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School Counselor Competency Assessment Reflection

While reviewing my assessment results, I have identified that one of my strengths is

applying developmental, learning, and counseling theories to support student achievement and

success. I had consistently high ratings in these domains. One reason for this is through my work

in a teen outpatient clinic. I have gained firsthand experience in understanding the unique

developmental stages, challenges, and needs of teenagers. With this experience I was able to

empathize with their struggles, recognize common patterns in behavior and emotional responses.

I also saw firsthand how to tailor interventions to a specific population. Working directly with

teenagers in a clinical setting exposed me to a wide range of issues they face, such as academic

pressure, social dynamics, family conflicts, mental health concerns, and identity formation. This

enabled me to not only apply theoretical knowledge but also adapt my approach based on real-

life scenarios and individual circumstances.

I also recognize the need for improvement in my understanding of educational systems,

legal issues, policies, and current trends in education. My ratings in explaining educational

systems, philosophies, theories, and legislative processes were low. To improve this, I plan to

engage with educational research and stay updated on federal and state legislation affecting

school counseling. I will subscribe to relevant publications and engage in professional

development opportunities focused on educational policy and legal issues.

While I did demonstrate a strong understanding of the ethical principles of the school

counseling profession there is always room for growth in personal reflection and self-appraisal.

Moving forward, I can work on this by planning my professional development plan to include

more structured opportunities for personal reflection, consultation, and supervision. This will
promote my own growth and ensure alignment with evolving ethical standards and competencies

in school counseling. I am committed to building upon my strengths and addressing areas of

improvement to further enhance my effectiveness as a school counselor. These efforts will

benefit my professional development and contribute to creating a supportive and inclusive

environment for student success.

Summary of Results:

Mindsets: Avg. Score 3.57

Behaviors: Avg. Score 3.58




Highest Score: Apply developmental, learning, counseling and education theories. Score: 4.8

Lowest Score: Demonstrate understanding of educational systems, legal issues, policies,

research and trends in education. Score: 2.8

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