Hall Et AlL.,1994

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American Journal of Botany 81(9): 1104-1111. 1994.




Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts, Harbor Campus, Boston, Massachusetts 02125

Carapa guianensis Aublet. (Meliaceae) is an abundant, canopy tree species often exported as fine wood products. The
populations in the Atlantic coastal plain ofCosta Rica have undergone a wide variety ofhuman-induced changes in distribution
and abundance, including isolation due to deforestation. Using protein electrophoretic analysis of seeds, we investigated the
genetic variability and population differentiation of nine populations and the outcrossing rate in two populations that differed
in density by a factor of 50%. Average polymorphism (35%) and heterozygosity (0.12) across populations were relatively
low in comparison with other tropical tree species. Only 4.6% of the total genetic variability could be attributed to population
differentiation even though populations were separated by as much as 70 km. However, genetic differentiation did increase
with distance between pairs of compared populations. There were no apparent differences in genetic variation between
logged and unlogged forests. The outcrossing rate for each population was not significantly different from 1.0, but there was
evidence of nonrandom mating in the lower density population. High levels of gene flow are probably maintained by seed
dispersal as seeds travel well throughout flooded forests and rivers. High population density and synchronous flowering also
contribute to high outcrossing rates. These genetic characteristics suggest that Carapa guianensis is a good candidate for
natural forest management where it occurs at high density. However, current management practices need to account for the
rapid rate of deforestation occurring around managed natural forest sites that will result in the elimination of intervening

Genetic diversity in tropical lowland rain forest trees of a study aimed at determining genetic diversity and
is imperiled due to deforestation and logging operations. other population genetic parameters of one member of
Deforestation may reduce population size or altogether the Meliaceae, Carapa guianensis Aublet., a large canopy
eliminate local populations. Moreover, forest fragmen- tree. The species is found in the Atlantic lowland forests
tation may lead to genetic isolation of once continuous of Central America, an area that is experiencing one of
populations, which, following isolation, may lose genetic the highest rates of deforestation. Specifically, our goals
diversity as a result of inbreeding and genetic drift. Log- were: 1) to estimate the amount ofgenetic diversity within
ging may lower population density and, to the extent populations; 2) to determine the degree of genetic differ-
inbreeding is a function of stand density, lead to an in- entiation and gene flow among populations; and 3) to
creased level of inbreeding (Knowles et aI., 1987; Muraw- measure the amount of outcrossing in stands that differ
ski et aI., 1990; Murawski, Dayanandan, and Bawa, 1994). in density.
An assessment of the genetic effects of deforestation
and management practices such as selective logging is MATERIALS AND METHODS
hampered by lack of information about the spatial or-
ganization ofgenetic variability, levels ofgene flow among Species description - Carapa guianensis occurs from
populations, and the effects ofdensity on inbreeding. This Belize to Amazonian Brazil and also in the Antilles
is particularly true for species that are intensively logged (McHargue and Hartshorn, 1983a). The trees often reach
or occur in areas characterized by high rates of defores- over 1 m in diameter and over 40 m in height at maturity
tation. One such group is the mahoganies (Meliaceae). (R. Peralta, San Jose, Costa Rica, personal communica-
This family is an important component oftropical forests tion). The species is occasionally found along streams and
throughout the world. The several tree species that yield usually found in periodically inundated swamp forests of
valuable timbers are often selectively harvested and typ- the Atlantic coastal plains of Costa Rica (McHargue and
ically occur in low densities. Here we report the results Hartshorn, 1983a). Local abundance can be very high,
representing up to 20% of the stand density of trees over
I Manuscript received 14 August 1993; revision accepted 25 March 10 cm in diameter, and more than 15 reproductive in-
1994. dividuals per hectare (R. Peralta, personal communica-
The authors thank Portico, SA and Leopoldo Torres for use oftheir tion). flowering occurs synchronously throughout the At-
forests and assistance in obtaining collections; Rodolfo Peralta for the lantic coastal plain ofCosta Rica between November and
great amount of time he spent collecting and discussing many aspects
of this work with them; Victor Robles, Rosa Sandoval, and Leocardio
January, although a few individuals may flower in June
Centeno for field assistance; Mike Chase for developing the extraction or July. Fruits mature 6 to 8 months later during May to
buffer and providing advice in the lab; and K. Ritland and M. Slatkin August (Frankie, Baker, and Opler, 1974). The pollination
for supplying software for computations of mating systems and pairwise mechanism is not known. Fruits are large capsules, 10-
comparison of populations. This research was supported by grants from 14 em in diameter, with four to eight seeds. Capsules
the National Science Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trust's Pew Schol- dehisce when ripe fruits fall to the ground (McHargue and
ars Program in Conservation and the Environment, and the Conser-
vation, Food and Health Foundation. Hartshorn, 1983a). Fresh seeds usually weigh around 25
2 Current address: Harvard Institute for International Development,
to 35 g, but we have found seeds over 100 g. Despite their
One Eliot Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. weight, the seeds are very buoyant and are probably dis-
J Author for correspondence. persed primarily by water and large rodents. Once seeds

