Roles of Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR) in Renal Mineral Ion Transport

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302 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009, 10, 302-310

Roles of Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR) in Renal Mineral Ion Trans-


Giuseppe Vezzoli1, Laura Soldati2 and Giovanni Gambaro3,*

Nephrology Unit, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy; 2Department of Sciences and Biomedical Technologies,
Nephrology Section, University of Milan, Milan, Italy; 3 Nephrology Division, Columbus-Gemelli Hospital, Catholic
University, Rome, Italy

Abstract: Calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), a member of family C of the G protein-coupled receptors, is expressed most
abundantly in the parathyroid glands and kidney. It plays key role in these two organs because it senses changes in ex-
tracellular calcium and regulates PTH secretion and calcium reabsorption to suit the extracellular calcium concentration.
In kidney, CaSR is expressed in all nephron segments. It has an inhibitory effect on the reabsorption of calcium, potas-
sium, sodium and water, depending on the particular function of the different tubular tracts. Among its inhibitory effects,
CaSR modulates the signaling pathways used by the tubulocytes to activate electrolyte or water reabsorption. The only
site where there is no such inhibitory effect is in the proximal tubule, where CaSR enhances phosphate reabsorption to
counteract the effect of PTH.
CaSR mutations and polymorphisms cause disorders characterized by alterations in renal excretion and serum calcium
concentrations. They also can cause sodium and potassium excretion disorders. CaSR also mediates the acute adverse re-
nal effects of hypercalcemia, which include a reduced sodium, potassium and water reabsorption.
From a teleological perspective, CaSR seems to protect human tissues against calcium excess in extracellular fluids.
Keywords: Gene, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, hypocalcemia, sodium handling, water reabsorption, renal stone.

INTRODUCTION (ERK) pathways [4,5]. It is via these signaling pathways that

CaSR enables parathyroid glands and kidney to regulate
Calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a member of family
PTH secretion and calcium reabsorption as a function of
C of the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) (which also
serum calcium concentration. CaSR thus has a key role in
includes the metabotropic glutamate receptor, gamma-
calcium homeostasis with the specific task of maintaining
aminobutyric acid receptors, taste receptors and pheromone normal plasma calcium concentrations. CaSR is also ex-
receptors in the vomeronasal organ), expressed in a large
pressed in bone and intestinal cells, where it may have a role
number of human tissues but most abundantly in the parathy-
in calcium absorption and bone resorption, though this re-
roid glands and kidney [1-3]. CaSR has a key role in these
mains uncertain [7,8].
two organs because it senses changes in extracellular cal-
cium and regulates PTH secretion and calcium reabsorption In kidney, CaSR is expressed in all nephron segments
to suit the extracellular calcium concentration. with the possible exception of the glomeruli, where its pres-
ence is debated. CaSR has an inhibitory effect on the reab-
The CaSR molecule is a dimer located on the cell’s
sorption of calcium, potassium, sodium and water, depend-
plasma membrane. Each monomer consists of a wide ex-
ing on the particular function of the different tubular tracts.
tracellular domain (612 amino acids) capable of binding cal-
Among its inhibitory effects, CaSR modulates the signaling
cium ions with its multiple negative charges, a transmem-
pathways used by the tubulocytes to activate electrolyte or
brane domain spanning 7 membranes (250 amino acids), and water reabsorption. The only site where there is no such in-
a shorter intracellular tail (216 amino acids) enabling CaSR
hibitory effect is in the proximal tubule, where CaSR en-
to generate multiple intracellular transduction signals by
hances phosphate reabsorption to counteract the effect of
activating G protein family members (Gi, Gq, G11 or G12) [4].
Gi protein inhibits adenylyl cyclase, while Gq, G11 and G12
proteins stimulate phospholipase C, A2 or D [5]. The CaSR
intracellular domain may also interact with filamin A (a cy- GLOMERULI
toskeletal scaffolding protein needed for Gq protein and Rho No CaSR expression was detected in human and rat
signaling [6]) and activate mitogen-activated phosphorylase glomeruli using immunohistochemical or immunofluorescent
kinase (MAPK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase methods, nor even when RT-PCR was applied to cDNA [9,
*Address correspondence to this author at the Divisione di Nefrologia,
Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, These findings have been contradicted, however, by ob-
Complesso Integrato Columbus-Policlinico Gemelli, Via Moscati, 00176 servations in cultured glomerular cells. Preliminary experi-
Roma, Italy; Tel: +39 045 8122521; Fax: +39 045 915176; ments using the RT-PCR method revealed CaSR gene ex-

