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Industrial properties and uses of silica sand from Blue Nile Basin, Central

Article in Arabian Journal of Geosciences · March 2023


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Ashenafi Niguse Tesfaye Demissie Bizuneh

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University Addis Ababa Science and Technology University


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Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2023) 16:213


Industrial properties and uses of silica sand from Blue Nile Basin,
Central Ethiopia
Ashenafi Nigussie1 · Tesfaye Demisse2 · Worash Getaneh3

Received: 19 April 2022 / Accepted: 17 February 2023

© Saudi Society for Geosciences and Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023

Silica sand samples from Fetra area in Blue Nile Basin were collected for revealing their physicochemical properties and
industrial uses. These samples were characterized by grain size analysis, optical microscopy, and X-Ray Fluorescence spec-
trometry methods for revealing the particle size distribution, grain shape class, and major element composition of the studied
silica sand deposit. Sand grains (average of 97.24%) with minor amounts of gravel (average of 1.77%) and mud (average
of 0.99%) size sediments constitute Fetra silica sand deposit. The majority of these sand particles possess less spherical
rounded to well-rounded morphology as revealed by the microscopic study. The obtained grain shape and grain size results
indicate the high textural maturity of sediments constituting the deposit. Geochemically, the studied silica sand deposit is
characterized by the abundance of S­ iO2 (96.65%) with lesser quantity of A ­ l2O3 (1.35%), F
­ e2O3 (0.85%), T
­ iO2 (0.13%), and
minor content CaO, MgO, and ­K2O (< 0.06%). The enrichment of ­SiO2 over the other oxides shows the chemical purity and
quartz copiousness of the deposit. Interpretation of both physical and chemical analysis results with international quality
specifications showed silica sand occurrence of Fetra area possesses the sufficient quality to be applicable in glass, foundry,
filtering media, abrasive, and cement industries.

