?Y.shoukry RES-1 [2023]

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Action of laryngeal muscles ¢,_ ,-r,.


1) Muscles controlling laryngeal orifice:

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he mlet: aryepiglottic & interarytenoid (Transverse Arytenoid) muscles

y 1geal inlet: thyro-arytenoid muscle

I 2) Muscles stretch the vocal cords:

• Cricothyroid muscle.

I 3) Muscles relax the vocal cords:

• Thyro-arytenoids.

I 4) Muscles abduct the vocal cord:

• Bosterior crico-arytenoid.

I 5) Muscles adduct the vocal cords:

• Transverse arytenoid & lateral crico-arytenoid.

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Abduction 01 vot1\ hg,mtn�

Action of b,r'dVtlSt ,ryt,no,d "'Vfd• Ad.Ion•• Wc.lhs 1/ld 1t¥O•�n-.,-d ml.lWU

Adduction or voul llo•rntnt Shorbr,il\;(ttl�f\) Gi'ltoc.,I 117,men�

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• All intrinsic laryngeal muscles are supplied by recurrent laryngeal n. Branch of


• except cricothyroid which is supplied by external laryngeal n. Branch of superior

laryngeal nerve of vagus
I cervical part of the trachea:

I Anteriorly:
c Tl1y1uiJ j::,�l11rn.i::, cuVt:n 2. 3 & 'i 1rudn::ul ii11ys.
• Sternohyoid & sternothyroid muscles.
• Inferior thyroid veins des cend over its lower part.

I On either side:
• Lobe of thyroid gland
• Brachiocephalic artery on the right side.

I Posteriorly:
• Esophagus
• Recurrent laryngeal nerve ascending in the trachea-es ophageal groove. t'\ �

Thoracic part of the trachea:

I Anteriorly:
• Deep part of cardiac plexus and lymph nodes on the tracheal bifurcation.
• Arch of aorta and beginning of brachiocephalic and left common carotid arteries.
• Inferior thyroid Rnd left brac.hipcephalic veins.
kemrrnnts nf thymus.
• Origin of sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles.
• Manubrium sterni.

I On the right side:

Right vagus
• Arch of azygos.
Right btachioceµJtalic vein arid SVC.
• Right pleura and lung.

I On the left side:

• Arch of aorta.
• Left common carotid & left subclavian artery.
• eft recurrent laryngeal nerve: is at first situated between the trachea and arch of orta 1
then in the groove between the trachea and the esophagus.
I Posteriorly:
• The esophagus separating it from the vertebral column.

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