appointed) over the chambers 37 And Gedor, and Achyo,
and treasuries of the house of and Zechariah, and Mikloth.
God. 38 And Mikloth begat Sbim-
27 And they lodged round am. And they also dw elt r

about the house of God because

alongside of their brethren at
upon them rested the duty of Jerusalem, with their bre-
watching, and they had the su- thren.
pervision of the opening there- 39 And Ner begat Kish ;

of each and every morning. and Kish begat Saul and Saul

28 And some of them had the begat Yehonathan, and Malki-

charge of the vessels for the ser- shua’, and Abinadab, and Esh-
for by number did they ba’al.
bring them in, and by number 40 And the son of Yehonathan
did they carry them out. was Merib-ba’al :and Merib-
29 Some of them also were ba’al begat Michah.
appcinted over the vessels, and 41 And the sons of Michah
over all the vessels of the sanc- were, Pithon, and Melech, and
tuary, and over the fine flour, Thachrea’.
and the wine, and the oil, and 42 And Achas begat Ya’rah ;

the frankincense, and the spices. and Ya’rah begat ’Alemeth,

30 And some of the sons of ’Asmaveth, and Zimri and ;

the priests prepared the mixture Zimri begat Moza ;

of the spices. 43 And Moza begat Bin’a;


and Rephayah his son, El’assah they found Saiil and his son*
his son, Azel his son. fallen on mount Gilboa*.
44 And Azel had six sons, and 9 And they stripped him, and
these are their names, ’Asrikam, they carried away his bead, and
Bocheru, and Ishtna’el, and his armour, and sent them inta
She'aryah, and ’Obadiah, and the land of the Philistines round
Chanan these were the sons of about, to publish it to their idols,

Azel. and to the people.

10 And they put his armour
CHAPTER X. in the house of their gods, and
1 Now the Philistines fought his skull they fastened in the
Against Israel and the men of temple of Dagon.

Israel fled from before the Phi- 11 And when all Yabesh-
listines, and there fell down gil’ad heard all that the Phi-
(many) slain on mount Gil- listines had done to Saiil
boa\ 12 Then arose all the valiant
2 And the Philistines pursu- men, and carried away the body
ing them overtook Saul and his of Saiil, and the bodies of his
sons and the Philistines smote sons, and brought them to Ya-

Jonathan, and ’Abinadab, and besh ; and they buried their

Malki-shua’, the sons of Saul. bones under the terebinth in
3 And the battle was heavy Yabesh, and they fasted seven
against Saul, and he was found days.
by the archers, and he was 13 And (so) died Saiil for his
greatly in dread of the archers. unfaithfulness which he had
4 And Saiil said to his ar- committed against the Loro, be-
mour-bearer, Draw thy sword, cause of the word of the Lord
and thrust me through there- which he had not kept, and also
with ; lest these uncircumcised for asking one of a familiar spi-
come and wantonly ill-use me. rit to inquire of the same ;
But his armour-bearer would 14 And had not inquired of
not; for he was greatly afraid: the Lord therefore he slew

wherefore Saul took the sword him, and turned over the king-
and fell upon it. dom unto David the son of
5 And when his armour-bear- Jesse.
er saw that Saiil was dead, then
fell he likewise on the sword,
and died. 1 Then did all Israel ga-
6 Thus died Saiil and his three ther themselves unto David unto
sons and all his household died Hebron, saying, Behold, thy

together. bone and thy flesh are we.

7 And when all the men of 2 Already yesterday and even
Israel that were in the valley Tore, even when Saiil was king,
saw that they had fled, and that thou wast he that led out and
Saiil and his sons were dead brought in Israel and the Lord
: :

they forsook their cities, and thy God said unto thee, Thou
fled, and the Philistines came shalt indeed feed my people Is-
and dwelt in them. rael, and thou shalt be truly a
8 And it came to pass on chief over my people Israel.
the morrow, that the Philistines 3 Thus came all the elders of
came to strip the slain; and Israel to the king to Hebron,
and David made a covenant with who was one of the three mighty
them in Hebron before the Loud; men.
and they anointed David as king 13 He was with David at Pass-
over Israel, according to the dammim, and the Philistines
word of the Lord through means were gathered together there tc
of Samuel. battle, and there was a piece of
4 And David and all Israel ground full of barley and the

went to Jerusalem, which is people had fled from before the

Jebu 3 and there were the Je- Philistines.

busites, the inhabitants of the 14 And they placed them-

land. selves in the midst of that piece
5 And the inhabitants of Je- (of ground), and they delivered
bus said to David, Thou shalt it, and smote the Philistines,*
not come in hither. Neverthe- and the Lord helped (them)
less David captured the strong- with a great victory.
hold of Zion, the same is the 15 And these three, the chiefs
City of David. of the thirty, went down to the
6 And David said, Whosoever rock to David, to t^e cave of
doth smite the Jebusites at first ’Adullam; and the camp of the
shall be head and chief. Then Philistines was pitched in the
did Joab the son of Zeruyah go valley of Repha'im.
up at first, and became head- 16 And David was then in the
man. strong-holi, and an outpost of
7 And David dwelt in the the Philistines was then at Beth-
castle therefore they called it, lechem.

“ The City of David.” 17 And David longed, and

8 And he built the city round said, “ Oh that some one would
about, even from the Millo as bring me water to drink out of
far as the surrounding district, the well of Beth-lechem, which
and Joab repaired the rest of the is by the gate !”
city. 18 And the three broke through
9 And David went on, and the camp of the Philistines, and
became greater and greater, and drew water out of the well of
the Lord of hosts was with Beth-lechem, which was by the
him. gate, and carried it, and brought
10 These also ar6 the prin- it to David but David would

cipals of the mighty men whom not drink thereof, and poured it
David had, who held firmly with out unto the Lord.
him in his kingdom, with all 19 And he said, “ Far be it
Israel, to make him king, ac- from me, before my God, that I
cording to the word of the Lord should do this : shall I drink
concerning Israel. the blood of these men that went
11 And this is the number of at the risk of their lives ?” for at
the mighty men whom David the risk of their lives did they
had : Yashob’am, the son of bring it; and thus he would not
Chachmoni, the chief of the drink it. These things did the
captains, who lifted up his spear three mighty men.
against three hundred slain at 20 And Abshai the brother
one time. of Joab was the chief of these
12 And after him was El’azar three; and he lifted up his spear
the son of Dodo, the Achochite, against three hundred slain,
97 * 1157
^nd had a name among 32 Churai of the Nachale-
Ihree. Ga’ash, Abiel the ’Arbathite,
21 Of the three, he was more 33 ’Asmaveth the Bacharum.
honoured than the two, where- ite, Elyachba the Sha’albonite,
fore he became their captaki he 34 Bnai-hashem the Gisonite,

nevertheless attained not unto Jonathan the son of Shage the

the three (in prowess). llararite,
22 Banayah the son of Yeho- 35 Achiam the son of Sachar
yada’, the son of a valiant man, the llararite, Eliphal the son of
great in many acts, of Kabzeel Ur,
he it was that smote the two 36 Chepher the Mecherathite,
lionlike heroes of Moab he also
Achiyah the Pelonite,
went down and smote a lion in 37 Chezro the Carmelite, Na-
the midst of a pit on a day when ’arai the son of Esbai,
it snowed. 38 Joel the brother of Na-
23 And he smote an Egyptian, than, Mibchar the son of Hagri,
a man of great stature, five cubits 39 Zelek the’Ammonite, Naeh-
high ; and in the Egyptian’s rai the Berothite, the armour-
hand was a spear like a weaver’s bearer of Joab the son of Zeru-
beam and he went down to him yah,

with a staff, and he snatched the 40 ’Ira the Yithrite, Gareb the
spear out of the Egyptian’s Yithrite,
hand, and slew him with his 41 Uriyah the Hittite, Zabad
own spear. the son of Achlai,
24 These things did Benayah 42 ’Adina the son of Shisa the
the son of Yehoyada’; and he Reiibenite, a chief of the Reii-
had a name among the mighty benites, and with him were thirty
men. (men),
25 Behold, he was indeed more 43 Chanan the son of Ma-
honoured than the thirty ;
but ’achah, and Joshaphat the Mith-
he attained not to the first three. nite,
And David appointed him over 44 ’Uzziya the ’Ashtherathite,
his private council. Shaina’ and Ye’iel the sons of
26 And the mighty men of the Chothan the ’Aro’erite,
armies were, ’Assahel the brother 45 Yedi’ael the son of Shimri,
of Joab, Elchanan the son of and Yocha his brother, the
Dodo of Beth-lechem, Thizite,
27 Sham moth the Harorite, 46 Eliel the Machavite, and
Chelez the Pelonite, Yeribai, and Yoshavyah, the
2S ’Ira the son of ’Ikkesh the sons of Elna’am, and Yithmah
Theko’ite, Abi’ezer the ’Antho- the Moabite,
thite, 47 Eliel, and ’Obed, and Ya-
29 Sibbechai the Chushathite, ’assiel the Mezobayite.
*Ilai the Achochite,
30 Maharai the Netophathite, CHAPTER XII.
Cheled the son of Ba’anah the 1 And these are those that
Netophathite, came to David to Ziklag, while
31 Ithai the son of Ribai of he yet kept himself close be-
Gib’ah, of the children of Ben- cause of Saul the son of Kish:
jamin, Benayah the Pir’athon- and they were among the mighty
ite. men, confederates for the war,
2 Who
were armed with bows, 15 These are those that passed

and could use both the right and over the Jordan in the first
the left hand in (hurling) stones month, when it had overflowed

and shooting arrows with the all its banks and they put to

bow, even of the brethren of flight all the men of the valleys,
Saul out of Benjamin. both toward the east, and toward
3 The chiefs were Achi’eser, the west.
then Yoash, the sons of Hashe- 16 And there came some of
ma'ah the Gib’athite; and Ye- the children of Benjamin arid of
siel, and Pelet, the sons of ’As- Judah as far as the strong-hold
maveth ;
and Berachah, and unto David.
Jehu the ’Anthothite, 17 And David went out to
4 And Yishma’yah the Gib- meet them, and commenced and
’onite, a mighty man among the said unto them, If ye be come
thirty, and over the thirty ;
and for peace unto me, to help me,
Jeremiah, and Yachaziel, and myheart shall be inclined to-
Yochanan, and Yosabad the ward youto unite with you ; but
Gederathite, if it be to betray me to my ad-
5 El’usai, and Yerimoth, and versaries while there is no vio-
Be’alyah, and Shemaryahu, and lence in my hands, then may
Shephatyahu the Chariphite, the God of our fathers look on
6 Elkanah, and Yishiyahu, and decide it.
and ’Asarel, and Yo’eser, and 18 Then a spirit invested
Yashob’am, the Korchites, ’Am'assai, the chief of the cap-
7 And Yo’elah, and Zebadyah, tains, (who said,) Thine are we,
the sons of Yerocham of Gedor. David, and with thee, 0 son of
8 And of the Gadites there Jesse peace, peace be unto

separated themselves unto David thee, and peace be to every one

into the strong-hold in the wil- that helpeth thee for thy God

derness mighty men of valour, helpeth thee. Then David re-

and men of the army for the war, ceived them, and placed them at
that could handle shield and the head of the troop.
lance, whose faces were like the 19 And some of Menasseh
faces of lions, and were as the went over to David, when he
roebucks upon the mountains in came with the Philistines against
swiftness. Saul to battle; but he helped
9 ’Eser was the chief, 'Oba- them not; for upon consultation
diah the second, Eliab the third, did the lords of the Philistines
10 Mishmannah the fourth, send him away, saying, With
Jeremiah the fifth, our heads will he go over to his
11 ’Atthai the sixth, Eliel the master Saul.
seventh, 20 As he was going over to
12 Yochanan the eighth, Elza- Ziklag, there went over to him
bad the ninth, of Meuasseh, Adnach, and Yo-
13 Yirmiyahu the tenth, Mach- sabad, and Yedi’ael, and Mi-
banai the eleventh. chael, and Yosabad, and Elihu,
14 These were the sons of and Zillethai, captains of the
Gad, the chiefs of the army one
: thousands that belonged to Me-
of the least could fight with a nasseh.
hundred, and the greatest with a 21 And they were those that
thousand. helped David against the baud
(of ’Amalekites) ;
for they were 32 And of the children of
all mighty men of valour, and Issachar, those who had under-
they became officers in the standing of the times, to know
army. —
what Israel ought to do, their
22 For all the time, day by heads were two hundred and ;

day, people used to come to all their brethren were ready at

David to help him, until the their order.
camp became great, like the 33 Of Zebulun, such as went
camp of God. forth to the host, arrayed for
23 f And these are the num- battle, with all manner of wea-
bers of the heads of those ready pons of war, fifty thousand; and
armed for the host that came to these were ready to place them
David to Hebron, to turn over selves in battle array with an
the kingdom of Saul to him ac- undivided heart.
cording to the order of the 34 And of Naphtali one
Lord. thousand captains, and with
24 The children of Judah them were with shield and spear
that bore shield and spear were thirty and seven thousand.
six thousand and eight hundred, 35 And of the Danites ar-
ready armed for the host. rayed for battle twenty and eight
25 *j Of the children of Si- thousand and six hundred.
meon, mighty men of valour for 36 And of Asher, such as
the host, seven thousand and went forth to the host to put
one hundred. themselves in battle array, forty
26 Of the children of Levi thousand.
four thousand and six hun- 37 ^ And from the other side
dred. of the Jordan, of the Reiibenites,
27 And Yehoyada’ was the and the Gadites, and the half
leader of the family of Aaron, tribe of Menasseh, with all man-
and with him were three thou- ner of weapons of the host for
sand and seven hundred. war, one hundred and twenty
28 Also Zadok, a young thousand.
man, mighty of valour, and his 38 All these men of war, that
family division twenty and two placed themselves in battle ar-
chiefs. ray, came with an entire heart
29 And of the children of to Hebron, to make David king
Benjamin, the brethren of Saiil, over all Israel and also all the

three thousand; for till that rest of Israel were of one hear*
time the greatest part of them to make David king.
had kept the charge of the house 39 And they were there with
of Saiil. David three days eating and
30 •[ And of the children of drinking for their brethren had

Ephraim twenty thousand and prepared for them.

eight hundred, mighty men of 40 And also those that were
valour, men of fame in their fa- nigh unto them, as far as Issa-
mily divisions. char and Zebulun and Naphtali,
31 % And of the half tribe of brought in bread on asses, and
Menasseh eighteen thousand, on camels, and on mules, and on
who had been expressed by oxen, food made of meal, cakes
name, to come to make David of figs, and bunches of niisins,
king. and wine, and oil, and oxen, and


*?heep in abundance ;
for there ’Uzza put forth his hand to tak€
was joy in Israel. hold of the ark; for the oxen
shook it.
CHAPTER XIII. 10 And the anger of the Lord
1 ^ And David consulted with was kindled against ’Uzza, and
the officers of the thousands and he smote him; because he had
hundreds, and with every leader. put forth his hand toward the
2 And David said unto all the ark and he died there oefore

congregation of Israel, “ If it God.

seem good unto you, and if it be 11 And it was grievous to Da-
of the Lord our God, let us send vid, because the Lord had sud-
widely about unto our brethren denly taken away ’IJzza and he

who are left in all the lands of called that place Perez-’uzza
Israel, and with them unto the [Breach of ’Uzza] until this
priests and Levites who are in day.
their cities and open districts, 12 And David was afraid of
that they may gather themselves God that day, saying, “ How
together unto us. shall I bring home to me the ark
3 And let us bring round the of God?”
ark of our God to us ; for we 13 So David removed not the
have inquired not at it in the ark unto himself into the city
days of Saul.” of David, but had it carried
4 And all the congregation round into the house of ’Obed-
said that this should be done edom the Gittite.

for the thing was right in the 14 And the ark of God re-
eyes of all the people. mained in the house of ’Obed-
5 So David assembled all Is- edom, in his house, three months.
rael together, from Shichor of And the Lord blessed the house
Egypt even unto the entrance of ’Obed-edom and all that be-
of Chamath, to bring the ark of longed to him.
God from Kiryath-ye’arim.
6 And David went up, with CHAPTER XIV.
all Israel, to Ba’alah, (that is) to 1 And Churam the king of
Kiryath-ye’arim, which belong- Tyre sent messengers to David,
ed to Judah, to bring up thence and trees of cedars, and masons
the ark of God the Lord, that and carpenters, to build him a
dwelleth between the cherubim, house.
whose name is called (on it). 2 And David felt conscious
7 And they conveyed the ark that the Lord had established
of God in a new wagon out of him as king over Israel; for his
the house of Abinadab and kingdom was exalted on high,

’Uzza and Achyo guided the because of his people Israel.

wagon. 3 And David took yet more
8 And David and all Israel wives at Jerusalem ; and David
played bef ore God with all their begat more sons and daughters.
might, and with singing, and on 4 And these are the names of
harps, and on psalteries, and on the children that he had in Je-
tambourines, and with cymbals, rusalem Shammua’, and Sho-

and with trumpets. 'bab, Nathan, and Solomon,

9 And when they came as far 5 And Yibchar, and Elishua*
as the threshing-floor of Kidon, and Elpelet,
6 And Nogali, and Nepheg, smote the camp of the Philis
and Yaphia’, tinesfrom Gib’on as far as Ge-
7 And Elishama’, and Be’el- zer.
yada’, and Eliphelet. 17 And the fame of David
8 But when the Philistines went outinto all the lands; and
heard that David had been the Lord laid the dread of him
Anointed as king over all Israel, upon all the nations.
all the Philistines came up to
seek David: and David heard CHAPTER XV.
of it, and went out against 1 And (David) made himself
them. houses in the city of David, and
9 And the Philistines came he prepared a place for the ark
and spread themselves out into of God, and pitched for it a
the valley of Repha'im. tent.
10 And David asked counsel 2 Then said David, “None
of God, saying, “ Shall I go up shall carry the ark of God but
against the Philistines? and wilt the Levites ; for of them hath
thou deliver them into my the Lord made choice to carry
hand?” And the Lord said the ark of God, and to minister
unto him, “ Go up ;
and I will unto him for ever.”
deliver them into thy hand.” 3 And David assembled all
11 And they came up to Ba- Israel to Jerusalem, to bring up
’al-perazim ; and David smote the ark of the Lord unto its
them there. Then David said, place, which he had prepared
“ God hath broken down my for it.
enemies through my hand as a 4 And David gathered toge-
breach (is made) by water:” ther the children of Aaron, and
therefore they called the name the Levites.
of that place Ba’al-perazirn. 5 Of the sons of Kehath :

12 And they left behind there Uriel the chief, and his brethren
their gods, and David gave the one hundred and twenty.
order, and they were burnt with 6 Of the sons of Merari
fire. ’Assayah the chief, and his bre-
13 And the Philistines thren two hundred and twenty.
(came) once again, and spread 7 Of the sons of Gershom:
themselves out in the valley. Joel the chief, and his brethren
14 And David asked again one hundred and thirty.
counsel of God and God said
8 Of the sons of Elizaphan :

unto him, “ Thou shalt not go Shema’yah the chief, and his
up after them turn about from
: brethren two hundred.
them, and come upon them op- 9 Of the sons of Hebron

posite to the mulberry-trees ;

Elicl the chief, and his brethren
15 And it shall be, when thou eighty.
hearest the sound of walking on Of the sons of ’Uzziel:
the tops of the mulberry-trees, ’Amminadab the chief, and his
that then thou shalt go out to brethren one hundred and twelve.
battle; for God will be gone 11 If And David called for
forth iDefore thee to smite the; Zadok and Ebyathar the priests,
camp of the Philistines.” and for the Levites, for Uriel,

16 And David did as Godj ’Assayah, and Joel, Shema’yah,


had commanded him ;

and they, and Eliel, and ’Amminadab,
12 And he said unto them, ’asseyahu, and Benayahu, with
“ Ye are the chiefs of the family psalteries on’Alamoth ;

divisions of the Levites sanc-

: 21 And Matthithyahu, and
tify yourselves, ye and your bre- Eliphelehu, and Mikneyahu, and
thren, and bring up the ark of ’Obed-edom, and Ye’iel, and
the Lord the God of Israel unto ’Asasyahu, with harps on the
(the place which) I have pre- Sheminith to play as leaders.
pared for it. 22 And Kenanyahu was the
13 For, because ye (did) it not chief of the Levites in conduct-
at the first, the Lord our God ing the singing: he instructed
made a breach among us ; be- in conducting the singing, be-
cause we had not sought him cause he was skilful.
after the prescribed manner. 23 And Berechyah and Elka-
14 So the priests and the Le- nah were gatekeepers for the ark.
vites sanctified themselves to 24 And Shebanyahu, and
bring up the ark of the Lord Joshaphat, and Nethanel, and
the God of Israel. ’Amassai, and, and
15 And the children of the Benayahu, and Eli’ezer, the
Levites bore the ark of God, as priests, did blow on the trum-
Moses had commanded accord- pets before the ark of God and :

ing to the word of the Lord, on ’Obed-edom and Yechiyah were

their shoulders, by means of bar- gatekeepers for the ark.
rows placed upon them. 25 And it was David, with
16 And David said to the the elders of Israel, and the
chiefs of the Levites to appoint officers over the thousands, who
their brethren the singers with went to bring up the ark of the
instruments of music, psalteries covenant of the Lord out of the
and harps and cymbals, to sing house of ’Obed-edom with joy.
aloud, by lifting up the voice 26 And it came to pass,
for joy. when God helped the Levites
17 So the Levites appointed who carried the ark of the cove-
Heman the son of Joel, and of nant of the Lord, that they
his brethren, Assaph the son of offered seven bullocks and seven
Berechyahu, and of the sons of rams.
Merari their brethren, Ethan 27 And David was clothed
the son of Kushayahu ;
with a robe of fine linen, and
18 And with them their bre- (so were) all the Levites that
thren of the second degree, Ze- carried the ark, and the singers,
charyahu, Ben, and Ya’asiel, and and Kenanyah the chief in con-
Shemiramoth, and Yechiel, and ducting the singing of the sing-
’Unni, Eliab, and Benayahu, and ers but David had also uj on

Ma’asseyahu, and Matthithyahu, him an ephod of linen.

and Eliphelehu, and Mikneyahu, 28 Thus all Israel brought up
and ’Obed-edom, and Ye’iel, the the ark of the covenant of the
gatekeepers. Lord with shouting, and with
19 Namely, the singers, He- the sound of the cornet, and
man, Assaph, and Ethan, to play with trumpets, and with cym~
aloud with cymbals of copper; bals, playing aloud on psalteries
20 And Zechariah, and ’Asiel, and harps.
and Shemiramoth, and Yechiel, 29 And it happened, as the
and ’Unni, and Eliab, and Ma- ark of the covenant of the Lord


came as far as the city of David, 9 Sing unto him, sing praises
that Michal the daughter of unto him: speak of all his won-
Saiil looked through the win- derful works.
dow, and saw king David danc- 10 Glorify yourselves in his
ing and playing; and she de- holy name: let the heart of
spised him in her heart. those rejoice that seek the Lord.
11 Inquire after the Lord and
CHAPTER XVI. his strength seek his presence :

1 And
they brought in the evermore.
ark of God, and set it in the 12 Remember his wonderful
midst of the tent that David had works which he hath done, his
pitched for it; and they offered tokens, and the decrees of his
burnt-offerings and peace-offer- mouth,
ings before God. 13 0 ye seed of Israel his ser-
2 And when David had made vant, ye children of Jacob, his
an end of offering the burnt- elect
offerings and the peace-offer- 14 He the Lord our God
ings, he blessed the people in over earth are his decrees.
all the
the name of the Lord. 15 Remember ye for ever his
3 And he dr^lt out to every covenant, the word which he
one of Israel, both man and wo- hath commanded to the thou-
man, to every one a loaf of sandth generation,
bread, and a piece of flesh, and 16 Which he covenanted with
a flagon of wine. Abraham, and his oath unto
4 And he placed before the Isaac
ark of the Lord several of the 17 And which he established
Levites as ministers, and to unto Jacob as a statute, unto Is-
chaunt hymns, and to give praise rael as an everlasting covenant;
and thanks unto the Lord the 18 Saying, “ Unto thee will I
G od of Israel give the land of Canaan, as the
5 Assaph the chief, and next portion of your inheritance ;”
to him Zechariah Ye’iel, and
; 19 When ye were but few men
Shemiramoth, and Yechiel, and in number; yea, very few, and
Matthithyah, and Eliab, and Be- strangers in it.
nayahu, and ’Obed-edom and ;
20 And when they wandered
Ye’iel with psalteries and with from one nation to another, and
harps but Assaph played aloud from one kingdom to another

with the cymbals. people :

6 And Benayahu and Yacha- 21 He suffered no man to op-

siel the priests were with the press them yea, he reproved ;

trumpets continually before the kings for their sake,

ark of the covenant of God. 22 Saying, “ Touch not my
7 On that day —
then did Da- anointed, and do my prophets
vid appoint for the first time to no harm.”
give thanks to the Lord through 23 Sing unto the Lord all ye
means of Assaph and his bre- lands announce from day to

thren. day his salvation.

8 0 give thanks unto the 24 Relate among the nations
Lord call on his name make
; ;
his glory : among all the people
known among the people his his wonderful deeds.
deeds. 25 For great is the Lord, and
greatly praised ; and he is to be the ark continually, at the work
feared above all gods. of every day *>n its day,
26 For all the gods of the 38 And'Obed-edom with their
people are idols ; but the Lord brethren, sixty and eight, and
hath made the heavens. ’Obed-edoin the son of Jeduthun
27 Majesty and honour are in and Chossah to be gatekeepers;
his presence, strength and glad- 39 And Zadok the priest, and
.ness are in his place. his brethren the priests, before
28 Ascribe unto the Lord, 0 the tabernacle of the Lord, in
ye families of people, ascribe the high-place that was at Gib-
unto the Lord glory and ’on,
strength. 40 To offer burnt-offerings
29 Ascribe unto the Lord the unto the Lord upon the altar of
glory due unto his name; take the burnt-offering continually at
up an offering, and come into morning and at evening, and this
his presence; bow down before in accordance with all that is
the Lord in the beauty of holi- written in the law, of the Lord,
ness. which he had commanded con-
30 Tremble before him, all ye cerning Israel
lands !Also the world standeth 41 And with them, He man and
firmly, that it be not moved. Jeduthun, and the rest that were
31 Let the heavens rejoice, selected who were expressed by
and let the earth be glad and ;
name, to give thanks to the
let men say among the nations, Lord, because unto everlasting
“ The Lord reigned.” endureth his kindness;
32 Let the sea roar, with all 42 And with them, with He-
that filleth it let the fields re- man and Jeduthun, the trumpets

joice, and all that is therein. and cymbals to play aloud, and
33 Then shall the trees of the the musical instruments of God;
forest sing joyfully at the pre- and the sons of Jeduthun to be
sence of the Lord because he for the service at the gate.

cometh to judge the earth. 43 And all the people went

34 0 give thanks unto the every man to his house and

Lord ; for he is good because David turned about to bless his


unto everlasting endureth his house.

