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CV Guidelines

Please respond to the following questions in a Word document. Please ensure

that you provide detailed and descriptive answers, using full sentences.

● Give a description of your education journey. List all the courses/training

(Highschool, University, Short Courses, Online Courses, Training) you have done
and any certification you have and explain how they have helped you to develop your

● List all the Honors and Awards you have received

● For each role/place you have worked, please provide a clear and concise explanation
of your roles and responsibilities and your achievements for that role. Please be as
descriptive as possible, highlighting specific accomplishments and how they have
contributed to the company's/organization’s success.

● Have you attended any workshops or training sessions in the past? If so, please list
them, indicating the dates you attended and the skills you gained.

● Have you volunteered anywhere in the past? If so, please indicate the dates, time
volunteered, responsibilities, and skills you acquired.

● What are your technical/professional and soft skills? Please list them and give
examples of how you have applied them in the past.

● Have you written any articles or publications? Please list them and provide a brief
summary of the content.

● Have you attended any webinars or virtual conferences? If so, please discuss the
ones you have attended, indicating the dates and what you learned. Provide
examples of how you have applied the knowledge gained in your work.

● Are you a member of any professional organizations? If so, please list them and your
● Please discuss the projects you have worked on, highlighting your specific
contributions and the impact of the project. Provide links to the work if possible.
This includes both personal, professional and school projects.

● Please discuss your interests and hobbies and how they have helped you develop
your skills or brought value to your work.

● Do you have any licenses or certifications? Please list them and explain their
relevance to your field of work.

● What is your ideal job description/role?

● Have you been in any attachment/internship or apprenticeship? If so, please provide

details and discuss your experience.

● What leadership roles have you held or are currently holding? Provide examples of
how you have demonstrated leadership skills. Be descriptive as possible highlighting
your accomplishments.

● Please provide images/pdfs of any certificates or awards you have received.

● Please list the events/functions that you have attended and what you learned.

● Is there anything else you would like to add?

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