Foriero A., Ladanyi B. - A streamline solution for rigid Laterally loaded piles in permafrost

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A streamline solution for rigid laterally loaded piles in permafrost

~ c o l ePolytechnique de Montreal, Box 6079, Station A , Montreal, Que., Canada H3C 3A7
Received December 2, 1988
Accepted May 11, 1989

A streamline solution for the design of laterally loaded rigid piles in permafrost is presented. The proposed method
relies on a power law to describe the rate dependence of permafrost creep response. It describes the soil movement
with a kinematically admissible velocity field and estimates the overall reaction at a given pile section with the bound
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theorem for a creeping material. The approach is valid only for a secondary creep rate and a stationary state of stress.
Key words: pile, lateral load, velocity field, secondary creep rate.

Pour la conception des pieux rigides charges lateralement, etablis dans le pergelisol, on prksente une solution basee
sur le concept d'un champ de lignes d'ecoulement. Cette methode utilise une loi de puissances pour exprimer l'effet du
taux de dkformation sur la resistance du pergelisol et definit le mouvement du sol par un champ de vitesses cinemati-
quement admissible. Ceci lui permet d'estimer la reaction globale a une section donnee du pieu par un theorkme d'itats
limites. Cette approche n'est valable que pour un taux de fluage secondaire et pour l'etat de contraintes stationnaire.
Mots elks :pieu, charge laterale, champ de vitesses, taux de fluage secondaire.

Can. Geotech. J. 26, 568-574 (1989)

Because of frozen soil creep, laterally loaded piles in
permafrost behave in the long term as rigid piles and rotate
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at a uniform rate about a fixed point within the frozen soil

mass. Several authors (Ladanyi 1973; Nixon 1984; Nixon and
and Neukirchner 1987; Rowley e t a / . 1975) have
demonstrated this effect both theoretically and experimentally
in laboratory and field tests. Rowley et a/. (1973, 1985)
arrived at this conclusion analytically and justified it by where aij is the Kronecker delta. Inherent in expression [I]
means of results derived from field tests on laterally loaded are the following four major flow rules: (1) The directions
piles. Neukirchner and Nixon (1987) further clarified this of principal creep strains and principal stresses always
pile behavior in permafrost and also found that after an coincide. (2) The rates of shearing strains and shearing
initial period of pile flexure and load redistribution, a free- stresses are proportional. (3) The change in mass density is
headed pile subjected to lateral load (or moment) will negligible, which implies incompressibility:
undergo uniform rotation.
For the design of laterally loaded piles, this paper uses
a streamline solution technique developed in ice mechanics (4) The flow is primarily a function of the deviatoric stresses
for predicting ice loads on structures (Vivatrat et a/. 1984), and is, moreover, independent of the hydrostatic pressure:
in which the pile is modelled as a rigid disk moving laterally
within a nonlinear viscoelastic medium. The method is based
upon the following three concepts: a constitutive law for
frozen soil creep that relates stress to rates of strain, a
simulation of flow pattern in the vicinity of the pile, and which is the mean of the normal stresses. The von Mises
formulation, [I], assumes that the behavior of the material
a general bound theorem.
is identical in tension and compression. However, recent
A constitutive law for frozen soil creep studies indicate that frozen soils under tension are much
Widely used as a model for isotropic solids under multi- weaker than those under compression (Eckardt 1982). When
axial state of stress is the von Mises relationship (Odqvist subjected to tensile stresses, frozen soil creeps faster and fails
1974): at smaller strains. Pertaining to [I], therefore, creep
parameters therein obtained by means of tensile tests differ
from those obtained by means of compression tests.
Whenever ['I] is used, tensile and compressive creep
where i;, i:, and Sij are the creep strain rates, equivalent parameters are assumed to coincide. Ignoring the tensile
creep strain rate, equivalent stress, and components of the creep parameters and using only compressive creep
deviatoric stress field, respectively. These tensors are defined parameters (as some investigators have already done), creep,
as analysis underpredicts creep deformations and overpredicts
load capacities of frozen soil structures. The present paper
considers only compressive tractions acting on the front face
of the pile. This makes the analysis conservative and
consistent with the preceding conditions for [I].

