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Burning Love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/50686126.

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Son Hak/Soo-Won
Characters: Son Hak, Soo-Won (Akatsuki no Yona), Tae-Yeon (Akatsuki no Yona),
Yong-Hi (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Soo-Won and Hak taking care of Tae-Yeon, Sleepovers,
We need more Soohak fluff pls I beg you
Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Flufftober-Kinktober 2023 (English translations)
Stats: Published: 2023-10-08 Words: 987 Chapters: 1/1
Burning Love
by ANYislife


Hak tries to be a good big brother to Tae-Yeon, and his boyfriend will try to help him no
matter what.
Hak was at home struggling with some reports he had to submit for one of his courses when
suddenly his phone began to ring, displaying the number of the hospital where Tae-Yeon was
receiving his treatment and check-ups. Upon answering, the specialist's secretary reminded
him that on Friday of that same week his younger brother had an appointment scheduled for a
check-up and the application of a vaccine. The dark-haired male confirmed their assistance
by that time, and he hung the phone after thanking him for the reminder.

Then, after some thinking, Hak thought about how he could make the day a bit more bearable
for Tae-Yeon. He knew firsthand how challenging and exhausting these medical visits could
be for someone as young as his little brother, so, after mulling it over, a brilliant idea began to
take shape in his mind. Perhaps if they organized an outing or visited Soo-Won after the
hospital visit, the little one's spirits would lift again, after all, he knew that Tae-Yeon had a
special fondness and a huge admiration for his partner and loved spending time with him,
always listening and asking all kind of questions, amazed by the older one’s wisdom, and
also because he was usually pampered by him. So maybe if Soo-Won agreed to accompany
them, the child wouldn't get so nervous.

Without wasting any time, Hak contacted Soo-Won and explained his plan, to which the
younger man quickly agreed, offering his home so that the three of them could spend the
afternoon together, and maybe even the night if both brothers were on board with the idea.


The fateful day arrived, and fortunately, Tae-Yeon was only slightly nervous about the
injection he would receive, but he seemed more motivated than on previous trips to the
hospital. At the end the morning flew by and although the little boy ended up a bit exhausted
and sore in the arm from the syringe prick, his features quickly pulled together when he saw
Soo-Won arrive to pick them up from the hospital.

He quickly approached his brother's boyfriend and wrapped his small arms around his waist,
being hugged back by the kind-hearted and sweet-spoken young man. Soo-Won asked him
how it had gone to which Tae-Yeon responded by showing his arm, patched up with a
dinosaur band-aid.

"It hurt a little, but I'm much better now," he casually mentioned, omitting the part where his
blood pressure dropped, and he almost fainted.

"I'm glad to hear that," the older blonde commented, extending his hand, which was quickly
taken by the shorter one as they began walking towards the exit.

Hak followed them from behind, listening as Soo-Won patiently explained to the child how
vaccines worked after the boy asked about the topic. It was incredible how simplified,
accurate, and easy to understand Soo-Won made that topic seem, which had initially confused
him when they saw said theme at his elementary school.

They arrived at Soo-Won's spacious home just at mealtime, and Tae-Yeon eagerly eyed the
delicious dishes prepared and ready to be consumed. They ate after washing their hands and
announcing their arrival to Yonhi, Soo-Won’s kind mother who welcomed them with a smile.


After eating their fill, the three of them moved to the house living room, where Soo-Won had
a varied collection of board games, ranging from traditional Oriental games to more modern
and classic ones that had been gifts from different people. He even had some interesting
variations of chess, some more complex and original than others (courtesy of friends and
family who, when traveling, often gifted him for example, an Egyptian-themed or Roman-
themed chess set).

After considering their options, they ended up playing Snakes and Ladders, Monopoly, and
Uno, which made Hak realize that his cute and loving boyfriend showed no mercy or remorse
when making him lose, seemingly enjoying the moment instead. However, he was much
more attentive with Tae-Yeon, even teaching him some tricks and providing instructions to
leave the blue-eyed man in last place.

When night fell around them, Yonhi paid them a visit before retiring to bed, suggesting the
idea of building a pillow fort (something that both blonde and dark-haired men used to do
often as children) due to the still lively and happy attitude that the little one displayed, clearly
reluctant to sleep. The two older ones agreed, with no chance to refuse given the child's
excited expression, and quickly set to work on their impromptu construction.

Amidst laughter and conversation, they built a cozy refuge in the middle of the living room,
using cushions from the couches, some other furniture, and several sheets. They illuminated
the place with Christmas lights to create a more picturesque and magical atmosphere.

With the pillow fort ready, they settled inside and began to watch an animated movie of Tae-
Yeon's choice. Almost two hours later, when that film ended, and the next one they selected
began to play, yawns became more frequent.

The movie continued the television, but silence filled the room, only interrupted by the soft
snores of Tae-Yeon, who was sleeping soundly between the two men. Hak and Soo-Won,
although tired, couldn't help but look at the child with tenderness and affection, each thinking
to themselves that they would do anything to make sure the child lacked nothing in his life.

Together, they watched the movie until its conclusion, enjoying the peace that prevailed in
the room, and occasionally feeling the nostalgia of doing something they hadn't done since
their childhood, until they found an excuse to do it again so that a child could now enjoy
what they had enjoyed in the past.

Finally, when the movie reached its conclusion, they turned off the television and settled into
rest. Soo-Won embraced Hak, and the latter placed his hand on his partner's soft cheek,
drawing him in to plant a gentle kiss on his lips before also falling into a deep sleep.
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