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Sports Med (2014) 44:1393–1402

DOI 10.1007/s40279-014-0220-8


Efficiency of Jumping Exercise in Improving Bone Mineral

Density Among Premenopausal Women: A Meta-Analysis
Renqing Zhao • Meihua Zhao • Liuji Zhang

Published online: 1 July 2014

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

Abstract 0.014–0.20, p \ 0.001} and trochanter (WMD [fixed

Background Jumping exercise is frequently regarded as effect] = 0.021, 95 % CI 0.018–0.024, p \ 0.001). How-
an optimum strategy for increasing pubertal bone growth, ever, the lumbar spine seemed to benefit less from such
but its role in promoting or preserving adult bone mineral high-impact exercise (p = 0.181). Visual inspection of the
density (BMD) is still undefined. plots implicated some degree of asymmetry, indicating a
Objectives This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the slightly positive treatment effect at the femoral neck and
evidence for the influence of jumping exercise on BMD in trochanter sites.
premenopausal women and to define the effectiveness of Conclusions Based on meta-analysis of existing studies,
high-impact exercise in improving or maintaining female the sensitivity of skeletal response to jumping exercise in
bone health. premenopausal women is significant and site-specific, with
Methods We searched MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, significant benefit from high-impact exercise noted, espe-
SPORTDiscus, Google Scholar and BIOSIS up to 1 Sep- cially at the hip.
tember 2013 for jumping exercise influence on BMD in
premenopausal women. The search terms used were
‘jumping’, ‘skipping’, ‘brief exercise’, ‘high impact’, ‘bone 1 Introduction
density’, ‘BMD’, ‘femoral neck’, ‘lumbar spine’, and
‘trochanter’, and the search was limited to females. Six Osteoporosis is a classic aged-related skeletal disorder
papers met the search criteria. characterized by compromised bone strength predisposing
Results Six studies on BMD in the femoral neck a person to high risk of fracture [1]. Osteoporosis is a major
(Q = 2.63, p = 0.854, I2 = 0.0 %), trochanter (Q = 2.10, public health problem both in developed and developing
p = 0.10, I2 = 0.0 %) and lumbar spine (Q = 1.17, countries. It is estimated that approximately 30 million
p = 0.979, I2 = 0.0 %) were highly homogenous in American women suffered from osteoporosis in 2002, and
determining skeletal responses to jumping exercise. this population is expected to increase substantially in the
Jumping exercise significantly increased BMD in the future [2]; in China, there are approximately 70 million
femoral neck {weighted mean difference (WMD) [fixed elderly osteoporotic women, along with 30 million women
effect] = 0.017 g/cm2, 95 % confidence interval (CI) experiencing sustained bone loss [3]. Osteoporosis-related
medical care causes a heavy burden both on society and on
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this The hips and spine are the most common sites at high
article (doi:10.1007/s40279-014-0220-8) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. risk for facture. The absolute number of osteoporosis-
associated fractures is estimated to be approximately
R. Zhao (&)  M. Zhao  L. Zhang 700,000 in vertebrae and 300,000 in hips [4]. Given that
College of Physical Education and Health Sciences,
approximately 0.25–1 % of bone mineral density (BMD) is
Zhejiang Normal University, 688 Yingbin Road, Jinhua,
Zhejiang 321004, China lost per year in premenopausal women [5], if proper pre-
e-mail: vention strategies are not addressed, considerable health