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by noting that

Equation [l 11 defines the deviatoric stress field as a func-

tion of the creep strain rates, whereas [9] does the reverse.
This generalization is widely used in glaciology and ice
mechanics. The extreme values of n correspond to a rigid-
plastic material obeying a von Mises yield condition
(n - a),and to an incompressible linear viscous material
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by Depository Services Program on 05/28/13

(n = 1). We assume, therefore, that creep is analogous to

plastic flow and that the von Mises type of "creep function"
is substituted for the yield function. This warrants, for the
subsequent sections of this paper, the use of any theorems
or postulates employed in plasticity.
Simulation of flow pattern in the vicinity of the pile
The determination of the response of the soil due to pile
displacement by means of the streamline solution technique
is achieved by idealizing the pile as an infinite rigid cylinder
Frc. 1. Equipotential lines and streamlines for flow around a whose movement is within an infinite nonlinear viscoelastic
pile section, resulting from superposition of a two-dimensional medium. Equivalently, this is the formulation of the plane
doublet and uniform flow (after Streeter and Wylie 1979). strain problem for a laterally moving rigid disk in a nonlinear
For applying [l] to frozen soil, the effective creep strain viscoelastic medium. Investigations already completed
rate i: is replaced by a value in terms of the equivalent indicate that soil creep causes laterally loaded piles to behave
as rigid poles rotating at a constant rate about a fixed point
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stress a, obtained from the following secondary creep

power law (Ladanyi 1972): in a frozen soil mass (Ladanyi 1973; Nixon 1984; Nixon and
Neukirchner 1987; Rowley et al. 1975). Hence, a full-
displacement condition is postulated, wherefrom a
kinematically admissible velocity field is simulated.
The necessary flow pattern (Fig. I) is obtained by super-
position of a uniform flow with the flow derived from a
where Eg and a. are an arbitrarily selected strain rate doublet, where both flows are two dimensional. This type
(introduced for normalization purposes) and a creep of flow induces a circular bluff-body of radius a, which
modulus (in units of stress obtained in unconfined compres- represents the pile cross section. The potential and stream
sion tests), respectively, and n is a creep parameter. It must functions Q, and \k for this type of flow are expressed as
be noted that [7] is a generalization of the uniaxial flow law (Streeter and Wylie 1979)


which relates the uniaxial strength a of the creeping soil to

the uniaxial creep strain rate iC.Thus, substituting E': from
[7] into [I] yields
[14] \k = U r
( 3
- - sin p

where U, a, and (r, p) stand for the uniform flow velocity,

pile radius, and polar coordinates respectively. Equation [14]
leads to the velocity components

This allows us to solve for the deviatoric stress field Sij in

terms of the strain rate fields i i , specifically,

At the pile-soil interface (r = a), one obtains V, = 0 and

which (via [7]) further reduces to
V, = 2U sin p, which confirms the well-established fact
that at the stagnation points ( p = 0, n) the velocity is zero,
while the maximum value 2U of the velocity is obtained at
p = n/2 and 3n/2.
570 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 26, 1989

The immediately preceding velocity components lead to alternate forms, one of which is derivable from the equations
the definition of the strain rate tensor with components [23], namely,

which, expressed in polar coordinates, yield

or alternatively,
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Now one considers a continuum of stable elastic material

and characterized by [26], where it is assumed that all
displacements are so small that geometric changes are insig-
nificant. One further assumes that stress and strain fields
a; and EU are given inside the continuum. Thus the stress
field and the body forces must be in a state of internal
equilibrium, as expressed by
It should be noted for this particular flow pattern that the
incompressibility condition [5] is satisfied, namely, i,, +
i,, = 0. The equivalent strain rate, determined from [2],
[18], [19], and [20], is expressed by
External equilibrium requires that the surface tractions
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T f be in equilibrium with the stresses, and consequently,

and will be utilized further in the general energy bound where vj denotes the outward unit normal at the point
theorem. being considered. It should be emphasized at this moment
that the tensors 0;. and eij are independent of each other
and that boundary conditions remain unspecified. Owing
General energy bound theorem to the existing equilibrium states between the quantities T:
The stresses oij and strains eij in a soil mass are related F; and a; and compatibility relationships between uiand
to the strain and complementary-energy functions by means eijr the principle of virtual work entails
of the formulas

with where A and Vare the area and the volume of the continuum
respectively. Integrating inequalities [26] with respect to
volume retains the direction of the inequalities, which after
substitution into the right-hand side of equations [29] gives

The postulate for material stability formulated by Drucker

(1951) imposes the restrictions

[241 * (a..
- a*.)
0 de.. -0
[I > (1 r i, j 5 3) If the body forces F; are negligible, then inequalities [30]
'ij simplify to

on the pair of strain states eij and E; with corresponding

stress states a;, and a t , where for each pair of indices, (i,~]
the a; is constant over the interval of integration from e;
to eij (1 r i, j 5 3). The foregoing inequalities have

