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see eye to eye

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Son Hak/Yona
Additional Tags: First Time, Vaginal Sex, Fluff and Smut, Loss of Virginity, There's a
casual marriage proposal there, Yona is horny, Hak is struggling
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-12 Words: 1,646 Chapters: 1/1
see eye to eye
by heartnotes


It's not allowed, Yona had said, but there's purpose in the way she fists his clothes and kisses
him against the wall, making it impossible for Hak (Hak, the man who's loved her since his
childhood, the man who's vowed to serve her for the rest of his life) to not flutter his eyes
shut and let himself be swayed away by his princess and her whims.

See the end of the work for notes
Since the door was closed behind them half an hour earlier, Hak was being tortured in the
most delicious and cruel way. His princess has her knees on either side of his hips, and Hak
thanks the heavens that they have actual walls around them instead of the usual tent to muffle
the rather… indecent sounds they're making.

Yona is a remarkable woman, but she lacks the self-restraint Hak has honored through the
years of unrequited want. He's been trying, he really is trying, to keep a respectful distance
between them before his self-restraint melts into the same impulsiveness he shamefully
displayed on that one rainy day.

It's not allowed.

It's not allowed, Yona had said, but there's purpose in the way she fists his clothes and kisses
him against the wall, making it impossible for Hak (Hak, the man who's loved her since his
childhood, the man who's vowed to serve her for the rest of his life) to not flutter his eyes
shut and let himself be swayed away by his princess and her whims.

Yona isn't the meek girl he grew up with. Yona is a woman now, one that wants and takes.
Hak is certainly above average when it comes to combat skills and endurance, but he's no
heavenly creature. His willpower wavers with each press and pull of her lips, his mundane,
male body reacting to her advances with ease. It feels amazing. It feels terrifying. Against his
will, Hak breaks their kiss.

"You should go to bed."

Yona pouts adorably, her small lips pomegranate red. "I don't want to!"

It's been a while since they've spent some time alone, and Hak's kept tight control of his
eagerness the entire time. Usually, it's enough for Yona that they share a kiss here and there,
or that she spends a night peacefully sleeping in his arms. Something is different these days.
The look in Yona's eyes is something he had never seen before. Not on her.

"If you keep joking around like this, Princess," Hak says, squeezing her cheeks with a single
hand. "I might not be able to control myself."

Hak swears she pushes her hips against his just a bit. Does she know what it does to him
when she's like this? Going by the mischievous smile she has on, Princess Yona must be
somewhat aware. He should take better care to not let her around Jae-ha and Lili's
bodyguards when he isn't around.

Yona's smile only grows. Much like the bulge forming in his pants. Without a word, she
removes his hands from each side of her face, guiding her lips to his once more, tongue
terribly skilled for someone whose first kiss was not that long ago. Hak kisses her back
hesitantly—then not. In this moment of weakness, his mouth ends up on the curve of her
neck, relishing on the scent of cherry blossoms and wilderness. It's there that he sinks his
teeth on. Yona gasps in surprise and he stops as if hit by a tiny stream of lightning.
"Hak," she calls out to him, comforting. "It's fine."



He struggles to say her name when she requests him to. For so long, he even struggled to say
it in his mind. Yona is a princess. Hak is no commoner himself, but he must not forget that
she's King Il's daughter. There are customs to abide by.

"You're not thinking about protecting my innocence or something, are you?"

His silence is an answer of its own.

"I didn't peg you as a man with such concerns."

"It's not my concern—"

"I won't be marrying anyone else!" Her statement is loud and clear. Hak can't pretend he
didn't hear it. "So you don't need to worry about it, really."

There are mocking words on the tip of his tongue—who said I'm marrying you? When did I
say yes?—but even someone like him can feel it when the atmosphere doesn't call for a joke.

"You can't just say things like that."

She kisses him again. Quietly. A caress compared to the sheer heat of her kisses from just a
few moments earlier. Her small hands are on his face and he takes them on his own, head

"Hak, you idiot. I mean it. So please..."