Keywords Silica sand · Physicochemical properties · Industrial uses · Ethiopia

Introduction industries are its chemical composition, grain size distribu-

tion and grain shape class (Platias et al. 2014; Alemaka1
Silica sand is among the common types of industrial mineral et al. 2021).
resources (Evans 1993; Edem and Malu 2014). It is origi- Chemical composition controls the color of glass and
nated as a deposit of siliciclastic sediments supplied from ceramic products, the refractoriness of foundry sand and
rivers as described by Doronzo et al. (2016). It is widely the chemical inertness of filter media sand. Most industries
utilized in glass, steel, ceramic, paint, and water filtration require a minimum of 95% ­SiO2 and a very low amount
industries (Hamidullah et al. 1996; Chatterjee 2009; Dust- of ­Fe2O3, ­Al2O3, and ­TiO2 (McLaws 1971; Ciullo 1996;
man et al. 2011). The principal physicochemical properties Brown 2000). Grain size determines the melting ability and
that determine the suitability of silica sand in the mentioned the permeability of industrial sand. According to Shaffer
(2006) and Platias et al. (2014), a narrow range of grain
size distribution is a desirable property. Grain shape is an
Responsible Editor: Domenico M. Doronzo additional textural parameter for evaluating the quality of
silica sand deposit (Kogel et al. 2006; Osseni et al. 2018).
* Ashenafi Nigussie For effective utilization, glass manufacturers prefer angular
grains whereas foundries, bottled water, and abrasive indus-
Department of Geology, Debre Berhan University, P.O. tries favor rounded grains (Brown 2000; Bureau of Indian
Box 445, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia standard [BIS]: 1987–2002 2022; British Standard [BS] EN:
Department of Geology, Addis Ababa Science 12904 2005; Pohl 2011).
and Technology University, Addis Ababa, P.O. Box 16417, According to Mengistu and Haile-Michael (2003) and
Tadesse et al. (2003), Ethiopia is endowed with silica
School of Earth Sciences, Addis Ababa University, sand resource within Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary
P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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successions. Even if the presence of the resource in the are Paleozoic continental sediments (Karroo sediments),
country is reported previously, little studies are conducted a Triassic fluviatile deposit (Adigrat Sandstone), an early
to reveal the detailed physicochemical characteristics and Jurassic (Liassic-lower Oxfordian) argillaceous-gypsifer-
industrial uses of the resource. This creates constraints to ous-calcareous succession (Gohatsion Formation), a mid-
understand its properties and suitability for various sec- dle Jurassic (Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian) marly-oolitic-
tors. This research is therefore directed to fill these gaps by skeletal limestone interbedded with black shale (Antalo
undergoing detailed geological and physicochemical studies Limestone Formation), and late Jurassic-early Cretaceous
on the silica sand occurrence of Fetra area (Fig. 1a) and to clastic deposits (Muger mudstone and Debre Libanos
outline its industrial applications. sandstone Formation) (Fig. 1b).
Debre Libanos sandstone formation (DLS), which
hosted the Fetra silica sand deposit, is supposed to reach
Geologic setting up to 280 m in thickness and is predominantly composed
of sandstone facies intercalated with beds of fine to coarse
Blue Nile Basin is among the major sedimentary basins clastic sediments (Assefa 1991; Wolela 2009). It conform-
situated in the Horn of Africa. It was developed as an ably overlies the Mugher Mudstone and unconformably
aulacogen-like intracontinental rift in response to Permo- overlain by the Trap volcanics. DLS was deposited in
Jurassic drifting of Gondwanaland (Bosellini 1989; Bos- broad alluvial and braided river systems following the
worth 1992; Russo et al. 1994; Hunegnaw et al. 1998). withdrawal of the Indian Ocean from the Horn of Africa
The basin consists of about 2600 m thick clastic to marine in response to the uplifting of the region (Bosellini 1989;
sedimentary sequences sandwiched between Neoprotero- Assefa 1991; Russo et al. 1994; Wolela 2009). Mineral-
zoic basement rocks and Tertiary volcanic rocks (Kazmin logically, this formation was dominated by quartz with a
1975; Assefa 1981; Gani et al. 2008; Enkurie 2010). minor amount of feldspars and lithic fragments according
Stratigraphically, the sedimentary successions of the basin to Mohammedyasin and Wudie (2019).

Fig. 1  a The geographic location of the Blue Nile Basin within Ethiopia and East Africa. b Geological map of the Blue Nile Basin and location
of the study area (modified after Kazmin 1972)