1394 R. Zhao et al.

care and social costs will be incurred. Identification of performing regular exercise (no more than 2.5 h per week)
effective strategies for osteoporosis prevention is critical, prior to study enrollment. We included studies with simple
especially for premenopausal women. Based on our current jumping exercise interventions lasting at least half a year,
understanding of the pathology of osteoporosis, it is rec- considering that bone remodeling, repairing, and ion met-
ommended that preventing osteoporosis may be addressed abolic activity require approximately that length of time
by reducing age-related bone loss in the premenopausal [21, 22].
years [6]. We searched MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, SPORT-
Compelling evidence has indicated that regular exercise, Discus, Google Scholar and BIOSIS databases through 1
especially aerobic and weight-bearing exercise, positively September 2013 for the influence of jumping exercise on
affects bone metabolism and significantly improves bone BMD in premenopausal women. The search terms used
health in premenopausal women [7, 8]. The favorable were ‘jumping’, ‘skipping’, ‘brief exercise’, ‘high impact’,
effect of regular exercise on the skeleton stems from the ‘bone density’, ‘BMD’, ‘femoral neck’, ‘lumbar spine’, and
physical strain and weight-bearing that promotes bone ‘trochanter’, and the search was limited to females (see
modeling and remodeling and consequently maintains bone electronic supplementary material [ESM], Appendix 1).
mineralization [9, 10]. Therefore, regular exercise is widely Manual searches of key journals and reference lists were
accepted as an optimal way to stimulate bone formation included, along with structured and comprehensive data-
and reduce the rate of bone loss in premenopausal women. base searching. Six papers met the predetermined search
Due to time constraints, however, regular physical criteria [11–16]. Two independent reviewers obtained and
activity attracts less attention among premenopausal assessed the resulting full-text-version papers.
women who are at risk of developing osteoporosis, even Brief exercise is defined as short-duration exercise, and
though it is effective in promoting and maintaining BMD. is brief and accessible for most of the population. Brief but
Brief exercise, such as jumping, is widely accepted as an regular impact exercise, such as jumping, can significantly
exercise intervention for improving bone health and increase hip and spine BMD [11, 13]. Given that the
reducing bone loss. Several lines of evidence have impli- effectiveness of regular exercise is influenced by compli-
cated significant and positive changes in BMD after a ance, it is of great public health importance to determine
jumping exercise intervention [11–16], especially at the the effectiveness of a brief exercise intervention.
femoral neck [11–19]. Some studies have reported jumping
exercise promoting lumbar spine BMD [11–15, 17, 18], 2.2 Quality Assessment
while others did not find such favorable effects and some
even reported negative outcomes [16, 19]. Wide variation The methodological quality of studies was assessed using
existed in the sample sizes, training frequency and intensity the method described by Jadad et al. [23]. This widely-
in those exercise programs; therefore, it is necessary to utilized instrument is a three-item questionnaire that pro-
analyze the positive and negative outcomes and employ a vides an assessment of bias, specifically randomization
meta-analysis to reach some general conclusions regarding (0–2 points), blinding (0–2 points), and withdrawal/dropout
the existing body of research. Based on previous research, (0–1 point). All questions are designed to elicit yes or no
this paper aimed to systematically review the studies answers; the total number of points possible ranges from 0
sharing the same outcome of interest and analyze the to 5.
overall findings regarding the efficacy of jumping exercise
for increasing or maintaining BMD at the hip and spine in 2.3 Outcomes
premenopausal women.
The primary outcomes for this study were absolute changes
in BMD and its standard deviation (SD) at the femoral
2 Methods neck, trochanter, and lumbar spine, as assessed by dual-
energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Some studies did not
2.1 Search Strategy report post-intervention values, which are calculated based
on the baseline and follow-up measurements in the exercise
Following PRISMA recommendations [20], a systematic and control groups. For those reports that did not present
review of published papers related to the influence of original change score SDs, these were calculated using a
jumping exercise on BMD in premenopausal women was 95 % confidence interval (CI) if available. The final data
conducted. The inclusion criteria are provided in Table 1; did not include those studies in which only relative change
in general, the studies were controlled trials or randomized values or graphical presentations of change scores were
controlled trials (RCTs). The population of interest inclu- available. Other outcomes calculated included the weigh-
ded healthy premenopausal women who were not ted mean difference (WMD) between the exercise and