In these inequalities, equalities hold when eij = 6; (1 Ii, Or

j s 3), that is, whenever the tensors a; and eij are the exact
solutions conformable to a particular boundary value
[39] ,u d 2 T (; "
- n + l ) dA

Application to creep problems

where tensor i ; stands for a fictitious strain rate field
Inequalities [31] are suitably transformed in order to be related to uij via [I]. Next,*one specifies at all points of the
applicable to problems of stationary creep by means of a surface A either Ti*or u ; . The surface integrals in ine-
uniaxial creep law (Martin 1964). Here we ignore the elastic qualities [39] split into two parts, namely integrals on the
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strains and only consider the stationary creep strains. For pile-soil interface A t and integrals on the far-removed out-
nonstationary creep solutions we need to consider the total side boundary surface A2. Assuming A2 to be a cylinder of
strain as being made up of both elastic and creep com- radius r equal to infinity implies that the tractions are zero
ponents. Generalization to multiaxial creep leads to on this surface and thus the surface integrals over surface
(Calladine and Drucker 1962) A2 vanish. Since the tractions Tion A t are rather difficult
to ascertain, one prescribes instead the velocities ur on Al
and [40] u; = (1 r i 5 3)

and superimposes the uniform flow velocity ( - U ) with the

only if the constitutive creep law for multiaxial states of global virtual load P a t the stagnation point (a,O) of the pile.
stress has the form This enables inequalities [39] to be reduced to
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where +(aij/uo) is homogeneous of degree one, and 4"" is

a convex function of its argument. This implies
By decomposing stress field uij into its deviatoric and
hydrostatic components:

for quantity a, and tensor So defined in [2] and [3] respec-

tively. Therefore, inequalities [311 ] assume the forms
inequalities [41] reduce to

This is a slightly modified streamline solution, which was

In consequence of the foregoing results, the problem of originally developed by Vivatrat et al. (1984) and Ting and
obtaining a streamline solution for the laterally loaded pil: Shyam Sunder (1985). For a more detailed explanation one
in a nonlinear viscous medium can be dealt with. Let Ti can refer to Huneault (1985).
denote the true surface tractions acting on the pile-soil inter-
face and on a far-removed outside boundary surface, beyond
The streamline solution for lateral resistance
which the tractions are insignificant. Further, define u*;~,
i$ and u;(l 5 i, j 5 3) to be also the true solution of the Utilizing [2] and [ l l ] , one obtains from the preceding
problem. Neglecting body forces and equating internal and inequalities [43],
external energy dissipation rates leads to

which after substitution of the expression for ig from [21]

which when substituted into the right-hand side of inequalities yields
[36] yields
572 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 26, 1989

The volume integral over solid Vappearing in this inequality

is integrated with respect to variables (r, p, z) over the
domain ((r, p, z): a Ir, - a / 2 Ip 5 a/2, and
0 r z 5 t ) and thus transforms inequality [45] into
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by Depository Services Program on 05/28/13

The limits of integration of variable p ( - a/2 r p r

a/2) take into account the compressive tractions acting on
the front face of the pile. Concurrently, the tensile tractions FIG. 2. Laterally loaded rigid pile.
on the rear face of the pile are neglected, which introduces
a factor of safety to the lateral resistance. Performing the
integrations in inequality [46] leads to ible piles behave practically like rigid poles. Accordingly,
one can assume with certitude that a steady lateral penetra-
tion rate takes place, and consequently (as previously
asserted), the pile rotates about some fixed point below the
ground surface. Such behavior has been observed for short
free-headed rigid piles.
where p = P/(2at) denotes the compressive soil reactions. If the rigid pile retains its shape and rotates about a fixed
This inequality can be written in the form (proposed by point below the ground, then the displacement rate along
Nixon (1978) and Ladanyi (1983)) the pile is expressible (from purely geometric considerations)
as a function of pile displacement rate at ground level and
the distance from the ground surface. Analytically formulated
For personal use only.