35 And say ye, Save us, 0
God of our salvation, and ga- 1 ^ And it came to pass,
ther us together, and deliver us when David dwelt in his house,
from the nations, that we may that David said unto Nathan the
give thanks to thy holy name, to prophet, Lo, I dwell in a house
glorify ourselves in thy praise. of cedar, while the ark of the
36 Blessed be the Lord the covenant of the Lord is under
God of Israel from everlasting curtains.
even unto everlasting. And all 2 And Nathan said unto Da-
the people said, “ Amen, and vid, All that is in thy heart do;
praise unto the Lord.” for God is with thee.
37 *f And he left there in 3 And it came to pass dur-
charge befoie the ark of the co- ing that night, that the word of
venant of the Lord Assaph and God came unto Oathan, saying,
his brethren, to minister before 4 Go and say unto David mv
93 11 5

servant,Thus hath said the 12 He it is that shall build foi

Lord, Not thou shalt build for me a house, and I will stablish
me the house to dwell in ,• his throne for ever.
5 For I have not dwelt in a 13 I too will be to him as a
bouse since the day that I father, and he shall indeed be
brought up Israel even until unto me as a son and my kind-

this day,* but have been (mov- ness will I not cause to depart
ing) from tent to tent, and from from him, as I caused it to de-
(one) tabernacle (to another). part from him that was before
6 In all the places where I thee
moved about among all Israel, 14 But I will place him firmly
did I speak a word to any one of in my house and in my kingdom
the judges of Israel, whom I had for evermore; and his throne
ordained to feed my people, say- shall be established for ever.
ing, Why have ye not built for 15 In accordance with all these
me a house of cedar ? words, and in accordance with
7 Now therefore, thus shalt all this vision, so did Nathan
thou say unto my servant, to speak unto David.
David, Thus hath said the Lord 16 Then went king David
of hosts, I took thee away from in and sat down before the Lord,
the sheepcote, from behind the and he said, “ Who am I, 0
flocks, to be a ruler over my Lord God ! and what is my
people Israel house, that thou hast brought
8 And I have been with thee me as far as hitherward?
whithersoever thou didst go, and 17 And this was (yet) too
I have cut off all thy enemies small a thing in thy eyes, 0 God
from thy presence, and I have and thou hast spoken concern-
made thee a name, like the name ing thy servant’s house for a dis-
of the great men who are on the tant time, and hast regarded me
earth as though I belonged to the rank
9 And I have procured a place of a man of high degree, 0 Lord
for my people Israel, and I have God!
planted them, that they may 18 What can David add yet
dwell in a place of their own, more (to speak) unto thee of the
and be no more troubled; and honour of thy servant? since
that the children of wickedness thou knowest well thy servant.
shall not waste them any more, 19 0 Lord for the sake of

as afore times, thy servant, and in accordance

10 And (as it was) since the with thy own heart, hast thou
time that I ordained judges to done all this great thing, to make
be over my people Israel and I known all these great things.

have humbled all thy enemies; 20 0 Lord there is none like


and now I tell thee that the Lord thee, and there is no god beside
will build for thee a house. thee, in accordance with all that
11 And it shall come to pass, we have heard with our ears.
that, when thy days will be com- 21 And who is like thy people
pleted that thou must go (to Israel, the only nation on the
sleep) with thy tachers, I will earth which God went to redeem
set up thy seed after thee, who for himself as a people, to ac-
shall be of thy sons, and I will quire for thyself a name for great
establish his kingdom. and terrible deeds, by driving
out nations from before thy peo- math, as he went to establish
ple, which thou hadst redeemed his dominion at the river Eu-
out of Egypt? phrates.
22 And thou hast instituted 4 And David captured from
thy people Israel unto thyself as him a thousand chariots, and
a people for ever ;
and thou, seven thousand horsemen, and
Lord, art indeed become their twenty thousand men on foot;
God. and David hamstringed all the
23 And now, 0 Lord, let the chariot-teams, but reserved of
thing that thou hast spoken con- them a hundred chariot-teams.
cerning thy servant and con- 5 And the Syrians of Damas-
serning his house be verified cus came to aid Hadar’ezer the
for ever, and do as thou hast king of Zobah, when David slew
spoken. of the Syrians two and twenty
24 Yea, let it be verified, and thousand men.
let thy name be magnified unto 6 Then did David put (garri-
everlasting, that men may say. sons) in Syria of Damascus, and
The Lord of hosts is the God the Syrians became unto David
of Israel, even a God for Israel servants, bringing presents. And
and may the house of David thy the Lord helped David whither-
servant be established before soever he went.
thee. 7 And David took the quivers
25 For thou, 0 my God, hast of gold that were on the ser-
revealed to the ear of thy ser- vants of Hadar’ezer, and brought
vant that thou wilt build for him them Jerusalem.
a house therefore hath thy ser-
: 8 And from
Tibchath, and
vant found himself able to pray from Kun, cities of Hadar’ezer,
before thee. did David take exceedingly much
26 And now, 0 Lord, thou art copper thereof made Solomon

the (true) God, and thou hast the copper sea, and the pillars,
spoken concerning thy servant and the vessels of copper.
this goodness 9 And when Tho’u the king
27 And now hast thou been of Chamath heard that David
pleased to bless the house of thy had smitten all the host of Ha-
servant, that it may continue for dar’ezer the king of Zobah:
ever before thee; for thou, 0 10 Then did he send Hadoram
Lord, hast blessed, and (it will his son unto king David, to ask
remain) blessed for ever.” him after his well-being, and to
bless him, because he had fought
CHAPTER XVIII. against Hadar’ezer, and smitten
1 And it came to pass after him for Hadar’ezer had been

this, that David smote the Phi- engaged in wars with Tho’u ; and
listines, and humbled them ; and (he had with him) all manner
he took Gath and its dependent of vessels of gold and silver and
towns out of the hand of the Phi- copper.
listines. 11 Also these did king David
2 And he smote Moab, and the sanctify unto the Lord, with the
Moabites became David’s ser- silver and the gold that he had
vants, bringing presents. carried away from all the na-
3 David also smote Hadar- tions, from Edom, and from Mo-
’ezer the king of Zobah at Cha- ab, and from the children of


Amnion, and from the Philis- overthrow, and to spy out the
tines, and from ’Amalek. land ?”
12 And Abshai the son of Ze- 4 Chanun thereupon tor k Da-
ruyah smote of the Edomites in vid’s servants, and shaved them,
the valley of salt eighteen thou- and cut off their garments in the
sand (men). middle as far as the hip-bone,
13 And he put garrisons in and sent them away.
Edom, and all the Edomites be- 5 And some people went and
came servants unto David. And told David concerning these men.
the Lord helped David whither- And he sent (persons) to meet
soever he went. them because the men were

14 And David reigned over greatly ashamed: and the king

all Israel, and he did what is just said, “Tarry at Jericho until
and right unto all his people. your beard be grown, and then
15 And Joab the son of Zeru- return.”
yah was over the army, and Je- 6 And when the children
hoshaphat the son of Achilud, of ’Ammon saw that they were
recorder. become in bad odour with Da-
16 And Zadok the son of Achi- vid, Chanun and the children
tub, and Abimelech the son of of ’Ammon sent a thousand ta-
Ebyathar, were (the) priests: lents of silver to hire for them-
and Shavsha was scribe; selves from Mesopotamia, and
17 And Benayahu the son of from Syria-ma’achah, and from
Yehoyada’ was over the Kereth- Zobah, chariots and horsemen.
ites and the Pelethites; and the 7 And they hired for them-
sons of David were the first at selves thirty and two thousand
the side of the king. (warriors in) chariots, and the
king of Ma’achah and his peo-
CHAPTER XIX. ple and they came and en-

1 And it came to pass after camped before Medeba. And

this, that Nachash the king of the children of ’Ammon gathered
the children of ’Ammon died, themselves together out of their
and his son became king in his cities, and came to the battle.
stead. 8 ^ And when David heard
2 And David said, “ I will of it, he sent Joab, and all the
show kindness unto Chanun the army (and) the mighty men.
son of Nachash, because his fa- 9 And the children of ’Am-
ther showed kindness unto me.” mon came out, and put them-
And David sent messengers to selves in battle-array at the en.
comfort him concerning his fa- trance of the city and the kings :

ther. And the servants of Da- that were come were by them-
vid came unto the land of the selves in the field.
children of ’Ammon to Chanun, 10 When now Joab saw that
to comfort him. the front of battle was against
3 And the princes of the chil- him before and behind, he made
dren of ’Ammon said unto Cha- a selection from all the chosen
nun, “Doth David honour thy men of Israel, and arrayed him-
father in thy eyes, that he hath self against the Syrians.
sent comforters unto thee? are 11 And the rest of the people
not his servants come unto thee he delivered into the hand of
in order to search out, and to xlbshai his brother, and they
1 0 And
the Levites : Jeshua’ commandments of the Eterna1
the son of Asanyah, Binnui, of One, our Lord, and his ordi-
the sons of Chenadad, Kadmiel nances and his statutes
11 And their brethren, She- 31 And that we would not
banyah, Hodiyah, Kelita, Pala- give our daughters unto the
yah, Chanan, people of the land, nor take their
12 Mich a, Rechob, Chashab- daughters for our sons
yah, 32 And that if the people of
13 Zaccur, Sherebyah, She- the land should bring wares or
banyah, any provisions on the sabbath
14 Hodiyah, Bani, Beninu. day to sell, we would not buy
15 The chiefs of the people: of them on the sabbath, or on
Par’osh, Pachath-inoab, 'Elam, (another) holy day; and that we
Zatthu, Bani, would leave (the fields without
]6 Bunni, ’Asgad, Bebai, reaping in) the seventh, year,
17 Adoniyah, Bigvai, ’Adin, and (give up) every loan of
18 Ater, Chiskiyah, 'Azzur, hand.
19 Hodiyah, Chashum, Bezai, 33 And we established for us
20 Chariph, 'Anathoth, Nebai, as one of the commandments to
21 Magpi’ash, Meshullam,Che- impose on ourselves (to give) the
sir, third part of a shekel in every
22 Meshesabel, Zadok, Jad- year for the service of the house
dua', of our God ;
23 Pelatyah, Chanan, \Ana- 34 For the shew-bread, and
yah, for the continual meat-olfering,
24 Hoshea', Chananyah, Chas- and for the continual burnt-offer-
shub, ing, (for those of) the sabbaths,
25 Hallochesh, Pilcha, Sho- of the new-moons, for the ap-
bek, pointed feasts, and for the holy
26 Rechum, Chashabnah, Ma- things, and for the sin-offerings
'asseyah, to make an atonement for Israel,
27 And Achiyah, Chanan, and (for) all the work of the
'Anan, house of our God.
28 Malluch, Charim, Ba’anah. 3d And we, the priests, the
29 And the rest of the peo- Levites, and the people, cast lots
ple, the priests, the Levites, the concerning the procuring of the
gatekeepers, the singers, the wood, to bring it into the house
temple-servants, and all those of our God, unto the house of our
that had separated themselves fathers, at fixed times, year by
from the nations of the lands year, to burn upon the altar of
unto the law of God, their wives, the Lord our God, as it is writ-
their sons, and their daughters, ten in the law
every one having knowledge, 36 And to bring the first-
and having understanding, fruits of our ground, and the
30 Held firmly with their first-fruits of all fruit of all trees,
brethren, their nobles, and en- year by year, unto the house of
tered into a curse, and into an the Lord ;

oath, to walk in the law of God, 37 And also the first-born of

which was given through means our sons, and of our (unclean)
of Moses the servant of God, cattle, as it is written in the law,
and to observe and to do all the and to bring the first-born of our
95* 1133
herds and of our flocks to the session in their cities, (to wit.,)
house of our God, unto the priests Israel, the priests, and tie Le-
that minister in the house of our vites, .and the temple-servants,
God; and the children of Solomon’a
38 And that we would bring servants.
the first portion of our dough, 4 And at Jerusalem dwelt cer-
and our heave-offerings, and tain of the children of Juiah,
this of the fruit of all manner and of the children of Benjamin.
of trees, of wine and of oil, to Of the children of Judah ’Atha-

the priests, unto the chambers yah the son of ’Uzziyah, the son
of the house of our God, and the of Zechariah, the son of Amar-
tithes of our ground unto the yah, the son of Shephatyah, the
Levites; and that these same son of Mahalalel, of the children
Levites should be the receivers of Perez
of the- tithes in all the cities of 5 And Ma’asseyah the son of
our land-tillage; Baruch, the son of Kol-choseh,
39 And that the priest the son the son of Chasayah, the son of
of Aaron should be with the ’Adayah, the son of Yoyarib, the
Levites, when the Levites re- son of Zechariah, the son of Ha-
ceive the tithes; and that the shiloni
Levites should bring up the 6 All the sons of Perez that
tithe of the tithes unto the house dwelt at Jerusalem were four
of our God, to the chambers, hundred sixty and eight valiant
into the treasure-house. men.
40 For into the chambers shall 7 And these are the sons of
the children of Israel and the Benjamin Sallu the son of Me-

children of Levi bring the heave- shullam, the son of Yo’ed, the
offering of the corn, of the new son of Pedayah, the son of Ko-
wine, and the oil, and there shall layah, the son of Ma’asseyah,
be the vessels of the sanctuary, the son of Ithiel, the son of Ye-
and the priests that minister, sha’yah ;

and the gatekeepers, and the 8 And next to him Gabbai,

singers : and that we will not Sallai ; nine hundred twenty and
forsake the house of our God. eight.
9 And Joel the son of Zichri
CHAPTER XI. was overseer over them and ;

1 And the rulers of the peo- Judah the son of Hassenuah was
ple dwelt at Jerusalem and the second over the city.

rest of the people cast lots, to 10 Of the priests Yedayah


bring one of every ten to dwell the son of Yoyarib, Yachin;

in Jerusalem the holy city, and 11 Serayah the son of Chilki-
the nine parts to (remain) in the yah, the son of Meshullam, the
(other) cities son of Zadok, the son of Mera-
2 And the people blessed all yoth, the son of Achitub, tho
the men, that offered themselves superintendent of the house of
voluntarily to dwell at Jerusa- God
lem. 12 And their brethren who did
3 ^ Now these are the chiefs the work of the house, eight hun-
of the province that dwelt in Je- dred twenty and two; and ’Ada-
rusalem but in the cities of Ju- 3 -ah the son of Yerocham,
dah dwelt every one in his pos- son of Pelalyah, the son of Amziy
the son of Zechariah, the son of over the business of the house of
Pashchur, the son of Malki- God.
yah ; 23 For the king’s command
13 And his brethren, chiefs of was obligatory on them and ;

the divisions, two hundred forty there was a fixed rate for the
and two and AAinashsai the son singers, the requirement of eveiy

of ’Asarel, the son of Achzai, the day on its day.

son of Meshillemoth, the son of 24 And Pethachyah the son
limner ; of Meshesabel, of the children
14 And their brethren, mighty of Zerach the son of Judah, was
men of valour, one hundred at the king’s hand in every thing
twenty and eight; and the over- concerning the people.
seer over them was Zabdiel, the 25 And respecting the villages
son of Haggedolim. with their fields, some of the
15 Also of the Levites She- children of Judah dwelt at Kir-

ma’yah the son of Chasshub, the 3 ath-arba’ and in its villages,


son of ’Asrikam, the son of Cha- and at Dibon and in its villages,
shabyah, the son of Bunni and at Yekabzeel and in its vil-
16 And Shabbethai and Yosa- lages,
bad, of the chiefs of the Levites, 26 And at Jeshua’, and at
had the oversight of the outward Moladah, and at Beth-phelet,
business of the house of God; 27 And at Chazar-shu’al, and
17 And Matthanyah the son at Beer-sheba’ and in its vil-
of Micha, the son of Zabdi, the lages,
son of Assaph, the principal to 28 And at Ziklag, and at Me-
begin the thanksgiving at pray- chonah and in its villages,
er ; and Bakbukjoih the second 29 And at ’En-rimmon, and
among his brethren, and ’Abda at Zor’ah, and at Yarmuth,
the son of Sha annua’, the son of 30 Zanoach, ’Adullam, and in
Galal, the son of Jeduthun. their villages, at Lachish and its
18 All the Levites in the holy fields, at ’Asekah and in its vil-
city were two hundred eighty lages. And they dwelt from
and four. Beer-sheba’ as far as the valley
19 Andthe gatekeepers, Ak- of Hinnom.
kub, Talinon, and their brethren 31 And the children of Benja-
that watched at the gates, were min (dwelt), beginning from Ge-
one hundred seventy and two. ba’, at Michmash, and ’Ayya,
20 And the residue of Israel, and Beth-el, and in their vil-
of the priests, and the Levites, lages,
were in all the cities of Judah, 32 ’Anathoth, Nob, ’Anan-
every one in his inheritance. yah,
21 But the temple-servants 33 Chazor, Hamah, Gittayini,
dwelt in the hill-fort; and Zicha 34 Chadid, Zebo’im, Neballat,
and Gishps. were over the tem- 35 Lod, and Ono, the valley
ple-servants. of the carpenters.
22 And the overseer of the 36 And of the Levites dwelt
Levites at Jerusalem was ’Uzzi certain divisions in Judah, and
the son of Banni, the son of in Benjamin.
Chashabyan, the son ol Mat-
thanyah, the son of Micha, one of CHAPTER XII.
the sons of Assaph, the singers 1 And these are the nriesta
and the Levites that came up 20 Of Sallai, Kallai of ’Amok,

with Zerubbabel the son of She- ’Eber;

althiel, and Jeshua’: Serayah, 21 Of Chilkiyah, Chashab-
Jeremiah, ’Ezra, yah of Yeda’yah, Ne than el.

2 Amaryah, Malluch, Chat- 22 Of the Levites in the days

tush, of Elyashib, Yoyada’, and Yo-
3 Shechanyah, Rechum, Me- chanan, and Jaddua’, are writ-
remoth, ten down the chiefs of the divi-
4 ’Iddo, Ginnethoy, Abiyah, sions also those of the priests

5 Miyamin, Ma’ady.ah, Bil- to the reign of Darius the Per-

gah, sian.
6 Shema’yah, and Yoyarib, 23 The sons of Levi, the
Yed’ayah, chiefs of the divisions, were
7 Sallu, ’Amok, Chilkiyah, written down in the book of the
Yed’ayah. These were the chiefs chronicles, even until the days
of the priests and of their bre- of Yochanan the son of Elya-
thren in the days of Jeshua’. shib.
8 And the Levites Jeshua’, 24 And the chiefs of the Le*

Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebyah, vites were Chashabyah, Shereb-

Judah, and Matthanyah, who yah, and Jeshua’ the sou of Kad-
was over the songs of thanks- miel, with their brethren oppo-
giving, he and his brethren site to them, to praise and to
9 And Bakbukyah and ’Unni, give thanks, according to the
their brethren, were opposite to command of David the man of
them in the watches. God, section by section.
10 And Jeshua’ begat Yoya- 25 Matthanyah, and Bakbuk-
kim, and Yoyakim begat Elya- yah, ’Obadiah, Meshullam, Tal-
shib, and Elyashib begat Yoya- mon, ’Akkub, were watching
da’, gatekeepers on the watch at the
11 And Yoyada’ begat Jona- thresholds of the gates.
than, and Jonathan begat Jad- 26 These were in the days of
dua’. Yoyakim, the son of Jeshua’, the
12 And in the days of Yoya- son of Yozadak, and in the days
kim were priests, as chiefs of of Nehemiah the governor, and
the divisions: Of Serayah, Me- of ’Ezra the priest, the ex-
rayah; of Jeremiah, Chanan- pounder.
yah 27 And at the dedication of
13 Of ’Ezra, Meshullam; of the wall of Jerusalem they sought
Amaryah, Yehochanan ;
the Levites out of all their places,
14 Of Melichu, Jonathan; of to bring them to Jerusalem, to
Shebanyah, Joseph celebrate the dedication w ith joy,
15 Of Charim, ’Adna ; of Me- with thanksgivings, and with
rayoth, Chelkai singings, cymbals, psalteries, and
16 Of ’Iddo, Zechariah; of with harps.
Ginnethon, Meshullam; 28 And there gathered them-
17 Of Abiyah, Zichri of Min- selves together the sons of the

yamin, c,f Mo’adyah, Piltai singers, both out of the district

18 Of Bilgah, Shammua’j of round about Jerusalem, and from
Shem’ayah, Jehonathan ;
the villages of
19 And of Yoyarib, Matthe- 29 Also from Beth-hagilgal,
nai ;
of Yeda’vah, ’Uzzi; and out of the fields of Gena’
(true) God, (in order) to bring| 12 |
The sons of Kehath.
the ark of the covenant of the j’Amram, Yizhar, Hebron, and
Lord, and the holy vessels of ’Uzziel, four.
God, into the house that is to be 13 ^ The sons of ’Amram
built unto the name of the Lord.” Aaron and Moses and Aaron ;

was set apart, to sanctify him

CHAPTER XXIII. as most holy, he with his sons
1 And when David was old for ever, to burn incense before
and full of days, he made Solo- the Lord, to minister unto him,
inon his son king over Israel. and to bless in his name for
2 And he gathered together ever.
all the princes of Israel, with 14 But as regardeth Moses
the priests and the Levites. the man of God, his sons were
3 And then were numbered named after the tribe of Levi.
the Levites from thirty years 15 The sons of Moses were,
old and upward and their num- Gershom, and Eli’ezer.

ber by their polls, of men, was 16 Of the sons of Gershom,

thirty and eight thousand. Shebuel was the chief.
4 Of these were twenty and 17 And the sons of Eli’ezer
four thousand to superintend were, Rechabyah the chief. And
the work of the house of the Eli’ezer had no other sons but ;

Lord; and six thousand were the sons of Rechabyah became

officers and judges exceedingly numerous.
5 And four thousand were 18 Of the sons of Yizhar,
gatekeepers; and four thousand was Shelomith the chief.
those who praised the Lord with 19 The sons of Hebron
the instruments which I have Yeriyahu the chief, Amaryah
made, to praise therewith. the second, Yachasiel the third,
6 And David divided them and Yekatn’am the fourth.
into divisions after the sons of 20 The sons of ’Uzziel
Levi, after Gershon, Kehath, Michah the chief, and Yishiyah
and Merari. the second.
7 ^ Of the Gershunites La’- : 21 The sons of Merari:
dan, and Shim’i. Machli, and Mushi. The sons
8 The sons of La’dan The : of Machli El’azar, and Kish.

chief was Yechiel, and Zetham, 22 And El’azar died, and had
and Joel, three. no sons, but daughters and the ;

9 % The sons of Shim’i She- : sons of Kish, their brethren,

lomith, and Chasiel, and Ilaran, took them (for wives).
three. These were the chiefs of 23 The sons of Mushi Machli, :

the families of La’dan. and ’Eder, and Yeremoth, three.

10 And the sons of Shim’i 24 These were the sons of
were, Yachath, Zina, and Ye- Levi after their family divisions,
’ush, and Beri’ah. These four even the chiefs of the families,
were the sons of Shim’i. as they were counted by num-
11 And Yachath was the chief, bering the names after their
and Zizah the second but Ye- ;
polls, that did the work for the
’ush and Beri’ah had not many service of the house of the Lord,
sons : therefore were they ac- from twenty years old and up-
counted as one family division ward.
in the numbering. 25 For David said, “ The
Lord the God
of Israel hath! of Aaron were Nadab, and Abi-
given rest unto his people, and hu, El’azar, and Ithamar.
he dwelleth in Jerusalem for 2 But Nadab and Abihu died
evermore.” before their father, and they had
26 And also the Levites are no children :and El’azar and
no more bound to carry the ta- Ithamar became priests.
bernacle, and all its vessels for 3 And David divided them
the service thereof. off with Zadok of the sons of
27 Therefore by the last words El’azar, and Achimelech of the
of David were there numbered sons of Ithamar, to their office
of the Levites those who were in their service.
from twenty years old and 4 And the sons of El’azar
above were found more numerous in
28 Because their station was the chiefs of males than the sons
to be at the side of the sons of of Ithamar; and they divided
Aaron for the service of the them accordingly. Of the sous
house of the Lord, in the courts, of El’azar there were sixteen
and in the chambers, and by the chiefs of the family divisions,
purification of all holy things, and of the sons of Ithamar, eight
and the work of the service of for their family divisions.
the house of God 5 And they divided them off
29 And for the shew-bread, by both the first and the
which was put in rows, and for last; for the governors of the
the fine flour for meat-offering, sanctuary, and governors (of the
and for the unleavened cakes, house) of God, were from the
and for that which is baked in sons of El’azar, and from the
the pan, and for that which is sons of Ithamar.
sodden, and for all manner of 6 And Shema’yah the son
dry and wet measure ;
of Nethanel the scribe, one of
30 And to stand every morn- the Levites, wrote them down
ing to thank and praise the before the king, and the princes,
Lord, and so also at evening, and Zadok the priest, and Achi-
31 And at all the offering of melech the son of Ebyathar, and
burnt-offerings unto the Lord the chiefs of the families of the
on the sabbaths, on the new priests and Levites one family

moons, and on the appointed division being drawn of El’azar,

feasts, according to the number, and one being equally drawn of
and after the manner prescribed Ithamar.
for them, continually before the 7 And there came out the
Lord ;
first lot forYehoyarib, for Yeda’-
32 And that they should keep yah the second,
the charge of the tabernacle of 8 For Charim the third, for
the congregation, and the charge Se’orim the fourth,
of the sanctuary, and the charge 9 For Malkiyah the fifth, for
of the sons of Aaron their bre- Miyamin the sixth,
thren, in the service of the house 10 For Hakkoz the seventh,
of the Lord. for Abiyah the eighth,
11 For Jeshua’ the ninth, for
CHAPTER XXIV. Shechanyahu the tenth,
1 And
the divisions of the 12 For Ely ash ib the eleventh,
sons of Aaron were The
: sons for Yakim the twelfth,


13 For Chuppah the thirteenth, 29 Of Kish The son of Kish

for Yeshebab the fourteenth, was Yerachme*el.

14 For Bilgah the fifteenth, 30 And the sons of Mushi
for limner the sixteenth, were Machli, and ’Eder, and
15 For Chesir the seventeenth, Yerimoth. These were the sons
for Happizzez the eighteenth, of the Levites after their family
16 For Pethachyah the nine- divisions.
teenth, for Ezekiel the twen- 31 These likewise cast lots in
tieth, the same manner as their bre-
17 For Yachin the one and thren the sons of Aaron in the
twentieth, for Gamul the two presence of king David, and
and twentieth, Zadok, and Achimelech, and
18 For Delay ah u the three the chiefs of the families of the
and twentieth, for Ma’asyahu priests and Levites, even the
the four and twentieth. principal of the families equally
19 This was their office in with his youngest brother.
their service, to come into the
house of the Lord, according to CHAPTER XXV.
the manner prescribed to them, 1 David also divided off
under the supervision of Aaron with the chiefs of the host for
their father, as the Lord the the service of the sons of As-
God of Israel had commanded saph, and of Hemah, and of Je-
him. duthun, those who uttered praise
20 And of the rest of the sons (accompanied) with harps, with
of Levi there were, of the sons psalteries, and with cymbals^
of ’Ainram Shubael. : Of the and their number was of the
sons of Shubael Yechdeyahu. men (that did) the work in their

21 Concerning Rechabyahu, service,

of the sons of Rechabyahu the 2 Of the sons of Assaph Zac- :

chief was Yishiyah. cur, and Joseph, and Nethan-

22 Of the Yizharites was She- yah, and Asharelah, the sons of
lomoth : of the sons of Shelo- Assaph under the supervision
moth was Yachath. of Assaph, who uttered praise
23 And the sons (of Hebron) under the supervision of the
Yeriyah, Amaryahu the second, king.
Yachasiel the third, Yekam’am 3 Of Jeduthun, the sons of
the fourth. Jeduthun Gedalyahu, and Zeri,

24 (Of) the sons of ’Uzziel, and Ycsha’yahu, Chashabyahu,

Micbah of the sons of Michali, and Matthithyahu, six, under

Shamir. the supervision of their father

25 The brother of Michah was Jeduthun, who uttered praise
Yishiyah of the sons of Yishi- with a harp, in order to give

yah, Zecharyahu. thanks and to sing praise unto

26 The sons of Merari were the Lord.
Machli and Mushi the sons of 4 Of Heman, the sons of He-

Ya’asiyahu, Beno. man Bukkiyahu, Matthanyahu,


27 The sons of Merari by Ya- 'Uzziel, Shebuel, and Yerimoth,

'asiyahu Beno, and Shoham, Chananyah, Chanani, Eliathah,

and Zaccur, and ’Ibri. Giddalthi, and Romamthi-’eser,

28 Of Machli El’azar, who Yoshbekashah,Mallothi, Hothir,

had no sons. a id Machasioth:

5 All these sons of Heman his sons, and his brethren, being
the king’s seer in the words of twelve
God, were to lift up the horn. 18 ^f The eleventh was ’Asarel
And God gave to Heman four- his sons, and his brethren, being
teen sons and three daughters. twelve ;

6 All these were under the 19 ^f The twelfth was for Cha-
supervision of their father at shabyah, his sons, and his bre-
the singing in the house of the thren, being twelve;
Lord, with cymbals, psalteries, 20 ^f The thirteenth was Shu-
and harps, for the service of the bael, his sons, and his brethren,
house of God, under the super- being twelve
vision of the king, Assaph, Je- 21 ^f The fourteenth was Mat-
duthun, and Heman. thithyahu, his sons, and his bre-
7 And their number, with thren, being twelve
their brethren that were prac- 22 ^f The fifteenth was for
tised in singing unto the Lord, Yeremoth, his sons, and his bre-
even all that were acquainted thren, being twelve;
(therewith), was two hundred 23 ^ The sixteenth was for
eighty and eight. Chananyahu, his sons, and hi»
8 And they cast lots, division brethren, being twelve
against (division), the small as 24 The seventeenth was for

well as the great, the one ac- Yoshbekashah, his sons, and his
quainted with his business to- brethren, being twelve
gether with the scholar. 25 ^f The eighteenth was for
9 And there came forth the Chanani, his sons, and his bre-
first lot for Assaph for Joseph thren, being twelve

Gedalyahu was the second, he 26 ^f The nineteenth was for

with his brethren and sons, Mallothi, his sons, and his bre-
being twelve : thren, being twelve :

10 The third was Zaccur, 27 f The twentieth was for

his sons, and his brethren, being Eliyathah, his sons, and his
twelve ; brethren, being twelve;
11 ^f The fourth was for Yizri, 28 ^f The one and twentieth
his sons,and his brethren, being was for Hothir, his sons, and his
twelve brethren, being twelve;
12 ^f The fifth was Nethan- 29 ^f The two and twentieth
yahu, his sons, and his brethren, was for Giddalthi, his sons, and
being twelve; his brethren, being twelve;
13 ^f The sixth was Bukki- 30 The three and twen-
yahu, his sons, and his brethren, tieth was for Machasioth, his
being twelve ; sons, and his brethren, being
14 ^ The seventh was Yessar- twelve
elah, his sons, and his brethren, 31 ^f The four and twentieth
being twelve was for Romamthi-’eser, his
15 ^f
The eighth was Yesha’- sons, and his brethren, being
yahu, his sons, and his brethren, twelve.
being twelve
16 ^f The ninth was Matthan-
yahu, his sons, and his brethren, 1 If Concerning the divisions
being twelve of the gatekeepers (who were)
17 The tenth was Shim’i, of the Korchites Meshelem- :

yaliu, the son of Kore, of the small as well as the great, ac-
sons of Assaph. cording to their family divisions,
2 And Meshelemyahu had for each and every gate.
sons Zecbaryahu the first-born,
: 14 And the lot at the easi fell
Yedi’ael the second, Zebadyahu for Shelemyahu. And for Ze-
the third, Yathniel the fourth, charyahu his son, an intelligent
3 ’Elam the fifth, Yehochanan counsellor, they cast lots, and
the sixth, Elyeho’enai the se- his lot came out at the north.
venth. 15 For ’Obed-edom at the
4 And ’Obed-edom had sons south and to his sons (was as-