1389-2010/09 $55.00+.00 © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

Roles of Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR) Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 3 303

pression in human glomerular resident progenitor cells (Sol- JUXTAGLOMERULAR APPARATUS

dati, Zerbini et al unpublished finding). CaSR was also
The presence of CaSR in the juxtaglomerular apparatus
found by immunocytochemical methods, RT-PCR and West-
has been documented in primary cultures of isolated mouse
ern blot analysis in a line of mouse mesangial cells. Func-
juxtaglomerular cells by RT-PCR and Western blot. In addi-
tional tests confirmed the presence of CaSR in mesangial
cells as they responded to increases in extracellular calcium tion, confocal microscopy and immunofluorescence methods
have identified CaSR in mouse juxtaglomerular cells and in
up to 20 mM, with a rise in intracellular calcium from 57±6
the basolateral membrane of tubular cells at the macula
to 196±6 nM, and inositol-triphosphate production increas-
densa [10]. Juxtaglomerular cells are located in the lamina
ing to 2.6 times the basal level. This cellular response was
media of the afferent arteriole and they secrete renin. Acti-
proportional to the extracellular calcium concentration and
vating CaSR in cultured juxtaglomerular cells by adding
was inhibited by calcilytic drugs, which act as allosteric
CaSR antagonists (5 M NPS-2390 in cell culture medium). CaSR agonists to the culture medium inhibited adenylyl cy-
clase activity and suppressed renin release [22,23]. This ob-
Phospholipase C mediated this activity in that its inhibitor
servation is consistent with previous findings of increased
U73122 prevented calcium-induced intracellular calcium
calcium levels in the juxtaglomerular cells inhibiting cAMP
release [11].
synthesis and renin secretion [24,25]. CaSR activation may
Mesangial cells may directly influence physical forces therefore inhibit renin secretion by reducing cAMP synthe-
regulating glomerular filtration and permeability. They con- sis. It might also reduce renin secretion in the juxtaglomeru-
trol relaxation of the glomerular capillary tuft and glomerular lar apparatus via a paracrine mechanism [26]. As a conse-
hemodynamics responding to vasoactive agents such as an- quence, CaSR activation may reduce the stimulating effect of
giotensin II, vasopressin, leukotrienes, and platelet-activating renin on sodium reabsorption and arteriolar tone.
factor [12,13]. Mesangial cell proliferation and matrix syn-
thesis by mesangial cells also take part in the physiopa- PROXIMAL TUBULE
thological events occurring in glomerular disorders, typically
in IgA nephropathy [13,14]. CaSR expression in mesangial Using immunofluorescent methods, CaSR was found in
cells might thus contribute to regulating glomerular filtration the rat proximal tubule where it was located at the base of
or to the onset of glomerular damage in glomerulonephritis. the brush border in the apical cell membrane [10, 27]. The
This is merely a hypothesis, however, since no links have intensity of the fluorescent CaSR signal faded from the more
been established between CaSR and mesangial alterations proximal to the more distant segments of the proximal tu-
with in vitro or in vivo experiments. bule. No CaSR expression was found, however, in other
studies using the RT-PCR method in rat proximal tubule
Together with their basement membrane, glomerular en- [28].
dothelial cells and podocytes form the mechanical and elec-
trostatic barrier that determines the composition of glomeru- The proximal tubule reabsorbs around 75% of filtered
lar filtrate [15]. Functional and immunocytochemical testing sodium, calcium and phosphate. It also has an endocrine
of endothelial cells isolated from rat mesenteric arteries and activity, synthesizing 1,25(OH)2D by 1-hydroxylation of
porcine coronary arteries have identified CaSR on their 25(OH)D. The majority of calcium reabsorption in the
membranes [16]. The pharmacological response of the endo- proximal tubule proceeds via a passive paracellular pathway
thelium to calcimimetic drugs, acting as allosteric stimula- and is secondary to iso-osmotic sodium reabsorption. Only a
tors of CaSR activity, indicated that CaSR triggered calcium- small amount of calcium may be actively reabsorbed in the
activated potassium channels, resulting in outgoing potas- proximal tubule [29]. Proximal phosphate reabsorption oc-
sium flux, vascular smooth muscle cell hyperpolarization curs mainly in the convoluted segment, which is the princi-
and a vasorelaxant effect [16,17]. The presence of CaSR was pal determinant of serum phosphate concentrations that cor-
also confirmed in human aortic endothelium, where CaSR relate closely with the phosphate excretion threshold [30]. In
activation by spermin (a polycationic protein that is an allos- humans, phosphate is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule by
teric agonist of CaSR) led to the production of nitric oxide, a different sodium-phosphate cotransporters located on the
locally vasodilating molecule [18,19]. These experiments apical membrane of the tubulocytes; the most active is
suggest that CaSR is involved in modulating vascular tone NPT2c, accounting for 85% of the phosphate reabsorbed
and regulating blood pressure [16], an impression reinforced [31]. NPT2c activity is sustained by the electrochemical gra-
by the observation of CaSR agonists altering blood pressure dient across the apical plasma membrane, maintained by the
values in uremic rats [20]. basolateral sodium-potassium pump continuously driving
sodium out of the cells. Other proximal phosphate carriers
According to the published studies, glomerular endothe- are NPT1, accounting for less than 15% of the ion’s reab-
lium and mesangium are likely to express CaSR under par- sorption, and NPT3 (Glvr1 and Ram1), which are responsi-
ticular conditions, though no studies have yet identified ble for a marginal phosphate reabsorption not responding to
CaSR in intact glomeruli under normal conditions. CaSR PTH [32]. A small amount of phosphate is reabsorbed in the
activity may influence the state of contraction of pedicelli distal tubule. NPT2c activity is inhibited by FGF23, PTH
and mesangial cells, modifying the glomerular filtration con- and dietary phosphate intake. PTH and phosphate intake
ditions with a possible role in glomerulonephritis [21]. CaSR make the NPT2c carriers become incorporated in subapical
expression has not been studied in isolated podocytes, how- vesicles derived from the brush border, where they are de-
ever, and no data are currently available on this issue. graded into lysosomes [31]. This mechanism reduces the
number of NPT2c copies in the plasma membrane and limits
304 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 3 Vezzoli et al.