She guides his hand right above the place where he can feel her heart beating like a wild bird,
down her chest, down her navel and under fabric, until his fingers meet coarse curls dewy
with wetness. He's done this before. Not with Ayame, like Yona suspects, but with a girl in
Awa when he was visiting, and then some traveling merchant girl in the Wind Tribe. He
quickly learned no one but Yona would do.

"Are you sure?"


Hak takes two deep breaths. "The things I do for you..."

"You're enjoying this too. I can feel it."

There's no doubt she can. Hak feels his own clothes tight on his skin and it's embarrassing.
Going by the blush that is reaching even the tip of her ears, Yona is definitely embarrassed
too. Still, it doesn't seem he's going to get hit over the head anytime soon.
He unwraps her like a gift, her lilac hanbok covering only her shoulders and back as her front
is entirely exposed. Hak would love to spend hours enjoying the view, if Yona wasn't being
so impatient. When he strokes her folds, a squeaky and admittedly adorable sound comes out
of her mouth.

"Too much?"

Yona shakes her head. One look at her and Hak concludes that she might combust, her face
competing in redness with her hair. She's soaked and warm on his fingers as he touches
between her legs, soft and cold on his mouth as he tastes the space between her small breasts.
He supports her back as she loses more and more control of her body, squirming and rutting
against his hand.

She takes his fingers easily and readily, wet from her arousal, and he wants badly to feel her
around him. But he must be patient. Hak waited for her all his life—what was a while more,
delightfully spent pleasuring Yona and fulfilling his duties as her lover?


Seeing her come, Hak almost feels bad that he didn't take care of her needs before it got to
this point. She's shaking like a leaf, still riding his fingers as she chases the long-waited
pleasure that is slowly but surely disappearing. When she recovers, the first thing does is to
reach out to him. Yona is a physically affectionate person, but nothing prepared him for how
clingy she gets when she's in this state. It's not good for his heart.

"Hak... w—what do you want me to do?"

"Nothing. This is good enough for me."

"But you're still..."

He looks away, blushing. "Yes."

"Please," she begs. "Please, let me—" He's never heard her beg so much in his entire life.
"Let me feel you. Take me to bed."

There's a part of him that clings to the idea that he initially fantasized about, to his Princess
after a carefully planned wedding, dressed in silk and smelling of incense, and he'd love her
until the morning greeted them. But there are no such things on the horizon. There's only the
strong-willed woman she loves, opened up for him, pleading in this inn in the middle of the
woods, where the sheets are scratchy and the cold isn't contained by the walls.

Like a man possessed, he barely processes carrying her to the bed in the middle of the room.
She undoes the sash holding his robe together and like that, he too is undone. Hak makes
quick work of the rest of his clothes, unsure to be proud or worried about how curiously Yona
stares at him as bares himself completely for the first time.

"Are you sure?"

Her eyes meet his, finally.


He lines himself with her opening and there's a sharp intake of air from Yona when he's a few
inches in, her nails leaving indents on his arms. He freezes in place. Yona brings him down to
touch her sweaty forehead to his.

"I trust you, Hak. Keep going."

How lucky he is to be presented with such a gift. She's warm and wet around him when he
pushes into her and he feels more than he hears a moan against his lips as he fills her. The
thought of her taking all of him—the sensation of it—is almost enough to send Hak over the
edge. He takes her with care and patience, resisting the urge to release all the desire that built
up in years of wanting her like this. His princess clings to him, her legs around his hips,
pushing him closer. He grabs her waist to hold her still as they continue to exchange feverish
kisses that seem to never end.

Hak can't last for much longer. He knows Yona can't, either. He can feel it all around him. He
slides a hand between their bodies to stroke her swollen bud and there's two stutters of her
breath before she convulses. Hak grits his teeth, pulling out and spilling all over her thighs
and the sheets.

For some time, neither of them move. Yona's eyes are watery. There's a strand of her hair
stubbornly stuck to her mouth. She's a mess. His heart has never felt so full. He brushes her
hair out of her face and she smiles up at him softly, opening her arms in an invitation that he
gladly accepts. Delicate fingers comb through his dark hair and he sighs, content to exist.

"Spoiled princess."

Soon, Hak will draw her a bath—she must be awfully sore and uncomfortable, sweaty and
sticky with their combined fluids.


For now, he indulges.

End Notes

.... *sweats*

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