Arab J Geosci (2023) 16:213 Page 3 of 12 213

Methods and materials bead. The dissolved sample was poured into a platinum mold
and analyzed by X-ray fluorescence to determine major ele-
Field geological survey and sampling ment composition and by WST-SEQ instrument to deter-
mine loss on ignition (LOI). The geochemical analysis was
The geology of Fetra area was studied by field observations conducted in the Australian Laboratory Service (ALS) geo-
and descriptions of geological units along traverse routes chemical laboratory found in Ireland.
with the aid of geological instruments. The encountered
lithological units were mapped at 1:10,000 scale. During
the field survey, fifteen silica sand samples were collected Results
from the outcrops of the Debre Libanos sandstone forma-
tion based on the variation of color, texture, and spacing. Geology of Fetra silica sand deposit
These samples were first coned and quartered to obtain a
representative fraction. Then, they were analyzed for their Geologically, Fetra area is characterized by an abundant
physicochemical properties. occurrence of clastic to marine sedimentary successions that
are unconformably overlain by thick volcanic rock. From
bottom to top, the different lithological units cropping out
Grain size analysis in the study area are limestone, mudstone, sandstone, and
basalt (Fig. 2). The silica sand deposit of Fetra area is con-
Grain size analysis was conducted through a dry sieving
fined within the sandstone unit. This unit is exposed in the
technique. From each quartered specimen, 1 kg of the sam-
northern, southern, and eastern segments of the study area
ple was taken and dried in an oven for 24 h. Then, they
due to intermittent streams, roads, and quarries.
were weighed and placed in a set of stacked sieves arranged
The average thickness of the sandstone unit reaches
according to their opening diameter. The sieves were shaken
150 m and covers 18 k­ m2 from the mapped area. It domi-
electrically for 10 min. After sieving, the masses of sedi-
nantly consists of sandstone facies interbedded with thin
ments retained on each sieve and pan were recorded. This
beds of siltstone, shale, and conglomerate. Silica sand lay-
data is processed to determine the grain size distribution, the
ers are estimated to be 85% (127 m) of the unit. Based on
median size ­(D50), the inclusive graphic standard deviation
hand specimen observation, these layers are composed of
(𝜎i ), the coefficient of uniformity ­(Cu), and the coefficient of
poorly consolidated, friable quartz grains. In places, white
curvature ­(Cc) values of Fetra silica sand deposit.
clay matrix is also found with the quartz grains. Silica sand
layers possess white to light grey and locally pink color.
Grain shape analysis
Grain size distribution
To conduct the grain morphology test, sand grains retained
on sieve number 30 and 50 were washed and dried in an Among sediments that constitute Fetra silica sand deposit,
oven for 24 h. The prepared samples were inserted into sand-size grains are the predominant ones in all samples
Zeta-20 optical profiler microscope. Photomicrographs of with the average value of 97.24% (Table 1). From these
sand grains were observed through an objective lens hav- grains, 92.3% are found between 0.60–0.15 mm size ranges.
ing 5 × magnification power and captured on the computer Gravel and mud-size sediments subsequently made an aver-
screen connected to the microscope. The numerical val- age of 0.99 and 1.17% of the deposit. The calculated results
ues of sphericity and roundness for each sand grain were of ­D50 in all samples fall between 0.34 to 0.50 mm (Table 2)
determined by visual comparison of their micrographs with and averages 0.41 mm, which is the range of medium size
the standard roundness and sphericity comparison chart sand grains. The average value of the inclusive graphic
of Krumbein and Sloss (1963). The results are interpreted standard deviation is 0.30. Particle size analysis also reveals
based on the particle shape class limit of Powers (1953). the average values of C ­ u and C
­ c in Fetra silica sand samples.
Accordingly, they are 1.30 and 2.18 respectively.
Geochemical analysis
Grain morphology
Geochemical analysis was conducted on 14 silica sand sam-
Comparing the photomicrographs of sand grains constituting
ples. These samples were pulverized separately below 75
Fetra silica sand deposit shown in Fig. 3 with the standard
microns to produce suitable particle size distribution. From
grain shape chart of Krumbein and Sloss (1963) showed
each sample, 0.66 g is fused with a 12:22 lithium tetrabo-
that their roundness generally varies from 0.1–0.9 (Table 3).
rate–lithium metaborate flux to dissolve and create a fused
According to Powers (1953), roundness class limit, these

213 Page 4 of 12 Arab J Geosci (2023) 16:213

Fig. 2  Geological and sampling map of Fetra silica sand deposit

Table 1  Grain size distribution Sample Sieve size (mm)

of 10 Fetra silica sand samples
(%) 2.36 2 1.18 0.6 0.425 0.3 0.15 0.106 0.075 Pan

FSS-01 0.78 0.27 2.61 20.35 31.33 27.47 14.90 1.12 0.53 0.62
FSS-02 0.70 0.21 2.82 14.18 19.14 25.24 34.26 2.32 0.63 0.48
FSS-04 0.23 0.21 4.27 24.64 28.43 24.35 16.64 0.69 0.23 0.31
FSS-06 1.22 0.55 5.66 20.14 17.17 22.17 30.98 1.32 0.55 0.24
FSS-07 0.25 0.10 1.07 7.39 22.85 32.04 32.27 2.47 0.78 0.79
FSS-08 0.00 0.00 0.16 5.86 22.07 45.28 24.31 1.07 0.38 0.88
FSS-10 1.64 0.43 5.61 27.09 35.68 17.37 9.07 0.90 0.44 1.77
FSS-11 0.01 0.01 0.29 6.77 26.95 41.20 22.27 0.98 0.79 0.73
FSS-13 2.20 0.66 6.85 21.67 20.61 24.47 19.32 1.42 0.57 2.24
FSS-15 0.01 0.01 0.64 10.16 21.27 25.43 29.99 7.28 1.57 3.64
Mean 0.70 0.29 2.99 15.83 24.55 28.50 23.40 1.96 0.65 1.17