phosphate reabsorption by the proximal tubulocytes [33]. A Lower plasma calcium concentrations stimulate 1-
transcriptional effect of dietary phosphate has also been sug- hydroxylation of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D synthesis, while
gested because a phosphate-response element has been de- higher concentrations shift the synthetic activity to
scribed in the NPT2 gene promoter [34]. FGF23 is a fibro- 24,25(OH)2D production [42]. The relationship between vi-
blast growth factor that is mainly synthesized in the liver and tamin D and CaSR seems to be characterized by a reciprocal
is activated by the endoprotease Phex [35,36]. It regulates control. Although it is likely, there is no reliable experimen-
serum phosphate concentration by reducing NPT2c expres- tal proof of CaSR mediating the effect of calcium on
sion in the kidney’s proximal tubulocytes. The phosphate 1,25(OH)2D synthesis in proximal cells [43]. As for gene
reabsorption impairment caused by FGF23 is probably due transcription, there is a vitamin D response element in the
to NPT2c incorporation [37,38]. CaSR gene promoter such that CaSR expression is upregu-
Experiments in mouse proximal tubules perfused in the lated by vitamin D [44]. On the other hand, CaSR was found
to induce vitamin D receptor (VDR) expression in a human
presence of PTH showed that, activated by the increased
renal proximal cell line via the following sequence of events:
calcium in the tubular fluid, CaSR inhibited the ability of
CaSR effect to the Gq/11 protein resulting in phospholipase
PTH to reduce phosphate reabsorption: this occurred when
C activation, p38 MAPK phosphorylation, ATF2 activation
PTH interacted with either its luminal or its basolateral tubu-
and ultimately in VDR gene expression. This finding was
locyte membrane receptor PTHr1 [39]. As the mechanism by
which PTH internalizes NPT2c is cAMP-mediated, this is confirmed in CaSR knockout mice, which demonstrated a
low VDR production in response to calcium [45]. There may
probably the pathway inhibited by CaSR in order to counter-
thus be an apparently negative feedback between CaSR and
act the PTH-mediated NPT2c incorporation and consequent
vitamin D activity at transcriptional and functional levels. If
phosphaturic effect of PTH in the proximal tubules (Fig. 1).
CaSR is responsible for the inhibition of 1hydroxylation
Accordingly, divalent cations were seen to inhibit PTH-
of 25(OH)D, it may limit the stimulatory effect of PTH on
induced cAMP production in the proximal cells, probably
due to CaSR activation [40]. The antiphosphaturic effect of renal 1,25(OH)2 production, thus preventing an excessive
increase in serum calcium concentration.
CaSR also antagonizes the PTH-induced sodium excretion
and may mitigate the overall sodium loss caused by CaSR
[39]. The influence of CaSR activation in inhibiting the THICK ASCENDING LOOP OF HENLE (TALH)
NPT2c membrane expression mediated by FGF23 and diet CaSR is expressed more abundantly in the TALH than in
has not been studied specifically, though dietary phosphate the other nephron segments: it was identified on the baso-
was found to reduce both CaSR and NPT2 expression in rat lateral side of the tubulocytes using immunohistochemical
proximal tubule [41]. Taken together, these findings suggest methods in rat kidney, but CaSR expression varied from cell
that the higher calcium concentration in the proximal tubular to cell [10]. The TALH reabsorbs 25% of filtered sodium via
fluid enhances phosphate reabsorption, thereby reducing the transcellular and paracellular mechanisms. Cellular sodium
phosphate concentration in the proximal lumen and prevent- reabsorption through the apical membrane is managed by a
ing the potential complications of calcium-phosphate salts sodium/potassium/chloride carrier (NKCC2) that couples
precipitating in the kidney. inward transport of the three ions. NKCC2 activity is sus-
tained by the sodium-potassium pump in the basolateral
membrane, which maintains low intracellular sodium con-
centrations by driving excess sodium out of the cell [46].
Sodium reabsorption is coupled with chloride reabsorption
through specific channels (CLCNKB) located in the baso-
lateral membrane. NKCC2 activity is also supported by the
low-conductance potassium channels (ROMK) that recycle
potassium ions from the cytoplasm into the tubular lumen.
Potassium recycling keeps the luminal electrical gradient
between interstitium and tubular lumen positive, and this
becomes the driving force for the paracellular reabsorption
of sodium, calcium and other cations [47,48]. Sodium reab-
sorption in the TALH helps to maintain the hypertonicity
gradient of the kidney medulla, which is used to concentrate
urine by reabsorbing water in the collecting duct [49].
CaSR stimulation may have an inhibitory effect on
NKCC2 activity in the TALH via several mechanisms, on
which findings are conflicting (Fig. 2). CaSR inhibited
ROMK activity: by activating Gi protein, which reduced
Fig. (1). CaSR in proximal tubular cells: it is located in the apical cellular cAMP levels [50]; or by activating Gq protein, which
membrane and its activation by higher luminal calcium concentra- stimulated phospholipase A2 to produce 20-hydroxyeico-
tions inhibits the internalization of NPT2 phosphate carriers in en- satetraenoic acid (20-HETE) from arachidonic acid [51]; or
dosomes and their degradation into lysosomes by PTH, and possi- by stimulating phospholipase C, which led to phosphatidyli-
bly also by FGF23. CaSR activation thus results in an antiphos- nositol-bisphosphate synthesis [52]. Moreover, CaSR may
phaturic effect. inhibit the sodium-potassium pump in the medullary TALH
by stimulating protein kinase C: the consequent increase in
Roles of Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR) Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 3 305

