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Her Warmth

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Son Hak/Yona
Characters: Son Hak, Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Jae-Ha (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Intimacy, First Time Sex, Oral Sex,
Hak POV, Loss of Virginity, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Hak believes he is dreaming, When he is not, Possessive Sex, Possessive
Behavior, Bold Yona, Minor Chapter 225 spoilers, Porn with Feelings
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-17 Words: 5,500 Chapters: 1/1
Her Warmth
by SadisticWriter


Was it a dream? A beautiful dream?

Because Hak was now touching her, intimately. He was now no longer surrounded by the
corpses of dead men. He was no longer cold. Her warmth engulfed him, melted him from

He feared the sound of rain. He shivered at the roar of thunder. He was in the midst of a battle
as he helplessly watched many of his men get swept away by the flood.

He wasn’t allowed to dream. Yet for a moment, just a moment, he wanted to dream where he
was lost within her warm depths.

(AU: Where Yona didn’t stop Hak with his advances in Chapter 225 where Hak merely
believed Yona to be a figment of his imagination when he was suffering from his PTSD)


This is my alternate take on what happens in Chapter 225 had Yona not head chopped Hak
when he was getting a little too handsy with her xD

I have always wanted to see a more steamy reunion between Hak and Yona owing to my dirty
mind. And because of that I have been contemplating writing this explicit oneshot where they
take things further after their reunion. I guess I wanted to write more sexual intimacy
between them in this AU plus I was itching to write a HakYona porn so it kills two birds with
one stone.

I hope you enjoy~

See the end of the work for more notes

It was raining all around. The world was grey, ashen and dulled. The rain drops trailing down
his skin were akin to icicles pricking his skin all over. It cut his flesh, drew blood agonisingly.
It hurt him. His heart squeezed painfully. He was breathless. And he could see only one thing.

The death of his men by an impending flood.

No, he had to inform everyone. He had to evacuate the village. He had to save everyone!

His vision was hazy. They were blurred at the edges. All he could see was that impending
flood. All he could hear was the cacophonic noise of gushing water surrounding him. His
lungs burned with an urgent need for air. He was drowning. He was sinking in the depths of
his misery. Each drop of rain drowned him, suffocated him.

He painfully clutched onto his throbbing heart. It hurt. It hurt so much. He had to save them!
He had to!

The Senjusou! He had to keep it safe. He had to retrieve it! He had to fulfil his duty so he
could return back to his Princess’s side.

His Princess.

His Yona.

There were many feelings that he had wanted to convey to her before he set on this journey.
The depths of his feelings could no longer be weaved with just mere words. All he ever
wanted was to capture her, ensnare her in his arms and see that familiar springlike smile
bloom on her rosy lips.

He would do anything for that. He would even lay his life for her.
And so, he had to move his aching body. His bones hurt. They were crushed under the
onslaught of flood. But he had to move. He had to get to his Princess. Or else she would be
too alone. She would cry over him.

His heart thumped painfully. He had always wanted to see tears in her pretty eyes if
something were to happen to him. But now he no longer wished to see that.

He loved her. He loved her beyond the mere definition of love itself. All he ever wanted was
to give her smiles instead of tears.

And so, he willed his body to move through the countless rain that obscured his vision. He
felt cold. He felt that aching cold numbing his entire body. But he had to move. He had to!

“The flood. I have to alert everyone. I have to save everyone.”


A soft voice. A saccharine scent. A gentle touch.

It felt so warm. It engulfed his aching body. It casted away the numbing sensation that had
gripped his throbbing heart. Through his blurred vision he saw a pair of amethyst eyes.
Beautiful eyes that had always enticed him till today. They enslaved him, captured him.

Was it a dream?