Table 2  Grain size Parameters Sample

characteristics of Fetra silica
sand deposit FSS-01 FSS-02 FSS-04 FSS-06 FSS-07 FSS-08 FSS-10 FSS-11 FSS-13 FSS-15

D50 0.46 0.36 0.48 0.39 0.36 0.37 0.50 0.37 0.43 0.34
Cu 2.08 2.22 1.63 2.52 2.17 2.00 2.07 1.90 2.50 2.71
Cc 1.14 1.01 1.14 0.86 1.04 1.28 2.48 1.22 1.16 0.99
𝜎i 0.27 0.26 0.32 0.35 0.17 0.14 0.34 0.14 0.37 0.19

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values fall under angular to well-rounded grain shape cat- media sand and 52.2% fall in the suitable range of abrasive
egories. However, an average of 82.6% of the observed sand. Moreover, 70.6% of grains in the studied silica sand
sand grains retained on sieve number 30 and 62.4% of sand deposit are within the optimum range of glass-making sand
grains retained on sieve number 50 are exclusively found in and 92.0% falls in the range of foundry sand.
rounded to well-rounded grain shape categories. Regard- Grain shape is an additional textural parameter that
ing sphericity, the deposit is dominantly composed of less defines the physical quality of silica sand deposits (Oss-
spherical, elongated sand grains. eni et al. 2018). The required property from this parameter
depends on the application sector. For example, rounded
Geochemistry sand grains are appropriate in foundry and filtration indus-
tries in which the permeability of the silica sand is a critical
The major element composition of Fetra silica sand samples issue. On the other hand, angular sand grains are desirable
is given in Table 4. Accordingly, all samples are enriched in when the melting speed of sand is mandatory in the case of
­SiO2 (av. 96.65%) and depleted in other metallic oxides. The glass making (Hamidullah et al. 1996; Kogel et al. 2006).
maximum amount of S ­ iO2 (98.59%) is recorded from sample As described in the “ Grain morphology” section, a high
FSS-02 while the minimum amount (92.72%) is found in proportion of rounded and less spherical sand grains is the
FSS-03. Following silica, ­Al2O3, ­Fe2O3, and ­TiO2 subse- characteristic feature of Fetra silica sand deposit. Accord-
quently constitute the chemistry of Fetra silica sand deposit. ing to McLaws (1971) and Brown (2000), this sort of grain
Their average percentage is 1.35, 0.85, and 0.13 respectively. shape is the most preferable in the foundry, water filtration,
Alkali and alkaline elements are present in trace quantities and abrasive industries. Graphically, the grain shape char-
not exceeding 0.06%. The values of Loss on Ignition (LOI) acteristics of the Fetra silica sand deposit are presented in
in the samples varied between 1.76 and 0.17%. Fig. 5.