cellular sodium diminishes the driving force for the sodium calcium pump (PMCA) on the basolateral cell membrane.
transport mediated by the NKCC2 carrier [53]. The inhibited The sodium-calcium exchanger is an alternative basolateral
sodium reabsorption due to NKCC2 or potassium recycling carrier for calcium reabsorption, driven by the sodium gradi-
to the lumen by ROMK reduces the electrochemical poten- ent, but it has lower affinity for calcium than PMCA [58]. At
tial between the interstitium and tubular lumen, which drives the opposite side of the distal tubulocyte, calcium influx
the paracellular transportation of calcium in the TALH. Pas- through the apical membrane is passive and sustained by
sive paracellular calcium reabsorption is consequently TRPV5 channels [59].
slower in the TALH, under the effect of CaSR.
The possible link between CaSR and active calcium reab-
sorption was explored in a line of dog distal convoluted tu-
bular cells (Madin Darby canine kidney, MDCK) expressing
the CaSR molecule. Calcium transport across an MDCK cell
monolayer was inhibited after CaSR activation via a signal-
ing pathway requiring the activation of Gq proteins and pro-
tein kinase C, but not of Gi proteins. PMCA activity was
studied in purified membranes from MDCK cells exposed to
low (0.1 mM) or high (5 mM) calcium concentrations and
was progressively reduced by calcium exposure until it was
abolished after incubation with high calcium concentrations.
These findings are consistent with calcium transport being
inhibited by PMCA in the distal tubule, mediated by CaSR
activated protein kinase C signaling [60] (Fig. 3). Nobody
knows whether the inhibitory effect of CaSR on PMCA seen
in the distal tubule affects other tubular segments too.

Fig. (2). CaSR in the TALH cells, where it is expressed on the ba-
solateral membrane. When the plasma calcium concentration rises,
CaSR is stimulated to inhibit NKCC2-mediated sodium reabsorp-
tion through the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol-bisphosphate or
20-HETE. This reduces the electric potential between interstitium
and lumen sustained by ROMK activity and dissipates the driving
force for paracellular passive calcium reabsorption. CaSR also in-
hibits sodium-potassium pump activity and PTH-stimulated cal-
cium reabsorption in the cortical TALH.