have been shed, mortality can be quite high due to con- Data analysis-Allozymes most anodal were designat-
sumption by various vertebrates and infestation by larvae ed allele 1 with increasing numbers used for increasing
of the moth Hypsipyla ferrealis (McHargue and Hart- cathodal allozymes. Percent polymorphism (P), hetero-
shorn, 1983a). However, germination can still occur if zygosity (H), and the effective number ofalleles (Ae ) were
the embryo has not been damaged by the predators (P. calculated (Hartl and Clark, 1989). The expected hetero-
Hall, personal observation). zygosity for populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
was computed for each locus and for each population as:
Field collection - Two types of seed collections were He = 1 - 2; Pi2 •
made: one for analysis of mating systems and a second
for population differentiation. For the mating system anal- where Pi is the allele frequency. Deviations ofthe observed
ysis, 20 or more seeds each were collected from 20 adults distribution of genotypes from the expected distribution
within mapped populations at each of the two sites: Ger- under the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
ardo Fallas (GF) and La Selva (LS). The Gerardo Fallas were tested using a chi-square statistic, and deviations
site is a logged swamp forest owned and managed for were expressed as the fixation index:
timber production by the private company Portico, SA. F = 1 - (Ho/H e)
Logging took place in 1988, and approximately four trees
of Carapa per ha greater than 70 em diameter at breast where H, is the observed number ofheterozygotes (Wright,
height (dbh) were removed. Seed collection occurred with- 1969). The effective allele number, orthe number ofalleles
in a 5-ha marked plot which, after logging, had 15 trees needed within a locus to maintain the current level of
per ha of reproductive size (~35 em dbh). The area sur- heterozygosity, was determined as:
rounding the plots is composed of logged forest and pas- Ae = 1/2; Pi2 •
tures. The La Selva site is part ofa biological reserve from
which no cutting has taken place. A permanently marked Population differentiation was investigated using
demographic plot near the site ofseed collection contained Wright's (1978) F-statistics and Nei's (1973) genetic di-
less than ten trees per ha of reproductive size (Lieberman versity statistics. F-statistics are related by:
and Lieberman, 1987). The collection site is located well (1 - F is )(1 - F st) = (1 - Fit)
within the boundaries of the 1,51O-ha reserve and over
1 km from the nearest pasture. Seed collections at both where Fit is the total deviation from expected frequencies
under Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, F st is the deviation
sites were done in the middle of the period of fruit fall,
due to population subdivision, and Fi; is the deviation
in July 1991 at Gerardo Fallas and in July 1992 at La
within population subdivisions. An estimate ofgene flow
Selva. Both of these sites are at elevations between 10
and 60 m and are 42 km apart. among populations (Nm) can be computed from the mul-
tilocus value of F st as:
