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morning dew,

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: An Lili/Soo-Won
Characters: Soo-Won (Akatsuki no Yona), An Lili (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, Introspection, Sleepy
Cuddles, Soft, it's so soft i got sick, throwing up and dying, Morning
Cuddles, Uhm
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-01-10 Words: 764 Chapters: 1/1
morning dew,
by raging_nerd


Rising with the sun meant time for an early bath if he was too tired to take one the night
before. Rising with the sun meant he could walk around the castle grounds, smiling at
servants to ease their worries. Rising with the sun meant he had time to perfect his facade. A
perfect, flawless, facade that no one was ever allowed to see crumble.

Soo-Won isn’t the king of Kouka anymore, though.

or, soo-won and lili on an early morning in the water tribe.



See the end of the work for more notes

Soo-Won was never a heavy sleeper.

In his youth, he can briefly recall times when he was weakened enough to ignore the early
morning sunlight, times when he would wake with a throbbing pain in his head and an ache
that threatened to snap his chest in two. He would give into sleep fitfully then, with sunken
eyes and heavy limbs. He tried his best to wake at dawn whenever he could, even with his
illness, even if he had no reason to. When he was the king of Kouka, he had an unchangeable

Rising with the sun meant time for an early bath if he was too tired to take one the night
before. Rising with the sun meant he could walk around the castle grounds, smiling at
servants to ease their worries. Rising with the sun meant he had time to perfect his facade. A
perfect, flawless, facade that no one was ever allowed to see crumble.

Soo-Won isn’t the king of Kouka anymore, though.

He still wakes just as early, however, teal eyes opening to the beautiful ornate ceiling that
hangs above his head, the wooden walls of his bedroom washed in gold. He stretches tiredly
before turning his head to the side, light hair spilling over his shoulder.

His expression softens immediately when his eyes fall on the woman beside him, her lips
parted, brows creased, and hair haphazardly knotted. The blankets barely cover her anymore,
kicked over to his side of the bed as she sucks in a lungful of air, her fingers twitching with
the movement before she settles instinctively, abandoning her star-like sleeping position to
curl up in a ball. He laughs, watching as she murmurs something in her sleep, eyelids
fluttering, and he smiles when she rolls over and burrows into his side.

“Good morning, Lili,” Soo-Won says to his wife, careful not to disturb her rest. Lili offers a
sleepy hum in response, a long drawn-out sound, narrowly landing a kiss on his shoulder as
she throws her arm across his chest.

Soo-Won laughs, smiling (he finds himself doing this often around Lili), unable to stop the
rosy feeling blossoming between his ribcage as he combs her tangled hair out of her eyes.
She’s going to regret properly braiding it when she wakes up, but for now, he figures he could
at least ease the eventual struggle. Then, she will be less upset when it comes to getting ready
for their responsibilities later. He’ll help her with that too when the time comes. She forgot to
put her clothes out the night before. Hopefully, she won’t find any issues with his input.

He sits up slowly then, careful not to wake her as he rests her head in his lap. Reaching over
to her side of the bed with some difficulty, he begins the rather meticulous process of
untangling Lili’s hair, starting with the edges before he is able to wiggle his fingers through
her dark locs with ease. When he decides he is satisfied, he settles for caressing her arm
instead, looking out the large window in their room.

Behind angled roofs and shining waters is the golden sun, surely rising into a sky painted
with rich oranges and vibrant pinks. Soo-Won takes his time admiring it now, his lover safely
wrapped in his embrace as the birds call and the people begin to stir, the new day announcing
its demands as time, ever-moving, refuses to cease.

He looks away when Lili makes a noise of discontent, smiling down at her.

“You wake up too early,” she chides, bitter. “Lay back down with me.” It’s less a suggestion
and more a command, and he watches, amused, as she wriggles out of his arms and over to
her side of the futon. Lili fixes the blankets over her small frame, lifting one side so that he
may slide under it. “I can’t cuddle with you properly if you’re sitting up, you idiot.”

Soo-Won only smiles (he really can’t stop), sinking down onto the soft material and opening
his arms for her. “My apologies, Lili,” he whispers, kissing her hair. “I hope you can forgive

She huffs, settling. “I’ll think about it.”

He doesn't say anything else, too busy holding his wife. He may not be the king of Kouka
anymore but he finds it’s more than alright. Being a king would never allow him the special
honour of holding his lover near, hoping the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat under her ear
brings the same amount of comfort as hers does him.

End Notes

Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think (or don't, I'm cool either way).

Much love! Stay safe. I'll see you in the next one (maybe) <33333

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