A significant percentage of calcium ions may also be

actively reabsorbed under the stimulus of PTH in the cortical
TALH [54]. This PTH-induced calcium reabsorption was
found to be inhibited by gadolinium and calcilytic drugs (R-
467), suggesting that CaSR regulates active calcium reab-
sorption in the TALH by antagonizing the PTH-stimulated
cAMP production [55,56]. In keeping with the reported find-
ings, we can conclude that the presence of CaSR may inhibit
sodium reabsorption in the medullary TALH, thus impairing Fig. (3). CaSR in a distal convoluted tubule cell, where it inhibits
its urine-concentrating ability, while CaSR in the cortical active calcium reabsorption mediated by the basolateral calcium
TALH may inhibit PTH-dependent calcium reabsorption. pump (PMCA) through protein kinase C activation. Another carrier
Both effects appear to counteract the potentially pathological for distal cell calcium reabsorption is the sodium-calcium ex-
consequences of higher plasma calcium concentrations. changer.

DISTAL CONVOLUTED TUBULE A recent study on distal tubulocytes hypothesized that, in

In the distal convoluted tubule of the rat, CaSR is ex- addition to its G-protein-mediated activities, CaSR interacted
pressed on the basolateral membrane of the tubulocytes, directly with ion transport carriers, modifying their func-
where it is involved in controlling calcium excretion [10]. tional rate and ion reabsorption. This interaction was ob-
Though only 10% of calcium filtering is done here, calcium served for the potassium channels Kir4.2 and Kir4.1 [61],
reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule is fundamental members of the Kir4 channel subfamily, that corrects the
because it is strictly adapted to the body’s needs [57]. Cal- inward flow of potassium ions. When expressed in HEK-293
cium reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule is mainly cells transfected with CaSR gene screened from human adult
active as it occurs through the ATP-consuming high-affinity cDNA library, CaSR coimmunoprecipitated with the Kir4
channels but not with other potassium channels, including
306 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 3 Vezzoli et al.

ROMK. This coimmunoprecipitation did not occur in cells giving rise to vasopressin resistance irrespective of cAMP
transfected with the mutant CaSRR796W. Two-electrode volt- production [65]. The presence of CaSR on the luminal or
age clamp tests in Xenopus laevis oocytes showed that CaSR endosomal membrane in collecting duct cells suggests that
expression reduces Kir4 potassium channel currents, so CaSR alters the trafficking of Aquaporin 2 and reduces urine
CaSR may selectively and directly interact with Kir4 potas- concentrating capacity by antagonizing vasopressin activity
sium channels, inhibiting potassium transport through the (Fig. 5). It has been speculated that the lesser urine concen-
basolateral membrane of the distal nephron. This inhibitory trating ability induced by CaSR activation counteracts the
activity could reduce the outward potassium recycling sup- higher calcium concentration in the tubular fluid, protecting
porting the function of the basolateral sodium-potassium the kidney from salt precipitation in the tubule [62]. The
pump, thereby helping to inhibit Na reabsorption in the distal reported findings also point to CaSR expression in the kid-
tubule [61] (Fig. 4). ney tubule being modulated by environmental conditions.

