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My American Dream Score

My American Dream Score was 60/100. This means that the most part of the factors have
been in my favor, compared to the other scores. If I have to think of a song that describes my life I
would definitely choose “A Head Full Of Dreams”, because I’ve been a dreamer since I was a kid. I
spent my teen hood reading books about other countries and cultures, and when I was in my last
year of high school I realized that I wanted to travel and get to know all of that places that I read
about. I’ve proven myself that if I work hard for the things that I want to achieve everything is

From the factors that helped me “move up”, the three of those that are most important to me
1. My parents were in a good situation to help me. This has a lot to do with the place
where I am today. Even though I worked hard to be able to reach my goals, I would be in a
very different situation if my father didn’t help me with all the costs. My English has improved
a lot since 2022, when he paid for a cultural exchange to keep working on the language in New
York. He is in a better economic place than my mother, so he is supporting me with the money
since then.
2. I had access to a good education. Both of my parents afforded a private school for both
my sister and I and this means that we had pretty good educational opportunities. They made
sure we had all the support we needed and that resulted in excellent grades and GPA.
3. I worked pretty hard. Of course, I can have all the opportunities at the reach of my
hand but if I don’t make an effort to get what I want in life, it’s very difficult to really achieve
something. It’s essential to learn the value of hard work and all the places it can take you.
Probably the most challenging factor that I had to “overcome” is that I needed to develop strong
character traits to cope. It was usually really hard for me to stand for myself in a lot of situations
and that often resulted in people taking advantage of my kindness or my silence. It is fundamental
to have the ability to defend yourself and your opinions in this society if you want to succeed.

The factors on the website that I feel that are most important to help someone to achieve their
goals are your parents, education and effort. The website says that it’s most likely for you to go to
college if your parents are college-educated and their income also affects your opportunities. My
parents are divorced and my father lives on a different house, so my mom did most part of the job
of raising both my sister and I. Even though my father wasn’t so present as we needed, our
economy was great and my mother made sure that we are intelligent, respectful and kind human
beings. Also, the website says the education you have is correlated with your future income and the
length of your life. As I said before, I had access to excellent education and I also had very good
teachers that helped me through the way. I’m not in college yet because I decided to come to the
United States when I finished high school, but I’m planning to study a career as soon as I come
back to my country. In terms of effort, Americans believe that hard work is the most essential
component to being successful. I believe so too, because even though a person can have access to
different opportunities in their lives, you need to work hard (some more than others, that’s true) to
be able to get somewhere. I learned that if you work for the things you want, it may take time, but
eventually you will be rewarded.

During my time here, I’m determined to get to know new places and people, to keep working
on myself to become a better person and to improve my English even more. For the future, my
goals are to get a degree in college, to get a job that I love and to eventually keep traveling to other
countries to keep learning about cultures.

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