Shema’yah the first-born, Yeho- signed) the house of Assuppim.

sabad the second, Yoach the 16 For Shuppim and for
third, and Sachar the fourth, Chossah at the west, by the gate
and Nethanel the fifth, Shallecheth, on the ascending
5 ’Amrniel the sixth, Issachar causeway, watch alongside of
the seventh, Pe’ulthai the eighth watch.

for God had blessed him. 17 At the east were six Le-
6 Also unto Shema’yahu his vites, at the north four for every
son there were born sons, that day, at the south four for every
were rulers for the house of their day, and for (the house of) As-
father; for they were mighty suppim always two.
men of valour. 18 At the Parbar on the west,
7 The sons of Shema’yah were four at the causeway, and two
’Othni, and Rephael, and ’Obed, at the Parbar.
(and) Elsabad, his brothers 19 These are the divisions of
(were) valiant men, Elihu, and the gatekeepers of the sons of
Semachyahu. the Korchites, and of the sons
8 All these were of the sons of Merari.
of ’Obed-edom :they and their 20 And of the Levites, Achi-
sons and their brethren were yah was over the treasuries of
valiant men in strength for the the house of God, and over the
service, being sixty and two treasuries of the holy things.
(descendants) of ’Obed-edom. 21 (As concerning) the sons
9 And Meshelemyahu had of La’dan, the sons of the Ger-
sons and brethren, valiant men, shunites of La’dan, the chiefs of
eighteen. the families of La’dan the Ger-
10 Also Chossah, of the chil- shunite, were the Yechielites.
dren of Merari, had sons Shimri
: 22 The sons of Yechieli, Ze-
the chief, for (though) he was tham, and Joel his brother, were
not the first-born, yet his father over the treasuries of the house
made him the chief; of the Lord.
11 Chilkiyahu the second, Te- 23 Of the ’Amramites, of the
balyahu the third, Zecharyahu Yizharites, of the Hebronites,
the fourth; all the sons and bre- and of the ’Uzzielites,
thren of Chossah were thirteen. 24 (Was) even Shebuel the
12 These divisions of the gate- son of Gershom, the son of Mo-
keepers, after the chief men, had ses, superintendent of the trea-
the watch along with their bre- suries.
thren, to minister in the house 25 And his brethren by Eli-
of the Lord. ’ezer: Rechabyahu his son, and
13 And they cast lots, the Yesha’yahu his son, and Yoraii
99 2 Z 1177
his son, and Zichri his son, and nasseh, for every matter per.
Shelomith his son. taining to God, and the affairs
26 This Shelomoth and his of the king.
brethren were over all the trea-
suries of the holy things, which CHAPTER XXVII.
king David had sanctified, to- 1 If And (these are) the chiL
gether with the chiefs of the dren of Israel after their num-
family divisions, the captains ber, (to wit), the chiefs of the
over the thousands and the family divisions and the cap-
hundreds, and the captains of tains of the thousands and the
the army. hundreds, and their officers that
27 Out of the wars, and out served the king in every matter
of the booty did they sanctify of the divisions, that came in
to maintain the house of the and w ent out month by month,

Lord. throughout all the months of the

28 And all that Samuel the year, every division being twenty
seer, and Saul the son of Kish, and four thousand.
and Abner the son of Ner, and 2 Over the first division for
Joab the son of Zeruyah, had the first month was Yashob’am
sanctified, whatsoever (any one) the son of Zabdiel ; and in his
had sanctified, was under the division were twenty and four
supervision of Shelomith and of thousand.
his brethren. 3 (He) of the children of
29 Of the Yizharites were Perez was the chief of all the
Kenanyahu and his sons for the captains of the armies for the
outward business over Israel, for first month.
officers and judges. 4 And over the division of
30 Of the Hebronites were the second month was Dodai
Chashabyahu and his brethren, the Achochite, and of his divi-
valiant men, a thousand and sion was Mikloth also the ruler;
seven hundred (in number), ap- and in his division were twenty
pointed over the affairs of Israel and four thousand.
on this side of the Jordan to the 5 The third captain of the
west, for all the business of the army for the third month was
Lord, and for the service of the Benayahu the son of Yehoyada’,
king. the priest, the chief; and in his
31 Of the Hebronites was division were twenty and four
Yeriyah the chief, for the He- thousand.
bronites, according to their gene- 6 This Benayahu was the
rations by families. In the for- mighty among the thirty, and
tieth year of the reign of David (set) over the thirty and of his;

were they inquired into, and division was ’Ammisabad his

there were found among them son.
mighty men of valour at Ya’zer 7 The fourth for the fourth
of Gil’ad. month was ’Assahel the brother
32 And his brethren, valiant of Joab, with Zebadyah his son
men, were two thousand and after him ; and in his division
seven hundred chiefs of families: were twenty and four thousand.
and king David appointed them 8 The fifth for the fifth
over the Reiibenites, the Gad- month was the captain Sham-
ites, and the half tribe of Me- huth the Yizrachite; and in hia
division were twenty and four tali, the son of ’As
thousand. riel
9 The sixth for the sixth 20 Of the children of Ephraim,
month was 'Ira the son of ’Ik- Hoshea’ the son of ’Asasyahu ;
kesh the Theko’ite and in his of the half tribe of Menasseh,

division were twenty and four Joel the son of Pedayahu;

thousand. 21 Of the half tribe of Menas-
10 The seventh for the se- seh in Gil’ad, Yiddo the son of
venth month was Chelez the Zecharyahu ; of Benjamin, Ya-
Pelonite, of the children of ’assiel the son of Abner;
Ephraim ; and in his division 22 Of Dan, ’Asarel the son of
were twenty and four thou- Yerocham. These were the
sand. princes of the tribes of Israel.
11 If The eighth for the eighth 23 But David took not their
month was Sibbeehai the Chu- number from twenty years old
shathite, of the Zarchites; and and under; because the Lord
in his division were twenty and had said he would multiply Is-
four thousand. rael like the stars of the heavens.
12 The ninth for the ninth 24 Joab the son of Zeruyah
month was Abi’ezer the ’An- began to number (them); but he
thothite, of Benjamin ; and in finished not, and there came
his division were twenty and wrath because of it against Is-
four thousand. rael and the number was not

13 % The tenth for the tenth entered in the account of the

month was Maharai the Neto- chronicles of king David.
phathite, of the Zarchites; and 25 And over the king’s
in his division were twenty and treasures was ’Asmaveth the son
four thousand. of ’Adiel and over the store-

14 f The eleventh for the ele- houses in the fields, in the cities,
venth month was Benayah the and in the villages, and in the
Pir’athonite, of the children of castles, was Yehonathan the son
Ephraim; and in his division of Uzziyahu.
were twenty and four thousand. 26 And over those that did
15 The twelfth for the the work of the field, in the til-
twelfth month was Cheldai the lage of the ground, was ’Esri the
Netophathite, of ’Othniel; and son of Kelub.
in his division were twenty and 27 And over the vineyards
four thousand. was Shim’i the Ramathite and ;

16 Moreover over the tribes over what was in the vineyards,

of Israel: Of the Reiibenites was asregardeth the supplies of wine,
ruler Eli’ezer the son of Zichri; was Zabdi the Shiphmite.
of the Simeonites, Shephatyahu 28 And over the olive-trees
the son of Ma’achah ; and the sycamore-trees that were
17 Of the Levites, Chashabyah in the lowlands was Ba’al-chanan
the son of Kemuel; of (the sons the Gederite; and over the sup-
of) Aaron, Zadok plies of oil was Yo’ash.
18 Of Judah, Elihu, one of the 29 And over the herds *hat
brothers of David of Issachar, fed in Sharon was Shitrai the

’Omri the son of Michael Sharonite; and over the herds

19 Of Zebulun, Yishma’yahu that were in the valleys was
the son of ’Obadyahu; of Naph- Shaphat the son of ’Adlai.
CO An over the camels was Israel made choice of me out of
Obil the Ishma'elite and over all the house of my father to be

the she-asses was Yechdeyahu king over Israel for ever: for ol
the Meronothite. Judah had he made choice as
31 And over the flocks was ruler and among the house of ;

Yasis the Hagerene. All these Judah, of the house of my fa-

were the rulers of the property ther and among the sons of my

which belonged to king David. father had he pleasure in me to

32 *[ Also Jonathan David’s make (me) king over all Israel
uncle was a counsellor, being a 5 And of all my sons for the —
man of understanding and ac- Lord hath given me many sons
quainted with law; andYechiel —
hath he made choice of Solo-
the son of Chachmoni was with mon my son, to sit upon the
the king’s sons throne of the kingdom of the
33 And Achithophel was the Lord over Israel.
king’s counsellor; and Chushai 6 And he hath said unto me,
the Arkite was the king’s friend 1 Solomon thy son it is that shall
34 And after Achithophel build my house and my courts ;

(came) Yehoyada’ the son of for I have made choice of him to

Benayahu and Ebyathar ; and be as a son unto me, and I will
the captain of the king’s army be indeed to him as a father.
was Joab. 7 Moreover, I will firmly es-
tablish his kingdom for everlast-
CHAPTER X£VIII. ing, if he be strong to execute
1 And David assembled all my commandments and my or-
the princes of Israel, the princes dinances as it is this day.’
of the tribes, and the captains 8 And now before the eyes of
of the divisions that ministered all Israel, the congregation of
to the king, and the captains of the Lord, and in the hearing of
the thousands, and the captains our God, (I admonish you) ob-
of the hundreds, and the rulers serve and seek for all the com-
of all the property and the cattle mandments of the Lord your
of the king and of his sons, with God in order that ye may keep

the court-servants, and the possession of this good land, and

mighty men, and with all the leave it for an inheritance unto
valiant men of the army, unto your children after you for ever.
Jerusalem. 9 And thou, Solomon my son,
2 Then arose king David upon know thou the God of thy fa-
his feet, and said, “ Hear me, ther, and serve him with an en-
my brethren, and my people I ! tire heart and with a willing
had in my heart to build a house soul ; for all hearts doth the
of rest for the ark of the cove- Lord search, and every imagina-
nant of the Lord, and for the tion of the thoughts doth he un-
footstool of our God, and I had derstand if thou seek him, he

made preparations to build ;

will let himself be found by
3 But God said unto me , Thou
thee; but if thou forsake him,
shalt not build a house unto my he will cast thee off for ever.
name; because thou art a man 10 See now that the Lord
of war, and blood hast thou hath made choice of thee tc
shed.’ build a house for the sanctuary!
4 Yet the Lord the God of be strong and do it.”
11 Then gave David to So- 18 And concerning the altai
lomon his son the pattern of the of incense the refined gold after
porch, and of its apartments, the weight; and concerning the
and of its treasuries, and of its pattern of the chariot of the
upper chambers, and of its inner golden cherubim, which spread
chambers, and of the place of out (their wings), and cover the
the cover of the ark, ark of the covenant of the Lord.
12 And the pattern of all that 19 All (this, said David,) w w
he had in his spirit, concerning put in writing from the hand of
the courts of the house of the the Lord, who gave me instruc-
Lord, and concerning ail the tion (respecting) all the works
chambers round about, concern- of the pattern.
ing the treasuries of the house 20 And David said to Solo-
of God, and concerning the trea- mon his son, “Be strong, and
suries of the holy things; of good courage, and do (the
13 Also concerning the divi- work) fear not, and be not dis-

sions of the priests and the Le- mayed for the Lord God, (yea),

vites, and concerning all the my God, is with thee he will :

work of the service of the house not fail thee, nor forsake thee,
of the Lord, and concerning all until thou have finished all the
the vessels of service of the house work for the service of the house
of the Lord ;
of the Lord.
14 Concerning the golden ves- 21 And, behold, the divisions
sels, afterthe weight of the gold, of the priests and the Levites
for all the vessels of all manner are there for all the service of
of service ; concerning all the the house of God; and with thee
vessels of silver after the weight, are in all manner of workman-
for all the vessels of every kind ship all kinds of men distin-
of service guished in wisdom, for every
15 Also the weight for the manner of service and the ;

candlesticks of gold, and for princes and all the people are
their lamps of gold, after the ready (to obey) all thy words.”
weight for every candlestick,
and for its lamps ;
and concern- CHAPTER XXIX.
ing the candlesticks of silver 1 And king David said unto
after the weight, for the candle- all the assembly, “ Solomon, the
stick, and for its lamps, accord- only son of mine whom God hath
ing to the use of every candle- made choice of, is yet young and
stick ; tender, and the work is great;
16 And the gold after the because not for man is the palace
weight for the tables of the rows to be, but for the Lord God.
of shewbread, for every table; 2 But with all my might have
and the silver for the tables of I made ready for the house of
silver; my God, the gold for the things
IT Also (concerning) the forks, of gold, and the silver for the
and the bowls, and the support- things of silver, and the copper
ers of pure gold; and concern- for the things of copper, the iron
ing the golden cups after the for the things of iron, and the
weight for every cup ; and con- wood for the things of wood;
cerning the silver cups after the onyx stones, and stones to be
weight for every cup set, bright stones, and those of
99 * 1181
divers colours, and all manner congregation and David said,

of precious stones, and marble “ Blessed be thou, 0 Lord the

stones in abundance. God of Israel our father, from
3 Moreover, because I have everlasting even unto everlast-
set my affection on the house of ing.
my God, have I acquired as my 11 Thine, 0 Lord, are the
own property gold and silver; greatness, and the might, and
(and this) have I given to the the glory, and the victory, and
house of my God, over and above the majesty, yea, all that is in
all that I have prepared for the the heavens and on the earth :
holy house thine, 0 Lord, is the kingdom,
4 Three thousand talents of and thou art exalted as the head
gold, of the gold of Ophir, and above all.
seven thousand talents of refined 12 And riches and honour
silver to overlay the walls of the come from thee, and thou rulest
houses; over and in thy hand are
all ;

5 All that is needed of gold power and might; and it is in

and of silver, and for every man- thy hand to make great, and to
ner of work (to be made) by the give strength unto all.
hands of artificers. And who 13 And now, 0 our God, we
(now) is willing to consecrate give thanks unto thee, and
his hand this day unto the praise thy glorious name.
Lord ?” 14 For who am I, and what is
6 Thereupon offered volun- my people, that we should pos-
tarily the chiefs of the family sess the power to offer voluntarily
divisions and the princes of the after this sort? for from thee is
tribes of Israel, and the captains every thing, and out of thy own
of the thousands and of the hun- have we given unto thee.
dreds, with the supervisors of 15 For strangers are we be-
the king’s work; fore thee, and sojourners, as were
7 And they gave for the ser- all our fathers like a shadow

vice of the house of God, of gold are our days on the earth, and
five thousand talents and ten there is no hope (of abiding).
thousand drachms, and of silver 16 0 Lord our God! all this
ten thousand talents, and of cop- abundant store which we have
per eighteen thousand talents, prepared to build for thee a
and of iron one hundred thou- house for thy holy name, is out
sand talents. of thy own hand, and thine is
8 And those with whom stones all.
were found gave them to the 17 And I know, my God, that
treasury of the house of the thou probest the heart, and up-
Lord, under the supervision of rightness thou receivest in fa-
Yechiel the Gershunite. vour. As for me, in the upright-
9 Then did the people rejoice, ness of my heart have I volun-
because they had voluntarily tarily offered all these things;
offered; for with an undivided and now thy people, that are
heart did they offer to the Lord present here, do I see with joy

and also king David rejoiced offering voluntarily unto thee.

with great joy. 18 0 Lord, God of Abraham,
10 And David blessed the Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers,
Lord before the eyes of all the preserve this for ever as the ima«
gination of the thoughts of the stead of David his father, and
heart of thy people, and direct he was prosperous; and all Is
their heart firmly unto thee. rael obeyed him.
19 And unto Solomon my son 24 And all the princes, and
do thou give an undivided heart, the mighty men, and also all the
to keep thy commandments, thy sons of king David, submitted
testimonies, and thy statutes, themselves unto king Solomon.
and to do all, and to build the 25 And the Lord made Solo-
palace for which I have made mon exceedingly great before
preparation.” the eyes of all Israel; and he
20 And David said to all bestowed upon him a royal ma-
the assembly, “ Bless now the jesty such as had not been on
Lord your God.” And all the any king over Israel before him.
assembly blessed the Lord the 26 Thus did David the son
God of their fathers, and bent of Jesse reign over all Israel.
down their heads, and pros- 27 And the time that he reign-
trated themselves to the Lord, ed over Israel was forty years
and to the king. in Hebron he reigned seven
21 And they sacrificed sacri- years, and in Jerusalem he
fices unto the Lord, and they reigned thirty and three (years).
offered burnt-offerings unto the 28 And he died in a good old
Lord, on the morrow after that age, full of days, riches, and ho-
day, a thousand bullocks, a thou- nour and Solomon his son be-

sand rams, a thousand sheep, came king in his stead.

with their drink-offerings, and 29 And
the acts of king Da-
(other) sacrifices in abundance and the last, behold,
vid, the first
for all Israel; they are written in the history
22 And they ate and drank of Samuel the seer, and in the
before the Lord on that day history of Nathan the prophet,
with great joy. And they de- and in the history of Gad the
clared the second time Solomon seer,
the son of David to be king, and 30 Together with all his reign
they anointed him unto the Lord and
his mighty deeds, and the
as chief ruler, and Zadok as times that passed over him, and
priest, over Israel, and over all the
23 Then sat Solomon on the kingdoms of the (various) coun-
throne of the Lord as king in- tries.


'3 D’D’il ’131 13D.

bernacle of the congregation,

11APTER I. and offered upon it a thousand
1 And Solomon the son of burnt-off eri n gs.
David strengthened himself in 7 In that night did God
his kingdom, and the Lord his appear unto Solomon, and said
God was with him, and caused unto him, “Ask what I shall
him to become exceedingly give thee.”
great. 8 And Solomon said unto
2 Then said Solomon unto all God, “ Thou hast shown unto
Israel, to the captains of the David my father great kindness,
thousands and of the hundreds, and hast made me king in his
ar.J to the judges, and to every stead.
prince in all Israel, the chiefs of 9 Now, 0 Lord God, let thy
the family divisions (that they word unto David my father be
should go with him). verified; for thou hast made me
3 Thereupon went Solomon, king over a people as numerous
and all the assembly with him, as the dust of the earth.
to the high-place that was at 10 Give me now wisdom and
Gib’on for there was the taber- knowledge, that I may go out

nacle of the congregation of and come in before this people

God, which Moses the servant for who could (otherwise) judge
of the Lord had made in the this thy great people ?”
wilderness. 11 And God said unto Solo-
4 Nevertheless the ark of God mon, “ Whereas this hath been
had David brought up from Kir- in thy heart, and thou hast not
yath-ye'arim to (the place which) asked riches, wealth, or honour,
David had prepared for it; for nor the life of thy enemies, and
he had pitched a tent for it at hast not even asked long life ;
Jerusalem. but hast asked for thyself wis-
5 But the copper altar, which dom and knowledge, that thou
Bezalel the son of Uri, the son mayest judge my people, over
of Chur, had made, he placed whom I have made thee king
before the tabernacle of the 12 (Therefore) are the wisdom
Lord: and Solomon and the as- and the knowledge granted unto
sembly sought for it. thee and riches, and wealth,

6 And Solomon sacrificed and honour, will I give thee,

there on the copper altar before such as no kings that have been
the Lord, which was at the ta- before thee have had, and the

like of which after thee none dwell therein, (even so deal witl
shall have.” me).
13 Then came Solomon from 3 Behold, I am building a
the high-place that was at Gib- house to the name of the Lord
*on to Jerusalem, from before my God, to sanctify it to him, to
the tabernacle of the congrega- burn before him incense of
tion, and reigned over Israel. spices, and for the continual
14 And Solomon brought rows of shew-bread, and for the
together chariots and horsemen burnt-offerings at morning and

and he had a thousand and four evening, on the sabbaths, and

hundred chariots, and twelve on the new-moons, and on the
thousand horsemen, and he stated festivals of the Lord oul
placed them in the chariot- God this being for ever obliga-

cities, and with the king at Je- tory on Israel.

rusalem. 4 And the house which I am
15 And the king rendered the building is great for greater is

silver and gold at Jerusalem like our God than all the gods.
stones, and cedar-trees he ren- 5 But who possesseth the
dered as the sycamore-trees that power to build him a house ? for
are in the lowlands for abun the heavens and the heavens of
dance. heavens cannot contain him
16 And Solomon had his and who am I then, that I
horses brought out of Egypt: a should build him a house, save
company of the king’s mer- only to burn incense before
chants bought a quantity at a him ?
price. 6 And now send me a skilful
17 And they brought up, and man to work in gold, and in sil-
fetched out of Egypt a chariot ver, and in copper, and in iron,
for six hundred shekels of sil- and in purple, and crimson, and
ver, and a horse for a hundred blue, and that understandeth
and fifty and so for all the kings how to engrave with the skilful

of the Hittites, and for the kings men that are with me in Judah
of Syria, did they bring them and in Jerusalem, whom David
out by their means. my father hath provided.
18 And Solomon ordered to 7 Send me also cedar-trees,
build a house for the name of fir-trees, and sandal-wood, from
the Lord, and a house for his the Lebanon; for I know well
royal residence. that thy servants have the skill
to cut the trees of Lebanon :

CHAPTER II. and, behold, my servants sha’i

1 And Solomon numbered se- be with thy servants,
venty thousand men to bear bur- 8 Even to prepare for me tim-
dens, and eighty thousand stone- ber in abundance for the house

cutters in the mountain, and as which I am building is to be

superintendents over them three wonderfully great.
thousand and six hundred. 9 And, behold, for the hewers
2 And Solomon sent to Chu- that cut the timber will I give
ram the king of Tyre, saying, unto thy servants twenty thou-
“ As thou hast dealt with David sand cors of threshed wheat, and
my father, and didst send him twenty thousand cors of barley,
cedars to build him a house to and twenty thousand baths of

wine, and twenty thousand baths they were found to be one hun-
of oil.” dred and fifty thousand and
10 Then answered Churam three thousand and six hun-
the king of Tyre in writing, and dred.
he sent it to Solomon, u Out of 17 And he made of them se-
the love of the Lord for his peo- venty thousand bearers of bur-
ple hath he set thee as king over!idens, and eighty thousand stone-
them.” cutters in the mountain, and
11 And Churam said, “ Bless- three thousand and six hundred
ed be the Lord the God of Is- superintendents to set the peo-
rael, that hath made the heavens ple to work.
and the earth, who hath given
to king David a wise son, en- CHAPTER
dowed with intelligence and un- 1 And Solomon began to
derstanding, who is to build a build the house of the Lord in
house unto the Lord, and a Jerusalem on mount Moriah,
house for a royal residence. where he had appeared unto Da-
12 And now have I sent a vid his father, on the place that
skilful man, endowed with un- David had prepared in the
derstanding, namely, Churam- threshing-floor of Oman the Je-
Abi, busite.
13 The son of a woman from 2 And he began to build on
the daughters of Dan, while his the second day of the second
father was a man of Tyre, skil- month, in the fourth year of his
ful to work in gold, and in sil- reign.
ver, in copper, in iron, in stone, 3 Now in this manner was the
and in wood, in purple, in blue, foundation laid of the house ol
and in fine linen, and in crim- God (at its) building (by) Solo-
son also to execute any man-
mon The length by cubits after

ner of engraving, and to devise the first measure was sixty cu-
every kind of work of art which bits, and the breadth twenty cu-
may be given to him, together bits.
with thy skilful men, and the 4 And the porch that was in
skilful men of my lord David the front of the length was ac-
thy father. cording to the breadth of the
14 And now the wheat, and house, twenty cubits, and the
the barley, the oil, and the wine, height was a hundred and twen-
of which my lord hath spoken, ty : and he overlaid it within
let him send unto his servants : with pure gold.
15 And we will truly cut down 5 And the great house he
trees out of the Lebanon, as ceiled with firwood, which he
much as thou mayest need ; and overlaid with pure gold, and ho
we will bring them to thee in wrought thereon palm-trees and
floats by sea to Joppa ; and thou chains.
shalt carry them up to Jerusa- 6 And he overlaid the house
lem.” with costly stones for ornament
16 5[
And Solomon numbered and the gold was gold of Par-
allthe strange men that were in vayim.
the land of Israel, after the 7 And he covered the house,
numbering wherewith David his the beams, the sills, and its
father had numbered them ; and walls, and its doors, with gold;
and he engraved cherubim on 17 And he set up the pillars
the walls. in front of the temple, one on
8 And he made the most the right hand, and the other on
holy house, its length being in the left; and he called the name
front of the breadth of the of that on the right hand Ja-
house, twenty cubits, and its chin, and the name of that on
breadth twenty cubits and he: the left Bo'as.
covered it with fine gold, (amount-
ing) to six hundred talents. CHAPTER IV.
9 And the weight of the nails 1 He made also an altar of
(amounted) to fifty shekels of copper, twenty cubits being its
gold. And the upper chambers length, and twenty cubits its
he covered with gold. breadth, and ten cubits its height.
10 And he made in the 2 He made also the molten
most holy house two cherubim sea, being ten cubits from the
of sculpture work,, and they one brim to the other, rounded
overlaid them with gold. all about, and it was five cubits
11 And regarding the wings in height: and a line of thirty
of the cherubim, their length was cubits did encompass it round
twenty cubits ; the wing of the about.
one amounting to five cubits, 3 And likenesses of oxen were
reaching to the wall of the under it, encompassing it all
house; and the other wing of round about, ten in a cubit, en-
five cubits, reaching to the wing circling the sea round about:
of the other cherub. the oxen were in two rows (and
12 And the wing of the other were) cast (with it), when it was
cherub was fiva cubits, reaching cast.
to the wall of the house; and 4 It was standing upon twelve
the other wing of five cubits was oxen, three looking toward the
joined closely to the wing of the north, and three looking toward
other cherub. the west, and three looking to-
13 The wings of these cheru-
ward the south, and three look-
bim (as they were) spread out ing toward the east; and the. sea
were twenty cubits: and they was resting above upon them,
and all their hinder parts were
were standing on their feet, and
their faces were inward. inward.
14 And he made the vail of 5 And its thickness was a
blue, and purple, and crimson,hand’s breadth, and its brim like
and fine linen, and wrought the brim of a cup, with lily-
thereon cherubim. buds and it could hold and

15 And he made before the contain three thousand baths.

bouse two pillars of thirty and 6 lie made also ten lavers
five cubits in length, and the and he placed five on the right
capital that was on the top of hand, and five on the left, to
each of them was five cubits. wash in them what belonged to

16 And he made chains in the burnt-offering they rinsed

the debir; and (others which) he off at them ; but the sea was for
placed on the top of the pillars; the priests to wash in.
and he made a hundred pome- 7 f And he made ten candle-
granates, and placed them on sticks of gold according to their
the chains. prescribed manner ; and he
placed (them) in the temple, five these vessels in very great abun
on the right side, and five on dance; for the weight of the
the left. copper was not inquired into.
8 He made 19 And Solomon made all the
also ten tables,
and he set them the temple, vessels that pertained to the
five on the right side, and five house of God ; and the altar of
on the left. And he made a gold also, and the tables where-
hundred bowls of gold. on the shew-bread (was set);
9 And he made the court of 20 And the candlesticks with
the priests, and the great out- their lamps, to light them after
court, and doors for the out- the prescribed manner before the
court, and their doors he over- debir, of pure gold.
laid with copper. 21 And the flowers, and the
10 And the sea he placed on lamps, and the tongs, were of
the right side toward the east,, gold, the purest of gold;
opposite to the south. 22 And the knives, and the
11 And Churam made the basins, and the spoons, and the
pots, and the shovels, and the censers were of pure gold ;
basins. And Churam made an the entrance of the house, its
end of doing the work which he inner doors for the most holy
made for king Solomon in the place, and the doors of the house
house of God of the temple, were of gold.
12 The two pillars, and the
bowls, and the capitals on the CHAPTER V.
top of the two pillars, and the 1 And so was ended all the
two networks to cover the two work which Solomon made for
bowl-shaped capitals which were the house of the Lord and So-

on the top of the pillars ;

lomon brought in the things
13 And the four hundred po- sanctified by David his father;
megranates for the two net- and the silver, and the gold, and
works, two rows of pomegra- all the vessels, he placed in the
nates for each network, to cover treasuries of the house of God.
the two bowl-shaped capitals 2 Then did Solomon assemble
which were upon the front of the elders of Israel, and all the
the pillars. heads of the tribes, the princes
14 The bases also did he of the divisions of the children
make, and the layers made he of Israel, unto Jerusalem, to
upon the bases. bring up the ark of the covenant
15 The one sea, and the of the Lord out of the city of
twelve oxen under it, David, which is Zion.
16 And the pots also, and the 3 And all the men of Israel
shovels, and the forks, and all assembled themselves unto the
their instruments, did Churam- king at the feast which is (in)
Abiv make for king Solomon for the seventh month.
the house of the Lord, of po- 4 And all the elders of Israel
lished copper. came, and the Levites took up
17 In the plain of the Jordan the ark.
did the king cast them, in the 5 And they brought up the
clay-ground between Succoth ark, and the tabernacle of the
and Zeredathah. congregation, and all the holy
18 IT And Solomon made all vessels that were in the taber-
nacle these did the priests and as the trumpeters and singers

the Levites bring up. were as one, to make one sound

6 And king Solomon, and all to be heard in praising and
the congregation of Israel that thanking the Lord; and when
were assembled unto him were they lifted up their voice (ac-
before the ark, sacrificing sheep companied) with trumpets and
and oxen, which could not be cymbals and instruments of lou*
numbered nor told for multitude. sic, and in praising the Lord,
7 And the priests brought in “For he is good; because unto
the ark of the covenant of the everlasting endureth his kind-
Lord unto its place, into the de- ness:” that the house, even the
bir of the house, into the most house of the Lord, was filled
holy place, under the wings of with a cloud ;
the cherubim. 14 And the priests were not
8 And the cherubim spread able to stand to minister because
forth their wings over the place of the cloud; for the glory of the
of the ark, and the cherubim Lord had filled the house of
covered the ark and its staves God.
from above.
9 And they had made the CHAPTER VI.
staves so long that the ends of 1 Then said Solomon, “ The
the staves were seen (standing Lord said that he would dwell
out) from the ark in the front of in the thick darkness.
the debir; but they were not 2 And I have indeed built a
seen without; and they have dwelling-house for thee, and a
remained there until this day. settled place for thy abode for
.10 There was nothing in the ever.”