Fig. (4). CaSR in a distal convoluted tubule cell, where it reduces

potassium flux through the Kir4.1 and Kir4.2 potassium channels
Fig. (5). CaSR in a principal cell of the collecting duct: these cells
by interacting directly with them. The drop in potassium efflux has
express water channels of type 2 (AQP-2), but also of other types
a negative effect on sodium-potassium pump activity and reduces
(AQP-3 and 4). Vasopressin (ADH) binding to their V2 receptor
sodium reabsorption.
leads to AQP-2 insertion in the luminal membrane and elicits an-
tidiuresis. CaSR is expressed on the luminal membrane and antago-
COLLECTING DUCT nizes ADH activity by altering AQP-2 trafficking, thus reducing
In rat kidney, collecting duct cells demonstrated a urine concentration capacity.
changeable, weaker CaSR expression than in the other tubu-
lar segments. Some collecting duct cells were found negative CaSR-INDUCED RENAL ION EXCRETION DIS-
for CaSR fluorescence, while the fluorescence pattern in the ORDERS
positive cells varied from focal to complete cytosolic stain-
CaSR mutations and polymorphisms cause disorders
ing. Complete staining was detectable in the majority of tu-
characterized by alterations in renal excretion and serum
bulocytes. Positive cells had the immunochemical features of calcium concentrations with a severity that varies according
intercalated A cells, expressing the hydrogen pump [10].
to their effect on CaSR function. They also occasionally
When rat and human kidney medulla was analyzed with a cause sodium and potassium excretion disorders. CaSR also
hypertonic solution, tubulocytes of the inner medullary col- mediates the acute adverse renal effects of hypercalcemia,
lecting ducts were better preserved and they were positive which include a reduced sodium, potassium and water reab-
for CaSR, the expression of which increased from the initial sorption.
to the terminal portion of the inner medullary collecting duct,
located in principal cells on their apical membrane and vesi- Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia (FHH)
cles of the subapical cytoplasm between the luminal mem- FHH is the most common disorder caused by CaSR gene
brane and nuclei. CaSR colocalized with the Aquaporin 2 mutations (3q13.3-21) with a prevalence of 1:100,000 popu-
channel at these sites [62,63]. In these cells, a rapid and re- lation [66]. It was first described in 1972 and is now attrib-
versible insertion of Aquaporin 2 water channels in the lumi- uted to high-penetrance, dominant inactivating mutations of
nal membrane follows the interaction of vasopressin with its the CaSR gene [67]. Numerous different types of mutation
V2 receptor and the cAMP-dependent activation of protein have been described, located mainly in the CaSR extracellu-
kinase A, eliciting water permeability and antidiuresis [64]. lar domain and altering CaSR activity to different degrees.
Hypercalcemia alters these urine concentration mechanisms, Affected subjects are heterozygotic for the mutated allele
Roles of Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR) Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 3 307

and feature mild-moderate hypercalcemia associated with Autosomal Dominant Hypocalcemia (ADH)
normal or mildly elevated concentrations of circulating PTH
Patients with this disorder have hypocalcemia and an
[68, 69]. The characteristic feature of patients with FHH is a
abnormally high calcium excretion that is exacerbated by
low urinary calcium excretion, which is fundamental to dis-
therapy with vitamin D; serum PTH levels are normal. The
tinguishing FHH from primary hyperparathyroidism and thus
avoiding a pointless parathyroidectomy [70]. FHH patients condition is usually due to CaSR gene activating mutations,
though patients with activating autoantibodies have also been
also have a tendency to develop hypermagnesemia. The inac-
described [84]. CaSR autoantibodies can be found in about
tivating mutations reduce CaSR function, interfering with its
half the patients with idiopathic hypoparathyroidism [85].
ability to inhibit PTH secretion and calcium reabsor-
Unlike the case of FHH, in ADH the calcium-PTH curve set-
ption. The serum PTH-calcium curve and parathyroid gland
point shifts to the left, showing the mutated CaSR’s greater
set-point (the calcium concentration at which PTH secretion
is half the maximal level) consequently shift to the right due sensitivity to circulating calcium [86]. Hypocalcemia often
needs no treatment, unless seizures or other severe signs of
to the CaSR’s lower sensitivity to circulating calcium, so the
hypocalcemia develop. Around 25 mutations have been iden-
serum PTH and calcium values are set to higher than normal
tified so far, usually located in the extracellular domain of
[71]. The biohumoral changes in FHH patients resemble
the CaSR molecule. A model of this condition exists, i.e. a
those observed in primary hyperpara-thyroidism, but they are
mutated mouse with an overactive CaSR, called Nuf [87].
not corrected by parathyroidectomy, because the hypercal-
cemia is also sustained by a more efficient renal reabsorption Heterozygous Nuf mice have ectopic calcifications, in the
renal cortical tubules in 50% of cases and in the renal papil-
and intestinal absorption of calcium, not just by PTH secre-
lary tubules in 63%.
tion. FHH is benign and, as concerns the complications of
chronic hypercalcemia, patients only seem to be at risk of Treatment with calcium salts and vitamin D is necessary
pancreatitis [72]. Individuals with FHH do not seem to risk but exposes patients to the risk of nephrocalcinosis and kid-
developing kidney stones or nephrocal-cinosis, probably ney stones due to the very high calcium excretion. The use of
because hypercalcemia stimulates the antidiuretic activity of recombinant human PTH has recently been proposed [88].
CaSR, antagonizing the effect of vasopressin in the collect-
ing duct [62], although these patients do not lose their abso- Familial Hypercalcemia with Hypercalciuria
lute capacity for urine concentration [73]. FHH is a hetero-
geneous disorder in that it may be associated with two other An inactivating mutation of the CaSR’s cytoplasmic do-
loci on the short and long arms of chromosome 19, as well as main, leading to familial hypercalciuric hypercalcemia syn-
with the CaSR locus: these alternative loci account for drome with inappropriately high serum PTH, has been de-
around one in three cases and the mutations on chromosome scribed in a large Swedish kindred [89]. In addition to a his-
19q are the rarest. The phenotype is indistinguishable in tory of renal stones, family members also had hypermagne-
FHH patients carrying mutations at different loci [74]. semia and parathyroid chief cell hyperplasia.

