Magnetostatics-BB-21st June

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___(/ 8.8F 21.08. 24 [rays A Charged pourtiele F moving verth the vetoerty wv e i'n presence of B maegnetico Eretd, on a¥ Ponce Cie )=9 CHE) “toe ad For etectnie ftreld [ pC. ~ - a — (RD: af t+ Blectrostate fonce = For electronmoagnette Peta, (B= (B+ Fax) = abt aC Pee) UL Behe PD] 22 Lonente Peree ¥* The dinection of the fonee is petpendi- -e@ularc to the vetoetty and magnet @ retary : The pantele dt placed dw distomnee. n 2 9 zB x be, w n oes @ sl x v we] a = 4” Foree aetng on & Cwourent Coreen ¢ Conductor. Ae ae wo Ves led, mn M the mumber' of charge pecuntt volume.and Qh. Sy the Chorg 7. Totak, ehaurge mad k Tn the pretence of magnete fei, toter fonee Hmetng on element Ore, feng ih. dh, he, t = as j aFs nAal-a& (Vx) | = nage CaLx ®) . ; df= redrx @) For ao Glosed loop, i Force Ce) = then the fore AeHng on Oo Closed surface , the total amount of fonce actny On rbot Zeno, Brot- Sovarct Law: Foom Ampere’s some Chain of expt. | he derived ae ® conduc ton: Flowing ewuren | Reames T , ‘ adtstant point P the Qmount se Fae ee oe genera te, due to the eoendueton fs, AB = Mo. TdtxR parte Re ae Ms an elementardy, tenet, of tHe epriduetor Ries the distance behveen Souree point Ond Feld potmrt ond Ris the postition vecton, . J At, = Pree space Reena eS ility = Aare eo page The magnete Pelid oi “Po due to the elemen~ (%5¥)” Cae) (teed, wperaee Conductor, ee HEre : Re =) ess is > S B= [de Mo +f di xR B= i ee dexR x art a ts Soak Pee ar as dv a Eq ttt Psat vette |Pubient Gremi bubor 0 Fehosege ba. tho te fon length Sires: drttn! bu- -Hon of Charge. Appireatton of Biot. Samwovrt Legg. ee 1, Long Straight Cworent Cog Mg eonductor, . i A ginalig ht | ames’ comnduc ton i coveging ewucent LT. 9 ay i & point P outside : onyehere of the L Conductor. A petpens } ~dieutour he dram on the eonduetor, whieh | pouches the condueton, jf Hh MD petit, tue can coy, B || thot © MM the middie point of conduce, i AB. Dittance between Fretd potmd P anj { Or Oo & elementary, length di &s taken ond joined with Pe. Petite yveeten Aecorn ding to Biot- Cavertt Lows , the magnete feld produced due is the ewutent POPES Qondt @ ton, abe Her. SEXR [Pon elementary Ré feng tn] - He 7 es | dined [ fon: ening RS Con dauetop j . 3 Re = x7 | sPafemcooteaah | | " Re = He rf dim cos © s are ae 2) Putting values, From Eqs => 2 a Ree ie r asec’ 8 curd de Kt tend Re Tac = atomd diL=aseceto a osO= a eoso 2 ory R =asec® OP, RPzarcec’A ~ gee | asetb core 5 O20 ett D 1 Bw Mot Bae cored eas Oy | = wot smo | | Ue +6, Hot , | © Tx C8 Oat sin, ) | Pon mM bnHtB Length of comndueton, | Hol ot a a | 5 io Com + coe a) Mol = =P Ctl Gna ¢ ) > &

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