ark save the two tables which 3 And the king turned his
Moses had placed (therein) at face, and blessed the whole con-
Horeb, where the Lord made a gregation of Israel, and all the
covenant with the children of congregation of Israel was stand-
Israel, when they came out of ing-
Egypt. 4 And he said, “Blessed be
11 And it came to pass, the Lord the God of Israel, who
when the priests were come out spoke with his mouth unto Da-
of the holy place; for all the vid my father, and hafh with his
priests that were present had hands fulfilled it, when he said,
sanctified themselves, the divi- 5 ‘Since the day that I brought
sions not having been observ- forth my people out of the land
ed; of Egypt, I did not make choice
12 And the Levites the sing- of any city out of all the tribes
ers, all together, of Assaph, of of Israel to build a house, that
Heman, of Jeduthun, with their my name might be therein; nor
sons and their brethren, arrayed did I make choice of any man
in white linen, having cymbals to be a ruler over my people Is-
and psalteries and harps, stood rael ;

at the east side of the altar, and 6 But I have made choice of
with them were one hundred and Jerusalem, that my name might
twenty priests blowing on trum- be theie ; and I have made choice
pets :
of David to be over my people
13 And it came thus to pass, Israel.’
100 1189
7 lid it was the heart of| vant David my father that which
David my father to build a house thou hadst promised him and ;

•for the rame of the Lorj> the thou spokest with thy mouth,
Hod of Israel. and hast fulfilled it with thy
8 But the Lord said unto Da- hand, as it is this day.
vid my father, i Whereas it was 16 And now, 0 Lord, God of
in thy heart to build a house Israel, keep for thy servant Da-
unto my name, thou didst well vid my father that which thou
in that it was in thy heart hast spoken concerning him, say-
9 Nevertheless thou shalt not ing, There shall never fail thee

thyself build the house; but thy a man in my sight who sitteth
son that shall come forth out of on the throne of Israel; if thy
thy loins, he shall build the children but take heed to their
house unto my name/ way to walk in my law, as thou
10 And the Lord hath ful- hast walked before me/
filled his word that he hath spo- 17 And now, 6 Lord, God of
ken ; and I am risen up in the Israel, let thy word be verified,
stead of David my father, and I which thou hast spoken unto thy
sit on the throne of Israel, as servant, unto David.
the Lord hath spoken, and I 18 For, in truth, will God then
have built the house unto the dwell with men on the earth ?
name of the Lord the God of behold, the heavens, and the
Israel. heavens of heavens cannot con-
11 And I have placed there tain thee how much less then

the ark, wherein is the covenant this house that T have built
of the Lord which he hath made 19 Yet wilt thou turn thy re-
with the children of Israel. gard unto the prayer of thy ser-
12 And he now placed him- vant, and to his supplication,
self before the altar of the Lord 0 Lord my God to listen unto

in the presence of all the con- the entreaty and the prayer which
gregation of Israel, and spread thy servant prayeth before thee :
forth his hands 20 That thy eyes may be open
13 For Solomon had made a toward this house day and night,
laver of copper, and had placed toward the place of which thou
it in the midst of the out-court, hast said that thou wouldst put
five cubits being its length, five thy name there that thou may-

cubits its breadth, and three cu- est listen unto the prayer which
bits its height; and he placed thy servant will pray at this
himself upon and kneeled place.

down upon his knees in the pre-21 And listen thou to the sup-
sence of all the congregation of plications of thy servant, and
Israel, and spread forth his hands of thy people Israel, which th?y
toward heaven will pray at this place: and oi,
14 And he said,
“ 0 Lord, do thou hear from thy dwelling-
God of Israel! there no god place, from heaven and hear,
is ;

like thee in the heavens, or on and forgive.

the earth, thou who keepest the 22 If any man trespass against
covenant, and the kindness for. his neighbour, and an oath be
thy servants that walk before laid upon him to cause him tc
thee with all their heart; swear, and the oath come boforu
15 Who hast kept for thy ser- thy altar in this house
23 Then do thou hear from forth his hands toward this
heaven, and act, and judge house
thy servants, by requiting the 30 Then do thou hear from
wicked, to bring his way upon heaven the place of thy dwell-
his own head; and by justi- ing, and forgive, and give to
fying the righteous, to give every man in accordance with
him according to his righteous- all his ways, as thou mayest
ness. know his heart; for thou, thy-
24 And if thy people Israel self alone, knowest the heart of
be struck down before the ene- the children of men ;

my, because they have sinned 31 In order that they may

against thee, and they return fear thee, to walk in thy ways,
and confess thy name, and pray, all the days that they live on
and make supplication before the face of the land which thou
thee in this house hast given unto our fathers.
25 Then do thou hear from 32 But also to the stranger,
heaven, and forgive the sin of who is not of thy people Israel,
thy people Israel, and cause them but cometh out of a far-off coun-
to return unto the land which try for the sake of thy great
thou hast given to them and to name, and of thy mighty hand,
their fathers. and of thy outstretched arm,
26 When the heavens be if they come and pray in this
shut up, and there be no rain, house,
because they have sinned against 33 Mayest thou likewise listen
thee, and they pray toward this from heaven, from the place of
place, and confess thy name, and thy dwelling, and do according
turn from their sin, because thou to all that the stranger will call
hast afflicted them : on thee for in order that all

27 Then do thou hear in hea- people of the earth may know

ven, and forgive the sin of thy thy name, both to fear thee, as
servants, and of thy people Is- do thy people Israel, and to un-
rael; for thou wilt direct them derstand that this house, which
unto the good way, wherein they I have built, is called by thy
should walk ; and give then rain name.
upon thy land, which thou hast 34 If thy people go out to
given unto thy people for an in- battle against their enemies on
heritance. the way on which thou mayest
28 If there be famine in the send them, *»nd they do pray
land, if there be pestilence, blast- unto thee in the direction of this
ing, or mildew, if there be lo- city which thou hast chosen, and
custs, or caterpillers if their of the house that I have built

enemies besiege them in their unto thy name :

land, in their gates; at whatso- 35 Then hear thou from hea-

ever plague, and at whatsoever ven their prayer and their sup •

sickness plication, and procure them jus-

29 What prayer and what sup- tice.
plication soever be made by any 36 If they sin against thee,
man, or by all thy people Israel, for there isno man that may not
when they shall be conscious sin,— and thou be angry with
every man of his plague and them, and give them up before
his pain, and he then spread the enemy, so that their captors
carry them away captive unto a And the priests were nof
land far off or near : able to enter into the house of
37 And if they then take it to the Lord ; because the glory of
their heart in the land whither the Lord had filled the Lord’s
they have been carried captive, house.
and repent and make supplica- 3 And all the children of Is-
tion unto thee in the land of rael were looking on as the fire
their captivity, saying , We have came down, and the glory of

sinned, we have committed ini- the Lord (was resting) upon the
quity, and have acted wickedly house; and they kneeled down
38 And they return unto thee with their faces to the ground
with all their heart and with all upon the pavement, and pros-
their soul in the land of their trated themselves, and “gave
captivity, whither they have thanks unto the Lord, for he is
been carried captive, and they good; because unto everlasting
pray in the direction of their endureth his kindness.”
land, which thou hast given un- 4 And the king and all the
to their fathers, and of the city people offered sacrifices before
which thou hast chosen, and to- the Lord.
ward the house which I have 5 And king Solomon offered
built unto thy name : a sacrifice of twenty and two
39 Then hear thou from hea- thousand oxen, and a hundred
ven, from the place of thy dwell- and twenty thousand sheep and

ing, their prayer and their sup- so they dedicated the house of
plications, and procure them jus- God, the king and all the peo-
tice, and forgive thy people for ple.
what they have sinned against 6 And the priests were stand-
thee. ing on their stations, and the
40 Now, my God let, I be- Levites with the instruments of

seech thee, thy eyes be open, the music of the Lord, which
and thy ears be attentive unto the king David had made to give
prayer on this place. thanks unto the Lord, because
41 And now arise, 0 Lord unto everlasting endureth his
God, unto thy resting-place, thou, kindness, with the song of praise
and the ark of thy strength let of David in their hand and the
: ;

thy priests, 0 Lord God, clothe priests blew the trumpets oppo-
themselves with salvation, and site to them, and all Israel were
let thy pious servants rejoice in standing.
happiness. 7 f And Solomon hallowed
42 0 Lord God turn not the interior of the court that was

away the face of thy anointed before the house of the Lord;

remember the pious deeds of Da- for he prepared there the burnt-
vid thy servant.” offerings, and the fat of the
peace-offe rings; because the cop-
CHAPTER VII. per altar which Solomon had
I ^ And when Solomon had made was not able to contain the
made an end of praying, a fire burnt-offerings, and the meat-
came down from heaven, and offerings, and the fat.
consumed the burnt-offering and 8 And Solomon held the feast
the sacrifices and the glory of at that time seven days, and all

the Lord filled the house. Israel with him, a very great as-
Fembly, from the entrance of wilt walk before me, as David
Chamath unto the river of thy father hath walked, so as to
Egypt, do in accordance with all that I
9 And they held on the eighth have commanded thee, and wilt
day a solemn assembly for the
keep my statutes and my ordi-
dedication of the altar they held nances :

seven days, and the feast seven 18 Then will I establish the
days. throne of thy kingdom, just as I
10 And on the three-and- have covenanted with David thy
twentieth day of the seventh father, saying , 1
There shall never
month he dismissed the people fail thee a man to be ruler in Is-
unto their tents, joyful and glad rael.’
of heart because of the good that 19 But if ye will indeed turn
the Lord had done for David, away, and forsake my statutes
and forSolomon, and for Israel and my commandments, which
his people. I have set before you, and will
11 Thus did Solomon com- go and serve other gods, and
plete the house of the Lord, and bow down to them :

the king’s house; and (in) all 20 Then will I pluck them up
that came into Solomon’s heart out of my land which I have
to make in the house of the given unto them and this house, ;

Lord, and in his own house, he which I have hallowed for my

prospered. name, will I cast away from my
12 Then appeared the Lord sight, and I will render it to be
to Solomon during the night, and for a proverb and for a by-word
said unto him, “ 1 have heard among all the people.
thy prayer, and I have made 21 And this house, which hath
choice of this place for myself been so exalted, shall become an
as a house of sacrifice. astonishment to every one that
13 If I shut up the heavens passeth by it: so that he will
that there be no rain, or if I give say, Why hath the Lord done

a charge to the locusts to devour thus unto this land, and unto
off the land, or if I send a pes- this house ?’
tilence among my people ;
22 And men shall then say,
14 And if my people, over For the cause that they forsook

whom my name is called, do the Lord the God of their fa-

then humble themselves, and thers, who had brought them
pray, and seek my presence, and forth out of the land of Egypt,
turn away from their evil ways and they took hold of other gods,
then will I also hear from hea- and bowed down to them, and
ven, and I will forgive their sin, served them therefore hath he

and will heal their land. brought upon them all this

15 Now, my eyes shall be evil.’
open, and my ears attentive unto
the prayer on this place. CHAPTER
16 And now I have chosen 1 And it came to pass at the
and hallowed this house, that my end of twenty years, when Solo-
name may be there for ever; and mon had built the house of the
my eyes and my heart shall be Lord and his own house,
there at all times. 2 That (as regardeth) the cities
17 And as for thee, if thou which Churam had restored to
100* 2 2 2i 1193
Solomon, Solomon built them, the king of Israel, because they
and caused the children of Is- are holy, because there came
rael to dwell there. (once) unto them the ark of the
3 And Solomon went to Lord.”
L'hamath-zobah, and prevailed 12 Then did Solomon offer
against it. burnt-offerings unto the Lord
4 And he built Thadmor in on the altar of the Lord, which
the wilderness, and all the trea- he had built before the porch,
sure-cities, which he built in 13 Even according to what
Chamath. was the due of (every) day on
5 And he built the upper Beth- its day, offering according to
choron, and the lower Beth-cho- the commandment of Moses, on
ron, fortified cities, with walls, the sabbaths, and on the new-
gates, and bars moons, and on the stated festi-
6 And Ba’alath, and all the vals, three times in the year, on
treasure-cities that Solomon had, the feast of unleavened bread,
and all the cities for chariots, and on the feast of weeks, and
and the cities for horsemen, and on the feast of tabernacles.
all the (other) desire of Solomon 14 And he stationed, accord-
which he desired to build in Je- ing to the prescription of David
rusalem, and in the Lebanon, his father, the divisions of the
and throughout all the land of priests at their service, and the
his dominion. Levites at their stations, to
7 All the people that were left praise and minister next to the
of the Hittites, and the Emorites, priests, in the requirement of
and the Perizzites, and the Hiv- every day on its day, and the
ites, and the Jebusites, who were gatekeepers in their divisions
not of Israel, at every gate for so was the

8 Out of their children, who charge of David the man of

were left after them in the land, God.
whom the children of Israel had 15 And they departed not

not destroyed these did Solo- from the charge of the king con-
mon levy as tributary (labour- cerning the priests and Levites
ers) until this day. respecting every matter, and re-
9 Yet of the children of Israel specting the treasuries.
did Solomon make no bondmen 16 And (so) was all the work
for his work ;
but they were men of Solomon successful from the
of war, and chiefs of his captains, day of founding the house of
and officers of his chariots and the Lord, even until it was
of his horsemen. finished. (So) was perfected
10 And these were the chiefs the house of the Lord.
of the superintendents whom 17 Then went Solomon to
king Solomon had, (even) two ’Ezyon-geber, and to Eloth, at
hundred and fifty, who ruled the sea-shore in the land of
over the people. Edom.
11 And the daughter of Pha- 18 And Churam him by
raoh did Solomon bring up out means of and
his servants ships,
of the city of David unto the servants that had knowledge of
bouse that he had built for her ; the sea and they went with the

for he said, “No wife of mine servants of Solomon to Ophir>

shall dwell in a house of David and they fetched away thence
four hundred and fifty talents of because thy God loved Israel, t«
gold, and brought the same to sustain them for ever, therefore
king Solomon. hath he placed thee over them
as king, to exercise justice and
CHAPTER IX. righteousness.”
1 And when
the queen of 9 And she gave to the king
Sheba heard of the fame of So- one hundred and twenty talents
lomon, she came to prove Solo- of gold, and spices in very great
mon with riddles at Jerusalem, abundance, and precious stones :
with a very great train, and and there never were any such
with camels bearing spices, and spices as those which the queen
gold in abundance, and precious of Sheba gave to king Solomon.
stones: and when she was come 10 And also the servants of
to Solomon, she spoke with him Churam, and the servants of
of all that was on her heart. Solomon, who brought gold from

2 And Solomon solved for her Ophir, brought sandal-trees and

all her questions;
and there was precious stones.
nothing hidden from Solomon 11 And the king made of the
which he did not tell her. sandal-trees steps for the house
3 And when the queen of of the Lord, and for the king’s
Sheba saw the wisdom of Solo- palace, and harps and psalteries
mon, and the house that he had for singers and there were

built, never seen the like of them be-

4 And the food of his table, fore in the land of Judah.
and the sitting of his servants, 12 And king Solomon gave
and the attendance of his mi- unto the queen of Sheba all her
nisters, and their apparel, and pleasure, whatsoever she asked,
his cupbearers, and their ap- beside (a return for) that which
parel; and his ascent by which she had brought unto the king.
he went up into the house of the And she turned about and went
Lord there was no more spirit away to her own country, she

in her. and her servants.

5And she said to the king, 13 Now the weight of the
“The truth (only) was the word gold that came to Solomon in one
that 1 heard in my own land of year was six hundred and sixty
thy acts, and of thy wisdom. and six talents of gold,
6 And I believed not in their 14 Besides what the tra velling
words, until I came, and my tradesmen and the merchants
eyes saw (all); and, behold, the brought. And all the kings of
one-half of the greatness of thy Arabia and the governors of the
wisdom hath not been told me country brought gold and silver

thou excellest the report which to Solomon.

I have heard. 15 And king Solomon made
7 Happy are thy men, and two hundred targets of beaten
hippy are these thy servants, gold six hundred shekels of

who stand before thee continu- beaten gold he used for each one
ally, and hear thy wisdom. target.
8 Blessed be the Lord thy 16 And (he made) three hun-
God, who hath had delight in dred shields of beaten gold :

thee to place thee on his throne, three hundred shekels of gold

as a king for the Lord thy God; he used for each one shield.
And the king put them in the and as far as the boundary of
house of the forest of Lebanon. Egypt.
17 The king also made a great 27 And the king rendered
throne of ivory, and overlaid it silver in Jerusalem like stones,
frith pure gold. and the cedar-trees he renderec
18 And the throne had six like the sycamore-trees that are
steps, with a footstool of gold,!Sin the lowlands, for abundance.
fastened into the throne ; and 28 And men were bringing
there were arms on either side, out horses for Solomon from
on the place of the seat and Egypt, and from all lands.

two lions stood beside the arms; 29 And the remainder of the
19 And twelve lions stood acts of Solomon, the first and
there upon the six steps on both the last, behold, they are written
sides there was not the like in the history of Nathan the pro-

made in any kingdom. phet, and in the prophecy of

20 And all king Solomon’s Achiyah the Shilonite, and in
drinking vessels were of gold, the visions of Ye’do the seer
and all the vessels of the house concerning Jerobo’am the son of
of the forest of Lebanon were of Nebat.
pure gold no silver was valued
: 30 And Solomon reigned in
in the days of Solomon at the Jerusalem over all Israel forty
least. years.
21 For the king’s ships went 31 And Solomon slept with
to Tharshish with the servants his fathers, and they buried him
of Churam: once in three years in the city of David his father:
did the Tharshish-ships use to and Rehobo’am his son became
come home laden with gold, and king in his stead.
silver, ivory, and apes, and pea-
cocks. CHAPTER X.
22 And king Solomon became 1 <[[ And Rehobo’am went to
greater than all the kings of the Shechem for to Shechem were

earth for riches and wisdom. all Israel come to make him
23 And all the kings of the king.
earth sought the presence of 2 And it came to pass, when
Solomon, to hear his wisdom, Jerobo’am the son of Nebat
which God had put in his heart. heard of it, for he was in Egypt,
24 And they brought every whither he had fled from the
man his present, vessels of sil- presence of king Solomon, that
ver, and vessels of gold, and Jerobo’am returned out of Egypt.
garments, armour, and spices, 3 And they sent and called
horses, and * mules (and) so him: and so came Jerobo’am

year by year. with all Israel and spoke to Re-

25 And Solomon had four hobo’am, saying,
thousand stalls for horses and 4 “ Thy father made our yoke
chariots, and twelve thousand hard but now do thou make

horsemen, whom he quartered lighter the hard service of thy

in the cities for chariots,' and father, and his heavy yoke which
near the king at Jerusalem. he put upon us, and we will
26 And he was ruling over all serve thee.”
the kings from the river even 5 And he said unto them,
unto the land of the Philistines, “ After but three days, then re-
turn unto me.” And the people harshly ;
and king Rehobo’am
went away. forsook the counsel of the old
6 Then consulted king Reho- men
bo’am with the old men that had 14 And he spoke to them af
stood before Solomon his father ter the counsel of the young
while he yet lived, saying, “How men, saying, “ My father made
do you advise that I should your yoke heavy, and I will add
return an answer to this peo- thereto; my father chastised
ple?” you with whips, but I will (do
7 And they spoke unto him, it)with scorpion-thorns.”
saying, “If thou wilt be kind 15 And the king hearkened
to this people, and please them, not unto the people; for it was
and speak to them good words : so brought about from God, in
then will they be servants unto order that the Lord might ful-
thee for all times.” his word, which he hfpl spo-

8 But he forsook the counsel ken by means of Achiyahu the

which the old men had given Shilonite unto Jerobo’am the
him, and consulted with the son of Nebat.
young men that were grown up 16 So when all Israel saw that
with him, and who stood before the king hearkened not unto
hffn. them, the people answered the
9 And he said unto them, king, saying, “ What portion
r How do you counsel how we have we in David? nor have we
should give an answer to this an inheritance in the son of
people, who have spoken to me, Jesse every man to your tents,

saying, Make lighter the yoke

0 Israel now, see to thy own

which thy father did put upon house, David !” So did all Is-
us ?’ ” rael go to their tents.
10 Then spoke with him the 17 But as for the children of
young men that were grown up Israel who dwelt in the cities of
with him, saying, “ Thus must Judah, over them did Rehobo’am
thou say unto the people that reign.
have spoken unto thee, saying, is Then sent king Reho-

Thy father made our yoke bo’am Hadoram who was over
heavy, but do thou make it the tribute but the children of

lighter unto us :’ thus must thou Israel stoned him with stones,
say unto them, My little finger that he died.Therefore king
is thicker than my father’s Rehobo’am made speed with his
loins. might to get upon his chariot,
11 And now my
father to flee to Jerusalem.
hath burdened you with a heavy 19 So did Israel rebel against
yoke, I will add to your yoke the house of David unto this

(if) my father hath chastised day.

you with whips, then will I (do
it) with scorpion-thorns.”
12 When now Jerobo’am and 1 And when Rehobo’am was
all the people came to Rehobo'am come to Jerusalem, he assembled
on the third day, as the king the house of Judah and Benja-
had spoken, saying, “ Return to min a hundred and eighty thou-
me on the third day:” sand chosen men, warriors, to
13 The king answered them| fight against Israel, to bring
the kingdom back again to Re- executing the priest’s office unto
hobo’am. the Lord,
2 But the word of the Lord 15 And (because) he ordained
came unto Shema’yahu the man for himself priests for the high-
of God, saying, places, and for the evil spirits,
3 “ Say unto Rehobo’am the and for the calves which he had
son of Solomon, the king of Ju- made.
dah, and unto all Israel in Ju- 16 And after them (came) out
dah and Benjamin, saying, of all the tribes of Israel such as
4 * Thus hath said the Lord, directed their heart to seek the
Ye shall not go up, nor fight Lord the God of Israel these :

with your brethren return every

: came to Jerusalem, to sacrifice
man to his house for from me
unto the Lord, the God of their
hath this thing been brought fathers.
about/ ” And they hearkened 17 And they strengthened the
to the words of the Lord, and kingdom of Judah, and brought
returned from going against Je- power to Rehobo’am the son of
robo’am. Solomon, during three years
5 And Rehobo’am dwelt in for they walked in the way of
Jerusalem, and built cities as David and Solomon during three
fortresses in Judah. years.
6 He built, namely, Beth- 18 And Rehobo’am took
lechem, and ’Etarn, and The- himself as wife Machalath the
koa’, daughter of Yerimoth the son
7 And Beth-zur, and Socho, of David, (and) Abichayil the
and ’Adullam, daughter of Eliab the son of
8 And Gath, and Mareshah, Jesse
and Ziph, 19 And she bore to him sons:
9 And Adorayim and Lachish, Ye’ush, and Shamaryah, and
and ’Asekah, Zaham.
10 And Zor’ah, and Ayalon, 20 And after her did he take
and Hebron, which are in Judah Ma’achah the daughter of Ab-
and in Benjamin, fortified cities. sbalom; and she bore to him
11 And he strengthened the Abiyah, and ’Atthai, and Zisa,
strong-holds, and put command- and Shelomith.
ers in them, and stores of food, 21 And Rehobo’am loved Ma-
and oil and wine ’achah the daughter of Absha-
12 And in each and every city lom more than all his wives and
(he placed) shields and spears, his concubines for he had taken

and made them exceedingly eighteen wives and sixty con-

strong and thus remained with cubines; and he begat twenty

him Judah and Benjamin. and eight sons, and sixty daugh-
13 ^ And the priests and the ters.
Levites that were in all Israel 22 And Rehobo’am appointed
presented themselves to him out Abiyah the son of Ma’achah tc
of all their territory. be the chief, to be ruler among
14 For the Levites left their his brethren; because (he de-
open districts and their posses- sired) to make him king.
sion, and went to Judah and 23 And he dealt understand-
Jerusalem; because Jerobo’am ing^, and dispersed all his chil-
and his sons cast them off from dren throughout all the countries
of Judah and Benjamin, unto all shall not be poured out over Je-
the fortified cities and he gave rusalem by the hand of Shishak.

them food in abundance and; : 8 However they shall be ser-

he required (for them) a multi- vants unto him, and they shall

tude of wives. 'know my serv ice, and the ser-

vice of the kingdoms of the (va-
CHAPTER XII. jrious) countries.”
1 And
it came to pass, when: 9 f And so came up Shishak
Rehobo’am had established the! the king of Egypt against Jeru-
kingdom, and when he had be-jsalem, and he took away the
come strong, that he forsook the treasures of the house of the

law of the Lord, and all Israel Lord, and the treasures of the
with him. king’s house every thing did:

2 And it came pass in he take away

to and he took ;

the fifth year of king Rehobo’am, away the shields of gold which
that Shishak the king of Egypt Solomon had made.
came up against Jerusalem, 10 And king Rehobo’am made
because they had acted faith- in their stead shields of copper,
lessly against the Lord, and committed them for keeping
3 With twelve hundred cha- into the hand of the chiefs of
riots, and sixty thousand horse the runners, who kept guard at
men and innumerable were the ’the door of the king's house,

people that came with him outj 11 And it happened whenever

of Egypt —
the Lubim, the Suk-|the king went into the house of
kiyirn, and the Ethiopians. the Lord, that the runners came

4 And he captured the forti-land bore them, and carried them

fied cities which pertained to back into the apartment of the

Judah, and he came as far as runners.