He now saw himself being reflected in those beautiful eyes. Did they carry sorrow in them?
A hint of agony? Was she crying for him? No, he could never let her cry even in his dreams.
He loved her. He loved her to the point of suffocation.
And so, with trembling fingers he wiped away her tears. Yet they never stopped as she
covered his ears with her tiny hands. They were calloused. They were rough. They were no
longer like the hands of a Princess that he had once known—soft and dainty. Yet he would
never have it any other way.

Now the sound of thunder no longer haunted him. It no longer drowned him. Rather he was
drowning in something else. The beautiful springlike warmth that she exuded.

It indeed was a beautiful dream.

But then the roar of thunder erupting through the skies startled him. It broke him out of his
dream like state. No, he couldn’t dream. He couldn’t dream of an impossibility. Dreams were
a luxury—a kind of luxury that he could no longer afford.

Because with each roar of thunder echoing in the skies reminded him of the thousand cries of
his men. Each one of them was drowning, suffocating, while he stood by the side lines to
watch them helplessly.

He hated being helpless. He wanted to be strong—strong enough to protect his people. To

protect his Princess.

So, he once again moved. But that tiny warmth remained. A palpable warmth which now
pulled him closer. He saw her eyes once more in his dream like state. She was tiny yet she
had the will of a mountain. Her eyes were dauntless. They carried a fire that mesmerized him.

“Hak! Look me in the eye!”

She breathed out her silent command next to his lips. In that one lone moment all he heard
was the thundering of his heart. The world around them had muted. Those cacophonic noises
were long drowned away in favour of her sweet commanding voice.

She commanded him to look her in the eye. And he would happily do so. She needn’t
command him because he would love to drown within her.

Soon he found himself being dragged into a shed. It was dusty and cramped as the girl before
him kept on searching for some dry towels to wipe him off.

But all Hak could do was dazedly gaze at her. His body might have been next to her alluring
warmth but his mind was miles away. His senses were on high alert. He was surrounded by
enemies. The impossibility of tomorrow dawned on him.

Will he be alive today to see tomorrow?

Will he be buried alive?


It was then he heard her gentle voice once more. It coaxed him, drew him in. His eyes were
locked in her worried amethyst ones. He vowed to himself to not let his Princess cry over him
but seeing those tears in her eyes for him did something wicked to his mind and body. It
intoxicated him. Her addictive warmth now intoxicated him.

And now he wanted to grow closer, closer.

And closer.
It was a dream anyway. A beautiful dream before his life was snuffed away from him any
moment. So perhaps he was allowed this little liberty, right?

And now he found himself pinning her against the wall, caging her between his arms. She
trembled against him. Her soft tempting lips were slightly parted. She was trying to say
something but it all fell on deaf ears.

He wanted her. Or more like he needed her.

His heady stare now trailed down to her soft plump lips. His bandaged fingers now traced the
softness of her cheeks. A soft shaky sigh escaped her. Her warm breath now mingled against

She smelled so sweet. A fever dream it was. But even in his dream he wanted to be sure that
she wanted this as much as he did. He could never even dare taking advantage of her even in
his dreams.

And so, his eyes met hers for the briefest of moments. They were hazed. They were drunk on
passion. Her cheeks had gained a slight colour. But his Princess hadn’t pushed him away, not

He now gulped audibly. He tried taking a leap of faith, even if it meant tasting her lips once
more. Their lips first met in a chaste kiss. His heart thumped harder and harder. Her soft body
now flushed against his hard sturdy chest. He could feel the softness of her petite breasts
against his body.

It frustrated him that they were separated by layers of clothes in between. He hated this
distance between them. He wanted to bridge every unbridgeable distance.

Perhaps it was this frustration alone as he now ensnared her in his arms with his vice like
strength. His fingers now messily weaved through her scarlet locks as his lips hungrily
sought hers. All reason was forgotten. All restraints were broken.
He wanted to be free from his shackles. He wanted to grow closer. He was to claim that

He wanted his Princess. At least in his dreams.

