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A Drunken Confession

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/46240657.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Son Hak/Yona
Characters: Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Son Hak, Happy Hungry Bunch (Akatsuki no
Yona), Jae-Ha (Akatsuki no Yona), Yoon | Yun (Akatsuki no Yona),
Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona), Kija (Akatsuki no Yona), An Lili, Zeno
(Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-04 Words: 2,034 Chapters: 1/1
A Drunken Confession
by dreamofthedusk (redskies_23)


A cute tale about two oblivious airheads madly in love with each other.


Before reading this love story, be warned that there is a kiss scene and few bad words here
and there ( and how much Hak wants to uhh make love)

And yes it's set in an alternate universe.

Age is not specified here but Yona is roughly 23 and Hak is 25.

See the end of the work for more notes

Yona, was well, Yona.

Precisely she was a spoiled 'princess', who had a tender soul and heart brimming with
kindness. Her physical figure might have been small, to say the least but her mindset was

And that conquered him, Hak.

Hak, was well, Hak.

Precisely he was a guard to his lov-, I mean princess, sworn to do anything for her. A
handsome man who girls swooned over, but his eyes only for his childhood bestfriend.

An epitome of childhood bestfriends- Hak and Yona.

Grandfather Mun-dok who adopted Hak was friends with the well endowed Yona's father, Il.
And the moment they met that day, they clicked- like a lock and key.

It was obvious actually, that he was totally head over heels for her from that moment.
Swaying her way to please her, locking her eyes so that she could only to gaze at him. He
was so in love with her, but Yona was oblivious.

She was like a horse with blinders.

Yona teased Hak with girls he barely even talked to and that irritated him to no end. He
wondered how he could fall for such an oblivious airhead who claims to know him the best
only to not comprehend that he was in love with her. But, well..
He actually knew the reasons for his boundless love.

He knew he fell for her beauty, her heart and her kindness. Her curves which graced eyes of
many. Her smile which pleased the hearts of many. Oh how much he loved her.

That day, when her cousin, Soo-won broke her heart and she was crying hysterically, he took
in her bouts of sobs and caressed her back, soothing her with gentle whispers.

She looked up to him. Her amethyst like eyes glowing with something he could not
understand, but felt he knew. He grabbed her face and pushed her lips into a smile. She
slowly took his fingers in her hand , intertwined them and threw herself onto him landing on
his chest and slept on him as if he was her pillow. If he didn't have his renowned self control
he would have pounced on her then and there.

From that day onwards, he noticed a change in Yona. A sparkle in her eyes when she gazed at
him and a blush dusting her cheeks when he came a little bit too close to her, grazing her
palms.He ignored it, of course. After being a recipient of unrequited love for years, he had
achieved nirvana, which let him remain unaffected by the 'antics' of Yona.

Well, now Yona was slowly, slowly understanding that she liked Hak. It took her a while to
come to terms with it and admit it to her bestfriend Lili. I mean who wouldn't fall for Hak. He
had a body girls sought-after, a personality which controlled souls of many, a voice which
when heard made knees buckle and a very handsome face caressed by his ruffled locks,but
she didnt fall for that. She fell for his eyes full of love whenever he gazed at her, his smile
whenever he saw her and his teasing but loving words.

Lili her bestfriend was very excited to hear this confession. It was painfully obvious to even
her that Hak loved Yona and listening to doubts Yona expressed about her feelings made Lili
want to hit her head and show how evident it was that he loved her so fucking much.

Lili suggested Yona to confess her feelings, but being the shy woman she was, she just
brushed it off. She even felt it as far fetched that Hak could have any feelings for her.

And that continued for a few months.

Hak teasing, Yona blushing, Hak remaining unaffected, Yona sad that he was unaffected.

This was the cycle.

One day, Hak had invited her to his home to just hang out.

She went to his home, a place which recieved her visits frequently to overhear a conversation
between Grandfather Mun-dok and Hak about his...


Hearing that word, shattered Yona's heart into pieces. Before even listening to the full
conversation, she ran off. She knew of course. A man like Hak could never remain single for
too long.

She wanted to cry her heart out to anyone who would listen. She ran to her friends,nicknamed
the dragons protecting her fragile heart from anyone who stomped it.She knew that they ould
calm her raging heart.

She knocked furiously at their door.

"Oh kami ! Who is knocking as if the world is gonna end? " said Yoon, whose booming voice
Yona could hear behind closed doors.

The door swung open revealing a green haired man, sporting a smirk on his face when he saw
the familiar red.

"What's up dear princess of Hak-"

She threw her arms around him and sobbed "Hak-"

"No no wait why are you crying?" asked Jae-ha.

"Hak- Hak has a fiancé" She sobbed holding his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, what!?" Said three voices at the same time.

"He- fiancé- Grandpa Mundok-"

"Calm down Yona.. Relax" said Jae-ha.

"No- I how can I relax? I love him. I can't-"

"Wait wait wait you love him?" said a shocked Kija.

"I wanted to tell him first, but yes I do.." said Yona blushing despite being heart broken.

After calming her down, they mulled over the facts quietly .

"He can't have a fiancé.." said Shin-ah, the calm one slowly.

"Yes or he would have told us." said Yoon, the smart one.

"And he has his eyes sent on the mistress why would he ever-" said Zeno.