Jumping Exercise Impact on Bone Health in Postmenopausal Women 1395

Table 1 Criteria for inclusion of studies in the meta-analysis representing a weighted average of all included study
Inclusion Description
comparisons and gives more weight to larger trials and less
criterion weight to smaller trials. This meta-analysis did not use the
results from an intention-to-treatment (ITT) approach;
Study design Controlled and randomized controlled trials
alternatively, a per-protocol approach was used in calcu-
Population of Healthy premenopausal women (age range lating the pooled effect estimates for the combination of
interest 18–50 years) without a history of medicine
administration or disease experience affecting single effects of trials. The fixed and random effect models
bone metabolism were applied to perform meta-analysis in the specific
Exercise Subjects without regular exercise (no more than regions of interest (ROIs) (femoral neck, trochanter, and
experience 2.5 h per week) prior to study enrollment lumbar spine). When the study included two exercise
Intervention High-impact and short-duration jumping exercise groups, the number of control group subjects was divided
intervention at least lasting for 6 months among comparisons to ensure that the control group par-
Comparison Exercise intervention compared with non-exercise ticipants were counted only once in the meta-analysis.
control or sham exercises
Heterogeneity of results between studies was deter-
Outcome Data available of changes in BMD at femoral
measurement neck, trochanter and lumbar spine determined by
mined by Q as well as I2. Statistical significance for Q was
DXA at pro- and post-intervention respectively set at an alpha value of B0.10. For I2, values of 25 to
\50 % were considered low heterogeneity, 50 to \75 %
BMD bone mineral density, DXA dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
moderate heterogeneity, and C75 % high heterogeneity.
Testing for overall effect (Z score) was regarded as sig-
control groups and the pooled SDs of the mean difference nificant at p \ 0.05.
between the exercise and control groups. The equations
used to calculate these values are provided in the ESM,
Appendix 2. 3 Results

2.4 Data Extraction Six controlled trials or RCTs including a total of 377
premenopausal women met the predetermined criteria [11–
All data were extracted by two reviewers (MZ and LZ) 16]. The flow diagram for the review process, including the
who independently reviewed every selection for accuracy exclusion criteria, is summarized in Fig. 1, and general
and consistency. Duplicate published literature was inclu- descriptions of the characteristics of each study are inclu-
ded only once to ensure that no duplicate data were ded in Table 2.
reviewed in this study. The final selected studies were
reviewed by an expert on exercise and BMD to ensure 3.1 Study Characteristics
thoroughness and completeness.
For the analyzed studies, the total number of exercise
2.5 Risk of Bias groups was greater than the number of control groups
because one study included more than one exercise group
Because selective outcomes were used in data reporting, [16]. All of the studies were conducted with healthy pre-
the included studies were considered to be at unclear risk menopausal women between the ages of 20.5 ± 0.6 and
for bias. Therefore, funnel plot inspection was applied to 41.3 ± 3.8 years (mean ± SD). The sample sizes varied
examine the risk of publication bias. Funnel plots are from 27 to 120 participants. Premenopausal status was
simple scatter plots of the treatment effects estimated from determined by menstrual history and self-completed life-
individual studies against a measure of the study size. In style questionnaires. Two studies were conducted in the
the absence of bias, the plot should resemble an inverted UK [11, 12], two in Japan [13, 14], one in Finland [15] and
symmetrical funnel. Publication bias may lead to asym- one in the US [16].
metrical funnel plots. STATA version 12 (StataCorp, Dropout data were reported in both the exercise and
College Station, TX, USA) was used to perform the meta- control groups [13–16]. There were some studies that had
analysis and production of graphics. withdrawals, but the relevant information was unclear [11,
12]. The reasons for dropping out of or being excluded
from exercise groups included changed circumstances,
2.6 Data Analysis time constraints, pain, personal issues, pregnancy, meno-
pause or irregular menstrual cycles, moving, loss of interest
We used WMD methods to combine study effect size and non-compliance with the exercise intervention. For the
estimates. This method pools the effect estimate control groups, reasons included changed circumstances,

1396 R. Zhao et al.

exercises [11, 14]. Specific information was not available

on one of the control groups.

