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Tuesday 7 May 2019




Writing of scheme of work 2-3


· Definition of Operating system

· Types of operating system

· Examples of operating system

· Functions of operating system

· Operating system interfaces



· Meaning of Word processing and word processor

· Examples of word processor

· Features of word processor

· Working with Microsoft Word



· Definition of Spreadsheet and Spreadsheet package

· Examples of Spreadsheet

· Uses of Spreadsheet

· Features/Components of a spreadsheet

· Working with Microsoft Excel



· Definition of Database and Database Management System (DBMS)

· Examples of DBMS

· Functions of DBMS

· Database Objects and Elements

· Working with Microsoft Access


Operating system (OS) is the system software that controls, manages, coordinates, supervises computer
hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs.

It is a collection of programs that coordinates all the functions and activities of the computer hardware
components as well as act as an interface between the computer user and the computer hardware.

Types of operating system

Batch processing OS: a program takes a set of data files (in batches) as input, processes the data and
produces a set of output data files. Each batch is processed as a unit, hence the name ‘batch processing’.

Multi-programming OS: this operating system allows end-user(s) to run more than one program at a
time. The central processing unit of the computer switches between two or more running tasks (jobs)
held in a partitioned memory.

3Time sharing (or multi-tasking) OS: the OS allocates the CPU to several users (at various terminals) in a
time slots. For example, a Mainframe computer that has many users logged on to it and switching the
CPU among multiple users.

Multi-processing OS: refers to the use of two or more CPUs within a computer system. The multiple
CPUs are in a close communication sharing the computer bus, memory and other peripherals.

Network OS: this OS runs on servers and provides the server the capability to manage data, users,
groups, security, applications and other networking functions.
Real time OS: the OS is used on data processing systems in which the time interval required to process
and respond to inputs is so small that it controls the environment. This OS is used in scientific
experiments, medical imaging systems, air traffic control system etc.

Distributed OS: this is an OS over a collection of independent, networked, communicating and physically
separate computational nodes. Each individual node holds a specific software subset of the global
aggregate OS.

Embedded OS: is a specialized OS for use in the computers built into larger systems. So an embedded is
a computer that is part of a different kind of machine. An embedded system can also refer to the use of
software and electronics with a dedicated purpose within a larger system. Examples of embedded
systems are MP3 Player, iPods, Calculator, Remote control, Dishwasher, Microwave oven, smart watch,
video game console, Digital alarm clock, Fax machine, Robotic vacuum cleaner etc.

Operating systems can also be seen as a:

1. Single-user, single task OS: this type of OS is designed to manage the computer so that the user can
effectively do one thing at a time. The Palm OS for Palm handheld computer and Microsoft Disk
Operating System (MS-DOS) are good examples of single-user, single task OS.

2. Single-user, multi-tasking OS: this OS allows a single-user to run several programs at the same time.
They are common on desktops, laptops and even latest mobile phones. For example, it’s entirely
possible for a Windows user to be typing in a word processor, while downloading a file from the internet
and printing the text of an email message. Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Linux are three well-known
examples of this type of system.

3. Multi-user OS: this OS allows many users to take advantage of the computer’s resources
simultaneously. UNIX, Xenix, Virtual Memory System (VMS) are examples of multi-user operating

Examples of operating systems

1. UNIX 4. Linux

2. Microsoft Windows 5. Mac OS

3. OS/2 6. Solaris

The examples below are for mobile devices

1. Android 2. iOS 3. Blackberry OS 4. Symbian OS

Functions of the operating system

1. Task management: the OS controls the focus (where the attention is at any given time) by giving
control to the program the user brings to the foreground.

2. Job management: the OS controls the order and time in which programs are run. An example is when
multiple print commands is sent to the printer, the OS spool the content and schedule which one prints
first in a first come first served (FCFS) approach.

3. Memory management: the memory manager, a part of the OS manages the limited memory by
allocating and de-allocating memory space as required by programs.

4. File management: this function allows the OS to read, write and modify data while managing the
logical storage of the data using a file system. A file system is a logical structure used on a storage device
for the purpose of storing file. Examples of file systems are FAT, FAT32, NTFS, HFS, HFS+, JFS etc. File
system is important for a well file organization and faster access time.

