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By checking the box at the bottom of our “SIGN UP” page which is
labeled “I have read and

acknowledged the terms of the service agreement / contract,” you

agree to the following terms and

conditions for your lawn mowing service agreement:

Any reference herein to “the contractor,” or “contractor” shall be

construed to mean Western Maryland

Lawn & Landscape.


We propose to provide lawn mowing services on a pay per-cut basis.

Mowing will be done on a weekly or

bi-weekly basis (depending on your selection) as needed at the

contractor’s discretion to maintain an

attractive, well groomed appearance. Mowing service includes: lawn

mowing for all included turf

locations, line trimming (around tree bases, structures, garden walls,

steep embankments, and generally any

location which is not feasible by other mowing equipment), and

blowing clippings and debris off of

driveway, sidewalks, or other applicable hard surfaces. Your price

quoted herein is a lump sum price per

cut. It is based on one week of growth only for weekly mowing jobs,
or two weeks of growth only for biweekly mowing jobs. Therefore, if
during the initial mowing it is discovered that the growth is clearly in
excess of the one or two week normal amount, the additional work
required to bring the property back to a

well groomed standard will be subject to an hourly rate fee for the
crew and equipment in the amount of

$75 / hour (2 man crew). Please notify us in advance if your lawn is

beyond the one or two week’s normal

growth so that we may budget the extra time to complete the initial
mowing / clean up properly.


There will be a designated mow day each week which we will service
your property. Our job schedule will

be provided with your order confirmation. Unfortunately, we cannot

accept requests for specific mow days

at this time, unless your job is exceptionally large (cemeteries,

industrial complexes, etc.).


Occasionally, rainy weather causes a disruption in our work schedule.

This is unavoidable, and we expect

that to happen without fail each year from time to time. Our protocol
for handling this situation is simply

to push the job schedule forward as needed to catch up. For instance,
if your designated mow day is

Wednesday, and we get rained out on Tuesday, we would arrive on

Thursday to service your property.

Then, we will resume the normal schedule the following week. If you
would like to know which day for
sure that your job will be completed in this event, feel free to call in for
an update on the mowing schedule.


The term for this agreement is for one growing season (April 1

convenience, this agreement will automatically renew each season on

April 1

necessary to make a pricing adjustment for your service. If a price

adjustment is necessary, we will contact

you prior to April 1

with no price increase we will still contact you with a confirmation and
reminder prior to April 1


through November 30


). For your


, unless we decide that it is


with a new rate quote and renewal agreement. Otherwise, if your

contract is renewed


If you wish to cancel your mowing service, please notify our office in
writing at least 15 days prior. Due to

scheduling complications, you may not cancel your service on the

same day which your property is

scheduled for service.


Invoices will be sent on the first day of each month for the prior
month's services. Payment in full is due

within 15 days of the invoice date. Payment must be the form of a

personal or business check, money

order, or certified bank check. If payment is not received within 30

days of invoice date, services may be

suspended until the account has been paid current. Additionally, after
30 days finance charges will be

assessed in the amount of 2% of the late amount (24% per annum), or

a minimum of $5.00, whichever is

greater. Returned checks will be subject to a $40.00 fee; additionally

you will then be required to pay in

the form of a money order or certified bank check only.


Any dissatisfaction of the contractors work or performance shall be

immediately (within 48 hours) brought

to the attention of the contractor. The contractor will then be given

the opportunity to remedy or correct

any dissatisfaction. The contractor shall provide such remedies

within 24 hours to the customer’s

satisfaction, within the original scope of work agreed upon above.


The methods utilized by the contractor in the completion and

execution of the contracted work shall be at

the sole discretion of the contractor. Our methods are critical in

maintaining a standard of high quality

workmanship and efficient operation, which in turn allows us to

maintain competitive pricing for our



It is the intention and commitment of Western Maryland Lawn &

Landscape to provide high quality,

reliable, and affordable grounds maintenance services for each of our

customers. Without an excellent

customer base, our business would not be possible. We understand

the importance of being an honest and

reliable service provider, and make it our constant goal to exceed that
standard. We feel that this

commitment to excellence has been the number one contributing

factor in our growth and success.

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