3.4 Outcome Measurement

The primary bone health outcome for all studies was BMD
on DXA. A description of BMD measurement in the ROIs
is provided in Table 2. Specific ROIs were assessed by
DXA in the femoral neck, trochanter and lumbar spine.
Absolute change values in BMD, along with SDs, after the
exercise interventions were available for two studies [11,
12]. Absolute change values, along with SDs, after the
interventions were calculated from the initial and final
measurements were available for four studies [13–16].

3.5 Meta-Analysis

The included trials represented data from 377 premeno-

Fig. 1 Flow diagram for the selection of studies pausal women included in six studies. A total of 201
healthy premenopausal women performed a jumping
time constraints, personal issues, pregnancy, menopause or exercise intervention from 6 to 12 months in duration, and
irregular menstrual cycles, moving, and loss of interest. 176 participants were assigned to non-exercise control
groups. We first determined heterogeneity in the initial
3.2 Study Quality Assessment meta-analysis including all study groups. The results
demonstrated that the level of heterogeneity was low in the
The quality assessment instrument scores awarded to studies femoral neck (Q = 2.63, p = 0.854, I2 = 0.0 %), tro-
ranged from 1 to 3. With the exception of one study that chanter (Q = 2.10, p = 0.10, I2 = 0.0 %), and lumbar
received a quality score of three [15], five studies received a spine BMD (Q = 1.17, p = 0.979, I2 = 0.0 %). Accord-
quality score of one or two [11–14, 16]. Five of the studies ingly, fixed-effect models were applied for further meta-
were awarded one point for randomization, and one study was analysis.
allocated an extra point for describing the randomization Jumping exercise significantly increased BMD in the
process [15]. All studies were awarded one point for state- femoral neck (WMD [fixed effect] = 0.017 g/cm2, 95 % CI
ments regarding participant withdrawal. No study gained 0.014–0.20, Z = 11.01, p \ 0.001) [Fig. 2] and trochanter
points for blinding of participants or contained a description of (WMD [fixed effect] = 0.021, 95 % CI 0.018–0.024,
adequate concealment of allocation to study or control groups. Z = 13.08, p \ 0.001) [Fig. 3]. However, the lumbar spine
seemed to obtain less benefit from such high-impact exercise
3.3 Exercise Intervention (WMD [fixed effect] = -0.001, 95 % CI -0.003 to 0.001,
Z = 1.34, p = 0.181). Funnel plots were produced for the
All studies compared the efficacy of a jumping exercise effect of jumping exercise interventions on BMD in the
intervention with respective control groups. A description femoral neck (Fig. 4) and trochanter (Fig. 5) for all analyzed
of training program characteristics is shown in Table 2. trials. Visual inspection of the plots implicated some degree
Briefly, all studies prescribed high-impact exercise of asymmetry, indicating a positive treatment effect at the
(jumping) with one exercise plus lower or lower/upper femoral neck and trochanter sites.
body resistance exercise [16] and one exercise combining
stamping, running, and walking [15]. Study duration ran-
ged from 6 to 12 months [11–16], with a training frequency 4 Discussion
of two to three times per week in most interventions. Two
exercise protocols were conducted six or seven times per The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the
week, but the intensity of training was relatively low [11, effect of jumping exercise on changes in BMD at the
12], and the total training volume was similar to other femoral neck, trochanter and lumbar spine among pre-
studies. Three control groups were asked to maintain their menopausal women. The studies we analyzed were six
usual diet and lifestyle [12, 13, 15]. Two control groups controlled trials or RCTs published in peer-reviewed lit-
performed mild arm exercises or stretching and balance erature. The outcomes for the influence of a jumping

Table 2 General characteristics of included studies
Study Subject age Country/ Exercise intervention group Control group Length of Quality ROIs
(years; sample intervention assessment
mean ± SD) size (n) (months) score