5. Device management: the device management function controls hardware devices by using special
software called device driver, which is installed upon connecting the particular device to the system unit
of the computer.

6. Booting: the OS manages the starting up of the computer

7. Loading of data and programs from disk to main memory for execution

8. Controls hardware resources

9. Security: by means of password and other similar techniques (biometrics, patterns etc.) the OS
prevents unauthorized access to programs and data.

10. Act as an interface between user and the computer hardware.

Operating system interfaces

The interface refers to the medium through which the users and application programs communicate
with the OS. The two levels are:

1. Command line interface (also called The shell or CLI): this interface enforce that you type the exact
command you want to execute. No icon can be clicked here. The common example is MS-DOS
2. Graphical User Interface (GUI): this interface allows users to have direct control of the visible
graphical objects (icons) and actions (menu) that replaced command syntax. These icons represent files,
disks, programs and other objects. Examples are Windows OS, Linux and Mac OS.

The components of the GUI are:

a. Pointer: This appears as a small angled-arrow or a capital I in text processing applications

b. Icon: these are small pictures that represent commands, files or drives.

c. Windows: a typical icon turns to a window upon opening. This can be resized, moved, minimized

d. Menus: most GUI interfaces let you execute commands by selecting a choice from a menu.

e. Desktop: the area on the display screen where icons are grouped.


Word processing is the art of typing, editing, and formatting a document such as letters, memos, reports
etc., through the use of a computer program. It can also be defined as an act of using a word processor
for the production of documents.

A word processor is application software capable of creating, editing, formatting and producing
documents that contains textual or/and graphical information.

A word processor should not be confused for text editor such as a Notepad that only allows creating and
editing of plaintext. A document has an extension .doc or .docx.

Examples of Word processor

Microsoft Word 3. Lotus WordPro 5. Microsoft Write 7. WordStar

Apple iWork 4. OpenOffice Write 6. Professional Write 8. InCopy

Features of Microsoft Word

MS Word versions earlier than 2007 have the Menu bar, Standard tool bar and the Formatting bar as
separate bars snapped on top of each other. The Menu bar contains the menus such as File, Edit, Insert,
View, Format etc., the Standard tool bar has New (page), Save, Open, Print, Cut, Copy, Undo, Redo
buttons and the Formatting bar contains the Bold, Italics, Underline, Alignment( Right, Left, Centre and
Justify), Font style, Font size, Bullet and Numbering buttons etc. MS Word version 2007 up to the latest
versions has all the above bars all fused together to form a Ribbon.

Ribbon: is a term used to describe a band of functional tabs across the top of the screen. This replaces
the menus and toolbars from earlier versions of word. Each tab is task-oriented and displays logical
groups of buttons, which offer visual representation of their functions. The ribbon has the following:

Tab: contains group of commands that are loosely related to core tasks. It helps to think of each tab as
a category. The tabs are the File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, etc. The Home tab brings together the most
frequently used commands.

Groups: contains sets of commands that fall under the umbrella of that tab’s core task. The Home tab
has the Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing groups.

Dialog launcher: are small arrows located in the lower-right corner of certain group. Clicking the dialog
launcher activates a dialog box containing all the commands available for a given group.

Features of Microsoft Word

Creating a document

To create a document, Click Start button > All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Word or just
double-click a MS Word icon on the desktop. A new blank document is created with the insertion point
at the beginning of the line. The default name of a newly created (yet to be saved) document is

As you type into the document, on getting to the end of the line MS Word automatically wraps the
words to form sentence and sentence to form paragraph. This feature is called WordWrap.

Selecting/highlighting text

To select text, do the following:

To select a word, double-click it.

To select a sentence, click anywhere in the sentence while holding the Ctrl key.
To select a paragraph, triple-click it.

To select the whole content of a document, press Ctrl + A.

Saving the document

In MS Words 2007, 2010 and above, documents are saved (by default) with the extension ‘.docx’. This
can only be opened with the current version of MS Word and above. Should you intend to share the file
with a person using a lower version, then save the document as a ‘.doc’.