And so, he messily kissed her like a greedy man. It was a selfish kiss as he now shoved his
tongue through her parted lips. Oh, she was so delectable. Her lips were so soft, so sweet. His
mind was growing even more chaotic. He felt feverish all over.

It was evident with how desperate his movements became as he roughly pinned her against
the wall. He wasn’t gentle. He wasn’t nice. He was lacking tact, especially with his sweet
innocent princess. But he was like a parched traveller who was quenching his insatiable thirst
of decades.

Small eager noises escaped her as he felt her tangling her fingers through his hair. She was
liking it. It was evident with how she rubbed her body against his. Small tears escaped the
corner of her eyes as it mixed with their countless searing kisses.

Their kisses tasted salty as much as it tasted sweet. He really was embracing her after all this
time. The impossibility of such a dream alone broke his heart, numbed him, as his knees
grew weak. But he could feel her pounding heart against his. It reverberated against his own,
through his entire body.

Like a greedy man he now dug his nails in her back to flush her harder against his body. His
Princess loved it rough. It was evident with how those tiny moans escaped her through their

Heat now rushed to his head. He was growing delirious. Their tongues tangled, pushed
against each other. They tasted each other as they even forgot to breathe between their kisses.
This suffocation enticed them, titillated them. It drove them to edge, tripped them over. It was
an ecstasy never known before as Hak’s fingers now gently travelled down her spine.

His touches were marred with caution. He was afraid of crossing a line not meant to be
crossed. Perhaps he was afraid of defiling her in his dreams. But soon he felt her grinding
against his crotch.

He now grunted in pleasure. Heat now rushed to his groins, concentrated in it. He was getting
impossibly hard. For a moment he was worried that his Princess would be offended, that she
would draw away her addictive touch from him.

He didn’t want her to run away from him. He could no longer let her escape or slip through
the gaps of his fingers. The thought alone angered him and now he grabbed her hips with a
bruising grip to unabashedly grind his erection against her clothed crotch.

He truly hated these layers between them and he wanted more. He needed more.

He now dared to crack his eyes open. And the sight before him took away his breath. It felt as
if the ground had slipped from underneath his feet.

Flushed cheeks. Dazed eyes. Panting face. Moist reddened lips. She was erotic. She presented
a lewd sight before him.

A low growl rumbled through his chest as he now possessively bit on her lower lip, tugged it
between his teeth. His Princess moaned in pleasure as he now grabbed her ass.

She was soft yet firm. He could feel the softness of it through her clothes. His heady stare
enslaved her. She could now no longer escape. Maybe he had wanted to take it slow but he
could no longer do so.

That moment had long passed away. Now she would bear the burden of his desires till the
end. She may cry but he would lick away her tears. She may scream but it would be with
pleasure alone.

And now his fingers tugged on her sash as her robes came undone. Her cheeks grew redder
with embarrassment as she tried holding together her slipping garments in a vain attempt at
maintain her modesty.
Yet he would have none of that. He soon pinned her dainty wrists against the wall as his lips
now traced the column of her neck.

She was so soft, so delectable on his lips. His tongue now tasted the smoothness of her skin
as it glided against her sweat mixed with vestiges of rain. She whimpered. She trembled in
his arms. And that alone made him euphoric.

He wanted her to come undone for him. He wanted her to let loose for him alone. He wanted
his reassurances. He wanted to escape his nightmare—a nightmare where he was surrounded
by nothing but corpses. And that can only happen when he was with her, ensnared by her
addictive warmth while being buried deep within her.

He now grunted against her neck. Possessiveness overwhelmed his senses as he grinded his
visible erection through his trousers against her to nip on her sweaty flushed skin. His lips
and teeth ran down her neck to the exposed part of her shoulders.

With his every little touch, he felt her growing hotter. Her cute little moans were music to his
ears as his eyes now briefly met hers. Her eyes were dark. Her pupils were blown out. They
carried lust. Perhaps as much as him or maybe even more.

