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kinktober day 8

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Kija (Akatsuki no Yona)/Reader
Character: Kija (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Kinktober, Sex Pollen, Vaginal Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie
Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Kinktober 2023
Stats: Published: 2023-10-08 Words: 1,554 Chapters: 1/1
kinktober day 8
by bubblegumbicecream


As a villager within the Happy Hungry Bunch's territory, you're used to accepting help from
the dragons. After an accident that leaves Kija in his most vulnerable state, he decides to ask
you for help.


man i love kija so much my precious anime husband but my friends make fun of me nonstop
they call him mr yaoi hands. anyway yes the yaoi hand does make an appearance
You’re always happy when the Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch come through
town. There aren’t many young people your age left in the rural areas– most either went to
war or moved to the city to earn more money– so it’s a treat for you and the gang when
there’s an opportunity to chat. It helps that they’re all friendly, warm-hearted people who
make it easy to sit down and share a meal with.

“Oh! Hey, Kija.” You’re only mildly surprised to find the white-robed man in your house,
sorting through a large pile of various herbs and medicinal plants. “Did my dad ask you to
help out again?”

He looks up from his work, long silver lashes catching in the light. “Hello. Actually, I was the
one who offered. I need a break from the neanderthals.” He sighs, thinking of the other guys
he travels with that he often complains about. It’s never about anything serious, only the sort
of minor annoyances that you assume comes with spending all your time around someone

“And I’m sure that has nothing to do with wanting to sit indoors,” you tease. It’s no secret
that Kija’s the “princess” of his group. One time you even caught him crying after a spider
landed on his sleeve.

“N-no! I’m just the only one other than Yoon who’s good at this sort of thing, and you know
how busy he is.” Kija blushes slightly, the pink tint highlighting his cheek bones and sending
a smile to your face. You know it’ll always just be a crush, but it’s still nice to be friends with
your dream man.

Sitting down to assist Kija with bundling and preparing the plants, you notice something
different and frown. “My father picked these, right? He must be losing his eyesight.”

“What do you mean?” Kija asks.

“I don’t know.” You rack your memory, trying to think of what a certain leaf sticking out of
the basket is. “This one isn’t what we usually sell, though.” You reach your hand over, about
to pick one up to inspect it further.

Suddenly his eyes widen. In a panic, he sweeps it out from under your fingers. “Wait!”

“What?!” You watch as his blush returns, much deeper this time and reaching down to his
neck. He quickly drops the plant, but you can see an orange residue left on his bandages.

“They use this a lot in my village. I’m sorry, I should’ve realized sooner,” he says.

That’s when you connect the dots, remembering the purpose of the rare herb your father must
have been excited to find. Plenty of merchants are willing to pay a large price to get their
hands on the strongest aphrodisiac in the kingdom.

“We’ve got to change your bandages quickly.” You rush to stand up, running across the small
house to find the medical supplies.
Kija tries to stop you, worry in his voice. “I can take care of it myself, Y/N. You should just
go get some gloves so you can keep working.”

“What? No, there’s not much time until it’ll soak into your skin.” You hurry back over to the
table, where he’s still sitting. “Come on, give me your hand.”

“I think it’s already too late,” he mumbles. Pulling back your outstretched arm, you look at
the expression on his face. His pupils are blown out wide, sweat beginning to form on his
scrunched up brow.

So that’s why he isn’t standing up. “Oh…”

“Can you… tell the others I’m sick? But let them know not to look for me.”

Even though it’s not really your fault, you can’t help but feel guilty. You nod. “Don’t leave,
I’ll handle everything.”

It turns out to be incredibly difficult to stop Yoon and Zeno from barging into your house.
Luckily Hak stopped Yona in her tracks, or else you’re sure Kija would’ve died of
embarrassment. With an oath on your mother’s grave and the recitation of all the steps
needed to care for a sick person, you’re finally able to convince the smallest of the group to
leave their friend alone for just one night.