If you are saving the document for the first time, click the Save or Save As button or press F12.The Save
As dialog box pops up with the default name (document1) in the File name: text box. Give it a desired
name. You can change the location, file type and also protect your document. Click Save button to save
the document; it saves in the document folder by default. Subsequent saves can be done using Ctrl + S
or Clicking the Save (a diskette-like icon) button.

Editing and formatting your document

In the context of word processing, editing involves correcting textual mistakes in a document and can
involve the use of Spelling and Grammar, Thesaurus etc. Formatting involves the changing of the look
and feel of the content in the document. Formatting involves changing the font size, font colour, font
type, alignment, page orientation etc.

Text can also be formatted by selecting the text and applying the Bold, Italics and Underline and Change
Case command buttons.

Changing Font size

Select the text and click the Font size button and choose the appropriate size or type the required size in
number, then press the Enter key. Alternatively, select the text then press CTRL + > (to increase by +2) or
CTRL + ] (to increase by +1). Use the CTRL +< and CTRL + [ (to decrease font size by -2 and -1

Text Alignment

Alignment is the linear arrangement or the positioning of text or MS Word objects with respect to each
other in the document. To change text alignment:

Select the text (or object you want to align) and click one of the four alignment options from the
Paragraph group on the Home tab.
Align Left: aligns the selected text to the left margin. Press CTRL + L for left alignment

Align Right: align the selected text to the right margin. Press CTRL + R for right alignment

Align Centre: align text such that there is an equal distance from the left and the right margins.
Press CTRL + E to align to the center

Justify: Aligns text equally on both sides and lines up equally to the right and left margins. Press CTRL
+ J to justify.

Adding Watermark

A Watermark is a faded background image that displays behind the text in a document. It can be used to
indicate the document state (confidential, draft etc.) or to add a subtle company logo.

To add a Watermark to your document:

On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Background group, click Watermark

Choose from the default options (i.e. CONFIDENTIAL or DO NOT COPY)

You can click Custom Watermark to define your desired watermark

Line and Paragraph spacing

Line spacing otherwise called leading determines the amount of vertical space between the lines of text
in a paragraph. Paragraph spacing determines the amount of space above or below a paragraph. In MS
Word 2010, the default spacing is 1.15 between lines and a blank line between paragraphs.

To change the line spacing in a portion of the document:

Select the paragraphs for which you want to change the line spacing

On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Line spacing. Then click the number of spacing you want.

Alternatively, after selecting the portion of the document, press:

CTRL + 1 for single (1pt) line spacing

CTRL + 2 for double (2pt) line spacing

CTRL + 5 for (1.5pt) line spacing

Inserting a table
A table can be inserted by clicking the Insert tab then click the Table.

Hover your mouse on the grid of cells and click to select the number of columns and the rows

Alternatively, you can click Insert Table, then type the number of rows and columns in the Insert Table
window that pops up.

Superscript and Subscript

Superscript and subscript refer to numbers that are positioned slightly higher or slightly lower than the
text on the line. For example a scientific formula CO32- has (2-) in the superscript position and (3) the
subscript position.

To make text superscript or subscript:

Select the text you want to format as superscript or subscript.

Do one of the following:

· On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Superscript (X2) or press CTRL + SHIFT + =.

· On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Subscript (X2) or press CTRL + =.

Page numbering

To add a page number in your document, do the following:

On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click Page Number.

Click the page number location that you want

In the gallery, scroll through the options, and then click the page number format that you want

Click Close Header & Footer

Drop Cap

A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the beginning of a
paragraph or section that has the depth of two or more lines of regular text.

To add a drop cap, do the following:

Select the first character of a paragraph

On the insert tab, in the Text group, select Drop Cap.

Select the drop cap option you want (e.g. Dropped, In margin)


A spreadsheet package (sometimes called Spreadsheet) is an application program consisting of grid of

cells arranged in rows and columns that is used for modeling data for the purpose of budgeting,
planning, data analysis etc.