this gives

In inequality [48], 1 stands for an influence factor, and

dependent only upon the creep parameter n, and given by

where Uo, a L , L, and x are the velocity of the pile at the

ground level (Fig. 2), depth of rotation, length of the pile,
and distance from the ground level, respectively. After solv-
ing inequality [48] and taking horizontal and moment
equilibrium, the following expressions (also derived by
Nixon 1984) are obtained:
while, as stated previously, io and a. are an arbitrarily
selected strain rate (introduced for normalization purposes)
and a creep modulus (in units of stress obtained in unconfined
compression tests) respectively. For taking into account the
effect of temperature on creep, one can replace, in [48], oo
by a,@,which can be expressed by (Ladanyi 1983) and

where uo, 0, O,, and w are the creep modulus extrapolated where H i s the height above the ground of the point of lateral
to O°C, number of degrees below O°C, the reference load application and
temperature (l°C), and the temperature exponent, respec-
tively. Typical values of the aforementioned creep
parameters for a polycrystalline ice or very ice-rich soil
would be, for 1°C < 0 < 2"C, n = 3, w = 0.67,
a0 = 38 kPa, i, = 0.01 year-'; (Morgenstern et al. 1980);
f o r e > 2"C,n = 3, w = 0.33,ao = 54.7kPa, i, = 0.01 Using [53], the normalized load W/2aL is plotted in Fig. 3
year - (Ladanyi 1983). against the normalized surface displacement rate Uo/a on
a double logarithmic scale. These (W/2aL)-value curves for
different temperature and H/L values are thereafter
Protracted behavior of laterally loaded piles compared with (W/2aL)-value curves obtained by Nixon
From prolonged observations (specifically 1000 h or (1984) for n = 3, which he showed to be in general
6 weeks) (Rowley et al. 1973, 1975), it was found that flex- agreement with experimental results. It is found that the

- - present so
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by Depository Services Program on 05/28/13

2101 I I I I I
10'~ lo-2 lo-' 1 10 lo2
F I G . 3. Normalized lateral pile load vs. displacement rate relationship for a free-headed pile and for three different ground
For personal use only.

---- NIXON (1981i)

01 I I I I I
0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12

FIG. 5. Pile design chart for n = 3, U,/a = 0.02 year - I , and

for different ground temperatures, showing the present solution
compared with that of Nixon (1984).

which gives an I value of 0.167 for n = 3, whereas the
present streamline solution ([49]) yields for n = 3 an I value
of 0.172. On the other hand, a corresponding influence
2 3 4 5 factor for a strip footing, developed from the same cavity
CREEP EXPONENT, n expansion theory, can also be used (Nixon 1978; Ladanyi
F I G . 4. Comparison of influence factors obtained from three 1983):
different theoretical concepts.

present streamline solution provides (W/2aL)-value curves

with the same first derivative as those obtained by Nixon
(1984), but they show somewhat higher normalized load Figure 4 presents a comparison of all three I values for n
values. values ranging from 1 to 5 .
It is noted that some different influence factors 1 have Finally, for a given lateral displacement rate Uo, a design
been proposed previously. For example, Nixon (1984) chart for representative creep parameters is drawn as shown
deduced one such factor from cavity expansion theory in Fig. 5. For reasons of comparison with Nixon (1984), the
developed by Ladanyi (1975), and valid for radial ratio Uo/a is held fixed at 0.02 year-'. These curves
displacements: demonstrate again the validity of the present streamline solu-
tion. For example, a pile (in ice-rich silt at - 9OC) with H/L
value of 0.1 would have an allowable W/2uL value of
80 kPa according to the present streamline solution, whereas
the W/2aL value obtained by Nixon (1984) was 76 kPa.
574 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 26, 1989

Conclusion 1973. Design procedure for laterally loaded piles at Dawson

City. Report of investigation for Mackenzie Valley Pipeline
The herein-developed streamline solution agrees very well Research Ltd., Calgary, Alta.
with other recent solutions. Although this technique is very -1975. Bearing capacity of strip footings in frozen soils.
flexible, it may only be applied provided a stationary creep Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 12: 393-407.
period has been attained and a stationary state of stress -1983. Shallow foundations on frozen soil: creep settlement.
exists. For the case of flexible free-headed piles, stationary ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 109: 1434-1448.
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1980. The behaviour of friction piles in ice and ice-rich soils.
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flexible free-headed piles exi.sts after an elapsed time, which

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Acknowledgements Foundation design approaches in permafrost areas. Canadian
The writers acknowledge and express their thanks to Geotechnical Journal, 15: 96-1 12.
P. Huneault of the National Research Council of Canada NIXON, J.F., and NEUKIRCHNER, R.J. 1987. Design of vertical
for his constructive criticism during the completion of this and laterally loaded piles in saline permafrost. Proceedings,
manuscript. This work was financially supported by research 3rd International Specialty Conference on Cold Regions
grant A-1801 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Engineering, Edmonton, Canada, vol. 1, pp. 131-144.
NIXON, J.F.(D). 1984. Laterally loaded piles in permafrost.
Research Council of Canada. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 15: 431-438.
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