For the analysis ofpopulation differentiation, seeds were
collected randomly from reproductively mature trees from F st = 1/(4Nma + 1)
nine populations within the Atlantic coastal plain ofCosta
Rica (Table 1; Fig. 1). The sites included an undisturbed where F st is a multilocus value of F st , a = [n/(n - 1)]2
forest within a biological reserve (La Selva), unlogged and n is the number ofpopulations (Nei, 1973). Nei (1973)
forests and remanent forests within a patchwork of pas- referred to this statistic as Gst ; however, we shall use F st
tures (Sardinas and Guyacan), and managed logged forests for both single and multilocus computations.
(Cafio Chiquero, Ferrat, Gerardo Fallas, Guido Madrigal, Analysis of mating systems was done using the method
Mata Banano, and Parismina). Geographical distances of Ritland and Jain (1981) and software provided by
between sites ranged from 4 to 70 km, and altitudes ranged Ritland (Ritland, 1990). Multilocus outcrossing rates were
computed for populations at Gerardo Fallas and La Selva
from below 10 m (Cafio Chiquero) to 300 m (Guayacan),
Most sites were at elevations of less than 100 m. An in order to assess the effect ofdifferences in stand density
on mating patterns. For both the Gerardo Fallas and La
average of 52 seeds per population with three seeds per
Selva populations, only trees with at least 20 seeds and
tree was collected from each site.
for which all polymorphic loci had been scored were used
For all collected seeds, the smooth brown seed coat was for outcrossing computations. In order to have a balanced
removed with a pocket knife until the embryo was located. data set for computation of outcrossing rates, families of
The embryo and some endosperm were immediately re- five trees at Gerardo Fallas for which a large number of
moved, labeled, wrapped individually in aluminum foil,
seeds had been collected were artificially rarefied by ran-
and placed directly in liquid nitrogen for storage and ship-
domly selecting 30 seeds from each family. The mean
number of seeds per family was 24 at La Selva and 26 at
Gerardo Fallas. Bootstrapping 100 times was used to make
Electrophoresis-Embryos were stored at our labora- estimations ofthe standard errors for all outcrossing rates
tory in Boston at - 80 C until enzyme extraction. Embryos (Ritland and Jain, 1981). Pollen and ovule allele fre-
were ground in liquid nitrogen and a buffer solution, elec- quencies were not constrained to being equal for com-
trophoresed, and stained following the procedures of putation ofoutcrossing rates. However, when outcrossing
O'Malley, Wheeler, and Guries (1980). The extraction rates for individual trees were computed, pollen and ovule
buffer consists ofthe following components: 1 mM EDTA, frequencies were set equal. The relatively small size of
10 mM KCl, 20 mM MgCI2 , 17 mM sodium metabisulfite, sampled families inhibits accurate computations of out-
0.03 mM NADP, 0.03 mM NAD, 3 mM Dithiothreitol, crossing rates when both pollen frequencies and outcross-
4% PVP-40, 10% Glycerol, and 0.1 M Na-phosphate. ing rates are estimated for each family. Maternal genotype