The columns in a spreadsheet are represented by letters, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘CA’ etc., while rows are represented
by numbers, 1, 2, 3 etc. A single cell is referenced by addressing its column letter and row number e.g.
‘B5’. In spreadsheet, a contiguous group of cells is referred to as a Range. For example A1:A10 reference
the contiguous group of cells A1 to A10. In MS Excel 2007 and above, a typical worksheet contains
16384 (XFD) columns and 1,048,576 rows. A spreadsheet is generally designed to hold numeric data,
short text strings or results of formulas that is automatically calculated based on the contents of other
cells. A file created by MS Excel is called a Workbook with default name Book1 or BookX, where X can be
any number starting from 1. This workbook has three worksheets (sheets) by default and users can
create as many as the computer memory allows. A workbook has the extension ‘.xlsx’. The total number
of characters a cell can contain is 32,767.

Examples of Spreadsheet packages

Microsoft Excel 3. SuperCalc 5. Lotus 1-2-3

Google Sheet 4. StatView Spreadsheet 6. Gnumeric

Uses of Spreadsheet

Used for simple lists

Used for analysis of numerical data

Used for sorting and filtering of information

Used for preparation of daily sales report

Spreadsheet turns information within table into detailed graphs and charts to show visual
representation of the data.

Components of Spreadsheet

Name box: this is a space to the left of the formula bar that references the cell that is active. It shows
the name (address) of a selected cell.

Formula bar: this bar displays information entered (being entered as you type) in the current or active
cell. The content of this cell can be edited in the formula bar
Other components such as cell, column, row, sheet tab have been discussed earlier.

Working with Excel worksheet

Recall that a cell can take short text (label), number and formula. So when working with Excel, you are
expected to type in any of the above in the cells. The Excel sheet below will be used for our practical

Calculating in Excel

To do any form of calculation, a user is required to put a formula together or by using the pre-defined
functions available in Excel.

To use any of the available functions, the following information should be taken into consideration:

The cell that you want to store the result of your calculation must be made active

Any formula or function to be inserted must be preceded by an equality sign (=) followed by desired

Press Enter key when done to see the result of your formula

A formula using a function name is of the form

= funct_name (arg1, arg2 , …, argN) ,

where N >= 1 and funct_name is the name of the function e.g. SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN, MAX etc.

Addition in Excel

Consider the Excel sheet above, to calculate the CA score for the first student (ESTHER) on the table:

Type any of the following formulas in cell D2

=B2+ C2



To calculate the Total score for TOBILOBA, use the formula:

=D4 + E4



Note: Total = CA + Exam

Average in Excel

Assuming the Total score for all students have been calculated, how do you calculate the Average of all
the Total scores?

Note that the Total score for each student is calculated in column F, cell F2 for the first student up to cell
F9 for the last student. To get the average of the Total scores, use the formula below:




Minimum and Maximum in Excel

To calculate the lowest Exam score, use the following formula:

=MIN(E2,E3,E4, E5,E6,E7,E8,E9)


To calculate the highest Exam score, use the following formula:

=MAX(E2,E3,E4, E5,E6,E7,E8,E9)


Grading in Excel

Consider the table above, If we are to grade according to a particular condition say, if a student’s Total
score is 50 and above then his/her grade is “PASS” and if below 50, the grade is “FAIL”. How do you use
Excel to achieve this?

To calculate the grade, MS Excel provides the IF function which has the syntax:

=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) , where:

Logical_test is what you want to test for i.e. is Total score is greater than or equal to 50?

Value_if_true is what should happen if the ‘logical_test’ is true i.e. “PASS”.

Value_if_false is what should happen if the ‘logical_test’ is false i.e. “FAIL”.

So how do you calculate the grade for the last student on the list? i.e. JOSHUA

It is assumed that the total score has been calculated for JOSHUA, so in cell G9, type the following

=IF(F9>=50, “PASS”,”FAIL”)

F9 is the cell where the Total score for JOSHUA is located, the ‘>=’ is the conditional operator to test if
the value in cell F9 is greater than or equal to 50. If the test is carried out and it amount to true, then
“PASS” will be inserted into cell G9 else ‘FAIL’.


What if the conditions are:

Total score is 75 and above, then grade is “ABOVE AVERAGE”, 50 to 74, the grade is “AVERAGE” and
below 50 , the grade is “BELOW AVERAGE”. Write the IF functions to achieve this. Try this on your own!

Formula errors in Excel

##### error: when your cell contains this error, the column isn’t wide enough to display the value. The
solution is to increase the width of the cell by double-clicking the right border of the cell (at the top of
the cell column) or clicking and dragging to the right.