FHH may also be caused by an autoantibody inducing an Bartter Syndrome

allosteric conformational transition of CaSR that activates Gq
but not Gi proteins [75, 76]. CaSR autoantibody may develop Five different disorders come under this name, all due to
in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome or in other autoim- sodium and chloride wastage from the distal tubule and char-
mune disorders, and glucocorticoid therapy has succeeded in acterized by secondary hyperaldosteronism and renal hypo-
controlling the related hypercalcemia [75, 77]. potassemia [90]. Type 5 Bartter Syndrome is due to CaSR
gene activating mutations that amplify the inhibitory effect
It is not necessary to correct hypercalcemia in FHH pa- of CaSR on NKCC2 activity through production of the ara-
tients, unless major complications, e.g. pancreatitis, develop. chidonic acid metabolite, 20-HETE, in the TALH cells (Fig.
Calcimimetic drugs (Cinacalcet) have been recommended 2). Sodium reabsorption mediated by the NKCC2 carrier in
for symptomatic patients [78]. the TALH consequently decreases and the resulting secon-
Neonatal Severe Hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) dary hyperaldosteronism leads to hypokalemia [47, 48]. Two
works first described the clinical picture of Bartter Syndrome
Patients with NSHPT are homozygotic for a CaSR gene in subjects with ADH, who had hypokalemia, inappropriate
inactivating mutation, so NSHPT is the homozygous variant urinary potassium excretion, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
of FHH [79]. Immediately after birth NSHPT patients have system activation and alkalosis, in addition to the defects
more severe hypercalcemia than in FHH. Patients living be- typical of ADH. Functional in vitro study of the mutated
yond early infancy develop a bone disease characterized by CaSR transfected in embryonic renal cells (HEK-293)
failure to thrive, chest deformity and bone fractures [80]. showed that these mutations caused a massive gain of func-
Circulating PTH is usually very high and parathyroid glands tion for CaSR activity [91, 92]. The presence of a strongly
are enlarged, with histological evidence of hyperplasia activating mutation probably explained why sodium reab-
[81,82]. The disorder may be lethal within a few days unless sorption was inhibited in the TALH, while this usually is not
patients undergo parathyroidectomy. Pharmacological treat- the case in ADH patients. Another work described two twin
ment with the most powerful bisphosphonates has been used sisters with ADH due to a potent CaSR gene activating mu-
to control the clinical condition and may maintain a picture tation: the two girls had a weak, inconstant clinical picture
resembling FHH [83]. The recent introduction of calci- consistent with Bartter syndrome and administering fu-
mimetics might provide new therapeutic options for NSHPT. rosemide (an NKCC2 inhibitor) prompted a natriuretic re-
sponse, suggesting a normal NKCC2 activity; the authors
308 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 3 Vezzoli et al.