TABLE I. Allelic frequencies and summary statistics for genetic variation for Carapa guianensis in Costa Rica. Population labels follow Fig. I.
Allele frequencies are given for all polymorphic loci.'
Forest 18 18 18 ul ul rs Ig Ig ul Mean
ADH I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.23 0.11 0.05 0.08 0.11 0.11
3 0.91 0.89 0.91 0.87 0.76 0.89 0.95 0.92 0.89 0.89
MDH I 0.85 0.93 0.80 0.81 0.71 0.90 0.96 0.85 0.91 0.86
2 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.02
3 0.13 0.05 0.18 0.12 0.29 0.06 0.04 0.12 0.06 0.12
PGI I 0.84 0.81 0.79 0.69 0.91 0.44 0.77 0.83 0.64 0.75
2 0.16 0.19 0.21 0.31 0.09 0.56 0.23 0.17 0.36 0.25
PGM I 0.23 0.28 0.33 0.20 0.22 0.39 0.23 0.09 0.27 0.25
2 0.66 0.71 0.66 0.80 0.78 0.59 0.72 0.88 0.72 0.73
3 0.11 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.02
UGPP-I I 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.01
2 0.98 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.89 0.96 0.99 0.98
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.01
UGPP-2 I 0.18 0.27 0.10 0.24 0.44 0.31 0.28 0.11 0.21 0.24
2 0.14 0.25 0.25 0.17 0.11 0.10 0.21 0.29 0.20 0.19
3 0.61 0.31 0.49 0.52 0.31 0.47 0.43 0.46 0.51 0.46
4 0.07 0.17 0.16 0.07 0.14 0.12 0.08 0.14 0.08 0.11
N(seeds) 52 52 52 52 52 54 52 52 50 468
N(trees) 25 31 31 26 24 20 26 29 19 231
X(sds/tr) 2.1 I.7 I.7 2.0 2.2 2.7 2.0 1.8 2.6 2.1
H(all), 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.12
H, 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.30 0.28 0.32 0.31
P 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.31 0.33 0.31 0.35 0.38 0.38 0.35
Ae 1.14 1.21 1.19 1.17 1.19 1.21 1.18 1.15 1.18 1.18
Test of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
ADH 0.151 0.089 -0.088 0.179 0.192 -0.127 -0.055 0.190 -0.122
MDH 0.060 -0.063 -0.170 0.016 0.249 0.309- -0.055 -0.004 -0.078
PGI -0.055 -0.116 -0.018 0.188 -0.088 -0.167 -0.192 -0.077 0.132
PGM 0.109 -0.065 0.066 -0.255 0.049 0.068 0.026- 0.168 -0.320
UGPP-I -0.027 0.050 0.050 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.611 -0.055 0.000
UGPP-2 -0.005 0.072 0.071 -0.023 -0.102- 0.017 -0.124 -0.088 0.014
a In addition there were ten loci that were monomorphic in all populations. Column labeled Mean gives mean values for populations. Values