#NAME? error: occurs when Excel does not recognize the text in a formula. For example typing the
formula =SU(A1:A3), Excel can’t recognise the function name ‘SU’. So the solution is to change the ‘SU’
to ‘SUM’ which is a correct function name for addition.

#VALUE! Error: occurs when a formula has the wrong type of argument. For example cell A1 has 4, cell
A2 has 5 and cell A3 has ‘Hi’. If you try to add the three using the formula =SUM(A1:A3), Excel displays
#VALUE! Error because the value in cell A3 is a text and not a number. The solution is to change the
value in cell A3 to a number.

#DIV/0! Error: occurs when a formula tries to divide a number by zero (0) or an empty cell. The solution
is to change the dividing value to a value not equal to zero (0)

Assignment: Explain the #REF! error, with typical example.

Sorting, Creating Chart, Setting print area, changing page orientation, inserting gridline/border, merging
cells etc. will be explained in the course of the practical class.

A database is a structured collection of interrelated data. It is a collection of data ordered and structured
in a way that data can be easily accessed and managed.

A database management system (DBMS) is application software that is used to create, maintain and
manage a database. MS Access database has the extension “.accdb’.

The smallest unit of data representation is called a bit. A character is made up of 1 byte i.e. 8 bits. A field
consists of a group of characters. A record is a collection of related fields. File is a collection of related
records and database is a collection of related files.

Benefits (functions) of a DBMS

Creation of database

Efficient data access

Data administration

Data integrity and security

Concurrent access and crash recovery

Data manipulation

Data transformation/modification/editing

Report generation/presentation

Examples of DBMSs

Microsoft Access 4. Oracle 7. IBM Dbase (III & IV)

Informix 5. Ingress 8. MS SQL Server

MySQL 6. FoxBase 9. Paradox

Database Object
A database object is a data structure used to either store or reference the data. The following are some
of the objects in MS Access

Table: this is the most important database object. It consists of rows and columns. It stores records
about a particular entity.

Form: this object provides a convenient way to enter and view records in a table

Query: this object enables the user to locate records that match specified criteria.

Report: this object allows you to format, organize and summarize all or a portion of the data in a

Other database objects are Macro and Module.

Database elements

The elements of a typical database are Tables, fields, records, primary key, and characters.

Creating a database

To create a database:

Click Blank Database button on the Backstage View window

On the File name box, type in an appropriate name for the database, then click Create

Note that in giving a name to your database, the name cannot be longer than 255 characters in length
and must not contain the following characters:

Forward slash (/), Asterisk (*), Back slash (\), Colon (:), Question mark (?), Quotation mark (“), Pipe
symbol (|), Greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols.

Creating Table

After clicking the Create button, a new window shows up with a table already created with a default
name Table1. This very window is called the Datasheet View.

If the Database is storing information about a school, then the entities in a school include Student,
Teacher, and Subject etc. So if we are going to create a table that stores student information, then we
list the attributes of a typical student such as StudentID, Firstname, Lastname, Gender, DOB, Address,
Nationality etc. The above listed attributes are what make the fields (column name). To define the
structure of the Student table, do the following:

On the Home tab, click the View button on the top left corner (directly below the File tab)
Then click Design view

The window that shows up is called the Design View, and has a part called Field Name and on the left
the Data Type column. The Field name is the attribute of the student i.e. Lastname, StudentID etc. while
the Data Type has to do with the type of data value each field takes. For example, if the field name is
Lastname, then the appropriate data type is Text (since your name is a combination of alphabets). The
following are the data types available in MS Access 2010.

Data type



Accepts either alphabet or numbers including special characters with a maximum of 255 characters in
length. It is called short text in version 2013 above


Similar to Text data type but can allow a maximum of 63,999 characters in length. It is called long text in
version 2013 and above


Only numeric value is allowed and can be used to perform calculations


Date and time values can be stored in this field


You can enter only currency values in this field


You cannot enter or change the data in this field at any time. MS Access increments the value in this
field whenever you add a new record to a table.


