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Renwable energy in a

Diego.C, Elias Sosa And Juan
Diego De .M
We observe that some people
doesn’ t have acces to energy, so
we wanna improve that; because
tecnologhy is for that use, to
improve things and the world.

In this project we will be using

Electric windmills, also known as wind turbines, are
devices designed to convert wind energy into electricity. Reaserch
Global Impact and Growth:
Unlike traditional windmills used for mechanical tasks (such as Wind energy accounts for approximately
grinding grain), modern wind turbines incorporate generators 5% of global electricity production and
8% of the U.S. electricity supply.
and other components to produce a steady flow of
Globally, wind energy capacity exceeds
alternating current (AC) electricity. 743 gigawatts, making it a significant
contributor to the energy mix.
Advantages of Electric Windmills: Key wind energy-producing countries
include China, the U.S., Germany, India,
Renewable and Clean Energy: Wind energy is and Spain.
abundant and inexhaustible. It doesn’t produce Wind energy complements solar power,
as wind tends to be strongest after the
harmful emissions or contribute to air or water sun has heated the ground. This synergy
allows us to draw on both energy
pollution. sources throughout the day and night.

Summary, electric windmills offer a sustainable path

toward cleaner energy, and their growth continues
to shape our planet’s energy landscape. 🌬️⚡
Low Operating Costs: Once installed, wind turbines require
. maintenance and no fuel. Operational costs are nearly
zero, making them cost-effective compared to fossil fuel-based
power plants.
Reduced Carbon Footprint: By harnessing wind power, we reduce
our reliance on fossil fuels, leading to lower greenhouse gas
emissions and contributing to the fight against climate change.
Tax Incentives: Many governments offer tax incentives to
encourage wind-energy development, further promoting its
Ask a question
What is the effect of wind in a electric windmill?
Depending on winds forces it will create a biggest amount of energy

How much energy gives in a avarge a windmill?

6 millons kiwatt hours, in one year.

What countries uses this type of energy?

Germany, India, Spain. 

Investigation of the topic
Wind Turbine Basics:
Wind turbines convert kinetic energy from wind into
electrical energy.
The most common type is the horizontal-axis wind
turbine, which resembles a giant propeller.
Blades capture wind energy and spin a
generator to produce electricity
Wind Speed: Higher wind speeds yield more energy.

Here’s a simple chart illustrating the relationship
between wind speed and electricity generation:
Hypothesis 1
Energy by
If the windmill recives more wind, then it
will start to create aerolic energy, so that
mean the little house will turn on the light

Turnig on the
light of the 2
Wind Turbines Pole mill Drainage mill
Type of the wind mill
We are going to use two types
of wind mills are the wind
turbines and the pole mill. We
are going to mix the blades of
the pole mill with shape of the
wind turbine
Materials 2
Mini Protoboard of 170 points Paper Colors
120 Cables of 20cm Wood sticks
7 magnets Super glue
5 Engines DC 130
15 Endurance 180 OHM
2 Yellow led of 3cm
2 battery holder
4 boxes
Silicon or glue
Paste a green paper in all the base to simulate the grass
To do the windmil cut a pice of caroard with a square shape 2,5X2,5
Cut a a carbon pice with a rectangular shape 6cm X4
Paste all to do a rectangular shape
Put a motor dc 130v on top
paste it
Make a circle with 2 cm
Cut some helix 5 cm
in the rectangularadd a hole and connect the cables
Connect the 2 cables with the engines
The cables you just connect connect them in the portboard
Connect the battery holder in the portboard
At the end connect the switcher in the portboard
Paste the windmill
The windmil work really good, The house

Results turn on the lights like it was supposed it

What happen
The expirement work really good, all things work and have a good function, the little
house start to turn on the light, the five windmil move to a good velocity , but a little
without cordination.

Our hypothesis was correct?

Our hypothesis completly support the expirement. Every thing work like the hypothesis
says, for eaxample; first the 5 windmils turn un, then the light tu on , simulating how wind
can transform into energy.

How can we improve it

we think we can improve the project by adding some more pwerful motors, or adding
a Audrino, to have a better cordnation, and have more control in velocity
Practical application
This project is useful because in real life it can give energy without polluting the
ecosystem, when genrally it pollute it and its very expensive using . The windmils are
commonly ubicated in a strategy way, like a place where is many wind or in a place with
a hight altitude.
Vocabulary words
Wind genrator: Wind turbines are the modern version of a windmill.

Renewable energy: energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or
solar power.
Eolic energy:Wind energy is obtained from the wind; in other words, it is using the kinetic
energy of air masses. It is a clean, renewable energy.
In this case we learn how wind can be transform into energy. This expieremnt simulate this
case in a farm, showcasing 5 windmils that are impulsed up by a renewable source call wind

We also do, leran and see a little model of windmills working with some little engins , a
portboard , cables and some battreys just to respaldate the missing energy that windmils
need to move.

This can be very useful in real life, because, it can prevent the use of atomic energy, or fossil
fuels, that pollute air ,ecosystems and bimass

We can see a examples of this in real life in Atlitlan and see how a real one work
Thank you for
your attention

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