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Band is... Makang music wi a ily of lit long friends.

nderstand1 ng how comm1 m nt nd dedicat1on lead to su cess.
Sharing lh joy and r wards of workin to et r.
Individuais who develop self-con 1dence.
Crea ivlty-expressíng yourself in universal language.
Band 1 ... U IC.
Strik up the band,
im Laurzenh is r

ln 1690, h G rm n 1nstrument ma er Johann D rm r inv nted the clarine b ransfo lng h

dou I r · a!umeau (sha/1-you-mo) 1 o s ngle reed instrumen Srnce he eh !um au co ld only
p y notes m a I w rang , h a "r i t r key .. o allow his n v rum nt o play higher notes.
word dari e comes f om h 1 1 n word darino, us for an otder ype of hlgh·pi eh d ru t.
Today the I w rang o e cl ri is still e lled he �eh I m r is r," beca use of the low not s f
th or m I chalum-eau
By h 1840' , two Fr nch ins ume m kers named Klos and Buffe had created cl ri ec
fing rin y em mo eled fter the flu e key sy m desi n d by Boehm, early li ela n to ay
Boe m sys em.
f mily includes the CI nnet, A Cl nn t (used in some orchest music) 1 th · Bass
Soprano and Alto Clarfn s, h E Con rabass Oarine nd Contra ss Clarin
Fm rings ar virtually h am for li clarin , m ing it possibl fi r e nn t1 L to lay any of he
·nstruments As on of prim ry instrume ts in t e sound of a onc rt band, cl rin s play m lo i s,
h rmonies solo .
Mozar , Br hms, Weber Bartok an Hindem h are ong he ,mportant composer w o h ve
t ur cl nn s in hei writi g. So e t mous clarin tists include Richa d Stol z n. B nny
oo m n, ddie Daniels nd S anley ruc er.

ISBN O 634 00314-3

Copyr ght O 20 by HA L O A D CORPORATIO
1 t rnatio I Co yr ght Secur d li Rights R serve

�co ON

lnstru nt Car d
8 fere pu ing your instrument back in · s case after
playing, do he following:
• Remove th re d w, off cess moisture and

return it to th reed case.

• Remove h mouthpiece and wipe the anside with
a clean elo h. Doce we k, wash e mou hplece
with warm tap w t r. Dry thoroughty.
• Drop a w I hted chamo,s or cotton swab into th
bell and pull it out through th barrei.
• Carefulfy twist off he barrei and dry off any
addítional mois ure Place it in the case.
· Gently twi t the upper and lower sections apart,
w, h the li still ached. Place he upper
ctlon in the case.
• Remov the bell and pi ce the b li and lower
section back into the case.
• As you put ea h plece back in he cas check to I

be sure they are dry.

• Your case is designed to hold only s edfic objects.
lf you try to force anythlng else into he case, it
may damage your mstrument. o = Open
• = Pressed down
Alt rnac fingerings ore us d m cercam
slrua ionJ to allow or smoolher
techniqu . Th se are sho n co rhe
tnsrrummr courresy of Yamoha Corporotion of Amerfca. Band ond Orchestraf O,v s an righfof the more cornmon mgerings.

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