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Film Study ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

MAJOR FILM FOCUS is a 1.cinematographic
THEORIES Formalism - Gives technique
importance HORROR
Long ShotFILMS It is also called wide shot. Here the object is The movieSTYLES
4 MAJOR "Spring,INSummer,
FILMSand Spring” by Main
CULTURE IDEAS - ANDRE BAZIN discusses in his essay"The
to editingobjects near theto camera
.Importance as well aslike
formal practices those away
Framing, Horror
placed films usually
in relation to depend on the supernatural
its surroundings. Both the object to evoke
and Kim
It is Ki-duk
true toissay dividedthat into
in the fivehistory
parts. What does each films
of documentary part EVOUTION
Culture industry of theis LANGUAGE
a term that was of CINEMA".
first used by Marxist
from it are
scaling, focused
lighting, at the same
and special effectstime. Wide angle
.Opposition lenses
to Realism fear in the audience.
the surrounding are Fear
givencanequal be generated
importance. in different
Multiple represent?
there are atThe least movie is divided
four major styles.intoThe5 first
parts. The 1”
thoroughly Andre Bazin(1918-1958)
philosophers Theodor Adorno is a French
and Maxfilm critic. He isIt
are used
.Effect andhere and lighting
emotional response hasoftothebeaudience.
done diligently. It
Practiced ways. Every
characters couldthreat
appear makes horror.
in a long The
shot. Thisthreat
givescan be
a clear part,
worked-Spring, out modeshows of a youngdocumentaryBuddhistwas livingthewithdirect his regarded
denotes as theone mass of the most entertainment
media influential theorists of cinema
industry and
in the USSR. on Hugo
the Munsterberg,
foreground, Sergeimiddle Eisentein.
ground and Lev aideamysterious
about the source.
socialFear can betorational
situation or irrational.
the audience. In master.
addressThe style boy
of the helps his mastertradition.
Griersonian and follows all his
Its purpose of all times. He
commercialised popular culture. ventured into film criticism when
background of theShklovshy
Kuleshov. Victor objects. "making strango". 2. Realism - Horror films generate a physical
long shots, wide angle lenses are used. The audience response rather orders. Then we see him torturing
was didactic and it used a lot of off-screen narration. creatures like fish, frog none
FETISHISTIC regarded film as a serious art form. His ideas
Regarded as the slice of life.Post-war France .Believe that than
might anfeel intellectual
isolated fromone the
in the viewers.
location No other
of the emotion
narrative as a and snakecases
In many by tying thestones
narration to theirdominated
body. The the secondvisuals.part, changed
Scopophlia ideas is theof people
pleasure about films. in
involved Helooking
said that at aother
film must CUTTING
depict or lifeparallel editing
in its complexities .Andre Bazin / is capable
clear distanceof physical manifestations
is built between as fear.
the action andExperiencing
the viewers. Summer,
After WWI1, shows thetheGriersonian
young Buddhist in his
tradition fellteenage
into disfavour years. should
bodies asa objects- director'sparticularly
personal vision, as eroticwhich led to
du Cinema. of two Deepsetsfocus
of action that shots/
and long run concurrently
maintained vicarious
In extremehorror
long can shot,havewhicha purging effect. of
is a variant Thetheoriginal
long Sexual desires sprout in him. A mother
and now it is used only things like television news, game brings her sick the auteur theory. In 1951
Fetishistic means having an excessive and irrational he co-founded the film
time are andinterdependent
space .400 blows, within the Apunarrative.
Trilogy. 3. Auteur environment
shot, the camera of watching
is placed the horror
far away filmfromalsothehaslocation
some daughterto
and talk shows the monastery
and documentary for treatment and this results
specials.The next one in magazine
devotion or 'Cahiers
commitment du tocinema"
a particular Andre Bazin
thing. believed
So fetishistic
Theory impact
and theon its effect.
people in the If scene
one is watching
will not itbealone in a darkened
recognisable to awas
"cinema relationship
verite" which with the boy andan
promised theincrease
daughter.inThe the that realismisisthe
scopophilia one of the ofmost
pleasure lookingimportant
at the body aspectsparts of of
- Looks at FILMS the cinema as the genius of the director Author/ room, the effect will be more. Horror films do not always rely on the
viewers. Here the context is given more importance. 3rd part “Fall” has the young Buddhist
"reality effect" with a directness, immediacy and coming back to the cinema.
the people shown in films and getting erotic pleasure. He
He focussed on "objective reality".
dependas on pen,
supernatural andorfantastic events. An unreal supernatural for the fear they create. Ordinary scenes pictured in
not story screenplay Started with Continuity monastery
impression after murderingevents
of capturing his wife. Theeveryday
in the 4th part “Winter”lives of preferred long takes and deep focus and never supported
bizarre ways canEditing This horror.
