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Yona x Hak: Hak and the Mistletoe Mystery

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Son Hak/Yona, Son Hak & Yona
Characters: Son Hak, Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Yoon | Yun (Akatsuki no Yona),
Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona), Kija (Akatsuki no Yona), Jae-Ha (Akatsuki
no Yona), Zeno (Akatsuki no Yona), Ao the Squirrel (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Eve, Christmas Love, Yona and
the Dragons, Son Hak loves Yona, Love Confessions, Confessions, Fluff,
Romantic Fluff, Romantic Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Mistletoe,
Princess and her Bodyguard, First Kiss
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-02-13 Words: 1,182 Chapters: 1/1
Yona x Hak: Hak and the Mistletoe Mystery
by livingonadaydream


“It's mistletoes, my sir. Precious mistletoes, for luck and even more for love. I've seen it in
your gaze, the way you look at that young woman with cherry red hair. You like her, don't
you? If you want to cherish a kiss tonight all you need is one of these beautiful branches and
she will be yours.”

When Hak heard these words coming from an elderly, yet convincing merchant woman, he
didn't think twice. But did these little branches truly hold powerful magic for love? Hak felt
intrigued to get behind the secret of this wooden mystery.

See the end of the work for notes
It was a cold winter day when Yona arrived in that little secluded village with Hak, Yun and
the four dragons. A few days before christmas to be specific, as the traditional lights on the
housing clarified.

There was no sight of guards or soldiers that could imply Soo-wons presence, so when Yona
and Yun went to look for a lodging for the night, Hak felt relaxed enough to wander around
the local market place, where food and other tools were traded.

Right next to it, in a tiny alley there was another stand, with a lady behind the counter who
looked like she had seen at least seventy years with those greyish-blue eyes of hers. A garish
yet strong voice called Hak over, as she presented various delicate branches on the wooden
table in front of her.

“It's mistletoes, my sir. Precious mistletoes, for luck and even more for love. I've seen it in
your gaze, the way you look at that young woman with cherry red hair. You like her, don't
you? If you want to cherish a kiss tonight all you need is one of these beautiful branches and
she will be yours.”

Hak's eyes widened, not only because the lady had correctly assumed his feelings for Yona in
an instant, but more so over the possibility that her words held some truth and these things
that she called mistletoes truly occupied magic for love.

Without even thinking twice he grabbed a few coins.

After leaving the lady behind and with the fresh evening air clearing his mind, he already felt
foolish though. As if a wooden branch could suddenly make Yona fall in love with him. But
now he already held it in his hand and it felt even more foolish to leave a chance untaken. He
at least had to try to get behind the secret of this wooden mystery.

First he went to Yun. He met him at the market, so apparently the place for the night had
already been arranged.

“Oh a mistletoe, yeah I know these,” Yun confirmed. “The priests refer to it as the all heal.
It's supposed to help with nervous disorders such as anxiety and insomnia. And it also
stimulates the immune system.”

Hak wasn't surprised that Yun knew about the healing benefits of the plant. Yet it didn't really
answer his actual question.

So he thanked and went to the next person he found, Shin-ah.

When Hak held out the mistletoe Shin-ah told him that he had seen some of these before
without knowing their name. Apparently squirrels were very fond of them too. Suddenly, as if
he had been summoned, Ao climbed on Shin-ah's shoulder, ready to take a bite of the berries
the mistletoe carried. Hak reacted quickly, he withdrew the wood and left with a mumbled
Next he went to Ki-ja. Ki-ja looked at the branch closely, and it seemed like he thought
something over. But when he saw a tiny bug crawling on one of the leaves he jumped up.
And ran away. And yet again Hak was left alone with his questions.

After a few minutes Hak found Jae-ha standing with a group of women, obviously trying to
make a move. When Hak arrived they took their chance and left. With a sigh Jae-ha turned to
Hak, cooing that he definitely would have had a chance with them if Hak hadn't appeared.

But as soon as Hak showed him the mistletoe his eyes landed on it with profound curiosity.

“For luck and even more for love, that's what she said? Interesting. I've never seen one of
these but if the lady is right I might have to pay her a visit myself.”

So after Hak told him where to find the stand Jae-ha straightly walked away and left. And
again, Hak was left wondering about this wooden mystery.

He met Zeno at a fireplace near the market, cheerfully sharing a dinner with the people of the
village. He smiled brightly when he saw Hak. Perhaps he was the one to tell him all the
secrets about the mistletoe. So he sat down next to him and asked.

Zeno indeed had seen mistletoes before. And he willingly shared his information with Hak.

“It's a tradition during this time of year. You hang a mistletoe on your doorframe or in your
house and it's supposed to promise good luck, protection and fertility. And if two people meet
under the mistletoe, they share a kiss.”

“That's it?” Hak inquired. “So there's no actual magic contained in it?”

“Actual magic contained in this branch? No, I'm sorry to disappoint you. But if you want to
try your luck you might just tell Yona about this tradition and see what she makes out of it.”
Zeno smirked, obviously amused about Hak's behaviour.

Hak laughed but there was a breeze of frustration in his voice when he thanked Zeno for his
explanation and went towards the lodging that Yona and Yun had reserved for the night.

He entered the room and saw Yona standing at the window, looking at the christmas lights
that now shone brightly in the dark after the sun had set. She looked so beautiful and dreamy,
and now Hak truly felt foolish for his attempt to make her fall in love with him over nothing
more but a wooden something. He shook his head and then met her there, leaning his right
arm on the upper frame which - without him noticing - made the mistletoe hang above their

“Looking at the lights, Princess?” he cooed in a low voice.

Yona looked at him with a smile on her face that felt even brighter than the lights outside.
“It's wonderful, isn't it Hak? These lights, the christmas vibes in the air, and everyone here
seems so calm and merry.”

Suddenly she noticed the shadow above their heads and looked up, blushing at the sight of
the beautiful mistletoe that hung there like a soothing invitation. When Hak noticed her gaze
he hid it behind his back, suddenly way more aware of Yona's proximity than before.

“It's nothing. Just a silly little thing a lady convinced me to buy at the market. Guess she
promised me more than there actually was to be promised.”

He didn't assume Yona would know anything about mistletoes, after all he had spent an entire
evening trying to find out more about it.

But suddenly Yona grabbed the sides of his blue overcoat and pressed a chaste kiss on his

“That's a mistletoe, right?” she explained afterwards with a soft voice. “I've seen those at the
palace around christmas time as well. It's tradition to kiss the person you meet underneath

The blush on her cheeks increased and with an excuse to look for Yun she then rushed out of
the room.

Hak was once again left alone, but this time he felt a pleasant warmth on his face that
reminded him of Yona's lips.

And maybe, he thought to himself, maybe this mistletoe did indeed contain some magic after
End Notes

Hello :) Thank you so much for reading! <3

I wrote this story in december, during an anime-christmas special I did on instagram. If you
enjoyed it and are interested in more, you can find all of the 24 posts at judy.animeow on

Have a lovely day, you beautiful person! :)

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