Python Important Questions_3f1e08ce a800 47e4 9a8c 7beb5a3c49d6

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Q1 Explain the various categories of operator in python.

Find and explain the solution of the following if a=3, b=5,
i) a & b<2/5**2+c^b
ii) b>>a**2>>b**2^c**3
Q2 what do you mean by operator precedence and
Q3 Discuss different types of data types
Q4 How memory is managed in python? Explain PEP8?
Q5 How is python an interpreted language?
Q6 what type of language is python?
Q7 Define floor division. Mention some benefits of using
Unit 2

Q1 Explain all conditional statement in python using small

code example
Q2 Write a python program to check if the input year is a
leap year or not
Q3 Write a python program to display the Fibonacci series
in python
Q4 Any pattern question
Unit 3

Q1 Discuss the list data structure of python. Explain various

inbuilt methods of list with suitable example
Q2 Define the term list comprehension. Write a python
program to add an item in a tuple
Q3 Compare list and dictionary data structure. Explain
various dictionary methods with suitable example of each
Q4 Discuss the different types of argument passing
methods in python. Explain the variable length argument
with any suitable example
Q5Discuss function in python with its parts and scope
Explain with example (take simple calculator with add,
subtract, division and multiplication)
Q6 write a python function removekth(s,k) that takes as
input a string a and an integer k>=0 and removes the
character at index k. if k is beyond the length of s , the
whole of s is returned for example
removekth(“python”, 1) return “pthon”
removekth(“python”, 3) return “pyton”
removekth(“python”, 0) return “ython”
removekth(“python”, 20) return “python”
Unit 4
Q1 Discuss file i/o in python. How to perform open, read,
write and close into a file? Write a python program to read
a file line-by-line store it into a variable?
Q2 Difference between
 read() ,readline(),readlines()
 write(), writelines()
Q3Discuss various file opening mode of python

Unit 5
Q1 what is python module? How to create and import a
module in python? What is the significance of module in
python? What are the methods of importing a module?
Q2 How can you create python file that can be imported as
A library as well as run as a standalone script?
Q3 Explain the programming cycle for python in detail.
Q4 write a short note with example: type conversion in
python, operator precedence and Boolean expression.
Q5 Define Pandas. List some built-in functions in Panda

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