given are: Forest, Ig(logged), ul (unlogged forest in patchwork oflogged forest and pasture), rs (large reserve, undisturbed forest); N(seeds), number
of seeds analyzed; N(trees), number of trees sampled; X(sds/tr), mean number of seeds analyzed per tree; Htallj., mean heterozygosity for all loci
(ten monomorphic, six polymorphic); H" mean heterozygosity for polymorphic loci; P, percent polymorphism; and A., the effective number of
alleles calculated as a mean of the effective number of alleles for each locus. F = I - (Hob/Hu p ) is given for each locus, and the significance of
chi-square tests of Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) are indicated by - = p < 0.05 or lower; no star = P > 0.05.

was estimated from the genotypic array ofseedlings (Brown tional 11 systems either did not have consistent staining
and Allard, 1970). Differences between pollen and ovule or failed to resolve any presence ofisozymes. Ultimately,
frequencies are tested by computing a chi-square distrib- eight systems were found to be reliable for genetic inter-
uted statistic: pretation: malate dehydrogenase (MDH) exhibited five
monomorphic bands, aconitate hydratase (ACO) and
D = NFst(A - 1)
{j-fluorescent esterase (FLE) each exhibited two mono-
which has A-I degrees of freedom. N is the sum of the morphic bands, and glutamate-pyruvate transaminase
number of pollen and ovule gametes, A is the number of (GPT) yielded a single monomorphic band, which we
alleles for the locus, and F st is the genetic difference be- classified as a total often monomorphic loci. Five systems
tween populations-treating pollen and ovules as separate exhibited polymorphic banding patterns that conformed
populations (Murawski and Hamrick, 1992a). to Mendelian expectations for segregation: alcohol de-
hydrogenase (ADH), phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI),
RESULTS phosphoglucomutase (PGM), and an additional locus of
MDH each exhibited one polymorphic banding zone, and
Genetic interpretations-An enzyme survey was con- uridine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPP)
ducted to identify polymorphic, Mendelian segregating displayed two variable banding regions, designated as
markers. We initially screened for 30 enzyme systems UGPP-l and UGPP-2. We observed three alleles for ADH,
with three electrophoretic buffers. Eleven systems were MDH, and PGM, two for PGI and UGPP-l, and four
variable but, based on the tertiary structure of the en- for UGPP-2. These enzyme systems all exhibited banding
zymes, displayed complicated, uninterpretable patterns patterns that were consistent with subunit structure as
of segregation mostly due to gene duplication. An addi- previously reported (Weeden and Wendel, 1989). Ge-