also generate is closely
Events takeassociated
place very tastwith
in VOICE in the Context of DOCUMENTARY
FrenchwithNew entities having4.extraordinary
Wave. Apparatus skills Theoryand -abilitiestools/ chronological
horror editing
films. In most of the and
we seetend to confuse
ghosts, vampires, one
and shows
particularthe young
The new nowtechnical
in his middle age, coming
possibilities like the montage
It means it gives technique.
us a sense TheofFrench New Wave
a text's social point ofdirectors
technology to give a realistic experience .Cinema ashas
presented. These entities need not be human. Magic an Satanism. The firstInhorror
with the other. film was
Continuity Georges
Editing, theMelies's 1896offilm
continuity "The
action back
portable cameras and sound recorders, with
to the monastery. A woman comes which herwould child were
of howinfluenced
it is speaking by the to us ideasandofhow Bazin. The French
it is organising
major role weapon in these films. against the capitalistic state Haunted Castle". It was only 3 minutes long. "The Cabinet of Dr
is emphasised. When a character is shown doing and leaves him there and
produce synchronous dialogue under local conditions, tries to escape. She director Francois Truffaut dedicated
the materials it is presenting to us. In this sense, voice his best work "400
Caligari" (1920) and "Nosferatu" (1922) were silent German accidentally falls in a hole of ice'cinema
and dies. The 5th
.structuralism Dwarfs", and"The Lacanian
Wizard oftheories.
Oz", andBaudry- the "Harry The something, horror
Expressionist the nextfilms.shot
Somefollows the previous
famous horror films are one. This is
"Frankenstein made things easier. In pure verite' films,part, the Blows"to
is not limited Andre Bazin. Bain's
to dialogue or spoken essay "The Evolution
commentary. Voice
camera film is an series 👉In Malayalam
apparatus that createsNjanthe Gandharvan
illusion of the Shining",
The most common
"Rosemary's editing
Baby", technique
"The Conjuring"alland
the world.
seeks toisbecomealmost 'transparent'
like the first and part.letting
The boy the viewerleft by of the intangible
is that Languagepattern of Cinema"
formed byistheone unique of interaction
the most
reality .Cinema"Amen"is(2013) a product"My Dear Kuttichathan"
with layers (1984)
of ideological Classical,
"Bhargavi Hollywood
Nilayam" (1964), movies useand
"Lisa" (1978) this technique
"Aakasha and the
Ganga" the woman is living with the
make conclusions about them without any aid by monk. The boy tortures significant
of all a film's works codes in film
it appliesIttowas first published
all modes of in
illusions Includes entire production process (1999) are some of the Malayalam horror movies.
audience does not know anything about the editing as the creatures
implicit like or turtle,
explicitfish, commentary.
frog and snake, just like the monk
Although very 1950. He said that
documentary. THE the400
mostBLOWS important change in cinema is
- Ending
.Louis Althusser=just
PARALLEL MONTAGElike the cameraTOdecides
ACCORDING BAZIN what to show STRUGGLE for Survival in THE GOLD RUSH did in his childhood. not the one from silent to sound,hisbut the shiftingtypewriter
of styles
action in the story never breaks. This technique is also mesmerizing, such films did not offer the viewers the sense Antoine is accused of stealing stepfather's
In the film "The Gold Rush" by Charlie Chaplin, the struggle from image to reality. He intalks
and notdefines
Bazin similarlymontageideologicalasstructures
"the creationlike state,
of a church,
sense or called “invisible editing”. Some rules have to be followed so Give the names of 6 silent era movies.
of history, context or perspective. So a third style emerged. The names of 6 and he spends a night theabout
prison montage technique,
with thieves and
family control
meaning not proper us. to5.theSuture Theory - The
images themselves, belief
but derived for survival is beautifully pictured. In this film Chaplin's silent era movies are:address,
i) Battleship Potemkin, ii) The the history of editing and its impact on cinema, andnear the
that there is no break in the continuity of shots: It incorporates direct characters or narrator criminals. He is then sent to the observation centre
tramp appears as the "Lone Prospector". He goes to the various
that chermatit
exclusively from their discoursc the meaning
juxtaposition' is produced
So, the meaning is not Cabinet
speakingofdirectlyDr. Caligari, iii) Thein Passion
to the viewer, the form of of Joan Arc, iv)
the interview. the seatechniques
shore. in the of cinematography.
last scene we see Hishimexamination
running away was
gold rush to try his luck. There he meets "Big Jim" who had based on the cinematic contributions
in viewers' it isabsence
the shadow .Jacques Allainimage
of the Millerprojected
in 1964. Nosferatu, v) Theand
In many political Kid,feminist
and vi)films, The Gold Rush.
witness-participants from the place while playing footballofThe certainlast maestros
shot of the to
found the gold deposit but could not collect it because of world
the relation of the subject to
onto the field of consciousness of the spectator.Hethe chain of events Means come before the camera and tell their story. Sometimes movie cinema.
shows the Bazinfrozensaidframe thatof realism
Antoine with not only
the cameraadds
surgical process
attacks montage again on the ground that it bad weather and lack of support. A severe storm forces What do yourevealing,
know aboutbut the sometimes
silent era of films? This period to reality but also reveals reality. The end of silent film is
Colour in Cinema Even from the time films began, profoundly fragmented and zooming into his face.