Discussion Chemical properties

Quality of Fetra silica sand deposit The chemical composition indicates the purity level of the
silica sand deposit. Pure sand is characterized by abundant
Physical parameters silica content with a minimum amount of contaminant
oxides (Kogel et al. 2006).
Grain size distribution is the primary textural property that Likewise, the Fetra silica sand deposit contains a high
reflects the physical quality of silica sand deposit (Shaffer amount of ­SiO2 (av. 96.65%) with less than 3% of contami-
2006). According to Hamidullah et al. (1996) and Platias nant oxides such as ­Al2O3, ­Fe2O3, and ­TiO2. Based on Her-
et al. (2014), the deposit should possess uniform grain size ron (1988), geochemical classification technique for terrig-
distribution to have sufficient quality. Correlating the aver- enous sediments, most of the Fetra silica samples are found
age inclusive graphic standard deviation value of Fetra silica in the quartz arenite section whereas some are found in the
sand deposit (0.3) with Folk and Ward (1957) sorting verbal Fe-sand region (Fig. 6). This further justify the high chemi-
scale shows this value is found in the limit for very well cal purity and quartz-rich nature of the deposit.
sorted sediments, which is less than 0.35. This indicates that
the studied silica sand deposit is composed of sediments Possible fields of application
having a narrow range of size variation. As the median size
values of all samples imply, medium-size sand grains are Glass manufacturing
the predominant size class in the deposit. Gravel and mud-
size particles on the other hand made less than 3% of the The glass industry is the largest consumer of industrial sand
deposit. Furthermore, interpreting the average values of C ­ u extracted worldwide (Lavender 1999; Osseni et al. 2018).
(1.30) and ­Cc (2.18) based on Kalinski (2011) specification The basic properties studied from this mineral to evaluate
demonstrated that sediments constituting the Fetra silica its suitability for the glass industry are grain-size, grain
sand deposit satisfy the criteria to be uniformly graded sand, shape, and chemical composition (McLaws 1971; Platias
which is having ­Cu value less than 6 and ­Cc value between et al. 2014).
1 and 3. Grain size controls the melting property of sand grains
The grain size character of the studied silica sand deposit (Kuzvart 1984). Excessively coarse grains survive during
corresponds with the requirements of different industries at melting and ultimately cause structural defects in the glass.
different magnitude. As shown in Fig. 4A and B, an aver- On the other hand, excessively fine grains carry impurities
age 31.4% of grains are found in the specification of filter and they disappear early from the furnace (McLaws 1971;