TABLE 2. Heterozygosities (total [HI]' population [H,], and individual

[H,], Wright's F statistics, Nei's D", F", and Nm for each locus,
Caribbean Sea and all loci combined for seeds of Carapa guianensis populations
11 from the Atlantic coastal plain of Costa Rica for six polymorphic
Sardina ___
Population differentiation statistics
Guido Madrigal ________
Laselva'/ I
Gerado Falias








Parismina H, 0.180 0.227 0.355 0.403 0.028 0.674 0.311
• • H, 0.195 0.239 0.343 0.397 0.042 0.662 0.313
San Jose • SEH, 0.093
Guyacan 0.005 0.011 0.035 0.014 0.002 0.024 0.D15
SED" 0.009
F" 0.024 0.046 0.092 0.034 0.040 0.034 0.046
Nm 8.03 4.10 1.95 5.61 4.74 5.61 4.10
a Standard errors (SE) for H, and D" for multiallelic analysis are also
Pacific Ocean 9
given. Columns give values for each locus and All refers to multilocus

50 km
(Table l) was highest at La Selva (H, = 0.339), the pop-

86 W
r 85 84 83
ulation located within a large reserve, and lowest at Par-
ismina (H, = 0.276). The population at Parismina was
more heavily logged than the other logged sites, is the
Fig. I. Location of populations of a Carapa guianensis collected on most isolated from other forest fragments, and is sur-
the Atlantic coastal plain of Costa Rica. rounded by pastures and banana plantations.
The relationship between genetic differentiation and
geographic distribution was investigated by regressing the
notype frequencies were consistent with expectations of log ofNm based on multilocus F st computed for all pairs
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for all but three of the 54 of populations on the log of distance between pairs of
combinations ofloci and populations (Table I). In sum- populations (Fig. 2) (Slatkin and Barton, 1989; Slatkin,
mary, we used six polymorphic loci and ten monomorphic 1993). Even though there was relatively little population
loci for calculation ofgenetic variation, and restricted our differentiation, there was a negative correlation between
analysis of population differentiation and mating systems Nm calculated using F st and distance between pairs of
to the six polymorphic loci. populations (approximation of relationship using Spear-
man rho = -0.76, P < 0.001; Dietz, 1983).
Genetic diversity- Polymorphism (P) ranged from 0.31
to 0.38 among populations with a mean of 0.35 (Table Mating systems- The locus UGPP-I was fixed in the
I). Overall heterozygosity for Carapa guianensis was 0.12 La Selva population and nearly so in Gerardo Fallas and
and varied little among populations, ranging from 0.11 was dropped from the mating system analysis leaving five
to only 0.13. Most loci (Table I) had a very common polymorphic loci for estimation of outcrossing rates. The
allele which was the most common in all populations. multilocus outcrossing rate for the population at Gerardo
There was one exception. For the PGI locus, allele 2 had Fallas was 0.986 and was not significantly different from
the highest frequency in La Selva, while allele I had the 1.0 (Table 3). At La Selva, the multilocus outcrossing rate
highest frequency in all other populations. Of the four was 0.967 and was greater than I standard error from a
alleles found for UGPP-2, allele 3 tended to be the most value of 1.0. However, the outcrossing rates at Gerardo
common in each ofthe populations. A rare allele for ADH, Fallas and La Selva were not statistically different from
MDH, PGM, UGPP- Nvas sporadically distributed among each other, overlapping within a single standard error.
populations, frequently absent, or only found in a single The mean of single locus estimates of outcrossing was
seed. Despite all but one polymorphic system being rep- lower than the multilocus estimate at La Selva, but not
resented by three or more alleles, the effective number of at Gerardo Fallas. In addition, there were no differences
alleles was not much greater than I in all populations. in the genotypes of ovules and the pool of pollen parents
at Gerardo Fallas (Table 4). However, at La Selva, three
Population differentiation -Only 4.6% ofthe total mea- out of the five loci showed significantly different allele
sured genetic variability was due to differences among frequencies between pollen and ovules. These results are
populations (Fst = 0.046, Table 2). The amount of the indicative of nonrandom mating patterns within the pop-
total genetic variation that can be ascribed to population ulation at La Selva.
differentiation varied among loci, with 9.2% for PGI and Outcrossing rates for individual trees varied from 0.32
only 2.4% for ADH. Nm, a measure of gene flow among and 0.34 to over 1.0 at La Selva and Gerardo Fallas,
populations, was much greater than I (Table 2) for all respectively. At each site, four trees had outcrossing rates
loci with a multilocus value of 4.10. The most distant below 0.9, but the individual outcrossing rate was sig-
populations, La Selva and Guayacan, were also the most nificantly below 1.0 for only a single tree at each site.
genetically distinct. Heterozygosity for polymorphic loci Detecting deviations from complete outcrossing is diffi-