Bassey and T: 32 ± 1.18 UK Weekly jumping and skipping modes of movement accounting for 5–10 % of Mild arm exercises 6 2 Femoral
Ramsdale C: 29.8 ± 1.8 T: 14 the total 1 h class time and daily home exercises consisting of 50 jumps at home neck
[11] Lumbar
C: 13
Bassey et al. T: 38.4 ± 7.4 UK The intervention consisted of a few minutes of warm up, five bouts of 10 Usual diet and 6 2 Femoral
[12] C: 36.4 ± 7.6 T: 30 vertical jumps, and finished with stretching exercise, 6 days/week lifestyle neck
C: 25 Lumbar
Kato et al. T: 20.5 ± 0.6 Japan Two-legged maximum vertical jumps 10 times using arm swing in Asked to maintain 6 2 Femoral
[13] C: 20.9 ± 0.8 T: 21 countermovement style, 3 days per week previous lifestyle neck
C: 21 Lumbar
Jumping Exercise Impact on Bone Health in Postmenopausal Women

Niu et al. T: 39.7±1.2 Japan Each exercise section included five bouts of 10 vertical and versatile jumps Received stretching 12 2 Femoral
[14] C: 38.1±1.2 T: 34 with two legs together and arms swinging in countermovement style, 3 times and balance neck
a week exercise Lumbar
C: 33
Vainionpää T: 38.1 ± 1.7 Finland Exercise including 40-min high-impact activity (jumping, stamping, running, Normal daily life 12 3 Femoral
et al. [15] C: 38.5 ± 1.6 T: 60 and walking), 3 times a week and current neck
physical activity Lumbar
C: 60
Winters- T1: USA Treatment 1: The lower body training program consisted of nine sets of 10–12 No specific 12 1 Femoral
Stone and 38.3 ± 3.8 T1: 21 jumps and nine sets of 10–12 repetitions of lower body resistance exercises information for neck
Snow [16] T2: Treatment 2: Following nine sets of 10–12 jumps and lower body resistance control group Lumbar
T2: 21
41.3 ± 3.8 exercise, participants performed three sets of 8–12 repetitions of upper body spine
C: 24
C: 40.5 ± 3.5 exercises, 3 times a week Trochanter
T treatment group, C control group, T1 or T2 group with type 1 or 2 exercise protocols, SD standard deviation, ROIs regions of interest

1398 R. Zhao et al.

Fig. 2 Forest plot for changes in femoral neck BMD with jumping exercise. The dotted line represents the line of mean treatment effect. The
diamond denotes overall treatment effect with 95 % CI. WMD weighted mean difference, BMD bone mineral density, CI confidence interval

Fig. 3 Forest plot for changes in trochanter BMD with jumping exercise. The dotted line represents the line of mean treatment effect. The
diamond denotes overall treatment effect with 95 % CI. WMD weighted mean difference, BMD bone mineral density, CI confidence interval

exercise intervention on femoral neck and trochanter BMD in BMD at the femoral neck, trochanter, and lumbar spine
were significant, but the results in the lumbar spine were resulting from exercise interventions. The majority of the
inconsistent. RCTs included in this review reported absolute changes in
BMD. Jumping exercise proved to be effective in
4.1 Femoral Neck and Trochanter improving bone health, bringing approximately
0.017 ± 0.474 and 0.021 ± 0.443 g/cm2 increases in
Our structured systematic searches resulted in six papers femoral neck and trochanter BMD, respectively, among
and seven study group comparisons to evaluate the changes premenopausal women. Based on a cohort study,

