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A beautiful betrayal and a beautiful love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Son Hak/Soo-Won, Soo-Won/Yona (Akatsuki no Yona)
Characters: Son Hak, Soo-Won (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-10-12 Words: 4,113 Chapters: 1/?
A beautiful betrayal and a beautiful love
by thegoodolonetwo


An AU where Yu-Hon is king. Hak is in love with Soo-Won, Soo-Won is in love with Yona,
and Yona is an enigma.
Some months ago

15 year old crown Prince Soo-Won, son of the warrior, King Yu-hon, was struggling to sit up
in bed.

He wanted to get up, and attend the 5 tribe meeting, but he was so weak... lethargic...

He was born with a pale body, weak limbs, and low stamina, just like his mother, who had
died when he was very young. He did not remember her very much, but he recalled times
when she would often faint if she overworked herself.

His bodyguard, Hak leaned against the wall on the other side of his bedroom, arms crossed,
eyes closed.

"Prince Soo-Won, how are you going to stay there? His Majesty is calling you, you know."

"I... I can't, Hak," Soo-Won protested. "I don't feel too... good... and besides, Father can hold
the meeting well without me..."

"Lady Yona is almost here, you know. Don't you want to look like a strong, fearless man in
front of her?"

Soo-Won knew Hak was teasing, but at this, instead of his usual response at his antics, which
was to throw a pillow at him (though Hak caught it anyways), his entire face blushed a deep
beet-red. "Why didn't you say that earlier?"

He jumped up from bed, panting, and stumbled over to his mirror. "I look so stupid..."

"You look all right to me," Hak said.

"But she never notices. To Yona, I'll always look like a weakling..."

"Not getting 'weakling', but you have to remember that she is two years older than us,"
shrugged Hak. His boots clomped as he walked over to Soo-Won, and put his hand on his
shoulder in reassurance. "Don't worry. You're still a man, even if she doesn't see it yet. Show
her what you've got."

Soo-Won blushed harder.

The two left the room to walk in the hallways, and Soo-Won walked as regally as possible for
a few seconds, before thinking of hiding behind Hak's robe at the sight of courtesans and
nobles in the castle, gawking at him.

"That's the crown prince!"

"He never shows his face!"

"He's so... different from his father!"

"So pale and weak looking..."

"Ignore them, Prince," Hak said, walking level-headedly, shoulder to shoulder with him.
"You're stronger than you think."

Soo-Won didn't know... he sometimes found that he had trouble to walk... sometimes he
would feel like he was slipping and falling, and he wasn't sure exactly when that had started.
Maybe he'd always had that in him.

I'm... a coward, Hak.

He clutched at Hak's robe.

Hak jumped. "What's the matter with you?"

"I-I-I-" Soo-Won's anxiety bubbled up to the surface, his breath picking up. "I don't think I

"Yes, you can." Hak kicked him towards the door of the meeting room.


"Prince Soo-Won?"

That voice... Soo-Won turned around, and he saw her.

The girl he had loved for the last decade... Yona. Lustrous curls of dawn, waning down her
back, a strong, imposing back and tall figure, and striking eyes of fire that never ceased to
take his breath away as she looked down at him in her illustrious robes of red and gray... even
further than it already was.

"Soo-Won!" Her features lit up into a bright, friendly smile, and his stomach twisted into

He loved her smile. When he had lost his mother, she had been the one comforting him,
holding his hand, telling him that it would be okay, because she would be by his side. She
would always be by his side.

She looked a lot more tomboyish then too... well, she still was a tomboy in personality, but
her red hair had grown so long... it looked beautiful... breathtaking... she was truly a
fascinating woman.

"Y-Y-Yona...!" Soo-Won gasped as he looked up at her, blushing hard. "I-I-"

"Hm?" Yona tilted her head. "Oh, did you want to attend the 5 tribe meeting? I'm sorry to tell
you that it just ended."

"E-eh?" Soo-Won stuttered.

Hak cackled. "You missed your chance this time because you were obsessing over how you
would be seen."

"Hak!" Soo-Won retorted, embarrassed and upset at him. "It-it's not what you think!"

Yona watched their banter, and chuckled. "It's nice to see that you two are close as ever. You
take good care of Soo-Won, don't you, Hak?"