Relationship between Geographic Distance and Nm for TABLE 4. Estimated ovule and pollen frequencies for two populations
Populations of Carapa guianensis of Carapa guianensis. Standard errors for pollen frequencies are
given in parentheses. Alleles I and 4 are combined for UGPP-2.
Values for UGPP-I are not given because it was not used in the
mating systems analysis due to rarity of second allele. Test statistic
for difference between ovule and pollen frequency for each locus,
degrees of freedom, and significance level is provided. a

• • Allele Ovules Pollen Statistic- df
.~ 10


• •
• ••
• .• -~

La Selva
0.00 I (0.000)
0.112 (0.015)
3.971"' 2
0.. • •• ADH3 0.925 0.888 (0.015)
.E • ••• • e•
• MDH I 0.875 0.871 (0.016) 13.759*** 2
za • MDH2 0.100 0.021 (0.007)
..J •• MDH3 0.025 0.108 (0.014)
PGM I 0.525 0.280 (0.021) 54.202*** 2
PGM 2 0.475 0.700 (0.022)
PGM 3 0.000 0.019 (0.006)
POI I 0.500 0.460 (0.028) 0.771"'
1 10 POI 2 0.500 0.540 (0.028)
Log Distance between Pairs of Populations (km)
UGPP-2 I 0.375 0.330 (0.026) 8.318* 2
Fig. 2. Log Nm and log distance between pairs of populations for UGPP-22 0.075 0.191 (0.018)
populations of Carapa guianensis throughout the Atlantic coastal plain UGPP-23 0.550 0.479 (0.027)
of Costa Rica. Nm was computed from multilocus F at for each pair of Gerardo Fallas
populations. Spearman rho and significance of the correlation of log-
transformed N m on log-transformed distance is provided for each group. ADH I 0.000 0.000 0.106"'
Significance indicated by: .*, P < 0.01. ADH 2 0.100 0.109 (0.012)
ADH 3 0.900 0.891 (0.012)
MDHI 0.800 0.876 (0.017) 4.746"' 2
MDH2 0.000 0.010 (0.004)
cult due to the small number ofseeds sampled per family MDH3 0.200 0.114 (0.016)
which results in large standard errors. PGM I 0.300 0.311 (0.022) 0.069"'
PGM2 0.700 0.689 (0.022)
PGM 3 0.000 0.000
DISCUSSION POI I 0.800 0.822 (0.017) 0.380"'
POI 2 0.200 0.178 (0.017)
Although dominance by any given species is uncom- UGPP-2 I 0.200 0.268 (0.020) 4.571"' 2
mon in tropical forests, Carapa guianensis can dominate UGPP-22 0.225 0.146 (0.018)
forests in which it is found. Within some ofthe stands of UGPP-23 0.575 0.587 (0.027)
logged forest, C. guianensis may represent over 20% of a Significance levels as: * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, ns P
the stand density and over 80% of the commercial stand- > 0.05. See text for explanation of test statistic.
ing timber volume (R. Peralta, San Jose, Costa Rica,
personal communication). The high density and high
commercial value of Carapa are reminiscent of some
temperate conifers. However, the genetic diversity of this rick and Loveless, 1989; Hamrick and Godt, 1990). Even
species as measured by percent polymorphism (35%) or in comparison with tropical tree species, the total genetic
heterozygosity (0.12) was much lower than mean values diversity of Carapa guianensis is low (H = 0.211, P =
reported for conifers (70.9% and 0.21, respectively; Ham- 60.9), but well within the range of values reported by
Hamrick and Loveless (1989). However, in comparison
with species that also occur throughout the Atlantic coast-
al plain of Costa Rica, the genetic variability of C. gui-
TABLE 3. Outcrossing rates for multilocus estimates (tm) and single anensis is similar to that of less abundant canopy tree
locus estimates (ts), with standard errors in parentheses, are given
for two populations of Carapa guianensis. All families had at least species Pithecellobium pedicel/are and Cordia alliodora,
20 seeds and none had more than 30. Sample sizes are: 481 seeds but much higher than the very abundant Pentaclethra
analyzed for La Selva (mean 24 seeds/tree) and 523 seeds analyzed macroloba (Chase, Boshier, and Bawa, in press; Hall,
for Gerardo Fallas (mean 26 seeds/tree). Chase, and Bawa, 1994; P. Hall, unpublished data). Our
results are not consistent with Hamrick and Murawski's
La Selva Gerardo FalJas
(1991) findings that genetic variation was lower in un-
MuItilocus (trn) 0.967 (0.022) 0.986 (0.028) common than in common tree species.
Average of single locus (ts) 0.932 (0.024) 1.000 (0.030) However, strict interpretation of differences in genetic
Individual loci variability among species is fraught with problems. Our
ADH 1.121 (0.301) 0.860 (0.097) values of polymorphism and heterozygosity are based on
MDH 0.842 (0.069) 0.976 (0.069) a relatively low number ofloci investigated in comparison
POI 1.038 (0.059) 1.121 (0.071) to studies ofa wide variety of species as cited in Hamrick
PGM 0.906 (0.055) 0.974 (0.062) and Godt (1990). Furthermore, our values are biased
UGPP-2 0.898 (0.060) 1.018 (0.038)
downward because of exclusion of loci that are clearly