.The viewer
imposes itsis interpretation
cut out from the of production
an event on critiques viewers'
the spectator. Chaplin and big Jim to seek shelter in the house of from 1890s tosuch1920s is known as main
the silent era of films. As the birth of- GOLD a new RUSH cinema. In the cinema from 1920 to
filmmakers had been trying to project the footage they shot incomplete, films give the CHAPLIN’S
role in the production process . 6. Culture Industry - "Black Larsen" a criminal who is living in exile. There was sound and visuals could not be synchronised, 1940, Bazin finds an emerging contrast in the focus of
in colour. It took decades for the first film to be shot model for contemporary documentary. But they have The context of Charlie Chaplin's "The Gold Rush" is the
Theodor Adorno and OF MaxMONTAGE
Horkheimer in an initial quarrel among them, but they decide to stay directors.
EISENTEIN’S NOTION in colour and projected. To the audience who had got movies
problems showed
their own. only the recently
More video footagea fourthwithout
type sound and
has come. incident ofHe identifies
a large numberthreeoftypes people of thronging
montages.toOne the
.Mass media hasiscommercialised popularMontageculture together. Larsen goes out in search of food. There he dialogue. is parallelregion montage. In thisintwo actions takeCanada, place in
For montage "the nerve of cinema". used to black and white films, colour films were a big These newTo narrate thedocumentaries
self-reflexive story, filmmakers mix used various
observational Klondike of Yukon, north-western
.Two artefacts firewood-Utility
meaning "topoetry- symbolic and lasting finds the gold deposit already found by Jim. In the house, to different
is a French word assemble". Montage is an experience. Thomas Alva Edison’s company tried to techniques
passages with likeinterviews,
“inter- titles”. Inter-titlesofare
with voiceover the title cards
filmmaker. between 1896locations
and 1899.with Theshots Klondikealternating
Gold Rush between
was a
significance . fetishization= cultural products are lie films, hunger makes Jim and Chaplin suspect each other. They on which dialogues the two. by The second is100,000 accelerated montage. It
editing technique in which a series of shots are placed project colour footage. Then they tried to shoot hand Documentaries alwaysand wereother
formsthings were written. Actors
of representation, never migration an estimated prospectors to this
serials, horoscope/pseudo
as if in a sequence.individulised notionandofacustomer have to survive without food for days. Finally they realise creates an illusion of had
together Thus meaning sense of painted images. Then tinting, toning and stencil had
make extra effortsThe
onto reality. to convey
filmmakertheir wasemotions
always a region. These migrants to fight speed
with hostile by multiple
.Popular entertainment masksbringing
everyday violence and that Larsen had betrayed them. They decide to part ways. and situations through shots. Theadversities
third oneinisthe montage by attraction. Here
continuous action is Created.By together powerful methods Were tried. participant-witness and angestures and various
active fabricator other body
of meaning. Of and other hope of making a fortune.
a lot of.Complete
informationrejetion of mass culture Marxism Jim meets Larsen and they fight. Larsen injures Jim with languages. Facial images fromTECHNIQUE
different episodes are juxtaposed for
shots can passed to the audience . What is a shot reverse shot? In this shot, a character looks the four major stylesexpressions
the last onewere is thevery
and psychoanalysis 7. Male Gaze Laura Mulvey= Film as an a shovel. Later an avalanche, a mass of snow, ice, and reinforce
at another character and the other one looks back at conveying the intended meanings.
being. We know that change is a continuous process and a Big theatres The film "Mirror" by Tarkovsky can be called a collagesee
meaning. Bazin said, "The Camera cannot of
extension &ofNON-DIEGETIC
patriarchal ideology SOUNDFilms are made for the rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside, kills Larsen. everything
DIEGETIC him. This is useful to make the viewers feel the employed
better form musicians
might comeand in due theycourse.playedThelivesuccess
of dreams. It at usesonce but makes
flashback sure not to narrative
technique.The lose any part bears of
pleasure thatofcomesmen. Women
out fromasthe passive objects.
of a screen Of course in the end Chaplin becomes rich and gets his during what it chooses to see."writing
Bazin afeels that manipulation of
Any narrative film is continuity of action. These shots are used in dialogue every the formscreening.
breeds Thisits ownwas the first attempt
overthrow. In time,to bring
new similarity with a person diary.Tarkovsky uses the
called .voyeurism.
diegetic sound The 8 film semiotics
sound is part of - inquiry in to the
the film.All the sweetheart Georgia. But for that he had to struggle sound to cinema. Some of the great Silent Era movies the image by suggestive editing, dramatic sets and lighting
scenes and the viewer feels he is at the centre of the necessities will bring new formal inventions. stream of consciousness method in literature in this film to
language ofcan cinema. Inspired by .Barthes’s essayis“rhetoric hard. can hinder the realism of the film.from
He said that the
characters hear those sound in film studies known action. are: Battleship Potemkin, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, weave the plot, the mind moving one scene to addition
of the'diegesis'
as image” . Christianwhich Metz/uses
is a Greek tenetswordof structuralism.
meaning The Passion of Joan Arc, Nosferatu, The Kid, and The of
coming back the element
and thenof again realismmoving in films.
