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stars are brighter (with all of you)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Yona & Happy Hungry Bunch, Happy Hungry Bunch & Yoon | Yun
(Akatsuki no Yona)
Characters: Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Son Hak, Jae-Ha (Akatsuki no Yona), Kija
(Akatsuki no Yona), Yoon | Yun (Akatsuki no Yona), Shin-Ah (Akatsuki
no Yona), Zeno (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Drabble, Drabble Collection, Prompt Fic, Stargazing, Found Family,
Fluff, you cannot rip this family from my cold dead hands, The Dark
Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch (Akatsuki no Yona)
Language: English
Series: Part 7 of we drabble a lil
Stats: Published: 2023-09-25 Words: 485 Chapters: 1/1
stars are brighter (with all of you)
by seraphwrites


“Shin-ah? What is it? Please don’t tell me you're going to complain about Ao not having a
blanket.” Yoon deadpanned.

The blue dragon shook his head, “The stars…tonight…are falling.”


happy bday yoon!! i did this drabble a little bit ago and and thought it was appropriate to post
for our favorite mothers bday in akayona <3

prompt - stargazing

See the end of the work for more notes

Yona’s group had meant to leave Awa Port earlier than expected, but some complications and
meeting their final dragon had set their time back.

And of course, Yoon was fuming.

Everyone was trying to calm him down, offering a bountiful hunt or medicinal herbs they
found while looking for firewood, but no one could reassure the group's caretaker that it was
alright they were a day or two behind.

Yona giggled behind her hand when Yoon chastised Ki-ja for complaining about sleeping on
the ground again, something along the lines of you've been out here for months! Don’t start

It didn't help that earlier when they were setting up camp, Zeno had brought back a handful
of firewood that got snagged on their only tent, the one which Yona and Yoon shared, so on
top of having to repair the cloth, the boy and the princess have to sleep under the stars.

Jae-ha and Hak had given up on reassuring the boy, instead they shared a drink and listened
to him rant.

When he finally settled enough to serve dinner and set up his cot, unusually Shin-ah tapped
him on the shoulder.

“Shin-ah? What is it? Please don’t tell me you're going to complain about Ao not having a
blanket.” Yoon deadpanned.

The blue dragon shook his head, “The stars…tonight…are falling.”

Yoon looked at him incredulously, not sure how to decipher him yet.

He heard a cackle from next to him, “Shin-ah, do you mean a meteor shower?” Jae-ha asked,
saving Yoon from asking a stupid question.

The dragon tilted his head, “We often had meteor shower viewings at my village! It was a
whole celebration!” Ki-ja piped in from his place on the ground.

“Ooh, Father talked about those before!” Yona squealed.

“You can already see the stars pretty well in Fuuga, meteor showers were brilliant back
there.” Hak reminisced, taking a sip of his drink.

“Zeno spent a lot of time outside, so Zeno has seen one or two before!” Zeno added

“The port has a clean view of the sky, but I’ve never seen any…falling stars.” Jae-ha tried to
reign in his giggling, repeating Shin-ah’s description.

The blue dragon looked up to the sky, mouth open in awe as the stars twinkled and fell.
Yoon couldn't help but smile at him, he sometimes felt older than the blue dragon, with how
little the other has experienced.

Yoon set out another cot next to him and motioned Shin-ah to lay down, “You’ll get a better
view if you're facing up.”

Shin-ah immediately settled in next to him, “Do any of you know any constellations?” the
boy asked.

A chorus of no answered him, he chuckled exasperatedly, “Well, that one there…”

And so, the night went on, Yoon feeling the tension bleed out from his shoulders pointing out
all the constellations he knew, and eventually lulling everyone to sleep.
End Notes

thanks for reading!! im sure we all need this fluff after the new chapters....

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