Jumping Exercise Impact on Bone Health in Postmenopausal Women 1399

4.2 Lumbar Spine

Based on the meta-analysis, we found no significant effect

of jumping exercise on BMD in the lumbar spine. These
findings suggested that, unlike the femoral neck and tro-
chanter, the lumbar spine was less sensitive in its response
to high-impact exercise. It seems that the mechanical
strains generated against the ground during jumping exer-
cise may have been attenuated before transmission to the
spine and did not generate a sufficient osteogenic stimulus
for bone modeling [25]. Additionally, the responses of
bone to a high-impact mechanical stimulus may be site-
specific [26]. Martyn-St James and Carroll [27] reported
that high-impact-only protocols were effective only at the
femoral neck and that the optimal impact exercise pro-
Fig. 4 Funnel plot for femoral neck BMD outcomes from RCTs
including 95 % CI lines. The vertical line represents zero size (no grams to best preserve lumbar spine BMD were protocols
treatment effect). WMD weighted mean difference, BMD bone that combined impact exercise with resistance exercise.
mineral density, RCTs randomized controlled trials, CI confidence Bone can adapt both materially and structurally to
interval increased mechanical loading. In all of the studies we
analyzed, the measurement of BMD was made with the aid
of DXA. However, BMD may not be the optimal means to
examine bone strength as it does not include another
important bone strength predictor, bone architecture.
Because even small changes in bone geometry and struc-
ture can significantly improve bone strength, the mea-
surement of structural changes is important in the
determination of exercise-related skeletal changes. Recent
data have suggested that BMD and the geometrical adap-
tion of bone to mechanical loading vary by age, skeletal
site, and sex [28]. Furthermore, evidence indicates that
older women can increase their bone strength by increasing
the structural characteristics of bone [29]. Therefore, BMD
measurement alone cannot determine whether the lumbar
spine benefits from jumping exercise.

Fig. 5 Funnel plot for trochanter BMD outcomes from RCTs 4.3 Exercise Intervention
including 95 % CI lines. The vertical line represents zero size (no
treatment effect). WMD weighted mean difference, BMD bone
mineral density, RCTs randomized controlled trials, CI confidence The exercise intervention employed in a majority of the
interval studies involved two-legged jumps with countermovement
style. This predominant exercise style gives more support
to the back and lower limbs with a lower risk of injury. In
Cummings et al. [24] suggested that bone density of the addition, due to its brief and submaximal nature, this type
femoral neck was a better predictor than measurements of of high-impact exercise reduces the possibility of exercise-
the spine, radius, and calcaneus, and that each SD decrease related injuries. Two of the intervention groups involved
in femoral neck bone density increased the risk of hip multidirectional jumps and movement, which created non-
fracture 2.6 times. Therefore, the increment in femoral habitual strains to the bone [14, 15]. Participants in all of
neck and trochanter BMD were clinically significant the studies were young to middle age adults with low risk
because the improvement in BMD effectively prevented of developing osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures.
bone loss and could decrease the risk of hip fracture. Caution was still necessary for postmenopausal women or
Combining this with the benefits resulting from exercise- women at risk of fracture during high-impact exercise.
related muscle mass, strength gain and dynamic balance Regular physical activity is recommended as an optimal
could increase the overall effect in reducing fracture risk strategy for the prevention of osteoporosis. However, poor
[24]. rates of adherence to regular exercise beyond the study