Hak grinned. He had grown taller than both Prince Soo-Won and Lady Yona years ago.
"Well, it's my job, my lady. He's always looking for trouble, after all."

Soo-Won pouted. Hak was getting in his way; he knew Hak supported his love for Yona, but
it was still uncomfortable, watching Hak and Yona get close, even though it was nothing but
friendly exchanges. "Stop treating me like I'm some kid already."

Yona smiled down at Soo-Won. "Oh, that's right, you're going to be 16?" She ruffled his hair.
"You're growing into a big boy!"

Soo-Won did not feel like she thought of him as a grown-up at all.

"You still look like you could use more iron in your diet. Are you eating enough wheat?" she
asked him, concerned like an older sister would be towards a younger brother. "Maybe I
should go ask your father about what he's giving you..." She touched his forehead. "Hey, are
you having a fever? Your face looks really red."

He wished she wouldn't baby him so! But he didn't know how to tell her... with her so close
to his face, he felt like he was going to explode... but then Yona removed her hand. "Ah,
sorry, I don't want to infect you myself." and Soo-Won settled down... a little...

"I don't think he's sick as much as he used to be," Hak tried to help him out, for Soo-Won was
too silently struck. "He's no longer a kid, you know, my lady?"

"I suppose so," Yona said. "Well, I'll be heading back to my room." She waved at them. "See
you two around! I'll be there for Soo-Won's big day!"

Soo-Won and Hak watched her go. After she had left, Soo-Won covered his burning face in
his hands.

"I-I-I r-r-ruined it all..."

"More like you never had anything to ruin to begin with," Hak remarked.

"Shut up, Hak!"

His mouth twisted into a wry grin. "The dining hall lacks tomatoes, but we'll just get Lady
Yona to touch your forehead, that'll supply us enough for the rest of the year!"

"I said, shut up!"

Then Soo-Won looked down, ashamed. "I-it's not just how I spoke... but... I... missed the 5
tribe meeting... that's definitely not how a Prince would behave."

Hak's face settled, and he nodded. "You're right. It doesn't give her the impression that you
grew up at all if you're not partaking in politics the way she is. She's the child of your father's
younger brother, Lord Il, and even Lord Il doesn't spend his time fighting for change in this
country the way Lady Yona does. You have to try harder to gain your attention, Prince Soo-

Soo-Won's eyes sparked. "Then, Hak." He turned to him seriously. "Train me more in the art
of the sword and horse-riding today."

Hak bowed. "At your command."

Yu-Hon had appointed Hak as Soo-Won's bodyguard around 3 years ago. Soo-Won had
almost tumbled into some bushes in the castle garden because he tripped over a rock. Soo-
Won wasn't looking where he was going, and he had slower reflexes. Hak had faster ones, so
he was always the one who caught him in time.

Yu-Hon had seen, and the rest was history.

In other words, Hak was the son that Yu-Hon always wanted, and Soo-Won could sense it.
Even Hak could, and while Soo-Won knew Hak was always on his side and sympathized
with his weaknesses, Soo-Won couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority and resentment
towards his best friend.

Hak was strong. So strong, he could do whatever he put his mind to. He wasn't weak and
frail. He was a lot more masculine in looks, height, and attitude. The perfect son... and also,
the perfect love interest for Yona...

Soo-Won was always scared that Hak was going to snatch Yona from him at any moment. He
knew Hak was capable of that. All the girls in the castle were always eyeing him whenever
he trained, and they never noticed Soo-Won, the weaker and more feminine looking of the

"Should I cut my hair?" Soo-Won wondered, as he traded blows with Hak. "Maybe Yona will
think of me as less childish..."

They were using wooden swords, since using real ones could potentially draw blood from
Soo-Won too easily, and that could cause the need for a doctor to come.

"Watch out!" Hak yelled.

Soo-Won, after several months of training, flinched, and barely managed to dodge Hak's
attack. He had been hit by Hak many times in the back and torso, and waist... it was enough
to knock him out of the training, and sit on his knees, struggling to breathe... Hak was either
just that strong or Soo-Won was just that weak... maybe it was both...
And then Soo-Won tripped, falling on the ground on his knees, scraping them. The wooden
sword clattered on the floor.


"I'm... still... so... weak..." Soo-Won muttered after a moment of silence. "Father would...
laugh at me..."