The field is depicted with a Check box that by default result to FALSE (No)and when checked becomes
TRUE (Yes)

Other data types are OLE Object, Hyperlink, Attachment and Lookup Wizard.
Now enter the following field names and select the appropriate data type as indicated in the table

Field Name

Data Type



Last Name


First Name










Note that the field name can be up to 64 characters long. They can include combination of letters of the
English alphabet, numbers, blank space and special characters except a period (.), an exclamation mark
(!), and brackets ([]).

You must make sure that you set the primary key (PK) field. A primary key is any field that contains
values that are unique for each record in the table. In the case of this, the PK field is StudentID, since no
two students can have the same StudentID.

After typing as indicated in the table above, Save it, then click View to return to Datasheet View. You can
start filling the table with data values that form records.
Querying the Database

Querying the database means asking the database to extract a subset of the information saved in it
based on the criteria you are giving it.

Note: The process of querying the DB would be explained during the course of the practical.



………………………………………ID NUMBER: …………………DATE: ………………………………SECTION A:

1.To view paragraph marks, clicks on the _____ tab, in the paragraph group, click show/hide. A.view B.
home C. page layout D. references2.Which of the following best describes the ribbon? A. a feature that
can translate text into anylanguage B. a slider that you can use to zoom the document C. a cable that
connects yourcomputer to a printer D. a toolbar with various commands3.Akinboro Kamiye made an
error while creang her document. She used the word “maroon”instead of “burgundy” in several places.
What is the quickest way for Kamiye to correct hermistake? A. delete all of the text and start over B. use
the nd and replace feature C. use thespelling and grammar feature D. insert SmartArt4.What is the
main advantage of using a text box? A. it gives you more freedom to move the textaround B. it allows
you to change the page orientaon C. it automacally appears on every pageof your document D. it
automacally makes the text larger5.If you want to add text to the top of every page in your document,
which feature would you use?A. footer B. header C. page layout D. backstage view6.The following are
advantages of using Word’s built-in styles except A. you can easily give yourdocument a professional
look and feel B. you can quickly format all of the images in yourdocument C. you can quickly change the
look of your enre document D. none of the above7.In order to save an exisng document with a
dierent name you need to A. retype the documentand give it a dierent name B. use the save as
command C. copy and paste the original documentto a new document and then save D. use windows
explorer to copy the document to a dierentlocaon and then rename it8.Suddenly the word does not
display your favourite toolbar. What has happened? A. your programhas been infected by a micro virus
B. this version of word does not support toolbars C. yourtoolbar opon has been deleted from the
menus D. your toolbar has been unchecked under theview/toolbars menu9.Ajuwon Janet carried out
the assignment project given to her by her data processing teacher Mr.Ejiro at home upon displaying the
document in school she found out it displayed a dierent font,what could be the reason for this A.
because you have a dierent printer at school than at homeB. because you have a dierent monitor at
school than at home C. because the font you used athome is not installed on your school computer D.
because the version of windows is dierent10.How many dierent documents can you have open at one
me? A. no more than three B. onlyone C. as many as your computer memory will hold D. no more than
your taskbar can display
11.A document in portrait prints A. the same characters per line with the same document inlandscape B.
more characters per line than the same document in landscape C. less charactersper line than the same
document in landscape D. smaller fonts in order to t the same amount of characters per line with
landscape12.To perform word processing, you will need the following except A. a computer B. a
specialprogram called a word processor C. a printer D. a scanner13.Word processors that support basic
features such as insert text, delete text, copy, cut and pasteetc. are called A. text editors B. full featured
word processors C. graphics D. basic word processor14.The top part of the window displaying Microso
word that includes the name of the acve le,which also houses minimize, maximize and close buons
for the word window A. menu bar B.tle bar C. control menu buon D. standard toolbar15.Which
funcon excel tells how many numeric entries are there? A. NUM B. COUNT C. SUM D.CHKNUM16.A
feature that displays only the data in column(s) according to specied criteria A. formula B.sorng C.
ltering D. pivot17.What type of chart is useful for showing trends or changes over me? A. pie chart B.
columnchart C. line chart D. dot graph18.The process of arranging the items of a column in some
sequence or order is known as A.arranging B. autoll C. sorng D. ltering19.In which tab of the ribbon
can you change workbook views to page break preview? A. view C. page layout D. data20.What
is the best pracce for nancial modelling in excel? A. use black font for all hard-codednumbers and
formulas and blue font for only the totals B. use blue font for all hard-codednumbers and formulas and
black font for only the totals C. use blue font for hard-coded numbersand black font for formulas D. use
black font for hard-coded numbers and blue font for formulas21.Where is the ll handle located? A. on
the right side of the home tab on the ribbon B. at thebeginning of any formula or funcon C. in the
boom right corner of the selected cell D. in thebackstage view22.What would be a correct formula for
sum in Excel? A. =SUM(B3:B9) B. =SUMB3+B9 C. SUM(B3:B9)D. =ADD(B3:B9)23.Ogunbawo Toluwani
needs to add three cells and then divide the sum by 4. Which of thefollowing is an example of the
correct formula to do this? A. =(A1+A2+A3)/4 B. A1+A2+A3/4 C.=A1+A2+A3^4 D. (A1+A2) +
A3/424.Ajuwon Janet have decided to center the text within a cell. What have she done? A.
changedalignment B. wrapped text C. merged cells D. autot content25.What funcon was used to nd
the highest grade? A. AVERAGE B. MIN C. SUM D. MAX26.Located on the le side or the entry bar,
displays the acve cell reference A. entry bar B. cellreference C. name box D. none of the above27.The
following opons are uses of spreadsheet except A. cash ow analysis preparaon B. budgetplanning
and control C. Income and expenditure D. preparaon of memoranda28.When an unformaed number
does not t in a cell, you see it in A. (###) B. scienc notaon C.number D. logic29.A predened formula
that performs a parcular type of calculaon A. funcon B. calculaon C.relave cell references D.
chart30.A collecon of informaon that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed
andupdated is A. database management B. database C. database management system D.