“He should be better by tomorrow, but if not you guys can help, okay?” Of course, you know
he’ll be fine by morning. The effects don’t last more than 12 hours at most. “Just because it’s
not serious doesn’t mean it’s not contagious.”

When you find your dad still out foraging, you give him a good scolding. A person should be
warned before being handed a bunch of herbs that are so dangerous. As retribution, you’ll
both sleep outside and let Kija rest in your house.

Returning home to collect what’s needed for camping out tonight, you give Kija a polite
amount of distance while he lays in the corner.

“Sorry, I’ll be out of here soon,” you say. His back tightens at the sound of you speaking.

“…It hurts.” The words are almost a moan coming from his mouth. You notice the way he
hunches around his crotch and bite your lip.

The man’s in pain, and you feel sorry for him, yes. But knowing he’s just curled up over
there, helpless and so desperate to cum, it makes your heart race and the space between your
thighs heat up.

“I don’t think there’s anything I can do,” you lie.

He rolls over, cute, flushed face now peeping at you. “But, I’ve never thought this before,” he
pauses to compose himself. “You might be the only person who could help.”

Now it’s you who’s losing their composure. “That’s the aphrodisiac talking, Kija.” Although
you’ve turned away you can hear shuffling as he sits up.
“Please, I’ve had a lot of girls thrown at me, and I’ve been tricked into taking things like this
so often I have the plant memorized,” his words pick up speed, urgent. “And even without
this… situation, I’ve always felt, well, differently about you.”

The blood leaves your head at the impromptu confession, and you have to sit down. “Are you

For the first time, you hear him utter a curse. “Can we pretend we talked about this some
other time? Pretend like we’re married, for me. I-if you’re comfortable.”

As he talks you shift closer. His head is bowed and he doesn’t see you lean into his personal
space until you lightly bring your palm to his cheek. He jumps.

“Okay, darling,” you say.

But you forgot how strong the caring, gentlemanly man is. He practically pounces on you,
engulfing you in his wide frame as he tries to shove his tongue down your throat. The hand
gripping your back must have grown because a claw digs into each of your sides. You can’t
help but let out a whine, overwhelmed by the sudden show of dominance. It sends him into a

Your clothes are being yanked off of you, rough but carefully not torn while you help to
remove the layers from his body. Within the time it takes for you to lay flat on the floor, Kija
cock is pressed against your thigh. He ruts against you, precum dribbling out of the pink tip
and lubricating your skin.

He closes his eyes and moans, high-pitched and needy. It’s intoxicating just seeing how horny
he is, especially when he spills himself onto your hips. Some of his cum shoots far up your
torso, landing at your rib cage, and you wonder how it would feel if it was inside your body

“Mmm,” he groans, looking down at his still very hard cock. He take both of your hands in
his, pinning them on either side of your head. “Let me do it right this time.”

Dizzy with lust, you gasp as his head stretches you open. You can tell he’s trying to take it
slow and give you time to adjust, but it’s simply impossible. After the first gentle push he
snaps his hips back, beginning to pound you into the floor. Your legs wrap around his waist to
give him a better angle. Soon he cums again, warm liquid filling your insides.

Kija picks you up, still resting in you. His cock twitches at the way he holds you like you
weigh nothing. He begins to thrust into you, moving you up and down on his shaft and
watching your tits bounce in his face.

“Holy shit,” you say as you cling to his neck. Being impaled by him like this feels
unbelievable, the position reaching deeper inside than you thought possible. You shudder
around him, walls tightening and milking his cock as he orgasms for a third time. Fluids from
both of you drip onto the ground, the pattering accompanying your gasps and heavy breaths.
This finally seems to calm Kija’s urges somewhat. He sets you down and you immediately
flop onto your bed, quickly followed by a second thump as he lays next to you.

“Thank you,” he says quietly. When you turn you’re stunned by the tears hanging from the
corners of his eyes. “Just… thank you.”

You reach out to wipe his face. “Thank you,” you repeat back. And though there’s a lot that
needs to be said, and you’re exhausted from how intense things just were, you know that the
night is far from over.
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