concluded that the NKCC2 inhibition is not enough to ex- luted tubule, and is therefore stimulated by plasma calcium
plain Bartter Syndrome type 5 [93]. The recent observation concentrations. Here, the higher serum calcium concentra-
of an interaction between CaSR and Kir4 potassium channels tion stimulates CaSR to reduce the active (PMCA-
in the distal tubules helps to clarify these findings (Fig. 4). dependent) (Fig. 3) and passive (sodium-dependent) reab-
Kir4 channels maintain sodium-potassium pump activity and sorption of calcium, and the PTH-stimulated calcium reab-
sodium reabsorption by carriers that dissipate the potassium sorption in the cortical TALH (Fig. 2) in an attempt to deal
gradient, so Kir4 channel inactivation by CaSR may lead to with the calcium overload [50, 60]. These effects also seem
urinary sodium and potassium loss via a completely different to protect the kidney against calcium salt precipitation in the
mechanism from the one thought to justify the onset of type renal tissue. Such a putative framework makes it difficult,
5 Bartter syndrome in the two earlier works [61, 89, 90]. however, to interpret the findings of spontaneous ectopic
calcifications in the kidney in Nuf mice [87].
Primary Hypercalciuria The proposed speculative picture attributes CaSR a pro-
This disorder is characterized by an abnormally high cal- tective role against calcium overload and deposition in the
cium excretion with no changes in serum calcium and PTH tissues, and specifically against nephrocalcinosis, kidney
concentrations. It is a complex disorder due to the contribu- stones and tubule obstruction. The CaSR-induced alterations
tion of several genes and environmental variables, predispos- in kidney function become unsafe when the original stimulus
ing to kidney stones and osteoporosis [94]. The CaSR gene is a hypercalcemic state, since this causes sodium and water
polymorphism Arg990Gly was found associated with pri- wastage, dehydration, increased vascular tone, acute kidney
mary hypercalciuria in stone-forming and non-stone-forming injury and failure, and chronic kidney disease. According to
patients [95]. In vitro study on the CaSR’s response to ex- this view, a decreased CaSR activity could be associated
tracellular calcium in HEK-293 embryonic renal cells trans- with a declining ability to preserve tissues and kidney from
fected with CaSR gene revealed that Arg990Gly prompted a calcium overload and calcification. Recent findings suggest
gain of function for CaSR [96]. We thus formulated the hy- that calcium kidney stone production is associated with po-
pothesis that this activating SNP limited the ability to reab- lymorphisms of the CaSR gene 5’-untranslated region [103],
sorb calcium ions in the TALH and distal convoluted tu- the functional effect of which is still not known, but they
bules, where CaSR modulates PMCA activity and the elec- have been thought to reduce CaSR expression. A putative
trochemical gradient across the tubular wall (Fig. 3). Other role for CaSR in calcium stone disease was hypothesized
studies have found Arg990Gly polymorphism associated some years ago in the light of its potential for altering distal
with secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with uremia tubular cell function in the inner medulla, predisposing to
or primary hyperparathyroidism, or with calcemia values in calcium salt supersaturation and precipitation [104]. (Fig. 5).
the general population consistent with the hypothesis of the Principal cells in the collecting duct may express CaSR when
990Gly allele inducing a gain of function for CaSR [97-100]. cultured in a hypertonic environment, suggesting that the
particular hypertonic environment of the medulla might in-
TELEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Seeing CaSR as a defender against ectopic calcification
CaSR expression is greatest in the parathyroid glands, may appear restrictive by comparison with the key role at-
where it regulates PTH secretion, but CaSR activity is func- tributed in recent years to CaSR in calcium homeostasis.
tionally noteworthy in the kidney too, where it influences This is not the case, however, if we consider that the human
electrolyte and water reabsorption. CaSR has only one iso- body is constantly working to maintain calcium and phos-
form, but may activate numerous G proteins and different phate stores in bone and, with aging, calcium and phosphate
signaling pathways [101, 102], so its activity in the tubular are shifted from bones to soft tissues (and arterial vessels in
cells is heterogeneous and may modulate the intracellular particular), exposing the body to the simultaneous onset of
signaling pathways used to regulate the reabsorption of dif- osteoporosis, arterial calcification and cardiovascular mortal-
ferent substances. ity [105-107] Since mechanisms of calcification in bone and
soft tissues seem to be mediated by osteogenic cells, it has
The main effect of CaSR in the kidney is to inhibit tubu- been hypothesized that bone loss and arterial calcification
lar calcium reabsorption, as demonstrated by hypercalcemia are not independent events, but are mediated by common
persisting in FHH patients after parathyroidectomy because mechanisms [108-110]
the less active CaSR permits a greater tubular calcium reab-
sorption. Some studies have claimed an important role for CaSR in
sodium metabolism because calcium load affects sodium
The changes occurring in the course of hypercalcemia handling in humans [111] and a high dietary calcium intake
also point to the important effects of CaSR on kidney func- was associated with a blood pressure drop in hypertensive
tion, especially in acute hypercalcemia. The rise in calcium rats and men, and in the general population [112-114] In
concentrations in the tubular fluid is sensed by CaSR located keeping with these observations, some researchers have sug-
on the luminal membrane of the tubulocytes, giving rise to gested that CaSR significantly contributes to regulating so-
an antiphosphaturic effect in the proximal tubule (Fig. 1) and dium balance, predisposing to hypertension [109]. Such
blunting the capacity to concentrate urine in the collecting theories have not been supported by clear and definitive ex-
duct [39, 62] (Fig. 5). These effects are probably designed to perimental data, however, and current knowledge in this
reduce the risk of calcium-phosphate precipitation in the field suggests that CaSR has little influence on sodium han-
tubular lumen. CaSR is located instead on the basolateral dling.
membrane, in the distal tubulocytes of the TALH and convo-
Roles of Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR) Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009, Vol. 10, No. 3 309

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Received: August 18, 2008 Revised: August 20, 2008 Accepted: August 25, 2008

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