31.An applicaon soware that controls the data in the database including overall organizaon,storage,
retrieval, security and integrity A. data B. database C. database management system D.le32.The
following opons are example of database management system packages except A. MySQL B.Microso
Access C. Oracle D. Adobe Premier33.The process of storing the data itself on some storage medium
that is controlled by the DBMS A.construcng B. manipulang C. sharing D. dening34.Keys are crucial to
a table structure for many reasons except A. they ensure that each record in atable is precisely idened
B. they help establish and enforce various types of integrity C. theyserve to establish table relaonships
D. not all candidate keys make good primary keys35.A column or a set of columns that uniquely idenfy
a record A. primary key B. composite key C.superkey D. alternate key36.The query that select records
from the database and save the records as a new table A. crosstabB. make table C. delete query D.
update query37.The type of query that add records to an exisng table A. make table B. delete query C.
updatequery D. append38.A database that includes such funcons as querying the database to retrieve
specic data,updang the database to reect changes and generang reports from the data A. sharing
B.manipulang C. dening D. construcng39.A database that allows mulple users and programs to
access the database concurrently A.manipulang B. sharing C. granng access D. construcng40.A row of
data in a database table consisng of a single value from each column of data in thetable A. eld B.
record C. le D. database




A. What is a Word Processor and menon four examples of a word processorB. Menon three uses of
Word ProcessingC. Explain the following terms A. tle Bar B. Menu Bar C. Tool Bar D. Scroll Bar E. Text
AlignmentD. What is dierence between Cut and Paste and Copy and Paste


A. Explain the following features;a. cell b. cell pointer c. labels d. cell address e. ll handleB. List ve uses
of Microso ExcelC. Explain the following terms;a. argument b. range c. chart d. tle bar e. quick access
toolbarD. List two arithmec operaons that are performed on a row of numeric data in a


A. Explain the following terms;i. character ii. Field iii. Record iv. leB. Explain the following terms

i. superkey ii. Composite key iii. Simple key iv. Alternate keysC. Explain the following terms;i. table ii.
Query iii. Form iv. Report v. cardinality vi. degreeDi. List four data types in databaseii. What is the
dierence between Design view and Datasheet view




A. Write the steps to start Microso WordB. Write the steps for saving a documentC. Write the steps for
opening an exisng documentD. Write the steps for prinng a documentE. Write the steps in creang a
table in Microso Word