Metz- every
narrative shot in a cinema
narration'•Dialogues works as music
of characters, a linguistic
which Gold Rush. SEMBENE Address Religious Fundamentalism in
is heard byCinema the has no strict sounds
characters, grammarofandobjects syntax etc. like Post colonial Elements in GUELWAAR "Guelwaar" by the
language Five
constitute raw materials-
diegetic sound. gives The meaning
source ofto the cinema sound the Senegalese director Ousmane Sembene contains many
"Elippathayam" was Adoor Gopalakrishnan's 3rd feature "Guelwaar" by the Senegalese director Ousmane Sembene
image. .
need not be se screen. It is also referred to as the postcolonial elements.It is a commentary on the factious Narrative Cinema Anarrative film British
is a fictional film which
What are Compilation Cuts? “ Compilations cuts are mostly film. It won him mention of the Film Institute for is a commentary on the factious religious life of Senegal. It
religious life of Senegal. It deals with the confusion that tells
natural sound of the film's world. Non-diegetic or Extra used in documentaries and travelogues. Here different the amost story. It is the
original andopposite
imaginative of afilm documentary
of 1982.It isfilm. a 1981In a deals with the confusion that arises when the bodies of
arises when the bodies of Muslim and a Catholic were What is the
diegetic sounds are sounds, which do not come from shots are connected through narration. The narration documentary
film. It starsfilm, realty is shown
Karamana Janardanan withoutNair, the addition
Sharada, of Muslim andmain theme ofwere
a Catholic the film “Guelwaar”
switched by Ousmane
at the morgue.
switched at the morgue. On the morning of the funeral of fictional elements. Sembene? “Guelwar” by Ousmane Sembene, the
narrative of a film. It is not originated in the film's explains the shots and their significance. Jalaja and Rajam Lumiere
K. Nair. ItBrothers’
talks about “L’Arroseur
the feudal Arrose”
life in Sembene preaches religious tolerance and a pluralistic
CLASSICAL HOLLYWOOD CINEMA political activist Pierre Henry Thoune, known by the (1895) is the first narrative film. In the early days, narrative Senegalese director, is a 1993 film. It is a commentary
world. These sounds are not heard by the Give a description of Black and White Cinema. Black and Kerala in its last stage. The film was shown at the 1982 attitude. Fundamentalism has no place in our
Classical Hollywood refers to a style of filmmaking that nickname Guelwaar, his friends and family discover that his films wereFilm filmedFestival
plays. Inand narrative on the factious religious life of Senegal. It deals with
characters. During the post-production phase, these White cinemas were the first cinemas. Colour films came Cannes also cinemaat the screenplay
London Film is modern society where peace and coexistence are the
existed between 1920s and 1960s in the US. The term was body has disappeared from the morgue. Since he died the mostwhere important the confusion that arises when the bodies of Muslim
sounds are included In the film. Examples of non-diegetic much later than black and white films. All the silent movies Festival it wonelement. It is theTrophy.
the Sutherland backbone There of the are supreme needs.
coined by David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson and Janet violently, theories on the whereabouts of the body multiply film that conversations
decides its success. Actorssilenceshave the dutyfilm. of and a Catholic were switched at the morgue. The film
sounds are musical scores, nartation in the backgr were black and white. Real footages in colour could not be very few and powerful in the
Stager in their famous essay, with the same title. This before the truth is revealed. It was accidently switched with making fictional plots real.walk
Directors believed that the aim is written by Ousmane Sembene himself and he also
commentary on certain incidents or actions etc. projected with the existing technology. With the coming of The characters work and in silence. Scenes without
period is known as the golden age of Hollywood It made another. The family, friends and the local police chief go to of a film seem is to tell coproduced it. Dominique Gentile is the
Technicolour and Eastman colour, things changed and sound to abe story. The films
more eloquentnever tried during to take many the
significant changes in the way films are made. The golden retrieve it. They find it had already been buried in a rural audience out of their comfort cinematographer. Baaba Mall REDis inthe music director.