She now seductively nibbled on her lower lip without breaking her gaze from his. She was
enticing him, tempting him to taste her. Was she edging him on? Because now he felt her
grinding against his painful erection.

A pained gasp escaped him. His hardon was getting painful. It hurt him even more than his
aching bones and muscles. He needed his release and so he loosened his trousers to release
the tension a little.

His teeth now bit open her robes. They were damp and perhaps they offered some resistance
but they finally slid down her skin to pool at her heels.
His breathing now grew more laboured at the mere sight of her bare skin. She was so
beautiful, so erotic and his alone. In his dream like world, she was his. With a smidgen of
annoyance, he now ripped apart her inner garments as a small surprised squeak escaped her.

His heady eyes were now fixed on her small petite breasts. They rose and fell with her
heaving chest. They tempted him like the devil itself. It was then she dared to obscure them
from his view by hiding them with her hands.

“D-Don’t stare too much!”

She was embarrassed. Even her embarrassed state was undeniably sexy. It was cute. But he
was in no mood for games. Another possessive growl rumbled through his chest. Because
tonight Hak wanted to mark every inch of her skin before this dream broke. He had to claim
her before he was left with nothing but an aching reality.

And so, he forcibly pried open her hands while taking care to not hurt her. Surprisingly she
didn’t put much of resistance. The Princess in his dreams never resisted him even once.
Usually, she would hit him on the head if he went too far but right now all he saw was that
silent anticipation in her eyes as if she too waited for his next move.

He now wanted to see how far he could go on in this dream. It was a little game he played
with himself as he now hungrily took a rosy nipple in his mouth while he tried getting a
handful with her other breast. She was small but perky. Perfect for him and his insatiable

His tongue now ran over her delicate breast skin to flick against her hardened nipples. They
peaked under his touch as Yona now tried containing her moans while biting down on her
hand. Her other hand now messily grabbed his hair as even she too struggled whether to push
him away or pull him closer.

She appeared to be struggling with this dichotomy in her heart, and that alone was enough to
amuse Hak as he now delicately bit on her nipple. Her back arched at that. His name escaped
her in a strained whisper as she pulled him closer. He could feel the thumping of her erratic
heart under his tongue.

Was she too as scared as him? Was she too afraid that this dream like spell would soon be

Hak never knew the answers to that but all he saw were tears in her eyes. Tears of shameless
pleasure mixed with relief and happiness.

Happiness of finding him once more.

His heart soared at the mere thought alone as he sucked on her breast hard while his other
hand was busy playing with her other nipple. He tugged on her sore tender nipples, abused
them with his teeth, roughed her up by marring her pale skin with his hickeys.

Her beautiful breasts bloomed with many such marks as she heaved for him. He continued
alternating his passionate torture between her breasts and for not even once she pushed him
away. Rather she drew him closer, ensnared him in her arms. She loved it when he was rough
with her and that was evident with that passion in her glossy eyes.

Now all Hak ever wanted was to pleasure the woman in his dreams as he breathed her name
against her skin.



For the first time he merely called her Yona without any titles attached. He was getting drunk
on such a sensation alone. The mere weight of her name on his tongue made him ecstatic and
she trembled in his arms at the mere whisper of her name against her ear.
Did he finally cross this gap between them? Did he finally reach this very woman who
burned like the dawning sun itself? So out of his reach?

Maybe in his dream he did.

And for now, he was content with that as he went lower. He now sighed against her skin,
breathed in her scent and grew drunk on it altogether, as his tongue trailed over her taut
stomach. He bit on her skin, hard and rough. Yona whimpered at such sweet pains he gave
her. Perhaps she squirmed a little as she fisted his hair. But her hips bucked against his face.
It seems that this Yona of his dreams wanted to be marked by him, tainted by him, as much as
he wanted to taint her.

