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Falling for you

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Son Hak/Yona
Characters: Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Son Hak
Additional Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Injury, Love Confessions, Flufftober
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Flufftober 2023
Collections: Flufftober 2023
Stats: Published: 2023-10-03 Words: 715 Chapters: 1/1
Falling for you
by SilentCookie


Yona is injured, Hak is worried and maybe something slipped past his lips that he hadn't
planned to say out loud.

Day 3 of Flufftober 23: "Wait, you love me?" - "I always have"


A little bit late, but whatever... My contribution to Flufftober 23, Day 3: "Wait, you love me?"
- "I always have"
First time writing for Akatsuki no Yona, hope some of you like it!
“Please, I beg you, please be more careful in the future! You’ll give me a heart attack one
day”, Hak pleaded, carefully wrapping the wound on Yona’s side. Hak’s hands shook slightly,
pain clearly visible in his eyes. She rarely saw him this scared, this vulnerable.

She was lucky, only getting grazed by the big sharp stone, but it would have ended much
worse if Hak hadn’t managed to pull her to the side in time so it didn’t just impale her. It was
definitely too close for comfort.

It was stupid on her part. They had been walking a narrow path, she wasn’t watching her
step, slipped and slid right down the steep cliff. Of course, Hak being Hak, he jumped right
after her, catching her and pulling her towards him, cushioning the fall. Luckily, the cliff
wasn’t that high, and underneath were lots of trees and bushes, so they didn’t get too hurt
considering. Still, it was definitely a shock and she did nearly get impaled by a big, pointy

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching my step”, Yona admitted, feeling guilty. “You shouldn’t have
had to jump after me, you could’ve been hurt too!”

Hak sighed. “You really don’t need to worry about me princess. Worry about yourself for a


“No buts!”, he interrupted sternly. “You’re always worrying about others, always trying to
please everyone and help anyone you can. Which I admire about you. But that doesn't mean
that you can just ignore your own wellbeing. For your own sake, but also, people worry about
you too, you know? I worry about you.”

“I’m really sorry, I promise to do better in the future! But please promise me in return to
avoid jumping off of cliffs, too. Why would you do that?!”

“Because Droopy Eyes currently can’t stand on his leg at the moment due to his injury, so
clearly that made it my job to make sure you didn’t die”, Hak deadpanned.

“That wasn’t what I meant and you know it! You could’ve died too!”, Yona protested.

“Well, excuse me for not wanting to see the love of my life die before my eyes by something
stupid like falling off a cliff!” Hak snapped, still pretty shaken up about the accident and
hearing Yona seemingly not care about herself after this, left him high-strung.

Yona’s mind went blank.

“…Wait, you love me?”, she whispered, completely shocked. Had she heard right? Could it
really be that her feelings are reciprocated?

Hak froze. He hadn’t planned to say that out loud. For a moment, he wanted to deny it,
pretending this moment didn’t happen. But then he looked into Yona’s eyes, and they were
shining with something that he could only call hope.
“I always have”, he admitted quietly. Slowly, he lifted his hand and cradled Yona’s cheek in
his hand, caressing it with his thumb. “I have always loved you and always will.”

Tears began to gather in her eyes, and a big smile appeared on her face.

“I love you too! I love you so much!”

She would have declared her love over and over again, but was stopped by Hak pulling her in
and kissing her, slowly, carefully, giving her enough room to move away from him if she
wanted to. But she didn’t want to. She wanted to sink into the kiss and never come up again.
He was so gentle, so sweet, she was sure that nothing could ever top this kiss with Hak.

But too soon, they had to separate. Hak cradled her in his arms for a moment or two, both
basking in their happiness for a little while longer.

“We need to go and find a way to meet up with the others again”, Hak sighed eventually.
“They’re still on top of the cliff and must be worried. Come on.”

Yona didn’t really want to let go of Hak yet, but he did have a point. They really needed to
get back to the others. Sighing, she stepped away from him, starting to go in what she thought
should be the right direction. But a moment later, a hand slipped itself in hers. Looking down,
she couldn’t stop the smile, happily gripping Haks hand. She wouldn’t let go of it ever again.
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