colour films replaced black and white films. Film historians dramatic moments in the film. zone or portrayhas
Elippathayam serious
used Symbolism SREEDEVI wearing ELIPPATHAYAM
age begins with the release of the first talkie The Jazz Muslim cemetery. The Muslims refuse to tamper with the social-cultural or political toissues. Marie-Aimee Debril is the editor. The major cast
say that some people objected to colour films. But some special metaphors show "AtheTrip world to beyond
the Moon" the Sreedevi's wearing red in "Elippathayam" symbolizes revolt,
Singer in MULVEY 1927 From say then cinema became a big burial ground or allow the Catholic Thoune family to enter includes
LAURA about UNCHALLENGED the objections faded away, just like the black and white (1902) directed by George
feudal Kerala. When Mathew comes back, probably from Melies is one of the most youth andThierno
life. SheNdiaye,
spends Moustapha
most of her timeDiop,inOmar Seck,
her bedroom
commercial product. Many studios were in competition. it as it would be an act of desecration. The cemetery important narrative films dark during its development Abou Camara, and admiring
Marie Augustine Diatta.SheOnalsothe
MAINSTREAM CINEMA films did. Some film makers still use black and white to the Gulf, he is wearing glasses. He says he stage. came or in front of the mirror her own beauty.
Unchallenged, mainstream film coded the eroticmany
MGM was the most successful and it made hit becomes a battlefield of emotions and actions. Earlier we With theforarrival morning of the novelsfuneraland of dreams
politicala lot.
activist Pierre
into the achieve certain special effects. Academy Award winning by flight which of his Classical
company paid. HollywoodHe gives narrative
Sreedevi filmsa reads sentimental
films. Theofactors and thepatriarchal
studio became superstars in see Guelwaar speaking against the politicians Who are became Henry
language the dominant order. In the highly movies like "Schindler's List" (1993) by the American perfume the which most shepopular
receives genre.happily. VariousLaterbigwestudios see her in Thoune,
AVANT -GARDE IN CINEMAknown by the nickname Guelwaar, his friends
no time Classical Hollywood
cinema itcreated was onlythe superthese star ready to receive food aid from other countries as the the US made a number of narrative films. and family discover that his body has disappeared from the morgue.
developed Hollywood through director Steven Spielberg. and "Roma" (2018) by the applying it lavishly. Soon after the meeting withSuch Mathew,films Avant-garde cinemas are also called experimental cinema.
Since he died violently, theories on the whereabouts of the body
system. People thronged to see the films of their favourite country is facing food shortage. Guelwaar told the crowd had a proper
codes that the alienated subject, torn in his Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron are examples for this. the sisters are introduction
out in the field. of the
Sreedevi plot and watches characters.
a plane They grew out of the experimental movements in the
multiply before the truth is revealed. It was accidently switched
stars, Different genres by of films were made during
terrorthis that the aid would kill them and it has already killed their There
imaginary memory a sense of loss, by the of Horror films usually depend on the supernatural to evoke flying. Itwere conflicts
is invisible to in them thatbutneeded
Rajamma, her efforts resolution.
to look field another.
with of art, literature,
The family, architecture
friendsand andcinema the local during the
period – lack
potential western in comedy,
phantasy,musical, came near etc, Waltto findingDisney a dignity. The story ends with the hero solving all the crises. In
fear in the audience. Fear can be generated in different at it make her blind for some moments. The narrative uses early gopart
chief to of the 20-th
retrieve century.
it. They findAvant-garde
it had already works been were
was famous for his animation throughfilms and hebeautywas and taking 8 -1/2 - FEDERICO FELLINI It is very true to say that "8½" narrative films ofcharacters
glimpse of satisfication its formal its ways. Every threat makes horror. The threat can be the notions visuality did and not sensuality,
have any depth. throughThere the open to different interpretations.
buried in a rural Muslim cemetery. The Muslims The duty of interpretation
the industry to a new
play on his own formative obsessions. level. is the best film about filmmaking. 8½ is Federico Fellini's was no improvisation in thebeyond
a mysterious source. Fear can be rational or irrational. perfume, to invoke a world where the senses are in was withto tamper
refuse the viewer. with Inthenarrative
burial cinema
ground the makerthe
or allow is
Classical Hollywood films had a proper beginning, middle most famous film. It tells the story of Guido Anselmi, Documentary Film A documentary
SEMIOTICS & THE CINEMA : METZ &WOLLEN Horror films generate a physical response rather full play. The feminine characters arefilm has aninobjective
important the film. supposedThoune
Catholic to give familythetointerpretations.
enter it as it would All forms be an of act
and end.termFor this the technique of continuity
meansediting,theoryalso a famous Italian director, who is struggling due to a viewpoint.