Jerusalem. 12 And when he had humbled

5 And Shem’ayah the pro- himself, the wrath of the Lord

phet came to Rehobo’am, and turned from him, so that he de-
the princes of Judah, that were stroyed him not to make an end
gathered together to Jerusalem (of him): and also in Judah
because of Shishak, and said were some good things (found).
unto them, “ Thus hath said the; 13 f And king Rehobo’ara
Lord, Ye have indeed forsaken strengthened himself in Jerusa-

me, and therefore have I also Jem, and reigned; for Rehobo’am
relinquished you into the hand, was one and forty years old when
of Shishak.” jhe became king, and seventeen
6 Thereupon the princes of (years did he reign in Jerusalem,
Israel and the king humbledjthe city which the Lord had
themselves; and they said, -chosen out of all the tribes of
“ The Lord is righteous.” Israel, to put his name there.
7 And when the Lord saw' And his mother’s name was Na-
that they had humbled them-!’amah the ’Ammonitess.
selves, then came the word of 14 And he did the evil ; be-

the Lord to Shem’ayah, saying, cause he directed not his heart


They have humbled them - to seek the Lord.

selves: I will not destroy them ;15 I And the acts of Reho-
but I will permit some little tolbo’am, the first and the last, be-
escape from them ; and my wrath hold, they are written in the

history of Shem’ayah the pro- tender hearted, and tfould not
phet, and of ’Iddo the seer sustain himself before them.
concerning the genealogies. 8 And now ye think to sustain
And the wars of Rehobo’am yourselves before the kingdom
and Jerobo’am (lasted) all the of the Lord in the hand of the
days. sons of David,- and ye are a
16 And Rehobo’am slept with great multitude and with you

his fathers, and was buried in are golden calves, which Jero-
the city of David and Abiyah
: bo’am hath made for you as
his son became king in his gods.
stead. 9 Have ye not cast out the
priests of the Lord, the sons of
CHAPTER XIII. Aaron, and the Levites, and have
1 In the eighteenth year of made yourselves priests like the
king Jerobo’am became Abiyah people of the (various) lands?
king over Judah. so that whosoever cometh to
2 Three years he reigned in consecrate himself with a young
Jerusalem :and his mother’s bullock and seven rams can be-
name was Michayahu the daugh- come a priest to things that are
ter of Uriel of Gib’ah. And no gods ?
there was war between Abiyah 10 But as for us, the Lord is
and Jerobo’am. our God, and we have not for-
3 And Abiyah joined the battle saken him and the priests, who :

with an army of valiant men of ministered unto the Lord, are

war, even of four hundred thou- the sons of Aaron ; and the Le-
sand chosen men: Jerobo’am vites are at their (appointed)
also set the battle in array work
against him with eight hundred 11 And they burn unto the
thousand chosen men, being Lord burnt-offerings every
mighty men of valour. morning and every evening and
4 And Abiyah stood up incense of sweet spices and the ;

above mount Zemaravim, which rows of the shew-bread (do they

is in the mountain of Ephraim, place) upon the pure table and ;

and said, “ Hear me, 0 Jero- there is the candlestick of gold

bo’am, and all Israel with its lamps, to light the same
5 Ought ye not to know that every evening ; for we keep the
the Lord the God of Israel hath charge of the Lord our God,
given the kingdom over Israel while ye have truly forsaken
to David for eternity, yea, to him.
him and to his sons by a cove- 12 And, behold, with us at
nant of salt? our head is the (true) God, with
6 But there rose up Jerobo’am his priests with trumpets for
the son of Nebat, the servant of blowing the alarm, to sound an
Solomon the son of David, and alarm against you. 0 children
rebelled against his lord. of Israel do not fight against

7 And there were gathered the Lord the God of your fa-
unto him idle men, worthless thers ; for ye will not pros-
persons, and put themselves in per.”
violent resistance against Reho- 13 But Jerobo’am caused an
bo’am the son of Solomon ambush to come around behind

while Rehobo’am was young and them so they themselves were


before Judah, and the ambush his stead. In his days the
was behind them. land had repose ten years.
14 And when Judah turned '

round, behold, they had the bat-

tle before and behind and they
1 And Assa did what is
cried unto the Lord, and the good and right in the eyes of
priests blew with the trumpets. the Lord his God.
15 And then gave the men of 2 And he removed the altars
Judah a shout: and it came to of the strange (gods), and the
pass, as the men of Judah high-places, and broke up the
shouted, that God struck down statues, and cut down the
Jerobo’am and all Israel before groves
Abiyah and Judah. 3 And he ordered Judah to
16 And the children of Israel seek the Lord the God of their
fled from before Judah, and* fathers, and to execute the law
God gave them up into their and the commandment.
hand. 4 Also he removed out of all
17 And Abiyah and his peo- the cities of Judah the high-
ple smote them with a great de- places and the sun-images and;

feat, and there fell down slain the kingdom had repose before
of Israel five hundred thousand him.
chosen men. 5 And he built fortified cities
18 Thus were the children of in Judah; for the land had re-
Israel humbled at that time :
pose, and no one had war with
and the children of Judah be- him in those years because the

came powerful, because they Lord had given him rest.

relied upon the Lord the God 6 Therefore he said unto Ju-
of their fathers. dah, “ Let us build these cities,
19 And Abiyah made pursuit and surround them with walls,
after Jerobo’am, and captured and towers, gates, and bars the :

cities from him, Bethel with its land is yet before us; because
villages, and Yeshanah with its we have sought the Lord our
villages, and ’Ephrayin with God, —
we have sought him, and
its villages. he hath given us rest on every
20 And Jerobo’am did not side/’ So they built and pros-
recover strength again in the pered.
days of Abiyahu : and the 7 If And Assa had an army
Lord struck him, and he died. that bore targets and spears,
21 5[ But Abiyahu became out of Judah three hundred
strong, and he took himself thousand: and out of Benjamin,
fourteen wives, and begat twen- that bore shields and drew the
ty and two sons, and sixteen bow, two hundred and eighty
daughters. thousand: all these were mighty
22 And the rest of the acts men of valour.
of Abiyah, and his ways, and 8 And
there came out against
his speeches, are written in the them Zerach the Ethiopian with
writing of the prophet ’Iddo. an army of a thousand times
23 And Abiyah slept with thousand, and three hundred
his fathers, and they buried chariots ; and he came as far as
him in the city of David: and Mareshah.
Assa his son became king in 9 Then went Assa out against
101 3 A 1201
him, and they set themselves in ye forsake him, he will forsake
battle-array in the valley of you.
Zephathah near Mareshah. 3 And many days (had
10 And Assa called unto the elapsed) for Israel, (they be'ng)
Lord hisGod, and said, “ Lord ! without the true God, and with-
nothing can hinder thee to help, out a teaching priest, and with-
whether it be the mighty, or out law.
those that have no power: help 4 But they returned when they
us, 0 Lord our God for on thee
! unto the Lord
were in distress
do we rely, and in thy name are the God
and theyof Israel,
wo come against this multitude. sought him, and he let himself
0 Lord, thou art our God! no be found by them.
mortal can place a restraint 5 And in thost; times there
against thee/' was no peace to him that went
^ Thereupon did the Lord out, and to him that carno in
strike down the Ethiopians be- but there were great confusions
fore Assa, and before Judah: among all the inhabitants of the
and the Ethiopians fled. countries.
12 And Assa and the people 6 And nation was dashed to
that were with him pursued pieces against nation, and city
them as far as Gerar and there against city for God did con-

fell of the Ethiopians (so found them with all kind of

many), that they could not re- distress.
cover tl^emselves for they were
7 But as for you, be ye
broken down before the Lord strong, and let not your hands
and before his camp and they;
be weak for there is a reward

carried away exceedingly much for your doing.

booty. 8 And when Assa heard
13 And they smote all the these words, and the prophecy
cities round about Gerar; for of ’Oded the prophet, he was
the dread of the Lord was upon strengthened, and he put away
them: and they plundered all the abominable idols out of all
the cities ; for abundant spoil the landof Judah andBenjamin,
was in them. and out of the cities which he
14 And also the tents of (the had captured from the mountain
owners of) cattle did they smite, of Ephraim; and he renewed the
and they carried away sheep in altar of the Lord, that was be-
abundance, and camels, and fore the porch of the Lord.
returned to Jerusalem. 9 And he assembled allJudah
and Benjamin, and those that
CHAPTER XV. sojourned with them out of
1 And as for ’Asaryahu the Ephraim and Menasseh, and
son of ’Oded on him came the out of Simeon for they had ;

spirit of God ;
joined him outof Israel in abun-
2 And he went out to meet dance, when they saw that the
Assa, and said unto him, ‘‘Hear Lord his God was with him.
me, 0 Assa, and all Judah and 10 And so they assembled
Benjamin, The Lord is with themselves at Jerusalem in the
you, while ye remain with him third month, in the fifteenth

and if ve seek him, he will let year of the reign of Assa.

himself be found by you ; but if 11 And they sacrificed unto
the Lord on the same day, of up Ba’sha the king of Israel
the booty which they had against Judah, and built Rarn^h,
brought, seven hundred oxen in order not to suffer any on ,o
and seven thousand sheep. go out or come in to Assa the
12 And they entered into the king of Judah.
covenant to seek the Lord the 2 Then did Assa bring out sil-
God of their fathers with all ver and gold out of the treasu-
their heart and with all their ries of the house of the Lord
soul ,• and of the king’s house, and sent
13 So that whosoever would (them) to Ben-hadad the king
not seek the Lord the God of of Syria, who dwelt at Damas-
Israel should be put to death, cus, saying,
from the small even up to the 3 “A covenant is between me
great, whether it be man or and thee, as between my father
woman. and thy father: behold, I have
14 And they swore unto the sent unto thee silver and gold;
Lord with a loud voice, and go, break thy covenant with Ba’-
with (joyful) shouting, and with sha the king of Israel, that he
trumpets, and with cornets. may withdraw from me.”
15 And all Judah rejoiced be- 4 And Ben-hadad hearkened
cause of the oath ; for with all unto king Assa, and sent the
their heart had they sworn, and captains of the armies that
with their whole desire did they he had against the cities of
seek him, and he let himself be Israel, and they smote ’Iyon,
found by them and the Lord and Dan, and Abel-mayim, and

gave them rest on every side. all the treasure-cities of Naph-

16 And also concerning Ma- tali.
’achah the mother of king Assa, 5 And it came to pass, when
he removed her from being queen, Ba’sha heard this, that he left
because she had made a scan- off the building of Ramah, and
dalous image for the grove and stopped his work.

Assa cut down her scandalous 6 And king Assa took then
image, and had it ground up, all Judah; and they carried
and burnt it by the brook Kid- away the stones of Ramah, and
ron. its timber, wherewith Ba’sha had
17 But the high-places were built; and he built therewith
not removed out of Israel: ne- Geba’ and Mizpah.
vertheless the heart of Assa was 7 And at that time came
entire all his days. Chanani the seer to Assa the
18 And he brought
the things king of Judah, and said unto
which his hither had sanctified, him, “ Because thou hast relied
and his own sanctified things, on the king of Syria, and hast
into the house of God, —
silver, not relied on the Lord thy God;
and gold, and vessels. therefore is the army of the king
19 And there was no war until of Syria escaped out of thy
the five-and-thirtieth year of the hands.
reign of Assa. 8 Were not the Ethiopians
and the Lubim a numerous
CHAPTER XVI. army, with chariots and horse-
1 Int the six-and-thirtieth men in great abundance? yet,
year of the reign of Assa, came because thou didst rely on the
Lord, he gave them up into thy Ephraim, which Assa his fathei
hand. had captured.
9 For as regardeth the Lord, 3 And the Lord was with Je-
his eyes roam throughout the hoshaphat; because he walked
whole earth, to hold strongly in the first ways of David his
with those whose heart is entire father, and sought not after the
toward him thou hast done Be’alim

foolishly for reason

this be- 4 On the contrary, after the

cause from this time forth there God of his father did he seek,
will be wars with thee.” and in his commandments did
10 Then became Assa incensed he walk, but not after the doings
toward the seer, and put him in of Israel.
a prison-house for he was in aj
5 Therefore did the Lord esta-
rage with him because of this. blish the kingdom in his hand ;

And Assa oppressed some of the and all Judah gave presents to
people at the same time. Jehoshaphat and he had riches

11 And, behold, the acts of and honour in abundance.

Assa, the first and the last, lo,j 6 And his heart raised itself
they are written in the book! up in the ways of the Lord, and
of the kings of Judah and he removed moreover the high-
Israel. places and groves out of Judah.
12 And Assa became sick 7 And in the third year of
in the thirty -and-ninth year of his reign he sent his princes,
his reign in his feet, his disease even Ben-chayil, and ’Obadiah,
being exceedingly severe yet and Zechariah, and Nethanel,

even in his disease he sought not and Michayahu, to teach in the

to the Lord, but (applied) to the cities of Judah.
physicians. 8 And with them were the
13 And Assa slept with his Levitcs, Shema’yahu, and Ne-
fathers, and died in the one-and- than 3 ahu, and Zebadyahu, and

fortieth year of his reign. ’Assahel, and Sbemiramotb, and

14 And they buried him in Yehonathan, and Adoniyahu,
his own sepulchres, which he and Tobiyahu, and Tobadoni-
had dug for himself in the city yah, the Levites and with them ;

of David, and they laid him in Elishama’ and Yehoram, the

the couch which was filled with priests.
sweet odours, and divers kinds 9 And they taught in Judah,
of spices mixed by the apothe- and with them was the book of
cary’s art; and they made for the law of the Lord, and they
him a burning uncommonly moved about through all the
great. cities of Judah, and taught the
CHAPTER XVII. 1 And the dread of the Lord
1•[[ And Jehoshaphat his son was upon all the kingdoms of
became king in his stead, and the lands that were round about
Strengthened himself against Judah, so that they made no
Israel. war with Jehoshaphat.
2 And he p aced forces in all
11 Also from the Philistines
the fortified cities of Judah, and did people bring unto Jehosha-
placed garrisons in the land phat presents and silver, as tri-
of Judah, and in the cities of bute: also the Arabians brought
him small cattle, rams seven him sheep and oxen in abun*
thousand and seven hundred, dance, and for the people that
and he-goats seven thousand and were with him, and persuaded
seven hundred. him to go up to Ramoth-giPad.
12 And Jehoshaphat went 3 Then said Achab the king
on becoming exceedingly great, of Israel unto Jehoshaphat the
and he built in Judah castles king of Judah, “Wilt thou go
and treasure-cities. with me against Ramoth-gil-
13 And he had great works in ’ad?" And he said to him, “ 1
the cities of Judah, and men of (will be) like thee, and my peo-
war, mighty in valour, in Jeru- ple (shall be) as thy people and ;

salem. we will be with thee in the

14 And these are their num- battle/'
bers according to their family 4 And Jehoshaphat said unto
divisions Of Judah, of the cap-
: the king of Israel, “Inquire, I
tains of the thousands was 'Ad- pray thee, to-day, (first) of the
nah the chief, and with him were word of the Lord."
mighty men of valour, three 5 Then did the king of Israel
hundred thousand. assemble the prophets, four hun-
15 ^ And next him was
to dred men, and said unto them,
Yehochanan the and with “Shall we go
chief, to Rainoth-gil’ad
him were two hundred and to battle, or I forbear?" shall
eighty thousand. And they said, “ Go up, and
16 And next to him was God will deliver (it) into the
'Am assy ah the son of Zichri, hand of the king."
who voluntarily offered himself 6 And Jehoshaphat said, “ Is
unto the Lord: and with him there not here a prophet of the
were two hundred thousand Eternal besides, that we might
mighty men of valour. inquire of him ?"
17 And
of Benjamin, the 7 And the king of Israel said
mighty valiant Elyada’, and unto Jehoshaphat, “ There is yet
with him were those armed with one man by whom we may in-
bow and shield two hundred quire of the Lord; but I hate
thousand. him; for he never prophesieth
18 And next him was Yehosa- any good concerning mo, but at
bad, and with him were one hun- all times evil; it is Michayhu
dred and eighty thousand ready the son of Yimla." And Jeho-
armed for the host. shaphat said, “ Let not the king
19 These were those that say so."
ministered to the king, besides 8 Then called the king of Is-
those whom the king had placed rael a certain court-officer, and
in the fortified cities throughout said, “ Hasten hither Michayhu
all Judah. the son of Yimla."
9 And the king of Israel and
. CHAPTER XVIII.Jehoshaphat the king of Judah
1 ^ And Jehoshaphat had were sitting each on his throne,
riches and honour in abundance, dressed in their royal garments,
and he intermarried with Achab. and they were sitting in a thresh-
2 And he w ent down after ing-floor at the entrance of the

(some) years to Achab to Sa- gate of Samaria: and all the

maria. And Achab killed for prophets prophesied before them.
101 * 1205
10 And Zedekiah the son of ven standing on his right and
Kena’anah had made himself his left.
horns of iron and he said,
19 And the Lord said, ‘Who
“ Thus hath said the Lord, With will persuade Achab the king of
these shalt thou push the Sy- Israel, that he may go up and
rians until thou have made an fall at Ramoth-gil’ad ?’ And one
end of them.” said —
one saying after this man-
11 And all the prophets pro- ner, and another saying after
phesied so, saying, “ Go up that manner.
against Ratnoth-gil’ad, and pros- 20 Then came there forth a
per, and the Lord will deliver it spirit, and placed himself before
into the king’s hand.” the Lord, and said, I will per- ‘

12 And the messenger that suade him.’ And the Lord said
went to call Michayhu spoke to unto him, Wherewith ?’

him, saying, “ Behold, the words 21 And he said, ‘

I will go
of the prophets are with one forth, and I willbecome a lying
voice good for the king so do : spirit in the mouth of all his
let thy word, I pray thee, be like prophets.’ And he said, ‘ Thou
(that of) any one of them, and wilt persuade him, and also pre-
speak something good.” vail :
go forth, and do so.’
13 And Michayhu said, “As 22 And now, behold, the Lord
the Lord liveth, truly what my hath put a lying spirit in the
God may say, that will I speak.” mouth of these thy prophets
14 And when he was come to but the Lord hath spoken evil
the king, the king said unto him, concerning thee.”
“ Mickah, shall we go to Ra- 23 And Zedekiah the son of
moth-gil ad to battle, or shall I Kena’anah went near, and struck
forbear?” And he said, “ Go ye Michayhu on the cheek, and
up, and prosper, and may they said, “ Which is the way the spi-
be delivered into your hand.” rit of the Lord passed away from
15 And the king said to him, me to speak with thee ?”
“ How many times yet must 1 24 And Michayhu said, “Be-
adjure thee that thou shalt not hold, thou shalt see it on that
speak to me any thing but the day when thou shalt go into the
truth in the name of the Lord ?” innermost chamber to hide thy-
16 Then said he, “ I saw all self.”
Israel scattered over the moun- 25 And the king of Israel
tains, as Hocks that have not a said, “ Take ye Michayhu, and
shepherd and the Lord said, carry him back unto Amon the

‘ These have no master; let them governor of the city, and to Yo-
return every man to his house ash the king’s son
in peace.’” 26 And say ye, Thus hath ‘

17 And the king of Israel said said the king, Put this man in
to Jehoskaphat, “ Did I not say the prison, and feed him with
unto thee that he would not pro- sparing bread and with sparing

phesy concerning me any good, water, until I return in peace.’
but (only) for evil?” 27 And Michayhu said, “ If
18 And he said, “ Therefore thou return at all in peace,
hear ye the word of the Lord: then hath the Lord not spoken
I saw the Lord sitting on his through me.” And he said;
throne, and all the host of hea- “Hear it, 0 all ye nations
28 And the king of Israel shaphat, “Shouldst thou help
went up with Jehoshaphat the the wicked, and love those that
king of Judah to Ramoth-girad. hate the Lord ? and because of
29 And the king of Israel said this there is wrath over thee from
unto Jehoshaphat, “ I will dis- before the Lord.
g'uise myself, and enter into the 3 Nevertheless there are good
battle; but do thou put on thy things found on thee because

royal garments.” And the king thou hast removed the Asheroth
of Israel disguised himself, and out of the land, and hast directed
they went into the battle. thy heart firmly to seek God.”
30 And the king of Syria had 4 And Jehoshaphat remain-
commanded the captains of the ed at Jerusalem; but he went
chariots that he had, saying, out again through the people
“ Fight ye not with the small or from Beer-sheba’ as far as the
with the great, save only with mountain of Ephraim, and caus-
the king of Israel alone.” ed them to return unto the Lord
31 And it came to pass, when the God of their fathers.
the captains of the chariots saw 5 And he appointed judges in
Jehoshaphat, that they said, the land in all the fortified cities
“This is the king of Israel.” of Judah, in city by city.
And they encompassed him to 6 Anl he said to the judges,
fight; and Jehoshaphat cried “Look (well) at what ye are do-
out, and the Lord helped him ing because not for man are ye
; ;

and God induced them to go to judge, but for the Lord, who
away from him. iswith you in pronouncing judg-
32 And it came to pass, when ment.
the captains of the chariots per- 7 And now let the dread of
ceived that it was not the king the Lord be upon you :take
of Israel, that they turned back heed and act; for with the Lord
from following him. our God there is no injustice, nor
33 But a certain man drew respect for persons, nor taking
his bow at a venture, and struck of bribes.”
the king of Israel between the 8 But also in Jerusalem did
joints and the armour: where- Jehoshaphat appoint some of the
fore he said to the chariot-driver, Levites, and the priests, and of
“Turn about, and carry me out the chiefs of the family divisions
of the camp: for I am wounded.” of Israel, for the (giving of) the
34 And the battle increased judgment of the Lord, and for
on that day: and the king of Is- controversies, when they return-
rael stayed (himself) up in the ed to Jerusalem.
chariot against the Syrians until 9 And he charged on them,
the evenin, ,and he died at the saying, “ Thus shall ye do in the
time of the sun’s going down. fear of the Lord, in faithfulness,
and with an undivided heart.
CHAPTER XIX. 10 And whatsoever contro-
1 And Jehoshaphat the king versy may come to you from
of Judah returned to his house your brethren that dwell in their
in peace, to Jerusalem. cities, between blood and blood,
2 And there came out to meet between law and commandment,
him Jehu the son of Chanani statutes and ordinances, ye shall
the seer, and said to king Jeho- truly warn them that they incur
not guilt against the Loud, and 7 Behold, it is thou, 0 our
go there come wrath over you, God, who hast driven out the in-
and over your brethren so must habitants of this land from be-

ye do, and ye will not incur fore thy people Israel and thou ;

guilt. gavest it to the seed of Abraham

11 And, behold, Amaryahu thy friend to eternity.
the chief priest is over you for 8 And they have dwelt there,
every matter of the Lord and in, and have built for thee there,

Zebadyahu the son of Yishma’el, in a sanctuary for thy name,

the ruler for the house of Judah, saying,
for every matter of the king; 9 * If there should come over
and the Levites are officers be- us any evil, the sword, punish-
fore you. Be strong and act, ment, or pestilence, or famine,
and may the Lord be with the (then) will we stand before this
good.” house, and in thy presence, for
thy name is in this house, and
CHAPTER XX. we will cry unto thee out of our
1 f And it came to pass after distress, and thou wilt hear and
this, that the children of Moab, help.’
and the children of ’Ammon, 10 And now, behold, the chil-
and with them some of the dren of ’Ammon and Moab and
’Ammonim, came against Je- mount Se’ir, against whom thou
hoshaphat to battle. wouldst not sutler Israel to come,
2 And there came some and when they came out of the land
told unto Jehoshaphat, saying, of Egypt, but they turned aside
“ There is coming against thee from them, and destroyed them
a great multitude from beyond not :

the sea, from Syria; and, be- 11 And behold, they recom-
hold, they are in Chazaron-tha- pense us, by coming to drive us
mar, which is ’En-gedi.” out of thy inheritance, which
3 Then became Jehoshaphat thou hast given us to possess.
afraid, and he directed his face 12 0 our God! wilt thou not
to seek the Lord ; and he pro- execute justice on them ? for
claimed a fast over all Judah. there is no power in us against
4 And (the people of) Judah this great multitude that is com-
gathered themselves together, to ing against us and we indeed

ask (help) of the Lord: also out know not what we are to do ; but
of all the cities of Judah did upon thee are our eyes (di-
they come to seek the Lord. rected).”
5 And Jehoshaphat stood for- 13 And all Judah were stand-
ward in the assembly of Judah ing before the Lord, also their
and Jerusalem, in the house of little ones, their wives, and their
the Lord, before the new court, sons.
6 And he said, “ 0 Lord 14 And upon Yachaziel the
the Godof our fathers behold,
! son of Zecharyahu, the son of
thou art God in the heavens, and Benayah, the son of Ye’iel, the
thou rulest over all the king- son of Matthanyah the Levite,
doms of the nations ; and in thy of the sons of Assaph, came the
hand are the power and might, spirit of the Lord in the midst
and there is none that can with- of the assembly
stand thee. 15 And he said, “ Listen ye,
all Judah, and ye inhabitants everlasting endureth his kind-
of Jerusalem, and thou king Je- ness.”
hoshaphat, Thus hath said the 22 And at the time when they
Lord unto you, Be not afraid, began with the song and tho
and be not dismayed because of praise, the Lord set an ambush
this great multitude ;
for not un- against the children of ’Ammon,
to you belongeth the but Moab, and mount Se’ir, who
unto God. were come against Judah, and
16 To-morrow go ye down they were smitten.
against them behold, they come
: 23 And the children of ’Am-
up by the ascent of Ziz ; and ye mon and Moab stood up against
will find them at the end of the the inhabitants of mount Se’ir,
valley, in front of the wilder- utterly to annihilate and to de-
ness of Yeruel. stroy them and when they had

17 Ye shall not need to fight made an end of the inhabitants

in this place: stand firmly, stand of Se’ir, they helped to destroy
still, and see the salvation of the one another.
Lord with you, 0 Judah and Je- 24 And when Judah came to-
rusalem fear not, and be not ward the watchtower in the wil-

dismayed to-morrow go out to derness, they looked toward the


meet them, and the Lord will be multitude, and, behold, they were
with you.” dead bodies fallen to the earth,
18 And Jehoshaphat bowed and none had escaped.
his head with his face to the 25 And then came Jehosha-
ground: and all Judah and the phat and his people to plunder
inhabitants of Jerusalem fell their booty, and they found
down before the Lord, to pros- among them in abundance both
trate themselves unto the Lord. riches and dead bodies, and
19 And then arose the Levites, costly vessels, which they strip -

of the children of the Kehath- ped off for themselves, more

ites, and of the children of the than they could carry away and :

Korchites, to praise the Lord they were three days in plunder-

the God of Israel with a very ing the booty, for it was so much. .

loud voice. 26 And on the fourth day they

20 And they rose up early in assembled themselves in the val-
the morning, and went forth into ley of Berachah ; for there they
the wilderness of Thekoa’ and blessed the Lord: therefore did
: !

as they went forth, Jehoshaphat !they call the name of thi« place,
stood forward and said, “ Hear The valley of Berachah [Bless-
me, 0 Judah, and ye inhabitants ing], until this day.
of Jerusalem believe in the
! 27 Then returned all the men
Lord your God, and ye will of Judah and Jerusalem, and
have permanence; believe his Jehoshaphat at their head, to re-
prophets, and ye will prosper.” turn to Jerusalem with joy ; for
21 And he consulted with his the Lord had caused them to
people, and he appointed singers rejoice over their enemies.
unto the Lord, and those that 28 And they came to Jerusa-
should praise in the holy orna- lem with psalteries and with
ments, as they went out before harps and with trumpets unto
the armed array, and said, “ Give the house of the Lord.

thanks unto the Lord ; for untol 29 And a dread from God was
on allthe kingdoms of (those) his fathers, and was buried with
countries, when they heard that his fathers in the city of David.
the Lord had fought with the And Jehoram his son became
enemies of Israel. king in his stead.
30 So the kingdom of Jeho- 2 And he had brothers the
shaphat had repose, and his God sons of Jehoshaphat ’Azaryah,

gave him rest all round about. and Yechiel, and Zecharyahu,
31 ^ And (so) did Jehosha- and ’Azaryahu, and Michael, and
phat reign over Judah: thirty Shephatyahu, all these being
and five years old was he when sons of Jehoshaphat the king of
he became king, and twenty and Israel.
five years did he reign in Jeru- 3 And their father gave them
salem. And his mother’s name many gifts (consisting) of silver,
was ’Asubah the daughter of and of gold, and of precious

Shilchi. things, with fortified cities in

32 And he walked in the way Judah but the kingdom gave

of his father Assa, and turned he to Jehoram; because he was

not aside from it, doing what is the first-born.
right in the eyes of the Lord. 4 Now when Jehoram was
33 Nevertheless the high-places risen up over the kingdom of his
were not removed; for the peo- father, and had strengthened
ple had not yet directed their himself, he slew .all his brothers
heart firmly unto the God of with the sword, and also some
their fathers. of the princes of Israel.
34 And the rest of the acts of 5 Thirty and two years was
Jehoshaphat, the first and the Jehoram old when he became
last, behold, they are written in king, and eight years did he
the history of Jehu the son of reign in Jerusalem.
Chanani, which was entered in 6 And he walked in the way
the book of the kings of Israel. of the kings of Israel, as had
35 And after this did Jeho- done the house of Achab for ;

shaphat the king of Judah con- the daughter of Achab had he

nect himself with Achazyah the for wife and he did what is evil
king of Israel, the same who in the eyes of the Lord.
acted very wickedly 7 Yet would the Lord not de-
36 And he connected himself stroy the house of David, on ac-
with him to make ships to go to count of the covenant which ho
Tharshish and they made ships
: had made with David, and as he
in ’Ezvon-geber. had said to give to him a go-
37 Then prophesied Eli’ezer vernment and to his sons at all
the son of Dodavahu of Mare- times.
shah against Jehoshaphat, say- 8 In his days Edom revolted
ing, “ Because thou hast con- from under the power of Judah,
nected thyself with Achazyahu, and they appointed a king over
the Lord hath broken down thy themselves.
works.” And the ships were 9 Then did Jehoram go over
wrecked, so that they were not with his princes, and all the cha-
able to go to Tharshish. riots were with him; and he rose
up by night, and smote the Edom
CHAPTER XXI. ites who compassed him about,
1 And Jehoshaphat slept with and the captains of the chariots.
10 Yet Edom revolted from left unto him any son, save Ye

under the power of Judah even hoachaz, the youngest of his

until this day: then did Libnah sons.

revolt at the same time from un- 18 And after all this did the
der his power; because he had Lord afflict him in his bowels
forsaken the Lord the God of with a disease which w as in- 7

his fathers. curable.