Hak bent down, kneeling towards him. "Lord Soo-Won, it's not your fault that you were born
like this. I want you to enjoy the life you lead. I want you to get stronger. I want you to get
the girl of your dreams. Lady Yona's father was able to do it, and you should too. You deserve
happiness. That's all that matters to me."

Tears slowly began to fall down Soo-Won's face. "She's leaving after my birthday tonight...
and I have nothing to show her... it's been years... and yet, nothing has changed between

"The martial arts tournament is continuing this evening, you know..." Hak said. "You might
have missed the meeting, but I bet Lady Yona also showed up here to watch the tournament
and keep up with the country's military strength. Maybe if you participate, you can fight off
the weakest soldier fodder here at least. Don't give up! Let's go at it again!" Hak stood up.

Soo-Won wiped his tears. It was true, that after months of training, he had gained some
strength... and Yona had to see that. Even if he was only now better than the weakest soldier

He stood up.

Later that evening, the martial arts tournament continued in the castle's arena.

Soo-Won had signed up as one of the participants. His father, Yu-Hon, was alerted that he
would be participating, and started to worry.

"Is he going to be all right?" He asked Hak worriedly. "You know what you're putting him

"What's this, your Majesty?" Hak grinned. "I thought you would tell him to beat through it,
the same way you always tell him to beat through his illnesses!"

"I used to, but that child isn't normal!" Yu-Hon raged, his eyebrows furrowed in extreme fear.
"He's just like Il!"

"...Trust me, your Majesty," Hak said. "He'll defeat someone tonight."

In Kouka, political power was also based on meritocracy and how good of a warrior you
were. Soo-Won was not someone of a proud reputation, but that was also because he was
very young.
He had never been put on the spot in front of everyone in a stage like this; this was very rare.
Sweat clouded his entire body, his thoughts, his mind...

Yona was in the audience, and as the audience gasped, seeing Soo-Won walk up to the
podium to fight his opponent in warrior's clothing, she was somewhat surprised to see it as


One of the Wind Tribe boys, Yona thought. He looks even younger than Soo-Won, but he
shouldn't be underestimated.

She was worried for Soo-Won. The poor boy was thin as a twig and couldn't lift; would he be
okay? She hoped the match would finish as soon as he fell to the ground.

The match proceeded. Soo-Won held up a sword, trembling. His hands shaking... his vision
becoming blurry... voices in the arena becoming haunted and vague... how he had never held
a sword, an actual sword before. And what was Hak saying before? This opponent wasn't
weak... he wasn't the weakest at all, was he...

Hak had wanted him to face a really strong opponent, huh? Hak was never easy on him.

Before he could comprehend what had happened, the warrior had sliced at him. Blood drew.
He screamed, and fell to the ground. Everyone in the arena knew of the Prince's frail health,
and stood up in their seats.

Before anyone could comprehend what had happened next, before Yu-Hon could run down
there himself, Hak had assured him that he would take care of it, and he and Yona had dashed
to the center of the arena themselves, lifting up the collapsed Soo-Won.

"Get him up on a stretcher!" Hak commanded some of the soldiers.

He knows to mobilize them well, Yona noted. She, like many, admired Hak's strength as a

"Is my son all right?" Yu-Hon snarled from the audience, which had panicked utterly before
anyone had stepped in.

"Yes," Yona checked. "Soo-Won has fallen unconscious, but he's still breathing."

"Then he needs to be taken to a doctor, quick," Hak said. He was hating himself now, for
forcing Soo-Won to fight before.

They carried him off.

Hak and Yona sat in chairs, around Soo-Won in his bedroom. Soo-Won lay unconscious on
his bed that night.
"I should have never allowed him to fight," Hak groaned. "I shouldn't have trained him to."

"I don't think it's a bad idea," Yona said, "but why did you train him then?"

"Well, he kept insisting it. He wanted to show you that he was strong."


Yona's expression dwindled into something inscrutable. Almost... surprised, but also... numb.
Hak could sense something like that. But it confused him.

"Lady Yona?"

Her expression quickly turned into her usual smile. "Ah, nothing! He wanted to show me his
strength, huh? But he still has a long way to go until he gets strong enough. He's still too
young, and that reflects on his inability to fight--"

Hak's expression turned grim. "Lady Yona, just because he was born with troubling health
doesn't mean he's still a kid, you know? He's gotten marriage proposals before, you know."