polymorphic but have complex segregating banding pat- However, the La Selva and Guayacan populations both
terns, probably due to gene duplication. In addition, stat- exhibited differences in allele frequencies in comparison
ing the number ofloci present in multibanded but mono- to the other populations as indicated by PGI for La Selva
morphic enzyme systems is largely based on individual and UGPP-2 for Guayacan. Interestingly, these two pop-
experience with scoring protein electrophoretic gels. With ulations are the most distant from the group of popula-
respect to MDH, we have used the most parsimonious tions that constituted the core for this study.
approach in considering the total number of monomor- It is probable that a high level of gene flow indicated
phic loci by viewing each fixed band as a separate locus. by the low degree of population differentiation has oc-
The number of monomorphic loci attributed to such iso- curred historically and may be currently maintained by
zyme systems will strongly affect computations of relative pollen and seed dispersal. While we have no information
genetic variability such as percent polymorphism and het- about the pollination mechanisms of the species, it is
erozygosity. With these caveats in mind, the genetic vari- known that the seeds are very buoyant and can survive
ability of Carapa guianensis does seem to be rather low in water for substantial periods of time and germinate
for a highly outcrossed, long-lived, widespread, tropical, even when partially submerged (McHargue and Hart-
animal-pollinated tree with wide seed dispersal (Hamrick shorn, 1983b). As was stated earlier, C. guianensis grows
and Godt, 1990). primarily in periodically inundated tropical lowland
One explanation for this may be that these populations swamps interconnected by watercourses. The movement
are near the northern limit of the species distribution. and change ofthe river courses over time, which has been
Populations that occur at the edges of their range are at found to occur very rapidly in the Peruvian Amazon,
the outer limits ofgene flow, whereas central populations would aid in the migration of floating seeds to adjacent
can experience gene flow from all directions. Populations and distant populations (Rasanen et aI., 1992).
at distributional limits may also exhibit a fewer number Our data suggest that isolation of populations by de-
of alleles due to a recent bottleneck in population size forestation may lead to the loss of genetic diversity. The
during colonization of a new region (Ayala, 1982; Barrett La Selva population, the only sample collected within a
and Shore, 1989; Leberg, 1992; Hall, Chase, and Bawa, large reserve, had the highest heterozygosity of all the
1994), or by natural selection for extreme genotypes at populations. In contrast, the population at Parismina had
marginal areas. the lowest heterozygosity. This population was heavily
logged before Portico controlled the management of this
Population differentiation - The overall degree of pop- site. Moreover, this area is now a forest fragment sur-
ulation differentiation was small (Fst = 0.046) for Carapa rounded by pastures and banana plantations. Logging, by
guianensis. Such low values have also been reported for reducing density, may decrease the number of fathers
other tropical trees (Hamrick and Loveless, 1989). Pop- contributing pollen to each tree, and fragmentation may
ulation differentiation is also low for many conifer species reduce long distance gene flow.
(Hamrick, Linhart, and Mitton, 1979; Hamrick, 1983;
Govindaraju, 1988). However, the distances among tree
populations that have been examined are highly variable, Mating systems- The majority of rain forest species
with most conifers often investigated throughout their investigated so far appears to have mating systems that
natural range, while tropical trees have usually been in- strongly enhance outcrossing (Bawa, Perry, and Beach,
vestigated over a small portion of their ranges. Penta- 1985). Allozyme analysis has further supported the prev-
clethra macroloba, studied at the same geographic scales alence of outcrossing among neotropical tree species
(approximately 70 km maximum distance between two (O'Malley and Bawa, 1987; O'Malley et aI., 1988; Muraw-
populations), provides a better comparison. In this spe- ski et aI., 1990; Murawski and Hamrick, 1991, 1992b).
cies, 21.9% of the genetic variation is due to differences The multilocus outcrossing rate for Carapa guianensis
among populations (Hall, Chase, and Bawa, 1994). Al- was indistinguishable from 100% in both populations we
though both C. guianensis and P. macroloba are abundant analyzed (Table 3).
species, the spatial organization of genetic variation in The local abundance of a species and the synchrony
the two species is very different. with which a population flowers may affect the rate of
The low levels of population differentiation are cor- effective outcrossing even in self-incompatible species
roborated by high levels of gene migration among pop- (O'Malley and Bawa, 1987; Murawski et aI., 1990; Mu-
ulations (Nm = 4.10, Table 2). Geographic distance and rawski and Hamrick, 1991). For the studied populations
Nm, calculated for pairs of populations, are inversely of C. guianensis flowering occurred synchronously for the
related. This indicates that the amount of genetic differ- seed collections, but stand densities varied between the
entiation that exists between populations increases with two sites by a factor of 1.5. The rate of outcrossing was
geographic distance, so that in spite of the apparent high less in the population with lower density, although the
migration rate, populations are not completely panmictic. difference in outcrossing rates between the two popula-
It is unlikely that this differentiation is due to selection tions was small. At La Selva, there was also an indication
for different habitats, as most of the population samples of nonrandom mating as shown by statistically significant
come from similar environmental conditions in seasonal differences in the pollen and ovule allele frequencies for
inundated swamplands located within the same geograph- some loci and lower average single locus outcrossing rate
ic region (Vasquez, 1983). The one exception, the Guaya- (Ritland and Jain, 1981). Population density at La Selva
can population, was found at a higher elevation (300 m) was less than ten trees per ha, but higher than many other
than C. guianensis is commonly found, but located within tropical tree species both at La Selva and other sites. Yet
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