11 He also made nigh-places 19 And it came to pass, from
in the mountains of Judah, and days to days, and when the
caused the inhabitants of Jeru- (fixed) time was expired, after
salem to go astray, and misled two years, that his bowels passed
Judah. out (from him) by reason of his
12 And there came unto him disease : so he died of evil dis-
a writing from Elijah the pro- eases. And his people made no
phet, saying, “ Thus hath said burning for him, like the burn-
the Lord the God of David thy ing for his fathers.
father, Inasmuch as thou hast 20 Thirty and two years old
not walked in the ways of Jeho- was he when he became king,
shaphat thy father, and in the and eight years did he reign in
ways of Assa the king of Judah, Jerusalem, and departed without
13 But hast walked in the way joy and they buried him in the

of the kings of Israel, and hast city of David, but not in the
caused Judah and the inhabit- sepulchres of the kings.
ants of Jerusalem to go astray,
as the house of Achab hath CHAPTER XXII.
caused (others) to go astray, and 1 And the inhabitants of Je-
hast also slain thy brothers of thy rusalem made Achazyahu his
father’s house, who were better youngest son king in his stead ;
than thyself for the predatory band that was
14 Behold, the Lord will in- come with the Arabians to the
flict a great plague on thy peo- camp had slain all the eldest.
ple, and on thy children, and on So became Achazyahu, the son
thy wives, and on all thy pos- of Jehoram the king of Judah,
15 And thou shalt be (afflict- 2 Forty and two years old
ed) with great diseases by a dis- was Achazyahu when he became
ease of thy bowels, until thy king, and one year did he reign
bowels pass out (from thee) by in Jerusalem: and his mother’s
reason of the disease days upon name was ’Athalyahu the
days.” (grand-) daughter of ’Ornri.
16 And the Lord stirred up 3 Also he walked in the ways
against Jehoram the spirit of the of the house of Achab for his

Philistines, and of the Arabians, mother was his counsellor to act

that are alongside of the Cu- wickedly.
shim : 4 And he did what, is evil in
17 And they went up against the eyes of the Lord like the
Judah, and made an incursion house of Achab ; for these were
into it, and carried away all the his counsellors after the death
substance that was found in the of his father to his destruction.
king’s house, and also his sons, 5 He walked also after their
and his wives ; and tl 'ire was not counsel, and went with Jehoram
the son of Aeha.b the king of Is- into the bed-chamber. So did
rael to war against Chazael the Yehoshab’ath, the daughter of
king of Syria at Ramoth-gil’ad king Jehoram, the wife of Ye-

and the Syrians smote Joram. hoyada’ the priest, for she was —
6 And he returned to be healed the sister of Achazyahu,
hide —
inYizre’el because of the wounds him from ’Athalyahu, so that
which had been given him at she slew him not.

Ramah, when he fought withj 12 And he was with them in

Chazael the king of Syria. Andj the house of God hidden six
'Azaryahu the son of Jehoram! years, while ’Athalyah was reign-
the king of Judah went down to ing over the land.
see Jehoram the son of Achab atj
Yizre’el,because he was sick. CHAPTER XXIIL
7 But from God was the con- 1 And in the seventh year
fusion of Achazyahu that he Yehoyada’ strengthened himself,
should come to Joram and when: and took the captains of the
he was come, he went out with hundreds, ’Azaryah the son of
Jehoram against Jehu the son Yerocham, and* v Yishma’el the
of Nimshi, whom the Lord had son of Yehochanan, and ’Azar-
anointed to cut off the house of yahu the son of ’Obed, and Ma-
Achab. asseyahu the son of ’Ada yah u,
8 And it came to pass, when and Elishaphat the son of Zich-
Jehu was executing judgment ri, with him into a covenant.
on the house of Achab, that he 2 And they moved about in
found the princes of Judah, and Judah, and gathered the Le-
the sons of the brothers of vites together out of all the
Achazyahu, that ministered to cities ofJudah, and the heads
Achazyahu, and he slew them. of the families of Israel ; and
9 And he sought Achazyahu, they came to Jerusalem.
and they caught him while he 3 And all the congregation
was hiding himself in Samaria, made a covenant in the house of
and they brought him to Jehu, God with the king. And he said
and they slew him, and buried unto them, “ Behold, the king’s
him ;
because they said, “ He son shall be king, as the Lord
is a son of Jehoshaphat, who hath spoken concerning the sons
sought the Lord with all his of David.
heart.” And there was none of 4 This is the thing that ye
the house of Achazyahu who shall do, A third part of you
had sufficient power (to obtain) that enter in on the sabbath, of
the kingdom. the priests and of the Levites,
10 •[ And when ’Athalyahu shall be gatekeepers at the
the mother of Achazyahu saw thresholds
that her son was dead, she arose 5 And a third part shall be at
and exterminated all the royal the king’s house and a third

seed of the house of Judah part at the foundation-gate,*

11 But Yehoshab’ath, the and all the people shall be in
daughter of the king, took Yo the courts of the house of the
ash the son of Achazyahu, and Lord.
stole him away from the midst 6 But let none come into the
of the king’s sons that were house of the Lord, save the
slain, and put him and his nurse priests, and they that minister
of the Levites they shall enter,
: around the king; and all the
for they are holy ; but all the people of the land rejoiced, and
people shall keep the charge of blew on trumpets also the sing-

the Lord. ers (were there) leading with

7 And the Levites shall en- instruments of music in the
compass the king round about, songs of praise and ’Athalyah

every man with his weapons in rent her clothes, and said,“ Trea-
his hand; and he who cometh son, treason.”
into the house shall be put to 14 But Yehoyada’ the priest
death ; and be ye with the king ordered the captains of the hun-
when he cometh in, and when dreds, the commanders of the
he goeth out/’ army, to go out, and said unto
S And Ju- them, “ Lead her forth to within
the Levites and all
dah did in accordance with all the ranges; and he that follow-
that Yehoyada’ the priest had eth her shall be put to death
commanded, and they took every with the sword.” For the priest-
man his men that came in on had said, “ Ye shall not put her
the sabbath, with those that to death in the house of the
were to be relieved on the sab- Lord.”
bath for Yehoyada’ the priest
15 And they made way for
had not dismissed the divi- her: and she went to the en-
sions. trance of the horse-gate by the
9 And Yehoyada’ the priest king’s house, and they put her
gave to the captains of the hun- to death there.
dreds the spears, and the shields, 16 And Yehoyada’ made a
and the quivers, that belonged covenant between him, and be-
to king David, which were in tween all the people, and be-
the house of God. tween the king, that they should
10 And he placed all the peo- be a people unto the Lord.
ple, every man havingwea- his 17 And then came all the peo-
pon hand, from the right
in his ple into the house of Ba’al, and
side of the house to the left side pulled it down, and his altars
of the house, along by the altar and his images did they break
and the temple, all round about in pieces, and Matthan the priest
the king. of Ba’al they slew before the
11 Then did they bring forth altars.
the king’s son, and put upon 18 And Yehoyada’ placed the
him the crown, and (gave him) supervision over the house of
the testimony, and they made the Lord into the hand of the
him king. And Yehoyada’ and whom David
priests, the Levites,
his sons anointed him, and had divided oft’ over the house
Long live the king.” of the Lord, to offer the burnt-
12 And when ’Athalyah offerings of the Lord, as it is
heard the noise of the people written in the law of Moses, with
running and praising the king, rejoicing and with singing, after
she came to the people into the the manner of David.
house of the Lord. 19 And he appointed the
13 And she looked, and be- gatekeepers over the gates of
hold, the king stood upon his the house of the Lord, that
stand at the entrance, and the none unclean in any thing should
princes and the trumpets were enter therein.
112 1213
20 And he took the captains tion of Israel, for the tabernacle
of the hundreds, and the nobles, of the testimony ?
and the governors over the peo- 7 For the sons of the wicked
ple, and all the people of the 'Athalyahu have made breaches
land, and he brought down the (in) the house of God; and also
king from the house of'the Lord, the holy things of the house of
and they came through the midst the Lord have they applied to
of the upper gate into the king's the Be’alim.”
house ;
and they caused the 8 And at the king’s order they
king to sit upon the throne of made a chest, and placed it at the
the kingdom. gate of the house of the Lord
21 And all the people of the on the outside.
land rejoiced, and the city was 9 And they made a proclama-
quiet; but ’Athalyahu they had tion through Judah and Jerusa-
slain with the sword. lem, to bring in to the Lord the
contribution (fixed by) Moses
CHAPTER XXIV. the servant of God upon Israel
1 Seven years old was Yo- in the wilderness.
ash when he became king, and 10 And all the princes and all
forty years did he reign in Je- the people rejoiced, and they
rusalem and the name of his brought it in, and cast it into the

mother was Zibyah of Beer-she- chest, until it was full.

ba\ 11 Now it came to pass, that
2 And Yoash did what is at what time the chest was
right in the eyes of the Lord, brought unto the king’s office by
all the days of Yehoyada' the the hand of the Levites, and
priest. when they saw that there was
3 And Yehoyada’ took for much money, then came the
himself two wives, and he begat king's scribe and the high-
sons and daughters. priest’s officer and emptied the
4 And it came to pass after chest, and took it up, and brought
this, that Yoash had it in his it back to its place. Thus did
mind to renew the house of the they day by day, and gathered
Lord. money in abundance.
5 And he gathered together 12 And the king and Yeho-
the priests and the Levites, and yada' gave it to those who over-
said to them, “Go out unto the looked the service of the house
cities of Judah, and gather from of the Lord, and these hired
all Israel money to repair the masons and carpenters to renew
house of your God from year to the house of the Lord, and also
year, and ye shall make haste in to the workers in iron and cop-
this matter.” But the Levites per to repair the house of the
made no haste. Lord.
6 Then called the king for 13 So the workmen wrought,
Yehoyada' the chief, and said and the work was restored
unto him, “ Why hast thou not through their means, and they
required from the Levites to replaced the house of God in its
bring in out of J udah and out (former) state, and strengthened
of Jerusalem the contribution it.

(fixed by) Moses the servant of 14 And when they had com-
the Lord, and of the congrega- pleted it, they brought before
the king and Yehoyada’ the rest the22 court of the house of th«
of the money, and they made of Lord.
it vessels for the house of the And king Yoash did no t
Lord, the vessels of the service remember the kindness which
and for the sacrificing, and the Yehoyada’ his father had shown
spoons, and (other) vessels of to him, but slew his son. And
gold and silver. And they of- when he died, he said, “ The
fered burnt-offerings in the i ord will see (this), and re
house of the Lord continually quire (my blood).”
all the days of Yehoyada’. 23 And it came to pass at
15 ^ And Yehoyada’ became the expiration of the year, that
old,and was full of days, and the army of Syria came up
died he was old one hun-
: against him and they came to

dred and thirty years when he Judah and Jerusalem, and de-
died. stroyed all the princes of the
16 And they buried him in people from among the people,
the city of David among the and all their spoil they sent off
kings ; because he had done a unto the king of Damascus.
good thing in Israel, and toward 24 Indeed with a small com-
God, and his house. pany of men did the army of
17 But after the death of Syria come ; but the Lord deli-
Y^ehoyada’ came the princes of vered into their hand an army
Judah, and bowed themselves exceedingly numerous because ;

down to the king. Then did they had forsaken the Lord the
the king hearken unto them. God of their fathers. And on
18 And they forsook the Yoash they executed punish-
house of the Lord the God of ment.
their fathers, and served the 25 And when these were gone
Asherim and the idols and away from him for they left
: —
there came wrath over Judah him (suffering) with great dis-

and Jerusalem for this their eases his own servants con-
guiltiness. spired against him because of
19 And he prophets the blood of the sons of Yeho-
among them, to bring them back yada’ the priest, and slew him
again unto the Lord; and they on his bed, and he died and :

gave them warning ; but they they buried him in the city of
did not give ear. David, but they buried him not
20 And the spirit of God en- in the sepulchres of the kings.
dued Zechariah the son of Ye- 26 And these are those that
hoyada’ the priest, and he stood conspired against him Zabad :

up above the people, and he the son of Shinrath the ’Ammo-


said unto them, u Thus hath said nitess, and Yehosabad the son
the (true) God, Why transgress! of Shimrith the Moabitess.
ye the commandments of the: 27 Now concerning his sons,
Lord? ye cannot prosper so and the great pruphecy concern-

because (as) ye have forsaken jing him, and the founding of

the Lord, he hath also forsaken the house of God, behold, they
you.” are written in the story of the
21 And they conspired against book of the kings. And Amaz-
him, and stoned him with stones yahu his son became king in his
at the command of the king in stead.
CHAPTER XXV. there is power with God to helpj
^ When twenty and five and to cause to stumble.”
years old did Amazyahu become 9 Then said Amazyahu to the
king, and twenty and nine years man of God, “ But what is to be
did he reign in Jerusalem. And done for the hundred talents
his mother’s name was Yeho’ad- which I have given to the band
dan of Jerusalem. of Israel?” And the man of God
2 And he did what is right in said, “ The Lord hath (enough
the eyes of the Lord, yet not in his power) to give thee much
with an entire heart. more than this.”
3 And came to pass, when
it 10 Then did Amazyahu sepa-
the kingdom was firmly esta- band that
rate them, (to wit,) the
blished to him, that he slew his was come to him out of Ephraim,
servants that had killed the king that they might go to their place
his father. wherefore their anger was greatly
4 But their children he put kindled against Judah, and they
not to death but (did) as it is returned to their home in burn-

written in the law in the book ing anger.

of Moses, that the Lord had 11 And Amazyahu strength-
commanded, saying, “The fa- ened himself, and led forth his
thers shall not die for the chil- people, and went to the Valley
dren, nor shall the children die of Salt, and smote of the chil-
for the fathers but every man dren of Se’ir ten thousand (men).

shall die for his own sin. 12 And ten thousand did the
5 And Amazyahu gathered children of Judah take captive
Judah together, and stationed alive, and brought them to the
them after their family divisions, top of the rock, and cast them
after the captains over the thou- down from the top of the rock,
sands, and after the captains over so that they all were crushed.
the hundreds, of all Judah and 13 But the men of the band
Benjamin and he numbered whom Amazyahu had sent back,

them from twenty years old and that they should not go with him
upward, and found them (to be) to battle, spread themselves about
three hundred thousand chosen in the cities of Judah, from Sa-
men, able to go forth to the maria even unto Beth-choron,
army, that could handle spear and smote of them three thou-
and shield. sand (persons), and plundered
6 He hired also out of Israel much spoil.
one hundred thousand mighty 14 And it came to pass, after
men of valour for one hundred Amazyahu was come home from
talents of silver. smiting the Edomites, that he
7 But a man of God came brought the gods of the children
unto him, saying, “ 0 king! let of Se’ir, and set them up untc
not the army of Israel go with himself as gods, and before them
thee for the Lord is not with he used to prostrate himself, and

Israel, (with) all the children unto them he used to burn in-
of Ephraim. cense.
8 But if thou wilt go, (and be 15 Wherefore the anger of
ever so) active (and) strong for the Lord was kindled against
the battle God will cause thee Amazyahu, and he sent unto

to stumble before the enemy; for him a prophet, who said unto
Lira, “Why sought Judah, at Beth-shemesh, which
hast thou
after the gods of the people, that belongeth to Judah.
have not delivered their own 22 And Judah was defeated
people out of thy hand?” before Israel, and they fled every
16 And it came to pass, as he man to his tents.
was speaking unto him, that he 23 And Yoash the king of
said unto him, “ Have we ever Israel caught Amazyahu the
appointed thee as a counsellor king of Judah, the son of Yoash,
to the king? forbear this: why the son of Yehoachaz, at Beth-
shouldst thou be smitten ?” Then shemesh ;
and he brought him
did the prophet forbear and he ;
toJerusalem, and made a breach
said, “ I know that God hath in the wall of Jerusalem, from
resolved to destroy thee, because the gate of Ephraim unto the
thou hast done this, and hast corner-gate, four hundred cubits.
not hearkened unto my coun- 21 And (taking) all the gold
sel.” and the silver, and all the ves-
17 •]' Then held Amazyahu the sels that wr ere found in the house
king of Judah a council, and of God with ’Obed-edoin, and the
sent to Yoash, the son of Ye- treasures of the king’s house,
hoachaz, the son of Jehu, the and the children of the chiefs as
king of Israel, saying, “ Come, hostages, he returned to Sa-
let us look one another in the maria.
face.” 25 And Amazyahu the son
18 And Yoash the king of Is- of Yoash the king of Judah lived
rael sent to Amazyahu the king after the death of Yoash the son
of Judah, saying, “ The thorn- of Yehoachaz the king of Israel
bush that was in the Lebanon fifteen years.
sent to the cedar that was in the 26 And the rest of the acts of
Lebanon, saying, ‘ Give thy Amazyahu the first and the last,
daughter to my son for wife.’ behold, they are fully written in
And there passed along the wild the book of the kings of Judah
beasts that were in the Lebanon, and Israel.
and trod down the thorn-bush. 27 Now from the time that
19 Thou hast thought, Lo, Amazyahu departed from follow-
thou hast smitten Edom; and ing the Lord, they raised a con-
thy heart hath lifted thee up tospiracy against him in Jerusa-
acquire much glory now stay: lem wherefore he fled to

in thy house; why wilt thou Lachish but they sent after

meddle with misfortune, that him to Lachish, and slew him

thou mayest fall, thou, and Ju- there.
dah with thee ?” 28 And they carried him on
20 But Amazyahu would not horses, and buried him with his
hear ; for it was (ordained) by fathers in the city of Judah.
God, in order to deliver them
into the hand (of Yoash); be- CHAPTER XXVI.
cause they had sought after the 1 And all the people of Judah
gods of Edom. took ’Uzziyahu, who was then
21 Thereupon did Yoash the sixteen years old, and made him
king of Israel go up and they king instead of his father Amaz-

looked one another in the face, yahu.

he and Amazyahu the king of 2 He it was that built Eloth,
102 * 3 a . 2 1217
and brought it backto Judah,; according to the number of
king slept with his those mustered of them through

after the
fathers. |
the hand of Ye’iel the scribe and
3 Sixteen years old was I

Ma’asseyahu the overseer, under

’Uzziyahu when he became king, the supervision of Chananyahu,
and fifty and two years did he one of the king’s captains.
reign in Jerusalem. And his 12 The whole number of the
mother’s name was Yecholyah chiefs of the family divisions of
of Jerusalem. the mighty men of valour was
4 And he did what is right in two thousand and six hundred.
the eyes of the Lord, in accord- 13 And under their supervi-
ance with all that his father sion was an efficient army, (of)
Amazyahu had done. three hundred thousand and
5 And he was (inclined) to seven thousand and five hun-
seek God in the days of Zechar- dred, thatmade war with mighty
yahu, who had understanding power, to help the king against
in the visions of God and duriug
the enemy.
the time that he sought the Lord, 14 And ’Uzziyahu prepared
God caused him to prosper. for them, for all the host, shields,
6 And he went forth and made and spears, and helmets, and
war against the Philistines, and coats of mail, and bows, and
he broke down the wall of Gath, stones for slinging.
and the wall of Yabneh, and the 15 And he made in Jerusalem
wall of Aslidod; and he built artificial contrivances, contrived
cities in (the country of) Ashdod, by a skilful man, to be (station-
and among the Philistines. ed) on the towers and upon the
7 A.nd God helped him against ramparts, to shoot off arrows and
the Philistines, and against the great stones. And his name ex-
Arabians that dwelt in Gur-ba’al, tended ever so far abroad for ;

and the Me’unim. he was marvellously assisted till

8 And the ’Ammonites gave he became strong.
presents to ’Uzziyahu: and his 16 But when he was strong,
nan. e extended even to the en- his heart was lifted up to his
trance of Egypt; for he became destruction; and he became un-
exceedingly strong. faithful against the Lord his
9 And ’Uzziyahu built towers God, and went into the temple
in Jerusalem, above the corner- of the Lord to burn incense upon
gate, and above the valley-gate, the altar of incense.
and at the angle, and made them 17 And
there went in after
strong. him ’Azaryahu the priest, and
10 He built also towers in the with him were priests of the
desert, and hewed out many Lord, valiant men, (to the num-
wells for he had much cattle,
ber of) eighty
both in the lowlands and in the 18 And they stood forward
plain; (also) husbandmen, and against king ’Uzziyahu, and
vintners in the mountains, and they said unto him, “ It is not
in Carmel ;
for he loved hus-for thee, 0 ’Uzziyahu, to burn
bandry. incense unto the Lord, but for
11 Moreover ’Uzziyah had the priests the sons of Aaron,
an army of fighting men, that who are consecrated to burn in-
went cut to the host by bands, cense go out of the sanctuary

for thou hast trespassed and itlthe Lord. But the people acted

will not be for thy honour fro.njstill corruptly,

the Lord God.” 3 He it was that built the up-
19 But ’Uzziyahu became per gate of the house of the
wroth, and in his hand was a Lord, and on the wall of the
censer to burn incense : and hill-fort he built much.
while he was wroth with the 4 Moreover he built cities in
priests, the leprosy even broke the mountain of Judah, and in
out on his forehead before the the forests he built castles and
priests in the house of the Lord, towers.
above the altar of the incense. 5 And he likewise fought with
20 And when ’Azaryahu the the king of the sons of ’Ammon,
chief priest, with all the priests, and prevailed against them. And
turned about toward him, be- the children of ’Ammon gave
hold, he was leprous on his fore- him in that same year one hun-
head, and they hurried him away dred talents of silver, and ten
from there yea, he also made thousand kors of wheat, and ten

haste to go out, because the thousand of barley. So much did

Lord had afflicted him. the children of ’Ammon pay unto
21 And king ’Uzziyahu was a him again, both in the second
leper until the day of his death, year, and in the third.
and dwelt in the leper-house, as 6 So Jotham became strong;
a leper; for he was excluded because he directed his ways be-
from the house of the Lord and : fore the Lord his God.
Jotham his son was over the 7 And the rest of the acts of
king’s house, (and) judged the Jotham, and all his wars, and
people of tne land. his ways, lo, they are written in
22 And the rest of the acts of the book of the kings of Israel
’Uzzijmhu, the first and the last, and Judah.
did Isaiah the prophet, the son 8 Five and twenty years old
of Amoz, write. was he when he became king,
23 And ’Uzziyahu slept with and sixteen years did he reign
his fathers, and they buried him in Jerusalem.
with his fathers in the burial- 9 And Jotham slept with his
field which belonged to the fathers, and they buried him in
kings: for they said, “He is a the city of David: and Achaz
leper:” and Jotham his son be- his son became king in his stead.
came king in his stead.
CHAPTER XXVII. Twenty years old was
1 Twenty and five years Achaz when he became king,
old was Jotham when he became and sixteen years did he reign
king, and sixteen years did he in Jerusalem; and he did not
reign in Jerusalem. And his what is right in the eyes of the
mother’s name was Yerushah, Lord, like David his father':
the daughter of Zadok. 2 But he walked in the ways
2 And he did what is right in of the kings of Israel, and made
the eyes of the Lord, in accord- also molten images for the Bc-
ance with all that his father ’alim.
’Uz&iyahu had done only he
: 3 And he also burnt inoerse
entered not into the temple of in the valley of the son of I£in-
nom, and burnt his sons in the the children of Judah and Jeru-
fire, after the abominable acts of salem to become bond-men and
the nations that the Lord had bond-women unto you ;
driven out from before the chil- surely are there not with you,
dren of Israel. even with you, trespasses
4 And he sacrificed and burnt against the Lord your God 'l

incense on the high-places, and 11 And now hear me, and re-
on the hills, and under every store the captives, whom ye
green tree. have taken captive from your
5 Wherefore the Lord his God brethren ;
for the fierce wrath
gave him up into the hand of of the Lord is over you.”
the king of Syria and they de-
: 12 Then arose certain men
feated his people, and carried of the heads of the children of
away a great multitude of them Ephraim, ’Azaryahu the son of
captives, and brought them to Yehochanan, Berechyahu the
Damascus. And also into the son of Meshillemoth, and Ye-
hand of the king of Israel was chizkiyahu the son of Shallum,
he given up, and he defeated his and ’Amassa the son of Chadlai,
people with a great slaughter. against those that were come
6 And Fekaeh the son of Re- from the army,
malyahu slew in Judah one hun- 13 And they said unto them,
dred and twenty thousand in one “Ye shall not bring in the cap-
day, all being valiant men; be- tives hither; for in addition to
cause they had forsaken the the guiltiness against the Lord
Lord the God of their fathers. (resting) on us, ye think to add
7 And Zichri, a mighty man unto our sins and unto our guilti-
of Ephraim, slew Ma’asseyahu ness ; for great is the guiltiness
the king’s son, and ’Asrikam the (resting) on us, and there is
governor of the house, and fierce wrath over Israel.”
Elkanah the second in rank to 14 So the armed men aban
the king. doned the captives and the spoil
8 And the children of Israel before the princes and all the
led away captive from their assembly.
brethren two hundred thousand, 15 And then arose the men
women, sons, and daughters, and who have been expressed by
also much booty did they plun- name, and took hold of the cap-
der from them, and they brought tives, and all that were naked
the booty to Samaria. among them they clothed from
9 But there was a prophet of the booty and they gave them

the Lord, ’Oded was his name; garments and shoes, and gave
and be went out to meet the them to eat and to drink, and
host that was coming to Sama- anointed them, and carried all
ria, and said unto them, “ Be- the feeble of them upon asses,
hold* because of the fury of the and brought them to Jericho,
Lord the God of your fathers the city of palm-trees, near their
against Judah, hath he given brethren and then did they re-

them up into your hand, and ye turn to Samaria.

have slain among them in a 16 At that time sent king
rage that reacheth as far as the Achaz unto the kings of Assyria
heavens. to help him.
10 And now ye think to force 17 Moreover the Edomitea
came again and defeated (the of Judah made he high-places
men Uj Judah, and carried away to burn incense unto other gods;
captives. and he provoked to anger the
18 And the Philistines in- Lord the God of his fathers.
vaded the cities of the lowlands, 26 And the rest of his act*
and of the south of Judah, and and of all his ways, the first and
captured Beth-shemesh, and the last, behold, they are written
Ayalon, a^d Gederoth, and So- in the book of the kings of Judah
cho with it* villages, and Thirn- and Israel.
nah with its villages, and Gimzo 27 And Achaz slept with his
with its villages and they fathers, and they buried him in

dwelt there. the city, in Jerusalem for they ;

19 For the Lord humbled brought him not into the sepul-
Judah on account of Achaz the chres of the kings of Israel and :

king of Israel for he made llezekiah his son became king


Judah unruly, and acted very in his stead.

faithlessly against the Lord.
20 Then came against him CHAPTER XXIX.
Thilgath-pilneesser the king of 1 Hezekiah became king
Assyria, and distressed him, but when five and twenty years old,
strengthened him not. and twenty and nine years did
21 Although Achaz took away he reign in Jerusalem. And his
a portion (out) of the house of mother’s name was Abiyah, the
the Lord, and (out) of the house daughter of Zecharyahu.
of the king, and of the princes, 2 And he did what is right in
and gave it unto the king of the eyes of the Lord, in accord-
Assyria: he yet gave him no ance with all that David his fa-
assistance. ther had done.
22 And in the time that he 3 He it was that in the first
distressed him, became he yet year of his reign, in the first
more faithless against the Lord, month, opened the doors of the
— yea, he, king Achaz; house of the Lord, and repaired
23 And he sacrificed unto the them.
gods of (the people of) Damas- 4 And he brought in the priests
cus, who had smitten him ; and and the Levites, and gathered
he said, “ Because the gods of them together into the open place
the kings of Syria do help them, at the east
(therefore) will I sacrifice unto 5 And he said unto them, “ Hear
them, that they may help me.” me, ye Levites sanctify your-

But they only became to him a selves now, and sanctify the house
stumbling-block for him and for of the Lord the God of yotii
all Israel. fathers, and carry forth the un-
24 And Achaz gathered up the clean thing out of the sanctuary.
vessels of the house of God, 6 For our fathers have dealt
ind cut in pieces the vessels of faithlessly, and have done what
the house of God, and locked up is evil in the eyes of the Lord
the doors of the house of the our God, and have forsaken him;
Lord, and he made for himself and they have turned away their
altars in every corner of Jeru- faces from the habitation of the
salem. Lord, and turned their backs.
25 And in each and every city 7 They had also locked up thd
doors of the porch, and put out Lord, to cleanse the house of
the lamps, and incense have the Lord.
they not burnt, and the burnt- 16 And the priests went into
otferings have they not offered the inner part of the house of
in the sanctuary, unto the God the Lord, to cleanse it ; and
of Israel. they brought out every thing
8 Wherefore the wrath of the unclean which they found in the
Lord is upon Judah and Jeru- temple of the Lord into the
salem, and he hath rendered court of the house of the Lord ;
them to be a horror, an asto- and the Levites received it, to
nishment, and a hissing, as ye carry it out abroad unto the
see with your eyes. brook Kidron.
9 And, lo, our fathers have 17 And they commenced on
fallen by the sword, and our the first day of the first month
sons, and our daughters, and to sanctify; and on the eighth
our wives, are in captivity be- day of the month they came to
cause of this. the porch of the Lord, and they
10 Now it is in my heart to sanctified the house of the Lord
make a covenant for the Lord in eight days; and on the six-
the God of Israel-, that his teenth day of the first month
fierce wrath may turn away from they made an end.
us. 18 % Then went they in the
11 My sons ! be not negligent inner part (of the palace) to king
now ;
for of you hath the Lord Hezekiah, and said, “We have
made choice to stand before him, cleansed all the house of the
to minister unto him, and that Lord, and the altar of burnt-
ye might bo unto him ministers offering, and all its vessels, and
and those that burn incense.” the table of shew-bread, and all
12 Then arose the Levites, its vessels.
Machath the son of ’Amassai, 19 Moreover all the vessels,
and Joel the son of ’Azaryahu, which king Achaz had cast aside
of the sons of the Kehathites; during his reign in his faithless-
and of the sons of Merari, Kish ness, have we put in order and
the son of 'Abdi, and 'Azaryahu sanctified and, behold, they are

the son of Yehallelel and of before the altar of the Lord.”


the Gershunites, Yoach the son 20 Then arose king Heze-

of Zimmah, and 'Eden the son kiah early, and gathered toge-
of Yoach ;
ther the princes of the city, and
13 And of the sons of Eliza- went up to the house of the
phin, Shimri, and Ye’iel and Lord. ;

of the sons of Assaph, Zechar- 21 And they brought seven

yahu and Matthanyahu bullocks, and seven rams, and
14 *[ And of the sons of He- seven sheep, and seven he-goats,
man, Yechiel and Shim’i ; and as a sin-offering for the king-
of the sons of Jeduthun, She- dom, and for the s.‘ nctuary, and
ma’yah and 'Uzziel; for Judah. Ard bo ordered the
15 And they gathered toge- sons of Aaron the y-riosts '^o offer
ther their brethren, and they (them) on the alta-- rf the Lord.
sanctified themselves, and came, 22 So they sla watered the
according to the command of bullocks, and the p sts received i ‘

the king, by the words of the the blood, and sp . nkled it o*

the altar and they slaughtered
30 And king Hezekiah and
the rams, and they sprinkled the princes then said to the Le-
the blood upon the altar; they vites to sing praises unto the
also slaughtered the sheep, and Lord with the words of David,
they sprinkled the blood upon and of Assaph the seer. And
the altar. they sang praises with great
23 And they brought near joy, and they bowed their heads
the he-goats of the sin-offering and prostrated themselves. '

before the king and the con-| 31 Then commenced He-

gregation and they laid their zekiah, a.nd said,“ Now have ye

hands upon them : consecrated yourselves unto the

24 And the priests slaugh- Lord come near and bring

tered them, and they made an sacrifices and thanksgiving-of-

expiation with their blood upon ferings unto the house of the
the altar, to make an atone- Lord,” And the assembly
ment for all Israel because for brought in sacrifices
; and
all the people, said the king, thanksgiving-offerings,

should be the burnt-offering and every one who was liberal of
the sin-offering. heart, burnt-offerings.
25 And he stationed the Le- 32 And the number of the

vites in the house of the Loro burnt-offerings, which the as-

with cymbals, with psalteries, sembly brought, was seventy
and with harps, according to bullocks, one hundred rams,

the command of David, and of (and) two hundred sheep: as a

Gad the king’s seer, and Nathan burnt-offering unto the Lord
the prophet; because from the were all these.
Lord was this commandment by 33 And the hallowed sacri-
means of his prophets. fices were six hundred oxen and
26 ^ And the Levites stood three thousand sheep.
with the instruments of David, 34 Only the priests were too
and the priests with the trum- few, so that they could not fiay
pets. all the burnt-offerings : where-
27 And Hezekiah ordered to fore their brethren the Levites
offer the burnt-offering on the assisted them, till the work was
altar. And when the burnt- ended, and until the other priests

offering began, the song of the could sanctify themselves; for

Lord began (also) with the the Levites were of upright heart
trumpets, and with the instru- to sanctify themselves more than
ments of David the king of Is- the priests.
rael. 35 But there were also burnt-
28 And all the assembly pros- offerings in abundance, with the
trated themselves, and the song fat of the peace-offerings, and
sounded, and the trumpeters the drink-offerings for the burnt-
blew all this (continued) until offerings. So was (again) esta-

the burnt - offering was com- blished the service of the house
pleted. of the Lord.
29 And when they had made 36 And Hezekiah rejoiced,
an end of offering, the king and with all the people, over that
all that were present with him which God had prepared for the
kneeled down and prostrated people because the thing oc-

themselves. curred suddenly.


