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1. Application areas of ICT: teleconferencing, video conferencing, telecommunication and networking,
tele-computing, messaging, information search
2. ICT based gadgets: Mobile phones, computer sets, television sets,
3. Operation of ICT-based gadgets.


ICT can be applied in the following areas namely;

1. Teleconferencing: A teleconference is a telephone meeting held between two or more locations through a
telecommunications system. Technical terms like telephone conferencing, phone conferencing and audio
conferencing are sometimes also used to refer to teleconferencing.

In a teleconference, audio-only or audio-video data can be transmitted via one or more different
telecommunications means, such as telephone, computer, television, radio, telegraph and teletypewriter.

Particularly, internet teleconferencing includes video conferencing, web conferencing, internet telephone
conferencing and augmented reality (AR) conferencing.

Teleconferencing is an interactive group communication between three or more people in two or more location
through an electronic medium. This is made possible by the provision of land line telephone and GSM network.
It supports the conference by providing both the video and voice, so that you can absolutely see the person when you are
listening to the communicator.
Teleconferencing is capable of transmitting the data during the conferencing either using traditional PBX systems or VoIP

2.Video Conferencing: Video conferencing is the conduct of a videoconference by set of

telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to communicate by simultaneous
two-way video and audio transmission. It has also been called visual collaboration and it’s a type of
groupware. Videoconferencing (or video conferencing) is the conduct of a video meeting among two-person or
more people in separate places by means of computer networks to transmit both audio and video data
video conferencing supports the conference by providing both the video and voice, so that you can absolutely see
the person when you are listening to the communicator. It offers VoIP services.
It can also enable you to share more information like files, applications, whiteboard and etc.
3.Tele-Presence: Tele-presence refers to a set of technologies which allow a person to feel as if they were
present, to give the appearance of being present, or to have an effect of being present via telerobotics at
a place other than their true location. Tele-presence is like video conferencing except that it is more
advanced and offer more details.

1. Telecommunication and Networking: This is a collection of terminals, links and nodes which connect to
enable telecommunication between users of the terminals. Each terminal in the network has a unique
address so messages or connections can be routed to the correct recipients. The collection of addresses
in the network is called the address space.
2. Tele-computing: This is the control of one’s system by another person at a different location. No need
carrying your computer for some software installation and maintenance. Through remote networking,
somebody from a distance can remotely take over your desktop and do an installation or correct whatever
needs to be corrected.
3. Messaging: Sending a letter through regular postage is outdated. Development in ICT has made it possible
to send messages through the internet and telephone network. Such messages are received immediately
they are sent. It is now common to send instant messages which are known as ‘chatting’. This is
communicating live with somebody through text, pictures and even video.
4. Information search, retrieval and archival: Rather than using the traditional means of storing files and
folders in a cabinet that is susceptible to theft, consumption of unnecessary space cumbersome to access
and carry about, ICT has made information storage, security and management easy. Once they are stored
in a database in the computer or in the World Wide Web, it becomes easy to retrieve from any location.
5. SUB-TOPIC 2: ICT Based Gadgets
7. Meaning of Gadgets: Gadgets are tools or machines that help to do something. ICT gadgets are
information and communication equipments, which includes computer hardware i.e. printer, etc.
Broadcasting technology i.e. radio, television, other ICT gadgets are ATM, fax machines, mobile phones
etc. ICT gadgets are further explained below;
9. Radio: This is an effective way of transmitting audio or voice information, using the radio.
10. Television: This is an effective way of transmitting information. It combines the quality of audio together
with visual. It is an audio–visual transmission of information.
11. Computer: This is an electronic data processing machine used for transmission of textual and graphic
12. Satellites: This is an information transmission method through cables or wireless by the use of satellites
13. VSAT: This is advanced telecom equipment for receiving digital broadcast. It stands for very small aperture
terminal (VSAT).
14. Fax Machine: This is an age-long method of transmitting textual and graphical message. It consists of the
features of photocopying with effective information transmission.
15. Telephone: Telephone is a telecommunication equipment or device used in transmitting sound across a
16. GSM Technology: GSM Stands for global system for mobile communication. It is an ICT
telecommunication device. It is the most popular mobile phone in the world today. GSM allows network
operators to offer “roaming” services. Roaming means the ability of customer to make use of their
phone wherever they are at any point in time.
17. Automated Teller Machines (ATM): This is a type of retail banking technology that has the capability to
make enquiry on customers account balance, interest and exchange rates, money transfer, deposits and
18. Point of sale- Automated Cash Register(ACR)

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