The semiotics, or semiology, of than an intellectual one in the viewers. No other emotion RajammaItspends interprets most facts of and
the events
time inwithout work places. any fictional She seem to be open for multiplicity
of desecration. The cemetery becomes a battlefield of of meanings. Avant-
called invisible editing. was used. Most of the heroes
of film were peculiar 'director's block'. He ha planned a science element. The
signs.Semiotics of the cinema is the theory as a is capable of physical manifestations as fear. Experiencing cooks food forthemes
the family, cantakes
be educative
care of allorthe entertaining.
household garde filmandmakers
emotions actions. believed
As all thisthat their films
happens, were
strong-wiled people ready to fight
system of signs. The idea is that we are to think of film against adversities They fiction movie which is quite an expensive venture. But Documentaries were popular from the start of filmmaking.
vicarious horror can have a purging effect. The original chores and even takes care of her brother. Sreedevi spends capable
proves various interpretations.
a troublemaker even in his death.The movement
His life iswas one
as cameofoutlanguage.
a kind successful. This Themeansvictory We of good
Will over
only evil
be he fails to move forward. Thoughts about his personal life They
most of have
her greatly
time in her contributed
bedroom in or bringing
in front ofrealism the mirror. in films.
environment of watching the horror film also has some of negation.
through It was anand
flashbacks act of rejectingthetherecollections
through existing norms of of
was a recurrent
interested theme. Classical
in certain aspects Hollywood of film. cinemaWe willnever be and complexities in his relationships bog him down. His The
also termreadsdocumentary
sentimental novels wasand coined
dreams byaJohnlot. The Grierson
camera isinstatic the
impact on its effect. If one is watching it alone in a artistic, literary and film production.
others. Guelwaar was a powerful speaker who had Movement like
turned its attention to any social issue,
concerned only with the various ways in which particular Its aim was to place planned movie has autobiographical elements and this when Rajamma is seen with her emotional
mid 1920s. It comes from the French word “documentaire”. problems, but it is vibrant
darkened room, the effect will be more. Horror films do when picturing the dreamy world of Sreedevi. The camera is like a Futurism, Dadaism, Constructivism,
embarrassed the local politicians for accepting foreign food Cubism and
the individuals
films can haveand their problems
meaning above everything
and significance for normal else makes his task more difficult. His mistress Carla visits Documentary films were used for different things in
not always rely on the supernatural for the fear they rat trap spending more time inside than outside. The system of Surrealism had their effect and influence on the avant-
and their efforts are solving their problems were glorified.
viewers. him and later Guido's film's crew stays with him in his different parts of the world. In Russia they were used for
create. Ordinary scenes pictured in bizarre ways can "marumakkathayam" prevalent in feudal Kerala is challenged in garde cinema. Avantgarde films were political in nature
The narrative was often cause and effect hotel. He seeks religious help to get rid of the block, but propaganda. The 1922 documentary "Nanook Write a review of the film “The Gold Rush” by Charlie
also generate horror. Events take place very fast in the film. In marumakkathayam descent and of the North"
property are and not simply a medium of entertainment.
Chaplin, The Gold Rush was released in 1925. The
relationship. Commercial interests were paramount in does not succeed. Guido invites his wife Luisa to stay directed by the American
Example of CLASSICAL WESTERNS horror films. In most of the horror films we see ghosts, routed through women. Robert Unni isFlaherty
a feudalwas a goodand
landlord model he MALE GAZE
story was inspired by the incident of a large number of
the making
"Stage Coach" of andthese"Fortfilms.
Apache" Sometwo of examples
the famous of Classical
Classical with him but that too does not help. Luisa suspects him of for documentaries. It was about Eskimo life based on
vampires, and Satanism. The first horror film was has all the power to rule manage his property. He does not Early white feminist theorists like Laura Mulvey considered
Hollywood films are Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, All having relationship with other women and this makes personal people thronging to the Klondike region of Yukon, in
Westerns. (Students may write any of these also. "Vera Georges Melies’s 1896 film “The Haunted Castle”. It share hisobservation.
property or H. hisBruce
emotions Wolfewith made those a documentary
living in his film as an extension of the patriarchal ideology. She
northwestern Canada, between 1896 and 1899 The
About Eve, Citizen Kane and Sunset Boulevard. things worse for him.In the narrative of the film, in his on World
Cruz" '"High Noon", "Shane" and "Rio Bravo'") was only 3 minutes long. “The Cabinet of Dr Caligari” house. HeWar doesI not fromwant news his material
sister Rajamma reconstructingto get married battle regarded cinema as a spectacle for the visual pleasure of
Klondike Gold Rush was a migration by an estimated
SURREAL ELEMENTS in the MIRROR dreamy visions, he sees a harem consisting of all the scenes.