CHAPTER XXX. become an (object of) astonish
1 f Then sent Hezekiah to all ment, as ye see.
Israel and Judah, and he also 8 Now do ye not harden your
wrote letters to Ephraim and necks, like your fathers; hold
Menasseh, that they should come out your hand unto the Lord,
to the house of the Lord at Je- and come unto his sanctuary,
rusalem, to prepare the passover- which he hath sanctified for
sacrifice unto the Lord the God ever, and serve the Lord y^ur
of Israel. God and so will he turn away

2 And the king held a consul- from you the fierceness of hi?
tation, as also his princes, and wrath.
all the assembly in Jerusalem, 9 For if ye return unto the
to prepare the passover-sacrifice Lord, your brethren and your
in the second month. children will find mercy in the
3 For they were not able to presence of their captors, so that
prepare it at that time ; because they may return to this land;

the priests had not sanctified for the Lord your God is gra-
themselves sufficiently, nor had cious and merciful, and will ot
the people gathered themselves turn away his countenance from
together to Jerusalem. you, if ye return unto him.”
4 And the thing seemed 10 And as the runners were
right in the eyes of the king passing from city to city through
and in the eyes of all the as- the country of Ephraim and
sembly. Menasseh and as far as Zebulun,
5 So they established a de- they were laughing them to
cree to cause a proclamation to scorn, and mocking at them.
be made throughout all Israel, 11 Nevertheless some men of
from Beer-sheba* evem as far as Asher and Menasseh and of Ze-
Dan, that they should come to bulun humbled themselves, and
prepare the passover-sacrifice came to Jerusalem.
unto the Lord the God of Israel, 12 Also over Judah came the
at Jerusalem because for a long hand of God to give unto them

time past they had not; prepared one heart to do the command of
it as it was written. the king and of the princes, by
6 So the runners went with the word of the Lord.
the letters from the hand of the 13 And there was gathered
king and his princes throughout together at Jerusalem a nume-
6,11 Israel and Judah, and ac- rous people to keep the least of
cording to the command of the unleavened bread in the second
king, saying, “ 0 children of month, a very great assembly.
Israel return unto the Lord
! 14 And they arose and re-
the God of Abraham, of Isaac, moved the altars which were in
and of Israel, and he will return Jerusalem, and all the vessels
to the remnant of you, that are for burning incense did they
escaped out of the power of the take away, and they threw them
kings of Assyria. into the brook Kidron.
7 And be no't like your fa- 15 And they slaughtered the
thers, and like your brethren, passover-sacrifice on the four-
who acted faithlessly against the teenth day of the second month
Lord the God of their fathers, and the priests and the Levites
tvhfcrcfore he gave them up to were ashamed, and sanctified
themselves, and brought burnt-of- 23 And the whole assembly
ferings unto the house of theLoitn. took counsel to celebrate other
16 And they stood on their seven days and they celebrated

station after their prescribed (these) seven days with joy.

manner, according to the law 24 For Hezekiah king of Ju-
of Moses the man of God, the dah had provided for the assem-
priest sprinkling the blood, bly one thousand bullocks and
(which they received) out of the seven thousand sheep; and the
hand of the Levites. princes had provided for the as-
17 For there were many in sembly one thousand bullocks
the assembly that had not sanc- and ten thousand sheep and

tified themselves: therefore the the priests sanctified themselves

Levites had the charge of the in great numbers.
slaughtering of the passover- 25 And thus rejoiced all the
sacrifice, for every one that was assembly of Judah, and the
not clean, to sanctify (the same) priests and the Levites, and all
unto the Lord. the assembly that was come out
18 For a large portion of the of Israel, and the strangers that
people, even many out of Eph- were come out of the land of
raim, and Menasseh, Issachar, Israel, and those that dwelt in
and Zebulun, had not cleansed Judah.
themselves, but ate the passover 26 And there was great joy
not as it is written. However in Jerusalem for since the time

Hezekiah prayed for them, say- of Solomon the son of Da vid the
ing, “ The Lord who is good king of Israel had the like not
will grant pardon for this been in Jerusalem.
19 To every one that hath 27 Then arose the priests
directed his heart to seek God, the Levites and blessed the peo-
the Lord the God of his fathers; ple and their voice was listened

though he be not (cleansed) ac- to, and their prayer came to His
cording to the purification of holy dwelling-place, even unto
the sanctuary. heaven.
20 And the Lord hearkened
to Hezekiah, and he healed the |
people. 1 And when all this was
21 And the children of Is- finished, all Israel that were
rael that were present at Jerusa- present went out to the cities
lem celebrated the feast of un- of Judah, and broke in pieces
leavened bread seven days with the statues, and cut down the
great joy; and the Levites and groves, and pulled down the
the priests praised the Lord day high-places and the altars out
by day, with loud instruments of all Judah and Benjamin, and
before the Lord. in Ephraim and Menasseh, until
22 And Hezekiah spoke com- they had made an end of them
fortingly unto all the Levites all. Then returned all the chil-
that had good intelligence of dren of Israel every man to his
the Lord and they ate the fes- possession, to their own cities.

tive-olferings during seven days, 2 And Hezekiah stationed the

offering peace-offerings, and divisions of the priests and the
making confession to the Lord Levites after their divisions,
the God of their fathers. every man according to his »©?
103 3 B 1225
vice, of the priests and the Le- of Zadok, and said, “ Since it
vites, for burnt-offerings and for was begun to bring the heave-
peace-offerings, to minister, a-nd offerings into the house of the
to give thanks, and to praise in Lord, there hath been enough
the gates of the camps of the to eat, and to leave in great
Loud. abundance; for the Lord hath
3 The king also gave a por- blessed his people : and that
tion from his own property for which is left is this great mass.”
the burnt- offerings, (namely,) 11 Then ordered Hezekiah
for the morning and evening to prepare chambers in the house
burnt-offerings, and the burnt- of the Lord : and they prepared
offerings for the sabbaths, and them.
for the new-moons, and for the 12 And they brought in the
appointed feasts, as it is written; heave-offerings, and the tithes,

in the law of the Lord. and the sanctified things, in

4 Moreover he said to the faithfulness : and over them
people, to those who dwelt in were appointed the ruler Conan-
Jerusalem, to give the portion yahu the Levite, and Shim’i his
jf the priests and the Levites, brother the second in rank.
in order that they might hold 13 And Yeehiel, and ’Asas-
firmly to the law of the Lord. lyahu, and Nachath, and ’Assa-

5 And when the matter was bel, and Yerimoth, and Yosa-
spread abroad, the children of bad, and Eliel, and Yissmacli-
Israel brought in abundance the yahu, and Machath, and Bena-
first-fruits of corn, of the new yahu, were overseers under the
wine, and of oil, and of honey, supervision of Conanyahu and
and of all the products of the Shim’i his brother, by the ap-
field; and the tithe of all things pointment of king Hezekiah,
did they bring (likewise) in and ’Azaryahu the ruler of the
abundance. house of God.
6 And as for the children of 14 And Kore the son of Yim-
Israel and Judah, that dwelt in nah the Levite, the gatekeept*
the cities of Judah, they also at the east side, was over the
brought in the tithe of oxen and freewill-offerings of God, to give
sheep, and the tithe of holy (to him) the heave-offerings of
things which were hallowed un- the Lord, and the most holy
to the Lord their God, and gave things.
(them) by heaps. 15 And under his supervision
7 In the third month did were ’Eden, and Minyamin, and
they begin to lay the foundation Jeshua’, and Shema’yahu, Amar-
of the heaps, and in the seventh yahu, and Shechanyahu, in the
month did they finish them. cities of the priests, in faithful-
8 And when Hezekiah and ness, to give to their brethren
the princes came and saw the after the divisions, equally to
heaps, they blessed the Lord, the great as to the small
and his people Israel. 16 Besides (these) to those
9 Then made Hezekiah in- recorded by their genealogies
quiry of the priests and the Le- of males, from three years old
vites concerning the heaps. and upward, of all that entered
10 Then spoke to him ’Azar- into the house of the Lord, the
yahu the chief priest of the house [daily portion on its day, for
their service in charges were without the city and they
their :

according to their divisions helped him.


17 And likewise to the priests 4 And there were gathered

recorded by their genealogies together a very numerous body
after their family divisions, and of people, and they stopped up
the Levites from twenty years all the springs, and the brook
old and upward, in their charges that flowed through the midst
by their divisions ; of the land, saying, “ Why should
18 And to those Tecorded by the kings of Assyria come, and
their genealogies of all their find much water ?”
little ones, their wives, and their 5 Also he strengthened him-
sons, and their daughters, of all self, and built up all the wall
the assembly ; for in their faith- where it was broken down, and
fulness they devoted themselves heightened the towers, and
in the sanctuary. (built) wihtout another wall.,
19 Also of the sons of Aaron and fortified the Millo of the
the priests, who were in the city of David, and made wea-
fields of the open districts of pons in abundance and shields.
their cities, in each and every 6 And he appointed war-offi-
city, there were men, expressed cers over the people, and gather-
by name, who had to give por- ed them together unto him in
tions to all the males among the the open place at the gate of the
priests, and to all that were re- city, and spoke comfortingly to
corded by their genealogies them, saying,
among the Levites. 7 “ Be strong and of good
20 And the like did Hezekiah courage, do not fear and be not
in all Judah, and he did what is dismayed because of the king of
good and right and true before Assyria, and because of all the
the Lord his God. multitude that is with him for ;

21 And in every work that he with us there is One greater than

began in the service of the house with him :

of God, and in the law, and in 8 With him there is an arm

the commandments, to seek his of flesh but with us is the Lord

God, he acted with all his heart, our God to help us, and to fight
and prospered. our battles.” And the people
relied upon the words of Heze-
CHAPTER XXXII. kiah the king of Judah.
1 After these things and 9 After this did Sennache-
veritable events came Senna- rib the king of Assyria send his
cherib the king of Assyria, and servants to Jerusalem, while he
invaded Judah, and encamped was himself lying before Lachish,
against the fortified cities, and and all (the chief troops of) his
thought tobreak them open for dominion with him, against He-
himself. zekiah the king of Judah, and
2 And when Hezekiah saw against all Judah that were afc
that Sennacherib was coming, Jerusalem, saying,
and that his face (was directed) 10 “ Thus hath said Senna-
for war against Jerusalem, cherib the king of Assyria, On
3 He consulted with his princes what do ye trust, that ye remain
and his mighty men to stop up besieged in Jerusalem ?
the waters of the springs which 11 Doth not Hezekiah nrslead
you to give you up to die by fa- guage unto the people .if Jeru
mine and by thirst, when he salem that were on the wall, te
saith, The Lord our God will frighten them, and to terrify

deliver us out of the grasp of the them in order that they might

king of Assyria V capture the city.

12 Is not this Hezekiah that 19 And they spoke of the God
hath removed his high-places of Jerusalem, as concerning the
and his altars, when he said to gods of the nations of the earth,
Judah and to Jerusalem, saying, the work of the hands of man.
Before one altar shall ye pros- 20 And king Hezekiah and
trate yourselves, and upon it Isaiah the son of Amoz the pro-
shall ye burn incense?’ phet, prayed for this cause, and
13 Know ye not what I have they cried to heaven.
done, I and my fathers, unto all 21 And the Lord sent an
the people of (other) lands ? angel, who cut off every mighty
were the gods of the nations of man of valour and leader and
those lands at all able to deliver captain in the camp of the king
their land out of my
hand ? of Assyria and when he was

14 Who among all the gods returned with shame of face to

of those nations that my fathers his own land, he went into the
utterly destroyed, was it, that house of his god, and (those)
was able to deliver his people that were come forth from his
out of my hand, that your God own bowels felled him there with
should be able to deliver you out the sword.
of my hand? 22 Thus did the Lord save
15 And now let not Hezekiah Hezekiah and the inhabitants of
deceive you, and let him not Jerusalem out of the hand of
mislead you in this manner, nor Sennacherib the king of Assy-
believe him for no god of any
ria, and out of the hand of all,
nation or kingdom whatever was and guided them (safely) on
able to deliver his people out of every side.
my hand, and out of the hand 23 And many brought pre-
of my fathers how much less sents
: unto the Lord to Jerusa-
will your Gods deliver you out lem, and precious things to lle-
of my hand!” zekiah the king of Judah: so
16 And yet more did his ser- that he was exalted before the
vants speak against the Lord eyes of all the nations after that
God, and against his servant time.
Hezekiah. 24 In those days fell Ileze-
17 He wrote also letters to kiah sick to the death ; and he
blaspheme against the Lord the prayed unto the Lord: and he
God of Israel, and to speak spoke unto him, and he gave
against him, saying, “As the him a wonderful token.
gods of the nations of (other) 25 But not according to the
lands, who have not delivered mercy shown unto him did Heze-
their people out of my hand, so kiah act in return ; for his heart
will the God of Hezekiah not w as lifted up
w herefore there

deliver his people out of my came wrath over him, and over
hand.” Judah and Jerusalem.
18 Then did they call out with 26 Then became Hezekiah
a loud voice in the Jewish lan- humbled because of the lifting
up both he ami the his son
if his heart, became king in hii
inhabitants of Jerusalem and stead.

the wrath of the Lord came not

upon them in the days of Heze- CHAPTER XXXIII.
kiah Twelve years old was
27 And Hezekiah had richesMenasseh when he became king,
and honour in exceeding abun- and fifty and five years did he
dance: and he made himself reign in Jerusalem.
treasuries for silver, and for gold, 2 And he did what is evil in
and for precious stones, and for the eyes of the Lord, after the
spices, and for shields, and for abominable acts of the nations
all manner of costly vessels whom the Lord had driven out
28 And storehouses for the from before the children of Is-
produce of corn, and new wine, rael.
and oil and stalls for all kinds
3 And he built again the high-
of cattle, and sheepfolds for places which Hezekiah his father
flocks. had broken down, and he erected
29 Moreover he erected for altars for the Be’alim, and made
himself cities, and (acquired) pos- Asheroth, and bowed himself
sessions of flocks and herds in down to all the host of heaven,
multitude; for God had given and served them.
him wealth in great abundance. 4 And he built altars in the
30 This same Hezekiah also house of the Lord, whereof the
stopped up the upper mouth of Lord had said, “In Jerusalem
the waters of Gichon, and brought shall my name be for ever.”
them straight down to the west 5 And he built altars for all
side of the city of David. And the host of heaven in the two
Hezekiah prospered in all his courts of the house of the Lord.
works. 6 And he caused his children
31 And in the same manner to pass through the fire in the
in the business of the ambassa- valley of Ben-hinnom he also

dors of the princes of Babylon, observed times, and employed

who sent unto him to inquire enchantments, and used witch-
concerning the wonder that had craft, and dealt with (those of) a
happened in the land, God left familiar spirit, and with wizards
him, to prove him, to know all he did much that is evil in the
that was in his heart. eyes of the Lord, to provoke
32 And the rest of the acts him to anger.
of Hezekiah, and his pious deeds, And
he placed a carved
behold, they are written in the image of the
idol which he had
vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, made in the house of God, of
the prophet, (and) in the book which God had said .to David
of the kings of Judah and Is- and to Solomon his son, “ In
rael. this house, and in Jerusalem,
33 And Hezekiah slept with which I have made choice of out
his fathers, and they buried him of all the tribes of Israel, will I
in the highest place of the sepul- place my name for ever.
chres of the sons of David and 8 ^ Nor will I any more re-

all Judah and the inhabitants move the foot of Israel from off
of Jerusalem showed him honour the land which I have appointed
at his death. And Menasseh for your fathers; but only ii
103* 1229
they will take heed do all that
to the Lord, and sacrificed there-
I have commanded them, accord- upon peace-offerings and thanks-
ing to the whole law and the giving-offerings, and he ordered
statutes and the ordinances by Judah to serve the Lord the God
the hand of Moses.” of Israel.
9 But Menasseh led Judah 17 Nevertheless the people
and the inhabitants of Jerusa- sacrificed on the high -places,
lem astray, to do worse than the but only unto the Lord their
nations whom the Lord had de- God.
stroyed from before the children 18 And the rest of the acts c
of Israel. Menasseh, and his prayer unto
10 And the Lord spoketo his God, and the words of the
Menasseh, and tohis people seers that spoke to him in the
but they listened not. name of the Lord the God of
11 Wherefore the Lord brought Israel, behold, they are in the
over them the captains of the history of the kings of Israel.
army belonging to the king of 19 His prayer also, and (how
Assyria and they took Menas-
: God) was entreated of him, and
seh prisoner with chains, and all hissins and his faithless-
bound him with fetters, and led ness, and the places whereon he
him off to Babylon. built high- places, and set up the
12 And when he was in dis- Asherim and the graven images,
tress, he besought the Lord his before he was humbled behold,

God, and humbled himself great- they are written in the history
ly before the God of his fathers, of Chosai.
13 And he prayed unto him, 20 And Menasseh slept with
and He permitted himself to be his fathers, and they buried him
entreated by him, and heard his in his own house. And Amon
supplication, and brought him his son became king in his stead.
back to Jerusalem, unto his 21 Two and twenty years
kingdom. Then did Menasseh old was Amon when he became
feel conscious that the Lord is king, and tw o years did he

indeed the (true) God. reign in Jerusalem.

14 And after this he built a 22 And he did what is evil in
wall without the city of David, the eyes of the Lord, as Menas-
on the west side of Gichon, in seh his father had done; and
the valley, even to the entrance unto all the carved images which
of the fish-gate, and about the Menasseh his father had made
hill-fort, and raised it up to a did Amon sacrifice, and them he
very great height and he placed served

captains of the army in all the 23 But he did not humble him-
fortified cities of Judah. self before the Lord, as Menas-
15 And he removed the seh his father had humbled him-
strange gods and the idol out of self; for he, Amon, made his
the house of the Lord, and all guiltiness great.
the altars that he had built on 24 And his servants conspired
the mount of the house of the against him, and put him tc
Lord, and in Jerusalem, and he death in his own house.
cast them forth to without the 25 But the people of the land
sity. slew all those that had con-
16 And he rebuilt the altar of spired against king Amon ; and
*hc pe< pie of the land made Jo- he sent Shaphan the son of Azal-
siah hi? son king in his stead. yahu, and Ma’asseyahu the go-
vernor of the city, and Yoach
CHAPTER XXXIV. the son of Yoachas the recorder,
1 Eight years old was Jo- to repair the house of the Lord
siah when he became king, and his God.
thirty and one years did he 9 And they came to Chilki-
reign in Jerusalem. yahu the high-priest, and gave
2 And he did what is right in up the money that had been
the eyes of the Lord, and walk- brought into the house of God,
ed in the ways of David his fa- which the Levites that watched
ther, and turned not aside to the at the threshold had gathered
right or to the left. from the hand of Menasseh and
3 *[ And in the eighth year Ephraim, and from all the rem-
of his reign, while he was yet a nant of Israel, and from all Ju-
lad, he began to seek after the dah and Benjamin, and were
God of David his father; and in returned to Jerusalem,
the twelfth year he began to pu- 10 And they delivered it into
rify Judah and Jerusalem from the hand of those who over-
the high-places, and the Ashe- looked the workmen that had
rim, and the carved images, and been appointed as overseers of
the molten images. the house of the Lord and

4 And they broke down in those who overlooked the work-

bis presence the altars of the men, who did the work in the
Be'alim ;
and the sun-images, house of the Lord, gave it out,
that were set above them, he cut to repair and to restore the
down ; and the Asherim, and the house;
carved images, and the molten 11 And the}* gave it to the
images, he broke in pieces, and carpenters and to the builders,
ground down, and strewed (the to buy hewn stone, and timber
same) upon the graves of those for joists, and to lay the beams
that bad sacrificed unto them. in the houses which the kings
5 And the bones of priests of Judah had destroyed.
did he burn upon their altars ; 12 And the men acted faith-
and he purified Judah and Jeru- fully in the work : and over
salem. them were appointed Yacbath
6 And (so did he) in the cities and ’Obadyahu, the Levites, of
of Menasseh, and Ephraim, and the sons of Merari: and Ze-
Simeon, even as far as Naph- chariah and Meshullam, of the
tali,with their mattocks, round sons of the Kehathites, to su-
about. pervise ; and every one of these
7 And when he had broken Levites was skilful on instru-
down the altars, and had beaten ments of music.
the Asherim and the graven 13 They were also o\er the
images into powder, and cut bearers of burdens, and super-
down all the sun-images through- visors over all that did the work
out all the land of Israel, he in every manner of service: and
returned to Jerusalem. from the Levites there were also
8 And in the eighteenth; scribes, and officers, and gato-
year of his reign, when he had keepers.

purified the land and the house, i 14 And when they took out
the money that had been brought appointed ), to Chuluafc. the pro

into the house of the Lord, Chi 1- jphetoss, the wife of Shallum tho
kiyuhu the priest found the book son of Thokhath, the son of

of the law of the Lord through Chassrah, the keeper of the ward-
the hand of Moses. robe;— now she dwelt in Jeru-
15 Then commenced Chilki- salem in the suburb; — and they
yahu and said to Shaphan the spoke to her in that wise.
scribe, “The book of the law 23 And she said unto them,
have I found in the house of the “Thus hath said the Lord the
Lord.” And Chilkiyahu gave God of Israel, Say unto the
the book to Shaphan. man that hath sent you to me,
16 And Shaphan carried the 24 1
Thus hath said the
book to the king, and brought Lord, Behold, I will bring evil
the king also word back again, upon this place, and upon its in-
saying, “ All that was put in the habitants, all the curses that
hand of thy servants, have they are written in the book which
truly done. they have read before the king
17 And they have taken out of Judah;
the money that was found in the 25 Because they have for-
house of the Lord, and have saken me, and have burnt incense
delivered it into the hand of the unto other gods, in order to pro-
appointed overseers, and into voke me to anger with all the
the hand of those who overlook works of their hands therefore

the workmen.” is my fury poured out upon

18 Then told Shaphan the this place, and it shall not be
scribe the king, saying, “A book quenched.’
hath Chilkiyahu the priest given 26 And with respect to the
me.” And Shaphan read in it king of Judah, who sendeth you
before the king. to inquire of the Lord, thus
19 And it came to pass, when shall ye say to him, Thus hath
the king heard the words of the said the Lord the God of Israel,
law, that he rent his clothes. Concerning the words which
20 And the king commanded thou hast heard:
Chilkiyahu, and Achikam the 27 Because thy heart was ten-
son of Shaphan, and ’Abdon der, and thou didst humble thy-
the son of Michah, and Shaphan self before God, when thou
the scribe, and ’Assayah a ser- heardst his words against this
vant of the king’s, saying, place, and against its inhabit-
21 “Go ye, inquire of the ants, and didst humble thyself
Lord in my behalf, and in be- before me, and rend thy clothes,
half of those that are left in Is- and weep before me :I have
rael and in Judah, concerning also truly heard it, saith the
the words of the book that hath Lord.
been found ; for great is the fury 28 Behold, I will gather thee
of the Lord that is poured out unto thy fathers, and thou shalt
against us, because our fathers be gathered to thy graves in
did not keep the word of the peace, and thy eyes shall not
Lord, to do in accordance with look on all the evil which I am
all that is written in this book.” bringing over this place, and
22 ^ Then went Chilkiyahu over its inhabitants.” And they
with those whom the kin? (hadi brought the king word again.