That thought alone made him euphoric as he eyed her needy place, her secret place. She was
dripping and it was evident with her damp underwear. Perhaps Hak had wanted to tease her,
toy with her a little. Or maybe he was being mischievous enough since his Princess’s naivety
had always irked him till today.

His fingers now touched her damp crotch. It was a featherlight touch but even that alone was
enough to make her hiss in pleasure as Yona eyed him needily.

“H-Hak… p-please…”

“Please what…?”

She now pouted at his teasing. Her cheeks grew red in embarrassment. She was puffing her
cheeks like Ao. She was sexy with her flushed sweaty nude skin, all bare before him, but
even in the midst of such an intimate moment it was only her alone who could appear this

“Y-You know.”
“I don’t~”


“Princess, you have to be more specific with your demands.”

Perhaps her patience was waning and Hak could clearly see that impatience in her heady eyes
as she grabbed his hand. Her fingers were quivering. She was shy. But her neediness to grow
closer won over as she made him touch her.

She had shut her eyes tight. Her chest was heaving. Her cheeks were red. And that alone
made her alluring.

Hak’s throat grew dry. He loved her too much. How come she was this bold in his dreams yet
so shy in real. If only she was this open with him.

His lips now trailed over the dampness of her underwear as with his teeth he drew open her
drawstrings as the last article of clothing slipped down her legs.

Yona was now bare for him, all vulnerable and exposed. Yet Hak wouldn’t have it any other
way. This lewd sight was reserved for him and him alone as he grabbed one of her legs to rest
it on his shoulder. The scent of her arousal hit his nose. She was dripping. So beautiful.

The fact that she was dripping for him alone preened his ego as he breathed against her
dripping mess. He tentatively ran his tongue across her sopping slit. So wet and so ready for
him. She tasted so sweet on his tongue as he now pushed his face deeper between her thighs.

He was losing his mind. Her taste alone was addictive as he lapped at her fluids, tasted her
deeper, prodded his tongue through her tight untouched hole. Even in his dream she was
untouched, only for him to deflower her.
He now sucked on her folds, obscenely kissed them. The sounds of him slurping on her
echoed in the tiny cramped space. The sound of rain hitting against the windowpanes felt
distant enough. All that echoed were these obscene sounds as Hak lost himself further
between her warm inviting thighs. His tongue now ran over her budding clit as Yona’s eyes
widened with surprise.

A sharp gasp escaped her and a barely contained moan. Her hips bucked on instinct and
perhaps that teased his male instincts even more. He was painfully aroused as he touched his
hardened length through his trousers. Precum beaded on the tip of his huge length as he
pumped himself faster while tasting and sucking on her hard clit.

He could feel her trembling. Perhaps she was on the verge of losing her balance as he now
held her thighs with a bruising grip. Never even once he ceased with the strokes of his sinful
tongue that pushed Yona into throes of passion. She was on verge of moaning wantonly for
him, come undone and become debauched in his arms.

And Hak wanted to see that happen. It was evident with how he now prodded her tight hole
with his fingers to spread her open. She gasped. She whimpered at the feel of something alien
invading her insides. Maybe it stung her a little. Hak wasn’t sure as he grunted in pleasure at
the mere feel of her addictive velvety insides wrapping so tight around his fingers. He could
now only imagine how delicious it would feel around his throbbing cock which was now
aching to enter her.

He played with her body to his heart’s content but not even once she stopped him. He wanted
to grow closer, closer. It was evident with how he sucked on her clit while fingering her. He
wanted to see her come and he could feel it the way her walls squeezed around his fingers.

“H-Hak… I-I feel weird.”

“It’s okay.”

“H-Hak.. please stop.”

“Shh… just let it flow.”

His whispers were a teasing one. He whispered between his kisses to her sopping folds. He
fingered her faster, harder. Soon he found a particular spot within her as he touched it harder.
Perhaps that alone was enough to tip her over the edge as her eyes snapped open. She now bit
down on her wrist hard as harsh moans almost escaped her in muffled cries. Her body grew
rigid and she felt too sticky as warm fluids trailed down her inner thighs.