(1920) and “Nosferatu” (1922) were silent German because that would spoil his routine and it would also mean men. Women are often presented as passive objects. The
The Mirror by Tarkovsky is has many surrealistic elements women from his life. The fantasy world of Guido does not Short Films A feature film is usually for 2 hours. A short 100,000 prospectors to this region. These migrants had
THIRD CINEMA – Eg Expressionist horror films. Some famous horror films are sharing the property. Although his elder sister Janamma is hero is after the heroine. The viewer imagines himself as
in it He usesby colour and blackSembene and white and visuals in order of to provide him any comfort. Luisa is angry at her is film isand usually to fight with hostile weather and other adversities in the
"Mandabi" Ousmane 'mBlood “Frankenstein”, “The Shining”, “Rosemary’s Baby”, “The married has less children,than half Unnianis hour. unwilling Academy to give of another
hope hero ina fortune.
of making real lifeIncapable
this film ofChaplin’s
doing tramp the things
appearsthe as
suit the nonlinear
the Condor" by Jorge Sanjines. pattern of the narrative. In the movie, representation in the movie and she threatens to end her Motions Picture Arts and Science defines a short film as
Conjuring” and “Satan’s Slave”. “Bhargavi Nilayam” (1964), any share of the property to her son. The hero
the “Lonedoes on theHescreen.
Prospector”. Feminist
goes to the gold rush filmto theory identifies
try his luck. There
Alexei is bedridden due to disease. He is narrating his past. relationship with him. A dejected Guido wants an ideal an original of motion picture desirewith ato get running time of 40
“Lisa” (1978) and “Aakasha Ganga” (1999) are some of the termination Rajamma's married suggests film with voyeurism. Voyeurism is the activity ofcould
he meets “Big Jim” who had found the gold deposit but gettingnot
The narration is done in different time frames. One is in the woman' Then Claudia meets him claiming that she is the minutes or lessof marumakkathayam
including all credits. Digital
ITALIAN NEOREALISM Malayalam horror movies. the termination that existed in collect
pleasure from of
it because bad weather
secretly watchingand lackpeople
other of support.
in sexual A
Itpre-war period of 1935, another during
Worldthe war in war the 'ideal woman'he is waiting for. Guido plans to start shooting technology
originated in Italy after the Second War.The Thriller Thrillers have been popular in cinema and literature. feudal Kerala.has It iscaused
one of the a proliferation
best films ever of short made. films. A severe
situations. stormWomen forces become
Chaplin and big Jim erotic
the passive to seek objectsshelter
had and the last
completely after the
changed the war social in the 1960s. HeFascist
scenario.The thinks with Claudia but she says she is not happy with the story short film is like a short story. It concentrates on a single in the house of “Black Larsen” a criminal who is living in
Suspense is one of the most essential features of a thriller. SURREAL ELEMENTS in the MIRROR men enjoy watching them in different situations.
about hisMussolini's
mother Maria and herended.
to a village from and the character. Guido calls off the film. He even idea or event. Since making short film does not need any exile. There was anidentified
initial quarrel
dictator rule had his rule, Suspense is created with the help of withheld information. The Mirror by Tarkovsky is has many surrealistic elements Feminist theory maleamonggaze as them,
the but they
Moscow with
Mussolini had Alexeiused and the his sister
cinema afteras her adivorcetool The for contemplates suicide. But he realizes that he can't survive special training, anybody can make a short film. With decide to stay together. Larsen goes out inFeminist
search oftheoristsfood.
It is a play on the intelligence of the viewer, as it challenges in it He uses colour and black and white visuals in order to the main thing, of dominant cinema.
narration then comes back to the present and Alexei is without the people in life and he cannot run away from the handheld cameras or mobile phone cameras one can There he that
the goldperpetuated
deposit already
propaganda. He even set huge studio named "Cineitta" him to guess how things will develop later. The thriller uses suit the nonlinear pattern of the narrative. In the movie, also said the found
Jim. In
just to his ex-wife
to produce Natalia. movies.
propaganda The nextDuring scene WWI,showsmost two reality of the film. The last scene is a surreal one where all shoot a short film. It has become a personal medium the house, hunger makes Jim and Chaplin suspect each
surprise which excites the viewer. People are excited by Alexei is bedridden due to disease. He is narrating his past. of patriarchal society.
of women were
the big studios askingdestroyed.Society
Ignat to read a letter was written
in utterby the people in Guido's life dance in a circle. Finally he joins of expression like literature. other. They have to survive without food for days. Finally
deviant and aberrant behaviour. Here the antagonist gets The narration is done in different time frames. One is in the CINEMA VERITE
Alexander Pushkin to Pyotr Chaadayev Newsreels
Slowly, of them along with Luisa. 8½ is a person's soul search and a Expressionism Expressionism started in painting. It came they
confusion.Filmmaking,then,was a difficult task. a plenty of screen space and his action determines the work pre-war period of 1935, another during the war in the In therealise
historythat of Larsen
documentary had betrayed
we canthem. identify They decidefour
at least to
group bombing and
of filmmakers came Maoup Zedong are shown
a new aesthetic next. The
outlook and probe to find peace in life and artistic excellence. Guido is as a response to the perceived irrelevance of realism with part ways. Jim meets
to be done by the protagonist. A thriller is exciting 1940s and the last after the war in the 1960s. He thinks major styles. The Larsen and they fight. worked-out
first thoroughly Larsen injures Jim modewith
new erashifts in world to thecinemapresent wasand Natalianeorealist
born.The is planning films to in the prison of his memories and visions and his attempts the coming of photography. Painters arrived at aofshovel. Later an avalanche, a mass of snow, ice, and rocksoffalling
and reassuring because it follows the simple structure of about his mother Maria and her shifting to a village from documentary was the direct address style the
marry a on
focused writer.