Yona's smile faded, replaced with the same puzzled look. "Really? With who?"

Hak sighed. "His Majesty Yu-Hon is calling me; I think my grandfather's going to be there to
give him a long talk and defend my position, though I still feel bad."

"It's not your fault, Hak." Yona said, with a faint smile. "It's not yours. I know, because you're
the one who's been there for him these past 3 years... especially when I couldn't be. Take care
of him, okay?"

Hak found himself blushing slightly, but he suppressed himself. "It's not me who'll take care
of the Prince, my lady. I'll leave you to him and head to his Majesty. You deserve to have
some alone time with the Prince after all."


He shook his head, and walked away not elaborating on what he meant. Lady Yona was too
oblivious, but it wasn't his place to tell her about Prince Soo-Won's feelings.

Not to mention, it wasn't that he had wanted them to be together either. But he cared too
much about the Prince's feelings to allow himself to indulge in his selfish wishes. It wasn't his

The one Prince Soo-Won looks at... will never be me, anyway. It was always Lady Yona... and
it will always be.

Soo-Won's eyes slowly fluttered open to look at the ceiling... and then Yona's face came into

"Are you all right, Soo-Won?" Yona's sweet voice asked.

Was... this... a dream...?

This was... his bedroom... and Yona was with him... maybe... even if he had humiliated
himself... maybe it had ended up the way he wanted... even if in a dream...

"...You fainted, you know..." Yona said. "Apparently Hak said something about you fighting
tonight to impress me... but you don't have to do that. It's not like the way I see you will ever

Soo-Won shot up in bed, red face as a tomato. "E-e-eh? Y-y-yona? Yona!"

This wasn't a dream! She was in his bedroom! Oh, god! His face was burning hot.

"Oh, no," she said. "You really look feverish." She touched his shoulders, pushing him down
in bed. "You should lie down."

He found himself sweating, and feeling faint... he had been bandaged... his arm had been...

"You're injured, you know. I don't want to hurt you more than I have been already."


"You don't need to fight for my sake, Soo-Won," she said, her eyes downcast with guilt. "No
one is asking you to take on more than you already do. You're not supposed to put yourself in
danger, considering your health, and you're still too young to think about fighting, and--"

She stopped. Hak had told her that she was babying him...

"Actually, you are growing up," she changed her words hastily. "You're having marriage
proposals, aren't you?"

Soo-Won did not know if he had heard her right. "H-huh?"

"Hak told me earlier that he felt I wasn't acknowledging your age. I'm sorry about that," she
chuckled. "It's just... I still see you as a child, not because I look down on you, but because
you've always been like a cute little brother to me, and I don't like seeing you get hurt. I do
hope you end up with the right girl too. If she ever causes you trouble, you can come ask me
for advice, okay?"

A pang rose in Soo-Won's chest. A pang of disappointment. He had thought for a split second
that she was going to finally see him as a man, but...

"Cute little brother."

Of course she would think that. Right now, he probably looked exceptionally feminine, with
his hair spread out like this. If only he had been born with the strength of people like his
father, or Hak, or General Geun-tae...

"What about me is cute...?" he found himself asking her, maybe to humor her thoughts.
She smiled, patting his head. "Your eyes are like clover... and your hair is so soft, for one
thing, yet it contrasts with your skin.. your pale skin is like the moon... while your hair is
yellow, like the sun..."

"Is that so?"

"Yes," Yona said. "You know, I brought a gift for you too!" She took out a statue of a horse.
"It's a nice wood carving, isn't it? I got this in Kuuto. If his Majesty allows you to leave
Hiryuu Castle again, maybe Hak can show you around the market!"

"What about you, Yona?"


"Aren't you coming with us?"

Yona was silent for a second. She smiled. "I... don't think I can do that. Hak does a better job
at protecting you, after all. His Majesty thinks you are safest with him. A mere woman like
me won't be good company."

"But Yona, you really know how to complement a man with your words and gifts. You must
have many men dying to marry you."

Ah, he thought, embarrassed. Why did that slip from my mouth so suddenly? Because I want
to marry her?