29 And the king sent and jthem for the service *1 the house
gathered together all the elders of the Lord. |

01 Judah and Jerusalem. 3 And he said unto the Le-

30 And the king went up into vites that instructed all Israel,
the house of the Lord, with all who were holy unto the Lord,
the men of Judah, and the in- “ Set the htrly ark in the house
habitants of Jerusalem, and the which Solomon the son of David
priests, and the Levites, and all the king of Israel did build ; you
the people, from the great to have not to carry it any more
the small; and he read before upon jmur shoulders now serve :

their ears all the words of the the Lord your God, and his peo
book of the covenant which had pie Israel.
been found in the house of the 4 And prepare yourselves by
Lord. your family divisions, according
31 And the king stood up on to your courses, after the writ
his stand, and he made a cove- ten order of David the king ol
nant before the Lord, to walk Israel, and after the written order
after the Lord, and to keep his of Solomon his son ;

commandments, and his testi- 5 And stand in the holy place

monies, and his statutes, with according to the divisions of the
all his heart and with all his family divisions of your bre-
soul, to perform the words of thren the sons of the people, and
the covenant that are written in after the division of the families
this book. of the Levites
32 And he caused to accede 6 And slaughter the passover-
to it every one that was present sacrifice, and sanctify yourselves,
in Jerusalem Benjamin. and prepare it for your brethren,
And the inhabitants of Jerusa- to do according to the word of
lem acted in accordance with the Lord by the hand of Moses.
the covenant of God, the God 7 And Josiah set apart for
of their fathers. the sons of the people, of the
33 And Josiah removed all flock, lambs and kids, all for the
the abominations out of all the passover-sacrifices, for all that
countries that belonged to the were present, to the number of
children of Israel, and caused thirty thousand, and of steers
all that were present in Israel to three thousand these wero of

serve, even to serve the Lord the king’s property.

their God. All his days did 8 •[ And his princes set apart
they not depart from following (much) as a freewill gift for the
the Lord the God of their fa- people, for the priests, and for
thers. the Levites: Chilkiyah, and Ze-
charyahu, and Yeehiel, the rulers
CHAPTER XXXV. of the house of God, gave unto
1 And
Josiah kept in Jeru- the priests for the passover-sa-
salem the passover unto the crifices two thousand and six
Lord and they slaughtered hundred (lambs and kids), and

the passover-sacrifice on the three hundred steers.

fourteenth day of the first 9 And Conanyahu, and She-
m jnth. ma’yahu and Nethanel, his bro
2 And he placed the priests in thers, and Chashabyahu and Ye-
-heir charges, and strengthened ’iel and Yosabad, the chiefs ol
B 2 1233
the Levites, set .apart unto the day, to prepare the passover.
Levites for passover-sacrifices sacrifice, and to offer burnt-
five thousand (lambs and kids), offerings upon the altar of the
and five hundred steers. Lord, according to the com-
10 So the service was esta- mand of king Josiah.
blished, and the priests stood on 17 And the children of Israel
their station, and the Levites in that were present prepared the
their divisions; according to the passover-sacrifice at that time,
king’s command. and (kept) the feast of unlea-
11 And they slaughtered vened bread seven days.
the passover-sacrifice, and the' 18 And there was not holden
priests sprinkled (the blood re- any passover like this in Israel
ceived) from their hands, and from the days of Samuel the
the Levites did the flaying. prophet; and all the kings of
12 And they removed the Israel did not keep such a pass-
burnt-offerings to give them to over as Josiah kept, with the
the divisions of the family divi- priests, and the Levites, and all
sions of the sons of the people, Judah and Israel that were pre-
to offer (them) unto the Lord, sent, and the inhabitants of Je-
as it is written in the book of rusalem.
Moses. And so did they with 19 In the eighteenth year
the steers. of the reign of Josiah was this
13 And they roasted the pass passover holden.
over by the fire in accordance 20 After all this, when Josiah
with the prescribed manner but had restored the temple, came

the holy offering's they seethed in up Necho the king of Egypt to

pots, and in caldrons, and in fight against Karkemish by the
paus, and divided them speedily Euphrates, and Josiah went out
among all the sons of the peo- against him.
ple. 21 But he sent ambassadors
14 And afterward they pre- to him, saying, “What have I
pared for themselves, and for to do with thee, thou king of
the priests because the priests Judah?
I come not against
the sons of Aaron (were busied) thee this day. but against the
in offering the burnt-offerings and house wherewith I have war,
the fat until night: therefore the and God hath commanded me to
Levites prepared for themselves make haste: forbear thee from
and for the priests the sons of meddling with God who is with
Aaron. me, that he may not destroy
15 And the singers the sons thee.’
of Assaph were on their station, 22 Nevertheless did Josiah
according to the command of not turn his face away from him,
David, and Assaph, and Heman, but disguised himself, to fight
and Jeduthun the king’s seer; with him, and hearkened not
and the gatekeepers were at unto the words of Necho from
every gate: they had no need to the mouth of God and he came

depart from their service be- to fight in the valley of Megiddo.


cause their brethren the Levites 23 And the archers shot at

prepared for them. king Josiah and the king said

u Carry me
16 So was established all the to his servants,
service of the Lord on the same away for I am sorely wounded

24 And his servants carried what is evil in the eyes of the
him away out of that chariot, Lord his God.
and conveyed him in the se- 6 Against him came up Nebu-
cond chariot that he had; and chadnezzar the king of Babylon,
they brought him to Jerusalem, and he bound him with fetters,
and he died, and was buried to carry him away to Babylon.
in the sepulchres of his fathers. 7 And some of the vessels of
And all Judah and Jerusalem the house of the Lord did Nebu-
mourned for Josiah. chadnezzar carry to Babylon,
25 And Jeremiah lamented and he placed them in his tem-
for Josiah; and all the singing ple at Babylon.
men and the singing women 8 And the rest of the acts of
gpoke of Josiah in their lamenta- Yehoyakim, and his abominable
tions to this day, and they insti- deeds which he did, and that
tuted them as a custom in Israel which was found concerning
and, behold, they are written in him, behold, they are written in
the lamentations. the book of the kings of Israel
26 And the rest of the acts and Judah. And Yehoyachin
of Josiah, and his pious deeds, his son became king in his stead.
in accordance with what is writ- 9 Eight years old was Ye-
ten in the law of the Lord, hoyachin when he became king,
27 And his acts, the first and and three months and ten days
the last, behold, they are written did he reign in Jerusalem ;
in the book of the kings of Is- he did what is evil in the eyes
rael and Judah. of the Lord.
10 And with the expiration
CHAPTER XXXVI. of the year did king Nebuchad-
1 % And the people of the nezzar send, and had him
land took Yehoachas the son of brought to Babylon, with the
Josiah, and made him king in costly vessels of the house of
his father’s stead in Jerusalem. the Lord ;
and he made Zede-
2 Twenty and three years old kiah his brother king over Ju-
was Yoachas when he became dah and Jerusalem.
king, and three months did he 11 Twenty and one years
reign in Jerusalem. old was Zedekiah when he be-
3 And the king of Egypt de- came king, and eleven years did
posed him at Jerusalem, and he reign in Jerusalem.
imposed a fine on the land of a 12 And he did what is evil in
hundred talents of silver and a the eyes of the Lord his God:
talent of gold. he humbled himself not before
4 And the king of Egypt Jeremiah the prophet, according
made Elynkira his brother king to the order of the Lord.
over Judah and Jerusalem, and 13 And also against king Ne-
changed his name to Yehoya- buchadrezzar did he rebel, who
kitn. And Yoachas his brother had made him swear by God;
did Necho take away, and bring but he stiffened his neck, and
him to Egypt. hardened his heart so as not to
5 4{ Twenty and five years old return unto the Lord the God
was Yehoyakim when he became of Israel.
king, and eleven years did he 14 Also all the chiefs of the
reign in Jerusalem ; and did priests and the people commit-
ted manifold trespasses, like all wall of Jerusalem, and all hei
the abominable acts of the (fo- palaces they burnt with fire, and
reign) nations; and they de- all her costly vessels they gave
filed the house of the Lord up to destruction.
which he had hallowed in Jeru- 20 And those that had escaped
salem. from the sword did he carry into
15 And the Lord the God of exile to Babylon and they were

their fathers sent to them by servants to him and to his sons

means of his messengers, mak- until the kingdom of Persia
ing them rise early, and sending came to the government:
(them) because he had compas-
21 To fulfil the word of the
sion on his people, and on his Lord by the mouth of Jeremi-
dwelling-place ah, until the land had satisfied
16 But they mocked at the its sabbaths ;
all the days of its
messengers of God, and despised desolation it rested, till seventy
his words, and scorned his pro- years were completed.
phets, until the fury of the Lord 22 And in the first, year of
arose against his people, till Cyrus the king of Persia, at the
there was no remedy. completion of the word of the
17 And he brought over them Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah,
the king of the Chaldeans, who did the Lord stir up the spirit
slew their young men with the of Cyrus the king of Persia,, so
sword in the house of their that he caused a proclamation to
sanctuary, and had no compas- be mad- throughout all his king-
sion upon young man or virgin, dom, and also by moans of writ-
the old man, and the aged all
: ing, saying,
did he give up into his hand. 23 “Thus hath said Cyrus the
18 And all the vessels of king of Persia, All the king-
the house of God, the great and doms of the earth hath the
the small, and the treasures of Lord the God of heaven given
the house of the Lord, and the me and he hath charged me to

treasures of the king and of his build him a house in Jerusalem,

princes, —
all these did he carry which is in Judah. Whoever
to Babylon. there is among you of all his
19 And they burnt the house people, may the Lord his God
el God, and broke down the be with him, and let him go up.*'


Here are subjoined a few notes necessary for the elucidation

of the text. Our space compels us to select only the most im-
portant, leaving out all grammatical .explanations contained in
our quarto edition.

1. Gen. i. 26. “ Let us make,” &c. This phrase is employed here, as in

other places, to express the purpose of the Deity to effect his will. This
construction is called “ the plural of majesty.”

2. Gen. ii. 4. The word Loan, when printed in small capitals, stands for
the tetragrammaton Yod, He, Vav, He, which should properly be given
with Eternal, which word is also occasionally used. When it is printed
so, “ Lord,” it is the version for Adonay.

3. Gen. v. ii. In the sacred writing, the change of persons from second
to third, and from singular to plural, and vice verm is by no means a rare

construction but as there is always some reason easily apparent for this

change, it has been preserved for the most part in this version.
4. Gen. v. 22. The term “walking with God” is used to express a right-
eous course of life, as though the man of whom it is said, walked with
and was accompanied by the presence of his Maker. So is it said of Noah,
“ Noah walked with God.” In other places it is called walking in the pre-
sence of God, as we read in the history of Abraham “ Walk before me

and be perfect.” So, on the other hand, to act wickedly is termed “ throw-
ing God behind one’s back.” All these, and many others, are figurative
phrases, used by the Hebrews to give a lively idea of what simple words
fail to express as strongly and beautifully.

5. Gen. vi. 6. “Repented,” This expression, otherwise not applicable to

'the Deity, who is no man that, He should repent is employed merely to
convey to us. in human language, the action of God; for it is man’s cus-
tom to repent of what he has made, when he rinds himself compelled tc
destroy it.

6. Gen.ix. 6. The Noachitic commandments are, according to the Tal-

mud: 1. The exercise of justice; 2. The worship of God, or the prohibition
of blasphemy; 3. The prohibition of idolatry 4. The prohibition of incest;

6. The prohibition of murder; 6. The prohibition of theft; 7. The prohibi-

tion of eating the flesh of a live animal.

7. Gen. xv. 17. It was customary in olden times for contracting parties
to cut up animals and pass alternately through the pieces, (Jer. xxxiv.
18;) therefore was the fire seen passing through the members of the ani-
mals which Abraham had placed, as the evident representative of the
Lord who that day made “the covenant between the pieces” with the

8. Gen. xvii. 1. This, El-Shadpai, is the first appellation which we find

God to have assumed: the other terms were merely applied to him by
mankind. The second revelation of his name is in Exodus vi. 2, 3.
104 1237
P. Gen. xxii. 1. The word “ tvinpi” here must be taken in the sense of
proving t. e. God proved Abraham’s constancy by the command to sacri-

fice Isaac. All the other proofs of faith hitherto demanded of him were
to be crowned by the willingness to sacrifice up to the will of God his
learest hope, the child in whom all the blessings promised him should be
accomplished: still he obeyed, and did not complain of the apparent in-
consistency of the divine promise with the present injunction of destroy-
ing the very child through whom this blessing could alone be fulfilled

10. Gen. xxv. 32. Probably meaning that his life as hunter exposed him
daily to such dangers that he was almost sure to die before his father,
wherefore the birthright as the eldest of the family would in all proba-
bility be of no use to him : hence he parted with it so lightly.

11. Gen. have left this verse as it is in the English version,

xlix. 10. I
inasmuch as according to Onkelos and Rashi, the former of whom
it is

renders NdSj? “and the scribe from his sous’ sons

71113 '13D N1DD1,
for ever, until,” <&c. But Arnheim gives, “Till he of Shiloh cometh, and
the obedience of the tribes be turned to him,” and refers “ he of Shiloh”
to Achiyah, the prophet of Shiloh, who foretold to Jeroboam that a part
of the kingdom should be taken from Solomon and transferred to him, (1
Kings xi. 31,) which prediction afterward came to pass, when Rehobo’am
refused to redress the grievances of the people and “ to him.” then, alludes

to Jerobo’am, to whom the tribes of Israel, here called D‘DJ7, (Gen. xlviii.
4,) were to turn from the house of David. Mendelssohn, in giving a some-
what different version, refers to the same event. Others, again, give:
“The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor the lawgiver from his
descendants for ever; because Shiloh shall come, and to him shall be the
gathering of the nations.” This version is predicated upon the words *>3 nj?
being separated by a disjunctive accent, and thus stand for “forever” and
“because;” since the Yetib is a greater disjunctive than the Pesseek in 2
Samuel xxiii. 10. Philippson, the latest of our translators, renders “The

sceptre shall not depart from Judah, and the ruler’s staff from between his
feet, even then when he cometh to Shiloh, and his shall be the obedience
of the nations.” In his comment he says, in substance, that to Judah is
promised the rule and prominence in Israel, which was not to depart even
when Joshua, the Epliraimite, should set up the tabernacle at Shiloh after
the conquest of Palestine; so that O
does not signify alone “until,”
but includes the time beyond the period stated, “ even then when.” It is —
impossible in this work to go into various versions and opinions hazarded
by commentators; but this much is certain, that Onkelos, the best trans-
lator the Pentateuch had for a long while, and who is not yet excelled,
would not have added if he had thought that it militated against
the Jewish faith. The assumption that the sceptre was taken at a par-
ticular period, wherefore Shiloh must have come then, is futile; since Ju-
dah had no rule during the second temple, and with the blinding of Zede-
kiah, in the year of the world 3402, prior to the common era 586 years, the
kingdom or sceptre of David became extinct; wherefore the alleged fulfil-
ment came five hundred and eighty-six years too late. But believing
Israelites, who confide in prophecy, do not think the sceptre totally de-
parted from Judah especially are the scribes, or those learned in the law,

not lost from the as yet latest descendants of Israel. The sceptre will re-
turn when the Shiloh, the King Messiah, shall come, and to him shall be
both the obedience and assemblage of people or nations, as D'DJ? nnp' 1

is variously endered.
t The plan of this work prohibits us from enlarging;
but the pious and intelligent reader will have enough to satisfy all doubts.

12. Exodus iii. 2. The angel who appeared to Moses does not address
him the bodily appearance of the peculiar conflagration was to arrest his

attention; but immediately after, when Moses attempted to inspect it

more closely, he is arrested by the Divine word, proceeding without a me*
diator, and he is thus called to commence his great mission by the Su
preme himself.
13. Exodus iii. 14. “I will be,” &c. Arnheim translates, “ I will be that 1
am.” It is very simple in its construction still it is exceedingly difficult

to convey the whole force of the idea by any words in a translation. The
Lord announces himself as the Being who will ever be, as he was and as
he is. In truth, the word is nothing but the future tense first person sin-
gular of the verb n'n “ to be.” In the second part of the verse, therefore,
Arnheim jrives it simply as the name of God, without translating it:
“ Eiiyeh hath sent me to you.” In this new name, which God assumes to
denote his eternity, we have the second revelation of his being and
quality. (See above, Gen. xvii. 1.)

14. Exodus iii. 15. “My memorial.” This means, say the commentators,
that God taught Moses how to pronounce the name of four letters, which
is read Adonay, and not as it is written.

15. Exodus iv. 16. Moses should give to Aaron instruction how to speak,
consequently he would be to him what God was to Moses, instructor; and
again, Aaron was to be the mouth of Moses, by telling the people what,
had been intrusted to him, and which he himself could not tell, on account
of his difficulty of speech.
16. Exodus vi. 3. Aben Ezra supplies here, “ alone,” meaning, some-
times it was as the Almighty, while at others as the Eternal, that God
spoke to the patriarchs. Jonathan says, “ And by my name the Lord,
through the evident appearance of my glory, (see Numb. xii. 6,) I became
not known to them.” Perhaps it may mean, however, that God made
himself known to the patriarchs as the Ruler of all things, but not as the
Merciful and sure Rewarder of all deeds: they might have recognised Him
so from his bounties; but now this knowledge was bestowed on mankind
as a new source of hope and confidence.

17. Exodus vii. 9. It must be understood that Pharaoh had refused to

demand of Moses under the plea that he knew not who was
listen to the
the “Eternal God” in whose name the prophet spoke. When, therefore,
Moses and his brother were sent again, it was to be expected that the king
would require some extraordinary attestation, as proof that they who
spoke thus had a power to enforce their mission, if it were in reality the
word a:nd will of an unheard-of Deity, of superior power to the gods of
18. Exodus xx. 2. According to Jewish opinions, “I am the Lord thy
God” is the first commandment, and enjoins on us to believe in the Eter-
nal alone, as God and Creator, who manifested himself to us when we were
bondmen in Egypt, whence he redeemed us through the great deeds he
wrought in our behalf. “ Thou shalt have,” &c. commences the second
19. Exodus xx. 5. “Jealous.” This means, “watchful of his glory, and
unwilling to pardon idolatry.”
20. Exodus xx. 5. “Hate me.” “If the children hate me.” Rashbam.
Onkelos paraphrases, “If the children persevere to sin after their fathers.”

21. Exodus xxi. 24. According to the laws as executed in Israel, (see
Baba Kama, viii. g 1,) this injunction was understood as applying merely
to make restitution in money for the injury inflicted. That this exposi-
tion is strictly conformable to the sacred text, can be proved from the pas-
sage, Numbers xxxv. 31, “ And ye shall not take a ransom for the life of.,
murderer who is guilty of death,” which clfeauly means “ from a murderer
ye shall take no ransom, but ye may do it from one who inflicts a wound
22. Exodus xxiv. 10. “ And they saw,” &c. “In the vision of prophecy.”
(See Isaiah vi. 1 .) — Aben Ezra.
23. Exodus xxiv. 11. Ramban : “ They ate the peace-offerings before the
mount, and they drank, making the occasion one
altar, at the foot of the
of joy, and a holiday for it is a duty to rejoice at the reception of the law.

(See also Deuteronomy xvii. 7, ‘And thou shalt slay peace-offerings, and
eat them there.’)”

24. Exodus xxix. 26. The owner of the sacrifice placed the pieces on his
hands, and the priest put his under the other’s, and they together waved
the sacrifice to the four corners of heaven, lifted and lowered it;, this ifl

the “ waving and lifting up” spoken of iu the text.

25. Levit. xvii. 7. No doubt that, while in Egypt, the Israelites had
learned to sacrifice to idols; they were therefore commanded, during their
sojourn iu the wilderness, to bring all sacrificial animals to the door of the
tabernacle, to offer them to the Lord as peace-offerings, before being per-
mitted to eat the flesh. 'y'Z> “goat-demons,” no doubt imaginary
idols, like the satyrs of the Greeks.

26. Numb. vi. 23. You shall not bless them with a blessing of your own,
as a man says: May such a good come upon the head of that one; but
unto me shall ye pray that I may bless them as it is said here, “ May the

Lord bless thee;” and I will hear your voice and bless Israel. Rashbam. —
The blessings, however, are not for the bestowal of worldly goods merely
for they also refer to the Divine grace and light, which are the greatest
good unto man.
27. Numb. xii. 6. Marah, the feminine, denotes the indistinct, dream-
like perception, followed as it is by ‘‘dream;” mareh , however, the mascu-
line, expresses the clear perception of Divine things. njlEP given in our
text, as in Genesis i. 26, with “similitude” or “likeness,” refers to the
higher conception which Moses h^d of God’s power, and of his government
of the world; and it is to be considered merely a continuation of the pre-
ceding “and not in dark speeches,” which is, the indistinct perception
which all prophets had of what they themselves foresaw and foretold,
when compared with Moses. (See Daniel xii. 8.)
28. Deut. iv. 15. The great King of Israel did not make himself manifest
under any bodily shape. All on the mountain was darkness and cloud.
A loud voice was heard, audible words reached the ear of all at once, one
impression was made upon all alike. Hence the energetic prohibition
against the folly of representing the Invisible and Incomprehensible
under any outward shape, even the most beautiful and strong. All will
fail of reaching him: consequently all are odious to the Deity.

29. Deut. vi. 4. Philippson translates, “ Hear, Israel, the Eternal, our
God, the Eternal is One.” But every attempt to convey in another lan-
guage the simplicity of the Hebrew must fail. Here we have the third
revelation of God’s being in Genesis xvii. he is revealed as the Almighty

in Exodus vi. as the Eternal; and now as the one, uncompound, indivisi-
ble, and not liable to change or increase. We have thus the complete idea
of the Godhead, as the highest Power, Eternity, Unity. After Philippson. —
30. Deut. xxvii. 12. Six tribes went up to the top of mount Gerizzim,
and six to that of mount ’Ebal, while the priests, with the Levites and the
ark, were in the middle of the valley below the Levites thereupon turned

their faces toward Gerizzim, and commenced with the blessing “ Blessed :

be the man who doth not make a graven image,” Ac.; when both parties
answered, “Amen.” They then turned their faces toward mount ’Ebal,
and commenced with the curse “ Cursed be the man,” Ac., and so till the

last, “ that observeth not.” —

ishnah Sotah, vii. g 5.
31. Isaiah vii. 14. n dSj? does not necessarily signify virgin, (which is
the equivalent of Bethulah ,) but a young marriageable woman in general.
(See also Prov. xxx. 21.)
32. Tsaiah viii. 8. ’Immanu-el was the child that was to show the early
fulfilment of the prophecy in chap, vii.; hence his name stands for the
land of Judah, which, notwithstanding the danger predicted, should still
be delivered; as was done when Sennacherib's army fell before Jeru-
33. Isaiah ix. 5. Heinemann. Rashi renders, And the Wonderful, coun -

sellor, mighty God, the everlasting Father, hath called his name The prince
of peace.” Aben Ezra, however, after whom Philippson. applies all the
words as epithets of the prince, (Hezekiah,) and translates, “ And people
call him, Wonder, counsellor, mighty one of God, perpetual father, prince
of peace.” The only difficulty in the verse is the word '“'N which may as
well be rendered with Aben Ezra “ powerful.” as God. as this word is found
in the same sense, in Exod. xv. 11, 15. Only the importance attached to
this verse by controversialists has induced us to speak, so much of it, as it
evidently alludes to a child born already, “hath been,” not
“ shall be given.”
34. Isaiah lii. 13. Rashi explains “my servant,” “ Behold, at the end
of days will my servant Jacob, the righteous among him, be prosperous.”
Dr. Philippson heads this section, “ The sufferings of Israel conduce to the
happiness of the nations;” and after reviewing the preceding prophecies,
he says, “But if the prophet contrasts in chap. xlix. 7, in general terms,
the despised state of Israel with their future greatness, he takes a deeper
view of the subject in the speech now before us, (to the end of liii.,) as he
declares the present degradation of Israel to he necessary for the accomplish-
ment of their mission ; because the exaltation of this depressed the glorious

uprising of this despised people will prove so clearly so surprisingly to the


other nations the saving power of the sole, God. whom the Israelites adore, that
they will become converted to this only One. The prophet goes, therefore, a
step farther, in declaring the sufferings of Israel, in general terms, as
borne by Israel merely as the means of happiness for the nations, in order to
bring these out of their sinful idolatry, to the pure acknowledgment of God.
They are become the martyrs of the acknowledgment of the One, and by
their exaltation the nations will be directed with the strength of conviction
to the sole and only God. This view of the prophet is truly sublime; he
stands here on the summit of the whole history of the world, since he
thus recognises and pursues the universal tendency of all the history of
the families of man. The doubts, therefore, which the Jewish commenta-
tors (Redak and Abarbanel) have raised here, that this procedure would
be opposed to the justice of God, which must allow every one to bear the
punishment of what he himself has committed, can only be applied to
individuals, while the prophet had in view the whole development of
mankind. The prophet now expresses this idea in the following man-

ner: At first he speaks of the future greatness of Israel (lii. 13), which
shall be as great as the Israelites are at present depressed (14). At this
the nations and kings will be astonished to the utmost (15), and they will
call to mind the entire state of degradation under which the Israelites
have suffered, when seeing that it is precisely this people which have been
redeemed and raised so high by the sole God (liii. 1-3). But they will
thence acknowledge that, Israel had to bear this hard fate solely for their
(the nations’) redemption out of their sinful state (4-6), so that Israel,
through the patience which they exhibit notwithstanding all their suffer-
ings, since they never departed from the only God. shall be placed on a yet
higher eminence (7-9). Therefore will Israel be the more greatly exalted
and rendered happy by God, and the will of the Most High will be accom-
plished through them (10-12).” This view is generally shared by the best
commentators, and is perfectly reconcilable to the whole context and the
separate expressions employed.
104* 3B2 1241
35. Isaiah Ixvi. 21. “From the nations that bring, and the Israelites
that are brought, will I take those again who are priests and Levites, but
are now mingled up with the nations through compulsion, and they shall
serve before me.” Kashi. —
Jerem. xxxi. 22. Rashi, “How long wilt thou hide thyself from me,
because thou art ashamed to return to me because of thy course? behold,
a new thing is created on the earth, that the female goeth about after the
man to ask him to marry her.” Israel is represented as the rebellious
wife. God as the husband; and when the time for the accomplishment ol
the Lord’s promises comes, the faithless spouse will seek her readily for-
giving, but. as it were, now absent husband. (See also Hosea ii. 9, 18; iii.
5.) Rashi explains the verse also in this manner.
37. Jerem. xxxiii. 21. It is evident that, as the prophet at the same time
predicted the destruction of both kingdom a.nd priesthood, he foretold the
continuity only of descendants of David and Aaron, so that there shall at
no time be wanting those who shall lineally be fit to act as their successors.
(See also Isaiah Ixvi. 21, and Hosea iii. 4, 5, which fully confirm this con-
struction.) To this day there are many who claim descent from David,
and everywhere we meet with those whom common consent hallows as the
sons of Aaron and Levi.

38. Hosea iii. 4. The prophet describes here exactly our present state,
as it has also been for many —
centuries neither altar of God nor idolatry,
no consulting by the true priests nor by idols: while we still adhere to the
Lord notwithstanding our sins.
39. Zeeh. xi. 13. After Johlson. Philippson comments, that thirty she-
kels was the price of a slave slain by an ox, (see Exod. xxi. 42;) the pro-
phet demanded in the name of God the reward for his keeping the people,
and they gave the mean sum of thirty pieces this, ironically called “ the

precious price” at which the Divine care was valued, was to be cast care-
lessly to the keeper of temple treasure, out of which the daily sacrifices
were purchased. This may be viewed as an allegorical condemnation of
the idea that sacrifices without piety can be in the least pleasing to God.
Rashi, after Jonathan, conceives the thirty pieces to signify those who do
the will of God and would then render: “ And the Lord said to me, cast

the same to the treasurer, (i. e. lay up these righteous and their good
deeds, that they may be kept for the end of the seventy years of the Baby-
lonian exile, in order that the temple may be built for their sake: and
what is the treasury?) the precious glory of my sanctuary, wT hich 1 have
stripped from them,” taking q ’•mp’’ as “having deprived — of the glory.”
40. Zech. xii. 10. The objective case is omitted in the original “ whom :

they have pierced” cannot be in apposition “tome,” because the next

clause is, “ they will lament for him,” not “ me ;” hence it is clear that the
objective, “ every one,” must be supplied, as has been done here.

41 Zech. xiii. 7. “ Associated with me.” Rashi, with the addition, “to
keep my flocks.” i. e. the prince or chief who was to be a true shepherd,
but has failed in his duty.
42. Psalm ii. 7. Israel is called “my first-born son,” in Exod. iv. 22;
“children unto the Lord,” in Deut. xiv. 1: hence, the king of Israel is
preeminently, as representative of the people, called here, “thou art my
43. Psalm ii. 8. Aben Ezra. Lit. “kiss.” as the giving of a kiss was
ronsidered a sign of appointing to royalty, as with Samuel to Saul, (1 Sam.
x. 1.) Rashi, “ Arm yourselves with purity of heart.” Jonathan, “ Accept
instruction.” Most commentators apply “ lest he be angry,” to God.

44. Ps. cx. 3. “ The dew i. e. The dew, the emblem of blessing, which

he had so long deserved, shall now come to him as the actual dew drops
on the earth, so to say, out of the bosom of the morning-dawn. This
rerse rendered after Philippson.
is Kashi. interpreting this Psalm ap
applied to Abraham. renders, “Thy people will come voluntarily unto thee
on the day of thy gathering an army; this shall be thine because of the
beauties of holiness which thou hadst from thy earliest age. soon after
thou didst leave thy mother's womb; to thee shall be accounted the way
of righteousness which thou didst follow in thy youth, to be as pleasant
as the dew.” Sachs, accordingly, “Thy people, voluntarily coming on the
day of the gathering of thy army, is in holy ornament out of the bosom

of the morning-dawn (floweth) unto thee the dew of thy youth.”

45 Psalm cx. 4. “ Priest.” Alien Ezra. “ minister,” or “ servant*” fo serve

the Lord. Malki-zedek was king and priest at Salem, afterward Jerusalem ;

and so the king it is said here shall be both temporal chief and a priest
in the general sense, not sacrificial, or servant of God. So also, “ you shall
be unto me a kingdom of priests.” (Exod. xix. 6.) This precisely was
David, as he superintended and organized the temple worship, without in-
fringing on the office of the Aaronitic priesthood, in which a stranger,
though king of Israel, could not mingle.
46. Psalm cx. 6. “ In the haste of pursuit the king will not stop to have

the water brought, but drink it as he finds it on his way.” II kexheimer.
But Philippson. “ Wherever he goes God provides him the brook to quench
his thirst, and so to acquire a complete victory.”

47. Daniel ix. 24. “ Seal up.” Meaning, that prophecy and visions should
be confirmed through the glorious fulfilment. Kashi conceives that the
angel tells Daniel that after the return of Israel to Palestine there should
be another destruction bv Titus, the captivity subsequent to which would
be inflicted to remove, through sufferings, the sins of Israel, after which
the promised glory should be fully accomplished. Ancient Jewish writers
thought that the second temple'stood 420 years, which, with the 70 years
of the Babylonian captivity, make 490. But the moderns suggest, and
among them Dr. Philippson, that the temple stood 600 years, w’herefore
the number 490 lacks 180 for their completion to the destruction by Titus.
So also must this chronology destroy the assumption that the prophecy ends
with the vulgar era; since there is no conceivable period from which the
70 weeks are to be computed to deduct them from 560 years w hich elapsed

from the permission of Cyrus to restore Jerusalem till then. Dr. Philipp-
son accordingly thinks the period terminates with the downfall of An-
tiochus. But we cannot in this note go over all his calculations.

48. Daniel ix. 25. “Unto the anointed.” Kashi and other commentators
refer this to Cyrus, who after seven year-weeks and three years permitted
Jerusalem to be built up. which afterward existed under all sorts of pres-
sure from without, Persians, Greeks, and Romans.

49. Daniel ix. 26. “ Anointed.” After Rashi is this anointed Agrippa
the last of the Herodian princes; Philippson, however, Seleucus Philo-
pator, who was poisoned by Autiochus, and who then usurped his govern-

50. Daniel ix. 26. “Devastations.” Kashi explaining, “ Jerusalem shall


experience a decree of desolation.” FUrst, “and till the end there h

decreed war with desolation.” Philippson, “and till the end there wih
he var, misery, and wastings.”



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