the Then
lives oftheordinary
story goes working backclassto the past and
people and to come out fail. Fellini is making an intentional attempt to expressionism by questioning the one-to-one relationship rapidly down a mountainside, kills Larsen. Chaplin, the lone prospector,
crime, investigation, detection and retribution. It reinforces Moscow with Alexei and his sister after her divorce The Griersonian tradition. The next one was "cinema verite"
reaches town and meets a beautiful young woman named Georgia.
their is shown
struggles killing a hen as
to survive wasinstructed by a woman.
given prominence, Italy probe into a person's psychological area & represent his between the image and reality. The movement started in
a faith in the system,although there is negativity and narration then comes back to the present and Alexei is which promised
Chaplin falls in lovean withincrease in the of
her but because "reality
his poverty effect"andwith
was the end,crisis
in a financial Alexei'saftermemories
WWIl andcombine people were with plunged
fantasy life in the formof shattered images. There is humour in the Germany. The expressionists were forced to devise new
fiction in it. Major subgenres of thrillers are crime talking to his ex-wife Natalia. The next scene shows two a confidence
of directness, he can’t immediacy
convey his love to and impression
her. Georgia understands of
and poverty.
into narrate dreamlike
The films events. focusedInonthe last like
issues scene, Alexei,
poverty & film.The complex psychological trauma of a director images to represent reality as they understood it. This way
thrillers, psychological thrillers and mystery thrillers. mysterious women asking Ignat to read a letter written by capturing
his innocence events
and sympathises with him, but
in the everyday livesfateofkeeps them
who is awaiting death, is thinking
unemployment which made the lives of people a nightmare. about pregnant Maria, is analysed by Fellini.The surreal visions are superb.The of thinking is shown in the German expressionist films. The
Minor subgenres of thrillers include political thrillers Alexander Pushkin to Pyotr Chaadayev Newsreels of Hiroshima apart.
people.Towards The new thetechnical
end of thepossibilities
film, Jim meets Chaplin
like portable
but the face he seesmovement is Natalia's. hero knows that he can't escape into an imaginary dislocation
The Italian neorealist began with the release of and spy thrillers. Alfred Hitchcock is the master of thriller bombing andbetween Mao Zedong theare image
shownand next.theThe reality
narrativeis clear
shiftsinto the the with
camerashis and goodsound depositrecorders,
and together which theywould make produce
a huge
What inspired
"Rome, Open City" the directed
story ofbythe film “The
Roberto Goldin Rush”
Rosellini 1945. world of art,leaving the real life. expressionist cinema. The tofilm makers were
Thentrying to give
films. His "Psycho", "Notorious" and "Rear Window" are present and Natalia is planning marry a writer. the story goes fortune.
synchronous Next dialogue under local conditions, made
by Charlie
Some worksChaplin?
are Open The City story of “TheRossellini,
(Roberto Gold Rush” was
1945), expression
back to the past to their
and Mariaideasis shown
and feelings.
killing a hen These films tried
as instructed by year they are travelling
superfine thrillers. Roman Polanski and David Fincher things easier. In purein 'cinema
a ship whereverite'
Chaplin findsfilms,Georgia in a
the style
inspired by the incident of
Shoeshine (Vittorio De Sica, 1946) Paisan (Roberto a large number of people a woman.
to show the Towards the end, Alexei's
emotional memories combine
and psychological with of
state fantasy
the state of poverty. They are happily united after certain confusions and
have also made fine thrillers. Some of the famous movies seeks to become 'transparent' and letting the viewer
thronging to the Bicucle Klondike region of Yukon, in north- and narrate ignoring
characters, dreamlike the events. In thereality.
physical last scene “The , Alexei,
Cabinetwho of Dr. is misunderstandings. When “The Gold Rush” was released in Britain, the
Rossellini,1946) Thieves (Vittorio De Sica, 1948) on this genre are "Seven", "Knife in the Water", make conclusions about them without any aid by
western Canada, between 1896 and 1899. The awaiting death,
Caligari” (1920),is “From thinkingMorn abouttopregnant Midnight”Maria, (1920), but BBC radio broadcast 10 minutes of audience laughter from
"Gaslight", "Memories of Murder", "The Silence of the implicit or explicit commentary.
Klondike Gold Rush was a migration by an estimated the face he sees is Natalia's. the film’s premiere. The poster of the film said it was a ‘dramatic
Lambs" and "Gone Girl". In Malayalam we had
100,000 prospectors to this region. These migrants had thrillers like "Yavanika" (1982),
to fight with hostile weather and "Drishyam" (2013) and "Memories" (2013).
other adversities in the hope of making a fortune.

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