Only his slurping noises ensued once more as he didn’t let a single drop go to waste. Perhaps
Yona’s mind was a muddled mess which was walking on a thin line between dreams and
reality. It seems Hak was no different either as he held onto her limp form.

She now heaved against his chest. She was spent. And to Hak she appeared to be so adorable.
It was in that moment, the momentary darkness of the shed was casted away by a huge flash
of lightning followed by a large thunder.

Hak was frozen once more. His heart stopped.

What was he doing?

He was indulging in his dreams when his men could have been dying?

He once again saw the eyes of dead men. It made him shiver. It made him cold.

He only saw rain.

He only heard rain.

His body shivered.

He was scared. He didn’t want to be alone.

The faces of his family danced before him—his dragon family.

His Princess’s promise danced before him.



No, he couldn’t dream. He wasn’t allowed to dream. Not at this moment. Not now.


Soon his face was met with a sting of slap. The haze cleared from his eyes as his face was a
mere inch from his Princess.


The only dawn of his life.

She saw through him. She saw his deepest fears. She accepted them and it was evident with
how her tiny body embraced his huge shivering one.

He was a foot taller than her, but he was always too vulnerable before this woman.
“It’s okay Hak. It’s okay. You saved everyone.”

Her words were warm. They coaxed him out of his labyrinth of nightmares. He wanted to
lose himself. He wanted to get lost in the depths of her inviting warmth.

For once he wanted to forget about his woes and the bitterness of reality.

And so, he grabbed her by her thighs. Spread her open as Yona now straddled him by his
hips. He now pushed her against the wall as he supported her by grabbing her butt. Her
plump ass cheeks felt so soft against his fingers as Yona now wrapped her arms and thighs
tightly around him.

She had grown heavier but he didn’t mind. It made this dream even more realistic as he
rubbed the throbbing head of his cock against her sopping entrance. Their eyes met for the
briefest of moments and that was the only assurance he ever needed as he pushed against her,
into her tight clenching hole.

She hissed in pain. She struggled a little as she dragged her nails against his sweaty hard
back. Hak now grunted from the sheer tightness alone. She was too tight even in his dreams.
Yet his hips could no longer stop. They bucked against her as he entered her tight hole
agonisingly slowly.

He now kissed away her stray tears as he whispered her name against her cheek. He loved her
so much. He loved the way she deliciously wrapped around him. He revelled the way she
inflicted these little pains on him as she dug her nails hard in his flesh in pain.

With one last whisper of her name, he finally bottomed out in her. He was now balls deep
within her as both sighed in unison. She was in pain and visibly trembling. For a moment
Hak felt guilt. It was reflected in his eyes alone but his sweet Princess gave him that smile
which pulled him out of his darkness.

A smile which was reserved for him alone, in his dreams.

And now all reason was thrown out of window. All precepts of society were broken. He had
vied for something too forbidden and he was indulging in it as his hips now slammed against

He now pummelled into her with a bruising pace. His thrusts were unforgiving. His love was
suffocating as he buried his face in her rich tresses.

Yona whimpered in pain but perhaps ecstasy coursed through her veins as she bit on his
shoulder hard, deep and raw. They moved together, sinuously, as Hak dragged his length
through her tight clenching hole which didn’t want to let him go.

His balls slapped against her ass with each thrust as only the obscene noises of slapping flesh,
squelching sounds and a feverish heat overlapped with erratic breathes echoed all around.

They were both tipping over the edge, lost in a silent euphoria, as they both were coming
close. Hak could feel it in his bones. This dream was so vivid, so realistic. Or maybe he was
on verge of death and the gods were showing him some mercy with this final dream.

He now rutted against her like a madman. His body never stopped even if he wished to. A
sharp cry now escaped her as he felt her getting impossibly tight around him. She now
ensnared him like a vice as his balls tightened with each slap of their flesh.