Everyone rushed to cover Zeno's mouth. Hak had made it clear that he didn't want to confess
and was happy to just be her friend. He asked them expressly not to tell anything about his
feelings to her.
Yona who was staring out in the space didn't hear anything. Sighing a heave of relief that they
hadn't expose their friend, all the dragons gathered around her asking her various questions
about Hak's supposed fiance.

Jae-ha was then struck with a brilliant idea. Being the mastermind he was he suggested Yona
to come with them to a bar and distract herself. Yoon who quickly caught on to plan went
with the flow. He pulled Yona and told her to dress up as they were going to take her mind
awat from Hak. Being the people- pleasing person, she couldn't refuse and was dragged to a

Yona could not handle her drinks well, she knew that, but she wanted to drown in her grief.
She drank and drank until she was tipsy as hell. Noticing this Jae-ha put his plan in motion.
He called Hak stating that his princess was drunk and he should probably pick her up. Before
Hak could say anything Jae-ha cut the call and along with the other dragons hid in a blind

Soon Hak came, rushing in, wearing a black shirt which hugged his body. He took one look
at the bar and saw Yona, in a purple glittering dress with a slit till her thighs. He rushed to
her. Yona seeing Hak, smiled sexily. She pulled him closer uttering every syllable of his name
dragging it out in length-


Hearing his name, so close to his hear, muttered in such a devious manner by her made him
shudder in pleasure.He closed his eyes and felt her breath near his ear. Until she slapped him.

"Why did you slap me!?" whisper shouted Hak.

"You have a fiancé and you broke my heart- "

"I'm sorry what? How did you know about that?"

"So it's true?"

"Look I don't like being at the centre of misunderstandings, so I'll just say this: the fiancé
thing was just something gramps decided on his own and my said fiancé Ayame has a lover.
So please, don't say I have a fiancé!"

"Eh wait- so you got rejected ?"

Completly fed up, Hak cut her off, "The one I like is you damnit !!"


"Don't eh me- I said Ayame, my 'fiance' has a parter, and I like you goddammit!!!!!"

"You like me? Me your bestfriend Yona?" asked the dumbstruck beauty.

He took her hand in his face and looked into her eyes.

The blue stared at purple with so much adoration,love and hunger..?

His eyes slowly traveled down her lips, which looked so inviting.

"Do you even understand how much I want to kiss you right now? To hear you moan in
pleasure because of me? I want to tear those clothes off and- . Fuck. I like you okay. I have
liked you- No loved you since forever. I have wanted to say these words forever. I wanted
you to be with, under and above me. I love how you smile, I love how you look at me, I love
how you speak, fuck i love everything about you."

Hak spoke so quickly that Yona couldn't even register what he told. She just knew that their
lips had to touch then and there. She pulled him in.

The softness of her lips collided with his roughness which created heaven. He caught her
inexperienced mouth roughly and slowly eased into her. The taste of whiskey which she had
just drank tangling pleasantly in his mouth spreading a sense of euphoria all over.She urged
him closer, his palms dipping to her hips and his mouth skating over her jaw. Their nerve
endings crackled with every movement, until Hak suddenly stopped.

"I- I am sorry I lost my mind. I should not have kissed you back. I should have taken your
consent. I know it's terrible to do without permission sorry-"


"Fuck, yes?" said Hak anxiously brushing his hair up his head.

"I don't regret it Hak. If I did I would have pushed you the second those lips landed on mine.

"Your under the influence of alcohol princess. Your not thinking straight."
"Hak drunken actions are sober thoughts. My drunken action was to pull you into a kiss, so
even I like you."

"No you don't-"

"Yes I do!! You don't even know how much so just shut up and listen!! Even i want to hug
you, cuddle with you,kiss you and -"

"Fuck me?" said Hak teasingly, slowly trying to believing the reality of her statements.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!! I feel so happy that you love me-.I want you. I want you to kiss me more.I
don't know from where I got this much courage-"

"Probably the alcohol" said Hak grinning.

"Yes, the alcohol- but I want to drown in your eyes and hold you forever. I know I'm
immature and childish and not even close to being a perfect woman for you."

"Yona,how much ever I tease you for being not womanly, you should know that you haunt
most of my dreams you perfect little beauty"

"I- Hak, I love you."

His breathing stopped. He thought he would die. Startled he stared into her face not believing
her confession, only to see truth,love and lust. Never did he think, never that his feelings
would be reciprocated. He could finally die in peace.

"Before you die in peace Hak" said Yona who heard him say his thought out loud "forgive
this oblivious idiot and be her boyfriend?"

"Hmmm no. I don't wanna hear the confident,drunk Yona say this. I want you sober and shy
when you confess your undying feelings."

"I will forget this ever happened then and we will probably go back to being just friends. You
know right if I'm drunk ,I have short term memory loss."

"Oh princess.. I won't let you forget this night." saying so Hak pulled her into another kiss. It
was different from the first one. That was filled with hunger and lust and passion.

This, this was just pure undulating love.

Satisfied that he played his part, Jae-ha went to flirt with other women at the bar as a reward
for his victory, when Yoon pulled his ear, smiling for his friends and dragged him out of the
bar along with Kija, Shin-ah and Zeno trying to control their mirth from bursting seing Jae-
ha's condition.
End Notes

Ok I know this was very long and I could have cut few unnecessary parts out, but I wanted to
show their journey in finding each other and thought that writing Yona's relationship with Lili
and the Happy Hungry Bunch would also play important part in Hak and Yona's relationship.

Well hope you liked it. Constructive criticism is well appreciated.


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