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◂Fig. 3  Photomicrographs of sand grains in Fetra silica sand samples. higher permeability. In addition to the physical properties,
A, B, E, and F are sand grains of sample FSS-1, FSS-2, FSS-4, and the chemical composition of the studied silica sand is found
FSS-15 retained on the sieve number 50. C, D, G, and H are sand
grains of sample FSS-1, FSS-2, FSS-4, and FSS-15 retained on the
in the favorable range for the foundry industry. As specified
sieve number 30. (AR angular, SR sub-rounded, R rounded, WR by BIS: 1987-2002 (2002), silica sand having a minimum
well-rounded, LS lower sphericity, HS higher sphericity) of 95% of ­SiO2 and a maximum of 1.5% of ­Fe2O3 is suit-
able as foundry material (Table 5). It can withstand high
Chatterjee 2009). According to Ismaiel et al. (2017), silica
sand deposit should contain abundant sand grains between Water filtration and treatment
0.5 to 0.09 mm to ensure effective and consistent melting.
The Fetra silica sand deposit contains an average of 70.6% Silica sand is also used as a filtering agent for removing
of grains in the recommended size range of glass industries. suspended particles from turbid water (Galvin 1992). As
Furthermore, its uniform grain size distribution increases the described by Chatterjee (2009), the chemical composition of
suitability of the deposit for extracting glass sand. silica sand, its grain size distribution and grain shape class
In a similar manner with grain size, the shape of sand are the basic criteria for choosing silica sand for water filtra-
particles also affects the melting characteristics of sand tion and treatment purposes.
grains during glass making. According to Hamidullah et al. Chemical composition controls the inertness of the sand
(1996) and Pohl (2011), angular and spherical sand grains from reacting with toxic substances present in wastewater
are more desirable. They melt uniformly at a higher speed (McLaws 1971; Kogel et al. 2006). BIS: 8419 (1977) for
than rounded and elliptical ones. In contrast with these using high silica sand as filtering media specified a minimum
specifications, the majority of sand grains in the Fetra silica of 90% of ­SiO2 and a maximum of 0.7% of LOI to be inert
sand deposit are highly rounded and less spherical shape. (Table 5). Alternatively, BS EN: 12904 (2005) stated a mini-
These characters reduce the suitability of the deposit for mum of 80% of ­SiO2 and a maximum of 2% of F ­ e2O3 for the
glass making. lowest-grade filter media sand. Comparing the percentage of
Chemical composition controls the color and the transpar- ­SiO2, ­Fe2O3, and LOI in the Fetra silica sand samples with
ency of glass sand (Kogel et al. 2006; Platias et al. 2014). the mentioned specifications reveals the deposit possess suit-
Since ­SiO2 constitute the major part of the glass, it is a desir- able chemistry to be used in water filtration and treatment.
able oxide whereas ­Fe2O3, ­Al2O3, and ­TiO2 are undesirable The grain size of silica sand determines the speed of
constituents that affect the color of glass and reduce its trans- water purification to be achieved (GWP Consultants 2010).
parency. Comparing the average silica content of the studied Finer sands offer lower speeds of filtration but more effective
silica sand with the specifications of Norton (1957) and BS: in giving quality water. On the other hand, coarser sands pro-
2975 (1988) standards reveal, the deposit has an adequate vide faster filtration but yield less quality water. According
amount of silica for producing green glass, amber glass, to Chatterjee (2009), medium-size sand grains are ideally
flint glass, and fiber glass (Table 5). However, the average suited to be filtering media. In addition to the actual grain
quantity of iron oxide (0.85%) limited the suitability of the size, uniformity of grain size also controls the suitability of
deposit for the manufacturing of amber glass that tolerates the sand for filtration use. BS EN: 12904 (2005) set out the
­Fe2O3 up to 1%. limits of the ­Cu, and effective grain size (­ D10) of silica sand
used for filtration. Accordingly, silica sand having C ­ u up to
Foundry industry 3 and ­D10 above 0.15 mm is appropriate as filtering media. If
the ­Cu is less than 1.50 and ­D10 is above 0.55 mm, the sand
Fetra silica sand deposit can be used as foundry material is used for rapid filtration. Whereas, if the ­Cu is between
in steel industries. Its grain size distribution corresponds 1.60 and 3.0 and ­D10 between 0.15 and 0.55 mm is used in
with the specification set by Brown (2000) that stated silica slow filtration.
sand should contain a minimum of 95% of grains on four As the average values of D ­ 50 (0.43 mm), D ­ 10 (av.
or five successive screens to be good quality foundry sand. 0.20 mm), ­Cu (2.18), and C ­ c (1.30) reveal, Fetra silica sand
As shown in Table 1, 95.3% of grains in the studied silica deposit is characterized by the abundance of medium size
sand deposit are reserved on five consecutive screens having uniformly graded sand grains. Based on the above specifi-
a diameter of 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.425 mm, 0.3 mm, and cations, these properties of the studied silica sand deposit
0.15 mm. The abundance of rounded sand grains in Fetra make it an appropriate resource from which filter media sand
silica sand deposit further increases the suitability of the particularly used for slow filtration can be extracted.
deposit as foundry material. According to Chatterjee (2009), Even if Fetra silica sand deposit is suitable in the men-
rounded sand grains are more preferable for making molds tioned industries, its chemical composition does not let for it
and cores since they demand less quantity of binder and offer to manufacture high-grade glass and ceramic products. The

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Table 3  Numerical presentation of grain shape analysis result

Roundness in (%) Sphericity in (%)
Sample Size fraction AG and SA SR RD WR HS LS
(in mm) (C.L: 0.12–0.35) (C.L: 0.35–0.49) (C.L: 0.49–0.7) (C.L: 0.7–1.0)

FSS-1 0.60 0.0 0.0 66.70 33.33 83.30 16.70

0.30 6.90 48.30 10.30 27.58 38.00 62.0
FSS-2 0.60 14.30 28.60 0.0 57.10 28.50 71.50
0.30 0.0 33.30 25.0 41.70 41.70 58.30
FSS-4 0.60 0.0 14.30 28.60 57.20 37.50 62.50
0.30 4.35 17.40 21.70 56.48 30.40 69.50
FSS-15 0.60 12.50 0.0 0.0 87.50 25.05 74.97
0.30 16.70 16.70 25.0 41.70 50.0 50.0

AG angular, SA sub-angular, SR sub-rounded, RD rounded, WR well rounded, HS highly spherical, LS less spherical, CL class limit