1400 R. Zhao et al.

lifetimes represent a potential barrier to the improvement overestimation of the effects of treatment and is generally
of bone health in premenopausal women. Promoting the considered to be associated with bias.
integration of simple exercises into daily life will be of
great benefit to premenopausal women in preserving their 4.5 Examination of Bias
bone health [30, 31]. Except for one population-based
study [15], which may have affected exercise compliance, In the current meta-analysis, we conducted a constructed
the RCTs included in this review included home- or office- and systematic review to reduce an unclear risk of bias for
based exercise requiring no equipment, travel and facility selective outcome reporting. Examination of funnel plots
cost, or time. The regimens in the studies promoted prac- suggested some asymmetry of positive effect size for
tical lifestyle interventions, which showed undoubted merit femoral neck and trochanter BMD outcomes. However, the
in contrast to other studies [18, 26, 32, 33] because of their small number of study group comparisons available for
minimal obligation and easier sustainability. funnel plot interpretation was most likely not sufficient to
The intensity of the exercise interventions employed in distinguish real asymmetry. Selective outcome reporting
most studies in this review varied, but this did not result in may be considered as a subset of findings that are reported
different outcomes. This suggests that the response of bone to based on their results [41]. Therefore, the major concern is
mechanical loading is not entirely intensity-dependent. that results without statistical significance may be withheld.
Studies have demonstrated that increases in loading cycles did As a result, the current meta-analysis most likely overes-
not proportionally produce osteogenic outcomes; adaptive timated treatment effects. Additionally, the inability to
responses from 100 jumps a day was not significantly dif- present detailed BMD outcomes prevented the investiga-
ferent from those of 40 jumps a day [34, 35]. This indicates tive team from retrieving necessary data from original
that extra mechanical loading exceeding a minimum thresh- papers and required us to exclude some eligible studies [17,
old will not necessarily result in more BMD gains. In addition 18]. Because of this, this potential form of bias cannot be
to workload, the interval between bouts of high-impact excluded from the current study. With the exception of one
exercise was also an important factor in stimulating bone trial [15], most of the included studies did not present valid
formation. Recent findings have demonstrated that by ITT data, so potential bias as a result of attrition cannot be
allowing a short rest period between loading bouts, the oste- accounted for. Other factors also contribute to the risk of
ogenic effectiveness of subsequent cycles can be increased bias, including study quality, choice of precision measures
[36, 37]. The insertion of short rest periods between loading and choice of effect measures. Given these questions in our
bouts can significantly increase intracellular calcium signal- meta-analysis, potential bias cannot be ruled out, and we
ing and enhance fluid flow near the osteocytes in successive suggest that future studies provide more detailed informa-
cycles [38–40]. It is now well-established that rest insertion tion, such as original registry number and proper BMD
serves as a vital tool for ensuring that low-frequency, high- outcomes, so that potential bias can be determined.
impact exercise is a potent osteogenic stimulus. The interval
rest period between bouts of jumping exercise in this review 4.6 Limitation
ranged from 8 to 15 s, which is consistent with the 15 s ele-
vation in intracellular calcium signaling that promoted bone The main limitations of this review were the inclusion of
cell response to mechanical stimuli in animal studies [37, 38]. only six studies and the highly selective samples of pre-
Therefore, it seems that the short rest period insertions menopausal women of varying ages. Future studies should
observed in this review may have augmented the efficiency of include both traditional resistance exercises and high-
jumping exercise. impact intervention studies to examine the optimal exercise
for improving premenopausal bone health.
4.4 Study Quality Assessment

Aspects of the methodological quality of the studies, 5 Conclusion

including randomization, blinding, and statements on
withdrawal, were assessed using a widely utilized instru- This meta-analysis indicated that skeletal response to
ment [23]. In the present meta-analysis, the quality score of jumping exercise was site-specific, with high sensitivity at
included trials was relatively low. With the exception of the femoral neck and trochanter and low sensitivity at the
one study that received a quality score of three [15], five lumbar spine. In addition to mechanical loading, the
studies received a quality score of one or two [11–14, 16]. insertion of short rest periods between loading bouts during
None of the studies included a statement regarding whether jumping exercise may augment the response of bone to
concealment of allocation occurred or not. Inadequate mechanical stimuli in premenopausal women. Practice of
concealment of allocation frequently results in an home- or office-based, short duration, low-frequency, high-

Jumping Exercise Impact on Bone Health in Postmenopausal Women 1401

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Acknowledgments This article was based on work funded by the trial of effect of high-impact exercise on selected risk factors for
Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under grant osteoporotic fractures. Lancet. 1996;348(9038):1343–7.
numbers Y2110954 and LY14H070001. Renqing Zhao, Meihua 19. Sugiyama T, Yamaguchi A, Kawai S. Effects of skeletal loading
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