But I'm such an idiot! What if she finds out? What if she... what if she rejects me? What then?

"Eh?" Yona said, slightly disconcerted. "Ah, sorry, that wasn't my intention, though I have
been asked to recite poetry with some of the men I met during engagement proposals--"

Marriage proposal? She's been having marriage proposals?

With his bandaged hand, he clasped her wrist, and keeping it near him as an anchor,
forcefully brought himself up to see her eye to eye.

He stared deeply into her eyes. They were still a little above his in level.

But he just wished that she would see him as a man for even a moment. Even if he was a little
younger than her. Even if he was weaker. He just wished he was like Hak, catching him
whenever he fell.

Especially at this news that she was engaging with proposals from other men. After all, he
had reached his coming of age. And she had seen it...

"Yona..." he whispered. He was finding tears coming to his eyes, as his trembling hands were
struggling to keep their grip on her wrist. "Have you accepted any proposals?"

"Eh?" She looked shocked. "N-no, I haven't got time for such things."

"Yes, Soo-Won. These things don't just happen easily, you might understand once you're

"Then, why... why won't you... look at me?"


"If there's no one, then, I just wish you... would look at me... as a man--"

The next moment, Yona had shoved his hand away. He looked back at her, stunned.

She had fallen silent, sitting back in her chair, no longer on his bed. "I am sorry. Please...
don't say things like that. I may misunderstand you."


"You were just saying that... you wished I would complement you as a man... what does that
mean...? It's almost as if you..."

"What if it wasn't a misunderstanding?"

I don't care if she doesn't feel the same way as I do, he thought. I want her to at least see me
for the feelings I have.

"If...If my love for you wasn't a misunderstanding..." Soo-Won found himself crying, his hair
falling into his eyes as tears trickled down his face. "Would... you hate it...?"

Yona blushed, and in that moment, he thought she, with her flowing red hair, finally noticing
that he was a man for the first time in their lives, looked beautiful.

Months later

Rain poured heavily outside the dry cabin, as thunder and lightning struck, and Soo-Won had
just closed the door to shield himself and Hak from the danger of the stormy clouds, when
suddenly, while reaching his hand out to look at how the raindrops reflected his pale fingers
through his soaked robes, the strong arms of the man he loved wrapped around his waist, and
a muted, breathless shudder escaped his damp lips.

His wet robes were being removed, his waist tie unfastened, his shoulder and neck was
exposed to the air, and Hak's breath and lips touched his cheek, full of goosebumps. Hak's
hands trailed across the curvature of his neck and collarbone in a trance... and then his lips
left Soo-Won's cheek, following the paths his hands were were making... sparks flew over his
skin... his hands clutched at Hak's arms as he nibbled on his shoulder, and their skin slipped...
the water mixing with their breaths... this was almost like a shower of reunion... their
bodies... were mixing and molding...
Hak kissed his ear, and Soo-Won's head leaned against his shoulders... pressed against the
door, as he moaned helplessly... every touch, caress left him gasping, and Hak was the only
man who would hear it... he closed his eyes... feeling light-headed...

"Hak... oh, Hak..."

Despite his strength, Hak's kisses were like butterflies. Sucking for nectar, and gone too
quickly, but leaving their marks... he was giving himself to him...

"I thought I would never see you again... my prince..."

Soo-Won turned even redder. His legs, already weak from the cold and crimson illness, were
about to collapse.

Their silhouettes were etched onto the cabin's wall, entwined. The cabin was filled with the
sounds of rain and thunder, but he couldn't hear it... all that was on his mind was Hak's

Their bodies were locked together... rain-soaked robes forgotten on the cabin floor. Soo-Won
let out involuntary gasps as Hak's arms kept him in place, movements matching the rhythm of
the storm outside, electrical currents running down and up his spine. He arched his spine, his

While Queen Yona, the woman he had once loved, had killed his father, led the battle armies,
marching onwards to Kai, Soo-Won was here, in some unknown place, with his lover, where
no one would hear their unsavory sounds.

And he did not care. While Yona made him feel weak, Hak was the one who made him feel
secure. He was the one who made him feel strong. With Yona, he felt like he had to prove
something. But Hak had always seen him as a man.

He turned his head around, his world spinning, and their lips met in a long, passionate kiss.
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