Her walls fluttered around him as she moaned unabashedly for him. This time she didn’t care
to contain her cries as she pulled him in for a messy kiss. His Princess sure was bold in his
dreams or perhaps it was his perverse desire all along as her fluttering walls now broke his
last will.
With one last slam, he finally pushed in deep to release his everything within her. His body
shuddered as he continued to empty each of his drop within her. His hips now bucked on
instinct as her walls squeezed him dry.

He was spent. This fever dream had wreaked havoc in his mind as he finally pulled out. His
warm semen now escaped her in rivulets which made his chest swell with pride. It was trivial
but his male ego was satisfied for now.

Yona’s eyes were heavy and her body grew heavier against him. He now took a moment to
admire his artwork since his Princess was now covered in hickeys and bitemarks all over,
flushed and sweaty for him. He smirked at the mess he had made of her.

Ordinarily he would have loved to go another round with her but even in his dreams he
couldn’t be this brutal with her.

And so he snuggled in her arms in that cramped space in shed. He wanted to be on lookout
but exhaustion finally won over him. He could dream for a little longer, right?

Just a little longer.


“Hak, wake up.”

Sleep was heavy in his eyes but that familiar saccharine voice pulled him away from his
sleep. His eyes fluttered open and he was no longer greeted by rain. Only the scent of rain
kissed earth lingered in the air.

Rather he was greeted by the sight of a nude Princess lying on top of him whose body was
covered with bitemarks. She now gazed at him lovingly as she brushed away the bangs from
his face.

“I would have loved to let you sleep for a little longer but we need to get back.”

It was then his eyes snapped open as he abruptly sat up. Yona now fell off him as she winced
a little. Hak’s wide shaky eyes now scanned the room around him. They were in that same
shed as his dreams and there was a naked Princess right in front of him, bathed in dusky glow
of setting sun.

She looked so sexy with those hickeys on her body.


That wasn’t the point!

Was he still dreaming even now?

“Princess, am I still dreaming?”

“Huh? What are you on about? Are you okay?”

She now inched closer as she pressed a hand against his steaming forehead. All Hak could
see were her breasts before his eyes which contained the traces of his saliva as if they had
been sucked on to his heart’s content. He once again gulped audibly before the Princess hit
his forehead once more.

“Stop staring. It’s embarrassing.”

The Princess hit him. She HIT him. She didn’t hit him before in his dreams but now she did.

Does that mean it wasn’t a dream?

His face paled as dread seeped through his features. Hak was immediately on his knees with
his forehead kissing the ground. He had committed the unforgivable.

He had forced himself on the Princess! And his delusional mind wasn’t an excuse!


“I-I am sorry Princess. I-I-“

He was now stuttering like white snake. But what could he even say? That he fucked her hard
and raw because he thought it was a dream. That sounded like a ridiculous lie even to his
own ears. He would now prefer drowning in that flood.
“Stop it!”

His eyes now once again met hers as she held his face close to hers. Her eyes once again
reflected that burning fire in that sunset stained world as Hak’s heart raced once more. It was
these eyes of hers that had moved him, chained him.

“I-I enjoyed it.”


“If you are that sorry then you better take responsibility for it.”

Her cheeks were red with embarrassment. Perhaps she was steaming and it was indeed cute
since they had done far more embarrassing things than this.

“I love you, Hak. I love you so much.”

Now it was his turn to become steaming red. He had heard those words from her lips before
but every time it sounded too unbelievable to his ears.
All this while a certain green dragon remained perched on top of the shed’s roof. A small
mischievous smile now laced his features as he eyed the setting sun.

“Oh, I am going to have the time of my life teasing my younger brother~”

End Notes

I have always wanted to write sex scenes between Hak and Yona. They are so cute together
^^ It's my first time writing one between them so I hope I did well :3 I like the idea of a
possessive Hak so I wrote him that way.

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