Table 4  Major element Sample SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO TiO2 Na2O K2O Cr2O3 LOI
composition of Fetra silica sand
samples (wt%) FSS-01 97.69 0.41 0.65 0.01 < 0.01 0.08 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 0.17
FSS-02 98.59 0.51 0.69 0.01 0.01 0.16 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 0.27
FSS-03 92.72 4.55 0.72 0.01 0.01 0.27 < 0.01 0.03 < 0.01 1.76
FSS-04 97.57 0.70 0.85 0.01 0.01 0.13 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.42
FSS-05 94.11 1.96 1.21 0.02 0.01 0.15 < 0.01 0.02 < 0.01 0.92
FSS-06 97.69 0.85 0.73 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.02 < 0.01 0.51
FSS-07 97.51 0.28 1.02 0.03 0.04 0.28 0.06 0.02 < 0.01 0.23
FSS-08 97.67 1.37 0.75 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.01 0.02 < 0.01 0.60
FSS-09 97.85 0.84 0.68 0.01 0.01 0.15 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 0.46
FSS-10 94.90 1.72 1.25 0.14 0.09 0.10 0.08 0.08 < 0.01 1.27
FSS-11 96.72 1.38 0.69 0.04 < 0.01 0.10 < 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 0.67
FSS-12 97.19 1.35 0.75 0.01 0.01 0.07 < 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 0.67
FSS-13 95.58 2.08 0.68 0.03 0.07 0.09 0.31 0.15 < 0.01 1.47
FSS-14 97.06 0.84 1.25 0.44 0.05 0.08 0.02 0.45 < 0.01 0.20
Mean 96.65 1.35 0.85 0.06 0.03 0.13 0.04 0.06 < 0.01 0.39

percentage of silica in the deposit is slightly lower and the beneficiation of the deposit can yield even more high-quality
amount of contaminant oxides is somewhat higher than the silica sands that can meet the requirements imposed by these
permissible limits. However, the resemblance of the quantity industries.
of these oxides to the specifications promises the deposit can Bulatovich (2015) recommended acid leaching as an
be a possible source of high-grade glass and ceramic sand if effective method for the removal of iron and other metal-
it can pass through certain steps of beneficiation. lic impurities present in the silica sand deposit. The typi-
cal example of silica sand resource beneficiated by using
Possible beneficiation techniques this technique was the glass sand deposit of River Benue,
central Nigeria (Edem and Malu 2014). The raw sand con-
As discussed in the “Possible fields of application” section, tains 93.95% of ­SiO2, 0.71% of ­Fe2O3, and 0.014% of ­Al2O3.
the physicochemical properties of Fetra silica sand deposit After the introduction of acid leaching, the percentage of
meet the specifications of different industries. However, the ­SiO2 rise to 96.16% whereas, F ­ e2O3 becomes 0.42% and
chemical composition of the deposit does not let for using it ­Al2O3 reaches 0.0006%.
in the manufacturing of optical glass, borosilicate glass, float In addition to the mentioned technique, attrition scrub-
glass, and ceramic products. The typical impurities that limit bing and magnetic separation can also be an alternative
the applicability of Fetra silica sand deposit in the mentioned approach for upgrading the quality of silica sand having
industries are metallic oxides including ­Fe2O3, ­Al2O3, and an undesirable amount of iron, aluminum, and titanium
­TiO2. Because studied sand possesses considerable purity, oxides (Raghavan et al. 2017). For instance, this technique

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Fig. 4  A and B Grain size dis- FSS-1

tribution curves of Fetra silica 100 A
sand samples and commonly
specified size ranges of different 90 FSS-2

Finer (%)
50 FSS-8

40 Glass sand

20 sand

10 media
0 Abrasive
10 1 0.1 0.01 sand
Grain size (mm)