A. Write the steps in entering a formulaB. Write the steps using a ll handle to copy formulaC. Write the
steps for adding borders to a tableD. Write the steps to delete range of cellsE. Write the steps on how to
chart your data and menon three types of chart


A. Write the steps in creang a new database from scratchB. Write the steps in creang a table in design
viewC. Write the steps in adding tables to a database viewD. Write the steps in resizing columns and
rows in a datasheetE. Write the steps in adding a eld to a table in a datasheet viewF. Write the steps to
insert a new eld and delete an exisng eld


Basic Computer Operations for SS1

Basic Computer Operations for SS1

Definition of Booting

In computing, booting (also known as “booting up”) is a bootstrapping (self-starting) process that starts
the operating system when the user turns on a computer system. Booting can also be defined as the
initial set of operations that the computer performs when power is switched on.

Description of the Booting process

When the computer’s power is first turned on, the CPU (Central Processing Unit) initializes itself to look
for the system’s ROM BIOS (Read Only Memory Basic Input Output System) which is the first program
that runs every time the computer is turned on. The BIOS performs the Power-On Self-Test (POST),
which begins by checking the BIOS chip and then test CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide
Semiconductor) RAM. If the POST does not detect a battery failure, it then continues to initialize the CPU
(Central Processing Unit), checking the hardware devices to ensure they are functioning properly. Once
the POST has determined that all components are functioning properly and the CPU has successfully
initialized the BIOS looks to the CMOS chip to tell it where to find the Operating System (OS), which on
most personal computers (PCs), the OS loads from the C: drive.

Therefore, for a computer to successfully boot, its BIOS , Operating System and Hardware components
must all be working properly; failure of any one of these three elements will likely result in a failed boot

Types of booting

1. Cold booting (Hard booting): This is the process of turning the computer system

ON by pressing the power of the system unit and the monitor.

2. Warm booting (Soft booting): This is the process when the operating system alone is restarted
(without being switched off) after a system crash or freeze. On PCs, warm booting is done by pressing
the Control, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously.

Both types of booting clear out (for the time being) the bugs, bombs, memory

conflicts , and other idiosyncrasies (peculiarities) of the operating system.

Difference between Cold Booting and Warm Booting

Cold Warm

1. Use of power-switch is involved in Cold 2.Booting While Warm Booting It involved short cut keys e.g.

3. Cold Booting is done when the system is already off Wille in Warm Booting CPU continuous running

4. CPU stops working in Cold Booting While CPU continuous running in Warm Booting

5. Memory and BIOS are reset Memory in Cold While Booting and BIOS are not reset in Warm Booting.

6. The computer may not necessarily have program error before it is performed in Cold Booting While It
is necessary when a program encounters an error from which it cannot recover in Warm Booting.

Windows Desktop

Windows desktop is the graphical user interface (GUI) of the Windows Operating System. The desktop is
what is displayed when you log in on must operating systems. It provides a platform for the user to
interface with or operate the computer by pointing and clicking the mouse button on graphical symbols
to send data and instruction to the computer and get out from it.

NOTE: Whenever a program is started in windows it occupies certain space on screen in which it runs.
That frame or box is called a window.

Elements of Window Desktop

a. Mouse pointer: The mouse pointer indicates the current position of the mouse

b. Icons: Icons are shortcut to folders, files programs and other items

c. Desktop: The launch pad for application and workspace

d. Task bar: A bar that allows quick access to current or favorite applications.

e. Start menu: Gives quick access to computer settings and computer programs
f. Quick launch Toolbar: The quick launch toolbar is a section of your taskbar near the Start menu where
you can add shortcuts to programs. The Quick Launch toolbar always stays visible, even when you have
a window open, for easy access to your shortcuts.

g. System tray: The system tray is a notification area on the operating system taskbar.

Running an Application program

To run an application program,

1. Click the start button, the start menu appears.

2. Click on all programs or All apps.

3. Navigate through the various categories or submenus that appear until you fine the program intend
to start.

4. Click on the application to start the application

Shutting Down Windows

To shut down Windows and prepare to turn off your machine, do the following

i. Close all your open applications, making sure that any document you’re currently working on are

ii. Select Start > Turn Off Computer.

iii. Click on Turn Off.


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