100 B

80 FSS-6

70 FSS-11

60 FSS-13
Finer (%)

50 FSS-7

40 Glass sand

30 Foundry
Filter media
10 1 Grain size (mm) 0.1 0.01

was employed to treat the Bulgarian silica sand deposit by 58% and 43.1% and ultimately reach 0.18% and 0.031%
found in the eastern part of the Danube plain. The crude respectively (Valchev et al. 2011).
sand contains 0.024% of ­F e 2O 3, 0.31% of ­A l 2O 3, and By considering the types of impurities present in the
0.072% of T­ iO2. After it was processed through attrition Fetra silica sand deposit, the mentioned methods of benefi-
scrubbing and magnetic separator, the concentration of ciation could reduce the contents of impurities down to the
iron oxide decreased by 50% and becomes 0.012%. Like- permissible limit. However, selecting the most appropriate
wise, the content A
­ l2O3 and T
­ iO2 in the deposit decreased technique requires further investigations.

213 Page 10 of 12 Arab J Geosci (2023) 16:213

Fig. 5  Graphical presentation

of roundness and spheric- 100
Roundness Sphericity
ity of sand grains constitute 90
Fetra silica sand deposit. (AR
angular, SA sub-angular, SR 80
sub-rounded, R rounded, WR

Percentage (%)
well rounded, HS highly spheri-

cal, LS less spherical)





Grain shape

Economic aspects where T = tonnage (in tone), A = areal coverage (in ­m2),
Th = thickness (in m), BD = bulk density (in g/cm3). Accord-
From the various techniques of tonnage estimation, the pre- ingly, the area contains about 16,654.3 mT of silica sand
sent study selected the conventional method. This is because resource.
Fetra silica sand deposit meets the important requirements According to Kuzvart (1984) size categorization of indus-
for this estimation technique mentioned by Gandih and trial mineral deposits, Fetra silica sand resource is grouped
Sarkar (2016) like having horizontal orientation and con- under a large type of deposit since it is greater than 5 mil-
stant thickness at different locations. The equation used to lion tonnes. Depending on the current annual silica sand
estimate tonnage by the conventional method is provided by demand of Ethiopia (84.5 thousand tons), this resource can
Moon et al. (2006) as given below; be extracted for 39 years. As shown in Fig. 2, it is situated at
favorable locations to the existing local demand and trans-
T = A ∗ Th ∗ BD portation facilities.


Physical characterization of Fetra silica sand samples

reveals that the deposit is composed of texturally matured
sediments. The geochemical results indicate that these sedi-
ments are chemically pure and have abundant quartz grains.
This implied that they were passed through a long cycle
of modification before deposition. Findings from the phys-
icochemical characterization of Fetra silica sand deposit
also showed the resource has sufficient quality to be a raw
material for the manufacturing of fiber glass, amber glass,
cement, foundry, and abrasive materials. Based on the level
of geologic confidence in the information obtained from
the exploration work, the present study classified silica
sand occurrence of the Fetra area under indicated mineral
resource. The presence of this resource in substantial quality
and quantity certifies it can support the domestic demand
Fig. 6  Geochemical classification of Fetra silica sand deposit using and minimize the country’s expenditure for importing silica
Log(Fe2O3/K2O) versus Log(SiO2/Al2O3) based on Herron (1988) sand and processed products.

Arab J Geosci (2023) 16:213 Page 11 of 12 213

Table 5  Chemical specifications Product SiO2 (min) Fe2O3 (max) Al2O3 (max) CaO + MgO (max) LOI (max)
for using silica sand in different
industries (in wt%) Optical glass 99.8 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.20
Flint glass 95.0 0.035 4.0 0.50 0.20 ± 0.02
Green glass 95.0 0.30 4.0 0.50 -
Amber glass 95.0 1.0 4.0 0.50 -
Fiber glass 94.5 ± 0.5 0.3 ± 0.03 3.0 ± 0.5 - 0.50
Ceramic 97.5 0.25 1.9 - -
Foundry 95.0 1.50 5.0 2.0 -
Cement 65.0 - - 1.50 (MgO) -
Water filtration 90.0 - - - 0.70
Abrasives 78.0 - - - -
This study 96.65 0.85 1.35 0.090 0.39

Standards: Norton (1957), McLaws (1971), BIS: 8419 (1977), BS: 2975 (1988), and BIS: 1987–2002

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